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City Council Agenda Packet 10-12-2020
REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 12, 2020 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Monticello Community Center 5 p.m. 5 p.m. Monticello Community Center Operations Mayor: Brian Stumpf Council Members: Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Approval of Agenda — Councilmembers or the City Administrator may add items to the agenda for discussion purposes or approval. The City Council may or may not take official action on items added to the agenda. C. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Joint Meeting Minutes from September 21, 2020 • Special Meeting Minutes from September 28, 2020 • Regular Meeting Minutes from September 28, 2020 • Special Meeting Minutes from October 6, 2020 • Special Meeting Minutes from October 7, 2020 D. Citizen Comments — Individuals may address the City Council about any item not contained on the agenda. Each speaker will be allotted three minutes with a maximum of five speakers. The Mayor may allow for additional time and/or speakers. The City Council generally takes no official action of items discussed, with the exception of referral to staff for future report. E. Public Service Announcements/Updates • Fall Leaf Pick-up • Riverside Cemetery Clean Up • October 13 — Last day to pre -register for November General Election • Comprehensive Plan F. Council Liaison Updates • IEDC • BCOL • Planning Commission • I-94 Coalition G. Department Updates 0 COVID-19 Update and Discussion City Administrator Update Construction Update 2. Consent Agenda — All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered standard or may not need discussion prior to approval. These items are acted upon by one motion unless a councilmember, the city administrator, or a citizen requests the item by removed from consent for additional discussion. A. Consideration of approving payment of bills B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property D. Consideration of appointing member to Parks, Art, and Recreation Commission E. Consideration of approving a contract with WSB to perform GIS upgrades for Riverside Cemetery for a total cost of $15,000 F. Consideration of accepting bids and awarding contract to McDowall Company for the replacement of HVAC units at Hi -Way Liquors at a total cost of $41,740 G. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-71 accepting the Maple Street Storm Sewer Project as complete and authorizing final payment in the amount of $99,240.75 to Burschville Construction, Inc. H. Consideration of approval for website and supplemental services from CivicPlus for an initial cost of $49,580 I. Consideration of a request for Ordinance amendment relating to the Interim Use of property for Public Uses. Applicant: City of Monticello 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 3. Public Hearings 4. Regular Agenda 5. Adjournment AGENDA CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 12, 2020 — 5 p.m. MCC AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. 5 p.m. Monticello Community Center Operations Discussion 3. Adj ournment MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, September 21, 2020 - 6:00 PM Bridge Room, Monticello Community Center Participants attended the meeting in-person and remotely. Council Members Present: Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Lloyd Hilgart, and Charlotte Gabler Council Members Absent: Mayor Brian Stumpf Commissioners Present: Sam Murdoff, Andrew Tapper, and Alison Zimpfer Commissioners Absent: John Alstad and Paul Konsor Staff Present: Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller, Rachel Leonard, Scott Ruhland (Lakota Group), Nick Kalogeresis (Lakota Group), and Jim Gromberg (WSB) 1. General Business A. Call to Order Lloyd Hilgart called the Special Meeting of the Monticello City Council & Planning Commission to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Regular Agenda Draft Monticello204O Comprehensive Plan and Process Link to Materials Online: • Land Use, Growth and Orderly Annexation • Mobility and Connectivity • Community Character, Design, and the Arts • Economic Development • Community Facilities and Infrastructure • Parks, Pathways and Open Space Angela Schumann introduced the comprehensive plan discussion. Scott Ruhland noted that they would provide a project update and timeline, review draft comprehensive plan chapters, questions and discussion, and next steps. Ruhland explained that all of the draft comprehensive plan chapters are complete and ready to be reviewed by the public for feedback. City staff and the consultants are currently preparing a promotional video about the comprehensive plan and process. They are also working on setting up a community workshop on October 22. Ongoing public review and online engagement would occur until adoption, expected for November/December. Ruhland provided more in-depth information regarding community engagement throughout the planning process. He explained how common themes were heard throughout this engagement and incorporated in the plan. City Council & Planning Commission Minutes (Special Meeting) — September 21 st, 2020 Page 113 Ruhland noted that the framework of the comprehensive plan is the land use strategies and land use designations chapter. He further reviewed the remaining chapters of the draft plan and provided the primary goals and objectives, challenges, and future needs for each. The Council and Commission discussed in detail a challenge that was identified in the plan noting a lack of sports fields. This challenge was identified through community engagement. It was encouraged to strengthen the goals, policies, and strategies to regularly understand demand and needs for additional sports fields and park development, especially related to Bertram Chain of Lakes. It was noted that the current demand could be met by the completion of the regional park. It was also stressed that the City's partnership with the school would need to be reiterated in the plan. In addition, a review process should be in place to evaluate user needs as an implementation step. Schumann explained that an annual review of goals, policies, and strategies would be important. It is staff's intent to add a line for comprehensive plan impact to future staff reports to understand how it relates to the intent of the plan. Jim Gromberg provided the economic development chapter focus and identified issues, opportunities, and goals related to this subject. It was suggested that if the City has more information regarding the feasibility study for a possible water treatment plant that it should be included in the community facilities and infrastructure chapter. It was also suggested to enhance the mobility and connectivity chapter where it discusses potential for public transit. It was noted that policy language would be included to leave the door open to those types of opportunities and discussions. All comments of the public, staff, boards and commissions, were being collected and would be incorporated into a final draft of the comprehensive plan after the public open house workshop in October. A lengthy discussion regarding the timing of growth/developable areas and special planning areas occurred especially as it related to extension of utilities. The principle objective of the comprehensive plan is to focus growth from within. It is believed that the amount of vacant and developable land within the city limits is more than enough to fill the needs of the community for the next twenty to thirty years. It was noted that the timing of the growth areas was for reference and no specific time could be put on development. The consultants would ensure that the primary growth area is the main focus of development. Discussion about the order of the document was noted as it relates to focus areas being identified first and then special planning areas. Special planning areas would be retitled to include "future". Rachel Leonard noted that a key takeaways document would be prepared. She felt the public would utilize this summary document to help consume the information laid out in the comprehensive plan. It was important to emphasize that not all of the plan may be able to be accomplished in twenty years, but residents should be aware of what could occur in that timeframe. Schumann added that three themes were included in the plan: community health policies, sense of place, and sustainability. The themes would have icons that can be seen throughout goals and policies in plan. City Council & Planning Commission Minutes (Special Meeting) — September 21 st, 2020 Page 2 13 It was noted that sustainability should also include our government as well and setting up the next generation of people for success. Ruhland noted that in the community facilities and infrastructure chapter there were policies and strategies for sustainable City operations, but that they would be open to reviewing and supplying additional strategies. Education of all new appointed and elected officials on the comprehensive plan would be critical. Figure 3.9 was requested to have a clearer distinguish between the future planning areas and the remaining portions of the city. Ruhland noted that the language would be clearer and that the figure was only to identify the two future planning areas of the city. 3. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Approved: October 12th, 2020 Recorder: Jacob Thunander Attest: City Administrator City Council & Planning Commission Minutes (Special Meeting) — September 21 st, 2020 Page 3 13 REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 28, 2020 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, and Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. B. Approval of Agenda Councilmember Fair moved approval of the agenda. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Approval of Minutes Special Meeting Minutes from September 28, 2020 Councilmember Hilgart moved approval of the September 28, 2020 special meeting. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Regular Meeting Minutes from September 28, 2020 Councilmember Fair moved approval of the September 28, 2020 regular meeting. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. D. Citizen Comments • Rosemary Worth, 1009 W. River Street, addressed the City Council on the high pitch chirping sound heard in her neighborhood. This was deferred to staff to research and respond. E. Council Liaison Updates • CMRP — Angela Schumann provided an update on the current engagement efforts of round 2 of Framework 2030. • Parks, Art & Recreation Commission — Commission member Karen Vetsch resigned from her position. A new member will be appointed by City Council at an upcoming meeting. The Commission reviewed Riverside Cemetery Rules and Regulations, an Escape Room idea, MontiArts, and vandalism in the park. F. Department Update • COVID-19 update was provided. • City Administrator Update. Jeff O'Neill provided an update on the following: 1. City staff will present to the Rotary on October 12. City Council Minutes September 28, 2020 Page 1 1 5 • Construction Update. Matt Leonard provided an update on current projects: 1. Haven Ridge project is commencing with a utility extension at Farmstead Ave. across Fallon Ave. which will require a road closure the week of October 5. This will last approximately two -three weeks. 2. 2020 Street Improvements — final top soil and sod have been placed. 3. Highway 25 Lighting project — the bases have been poured and waiting on the poles. 4. MCC Roof project — hope to be completed end of week of October 5. There was additional saturation/problem areas found. • Swan Update — Rachel Leonard, Communications Coordinator/Special Projects, provided an update on the feeding of swans. The current private feeding program is ending. This winter corn will not be provided to the swans. 2. Consent Agenda: Councilmember Fair moved approval of the Consent Agenda excluding 2M and 2N. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: Approved the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $791,565.01. B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for city departments. Recommendation: Approved the new hires for Hi -Way Liquors and departures for the MCC. C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property. Recommendation: No report this cycle. D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-65 approving Amendment #1 to the MN -DEED Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF) Grant Agreement and the First Amendment to the MIF Loan (Forgivable) Agreement wherein the project completion date and new hire timeframe are adjusted. Recommendation: Resolution 2020-65 was approved. E. Consideration of adopting Ordinance 748 amending Section 70.02 Parking and Stopping to add regulations prohibiting parking in front of mailboxes. Recommendation: Ordinance 748 amending Section 70.02 was adopted.. F. Consideration of acknowledging a petition for annexation from Shawn Weinand/Ocello, LLC for parcel 213100232400. Recommendation: The petition for annexation was accepted. G. Consideration of approving Change Order #1 for the Community Center Roofing Project, City Project No. 200004 for the total amount of $17,634. Recommendation: Change Order was approved. H. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-66 declaring costs to be assessed, ordering preparation of assessment roll and calling for an Assessment Hearing on October 26, 2020 to adopt assessments for the 2020 Street Improvements, City City Council Minutes September 28, 2020 Page 2 1 5 Project No. 200001. Recommendation: Resolution calling for assessment hearing was adopted. I. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-67 approving plans and specifications and authorizing the advertisement of bids for the 2020 Stormwater Improvement Project, City Project No. 200003. Recommendation: Adopted resolution approving plans and specifications and authorizing the advertisement of bids for the 2020 Stormwater Improvement Project. J. Consideration of approving additional funding for IT purchase of IT upgrades at a price not to exceed $80,000. Recommendation: Approved the additional funding for IT purchase of IT upgrades. K. Consideration of approving League of Minnesota membership dues in the amount of $12,838. Recommendation: Approved the LMC membership dues. L. Consideration of approving an extension for Charles Maue for the rehabilitation of property located at 707 West Broadway (Ellison House). Recommendation: Approved the extension. M. Consideration of authorizing Fire Department to initiate purchase process for a new fire engine for delivery in 2022. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. N. Consideration of authorizing Fire Department to initiate purchase process for a new command vehicle at an estimated cost in the CIP of $75,000. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion M. Consideration of authorizing Fire Department to initiate purchase process for a new fire engine for delivery in 2022. Councilmember Gabler removed the item from the Consent Agenda and questioned when in 2022. Fire Chief Mike Mossey responded early in 2022. Councilmember Gabler moved approval of authorizing the purchase process for a new fire engine for delivery in 2022. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The funding source will also be noted. N. Consideration of authorizing Fire Department to initiate purchase process for a new command vehicle at an estimated cost in the CIP of $75, 000. Councilmember Gabler removed the item and reminded staff that the price should not exceed $75,000. Fire Chief Mossey responded and noted that three local dealers are putting together packages, but they will be under the $75,000. Councilmember Gabler moved approval of authorizing purchase process for a new command vehicle at an estimated cost not to exceed $75,000. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes September 28, 2020 Page 3 1 5 3. Public Hearing A. PUBLIC HEARING- Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-68 for the vacation of drainage and utility easements as legally described as Lot 2, Block 1, Jefferson Commons Third Addition Angela Schumann presented the item for consideration. The request is made by Vikram Aggarwal/Krishna, LLC, who is pursuing the acquisition and platting of the parcel. Mayor Stumpf opened the public hearing. No one testified. Mayor Stumpf closed the public hearing. Councilmember Hilgart moved to adopt Resolution 2020-68 approving the vacation of drainage and utility easements as legally described as Lot 2, Block 1, Jefferson Commons Third Addition. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration to waive approximately $16,301.12 in assessment interest for parcel 155193001020, Lot 2, Block 1, Jefferson Commons Third Addition Angela Schumann presented the request by the developer to waive interest payable from 2017-2020 on a prior levied assessment on the subject parcel. Staff does not recommend a waiver of interest. The City has a number of levied and deferred assessments for street and utility project on undeveloped parcels throughout the City. City Council discussed the item and noted that this would set a precedent for other parcels with deferred assessments. In addition, deferred interest has not been waived in the past. Aggarwal Vikram, applicant, address the City Council on his request. He noted that the project would still move forward without the waiver. Mayor Stumpf moved to deny the waiver for assessment interest for parcel 155193001020, based on the fact that these types of deferred assessments, along with interest, have typically been paid at the time of sale and it would be setting a precedent that would not benefit the City. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-1; Councilmember Fair voted against, as he supported the waiver. B. Consideration of a request for Preliminary and Final Plat and Development Contract for a Two -Lot Subdivision in a B-4 (Regional Business) District Steve Grittman, NAC, provided a brief overview of the development and noted that the subdivision of the proposed 4.58 acre parcel would create two separate commercial parcels. Councilmember Hilgart moved to adopt Resolution 2020-69 approving the Preliminary Plan and Final Plat and Development Agreement for Krishna Commercial, based on the conditions identified in Exhibit Z of the report, as well as the findings in said resolution, with the Development Agreement City Council Minutes September 28, 2020 Page 4 15 terms for trunk area/SAC/WAC determined by subsequent decision on denial of waiver and final verification by the Finance Department. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Adiournment: By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Minutes September 28, 2020 Page 5 1 5 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 28, 2020 — 4:30 p.m. North Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Bill Fair, Jim Davidson, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None Others: City staff. Tracy Ergen, Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller, Tom Pawelk, Rachel Leonard, Matt Leonard, Jim Thares and Jennifer Schreiber 1. Call to Order Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. 2. 4:30 p.m. City Administrator Transition Goal Setting City Administrator Jeff O'Neill addressed the City Council on his plan for retirement. He discussed preparation items for the final months of the position. 3. Adjournment By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 5 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Special Meeting Minutes September 28, 2020 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, October 6, 2020 — 3 p.m. North Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Bill Fair, Jim Davidson, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None Others: City staff. Tracy Ergen, Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller, Tom Pawelk and Jennifer Schreiber 1. Call to Order Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 3 p.m. 2. 3 p.m. City Administrator Interviews Applicants Adam Swann, Glenn Anderson, and Joe Kohlmann were interviewed for the City Administrator position. 3. Adjournment By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Special Meeting Minutes October 6, 2020 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, October 7, 2020 — 6:50 a.m. North Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Bill Fair, Jim Davidson, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None Others: City staff. Tracy Ergen, Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller, Tom Pawelk and Jennifer Schreiber 1. Call to Order Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 6:50 a.m. 2. 6:50 a.m. Appointing additional Election Judges Jennifer Schreiber presented Resolution 2020-69 appointing additional election judges for the November 3, 2020 General Election. Councilmember Gabler moved approval of Resolution 2020-69 appointing additional election judges. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 7 a.m. City Administrator Interviews Applicants Matt Leonard, Rachel Leonard, and Brianwere interviewed for the City Administrator position. 10 a.m. Recommendation of City Administrator Hire Consultant Liza Donabauer reviewed for the City Council staff's comments from the Director Panel interview on October 6. There was minimal discussion among City Council. A vote was taken by ballot. Mayor Stumpf moved to offer the position to Rachel Leonard and directed staff to offer and negotiate terms of employment, and appoint Councilmembers Davidson and Hilgart to the negotiating team. Councilmember Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Adjournment By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Special Meeting Minutes October 7, 2020 City Council Agenda: 10/12/2020 2A. Consideration of approving payment of bills (SR) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City staff submits the attached bill registers and purchasing card registers for approval by Council. The bill registers contain all invoices processed and the purchasing card registers contain all card purchases made since the last Council meeting. Subject to MN Statutes, most invoices require Council approval prior to releasing checks for payment. The day following Council approval, payments will be released unless directed otherwise. A credit purchasing agreement and policy was approved by Council initially and card purchases must comply with the policy. If Council has no questions or comments on the bill and purchase card registers, these can be approved with the consent agenda. If requested, this item can be removed from consent and discussed prior to making a motion for approval. Al. Budget Impact: None A2. Staff Workload Impact: No additional work required. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $1,002,738.25. 2. Motion to approve the registers with changes directed by Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1 or #2, per direction of Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Bill registers and Purchase Card registers Accounts Payable Moiiiii6effo ITY' OF Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 10/01/2020- 3:03PM Batch: 00215.09.2020 - 215.09.2020 Xcel CPE Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 1102 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 09/30/2020 5863599-6 - Animal Shelter 17.06 09/30/2020 101-42700-438100 09/30/2020 8235331-9 - Prairie Center 18.32 09/30/2020 101-41941-438100 09/30/2020 5828859-8 - Storage Garage 17.06 09/30/2020 101-41940-438100 09/30/2020 5864452-7 - Library 54.01 09/30/2020 101-45501-438100 09/30/2020 5837384-6 - Publc Works 65.69 09/30/2020 101-43127-438100 09/30/2020 6401745330-5 - 349 W Broadway 18.32 09/30/2020 101-45204-438100 09/30/2020 5788570-9 - Hi Way Liquor 25.64 09/30/2020 609-49754-438100 09/30/2020 5804618-6 - Parks (Fallon) 17.06 09/30/2020 101-45201-438100 09/30/2020 8235333-5 - P.C. (U Fab) 18.32 09/30/2020 101-41941-438100 09/30/2020 5843395-4 - DMV 17.06 09/30/2020 217-41990-438100 09/30/2020 5768542-2 - MCC 823.22 09/30/2020 226-45126-438100 09/30/2020 5768542-2 - City Hall 35.60 09/30/2020 101-41940-438100 09/30/2020 5820786-1 - Public Works 23.88 09/30/2020 101-43127-438100 09/30/2020 5799425-3 - Public Works 61.81 09/30/2020 101-43127-438100 09/30/2020 5821009-5 - Parks Storage (Old Fire Station) 32.52 09/30/2020 101-45201-438100 09/30/2020 5768542-2 - National Guard 17.80 09/30/2020 101-42800-438100 09/30/2020 5768542-2 - Senior Center 13.35 09/30/2020 101-45175-438100 09/30/2020 8000015233-2 - WWTP 1,030.78 09/30/2020 602-49480-438100 09/30/2020 5806932-9 - Parks 17.06 09/30/2020 101-45201-438100 09/30/2020 5799427-9 - Public Works 17.06 09/30/2020 101-43127-438100 09/30/2020 11077481-7 - Fire Station 78.90 09/30/2020 101-42200-438100 09/30/2020 6402123338-8 - 112 W River St 28.92 09/30/2020 101-45201-438100 Check Total: 2,449.44 Vendor: 5188 HEALTHY CONTRIBUTIONS Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 9/25/2020 AARP Supplement/At Your Best 6.65 09/30/2020 226-45122-430900 Check Total: 6.65 Vendor: 5415 MII LIFE INSURANCE INC Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 39566427 FSA Dependent Care 192.30 09/30/2020 101-00000-217200 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/01/2020 - 3:03 PM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 39566427 FSA Medical 583.00 09/30/2020 101-00000-217300 Check Total: 775.30 Vendor: 4732 MONEY MOVERS, INC. Check Sequence: 4 132554 Fitness Rewards - Aug 2020 15.00 09/30/2020 226-45122-430900 Check Total: 15.00 Vendor: 3259 MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER Check Sequence: 5 9/30/2020 Sept Cash Receipt - Membership Fee -190.92 09/30/2020 226-45127-347910 9/30/2020 Sept Cash Receipt - Sales Tax MCC -14.08 09/30/2020 226-00000-208100 9/30/2020 Sept Cash Receipt - Membership Fee 381.84 09/30/2020 226-45127-347910 9/30/2020 Sept Cash Receipt - Sales Tax MCC 28.16 09/30/2020 226-00000-208100 Check Total: 205.00 Vendor: 1585 XCEL ENERGY Check Sequence: 6 9/30/2020 51-9391437-3 - Prairie Center 290.51 09/30/2020 101-41941-438100 9/30/2020 51-6505909-4 - DMV/Food Shelf 301.90 09/30/2020 217-41990-438100 9/30/2020 51-6505911-8 -MCC 7,929.00 09/30/2020 226-45126-438100 9/30/2020 51-6505912-9 - Animal Shelter 210.66 09/30/2020 101-42700-438100 9/30/2020 51-4271112-2 - Library 1,155.01 09/30/2020 101-45501-438100 9/30/2020 51-6505907-2 - Park Lots- auto 69.71 09/30/2020 101-43160-438100 9/30/2020 51-6505907-2 - Parking Lots 56.02 09/30/2020 101-43160-438100 9/30/2020 51-6505905-0 - Water 8,002.90 09/30/2020 601-49440-438100 9/30/2020 51-6505911-8 - City Hall 1,750.56 09/30/2020 101-41940-438100 9/30/2020 51-6505914-1 - Shop/Garage 584.19 09/30/2020 101-43127-438100 9/30/2020 51-7780310-4 - Bldg. Inspec. G 27.89 09/30/2020 101-41940-438100 9/30/2020 51-0623082-8 - MontiArts 31.19 09/30/2020 101-45204-438100 9/30/2020 51-6505910-7 - Liquor Store 2,098.80 09/30/2020 609-49754-438100 9/30/2020 51-0395766-0 - Ramsey Pumphous 4,322.28 09/30/2020 601-49440-438100 9/30/2020 51-6505911-8 - Senior Center 411.90 09/30/2020 101-45175-438100 9/30/2020 51-6572904-0 - WWTP 15,067.17 09/30/2020 602-49480-438100 9/30/2020 51-6505915-2 - NSP- consc/sec. 0.00 09/30/2020 101-45203-438100 9/30/2020 51-6505916-3 - Street Lights 12,005.48 09/30/2020 101-43160-438100 9/30/2020 51-0371645-4 - SwanCam 18.77 09/30/2020 101-45201-438100 9/30/2020 51-6505911-8 - National Guard 205.94 09/30/2020 101-42800-438100 9/30/2020 Solar Rewards Credits -38,020.57 09/30/2020 101-41310-362140 9/30/2020 AR credit balance forward 3,593.83 09/30/2020 101-00000-115030 9/30/2020 51-0013232721-9 - Hwy 25 project. One time pa 1,615.86 09/30/2020 101-43160-438100 9/30/2020 51-6505913-0 - new Parks Bldg 355.55 09/30/2020 101-45201-438100 9/30/2020 51-6505913-0 - Chelsea Rd Fire Station 1,419.19 09/30/2020 101-42200-438100 ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/01/2020 - 3:03 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Credit Balance 9/20 Xcel Refund 21,582.44 09/30/2020 101-00000-115030 Credit Balance 9/20 51-6572904-0 - WWTP - June 2020 13,869.20 09/30/2020 602-49480-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 51-6505911-8 - May 2020 MCC 4,612.41 09/30/2020 226-45126-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 51-6505911-8 - May 2020 City Hall 1,018.32 09/30/2020 101-41940-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 51-6505914-1 - June 2020 Shop/Garage 737.30 09/30/2020 101-43127-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 51-6505910-7 - June 2020 Liquor Store 1,724.14 09/30/2020 609-49754-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 51-0395766-0 - May 2020 Ramsey Pumphouse 127.28 09/30/2020 601-49440-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 51-6505911-8 - May 2020 Senior Center 239.61 09/30/2020 101-45175-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 51-6505911-8 - May 2020 National Guard 119.80 09/30/2020 101-42800-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 51-6572904-0 - WWTP - July 2020 15,805.77 09/30/2020 602-49480-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 51-6572904-0 - WWTP - Aug 2020 13,035.09 09/30/2020 602-49480-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 51-0395766-0 - June 2020 Ramsey Pumphouse 127.60 09/30/2020 601-49440-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 51-0395766-0 - July 2020 Ramsey Pumphouse 1,761.02 09/30/2020 601-49440-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 51-6505910-7 - July 2020 Liquor Store 1,977.82 09/30/2020 609-49754-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 51-6505911-8 - June 2020 City Hall 943.45 09/30/2020 101-41940-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 51-6505911-8 - July 2020 City Hall 1,614.98 09/30/2020 101-41940-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 51-6505911-8 - Aug 2020 City Hall 1,905.60 09/30/2020 101-41940-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 51-6505911-8 - June 2020 MCC 4,273.28 09/30/2020 226-45126-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 51-6505911-8 - July 2020 MCC 7,314.91 09/30/2020 226-45126-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 51-6505911-8 - Aug 2020 MCC 8,631.27 09/30/2020 226-45126-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 51-6505911-8 - June 2020 Senior Center 221.99 09/30/2020 101-45175-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 51-6505911-8 - July 2020 Senior Center 380.00 09/30/2020 101-45175-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 51-6505911-8 - Aug. 2020 Senior Center 448.38 09/30/2020 101-45175-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 51-6505911-8 - June 2020 National Guard 110.99 09/30/2020 101-42800-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 51-6505911-8 - July 2020 National Guard 190.00 09/30/2020 101-42800-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 51-6505911-8 - Aug 2020 National Guard 224.19 09/30/2020 101-42800-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 51-6505914-1 - July 2020 Shop/Garage 794.33 09/30/2020 101-43127-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 51-6505914-1 - Aug 2020 Shop/Garage 895.02 09/30/2020 101-43127-438100 Credit Balance 9/20 Solar Rewards Credits -104,686.19 09/30/2020 101-41310-362140 Check Total: 23,503.74 Total for Check Run: 26,955.13 Total of Number of Checks: 6 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 10/12/20 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/01/2020 - 3:03 PM) Page 3 Accounts Payable CITY' OF Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Moiiii6effo User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 10/07/2020 - 11:55AM Batch: 00202.10.2020 - 202.10.2020 AP Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 2407 ALL ELEMENTS Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 7771 200004 - Install White DuroLast Roofing Syster 169,118.00 10/13/2020 226-45126-453010 Check Total: 169,118.00 Vendor: 4928 AMERICAN LEGAL PUBLISHING CORP Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False 2565 2020 S-1 Supplement Editing Pages - City Code 1,656.00 10/13/2020 101-41610-430400 2801 2020 S-1 Folio/Internet Supplement Pages - City 179.60 10/13/2020 101-41610-430400 Check Total: 1,835.60 Vendor: 3991 ANOKA RAMSEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 00461287 Forklift Training & Recertification Training (9/9, 2,200.00 10/13/2020 101-41800-431960 Check Total: 2,200.00 Vendor: 5116 API COMPANIES Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 5121 Install Water Heater @ Storage Garage 530.21 10/13/2020 101-42400-443990 Check Total: 530.21 Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: False 3438939 resale - beer 439.20 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 3440082 resale - beer 58.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 3440329 resale - beer 227.10 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 496029 resale - wine credit inv. # 3414227 -14.80 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 496417 resale - beer credit inv. 3432115 -7.38 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 702.12 Vendor: 5117 ASPEN MILLS Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: False 261534 (2) chest badge-gold/red; (2) name badge 276.11 10/13/2020 101-42500-421990 Check Total: 276.11 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/07/2020 - 11:55 AM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 4046 AST SPORTS, INC Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: True 4450 (4) polo shirts 77.92 10/13/2020 609-49754-421990 4450 utx - emboridery (4) polo shirts 40.00 10/13/2020 609-49754-421990 Check Total: 117.92 Vendor: 5486 HEIDI BARTHEL Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: False 10/5/2020 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 10/1/20 22.00 10/13/2020 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 22.00 Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: True 102042900 resale- condiments 104.50 10/13/2020 609-49750-425500 102042900 resale- mix 61.60 10/13/2020 609-49750-425400 102042900 asst. bags 204.60 10/13/2020 609-49754-421990 102042900 freight 1.70 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 102081000 resale- mix 18.90 10/13/2020 609-49750-425400 102081000 freight 0.08 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 85915600 resale -liquor 2,606.80 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 85915600 resale- wine 752.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 85915600 freight 44.45 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 85916400 freight 12.40 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 85916400 resale -liquor 856.25 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 85957200 freight- credit inv. 85915600 -5.40 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 85957200 resale- wine credit inv. 85915600 -312.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 85977100 resale- wine 312.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 85977100 resale -liquor 4,787.50 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 85977100 freight 57.35 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 86026700 freight 43.79 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 86026700 resale -liquor 3,413.55 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 86026700 resale- wine 176.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 86089900 resale- liquor 248.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 86093800 resale -liquor 1,079.55 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 86094100 resale -liquor 556.50 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 86104500 resale -liquor 2,086.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 Check Total: 17,106.12 Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: False 129602 resale -beer 64.30 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 129603 resale- beer 1,964.05 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 129603 resale- beer n/a 56.25 10/13/2020 609-49750-425400 131877 resale- beer credit -87.38 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/07/2020 - 11:55 AM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 131878 resale- soda pop 43.95 10/13/2020 609-49750-425400 131879 resale- beer 1,971.45 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 4,012.62 Vendor: 1072 BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: False 20091587 Permit for Culverts 10/16/20 - 10/15/30 100.00 10/13/2020 263-49200-443990 Check Total: 100.00 Vendor: 1074 BOLTON AND MENK INC Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: False 0257038 200002 PRELIM - 2020 Stormwater Improveme 13,195.00 10/13/2020 101-43111-430300 Check Total: 13,195.00 Vendor: 1080 BRAEMAR MAILING SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: False 61228 UB Past Due Invoices (377) Print, Fold, Stuff, E: 115.63 10/13/2020 601-49440-431800 61228 UB Past Due Invoices (377) Print, Fold, Stuff, E: 115.62 10/13/2020 602-49490-431800 Check Total: 231.25 Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPII Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: False 1081185685 resale -liquor 3,679.37 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 1081185685 resale- wine 641.28 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 1081185685 freight 50.60 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 1081185686 resale -beer 440.80 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 1081188728 resale -liquor 2,451.47 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 1081188728 resale- wine 466.16 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 1081188728 resale- mix 115.95 10/13/2020 609-49750-425400 1081188728 freight 49.24 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 7,894.87 Vendor: 3682 BURSCHVILLE CONSTRUCTION INC Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: False 4676 Maple Street Storm Repair - BioClean Structure 99,240.75 10/13/2020 263-49200-453010 Check Total: 99,240.75 Vendor: 1091 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: True 2348-000OG 217 20D002 - Haven Ridge Annexation - August 202 80.00 10/13/2020 101-00000-220110 2348-000OG 217 202027 - UMC PUD Adjustment - August 2020 32.00 10/13/2020 101-00000-220110 2348-000OG 217 202002 - West Metro PUD - August 2020 64.00 10/13/2020 101-00000-220110 2348-000OG 217 General Admin - August 2020 2,012.00 10/13/2020 101-41610-430400 2348-000OG 217 Public Works Admin - August 2020 48.00 10/13/2020 101-43111-430400 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/07/2020 - 11:55 AM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2348-0163G 11 20D002 - Haven Ridge Plat - August 2020 2,599.70 10/13/2020 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 4,835.70 Vendor: 1801 CANNON RIVER WINERY Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: True 8793 resale- wine 156.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 156.00 Vendor: 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: True 2466444 resale- beer 17,188.67 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 2466444 resale- beer n/a 79.96 10/13/2020 609-49750-425400 2466444 resale -juice 68.65 10/13/2020 609-49750-425500 2469524 resale- beer n/a 81.95 10/13/2020 609-49750-425400 2469524 resale -juice 59.97 10/13/2020 609-49750-425500 2469524 resale- beer 13,568.40 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 31,047.60 Vendor: 1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: True 00097209 Monthly Tank Rental 65.00 10/13/2020 226-45124-421600 Check Total: 65.00 Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: True 109-03613 resale - beer 25,902.42 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 109-03613 resale - beern/a 424.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425400 109-03627 resale - beer 4,615.55 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 109-03660 resale - beer 6,096.95 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 112-04013 resale - beer 1,207.60 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 112-04016 resale - beer 31,748.75 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 112-04016 resale - beer n/a 36.80 10/13/2020 609-49750-425400 126092 resale - beer credit (2) seltzer variety -84.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 1293444 resale - beer credit -166.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 1295072 resale - beer 231.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 1295421 resale - beer 1,032.40 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 1295674 resale - beer 464.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 1296306 resale - beer credit - price correction -785.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 1297019 resale - beer credit - price adjustment -42.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 1299149 resale - beer 825.30 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 71,507.77 Vendor: 1131 DAMA METAL PRODUCTS INC Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/07/2020 - 11:55 AM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 15443 S-3 Model F.D. Key Box w/Tamper SW (12) 2,228.00 10/13/2020 101-42400-421990 Check Total: 2,228.00 Vendor: 5105 DELL MARKETING LP Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: False 10427955771 Dell Latitued 3510; Dell dock; keyboard/mouse; 1,215.71 10/13/2020 702-00000-421990 Check Total: 1,215.71 Vendor: 5588 DESIGN TREE ENGINEERING Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: False 20180 SCADA System Improvements (1/2) 2,110.50 10/13/2020 601-49440-430300 20180 SCADA System Improvements (1/2) 2,110.50 10/13/2020 602-49490-430300 Check Total: 4,221.00 Vendor: 5201 DICK FAMILY, INC. Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: True 964005723 resale- beer 179.20 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 964005778 resale- beer 1,650.80 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 1,830.00 Vendor: 5340 DISGRUNTLED BREWING DISGRUNTLED Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: False 948 resale - beer 101.60 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 973 resale - beer 249.60 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 351.20 Vendor: 1147 DOUBLE D ELECTRIC INC Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: False 25085 CARES- electrical run to presure washer 1,747.00 10/13/2020 101-42500-440440 25086 install (2) shop ceiling fans 900.00 10/13/2020 101-43127-440100 25087 troubleshoot bank saw circuitry; (2) GFCI recept 180.80 10/13/2020 101-43127-440100 25088 install welder recepticle parts & labor- Parks bld, 933.67 10/13/2020 101-45201-431990 Check Total: 3,761.47 Vendor: 5584 DUANE'S TRACTOR PAINTING Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: False 9-28-20 sandblast; prime; paint trailer, ramps, wheels 1,975.00 10/13/2020 101-43120-440440 Check Total: 1,975.00 Vendor: 1793 E.A.T.I. EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECH Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: True SVC28399 ZZZNEP-IMPLEM- Unit 8- (4) install soundoff 921.56 10/13/2020 101-42500-440440 Check Total: 921.56 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/07/2020 - 11:55 AM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: True 796134 PH Ordinance Amend - Interim Use Property Pu 110.76 10/13/2020 101-41910-435100 Check Total: 110.76 Vendor: 1161 ELECTION SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE INC Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: True 1154826 Check In Protective Shields & Box -Elections - 95.78 10/13/2020 101-42500-421990 1155347 Check In Protective Shields & Box -Elections (7 287.37 10/13/2020 101-42500-421990 Check Total: 383.15 Vendor: 1165 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINTENANCE Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: True 111486 T-12 - NFPA pump test; srvc. EAM pump rep.; E 1,150.88 10/13/2020 101-42200-440500 111487 T-11 - Emeg. Vehicle Safety Inspec.; srvc. port.1 874.19 10/13/2020 101-42200-440500 113486 U-11- Emergency Vehicle Safety Inspec. 314.82 10/13/2020 101-42200-440500 113487 U-12- Emergency Vehicle Safety Inspec. 314.82 10/13/2020 101-42200-440500 113998 Engine 1- inspect alternator; install rebuilt alt; in 1,259.28 10/13/2020 101-42200-440500 114330 T-12 - ck. engine light trblshoot- heat exchr. val` 314.82 10/13/2020 101-42200-440500 114331 Engine 12- troubleshoot rough running;cleared & 511.59 10/13/2020 101-42200-440500 114386 Engine 12- NFPA Pump test 250.00 10/13/2020 101-42200-440500 Check Total: 4,990.40 Vendor: 2561 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: False 463759 resale- (18) LF 5/8x3/4 T10 meters; (2) T10 900: 5,665.66 10/13/2020 601-49440-422710 Check Total: 5,665.66 Vendor: 1174 FINKEN WATER CENTERS Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: False 06211TJ 40 lb. solar salt 9.50 10/13/2020 101-43127-440100 Check Total: 9.50 Vendor: 3748 JEFFREY D GARDNER Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: True 10/5/2020 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/24, 10 113.00 10/13/2020 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 113.00 Vendor: 3762 GARRETTS DIAMOND CITY BREAD Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: True 10/5/2020 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/24 & : 52.00 10/13/2020 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 52.00 Vendor: 1413 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL INC Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: True 90602 Sept. 2020 (207) tickets - 1/2 Water 139.73 10/13/2020 601-49440-432770 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/07/2020 - 11:55 AM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 90602 Sept. 2020 (207) tickets - 1/2 Sewer 139.72 10/13/2020 602-49490-432770 Check Total: 279.45 Vendor: 5108 GUARDIAN FLEET SAFETY Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: True 20-0551 Plow Unit- install new Motorola radio & prograr 1,156.44 10/13/2020 703-00000-165010 Check Total: 1,156.44 Vendor: 1223 HAWKINS INC Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: True 4797292 Aluminum Sulfate Liquid - WWTP 6,333.52 10/13/2020 602-49480-421990 4798295 chemicals for city wells 7,336.93 10/13/2020 601-49440-421600 Check Total: 13,670.45 Vendor: 1242 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: True 09/18/2020 acct. # 1400-017-223-399 fuel slips 8/25-9/17/2( 264.99 10/13/2020 101-42200-421200 Check Total: 264.99 Vendor: 5487 JONATHAN HOPKINS Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: False 10/5/2020 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 10/1/20 16.00 10/13/2020 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 16.00 Vendor: 5512 HYDROCORP HYDRO -DESIGNS, INC. Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: False 58996 Cross Connection Control Program - Insp & Rpt 741.00 10/13/2020 601-49440-431990 Check Total: 741.00 Vendor: 3971 INTL UNION OF OPER ENGINEERS LOCAL Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: False Nov 2020 Health Insurance - Union - Nov 2020 17,710.00 10/13/2020 101-00000-217061 Check Total: 17,710.00 Vendor: 1253 J H LARSON COMPANY Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: False 5102337722.001 32W Fluorescent Lamps (30) - MCC 74.42 10/13/2020 226-45126-422990 5102337722.001 32W Fluorescent Lamps (30) - Library 74.42 10/13/2020 101-45501-422990 5102337722.001 32W Fluorescent Lamps (30) - Head End 74.43 10/13/2020 656-00000-202099 Check Total: 223.27 Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: False 118012 resale- liquor credit inv. #1563987 -3.64 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 1646991 resale- liquor 7,986.25 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/07/2020 - 11:55 AM) Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1646991 freight 88.54 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 1646992 freight 72.27 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 1646992 resale- wine 3,238.70 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 1646992 resale- wine n/a 42.95 10/13/2020 609-49750-425400 1646993 resale -beer 210.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 1648116 resale- liquor 2,989.50 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 1648116 freight 35.63 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 1648117 resale- wine n/a 28.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425400 1648117 resale- wine 690.73 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 1648117 freight 13.41 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 1650562 resale- wine 3,447.27 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 1650562 freight 73.99 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 1651831 freight 66.67 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 1651831 resale- wine 6,764.62 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 1651832 resale- mix 76.95 10/13/2020 609-49750-425400 1651832 resale- wine 2,501.57 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 1651832 freight 72.67 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 1652980 freight 26.82 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 1652980 resale- liquor 2,235.78 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 1652981 resale- liquor 218.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 1652981 resale- wine 967.38 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 1652981 freight 22.64 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 1655752 freight 5.96 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 1655752 resale - wine 187.60 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 32,060.26 Vendor: 1270 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHARTERED Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: False MN325-00042 101, 107, 121 Broadway -August 2020 563.50 10/13/2020 213-46301-430400 Check Total: 563.50 Vendor: 1273 KIWI KAI IMPORTS, INC. Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: False 103220 resale- wine 2,032.44 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 103220 freight 27.50 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 2,059.94 Vendor: 5404 LAKES & LEGENDS BREWING LLC Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: False E-1681 resale -beer 396.