City Council Agenda Packet 06-08-2020REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, June 8, 2020 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Mississippi Room 5 p.m. 5 p.m. City Administrator Recruitment Process Discussion 5:45 p.m. Finance Update Mayor: Brian Stumpf Council Members: Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Approval of Agenda — Councilmembers or the City Administrator may add items to the agenda for discussion purposes or approval. The City Council may or may not take official action on items added to the agenda. C. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Regular Meeting Minutes from May 26, 2020 D. Citizen Comments — Individuals may address the City Council about any item not contained on the agenda. Each speaker will be allotted three minutes with a maximum of five speakers. The Mayor may allow for additional time and/or speakers. The City Council generally takes no official action of items discussed, with the exception of referral to staff for future report. E. Council Liaison Updates • Planning Commission • EDA • IEDC F. Department Updates • COVID-19 Update and Discussion • City Administrator Update • CMRP Update • Construction Update 2. Consent Agenda — All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered standard or may not need discussion prior to approval. These items are acted upon by one motion unless a councilmember, the city administrator, or a citizen requests the item by removed from consent for additional discussion. A. Consideration of approving payment of bills B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-45 accepting donations of $609.40 from Stearns County and $100 from Women of Today for Fire Department general use and donations from Cargill of $10,000 for Fire Department SRU/Hazmat training and $1,000 for Parks Department plantings along Broadway E. Consideration of approving annual liquor licenses renewals for 2020-2021 F. Consideration of approving a new massage license for Balance Elements, located in Fitness Evolution, 133 Sandberg Rd G. Consideration of approving amended Purchasing Policy with revisions to the change order process and city's technology resources H. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-46 approving the issuance of General Obligation Bonds, Series 2020A I. Consideration of approving pathway micro -surfacing improvements in Groveland Addition J. Consideration of approving a request for Conditional Use Permit for an approximately 432 square foot addition for a residential attached Accessory Use Structure — Major in an R-1 (Single -Family Residence) District. Applicant: Joseph Michael Osborn 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 3. Public Hearings 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of approvin final mal payment with HR Green for $11,500 for the Vactor Sewer Dump Station and High Strength Waste Feasibility SALdX B. Consideration of approving Change Order #1 for additional paving at the Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Complex in the amount of $45,000 5. Adjournment AGENDA CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, June 8, 2020 — 5 p.m. Mississippi Room, MCC AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. 5 p.m. City Administrator Recruitment Process 3. 5:45 p.m. Finance Update 4. Adjournment REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, May 26, 2020 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Mayor Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, and Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None. 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. B. Approval of Agenda Councilmember Fair moved approval of the agenda with addition of 2J Consideration of granting an extension for filing and recording of the Final Plat and Development Agreement for Deephaven to June 30, 2020 and the added items at the end of the meeting by City Administrator and Councilmember Gabler. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting Minutes from May 11, 2020 Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the May 11, 2020 meeting minutes. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. D. Citizen Comments None. E. Public Service Announcements • Dr. John Hering, CentraCare Monticello, presented the hospital's year in review and an update on COVID-19. F. Department Update • COVID-19 update. Jeff O'Neill provided an update on the latest COVID- 19 response. He touched on the reopening of City Hall and the status of departments. Mayor Stumpf questioned whether liquor store hours could be reviewed and extended now that more places have opened. • City Administrator Update. Jeff O'Neill provided an update on the following: 1. Center for Energy and Environment completed their study on economic impact on host cities. These findings were presented on a webinar on May 20, 2020 and this webinar in available for review. 2. Community Energy Grant program's new legislation allows cities that are impacted by the green energy projects. City Council Minutes — May 26, 2020 Page 1 1 4 3. The Great River Regional Library (GRRL) was awarded funds to provide exterior internet in their library systems. • Building Department Update Ron Hackenmueller provided an annual update regarding the Building Safety and Code Enforcement Department. Provided in his updates was information on rental licensing, including inspections and fees, public nuisance data, citizen service desk correspondences, and budget information. • Wright County Sheriffs Office Quarterly Update — Lt. Eric Kunkel presented the Wright County Sheriff's Office second quarterly update which was included in the packet. 2. Consent Agenda: Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the Consent Agenda with the addition of 2J. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: Approved the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $821,536.24. B. Consideration of approving new hires/departures. Recommendation: Approved the hires for Streets Department and Hi -Way Liquors and departures for MCC. C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property. Recommendation: No report this cycle. D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-43 accepting a donation from Wright County Area United Way for Farmers Market Power of Produce. Recommendation: Resolution accepting the donation was approved. E. Consideration of approving a credit for massage enterprise and therapist license holders to be applied to their 2020-2021 renewal fee in an amount based on the pro -rated number of days establishments were closed due to Executive Order by Governor Walz. Recommendation: Approved the credit. F. Consideration of approving Change Order #1 for the Riverwalk Trail in the amount of $11,602. Recommendation: Change order was approved. G. Consideration of approving a request for an amendment to Conditional Use Permit for accessory structure in an A -O (Agriculture/Open Space) District to accommodate an open, covered patio over existing outdoor entertainment space. Applicant: Monticello Country Club, Inc. Recommended: Approved the Conditional Use Permit amendment for the Monticello Country Club, based on findings in Resolution PC -2020-013 and on the conditions identified in Exhibit Z. H. Consideration of approving a request for Conditional Use Permit for height for a 45' industrial building silo addition as part of a building expansion. Applicant: Copperhead Industries LLC. Recommendation: Approved the Conditional Use Permit to exceed the height limit of 30 feet up to 45' for the proposed use, City Council Minutes — May 26, 2020 Page 2 1 4 based on findings state in the Resolution PC -2020-015, and the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the report. I. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-44 approving flexibility and temporary waivers or suspensions of fees and ordinances as related to expanded outdoor dining areas. Recommendation: Resolution 2020-44 was adopted. J. Consideration of granting an extension for filing and recording of the Final Plat and Development Agreement for Deephaven to June 30. 2020. Applicant: Dale Buchholz Construction/Deephaven Development/Valley View Townhomes. Recommendation: Extension was approved. 4. Regular Agenda: A. Consideration of accepting the 2019 Audit Report Sarah Rathlisberger, Finance Director, introduced Jim Eichten, MMKR, to present a summary of MMKR's audit findings. Mr. Eichten gave a presentation that highlighted the city's audit and noted that there was a clean opinion on financial statements and no findings were reported. He mentioned that the city received a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. He then presented the audit findings and an overview of the governmental and enterprise funds. He commented that the city had a stable general fund financial position and that the overall city's financial position was improving. There was minimal discussion among Council, however, they commended Finance staff on the good work. Councilmember Davidson moved to accept the 2019 Audit Report. Councilmember Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. B. Consideration of approving site locations for mini -mural street art project Matt Leonard presented the item and provided an overview of the grant that was received to accomplish a small art project throughout the city creating a type of scavenger hunt. There were six locations recommended. Samples of the artist's work were provided in the packet. Mayor Stumpf expressed concern that he would like to see the artwork before it is placed on the city buildings. Councilmember Hilgart noted that the liquor store should not be included as one of the sites as she would be painting on brick which is harder to clean or paint over. Sue Seeger, Arts Consultant, addressed the City Council. Ms. Seeger noted that artists of this nature don't typically have what they are doing drawn up in advance to view. In addition, the artwork completed for city to date has been approved by concept, not specific artwork. The murals are a work in progress. The artist has been vetted and goes through lengthy process to be selected. The concept for this project are mini -murals that display normal people in everyday life activities. Councilmembers commented on their trust of the proposed artwork. Councilmember Gabler moved approval of five sites proposed excluding the liquor store building and if a sixth site is proposed bring that site back to City Council Minutes — May 26, 2020 Page 3 14 Council. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-1; Mayor Stumpf voted against for reason listed above. C. Consideration of conducting the Riverfest fireworks show for 2020 as ori - ig na11X scheduled on July 10, 2020 Mayor Stumpf noted that since the agenda item was written there were changes made and that there is the opportunity for the city to combine fireworks with the school graduation committee. The question is whether to move ahead with the fireworks and to select a location, because the school property is not an option. According to the MN Department of Health, fireworks can take place if people remain at their cars and social distance. There was consensus of the council to move forward and there was support for holding the two events together. Mayor Stumpf moved to table the item and refer back to staff to proceed with fireworks to discuss location options and whether to combine with the graduation party. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Add -On Item: Councilmember Gabler questioned the status of Haven Ridge. Angela Schumann responded that the project is moving forward this year. They have not closed on the property but hope to in the next 3-4 weeks. City Administrator Jeff O'Neill announced his retirement date of March 1, 2021. 5. Adiournment: By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 9 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Minutes — May 26, 2020 Page 4 14 FRAM �2030 .W n R K partnering for the future 1 r 0 \ 1 To: Partnership Re: Framework 2030 Project Update Date: May 28, 2020 This is the first of what we intend to be regular updates to the Partnership highlighting completed, in -progress, and planned (short term) tasks for the Framework 2030 planning project. See below for contact information if you have questions. The project timeline has been revised and is included on the final page of this memo. Brackets "[#.#]" indicate task item reference from Regional Planning Scope. Component 1: Preparation Completed • Orientation and project preparation o Plan, study, and data library [1.3] o Regional tour (consultants) [1.1] o Partner / consultant one-on-one interviews [1.1] • Project communications and outreach planning [1.5] o New brand and logo [1.4] o Key messages and Frequently Asked Questions [1.5] o Project communications plan [1.5] o Press Release #1 [1.6] o Project webpage [1.6] o Outreach portal [1.6] o Organization chart [1.6] Component 2: Engagement Completed • Stakeholder engagement planning o Stakeholder mapping exercise [2.1] o Engagement planning matrix [2.1] o Tailored online survey development [2.1.1] o Physical survey and discussion kits [2.1.1] o Stock engagement invitation letters [2.1.1] • Stakeholder engagement execution Framework 2030 Project Update Page 1 of 3 Partner workshop (April 30 Virtual session) [2.1.1] Initial survey invitation distribution (500+ entities, organizations, or individuals)[2.1.1] Initial feedback review [2.1.1] Next 30 days • Project communications and outreach planning [1.5] o Continued website updates [1.6] o Revised FAQs [1.6] • Round 1 Stakeholder engagement execution [2.1.1] o Ongoing monitoring of submissions [2.1.1] o Midstream reporting to Liaison Team [2.1.1] o Continued sharing of engagement invitations and coaching [2.1.1] o Review and refinement of messages and invitation process [2.1.1] o Maintenance and monitoring of submissions [2.1.1] • Round 2 Stakeholder engagement planning o Round 2 definition and planning [2.1.2] 30-60 days • Round 1 stakeholder engagement execution [2.1.1] o Databasing and theming of input [2.1.1] o Reporting and sharing of central findings with Liaison Team then Partnership [2.1.1] • Round 2 stakeholder engagement planning [2.1.2] o Round 2 definition and planning [2.1.2] o Key questions (analysis integration) [2.1.2] o Threshold decision on how to proceed [2.1.2] o Material development [2.1.2] • Project communications and outreach planning [1.5] o Press release #2 [1.5] Component 3: Analysis Completed • Baseline conditions and trends analysis [3.1] o Plan audit and review [3.1] o Policy matrix [3.1] o Research and analysis along three tracks (demographics, economics, and place -based conditions) [3.1] o Factbook Briefings prepared to date: April 6 -People, April 16 -Prosperity, April 24 -Place [3.1] o Briefing of Partners during April 30 session, see meeting Presentation. with Briefing highlights starting on page 7 [3.1] Next 30 days • Baseline conditions and trends analysis [3.1] o Findings briefings (Market deep dive and COVID impacts pre -assessment, regional interdependence, other topics to be identified) [3.1] Framework 2030 Project Update Page 2 of 3 o Consolidation of all findings into master briefing deck [3.1] o Presentation of master briefings deck on project website [3.1] • Growth Management and Land Use Analysis [3.2] o Research and analysis process and outline [3.2] o Policy evaluation and matrix [3.2] o Focused Planning Area consolidated zoning, development character, future land use mapping [3.2] o Growth capacity analysis [3.2] • Economic Analysis [3.3] o Initial assessment of economic development ecosystem [3.3] o Information interviews [3.3] 30-60 days • Growth Management and Land Use Analysis [3.2] o Sharing of initial findings with Liaison Team then Partnership [3.2] o Refinement, focus and key questions (engagement integration) [3.2] • Economic Analysis [3.3] o Sharing of initial findings with Liaison Team then Partnership [3.3] o Refinement, focus and key questions (engagement integration) [3.3] • Framework development [4.1] o Initial concept development and discussion [4.1] First Last Affiliation Position Email Kyle May Planning NEXT Project Consultant kyle(cDplanning-next.com Anne Carroll Carroll, Franck & Assoc Process consultant carrfran(@gmail.com, 651-690-9162 Marc Schneider Sherburne County Liaison Team lead Marc.Schneider(cDco.sherburne.mn.us 763-442-1285 Framework 2030 Project Update Page 3 of 3 Sherburne County Wright County Board of Board of Commissioners Commissioners Gives Input and Presents Key Action Items, Resolutions, Information to 8& Receives Input from Planning Project Consultant Planning I N EXT Notes / Current Work -Presented update and highlights of 3 Factbook Briefings that were sent out during the month -Woked on updating Framework 2030 schedule due to COVI D-19 -Worked with Anne Carroll on Partnership Workshop Anne Carroll Notes / Current Work -Worked with PlanningNEXT on Partnership Workshop -Met with and worked with ExComm on various key items and discussions to keep project moving forwa rd r Administrators / Directors / StaffAssigned to Township Boards 0 0 Y 0 May 2020 Action Items for Local Governing Bodies 1) View April 30th, 2019 meeting recording at the following link (click on logo): nILFFR 2030 partoeriny for the future V r V ■ I 2) Complete the Framework 2030 Survey (click here) Partnership Members City of Big Lake Big Lake Township City Council Town Board 1 Barry Heikkinen City of Becker City Council �burne r� 5 CMRRPP Voting Members Committee Team April 2020 Updates Becker City of Monticello Silver Creek Township Monticello Township Township Town Board City Council Town Board Town Board Cfy °f e\\O, PP_ I,- 0 Y G 0 �V Administrators � Invited to Sit -In on Meetings 8& Provide Input O .v U Q c ca a� W �V v o?S 0 LA C 0 4- c v E E 0 CJ cc 0 QJ Q CU IF �0 0 .m v Angela :humann �� >h Mem Action Items (April 4/30 Meeting - Participate in Round 1 Partnership Engagement (Workshop) during regular meeting -Complete survey -Discuss and come to consensus on next steps amid COVID-19 Items Discussed / Worked On - Discussed the State of Framework 2030 and how to proceed amid the challenges and opportunities of COVID-19 -Came to consensus that proceeding with the project was the best course of action -Listened to the presentation by PlanningNEXT on Factbook Briefings -Directed PlanningNEXT and Liason Team to work on a revised / updated schedule for Framework 2030 Action Items Items Discussed / Worked On - Reviewed concerns that had been voiced by various partnership members about proceed amid COVI D-19 -Reviewed and provided direction on the April 30th meeting agenda Action Items -Compiled list of all the stakeholders in each Liason Team members area -Send individualized survey invitations stakeholders listed Items Discussed / Worked On -Reviewed briefs developed by PlanningNEXT and made comments / revisions -Continued to meet weekly and discuss ongoing needs to make sure engagement moves forward -Facilitated breakout sessions at Partnership Meeting on 4/30 Big Lake Planner? -Continue to keep Partnership members and other Or) Me�`Qo elected/appointed officials up to date on Partnership and Framework 2030 progress A ID W4■ - l� 2 . A Iva partnie h � � ��� �- •�`_ f. 2% �.¥. IN � � a T h u r s'a'ay M a y 28, 2020 Ir do • \\ /j wax . . Framework 2030 is an initiative Of the .. a.....��.��. ....,�. ..� ,v■,g�. .�....... . �.�n � �L r � . %_ TO find out more about Framework 2030 lease visit: wwyv. Ke g|-u■■d | P l a n ■■| n g Pd rt n e rs h i p. u rg / rd ■I■ e wo r k 2 O 3 O � 11-V 7 -4%L. C Introduction The following is a briefing from the conditions and trends research for Framework 2030 This presentation is part of a "deep dive" series that will focus on the regional market, interdependence, and land use and growth Framework 2030 and COVID-19 These are challenging times for our communities and region. We are working diligently to meet our obligations while protecting everyone. Even as we act on critical current needs, we recognize the need to work together to plan the future. With significant growth and development projected for the region, the Central Mississippi River Regional Planning Partnership recently launched Framework 2030 -- a collaborative effort to develop our region's first-ever strategic land use and economic development plan. a W Planning Context a Z E Z 4 =of • There are two research definition areasCL a based on the available data o W • Regional Planning Area (RPA) • Most of the available information is at the county level, LU so the analyses below are for Wright and Sherburne counties. z • Z Focused Planning Area (FPA) MMI CL • When possible, analyses will focus on the jurisdictions W that are members of the Central Mississippi River Regional Planning Partnership. L& St Cloud :3herburne County Wright County Minneapolis SHERBURN -'end of presentation fps -a �- x�� o �` i 1�• i FN Deing�nMarket The market area can be different than the geography, and typically varies for types of activities such as work, events, and certain types of shopping and dining Three ways of determining geographic market area: • Commuting • Distance/drive-times • Cell phone location data 1 oLv � Impact of COVID-19 Understanding the geographic scope of the market area will be useful as you begin the process of economic recovery and contemplate key gateways, marketing efforts, and potential new development opportunities C lear La4e Tw n. Clear L — to Ser Creek Two, L I.". Mari a State Park AILl lon Twp. Maple I/,1 . piee L 4 'nIGHT COUNTY Becker Tw LP Becker I S h e r 6 u n e N a t i o n a l Wild life Ref u g e SHERBURNE COUNTY i -=mm - n S a n d Dunes J l I Big Lake T \p. Big Lak E11, E: . ir T�.-�', Elk Rive Monticello Regional Context St Cloud ZS ,� Sherburne County Montice!Ilo Twp ie tville Wright County )F I [� Minne P US t M chael Buffalo Focused Planning Area 0 Participating Townships 0 Surrounding Counties Other Cities Park Land Mississippi River Open Water city of Becker City of Monticello City of Big Lake interstate to US Highway as State Highway F R F 2030 1V1.RK partnering for the future I r V It I ■ MARKET AREA I Commuter Shed • Most regional employees commute in from outside the region, and most regional residents commute to work outside • Job growth particularly in Sherburne has been fueled largely by workers from outside the county Average commute time minutes minutes higher than state average The arrows do not indicate direction of movement Sherburne County Residents who Workers commuting into the county z Becker 4 4 _{ Wright County commute outsidtPIWal Residents county for work who also 35,612 work in the county 8,39 , t Big Lake � Elk Rice 45,545 ED J G w� ° t�eE ° Becker Big Lake - Elk River -� M n i Ilo o t ce P ° Buffalo R e - Albertville dIlkp- I '� _ °;; ��°4 • Major Jobs Clusters Regional Employment Clusters (207) Where Region Residents Work(2017) O a ., tD g„r�f 0 C I p ❑ 7,122 - 8,398 Jobs ❑ 5,935 - 7,121 Jobs , G ❑ 4,748 - 5,934 Jobs ❑ 3,562 - 4,747 Jobs ❑ 2,375 - 3,561 Jobs ❑ 1,188 - 2,374 Jobs n ❑ 1 - 1,187 Jobs ca 0 Maple Ramsey k, Andover Blaine Plymouth q I Ras�euflle(r W< ,b 12 280 r— "i�linneapoGs St ZPI-ark � m St. Paul 1 Edina ! s2 s5 Richfiel 5 J — --. - Prairiel Inve` Grove Bloomington Ea an I L s 1 s N a to T C-:3 ED Woodbury I MARKET ARE" � Distance vs. Drivemtime • Distance: Measured as the radius from a point • Drive -time: Based on a algorithm embedded i mapping software from the point`' - • No rules of thumb exist on right measures or scales • Both approaches have tradeoffs • Analysis depends on what you want to know and why -- • This analysis uses the Watmart address in Monticello because of the typical geographic reach of those stores �* '•3'^' '` � 4. .�..� n+r ����.1w �Yr�- 4 ■ w� ,.dF,: ,.� �ti. -! iJM: :�,� i�,ef� m t ' dW •o .. .... ,111L � .. j $yN � {:. I 1 .5. is ; .. � .i': :} .Y y w � �—b 3" .L• � � .%. rimy r • r+ y it -} � ..' .-.•�-rr � _ T- 'rte ��'- .0 �fk:ti � � p" adz` t - 'Tr. - JIF Am City � i � '� JIB .;JM.. �� • ' � . r _ 1 .. '1•I I1• 1fff Monticello s Y •�Qj INTERSTATE - i► 94= `* ,. 40v, Ww Y j�Y, �Ye • } -µ7 y +_. , .,F S .rr"r •rry �'.Y1��` 30 Regional Factbook Briefings VOL 4: MARKET I Thursday May 28, 2020 FRAMiFWnRK partnering for the future 1 r to h I r �s � "P° _ r�.-?Q,7tl1.� -.f � i'�I � � Fs �: •sI.3F.3fY-i?�IR"S�F i� •jY { � Y - A `' A It 2 miles 55 Iry MARKET AREA Y+� 2 -mile Sales Capacity :p Surplus in retail & restaurant sales beyond what the population two miles away can support based on its income capacity 5 -mile Sales Capacity 5 miles ��.�_ = 0 = M Surplus in retail & restaurant sales 6 10 miles than the population five miles away Source: NP calculations based on ESRI datasets I i \ • ,p�f 1 Vdf a n— 2 — 3 h � � 1 iii.-.. bUft r.iY 15 min �4 anrr ps3r3SW -Cut 1 I VA , I ',',I Elff, 4 1 Drive Time 10 -minute Sales Capacity Surplus of retail & restaurant sales beyond what the 10 -minute drive time population can support Source: NP calculations based on ESRI datasets So What? • No individual community within the planning area has enough population or income to sustain the present level of economic activity on its own • The restaurant and retail base depends on the economic health and viability the broader region f rr, l lap' 10 ter. , ;_. 4 t x pi MAL" --t Ri Cell Phone Location Data • Geolocation data gathering process • Based on pings to cell towers • Data is anonymous and not downloadable • Source used (UberMedia) allows for tracking across days, time of day, number of visits, location two hours before arriving • Planning team simplified the requests for this exercise, M explained for each exhibit Walmart • This anal sis uses the Walmart address in Used as point of y reference for Monticello because of the typical geographic analysis reach of those stores )any sarCell Sauk Rapid;:, St JOSWp C#I-ud gv Cold Spring �n Valley Monticello Fo e G� D'..."Im Pricceton Becker lea{ater 74 Sherburne National _ FOCUSED PLANNING AREA �ieru e Big Lake 9 Cambridge Isar%li _ High concentration of visitors from this area Elk River Ann iMa ie Buffalo Itchfield �D Dassel Albertville �x LEGEND 1 visit Up to 100 visits Coon Rapids lu Maple Grove " Minneapolis MARKET AREA Geolocati*on Map shows any visitor at least once over the course of one to the designated location (Monticello Walmart) The red spots show the starting locations for visitors Source: NP calculations based on ESRI datasets Parent Sartell �4� Brickton MARKET AREA Sauk Rapids DuOm Princeton S1 Cloud as Santiago Cable Briggs Lake herburne ake W tional �a FOCUSED PLANNING AREA St Augusta Clear -Lak= Zimmerman CIe2: -,eater 04 L ake Elk River Fai rhauen ilver Creek ,ello South Haven �. Annandale ss Map' ' ake LEGEND 1 visit Up to 100 visits Albert of e S. r, F ,jet W"'D Geolocati*on Bradfard Dxlip Crown G} St Francis f Now then Dak Gr-0VQ Ra mseyr is Andav Anaka Rogers Coon Rap This map shows any visitor at least once over the course of one month (randomly selected June 1 to July 12019) to the designated location (Walmart) Residents and workers in Partnership communities are important sources of trip generation Source: NP calculations based on ESRI datasets snernurne .-, MARKET Akr. � Optimal Market Geospace • This map shows the "optimal geospace" – or the regional market area – based on a proprietary algorithm that looks at distribution and location generation of most visitors CIe (B Ann -arida I-@ • It clearly indicates that the Partnership communities are critical sources of trip generation (and potential customers) to designated location A;ato Source: NP data request Vista by UberMedia 9, 4V 0 T,jgnn t irLiml I i E'uFfalf —. ss E IIS Fri ver r,rA.1 OOf I -VI apse U I UWP 1� Conclusions While a substantial number of the region's residents work in neighboring counties, and a substantial number of local workers come into the region from outside of it, the retail and restaurant sectors depend on the region's Ing residents for their viability. If growing the amenity base (and tax base) is desired, it will require thinking about the size of the geographic market, connectivity across the to market, and the economic wellbeing of the resident population. Natinnal 47 MARKET AREA Optimal Market Geospace ove M Additional Information 20FRA1411L F 30 lyl , K partnering for the future W `i A little more about FRA Our communities anticipate significant growth the coming decades E There are many dynamic forces (internal and externarl that may impact our quality of life, place, and opportunity We have an opportunity to act and take advantage of this time and energy �9& 203 a 0 Ived .7 Who's invo Led by the Central Mississippi River Regional Planning Partnership • Cities of Becker, Big Lake, and Monticello; Becker, Silver Creek, Monticello, and Big Lake townships; and Sherburne and Wright counties • Coalition formed in 2016 focused on transportation issues • Partnership's evolving focus on regional challenges and opportunities .V C l e a r L a z e T w n. Clear L — 10 F1 Becker T r� \ Becker S h e r 6 u n e N a t i o n a l Wild life Ref u g e SHERBURNE COUNTY Z-�mm - n S a n d Dunes J rC J Big Lake TW Ell, P, T:�f Big Lak 1 za _ \ Elk Rive Silver Creek Two, L a k e Maria State Pa r \ 2s o r I r n a T w p. Monticello Regional Context St Cloud 2s ,�� Sherburne County AIL, or Twp. Maple I Monticello Twp. pie L e / 1 G H T COUNTY e tville WrghtCounty ss gu ffaIo Twp. Minnie ,p,US Buffalo t M chael \ The Planning Area IV Interstate City of Becker to us Highway City of Monticello zOs State Highway City of Big Lake Participating 7ownsh1ps Park Land D Surrounding Counties r Mississippi River Other Cities Open Water F R F 2030 1V1. A RK partnering for the future I r V It I ■ The Project • Four components to the work plan What are the goals for the project? Through the planning project, the Partnership will work to: • Reach consensus on major 1. Preparation opportunities and choices that 2. Engagement benefit the region, and successfully 3. Analysis collaborate to maximize benefit and 4. Framework Development minimize risk; • Position Partners to be leaders and • Integrate the intuition of the public and shape their own futures individually stakeholders with strong technical analysis and collectively, and; • Support connectivity within the region, and between the region and beyond. COMPON ENT 1 Preparation Kick-off the project Develop a strategy for promoting the plan and motivating participation Create a plan for community engagement !1i 1 COMPONENT 3 Technical Analysis Research key challenges and opportunities facing the region MEMO] 91A01 W� Community Engagement Think big about the future of the region and its communities Get the conversation started and think about our goals for the future Regional Factbook Briefings I VOL 2 PROSPERITY I Thursday April 16, 2020 Affirm our goals and build actions for reaching our goals Identify priorities and implementation strategies � 2030 FRAir�FW�RK partnering for the(uture 1 ■ V 111 How canYou get involve • Access the project website www. Reg ionalPlanning Partnership. Fra mework2030 • On the website you can ... • Find out more about the project; • Share your ideas through a community survey, and; • Contact the planning team with any questions or idea �_ a A■ %. ® • �� ` . %• . . • � a �a UP .■ . , W 4■ -lip - � �.. �� ��� � ■ « �' � � fp � � �- *� _ f• . % �.1� \�� - ¥ z �X - « partnering WW to I t I TA To find o u t more, please visit.. � e | t s. , nalPlanningPartnership.org/piujuc � ewo r k 2 0 3 O - � - �� . 2 .- � ewo r k 2 0 3 O - City Council Agenda: 6/08/2020 2A. Consideration of approving payment of bills (SR) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City staff submits the attached bill registers and purchasing card registers for approval by Council. The bill registers contain all invoices processed and the purchasing card registers contain all card purchases made since the last Council meeting. Subject to MN Statutes, most invoices require Council approval prior to releasing checks for payment. The day following Council approval, payments will be released unless directed otherwise. A credit purchasing agreement and policy was approved by Council initially and card purchases must comply with the policy. If Council has no questions or comments on the bill and purchase card registers, these can be approved with the consent agenda. If requested, this item can be removed from consent and discussed prior to making a motion for approval. Al. Budget Impact: None A2. Staff Workload Impact: No additional work required. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $541,024.97. 2. Motion to approve the registers with changes directed by Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1 or #2, per direction of Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Bill registers and Purchase Card registers Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 06/02/2020 - 9:16AM Batch: 00215.05.2020 - 215.05.2020 Xcel/CPE Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Moiiii6effo Y Reference Vendor: 1102 CENTERPOINT ENERGY 8,780.46 Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 05/31/2020 5863599-6 - Animal Shelter 54.01 05/31/2020 101-42700-438100 05/31/2020 8235331-9 - Prairie Center 91.47 05/31/2020 101-41941-438100 05/31/2020 5828859-8 - Storage Garage 33.55 05/31/2020 101-41940-438100 05/31/2020 5864452-7 - Library 305.80 05/31/2020 101-45501-438100 05/31/2020 5837384-6 - Publc Works 467.73 05/31/2020 101-43127-438100 05/31/2020 6401745330-5 - 349 W Broadway 94.98 05/31/2020 101-45204-438100 05/31/2020 5788570-9 - Hi Way Liquor 195.74 05/31/2020 609-49754-438100 05/31/2020 5804618-6 - Parks (Fallon) 17.06 05/31/2020 101-45201-438100 05/31/2020 8235333-5 - P.C. (U Fab) 38.38 05/31/2020 101-41941-438100 05/31/2020 5843395-4 - DMV 40.21 05/31/2020 217-41990-438100 05/31/2020 5768542-2 - MCC 2,523.01 05/31/2020 226-45126-438100 05/31/2020 5768542-2 - City Hall 109.10 05/31/2020 101-41940-438100 05/31/2020 5820786-1 - Public Works 117.86 05/31/2020 101-43127-438100 05/31/2020 5799425-3 - Public Works 300.24 05/31/2020 101-43127-438100 05/31/2020 5821009-5 - Fire Station 273.30 05/31/2020 101-42200-438100 05/31/2020 5768542-2 - National Guard 54.55 05/31/2020 101-42800-438100 05/31/2020 5768542-2 - Senior Center 40.91 05/31/2020 101-45175-438100 05/31/2020 8000015233-2 - WWTP 3,057.01 05/31/2020 602-49480-438100 05/31/2020 5806932-9 - Parks 43.14 05/31/2020 101-45201-438100 05/31/2020 5799427-9 - Public Works 75.60 05/31/2020 101-43127-438100 05/31/2020 11077481-7 - New Fire Station 698.34 05/31/2020 101-42200-438100 05/31/2020 6402123338-8 - 112 W River St 148.47 05/31/2020 101-45201-438100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/02/2020 - 9:16 AM) Page 1 Check Total: 8,780.46 Vendor: 5188 HEALTHY CONTRIBUTIONS Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 6/1/2020 AARP Supplement/At Your Best 7.40 05/31/2020 226-45122-430900 Check Total: 7.40 Vendor: 5415 MII LIFE INSURANCE INC Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 39426377 FSA Medical 665.88 05/31/2020 101-00000-217300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/02/2020 - 9:16 AM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 39439226 FSA Dependent Care 192.30 05/31/2020 101-00000-217200 Check Total: 858.18 Vendor: 4732 MONEY MOVERS, INC. Check Sequence: 4 128961 Fitness Rewards - April 2020 19.50 05/31/2020 226-45122-430900 Check Total: 19.50 Vendor: 3259 MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER Check Sequence: 5 5/31/2020 May Cash Receipts - Membership Fee 9.75 05/31/2020 226-45127-347910 5/31/2020 May Cash Receipts - Programs Non Tax 1,000.00 05/31/2020 226-45127-347930 5/31/2020 May Cash Receipts - Party Room Rent 128.00 05/31/2020 226-45123-347040 5/31/2020 May Cash Receipts - Wedding Rental 600.00 05/31/2020 226-45123-347570 5/31/2020 May Cash Receipts - Room Rent 213.00 05/31/2020 226-45123-347010 5/31/2020 May Cash Receipts - Charge To Account -600.00 05/31/2020 226-00000-115031 Check Total: 1,350.75 Vendor: 1585 XCEL ENERGY Check Sequence: 6 5/31/2020 51-9391437-3 - Prairie Center 290.27 05/31/2020 101-41941-438100 5/31/2020 51-6505909-4 - DMV/Food Shelf 167.53 05/31/2020 217-41990-438100 5/31/2020 51-6505915-2 - Parks 644.20 05/31/2020 101-45201-438100 5/31/2020 51-4271112-2- Library 698.95 05/31/2020 101-45501-438100 5/31/2020 51-6505907-2 - Park Lots- auto 70.44 05/31/2020 101-43160-438100 5/31/2020 51-6505907-2 - Parking Lots 84.39 05/31/2020 101-43160-438100 5/31/2020 51-6505905-0 - Water 6,747.94 05/31/2020 601-49440-438100 5/31/2020 51-6505915-2 - Ice Rink 33% 148.98 05/31/2020 601-49440-438100 5/31/2020 ZZZNEP-IMPLEM- 51-6505908-3 7.48 05/31/2020 101-42500-438100 5/31/2020 51-6505914-1 - Shop/Garage 930.92 05/31/2020 101-43127-438100 5/31/2020 51-6505913-0 - Fire Stations 1,148.67 05/31/2020 101-42200-438100 5/31/2020 51-7780310-4 - Bldg. Inspec. G 49.82 05/31/2020 101-41940-438100 5/31/2020 51-0623082-8 - MontiArts 215.09 05/31/2020 101-45204-438100 5/31/2020 51-6505915-2 - NSP- Softball 219.36 05/31/2020 101-45203-438100 5/31/2020 51-6505910-7 - Liquor Store 1,291.87 05/31/2020 609-49754-438100 5/31/2020 51-6505906-1 0.00 05/31/2020 602-49490-438100 5/31/2020 51-6572904-0 - WWTP 14,115.07 05/31/2020 602-49480-438100 5/31/2020 51-6505915-2 - NSP- consc/sec. 32.76 05/31/2020 101-45203-438100 5/31/2020 51-6505916-3 - Street Lights 12,258.43 05/31/2020 101-43160-438100 5/31/2020 51-0371645-4 - SwanCam 18.81 05/31/2020 101-45201-438100 5/31/2020 51-6572904-0 - WWTP solar rebates 108,041.32 -13,402.14 05/31/2020 101-41310-362140 5/31/2020 51-6505905-0 - Water solar rebates 20,814.77 k1 -2,582.07 05/31/2020 101-41310-362140 5/31/2020 51-4271112-2 - Library solar rebate 4639.63 kW -575.54 05/31/2020 101-41310-362140 ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/02/2020 - 9:16 AM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 5/31/2020 51-6505909-4 - DMV/Food Shelf- solar rebate 1 -154.69 05/31/2020 101-41310-362140 5/31/2020 51-6505912-9 - Animal Shelter 100.41 05/31/2020 101-42700-438100 5/31/2020 51-6505912-9 - Animal Shelter solar refund 342, -49.63 05/31/2020 101-41310-362140 5/31/2020 51-6505915-2 - Parks solar refund 446.55 kWh -187.27 05/31/2020 101-41310-362140 5/31/2020 51-6505915-2 - Ice Rink 33% solar refund 1473. -60.32 05/31/2020 101-41310-362140 5/31/2020 51-7780310-4 - Bldg. Inspec. G -solar refund 80k -11.61 05/31/2020 101-41310-362140 5/31/2020 51-9391437-3 - Prairie Center solar rebate 205.3 -29.79 05/31/2020 101-41310-362140 5/31/2020 51-6505914-1 - Shop/Garage solar refund 3611.( -449.26 05/31/2020 101-43127-438100 Check Total: 21,739.07 Total for Check Run: 32,755.36 Total of Number of Checks: 6 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 6/8/2020 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/02/2020 - 9:16 AM) Page 3 Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 06/03/2020 - 2:30PM Batch: 00202.06.2020 - 202.06.2020 AP Invoice No Description Moiiii6effo Y Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 2087 ALL -WAYS HEATING AND AC INC Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 7295 Replaced Actuator Zone Motor @ FiberNet Offi4 651.00 06/09/2020 101-41941-440100 Check Total: 651.00 Vendor: 1977 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False 95421 (2) NiMH FM battery 203.50 06/09/2020 101-42200-422990 Check Total: 203.50 Vendor: 1036 APEC AQUISITIONS INC Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 123632 Filters - 20 x 70 MasterLink Blue (4) 100.37 06/09/2020 226-45126-422990 Check Total: 100.37 Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 3418280 resale - beer 49.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 3419081 resale - beer 227.85 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 3419273 resale - beer 272.70 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 3419532 resale - beer 246.10 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 795.65 Vendor: 5117 ASPEN MILLS Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: False 257247 (1) embroiderd shirt- logo & name 90.06 06/09/2020 101-42200-421120 Check Total: 90.06 Vendor: 5490 B & B TECHNOLOGIES INC. Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: False 544263 1" servo valve; (12) XL turbo drop purple/white; 343.57 06/09/2020 101-45201-422990 Check Total: 343.57 Vendor: 5486 HEIDI BARTHEL Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/03/2020 - 2:30 PM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 6/1/2020 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 5/28/20 Check Total: Vendor: 5031 BERGO ENVIRONMENTAL INC 4132 Asbestos Removal @ 300 4th St E Vendor: 1067 79777 79778 82149 82150 84214 84215 84215 Check Total BERNICK'S resale- soda pop resale- beer resale- soda pop resale- beer resale- soda pop resale- soda pop resale- beer 43.00 06/09/2020 226-45127-431992 43.00 Check Sequence: 8 158.50 Check Total: Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION 101353100 resale - mix 101353100 resale - condiments 101353100 freight 101388700 asst. bags 101388700 resale- condiments 101388700 freight 101388700 resale- mix 84074900 resale - liquor 84074900 resale - wine 84074900 freight 84163500 resale - liquor 84163500 freight 84163500 resale - wine 84163600 resale - liquor 84163600 freight 84165300 freight 84165300 resale- liquor 84167000 resale- liquor 84167000 freight 84169600 freight 84169600 resale - liquor Check Total: Vendor: 5031 BERGO ENVIRONMENTAL INC 4132 Asbestos Removal @ 300 4th St E Vendor: 1067 79777 79778 82149 82150 84214 84215 84215 Check Total BERNICK'S resale- soda pop resale- beer resale- soda pop resale- beer resale- soda pop resale- soda pop resale- beer 43.00 06/09/2020 226-45127-431992 43.00 Check Sequence: 8 158.50 06/09/2020 609-49750-425400 81.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425500 1.10 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 104.56 06/09/2020 609-49754-421990 59.50 06/09/2020 609-49750-425500 1.14 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 85.60 06/09/2020 609-49750-425400 7,749.66 06/09/2020 609-49750-425100 84.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425300 92.91 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 126.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425100 12.40 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 368.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425300 10,374.77 06/09/2020 609-49750-425100 116.76 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 15.50 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 1,184.50 06/09/2020 609-49750-425100 576.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425100 6.20 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 1.55 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 243.99 06/09/2020 609-49750-425100 21,443.64 Check Sequence: 9 1,658.00 06/09/2020 213-46301-461500 1,658.00 Check Sequence: 10 29.30 06/09/2020 609-49750-425400 4,654.25 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 126.88 06/09/2020 609-49750-425400 3,673.95 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 110.66 06/09/2020 609-49750-425400 297.10 06/09/2020 609-49750-425400 3,152.55 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/03/2020 - 2:30 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/03/2020 - 2:30 PM) Page 3 Check Total: 12,044.69 Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPII Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: False 1081135625 resale - liquor 2,259.44 06/09/2020 609-49750-425100 1081135625 resale - wine 501.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425300 1081135625 freight 47.86 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 1081135626 resale- beer 301.60 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 3,109.90 Vendor: 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: True 2417357 resale - beer 32,209.80 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 2417357 resale - beer n/a 104.80 06/09/2020 609-49750-425400 2417357 resale -juice 79.96 06/09/2020 609-49750-425500 2418862 resale -juice 19.99 06/09/2020 609-49750-425500 2418862 resale - mix 207.60 06/09/2020 609-49750-425400 2418862 resale - beer 16,060.85 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 48,683.00 Vendor: 1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: True 00082940 Monthly Tank Rental 65.00 06/09/2020 226-45124-421600 Check Total: 65.00 Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: True 112-03296 resale- beer 10,157.75 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 112-03322 resale- beer 48,996.98 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 112-03322 resale- beer n/a 138.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425400 112-03329 resale- beer 3,906.65 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 112-03329 resale- beer n/a 27.95 06/09/2020 609-49750-425400 112-03368 resale- beer 1,011.30 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 1228546 resale- beer 310.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 1231354 resale- beer 1,307.70 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 1231354 resale- beer n/a 46.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425400 1231854 resale- beer credit -117.60 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 1234076 resale- beer 2,040.80 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 1234134 resale- beer credit -85.70 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 76-00803 resale- beer 32,461.15 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 76-00803 resale- beer n/a 194.25 06/09/2020 609-49750-425400 76-00813 resale- beer 473.85 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 76-00813 resale- beer n/a 27.95 06/09/2020 609-49750-425400 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/03/2020 - 2:30 PM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/03/2020 - 2:30 PM) Page 4 Check Total: 100,897.03 Vendor: 2050 DEMVI LLC Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: False 5/22/2020 Parking Lot Maintenance Agreement - June 202( 162.13 06/09/2020 213-46301-443990 Check Total: 162.13 Vendor: 5201 DICK FAMILY, INC. Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: True 1059374 resale - beer 61.60 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 1169000313 resale - beer credit -38.40 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 1241000040 resale - beer 277.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 964004903 resale - beer 372.30 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 672.50 Vendor: 5340 DISGRUNTLED BREWING DISGRUNTLED. Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False 634 resale- beer 298.20 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 298.20 Vendor: 1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: True 775720 Ordinance #740 Ad# 1045170 203.06 06/09/2020 101-41310-435100 775721 Ordinance #741 Ad# 1045186 398.43 06/09/2020 101-41910-435100 776759 202013 - Lichty PH Ad# 1044256 138.45 06/09/2020 101-41910-435100 776760 202014 - Osborn PH Ad# 1044262 138.45 06/09/2020 101-41910-435100 777814 MCC Roof Bid Ad# 1048216 212.29 06/09/2020 226-45122-434990 Check Total: 1,090.68 Vendor: 4191 ELK RIVER GREENHOUSE LLC Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: True 6/1/2020 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 5/28/20 46.00 06/09/2020 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 46.00 Vendor: 2154 FEDERATED CO-OPS INC Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: True 38092 067 (85.5000) gal. propane 99.40 06/09/2020 101-45201-422990 Check Total: 99.40 Vendor: 2561 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: False 455130 resale- (3) LF T10 meter 1,136.85 06/09/2020 601-49440-422710 Check Total: 1,136.85 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/03/2020 - 2:30 PM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 3748 JEFFREY D GARDNER Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: True 6/1/2020 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 5/28/20 48.00 06/09/2020 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 48.00 Vendor: 3762 GARRETTS DIAMOND CITY BREAD Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: True 6/1/2020 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 5/28/20 52.00 06/09/2020 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 52.00 Vendor: 5364 SARAH GOHMAN Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: False 6/1/2020 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 5/28/20 45.00 06/09/2020 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 45.00 Vendor: 1413 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL INC Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: True 50600 (276) tickets May 2020- 1/2 Sewer 186.30 06/09/2020 602-49490-432770 50600 (276) tickets May 2020- 1/2 Water 186.30 06/09/2020 601-49440-432770 Check Total: 372.60 Vendor: 1223 HAWKINS INC Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: True 4719154 Pool Chemicals 10.50 06/09/2020 226-45124-421600 Check Total: 10.50 Vendor: 5488 LEANN HAWKINSON Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: False 6/2/2020 Refund Membership Purchase 489.87 06/09/2020 226-45127-347910 6/2/2020 Refund Membership Purchase - Sales Tax 36.13 06/09/2020 226-00000-208100 Check Total: 526.00 Vendor: 4650 JASEN HOGLUND Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: False 01522 (20) Covid-19 Park signs; (10) Restroom signs 400.00 06/09/2020 101-42500-421990 Check Total: 400.00 Vendor: 1242 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: True 05/18/20 acct. # 1400-017-223-399 fuel slips 4/22-5/18 fu 151.83 06/09/2020 101-42200-421200 Check Total: 151.83 Vendor: 5487 JONATHAN HOPKINS Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: False 6/1/2020 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 5/28/20 26.00 06/09/2020 226-45127-431992 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/03/2020 - 2:30 PM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/03/2020 - 2:30 PM) Page 6 Check Total: 26.00 Vendor: 5489 HR GREEN INC Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: False 134799R Sewer Vector Dump Station - April 2020 11,500.00 06/09/2020 602-49490-430300 Check Total: 11,500.00 Vendor: 5491 IMAGETREND, INC. Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: False 122507 Mobile Fire Inspec. License; support; (2) hr train 2,045.00 06/09/2020 702-00000-431900 Check Total: 2,045.00 Vendor: 3971 INTL UNION OF OPER ENGINEERS LOCAL Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: False July 2020 Health Insurance - Union - July 2020 16,445.00 06/09/2020 101-00000-217061 Check Total: 16,445.00 Vendor: 5444 J & G HOLDINGS Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: True 2564 dba- CMT Janitorial June cleaning -1/2 224.00 06/09/2020 101-42200-431100 2564 dba- CMT Janitorial - June cleaning -1/2 224.00 06/09/2020 101-42100-431990 2565 dba- CMT Janitorial June cleaning - 6th St. Stati 179.00 06/09/2020 101-42200-431100 Check Total: 627.00 Vendor: 3369 JAKE'S EXCAVATING INC Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: True 4177 (1) fall burial- Ybarra 400.00 06/09/2020 651-49010-431150 Check Total: 400.00 Vendor: 5245 JERRY KONZ Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: False 689 18C003-CONSTR - irrigation; hydroseed; edgin; 18,549.90 06/09/2020 400-43300-452010 Check Total: 18,549.90 Vendor: 4699 JIM LEUER CONSTRUCTION Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: False 5/29/2020 Escrow Refund - 5975 Deer Street/Hillside Farm 2,000.00 06/09/2020 101-00000-220110 6/2/2020 Escrow Refund - 5841 Deer Street/Hillside Farm 2,000.00 06/09/2020 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 4,000.00 Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: False 1559607 resale - liquor 2,214.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425100 1559607 freight 44.70 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 1560043 resale - liquor 7,383.85 06/09/2020 609-49750-425100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/03/2020 - 2:30 PM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1560043 freight 77.10 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 1560044 resale- wine 1,158.37 06/09/2020 609-49750-425300 1560044 resale- wine n/a 76.95 06/09/2020 609-49750-425400 1560044 freight 35.76 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 1560044 resale - beer 29.30 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 1560927 resale- liquor 633.72 06/09/2020 609-49750-425100 1560927 freight 7.75 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 1560928 freight 46.93 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 1560928 resale - wine 2,559.43 06/09/2020 609-49750-425300 1562820 freight 38.74 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 1562820 resale- liquor 2,674.66 06/09/2020 609-49750-425100 1562821 resale- wine 1,174.51 06/09/2020 609-49750-425300 1562821 freight 31.29 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 1563987 freight 137.42 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 1563987 resale- liquor 10,956.41 06/09/2020 609-49750-425100 1563988 resale- wine 3,856.52 06/09/2020 609-49750-425300 1563988 resale- wine n/a 248.90 06/09/2020 609-49750-425400 1563988 freight 107.04 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 1563989 resale- beer 96.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 1565057 resale- liquor 2,767.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425100 1565057 freight 42.46 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/03/2020 - 2:30 PM) Page 7 Check Total: 36,398.81 Vendor: 1270 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHARTERED Check Sequence: 39 MN190-00101 General EDA- April 2020 340.00 06/09/2020 213-46301-430400 MN190-00160 UMC Economic TIF Development - April 2020 771.90 06/09/2020 213-00000-220110 MN190-00161 UMC - 4065 Chelsea Road W - April 2020 354.00 06/09/2020 213-00000-220110 Check Total: 1,465.90 Vendor: 1273 KIWI KAI IMPORTS, INC. Check Sequence: 40 89851 resale- wine 1,324.80 06/09/2020 609-49750-425300 89851 freight 21.25 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 90432 freight 5.25 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 90432 resale- wine 311.87 06/09/2020 609-49750-425300 91034 freight 13.75 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 91034 resale- wine 1,079.70 06/09/2020 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 2,756.62 Vendor: 5404 LAKES & LEGENDS BREWING LLC Check Sequence: 41 E-1647 resale - beer 198.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/03/2020 - 2:30 PM) Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/03/2020 - 2:30 PM) Page 8 Check Total: 198.00 Vendor: 5467 LIBERTY ELECTRIC CO. INC. LIBERTY ELI Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: False 4817 18C003 - added outlet in Mech. Room 139.05 06/09/2020 400-43300-452010 4818 18C003 - install occupancy sensors in gear grid 1 450.00 06/09/2020 400-43300-452010 Check Total: 589.05 Vendor: 3933 CHARLES LONG Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: False 6/1/2020 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 5/28/20 51.00 06/09/2020 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 51.00 Vendor: 5457 LUCID BREWING, LLC Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: True 6924 resale - beer 188.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 188.00 Vendor: 4456 LUPULIN BREWING LLC Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: True 29226 resale - beer 357.32 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 29351 resale - beer 682.31 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 961390 resale - beer credit -55.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 984.63 Vendor: 1303 M AMUNDSON CIGAR & CANDY CO, LLP Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: True 301698 resale - cigarettes; juice 1,394.75 06/09/2020 609-49750-425500 301698 resale - tobacco; soda pop; barware 730.82 06/09/2020 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 2,125.57 Vendor: 3745 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: True 21797367 (591) unleaded @ $1.52 896.28 06/09/2020 101-43120-421200 21797378 (65 1) diesel @ $1.49 969.16 06/09/2020 101-43120-421200 Check Total: 1,865.44 Vendor: 1726 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: False 415156090 5/19/20 - 6/19/20 - Contract Payment 249.34 06/09/2020 702-00000-441500 415156090 Supply Freight Fee 10.00 06/09/2020 702-00000-441500 Check Total: 259.34 Vendor: 1314 MCDOWALL COMPANY Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/03/2020 - 2:30 PM) Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 626198 contract C0560 - condensing unit diagose; rewirf 565.60 06/09/2020 609-49754-440440 Check Total: 565.60 Vendor: 4667 MILLNER VINEYARD, LLC Check Sequence: 50 252820-40 resale- wine 367.80 06/09/2020 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 367.80 Vendor: 1341 MMKR Check Sequence: 51 48341 Progress Billing - Audit Services thru 4/30/20 17,500.00 06/09/2020 101-41540-430100 Check Total: 17,500.00 Vendor: 1390 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC Check Sequence: 52 1256650-00 Diesel Fuel Cap 39.80 06/09/2020 226-45126-422990 1257481-00 spring tine replacement set of (38) 149.27 06/09/2020 101-45201-422990 Check Total: 189.07 Vendor: 5347 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPC Check Sequence: 53 1460227 Seek Reveal Fire Pro 4+1; (5) gear keeper w/ cal 3,217.36 06/09/2020 101-42200-424100 Check Total: 3,217.36 Vendor: 1913 NEW FRANCE WINE Check Sequence: 54 157314 resale - wine 464.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425300 157314 freight 12.50 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 476.50 Vendor: 4472 NOVAK FLECK INC Check Sequence: 55 5/25/2020 Escrow Refund - 8685 Ebersole Ave NE/Feather, 2,000.00 06/09/2020 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 2,000.00 Vendor: 1412 OMANN BROTHERS INC Check Sequence: 56 14354 (4.76) SPWEA240B 263.37 06/09/2020 101-43120-422400 14359 (4.03) SPWEA24013 222.98 06/09/2020 101-43120-422400 14364 (10.02) LV 2350 781.56 06/09/2020 101-43120-422400 14370 (10.01) LV5 2350 780.78 06/09/2020 101-43120-422400 14379 (6.01) LV5 2350 468.78 06/09/2020 101-43120-422400 14405 (35.08) LV5 2350 2,736.24 06/09/2020 101-43120-422400 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/03/2020 - 2:30 PM) ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/03/2020 - 2:30 PM) Page 10 Check Total: 5,253.71 Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: False 6035704 resale - liquor 2,890.55 06/09/2020 609-49750-425100 6035704 freight 47.68 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 6036298 freight 40.23 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 6036298 resale - liquor 4,080.02 06/09/2020 609-49750-425100 6036299 resale - wine 1,156.75 06/09/2020 609-49750-425300 6036299 freight 20.86 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 6037518 freight 43.70 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 6037518 resale- wine 1,138.30 06/09/2020 609-49750-425300 6038100 freight 7.45 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 6038100 resale - liquor 185.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425100 6038791 resale - liquor 2,912.75 06/09/2020 609-49750-425100 6038791 freight 62.07 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 6038792 freight 13.41 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 6038792 resale - mix 316.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 12,914.77 Vendor: 5454 PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: False 1048 Cleaning Service - May - Head End 380.00 06/09/2020 656-00000-202099 1048 Cleaning Service - May - Prairie Center 420.00 06/09/2020 101-41941-431100 1048 Cleaning Service - May - Library 1,560.00 06/09/2020 101-45501-431100 Check Total: 2,360.00 Vendor: 5115 RED RIVER FLAGS Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: False 3653 US Flags (2), POW/MIA Flags (2), MN State Fl, 177.00 06/09/2020 226-45126-443990 Check Total: 177.00 Vendor: 1470 RUSSELL SECURITY RESOURCE INC Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: True A37317 18003 -Generator Room convert locks to classroc 140.00 06/09/2020 400-43300-452010 Check Total: 140.00 Vendor: 3751 CHRISTINE SCHYMA Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: False 6/1/2020 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 5/28/20 81.00 06/09/2020 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 81.00 Vendor: 1483 SENSIBLE LAND USE COALITION Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/03/2020 - 2:30 PM) Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 00319 Membership Renewal (AS) 75.00 06/09/2020 101-41910-443300 00320 COVID 19 Event Registration - Webinar (AS) 20.00 06/09/2020 101-41910-443300 Check Total: 95.00 Vendor: 4148 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO. #3442 Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: False 5579-3 Paint - Animal Control 20.37 06/09/2020 101-42700-422990 Check Total: 20.37 Vendor: 4474 SITE ONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: False 100051477-001 (60) rain bird 6 -outlet manifold 282.92 06/09/2020 101-45201-421990 Check Total: 282.92 Vendor: 5211 RANDI ANN SMELSER Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: False June 1st Semi Monthly Contact Payment 1,575.00 06/09/2020 101-42700-431200 Check Total: 1,575.00 Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS, Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: False 1954638 resale - liquor 2,668.26 06/09/2020 609-49750-425100 1954638 freight 23.80 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 1954639 freight 13.39 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 1954639 resale- wine 778.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425300 1954640 freight 1.40 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 1956692 resale- liquor 2,495.78 06/09/2020 609-49750-425100 1956692 freight 23.80 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 1956693 freight 1.40 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 1956693 resale- mix 40.12 06/09/2020 609-49750-425400 1956694 resale- wine 1,530.98 06/09/2020 609-49750-425300 1956694 freight 38.50 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 20838 resale- liquor credit ref. inv. #5056464 -1.40 06/09/2020 609-49750-425100 9209752 resale- liquor credit -30.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425100 Check Total: 7,584.03 Vendor: 4513 AARON STAEHNKE Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: True 6/1/2020 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 5/28/20 47.00 06/09/2020 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 47.00 Vendor: 2412 TEE JAY NORTH INC Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: False 38023 front door repair -(9) nylon cap for carrier track -1 426.84 06/09/2020 609-49754-440100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/03/2020 - 2:30 PM) Page 11 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/03/2020 - 2:30 PM) Page 12 Check Total: 426.84 Vendor: 5422 TERMINIX INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LI Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: False 148840 Pest Control - Mice - Prairie Center 50.00 06/09/2020 101-41941-431990 148872 Pest Control - Ants - MCC 80.00 06/09/2020 226-45126-431990 148874 Pest Control - Ants - Library 50.00 06/09/2020 101-45501-431990 148875 general pest control - Hi -Way Liquor 5/2020 59.06 06/09/2020 609-49754-431990 Check Total: 239.06 Vendor: 4859 TRIO SUPPLY COMPANY Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: False 609758 Covid-19 supplies- (2) cs. disinfect. foam; (6) cs 271.08 06/09/2020 101-42500-421990 611666 (2) cs. dumpster deodorizer 63.52 06/09/2020 101-45201-421990 Check Total: 334.60 Vendor: 4656 TRUE FABRICATIONS, INC. Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: False 647663 resale -rim salt; (12) flasks; asst. glasses; etc 349.56 06/09/2020 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 349.56 Vendor: 1188 TWAIT WINES, INC Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: False 3612 resale- wine 378.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 378.00 Vendor: 1534 TWIN CITIES FLAG SOURCE INC Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: False 33844 (2) 5x8 USA flag 133.15 06/09/2020 609-49754-421990 Check Total: 133.15 Vendor: 1537 UHL COMPANY INC Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: True 19021 Provided Addt'l Refigerant 750.00 06/09/2020 226-45126-440100 23402 Diagnosed Bad Compressor Safety Board; Remc 624.00 06/09/2020 656-00000-202099 Check Total: 1,374.00 Vendor: 3783 ULINE Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: False 120112492 48 x18 x 63" black wire shelving 237.38 06/09/2020 609-49754-421990 120112493 (2) 48 x18 x 63" black wire shelving- back room 319.98 06/09/2020 609-49754-421990 Check Total: 557.36 Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/03/2020 - 2:30 PM) Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2528139 resale - soda pop 233.20 06/09/2020 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 233.20 Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 77 0257106 resale - wine 536.08 06/09/2020 609-49750-425300 0257106 resale - liquor 433.50 06/09/2020 609-49750-425100 0257106 freight 18.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 257441 resale - wine 102.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425300 257441 resale - liquor 342.25 06/09/2020 609-49750-425100 257441 resale - soda pop 120.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425400 257441 freight 18.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 1,569.83 Vendor: 1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Check Sequence: 78 9496 labor -3.5 hr. - wire for air compressor at Bertram 280.00 06/09/2020 101-45201-440100 9496 parts - wire for air compressor at Bertram 190.47 06/09/2020 101-45201-440100 9499 Labor - Replace Ballast @ Head End 40.00 06/09/2020 656-00000-202099 9499 Labor - Replace Gray Switch in Office Area 40.00 06/09/2020 101-41940-440100 9499 Parts - Switch SP 20Amp 277V 6.08 06/09/2020 101-41940-440100 9499 Parts - Ballast (1), Port Connectors (6) 27.58 06/09/2020 656-00000-202099 Check Total: 584.13 Vendor: 1572 THE WINE COMPANY Check Sequence: 79 142676 resale- wine 498.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425300 142676 freight 11.55 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 509.55 Vendor: 1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 80 7285064 resale- wine 321.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425300 7285064 freight 4.59 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 325.59 Vendor: 1206 WINEBOW INC. Check Sequence: 81 2758 freight- credit 4/6/2016 -5.50 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 52517 resale- wine credit inv. #52147 1/22/2019 -216.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425300 52517 freight credit inv. #52147 1/22/2019 -2.25 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 MN00078787 resale - wine 272.00 06/09/2020 609-49750-425300 MN00078787 freight 6.75 06/09/2020 609-49750-433300 ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/03/2020 - 2:30 PM) Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Total: 4,616.00 Total for Check Run: 508,269.61 Total of Number of Checks: 85 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 6/8/20 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/03/2020 - 2:30 PM) Page 14 Check Total: 55.00 Vendor: 1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS - ACH Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: True June June 2020 - Deputies Contract 124,104.50 06/09/2020 101-42100-430500 Check Total: 124,104.50 Vendor: 5485 WRIGHT-WAY SEAMLESS, INC. Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: False 20140 ZPARKS-ELLLOG- (88) seamless gutter; (88) h 1,188.00 06/09/2020 229-45202-453010 Check Total: 1,188.00 Vendor: 1584 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC Check Sequence: 84 ACH Enabled: True 002596-400 39 16CO06 - Fallon Ave Improvements - April 2020 7,437.00 06/09/2020 400-43300-430300 R011473-000 26 18CO01 - 2018 Pedestrian Improvements - April 289.50 06/09/2020 400-43300-459013 R011744-000 24 16CO01 BCOL Phase 1 -April 2020 895.25 06/09/2020 229-45202-453011 R014321-000 8 201924 - Buchholtz Concept PUD/Monticello A] 4,423.50 06/09/2020 101-00000-220110 R014511-000 7 Downtown Redevelop Project - April 2020 91.00 06/09/2020 213-46301-431990 R014709-000 9 200001 - 2020 Street Project - April 2020 3,425.00 06/09/2020 400-43300-459021 R015355-000 4 2020 Economic Developement Services - April, 1,450.00 06/09/2020 213-46301-431990 R015449-000 3 2020 General Engineering Services - April 2020 2,201.50 06/09/2020 101-43111-430300 R016082-000 1 200003 - Briarwood Ave Expansion - April 202( 516.00 06/09/2020 229-45202-453012 Check Total: 20,728.75 Vendor: 3101 WSI Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: False 6/2/2020 201936 - Planning Escrow Refund 4,616.00 06/09/2020 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 4,616.00 Total for Check Run: 508,269.61 Total of Number of Checks: 85 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 6/8/20 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/03/2020 - 2:30 PM) Page 14 City Council Agenda 6/08/2020 2B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments (TE) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently in the departments listed. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all listed employees including part-time and seasonal workers. Al. Budget Impact: (positions are generally included in budget) A2. Staff Work Load Impact: If new positions, there may be some training involved. If terminated positions, existing staff would pick up those hours, as needed, until replaced. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to ratify the hire/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. 2. Motion to deny the recommended hires and departures. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires/departures. City staff recommends Alternative #1, for the Council to approve the hires and/or departures as listed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • List of new/terminated employees Name Dylan Nelson Tim Braun* Name NEW EMPLOYEES Title Parks Worker Park Maintenance Operator Department Hire Date Class Parks 6/2/2020 Seasonal Parks 6/6/2020 FT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Emma Tweten Voluntary Ayla Jakes Voluntary Paul Schultz Voluntary *Promotion Reason New Hire and Terms City Council 2020: 6/1/2020 Department Last Day Class MCC 3/9/2020 PT MCC 3/10/2020 PT MCC 3/12/2020 PT New Hire and Terms City Council 2020: 6/1/2020 City Council Agenda 6/08/2020 2C. Consideration of approving the sale or disposal of surplus City property (SR) There is no report this City Council cycle. City Council Agenda: 6/08/2020 2D. Consideration of approving Resolution 2020-45 accepting donations of $609.40 from Stearns County and $100 from Women of Today for Fire Department general use and donations from Cargill of $10,000 for Fire Department SRU/Hazmat training and $1,000 for Parks Department plantings along Broadway (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is being asked to approve donations for Fire Department general use of $609.40 from Stearns County and $100 from Women of Today and donations from Cargill in the amount of $10,000 for Fire Department/SRU/Hazmat training and $1,000 for Parks Department plantings along Broadway. As required by state statute, if the city accepts a donation, the City Council needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donation and its use. Al. Budget Impact: The donations will be used for the mentioned events. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the Resolution 2020-45 accepting the contribution and authorizing use of funds as specified. 2. Motion to not approve the contribution and return the funds to the donors. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommendation is to adopt the resolution accepting the contributions. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Resolution 2020-45 CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2020-45 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY DES ONVALUE Stearns County sh Nq $609.40 Women of Today ash $100 Cargill 1W Cash $11,000 14 1 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the cititsdiction either alo or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that Niropriate to accept the contributions offered. & 16, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of MAnticello as follows: 1. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONOR/ENTITY PURPOSE/AMOUNT Stearns County Fire Department General Use/$609.40 Women of Today Fire Department General Use/$100 Cargill SRU/Hazmat Training/$ 10,000 Parks Department/$1,000 Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 8th day of June, 2020. Brian Stumpf, Mayor Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 06/08/2020 2E. Consideration of approving annual liquor license renewals for 2020-2021 (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to approve the liquor license renewals for 2020-2021 as listed below. The businesses listed are the current license holders on record and have submitted their approval for renewal. Staff has reviewed each renewal to ensure that paperwork was completed in compliance with State Alcohol & Gambling rules and state laws. Renewal forms have been sent to County Sheriff for verification and signature. The completed renewals, following City Council and Sheriff approval, will be sent in to the State Alcohol & Gambling Division, which allows the license holders to purchase alcoholic beverages from approved wholesalers. The city is responsible for issuing the annual licenses and sending them to the licensed premises, where they are to be displayed on site. The following licenses are submitted for approval. Liquor - On -Sale (fee $2,814 as reduced by Council) 1. Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar (Apple Minnesota LLC) 2. Beef O'Bradys (TMC & J Taylor Corp.) 3. Buffalo Wild Wings #210 (Blatin Wings Inc.) 4. Capitan Pancho Villa (IC Enterprises LLC) 5. Chatters Restaurant & Bar (West River Restaurants Inc.) 6. Cornerstone Caf6 & Catering (Cornerstone Cafe & Catering Co.) 7. Emagine Monticello 8. Hawk's Sports Bar & Grill (Hawk's Sports Bar & Grill Inc.) 9. Monticello Country Club (Monticello Country Club Inc.) 10. Rancho Grande (Rancho Grande Mex. Rest. Inc. #2) 11. River City Extreme (River City Extreme Inc.) 12. VFW 8731 (Club Dorchester) Liquor — Club/Sunday ($500 as reduced by Council) 1. American Legion 260 Liquor - Wine/Strong Beer Combination ($856 as reduced by Council) 1. Bluestone Grill (Pauly Companies Inc.) Liquor — Wine (fee $178 as reduced by Council) 1. Asian Caf6 Sushi Grill Inc. 3.2% Beer - On -Sale (fee $178 as reduced by Council) 1. Asian Caf6 Sushi Grill Inc. 2. China Buffet (Lin, Chuan) 3.2% Beer - Off -Sale (fee $100) 1. Cub Foods (Monticello 1998 LLC) 2. Kwik Trip #177 (Kwik Trip Inc.) 3. Kwik Trip #345 (Kwik Trip Inc.) 4. SuperAmerica #4479 (Northern Tier Retail LLC) 5. Target Store T-2180 (Target Corporation) 6. Wal-Mart Supercenter #3624 (Wal-Mart Stores Inc City Council Agenda: 06/08/2020 Taproom/Off-Sale Growler ($556 as reduced by Council) 1. Nordic Brewing 2. Rustech Brewing Al. Budget Impact: The license fees established for the annual renewals are intended to cover the costs of the renewal processing. A2. Staff Workload Impact: City staff prepares and mails the billings, handles the renewal paperwork and payments, and then issues the licenses after all steps are completed. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the license renewals for 2020-2021 effective July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021. 2. Motion to deny all or selected license renewals at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Copies of liquor license renewal forms Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul, Minnesota 55101 651-201-7507 g RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, CLUB OR 3.2% LICENSES No license will be approve or released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code: Issuing Authority: Licensee Name: Trade Name: Address: MCLONSS Monticello American Legion 260 304 Elm St/Box 806 Monticello, MN 55362 Business Phone: 7632952574 License Fees: Off Sale: $0.00 License Period Ending: 6/30/2020 Iden: 1143 On Sale: $500.00 Sunday: $200.00 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period.Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2 liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. �a Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul, Minnesota 55101 651-201-7507 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, CLUB OR 3.2% LICENSES No license will be approve or released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code: ONSS License Period Ending: 6/30/2020 Iden: 30773 Issuing Authority: Monticello Licensee Name: Apple Minnesota LLC Trade Name: Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar Address: 9386 Deegan Ave Monticello, MN 55362 Business Phone: 7632956337 License Fees: Off Sale: $0.00 On Sale: $3,750.00 Sunday: $200.00 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period.Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2 liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. ";M Minnesota Department of Public Safety fi Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul, Minnesota 55101 651-201-7507 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, CLUB OR 3.2% LICENSES No license will be approve or released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code: 3.2ONSS Issuing Authority: Monticello Licensee Name: Asian Cafe Sushi Grill Inc. Trade Name: Address: 514 Pine St Monticello, MN 55362 Business Phone: 763-272-1509 License Fees: Off Sale: $0.00 License Period Ending On Sale: $250.00 6/30/2020 Sunday: $0.00 Iden: 63861 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the followina: Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period.Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2 liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul , Minnesota 55101 tffi 651-201-7507 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, CLUB OR 3.2% LICENSES No license will be approve or released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code: MWNONSB Issuing Authority: Monticello Licensee Name: Asian Cafe Sushi Grill Inc. Trade Name: Asian Cafe Sushi Grille Address: 514 Pine St Monticello, MN 55362 Business Phone: 7632721509 License Fees: Off Sale: $0.00 License Period Ending: 6/30/2020 Iden: 63860 On Sale: $250.00 Sunday: $0.00 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties. 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period.Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2 liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. Minnesota Department of Public Safety ' t Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul, Minnesota 55101 +' 651-201-7507 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, CLUB OR 3.2% LICENSES No license will be approve or released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code: ONSS License Period Ending: 6/30/2020 Iden: 26234 Issuing Authority: Monticello Licensee Name: Blazin Wings Inc. Trade Name: Buffalo Wild Wings #210 Address: 9221 Cedar Street Monticello, MN 55362 Business Phone: 2187225100 License Fees: Off Sale: $0.00 On Sale: $3,750.00 Sunday: $200.00 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties. 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period.Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2 liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. Minnesota Department of Public Safety " Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul, Minnesota 55101 t+. 651-201-7507 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, CLUB OR 3.2% LICENSES No license will be approve or released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code: 3.2ONSS License Period Ending Issuing Authority: Monticello Licensee Name: City of Monticello Trade Name: Monticello Community Center Address: 2175 W River St Monticello, MN 55362 Business Phone: 7632713268 License Fees: Off Sale: $0.00 On Sale: $137.00 6/30/2020 Sunday: $0.00 Iden: 22952 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties. 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period.Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2 liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul , Minnesota 55101 651-201-7507 , RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, CLUB OR 3.2% LICENSES No license will be approve or released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code: ONSS License Period Ending: 6/30/2020 Iden: 1625 Issuing Authority: Monticello Licensee Name: Hawk's Sports Bar & Grill Inc. Trade Name: Hawk's Sports Bar & Grill Address: 9697 Hart Blvd Monticello. MN 55362 Business Phone: 7632959990 License Fees: Off Sale: $0.00 On Sale: $3,750.00 Sunday: $200.00 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's sionature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period.Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2 liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. Minnesota Department of Public Safety ` Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul, Minnesota 55101 651-201-7507 { RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, CLUB OR 3.2% LICENSES No license will be approve or released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code: Issuing Authority: Licensee Name: Trade Name: Address: ONSS Monticello IC Enterprises LLC Capitan Pancho Villa 100 7th Street W Monticello, MN 55362 Business Phone: 7633140454 License Fees: Off Sale: $0.00 License Period Ending: 6/30/2020 Iden: 33416 On Sale: $3,750.00 Sunday: $200.00 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period.Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2 liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. 4�Minnesota Department of Public Safety ` Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul, Minnesota 55101 651-201-7507 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, CLUB OR 3.2% LICENSES No license will be approve or released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code: 3.2ONSS Issuing Authority: Monticello Licensee Name: Lin, Chuan Trade Name: China Buffet Address: 9301 Cedar Street Monticello, MN 55362 Business Phone: 7632958300 License Fees: Off Sale: $0.00 License Period Ending On Sale: $275.00 6/30/2020 Sunday: $0.00 Iden: 15553 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the followina: Failure to report any of the followina may result in civil penalties 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period.Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2 liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. C# Minnesota Department of Public Safety ° Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul, Minnesota 55101 a+ 651-201-7507 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, CLUB OR 3.2% LICENSES No license will be approve or released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code: ONSS License Period Ending: Issuing Authority: Monticello Licensee Name: Monticello Country Club Inc. Trade Name: Monticello Country Club Address: 1209 Golf Course Rd Monticello, MN 55362-0575 Business Phone: 763-295-4653 License Fees: Off Sale: $0.00 On Sale: $3,750.00 6/30/2020 Iden: 6356 Sunday: $200.00 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties. 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period.Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2 liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. TM Minnesota Department of Public Safety e Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul , Minnesota 55101 651-201-7507 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, CLUB OR 3.2% LICENSES No license will be approve or released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code: ONSS License Period Ending: Issuing Authority: Monticello Licensee Name: Northwoods Entertainment LLC Trade Name: Emagine Monticello Address: 9375 Deegan Ave Monticello, MN 55362 Business Phone: 763-295-5007 License Fees: Off Sale: $0.00 On Sale: $3,750.00 6/30/2020 Iden: 70890 Sunday: $200.00 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Armlicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties. 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period.Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2 liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. Minnesota Department of Public Safety t Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division s 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul , Minnesota 55101 a 651-201-7507 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, CLUB OR 3.2% LICENSES No license will be approve or released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code: 3.2ONSS Issuing Authority: Monticello Licensee Name: Pauly Companies Inc. Trade Name: Bluestone Grill Address: 9351 Cedar St Monticello, MN 55362 License Period Ending: 6/30/2020 Business Phone: 763-314-0500 License Fees: Off Sale: $0.00 On Sale: $1.00 Sunday: $0.00 Iden: 33266 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period.Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2 liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. "o'—U r Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul , Minnesota 55101 651-201-7507 fi '4 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, CLUB OR 3.2% LICENSES No license will be approve or released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code: Issuing Authority: Licensee Name: Trade Name: Address: MWNONSB Monticello Pauly Companies Inc. Bluestone Grill 9351 Cedar St Monticello, MN 55362 Business Phone: 7633140500 License Fees: Off Sale: $0.00 License Period Ending: 6/30/2020 Iden: 29481 On Sale: $1,200.00 Sunday: $200.00 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties. 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period.Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2 liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. }*�t Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul, Minnesota 55101 651-201-7507 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, CLUB OR 3.2% LICENSES No license will be approve or released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code: ONSS License Period Ending: Issuing Authority: Monticello Licensee Name: Rancho Grande Mex. Rest. Inc. #2 Trade Name: Rancho Grande Address: 615 Locus Street Monticello, MN 55362 Business Phone: 6126167648 License Fees: Off Sale: $0.00 On Sale: $3,750.00 6/30/2020 Iden: 18063 Sunday: $200.00 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties. 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period.Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond maybe submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2 liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. Minnesota Department of Public Safety "c Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division # 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul, Minnesota 55101 651-201-7507 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, CLUB OR 3.2% LICENSES No license will be approve or released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code: ONSS License Period Ending: 6/30/2020 Iden: 29468 Issuing Authority: Monticello Licensee Name: TMC & J Taylor Corp. Trade Name: Beef O'Bradys Address: 254 W Broadway St Monticello, MN 55362 Business Phone: 7633558702 License Fees: Off Sale: $0.00 On Sale: $3,750.00 Sunday: $200.00 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties. 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period.Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2 liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. � Ilk Minnesota Department of Public Safety firms Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul , Minnesota 55101 651-201-7507 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, CLUB OR 3.2% LICENSES No license will be approve or released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code: Issuing Authority Licensee Name: Trade Name: Address: ONSS Monticello Tricambra Foods Inc. License Period Ending Cornerstone Cafe & Catering 154 W Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 Business Phone: 763-350-5208 License Fees: Off Sale: $0.00 On Sale: $3,750.00 6/30/2020 Iden: 66818 Sunday: $200.00 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties. 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period.Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2 liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. 'COT Minnesota Department of Public Safety tJ Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division <- 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul, Minnesota 55101 Nzl-O 651-201-7507 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, CLUB OR 3.2% LICENSES No license will be approve or released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code: ONSS License Period Ending: 6/30/2020 Iden: 71279 Issuing Authority: Monticello Licensee Name: Triple Shift Entertainment LLC Trade Name: River City Extreme Address: 3875 School Blvd Monticello, MN 55362 Business Phone: 763-295-3390 License Fees: Off Sale: $0.00 On Sale: $3,750.00 Sunday: $200.00 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties. 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period.Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2 liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. Minnesota Department of Public Safety " Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul, Minnesota 55101 651-201-7507 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, CLUB OR 3.2% LICENSES No license will be approve or released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code: Issuing Authority Licensee Name: Trade Name: Address: ONSS Monticello VFW 8731 Club Dorchester 713 S Cedar St Monticello. MN 55362 Business Phone: 6122953792 License Fees: Off Sale: $0.00 License Period Ending: 6/30/2020 On Sale: $3,750.00 Sunday: $200.00 Iden: 1145 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Ar)plicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties. 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period.Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2 liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. I Minnesota Department of Public Safety cis Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul , Minnesota 55101 651-201-7507 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, CLUB OR 3.2% LICENSES No license will be approve or released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code: ONSS License Period Ending: 6/30/2020 Iden: 22836 Issuing Authority: Monticello Licensee Name: West River Restaurants Inc. Trade Name: Chatters Restaurant & Bar Address: 4181 Cedar St Monticello, MN 55362 Business Phone: 7632710070 License Fees: Off Sale: $0.00 On Sale: $3,750.00 Sunday: $200.00 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties. 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period.Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2 liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. Minnesota Department of Public Safety ° Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul, Minnesota 55101 #� 651-201-7507 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, CLUB OR 3.2% LICENSES No license will be approve or released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code: 3.20FSL Issuing Authority: Monticello Licensee Name: Kwik Trip Inc. Trade Name: Kwik Trip #177 Address: 9855 Hart Blvd Monticello, MN 55362 Business Phone: License Fees: Off Sale: $100.00 License Period Ending: 6/30/2020 Iden: 46003 On Sale: $0.00 Sunday: $0.00 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period.Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond maybe submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2 liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. a Minnesota Department of Public Safety `r Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul, Minnesota 55101 651-201-7507 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, CLUB OR 3.2% LICENSES No license will be approve or released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code: 3.20FSL Issuing Authority: Monticello Licensee Name: Kwik Trip Inc. Trade Name: Kwik Trip #345 Address: 9440 State Hwy 25 Monticello, MN 55362 Business Phone: 7632958857 License Fees: Off Sale: $100.00 License Period Ending On Sale: $0.00 6/30/2020 Sunday: $0.00 Iden: 29008 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties. 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period.Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2 liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. NFA ,fit Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul , Minnesota 55101 f 4 651-201-7507 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, CLUB OR 3.2% LICENSES No license will be approve or released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code: 3.2OFSL Issuing Authority: Monticello Licensee Name: Monticello 1998 LLC Trade Name: Cub Foods Address: 216 7th Street Monticello, MN 55362 Business Phone: 7632716800 License Fees: Off Sale: $100.00 License Period Ending: 6/30/2020 Iden: 15558 On Sale: $0.00 Sunday: $0.00 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following• Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period.Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2 liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul , Minnesota 55101 o -f 651-201-7507 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, CLUB OR 3.2% LICENSES No license will be approve or released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code: 3.20FSL Issuing Authority: Monticello Licensee Name: Northern Tier Retail LLC Trade Name: Speedway #4479 Address: 109 Oakwood Dr Monticello, MN 55362 Business Phone: 763-295-0444 License Fees: Off Sale: $100.00 License Period Ending: 6/30/2020 Iden: 15560 On Sale: $0.00 Sunday: $0.00 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's sionature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties. 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period.Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2 liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. Minnesota Department of Public Safety fi Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division ` 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul, Minnesota 55101 651-201-7507 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, CLUB OR 3.2% LICENSES No license will be approve or released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code: 3.2OFSL Issuing Authority: Monticello Licensee Name: Target Corporation Trade Name: Target Store T-2180 Address: 1447 E 7th Street Monticello, MN 55362 Business Phone: 7632711100 License Fees: Off Sale: $100.00 License Period Ending: 6/30/2020 Iden: 22126 On Sale: $0.00 Sunday: $0.00 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties. 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period.Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2 liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. t Minnesota Department of Public Safety " Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division a 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul , Minnesota 55101 651-201-7507 fi RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, CLUB OR 3.2% LICENSES No license will be approve or released until the $20 Retailer ID Card fee is received by Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code: 3.20FSL Issuing Authority: Monticello Licensee Name: Walmart Inc. Trade Name: Walmart #3624 Address: 9320 Cedar Street Monticello, MN 55362 Business Phone: 7632959800 License Fees: Off Sale: $100.00 License Period Ending: 6/30/2020 Iden: 67711 On Sale: $0.00 Sunday: $0.00 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties. 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period.Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2 liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division ry A 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul, Minnesota 55101 651-201-7507 RENEWAL Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code BROFSL License Period Ending 6/30/2020 Issuing Authority Monticello Licensee Name The Nordic Brewing Co LLC DBA The Nordic Brewinq Address 530 Cedar Street Monticello, MN 55362 Business Phone 7636563370 License Fees: Off Sale $200.00 On Sale $0.00 Iden 71126 Sunday Sales 0 Yes Sunday $0.00 No By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county wherelicense is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2& liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/County Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date (County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license) Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 St Paul, Minnesota 55101 V f 651-201-7507 ol/ RENE Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make i�( submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liab required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code TRONSS License Period Ending 6/; Issuing Authority Monticello Licensee Name The Nordic Brewing Co LLC DBA The Nordic Brewinq Address 530 Cedar Street Monticello, MN 55362 Business Phone 7636563370 License Fees: Off Sale $0.00 On Sale $500.00 Sunday $0.00 ty Clerk/County Auditor should ;lerk/County Auditor are also i7 ] Yes 0 No By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties. 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county wherelicense is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2& liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/County Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date (County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license) Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 s St Paul, Minnesota 55101 651-201-7507 RENE Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make ty Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liab 'Ierk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code TRONSS License Period Ending 6/ 30 Issuing Authority Monticello ] Yes No Licensee Name Rustech Brewing Company LLC DBA Rustech Brewing Address 105 W 3rd Street Monticello, MN 55362 Business Phone 6124149437 License Fees: Off Sale $0.00 On Sale $500.00 Sunday $200.00 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following may result in civil penalties 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county wherelicense is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2& liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/County Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date (County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license) Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division - ; 445 Minnesota Street, 1600 1 St Paul, Minnesota 55101 ., 651-201-7507 RENEWAL Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S.3 to report any license cancellation. License Code BROFSL License Period Ending 6/30/2020 Issuing Authority Monticello Licensee Name Rustech Brewing Company LLC DBA Rustech Brewinq Address 105 W 3rd Street Monticello, MN 55362 Business Phone 6124149437 License Fees: Off Sale $200.00 On Sale $0.00 Iden 68729 Sunday Sales 0 Yes Sunday $0.00 No By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership on the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to report any of the following ma- It in civil penalties 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance will be kept in effect during the license period. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county wherelicense is issued. $100,000 in cash or securities or $100,000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability.(3.2& liquor licenses are exempt if sales are less than $25,000 at on sale, or $50,000 at off sale). Licensee Signature DOB SSN Date (Signature certifies all above information to be correct and license has been approved by city/county.) City Clerk/County Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) County Attorney Signature Date (County Board issued licenses only(Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license) Police/Sheriff Signature Date Signature certifies licensee or associates have been checked for any state/local liquor law violations (criminal/civil) during the past five years. Report violations on back, then sign here. No. Fee $ THIS CERTIFIES THAT: LICENSEE TRADE NAME ,,AG Momb City County BREWER OFF SALE MALT LIQUOR LICENSE STREET ADDRESS OR LOT AND BLOCK NO Is authorized to sell malt liquor at off sale at a licensed brewery subject to the laws and regulations of the State of Minnesota and municipal Ordinances for the Period beginning to "SUNDAY LICENSE" YES ❑ NO ❑ Mayor or President THIS LICENSE IS APPROVED Given under my hand and the Municipal Corporate Seal City of Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Director Date Clerk or Auditor Date No. Fee $ THIS CERTIFIES THAT: LICENSEE TRADE NAME ,X; :2 amiow City County BREWER OFF SALE MALT LIQUOR LICENSE STREET ADDRESS OR LOT AND BLOCK NO Is authorized to sell malt liquor at off sale at a licensed brewery subject to the laws and regulations of the State of Minnesota and municipal Ordinances for the Period beginning to "SUNDAY LICENSE" YES ❑ NO ❑ Mayor or President THIS LICENSE IS APPROVED Given under my hand and the Municipal Corporate Seal City of Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Director Date Clerk or Auditor Date City Council Agenda: 6/08/2020 2F. Consideration to approve a Therapeutic Massage Enterprise license for Balanced Elements located at 133 Sandberg Rd, Fitness Evolution (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to consider a Therapeutic Massage Enterprise Licenses for Balanced Elements, 133 Sandberg Rd. Balanced Elements, will be renting a space in Fitness Evolution. The license, if approved, will be in effect immediately. The applicant for the business license will also be the sole massage therapist for the establishment. The following items are required for licensing: application completed by the applicant; license fee of $100; completed Background Information and Release Form and fee of $25; a completed Data Practices Advisory Form (Tennessen Warning) and a Certificate of Workers Compensation Insurance and/or Liability Insurance. In addition, an inspection is required by our Building Department. All items have been completed. If the City Council denies a license they will need to provide findings of fact on the denial. Al. Budget Impact: None. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal staff time was necessary to review the request and prepare this report. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the Therapeutic Massage Enterprise License for Balanced Elements, 133 Sandberg Rd. 2. Motion to deny. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Application CITY OF Monticello APPLICATION FOR 2019-2020 THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE ENTERPRISE LICENSE Date: 2,'2(4- 2aZO Application is hereby submitted for a Therapeutic Massage Establishment License within the City of Monticello, in accordance with the Ordinance of said City regulating the same. Enclose with the application: • The license fee of $100 + $50 per Massage Therapist (a separate application must be submitted for each therapist) • A completed and signed "background check authorization" form and copy of driver's license • A certificate of workers' comp. insurance or company name & policy # (if applicable) • A certificate of liability insurance 1 FULL Name of Business: Balanced Elementi 2. Check: Individual Corporation PartnershipOth/er 3. Address of the Business to be Licensed: (A;3 S"P[ iul t J rpt PPA) d� 4. Business Phone Number(s): _M 5. Minnesota Tax Identification No.: 6. Federal Tax Identification No. 7. Manager or Owner's FULL Name. _ L Last first MI 8. Manager or Owner's Date of Birth: _ M, 9. Manager of Owner's Place of Birth: W b ILv4Lt It'applican[ is different from Manager/Proprietor, please fill ow Q's 10 through 15 10. Applicant's Fall Name. `,-1- a h .or r�.ti r'i:L" Last First MI 1 I. Applicant's Phone Number: Cell_ ■` Home N A 12. Applicant's Email Address: i' b 4)�rizli-ccnn 16. Is Applicant, or has Applicant been known by a name other than the current true legal name, and if so, what name(s), when, and in what capacity or place was such a name used. 17. Are you a U.S. Citizen or resident alien or has the legal authority to work in the United States? Y4- S 18. The name and street address of the business if it is to be conducted under a designation, name, or style other than the name of the applicant, and a certified copy of certificate as required by Minnesota Statues, Section 333.02. 19. Applicant's Position with Company: M H 55 20. List the type, name, and location of every business or occupation Applicant has been engaged in during the preceding five years. /1 _C ffrtoy s— o ooa S>t— C 17`mss Y'IF 21. Does Applicant have any training or experience in performing massage services, including any certification, degrees, diplomas, or educational coursework. 22. Full Name of Owner of Premises: �Lj SSIA }-Y/ I/ ✓(� y�..� 23. Address of Owner of Premises: (If different from applicant): 1 lul Sa n pi i]....r� Rd 24. Owners Phone Number (If different from applicant): -MMM, ._ . n�Sfa2 25. Amount of Investment (buildings, fixtures, furniture, etc): _ 26. If partnership, state names and addresses of all partners. Include a copy of the partnership Agreement. 27. If corporation, state names, addresses and birthdates of all officers and directors. Include a copy of the Articles of Incorporation and Secretary of State's Certificate of Good Standing. Ordinance doesn't require this? No other persons than those named in this application have any interest in the management and control of such business. 28. Description of services to be provided and of goods, if any, to be sold: �S5;v.�� s^-n^+...-i�L.rH� 0,-�ilv'A r 29. Business Hours of Operation: 30. Other communities where licenses are or have been held: 31. Has Applicant previously been denied a license to perform massage services, or had a license revoked or suspended, and, if so, the circumstances of such denial, revocation, or suspension. N C) 32. List below as to whether, within the preceding five (5) years, the applicant, and/or owner of the business has been convicted of any crime relating to theft, damage or trespass to property, sale of a controlled substance, or the operation of business; the nature of any such offense and the penalty assessed. Naomi 33. The names, residences and/or business addresses of three (3) persons, residents of the State of Minnesota of good moral character, not related to the Applicantor financially interested in the licensee's premises who may be referred as to the Applicant's character, or in the case where 34. Do you reside in Monticello and ha your home unit base for your business: Yes No _ e 1 hereby certify that the foregoing statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that the giving of false information or the failure to give pertinent information constitutes cause for revocation of this permit. Further, l agree tocomply with all the provisions of the ordinance underwhich this license is gmnted. Applicant's Si nature: Date: S-6 Z C) Return completed application and requested information along with the fee to: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk, City of Monacellog 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362 Phone: 763-271-3204 Approved by/Dere Make check or money order payable to "City of Monticello" OFFICE USE ONLY This license will expire on Jane 30, 2020 City Council Agenda: 06/08/2020 2G. Consideration to approve amended Purchasing policy with revisions to the change order process and city's technology resources (SR/ML/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The current purchasing policy has been in place since October 2015 and was amended in June 2019. This policy provides staff with guidance and accountability. Further, it saves the city thousands of dollars every year. Staff is proposing two changes: • To ensure maximum efficiency in the city's technology resources, a bullet point has been added in the Notes under the Quick Reference Guide to include approval from the IT Coordinator (currently the Finance Director) before any hardware or software is purchased. Additional approval by the City Administrator is required for any new technology resources. To allow for more flexibility in change orders on construction contracts. The amendment would allow the City Engineer/Public Works Director, Finance Director, and City Administrator to collectively approve contract change orders up to 10% of the contract amount or $100,000, and communicate any such changes above $10,000 to the Council at the next regularly scheduled meeting. This flexibility would be utilized when time is of the essence in keeping a project moving forward and when waiting to make a decision would add cost as well. This flexibility will not be applied when there is sufficient lead time for Council consideration of the change order in advance. Al. Budget Impact: This action will not have an immediate budget impact. Impact of any future applicable IT purchases or change orders is unknown at this time. A2. Staff Impact: Staff must gain knowledge of the new policy. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the amended purchasing policy. 2. Motion to approve the amended purchasing policy with the following modifications: 3. Motion to deny the purchasing the policy. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 0 City of Monticello Purchasing Policy as Amended 2020-06-08 (Proposed) City of Monticello Purchasing Policy Purpose This purchasing policy was created to: • Clarify and reconcile the requirements of state purchasing law, departmental procedures, and finance department processes • Assist staff in making purchases in an effective, efficient and economical manner • Standardize purchasing and payment methods to expedite the purchasing process • Provide effective controls • Guide staff to support local area businesses when possible and economical This policy sets minimum standards to ensure fiscal responsibility. Departments may set more restrictive procedures to meet their own budgetary accountability. II. Quick Reference Guide Value of Quotations Payment Request Approvals Needed Prior to Purchase Needed Options Purchasing Less than $1,000 Departmental Credit Card 1. Dept. Staff/Manager Discretion Check Request $1,000-$2,499 Two verbal or Credit Card 1. Dept. Director/Designee* written quotes Check Request $2,500-$4,999 Two verbal or Credit Card 1. Dept. Director written quotes Check Request Three Written Credit Card 1. Dept. Director $5,000-$9,999 Quotes or RFPs Check Request 2. Finance Director OR City Administrator 1. Dept. Director $10,000-$99,999 Three Written Check Request 2. Finance Director OR Quotes or RFPs City Administrator 3. City Council 1. Dept. Director Greater than Sealed Bids Check Request 2. Finance Director OR $100,000 City Administrator 3. City Council * Directors must notify the finance department of all designees. Each department (e.g. streets, parks, water and sewage utility, etc.) is limited to having one designee. Designees must be a supervisor of full-time staff. NOTES: • Additional quotations are not required for purchases under $10,000 if the item is purchased through the state contract or from a statutorily -allowed purchasing cooperative or alliance. • All purchases must be approved as part of the annual budget or within an approved CIP. The level of budgetary control is established at the department level. Expenditures for 11 Page City of Monticello Purchasing Policy Adopted 2015-10-26; Revised 2019-06-24; 2020-06-08 departments that exceed appropriations are not authorized unless additional revenue sources, unspent appropriations, or fund balances are identified and available. • Through resolution, the city council has given the finance director authority to make disbursements for utility accounts, payroll transfers and other services that occur in the normal course of business even though they may exceed $10,000. These contractual accounts for services are approved as part of the budget process and excluded from this policy. • The city administrator or finance director can approve budgeted public works supply purchases exceeding $10,000, but quotation requirements apply (e.g. bulk purchases of chemicals, street maintenance materials, fuel, etc.). Resale inventory purchased during the normal course of business does not require city administrator/finance director/city council approval. • Debt service payments are also pre -approved as listed in the debt service schedule in bond documents. • Contractual services are subject to the limits in the Quick Reference Guide above. Independent contractors are required to provide proof of insurance before providing services. • RFPs are required for contracting services in excess of $25,000 except for contractors included in the consultant pool. • All technology purchases, including hardware and software purchases and agreements, must be reviewed and approved by the IT Coordinator before purchasing. The IT Coordinator will coordinate and facilitate all technology purchases and agreements for individual departments and the enterprise as a whole. New software and technologv, providing enhanced capabilities not previously deployed by the city, must also be approved by the City Administrator. These procedures are designed to ensure maximum efficiency of the city's technology resources at an enterprise level. III. Ethics/Relations with Vendors The City of Monticello holds its employees to the highest ethical standards. Purchases shall be conducted so they foster public confidence in the integrity of the city's procurement system as well as open and free competition among prospective suppliers. In keeping with this value, employees should avoid the following practices when making purchases on behalf of the city: Circumventing competitive bidding and purchasing policy requirements — Examples include: o Splitting purchases so they can be made through several smaller purchases o Using multi-year agreements that in total exceed the authority granted in Section II o Using the emergency procedure process when no true emergency exists o Using a "sole source" exemption when competition is available Denying one or more vendors the opportunity to bid on a contract — Examples include: o Using unnecessarily restrictive specifications o Pre -qualifying bidders on a discriminatory basis o Removing companies from a bidders list without just cause o Requiring unnecessarily high bonding • Giving favored vendors an unfair advantage — Examples include: o Providing vendors with information regarding their competition's offers in advance of a bid opening o Making information available to favored vendors and not to others 2 1 Page City of Monticello Purchasing Policy Adopted 2015-10-26; Revised 2019-06-24; 2020-06-08 o Giving disfavored vendors inaccurate or misleading information Accepting gifts from vendors o Minnesota Statutes §471.895 prohibits government employees from receiving gifts except where they are included as part of the cost of a product, good, or service provided (such as a meal as part of a conference). Gifts are subject to personnel policy limitations. IV. Purchasing Process The City of Monticello has a decentralized purchasing program where individual departments are responsible for making their own purchases. There are a few exceptions, including supplies maintained in the office supply closet, paper, stationery products, and modular furniture and chairs. Administrative assistants will assist staff members who need help with researching or purchasing items when staff is not familiar with the particular products. • Determine the need for commodities or services. • Research the cost of the purchase and determine proper purchasing alternative. • Determine the appropriate account coding and whether sufficient funds are available in that budget line item. • Forward request to department director or designee for approval. If the purchase exceeds $5,000, city administrator or finance director approval is required. If the purchase exceeds $10,000, city council approval is required. • Department director forwards request for payment with invoice to the finance department for approval and input into financial accounting system. • Finance produces claims roster for approval by city council. • Payment is made by the finance department. V. Purchasing Alternatives SEALED BIDS • A formal sealed bid procedure is required for all purchases in excess of $100,000 except for professional services. o For purchases estimated between $100,000 and $175,000, sealed bid procedures shall provide adequate time for solicitation of competitive bids, department outreach to potential vendors, and follow statutory notice requirements when feasible. o If the amount of the contract is estimated to exceed $175,000, sealed bids shall be solicited by public notice in the manner and subject to the requirements of the law governing contracts by the particular municipality or class thereof. • A published notice of bid is required in the official city newspaper at least ten days in advance of bid opening. The published notice must state where the plans and specifications can be obtained by bidders and specifically, where the bid opening will be held. The notice may also be published on the city's official web site; however, this publication is in addition to the official newspaper publication. • Preparation of all specifications, required authorization for all plans and specifications, and glIAE4 bid openings are to be administered by originating department. eFiginating depa FiMeRt • The city council must formally approval the bid contract. 31 Page City of Monticello Purchasing Policy Adopted 2015-10-26; Revised 2019-06-24; 2020-06-08 Changes that need to be made during construction need to be addressed and approved in a timely manner in order to keep the project on schedule. Any change order that exceeds 10% of the contract amount or exceeds $100,000 must be approved by the City Council. Change orders less than 10% or $100,000 can be made prior to Council approval by the City Engineer/Public Works Director, Finance Director, and City Administrator. In coordination with the Quick Reference Guide on page 1, change orders above $10,000 will be communicated to Council at the next reaularlv scheduled meetina. QUOTES If a purchase is estimated to exceed $1,000 but not to exceed $99,999, the purchase is to be made by direct negotiation based upon quotations. If a purchase is made in this range, staff members are required to obtain a minimum of two written quotes. If the quotes are not written, the requestor who received the verbal quote must document the quote in writing. All quotes for items over $2,500 must be forwarded to the finance department with the purchasing documents. If multiple quotes cannot be obtained, staff should note the reason(s) why on supporting information submitted to the finance department. All quotes will be recorded using a standardized Verbal/Written Quote Summary Sheet provided by the finance department. STATE, COUNTY, AND OTHER COOPERATIVE PURCHASING CONTRACTS The City of Monticello participates in the State of Minnesota Cooperative Purchasing Venture (CPV). This enables participants to buy goods and services at a reduced cost under the terms of contracts already negotiated by the State of Minnesota. Other statutorily -allowed purchasing cooperatives may also qualify. • Each department has access to the releases and listings of products/services that can be purchased on state contract. • If a product/service is available on a state contract, staff should inform the vendor the purchase will be made using that contract. When completing the purchasing paperwork, note the purchase is per state contract and indicate the contract number. • For a contract estimated to exceed $10,000, the purchaser must consider the availability, price, and quality of supplies, materials, or equipment available through the state's cooperative purchasing venture before purchasing through another source. This quote counts as one of the required three. • If a municipality does not utilize the state's cooperative purchasing venture, a municipality may contract for the purchase of supplies, materials, or equipment without regard to the competitive bidding requirements of this section if the purchase is through a national municipal association's purchasing alliance or cooperative created by a joint powers agreement that purchases items from more than one source on the basis of competitive bids or competitive quotations. • Staff reports and the Verbal/Written Quote Summary Sheet must note whether the state contract was checked. EMERGENCIES Emergency situations may arise where the normal purchasing process cannot be followed for the procurement of goods and services. An emergency means an unforeseen combination of circumstances that calls for immediate action to prevent a disaster from developing or occurring. Minnesota Statute §12.29 gives the mayor the authority to declare a local emergency for up to three days, which period may be extended by the city council. During such an emergency, if authorized by city council, the city is not required to use the typically mandated procedures for purchasing and contracts. During that time, the governing body may waive compliance with the prescribed purchasing guidelines, including compliance with Minnesota Statute §471.345, Uniform Municipal Contracting Law. 41 Page City of Monticello Purchasing Policy Adopted 2015-10-26; Revised 2019-06-24; 2020-06-08 Whenever possible the current purchasing policies and procedures should be followed even in an emergency. However, if an emergency has been declared and requires speedy action essential to the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the standard purchasing policies and procedures can be waived in accordance with Minnesota Statute §12.37. REQUESTS FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) RFPs may be used to solicit proposals for professional services. Typical information to address in RFPs includes: • Background and scope of the project The project's budget to ensure that the proposals stay within that range Proposal requirements should include adequate information to allow for proper review and evaluation including: o Description of firm and qualifications, including any specialized experience related to the project. o A list of similar projects that the firm has completed. o Project timetables including: estimate of hours, breakdown by hours by phase, and the city's expectation of a completion date. o Designation of a firm principal who will be in charge of the project. o Resumes for all staff who will work on the project. o Statement that either no subcontractors are allowed or that all subcontractors will be identified and are subject to the city's approval. o Estimate of cost to provide the service, outline of fee schedule and payment schedule o Description of city's selection process. o City's evaluation criteria, which typically may include: ■ Quality and thoroughness of the proposal ■ Similar past experience and/or experience ■ References ■ Cost estimate o The following statement must be included: "The city reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, waive all technicalities and accept any proposal deemed to be in the city's best interest." o Submittal deadline: date, time, project name, and addressee. o Statement: "Proposers are solely responsible for delivery of their proposals to the city before the deadline. Any proposal received after the deadline will not be considered and will be returned." o Information about where questions should be directed. Attach a copy of the proposed project agreement, including the city's insurance certificate. The agreement includes provisions to which the firm must agree, so it is important that they see it in advance. It is suggested that the RFP be submitted to the city attorney for review prior to distribution. LEASE PURCHASES Except for lease purchases requiring city council approval under section II above, all operating and capital lease agreements shall be reviewed by the finance department, city administrator and legal counsel prior to initiating a lease. Staff will conduct a lease versus buy analysis to determine the most cost-effective method. ONLINE PURCHASES 51 Page City of Monticello Purchasing Policy Adopted 2015-10-26; Revised 2019-06-24; 2020-06-08 The following guidelines are recommended for purchasing products over the internet: • Purchases should be made only from vendors that use secure servers for e-commerce. • Standard purchasing guidelines should be followed. LOCAL VENDORS If the local vendor's quote does not exceed the lowest non -local vendor's quote by more than 5%, the purchase may be made from the local vendor for purchases of less than $10,000. VL Payment The City of Monticello uses various processes when making payments for goods and services. STANDARD PURCHASE ORDERS Purchase orders are used only when required by the vendor to acknowledge the city's request for goods and services. A copy of the purchase order will be sent to the vendor when requested. • The purchase order number used will be a combination of the department and the sequence of orders issued for the year and month, e.g., the second purchase order for public works in July 2015 would be PW -2015-07-2. • Return an invoice for payment to the finance department when the purchase order is complete. CHECK REQUESTS The finance department policy is for bills to be paid on the claims list. For certain exceptions, requests for checks may be used under the following guidelines: • Requests for checks are for payments that need to be made prior to the claims list. Examples include discounts, avoiding late charges, or purchases requiring payment with an order. BLANKET PURCHASE ORDERS, CHARGE ACCOUNTS, AND HOUSE ACCOUNTS The city uses charge accounts and house accounts for frequently used vendors. This process requires submission of a receipt with an account code and department approval. All new open accounts must be authorized by the requesting department director and the finance department. INVOICES Department heads should submit invoices with an account code and department approval. If provided, packing lists should also be submitted with the invoice. Documentation must be returned to the finance department to be processed on the claims list. STATEMENTS The finance department tracks all statements — reviewing for old invoices or credits. All statements are to be mailed directly to the finance department. CREDIT CARDS The city will issue credit cards to certain individuals to allow for more efficient purchasing and to make purchases at businesses that no longer allow open accounts. The city has a separate Credit Card Policy for these transactions. Credit cards may be used for on-going payments on council approved contracts. ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER Electronic Funds Transfer may be required in some cases to complete a business transaction and is often used for recurring items such as tax withholding, PERA remittances, and utility bills. EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 61 Page City of Monticello Purchasing Policy Adopted 2015-10-26; Revised 2019-06-24; 2020-06-08 Completed within six months of incurrence, a properly authorized form is required for reimbursement to employees for city -related expenses. Mileage will be paid at the current IRS rate. All requests must contain proper account codes, department approval, and original receipts must be attached where applicable. Expenses will be reimbursed by check or Electronic Funds Transfer on the next claims roster. VII. Disposal of Surplus Property The city generally disposes of surplus equipment through public sale after city council approval. During the year, the city collects items to be sold at public auction and arranges for them to be transported to an auctioneer with a description and number of items to be sold. Staff may also use alternative sale methods, such as eBay, when warranted. The auction house will forward a tabulation of the bids received along with payment. The information is reviewed by the department director or assigned personnel and then the payment is forwarded to the finance department. When computer equipment has reached the end of its useful life, hard drives are destroyed and remaining pieces are recycled through a computer recycling vendor or disposed of as waste. VIII. Environmental Concerns Environmentally preferable products are goods and services with a lesser or reduced effect on human health and the environment compared to goods and services that serve the same purpose. The following is an overview of items that should be considered prior to making a purchase. Details relating to the items can be found at the Solid Waste Management Coordinating Board website at www.swmcb.orq. OFFICE PRODUCTS — GENERAL • Erasable boards — alternative to paper flip charts • Solar -powered calculators and other devices — eliminate the need for batteries • Refillable pens, pencils, and tape dispensers — eliminate waste • Reuse file folders and binders — applying new labels extends usefulness • Email — alternative to paper memorandums • Double -sided copies — reduce paper waste • Reusable kitchen dishware — reduce waste • Products in reusable, refillable, or returnable containers — containers may be sent back to the vendor for reuse COPY PAPER AND ENVELOPES • Recycled content — when possible, purchase 100% post -consumer paper • Chlorine -free paper - choose paper labeled as "Processed Chlorine -Free" (PCF) to reduce pollution • White and pastel paper — fluorescent and dark colors are harder to recycle OFFICE MACHINES • Printers — choose printers with duplex units to save paper • Printer toner cartridges — purchase remanufactured toner cartridges from supplies that will reuse spent cartridges • Color copies — produce only when necessary. Draft copies should not be in color. 71 Page City of Monticello Purchasing Policy Adopted 2015-10-26; Revised 2019-06-24; 2020-06-08 IX. Purchasing Policy Adoption As with all city-wide policies, the city council has the authority to review, adopt and modify the purchasing policy at its discretion. The city's personnel policy overrides the purchasing policy if a conflict between provisions arises. M: n City of Monticello Purchasing Policy Adopted 2015-10-26; Revised 2019-06-24; 2020-06-08 City Council Agenda: 6/08/2020 2H. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-46 approving the issuance of general obligation improvement bonds, series 2020A (SR) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The attached resolution authorizes the mayor and city administrator to approve the sale of $2,260,000 in bonds with a true interest cost not to exceed 3.0%. The bond issue proceeds will finance the 2020 street improvements. A reimbursement resolution (2019-90) for expenditures made in advance of the debt issuance was adopted by council at the 12/9/2019 meeting. Debt service payments will be made with a mix of property taxes and a special assessment. The first interest payment is due June 15, 2021 and the first principal (plus interest) payment is due December 15, 2021. The 2021 draft budget will include debt service on this issue. Total annual debt service is estimated at $250,000 for the 2020A bonds. Under $5 million, this debt issue qualifies for the small -issuer rebate exception for debt issued by the city in 2020. The small -issuer rebate exception allows the city to avoid costly future arbitrage rebate calculations associated with spend down requirement timelines. However, staff will carefully monitor the use of the bond proceeds and the balance in the debt service fund for arbitrage yield restriction requirements to ensure overall exception from arbitrage reporting. The city will secure the services of a pricing opinion provider to assess the competiveness of this negotiated bond sale. As in past bond issues, the approximate $2,000 cost of this service will be rolled into the bond issue. Al. Budget Impact: Detailed above. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Internal coordination of issuance - otherwise little to no impact on the staff. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to adopt Resolution 2020-46 approving the issuance of general obligation improvement bonds, series 2020A. 2. Motion to deny Resolution 2020-46 approving the issuance of general obligation improvement bonds, series 2020A. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City staff supports Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2020-46 B. Draft Finance Plan for 2020A Bonds CERTIFICATION OF MINUTES RELATING TO GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 2020A ISSUER: City of Monticello, Minnesota BODY: City Council KIND, DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF MEETING: A regular meeting held on Monday, June 8, 2020, at 6:30 p.m., in the City Offices MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Documents Attached: Extract of Minutes of RESOLUTIO GENERAL OBLIGATI NDS, SERIES 2020A I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting recording officer of the public corporation issuing the obligations referred to in the title of this certificate, certify that the documents attached hereto, as described above, have been carefully compared }nth the original records of said corporation in my legal custody, from which they have been transcribed; that said documents are a correct and complete transcript of the minutes of a meeting of the governing body of said corporate nd correct and complete cope of all resolutions and other actions taken and of all docum pproved by the governing b at said meeting, so far as they relate to said obligations; and that said meeting was duly hel the governing body at the time and place and was attended throughout by the members indicated above, pursuant to call and notice of such meeting given as required by law. WITNESS MY officiall s such recording officer on June 8, 2020. City Clerk EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, STATE OF MINNESOTA HELD: Monday, June 8, 2020 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Monticello, State of Minnesota, was duly held on Monday, June 8, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. Member adoption: introduced the following resolution and moved its RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 2020A BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (herein, the "City"), as follows: 1. The City Council hereby finds and declares that it is necessary and expedient for the City to sell and issue its fully registered general obligation bonds in the total aggregate principal amount not to exceed $2,500,000 (herein, the "Bonds"). The proceeds of the Bonds will be used to finance street improvements, and the costs of issuing the Bonds. 2. The City Council desires to proceed with the sale of the Bonds by direct negotiation with Northland Securities, Inc. (herein, "NSI"). NSI will purchase the Bonds in an arm's-length commercial transaction with the City. 3. The Mayor and City Administrator are hereby authorized to approve the sale of the Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $2,500,000 and to execute a bond purchase agreement for the purchase of the Bonds with NSI, provided the true interest cost is less than 3.000%. 4. Upon approval of the sale of the Bonds by the Mayor and the City Administrator, the City Council will take action at its next regularly scheduled or special meeting thereafter to adopt the necessary approving resolutions as prepared by the City's bond counsel. 5. NSI is authorized to prepare an Official Statement related to the sale of the Bonds. 6. If the Mayor and the City Administrator have not approved the sale of the bonds to NSI and executed the related bond purchase agreement by December 31, 2020, this resolution shall expire. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member , and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Finance Plan City of Monticello, Minnesota $2,260,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2020A June 8, 2020 NORTHLAND SECURITIES 150 South 5th Street, Suite 3300 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-851-5900 800-851-2920 www.northlandsecurities.com Member FINRA and SIPC I Registered with SEC and MSRB Contents ExecutiveSummary...........................................................................................................................................................1 IssueOverview....................................................................................................................................................................2 Purpose................................................................................................................................................................ 2 Authority............................................................................................................................................................. 2 Structure.............................................................................................................................................................. 2 Security and Source of Repayment........................................................................................................ 2 PlanRationale................................................................................................................................................... 3 IssuingProcess................................................................................................................................................. 3 Attachment 1- Preliminary Debt Service Schedule..........................................................................................4 Attachment2 -105% Levy Schedule......................................................................................................................... 5 Attachment 3 - Related Considerations..................................................................................................................6 BankQualification.................................................................................................................................. 6 ArbitrageCompliance...........................................................................................................................6 ContinuingDisclosure..........................................................................................................................6 Premiums.................................................................................................................................................... 6 Rating............................................................................................................................................................ 7 Attachment4 - Calendar of Events............................................................................................................................ 8 Attachment5 - Risk Factors........................................................................................................................................... 9 Northland Securities, Inc. Page 2 Executive Summary The following is a summary of the recommended terms for the issuance of $2,260,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2020A (the "Bonds' or "2020A Bonds"). Additional information on the proposed finance plan and issuing process can be found after the Executive Summary, in the Issue Overview and Attachment 3 - Related Considerations. Purpose Proceeds from the Bonds will be used to fund the City's 2020 street improvements. Security The Bonds will be a general obligation of the City. The City will pledge for payment of the Bonds: • Special assessments collected from benefitted properties. • Property tax levies. Repayment Term The Bonds will mature annually each December 15 in the years 2021 - 2030. Interest on the Bonds will be payable on June 15, 2021 and semiannually thereafter on each December 15 and June 15. Estimated Interest Rate Average coupon: 1.41% True interest cost (TIC): 1.68% Prepayment Option Bonds maturing on and after December 15, 2029 will be subject to redemption on December 15, 2028 and any day thereafter at a price of par plus accrued interest. Rating A rating will be requested from Moody's Investors Service (Moody's). The City's general obligation debt is currently rated "Al" by Moody's. Tax Status The Bonds will be tax-exempt, bank qualified obligations. Risk Factors There are certain risks associated with all debt. Risk factors related to the Bonds are discussed in Attachment 5. Type of Bond Sale Negotiated Sale Pricing Date Thursday, August 6, 2020 Council Consideration Monday, August 10, 2020 Northland Securities, Inc. Page 1 Issue Overview Purpose Proceeds from the Bonds will be used to fund street improvements. The Bonds have been sized based on estimated provided by the City on May 13, 2020. The table below contains the sources and uses of funds for the bond issue. Sources Of Funds Par Amount of Bonds $2,260,000.00 Total Sources Uses Of Funds $2,260,000.00 Total Underwriter's Discount (1.500%) 33,900.00 Costs of Issuance 24,850.00 Deposit to Project Construction Fund 2,200,000.00 Rounding Amount 1,250.00 Total Uses Authority $2,260,000.00 The Bonds will be issued pursuant to the authority of Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 475 and 429. Under Chapter 429, an Improvement means any type of improvement made under authority granted by section 429.021, which includes, but is not limited to, improvements to streets and sidewalks, storm and sanitary sewer systems, and street lighting systems. Before issuing bonds under Chapter 429, the City must hold a public hearing on the Improvements and the proposed bonds, and must then pass a resolution ordering the improvements by at least a 4/5 majority. Structure The Bonds have been structured to result in relatively level annual debt service payments over the ten-year life of the Bonds. The proposed structure for the bond issue and preliminary debt service projections are illustrated in Attachment 1. Security and Source of Repayment The Bonds will be general obligations of the City. The finance plan relies on the following assumptions for the revenues used to pay debt service, as provided by City staff: Special Assessments. The City is expected to levy special assessments against benefited properties in the amount of $1,019,900 (Engineer's estimate as of May 13, 2020). The assessments will be payable over 10 years, with an interest rate of 1.50% over the True Interest Cost on the Bonds (currently assumed to be 3.25%), and structured for level annual payments of principal. The assessments will be levied in 2020 for initial payment in 2021. Property Taxes. The remaining revenues needed to pay debt service on the Bonds are expected to come from property tax levies. The initial projections show an annual tax levy, averaging $136,608 annually, is needed, which includes the statutory requirement of 105% of debt service, after accounting for assessments. The levy will be adjusted annually based on actual special assessment collections and additional monies in the debt service fund. The initial tax levy will be made in 2020 for taxes payable in 2021. The table in Attachment 2 shows the estimated flow of funds, including the 5% overlevy. Northland Securities, Inc. Page 2 Plan Rationale The Finance Plan recommended in this report is based on a variety of factors and information provided by the City related to the financed project and City objectives, Northland's knowledge of the City and our experience in working with similar cities and projects. The issuance of General Obligation Improvement Bonds provides the best means of achieving the City's objectives and cost effective financing. The City has successfully issued and managed this type of debt for previous projects. COVID-19 is having a significant impact on the municipal bond market. The Finance Plan is based on preliminary rates as of May 15, 2020. Due to the volatility in the bond market, the final pricing of the Bonds may vary from the Finance Plan more significantly than what Northland would anticipate in less volatile times. Issuing Process The City has engaged Northland to act as underwriter for the Bonds pursuant to federal securities regulations. Northland will purchase the Bonds in an "arms length" negotiated sale. The City has chosen this approach for a variety of reasons, including flexibility in timing, ability of the underwriter to explain the Bonds to investors and cultivate investor interest in the issue in advance of the sale, certainty of underwriting commitment and transparency of pricing process. The calendar of events for the issuing process can be found in Attachment 4. In authorizing the issuance, the City Council will adopt a trigger (parameters) resolution. The resolution authorizes the Mayor and the City Administrator to execute a bond purchase agreement when the True Interest Cost of the Bonds is less than 3.0%. The bond purchase agreement will be ratified by the City Council at its next meeting following the execution of the bond purchase agreement. This approach gives the City greater flexibility in selling the Bonds when market conditions produce the desired results, rather than accepting the conditions that exist on a specific Council meeting date. Underwriter: Northland Securities, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota Bond Counsel: Kennedy & Graven Chartered, Minneapolis, Minnesota Paying Agent: U.S. Bank, National Association, St. Paul, Minnesota Northland Securities, Inc. Page 3 Attachment 1- Preliminary Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P+I Fiscal Total 09/09/2020 - - 06/15/2021 - - 22,499.75 22,499.75 - 12/15/2021 210,000.00 0.950% 14,673.75 224,673.75 247,173.50 06/15/2022 - - 13,676.25 13,676.25 - 12/15/2022 220,000.00 1.000% 13,676.25 233,676.25 247,352.50 06/15/2023 - - 12,576.25 12,576.25 - 12/15/2023 220,000.00 1.100% 12,576.25 232,576.25 245,152.50 06/15/2024 - - 11,366.25 11,366.25 - 12/15/2024 220,000.00 1.150% 11,366.25 231,366.25 242,732.50 06/15/2025 - - 10,101.25 10,101.25 - 12/15/2025 225,000.00 1.250% 10,101.25 235,101.25 245,202.50 06/15/2026 - - 8,695.00 8,695.00 - 12/15/2026 225,000.00 1.300% 8,695.00 233,695.00 242,390.00 06/15/2027 - - 7,232.50 7,232.50 - 12/15/2027 230,000.00 1.400% 7,232.50 237,232.50 244,465.00 06/15/2028 - - 5,622.50 5,622.50 - 12/15/2028 235,000.00 1.500% 5,622.50 240,622.50 246,245.00 06/15/2029 - - 3,860.00 3,860.00 - 12/15/2029 235,000.00 1.600% 3,860.00 238,860.00 242,720.00 06/15/2030 - - 1,980.00 1,980.00 - 12/15/2030 240,000.00 1.650% 1,980.00 241,980.00 243,960.00 Total $2,260,000.00 - $187,393.50 $2,447,393.50 - Date And Term Structure Dated Delivery Date 9/09/2020 First available call date 12/15/2028 Yield Statistics Bond ear Dollars $13,272.67 Average Life 5.873 Years Average Coupon 1.4118753% Net Interest Cost (NIC) 1.6672874% st Northland Securities, Inc. Page 4 Attachment 2 -105% Levy Schedule Less: Equals: Special Assessment City Net Date Total P+I 105% Levy Revenue* Levy Levy Year Collection Year 12/15/2021 247,173.50 259,532.18 136,609.94 122,922.24 2020 2021 12/15/2022 247,352.50 259,720.13 131,822.08 127,898.05 2021 2022 12/15/2023 245,152.50 257,410.13 128,507.40 128,902.73 2022 2023 12/15/2024 242,732.50 254,869.13 125,192.72 129,676.41 2023 2024 12/15/2025 245,202.50 257,462.63 121,878.06 135,584.57 2024 2025 12/15/2026 242,390.00 254,509.50 118,563.38 135,946.12 2025 2026 12/15/2027 244,465.00 256,688.25 115,248.70 141,439.55 2026 2027 12/15/2028 246,245.00 258,557.25 111,934.02 146,623.23 2027 2028 12/15/2029 242,720.00 254,856.00 108,619.36 146,236.64 2028 2029 12/15/2030 243,960.00 256,158.00 105,304.68 150,853.32 2029 2030 Total $2,447,393.50 $2,569,763.18 $1,203,680.34 $1,366,082.84 *Assumes $1,019,900 in principal spread in even annual principal amounts for a term of 10 years with an interest rate of 3.25% (1.50% over True Interest Cost rounded). Northland Securities, Inc. Page 5 Attachment 3 - Related Considerations Bank Qualification We understand the City (in combination with any subordinate taxing jurisdictions or debt issued in the City's name by 501(c)3 corporations) anticipates issuing $10,000,000 or less in tax-exempt debt during this calendar year. Therefore, the Bonds will be designated as "bank qualified" obligations pursuant to Federal Tax Law. Arbitrage Compliance The Bonds are expected to qualify for the "small issuer" exemption related to arbitrage rebate. The City should become familiar with the various Arbitrage Compliance requirements for this bond issue. The Resolution for the Bonds prepared by Bond Counsel explains the requirements in greater detail. Continuing Disclosure Type: Full Dissemination Agent: Northland Securities The requirements for continuing disclosure are governed by SEC Rule 15c2-12. The primary requirements of Rule 15c2-12 actually fall on underwriters. The Rule sets forth due diligence needed prior to the underwriter's purchase of municipal securities. Part of this requirement is obtaining commitment from the issuer to provide continuing disclosure. The document describing the continuing disclosure commitments (the "Undertaking") is contained in the Official Statement that will be prepared to offer the Bonds to investors. The City has more than $10,000,000 of outstanding debt and is required to undertake "full" continuing disclosure. Full disclosure requires annual posting of the audit and a separate continuing disclosure report, as well as the reporting of certain "material events." Material events set forth in the Rule, including, but not limited to, bond rating changes, call notices, and issuance of "financial obligations" (such as PFA loans, leases, or bank placements) must be reported within ten business days of occurrence. The report contains annual financial information and operating data that "mirrors" material information presented in the Official Statement. The specific contents of the annual report will be described in the Undertaking that appears in the appendix of the Official Statement. Northland currently serves as dissemination agent for the City, assisting with the annual reporting. The information for the Bonds will be incorporated into our reporting. Premiums In the current market environment, it is likely that the proposed pricing will include premiums. A premium price occurs when the underwriter pays the City an amount in excess of the par amount of a maturity in exchange for a higher coupon (interest rate). The use of premiums reflects the underwriter's view on future market conditions, tax considerations for investors and other factors. Ultimately, the true interest cost calculation ("TIC") will indicate the overall cost to the City, regardless of premium. A premium price produces additional funds that can be used in several ways: • The premium means that the City needs less bond proceeds and can reduce the size