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City Council Agenda Packet 12-14-2020
REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, December 14, 2020 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Monticello Community Center 5 p.m. 2021 Budget Review Mayor: Brian Stumpf Council Members: Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Recognition of Mayor Brian Stumpf and Councilmember Bill Fair C. Approval of Agenda — Councilmembers or the City Administrator may add items to the agenda for discussion purposes or approval. The City Council may or may not take official action on items added to the agenda. D. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Regular Meeting Minutes from November 23, 2020 E. Citizen Comments — Individuals may address the City Council about any item not contained on the agenda. Each speaker will be allotted three minutes with a maximum of five speakers. The Mayor may allow for additional time and/or speakers. The City Council generally takes no official action of items discussed, with the exception of referral to staff for future report. F. Public Service Announcements/Updates • City Holiday Hours • Christmas Tree Pick Up G. Council Liaison Updates • EDA • IEDC • Planning Commission • Parks, Art & Recreation Commission • BCOL • Library Board • I-94 Coalition H. Department Updates • City Administrator Update 2. Consent Agenda — All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered standard or may not need discussion prior to approval. These items are acted upon by one motion unless a councilmember, the city administrator, or a citizen requests the item by removed from consent for additional discussion. A. Consideration of approving payment of bills B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property D. Consideration of approving City Facility Business Hours for 2021 E. Consideration of approving the 2021 Schedule of Regular Council and Commission meetings F. Consideration of approving Board and Commission Appointments commencing January 1, 2021 G. Consideration of approving a contract with the Wright County Assessor's Office for 2022-2023 assessing services H. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-84 declaring the official intent of the City of Monticello to reimburse certain expenditures from the proceeds of bonds to be issued by the city for a fire engine I. Consideration of directing staff to review DMV relocation to Prairie Center J. Consideration of approving a Map Amendment (Rezoning) from A -O (Agricultural Open Space) to R-1 (Single Family Residence) District, Amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Development and Final Stage Planned Unit Development, and Preliminary and Final Plat and Development Agreement for Featherstone 5th Addition, a 26 lot Single Family Development. Applicant: Novak -Fleck Inc. (Horst Graser) K. Consideration of approving an amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development for the Expansion of Outdoor Storage and changes to Facility Operations for an existing Bulk Fuel Sales and Storage Use in an I-2 (Heavy Industrial) District. Applicant: Beaudry Oil & Propane L. Consideration of approving a map revision for the Monticello2040 Land Use Map M. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-85 accepting improvements and authorizing final payment of $46,248.80 to All Elements, Inc. for the Monticello Community Center Roofing Project, City Project No. 200004 N. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-87 accepting improvements and authorizing final payment of $59,916.20 to OMG Midwest dba Minnesota Paving for the 2020 Street Improvements Project, City Project. No. 200001 O. Consideration of approving the purchase of a 2021 John Deere 624L front loader from RDO Equipment Co., fitted with plow equipment from Little Falls Machine, funded through the Central Equipment (Internal Service) Fund for a total of $244,371.04 P. Consideration of approving the purchase of a 2021 Mack dump/plow truck from NUSS Truck & Equipment equipped with a dump body and plow equipment from Bert's Truck Equipment for a total of $277,768 and declaring Truck #111 as surplus property 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 3. Public Hearings A. PUBLIC HEARING — Consideration of adopting Ordinance amending city fee schedule for 2021 and adopting Summary Ordinance for publication B. PUBLIC HEARING — Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-88 establishing the final tax levy for 2021 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-89 approving the 2021 Budget B. Consideration of approving the purchase of an E -One Rescue Engine Fire Truck from Fire Safety USA for an amount not to exceed $721,000 through the HGACBuy purchasing cooperative C. Consideration of adoptiniz Resolution 2020-90 annexinc propertv as petitioned b LSW Investments, LLC and consideration of a request to approve Final Plat and Final Stage Planned Unit Development of Edmonson Ridge, rezoning to Planned Unit Development and related Development Agreement. Applicant: LSW Investments, LLC D. Consideration of adopting a policy for setting speed limits on residential roadways and implementing 25 mph speed zones 5. Adjournment Following the City Council Meeting (Approximately 7.30 p.m.): Closed Meeting will be held to discuss acquisition of city property. The closed meeting is authorized for this limited purpose by Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subd. 3 and will be held in conformance with the provisions of that statute. Property of discussion: PID 155-176-001020 (Jefferson Commons Pt Addition, Lot 2, Block 1) AGENDA CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, December 14, 2020 — 5 p.m. MCC AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. 5 p.m. 2021 Budget Review 3. Adj ournment REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 23, 2020 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler (attended via phone), and Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. B. Approval of Agenda Councilmember Fair moved approval of the agenda. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously (Councilmember Gabler via roll call). C. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from October 26, 2020 • Regular Meeting Minutes from October 26, 2020 • Regular Meeting Minutes from November 9, 2020 • Special Meeting Minutes from November 13, 2020 Councilmember Hilgart moved approval of all meeting minutes listed above. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Councilmember Fair abstained from the vote for the November 9, 2020 minutes as he was absent (Councilmember Gabler voted by roll call). D. Citizen Comments None. E. Presentation of Architectural Design Award for new Fire Station Present to receive the award were Corey Brunton, Brunton Architects, Fire Chief Mike Mossey, and Fire Marshal Dan Klein. F. Public Services Announcements/Updates • Holiday Hours — Thanksgiving. City Hall and Public Works Office we be closed Thursday and Friday. DMV and Hi -Way Liquors we be open regular hours (COVID hours) on Friday. G. Council Liaison Updates • EDA — Councilmember Davidson noted that they approved the last a few more small business grants, financial status review of their budget, and a presentation on possibility of Wright County EDA membership. City Council Minutes November 23, 2020 Page 1 1 4 • CMRP — Angela Schumann noted that there are documents in the Council Connection regarding the CMRP and their next meeting is December 3, 2020 for partnership members. F. Department Update • COVID Update. Rachel Leonard provided an update and noted that the MCC is currently closed for the four week closure. The city is working with staff to deal with lost revenues with staff furloughs, reduced hours and consolidation of duties during the closure. • Wright County Sheriffs Office Quarterly Update. Lieutenant Jason Kramber provided the third quarter update. 2. Consent Agenda: Councilmember Hilgart moved approval of the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously (Councilmember Gabler voted by roll call). A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: Approved the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $1,910,955.11. B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for city departments. Recommendation: Approved hire for Parks Department. C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property. Recommendation: No report this cycle. D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-77 accepting a donation of $300 from New Ulm Brewing & Beverage for general Fire Department use. Recommendation: Resolution was adopted. E. Consideration to call for a special meeting on Wednesday, December 30, 2020 at 7:30 a.m. for approval of bills. Recommendation: Special meeting was scheduled as presented. F. Consideration of approving adjustments to the MCC Part-time pay schedule to meet minimum wage requirements. Recommendation: Pay adjustments were approved. G. Consideration of approving City Administrator Employment Agreement between the City of Monticello and Rachel Leonard. Recommendation: Agreement was approved. a. Consideration of authorizing expenditures in the amount of up to $7,000 for grant writing services in connection with an application to the MN -DEED Community Energy Transition Grant Program (CET) and further authorizing submittal of a CET Grant application in an amount of $500. Recommendation: Approved expenditure for grant writing services and authorized submittal of grant application. H. Consideration of authorizing Fire Department to purchase new Command Vehicle. Recommendation: Approved the purchase of a 2021 Expedition form Morrie's Ford for $65,340.96. City Council Minutes November 23, 2020 Page 2 1 4 I. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-82 accepting public improvements for Featherstone 4th Addition. Recommendation: Resolution was adopted. 4. Regular Agenda: A. Consideration of approving a Development State Planned Unit Development and Preliminary Plat for Edmonson Ridge, a 54 lot detached single-family subdivision. Applicant: Shawn Weinand/LSW Investments, LLC Angela Schumann gave a presentation on the proposed development and noted that following Planning Commission's review and comments, the applicant submitted a revised preliminary plat and development stage Planned Unit Development plans to address some of the conditions within Exhibit Z. These revisions are noted in the staff report and are in the packet. The Council will consider the Comprehensive Plan amendment, annexation, re -zoning, final PUD, and final plat consideration at a later date. As part of the presentation, Ms. Schumann reviewed the density, street access, lot dimensions, home design and landscaping. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezoning to PUD, Development State PUD, and Preliminary Plat by a 2-1 vote. The dissenting vote cited concerns regarding the base standards which should be applied to the development. This is the reason the item is on Regular Agenda. Councilmember Hilgart moved to adopt Resolution 2020-81 approving the Preliminary Plat for Edmonson Ridge, subject to the conditions in Exhibit Z and based on the findings noted in the resolution. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously (Councilmember Gabler voted by roll call). Councilmember Fair moved to approve the Development Stage Planned Unit Development for Edmonson Ridge, based on the findings in Resolution No. PC -2020-032 and subject to the conditions in Exhibit Z. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously (Councilmember Gabler voted by roll call). B. Consideration of adopting the Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Applicant: City of Monticello Angela Schumann introduced the 2040 Comprehensive Plan and gave a brief overview of the history and plan process. She noted that there are two parcels in question in regard to land designation. These are located on Walnut Street (City - owned) and CSAH 75 (privately owned). The Council will need to weigh in on the land designation of these two parcels. Attention was then directed to a presentation being given by the Lakota Group. The Lakota Group was available via phone for questions. In their presentation Scott Ruhland presented the plan which covered Phase I — Community Visioning and Phase 2 — Draft 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Phase I included engagement and community outreach, community vision, community values, and preferred growth City Council Minutes November 23, 2020 Page 3 1 4 scenarios. Phase 2 included a plan process, land use strategies, future land use designations, future land use map, economic development, parks and pathways, community facilities and infrastructure, and community character, design and the arts. Following the presentation, Ms. Schumann added that the EDA recommended approval as drafted. The Planning Commission held a public hearing and at the public hearing they received comment on a request to change designation of a CSAH 75/East Broadway Parcel, however, the commission did not recommend a change from the proposed land use designation of Employment Campus. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the plan as drafted. The Parks, Arts, and Recreation commission met and recommended adoption of certain chapters of the plan. They did recommend to illustrate the city -owned Walnut Street parcel as City Parks & Recreation (PR), rather than Downtown Mixed -Use (DMU). Mike Schneider, 453 135th Avenue, Foley, addressed the City Council and requested that the parcel on the north side of East Broadway and south of I-94 be designated as Community Residential Flex. It is currently recommended to be designated as Employment Campus. He noted the surrounding residential to the parcel and felt that the Employment Campus seemed too industrial for the area. City Council discussed the designation of the two parcels mentioned above. There was consensus to designate as recommended and property owners can still come forward with a project and, at that time, could request a change to the designation. Sean Weinand addressed the City Council added that the East Broadway piece is an important parcel as it is very visible to the community. Councilmember Hilgart moved to adopt Resolution 2020-83 adopting the Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan, based on findings in said resolution, subject to the Walnut Street being designated as City Parks & Recreation and the East Broadway parcel remaining designated as Employment Campus. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously (Councilmember Gabler voted by roll call). 5. Adiournment: By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Minutes November 23, 2020 Page 4 1 4 City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 2A. Consideration of approving payment of bills (SR) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City staff submits the attached bill registers and purchasing card registers for approval by Council. The bill registers contain all invoices processed and the purchasing card registers contain all card purchases made since the last Council meeting. Subject to MN Statutes, most invoices require Council approval prior to releasing checks for payment. The day following Council approval, payments will be released unless directed otherwise. A credit purchasing agreement and policy was approved by Council initially and card purchases must comply with the policy. If Council has no questions or comments on the bill and purchase card registers, these can be approved with the consent agenda. If requested, this item can be removed from consent and discussed prior to making a motion for approval. Al. Budget Impact: None A2. Staff Workload Impact: No additional work required. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $829,598.75. 2. Motion to approve the registers with changes directed by Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1 or #2, per direction of Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Bill registers and Purchase Card registers Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 12/01/2020 - 10:58AM Batch: 00215.11.2020 - 215.11.2020 Xcel Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Moiiii6effo Y Reference Vendor: 1102 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 11/30/2020 5863599-6 - Animal Shelter 78.33 11/30/2020 101-42700-438100 11/30/2020 8235331-9 - Prairie Center 33.89 11/30/2020 101-41941-438100 11/30/2020 5828859-8 - Storage Garage 17.06 11/30/2020 101-41940-438100 11/30/2020 5864452-7 - Library 98.96 11/30/2020 101-45501-438100 11/30/2020 5837384-6 - Publc Works 69.19 11/30/2020 101-43127-438100 11/30/2020 6401745330-5 - 349 W Broadway 31.88 11/30/2020 101-45204-438100 11/30/2020 5788570-9 - Hi Way Liquor 30.04 11/30/2020 609-49754-438100 11/30/2020 5804618-6 - Parks (Fallon) 17.06 11/30/2020 101-45201-438100 11/30/2020 8235333-5 - P.C. (U Fab) 18.32 11/30/2020 101-41941-438100 11/30/2020 5843395-4 - DMV 17.06 11/30/2020 217-41990-438100 11/30/2020 5768542-2 - MCC 2,387.71 11/30/2020 226-45126-438100 11/30/2020 5768542-2 - City Hall 103.25 11/30/2020 101-41940-438100 11/30/2020 5820786-1 - Public Works 23.88 11/30/2020 101-43127-438100 11/30/2020 5799425-3 - Public Works 69.19 11/30/2020 101-43127-438100 11/30/2020 5821009-5 - Parks 36.76 11/30/2020 101-45201-438100 11/30/2020 5768542-2 - National Guard 51.63 11/30/2020 101-42800-438100 11/30/2020 5768542-2- Senior Center 38.72 11/30/2020 101-45175-438100 11/30/2020 8000015233-2 - WWTP 1,398.64 11/30/2020 602-49480-438100 11/30/2020 5806932-9 - Parks 17.06 11/30/2020 101-45201-438100 11/30/2020 5799427-9 - Public Works 18.94 11/30/2020 101-43127-438100 11/30/2020 11077481-7 - Fire Station 99.03 11/30/2020 101-42200-438100 11/30/2020 6402123338-8-112 W River St 30.04 11/30/2020 101-45201-438100 Check Total: 4,686.64 Vendor: 5188 HEALTHY CONTRIBUTIONS Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 11/30/2020 AARP Supplement/At Your Best 6.90 11/30/2020 226-45122-430900 Check Total: 6.90 Vendor: 5415 MII LIFE INSURANCE INC Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 15551252 Participant Fee - Nov 2020 38.70 11/30/2020 101-41800-413500 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/01/2020 - 10:58 AM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 39610669 FSA Dependent Care 192.30 11/30/2020 101-00000-217200 39611655 FSA Medical 103.26 11/30/2020 101-00000-217300 39618023 FSA Dependent Care 4,615.20 11/30/2020 101-00000-217200 39618023 FSA Medical 37.86 11/30/2020 101-00000-217300 Check Total: 4,987.32 Vendor: 1593 MN DEPT OF REVENUE - ACH Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: True 11/18/2020 Oct Sales Tax - Liquor 58,857.91 11/30/2020 609-00000-208100 11/18/2020 Oct Sales Tax - Liquor 0.09 11/30/2020 609-49750-443990 11/18/2020 Oct Use Tax - Liquor 2.95 11/30/2020 609-49754-421990 11/18/2020 Oct Use Tax - Liquor 0.05 11/30/2020 609-49750-443990 11/18/2020 Oct Sales Tax - General 103.83 11/30/2020 101-00000-208100 11/18/2020 Oct Sales Tax - General 0.17 11/30/2020 101-41310-443990 11/18/2020 Oct Waste Tax - General 125.20 11/30/2020 101-00000-208120 11/18/2020 Oct Waste Tax - General 0.80 11/30/2020 101-43230-443990 11/18/2020 Oct Sales Tax - MCC 2,513.35 11/30/2020 226-00000-208100 11/18/2020 Oct Sales Tax - MCC -0.35 11/30/2020 226-45122-362900 11/18/2020 Oct Sales Tax - Water 2,500.85 11/30/2020 601-00000-208100 11/18/2020 Oct Sales Tax - Water 0.15 11/30/2020 601-49440-443990 Check Total: 64,105.00 Vendor: 4732 MONEY MOVERS, INC. Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: True 134058 Fitness Rewards - Oct 2020 17.25 11/30/2020 226-45122-430900 Check Total: 17.25 Vendor: 3259 MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: True 11/30/2020 Nov Cash Receipts - Chapel Rental 335.27 11/30/2020 226-45123-347030 11/30/2020 Nov Cash Receipts - Membership Fee 1,340.17 11/30/2020 226-45127-347910 11/30/2020 Nov Cash Receipts - Programs Non Tax/Lesson . 250.00 11/30/2020 226-45127-347930 11/30/2020 Nov Cash Receipts - Programs 130.38 11/30/2020 226-45127-347920 11/30/2020 Nov Cash Receipts - User Fee Non Member 52.15 11/30/2020 226-45127-347900 11/30/2020 Nov Cash Receipts - Charge to Account -188.00 11/30/2020 226-00000-115031 11/30/2020 Nov Cash Receipts - Sales Tax MCC 137.03 11/30/2020 226-00000-208100 Check Total: 2,057.00 Vendor: 2405 WELLS FARGO - Monthly Charges/Returns Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: True Nov. 2020 Liq Store CC Fees (WF -0990) 7,907.65 11/30/2020 609-49754-443980 Nov. 2020 WF account interest earnings -214.17 11/30/2020 101-00000-362110 Nov. 2020 UB CC Fees (AmEx -8910) 97.74 11/30/2020 601-49440-443980 Nov. 2020 CH CC Fees (WF -0999) 259.76 11/30/2020 101-41520-443980 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/01/2020 - 10:58 AM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Nov. 2020 MCC CC Fees (iAccess FM -1476) 87.74 11/30/2020 226-45127-431992 Nov. 2020 UB CC Fees (AmEx -8910) 97.73 101-41941-438100 11/30/2020 602-49490-443980 Nov. 2020 WF account bank charges 1,156.13 11/30/2020 11/30/2020 101-41520-443980 Nov. 2020 UB CC Fees (Bluefin) 1,487.69 51-6505911-8 -MCC 11/30/2020 602-49490-443980 Nov. 2020 UB CC Fees (Bluefin) 1,487.69 146.08 11/30/2020 601-49440-443980 Nov. 2020 MCC CC Fees (Daxco- 2887) 762.81 11/30/2020 226-45122-443980 11/30/2020 51-6505907-2 - Park Lots- auto Check Total: 13,130.77 11/30/2020 101-43160-438100 11/30/2020 Vendor: 1585 XCEL ENERGY Check Sequence: 8 11/30/2020 51-9391437-3 - Prairie Center 188.94 11/30/2020 101-41941-438100 11/30/2020 51-6505909-4 - DMV/Food Shelf 248.71 11/30/2020 217-41990-438100 11/30/2020 51-6505915-2 - Parks 672.52 11/30/2020 101-45201-438100 11/30/2020 51-6505911-8 -MCC 4,505.88 11/30/2020 226-45126-438100 11/30/2020 51-6505912-9 - Animal Shelter 146.08 11/30/2020 101-42700-438100 11/30/2020 51-4271112-2 - Library 936.65 11/30/2020 101-45501-438100 11/30/2020 51-6505907-2 - Park Lots- auto 73.89 11/30/2020 101-43160-438100 11/30/2020 51-6505907-2 - Parking Lots 57.79 11/30/2020 101-43160-438100 11/30/2020 51-6505905-0 - Water 6,165.35 11/30/2020 601-49440-438100 11/30/2020 51-6505915-2 - Ice Rink 33% 113.24 11/30/2020 601-49440-438100 11/30/2020 ZZZNEP-IMPLEM- 51-6505908-3 16.67 11/30/2020 101-42500-438100 11/30/2020 51-6505911-8 - City Hall 994.80 11/30/2020 101-41940-438100 11/30/2020 51-6505914-1 - Shop/Garage 981.94 11/30/2020 101-43127-438100 11/30/2020 51-6505913-0 - Fire Station 919.40 11/30/2020 101-42200-438100 11/30/2020 51-7780310-4 - Bldg. Inspec. G 21.10 11/30/2020 101-41940-438100 11/30/2020 51-0623082-8 - MontiArts 35.49 11/30/2020 101-45204-438100 11/30/2020 51-6505915-2 - NSP- Softball 328.36 11/30/2020 101-45203-438100 11/30/2020 51-6505910-7 - Liquor Store 1,882.49 11/30/2020 609-49754-438100 11/30/2020 51-6505906-1 1,992.59 11/30/2020 602-49490-438100 11/30/2020 51-0395766-0 - Ramsey Pumphous 2,862.46 11/30/2020 601-49440-438100 11/30/2020 51-6505911-8 - Senior Center 234.07 11/30/2020 101-45175-438100 11/30/2020 51-6572904-0 - WWTP 13,908.50 11/30/2020 602-49480-438100 11/30/2020 51-6505915-2 - NSP- consc/sec. 51.60 11/30/2020 101-45203-438100 11/30/2020 51-6505916-3 - Street Lights 11,104.17 11/30/2020 101-43160-438100 11/30/2020 51-0371645-4 - SwanCam 18.91 11/30/2020 101-45201-438100 11/30/2020 51-6505911-8 - National Guard 117.04 11/30/2020 101-42800-438100 11/30/2020 51-6505913-0 - 303 6th St- Parks 338.51 11/30/2020 101-45201-438100 11/30/2020 Solar Credit Rewards -31,485.24 11/30/2020 101-41310-362140 11/30/2020 AR credit balance forward 1,742.99 11/30/2020 101-00000-115030 11/30/2020 51-13295413-8- 112 W River St.- split 429.13 11/30/2020 101-43120-438100 11/30/2020 51-13295413-8- 112 W River St.- split 429.14 11/30/2020 601-49440-438100 11/30/2020 51-13295413-8- 112 W River St.- split 429.14 11/30/2020 101-45201-438100 11/30/2020 51-13295413-8- 103 Pine St. - EDA 431.72 11/30/2020 213-46301-438100 ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/01/2020 - 10:58 AM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Total: 20,894.03 Total for Check Run: 109,884.91 Total of Number of Checks: The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 12/14/20 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/01/2020 - 10:58 AM) Page 4 Accounts Payable CITY' OF Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Moiiii6effo User: debbie.davidson Printed: 12/03/2020 - 9:52AM Batch: 00202.12.2020 - 202.12.2020 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 3447911 resale-beer 259.10 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 3448255 resale- beer 213.20 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 3448724 resale-beer 126.10 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 3448776 resale-beer 165.65 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 3449295 resale-beer 129.30 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 3449389 resale-beer 135.80 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 1,029.15 Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 86730400 resale-liquor 233.85 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 86730400 freight 4.65 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 86804600 freight 43.40 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 86804600 resale- liquor 4,159.19 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 86869700 resale-liquor 4,485.65 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 86869700 freight 54.25 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 86880300 resale- liquor 335.50 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 86880300 resale- wine 766.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 86904400 resale-liquor 3,884.50 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 86904400 freight 32.55 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 86971800 resale-liquor 1,018.85 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 86990100 resale-liquor -180.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 86990200 resale-liquor 90.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 87006000 resale- wine 1,306.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 87006000 resale- mix 173.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 87006000 resale- liquor 6,676.55 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 87006000 freight 105.79 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 87042400 resale- wine credit 87006000 -51.55 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 23,138.18 Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/03/2020 - 9:52 AM) Pagel Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 153400 resale- beer credit -35.06 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 153401 resale- soda pop 133.42 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 155116 resale- soda pop 164.29 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 155117 resale- beer 2,104.10 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 155117 resale- beer n/a 125.50 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 5469 resale -beer 224.74 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 2,716.99 Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPIF Check Sequence: 4 1081206121 resale- wine 1,061.96 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 1081206121 resale -liquor 616.29 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 1081206121 freight 32.60 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 1081206121 resale- mix 58.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 1081206122 resale -beer 122.75 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 1081208077 resale -liquor 76.45 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 1081208077 freight 0.55 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 1081208840 resale -liquor 3,918.53 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 1081208840 resale- wine 1,058.08 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 1081208840 resale- mix 52.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 1081208840 freight 55.70 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 1081208841 resale -beer 122.75 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 1081211147 resale -liquor 3,247.55 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 1081211147 resale- wine 1,667.76 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 1081211147 resale- mix 56.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 1081211147 freight 76.60 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 1081211148 resale- beer 122.75 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 2080263959 resale- wine credit inv. # 1081085032 -75.30 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 2080266111 resale- wine credit inv. # n/a RMA R08049452 -192.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 2080270589 resale- wine credit inv. volume incentive -68.50 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 2080272071 resale- beer credit inv.# 1081120533 -55.65 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 2080272717 resale- liquor credit inv.# volume incentive -115.50 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 2080273986 resale- wine credit inv.# 1081126556 -352.50 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 2080274709 resale- wine credit inv.# 1081131012 -57.65 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 2080275187 resale- liquor credit inv.# volume incentive -121.48 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 2080275188 resale- liquor credit inv.# volume incentive -126.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 2080276497 resale- liquor credit inv.# 1081135625 -237.30 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 2080277519 resale- wine credit inv.# 1081140046, 10811400, -152.71 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 2080277621 resale- wine credit inv.# 1081140046, 10811400, -18.56 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 2080279439 resale -liquor credit inv.# 1081145730 -172.15 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 2080280819 resale -liquor credit inv.# 1081151331 -114.15 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 2080281812 resale- liquor credit inv.# volume incentive -285.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 2080281813 resale- liquor credit inv.# volume incentive -69.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/03/2020 - 9:52 AM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2080281993 resale- liquor credit inv.# volume incentive -145.31 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 2080284104 resale -liquor credit inv.# 1081159989 -233.53 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 2080284608 resale- liquor credit inv.# 1081162407 -285.90 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 2080286371 resale- liquor credit inv.# volume incentive -337.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 2080286375 resale- liquor credit inv.# volume incentive -58.50 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 2080287858 resale- liquor credit inv.# 1081174141 -23.20 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 2080287865 resale -liquor credit inv.# 1081174140 -177.15 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 2080288276 resale- liquor credit inv.# 1081176934 -332.36 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 2080289573 resale -liquor credit inv.# 1081179625 -150.20 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 2080291274 resale- liquor credit inv.# volume incentive -112.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 2080291276 resale- liquor credit inv.# volume incentive -121.48 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 2080292740 resale -liquor credit inv.# 1081194547 -154.65 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 2080294591 resale- wine credit inv.# 1081206121 -65.65 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 2080294966 resale- liquor credit inv.# volume incentive -304.05 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 2080295578 resale- liquor credit inv.# 1081194547 -4.42 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 2080296159 resale- wine credit inv.# 1081208840 -373.17 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 2080296234 resale- liquor credit inv.# 1081208840 -14.42 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 Check Total: 7,239.88 Vendor: 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. Check Sequence: 5 2485669 resale- beer 15,106.87 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 2485669 resale- beer n/a 193.78 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 2488301 resale- beer 27,288.95 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 2488301 resale -juice 59.97 12/03/2020 609-49750-425500 2488301 resale- mix 133.80 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 2489030 resale- beer 5,705.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 2489761 resale- mix 127.65 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 2489761 resale- beer 13,883.20 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 2489765 resale -beer 274.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 2489860 resale -beer 162.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 62,935.22 Vendor: 1095 CARLOS CREEK WINERY INC Check Sequence: 6 20189 resale - wine 1,008.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 1,008.00 Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 7 109-03891 resale -beer 214.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 109-03901 resale -beer 25,964.55 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 109-03901 resale- beer n/a 27.95 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/03/2020 - 9:52 AM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1318052 resale- beer 1,477.30 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 1318993 resale -beer 227.95 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 1319868 resale -beer 105.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 1319869 resale- beer 4,300.15 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 1319869 resale- beer n/a 22.40 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 1320856 resale -beer 240.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 1320950 resale- beer 1,556.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 1321449 resale -beer 524.60 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 1321607 resale -beer 586.05 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 1321676 resale- beer n/a 138.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 1321676 resale -beer 25,105.45 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 1321677 resale -beer credit -92.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 1322403 resale -beer 224.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 1322768 resale -beer n/a 72.95 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 1322768 resale- beer 5,733.90 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 1323507 resale -beer 825.80 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 1323521 resale -beer credit -24.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 1323646 resale- beer 27,894.58 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 1323646 resale -beer n/a 142.35 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 95,266.98 Vendor: 5201 DICK FAMILY, INC. Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: True 1112142 resale- beer 1,381.95 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 1113825 resale -beer 409.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 1114962 resale -beer 792.95 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 2,583.90 Vendor: 5340 DISGRUNTLED BREWING DISGRUNTLED Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: False 1107 resale- beer 192.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 1115 resale- beer 295.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 487.00 Vendor: 5545 DRASTIC MEASURES BREWING, LLC Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: True 921 resale- beer 315.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 315.00 Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: False 1686333 freight 107.76 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 1686333 resale- liquor 8,957.93 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 1686334 resale- wine 4,366.50 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/03/2020 - 9:52 AM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1686334 resale- mix 40.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 1686334 freight 119.19 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 1687945 resale- liquor 5,670.50 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 1687945 freight 72.76 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 1687946 resale- wine 3,209.29 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 1687946 resale- mix 40.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 1687946 freight 63.76 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 1687947 resale -beer 51.20 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 1688137 resale -liquor 900.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 1689652 resale- liquor 8,631.37 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 1689652 freight 69.08 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 1689653 freight 29.81 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 1689653 resale- wine 984.65 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 1690621 freight 187.05 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 1690621 resale -liquor 12,870.40 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 1690622 resale- wine 193.93 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 1690622 freight 5.96 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 1691691 resale - liquor 3,229.54 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 1691691 freight 50.42 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 1691692 freight 97.97 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 1691692 resale- wine 3,513.04 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 1691692 resale- mix 28.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 1693266 resale -liquor 103.50 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 1694289 resale- liquor 4,436.46 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 1694289 freight 46.69 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 1694290 freight 116.60 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 1694290 resale- wine 3,983.50 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 1694290 resale- wine n/a 275.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 62,451.86 Vendor: 1273 KIWI KAI IMPORTS, INC. Check Sequence: 12 107853 resale- wine 1,868.97 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 107853 freight 25.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 108763 resale- wine 983.05 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 108763 freight 12.50 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 109331 freight 17.50 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 109331 resale- wine 1,409.55 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 109331 resale- liquor 440.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 Check Total: Vendor: 5457 LUCID BREWING, LLC 4,756.57 Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/03/2020 - 9:52 AM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 8890 resale- beer 184.40 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 184.40 Vendor: 4456 LUPULIN BREWING LLC Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: True 33271 resale- beer 1,060.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 33416 resale -beer 314.50 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 33456 resale -beer 470.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 1,844.50 Vendor: 1303 M AMUNDSON CIGAR & CANDY CO, LLP Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: True 311216 resale- cigarettes 3,102.08 12/03/2020 609-49750-425500 311216 resale- tobacco; soda pop; lighters; barware; etc. 1,062.12 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 4,164.20 Vendor: 5586 MOOSE LAKE BREWING CO. Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: True 1123-0007 resale -beer 264.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 264.00 Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False 6122693 resale- wine 2,488.53 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 6122693 resale- mix 72.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 6122693 freight 60.82 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 6124769 freight 45.94 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 6124769 resale- liquor 4,624.87 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 6124770 resale - wine 2,384.66 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 6124770 resale- mix 116.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 6124770 freight 51.24 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 6126389 freight 35.60 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 6126389 resale - liquor 2,065.99 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 6127019 resale - liquor 3,181.85 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 6127019 freight 44.70 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 6127020 freight 31.29 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 6127020 resale- wine 933.75 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 6127020 resale -liquor 99.25 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 6127020 resale- mix 263.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 6128611 resale- liquor 1,636.65 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 6128611 freight 14.90 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 619275-2 resale- wine credit used in error inv. # 6117597 72.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 619275-2 freight credit used in error inv. # 6117597 1.38 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 619937 resale- wine credit #6113932 -144.66 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/03/2020 - 9:52 AM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Total: 18,079.76 Vendor: 5523 RUSTECH BREWING COMPANY, LLC Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: True 1025 resale - beer 180.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425200 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/03/2020 - 9:52 AM) Page 7 Check Total: 180.00 Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS, Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: False 2016643 freight 25.90 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 2016643 resale- liquor 2,609.60 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 2016644 freight 38.27 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 2016644 resale- wine 1,858.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 2018869 resale - liquor 2,623.04 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 2018869 freight 20.88 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 2018870 resale - wine 3,251.28 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 2018870 freight 56.47 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 2021385 resale - liquor 1,507.60 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 2021385 freight 14.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 2021386 freight 24.15 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 2021386 resale- wine 1,306.49 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 13,335.68 Vendor: 4656 TRUE FABRICATIONS, INC. Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: False 752885 resale- wine charms 50.94 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 752885 resale -liquor 62.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 Check Total: 112.94 Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: True 2619226 resale - soda pop 545.90 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 2619314 resale - soda pop 226.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 771.90 Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: True 267753 resale -liquor 586.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 267753 resale- wine 288.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 267753 freight 18.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 268302 freight 25.50 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 268302 resale- wine 1,240.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 268302 resale -liquor 635.46 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 268303 resale -liquor 120.00 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/03/2020 - 9:52 AM) Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 268303 268551 268551 268551 268551 Vendor: 1572 157218 157218 157218 158090 158090 158090 Vendor: 1573 70308109 70308109 7307342 7307342 freight freight resale- liquor resale- wine resale- mix Check Total: THE WINE COMPANY resale- wine resale- liquor freight resale- wine resale- liquor freight Check Total: WINE MERCHANTS INC resale - wine freight resale - wine freight Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks 2.50 20.00 317.50 88.00 1,304.00 565.00 16.50 356.36 177.50 216.00 2.98 827.04 1,055.80 309,822.23 24 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 12/03/2020 609-49750-425400 Check Sequence: 23 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 12/03/2020 609-49750-425100 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 Check Sequence: 24 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 12/03/2020 609-49750-425300 12/03/2020 609-49750-433300 ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False The preceding list of bills payable was reveiwed and approved for payment. Date: 12/14/2020 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/03/2020 - 9:52 AM) Page 8 Accounts Payable CITY' OF Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Moiiii6effo User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 12/09/2020 - 11:43AM Batch: 00203.12.2020 - 203.12.2020 AP Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 2139 ADVANCED FIRST AID INC Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 920-539 install AED 4yr. battery; pad carbridge 269.00 12/15/2020 609-49754-440440 Check Total: 269.00 Vendor: 5184 ADVANCED GRAPHIX INC. Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False 203532 truck re-lettering (21) decals; application/remow 376.25 12/15/2020 101-42200-440500 Check Total: 376.25 Vendor: 2407 ALL ELEMENTS Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 7771.2 200004 - Install White DuroLast Roofing Syster. 46,248.80 12/15/2020 226-45126-453010 Check Total: 46,248.80 Vendor: 1977 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 98600 (6) Minitor VI VHF 1c Pager Pkg 2,494.00 12/15/2020 101-42200-424100 Check Total: 2,494.00 Vendor: 1036 APEC AQUISITIONS INC Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: True 123917 Filters - Various Sizes (32) 641.19 12/15/2020 226-45126-422990 Check Total: 641.19 Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: False 3449620 resale- beer 64.65 12/15/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 64.65 Vendor: 4502 ARVIG Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: True 1388 3.5 hours upgrade Weblink Server 420.00 12/15/2020 702-00000-431990 1454 remote services (2) DMV comuter setup 60.00 12/15/2020 702-00000-431990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/09/2020 - 11:43 AM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/09/2020 - 11:43 AM) Page 2 Check Total: 480.00 Vendor: 1044 ASCAP Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: False 500829012 2021 Public Play License Fee for Music 368.00 12/15/2020 226-45127-431990 Check Total: 368.00 Vendor: 5628 JOHN BARTHEL Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: True 11/5/2020 Mileage Reimbursement - Elections (27 miles) 15.53 12/15/2020 101-41410-433100 Check Total: 15.53 Vendor: 1186 BDG INC Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: True 25625 interconnect cable; connector; Scotchcasting kit; 584.20 12/15/2020 602-49490-422990 Check Total: 584.20 Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: True 102373300 asst. bags 322.97 12/15/2020 609-49754-421990 102393400 asst. bags 129.70 12/15/2020 609-49754-421990 102393400 resale - mix 132.60 12/15/2020 609-49750-425400 102393400 resale - condiments 52.15 12/15/2020 609-49750-425500 102393400 freight 1.44 12/15/2020 609-49750-433300 87075100 resale- liquor 1,106.83 12/15/2020 609-49750-425100 Check Total: 1,745.69 Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: False 153402 resale - beer 4,001.35 12/15/2020 609-49750-425200 153402 resale - beer n/a 257.45 12/15/2020 609-49750-425400 157133 resale - beer credit -52.14 12/15/2020 609-49750-425200 157134 resale - beer credit -142.20 12/15/2020 609-49750-425200 157135 resale - beer 32.00 12/15/2020 609-49750-425200 157136 resale - soda pop 89.47 12/15/2020 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 4,185.93 Vendor: 4293 BLUE ROSE CAPITAL ADVISORS INC. Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: True 2187 G.O. Bonds Series 2020A Pricing Option 1,800.00 12/15/2020 400-43300-462030 Check Total: 1,800.00 Vendor: 1080 BRAEMAR MAILING SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: False 61384 Insert for US Billing - Stuff (3691) - MCC 36.91 12/15/2020 226-45122-434990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/09/2020 - 11:43 AM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 61384 UB Nov Invoices (3691) Print, Fold, Stuff, Enve 595.62 12/15/2020 601-49440-431800 61384 UB Nov Invoices (3691) Print, Fold, Stuff, Enve 595.61 12/15/2020 602-49490-431800 Check Total: 1,228.14 Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPII Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: False 1081213534 resale- wine 847.58 12/15/2020 609-49750-425300 1081213534 resale -liquor 1,623.13 12/15/2020 609-49750-425100 1081213534 resale- mix 66.00 12/15/2020 609-49750-425400 1081213534 freight 39.74 12/15/2020 609-49750-433300 1081213535 resale -beer 147.30 12/15/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 2,723.75 Vendor: 2890 BROTHERS FIRE & SECURITY CO Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: True 36592 2020 Annual Sprinkler Inspection - MCC 325.00 12/15/2020 226-45126-431990 36628 2020 Annual Alarm Inspection - MCC 400.00 12/15/2020 226-45126-431990 Check Total: 725.00 Vendor: 1091 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: True 2348-000OG 219 20D003 - Camping World PUD - Oct 2020 48.00 12/15/2020 101-00000-220110 2348-000OG 219 202027 - UMC PUD Adjustment - Oct 2020 488.00 12/15/2020 101-00000-220110 2348-000OG 219 202023 - Goddard - Oct 2020 64.00 12/15/2020 101-00000-220110 2348-000OG 219 Planning & Zoning Admin - Oct 2020 1,016.00 12/15/2020 101-41910-430400 2348-000OG 219 General Admin - Oct 2020 2,169.40 12/15/2020 101-41610-430400 2348-000OG 219 Public Works Admin - Oct 2020 416.00 12/15/2020 101-43111-430400 2348-000OG 219 200002 - Stormwater - Oct 2020 888.00 12/15/2020 400-43300-459022 2348-0168g 2 202023 - Krishna Commercial Development - O 81.00 12/15/2020 101-00000-220110 2348-0170G 2 202020 - Carcone Addition - Oct 2020 308.00 12/15/2020 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 5,478.40 Vendor: 1801 CANNON RIVER WINERY Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: True 873 resale- wine 300.00 12/15/2020 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 300.00 Vendor: 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: True 2491307 resale -beer 64.00 12/15/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 64.00 Vendor: 2619 WARD S CARLSON Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/09/2020 - 11:43 AM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/23/2020 Removal of House @ 300 4t St E 9,995.00 12/15/2020 213-46301-461500 Check Total: 9,995.00 Vendor: 1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: True 00104358 Monthly Tank Rental 65.00 12/15/2020 226-45124-421600 Check Total: 65.00 Vendor: 5119 CHOSEN VALLEY TESTING INC Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: False 40754 project #6-15445-19ENV- water level monitorin 2,800.00 12/15/2020 213-46301-431990 Check Total: 2,800.00 Vendor: 1124 CREATIVE FORMS AND CONCEPTS INC Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: False 118240 2020 Tax Forms: W2's, 1099's, Envelopes 145.73 12/15/2020 101-41520-421990 Check Total: 145.73 Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: True 1324204 resale- beer 5,603.25 12/15/2020 609-49750-425200 1324204 resale- beer n/a 27.95 12/15/2020 609-49750-425400 1324942 resale- beer credit -60.50 12/15/2020 609-49750-425200 1325631 resale- beer 1,924.50 12/15/2020 609-49750-425200 1325632 resale- beer 20,028.70 12/15/2020 609-49750-425200 1325632 resale- beer n/a 96.35 12/15/2020 609-49750-425400 1326317 resale- beer 462.25 12/15/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 28,082.50 Vendor: 5105 DELL MARKETING LP Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: False 10440116620 (3) computers DMV 2,052.48 12/15/2020 702-00000-424100 Check Total: 2,052.48 Vendor: 2050 DEMVI LLC Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: False 11/21/2020 Parking Lot Maintenance Agreement - Dec 2020 162.13 12/15/2020 213-46301-443990 Check Total: 162.13 Vendor: 5340 DISGRUNTLED BREWING DISGRUNTLED : Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: False 1137 resale- beer 232.00 12/15/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 232.00 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/09/2020 - 11:43 AM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: True 806143 202034 - Beaudry Oil CUP PH Ad# 1091275 119.99 12/15/2020 101-41910-435100 806144 202040 - Featherstone 5th Addition PH Ad# 105 129.22 12/15/2020 101-41910-435100 806145 202042 - Eisele Vine Street Variance PH Ad# if 119.99 12/15/2020 101-41910-435100 808117 Ad. # 1092725- Home for the Holidays 25.00 12/15/2020 609-49754-434990 Check Total: 394.20 Vendor: 5637 ENGLESMA CONSTRUCTION Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: False WaterPrmt Ref refund Water Use Permit- Dep $850- $153 used 850.00 12/15/2020 601-49440-371120 WaterPrmt Ref refund Water Use Permit- Dep $850- $153 used -49.36 12/15/2020 601-49440-371600 WaterPrmt Ref refund Water Use Permit- Dep $850- $153 used -3.64 12/15/2020 601-00000-208100 WaterPrmt Ref refund Water Use Permit- Dep $850- $153 lost m -100.00 12/15/2020 601-49440-343020 Check Total: 697.00 Vendor: 2561 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: False 467248 (12) meters 2,273.70 12/15/2020 601-49440-422701 467249 (2) Mtr Flg. Kit 153.40 12/15/2020 601-49440-422701 Check Total: 2,427.10 Vendor: 1179 FIRE SAFETY USA INC Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: False 141077 FireDN-CARSRU - (15) turnout gear; (4) helmet 2,275.00 12/15/2020 101-42200-421120 Check Total: 2,275.00 Vendor: 1413 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL INC Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: True 110603 11/20 locates - 1/2 Water 54.00 12/15/2020 601-49440-432770 110603 11/20 locates - 1/2 Sewer 54.00 12/15/2020 602-49490-432770 Check Total: 108.00 Vendor: 1205 GRAINGER INC Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: False 9726362339 GP Motor, 1 1/2 HP 347.87 12/15/2020 226-45126-422990 Check Total: 347.87 Vendor: 5108 GUARDIAN FLEET SAFETY Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: True 20-0730 Utility 11 Replace LED light 207.00 12/15/2020 101-42200-440500 Check Total: 207.00 Vendor: 1223 HAWKINS INC Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: True 4835120 Polymer - Aqua Hawk - WWTP 4,180.30 12/15/2020 602-49480-421990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/09/2020 - 11:43 AM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 4835557 Pool Chemicals 873.79 12/15/2020 226-45124-421600 4840152 Pool Chemicals 138.44 12/15/2020 226-45124-421600 Check Total: 5,192.53 Vendor: 1242 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: True 11/18/2020 acct. # 1400-017-223-399 fuel slips 10/19-11/18 133.86 12/15/2020 101-42200-421200 Check Total: 133.86 Vendor: 5512 HYDROCORP HYDRO -DESIGNS, INC. Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: True 0059845 -IN Cross Connection Control Program - Insp & Rpt 741.00 12/15/2020 601-49440-431990 Check Total: 741.00 Vendor: 3971 INTL UNION OF OPER ENGINEERS LOCAL Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: False Jan 2021 Health Insurance - Union - Jan 2021 18,975.00 12/15/2020 101-00000-217061 Check Total: 18,975.00 Vendor: 5444 J & G HOLDINGS Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: True 2923 dba- CMT - December 2020 - 1/2 Fire 224.00 12/15/2020 101-42200-431100 2923 dba- CMT - December 2020 - 1/2 Law Enforcen 224.00 12/15/2020 101-42100-431990 Check Total: 448.00 Vendor: 3369 JAKE'S EXCAVATING INC Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: True 4447 (2) graves- Kaufert; Johnson 850.00 12/15/2020 651-49010-431150 Check Total: 850.00 Vendor: 5631 JEREMY JENSEN Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: False 11/21/20 boots boot reimbursement 2020 150.00 12/15/2020 101-43120-421990 Check Total: 150.00 Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: False 1695199 resale - liquor 3,034.57 12/15/2020 609-49750-425100 1695199 freight 34.70 12/15/2020 609-49750-433300 1695200 freight 87.93 12/15/2020 609-49750-433300 1695200 resale - wine 3,914.29 12/15/2020 609-49750-425300 1695200 resale - mix 35.20 12/15/2020 609-49750-425400 1695201 resale - beer 76.80 12/15/2020 609-49750-425200 1697061 resale - liquor 490.61 12/15/2020 609-49750-425100 1697061 freight 1.86 12/15/2020 609-49750-433300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/09/2020 - 11:43 AM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/09/2020 - 11:43 AM) Page 7 Check Total: 7,675.96 Vendor: 1270 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHARTERED Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: False MN190-00101 General EDA- Oct 2020 380.00 12/15/2020 213-46301-430400 MN190-00159 Block 52 Redevelopment - Oct 2020 60.00 12/15/2020 213-46301-430400 MN325-00042 101, 107, 121 Broadway - Oct 2020 390.20 12/15/2020 213-46301-430400 Check Total: 830.20 Vendor: 2659 LAND TITLE INC Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: True 12/9/2020 200002 - Closing Costs - A Glorius Church Trai: 2,045.10 12/15/2020 400-43300-459022 Check Total: 2,045.10 Vendor: 4494 LAXMI HOTEL INC Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: False TIF 1-22.5 Pay As You Go - 2nd Pmt 2020 - Interest 5,651.32 12/15/2020 213-46585-465110 Check Total: 5,651.32 Vendor: 1296 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE INC Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: False 359752 #103 - cylinder w/ o -ring ports 779.42 12/15/2020 101-43120-422100 Check Total: 779.42 Vendor: 1386 M -R SIGN CO INC Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: True 210597 (12) street signs 303.93 12/15/2020 101-43120-422600 Check Total: 303.93 Vendor: 5587 MACQUEEN EMERGENCY Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: False 16510 Altair multi -gas detector 832.81 12/15/2020 101-42200-424100 Check Total: 832.81 Vendor: 1726 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: False 430025684 Contract Payment - 11/24/20 - 12/24/20 1,278.98 12/15/2020 702-00000-441500 INV8198112 Azure AD Exchange Server - Install, Setup & Im 4,917.50 12/15/2020 702-00000-431990 INV8205897 COVID-Exchange Server -Upgrade Existing, Coi 1,268.75 12/15/2020 702-00000-431990 Check Total: 7,465.23 Vendor: 1932 MIRACLE RECREATION EQUIPMENT CO Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: False 828814 vandalism repair- ladybug rider- Rmill; dbl slide 2,381.81 12/15/2020 101-45201-422990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/09/2020 - 11:43 AM) Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/09/2020 - 11:43 AM) Page 8 Check Total: 2,381.81 Vendor: 2167 MONTICELLO RV CENTER INC Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: False 11/30/2020 Refund Late Fee 250.00 12/15/2020 213-00000-362900 Check Total: 250.00 Vendor: 1787 MORRIE'S PARTS & SERVICE GROUP Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: False 520875 #209 - spare wheel mount 191.80 12/15/2020 101-45201-422990 Check Total: 191.80 Vendor: 5426 NOVEL SOLAR TWO LLC Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: True 1685 Solar Rebate Program - Xcel Energy 30,596.81 12/15/2020 101-41310-443992 Check Total: 30,596.81 Vendor: 5636 JENNIFER DANIEL OLSON Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: False 12/8/2020 Social Distance Photographs w/Santa @ Bertran 750.00 12/15/2020 226-45127-431990 Check Total: 750.00 Vendor: 5223 OMG MIDWEST, INC. Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: False FinalVoucher 4 200001 - 2020 Street Improvements - Pay Voucl 59,916.20 12/15/2020 400-43300-459021 Check Total: 59,916.20 Vendor: 1417 OSC OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: True 3482663 industrial lg.; industrial med. - Parks 35.28 12/15/2020 101-45201-421990 Check Total: 35.28 Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: False 6128850 resale- liquor 2,420.50 12/15/2020 609-49750-425100 6128850 freight 34.27 12/15/2020 609-49750-433300 6128851 freight 83.67 12/15/2020 609-49750-433300 6128851 resale - wine 3,195.03 12/15/2020 609-49750-425300 6129984 freight 37.25 12/15/2020 609-49750-433300 6129984 resale- liquor 1,655.00 12/15/2020 609-49750-425100 6129985 resale - wine 113.00 12/15/2020 609-49750-425300 6129985 freight 5.96 12/15/2020 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 7,544.68 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/09/2020 - 11:43 AM) Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 5454 PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: False 1058 Cleaning Services - Nov - Head End 450.00 12/15/2020 656-00000-202099 1058 Cleaning Services - Nov - Library 1,560.00 12/15/2020 101-45501-431100 1058 Cleaning Services - Nov - Prairie Center 420.00 12/15/2020 101-41941-431100 1058 Cleaning Services - Nov - City Hall 490.00 12/15/2020 101-41940-431100 Check Total: 2,920.00 Vendor: 5431 QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: False 12/3/2020 Postage Purchased 12/2/20 1,000.00 12/15/2020 101-00000-155010 12/3/2020 Postage for Title & Registration Pkgs DMV Nov 114.76 12/15/2020 217-41990-432200 Check Total: 1,114.76 Vendor: 1450 RAILROAD MANAGEMENT CO III LLC Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: False 430326 License #301483 3/9/21-3/8/22 18" Storm Water 284.85 12/15/2020 652-49881-443990 430327 License #301484 3/9/21-3/8/22 12" Storm Water 284.85 12/15/2020 652-49881-443990 Check Total: 569.70 Vendor: 5632 RANDY HELLMAN CONSTRUCTION LLC Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: False 2101 re -roof stroage garage - Water 3,611.00 12/15/2020 601-49440-440100 Check Total: 3,611.00 Vendor: 1455 RED'S MARATHON Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: False 11/2020 Streets Nov. 2020 diesel slips 11/5 & 11/16 - Streets 106.80 12/15/2020 101-43120-421200 Check Total: 106.80 Vendor: 4962 RENGEL PRINTING COMPANY, INC Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: True 125891 (250) Riverside Cemetery brochures 179.05 12/15/2020 651-49010-435100 Check Total: 179.05 Vendor: 1470 RUSSELL SECURITY RESOURCE INC Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: True A37897 Bertram Pump House - shim door; remove stopp 80.00 12/15/2020 101-45201-440100 Check Total: 80.00 Vendor: 5523 RUSTECH BREWING COMPANY, LLC Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: True 1026 resale - beer 240.00 12/15/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 240.00 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/09/2020 - 11:43 AM) Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 5211 RANDI ANN SMELSER Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: False Dec 1st Semi Monthly Contract Payment 1,575.00 12/15/2020 101-42700-431200 Check Total: 1,575.00 Vendor: 4325 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: False ARV/ 45964440 Pro -link Edge Master Kit 9,168.75 12/15/2020 101-43127-424100 ARV/ 46092741 Pro -link Edge Master Kit - additional tools 5,412.73 12/15/2020 101-43127-424100 ARV/ 46113618 Pro -link Edge Master Kit - additional tools 640.53 12/15/2020 101-43127-424100 ARV/ 46119493 Pro -link Edge Master Kit - additional tools 1,087.98 12/15/2020 101-43127-424100 ARV/ 46126592 Pro -link Edge Master Kit - additional tools 569.84 12/15/2020 101-43127-424100 ARV/ 46135338 Pro -link Edge Master Kit - additional tools 179.27 12/15/2020 101-43127-424100 Check Total: 17,059.10 Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS, Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: False 2023241 freight 16.80 12/15/2020 609-49750-433300 2023241 resale - liquor 1,490.85 12/15/2020 609-49750-425100 2023243 resale - wine 2,805.18 12/15/2020 609-49750-425300 2023243 freight 52.62 12/15/2020 609-49750-433300 5063977 resale- wine 496.00 12/15/2020 609-49750-425300 5063977 freight 7.12 12/15/2020 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 4,868.57 Vendor: 5422 TERMINIX INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LI Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: False 153257 Pest Control - Mice - Prairie Center 50.00 12/15/2020 101-41941-431990 153268 Pest Control - Ants - MCC 80.00 12/15/2020 226-45126-431990 153269 Pest Control - Ants - DMV 35.00 12/15/2020 217-41990-431990 153270 Pest Control - Ants - Library 50.00 12/15/2020 101-45501-431990 153271 Pest Control - Ants - Hi -Way Liquor 59.06 12/15/2020 609-49754-431990 Check Total: 274.06 Vendor: 5111 THECO INC. Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: False 01-19978 conveyor wheeo diesel rental 10-13-16/2020; del 2,800.00 12/15/2020 101-43125-421700 Check Total: 2,800.00 Vendor: 4859 TRIO SUPPLY COMPANY Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: False 617804 credit inv. #617172 cs. hot cups -74.95 12/15/2020 101-45201-421990 646425 (4) cs. anitbac.soap; cs. roll towels; 12pk. glass c 434.88 12/15/2020 101-45201-421990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/09/2020 - 11:43 AM) Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/09/2020 - 11:43 AM) Page 11 Check Total: 359.93 Vendor: 4656 TRUE FABRICATIONS, INC. Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: False 760712 resale- barware 296.70 12/15/2020 609-49750-425400 760712 resale- juice; condiments 51.64 12/15/2020 609-49750-425500 Check Total: 348.34 Vendor: 5527 UMC Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: False 12/9/2020 201937 - Escrow Refund PUD 1,225.80 12/15/2020 101-00000-220110 12/9/2020 202027 - Escrow Refund PUD Adjustment 3,279.00 12/15/2020 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 4,504.80 Vendor: 1544 US POSTAL SERVICE Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: False 12/7/2020 PI 42 - UB Dec Billing (3668 pcs) (1/2) 843.64 12/15/2020 601-49440-432200 12/7/2020 PI 42 - UB Dec Billing (3668 pcs) (1/2) 843.64 12/15/2020 602-49490-432200 Check Total: 1,687.28 Vendor: 1550 VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATING SERV L: Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: True 90260023 July - Sept 2020 Cargill Lab Testing 3,373.06 12/15/2020 602-49480-430800 Check Total: 3,373.06 Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: True 2619389 resale- sod pop 256.40 12/15/2020 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 256.40 Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: True 269021 resale- liquor 652.50 12/15/2020 609-49750-425100 269021 resale- wine 464.00 12/15/2020 609-49750-425300 269021 freight 20.00 12/15/2020 609-49750-433300 269022 freight 7.50 12/15/2020 609-49750-433300 269022 resale- wine 312.00 12/15/2020 609-49750-425300 269057 resale- liquor 198.51 12/15/2020 609-49750-425100 269057 freight 10.00 12/15/2020 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 1,664.51 Vendor: 1561 WATER LABORATORIES INC Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: False 8296 Nov 2020 Water Testing 256.00 12/15/2020 601-49440-431990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/09/2020 - 11:43 AM) Page 11 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/09/2020 - 11:43 AM) Page 12 Check Total: 256.00 Vendor: 1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: False 9831 labor- 4th St. Park- install receptacle outside 130.00 12/15/2020 101-45201-440800 9831 parts - 4th St. Park- install receptacle outside 69.58 12/15/2020 101-45201-440800 Check Total: 199.58 Vendor: 1572 THE WINE COMPANY Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: True 158242 resale - liquor 200.00 12/15/2020 609-49750-425100 158242 freight 4.20 12/15/2020 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 204.20 Vendor: 1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: False 7308750 resale- wine 88.00 12/15/2020 609-49750-425300 7308750 freight 1.49 12/15/2020 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 89.49 Vendor: 5635 WK & ASSOCIATES LLC Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: False 12/9/2020 Monthly Storage Rental (1/3) 100.00 12/15/2020 101-45201-443990 12/9/2020 Monthly Storage Rental (1/3) 100.00 12/15/2020 101-43120-443990 12/9/2020 Monthly Storage Rental (1/3) 100.00 12/15/2020 101-43125-443990 Check Total: 300.00 Vendor: 1579 WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMEN Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: False 1723 (563.02) T salt 44,907.04 12/15/2020 101-43125-421700 Check Total: 44,907.04 Vendor: 1580 WRIGHT COUNTY JOURNAL PRESS Check Sequence: 84 ACH Enabled: False 11/30/20 REF # 7117528 Fall Wine Sale ad 11/1/20 719.91 12/15/2020 609-49754-434990 Check Total: 719.91 Vendor: 1584 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: True 002596-400 45 16C006 - Fallon Ave Improvements - Oct 2020 42.00 12/15/2020 400-43300-430300 R011473-000 30 18C001 - 2018 Pedestrian Improvements - Oct 2 210.00 12/15/2020 400-43300-459013 R011744-000 30 16C001 Phase 1 - BCOL Design - Oct 2020 86.00 12/15/2020 229-45202-453011 R011923-000 21 20D002 - Haven Ridge Plan Review - Oct 2020 26,439.50 12/15/2020 101-00000-220110 R012792-000 14 19D004 - Headwaters Senior Living Plan RevieN 304.00 12/15/2020 101-00000-220110 R014321-000 13 20D001 - Buchholtz Concept PUD - Oct 2020 86.00 12/15/2020 101-00000-220110 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/09/2020 - 11:43 AM) Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference R014709-000 15 200001 - 2020 Street Improvement Project - Oct 3,797.50 12/15/2020 400-43300-459021 R015189-000 6 201937 - UMC Site Plan Review - Oct 2020 1,068.00 12/15/2020 101-00000-220110 R015355-000 10 2020 Economic Development Services - Oct 202 2,379.00 12/15/2020 213-46301-431990 R015379-000 7 2020 Maps - Oct 2020 411.00 12/15/2020 101-43111-430300 R016082-000 7 200003 - Briarwood Ave Expansion - Oct 2020 375.50 12/15/2020 229-45202-453012 R016234-000 6 Industrial Park Feasibility Study - Oct 2020 (1/2; 149.90 12/15/2020 101-43111-430300 R016234-000 6 Industrial Park Feasibility Study - Oct 2020 (1/2; 149.90 12/15/2020 101-41910-430300 R016850-000 2 20DO03 - Camping World Parking Lot Expansio: 876.00 12/15/2020 101-00000-220110 R016868-000 2 Kjellberg Frontage Road Concept Plan - Oct 202 2,906.00 12/15/2020 101-43111-430300 R016875-000 2 200005 PRELIM - Monticello WTP Feasibility: 1,378.25 12/15/2020 601-49440-430300 R017007-000 1 202029 - Weinand Edmonson Ridge PUD Prelin 1,440.00 12/15/2020 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 42,098.55 Total for Check Run: 409,891.61 Total of Number of Checks: 85 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 12/14/20 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/09/2020 - 11:43 AM) Page 13 City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 2B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments (TE) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently in the departments listed. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all listed employees including part-time and seasonal workers. Al. Budget Impact: (positions are generally included in budget) A2. Staff Workload Impact: If new positions, there may be some training involved. If terminated positions, existing staff would pick up those hours, as needed, until replaced. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to ratify the hire/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. 2. Motion to deny the recommended hires and departures. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires/departures. City staff recommends Alternative #1, for the Council to approve the hires and/or departures as listed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: List of new/terminated employees NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Cameron Fischer Clerk Liquor Store 11/28/20 PT Michael Johnson Clerk Liquor Store 11/30/20 PT Sara Schoenborn Clerk Liquor Store 12/5/20 PT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Maria Sakry Voluntary MCC 1/6/20 PT Benjamin Broderick Voluntary Liquor Store 3/14/20 PT Brenda Bruley Voluntary Liquor Store 3/18/20 PT Heide See Voluntary Liquor Store 3/19/20 PT Nita Ceron Voluntary Liquor Store 3/31/20 PT Eli Gindele Voluntary Liquor Store 5/23/20 PT Mikaela Christensen Voluntary MCC 8/31/20 PT Byron Stroberger Voluntary DMV/Liquor 12/30/20 PT New Hire and Terms City Council 2020: 12/8/2020 Class City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 2C. Consideration of approving the sale or disposal of surplus City property (SR) There is no report this City Council cycle. City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 2D. Consideration to approve City Facility Business Hours for 2021 (RL) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to review the attached table that identifies the hours of operation and holiday schedule for each city facility serving the public. This schedule is reviewed annually for changes to be approved by Council. Please note the following for 2021: The schedule lists standard business hours; however, some departments currently have amended business hours due to conditions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. Staff recommends retaining the standard hours in the formal listing with the understanding that temporary changes may continue into 2021. • Hi -Way Liquors will be closed on Sunday, January 17 for inventory as well as Sunday, April 4 for Easter. Several holidays in 2021 fall on weekends. We have attempted to follow the practice of closing on Friday if the holiday is on a Saturday and closing on Monday if the holiday falls on Sunday. As a result of this pattern, staff is recommending we close on Christmas Eve to observe the Christmas holiday and provide staff with 4 hours of floating holiday time to use rather than closing for half a day on December 23. Al. Budget Impact: NA A2. Staff Workload Impact: NA B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the City Facility Business Hours schedule for 2021 as presented and authorize 4 hours of floating holiday time. 2. Motion to modify the hours of operation in some other manner. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative # 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Proposed City Facility Business Hours schedule for 2021 ciTv of Monticello 2021 SCHEDULE OF CITY FACILITY BUSINESS HOURS 2021 Standard Hours City Hall Public Works Office DMV Liquor Store MCC Monday - Thursday / Friday 8am - 4:30pm 7:OOam - 3:30pm 8am - 4:30pm 9am - 10pm 5am - 10pm / 5am - 9pm Saturday / Summer Hours Closed Closed 8am - 12pm 9am - 10pm 7am - 9pm / 7am - 8pm Sunday / Summer Hours Closed Closed Closed 11am - 6pm I 7am - 8pm / 7am - 4pm 2021 Holiday Hours Holiday falls on: City Hall Public Works Office DMV Liquor Store MCC New Year's Eve Thu 12/31/2020 Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard New Year's Day Fri 1/1/2021 Closed Closed Closed 9am - 6pm 7am - 8pm Hi -Way Liquors Inventory Sun 1/17/2021 Closed Closed Closed Closed Standard Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Mon 1/18/2021 Closed Closed Standard Standard Standard Presidents Day Mon 2/15/2021 Closed Closed Standard Standard Standard Easter Sunday Sun 4/4/2021 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Memorial Day Mon 5/31/2021 Closed Closed Closed 9am - 6pm Closed Independence Day Sun 7/4/2021 Closed Closed Closed 9am - 6pm Closed Independence Day Observed Mon 7/5/2021 Closed Closed Standard Standard Standard Labor Day Mon 9/6/2021 Closed Closed Closed 9am - 6pm Closed Columbus Day Mon 10/11/2021 Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Veterans Day Thu 11/11/2021 Closed Closed Standard Standard Standard Thanksgiving Thu 11/25/2021 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Day After Thanksgiving Fri 11/26/2021 Closed Closed Standard Standard Standard Christmas Eve/Christmas Day Observed Fri 12/24/2021 Closed Closed Closed gam - 6pm Sam - 2pm Christmas Day Sat 12/25/2021 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed New Year's Eve/New Year's Day Observed Fri 12/31/2021 Closed Closed Standard Standard Sam -8pm New Year's Day Sat 1/1/2021 Closed Closed Closed 9am - 6pm 7am - 9pm Policy: Moditications require City Council approval. Decisions to close tacilities or change hours due to inclement weather, pandemic or other reasons will be made by the city administrator after consultation with the department head and mayor. FiberNet Monticello hours are available at www.fibernetmonticello.com. City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 2E. Consideration of approving the 2021 Regularly Scheduled Council and Commission meetings (RL/JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to approve the enclosed schedule for 2021 Regular Council and Commission meetings. This includes meetings for commissions and boards that exist by city ordinance or state statute. The only significant change for 2021 is the removal of the Finance Committee from the schedule. Staff is recommending removal of the committee as we feel we can meet its objectives in other ways, including ongoing consistent and transparent discussion with the full council regarding city finances. The schedule includes adjustments for holidays or other dates restricted by law. If approved, these dates and times will become the official meeting dates and times and will be made available to the public. Al. Budget Impact: NA A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff will post the schedule on the city's website and bulletin board after approval. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the 2021 Regularly Scheduled Council and Commission meetings as presented. 2. Motion to deny the 2021 meeting schedule at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. According to Minnesota Statutes, City Council shall keep a schedule of its regular meeting dates and times on file at city hall and available to the public. If there are any changes or special meetings which come up during the year, those would be posted according to the open meeting law. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Proposed 2021 Regularly Scheduled Council and Commission meeting calendar Regularly Scheduled Meetings of Council and Appointed Commissions - 2021 City Planning Bertram Economic CITY of Holiday Council Commission Chain of Development Monticello 6Committee 7AM :30PM 6PM Lakes Authadly 6PM/7AM January 2021 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat MEMEMEM Fire Relief Library Board 8 Recreation Meeting MEAMEEM Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Commission 17 ®ON ®® 9 MM®® ®E MEEV MEN 14 ®E 13 19 MEN MEMENNE MI 28 20 27 29 MEM I MEN EMENAME February 2021 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat MEAMEME Fire Relief Library Board 8 Recreation Meeting MMMV11 MEN Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Commission 17 ®ON ®® 9 ®®®O ®E MEEV MEN 25 ®E 13 19 MEN MEMENNE MI 28 MEEMAN 27 29 Parks, Art & Fire Relief Library Board 8 Recreation Meeting 5:30PM Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Commission 7PM ®® 9 SAM ®E MEEV MEN EMEEMEN March 2021 April 2021 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat MEAMMEM June 2021 July 2021 8 ME Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat ENEV11 MEN Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon 17 ®ON ®® 9 MEMEAME ®E MEEV MEN EMEEMEN 24 13 19 MEN MENINMEM MI 28 MEEMAN 27 29 MENNEN© June 2021 July 2021 8 ME Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat NE'AM Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon MENVENE ®EN ON 9 21 22 ®E MEEV MEN EMEEMEN 24 13 19 MEN M MI 28 May 2021 June 2021 July 2021 August 2021 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat MENEM October 2021 November 2021 December 2021 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat MEED ®E® EMAMM 5 10 ON 9 16 M�� NONE MEEV MEN 21 ANN 24 13 19 MEN M MI 28 MEEMAN 27 29 30 I MM'AMM October 2021 November 2021 December 2021 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat MEED ®E® Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 5 10 ON 9 16 M�� NONE 12 19 21 ANN 24 ®® MOMEMEM MEMEMEM 28 NONE 27 29 30 MENEM©© October 2021 November 2021 December 2021 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat MEAN Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 5 8 No 9 MENVE ®E® 11 18_. 12 19 21 ANN ®® M MOMEMEM E31 28 NONE 27 29 MEAMEME October 2021 November 2021 December 2021 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat MEMPr ®EN Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 5 12 18 MO® ®E 9 MEMO 11 18_. 12 19 26 ®® 16 23 EMMEMEM E31 28 NONE 27 29 September 2021 October 2021 November 2021 December 2021 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat i Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 5 9 15 ME® ME 9 MEMEAME 11 18_. 12 19 13 0 21 15 16 23 ME E31 28 NONE 27 29 September 2021 October 2021 November 2021 December 2021 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat MEMEME� 1 2 EmArr ®®N 4 5 9 15 ME® ME 9 MEMEAME 11 18_. 12 19 13 0 21 15 16 23 ME E31 28 NONE 27 29 MAMEMEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 17 11 18_. 12 19 13 0 21 15 16 23 22 E31 25 26 27 29 30 MAMEMEM ENEVE MEN 17 1800 12 MEMOMEM NONE 23 WE MEMEMEM MEMEMEM MEMEMEN EM'Arr ®®N 9 ME 15 ME® NONE 23 WE MEMEMEM Regularly scheduled meetings are sometimes rescheduled. Notice of meeting changes are posted 72 hours in advance on the Official City Government bulletin board in compliance with open meeting law. City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 2F. Consideration of approving Board and Commission Appointments commencing January 1, 2021 (RL/JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Board and Commission members are being appointed separately from annual designations/appointments. This is for the purpose of having members appointed before the beginning of the year as some meetings are held before the January City Council meeting. Any changes or addition for Council representatives or liaisons serving on the various boards will take place at the first meeting in January 2021. Included as an attachment is a general summary of the various commissions, committees, and organizations currently in operation that involve some level of participation from City Council, volunteer members, or city staff. Appointed members are highlighted in yellow. Board and Commission Appointments: a. Bertram Chain of Lakes Advisory Council: Wes Olson is recommended for reappointment. There will be one vacancy as of January 1, 2021. Lynn Anderson will serve as Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission representative. b. IEDC. The terms of Andrew Tapper, Mike Carr, Meghan Hanson, and Thomas Conboy all are recommended for renewal for terms to expire December 2023. There is currently one vacancy as Teri Willenbring resigned. C. Library Board: Jamie Driscoll and Shea Woskowiak is recommended for reappointment for 3 -year terms expiring December 2023. There will be one vacancy as of January 1, 2021. d. Parks and Recreation Commission: Lynn Anderson and Nancy McCaffrey are recommended for additional 3 -year terms expiring in December 2023. There is currently one vacancy. e. Planning Commission: John Alstad is recommended for a 3 -year term expiring December 2022. There is currently one vacancy on the board. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: 1. Motion approving the proposed appointments and designations for 2021, and any changes as recommended by Mayor and Council. 2. Motion of other. C. SUPPORTING DATA: 0 List of draft 2021 Board and Commission Appointments Draft 2021 ANNUAL BOARD AND COMMISSION MEMBERS COMMISSIONS/BOARDS NAME TERM EXPIRES Planning Commission Andrew Tapper 3 yr 12/2021 (3 -year staggered terms) Paul Konsor 3 yr 12/2021 Alison Zimpfer 3 yr 12/2022 John Alstad 3 yr 12/2023 VACANCY 3 yr 12/2023 Charlotte Gabler Council liaison Parks, Arts, and Recreation Commission Brian Stoll 3 yr 12/2021 (3 -year staggered terms) VACANCY 3 yr 12/2021 Julie Jelen 3 yr 12/2022 Jack Gregor 3 yr 12/2022 Adam Lieferman 3 yr 12/2022 Lynn Anderson 3 yr 12/2023 Nancy McCaffrey 3 yr 12/2023 Council liaison Library Board Julie Spiers 3 yr 12/2021 (3 -year staggered terms) Beth Metzger 3 yr 12/2021 Teri Willenbring 3 yr 12/2022 Jamie Driscoll 3 yr 12/2023 Shea Roskowiak 3 yr 12/2023 Charlotte Gabler Council liaison Economic Development Authority Bill Tapper 6 yr 12/2021 (6 -year staggered terms) Tracy Hinz 6 yr 12/2022 Steve Johnson 6 yr 12/2023 011ie Koropchak-White 6 yr 12/2024 Jon Morphew 6 yr 12/2026 Jim Davidson (voting) Council rep Lloyd Hilgart (voting) Council rep IEDC: Dick Van Allen 3 yr 12/2021 (3 -year staggered terms) Darek Vetsch 3 yr 12/2021 Luke Dahlheimer 3 yr 12/2021 Randy Skarphol 3 yr 12/2021 Elizabeth Calpas Chamber Rep 12/2021 Joni Pawelk 3 yr 12/2022 Wayne Elam 3 yr 12/2022 Don Roberts 3 yr 12/2022 Kevin Steffensmeier 3 yr 12/2022 Steve Johnson 3 yr 12/2022 Andrew Tapper 3 yr 12/2023 Mike Carr 3 yr 12/2023 Thomas Conboy 3 yr 12/2023 Meghan Hanson 3 yr 12/2023 VACANCY 3 yr 12/2023 Student Rep Student Rep Chamber Director ex -officio Lloyd Hilgart Mayor Bertram Chain of Lakes Advisory Council Jim Lindberg (at large) 3 yr 12/2021 (3 -year staggered terms) VACANCY 3 yr 12/2022 Tom Jahnke (at large) 3 yr 12/2022 Lynn Anderson Parks rep 12/2023 Wes Olson (at large) 3 yr 12/2023 Jim Davidson (voting) Council rep VACANCY Council rep Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 2G. Consideration of approving a contract with the Wright County Assessor's Office for 2022-2023 assessing services (JS/SR) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The city currently contracts with the Wright County Assessor's Office to perform assessing work for the city. Attached is a proposed contract covering services for the 2022 and 2023 property tax values. As a point of reference, the assessor is currently working on the 2021 property tax values, which are used for 2022 tax collections. The first payment on the new agreement is in June 2022. Under the proposed agreement, the city would pay $14/parcel in 2022 (2018 = $11.50; 2019 = $12.00; 2020 = $13; 2021 = $14) and $15/parcel 2023 for assessment services. New construction for all property types with an estimated construction value of $499,999 or less will be charged at $60/parcel (currently $50); all property types $500,000 and greater will be charged at $160/parcel (currently $150). The other options for the city would be: 1) try to negotiate a more favorable contract with Wright County, 2) contract this service out with a private assessor or company, or 3) hire a city assessor as a city employee. Al. Budget Impact: Using the 2020 parcel and new construction counts, the 2021 estimate under the current contract is $74,632 (an increase of $5,063 from 2020). Under the proposed contract, the city would pay $75,282 ($650 increase) in 2022 and $80,345 ($5,063 increase) in 2023. A2. Staff Impact: There is no staff impact if this contract is approved as presented and signed by the county. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve a contract for assessing services with the Wright County Assessor for 2022 and 2023 services at the rates as proposed. 2. Motion to not approve a contract at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. The city has contracted with Wright County for a number of years, and the city's working relationship with the County Assessor's Office is excellent. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Proposed Wright County Assessment Services Contract & Letter B. Assessor Contract Schedule "I WRIGHT COUNTY MINNESOTA ASSESSOR'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM REGARDING PROPERTY ASSESSMENT CONTRACTS November 2, 2020 In October of 2020, the county board reviewed the costs associated with performing the property assessment and the revenue received by the jurisdictions that employ the services of the Wright County Assessor's Office. The Board ratified the contract rates at the October 201 meeting. I have enclosed a copy of the assessment contract for the 2022 and 2023 assessment years, feel free to contact me if you have any questions. If you plan to renew your contract with our office, please send a signed copy by January 15, 2021. Findings by the Board included: • Local assessors have been retiring, districts that were under contract with local assessors haven't been able to find replacements, requiring the County to hire appraisers to perform the assessment for those districts thereby increasing costs to the County. • Legislation requires all assessor's to be accredited within four years of hire, resulting in higher up -front expenses for training. Additional continuing education for all assessors is also being mandated by law. Items ratified by the County Board (changes to the previous contract): Our office will not be adjusting our rate for the 2022 assessment of $14 per parcel from the previous assessment year. • The fee is to be increased to $15 per parcel for the 2023 assessment. This fee is to be charged on all parcels within each jurisdiction. In addition, for districts that issue their own building permits: • The fee for the assessment of any new construction or addition to a residentiaUcommerciaUindustrial/apartment with a permit value of $499,999 and under will be increased from $50 to $60 per new building/addition. • The fee for the assessment of any new construction or addition to a commercial/industrial/apartment with a permit value of $500,000 and greater will be increased from $150 to $160. • Note that most jurisdictions pass these costs on to the property owner as part of the permitting process • This fee change is in effect for both the 2022 and 2023 assessments. If you have any questions regarding the contract or these changes, please contact me via email at To ny.Rasmusonna,co.wright.mn.us or via phone at 763-682-7372. Sincerely, Tony Rasmuson, SAMA Wright County Assessor An Equal Opportunity Employer 1 10 2nd St. NW Buffalo, MN 55313 1 www.co.wright.mn.us ASSESSMENT SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between the County of Wright, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "County" and the City of Monticello a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "City/Township"; WHEREAS, said City/Township lies either wholly or partially within the County and constitutes a separate assessment district; and WHEREAS, under such circumstances the provision of the Minnesota Statutes, Sections 273.072 and 471.59 permit the County Assessor to provide for the assessment of property; and WHEREAS, said City/Township desires the County to perform certain assessments on behalf of said City/Township; and WHEREAS, the County is willing to cooperate with said City/Township by completing the assessment in a proper manner; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein it is agreed as follows: 1. The County shall perform the 2022 and 2023 property assessment for the City/Township in accordance with the property assessment procedures and practices established and observed by the County, the validity and reasonableness of which are hereby acknowledged and approved by the City/Township. The property assessment by the County shall be composed of those assessment services which are set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. 2. All information, records, data, reports, and the like that are necessary to allow the County to carry out its responsibilities under this Agreement shall be furnished to the County without charge by the City/Township and the City/Township agrees to cooperate in good faith with the County in carrying out the work under this Agreement. 3. The City/Township agrees to furnish, without charge, work space, if needed, for an appraiser to perform such tasks as document review, with such tasks to be performed during normal business hours for the City/Township. 4. The County agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City/Township and all of its agents and employees against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action arising out of or by reason of the performance of work provided for herein to be performed by the County. It is further agreed that any and all full time employees of the County engaged in the performance of any work or services required or provided for herein shall be considered employees of the County only and not of the City/Township and that any and all claims that may arise under the Workman's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said County employees shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the County. 5. This Agreement shall commence on January 2, 2021 and shall terminate on June 30, 2023. Either party may initiate an extension of this Agreement for a term of two years by giving the other party written notice of its intent to extend no less than 120 days prior to the termination of this Agreement. If the party who receives said notice of intent to extend gives written notice 2 to the other party of its desire not to extend the Agreement at least 60 days prior to the termination of this Agreement, this Agreement shall terminate on June 30, 2023. 6. In consideration of said assessment services, the City/Township agrees to pay the County a fee of $14.00 per parcel for the 2022 and $15.00 per parcel for the 2023 assessment. In addition, there will be an additional fee of $60.00 for each new construction residential or commercial/industrial building permit with an estimated construction cost of $499,999.00 or less. There will also be an additional fee of $160.00 per parcel for each new construction residential or commercial/industrial building permit with an estimated construction cost of $500,000.00 or more. These additional fees shall be only applicable in those cities or townships which issue their own building permits. 7. Any notice which may be given or made by a party hereto under the terms of this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sent by United States Mail or personally delivered to the other party addressed as follows: To City: City of Monticello 505 Walnut St, Ste #1 Monticello, MN 55362 To County: Anthony P. Rasmuson, Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street NW, Room 100 Buffalo, MN 55313 8. The Agreement may be amended or modified only by written agreement signed by authorized representatives of the parties hereto. 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by its dul authorized officers and delivered on its behalf, this Z rda of 1% 2020. WRIGHT COUNTY Dated: ?i 20 Z12 By Anthony P. Ra.Anuson Wright Countf Assessor City of Monticello Dated: By Dated: By EXHIBIT A During the term of this Agreement, the County shall: 1. Physically inspect and value and classify real property, in accordance with State statutes. 2. Physically inspect and value all new construction, additions and renovations. 3. Conduct valuation reviews prior to Board of Review or Open Book Meeting. 4. Attend Board of Review or Open Book Meetings either in person or virtually. Per Board request, make all necessary review appraisals. 5. Keep updated property records including physical characteristics, sales data, current values and classifications. 6. Administer all State mandated property tax programs and maintain proper documentation. 7. Print and mail valuation and classification notices. 8. Respond to taxpayers regarding assessment or appraisal inquiries and concerns. 9. Process all divisions, combinations, new plats, and annexations including revaluation and reclassification of affected parcels. 10. Administer the abatement process pursuant to Minn.Stat. § 375.192 and county abatement policy. 11. Make appraisals for, testify and/or negotiate all District Court and Tax Court filings. 12. Adjust estimated market values on all property annually based upon the market analysis of existing real estate market conditions. 5 City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 2H. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-84 declaring the official intent of the City of Monticello to reimburse certain expenditures from the proceeds of bonds to be issued by the city for a fire engine (SR) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Internal Revenue Service requires the city to adopt a resolution declaring official intent to reimburse certain expenditures from bond proceeds if it plans to issue bonds to finance costs. By passing this resolution it would allow, but does not require, the city to include the fire engine acquisition in a future bond issue. Without the resolution, the project could not be financed by bonds. While the proposed Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for 2021-2030 includes this item for purchase in 2022 for $725,000, the resolution includes a maximum purchase amount of $750,000 so a new resolution is not needed should there be any unforeseen costs to be included in the purchase of the fire engine. It does not establish a purchase price above what is listed in the CIP. Al. Budget Impact: By adopting the resolution, the city has the ability to include the fire engine acquisition in a future bond issue. A2. Staff Workload Impact: There would be no impact on the staff by this action. If the city issues debt, there would be staff time and consultant costs related to the bond issue. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2020-84 declaring the official intent of the City of Monticello to reimburse certain expenditures from the proceeds of bonds to be issued by the city for a fire engine. 2. Motion to not adopt a resolution declaring the official intent of the City of Monticello to reimburse certain expenditures from the proceeds of bonds to be issued by the city for a fire engine. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff supports Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Resolution 2020-84 CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-84 DECLARING THE OFFICIAL INTENT OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO TO REIMBURSE CERTAIN EXPENDITURES FROM THE PROCEEDS OF BONDS TO BE ISSUED BY THE CITY WHEREAS, the Internal Revenue Service has issued Treas. Reg. § 1.150-2 (the "Reimbursement Regulations") providing that proceeds of tax-exempt bonds used to reimburse prior expenditures will not be deemed spent unless certain requirements are met; and WHEREAS, the City expects to incur certain expenditures that may be financed temporarily from sources other than bonds, and reimbursed from the proceeds of a tax-exempt bond; WHEREAS, the City has determined to make this declaration of official intent ("Declaration") to reimburse certain costs from proceeds of bonds in accordance with the Reimbursement Regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO AS FOLLOWS: 1. The City expects to acquire a fire engine (the "Equipment"). 2. The City reasonably expects to reimburse expenditures made by the City for all or a portion of the cost of the Equipment from the proceeds of certificates or bonds (referred to as the "bonds") in an estimated maximum principal amount of $750,000. All reimbursed expenditures will be capital expenditures, costs of issuance of the bonds, or other expenditures eligible for reimbursement under Section 1.150-2(d)(3) of the Reimbursement Regulations. 3. This Declaration has been made not later than 60 days after payment of any original expenditure to be subject to a reimbursement allocation with respect to the proceeds of bonds, except for the following expenditures: (a) costs of issuance of bonds; (b) costs in an amount not in excess of $100,000 or 5 percent of the proceeds of an issue; or (c) "preliminary expenditures" up to an amount not in excess of 20 percent of the aggregate issue price of the issue or issues that finance or are reasonably expected by the City to finance the project for which the preliminary expenditures were incurred. The term "preliminary expenditures" includes architectural, engineering, surveying, bond issuance, and similar costs that are incurred prior to commencement of acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of a project, other than land acquisition, site preparation, and similar costs incident to commencement of construction. 4. This Declaration is an expression of the reasonable expectations of the City based on the facts and circumstances known to the City as of the date hereof. The anticipated original expenditures for the Equipment and the principal amount of the bonds described in paragraph 2 are consistent with the City's budgetary and financial circumstances. No sources other than proceeds of bonds to be issued by the City are, or are reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on a long-term basis, or otherwise set aside pursuant to the City's budget or financial policies to pay such Equipment expenditures. 5. This Declaration is intended to constitute a declaration of official intent for purposes of the Reimbursement Regulations. MN190-166-690294.v1 Approved by the City Council of the City of Monticello this 14th day of December, 2020. Attest: Rachel Leon, F L CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Brian Stumpf, Mayor NM190-166-690294.vl City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 2I. Consideration of directing staff to review DMV relocation to Prairie Center (RL) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello DMV is currently located at 119 E. Yd St. in a section of a city -owned building. The space allocated to the DMV is no longer adequate for the department's activities, but there are limitations to remodeling the building due to redevelopment opportunities on the block. As staff has reviewed options for providing the DMV with alternate locations, one strong possibility is to utilize an alternate existing city building: The Prairie Conference Center. The Prairie Conference Center currently has one lower office suite occupied by the FiberNet office, two suites used by the Monticello Community Center, and two suites of empty/storage space. Staff is seeking approval from the council to review options for potentially relocating the FiberNet office and utilizing the majority of the building for the DMV. At this time, we would anticipate the MCC's fitness studio on the second floor would remain; however, all other spaces would be evaluated. The possibility of the Prairie Conference Center provides a greater amount of space, potential ability to satisfy the needs of the department, and provide greater visibility for the DMV. Following a thorough review of the options and conditions, staff would bring forward additional information for further City Council consideration. Al. Budget Impact: This is an exploratory step only. Funds have been identified within the Deputy Registrar fund of the 2021 budget to put toward potentially moving the DMV. However, any additional steps toward relocation would come before City Council for future consideration. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff time will be utilized to determine necessary changes within the Prairie Center to meet the needs of the DMV, the process with the State of Minnesota for moving the location, an estimated timeline, and a cost estimate. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to direct staff to review DMV relocation to the Prairie Center. 2. Motion to deny. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA 9 None City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 2J. Consideration of a Request to annrove a Man Amendment (Rezoning) from A -O (Agricultural Open Space) to R-1 (Single Family Residence) District, Amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Development & Final Stage Planned Unit Development, and Preliminary & Final Plat and Development Agreement for Featherstone 5th Addition, a 26 Lot Single Family Development. Applicant: Novak -Fleck (Horst Graser). (NAC/AS) Property: Legal: Outlot A, Featherstone 4th Addition PID: 155-252-000010 Planning Case Number: 2020-040 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Preliminary Plat and Final Plat to create 26 single family lots and one outlot; Development and Final Stage PUD (through amendment to conditional use permit for PUD); Rezoning to R-1, Single Family The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the rezoning, Development Stage PUD and preliminary plat on December 1St In concurrent requests, the Developer is asking the City Council to consider those requests, as well as Final Stage PUD and Final Plat. Deadline for Decision: January 4, 2021 Land Use Designation: Mixed Neighborhood, Monticello 2040 Plan Zoning Designation: Existing: A -O Agricultural Open Space District Proposed: R-1, Single Family Residence District The purpose of the "R-1" single family district is to provide for low density, single family, detached residential dwelling units and directly related complementary uses. Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: NA Current Site Use: Agriculture Surrounding Land Uses: North: Single Family Residential City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 East: Single Family Residential South: Agriculture West: Agriculture Project Description: The applicants are proposing to plat (and rezone) an additional 26 lots, continuing the development of the single family portion of the Featherstone development. This project was originally preliminary platted in 2003, with a recent final plat for 24 lots in 2018. ANALYSIS Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development In 2003, the City approved a Preliminary Plat and a Planned Unit Development for Featherstone, consisting of approximately 150 acres of single and two-family residential land, as well as approximately 10 acres of commercial use at the intersection of 85th Street NE and Highway 25, and an additional 60 acres of industrial along Highway 25 in the northwest portion of the 220 -acre site. Between that time and 2007, Featherstone 1St and 2nd Additions were final platted over approximately 50 acres, creating 87 single family lots and parkland. Recently, the 3rd and 4th Featherstone Additions have added an additional 48 single family lots. While technically separate, the Preliminary Plat and Development Stage PUD approvals typically run together, and share many of the same comments and review notes. Thus, this report consolidates the comments for these two approvals, although with separate resolutions for each action. In addition, the applicant has requested a concurrent review of the Development and Final Stage PUD. Conditions relating to the approval of both are reflected in Exhibit Z. As noted above, the applicants continued in 2017 (3rd Addition) and 2018 (4th Addition) to continue development with single family lots consistent with the original preliminary plat approval. The City took the position that a replat consistent with the original would be reviewed under the original PUD and zoning approvals granted to the project. The current proposal would final plat an additional 26 single family lots, with the developed portion of the proposed plat consisting of 16.71 acres. Outlot A of the 4th Addition, currently a 60.7 acre outlot, would be reduced to approximately 43.94 acres and become Outlot A of the new 5th Addition. Although a Preliminary Plat for this area was previously approved, the applicant is required to re -process the approval, as according to the Development Agreement recorded with the original project, the previous Preliminary Plat approval expired after 8 years. The proposed plat is consistent with the original approval. Further, under the approvals applicable at the time of the original proposal, PUD was treated as an additional process (but not a separate zoning district) allowing flexibility in development design. Featherstone proceeds under the original processing, including an allowance for continuation of the R-1 zoning ordinance requirements for single family home design in place at the time of the 2003 approval. 2 City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 Lot Dimensions The applicable R-1 zoning standards are as follows: Lot Area (Average): 12,000 square feet Lot Width (Average): 80 feet (70 minimum) Front Setback: 30 feet The proposed plat has lot sizes that range in area from 13,504 square feet to more than 71,000 square feet. Lot widths are listed at 85 feet, with a few at more than 100 feet. The lots in question easily meet the applicable averaging requirement. Plat Layout A portion of an existing stormwater pond, developed at the time of the previous phases, occupies the rear yard areas of Lots 1-4, Block 3, in the eastern portion of the plat. A new stormwater pond is proposed for the center portion of the plat, which occupies the rear yard areas of Lots 1-9, Block 2. The project also includes two stubbed street extensions. To the south, 89h Street is extended for connection to future phases of Featherstone. Additionally, the street labeled "Street" is constructed with a stub that will eventually loop around to reconnect with 89th Street. The proposed street name will need to meet the City's requirements. This change should be made to a revised Preliminary Plat drawing, as well as to the proposed Final Plat. In addition, as part of the park dedication requirements as recommended by the PARC, the applicant will be required to revise the preliminary and final plat to include an outlot for land dedication commensurate with the 11 % ordinance requirement. This outlot will be approximately 2 acres in size. Streets & Access In continued review by the City Engineer's office, it was noted that the current constructed width of 89th Street is 40'. The City Engineer is recommending a reduction of the constructed street width to 36'. Although 891h was considered a minor collector with the original preliminary plat design, staff believes that a roadway width of 36' feet still accommodates two travel lanes and parking on both sides of the street. The width reduction will be made gradually from the current terminus of 89th as it is extended in the 5th Addition. The reduction in width will reduce overall costs to the developer for construction and to the City for any future reconstruction, and will reduce stormwater impacts due to reduction in impervious surface. The final plat will be required to illustrate a right of way width of 80', which will accommodate a wider boulevard design. Sidewalks on both sides of 89th have been installed in prior phases and will continue to be required as 89th Street continues to be extended through this and future phases. Easements The applicant's Preliminary Plat shows typical drainage and utility easements along the perimeter of all lots, in addition to covering the existing stormwater pond noted above. The detail shows the easements as 6 feet interior, and 12 feet along streets and at the perimeter of the plat (where adjacent to other plats), consistent with City requirements. There is a larger easement along the northern border of the plat for an existing powerline corridor and for public drainage purposes. 3 City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 Park Dedication The developer has not shown additional park dedication on the draft preliminary plat. However, in follow-up conversations with the developer, it is the intention to dedicate at least the required 11 % of park land with the plat in accordance with the PARC recommendation and original preliminary plat approval. The 11 % dedication of land will be made by revising the preliminary plat and final plat to include the commensurate portion of the last outlot area originally planned for dedication for the linear park system. This outlot is located at the far southern portion of the plat, along 85th Street and is labeled as Outlot F on the 2003 plat exhibit. The original Preliminary Plat accommodated the linear park design. The PARC reviewed this plat and the proposed dedication during its regular meeting on December 3rd. The PARC recommended a land area dedication commensurate with the area to be platted, which will yield a land dedication of approximately 2 acres. The developer is required to deed the outlot to the City in satisfaction of the park dedication requirements. Park dedication agreements from the original approval are reiterated in the new Development Agreement covering the proposed 5th Addition, and recorded against remaining Outlots to ensure that the park dedication requirements will be met as originally planned. Rezoning As noted, the applicant is seeking rezoning of the site from A -O, Agricultural Open Space District to R-1, Single Family Residence District. The subject area is guided "Mixed Neighborhood", and the low-density, single family pattern is the long - planned -for use of the property. Concurrent with approval of the Final Plat, the City Council may adopt the rezoning ordinance establishing the R-1 Zoning District over the new platted area. Final Plat The applicant is seeking a Final Plat approval concurrent with the proposed Preliminary Plat. Staff has noted one inconsistency in the North arrow labeling, as well as the street naming issue noted earlier, which will require correction. As noted above, the final plat is also to be revised to include an outlot which shall be deeded to the City in satisfaction of park dedication requirements. The City Council is now asked to act on the Final Plat as a part of its regular process. Development Agreement and Finance Plan A development agreement and finance plan for the Featherstone 5th Addition project has been prepared, outlining the terms and conditions of approval and project development, as well as the necessary fees and securities for the development. Trunk area charge payment terms are standard to past city practice, with the developer having the option to pay in full at the time of plat or assess over 10 years at 2% over prime. Ad iacent Street Improvements As noted with prior projects along collector routes, reconstruction of collector routes has been required with development north of School Boulevard. For those developments south of School Boulevard, improvements to collector routes may be C! City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 required as a result of traffic impact or EAW studies. Due to recent case law, reconstruction charges for future improvements are also no longer charged. For this project, the reconstruction of Edmonson and 85th Streets is not required at this time. Securities The developer is required to post a number of letters of credit associated with the project, including: • Public improvements security for roads, utilities, lighting, pathways and stormwater systems • Landscaping security for general site landscaping, including stormwater area buffers • Site grading • Conservation easement posts The developer is also required to post a series of cash securities. City plan review and inspection of the public utility expenses are charged to these escrows. Planning Commission Review and Recommendation The Planning Commission reviewed this item on December 1St, holding a public hearing on the series of requests. During the hearing, an adjacent property owner indicated a concern regarding the orientation of one of the lots within the development. The orientation of Lots 11 and 12, Block 1, is such that the positioning of the developed homes would create rear yards facing a side yard for an existing home. The Commission discussed the comment at length, ultimately deciding that while they understood the nature of the concern, this condition was not uncommon within residential subdivisions and that the lot orientation was as per the original preliminary plat proposal. The Commission recommended the plat as proposed by the developer with no change to the lot orientation. The developer's representative, Horst Graser, was also present to address the Commission. Mr. Graser discussed the history of the project and answered questions related to future phases of the Featherstone project. Mr. Graser also confirmed the intent to meet the required parkland dedication. Following the hearing, the Planning Commission recommended approval of each of the decisions unanimously. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommends the approval of the preliminary plat, Development Stage PUD and rezoning. Decision 1. Rezoning 1. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2020-94 approving the Rezoning from A -O, Agricultural Open Space to R-1, Single Family Residence District for Featherstone 5th Addition, based on the findings in said Resolution. 5 City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. 2020-94 for Rezoning for Featherstone 5th Addition, based on findings identified by the City Council. 3. Motion to table action on the resolution, subject to additional information as requested by the Council. Decision 2. Preliminary Plat 1. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2020-95 approving the Preliminary Plat for Featherstone 5th Addition, subject to the Conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report, and based on the findings in said resolution. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No.2020-95 for approval of the Preliminary Plat, based on findings identified by the City Council. 3. Motion to table action on the resolution, subject to additional information as requested by the Council. Decision 3. Development & Final Stage PUD 1. Motion to adopt Resolution No.2020-96 approving the Development & Final Stage PUD for Featherstone 5th Addition, subject to the Conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report, and based on the findings in said resolution. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No.2020-96 approving the Development and Final Stage PUD, based on findings identified by the City Council. 3. Motion to table action on the resolution, subject to additional information as requested by the Council. Decision 4. Final Plat & Development Contract 1. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2020-97 approving the Final Plat and Development Contract for Featherstone 5th Addition based on findings in said resolution, authorizing the Mayor and City Administrator to execute said Agreement, and subject to the conditions in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. 2020-97 based on findings identified by the City Council. 3. Motion to table action on the resolution, subject to additional information as requested by the Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Resolutions for Rezoning, Development and Final Stage PUD, Preliminary Plat, Final Plat, and Development Agreement, as stated in Alternative 1 for each decision. The proposed plat is consistent with the expectations of the original plat proposal for the area, and all lots are consistent with the requirements of the current R-1 zoning district. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2020-94, Rezoning B. Resolution 2020-95, Preliminary Plat C. Resolution 2020-96, Development & Final Stage PUD n City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 D. Resolution 2020-97, Final Plat & Development Contract E. Rezoning Ordinance 750, Draft F. Planning Commission Resolution PC -2020-037, Rezoning G. Planning Commission Resolution PC -2020-038, Preliminary Plat H. Planning Commission Resolution Pc -2020-039, Development Stage PUD I. Aerial Site Image J. Applicant Narrative K. Project Plans a. Existing Conditions b. Preliminary Plat c. Lot Tabulation d. Grading and Erosion Construction Plan e. Utility & Street Construction Plan f. Landscape Plan L. Final Plat M. 2003 Preliminary Plat, including Park Layout N. Public Comment Letter O. Engineer Comment Letter, dated November 19th, 2020 P. Development Agreement Q. Finance Plan Z. Conditions of Approval 7 City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 EXHIBIT Z Preliminary & Final Plat and Development Stage & Final Stage PUD for Featherstone 5th Addition PID 155-252-000010 Outlot A, Featherstone 4th Addition 1. Lots on curves are re -notated to indicate actual lot width per Zoning Ordinance definition. 2. Street extension for 891h Street NE is constructed to its full extent in the plat. 3. Street extension for Street 6 is constructed to its full extent and connects to 89th Street NE. 4. The applicant will work with the City Engineer's office on the final design for 89th Street roadway construction. 5. The street name for "Street" shall be shown as Eaton Circle NE. 6. The final plat will be revised to illustrate an outlot meeting the 11% required land dedication in satisfaction of the park dedication requirements, consistent with the 2003 preliminary plat approval. 7. The outlot shall be deeded to the City in satisfaction of park dedication requirements. 8. The infiltration basins will be covered by a drainage and utility easement with conservation easement signs installed. 9. Compliance with the terms of the City Engineer's report, dated November 19th, 2020 and as required based on revised plat plans to be submitted. 10. The applicant enters into a development agreement as a condition of Final Plat and Final PUD approval. 11. Compliance with the comments of other staff and City Council. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-94 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL ADOPTING A ZONING MAP AMENDMENT REZONING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FROM "A -O", AGRICULTURAL OPEN SPACE DISTRICT TO 66R-199, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to rezone a portion of Outlot A, Featherstone 4th Addition (being replatted as Featherstone 5t' Addition) subject to its platting into single family residential lots; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property suggested by the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the original preliminary plat for the area anticipated low-density residential uses for the subject area; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on December 1", 2020 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: The rezoning is an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site. 2. The use of the site for low-density residential development is consistent with the City's economic development objectives. 3. The amendment results in a zoning designation that more closely achieves the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan than would the current agricultural zoning. 4. The amendment results in the potential for development that would be compatible and consistent with the existing surrounding land uses in the area. The resulting land uses will have impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the subject property as proposed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Monticello City Council adopts Ordinance No. 750 rezoning the subject property from "A -O", Agricultural Open Space to "R-1", Single Family Residence District. ADOPTED this 10 day of December, 2020, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: Rachel Leonard, City Administrator MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL IRA 2 Brian Stumpf, Mayor CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-95 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR FEATHERSTONE 5th ADDITION WHEREAS, the applicant seeks to develop a portion of property legally described as Outlot A, Featherstone 4th Addition; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request for Preliminary Plat to plat said property into twenty-six parcels, and develop it for single family residential use and related public amenities; and WHEREAS, the site is guided for residential uses as "Mixed Neighborhood" in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed Preliminary Plat is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for residential uses; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on December 1St, 2020 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The Plat provides an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by putting the existing and proposed buildings to residential use. 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the Preliminary Plat are consistent with the needs of the development in this location as an residential area. 3. The improvements will have expected impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 4.. The Plat is consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the R-1, Single Family zoning regulations. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, that the preliminary plat of the Featherstone 5th Addition, with drainage and utility easements and right of way as required, is hereby approved contingent upon meeting all conditions of the subdivision ordinance; and the following conditions: CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-95 1. Lots on curves are re -notated to indicate actual lot width per Zoning Ordinance definition. 2. Street extension for 891h Street NE is constructed to its full extent in the plat. 3. Street extension for Street 6 is constructed to its full extent and connects to 89th Street NE. 4. The applicant will work with the City Engineer's office on the final design for 89th Street roadway construction. 5. The street name for "Street" shall be shown as Eaton Circle NE. 6. The final plat will be revised to illustrate an outlot meeting the 11% required land dedication in satisfaction of the park dedication requirements, consistent with the 2003 preliminary plat approval. 7. The outlot shall be deeded to the City in satisfaction of park dedication requirements. 8. The infiltration basins will be covered by a drainage and utility easement with conservation easement signs installed. 9. Compliance with the terms of the City Engineer's report, dated November 19th, 2020 and as required based on revised plat plans to be submitted. 10. The applicant enters into a development agreement as a condition of Final Plat and Final PUD approval. 11. Compliance with the comments of other staff and City Council. ADOPTED BYthe Monticello City Council this 14th day of December, 2020. ATTEST: Rachel Leonard, City Administrator 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-96 APPROVAL OF A DEVELOPMENT AND FINAL STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR FEATHERSTONE 5TH ADDITION, A 26 -LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PLAT WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to rezone its property to be platted as Featherstone 5th Addition, from A -O, Agriculture Open Space to R-1, Single Family Residence District; and WHEREAS, the applicant concurrently proposes to develop the property for single family use, along with public amenities under the previously approved Planned Unit Development; and WHEREAS, the site is guided for residential uses under the label "Mixed Neighborhood" in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed PUD and rezoning, along with the companion Plat, are consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for residential uses; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on December 1St, 2020 on the Planned Unit Development and rezoning application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff reports of the Planning Commission and City Council, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, that the rezoning of the Featherstone 5th Addition is hereby approved contingent upon meeting all conditions of the subdivision ordinance; and the following conditions: ADOPTED BYthe Monticello City Council this 14th day of December, 2020. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Rachel Leonard, City Administrator CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-96 EXHIBIT A - REZONING Area to be platted as Lots 1-9, Block 1, Lots 1-6, Block 2, Lots 1-3, Block 3, and Lots 1-6, Block 4, and Outlot B, Featherstone 0 Addition. 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-97 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL APPROVING A FINAL PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR FEATHERSTONE Stn ADDITION WHEREAS, the applicant seeks to develop a portion of the property legally described as Outlot A, Featherstone 4th Addition; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request for Preliminary Plat to plat said property into twenty-six parcels, and develop it for single family residential use and related public amenities; and WHEREAS, the site is guided for residential uses as "Mixed Neighborhood" in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed Preliminary Plat is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for residential uses; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on December 1St, 2020 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, subject to approvals for the land use and zoning actions, the proposed Plat is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for residential uses; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The Plat provides an effective means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by providing for the development of residential uses in appropriate locations. 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the Preliminary and Final Plat are consistent with the needs of the development in this location and other parcels in the area. 3. The improvements will facilitate the logical application of existing municipal public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 4. The Plat is consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the City's zoning regulations. 5. The Plat provides an opportunity to support district -wide improvements and will facilitate a variety of land uses and public spaces in the immediate area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the City Council approves the Final Plat for Featherstone 5th Addition, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report as follows: 1. Lots on curves are re -notated to indicate actual lot width per Zoning Ordinance definition. 2. Street extension for 891h Street NE is constructed to its full extent in the plat. 3. Street extension for Street 6 is constructed to its full extent and connects to 89th Street NE. 4. The applicant will work with the City Engineer's office on the final design for 89th Street roadway construction. 5. The street name for "Street" shall be shown as Eaton Circle NE. 6. The final plat will be revised to illustrate an outlot meeting the 11% required land dedication in satisfaction of the park dedication requirements, consistent with the 2003 preliminary plat approval. 7. The outlot shall be deeded to the City in satisfaction of park dedication requirements. 8. The infiltration basins will be covered by a drainage and utility easement with conservation easement signs installed. 9. Compliance with the terms of the City Engineer's report, dated November 19th, 2020 and as required based on revised plat plans to be submitted. 10. The applicant enters into a development agreement as a condition of Final Plat and Final PUD approval. 11. Compliance with the comments of other staff and City Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELL0, MINNESOTA, that the document titled "Development Contract and Planned Unit Development and for Featherstone 5th Addition," with assignment of the specific terms and conditions for public improvements and the specific terms and conditions for plat development, is hereby approved. 2 ADOPTED this 14th day of December, 2020, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: Rachel Leonard, City Administrator MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL U5.5 3 Brian Stumpf, Mayor ORDINANCE NO. 750 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE, BY REZONING THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY FROM A -O, AGRICULTURAL OPEN SPACE DISTRICT TO R-1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT: FEATHERSTONE 5th ADDITION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. The zoning map of the City of Monticello is hereby amended to rezone the following described parcels from A -O, Agricultural Open Space to R-1, Single Family Residence District: PID NUMBERS: 155-252-000010 (See attached Legal Description) Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to mark the official zoning map to reflect this ordinance. The map shall not be republished at this time. Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety and map shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance and map are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 14th day of December, 2020. ATTEST: Rachel Leonard Administrator AYES: NAYS: Brian Stumpf, Mayor ORDINANCE NO. 750 EXHIBIT A Legal Description Those lots to be platted as Lots 1-12, Lot 1; Lots 1-9, Block 2, and Lots 1-5, Block 3, and Outlot A, Featherstone 5th Addition, City of Monticello W CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2020-037 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A ZONING MAP AMENDMENT REZONING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FROM "A -O", AGRICULTURAL OPEN SPACE DISTRICT TO 66R-199, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to rezone a portion of Outlot A, Featherstone 4th Addition (being replatted as Featherstone 5th Addition) subject to its platting into single family residential lots; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property suggested by the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the original preliminary plat for the area anticipated low-density residential uses for the subject area; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on December 1St, 2020 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The rezoning is an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site. 2. The use of the site for low-density residential development is consistent with the City's economic development objectives. 3. The amendment results in a zoning designation that more closely achieves the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan than would the current agricultural zoning. 4. The amendment results in the potential for development that would be compatible and consistent with the existing surrounding land uses in the area. 5. The resulting land uses will have impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the subject property as proposed. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2020-037 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council adopts Ordinance No. rezoning the subject property from "A- 019 . A -O", Agricultural Open Space to "R-1", Single Family Residence District. ADOPTED this 1St day of December, 2020, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION By: 1::9L N* Sam Murdoff, Chair ATTEST: Angela Sch, m�nfh, C" mmunity Development Director 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2020-038 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR FEATHERSTONE 5th ADDITION WHEREAS, the applicant seeks to develop property legally described as Outlot A, Featherstone 4rd Addition; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to plat said property into twenty-four parcels, and develop it for single family residential use; and WHEREAS, the site is guided for residential uses under the label "Places to Live" in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed Plat is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for residential uses; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on December 1, 2020 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The Plat provides an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by continuing the development plans for residential use. 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the Preliminary Plat are consistent with the needs of the development in this location as a residential area. 3. The improvements will have expected impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 4. The Plat is consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the R-1, Single Family zoning regulations. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2020-038 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the Preliminary Plat for Featherstone 5th Addition, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report as follows: 1. Lots on curves are re -notated to indicate actual lot width per Zoning Ordinance definition. 2. Street extension for 89th Street NE is constructed to its full extent in the plat. 3. The street name is subject to the approval of City requirements. 4. Park Dedication requirements for the full Featherstone project are reiterated, and if necessary, re -calculated and included in the updated Development Agreements and recorded against the current and future phases, as noted in this report and per Parks and Recreation Commission recommendations. 5. Compliance with the terms of the City Engineer's report, dated November 19, 2020 6. Compliance with other staff comments as submitted. ADOPTED this 1' day of December, 2020, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION By: Sam Murdoff, Chair unity Development Director 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2020-039 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO A DEVELOPMENT STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR FEATHERSTONE 5TH ADDITION, A 26 -LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PLAT WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to rezone its property currently platted as Outlot A, Featherstone 4th Addition, from A -O, Agriculture Open Space to R-1, Single Family Residence District; and WHEREAS, the applicant concurrently proposes to develop the property for single family uses under the previously approved Planned Unit Development; and WHEREAS, the site is guided for residential uses under the label "Places to Live" in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed PUD, along with the companion Plat, are consistent with the long- term use and development of the property for commercial uses; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on December 1St, 2020 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The PUD provides an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site. 2. The use of the site for single family residential uses is consistent with the City's interest in promoting the long-term planned land uses in the area. 3. The proposed improvements on the site under the Development Stage PUD are consistent with the needs of the PUD in this location. 4. The improvements will have impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 5. The PUD flexibility for the project, including incorporation of original building standards and other zoning requirements, are consistent with the CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2020-039 intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the PUD zoning regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the Development Stage PUD, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z as follows: 1. Lots on curves are re -notated to indicate actual lot width per Zoning Ordinance definition. 2. Street extension for 891h Street NE is constructed to its full extent in the plat. 3. The street name is subject to the approval of City requirements. 4. Park Dedication requirements for the full Featherstone project are reiterated, and if necessary, re -calculated and included in the updated Development Agreements and recorded against the current and future phases, as noted in this report and per Parks and Recreation Commission recommendations. 5. Compliance with the terms of the City Engineer's report, dated November 19, 2020 6. Compliance with other staff comments as submitted. ADOPTED this 1St day of December, 2020, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION By: �4, �414 Sam Murdoff, Chir' ATTEST: Angela SbMi in, (Tokiinunity Development Director 2 Featherstone 5t" Addition Land Use Application: Gold Nugget Development submitted a land use application to process, review, and approve Featherstone 5t" Add, a detached single-family residential development. The application requests approval for rezoning from A -O Agricultural Open Space to R-1 single family residential, final PUD Stage, and Preliminary and Final Plat. The 5t" phase of the Featherstone consists of 26 single family lots. If approved, construction is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2021 and will take 6-8 weeks to complete. History and Background: Featherstone 5t" Addition is the 5t" development phase of the Featherstone PUD which was granted PUD development stage approval in 2003. Preliminary plat approval was also granted at the same time but expired in 2013. Featherstone is a multiuse PUD consisting of 220 acres of planned residential, commercial and industrial land. Approximately 150 acres are designated residential, 60 acres industrial, and 10 acres commercial. None of the industrial/commercial land has been developed. The principle reason is sewer and water has not been available. The first four phases plus the proposed 5t" Addition total 94.09 acres leaving approximately 56 vacant residential acres. The required park dedication for the PUD was all land totaling 15.99 acres. The park configuration is a linear open space system terminating at a 10 -acre park/open space adjacent to 85th Street. To date 6.41 acres have been dedicated to the city. There is no public open space dedication in the 5t" Addition. The first 4 additions plus the 5t" addition have followed the design of the approved Featherstone PUD. The average single-family lot size in the PUD is approximately 14,000 square feet and the average lot width is in excess of 85 feet. The first phase of Featherstone was approved and constructed in 2003. To date, four additions have been constructed for a total of 135 lots. The first four additions did not have homeowners' associations and one is not planned for the fifth addition. The undeveloped part of the PUD totaling about 120 acres is currently leased to an area farmer. Novak -Fleck Inc. has been the principle builder from the beginning. However, Progressive Builders Inc. and Novak Construction have been involved as builders in the last two phases. Featherstone 5t" Addition Design: Featherstone 5t" Addition includes 26 single family lots and one outlets totalling 60.65 acres. Outlot A, totaling 43.94 acres will eventually be replated into future residential phases. The lots and right of way total 16.72 acres for a density of 1.55 units per acre and an average lot size of slightly over 28,OOOsquare feet. The majority of the lots will have full basements, with the opportunity for walkout and lookout style options. The density and design of this phase is consistent and in compliance with the Featherstone PUD. 85TH ST NE I I SECTION 23, TWP. 121, RGE. 25 LOCATION MAP NO SCALE Ikk I I I %6c �v'/,`, \\ V n T I No »1,9 vr�L-I \. ; I \/I I I I_ a9 I �\\<\ ,\ / r1/1N I �217.$ -r,�, I vl I I\ X0°I r4\ In 37-� -- -_ __ .45 _ V � � I ; 777 ✓�' �r , -r,___, -r��, .fir �� ' T- \ � _ � S � h 1 , � �n, � � - C - - yi - - - � � I y \ r- r- �/� V 87.47 N I — -- I I \J I ,� �,-' N88°41'25"W -61 //Lij rj �' ,•,� 1 I III L L0 i'7] L0 00111Ln '�I I II'II ,— IIk I \ I I I I -+- —I I \ I t Wow \ \ �\� , s•2 . 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I I I 9,01 1 I \ _ ' 00 CJ I k e � ) \ _ I I t � � 2589.70 � I l I� N01 °57'22"E a Denotes a' .a concrete Denotes gravel Denotes w Denotes tree line z I E 0� l\ VV w IQ ---I Denotes water line z Denotes 87TH oN O ST NE z underground petroleum lines ===@-- Denotes utility pole o 85TH ST NE I I SECTION 23, TWP. 121, RGE. 25 LOCATION MAP NO SCALE Ikk I I I %6c �v'/,`, \\ V n T I No »1,9 vr�L-I \. ; I \/I I I I_ a9 I �\\<\ ,\ / r1/1N I �217.$ -r,�, I vl I I\ X0°I r4\ In 37-� -- -_ __ .45 _ V � � I ; 777 ✓�' �r , -r,___, -r��, .fir �� ' T- \ � _ � S � h 1 , � �n, � � - C - - yi - - - � � I y \ r- r- �/� V 87.47 N I — -- I I \J I ,� �,-' N88°41'25"W -61 //Lij rj �' ,•,� 1 I III L L0 i'7] L0 00111Ln '�I I II'II ,— IIk I \ I I I I -+- —I I \ I t Wow \ \ �\� , s•2 . 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I I I 9,01 1 I \ _ ' 00 CJ I k e � ) \ _ I I t � � 2589.70 � I l I� N01 °57'22"E a Denotes a' .a concrete Denotes gravel Denotes bituminous Denotes tree line >>— Denotes storm sewer line ---> Denotes sanitary sewer line ---I Denotes water line PISNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. tv t fo e Denotes underground television line O Denotes manhole other than Legal description per title commitment Denotes underground telephone line sanitary or storm Denotes underground fiber optic line Cutlet A, FEATHERSTONE FOURTH ADDITION, according to the recorded plat Denotes underground electric line O Denotes sanitary or storm manhole thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. 0 25 100 200 Denotes underground petroleum lines ===@-- Denotes utility pole Denotes underground gas line 0 Denotes transformer box Denotes catch basin D Denotes television box GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET Denotes catch basin beehive 0 Denotes cast iron monument Denotes flared end section Denotes found iron pipe Denotes gate valve Q Denotes sign Denotes hydrant EX05-SURV-120144-BASE.DWG DRAINAGE AND UTILITY r r A C� r► I r A I T(� n n r c� i I /'11 A /A I TI 11 I (� _ Legal description per title commitment )URTH ADDITION, according to the recorded plat lesota. Lj ►� PISNEERengineefing CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. 60.66 ACRES 14.59 ACRES T NE z 26 SITE 1 K 43.94 ACRES „K 2.13 ACRES °\ NE to I 0.43 LOTS/ACRE TLOTS AND R/W) 1.78 LOTS/ACRE Lj ►� PISNEERengineefing CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. BENCH MARK TOP OF NUT HYDRANT NE QUADRANT OF 87TH STREET NE & EBERSOLE AVE. ELEV.=959.34 05-SURV-120144-BASE.DWG 89TH W T NE z SITE r Q K „K °\ NE to I \ 0 W 85TH ST NE I n\ I \ n \\ I J I SECTION 23, TWP. 121, RGE. 25 VICINITY MAP NO SCALE BENCH MARK TOP OF NUT HYDRANT NE QUADRANT OF 87TH STREET NE & EBERSOLE AVE. ELEV.=959.34 05-SURV-120144-BASE.DWG 85TH ST NE I I SECTION 23, TWP. 121, RGE. 25 LOCATION MAP NO SCALE Ikk I I I %6c �v'/,`, \\ V n T I No »1,9 vr�L-I \. ; I \/I I I I_ a9 I �\\<\ ,\ / r1/1N I �217.$ -r,�, I vl I I\ X0°I r4\ In 37-� -- -_ __ .45 _ V � � I ; 777 ✓�' �r , -r,___, -r��, .fir �� ' T- \ � _ � S � h 1 , � �n, � � - C - - yi - - - � � I y \ r- r- �/� V 87.47 N I — -- I I \J I ,� �,-' N88°41'25"W -61 //Lij rj �' ,•,� 1 I III L L0 i'7] L0 00111Ln '�I I II'II ,— IIk I \ I I I I -+- —I I \ I t Wow \ \ �\� , s•2 . I y / w I l I rr _ C 1 cr cr \\�' �C \ \ \ \ `�- F - �14 — 176.81 I I III I� r w� - — _ t — I� '� \ \ \f \'�\ ��j\ 15 S00`'S 1 »E -cn \ a I \ \ ,, \ �' x 9___ \ II 04 0 040 00 , , I,, �Il \ \ �, g6 \ \ \ \ , �I ��\� _962/ _ I \966 / �- \ — — — oo 0o I I I \ r \ \ 0�! I I I 9,01 1 I \ _ ' 00 CJ I k e � ) \ _ I I t � � 2589.70 � I l I� N01 °57'22"E a Denotes a' .a concrete Denotes gravel Denotes w Denotes tree line z I E 0� l\ VV w IQ ---I Denotes water line z Denotes 87TH oN O ST NE z underground petroleum lines ===@-- Denotes utility pole o 85TH ST NE I I SECTION 23, TWP. 121, RGE. 25 LOCATION MAP NO SCALE Ikk I I I %6c �v'/,`, \\ V n T I No »1,9 vr�L-I \. ; I \/I I I I_ a9 I �\\<\ ,\ / r1/1N I �217.$ -r,�, I vl I I\ X0°I r4\ In 37-� -- -_ __ .45 _ V � � I ; 777 ✓�' �r , -r,___, -r��, .fir �� ' T- \ � _ � S � h 1 , � �n, � � - C - - yi - - - � � I y \ r- r- �/� V 87.47 N I — -- I I \J I ,� �,-' N88°41'25"W -61 //Lij rj �' ,•,� 1 I III L L0 i'7] L0 00111Ln '�I I II'II ,— IIk I \ I I I I -+- —I I \ I t Wow \ \ �\� , s•2 . I y / w I l I rr _ C 1 cr cr \\�' �C \ \ \ \ `�- F - �14 — 176.81 I I III I� r w� - — _ t — I� '� \ \ \f \'�\ ��j\ 15 S00`'S 1 »E -cn \ a I \ \ ,, \ �' x 9___ \ II 04 0 040 00 , , I,, �Il \ \ �, g6 \ \ \ \ , �I ��\� _962/ _ I \966 / �- \ — — — oo 0o I I I \ r \ \ 0�! I I I 9,01 1 I \ _ ' 00 CJ I k e � ) \ _ I I t � � 2589.70 � I l I� N01 °57'22"E a Denotes a' .a concrete Denotes gravel Denotes bituminous Denotes tree line >>— Denotes storm sewer line ---> Denotes sanitary sewer line ---I Denotes water line PISNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. tv t fo e Denotes underground television line O Denotes manhole other than Legal description per title commitment Denotes underground telephone line sanitary or storm Denotes underground fiber optic line Cutlet A, FEATHERSTONE FOURTH ADDITION, according to the recorded plat Denotes underground electric line O Denotes sanitary or storm manhole thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. 0 25 100 200 Denotes underground petroleum lines ===@-- Denotes utility pole Denotes underground gas line 0 Denotes transformer box Denotes catch basin D Denotes television box GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET Denotes catch basin beehive 0 Denotes cast iron monument Denotes flared end section Denotes found iron pipe Denotes gate valve Q Denotes sign Denotes hydrant EX05-SURV-120144-BASE.DWG Featherstone 5th Addition Lot Tabulation Block Lot Lot Area (SF) Lot Width at Setback(Feet) Side Lot Line (Feet) Side Lot Line (Feet) 1 1 20043 85 216 201 1 2 17765 85 201 200 1 3 17000 85 200 200 1 1 4 23451 86 200 228 1 5 33572 86 228 334 1 6 71784 86 334 347 1 7 59306 86 347 338 1 8 31834 85 338 295 1 9 23937 85 295 268 1 10 21670 85 268 242 1 11 13504 85 158 147 1 12 15880 100 147 150 2 1 16207 94 189 193 2 2 16395 87 193 193 2 3 15096 133 193 206 2 4 15579 144 206 182 2 5 29369 90 334 318 2 6 25290 98 318 310 2 7 15013 100 151 150 2 8 13910 87 150 157 2 9 15987 85 157 181 3 1 20584 94 322 315 3 2 28213 91 315 421 3 3 31891 91 421 422 3 4 28595 87 422 171 3 5 13630 85 171 150 FEATHERSTONE 5TH ADDITION GRADING AND EROSION CONSTRUCTION PLAN Prior to any excavation the contractor shall verify the location of all underground utilities. Call 48 Hours before digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin City Area (651) 454-0002 Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 GENERAL NOTES: A. ALL STREET CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO STANDARDS & SPECIFICATIONS. B. ALL SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO STANDARDS & SPECIFICATIONS. C. ALL STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TOT HE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO STANDARDS * SPECIFICATIONS. D. ALL WATER DISTRIBUTION CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO STANDARDS & SPECIFICATIONS. E. PAVING SHALL NOT START UNTIL SUBGRADE COMPACTION TESTS HAVE BEEN TAKEN AND ROADWAY CONDITIONS ARE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. CITY ENGINEER APPROVAL PLAN DATE NAME REG. NO. DATE PISNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I GOLF COURSECLUB VIEW Rp, Rp ' r 5 T121N R25W 9 5 10 ISl� —�` �+ R• Rp 161 I,/ 11r ,S1 '°qRk 0 Ei l�ll\ — ALO B,P � AC4CE 4yf N.E. AP L1a N O WHAYWAflO 44' y4YriAR0 tea. Cr. s BLVD. O _/ ScyPoC Trailer o �—� Court Trailer o Court HA4VE C T, 25 Is IA r T121N fl25W � �?% r oA: 75 - `\ z¢ 1 > UNpAS oz'I RD. �N I W pE-NEAGLE LN. w� EAGLE RIDGE LN. 0. 9� I >I C LOCATION MAP 0 75 150 300 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET a k SHEET INDEX 1.0. COVER SHEET 2.0. LEGEND PLAN 3.0-3.1. GRADING PLAN 4.0. EROSION CONTROL PLAN 5.0. SEEDING PLAN 6.0-6.2. DETAILS Know what's below. Call before you diy. o � d z wILnwaoo 06thm+ST.q BENCH MARK TOP OF NUT HYDRANT NE QUADRANT OF 87TH STREET NE & EBERSOLE AVE. ELEV.=959.34 05 -ENG -1 20144-SITEET-COVR PISNEERengineering CIVEL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. TOPOGRAPHIC SYMBOLS B CATCH BASIN ® CATCH BASIN BEEHIVE B FLARED END SECTION x GATE VALVE 9_�l HYDRANT I& WATER SERVICE WELL WATER WELL ®° MONITORING WELL o CLEANOUT HO HAND HOLE O MANHOLE OTHER THAN SANITARY OR STORM 0 SANITARY OR STORM MANHOLE ;. LAWN SPRINKLER VALVE SH LAWN SPRINKLER HEAD t UTILITY POLE 0 TRANSFORMER BOX E9 FIBER OPTIC BOX ■ ELECTRIC BOX • NATURAL GAS METER o LIGHT POLE O SEMAPHORE D TELEPHONE BOX D CABLE BOX CASTIRON MONUMENT FOUND IRON PIPE JLM • JUDICIAL LAND MARK ® PK NAIL CONTROL POINT 0 0— FLAG POLE Q� TEST HOLE ® MAILBOX O BOLLARD CONSERVATION POST DECIDUOUS TREE CONIFEROUS TREE ( SHRUB / BUSH EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL STANDARD EROSION CONTROL ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ HEAVY—DUTY EROSION CONTROL SECONDARY EROSION CONTROL FENCE ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ F — — -I ■ EROSION CONTROL AT BACK OF CURB XXXX" " " " " TREE FENCE —>>>>>>>>>— TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH O`®� CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION %ftwo STRAW BIO ROLLS ROCK BERM >> SUMPED RIP RAP PERMANENT ENERGY DISSIPATER DISCHARGE LOCATION ❑0000000❑ 00000000/1 GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 000000000 13 0 0 — TEMPORARY OUTLET FLOATING SKIMMER STABILIZED EMERGENCY OVERFLOW STEEP SLOPE 3:1 (H: V) ! 11 (33.3%) OR STEEPER GRADE DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT FINISHED GROUND— ELEVATION LOWEST OPENING ELEVATION STEP HEIGHT — (IF REQUIRED) LOWEST FLOOR — ELEVATION GARAGE ELEVATION RECOMMENDED GARAGE SIDE FINISHED ELEVATION Q LOT CORNER ABBREVIATIONS A ALGEBRAIC DIFFERENCE B—B BACK TO BACK LEGEND BUTTERFLY VALVE BOC BACK OF CURB BFE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION UTILITY LINES BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE q CENTER LINE CB CATCHBASIN CBMH EXISTING CMP PROPOSED CO CLEAN OUT FUTURE CURB STOP DESCRIPTION DUCTILE IRON PIPE O DRAINTILE • ELEVATION EX o FES SANITARY MANHOLE ---->-----> FACE TO FACE FM FORCEMAIN GB > GND > SANITARY SEWER (SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLANS) ---->-----> HP HIGH POINT > > HYDRANT > HIGH WATER LEVEL > SANITARY SEWER (STORM SEWER PLANS) FM CURVE COEFFICIENT FM—FM—FM— LENGTH LF FM LO FM FORCE MAIN LOWEST OPENING �� LIQUID PETROLEUM �k LOW POINT MH A PC HYDRANT PCC x PI N It PROPERTY LINE oa POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE GATE VALVE POINT OF TANGENCY > POINT OF VERTICAL CURVATURE ► POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE PVI D R REDUCER R 3� RCP A& ROW RIGHT OF WAY SSWR SANITARY SEWER CURB STOP ----I-----I STRM STORM SEWER I I STORM WATER POLLUTION PROTECTION PLAN I TOP NUT HYDRANT I WATERMAIN (SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLANS) ----I-----I WATER MAIN WO I I I I WATERMAIN (STORM SEWER PLANS) ® CATCH BASIN ® ® BEEHIVE O • o STORM MANHOLE D ® D FLARED END SECTION ® ® CONTROL STRUCTURE ----> ----- >> >> » » STORM SEWER (SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLANS) ----> ----- >> >> » » STORM SEWER (STORM SEWER PLANS) === === === ==3 10 >> �» CULVERT ---------------------- PERF PERF PERE PERE PERFORATED DRAINTILE ---------------------- DT DT OT OT SOLID DRAINTILE SERVICE -- CASING e e e e e e UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE fo fo fo fo — —fo fo UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC LINE g g g g g g UNDERGROUND GAS PIPELINE pet r pet ro pet r UNDERGROUND PETROLEUM PIPELINE t t t t t t UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINES tv tv — —tv tv — —tv tv UNDERGROUND TELEVISION LINE oh oh oh oh oh oh OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES SITE LINES EXISTING PROPOSED FUTURE DESCRIPTION SURMOUNTABLE CURB & GUTTER B—STYLE CURB & GUTTER RIBBON CURB & GUTTER EDGE OF BITUMINOUS YELLOW PAVEMENT STRIPING (SINGLE/DOUBLE) WHITE PAVEMENT STRIPING (SINGLE/DOUBLE) PHASE LINE — — — CENTERLINE — — — —902— _ sot— — so2— 2' CONTOUR LINE — — — —900, 10' CONTOUR LINE _--------------------_ oUTLET=987.0 OUTLET=987.0 BASIN OUTLET LINE — — HWL=900.2 _ _ — _ _ HWL=900.2 _ _ BASIN HIGH WATER LINE 84.3 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION ♦ ♦ ♦ EMERGENCY OVERFLOW DRAINAGE FLOW ARROW --- -- --- — — — — DELINEATED / PROPOSED WETLAND LINE BUFFER BUFFER BUFFER WETLAND BUFFER TREE LINE FEMA FEMA FFMA FEMA FLOODPLAIN BOUNDARY ---------------------- RETAINING WALL X X X X x x FENCE (BARBED WIRE) # # # # # # FENCE (CHAIN LINK) [] [] [] [] [] [] FENCE (WOOD) C CONSERVATION AREA SIGN W WETLAND BUFFER SIGN —� TYPE III BARRICADE LIGHT POLE —� + STREET SIGNS _]2 PEDESTRIAN RAMP SURVEY LINES EXISTING PROPOSED FUTURE DESCRIPTION BOUNDARY — RIGHT OF WAY LOT LINE ----------- ----------- EASEMENT ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- SET BACK LINE — — — — — — — — — — — SECTION LINE RESTRICTED ACCESS HATCH PATTERNS GRAVEL SURFACE WETLAND BITUMINOUS SURFACE WETLAND UPLAND BUFFER CONCRETE SURFACE +++++++++++++ WETLAND MITIGATION RIP RAP W W W W W W W W W PERMANENT TURF RESTORATION SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL I PERMANENT WET BASIN SEEDING EROSION CONTROL BLANKET UPLAND/NATURAL AREA SEEDING MNDOT CATEGORY PER PLAN PISNEERengineering CIVEL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. TOPOGRAPHIC SYMBOLS B CATCH BASIN ® CATCH BASIN BEEHIVE B FLARED END SECTION x GATE VALVE 9_�l HYDRANT I& WATER SERVICE WELL WATER WELL ®° MONITORING WELL o CLEANOUT HO HAND HOLE O MANHOLE OTHER THAN SANITARY OR STORM 0 SANITARY OR STORM MANHOLE ;. LAWN SPRINKLER VALVE SH LAWN SPRINKLER HEAD t UTILITY POLE 0 TRANSFORMER BOX E9 FIBER OPTIC BOX ■ ELECTRIC BOX • NATURAL GAS METER o LIGHT POLE O SEMAPHORE D TELEPHONE BOX D CABLE BOX CASTIRON MONUMENT FOUND IRON PIPE JLM • JUDICIAL LAND MARK ® PK NAIL CONTROL POINT 0 0— FLAG POLE Q� TEST HOLE ® MAILBOX O BOLLARD CONSERVATION POST DECIDUOUS TREE CONIFEROUS TREE ( SHRUB / BUSH EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL STANDARD EROSION CONTROL ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ HEAVY—DUTY EROSION CONTROL SECONDARY EROSION CONTROL FENCE ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ F — — -I ■ EROSION CONTROL AT BACK OF CURB XXXX" " " " " TREE FENCE —>>>>>>>>>— TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH O`®� CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION %ftwo STRAW BIO ROLLS ROCK BERM >> SUMPED RIP RAP PERMANENT ENERGY DISSIPATER DISCHARGE LOCATION ❑0000000❑ 00000000/1 GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 000000000 13 0 0 — TEMPORARY OUTLET FLOATING SKIMMER STABILIZED EMERGENCY OVERFLOW STEEP SLOPE 3:1 (H: V) ! 