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 396.00 Vendor: 4455 HALLIE LEFFINGWELL Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/07/2020 - 11:55 AM) Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 08/31/20 CMAB CMAB Grant Project- payment #1 3,500.00 10/13/2020 101-45204-431990 Check Total: 3,500.00 Vendor: 3933 CHARLES LONG Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: False 10/5/2020 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/24 & : 332.00 10/13/2020 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 332.00 Vendor: 5457 LUCID BREWING, LLC Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: True 8283 resale - beer 234.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 234.00 Vendor: 4456 LUPULIN BREWING LLC Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: True 32156 resale- beer 835.15 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 835.15 Vendor: 1303 M AMUNDSON CIGAR & CANDY CO, LLP Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: True 308875 resale- cigarettes; juice 1,662.01 10/13/2020 609-49750-425500 308875 resale- tobacco; pop; can wraps; etc 822.52 10/13/2020 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 2,484.53 Vendor: 1386 M -R SIGN CO INC Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: True 209818 (12) asst. street signs 286.75 10/13/2020 101-43120-422600 Check Total: 286.75 Vendor: 5587 MACQUEEN EMERGENCY Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: False 15988 (1) gas monitor calibration; calib. gas 61.23 10/13/2020 101-42200-440440 Check Total: 61.23 Vendor: 1229 MARRS ADVERTISING & DESIGN INC Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: True 1793 City Letterhead (1,000) (Perfed) 135.73 10/13/2020 101-41310-421990 Check Total: 135.73 Vendor: 3745 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: True 21971530 (716) gal. diesel @ $1.66 1,185.50 10/13/2020 101-43120-421200 21971542 (636) gal. unleaded @ $1.64 1,040.65 10/13/2020 101-43120-421200 Check Total: 2,226.15 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/07/2020 - 11:55 AM) Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 1726 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: False 425232717 Contract Payment 9/24/20 - 10/24/20 1,278.98 10/13/2020 702-00000-441500 INV7976886 Contract Base Charge 9/16/20 - 9/15/21 - CSP E: 5,250.00 10/13/2020 702-00000-424100 INV7976886 Credit for Inv# 422396531 - Contract Closed -259.34 10/13/2020 702-00000-441500 Check Total: 6,269.64 Vendor: 1314 MCDOWALL COMPANY Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: False 629901 contract C0560- repair walk-in cooler 2,079.08 10/13/2020 609-49754-431900 Check Total: 2,079.08 Vendor: 4667 MILLNER VINEYARD, LLC Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: False 210220-133 resale- wine 556.20 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 556.20 Vendor: 1738 MN DEPT OF HEALTH Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: False Qtr 3 2020 Community Water Supply Servoce Conn. Fee Qt 10,823.00 10/13/2020 601-49440-443750 Check Total: 10,823.00 Vendor: 1370 MONTICELLO DEPUTY REG #002 Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: False Wtrn Star 2021 2021 Western Star plow- vin MN6128- title & re 6,193.92 10/13/2020 703-00000-165010 Check Total: 6,193.92 Vendor: 5586 MOOSE LAKE BREWING CO. Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: True 101-0004 resale- beer 144.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 144.00 Vendor: 3462 MSA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INC Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: False R13731002.0-3 Housing Needs & Market Demand Study - Aug- 3,500.00 10/13/2020 213-46301-431990 Check Total: 3,500.00 Vendor: 1390 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: True 1280051-00 #223; 232; 226; 228 - (7) tire; (2) tire & wheel a: 1,210.90 10/13/2020 101-45201-422990 1280051-01 #226 - tire & wheel assembly 196.55 10/13/2020 101-45201-422990 Check Total: 1,407.45 Vendor: 5032 PERRY R NISTLER Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: False 724 Project #20077 design & drafting service - Hi -w; 1,550.00 10/13/2020 609-49754-431990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/07/2020 - 11:55 AM) Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/07/2020 - 11:55 AM) Page 11 Check Total: 1,550.00 Vendor: 5393 OERTEL ARCHITECTS Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: False 19-23 Monticello Public Works Study 607.50 10/13/2020 101-43110-431990 Check Total: 607.50 Vendor: 1412 OMANN BROTHERS INC Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: False 14850 (2) AC fines mix 164.00 10/13/2020 101-43120-422400 14858 (2.01) AC fines mix 164.82 10/13/2020 101-43120-422400 14863 (2.01) AC fines mix 164.82 10/13/2020 101-43120-422400 Check Total: 493.64 Vendor: 5223 OMG MIDWEST, INC. Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: False Pay Voucher 3 200001 - 2020 Street Improvements - Pay Voucl 63,089.88 10/13/2020 400-43300-459021 Check Total: 63,089.88 Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: False 6096082 resale -liquor 3,467.13 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 6096082 freight 48.91 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 6096083 freight 56.63 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 6096083 resale- wine 2,109.41 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 6097953 freight 7.45 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 6097953 resale - liquor 331.50 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 6097954 resale- wine 104.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 6097954 freight 2.98 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 6098724 resale- liquor 1,881.29 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 6098724 freight 21.21 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 6098725 freight 26.31 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 6098725 resale- wine 1,456.31 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 6099618 resale- liquor 1,645.71 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 6099618 freight 20.47 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 6099619 freight 51.40 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 6099619 resale- wine 1,536.20 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 6099619 resale- mix 194.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425400 6101592 resale- wine 316.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 6101592 freight 10.43 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 615697 resale- liquor credit inv. # 6084443 -15.83 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 Check Total: 13,271.51 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/07/2020 - 11:55 AM) Page 11 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 5454 PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: False 1053 Cleaning Services - Head End 380.00 10/13/2020 656-00000-202099 1053 Cleaning Services - Prairie Center 420.00 10/13/2020 101-41941-431100 1053 Cleaning Services - Library 1,560.00 10/13/2020 101-45501-431100 Check Total: 2,360.00 Vendor: 5431 QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: False 10/4/2020 Postage Purchased 9/15/20 1,000.00 10/13/2020 101-00000-155010 10/4/2020 Postage Purchased 9/21/20 1,000.00 10/13/2020 101-00000-155010 10/4/2020 Postage for Title & Registration Pkgs DMV Sept 73.44 10/13/2020 217-41990-432200 Check Total: 2,073.44 Vendor: 1455 RED'S MARATHON Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: False Sept. 2020- PW (4) batteries 537.00 10/13/2020 101-43120-422110 Check Total: 537.00 Vendor: 5400 ROTO -ROOTER PLUMBING & DRAIN Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: False 10631316 repair public restroom 722.00 10/13/2020 609-49754-440100 Check Total: 722.00 Vendor: 5502 ALEX ROWLAND Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: True 10/5/2020 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/24/20 88.00 10/13/2020 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 88.00 Vendor: 1470 RUSSELL SECURITY RESOURCE INC Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: True A38108 Generate Key by Code; Keys (4) 60.00 10/13/2020 217-41990-421990 Check Total: 60.00 Vendor: 4660 SAFE -FAST, INC Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: True INV236952 hooded zipper sweatshirt 43.25 10/13/2020 101-43120-421990 Check Total: 43.25 Vendor: 5585 SBRK FINANCE HOLDINGS INC Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: False INV -004265 Springbrook Employee Self Service License 9/31 7,543.00 10/13/2020 702-00000-424100 INV -004265 Springbrook Employee Self Service Maintenanci 1,509.00 10/13/2020 702-00000-431900 Check Total: 9,052.00 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/07/2020 - 11:55 AM) Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 3751 CHRISTINE SCHYMA Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: False 10/5/2020 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/24/20 60.00 10/13/2020 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 60.00 Vendor: 1485 SENTRY SYSTEMS INC Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: True 761563 Commercial Monitoring Services - 10/1/20 - 9/3, 180.00 10/13/2020 101-41310-431990 Check Total: 180.00 Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS, Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: False 1998555 resale- liquor 10.49 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 1998555 freight 0.23 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 1998556 freight 18.71 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 1998556 resale- liquor 1,656.37 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 1998557 resale- wine 1,320.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 1998557 freight 26.96 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 2000943 freight 26.16 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 2000943 resale- liquor 2,240.06 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 2000944 resale- wine 1,960.99 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 2000944 freight 35.70 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 7,295.67 Vendor: 1497 SPECTRUM SUPPLY COMPANY Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: True 13426 (2) cs. Dawn detergent 96.22 10/13/2020 101-45201-421990 Check Total: 96.22 Vendor: 4513 AARON STAEHNKE Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: True 10/5/2020 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/24/20 33.00 10/13/2020 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 33.00 Vendor: 4006 SUMMIT COMPANIES Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: False 1562190 Covid - new Park Bldg.- (3) extinguishers; (3) si, 504.00 10/13/2020 101-42500-421990 Check Total: 504.00 Vendor: 2397 TOWMASTER Check Sequence: 84 ACH Enabled: False 431707 (10) lg. spring ramp 156.43 10/13/2020 101-43120-422100 Check Total: 156.43 Vendor: 4656 TRUE FABRICATIONS, INC. Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/07/2020 - 11:55 AM) Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 683539 resale - reissue check -wine freeze cups 44.94 10/13/2020 609-49750-425400 719455 resale - resale - cups; shot glasses; flasks 145.92 10/13/2020 609-49750-425400 719798 resale - gift bags; bottle toppers; shot glasses; etc 604.80 10/13/2020 609-49750-425400 724333 resale - resale -(10) wine gift bags 26.90 10/13/2020 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 822.56 Vendor: 1537 UHL COMPANY INC Check Sequence: 86 ACH Enabled: True 24164 Diagnosed Bad Compressor on A/C Unit @ Fooi 1,035.00 10/13/2020 217-41990-440100 Check Total: 1,035.00 Vendor: 3783 ULINE Check Sequence: 87 ACH Enabled: False 124323457 carpet sweeper; cs. pap. towels; (6) nitrile gloves 385.19 10/13/2020 609-49754-421990 Check Total: 385.19 Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 88 ACH Enabled: True 2567135 resale - soda pop 346.85 10/13/2020 609-49750-425400 2587190 resale - soda pop 413.65 10/13/2020 609-49750-425400 2593488 resale - soda pop 303.40 10/13/2020 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 1,063.90 Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 89 ACH Enabled: True 264086 resale- liquor 450.38 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 264086 resale- wine 184.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 264086 resale- mix 120.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425400 264086 freight 20.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 264569 freight 12.50 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 264569 resale- liquor 298.50 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 264569 resale- wine 190.27 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 264570 resale- wine 940.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 264570 freght 16.50 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 264591 resale- liquor 648.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425100 264591 freight 7.50 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 264592 freight 2.50 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 264592 resale- wine 96.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 2,986.15 Vendor: 1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Check Sequence: 90 ACH Enabled: False 9688 Labor - Repaired & Reinstalled Light Fixture - L 260.00 10/13/2020 101-45501-440100 9688 Parts - Emergency Light Ballast, Fixture, Wire N 150.93 10/13/2020 101-45501-440100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/07/2020 - 11:55 AM) Page 14 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 9706 labor - mntc.on lights -photocell button; (10) Tap 240.00 10/13/2020 609-49754-440100 9706 parts- mntc.on lights -photocell button; (10) Tap 1 19.14 10/13/2020 609-49754-440100 9709 Labor - Gym Light & Conduit Repair (damage b 755.00 10/13/2020 226-45126-440100 9709 Supplies - Conduit Box, Lift Rental, High Bays, 112.59 10/13/2020 226-45126-440100 Check Total: 1,537.66 Vendor: 1572 THE WINE COMPANY Check Sequence: 91 ACH Enabled: True 152757 resale- wine 672.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 152757 freight 6.30 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 678.30 Vendor: 1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 92 ACH Enabled: False 7299585 resale- wine 1,995.70 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 7299585 resale- freight 11.30 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 7300474 resale- wine 56.70 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 7300474 freight 0.74 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 2,064.44 Vendor: 1206 WINEBOW INC. Check Sequence: 93 ACH Enabled: True MN00083941 resale- wine 1,076.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-425300 MN00083941 freight 18.00 10/13/2020 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 1,094.00 Vendor: 1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS - ACH Check Sequence: 94 ACH Enabled: True October Oct 2020 - Deputies Contract 124,104.50 10/13/2020 101-42100-430500 Check Total: 124,104.50 Vendor: 1584 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC Check Sequence: 95 ACH Enabled: True 002596-400 43 16C006 - Fallon Ave Landscape Insp - August 21 68.50 10/13/2020 400-43300-430300 R011473-000 29 18C001 - 2018 Pedestrian Improvements - Augu 255.50 10/13/2020 400-43300-459013 R011744-000 28 16C001 PHASE 1- BCOL Phase 1 Design - Aul 927.00 10/13/2020 229-45202-453011 R011923-000 19 201815 - Haven Ridge Plan Review - August 20: 5,071.00 10/13/2020 101-00000-220110 R014321-000 12 20D001 - Deephaven Development -August 20: 3,895.00 10/13/2020 101-00000-220110 R014709-000 13 200001 - 2020 Street Improvement Project - Au; 15,380.00 10/13/2020 400-43300-459021 R015355-000 8 2020 Economic Development Services - August 1,375.00 10/13/2020 213-46301-431990 R015362-000 3 2020 WCA Services - August 2020 192.00 10/13/2020 101-43111-430300 R015449-000 5 2020 General Engineering Services - August 20s 344.00 10/13/2020 101-43111-430300 R016082-000 5 200003 - Briarwood Ave Expansion - August 20 227.00 10/13/2020 229-45202-453012 R016234-000 4 Industrial Park Feasibility Study - August 2020 ( 1,858.75 10/13/2020 101-43111-430300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/07/2020 - 11:55 AM) Page 15 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference R016234-000 4 Industrial Park Feasibility Study - August 2020 R016588-000 2 Speed Limit Policy Review - August 2020 R016646-000 1 2020 Monticello Pavement Management - Augu: Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 1,858.75 10/13/2020 101-41910-430300 574.00 10/13/2020 101-43111-430300 13,265.61 10/13/2020 400-43300-430300 45,292.11 845,570.53 7J The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 10/12/20 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/07/2020 - 11:55 AM) Page 16 Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Julie.Cheney Printed: 10/08/2020 - 12:40PM Batch: 00203.10.2020 - 203.10.2020 AP Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 1371 MONTICELLO FIREMEN RELIEF ASSOC Check Sequence: 1 9/30/2020 Pass thru to Monti Fire Relief - Rec'd 9/30/20 - 23,260.76 10/13/2020 101-42202-443950 9/30/2020 Pass thru to Monti Fire Relief - Rec'd 9/30/20 - F 105,376.83 10/13/2020 101-42202-443950 Check Total: 128,637.59 Vendor: 5211 RANDI ANN SMELSER Check Sequence: 2 10/7/2020 Semi Monthly Contract Payment 1,575.00 10/13/2020 101-42700-431200 Check Total: 1,575.00 Total for Check Run: 130,212.59 Total of Number of Checks: 2 The preceding list of bills payables was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 10/12/20 Approved by: Mayor Brian Stumpf Moiiii6effo Y Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/08/2020 - 12:40 PM) Page 1 City Council Agenda 10/12/20 2B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments (TE) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently in the departments listed. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all listed employees including part-time and seasonal workers. Al. Budget Impact: (positions are generally included in budget) A2. Staff Work Load Impact: If new positions, there may be some training involved. If terminated positions, existing staff would pick up those hours, as needed, until replaced. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to ratify the hire/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. 2. Motion to deny the recommended hires and departures. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires/departures. City staff recommends Alternative #1, for the Council to approve the hires and/or departures as listed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • List of new/terminated employees Name Title NEW EMPLOYEES Department Hire Date Class TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Karen Wanner Voluntary DMV 9/30/19 PT Melanie Barthelmes Voluntary MCC 3/9/20 PT Kazmer Beaudry Voluntary MCC 6/29/20 PT Jeremy Krider Voluntary MCC 9/21/20 PT Jena Christopherson Voluntary MCC 10/1/20 PT Dakotah Ernst Voluntary Streets 10/16/20 Seasonal New Hire and Terms City Council 2020: 10/8/2020 City Council Agenda: 10/12/2020 2C. Consideration of approving the sale or disposal of surplus City property (SR) There is no report this City Council cycle. City Council Agenda: 10/12/2020 2D. Consideration of approving appointment to the Monticello Parks, Art and Recreation Commission to fill a vacancy (TP) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to appoint a representative to the Parks, Art and Recreation Commission, following the resignation of Karen Vetsch. The Commission approved the appointment of Adam Liefermann at their last meeting. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the appointment of Adam Liefermann to the Parks, Art and Recreation Commission for a term to commence immediately and expire December 31, 2022. 2. Motion to deny the appointment. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City Staff and the Monticello Parks, Art and Recreation Commission recommend Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Application Redacted OHC - Print .lob Application Page 1 of 10 I EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION I City of Monticello Received: 8/15/20 7:30 CITY ( OF 505 Walnut Street PM Job Number: For Official Use Only: •—� Monticello, Minnesota - 55362 QUAL: Monticello http://www.ci.monticello.mn.us DNQ: M 1 n, n, F. 7 A (http://www.ci.monticello.mn.us) El Experience Leiferman, Adam, Jay PERSON ID: Parks, Arts, and Recreation Commission Member ❑ Training (Volunteer) ❑ Other: PREFERENCES ARE YOU WILLING TO RELOCATE? ■ Yes ❑ No ❑ Maybe SHIFTS YOU WILL ACCEPT: WHAT TYPE OF JOB ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? Regular TYPES OF WORK YOU WILL ACCEPT: Full Time https://secure.neogov.com/aurora/print/jobapplication/4d3d65bl d9b24c5553e704826c3f44... 9/16/2020 PERSONAL INFORMATION POSITION TITLE: Job Number: Parks, Arts, and Recreation Commission Member 2020-00018 (Volunteer) NAME: (Last, First, Middle) PERSON ID: Leiferman, Adam ADDRESS: (Street, City, State, Zip Code) HOME PHONE: EMAIL ADDRESS: NOTIFICATION PREFERENCE: Email DRIVER'S LICENSE: LEGAL RIGHT TO WORK HIGHEST LEVEL OF EDUCATION: Yes IN THE UNITED Bachelor's Degree State: MN STATES?: ■ Yes ❑ No PREFERENCES ARE YOU WILLING TO RELOCATE? ■ Yes ❑ No ❑ Maybe SHIFTS YOU WILL ACCEPT: WHAT TYPE OF JOB ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? Regular TYPES OF WORK YOU WILL ACCEPT: Full Time https://secure.neogov.com/aurora/print/jobapplication/4d3d65bl d9b24c5553e704826c3f44... 9/16/2020 OHC - Print Job Application EDUCATION SCHOOL NAME: Truman Public Schools Page 2 of 10 LOCATION:(City, State) Truman, MN DID YOU GRADUATE? ■ Yes ❑ No DEGREE RECEIVED: High School Diploma EMPLOYER: SCHOOL NAME: Southwest Minnesota State University LOCATION:(City, State) Marshall, MN MAJOR/MINOR: Environmental Science DID YOU GRADUATE? ■ Yes ❑ No DEGREE RECEIVED: Bachelor's WORK EXPERIENCE DATES: EMPLOYER: POSITION TITLE: from November/2019 to Present City of Buffalo Streets/Parks Maintenance ADDRESS: (Street, City, State, Zip Code): Buffalo, MN 55313 SUPERVISOR: MAY WE CONTACT THIS EMPLOYER? Carey Kotlinek - Street Foreperson ❑ yes E No HOURS PER WEEK: 40 DUTIES: Throughout the winter months, I was responsible for snow removal duties of nearly 30 miles of residential streets using a dump truck equiped with front, side and underbelly plows. Daily and monthly routine maintenance was kept up by myself or with the aid of professional on -staff mechanics. Ice rinks and trails were also cleared or maintained by myself with other department staff. Throughout the spring and summer, tasks were given to me from my supervisor. These tasks included painting the community center, mowing parks and removing tree limbs from downed trees. REASON FOR LEAVING: Volunteer DATES: EMPLOYER: POSITION TITLE: from July/2018 to November/2019 Maple Grove Parks Park Keeper Department https://secure.neogov.com/aurora/print/J*obapplicationl4d3d65bi d9b24c5553e704826c3f44... 9/16/2020 OHC - Print Job Application Page 3 of 10 ADDRESS: (Street, City, State, Zip Code): Maple Grove, MN SUPERVISOR: MAY WE CONTACT THIS EMPLOYER? Ben Jersewski - Park Superintendant ■ Yes ❑ No HOURS PER WEEK: 40 DUTIES: The Park Keepers of Maple Grove are responsible fo rate maintenance of more than fifty city parks and over fifty miles of paved trail. I have contributed the most in the regular maintenance of trees within the park system. I take safety very seriously and ensure that the work area is tidy and safe when working with our saws, chipper and bucket truck. During the winter, I was responsible for the regular maintenance of the sports dome around the artificial turf sports field. This work included plowing snow, repairing light fixtures, grooming turf, general repairs to equipment, weekly equipment checks to generators and heat exchangers and much more. Due to my solid work ethic, trustworthiness and past work experiences, I have been somewhat of a jack of all trades in 2019. One week I might be replacing a roof of a baseball dugout and the next week I will be repairing asphalt on a section of trail. I have experience in the operation of most heavy equipment that the city uses including plow trucks, skid steer, tractors and the hydraulic attachments used with them. REASON FOR LEAVING: I was looking to expand my knowledge of the public works department by working more on streets department projects with city of Buffalo. DATES: EMPLOYER: POSITION TITLE: from August/2015 to July/2018 Wyoming Game and Statewide Response Specialist Fish Department ADDRESS: (Street, City, State, Zip Code): Casper, WY 82604 SUPERVISOR: MAY WE CONTACT THIS EMPLOYER? Guy Campbell - Assistant Fish 0 Yes ❑ No Culture Supervisor HOURS PER WEEK#. 40 https:llsecure.neogov.comlauroralprintljobapplicatioitl4d3d65bld9b24c5553e7O4826c3f44... 9/16/2020 OHC - Print Job Application Page 4 of 10 DUTIES: The Statewide Response Specialist is one of two positions in Wyoming that carry out the majority of the fish stocking throughout the state. I communicate with hatcheries and regional fisheries biologists regularly to ensure stocking success. Wyoming is very active in fish trades with surrounding states and I have been the lead distribution driver for these operations. I've created numerous computer reports on stocking different species of fish to share with our hatcheries. This information is used from year to year to create a baseline of knowledge before loading different species of fish onto a truck since many fish species behave differently on the trucks. Communication is a major component of this position and I pride myself in the relationships made with the different regions of the state. I have contacted groups from around the state to meet at boat ramps to help stock fish or just talk with their group about the Game and Fish Department. I enjoy interacting with the public and have volunteered to speak at college classes and the American Fisheries Society meeting about my work. When not stocking fish, I am working on truck maintenance and ways to make fish distribution safer and more efficient. This position also allows me to help out other teams when I am not busy. I have regularly helped regional fish biologists with electro -shocking, gill netting, and fish spawning operations. REASON FOR LEAVING: Our growing family wanted to move back to Minnesota after spending ten years in Wyoming. DATES: EMPLOYER: POSITION TITLE: from February/2010 to August/2015 Wyoming Game and Fish Culturist Fish Department ADDRESS: (Street, City, State, Zip Code): Casper, WY SUPERVISOR: MAY WE CONTACT THIS EMPLOYER? Lars Alsager - Hatchery 0 Yes ■ No Superintendent HOURS PER WEEK: 40 DUTIES: As a culturist, I was responsible for the care of multiple groups of fish at the Dan Speas Fish Hatchery. The Dan Speas Hatchery raises over 1.5 million fish annually. Daily fish duties included feeding and cleaning the rearing units and transporting live fish to many different bodies of water around the state. I was responsible for ordering feed, keeping fish inventories, doing monthly summaries, and maintaining good health of the fish during their stay at the hatchery. This was achieved using fish databases and many different Excel spreadsheets to calculate the results. Facility maintenance is also a very important component of this position. I have experience repairing different equipment around our facility including valves, small engines, patching nets and tires, light electrical and plumbing. Routine maintenance on the buildings, lawns, tanks, pumps, and vehicles are vital to the success of the operation. On this seven person station, communication and organization were very important. In all my years here, I achieved a superior rating on my performance appraisals for team -work and communication. I attended the regional American Fisheries Society meetings in Colorado and Wyoming for three consecutive years. Each year, I gave a presentation for the conference and in 2016 was on the fundraising team which had it's most successful year to date due to the donations that I was able to attain. While on work duty rotation at the hatchery, there have been times where vehicles trespassed on the hatchery grounds. Being at night, I would drive up to the vehicles and kindly let them know the rules of our hatchery. These engagements were always polite and taken care of without problem. htips:Hsecure.neogov.com/auroralprint/J*obapplicationl4d3d65bld9b24c5553e7O4826c3f44... 9/16/2020 0140 - Print Job Application Page 5 of 10 REASON FOR LEAVING: I lateral transferred into the Statewide Response Specialist position. DATES: EMPLOYER: POSITION TITLE: from February/2008 to Three Rivers Park Cultural Interpreter December/2008 District ADDRESS: (Street, City, State, Zip Code): Shakopee, MN 55379 SUPERVISOR: MAY WE CONTACT THIS EMPLOYER? Ellen Jones - Program Manager ■ Yes 0 No HOURS PER WEEK: 30 DUTIES: The Cultural Interpreters at Historic Murphy's Landing interpret the 19th century history of Minnesota. On a staff of up to 25 on the weekends and 5 on the weekdays, we interact with school students and the general public. The weekdays are spent interpreting MN history to children ages 5 to 18. 1 would personally lead the smaller groups into different historic buildings on private tours. During larger groups, the staff would often stay in one building while the groups rotated. Besides scheduling, I worked independently during the school group tours. The weekends involved more interaction with staff because we interpreted the area as a little village, thus needing to know what is happening throughout the entire site. I was solely in charge of the information on the bulletin board at the park entrance and am proud of the scientific research and writing involved with that project. REASON FOR LEAVING: Moved out to Wyoming to work for Game and Fish Department DATES: EMPLOYER: POSITION TITLE: from September/2008 to Minnesota Department Seasonal Laborer November/2008 of Natural Resources ADDRESS: (Street, City, State, Zip Code): Hutchinson, MN 55350 SUPERVISOR: MAY WE CONTACT THIS EMPLOYER? Gene Jezeritz - Assistant Regional ■ Yes El No Fisheries Supervisor HOURS PER WEEK: 40 https:llsecure.neogov.comJauroralprint/jobapplicatioiil4d')d65b1d9b24c5553e7O4826c3f44... 9/16/2020 OHC - Print Job Application Page 0oflO DUTIES: I worked directly with the full-time Fisheries Technicians and Fisheries Specialists with the annual walleye harvest. From 18'johnboats, welift nets weighing up10two hundred pounds each 1ocatch walleye fingerling. Holes are patched ifmuskrats have chewed onthem. The walleye fingerlings are then transported bytruck <nthree hundred gallon tanks tothe area's sport fishing takes. When vveare not on the lakes, I would keep busy patching nets, filling boats and trucks with gas, cleaning and setting up boats for the next work day, charging batteries and doing shop maintenance. | also have worked over ten hours at night on the Electro -fishing boat. The walleye are netted, scales taken, and then measured for anongoing lake production study. | was taught how Tocount rings and age walleye by viewing scales and otoliths. _ REASON FOR LEAVING: This position was only a two month contract. DATES: EMPLOYER: POSITION TITLE: from November/2007 to Minnesota Department Seasonal Laborer December/2007 of Natural Resources ADDRESS: (Street, City, State, Zip Code): Hutchinson, MN SUPERVISOR: MAY WE CONTACT THIS EMPLOYER? Fisheries Supervisor HOURS PER WEEK: 40 I work directly with the full-time Fisheries Technicians and Fisheries Specialist with the annual walleye harvest. From 18'John Boats, we lift nets weighing up to two hundred pounds each to catch walleye fingerling. Holes are patched on the spot if muskrats have chewed on them. The walleye fingerlings are then transported by truck in three hundred gallon tanks to the area's sport fishing lakes. When we are not on the lakes, I would keep busy patching nets, filling boats and trucks with gas, cleaning and setting up boats for the next work day, charging batteries and doing shop maintenance. REASON FOR LEAVING: This was a two month contract position. DATES: EMPLOYER: POSITION TITLE: from January/2007 to October/2007 I Summit Craftsman Painting Foreman ADDRESS: (Street, City, State, Zip Code)-. Brooklyn Park, MN PHONE NUMBER: SUPERVISOR: MAY WE CONTACT THIS 651-331-9852 Jeremy Leiferman - EMPLOYER? nt/J� oo/4d3d65b]d9b24o5553c7U4026c3f4449/16/2020 01-1C - Print Job Application Page 7ofl0 HOURS PER WEEK: 45 DUTIES: I was the foreman of a four man crew in the painting and light construction of residential homes. We completed both interior and exterior painting jobs that were given to me by the company owner. | worked directly with mycrew tocomplete each job at the highest quality. Each day involved communication with the homeowner toensure complete satisfaction. Mycrew would say that | was s hard working boss that did everything in the most efficient way. REASON FOR LEAVING: ICERTIFICATES AND LICENSES Certified Tree Inspector DATE ISSUED: EXPIRATION DATE: NUMBER: ISSUING August 2020 August 2021 AGENCY: Minnesota Department of Agriculture OFFICE SKILLS: Nothing Entered For This Section OTHER SKILLS: Lawn care - Expert - 10 years, 0 months Chainsaw skill and safety - Expert - 10 years, 0 months Teamwork - Expert - 10 years, 0 months Snow Plowing - Expert - 3 years, 0 months Tree Pruning - Expert - 3 years, 0 months Nothing Entered For This Section SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Honors & Awards Jefferson Award for volunteerism in 2015 Peer Recognition award for my work as Distribution Driver with the WGFD in 2016. President of Fat Fish Racing Mountain Bike Team. I have personally hosted more than 50 events in the past eight years and grew the regular attendance from 10 racers to over 130 racers on a Monday night Wyoming Pesticide Applicators License holder in 2010 Chainsaw Certified November 2008 CPR/First Aid certified dozens of times REFERENCES https:Hsecure.neogov.comlauroralprintljobapplicationl4d3d65bid9b24c5553e7O4826c3f44.., 9/16/2020 City Council Agenda: 10/12/2020 2E. Consideration of approving a contract with WSB to perform GIS upgrades for Riverside Cemetery for a total cost of $15,000. (ML, TP) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Due to the pandemic in order to limit resident and employee contact, it is imperative that the City provide the ability to remotely find data without having to physically visit a City office. The proposed upgrades would include a map that would be available on the city website allowing people to find the location of grave sites at the Riverside Cemetery. The database would include basic information on the lot ownership that the public could search from. This would eliminate the need for people to visit a city facility to look at a paper map with the help of staff to find grave sites. Due to WSB hosting our GIS system on their DataLink platform no additional quotes were received for this effort. Al. Budget Impact: The GIS upgrades are to be purchased utilizing the CARES Act Funding. This purchase was not budgeted for in 2020. Based on eligibility criteria for CARES Act funding, staff believes this expenditure is eligible. However, in the event this expenditure is deemed ineligible upon further external review, the City would need to draw from reserves in the IT internal service fund to cover it. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Improved staff efficiencies allowing more remote work and less time spent having to visit the various roadways. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve a contract with WSB to perform GIS upgrades for a total of $15,000. 2. Motion to deny the purchase at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1 for the approval of a contract with WSB to perform GIS upgrades for a total of $15,000. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Proposal Letter 7 0 U 0 Z W m U) 0 0 00 Z Ui J 0 a w Z Z 7 0 0 M w D U) Y, wsb August 14, 2020 Mr. Matthew Leonard City Engineer/Public Works Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Statement of Work (SOW) for a Cemetery Management Application Dear Mr. Leonard: On behalf of WSB, it is my pleasure to present you with this work plan to assist the City of Monticello with creating a GIS based Cemetery Management Application. This scope includes taking GPS locations for the cemetery lot corners, creating a digital GIS cemetery layer, and developing a GIS based searchable web application. Project Understanding It is our understanding that the City of Monticello would like a digital GIS representation of the Riverside Cemetery. WSB will create a Cemetery Management Application based on WSB's Datafi platform so the City can manage and update plot information, attach documents to specific plots, search by plot ID and name, and print maps and tabular data. There would also be a secondary public facing application that would be searchable and contain a limited amount of viewable information. Scope of Work 1. GPS Cemetery Plots WSB staff will collect GPS points of the cemetery lot corners using a high accuracy GPS receiver. The GPS locations will have a horizontal accuracy of 1 inch to 4 inches. All lot corners will also have an elevation collected, the vertical accuracy of these elevations will be 4 inches to 12 inches. These GPS points will form the foundation for a spatially representative digital cemetery layer. Cost: $5,000 2. Create Digital Cemetery Laver Using the GPS location of lot corners, WSB will create a spatially representative digital cemetery layer. Each plot will be given a unique ID consisting of the Lot and Grave number. This ID number will appear on each plot in the Cemetery Management Application. The cemetery database will have records for each plot, and will include plot status, first and last name, date of death, date of burial, owner name, and any other information currently stored in the City's Cemetery Record Access Database. Cost: $5,000 Mr. Matthew Leonard August 14, 2020 Page 2 3. Cemetery Management Application WSB will create a Cemetery Management Application built on its Datafi platform. Datafi is a management application used to manage projects, create inspections, and run reports using an intuitive interface that gathers data and immediately stores it in the cloud. Datafi works on any web browser, tablet, or smartphone. The data used for this application will be hosted using the City of Monticello's ArcGIS Online (AGO) site. It is necessary for the City to remain current on their yearly ESRI subscription for the AGO site to remain functional. The City currently has an AGO site, but the subscription has expired. The application itself will be hosted in WSB's Amazon Web Service (AWS). The City of Monticello will retain all ownership rights to the data. WSB will provide training on the application to City Staff that will be using it. The Cemetery Management Application will allow users to search by Plot ID and name. Updates to the database can be made through the application, like changing a plot from available to occupied and adding owner names. Documents can be attached to each plot by uploading them through the browser. For example, a deed could be uploaded and tied to each plot. The application will also give the user the ability to print maps and export tabular data in an Excel format. There will also be a public facing Cemetery Application. This application will contain no editing capabilities, only search functionality. WSB will work with the City to limit the information the public has access to. This public facing application can be used on any tablet or smartphone, and will show the users location on the map of the cemetery. The City will be free to put a link to the application on their website and disseminate it to the public in any other manner. Cost: $5,000 ArcGIS Online Subscription: $800/year payable to Esri Cost Summary The cost for this proposal will be billed hourly on a cost not to exceed basis, with total costs not exceeding $15,000, along with a cost for an ArcGIS Online subscription of $800/year payable to Esri. If you are in agreement with the terms as outlined above, please sign where indicated on the following page and return to me. Thank you for this opportunity for WSB to assist the City of Monticello with this project. I am confident that the level of service on this project will meet or exceed your expectations. If you should have any questions regarding this proposal, please contact me at 763-287-8539. Sincerely, WSB Bryan Pittman Associate/Sr. GIS Specialist Mr. Matthew Leonard August 14, 2020 Page 3 ACCEPTED BY: City of Monticello By: Title: Date: City Council Agenda: 10/12/2020 2F. Consideration of accepting bids and awarding contract to McDowall Company for the replacement of HVAC units at Hi -Way Liquors at a total cost of $41,740. (ML, JH) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Staff is recommending upgrading the HVAC units at the Hi -Way Liquors store. This upgrade will provide for additional air flow which allows for better turnover of the air in these facilities. This will offer a safer environment for employees and the public utilizing these spaces during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Staff solicited bids from several contractors, however, due to availability only two -bids were received which were as follows: Climate Makers - $44,000 McDowall Company - $41,470 The project will install roof -top HVAC units and is expected to be financed with CARES Act funds. Staff has currently contracted with mechanical and structural engineers to prepare bid documents for the replacement of the HVAC units at the liquor store and expect those bids within the next month. These units are anticipated to be installed prior to the end of the October, pending equipment delivery. Al. Budget Impact: While this project is not budgeted, staff views this as a beneficial upgrade for safety and health reasons and; therefore, is recommending CARES Act Funding for this installation. The CARES Act requires that expenditures meet the following three guidelines: 1. Are necessary expenditures incurred due to the public health emergency with respect to COVID-19. a. The installation of this new HVAC equipment will increase air quality within these facilities. 2. Are not accounted for in the current budget. a. These funds weren't included in the approved 2020 budget. 3. Expenditures need to be made by November 15, 2020, a. Installation of the system is expected to be completed prior to November 15 depending on equipment availability. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff time was used to prepare a bid package and administer the contract and staff will manage the project. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Consideration to accept bids and award contracts to McDowall Company for the replacement of HVAC units at the Hi -Way Liquors store a total amount of $41,740. 2. Motion to deny. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative 1. D. ATTACHEMENTS 0 None City Council Agenda: 10/12/2020 2G. Consideration of accepting the Maple Street Storm Sewer Project as complete and authorize the final payment in the amount of $99,240.75 to Burschville Construction Inc (MURM) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Burschville Construction has completed the Maple street storm repair, restoration, and installation of a stormwater treatment structure. City council is asked to accept the project and authorize payment of $99,240.75. The original amount authorized by council on August 26, 2019, was $130,800.00. During construction it was determined that the two residential sanitary services would conflict with stormwater treatment structure, and the structures concrete riser needed to be raised to create positive drainage. The total cost of these adjustments was $6,688.00 and is shown in Change Order #1. The following paperwork has been submitted by the contractor for final payment to be released: 1. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax (IC 134 forms). 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured (lien waivers). Al. Budget Impact: It is proposed by the Finance Director that trunk funds be used for this project with an important caveat. Normally, funds generated through the storm water utility program would fund this type of project, however, we have not had the fee established on the utility bills long enough to fund this size of a R&M project. In using trunk fees in the short term, we need to take this transfer into account in setting stormwater rate fees going forward in order to replenish the trunk fund. In addition, storm water rates must also be set to accommodate funding of inevitable repair the other outlets other Mississippi River that are subject to erosion every day. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Impacts to staff workload will be minimal and routine for the project. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to accept the installation the Maple Street Storm Sewer Project as complete and authorize the final payment in the amount of $99,240.75 to Burschville Construction Inc. 2. Motion to deny. A. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving Alternative #1. B. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Change Order #1 City Council Agenda: 10/12/2020 B. Invoice C. Resolution 2020-71 ENGINUWz JOINT CONTRACT Date ofIssuance: 9/22/2020 Effective Date: 9/22/2020 Owner: City ofMonticello Owner's Contract No.: Contractor: BurschviUe[onstruction Contractor's Project Engineer: Engineer's Project No.: Project: Maple Street Storm Repair Name: The Contract ismodified asfollows upon execution ofthis Change Order: Description: This change order is to relocate 2 residential sewer services and increase the height of the poured risers to match existing grades and remove the curb cut from the project. Attachments: [List documents supporting change] Invoice from BuochviUe CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIMES [note changes in Milestones if applicable] Original Contract Price: Original Contract Times: Substantial Completion: $130,800 Ready for Final Payment: dates [Increase] [Decrease] from previously approved Change [Increase] [Decrease] from previously approved Change Orders No. to No. Orders No. to No. Substantial Completion: 0 $0 Ready for Final Payment: 0 days Contract Price pri or to this Change Order: C ntract Times prior to this Change Order: Substantial Completion: 130,800.00 Ready for Final Payment: days or dates Increase of this Change Order: Increase of this Change Order: Substantial Completion: 0 Ready for Final Payment: days or dates Contract Price incorporating this Change Order: Contract Times with all approved Change Orders: Substantial Completion: $ 137,488.00 Ready for Final Payment: days or dates IKAt gin—eer (if r quired) Owner (Authorized Signature) CYntractor (LtG rized Signature) Title: Title: Title: EJcDC°co41,Change Order. Prepared and published mzaby the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee. BURSCHVILLE CONSTRUCTION INC PO BOX 65 HANOVER, MN 55341 Bill To City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Invoice Date Invoice # 9/22/2020 4676 P.O. No. Terms Project Quantity Description U/M Rate Amount Maple Street Storm Repair For Work Completed Start to August 31, 2020 Storm Repairs & BioClean Structure installation as per 130,800.00 130,800.00 agreement dated August 28, 2019 (LS) Less Invoice # 4628 dated March 17, 2020 (95% cost of debris -38,247.25 -38,247.25 separating baffle box structure) Additional Work Completed: 2 Labor, equipment & materials to relocate sewer services around 1,500.00 3,000.00 BioClean structure (EA) 1 Additional cost for poured -in-place risers to match existing grade 4,488.00 4,488.00 on BioClean structure (LS) Lump sum deduct for concrete curb access -800.00 -800.00 Thank you for your business! Total $99,240.75 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-71 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS AND APPROVING FINAL PAYMENT Of $99,240.75 TO BURSCHVILLE CONSTRUCTION FOR THE MAPLE STREET STORM SEWER PROJECT WHEREAS, pursuant to a contract with the City of Monticello, Burschville Construction was awarded, on August 26, 2019, for the Maple Street Storm Sewer Project; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED BY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA that the work completed under said contract is hereby accepted and approved and that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby directed to issue a proper order for the final payment on such contract subject to receipt of the following: 1) Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax (IC 134); 2) Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured; ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 12th day of October, 2020. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 10/12/2020 2H. Consideration of approval for website and supplemental services from CivicPlus for an initial cost of $49,580 (RL, ML, TP) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked consider approval of website services and supplemental platforms with CivicPlus for a full website redesign and features including an online recreation reservation program and online request/complaint tracking program. The City of Monticello's website was last redesigned more than 10 years ago. As a result, the current site is difficult to navigate and lacks up-to-date technology the general public has come to expect, including a responsive design and easy to use online forms. These weaknesses have been intensified by the pandemic and resulting limitations to providing in-person service to residents and businesses. Based on these needs, in September the City requested proposals for a website redesign incorporating additional functionality and features for both staff and the public. As supplemental services, the RFP also requested optional additional services for recreational reservation software, request/complaint tracking, and meeting agenda enhancements. Staff's goal was to bring several projects together under a unified vendor for more efficient and compatible service. Monticello received 15 proposals from a variety of companies across the country. The top three vendor proposals are attached as additional data to this report. Staff's review of the proposals focused on functionality, cost, experience with local government clients, and existing client websites. Based on all of these factors, staff's recommendation is to move forward with services from CivicPlus. Due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and availability of CARES funding, staff recommends implementing three platforms that will work in conjunction: CivicEngage (website), CivicRec (recreation reservation software), and CivicService (complaint/request tracker). We are not recommending adding the CivicClerk platform at this time. A summary description of each service is listed at the end of this report. This project will be funded through a combination of the city's budget and CARES funding. The anticipated cost for design, development, and the first year of fees for the website is approximately $30,000. City Council approved $15,000 toward a website redesign in the 2020 budget that was intended to be used in a future year. However, the pandemic exacerbated the weaknesses of our current website, and we have an immediate need to provide additional online services, reducing face-to-face interactions in city facilities. The budgeted amount will be used for this project, and funds beyond the initial $15,000 will be CARES. The cost for the implementation of the recreation software is $20,760. Staff is proposing to use CARES funding for this cost as the new program will allow online registrations as well as automated work orders for the parks department to reduce interpersonal risks associated with COVID-19. There is no cost for the implementation of the complaint tracking system. The services each have an annual maintenance cost that will be factored into future budgets. There is no contract and no term for these services. The City will be responsible City Council Agenda: 10/12/2020 for annual costs and can cancel at any time. CivicEngage This is the platform for a new City website, including a content management system (CMS) specifically designed for government. The platform is responsive on any device, includes a suite of modules to allow the City to add features most useful to staff and community members, and offers secure hosting and maintenance. The new site will be built to ADA compliance and will also include tools to help maintain compliance as ongoing edits are made. CivicEngage will allow the City to maintain current functionality, such as posting bids, offering sections for different departments, and maintaining an employee intranet. However, it will also add new features including but not limited to: • Opt -in text message notifications • Online forms • Frequently Asked Questions • Broken links finder • Citizen Request Tracker • User-friendly agenda center The new website will also allow us to cancel subscriptions with some third -party vendors to bring everything into the new platform, including our annual subscription to Constant Contact for electronic newsletters as well as the separate website and hosting service for the Monticello Community Center website. Staff will record the cost consolidations and report significant changes to the City Council as the project progresses. CivicRec This is a platform specifically designed for park and recreation management. It will facilitate online park rental reservations, athletic field reservations, and automatic work orders for parks staff related to these rentals. The program also includes a variety of reports for department use and analysis. CivicServe This platform is an online complaint/request management program that, in conjunction with the Citizen Request Tracker within the CivicEngage platform, would replace the Help Desk on our current website. The CivicServe option is more robust than the tracker, and will allow the public to identify a request, concern, or complaint using a desktop or mobile device. Once received, the issue can be assigned and tracked with a work order for the necessary staff and all parties involved will see when the issue is resolved. The service will also provide reports and analytics, allowing departments to analyze and utilize the data for greater efficiencies and problem solving. Al. Budget Impact: The budget for this project can be separated into implementation costs and ongoing annual maintenance. The initial implementation costs are estimated at $49,580 which will be paid with a mix of budgeted and CARES funding. The Cares Act requires that expenditures meet the following three guidelines: 1. Are necessary expenditures incurred due to the public health emergency with respect to COVID-19. W City Council Agenda: 10/12/2020 • These services facilitate additional online services reducing the need for in-person contact during the pandemic. Expanding this kind of capability to comply statewide health restrictions has been considered eligible. 2. Are not accounted for in the current budget. • A portion of the funding for this project is included in the budget, but not all of it. The budgeted amount will be used first before CARES funding for eligible costs is used. 3. Expenditures need to be made by November 15th, 2020, • We will initiate implementation of the project as soon as City Council approval is granted. In addition to the initial costs, there will be ongoing annual fees. The cost for first 2 years of CivicEngage is $6,255 and then it includes an additional 5% fee starting in year 3. These funds will be paid out of the IT budget. The cost for the other 2 services is $6,000 per year each. Those costs would be allocated from the Park and Street budgets. A2. Staff Workload Impact: A temporary committee incorporating staff from a variety of departments will work with the team from CivicPlus to ensure the new programs are efficient and effective for Monticello. The primary point of contact will be the communications coordinator. A summary of staff responsibility for the project is attached. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve all three services with CivicPlus, including: CivicEngage, CivicRec, and CivicService for an estimated implementation cost of $49,580 and subsequent annual fees. 2. Motion to authorize specific services with CivicPlus for selected services, including: 3. Motion to deny. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative 1. A variety of proposals were received through the RFP process, providing staff with many options for enhancing services to residents while instituting health and safety measures necessary due to the COVID-19 pandemic. CivicPlus offers a robust platform that can meet the differing needs of city departments and improve the City's ability to serve the public. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. CivicPlus Proposal & Supplemental Information B. Granicus Proposal C. GovOffice Proposal I CIVICENGAGE WEBSITE REDESIGN SERVICES Monticello, Minnesota MUNICIPAL WEBSITE REDESIGN John Pugh I CivicEngage Account Executive I pugh@civicplus.com 1 785-323-7160 302 S. 4th Street, Manhattan, KS 66502 1 www.civicplus.com CIVICPLUS 0 September 23, 2020 Rachel Leonard Communications & Special Projects Coordinator City of Monticello, Minnesota RE: Municipal Website Redesign submitted via email: rachel.leonard@ci.monticello.mn.us Dear Ms. Leonard: Meeting the need of society's expectation of instant access to news and communication can be a challenge when you don't have the tools and resources to get the job done right. As your partner, that's where CivicPlus, LLC (CivicPlus) can help. We are passionate about our mission to help make local government better. With the CivicEngage content management system (CMS) Monticello won't simply be getting a website - you'll also obtain the tools to build a trusted and long-term relationship between you and your citizens. By partnering with CivicPlus, you'll receive: • Responsive design that is available to your citizens from anywhere, on any device • Comprehensive suite of modules and tools tailored to the functionality you need most • Guaranteed redesign after four years of service to keep your website fresh and innovative • 24/7/365 support with secure hosting and maintenance • Availability of the supplemental solutions you requested to meet your recreation, public request, and agenda management needs - and which can all be integrated with the CivicPlus platform Your new site will be developed on the most robust and flexible CMS available. CivicEngage is an easy-to-use suite of cloud -based tools built specifically for local government. You'll be able to inform and empower your citizens and staff in more efficient ways. I welcome the opportunity to discuss our proposed solution for Monticello and answer any questions you may have about partnering with CivicPlus and the CivicEngage CMS. Sincerely, 302 S. 4th Street I Manhattan, KS 66502 1 888-228-2233 1 www.civicplus.com CP �loN�k PAt� � X04 iMAGS aA0(,XZ -� 1NAy,CG/!T ipN / I NEVES � .. %C- p x I` S \,`�► 1 Project Approach 3 Features & Functionality 11 Supplemental Services 15 Project Timeline I Implementation 20 Hosting & Security 23 Training & Support 26 Experience 28 Proposed Fees 34 CivicPlus Company Overview MUNICIPAL WEBSITE REDESIGN Project Approach CIVICENGAGE lqm`>j 40 �tcre�\ PAGE 1 PROJECT APPROACH Project Approach • Enhance your content for usability and accessibility with intuitive navigation as our Content Development Team performs a hands-on migration of content, documents, and images to your new website. • Participate in personalized education lead by a CivicPlus Trainer so you can confidently update your website long after launch. Hosting, • Streamline your processes and add self-service options to reduce calls and Content walk-ins with our easy-to-use content management system specifically Management designed for local government. System • Provide access to your website from any device, screen size, and orientation with CivicEngage's responsive and optimized design. • Maintain your new site with easy-to-use administrative and WYSIWYG editing tools. No code background needed! • Ensure your citizens can access information with a website that is highly compliant with the accessibility standards outlined within Section 508 and WCAG Level A & AA at go live. Implementation • Rely on a dedicated team of industry experts as they guide you through implementation. • Collaborate with your Art Director to develop a design that captures your unique community and takes advantage of CivicEngage's tools while CIVICENGAGE following the City's branding direction for consistency. • Enhance your content for usability and accessibility with intuitive navigation as our Content Development Team performs a hands-on migration of content, documents, and images to your new website. • Participate in personalized education lead by a CivicPlus Trainer so you can confidently update your website long after launch. Hosting, • Maintain peace of mind with an enterprise -level hosting environment Security, monitored 24/7/365 and backed by a guaranteed 99.9% uptime (excluding maintenance). Support • Access your website from nearly any device with an internet connection with our cloud -based solution. • Reach out to our award-winning in-house support available via chat, phone, and email with your questions or access self-service tutorials and user guides on the CivicPlus Help Center 24/7/365. • Receive continuous system updates to keep your system running at the optimal capacity. • Partner with your Client Success Manager who will help you use the tools and products CivicPlus offers to create an ongoing strategy to better engage your citizens. CIVICENGAGE PAGE 2 MUNICIPAL WEBSITE REDESIGN Features & Functionality CIVICENGAGE lqm`>j 40 �tcre�\ PAGE 3 FEATURES & FUNCTIONALITY CivicEngage CMS The CivicEngage CMS is robust and flexible with all the features and functionality you need today and in the future. Developed for organizations that need to update their site frequently, CivicPlus provides a powerful government content management structure and website menu management system. The easy-to- use system allows non-technical employees to efficiently update any portion of your website. Each website begins with a unique -to -you design developed to meet your specific communication and marketing goals, while showcasing the individuality of your community. Features and capabilities are added and customized as necessary, and all content is organized in accordance with web usability standards. RFP Required Features • Responsive Design: We use a mobile -first design approach to ensure your website is fully responsive, with centralized website maintenance, eliminating the need to update both a desktop and mobile version of your website. Your site adjusts to the screen size regardless of what device is being used, providing a seamless user experience. • Intuitive Navigation: Using our intuitive navigation with features like a mega menu and breadcrumbs, your citizens will be able to easily find information on all of your departments. • Site Search: Our site search includes advanced filters to expand or narrow results by search terms. The advanced search can narrow results by content type (i.e., calendar, activities, FAQs, people, etc.). • Easy Access: Place quick links to often -requested information directly on the page of your choice. • ADA Compliance: We deliver you a site that meet ADA (Section 508) and WCAG 2.0 A and AA levels. • E -Notification: Notify Me° sends out SMS messages and mass emails to list subscribers. (Includes up to 500 SMS users). The Alert Center also provides an efficient way to get important news out to your community. • RSS Feeds: Real Simple Syndication feeds are included and allows patrons to sign up to receive email notifications. • Online Forms: Create custom, online forms via simple drag -and -drop functionality with our Form Center. Receive notifications via email and track within the CMS. • Public Notices: CivicEngage provides a Bids module where you can post sortable and subscribable bids as well as multiple options for posting meeting notices, etc. CIVICENGAGE PAGE 4 Site Statistics: Piwik or Google Analytics provides web statistics for analysis and reporting. • Document Center: Our document center allows you to organize and house documents in one central location. • Department Home Pages: We have included information for two levels of department header pages CivicPlus offers. As part of your project, we have included two banner page options which can differentiate department pagess without the cost of a full department header or subsite. • Unique, Consistent Design: We have included information regarding our design process and approach which will deliver a consistent site with your branding. • Adequate Photo Storage & Use: The Photo Gallery Module allows you to store and display photographs in a central location. You will have more than adequate storage capabilities and can organize photo files by department, division, and/ or event for easy retrieval. • Rotating Photos I Banners: As mentioned earlier, we have included two banners with your project. This cost-effective approach brings a different look to specific pages or departments is by placing a unique banner on those pages. Frequently Asked Questions: Our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) can be organized by departments and/or category and may be added to any page of your website and be set up to link to additional information or documentation for easy reference. FAQs have their own search feature. • Interactive Calendars: Create multiple calendars and events to inform citizens of upcoming activities that are viewable by list, week, or month. Any page on your site can display the department's most current calendar items in a special content area as well. • Approval Rights: System Administrators are given the ability to establish groups with specific rights and capabilities to update the website. • Employee Intranet: Use permissions to set a secure location on your website that allows employees to login and access non-public resources and information. • Newsletter Tool: With Notify Me° or our E-Newletter tool, you can send out unlimited emails and visitors can sign up to be notified via email and/or SMS text message about community activities, meetings, and other updates - eliminating the need for third -party sources. • Front page information center: You can work with your Art Director on avaliable layout options for your home page to provide the information needed as well as utilizing our Info Advanced module to help display important information in a compact and easy -to -update module that provides detailed formatting. Broken Links Finder: A report can be run by your Client Success Manager and emailed to you at any time with a .csv file identifying any broken links. There are also 404 page and/or bad links identifier reports with both the Piwik or if selected, the Google analytics tools. CIVICENGAGE PAGE 5 Additional Included Modules & Widgets Engagement CivicEngage offers several effective and easy-to- use citizen engagement features. These tools easily integrate with the other key CivicEngage features. • Blog - Post opinions/information about various community topics and allow citizen comments and subscriptions. • Calendar - Create multiple calendars and events to inform citizens of upcoming activities that are viewable by list, week, or month. • Citizen Request Tracker'"" (CRT) - Allow users to report a problem and provide follow-up communication with the point of contact. (includes 5 user licenses & 10 request types) • Community Voice'" - Interact with citizens about projects in your community. • ePayment Center - Create a secure, PCI -compliant payment gateway for your online services with our opt -in service, CP Pay°. Additional fees apply. • My Dashboard - Allow users to personalize their dashboard to stay updated on news, events, and information they care about. Document Management CivicEngage comes fully -equipped with a robust set of document management tools that work with other key features of our CMS and making it easy to build dynamic content that is easy for citizens to navigate and access. • Agenda Center - Create and display agendas and minutes for various civic organizations. • Archive Center - Store agendas, minutes, newsletters, and other data -driven documents. • Photo Gallery - Store and display photos. • Staff Directory - Share detailed contact information for your staff and offices. Information & Navigation Organize your content and pages to make it easy to locate the information you and your citizens need most with modules that help you update information quickly. • Graphic Links - Place graphics on your site as links to other pages. Department -Specific There are several function -specific features and modules for government departments. These tools are integrated into the CivicEngage CMS and offer the ability to complete multiple steps in one action. • Activities - Create, organize, and track activities. • Facilities & Reservations - Showcase community facilities and allow reservations online. • Job Postings - Post available jobs online and accept online applications. CIVICENGAGE' PAGE 6 Helpful Widgets Widgets help your staff visually organize content on your site and tailor the look to meet the page's needs. A few of the most helpful widgets are: • Carousel Widget - Group and display widgets in one location with arrow navigation functionality. • Editor Widget - Edit text with word processing tools, plus web tools like code view and the Accessibility Checker. • Image Widget - Add images to a page. • Related Documents Widget - Create a dynamic list of documents referenced in the Document Center. • Share Widget - Add a share button to your page so citizens can share content to their social media. • Slideshow Widget -Add a slideshow of images. Administrative Features The administration of your CivicEngage site is browser based, with no installation of software needed. You'll be able to update the site from an internet connection on any platform (Mac or PC). Administrators can control the access to pages and manipulation of content as well as use automated features to streamline processes. • Admin Dashboard - A home base for messages and quick access to your recent activities and time - sensitive action items such as pending approvals and expiring items. • Dynamic Breadcrumbs & Site Map - Breadcrumbs (used to show a visitor's location within the site) and the site map are dynamically generated and automatically update reflecting any changes made. • Dynamic Page Components - Modules such as Calendar, FAQs, and News Flash, may be included as dynamic page components on any page. • History Log - Track changes made to your website. • Levels of Permissions - Assign staff members to groups with different levels of permissions of access and authority throughout the CMS. • Pending Approval Items - Admins have access to a queue of pending items to be published or reviewed. User -Friendly Features Not only is the CivicEngage CMS easy for your staff to use, various administrative features help your staff make a more attractive, engaging, and intuitive for your citizens. • Automatic Alt Tags - Built-in features allow ongoing ADA compliance of your site. • Design Essentials - Tools that allow your staff to build, modify, and manage your website's look within the design and structure parameters of your website. • Link Redirects - Instead of sending your users to http://civicplus.com/248/Awards-and-Recognition, you can send them to http://civicplus.com/awards. • Maps - Easily embed maps from Google, ESRI, and more using the HTML widget. • Mega Menu - A main navigation menu makes it easy to get to any page on your site quickly. • Predictive Site Search & Log - A powerful site search automatically indexes all content making it easy for visitors to find information across pages, documents, and images. All search words are kept in a log. • Printer Friendly - Separates critical content from the site template to provide a clean print without menu structure and banner information included. • Social Media - Set various modules to automatically post to your Facebook and/or Twitter feeds and incorporate compatible social media feeds and widgets into your site. • Supported Browsers - View your website in the two most recent versions of major browsers including Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. • Third -Party Access - Utilize iframes, embeds, and/or links to most of your third -party services. Or use our growing list of APIs as well as options from Zapier to build applications right from your website. CIVICENGAGE PAGE 7 RFP Preferred Features As requested in your RFP, in addition to the Required Features presented and additional features and functionality discussed, CivicEngage can also provide the functionality to meet your state Preferred Features with our solution including: Alerts & Emergency Notifications • Alert Center - Post emergency or important information on your website to notify citizens via email and SMS. Multi -Lingual Option • Translation - Integration with Google Translate translates web pages into over 100 languages including Spanish. Automatic Expirations • Content Scheduling & Versioning - Set your content to auto -publish and auto -expire, with an archive of all published content and previous versions. News & Announcements • News Flash - Dynamic content can be published for organizational news items that are important to your citizens. Video Content Accessible • Custom HTML Widget -Embed videos or other HTML features in your page. CIVICENGAGE PAGE 8 Credit Card Processing - CP Pay"" CP Pay is our secure, PCI -compliant, standalone payment gateway that is integrated within the CivicPlus Platform. Local governments can use CP Pay within any CivicPlus solution or third -party product. Our recommended payment gateway, CP Pay Merchant, available through our partnership with Global Payments Integrated, will relieve your finance and IT teams of the risk of maintaining and monitoring merchant processing responsibilities and vendor relationships. Key benefits of CP Pay Merchant include: • Next day funding and multiple MID functionality, so that your departments can keep their money separate and get it when they need it • Take credit cards in-person through a secure fashion with EMV chip -card readers • Ability to take contactless payments such as Apple Pay or Goggle Pay • Offer alternate payment methods to citizens with bank payments through ACH • Enrollment in PCI Assure, a program to help access scope and reduce risk for PCI compliance With the Global Payments Integrated Hardware Program for CivicPlus, you'll also be able to accept secure payments in your office. Because devices are encrypted To utilize our recommended merchant account, CP Pay Merchant, an application and separate agreement will need to be completed directly with Global Payments Integrated, who will assess separate merchant account and transaction fees. Additional information can be provided upon request. Supported Gateway Providers If you choose not to utilize CP Pay Merchant, we provide flexible payment solutions by offering the following supported gateways for a one-time, set- up fee: Braintree, Authorize.net, Forte, Tempus, Elavon Converge, PayPal Payflow, Heartland, and Global Payments Integrated (separate gateway - not CP Pay Merchant). You'll need to obtain gateway credentials directly from your chosen gateway and provide it to CivicPlus during implementation. Your chosen gateway may have additional fees that will be assessed and paid directly to the chosen gateway specifically for the payment gateway, you'll need to provider. leverage these devices directly from Global Payments Integrated for either purchase or rent. We are happy to assist in your procurement of such devices. Functionality Disclosure As CivicPlus continues to evolve and improve our solution to support our clients' needs and goals, we reserve the right to upgrade, replace, modify, or terminate any of the features and functionality elements listed, at our sole discretion, and when feasible, providing reasonable notice to our clients of any changes. These features and functionality are offered on a gratuitous basis to our clients, with no monetary value per feature, and should any changes be enacted, will not affect any terms in a signed agreement with CivicPlus. CIVICENGAGEa PAGE 9 Included Project Enhancement Interior Banners A cost-effective way to bring a different look to specific pages or departments is by placing a unique banner image on those pages. Included in Monticello's project are two separate banners to help visually differentiate your selected departments or sections of your site. Each banner can have up to four photos to rotate through as a slide show. Ocoee, Florida I www.ocoee.org m Planning & Zoning Banner f _ ®-- —" Parks & Recreation Banner route cevnmreerrt www.ocoee.org/165/Planning- Zoning-Division Zoning -Division �-��_ .� _ www•ocoee.org/151/Parks- `� • • ° Recreation Police Department Banner www.ocoee.org/193/Pol ice CIVICENGAGE PAGE 10 MUNICIPAL WEBSITE REDESIGN Supplemental Services CIVICENGAGE lqm`>j 40 �tcre�\ PAGE 11 Recreation Reservation Program CivicRec° Recreation Management System Facilitate Easier. Manage Better. Participate Faster. CivicRec is a hosted, web -based application specifically designed to meet the needs of recreation and park districts and municipal recreation departments. Our system is a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution that is ready to go off-the-shelf. • Activity Registration - Ask prompts at checkout, have waivers confirmed, present forms to your registrants, process credit cards, and more. Makes activity registration easy. • League Management - Organize and manage leagues year-round. Registrations can be done by team or individuals. Schedule for regular season and tournaments. • Ticketing - Create, sell, and scan tickets for events. • Facility Management - Take facility rentals and requests online or in office. Use the simple click and reserve interface to complete your bookings quickly. • Membership Management - Sell memberships in house or online, print membership cards or use pre- printed dongles, and quickly check people in and out of the facility. • Reporting - Advanced access, control, and customization of reports. Print, export, e-mail, save, and automate from within the system. • And more! Included Estimated Pricing We have included pricing for our Premium CivicRec system including our AudioEye Ally accessibility tool and a financial accounting extract. Additional optional elements can be included for additional fees. Please contact your Account Executive for details and pricing. • Point of Sale - An enterprise level system built right See page 29 for estimated pricing. in. Process a registration, book a facility, or sell merchandise in the POS screen from anywhere in the system. CIVICENGAGE PAGE 12 r 00 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Included Estimated Pricing We have included pricing for our Premium CivicRec system including our AudioEye Ally accessibility tool and a financial accounting extract. Additional optional elements can be included for additional fees. Please contact your Account Executive for details and pricing. • Point of Sale - An enterprise level system built right See page 29 for estimated pricing. in. Process a registration, book a facility, or sell merchandise in the POS screen from anywhere in the system. CIVICENGAGE PAGE 12 Request/Complaint Management Program CivicService I SeeClickFix by CivicPlus Collect Everything - Lose Nothing. CivicService is a proven leader of public service citizen request and work management software solutions. Through the use of web and mobile app services, CivicService has helped millions of citizens and hundreds of local governments build stronger communities. Like CivicPlus, CivicService is committed to helping people and governments build more transparent, collaborative, and engaged communities. CivicService is both comprehensive and easy to use. It offers your community a convenient way to communicate with you through their preferred channel and provides your staff with the tools needed to manage these communications and outcomes. As an industry-leading service request and work management solution, CivicService offers: • User-friendly staff workflow interfaces and citizen apps available in multiple languages • Constituents the ability to login via the mobile app, desktop, or other mobile device to manage requests • Unlimited shapefiles that include multiple boundary types to cover your entire community • Real-time performance analytics via detailed data reports • API strategy that promotes data sharing internally and externally • A team of experienced and dedicated product development, customer service, and account management professionals Key Features • Easy to use mobile apps and website forms with customizable branding and notifications • Two-step workflows for quick documentation and resolution • Simple, clear dashboard interfaces for quick access to data and core metrics • Recurring data exports tailored to your reporting requirements • Web tools tailored for workers in the field • Work order scheduling with related photos, locations, details, and due dates • Geographic -specific notifications via push to the app, email, and/or on your web portal Included Estimated Pricing We have included pricing for our base CivicService system with no optional items. We understand the City is interested in an asset management system which is available with CivicService. This optional enhancement can be included for an additional annual fee. Please contact your Account Executive for additional details and pricing. See page 29 for estimated pricing. CIVICENGAGE PAGE 13 Agenda Management Program CivicClerk° Agenda Management System Effortless Meeting and Agenda Management A manual, agenda process typically requires significant time and effort, including creating the agenda items, getting items approved, organizing all of the supporting documents, creating the agenda, and building the agenda packet—not to mention, converting files to PDF, publishing to your website, delivering it to the council and board members, etc. Countless hours are spent creating the agenda and packet for every council, board, and committee meeting. CivicClerk, formerly BoarclSync, simplifies the entire meeting process from start to finish while providing staff with a central location for all board and committee meeting documentation with the same simple, consistent process. Customers choose CivicClerk for our features, ease of use, and modern design. Think about it - if you stop using a manual process and transition to a paperless agenda system that makes it more complicated, you're not saving any time. Trees are precious, but so is your time. Included Estimated Pricing We have included pricing for our Premium CivicClerk system that includes up to seven Boards. Additional package options are available to meet your needs. Optional elements can also be included for additional fees. Please contact your Account Executive for details and pricing. See page 29 for estimated pricing. ....... , m o UBE ahmEwr Q} .,�. q ®r CIVICENGAGE PAGE 14 MUNICIPAL WEBSITE REDESIGN lqm`>j 40 �tcre�\ Project Timeline Implementation CIVICENGAGE PAGE 15 PROJECT TIMELINE I IMPLEMENTATION Project Timeline Design creation, content development, configuration for usability and accessibility, dedicated training - CivicPlus delivers all of this and more during the development of your new website. A typical project timeline ranges from 16 - 28 weeks. Monticello's exact project timeline will be created based on detailed project scope, project enhancements purchased, availability for meeting coordination, action item return and completion, approval dates, and other factors. Your project timeline, tasks, due dates, and communication will be managed and available in real-time via Mavenlink project management software. AN Initiate MW TWO TO FOUR WEEKS Analyze FOUR TO SIX WEEKS Design & Configure SIX TO TEN WEEKS Optimize ONE TO TWO WEEKS Educate ONE TO TWO WEEKS Launch TWO TO FOUR WEEKS • Project Kickoff Meeting • Planning & Scheduling • Client Deliverable Submission • Heatmapping • Current Website Analytics Overview • Design Discovery Meeting • Content Process Meeting • Design Concept Development • Design Concept Meeting • Content Development • Agendas and Minutes Migration • Banner Development • Website Completion • Website Finalization • Training Engagement • Website Launch GO LIVE CIVICENGAGE PAG E 16 Implementation Communication & Contact Communication between you and your CivicEngage team will be continuous throughout your project. Sharing input and feedback through email, virtual meetings, phone calls, and our project management software, Mavenlink, will keep all stakeholders involved and informed. Mavenlink offers task management transparency with a multi-level work breakdown structure, Gantt Chart -based project plan, and a focused communication channel. • Centralized project communication and task management tools are located in a cloud -based project workspace • Conversations are linked to files and tasks for easy reference • Tasks, deliverables, and milestones are aligned to your specific scope of work The tools available through Mavenlink combined with regular check -ins with your Project Manager provide you ample opportunities to quickly and efficiently review your project, check deliverables, and communicate feedback. Heatmapping Our heatmap report will provide a visual representation of visitor interactions as they navigate through your website while on their phone, tablet or computer. The report can help identify behavior patterns and better understand how visitors from different sources navigate through your website by evaluating: • Scrolls - How far visitors scrolled down a page, including what percentage of visitors reached a specific point of the page • Clicks - Where visitors clicked their cursors (desktop devices) or tapped their fingers (on mobile and tablet devices) Results of the heatmap report can be used to guide your decisions regarding the information architecture of your new website design and content. Current Website Analytics Overview We will analyze the top ten (10) page hits using your current website analytics and will deliver a recommended action plan to your team. Flexible Layout Design You will meet with your Art Director to discuss your website vision based on the goals and needs of your users. This process involves selecting the order, placement, and format of your homepage content from a library of over 1,200 vetted layout configurations aimed at achieving your usability goals. This layout wireframe will provide the structural blueprint for the visual design application. We will then collaborate with you to customize your design to represent your community using your logo, chosen colors, and imagery. We will focus on including the functionality to meet your website needs, including an option for up to one advanced design component- a layout or design element that requires significant time to style and implement. Working with your Art Director, you'll identify the appropriate component to achieve or enhance the usability goals for your site. Content Migration Content Development Our Content Development team will migrate the agreed upon number of pages of content (including their text, documents, and images) from your current website to your new, CivicEngage website. Content will be enhanced for usability and accessibility, and we will organize your website pages to make them easy to navigate. CIVICENGAGEa PAGE 17 Agendas & Minutes Migration The Content Development team will download, upload, and organize an agreed upon number of meetings to the Agenda Center module. Design Process CivicPlus designers create distinct, visually appealing designs and user -centric experiences aimed at jump- starting civic pride while solving the old stigma that government websites are "hard to use and boring." Our designers solve these visual communication problems and help build a citizen -focused, interactive communication system. Rather than providing just a trendy website design, we provide a well -organized system to intuitively deliver content for community engagement. CivicPlus develops visual communication strategies that meet the ever-changing needs of our clients and the communities they serve. Our creative approach to design strategy combines a working knowledge of creative and new media methods. We're always looking for better and more creative ways to push design forward, using all of the established tools of our industry as a launching pad to propel our designs forward. As the habits of users change, we seek new ways of encouraging citizen interaction and engagement within their communities. After your design concept and direction has been determined with your Art Director, one overall design template featuring your branding and chosen aesthetics will be created incorporating both a homepage layout and an interior page layout. Page layout options are available within the Online Page Editor content creation functionality. Those layouts are separate from the overall design of the site, though they do reflect font sizes and styles associated with the various heading levels and content types. Unlimited pages can be created with the CivicEngage CMS. Design Considerations The placement of navigation and dynamic areas are important in guiding site visitors to key information quickly and easily. Our consultants make recommendations based upon website -user studies and research on best practices. Built into the CivicEngage CMS are a dynamic site map and breadcrumbs. Dynamic breadcrumbs are used to show a visitor's location within the site. Breadcrumbs are automatically generated by our system. This feature assists a site visitor in understanding the site structure and navigation. A dynamically generated site map automatically updates to reflect your new navigation if changes are made. Some of our additional recommendations include, but are not limited to, mega menus and dynamic Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) placement. The use of a mega menu provides quick and easy 1 -click access to the most frequently used pages for each department on your site. By hovering over the panel of main options, a menu of links to pages drops down for the user's selection. It's always accessible but doesn't take up valuable space on each page. FAQs provide valuable and easy to access information. This keeps your citizens informed without the need for them to call your office. FAQs can be organized by departments and/or category - may be added to any page of your website and can be set up to link to additional information or documentation for easy reference. FAQs have their own search feature, so your site visitors can easily find answers to the questions they ask the most. CIVICENGAGE PAGE 18 Joint Responsibilities CivicEngage will have multiple points of approval throughout the website development process to ensure the project remains on track and in alignment with your vision. The following represents a general division of tasks and project development between you and your CivicPlus project team. A more customized and complete list will be provided to you at your Kickoff Meeting. Initiate Conduct Kickoff Meeting to introduce team, detail Attend Kickoff Meeting development process, and reveal tools and resources Provide a customized and comprehensive project Submit Project Timeline Approval Form timeline Analyze Conduct CivicAdvise Consulting Engagement Submit all deliverables including photos & logos, website statistics, Design Form, and DNS Form Conduct Piwik Analytics Overview (top 10 pages) Provide current website analytics Conduct Heatmapping Review Design & Configure Conduct Design Discovery Meeting to discuss Attend Design Discovery Meeting and provide homepage layout based on flexible layout options and decisions regarding design options advanced design components Conduct Content Process Meeting to detail content Attend Content Process Meeting development process Migrate content from client's existing website to production website according to best practices Complete production website with approved design and migrated content and present to client during Website Reveal meeting If needed, make requested changes to the design concept and/or make fix content errors Conduct CivicTraining engagement Update content and track all changes to be completed Attend Website Review Meeting and K feedback Optimize Evaluate completed production websii all expectations were met Educate Attend training sessions Launch Launch website to the public with live domain name Submit Website Acceptance Form CIVICENGAGE PAGE 19 MUNICIPAL WEBSITE REDESIGN Hosting & Security CIVICENGAGE lqm`>j 40 �tcre�\ PAGE 20 HOSTING & SECURITY Hosting & Security Redundant power sources and internet access ensure consistent and stable connections. Our sites are protected in secure data center facilities with constant monitoring and updating of systems and includes 99.9% guaranteed up -time (excluding maintenance). Location I Disaster Recovery � Back-ups Our primary hosting facility is a Tier II data center housed in one of the key fiber transit buildings in Kansas City. The facility is of a redundant design in terms of infrastructure, network, and servers. All of Data Center • Highly reliable data center & secure facility • Managed network infrastructure • On-site power backup & generators • Multiple telecom/network providers • Fully redundant network • System monitoring - 24/7/365 • Automated CivicEngage software updates • Server management & monitoring • Multi -tiered software architecture • Server software updates & security patches • Database server updates & security patches the facility's database and web servers are backed up nightly with all backups stored securely off-site. CivicPlus maintains a "warm" off-site facility for hosting in the event of complete failure of the primary hosting facility. Data housed at the primary facility is replicated at the backup location on a daily basis. During activation of the disaster -recovery plan, the backup facility begins operating immediately and is fully operational with all hosted sites replicated and online in as little as three hours. Bandwidth • Multiple network providers in place • Unlimited bandwidth usage for normal business operations (does not apply in the event of a cyber attack) • Burst bandwidth - 22 Gb/s Hosting • Antivirus management & updates • Server -class hardware from nationally recognized provider • Redundant firewall solutions • High performance SAN with N+2 reliability Disaster Recovery • Emergency after-hours support, live agent (24/7) • 24-hour guaranteed recovery POINT objective(RPO) • On-line status monitor by Data Center Pre-emptive monitoring for disaster situations • 8 -hour guaranteed recovery TIME objective (RTO) • Multiple, geographically diverse data centers DDoS Mitigation DDoS Advanced Security Coverage • Defined DDoS Attack Process Not Included. • Identify attack source and type Additional coverage available at time of event. • Monitor attack for threshold* engagement Additional fees will apply. *Thresholds: Traffic exceeds 25 Mb/s sustained for 2+ hours. Traffic over 1 Gb/s at any point during attack CIVICENGAGEa PAGE 21 Updates / Rollout The CivicPlus Development Team develops software using the Agile development methodology. We currently work in 2 -week sprints with several teams addressing new functionality and services and additional teams and select members dedicated to software fixes and minor enhancements. Prior to any software update or rollout, all code changes go through an internal testing process which includes an alpha testing phase, a beta testing phase, and a final Release Candidate testing phase. Separate internal servers, isolated from our client hosts, are used for these various stages of testing. At times, we do ask for Beta clients to test our Release Candidate on their site. This is an opt -in program. At any time during these testing phases, any member of the CivicPlus team can report an issue that needs to be addressed before rollout, essentially removing the product from the deployment schedule. A separate and isolated testing environment that mirrors our production servers is maintained for internal testing of not only our own codebase, but any updates to the host operating system as well. All updates are logged and tested prior to rollout to ensure compatibility with our CMS. Scheduled Maintenance Our maintenance window is from 10 p.m. CST Saturday nights to 6 a.m. CST Sunday mornings. Any maintenance on servers are regularly scheduled to occur during this time unless an out -of -band maintenance is warranted. All critical updates are applied after testing unless they are a very high security risk in which they will be applied out of band. All others are evaluated and installed if needed. Sites are normally available during this window period. If there is an event that requires no risk of any downtime, it can be communicated through support or your client success manager that you do not wish to receive the pushes, and it can be scheduled for a later date. CIVICENGAGE PAGE 22 MUNICIPAL WEBSITE REDESIGN Training & Support CIVICENGAGE lqm`>j 40 �tcre�\ PAGE 23 TRAINING & SUPPORT Training Our goal with your training plan is to give your staff the skills and tools they need to quickly and easily keep your website current. The 20 hours of virtual training proposed can be customized to equip your staff with the knowledge and comfort level needed to prepare your website for launch and maintain it in the future. The training sessions will utilize your production website, so users are familiar with your specific configuration and you get real, hands-on learning opportunities. Implementation Training CivicEngage A CivicPlus Trainer will deliver virtual training to all web administrators and departmental users within Monticello and equip them with the necessary knowledge and tools they need in order to maintain the new CivicEngage website. Your staff will leave training proficient in best practices and module usage, as well as how to use widgets and edit their web pages. Actions • Pages Live Edit - Your CivicPlus Trainer will introduce you to our unique front-end editing tools and our dynamic widgets. Learn how to change navigation, edit content, add and remove pages, and how to set up content for easy maintenance. • Modules - Your CivicPlus Trainer will introduce you to all of the modules included in your CivicEngage platform. All stakeholders will not only learn how to use the module, but how to use it to accomplish the common tasks they do most frequently on the website, and how to do it as efficiently as possible. • Admin Tools - All site tools, analytics, permissions, user management, and enterprise level settings will be taught in a special session with Admins and reinforced throughout the engagement. • Work Session - Our Trainers believe that learning isn't optimal without doing, so they will incorporate work session time into each session to ensure your staff is getting the hands-on experience needed to reinforce the learning and make it stick. As an added benefit, they encourage working on real content, which means you will be that much closer to the end goal by the end of training! Optional Training CivicPlus does offer refresher training after your website launches. These can be purchased as a one- time refresher, or on a recurring, annual basis. Online, Self -Service Help Center CivicPlus clients have 24/7 access to our online Help Center where users can review articles, user guides, FAQs, find step-by-step How-To's, and get tips on best practices. CIVICENGAGE PAGE 24 TRAINING & SUPPORT Technical Support & Services Around -the -Clock Service & Support With technology, unlimited support is crucial. Our live support personnel based in the United States are ready to answer your staff members' questions and ensure their confidence. Technical Support • Business hours: 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. (CST) Monday - Friday • Contact via phone, email, & live chat • 4 -hour response during business hours • 24/7 emergency support The CivicPlus Help Center The Help Center provides release notes to keep you in the loop on upcoming enhancements and maintenance. The Community Forum allows your staff to interact with each other, send CivicPlus feedback and suggestions for future system enhancements, and view trending topics. Continuing Partnership We won't disappear after your website is launched. You'll be assigned a dedicated Client Success Manager. They will partner with you by providing information on best practices and how to utilize the tools of your new system