of the issue by the amount of the premium. • The premium can be deposited in the Construction Fund and used to pay additional project costs, rather than used to reduce the size of the issue. Northland Securities, Inc. Page 6 The premium can be deposited in the Debt Service Fund and used to pay principal and interest. Northland will work with City staff prior to the day of pricing to determine use of premium (if any). Rating A rating will be requested from Moody's Investors Service (Moody's). The City's general obligation debt is currently rated "Al" by Moody's. The rating process will include a conference call with the rating analyst. Northland will assist City staff in preparing for and conducting the rating call. Northland Securities, Inc. Page 7 Attachment 4 - Calendar of Events Date Action 'IRWAO 2020 City to confirm final bonding amount City June 1 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat City Council Action, Northland, Bond 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 281 29 30 1 261 271 28 R I I I September 9 �- I I Date Action August 2020 City to confirm final bonding amount City June 1 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat City Council Action, Northland, Bond 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 241 25 1 261 271 28 29 30 31 September 9 Closing on the Bonds (Proceeds available) Northland, City Staff, Bond Counsel Date Action September l� City to confirm final bonding amount City June 1 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat City Council Action, Northland, Bond 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Counsel September 9 Closing on the Bonds (Proceeds available) Northland, City Staff, Bond Counsel Date Action September 2020 City to confirm final bonding amount City June 1 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat City Council Action, Northland, Bond 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Authorizing Resolution Adopted - 6:30 p.m. Northland, Bond Counsel September 9 Closing on the Bonds (Proceeds available) Northland, City Staff, Bond Counsel Date Action Responsible Party May 15 City to confirm final bonding amount City June 1 Trigger Resolution Sent to City for Council Packets Northland, Bond Finance Plan Sent to the City Counsel June 8 Trigger Resolution for Bonds Adopted City Council Action, Northland, Bond Counsel June 22 Preliminary Official Statement Sent to City for Sign Off Northland, City and to Rating Agency Week of July 6 Rating Conference Call Northland, City, Ratin Agency July 24 Rating Received Rating Agency, City, Northland August 6 Bond Pricing Northland, City Bond Purchase Contract Signed City Council Action, August 10 Authorizing Resolution Adopted - 6:30 p.m. Northland, Bond Counsel September 9 Closing on the Bonds (Proceeds available) Northland, City Staff, Bond Counsel Northland Securities, Inc. Page 8 Attachment 5 - Risk Factors Property Taxes: Property tax levies shown in this Finance Plan are based on projected debt service and other revenues. Final levies will be set based on the results of sale. Levies should be reviewed annually and adjusted as needed. The debt service levy must be included in the preliminary levy for annual Truth in Taxation hearings. Future Legislative changes in the property tax system, including the imposition of levy limits and changes in calculation of property values, would affect plans for payment of debt service. Delinquent payment of property taxes would reduce revenues available to pay debt service. Special Assessments: Special assessments for the financed project have not been levied at this time. This Finance Plan is based on the assumptions listed earlier in this report. Changes in the terms and timing for the actual assessments will alter the projected flow of funds for payment of debt service on the Bonds. Also, special assessments may be prepaid. It is likely that the income earned on the investment of prepaid assessments will be less than the interest paid if the assessments remained outstanding. Delinquencies in assessment collections would reduce revenues needed to pay debt service. The collection of deferred assessments (if any) have not been included in the revenue projections. Projected assessment income should be reviewed annually and adjusted as needed. General: In addition to the risks described above, there are certain general risks associated with the issuance of bonds. These risks include, but are not limited to: • Failure to comply with covenants in bond resolution. • Failure to comply with Undertaking for continuing disclosure. • Failure to comply with IRS regulations, including regulations related to use of the proceeds and arbitrage/ rebate. The IRS regulations govern the ability of the City to issue its bonds as tax-exempt securities and failure to comply with the IRS regulations may lead to loss of tax - exemption. Northland Securities, Inc. Page 9 2I. A. City Council Agenda: 6/08/2020 Consideration of approving pathway micro surfacing improvements in Groveland Addition (TP, ML) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Monticello Parks Department is recommending trail maintenance to be completed within the Groveland Addition. The project will include crack filling, infrared patching and installation of micro -surfacing. The proposed pathway project segments total approximately 134,976 feet of micro -surfacing. Staff has included a map of the project area and specifications to complete the trail maintenance under supporting data. Staff posted an RFP for three weeks and obtained one proposal from MP Asphalt totaling $38,000. Staff is recommending the proposal from MP Asphalt to complete the crack filling, infrared patching and installation of micro -surfacing. Staff did get a quote from MP Asphalt to reconstruct a trail segment that is located on a dead-end spur in the Groveland addition for a sum of $54,000. However, the current Parks Budget doesn't support the trail reconstruction work. Park staff is proposing to work with the Street Department to reconstruct 1,000 feet of the trail with the remainder of the Parks & Pathway Budget. The Parks Department has inspected and rated the city's pathway system annually since 2009, and has developed a program to track, manage and perform maintenance of the pathway system. The city currently has 24 miles of pathways and approximately ten miles of pathways are plowed each year. Parks has used the PASER method to inspect and rate the pathways. The trails currently have an overall PASER rating of 7.2 which falls in the good category. The PASER rating is as follows: Quality Rating Treatment (Asphalt) Excellent 9-10 No maintenance required Good 7-8 Crack sealing and minor patching Fair 5-6 Preservation treatments (non-structural) Poor 3-4 Structural renewal (overlay) Failed 1-2 Reconstruction In addition the Parks Department also considers the following items: • Pavement structure condition and age. • Drainage issues. • Constructability of maintenance method. • Consideration for pathways that are plowed versus non -plowed. • Frequency of use. The project is anticipated to be completed in June -August. The micro -surfacing product will be applied when temperatures are a minimum 70 degrees as specified. Al. Budget Impact: Approximately $50,000 was budgeted in the General Fund for trail maintenance in 2020. The contractor's proposal is for crack filling, infrared patching and installation of micro -surfacing product for a sum of $38,000. The remaining pathway budget of $12,000 will be used to purchase asphalt needed to complete an overlay with public works staff. City Council Agenda: 6/08/2020 A2. Staff Workload Impact: Department staff time will be utilized to manage the project and pedestrian traffic control. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to accept quote from MP Asphalt Contractors, Inc. for pathway micro - surfacing improvements in the Groveland Development for a total project cost of $38,000, and to authorize staff to utilize the remaining $12,000 to purchase asphalt needed for an overlay. 2. Motion to deny pathway maintenance and improvements at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Pathway Map B. Specifications C. Quote from MP Asphalt `\ CfVltl11J9W r GOLF COURSE RD 5 Y `2 Fv flk0 OVj. S RiyERST ���` \� a rNyw Sr N, 3 h E m = V NS £ 2020 PROPOSED PATHWAY ° \ MICROSEAL, wqr FOG SEAL AND I 25 �F " --------1 --- RECONSTRUCT h�<51 188 gE(SEq flD 4y / �� Hf4l _ I \� 9� gflKA L 3 5 6HFry O O��p = O° pOµDR m ry O,Yr� CIR RK NNzea r °oo THOMas RAIII TH O 9 tls °N a LEGEND MERENNAR '�. Q6D' 0 CT jON E" 2,216' SAVANNAH AVE 110 ELSEA RDE Reconstruct Surface ao wINpEMER Fog Seal ONLY WOOD 1,863' s°o b ('REITCT ✓N. 4,RS m i p0' 11-HEA S pPP F Microsurface(crackflu&patch) QP�G� 9/PS iN ° DUNDASRD 635' I 7— OM EITEAD CII DEEGAN CT N 66TONERIp.. C OQOY" HAVWARO CTS ) STONERIDGE CT PyO 2,818' 1 GOLDENiAGLE CT GOLDEN EAGLE LN STONERIDGE 10 HEATS c 11 EAGLE NEST LN 1020304 EAGLERIDGELN z 1CHOOLBLVD 71%14 H3TALON CT ARMSTEADDfl ONERIDGE EATSCOUNTRY-" r CIR SPO oo Prepared By: City of Monticello Office of Public Works 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 Tom Pawelk Park Superintendent Matt Leonard City Engineer Public Works Director Phone: 763-295-3170 Fax: 763-271-3272 Website: www.ci.monticello.mn.us CITY OF MONTICELLO SPECIFICATIONS FOR TRAIL PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO MINNESOTA MAY 8, 2020 DESCRIPTION OF WORK SUMMARY This project consists of trail pavement rehabilitation intended to improve the serviceability and ride quality of the shared multi -use paved trail within the southwest quadrant of the City of Monticello. (see enclosed map of the project area). The trail segments identified for work have experienced surface deficiencies primarily in the form of surface cracking minor to major raveling. The trail pavement will require crack filing, asphalt removal and patching or infrared patching, tree root cutting/barrier and micro surfacing treatment installation. Bidders are encouraged to visit the site along with City staff to fully understand all of the project components. A lump sum breakdown including the unit prices for crack filling, asphalt patch, micro surfacing, fog sealing, tree root cutting, root barrier and pavement reconstruct work shall be provided along with the bid. The trail segment is a component of the City of Monticello paved trail system, a heavily -used route for trail users of all recreation types: walking/hiking/running, dog -walking, biking, rollerblading, commuting, and roller skiing. For these reasons, the Contractor must pay careful attention to the requirements for safety, maintenance of traffic, and approved work times, as referenced throughout the Contract Documents. To maintain heavy trail traffic during the summer months, the Contractor will be required to place micro surfacing in specific trail Segments, allowing trail to fully dry prior to moving onto next Segment. The contractor shall only close the trail segment that is actively being worked on. No contractor or subcontractor shall commence work under this contract until he has obtained at his own cost and expense all insurance required by this article, such insurance to be ap- proved by the owner and maintained by the contractor until final completion of the work. Completed operations insurance shall also be maintained by the contractor for a period of one (1) year after final completion date. The contractor shall take out and maintain for the duration of this contract statu- tory workmen's compensation insurance and employer's liability insurance as shall be required under the laws of the state of Minnesota. A. Workmen's Compensation Insurance The contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this contract such - public liability and property damage insurance as shall protect him from all claims for bodily injury, including accidental death, as well as from all claims for property damage arising from operations under this contract. The minimum limits which are required are: Public Liability, $1,000,000 per each occurrence, General Aggregate, $1,000,000, and Worker's Compensation, $100,000 (employer's liability limit). Such policy shall include coverage for: C:\USERS\JENNIFER.BURROWS\APPDATA\LOCAL\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\INETCACHE\CONTENT.OUTLOOK\4HYUK2V2\SPECIFICATIONS - PATHWAY MIRCOSURFACING 2020 PROJECT.DOCX Page 1 (a) Injury to or destruction of any property arising out of the collapse of or structural injury to any building or structure due: i. to grading of land, excavation, borrowing, filling, backfilling, tunneling, pile driving, coffer -dame work, or caisson work, or ii. to moving, shoring, underpinning, raising, or demoli- tion of any building or structure or removal or rebuilding of any structural support thereof. (b) Injury to or destruction of wires, conduits, pipes, mains, sewers, tanks, tunnels, any similar property, and any apparatus in connection therewith, beneath the surface of the ground or water, caused by and occurring during the use of mechanical equipment for the purpose of grading land, paving, excavating, drilling, borrowing, filling, backfilling, or pile driving or injury to or destruction of property at any time resulting therefrom. (c) Injury to or destruction of any property arising out of blasting or explosion. 2. Automobile Insurance The contractor shall carry automobile insurance on all automotive equip- ment owned, rented, or borrowed in the minimum amount of $500,000 combined single limit. 3. Contractual Liability Insurance The contractor agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the owner, the engi- neer, and their agents from every claim, action, cause of action, liability, damage, expense, or payment incurred by reasons of any bodily injury in- cluding death or property damage resulting from the contractor's operations on this project. 4. Owner's Protective Liability and Property Damage Insurance The contractor shall provide owner's protective liability and property damage insurance in the name of the owner and the engineer insuring against bodily injury and property damage liability in the limits set forth above for which they may become legally obligated to pay as damages sustained by any per- sons caused by accident and arising out of operations performed for the named insured by independent contractors and general supervision thereof. C. Builder's Risk --Fire and Extended Coverage Insurance If the nature of the entire installation or portion thereof is such that it is insurable against the perils of fire, extended coverage, vandalism, and malicious mischief, such insurance shall be procured and maintained by the contractor in behalf of himself, the owner, and his subcontractors on a complete value form. Insurance certificates evidencing that the above insurance is in force with compa- nies acceptable to the owner and in the amounts required shall be submitted to the owner for examination and approved concurrently with the execution of the contract, after which they shall be filed with the owner. In addition to the normal information provided on the insurance certificates, they shall specifically provide that: C:\USERS\JENNIFER.BURROWS\APPDATA\LOCAL\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\INETCACHE\CONTENT.OUTLOOK\4HYUK2V2\SPECIFICATIONS - PATHWAY MIRCOSURFACING 2020 PROJECT.DOCX Page 2 1. A certificate will not be modified except upon ten days' prior writ- ten notice to the owner; 2. Coverage is included for blasting, collapse, and underground haz- ards; and 3. The contractual liability hazard has been insured. The contractor shall submit to the City a schedule of the intended closure dates of the trail segments one week prior to commencing work to allow the City to properly notify the public. The contractor shall not change the dates of closure once submitted (excluding delays due to weather related events). The contractor shall install temporary construction signage as necessary and as determined by the City. No substitutions will be allowed. PRESERVATION OF EXISTING FEATURES The Contractor shall minimize disruption and damages to existing Project Site features, including but not limited to lawns, trees, existing topography, pavements, and curbing. All construction access and traffic shall be confined to the routes indicated on the Drawings or by the project Engineer. Any damages to Project Site features outside the specified routes shall be repaired and restored by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the City of Monticello at no cost to the City of Monticello. The Contractor and City of Monticello shall create a photo inventory of pre -construction conditions of the Project Site for later use in determination of changed conditions. END OF SECTION C:\USERS\JENNIFER.BURROWS\APPDATA\LOCAL\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\INETCACHE\CONTENT.OUTLOOK\4HYUK2V2\SPECIFICATIONS - PATHWAY MIRCOSURFACING 2020 PROJECT.DOCX Page 3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 32 2350 CLEAN AND PREPARE TRAIL SURFACE PART 1 — GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section includes thorough preparation of the existing bituminous surface to promote the successful coverage of micro -surfacing or sealcoating operations. 1.2 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. Measurement shall be by lump sum for all work described herein or as required by the Contract Documents. No additional measurement shall be made for items associated with the successful execution of the Work, including but not limited to labor, equipment, and materials. 1.3 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Work shall be performed only when the following conditions are present: 1. Rain is not forecasted in the next 24 hours. B. Work shall be performed Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, during the hours of 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM, unless otherwise approved by the Owner. C. Contractor shall notify the Owner not less than 2 days prior to commencing work activities, excluding weekends and holidays. D. Prior to commencing work, the Contractor shall demonstrate compliance to the following requirements, to the satisfaction of the Owner: 1. Safety: a. Refer to the conditions of the Proposal Form. b. Contractor use of Owner -furnished products or materials shall not relieve the Contractor of any requirements and responsibili- ties for safety on the project. 2. Maintenance of Traffic: a. All trails shall remain CLOSED to public use during the work, un- less otherwise approved by the Owner Representative. 3. Timing of work: a. Shall be carefully planned to coordinate with subsequent work activities. C:\USERS\JENNIFER.BURROWS\APPDATA\LOCAL\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\INETCACHE\CONTENT.OUTLOOK\4HYUK2V2\SPECIFICATIONS - PATHWAY MIRCOSURFACING 2020 PROJECT.DOCX Page 4 PART 2 — PRODUCTS 2.1 TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES A. Conform to devices prescribed by the MMUTCD, or approved equal. B. Survey ribbon, lathe, or rope shall not be acceptable traffic control devices. C. Acceptable traffic control devices include MUTCD sign panels installed on Type III barricades and/or portable fencing panels, and approved equals. D. Provide traffic control devices as shown in the plan. Relocate devices during performance of the work, as needed. 2.2 EQUIPMENT A. All equipment shall be appropriately sized and suitable for use on paved trails. B. All propelled equipment shall be rubber -tired. C. Audible and/or visual devices shall be installed on equipment, as appropriate, to provide advance warning to trail users. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. The Contractor shall coordinate a site meeting with the Owner Representative prior to commencing construction activities to generally review the scope of work and to ensure that the requirements of Part 1.3.D are acceptable. B. Receive approval to proceed from Owners Representative. 3.2 PERFORMANCE A. Using a string trimmer, edger, or similar, remove all encroaching vegetation from the trail edge, exposing the edge. B. Using a string trimmer, heat lance, or pick, remove all vegetation from cracks on the trail surface. C. Using a flat shovel or similar, remove all accumulated and/or embedded dirt and debris from relative low points, depressions, and poorly drained areas. D. Using a walk -behind blower, power broom, or similar, remove all dirt, dust, and debris from the trail surface, across its full width, ensuring that the surface will remain clean until subsequent work activities commence. 3.3 CLEAN UP AND DISPOSAL A. Remove and properly dispose of all work-related debris off site in accordance with local and state regulations. END OF SECTION C:\USERS\JENNIFER.BURROWS\APPDATA\LOCAL\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\INETCACHE\CONTENT.OUTLOOK\4HYUK2V2\SPECIFICATIONS - PATHWAY MIRCOSURFACING 2020 PROJECT.DOCX Page 5 SECTION 32 2354 MICRO -SURFACING PART 1 —GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This section covers the furnishing of all labor, materials, tools, equipment and performance of all work and services necessary or incidental to construct micro - surfacing on a prepared pavement. 1.2 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 2018 Mn/DOT Specification Section 2354, MICRO -SURFACING, shall apply except as modified herein. 1.3 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. Measurement shall be by project square yard for all work described herein or as required by the Contract Documents. No additional measurement shall be made for items associated with the successful execution of the Work, including but not limited to labor, equipment, and materials. B. Payment shall be in the amount of the contract unit price, per the conditions of the Contract Documents. C. Bituminous material for fog seal, where applicable, shall be considered incidental to the contract. 1.4 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Work shall be performed only when the following conditions are present: 1. Air and surface temperature exceed 50 degrees F, and 2. Relative humidity is less than 60%, and 3. Rain has not fallen in the past 8 hours and 4. Rain is not forecasted in the next 24 hours, and 5. Next day high temperature forecast exceeds 50 degrees F. B. Placement of the product shall be performed Monday through Thursday, exclud- ing holidays, during the hours of 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM, unless otherwise ap- proved by the Owner. C. All Trails shall be open to the public Friday - Sunday D. Contractor shall notify the Owner not less than 2 days prior to commencing work activities, excluding weekends and holidays, such that the Owner can provide adequate advanced trail closure notice to staff and public. E. Prior to commencing work, the Contractor shall demonstrate compliance to the following requirements, to the satisfaction of the Owner: 1. Safety: a. Refer to the conditions of the Proposal Form. b. Contractor use of Owner -furnished products or materials shall not relieve the Contractor of any requirements and responsibili- ties for safety on the project. 2. Maintenance of Traffic: a. The Contractor shall CLOSE the paved trail to public use for the duration of the work, including curing and drying of the product, as shown in the drawings. b. Coordinate all traffic control and closures with the Owner Repre- sentative. C:\USERS\JENNIFER.BURROWS\APPDATA\LOCAL\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\INETCACHE\CONTENT.OUTLOOK\4HYUK2V2\SPECIFICATIONS - PATHWAY MIRCOSURFACING 2020 PROJECT.DOCX Page 6 C. All turf trails shall remain open to public use throughout the du- ration of the work, unless otherwise approved by the Owners Representative. The Contractor shall maintain traffic through the turf trail segment crossings depicted on the Drawings. d. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing means and methods for traffic maintenance that are acceptable to the Owner Representative. 3. Work Hours: a. Shall be carefully planned to optimize favorable weather condi- tions necessary for drying and curing of the product, and shall conform to the conditions of Parts 1.4.A through 1.4.C. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PRODUCTS A. Micro -surfacing: Provide a micro -surface complying with Mn/DOT Specification Section 2354. The micro -surface type shall be Surface Course utilizing Type 1 aggregate gradation per Mn/DOT Specification Section 3139.5. Under this con- tract, the contractor shall not be obligated to apply either Rut Fill or Scratch Course Micro -surfacing. A Job Mix Formula (JMF) complying with Mn/DOT Spec- ification Section 2354.2E shall be provided with the contractor's bid. B. Acrylic Adhesion Promoter or Bituminous Tack Coat: Use product approved by the asphalt emulsion product manufacturer if required by the Micro -surfacing JMF in heavily shaded areas. 2.2 AGGREGATE MATERIALS A. Aggregate shall consist of a durable manufactured sand, crushed stone or fines, or a combination thereof. The material shall not exceed 7% moisture content and shall be free of all plant or organic matter or debris. Aggregate shall comply with Mn/DOT Specification Section 3139.5. B. Aggregate gradation shall comply with Mn/DOT Specification Section 3139.5.B Type 1. C. Aggregate mixture rate shall be provided with JMF. 2.3 EQUIPMENT A. Distributor vehicle shall be self-propelled, rubber -tired, suitable for trail use, and capable of applying the product across the full width of the trail in a single pass. B. Distributor vehicle tank capacity shall not exceed 500 gallons. Not greater than 300 gallons of product shall be present in the tank at any time. C. Feeder vehicle shall be properly sized and loaded to travel to designated access points without risking damage to park infrastructure. 2.4 TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES A. Conform to devices prescribed by the MMUTCD, or approved equal. B. Survey ribbon, lathe, or rope shall not be acceptable traffic control devices. C. Acceptable traffic control devices include MUTCD sign panels installed on Type III barricades and/or portable fencing panels, or approved equals. C:\USERS\JENNIFER.BURROWS\APPDATA\LOCAL\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\INETCACHE\CONTENT.OUTLOOK\4HYUK2V2\SPECIFICATIONS - PATHWAY MIRCOSURFACING 2020 PROJECT.DOCX Page 7 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. The Contractor shall coordinate a site meeting with the Owners Representative prior to commencing construction activities to generally review the scope of work and to ensure that the requirements of Part 1.4.D are acceptable. B. Conduct work only if the surface has been cleaned and prepared per Section 32 2350 - CLEAN AND PREPARE TRAIL SURFACE. C. The Owner may replace the Test Strip requirement (MN/DOT spec 2354.3B.4) for Phase 1, Day 1 construction. D. Receive approval to proceed from Owners Representative prior to commencing parts 3.2 through 3.4. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Apply Acrylic Adhesion Promoter or Bituminous Tack Coat to all heavily shaded areas and as shown on the plans or as directed by the Owners Representative if required by the Micro -surfacing IMF. Install per manufacturer's recommendations. B. The owner may waive MN/DOT specification 2354.3B.6 - Fog seal requirement if the IMF specifically states to apply product to an untreated asphalt surface. 3.3 PERFORMANCE A. Conduct work in phases to meet the requirements of Part 1.4.E.2. Install ap- propriate traffic control devices and move the devices as necessary during each phase. B. Apply a uniform coat of Micro -surface to the full trail width. Do not allow product to spill over the trail edge or to pool on the trail surface. C. Minimum coverage rate of Micro -surface shall be 0.50 gallons per square yard. Coverage rate shall be achieved with a minimum of two coats. D. Speed of distribution vehicle shall be sufficiently slow, to ensure optimal adhe- sion of the product. E. Finished surface of Micro -surface shall be smooth and free from defects caused during installation of material. Defects include, but are not limited to, ridges in surface, scratching of surface, squeegee marks, or contamination of material during placement. All defects shall be promptly corrected utilizing a squeegee to the satisfaction of the owner. F. Traffic control devices shall remain in-place until the finished surface has fully cured, dried, and can be opened to traffic without risk of damage to the work. G. A one year warranty will be provided to the Owner. Defective work will be cor- rected within the warranty period. 3.4 CLEAN UP AND DISPOSAL A. In the event of overspill of the product during installation, confine the product to the trail shoulder and prevent any flow towards surface waters or wetlands. Allow product to dry, and then return to clean up and dispose of the product. Overspill material shall be considered excess product. No compensation shall be made for overspill material. B. In the event of pooling of the product during installation, use a squeegee or similar to spread the product uniformly across the surrounding trail surface, provided that the resultant product thickness will cure and dry at the same rate as surrounding areas. If the resultant product thickness will not cure and dry at a reasonable rate, or at the direction of the Owner Representative, spread the product off of the trail edge, and treat it as overspill material. C:\USERS\JENNIFER.BURROWS\APPDATA\LOCAL\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\INETCACHE\CONTENT.OUTLOOK\4HYUK2V2\SPECIFICATIONS - PATHWAY MIRCOSURFACING 2020 PROJECT.DOCX Page 8 C. Remove and properly dispose of all work-related debris and excess product off site in accordance with local and state regulations. D. Material beyond the edge of paved trail must be allowed to cure and dry, and then be cleanly detached from the adjacent pavement surface and properly disposed of off-site. END OF SECTION C:\USERS\JENNIFER.BURROWS\APPDATA\LOCAL\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\INETCACHE\CONTENT.OUTLOOK\4HYUK2V2\SPECIFICATIONS - PATHWAY MIRCOSURFACING 2020 PROJECT.DOCX Page 9 NOW. p 1. REFER TO TECHNIC&SPMFICAflONSAND ORAWNGS. 2 INRIAREP R EPAFR AWIM GiENS ALLY VILIZED FOR3EVM OR MULTEPI.ECRACKS AS SHOWN. (APPFICATION VAVZ* sraa INFRARED PATCH NM i[M VARIES. HEAT RTNMW= MAT COHBIrEbRY ACROSS REPAIR ARES. RAKE 9OF rENM BHUMNOIIS SURFACE. PLACE AMMONAL HOF MCC ASPNALTAND RAKE WI MWW,. COMPACT NEW EARMMNOUS SURFACE DO NO ILOCKSURFACE ORANAOC FLOW FAM". PRF MOF SMO0IH TRA 4M0N3 TC} EWM PAVR9 AFM AND 9LIGI-nY (MOWN NEW BMMNOUS SURFACE EXIS`nMG 9RUMNOUS MAT IENNEERED BASE C:\USERS\JENNIFER.BURROWS\APPDATA\LOCAL\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\INETCACHE\CONTENT.OUTLOOK\4HYUK2V2\SPECIFICATIONS - PATHWAY MIRCOSURFACING 2020 PROJECT.DOCX Page 10 Nom" 1, &AWCLT BITDIMINODL4 PAVEMENT RILLWIDTH BETWEEN REPAIR E1<Tw3 PNIMNTAL). 1. REMOVE I' OF BITUMINOUS MATERIAL ON BOTH SIDE3 OF CRACK OR AS FIELD MARIUEDiO MMOVE ALL HEAVING AND DISTORTION ASSOCIATED WITH CRACK 9. APPLY BIIUMMNOUSTACK COAT MATERIAL TOSIDESOFSAWCUTPRIORTORACING NEW BITUMINOUS MATMIAL (FFCIDENTAI.J. 4, PLACE AND COMPACT RI UMINOUS MAT, SPWEA24DB WIIH VERATORY ROLLER EQUPMENf THAT W PROP9iLY&ND TO NOT CAUSEAW DAMAGE TOAMIACEW TRAILS PER MnDOT SPEC 2M j. SHOULDER WRH TOPSOIL (AMENDED AND LOOSMDI, RESTORE SEED[MnDOT M141) AND MULCH OR BLANKET' AS DIRB= BY OWNER AND PER MnDDTBPEC 2671. 6. DETAIL REFECTSACCEPTAIMMEAF6AND MENODS.CONTRACTOR MAY SLEMIT ALTERNATIVE MEANS AND METHODS TO OWNER FOR REVIEW AND AFPROYAL. 7. ALL CONSTRI)CWNRELATED DEIRI5,VEWATRONAND CONIAMINATED341L5SHALL M IAV® FROM THE SREAND PROPERLY 06POSaX TB 3M MSINOLIS TRAIL CRACK REPAIR: I" OR GREATER Na 9N. C:\USERS\JENNIFER.BURROWS\APPDATA\LOCAL\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\INETCACHE\CONTENT.OUTLOOK\4HYUK2V2\SPECIFICATIONS - PATHWAY MIRCOSURFACING 2020 PROJECT.DOCX Page 11 NOTES: 1. REFER TO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS. 2. DO NOT ROUT. 3. JOINT AND CRACK SEALANT: A. CRAFCO ASPHALT RUBBER PLUS #34241 4. APPLY SAND OR 1 -PLY PAPER AS PER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS. N h W z Y U_ x D z Q co Lu Lu VERBAND WIDTH APPLY SEALANT AND "WIPE" THIN OVERBAND (SQUEEGEE FLUSH) N ACCORDANCE W/ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS EXISTING BITUMINOUS MAT IGINEERED BASE �UBGRADE BITUMINOUS TRAIL CRACK REPAIR: 1/4" - 1/2" NON -TRANSVERSE NTS C:\USERS\JENNIFER.BURROWS\APPDATA\LOCAL\MICROSOFT\W INDOWS\INETCACHE\CONTENT.OUTLOOK\4HYUK2V2\SPECIFICATIONS - PATHWAY MIRCOSURFACING 2020 PROJECT.DOCX Page 12 NOTES: 1. REFER TO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS. 2. JOINT AND CRACK SEALANT: A. CRAFCO ASPHALT RUBBER PLUS #34241 3. APPLY SAND OR 1 -PLY PAPER AS PER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS. 2" MAX. OVERBAND WIDTH 3/8"- 1/2" ROUT WIDTH APPLY SEALANT AND "WIPE" THIN OVERBAND (SQUEEGEE FLUSH) IN ACCORDANCE W/ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ROUT CRACK IN ACCORDANCE W/ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS EXISTING BITUMINOUS MAT ENGINEERED BASE COMPACTED SUBGRADE BITUMINOUS TRAIL CRACK REPAIR: 1/4" - 1/2" TRANSVERSE NTS C:\USERS\JENNIFER.BURROWS\APPDATA\LOCAL\MICROSOFT\W INDOWS\INETCACHE\CONTENT.OUTLOOK\4HYUK2V2\SPECIFICATIONS - PATHWAY MIRCOSURFACING 2020 PROJECT.DOCX Page 13 900 ROOT DEFLECTING TABS ANTI -LIFT TABS ALL PANELS TO BE LOCKED TOGETHER USING INTEGRALS TABS. TRENCH PROFILE - CONTRACTOR SHALL\\\\ NOT DISTURB ADJACENT PAVEMENT \\\� EDGES DURING THE INSTALLATION OF\\ ROOT BARRIER INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO TRENCHING, PLACING, BACKFILLING, \ COMPACTING, AMENDING TOPSOIL, GRADING AND SEEDING. NOTES: 1. ROOT BARRIER USED SHALL BE 18" IN DEPTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN CONTRACT. (SEE PLANS FOR LENGTH OF ROOT BARRIER). 2. ROOT BARRIER SHALL BE PLACED SO THAT TOP EDGE SHALL BE LOCATED 1 /2" BELOW FINISHED GRADE. 3. SIDE WITH TABS SHALL BE FACING VEGETATION. 4. INSTALL ROOT BARRIER 3' OFF EDGE OF TRAIL, TYP. PER MANUFACTURERS GUIDELINES AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. WHEN INSTALLED ADJACENT TO EXISTING IMPROVED SURFACES, UTILIZE MEANS AND METHODS TO PROTECT THE EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE FROM DAMAGE. 5. ROOT BARRIER SHALL BE MANUFACTURED BY DEEP ROOT PARTNERS OR APPROVED EQUAL. EN- ROOT BARRIER NTS C:\USERS\JENNIFER.BURROWS\APPDATA\LOCAL\MICROSOFT\W INDOWS\INETCACHE\CONTENT.OUTLOOK\4HYUK2V2\SPECIFICATIONS - PATHWAY MIRCOSURFACING 2020 PROJECT.DOCX Page 14 SEED SHALL BE TRAILSIDE MIXTURE @100 LB/ACRE PER SPEC 329212 TYP., UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY OWNER. EXTEND BASE 12", MIN. TYPE SPWEA240B WEAR COURSE, 3" COMPACTED THICKNESS, MIN. PLACED IN ONE LIFT, TYP. (MnDOT SPEC 2360) CL5 100% CRUSHED AGGREGATE BASE, 6" COMPACTED THICKNESS, MIN. (MnDOT SPEC 2211) SAMPLE PLAN POSED UTILITY DWN AS EXAMPLE FOR TRAIL REPAIR NEEDED). RESTORE SHOULDER AREA WITH TOPSOIL (MnDOT SPEC 3877). 6" THICKNESS, MIN., MINIMIZE COMPACTION. COMPACT EXISTING SUBGRADE PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF AGGREGATE BASE. (MnDOT SPEC 2112) AREA OF REPAIR AW CUT BITUMINOUS TRAIL NTIRE WIDTH AND FULL DEPTH, kS MARKED BY ENGINEER, TYP. 'ROTECT SAWCUT EDGES FOR )URATION OF PROJECT. MnDOT SPEC 2104) NOTES: 1. PRIOR TO BITUMINOUS PLACEMENT, CLEAN AND TACK COAT SAW CUT EDGES (MnDOT SPEC 2357). 2. PROVIDE TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST VERSION OF THE MN MUTCD AND AS DIRECTED BY THE OWNER. MAINTAIN TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES FOR THE DURATION OF THE WORK. 3. REPLACE REMOVED STRIPING WITH 4'YELLOW LATEX PAINT, TYP. MATCH PREEXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS. TR -9 TYPICAL BITUMINOUS TRAIL REPAIR SECTION NTS C:\USERS\JENNIFER.BURROWS\APPDATA\LOCAL\MICROSOFT\W INDOWS\INETCACHE\CONTENT.OUTLOOK\4lHYUK2V2\SPECIFICATIONS - PATHWAY MIRCOSURFACING 2020 PROJECT.DOCX Page 15 r� COMPLETELY REMOVE ALL AREA OF REPAIR 1. SAWCUT BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT FULL WIDTH BETWEEN REPAIR EXTENTS. 2. REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT AND CONTAMINATED BASE MATERIAL. 3. SAW CUT TREE ROOTS 2' FROM TRAIL EDGE, MIN. INSTALL ROOT BARRIER AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER/CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. (SEE DETAIL GEN -4). 4. RECOMPACTSUBGRADE. 5. PLACE AND COMPACT CL5 AGGREGATE BASE, PER MnDOT SPEC 2211. 6. PLACE AND COMPACT BITUMINOUS MAT, SPWEA240B WITH VIBRATORY ROLLER EQUIPMENT THAT IS PROPERLY SIZED, AS TO NOT CAUSE ANY DAMAGE TO ADJACENT TRAILS PER MnDOT SPEC 2360. 7. SHOULDER WITH TOPSOIL (AMENDED AND LOOSENED), RESTORE SEED (MnDOT 25-141) AND MULCH OR BLANKET AS DIRECTED BY OWNER AND PER MnDOT SPEC 2572. 8. DETAIL REFLECTS ACCEPTABLE MEANS AND METHODS. CONTRACTOR MAY SUBMIT ALTERNATIVE MEANS AND METHODS TO OWNER FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. 9. ALL CONSTRUCTION RELATED DEBRIS, VEGETATION AND CONTAMINATED SOILS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE AND PROPERLY DISPOSED OF. TR -10 TRAIL REPAIR - TREE ROOT DAMAGE NTS JAM—UI KUUIJ CLEANLY TO DEPTH OF 18" MIN. C:\USERS\JENNIFER.BURROWS\APPDATA\LOCAL\MICROSOFT\W INDOWS\INETCACHE\CONTENT.OUTLOOK\4lHYUK2V2\SPECIFICATIONS - PATHWAY MIRCOSURFACING 2020 PROJECT.DOCX Page 16 BITUMINOUS TRAIL DESIGN (2 — PATHWAY WIDTH 10 ft © — SHOULDER WIDTH 1 ft MIN. 3" SP 9.5 WEARING 6" CL 5 AGGREGATE 12" SELECT GRANULA 6" MINIMUM SCARIFY (SUBGRADE PREP) 1-11 11 11—IT11 NOTES: 1. TRAIL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD DETAIL PLATES. 2. PEDESTRIAN RAMPS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH TRUNCATED DOMES AND CONFORM TO ADA REQUIREMENTS. 3. MODIFY SURFACING, BASE, AND SUBGRADE DESIGN BASED ON EXPECTED VEHICULAR USE AND SUBGRADE SOILS. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello rtie: Typical Trail Section Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revlsed`03-15 5013 Y C:\USERS\JENNIFER.BURROWS\APPDATA\LOCAL\MICROSOFT\W INDOWS\INETCACHE\CONTENT.OUTLOOK\4HYUK2V2\SPECIFICATIONS - PATHWAY MIRCOSURFACING 2020 PROJECT.DOCX Page 17 c C GOLF COIIR SE PG g,y /d�� P F-- 2020 PATHWAY � ° MICROSEAL, .,1-4h w� SrF CRACK FILL, FOG SEALAND 4 zs �hh .� RECONSTRUCT` ---� --AYR-"\ i� TH OMAS PARK ry THOM0.5 PARK DP q 4 2 LEGEND vML ENNA� ~ y " O zx,y CT {{{OTTT RG]� EAVANNAHAVE 4 p kROE Reconstruct Surface %N—EEMERE o tt Fog Seal ONLY EnR .3. _ _ Mlcrosurface (crack fill & patch) C ouN } ' ao n—E, 000 635' 71--- MESTEAD CIR DEEGAN R l 6 SfS, 1.ON ERFRII DG 1—c CR NArwARD crs DGE LT gp E,8HE �i 'GOCNENERGIE CT GOLDnEN EAGLE LN STONE HEPINGEI/Q� 30–ATSEAGIE NEST LN ��UO EAGLE PIDGE LN (1Ff .ri ti� 1i BLV❑ U TA LONR FARMSTEAN BR SfONEPINGE❑ 4 r,`_J 36p IEATS _ EAGN"EVE CT ^ C ? COU NTP LLO o CIN C:\USERS\JENNIFER.BURROWS\APPDATA\LOCAL\MICROSOFT\W INDOWS\INETCACHE\CONTENT.OUTLOOK\4HYUK2V2\SPECIFICATIONS - PATHWAY MIRCOSURFACING 2020 PROJECT.DOCX Page 18 ESTIMATE DATE: 5/20/2020 City of Monticello 505 Walnut St Monticello, MN 55362 Asphalt work ($38,000) Micro -surfacing 134,976 SQFT at .23 cents a foot Ilk https://mpasphalt.net Micro -surfacing is a mixture of well -graded hard fine aggregate, mineral filler, cationic polymer modified asphalt emulsion and water properly proportioned, mixed and spread on a asphalt surface. It protects the existing surface from moisture intrusion, fills surface voids, cracks and minor ruts in the pavement, retards further oxidization of the existing pavement, provides a skid resistant surface and extends the service life of your existing pavement. Seal Coating 24,576 SQFT at $.15 cents a foot In this process, pavement sealing is applied in up to one or two coats to protect non -highway surfaces from possible damage from water, salt, oil, gasoline and excessive sun. seal coating is considered to be one of the most important steps in the pavement management process, and it is definitely one of the most cost effective. Some of its many advantages include: improved visual attractiveness, increased pavement flexibility, reduction of oxidation and water penetration, resistance to oil and gas spills, ease of shoveling or sweeping and protection from pressure washing. Infrared Patching 41 patches at $90 dollars a patch During this highly effective process, the top 2-3 inches of the damaged surface is heated to 325 degrees by infrared rays. Then hot -mix asphalt is blended in with the original asphalt, and the entire area is compacted to create a seamless restoration. These indirect rays provide deep penetration repair without burning or scaling the asphalt, and without separating it from the aggregate. Total Bid: $38,000 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Specification sheets, drawings and other documentation presented in this proposal shall be part of the contract. It is the responsibility of the customer's authorized representative to be aware of the terms and conditions stated herein and of the other contract documentation. PAYMENT TERMS: NET BALANCE DUE 30 DAYS AFTER COMPLETION OF WORK. Unpaid balances will accrue a late fee of 10% per month until paid in full. In the event of your failure to conform to the terms and conditions of this agreement, you hereby agree to pay MP Asphalt Maintenance LLC all sums earned to date. All major credit cards are accepted Residential Driveways Payment terms: Driveways under $400 will be paid upon completion of the job if not a $25 dollar charge will be added to the total cost. DEPOSIT: If contracted amount exceeds $15,000.00, a deposit of 1/3 of the project price is required to schedule work unless noted otherwise in this agreement. PERMITS AND FEES: Owner is responsible for obtaining and paying for any required PERMITS, BONDS, and LICENSES, or plans required to obtain the aforementioned. WORK ACCESSIBILITY: The price(s) quoted herein is contingent upon the work area being free of any obstructions (vehicles, dumpsters, etc) at the scheduled project start date and time. MP Asphalt Maintenance , reserves the right to adjust the agreed upon project price if the job conditions prevent MP Asphalt Maintenance work crews from starting on time and proceeding without interruption. CLEANING EXPENSES: The owner understands that the work called for in this agreement is a messy process. The parties agree that MP Asphalt Maintenance is not responsible for cleaning, repairing, or replacing any concrete, carpet, floor, passageway, etc., that is soiled or stained by anyone other than MP Asphalt Maintenance employees. INDEMNITY:MP Asphalt Maintenance agrees to complete its work in a safe and workmanlike manner, and to take appropriate safety precautions. However, once installation is complete and customer takes possession of the work area, Owner/Customer understands and agrees that MP Asphalt Maintenance cannot be responsible for materials, area maintenance and safety, and therefore Owner/Customer assumes all responsibility in this regard, including but not limited to any and all personal injuries, deaths, property damage, losses, or expenses related to or in any way connected with the materials or services provided. To the fullest extent allowed by law, Owner/Customer agrees to indemnify, defend and hold MP Asphalt Maintenance and its agents harmless from any and all loss, expense, liability, or attorneys' fees in connection with any such damages or injuries occurring thereafter. Nothing contained within this paragraph means, or should be construed to mean that MP Asphalt Maintenance or others shall be indemnified for their own negligence. CHOICE OF LAW & VENUE: To the fullest extent permitted by law, each provision of this contract shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under Minnesota law without regard to its conflict of laws principles. To the fullest extent permitted by law. ATTORNEY FEES & COSTS: In the event MP Asphalt Maintenance places any amounts owed under this proposal for collection with either a collection firm or attorney, MP Asphalt Maintenance shall be entitled to reasonable collection fees, attorney's fees and costs. TAXES: All taxes are included in proposal price unless otherwise specified. ESCALATION CLAUSE: This contract has been based on material costs at current market rates. Due to uncertain market conditions that are beyond our control and in the event of future material price increases the responsible party agrees to pay for the escalations of material without a charge order. This paragraph applies only to materials. TIMING: Due to fluctuation in the cost of raw materials, if the current date is past 15 days from the proposal date, customer should clarify that pricing is still valid. MATERIAL & WORKMANSHIP: All material is guaranteed to be as specified. Unless otherwise specified within this Proposal, MP Asphalt Maintenance warranties workmanship and materials for a period of 6 months from the date of completion. All work shall be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from the above specifications involving extra cost will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the amount set forth above. We shall not be responsible for delays caused by strikes, accidents, weather or other contingencies beyond our control. Our workers are fully insured NON -DISCLOSURE: Customer acknowledges that information in this Proposal, including but not limited to pricing, determination of scope of work, method for evaluating parking lots, and methods of repair, constitute and include Confide MP Asphalt Maintenance Information. This Proposal shall not be shared, distributed or disseminated to any other contractor and Customer acknowledges that should it violate this provision monetary damages will not be an adequate remedy and shall be MP Asphalt Maintenance titled to injunctive relief in addition to any other remedy available in law or equity. ALTERATIONS TO THIS PROPOSAL: Alterations or notations on or to this Proposal will not be valid unless accepted in writing by an authorized representative of MP Asphalt Maintenance SEVERABILITY OF TERMS: Should any part of this agreement be deemed unenforceable, the remaining terms shall be severable and separately enforceable and shall remain in full force. Sincerely, MP Asphalt Maintenance Matt Leaf CEO Acceptance: As an authorized agent for the above, I accept this proposal for $ Signature: Date: City Council Agenda: 6/08/2020 2J. Consideration to approve a request for Conditional Use Permit for an approximately 432 square foot addition for a residential attached Accessory Use Structure — Maior in an R-1 (Single -Family Residence) District. Applicant: Joseph Michael Osborn (NAC) Property: Legal: Lot 4, Block 1 Balboul Estates Address: 340 Prairie Road, Monticello, MN The site is located on the south side of Prairie Road between Hedman Lane and Marvin Elwood Road. Planning Case Number: 2020-014 REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Conditional Use Permit to allow an addition to a major accessory building that will exceed the footprint of the principal home. Deadline for Decision: June 30th, 2020 Land Use Designation: Places to Live Zoning Designation: R-1, Single Family Residence District The purpose of the "R-1" single family district is to provide for low density, single family, detached residential dwelling units and directly related complementary uses. Current Site Use: The site is currently occupied by the existing home and attached garage. Surrounding Land Uses: North: R-2 Single and Two Family Residence District East: R-1 Single Family Residence District South: R-1 Single Family Residence District West: R-1 Single Family Residence District Project Description: The applicant would like to construct a garage addition on the rear side of an existing attached garage at 340 Prairie Road, within the R-1 Single Family Residence District. The square footage of the garage (after completion) will be 984 1 City Council Agenda: 6/08/2020 square feet. In addition, the site has a 192 square foot shed in the rear yard. The garage and shed space will be 1,176 square feet in total. While this is within the maximum garage space allowance of the zoning ordinance, the total area will exceed the footprint of the principal home, which is 864 square feet. By code, a conditional use permit is required if the total square footage of all attached and detached accessory buildings exceed the footprint of the principal home. Ordinance Requirements: Building Plans. The applicant has submitted building plans that show the garage addition will have an overhead door and swing door on the backside to access the rear yard of the property. As a condition of approval, staff recommends that no additional pavement be added to the rear or side yards that connects the rear garage door to the driveway. Lot Requirements. By code, lots in the R-1 district are required to be 10,000 square feet and have a width of 70 feet. The subject lot meets these requirements, as such, this is a conforming lot of record. Setbacks. The table below shows that the existing and proposed garage will be compliant with the setback requirements for the R-1 District. If the conditional use permit is approved, the applicant will be required to provide a certificate of survey demonstrating that the proposed structure complies with setbacks. Setback Proposed Required Compliant Front ;z� 40 feet (existing) 30 feet Yes Side (east) z� 8 1/2 feet 6 feet Yes Side (west) N/A N/A N/A Rear ;:z 75 y2 30 feet Yes Drainage. The roof slope of the garage addition will slope to the east and west. This will change the way stormwater drainage occurs on this site. As a condition of approval, the applicant must adhere to any and all recommendations of the City Engineer to ensure best practices are maintained throughout construction. Conditional Use Permit. Section 2.4(D)(4)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance states that approval of a Conditional Use Permit requires that the City find that conditions can be established to ensure that all of the following criteria will always be met: (i) The conditional use will not substantially diminish or impair property values within the immediate vicinity of the subject property; 2 City Council Agenda: 6/08/2020 Staff Response. The garage expansion will take place on the rear side of the existing garage. The expansion will not be visible from the street. The garage is not expected to impact property values in the area. (ii) The conditional use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, or welfare of persons residing or working near the use; Staff Response. The garage expansion is not expected to impact any of these. (iii) The conditional use will not impede the normal and orderly development of surrounding property for permitted uses predominant in the area; Staff Response. The area around the subject site is fully developed with single-family homes. Approval of the CUP is not expected to impede any future development. (iv) The conditional use will not pose an undue burden on public utilities or roads, and adequate sanitary facilities are provided; Staff Response. The garage expansion will not impact any of these. (v) The conditional use can provide adequate parking and loading spaces, and all storage on the site can be done in conformance with City code requirements; Staff Response. The garage expansion is expected to be used to store household and recreational equipment inside the structure. No impact on parking or loading is expected. (vi) The conditional use will not result in any nuisance including but not limited to odor, noise, or sight pollution; Staff Response. As a condition of approval, staff recommends that no business or commercial use be allowed in or around the garage. (vii) The conditional use will not unnecessarily impact natural features such as woodlands, wetlands, and shorelines; and all erosion will be properly controlled, Staff Response. The garage expansion will take place over an existing patio area and lawn. No impact to natural features will result from this project. (viii) The conditional use will adhere to any applicable additional criteria outlined in Chapter S for the proposed use. Staff Response. The proposed garage adheres to the standard in Section 5.3(D)(2) of the Ordinance pertaining to major accessory buildings. These standards are outline in the next section: Section 5.3(D)(2)(a)(i)(1) of the Zoning Ordinance states that the size limitations for accessory building may not exceed the gross square footage of the principal building 3 City Council Agenda: 6/08/2020 footprint, except by the issuance of a conditional use permit when the following conditions are found to exist: a. Accessory building space is to be utilized solely for the storage of residential personal property of the occupant of the principal dwelling, and no accessory building space is to be utilized for commercial purposes. Staff Response. As noted earlier, this will be a condition of approval. b. The parcel on which the accessory building is to be located is of sufficient size such that the building will not crowd the open space on the lot. Staff Response. The garage expansion will take place on the rear of the property and add 432 square feet to the existing garage. The site is approximately a 1/3 of an acre, with the existing home located toward the front of the lot. The site will still have a comparatively large backyard after the completion of the expansion. C. The accessory building will not be so large as to have an adverse effect on the architectural character or reasonable residential use of the surrounding property. Staff Response. The applicant has stated in their narrative that the garage expansion will match the existing structure in siding and roofing material. Further, the garage height will match the existing. As a result, the garage expansion is not expected to have an adverse effect on the architectural character of the area. d. The accessory buildings shall be constructed to be similar to the principal building in architectural style and building materials. Staff Response. As noted above, the applicant has agreed to comply with this requirement. This will also be a condition of approval. PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission reviewed this item during their regular meeting on June 2nd, 2020, holding a public hearing on the conditional use permit request. During the public hearing, the Commission confirmed that a survey is required to verify setbacks as part of the planning and construction process. The applicant was present to address the Commission and verified an understanding of the Exhibit Z conditions. No other public was present to address the Commission. One public comment letter indicating no issue with the request was received and was included as part of the record. 