11 (33.3%) OR STEEPER GRADE DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT FINISHED GROUND— ELEVATION LOWEST OPENING ELEVATION STEP HEIGHT — (IF REQUIRED) LOWEST FLOOR — ELEVATION GARAGE ELEVATION RECOMMENDED GARAGE SIDE FINISHED ELEVATION Q LOT CORNER ABBREVIATIONS A ALGEBRAIC DIFFERENCE B—B BACK TO BACK BV BUTTERFLY VALVE BOC BACK OF CURB BFE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION BMP BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE q CENTER LINE CB CATCHBASIN CBMH CATCHBASIN MANHOLE CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE CO CLEAN OUT CS CURB STOP DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE DT DRAINTILE EL/ELEV ELEVATION EX EXISTING FES FLARED END SECTION F—F FACE TO FACE FM FORCEMAIN GB GRADE BREAK GND GROUND GV GATE VALVE HP HIGH POINT HYD HYDRANT HWL HIGH WATER LEVEL INV INVERT K CURVE COEFFICIENT L LENGTH LF LOWEST FLOOR LO LOOKOUT LO LOWEST OPENING LP LIQUID PETROLEUM LP LOW POINT MH MANHOLE PC POINT OF CURVATURE PCC POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE PI POINT OF INTERSECTION It PROPERTY LINE PRC POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE PVT POINT OF TANGENCY PVC POINT OF VERTICAL CURVATURE PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE PVI POINT OF VERTICAL INTERSECTION R RADIUS R RAMBLER RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE ROW RIGHT OF WAY SSWR SANITARY SEWER STA STATION STRM STORM SEWER SWPPP STORM WATER POLLUTION PROTECTION PLAN TNH TOP NUT HYDRANT TYP TYPICAL WM WATER MAIN WO WALKOUT LOT INFORMATION (TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE) 9.0 28.0 F---- OBLOCK N0. 7 LOT NO. I LO 1' STEP LF=929.0 G 37.0 L---- J 35.5 34.5 � sTREET HOUSE TYPES R RAMBLER OR SPLIT ENTRY LO RAMBLER LOOKOUT OR SPLIT ENTRY WALKOUT WO —RAMBLER WALKOUT SE SPILT ENTRY SEWO— SPLIT ENTRY WALK OUT SLO — SIDE LOOKOUT SWO — SIDE WALKOUT 05 -ENG- 1 20144-SHEET-LGND SITE DATA * SEE SHEET 6.1 FOR TYP. STREET SECTIONS fid' (� / / MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: I I j AT SETBACK LINE=80 FEET (56 FEET AT CUL-DE-SAC) NOTE > MINIMUM LOT AREA: 1. SPLIT -ENTRY WALKOUT HOMES ALLOWED / INTERIOR= 12,000 SQ. FT. ON LOOKOUT LOTS / l� > ) I CORNER=12,000 SQ. FT. 2. FULL BASEMENTS ALLOWED ON SETBACKS: SPLIT ENTRY WALKOUT LOTS J ICNI FRONT=30 FT / 1 I I / / REAR=30 FIT 0) HOUSE=10 FT GARAGE=10 FT CORNER=20 FT I /.� TO 85TH STREET NE=SOFT \ \ I /, A956 �g5 NN_ f LOW OPENING=1.5'+EOF, 2'+HWL O \\ \ l MAX DRWY WIDTH WITHIN ROW=24' N \ O C 601 �\ �_ \ I _,I -C �. \ NV: 952INVA9A7.87 .50 \ \ RIM: 955.45 --� t t / > �` # �� m x M 968 GO* I�c- 1_f T TT- -�I-r TI T -r---r T Tr TIT- -rel _r it T IST- �� 6r) / /- �� -T IST tet- -F, T T ---r -T r-r-�IT964-SIT f -I T Ti �- T� T TT T Tr TIT �r T -T T I_r T -I it L INV 947.LO� / it I_T TIT i T �- li- TIT- TIT T1 T T-� -� �1- -i l -r -� I -r -�I T TZ T I�r I-^ ---4-52 T � 1T �T T l -r T -r �T- �� 0 �i-�'�- _ T �r ��'l.i�- -�-T iT __r__ �--F_� � 1=T-TI_--�T, - - T I - �r - -� - ' - ' i '' _�- T -T T T� T fT'- T I -r T li' TIT Ti T ii �- TT T Iii TIT i1 T • 7_ -T �T T- I_T TIT 7�r rr �- --� -r---i T I 7.� ' 4. 4 /� 2 -T-1 i- -T'✓' i TI T- T -f T - - - - - - - - -T -1-T -T �r I_r TI T1 I .1 �� I >�J��C'� I ; / l^ i \ , ° J ' �T -r--948--r- _r___ TIT �1 T l �f T r1- T I -r TIT T� T TT T 9 5 6 T T -I- T li- T -� �r -1 I _r -� �r T TT ' , I " /� �-/ TIT T -IT T -I- T T -t-T I I \ \ T� T-� TT T �f T r ----T- TIT- T -I I -I- TIT 7i T �f T �' T I _r TIT TT I T 2. I _ 1�� �T p /\ -T_ T-� T Tr TIT- -,- x-954,--� �- 1 r TIT -F--I----T--it -T TT T f T -�I-r -i -r -�I-I- !� ,ice 1 • ' 1 1 i AVO I r ��}_T- �T T �-946T TZ - I T T -f T T -T T I I I I 'i� l i�� � � �� I ' T �T T r ---r- T I T T1 �� �i- -r-I T ---,952--r- -TT �r r� T I -r T I -T "T -I T �T T- �r (�, ` �-, �'E. O. F.. ----L i I I I T \ rr T- �' I \ , ✓ I I ; i iii I i \ ' / / \ 1�- T7 �95OT1 T l� T �r TI -T T' / �_ y�' -� I 944--r C \ } \� �, >/ 959.5 I ! i J 956.9 S `9s v' y��y''�\ \ ; 961 0 ; I ! LO=� .0 T1.5 ; 6' - �- r --,- o ' 60 �� �' '�' T� -T T I� '� BASIN 60 C,Q Y x ,� OUTLET 955.00 \ , �g6963 L HWL=959.60 %' .%� �� /� �0i F UU II LF= 957.0 -r-I-- _) '% ?� / 6 \ LF -95$ 5 I I ;G 965.0 I; �I 3 BASIN 10 OUTLET=947.00 HWL=953.70 I / LF L 9 4 G 969615p'0 // � \\ g42 G \ - F -Iv _ V� - n C - 9bo - _ \ / / ° 96963 9PSA -�o g6 96L __jc� 0 ' O 6a 918 l \ J .- ��\b 9 � ,2*0 58.0 1t+oo2.8 io+oo B. 0 - "E. 0. / I 6 s 5 462.4 . O y r `9S ��\ \ 'jj� 1 3 \ 'I,L� / g3.8 � o \ \ \ X96 ��� / ✓ \ �1j i5� $ oo f \ ; \/ 6, �+ y �,• 'tj �F 91 /g =� o i p _ 3i X64 I� h c� Q, ams S ` �°I° d - / \ 6'��c �o� 6 / G p`% c1, I 962 I I o 6' iISO 966' � � ��� � Ll �� � � ��O ., \ y / 6$p Z• � � 1 I ----- --------------- r r G 962.8 ; I I 1----�__ _ � � '. 9 \ � '` co \ \ ��y�' LF 957.7 / I % �� I I LF=954.5 58.0 LOI I I I � \� � � _� � � y , / J'�� �4 � � Q • � �9'I i \ - G 9 g60,5 � 1 ; j \ / \ � 7 rn 31 cp DI LO \ -------------- 0=960.7 602 �. F9 � I I IM• 951.70 ; I I �5\ /; 6� ,' I ------- -- -En- ----------------------- lo BASIN 30 . Oi ; i INV: 949 0� I �� 59 -- --- - UTLET=95000 -I-�- -}-� ,j , �` 54.5 1 5 _ F15 ~ 1 / / \ 6�'j� \ /HWL=953.13 I ; / ' r I I �q J 8 r -I l o°� h f \ WET VOL.=4.027 AC*FT�� o 1 I" _ E.O.F. cn r o rn rn S ° r4 r nTOR. VOL.=3.649 I rn1 0 - (E OF. OFF SHEET) I' I II II M I i O I rn LA - I ) t co 0 0.00(51o 49.0 X4 9 II O 6% � °5 co Q0 co QV I -n ° � 6 I 0) 1 10 Q 57.2 _ \ = G' 41 0 / / 1 );06O ; ' = ' 49.0 =---_ -_ -- -----_ - - - ------ --- -- - ------------ ------ - ------ - -- ------------------------------- • O� / o � - - - - F7 \ 4 --- - -- --- - �0.9I o 60 -- ---- ° - - -- --------------------- I '`, °�'0�•�`5` 1 7' j `; /',C^o � \ �° x°° \ /ss9 \ \ rofp• /' / b /�,./96;,96,_\O \ \�`96\� s \ '\% \ ! \ \\ \ \ ` 11', ---�- ` L9 46 �4I'� - -�I �I"r"► lcc°,� oOvc>,i � II I rIoh ISI' II I L~(nLJ _ 1�0 56.26 or � ('V� "l 0)11 (0 U TL F6 ` ��° �p O \ \ '� ------ --- ---- av + I Orn y -L- / \ - -- G7 O 510 F18 / //\ ° 966 /% G�9\\� \ �\ �' 1- I - J Q 61 -- ----- -- - -------------- - 51. `9 Ex. 6.5 15, A�3rLO p 0) LO LO j I'9q 5- - - �`-T l \ `, /', �' \ ��✓ �� \ ii' /C�'' / 1 1 1 I Qci S - I 959 (1 / i I I i I I I I�OI �I2' LOn0 I '� += SEE SHEET 3.1 BENCH MARK TOP OF NUT HYDRANT NE QUADRANT OF 0 25 50 100 87TH STREET NE & EBERSOLE AVE. ELEV.=959.34 PISNEERengineering GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET OS -ENG -120144 -SHEET -GRA D CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS (651) 681-1914 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by Name Revisions Date 11-03-2020 2422 Enterprise Drive me or under m direct sub NOVAK-FLECK INC. FEATHERSTONE 5TH ADDITION Ip � y supervision and that I � Fax: 681-9488 Paul J. Cheme Designed PJC/JMM GRADING PLAN 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. 3.0 OF 9 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 �,�r�r,pioneereng.com am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 11-03-2020 Drawn JMM/MPC BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. C0 0 rnrn to 0II o F16 1 LA - I ) t co 0 0.00(51o 49.0 X4 9 II O 6% � °5 co Q0 co QV I -n ° � 6 I 0) 1 10 Q 57.2 _ \ = G' 41 0 / / 1 );06O ; ' = ' 49.0 =---_ -_ -- -----_ - - - ------ --- -- - ------------ ------ - ------ - -- ------------------------------- • O� / o � - - - - F7 \ 4 --- - -- --- - �0.9I o 60 -- ---- ° - - -- --------------------- I '`, °�'0�•�`5` 1 7' j `; /',C^o � \ �° x°° \ /ss9 \ \ rofp• /' / b /�,./96;,96,_\O \ \�`96\� s \ '\% \ ! \ \\ \ \ ` 11', ---�- ` L9 46 �4I'� - -�I �I"r"► lcc°,� oOvc>,i � II I rIoh ISI' II I L~(nLJ _ 1�0 56.26 or � ('V� "l 0)11 (0 U TL F6 ` ��° �p O \ \ '� ------ --- ---- av + I Orn y -L- / \ - -- G7 O 510 F18 / //\ ° 966 /% G�9\\� \ �\ �' 1- I - J Q 61 -- ----- -- - -------------- - 51. `9 Ex. 6.5 15, A�3rLO p 0) LO LO j I'9q 5- - - �`-T l \ `, /', �' \ ��✓ �� \ ii' /C�'' / 1 1 1 I Qci S - I 959 (1 / i I I i I I I I�OI �I2' LOn0 I '� += SEE SHEET 3.1 BENCH MARK TOP OF NUT HYDRANT NE QUADRANT OF 0 25 50 100 87TH STREET NE & EBERSOLE AVE. ELEV.=959.34 PISNEERengineering GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET OS -ENG -120144 -SHEET -GRA D CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS (651) 681-1914 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by Name Revisions Date 11-03-2020 2422 Enterprise Drive me or under m direct sub NOVAK-FLECK INC. FEATHERSTONE 5TH ADDITION Ip � y supervision and that I � Fax: 681-9488 Paul J. Cheme Designed PJC/JMM GRADING PLAN 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. 3.0 OF 9 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 �,�r�r,pioneereng.com am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 11-03-2020 Drawn JMM/MPC BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. SEE SHEET 3.0 �; 76.1r Iv ^, o a.s rn rn cr Ln c) o ftp00 (O 49.0 0 c9 - - - / I \ ��, \ hyo F7 �9 \ ,! 4 . -- -- - -- -- --- -- -- ----_--_--- - - - - 60. 60 - - - _---_--_--_- ---- -- - ------------------------ X40 0 � � \ rn �1 7 / O x° \ \ / / / \ \\`96, �• \ \ `C \ X946 4� 0 0) W 10 r x56.26 \ II r I O r c,rflo co I co � cn o, � rn l 9 \ -- I013 Cly O _ �,------------ / U �L \ ��� F 6 �p c9\ \ \ ' ------ oo o I Orn - ,�-- ----------- -- o - ----- -� --- --`�, ` - ----- - `-- --� ---- r \ / / / \\ S \ 950-�-� y - - --- o ------- - - -- -- y ---_ -_ -- - q�J ao - _ 1 61.4 0, , O / / \ ` \ \ /� � \ \ `/ \ \ •� •� /' / �' X951) 9 \ qL /�/ "Jv ,1 i ( i 1 I i -- ----- -�� 9 O c6 � rn f 1 -�------------- - _ - - / 6 5 cQ \ \ / �% 1 - / - INV: 949.00 f 1 f I o o rn \� I Ln 59.5 I. it 959.0 / 1I I I I I co, azo COrn orn \ \ / �' �- - ; 1 g 0 li II LO=95Y. ! I CO F1 g,,�/ /\ � RR 4 � ; 1 1+ LO -960 II it LO -959. 961.5 � C9 CD ` - --------- > 66 \� O� / hie o - g59 (3.5 gl 01 , 9 8 I 962.0 d + _ ------ - -- -- / F4 _ SEWO I /7_- / LF=955.0 I Lf- 954.5 ri R /' I cV I I r►� �t ,�. G 963.0 ----G J_G 962.5 I GF= 53.5 _ 5g,5 `--- 61.5 0 0, �� ►� N>I I 'Al l � \ \ \ � \ \ \ \ �\ � / \�\ � \ \ �/ , �' � � � JF 2 Q � / / \ ?°� �� � \ `\\ G g64'•5 � 1 0� - - -I o _ Al"; 12 01188 -960 /9 o /I 6 g5� _ / 9 \! I q� USE \ �( 3+00 �/ 1 say / ',, A a >> / � + • 6 , , Z\\/,\ \ // 21 \ I a 2 60.5 60.?+A° o / 58 / /Z� ' <' ( ' / 9�9 t�\, \ /� 5, / g g J / / / J %,' \`� \� >\ \\ \ \��'���� ,!n \ Ss'� rp^J� j C'1� Q 6 �� ST' `EET 5g.6 ---t, - //</\ , `> \ \ f \ l `\ %\ cam° \ �`O 6'27+00 \ , /\ / / TEMP SAC _-------------- - 1`.�\ \ °Xo° I _ - ;1 1 G 963.1 I I G 962.1 I ---__ .ate 4 6' 6 - / > \ \ \� / \ g62 ti 1 � 6'r, '� i LF=955.1 I LF=854 1" I I I ! G 961 59, 65s. 0.607, % - - / SEW O ; " ; I 1 3.5 LO=960.1 I LO=959.1 ' I 3 / R / /; '-9 60.0 F2 3 11 1 ; 959. _ 8.5 6 1958.6 I I I LOI r 52 0 I // �\\\ ,/'' / ) I � /rte, ,� / � \\ / �\ oo � ,6�.�• `\ \\\\\� O,gSg? ,11 1\ �II III II 9 s.4,� >> _7L�\ AVO� A -9 6 I I I O• S , / \ \ \ / \ / ,' 1 i i i ( q 7��`li On lb T; -944 57.0 E.O.F. uo / [�� \ ` \ \ - \ \ \ / / \ \\\`\ \\\` 1 ,� i i i' i' -ice / y \l \ -ice i 00 __7 BASIN 20 ; 1 OUTLET 9; 9 60,r y HWL=953.70CD ! / ✓ I ri / r -I_- \ \ \ lam\ /\ / / �\�, / \ \ I I \ _ •�` ��� �j_ -Q W \`\\ I I� I� /7/ / (SJ/� \> /\ o I I T S7 O / i / I 1 > l 1 III I L---- ; J � L- --� I �I L , - I \� ►� o r� I<\ + I- Ilf�rf� I �X SITE DATA MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: AT SETBACK LINE=80 FEET (56 FEET AT CUL-DE-SAC) MINIMUM LOT AREA: INTERIOR=12,000 SQ. FT. CORNER=12,000 SQ. FT. SETBACKS: * SEE SHEET 6.1 FOR TYP. STREET SECTIONS FRONT=30 FT REAR=30 FT BENCH MARK NOTE HOUSE= 10 FT TOP OF NUT HYDRANT 1. SPLIT -ENTRY WALKOUT HOMES ALLOWED GARAGE= 10 FT CORNER=20 FT NE QUADRANT OF ON LOOKOUT LOTS TO 85TH STREET NE=SOFT 0 25 50 100 87TH STREET NE & EBERSOLE AVE. 2. FULL BASEMENTS ALLOWED ON LOW OPENING=1.5'+EOF, 2'+HWL ELEV.=959.34 SPLIT -ENTRY WALKOUT LOTS MAX1)RWYWI1lTHWITHM_POW=?A' PISNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 05 -ENG -120144 -SHEET -GRAD ■ I � � �968-� I I I / / I I / � I i T yf I I I I r > // / I 972L tN �� > ioi �- -� / / I L____ I' PISNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. I I✓1 � ��g5s�'� /95ki I � —952-- �T Q LEGEND 000000000001ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 00000000000 INSTALL BEFORE START OF GRADING 00000000000 PERIMETER EROSION CONTROL FENCE. INSTALL BEFORE START OF GRADING /5��944—�� SECONDARY EROSION CONTROL FENCE. TO BE INSTALLED 48 HOURS AFTER COMPLETION OF GRADING. SUMPED RIP RAP PERMANENT ENERGY DISSIPATER, INSTALL WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER CONNECTION TO A SURFACE WATER. FILTRATION AREA MNDOT CAT 3 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET. INSTALL WITHIN 7 DAYS OF GRADING COMPLETION CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION TO BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO START OF GRADING. y �y\�� CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION TO BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO Cl START OF GRADING. STRAW BIO ROLLS. INSTALL WITHIN 7 DAYS OF GRADING COMPLETION OR BEFORE 1ST RAINFALL EVENT WHICHEVER IS FIRST ROCK BERM. INSTALL WITHIN 7 DAYS OF GRADING COMPLETION OR BEFORE 1ST \ RAINFALL EVENT WHICHEVER IS FIRST BASIN ACCESS 0 25 50 100 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET BENCH MARK TOP OF NUT HYDRANT NE QUADRANT OF 87TH STREET NE & EBERSOLE AVE. ELEV.=959.34 O5 -ENG -120144 -SHEET -EROS �o O o 0 r-7 --- t -t t t� W W W W W W 4 W W W W W W W ,II,III,,,IIIII II'IIIpII,II'I,III,II,,,III III'IIIpII,II'I ,IIII,III,,,II'III''',IIII''',IIIII,III,,',IIIII III'IIIpIl,IIlI',IIII,IIh,� ',III -III�IIpI,IS� ,IId,II,SI IIIp I ,I,I,I Ip ,II,I Ip III Ip -- _- - —'IIIII IIpII�WIIII,III .IIpI%I IIIII,III IIW`pII �IIIIII IIpIIWW IIW IIII II p WWIIIIII�II p IIIIWWII � IpWIII WJ IIII WI�p IWWIWI IWWWI III'�WWWW WWWW WWWW W WWWW�WW1JI rII4W.I� WWWWWWW�WWWWWWWW�WW--WWW-II�IWW WWWW WWW�IW WWWWWWWWWW—WWWWSW�W WWrIIWWWWWWW-WWWWW— -WWWWW W WWW I WII IWWWp -I�IWWI IIppWIII WIIII'WIWIII WII IIIW W II WI IV WI WI IW - W W W W W W W W W WW WKW �W W W W W W W W WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W W W W W W W W W W W W WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W W W WWWWWWWW W . 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W W W W W W W W W W W W W W r W W W W i W �Y �W �•y W W W / I,I I,I I,I' .�J/� _ / / \ I,II,II,II,I' WWWW WWW WW W\WWWW WWWI(.�WWWWWWWIWWwWWWSI.WWW1rWWW�WWW _- � / 111 111 111 111 111' WW WW /W W WJ W\WWW W� TWWWWW.� W W IWW / \ 111 111 111 111 111' W W W W W W W W W W WWIW W W -2WW ©WpWWW WW WW WWW WW WW WWWWWWWWWWW JWIW` WW��W%WWW -WW-WW-W�W I ....... W W p/ WLIWWWW WWW-WWWWWWW�WWW WiW : WW 7WW WW WWW W W� W W WWW WWW WW W�IWW / J W W W•� W W W W W W W W W / / 11 W W HOUSE / W W W WIW / 89TH � T W W W W W H STREET NE W W ' W W t� �\ W W ..... W% W \ 111 111 W W W W W W W W W W W W. • W W W W' W W y y / / �/ �\ \ '''111,1, WWWWWWWWW W W WWW WWWI WWWW WWW � IWWWWWWWWWW � rWWW��`W -_ � � / I PISNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. W�✓���W��WW W W W WWF IWWW W W WW} �.WW W W WWWI 1WW W�WWWW� j"W W J�WWWWW W �,W W W WWF WSW W3WWWW IWW W W WWF IW W W W WW1 IrWW W W W Wr �W W WW W�W�W W W WWF `WWZWi W W W W W�\�WW W W W WI II W W W WW�.WIWWW W W WWL IWWW W W WW.� pWW W W WW � �WW WcJWWW W� � W W WW WW �W�W W W W IWWW W WW�.WIWWW W W W iW IW W W W W iW W W W WWr IWWW W W WW�� � �W F y W . W .y / /W .y W .y W .y .y W .y W .y W '4 W W � �� /WW 'b W W<W W WW�WW W�,�WWW�;/ 496 F.1 �. �W`WW W W WWWWW .�I WWWWWW . WWW __»--- � WWWW W PERMANENT TURF RESTORATION SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MNDOT 2575 & 3876 CONSISTING OF: MINNESOTA STATE SEED MIXTURE 22-112 . �. 0 40 80 160 PERMANENT BASIN SEEDING SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MNDOT 2575 & 3876 CONSISTING OF: WET BASIN BENCH/(IN)FILTRATION BASIN: MINNESOTA STATE SEED MIXTURE 33-261 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET BENCH MARK UPLAND/NATURAL AREA SEEDING SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE TO MNDOT 2575 & 3876; CONSISTING OF: TOP OF NUT HYDRANT MINNESOTA STATE SEED MIXTURE 35-221 NE QUADRANT OF 87TH STREET NE & EBERSOLE AVE. ELEV.=959.34 05 -ENG -120144 -SHEET -SEED GRADING SEQUENCE 1. INSTALL ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 2. INSTALL PERIMETER SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES (SILT FENCE). 3. STRIP TOPSOIL, STOCKPILE AND STABILIZE IN BERM FOR FUTURE SPREADING. 4. DIG TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN, BASIN TO BE 1800 CF/ACRE OF AREA STRIPPED. CLEAN TEMP BASIN ONCE 50% FULL. 5. ALL SOILS WILL BE COMPACTED PER SPECIFICATIONS. 6. MAINTAIN DRAINAGE DURING GRADING OPERATION TO TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN. 7. COMPLETE SITE GRADING PER PLAN. 8. RESPREAD TOPSOIL MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 4" DEPTH. 9. MAINTAIN DRAINAGE TO TEMP SEDIMENT BASIN UNTIL NEXT PHASE BEGINS. 10. STABILIZE DENUDED AREAS AND STOCKPILES WITHIN TIME FRAME LISTED IN EROSION PREVENTION PRACTICES GENERAL NOTES 1. THE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION MANAGER SHALL BE A PERSON TRAINED KNOWLEDGEABLE AND EXPERIENCED IN THE APPLICATION OF EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS WHO WILL OVER SEE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SWPPP AND THE INSTALLATION, INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS BEFORE AND DURING CONSTRUCTION. 2. CONTRACTOR TO ADHERE TO ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY N.P.D.E.S. PERMIT, INCLUDING THE REQUIREMENT TO MINIMIZE THE AREA DISTURBED BY GRADING AT ANY GIVEN TIME AND TO COMPLETE TURF RESTORATION WITHIN THE TIME REQUIRED BY THE PERMIT AFTER TEMPORARY CEASING GRADING OR COMPLETION OF GRADING. 3. A COPY OF THESE PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE WHENEVER CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS. 4. BMP'S REFER TO EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES DEFINED IN THE MPCA PROTECTING WATER QUALITY IN URBAN AREAS AND THE MINNESOTA CONSTRUCTION SITE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING HANDBOOK. 5. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL FACILITIES (BMP'S) SHALL BE INSTALLED AND IN OPERATION PRIOR TO LAND DISTURBANCE ACTIVITIES. SOME EROSION CONTROLS SUCH AS CHECK DAMS AND TEMPORARY SILT PONDS MAY BE INSTALLED AS GRADING OCCURS IN THE SPECIFIC AREA. THEY SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED AND THE POTENTIAL FOR EROSION HAS PASSED. 6. THE BMP'S SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ANTICIPATED SITE CONDITIONS. AS CONSTRUCTION PROGRESSES AND UNEXPECTED OR SEASONAL CONDITIONS DICTATE, THE PERMITTEE SHALL ANTICIPATE THAT MORE BMP'S WILL BE NECESSARY TO ENSURE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ON THE SITE. DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION, IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMITTEE TO ADDRESS ANY NEW CONDITIONS THAT MAY BE CREATED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND/OR CLIMATIC EVENTS AND TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL BMP'S OVER AND ABOVE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS THAT MAY BE NEEDED TO PROVIDE EFFECTIVE PROTECTION OF WATER AND SOIL RESOURCES. 7. ALL TREES NOT LISTED FOR REMOVAL SHALL BE PROTECTED. DO NOT OPERATE EQUIPMENT WITHIN THE DRIP LINE, ROOT ZONES OR WITHIN TREE PROTECTION FENCE AREAS. 8. WHEREVER POSSIBLE, PRESERVE THE EXISTING TREES, GRASS AND OTHER VEGETATIVE COVER TO HELP FILTER RUNOFF. 9. OPERATE TRACK EQUIPMENT (DOZER) UP AND DOWN EXPOSED SOIL SLOPES ON FINAL PASS, LEAVING TRACK GROOVES PERPENDICULAR TO THE SLOPE. DO NOT BACK- BLADE. LEAVE A SURFACE ROUGH TO MINIMIZE EROSION. 10. TEMPORARY SEED SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE TO MNDOT 2575 & 3876. CONSISTING OF: • MN SEED MIX 22-111 0 40 LBS. PER ACRE OR APPROVED EQUAL. • MULCH SHALL BE MNDOT TYPE 3 0 2 TONS PER ACRE OR APPROVED EQUAL AND DISK ANCHORED IN PLACE OR APPROVED EQUAL, INSTALLED TO MINIMUM 90% COVERAGE OF THE SURFACE AREA DISTURBED. • TYPE 1 FERTILIZER, 10-10-20 0 200 LBS. PER ACRE 10. PERMANENT TURF RESTORATION SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MNDOT 2575 & 3876. CONSISTING OF: • MN SEED MIX 25-151 AT 120 POUNDS PER ACRE FOR OUTLOT B. • MN SEED MIX 35-241 AT 30 POUNDS PER ACRE FOR OUTLOT A. • MN SEED MIX 22-112 AT 50 POUNDS PER ACRE FOR BUILDABLE LOTS. • MULCH SHALL BE MNDOT TYPE 3 0 2 TONS PER ACRE OR APPROVED EQUAL AND DISK ANCHORED IN PLACE OR APPROVED EQUAL, INSTALLED TO MINIMUM 90% COVERAGE OF THE SURFACE AREA DISTURBED.MULCH AT 90 % COVERAGE WITH DISC ANCHOR. • TYPE 3 FERTILIZER, 22-5-10 80%W.I.N 0 350 LBS PER ACRE. 11. SLOPES AT 3:1 OR STEEPER, AND/OR WHERE INDICATED ON THE PLANS SHALL BE SEEDED AND HAVE AN EROSION CONTROL BLANKET TYPE 3 INSTALLED OR MAY BE HYDROSEEDED WITH TACKIFIER MULCH. PERMITTEES MUST NOT USE MULCH, HYDROMULCH, TACKIFIER, POLYACRYLAMIDE OR SIMILAR EROSION PREVENTION PRACTICES WITHIN AN PORTION OF THE NORMAL WETTED PERIMETER OF A TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DRAINAGE DITCH OR SWALE SECTION WITH CONTINOUS SLOPE OF GREATER THAN 2 PERCENT. 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL SOILS AND SEDIMENT TRACKED ONTO EXISTING STREETS AND PAVED AREAS. 13. IF BLOWING DUST BECOMES A NUISANCE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY WATER FROM A TANK TRUCK TO ALL CONSTRUCTION AREAS. 14. WITHIN 7 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF THE SITE GRADING OPERATIONS THE ENTIRE SITE (EXCEPT ROADWAYS) SHALL HAVE BEEN SEEDED AND MULCHED AND SILT FENCE SHALL INSTALLED AROUND ALL PONDS. 15. ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PROPERLY DISPOSED OF WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER FINAL SITE STABILIZATION IS ACHIEVED OR AFTER THE TEMPORARY MEASURES ARE NO LONGER NEEDED. 16. THE MINIMIZATION OF SOIL COMPACTION MUST BE USED ON AREAS OUTSIDE OF SPECIFIC COMPACTION REQUIRED AREAS. THESE PRACTICES INCLUDE: PREVENTING HEAVY EQUIPMENT TRAFFIC AND CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC FROM AREAS, USING PRACTICES TO PREVENT CONCENTRATED FLOW OCCURRING OVER THE SOIL, PROVIDE LIGHT TRACKED EQUIPMENT TO CONSTRUCT AREA TO FINAL GRADE. THE AREAS REQUIRING LOOSE SOIL INCLUDE ALL TOPSOIL PLACEMENT AND INFILTRATION/FILTRATION BASINS. PltNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering. P.A. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY REQUIREMENTS A. EROSION PREVENTION PRACTICES 1. BEFORE WORK BEGINS, PERMITTEES MUST DELINEATE THE LOCATION OF AREAS NOT TO BE DISTURBED. 2. THE CONTRACTOR MUST MINIMIZE THE NEED FOR DISTURBANCE OF PORTIONS OF THE PROJECCT WITH STEEP SLOPES. WHEN STEEP SLOPES MUST BE DISTURBED, PERMITTEES MUST USE TECHNIQUES SUCH AS PHASING AND STABILIZATION PRACTICES DESIGNED FOR STEEP SLOPES. 3. THE CONTRACTOR MUST STABILIZE ALL EXPOSED SOIL AREAS, INCLUDING STOCKPILES. STABILIZATION MUST BE INITIATED IMMEDIATELY TO LIMIT SOIL EROSION WHEN CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY HAS PERMANENTLY OR TEMPORARILY CEASED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE AND WILL NOT RESUME FOR A PERIOD EXCEEDING 7 CALENDAR DAYS. STABILIZATION MUST BE COMPLETED NO LATER THAN 7 CALENDAR DAYS AFTER THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY HAS CEASED. STABILIZATION IS NOT REQUIRED ON CONSTRUCTED BASE COMPONENTS OF ROADS, PARKING LOTS AND SIMILAR SURFACES. STABILIZATION IS NOT REQUIRED ON TEMPORARY STOCKPILES WITHOUT SIGNIFICANT SILT, CLAY OR ORGANIC COMPONENTS. 4. FOR PUBLIC WATERS THAT THE MN DNR HAS PROMULGATED "WORK IN WATER RESTRICTIONS" DURING SPECIFIC FISH SPAWNING TIME FRAMES, PERMITTEES MUST COMPLETE STABILIZATION OF ALL EXPOSED SOIL AREAS WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE WATER'S EDGE AND THAT DRAIN TO THESE WATERS WTHIN 24 HOURS DURING THE RESTRICTION PERIOD. 5. PERMITTEES MUST STABILIZE THE NORMAL WETTED PERIMETER OF THE LAST 200 LINEAR FEET OF TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DRAINAGE DITCHES OR SWALES THAT DRAIN WATER FROM THE SITE WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER CONNECTING TO A SURFACE WATER OR PROPERTY EDGE. PERMITTEES MUST COMPLETE STABILIZATION OF REMAINING PORTIONS OF TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DITCHES OR SWALES WITHIN 7 CALENDAR DAYS AFTER CONNECTING TO A SURFACE WATER OR PROPERTY EDGE AND CONSTRUCTION IN THAT PORTION OF THE DITCH TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASES. 6. TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DITCHES OR SWALES BEING USED AS A SEDIMENT CONTAINMENT SYSTEM DURING CONSTRUCTION DO NOT NEED TO BE STABILIZED. PERMITTEES MUST STABILIZE THESE AREAS WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER THEIR USE AS A SEDIMENT CONTAINMENT SYSTEM CEASES. 7. PERMITTEES MUST NOT USE MULCH, HYDROMULCH, TACKIFIER, POLYACRYLAMIDE OR SIMILAR EROSION PREVENTION PRACTICES WITHIN AN PORTION OF THE NORMAL WETTED PERIMETER OF A TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DRAINAGE DITCH OR SWALE SECTION WITH CONTINOUS SLOPE OF GREATER THAN 2 PERCENT. 8. PERMITTEES MUST PROVIDE TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT ENERGY DISSAPATION AT ALL PIPE OUTLETS WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER CONNECTION TO A SURFACE WATER OR PERMANENT STORMWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM. B. SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES 1. PERMITTEES MUST ESTABLISH SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP'S ON ALL DOWNGRAIDENT PERIMETERS OF THE SITE AND DOWNGRAIDENT AREAS OF THE SITE THAT DRAIN TO ANY SURFACE WATER, INCLUDING CURB AND GUTTER SYSTEMS. PERMITTEES MUST LOCATE SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES UPGRAIDENT OF ANY BUFFER ZONES. PERMITTEES MUST INSTALL SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES BEFORE ANY UPGRAIDENT LAND -DISTURBING ACTIVITIES BEGIN AND MUST KEEP THE SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES IN PLACE UNTIL THEY ESTABLISH PERMANENT COVER. 2. IF DOWNGRADIENT SEDIMENT CONTROLS ARE OVERLOADED, BASED ON FFREQUENT FAILURE OR EXCESSIVE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS, PERMITTEES MUST INSTALL ADDITIONAL UPGRAIDENT SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES OR REDUNDANT BMP'S TO ELIMINATE THE OVERLOADING AND AMEND THE SWPPP TO IDENTIFY THESE ADDITIONAL PRACTICES AS REQUIRED IN ITEM 6.3 OF THE PERMIT. 3. TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DRAINAGE DITCHES AND SEDIMENT BASINS DESIGNED AS PART OF A SEDIMENT CONTAINMENT SYSTEM REQUIRE SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES ONLY AS APPROPRIATE FOR SITE CONDITIONS. 4. A FLOATING SILT CURTAN PLACED IN THE WATER IS NOT A SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP TO SATISFY ITEM 9.2 EXCEPT WHEN WORKING ON A SHORELINE OR BELOW WATERLINE. IMMEDIATELY AFTER SHORT TERM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IN THAT AREA IS COMPLETE, PERMITTEES MUST INSTALL AN UPLAND PERIMETER CONTROL PRACTICE IF EXPOSED SOILS STILL DRAIN TO A SURFACE WATER. 5. PERMITTEES MUST RE -INSTALL ALL SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES ADJUSTED OR REMOVED TO ACCOMMODATE SHORT-TERM ACTIVITIES SUCH AS CLEARING OR GRUBBING, OR PASSAGE OF VEHICLES, IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE SHORT-TERM ACTIVITY IS COMPLETED. PERMITTEES MUST RE -INSTALL SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES BEFORE THE NEXT PRECIPITATION EVENT EVEN IF THE SHORT-TERM ACTIVITY IS NOT COMPLETE. 6. PERMITTEES MUST PROTECT ALL STORM DRAIN INLETS USING APPROPRIATE BMP'S DURING CONSTRUCTION UNTIL THEY ESTABLISH PERMANENT COVER ON ALL AREAS WITH POTENTIAL FOR DISCHARGING TO THE INLET. 7. PERMITTEES MAY REMOVE INLET PROTECTION FOR A PARTICULAR INLET IF A SPECIFIC SAFETY CONCERN IS IDENTIFIED BY THE PERMITTEES OR THE JURISDICTIONAL AUTHORITY. PERMITTEES MUST DOCUMENT THE NEED FOR REMOVAL IN THE SWPPP. 8. PERMITTEES MUST PROVIDE SILT FENCE OR OTHER EFFECTIVE SEDIMENT CONTROLS AT THE BASE OF STOCKPILES ON THE DOWNGRADIENT PERIMETER. 9. PERMITTEES MUST LOCATE STOCKPILES OUTSIDE OF NATURAL BUFFERS OR SURFACE WATERS, INCLUDING STORMWATER CONVEYANCES SUCH AS CURB AND GUTTER SYSTEMS UNLESS THERE IS A BYPASS IN PLACE FOR THE STORMWATER. 10. PERMITTEES MUST INSTALL A VEHICLE TRACKING BMP TO MINIMIZE THE TRACK OUT OF SEDIMENT FROM THE CONSTRUCTION SITE OR ONTO PAVED ROADS WITHIN THE SITE. 11. PERMITTEES MUST INSTALL TEMPORARY SEDIMENT SEDIMENT BASINS AS REQUIRED IN SECTION 14 OF PERMIT. 12. IN ANY AREAS OF THE SITE WHERE VEGETATIVE STABILIZATION WILL OCCUR, PERMITTEES MUST RESTRICT VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT USE TO MINIMIZE SOIL COMPACTION. 13. PERMITTEES MUST PRESERVE TOPSOIL ON THE SITE, UNLESS INFEASIBLE. 14. PERMITTEES MUST DIRECT DISCHARGES FROM BMPS TO VEGETATIVE SREAS UNLESS INFEASIBLE. 15. PERMITTEES MUST PRESERVE A 50 FOOT NATURAL BUFFER OR, IF A BUFFER IS INFEASIBLE ON SITE, PROVIDE REDUNDANT (DOUBLE) PERIMETER SEDIMENT CONTROLS WHEN A SURFAVE WATER IS LOCATED WITHIN 50 FEET OF THE PROJECT'S EARTH DISTURBANCES AND STORMWATER FLOWS TO THE SURFACE WATER. PERMITTEES MUST INSTALL PERIMETER SEDIMENT CONTROLS AT LEAST 5 FEET APART UNLESS LIMITED BY LACK OF AVALIABLE SPACE. NATURAL BUFFERS ARE NOT REQUIRED ADJACENT TO ROAD DITCHES, JUDICIAL DITCHES, COUNTY DITCHES, STORMWATER CONVEYANCES CHANNELS, STORM DRAIN INLETS, AND SEDIMENT BASINS. IF BRESERVING THE BUFFER IS INFEASIBLE, PERMITTEES MUST DOCUMENT THE REASONS IN THE SWPPP. SHEET PILING IS A REDUNDANT PERIMETER CONTROL IF INSTALLED IN A MANNER THAT RETAINS ALL STORMWATER. 16. PERMITTEES MUST USE POLYMERS, FLOCCULANTS, OR OTHER SEDIMENTATION TREATMENT CHEMICALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACCEPTED ENGINEERING PRACTICES, DOSING SPECIFICATIONS AND SEDIMENT REMOVAL DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED BY THE MANUFACTURE OR SUPPLIER. THE PERMITTEES MUST USE CONVENTIONAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS PRIOR TO CHEMICAL ADDITION AND MUST DIRECT TREATED STORMWATER TO A SEDIMENT CONTROL SYSTEM FOR FILTRATION OR SETTLEMENT OF THE FLOC PRIOR TO DISCHARGE. C. DEWATERING AND SURFACE DRAINAGE 1. PERMITTEES MUST DISCHARGE TURBID OR SEDIMENT -LADEN WATERS RELATED TO DEWATERING OR BASIN DRAINING TO A TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT SEDIMENT BASIN ON THE PROJECT SITE UNLESS INFEASIBLE. PERMITTEES MAY DEWATER TO SURFACE WATERS IF THEY VISUALLY CHECK TO ENSURE ADEQUATE TREATMENT HAS BEEN OBTAINED AND NUISANCE CONDITIONS WILLNOT RESULT FROM DISCHARGE. IF PERMITTEES CANNOT DISCHARGE THE WATER TO A SEDIMENTATION BASIN PRIOR TO ENTERING A SURFACE WATER, PERMITTEES MUST TREAT IT WITH APPROPRIATE BMPS SUCH THAT THE DISCHARGE DOES NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT THE SURFACE WATER OR DOWNSTREAM PROPERTIES. 2. IF PERMITTEES MUST DISCHARGE WATER CONTAINING OIL OR GREASE, THEY MUST USE AN OIL -WATER SEPARATOR OR SUITABLE FILTRATION DEVICE PRIOR TO DISCHARGE. 3. PERMITTEES MUST DISCHARGE ALL WATER FROM DEWATERING OR BASIN -DRAINING ACTIVITIES IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT CAUSE EROSION OR SCOUR IN THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF DISCHARGE POINTS OR INUNDATION OF WETLANDS IN THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF DISCHARGE POINTS THAT CAUSES SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT TO THE WETLAND. 4. IF PERMITTEES USE FILTERS WITH BACKWASH WATER, THEY MUST HAUL THE BACKWASH WATER AWAY FOR DISPOSAL, RETURN THE BACKWASH WATER TO THE BEGINING OF THE TREATMENT PROCESS, OR INCORPORATE THE BACKWASH WATER INTO THE SITE IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT CAUSE EROSION. D. INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE 1. PERMITTEES MUST ENSURE A TRAINED PERSON, AS IDENTIFIED IN PERMIT, WILL INSPECT THE ENTIRE CONSTRUCTION SITE AT LEAST ONCE EVERY 7 DAYS DURING ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION AND WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER A RAINFALL EVENT GREATER THAN j INCHIN 24 HOURS. (NOTE: LOCAL JURISDICTION MAY REQUIRE A MORE FREQUENT INTERVAL OF INSPECTION.) 2. PERMITTEES MUST INSPECT AND MAINTAIN ALL PERMANENT STORMWATER TREATMENT BMPS. 3. ALL NONFUNCTIONAL BMPS MUST BE REPAIRED, REPLACED OR SUPPLEMENTS WITH FUNCTIONAL BMPS BY THE END OF THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY AFTER DISCOVERY, OR AS SOON AS FIELD CONDITIONS ALLOW ACCESS UNLESS ANOTHER TIME FRAME IS SPECIFIED. DOCUMENTATION MUST BE RECORDED AS REQUIRED. (SEE MPCA NPDES PERMIT 11.4-11.11). E. POLLUTION PREVENTION MANAGEMENT MEASURES 1. MATERIALS ONSITE MUST STORED PROPERLY. 2. CHEMICALS ONSITE MUST BE HANDLED, STORED & DISPOSED OR PER M.P.C.A. REQUIREMENTS. 4. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MUST BE STORED AND DISPOSED OF PER M.P.C.A. REQUIREMENTS. 5. SOLID WASTE MUST BE HANDLED, STORED & DISPOSED OF PER M.P.C.A. REQUIREMENTS. 6. SANITARY WASTE MUST BE HANDLED PER M.P.C.A. REQUIREMENTS. 7. DISCHARGE OR SPILLED CHEMICALS MUST BE HANDLED AND REPORTED PER M.P.C.A. REQUIREMENTS. ADEQUATE SUPPLIES MUST BE AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES TO CLEAN UP DISCHARGED MATERIALS. 8. EXTERNAL WASHING OF CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES MUST BE LIMITED TO A DEFINED AREA OF THE SITE. RUNOFF MUST BE CONTAINED AND WASTE PROPERLY DISPOSED OF. NO ENGINE DECREASING IS ALLOWED ON SITE. 9. EFFECTIVE CONTAINMENT FOR ALL WASHOUT OPERATIONS RELATED TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY MUST BE OF M.P.C.A. REQUIREMENTS. w z J H O J w w w z z z J J J O O O J J J LOT PROFILE STREET PROFILE DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT FINISHED GROUND ELEVATION LOWEST OPENING ELEVATION STEP HEIGHT (IF REQUIRED) LOWEST FLOOR ELEVATION GARAGE ELEVATION RECOMMENDED GARAGE SIDE FINISHED ELEVATION @ LOT CORNER 0.5' LOT DIRECTION OF FLOW DIRECTION OF ON STROE5 0.5 BENCHING DETAIL NO SCALE 29.0 28.0 F BLOCK NO. 7 LOT NO. HOUSE TYPES 31.5 -R RAMBLER LO RAMBLER LOOKOUT * LO MODIFIED LOOKOUT LO SEWO SPLIT ENTRY WALKOUT 1' STEP LF=929.0 37.0 L J 35.5 34.5 CE STREET LOT INFORMATION (TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE) FINISHED GROUND ELEVATION PER PLAN VARIES 10' 60' 15VARIES VARIES VARIES FINISH GRADE 0 GARAGE ELEVATION PER PLAN ........... TOPSOIL 0 - - :: • >:.:: LOWEST OPENING r- SUBGRADE i17 GRADING GRADE r � I I EGRESS PIT SEE TYPICAL STREET SECTION RAMBLER 60' VARIES 10' 35' 25' 15' VARIES VARIES VARIES FINISH GRADE FINISH GRADE GARAGE ELEVATION PER PLAN GRADING GRADE "' TOPSOIL I O LOWEST OPENING 0 SUBGRADE GRADING GRADE .:::.............. lnr • :::::.• 0 �n LOWEST FLOOR PER PLAN 7.8' SEE TYPICAL 0 El STREET SECTION FINISHED GROUND ELEVATION PER PLAN LOOKOUT 60' VARIES 10' 35' 25' 15VARIES VARIES VARIES FINISH GRADE GA AGE ELEVATION PER PLAN FINISH GRADE GRADING GRADE I `n TOPSOIL •. LOWEST FLOOR/ ;•:: I LOWEST OPENING t I I1 CD PER PLAN` _� SUBGRADE GRADING GRADE LO I O �......--::...::: SEE TYPICAL -/ ...... - ,,,,,•::::::: • :..........:::::_ ...:•:•::•:::::::::::::: STREET SECTION 0 3' SPLIT ENTRY WALKOUT FINISHED GROUND ELEVATION PER PLAN 60' VARIES 10' 35 25' 15' VARIES VARIES VARIES FINISH GRADE GA AGE ELEVATION PER PLANFINISH GRADE GRADING GRADE cli � TOPSOIL LOWEST FLOOR/� I LOWEST OPENING I o PER PLAN ti -� �...... SUBGRADE O GRADING GRADE O - .........::.....: �' SEE TYPICAL -/ STREET SECTION ::::::::::............. �n 11' 0 WALKOUT FINISHED GROUND ELEVATION PER PLAN 0 Q Q W Y U Q m w FINISH GRADE O GRADING GRADE ................. / HOLD DOWN TOPSOIL -."```' ,,,,,, ::: Z •''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iii •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iii NON -SELECT--/-"//// SELECT BACKFILL SUBGRADE \ ilii / N. ilii ? x UN -COMPACTED • MATERIAL ,� BACKFILL MATERIAL"" N (0 EXISTING GROUND `\"\,\\\\r\\,�\�� SELECT MATERIAL BACKFILL J/ BOTTOM OF \ S��G��P OR- Q UNSUITABLE MATERIAL NON -SELECT COMPACTED BACKFILL MATERIAL \ UNDISTURBED SOIL �AA//VA//v/� V / /v /V /\ \ v\ UNDISTURBED SOIL 10'10' MIN. MIN. SUBGRADE CORRECTION TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE) 05-F.NG-120144-SHEET-DTLS 4.00%% S\-OpF- � ;1 4" TOPSOIL, SEED, --j AND MULCH OR SOD 1Q (TYPICAL) 2' 60' n PTYP. FOR SIDEWALK N STREET G 32' �G..ifr (FACE TO FACE) ® 117' 1 F, 1 1' MODIFIED DESIGN D CURB & GUTTER 2.00% 2.00% 4.00% - 2.00% c:1 LSEE CITY PLATE NO. 5012 FOR TYP. 1 1/2 " TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE SIDEWALK TACK COAT MNDOT 2357 2" TYPE 2.360 BITUMINOUS NON—WEARING COURSE 6" CLASS V GRAVEL (MODIFIED) 12"m46mi" SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (2'— 6" BEHIND CURB) (2 6" MINIMUM SCARIFY AND COMPACT SUBGRADE TYPICAL SECTION URBAN RESIDENTIAL STREET G 1Q USE CAT 3 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET TO BE PLACED BEHIND CURB & SIDEWALK/TRAIL 2� THE USE AND THICKNESS OF SELECT GRANULAR BORROW IS BASED ON EXISTING SOIL CONDITIONS AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. (3 STREET WIDTH TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. ® 6" PERFORATED P.E. PIPE WITH FABRIC. INSTALL WHERE CLAY SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE ROADWAY SUBGRADE OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. SEE PLATE 4006 FOR DETAILS STORMWATER BASIN SECTION/ INFILTRATION BENCH (TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE) �' 7 10'Do WATER QUALITY I—VARIES — -5 HWL 10:1 OUTLET ELEV VOLUME 0% 10:1 EL.=951.0 I OUTLET 80' RAW EL.=950.0 TYPICAL SECTION 10 CAT 3 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET BEHIND CURB URBAN NON—RESIDENTIAL Q2 THE USE AND THICKNESS OF SELECT GRANULAR BORROW IS BASED ON EXISTING SOIL CONDITIONS AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. Q3 STREET WIDTH TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. ® 6" PERFORATED P.E. PIPE WITH FABRIC. INSTALL WHERE CLAY SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE ROADWAY SUBGRADE OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. SEE PLATE 4006 FOR DETAILS. PAVEMENT AND CLASS V SECTIONS WILL BE DETERMINED ON A CASE BY CASE BASIS DEPENDING ON TRAFFIC VOLUMES, PROPERTY USE AND SOIL CONDITIONS PISNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. _"_"_------------- OUTLET ELEV EL.=950.0 —VARIES 1 INFILTRATION SECTION INFILTRATION 1'-80% HOMOGENOUS ONSITE SAND EL.=949.0 20% ORGANIC LEAF COMPOST ELEV PER PLAN 1'-100% HOMOGENOUS ONSITE SAND 05-ENG-120144-SHEET-DTLS 6' 13' 40' FACE TO FACE 13' 6' 1' LMAINT. BENCH FROM OUTLET ELEV. TO ABOVE OUTLET. CITY PLATE FOR DESIGN B618 CONCRETE+1' SLOPE NO GREATER THAN 10:1. IjSEE SIDEWALK CURB & GUTTER MPS 2.00%/ I 4.00% 6" 4.00% OpE 2.000/0 p� 2.00% 2.00% a opt 5� 6" TOPSOIL, SEED, S EE CITY PLATE AND MULCH OR SOD 1Q 4 4 NO. 5012 FOR TYP. (TYPICAL) 2' 05 TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE SIDEWALK TACK COAT MNDOT 2357 Q5 TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS NON—WEARING COURSE OO CLASS V GRAVEL (MODIFIED) 12" TO 24" SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (2'— 6" BEHIND CURB) 02 6" MINIMUM SCARIFY AND COMPACT SUBGRADE TYPICAL SECTION 10 CAT 3 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET BEHIND CURB URBAN NON—RESIDENTIAL Q2 THE USE AND THICKNESS OF SELECT GRANULAR BORROW IS BASED ON EXISTING SOIL CONDITIONS AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. Q3 STREET WIDTH TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. ® 6" PERFORATED P.E. PIPE WITH FABRIC. INSTALL WHERE CLAY SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE ROADWAY SUBGRADE OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. SEE PLATE 4006 FOR DETAILS. PAVEMENT AND CLASS V SECTIONS WILL BE DETERMINED ON A CASE BY CASE BASIS DEPENDING ON TRAFFIC VOLUMES, PROPERTY USE AND SOIL CONDITIONS PISNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. _"_"_------------- OUTLET ELEV EL.=950.0 —VARIES 1 INFILTRATION SECTION INFILTRATION 1'-80% HOMOGENOUS ONSITE SAND EL.=949.0 20% ORGANIC LEAF COMPOST ELEV PER PLAN 1'-100% HOMOGENOUS ONSITE SAND 05-ENG-120144-SHEET-DTLS © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. WING NUT OVERFLOW SLOT IN SHROUD SPECIAL NOTE: SPECIAL ATTENTION SHALL BE PAID WHEN INSTALLING ATTACHMENT HOOK DRIVEWAYS TO NOT UNDERMINE OR DAMAGE EXISTING SIDEWALKS. ® SILT FABRIC SLEEVE EXISTING CURB A ® ® ® ® 4 PROVISION 886CIAL OVERFLOW 0 15 Y2 OF 1 ® ® ® ® 4 THE CURB BOX HEIGHT / CURB & GUTTER 000000 000 a a / III a PLAN 4 4 �"0� I 70, 2S MSN/tijU IGH FLOW �OPD� INILMTOPROTEROADCDONRAINCURB ANDH UTTER MODEL DEFLECTOR PLATE OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL- 4 4 Q y= OVERFLOW 1S Y2 OF THE CURB BOX HEIGHT 4 .a rbc / A _C - p b_ c OVERFLOW AT TOP OF a RLTER ASSEMBLY 4 URB b_ v Ili _ ob9 bpoo _�- I 3" OF 1-1/2" ROCK o \b OR / 6" CRUSHED CONCRETE-'OR OVERFLOW SLOT IN SHROUD APPROVED EQUIV,At-IENT FILTER ASSEMBLY SILT FABRIC SLEEVE TAPER 3" OF 1-112" ROCK DIAMETER, PER MnDOT SPECIAL DEPTH AND WIDTH OR 6" ON-GRADE io" AT Low POINT PROVISION 3886 IN 10' 6" CRUSHED CONCRETE � SIDEWALK HIGH-FLow FABRIC * FOR THE NEW R-3290—VB STANDARD CASTING, INSTALL WIMCO ROAD DRAIN CG-3290 OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL, Title: Title: Title: Residential Gravel Inlet Protection Inlet Protection Standard Plate Library Construction Entrance Standard Plate Library Catch Basin Insert Standard Plate Library Grate Inlet Cover Cit of Monticello City City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Cit of Monticello y Date: Plate No. Date: Plate No. 03-05 03-07 03-07 -� = 6001 _� -= Revised: 6004 --- --_ - � 6005 Revised: Revised: -- 03-15 - ----- 03-15 --- 03-15 v a E wp + " -ADJUST o v ° SIZE OF SIGN TO FIT ;; L O� n MAINTENANCE AND USE 3� RESTRICTIONS: 6' m nY� o E Lz c3 I I -NO MOWING 3.3' 3.3' 20"� } ii 0=o II -NO GRADING a LD Moly 7Z W ;; -NO LANDSCAPE s.3' 3.3' mQ w¢~ i O G_ - II W N � J . W av II C o 4x4 TREATED Posr STRUCTURES • • o ❑ Z W M O W : v S. C I I L a w z❑' E I I m N S -NO SPRAYING a = m z w C O R U O In VWj v ❑` Ia.I I I m O� } g Ln II V) 3" WIDE BY 30" LONG E R ALUMINUM SIGN WITH PLEASE CALL 763-295-2711 o 7 STAPLES PER Sq- YD 1.15 STAPLES PER SQ. YD. x.75 STAPLES PER SO- YD- a� 4 11 N� Wa L II w W. HIGH WHITE LFrrERINGFOR MORE INFORMATION" °'.'SL°PES 3,15LGPE5 HIGH FLOW CHANNEL& SHORELINE W" a V ti i- w m O I I J 3 T (WnE_ Oa FW Wm H W II zit W zo Qg OJ ❑ �¢ II L.L. �— ❑J g LU tall H D LU2O~ a ¢��U Qa w =1 II Z 4—O N wLLJ w Wm �� WV Wa ii ji I �z� [Qiw =K ~ 00 II A z°o= am o�W �� E 6" WIDE BY 8" LONG BROWN Z Ja W?i ��Z8 == o¢Z 6 N m Q A ALUMINUM SIGN WITH 1/2" 1 ._5. m�5-a I �� �p ii <25❑ � it �_ �X L� HIGH WHITE LETTERING :. W1!wz< Wa >A Nr WW O 7 xw �E ¢� �� "�o, Z 17 3B �W ¢U¢O Z m0F }❑ I W W F N— y C O aux ww wz r E my F- Zww a3 z Jw ¢� M� va �_ �w �m aw v� �^ _ Mm ga o� x 01 o ro v � — GRADE 2. mW MWJ VV1 Q' ❑N CsnU I- I Iwmom'—m w a- (n_} w�mO w v,�no z IIern � z 1i�' O c �W ` `uZTnwa <3 z a- m W e w o o � Fmw � � - m I I � gw ¢Z ❑¢ } OJ z moo c. OXQU 1n U — U o +• O F- g I I o .-P- U F— F < O 3A O w J m ❑ W m U v awl k' m 1n a�n W W m z v z o � c� o � n � 11 U ONam Or NO QOe _4 a- Wd` } ZF- ot.ao II F- Wow a a W mw wJ z Et`c�a` 11 p U❑ m w — O r1w W z ® - V _ J Oa mr ¢w II _ J z z z x ¢ g SET POST IN QUICKCRETE FAST—SETTING CONCRETE OR APPROVED EQUAL. MIN � Wv —J a — F 1n II z � ted' g v, I I Q M:)Zu �L, L, ¢ p W m o — W w J— oz w ¢ m IY w Q [K J LU Z O x I I '� �` g In W m— U 0 K I� W— O H 1i'�_- 12" DIA HOLE 2 o M w w of o I I a z a ❑ J � _ x r � w Z — ❑ II J a x — w w Z. R V� 4 l7 I I W U a —I x U ¢ Z 2 ¢ �m w -❑ in z U K F Fro mm (> J — 14 Z W II W U o W O ¢ m —x J �v a z 3" r J _ ._ a m m W eppn K o 06 In w c °s C i i O Zi Uj I I 4'-0„ ESO W W Z v y c v - O-W tii �� ti N gd w❑`w II CF-U Z C7 ❑� Z8 ❑� yi II W Q H W ❑ Q Z J Qm W ✓� — - W2Z�y z wK 0a BOO II 1. PREPARE SOIL BEFORE INSTALLING BLANKETS, INCLUDING ANY NECESSARY APPLICATION OF LIME, FERTILIZER, AND SEED- C o p Q F- 7 O N ❑ W } W I I 0V) _ p � a Z 7 o N J VW7 ❑ Q I I l l 2, BEGIN AT THE TOP OF THE SLOPE BY ANCHORING THE BLANKET IN A B" (75[ ) DEEP X 6" (1,%-) WIDE TRENCH WITH APPROXIMATELY 12'(30—) OF BLANKET EXTENDED BEYOND THE UP-SLOPE PORTION OF THE TRENCH, ANCHOR THE l'- iE P: a 4 w - Q Q `� N M a i V BLANKET WITH A ROW OF STAPLESISTAKES APPROXIMATELY 12' (30an) APART IN THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH, BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE TRENCH AFTER STAPLING. APPLY SEED TO COMPACTED SOIL AND FOLD REMAINING 12" (30r ) POR71ON OF BLANKET BACK OVER SEED AND COMPACTED SOIL. SECURE BLANKET OVER COMPACTED SOIL WITH A ROW OF _ _ Z l ¢ ❑ w I IL ONZI $TAPLF$!$TAKES SPACEDAPPROXIMATELY 12" (30m) APART ACROSS THE WIDTH OF THE BLANKET, UF� 1 I a = U g W Z w1 1 `fig 3, ROLL THE BLANKETS (A-) DOWN OR (B.) HORIZONTALLY ACROSS THE SLOPE- BLANKETS WILL UNROLL WITH APPROPRIATE SIDE AGAINST THE SOIL SURFACE, ALL BLANKETS MUST BE SECURELY FASTENED TO SOIL SURFACE BY PLACING STAPLESlSTAKES O Z S Q � ' ' (no W (/) oT I I o d ; IN APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS AS SHOWN IN THE STAPLE PATTERN GUIDE. WHEN USING OPTIONAL OOT SYSTEM. STAPLESISTAKES SHOULD BE PLACED THROUGH EACH OF THE COLORED COTS CORRESPONDING TO THE APPROPRIATE STAPLE PATTERN O N O W Q x U W I 1 ZN F N F � m O ',:2 - 4-THE EDGES OF PARALLEL BLANKETS MUST BE STAPLED WRH APPROXIMATELY 2'3^ (San-12 San) OVERLAP DEPENDING W g O O W W J L I I a a z Z ON SLANKETTYPE. TO ENSURE PROPER SEAM ALIGNMENT, PLACE THE EDGE OF THE OVERLAPPING BLANKET (BLANKET BEING INSTALLED ON TOP) EVEN WITH THE COLORED SEAM STITCH ON THE PREVIOUSLY INSTALLED BLANKET, J W :c -K O V ❑� 7o O � W B. CONSECUTIVE BLANKETS SPLICED DOWN THE SLOPE MUST BE PLACED END OVER END (SHINGLE STYLE) WITH AN APPROXIMATE 3' (7 kE) OVERLAP. STAPLE THROUGH OVERLAPPED AREA, APPROXIMATELY 12" (30an) APART ACROSS ENTIRE m ❑ y BLANKET WIDTH. W d a O A CALL TO GOPHER STATE ONE (454-0002) =(nm IS REQUIRED A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS NOTE: 'IN LOOSE SOIL CONDITIONS, THE USE OF STAPLE OR STAKE LENGTHS GREATER THAN S'(15dn)MAYBE NECESSARY TO PRIOR TO PERFORMING ANY EXCAVATION. PROPERLY SECURE THE BLANKETS - Title: Title: Title: Residential Budding Conservation Easement Erosion Control Blanket Standard Plate Library • Erosion Control Standard Plate Library City Monticello Post Detail it Standard Plate Library Stapling Patterns & Installation Date: 03-05 Plate City of Monticello Date: Plate No. of City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 -- � 5020 03-08 Revised: 6006 ---__ _- 6 Oil Revised: 03-15 Revised: 03-15 03 —) 5 PISNEERengineering OS-ENG-120144-SHEET-DYES CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS " (651) 681-1914 I hereby 2422 Enterprise Drive certify that this plan was prepared by Name Revisions Date 11-03-2020 NOVAK-FLECK INC. FEATHERSTONE 5TH ADDITION Designed PTC/JMM Ip me or under Fax: 681-9488 y supervision and that I �� m direct sub Paul J. Cheme DETAILS 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. 6.2 OF 9 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer Drawn JMM/MPC www.pioneereng.com under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 11-03-2020 BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. PISNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. FEATHERSTONE 5TH ADDITION UTILITY & STREET CONSTRUCTION PLAN I I � I I I I I I I I I I y I MONTIC 0, MINNESOTA I II I I�I I I I I I � pR• �'�O< rT �, Fd�� tiArwAftp QHAYwr QFO ��a• CT. S. Jo CT. f BLVD, 0 Trcfler- 5 � z cam — Court c L -11L —\—\1\2�' —\LL — w w a > a z DUNDAS o U RD. LD RD o co oN GOLDEN EAGLE LK• z EAGLE RIDGE LN. 8. Cu y BAR COUNTRY a DR. BRIDGE z 0 J z COIR. CIR. U Shy LJ CD O�� 5Y P o w OQ n RSD BLVD. PEBBLEBROCK NS, R. Troller- O v �r p DCHEYEN NE Court �aRVEST z V)CT. P o FAL C T. w w o�c o a o < DR R C� QRo C. LU Lj COBBLESTO�'� DIAMOND SDR. z CT. PARK DRcz . 7/1 LU Y U 8�th w T 8��h j ST. r SITE-� � w 85th ST. N.E. w� J w Ili w LOCATION MAP 0 75 150 300 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SHEET INDEX 1. COVER SHEET 2. LEGEND 3. SHEET INDEX 4-5. SANITARY S EWER & WATERMAIN 6-8. STORM SEWER 9. STORM DETAILS 10-11. STREET CONSTRUCTION 12. SIGN AND LIGHTING PLAN 13. EROSION CONTROL PLAN 14-19. DETAILS Know what's below. Call before you diy. BENCH MARK TOP OF NUT HYDRANT NE QUADRANT OF 87TH STREET NE & EBERSOLE AVE. ELEV.