to most effectively engage your citizens. Maintenance • Regular review of site logs, error messages, servers, router activity, and the internet in general • Full backups performed daily • Regularly scheduled upgrades, fixes, enhancements, and OS system patches Award Winning Team In February 2020, our Technical Support Team was presented with a Silver Stevie° Award in the Front - Line Customer Service Team of the Year - Technology Industries category, and a Bronze Stevie° Award in the Customer Service Training or Coaching Program of the Year - Technology Industries category. This is the second consecutive year that CivicPlus' Technical Support Team has earned Stevie honors. The Stevie Awards are the world's top honors for customer service, contact center, business development, and sales professionals. CIVICENGAGE PAGE 25 MUNICIPAL WEBSITE REDESIGN Experience CIVICENGAGE lqm`>j 40 �tcre�\ PAGE 26 EXPERIENCE References Blaine, Minn www.blainemn.gov Heidi Andrea WEB COORDINP E: handrea@blainerr P: 763-717-2638 Anoka County, Minnesota www.anokacounty.us Barbara Young DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR E: barbara.young@co.anoka.mn.us P: 763-324-4602 Maplewood, Minnesota www.mapiewoodmn.gov Chad Bergo GIS ADMINISTRATOR E: chad.bergo@maplewoodmn.gov P: 651-249-2060 CIVICENGAGE CONFIDENTIAL I PAGE 27 MUNICIPAL WEBSITE REDESIGN Proposed Fees CIVICENGAGE lqm`>j 40 �tcre�\ PAGE 28 Proposed Fees Include an implementation cost as well as the annual cost and 5 -year summary that includes: *Pricing stated for CivicRec, CivicService, and CivicClerk are estimates only based on known information. Pricing per product may vary once final scope/project is determined **Annual Service Fees will include an additional 5% cumulative technology fee beginning Year 3 ***Includes Implementation & 5 -Year total of CivicEngage Annual Fees CIVICENGAGE PAGE 29 Implementation Project Component Implementation 5 -Year Total $ Amount $ Amount Design and development cost $22,565 n/a $22,565 Maintenance, subscription, license fee, included with $6,255 $33,188.29** support cost Annual Fees Year 1/Year 2 Content migration of existing site 250 pages included n/a n/a CMS upgrade costs included n/a n/a Website hosting services included n/a n/a Training costs included n/a n/a CivicRec - $20,760 (est.) $6,000 (est.) TBD Recreation Reservation Program* CivicService I SeeClickFix by CivicPlus - $0 (est.) $6,000 (est.) TBD Request/Complaint Tracking Program* CivicClerk - (includes up to 7 Boards) $1,988 (est.) $7,560 (est.) TBD Agenda Management Program* TBD - any additional Additional fees TBD TBD scope items Total - CivicEngage website only $22,565 $6,255 Year 1 $55,753.29 *Pricing stated for CivicRec, CivicService, and CivicClerk are estimates only based on known information. Pricing per product may vary once final scope/project is determined **Annual Service Fees will include an additional 5% cumulative technology fee beginning Year 3 ***Includes Implementation & 5 -Year total of CivicEngage Annual Fees CIVICENGAGE PAGE 29 PROPOSED FEES Proposed Project Scope I CivicEngage CivicPlus understands the budgetary and limited resource burdens most local governments experience on a daily basis. To assist in easing these burdens, and to help set your community up for success now and in the future, for a limited time only, we are offering special pricing and payment alternatives. To take advantage of the offer outlined in this proposal, your contract signing must be completed within 60 days from September 23, 2020. Features & Functionality • CivicEngage CMS tools, widgets, and features • One SSL certificate - CivicPlus provided • 100 GB of storage Design & Content • One website layout built using available flexible layout options • One custom website design built using approved layout and up to one advanced design component • 250 pages Content Development from URL www.ci.monticello.mn.us • Up to 100 meetings worth of Agendas and Minutes PDF/DOC Migration • Two Interior Banners • Four-year premium website redesign Professional Services • 20 hours virtual training (limit eight attendees/ session) • Heatmapping Annual Report • Current Website Analytics Overview Annual Services • Hosting and security • Software maintenance including service patches and system enhancements • 24/7 Technical support and access to the CivicPlus Help Center • Dedicated Client Success Manager • Annual Services are subject to a cumulative 5% technology fee increase beginning Year 3 (for non -CPA payment projects) and beyond Your CivicPlus purchase may be eligible for CARES reimbursement. Consult with your administration to determine if this is an opportunity for your community, and please inform CivicPlus if you will be seeking reimbursement so we can help with any of your documentation needs. CIVICENGAGE PAGE 30 CivicPlus Project Pricing & Invoicing CivicPlus prices on a per -project, all-inclusive basis (stated in US dollars). This type of pricing structure eliminates surprise costs, the uncertainty of paying by the hour, and is overall more cost effective for our clients. It provides you with a price based on the products and features listed in this proposal that only varies if additional functionality, custom development, security, escrow requirements, or other design or project enhancements, outside of the included scope, are added prior to contract signing. CivicPlus Offers: Standard CivicEngage Invoicing • 30% of Year 1 fees due at contract signing - remaining 70% due at project completion or at the six-month mark in the implementation process - whichever date is earlier • The first-year Annual Services fee is included with your Year 1 cost • Subsequent annual invoicing occurs on the anniversary of the contract signing date, subject to a five percent technology fee uplift each year starting in Year 3 of your contract Customized Billing/Invoicing • We can discuss other billing options with you before contract signing and, if feasible, develop a plan that works for all parties • Not available with all CivicPlus products - please contact your sales representatives for more details CP Pay Merchant Account • CP Pay Merchant will collect and disburse all credit card monies • CP Pay will assess a percentage + transaction fee (3% + $0.30 per transaction) • Merchant account fees apply and will be paid directly to Global Payments Integrated (separate from Annual Services) CivicPlus wants our clients to succeed in delivering a viable, sustainable, and flexible technology solution to their communities. We will work with you before contract signing to determine which of our billing processes will meet both your needs for budget planning and our accounting processes. Right to Negotiate A successful project begins with a contract that meets the needs of both parties. This proposal (including all supporting, technical, or specification documents required for submittal with the current RFP) is intended as a non-binding document, and the contents hereof may be superseded by an agreement for services. Its purpose is to provide information on a proposed project we believe will meet your needs based on the information available. If awarded the project, CivicPlus reserves the right to negotiate the contractual terms, obligations, covenants, and insurance requirements as provided in the RFP before a final agreement is reached. We look forward to developing a mutually beneficial contract with Monticello. CIVICENGAGE PAGE 31 PROPOSED FEES Optional CivicEngage Enhancements The following items are not included in your project, but can be added to your scope of work: Standard Department Header Package $2,993 $683 Premium Department Header Package $4,515 $788 User Testing - We will work with end-users to complete tasks and find information on the new website. You will have $8,750 N/A improved usability of page structure, site map, and menu navigation based on specific user feedback. CIVICENGAGE PAGE 32 Optional Enhancement Department Header Packages A Department Header Package is a cost-effective way for a department to informatively and graphically differentiate themselves from the look of the main site while leveraging consistent CMS administration. Standard Department Header Package Includes: • Site URL (if applicable) • SSL Certificate (if applicable) • Site Identifier / Logo • Global Navigation and Menus • Banner Image(s) and/or Slideshow Image(s) (if applicable) • Graphic Links • Widget Content • Matching Design Styles and Layout to the parent site • Shared login and modules with the parent site (design of module pages will match parent site design) Upgrade to Premium Department Header Package Includes: • Widget Content and Placement • Custom Color Palette for the Department Header homepage and interior pages �I CIVICENGAGE PAGE 33 MUNICIPAL WEBSITE REDESIGN CivicPlus Company Overview CIVICENGAGE PAGE 34 CIVICPLUS COMPANY OVERVIEW Company Overview At CivicPlus, we have one goal: to empower the public sector to accomplish impactful initiatives using innovative solutions that save them time while connecting them to the citizens they serve. We began in 1998 when our founder, Ward Morgan, decided to focus on helping local governments work better and engage their citizens through their web environment. CivicPlus continues to implement new technologies and services to maintain the highest standards of excellence and efficiency for our clients, including solutions for website design & content management, recreation management, mass communications, agenda & meeting management, employee management, 311 & citizen requests, and digital optimization. Our commitment to deliver the right solutions in design and development, end-user satisfaction, and secure hosting has been instrumental in making us a world leader in government web technology. We consider it a privilege to partner with our clients and provide them with solutions that will serve their needs today and well into the future. Contact Information .;► to John Pugh CivicEngage Account Executive ar. E: pugh@civicplus.com P: 785-323-7160 Primary Office 302 S. 4th Street, Suite 500 1 Manhattan, KS 66502 Toll Free: 888-228-2233 1 Fax: 785-587-8951 www.civicplus.com 20+ years of experience with a focus to help local governments 350+ employees, many with experience in local government 4,000+ local government clients across the United States and Canada I=. 50 10 -time Inc.I www.govtech. n Snnn Hnnraa rnm/1nn CIVICENGAGE PAGE 35 0 44C -qq -qv w ► Website Redesign Services Project Development ;) CIVICPLUS° THE Integrated Technology Platform for Local Government CIVICENGAGE' Presented by: John Pugh Regional Sales Manager i #t CivicPlus Company Overview r�L d�, � C� 2 Typical Project Timeline Consulting, design, usability guidance, programming, secure hosting and dedicated training - CivicPlus delivers all of this and more during the development of your new website. Exact development timelines can vary due to scope, client availability, milestones set and other factors. To deliver the best possible solution for the County's web environment, your project development is estimated at 28+ weeks. Typical Project Timeline: 16 - 28 Weeks Project Phase Descriptions -Now NEW NOW Kick -Off Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Kick -Off Meeting During the initial kick-off meeting, you will meet your project manager to establish your project timeline, review the startup kit and discuss the takeaway items that need to be completed. Your project manager will discuss the implications of deadlines and the expectations required to keep the project on track. C;) 13 Project Phase Descriptions 0 Kick -Off Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Phase 1: Website Optimization REVIEW NEEDS Goal: Review where you are now and discuss where you want to go. DESIGN, CONTENT & FUNCTIONALITY Goal: Determine how you want your website to look, feel and function. BEST PRACTICES Goal: Outline our CivicPlus content best practices and standards. Phase 2: Design Presentation Based on the results and goals outlined during the Optimization, your project team will collaborate and present the most effective layout for your website, ensuring a responsive structure that's optimized to display in any format — now and in the future. RESPONSIVE PROTOTYPE You'll be presented with a simple, responsive prototype that demonstrates the placement of your navigation and key functionality. This prototype is a rudimentary version of a home and interior page that will act as a blueprint to ensure that design choices translate into effective user experiences. The layout is hosted on a unique web address so it can be viewed on multiple devices and easily shared with key stakeholders. COLOR PALETTE A custom color palette is also included with your responsive prototype. It is paired with your layout so that it is easy to envision how colors will enhance the design and engage your users. Our prototype presentation software allows you to visualize the proposed design and style of your new site and how it will respond on both desktop/tablets and smartphones. C;) 14 Project Phase Descriptions Kick -Off Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Phase 3: Production Site Development Your Project Team will present your layout, functionality and design based on your goals, our recommendations and our combined vision. CONTENT DEVELOPMENT During the Kick -Off Meeting and Phase 1 your staff has the role of updating the content on your current primary site. While you are making design decisions, our content development team will optimize and reorganize your content based on CivicPlus best practices. Content from sites other than the primary site can be migrated to the new primary site for an additional fee. DESIGN REVIEW You will have the opportunity to evaluate and collaborate with the Project Team on proposed changes. You can revise your design composition up to the deadline that you and your project manager agree upon during the timeline meeting (the average client requests a total of three). After that deadline, your project's Go Live date will be adjusted. Following design approval and functionality development, we conduct a review to ensure your expectations are met and website best practices are upheld. ACCESSIBILITY COMPLIANCE Our designers and programmers automatically implement all the accessibility features necessary to ensure your site is compliant with accessibility standards outlined within Section 508 and WCAG Level A & AA. We will make recommendations on best practices for keeping your content accessible and available for all users by ensuring that, among other things: ■ All menu items are clickable ■ Submenus display throughout the site ■ Alt tags are used for images ■ Site maps are dynamically generated ■ Documents and links can be set to open in the same window C;) 15 Project Phase Descriptions 4) 4) Kick -Off Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Phase 4: Website Review & Training Our goal for training is to give your staff the skills and tools they need to quickly and easily keep your website current. Trainers will work with you to ensure your staff is correctly trained. Before your site is launched, CivicPlus will provide in-person or online training to equip your staff with the knowledge, tools and comfort level needed to maintain the site's integrity upon Go Live. Regardless of technical ability, we will help your staff gain the confidence to effectively maintain your website. FEATURES, MODULE & PAGE CREATION TRAINING Included in our training for Administrators & Content Contributors will be delivering an understanding of your site's navigation and page layout and how these affect target audiences. We will instruct your staff on creating area -rights and back -end features for site administration as well as review all the modules included with your site. Your staff will learn how to create links, format text and lay out pages for usability and scanability. CivicPlus training manuals and videos are available for download at no cost from our online resources. Phase 5: Go Live This is an exciting time; it is the last step before your new site laun information you need to prepare your site for Go Live. TESTING AND REVIEW You typically have three weeks after training to become familiar with your site. This will allow you to add, create and make adjustments to content on your production site, as well as ensure overall satisfaction with your website. Content changes will display and function the same way before and after your Go Live date. -hes! Your Project Team will provide you the Upon completion of a collaborative final review of the website ON and a final spelling and links checkup by our Quality Control Team, your domain name is directed to the newly developed website. C;) 16 Your Role We will need your help to create the strongest possible website for your community. During the process, you will have homework. Yes, homework! We will need you to: 0 ASSESS YOUR CURRENT WEBSITE For the best consulting experience possible the following takeaways need to be completed prior to your consulting: ■ Functionality and Design Form — Prior to starting this form, research other websites that you like based on functionality and design elements. Provide URLs and specifics about what you like. This form also asks for details on your community's tagline, logo and branding. ■ Web Team Form — Prior to starting this form, please have an understanding of your project goals, focus and expectations. This allows your CivicPlus project team to develop a site specific to your needs and lays the foundation for developing a highly functional information architecture. ■ Content Form —The information that you provide on this form will also help our content development professionals to assess your wants and needs. Q CLEAN HOUSE AND UPDATE CONTENT We will need you to update the content on your current primary live website. This step is critical to guaranteeing the information available is relevant, fresh and on -point. Your staff should delete any pages from your current website that you no longer want or need and ensure the remaining information is applicable and up-to-date. If you are not able to access your current site, our team will work with you to ensure that your content needs are addressed. Q GATHER PHOTOS AND LOGOS Collect pictures that will be used in the overall design and logos or branding that should remain consistent. Q DEPARTMENT LIST Provide a list of all departments in your organization. Q WEBSITE STATISTICS Provide statistics from your current site for the previous 12 months along with a list of all pages and downloaded documents. Q SITE MAP Provide the outline of your current site's navigational structure. 0 EXTERNAL APPLICATION LIST Supply a list of all third -party or in-house applications being utilized. Q VERBATIM CONTENT Compile a list of any content on your current website that must be migrated verbatim to your new site. Q UPDATE INTERNET BROWSERS Ensure you have most up-to-date web browser versions within your organization's computers. C;) 17 GRANICUS Empowering Modern Digital Government Monticello, MN Website Design, Development & Hosting Proposal Kathryn Rivard Account Executive 201.591.1743 / 612.720.0936 Granicus 408 St Peter St #600 St Paul, MN 55102 Date: February 21, 2020 G GRAN ICUS Dear Selection Committee Members, Thank you for the opportunity to submit a proposal for the upgrade of Monticello's website. Based on our conversations and the thoroughness of your RFP, we feel our comprehensive offering will enable you to transform your web presence into a true "Digital City Hall." Granicus is uniquely positioned to help you serve, engage and reach - residents, visitors and businesses in the Monticello. Here is how we can help you: • Serve. Like most government organizations, you are looking to bring more services online. We'll help you transform your website into a true service portal. We'll start by identifying the top tasks users perform on your website- like paying a ticket- and make it easy for visitors to find and complete those tasks. • Engage. Connect with your citizens in a whole new way. With Granicus govAccess you can gather input on important issues, conduct polls, and aggregate and analyze data to inform public policy. • Reach. Extend the reach of your website with Granicus govDelivery. Send targeted campaigns to our network of more than 150M subscribers nationally. • Protect. Keep critical data safe by working with a vendor serving federal agencies that require the highest levels of security. At a time when ransomware attacks are growing in local government, you can never be too careful. We are here to help! • Mobilize. With nearly 50 percent of traffic to local government websites coming from a mobile device, responsive design is no longer enough. Granicus offers the tools to truly optimize the mobile experience for your users. We see tremendous potential for your website and would welcome the opportunity to help you achieve it. Granicus is dedicated to helping organizations like yours become a one stop shop for your constituents. From alerts/notify me to report a concern, your Agenda Management, permitting and applications workflow, to simply creating a better user experience internally & externally. With your Account Managers, Project Management and Design Team local to the Twin Cities you will have a phenomenal experience creating a platform that reflects all Monticello has to offer. Respectfully submitted, Kathryn Rivard Account Executive *Because much of our proposal contains proprietary trade secrets that could substantially harm Granicus financially if revealed, we ask Monticello to allow us to redact this document prior to fulfilling any public 2 records request per 5U.S.C. §552(b)(4) andO.C.G.A. §50-18-72. Contents Section 1 - Executive Summary Section 2 - About Granicus Section 3 - Project Development Approach Section 4 - CMS, Hosting and Security Section 5 - Project Experience Section 6 - Qualifications of Key Personnel Section 7 - Availability of Key Personnel Section 8 - Local Preference Section 9 - Service Disabled Veterans Preference Section 10 -Cost Section 11 - Proposer Financial Information Section 12 - Disclosure Form and Questionnaire RFP Forms Professional Services Agreement G GRAN ICUS 5 8 13 20 57 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 9 G-RANICUS Section I Executive Summary � Executive Summary Better Serve Your Citizens Your citizens approach their digital interactions with government in the same manner they do elsewhere on the web - as customers. Whether they are looking for information on a consumer website or a government website, they expect to find clear and understandable answers to their questions, quickly, in plain language they understand, at any time of day and via the device of their choice. Increasingly, that device is a mobile one, which requires additional thought to ensure this emerging group of site visitors can easily navigate your site. The Granicus Experience Granicus has partnered with more than 800 leading local government agencies to design, develop and host their websites. Through these partnerships we continuously evolve our processes and technology to put our government clients at the forefront of innovation in digital government. Everything we do contributes to our mission to help YOU create a superior digital customer experience including: A citizens -focused project approach that starts with research into how your website visitors want to engage with you and what services and information is most important to them. We'll also interview internal stakeholderto understand your goals. This research informs the design, content structure and development of your website - ultimately helping you deliver a superior digital CX. G GRAN ICUS Ongoing support and continuous improvement that helps ensure your website evolves with customer expectations. The Granicus team conducts an annual analysis of your website using proprietary data and makes recommendations to improve your customer experience leveraging our flexible CMS. You'll also benefit from a guaranteed free redesign. "I've never worked with a vendor that has been more invested in our success." Robert Rasmussen Assistant IT Director Amarillo, TX A CMS that powers superior digital citizen experiences. After we hand over your new website, our CMS solution is there to help you carry on the superior digital citizen experience mission. The casual user can easily update the website with fresh content and visuals, while the power user can monitor, manage, analyze and optimize the website over time. Executive Summary - Continued Monticello, MN The first goal with any website redesign is to understand your community and what visitors to your website are looking for from a digital experience with their local government. Census data helps us start to understand your unique community and the additional content, services or focus areas to consider outside of the norm. Monticello US Population Growth 8.1% 6.3% Population 13,824 328,239,523 Under 5 yrs old 10% 6.1% 65 and over 12.3% 16% 25+ Bachelor's degree or 19.1% 31.5% higher Disabled under 65 8.50 8.60 Living in poverty 5.4% 11.8% Speak language other than English 5.7% 21.5% at home Persons under 65 without health 3.6% 10% insurance Mean Travel Time to Work 26.5 mins 26.6 mins G GRAN ICUS • Positive Population Growth -The City of Monticello is a thriving community with economic revitalization efforts attracting residents and businesses. The city's new website should reflect the vibrant community and all it has to offer through imagery and spotlight copy. • New Residents - With new residents moving Monticello each year it will be important to consider what services and information they may need and how they can access it anywhere, anytime. • Living in poverty -These visitors are usually unable to qualify for a reliable Internet connection and are likely accessing your site from a cell phone, so mobile experiences will be important to consider in your website project. Executive Summary - Continued IProject Vision G GRAN ICUS The desire is to update the government website by improving the information architecture (IA), the user experience (UX), simplify content discoverability, and an improved navigation architecture, especially in the mobile platform. Your Goals Common Pitfalls mprove user experience User experience (UX) is not enough. Many communities fall into the trap of department -centric web design that optimize disjointed user experiences rather than a holistic customer experience (CX). Simplify discoverability O A cookie -cutter approach to citizen services. Your community's needs are unique and not easily comparable even to those of communities of the same size. Many communities inadvertently bury the services most important to their citizens by simply porting over their existing content. mprove accessibility O A set -it -and -forget -it approach to accessibility. Accessibility standards are changing constantly and today's most accessibly website design may no longer protect you from legal action tomorrow. What You Might Be Missing Many existing government websites rank below other very similar community websites in its level of security. That vulnerable situation opens the government organization up to potential risk events that the security requirements stated in the RFP may not be able to address. The cost of integrating current communication and agenda stacks across disparate vendors significantly increases the Total Cost of Ownership of a new site. The current RFP does not do enough to address the significant internal costs of using disparate solutions on a day-to-day basis. IFA Executive Summary - Continued I The Cost of Not Getting it Right 3 1 % Organizations have experienced cyber attacks on operational technology infrastructure 141 Dollars Per Person average cost per lost or stolen records - or $40 million cost of breach involving 1 million records IT Projects FAIL outright or take much longer to install due to excess complexity G GRAN ICUS 4 3% Costs of Info Loss making it the most expensive component of cyber attacks Lawsuits were filed in 2018 alone alleging website accessibility issues for the disabled - a 177% increase against 2017 $200 Per Day in Customer Calls spent due to poorly deigned customer experiences for cities larger in size 1. Executive Summary - Continued G The Cost of Not Getting it Right GRAN ICU "I have to sort through long menus featuring one city department after another just to find for the service I'm looking for... I might as well just call and talk to a real person." - Citizen "I changed to a more sophisticated eReader and now I can't engage with my city as easily as used to!" - Citizen "I spend most of my day switching from one r system to another, duplicating my work because our communications stack is patched together! And when something breaks it's nearly impossible to pinpoint whose responsibility it is to fix it!" - City Official "We've spent a lot of time and energy making our website accessible, but it feels like every time we make an improvement to our content we have to go back to the drawing board when it comes to ADA." - City Official 9 G-RANICUS About Granicus Granicus provides technology and services that empowers government organizations to create seamless digital experiences for the people they serve. Offering the industry's leading cloud -based solutions for communications, content management, meeting and agenda management, and digital services to more than 4,500 public sector organizations, Granicus helps turn government missions into quantifiable realities. Granicus acquired Vision in 2018, the national leader in government website design, development and hosting. Granicus was impressed by the evolution of the Vision CMS to meet the changing needs of government and the people they serve. They were equally impressed by the process the team perfected to design and develop award-winning government websites. Kathryn Rivard, Account Executive 201.591.1743 / 612.720.0936 Kathryn. Rivard@granicus.com Full name of legal entity Granicus, LLC Years in Business 21 Years (Vision) / 19 Years (Granicus) Company Website www.Granicus.com Denver St. Paul 1999 Broadway 408 St. Peter St. Suite 3600 Suite 600 Denver, CO 80202 St. Paul, MN 55102 Washington D.C. 1 152 15'" Street NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20005 G GRAN ICUS 1999 FOUNDED 4500+ GOV CLIENTS � 40 OF THE 50 MOST POPULOUS U.S. CITIES VISION ACQUIRED BY GRANICUS About Granicus - Continued G GRAN I C U S Relentless Focus on Client Satisfaction Simply saying we're dedicated to client satisfaction isn't WWW enough. It's our relentless focus, and one that we measure. In fact, across all of our client implementations over the past three years, our average client satisfaction 90UT OF 10 0 rating is 9 on a 10 point scale. PROJECT At Granicus, anything less than the best for our clients is SATISFACTION unacceptable. Executives - Our leadership team guides the entire company to do what is best for our clients. Each week the leadership team reviews client satisfaction 250+ survey results and discusses any proactive actions that need to be taken. Our leadership team also AWARD brings years of experience across government, software, design and technology industries to the WINNING SITES table. Certified Experts - Our certified experts are passionate about helping you deliver superior digital customer experience, which is why we are COMPANY constantly learning new and better ways of doing things. Many of our team members hold the following RECOGNITION certifications: NN/g certified User Experience Specialist, Web Graphic Design certified, WebAIM M 71 WCAG 2.0 educated, Network and CCNA certified. I Project Managers and Customer Support - Our -:,;�;:r,,• 2017 project managers and customer support team are fanatical about your success, and will go above and beyond to support you. G-RANICUS Section 3 Project Development Approach G GRAN ICUS I Project Development Approach Over the last 20 -plus years, Granicus has created hundreds of award-winning local government websites. We'll bring this expertise to your project, while also working to meet and exceed your unique goals. Here are a few things you can expect from your partnership with Granicus. The Granicus Difference Your Goals Granicus believes your website should truly serve A digital city hall experience citizens, making it easy to find and complete that promotes self-service common tasks, like paying a ticket. Our data - across all departments. 0 driven approach will help us identify top services and tasks so we can optimize the online customer journey. Connect with your citizens in a whole new way. Encourage civic participation. With Granicus govAccess you can gather input on important issues, conduct polls, and aggregate 0 and analyze data. You may also want to consider govDelivery, enabling you to publish content to our network of 200M people. With our public beta site offering we can launch A citizen -centric design, early, gather feedback and iterate to ensure we release early, iterate often. 0 deliver a website that truly meets the needs of your citizens. Our process takes the guesswork out of your Data -driven approach to the website redesign by basing key project decisions website redesign. 0 on the data we collect about your website, not on opinions. As a result, your team will be informed and aligned. Extend the impact of your website with the Granicus platform - publish content to our network A unified web presence with of 150M+ citizens, simplify agenda creation, stream apps used by the City meetings to video, and much more. You can also seamlessly integrated. 0 chose from an extensive list of pre -built integrations with best -in -class apps like Laserfiche, NeoGov, Esri, Siteimprove, Twitter, Facebook and more. 14 Project Development Approach - Continued G GRAN ICUS I Timeline + Development Plan Over the last 20 -plus years, we've developed thousands of websites for some of the most progressive local government agencies. Lessons learned from this experience have helped us refine our process in order to deliver consistent, superior results. Here's what you can expect. GOAL Conduct analysis to understand how your website is used. GOAL Develop a website that reflects your community and brand and delivers superior digital customer experience. GOAL Refine the website's content and implement Granicus govAccess. GOAL Train your team and bring the new site live to the public. GOAL Provide ongoing support and maintain a superior digital customer experience. 15 Project Development Approach - Continued G GRANICUS Granicus' primary objective is to develop a website that makes it easy for people to get things done online. In Research order to achieve this mission, our process begins with an extensive focus on customer experience (CX), which gives us an understanding of your unique community and what they're looking to do on your website. ' Comprehensive Analysis GOAL We'll compile data in a variety of ways, including: Conduct analysis to and tasks of your website from an internal point of view. understand how your Heatmap Analysis: Heat maps help us gain an website is used. understanding of how people are interacting with your -- -- content. The information gathered is helpful to us as we ----- determine how to organize content and information to Deliverables best attract users to your site. • Site Usability Report Web Analytics: We leverage data from Google • Custom Wireframe Analytics to understand the most frequently visited r7 pages, top referring sources, bounce rates, etc. This TOOIkItS data supplements our heatmap analysis to inform Website Recommendations recommendations for your website. • Project Kick-off Kit document should be shared internally to provide • Community Survey: A survey of your community will help us understand what kinds of tasks residents are Site Usability Report most frequently looking to complete on the site. Having anecdotal feedback helps ensure we're on the right track. ' Stakeholder Survey: We also survey your internal - stakeholders to gather information on the current goals and tasks of your website from an internal point of view. Wc6 Analytics Study n...ei Wrest"°"= -v Recorded User Testing: Users will be recorded as they -- -- attempt to complete tasks on your website. This ----- method has consistently uncovered valuable insight / J 1610 into how a website can be confusing to those who don't use it everyday. Site Usability Report r7 Based on the results of our research, our NN/g Certified User Experience Specialist will compile a custom Usability Report, summarizing findings and recommendations. This Website Recommendations document should be shared internally to provide alignment for key project decisions. M Project Development Approach - Continued GOAL Develop a site that reflects your community, brand and delivers superior customer experience. Deliverables • Mood Board • Graphic Design Comp • Mobile Comp • Style Guide Mood Board Graphic Design Comps 1 ORECKENR]DG[ G GRAN ICUS Our design phase is highly collaborative to ensure the unique identity of your organization is reflected in the site's look and feel. We balance aesthetics with usability, mobility and accessibility principles to ensure the final result is beautiful without compromising functionality. Web Design Implementation • Design Meeting and Mood Board: You'll begin the process by meeting with our graphic design team for a brainstorming session. During this time, we'll review your survey results and ask your team questions in order to better understand your desired aesthetic. The information will be compiled into a digital mood board that will summarize the overall style and direction for the design. • Mobile -First Design Methodology: We think about mobile from the onset of the design process. We work with you to determine which common tasks and key content should be easily available for mobile users. The result will be a fully responsive design that can easily be modified by staff as priorities change. • Accessibility and Usability Check: Our entire design team is versed in the latest WCAG 2.0 Accessibility requirements for color use and contrast on websites and will ensure your design adheres with the level of compliance you seek. Additionally, our designers work hand-in-hand with our NN/g certified User Experience Specialist to ensure the final design adheres to usability best practices. • Revisions and Finalization: Using our advanced design collaboration software, you will be able to easily make comments and provide direction for your design revisions. We provide unlimited revisions and won't stop until your team is completely satisfied with the look and feel. The phase will complete with your sign -off on the final composition. 17 Project Development Approach - Continued GOAL Refine the site's content and implement the CMS. Deliverables • Sitemap Recommendations • 2 days of onsite training • 200 Pages of Migrated Content • Program Website Toolkits & Templates • Work Plan Template • Pre -Launch Preparation • Content Migration Guide • "How Do I..." Menu Guide Great Content Should Enable a Customer Mission "The writing for the web training was critical for helping our staff think about our customer and what they're trying to accomplish in every decision we make about content." �oF SAUS9 Abbot A, Chambers * *� City Librarian + 3 4'' Director of Comms City of Sausalito G GRAN ICUS The site development phase has two major components: the actual technical programming of the website and finalization of content that will be added to your site. While our development team is busy, our content strategy experts will work with your staff to finalize the Sitemap, and migrate and refine content. Content Preparation and Migration No one knows the City like the department heads in your organization, which is why at this phase we recommend active involvement from anyone who will be contributing to your website now and in the future. To ensure this process runs as smoothly as possible, your Granicus Project Manager will set your team lead up for success with all the tools needed to ensure your project stays on track. Sitemap Consultation: At this stage we will finalize the site map, consulting with you to make sure all navigation is organized and labeled in an effective manner to accomplish your goals. Work Plan: To help your team lead communicate project goals, deliverables, and deadlines, we provide a Work Plan Template. This template includes a project introduction, breakdown of individual project -related tasks and timeline for completion. • Communication Cadence: Communication templates and a recommended cadence around tasks and deadlines, meetings and agendas are also provided. These tools not only ensure a smoother project, they will help your team lead establish credibility. Writing for the Web Training: Even the most visually stunning website will not be effective if information is difficult to find and understand. To help, we will conduct an onsite training workshop to introduce overall best practices for creating great, action - oriented content. Following the session, we'll provide resources to help reinforce the concepts learned with your content editors. Content Migration: We'II help begin the process of populating your new website with content by migrating 1,500 pages. Once the migration is complete, you'll be given access to the development website in order to review and refine the information. Project Development Approach - Continued DeTer" Transfer to production environment, train your team and bring the new site live to the public. Deliverables • Staging Site • CMS Training • UAT Kick -Off Meeting Toolkits • User Setup Guide • UAT Guide • Launch Planning Guide Launch Planning Guide VISION Roles and Responsibilities Guide VISION - G GRAIN ICUS After extensive quality assurance testing, our developers will hand over the website to your team in a staging environment. This major milestone typically brings excitement and anxiety - with extensive activity and coordination needed across the organization before your site is ready to launch. To help, Granicus has perfected the process to ensure everything on your site functions as expected and internal signoff is complete before your site goes live. Go Live Preparation • Granicus Quality Assurance Testing - The Granicus team will conduct testing to identify broken links, accessibility violations and general issues. Any issues will be flagged for your team to check before the site goes live. CMS Training - While our team is conducting final QA testing, our trainers will work with your team to teach them about the new tools they will be able to leverage in the CMS. All users will go through Basic CMS Training, to fully prepare them to review, add and edit content. Your super users will gain a deeper understanding of specific departmental functionality and how to set up roles, permissions and workflow/approval cycles. • Staging Site -Our technical team will transfer your new site to a production environment in Rackspace. • User Acceptance Testing (UAT) - While our team has already conducted a quality assurance process against the approved design specifications and Granicus migrated content, you have the opportunity to conduct your own review during the User Acceptance Testing process. • Launch Planning Meeting - Prior to your go -live date we will conduct a launch planning meeting to prepare your team and the Granicus team for pre- and post -launch configuration activities that can only occur once the site has gone live (Granicus Search & SSL set up, for example). • Final Signoff - Once UAT has been completed and all stakeholders are comfortable, we'll flip the switch, and your new site will make its debut. 19 Project Development Approach - Continued GOAL Ensure your team is effectively supported and your website evolves as needed to maintain a superior digital customer experience. Deliverables • Ongoing technical support • Guaranteed 99.90 uptime • Annual CX consultation and recommendations Guaranteed Ey Redesign Guaranteed redesign after your contract term. Adapt your website to meet changing needs with our ongoing support, flexible CMS and a guaranteed redesign with no further out-of-pocket expense. G GRAN ICUS Unlimited Technical Support: Granicus provides comprehensive, unlimited technical support including: • On Demand Videos - Step-by-step tutorial videos provide a quick overview of features and tools. These videos are particularly helpful for supplementing training, bringing new staff up to speed or providing refresher. • Live Chat - Initiate a chat from anywhere in the CMS. Dedicated Client Success Manager: In addition to technical support, you will also be assigned a dedicated Client Success Manager who will help you get the most out of your website long-term. Annual Health Check: Your Client Success Manager will proactively reach out twice a year to perform a website health check and ensure you are getting the most of your Granicus experience. Ongoing Training: Bring new staff members up to speed and stay current on the latest government website trends through free live training sessions and educational webinars. These sessions focus on CMS functionality, client best practices and general trends from the industry, such as transparency, accessibility and content strategy. Anyone from your organization that is interested may attend at no cost. Regional Events and National Summit: Granicus offers a number of free in-person events throughout the year, bringing our clients together to collaborate and share best practices. Each event features educational sessions designed to help get the most out of your website. We are at our best when we're listening to our clients and these events provide a unique opportunity to learn and develop together. 01 Project Development Approach - Continued I Your Role G GRAN ICUS The best outcomes come with collaboration - after all, no one knows your community like you do! While we will do as much of the heavy lifting as possible, to drive the optimal level of collaboration, we will need a few things from you along the way including: • Identify web team • Complete stakeholder survey- this helps us understand your goals, expectations, audience needs, etc. • Provide access to Google analytics • Sign -off on wireframe • Share any existing brand guidelines • Gather any photos + logos + video to be used in your website design • Sign -off on mood board + design comps + style guide • Supply list of all 3rd party apps used with website • Sign -off on site map • Collaborate with your PM to map current pages to new site map / identify redirects • Attend writing for the web / accessibility training • Edit existing content / create content for new pages (we offer additional content writing + editing services) • Attend CMS training • Conduct User Acceptance Testing (UAT) • Create marketing plan for website launch - we offer an optional website launch promo service if interested • Final sign -off prior to go live • Setup metrics dashboard and measure results- top pages, traffic sources, etc. - optimize overtime • Keep your content fresh • Reach out to our support team with questions anytime • Meet with your Granicus success manager for annual health checks 21 G-RANICUS Hosting., The govAccess Content Management System Our content management system, Granicus govAccess, is designed to help you deliver a superior digital customer experience to your community. So, how do we deliver on this promise? • Ease of Use & Administrative Control - Lock down user permissions while providing drag -and -drop simplicity to users where help is never more than a click away. • Mobile Management- Offer abetter experience to residents by analyzing mobile traffic before customizing the display on different screen sizes. • Digital Service Delivery- Move more services online, go completely paperless, and ensure your community can easily find everything that you have to offer. • Interior Page Design -Think past the homepage and create a plan for how you will optimize the complete end-to-end customerjourney with flexible technology. • Federal -grade Security -Follow the same hosting and security best practices as The White House, Social Security Administration, and Census Bureau. • Continuous Innovation- Enjoy monthly release updates and help shape the product by joining our customer council, Labs, for prototypes, beta access and more. Granicus technology serves more than 4,500 agencies across United States, Canada, and United Kingdom. If you desire something not listed, then there is a very good chance we either still offer it or the requested functionality is on our near-term roadmap. Go ahead and connect with us; we are happy to answer any questions. G GRAN ICUS "I love working with Granicus because the CMS always evolves to meet the changing dynamics of local government. They never settle and always strive to deliver the best technology in the market." Anthony Wilson, Public Information Officer City of San Angelo, Texas Labs CMS, Hosting, and Security - Continued 60% of CMS users login less than twice per month. M_ .__... ..