4 City Council Agenda: 6/08/2020 Following the hearing, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the conditional use permit. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission unanimously recommends Alternative #1 below. 1. Motion to approve a Conditional Use Permit to allow an attached garage that exceeds the footprint of the principal home, (a total of 1,176 square feet), as proposed in the application of May 5th, 2020, based on the findings in Resolution PC -2020-017 and contingent on compliance with those conditions specified in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny a Conditional Use Permit to allow an attached garage that exceeds the footprint of the principal home, (a total of 1,176 square feet), based upon findings to be made by the City Council. 3. Motion to table action on the request, pending additional information as identified by the City Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff believes that the Conditional Use Permit evaluation criteria of the Zoning Ordinance have been demonstrated. The proposed attached garage addition is an allowed use in the R-1 District and will be used to store vehicles and materials associated with single family residential uses. In addition, the design of the proposed garage will match the principal structure and surrounding homes and are not anticipated to negatively impact the character or health of the community. The zoning ordinance anticipates the need for residential properties to contain vehicles and personal property within accessory building space that exceeds the home's footprint. Such additional garage space requires a CUP to ensure that the property and character of the neighborhood are not negatively impacted. For these reasons, Staff recommends approval of the requested Conditional Use Permit, with the conditions listed in Exhibit Z. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution PC -2020-017 B. Aerial Image C. Applicant Narrative D. Site Plan E. Building Plans F. Site Images G. Letter of Public Comment Z. Conditions of Approval E City Council Agenda: 6/08/2020 EXHIBIT Z Joseph Michael Osborn Conditional Use Permit for Accessory Building — Major 340 Prairie Road 1. The applicant provide a revised certificate of survey demonstrating compliance with all required setbacks for the proposed addition. 2. The garage and existing shed shall be used solely for the parking of residential vehicles, or the storage of materials and equipment accessory to the principal residential use of the property, and no commercial or home -occupation use will be conducted in or around said accessory buildings. 3. The applicant shall comply with all drainage and erosion control measures necessary to ensure protection of the area during construction. Further, the applicant shall comply with all recommendations of the City Engineer during and after construction as needed. 4. The building materials for the garage addition shall match the existing home and attached garage in material type and color. 5. No additional pavement be added to the rear or side yards that connects the rear garage door to the driveway. 6. Comments and recommendations of other staff and Planning Commission. 6 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2020-017 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN ATTACHED ACCESSORY USE STRUCTURE — MAJOR IN AN R-1 (SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE) DISTRICT 340 PRAIRIE ROAD, LOT 4, BLOCK 1 BALBOUL ESTATES WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to construct an attached garage structure in the rear portion of the subject property for storage of private residential storage and lawn equipment; and WHEREAS, the proposed attached garage space would exceed the footprint of the principal use area on the property; and WHEREAS, garage space, when exceeding the floor area of the residential portion of the structure, requires a Conditional Use Permit, and WHEREAS, the site is zoned Single -Family Residence (R-1) and, which allows such use by Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the proposed use and development are consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation of "Places to Live" for the area; and WHEREAS, the applicants have provided materials documenting the proposed structure and location of the structure on the subject property; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 2nd, 2020 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The applicant has provided plans demonstrating that the attached garage will be in compliance with maximum square footage requirements, which require a maximum square footage for attached and detached accessory structures of 1,500 square feet. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2020-017 2. The applicant has provided plans demonstrating that the attached garage addition is architecturally similar to the principal structure in roofline and fagade appearance. 3. The parcel is a lot which will accommodate the accessory space without crowding the subject property or neighboring parcels. 4. The building will be constructed so as to be consistent with the use and building massing of other single family structures common in the community and in the neighborhood. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota recommends that the Monticello City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit for an attached garage, subject to the conditions identified in Exhibit Z of the Staff report, as listed below: 1. The applicant provide a revised certificate of survey demonstrating compliance with all required setbacks for the proposed addition. 2. The garage and existing shed shall be used solely for the parking of residential vehicles, or the storage of materials and equipment accessory to the principal residential use of the property, and no commercial or home -occupation use will be conducted in or around said accessory buildings. 3. The applicant shall comply with all drainage and erosion control measures necessary to ensure protection of the area during construction. Further, the applicant shall comply with all recommendations of the City Engineer during and after construction as needed. 4. The building materials for the garage addition shall match the existing home and attached garage in material type and color. 5. No additional pavement be added to the rear or side yards that connects the rear garage door to the driveway. 6. Comments and recommendations of other staff and Planning Commission. ADOPTED this 2nd day of June, 2020 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION By: Sam Murdoff, Chair 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2020-017 ATTEST: Angela SchuiyTpn/gommunity Development Director Joseph Michael Osborn I Request for Conditional Use Permit Created by: City of Monticello Legal: Lot 4, Block 1, BalbouI Estates I PID: 155-031-0010401340 Prairie Road May 01, 2020 Property Address: 340 Prairie Road Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Description: 18x24 Attached Garage Addition Roof and Siding to Match Existing Garage Height to Match Existing Usage: The proposed garage addition would be used for additional storage space for personal property. This will add space to allow us to park vehicles inside along with storage areas for four -wheelers, a boat, lawn mowers, and other miscellaneous items. Sincerely, Joe Osborn Homeowner 36'-0" 1 r%II Existing 24' x 36' House -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24'-0" Existing 24'x 23' Garage ------------------------------------------------------f----------------------------------------------------- Proposed 24'x 18' Garage Addition South Elevation North Elevation West Elevation East Elevation Floor Plan Architectural Shingles Engineered Trusses 15/32" Roof Sheathing Felt — 2 Rows Ice and Water — Roof Edge ' Steel Fascia Alum Soffit 12 4 F Trusses Z-0" -- Double Top Plate Typical Wall Construction Steel Maintenance Free Siding (Match Existing) oo House Wrap r 7/16 Wall Sheathing r 2x4 studs at 16" OC i/— 2x4 Treated Plate and Sill Seal 4" Concrete Slab 2 Rows - 4"x8" Block (Match Existing) 0 1/2" x 24" Anchor Bolt TO of 2 - #4 Rebar Continuous . V-6" . Wall Section 24'-0" 20' Opening to Existing Garage LVL as required Roof Trusses 2'-0" OC 4/12 Pitch 0 Eo T 16x7 16'x7' Garage Door LVL as required 0'-9' 2'-6" 0'-g 15'-11 7/8" 4'-0" Floor Plan Architectural Shingles Engineered Trusses 15/32" Roof Sheathing Felt — 2 Rows Ice and Water — Roof Edge ' Steel Fascia Alum Soffit 12 4 F Trusses Z-0" -- Double Top Plate Typical Wall Construction Steel Maintenance Free Siding (Match Existing) oo House Wrap r 7/16 Wall Sheathing r 2x4 studs at 16" OC i/— 2x4 Treated Plate and Sill Seal 4" Concrete Slab 2 Rows - 4"x8" Block (Match Existing) 0 1/2" x 24" Anchor Bolt TO of 2 - #4 Rebar Continuous . V-6" . Wall Section 5--2 WOOsa 9r- A, j -Z Qti 5--2 WOOsa 9r- S _ 4 e v� r", 3�. �A 4 '��; Y v�♦ Jacob Thunander From: Andy Thiele Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2020 5:56 PM To: Community Development Subject: Planning commission To whom it may concern I have no problem with Mr. Joe Osborn building an addition. Andy Thiele 350 Prairie Rd City Council Agenda: 6/08/2020 4A. Consideration of approving the final payment with HR Green for $11,500 for the Vactor Sewer Dump Station and High Strength Waste Feasibility Study (ML) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND On November 12, 2019, the City Council tabled the decision to select HR Green for the feasibility study for the vactor dump station and high strength waste facility. The City Engineer/ Public Works Director gave the consultant approval to move forward with the study in December of 2019, after believing that the item was approved on the consent agenda for the December 91h meeting. The city had been disposing of vactor waste generated from cleaning sanitary sewer mains and lift stations on the city owned Edmonson Avenue property that was recently sold as part of an EDA transaction. This study looked at options for installing a facility for handling the vactor waste as well as look into the feasibility of accepting high- strength waste primarily from septic haulers at this facility. A request for proposals was placed on the League of MN Cities website and six proposals were received which ranged in price from $9,700 to $18,000. City staff evaluated the proposals based on the following categories: • Consulting firm and key project staff experience with similar projects to this. In addition to understanding technical issues and having sound technical/ engineering expertise. • Proven track record in successfully completing similar projects on time and within budget. City staff plans to follow up with staff from referenced projects. Successful experience of both the firm itself and the individual team members will be considered. • Proposed approach to completing the project. • Proposed consultant cost. After reviewing the proposals staff recommended and unintendedly moved forward with entering into an agreement with HR Green for engineering services for the not to exceed price of $11,500 without prior council approval. This agreement for engineering services included the following items: Review and gain an understanding of existing infrastructure Meetings with city and Veolia Staff Provide a draft and final feasibility study. o Assessment to include options along with estimated costs. o Investigation on impacts to operations from high-strength waste -haulers. o Recommendation on fees and projected income from high-strength waste haulers. After completing these items, it was determined that due to site constraints at the wastewater treatment plant that the city look at other potential locations for installing a vactor dump station. One of these options may be to incorporate this facility along with the construction of a new public works facility. On an interim basis it was recommended that the city contract with another area city for the disposal of vactor waste and arrangements have been made with the City of Buffalo for the use of their facility. This City Council Agenda: 6/08/2020 will result in additional staff time, equipment maintenance costs, and dump fees for the disposal at this location. The dump fees are estimated at $2700 annually at their current rate. Another element of this study was to look at our current industrial users as well as potential outside users including septic haulers to see if it would be feasible to construct a facility to be able to receive these waste streams at the waste water treatment plant. After meeting with these users and looking at the infrastructure costs to install a facility to be able to accept these waste streams it was determined that at this time it wasn't feasible. The purchasing policy doesn't specifically require council approval for professional service contracts but staff was wanting the council to approve and have input on this study. Going forward the City Engineer/Public works Director will do a better job in verifying that items were included on the agenda prior to moving forward and apologizes for missing this. Al. Budget Impact: The estimated cost is $11,500 which is included in the 2020 sewage utility fund budget. The 2020 CIP includes $100,000 for construction of the dump station which isn't recommend at this time. A2. Staff Workload Impact: HR Green and City staff were involved throughout various steps of the project development. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve the final payment with HR Green for $11,500 for the Vactor Sewer Dump Station and High Strength Waste Feasibility Study. 2. Other C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Alternate No. 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Technical Memorandum Vactor Dump Station and High Strength Waste Feasibility Study B. Executed Professional Services Agreement HRGreen Technical Memorandum City of Monticello, MN Vactor Dump Station and High Strength Waster Feasibility Study Project Status April 14, 2020 HRG Project Number 191449 Prepared By: HRGreen. HRG Project No. 191449 City of Monticello, MN Vactor Dump Station and High Strength Waster Feasibility Study Contents PreparedBy: ................................................................................................................................ 1 1. Introduction........................................................................................................................... 3 2. Vactor and High Strength Waste Receiving Investigations.................................................... 4 a. City of Buffalo WWTP........................................................................................................... 4 b. City of Big Lake..................................................................................................................... 6 c. MCES - Blue Lake WWTP.................................................................................................... 6 d. MCES - Empire WWTP......................................................................................................... 8 e. City of St. Michael WWTP..................................................................................................... 9 f. City of St. Cloud.................................................................................................................... 9 g. Cargill, Monticello.................................................................................................................. 9 h. Karlsburger Foods, Monticello MN...................................................................................... 11 i. Grocery Stores.................................................................................................................... 20 j. Restaurants..................................................f ....�......................................................... 21 3. Conclusions of Investigations and Comp . o to Monticello WWTP................................ 22 4. Preliminary Alternatives Screening .. ... ........................................................................... 26 D002020 Page 2 of 20 1. Introduction HR Green was hired to assist the City of Monticello in completing this evaluation of a new sewer vactor dump (receiving) station as well as feasibility of receiving high strength waste (HSW). Monticello is a medium size city along the Mississippi River with a population of approximately 14,000. The City wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) processes typical municipal wastewater plus HSW from two food processing plants; Cargill (processed egg products) and Kalsburger (soups/gravy/bases). The WWTP has an average wet weather flow capacity of 2.2 MGD and is operated under contract with Veolia. The WWTP is operating under a draft permit from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. The draft permit includes two major changes from the previous permit, a phosphorus mass limit of 2,608 kg/yr and a total mercury limit of 6.9 ng/L. At average wet weather flow the effluent phosphorus limit is 0.86 mg/L The City is requesting a study to evaluate the implementation of a new vactor receiving station and feasibility of accepting HSW at the WWTP. This change ave the following potential impacts on the overall facility operations: • Increased loading and revenue fro a or ceiving, • Conversion of HSW to biogas fu * t anaerobic digesters, and potential beneficial uses such as the gas for heat, power, transportation fuel, or pipeline injection. • Increased nutrient loading from the anaerobic digesters due to HSW • Increased biosolids generation from the anaerobic digesters due to HSW HR Green staff visited the WWTP on multiple occasions to observe existing plant operations and meet with City and Veolia staff, and to gather detailed information on existing facilities and operational data. Through several discussions with City staff the scope of what types of waste could be handled and received at the wastewater facility evolved to include storm sewer vactor haulings, in addition to sanitary sewer vactor haulings, street sweepings and leachate receiving, as well as high strength waste already a part of this scope. April 2020 Page 3 of 20 2. Vactor and High Strength Waste Receiving Investigations Options for a vactor receiving station can vary from a simple grate covered tank and pump to several receiving stations specific to waste type. For example, if a significant volume of waste grease is available it may warrant a separate receiving pump, rock catcher, heated storage tank and dosing pump. To help determine possible options for receiving hauled waste, several facilities were contacted and visited to gather information on common local practices and potential lessons learned. a. City of Buffalo WWTP The City of Buffalo WWTP typically accepts grey water (dirty wash water), domestic septage, activated sludge (from overloaded or bypassing treatment facilities or collection systems) and sanitary sewer vactor haulings. They did at one time take high strength waste from a pizza maker/packager but that had a lot of debris and grease in it and they eventually stopped accepting that waste. Buffalo doesn't take any other high strength waste and they do not have anaerobic digesters with which to produce biogas. They do not accept storm sewer vactor waste. Buffalo receives hauled waste near there pretrea en cilities in a modified receiving pit that discharges directly into the influent channel �retheir screens. The receiving pit used to be a typical back -in style pit, but they wante lNo�!loperations and converted it to a drive -over with grating and pipe connection. They recent ns IIled fine opening stair screens that perform very well. This has dramatically helped with grit and grease removal as well. Hair and rags mat on the screens and subsequently remove much of the grease and grit associated with hauled liquid waste and vactor waste. Buffalo also has a lot of excess capacity which helps attenuate large strength loads from hauled waste. Following are a couple of photographs of the Buffalo receiving station and a view of the matting on their new stair screens. April 2020 Page 4 of 20 Buffalo WWTP — Drive-through liquid/vactor April 2020 Page 5 of 20 Buffalo WWTP — "Stair" screen with significant matting of hair, wipes and grease; ideal for receiving hauled waste b. City of Big Lake The City of Big Lake was contacted to inquire about their hauled waste practices. Their current facilities are over capacity and they only take their own sanitary vactor haulings, nothing else. They do not receive their own storm sewer vactor haulings at the WWTP, they are handled elsewhere. c. MCES - Blue Lake WWTP Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) operates several WWTP's within the seven county metro area. We visited their Blue Lake WWTP located in Shakopee. This facility receives all types of hauled liquid waste including septage, vactor waste, leachate, domestic sewage and other high strength wastes. April 2020 Page 6 of 20 The operation is fairly simple including a self-service receiving station for logging deliveries, a large entrance and wide turning lanes, receiving area for multiple full size trucks, and a large scale. Trucks can simply connect a large rigid hose into a pipe end in the receiving area with a direct connect to the incoming interceptor. They have a larger facility (36 mgd+) than Monticello and are currently installing newer screens with ample capacity. The impact of receiving hauled waste to the plant is minimal, relatively speaking due to their large capacity. Following are a couple photographs of their receiving facilities. Blue Lake WWTP — Double drive-through receiving station April 2020 Page 7 of 20 Blue Lake WWTP — Scale and card reader station d. MCES - Empire WWTP MCES also operates a WWTP in Empire Township, near Farmington, which HR Green has extensive experience with in design and construction services. Empire WWTP has historically received liquid hauled waste and also has a drive through receiving station. However, this facility is noteworthy in this case because they have historically received food waste via sanitary sewer from a dairy industry. However, recently they have trialed a project where the industry concentrates their liquid waste, it is hauled to the WWTP and directly fed to the anaerobic digesters. This reduces the organic load to the secondary treatment process (and saves on aeration costs and sludge production), and instead directs it to digestion for beneficial biogas production which is currently used on boilers for plant April 2020 Page 8 of 20 heating. Soon the biogas will be used in a combined heat and power engine that HR Green is currently designing. e. City of St. Michael WWTP St. Michael receives hauled liquid, typically 2 to 3 truckloads of leachate per day. It is low in total suspended solids (TSS) and high in ammonia. It's bled into the head of plant. The revenue from this service is around $30,000 per month and that pays for all of the plant electricity and then some. They also receive some vactor haulings and try to separate the solids from liquid by first decanting the liquid to the plant and disposing of the solids. Typically hauled vactor waste arrives in 2,000 gallon truck loads, which is composed of mostly solids. They have only a simple receiving pit but have the ability to hold and decant receivings as needed. f. City of St. Cloud The City of St. Cloud was contacted to discuss how they pr cess storm sewer vactor haulings and street sweepings. Typically storm sewer vactor haulings pic u the City have been mixed with street sweepings, but manhole sumps are contracted o an hat debris is tested per land fill requirements and disposed of. Historically, the City has screened the s et s e ings and vactor haulings, which were subsequently composted or stockpiled for later reuse. A s en was typically rented and used to separate the debris with a %" to W screen. Materials separated include trash, sticks, rocks and sandy material, which could be reused. However, this year the City has decided to landfill all street sweepings and vactor haulings, without screening. This is due to a lack of options for re- use. Waite Park is the only City in this area that they are aware of that has used their street sweepings in a project.2.2 HSW Availability Study g. Cargill, Monticello The Cargill plant generates process wastewater in batch cleaning operations at several locations within the Monticello Plant. Wastewater flows from the plant lift station to a series of up to three 10,000 gallon tanks. In the first tank is a pH adjust system, then wastewater flows to a buffer tank for equalization, then discharges to the sewer. An in-line opacity, or total suspended solids (TSS), monitor is used to screen and divert high strength wastewater to the third 10,000 gallon tank. The current setting for diversion is TSS > 1800 mg/L. From April 2020 Page 9 of 20 the diversion tank the HSW is pumped back to the sewer via the other two tanks at a slow rate to maintain set TSS level, or trucked to the MCES Metro plant if the divert tank level is too high. Table 1 present a summary of the trucked waste composition. Table 2 presents average monthly costs for trucked waste and strength charges over the last 9 months. Table 1 Cargill Plant Trucked Waste Composition Parameter Units 7/3/2019 10/11/2019 1/3/2020 3/13/2020 3/26/2020 TSS mg/L 3970 400 4320 5380 780 pH mg/L 6.6 8.6 Chloride mg/L 645 308 770 2620 COD mg/L 42300 6680 16200 19500 3080 BOD mg/L 12100 Phosphorus mg-P/L 17.9 TKN mg-N/L 917 Sulfur mg/L 104 IGV11 L L..15111 1 IGlll MVI ISI I I.VJIJ IVI I IJYV Expense - Average Monthly Cost Strength charge $21,800 Trucked waste transport $1250 Trucked waste disposal $760 Total $24,000 The diverted wastewater may be an attractive HSW stream for the City either with or without a concentrating step. A small dissolved air floatation reactor could be used to capture more high strength organics and concentrate the diversion flow to minimize transportation to the City WWTP. Potential benefits to HSW diversion to Cargill and the City WWTP include: • Strength charge reduction due to a reduction in concentrated wastewater metered to the sewer from the diversion tank. April 2020 Page 10 of 20 • Cost for transport and disposal at the MCES Metro plant could be reduced oreliminated. • Reduced aeration and WAS generation at the WWTP • Additional biogas generation Organic Solid Waste: The Cargill plant contracts local farmers for management of off -spec inedible food waste used as animal feed. The service includes a supply of totes and transport to farms. From our observations this waste includes off -spec bread, scrambled eggs and omelets. Approximately 1.2 million lbs. of this food waste is generated per year and the service cost is approximately $15,000 per year. Similar waste is also generated at the nearby Big Lake facility. Diversion of a portion of this waste to the WWTP digesters would significantly increase biogas generation. Assuming diversion of 10%, a water content of 80%, volatile solids at 90% and 80%conversion to gas would yield approximately 16 scfm of biogas. h. Karlsburger Foods, Monticello MN Karlsburger Foods makes a variety of food products&edied cnticello Plant including bases, soups, gravies and seasoning. Potential sources of HSW by reviewing wastewater monitoring records and through conversations with Pla n r, ichael Meagher. The production of food products occurs in batches within threec n rooms. The types of products produced depends on orders and changes daily with an average items produced per week over one shift. Wastewater is generated through cleaning after a production run and wastewater composition is variable depending on the product. Table 3 presents a summary of wastewater monitoring representing grab samples collected during 2018 1nd 2019. The results are variable, influenced greatly by the products produced during the sampling event. Some products produce very little waste while gravies and sauces can produce more concentrated wastewater containing oils and greases. For example biological oxygen demand (BOD) has an average of 4050 mg/L while the range varies from 52 —15,200 mg/L. April 2020 Page 11 of 20 Table 3 Wastewater Monitoring Results Year Month TBOD TSS TP pH Flow Totalizer 2018 Jan 75 30 3.63 7.9 6342 Feb 3280 1850 33.8 7.6 5884 Mar 6620 5630 88.8 7.9 6817 Apr 4460 1150 55.7 7.4 6282 May 2790 214 24 7.8 6308 Jun 6640 1030 94.7 6.7 5915 Jul 4150 3280 135 7.3 4835 Aug 3320 403 36.8 8.3 7079 Sep 8700 1850 74.8 7 5755 Oct 157 18 5.74 8.6 7060 Nov 153 230 11.4 7.6 6785 Dec 15200 9240 142 7.1 7557 2019 Jan 3970 4250 46.2 7.1 7431 Feb 52 38 2.68 7.9 8323 Mar 3010 656 33.1 7.5 7464 Apr 7210 1260 50.2 7.7 8178 May 7890 4180 .4 7.4 8716 Jun 1210 25.2 7.6 7082 Jul 1200 4 11.9 9.4 7427 Aug 1120 27.4 9 7931 Sep 3250411� 7 22.9 7.5 6366 Oct 2440 490 9.74 7.3 8074 Nov 9260 3140 82.2 7.3 6810 Dec 1090 231 23.5 8.3 6395 The Karlsburger Plant includes a grease trap inside the facility that is cleaned out routinely; however, it may be undersized as City staff routinely need to clean the downstream sewer. The plant is thinking of installing a larger grease trap outside the facility although no schedule on installation was available. The batch nature of processing complicates segregation/collection of HSW for sewer diversion. The most practical approach for this plant would be to collaborate with Karlsburger to maximize capture of solids and grease in a new grease trap. L Grocery Stores Several grocery chains serve the Monticello area and each was contacted to investigate the potential for collection of HSW for use at the WWTP. Information was requested on the generation and management April 2020 Page 20 of 26 of wastes including fruits/vegetables, dairy, deli and off spec or damaged packaged products. One possible option is use of a system for macerating and storage of waste organics, Emerson offers a system and support developed for grocery stores, see link below: https://www.emerson.com/en-us/commercial-residential/grind2energy-food-waste-solution/how- grind2energy-works The responses are summarized below: • Walmart: Walmart is a large organization with corporate management of wastes. HR Green made several attempts to contact the responsible corporate staff, however, no reply was received. If a HSW program is developed we anticipate that City staff could follow up to acquire information. • Target: Target corporate staff via email from their corporate waste minimization department. Target has stores that segregate wastes for composting and other uses, however, due to the labor required for segregation these programs le offered in areas that require segregation by ordinance. Aldi: Aldi corporate staff responded via e �e stores are smaller than the other chains and have a much smaller produce on hus the store produces very little waste. Cub Foods: Cub Foods had two '; res Monticello area, both of these stores have contracted with a composting facilit o manage their organic wastes; however, that outlet is no longer available. HR Green has a meeting scheduled corporate staff later this month. j. Restaurants Monticello has over 30 restaurants including fast food, dine in, and coffee shops. HR green contacted several restaurants to study potential sources of food wastes and/or grease. None of the restaurants contacted have an on-going food waste segregation program. Many of the sites have grease traps that are cleaned by contractors with cleaning frequency from monthly to semi-annual. Based on this research, working with grease trap cleaning contractors would provide a good initial source of HSW from local restaurants. The cleaning contractors would benefit from shorter disposal runs and the City would receive a high energy waste source for biogas production. Such a program may also promote more frequent trap cleaning which would reduce clogging issues in the sewer system. April 2020 Page 21 of 26 3. Conclusions of Investigations and Comparisons to Monticello WWTP The following discussion reviews the various types of liquid/vactor hauled waste receiving that were discussed or observed above and compare and contrast Monticello's facilities with those that have implemented these services. a. Sanitary Sewer Vactor Haulings —This includes domestic and commercial sewage and concentrated waste sucked out of sanitary sewer lift stations, sumps, and sanitary sewer lines (during jet cleaning). It can contain large amounts of heavy debris like rocks, sand, grit, trash, as well as large amounts of grease. The product will have varying amounts of liquid, but typically higher concentrations of solids than normal domestic wastewater. This is due in part that usually vactoring is performed at points that collect debris, or at the end of a cleaning operation like pipe jetting. This waste must be disposed of at a sewage treatment facility or dewatered and landfilled. At the very least the sanitary sewer vactor haulings should be either disposed of at a dedicated facility as discussed herein, or a dedicated drying bed with drains to the sanitary sewer co ction system constructed to receive such waste. i Facilities like Buffalo and Blue Lake receive sanita -T*%Le%vactor waste in their respective treatment facilties and can handle it for thea l4fidn1kreasons: 1) There is a convenient loc * o dump or drain a large truck and typically trucks can drive through without needing to back up. -+ Monticello has a potential drive-through access at the lower, western side of the site near the digesters and the influent pump station. This is not an ideal location to receive concentrated vactor waste as noted below. A new pretreatment facility would have to be constructed in this location to receive vactor waste from City or other customers. 4 Monticello has limited access near the screen building and sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) to dump vactor waste. Currently chemicals are delivered in this area, but the size of the trucks able to access this area are limited. Land to the south would have to be acquired, next to Broadway/75, in order to build a more suitable access. April 2020 Page 22 of 26 V1 +, ♦' Y , Monticello WWTP — Screen located above grade 2) The successful receiving location is typically near a gravity pipe or gravity channel immediately upstream of pretreatment facilities. This means it doesn't have to travel far, nor pass through pumps which would likely clog due to the concentrated debris. It also means the concentrated waste can receive pretreatment to screen out trash, rocks, grit and grease, particularly in the case of Buffalo, due to their specific type of screen and performance. 4 Monticello has a limited access area by the screen building and SBR's to dump waste as noted above, but the area is also unfortunately not near a gravity line to the screens and grit removal. Those facilities are located above grade and wastewater is pumped to them from a much lower location on the site. April 2020 Page 23 of 26 4 Monticello has only one mechanical screen and one manually cleaned bar screen, as well as one grit removal tank. Better screening and more units would be required to handle the additional heavy concentrated waste. 3) There should be a means to attenuate peak flows. There is typically storage or ample capacity to handle the surge of liquid and solids at facilities that are able to handle hauled waste. -+ There is no existing storage in the pretreatment area to bleed the waste into treatment. If the area near the screens were chosen to receive vactor waste, a large sump or wet well pit would have to be constructed adjacent to or within the screen building to screen and pump the waste to treatment. b. Domestic Sewage, Grey Water, Activated Sludge, and Leachate —These wastes usually differ from vactor hauled waste. They are a higher volume of liquid (multiple truck loads per day from the same source) with a low concentration of solids, debriA, etc. These liquid wastes may have a higher concentration of organic strength with regard to screened, but primarily handled by the Sequ concentrated enough to instead go dire oxyemand or nutrients, and would have to be n%1), P* eactors (SBRs). Activated sludge may be bic digesters to gain beneficial use from biogas production, however, that may require PIV kening and should be evaluated on a case by case basis. Facilities that can handle large volumes of hauled liquid waste may have the following attributes: 1) There is typically a convenient location with a drive through to dump or drain several large trucks per day, similar to the discussion above about vactor receiving: 4 In this case, Monticello's potential drive-through access at the lower, western area of the site may be adequate to receive liquid waste with higher strength (but lower concentrations of heavy debris) as this would not necessarily tax the influent pumps due to clogging or abrasion. High concentration activated sludge may be too thick to dump or pump at this location. However, it could be a candidate for feeding to the anaerobic digesters. 2) There is storage and ample capacity to handle the surge of flow as well as the concentrated strength of oxygen demand and/or nutrients. April 2020 Page 24 of 26 4 There is exiting tankage adjacent to the raw sewage pump station that could be repurposed to receive hauled liquid waste such as leachate, grey water and sewage. The SBR system has extra aeration capacity to accept wastes with low to medium strength organic concentration. The waste nutrient content (N and P) would need to be evaluated to confirm plant capacity. It is not recommended at this point to accept activated sludge unless its concentration and strength can be verified and determined which point in the process is best to receive it. Tipping fees would need to be determined considering costs for aeration, ferric chloride use and solids handling/disposal. Monticello WWTP — Unused tankage near the Influent Building c. Storm Sewer Vactor Haulings and Street Sweepings —This type of hauled waste is included in this summary based on various discussions with City staff and in an attempt to provide clarification on proper disposal methods. Every community approached indicates they handle storm water vactor haulings entirely separately from sanitary sewer vactor haulings. Typically storm water haulings are dried on a pad and eventually disposed of in a landfill once testing requirements have been met, typically for moisture. It often is impractical to attempt to reuse the waste products beneficially April 2020 Page 25 of 26 although MPCA has a permissible reuse list. 4 HR Green recommends never accepting storm water waste haulings directly into the WWTP treatment facilities, but we do recommend constructing a drying bed specific for all vactor haulings and which could also receive street sweepings depending on the volume of each waste stream. If the drying bed receives sanitary sewer vactorhaulings, it would be required to have drains that would go to the sanitary sewer collection system, either at a remote site, or on the WWTP site. d. High Strength Waste—The intent of receiving HSW is to directly feed the anaerobic digesters to produce additional biogas and utilize the generated energy. There are various ways this waste can be received, in bulk tanker loads, vactor trucks, high concentration solid products in totes (like Cargill's food waste), and dedicated sanitary or forcemain lines. The methods can vary dramatically between industries and markets. In the two cases of Cargill, it came in the form of concentrated liquid tank loads, and in totes of mostly dry product. Both of these forms ca be incorporated into a HSW receiving program, however, the receiving and processing syste n d to be designed based on the specific waste volumes and characteristics. 4 There is a significant poNQ2Lo%portunity and mutual benefit for the City of Monticello to receibo aloncentrated liquid waste stream and a steady solid food waste stream fro argill's facility. The receiving facilities for each stream could be different, received differently and fed differently, or perhaps combined to create a slurry, and fed directly to the digesters. Various options will be considered in light of the other possible waste streams under consideration. Impacts to the digestion operation and capacity must also be considered. 4. Preliminary Alternatives Screening Before further detailed evaluation of alternatives are pushed forward, a list of possible improvements to the WWTP to handle different types of hauled vactor/liquid/HSW has been prepared to review potential benefits, costs/revenue, impacts and drawbacks of possible alternatives. Please see Attachment 1 for consideration. April 2020 Page 26 of 26 HR Green, Inc. City of Monticello - Vactor Receiving and HSW Study 4/14/2020 Screening/ Type of Waste Receiving Location on Site Concept Pumping Grinding Rocks/Debris Storage Revenue Pros Cons Recommendation Large expansion in or 1) high cap. no payback Screen/SBR complex/ adjacent to screen Rock Trap - Vacuum 2) high maintenance costs SANITARY VACTOR WASTE East Side bldg New Pumps Req'd New Screens Cleaned Min 6,000 gallons 1) Mechanical treatment 3) takes up a bit of space . . . . Large expansion next 1) high cap. no payback Raw Sewage Pumping/ to raw sewage Rock Trap - low to none 2) high maintenance costs West Side pumping New Pumps Req'd New Screens Vacuum Cleaned Existing Tankage 1) Mechanical treatment 3) takes up a bit of space Not recommended 1) low capital costs 2) expandable for storm waste 1) some maintenance req'd Drying Beds/ New drying beds haulings 2) potential for odors if not Implement and use North Side with drains to plant N/A N/A N/A Solids storage 3) emergency sludge storage enclosed/maintained Buffalo as backup Large expansion in or Screen/SBR complex/ adjacent to screen 1) high cap., long payback SEPTAGE East Side bldg New Pumps Req'd N/A N/A Min 6,000 gallons 1) Mechanical treatment 2) takes up a bit of space Not recommended medium Consider Repurpose exist New Pumps? 1) Minor changes to facility 1) medium to low cap. Implementing ALONG Raw Sewage Pumping/ tanks and refurbish Maybe recessed imp 2) Opens door to potential 2) may have long pay back as with leachate or HSW West Side pump station Maybe transfer pumps N/A N/A Existing Tankage revenue stand alone project receiving Screen/SBR complex/ 1) high cap., long payback LEACHATE/GREY WATER/SEWAGE East Side New Pumps Req'd N/A N/A Min 6,000 gallons 1) Mechanical treatment 2) takes up a bit of space Not recommended (i.e. Landfill Leachate) high for leachate 1) Minor changes to facility Consider if agreement Raw Sewage Pumping/ New Pumps? 2) Leachate opens door to other on leachate can be West Side Maybe transfer pumps N/A N/A Existing Tankage potential revenue 1) medium to low cap. made Raw Sewage Pumping/ New Pumps Req'd 1) Minor changes to facility Investigate LIQUID HIGH STRENGTH WASTE West Side Transfer Pumps N/A N/A Existing Tankage potentially 2) Opens door to potential 1) medium to low cap. agreement (i.e. Cargill Concentrated WW) high plus Anaerobic Digesters/ New Pumps Req'd biogas benefit Investigate West Side Transfer Pumps N/A N/A New Tankage TBD TBD agreement Anaerobic Digesters/ New Positive Displacement New Grinders? potentially Investigate SOLID HIGH STRENGTH WASTE West Side Pumps req'd Maybe N/A New Tankage hih lus g p TBD TBD agreement (i.e. Cargill Solid Food Waste) biogas benefit PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT AGREEMENT made this _3rd — day of January-, 2019, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City") and HR Green Inc., hereinafter referred to as 'Engineer". IN CONSIDERATION OF THEIR MUTUAL COVENANTS, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES. The City retains Engineer to furnish the services set forth on the attached Exhibit "A". The Engineer agrees to perform the services. Engineer shall provide all personnel, supervision, and services and do all things necessary and ancillary thereto specified on Exhibit "A". The work to be performed under this Agreement shall be done under the review of a professional engineer licensed in the State of Minnesota, who shall attest that the work will be performed in compliance with all applicable codes and engineering standards. The work shall be performed in accordance with the Contract Documents, which includes this Agreement and the Exhibits: Exhibit "A" — Proposal, Exhibit "B" — Request for Proposals. In the event any ambiguity or conflict between the Contract Documents listed above, the order of precedence shall be the following order: (i) this Agreement; (ii) Exhibit "A", (iii) Exhibit "B". 2. REPRESENTATIVES. City has designated Matt Leonard (the "City Representative"), and the Engineer has designated Tim Korby, PE (the "Engineer Representative"). The City Representative and the Engineer Representative shall be available as often as is reasonably necessary for reviewing the Services. 3. COMPENSATION. Engineer shall be paid by the City for the services described in Paragraph 1 on an hourly basis in accordance with the attached fee schedule, Exhibit "B", but not to exceed $16,500.00 inclusive of alternatives, taxes and reimbursable costs. 4. COMPLETION DATE. The Engineer must complete the services by April 3rd, 2020. 5. DOCUMENTS. The City shall be the owner of all documents, reports, studies, analysis and the like prepared by the Engineer in conjunction with this contract. Documents are not intended or represented to be suitable for re -use by the City or others on any other project. Any such re -use or modifications made to the Documents without the Engineer's prior written authorization will be at the City's sole risk. The City agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Engineer from any misuse of Documents, or the unauthorized re -use or modification of the Documents. 6. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS. In providing services hereunder, Engineer shall abide by all applicable statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to the provisions of services to be provided. 