=959.34 05-ENG-120144-SHEET-COVR PISNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. TOPOGRAPHIC SYMBOLS B CATCH BASIN (D CATCH BASIN BEEHIVE 0 FLARED END SECTION m GATE VALVE "c? HYDRANT WATER SERVICE WELL WATER WELL ®e MONITORING WELL o CLEANOUT HO HAND HOLE 0 MANHOLE OTHER THAN SANITARY OR STORM 0 SANITARY OR STORM MANHOLE S.; LAWN SPRINKLER VALVE SH LAWN SPRINKLER HEAD ___*_ UTILITY POLE T❑ TRANSFORMER BOX Fo FIBER OPTIC BOX ■ ELECTRIC BOX • NATURAL GAS METER o LIGHT POLE O SEMAPHORE D TELEPHONE BOX Q CABLE BOX CASTIRON MONUMENT • FOUND IRON PIPE JLM JUDICIAL LAND MARK ® PK NAIL CONTROL POINT 0 C� FLAGPOLE Q!!!) TEST HOLE MAILBOX Q O BOLLARD CONSERVATION POST DECIDUOUS TREE 94 l - CONIFEROUS TREE 0 SHRUB /BUSH EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL STANDARD EROSION CONTROL ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ HEAVY—DUTY EROSION CONTROL SECONDARY EROSION CONTROL FENCE ■ ■ ■ ■ N I ■ ■ EROSION CONTROL AT BACK OF CURB X X X X X X XIX TREE FENCE —>>>>>>»>— TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION %ft.00 STRAW BIO ROLLS My% R."; SUMPED RIP RAP PERMANENT ENERGY DISSIPATER DISCHARGE LOCATION HHHHHHHII ❑❑ 00 GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 00 13 a 0— TEMPORARY OUTLET FLOATING SKIMMER STABILIZED EMERGENCY OVERFLOW X111 j STEEP SLOPE 3:1 (H: V) 1 i 11 (33.3%) OR STEEPER GRADE DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT FINISHED GROUND— ELEVATION LOWEST OPENIN ELEVATION STEP HEIGHT — (IF REQUIRED) LOWEST FLOOR ELEVATION GARAGE ELEVATION RECOMMENDED GARAGE SIDE FINISHED ELEVATION ® LOT CORNER ABBREVIATIONS A ALGEBRAIC DIFFERENCE B—B BACK TO BACK LEGEND BUTTERFLY VALVE BOC BACK OF CURB BFE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION UTILITY LINES BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE CENTER LINE CB CATCHBASIN CBMH EXISTING CMP PROPOSED CO CLEAN OUT FUTURE CURB STOP DESCRIPTION DUCTILE IRON PIPE O DRAINTILE O ELEVATION EX o FES SANITARY MANHOLE ---->-----> FACE TO FACE FM FORCEMAIN GB > GND > SANITARY SEWER (SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLANS) ---->-----> HP HIGH POINT > > HYDRANT > HIGH WATER LEVEL > SANITARY SEWER (STORM SEWER PLANS) FM CURVE COEFFICIENT FM—FM—FM— LENGTH LF FM LO FM FORCE MAIN LOWEST OPENING LP LIQUID PETROLEUM LP LOW POINT MH MANHOLE PC HYDRANT PCC D4 PI N R PROPERTY LINE oa POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE GATE VALVE POINT OF TANGENCY D POINT OF VERTICAL CURVATURE ► POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE PVI D R REDUCER R RAMBLER RCP 4& ROW RIGHT OF WAY SSWR SANITARY SEWER CURB STOP ----I-----I STRM STORM SEWER I I STORM WATER POLLUTION PROTECTION PLAN I TOP NUT HYDRANT I WATERMAIN (SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLANS) ----I-----I WATER MAIN WO I I WATERMAIN (STORM SEWER PLANS) ® CATCH BASIN ® ® BEEHIVE 0 O o STORM MANHOLE D ® D FLARED END SECTION 0 0 CONTROL STRUCTURE ----> ----- —>> >> » » STORM SEWER (SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLANS) ----> ----- >> >> >> » STORM SEWER (STORM SEWER PLANS) === === === ==3 0 >> §�' » CULVERT ---------------------- PERF PERF PERF PERF PERFORATED DRAINTILE ---------------------- DT DT OT OT SOLID DRAINTILE SERVICE — CASING e e e e e e UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE fo fo fo fo - -fo fo UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC LINE g 9 9 9 g 9 UNDERGROUND GAS PIPELINE petro petro petro UNDERGROUND PETROLEUM PIPELINE t t t t t t UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINES tv tv tv tv — —tv tv UNDERGROUND TELEVISION LINE oh oh oh oh oh oh OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES SITE LINES EXISTING PROPOSED FUTURE DESCRIPTION SURMOUNTABLE CURB & GUTTER B—STYLE CURB & GUTTER RIBBON CURB & GUTTER EDGE OF BITUMINOUS YELLOW PAVEMENT STRIPING (SINGLE/DOUBLE) WHITE PAVEMENT STRIPING (SINGLE/DOUBLE) PHASE LINE — — — CENTERLINE — — — —902 _ 02— — so2— 2' CONTOUR LINE — — —soo— soo— 10' CONTOUR LINE _--------------------_ OUTLET=987.0 OUTLET=987.0 BASIN OUTLET LINE HWL=900.2 _ _ — _ _ _ HWL=900.2 _ _ _ BASIN HIGH WATER LINE 84.3 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION ♦ ♦ ♦ EMERGENCY OVERFLOW DRAINAGE FLOW ARROW --- -- --- — — — — DELINEATED / PROPOSED WETLAND LINE BUFFER BUFFER BUFFER WETLAND BUFFER TREE LINE FEMA FEMA FFVA FEMA FLOODPLAIN BOUNDARY ---------------------- RETAINING WALL X x x x x x FENCE (BARBED WIRE) # # # # # # FENCE (CHAIN LINK) [] [] [] [] [] [] FENCE (WOOD) T TW C �v CONSERVATION AREA SIGN WETLAND BUFFER SIGN TYPE III BARRICADE LIGHT POLE + - STREET SIGNS PEDESTRIAN RAMP SURVEY LINES EXISTING PROPOSED FUTURE DESCRIPTION BOUNDARY — — RIGHT OF WAY LOT LINE ----------- ----------- EASEMENT ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- SET BACK LINE - - - - - - - - - - - SECTION LINE RESTRICTED ACCESS HATCH PATTERNS GRAVEL SURFACE WETLAND BITUMINOUS SURFACE WETLAND UPLAND BUFFER CONCRETE SURFACE +++++++++++++ WETLAND MITIGATION RIP RAP W W W W W W �Y PERMANENT TURF RESTORATION SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL PERMANENT WET BASIN SEEDING EROSION CONTROL BLANKET I I I' UPLAND/NATURAL AREA SEEDING MNDOT CATEGORY PER PLAN I I PISNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. TOPOGRAPHIC SYMBOLS B CATCH BASIN (D CATCH BASIN BEEHIVE 0 FLARED END SECTION m GATE VALVE "c? HYDRANT WATER SERVICE WELL WATER WELL ®e MONITORING WELL o CLEANOUT HO HAND HOLE 0 MANHOLE OTHER THAN SANITARY OR STORM 0 SANITARY OR STORM MANHOLE S.; LAWN SPRINKLER VALVE SH LAWN SPRINKLER HEAD ___*_ UTILITY POLE T❑ TRANSFORMER BOX Fo FIBER OPTIC BOX ■ ELECTRIC BOX • NATURAL GAS METER o LIGHT POLE O SEMAPHORE D TELEPHONE BOX Q CABLE BOX CASTIRON MONUMENT • FOUND IRON PIPE JLM JUDICIAL LAND MARK ® PK NAIL CONTROL POINT 0 C� FLAGPOLE Q!!!) TEST HOLE MAILBOX Q O BOLLARD CONSERVATION POST DECIDUOUS TREE 94 l - CONIFEROUS TREE 0 SHRUB /BUSH EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL STANDARD EROSION CONTROL ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ HEAVY—DUTY EROSION CONTROL SECONDARY EROSION CONTROL FENCE ■ ■ ■ ■ N I ■ ■ EROSION CONTROL AT BACK OF CURB X X X X X X XIX TREE FENCE —>>>>>>»>— TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION %ft.00 STRAW BIO ROLLS My% R."; SUMPED RIP RAP PERMANENT ENERGY DISSIPATER DISCHARGE LOCATION HHHHHHHII ❑❑ 00 GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 00 13 a 0— TEMPORARY OUTLET FLOATING SKIMMER STABILIZED EMERGENCY OVERFLOW X111 j STEEP SLOPE 3:1 (H: V) 1 i 11 (33.3%) OR STEEPER GRADE DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT FINISHED GROUND— ELEVATION LOWEST OPENIN ELEVATION STEP HEIGHT — (IF REQUIRED) LOWEST FLOOR ELEVATION GARAGE ELEVATION RECOMMENDED GARAGE SIDE FINISHED ELEVATION ® LOT CORNER ABBREVIATIONS A ALGEBRAIC DIFFERENCE B—B BACK TO BACK BV BUTTERFLY VALVE BOC BACK OF CURB BFE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION BMP BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE CENTER LINE CB CATCHBASIN CBMH CATCHBASIN MANHOLE CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE CO CLEAN OUT CS CURB STOP DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE DT DRAINTILE EL/ELEV ELEVATION EX EXISTING FES FLARED END SECTION F—F FACE TO FACE FM FORCEMAIN GB GRADE BREAK GND GROUND GV GATE VALVE HP HIGH POINT HYD HYDRANT HWL HIGH WATER LEVEL INV INVERT K CURVE COEFFICIENT L LENGTH LF LOWEST FLOOR LO LOOKOUT LO LOWEST OPENING LP LIQUID PETROLEUM LP LOW POINT MH MANHOLE PC POINT OF CURVATURE PCC POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE PI POINT OF INTERSECTION R PROPERTY LINE PRC POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE PVT POINT OF TANGENCY PVC POINT OF VERTICAL CURVATURE PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE PVI POINT OF VERTICAL INTERSECTION R RADIUS R RAMBLER RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE ROW RIGHT OF WAY SSWR SANITARY SEWER STA STATION STRM STORM SEWER SWPPP STORM WATER POLLUTION PROTECTION PLAN TNH TOP NUT HYDRANT TYP TYPICAL WM WATER MAIN WO WALKOUT LOT INFORMATION (TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE) 29.0 28.0 OBLOCK NO. 7 LOT No, HOUSE TYPES I LOQ 1' STEP LF=929.0 G---37.0 L------- J 35.5 34.5 STREET R RAMBLER OR SPLIT ENTRY LO RAMBLER LOOKOUT OR SPLIT ENTRY WALKOUT WO —RAMBLER WALKOUT SE SPILT ENTRY SEWO— SPLIT ENTRY WALK OUT SLO — SIDE LOOKOUT SWO — SIDE WALKOUT 05-ENG-120144-SHEET-LGND SANITARY AND WATERMAIN SHEETS STORM SEWER SHEETS STREET SHEETS PISNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. 0 40 80 160 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET BENCH MARK TOP OF NUT HYDRANT NE QUADRANT OF 87TH STREET NE & EBERSOLE AVE. ELEV.=959.34 05 -ENG -120144 -SHEET -INDEX INSULATE & LOWER WATER SERVICE UNDER STORM SEWER O DO NOT INSTALL CS: 961.88 .951 WATER SERVICE. RISER ONLY S INV: 951. 9 TO BE INSTALLED IN FUT. CS: 962.7 FUTURE ADDITION. INV: 952.7 MH -5 S�, \ STA: 0+65 C 9 22+40.02 I � I \I F4 LF=955. G 963.0 I IQ \ F21 20+89.84 j ST o _ ti°x i 1+67.1 F3 °'�°��c0•� _5 8" PLUG G h STA: 21 +76.93 F2 SEE SHEET 5 r - - 8"-11 %'BEND - I 4 LO CS: 961.2 STA: 24+83.20 I I rn 0) INV: 951.2CS: 960.3 I v 01 STA: 1+51 INV: 950.3 I - 8 STA: 0+60 I LF=9 4.5 I I 7 1 G 96 .5 LF= °' 953.5 I v I c� ) I G 961 co EX. STUB -3A 8"GV 5 I rn J 12 25+56.89 - - - STA: 24+44.15 I 8"X8"TEE STA: 24+93.70 I I 23+00 24+00 O � _j q - �s 00 9 n IN °- •• 4. � I TR W LOCATION MAP 1. SANITARY SEWER G 963.1 I I G 962.1 LF=955.1 I I LF=954.1 LF I 3.5 8"-22��'BEND 2 5 CS: 961.6 STA- 22+40.07 INV: 951.6 95LF .3 O STA: 2+08 CS: 960.8 CS: 960.2 INV: 950.8 HYDRANT STA: 1 +17 8"X6"TEE W/6"GV CS: 959.0 11'-6"DIP CL52 INV: 949.0 GND. ELEV.=961.1 STA: 1 +43 STA: 21+92.5 MH -4 TR W LOCATION MAP 1. SANITARY SEWER I � I I 961 5 I LF I 3.5 / I / G F 952.0 95LF .3 3 2.3 CS: 960.2 I INV: 950.2 4 STA: 0+23 O CS: 959.0 COVER. INV: 949.0 CS: 958.0 STA: 1 +43 4. SANITARY SEWER MH -4 g"GV 24+82.74 STA: 0+53 NOTE: - CONNECT TO EXISTING 8"PVC SANITARY. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY LOCATION & ELEVATION. TR 89TH STREET NE W LOCATION MAP 1. SANITARY SEWER SERVICES SHALL BE 4" PVC 960. SDR -26 r l /l p 3:z 2. SANITARY SEWER F 952.0 ql FROM DOWN STREAM MANHOLE. 5zl 3. WATER SERVICES I TP I I C I EXISTING COVER. CS: 958.0 4. SANITARY SEWER INV: 948.2 g"GV W ��I STA: 0+53 STA: 25+85.00 NOTE: 5. SANITARY SEWER & WATER SERVICES SHALL BE CONNECT TO EXISTING 8"DIP WATERMAIN. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY LOCATION W & ELEVATION. 89TH STREET NE © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. ( 27+00.00 i OUSE w zIZ:! W 04 I� r� Lq I N CO (0 0) N r 0 _0 0iM �0) p 0pr-,�0) 0)H p0-) r� X0) 00 -Z Z0 �pLO >�Nmz zz i)LLr)OI�Z� = 0) C) X + > > W EL"M NOTE: CONNECT TO EXISTING 8"DIP WATERMAIN. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY LOCATION & ELEVATION. \ STREET G ---,,e GENERAL NOTES: W LOCATION MAP 1. SANITARY SEWER SERVICES SHALL BE 4" PVC SDR -26 3:z 2. SANITARY SEWER SERVICE WYES ARE STATIONED FROM DOWN STREAM MANHOLE. 0 25 50 100 3. WATER SERVICES SHALL BE 1" COPPER TYPE "K" TP I I C I W/ 7.5' MINIMUM COVER. 4. SANITARY SEWER 975 -I N N� W ��I BEND JUST BEFORE THE RISER PIPE. GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 5. SANITARY SEWER & WATER SERVICES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED 11' LO I Z N W TOP OF NUT HYDRANT NE QUADRANT OF CONNECT TO EXISTING- - Lo 7 I- Ln N o N 00 '00-) N ELEV.=959.34 CONTRACTOR TO FIELD I I 110 o p 'nrn� r� � p0 r-0 VERIFY LOCATION & N �0 C°± ELEVATION. I I CV D �0) 0 0) CD LO -- 74' 12" PVC SDR m 26 ---- EX. 143 ' 12" PVC SDR 26 ----- --- EX. 134' @ 0.22% 970 +D>> =�CON6) O��Z N @V0.18% X LCLW�mzz �M�NZ ZOW z'-'-' Lr) C5 � H 25+00 25+50 26+00 26+50 27+00 27+50 28+00 +D>>>0 � (000 O -o_j Lm Z Z ZD L N tf)O) t04 _ +>> �<YC4MZZ 965 PROPOSED GRADE 960 0 z EXISTING GROUND 955 Z Mw FUT. 8» DIP CL. 52 WM \ in O v c� r Z8" DIP CL. 52 WM 950 X 8" PLUG 0 MM 945�Z Z N � W W W lY (W � 0 W N J lY � w LL1V) W W tY tO N a �+ r O lY M M0 �+ 06cN 00 C4 00+ �+ o6� N+ 01 940 FUT. 61' FUT. 188' r0 r0 12" PVC SDR 26 @ 0.22% 77' 12" PVC SDR 26 73, 242' @ 0.22 12" PVC SDR @ 0.22% 26 12" PVC SDR 26 12" PVC SDR 26 PLUG NW & SW @ 0.22% @ 0'22% INVERTS (INCIDENTAL). TO BE CONNECTED IN 12" PLUG (INCIDENTAL) 4"X8'X12' RIGID INSULATION 935 FUTURE ADDITION. (SEE DETAIL PLATE 2005) 18+00 18+50 19+00 19+50 20+00 20+50 21+00 21+50 22+00 22+50 23+00 23+50 24+00 24+50 PISNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS (651) 681-1914 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by Revisions Date 2422 Enterprise Drive Fax: 88 NameQ me or under my direct supervision and that I Paul J. Cherne Desi Mendota Heights, MN 55120 reng.c Www.piOneereng.COm am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 11-02-2020 Drawr r © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. ( 27+00.00 i OUSE w zIZ:! W 04 I� r� Lq I N CO (0 0) N r 0 _0 0iM �0) p 0pr-,�0) 0)H p0-) r� X0) 00 -Z Z0 �pLO >�Nmz zz i)LLr)OI�Z� = 0) C) X + > > W EL"M NOTE: CONNECT TO EXISTING 8"DIP WATERMAIN. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY LOCATION & ELEVATION. \ STREET G ---,,e GENERAL NOTES: LOCATION MAP 1. SANITARY SEWER SERVICES SHALL BE 4" PVC SDR -26 2. SANITARY SEWER SERVICE WYES ARE STATIONED FROM DOWN STREAM MANHOLE. 0 25 50 100 3. WATER SERVICES SHALL BE 1" COPPER TYPE "K" TP I I W/ 7.5' MINIMUM COVER. 4. SANITARY SEWER INVERTS ARE SHOWN AT THE BEND JUST BEFORE THE RISER PIPE. GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 5. SANITARY SEWER & WATER SERVICES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED 11' BEYOND RIGHT-OF-WAY. BENCH MARK TOP OF NUT HYDRANT NE QUADRANT OF CONNECT TO EXISTING- - - 87TH STREET NE & EBERSOLE AVE. J SANITARY SEWER. ELEV.=959.34 975 970 965 955 950 945 935 05 -ENG -120144 -SHEET -SSW R X TP I I NOTE- w CONNECT TO EXISTING- - - J SANITARY SEWER. I CONTRACTOR TO FIELD I I VERIFY LOCATION & C°± ELEVATION. I I - ---- - -- 74' 12" PVC SDR m 26 ---- EX. 143 ' 12" PVC SDR 26 ----- --- EX. 134' @ 0.22% ro co @ 0.22 12 SDR 26 @V0.18% X z'-'-' 25+00 25+50 26+00 26+50 27+00 27+50 28+00 975 970 965 955 950 945 935 05 -ENG -120144 -SHEET -SSW R 975 970 965 955 950 945 •,• GENERAL NOTES: 1. SANITARY SEWER SERVICES SHALL BE 4" PVC 6+50 7+00 7+50 SDR -26 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 2. SANITARY SEWER SERVICE WYES ARE STATIONED STUB -1 FROM DOWN STREAM MANHOLE. 3. WATER SERVICES SHALL BE 1" COPPER TYPE "K" / W/ 7.5' MINIMUM COVER. 4. SANITARY SEWER INVERTS ARE SHOWN AT THE BEND JUST BEFORE THE RISER PIPE. 5. SANITARY SEWER & WATER SERVICES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTED 11' BEYOND RIGHT-OF-WAY. 8"-22�h*BEND STA: 8+99.63 CS: 964.3 INV: 954.3 STA: 1 +71 HYDRANT 1 8 X6 TEE W/6 GV h 15'-6"DIP CL52 h)N' GND. ELEV.=964.5 �°���o' STA: 8+79.9 \ �� 8" PLUG STA: 8+60.07 F 11�h / h 0 CS: 958.4 CS: 958.5INV: INV: . I INV:948.4 5 I STA: 0+77 HYDRANT STA:1 +07 CS: 959.1 � I LF=952.G 0 8"6'DIP "T6 EE /CL52 STA 0 6"GV INV: +57 \\ \\ G g65,0o II II 960.p 2 GND. ELEV.=957.9 \ \ _j STA: 11 +85.6 4 o 8"-11 %'BEND STA: 11+01.04 \ �G�6 �o 73+00 CS: 960.4 INV: 950.4 \ �, STA•0+10 3 \ 1 CS: 959.0 INV: 949.0 7 STA: 0+10 8"-45'BEND STA: 13+49.47 .0 CS: 960.2 INV: 950.2 8 STA: 2+53 tX CS: 961.8 4D� F CS: 962.7 \ \�Ir / INV: 952.7 STA: 0+92 \ 2 \ \ A INV: 951.7 8"-45'BEND \ / / / / STA:1 +65 s 9 I STA: 12+25.08 J' / I I I \ 6R s6 • CS: 962.1 INV: 952.1 STA: 0+78 3 MH -12 13+50.01�/ / \ \ 12+25.024 s/ / / \ \ 1 \ \ \ CS: 960.0 9 ``9 INV 950 0 / / / \ �\ H \ `0 S HYDRANT 8"X6"TEE W/6"GV 15'-6"DIP CL52 GND. ELEV.=960.6 STA: 15+39.6 CS. 960.4 iR 6 CS: 962.4 / / \ STA: 0+71 INV: 950.4 , / \ �J. \ �c / / INV: 952.4 `b �b STA: 2+64 \ o STA: 0+10 MH -13 CS: 961.0 11+00.00 \ INV: 951.0 \ \ SINV: 951.3 TA: 0+43 \ O STA: 1 +75 AA CS: 963.6 CP 1 INV: 953.6 STA: 1 +36 / MH -14 9+00.00 w 00 W 00 �.� I m 0 X9' 9SR CS: 961.6 6 INV: 951.6 STA: 0+87 16+ x '96; 9 \ \ \ �� O CS: 961.3 \ 4o INV: 951.3 \ \ i STA: 0+8112 ��� 8„GV STA: 17+94.23 \ \ 8"X8"TEE \ \ \ STA: 24+93.70 MH -4 \ s 24+82.74 Y11 - 0 O 6 8 \ /� STREET G ISEE SHEET 4 935 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 0o 16+00 16+50 17+00 17+50 PISNEERengineering STUB -1 Q)'21 +85.96 F1 �`'o / / SANITARY SEWER & WATERMAIN F10 � ` �� �� v 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 www.pioneereng.com am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer 19860 under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. Date 11-02-2020 Drawn MBG/PDS CONSTRUCTION BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 -, ,J / \ � ? FUT. MH -15 // 7+00.00 / \ / I r F1o I o / orn F9 w 00 W 00 �.� I m 0 X9' 9SR CS: 961.6 6 INV: 951.6 STA: 0+87 16+ x '96; 9 \ \ \ �� O CS: 961.3 \ 4o INV: 951.3 \ \ i STA: 0+8112 ��� 8„GV STA: 17+94.23 \ \ 8"X8"TEE \ \ \ STA: 24+93.70 MH -4 \ s 24+82.74 Y11 - 0 O 6 8 \ /� STREET G ISEE SHEET 4 935 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17+00 17+50 PISNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS (651) 681-1914 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by Name Revisions Date 11-02-2020 SANITARY SEWER & WATERMAIN NOVAK-FLECK INC. 2422 Enterprise Drive Fax: 681-9488 me or under my direct supervision and that I Paul J. Cherne Designed PJC/JMM 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 www.pioneereng.com am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer 19860 under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. Date 11-02-2020 Drawn MBG/PDS CONSTRUCTION BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. 18+00 W I Z I 04 CO r� U? 0i 1r) �0) o)H 7Z Z0 >>> mZ ZZ 18+50 19+00 STREET gg -- STREET N= LOCATION MAP 0 25 50 100 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET BENCH MARK TOP OF NUT HYDRANT NE QUADRANT OF 87TH STREET NE & EBERSOLE AVE. ELEV.=959.34 S 970 965 021 021 05 -ENG -120144 -SHEET -SSW R STORM SEWER NOTES: 1. FINAL STRUCTURE OFFSET TO BE VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR AND INSPECTOR BASED ON MATERIAL SUPPLIED TO PROJECT. FIELD STAKING SHALL BE SET ACCORDING TO BACK -OF -CURB. 2. RIP RAP SHALL BE PLACED INTO THE CONCRETE GROUT AFTER THE GROUT HAS BEEN PLACED AT A 8"-10" UNIFORM DEPTH. ALL RIP RAP SHALL BE EXTENDED TO THE BOTTOM OF THE POND PER CITY STANDARDS. GROUT AND HAND PLACEMENT OF RIP RAP SHALL BE INCIDENTAL. 975 us 3: LUL)iz L2 N r) O CD �t Ln�L� 970 - m c)) 0p(0jCpZ Z Z� ~ > > > > m Z Z Z Z 965 955 FUT. 185' 24" RCP CL3 @ 0.90% 950 945 •,o 935 PISNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. W Wiz I I r N Ln W N 00 z cn^I O N-) 0-) r- I I r r- N CDCD �� ro NLn I- C\ALnLn N 0) 0) j � � CD C) ro 0 Cfl r- C) ZC) — _Lo I-,r�Ln � LO LO Ln (/)(0 Z ZD >>> ��mz zz LO N rri LO O PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING GROUND FUT, 54'-] FUT. 82' 2 27" RCP CL3 100' 7" RCP CL3 @ 0.85% 27" RCP CL3 @ 1.00 I�SAN X-ING @ 0.85% X Z wtwil..1 IFI lig LO N- N O ,t �t 1-`N N vcON00� U) L� Lo N O O) a) H I - crn-az z z0 »» �FmU')Z Z ZZ 142' 27 RCP CL3 0 0.95% SEE SHEET 7 89TH ST NE z V) I IF � M N C) o't C14 cn I(, OM O ~ rnr-Z0 cl > > m Z Z V) I M O O of O 0) M Z I- N > 11..-' z 27'-j 36" RCP CL3 @ 0.40% SHEET PILING REQUIRED. INCIDENTAL TO FES INSTALLATION. SEE STANDARD PLATE 4008. 36" F.E.S. W/ TRASH GUARD, 76.1 C.Y.- CLAII GROUTED RIP RAP (SEE PLAN NOTE) W/GEOTEXTILE FILTER BLANKET TIE LAST 3 JOINTS I � I I I I I I I T I T - 0 25 50 100 T - F F GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 2 P14 LO LO rn O 10) o 0�> -11 Z 3 15" RCP CL5 01.50% 0 � z I X z0 z N I X Z uj u.j Ln 04 IFI l i� - N -N O t -t r-CA v�DNpCA Ln � 0� 0i N4 O OH I L� D C0) Z ZO > >>> -) W MV) Z Z ZZ PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING GROUND 168' 15 RCP CL5 ® 0.409 STREET G ag'(H STREET NE BENCH MARK TOP OF NUT HYDRANT NE QUADRANT OF 87TH STREET NE & EBERSOLE AVE. ELEV.=959.34 3 LO �_ > FE m Z 05-ENG-120144-SHEET-STR M STORM SEWER NOTES: 1. FINAL STRUCTURE OFFSET TO BE VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR AND INSPECTOR BASED ON MATERIAL SUPPLIED TO PROJECT. FIELD STAKING SHALL BE SET ACCORDING TO BACK -OF -CURB. 2. RIP RAP SHALL BE PLACED INTO THE CONCRETE GROUT AFTER THE GROUT HAS BEEN PLACED AT A 8"-10" UNIFORM DEPTH. ALL RIP RAP SHALL BE EXTENDED TO THE BOTTOM OF THE POND PER CITY STANDARDS. GROUT AND HAND PLACEMENT OF RIP RAP SHALL BE INCIDENTAL. 975 970 965 955 950 945 •,1 935 PISNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. F I w I; c co 0 O �z go PROPOSED GRADE BASIN 30 OUTLET=949 HWL=953.13 WET VOL.=4.027 AC*FT STOR. VOL.=3.649 AC*FT EXISTING GROUND 186' 18" RCP CL5 @ 1.00% 18" F.E.S. W/ TRASH GUARD, 29.4 C.Y.- CL.III GROUTED RIP RAP (SEE PLAN NOTE) W/GEOTEXTILE FILTER BLANKET TIE LAST 3 JOINTS rRCPC8' L5 RCP CL5 1.50% X zz z U) I X STREET G SEE SHEET 8 0 25 50 100 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET w N I Lo O Lo (V O LO Lq rn H 0 -00 � 0) 0 0�> z EXISTING GROUND PROPOSED GRADE 8'-/ 15" RCP CL5 @ 1.50% Z ZV) 'I 1 I m Ln U-) ,(0 p0j K) O cy) Z O &-;m0z ZZ STREET G $9.M STREET NE LOCATION MAP BENCH MARK TOP OF NUT HYDRANT NE QUADRANT OF 87TH STREET NE & EBERSOLE AVE. ELEV.=959.34 975 970 965 955 950 945 935 05-ENG-120144-SHEET-STR M N W (1 Z„1 w 3: 0 I 10 in LO Z Z„1 0 D I I W 00 M LO LO Lo C) �o M N 04 Lo � aLp0) M``O N0) M(6 Z0 04(6 M� C)"t 0 L Lo—m �(6 0) 0 X0) O m��> r0)m ZO m��>> 0 cn 0wco p:�'�»> ZZ AYEm(NZ 18" F.E.S. W/ TRASH GUARD, 29.4 C.Y.- CL.III GROUTED RIP RAP (SEE PLAN NOTE) W/GEOTEXTILE FILTER BLANKET TIE LAST 3 JOINTS rRCPC8' L5 RCP CL5 1.50% X zz z U) I X STREET G SEE SHEET 8 0 25 50 100 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET w N I Lo O Lo (V O LO Lq rn H 0 -00 � 0) 0 0�> z EXISTING GROUND PROPOSED GRADE 8'-/ 15" RCP CL5 @ 1.50% Z ZV) 'I 1 I m Ln U-) ,(0 p0j K) O cy) Z O &-;m0z ZZ STREET G $9.M STREET NE LOCATION MAP BENCH MARK TOP OF NUT HYDRANT NE QUADRANT OF 87TH STREET NE & EBERSOLE AVE. ELEV.=959.34 975 970 965 955 950 945 935 05-ENG-120144-SHEET-STR M OOT WI ------- _-- rte-nv� - BASIN 60 OUTLET=955.0 HWL=959.6 9 60, WET VOL.=39.7 AC*FT NW�=gS STOR. VOL.=Undefined AC*FT , 0 25 50.0001 100.0002 I1/ GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET X 975 970 965 0 CV LO CA DD 0 1 I 0> Llz L 955 w 00 � ^I 00 0 �L6 0 04 O? CA 0 0) F- rn)6aZo _ > > EXISTING m N Z Z GROUND 935 PISNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. PROPOSED GRADE 194' — 18" RCP CL5 @ 1.80% Nw I 1 00 00 Un 00 Lo rn� u r` o�00ln CO uj U-) Cn CA H =a�Z Zp m�6»> UD'mz z OFFROAD STREET G z I Z in^I I � 0 r ul It U -)O rn r,.� Z) 040 U-)� O cD��aZO / Z V -J :) > > OFmWzz� 15" F.E.S. 164' W/ TRASH GUARD. 15" RCP CL5 TIE LAST 3 JOINTS @ 0.50% X30' 15" RCP CL5 00.00% w z 75' U 950 18" RCP CL5 @ 0.00% 18" F.E.S. W/ TRASH GUARD. TIE LAST 3 JOINTS 945 p�M�fr cD � � Z 935 PISNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. PROPOSED GRADE 194' — 18" RCP CL5 @ 1.80% Nw I 1 00 00 Un 00 Lo rn� u r` o�00ln CO uj U-) Cn CA H =a�Z Zp m�6»> UD'mz z OFFROAD STREET G z I Z in^I I � 0 r ul It U -)O rn r,.� Z) 040 U-)� O cD��aZO / Z V -J :) > > OFmWzz� 15" F.E.S. 164' W/ TRASH GUARD. 15" RCP CL5 TIE LAST 3 JOINTS @ 0.50% X30' 15" RCP CL5 00.00% w z N Z V)wl CO I 0 00 =LOpD t (000 p�M�fr cD � � Z �(V 06 Coy O r` cfl a) D:»m0) 0 mzz m �» U m Z Z - Z I X 51' 152' 15" RCP CL5 15" RCP CL5 ZIx Z @ 1.00% 00.50% N i I � STREET G I I I -------- ------------------------------- BASIN 10 -T=947.0 VL=953.7 = AC*FT_, -I ----------- 89.E STREET NE I I i I I i 1 I I w I 100 00 n � rnr- -ul 00 Lf) 't �CA CAH C0.)r,Z Z0 z z z EXISTING GROUND PROPOSED GRADE LOCATION MAP STORM SEWER NOTES: 1. FINAL STRUCTURE OFFSET TO BE VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR AND INSPECTOR BASED ON MATERIAL SUPPLIED TO PROJECT. FIELD STAKING SHALL BE SET ACCORDING TO BACK -OF -CURB. 2. RIP RAP SHALL BE PLACED INTO THE CONCRETE GROUT AFTER THE GROUT HAS BEEN PLACED AT A 8"-10" UNIFORM DEPTH. ALL RIP RAP SHALL BE EXTENDED TO THE BOTTOM OF THE POND PER CITY STANDARDS. GROUT AND HAND PLACEMENT OF RIP RAP SHALL BE INCIDENTAL. BENCH MARK TOP OF NUT HYDRANT NE QUADRANT OF 87TH STREET NE & EBERSOLE AVE. ELEV.=959.34 340' 18 RCP CL5 00.20% 18" F.E.S. W/ TRASH GUARD, 10.3 C.Y.- CLAII GROUTED RIP RAP (SEE PLAN NOTE) W/GEOTEXTILE FILTER BLANKET TIE LAST 3 JOINTS u 0 05-ENG-120144-SHEET-STR M STRUCTURE TABLE STRUCTURE NAME TYPE STRUCTURE SIZE NEENAH CASTING OR EQUAL NOTES 311 STMH 60" DIA. R-1642 312 CBMH 60" DIA. R-3067 V 351 CB 36"X24" R-3067 V 352 CB 36"X24" R-3067 V 1 361 CBMH 48" DIA. R-3067 VB 361A CB 36"X24" R-3067 VB 362 CBMH 48" DIA. R-3067 VB 362A CB 36"X24" R-3067 VB 601 CBMH 48" DIA. R-4342 602 OCS 48" DIA. SPECIAL 610 CBMH 48" DIA. R-3067 V 611 CBMH 48" DIA. R-3067 V 612 OCS 48" DIA. SPECIAL 1. WATER TIGHT SPECIAL NOTE A. STRUCTURE SHALL HAVE AN INTEGRAL BASE B. PIPE CONNECTION TO STRUCTURE WITH PRESS—SEAL WATERSTOP GROUT RING OR APPROVED EQUAL. C. PIPE JOINTS WITHIN 10 OF WATERMAIN WILL BE TONGUE AND GROOVE WITH A HAMILTON KENT SUPERSEAL GASKET OR APPROVED EQUAL MEETING ASTM -443. D. ALL MH JOINTS WILL BE TOINGUE AND GROOVE WITH A HAMILTON KENT SUPERSEAL GASKET OR APPROVED EQUAL MEETING ASTM -443. PltNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering. P.A. GRATE PER CIT" STANDARD DETA H WL= 959.50 48' 5" 18" RCP INV=955.00 OUTLET 18" RCP INV=952.50 INLET PIPE EL: o =951.50 ° ° a° PRECAST CONCRETE SLAB BASE POND OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE OCS-602 (NOT TO SCALE) GRATE PER CIT" STANDARD DETA HWL=951.70 48" 5" 15" RCP INV=950.00 OUTLET 15" RCP INV=947.75 INLET PIPE EL: o 41 =946.75 a ° a a a° PRECAST CONCRETE SLAB BASE POND OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE OCS-612 (NOT TO SCALE) BENCH MARK TOP OF NUT HYDRANT NE QUADRANT OF 87TH STREET NE & EBERSOLE AVE. ELEV.=959.34 05-F.NG-120144-SHEET-DTl,S-STRM CURB LEGEND 08.15 = GUTTER LINE ELEVATION FOR SURMOUNTABLE CURB 08.32 = GUTTER LINE ELEVATION FOR B618 CURB 08.32 T.O. = GUTTER LINE ELEVATION FOR B612 CURB WITH TIP OUT GUTTER 07.82 = BITUMINOUS ELEVATION = SURMOUNTABLE CURB & GUTTER (CITY PLATE 500) = B618 CURB & GUTTER (CITY PLATE 500) = BITUMINOUS EDGE No. = PED. RAMP (ADA-MnDOT STANDARD) CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA LENGTH RADIUS TANGENT PC PT C1 87"17'50" 647.54 425.00 405.41 16+31.39 22+78.93 C2 14'17'51" 258.27 1035.00 129.81 22+78.93 25+37.20 SEE CITY PLATE NO. 5012 FOR NP. SIDEWALK 2.00%1 4.00% 6" SY-pp� M 6" TOPSOIL, SEED, AND MULCH OR SOD Q 80' DESIGN B618 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER 2.00% 2.00% (TYPICAL) 2' L Q5 TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE TACK COAT MNDOT 2357 STA: 26+86.67 (5) TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS NON -WEARING COURSE ELEV: 956.610 O CLASS V GRAVEL (MODIFIED) O 12 TO 24' SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (2'- 6" BEHIND CURB) Q 59.79 6" MINIMUM SCARIFY AND COMPACT SUBGRADE N TYPICAL SECTION D CAT 3 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET BEHIND CURB URBAN NON-RESIDENTIAL Q THE USE AND THICKNESS OF SELECT GRANULAR 60.59 BORROW IS BASED ON EXISTING SOIL CONDITIONS xo° AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 21+92.54 (3) STREET WIDTH TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. ® 6" PERFORATED P.E. PIPE WITH FABRIC. INSTALL WHERE CLAY SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE ROADWAY SUBCRADE OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. SEE PLATE 4006 FOR DETAILS. 5� PAVEMENT AND CLASS V SECTIONS WILL BE 3 DETERMINED ON A CASE BY CASE BASIS DEPENDING F3 ON TRAFFIC VOLUMES, PROPERTY USE AND SOIL CONDITIONS 2.00% 0 -SEE CITY PLATE N0.5012 FOR TYP. SIDEWALK 4pP SEE SHEET 11 I I I I I I I 7 I ------ � TEMP. SAC 9 GO I � TURNAROUND I + I 8 I I I ° 12 �9F4 A N I I I 58.so o F- s� 59179 6' CO C. SIDEW� 58.50 4+66. nj REMOV EX., BIT 56.83 1 \�j 26+00.00 I s allv A o NQ, 61.69 21kp0 89 TH S T N F cP2 ►t N 0) (D r1r) O r- ' 00 Lf) N 00 Lo N c0 M rn ll`� 't N O r- Lf) M O 00 c0 r- M P6 vi N N N N c0c0 cO co O O c0 cD O O O O O O 985 a) 0) 0) 0) 0 0) 0) 0) •i• 975 970 965 I 57.59 \ 25+18.34 4 0. 99Z G• 826+0 p Z56.833, 26+00.00 r V6 L.Pj2��+()D _' - I -2s ° 56� .611 -, a6oggTH S�TNE I 89 TH ST NE rn O Mr� O r-00 0 N 0 (D M O r- It � 00 N 11)On r -N O r- Lf) M O 00 c0 r - O O O O O O O O 6 06 00 00 06 r� r� ll� r L6 rn a) rn rn m a) 0 rn rn rn 0) 0) rn rn rn 0 rn rn rn PROPOSED GRADE -0.92% PVI STA: 26+00.00 PVI ELEV: 957.25 K: 89.58 LV'-: 25.00 O O LO LO r� N 0 25 50 100 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET STREET c. sTRE N BENCH MARK TOP OF NUT HYDRANT NE QUADRANT OF 87TH STREET NE & EBERSOLE AVE. ELEV.=959.34 r- LID LID I- 0 00 0 p LO 0 LO LO 0 If LO 985 + M + N LO N V) O a_ w a w PVI STA: 26+70.00 PVI ELEV: 956.41 K: 55.56 _ LVC: 100.00 LOW PT. STA: 26+86.67 LOW PT ELEV: 956.610 O 59.79 N O 22+78.93 1 59.58 58.68 � 61.06 - 60.59 I 123+02.07 _ d I I 24+00.00 I I 57.41 xo° 21+92.54 1, d 25+37.20 955 3 V) F3 T � I -�d I I I -'-I\ z I -Z <� F2 w o w 950 Nuj 00 D �L_ J L_ \ 0 _ J - - _ I LO �+ Z + 11--+M N 0) (D r1r) O r- ' 00 Lf) N 00 Lo N c0 M rn ll`� 't N O r- Lf) M O 00 c0 r- M P6 vi N N N N c0c0 cO co O O c0 cD O O O O O O 985 a) 0) 0) 0) 0 0) 0) 0) •i• 975 970 965 I 57.59 \ 25+18.34 4 0. 99Z G• 826+0 p Z56.833, 26+00.00 r V6 L.Pj2��+()D _' - I -2s ° 56� .611 -, a6oggTH S�TNE I 89 TH ST NE rn O Mr� O r-00 0 N 0 (D M O r- It � 00 N 11)On r -N O r- Lf) M O 00 c0 r - O O O O O O O O 6 06 00 00 06 r� r� ll� r L6 rn a) rn rn m a) 0 rn rn rn 0) 0) rn rn rn 0 rn rn rn PROPOSED GRADE -0.92% PVI STA: 26+00.00 PVI ELEV: 957.25 K: 89.58 LV'-: 25.00 O O LO LO r� N 0 25 50 100 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET STREET c. sTRE N BENCH MARK TOP OF NUT HYDRANT NE QUADRANT OF 87TH STREET NE & EBERSOLE AVE. ELEV.=959.34 r- LID LID I- 0 00 0 p LO 0 LO LO 0 If LO 985 + M + N LO N V) O a_ w a w PVI STA: 26+70.00 PVI ELEV: 956.41 K: 55.56 _ LVC: 100.00 LOW PT. STA: 26+86.67 LOW PT ELEV: 956.610 O 0 N O + r- 04 rn -1. q 0.607. w a •i• 975 970 965 LO 0 IJ W PISNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. 05-ENG-120144-SHEET-ROAl) w w -1. q 0.607. 955 N 955 V) -�d EXISTING I -'-I\ z -Z GROUND zz w o w 950 Nuj 00 D 0 950 LO �+ Z + 11--+M O +0) 00 04_ (0 u� N O 00 NLo U NLn �'0i ai o11 11 a Q Z WV)W CnW H J W H J mV)W 945 18+00 18+50 19+00 19+50 20+00 20+50 21+00 21+50 22+00 22+50 23+00 23+50 24+00 24+50 25+00 25+50 26+00 26+50 27+00 27+50 28+00 PISNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. 05-ENG-120144-SHEET-ROAl) itiAQ. 14' 4.00% CURVE DELTA LENGTH c5v TANGENT PC PT 4' TOPSOIL, SEED, 39'35'37" AND MULCH OR SOD 1� (TYPICAL) 6+52.69 \\ \ I I o 2 I I 3 i 4 // // W I , \ \\ F11 63.991 II C,4I I I ' // // // zCD \ \ 8+79.94 L- 59.59----J L-_ / 5 / F -I + \ \ END- C&S 61.16 10+37.28 59.11 58 17 J / U \ \ 64.58 - 9+80.93 10+57.62 11 F12 +22.28 \\ \ , ' � o I 11 +00 j' TEMP. SAC w loioo _ G.B. _ 57.16 TURNAROUND 4 5.49 +oo _ _ 2.80% 59. 1.30% S7pp-r ,2X00 12+00.00 �/ o 00� o� �� G3 0 . . .. ,` T � ° 56.67 6 60.71 r `30y 12+5180 = \ 18 35 5.29 - - - y o P - - - - -I - -9+97.04 - 6' CO C. SIDEW�IL I 56.67 S69A 56.66 N o�' ' 12+50.32 12+59.13 64.58 9 101 F1 0 \� I E 60' R/W �TYP. FOR SIDEWALK ON STREET G / \ 32' �..i6 (FACE TO FACE)© 7, 6( \, CURB LEGEND MODIFIED DESIGN D CURB & GUTTER � °p� 08.15 = GUTTER LINE ELEVATION 6 z00% 2.ao% 4.00% 2.00% �,�s FOR SURMOUNTABLE CURB 77 08.32 = GUTTER LINE ELEVATION F �EE CITY PLATE OR B618 CURB 2' 4 1 1/2 " TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE 4 sDEWAALK FOR 08.32 T. 0. = GUTTER LINE ELEVATION TACK COAT MNDOT 2357 FOR B612 CURB WITH TIP OUT GUTTER 2" TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS NON -WEARING COURSE 07.82 = BITUMINOUS ELEVATION 6" CLASS V GRAVEL (MODIFIED) = SURMOUNTABLE CURB & GUTTER (CITY PLATE 500) 12"�4A SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (2'- 6" BEHIND CURB) (2 0 25 50 100 = B618 CURB & GUTTER (CITY PLATE 500) 6" MINIMUM SCARIFY AND COMPACT SUBGRADE - BITUMINOUS EDGE TYPICAL SECTION GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 10. = PED. RAMP (ADA-MnDOT STANDARD) URBAN RESIDENTIAL STREET G 1Q USE CAT 3 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET TO BE PLACED BEHIND CURB & SIDEWALK/TRAIL C2 THE USE AND THICKNESS OF SELECT GRANULAR BORROW 15 BASED ON EXISTING SOIL CONDITIONS AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. (3) STREET WIDTH TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. ® 6" PERFORATED P.E. PIPE WITH FABRIC. INSTALL WHERE CLAY SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE ROADWAY STREET G SUBGRADE OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. SEE PLATE 4006 FOR DETAILS •i� 975 • • 'I 955 CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA LENGTH RADIUS TANGENT PC PT C3 39'35'37" 328.24 475.00 170.98 6+52.69 9+80.93 C4 90'00'44" 274.90 174.98 175.02 11+22.28 13+97.18 C5 11'56'49" 1 119.90 1 575.00 60.17 16+59.28 1 17+79.18 0 25 50 100 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 7 STREET G gg'(N STREET LOCATION MAP BENCH MARK TOP OF NUT HYDRANT NE QUADRANT OF 87TH STREET NE & EBERSOLE AVE. ELEV.=959.34 M LO 000 0) 00 LO 0) N U') 00 I- O NV) Lp 0) N LO - 00 't - 00 LO - 0 N I- O c0 N tO 0 LO 0) LO O) N 00 ro to to to O O N O L(") 00 O - N It Lt) t0 I- O rn r- � O tf) O tf) 00 00 00 00 06 r� r� O M M N L6 U6 4 O O O 6 00 00 00 r� r� r r� r� r� 06 00 O O O p O O O O O C5 O O O O O O 0) 00 (Z tO tO LO O LO LO LO LO (0 LO LO LO LO (0 (O (O L0 LC) U') U') LC) U') U') LC) L0 U') Lo U') L0 U') Lo U') Lo O O LO c0 O LO LO c0 LO LO LO LO LC) LC) LC) 985 PVI STA: 7+00.00 PVI ELEV: 969.36 K: 26.32 LVC: 100.00 HIGH PT. STA: 6+76.32 0 HIGH PT ELEV: 968.9 O O C5 LO LO 00Lf) +06 + O (0 0) U � i J i d W 11 PVI STA: 10+57.62 PVI ELEV: 959.35 K: 33.33 LVC: 50.00 N N O O 945 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 PISNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS (651) 681-1914 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by Name 2422 Enterprise Drive me or under my direct supervision and that I Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 88 am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer Paul wwW.piOneereng.ceng.COm under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. -2.80. 01%i 7 9+50 10+00 PVI STA: 12+68.00 PVI ELEV: 956.61 K: 31.66 LVC: 100.00 LOW PT. STA: 12+59.16 N t 0) 0 0 ON O O +O O LVC: � �� LVC: 100.00 O 0) U W i � J % J W W CL W 945 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 PISNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS (651) 681-1914 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by Name 2422 Enterprise Drive me or under my direct supervision and that I Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 88 am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer Paul wwW.piOneereng.ceng.COm under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. -2.80. 01%i 7 9+50 10+00 PVI STA: 12+68.00 PVI ELEV: 956.61 K: 31.66 LVC: 100.00 1a% PVI STA: LOW PT. STA: 12+59.16 PVI STA: 16+94.77 0 LOW PT ELEV: 956.990 K: O O LVC: 50.00 LVC: 100.00 LO HIGH PT. STA: 16+64.77 U > J i J d W d W 1a% PVI STA: 14+43.85 PVI STA: 16+94.77 PVI ELEV: 959.88 PVI ELEV: 961.13 K: 36.81 K: 40.00 980 LVC: 50.00 LVC: 100.00 HIGH PT. STA: 16+64.77 0 HIGH PT ELEV: 960.9 00 00 06 06 LO O 00 t� �� t0 �o 00 �o 975 LO O) to 0) O 0) O 0) >i J -Li � J � J d W d W0- W d W PROPOSED GRADE 0.50% EXISTING GROUND 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 coq 16+00 16+50 17+00 17+50 18+00 • • 'I Pon, 950 M M + 0000 II � �J 945 N W 18+50 19+00 05-F.NG-120144-SI IF,E; I -ROAD ■ OFF ROAD STRUCTURE SIGN FOR FES / ��� I —952-- (TYP.) 952(TYP.) l= \\1_ Z T Tr TI TI I ��—_—_ -T, ('� (TILT] I( -r . 50-r— I--'1"�' Tr T1- 1--r -T1 TI T950r i {T � I—r rT r� 4&– 1 T IT zti-9 46-,—, TI—T TT Tr TT ,9 -944T T — -- �J42—>-� T ---------------------- I– - -- / I-�44 4 _ l 3 \ / = \� 2 \- TYPE III - STREET LIGHT X62 i rn STREET -LIGHT __--- (TYP.) I --- A ( SERVATION MAR r \ C ONK BARRICADES �� I I -- y (TYP.) `� \,� � F14 �j I I TYP 2 3\.) ----------------- -------------------------- J 7 5 ! l -- - - r � I Z��_ r i '/ / ,` \ �� `-- CONSERVATION' I MARKER - --- - - ---------------------------------- / / �, _ F 16 I I F 8 / / �\ - - -- - ------------- -- - -- -- - - -- - P ----_- - -- --_-_ --- - - ---- - - -------------------------------- _(TY ) I J� 5 � G , / R � STREET LIGHT - (D F ; " k , - - --- - (TYP.) ----- - ------------------------- -� I cr - - - -- -- -- ---------- — ---------- - - ----_-_- - ---- ----------------------- _. OFF ROAD STRUCTURE 10 \ \ SIGN FOR FES (TYP.) - -- --------------------- I I 0 t / `� I '� �� F1 8 , 4) I I�/ F19 r I ; I STREET LIGHT I I \ I I (TYP.) - - - - ------------ I F20 /> 7 ---_j L / 2 12 _STREET LIGHT I �� (TYP.) F21 2 - TYPE III BARRICADES / 89 H ST NE S8 A tv tv I ` ---- / 3 . ` F3 5 ; 4 / \ x-95 9-5 / ---------------- 46r-.j_' --------------- A (ter- I � I 41 PISNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. SIGNAGE LEGEND 1 S TO P STOP SIGN 2 STREET NAME STREET NAME SIGN UP Ar Arww!N TYPE III BARRICADE ADJUST SIZE OF SIGN TO FIT 4'10" Standard Plate Library City of Monticello 0 30 60 120 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET Title: Conservation Easement Post Detail )ate: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 5020 BENCH MARK TOP OF NUT HYDRANT NE QUADRANT OF 87TH STREET NE & EBERSOLE AVE. ELEV.=959.34 05 -ENG -120144 -SHEET -SIGN ■ MAINTENANCE AND USE RESTRICTIONS: -NO MOWING -NO GRADING -NO LANDSCAPE 0 4x4 TREATED POST STRUCTURES s -NO SPRAYING E 3" WIDE BY 30" LONG R ALUMINUM SIGN WITH PLEASE CALL 763-295-2711 HIGH WHITE LETTERING FOR MORE INFORMATION" 31" A T I 0 N 4'-0" A A 6" WIDE BY 8" LONG BROWN ALUMINUM SIGN WITH 112" HIGH WHITE LETTERING 17" GRADE SET POST IN QUICKCRETE FAST—SETTING CONCRETE OR APPROVED EQUAL. MIN 12" DIA HOLE 4'10" Standard Plate Library City of Monticello 0 30 60 120 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET Title: Conservation Easement Post Detail )ate: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 5020 BENCH MARK TOP OF NUT HYDRANT NE QUADRANT OF 87TH STREET NE & EBERSOLE AVE. ELEV.=959.34 05 -ENG -120144 -SHEET -SIGN ■ vr1 In �n ., + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + /-- ��++ +��+—�--- + + + + + + T + + + I + + I + + + — 4- —•F + i _+ + + + + + + + + + + + +% + + % + + + + + + + + + I + + + + + + + + + + + + + +—+ + + + + + i + + + + + + + + + + + + ; + ,+ + + + + + +, +,+ + + + + + + + ;# +I;+ + + + + + +I + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +� +\ + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + 1 + i + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + MAINTAIN EROSION ` +\fig+�+�+ ' + +I + + I + + + + + + + + + % + ;+ + + CONTROL FENCE + 1 I I I + + I I I I + + + / f + + + + + + + + 4.+ + + + + + + + + +\ +++ + + + I I I % % + ,' +/ r--------------- I \ + } } + + + + + + 4 + + + + + + + I+ + + + + + + \ 1-4 X \ \ F +++i+ + + + + + + + + + + + 1 I ;+ ++++ + ++ + + — + + + + FF + + +* L+� + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + +/f + + + = LEGEND / MNDOT CAT 3 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET F13 + + + + + + + + + + + ++�++ +++++++ = / / \ I IN RIGHT OF WAY. TO BE INSTALLED AFTER COMPLETION OF SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION. + + +� 1+ + + + + ... MNDOT CAT 3 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET. + it++++++++++++++� +++++ + + +;� +I + + + + + +'�.`+ + + + ��' + \ INSTALL WITHIN 7 DAYS OF GRADING + + + + * + + + + + + + ,+ + + i�, + + < ;+++++++ ++++++I++I+++++++++`.�,+ + +�+ +++ \ COMPLETION. F14 i --' ;��` ++T++ + +++� ++++ ++++ +++`,++++ ; F10 a, i I t I \ I MAINTAIN EROSION ;\ � / / ++ I + ++ I I I +++++ *+++\ ++ J ++\+++ ++7++++ \ CONTROL FENCE -- +++++++ PERMANENT TURF RESTORATION DONE MAINTAIN EROSION // \., _ = \ ` \ _____------- IN ACCORDANCE WITH MNDOT 2105 & 2575. CONTROL FENCE / / �\ \` / \\ + I + I I + + + `.+ + + + + + + + +------- ;� + + + + + +`\ + +\ + + + + + + + ` :� \� / .: F 9 �\ \ \ ; + + + i + + I + + + + + + + + + +\'`+ + + +� + I + t + + + ` + -----_ = - ------------------------------------------' PERIMETER EROSION CONTROL FENCE. 01 INSTALL BEFORE START OF GRADING + 1++ I ++ ++++++}+++�+ ++++f=--------- //% F15 / / �\ \�` \ \\ ;` + + + + I I + + / + + + + + +t '- + +, -+ + I SECONDARY EROSION CONTROL FENCE. +t + + + + + + + + +11+ + + + + + + + + + I I ;'-o-o-o-o-o-o- TO BE INSTALLED 48 HOURS AFTER + + + + + + +I + +I + + + +++I-+++++ I COMPLETION OF GRADING. HW =953.13 I + I+ + + + + + + + + + + + +++ +++++++i +++I+ I +�+++ ++++++ I BIO ROLL LOG BEHIND BACK OF CURB > \ --- — — — — — — i=+ +� + 'I + + + ---_ -_ ----_ ---- ------ -------------------------------- - ---------------------------- -------------------+--+ - + +, +1 + + BUMPED RIP RAP PERMANENT ENERGY Fl 6 F8 + + + + + +I + +�Y�yI + + + + I ' AIINSTALL WITHIN HOURS WATER. ++++ + + + AFTER CONNECTION T0A SURFACE + + +I + i + + + + + + + + + + to + I + + + i -- -_ - _ - �j i" °) + + ++++.++V + +� + + a I / CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION O� I + + + + +I++ W I + i+ + +++++++ I ' O TO BE INSTALLED AFTER 1ST LIFT \ \� ,�9 ' `�---------- --------------------------------- -+ + + + + + +�+ + + + + + + + + + +------------------------ ' �/ 0 F BITUMINOUS. < F7 - - - - - + + + + + + CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION '---------- — � � � :F --+-+-r+. + + +—+ — — I / F 1 7 \ �\ \ `� / / / / ; � ;--------------------------------------- -------------- + + + + + + � + �+--+--+------------------------- ----- -------------------------- -; , � TO B E INSTALLED WITH CATCH +++++I+ I- +I++++++ I , BASIN GRATE. + + + + + + + + + + + I+ + + + + + O i / i' EXISTING CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION \ +1++ �% ; +++ + +0+ ` \ \ 1 ` + + + + + + + +++,+++++++ ' .. F6 / / \ ; + + + + I+ +PREVIOUSLY INSTALLED. + +++++++ El Fl 8 \ {H / / ' --------- --- ----1------- -- ---- EXISTING CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION �( e PREVIOUSLY INSTALLED WITH CATCH ------ - — _ _ + + i . + � 4 - +--+ - + - -----_-_-_-_ L J -,- BASIN GRATE. + + + + + +� –+ + + + ice+ +� — RO I _ +++ ++++ +++ +FS ++�i�+�+++ i + -------------------+ + I � �❑❑❑❑❑❑ K CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ 0000000 000 0000❑❑❑❑INS ++ TALL BEFORE START OF GRA DINGI 00000F19 i i + ++ + + + + +> + + + + + / J yyy 4 j / + + + + + +++++++ +++ ++++++++ + I + t + + ++++ +/�+ ++ + HOUSE + + + + + 1+ + > > - - 9TH ST E + + ++++i ++ -+ ++il A + + 4�_+I i + it +I + + + + + � + + '•+ e + � ---->— +1 +++++++++++ i!# ++++2++++++ �+ It ++++++++ + .7 +/++ ++++ + +�++++ + - ST NE i +++++++ ++++ IN,OIt'/ / \\`` c ! i it II % +++ N,� F2 \ \`\\ �; I 1 II l it 11 + + + / zl 953 —/0- — / 11 MAINTAIN EROSION s / F1 T ' \ \'`. ///` \ 11 I 4g 6�' % - _ ;J / CONTROL FENCE / a \ \ / / / 1 f I % ---------------------- MAI TA, IN EROSIO I l II L -----J r1� CON R911- FENCE ' C� PISNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. 0 30 60 120 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET BENCH MARK TOP OF NUT HYDRANT NE QUADRANT OF 87TH STREET NE & EBERSOLE AVE. ELEV.=959.34 05-ENG-120144-SHEET-EROS-UTIL © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. 3/8" MIN, 5/8' MAX. NOTE: USE NEENAH R-1642—A FOR LOW PROFILE APPLICATIONS CASTINGSANDVALVE EBTOLERANCES USE NEENAH R1755—G FOR WATERPGHT APPLICATIONS SHOWN SHALL BE READJUSTED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. � LETTERING TO READ: SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER OR WATER MAIN WHICH EVER IS APPLICABLE. NEENAH R-1642 WITH a B SOLID LID MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE CAST IRON OR MA MODEL PS-I-PF (BY MA INDUSTRIAL INC.) MACHIN EQUAL E BEARING OR BITUMINOUS NON-WEAR COURSE CONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS AND SPACED 16" OC, ATYPE RNA FINISHED BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE GRADE ,rrva����rrrrs��aw.rrrra����rr= 3/8 MIN. STANDARD MANHOLE 5/8 "MAX. --- FRAME AND COVER CONCEALED PICKHOLES (2) FRAME ° GROUTING BETWEEN PIPE AND ADJUSTING RINGS MANHOLE BARREL SHALL BE MIN 4" - MAX 12" WITH NON-SHRINKING CEMENT 27" DIA WITH EXTERNAL EY INTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL I EXCERPT OPPOSITE IETTTERING CASTING AND GATE VALVE NOT ON CENTERLINE a ^ USE R-2 JOINT FOR - - BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE ALL MANHOLE JOINTS ADJUSTMENT DETAIL B' BARREL TO CONFORM 25 3/4 " TO ASTM C-478 LATEST REVISION I 1 1/2 EBS SUPER GLUE ADHESNE OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUIVALENT {1/4" BEAD, 360 DEG.) 7' 48' DIA �? BEAREN SURFACE TO BE MACHINED 24" �L-T, � 28 1/2 " \ ,� 36" 1U BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE CENTERLINE ROADWAY , 3/8" MIN. -� a 5/B" MAX. FINISHED BITUMINOUS WEAR 5/8 MIN COURSE GRADE 3/8 MIN. 3/4 " MAX " 2.DDZ /. BITUMINOUS NON-WEAR COURSE COVER FRAME 5/8 MAX. %. 2.Do� FRAME CAST IRON OR DUCTILE IRON ADJUSTMENT RING _ AS MANUFACTRURED BY ESS BROTHERS AND SONS INC. OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUAL CASTING ON CENTERLINE NOTES: 1. THE HEIGHT OF THE CAST IRON OR DUCTILE IRON ADJUSTMENT RING IS DETERMINED BY THE THICKNESS OF THE OVERLAY. 2. CAST IRON OR DUCTILE IRON ADJUSTMENT RINGS TO BE INSTALLED BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE AS PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATION. 3. A 5 YEAR WARRANTY IS REQUIRED FOR ADJUSTMENT RINGS INCLUDING LABOR & MATERIALS ADJUSTMENT DETAIL Cone Section, Casting Steps, Title: Standard Frame rile: Adjustment of Standard rtle: , Metal Casting Ring Standard Plate Librar y Standard Plate Librar y Cover Standard Plate Library y Frame and Cover Standard Plate Library y and Adjusting Rings and Adjustment Detail Cityo ontieello Date: Plate No. City of Monticello City of Monticello City of Monticello Date: Plate Na. Date: Plate Na. Date: Plate No. 03-05 03-05 03-05 03-08 1001 001 1002LL 1003 1004 Revised: 03-15 Revised: 03-15 Revised' 03-15 Revised: 03-15 O O O STEEL T-STYLE FENCE POST PAINTED BLUE WITH AN OIL BASED PAINT FOR WATERMAIN STUB PAINTED GREEN WITH AN OIL BASED PAINT FOR SANITARY AND/OR STORM SEWER STUB AND A MINIMUM 2" REFLECTORIZED TAPE (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE POST. IF POST SHALL BE BURIED 2' BELOW FINISHED GRADE WITH 4' ABOVE FINISHED GRADE (INCIDENTAL) STEEL T-STYLE FENCE POST TOP OF PROPOSED SUBGRADE STREET THE TOP 3' SHALL BE COMPACTED 17: AT A MIN OF 100% OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY (MN/DOT 2105) A MAX OF 2' LIFTS TO BE WETTED GROUND LINE AND CONSOLIDATED BY VIBRATORY MEANS AND COMPACTED TO A MIN OF 95% OF DENSITY (MN/DOT02R005)ROCTOR OO \ 4"x4" WOOD POST\ \4"x4" WOOL) POST 4' COVER COMPACTED TO 95% OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY WITHOUT THE USE OF HEAVY ROLLER EQUIPMENT 4"x4' WOOD POST \ STORM SEWER MAINLINE O O O STORM SEWER WATERMAIN WATERMAIN '.'. GRANULAR BEDDING AS PER MN/DOT 3149.2F Ci O O O SANITARY SEWER GRANULAR FOUNDATION WHERE ORDERED BY THE ENGINEER MAINLINE SANITARY SEWER NOTE: O 1, STRUCTURE MARKER SIGNS AND 3" TUBING WITH 2-1" SHOVEL, PLACE, AND HAND COMPACT AROUND PIPE TO REFLECTORIZED STRIPS SHALL BE RIRNISHEC AND INSTALLED 12" ABOVE PIPE. VIBRATORY COMPACTION REQUIRED FOR ALL STRUCTURES LOCATED OFF THE STREET SURFACE. EACH SIDE OF PIPE, AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. (INCIDENTAL) O2, 3" TUBING SHALL BE ATTACHED TO SIGN POST 3. THE SIGNS MAYBE OMrrTED AS PER THE ENGINEER 4. THE SIGNS SHALL BE BURIED 2' BELOW FINISHED GRADE WITH 4' OF POST EXPOSED 5, SIGNS SHALL FACE TRAFFIC 0.063" THICK ALUMINUM SIGN, BLACK LETTERS ON WHITE HIGH INTENSITY REFLECTORIZED BACKGROUND. U—CHANNEL POST, MINIMUM 1.2 LB./FT. 6' LONG, GALVANIZED. Title: Title: Title: Structure Marker Utility Stub Markers Typical Trench Compaction Standard Plate Library Standard Plate Library Standard Plate Library Sign � and Class B Bedding City of Monticello City of Monticello City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Date: Plate No. Date: Plate No. 03-05 04-08 03-05 1005 100E 1007 Revised:0 3-15 Revised:03_ 15 Revised: 03-15 PISNEERengineering 05-ENG-120144-SHEET-DYES-CITY CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS (651) 681-1914 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by Revisions Date 11-02-2020 NOVAK-FLECK INC. 2422 Enterprise Drive Name me or under my direct supervision and that I Fax: 681-9488 � CITY DETAILS 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. FEATHERSTONE 5TH ADDITION 14 OF 1 Paul J. Cherne Designed P7C/rnrM Mendota Heights, MN 55120 am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer W W W.p10n0er0ng.COm under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 11-02-2020 BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Drawn MBG/PDS © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. PISNEERengineering CIVEL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. 05-ENG-120144-SHEET-DTLS-CITY OR 5' IN BACK OF CURB CONCRETE WALK OR BITUMINOUS PATH ARE HYDRAFINDER PRESENT FLAG - WATEROUS MODEL 67 HYDRANT CONCRETE OR YELLOW OUT OF ORDER TAG GRASSY AREA BITUMINOUS SURFACE w TO BE INSTALLED ON PUMPER CONN. z AFTER BACK -FILL Q BREAKOFF FLANGE EXISTING OR FUTURE STREET ✓<- CURB OR GUTTER LINE 1' TO 2" MAXIMUM B'WIDE - 4*THICK8'x 4' x 4" THICK LESS THAN 5' LESS THAN 6' as ABOVE BURY LINE (FINISHED GRADE) FlNISHED GRADE Q a VALVE BOX AS WATERMAIN SPECIFIED 1" TO 2" MEGALUG MEGALUG WRAP PLUG WITH 4 MIL. POLY Ir I 2 LAYERS OF o w 2'- 6" AS REQUIRED 10' PLUG PROPOSED STORM SEWER 6'X 12' INSULATION AT PIPE CROSSING 8'X 20' INSULATION FOR BOX POLY (4 mil) v X TYPICAL _ w 3' DIAMETER BY 3' DEEP PIT TEE AND BEND BEND PLUG SEE PLATE 2006 45' BENDS FOR DETAILS (TYPICAL) MEGALUG MEGALUG UNDER HYDRANT FILLED WITH A MINIMUM OF 1 C.Y. OF 1 'D o 1/4 STEEL VALVE BOX ADAPTOR MEGALUG 6" MEGALUG } WITH PROTECTIVE COATING AS 1-1/2" CLEAR STONE f! _ MANUFACTURED BY ADAPTOR INC. NOTES: o OR APPROVED EQUAL 1. THRUST BLOCKING TO BE USED FOR BEND 22 1/2' MEGALUG MEGALUG AND OVER. PIPE SIZE BEARING AREA 6" 4.0 SQ FT ` 12" ' WATERMAIN VARIES .. 2. THRUST BLOCKING SHALL ONLY BE USED WHERE 8" 6.0 SQ FT WORKING PRESSURES ARE LESS THAN 150 PSI. 10" - 12" 12.0 SQ FT — —FAD(? 3. THRUST BLOCKS BEARING AREA TO BE POURED 16" 20.0 50 FT B• AGAINST UNDISTURBED SOIL. . 4. POURED CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKING STYROFOAM HI -35 BRAND! RAND 20' GATE VALVE TEE SHALL BE USED FOR 12" OR LARGER DIAMETER WATERMAIN PLASTIC FOAM OR APPROVED THRUST MEGALUG 4. ALL PIPE JOINTS WITHIN 10 FT. OF A BENS EQUAL 'Y BLOCKING BLOCKING BEHIND THRUST SHALL BE RESTAINED USING TIE RODS BELOW GATE HYDRANT PRECAST CONCRETE BASE VALVE BLOCKING 4" NaTL. AS SPECIFIED (15-x 15% 4") BEHIND TEE STAGGER SHEETS 4' LENGTH ALL PIPE JOINTS WITHIN 10' OF A WISE AND 2' WIDTH WISE BEND SHALL BE RESTRAINED USING TIE RODS. NOTE: INSULATION REQUIRED FOR WATERMAIN WITH LESS THAN 5' COVER IN GRASSY AREAS AND 6' COVER UNDER PAVED SURFACES. Title: Title: Title: Title: � Typical Hydrant � Blocking for Insulation Plate Library Installation Standard Plate Library n r Plate i r Sta dad ate L bray Standard Plate Library Watermain Offset j.ZStandard Watermain Detail City, of Monticello Cit of Monticello y Date: Plate No. City of Monticello City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Date: Plate No. Date: Plate No. 03-05 03-05 03_05 -= 2001 2002 03-05 2005 Revised, _-_-____= =_ - Revised -03-17 2004 Revised:03-17 Revised: 03-15 STEEL T -STYLE FENCE POST PAINTED GREEN WITH AN OIL BASED PAINT AND A CHIMNEY SEALS (INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL) "CRETEX MINIMUM 2" REFLECTORIZED TAPE (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE OR APPROVED EQUAL" POST TO MARK THE SERVICE STUB TO BE INSTALLED AT THE TIME OF SERVICE _ DEPTH OF COVER OVERINSTALLATION (INCIDENTAL) STEEL T -STYLE FENCE POST PAINTED BLUE WITH AN OIL BASED PAINT AND MINIMUM 2" REFLECTORIZED TAPE (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE POST TO MARK CURB STOP. TO BE INSTALLED AT STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER TOP OF PIPE TO SUIT 4" OR 6" PVC 4" FIELD CONDITIONS MIN THE TIME OF CURB STOP INSTALLATION (INCIDENTAL) GROUTING BETWEEN PIPE AND MANHOLE BARREL SHALL BE PIPE SHALL BE COMPLETELY ENTRENCHED WITH NON -SHRINKING CEMENT AND SHALL HAVE CLASS "B' BEDDING WHERE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER ALL MANHOLES WITH ADJUSTING RINGS INSIDE DROP SECTION MIN 4" - MAX 12" SHALL BE 5' DIA (I.D.)27" - ' 6" DIA o SEE JOINT DETAIL BELOW MIN 4• 7w -w R 1W FZ P:Z Ww i`- w w � w � w PLACE NEARLY HORIZONTAL FOR LOW DRAINAGE AND BASEMFNTS AND SHALLOW SEWER AS STREET a w w w_ ¢ w Z a z a z Z VI 4 J J 4 8" UTILITY EASEMENT DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER GROUND a STREET a o a a i2 12 ASTM c 478 CLASS 11 BE LINE TYPICAL SERVICE WHERE COVER OVER 1 BUILDING REINF I TOP OF SEWER IS 12' OR LESS 2' CITY INSTALLED BY PRIVATE CONTRACT INSTALLED AS PER TY CONTRACT AS REQUIRED AS REQUIRED LATEST REVISION a NOTES: 5 TRACER WIRE LOCATE BOX GROUND LINE 11'- D" 11'- 0" GROUND LINE 48" DIA7 PVC = POLY -VINYL CHLORIDE SDR 26 DEPTH OF COVER OVER TOP OF PIPE TO SUIT GROUND LINE 2' 2' USE R-2 JOINT FOR ALL SERVICE CONNECTIONS INCLUDING NECESSARY FIELD CONDITIONS ALL MANHOLE JOINTS I BENDS AND SPECIAL FITTINGS SHALL BE PAID FOR AT I "STANDPIPE-: STEPS AT THE CONTRACT UNIT PRICE BID PER LINEAR FOOT OF 4" OR 6". NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION SHALL BE ALLOWED I TRACER WIRE SPLICE CURB BOX WITH 1'- 1 1/4 16" OC y FOR CONCRETE ENCASEMENT OR PIPE BEDDING, CURB BOX STANDPIPE AND STATIONARY ROD T- 6' MIN COVER i l 8„ 4" OR 6" PVC 45'BFND '`'"`'�• I COPPER --CLAD STEEL AWG 12 GAUGE t 2' SPOOL COPPER LAD STEEL AWG 12 TRACER WIRE 30 MIL HIGH DENSITY GAUGE TRACER WIRE 30 MIL HIGH DENSITY 1" CORP. COCK 8" "CRE-SEAL","RESEAL", _ I POLYETHYLENE GREEN COLORED JACKET! POLYETHYLENE GREEN COLORED JACKET TO BE PROVIDE UNDER CITY CONTRACT OR APPROVED EQUAL WYE ELEV TO BE SET BY THE I TO BE PROVIDED UNDER PRIVATE ! PRECAST GASKET CONNECTION SHALL BE USED 'u'' ENGINEER - CONTRACTOR CONTRACT ) FOR CONNECTION PIPE TO MANHOLE TO VERIFY PRIOR TO BURY I 1" COPPER 1" COPPER BRICK B RICK MIN PIPE SHALL BE COMPLETELY ENTRENCHED AND SHALL HAVE CLASS "B" BEDDING f WATERMAIN 4" X 8" X 2" 4" X 8" X 2" ,'`='1 WHERE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER -- COPPER WATERMAIN CAP CURB STOP WETH BLANK SLUG (TYPICAL) NOTE: ATTACH SHUT OF ROD TO CURB STOP a1" VARIABLE 7 MAX. 24" Q CONCRETE ENCASEMENT (TYPICAL) {- -.,a .-' SEE DETAIL BELOW FOR COPPER -CLAD STEEL AWG 12 GAUGE TRACER WIRE 30 MIL HIGH DENSITY SEE SPEC. 6" MIN CAULKING BETWEEN 6„ DISSIMILAR PIPES POLYETHLNE GREEN COLORED JACKET TO BE PROVIDED UNDER CITY CONTRACT _ MIN PRECAST BOTTOM SECTION WITH INVERT #5 AT 12' OC EACH WAY SANITARY SERVICE MAINLINE SANITARY SEWER TYPICAL SERVICE WHERE COVER OVER STANDARD MANHOLE FOR ADAPTER TO BE RESILIENT TOP OF SEWER IS 12' OR MORE SANITARY SEWER ASTM C425-64 TYPE III OR NO SCALE APPROVED EQUAL FOR DISSIMILAR PIPES CONCRETE ENCASEMENT (TYPICAL) NOTES: �`� — PVC WYE VCP TO PVC FERNCO ENCASED IN 1 0 MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE CAST IRON OR MA MODEL PS -I -PF CONCRETE SHALL BE REQUIRED WHEN CONNECTING TO EXISTING BY MA INDUSTRIAL ONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS ( INC.)) AND SPACED 16" OC. VCP SEWER VAIN (INCIDENTAL). " '"/' '�' `' \\\ DETAIL 02 IF DROP IS GREATER THAN 24" INCHES, USE OUTSIDE DROP. CONCRETE ENCASEMENT) `THRUST BLOCKING FOR (TYPICAL) CLEANING EQUIPMENT Title: Title: I Title: Title: Typical Water Standard Sanitary Tracer Wire Standard Plate Library Service Standard Plate Library Manhole Typical Service Connection Standard Plate Library yp Standard Plate Library (New Developments) e City of Monticello City of Monticello City of Monticello Date- Plate No. City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Date: Plate No. Date: Plate 03-05 03-05 03-05 03-08 20 0 6 3 0 01 3 004 3005 Revised. 03-15 Revised: 03-15 Revised:03 —15 --_-- - - _� -- Revised. - 03-15 PISNEERengineering CIVEL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. 