__ _._ 1. _ - G GRAN ICUS Easy Authoring and Administrative Control At Granicus, we understand the complexities of managing the many departments and content editors contributing to your website. To give you time back in your day, we have simplified the experience for the casual user, while offering governance and administrative tools to ensure a consistent experience for website visitors. -�_- •-•--- Granicus govAccess is a CMS built for government. With our solution you will have everything you need to manage content, including, but not limited to: With Granicus govAccess, the • Live Chat & Embedded Training - Connect with our technical support team or teach yourself with self-service casual user can easily update curriculums and training videos. the website with fresh content and visuals, while the power user can monitor, manage, Wizard Interface -Walk through a guided content analyze and optimize the creation process with helpful tips along the way in a single, website over time. intuitive workflow. • Drag -and -drop Simplicity - Add content or customize your experience within seconds by configuring settings or leveraging inline editing mode. • Personal Dashboards -Tailor your workspace with dashboard blocks including content quick -adds, content approvals, reporting, analytics and more. • Social Media Management - Promote new content through multiple social accounts, customize and preview posts, and schedule a social campaign with a cadence of publish dates across channels. • Multi -channel Publishing - Promote custom content directly to Facebook, Twitter, email messages, and the website with a single click of a button. • Subsite Management - Consolidate sites into one single CMS instance to share user permissions, leverage common assets, and improve content transparency. ,zi CMS, Hosting, and Security - Continued � Create Once, Publish Everywhere (COPE) govMeetings Meeting agendas, video and boards management M G GRAN ICUS govDelivery Targeted email, text & social media communications Email by govDelivery - Tap into the Granicus Network and benefit from the largest email delivery infrastructure for industry-leading delivery speed and success rates; all built specifically for government. Multi -site Management - Consolidate fragmented website experiences across your organization to decrease technical costs and empower users to collaborate with each other while using the same system. Facebook & Twitter Integration - Enjoy full control over writing and scheduling social media campaigns and preview the exact the design from the native platform before ever clicking publish. APIs and Web Services - Extend the core content management system by leveraging a full suite of available APIs and other extensions. Permissions & Security Roles - Lock down the publishing capabilities across each of the various channels with a common understanding that authors only have as much access as you assign. CMS, Hosting, and Security - Continued Content Delivery Network (CDN) by Akamai Millions of people visit a govAccess website each day and expectations of these site visitors continue to rise. A website re -design is the first step to deliver new rich, interactive content responsive on any device to meet this rising needs. Be careful when choosing a website partner as this approach also runs the risk of delivering a heavier site, which can slow performance and ultimately hinder the user experience. In fact, 53% of people abandon a site that takes more than three seconds to load. Granicus partners with Akamai to deliver CDN comprised of the world's largest and most sophisticated network which includes more than 200,000 servers across 130 countries. Our content delivery network (CDN) delivers the following benefits: Instant Scalability for Traffic Spikes A global network of more than 200,000 servers helps your site immediately scale resources to meet unexpected traffic peaks. 10017. Availability A self -healing and highly resilient platform with Site Failover powered by the Akamai CDN keeps your site available to the public - even if the primary data center servers go down. Faster Page Load Times Dynamic caching, TCP optimization, and HTTP/2 support combine with SureRoute technology to find the optimal network route to improve your site performance. Increased Security with SSL All govAccess websites configured with the CDN come standard with SSL protection to deliver secure content and help prevent data theft free of charge. (technical specifications available upon request) G GRAN ICUS 5 37o Of people abandon a site that takes more than three seconds to load. eL rAkamai CMS, Hosting, and Security - Continued IIntelligent Site Search Built for Government Website Name STATE NAME Filter Search DEPARTMENT Sal -All 0 Airport CDSG Boards Forestry Building GI5 Callahan Golf View r CONTENT TYPE SletMl Moe (250) News Q Events(220) Pages Documents Topics Forms View more r CONTAINS TAG Bend Park 11.71W outarzs..Rs --rte 7 too G GRAN ICUS Jobs Contact Vs Translate Search... Q Display images III Son By Department v Bond Park to Close Temporarily for Renovation Project Fred G, Bond Metro Park, at 310 acres, is one of the largest municipal parks in Wake Countytike an oasis In the midst of the town, the park design preserves the environment and offers opportunities for many types of recreation. EPhoto Albums Bond Park to Close Temporarily for Renovation Project RFPNO1325 1 5[art9.20 R-End9.29.19 Fred G, Bon d Metro Pa rk, at 310 acres, is one of the largest m un icipal parks in Wa ke Eau nty. Like an oasis in the midst of the tmvn, the park design preserves the environment and offers opportunities for many types of recreation. Included New Features ✓ Predictive Intelligence to Save Time - Autocomplete displays suggested results as visitors type a query to preview upcoming search results to eliminate duplicate attempts with different terms ✓ Knowledge Cards to Increase Usability - Search results associated with a specific content type are uniquely designed to enhance the user experience and delight the site visitor ✓ Smart Filters to Refine & Isolate Results - Faceted search allows site visitors can quickly locate content based on specific attributes like content type, meta data, or Boolean logic ✓ Real-time Indexing for Immediate Updates - Push all published content via API to the central search repository so visitors can instantly find up-to-date content regardless of time of day ✓ Synonyms to Increase Search Relevancy - Link similar terms together such as trash, waste, rubbish, and garbage to ensure site visitors find the d= content regardless of vernacular CMS, Hosting, and Security - Continued G GRAN I C U S Mobile Management for A Modern World Mobile responsive design is no longer a luxury; it is a Approximately 49% of requirement. traffic to a government the ability to download a 100% native mobile app - website comes from a With Granicus, you'll benefit from progressive mobile mobile device! transform your organization. (inquire for pricing) web design and a CMS solution that ensures your focus a parking ticket are more on creating a mobile -first experiences does not stop at often done from a mobile your launch date. Granicus govAccess delivers all the • necessary tools required for an increasingly mobile world. COUM 1 MENDOCINO • Responsive Design - Deliver responsive websites Ukiah 88' Port6ragg 58` across any device at any time out-of-the-box. This means it will look great on a desktop monitor, a � Q 0 0 tablet such as an Pad, or any number of mobile P[PPe[ryTk '°b, ub"" ^snub devices - small or large. B ® 0 0 • Analytics and Reports -Review data supplied by Google right on your personalized dashboard. Track ftrt Sem —1, De . AIOn gh ua..ee e.iw� � © ® MIIxW GI! O most visited mobile pages to better understand C."ted: V„[M.P Pe lsb Attr. & Evm[CeleMer where you can begin to start optimizing mobile Q ©4[e[nes content. O mn • Mobile Designer - Optimize content for site visitors 5-cP° visiting from a mobile device; reorder or hide specific Goae11-t content for complete control over the experience.. Community • App -like Mobile Homepages - Include an app -like ` experience in your project at no additional cost to you. Streamline the resident experience on mobile devices with our intuitive app -like mobile -specific Top tasks change by homepages. device type. More complex tasks like • Native Mobile Apps - Offer super tech savvy citizens applying for a building permit the ability to download a 100% native mobile app - are done on a desk top, no fake apps with HTML wrappers - to further whereas looking up quick info transform your organization. (inquire for pricing) about parks and rec or paying a parking ticket are more often done from a mobile device. CMS, Hosting, and Security - Continued Service Finder www.Amarillo.gov Geo Finder www.Wauwatosa.net nryW..: a G. 110— Pwd., kinks Video + Image Background www. WeHO.Ora G GRAN ICUS Digital Service Delivery for Every Audience Visitors to your website are most often looking to accomplish a specific task- paying a parking ticket or learning about important information. A Granicus website helps you inform, serve, and engage residents while personalizing content to meet the unique needs of your audience. • Service Finder -Stop fighting over homepage real estate. You can now organize all available services and streamline the experience for your residents. • Geo Finders - Associate content like trash pick-up days, polling locations, or elected officials with geo-spatial information such as a resident's home address. • Specialty Homepages - Swap the main homepage in seconds to an alternative homepage to address emergencies, election night, large events and more. • Form Transactions - Go paperless by offering 100% digital forms fully integrated with digital signatures and multiple payment gateways. • Form Library - Share best practice forms from more than 4,500 government clients ranging from small cities to larger Federal agencies. • Data Visualizations - Bring transparency to the forefront by showcasing demographic information or financial reports through animated banner displays. • Video + Image Background - Delight site visitors by showcasing your community with beautiful imagery and engaging videos; switch modes with ease. 9 CMS, Hosting, and Security - Continued � Serve Residents Beyond the Homepage Did you know that 65% of your website traffic lands directly on an interior page. This is why it is so important to consider the full customer journey. At Granicus, we deliver modern designs, intuitive tools and 3rd party integrations to help you achieve your organization's mission and achieve a bigger impact all from one comprehensive CMS. • 20+ Components - Enjoy our extensive library of flexible components such as News, Calendar, Image Library, Document Central and more. These components allow you to put a custom touch on any interior page. • 75+ Modules - Leverage the page designer and many dynamic modules with setting configurations to address unlimited use cases. • Mega Menu Designer - Organize static content for site visitors to easily locate pages or display dynamic content such as events and job postings. • Flexible Search - Promote pages, create search synonyms, categorize content, and integrate results across multiple products like Laserfiche and Granicus. • Department Branding -Standout from other departments and maintain your department identify to serve your unique audience. • 3rd Party and Pre -built Integrations - Extend your CMS with integrations like Siteimprove, PageFreezer, Facebook, Twitter, Google Analytics, and more. • Event Registration & Facility Reservation - Collect more revenue by managing online registrations and reservations with integrated online payments. G GRAN ICUS 6570 of your website traffic lands directly on an interior page. ®®MMM www.columbiacountyaa.gov Columbia County took a unique approach to interior pages creating guides like "Starting a Business" "When the time came to completely update and transform our website, it was refreshing to find a partner like Granicus that could innovate alongside us." Scott D. Johnson County Administrator Columbia County, GA CMS, Hosting, and Security - Continued G G R A N I C U S Better Connect the City of Monticello's Residents to Government Services Choice of various "Service Finders" include: ✓ Persona -driven - Organize services ✓ by common personas such as residents, visitors, or businesses to quickly deliver information to your community. ✓ Dynamic Filter - Organize services by department, category, or most frequency; support search functions ✓ as well. This option works great for larger organizations. ✓ Dynamic Filter w/Overlay - Ensure services are easily findable from any page. This style exists as part of your main navigation so services are never more than one -click away. "I Want to ..." - Organize services in plain language and guide your site visitors step-by-step through the relevant service discovery process. This option works great for smaller organizations with fewer online services. "I Want to ..." w/Overlay - Ensure services are easily findable from any page. This style exists as part of your main navigation so services are nevermore than one -click away. CMS, Hosting, and Security - Continued 607o of CMS users login less than twice per month. With Granicus govAccess, the casual user can easily update the website with fresh content and visuals, while the power user can monitor, manage, analyze and optimize the website over time. G GRAN ICUS Open Government in a Modern World Your site visitors come to the website with a task or mission in mind. In today's age, many people are seeking to better understand how an organization is performing or where money is spent. Turn the website into a self-service portal today. A few use cases to consider include; • Eliminate FOIA requests - Save money by showcasing things like revenue and operating budgets or other spending reports. • Promote economic growth - Share a preview of the community with demographic information, investment in new businesses or historical growth rates. • Highlight department success -Display how many potholes you filled or report on the number of incidents solved by public safety • Integrate 3rd party solutions - Embed data visuals from other existing systems such as Socrata, ClearGov, Junar, OpenGov and others. 32 CMS, Hosting, and Security - Continued UserWay Integration to Improve Accessibility L J Te. G GRAN ICUS u-W!MY Desaturation (seen above) - Site visitors coming to your site may have a visual impairment. Great government websites offer an easy way turn an entire page greyscale. Contrast View and Highlighted Links - Similar to saturation effects, other visitors will varying visual impairments which are influenced and corrected with multiple contrasting views. Built-in Screen Reader - The average reading level is 8'" grade. Other site visitors might not read at all. You can improve accessibility by including a default screen reader on your site. Legible Fonts - Stylistic designs may win awards, but they exclude some of the people you serve. Government sites are required to allow a way for automatically changing this font - style. Enlarged Cursor and Text - Increase the size of both the mouse cursor and text on the screen to make it easier to see content and possible actions on your site. 4 T- 0 ca � Aa Y£6i��1 f Odf 9 I[FAO YRek u-W!MY Desaturation (seen above) - Site visitors coming to your site may have a visual impairment. Great government websites offer an easy way turn an entire page greyscale. Contrast View and Highlighted Links - Similar to saturation effects, other visitors will varying visual impairments which are influenced and corrected with multiple contrasting views. Built-in Screen Reader - The average reading level is 8'" grade. Other site visitors might not read at all. You can improve accessibility by including a default screen reader on your site. Legible Fonts - Stylistic designs may win awards, but they exclude some of the people you serve. Government sites are required to allow a way for automatically changing this font - style. Enlarged Cursor and Text - Increase the size of both the mouse cursor and text on the screen to make it easier to see content and possible actions on your site. CMS, Hosting, and Security - Continued Optimize Your Interior Pages for Customers �. r Utitity Services MTURn w Voting r�f��n ���:mmc�nla�m,,:�o�ab��:rvu�:o.ai art stare repaee.�ta:�re�asxei:aswn poi:b�g:ccwi ry am ,v�•.se,miiy�e+ i 00 v More Information G(:; GRAN ICUS 6 5% of your website traffic lands directly on an INTERIOR page. What makes a great journey? Content strategy best practices state the following necessities 1. Logically grouped content 2. Clear call -to -actions 3. Mobile responsiveness 4. Applied Information architecture www.columbiacountyaa.gov "When the time came to completely update and transform our website, it was refreshing to find a partner like Granicus that could innovate alongside us." Scott D. Johnson County Administrator Columbia County, GA CMS, Hosting, and Security - Continued G GRAN I C U S Our design team will create custom landing pages for different use cases: • Department overview • Emergency information • Election night • Special events • And more These landing pages are 100% configurable, allowing CMS users to: • Swap images • Change settings • Choose # of buttons • Edit addresses • Manage social media links • And more Alternative Homepages in Time of Need Take emergency alerting one step further - emergency happen fast and banners are often overlooked. Content editors do not have time to write content - let alone design a usable page communicating key information. The govAccess eCMS allows you to prebuild landing pages. Once built a simple setting allows you to immediately change your homepage in a matter of seconds. The most common use case seen by Granicus include preparing for an emergency, but you can easily create similar pages for election night, large events such as a festival, or even swap it out each season. N 35 CMS, Hosting, and Security - Continued Gc; GRAN I C U S � Federal -grade Hosting & Security Within Budget Granicus serves some of the most secure agencies, such as the Department of Homeland Security, Fed RAMP Department of Defense, and Veterans Affairs, as well Federal Risk Authorization Management Program as cities, counties, and states. These agencies all share a #I priority - the security of citizen and government data. Y completed National Institute We have successful) several Standards and Technology Certifications and Accreditations (as seen right). Granicus is one of only a few government technology vendors authorized by FedRAMP. We are also one of a handful of elite organizations that are IS027001 certified, and have been O/IEC awarded the United Kingdom's G -Cloud IL2 (A�E27001 accreditation. ormation securitynagement Our data centers adhere to top certification requirements and assure that your data and citizen data is safe and kept private. • Encryption -At rest encryption of all data, always Security Scanning - Weekly automated scanning at the application, host, and network level by a EXAMPLE CLIENTS dedicated team of security experts • Physical Security - Facility protected by five concentric security rings and constant monitoring of common and restricted areas United StateST" • Archiving - High performant Cache and SSD Census storage for archiving of video and other large files Bureau • Virtualized Servers - Facilitates minimal downtime for application improvements and superior failover protection (technical specifications available upon request) GM S CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES Proposed Technology Feature List G GRAN ICU S Everything a Government CMS Requires to Succeed Granicus has served government clients for more than 20 years, developing our CMS to meet the unique needs of these agencies. Decentralized authorship across many different departments leads to ranges in skill levels and requirements around approvals. Our government CMS solution delivers everything you need and more. Embedded Training & Support Digital Asset Management • Quick links (button designer) • Image Library (centralized) • Inline (live) editing • Image rotation and cropping • Live chat support • Image Meta Tagging • LMS curriculum & help articles • Document Central (centralized) • Tool tips and instructional text • Document meta tagging • Video training materials • "In -Use" logic • WYSIWYG or HTML editing • Analytics and reporting • Wizard interfaces • Custom dashboards Administrative Management • Custom quick links • "My Favorite" pages • Approval Cycle and workflows • User account settings • Audit trail history • CAPTCHA security Webmaster Tools • Two -factor authentication • Centralized Subsite Management • Mega menu designer • Content permissions and security roles • Mobile editor (Mobile Designer) • Content Review • Custom Content • Content Scheduling • Custom Fields • Content Versioning (CMS Archives) • Google Analytics dashboard blocks • Emergency alert banner • Page layout designer • External Archives (via PageFreezer) • Extranet (Password protected content) Integrations • Awaiting Approval Reports • Expiring Content Reports • Active Directory LDAP* • "My Tasks" management • Active Directory Federation Services* • Page template controls • Granicus "Agenda Management" • Accessibility (WCAG 2.1 /ADA) tools • Granicus "Communications Cloud" • Import / export functionality Reports & Analytics • Laserfiche • Maps (multiple) • Administrative analytics • Open APIs and custom programming • Asset inventory report • PageFreezer • Broken link reporting • Payment Gateways (multiple) • Dashboard blocks • Siteimprove • Edited content reporting • Expiring & expired content reports (ask for other integration examples) • Global site analytics • Page performance analytics *May incur additional charges 38 Proposed Technology Feature List - Continued G GRAN ICU S Tools to Deliver a Superior Digital Customer Experience Citizen expectations are rising, and you are expected to do more with less. Our government CMS provides an easy-to-use system with all the functionality necessary to better inform, serve, engage, and personalize the experience for your community. Information -based • Calendar Event & Registrations • Business (Resources) Directory • Facility directory & reservations • Frequently asked questions (FAQs) • Meetings management • News stories • Photo gallery (albums) • Site search (Granicus Search) • Site search (Google CSE) • Site search (Cludo) • Site search (Swiftype) • Staff directory Service-oriented • Digital signatures (legally binding)* • Form builder • Form calculations • Form conditional logic (If -this -then -that) • Form email notifications • Form finder • Form template library • Form security settings • Online payments • RFP, RFQ, Bid management • Service requests (CRM / 31 1) • Service directory • Service finder* Engagement -related • Activity registration • Audio & Video Embed • Blogging* • Community topics* • Email campaigns • Event Registration • Emergency alert banner • eNotifications • Facility Reservations • Job post and application manager • Linkedln, Nextdoor, and Instagram • Online Polls • RSS feeds • SMS (500 subscribers) • Surveys • Social media share links • Social media management • Streaming Video • YouTube or Vimeo channels Personalization • Resident dashboard (My Dashboard) • Email and SMS subscriptions • Email and SMS digests • Geo Finder* • Service request alerts • Specialty homepages Expecting something else? Chances are we have it. (reach out with questions) *May incur additional charges 39 G-RANICUS Section 5 Project Experience G GRAN ICUS City of Dana Point, CA Population: 34,000 Launch: 2016 URL: www.danapoint.org IDana Point is home to over 33,000 residents. The new site features: The city is also a popular surfing destination, 0 A rotating homepage collage accessible via the State Route 1. To serve with photos and informational residents, businesses and visitors, the city overlays across each image knew it had to develop a one -stop -shop to 0 Homepage buttons that direct help guide users to discover the city, find users to the most popular online important community information, and services and tasks navigate dining options, lodging and 0 An "I Want To..." menu to make it upcoming events. even easier to find city information and services III Project Experience - Continued City of Wauwatosa, WI Population: 46,000 Launch: 2018 www.wauwatosa.net City of Sioux City, IA Population: 82,000 Launch:2017 www.sioux-city.org Gc; GRAN ICUS The City of Wauwatosa wanted to create a one-stop portal for its residents and businesses. Partnered with Granicus, the city went through an extensive user experience (UX) process to identify features and tasks the community looked for the most. The new site features: Service-oriented navigation to make it easier for citizens to find popular information and services myWauwatosa portal to help residents find information personalized to their home address such as garbage collection dates, polling locations and more A service request portal to allow customers to submit service inquiries As a hub for business, tourism and residents, The City of Sioux revamped its website to better serve its diverse community. The new site features: Intuitive homepage navigation that links to frequently visited pages, including online bill payments, job openings, and license and permit applications Elegant news and calendar widgets to notify users of planned city projects and events An "I Want To..." menu that allows users to access the most popular city services City of Ames, IA Population: 62,000 Launch:2015 www.cityofames.org �arrmes Carver County, MN rupuiUiion:96,000 Launch:2016 https://www.co.carver.mn.us/ CARVER COUNTY ovv WNPMM MPK --k- a � Rrnes G GRAN ICUS The City of Ames is a progressive Midwestern community that strives to keep pace with ever evolving technology. Its initial website with Granicus launched in early 2011, ushering in new functionality that enabled the city's staff to manage the site's information. In 2015, the City undertook a redesign, seeking to unify the digital brands of the city, Chamber of Commerce and Convention and Visitors Bureau. The new site features: ©O®G A clean and stunning homepage design with images from around the community • Colorful buttons to draw the visitors eye to the popular services • Powerful search to make it easy for users to find the information they seek As a growing county near the Twin Cities in Minnesota, Carver County sought to redesign its website in order to provide a more intuitive experience for residents looking to conduct business with the county online. Through an extensive user experience analysis, they uncovered key needs of their community that ultimately informed the site's navigation, design and homepage links. The new site features: A more professional tone with the navy blue and white color palette A homepage collage and spotlight text that allows the county to feature the latest news and events Mobile responsive design that has an app -like look and feel for an enhanced user experience --- -CARVER COUNTY W� M CARVFROULIN PLAROG T. OA E • • As a growing county near the Twin Cities in Minnesota, Carver County sought to redesign its website in order to provide a more intuitive experience for residents looking to conduct business with the county online. Through an extensive user experience analysis, they uncovered key needs of their community that ultimately informed the site's navigation, design and homepage links. The new site features: A more professional tone with the navy blue and white color palette A homepage collage and spotlight text that allows the county to feature the latest news and events Mobile responsive design that has an app -like look and feel for an enhanced user experience ov ervi-Ce G GRAN ICUS Simplify Service Delivery Online Citizen Self -Service Solutions & Operations Autornation The Challenge - --- Service delivery is a care function across oil €evels of government -- from filling potholes to distributing critical benefits. But, far those requesting and fulfilling these services, the process is demanding. For government, the back -end w procedures for completing a request are often tedious and costly. For citizens, getting through the €abyrinth of incorsistent, paper-based workflows is frustrating (and often requires assistonce). At bast, the experience chips away at a J citizen's positive attitude toward their government_ At worst, government directs time and money Coward unnecessary STREAMLINE SERVICES. manual processes. 80% Fewer What If You Could... Walk -Ins after switching to onlif►e &ervices_ . Make it easier for citizens to pay billsr apply for jabs, pay parking tickets, and more' iL We w -anted to replace Make if easier for staff to handle, track, and deliver our CRM and forms inbound service requests? solution. GraniCuS V Elevate productivity by nearly eliminating the need for was the looder w4h it --person visits? the right sa€ution and price_ The product is easy. The company is helpful. The best part of gov ervice9 Flexibility — there are so marry different things we can do with it. ' - Huw AR Dewe, Digital Projects Office, Wrexham . Shrink costs of service delivery by strecimlining internal operations? Reinvent Citizen -to -Government Interaction lith govervice With govService, smart governments are transforming customer service. They're de€ivering art intuitive online citizen self-service experience while automating back-office operations to simplify workflow meanagemenl of inbound requests_ Advanced APIs can connect to existing sysfamsr seamlessly empowering government organizations to modernize service delivery. At the same time, citizens get the digitoI accessibility trey want — on'in er on any device, on Iheir awn time_ 44 With gavService You Can... Modernize to digital service delivery easily by connecting existing technology to ready mads integrations. Streamline customer service by letting citizens complete common tasks online and an their own time_ Spend less time managing inbound requests with customizable uvork#lows that support multiple departments and offices. V Keep staff and citizens inf*rmed of status — start to finish — through automatically tracked transactions. 69 With our previous vendor, we had only 10,400 online self-service accounts. But with Granicus, we're seeing a dramatic increase — adding over 500 more a month. It's now much easier for citizens to transact - Huw Ap Devi. Digrtol Protects Offi re. WF-exh om GET INSPIRED See more cusro-mer successes G GRAN ICUS Time -Saving Integrations Take advantage of these ready-made digital services. from govService. Each comes fully supported with uvorkflow solutions that facilitate collaboration among departments, teams, and front and back offices_ Below, a list of mast -papular services_ Bookings ! Appointments . Book an Appointment Code Enforcement and Permits . DriveawcyPermit Application Plumbing Permit Appli-cation Public Flight -of -Way Permit Applicat ion • HVAC Permit Application Propany or Building Complaint . Sewer Permit Application Pet License and Registration Picnic Area Reservation . Spacial Event Plarmit + Yard Sale Permit . Short -tarn, Rental (STP) + Fishing Permit Application Apply for a Construction Permit Bulky Item Pick Up Park Vendor Permit FOIA Req u est Trac k i ng and Management Business Licensing . Business License Application Make a Payment - Parking tickets Public Records Birth and Deati3 Certificate Requesi Change of Address . C onto ct the 0 ffice of th e City Cleric Report It! Report an Issue . 311 RequestTrac kin9 and ManagomenI Business Licerssa Tax Cerhificote + Utility tills Public f Court Records Request • Morring-e License Applicar;-on • Tax Return Request • Formal Personnel Compliant . Discrimination Claim 45 G GRAN ICUS goviDelivery Engage Citizens, Drive Acton Email., Social 8t Text Messaging Solutions I,t k - - INCREASE ENGAGEMENT; The Challenge These days, updating a webpage isn't enough_ To achieve your goals [is a government communicator, you have to engage with citizens everywhere you can: in email in boxes, on mobile devices, through social media_ Def=ining a communication strategy thal hits she mast relevan4 audience, managing the volume of messages required across your organization, and ensuring you have the right approvals and security can be a challenge_ What If You Could... Improve citizen engagement by sending the right 500% message, at the righl time, via the right ch❑nneP moreapublic enga gemeot when • Grow youraudience by 250%, on average, by using multiple digiral channats_ letting ci,izens opt -in to all the information that matters to them? 99 Investing in Granicus was a game changer. Now, we connect with people In need and as a result see at least a 4x return on our investment! - Sean Bennett, Dprector of Marketing & Outreooh, Mokimg Ha me Affordable V Ensure your messages are received while complying with security regulations and policies? vO Spend less an markefing $ lighten your workJoad by managing all digital communications through one mobile-friendfy platform? Secure Better Engagement With govDel very The govDelivery so I ur ion is the first FedRAMP-outharized digital engagement platform for email, social and text communications. It's easy to use, more affordable than traditional advertising, and trusted by every f=ederal Agency_ IrF fool, 500 state deporfments and thousands of local communities use govDelivery to reach, engage, and serve constituents. Plus, it pro mates your organization through a nef work of over 2OOM citizens who are interested in related government content_ 112 GOYDELIVERY FEWURE5 Obtain Subscribers Fx Drive Interest in Your Mission Sig-nup 13ox • Text-ta-Subscribe . Website Overlay . Ouick Subscrit Pages . Granlcus Subscriber Network Engage lk Drive Action . Personalized Srnails Text Messaging Social Posts . Branded Mobile r6andly Templates . Oyournic SGgmentation Scheduled Campaigns Continually Improve A16 Testing Pabust Re parting 8 APIs . Link Tracking Parameters GET IN -SPIKED See more customer successe=_ G GRAN ICUS With govDefiveryYou cin... V Write ante, publish everywhere — post email, social media, and text messages with the click of a button - Instantly drive more relevant subscriptions through the Granicus Subscriber Nelwork of over 200M citizens subscribed to receive the messages they want mcst- Protect citizen data by using the first cloud communication platform authorized by fed RAMP (also o Do Trusted Sender)_ V Optimize your messages with reports that tell you what works and support from our team of digital communication experts. Customer Success MICHIGAN The Michigan Summer Food Service "'T'�Edu��ii Program wanted to boost the number of kids receiving free, nutrilious means. With +govDelivery plus G ranicus digital engagernent specialists, they compelled ciPizens to join their important cause. 500K 2.8M 30% more a ma it Message me-oIs served massages s-ent -open rate ii The Michigan Surnmer Food Service program saw a direct correlation between areos targeted with communication and -on increase in the number of meals served" - Michigan Summer food Service Program~ IVA Peak For easy agenda management - from prep to publish DID YOU KNOW SO -7S% of staff time is wasted creating agendas and minutes manually? The Peak Advantage • Industry-leading customer support • -Sleek and intuitive design Unparall-eled accessibility Innovative collaboration and comm,inication toots Seamless integrations with Boards and Commissions, Video, Meet -Ing Efficiency, Vote Cast, govDelivery1 and more. G GRAN ICUS Streamline Your Meeting Process with Peak IrliuiIive and flexible cloud -based agenda rrianogemenr 5,offvwn re for sma II to medi Li m gave mmen ts, Pea k helps c ler s recover valuable time and costs while gaining control of the agenda and meeting process. It's why clerks across the country put Peok ai their fingertips_ f hat If You Could... Get hours back in your day iv focus on important initiafives by streamlining the agenda and meeting process? Reduce wasteful printing and paper coats by digitizing agenda preparation and distribution? % Ensure regulator} compliance wish ADA -friendly meeling materials and adherence io sunshine lows? Reduce time spent fielding public info requests by making information easily accessible to cilizags? GC It's so much easier and less time- consuming to create an agenda with Peak. The software has made the job easier — more fluid. The logistical improvements are fantastic - Shane Crepe, Borough Manager. Borough of Emmaus, Penn. 0] goWeetings G GRAN ICUS Vii#h Peak You Can... Simplify the agonda creation process Generate aasigf;ed agendas and minutas Jacurrn nts in seconds with ❑ built-in template system. . Roure items through a sequential ar concurrent approval proc-2ss. • Notify assigned users when new items are reodyfor th$ir review. • Create unique item farms for each of your item types — fasolutions. contracts, ordinances and more. • Publish agendas and minutes to your website ;n ane click. Move from paperr to digital with iLeg islate • Easily transition board members to digital agendas with the straightforward iLegislete app. • Take notes, bookmark, and mark-up documents — each board member has their own version. • Be well-prepared for meetings with research tools and access t -r, recordings of past meeting_ • Save thousands of dollars off paper and printing casts eo{h month. Optimize accessibility and transparency • Automate publishing to an online searchable w -2b portal. • Generate and publish ADA -friendly agendas and minutes fof Public consumption. • Enable social media sharing for increos-26 oworen4�ss. • Send subscriber notifications to improve engagement. Buser Clerks Choose Peak Project Experience - Continued References St Louis Park, MN Andrea Wood Website Coordinator (952) 924-2628 awood@stlouispark.org Mankato, MN Amy Holst Communications & Development (507) 387-8539 aholst@mankatomn.gov Carver County, MN Chad Riley Information Technology 952-361-1937 criley@co.carver.mn.us G GRAN ICUS C G-RANICUS 1 I G GRAN ICUS Qualifications of Key Personnel An essential component of Granicus' qualification for this project is our team. Granicus enjoys the contributions of long-term, dedicated staff who guide the development of each and every project. Their expertise will ensure the success of the website development. Trevor Wolter, Project Implementation Manager Trevor's technical expertise coupled with extensive experience as a project manager enables him to guide the development of each website Granicus produces. He oversees our staff of project managers and implementation processes, creates necessary documentation and provides support to your Project Manager during the development. Year of Experience: 1 1 Joined Granicus Team: 2005 Reference Projects: • Weston, FL (www.westonfl.ora/) • Colleyville, TX (www.colleyville.com/) • Tempe, AZ (www.tempe.gov//) Uriz Goldman, User Experience (UX) Manager Since joining Granicus in 2005, Uriz has guided the development of hundreds of local government websites. As a Certified User Experience Consultant, he is passionate about creating more intuitive customer experiences for our clients and will oversee the comprehensive User Experience Analysis for your website. Years of Experience: 18 Joined Granicus Team: 2005 Education: • Bachelor of Science, Management Information Systems • NN/g UX Certified Reference Projects: • Sandy, UT (www.sandy.utah.gov) • Augusta County, VA (www.co.augusta.va.us) • Wilmington, NC (www.wilmingtonnc.gov) 52 Qualifications of Key Personnel - Continued Taleah Codrington, Visual Designer G GRAN ICUS Taleah Codrington is a multi -disciplinary designer & UX design manager for govAccess. She has over 13 years of experience in visual design, product design, and brand identity. Within the last 4 years, Taleah's focus has shifted to include research and user experience to improve web accessibility and site usability. As a superior verbal and written communicator, she's successfully built & sustained superb client relationships from design inception to design approval. This two- time Pinnacle award winner & Member's Choice winner has a phenomenal track record of developing projects with intent, identifying problems and providing stellar solutions. Years of Experience: 13 Joined Granicus Team: 2016 Education: • Bachelor of Arts, Media Arts and Animation Reference Projects: • West Hollywood, CA (https://www.weho.org/) • La Quinta, CA (https://www.laquintaca.gov/ and https://econdev.laguintaca.gov/home-econdev) • Suwanee, GA (https://www.suwanee.com/) • EI Segundo, CA(https://www.elsegundobusiness.com/) Brian Pope, Technical Trainer Brian is an experienced educator who leads technical training on our content management system. He will equip you to get the most out of Granicus govAccess, both through the initial training included in your project and on-going live training webinars. Years of Experience: 7 Joined Granicus Team: 2016 Education: • Bachelor of Arts, Education and Spanish Casey Golubieski, Client Success Manager Casey has built her career as an ardent client servant. She manages a team of Customer Success Consultants who thrive on deepening our customers' adoption. Her team will work with you once your website launches to ensure you're getting the most out of your relationship with Granicus, by monitoring the site's performance, consulting with you about new features and services and providing feedback on the health of your site during your Strategic Reviews. Years of Experience: 17 Joined Granicus Team: 2014 53 Qualifications of Key Personnel - Continued Your Role G GRAN ICUS The best outcomes come with collaboration - after all, no one knows your community like you do! While we will do as much of the heavy lifting as possible, to drive the optimal level of collaboration, we will need a few things from you along the way including: • Identify web team • Complete stakeholder survey - this helps us understand your goals, expectations, audience needs, etc. • Provide access to Google analytics • Sign -off on wireframe • Share any existing brand guidelines • Gather any photos + logos + video to be used in your website design • Sign -off on mood board + design comps + style guide • Supply list of all 3rd party apps used with website • Sign -off on site map • Collaborate with your PM to map current pages to new site map / identify redirects • Team attends writing for the web / accessibility training • Edit existing content / create content for new pages (we offer additional content writing + editing services) • Team attends CMS training • Conduct User Acceptance Testing (UAT) • Create marketing plan for website launch - we offer an optional website launch promo service if interested • Final sign -off prior to go live • Setup metrics dashboard and measure results - top pages, traffic sources, etc. - optimize overtime • Keep your content fresh • Reach out to our support team with questions anytime • Meet with your Vision success manager for a formal annual health check Qualifications of Key Personnel - Continued G GRAN I C U S Identifying Your Website Team While the Granicus team will guide the process, we will depend on the dedication of staff and resources by the City to achieve the best result. Based on our experience, we recommend assigning staff into the following roles: Project Manager X— You should assign a dedicated project manager, who will serve as the �� • main point of contact to interface with Granicus throughout the d— development of your website. This person will work closely with your Granicus project manager at each stage should be empowered to make final decisions on behalf of the City. Core Project Team (3-5 people) To help guide decisions, you should form a core project team. This group • i • will work closely with your designated Project Manager in helping to gather input from your staff and guiding key decisions through the course of the project. Commonly this team includes staff from the following departments: • Communications • Administration • IT Steering Committee (varies) To help build buy -in across your organization, we recommend forming a steering committee. This larger team should include representatives from eN across all of your departments. They will be included in larger surveys and potentially provide input at key decision points. Gathering this group early helps engage the organization in the development, gaining buy -in for the project and providing alignment for decisions. Above and Beyond "The Granicus Team went above and beyond. They were as invested in the website as we were, and we truly appreciated that!" OF S4 W\ 9m Anthony Wilson V, o City of San Angelo, TX Granicus Proposal for Monticello MN Name: Kathryn Rivard Phone: Email: kathryn.rivard@granicus.com Quote Number: Q-118010 Prepared On: 9/23/2020 Valid Through: 11/22/2020 Payment Terms: Net 30 (Payments for subscriptions are due at the beginning of the period of performance.) Currency: USD Period of Performance: The term of the Agreement will commence on the date this document is signed and will continue for 60 months. govAccess - Website Design and Implementation - Innovator govDelivery for Integrations Set Up and Config Billing Frequency Milestones - 40/ 20/20/20 Up Front Billing Frequency Quantity/Unit 1 Each 1 Each SUBTOTAL: Quantity/Unit $15,300.00 $0.00 $15,300.00 $0.00 govAccess Essentials Annual 1 Each first year free SUBTOTAL: $0.00 Solution(s) Year 2 �= Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 govAccess Essentials $4,500.00 $4,725.00 $4,961.25 $5,209.31 SUBTOTAL: $4,500.00 $4,725.00 $4,961.25 $5,209.31 govAccess Essentials govAccess Essentials is a Software -as -a -Service (SaaS) solution designed to equip the client with the technology, expertise and training to keep the client's website relevant and effective over time. Services include the following: • Ongoing software updates • Unlimited technical support (6:00 AM - 6:00 PM PT, Monday - Friday) • Ability to send email notifications when publishing site updates, News, Calendar Events, RFP bids, or job postings; powered bygovDelivery • Access to training webinars and on -demand video support library • Access to best practice webinars and resources • Annual strategic reviews with the Granicus team, including research -based recommendations for website optimization • DDoS mitigation • Disaster recovery with 90 -minute failover (RTO) and 15 -minute data replication (RPO) govAccess - Website govAccess Website Design and Implementation - Innovator provides a citizen focused website Design and and includes: Implementation - UX consultation, which may include one (1) or more of the following: Innovator One (1) site analytics report • One (1) heatmap analysis • One (1) internal stakeholder survey • Modular homepage wireframe based on predefined building blocks • Fully responsive design • Custom mobile homepage or standard mobile responsive homepage • Video background or standard rotating limage carousel (switchable at any time) • One (1) customer experience feature - Choose from Granicus' library that includes service finder or data visualization banner • Programming/CMS implementation • Migrate up to 200 webpages • Up to five (5) forms converted into the new CMS • One (1) day of web -based training • Link to Terms: https://granicus.com/pdfs/Master_ Subscription_Agreement.pdf • This quote is exclusive of applicable state, local, and federal taxes, which, if any, will be included in the invoice. It is the responsibility of Monticello MN to provide applicable exemption certificate(s). • Any lapse in payment may result in suspension of service and will require the payment of a setup fee to reinstate the subscription. • If submitting a Purchase Order, please include the following language: All pricing, terms and conditions of quote Q-118010 dated 9/23/2020 are incorporated into this Purchase Order by reference. • Billing Frequency Notes (Milestones - 40/20/20/20): • An initial payment equal to 40% of the total; • A payment equal to 20% of the total upon Granicus' delivery of the draft homepage design concepts to the Client; • A payment equal to 20% of the total upon implementation of the main website into the VCMS on a Granicus-hosted development server; and • A payment equal to 20% of the total upon completion; provided, however that the Client has completed training. If the Client has not completed training, then Granicus shall invoice the Client at the earlier of: completion of training or 21 days after completion. • Granicus certifies that it will not sell, retain, use, or disclose any personal information provided by Client for any purpose other than the specific purpose of performing the services outlined within this Agreement. • The initial subscription term includes all the subscription years noted in quote Q-118010 dated 9/23/2020 and must be awarded to receive the first year free promotion. The Agreement and subscription term begins upon date of document signature or award. • Granicus Communications Suite Subscriber Information. • Data provided by the Client and contact information gathered through the Client's own web properties or activities will remain the property of the Client ("Direct Subscriber"), including any and all personally identifiable information (PII). Granicus will not release the data without the express written permission of the Client, unless required by law. • Granicus shall: (i) not disclose the Client's data except to any third parties as necessary to operate the Granicus Products and Services (provided that the Client hereby grants to Granicus a perpetual, non- cancelable, worldwide, non-exclusive license to utilize any data, on an anonymous or aggregate basis only, that arises from the use of the Granicus Products by the Client, whether disclosed on, subsequent to, or prior to the Effective Date, to improve the functionality of the Granicus Products and any other legitimate business purpose, including the right to sublicense such data to third parties, subject to all legal restrictions regarding the use and disclosure of such information). • Data obtained through the Granicus Advanced Network. • Granicus offers a SaaS product, known as the Communications Cloud, that offers Direct Subscribers recommendations to subscribe to other Granicus Client's digital communication (the "Advanced Network"). When a Direct Subscriber signs up through one of the recommendations of the Advanced Network, that subscriber is a "Network Subscriber" to the agency it subscribed to through the Advanced Network. • Network Subscribers are available for use while the Client is under an active subscription with Granicus. Network Subscribers will not transfer to the Client upon termination of any Granicus Order, SOW, or Exhibit. The Client shall not use or transfer any of the Network Subscribers after termination of its Order, SOW, or Exhibit placed under this agreement. All information related to Network Subscribers must be destroyed by the Client within 15 calendar days of the Order, SOW, or Exhibit placed under this agreement terminating. • Opt -In. During the last 10 calendar days of the Client's subscription, the Client may send an opt -in email to Network Subscribers that shall include an explanation of the Client's relationship with Granicus terminating and that the Network Subscribers may visit the Client's website to subscribe to further updates from the Client in the future. Any Network Subscriber that does not opt -in will not be transferred with the subscriber list provided to the Client upon termination. By signing this document, the undersigned certifies they have authority to enter the agreement. The undersigned also understands the services and terms. Billing Information Name: Phone: Email: Address: Monticello MN Signature: Name: Title: Date: Granicus Proposal for Monticello MN Name: Brian Szymanski Phone: 612-296-6308 Email: brian.szymanski@granicus.com