7. STANDARD OF CARE. Engineer shall exercise the same degrees of care, skill, and diligence in the performance of the Services as is ordinarily possessed and exercised by a 199339vl HR Green 2019 Vactor Dump Station and HSW Feasibility Study professional engineer under similar circumstances. No warranty, expressed or implied, is included in this Agreement. City shall not be responsible for discovering deficiencies in the accuracy of Engineer's services. 8. INDEMNIFICATION. The Engineer shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, and employees, of and from any and all liabilities, damages, including costs and reasonable attorney's fees, to the extent caused by the negligent acts or omissions of the Engineer. 9. INSURANCE. Engineer shall secure and maintain such insurance as will protect Engineer from claims under the Worker's Compensation Acts, automobile liability, and from claims for bodily injury, death, or property damage which may arise from the performance of services under this Agreement. Such insurance shall be written for amounts not less than: Commercial General Liability $1,000,000 each occurrence/aggregate Automobile Liability $1,000,000 combined single limit Excess/Umbrella Liability $2,000,000 each occurrence/aggregate The City shall be named as an additional insured on the general liability and umbrella policies. The Engineer shall secure and maintain a professional liability insurance policy. Said policy shall insure payment of damages for legal liability arising out of the performance of professional services for the City, in the insured's capacity as Engineer, if such legal liability is caused by a negligent act, error or omission of the insured or any person or organization for which the insured is legally liable. Said policy shall provide minimum limits of $1,000,000 with a deductible maximum of $300,000. Before commencing work the Engineer shall provide the City a certificate of insurance evidencing the required insurance coverage in a form acceptable to the City. The certificate shall provide that such insurance cannot be cancelled until thirty (30) days after the City has received written notice of the insurer's intention to cancel this insurance, with ten (10) day exception for non- payment of premium. 10. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The City hereby retains the Engineer as an independent contractor upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. The Engineer is not an employee of the City and is free to contract with other entities as provided herein. Engineer shall be responsible for selecting the means and methods of performing the work. Engineer shall furnish services set forth in Exhibit A. City and Engineer agree that Engineer shall not at any time or in any manner represent that Engineer or any of Engineer's agents or employees are in any manner agents or employees of the City. Engineer shall be exclusively responsible under this Agreement for Engineer's own FICA payments, workers compensation payments, unemployment compensation payments, withholding amounts, and/or self-employment taxes if any such payments, amounts, or taxes are required to be paid by law or regulation. 11. SUBCONTRACTORS. Engineer shall not enter into subcontracts for services provided under this Agreement without the express written consent of the City. Engineer shall comply with Minnesota Statute § 471.425. Engineer must pay Subcontractor for all undisputed 2 199339v1 HR Green 2019 Vactor Dump Station and HSW Feasibility Study services provided by Subcontractor within ten days of Engineer's receipt of payment from City. Engineer must pay interest of 1.5 percent per month or any part of a month to Subcontractor on any undisputed amount not paid on time to Subcontractor. The minimum monthly interest penalty payment for an unpaid balance of $100 or more is $10. 12. ASSIGNMENT. Neither party shall assign this Agreement, nor any interest arising herein, without the written consent of the other party. 13. WAIVER. Any waiver by either party of a breach of any provisions of this Agreement shall not affect, in any respect, the validity of the remainder of this Agreement. 14. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. The entire agreement of the parties is contained herein. This Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof as well as any previous agreements presently in effect between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. Any alterations, amendments, deletions, or waivers of the provisions of this Agreement shall be valid only when expressed in writing and duly signed by the parties, unless otherwise provided herein. 15. CONTROLLING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. 16. COPYRIGHT. Engineer shall indemnify and hold the City harmless from actions or claims charging infringement of any copyright or patent by reason of the use or adoption of any designs, drawings or specifications supplied by it.. 17. RECORDS. The Engineer shall maintain complete and accurate records of time and expense involved in the performance of services. 18. MINNESOTA GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES ACT. Engineer must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13, as it applies to (1) all data provided by the City pursuant to this Agreement, and (2) all data, created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the Engineer pursuant to this Agreement. Engineer is subject to all the provisions of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, including but not limited to the civil remedies of Minnesota Statutes Section 13.08, as if it were a government entity. In the event Engineer receives a request to release data, Engineer must immediately notify City. City will give Engineer instructions concerning the release of the data to the requesting party before the data is released. Engineer agrees to indemnify, and hold City, its officials, officers, and employees, harmless from any claims resulting from Engineer's officers', agents', partners', employees', volunteers', assignees' or subcontractors' unlawful disclosure and/or use of protected data. The terms of this paragraph shall survive the cancellation or termination of this Agreement. 19. TERMINATION. This Agreement may be terminated by either party on seven (7) days' written notice delivered to the other party. Upon termination under this provision, the Engineer shall be paid for services rendered in a manner consistent with professional standard of care and reimbursable expenses until the effective date of termination. If the City terminates the Agreement 3 199339vl HR Green 2019 Vactor Dump Station and HSW Feasibility Study because the Engineer has failed to perform in accordance with this Agreement, and the City may retain another engineer to undertake or complete the work identified in Paragraph 1. 20. FORCE MAJE URE. The City agrees that the Engineer is not responsible for damages arising directly or indirectly fiom any delays for causes beyond the Engineer's control. The City agrees to indemnify and hold Engineer harmless fiom any and all liability, other than that caused by the negligent acts, errors, or omissions of the Engineer, arising out of or resulting from the same. For purposes of this Agreement, such causes include, but are not limited to, strikes or other labor disputes; severe weather disruptions or other natural disasters or acts of God; fires, riots, war or other emergencies; failure of any government agency to act in a timely manner; failure of performance by the City or the City's contractors or consultants; discovery of any hazardous substances or differing site conditions. Severe weather- disruptions include but are not limited to extensive rain, high winds, snow greater than two (2) inches and ice. In addition, if the delays resulting from any such causes increase the cost or time required by the Engineer to perform its services in an orderly and efficient manner, the Engineer shall be entitled to a reasonable adjustment in schedule and compensation. 21. DISPUTE RESOLUTION. In an effort to resolve any conflict that arise during the project or following the completion of the project, the City and Engineer agree that all disputes between them arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be submitted to non-binding mediation unless the parties mutually agree otherwise. A Dated: % , 2020 Dated: ��y� 3 , 20 ZO 1993390 CITY: CITY OF MONTICELLO By. Brian Stumpf Mayor By: M1 Jeff,d,weiil City Administrator ENGINEER: HR Green, Inc. By: _111c,kwG( 'f 1442 41e , tll�: [print name] Its Prss ;OLA 1 4 HR Green 2019 Vactor Dump Station and HSW Feasibility Study EXHIBIT "A" PROPOSAL 1993390 HR Green 2019 Vactor Dump Station and HSW Feasibility Study October 11, 2019 Matt Leonard, P.E., Public Works Director/City Engineer City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Proposal for Professional Services for Improvements — Sewer Vactor Dump Station and High -Strength Waste Analysis Dear Mr. Leonard; GENERAL INFORMATION - HR Green is uniquely qualified to assist you in completing this evaluation of a new sewer vactor dump (receiving) station as well as feasibility of receiving high strength waste (HSW). HR Green has been in continuous business since 1913 and our core business since the start of the firm has been water and wastewater treatment. We currently employ around 500 employees in 15 offices across the U.S. Our engineers are familiar with vactor receiving stations, HSW resources, as well as anaerobic digestion to generate biogas and gas treatment and utilization. HR Green has a team of engineers that focuses on food industry wastewater pretreatment and digester gas utilization that will be applicable to this project. Our St Paul office includes process engineers experienced in wastewater treatment, biosolids management and renewable energy to complete this work. Our approach includes an alternate task to be performed by EcoEngineers, an expert in renewable energy certification/management, to provide a more thorough survey of HSW availability and an assessment of credits/incentives for sale of renewable natural gas. EcoEngineers is an expert in renewable energy certification/management and has completed several HSW surveys and gas utilization feasibility studies. PROJECT APPROACH . Monticello is a medium size city along the Mississippi River with a population of approximately 14,000. The City wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) processes typical municipal wastewater plus HSW from two food processing plants; Cargill (processed egg products) and Kalsburger (soups/gravy/bases). The WWTP has an average wet weather flow capacity of 2.2 MGD and is operated under contract with Veolia. The WWTP is operating under a draft permit from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. The draft permit includes two major changes from the previous permit, a phosphorus mass limit of 2,608 kg/yr and a total mercury limit of 6.9 ng/L. The city of Monticello is requesting a study to evaluate implementation of a new vactor receiving station and feasibility of accepting HSW at the WWTP. This will have impacts in the conversion to biogas fuel in the anaerobic digesters and potential beneficial uses such as the gas for heat, power, transportation fuel, or pipeline injection. The Monticello area has a variety of potential HSW including; • Two food processing companies • Approximately 20 restaurants • Local and regional waste haulers Vactor Dump Station and High Strength Waste Feasibility Study HRS • City of Monticello, MN PROPOSED SCOPE OF SERVICES Plant Visit. HR Green staff will visit the WWTP to observe existing plant operations and meet with City and Veolia staff. The goals of the meeting will be to understand existing capacities and future plans/goals. Following the meeting HR Green will send a list of necessary information needed to complete our work. Vactor and HSW Receiving Station Concept Options. Options for vactor/HSW receiving stations can vary from a simple grate covered tank and pump to several receiving stations specific to waste type. For example, if a significant volume of waste grease is available it may warrant a separate receiving pump, rock catcher, heated storage tank and dosing pump. HR Green will develop concepts for staff review based on input from septic haulers, plant staff and the HSW identified. High Strength Waste Availability. The following work is proposed for this task: • Visit the two food processing companies to determine potential for segregation of concentrated organics wastes that may be suitable for direct digestion. Wastes that are currently sewered have the potential to reduce the company surcharges and save the City by lower aeration and solids disposal cost. • Monticello has three large grocery stores, each will be contacted to assess the feasibility of installing a macerating and storage system for organic wastes, such as https://www.emerson.com/en-us/commercial-residential/grind2energy-food- waste-solution • Restaurants will be contacted to assess the potential for grease collection from waste grease or grease trap cleaning. Local and regional grease trap cleaners and waste brokers will be identified and contacted to assess availability/costs. • HSW sources within the WWTP will be investigated including scum and primary solids. Plant influent data will be reviewed to determine potential solids capture before the SBRs. 4. Impacts to WWTP. HR Green will consider potential HSW impacts on the WWTP including; anaerobic digestion capacity, dewatering capacity, method/cost of solids disposal, N and P recycle, and gas utilization. HR Green will develop a simulation model for the plant using BioWin software to evaluate these potential impacts on current and planned future components. 5. Optional Task. EcoEngineers Renewable Energy Market and Potential Revenue — Their staff will utilize available databases to screen commercial and industrial facilities and waste haulers in the larger region. Sources close -by with high gas generating potential wastes will be contacted to determine details including waste description, volume and current management. We will also complete an evaluation of renewable energy credits/incentives applicable to plant digester gas. This work will include identifying the natural gas pipeline(s) nearby and discussing relative revenue rates for an array of credits, incentives and voluntary markets for renewable fuels. Due to page restrictions, we did not include background information for EcoEngineers. We will gladly provide company information, case studies and references if desired. 6. Draft and Final Feasibility Study. HR Green will submit the results of the above work in a draft feasibility report which will be presented in a staff meeting. The report will be revised based on City comments and a final report will be submitted. The report will determine the viability of a vactor dump station and cost, and describe potential HSW sources, options for receiving and processing systems, potential plant impacts and options for gas utilization. Recommendations for the next steps will be included. PROJECT TEAM, REFERENCES AND INSURANCE - This work will be completed by HR Green staff from our local St. Paul office, Resumes and our Insurance Information are included as an attachment to this proposal. References are as follows - Metropolitan Council Environmental Services — Jay Sockness - 651.602.1517 Des Moines Wastewater Reclamation Authority - Wastewater Reclamation Facility (WRF) - Patrick Brown, Des Moines WRF Project Manager - 515.323.8027 Indianola, IA - Rick Graves, Indianola Wastewater Superintendent - 515.961.9416 PROJECT SCHEDULE - HR Green is prepared to initiate work on this project as soon as awarded. The initial site visit will be performed within 2 weeks of contract execution. A draft feasibility report can be submitted by December 12, 2019 assuming award by October 25, 2019. HRGreene Vactor Dump Station and High Strength Waste Feasibility Study City of Monticello, MN 12 TOTAL CONSULTANT COST - The base work for this project will be completed for a lump sum fee of $11,500. The optional EcoEngineers scope can be performed for an additional fee of $5000, if desired. We are truly excited to have the opportunity to work with you and your staff on this tremendous project. If you have any questions regarding our proposed services, please call me at 612-655-9878. Sincerely, HR Green, Inc. Timothy E. Korby, PE — Regional Director RELATED PROJECT EXPERIENCE HRGreens VACTOR RECEIVING STATION / FAIRMONT, MN As part of a major WWTP Improvements project for the City of Fairmont, MN, HR Green included a new vactor receiving station for the convenience of dumping the City's vactor truck ahead of influent screening at the wastewater treatment plant. The vactor receiving station was designed to dump the vactor truck while containing much of the large debris on the grating screen. Plant effluent water was supplied from a nearby yard hydrant to flush the contents of the vactor truck following dumping. The vactor receiving station has worked reliably to minimize the effort of getting the vactor truck contents into the waste stream. HAULED WASTE RECEIVING STATION / DES MOINES WRA - DES MOINES, IA HR Green and the Des Moines Metropolitan Wastewater Reclamation Authority (WRA) evaluated eight options for hauled waste receiving facility improvements at the Wastewater Reclamation Facility (WRF). Improving the hauled waste receiving facilities allowed the WRA to process additional waste to generate additional biogas. Improvements include; three truck scales; receiving station at headworks; special waste receiving station where waste needs to be bled slowly into the influent due to foaming or potential upset; and digester receiving — hauled waste is mixed with thickened RAS and co -digested with primary sludge. BIOGAS UTILIZATION STUDY - AMANA COMMERCIAL DIGESTER / AMANA, IA Amana farms operates an anaerobic digester to process cow manure and a mix of off-site, high strength waste, generating biogas to fuel four engine generators. HR Green was contracted to study the potential for biogas treatment and injection into the nearby utility. Capital and operating costs were estimated for several gas upgrading options, however, the biogas value was found to be low based on the mix of off- site wastes. A second study was completed to see if a new digester, processing manure and corn stover, would be an attractive alternative. The study concluded that building a new digester fed only manure and energy crops generated the most valuable gas, fully capturing incentives/credits for renewable natural gas. Project payback was estimated at 2.6 to 7.9 years depending on market conditions. Vactor Dump Station and High Strength Waste Feasibility Study City of Monticello, MN 13 PROJECT TEAM The HR Green team blends technical skills and significant recent similar experience working together as a team. We believe this team is structured to deliver the best value and quality to the City. Brief resumes are provided, HR Green's Water Business Line is one of the key and longest standing services of the company. We take pride in our water staff who specialize solely in wastewater systems so they can keep up with technologies and regulations that affect our clients. �Tlclll� CLIENT SERVICES MANAGER TIM KORBY, PE PROJECT MANAGER COSTA DIMITRACOPOULOS, PE QA/QC MIKE HALDE, PE MARK STONE, PE JUSTIN CONNER, PE JIM POSTIGLIONE, PE Sewer Vactor Dump Station Sewer Vactor Dump Station High Strength Waste Feasibility Lead Engineer Project Engineer Study Lead Engineer YEARS EXPERIENCE 35 REGISTRATION PE/MN/19242 EDUCATION MS, Sanitary Engineering (Environmental), Iowa State University - 1983 BS, Civil Engineering, Iowa State University - 1981 COSTA DIMITRACOPOULOS, PE PROJECT MANAGER Costa has 34 years of experience in civil and environmental engineering. His experience includes all phases of water, stormwater and wastewater project development, from pilot testing and preliminary reports, through design, construction and daily operations. Costa is experienced in preparing and managing projects involving planning, cost estimating, permit negotiations, and detailed design of waste- water treatment, conveyance, and discharge systems, and water source development, treatment, storage, and distribution systems, and storm water storage and conveyance systems. He has managed projects from inception through construction and has assisted in troubleshooting facilities following construction. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE: Interim Vactor Site - MCES / Project Manager Costa managed client expectations, as well as discipline engineers, on a fast -paced design and construction project. Mound Area Interceptor Improvements - MCES / Design Engineer Project involved planning and development of a 6,000 -foot long raw sewage line, an 11.8 mgd lift station, potential on site storage of peak flows, and a potential vactor dump station, Costa provided preliminary and final design of the process systems within Lift Station L38. Sanitary Lift Stations, Storm Pump Stations and SCADA System - City of Minneapolis / Project Manager Over the past 8 years HR Green has worked with the City of Minneapolis on rehabilitation and standardization of 9 sanitary lift stations and 23 storm water pump stations. Costa provide project management and civil and process engineering. Vactor Dump Station and High Strength Waste Feasibility Study City of Monticello, MN 4 HRGreen. YEARS EXPERIENCE 33 REGISTRATION PE / MN / 25830 EDUCATION YEARS EXPERIENCE TIM KORBY, PE CLIENT SERVICES MANAGER Tim is a highly experienced civil engineer that has worked for various clients throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin. As a result of his municipal experience, he knows and understands a community's engineering needs and unique problems. These include expansion of urban infrastructure to meet development needs, municipal surveying, planning and development issues, intense maintenance practices for municipal improvements, and development of parks, trails, and similar amenities during the developing years. He also has expertise in designing wastewater and water treatment plants. This gives him a unique insight into how suburban communities must balance all of these issues. He has been involved with communities facing both rapid development and redevelopment needs. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE: WWTP Design and Construction - City of St. Cloud, MN / QA/QC - Engineer of Record Biosolids upgrade, new generator, and high strength waste project, Wastewater Treatment Plant, Seven Lift Stations, 30 Grinder Pump Stations and a City Wide Sanitary Sewer Collection System — Sturgeon Lake, Minnesota / City Engineer/Project Principal/Funding Specialist The project included the design and construction of a new 0.1 mgd 3 cell stabilization pond wastewater treatment plant, seven large lift stations, 30 grinder pump stations and 10 miles of sanitary sewer collection system. Tim was responsible for overseeing engineering team, budget, schedule and quality control. Tim also was also in charge of funding applications, which ultimately secured a 75% grant to fund the water treatment plant project. MIKE HALDE, PE QA/QC Mike has led or played an integral part in planning, design and construction phases of all facets of wastewater collection, pumping and treatment systems. Over his tenure Mike has been involved in municipal and industrial waste treatment from small to very large systems including physical, chemical and biological treatment to meet strict nutrient limits; thickening and dewatering processes; and aerobic and anaerobic treatment. Mike's technical expertise has been used on many other systems designed by the firm including very large pumping systems. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE: 19 Hauled Waste Receiving Station - Des Moines WRA / Project Manager HR Green and the Des Moines Metropolitan Wastewater Reclamation Authority (WRA) evaluated EDUCATION eight options for hauled waste receiving facility improvements at the Des Moines Wastewater MS, Civil/Environmental Engineering, Reclamation Facility (WRF). Improving the hauled waste receiving facilities allowed the WRA to South Dakota School of Mines and process additional waste to generate additional biogas. Technology - 1999 Mike provided project management for this project. BS, Civil/Environmental Engineering, Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements - City of Fairmont / Project Engineer South Dakota School of Mines and This project included process modeling, preliminary and final design, bidding and construc- Technology - 1998 tion phase services for improving and expanding a wastewater treatment facility to 11.5 mgd capacity, including: aeration, primary clarification, final clarification, anaerobic sludge digestion REGISTRATION and storage, UV disinfection, and other related civil design. PE / IA, MO, TX Mike was responsible for the capacity evaluation, phosphorus sampling protocol and study, preliminary study, preliminary design, final design, construction documents, and regulatory permitting. He was also responsible for bidding services, and construction administration and management. HRGreen. Vactor Dump Station and High Strength Waste Feasibility Study City of Monticello, MN �5 JUSTIN CONNER, PE PROJECT ENGINEER Justin is a Civil and Environmental engineer with a background focused on wastewater related projects. Responsibilities have included the preparation of construction specifications and design drawings, performing process and hydraulic design for stormwater and wastewater facilities, devel- oping detailed construction cost estimates, utility research and coordination, preparing technical memorandums and correspondence, and coordinating with clients and government agencies. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE: YEARS EXPERIENCE MARK STONE, PE 4 LEAD ENGINEER - Mark provides project management of engineering and construction administrative services EDUCATION for wastewater treatment and conveyance facilities including conceptual and facility planning, BS, Civil and Environmental permitting and coordination with regulators, preliminary and detail design, bidding services, and Engineering, University of MN - 2014 construction administration services. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE: REGISTRATION Wastewater Treatment Plant and Collection System Design - Central Iron Range YEARS EXPERIENCE Sanitary Sewer District / Project Manager 18 This fast track project involved final planning, process selection, preliminary design, final design, permitting , EAW and bidding services for a new 2,5 MGD WWTP and collection system EDUCATION completed in less than 16 months. BS, Civil Engineering, University of Over the past 8 years HR Green has worked with the City of Minneapolis on rehabilitation and Minnesota - 2001 Mark managed final design and bidding services, and construction services. REGISTRATION Mercury Treatment Study: South WWTP, Hibbing, MN / Project Manager ® Vactor Dump Station Mark assisted the City of Hibbing with preparation and submittal of a Variance Request for Total PE / MN / 46316 Mercury Water Quality Standards and associated NPDES permit limits. He also, assisted the City to resolve its NPDES compliance schedule and final compliance requirements driven by the Great Lakes Initiative — Water Quality Standards. Empire WWTP Biosolids Improvements - MCES / Project Engineer Project involved conversion of secondary anaerobic digesters to primary digesters, design of biogas treatment and engine generator with heat recovery. Project delivery in two phases, currently designing engine generator. Mark led the predesign planning efforts, including evaluation of high strength waste, JUSTIN CONNER, PE PROJECT ENGINEER Justin is a Civil and Environmental engineer with a background focused on wastewater related projects. Responsibilities have included the preparation of construction specifications and design drawings, performing process and hydraulic design for stormwater and wastewater facilities, devel- oping detailed construction cost estimates, utility research and coordination, preparing technical memorandums and correspondence, and coordinating with clients and government agencies. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE: YEARS EXPERIENCE Mound Area Interceptor Improvements - MCES / Project Engineer 4 Project involved planning and development of a 6,000 -foot long raw sewage line, an 11.8 mgd lift station, potential on site storage of peak flows, and a potential vactor dump station, EDUCATION BS, Civil and Environmental Justin was responsible for the preliminary design. Engineering, University of MN - 2014 Hopkins L27 Design - MCES / Project Engineer MCES retained HR Green to provide engineering and design services for a new lift station, REGISTRATION forcemain, and related work in Hopkins, MN, The facility will be a wet well/dry well design, with PE / MN / 148287 activated carbon odor control, and a capacity of 6.3 MGD. Justin was responsible for the civil and process design. Sanitary Lift Stations, Storm Pump Stations and SCADA System - City of Minneapolis / Project Engineer Over the past 8 years HR Green has worked with the City of Minneapolis on rehabilitation and standardization of 9 sanitary lift stations and 23 storm water pump stations. Justin was responsible for the civil and process design. ® Vactor Dump Station and High Strength Waste Feasibility Study HRGreen. City of Monticello, MN 6 YEARS EXPERIENCE 35 EDUCATION MS, Environmental Engineering, University of Minnesota - 1987 BS, Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota - 1982 HRGreen. JIM POSTIGLIONE, PE LEAD HIGH STRENGTH ENGINEER Having worked since 1984 as a process engineer and project manager, Mr. Postiglione has extensive experience in the treatment of drinking and process supply waters, wastewater treatment and reuse, remediation of hazardous wastes, and renewable energy. His project experience includes work for municipalities, federal government and private industries involving pilot testing, feasibility studies, design, reporting, troubleshooting, training and start-up. Mr. Postiglione's recent focus at HR Green has involved biogas production and utilization projects, including Landfill Gas to Energy facilities. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE: Biogas Utilization Study - Amana Commercial Digester/Lead Process Engineer HR Green was contracted to study the potential for biogas treatment and injection into the nearby utility. Capital and operating costs were estimated for several gas upgrading options, however, the biogas value was found to be low based on the mix of off-site wastes. A second study was completed to see if a new digester, processing manure and corn stover, would be an attractive alternative. The study concluded that building a new digester fed only manure and energy crops generated the most valuable gas, fully capturing incentives/credits for renewable natural gas. Project payback was estimated at 2.6 to 7.9 years depending on market conditions. Empire WWTP Biosolids Improvements - MCES / Design Engineer Project involved conversion of secondary anaerobic digesters to primary digesters, design of biogas treatment and engine generator with heat recovery. Project delivery in two phases, currently designing engine generator. Midland WWTP and Municipal Landfill - City of Midland / Lead Process Engineer Design -build project using treated landfill gas and digester gas from the WWTP to fuel two, 1.6 MW engine generators. Project included compression and water removal at the landfill and a 3- mile pipeline to the WWTP engine generator/heat recovery system. Landfill Gas To Power - Several Projects / Lead Process Engineer HR Green completed several landfill gas to power projects as a design -build contractor. Vactor Dump Station and High Strength Waste Feasibility Study City of Monticello, MN ACORO0DATE ��. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE (MM/DD/YYYY) 12/17/2018 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER 1-800-300-0325 CONTACT NAME: Michelle Gruis Holmes Murphy & Assoc - CR PHONE 319-896-7715 FAX 866-231-7822 AAIC N Ex AIC No E-MAIL ruin@holmesmur h ADDRESS: m g P Y•com 201 First Street SE, Suite 700 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # GL0373096709 INSURERA:Zurich American Insurance Company 16535 Cedar Rapids, IA 52401 INSURED INSURER B: Travelers Property Casualty Company of 25674 HR Green Inc INSURER C: XL SPECIALTY INS CO 37885 INSURER D: 8710 Earhart Lane SW INSURER E: INSURER F: Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 54781373 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR LTR OF INSURANCE ADDLTYPE INRD WVD SUER POLICY NUMBER LICY EFF MM / D1YYYY POLICY EXP MM! D/YYYY LIMITS A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY GL0373096709 01/01/19 01/01/20 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 _7CLAIMS-MADE � OCCUR DAMAGE TO PREM SES (E. occurrence) $ 300,000 MED EXP (Any one person) $ 10,000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 PRO - POLICY � PRO XJECT ❑ LOC PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 $ OTHER: A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY BAP373096809 01/01/19 01/01/20 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ 2,000,000 Ea accident) BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ X ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ ALL OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS AUTOS PROPERTY DAMAGE Per accident $ NON -OWNED X HIRED AUTOS X AUTOS $ B X UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR ZUP14N8656619 01/01/19 01/01/20 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 15, 000, 000 AGGREGATE $ 15, 000, 000 EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS -MADE DEDX RETENTION$ 10,000 $ A WORKERS EMPLOY RS' LI A ILII AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PRO PRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE Y 1 N OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? N❑ (Mandatory in NH) N / A WC373096609 01/01/19 01/01/20 X STATUTE EORH E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000 E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYE $ 1, 000,000 E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000 If yes describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below C Professional Liability DPR9935712 01/01/19 ,01/01/20 Per Claim 5,000,000 (Claims Made Coverage) Aggregate 6,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION © 1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2014/01) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD arennercr 54781373 ® Vactor Dump Station and High Strength Waste Feasibility Study City of Monticello, MN HRGreenR SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE To Whom It May Concern THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE /A,A lt Iyy4kA� NX t"7F7 Alt © 1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2014/01) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD arennercr 54781373 ® Vactor Dump Station and High Strength Waste Feasibility Study City of Monticello, MN HRGreenR EXHIBIT "B" REOUST FOR PROPOSALS 199339v1 HR Green 2019 Vactor Dump Station and HSW Feasibility Study � Monticello REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR IMPROVEMENTS SECTION I: GENERAL INFORMATION PROJECT OVERVIEW The City of Monticello is issuing this Request for Qualifications (RFP) for professional services related to providing a sewer vactor dump station for the City's vactor trucks and investigating the feasibility of allowing high-strength waste haulers to utilize the facility. The City's wastewater treatment plant consists of an influent pumping station, headworks building, sequencing batch reactors, and chlorination/dichlorination equipment. Biosolids treatment consists of dissolved air flotation (DAF) thickening, primary and secondary anaerobic digester, and a filter screw press and solids are taken to the landfill. SECTION 2: OVERALL SCOPE OF SERVICES The services required of the Consultant are anticipated to be provided beginning in October 2019 with the completion of a feasibility study in December 2019. The following are general work tasks and deliverables that shall be included in the Consultant's scope for the project: 1. Review and gain an understanding of existing infrastructure 2. Meetings with City and Veoha Staff 3. Provide a draft and final feasibility study. a. Assessment to include options along with estimated costs. b. Investigation on impacts to operations from high-strength waste -haulers. c. Recommendation on fees and projected income from high-strength waste haulers. 4. Contract maybe supplemented to include project design and construction services. The proposal shall contain the type of information summarized below. Additional information is allowable as long as it is direr relevant to the proposed project. SECTION 3: PROPOSALS Proposal Format The submittal should follow the Table of Contents listed below: 1. General Information 2. Project Approach 3. Proposed Project Team and Experience 4. Any Additional Information as Needed 5. Total Consultant Cost Request for Proposals SCADA System Improvements Page 2 of 4 -------------------------- 6. Insurance Certificate A brief description of each section is included below. 1. General Information General information and a brief history of the Consultant's firm. Include similar information on key subconsultants, if any, proposed for the project. 2. Project Approach Provide specific approaches, methods, and assumptions that will be utilized to accomplish the development of this project, including each work phase including design and construction if this is included in the contract. 3. Proposed Project Team and Experience ■ Identify the key project team members and describe their specific roles on the project. Include key team members from sub -consultant firms if any. ■ Describe relevant experience and provide information on at least three (3) reference projects completed in the last five (5) years. Provide personal references and contact information. ■ Include one-page resumes for key members of the project team, including field personnel. 5. Additional Information Include any other information that is believed to be pertinent, but not specifically requested elsewhere in this RFP. 6. Total Consultant Cost The consultant cost should be broken out as follows: a. Proposed costs for preparing the needs study as listed in Section 2. b. Hourly rates for all consultant employees who are expected to work on this project. These rates shall be the agreed upon costs for any additional services requested by the City, above what is detailed in the scope of this RFP. 7. Insurance Certificate Indicate ability to provide all necessary insurance certificates. SECTION 4: CONSULTANT SELECTION Proposals should be no longer than three pages not including resume's and the proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by a team of City staff on the basis of the following criteria: 1. Consulting firm and key project staff experience with similar projects to this. In addition to understanding technical issues and having sound technical/ engineering expertise. 2. Proven track record in successfully completing similar projects on time and within budget. City staff plans to follow up with staff from referenced projects. Successful .J:\City Improvement Projects\2020 Projects\WWI"P Improvements\WWTP upgrades RFP.doc Request for Proposals SCADA System Improvements -------------------------- Page 3 of 4 experience of both the firth itself and the individual team members will be considered. 3. Proposed approach to completing the project 4. Proposed consultant cost Following review of the Proposals the City may ask Consultants to make a presentation to City representatives, staff will select a Consultant to negotiate a contract as follows: 1. If, for any reason, a firm is not able to commence the services in that firm's Proposal within 30 days of the award, the City reserves the right to contract with another qualified firm. 2. The City shall not be liable for any expenses incurred by the Consultant prior to the signing of a contract including, but not limited to, the Proposal preparation, attendance at interviews, or final contract negotiations. 3. The City reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals submittals or to request additional information from any or all of the proposing firms. SECTION 5: CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS Upon selection of a Consultant, an Agreement or Contract for Services, attached to this RFP, shall be entered into by the City and the Consultant. It is expected that the contract will provide for compensation for actual work completed on a not to exceed basis, and the following conditions: 1. Deletions of specific itemized work tasks will be at the discretion of the City. Payment or reimbursement shall be made based on tasks that have been satisfactorily completed. Billing that exceed the not to exceed amount will not be compensated unless a contract extension has been approved in advance by the City. 2. The City shall retain ownership of all documents, plans, maps, reports and data prepared under this proposal. In addition to being provided hard copy and digital documents throughout the project. 3. If, for any reason, the Consultant is unable to fulfill the obligations under the contract in a timely and proper manner, the City shall reserve the right to terminate the contract by written notice. In this event, the firm shall be entitled to just and equitable compensation for any satisfactory completed work tasks, as determined by the City Engineer. 4. The Consultant shall not assign or transfer any interest in the contract without prior written consent of the City. 5. The Consultant shall maintain comprehensive general liability insurance in accordance with Section 466.04 of the Minnesota Statutes. 6. The Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Monticello, its officials, employees and agents, from any and all claims, causes of action, lawsuits, damages, losses or expenses, including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the Consultant's (including its officials, agents, subconsultants or employees) performance of the duties required under the contract, provided that any such claim, damages, loss or expense is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, diseases or death or injury to or destruction of property including the loss of use resulting therefrom and ):\City Improvement Projects\2020 Projects\WWTP Improvements\WVI'P upgrades RFP.doc Request for Proposals SCADA System Improvements -------------------------- Page 4 of 4 is caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or omission or willful misconduct of Consultant. 7. The Consultant contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. 8. Project summaries shall be submitted with each invoice during the course of the project. Each summary shall detail the amount billed to date, work items that need to be completed, the estimated costs to complete these tasks and the projected timeline for the completion of the project. Invoices submitted to the City shall include a detailed breakdown of times, personnel, mileage, etc. chargeable for that period. SECTION 6: CONCLUSION AND SUBMITTAL Any requests for additional information that may be needed for the preparation of the proposal should be directed via email to Matt Leonard at matt.leonard(c�ci.monticello.mn.us. Please provide 3 paper and one electronic (pdo copies of the Proposal for the evaluation process. Proposals shall be addressed to: Matt Leonard, P.E. Public Works Director/City Engineer City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello MN 55362 Proposals will be accepted until 11:30 a.m. on October 11, 2019 J:\City Improvement Projects\2020 Projects\WWTP Improvements\WW17P upgrades RFP.doc City Council Agenda: 6/08/2020 4B. Consideration of approving Change Order #1 for additional paving at the Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Complex in the amount of $45,000. (ML/TP/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City council representatives serving on the Bertram Chain of Lakes Advisory Council are requesting consideration of extending the paving limits for the Briarwood Avenue Turn Lane Project. The extension would incorporate paving the main access road from Briarwood Avenue east to the pump house for the water re -use pond. The drive would provide a ribbon of asphalt passing through a gravel parking lot without any additional paving in the parking lot area itself, as shown on the included illustration. This is a time sensitive late addition to the agenda due to the contractor planning to start paving the week of June 8, 2020. Staff has been internally discussing the option of extending the paving limits for a few weeks. However, this was not in the original phasing plans and, due to the recent events with the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to potentially spend liquor store funds for the roof replacement at the Community Center, it was decided with varying opinions not to move forward with additional paving. The additional paving would reduce the amount of dust near the athletic fields and would provide an opportunity to stripe the roadway to provide more effective traffic flow for entering and exiting the parking lots. The additional maintenance costs for the asphalt pavement would likely be slightly more than it would be for the current gravel surface. The drive entrance and parking lots were planned to be paved with the next phase of the project, but with the many needs within the city it is unknown when the next phase would occur. The city has agreed with Monticello Township to pave Briarwood Avenue from the athletic field entrance to CSAH 39 at some point in the future and potentially along with Wright County's project for re -paving CSAH 39 which is currently scheduled for 2023 in Wright County's Five -Year Plan. Al. Budget Impact: The 2020 budget includes $420,000 for construction of the turn lanes at Briarwood Avenue from the Park and Pathway Fund. The construction and engineering costs with a 15% contingency is estimated at $230,000 for the current contract. The additional paving would add an additional $45,000 making the total project cost approximately $275,000. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff impacts are expected to be minimal for this change order B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve Change Order #1 for additional paving at the Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Complex in the amount of $45,000. 2. Motion to deny the change order at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is neutral on its recommendation for approving Change Order #1. City Council Agenda: 6/08/2020 D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Paving limits exhibit B. Wright County Five Year Plan IN ORDER TO MINIMIZE TREE LOSS, FIELD LOCATE 12' WIDE GRAVEL TRAIL THROUGH EXISTING TREES. VERIFY WITH LA-E/OWNER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. �1 - 1 r<- -157 PROPERTY LINE (ASSUMED) _ CONSTRUCTION LIMITS _ F I � sF _ IF SF IF IF SF SF IF SFF 321.2' — 1 v v RV � ---245' 50'— --------� �- R80' 12' WIDE GRAVEL TRAIL, SEE DETAIL e FUTURE FIELD LIGHTING --- — Z LOCATION, TYP. SHOWN �k FOR REFERENCE ONLY R450' MULTI-PURPOSE I FIELD #1 i 380' I I I� a _ 12' WIDE GRAVEL TRAIL, SEE DETAIL _ 2 L — � ------ --- 1 L6.1 1 245' _'---1_ 44'- _ � ACCESSIBLE ROUTE • — — —� 7 TO SOUTH FIELDS RV 50' 245' I I 220.1' — — MULTI-PURPO; FIELD #2 I ` GRAVEL PAD AT FIELDS, SEE ENLARGEMENT DETAIL(@ L6.3 I 2332' CP#1 N 217521.3870 E 506948.9790 I L I L R2W 29' \ ACCESSIBLE PARKING a ENLARGEMENT, SEE DETAIL Ls.3 245'— — — — 407.2' 380' -I- 38' CONSTRUCTION LIMITS, TYP. 12' WIDE GRAVEL 2 TRAIL, SEE DETAIL L6.1 FU TU E BERT D UE BA TALL FIFLDFIELD C H A I N O F LA -,KE S REGIONAL. PARK ATHLETIC COMPLEX 86' DO NOT DISTURB OR 120' COMPACT SOILS IN THIS AREA I FI D � I PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PAVING \ 22' WIDE y APPROX. 1300 FT. i -�--------------J \ ----- --- 4S7R9 \ -- -- ---- 12' WIDE GRAVEL ' TRAIL, SEE DETAIL L 2 R184.3' 318.8' ,12' _... 150 t N .:::; .�� ,.� 48' — „" 120'' 79.1 ' 60.5' SEE DETAIL :KING LOT 1 R20 P I _ - - - .................. .. 38 10 1 TAPER FOR ............................. .. : .._ TURN LANE 25 - 25 : R312.5' ...:. .,� .. .: .... ................... ... ..... _. .. .. .. .. ... ..... .. ... .... .... _. Via° oa• Oar 04-2 52.8. 252.8. ...:27.6' �J� R242.5'' :.