05-ENG-120144-SHEET-DTLS-CITY C CASTING ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12" MAX L O J STANDARD FRAME &COVER INSTALL INFRA SHIELD 6 35 1/4 43" (OR APPROVED EQUAL) ROADWAY SURFACE EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL SEE MnDOT STANDARD PLATE 4020 CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB Box FOR COVER REQUIREMENTS NEENAH NO. R -3067-V WALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE CLASS it PRECAST PIPE, EXCEPT 48" DIA MAY BE ASTM C 478 CONCRETE PIPE, SEE MnDCT STANDARD zo z 8" CAST -IN-PLACE PLATE 3000 (NO TONGUE OR GROOVE AT TOP ® CONCRETE OR BOTTOM OF THIS SECTION). CAST -IN-PLACE PLAN o N 4' TO 10' CONCRETE OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION (BRICK OR BLCCK) ALLOWED ONLY IF APPROVED Z� z BY ENGINEER CD 0 W U CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REQUIRED ON 4" CONCRETE COLLAR ALL STORM SEWER CASTING ELEVATIONS C3 OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE INSTALL INFRA SHIELD SHOWN ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN AND PIPE CONNECTION (OR APPROVED EQUAL) DEPRESSED 0.10' BELOW GUTTER EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ELEVATION (SEE DETAIL 5003) [� g ADJUSTING RINGS = Y 4" MIN - 12" MAX v ENCASE IN CONCRETE 6" M COLLAR USE CONCRETE CURB MIX FOR COLLAR 24" FINISH STRUCTURE 31" GRADE 8" POURED CONCRETE BASE, FOR ALTERNATE PRECAST CONCRETE 2" BASE. SEE MnDOT STANDARD PLATE 4011 (MODIFY DIAMETER AND 5" 3'- 6" 2" RAISED AREA TO FIT REQUIRED DIAMETER. 4" MIN. 34" O1 REFER TO STANDARD PLANS FOR HEIGHT AND 4" MIN... DIAMETER REQUIRED. O MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE CAST IRON OR MA MODEL PS -I -PF (BY MA INDUSTRIAL INC.) CONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS AND SPACED 16" OC. 4" CONCRETE COLLAR Q MINIMUM STEEL REINFORCEMENT NOTES: SECTION A—A a". O4 EQUIVALENT STEEL AREA IN WIRE MESH ANHOLE PDDR A 3" GS 4" CONCRETE COLLAR MANHOLE:. ; AROUND RINGS EXTENDING FROM THE MAY BE USED COR ATCH EXTERIOR PLASTERED OR CASTING TO THE PRECAST SECTION © BASIN CATCH GENERAL DIMENSIONS FOR CONCRETE APPLY BASIN ' TO BRICK AND CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT DIA _ DIA CATCH BASINS LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE TYPE MrOOT DESIGN H. THE CONSTRUCTION ALSO, EXCEPT AS NOTED. " ' CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. SEWER BRICK (MnDOT SPEC 3616) BLOCK 12" MINIMUM FOR PRECAST, 3 BRICKS OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION 1 BLOCK MINIMUM FOR MASONRY CONSTUCTION REINFORCEMENT AS PER MnDOT SPEC 3301, GRADE 60, AStandard Plate Library City of Monticello TYPICAL HOLE LOCATIONS 4"1 DEA CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE WITH PROTECTIVE WRAP 6" B/C Title: Standard Manhole for Storm Sewer )ate: 03-05 Plate No. Revised:40 01 03-17 4" DLA � 90' 160' PVCPP WITH PROTECTIVE WRAP Q'T'JMINOUS SURFACE AGGREGATE BASE SUBGRADE ® 4" PERFORATED P.E. PIPE WITH FABRIC (TYPICAL) ENCASED WITH COARSE AGGREGATE(MNDOT 3149.2H). INSTALL_ WHERE CLAY SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE ROADWAY SUBGRADE, LOW POINTS IN ROADWAY OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello PISNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Title: Perforated F.E. Pipe With Fabric )ate: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 4006 Title: Standard Plate Library Standard Catch Basin City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised:4002 o3-17 TRANSVERSE & LONGITUDINAL BARS 5/8 FOR 18" TO 27" APRONS 3/4 FOR 30" & LARGER APRONS. i 6" MAX 6" ANCHOR TOP & BOTH ENDS NOTE: 1. ALL TRASH GUARDS SHALL BE GALVANIZED AFTER FABRICATION PER MNDOT SPEC. 3392 & 3394. 2. APPLIES TO FLARED END SECTIONS 12" OR LARGER. 3. ALL NUTS AND BOLT ATTACHING TRASH GUARD TO THE FLARED END SECTION SHALL BE LEFT EXPOSED Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Trash Guard for End Section ate: 03-05 Plate No. tevised:03-15 4007 A PLAN CASTING TO BE SET 0.10' BELOW GUTTER ELEVATION INSTALL INFRA SHIELD (OR APPROVED EQUAL) EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12" MAX ENCASE WITH CONCRETE COLLAR 4 *15" 24" x *48"(TYP a < A 35-1/4" 143" r- CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX STANDARD CASTING - NEENAH R -3067-V MANHOLE COVER TO BE 48" DIA CRETEX TYPE II WITH 24"x 36" 6" OPENING 9" CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REQUIRED ON OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE AND PIPE CONNECTION > -DIMENSION VARIES BASED ON STRUCTURE DIAMETER RCP PIPE CONCRETE CATCH BASIN MANHOLE J NOTES: AND BASE TO BE CRETEX TYPE 433B OR APPROVED EQUAL 1. BASE TO BE GROUTED TO FORM A SMOOTH INVERT TO OUTLET. SECTION 2, PIPE CUT-OUTS TO BE LOCATED WHERE REQUIRED. CATCH BASIN MANHOLES REQUIRED IN GREEN SPACES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF PRECAST CONCRETE ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH Mn/DOT STANDARD PLATE 4006L. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R-4342. CATCH BASIN MANHOLES LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH AN ECCENTRIC TOP SLAB WITH A 27" ROUND OPENING. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Title: Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Catch Basin Manhole )ate: 03-05 Plate No. Revised:4003 03-1 7 NOTE: THIS DRAWING IS TYPICAL FOR ALL FLARED END SECTIONS 24" OR LARGER SHEET PILING AS SHOWN SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO FLARED END. NUTS AND BOLTS ON TRASH GUARD MUST REMAIN EXPOSED. 4000 PSI CONCRETE ISE (3) 1" BOLTS ABUTMENT 10 PSI CONCRETE #4 REBAR EACH FACE CONCRETE TO ATTACH�TRASH GUARD Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Piling for Flared End Section late. 03-05 Plate No. 2aviearl• - _ _ _ 4008 4"PVCPP 4"x 4" TEE NON PERF AT CONNECTION MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN WALL H- W J F- =1 7 O Q a U In Lil H- Z LL O W J m RCP PIPE CU 4"PVCPP 45' TEE MORTAR JOINT WHERE DRAIN PIPE COMES INTO MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN 4"PVCPP MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN WALL 100' (MAX.)'" PREFERRED METHOD F 0.5' LO EL * LENGTH TO BE DETERMINED BASED ON EXISTING SOIL CONDITIONS METHOD �u 2' BITUMINOUS SURFACE 2.5' 2' TYP SEE DETAIL 4006 FOR CROSS SECTION 2"MAX COURSE FILTER AGGREGATE MN/DOT 3149.2H PERFORATED PIPE Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Q� N La v AGGREi LATE BASE -GRANULAR SUBBASE MORTAR JOINT WHERE DRAIN PIPE COMES INTO MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN Title: Special Details PVCPP Subdrain Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 4005 f w 0�a- m W c O W O u5 U F p 0 0 a o oa L � W Z rn "Nd WT nn PS I� IO to �Om OI tl' W p<Om O� Nd�Fr rnminmrnNmmwmNaoln .- W Z W O< l ��N Nn 4 i,6 G00 ni mea N Nm N n n N U �{ W 6 6, 6,67111 N n n OI T O1 n a I15 > II U II O F d a 4 y a N m't N O N MD m 0 mq aq m O m N W a Ond Il]f� a��nn�,O �10nrn NMtryad,Of- 7N W a (f] o =a Q o } W NOfOm7 mNfD V) m00 xg�o r � 2 N Wa W In wrn l�.m H LW Ow nf� Nm u'S .--Q�DN gyp, �p Nf� ONl 1N 6 p Z LLU^- N N n 71n 10 W 0-n C6GiN N zD O [7 J Q � Nn g o H j W "wm g u'S 0, 67 (4N OI o+07 �714m IO U ea you-1vw W mO1 mnrn dSNN Namn Nn d Un 0m cr �Ly a �Nn dlt) mm0�n f00nP�N1� W and H p U N NNnYI LL d 0 Q O v 0 a W mNd RJ P�01 CS W -7IIq n 0 W a x Q�� tD OS NS 1001 nnwN 0n 0 w OK ,na�� n0 �awnwa�lnmdrnu-s N Nna NNS II]fO Op OI lnmom �nl[I ali <3j O N[Nv NII M g o � Of x 0�o W U v p T�dt mm mO�n6f0 to N C9 a mm Ods OI(] h r a ANN nd if110m�Y11D W Ot l71� 0'0 U^ NN Vnj a � 0 Z W O a Z NN m� �I�OION G+� 450 N d0 C) C. R NNY n 1' n tD 1p f� mOl AGGREi LATE BASE -GRANULAR SUBBASE MORTAR JOINT WHERE DRAIN PIPE COMES INTO MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN Title: Special Details PVCPP Subdrain Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 4005 f w 0�a- m W c O W O u5 U F p 0 0 a o oa L � W Z rn w W (A O t 1 N Title: Standard Plate Library Riprap Detail City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 4009 05-ENG-120144-SHEET-DTLS-CITY Nd�Fr rnminmrnNmmwmNaoln V1 O a l� N U 4,6 W 6 6, 6,67111 N n n OI T O1 n a I15 > II Z N Q g a a (f] o =a Q o } W NOfOm7 mNfD (Oa m00 � 2 N Wa W In wrn l�.m H O� U �NNnnss�ml.nrn� Z W J Q � H j W p ?N u'S 0, 67 (4N OI o+07 �714m IO UN W mO1 �d dSNN Nn d CJ Z� 0�4 W � n LL g0 O v 0 W mNd RJ P�01 CS W -7IIq n 0 W a 7d tD OS NS 1001 nnwN 0n 0 w OK V N NNS m IA In n m X O M Of x 0�o W m a, 7 in m n rn to N C9 a (P (q Or0a4 Na il'i lem O+� W NNUj U^ NN Vnj � NII � g o �rmm7olnlmmnvinonnv na h � M 41 [O -- � o� v -Nn��dmr a z� 0 zw a KN * 0 r� f- M o n a6 N 0 N a -t 0 d N N n V 0 0 m h m O N n l C 5 Title: Standard Plate Library Riprap Detail City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 4009 05-ENG-120144-SHEET-DTLS-CITY © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. SAME SLOPE AS ROADWAY12" ..,...;t.r'e YrR 77 3/4 / PER FT 3" 1/2R 1/2 " R 3.1 HORIZONTAL ':•;1.:;;'° ; °' CONTRACTION JOINTS 3" (FORMS MAY BE TILTED) 7. REVERSE SLOPE GUTTER SECTION DIVIDER PLATE 3'R L 2'– 0' j .f3 , C 1/2 . „R MODIFIED DESIGN "D" 6” 13 1/2 SLOPE 0.06 FT/FT 5'– 0" TYPICAL OR _ yr O SLOPE 3/4-/Fr STANDARD FRAME & BOX FOR 8618 CURB & GUTTER n c 2" MIN " 7" 2% MAXIMUM OQ CROSS SLOPE n n .. .. .. .. .. � R W R W 6q' HORIZONTAL LINE � 1 'L ' MNDOT �j SLOPE 0.06 FT/FT NORMAL, UNLESS STANDARD PLATE NO. 7100 H n c rk ® OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. IF A DIFFERENT SPECIFICATION REFERENCE 2531 �a 12' OR 14' 30', 32' OR 36' (FACE TO FACE) VARIES GUTTER SLOPE IS PERMITTED, THE FORM CONCRETE – 0.0474 CU YDS / LIN FT (8612) MAY BE TILTED 8612 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER CONCRETE – 21.1 FT CU. YDS. 8612 6 MOD IFlED DESIGN b" CURB & 8618 � 6, i DIVIDER PLATE 3"R MODIFIED DESIGN D CURB & GUTTER GUTTER (TYPICAL, SEE ABOVE) � o o PLAN e�`� b 1/2 „ 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 r'. 4.00z2.Do� z qOR 540 4.00 4,, 5, 1 3p 4" OR 6" CONCRETE WALK v� 54°icgt 0 3"R ORO6 FT/FT 6" i3 �I2 " �SLOPE O SLOPE 3/4"/FT BOULEVARD WIDTH VARIES{AVERAGE S'} 4" TOPSOIL, SEED, AND MULCH OR SOD- (IYPICAL) 2' 1 1/2 " TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE TACK COAT MNDOT 2357 2" TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS NON–WEARING COURSE - `, i -: "... 5', 0" fCAL' 2" MIN r2" 7" 6" CLASS V GRAVEL (MODIFIED) HORIZONTAL� 12" TO 24" SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (2'– 6" BEHIND CURB) " d 41 UUU j�}} n LINE / ,� 6" MINIMUM SCARfFY AND COMPACT SUBGRADE U MNDOT STANDARD PLATE NO. 7100 H U Q1 SLOPE 0.06 FT/FT NORMAL, UNLESS TYPICAL SECTION MATCH MODIFIED DESIGN "D" CURB & GUTTER (TYPICAL) OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. IF A DIFFERENT SPECIFICATION REFERENCE 2531 GUTTER SLOPE IS PERMITTED, THE FORM CONCRETE – 0.0582 CU YDS / LIN FT (8618) SIDEWALK DIMENSIONS URBAN RESIDENTIAL MAY BE TILTED B618 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER CONCRETE – 17.2 FT / CU.YDS. (8618) /f 131-0 " Bfi18J Cror4t� WIDTH – 6' DEPTH — 6" FOR NEW DEVELOPMENTS 12" 3/4 PER FT / / 3" 0 CAT 3 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET BEHIND CURB & SIDEWALK/TRAIL 1/2 " R 1/2 " R – *4" MINIMUM FOR EXISTING AREAS, 6" AT DRIVEWAYS AND CROSSWALKS Oz THE USE AND THICKNESS OF SELECT GRANULAR 3„ 3' GRANULAR BORROW DEPTH — 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 BORROW IS BASED ON EXISTING SOIL CONDITIONS AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER, NOTE: 7" �•���••��'..�'.:;c:'.�;'.- 1D" CONTRACTION JOINTS — 6' INTERVALS QHORISTREET WIDTH TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY STORM SEWER TOP OF CASTING ELEVATION SHOWN ON THE PLANS INCLUDES A 0.10' DEPRESSION FROM THE PROPOSED GUTTER LINEZONTAL-— — — — — — EXPANSION JOINTS — 60' INTERVALS (APPROX.) ENGINEER. ® 6" PERFORATED P.E. PIPE WITH FABRIC. INSTALL GRADE. THE CONCRETE CURB SHOULD BE TRANSITIONED FROM THE* 0„ *MATCH EXISTING DEPTH, 4" MINIMUM MATCH WHERE CLAY SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE ROADWAY SUBGRADE OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. SEE PLATE 4006 FOR DETAILS PROPOSED GUTTER GRADE TO THE CASTING ELEVATION 5 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE CENTER OF THE CASTING. F MODIFIED DESIGN "D" CURB &GUTTER INSTALL PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPS AT ROADWAY INTERSECTIONS Title: Title: Title: Title: � Typical Street Concrete Curb & Gutter Concrete Curb & Gutter Typical Sidewalk Standard Plate Library y Residential (Minor) Standard Plate Library Standard Plate Library for Streets Standard Plate Library y City of Monticello at Catch Basin City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Cit of Monticello y City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Date' Plate No. Date: Plate No. 5002 03-05 03-05 5012 Revised: 5004 5005 Revised: 03-17 Revised: Revised: 03-17 03-15 03-15 Street Sign 0 0 TRAFFIC SIGN SPECIFICATIONS 0 TRAFFIC SIGN SPECIFICATIONS 0 MATERIAL: 0 MATERIAL: 3#/� 0 ALUMINUM SHALL BE 5052–H38 OR 6061–T6 ALLOY. 0 GAUGE SHALL BE: .080 ON THE LONGEST SIDE ALUMINUM SHALL BE: 5052–H38 OR 6061–T6 ALLOY 0 UP TO 30" GAUGE SHALL BE: .080 ON THE LONGEST SIDE 0 100 ON THE LONGEST SIDE UP TO 100 ON OTHE LONGEST SIDE o OVER 30" 0 r OVER 30" SIGNS SHALL BE NOTCHED FOR USE WITH o E-450 BRACKETS REFLECTING SHEETING SHALL BE DIAMOND GRADE. 3#/� s" STREET NAME SIGNS SHALL HAVE 6" UPPER CASE 2-3/8O.D. " ALL SIGNS CONFORM TO SECTIONS 2564 AND 3352, LETTERS WHITE ON GREEN HIGH INTENSITY GRADE SHEETING SIGNS AND MARKERS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR WITH WHITE SERIES E BORDER 0 HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION. o ALL SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO SECTIONS 2564 AND 3352, 0 V SIGNS AND MARKERS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR 0`\ HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION. CHANNEL POST SPECIFICATIONS 0 0 GALVANIZED STEEL CHANNEL POSTS SHALL BOULEVARD 0 0 BE USED, 2.5 LB/FT POSTS SHOULD BE GRADE 0 Z USED THAT ARE PUNCHED ON 1" CC. oGALVANIZED POSTS SHALL BE OF THE _ —11111111Iplllll- lllillll oo=lllllll-IIIIIIII_Ilgllll 0 4–RIB DESIGN. POSTS ARE TO BE 7 FEET Ifll IIIIIIII °° IIIIIIII=IICII- IN HEIGHT BETWEEN BOTTOM OF SIGN AND —IIIIIIII zll� ° Qo 40 IIIIIIII TUBULAR POSTS SPECIFICATIONS FINISHED GROUND. :IIIIIIII= °°° IIIIIIII IIIII TUBULAR POSTS USED FOR MOUNTING STREET NAME/TRAFFIC BOLTS, NUTS, AND WASHERS —III Vie° — CONTROL SIGNS, SHALL VARY IN LENGTH, SHALL HAVE HARDWARE SHALL BE GRADE 5 °q" IIIIIIII ni A DIMPLED TUBE BELOW GRADE OR INSTALL A ANTI– ROTATION IIIIIIII MINIMUM AND BE GALVANIZED DEVICE TO PREVENT TUBE FROM TURNING, SHALL BE — m° IIIIIIII 2-3/8" O.D., SHALL BE GALVINIZED AND SHALL HAVE OR CADMIUM PLATED. Iulll ep 4 =_ A WEIGHT OF 2LB./F7. CONCRETE GROUT IIIIIIII =IIIIIIII NOTE: CONCRETE GROUT TO BE MIXED THOROUGHLY WITH WATER BEFORE INSTALLATION NOTE: TYPICAL SIGN INSTALLATION WHEN STREET NAME SIGNS ARE NOT INSTALLED NOTE: TYPICAL SIGN INSTALLATION WHEN STREET NAME SIGNS ARE TO BE INSTALLED Title: Title: Typical Traffic Sign Traffic Typical Trac Sign Standard Plate Library Installation Standard Plate Library Installation City of Monticello City of Monticello Date: Plate Na. Date: Plate No. 03-05 03-05 5 01 6 5 017 Revised:03-17 R Revised: 0 3 _ 15 P119NEERengineering 05-ENG-120144-SHEET-DYES-CITY CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS (651) 681-1914 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by Revisions Date 11-02-2020 NOVAK-FLECK INC. 2422 Enterprise Drive me or under my direct supervision and that I Name Fax: 681-9488 Paul CITY DETAILS 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. FEATHERSTONE 5TH ADDITION 17 OF I J. Cherne � Designed P7C/rnrM Mendota Heights, MN 55120 am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer Drawn MBG/PDS W W W.plOneereng.COm under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 11-02-2020 BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. WING NUT c OVERFLOW SLOT IN SHROUDa E L SPECIAL NOTE: w° a m SPECIAL ATTENTION SHALL BE PAID WHEN INSTALLING ATTACHMENT HOOK o r DRIVEWAYS TO NOT UNDERMINE OR DAMAGE EXISTING L� SIDEWALKS. mm SL 0 fop SILT FABRIC SLEEVE ® m m o a EXISTING CURBr ® PER MnDOT SPECIAL ® ® , PROVISION 3886 p N Jr a iL v OVERFLOW IS Y2 OF ® ® ® ® ® ® ® d �W �w� THE CURB BOX HEIGHT 0 0 ® 0a �^ MIA Z Ja= � Tia w w ZO m a w r p0 x 3 Jo o LJ az MF 0 I I LIJ 000�0� CURB GUTTER & 00� a x m F 4 or XWW >g E �vw IOn f Ow n m _� w _ wZ �� Iii � Iy1 II A ap zZZa J—p a� r om mp In Or J / /p PLAN n wa�o Zw z� . W,Jw F ? LL1 FPO I 2S' 0' / / M�NiM WIMCO ROAD DRAIN CG -23 HIGH FLOW INLET PROTECTION CURB AND GUTTER MODEL wwWq mW w �� _ r �a Oo a o 0 DEFLECTOR PLATE OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. s ZFZa a a am oa z �� ZL' o Uo / _ e c� J w , v N �i�}�� �? OVERFLOW IS � OF THE CURB BOX HEIGHT d. " me a' a ��, N �` ar J n Q f4 n " AT TOP OF v �n ¢Wrw�OVERFLOW 11_FILTER ASSEMBLYdr�ZZ3URB xS,_- wzNpwJ=w v TP tn-9w wJo Ud v'jJ�rx w O „plw �-Od �� �J wln aW =gpOwm°c pwr U(r dl� n�3 c37 li °'D Ld3 U7 �o OFA xaU Zm �I"w�W_ �W IV) Of Z 0 �f~ {7jf V1� W a UO Za m �Q OM >� �a Wx `Y p ZU 00 m� m a ll a Em O O I I UU Z [] () ON=W. Or [VO a O ? a a W W R' r ZW �W'zzZ�U ® z� ou mr qZ_ C.) (L ii III D 3" OF 1-1/2" ROCK / 0 16 MDZ U M�� Na mz i oa3` o 2 �o W N �� Ili Q 6" CRUSHEDCONCRETE �R / / OVERFLOW SLOT IN SHROUD Z o0 =anon a Jor �a w� r,07 Z. OFFtzinto ��a ��" �� vaxW o= s� xa N� �❑ ow am Z 2 APPROVED EQUIV NT / a � ��� �`eIa vrrc_ �o Ld �a �' o ~z ELL # c) TAPER 3" OF 1-1/2" ROCK FILTER ASSEMBLY DIAMETER, SILT FABRIC SLEEVE PER MnDOT SPECIAL In a o � o 1t J W o � � �a _ � r J o � zl" u US ©W E I I Iv mpW DEPTH AND WIDTH OR 6" ON -GRADE i0° AT LOW POINT PROVISION 3886 a o z �. .: ' ' w� z � pZFa: 9 m w am o p a W E ^� >- IN 10' 6" CRUSHED CONCRETE o a € O a z _Z'11 Jo x� Tin W cn a SIDEWALK HIGH-FLOW FABRIC o � a�a � JF N r; 4 I I * FOR THE NEW R -3290 -VB STANDARD 1 CASTING, INSTALL WIMCO ROAD DRAIN r� CG -3290 OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. NA W �wzw do o aZa CL Fam oZ�vl icwi� 6 d=U-:) a 3 j =ieij r�� F �+r T7fm �� � I I cn W�aOf �a ipd7c�'� LDa© 1WE < I gw :DF w F a F�=,pnp A CALL TO GOPHER STATE ONE (454-0002) IS REQUIRED A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO PERFORMING ANY EXCAVATION. Title: Residential Gravel Title: Inlet Protection Title: Inlet Protection Title: Residential Building Standard Plate Library Construction Entrance Standard Plate Library Catch Basin Insert Standard Plate Library Grate Inlet Cover Standard Plate Library Erosion Control City of Monticello City of Monticello City of Monticello City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Date: Plate Na. Rate: Plate Na. Date: Plate No. 03-05 03-07 03-07 03-05 6001 6004 6005 6006 Revised: 03-15 Revised: 03-15 Revised: 03-15 Revised: 03-15 of o �0" 0 0 3.3' • • 3.3' `N 0.7 STAPLES PER SO. YD. 1.15 STAPLES PERSO- YD. 3.75 STAPLES PER SO. YD. 4:1 SLOPES 3:1 SLOPES HIGH FLOW CHANNEL B SHORELINE Where the flow of water is sheeting, place sod strips perpendicular to the direction of water flow. i -' SHINGLING SOD 36 O �F O� 3A w1 P V� yy� 2 .F:4}}i:...... Cf V „ ::::::: -- - �3 5 1. PREPARE SOIL BEFORE INSTALLING BLANKETS, INCLUDING ANY NECESSARY APPLICATION OF LIME, FERTILIZER, AND SEED. 2. BEGIN AT THE TOP OF THE SLOPE BY ANCHORING THE BLANKET IN A B(15—) DEEP X B" (1 S—) WIDE TRENCH WITH APPROXIMATELY 12' (30—) OF BLANKET EXTENDED BEYOND THE UP-SLOPE PORTION OF THE TRENCH. ANCHOR THE Where the flow of Water IS BLANKET WITH A ROW OF STAPLESISTAKES APPROXIMATELY 12" (30cm) APART IN THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH. BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE TRENCH AFTER STARING. APPLY SEED TO COMPACTED SOIL AND FOLD REMAINING 12' (30—n PORTION AND WITH A ROW concentrated, place Sod Stlps OF BLANKET BACK OVER$EED COMPACTED SOIL SECURE BLANKET OVER COMPACTED$OIL OF STAPLEWSTAKES SPACED APPROXIMATELY I2"(30—) APART ACROSS THE WIDTH OF THE BLANKET. parallel to the direction Of 3.ROLLTHE BLANKETS (A.) DOWN OR (S.) HORIZONTALLY ACROSS THE SLOPE. BLANKETS WILL UNROLL WITH APPROPRIATE SIDE AGAINST THE SOIL SURFACE. ALL BLANKETS MUST BE SECURELY FASTENED TO SOIL SURFACE BY PLACING STAPLESlSTAKES water flow. OVERLAPPING SOD IN APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS AS SHOWN IN THE STAPLE PATTERN GUIDE. WHEN USING OPTIONAL DOT SYSTEM, STAPLMSTAKES SHOULD BE PLACED THROUGH EACH OF THE COLORED DOTS CORRESPONDING TO THE APPROPRIATE STAPLE PATTERN. NOTE" 4- THE EDGES OF PARALLEL BLANKETS MUST BE STAPLED WITH APPROXIMATELY 2"-5" (5M-12-5=) OVERLAP DEPENDING ON BLANKET TYPE. TO ENSURE PROPER SEAM ALIGNMENT. PLACE THE EDGE OF THE OVERLAPPING BLANKET (BLANKET BEING T,, Although pegging of Sod 4s not specifically required It IS understood that the 9 P g g 9 P INSTALLED ON TOP) EVEN WITH THE COLORED SEAM STITCH ON THE PREVIOUSLY USTALLED BLANKET. 5. CONSECUTIVE BLANKETS SPLICED DOWN THE SLOPE MUST BE PLACED END OVER END (SHINGLE STYLE}WITH AN APPROXIMATE 3" San) OVERLAP. STAPLE THROUGH OVERLAPPED 12" APART ACROSS ENTIRE J 9 contractor will be responsible for the successful establishment of the sod including (7 AREA, APPROXIMATELY (30cm) DLANKET WIDTH repair or replacement of sod which becomes displaced or damaged due to lack of NOTELOOSE pp$E $pIL CONDRION$, THE USE OF STAPLE OR STAKE LENGTHS GREATER THAN S" (15cm) MAY BE NECESSARY TO protection or proper Care. PROPERLY SECURE THE BLANKETS. Title: Title - Erosion Control Blanket Standard Plate Library Sod Placement Standard Plate Library Stapling Patterns &Installation City of Monticello City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Date: Plate No. 03-07 03-08 6011 Revised: 03-15 Revised: 03-15 6010 PISNEERengineering 05 -ENG -120144 -SHEET -DYES -CITY CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS (651) 681-1914 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by Name Revisions Date 11-02-2020 NOVAK-FLECK INC. 5TH ADDITION Designed PTC/JNiM 2422 Enterprise Drive me or under my direct supervision and that I Fax: 681-9488 Paul J. Cherne � CITY DETAILS 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. FEATHERSTONE 18 OF 1 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer W W W.p10n0ereng.COm under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 11-02-2020 BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Drawn MBG/PDS © 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. __j ��� 96� I ) \ f l \ ZL 96 _s =, - r �/ /- '\��� �.'�,--I �'.-• r-r-�^-�---r-,- 9-, , 4--6r -4r. rrT .-i,Tr• r,T4 5 959 '17r : r ---------------------- i rj J A Pi ONEERen CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com PLANTING SCHEDULE KEY COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME ROOT QUANTITY NOTES a OVERSTORY TREES WATER TO SETTLE PLANTS AND WEAK AND/OR DEFORMED p p \ HACKBERRY/CELTIS OCCIDENTALIS 2" B&B 10 \ SENTRY LINDEN/TILIA AMERICANA 'SENTRY 2" B&B 10 WATER WITHIN TWO HOURS OF CUTS. NORTHERN PIN OAK/QUERCUS ELLIPSOILDALIS 2" B&B 10 p as THORNLESS HONEYLOCUST/GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS VAR INEMIS 2" B&B 10 p o AUTUMN BLAZE MAPL/ACER X FREEMANII 'JEFFERSRED' 2" B&B 9 PLANTING HOLE. NORTHWOODS MAPLE/ACER RUBRUM 'NORTHWOODS' 2" B&B 10 LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS: REQUIRED TREES: 2 TREES/INTERIOR LOT, 4 TREES/CORNER LOT TOTAL REQUIRED TREES = 58 TREES TWO TREES PLANTED IN THE BOULEVARD FOR EACH LOT FRONTAGE PROPOSED TREES: 59 LANDSCAPE NOTES - THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE PROJECT SITE TO BECOME FAMILIAR WITH THE EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO SUBMITTING A BID. - THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF PROPOSED PHYSICAL START DATE AT LEAST 7 DAYS IN ADVANCE. - THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FIELD VERIFICATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS ON THE PROJECT SITE WITH GOPHER STATE ONE CALL 1-800-252-1166 PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROTECTION AND REPAIR OF EXISTING UTILITIES DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY CONFLICTS TO FACILITATE PLANT RELOCATION. - GRADING TO BE PERFORMED BY OTHERS. - NO PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE INSTALLED UNTIL GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA. - ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL MEET THE STANDARDS FOUND IN THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN -AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK. - ALL CONTAINER MATERIAL TO BE GROWN IN THE CONTAINER A MINIMUM OF SIX (6) MONTHS PRIOR TO PLANTING ON SITE. - DECIDUOUS AND CONIFEROUS TREES SHALL NOT BE STAKED, BUT THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR MUST GUARANTEE STANDABILITY TO A WIND SPEED OF 60 M.P.H. - THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A MINIMUM GUARANTEE OF ONE YEAR ONE TIME REPLACEMENT ON NEW PLANT MATERIALS. GUARANTEE SHALL BE AGREED UPON BY DEVELOPER/BUILDER AND LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. - THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY PLANTS WHICH ARE DEEMED UNSATISFACTORY BEFORE, DURING OR AFTER INSTALLATION. - IF THERE IS A DESCREPANCY BETWEEN THE NUMBER OF PLANTS SHOWN ON THE PLAN AND THE NUMBER SHOWN ON THE PLANT LIST, THE NUMBER SHOWN ON THE PLAN WILL TAKE PRECEDENCE. -THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MULCHES AND PLANTING SOIL QUANTITIES TO COMPLETE WORK SHOWN ON THE PLAN. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL QUANTITIES SHOWN ON THE PLANT SCHEDULE. - COMMERCIAL GRADE POLY LAWN EDGING SHALL BE INSTALLED WHERE NOTED. - THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR ALL DAMAGE TO THE SITE CAUSED BY THE PLANTING OPERATION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. - THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP PAVEMENTS CLEAN UNSTAINED. ALL PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICLE ACCESS TO BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. ALL WASTES SHALL BE PROMPTLY REMOVED FROM THE SITE. ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING FACILITIES SHALL BE REPAIRED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. - THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES, REGULATIONS AND PERMITS GOVERNING THE WORK. - STORAGE OF MATERIALS OR SUPPLIES ON-SITE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL 0 50 100 200 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 05 -PLAN -120144 -SHEET -LAND p °ca p a TRIM OUT DEAD WOOD AND a WATER TO SETTLE PLANTS AND WEAK AND/OR DEFORMED p p FILL VOIDS. TWIGS. DO NOT CUT A c LEADER. DO NOT PAINT p , WATER WITHIN TWO HOURS OF CUTS. p a p INSTALLATION. WATERING MUST p as app BE SUFFICIENT TO THOROUGHLY SET PLANT ON p o SATURATE ROOT BALL AND UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL 0 p PLANTING HOLE. OR THOROUGHLY COMPACTED BACKFILL °4 PLACE MULCH WITHIN 48 HOURS SOIL. INSTALL PLANT SO p a ' 4 OF THE SECOND WATERING THE ROOT FLARE IS AT , p p ° ayp UNLESS SOIL MOISTURE IS OR UP TO 2" ABOVE THE Qa o apo EXCESSIVE. FINISHED GRADE. ° a a SHREDDED WOOD MULCH MIN. 4" PLACE PLANT IN PLANTING ppp DEEP (DO NOT PLACE MULCH HOLE WITH BURLAP AND AGAINST TRUNK OF TREE). WIRE BASKET, (IF USED), INTACT. BACKFILL WITHIN PLUMB AND BACKFILL WITH APPROXIMATELY 12" OF BACKFILL SOIL. BREAK DOWN THE TOP OF ROOTBALL, SIDES OF HOLE WHEN WATER PLANT. REMOVE BACKFILLING. TOP YZ OF THE BASKET OR THE TOP TWO HORIZONTAL HIC I Ii III—III—I I I—I GREATER. REMOVHEVER E ALL BURLAP AND NAILS FROM l ��' I II I II 1� I I; I I �I TOP Y2 OF THE BALL. I II II IIIIII I REMOVE ALL TWINE. III I I �I I I—I I �I I I—III—III— I I� 11= SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SII—I I—III—III—III—III—III—III III �� SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO ,TIII II III—II III=III—III Trr PLANTING. 2-3 TIMES BALL DIAMETER 0 50 100 200 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 05 -PLAN -120144 -SHEET -LAND FEATHERSTONE KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Gold Nugget Development, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, owner of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: Outlot A, FEATHERSTONE FOURTH ADDITION according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota Has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as FEATHERSTONE FIFTH ADDITION and does hereby dedicate to the public for public use the public ways and the drainage and utility easements as created by this plat. In witness whereof said Gold Nugget Development, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this day of , 20 Gold Nugget Development, Inc. Signature Printed Name STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF as Title This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20 , by of Gold Nugget Development, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Signature Printed Name Notary Public, My Commission Expires SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE County I Peter J. Hawkinson do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this day of STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF 20 Peter J. Hawkinson, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 42299 The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 42299. Signature Printed Name day of 20 , by Peter J. Hawkinson, Land FIFTH ADDITION CITY OF MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Be it known that at a meeting held on this day of did hereby review and approve this plat of FEATHERSTONE FOURTH ADDITION. Chairperson Secretary CITY COUNCIL, City of Monticello, Minnesota 20 , the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, This plat of FEATHERSTONE FIFTH ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota at a regular meeting thereof held this day of , 20 , and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2. Mayor WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR City Administrator I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this day of , 20 . Wright County Surveyor WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR/TREASURER Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable for the year 20 on the land hereinbefore described have been paid. Also, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes and transfer entered this day of 20 In Wright County Auditor/Treasurer WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER Deputy I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder for record on this _ 20 , at o'clock M. and was duly recorded in Cabinet No. Sleeve , as Document No. Notary Public, County Wright County Recorder My Commission Expires day of g� PISNEERen ineerin P.A. g CMI. HSGISI`:ISRS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS SHEET 1 OF 3 SHEETS w o_ io CV ° 00 Z w I o I N � 0 z o o W Ln Co I W ofCr-o W U Z � \ a C) 11� I Gi z 50 I - r I L_ I BEARING ORIENTATION: THE SOUTH LINE OF OUTLOT A, FEATHERSTONE FOURTH ADDITION, IS ASSUMED TO BEAR SOUTH 89002'58" WEST. OO DENOTES FOUND CAST IRON MONUMENT O DENOTES 1/2 INCH BY 14 INCH IRON PIPE MONUMENT SET AND MARKED BY LICENSE NUMBER 42299, OR WILL BE SET IN ACCORDANCE WITH MS SECTION 505.021, SUBD. 10. • DENOTES FOUND 1/2 INCH IRON MONUMENT MARKED BY LICENSE NUMBER 42299 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. FEATHERSTONE FIFTH ADDITION L � \ r' / l� 6) A I VJqAs r ' W / 1 �J < ' I 1 100 50 0 100 U) Sa(3 °2610 � �— I /,� , Scale in Feet Qpop 1 Inch = 100 Feet 217.88 S0703 '24,� 7 W 15 45 V so•� S14°5;'n' ` 1 "WT T I /1 N I F- L) 7 10 I `J IV 11-T- 12 I I �1 I i\ v v v TNI N88°41'25" 8 w I ' 47 -� ' 1 2'x.64 STREET 4 S230o " Lu 57 7 3 1 5g 4 5 6 �s 3 INSET A 0-) 2 E SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEET 8 00 c� N2br�II .�a 2 1 1 2589.70 N01 057'22"E I J I I SECTION 23, TWP. 121, RGE, 25 VICINITY MAP NO SCALE -L�L��_I IL)/� L, JI `IJI I LIJ/ I L 176.81 n°cZ'n111r N I 0 rn Co LJ _7 Z_ LIJI LIJ I 11� I Gi I - r I L_ L!)I '- I 00 04 rn 000 N �0 Z f W � I Z � Z W W I O ~ Z � ICL r"i W N OU N I � ~ U U (� �r- o 4383 I � W � cn O PION E en g ineerin � CIVILENGINEERS LANDPLANNERS LAND URVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECIS SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS 1 1 1 I Lv 00 N N L0 O 00 Z BEARING ORIENTATION: THE SOUTH LINE OF OUTLOT A, FEATHERSTONE FOURTH ADDITION, IS ASSUMED TO BEAR SOUTH 89002'58" WEST. OO DENOTES FOUND CAST IRON MONUMENT O DENOTES 1/2 INCH BY 14 INCH IRON PIPE MONUMENT SET AND MARKED BY LICENSE NUMBER 42299, OR WILL BE SET IN ACCORDANCE WITH MS SECTION 505.021, SUBD. 10. • DENOTES FOUND 1/2 INCH IRON MONUMENT MARKED BY LICENSE NUMBER 42299 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 8S. 31 662.81 i i i ' 26,9�,0 i i i \ S16051'�9»IA' i 1 rY / N 729.62 I o o N 1 8909 I Q 1 I j vc' n I 8g 09 I I ' N I rn 00 Lq �\ 1 Ln i N O N 1 � 00 1 O 1 '17 \ 1 N 00 i' O N 00 1 i 05 1 00 cn 217. ` �\\ AND UTILITY EASEMENT -____ \\ I N 88 ----- DRAINAGE S07037'24"V/ 8 I Ili 2 i--------� I- ------7 F�------71 �I?08 _ 96.25 SQ 00441 ' 11 �� , , -� r I I 48"yy 5Q• 45 23 1 o \� 9 S14,o`5,7'\41\" V�� 40.18 o o,0a,2$ 9 �, I 07 �1m1 1 7-1 1 0 �mI IL2 4p�1 12 5 � \ 1 2 \ I , ° 21',,,. \\ I I o� I I 1 1 1 1 �I I a`�/ --°6s 1 30.0; --- \ \ \ I I o ILf-I--- -J L -------J L------- L ---E=47.41 ,�4$� p,J '1 57.41 85.00 85.00 34.69 �=042922 L p 07o275�,- li g/ \\ \\I \ \0F \ \ i20°543 I 27 o \\ \> STREET NAME i R119.90 ; 30.08 262.10 S00°33'50"E i =15 56� g " i � i 1�� 4 / I \\ \ �p5� �- ; - - - - - - - i - -�_�_ N1 5579 lip �9°07 / Ld I 5 \ \ \ / !o / ' =ss'49»E a ,'L- 0 I \ /D ter- I \__ - - L=1 13.64 J 228 ° 00 I ! ��x 00 -48.35 90.00 102.44 21.01 I CO o 86 ` w/^ ��''�� �58$ I I I I I I I J o �i N �� o D`-�1 1 I I I I I ` °N l 1 2p 70, /�o / I I I I I I r� o' nl0' l ,E N �i 3 / 11 I �o I I I I I a I z6 7 Fo l, ao lL4 5 �� 11. ro I - l / (10 FEATHERSTONE FIFTH ADDITION 50 25 0 50 Scale in Feet 1 Inch = 50 Feet DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: being 6 feet in width, and adjoining lot lines unless otherwise indicated, and 12 feet in width and adjoining street lines and rear lot lines unless otherwise indicated on the plat. N 't o� 00 00 00 Z 21 64 22-32 - 4 - 2,43»w w o/a� \ \ °'I I 001 1 o n L-_ 149.69 ° I �- _--_J 421.46 \ \ \ \ 00I 1rr1 051 I r,l - - - - _N05 11'43"E - J = I I - - _ - _ _ S07°19'43"W 182.16 185.52 402.16 S23 10>, '51,141 ss 2179 5 �o Ov, s xl!�, •off 6 283.24 �5 $ 3 62 --- 1`L � 1 N �5 PIONEERengineering CMI. P.SGISI:HRS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS Cf) 4 / a/' \\ \\ I I "'I I I r-------_--_ f o of -� , n�� JN \\\ I I o t L oa 1 I la 1 �� I I I I I I I co li o 6N I I I I 3 \ ss�. I I I I I� I �N alb oll 2 1 ° 200.00 L - - -100 33'S0_W- - - -J II \ \ \ �� J L -------J L------� ru> J I <1 '-- 81.26 -'� r-----------� ---- ------ 00 \ �`,, 1 1 I 8 �I�- 1 I I I I 0 I / s�� I J Ia I ° 1-------------J S01I 56'43"W I M L - - -193.35- - - S00°33'50"E -J \\1 \\>� I I \\�L=22.25 o o J I I 3 o "� I DRAINAGE AND ,�' L --------o ---J f 157.13 N00 39'51' E T -------�--- ' =01 °16'52" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >- 50.00 -' 1 00 1 00 I � � `20.29' � = ------- f ------- I I I I I I I '' o _ 0 N� 00 °d- 1- �� I I I I :I 1 ____ 200.00 L u) - -N00°33'50"W- '� -Lo � I offi 1 � � I 2 �,'' r ' o 6' (0 z� UTILITY EASEMENT- � I f� �r� = morn 00 eco I �I I '- -' n Ln c rn I a lrn I 0N� �� 322 16 J , 72.47 zm:I -- --------� o I 0 I I � Q \� 9 VIII J ��1 II _I IIIJ a ' Q I I 00 z L `(' S02°21 49 E _J 193.45 50.02 - 11 a I 40 __--- �-- `n "� 11 11 I _ 40Ln 40.00 510°58 57 E 2 116.54' ` ---- - _ - 40• 00 ' ---- ----- -� I L L=03°04'10" I � I I - 39 g4 �l O'. I 201.01I L=27.05\ ` I o I I 60•g8 LN03°38'00'W-------J -IN 1 521.82 ���°�� 74.85 - ___- - _� CID) I 191.43 r I O D' w �r 1) o?oo �I� J41.64_ Q w i MI � I of Iall � 07"E N &N Q 510°42' o I pfp 10L _ - - ' 30 i � 90 _ a,o s o 38.42 -- 38 N72°17'54' 8g 66 E S12°44I46 182.16 185.52 402.16 S23 10>, '51,141 ss 2179 5 �o Ov, s xl!�, •off 6 283.24 �5 $ 3 62 --- 1`L � 1 N �5 PIONEERengineering CMI. P.SGISI:HRS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS 100 50 0 100 Scale in Feet 1 Inch = 100 Feet FEATHERSTONE FIFTH AREA SKETCH ADDITION AREA �l1MMARY PIONEERengineefing CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS / 0 140 200 400 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET ' t t I t r I / t r t / r r t / r \ 1 / / r OUTLOT C / 1 1 / _ r m / t Yl t' OUTLOT B I OUTLOT D 1 / t r' r' / OUTLOT A r' / / t I t' t I rr------ -__- ___------------- r / iWONTICELLO S TA i ;µi %% 0 % L-71 0 K so 85TH 2 92 93 94 95 ' 91 96 90 97 OUTLOT F STREET NORTHEAST \3 g8 112 2 99 110 100 109 101 108 107 102 106 1 -- -`- _ I 23 ii r 1 4 .-- 5 6 7 f i Q 3 4 0 5 2 f 1 1 !I 6 !I 18 2 7 !i 4 3 !I 21 17 g ! } 0 it 103 104 105 22 19 4 f f 4 3 8 5 2 7 6 91 \28 2s� 9 8 7 6 5 27 23 5 18 15 10 f ! 24 6 ! I 25 17 14 11 ! it 7 }I 16 13 12 ! 26 �--� 8 !I 5 15 } 9 fl 14 10 } I 13 12 11 5 ! I !I if 30 } I 31 } ! 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 1 I f ff V) iQ 10 ! I LLJ 11 12 13 14 1g 16 17 18 1 2 I i = 6!} Cr I U }! !I 7 4 Ex. BLDG. D 3 Q Ex. J 2 HOUSE ' X 0LJ - aX -� Q Z 0 3 UJ 2 5 1 LoWINFAR I / M A%FW TOTAL BOUNDARY AREA 220.46 AC. TOTAL RIGHT OF WAY AREA 35.55 AC. TOTAL RESIDENTIAL AREA 150.4£ AC. a 28.18 AC. SINGLE FAMILY AREA 86.87 AC. SINGLE FAMILY LOTS 199 TONHOME AREA 99.47. AC. 85TH 2 92 93 94 95 ' 91 96 90 97 OUTLOT F STREET NORTHEAST \3 g8 112 2 99 110 100 109 101 108 107 102 106 1 -- -`- _ I 23 ii r 1 4 .-- 5 6 7 f i Q 3 4 0 5 2 f 1 1 !I 6 !I 18 2 7 !i 4 3 !I 21 17 g ! } 0 it 103 104 105 22 19 4 f f 4 3 8 5 2 7 6 91 \28 2s� 9 8 7 6 5 27 23 5 18 15 10 f ! 24 6 ! I 25 17 14 11 ! it 7 }I 16 13 12 ! 26 �--� 8 !I 5 15 } 9 fl 14 10 } I 13 12 11 5 ! I !I if 30 } I 31 } ! 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 1 I f ff V) iQ 10 ! I LLJ 11 12 13 14 1g 16 17 18 1 2 I i = 6!} Cr I U }! !I 7 4 Ex. BLDG. D 3 Q Ex. J 2 HOUSE ' X 0LJ - aX -� Q Z 0 3 UJ 2 5 1 LoWINFAR I / M A%FW TOTAL BOUNDARY AREA 220.46 AC. TOTAL RIGHT OF WAY AREA 35.55 AC. TOTAL RESIDENTIAL AREA 150.4£ AC. RIGHT OF WAY AREA 28.18 AC. SINGLE FAMILY AREA 86.87 AC. SINGLE FAMILY LOTS 199 TONHOME AREA 99.47. AC. TOWNHOME LOTS 100 COMMON LOTS 2 PARK AREA (OUTLOTS F,G,H,I) 16.00 AC. TOTAL COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL AREA 70.00 AC. RIGHT Of WAY AREA 7.37 AC. COMMERCIAL AREA (OUTLOT A) 10.00 AC. INDUSTRIAL AREA (OUTLOTS B,C,D,E) 52.63 AC. EXISTING ZONING AGRICULTURE A--0 PROPOSED ZONING sole purpose of depicting a possible use of the properties, and are subject PUD J:\Dwg\202385-PINE MEADOWS\dwg\202385COV SHEET IN17EX 1. COVER 2. EXISTING CONDITIONS 3. PRELIMINARY PLAT 4. PRELIMINARY PLAT 5. PRELIMINARY SITE & UTILITY PLAN 6. PRELIMINARY SITE & UTILITY PLAN The information and/or renderings and maps contained herein, such as street For details of existing developed areas, refer to the recorded final plat. 7_ PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN and lot location, dimensions, areas, landscaping and amenities, are of the The owners of the property shown and their successors and assigns reserve sole purpose of depicting a possible use of the properties, and are subject the right to make zoning, development, ownership and/or and use changes for GRADING LAN to change, no representation or warranty as to zoning, development any part(s) of the properties. _PRELIMINARY ownership or land use of such properties is being made, and Buyers should not and will not rely on the information and/or renderings and maps or The developer reserves the right to change the plans without further notice, 9, PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN views contained herein in deciding to purchase any property, etc. subject to City and all Government approvals. 10. PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN Pioneer Engineering, P.A. makes no warranties or representations of any kind or character, expressed or implied, with respect to the matters depicted or 11. PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN covered by the rendering, drawings and other information herein. PIDNSER enginee `i pA 2422 Enterprise Drive +1T Mendoto Heights, MN 55120 ' 681-1914 FAX: 681-9488 i hereby certify that this plan Was prepared by me Or under my direct Name Revisions Date 4/ 14 03 SHEET TITLE OWNER GOLD NUGGET DEVELOPMENT, INC. PROJECT FEATHERSTONE ,yR U�MU SURVFrORS • G17L Et+m7E£Rs LAi4D pLmNERs. LmDscwE MGHi ms (651) 625 Highway 10 N.E. supervision and thot I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under CAUL J. O -ERNE 1986 4/14%D3 Designed P.1C ��3�ER SHEET 8857 ZEALAND AVENUE N. MON110ELL j Blaine, MN 18834 the laws of the State of Minnesota Re No. Date (763) 783-1880 FAX: 783-1883 9- Drawn SAG BROOKLYN PARK, MINNESOTA 445 J:\Dwg\202385-PINE MEADOWS\dwg\202385COV From: Charlotte Gabler To: Angela Schumann; Jacob Thunander Subject: Fwd: Featherstone 5th Addition: Proposal to Consolidate Rotate Lot(s) 11 12 Date: Monday, November 30, 2020 7:50:08 PM Thank you, Charlotte Gabler 763-295-0469 Begin forwarded message: From: Eric Hagen Date: November 30, 2020 at 4:34:27 PM CST To: Charlotte Gabler <Charlotte.Gabler@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Featherstone 5th Addition: Proposal to Consolidate Rotate Lot(s) 11 12 Reply -To: Eric Hagen Hi Charlotte, Per our conversation, here is my proposal to amend the Featherstone 5th Addition plat. The proposed lots 11 and 12 in the Featherstone 5th Addition both show the future structures facing West (toward the Street G loop) [see page 58 of PC Agenda for lot -facing design]. Please consider this proposal that these lots be combined, and the future structure face South (toward 89th St. NE), as these 2 lots do not adequately reflect past and future Featherstone neighborhood layout, design and aesthetics. The following statements outline the logical revision of these lots: Aligns Lot Size: The average lot size of the outer lots on Street G is 32,036 sf (excluding the 2 lots in question) [see page 89 for lot dimensions]. Lot 11 is 13,504st and lot 12 is 15,880sf. Lots 11 and 12 are 1,120sf and 3,496sf smaller than lot 3 (the 3rd smallest of the outer -lots of Street G), respectively. Combining lots 11 and 12 would create a single lot of 29,384sf, which would be in line with not only the average size of the 5th addition lot (28,000sf)[average lot size noted on page 53], but also comparative to all properties on the outer edge of Street G (32,000sf), and the entire North side of 89th St NE, including Featherstone 1St and 2nd Additions [other Additions shown on page 90]. Aesthetically Congruent Neighborhood: All other lots along the North side of 89th St. NE face 89th St (1 future exception is proposed (lot F21) in the 5th addition [All lots shown on page 90]. This lot makes sense to leave facing Northeast as it divides the Featherstone 5th Addition Single Family housing section from a future Featherstone Multi -Family development). Equitable and Improved Dwelling Views: Not only will this revision align the aesthetics on the Northern half of 89th St. NE, it also affords the future occupants a similar experience of space between dwellings when viewing the landscape from their windows of the proposed rambler lookout. Leaving the design as -is creates a "view into your neighbor's house" feel from lot 12. Link to Agenda Minutes: httl2s://www.ci.monticello.mn.us/index.asl2? SEC=OA585EEE-1 BBD-4122-A3CE-E16D45EE1 DEA&DE=92D6D7C9- 1F82-49D6-81E7-19EF5BCC1391 &Tyl2e=B_BASIC Thank you, Eric L. Hagen 2 0 0 0 z LU M W 0 00 a a M z �i J 0 EL a LU z z 0 W W W W z W a a z LU X 0 wsb November 19, 2020 Mr. Matt Leonard City Engineer/Public Works Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Featherstone 5th Preliminary/Final Plat & Plans — Engineering Review City of Monticello Project No. 2020-040 WSB Project No. R-017170-000 Dear Mr. Leonard: We have reviewed the revised civil plans and preliminary plat dated November 2, 2020 as prepared by Pioneer Engineering. The applicant proposes to construct 26 single family lots within approximately 60 acres of land. The documents were reviewed for general conformance with the City of Monticello's general engineering and stormwater treatment standards. We offer the following comments regarding engineering and stormwater management matters. General / Preliminary Plat (Plat, Sheets 1 - 3) Provide final street names on future plat/plan submittals. With future submittals provide a removals/demolition plan. Sanitary Sewer & Watermain Utility Plans (Sheets 4 - 5) (,anaral 3. The building department will review the hydrant location/spacing and emergency vehicle access/circulation and provide comments separately from this letter. Hydrant spacing shall be no more than 300 feet. 4. With final construction plans, provide confirmation of MDH (watermain) and MPCA (sanitary sewer) plan review and permitting. 5. Reference that plans should comply with the requirements in the City General Specifications on the Cover Sheet. 6. Show/note dimension of drainage and utility easements where pipes are present. K:\017170-000\Admin\Docs\2020-11-09 Submittal\_2020-11-19 Ltr-m-leonard Featherstone 5th Prelim Plat - WSB Response.do- Featherstone 51h Preliminary/Final Plat & Plans — Engineering Review November 19, 2020 Page 2 Sanitary Sewer/Watermain 7. The size of the existing watermain on 89th Street NE is 12" DIP CL 52. 8. Provide dimension notes for the separation between the watermain and sanitary/storm sewer, the minimum allowed by the MDH is 10'. Add the dimension note(s) on the plan view. 9. The sanitary sewer risers shall be placed at the property line and not at the main. 10. With sanitary sewer depths of 18' or greater PVC SDR 26 is required and for depths greater than 26' PVC DR 18 is required. Revise the pipe notes where applicable. 11. With final plat/plans provide the following: a. Private utility conduit crossings shall be shown for the joint trench. Add Detail 7002 to details sheet. The location of the City's Fibernet conduits also need to be added to the plans. b. A note should be added to the plans that the City will not be responsible for any additional costs incurred that is associated with variations in the utility as -built elevations. These elevations shall be verified in the field prior to construction. c. A note should be added saying the City specifications require that sanitary sewer and storm sewer require televising. Video files shall be provided to the City for review. d. Where sanitary or storm sewer cross the watermain, note "Maintain 18 -Inch Separation, 4" Rigid Insulation". Some were noted, other locations were not. Storm Sewer Construction Plans (Sheets 6 - 8) 12. In the storm sewer profile views, show the location of the watermain crossings and add the symbol for insulation and note "Maintain 18" Separation, Install 4" Rigid Insulation". 13. Note the size of the storm sewer pipes on the plan view. 14. Label FES rip rap class and approximate volume in each location on the plan. Street Construction Plans (Sheets 10 - 11) 15. Vertical curves shall meet the MnDOT/AASHTO requirements for a 30 MPH design. Minimum vertical curve length is 90'. 16. With final plat/plans provide the following: a. Subgrade draintile will not be required unless clayey or those with high silt content are encountered. The applicant's geotechnical engineer shall be responsible for reviewing and providing a final recommendation. b. Draintile (Rigid PVC) will be required in locations where sump pumps are proposed to be connected. Include tracer wire and cleanouts every 200 feet. See City detail plate No. 4011 and Appendix D of the City's general specifications. c. Show mailbox cluster locations on the plans. d. K:\017170-000Wdmin\Docs\2020-11-09 Submittal\_2020-11-19 Ltr-m-leonard Featherstone 5th Prelim Plat - WSB Response.do- Featherstone 51h Preliminary/Final Plat & Plans — Engineering Review November 19, 2020 Page 3 Grading Plan (Sheets 3.0 – 3.1) 17. Label OCS-602 on the grading plan. 18. Label side yard high -point elevations. 19. Label FES rip rap class and approximate volume in each location on the plan. 20. Clearly show the construction limits on the pertinent sheets. Sign & Lighting Plan (Sheets 12) 21. Turn off contours and other unneeded information on this sheet. 22. Add proposed mailbox locations on this sheet. Erosion Control, SWPPP & Details (Sheet 13) 23. A NPDES/SDS Construction Storm Water General Permit (CSWGP) shall be provided with the grading permit or with the building permit application for review, prior to construction commencing. 24. Consolidate the erosion/sediment control plan into either the utility or the grading plan set. 25. A detailed review of the SWPPP will be conducted with final plat/construction plan review. (Joel Sundeen (WSB) reviewed the draft SWPPP on 11/16/20). 26. Section 1.2—Please make note that the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Manager (SWPPM) and their associated training documentation will be added to the SWPPP via a SWPPP amendment when a contractor is chosen. 27. Seeding Plan—Seed mix 22-112 is a temporary seed mix but is shown as permanent turf establishment. 28. Section 6—Please make note that a SWPPP amendment will be required if dewatering is needed. The amendment should include BMPs to be used (including any chemical treatments), location, and volume. 29. Section 1.3—Please make note of required SWPPP amendments. Locations of potential pollutant generating activities (fueling locations, concrete washout locations, etc.), staging areas, proposed stockpile locations, etc. 30. SWPPP Narrative and Plan Sheets—The narrative indicates that soil stabilization must be implemented within 14 days; the notes on the plan sheets indicate 7 days. Please revise so language is consistent. 31. Appendix B (Erosion Control Plan Sheet)—Inlet protection is only shown on existing CBs. This should be shown on newly constructed CBs as well. Culvert protection should be shown at each of the pipe inlets as well. K:\017170-000Wdmin\Docs\2020-11-09 Submittal\_2020-11-19 Ltr-m-leonard Featherstone 5th Prelim Plat - WSB Response.do- Featherstone 5th Preliminary/Final Plat & Plans — Engineering Review November 19, 2020 Page 4 32. Section 5—The site is 16.71 acres in size. Will there be an area where 10+ acres of exposed soils will be draining to a common location, requiring the need for a temporary sediment basin? If so, ensure proper sizing and design per NPDES permit requirements. Ensure this is shown on the erosion control plans if required. 33. Section 3.2—Please include a note in the SWPPP that says, "If the infiltration system is excavated within 3' of final grade, rigorous erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs are used to keep all runoff and sediment out of the infiltration system." Standard Details Plans (Sheets 9, 14 - 18) 34. Include typical section/insets for proposed ponding/infiltration basins. 35. The hydrocad model uses a 6 -inch orifice in the outlet for Basin 60 however that is not shown in the detail for OCS-602 36. The detail for OCS-602 indicates a HWL and elevation of the top grate of 959.5, however the HWL for that basin is 959.6 please clarify 37. The detail for OCS-612 indicates a HWL and elevation of the top grate of 951.7, however the HWL for that basin is 953.13 please clarify. 38. Provide a detail for the temporary turn -around / cul-de-sac. 39. The new City street section requires 3" of non -wear bituminous pavement. The thickness of the select granular section shall be determined by the applicant's geotechnical engineer; the recommendation will still need to be reviewed by the City. Stormwater Management 40. Please provide modeling results for the 10 -yr and 100 -yr events those events are missing from the submittal. 41. Clarify the impervious amounts, the Hydrocad model for subwatershed 3 (5th and 6th Addition) indicates 8.38 acres, the narrative indicates 7.08 acres with the potential for 8.92 acres 42. The applicant is proposing an infiltration bench within Basin 30 to meet the volume control requirement. The volume from elevation 949-950 is 41,476 cf will infiltrate and count towards the volume control requirement. According to the stormwater narrative, the ultimate new impervious area for 51h and 6th addition is 8.92 acres. The volume requirement of 1.1" off the ultimate new impervious is 35,617 cf. Therefore, volume control is met onsite. 43. The infiltration volume is required to drawdown in 48 hrs. The applicant is assuming an infiltration rate of 0.8 in/hr. Basin 30 has an infiltration depth of 1 foot, which will drawdown within the required 48 hrs. 44. Freeboard requirements are at least 2 feet of vertical separation from the pond's HWL and a buildings low opening and 1.5 feet of vertical separation from the pond's EOF and a buildings low opening. This is not met for the following: K:\017170-000Wdmin\Docs\2020-11-09 Submittal\_2020-11-19 Ltr-m-leonard Featherstone 5th Prelim Plat - WSB Response.do- Featherstone 5th Preliminary/Final Plat & Plans — Engineering Review November 19, 2020 Page 5 Lot F4 does not meet the separation requirement from the EOF. Lot F17 does not meet the separation requirement from the HWL. 45. Geotechnical information can be used for preliminary design purposes; however, infiltration testing of the constructed systems will be required to confirm drawdown. 