Quote Number: Q-117905 Prepared On: 9/23/2020 Valid Through: 11/22/2020 Tier: Up to 5000 Subscribers Payment Terms: Net 30 (Payments for subscriptions are due at the beginning of the period of performance.) Currency: USD Period of Performance: The term of the Agreement will commence on the date this document is signed and will continue for 36 months. The subscription includes the following domain(s) and subdomain(s): 1 Billing Solution Quantity/Unit One -Time Fee Frequency Communications Cloud - Setup and Configuration Up Front 1 Each $2,400.00 Communications Cloud - Online Training Up Front 1 Each $500.00 Meeting Efficiency - Setup & Configuration (Standard) Up Front 1 Each $900.00 Minutes - Online Training Upon Delivery 6 Hours $1,350.00 Government Transparency - Setup & Configuration Up Front 1 Each $0.00 Granicus Encoding Appliance Hardware - SDI (AMAX) (GT) Upon Delivery 1 Each $3,500.00 Granicus Video - Online Training Upon Delivery 6 Hours $0.00 Peak - Setup & Configuration Up Front 1 Each $0.00 SUBTOTAL: $9,650.00 Solution(s) Communications Cloud Meeting Efficiency Suite SUBTOTAL: SUBTOTAL: $18,552.00 $6,420.00 $6,869.40 $0.00 $0.00 $19,850.64 $21,240.18 Billing Solution Quantity/Unit One -Time Fee Frequency Peak - Online Training Upon Delivery 8 Hours $0.00 Open Platform - Setup and Configuration Up Front 1 Hours $0.00 Granicus Encoding Appliance Hardware - Setup & Config Upon Delivery 1 Each $875.00 US Shipping Charge C - Large Item Upon Delivery 1 Each $125.00 Open Platform - Setup and Configuration Up Front 1 Hours $0.00 Send Agenda (Peak) Set up and Config Up Front 1 Each $0.00 govDelivery for Integrations Set Up and Config Up Front 1 Each $0.00 Annual Fees for New Subscriptions SUBTOTAL: $9,650.00 BillingQuantity/Unit Solution Annual Fee Frequency Communications Cloud Annual 1 Each $6,000.00 Meeting Efficiency Suite Annual 1 Each $0.00 Government Transparency Suite Annual 1 Each $3,852.00 Peak Agenda Management Annual 1 Each $7,500.00 Open Platform Suite Annual 1 Each $0.00 Open Platform Suite Annual 1 Each $0.00 Send Agenda (Peak) Annual 1 Each $0.00 Granicus Encoding Appliance Software (GT) Annual 1 Each $1,200.00 govDel ivery for Integrations Annual 1 Each $0.00 Solution(s) Communications Cloud Meeting Efficiency Suite SUBTOTAL: SUBTOTAL: $18,552.00 $6,420.00 $6,869.40 $0.00 $0.00 $19,850.64 $21,240.18 Solution(s) Year 2 Year 3 Government Transparency Suite $4,121.64 $4,410.15 Peak Agenda Management $8,025.00 $8,586.75 Open Platform Suite $0.00 $0.00 Open Platform Suite $0.00 $0.00 Send Agenda (Peak) $0.00 $0.00 Granicus Encoding Appliance Software $1,284.00 $1,373.88 (GT) govDel ivery for Integrations $0.00 $0.00 SUBTOTAL: $19,850.64 $21,240.18 Product Name Description Communications The Cloud is a Software -as -a -Service (SaaS) solution that enables government organizations to Cloud connect with more people. By leveraging the Cloud, the client will be able to utilize a number of different outreach mediums, including email, SMS/text messages, RSS feeds, and social media integration to connect with its target audiences. The Cloud includes: • Unlimited email sends with industry-leading delivery and management of all bounces • Support to upload and migrate existing email lists • Access to participate in the GovDelivery Network • Ability to send mass notifications to multiple devices • 24/7 system monitoring, email and phone support during business hours, auto - response to inbound messages from end users, and emergency support • Text -to -subscribe functionality • Up to 2 Web -hosted training sessions annually • Up to 50 administrators • Up to 1 GovDelivery account(s) • Access to a complete archive of all data created by the client for 18 months (rolling) • Up to 3 hours of message template and integration development • Up to 100 subscription topics • Up to 100,000 SMS/text messages per year from a shared short code within the United States* *International numbers are not supported. SMS/text messages not used in the period of performance will not carry over to the following year. Name Description Meeting Efficiency Meeting Efficiency is a hybrid Software -as -a -Service (SaaS) and Hardware -as -a -Service (HaaS) Suite solution that enables government organizations to simplify the in -meeting management and post -meeting minutes creation processes of the clerk's office. By leveraging this solution, the client will be able to streamline meeting data capture and minutes production, reducing staff efforts and decreasing time to get minutes published. During a meeting, use LiveManager to record roll calls, motions, votes, notes, and speakers, all indexed with video. Use the index points to quickly edit minutes, templates to format in Microsoft Word, and publish online with the click of a button. Meeting Efficiency includes: • Unlimited user accounts • Unlimited meeting bodies • Unlimited storage of minutes documents • Access to the LiveManager software application for recording information during meetings • Access to the Word Add-in software component for minutes formatting in MS Word if desired • Up to one (1) MS Word minutes template (additional templates can be purchased if needed) Government Government Transparency are the live in -meeting functions. Streaming of an event, pushing of Transparency Suite documents, and indexing of events. Peak Agenda Peak Agenda Management is a Software -as -a -Service (SaaS) solution that enables government Management organizations to simplify the agenda management and minutes recording process of the clerk's office. Peak Agenda Management allows clerks to streamline the way they compile and produce agendas and record minutes for public meetings and includes: • Unlimited user accounts • Unlimited meeting bodies and meeting types • Access to up to one (1) Peak Agenda Management site Name Description Communications The Cloud is a Software -as -a -Service (SaaS) solution that enables government organizations to Cloud - Setup and connect with more people. By leveraging the Cloud, the client will be able to utilize a number of Configuration different outreach mediums, including email, SMS/text messages, RSS feeds, and social media integration to connect with its target audiences. The Cloud setup and configuration includes: • The implementation consultant will be assigned to Recipient during the setup process for up to 90 days • Unlimited access to Web -based recorded trainings and online help for administrations on the following topics: standard Messaging, the GovDelivery Network, Automation, Mobile and Analytics • Up to 2 Web -hosted training sessions that must be used within 180 days of Kickoff • Up to 5 hours of message template and integration development that must be used within 90 days of Kickoff Communications Provides a balance of Product knowledge and industry best practices to a specific audience. Cloud - Online Sessions are delivered by product experts via videoconferencing technology. Training Meeting Efficiency - Setup and Configuration for Meeting Efficiency Suite includes implementation of: Setup & Up to one (1) client Installation of Minutes Maker (compatible client hardware required Configuration for software) (Standard) Up to one (1) Minutes report Minutes - Online online training for Minutes, which allows clients to have online sessions with a Granicus trainer Training to show clerks how to take minutes during a meeting and how to edit and publish them after a meeting. Open Platform Suite Open Platform is access to Media Manager, upload of archives, ability to post agendas/ documents, and index of archives. These are able to be published and accessible through a searchable viewpage. Government Setup and Configuration for Government Transparency Suite includes implementation of: Transparency - Setup Up to one (1) View Page and Player template & Configuration Up to one (1) Live Manager configuration Granicus Encoding AMAX Encoder with Osprey SDI Card. Used to pass commands and data from LiveManager that Appliance Hardware - include Start/Stop of webcast, indexing, and document display. Also serves to distribute video SDI (AMAX) (GT) and captions to be distributed to the CDN or Performance Accelerator. Granicus Video - Granicus Video - Online Training Online Training Open Platform Suite Open Platform is access to Media Manager, upload of archives, ability to post agendas/ documents, and index of archives. These are able to be published and accessible through a searchable viewpage. Name Description Peak - Setup & Setup and Configuration for Peak Agenda Management includes implementation of: Configuration Up to one (1) meeting body's Standard Agenda, Cover Page and Minutes report template • Up to one (1) public view page portal Peak - Online Peak Agenda Management - Online Training is for online training for Peak Agenda Training Management, which allows clients to have online sessions with a Granicus trainer to learn how to use the system. Open Platform - Setup and configuration for Open Platform Setup and Configuration Granicus Encoding Granicus Encoding Appliance Software (GT) This includes the LiveManager Software solution Appliance Software where webcasts are started/stopped, agendas amended and indexed, votes and attendance (GT) recorded, and minutes created. Granicus Encoding Remote configuration and deployment of an encoding appliance. Appliance Hardware - Setup & Config US Shipping Charge C US shipping of a large item - Large Item Open Platform - Setup and configuration for Open Platform Setup and Configuration • Link to Terms: https://granicus.com/pdfs/Master_ Subscription_Agreement.pdf • This quote is exclusive of applicable state, local, and federal taxes, which, if any, will be included in the invoice. It is the responsibility of Monticello MN to provide applicable exemption certificate(s). • Any lapse in payment may result in suspension of service and will require the payment of a setup fee to reinstate the subscription. • If submitting a Purchase Order, please include the following language: All pricing, terms and conditions of quote Q-117905 dated 9/23/2020 are incorporated into this Purchase Order by reference. • Granicus will provide a three (3) year warranty with respect to required hardware. Within the three (3) year warranty period, Granicus shall repair or replace any required hardware provided directly from Granicus that fails to function properly due to normal wear and tear, defective workmanship, or defective materials. • Granicus certifies that it will not sell, retain, use, or disclose any personal information provided by Client for any purpose other than the specific purpose of performing the services outlined within this Agreement. • Granicus Communications Suite Subscriber Information. • Data provided by the Client and contact information gathered through the Client's own web properties or activities will remain the property of the Client ("Direct Subscriber"), including any and all personally identifiable information (PII). Granicus will not release the data without the express written permission of the Client, unless required by law. • Granicus shall: (i) not disclose the Client's data except to any third parties as necessary to operate the Granicus Products and Services (provided that the Client hereby grants to Granicus a perpetual, non- cancelable, worldwide, non-exclusive license to utilize any data, on an anonymous or aggregate basis only, that arises from the use of the Granicus Products by the Client, whether disclosed on, subsequent to, or prior to the Effective Date, to improve the functionality of the Granicus Products and any other legitimate business purpose, including the right to sublicense such data to third parties, subject to all legal restrictions regarding the use and disclosure of such information). • Data obtained through the Granicus Advanced Network. • Granicus offers a SaaS product, known as the Communications Cloud, that offers Direct Subscribers recommendations to subscribe to other Granicus Client's digital communication (the "Advanced Network"). When a Direct Subscriber signs up through one of the recommendations of the Advanced Network, that subscriber is a "Network Subscriber" to the agency it subscribed to through the Advanced Network. • Network Subscribers are available for use while the Client is under an active subscription with Granicus. Network Subscribers will not transfer to the Client upon termination of any Granicus Order, SOW, or Exhibit. The Client shall not use or transfer any of the Network Subscribers after termination of its Order, SOW, or Exhibit placed under this agreement. All information related to Network Subscribers must be destroyed by the Client within 15 calendar days of the Order, SOW, or Exhibit placed under this agreement terminating. • Opt -In. During the last 10 calendar days of the Client's subscription, the Client may send an opt -in email to Network Subscribers that shall include an explanation of the Client's relationship with Granicus terminating and that the Network Subscribers may visit the Client's website to subscribe to further updates from the Client in the future. Any Network Subscriber that does not opt -in will not be transferred with the subscriber list provided to the Client upon termination. By signing this document, the undersigned certifies they have authority to enter the agreement. The undersigned also understands the services and terms. Billing Information Name: Phone: Email: Address: Monticello MN Signature: Name: Title: Date: OYOFFICE Showcase your community Empower staff Engage citizens Website Development Proposal for City of Monticello, MN September 23, 2020 GovOffice LLC 2112 Broadway St. NE, Suite 2S0 Minneapolis, MN www.govoffice.com Contact: Phil Neenan 952-484-1827 phil(cbaovoffice.com Rachel Leonard rachel.leona rdo)ci.monticel lo.m n.us City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Ms. Leonard, For over 18 years, GovOffice has been a leading provider of cost-effective, state-of-the-art websites for local governments and nonprofit organizations. Our cloud -based, mobile -friendly platform offers proven, easy-to-use web technology tools to enable a more efficient and responsive government. We appreciate the opportunity to demonstrate how we can continue to partner with the City of Monticello to deliver the most compelling and cost-effective website and online solutions. We offer extensive experience in local government technology and are positioned to deliver: ■ a state-of-the-art CMS website platform ■ fully Responsive Web Design ■ ADA/accessibility compliant tools and design framework ■ powerful citizen engagement tools ■ citizen engagement tools for communication via SMS text, email and eNewsletters ■ interface or integration with 3rd party solutions ■ robust Smartform system with integrated ePayments ■ hosting at a worry -free, highly secure and enterprise level data center ■ superior training and ongoing customer support Our team of technology, design, and content experts have experience with over 1500 local governments and nonprofits. We're confident we can deliver a solution that meets your current goals while positioning you to efficiently integrate additional innovative solutions and services in the future. On behalf of everyone at GovOffice, we welcome an opportunity to work with you to implement a website that meets your goals and exceedsyour expectations! Best reg a rds, PQ Phil Neenan Regional Sales Manager GovOffice LLC 2112 Broadway St. NE, Suite 250 Minneapolis, MN GOVOFFICE I TECHNOLOGY LEADERS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT -2- I About us GovOffice is a national leader in delivering state-of-the-art Web solutions for local governments. Launched in 2001, GovOffice was the centerpiece of a unique public-private partnership to bring website technologies to cities across America. Founding partners included the International City -County Management Association and the League of Minnesota Cities, with an additional 15 state municipal leaguesjoining our partnership. Based in Minneapolis MN, GovOffice is a leading national provider of websites and content management solutions to local governments, serving over 1500 local governments and nonprofit organizations in 44 states. GovOffice is owned by Government Brands, LLC, which has over 400 employees and over 20 employees focused on website deployment and integration. IMission text and email -based eNotifications and eAlerts, as well as eNewsletters. Our mission is to develop state of the art web solutions that meet the unique needs of local governments, nonprofits and associations, and to leverage scalable technology to deliver at a lower cost to you. Technology Solutions Using a cloud -based, mobile -friendly platform, GovOffice offers proven, easy-to-use web technology tools to enable a more efficient and responsive government. Website Content Management System: Our platform, GovOffice CMS, is a powerful, flexible, easy-to-use system specifically designed to meet the needs of local government. It includes all the features and modules most requested by local governments. Citizen Engagement platform: GovOffice Connect is a robust, integrated and easy to use communications platform for citizen engagement via SMS text, email and eNewsletter. Fully integrated with GovOffice CMS, the GovOffice Connect module provides a suite of robust tools to publish and send GOVOFFICE I TECHNOLOGY ePayment System: GovOffice ePayments provides a secure mobile, desktop and over-the- counter payment solution with cost-free implementation. GovOffice ePayments enables local governments to improve the collection of revenue, enhance cash flow, and exceed constituents' expectation with greater payment flexibility. Services While some clients wish to manage the entire website development project themselves, others opt for more hands-on assistance from our professionals to transfer or create web content, plan an effective site architecture, execute an interactive services strategy, and more. Graphic Design: Our experienced graphic designers will work with you to develop a unique image and brand to showcase your community. Our team will create a professional, modern design to meet your goals while incorporating web best practices for optimal usability. And our LEADERS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT -3- Responsive Web Design ensures a consistent, seamless user experience on any device from desktop PCs to tablets to smartphones. In developing custom designs, we use a collaborative process, seeking your input and approval along the way. In the end, the look and feel will incorporate the attributes and features of your communitythat you choose. Content Services: Our content specialists transfer or create web content, plan an effective site architecture, migrate and create web content, and execute an interactive services strategy to deliver a streamlined, intuitive website. Our professionals also provide guidance and support for maintaining conformance with ADA/WCAG 2.0 accessibility standards. Our content specialists understand and implement best practices of web writing and design, while working with you to ensure your unique website needs and goals are met. Email: GovOffice Email Service is a complete hosted email service that is easy to use and highly secure. Support & Training: Our experienced professionals will train you and your team at your pace, on your timeline, and at your preferred level of detail via teleconference and Web conference. Our system is extremely easy to use, and many users are off and running with just to 2 hours of training. Once you've been trained, we are always here to help. If you or a new member of your team need more training,just call or email the Training & Technical Support Team to schedule. There is no charge for additional training. It'sjust part of our mission to ensure you can manage a successful Web presence! Contact Information ■ Key Contact: Phil Neenan, Regional Sales Manager 952-484-1827 philCa govoffice.com ■ Training/Support: 888-353-3221 sup port@govoffice.com GOVOFFICE I TECHNOLOGY LEADERS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT -4- Executive Summary GovOffice will leverage its' extensive experience with and knowledge of website best practices and technologies and work with your staff to launch a redesigned website that addresses your goals. We propose the following solution to meet your requirements. Responsive Web Design: We work with you to deliver a visually stunning, Nor customized website that includes intuitive navigation with a fully responsive technology that looks great on a desktop, tablet or mobile device. Our platform supports ADA, WCAG 2.0 standards and our experts help guide your users in maintaining accessibility compliance. Website Content Management System (CMS): Our content management solutions are powerful, robust, flexible and dynamic. Our platforms incorporate over 18 years of local government input and feedback to provide a unique local government solution on a modern, world class CMS platform. GovOffice CMS is a state-of-the-art .NET based platform which is fast to deploy and easyto use for staff of all experience levels. It includes the features and modules most requested by local governments and nonprofit organizations. The platform includes workflow controls, a WYSIWYG editor with intuitive easyto use tools for your staff and an integrated suite of tools for citizen engagement and communication via email, SMS text and eNewsletters. Site Architecture and Content Migration: Our content specialists will work with you to create a modern site architecture and navigation that meets your goals consistent with web best practices. We will migrate content from your existing site while complying with accessibility standards and Web best practices. Worry Free Hosting and Maintenance: Government websites are increasing targets of domestic and international hackers and attacks. We provide a worry -free hosting solution, with data center engineers and our tech team monitoring all our servers and infrastructure, 24/7/365. We include DDoS attack protection to guard against a growing threat to municipal websites, TLS -SSL website encryption to ensure security, regular backups and disaster recovery methodologies. Our solution is blazing fast, and we exceed 99+% up -time! Responsive Web Design Your site will be built using our latest Responsive Web Design framework, which has been independently tested by third party ADA/accessiblespecialiststo meet compliance with current standards. Responsive websites automatically resize to fit all screen sizes - from desktop PCs to tablets to smartphones - ensuring a winning user experience on any device. Key benefits of our Responsive Web Design framework include: Addresses ADA/WCAG 2.0 accessibility requirements ■ Future -proofs your website to work on all devices and screens as technology evolves. ■ Improves site speed and performance with highly efficient code. ■ Improves Search Engine Optimization (SEO) by avoiding duplicate content which negatively impacts your search ranking. Since 2015, Google has prioritized mobile friendliness as a key ranking attribute. GovOffice will provide at least 3 rounds of mock-ups and revisions based upon the direction of your staff. We advise on how to implement your design objectives within ADA/WCAG 2.0 standards and Web best practices. Our team is focused on delivering a look and feel consistent with your vision and goals and we strive to exceed your expectations. The design team will incorporate your logo and followyour branding requirements. You will maintain all rightsto your unique custom design elements, images, and site content. Responsive Web Design Package includes: ■ Official logo and unique color scheme consistent with your branding requirements ■ Custom font treatment for title graphic and slogan ■ Custom font treatment ■ Full set of social media icons ■ Favicon (favorites icon) GOVOFFICE I TECHNOLOGY LEADERS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT ■ Image Slider, either client provided or selected from a GO photo board for homepage and department home pages ■ Horizontal navigation on left, right or center ■ Choice of Item Menu or Mega Menu ■ Local weather integration, date and time ■ Standard Filmstrip with up to 10 Quick Link icons to allow one click access to the most highly trafficked pages of the website ■ Advanced Notifications/Alerts banner ■ Carousel - 6 large boxes on the Homepage which rotate ■ Standard boxes ■ Advanced Footer ■ Social Media iconsfor Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and more. ■ Mobile Touch Icon ■ Navigation Analysis & Restructure Screenshots of sample sites are included below. In addition, please check out www.govoffice.com/portfolio to view recent launches. GOVOFFICE I TECHNOLOGY LEADERS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT -7- Website Content Management System GovOffice CMS is a state-of-the-art .NET based platform which is fast to deploy and easyto use for staff of all experience levels. GovOffice CMS is specifically designed to meet the unique needs of local governments. GovOffice CMS provides your users the right level of tools for their varying skill sets. Staff are empowered to work from a desktop or mobile device and contribute or publish content and deploy interactive features. We believe our platform meets or exceeds the requirements published bythe City of Monticello. GovOffice CMS Key Features: ■ Alert/ Notifications Banner - post important notices to citizens. Notices appear prominently above the website banner and typically include some movement to grab viewers' attention. In addition, GovOffice Connect enables citizens to subscribe to receive alerts and notices by email or text ■ Agenda & Minutes management- upload, create and manage agendas and minutes ■ Analytics -website statistics generated by Google Analytics is added and used to see visitation trends and other useful data for ongoing improvement of website organization ■ Breadcrumb navigation (auto update) - as the user clicks through the website, a link -bar "trail" is generated for easy navigation to any page in the history "trail" Calendars & Events-update/publish/sort/search calendars and events ■ Department home/landing pages - departments may have their own image banner, news feed, events and sub -navigation, while maintaining the base structure of the main website ■ Directories, listing of staff and businesses-easyto update/manage and searchable ■ FAQs Accordion & Sort - simply type in the correct fields to create and user can sort by department or use keywords and click to expand answers Friendly URLs - users can add a friendly URL title to any section Highlight personnel -simple to add/update staff, council & stakeholder profiles and bio pages Images & photo center -optimized for faster load times for unlimited thumbnails, photo galleries, slideshows and rotating banners ■ Interface with other 3'd party solutions - with GovOffice CMS, your website can quickly interface with a wide variety of 3rd party solutions you use to provide services or information to citizens ■ Supports W3C & ADA requirements -the CMS supports the use of alt tags, descriptions & keywords required for accessibility compliance; custom graphic elements are designed to meet accessibility standards. ■ Optional Megamenu navigation -view all main and sub -categories without clicking or leaving the page GOVOFFICE I TECHNOLOGY LEADERS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELM ■ Member Only Section/Intranet-A password protected "member only" section or intranet site can be quickly created and deployed with the GovOffice CMS; Members can be assigned either a common or unique access credentials by the site admin. ■ Mobile/Responsive design -Responsive Web Design auto conforms/configures content to fit the user's device/screen and resolution without requiring a separate app or separate mobile website ■ News articles - image thumbnail with a briefing and an auto -link (not manual) to "read more" page ■ Online payments - utilize GovOffice ePayments, featuring secure mobile, desktop and over-the- counter payment solutions with cost-free implementation, or link or iframe/embed any payment processor of your choosing Page & department creation (unlimited) - unlimited and pre -formatted for ease of use Quick links (dynamic) -selected popular links are promoted for easy access Search bar (advanced) - an ad -free independent search bar. ■ Site map (auto update) - used by search engines and users alike, site map generated automatically by the CMS to visually display website organization ■ Smart Forms- new Smart Forms module enables you to rapidly deploy forms for signups, registrations, permits, reservations and more, and to collect payments with an integrated ePayments system offering multiple payment options. ■ Social media feeds - auto -updates from any social medial platform allow any website user to view without becoming a member or signing up with each platform ■ Workflow management - distribute admin access and edit or publication rights to an unlimited number of contributors/editors. GOVOFFICE I TECHNOLOGY LEADERS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT WZ GovOffice Connect GovOffice Connect is a robust, integrated and easy to use communications platform for citizen engagement via SMS text, email and eNewsletter. Fully integrated with GovOffice CMS, the GovOffice Connect module provides a suite of highly in -demand tools to publish and send text and email -based eNotifications and eAlerts, as well as eNewsletters. This state-of-the-art communications tool is built specifically to enable local governments to engage and inform citizens where they are and according to their preferences. With GovOffice Connect, you can: ■ Easily create professional, visually rich messages in minutes using a variety of templates ■ Reach citizens on any device with mobile -responsive messages, including email, text or social media ■ Measure citizen engagement through analytics The system enables citizens to create and manage their own Profiles and subscribe to receive multi -channel notifications on specific topics, web pages or items they select. For example, citizens can sign up to receive notices of updates to a Meeting Minutes and Agendas page any time there is a new posting. A City can communicate breaking news about a snow or flood emergency by posting a notice on the Alert Notification banner of the website and automatically generate text or email notices to subscribers. For some local governments, these features can replace their subscription to a 3rd party eNewsletter tool. Key Features of GovOffice Connect Citizen Engagement Module ■ Includes up to 10,000 email subscribers ■ Unlimited bulk emails ■ Multiple mobile responsive, editable email templates, including blank template/WYSIWYG editor ■ UI to create messages, preview, assign distribution lists, publish (locks changes and pushes to web), send/schedule ■ Copy sent communication into new draft ■ Web hosted email messages ■ Includes up to 5000 SMS text subscribers ■ Bulk Personalized SMS Text Messaging including: o SMS outgoing messaging with auto -replies o SMS Sign-up campaigns with automated data collection o SMS Text message charges= $00.007S per message ■ Reporting -view sent communication, including date/time, who it was sent to, link to web - hosted message, stats from SenclGrid (bounces, etc.) ■ Subscription Form (Allows contact to enter name, address, contact information and subscribe to various publications) ■ Subscription management ■ Unsubscribes ■ List management ■ Contact profile Form (Allows contact to edit personal information and subscriptions) ■ Citizen Request forms ■ Unlimited Form creation ■ Online & Email support ■ Initial online personalized training included ■ Department level user access GOVOFFICE I TECHNOLOGY LEADERS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT Site Architecture and Content Migration Our content specialists will work with you to create a modern site architecture and navigation that meets your goals consistent with web best practices and to migrate content from your existing site while complying with accessibility standards and document retention requirements. Our content specialists consult with you to create an effective site architecture, migrate and create web content, and execute an interactive services strategy to deliver a streamlined, intuitive website. Content specialists understand and implement best practices of web writing and design, while working with you to ensure your unique website needs and goals are met. GOVOFFICE I TECHNOLOGY LEADERS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT Worry Free Hosting and Maintenance Government websites at all levels are increasingly targets of both domestic and international hackers and attacks. This ongoing threat requires that local governments utilize web services with high levels of enterprise security and experienced technology professionals who know how to stay ahead of these threats. At GovOffice, our goal is to take these concerns off your worry list. Here's how we've got your back: Web Monitoring ■ With our worry -free hosting solution, data center engineers and our tech team monitor all our servers and infrastructure, 24/7/365. ■ DDoS attack protection to guard against a growing threat to municipal websites ■ TLS -SSL website encryption to ensure your website is secure Up -time and Disaster Recovery We provide 99+% up -ti me. We provide daily backups of all site data. Backups are kept for 90 days. The GovOffice technology team can restore website data as needed from backups, typically within hours. Enterprise Class Data Center: GovOffice websites are hosted in a highly secure, cutting-edge global data center. The data center is specifically designed to provide state-of-the-art hosting for mission - critical websites and enterprise applications, with 99.99% uptime. The data center is monitored 24/7 by trained technicians with a Network Operations Center (NOC) team. The NOC adheres to a strict escalation procedure to help ensure that GovOffice applications are always available to the public. This has brought the utmost value especiallyto our clients in regions of the countrythat experience severe weather capable of knocking out telecommunications and utilities. Security: The safety and security of your data is our highest priority. Our data center is SAS 70 audited, SOC 29 attested, and SOC 39 certified. We observe industry best -practice standards including, but not limited to: ■ Hand biometric and RFID card -controlled access to data center ■ Cage door sensors ■ Motion activated surveillance cameras ■ 24 x 7 Monitoring + 24 x 7, on -premises security guards DDoS protection: Federal, state and local government sites have become prominent targets for both domestic and foreign originated Distributed Denial of Service attacks (DDoS) designed to impair or shut down websites. All GovOffice websites are protected through a system -wide DDoS solution designed to combat this growing threat. The data center utilizes an enterprise level DDoS solution designed to automatically mitigates DDoS attacktraffic before it impacts GovOffice clients, enabling us to keep our networks clean of attack traffic. GOVOFFICE I TECHNOLOGY LEADERS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT -12- Redundancy and Disaster Recovery: The GovOffice hosted solution is completely redundant. Backups of website data are implemented daily. Backups are stored for 90 days to facilitate recovery if needed. The GovOffice technology team can restore website data as needed from backups, typically within hours. The hosting platform exists over multiple vendor backbones with more than one copy via a cloud environment. GOVOFFICE I TECHNOLOGY LEADERS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT -13- Project Management and Implementation We use proven effective process methodologyfor project implementations. However, we don't rigidly adhere to a "one size fits all" approach because we seek the right fit for a range of clients with diverse needs. We recognize the variation in needs of local governments, from small to large, and rural to suburban to urban. The GovOffice project management process seeks to find the perfect fit between implementation and the client's level of engagement preferences. Your exact project timeline can vary based on project scope, optional modules and services, your availabilityfor meetings, action item return and completion, timeliness of approvals, and other factors. Atypical estimated timeline for the successful implementation and launch is below, and GovOffice has the capacity to implement the Monticello website on this timeline. Kick -Off and Initial Consultation During the initial consultation, our team will detail items needed from you (such as high-quality photos of your community) and provide a high-level overview of the implementation process. A new CMS site is deployed on our development platform to be used for training, content migration and eventual programming of your custom responsive design. Discovery and Design Consultation Our team will collaborate with you to determine the goals and objectives you would like to achieve with your new website and use that information to develop a strategy for your content and design. Our Graphic Designer will work with your project team to determine howyou want your website to look and feel. We'll request any existing branding standards or requirements and logos, and seekyour input on color, imagery and style that will set the tone for your design. Your input and requests will be used to develop the design concept for your website. Design Concept Development & Review You'll be presented with responsive design mockups allowing you to review and refine design concepts to achieve your goals and expectations. You will have the opportunityto evaluate the design concept presented and seek wider input within your organization. Up to three sets of design revisions are made based upon your requests until final design approval. Upon design approval, graphic design files handed off to the development team to program into your new site. Content Migration & Optimization Our content specialists work with you to develop your site architecture and to structure a best practices approach to site navigation. Once approved, our content specialists will then migrate, optimize, and reorganize your content based on best practices for consistency, accessibility, and usability. You maintain ownership of all of your content. GOVOFFICE I TECHNOLOGY LEADERS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT -14- User Training Our goal is tog iveyour staff the skills and tools they need to quickly and easily keep your website current. GovOffice will provide ongoing online training to equip your staff with the knowledge and comfort level needed to manage and maintain your website and related online tools. Regardless of technical ability, we will help your staff gain the confidence to effectively use and maintain your website. Training sessions will be customized to meet the needs and skill levels of your site users and administrators. Website Review The GovOffice team will present you a completed website featuring your approved design and optimized content. Your newwebsite will be built with all the accessibility features necessaryto complywith accessibility standards outlined within Section 508 and WCAG Level A &AA. J Launch Our team will coordinate with you to complete any updates before your website launch. During this time, you will be able to add, create, and make adjustments to content on your production site, as well as ensure overall satisfaction with your website. After website launch confirmation is received, your domain name is directed to the newly developed website and your stunning new website will be available on the World Wide Web! GOVOFFICE I TECHNOLOGY LEADERS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT -15- Project Timeline GovOffice develops and launches multiple local government websites and redesigns each month. We have the current capacity to implement the Monticello website within our standard timeline below. Phase Phase 1: Initial Meeting & Site Creation Phase 2: Discovery & Design Consultation When Duration Week 1 1 Week Weeks 2 thru 3 2 Weeks Phase 3: Design mock-up presentation and revision process Weeks 3 thru 5 2 Weeks Phase 4: Design programming Phase 5: Architecture & Navigation / Sitemap Development (may overlap with design phases) Phase 6: Quality Assurance Testing Weeks 5 thru 7 Weeks 7 thru 9 I Overlaps Week 10 Phase 7: Training for content editors and Admin on CMS; Final Week 11 content review/approval Phase 8: URL redirection & Go -Live! Go -Live Week 12 1 Week 1 Week 1 Day 12 Weeks* * Upon signing an agreement, your project is put into our queue for implementation pursuant to the timeline above. Timelines vary depending on client availability, timely approvals and client scheduling considerations. With cooperation from client, GovOffice can expedite site launch to reduce timeline above by several weeks. GOVOFFICE I TECHNOLOGY LEADERS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT -16- Training &Support GovOffice provides compre hensivetraining and support to ensure your team can manage and maintain your website and related services. Here's an overview: ■ Live online training sessions (webinar) provided to all new clients and new site administrators ■ Live technical support ■ Contextual Help Guides, dedicated Help site and Training Videos available 24/7/365 ■ Optional on-site training sessions for additional fee ■ Online Training ■ On-site Training is available for an additional fee and travel expenses Training sessions can be via Webinar and tailored to the needs of the user. Users with a basic understanding of Word or PowerPoint quicklyembrace our Content Management System. We'll schedule a training session that fits your schedule. Sessions are conducted over the Internet and phone. Customer Service Our Customer Service Center is open Monday through Friday, excluding national holidays, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Central Standard Time). Our tech support team provides phone, email and chat support and assistance to clients, including online training on the GovOffice CMS, website technical support, and other services. GovOffice systems are monitored 24/7/365 to ensure 99.9+% uptime. We also provide clients a call-in number for after hours emergencies. GOVOFFICE I TECHNOLOGY LEADERS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT -17- Key Implementation Staff The staff members listed below will assist in implementing your Web development project: Amy Finken is Vice President Operations and Development and will act as lead Project Manager. She has held a wide range of key management positions in federal and state government. She oversees the implementation and development teams, as well as the tech support team that provides training and ongoing support. Ms. Finken is a graduate of Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota. Janelle Gulka is lead Graphic Designer, with degrees in both Computer Information Systems and Business Administration. She has over 18 years of experience creating website designs, branding and layouts local government and nonprofit organizations. Bryan Mickelson is the lead Network Administrator and Senior Developer. He is a senior developer with over 2S years of experience and multiple Microsoft certifications, including 18 years with GovOffice. Prior to joining GovOffice, Bryan served as Solutions Architect for a leading regional Internet development and Internet security company, and as Software Developer for an insurance applications development company. Alida Tieberg serves as Digital Content Specialist and provides information architecture and navigation guidance and quality control of content migration services. She is a graduate of the University of Minnesota with a degree in Journalism and brings experience in writing, marketing and communications. Her primary role is to help clients with all of their Web content needs as well as putting the final touches on new website launches and pushing them across the finish line. Dawn Heskin is the Customer Service Manager who offers over 1S years of experience in training clients, as well as assisting clients with tech support, domain name, and email questions, website analysis, and content migration. She has a Bachelor Degree in Business Management with a specialization in Management & Marketing. GOVOFFICE I TECHNOLOGY LEADERS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT Cost Proposal GovOffice delivers affordable solutions designed to meet your requirements while positioning you to efficiently add or integrate new features and solutions in the future. Responsive Web Design-GovOffice Premium Level RWD - includes professional $8700 graphic design implementation with all of the features referenced above. Content Services: Site Architecture and Navigation consultation and implementation; Site map development; content migration; ADA/accessibility $1,600 support and implementation included with Premium Design package above. Google Translator implementation ($300) SmartForms and ePayment system (includes low cost transaction fees) - included. Included Your website can also interface with other ePayment systems and providers. GovOfCe Connect Citizen Communications System - up to 10,000 email subscribers and 5000 text subscribers. SMS Text message charges = $00.0075 per $1,200/yr. message. Online Training Included Website Annual Package - license for unlimited users, hosting, maintenance, tech support, and system -wide CMS software updates. Includes additional 2GB storage $2,400/yr. package and PSS Feeds. Total Website Redesign - one-time $10,300 Annual fees $3,600 Total First Year Fees $13,900 5 -year total fees $28,300 *All costs are included above and no additional or hourly fees are proposed. For future reference, we offer additional services, including Professional Content Specialists at $75/hour and Custom Programming at $120/hour. GOVOFFICE I TECHNOLOGY LEADERS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT -19- Optional: GovOffice 3 -Year Payment Plan GovOffice offers an alternate 3 -year payment plan that provides zero -interest, level payments over three years. Under the plan, we allocate the Website redesign one-time fees over the first three (3) years of your contract. Each payment also includes your Annual Hosting/Maintenance Services. This plan is for client's who prefer a manageable, fixed payment amount, exempt from any rate increase, for up to 6years. This option significantly lowers the initial implementation costs by spreading them out evenly over the term of the contract. This model also provides a new graphic redesign at no additional charge upon extending the contract for another 3 -year term. The plan helps ensure that your website meets your current branding needs and adapts to evolving Web standards by providing a graphic redesign anytime after the end of the initial three-year period, at no additional charge, for clients that renew their plan. Alternatively, after three years, clients can simply switch to an annual contract for their hosting and maintenance and support. GOVOFFICE I TECHNOLOGY LEADERS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT -20- Year One Year Two Year Three Annual $7033 $7033 $7033 Amount Due GOVOFFICE I TECHNOLOGY LEADERS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT -20- References GovOffice has worked with over 1500 local governments to develop and implement websites and related services. Following are references from recent projects: City of Bradenton, FL City of Bradenton, Florida Jeannie Roberts Communications Coordinator 941-932-9497 Jeannie.roberts@cityofbradenton.com https://cityofbradenton.com/ Village of Bolingbrook, IL James R. Farrell, Jr. IT Director 630-226-8583 jfarrell@bolingbrook.com https://www.bolingbrook.com/ City of Lino Lakes, MN Lisa Hogstad-Osterhues, Deputy City Clerk 651-982-2424 LHogstad@linolakes.us https://www.ci.lino-lakes.mn.0s/ City of Deephaven, MN https://www.cityofdeephaven.org� 952-474-4755 Marine on St. Croix, MN https://www.marineonstcroix.org 651-433-3636 GOVOFFICE I TECHNOLOGY LEADERS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT -21- Responsive Web Design Examples GOVOFFICE I TECHNOLOGY LEADERS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT -22- BARABOO' Baraboo, Wisconsin https://www.cityofbara boo.com/ Quick Links Upcoming E -1s Crty News & VftA ti.n Conned With Us " Imperial Beach, California https://www.imperialbeachca.gov/ ce 49 Sy— � A" Bradenton, FL https://www.cityofbradenton.com PENNINGTON O.- LINTY Pennington County, SD https://www.pennco.org/ GOVOFFICE I TECHNOLOGY LEADERS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT -23- Mission Statement PlxnningCommisdon:N[rsing BOC AgcndasPe Minula _ i181404v [:.tme73asian ic411cc w ,..+..,......w �r B—dOfCAmmISGIOn[RCi[nd- Pennington County, SD https://www.pennco.org/ GOVOFFICE I TECHNOLOGY LEADERS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT -23- Edgewater, Colorado *redesign at http://edgewaterco.dev.govoff ice. co m/ Denali Borough, AK https://www.denaliborough.org/ FORSYTH Forsyth, Illinois https://forsyth-il.gov/ "1' H L C I T Y O F )ENICI Benicia, California https://www.ci.benicia.ca.us/ GOVOFFICE I TECHNOLOGY LEADERS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT -24- 2I. A. Council Agenda: 10/12/2020 Consideration of a Request for Ordinance Amendment relating to the Interim Use of property for Public Uses. Applicant: City of Monticello. (NAC) Property: Legal: NA Address: NA Planning Case Number: 2020-028 REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Amendment to Zoning Ordinance establishing an Interim Use Permit for temporary indoor storage as an accessory activity in the B-3, I-1, and I-2 Districts. Deadline for Decision: NA Land Use Designation: Places to Shop and/or Places to Work Zoning Designation: The purpose of the `B-3" (Highway Business) district is to provide for limited commercial and service activities and provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities. The purpose of the "I-1," (Light Industrial) district is to provide for the establishment of warehousing and light industrial development. The purpose of the "I-2," (Heavy Industrial) district is to provide for the establishment of heavy industrial and manufacturing development and uses which because of the nature of the product or character of activity requires isolation from residential or commercial use. Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: NA Project Description: The City of Monticello is seeking to temporarily store public works equipment in existing buildings in the community as its current buildings are being replaced or removed, but prior to authorization of construction of new public works facilities at a new campus location — a project that currently has no fixed timeline. To accommodate this temporary condition, the City proposes to amend the zoning ordinance to allow this public/governmental storage use by Interim Use Permit Council Agenda: 10/12/2020 in a variety of potential locations, including the B-3, I- 1, and I-2 zoning districts. The presumption would be that the storage use would be a secondary use sharing the facility, although it may be the sole use of an otherwise vacant building. ANALYSIS As noted, the City is seeking temporary indoor storage space for its public works department equipment, pending the eventual construction of new public works facilities. To consider this proposal, staff is proposing that the use be added as an Interim Use Permit in each of the 3 districts. For the I-1 and I-2, the current zoning ordinance would allow this use in an existing building as a principal use occupant for warehousing, or as a tenant in a multi -tenant building. It should be noted that "Public Buildings or Uses" are already permitted in all three districts as principal uses — it is the introduction of this public warehousing/storage use as a second principal activity that requires the amendment. Without this amendment, any such shared property could result in the need for a PUD, which is not how PUD zoning is intended to be applied. In the B-3 District, storage is only allowed as an accessory use to a permitted principal use. As such, the City could not utilize an existing B-3 building, since its storage would not be "accessory" — it constitutes a separate principal use of the property. As such, the amendment intends to allow municipal indoor storage as a "secondary" use — presumably unrelated to the principal use on the site. Because some of the potential facilities may consist of storage in separate buildings, the amendment is structured to address the use specifically in each district as an IUP. Three aspects of the zoning ordinance would be amended. The first would be the Use Table in Section 5-1, under Civic and Institutional Uses. A new line item would be added as follows: Civic 8 Institutional Uses Public Warehousing ■ 1 l l 5.2(MOO) Temporary Second, a new reference for such Warehousing would be added as 5.2.(D)(10) to which the section would link, and read as follows: Section 5.2 (D) (10) Public Warehousing, Temporary: (a) The use shall be allowed by Interim Use Permit, with a termination date of no later than five (5) years from the date of approval. 2 Council Agenda: 10/12/2020 (b) The interim use shall apply to public storage of equipment only, and shall not apply to any private entity, either during or after the term of the permit. (c) The use, if not allowed as a permitted principal use, may be a "Secondary Use" allowed on the property, separate and unrelated to the principal use. (d) The use shall occupy indoor storage only, in one or more existing buildings, and shall not include outdoor storage. (e) The use shall otherwise meet all zoning and building code standards. (f) The use shall not interfere with other permitted, conforming private uses of the property, nor with the provision of public services to the property or the neighborhood in which it is located. (g) No signage shall be allowed identifying the use, other than permitted directional signage on the property. Finally, a definition for the proposed use would be added to the Definitions portion of the ordinance. That definition would be added in Section 8.4, and would read as follows: Public Warehousing: The indoor storage of equipment and/or materials by a government agency which may, or may not, be related to other principal uses on the same property. With these restrictions, the proposed storage should not raise use or grandfathering issues for future re -use of the buildings after the City is no longer in need of the storage area. The IUP terminates the rights of the property for this use, and does not roll over to a subsequent user, as would a Conditional Use Permit. The limitation on signage and prohibition on outdoor storage are both intended to further discourage any private interest in this type of permit. It is expected that the City will propose an IUP on a specific property at a public hearing in November, pending adoption of the amendment. Planning Commission Review and Recommendation The Planning Commission reviewed this item and held a public hearing on the amendment on October 6t', 2020. No public was present to address the Commission regarding the request. During their discussion, the Commission requested that as part of any interim use permit application, the applicant provide specific detail on the materials intended to be stored at each proposed location, in order to provide the neighborhood with a clear idea of what would be stored on-site. It was noted that an interim use permit, like a conditional use permit, requires a public hearing. Further, the ordinance as drafted would require compliance with building and fire codes and would be reviewed by the Building Department and Fire Marshal. The Commission also clarified that the interim use permit would be specific to the user and after the specified duration of time, a new permit would be required. 3 Council Agenda: 10/12/2020 After discussion, the Commission recommended adoption of the ordinance amendment unanimously. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommends Alternative 1 below. 1. Motion to approve Ordinance No. 749, an amendment to the zoning ordinance adding Public Warehousing, Temporary as a secondary use of existing buildings in the B-3, I-1, and I-2 zoning districts by Interim Use Permit, based on findings in Resolution PC -2020-027. 2. Motion to deny. 3. Motion to table action on the ordinance amendment, subject to additional information from staff. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Planning staff recommends Alternative 1. The amendment provides the City with flexibility during an interim period as additional permanent public works department facilities are being explored. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution PC -2020-027 B. Draft Ordinance 749 C. Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Excerpts C! CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2020-027 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO ADD TEMPORARY PUBLIC WAREHOUSING AS A SECONDARY USE BY INTERIM USE PERMIT IN THE B-3, I-1, AND I-2 ZONING DISTRICTS WHEREAS, the City's Public Works Department has need for temporary equipment storage; and WHEREAS, the additional permanent storage opportunities are being studied, but require unspecified additional time; and WHEREAS, the proposed storage would raise few issues for surrounding properties in B-3, I-1, or 1-2 zoning districts; and WHEREAS, public buildings are permitted as separate uses in the subject zoning districts; and WHEREAS, the proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment would accommodate the public storage use on a temporary basis by Interim Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the public warehousing activity would be allowed as a secondary use of property without the need for PUD zoning or requirements of accessory uses; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 6th, 2020 on the application and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The Zoning Ordinance amendment provides an appropriate means of furthering both the intent and the specific goals and policies for land use in the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use raises no extraordinary issues for the City's regulation of storage uses or buildings. 3. The ordinance incorporates applicable provisions of staff comment, including engineering, land use, and public services. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2020-027 4. The proposed use is expected to have no negative impacts on municipal public services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the Zoning Ordinance amendment, based on the findings listed above. ADOPTED this 6t" day of October, 2020, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION By: A�ww — Johry*rAlstad, Acting Chair ity Development Director 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 749 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE CHAPTER 5.1, TABLE 5-1 USES BY DISTRICT; SECTION 5.2(D) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS; AND SECTION 8.4, DEFINITIONS; RELATING TO THE ADDITION OF TEMPORARY PUBLIC STORAGE AS AN INTERIM USE PERMIT IN THE B-3, I-1, AND I-2 DISTRICTS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 5. Table 5-1 is hereby amended to add "P lic Warehousing, mpora " as an Intim Use in the, I-1, and Zoning Districts. Section 2. on 5. ) —Additional Requirements, is here mended to add th f ing: (1 ublic Warehousing, Temporary The use shall be allowed by Interim se Pe t, with a terminat' date of no later than five (5) years from the date of approval. (b) The interim use shall apply to public storage of equipment only, and shall not apply to any private entity, either during or after the term of the permit. (c) The use, if not allowed as a permitted principal use, may be a "Secondary Use" allowed on the property, separate and unrelated to the principal use. (d) The use shall occupy indoor storage only, in one or more existing buildings, and shall not include outdoor storage. (e) The use shall otherwise meet all zoning and building code standards. (f) The use shall not interfere with other permitted, conforming private uses of the property, nor with the provision of public services to the property or the neighborhood in which it is located. (g) No signage shall be allowed identifying the use, other than permitted directional signage on the property. Section 3. Section 8.4, Definitions, is hereby amended to add the following: Public Warehousing: The indoor storage of equipment and/or materials by a government agency which may, or may not, be related to other principal uses on the same property. Section 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 5. LI This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage anrd publication. The ordinance in its -entirety shall be posted on the City website )ublication. Copies of the complete Ordinance are available online and at icello City Hall for examination upon request. Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk AYES: NAYS: Brian Stumpf, Mayor 2 CHAPTERS: USE STANDARDS Section 5.1 Use Table Subsection (A) Explanation of Use Table Structure JReshlential Uses 5.2(C)(1) Attached Dwelling Types 5.2(C)(2)(a) - Duplex p C 5.2(C)(2)(b) - Townhouse C p 5.2(Cl(2)(c) - Multiple -Family h C P C C 5.2(C)(2)(d) Detached Dwelling p p p p p p None Group Residential Facility, Single Family P P P P P 5.2(C)(3) Group Residential Facility, Multi -Family CC C 5.2(C)(3) Mobile & Manufactured Home /Home Park C C C P C �T 5.2(C)(4) Civic & Institutional Uses Active Park Facilities (public) P PP p P P P P P P P P P P P None Active Park Facilities (private) P P p p P P P 5.2(D)(1) Assisted Living Facilities C P C C C C P 5.2(D)(2) 5.2(D)(31 Cemeteries C C C C C Clinics/Medical Services C p p C None p p p None Essential Services p p p p p p p p p p p p Hospitals C p p C 5.2(D)(4) Nursing/Convalescent Home C C C C C C C C C P P 5.2(D)(5) Passenger Terminal C C C C None Passive Parks and Open Space P P P P P P P P P P P P p p p None Place of Public Assembly C C C C C p C 5.2(D)(6) Public Buildings or UsesC C C C C C C P C C P P C P P 5.2(D)(7) Schools, K-12 Schools, Higher Education Utilities (major) C C C C C C C C I I 5.2(D)(8) None C C 5.2(D)(9) City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 357 CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section 5.1 Use Table Subsection (A) Explanation of Use Table Structure 5- 1: USES BY DISTRICT (cont.) Use Types Base Zoning Districts ConditionallyRequirements Permitted • "I" = Interim Permitted Commercial Uses AdditionalTABLE Adult Uses P P 3J(Kl Auction House C 5.2(E)(2) Auto Repair — Minor C CF, P 5.2(E)(3) Automotive Wash Facilities P C 5.2(E)(4) Bed & Breakfasts C C C C C 5.2(E)(5) Brew Pub P P 5.2(E)(6) Business Support Services P P P P P None Commercial Lodging C P P 5.2(E)(7) Commercial Self -Storage C P 5.2(F)(3) Communications/Broadcasting P P P C P C C P C 5.2(E)(8) 5.2(E)(9) 5.20(10) 5.20 (1 I) 5.2(E)_(12) Convenience Retail C P P P Country Club C Day Care Centers Entertainment/Recreation, Indoor Commercial C C p P p Entertainment/Recreation, Outdoor Commercial Event Center C C C C C C C 5.20(1 3) 5.2 E l4) Financial Institution P C P 5.20(15) Funeral Services P P 5.20(16) Kennels (commercial) C 5.20(17) 5 2(E)(! 8) 5.2(E)(20) P Landscaping / Nursery Business P Offices P P P P P P Personal Services C P P P 5.20(22) Production Brewery or Micro -Distillery without Taproom P P 5.2(F)(12) Production Brewery or Micro -Distillery with Taproom or Cocktail Room C C C C C 5.2(E)(23) 5 2(F)(I 3) Recreational Vehicle Camp Site Repair Establishment Restaurants C C P C P P P P P 5.20(24) 5.20(25) C L J 5.20(26) Page 358 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance CHAPTERS: USE STANDARDS Section S.1 Use Table Subsection (A) Explanation of Use Table Structure City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 359 5- 1: USES BY DISTRICT (cont.) AdditionalTABLE Use Types ConditionallyRequirement Base Zoning Districts Permitted • "I" = Interim Permitted Retail Commercial Uses (other) Buildings Less P P P 5.2(E)(27) than 10,000 SF Retail Commercial Uses (other) Buildings Over C P P 5.2(E)(27) 10,000 SF Specialty Eating C P P P 5.2(E)(28) Establishments Vehicle Fuel Sales C C C 5.2(E�(29) Vehicle Sales and Rental C 5.2(E�(30) Veterinary Facilities C 5.2(E)(31) (Rural) Veterinary Facilities C C C 5.2(E)(3 I ) (Neighborhood) Wholesale Sales P P P None Industrial Uses Auto Repair — Major —7—F C P P 5.2(F)(1) Bulk Fuel Sales and P P 5.2(F)(2) Storage Contractor's Yard, I I I 5.2(F)(4) Temporary Extraction of Materials I I I 5.2(F)(5) General Warehousing C P P 5.2(F)(6) Heavy Manufacturing C 5.2(F)(7) Industrial Services C P None Industrial Self -Storage C C 5.2(F)(8) Facilities Land Reclamation C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 5.2(F)(9) Light Manufacturing P P P 5.20(1 0) Machinery/Truck Repair P P 5.2(F)(11) & Sales Recycling and Salvage C C 5.2(F)(14) Center Truck or Freight Terminal C C 5.2(�(I 5) Waste Disposal & C 5.20(1 6) Incineration Wrecker Services C -7-P 5.20(17) City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 359 ,yGNT COGy�. f9r R 5 G4/`r Monticello Monthly Report 2020 Wright County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Sean Deringer 3800 Braddock Ave. NE, Buffalo, MN 55313 1-800-362-3667 Fax:763-682-7610 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 911 Abandoned Total: 1 09/12/20 16:07 911 Abandoned 2020073010 911 Hang-up Total: 23 09/01/2017:53 911 Hang-up 2020069766 09/02/20 21:08 911 911 Hang-up 2020070165 09/03/20 14:43 Line 911 Hang-up 2020070335 09/05/20 13:40 911 911 Hang-up 2020071000 09/06/20 11:24 09/02/20 09:42 911 Hang-up 2020071295 09/06/20 20:12 2020069932 911 Hang-up 2020071458 09/08/20 13:38 Open 911 Hang-up 2020071927 09/08/20 13:52 911 Hang-up 2020071929 09/14/20 23:37 911 911 Hang-up 2020073735 09/15/20 03:09 Line 911 Hang-up 2020073752 09/16/20 12:58 911 911 Hang-up 2020074124 09/17/20 06:20 09/03/20 18:38 911 Hang-up 2020074312 09/18/20 17:43 2020070403 911 Hang-up 2020074825 09/21/2015:44 911 Hang-up 2020075692 09/22/2010:20 911 Hang-up 2020075933 09/23/20 01:47 911 Hang-up 2020076164 09/24/20 07:19 911 Hang-up 2020076522 09/27/20 10:34 911 Hang-up 2020077552 09/27/20 17:55 911 Hang-up 2020077641 09/28/20 07:38 911 Hang-up 2020077754 09/28/2010:01 911 Hang-up 2020077779 09/28/20 17:40 911 Hang-up 2020077900 09/29/20 02:52 911 Hang-up 2020077998 911 Hang-up; Fireworks Total: 1 09/13/20 20:24 911 Hang-up; Fireworks 2020073349 911 Open Line Total: 59 QPpFE55I0NA�rS Printed on October 1. 2020 Final Incident Case Number How Reported ME 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 HE 09/01/20 13:29 911 Open Line 2020069683 911 09/01/20 15:01 911 Open Line 2020069710 911 09/01/20 19:27 911 Open Line 2020069790 911 09/02/20 09:42 911 Open Line 2020069932 911 09/02/20 10:26 911 Open Line 2020069951 911 09/02/20 11:08 911 Open Line 2020069966 911 09/02/20 12:28 911 Open Line 2020069984 911 09/02/20 18:55 911 Open Line 2020070112 911 09/03/20 18:38 911 Open Line 2020070403 911 Page 1 of 27 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/04/20 15:02 911 Open Line 2020070631 911 09/04/20 16:01 911 Open Line 2020070645 911 09/05/20 17:32 911 Open Line 2020071075 911 09/06/20 18:19 911 Open Line 2020071423 911 09/07/20 07:57 911 Open Line 2020071566 911 09/08/20 13:52 911 Open Line 2020071930 911 09/10/20 12:59 911 Open Line 2020072412 911 09/10/20 15:16 911 Open Line 2020072447 911 09/10/20 21:00 911 Open Line 2020072533 911 09/10/20 23:59 911 Open Line 2020072559 911 09/11/20 06:15 911 Open Line 2020072585 911 09/11/20 15:32 911 Open Line 2020072712 911 09/11/20 19:50 911 Open Line 2020072784 911 09/12/20 15:18 911 Open Line 2020072997 911 09/16/20 09:00 911 Open Line 2020074061 911 09/17/20 05:51 911 Open Line 2020074310 911 09/17/20 13:36 911 Open Line 2020074410 911 09/18/20 14:50 911 Open Line 2020074768 911 09/19/20 10:10 911 Open Line 2020075012 911 09/19/20 12:12 911 Open Line 2020075047 911 09/20/20 02:31 911 Open Line 2020075287 911 09/20/20 12:52 911 Open Line 2020075348 911 09/20/20 13:37 911 Open Line 2020075357 911 09/21/20 07:15 911 Open Line 2020075555 911 09/21/20 10:49 911 Open Line 2020075613 911 09/21/20 14:09 911 Open Line 2020075669 911 09/21/20 16:16 911 Open Line 2020075707 911 09/21/20 19:38 911 Open Line 2020075784 911 09/21/20 20:19 911 Open Line 2020075802 911 09/22/20 13:27 911 Open Line 2020075976 911 09/22/20 16:25 911 Open Line 2020076043 911 09/23/20 12:53 911 Open Line 2020076270 911 09/23/20 13:14 911 Open Line 2020076278 911 09/23/20 14:28 911 Open Line 2020076309 911 09/23/20 19:17 911 Open Line 2020076422 911 09/23/20 22:42 911 Open Line 2020076472 911 09/24/20 17:49 911 Open Line 2020076675 911 09/24/20 18:37 911 Open Line 2020076698 911 09/25/20 15:17 911 Open Line 2020076952 911 09/25/20 23:19 911 Open Line 2020077129 911 09/26/20 11:37 911 Open Line 2020077245 911 09/26/20 17:44 911 Open Line 2020077374 911 09/27/20 16:13 911 Open Line 2020077616 911 09/27/20 21:00 911 Open Line 2020077690 911 09/28/20 16:43 911 Open Line 2020077884 911 09/28/20 17:14 911 Open Line 2020077891 911 09/29/20 06:56 911 Open Line 2020078012 911 Page 2 of 27 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call 09/29/20 07:01 911 Open Line 09/29/20 10:10 911 Open Line 09/29/20 19:46 911 Open Line 911 Text Total: 1 09/29/20 12:39 911 Text Agency Assist Total: 5 CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 2020078013 911 2020078055 911 2020078230 911 2020078108 Text 09/03/20 20:20 Agency Assist 2020070427 Agency Assist 09/21/20 11:45 Agency Assist 2020075630 Agency Assist 09/22/20 12:19 Agency Assist 2020075960 Agency Assist 09/23/20 15:20 Agency Assist 2020076328 Agency Assist 09/30/20 09:48 Agency Assist 2020078345 Agency Assist Agency Assist; Warrant - Attempt Total: 1 WP20025487 09/15/20 16:20 Agency Assist; Warrant 2020073901 Warrant - Attempt Alarm Total: 1 09/09/2017:26 Alarm 2020072257 Alarm Alarm; Check Welfare Total: 1 09/03/20 20:44 Alarm; Check Welfare 2020070436 Animal Total: 10 WP20024931 Phone WP20026716 Phone WP20026851 Phone WP20026983 Phone WP20027722 Phone VAZ! i%TiE WP20025535 Phone M 09/06/20 22:07 Animal 2020071496 Animal WP20025294 Phone 09/07/20 09:47 Animal 2020071577 Phone 09/08/2015:10 Animal 2020071950 Animal WP20025431 Phone 09/09/20 07:49 Animal 2020072129 Animal WP20025487 Phone 09/15/2019:43 Animal 2020073957 Animal WP20026115 Phone 09/18/20 08:36 Animal 2020074657 Animal WP20026358 Phone 09/19/2018:06 Animal 2020075141 Animal WP20026549 Phone 09/21/20 09:08 Animal 2020075583 Animal WP20026698 Phone 09/22/20 21:38 Animal 2020076119 Phone 09/29/20 07:37 Animal 2020078019 Animal WP20027590 911 Animal - Barking Dog Total: 1 09/29/20 19:49 Animal - Barking Dog 2020078233 Animal - Barking Dog WP20027676 Phone Animal - Bites - Attacks Total: 4 09/18/20 15:10 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2020074773 Animal - Bites - Attacks WP20026404 09/22/20 20:27 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2020076100 Animal - Bites - Attacks WP20026916 Phone 09/24/20 15:09 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2020076627 Animal - Bites - Attacks WP20027099 Phone 09/29/20 18:59 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2020078218 Animal - Bites - Attacks WP20027668 Phone Assault Total: 2 09/14/20 15:09 Assault 2020073596 Domestic Disturbance WP20025983 Phone 09/21/20 04:50 Assault 2020075537 Assault WP20026678 Phone Burglary Total: 3 09/06/20 19:54 Burglary 2020071455 Unwanted Person WP20025262 911 Page 3 of 27 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call 09/14/20 05:32 Burglary 09/23/20 08:54 Burglary Check Welfare Total: 25 09/03/20 12:15 Check Welfare 09/05/20 12:58 Check Welfare 09/06/20 19:53 Check Welfare 09/07/20 11:44 Check Welfare 09/07/20 22:36 Check Welfare 09/08/20 10:38 Check Welfare 09/09/20 17:59 Check Welfare 09/12/20 12:03 Check Welfare 09/13/20 11:28 Check Welfare 09/13/20 15:16 Check Welfare 09/13/20 20:58 Check Welfare 09/17/20 00:48 Check Welfare 09/17/20 10:09 Check Welfare 09/17/20 18:41 Check Welfare 09/18/20 11:24 Check Welfare 09/18/20 13:08 Check Welfare 09/18/20 18:54 Check Welfare 09/19/20 14:27 Check Welfare 09/19/20 15:20 Check Welfare 09/20/20 17:52 Check Welfare 09/23/20 03:05 Check Welfare 09/26/20 00:22 Check Welfare 09/26/20 19:40 Check Welfare 09/28/20 02:27 Check Welfare 09/28/20 23:47 Check Welfare Citizen Aid Total: 14 09/02/20 07:14 Citizen Aid 09/05/20 03:56 Citizen Aid 09/09/20 09:50 Citizen Aid 09/11/20 05:29 Citizen Aid 09/17/20 13:52 Citizen Aid 09/19/20 16:43 Citizen Aid 09/22/20 13:00 Citizen Aid 09/24/20 08:32 Citizen Aid 09/26/20 08:35 Citizen Aid 09/26/20 17:58 Citizen Aid 09/28/20 01:04 Citizen Aid 09/29/20 14:24 Citizen Aid 09/29/20 21:27 Citizen Aid 09/30/20 20:08 Citizen Aid Civil Complaint Total: 14 09/03/20 16:10 Civil Complaint CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 2020073438 Burglary WP20025934 Phone 2020076198 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20026940 Phone 2020070296 Check Welfare WP20024878 911 2020070985 Check Welfare WP20025113 Phone 2020071454 Check Welfare WP20025261 Phone 2020071601 Check Welfare WP20025316 Phone 2020071786 Check Welfare WP20025372 Phone 2020071878 Check Welfare WP20025400 Phone 2020072265 Check Welfare WP20025537 911 2020072932 Check Welfare WP20025761 Phone 2020073236 Check Welfare WP20025866 911 2020073277 Check Welfare WP20025880 Phone 2020073362 Check Welfare WP20025911 Phone 2020074299 Check Welfare WP20026231 Phone 2020074350 Check Welfare WP20026252 911 2020074519 Check Welfare WP20026313 Phone 2020074699 Check Welfare WP20026379 Phone 2020074725 Check Welfare WP20026385 911 2020074851 Check Welfare WP20026448 Phone 2020075085 Check Welfare WP20026531 Phone 2020075099 Check Welfare WP20026537 911 2020075435 Check Welfare WP20026651 911 2020076168 Check Welfare WP20026932 911 2020077149 Check Welfare WP20027281 Phone 2020077403 Check Welfare WP20027376 911 2020077731 Check Welfare WP20027489 Phone 2020077984 Check Welfare WP20027576 Phone 2020069912 Citizen Aid WP20024755 Phone 2020070870 Citizen Aid WP20025070 911 2020072153 Citizen Aid WP20025494 Phone 2020072582 Citizen Aid WP20025653 911 2020074414 Citizen Aid WP20026277 911 2020075121 Citizen Aid WP20026545 Phone 2020075969 Citizen Aid WP20026856 911 2020076531 Citizen Aid WP20027060 911 2020077208 Citizen Aid WP20027303 Phone 2020077377 Citizen Aid WP20027368 911 2020077723 Citizen Aid WP20027486 911 2020078134 Citizen Aid WP20027636 Phone 2020078256 Citizen Aid WP20027686 Phone 2020078508 Citizen Aid WP20027787 Phone 2020070364 Civil Complaint WP20024906 Phone Page 4 of 27 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/03/20 18:26 2020070098 Civil Complaint 2020070396 Civil Complaint WP20024918 Phone 09/04/20 16:07 Civil Process Civil Complaint 2020070649 Civil Complaint WP20025007 911 09/05/20 13:24 Civil Complaint 2020070996 Civil Complaint WP20025121 Phone 09/06/20 10:44 09/10/20 16:23 Civil Complaint 2020071281 Civil Complaint WP20025211 Phone 09/11/20 18:31 2020073570 Civil Complaint 2020072764 Stolen - Property WP20025717 Phone 09/14/20 12:02 Civil Process Civil Complaint 2020073532 Trespass WP20025966 Phone 09/15/20 13:09 Civil Complaint 2020073848 Theft WP20026067 Phone 09/17/20 16:56 09/16/20 14:22 Civil Complaint 2020074475 Civil Child Custody WP20026303 Phone 09/18/20 07:54 2020074372 Civil Complaint 2020074643 Civil Complaint WP20026353 Phone 09/19/20 13:01 Civil Process Civil Complaint 2020075066 Civil Complaint WP20026524 911 09/20/20 11:05 Civil Complaint 2020075331 Civil Complaint WP20026620 Phone 09/21/20 09:13 09/19/20 11:36 Civil Complaint 2020075588 Civil Complaint WP20026704 Phone 09/22/20 19:45 2020075607 Civil Complaint 2020076092 Civil Complaint WP20026909 Phone Civil Complaint; Domestic Disturbance Total: 1 09/02/20 22:43 Civil Complaint; 2020070194 Domestic Disturbance Civil Process Total: 38 09/02/20 15:07 Civil Process 2020070043 09/02/20 18:17 Civil Process 2020070098 09/04/20 11:34 Civil Process 2020070581 09/04/20 11:39 Civil Process 2020070583 09/04/20 12:03 Civil Process 2020070586 09/09/20 11:38 Civil Process 2020072179 09/09/20 12:12 Civil Process 2020072185 09/10/20 16:23 Civil Process 2020072466 09/14/20 14:05 Civil Process 2020073570 09/14/20 14:20 Civil Process 2020073577 09/14/20 15:28 Civil Process 2020073611 09/15/20 16:32 Civil Process 2020073904 09/15/20 17:10 Civil Process 2020073914 09/15/20 17:18 Civil Process 2020073916 09/16/20 14:22 Civil Process 2020074146 09/17/20 11:01 Civil Process 2020074372 09/18/20 10:46 Civil Process 2020074684 09/18/20 11:13 Civil Process 2020074694 09/18/20 11:29 Civil Process 2020074702 09/18/20 11:32 Civil Process 2020074704 09/18/20 17:14 Civil Process 2020074818 09/19/20 11:36 Civil Process 2020075039 09/21/20 10:22 Civil Process 2020075607 09/22/20 11:25 Civil Process 2020075950 09/22/20 16:05 Civil Process 2020076034 09/23/20 08:32 Civil Process 2020076196 09/23/20 11:07 Civil Process 2020076235 09/23/20 13:15 Civil Process 2020076280 09/23/20 13:29 Civil Process 2020076284 Civil Complaint WP20024847 Phone Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer WP20026513 Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Page 5 of 27 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 09/24/20 13:15 Civil Process 2020076611 09/28/20 09:32 Civil Process 2020077773 09/28/20 09:43 Civil Process 2020077775 09/28/20 09:56 Civil Process 2020077777 09/29/20 09:58 Civil Process 2020078052 09/29/20 10:09 Civil Process 2020078054 09/29/20 15:26 Civil Process 2020078148 09/29/20 16:12 Civil Process 2020078166 09/30/20 14:30 Civil Process 2020078418 Commercial General Alarm Total: 34 09/01/20 19:48 Commercial General 2020069796 09/03/20 04:29 Commercial General 2020070228 09/03/20 21:26 Commercial General 2020070456 09/06/20 07:04 Commercial General 2020071250 09/06/20 15:59 Commercial General 2020071376 09/06/20 20:40 Commercial General 2020071466 09/06/20 21:36 Commercial General 2020071484 09/11/20 13:25 Commercial General 2020072669 09/11/20 21:02 Commercial General 2020072803 09/13/20 13:14 Commercial General 2020073252 09/13/20 18:33 Commercial General 2020073330 09/14/20 00:44 Commercial General 2020073418 09/14/20 02:40 Commercial General 2020073429 09/14/20 07:46 Commercial General 2020073465 09/14/20 22:20 Commercial General 2020073725 09/15/20 00:28 Commercial General 2020073741 09/15/20 21:08 Commercial General 2020073981 09/16/20 21:47 Commercial General 2020074275 09/17/20 07:58 Commercial General 2020074328 09/17/20 18:24 Commercial General 2020074513 09/19/20 03:30 Commercial General 2020074971 09/19/20 08:55 Commercial General 2020074999 09/20/20 01:20 Commercial General 2020075277 09/20/20 03:26 Commercial General 2020075292 09/23/20 00:34 Commercial General 2020076148 09/24/20 11:17 Commercial General 2020076581 09/24/20 21:13 Commercial General 2020076748 09/26/20 19:44 Commercial General 2020077404 09/27/20 15:28 Commercial General 2020077604 09/29/20 02:23 Commercial General 2020077997 09/29/20 18:17 Commercial General 2020078195 09/29/20 18:33 Commercial General 2020078206 09/30/20 17:14 Commercial General 2020078462 09/30/20 19:26 Commercial General 2020078498 Court Order Violation Total: 6 Final Incident Civil Process Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Case Number How Reported WCVL20027090fficer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer WP20024715 Phone WP20024860 Phone WP20024935 Phone WP20025200 Phone WP20025237 Phone WP20025266 Phone WP20025273 Phone WP20025692 Phone WP20025726 Phone WP20025871 Phone WP20025898 Phone WP20025924 Phone WP20025930 Phone WP20025946 Phone WP20026028 Phone WP20026032 Phone WP20026125 Phone WP20026223 Phone WP20026242 Phone WP20026311 Phone WP20026487 Phone WP20026501 Phone WP20026597 Phone WP20026603 Phone WP20026926 Phone WP20027076 Phone WP20027130 Phone WP20027377 Phone WP20027444 Phone WP20027581 Phone WP20027662 Phone Phone WP20027770 Phone WP20027783 Phone Page 6 of 27 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/06/20 16:16 Court Order Violation 2020071388 Court Order Violation WP20025243 09/19/20 20:04 09/19/20 20:37 Court Order Violation 2020075180 Court Order Violation WP20026566 Phone 09/20/20 13:41 Court Order Violation 2020075359 Court Order Violation WP20026627 Phone 09/25/20 06:15 Court Order Violation 2020076833 Court Order Violation WP20027160 Phone 09/25/20 13:40 Court Order Violation 2020076925 Court Order Violation WP20027200 Phone 09/29/20 18:20 Court Order Violation 2020078197 Court Order Violation WP20027664 Phone Criminal Damage to Property Total: 12 09/01/20 12:13 Criminal Damage to 2020069656 Criminal Damage to Property WP20024665 Phone 09/01/20 16:19 Criminal Damage to 2020069731 Criminal Damage to Property WP20024695 Phone 09/04/20 08:32 Criminal Damage to 2020070546 Criminal Damage to Property WP20024966 Phone 09/04/20 16:53 Criminal Damage to 2020070671 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20025015 Phone 09/06/20 15:43 Criminal Damage to 2020071367 Civil Complaint WP20025244 Phone 09/07/20 11:28 Criminal Damage to 2020071594 Criminal Damage to Property WP20025315 Phone 09/08/20 19:44 Criminal Damage to 2020072031 Criminal Damage to Property WP20025468 Phone 09/09/20 17:07 Criminal Damage to 2020072252 Criminal Damage to Property WP20025533 911 09/14/20 10:04 Criminal Damage to 2020073489 Criminal Damage to Property WP20025954 Phone 09/17/20 19:34 Criminal Damage to 2020074535 Criminal Damage to Property WP20026319 Phone 09/19/20 23:57 Criminal Damage to 2020075264 Criminal Damage to Property WP20026592 911 09/23/20 09:58 Criminal Damage to 2020076215 Criminal Damage to Property WP20026948 Phone CSC Sex Offense Total: 1 09/06/20 15:34 CSC Sex Offense 2020071365 Disabled Vehicle Total: 2 09/25/20 03:55 Disabled Vehicle 2020076822 09/25/20 21:35 Disabled Vehicle 2020077090 Disorderly Total: 6 09/06/2010:25 Disorderly 2020071279 09/08/2019:54 Disorderly 2020072037 09/18/2017:46 Disorderly 2020074828 09/19/20 20:04 Disorderly 2020075168 09/26/2012:04 Disorderly 2020077252 09/26/20 21:51 Disorderly 2020077446 Divert Hospital Total: 2 2020071501 09/19/20 20:46 Divert Hospital 2020075183 09/25/20 19:02 Divert Hospital 2020077012 Domestic Disturbance Total: 19 09/02/20 17:06 Domestic Disturbance 2020070077 09/02/20 18:57 Domestic Disturbance 2020070113 09/03/20 00:27 Domestic Disturbance 2020070209 09/05/20 18:58 Domestic Disturbance 2020071105 09/06/20 22:25 Domestic Disturbance 2020071501 09/07/20 19:32 Domestic Disturbance 2020071719 09/07/20 21:01 Domestic Disturbance 2020071749 09/08/20 17:51 Domestic Disturbance 2020072001 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20025234 911 911 Phone Disorderly WP20025209 911 Disorderly WP20025467 911 Disorderly WP20026435 Phone Disorderly WP20026560 911 CSC Sex Offense WP20027318 911 Disorderly WP20027390 Phone Phone Phone Domestic Disturbance WP20024816 Phone Domestic Disturbance WP20024827 Phone Domestic Disturbance WP20024853 911 Domestic Disturbance WP20025158 911 Domestic Disturbance WP20025279 911 Domestic Disturbance WP20025358 911 Domestic Disturbance WP20025366 911 Domestic Disturbance WP20025453 Phone Page 7 of 27 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 09/11/20 18:46 Domestic Disturbance 2020072773 09/13/20 23:54 Domestic Disturbance 2020073405 09/19/20 12:19 Domestic Disturbance 2020075052 09/20/20 19:32 Domestic Disturbance 2020075460 09/22/20 09:08 Domestic Disturbance 2020075912 09/22/20 20:19 Domestic Disturbance 2020076097 09/23/20 22:12 Domestic Disturbance 2020076463 09/26/20 20:23 Domestic Disturbance 2020077420 09/30/20 00:24 Domestic Disturbance 2020078287 09/30/20 02:10 Domestic Disturbance 2020078298 09/30/20 07:07 Domestic Disturbance 2020078320 Final Incident Case Number How Reported Domestic Disturbance WP20025721 Phone Suspicious- Circumstances WP20025921 911 Domestic Disturbance WP20026516 911 Domestic Disturbance WP20026658 911 Domestic Disturbance WP20026828 Phone Domestic Disturbance WP20026913 Phone Domestic Disturbance WP20027037 Phone Domestic Disturbance WP20027382 Phone Domestic Disturbance WP20027699 911 Domestic Disturbance WP20027703 911 Domestic Disturbance WP20027713 911 Domestic Disturbance; Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral Total: 1 09/17/20 19:53 Domestic Disturbance; 2020074538 Medical - Psychiatric - WP20026320 911 Drugs Total: 2 09/18/20 07:56 Drugs 2020074644 Drugs WP20026354 Phone 09/27/20 20:24 Drugs 2020077681 Drugs WP20027473 911 Dumping Total: 2 09/15/2019:55 Dumping 2020073961 Dumping WP20026116 Phone 09/26/20 08:17 Dumping 2020077205 Dumping WP20027302 Phone Extortion - Bribery Total: 1 09/27/20 22:50 Extortion - Bribery 2020077705 Extortion - Bribery WP20027482 911 Extra Patrol Total: 2 09/12/20 13:28 Extra Patrol 2020072953 Extra Patrol WP20025775 Phone 09/23/20 11:28 Extra Patrol 2020076241 Extra Patrol WP20026956 Fight Total: 1 09/16/2019:24 Fight 2020074235 Fight WP20026213 911 Fire - Other Total: 2 09/21/20 17:22 Fire - Other 2020075736 Fire - Other WP20026765 911 09/25/20 20:30 Fire - Other 2020077056 Fire - Other WP20027254 911 Fire - Structure Total: 1 09/03/20 19:22 Fire - Structure 2020070412 Fire - Structure WP20024923 911 Fireworks Total: 3 09/12/20 22:56 Fireworks 2020073130 Fireworks WP20025823 Phone 09/13/20 20:37 Fireworks 2020073354 Fireworks WP20025909 Phone 09/14/20 21:55 Fireworks 2020073718 Fireworks WP20026025 911 Fraud - Checks - Cards Total: 6 09/02/20 13:09 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2020069997 Fraud - Checks - Cards WP20024784 Phone 09/11/20 15:48 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2020072719 Vulnerable Adult WP20025704 Phone 09/13/20 12:36 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2020073249 Fraud - Checks - Cards WP20025869 Phone 09/14/20 10:56 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2020073508 Fraud - Checks - Cards WP20025961 Phone Page 8 of 27 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/22/20 13:44 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2020075979 Fraud - Checks - Cards WP20026858 Phone 09/22/20 14:18 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2020075987 Fraud - Checks - Cards WP20026859 2020069946 Fraud - Forgery Total: 5 WP20024768 Phone 09/02/2011:46 Harassment 09/05/20 17:50 Fraud - Forgery 2020071079 Fraud - Forgery WP20025146 Phone 09/11/20 15:30 Fraud - Forgery 2020072711 Fraud - Forgery WP20025701 Phone 09/14/20 17:53 Fraud - Forgery 2020073653 Counterfeit Currency WP20026006 Phone 09/21/20 13:45 Fraud - Forgery 2020075658 Counterfeit Currency WP20026733 Phone 09/29/20 22:34 Fraud - Forgery 2020078270 Fraud - Forgery WP20027694 Phone Fraud - Internet Total: 2 WP20025108 Phone 09/08/20 23:37 Harassment 09/02/20 13:55 Fraud - Internet 2020070013 Harassment WP20024792 Phone 09/21/20 09:42 Fraud - Internet 2020075596 Fraud - Internet WP20026706 Phone Funeral Escort Total: 1 Harassment 2020073251 Harassment WP20025870 09/09/20 08:28 Funeral Escort 2020072138 Harassment 2020074087 Phone Gun Incident Total: 2 Phone 09/18/2013:30 Harassment 2020074735 09/12/20 15:15 Gun Incident 2020072992 Juvenile - Complaint WP20025784 Phone 09/13/20 03:23 Gun Incident 2020073182 Gun Incident WP20025842 911 Harassment Total: 15 09/01/2010:04 Harassment 2020069625 Harassment WP20024653 Phone 09/01/20 20:11 Harassment 2020069801 Harassment WP20024719 Phone 09/02/2010:19 Harassment 2020069946 Harassment WP20024768 Phone 09/02/2011:46 Harassment 2020069974 Harassment WP20024777 911 09/03/20 23:14 Harassment 2020070479 Harassment WP20024941 Phone 09/04/2010:42 Harassment 2020070566 Harassment WP20024978 Phone 09/05/20 09:02 Harassment 2020070901 Harassment WP20025084 Phone 09/05/2012:35 Harassment 2020070977 Harassment WP20025108 Phone 09/08/20 23:37 Harassment 2020072080 Harassment WP20025475 Phone 09/09/20 09:43 Harassment 2020072150 Harassment WP20025493 Phone 09/13/2013:01 Harassment 2020073251 Harassment WP20025870 911 09/16/2010:47 Harassment 2020074087 Harassment WP20026163 Phone 09/18/2013:30 Harassment 2020074735 Harassment WP20026389 Phone 09/28/2015:45 Harassment 2020077863 Harassment WP20027534 911 09/29/2017:35 Harassment 2020078185 Theft WP20027655 Phone Indecent Exposure Total: 1 09/03/2016:01 Indecent Exposure 2020070361 Indecent Exposure WP20024904 Phone Info Total: 6 09/01/20 09:23 Info 2020069620 Phone 09/04/20 18:20 Info 2020070701 Phone 09/10/20 15:13 Info 2020072445 Phone 09/16/20 18:24 Info 2020074220 Phone 09/20/20 10:54 Info 2020075326 Phone 09/23/20 10:29 Info 2020076227 Phone Page 9 of 27 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported Intoxicated Person Total: 3 09/02/20 21:08 Intoxicated Person 2020070166 Intoxicated Person 09/13/20 18:12 Intoxicated Person 2020073321 Intoxicated Person 09/19/20 23:14 Intoxicated Person 2020075250 Intoxicated Person Juvenile - Complaint Total: 18 09/04/20 01:11 Juvenile - Complaint 2020070498 09/06/20 22:20 Juvenile - Complaint 2020071500 09/07/20 15:10 Juvenile - Complaint 2020071659 09/08/20 15:26 Juvenile - Complaint 2020071959 09/08/20 21:03 Juvenile - Complaint 2020072053 09/10/20 21:46 Juvenile - Complaint 2020072544 09/12/20 17:08 Juvenile - Complaint 2020073024 09/12/20 20:49 Juvenile - Complaint 2020073080 09/13/20 14:08 Juvenile - Complaint 2020073258 09/15/20 19:58 Juvenile - Complaint 2020073962 09/16/20 19:26 Juvenile - Complaint 2020074236 09/17/20 18:15 Juvenile - Complaint 2020074508 09/19/20 16:57 Juvenile - Complaint 2020075125 09/24/20 18:34 Juvenile - Complaint 2020076695 09/28/20 17:10 Juvenile - Complaint 2020077890 09/28/20 19:37 Juvenile - Complaint 2020077931 09/29/20 08:26 Juvenile - Complaint 2020078027 09/29/20 18:11 Juvenile - Complaint 2020078194 Juvenile - Curfew Violation Total: 4 Juvenile - Complaint Theft Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Complaint DNR Wildlife Violations Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Complaint Medical - Psychiatric - Juvenile - Complaint Assault Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Complaint 09/19/20 01:04 Juvenile - Curfew 2020074961 Juvenile - Curfew Violation 09/19/20 03:04 Juvenile - Curfew 2020074969 Juvenile - Curfew Violation 09/21/20 02:06 Juvenile - Curfew 2020075533 Juvenile - Curfew Violation 09/26/20 23:25 Juvenile - Curfew 2020077479 Juvenile - Curfew Violation Juvenile - Runaway Total: 1 09/01/20 21:05 Juvenile - Runaway 2020069826 Lock Out - Lock In Total: 1 09/28/20 18:16 Lock Out - Lock In 2020077912 Lost - Found Property Total: 11 09/01/20 13:48 Lost - Found Property 2020069688 09/03/20 13:37 Lost - Found Property 2020070321 09/03/20 15:01 Lost - Found Property 2020070342 09/04/20 13:40 Lost - Found Property 2020070614 09/04/20 13:47 Lost - Found Property 2020070618 09/04/20 16:02 Lost - Found Property 2020070646 09/06/20 13:58 Lost - Found Property 2020071331 09/24/20 06:01 Lost - Found Property 2020076514 09/26/20 12:24 Lost - Found Property 2020077258 09/27/20 07:50 Lost - Found Property 2020077523 Medical - Psychiatric - Lock Out - Lock In Lost - Found Property Theft Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property WP20024841 911 WP20025893 911 WP20026587 911 WP20024947 911 WP20025278 Phone WP20025337 Phone WP20025433 Phone WP20025471 911 WP20025640 911 WP20025795 911 WP20025811 911 WP20025873 Phone WP20026117 Phone WP20026214 Phone WP20026309 911 WP20026546 Phone WP20027116 Phone WP20027549 Phone WP20027564 Phone WP20027598 Phone WP20027661 Phone WP20026481 Phone WP20026486 Officer WP20026677 Phone WP20027407 Phone LVA LK118YZVAYM9MON,r- WP20027556 Phone WP20024678 WP20024886 WP20024894 WP20024990 WP20024993 WP20025004 WP20025226 911 WP20027054 WP20027320 WP20027422 Phone Page 10 of 27 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 09/28/2011:50 Lost - Found Property 2020077808 Medical - Allergies - Stings Total: 1 09/07/20 12:46 Medical - Allergies - 2020071618 Medical - Back Pain Total: 1 09/01/20 14:13 Medical - Back Pain 2020069696 Medical - Breathing Problems Total: 9 09/02/20 16:32 Medical - Breathing 2020070065 09/08/20 08:10 Medical - Breathing 2020071846 09/15/20 09:42 Medical - Breathing 2020073800 09/18/20 19:50 Medical - Breathing 2020074866 09/22/20 03:09 Medical - Breathing 2020075875 09/22/20 14:21 Medical - Breathing 2020075989 09/23/20 09:28 Medical - Breathing 2020076209 09/30/20 03:34 Medical - Breathing 2020078302 09/30/20 17:20 Medical - Breathing 2020078465 Final Incident Case Number How Reported Lost - Found Property WP20027518 HE Medical - Back Pain WSRO20024683 911 911 911 Medical - Breathing Problems WP20026453 911 Medical - Breathing Problems WP20026813 911 Medical - Breathing Problems WP20026861 911 911 911 911 Medical - Carbon Monoxide Inhalation Total: 3 09/11/20 22:33 Medical - Carbon 2020072825 09/18/20 21:52 Medical - Carbon 2020074904 09/24/20 08:58 Medical - Carbon 2020076536 Medical - Chest Pain Total: 2 09/08/20 18:57 Medical - Chest Pain 2020072022 09/29/20 11:03 Medical - Chest Pain 2020078074 Medical - Diabetic Total: 2 09/05/20 22:29 Medical - Diabetic 2020071180 09/20/20 10:04 Medical - Diabetic 2020075321 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet Total: 8 09/01/20 13:21 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020069680 09/14/20 07:48 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020073466 09/17/20 17:13 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020074479 09/19/20 08:31 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020074993 09/20/20 19:22 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020075455 09/30/20 05:43 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020078311 09/30/20 09:58 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020078348 09/30/20 13:55 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020078408 Medical - Diabetic Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet; Medical - Stroke Total: 1 09/06/20 08:25 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020071254 Medical - Heart Problems Total: 3 09/03/20 10:20 Medical - Heart 2020070270 09/04/2010:47 Medical Heart 2020070568 09/08/20 21:58 Medical - Heart 2020072061 Phone 911 Phone 911 Phone 911 WP20026618 Phone Phone Phone 911 Phone 911 911 911 911 Phone 911 Phone 911 Page 11 of 27 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported Medical - Overdose - Poisoning Total: 3 WP20024869 911 09/02/20 09:43 Medical - Overdose - 2020069933 Medical - Overdose - PoisoninWP20024767 911 09/04/20 09:52 Medical - Overdose - 2020070560 Death Investigation - WP20024969 911 09/08/20 17:22 Medical - Overdose - 2020071989 Medical - Psychiatric - WP20025452 911 Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral Total: 10 09/03/20 09:42 Medical - Psychiatric - 2020070264 Medical - Psychiatric - WP20024869 911 09/06/20 18:01 Medical - Psychiatric - 2020071421 Medical - Psychiatric - WP20025256 911 09/13/20 18:36 Medical - Psychiatric - 2020073331 Medical - Psychiatric - WP20025899 Phone 09/18/20 00:59 Medical - Psychiatric - 2020074612 Medical - Psychiatric - WP20026336 Phone 09/20/20 16:38 Medical - Psychiatric - 2020075404 Medical - Psychiatric - WP20026641 911 09/21/20 17:02 Medical - Psychiatric - 2020075725 Medical - Psychiatric - WP20026761 Phone 09/24/20 20:13 Medical - Psychiatric - 2020076731 Medical - Psychiatric - WP20027126 911 09/25/20 12:59 Medical - Psychiatric - 2020076917 Medical - Psychiatric - WP20027192 Phone 09/25/20 14:14 Medical - Psychiatric - 2020076936 Medical - Psychiatric - WP20027204 Phone 09/28/20 11:07 Medical - Psychiatric - 2020077798 Medical - Psychiatric - WP20027511 Phone Medical - Seizure Total: 2 2020077665 Medical - Stroke WP20027466 911 09/13/20 13:18 Medical - Seizure 2020073253 911 09/28/20 19:04 Medical - Seizure 2020077922 911 Medical - Sick Total: 12 09/02/20 14:17 Medical - Sick 2020070022 911 09/07/20 05:57 Medical - Sick 2020071557 911 09/08/20 00:05 Medical - Sick 2020071807 911 09/14/20 23:55 Medical - Sick 2020073738 911 09/21/20 23:29 Medical - Sick 2020075847 911 09/22/20 12:10 Medical - Sick 2020075958 911 09/22/20 12:10 Medical - Sick 2020075959 911 09/22/20 17:07 Medical - Sick 2020076058 911 09/23/20 13:12 Medical - Sick 2020076277 911 09/25/20 18:36 Medical - Sick 2020077002 911 09/28/20 13:46 Medical - Sick 2020077832 911 09/29/20 16:03 Medical - Sick 2020078163 911 Medical - Stroke Total: 3 09/04/20 18:45 Medical - Stroke 2020070707 911 09/23/20 17:33 Medical - Stroke 2020076380 911 09/27/20 19:28 Medical - Stroke 2020077665 Medical - Stroke WP20027466 911 Medical - Unconscious - Fainting Total: 5 09/05/20 23:55 Medical - Unconscious - 2020071202 Medical - Unconscious - WP20025183 911 09/07/20 16:31 Medical - Unconscious - 2020071674 911 09/17/20 17:50 Medical - Unconscious - 2020074494 911 09/25/20 12:38 Medical - Unconscious - 2020076913 Phone 09/30/20 18:15 Medical - Unconscious - 2020078484 911 Medical - Unknown Total: 2 09/05/20 16:59 Medical - Unknown 2020071066 911 Page 12 of 27 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/17/20 02:14 Medical - Unknown 2020074305 Phone Motorist Aid Total: 6 09/07/20 19:58 Motorist Aid 2020071729 Officer 09/20/20 11:50 Motorist Aid 2020075339 09/10/20 09:55 09/21/20 18:56 Motorist Aid 2020075768 MVA - Hit & Run 09/26/20 19:13 Motorist Aid 2020077394 Officer 09/28/20 04:28 Motorist Aid 2020077734 Phone 09/28/20 08:21 Motorist Aid 2020077761 Phone MVA - Car Deer Total: 1 WP20026310 MVA - Injuries Total: 3 09/04/20 06:18 MVA - Car Deer 2020070528 MVA - Car Deer WP20024960 911 MVA - Hit & Run Total: 4 09/03/20 22:12 MVA - Hit & Run 2020070466 Info WP20024938 911 09/10/20 09:55 MVA - Hit & Run 2020072375 MVA - Hit & Run WP20025579 09/10/20 10:12 MVA - Hit & Run 2020072383 MVA - Hit & Run WP20025582 09/17/20 18:00 MVA - Hit & Run 2020074504 MVA - Hit & Run WP20026310 MVA - Injuries Total: 3 Agency Assist WP20024986 09/14/20 12:07 MVA - Injuries 2020073534 MVA - Injuries WP20025967 09/19/20 07:59 MVA - Injuries 2020074988 MVA - No Injuries WP20026495 911 09/28/20 11:59 MVA - Injuries 2020077810 MVA - Injuries WP20027519 MVA - No Injuries Total: 25 09/01/20 14:01 MVA - No Injuries 2020069692 MVA - No Injuries WP20024681 09/03/20 16:15 MVA - No Injuries 2020070365 911 09/04/20 12:26 MVA - No Injuries 2020070591 MVA - No Injuries WP20024982 09/04/20 13:19 MVA - No Injuries 2020070604 Agency Assist WP20024986 09/05/20 09:47 MVA - No Injuries 2020070910 MVA - No Injuries WP20025089 09/06/20 15:20 MVA - No Injuries 2020071360 MVA - No Injuries WP20025232 09/07/20 16:54 MVA - No Injuries 2020071677 MVA - No Injuries WP20025344 09/08/20 13:35 MVA - No Injuries 2020071925 MVA - No Injuries WP20025424 09/08/20 16:11 MVA - No Injuries 2020071968 MVA - No Injuries WP20025438 09/10/20 04:42 MVA - No Injuries 2020072334 MVA - No Injuries WP20025566 09/11/20 16:35 MVA - No Injuries 2020072732 Agency Assist WP20025710 911 09/11/20 17:17 MVA - No Injuries 2020072742 911 09/12/20 16:30 MVA - No Injuries 2020073015 MVA - No Injuries WP20025792 911 09/15/20 16:42 MVA - No Injuries 2020073908 Civil Complaint WP20026091 09/16/20 09:36 MVA - No Injuries 2020074073 Civil Complaint WP20026157 09/20/20 19:45 MVA - No Injuries 2020075466 MVA - No Injuries WP20026660 911 09/21/20 12:47 MVA - No Injuries 2020075648 MVA - No Injuries WP20026728 09/23/20 08:59 MVA - No Injuries 2020076200 09/23/20 14:29 MVA - No Injuries 2020076310 MVA - No Injuries WP20026975 09/23/20 22:58 MVA - No Injuries 2020076476 Agency Assist WP20027040 911 09/25/20 15:29 MVA - No Injuries 2020076958 DUI - MVA WP20027211 09/27/20 17:24 MVA - No Injuries 2020077638 MVA - No Injuries WP20027456 911 09/28/20 16:12 MVA - No Injuries 2020077871 MVA - No Injuries WP20027540 09/29/20 19:47 MVA - No Injuries 2020078232 MVA - No Injuries WP20027674 Page 13 of 27 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/29/20 20:25 MVA - No Injuries 2020078244 MVA - No Injuries WP20027682 911 Neighborhood Dispute Total: 4 WP20026111 Phone Phone Call Total: 3 09/30/20 17:37 09/06/20 14:06 Neighborhood Dispute 2020071333 Neighborhood Dispute WP20025227 2020073860 09/07/20 13:47 Neighborhood Dispute 2020071636 Neighborhood Dispute WP20025328 09/08/20 16:30 Neighborhood Dispute 2020071972 Civil Complaint WP20025440 911 09/28/20 02:00 Neighborhood Dispute 2020077729 Medical - Psychiatric - WP20027487 911 Noise Total: 3 09/05/2018:16 Noise 2020071090 Noise WP20025152 09/19/2012:23 Noise 2020075054 Noise WP20026518 09/26/20 00:25 Noise 2020077151 Noise WP20027279 Off -Road Vehicle Complaint Total: 1 Parking 2020076216 09/15/20 19:20 Off -Road Vehicle 2020073949 Off -Road Vehicle Complaint WP20026111 Phone Open Door - Window Total: 1 09/01/20 01:51 Open Door - Window 2020069580 Ordinance Violation Total: 1 09/17/20 10:10 Ordinance Violation 2020074351 Parking Total: 5 09/01/2019:21 Parking 2020069787 09/06/2015:13 Parking 2020071355 09/12/2011:17 Parking 2020072922 09/23/2010:02 Parking 2020076216 09/26/2015:33 Parking 2020077337 Phone