� 1 I /" ,/. GRAVEL DRIVE SEE DETAIL 1 SAWCUT 329 7' EXISTING TRAIL °—a --o - - R195' EXISTING TRAIL TO REMAIN (INCIDENTAL) -� 12' WIDE GRAVEL TRAIL - - - - - - SEE DETAIL �� CONSTRUCTION LIMITS, TYP. J , A ------ �I R42.5' t 12' WIDE GRAVEL TRAIL TO PARKING LOT SEE DETAIL � 2 (@ 0 40 80 = I "SCALE IN FEET C.P.SHEET 16C001-PHASEI L3.2 MATC:HI INF SFF county -Year Plan 2019 Pavement Preservation ^40 23.0 Miles Reconstruction 6*4I Safety/Spot Reconstruction Traffic Control Culvert 2020 Pavement Preservation 0%0 21.4 Miles Reconstruction Culvert Safety/Spot Reconstruction Traffic Control IS] Signal + 2021 Pavement Preservation 26.0 Miles :s •.tai Kt•t Bridge <9> CSAH 60 TURN BACK Safety/Spot Reconstruction Traffic Control 2022 Pavement Preservation *Vq%o 15.5 Miles Reconstruction 1'Wk 0 Safety/Spot Reconstruction r Traffic Control LS] 2023 Pavement Preservation 28.8 Miles Reconstruction 6*4% Safety/Spot Reconstruction � I, Traffic Control 141--1 November 8, 2019 CITY OF � Monticello Council Connection June 8, 2020 CITY OF Montfcdo ENGINEERING Public Comment on Stormwater Documents The Engineering Division has posted the draft 2019 Annual MS4 report to the city's stormwater page for public review and comment. Comment will be accepted on both the draft report and the city's Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) at: www.ci.monticello.mn.us/stormwater. Also, as part of this annual review period, the city's SWPPP document, annual reports, and other documentation supporting or describing the SWPPP are available upon request. Please contact Ryan Melhouse at ryan.melhouse@ci.monticello.mn.us for more information. Public comments must be received by Monday, June 15, 2020, to be considered for the 2019 Annual Report which will be submitted to the MPCA by the deadline on June 30. MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY You are currently logged in as: Monticello City MS4 If this is correct, click the 'Next' button. If this information is incorrect, contact Cole Landgraf (651-757-2880, cole.landgraf@state.mn.us). Before you begin... A fillable Microsoft Word document with all of the questions is available at https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=MS4_ Annual_ Report (for personal use only, not for submittal). The MS4 Annual Report for 2019 will automatically save your answers when you hit the `Next' button at the bottom of each page. If you wish to leave the MS4 Annual Report for 2019 and complete the document at another time, you may do so by clicking `Next' at the bottom of your current page to save your progress before exiting the document. Return to the survey by following the previously used web link, and again login using your email and assigned password credentials. Once you successfully log in, your previous answers will appear. The MPCA will email a formatted version of your MS4 Annual Report for 2019 to you in a confirmation email within three business days after you submit this form. You may print a copy of the MS4 Annual Report for 2019 for your records at any time by pressing the 'Print' button at the bottom of the page. Additionally, it is possible to save a PDF copy of the MS4 Annual Report for 2019 if you are working on a computer with OneNote (a program often included in Microsoft Office packages). Detailed saving instructions are available at stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/Guidance for saving MS4_ annual_ reports. MS4 Annual Report for 2019 Reporting period: January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 Due: June 30, 2020 Instructions: Complete this annual report to provide a summary of your activities under the 2013 MS4 Permit (Permit) between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019. MPCA staff may contact you for additional information. Fillable document available at https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php? title=MS4 Annual Report (for personal use only, not for submittal). Questions: Contact Cole Landgraf (cole.landgraf@state.mn.us, 651-757-2880) MS4 General Contact Information Full Matt Leonard name Title City Engineer/Public Works Director Mailing address city 505 Walnut St Monticello State MN Zip code 55362 Phone 763-271-3271 Email Matt.Leonard@ci.monticello.mn.us Preparer Contact Information (if different from the MS4 General Contact) Full name Ryan Melhouse Title Senior Engineering Tech Organization City of Monticello Mailing address 505 Walnut St City Monticello State MN Zip code 55362 Phone Email 7632713227 ryan.melhouse@ci.monticello.mn.us MCM 1: Public Education and Outreach The following questions refer to Part III.D.1. of the Permit. Q2 Did you select a stormwater-related issue of high priority to be emphasized during this Permit term? [Part III.D.1.a.(1)] OO Yes O No Q3 What is your stormwater-related issue(s)? Check all that apply. ❑ TMDL(s) ❑ Local businesses ❑ Residential BMPs 0 Pet waste 0 Yard waste 0 Deicing materials ❑ Household chemicals 0 Construction activities 0 Post -construction activities ❑ Other Q4 Have you distributed educational materials or equivalent outreach to the public focused on illicit discharge recognition and reporting? [Part III.D.1.a.(2)] O Yes Q No Q5 Do you have an implementation plan as required by the Permit? [Part III.D.1.b.] O Yes O No Q6 How did you distribute educational materials or equivalent outreach? Check all that apply and provide circulation/audience associated with each item. [Part III.D.1.a.] 0 Brochure 0 Newsletter ❑ Utility bill insert ❑ Newspaper ad ❑ Radio ad ❑ Television ad ❑ Cable access channel 0 Stormwater-related event ❑ School presentation or project 0 Website ❑ Other (1) ❑ Other (2) ❑ Other (3) Q7 Intended audience? Check all that apply Q8 Enter the total circulation/audience (if unknown, use best estimate): Brochure 1100 Newsletter 5400 Stormwater- 100 related event Website 1 6000 Provide a brief description of each activity related to public education and outreach (e.g. rain garden workshop, school presentation, public works open house) held and the date each activity was held from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. [Part III.D.1.c.(4)] Q9Date of activity Date 4/1/2019 (mm/dd/yyyy) Date 5/1/2019 (mm/dd/yyyy) Date (mm/dd/yyyy) 6/8/2019 Local 10/1/2019 Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Residents Businesses Developers Students Employees Other Brochure p ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Newsletter p 0 ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ Stormwater- 0 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 related event Website 0 0 0 0 0 ❑ Q8 Enter the total circulation/audience (if unknown, use best estimate): Brochure 1100 Newsletter 5400 Stormwater- 100 related event Website 1 6000 Provide a brief description of each activity related to public education and outreach (e.g. rain garden workshop, school presentation, public works open house) held and the date each activity was held from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. [Part III.D.1.c.(4)] Q9Date of activity Date 4/1/2019 (mm/dd/yyyy) Date 5/1/2019 (mm/dd/yyyy) Date (mm/dd/yyyy) 6/8/2019 Date (mm/dd/yyyy) 10/1/2019 Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Q10Description of activity Spring Newsletter Sent brochures and info to all properties with conservation easements on how to protect ponds Walk and roll -handed out brochures and talked with public Fall Newsletter Q11 Between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019, did you modify your BMPs, measurable goals, or future plans for your public education and outreach program? [Part IV.B.] O Yes * No MCM 2: Public Participation/Involvement The following questions refer to Part III.D.2.a. of the Permit. Q12 You must provide a minimum of one opportunity each year for the public to provide input on the adequacy of your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP). Did you provide this opportunity between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019? [Part I II.D.2.a.(1)] OO Yes O No Q13 What was the opportunity that you provided? Check all that apply. ❑ Public meeting ❑ Public event 0 Other Q16 Other Describe: Posted notification on city website and in council connection Enter the date of this 5/1/2019 action (mm/dd/yyyy): Enter the number of citizens that attended and 0 were informed about your SWPPP: Q17 Between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019, did you receive any input regarding your SWPPP? O Yes O No Q19 Between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019, did you modify your BMPs, measurable goals, or future plans for your public participation/involvement program? [Part IV.B.] O Yes O0 No MCM 3: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination The following questions refer to Part III.D.3. of the Permit. Q20 Do you have a regulatory mechanism which prohibits non-stormwater discharges to your MS4? [Part III.D.3.b.] O Yes O No Q21 Did you identify any illicit discharges between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019? [Part III.D.3.h.(4)] QQ Yes O No Q22 Enter the number of illicit discharqes detected: Q23 How did you discover these illicit discharges? Check all that apply and enter the number of illicit discharges discovered by each category. 0 Public complaint 0 Staff Q24 Enter the number discovered by the public: Q25 Enter the number discovered by staff: Q26 Did any of the discovered illicit discharges result in an enforcement action (this includes verbal warnings)? O Yes 0 No Q27 What type of enforcement action(s) was taken and how many of each action were issued between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019? Check all that apply. 0 Verbal warning ❑ Notice of violation ❑ Fines ❑ Criminal action ❑ Civil penalties ❑ Other Enter the number of verbal 1 warnings issued: Q28 Did the enforcement action(s) taken sufficiently address the illicit discharge(s)? OO Yes O No Q30 Do you have written Enforcement Response Procedures (ERPs) to compel compliance with your illicit discharge regulatory mechanism(s)? [Part III.B.] O Yes O No Q31 Between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019, did you train all field staff in illicit discharge recognition (including conditions which could cause illicit discharges) and reporting illicit discharges for further investigations? [Part III.D.3.e.] O Yes O No Q32 How did you train your field staff? Check all that apply. ❑ Email ❑ PowerPoint ❑ Presentation ❑ Video ❑ Field Training 0 Other Other, describe: Brochure and answered questions as necessary The following questions refer to Part III.C.1. of the Permit. Q33 Did you update your storm sewer system map between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019? [Part I I I.C.1.] OO Yes O No Q34 Does your storm sewer map include all pipes 12 inches or greater in diameter and the direction of stormwater flow in those pipes? [Part III.C.1.a.] O Yes O No Q35 Does your storm sewer map include outfalls, including a unique identification (ID) number and an associated geographic coordinate? [Part III.C.1.b.] OO Yes O No Q36 Does your storm sewer map include all structural stormwater BMPs that are part of your MS4? [Part III.C.1.c.] O Yes O No Q37 Does your storm sewer map include all receiving waters? [Part III.C.1.d.] O Yes O No Q38 In what format is your storm sewer map available? O Hardcopy only O GIS O CAD O Other Q39 Between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019, did you modify your BMPs, measurable goals, or future plans for your illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE) program? [Part IV.B.] O Yes O0 No MCM 4: Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control The following questions refer to Part III.D.4. of the Permit. Q40 Do you have a regulatory mechanism that is at least as stringent as the Agency's general permit to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity (CSW Permit) No. MN R100001 (http://www.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/view- document. html?qid=18984) for erosion and sediment controls and waste controls? [Part III.D.4.a.] O Yes O No Q41 Have you developed written procedures for site plan reviews as required by the Permit? [Part III.D.4.b.] OO Yes O No Q42 Have you documented each site plan review as required by the Permit? [Part III.D.4.f.] Q Yes O No Q43 Enter the number of site plan reviews conducted for sites an acre or greater of soil disturbance between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019: Q44 What types of enforcement actions do you have available to compel compliance with your regulatory mechanism? Check all that apply and enter the number of each used from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. 0 Verbal warnings 0 Notice of violation ❑ Administrative orders 0 Stop -work orders ❑ Fines ❑ Forfeit of security of bond money 0 Withholding of certificate of occupancy ❑ Criminal actions ❑ Civil penalties ❑ Other Enter the number of verbal 31 warnings issued: Enter the number of notice of 1 violations issued: Enter the number of stop -work 10 orders issued: Enter the number of withholdings of certificate 3 of occupancy issued: Q45 Do you have written Enforcement Response Procedures (ERPs) to compel compliance with your construction site stormwater runoff control regulatory mechanism(s)? [Part III.B.] O Yes O No Q46 Enter the number of active construction sites an acre or greater that were in your jurisdiction between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019: Q47 Do you have written procedures for identifying priority sites for inspections? [Part III.D.4.d.(1)] OO Yes O No Q48 How are sites prioritized for inspections? Check all that apply. 0 Site topography ❑ Soil characteristics 0 Types of receiving water(s) ❑ Stage of construction ❑ Compliance history ❑ Weather conditions ❑ Citizen complaints ❑ Project size 0 Other Other, describe: Magnitude of construction sites and proximity to water bodies. Q49 Do you have a checklist or other written means to document site inspections when determining compliance? [Part III.D.4.d.(4)] O Yes O No Q50 Enter the number of site inspections conducted for sites an acre or greater between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019: 370 Q51 Enter the frequency at which site inspections are conducted (e.g. daily, weekly, monthly): [Part III.D.4.d.(2)] Weekly and after 1/2" rain events as workload allows. Q52 Enter the number of trained inspectors that were available for construction site inspections between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019: Q53 Provide the contact information for the inspector(s) and/or organization that conducts construction stormwater inspections for your MS4. List your primary construction stormwater contact first if you have multiple inspectors. (1) Inspector Ryan Melhouse name Organization city of Monticello Phone 7632713227 (Office) Phone 7632713227 (Work Cell) Email ryan.melhouse@ci.monticello.mn.us Preferred contact method (2) Inspector Paul Johnson name Organization wss Phone 763-762-2854 (Office) Phone (Work Cell) Email 1pjohnson@wsbeng.com Preferred contact method (3) Inspector name Organization Phone (Office) Phone (Work Cell) Email Preferred contact method Q54 What training did inspectors receive? Check all that apply. ❑7 University of Minnesota Erosion and Stormwater Management Certification Program ❑ Qualified Compliance Inspector of Stormwater (QCIS) ❑ Minnesota Laborers Training Center Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Installer or Supervisor ❑ Minnesota Utility Contractors Association Erosion Control Training ❑ Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) ❑ Certified Professional in Stormwater Quality (CPSWQ) ❑ Certified Erosion, Sediment and Storm Water Inspector (CESSWI) ❑ Other Q55 Between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019, did you modify your BMPs, measurable goals, or future plans for your construction site stormwater runoff control program? [Part IV.B.] O Yes O No MCM 5: Post -Construction Stormwater Management The following questions refer to Part III.D.5. of the Permit. Q56 Do you have a regulatory mechanism which meets all requirements as specified in Part III.D.5.a. of the Permit? OO Yes O No Q57 What approach are you using to meet the performance standard for Volume, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), and Total Phosphorus (TP) as required by the Permit? [Part III.D.5.a.(2)] Check all that apply. Refer to the link http://www.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/view-document.htmI? gid=17815 for guidance on stormwater management approaches. 0 Retain a runoff volume equal to one inch times the area of the proposed increase of impervious surfaces on-site ❑ Retain the post -construction runoff volume on site for the 95th percentile storm ❑ Match the pre -development runoff conditions 0 Adopt the Minimal Impact Design Standards (MIDS) ❑ An approach has not been selected ❑ Other method (Must be technically defensible--e.g. based on modeling, research and acceptable engineering practices) Q58 Do you have written Enforcement Response Procedures (ERPs) to compel compliance with your post -construction stormwater management regulatory mechanism(s)? [Part III.B.] OO Yes O No Q59 Between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019, did you modify your BMPs, measurable goals, or future plans for your post -construction stormwater management program? [Part IV.B.] O Yes O No MCM 6: Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations The following questions refer to Part III.D.6. of the Permit. Q60 Enter the total number of structural stormwater BMPs, outfalls (excluding underground outfalls), and ponds within your MS4 (exclude privately owned). Structural stormwaterl 49 BMPs Outfalls 131 Ponds 107 Q61 Enter the number of structural stormwater BMPs, outfalls (excluding underground outfalls), and ponds that were inspected from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 within your MS4 (exclude privately owned). [Part III.D.6.e.] Structural stormwater) 4 9 BMPs Outfalls I 1 Ponds o Q62 Have you developed an alternative inspection frequency for any structural stormwater BMPs, as allowed in Part III.D.6.e.(1) of the Permit? O Yes O No Q63 Based on inspection findings, did you conduct any maintenance on any structural stormwater BMPs? [Part III.D.6.e.(1)] O Yes 0 No Q64 Brieflv describe the maintenance that was conducted: (cleaned out stormceptors Q65 Do you own or operate any stockpiles, and/or storage and material handling areas? [Part III.D.6.e.(3)] OO Yes O No Q66 Did you inspect all stockpiles and storage and material handling areas quarterly? [Part III.D.6.e.(3)] O Yes O No Q67 Based on inspection findings, did you conduct maintenance at any of the stockpiles and/or storage and material handling areas? Q Yes OO No Q69 Between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019, did you modify your BMPs, measurable goals, or future plans for your pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations program? [Part IV.B.] O Yes Q No Partnerships Q78 Did you rely on any other regulated MS4s to satisfy one or more Permit requirements? O Yes O No Additional Information If you would like to provide any additional files to accompany your annual report, use the space below to upload those files. For each space, you may attach one file. You may provide additional explanation and/or information in an email with the subject YourMS4NameHere 2019AR to ms4permitprogram.pca@state.mn.us. Q80 Click the "up arrow" icon below to upload a file. When it has uploaded successfully, a unique ID will appear in the box. Only files less than 10 MB in size will upload. Q81 Click the "up arrow" icon below to upload a file. When it has uploaded successfully, a unique ID will appear in the box. Only files less than 10 MB in size will upload. Q82 Click the "up arrow" icon below to upload a file. When it has uploaded successfully, a unique ID will appear in the box. Only files less than 10 MB in size will upload. Q83 Optional, describe the file(s) uploaded: Owner or Operator Certification The person with overall administrative responsibility for SWPPP implementation and Permit compliance must certify this MS4 Annual Report. This person must be duly authorized and should be either a principal executive (i.e., Director of Public Works, City Administrator) or ranking elected official (i.e., Mayor, Township Supervisor). I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete (Minn. R. 7001.0070). 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment (Minn. R. 7001.0540). Yes By typing my name in the following box, I certify the above statements to be true and correct, to the best of my knowledge, and that information can be used for the purpose of processing my MS4 Annual Report. Name: Title: Date: (m m/dd/yyyy) When you are ready to submit, you must click the 'Submit' button at the bottom of this page. Provide the email(s) of the individual(s) you would like to receive the MS4 Annual Report for 2019 submittal confirmation email from the MPCA. After you click the Submit button below, please allow up to three business days to receive this email. Email (1) Email (2) Email (3) Print or save a copy of your completed MS4 Annual Report for 2019 for your records. The MPCA will email a formatted version of your MS4 Annual Report for 2019 in a confirmation email within three business days after you submit this form to the email(s) you provided above. You may print a copy of the MS4 Annual Report for 2019 for your records by pressing the `Print' button at the bottom of the page. Additionally, it is possible to save a PDF copy of the MS4 Annual Report for 2019 if you are working on a computer with OneNote (a program often included in Microsoft Office packages). Detailed saving instructions are available at stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/Guidance for saving MS4_ annual_ reports. If you have any questions, contact MPCA staff Cole Landgraf (cole.landgraf@state.mn.us, 651-757-2880). Wright County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Sean Deringer f9r F 5 04/`r 3800 Braddock Ave. NE, Buffalo, MN 55313 1-800-362-3667 Fax:763-682-7610 Monticello Monthly Report 2020 Printed on June 2, 2020 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 911 Abandoned Total: 7 05/01/2010:01 911 Abandoned 2020031582 911 911ABANDON 05/08/20 12:01 911 Abandoned 2020033257 911 911ABANDON 05/08/20 19:18 911 Abandoned 2020033367 911 911ABANDON 05/16/2011:11 911 Abandoned 2020035262 911 911ABANDON 05/20/20 15:40 911 Abandoned 2020036316 911 911ABANDON 05/21/2013:57 911 Abandoned 2020036553 911 911ABANDON 05/31/2015:50 911 Abandoned 2020039500 911 911ABANDON 911 Abandoned; Intoxicated Person Total: 1 05/19/20 22:20 911 Abandoned; 2020036145 DUI WP20013334 911 911ABANDON; 911 Hang-up Total: 31 05/01/2013:50 911 Hang-up 2020031624 911 HAN911 GUP 05/04/20 12:30 911 Hang-up 2020032292 911 HAN911 GUP 05/05/20 13:02 911 Hang-up 2020032537 911 HAN911 GUP 05/05/20 16:38 911 Hang-up 2020032585 911 HAN911 GUP 05/05/20 18:47 911 Hang-up 2020032621 911 HAN911 GUP 05/05/20 21:37 911 Hang-up 2020032667 911 HAN911 GUP 05/06/20 16:19 911 Hang-up 2020032842 911 HAN911 GUP 05/09/20 19:11 911 Hang-up 2020033626 911 HAN911 GUP 05/10/20 10:20 911 Hang-up 2020033737 911 HAN911 GUP 05/12/20 18:04 911 Hang-up 2020034303 911 HAN911 GUP 05/12/20 20:06 911 Hang-up 2020034333 911 HAN911 GUP 05/13/20 18:33 911 Hang-up 2020034535 911 HAN911 GUP 05/14/20 08:04 911 Hang-up 2020034613 911 HAN911 GUP 05/14/20 18:41 911 Hang-up 2020034790 911 HAN911 GUP 05/15/20 12:20 911 Hang-up 2020034959 911 HAN911 GUP 05/16/20 21:02 911 Hang-up 2020035406 911 HAN911 GUP 05/17/20 09:12 911 Hang-up 2020035480 911 HAN911 GUP Page 1 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time 911 Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 05/18/20 14:41 911 Hang-up 2020035761 911 OPEN 05/01/20 19:37 911 911 HAN911 GUP 05/19/20 13:30 911 Hang-up 2020036008 911OPEN 911 HAN911 GUP 05/20/20 09:00 911 Hang-up 2020036202 911 OPEN11 05/02/20 05:31 911 Open Line 911 HAN911 GUP 05/21/20 20:49 911 Hang-up 2020036665 911 OPEN 05/03/20 06:41 911 911 HAN911 GUP 05/22/20 12:20 911 Hang-up 2020036806 911 OPEN 911 HAN911 GUP 05/23/20 03:02 911 Hang-up 2020037018 g 911 HAN911 GUP 05/23/20 16:07 911 Hang-up 2020037133 Line 2020032155 911 911 HAN911 GUP 05/24/20 22:32 911 Hang-up 2020037535 911 Open Line 2020032162 911 911 HAN911 GUP 05/25/20 14:41 911 Hang-up 2020037699 911OPEN 05/04/20 13:25 911 Open Line 911 HAN911 GUP 05/26/20 01:12 911 Hang-up 2020037868 911OPEN11 05/06/20 15:39 911 911 HAN911 GUP 05/26/20 09:21 911 Hang-up 2020037913 911 OPEN 911 HAN911 GUP 05/26/20 14:48 911 Hang-up 2020038024 911 911 HAN911 GUP 05/30/20 20:31 911 Hang-up 2020039285 Line 2020033242 911 HAN911 GUP 05/31/2012:15 911 Hang-up 2020039447 911 Open Line 2020033568 911 911 HAN911 GUP 911 Open Line Total: 45 05/01/20 13:26 911 Open Line 2020031618 911 911 OPEN 05/01/20 19:37 911 Open Line 2020031743 911 911OPEN 05/02/20 01:47 911 Open Line 2020031824 911 OPEN11 05/02/20 05:31 911 Open Line 2020031836 11 911 OPEN 05/03/20 06:41 911 Open Line 2020032051 911 911 OPEN 05/03/20 08:29 911 Open Line 2020032057 g 911 OPEN11 05/03/20 17:14 911 Open Line 2020032155 911 911 OPEN 05/03/20 17:44 911 Open Line 2020032162 911 911OPEN 05/04/20 13:25 911 Open Line 2020032304 911OPEN11 05/06/20 15:39 911 Open Line 2020032831 911 911 OPEN 05/07/20 10:22 911 Open Line 2020032993 911 911OPEN 05/08/20 11:05 911 Open Line 2020033242 911OPEN11 05/09/20 14:18 911 Open Line 2020033568 911 911 OPEN 05/09/20 14:52 911 Open Line 2020033576 911 911OPEN 05/09/20 17:49 911 Open Line 2020033609 911OPEN11 05/09/20 23:51 911 Open Line 2020033691 11 911 OPEN 05/11/20 10:41 911 Open Line 2020033946 911 911 OPEN Page 2 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes Reported 05/12/20 13:53 911 Open Line 2020034209 ggHow 911OPEN11 05/12/20 16:29 911 Open Line 2020034262 911 911 OPEN 05/13/20 11:09 911 Open Line 2020034435 911 911OPEN 05/13/20 18:27 911 Open Line 2020034531 911OPEN11 05/14/20 15:37 911 Open Line 2020034728 911 911 OPEN 05/14/20 23:05 911 Open Line 2020034850 911 911 OPEN 05/15/20 09:15 911 Open Line 2020034907 g 911 OPEN11 05/15/20 13:16 911 Open Line 2020034978 911 911 OPEN 05/16/20 11:45 911 Open Line 2020035269 911 911OPEN 05/16/20 16:56 911 Open Line 2020035362 911OPEN11 05/17/20 10:17 911 Open Line 2020035495 911 911 OPEN 05/17/20 10:41 911 Open Line 2020035501 911 911OPEN 05/19/20 13:06 911 Open Line 2020036002 911OPEN11 05/19/20 20:46 911 Open Line 2020036124 11 911 OPEN 05/20/20 19:57 911 Open Line 2020036397 911 911OPEN 05/21/20 00:00 911 Open Line 2020036442 911 OPEN11 05/21/20 10:05 911 Open Line 2020036500 911 911 OPEN 05/21/20 17:42 911 Open Line 2020036617 911 911OPEN 05/23/20 13:39 911 Open Line 2020037102 911OPEN11 05/25/20 14:39 911 Open Line 2020037697 911 911 OPEN 05/26/20 10:27 911 Open Line 2020037938 911 911OPEN 05/27/20 16:32 911 Open Line 2020038330 911OPEN11 05/28/20 18:41 911 Open Line 2020038648 911 911 OPEN 05/29/20 09:07 911 Open Line 2020038763 911 911 OPEN 05/30/20 10:43 911 Open Line 2020039113 g 911OPEN11 05/30/20 13:20 911 Open Line 2020039157 911 911 OPEN 05/30/20 23:14 911 Open Line 2020039336 911 911 OPEN 05/31/20 20:10 911 Open Line 2020039573 g 911 OPEN11 911 Open Line; Traffic - Complaint Total: 1 05/07/20 11:36 911 Open Line; Traffic - 2020033013 Agency Assist 911 Text Total: 2 05/28/20 13:06 911 Text 2020038551 Theft WP20012271 911OPENI T WP20014178 911 TEXT 11 Page 3 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes gHow Reported 05/29/20 15:42 911 Text 2020038864 911 Text W P20014291 911 TEXT 11 Abandoned Vehicle Total: 1 05/11/20 13:40 Abandoned Vehicle 2020033990 Abandoned Vehicle WP20012570 ABANDVEFone Abuse Total: 1 05/08/2012:57 Abuse 2020033274 Abuse WP20012355 Phone ABUSE Agency Assist Total: 4 05/11/20 17:30 Agency Assist 2020034052 Agency Assist WP20012591 Phone AGASSISTne 05/12/20 17:06 Agency Assist 2020034275 Agency Assist WP20012672 ne Phone ANIMAL ST 05/26/20 10:05 Agency Assist 2020037928 Agency Assist WP20013959 ANIMAL AGASSISTone 05/27/20 22:20 Agency Assist 2020038415 Agency Assist WP20014133 ANIMAL AGASSISTne Alarm Total: 1 05/02/20 22:04 Alarm 2020032009 Citizen Aid WP20011905 Phone ALARM Animal Total: 14 05/04/2012:54 Animal 2020032297 Animal WP20012009 Phone ANIMAL 05/10/20 08:15 Animal 2020033725 Animal WSRO20012484 Phone ANIMAL 05/14/2017:35 Animal 2020034766 Animal WP20012875 Phone ANIMAL 05/15/2019:21 Animal 2020035077 Animal WP20012975 Phone ANIMAL 05/16/2019:19 Animal 2020035382 Animal WP20013067 911 ANIMAL 05/20/2016:47 Animal 2020036335 Animal WP20013405 Phone ANIMAL 05/20/2017:46 Animal 2020036355 Animal WP20013409 911 ANIMAL 05/23/20 09:07 Animal 2020037043 Citizen Aid WP20013667 Phone ANIMAL 05/24/2013:47 Animal 2020037371 Animal WP20013783 Phone ANIMAL 05/25/2011:38 Animal 2020037645 Phone ANIMAL 05/26/20 15:49 Animal 2020038043 Civil Complaint WP20013999 Phone ANIMAL 05/28/2015:02 Animal 2020038584 Phone ANIMAL 05/28/2017:43 Animal 2020038633 Animal WP20014206 Phone ANIMAL 05/31/20 22:31 Animal 2020039613 Animal WP20014579 911 ANIMAL Animal - Barking Dog Total: 2 05/18/20 20:49 Animal - Barking Dog 2020035873 Animal - Barking Dog WP20013239 Phone ANBARK 05/23/20 21:56 Animal - Barking Dog 2020037237 Animal - Barking Dog WP20013731 ANBARKhone Animal - Bites - Attacks Total: 3 05/09/20 18:45 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2020033618 Animal - Bites - Attacks WP20012453 Phone ANBITE Page 4 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 05/20/20 20:18 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2020036401 Animal WP20013430 911 CHKWELF 05/01/20 18:24 ANBITE 05/21/20 18:25 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2020036628 Animal - Bites - Attacks WP20013523 Phone CHKWELF ANBITE Assault Total: 2 Check Welfare 2020031955 Check Welfare WP20011885 05/05/20 09:12 Assault 2020032480 Assault WP20012077 Phone CHKWELF 05/05/20 11:47 Check Welfare ASSAULT 05/12/2018:57 Assault 2020034317 Assault WP20012688 Phone CHKWELF 05/05/20 17:42 ASSAULT Bomb Threat Total: 1 05/30/20 10:13 Bomb Threat 2020039103 Bomb Threat WP20014384 Phone BOMB Burglary Total: 3 05/05/20 08:11 Burglary 2020032467 Residential Burglary WP20012071 BURG Phone 05/08/2018:43 Burglary 2020033357 Burglary WP20012382 BURG 911 05/09/20 09:39 Burglary 2020033491 Burglary WP20012423 BURG Phone Check Welfare Total: 33 05/01/20 16:22 Check Welfare 2020031674 Check Welfare WP20011781 Phone CHKWELF 05/01/20 18:24 Check Welfare 2020031721 Check Welfare WP20011800 911 CHKWELF 05/02/20 18:24 Check Welfare 2020031955 Check Welfare WP20011885 Phone CHKWELF 05/05/20 11:47 Check Welfare 2020032525 Check Welfare WP20012088 Phone CHKWELF 05/05/20 17:42 Check Welfare 2020032595 Check Welfare WP20012120 911 CHKWELF 05/06/20 14:08 Check Welfare 2020032810 Check Welfare WP20012199 Phone CHKWELF 05/06/20 20:36 Check Welfare 2020032896 Check Welfare WP20012224 Phone CHKWELF 05/07/20 01:15 Check Welfare 2020032937 Check Welfare WP20012239 Phone CHKWELF 05/07/20 08:23 Check Welfare 2020032968 Check Welfare WP20012249 Phone CHKWELF 05/07/20 14:39 Check Welfare 2020033058 Check Welfare WP20012280 Phone CHKWELF 05/07/20 15:06 Check Welfare 2020033069 Check Welfare WP20012286 Phone CHKWELF 05/10/20 00:45 Check Welfare 2020033700 Check Welfare WP20012476 Phone CHKWELF 05/10/20 11:30 Check Welfare 2020033751 Death Investigation - Natural WP20012493 Phone CHKWELF 05/11/20 08:56 Check Welfare 2020033925 Check Welfare WP20012546 Phone CHKWELF 05/12/20 15:53 Check Welfare 2020034247 Check Welfare WP20012662 Phone CHKWELF 05/12/20 23:17 Check Welfare 2020034362 Check Welfare WP20012710 911 CHKWELF 05/16/20 09:05 Check Welfare 2020035226 Check Welfare WP20013024 Phone CHKWELF 05/16/20 16:59 Check Welfare 2020035363 Check Welfare WP20013063 Phone CHKWELF 05/17/20 02:35 Check Welfare 2020035458 Check Welfare WP20013085 Phone CHKWELF 05/18/20 01:44 Check Welfare 2020035632 Check Welfare WP20013143 Phone CHKWELF Page 5 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 05/18/20 10:28 Check Welfare 2020035686 Check Welfare WP20013172 Phone Citizen Aid 05/22/20 12:54 Citizen Aid 05/23/20 08:20 Citizen Aid CHKWELF 05/18/20 19:02 Check Welfare 2020035850 Check Welfare WP20013227 911 Citizen Aid 05/30/20 16:31 Citizen Aid 05/31/20 14:03 Citizen Aid CHKWELF 05/18/20 19:53 Check Welfare 2020035865 Check Welfare WP20013234 Phone WP20013590 Phone CHKWELF 05/18/20 21:47 Check Welfare 2020035888 Check Welfare WP20013244 911 BP20004513 Phone CHKWELF 05/18/20 22:26 Check Welfare 2020035898 Check Welfare WP20013247 Phone WP20014088 Other CHKWELF 05/18/20 23:56 Check Welfare 2020035902 Check Welfare WP20013249 CITAID WP20014416 911 CHKWELF 05/19/20 21:07 Check Welfare 2020036128 Check Welfare WP20013326 Phone CHKWELF 05/20/20 15:56 Check Welfare 2020036325 Check Welfare WP20013399 Phone CHKWELF 05/20/20 20:33 Check Welfare 2020036407 Check Welfare WP20013434 Phone CHKWELF 05/21/20 09:59 Check Welfare 2020036495 Check Welfare WP20013464 Phone CHKWELF 05/22/20 09:39 Check Welfare 2020036754 Check Welfare WP20013572 Phone CHKWELF 05/23/20 17:40 Check Welfare 2020037152 Check Welfare WP20013708 Phone CHKWELF 05/26/20 12:40 Check Welfare 2020037975 Check Welfare WP20013975 Phone CHKWELF Check Welfare; Traffic - Complaint Total: 1 05/02/20 21:19 Check Welfare; Traffic - 2020031995 Check Welfare Citizen Aid Total: 14 05/01/20 04:37 Citizen Aid 05/05/20 16:19 Citizen Aid 05/06/20 11:55 Citizen Aid 05/15/20 21:11 Citizen Aid 05/19/20 08:48 Citizen Aid 05/20/20 00:33 Citizen Aid 05/22/20 12:54 Citizen Aid 05/23/20 08:20 Citizen Aid 05/23/20 14:25 Citizen Aid 05/26/20 20:01 Citizen Aid 05/27/20 14:44 Citizen Aid 05/30/20 09:56 Citizen Aid 05/30/20 16:31 Citizen Aid 05/31/20 14:03 Citizen Aid Civil Complaint Total: 16 05/03/20 13:29 Civil Complaint 2020031542 2020032582 2020032767 2020035111 2020035943 2020036164 2020036814 2020037038 2020037112 2020038122 2020038288 2020039100 2020039202 2020039468 Citizen Aid Citizen Aid Citizen Aid Citizen Aid Citizen Aid Citizen Aid Citizen Aid Gopher State One Citizen Aid Citizen Aid Citizen Aid Civil Complaint Citizen Aid 2020032105 Civil Complaint WP20011901 Phone CHKWELF: T WP20011740 Phone CITAID WP20012112 Other CITAID Phone CITAID WP20012986 911 CITAID WP20013269 Other CITAID WP20013338 911 CITAID WP20013590 Phone CITAID WP20013666 911 CITAID BP20004513 Phone CITAID WP20014025 911 CITAID WP20014088 Other CITAID WP20014383 Phone CITAID WP20014416 911 CITAID WP20014521 Phone CITAID WP20011939 CIV 911 Page 6 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 05/07/20 13:35 Civil Complaint 2020033039 Traffic - Complaint WP20012274 Phone CIVPROC 05/05/20 08:00 Civil Process CIV Officer 05/07/20 20:22 Civil Complaint 2020033143 Civil Complaint WP20012316 Civil Process Phone fficer CIVPROO CIV Civil Process 05/12/20 17:49 Civil Complaint 2020034295 Civil Complaint WP20012680 CIVPROCOoCfficer Phone Civil Process 2020032495 Officer CIV CIVPROC 05/15/20 18:31 Civil Complaint 2020035067 Civil Complaint WP20012969 Phone CIVPROO 05/08/20 16:14 Civil Process 2020033313 CIVPROCOoCfficer CIV Civil Process 05/16/20 14:57 Civil Complaint 2020035332 Civil Complaint WP20013050 CIVPROOC Phone Civil Process 2020034042 CIV CIVPROOoCfficer 05/20/20 11:32 Civil Complaint 2020036239 Extra Patrol WP20013367 Civil Process Phone CIVPROOC CIV Civil Process 05/21/20 03:07 Civil Complaint 2020036454 Civil Complaint WP20013444 CIVPROOoCfficer Phone Civil Process 2020034166 CIVPROCfficer 05/12/20 15:35 Civil Process CIV Officer 05/21/20 17:29 Civil Complaint 2020036614 Civil Complaint WP20013517 Civil Process Phone CIVPROCfficer CIV 05/24/20 17:40 Civil Complaint 2020037441 Civil Complaint WP20013804 Phone CIV 05/26/20 19:05 Civil Complaint 2020038110 Civil Complaint WP20014021 Phone CIV 05/26/20 19:15 Civil Complaint 2020038113 Civil Complaint WP20014022 Phone CIV 05/27/20 12:15 Civil Complaint 2020038257 Civil Complaint WP20014071 Phone CIV 05/30/20 13:19 Civil Complaint 2020039155 Civil Complaint WP20014398 Phone CIV 05/31/20 14:33 Civil Complaint 2020039479 Civil Child Custody WP20014532 Phone CIV 05/31/20 19:44 Civil Complaint 2020039563 Civil Complaint WP20014564 911 CIV Civil Process Total: 27 05/01/20 10:02 Civil Process 2020031583 CIVPROCfficer 05/04/20 16:07 Civil Process 2020032341 CIVPROC 05/05/20 08:00 Civil Process 2020032466 Officer CIVPROC 05/05/20 08:28 Civil Process 2020032472 fficer CIVPROO 05/05/20 09:54 Civil Process 2020032488 CIVPROCOoCfficer 05/05/20 10:05 Civil Process 2020032495 Officer CIVPROC 05/05/20 10:28 Civil Process 2020032501 fficer CIVPROO 05/08/20 16:14 Civil Process 2020033313 CIVPROCOoCfficer 05/11/20 09:51 Civil Process 2020033935 Officer CIVPROOC 05/11/20 17:01 Civil Process 2020034042 CIVPROOoCfficer 05/11/20 18:06 Civil Process 2020034066 CIVPROCfficer 05/11/20 20:53 Civil Process 2020034097 CIVPROOC 05/12/20 09:46 Civil Process 2020034156 CIVPROOoCfficer 05/12/20 10:22 Civil Process 2020034166 CIVPROCfficer 05/12/20 15:35 Civil Process 2020034240 Officer CIVPROOoC 05/13/20 09:29 Civil Process 2020034414 CIVPROCfficer Page 7 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 05/13/20 10:27 Civil Process 2020034427 05/13/20 15:46 Civil Process 2020034496 05/19/20 12:42 Civil Process 2020035996 05/20/20 11:16 Civil Process 2020036233 05/20/20 13:28 Civil Process 2020036269 05/21/20 08:35 Civil Process 2020036482 05/22/20 12:14 Civil Process 2020036801 05/26/20 10:14 Civil Process 2020037931 05/27/20 16:57 Civil Process 2020038338 05/29/20 10:43 Civil Process 2020038780 05/29/20 17:55 Civil Process 2020038911 Commercial Fire Alarm Total: 2 Commercial General 05/14/20 14:04 Commercial Fire Alarm 2020034697 05/14/20 14:21 Commercial Fire Alarm 2020034711 Commercial General Alarm Total: 24 05/02/20 08:46 Commercial General 2020031851 05/02/20 12:09 Commercial General 2020031886 05/04/20 01:37 Commercial General 2020032226 05/06/20 01:56 Commercial General 2020032694 05/06/20 08:39 Commercial General 2020032723 05/07/20 01:19 Commercial General 2020032938 05/07/20 20:56 Commercial General 2020033149 05/11/20 17:51 Commercial General 2020034058 05/13/20 19:45 Commercial General 2020034551 05/13/20 21:17 Commercial General 2020034563 05/14/20 05:38 Commercial General 2020034598 05/14/20 16:17 Commercial General 2020034737 05/15/20 06:02 Commercial General 2020034882 05/17/20 15:22 Commercial General 2020035543 05/20/20 02:33 Commercial General 2020036171 05/21/20 17:05 Commercial General 2020036605 05/24/20 12:59 Commercial General 2020037365 Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported CIVPROppCfficer CIVPROCfficer Officer CIVPROC CIVPR02pfficer CIVPROCfficer Officer CIVPROC CIVPR02pfficer CIVPROCfficer CIVPROC CIVPR02pfficer CIVPROCfficer Commercial Fire Alarm WP20012849 Phone ALARM Commercial Fire Alarm WP20012855 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP20011844 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP20011856 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP20011984 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP20012153 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP20012162 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP20012240 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP20012321 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP20012593 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP20012775 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP20012779 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP20012800 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP20012863 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP20012908 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP20013109 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP20013342 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP20013511 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP20013780 Phone ALARM Page 8 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 05/25/20 00:04 Commercial General 2020037558 05/26/20 23:33 Commercial General 2020038152 05/27/20 01:26 Commercial General 2020038160 05/27/20 02:53 Commercial General 2020038165 05/27/20 18:11 Commercial General 2020038357 05/30/20 03:18 Commercial General 2020039075 05/31/20 00:35 Commercial General 2020039366 Court Order Violation Total: 3 Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported Commercial General Alarm WP20013848 2020032063 Phone Criminal Damage to 2020032246 ALARM Criminal Damage to Commercial General Alarm WP20014037 Criminal Damage to Phone 05/15/20 13:29 Criminal Damage to ALARM 05/16/20 18:09 Commercial General Alarm WP20014040 05/16/20 20:28 Phone 2020035396 05/20/20 13:00 ALARM 2020036262 Commercial General Alarm WP20014042 2020037954 Phone Criminal Damage to 2020037965 ALARM CDP Commercial General Alarm WP20014107 Phone CDP ALARM Civil Complaint WP20013071 Commercial General Alarm WP20014370 Phone MVA - No Injuries WP20013378 ALARM Phone Commercial General Alarm WP20014489 Phone Phone ALARM CDP 05/21/20 18:06 Court Order Violation 2020036625 Court Order Violation WP20013521 Phone COV 05/22/20 12:35 Court Order Violation 2020036808 Civil Process WP20013587 911 COV 05/22/20 20:31 Court Order Violation 2020036938 Court Order Violation WP20013626 Phone COV Criminal Damage to Property Total: 11 05/01/20 20:20 Criminal Damage to 2020031753 05/03/20 09:29 Criminal Damage to 2020032063 05/04/20 07:56 Criminal Damage to 2020032246 05/05/20 09:31 Criminal Damage to 2020032484 05/08/20 12:19 Criminal Damage to 2020033262 05/15/20 13:29 Criminal Damage to 2020034983 05/16/20 18:09 Criminal Damage to 2020035373 05/16/20 20:28 Criminal Damage to 2020035396 05/20/20 13:00 Criminal Damage to 2020036262 05/26/20 11:31 Criminal Damage to 2020037954 05/26/20 12:11 Criminal Damage to 2020037965 CSC Sex Offense Total: 1 05/02/20 18:24 CSC Sex Offense Disabled Vehicle Total: 2 05/19/20 19:01 Disabled Vehicle 05/24/20 09:23 Disabled Vehicle Disorderly Total: 4 05/02/20 23:19 Disorderly 05/13/2013:54 Disorderly 05/20/2015:25 Disorderly Civil Complaint WP20011811 Phone CDP Criminal Damage to Property WP20011928 Phone CDP Criminal Damage to Property WP20011990 911 CDP Suspicious - Circumstances WP20012074 Phone CDP Criminal Damage to Property WP20012351 Phone CDP Civil Complaint WP20012945 Phone CDP Criminal Damage to Property WP20013065 Phone CDP Civil Complaint WP20013071 Phone CDP MVA - No Injuries WP20013378 Phone CDP Criminal Damage to Property WP20013965 Phone CDP Criminal Damage to Property WPRK20013968DP 2020031956 Abuse Child 2020036101 2020037313 2020032024 DUI 2020034471 Disorderly 2020036310 Medical - Psychiatric - WP20011887 CSC Phone DISABLVEHne DISABLVEHne WP20011911 911 DISORD WP20012748 911 DISORD WP20013391 DISORD11 Page 9 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 05/28/2017:33 Disorderly 2020038628 Divert Hospital Total: 1 05/11/20 14:02 Divert Hospital 2020033992 Domestic Disturbance Total: 19 05/02/20 00:42 Domestic Disturbance 2020031810 05/02/20 17:16 Domestic Disturbance 2020031938 05/02/20 21:46 Domestic Disturbance 2020032001 05/02/20 23:01 Domestic Disturbance 2020032018 05/02/20 23:52 Domestic Disturbance 2020032028 05/05/20 21:56 Domestic Disturbance 2020032670 05/06/20 12:31 Domestic Disturbance 2020032777 05/14/20 08:55 Domestic Disturbance 2020034623 05/14/20 09:54 Domestic Disturbance 2020034631 05/14/20 16:41 Domestic Disturbance 2020034747 05/15/20 13:18 Domestic Disturbance 2020034979 05/15/20 15:34 Domestic Disturbance 2020035015 05/16/20 23:17 Domestic Disturbance 2020035435 05/18/20 11:41 Domestic Disturbance 2020035706 05/19/20 06:13 Domestic Disturbance 2020035925 05/23/20 12:39 Domestic Disturbance 2020037090 05/27/20 05:11 Domestic Disturbance 2020038172 05/27/20 16:35 Domestic Disturbance 2020038332 05/30/20 02:03 Domestic Disturbance 2020039071 Drugs Total: 5 05/07/20 11:25 05/11/20 14:06 05/12/20 12:31 05/23/20 15:04 05/31/20 14:04 Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported Domestic Disturbance WP20014205 Phone DISORD DIVERTPhone Domestic Disturbance WP20011833 Drugs WP20012264 Phone DOMES91 TIC Domestic Disturbance WP20011880 Phone DRUGS Drugs DOMESTIC Domestic Disturbance WP20011903 DOMESTIC Domestic Disturbance WP20011909 DRUGS DOMES91 TIC Suspicious - Circumstances WP20011913 ne Phone DOMESTPIC Civil Process WP20012143 DRUGS Drugs 2020037120 DOMESWC1 Domestic Disturbance WP20012188 DOMESTICone Domestic Disturbance WP20012807 911 Drugs WP20014522 DOMESTIC Suspicious - Circumstances WP20012811 DRUGS DOMESWC1 Neighborhood Dispute WP20012868 DI Mone Domestic Disturbance WP20012941 911 DOMESTIC Domestic Disturbance WP20012955 DOMESTIC Noise WP20013079 DOMES91 TIC Domestic Disturbance WP20013177 911 DOMESTIC Domestic Disturbance WP20013260 Phone DOMESTIC Domestic Disturbance WP20013685 ne DOMESTICo Domestic Disturbance WP20014045 Phone DOMESTIC Domestic Disturbance WP20014097 DOMESTIC Noise WP20014367 DOMES91 TIC Drugs 2020033010 Drugs WP20012264 Phone DRUGS Drugs 2020033993 Drugs WP20012571 Phone DRUGS Drugs 2020034191 Drugs WP20012645 Phone DRUGS Drugs 2020037120 Drugs WP20013698 Phone DRUGS Drugs 2020039469 Drugs WP20014522 911 DRUGS Dumping Total: 1 05/02/2011:32 Dumping Executive Order Total: 2 2020031881 Dumping WP20011855 DUMPINGone Page 10 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 05/02/20 23:06 Executive Order 2020032022 EXECOR Phone 05/08/20 12:12 Executive Order 2020033261 911 EXECORDER Extra Patrol Total: 3 05/01/20 22:32 Extra Patrol 2020031787 Extra Patrol WP20011829 Phone XP 05/12/20 16:28 Extra Patrol 2020034260 Extra Patrol WP20012683 Phone XP 05/21/20 17:17 Extra Patrol 2020036611 Extra Patrol WP20013515 Phone XP Fight Total: 2 05/27/2013:44 Fight 2020038269 Fight WP20014081 FIGHT 911 05/28/20 20:33 Fight 2020038677 Disorderly WP20014221 FIGHT 911 Fire - Electrical Total: 1 4Q 05/25/20 11:04 Fire - Electrical 2020037633 Fire - Electrical WP20013874 FELECT h8ne Fire - Grass Total: 1 05/04/20 16:53 Fire - Grass 2020032355 Fire - Grass WP20012032 911 FGRASS Fire - Other Total: 2 05/05/20 17:20 Fire - Other 2020032593 Fire - Other WP20012118 Phone FO 05/06/20 13:31 Fire - Other 2020032797 Fire - Other WP20012196 Phone FO Fire - Smoke - Odor Total: 2 05/21/20 15:41 Fire - Smoke - Odor 2020036579 Fire - Smoke - Odor WP20013498 911 FSMOKEg 05/21/20 20:06 Fire - Smoke - Odor 2020036655 Fire - Smoke - Odor WP20013537 FSMOKE 11 Fire - Vehicle Total: 1 05/14/20 10:32 Fire - Vehicle 2020034641 Fire - Vehicle WP20012816 11 FVEHICLE Fireworks Total: 4 05/23/2016:32 Fireworks 2020037138 Fireworks WP20013702 hone FIREWORKS 05/24/20 21:24 Fireworks 2020037511 Fireworks WP20013832 911 FIREWORKS 05/25/20 21:14 Fireworks 2020037809 Fireworks WP20013929 911 FIREWORKS 05/29/20 22:35 Fireworks 2020039022 Fireworks WP20014351 911 FIREWORKS Found Person Total: 1 05/22/20 20:36 Found Person 2020036940 Citizen Aid WP20013628 Phone FNDPERS Fraud - Checks - Cards Total: 2 05/11/20 14:12 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2020033997 Counterfeit Currency WP20012573 one FRAUDCH 05/18/20 00:08 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2020035622 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20013137 one FRAUDCH Page 11 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call Fraud - Forgery Total: 3 05/14/20 12:05 Fraud - Forgery 05/26/20 17:14 Fraud - Forgery 05/29/20 10:31 Fraud - Forgery Fraud - Internet Total: 5 05/02/20 13:28 Fraud - Internet 05/18/20 13:59 Fraud - Internet 05/21/20 16:53 Fraud - Internet 05/25/20 09:19 Fraud - Internet 05/28/20 12:08 Fraud - Internet Funeral Escort Total: 1 05/11/20 09:36 Funeral Escort Gun Incident Total: 2 05/10/20 15:17 Gun Incident 05/29/20 16:43 Gun Incident Harassment Total: 6 05/03/20 08:10 Harassment 05/08/20 01:30 Harassment 05/09/20 22:18 Harassment 05/11/2019:24 Harassment 05/20/2017:46 Harassment 05/29/2011:03 Harassment Indecent Exposure Total: 1 05/29/20 20:02 Indecent Exposure Info Total: 4 05/06/20 14:32 05/15/20 20:36 05/27/20 06:33 05/29/20 12:32 CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 2020034670 Fraud - Forgery WP20012831 Phne 2020035100 Phone FRAUDFppOhh9G 2020038069 Counterfeit Currency WP20014007 FRAUD -Ph -o 2020038774 Fraud - Forgery WP20014256 Phone 2020038812 Phone FRAUDFORG 2020031898 Fraud - Internet WP20011863 Phone FRAUDINT 2020035749 Fraud Internet WP20013192 Phone FRAUDINT 2020036603 Fraud - Internet WP20013516 Phone FRAUDINT 2020037615 Fraud - Internet WP20013867 Phone FRAUDINT 2020038532 Fraud Internet WP20014169 Phone FRAUDINT 2020033932 FUNERAL 2020033793 Agency Assist WSRO200125 GUN Phone 2020038893 Gun Incident WP20014300 Phone GUN 2020032056 Harassment WP20011925 HARASSPhone 2020033184 Harassment WP20012327 hone HARASS 2020033675 Harassment WP20012469 HARASShone 2020034082 Harassment WP20012602 HARASSPhone 2020036356 Harassment WP20013410 hone HARASS 2020038786 Harassment WP20014260 HARASShone 2020038951 Indecent Exposure WP20014322 INDECENT Info 2020032814 Phone INFO Info 2020035100 Phone INFO Info 2020038187 Info W P20014053 INFO Info 2020038812 Phone INFO Info; Dispatch - CAD - Addressing Problems Total: 1 05/07/20 14:01 Info; Dispatch - CAD - 2020033047 Phone INFO; DISPC4D Page 12 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Intoxicated Person Total: 2 05/02/2019:30 Intoxicated Person 2020031967 Intoxicated Person 05/15/20 23:00 Intoxicated Person 2020035147 Intoxicated Person Juvenile - Complaint Total: 8 05/01/20 13:18 Juvenile - Complaint 2020031616 05/15/20 10:07 Juvenile - Complaint 2020034914 05/15/20 21:13 Juvenile - Complaint 2020035114 05/24/20 18:46 Juvenile - Complaint 2020037460 05/25/20 02:20 Juvenile - Complaint 2020037581 05/25/20 19:52 Juvenile - Complaint 2020037781 05/29/20 20:33 Juvenile - Complaint 2020038965 05/30/20 12:46 Juvenile - Complaint 2020039148 Juvenile - Complaint CSC Sex Offense Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Runaway Total: 3 05/13/20 07:04 Juvenile - Runaway 2020034387 Juvenile - Runaway 05/14/20 23:35 Juvenile - Runaway 2020034857 Juvenile - Runaway 05/31/20 16:56 Juvenile - Runaway 2020039524 Juvenile - Runaway Lock Out - Lock In Total: 5 05/12/20 17:26 Lost - Found Lock Out - Lock In 2020034284 05/17/20 19:33 Property Lock Out - Lock In 2020035586 05/19/20 16:21 2020032805 Lock Out - Lock In 2020036061 05/27/20 13:06 05/07/20 15:14 Lock Out - Lock In 2020038263 05/31/20 21:39 Lost - Found Lock Out - Lock In 2020039593 Lost - Found Property Total: 14 05/02/20 20:34 Lost - Found Property 2020031986 05/04/20 09:06 Lost - Found Property 2020032257 05/06/20 13:55 Lost - Found Property 2020032805 05/06/20 18:15 Lost - Found Property 2020032872 05/07/20 15:14 Lost - Found Property 2020033072 05/08/20 18:36 Lost - Found Property 2020033352 05/11/20 14:31 Lost - Found Property 2020034005 05/12/20 18:41 Lost - Found Property 2020034311 05/17/20 18:20 Lost - Found Property 2020035572 Lock Out - Lock In Lock Out - Lock In Lock Out - Lock In Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Case Number Codes How Reported W P20011892 91 INTOXPER h W P20012997 I NTOXPERone WP20011763 LOCK JUVCOMP WP20012922 Phone LOCK JUVCOMCher WP20012987 911 LOCK JUVCOMhone WP20013814 911 LOCK JUVCOM11 WP20013856 Phone LOCK JUVCOMhone WP20013921 JUVCOMhone WP20014330 JUVCOMhone WCSU2001439 UVCOM11 WP20012724 JUVRUN11 WP20012900 Phone JUVRUN WP20014545 JUVRUNhone WP20012675 LOCK WP20013127 Phone LOCK 911 LOCK 911 LOCK WP20014575 Phone LOCK WP20011897 LOSTPROP WP20011998 LOSTPROP WP20012197 LOSTPROP WP20012217 LOSTPROP WP20012290 LOSTPROP WP20012381 LOSTPROP WP20012576 LOSTPROP WP20012687 LOSTPROP WP20013122 LOSTPROP Page 13 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 05/19/20 13:47 Lost - Found Property 2020036014 Lost - Found Property WPRK2001329LOSTPROP 05/25/20 22:39 Medical - Breathing 2020037834 05/30/20 05:10 Medical - Breathing 2020039078 05/18/20 17:31 Medical - Chest Pain 05/20/20 19:37 Lost - Found Property 2020036389 Lost - Found Property WP20013424 05/13/20 01:00 Medical - Diabetic 2020034371 g11 9 LOSTPROP 05/23/20 09:45 Lost - Found Property 2020037050 Lost - Found Property WP20013671 LOSTPROP 05/25/20 18:13 Lost - Found Property 2020037753 Lost - Found Property WP20013912 LOSTPROP 05/29/20 20:03 Lost - Found Property 2020038952 Lost - Found Property WP20014323 LOSTPROP Lost - Found Property; Drugs Total: 1 05/01/2016:35 Lost - Found Property; 2020031677 Drugs Medical - Allergies - Stings Total: 1 05/22/20 21:40 Medical - Allergies - 2020036956 Medical - Back Pain Total: 3 05/05/20 02:45 Medical - Back Pain 2020032442 05/08/20 03:33 Medical - Back Pain 2020033190 05/25/20 15:57 Medical - Back Pain 2020037717 Medical - Bleeding - Lacerations Total: 1 05/05/20 10:35 Medical - Bleeding - 2020032502 Medical - Breathing Problems Total: 6 05/05/20 13:01 Medical - Breathing 2020032536 05/08/20 10:39 Medical - Breathing 2020033237 05/10/20 11:23 Medical - Breathing 2020033746 05/22/20 04:01 Medical - Breathing 2020036712 05/25/20 22:39 Medical - Breathing 2020037834 05/30/20 05:10 Medical - Breathing 2020039078 WP20011783 LOSTPROP; DRUGS Medical - Allergies - Stings WP20013633 911 MALLERGIES 911 MBACK 911 MBACK MBACK Phone MBLEEDING MBREATHING MBREATHING MBREATHING MBREATHING MBREATHING MBREATHING Medical - Carbon Monoxide Inhalation Total: 1 05/11/20 03:46 Medical - Carbon 2020033887 911 MCARBMONOX Medical - Chest Pain Total: 4 05/05/20 14:38 Medical - Chest Pain 2020032559 Phone MCHESTP 05/10/20 18:01 Medical - Chest Pain 2020033821 Q11 MCHESTPI 05/18/20 13:17 Medical - Chest Pain 2020035733 911 MCHESTP 05/18/20 17:31 Medical - Chest Pain 2020035833 Phone MCHESTP Medical - Diabetic Total: 3 05/13/20 01:00 Medical - Diabetic 2020034371 g11 9 MDIABETIC Page 14 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident 05/22/20 19:52 Medical - Diabetic 2020036927 05/30/20 19:04 Medical - Diabetic 2020039252 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet Total: 10 05/01/20 16:46 2020032655 Medical - Heart Problems Medical - Fall Under 6 2020031681 05/02/20 08:18 14:17 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020031846 05/04/20 22:41 05/08/20 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020032422 05/06/20 03:00 Psychiatric - Medical - Fall Under 6 2020032697 05/11/20 04:45 Medical - Medical - Fall Under 6 2020033890 05/16/20 05:23 2020036691 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020035205 05/19/20 12:02 Psychiatric - Medical - Fall Under 6 2020035984 05/23/20 09:31 Medical - Medical - Fall Under 6 2020037048 05/24/20 18:57 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020037466 05/28/20 14:13 20:42 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020038573 Case Number Codes How Reported MDIABETI one MDIABETIC 911 WALL 911 WALL 911 WALL 911 WALL 911 WALL 911 WALL 911 WALL WALLPhone 911 WALL 911 WALL Medical - Overdose - Poisoning Total: 2 05/02/20 15:08 Medical - Overdose - 2020031916 911 MOVERDDOSE 05/14/20 11:03 Medical - Overdose - 2020034649 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20012820 MOVERDOSE Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral Total: 9 05/03/20 08:56 2020032655 Medical - Heart Problems Medical - Psychiatric - 2020032061 Medical - Psychiatric - 05/05/20 14:17 Medical - Seizure Medical - Psychiatric - 2020032554 Medical - Psychiatric - 05/08/20 22:15 Medical - Psychiatric - 2020033408 Medical - Psychiatric - 05/08/20 22:26 Medical - Psychiatric - 2020033409 Medical - Psychiatric - 05/21/20 22:48 Medical - Psychiatric - 2020036691 Medical - Psychiatric - 05/23/20 12:37 Medical - Psychiatric - 2020037088 Medical - Psychiatric - 05/24/20 18:42 Medical - Psychiatric - 2020037457 Medical - Psychiatric - 05/26/20 02:13 Medical - Psychiatric - 2020037874 Medical - Psychiatric - 05/29/20 20:42 Medical - Psychiatric - 2020038969 Medical - Psychiatric - Medical - Seizure Total: 7 05/05/20 20:32 Medical - Seizure 2020032655 Medical - Heart Problems 05/09/20 20:49 Medical - Seizure 2020033652 05/14/20 08:13 Medical - Seizure 2020034616 05/15/20 12:47 Medical - Seizure 2020034966 05/26/20 10:42 Medical - Seizure 2020037942 WP20011927 911 MPSYC WP20012096 MPSYCHhone WP20012402 911 MPSYC WP20012404 911 MPSYC WP20013552 911 MPSYC WP20013684 hone MPSYCH WP20013813 911 MPSYC WP20013942 911 MPSYC WP20014332 hone MPSYCH WP20012140 MSEIZURE MSEIZURE 911 MSEIZURE MSEIZURE MSEIZURE Page 15 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 05/27/20 16:28 Medical - Seizure 2020038327 05/29/20 11:22 Medical - Seizure 2020038793 Medical -Sick Total: 10 05/03/20 11:34 19:41 Medical - Sick 2020032083 05/05/20 04:47 05/18/20 Medical - Sick 2020032444 05/10/20 14:28 Unknown Medical - Sick 2020033784 05/11/20 07:10 Medical - Medical - Sick 2020033907 05/11/20 13:26 Medical - Sick 2020033983 05/17/20 21:47 12:15 Medical - Sick 2020035604 05/18/20 13:54 05/27/20 Medical - Sick 2020035747 05/21/20 12:05 Unknown Medical - Sick 2020036531 05/29/20 07:56 Medical - Medical - Sick 2020038754 05/31/20 22:25 Medical - Sick 2020039607 Medical - Stroke Total: 1 05/01/20 00:53 Medical - Stroke 2020031521 Medical - Unconscious - Fainting Total: 5 05/03/20 19:23 Medical - Unconscious - 2020032182 05/16/20 11:50 Medical - Unconscious - 2020035272 05/21/20 05:17 Medical - Unconscious - 2020036459 05/22/20 10:45 Medical - Unconscious - 2020036767 05/22/20 14:11 Medical - Unconscious - 2020036834 Medical - Unknown Total: 8 05/03/20 19:41 Medical - Unknown 05/18/20 20:56 Medical - Unknown 05/20/20 01:43 Medical - Unknown 05/21/20 20:12 Medical - Unknown 05/25/20 12:15 Medical - Unknown 05/27/20 02:04 Medical - Unknown 05/28/20 20:12 Medical - Unknown 05/30/20 22:42 Medical - Unknown Motorist Aid Total: 8 05/01/20 17:03 Motorist Aid 2020032184 2020035876 2020036167 2020036658 2020037662 2020038164 2020038674 2020039325 2020031687 Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported MSEIZURE MSEIZURE MSICK Phone 911 MSICK 911 MSICK MSICK 911 911 MSICK 911 MSICK MSICK 911 911 MSICK 911 MSICK MSICK 911 911 MSTROKE 911 MUNCONSCIOUS Death Investigation - Natural WP20013036 11 MUNCO SCIOUS Death Investigation - Natural WP20013448 911 MUNCONSCIOUS 911 MUNCONSCIOUS Medical - Unconscious - WP20013602 MUNC061,nOUS CI MUNKNOWN MUNKNgOWN MUNKNOWN MUNKNOWN MUNKNgOWN MUNKNOWN MUNKNOWN MUNKNOWN MOTORAID ne Page 16 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call 05/10/20 00:37 Motorist Aid 05/10/20 17:54 Motorist Aid 05/11/20 22:46 Motorist Aid 05/15/20 15:25 Motorist Aid 05/23/20 11:56 Motorist Aid 05/23/20 17:55 Motorist Aid 05/24/20 04:30 Motorist Aid MVA - Hit & Run Total: 1 05/15/20 19:35 MVA - Hit & Run MVA - No Injuries Total: 15 05/10/20 17:10 MVA - No Injuries 05/10/20 17:47 MVA - No Injuries 05/13/20 11:50 MVA - No Injuries 05/14/20 11:24 MVA - No Injuries 05/14/20 12:14 MVA - No Injuries 05/18/20 16:16 MVA - No Injuries 05/19/20 17:26 MVA - No Injuries 05/20/20 06:20 MVA - No Injuries 05/21/20 18:47 MVA - No Injuries 05/26/20 00:43 MVA - No Injuries 05/27/20 13:07 MVA - No Injuries 05/29/20 12:52 MVA - No Injuries 05/29/20 20:52 MVA - No Injuries 05/30/20 14:15 MVA - No Injuries 05/31/20 15:54 MVA - No Injuries Neighborhood Dispute Total: 4 05/02/20 14:24 Neighborhood Dispute 05/06/20 08:26 Neighborhood Dispute 05/19/20 12:50 Neighborhood Dispute 05/25/20 02:53 Neighborhood Dispute Noise Total: 11 05/01/2019:54 Noise CFS # Final Incident 2020033697 2020033819 2020034113 2020035013 Motorist Aid 2020037081 2020037160 2020037292 Case Number Codes How Reported MOTORAID ne MOTORAID MOTORAID ne WP20012954 Phone MOTOR MOTORAID ne MOTORAI D MOTORAI D 2020035080 MVA - Hit & Run WP20012977 MVAHR 2020033810 MVA - No Injuries WP20012512 MVA 2020033818 911 MVA 2020034445 MVA 2020034654 MVA - No Injuries WP20012822 911 MVA 2020034675 MVA - No Injuries WP20012835 911 MVA 2020035804 MVA - No Injuries WP20013210 MVA 2020036077 MVA - No Injuries WP20013311 911 MVA 2020036184 911 MVA 2020036632 MVA - No Injuries WP20013526 Officer MVA 2020037857 MVA - No Injuries WP20013940 Phone MVA 2020038264 MVA - No Injuries WP20014077 MVA 2020038821 MVA - No Injuries WP20014271 MVA 2020038975 MVA - No Injuries WP20014334 911 MVA 2020039167 MVA - No Injuries WP20014402 MVA 2020039502 MVA - No Injuries WP20014537 911 MVA 2020031906 Neighborhood Dispute WP20011867 NEIGHBDISP 2020032719 Neighborhood Dispute WP20012163 NEIGHBgDISP 2020035999 Neighborhood Dispute WP20013288 NEIGHBDISP 2020037584 Neighborhood Dispute WP20013857 NEIGHBDISP 2020031745 Noise WP20011808 NOISE Page 17 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 05/01/20 23:52 Noise 2020031800 Noise WP20011830 911 2020039576 Open Door - Window WP20014568 05/05/20 07:49 OPEN 2020032463 NOISE 05/03/20 00:53 Noise 2020032035 Noise WP20011918 PARKING 05/09/2015:32 Parking 2020033588 Parking NOISE 05/03/2016:23 Noise 2020032144 Noise WP20011957 PARKING 05/12/2011:29 Parking 2020034181 Parking NOISE 05/04/20 23:16 Noise 2020032430 Noise WP20012061 PARKING 05/12/20 20:21 Parking 2020034336 Parking NOISE 05/12/20 00:15 Noise 2020034118 Noise WP20012616 PARKING 05/17/2010:04 Parking 2020035490 Parking NOISE 05/17/2016:09 Noise 2020035549 Noise WP20013113 PARKING 05/22/2012:51 Parking 2020036812 Parking NOISE 05/20/2012:43 Noise 2020036256 Noise WP20013373 PARKING Phone Call Total: 8 NOISE 05/21/2011:05 Noise 2020036518 Noise WP20013472 Other NOISE 05/23/20 00:25 Noise 2020036992 Noise WP20013648 911 NOISE 05/28/2019:08 Noise 2020038657 Noise WP20014215 NOISE Off -Road Vehicle Complaint Total: 1 05/12/20 19:54 Off -Road Vehicle 2020034332 Off -Road Vehicle Complaint WP20012697 Phone 2020032279 ORV Open Door - Window Total: 2 05/25/20 16:18 Open Door - Window 2020037722 Open Door - Window WP20013903 OPEN 05/31/20 20:21 Open Door - Window 2020039576 Open Door - Window WP20014568 05/05/20 07:49 OPEN Ordinance Violation Total: 3 05/11/20 08:40 Ordinance Violation 2020033920 Ordinance Violation WP20012544 ORDINANCE 05/11/20 10:47 Ordinance Violation 2020033948 Ordinance Violation WP20012559 ORDINANCE 05/28/20 09:47 Ordinance Violation 2020038487 Ordinance Violation WP20014156 ORDINANCE Park Incident Total: 1 05/26/20 12:10 Park Incident 2020037964 Park Incident WPRK20013968 PARKS Parking Total: 7 05/04/2011:27 Parking 2020032279 Parking WP20012004 PARKING 05/05/20 07:49 Parking 2020032463 PARKING 05/09/2015:32 Parking 2020033588 Parking WP20012442 PARKING 05/12/2011:29 Parking 2020034181 Parking WP20012643 PARKING 05/12/20 20:21 Parking 2020034336 Parking WP20012700 PARKING 05/17/2010:04 Parking 2020035490 Parking WP20013097 PARKING 05/22/2012:51 Parking 2020036812 Parking WP20013588 PARKING Phone Call Total: 8 05/14/20 17:12 Phone Call 2020034759 Other PH 05/20/20 15:19 Phone Call 2020036308 Other PH Page 18 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 05/26/20 12:40 Phone Call 2020037976 05/10/20 07:06 Other 2020033721 PH 05/26/20 13:05 Phone Call 2020037986 2020033724 Other PH 05/11/2012:37 05/27/20 19:39 Phone Call 2020038374 Other SIA 05/15/20 21:16 PH 2020035115 05/29/20 22:47 Phone Call 2020039029 Phone 05/16/2018:22 SIA Area Watch 2020035374 PH 05/30/20 23:09 Phone Call 2020039332 05/19/20 13:06 Other 2020036001 PH 05/31/20 18:28 Phone Call 2020039548 2020036909 Phone PH 05/25/2012:36 Probation Check Total: 3 05/05/20 18:45 Probation Check 05/14/20 19:18 Probation Check 05/28/20 14:36 Probation Check Prowler Total: 1 05/19/20 04:47 Prowler 2020032619 2020034800 2020038578 2020035919 Prowler Residential Fire Alarm Total: 1 05/08/20 23:13 Residential Fire Alarm 2020033421 Residential Fire Alarm Residential General Alarm Total: 2 PROB Officer PROB Officer Officer PROB WP20013257 PROWLER WP20012409 911 ALARM 05/07/20 14:03 Residential General 2020033048 Phone ALARM 05/17/20 05:51 Residential General 2020035466 Residential Medical Alarm WP20013090 Phone ALARM Residential Medical Alarm; Citizen Aid Total: 1 05/11/20 01:27 Residential Medical 2020033877 Residential Medical Alarm WP20012534 Phone ALARM; CITAID Search Warrant Total: 1 05/13/20 14:19 Search Warrant 2020034475 Search Warrant WSIU20012751 Officer SEARCH WT SIA Area Watch Total: 13 05/09/2010:27 SIA Area Watch 2020033502 SIA 05/10/20 07:06 SIA Area Watch 2020033721 SIA 05/10/20 07:53 SIA Area Watch 2020033724 SIA 05/11/2012:37 SIA Area Watch 2020033971 SIA 05/15/20 21:16 SIA Area Watch 2020035115 Officer SIA 05/16/2018:22 SIA Area Watch 2020035374 Officer SIA 05/19/20 13:06 SIA Area Watch 2020036001 SIA 05/22/2018:47 SIA Area Watch 2020036909 SIA 05/25/2012:36 SIA Area Watch 2020037666 SIA 05/26/20 09:32 SIA Area Watch 2020037915 SIA Page 19 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 05/27/2015:38 SIA Area Watch 2020038304 05/27/20 18:11 SIA Area Watch 2020038356 05/29/2014:56 SIA Area Watch 2020038854 SIA Business Walk Through Total: 2 05/10/20 12:48 SIA Business Walk 2020033762 05/24/20 12:41 SIA Business Walk 2020037360 SIA City Council - City Hall Total: 2 05/11/20 17:30 SIA City Council - City 2020034053 05/25/20 17:30 SIA City Council - City 2020037738 SIA Foot Patrol Total: 1 05/05/20 06:55 SIA Foot Patrol SIA Other Total: 4 05/05/20 10:54 SIA Other 05/09/20 13:48 SIA Other 05/17/20 02:03 SIA Other 05/24/20 16:35 SIA Other SIA Parks Total: 23 05/01/20 08:14 SIA Parks 05/02/20 14:50 SIA Parks 05/05/20 10:39 SIA Parks 05/07/20 10:26 SIA Parks 05/08/20 09:14 SIA Parks 05/09/20 14:26 SIA Parks 05/11/20 16:01 SIA Parks 05/12/20 08:15 SIA Parks 05/14/20 06:54 SIA Parks 05/14/20 14:20 SIA Parks 05/15/20 20:09 SIA Parks 05/16/20 14:02 SIA Parks 05/16/20 14:11 SIA Parks 05/19/20 13:25 SIA Parks 05/20/20 13:34 SIA Parks 2020032455 2020032506 2020033563 2020035457 2020037421 2020031560 2020031912 2020032504 2020032995 2020033223 2020033573 2020034026 2020034135 2020034605 2020034709 2020035092 2020035314 2020035317 2020036006 2020036273 Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA Officer SIA Officer SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA Page 20 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Suspicious - Initial Call CFS # 05/21/20 08:18 SIA Parks 2020036477 05/21/20 14:17 SIA Parks 2020036556 05/24/2016:55 SIA Parks 2020037426 05/26/2012:10 SIA Parks 2020037963 05/27/20 08:15 SIA Parks 2020038193 05/29/20 07:07 SIA Parks 2020038748 05/29/20 13:41 SIA Parks 2020038831 05/30/20 09:33 SIA Parks 2020039097 SIA Water Access Landing Check Total: 1 05/11/2011:07 SIA Water Access 2020033956 SIA Water Patrol Total: 2 05/20/20 11:00 SIA Water Patrol 2020036230 05/20/20 11:06 SIA Water Patrol 2020036231 Sign - Signal Repair Total: 1 05/14/20 14:03 Sign - Signal Repair 2020034696 Soliciting Total: 1 Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIGNREPhone 05/31/2015:16 Soliciting 2020039488 Soliciting WP20014529 SOLICIT 11 Stalking Total: 1 05/05/20 14:29 Stalking 2020032555 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20012098 STALKINGhone Stolen - Vehicle Total: 2 05/12/20 17:47 Stolen - Vehicle 2020034294 05/20/20 08:14 Stolen - Vehicle 2020036194 Surveillance Total: 1 05/07/20 07:13 Surveillance 2020032958 Suspicious - Circumstances Total: 16 05/01/20 11:41 Suspicious - 2020031596 05/01/20 17:12 Suspicious - 2020031696 05/01/20 21:54 Suspicious - 2020031777 05/02/20 00:54 Suspicious - 2020031813 05/05/20 22:37 Suspicious - 2020032673 05/07/20 11:33 Suspicious - 2020033012 Stolen - Vehicle WP20012677 Phone STOLVEH Stolen - Vehicle WP20013354 Phone STOLVEH SURVEIL Suspicious - Circumstances WP20011756 SUSPCIRCone Suspicious - Circumstances WP20011789 hne Phone SUSPCIRC Suspicious - Circumstances WP20011824 C SUSPCIRhe Suspicious - Circumstances WP20011835 SUSPCIRCon Suspicious - Circumstances WP20012145 SUSPCIRCne Suspicious - Circumstances WP20012266 SUSPCIRCne Page 21 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 05/09/20 19:40 Suspicious - 2020033632 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20012458 Ph Phone SUSPCIRC 05/20/20 18:26 Suspicious - 2020036369 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20013415 he SUSPCIRCon 05/21/20 08:57 Suspicious - 2020036486 Fraud - Internet WP20013460 hne Phone SUSPCIRC 05/26/20 19:21 Suspicious - 2020038115 Fire - Other WP20014023 SUSPCIR1C 05/26/20 21:05 Suspicious - 2020038138 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20014032 SUSPCIRCone 05/29/20 22:40 Suspicious - 2020039026 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20014355 SUSPCI911 RC 05/30/20 08:24 Suspicious - 2020039090 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSU20014378USPCIRC Ph ne SSSUSPCIRCone 05/30/20 17:38 Suspicious - 2020039227 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20014420 05/30/20 19:19 Suspicious - 2020039259 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20014437 SUSPCI911 RC 05/31/20 11:48 Suspicious - 2020039436 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20014510 SUSPCIRCne Suspicious - Item Total: 1 05/18/20 20:26 Suspicious - Item 2020035870 Suspicious - Item WP20013238 pphh SUSPITEMone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle Total: 28 05/01/20 11:05 Suspicious - Person - 2020031592 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20011753 SUSPPV 05/03/20 00:17 Suspicious - Person - 2020032031 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20011915 SUSPPVhone 05/03/20 14:24 Suspicious - Person - 2020032118 Check Welfare WP20011944 SUSPPVhone 05/05/20 23:02 Suspicious - Person - 2020032678 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20012147 SUSPPV11 05/06/20 07:12 Suspicious - Person - 2020032706 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20012156 SUSPPVhone 05/06/20 08:11 Suspicious - Person - 2020032712 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20012159 SUSPPVhone 05/07/20 15:54 Suspicious - Person - 2020033084 SUSPPVhone 05/08/20 14:23 Suspicious - Person - 2020033292 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20012367 SUSPPVhone 05/09/20 22:03 Suspicious - Person - 2020033670 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20012467 SUSPPVhone 05/13/20 16:50 Suspicious - Person - 2020034508 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20012762 SUSPPVhone 05/14/20 14:20 Suspicious - Person - 2020034710 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20012856 SUSPPVhone 05/14/20 21:47 Suspicious - Person - 2020034836 SUSPPVhone 05/15/20 01:34 Suspicious - Person - 2020034871 Traffic - Complaint WP20012903 SUSPPVhone 05/19/20 10:47 Suspicious - Person - 2020035971 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20013277 SUSPPVPhone 05/21/20 10:02 Suspicious - Person - 2020036497 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20013463 11 SUSPPV 05/21/20 16:21 Suspicious - Person - 2020036598 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20013505 SUSPPVhone 05/22/20 11:32 Suspicious - Person - 2020036779 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20013578 SUSPPVhone 05/23/20 02:41 Suspicious - Person - 2020037016 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20013656 SUSPPVhone 05/24/20 21:49 Suspicious - Person - 2020037521 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20013836 SUSPPV11 Page 22 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 05/25/20 04:56 Suspicious - Person - 2020037590 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20013860 THEFTSHOP 05/05/20 17:09 SUSPPVhone 05/29/20 20:32 Suspicious - Person - 2020038964 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20014329 SUSPPV11 05/29/20 20:57 Suspicious - Person - 2020038976 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20014335 WP20012284 911 SUSPPV11 05/29/20 22:44 Suspicious - Person - 2020039027 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20014352 2020033291 Theft - Shoplifting WP20012366 Phone SUSPPVhone 05/30/20 03:35 Suspicious - Person - 2020039076 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20014371 05/14/20 20:51 Theft - Shoplifting 2020034822 Theft - Shoplifting WP20012889 SUSPPV11 05/30/20 16:05 Suspicious - Person - 2020039194 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20014413 THEFTSHOP 05/15/20 14:15 Theft - Shoplifting 2020034992 SUSPPV11 05/30/20 16:50 Suspicious - Person - 2020039207 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20014417 THEFTSHOP 05/17/20 17:41 SUSPPVhone 05/31/20 11:46 Suspicious - Person - 2020039435 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20014509 911 SUSPPV 05/31/20 17:23 Suspicious - Person - 2020039531 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20014552 WP20013196 SUSPPVhone Theft Total: 6 THEFTSHOP 05/18/20 17:08 Theft - Shoplifting 2020035822 05/04/20 08:25 Theft 2020032249 Theft WP20011992 Phone THEFTSHOP THEFT 05/17/2015:51 Theft 2020035547 Theft WP20013111 THEFT 05/19/20 00:31 Theft 2020035905 Theft WP20013250 Phone THEFT 05/22/20 08:11 Theft 2020036728 Theft WP20013567 Phone THEFT 05/28/2016:08 Theft 2020038602 Threats WP20014196 Phone THEFT 05/31/2017:12 Theft 2020039528 Theft WP20014550 Phone THEFT Theft - From Vehicle Total: 2 05/03/20 14:07 Theft - From Vehicle 2020032112 Theft - From Vehicle WP20011942 Phone THEFTVEH 05/10/20 11:34 Theft - From Vehicle 2020033752 Residential Burglary WP20012492 THEFTVEH Theft - Gas Drive Off Total: 1 hh 05/20/20 09:51 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2020036214 Theft - Gas Drive Off WP20013357 THEFT Zone Theft - Shoplifting Total: 18 05/02/20 14:43 Theft - Shoplifting 2020031909 Theft - Shoplifting WP20011869 Phone THEFTSHOP 05/05/20 17:09 Theft - Shoplifting 2020032590 Theft - Shoplifting WP20012116 Phone THEFTSHOP 05/07/20 15:01 Theft - Shoplifting 2020033066 Theft - Shoplifting WP20012284 911 THEFTSHOP 05/08/20 14:20 Theft - Shoplifting 2020033291 Theft - Shoplifting WP20012366 Phone THEFTSHOP 05/14/20 20:51 Theft - Shoplifting 2020034822 Theft - Shoplifting WP20012889 THEFTSHOP 05/15/20 14:15 Theft - Shoplifting 2020034992 Theft - Shoplifting WP20012948 THEFTSHOP 05/17/20 17:41 Theft - Shoplifting 2020035560 Theft - Shoplifting WP20013119 THEFTSHOP 05/18/20 14:47 Theft - Shoplifting 2020035766 Theft - Shoplifting WP20013196 THEFTSHOP 05/18/20 17:08 Theft - Shoplifting 2020035822 Theft - Shoplifting WP20013220 THEFTSHOP 05/18/20 19:31 Theft - Shoplifting 2020035857 Theft - Shoplifting WP20013231 THEFTSHOP Page 23 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 05/23/20 13:32 Theft - Shoplifting 2020037100 Theft - Shoplifting WP20013688 T 05/02/2013:29 Traffic -Complaint THEFTSHOne 05/24/20 20:07 Theft - Shoplifting 2020037487 Pursuit WP20013823 T THEFTSHOne 05/25/20 08:26 Theft - Shoplifting 2020037605 Theft - Shoplifting WP20013863 911 THEFTSHOne 05/25/20 16:01 Theft - Shoplifting 2020037718 Drugs WP20013902 WP20012454 Phone THEFTSHOne 05/28/20 19:45 Theft - Shoplifting 2020038672 Theft - Shoplifting WP20014219 2020033738 Traffic - Complaint WP20012489 Phone THEFTSHOP1 05/28/20 23:39 Theft - Shoplifting 2020038714 Theft - Shoplifting WP20014234 11 Traffic - Complaint 2020034242 Traffic - Complaint WP20012664 THEFTSHOP 05/30/20 14:43 Theft - Shoplifting 2020039175 Theft - Shoplifting WCSU2001440THEFT 911 05/12/20 18:33 Traffic - Complaint 2020034310 Traffic - Complaint HOP 05/31/20 15:20 Theft - Shoplifting 2020039492 Theft - Shoplifting WP20014534 T 05/12/20 22:53 Traffic - Complaint THEFTSHOne Threats Total: 3 05/05/20 15:55 Threats 2020032578 Fraud - Internet WP20012110 Phone THREATS 05/22/20 19:18 Threats 2020036919 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20013618 THREATSone 05/31/20 15:16 Threats 2020039489 Threats WP20014530 THREATS one Tow Total: 2 05/13/20 09:17 Tow 2020034412 Phone TOW 05/24/20 20:35 Tow 2020037498 Tow WP20013825 Phone TOW Traffic - Complaint Total: 22 05/02/20 13:17 Traffic - Complaint 2020031897 Traffic - Complaint WP20011861 Phone T 05/02/2013:29 Traffic -Complaint 2020031899 DUI WP20011862 911 T 05/08/20 20:00 Traffic - Complaint 2020033377 911 T 05/09/20 18:57 Traffic - Complaint 2020033622 Disabled Vehicle WP20012454 Phone T 05/10/20 10:32 Traffic - Complaint 2020033738 Traffic - Complaint WP20012489 Phone T 05/12/20 15:43 Traffic - Complaint 2020034242 Traffic - Complaint WP20012664 Phone T 05/12/20 18:33 Traffic - Complaint 2020034310 Traffic - Complaint WP20012686 911 T 05/12/20 22:53 Traffic - Complaint 2020034361 911 T 05/13/20 04:06 Traffic - Complaint 2020034376 Traffic - Complaint WP20012717 Phone T 05/15/20 04:55 Traffic - Complaint 2020034878 Traffic - Complaint WP20012906 Phone T 05/18/20 19:04 Traffic - Complaint 2020035851 Traffic - Complaint WP20013229 Phone T 05/20/20 12:59 Traffic - Complaint 2020036261 Traffic - Complaint WP20013377 Phone T 05/22/20 11:57 Traffic - Complaint 2020036795 MVA - No Injuries WP20013583 911 T 05/23/20 23:35 Traffic - Complaint 2020037251 Traffic - Complaint WP20013735 Phone T 05/26/20 14:57 Traffic - Complaint 2020038029 Traffic - Complaint WP20013996 Phone T 05/27/20 17:30 Traffic - Complaint 2020038348 Traffic - Complaint WP20014104 Phone T Page 24 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 05/28/20 11:52 Traffic - Complaint 2020038527 Traffic - Complaint WP20014166 Phone Phone 05/01/20 12:42 THAZARD 05/25/20 11:39 Traffic - Hazard T WP20013878 Phone 05/29/20 16:48 Traffic - Complaint 2020038894 Traffic - Complaint WP20014301 Traffic - Hazard Phone WP20014154 05/01/2013:53 Traffic Stop 2020031625 THAZARD T 05/30/20 09:22 Traffic - Complaint 2020039095 Traffic - Complaint WP20014382 911 05/01/2014:02 Traffic Stop 2020031629 T 05/30/20 14:58 Traffic - Complaint 2020039177 Traffic - Complaint WP20014405 Phone 05/01/2014:04 Traffic Stop 2020031630 T 05/30/20 17:21 Traffic - Complaint 2020039219 Traffic - Complaint WP20014418 911 05/01/2014:09 Traffic Stop 2020031631 T 05/31/20 17:03 Traffic - Complaint 2020039526 Traffic - Complaint WP20014551 911 05/01/2017:51 Traffic Stop 2020031708 T Traffic - Hazard Total: 4 05/06/20 11:50 Traffic - Hazard 2020032766 Traffic - Hazard WP20012183 Phone Officer THAZARD 05/13/20 07:29 Traffic - Hazard 2020034391 Phone TS 05/01/20 12:42 THAZARD 05/25/20 11:39 Traffic - Hazard 2020037647 Traffic - Hazard WP20013878 Phone Officer THAZARD 05/28/20 09:28 Traffic - Hazard 2020038483 Traffic - Hazard WP20014154 05/01/2013:53 Traffic Stop 2020031625 THAZARD Traffic Stop Total: 193 05/01/2011:55 Traffic Stop 2020031599 Officer TS 05/01/20 12:42 Traffic Stop 2020031609 Officer TS 05/01/2013:53 Traffic Stop 2020031625 Officer TS 05/01/2014:02 Traffic Stop 2020031629 Officer TS 05/01/2014:04 Traffic Stop 2020031630 Officer TS 05/01/2014:09 Traffic Stop 2020031631 Officer TS 05/01/2017:51 Traffic Stop 2020031708 Officer TS 05/01/20 18:14 Traffic Stop 2020031715 Warrant - Arrest WP20011805 Officer TS 05/02/20 16:36 Traffic Stop 2020031930 DUI WP20011878 Officer TS 05/03/20 00:44 Traffic Stop 2020032032 Officer TS 05/03/20 06:10 Traffic Stop 2020032049 Officer TS 05/03/20 13:10 Traffic Stop 2020032102 Officer TS 05/03/2014:01 Traffic Stop 2020032110 Officer TS 05/03/2014:24 Traffic Stop 2020032117 Officer TS 05/03/20 17:16 Traffic Stop 2020032157 Traffic Stop WP20011959 Officer TS 05/03/2018:27 Traffic Stop 2020032170 Officer TS 05/03/2018:35 Traffic Stop 2020032172 Drugs WP20011965 Officer TS 05/04/20 22:15 Traffic Stop 2020032416 Officer TS 05/04/20 23:01 Traffic Stop 2020032427 Officer TS 05/05/20 00:22 Traffic Stop 2020032438 Officer TS Page 25 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 05/05/20 11:02 Traffic Stop 2020032508 Officer TS 05/05/20 13:25 Traffic Stop 2020032540 Officer TS 05/05/20 13:33 Traffic Stop 2020032542 Drugs WSIU2001209 Officer TS 05/06/2011:57 Traffic Stop 2020032768 Officer TS 05/06/20 21:20 Traffic Stop 2020032905 Officer TS 05/06/20 23:03 Traffic Stop 2020032922 Officer TS 05/07/20 09:52 Traffic Stop 2020032982 Officer TS 05/07/20 10:38 Traffic Stop 2020033000 Officer TS 05/08/20 00:04 Traffic Stop 2020033170 Officer TS 05/08/20 01:03 Traffic Stop 2020033178 Officer TS 05/08/20 08:47 Traffic Stop 2020033216 Officer TS 05/08/20 12:10 Traffic Stop 2020033259 Traffic Stop WP20012349 Officer TS 05/08/20 12:22 Traffic Stop 2020033263 Officer TS 05/08/20 13:12 Traffic Stop 2020033278 Traffic Stop WP20012357 Officer TS 05/08/20 18:16 Traffic Stop 2020033347 Officer TS 05/08/20 18:27 Traffic Stop 2020033349 Officer TS 05/08/20 18:37 Traffic Stop 2020033353 Officer TS 05/08/2019:51 Traffic Stop 2020033375 Officer TS 05/09/20 00:29 Traffic Stop 2020033432 Officer TS 05/09/20 00:38 Traffic Stop 2020033433 Officer TS 05/09/20 07:14 Traffic Stop 2020033462 Officer TS 05/09/20 10:31 Traffic Stop 2020033504 Officer TS 05/09/20 10:37 Traffic Stop 2020033506 Officer TS 05/09/20 12:00 Traffic Stop 2020033527 Officer TS 05/09/20 12:37 Traffic Stop 2020033540 Officer TS 05/09/20 15:36 Traffic Stop 2020033589 Officer TS 05/09/20 15:47 Traffic Stop 2020033594 DUI WP20012447 Officer TS 05/10/20 19:59 Traffic Stop 2020033839 Officer TS 05/11/20 15:41 Traffic Stop 2020034024 Traffic Stop WP20012582 Officer TS 05/11/20 17:01 Traffic Stop 2020034043 Officer TS 05/12/20 10:12 Traffic Stop 2020034160 Officer TS 05/12/20 15:10 Traffic Stop 2020034231 Drugs WSIU2001265 TS Officer 05/13/20 12:49 Traffic Stop 2020034459 Officer TS Page 26 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 05/14/20 07:30 Traffic Stop 2020034607 Officer TS 05/14/20 14:13 Traffic Stop 2020034704 Officer TS 05/14/20 16:35 Traffic Stop 2020034745 Warrant - Arrest WSIU2001286 Officer TS 05/14/20 21:24 Traffic Stop 2020034830 Warrant - Arrest WP20012892 Officer TS 05/14/20 22:45 Traffic Stop 2020034847 Officer TS 05/15/20 00:41 Traffic Stop 2020034866 Traffic Stop WP20012901 Officer TS 05/15/20 11:10 Traffic Stop 2020034931 Traffic Stop WP20012927 Officer TS 05/15/20 13:07 Traffic Stop 2020034974 Traffic Stop WP20012939 Officer TS 05/15/20 15:15 Traffic Stop 2020035011 Officer TS 05/15/20 18:00 Traffic Stop 2020035055 Officer TS 05/15/20 18:31 Traffic Stop 2020035068 Officer TS 05/15/20 22:59 Traffic Stop 2020035146 Officer TS 05/16/20 10:18 Traffic Stop 2020035248 Traffic Stop WP20013028 Officer TS 05/16/20 11:45 Traffic Stop 2020035270 Traffic Stop WP20013033 Officer TS 05/16/20 13:19 Traffic Stop 2020035298 Officer TS 05/16/20 14:51 Traffic Stop 2020035329 Officer TS 05/16/20 15:05 Traffic Stop 2020035335 Officer TS 05/16/20 15:15 Traffic Stop 2020035339 Officer TS 05/16/20 19:41 Traffic Stop 2020035387 Traffic Stop WP20013069 Officer TS 05/16/20 19:50 Traffic Stop 2020035389 Officer TS 05/16/20 20:07 Traffic Stop 2020035392 Warrant - Arrest WP20013070 Officer TS 05/16/20 22:24 Traffic Stop 2020035423 Officer TS 05/16/20 22:42 Traffic Stop 2020035426 Officer TS 05/16/20 23:13 Traffic Stop 2020035434 Officer TS 05/16/20 23:48 Traffic Stop 2020035439 Officer TS 05/17/20 00:00 Traffic Stop 2020035441 Officer TS 05/17/20 00:13 Traffic Stop 2020035442 Officer TS 05/17/20 00:13 Traffic Stop 2020035443 Traffic Stop WP20013082 Officer TS 05/17/20 13:09 Traffic Stop 2020035523 Officer TS 05/17/20 13:26 Traffic Stop 2020035527 Officer TS 05/17/20 13:30 Traffic Stop 2020035528 Officer TS 05/17/20 14:59 Traffic Stop 2020035540 Officer TS 05/17/20 16:41 Traffic Stop 2020035551 Officer TS Page 27 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 05/17/20 18:59 Traffic Stop 2020035582 Officer TS 05/17/20 20:06 Traffic Stop 2020035588 Officer TS 05/17/20 21:01 Traffic Stop 2020035593 Officer TS 05/17/20 21:32 Traffic Stop 2020035600 Officer TS 05/17/20 21:41 Traffic Stop 2020035601 Drugs WP20013132 Officer TS 05/18/20 00:21 Traffic Stop 2020035624 Officer TS 05/18/20 01:43 Traffic Stop 2020035631 Warrant - Arrest WP20013144 Officer TS 05/18/20 12:09 Traffic Stop 2020035715 Officer TS 05/18/20 14:15 Traffic Stop 2020035756 Traffic Stop WP20013194 Officer TS 05/18/20 14:31 Traffic Stop 2020035758 Traffic Stop WP20013195 Officer TS 05/18/20 14:41 Traffic Stop 2020035762 Officer TS 05/18/20 16:13 Traffic Stop 2020035803 Officer TS 05/18/20 16:35 Traffic Stop 2020035811 Officer TS 05/18/20 21:45 Traffic Stop 2020035887 Officer TS 05/18/20 22:12 Traffic Stop 2020035893 Officer TS 05/19/20 00:43 Traffic Stop 2020035907 Officer TS 05/19/20 11:41 Traffic Stop 2020035981 Officer TS 05/19/20 12:18 Traffic Stop 2020035989 Traffic Stop WP20013285 Officer TS 05/19/20 13:34 Traffic Stop 2020036010 Officer TS 05/19/20 13:49 Traffic Stop 2020036015 Officer TS 05/19/20 17:49 Traffic Stop 2020036081 Traffic Stop WP20013313 Officer TS 05/19/20 19:40 Traffic Stop 2020036112 Traffic Stop WP20013320 Officer TS 05/19/20 21:18 Traffic Stop 2020036133 Traffic Stop WP20013329 Officer TS 05/19/20 21:34 Traffic Stop 2020036137 Officer TS 05/19/20 21:37 Traffic Stop 2020036138 Officer TS 05/20/20 21:58 Traffic Stop 2020036427 Officer TS 05/20/20 22:34 Traffic Stop 2020036434 Officer TS 05/21/20 02:25 Traffic Stop 2020036453 Officer TS 05/21/20 13:48 Traffic Stop 2020036550 Officer TS 05/21/20 17:11 Traffic Stop 2020036610 Traffic Stop WP20013512 Officer TS 05/21/20 20:48 Traffic Stop 2020036664 Officer TS 05/22/20 00:55 Traffic Stop 2020036702 Officer TS 05/22/20 02:53 Traffic Stop 2020036708 Officer TS Page 28 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 05/22/20 13:18 Traffic Stop 2020036818 Officer TS 05/22/20 20:55 Traffic Stop 2020036944 Officer TS 05/22/20 21:31 Traffic Stop 2020036954 Officer TS 05/22/20 22:10 Traffic Stop 2020036963 Officer TS 05/22/20 22:10 Traffic Stop 2020036964 Officer TS 05/22/20 23:12 Traffic Stop 2020036979 Officer TS 05/22/20 23:52 Traffic Stop 2020036984 Officer TS 05/23/20 00:30 Traffic Stop 2020036993 Info WP20013649 Officer TS 05/23/20 00:59 Traffic Stop 2020037003 DUI WP20013652 Officer TS 05/23/20 11:47 Traffic Stop 2020037079 Traffic Stop WP20013678 Officer TS 05/23/20 14:11 Traffic Stop 2020037110 Officer TS 05/23/20 21:02 Traffic Stop 2020037217 Officer TS 05/23/20 21:10 Traffic Stop 2020037220 Traffic Stop WP20013726 Officer TS 05/23/20 21:39 Traffic Stop 2020037231 Officer TS 05/23/20 21:53 Traffic Stop 2020037235 Officer TS 05/23/20 22:44 Traffic Stop 2020037244 Officer TS 05/23/20 23:39 Traffic Stop 2020037254 Warrant - Arrest WP20013738 Officer TS 05/24/20 09:50 Traffic Stop 2020037318 Officer TS 05/24/20 10:12 Traffic Stop 2020037324 Officer TS 05/24/20 14:47 Traffic Stop 2020037388 Officer TS 05/24/20 17:48 Traffic Stop 2020037442 Officer TS 05/24/20 20:07 Traffic Stop 2020037488 Officer TS 05/24/20 21:08 Traffic Stop 2020037506 Officer TS 05/24/20 23:59 Traffic Stop 2020037555 Officer TS 05/25/20 00:02 Traffic Stop 2020037557 Traffic Stop WP20013849 Officer TS 05/25/20 00:08 Traffic Stop 2020037560 Officer TS 05/25/20 00:57 Traffic Stop 2020037570 Officer TS 05/25/20 01:24 Traffic Stop 2020037573 Officer TS 05/25/20 02:34 Traffic Stop 2020037582 Officer TS 05/25/20 10:23 Traffic Stop 2020037628 Officer TS 05/25/20 11:33 Traffic Stop 2020037643 Traffic Stop WP20013877 Officer TS 05/25/20 13:22 Traffic Stop 2020037680 Officer TS 05/25/20 13:27 Traffic Stop 2020037682 Officer TS Page 29 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 05/25/20 14:52 Traffic Stop 2020037703 Traffic Stop WP20013896 Officer TS 05/25/20 15:43 Traffic Stop 2020037712 Officer TS 05/25/20 17:41 Traffic Stop 2020037744 Officer TS 05/25/20 18:08 Traffic Stop 2020037752 Officer TS 05/25/20 18:21 Traffic Stop 2020037757 Officer TS 05/25/20 18:42 Traffic Stop 2020037761 Officer TS 05/25/20 18:55 Traffic Stop 2020037766 Officer TS 05/25/20 19:01 Traffic Stop 2020037769 Officer TS 05/25/20 19:59 Traffic Stop 2020037783 Officer TS 05/25/20 20:19 Traffic Stop 2020037787 Officer TS 05/25/20 22:29 Traffic Stop 2020037830 Officer TS 05/26/20 01:10 Traffic Stop 2020037867 Officer TS 05/26/20 07:39 Traffic Stop 2020037890 Officer TS 05/26/2012:34 Traffic Stop 2020037972 Officer TS 05/26/20 13:14 Traffic Stop 2020037989 Drugs WP20013981 Officer TS 05/26/20 17:42 Traffic Stop 2020038076 Officer TS 05/26/2018:20 Traffic Stop 2020038095 Officer TS 05/26/20 18:48 Traffic Stop 2020038105 Officer TS 05/26/20 21:22 Traffic Stop 2020038141 Officer TS 05/26/20 23:11 Traffic Stop 2020038149 Officer TS 05/27/20 10:31 Traffic Stop 2020038227 Officer TS 05/27/20 11:20 Traffic Stop 2020038243 Traffic Stop WP20014067 Officer TS 05/27/20 14:31 Traffic Stop 2020038283 Officer TS 05/27/20 15:41 Traffic Stop 2020038306 Officer TS 05/27/20 18:01 Traffic Stop 2020038353 Officer TS 05/27/20 18:34 Traffic Stop 2020038363 Drugs WP20014110 Officer TS 05/27/20 19:29 Traffic Stop 2020038371 Officer TS 05/27/20 19:30 Traffic Stop 2020038372 Officer TS 05/27/20 21:45 Traffic Stop 2020038410 Officer TS 05/27/20 23:07 Traffic Stop 2020038427 Traffic Stop WP20014137 Officer TS 05/27/20 23:45 Traffic Stop 2020038433 Officer TS 05/28/20 15:17 Traffic Stop 2020038586 Officer TS 05/29/20 00:11 Traffic Stop 2020038720 Officer TS Page 30 of 31 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 05/29/20 21:26 Traffic Stop 2020038989 05/26/20 09:08 Training 2020037910 Officer 05/07/20 15:59 TRAINING 2020033087 TS BP20004002 Officer 05/29/20 23:37 Traffic Stop 2020039043 Person Officer Medical - Psychiatric - WP20012420 2020033243 TS er WSIU2001234 WATTEMPT 05/30/20 12:17 Traffic Stop 2020039141 Officer UNWANTEge 05/18/20 22:15 Unwanted TS 2020035896 05/30/20 22:12 Traffic Stop 2020039317 pphh UNWANTE�ne Officer Unwanted Person 2020037236 TS Person 05/30/20 22:27 Traffic Stop 2020039321 Officer TS UNWANTED 05/31/20 01:48 Traffic Stop 2020039379 Traffic Stop WP20014495 Officer Person WCSU200143 UNWANPhFe TS 05/31/20 06:18 Traffic Stop 2020039393 Officer TS 05/31/20 22:12 Traffic Stop 2020039600 Officer TS Training Total: 3 05/14/2017:25 Training 2020034765 Unwanted Person TRAINING 05/20/20 20:40 Training 2020036410 11 WP20011771 TRAINING 05/26/20 09:08 Training 2020037910 WATTEMPT 05/07/20 15:59 TRAINING Trespass Total: 1 05/28/20 08:52 Trespass 2020038474 Trespass WP20014151 911 TRES Unwanted Person Total: 5 05/01/20 14:57 Unwanted Person 2020031648 Unwanted Person WP20011771 911 WATTEMPT 05/07/20 15:59 Warrant - Attempt 2020033087 Search Warrant BP20004002 Officer UNWANTED 05/09/20 08:40 Unwanted Person 2020033482 Medical - Psychiatric - WP20012420 2020033243 Warrant - Attempt er WSIU2001234 WATTEMPT UNWANTEge 05/18/20 22:15 Unwanted Person 2020035896 Unwanted Person WP20013245 pphh UNWANTE�ne 05/23/20 21:55 Unwanted Person 2020037236 Unwanted Person WP20013730 Phone 2020037097 er UNWANTED 05/30/20 11:38 Unwanted Person 2020039130 Unwanted Person WCSU200143 UNWANPhFe Warrant - Attempt Total: 7 05/06/20 00:31 Warrant - Attempt 2020032690 WATTEMPT 05/07/20 15:59 Warrant - Attempt 2020033087 Search Warrant BP20004002 Officer WATTEMPT 05/08/20 11:07 Warrant - Attempt 2020033243 Warrant - Attempt er WSIU2001234 WATTEMPT 05/11/20 14:49 Warrant - Attempt 2020034011 WATTEMPTOfficer 05/12/20 09:43 Warrant - Attempt 2020034155 Warrant - Arrest WP20012778 er WATTEMPT 05/23/20 13:23 Warrant - Attempt 2020037097 er WATTEMT 05/31/20 12:41 Warrant - Attempt 2020039454 Warrant - Attempt Officer WP20014527 WATTEMPTcer Total Records: 867 Page 31 of 31 Monticello Patrol Hour Summary Hours Purchased Per 2020 Contract: 1 19,032.00 Starting Hours (beginning of month): 12,734.00 M -T -D (detailed below): 1,554.50 Balance going forward (to next month): 11,179.50 Y -T -D: 1 7,852.50 Shift Start Shift Stop Date Shift Start Time Shift Stop Date Time Schedule Position Time Type Regular Hours 1 -May -20 0:00 1 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 6.00 1 -May -20 0:00 1 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 6.00 1 -May -20 6:00 1 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 1 -May -20 10:00 1 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 1 -May -20 10:00 1 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 1 -May -20 20:00 2 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 1 -May -20 20:00 2 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 2 -May -20 6:00 2 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 2 -May -20 10:00 2 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 2 -May -20 10:00 2 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 2 -May -20 16:00 3 -May -20 2:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 2 -May -20 20:00 3 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 3 -May -20 2:00 3 -May -20 4:00 Monticello (52) 3230 OT - Regular 2.00 3 -May -20 6:00 3 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 3 -May -20 6:00 3 -May -20 10:30 Monticello (52) 3240 OT - Regular 4.50 3 -May -20 10:00 3 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 3 -May -20 10:00 3 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 3 -May -20 20:00 4 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 3 -May -20 20:00 4 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 4 -May -20 6:00 4 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 4 -May -20 10:00 4 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 4 -May -20 10:00 4 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 4 -May -20 20:00 5 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 4 -May -20 20:00 5 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 5 -May -20 6:00 5 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 5 -May -20 10:00 5 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 5 -May -20 10:00 5 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 5 -May -20 20:00 6 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 5 -May -20 20:00 6 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 6 -May -20 6:00 6 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 6 -May -20 10:00 6 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 6 -May -20 10:00 6 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 6 -May -20 20:00 7 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 6 -May -20 20:00 7 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 7 -May -20 6:00 7 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 7 -May -20 10:00 7 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 7 -May -20 10:00 7 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 7 -May -20 20:00 8 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 7 -May -20 20:00 8 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 8 -May -20 6:00 8 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 8 -May -20 10:00 8 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 8 -May -20 10:00 8 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 8 -May -20 20:00 9 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 8 -May -20 20:00 9 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 9 -May -20 6:00 9 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 9 -May -20 10:00 9 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 9 -May -20 10:00 9 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 9 -May -20 20:00 10 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 9 -May -20 20:00 10 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 10 -May -20 6:00 10 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 10 -May -20 10:00 10 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 10 -May -20 10:00 10 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 10 -May -20 20:00 11 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 10 -May -20 20:00 11 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 11 -May -20 6:00 11 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 11 -May -20 10:00 11 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 11 -May -20 10:00 11 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 11 -May -20 20:00 12 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 11 -May -20 20:00 12 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 12 -May -20 6:00 12 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 12 -May -20 10:00 12 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 12 -May -20 10:00 12 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 12 -May -20 20:00 13 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 12 -May -20 20:00 13 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 13 -May -20 6:00 13 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 13 -May -20 10:00 13 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 13 -May -20 10:00 13 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 13 -May -20 20:00 14 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 13 -May -20 20:00 14 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 14 -May -20 6:00 14 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 14 -May -20 10:00 14 -May -20 12:30 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 2.50 14 -May -20 10:00 14 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 14 -May -20 12:30 14 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 7.50 14 -May -20 20:00 15 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 14 -May -20 20:00 15 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 15 -May -20 6:00 15 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 15 -May -20 10:00 15 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 15 -May -20 10:00 15 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 15 -May -20 20:00 16 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 15 -May -20 20:00 16 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 16 -May -20 6:00 16 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 16 -May -20 10:00 16 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 16 -May -20 10:00 16 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 16 -May -20 20:00 17 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 16 -May -20 20:00 17 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 17 -May -20 6:00 17 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 17 -May -20 10:00 17 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 17 -May -20 10:00 17 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 17 -May -20 20:00 18 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 17 -May -20 20:00 18 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 18 -May -20 6:00 18 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 18 -May -20 10:00 18 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 18 -May -20 10:00 18 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 18 -May -20 20:00 19 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 18 -May -20 20:00 19 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 19 -May -20 6:00 19 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 19 -May -20 10:00 19 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 19 -May -20 10:00 19 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 19 -May -20 20:00 20 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 19 -May -20 20:00 20 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 20 -May -20 6:00 20 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 20 -May -20 10:00 20 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 20 -May -20 10:00 20 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 20 -May -20 20:00 21 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 20 -May -20 20:00 21 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 21 -May -20 6:00 21 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 21 -May -20 6:00 21 -May -20 7:30 Monticello (52) 3240 OT - Regular 1.50 21 -May -20 10:00 21 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 21 -May -20 10:00 21 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 21 -May -20 20:00 22 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 21 -May -20 20:00 22 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 22 -May -20 6:00 22 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 22 -May -20 10:00 22 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 22 -May -20 10:00 22 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 22 -May -20 20:00 23 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 22 -May -20 20:00 23 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 23 -May -20 6:00 23 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 23 -May -20 10:00 23 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 23 -May -20 10:00 23 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 23 -May -20 20:00 24 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 23 -May -20 20:00 24 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 24 -May -20 6:00 24 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 24 -May -20 10:00 24 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 24 -May -20 10:00 24 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 24 -May -20 20:00 25 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 24 -May -20 20:00 25 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 25 -May -20 6:00 25 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 25 -May -20 10:00 25 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 25 -May -20 10:00 25 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 25 -May -20 20:00 26 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 25 -May -20 20:00 26 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 26 -May -20 6:00 26 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 26 -May -20 10:00 26 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 26 -May -20 10:00 26 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 26 -May -20 20:00 27 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 26 -May -20 20:00 27 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 27 -May -20 6:00 27 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 27 -May -20 10:00 27 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 27 -May -20 10:00 27 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 27 -May -20 19:00 28 -May -20 3:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 8.00 27 -May -20 20:00 28 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 28 -May -20 6:00 28 -May -20 14:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 8.00 28 -May -20 10:00 28 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 28 -May -20 10:00 28 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 28 -May -20 20:00 29 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 28 -May -20 20:00 29 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 29 -May -20 6:00 29 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 29 -May -20 10:00 29 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 29 -May -20 10:00 29 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 29 -May -20 20:00 30 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 29 -May -20 20:00 30 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 30 -May -20 6:00 30 -May -20 9:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 3.00 30 -May -20 9:00 30 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 OT - Regular 7.00 30 -May -20 10:00 30 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 30 -May -20 10:00 30 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 30 -May -20 20:00 31 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 30 -May -20 20:00 31 -May -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 31 -May -20 6:00 31 -May -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 31 -May -20 6:00 31 -May -20 7:30 Monticello (52) 3241 OT - Regular 1.50 31 -May -20 10:00 31 -May -20 13:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 3.00 31 -May -20 10:00 31 -May -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 31 -May -20 13:00 31 -May -20 18:30 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 5.50 31 -May -20 18:30 31 -May -20 19:00 Monticello (52) 3221 OT - Regular 0.50 31 -May -20 20:00 1 -Jun -20 0:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 4.00 31 -May -20 20:00 1 -Jun -20 0:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 4.00 TOTAL: 1554.50