46. Soils that have infiltration rates greater than 8.3 inches per hour must be amended to slow the infiltration rate below 8.3 inches per hour, per the CSWGP. 47. Conservation easements and posts should be placed at every lot line over infiltration basins, following the City's Design Manual. Wetland & Environmental 48. The applicant has indicated that there are no wetlands onsite. The City, or agents of the City, are not responsible for errors and omissions on the submitted plans. The owner, developer, and engineer of record are fully responsible for changes or modifications required during construction to meet the City's standards. Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Please give me a call at 763-287-8532 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Sincerely, WSB James L. Stremel, PE Senior Project Manager K:\017170-000\Admin\Docs\2020-11-09 Submittal\_2020-11-19 Ltr-m-leonard Featherstone 5th Prelim Plat - WSB Response.do- DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (Developer Installed Improvements) FEATHERSTONE FIFTHADDITION THIS DEVELOPMENT CONTACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("Contract") dated , 202_, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"), and GOLD NUGGET DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Minnesota corporation (the "Developer" and "Owner"). 1. REQUEST FOR PLAT APPROVAL. The Developer has asked the City to approve a plat and Planned Unit Development approval for FEATHERSTONE FiFTHADDITioN (referred to in this Contract as the "plat" and the "Development"). The land is situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, and is legally described on the attached Exhibit "A". The Developer is developing the property into a 26 lot single family residential homes and is requesting approval from the City to rezone the property from A -O Agricultural Open Space to R-1 Single Family Residence District, pursuant to Resolution No. 2020-OXX, for the development. Page I 1 212960v1 2. CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL. The City hereby approves the plat on condition that the Developer enter into this Contract, furnish the security required by it, and record the plat with the County Recorder within 365 days after the City Council approves the final plat or the execution of this Contract, whichever occurs later. The City hereby grants approval to the Planned Unit Development provided the Development is consistent with the conditions of the Contract and the specific City conditions, requirements and PUD flexibility as set forth in City Resolution 2020-OXX and City Resolution 2020 - XX, adopted by the City Council on December 14th, 2020, and subject to the conditions of Exhibit Z of the staff report dated December 14th, 2020. 3. RIGHT TO PROCEED. Within the plat or land to be platted, the Developer may not grade or otherwise disturb the earth, remove trees, construct sewer lines, water lines, streets, utilities, public or private improvements, or any buildings until all the following conditions have been satisfied: 1) this Contract has been fully executed by both parties and filed with the City Clerk, 2) the necessary security has been received by the City, 3) the plat has been submitted to the Wright County Recorder's Office, and 4) the City has issued a letter that all conditions have been satisfied and that the Developer may proceed. 4. PHASED DEVELOPMENT. A. If the plat is a phase of a multi -phased preliminary plat, the City may refuse to approve final plats of subsequent phases if the Developer has breached this Contract and the breach has not been remedied. Development of subsequent phases may not proceed until Development Contracts for such phases are approved by the City. B. Park dedication charges referred to in this Contract are not being imposed on outlots, if any, in the plat that are designated in an approved preliminary plat for future subdivision into lots and Page 12 212960v1 blocks. Such charges will be calculated and imposed when the outlots are final platted into lots and blocks. C. Future phases of development are subject to submission, review and approval for required applications, including, but not limited to, application for rezoning, preliminary and final plat and may be subject to submission, review and approval for required applications for planned unit development or amendment to planned unit development as determined by the City. 5. PRELIMINARY PLAT STATUS. If the plat is a phase of a multi -phased preliminary plat, the preliminary plat approval for all phases not final platted shall lapse and be void unless final platted into lots and blocks, no outlots, within two (2) yeas after preliminary plat approval. 6. CHANGES IN OFFICIAL CONTROLS. For two (2) years from the date of this Contract, no amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan or official controls shall apply to or affect the use, development density, lot size, lot layout or dedications of the approved plat unless required by state or federal law or agreed to in writing by the City and the Developer. Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Contract to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by state law, the City may require compliance with any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, official controls, platting or dedication requirements enacted after the date of this Contract. 7. ZONING. Except as otherwise provided herein, the subject property shall be subject to the zoning regulations for the Planned Unit Development District and the requirements and standards of the R-1, Single Family Residence District in effect at the time the development stage planned unit development of Featherstone was approved in September 2003., as they apply to single family homes. If there is a conflict among these regulations, the conflict shall be resolved in the order listed below with item number one being primary: (1) Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement Page 13 212960v1 (2) Planned Unit Development Zoning Regulations (3) R-1 Zoning District (Single Family Residential) 8. CONDITION FOR SUBSEQUENT APPROVALS. No final plat for changes or amendments to this PUD Agreement shall be approved, nor shall construction commence for such additional land uses, until an amendment of the PUD Agreement is processed and approved, subject to the requirements of the Monticello Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, including the submission of site and building plans, final grading and drainage plans, final utility plans, and final landscaping plans. 9. DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The plat shall be developed in accordance with the following plans. The plans shall not be attached to this Contract. With the exception of Plans A and B, the plans may be prepared, subject to City approval, after entering the Contract, but before commencement of any work in the plat. If the plans vary from the written terms of this Contract, the written terms shall control. The plans are: Plan A - Plat Plan B - Final Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan Plan C - Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Plan Plan D — Street and Storm Sewer Plan Plan E — Stormwater Management Plan Plan F — Utility Plan Plan G - Landscape Plan: Plan H - Trail Plan Plan I — Sign Plan Plan J Street Lighting Plan 10. IMPROVEMENTS. The Developer shall install and pay for the following: A. Sanitary Sewer System Page 14 212960v1 B. Water System C. Storm Sewer System D. Streets E. Concrete Curb and Gutter F. Street Lights G. Site Grading, Ponding, and Erosion Control H. Underground Utilities I. Setting of Iron Monuments J. Surveying and Staking K. Sidewalks and Trails L. Retaining Walls H. Mailboxes: All developers must meet with the City of Monticello Street Superintendent and USPS to determine the type of mail boxes installed and the location of all mail boxes. Initial costs of the mail boxes and their installation are the responsibility of the developer. All residential developments must install locking cluster mail boxes. The improvements shall be installed in accordance with the City subdivision ordinance; City standard specifications for utilities and street construction; and any other ordinances. The Developer shall submit plans and specifications which have been prepared by a competent registered professional engineer to the City for approval by the City Engineer. The City may, at the City's discretion and at the Developer's expense, have one or more City inspectors and a soil engineer inspect the work on a full or part-time basis. The Developer, its contractors and subcontractors, shall follow all instructions received from the City's inspectors. The Developer or its engineer time at the City Council chambers with all parties concerned, including the City staff, to review the program for the construction work. Within thirty (30) days after the completion of the improvements and before the security is released, the Developer shall Page 15 212960v1 supply the City with a complete set of reproducible "as constructed" plans, an electronic file of the "as constructed" plans in an auto CAD.DWG file or a .DXF file, and two complete sets of blue line "as constructed" plans, all prepared in accordance with City standards. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes 505.021, the final placement of iron monuments for all lot corners must be completed before the applicable security is released. The Developer's surveyor shall also submit a written notice to the City certifying that the monuments have been installed. 11. DESIGN STANDARDS. The applicable Planned Unit Development Zoning Regulations are equal to those set forth in the PUD Resolution, and the R-1 Zoning District Regulations. 12. PERMITS. The Developer shall obtain or require its contractors and subcontractors to obtain all necessary permits, including but not limited to: • Wright County for County Road Access and Work in County Rights -of -Way • Wright County Soil Conservation District • MnDot for State Highway Access • Minnesota Department of Health for Watermains • NPDES Permit for Stormwater Connections • MPCA for Sanitary Sewer and Hazardous Material Removal and Disposal • DNR for Dewatering • City of Monticello Building Permits 13. DEWATERING. Due to the variable nature of groundwater levels and stormwater flows, it will be the Developer's and the Developer's contractors and subcontractors responsibility to satisfy themselves with regard to the elevation of groundwater in the area and the level of effort needed to perform dewatering and storm flow routing operations. All dewatering shall be in accordance with all applicable county, state, and federal rules and regulations. DNR regulations regarding appropriations permits shall also be strictly followed. 14. TIME OF PERFORMANCE. The Developer shall install all required public improvements by August 30, of the year following the year of recording of the final plat with the exception of the final wear course of asphalt on streets. The final wear course on streets shall be installed Page 16 212960v1 between August 15th and October 15th of the year following installation of improvements, at the direction and in the discretion of the City Engineer. The Developer may, however, request an extension of time from the City. If an extension is granted, it shall be conditioned upon updating the security posted by the Developer to reflect cost increases and the extended completion date. Paving of the public streets shall be in conformance with the most current City of Monticello General Specifications and Standard Detail Plans. 15. LICENSE. The Developer hereby grants the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors a license to enter the platted property to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City in conjunction with plat development. 16. EROSION CONTROL AND STORM WATER CONTROL. Prior to initiating site grading, the erosion control plan, Plan B, shall be implemented by the Developer and inspected and approved by the City or Wright County Soil and Water Conservation District. The City or Wright County Soil and Water Conservation District may impose additional erosion control and storm water requirements if they would be beneficial. All areas disturbed by the excavation and backfilling operations shall be reseeded within 48 hours after the completion of the work or in an area that is inactive for more than seven (7) days unless authorized and approved by the City Engineer. Except as otherwise provided in the erosion control plan, seed shall be in accordance with the City's current seeding specification which may include certified oat seed to provide a temporary ground cover as rapidly as possible. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and disc anchored as necessary for seed retention. The parties recognize that time is of the essence in controlling erosion. If the Developer does not comply with the erosion control plan and schedule or supplementary instructions received from the City or the Wright County Soil and Water Conservation District, the City may take such action as it deems appropriate to control erosion. The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City Page 17 212960v1 to do so will not affect the Developer's and City's rights or obligations hereunder. If the Developer does not reimburse the City for any cost the City incurred for such work within ten (10) days, the City may draw down the letter of credit to pay any costs. No development, utility or street construction will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the plat is in full compliance with the approved erosion control plan and storm water control measures are in place. 17. GRADING PLAN AND CERTIFICATION. The plat shall be graded in accordance with the approved grading plan, stormwater control measures and erosion control plan as set forth in Plan "B". The plan shall conform to City of Monticello specifications. Within thirty (30) days after completion of the grading and before the City approves individual building permits (except model homes as permitted by this Contract or the Building Official), the Developer shall provide the City with an "as constructed" grading plan certified by a registered land surveyor or engineer that all ponds, swales, and ditches have been constructed on public easements or land owned by the City. Additionally, the "as constructed" grading plan will include a certification that the grading following construction activities has been undisturbed or has been returned to the state required in the grading plan. The "as constructed" plan shall include field verified elevations of the following: a) cross sections of ponds; b) location and elevations along all swales, wetlands, wetland mitigation areas if any, ditches, locations and dimensions of borrow areas/stockpiles, and installed "conservation area" posts; and c) lot corner elevations, and building pads. The City will withhold issuance of building permits until the approved certified grading plan is on file with the City and all erosion control measures are in place as determined by the City Engineer. The Developer certifies to the City that all lots with building footings placed on fill have been monitored and constructed to meet or exceed FHA/HUD 79G specifications. 18. CLEAN UP. The Developer shall clean dirt and debris from streets that has resulted from construction work by the Developer, home builders, subcontractors, their agents or assigns. Prior to any Page 18 212960v1 construction in the plat, the Developer shall identify in writing a responsible party and schedule for erosion control, street cleaning, and street sweeping. The Developer shall pay a penalty of $100.00 a day for each calendar day that the streets are not cleaned in accordance with this paragraph. If the Developer repeatedly fails to clean streets in accordance with this paragraph, the City may, in its discretion, perform the work or contract to have the work completed and bill the costs to the Developer. The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer's and City's rights or obligations hereunder. If the Developer does not reimburse the City for any cost the City incurred for such work within ten (10) days from the date notice of the amount owed to the City is mailed, the City may draw down the Irrevocable Letter of Credit to pay any costs. No development, utility or street construction will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the plat is in full compliance with the requirements of this paragraph. 19. OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS. Upon completion of the work and construction required by this Contract, the improvements lying within public easements shall become City property without further notice or action. 20. CITY ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATION AND CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION. A. The Developer shall pay a fee for the City's engineering administration as related to the Public Improvements. City engineering administration will include monitoring of construction observation related to Public Improvements, consultation with Developer and its engineer on status or problems regarding the project, coordination for final inspection and acceptance, project monitoring during the warranty period, and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be four percent (4.0%), of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and project Page 19 212960v1 scheduling. Developer will provide a $27,173.86 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development, to pay the fees owed to the City under this Section. The Developer shall pay for construction observation performed by the City's consulting engineer. Construction observation shall include part or full-time inspection of proposed public utilities and will be billed on standard hourly rates per City's adopted fee schedule. The cost of the construction observation is included in the four (4%) estimate. B. The Developer shall pay a fee for the City's engineering administration as related to grading and restoration of the subject property. City engineering administration will include monitoring of construction observation related to grading and restoration of the site, consultation with Developer and their engineer on status or problems regarding the project, coordination for final inspection and acceptance, and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be three percent (3.0%), of the estimated construction cost of the subject property grading and restoration cost, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $10,152.00 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. The Developer shall pay for construction observation performed by the City's consulting engineer. Construction observation shall include part or full-time inspection of proposed public utilities and will be billed on standard hourly rates per City's adopted fee schedule. C. The fees owed by the Developer to the City under this Section shall be paid from the escrow amounts. Any amounts not utilized from the escrow account shall be returned to the Developer when all the Development has been completed in accordance with this Agreement. If additional escrow amounts are required for such costs incurred beyond the escrow deposit, the Developer shall be billed directly for such costs and there shall be no issuance of occupancy permits until all such obligations have been fully paid. 21. CITY PLANNING, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATION. Page 110 212960v1 A. The Developer shall submit an escrow deposit for fees for City staff administration relating to processing of the Plat and associated administration. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be two percent (2.0%) of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $13,586.93 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the project. B. The Developer shall submit an escrow deposit for fees relating to City planning -related expenses associated with the Plat development. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be two percent (2.0%) of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $13,586.93 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the project. C. The Developer shall submit an escrow deposit for fees relating to City legal -related expenses associated with the Plat development. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be two percent (2.0%) of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $13,586.93 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the project. D. The fees owed by the Developer to the City under this Section shall be paid from the escrows amounts. Any amounts not utilized from the escrow account shall be returned to the Developer when all the Development has been completed in accordance with this Agreement. If additional escrow amounts are Page 111 212960v1 required for such costs incurred beyond the escrow deposit, the Developer shall be billed directly for such costs and there shall be no issuance of occupancy permits until all such obligations have been fully paid. 22. CLAIMS. In the event that the City receives claims from labor, materialmen, or others that work required by this Contract has been performed, the sums due them have not been paid, and the laborers, materialmen, or others are seeking payment from the City, the Developer hereby authorizes the City to commence an Interpleader action pursuant to Rule 22, Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts, to draw upon the letters of credit in an amount up to 125 percent of the claim(s) and deposit the funds in compliance with the Rule, and upon such deposit, the Developer shall release, discharge, and dismiss the City from any further proceedings as it pertains to the letters of credit deposited with the District Court, except that the Court shall retain jurisdiction to determine attorneys' fees pursuant to this Contract. 23. STORM SEWER AREA CHARGE. The Development is subject to a storm sewer area charge of $45,928.92. The area charge is based on the gross area of the final plat less any area credit for pond area, and is calculated as follows: 11.03 acres x $4,164.00 = $45,928.92 The total storm sewer area charge for the Development of $45,928.92 shall be assessed against the property if not paid by the Developer in cash at the time of final plat approval at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 2% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. 24. SANITARY SEWER AREA CHARGE. The Development is subject to a sanitary sewer area charge of $34,198.00. The area charge is based on the number of units in the final plat and is calculated as follows: 26 units x $1,555.00 less oversizing credit of $6,232.00 = $34,198.00 Page 112 212960v1 The Developer shall be assessed or shall pay the sanitary sewer area charge in cash at the time of final plat approval at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 2%over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. 25. WATER MAIN AREA CHARGE. The Development is subject to a water main area charge of $17,530.50. The area charge is based on the number of units in the final plat and is calculated as follows: 26 units x $1,153.00 less oversizing credit of $12,447.50 = $17,530.50 The Developer shall be assessed or shall pay the sanitary sewer area charge in cash at the time of final plat approval at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 2% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. 26. PARK DEDICATION AND TRAILS. A. This Development is subject to park dedication requirements. Developer agrees to provide a warranty deed to the proposed Outlot X of Featherstone 5th Addition, totaling XX acres in satisfaction of park dedication requirements for this phase of development. B. Developer agrees to abide by the park dedication agreements from the original approval of Featherstone Addition, dated June 9th, 2003 and agrees that Park Dedication requirements shall be calculated for each future phase and included in the Development Agreement for future phases such that the park dedication requirements of the City will be met. B. The Developer is required to abide by the recorded Amendment to Featherstone Second Addition, recorded as document number Al 351929, which provides for future park dedication as applicable by phase. Page 113 212960v1 27. LANDSCAPING. The Developer shall follow all requirements of the City's Zoning Ordinance requirements and the City approved Landscape Plan. 28. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions shall apply to plat development: A. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the City Engineer's Report dated November 19, 2020 by James L. Stremel, PE, of WSB. B. Implementation of the recommendations of Resolution Nos. PC 2020-038 and PC 2020-039, including the City Staff recommendation listed in Exhibit Z. C. Prior to City Council approval of the final plat, the Developer shall furnish a boundary survey of the proposed property to be platted with all property corner monumentation in place and marked with lath and a flag. Any encroachments on or adjacent to the property shall be noted on the survey. The Developer shall post a $7,800.00 security for the final placement of interior subdivision iron monuments at property corners. The security was calculated as follows: 26 units at $300.00 per unit. The security will be held by the City until the Developer's land surveyor certifies that all irons have been set following site grading and utility and street construction. In addition, the certificate of survey must also include a certification that all irons for a specific lot have either been found or set prior to the issuance of a building permit for that lot. D. The Developer is subject to an assessment of $7,419.24 (calculated as 16.71 acres at $444 per acre) relating to street improvement costs and the installation of the traffic control system for Trunk Highway 25/851h Street signal and turn lane per the Public Improvement and Special Assessment Agreement between the city of Monticello and Gold Nugget Development, Inc. {See Paragraph 31D)}. 29. SUMMARY OF SECURITY REQUIREMENTS. To guarantee compliance with the terms of this agreement, payment of real estate taxes including interest and penalties, payment of special Page 114 212960v1 assessments, payment of the costs of all public improvements, and construction of all public improvements, the Developer shall furnish the City with a letter of credit, in the form attached hereto, from a bank ("security") for $858,933.19, plus a cash fee of $78,086.66 for City engineering, expenses and administration. The amount of the security was calculated as follows: CONSTRUCTION COSTS: Sanitary Sewer $111,328.70 Watermain $112,419.50 Storm Sewer/Draintile/Infiltration Basin $158,874.20 Roads Street Signs and Sidewalks/Trails (includes conservation Easement posts) $280,524.15 CONSTRUCTION SUB -TOTAL (ESTIMATED) $ 679,346.55 OTHER COSTS: Lot Corners/Iron Monuments $ 7,800.00 TOTAL COSTS $687,146.55 TOTAL SECURITIES: Total Costs X 125% $858,933.19 This breakdown is for historical reference; it is not a restriction on the use of the security. The bank shall be subject to the approval of the City Administrator. The security shall be for a term ending when maintenance bond is posted. Individual security instruments may be for shorter terms provided they are automatically renewed on an annual basis until expiration. The City may draw down the security with 30 days written notice to Developer, for any violation of the terms of this Contract or if the security is allowed to lapse prior to the end of the required term. If the required public improvements are not completed at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal of the security, the City may also draw it down. If the security is drawn down, the proceeds shall be used to cure the default. Upon receipt of proof satisfactory to the City that work has been completed and financial obligations to the City have been satisfied, with City approval the security may be reduced from time to time by ninety percent (90%) of the Page 115 212960v1 financial obligations that have been satisfied. Ten percent (10%) of the amounts certified by the Developer's engineer shall be retained as security until all improvements have been completed, all financial obligations to the City satisfied, the required "as constructed" plans have been received by the City, a warranty security is provided, and the public improvements are accepted by the City Council. B. To guarantee compliance with the terms of this agreement, the Developer shall furnish the City with another letter of credit, in the form attached hereto, from a bank ("security") for $XX, XXX.00 for landscaping and grading. The amount of the security was calculated as follows: Landscaping Grading $ XX9XXX.00 $ 67,500.00 TOTAL $ XX, XXX.00 30. SUMMARY OF CASH REQUIREMENTS. The following is a summary of the cash requirements under this Contract which must be furnished to the City prior to the time of final plat approval: Administrative (2%) $ 13,586.93 Legal and Planning (2%) $ 13,586.93 Legal (2%) $ 13,586.93 Engineering and Inspection (7%) Grading/Restoration and Erosion & Sediment Control Inspection Fee (3% of grading) $ 10,152.00 Streets and Utilities Review & Inspection (4%) $ 27,173.86 Total Cash Requirements $78,086.66 * Fees reconciled to actual expenses at close of project. 31. WARRANTY. The Developer warrants all improvements required to be constructed by it pursuant to this Contract against poor material and faulty workmanship. The warranty period for underground utilities streets, trails and sidewalks is two years and shall commence following completion and date of acceptance by City Council. The Developer or its Contractors shall post maintenance bonds Page 116 212960v1 in the amount of twenty-five percent (25%) of final certified construction costs to secure the warranties. Maintenance Bonds of the prime contractor may be accepted subject to City approval. The City shall retain ten percent (10%) of the security posted by the Developer until the maintenance bonds are furnished the City or until the warranty period expires, whichever first occurs. The retainage may be used to pay for warranty work. The City standard specifications for utilities construction identify the procedures for final acceptance of utilities. 32. RESPONSIBILITY FOR COSTS. A. Except as otherwise specified herein, the Developer shall pay all actual costs incurred by it or the City in conjunction with the development of the plat, including but not limited to Soil and Water Conservation District charges, legal, planning, engineering and inspection expenses incurred in connection with approval and acceptance of the plat, the preparation of this Contract, review of construction plans and documents, and all costs and expenses incurred by the City in monitoring and inspecting development of the plat. The Developer shall deposit with the City the amount set forth in Section 31 to be used for the payment of these fees and enforcement fees. If the amount in the deposit account drops below 15% of the initial amount, the Developer will make additional deposits in amounts set by the City. At the completion of the project and following payment of all expenses related to the project, the City shall return the remaining deposit funds to the Developer. B. The Developer shall hold the City and its officers, employees, and agents harmless from claims made by it and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from plat approval and development. The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers, employees, and agents for all costs, damages, or expenses which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including attorneys' fees. Page 117 21296ovt C. The Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Contract, including engineering and attorneys' fees. D. The Developer shall pay, or cause to be paid when due, and in any event before any penalty is attached, all special assessments referred to in this Contract. The Developer hereby waives all assessment notice and hearing requirements. If the Developer elects to have the charges set forth in this contract assessed to the properties herein, the assessment shall be payable over a ten year period, in ten equal principal installments, plus interest at 2% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year. Interest will begin to accrue on the principal balance commencing on the date of final plat approval by the City of Monticello or the date of this contract, whichever is later. E. The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations incurred under this Contract within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt plat development and construction until the bills are paid in full. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per year. F. In addition to the charges and special assessments referred to herein, other charges and special assessments may be imposed such as but not limited to sewer availability charges ("SAC"), City water connection charges, City sewer connection charges, and building permit fees. G. If the Developer is dedicating property to the City to satisfy Park Dedication requirements, separate legal descriptions shall be developed for these properties and quitclaim deeds shall be executed for each of the transactions. The Developer agrees to pay all real estate taxes due or payable on outlots transferred to the City for the period up to the time the outlots become tax exempt. 33. DEVELOPER'S DEFAULT. In the event of default by the Developer as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the Developer Page 118 212960v1 shall promptly reimburse the City for any expense incurred by the City, provided the Developer, except in an emergency as determined by the City, is first given notice of the work in default, not less than forty- eight (48) hours in advance. This Contract is a license for the City to act, and it shall not be necessary for the City to seek a Court order for permission to enter the land. When the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part. 34. MISCELLANEOUS. A. The Developer represents to the City that the plat complies with all city, county, metropolitan, state, and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to: subdivision ordinances, zoning ordinances, and environmental regulations. If the plat ceases to comply with county, metropolitan state, and federal laws and regulations, the City may, at its option, refuse to allow construction or development work in the plat until the Developer does comply. Upon the City's demand, the Developer shall cease work until there is compliance. B. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City under this Contract. C. Breach of the terms of this Contract by the Developer shall be grounds for denial of building permits, including lots sold to third parties. D. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this Contract is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Contract. E. If building permits are issued prior to the acceptance of public improvements, the Developer assumes all liability and costs resulting in delays in completion of public improvements and damage to public improvements caused by the City, Developer, its contractors, subcontractors, material men, employees, agents, or third parties. No sewer and water connection permits may be issued and no one may occupy a building for which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis Page 119 212960v1 until the streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface and the utilities are accepted by the City Engineer. F. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Contract. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Contract shall not be a waiver or release. G. This Contract shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the property. The Developer covenants with the City, its successors and assigns, that the Developer is well seized in fee title of the property being final platted and/or has obtained consents to this Contract, in the form attached hereto, from all parties who have an interest in the property; that there are no unrecorded interests in the property being final platted; and that the Developer will indemnify and hold the City harmless for any breach of the foregoing covenants. H. Developer, or its prime contractor, shall take out and maintain or cause to be taken out and maintained until six (6) months after the City has accepted the public improvements, public liability and property damage insurance covering personal injury, including death, and claims for property damage which may arise out of Developer's work or the work of its subcontractors or by one directly or indirectly employed by any of them. Limits for bodily injury and death shall be not less than $500,000 for one person and $1,000,000 for each occurrence; limits for property damage shall be not less than $200,000 for each occurrence; or a combination single limit policy of $1,000,000 or more. The City shall be named as an additional insured on the policy, and the Developer shall file with the City a certificate evidencing coverage prior to the City signing the plat or when any construction commences, whichever later occurs. The certificate shall provide that the City must be given ten (10) days advance written notice of the cancellation of the insurance. Page 120 212960v1 I. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. The Developer may not assign this Contract without the written permission of the City Council. The Developer's obligation hereunder shall continue in full force and effect even if the Developer sells a part or parts of the platted land. K. Retaining walls that require a building permit shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by a structural or geotechnical engineer licensed by the State of Minnesota. Following construction, a certification signed by the design engineer shall be filed with the City Engineer evidencing that the retaining wall was constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. All retaining walls the development plans, or special conditions referred to in this Contract required to be constructed shall be constructed before any other building permit is issued for a lot on which a retaining wall is required to be built. 35. NOTICES. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by certified mail at the following address: Gold Nugget Development, Inc., 8857 Zealand Avenue North, Brooklyn Park, MN 55445. Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Administrator, or mailed to the City by certified mail in care of the City Administrator at the following address: Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362. Page 121 212960v1 Page 122 212960v1 CITY OF MONTICELLO (SEAL) And STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Brian Stumpf Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 202_, by Brian Stumpf and Jeff O'Neill, respectively the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public Page 123 212960v1 DEVELOPER: GOLD NUGGET DEVELOPMENT, INC. Richard M. Novak, Chief Executive Officer STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 202_, by Richard M. Novak, the Chief Executive Officer of Gold Nugget Development, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of said entity. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ Page 124 212960v1 EXHIBIT "A" TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PC2019-011) Legal Description of Property Being Final Platted as FEATHERSTONE FIFTH ADDITION Outlot A, Featherstone Fourth Addition, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. [PIN: 155-252-000010 /abstract] Page 125 212960v1 MORTGAGE HOLDER CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT , which holds a mortgage on the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract, which mortgage is dated and recorded with the Wright County Recorder/Registrar of Titles as document number , agrees that the Development Contract shall remain in full force and effect even if it forecloses on its mortgage. Dated this day of , 20 STATE OF ss. COUNTY OF Its [print name] [title] The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20_, by the of a , on behalf of the Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ Page 126 212960v1 IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT No. _ Date: TO: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Sir or Madam: We hereby issue, for the account of (Name of Developer)- and in your favor, our Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount of $ , available to you by your draft drawn on sight on the undersigned bank. The draft must: a) Bear the clause, "Drawn under Letter of Credit No. , dated , 25 of (Name of Bank) "• b) Be signed by the Mayor or City Administrator of the City of Monticello. c) Be presented for payment at (Address of Bank) , on or before 4:00 p.m. on November 30, 20 This Letter of Credit shall automatically renew for successive one-year terms unless, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date (which shall be November 30 of each year), the Bank delivers written notice to the Monticello City Administrator that it intends to modify the terms of, or cancel, this Letter of Credit. Written notice is effective if sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, and deposited in the U.S. Mail, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date addressed as follows: Monticello City Administrator, Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362, and is actually received by the City Administrator at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal date. This Letter of Credit sets forth in full our understanding which shall not in any way be modified, amended, amplified, or limited by reference to any document, instrument, or agreement, whether or not referred to herein. This Letter of Credit is not assignable. This is not a Notation Letter of Credit. More than one draw may be made under this Letter of Credit. This Letter of Credit shall be governed by the most recent revision of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 600. We hereby agree that a draft drawn under and in compliance with this Letter of Credit shall be duly honored upon presentation. Its Page 127 212960v1 PROJECT: CERTIFICATE HOLDER: CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 INSURED: ADDITIONAL INSURED: City of Monticello AGENT: WORKERS' COMPENSATION: Policy No. Effective Date: Expiration Date: Insurance Company: COVERAGE - Workers' Compensation, Statutory. GENERAL LIABILITY: Policy No. Effective Date: Expiration Date: _ Insurance Company: () Claims Made () Occurrence LIMITS: [Minimum] Bodily Injury and Death: $500,000 for one person $1,000,000 for each occurrence Property Damage: $200,000 for each occurrence -OR-Combination Single Limit Policy $1,000,000 or more COVERAGE PROVIDED: Operations of Contractor: YES Operations of Sub -Contractor (Contingent): YES Does Personal Injury Include Claims Related to Employment? YES Page 128 212960v1 Completed Operations/Products: YES Contractual Liability (Broad Form): YES Governmental Immunity is Waived: YES Property Damage Liability Includes: Damage Due to Blasting YES Damage Due to Collapse YES Damage Due to Underground Facilities YES Broad Form Property Damage YES AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY: Policy No. Effective Date: Insurance Company: (X) Any Auto LIMITS: [Minimum] Bodily Injury: $500,000 each person Property Damage: $500,000 each occurrence -OR- Combined Single Limit Policy: Expiration Date: $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence ARE ANY DEDUCTIBLES APPLICABLE TO BODILY INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE ON ANY OF THE ABOVE COVERAGES: If so, list: Amount: $ [Not to exceed $1,000.00] SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL MAIL TEN (10) DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE PARTIES TO WHOM THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED. Dated at 32 Authorized Insurance Representative Page 129 212960v1 FEATHERSTONE 5th ADDITION SUMMARY OF EXPENSES/FINANCE PLAN 5th Addition v3 - 12/08/20 Total Acres in Development Total Acres in Phase Total Units in Development Total Units in Phase 150.46 gross 151 net 16.71 gross 11.03 net 197 Single Family 100 Townhome Mutli-Family 26 Single Family Townhome Multi -Family Trunk Area Charges & Park Dedication $3,000 22.5 Based on estimate of landscaping cost x 125% NA Based on estimate of restoration and maintenance cost NA Acreage Acres or Credits Net Notes 2.00% Charge Units $13,586.93 Assessment Legal Park & Pathway Dedication $13,586.93 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Planning Total PrePlat Dedication Required (11%) 11% 150 $13,586.93 16.05 Based on total preplat gross area (10% 1st/2nd Add) Park Dedication Previously Provided 8.01 Total dedicated prior in 1st -4th Additions Park Dedication Required for phase (11%) 11% 16.71 $10,152.00 1.84 Land dedication for 5th; see also 11/20 park analysis Special Assessments Streets and Utilities Review & Inspection Lift Station $27,173.86 NA Paid if applicable Little Mountain Booster Station #units NA NA Paid if applicable 85th & Th 25 Signal Agreement $444 16.71 $78,086.66 $7,419.24 AC share of $25,481.40 (57.40 AC, PID 155-246-000010) AC share of $8,936.24 (20.13 AC, PID 155-500-232200) Sanitary Sewer (unit) $1,555 26 ($6,232.00) $34,198.00 2020 Rate, Paid at prevailing rate at time of platting Watermain (unit) $1,153 26 ($12,447.50) $17,530.50 2020 Rate, Paid at prevailing rate at time of platting Storm Sewer Base (net acres) $4,164 11.03 $45,928.92 2020 Rate, Paid at prevailing rate at time of platting Storm Sewer Alternate net acres $4,267 acre NA Pay at final plat or assessed by lot Total amount to Assess $105,076.66 Per Lot Assessment based on (#) units 26 1 $4,041.41 City Review & Inspection Escrows $3,000 22.5 Based on estimate of landscaping cost x 125% NA Based on estimate of restoration and maintenance cost NA $67,500.00 Surety for grading to plan and restoration Escrows based on public improvement costs City Escrow ( General overhead and Admin) 2.00% $13,586.93 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Legal 2.00% $13,586.93 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Planning 2.00% $13,586.93 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Engineering and Inspection $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Grading, Restoration & 3.00% $10,152.00 Erosion & Sediment Control Inspection Streets and Utilities Review & Inspection 4.00% $27,173.86 GPS Locate $60 #units NA Fee - not subject to reconciliation Total City Fees M $78,086.66 Improvement Construction Costs (Used to Calculate City Fees/Escrows/Securities) Sanitary Sewer Watermain Storm Sewer Roads, Street Signs, Sidewalks/Trails Lighting, Mailboxes Construction Lot Corners/Iron Monuments of calculating other fees) $300 26 Total Construction Cost for the purpose of calculating LOC Maximum allowable reduction prior to acceptance and bond Estimated site grading cost for calculation of LOC 90.00% Notes $111,328.70 $112,419.50 $158,874.20 $280,524.15 Includes Conservation Easement posts $16,200.00 Need mailbox and lighting estimates 346.55 $7,800.00 $338,400.00 Landscaping Prairie Restoration Tree Preservation Grading $3,000 22.5 Based on estimate of landscaping cost x 125% NA Based on estimate of restoration and maintenance cost NA $67,500.00 Surety for grading to plan and restoration City Council Agenda; 12/14/2020 2K. Consideration to approve an Amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development for the Expansion of Outdoor Storage and Changes to Facility Operations for an existing Bulk Fuel Sales & Storage Use in an I-2 (Heavy Industrial) District. Applicant: Beaudry Oil & Propane. (NAC/AS) Property: PID: 155500041302 Address: 2156 River Street West Planning Case Number: 2020-034 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Amendment to a Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development for an expansion of bulk fuel facility to include storage and filling of propane containers and related activities. Deadline for Decision: December 15, 2020 Land Use Designation: General Industrial, Monticello 2040 Plan Zoning Designation: I-2, Heavy Industrial District The purpose of the I-2 District is to provide for the establishment of heavy industrial and manufacturing development and use which because of the nature of the product or character of activity requires isolation from residential or commercial use. Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: NA Current Site Use: Bulk Fuel Storage Surrounding Land Uses: North: Manufacturing and Office East: Medium Density Residential South: I-94 West: Vacant Industrial Project Description: The applicant is seeking approvals to accommodate an expansion of uses on a legal non -conforming lot without public street frontage, expanding the existing allowed use of Bulk Fuel Storage to add filling and City Council Agenda; 12/14/2020 storage of other fuel containers (propane storage). The PUD would be amended to accommodate this change. ANALYSIS The original PUD for the property relates to the need to find a relocation site for bulk fuel facilities that existed on land that is now the site of the City's Community Center. To redevelop the site for the proposed Community Center project, the City needed to negotiate an alternative location for the fuel storage that existed on the property at the time. The site in question was a separate lot of record, zoned industrial, and was available for this limited use, through a negotiation with the adjoining property owner, who operates an industrial use (Electro Industries) on the northerly adjoining parcel, with frontage on River Street. The PUD approval for the new bulk oil facility was little more than an accommodation to relocate the vertical bulk fuel tanks to that property, and create access permission through the Electro Industries property for the trucks serving the bulk fuel uses. The fuel site gains public street access to River Street through Electro Industries. There was limited, if any, occupancy of the site, other than truck services to fill bulk fuel between the tanks and tankers, either incoming, or outgoing. Due to the limited activity, and the long-term prospects for other changes to the site (and the adjoining Electro Industries site), very few improvements were required of the original PUD, even though the zoning ordinance would have required them, as it would now. The applicant now seeks approvals to accommodate additional fuel container filling and storage on the property. In part, these approvals are necessary to accommodate uses that have been introduced to the site over time, without the typical PUD amendment processing. Those uses include: • Outdoor storage of propane containers • Filling of propane containers • Use of shipping container as shelter for the filling operation • Use of shipping container for other storage The terms of the original PUD included a clause that changes to the use of the site would initiate a requirement for PUD amendment. This review would include site or building improvements which were foregone under the originally limited use and occupancy approvals. Under typical industrial zoning requirements, as well as related building and fire code standards, the following site improvements would be required for development of the property: o Paved and curbed parking and circulation for trucks and other vehicles o Surfaced outdoor storage areas o Screening of storage from adjoining non -industrial property o Buildings meeting the City's building materials and construction ordinances 2 City Council Agenda; 12/14/2020 o Landscaping of all areas not used for buildings or parking/circulation o Buffer zones and plantings adjoining public rights of way and residential property o Stormwater management improvements, including ponding or other improvements as needed o Fire protection requirements — this would include an ongoing requirement to provide a fire hydrant on the property (a condition of the original PUD approval) The applicant is seeking the PUD amendment to accommodate the storage and filling activities as noted above. With PUD zoning processes, the objective is to develop property in a way that meets the City's land use objectives, although specific zoning standards are modified under the PUD. Planning staff believes that the PUD amendment represents a means for bringing the property closer to conformance with typical industrial development standards. It is understood that the increase in activity on the site is limited, that much of the site will remain available for future development at this time, and that full compliance with City standards is a significant burden to impose on the changes now proposed. As such, staff would recommend modified requirements, and waiving of certain common standards, as well as a phasing of certain improvements to facilitate the expanded uses on the property. This approach has been used with other industrial properties that have grown under substandard site conditions. Standards for consideration at this time include the following: 1. Installation of the required hydrant, a holdover condition from the prior PUD approval. It is staff's understanding that this project is in process as of the date of the Planning Commission meeting. 