Call Total: 3 09/30/20 17:37 09/10/20 23:34 Phone Call 2020072555 09/15/20 13:47 Phone Call 2020073860 09/21/20 17:51 Phone Call 2020075745 Probation Check Total: 6 09/07/20 15:20 Probation Check 2020071662 09/14/20 19:16 Probation Check 2020073686 09/23/20 15:41 Probation Check 2020076337 09/24/20 17:38 Probation Check 2020076669 09/30/20 17:37 Probation Check 2020078471 09/30/20 17:39 Probation Check 2020078473 Repossession Total: 1 09/01/20 01:04 Repossession 2020069575 Residential General Alarm Total: 7 Open Door - Window WP20024636 911 Ordinance Violation WP20026249 Parking WP20024712 Parking WP20025231 Phone Parking WP20025758 Parking WP20026947 Parking W P20027352 Other Other Other Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer 09/03/20 12:28 Residential General 2020070299 Residential General Alarm WP20024879 Phone 09/08/20 18:16 Residential General 2020072013 Residential General Alarm WP20025459 Phone 09/16/20 11:04 Residential General 2020074090 Residential General Alarm WP20026164 Phone 09/21/20 15:46 Residential General 2020075694 Residential General Alarm WP20026746 Phone Page 14 of 27 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/26/20 13:30 Residential General 2020077293 Residential General Alarm WP20027330 Phone 09/26/20 16:02 Residential General 2020077343 Residential General Alarm WP20027353 Phone 09/29/20 20:43 Residential General 2020078250 Residential General Alarm WP20027683 Phone Residential Medical Alarm Total: 3 2020076403 09/27/20 23:50 SIA Area Watch 09/19/20 23:45 Residential Medical 2020075258 Residential Medical Alarm WP20026591 Phone 09/20/20 11:02 Residential Medical 2020075327 Residential Medical Alarm WP20026619 Phone 09/25/20 14:16 Residential Medical 2020076937 Residential Medical Alarm WP20027206 Phone SIA Area Watch Total: 12 09/04/20 01:45 SIA Area Watch 2020070504 09/04/20 21:47 SIA Area Watch 2020070779 09/04/20 23:00 SIA Area Watch 2020070809 09/07/20 04:49 SIA Area Watch 2020071556 09/13/20 13:47 SIA Area Watch 2020073256 09/15/20 19:53 SIA Area Watch 2020073959 09/20/20 01:12 SIA Area Watch 2020075274 09/23/2014:29 SIA Area Watch 2020076311 09/23/2018:24 SIA Area Watch 2020076403 09/27/20 23:50 SIA Area Watch 2020077713 09/28/20 22:53 SIA Area Watch 2020077977 Drugs WP20027575 09/30/2013:54 SIA Area Watch 2020078407 SIA Business Walk Through Total: 4 09/04/20 01:54 SIA Business Walk 2020070506 09/18/20 00:16 SIA Business Walk 2020074604 09/23/20 12:48 SIA Business Walk 2020076268 09/28/20 20:34 SIA Business Walk 2020077951 SIA City Council - City Hall Total: 2 09/14/20 17:30 SIA City Council - City 2020073646 09/28/20 17:30 SIA City Council - City 2020077897 SIA Door Check Total: 1 09/23/20 02:08 SIA Door Check 2020076165 SIA Foot Patrol Total: 3 09/04/20 20:55 SIA Foot Patrol 2020070761 09/12/20 06:27 SIA Foot Patrol 2020072876 09/21/20 23:19 SIA Foot Patrol 2020075845 SIA House Check Total: 3 09/02/20 01:21 SIA House Check 2020069880 09/02/20 01:36 SIA House Check 2020069884 09/02/20 01:45 SIA House Check 2020069886 SIA Other Total: 1 09/27/20 23:43 SIA Other 2020077712 SIA Parks Total: 31 Officer Officer Page 15 of 27 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/02/20 08:17 SIA Parks 2020069916 09/04/20 00:05 SIA Parks 2020070493 09/04/20 23:29 SIA Parks 2020070819 09/05/20 14:34 SIA Parks 2020071015 09/05/2014:54 SIA Parks 2020071026 09/05/20 23:04 SIA Parks 2020071188 09/05/20 23:53 SIA Parks 2020071201 09/06/20 10:16 SIA Parks 2020071275 09/08/20 07:30 SIA Parks 2020071836 09/08/20 14:29 SIA Parks 2020071943 09/08/20 23:49 SIA Parks 2020072084 Officer 09/11/2013:58 SIA Parks 2020072679 09/12/20 01:40 SIA Parks 2020072859 09/12/20 10:04 SIA Parks 2020072905 09/12/20 20:21 SIA Parks 2020073070 09/12/20 23:13 SIA Parks 2020073135 Officer 09/13/20 00:19 SIA Parks 2020073155 09/13/20 14:48 SIA Parks 2020073266 09/17/20 15:44 SIA Parks 2020074449 09/17/20 23:57 SIA Parks 2020074601 09/18/20 23:35 SIA Parks 2020074940 09/18/20 23:48 SIA Parks 2020074943 09/22/20 08:14 SIA Parks 2020075905 09/23/20 22:06 SIA Parks 2020076461 09/26/20 01:48 SIA Parks 2020077176 SIA Parks WPRK20027288 09/26/20 02:26 SIA Parks 2020077181 09/26/2011:01 SIA Parks 2020077234 09/26/2018:45 SIA Parks 2020077390 09/27/20 11:07 SIA Parks 2020077558 09/28/20 08:23 SIA Parks 2020077763 09/30/2018:53 SIA Parks 2020078489 SIA School Check Total: 1 09/29/20 12:59 SIA School Check 2020078114 Sign - Signal Repair; Traffic - Complaint Total: 1 09/27/20 09:26 Sign - Signal Repair; 2020077538 Stolen - Vehicle Total: 2 09/04/20 16:38 Stolen - Vehicle 2020070665 Stolen - Vehicle 09/15/20 15:02 Stolen - Vehicle 2020073882 Stolen - Vehicle Surveillance Total: 2 09/15/2014:34 Surveillance 09/20/20 22:08 Surveillance 2020073869 Surveillance 2020075503 Surveillance Suspicious - Circumstances Total: 39 09/01/20 13:06 Suspicious - 2020069677 09/01/20 17:50 Suspicious - 2020069764 Phone WP20025012 Phone WP20026077 Phone WSIU20026083 WP20026680 Suspicious -Circumstances WP20024673 Phone Theft WP20024707 Phone Page 16 of 27 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/02/20 02:12 Suspicious - 2020069891 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20024746 911 09/02/20 23:44 Suspicious - 2020070203 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20024851 Phone 09/05/20 03:09 Suspicious - 2020070867 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20025068 09/05/20 17:21 Suspicious - 2020071073 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20025143 Phone 09/05/20 20:43 Suspicious - 2020071145 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20025172 911 09/06/20 14:26 Suspicious - 2020071337 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20025228 Phone 09/06/20 20:08 Suspicious - 2020071457 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20025269 911 09/08/20 19:21 Suspicious - 2020072028 Court Order Violation WP20025465 911 09/09/20 18:51 Suspicious - 2020072284 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20025542 911 09/11/20 16:01 Suspicious - 2020072721 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20025705 Phone 09/12/20 20:59 Suspicious - 2020073083 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20025812 911 09/13/20 00:53 Suspicious - 2020073165 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20025833 911 09/13/20 09:30 Suspicious - 2020073215 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20025856 Phone 09/14/20 00:32 Suspicious - 2020073415 Criminal Damage to Property WP20025922 Phone 09/14/20 10:39 Suspicious - 2020073504 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20025959 911 09/15/20 00:31 Suspicious - 2020073743 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20026033 911 09/16/20 09:00 Suspicious - 2020074062 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20026152 Phone 09/16/20 15:09 Suspicious - 2020074159 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20026189 Phone 09/16/20 17:38 Suspicious - 2020074208 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20026204 Phone 09/18/20 18:09 Suspicious - 2020074837 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20026442 09/18/20 22:52 Suspicious - 2020074928 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20026472 Phone 09/19/20 04:38 Suspicious - 2020074975 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20026489 911 09/19/20 08:31 Suspicious - 2020074992 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20026497 Phone 09/19/20 11:43 Suspicious - 2020075040 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20026512 Phone 09/19/20 21:52 Suspicious - 2020075217 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20026574 Phone 09/19/20 23:04 Suspicious - 2020075243 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20026584 911 09/20/20 21:36 Suspicious - 2020075499 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20026666 Phone 09/21/20 15:13 Suspicious - 2020075686 Civil Child Custody WP20026743 Phone 09/24/20 10:34 Suspicious - 2020076572 Dumping WP20027072 Phone 09/24/20 15:51 Suspicious - 2020076632 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20027101 Phone 09/25/20 00:57 Suspicious - 2020076806 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20027144 911 09/25/20 01:32 Suspicious - 2020076810 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20027146 Phone 09/25/20 03:07 Suspicious - 2020076819 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20027152 Phone 09/29/20 00:55 Suspicious - 2020077988 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20027577 Phone 09/29/20 12:18 Suspicious - 2020078104 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20027625 Phone 09/30/20 19:26 Suspicious - 2020078499 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20027784 Phone 09/30/20 21:43 Suspicious - 2020078529 Fraud - Internet WP20027792 Phone Suspicious - Circumstances; Check Welfare Total: 1 09/02/20 23:42 Suspicious - 2020070201 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20024849 911 Suspicious - Item Total: 1 09/25/20 10:53 Suspicious - Item 2020076883 Suspicious - Item WP20027180 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle Total: 31 09/01/20 01:22 Suspicious - Person - 2020069576 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20024635 Phone 09/01/20 14:31 Suspicious - Person - 2020069702 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WSRO20024685 09/01/20 15:51 Suspicious - Person - 2020069721 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20024693 Phone Page 17 of 27 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/01/20 16:31 09/02/20 13:00 Suspicious - Person - 2020069736 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20024697 Phone 09/01/20 17:53 09/02/2016:45 Suspicious - Person - 2020069767 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20024708 Phone 09/02/20 07:59 09/08/20 09:47 Suspicious - Person - 2020069914 Unwanted Person WP20024758 Phone 09/05/20 17:55 09/09/20 01:14 Suspicious - Person - 2020071083 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20025148 Phone 09/06/20 00:04 09/12/2019:17 Suspicious - Person - 2020071204 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20025184 911 09/06/20 00:53 09/15/20 16:13 Suspicious - Person - 2020071219 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20025188 Phone 09/07/20 01:11 09/17/2017:14 Suspicious - Person - 2020071538 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20025288 Phone 09/07/20 14:42 09/22/2016:22 Suspicious - Person - 2020071652 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20025335 Phone 09/10/20 03:28 09/26/2016:48 Suspicious - Person - 2020072332 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20025565 911 09/11/20 21:38 09/29/20 06:37 Suspicious - Person - 2020072813 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20025728 911 09/13/20 01:38 09/30/20 01:39 Suspicious - Person - 2020073173 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20025837 Phone 09/13/20 10:45 Theft - From Vehicle Total: 2 Suspicious - Person - 2020073227 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20025861 Phone 09/14/20 11:46 Theft - From Vehicle Suspicious - Person - 2020073525 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20025964 Phone 09/16/20 00:09 Theft - From Vehicle Suspicious - Person - 2020074014 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20026132 911 09/16/20 02:25 Suspicious - Person - 2020074029 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20026138 911 09/17/20 05:18 Suspicious - Person - 2020074308 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20026234 911 09/17/20 10:29 Suspicious - Person - 2020074360 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20026256 Phone 09/18/20 17:39 Suspicious - Person - 2020074822 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20026433 Phone 09/18/20 19:39 Suspicious - Person - 2020074863 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20026452 911 09/19/20 01:59 Suspicious - Person - 2020074965 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20026483 Phone 09/19/20 23:31 Suspicious - Person - 2020075254 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20026590 Phone 09/22/20 23:36 Suspicious - Person - 2020076141 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20026924 Phone 09/23/20 01:33 Suspicious - Person - 2020076158 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20026930 Phone 09/23/20 16:10 Suspicious - Person - 2020076346 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20026995 Phone 09/23/20 22:06 Suspicious - Person - 2020076462 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20027036 Phone 09/26/20 22:36 Suspicious - Person - 2020077463 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20027398 Phone 09/26/20 23:10 Suspicious - Person - 2020077475 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20027403 Phone 09/29/20 09:39 Suspicious - Person - 2020078048 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20027606 Phone Theft Total: 12 09/01/2011:26 Theft 2020069640 Theft WP20024658 Phone 09/02/20 13:00 Theft 2020069995 Commercial Burglary WP20024783 Phone 09/02/2016:45 Theft 2020070071 Theft WP20024813 Phone 09/08/20 09:47 Theft 2020071865 Theft WP20025393 Phone 09/09/20 01:14 Theft 2020072096 Theft WP20025478 Phone 09/12/2019:17 Theft 2020073053 Theft WP20025805 Phone 09/15/20 16:13 Theft 2020073898 Residential Burglary WP20026085 911 09/17/2017:14 Theft 2020074480 Theft WP20026302 Phone 09/22/2016:22 Theft 2020076041 Theft WP20026884 Phone 09/26/2016:48 Theft 2020077354 Theft WP20027359 Phone 09/29/20 06:37 Theft 2020078010 Theft WP20027588 911 09/30/20 01:39 Theft 2020078293 911 Theft - From Vehicle Total: 2 09/10/20 19:54 Theft - From Vehicle 2020072513 Theft - From Vehicle WP20025632 911 09/10/20 20:47 Theft - From Vehicle 2020072530 Theft - From Vehicle WP20025635 911 Page 18 of 27 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Theft - Identity Theft Total: 2 09/22/20 09:32 Theft - Identity Theft 2020075916 09/22/20 17:26 Theft - Identity Theft 2020076063 Theft - Shoplifting Total: 19 Final Incident Case Number How Reported Theft - Identity Theft WP20026834 Phone Theft - Identity Theft WP20026891 Phone 09/05/20 12:08 Theft - Shoplifting 2020070965 Theft - Shoplifting WP20025104 Phone 09/05/20 12:49 Theft - Shoplifting 2020070982 Theft - Shoplifting WP20025110 911 09/05/20 19:06 Theft - Shoplifting 2020071107 Theft - Shoplifting WP20025159 911 09/08/20 18:55 Theft - Shoplifting 2020072021 Theft - Shoplifting WP20025462 911 09/09/20 16:54 Theft - Shoplifting 2020072250 Theft - Shoplifting WP20025532 Phone 09/09/20 17:17 Theft - Shoplifting 2020072254 Theft - Shoplifting WP20025534 Phone 09/09/20 18:31 Theft - Shoplifting 2020072275 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20025539 911 09/10/20 15:48 Theft - Shoplifting 2020072455 Theft - Shoplifting WP20025614 Phone 09/13/20 10:58 Theft - Shoplifting 2020073230 Theft - Shoplifting WP20025862 Phone 09/15/20 15:15 Theft - Shoplifting 2020073887 Theft - Shoplifting WP20026078 Phone 09/15/20 18:03 Theft - Shoplifting 2020073927 Theft - Shoplifting WP20026097 09/17/20 11:57 Theft - Shoplifting 2020074387 Theft - Shoplifting WP20026267 Phone 09/17/20 17:16 Theft - Shoplifting 2020074483 Theft - Shoplifting WP20026301 911 09/18/20 18:20 Theft - Shoplifting 2020074843 Theft - Shoplifting WP20026444 Phone 09/23/20 17:44 Theft - Shoplifting 2020076383 Theft - Shoplifting WP20027006 Phone 09/23/20 20:11 Theft - Shoplifting 2020076434 Theft - Shoplifting WP20027021 Phone 09/23/20 21:28 Theft - Shoplifting 2020076455 Theft - Shoplifting WP20027031 Phone 09/24/20 12:44 Theft - Shoplifting 2020076601 Theft - Shoplifting WP20027083 Phone 09/26/20 15:32 Theft - Shoplifting 2020077336 Drugs WP20027347 Phone Theft - Shoplifting; Traffic Stop Total: 1 09/03/20 20:15 Theft - Shoplifting; 2020070425 Drugs WP20024925 911 Threats Total: 4 09/02/2016:51 Threats 2020070075 Threats WP20024815 Phone 09/06/2017:44 Threats 2020071414 Threats WP20025253 911 09/11/20 13:07 Threats 2020072663 Intoxicated Person WP20025689 Phone 09/12/2014:10 Threats 2020072969 Threats WP20025773 911 Tow Total: 1 Traffic - Complaint 2020072873 Traffic - Complaint WP20025748 Phone 09/11/20 07:49 Tow 2020072594 DUI WP20025878 Phone Traffic - Complaint Total: 21 09/04/20 16:13 Traffic - Complaint 2020070652 Traffic - Complaint WP20025008 Phone 09/05/20 11:45 Traffic - Complaint 2020070951 Traffic - Complaint WP20025101 Phone 09/05/20 17:53 Traffic - Complaint 2020071080 Traffic - Complaint WP20025147 911 09/10/20 15:23 Traffic - Complaint 2020072450 Traffic - Complaint WP20025610 Phone 09/12/20 05:31 Traffic - Complaint 2020072873 Traffic - Complaint WP20025748 Phone 09/13/20 14:53 Traffic - Complaint 2020073269 DUI WP20025878 Phone 09/13/20 22:08 Traffic - Complaint 2020073386 911 09/15/20 17:47 Traffic - Complaint 2020073922 Traffic - Complaint WP20026096 Phone 09/15/20 18:18 Traffic - Complaint 2020073931 Traffic - Complaint WP20026100 Phone 09/18/20 14:46 Traffic - Complaint 2020074765 Traffic - Complaint WP20026403 911 Page 19 of 27 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident 09/19/20 19:25 Traffic - Complaint 2020075159 Traffic - Complaint 09/19/20 19:43 Traffic - Complaint 2020075163 Traffic - Complaint 09/20/20 08:36 Traffic - Complaint 2020075308 Traffic - Complaint 09/21/20 18:20 Traffic - Complaint 2020075758 Traffic - Complaint 09/22/20 16:17 Traffic - Complaint 2020076037 Traffic - Complaint 09/23/20 10:37 Traffic - Complaint 2020076229 Traffic - Complaint 09/24/20 10:34 Traffic - Complaint 2020076571 Traffic - Complaint 09/25/20 13:02 Traffic - Complaint 2020076919 Traffic - Complaint 09/25/20 16:25 Traffic - Complaint 2020076969 Suspicious - Circumstances 09/27/20 20:19 Traffic - Complaint 2020077679 Traffic - Complaint 09/30/20 19:15 Traffic - Complaint 2020078494 Traffic - Complaint Traffic - Complaint; Juvenile - Complaint Total: 1 09/13/20 19:56 Traffic - Complaint; 2020073342 Traffic - Complaint Case Number How Reported WP20026555 Phone WP20026559 Phone WP20026613 Phone WP20026770 Phone WP20026881 Phone WP20026950 Phone WP20027071 911 WP20027199 Phone WP20027220 Phone WP20027472 Phone WP20027781 911 WP20025906 Phone Traffic - Hazard Total: 1 09/06/20 17:09 Traffic - Hazard 2020071401 Traffic - Hazard WP20025247 911 Traffic Stop Total: 315 09/01/20 09:44 Traffic Stop 2020069621 Traffic Stop WP20024652 Officer 09/01/2011:01 Traffic Stop 2020069635 Officer 09/01/20 12:12 Traffic Stop 2020069655 Officer 09/01/2013:06 Traffic Stop 2020069676 Officer 09/01/2016:25 Traffic Stop 2020069733 Traffic Stop WP20024696 Officer 09/01/2019:21 Traffic Stop 2020069786 Officer 09/01/20 20:13 Traffic Stop 2020069804 Officer 09/01/20 23:10 Traffic Stop 2020069855 Officer 09/02/20 00:08 Traffic Stop 2020069866 Officer 09/02/20 01:48 Traffic Stop 2020069887 Traffic Stop WP20024744 Officer 09/02/2012:00 Traffic Stop 2020069977 Officer 09/02/2012:36 Traffic Stop 2020069987 Officer 09/02/20 13:49 Traffic Stop 2020070012 Officer 09/02/20 20:31 Traffic Stop 2020070149 Officer 09/02/20 21:02 Traffic Stop 2020070161 Officer 09/02/20 22:50 Traffic Stop 2020070196 Officer 09/03/20 04:33 Traffic Stop 2020070229 Officer 09/03/20 09:27 Traffic Stop 2020070262 Officer 09/03/20 20:07 Traffic Stop 2020070421 Officer 09/03/20 20:13 Traffic Stop 2020070424 Officer 09/03/20 20:31 Traffic Stop 2020070430 Officer 09/03/20 20:43 Traffic Stop 2020070435 Officer 09/03/20 20:56 Traffic Stop 2020070441 Officer 09/03/20 21:07 Traffic Stop 2020070446 Officer 09/03/20 22:30 Traffic Stop 2020070471 Officer 09/03/20 22:41 Traffic Stop 2020070472 Officer 09/04/20 01:30 Traffic Stop 2020070500 Officer 09/04/20 02:35 Traffic Stop 2020070511 DUI WP20024955 Officer 09/04/20 02:59 Traffic Stop 2020070515 Officer Page 20 of 27 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/04/2013:34 Traffic Stop 2020070609 Officer 09/04/20 13:42 Traffic Stop 2020070616 Traffic Stop WP20024991 Officer 09/04/2015:52 Traffic Stop 2020070641 Officer 09/04/2016:34 Traffic Stop 2020070662 Officer 09/04/2018:22 Traffic Stop 2020070702 Officer 09/04/20 19:44 Traffic Stop 2020070725 Officer 09/04/20 20:29 Traffic Stop 2020070751 Traffic Stop WP20025038 Officer 09/04/20 21:41 Traffic Stop 2020070775 Officer 09/04/20 22:10 Traffic Stop 2020070786 Officer 09/04/20 23:06 Traffic Stop 2020070811 Traffic Stop WP20025053 Officer 09/04/20 23:26 Traffic Stop 2020070818 Traffic Stop WP20025054 Officer 09/05/20 00:26 Traffic Stop 2020070837 Officer 09/05/20 01:14 Traffic Stop 2020070849 Officer 09/05/20 02:11 Traffic Stop 2020070861 Officer 09/05/20 07:26 Traffic Stop 2020070882 Traffic Stop WP20025077 Officer 09/05/20 14:35 Traffic Stop 2020071016 Officer 09/05/20 14:40 Traffic Stop 2020071019 Officer 09/05/20 22:40 Traffic Stop 2020071184 Traffic Stop WP20025179 Officer 09/06/20 22:40 Traffic Stop 2020071510 Officer 09/06/20 23:01 Traffic Stop 2020071513 Officer 09/07/20 10:43 Traffic Stop 2020071587 Traffic Stop WP20025309 Officer 09/07/20 13:23 Traffic Stop 2020071631 Traffic Stop WP20025325 Officer 09/07/20 13:25 Traffic Stop 2020071632 Traffic Stop WP20025326 Officer 09/07/20 13:47 Traffic Stop 2020071637 Traffic Stop WP20025329 Officer 09/07/20 14:10 Traffic Stop 2020071643 Officer 09/07/20 14:44 Traffic Stop 2020071654 Officer 09/07/20 15:09 Traffic Stop 2020071658 Officer 09/07/20 16:47 Traffic Stop 2020071675 Traffic Stop WP20025343 Officer 09/07/20 17:15 Traffic Stop 2020071680 Traffic Stop WP20025346 Officer 09/07/20 17:30 Traffic Stop 2020071682 Officer 09/07/20 20:00 Traffic Stop 2020071731 Officer 09/07/20 21:30 Traffic Stop 2020071765 Officer 09/07/20 23:47 Traffic Stop 2020071802 Officer 09/08/20 02:15 Traffic Stop 2020071819 Officer 09/08/20 10:36 Traffic Stop 2020071877 Traffic Stop WP20025401 Officer 09/08/20 11:14 Traffic Stop 2020071886 Officer 09/08/20 11:21 Traffic Stop 2020071888 Officer 09/08/20 11:32 Traffic Stop 2020071890 Traffic Stop WP20025409 Officer 09/08/20 11:48 Traffic Stop 2020071896 Officer 09/08/20 11:55 Traffic Stop 2020071899 Officer 09/08/20 16:25 Traffic Stop 2020071970 Traffic Stop WP20025439 Officer 09/08/20 17:49 Traffic Stop 2020072000 Officer 09/09/20 09:29 Traffic Stop 2020072146 Officer 09/09/20 11:30 Traffic Stop 2020072175 Officer 09/09/20 12:25 Traffic Stop 2020072186 Traffic Stop WP20025508 Officer 09/09/20 13:58 Traffic Stop 2020072202 Officer 09/09/20 14:05 Traffic Stop 2020072206 Traffic Stop WP20025512 Officer Page 21 of 27 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/09/20 14:15 Traffic Stop 2020072210 Traffic Stop WP20025513 Officer 09/09/20 15:44 Traffic Stop 2020072231 Traffic Stop WP20025521 Officer 09/09/20 16:15 Traffic Stop 2020072237 Officer 09/09/20 16:30 Traffic Stop 2020072245 Traffic Stop WP20025528 Officer 09/09/20 16:32 Traffic Stop 2020072246 Officer 09/09/20 18:22 Traffic Stop 2020072272 Officer 09/10/20 02:05 Traffic Stop 2020072327 Officer 09/10/20 12:34 Traffic Stop 2020072407 Officer 09/10/20 13:39 Traffic Stop 2020072420 Officer 09/10/20 16:26 Traffic Stop 2020072467 Traffic Stop WP20025617 Officer 09/10/20 17:59 Traffic Stop 2020072493 Officer 09/10/20 20:03 Traffic Stop 2020072516 Officer 09/11/20 01:29 Traffic Stop 2020072568 Officer 09/11/20 04:58 Traffic Stop 2020072580 Officer 09/11/20 08:14 Traffic Stop 2020072599 Officer 09/11/20 08:58 Traffic Stop 2020072607 Traffic Stop WP20025658 Officer 09/11/20 09:26 Traffic Stop 2020072615 Traffic Stop WP20025665 Officer 09/11/20 10:17 Traffic Stop 2020072629 Officer 09/11/20 12:07 Traffic Stop 2020072655 Officer 09/11/20 14:40 Traffic Stop 2020072690 Officer 09/11/20 14:41 Traffic Stop 2020072691 Officer 09/11/20 14:50 Traffic Stop 2020072695 Officer 09/11/20 15:02 Traffic Stop 2020072700 Officer 09/11/20 15:06 Traffic Stop 2020072701 Officer 09/11/20 15:15 Traffic Stop 2020072705 Officer 09/11/20 15:16 Traffic Stop 2020072706 Officer 09/11/20 16:45 Traffic Stop 2020072737 Officer 09/11/20 22:07 Traffic Stop 2020072819 DUI WP20025730 Officer 09/12/20 05:24 Traffic Stop 2020072871 Officer 09/12/20 06:48 Traffic Stop 2020072877 Officer 09/12/20 06:58 Traffic Stop 2020072880 Officer 09/12/20 07:09 Traffic Stop 2020072882 Officer 09/12/20 07:26 Traffic Stop 2020072884 Officer 09/12/20 10:30 Traffic Stop 2020072911 Officer 09/12/20 13:44 Traffic Stop 2020072958 Officer 09/12/20 13:52 Traffic Stop 2020072960 Officer 09/12/20 14:00 Traffic Stop 2020072963 Officer 09/12/20 15:00 Traffic Stop 2020072989 Officer 09/12/20 15:16 Traffic Stop 2020072993 Traffic Stop WP20025781 Officer 09/12/20 15:18 Traffic Stop 2020072995 Officer 09/12/20 20:08 Traffic Stop 2020073068 Officer 09/12/20 20:13 Traffic Stop 2020073069 Traffic Stop WP20025810 Officer 09/12/20 21:19 Traffic Stop 2020073086 Officer 09/12/20 21:28 Traffic Stop 2020073091 Officer 09/12/20 21:44 Traffic Stop 2020073101 Traffic Stop WP20025816 Officer 09/12/20 22:22 Traffic Stop 2020073114 Officer 09/13/20 00:06 Traffic Stop 2020073146 Officer Page 22 of 27 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/13/20 00:57 Traffic Stop 2020073166 Traffic Stop WP20025835 Officer 09/13/20 01:37 Traffic Stop 2020073172 Officer 09/13/20 21:46 Traffic Stop 2020073378 Officer 09/13/20 23:09 Traffic Stop 2020073398 Traffic Stop WP20025920 Officer 09/13/20 23:54 Traffic Stop 2020073406 Officer 09/14/20 00:04 Traffic Stop 2020073408 Officer 09/14/20 00:21 Traffic Stop 2020073413 Officer 09/14/20 15:09 Traffic Stop 2020073597 Officer 09/14/20 18:35 Traffic Stop 2020073672 Officer 09/14/20 20:33 Traffic Stop 2020073703 Traffic Stop WP20026021 Officer 09/14/20 21:08 Traffic Stop 2020073710 Officer 09/14/20 22:06 Traffic Stop 2020073722 Officer 09/14/20 22:14 Traffic Stop 2020073723 Officer 09/15/20 06:28 Traffic Stop 2020073763 Officer 09/15/20 08:09 Traffic Stop 2020073780 Traffic Stop WP20026044 Officer 09/15/20 10:13 Traffic Stop 2020073808 Officer 09/15/20 11:06 Traffic Stop 2020073818 Officer 09/15/20 14:31 Traffic Stop 2020073868 Officer 09/15/20 15:20 Traffic Stop 2020073890 Officer 09/15/20 19:32 Traffic Stop 2020073952 Officer 09/15/20 21:37 Traffic Stop 2020073987 Officer 09/15/20 22:51 Traffic Stop 2020074000 Officer 09/16/20 07:18 Traffic Stop 2020074046 Officer 09/16/20 08:33 Traffic Stop 2020074057 Officer 09/16/20 13:03 Traffic Stop 2020074126 Traffic Stop WP20026176 Officer 09/16/20 14:32 Traffic Stop 2020074150 Officer 09/16/20 14:43 Traffic Stop 2020074152 Officer 09/16/20 15:46 Traffic Stop 2020074171 Officer 09/16/20 16:24 Traffic Stop 2020074186 Officer 09/16/20 16:29 Traffic Stop 2020074188 Traffic Stop WP20026194 Officer 09/16/20 16:56 Traffic Stop 2020074197 Traffic Stop WP20026197 Officer 09/16/20 22:23 Traffic Stop 2020074279 Officer 09/16/20 22:29 Traffic Stop 2020074283 Officer 09/16/20 22:41 Traffic Stop 2020074287 Officer 09/17/20 11:48 Traffic Stop 2020074382 Drugs WP20026271 Officer 09/17/20 12:22 Traffic Stop 2020074392 Officer 09/17/20 17:55 Traffic Stop 2020074497 Officer 09/17/20 21:12 Traffic Stop 2020074560 Officer 09/17/20 21:39 Traffic Stop 2020074570 Traffic Stop WP20026328 Officer 09/17/20 23:11 Traffic Stop 2020074593 Officer 09/18/20 00:39 Traffic Stop 2020074607 Officer 09/18/20 06:12 Traffic Stop 2020074625 Traffic Stop WP20026341 Officer 09/18/20 06:30 Traffic Stop 2020074627 Traffic Stop WP20026342 Officer 09/18/20 06:44 Traffic Stop 2020074632 Traffic Stop WP20026345 Officer 09/18/20 07:03 Traffic Stop 2020074635 Officer 09/18/20 07:09 Traffic Stop 2020074636 Traffic Stop WP20026347 Officer 09/18/20 07:40 Traffic Stop 2020074641 Traffic Stop WP20026351 Officer Page 23 of 27 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/18/20 08:22 Traffic Stop 2020074653 Officer 09/18/20 11:04 Traffic Stop 2020074688 Traffic Stop WP20026374 Officer 09/18/20 11:13 Traffic Stop 2020074695 Traffic Stop WP20026377 Officer 09/18/20 11:35 Traffic Stop 2020074705 Officer 09/18/20 11:42 Traffic Stop 2020074707 Officer 09/18/20 13:12 Traffic Stop 2020074728 Officer 09/18/20 13:15 Traffic Stop 2020074730 Officer 09/18/20 13:40 Traffic Stop 2020074738 Officer 09/18/20 14:38 Traffic Stop 2020074761 Officer 09/18/20 16:53 Traffic Stop 2020074810 Officer 09/18/20 16:53 Traffic Stop 2020074811 Traffic Stop WP20026428 Officer 09/18/20 17:04 Traffic Stop 2020074812 Officer 09/18/20 17:22 Traffic Stop 2020074820 Officer 09/18/20 18:02 Traffic Stop 2020074831 Officer 09/18/20 18:22 Traffic Stop 2020074845 Officer 09/18/20 20:33 Traffic Stop 2020074880 Officer 09/18/20 20:42 Traffic Stop 2020074885 Officer 09/18/20 21:24 Traffic Stop 2020074897 Officer 09/19/20 12:04 Traffic Stop 2020075045 Traffic Stop WP20026515 Officer 09/19/20 13:03 Traffic Stop 2020075067 Officer 09/19/20 14:39 Traffic Stop 2020075090 Officer 09/19/20 14:47 Traffic Stop 2020075093 Traffic Stop WP20026534 Officer 09/19/20 21:12 Traffic Stop 2020075198 Traffic Stop WP20026571 Officer 09/19/20 22:07 Traffic Stop 2020075221 Officer 09/19/20 22:44 Traffic Stop 2020075237 Officer 09/19/20 23:18 Traffic Stop 2020075251 Officer 09/19/20 23:52 Traffic Stop 2020075262 Officer 09/20/20 11:10 Traffic Stop 2020075333 Traffic Stop WP20026622 Officer 09/20/20 12:47 Traffic Stop 2020075347 Traffic Stop WP20026626 Officer 09/20/20 14:52 Traffic Stop 2020075371 Officer 09/20/20 20:30 Traffic Stop 2020075484 Officer 09/20/20 20:33 Traffic Stop 2020075486 Officer 09/21/20 20:51 Traffic Stop 2020075813 Officer 09/21/20 21:26 Traffic Stop 2020075822 Traffic Stop WP20026794 Officer 09/21/20 22:38 Traffic Stop 2020075837 Officer 09/22/20 00:12 Traffic Stop 2020075856 Traffic Stop WP20026807 Officer 09/22/20 01:02 Traffic Stop 2020075866 Traffic Stop WP20026811 Officer 09/22/20 10:52 Traffic Stop 2020075944 Officer 09/22/20 15:33 Traffic Stop 2020076016 Officer 09/22/20 15:44 Traffic Stop 2020076025 Officer 09/22/20 22:21 Traffic Stop 2020076124 Officer 09/22/20 22:22 Traffic Stop 2020076125 Officer 09/22/20 22:50 Traffic Stop 2020076128 Officer 09/23/20 07:04 Traffic Stop 2020076179 Officer 09/23/20 08:02 Traffic Stop 2020076192 Officer 09/23/20 11:08 Traffic Stop 2020076236 Traffic Stop WP20026954 Officer 09/23/20 12:07 Traffic Stop 2020076251 Officer Page 24 of 27 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/23/20 12:16 Traffic Stop 2020076254 Traffic Stop WP20026958 Officer 09/23/2012:34 Traffic Stop 2020076263 Officer 09/23/2014:07 Traffic Stop 2020076298 Traffic Stop WP20026970 Officer 09/23/2014:28 Traffic Stop 2020076308 Traffic Stop WP20026976 Officer 09/23/2016:08 Traffic Stop 2020076344 Traffic Stop WP20026993 Officer 09/23/2016:33 Traffic Stop 2020076357 Traffic Stop WP20026999 Officer 09/23/2017:08 Traffic Stop 2020076374 Officer 09/23/20 19:18 Traffic Stop 2020076423 Officer 09/23/20 20:37 Traffic Stop 2020076445 Traffic Stop WP20027026 Officer 09/24/20 02:43 Traffic Stop 2020076505 Officer 09/24/2011:35 Traffic Stop 2020076587 Officer 09/24/2013:14 Traffic Stop 2020076610 Drugs WP20027092 Officer 09/24/2019:36 Traffic Stop 2020076719 Officer 09/24/2019:50 Traffic Stop 2020076723 Officer 09/24/2019:53 Traffic Stop 2020076724 Officer 09/24/20 20:57 Traffic Stop 2020076745 Officer 09/24/20 21:39 Traffic Stop 2020076755 Traffic Stop WP20027133 Officer 09/24/20 21:49 Traffic Stop 2020076760 Officer 09/24/20 22:04 Traffic Stop 2020076765 Officer 09/24/20 22:19 Traffic Stop 2020076769 Officer 09/24/20 22:27 Traffic Stop 2020076773 Officer 09/24/20 22:45 Traffic Stop 2020076777 Officer 09/25/20 00:15 Traffic Stop 2020076794 Officer 09/25/20 00:29 Traffic Stop 2020076801 Officer 09/25/20 02:56 Traffic Stop 2020076818 Officer 09/25/20 07:18 Traffic Stop 2020076840 Officer 09/25/20 16:15 Traffic Stop 2020076965 Traffic Stop WP20027217 Officer 09/25/20 16:20 Traffic Stop 2020076967 Traffic Stop WP20027218 Officer 09/25/20 16:40 Traffic Stop 2020076973 Officer 09/25/20 16:41 Traffic Stop 2020076976 Traffic Stop WP20027224 Officer 09/25/2016:53 Traffic Stop 2020076979 Drugs WP20027226 Officer 09/25/20 19:36 Traffic Stop 2020077024 Officer 09/25/20 19:39 Traffic Stop 2020077027 Officer 09/25/20 19:48 Traffic Stop 2020077033 Officer 09/25/20 21:31 Traffic Stop 2020077088 Officer 09/25/20 21:41 Traffic Stop 2020077091 Officer 09/25/20 21:51 Traffic Stop 2020077094 Officer 09/25/20 22:10 Traffic Stop 2020077100 Officer 09/25/20 22:38 Traffic Stop 2020077117 Drugs WP20027269 Officer 09/26/2010:05 Traffic Stop 2020077224 Traffic Stop WP20027309 Officer 09/26/2012:00 Traffic Stop 2020077249 Officer 09/26/2012:02 Traffic Stop 2020077250 Traffic Stop WP20027317 Officer 09/26/2012:22 Traffic Stop 2020077257 Officer 09/26/2012:53 Traffic Stop 2020077268 Officer 09/26/2013:02 Traffic Stop 2020077276 Officer 09/26/20 13:11 Traffic Stop 2020077282 Officer 09/26/2013:21 Traffic Stop 2020077286 Officer Page 25 of 27 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/26/20 13:44 Traffic Stop 2020077298 Traffic Stop WP20027336 Officer 09/26/2014:20 Traffic Stop 2020077309 Officer 09/26/20 14:44 Traffic Stop 2020077320 Officer 09/26/2014:51 Traffic Stop 2020077321 Officer 09/26/20 16:15 Traffic Stop 2020077348 Officer 09/26/20 17:12 Traffic Stop 2020077361 Traffic Stop WP20027363 Officer 09/26/2017:26 Traffic Stop 2020077366 Officer 09/26/2017:36 Traffic Stop 2020077370 Officer 09/26/2018:09 Traffic Stop 2020077381 Officer 09/26/20 18:49 Traffic Stop 2020077391 Officer 09/26/20 19:18 Traffic Stop 2020077396 Officer 09/26/2019:22 Traffic Stop 2020077397 Officer 09/26/20 20:23 Traffic Stop 2020077421 Officer 09/26/20 22:28 Traffic Stop 2020077460 Officer 09/27/20 10:08 Traffic Stop 2020077546 Traffic Stop WP20027426 Officer 09/27/20 10:43 Traffic Stop 2020077555 Officer 09/27/20 11:43 Traffic Stop 2020077564 DUI WP20027433 Officer 09/27/20 12:45 Traffic Stop 2020077573 Officer 09/27/20 19:56 Traffic Stop 2020077669 Traffic Stop WP20027467 Officer 09/27/20 20:11 Traffic Stop 2020077677 Officer 09/27/20 21:53 Traffic Stop 2020077696 Officer 09/27/20 23:59 Traffic Stop 2020077715 Officer 09/28/20 07:25 Traffic Stop 2020077751 Officer 09/28/20 10:10 Traffic Stop 2020077784 Traffic Stop WP20027507 Officer 09/28/20 10:27 Traffic Stop 2020077789 Officer 09/28/20 14:21 Traffic Stop 2020077841 Traffic Stop WP20027529 Officer 09/28/2014:39 Traffic Stop 2020077848 Officer 09/28/20 16:24 Traffic Stop 2020077874 Traffic Stop WP20027541 Officer 09/28/20 17:27 Traffic Stop 2020077894 Officer 09/28/2017:39 Traffic Stop 2020077899 Traffic Stop WP20027552 Officer 09/28/20 18:05 Traffic Stop 2020077907 Officer 09/28/20 18:15 Traffic Stop 2020077910 Traffic Stop WP20027557 Officer 09/29/20 18:20 Traffic Stop 2020078198 Officer 09/29/20 18:28 Traffic Stop 2020078202 Officer 09/29/20 18:41 Traffic Stop 2020078209 Officer 09/29/20 18:44 Traffic Stop 2020078212 Officer 09/29/20 18:56 Traffic Stop 2020078217 Officer 09/29/20 19:37 Traffic Stop 2020078228 Officer 09/29/20 20:33 Traffic Stop 2020078246 Officer 09/29/20 21:24 Traffic Stop 2020078255 Drugs WP20027692 Officer 09/30/2011:08 Traffic Stop 2020078370 Officer 09/30/20 13:41 Traffic Stop 2020078400 Officer 09/30/20 14:10 Traffic Stop 2020078410 Officer 09/30/20 14:16 Traffic Stop 2020078412 Traffic Stop WP20027753 Officer 09/30/2014:28 Traffic Stop 2020078417 Officer 09/30/2015:36 Traffic Stop 2020078436 Officer 09/30/20 20:26 Traffic Stop 2020078512 Officer Page 26 of 27 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/30/20 21:38 Traffic Stop 2020078526 Officer 09/30/20 22:10 Traffic Stop 2020078533 Officer 09/30/20 23:19 Traffic Stop 2020078555 Traffic Stop WP20027797 Officer 09/30/20 23:37 Traffic Stop 2020078562 Traffic Stop WP20027800 Officer Training Total: 8 09/15/20 09:45 Training 2020073801 Phone 09/15/2010:03 Training 2020073803 09/16/20 09:26 Training 2020074069 09/16/2016:46 Training 2020074194 Phone 09/21/2011:54 Training 2020075636 Phone 09/22/20 07:39 Training 2020075898 Phone 09/22/2010:04 Training 2020075926 09/29/2010:14 Training 2020078056 Unwanted Person Total: 7 09/06/20 02:27 Unwanted Person 2020071240 Intoxicated Person WP20025194 Phone 09/07/20 08:41 Unwanted Person 2020071571 Unwanted Person WP20025301 Phone 09/07/20 18:57 Unwanted Person 2020071706 Unwanted Person WP20025354 911 09/08/20 13:01 Unwanted Person 2020071914 Unwanted Person WP20025421 911 09/15/20 20:19 Unwanted Person 2020073965 Unwanted Person WP20026120 911 09/21/20 12:03 Unwanted Person 2020075638 Unwanted Person WP20026720 Phone 09/27/20 01:06 Unwanted Person 2020077503 Unwanted Person WP20027415 911 Walk Away Total: 1 09/26/20 18:55 Walk Away 2020077392 Missing Person WP20027372 Phone Warrant - Arrest Total: 1 09/25/20 14:02 Warrant - Arrest 2020076933 Warrant - Arrest WP20027203 Officer Warrant - Attempt Total: 6 09/03/20 17:34 Warrant - Attempt 2020070387 Warrant - Attempt WP20024915 09/08/20 17:08 Warrant - Attempt 2020071984 Warrant - Arrest WP20025448 Officer 09/09/20 10:49 Warrant - Attempt 2020072162 Officer 09/15/20 09:23 Warrant - Attempt 2020073795 09/15/20 11:04 Warrant - Attempt 2020073817 Warrant - Attempt WP20026058 Officer 09/27/20 17:23 Warrant - Attempt 2020077637 Drugs WP20027457 Officer Total Records: 1056 Page 27 of 27 Monticello Patrol Hour Summary Hours Purchased Per 2020 Contract: 1 19,032.00 Starting Hours (beginning of month): 6,294.50 M -T -D (detailed below): 1,570.00 Balance going forward (to next month): 4,724.50 Y -T -D: 1 14,307.50 Shift Start Shift Stop Date Shift Start Time Shift Stop Date Time Schedule Position Time Type Regular Hours 1 -Sep -20 0:00 1 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 6.00 1 -Sep -20 0:00 1 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 6.00 1 -Sep -20 6:00 1 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 1 -Sep -20 10:00 1 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 1 -Sep -20 10:00 1 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 1 -Sep -20 20:00 2 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 1 -Sep -20 20:00 2 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 2 -Sep -20 6:00 2 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 2 -Sep -20 10:00 2 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 2 -Sep -20 16:00 3 -Sep -20 2:00 Monticello (52) 3231 Regular 10.00 2 -Sep -20 20:00 3 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 2 -Sep -20 20:00 3 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 3 -Sep -20 6:00 3 -Sep -20 10:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 4.00 3 -Sep -20 10:00 3 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 3 -Sep -20 10:00 3 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 3 -Sep -20 14:00 3 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 2.00 3 -Sep -20 20:00 4 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 3 -Sep -20 20:00 4 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 4 -Sep -20 6:00 4 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 4 -Sep -20 10:00 4 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 4 -Sep -20 10:00 4 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 4 -Sep -20 20:00 4 -Sep -20 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 OT - Regular 2.00 4 -Sep -20 20:00 5 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 4 -Sep -20 20:00 5 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 5 -Sep -20 6:00 5 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 5 -Sep -20 10:00 5 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 5 -Sep -20 10:00 5 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 5 -Sep -20 20:00 6 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 5 -Sep -20 20:00 6 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 6 -Sep -20 6:00 6 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 6 -Sep -20 10:00 6 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 6 -Sep -20 10:00 6 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 6 -Sep -20 20:00 7 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 6 -Sep -20 20:00 7 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 7 -Sep -20 6:00 7 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 7 -Sep -20 10:00 7 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 7 -Sep -20 10:00 7 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 7 -Sep -20 13:45 7 -Sep -20 23:45 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 7 -Sep -20 20:00 8 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 8 -Sep -20 6:00 8 -Sep -20 15:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 9.00 8 -Sep -20 10:00 8 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 8 -Sep -20 13:00 8 -Sep -20 23:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 8 -Sep -20 16:00 8 -Sep -20 18:30 Monticello (52) 3231 Regular 2.50 8 -Sep -20 18:30 8 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3231 Regular 1.50 8 -Sep -20 20:00 9 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 8 -Sep -20 20:00 9 -Sep -20 2:00 Monticello (52) 3231 Regular 6.00 9 -Sep -20 6:00 9 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 9 -Sep -20 10:00 9 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 9 -Sep -20 10:00 9 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 9 -Sep -20 20:00 10 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 10 -Sep -20 6:00 10 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 10 -Sep -20 10:00 10 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 10 -Sep -20 12:00 10 -Sep -20 22:00 Monticello (52) 3231 Regular 10.00 10 -Sep -20 20:00 11 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 10 -Sep -20 20:00 11 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 11 -Sep -20 6:00 11 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 11 -Sep -20 10:00 11 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 11 -Sep -20 20:00 12 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 11 -Sep -20 20:00 12 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 12 -Sep -20 6:00 12 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 12 -Sep -20 10:00 12 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 12 -Sep -20 10:00 12 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 12 -Sep -20 20:00 13 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 12 -Sep -20 20:00 13 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 13 -Sep -20 6:00 13 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 13 -Sep -20 6:00 13 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 13 -Sep -20 6:00 13 -Sep -20 7:45 Monticello (52) 3241 OT - Regular 1.75 13 -Sep -20 6:00 13 -Sep -20 8:00 Monticello (52) 3211 OT - Regular 2.00 13 -Sep -20 6:00 13 -Sep -20 8:00 Monticello (52) 3240 OT - Regular 2.00 13 -Sep -20 10:00 13 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 13 -Sep -20 10:00 13 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 13 -Sep -20 20:00 14 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 13 -Sep -20 20:00 14 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 14 -Sep -20 6:00 14 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 14 -Sep -20 6:00 14 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 14 -Sep -20 10:00 14 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 14 -Sep -20 10:00 14 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 14 -Sep -20 20:00 14 -Sep -20 21:30 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 1.50 14 -Sep -20 20:00 15 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 14 -Sep -20 20:00 15 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 15 -Sep -20 6:00 15 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 15 -Sep -20 10:00 15 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 15 -Sep -20 10:00 15 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 15 -Sep -20 20:00 16 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 15 -Sep -20 20:00 16 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 16 -Sep -20 6:00 16 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 16 -Sep -20 10:00 16 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 16 -Sep -20 10:00 16 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 16 -Sep -20 20:00 17 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 16 -Sep -20 20:00 17 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 17 -Sep -20 6:00 17 -Sep -20 12:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 6.00 17 -Sep -20 10:00 17 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 17 -Sep -20 10:00 17 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 17 -Sep -20 12:00 17 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 4.00 17 -Sep -20 20:00 18 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 17 -Sep -20 20:00 18 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 18 -Sep -20 6:00 18 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 18 -Sep -20 10:00 18 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 18 -Sep -20 10:00 18 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 18 -Sep -20 20:00 19 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 19 -Sep -20 6:00 19 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 19 -Sep -20 10:00 19 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 19 -Sep -20 10:00 19 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 19 -Sep -20 20:00 20 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 19 -Sep -20 20:00 20 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 20 -Sep -20 6:00 20 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 20 -Sep -20 6:00 20 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 20 -Sep -20 10:00 20 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 20 -Sep -20 10:00 20 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 20 -Sep -20 16:00 20 -Sep -20 17:45 Monticello (52) 3210 OT - Regular 1.75 20 -Sep -20 20:00 20 -Sep -20 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 OT - Regular 2.00 20 -Sep -20 20:00 21 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 20 -Sep -20 20:00 21 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 21 -Sep -20 2:00 21 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3231 Regular 4.00 21 -Sep -20 6:00 21 -Sep -20 8:30 Monticello (52) 3231 OT - Regular 2.50 21 -Sep -20 6:00 21 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 21 -Sep -20 6:00 21 -Sep -20 7:00 Monticello (52) 3241 OT - Regular 1.00 21 -Sep -20 6:00 21 -Sep -20 8:30 Monticello (52) 3240 OT - Regular 2.50 21 -Sep -20 10:00 21 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 21 -Sep -20 10:00 21 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 21 -Sep -20 20:00 22 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 21 -Sep -20 20:00 22 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 22 -Sep -20 6:00 22 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 22 -Sep -20 10:00 22 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 22 -Sep -20 10:00 22 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 22 -Sep -20 20:00 23 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 22 -Sep -20 20:00 23 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 23 -Sep -20 6:00 23 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 23 -Sep -20 10:00 23 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 23 -Sep -20 10:00 23 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 23 -Sep -20 16:00 24 -Sep -20 2:00 Monticello (52) 3231 Regular 10.00 23 -Sep -20 16:00 23 -Sep -20 17:30 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 1.50 23 -Sep -20 16:00 23 -Sep -20 17:30 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 1.50 23 -Sep -20 20:00 24 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 23 -Sep -20 20:00 24 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 24 -Sep -20 6:00 24 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 24 -Sep -20 6:00 24 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 24 -Sep -20 10:00 24 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 24 -Sep -20 10:00 24 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 24 -Sep -20 13:00 24 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 3.00 24 -Sep -20 13:30 24 -Sep -20 17:30 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 4.00 24 -Sep -20 16:00 25 -Sep -20 2:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 24 -Sep -20 16:00 24 -Sep -20 17:30 Monticello (52) 3231 Regular 1.50 24 -Sep -20 16:00 24 -Sep -20 17:30 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 1.50 24 -Sep -20 20:00 25 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 24 -Sep -20 20:00 25 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 25 -Sep -20 6:00 25 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 25 -Sep -20 10:00 25 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 25 -Sep -20 10:00 25 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 25 -Sep -20 20:00 26 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 25 -Sep -20 20:00 26 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 26 -Sep -20 6:00 26 -Sep -20 15:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 9.00 26 -Sep -20 10:00 26 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 26 -Sep -20 10:00 26 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 26 -Sep -20 20:00 27 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 26 -Sep -20 20:00 27 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 27 -Sep -20 6:00 27 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 27 -Sep -20 10:00 27 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 27 -Sep -20 10:00 27 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 27 -Sep -20 16:00 28 -Sep -20 2:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 27 -Sep -20 20:00 28 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 27 -Sep -20 20:00 28 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 28 -Sep -20 6:00 28 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 28 -Sep -20 10:00 28 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 28 -Sep -20 10:00 28 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 28 -Sep -20 20:00 29 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 28 -Sep -20 20:00 29 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 29 -Sep -20 6:00 29 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 29 -Sep -20 10:00 29 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 29 -Sep -20 10:00 29 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 29 -Sep -20 20:00 30 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 29 -Sep -20 20:00 30 -Sep -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 30 -Sep -20 6:00 30 -Sep -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 30 -Sep -20 10:00 30 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 30 -Sep -20 10:00 30 -Sep -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 30 -Sep -20 20:00 1 -Oct -20 0:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 4.00 30 -Sep -20 20:00 1 -Oct -20 0:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 4.00 TOTAL: 1570.00