2. Paving of all circulation and parking areas, to be designated on a revised site plan. The applicant may propose a phased paving plan over a period of a few years if desired. Staff would not recommend requirement of curbing, as circulation can be managed without curb installations, and no apparent stormwater management issues are present at this time or foreseen by this amendment. Planning Commission recommended striking this condition. Staff would continue to recommend a phasing plan for installation of paving of parking and circulation areas. 3. Ground surface treatment of outdoor storage areas to control weed growth and drainage. This may include gravel or similar surface, also to be denoted on the revised site plan. 4. Notation on the revised site plan of the limits of use and improvements, which may be expanded and amended under the PUD amendment process identified in the Zoning Ordinance. 5. Replacement of the shipping container or containers with buildings that meet the City's requirements for materials and other code requirements. A 3 City Council Agenda; 12/14/2020 timeframe for phasing this change would also be possible, perhaps within one year. Planning Commission modified this condition to allow the shipping container to continue to be used, but to require that all structures on the site be painted a consistent color. 6. Initial planting/landscaping improvements at the south boundary of the property along I-94, as well as the remaining area along the east boundary with the residential neighborhood, anticipating future expansion of the uses on the site, including potential outdoor storage. Beginning those plantings at this time with small materials could be cost effective, and create a more effective screen by the time the any expansion would be likely. This requirement provides consistency with the City's buffer yard standards, as well. The original CUP required buffering along the interstate. Planning Commission Review and Recommendation The Planning Commission reviewed the request for amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development on December 1, 2020. The Commission requested clarification on where the storage is proposed and the type of storage proposed. Applicant and property owner Ken Beaudry was present to address the Commission. He indicated that the storage would be limited to residential cylinders along the east side of the property and 20 -pound cylinders within the current concrete area near the filling shelters. He explained that he understood the prior condition requiring the installation of the hydrant. He stated that Beaudry is currently in process of installing the hydrant per the survey, and that item would be complete. In response to the conditions prepared by staff, Mr. Beaudry stated that while Beaudry could feasibly phase in the paving per the condition, he noted that the adjacent Electro Industries' parking lot and drive aisles were primarily gravel. In regard to the condition requiring the shipping containers used as shelters to be replaced by structures meeting building material requirements, he indicated that this would be cost prohibitive and may influence their ability to use the site as proposed. A resident of Timber Ridge neighborhood was present to address the Commission, inquiring as to the number of tanks and expressing concern regarding the safety of this amount of propane in the area. The resident noted the valley created by the topography between the Beaudry site and Timber Ridge, noting that propane settles low to the ground with leakage. A letter of public comment from other residents of the Timber Ridge neighborhood was included in the added items to the public copy of the agenda and provided to the Commission. The letter was entered into the record later in the meeting. Mr. Beaudry explained that the number of smaller cylinders would be limited to approximately 100 at any time, and that the residential cylinders would be limited to the location shown on the survey on the east side of the site. He clarified that the majority of all cylinders stored are empty; they are shipped out once filled. He also C! City Council Agenda; 12/14/2020 noted that for filling purposes, there is one large 1000 gallon tank on site. The larger bulk fuel vertical tanks on site since the original CUP are alternatively empty or may contain biofuel/soy oil. Mr. Beaudry stated that the shelters had been designed and inspected to meet all fire code requirements. The Planning Commission discussed the storage areas and shelters. In their final recommendation, the Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Amendment to CUP, requiring that the developer comply with conditions relating to clear identification of the limits of the storage and screening, but modifying conditions relating to the paving and structures. The Commission's motion included a waiver/removal of the condition requiring paving of circulation and parking areas, and modified the building condition such that the application would not be required to replace the existing structures, but rather paint all buildings on the site a consistent color. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommends Alternative 1 for approval with conditions as modified in Exhibit Z — Planning Commission Recommendation. Staff recommends Alternative 2 below, with conditions as shown in Exhibit Z — Staff Recommendation. Decision 1. Amendment to Conditional Use Permit Planned Unit Development 1. Motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for Bulk Fuel storage and filling, subject to the provisions of Exhibit Z — Planning Commission Recommendation, based on findings in Resolution PC -2020-036. 2. Motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for Bulk Fuel storage and filling, subject to the provisions of Exhibit Z —Staff Recommendation, based on findings in Resolution PC -2020-036. 3. Motion to deny approval of the Conditional Use Permit for Bulk Fuel storage and filling, based on findings identified by the City Council. 4. Motion to table action on the decision, subject to the submission of additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit PUD for Bulk Fuel storage, filling, and related activities with the conditions identified in Exhibit Z — Staff Recommendation. Following the Planning Commission's recommendation, staff discussed the Commission's modified conditions. With the conditions as proposed by staff, the property would be utilized in a manner consistent with the current zoning, and the phased improvements would accommodate the applicant's interest in managing improvement costs with longer term intensification of the uses on the property. The intent of the PUD in this recommendation would be to bring the property closer to conformance with the City's typical zoning requirements without overburdening the property owner with costs that discourage the use of the parcel overall. 5 City Council Agenda; 12/14/2020 D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution PC -2020-036 B. Subject Site Image (Current) C. Subject Site Image (2003) D. Applicant Narrative E. Site Plan F. Site Images G. Original CUP Proceedings and 1999 Site Plan H. Public Comment Letter Z. Conditions of Approval EXHIBIT Z — PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Conditional Use Permit for an Amendment to a PUD 2156 River Street West PID: 155500041302 Installation of the required hydrant, a holdover condition from the prior PUD approval. It is staff's understanding that this project is in process as of the date of the Planning Commission meeting. 2. Paving of all eir-ettlatien and par -king areas, to be designated en a revised site plan. The-applieant may propose -a phased .ung plan ver- a period of afew 3. Ground surface treatment of outdoor storage areas to control weed growth and drainage. This may include gravel or similar surface, also to be denoted on the revised site plan. 4. Notation on the revised site plan of the limits of use and improvements, which may be expanded and amended under the PUD amendment process identified in the Zoning Ordinance. 5. Replaeement ef the shipping eentainer- er- eentainer-s with Wildings that meet. the City's reqir-ements for- materials and other- sode requirements.t timeffame fer- phasing this ehange would also be pessible, perhaps within ene Modified to: All structures on site to be painted a consistent color. 6. Additional initial planting/landscaping improvements at the south boundary of the property along I-94, as well as remaining area along the east boundary with the residential development. 7. Other staff comments and recommendations. n City Council Agenda; 12/14/2020 EXHIBIT Z — ORIGINAL/STAFF RECOMMENDATION Conditional Use Permit for an Amendment to a PUD 2156 River Street West PID: 155500041302 Installation of the required hydrant, a holdover condition from the prior PUD approval. It is staff's understanding that this project is in process as of the date of the Planning Commission meeting. 9. Paving of all circulation and parking areas, to be designated on a revised site plan. The applicant may —propose a phased paving plan over a period of a few years if desired. Staff recommends paving these areas within 2 years of approval. Staff recommends waiving of curbing requirements for this site. 10. Ground surface treatment of outdoor storage areas to control weed growth and drainage. This may include gravel or similar surface, also to be denoted on the revised site plan. 11. Notation on the revised site plan of the limits of use and improvements, which may be expanded and amended under the PUD amendment process identified in the Zoning Ordinance. 12. Replacement of the shipping container or containers with buildings that meet the City's requirements for materials and other code requirements. A timeframe for phasing this change would also be possible, perhaps within one 5 years. 13. Additional initial planting/landscaping improvements at the south boundary of the property along I-94, as well as remaining area along the east boundary with the residential development. 14. Other staff comments and recommendations. VA CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2020-036 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT RELATING TO THE EXPANSION OF BULK FUEL USES AND STORAGE WHEREAS, the applicant is proposing to the use of a Bulk Fuel site on an existing non- conforming parcel, with a PID of 155500041302; and WHEREAS, the subject property is zoned I-2, Heavy Industrial, in which the current use is allowed through a Conditional Use Permit Planned Unit Development; and WHEREAS, the proposed expansion of uses on the site require approval as a part of an amendment to the original Planned Unit Development on the subject parcel; and WHEREAS, the proposed use and site improvements, subject to the conditions identified in Exhibit Z of the applicable staff report for December 1St, 2020, are consistent with the intent for PUD and the City's land use objectives for the site; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the matter at its regular meeting on December 1St, 2020 and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed amendment is consistent with the intent of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed amendment will meet the requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. 3. The proposed amendment will not create undue burdens on public systems, including streets and utilities. 4. The proposed amendment will not create substantial impacts, visual or otherwise, on neighboring land uses. 5. The proposed amendment is found to be consistent with the proposed and planned improvements in the PUD. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2020-036 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota that the proposed Conditional Use Permit/Planned Unit Development amendment is hereby recommended for approval, with the following conditions: 1. Installation of the required hydrant, a holdover condition from the prior PUD approval. It is staff's understanding that this project is in process as of the date of the Planning Commission meeting. 2. Ground surface treatment of outdoor storage areas to control weed growth and drainage. This may include gravel or similar surface, also to be denoted on the revised site plan. 3. Notation on the revised site plan of the limits of use and improvements, which may be expanded and amended under the PUD amendment process identified in the Zoning Ordinance. 4. Additional initial planting/landscaping improvements at the south boundary of the property along I-94, as well as remaining area along the east boundary with the residential development. 5. The developer shall paint all buildings and shelters with consistent colors. 6. Other staff comments and recommendations. ADOPTED this I' day of December, 2020, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION UN ATTEST: Sam Murdoff, Chair Angela Schumann, Community Development Director 2 r. O 0 Q N � O a -J M N � O 07 O O un un O 4� L— V) 4- Q) >,N L- L- L N _0 .> LO m N I fJ CN,,Beacon Wright County, MN Overview Date created: 11/17/2020 Last Data Uploaded: 11/17/2020 3:51:09 AM Developed byL� Schneider w Gf O5PATIAL Legend Roads — CSAHCL — CTYCL — MUNICL — PRIVATECL — TWPCL Highways Interstate — State Hwy US Hwy City/Township Limits ❑ c ❑ t ❑� Parcels Torrens BeaFff City of Monticello 505 Walnut St. #1 Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Amended C.U.P. for Monticello Bulk Plant, LLC Dear City of Monticello: I have been informed by City Staff that Beaudry Oil & Propane is no longer meeting the C.U.P. requirements in the 1999 C.U.P. set forth by Jeff Michaelis, dba as Riverside Oil. At that time, there were three buildings on the property. We have since removed and replaced one building with two portable metal sheds where we are filling 20 Ib cylinders for our "Pro to Go" division. We are also using this facility for our residential/commercial propane division which has a need for a storage area for small propane tanks. Both areas are set forth on the survey. We would ask that the 1999 C.U.P. would be amended to allow for extra tank storage and the portable metal storage sheds. We believe that filling the cylinders in more of an open air atmosphere is safer than inside a building. We purposely moved the propane tank storage area to one side of the lot so as not to be visible from 194 and to the City of Monticello. We have contacted a contractor to paint 3 of the buildings to color coordinate with the newest of the buildings. Upon the amended C.U.P., we will paint and color coordinate all the buildings for an excellent representation of our company and the City of Monticello. Also, because of this facility, even though it is storage only, we continue to attract jobs from the Monticello area. Thank you for your consideration on this important matter, DIESEL FUEL GASQLINS FUEL OIL LUBRICANTS PROPANE 630 Proctor Avenue NW, Elk River, MN 55330 • Phone: 763-441-2383, 800-637-4117 • Fax 763-441-1688 • 8eaudry0il.com 6 2l 4 NW CORNER OF THE I I OF THE NE 1/4 OF St TWR 121, ROE. 25 PROPOSED HYDRANT LOCA TION I W I I 0"s 1 � Iwo l `�� � I IZ aj 51.0 SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 24 I 564.93 FT. OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 S 88:27100 " E t3ELEC. B X a-!a; ! PUMPING 6 3 STA TION (A STEEL : o BUILDING .�y,K<.;;•, v STEEL o : z BIT. zo ". BUILDING ' ; qU SURFACE p q 56 382.4 NORTH LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 "W 4 ! C. 4, 9 dk SM ALL TANKS EXISTING o STEEL } BUILDING ° 385.48 .---19.9 0.4- 3 3 FT HIGH CONC. WALL �o � _--- 163.9 — —` QED SHED Ad CONC. PAD 0 AREA = 157,820.9 SQ. FT. OR 3.62 ACRES off, F s N I ' •sem, TAYLOR LAND SURVEYORS, INC, 213 W Broadway P.O. Box 179 Mon ticello, MN 55362 Phone # 765-295-3388 fax # 763-295-3408 SOUTH LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 1. I3 SITE PLAN FOR .BEAUDRY OIL AND PROPANE COMPANY 0 IV 4,E GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 0 60 120 180 DENOTES: S IRON MONUMENT FOUND IRON MONUMENT SET & CAPPED RLS 15233 LATH SET The West 382.42 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 4, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota lying south of the south line of the North 564.93 feet of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and lying northeasterly of the northeasterly right of way line of Interstate Highway No.94. Together with a utility easement over, under and across the West 6.00 feet of the North 564.93 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 4, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. Together with an ingress and egress easement across the East 24.00 feet of the West 51.00 feet of the North 564.93 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter Section 4, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY PLAN OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM DULY REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. A-a4t'X.:)--- �------------- —� -- ------ J&WIS V. TAYLOR RAYN,�.15233 DATE Th— are me 1-mal—n1 be I .—d il me f 1h. Aw. -.— c—ity —,,— — city f —1b Email —sp—' W anAfrom M, City o,Mmttirello P --t offi" ie -jest W K -11h Bea d s.l smauar vacua mr P'.P— -1 Th— —d—I k I t— I d propane—k-11 b, loaned 11 the area I-Ild —s" along th Commwity Development Director 01, . --l. —if —, I ..df— ffi, City f—H,— .—tffi- is -bj- t. S.bj— —, aI-g —1h line im 'j- STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT APPLICANT: Jeffrey Michaelis, dba Riverside Oil 704303 %FICE V CpUNI Y RECUuKUtr, WRIGHT COUNTY.MINNE$OTA CERTIFIED TO VE FILED 00 MAR 15 PM 1: 06 MARCIA LAN TTO. CO,RECORDER BY Y � ,.6 k MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL CONDITIONAL USE PROCEEDINGS ORDER # 99-008 GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The above entitled matter came to be heard before the Monticello City Council this 6th day of April, 1999 on a request for a Conditional Use Permit pursuant to the City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance for the following described property: Part of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 4, Township 121, Range 25 (2150 W. River Street) IT IS ORDERED that a Conditional Use Permit for concept plan and final plan for a conditional use permit to allow a planned unit development for a subdivision without direct access to a public street and also to allow paving and curb reduction in a I-2 zone be granted upon the following conditions: 1. The pine trees, or equivalent, must be retained for future screening & buffering. 2. Additional landscaping is installed along the freeway frontage. 3. A fire hydrant must be installed within 300 ft. of the site within 5 years at the owner's expense. 4. Review & approval by the City Engineer regarding circulation & drainage. 5. Future expansion on the site will require a new City review of curbing & paving requirements. RE1 RN x " STATE OF MINNESOTA) CITY OF MONTICELLO ) SS COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) I, Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator for the City of Monticello, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of Order # 99-008 granting a Conditional Use Permit with the original record thereof preserved in my office, and have found the same to be a correct and true transcript of the whole thereof. A copy of this Order has been forwarded to the applicant. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed in hand at Monticello, Minnesota, in the County of Wright on the 01115 day of�� _ Rick Wolfsteller, CityAdministrator 70433 FILE COPY 4�4 oy Jeffrey Michaelis; d.b.a. Riverside Oil, Inc P.O. Box 608 1256 West River Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 August 26, 1998 SUBJECT: Requirements of Conditional Use Permit #99- -- Assessment Agreement Jeffrey Michaelis; d.b.a. Riverside Oil, Inc. agrees to allow the City of Monticello to assess for Storm Sewer Trunk Fees as listed below: -,'/37 Newly Developed Area ( Acres @ $4;93'3/Acre) $ .00 The Jeffrey Michaelis; d.b.a. Riverside Oil, Inc hereby waives public hearing notice requirements associated with special assessment for trunk storm sewer, trunk water and trunk sanitary sewer. The City of Monticello agrees that the assessment will be over a term of ten (10) years with interest charged at 6 I/2 % per year on the unpaid balance. Jeffrey Michaelis; d.b.a. Riverside Oil, Inc by Mr. Jeffrey Michaelis its Sole Proprietor/Owner Date BULK TANK RELOCATION SITE PLAN a• , 1 BULK, TANK RE� �9 R O loo 100 d}oo / 0GAT19N ITE r i TO: Monticello Planning Commission FROM: *Darlene Solberg 11693 Spruce Drive *Judy Hayungs 11603 Spruce Drive *Kyle and Cheryl Anderson 11647 Spruce Drive Tuesday November 24, 2020 *Jean Forster 11641 Spruce Drive *Steve and Pat Cina 11667 Spruce Drife TimberRidge townhome owners RE: Beaudry Oil planning of fuel storage area behind our townhomes. First, we apologize that we are not appearing in person before your commission but with the virus we are not comfortable being in public places at this time. Saying that, we would still like you to be aware of some of the concerns we have with the gas storage tanks planned to be located behind our townhomes by the Beaudry Company. We know that Beaudry is a well-known company and has a fairly good reputation, but saying that, we, and some others, still have some concerns as it is being planned to be quite close to our very large townhome development and if there were to be a problem it could create a very dangerous situation. We know they are saying it would be well surrounded by a buffer and away from our actual development but it still isn't that far. We are also wondering about how many trucks would be coming and going on West River Street to the facility. There are businesses there now that have been good neighbors with large trucks in and out but we are concerned about how much more truck traffic this facility would create. We have been told by city staff that Beaudry says these storage containers would be small. Safety is our main concern and even with smaller storage containers located there if even one ever had a problem it could create concerns for our development. There is a also concern that even though they're saying they are only storing smaller containers, which aren't actually that small, that at some point they might decide to store large ones. We want to make sure that does not occur. One last concern is what this storage facility would do to property values of those it is located closest too. With it put there would value of the homes go down and that could also affect the amount of taxes the city receives? We are a very large development with 96 townhomes and just want to make sure that our development is always a safe and great place to live. Thank you for your time and consideration of our concerns. Sincerely, Darlene Solberg, Judy Hayungs, Kyle and Cheryl Anderson, lean Forster, Steve and Pat Cina City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 2L. Consideration of approving a map revision to the Monticello 2040 Land Use May. (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council adopted the Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan update on November 23, 2020. In preparing the final plan version for posting, an error on the Land Use Map was noted. The error relates to the prior Monticello RV site, located on Elm Street just south of Interstate 1-94. The site is still used by Monticello RV for rental RV and related sales uses under a prior CUP approval. The site was guided "Places to Shop," a commercial designation, in the prior 2008 Comprehensive Plan and is currently zoned B-3 (Highway Business). Through the Monticello 2040 Plan development and review process, this parcel was not identified for a change in guided use, but is shown to be guided as "Mixed Density Residential." As such, staff believes the mapping is in error and that the appropriate land use designation should be revised to "Community Commercial" on the Monticello 2040 Land Use Map. Should uses for the site be proposed to change or intensify in the future, applicable land use consideration can be made at that time. Staff has confirmed with the City Attorney that as the public hearing and adoption of the Monticello 2040 Plan were in such close proximity in terms of timing, the correction can be made as part of finalizing the Monticello 2040 Plan. Al. Budget Impact: None. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Limited to drafting of the report. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve a revision to the Monticello 2040 Land Use Map for the unplatted parcel 155500104200, located at 1101 Elm Street, Monticello to "Community Commercial." 2. Motion to deny the map revision to the Monticello 2040 Land Use Map for the unplatted parcel 155500104200, located at 1101 Elm Street, Monticello. Motion to table action for further information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative 1 above. Staff considers this a correction to the Monticello 2040 Land Use Map, as there was not direction from staff or policymakers to consider a specific land use change for this parcel. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Aerial Site Image B. Monticello 2040 Land Use Map C. 2008 Land Use Map D. 2020 Zoning Map Subject Site l - . ...c- r • �, LU I)r LU ,'ice ` -• ! C x `" 'J . Ir- WfE1�lx9fgli�e..� b y d7 7TH 5T lIU f r \ 9 • - • , RP f- r. ., 4r.7 ear V A tic - Ir A izM---O nticelloCITY OF 1 in = 376 ft N A December 9, 2020 Map Powered By DataLink I' wsb FUTURE LAND USE MAP `9Q I/ Pb r Big Lake J ■ 0 City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 2M. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-85 accepting improvements and authorizing final payment of $46,248.80 to All Elements Inc. for the Monticello Community Center Roofing Proiect, City Proiect No. 200004. (ML/JH) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On June 22, 2020, the City Council awarded the Monticello Community Center Roofing Project to All Elements, Inc. The project involved replacing all of the original roofing material excluding the roof area that was replaced in 2012 over the pool area. The roof that was replaced was approximately twenty years old. A PVC membrane roofing membrane was installed with a 15 -year warranty. During construction some damage to the wall adjacent to the pool and some saturated insulation over the gym area were discovered and two change orders were issued for the project. The final payment request represents the final quantities completed on the contract and the release of the retainage on the contract. The final construction contract cost totaled $367,573. The original contract amount was $338,236. The following paperwork was recently submitted by the contractor for final payment to be released: 1. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax (IC 134 forms). 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured (lien waivers). 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. 4. 15 -year warranty Al. Budget Impact: This project was approved to be funded from proceeds from the liquor store. The National Guard will pay 10% per facility contract. Total Project Budget Engineering/Legal/Admin $15,000 Construction Contract including contingency $375,000 Project Total $390,000 A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff time has included managing the project. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to adopt Resolution 2020-85 accepting improvements and authorizing final payment of $46,248.80 to All Elements Inc. for the Community Center Roofing Project, City Project No. 200004. City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution 2020-85 at this time A. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving Alternative #1. B. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2020-85 B. Final Payment C. Closeout Documents D. Warranty CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-85 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS AND APPROVING FINAL PAYMENT Of $46,248.80 TO ALL ELEMENTS INC. FOR THE COMMUNITY CENTER ROOFING PROJECT, CITY PROJECT NO.200004 WHEREAS, pursuant to a contract with the City of Monticello, All Elements, Inc. was awarded, on June 22, 2020 for the Community Center Roofing Project, City Project No. 200004; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED BY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA that the work completed under said contract is hereby accepted and approved and that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby directed to issue a proper order for the final payment on such contract subject to receipt of the following: 4 1) Satisfactory showing that the contractor has cc 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax 2) Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all contract have been fully paid or 3) Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification Fifteen -year warranty. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk ed with thi �4); against the 's of Minnesota Statutes by reasons of the 14th day of December, 2020. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT CONSTRUCTION MANAGER -ADVISER EDITION PAGE 1 OF 2 TO OWNER: City of Monticello APPLICATION 505 Walnut Street PROJECT: Monticello Community Center NUMBER: 3 Monticello, MN 55362 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 PERIOD TO: 11/09/20 FROM CONTRACTOR: All Elements Inc. PROJECT N0: 301 Chelsea Road VIA CONSTRUCTION MGR: Monticello, MN 55362 VIA ARCHITECT: CONTRACT CONTRACT FOR: Roof DATE: 6/30/2020 CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Application is made for Payment, as shown below, in connection with the Contract Continuation Sheet. AIA Dcument G703, is attached. 1. ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM 338,236.00 2. Net Change by Change Orders 297337.00 3. CONTRACT SUM TO DATE ( line 1 + 2) .......................... 367,573.00 4. TOTAL COMPLETED & STORED TO DATE .....................$ 367,573.00 ( Column I on continuation sheet ) 5. RETAINAGE 0.00 ( Column L on continuation sheet) S. TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE ................................. 367,573.00 ( Line 4 less Line 5 Total ) 7. LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT 321,324.20 ( Line 6 from prior Certificate ) 8. CURRENT BALANCE DUE ................................................. 46,248.80 9. BALANCE TO FINISH, PLUS RETAINAG 0.00 ( Line 3 less 6 ) CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY Additions Deductions Change Order#1 Change Order#2 $ 17,634.00 $11,703.00 Total approved this month $ 29,337.00 This Certificate is not negotiable. The AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to the Contractor NET CHANGES b Change Orders $29,337.00 named herein. Issuance, payment and acceptance of this payment are without prejudice The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the hest of the Contactor's knowledge information and belief the work covered by this Application for Payment has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, that all amounts have been paid by the Contractor for Work for which previous Certificates for Payment were issued and payments received from the Owner, and that current payment shown herein is now due. CONTRACTOR: By: Date:03� State of Minn ota Subscribed and sworn � t4o beforeonc M Marquette methisc't-dayof lsjoVE'rv.ber at» -L '' JOTARYUSLI NOTARY FU3LIC ������------''''''������ MINNESOTA Notary Publi I'�Ca,'L t y �,�- My Commission ex Tres: \ - 3 t— o20a-'S My Cammi.�l�n Ex; ray Jan. St, 242511 ARCHITECT'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT comprising this application, the Architect certifies to the Owner that to the best of the Architects knowledge, information and belief the Work has progressed as indicated, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, and the Contractor ie entitled to payment of the AMOUNT CERTIFIED. AMOUNT CERTIFIED ................. $ (Attach explanation if amount certified differs from the amount applied for. Initial all figures on this Application and on the Continuation Sheet that are changed to conform to the amount certified.) CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: By: ARCHITECT: Date: TOTALS $29,337.00 $0.00 By: Date: This Certificate is not negotiable. The AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to the Contractor NET CHANGES b Change Orders $29,337.00 named herein. Issuance, payment and acceptance of this payment are without prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract. G702 -1992 CONTINUATION SHEET AIA DOCUMENT G703 Page 2 of 2 AIA Document G702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT, containing Contractor's signed Certification is attached. Application Number 3 In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Application Date 11/9/2020 Period To 11/9/2020 SUBCONTRACTOR'S NAME All Elements Inc. Project Number A B C D E F G H I J K L Work Completed Total Materials Line Scheduled Change Revised Completed Balance To Description of Work Presently o (I/E) Retainage # Values Order Value Previous This Period To Date Finish (E -I) Stored (F+G+H) 1 Install mechanically fastened Duro $ 3383236.00 $ - $ 338,236.00 $ 321,324.20 $ 167911.80 $ 338,236.00 0% $ - $ - 2 Change Order #1 $17,634.00 S 17,634.00 $ - $ 17,634.00 $ 17,634.00 0% $ - 3 Change Order #2 $11,703.00 $ 11,703.00 $ 11,703.00 S 11,703.00 0% $ - 4 $ $ 5 $ $ 6 S $ 7 S $ 8 $ $ 9 S $ 10 $ $ $ $ PAGE TOTALS $ 338,236.00 $29,337.00 $ 367,573.00 $ 321,324.20 $ 46,248.80 $ $ 3677573.00 0.00% $ S JOB TOTALS $ 338,236.00 $291337.00 $ 367,573.00 $ 321,32420 $ 46,248.80 $ $ 367,573.00 1 $ $ All Elements Inc 301 Chelsea Rd Monticello, MN 55362 City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Invoice Dale Invoice # 11/9/2020 7771,2 Phone # Terms Project Due on receipt Monticello Community Ctr Item Quantity Description Rate Amount Original Contract ... I Install a mechanically fastened, white DuroLast roofing 338,236.00 338,236.00 system at the Monticello Community Center, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN, as per contract specification Change order I Change Order # 1 175634.00 17,634.00 Change order 1 Change Order #2 115703.00 115703.00 Please remit payment to above address. Thank You for your business. Payments/Credits _$321,324.20 Balance Due $465248.80 Phone # Fax # Web Site 763-314-0234 763-314-0233 altetementsinc.net ���1�'AIA Document G707T'" - 1994 Consent of Surety to Fina/ Payment PROJECT: � sand address) ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: OWNERQ Community Cantor Roofing Projac[ CONTRACT FOR: 35396 ARCHITECTQ CONTRACTORQ TO OWNER: � ms and odd�esr) CONTRACT DATED: 6/23/2020 6URETyQ CI[y of Mon6callo OTHERQ nos Walnut Street Monticello. MN 55362 In accordance with the provisions o£the Contract between the Owner and the Contractor as indicated abovq the (I sri Home and vddrarr SSvrsry) Western National Mutual Insurance Company 4>00 W 97[b St Edina, MN 55435 SLRLET'Y ov bovd o£ (Inner! name and oddress ojControcto i All Elements, Inc. 301 Chalsaa Roatl Monticello. MN 55362 CONTT2ACT'OR, hereby approves ofthe final payment to the Contractor, and agrees that final payment to the Contractor shall not relieve the Sttrety of any of its obligations [o (Insert name and odd�ess ojOa.ner) City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello. MN 55362 OWNER, as sat forth in said Surety's bond. Il I WITNESS WFIEREOF, the Surety has hereunto act its hand on this date: November 24, 2020 Qnsert fn writing the maxehS slowed by the numeric date and yeor.) ( rery) �� r— —. (Signoture ofavthorized re t e»tattve) Amv R. T6mm�xnn A[[omev-In-Fact (Printed Home and title) copvnen� ®.B.a ane .... By i ne..memm� Ina.mrte or..n:nneor...ar Hansa re..n.ee.......r.,,..,: , rot.�ne ny us. eepydpfit uw ane m<amauonel T.amlea. unaamon:ae ..proeaeuon or elawnmmn of ems ArA^oo�..man or.ny me�®du nln 09r2B/201y129Ay 801naunGer Na farms ar AlA Oocumen ea nt�amanea Orea No. ct2BOBBB)699eentllla notfmM1iaaela. TlUe Ilrvnaatl by rnaAmarlcan Inaptub of Arcl,itacte br one -Uma uea onM1/� ane may Hat ee reproeucee prlorto Ito wmplaOon. e,mnnwu �Y POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Western National Mutual Insurance Company, a Minnesota mutual insurance company, does make, ¢Opsltufaand eppOl M: is o as a on ¢nni er F Newlon, Momma Joy Tolzmann. nmy a. TFompean, entl Kerti HeLLo n-Ratlnik B (%19536) r Its true entl lawful Attorneys)-ine Fac; with full power and authority for and on behalf of [he Company a rely, [o a cute and deliver and affix the seal of the Company [hereto (if a seal is required) bond, undertakings recognizancas o other written obligations inethe nature thereof, (other than bail bonds, banN depository bonds, mortgage deficiency bonds, mortgage guaranty bonds, guarantees of installment paper entl note guarenty bonds, aslf-Insu ra nca workare com pansation bonds guars n[eeing payment of benefits, hazardous waste remediation bonds or black lung bonds), as follows: All written instruments in un[ not to exceed a aggregate of Five Million Dollars ($6.000p00) for any single obligation, regardless of [he number of insKumen[s issued for the obkgation. and [o bind Western National Mutual Insurance Company [hereby, and all of [he acts of said Atfomays-in-Fact, pursuant to [hese presents, a ratifed and confirmed. This appointment is made under and by authority of fM1e board of directors of a meeting held on September 26. 20'10. This Power of Attorney Is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following resolutions adopted by ¢ha board of tllrectors of Western National Mutual Insurance Company on September 28. 20'10: RESOLVED that the presitlenq any vice president, o is[an[ v e president in onjunction with [ha secretary o any assistant secretary, may appoint attorneys -in -fact or agents with authority as definedlor limited in [M1e Instrument evidencing [he appointment in each case, for and on behalf of the c mpany [o a cute and deliver and affix [he seal of [he Company [o bonds, undertakings, r cognizances, and ra[ysbip obligations of all kinds, and said officers may remove any such attorney-in-fact or agent and revoke any Power of Attorney previously granted [o such person. RESOLVED FURTHER Ihaf any bond, undertaking, r cognizance. O retyship obligation shall be valid entl binding upon [ha Company (i) wM1an signed by fha prasidanq any vice president or assistant vice president, and attested and sealed (if a seal ba required) by any refary or assistant sacratary; o (ii) wM1en signed by [M1e prasidanq any vice president or assistant vice president, s cre[ary or assistant sacratary, and countersigned and Baled (if a seal ba required) by a duly au[h Orized attorney-in-fact or agent: o (iii) wM1en duly a cufed and sealed (if a seal be required) by o attorneys -in -facto agents pursuant to and wi[M1in fha limits of [he authority evidenced by tM1a Power of Attorney is uetl by the Company to such person or persons. RESOLVED FURTHER khat [he signature of any author ted officer and the seal of the c mpany may be affixed by facsimile [o any Power Of Attorney Or certiFication [hereof autM1orizin9 the a cubon and delivery of any bond, undertaking, recognizance, or Other suretyship obligations of [he Company; and sucM1 signature and seal when s sed shall have the same force and effect as though m wally affixed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Western National Mutual Insurance Company has caused these presents [o be signed by its proper officer and iK corporate seal to be affixed this "16th day of December 20'15. 15EAL='" Jon R. Hebeisen, Secretary Larry A. Byers, Sa Vice President STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF DAKOTA On this '16th tley Of December 20t5, personally came before me, Jon R. Hebeisen and Larry A. Byers and to me known to be [he individuals and officers Of Gle Western National Mutual Insurance Company who executed tkte above ins[rumant, and they each acknowledgetl the cubon of the same, and being by me duy sworn, did s rally dispose and say; [hat they a e the said officers of the corporation aforesaid, and that [he seal affixed to [he above instrument is the seal of [M1a corporafion, and that said corporate seal and [heir signatures as such Officers were duly affixed and subscribed to [he said instrument by the autM1odfy of fha board of directors of said corporation. JENNIFER AYOUNG �yi>,.�.�._� Q _ NOTMYPUBIIC-MINNESOTA MY COMMISSION E%PIgES OI/312Q21 Jan Nfar A. Young, Notary Public My commission axptras January 31 202'1 I, the undersigned, a is[anf sacratary of [he Western National Mutual Insurance Company, a Minnesota corpora[foq CERTIFY fh.at thra foregoing and attached Power of Attorney remains in full force and has n0k been revoked; and furthermore, that tM1a Resolutions of Aha bo0rd of directors set forth Intha Power oP Attorney, are now In force Signed and sealed at fha C¢y of Edina, MN thisti,� day of 4 � "�C� "ak L: Jennifer A. Voung, Assistant Secretary 11/24/2020 https://www.mndor.state.mn.us/tp/eservices/_/Retrieve/0/c-/3byOpTZY1AS372jpKihe_A_?FILE= Print2&PARAMS= 663255347826... Confirmation Summary Confirmation Number: Submitted Date and Time: Legal Name: Federal Employer ID: User Who Submitted: Type of Request Submitted: Affidavit Summary Affidavit Number: Minnesota ID: Project Owner: Project Number: Project Begin Date: Project End Date: Project Location: Project Amount: Subcontractors: 1-090-354-464 24 -Nov -2020 1:5432 PM ALL ELEMENTS tNC 71-0873902 AIIElements Contractor Affidavit 1792588016 5926742 CITY OF MONTICELLO MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER ROOFING PROJECT 10 -Sep -2020 16 -Nov -2020 505 WALNUT STREET $367,573.00 No Subcontractors Important Messages A copy of this page must be provided to the contractor or government agency that hired you. Contact Us If you need further assistance, contact our Withholding Tax Division at 651-282-9999, (toll-free) 800-657-3594, or (email) withholding tax@stale.mn.us. Business hours are 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday -Friday. Please print this page for your records using the print or save functionality built Into your browser. hltps://www.mndor.state.mn.us/tp/eservices/_lRetrieve/0/c-/3byOpTZYtAS372JpKihe_A_7FILE= PrInt28PARAMS= 6632553478268115622 1/1 Aj3UR 8, AP THE WORLD'S BEST ROOFm FULL UNCONDITIONAL FINAL WAIVER My/our, contract with ALL ELEMENTS to provide building material used at the property described as MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER, 505 WALNUT ST, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 has been fully paid and satisfied. By signing this waiver, all my/our construction lien rights against the described property are waived and released. If the owner or lessee of the property or the owner's or lessee's designee has received a notice of furnishing from Duro-Last Roofing or if Duro-Last Roofing is not required to provide one, and the owner, lessee, or designee has not received this waiver directly from Duro-Last Roofing, the owner, lessee, or designee may not rely upon it without contacting Duro-Last Roofing's Accounts Receivable department either in writing, by telephone, or personally, to verify that it is authentic. All sales tax collected has been paid to the State. Signed on: 11/24/2020 Duro-Last Roofing, Inc. &DA— Address: _ 525 Morley Drive, Saginaw, MI 48601 Telephone: _1-800-248-0280 DO NOT SIGN BLANK OR INCOMPLETE FORMS; RETAIN A COPY. 525 Morley Drive, Saginaw, MI 48601 Phone: 800-248-0280 • Fax: 800-432-9331 • www.duro-last.com Other Locations: Grants Pass, OR • Jackson, MS • Sigourney, IA • Carrollton, TX RECEIPT AND WAIVER OF MECHANIC'S LIEN RIGHTS November 24, 2020 The undersigned hereby acknowledges having received payment of Seventeen Thousand, Five Hundred Sixty-two and 95/100 ($17,562.95) from ALL ELEMENTS, INC. in payment of material furnished and billed on invoices thru October 31, 2020 by the undersigned to ALL ELEMENTS, INC and delivered or furnished to (or performed at) the job designated as: THE MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER, 505 WALNUT STREET, MONTICELLO, MN and for value received hereby waive and release all Mechanic's liens or bond rights which may have been acquired by the undersigned against said premises for labor, skill or material furnished to said premises prior to the date hereof. While to the best of our knowledge this job is complete and document constitutes a final waiver of lien the undersigned hereby expressly reserves the right to assert, without prejudice to its heretofore existing priority, mechanics lien rights against said premises for any possible future labor and/or materials delivered and/or furnished to said premises after the date of this document. MacArthur Co. By Connie Counters DURO-LAST° SUPREME 1bmYear NUL Warranty Wanatlty No. 380960 1. TERMS and CONDITIONS Duro-Lase, Inc., ("Duro-Last") grants this No -Dollar Limit ("NDL") Warranty to the owner ("Owner') of a building containing a Duro-Lnst Roofing System ("Duro-Last System") installed by a Duro-Last authorized Dealer/Conmctor ("Contractor'), subject to the conditions and limitations contained herein. Duro-Last's obligation during the I"ihrouglm the I S• year shall be [o repair any leak in the Duro-Last System caused by airy defect in o component of the Duro-Last System or by the workmanship of lite Contractor, but only as the workmanship relates to the installa- tion of the Duro-Last System itself and not as it relates to other work performed, if any. Dum-Last's obligation includes, at Duro-Last's discretion, either the repair or replacement of pan or all of the Duro-Last System and also includes the furnishing or cost of labor to repair the Duro-Last System provided the following conditions are met: A.Duro-Last and Contractor have been paid in full for the Duro-Last System, its installation and any outstanding invoices issued by Duro-Last that arise after the installation; B. The Duo -Last System has been approved by Duro-Last following inspection by an authorized Duro-Last Quality Assurance Technical Representative ("Duro-Last QA Tech Rep'), this No -Dollar Limit Warranty has been signed by a Duro-Last QA Tech Rep or Quality Assurance Manager, and the contractor confirms that the Dum-Last System was installed in accordance with Dum-Last's specifications and written installation requirements. C.The Owner has notified Dum Last within 7 days of the discovery of any leak, failure, or other alleged Durc-Last System defect. Owner must notify Dure- ast by calling the Duro-Last Quality Assurance Department at 1-866284-9424, by e -mailing ws(Wuro4asl.com, or by certified mail, return receipt requested; D.The Owner allows Duro-last's QA Tech Rep(s), and/or Duro-last Contractor(s) access to the roof including, if necessary, the removal and replacement by Owner at Owner's expense any and all obstructions, including but not limited to: rooftop gardens, earth, soil, pavers, ballast, decks, patio and walking surface materials, photovoltaic system, and other overburden; and E. Durc-Last authorizes the repair and, at Duro-last's option, either Duro-Last's QA Tech Rep(s), or an authorized Contractor makes the repair. It. LIMITATIONS and EXCLUSIONS A.This No -Dollar Limit Womanly does not apply to a Duro-Last System installed on a single-family residence. B. Duro-Last shall not be liable for damages arising from defects in the design or concoction of the building or roof assembly; nor shall Duro-Last be liable for any other products aside from the Duro-Last System. C. Duro-Last is not liable for any Duro-Last System defect or failure nor for subsequent damages arising from Acts of God or causes outside Duro-Last's control including, but not limited to: 1) Damage caused by fire, lightning, hurricane, gale, hail, tornado, flood, earthquake, animals, insects; or 2) Damage caused by accident, vandalism, intentional act, negligence or failure to use reasonable care, whether on the part of the Owner or another; or 3) Damage caused by any unauthorized modification to the Duro-Last System including, but not limited (o: damage caused by unauthorized components used in installation or repair, by additional equipment or structures added to or made a pan of the roof, by traffic, or by chemicals not normally found in nature or the like; or 4) Interior condensation and/or moisture entering the Dura -Last System through walls, copings, structural defects, HVAC systems, or any pan of the building structure, including from adjacent buildings. D.Duro-Last does not warrant the watertightness of metal products that are located outside of the termination of the Duro-Last membrane. E. Duro-Last does not warrant against color change and/or pattern change and/or print change in the Dum-Last System. F. Duro-Last shall have no liability under any theory of law for any claims, repairs, or other damages relating to the presence of asbestos or any vapors, fumes, molds, fungi, bacteria, spoors, mycotoxins, or line like on or in the Duro-Last System or in the building or in the air or water serving the building. G.This No -Dollar Limit Warranty passes to future Owners of the building for the full 15 years hereof. H.This No -Dollar Limit Warranty must be signed by a Duro-Last QA Tech Rep or Quality Assurance Manager. Coverage under the lemurs of this No -Dollar Limit Warranty begins on the Effective Date. The Effective Date is detemdned by Dum-Last. Failure of the Owner or Contractor to sign this No -Dollar Limit Warranty does not alter the Effective Date. L This No -Dollar Limit Warranty shall be govented by the laws of the State of Michigan without regard to principles of conflicts of law. Duro-Last and Owner hereby agree that the Circuit Court for the County of Saginaw, State of Michigan, or the United States Federal District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan in Bay City, shall have the exclusive jurisdiction to determine any and all disputes, or claims relating to this No -Dollar Limit Warranty and do hereby submit themselves to the sole personal jurisdiction of those Courts. J. No claim, suit, or other proceeding arising out of or related to the Duro-Last products or these terns, including without limitation this No -Dollar Limit Warranty, may be brought by the Owner or anyone else after one (1) year from the date it accrues. K.Duro-Last does not waive any rights under this No -Dollar Limit Warranty by refmining front exercising its rights in full in one or more instances. OVER: CONTINUED ON BACK THIS NO -DOLLAR LIMIT WARRANTY AND TdE RESPONSIBILITIES AND REMEDIES STATED HEREIN ARE EXPRESSLY AGREED TO BY OWNER AND DURO-LAST AND CONSTITUTE THE SOLE WARRANTY AND REMG DIES OF THE OWNER FOR ANY ALLEGED DEFECT OR FAILURE OF THE DURO-LAST SYSTEM, WHETHER MEMBRANE, ACCESSORIES, OR CONTRACTOR WORKMANSHIP, THEREARE NO WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABHdTY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE (EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED IN FACT, LAW OR CUSTOM) THAT EXTEND BEYOND THE EXPRESS TERMS STATED IN THIS NO•DOLLAR LIMIT WARRANTY TO THE FULL EXTENT DISCLAIMER IS PERMITTED BY LAW. OWNER AND DURO•LAST TOGETH- ER JOINTLY DISCLAIM ANY OTHER OR FURTHER WARRANTIES EXCEPTTHOSE INCLUDED IN THIS DOCUMENT. IN ANY EVENT, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY THAT MAYARISE BYLAW IS LIMITED INDURATION TO THE TERM HEREIN. THE REPAIR,OR REPLACEMENT PROVIDED HEREIN IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER REMEDIES. ALL CLAIMS FOR NEGLIGENCE AND FOR FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE ARE EXPRESSLY WAIVED, RELEASED AND EXCLUDED. OWNER AND DURO•LAST BOTN ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT THIS NO -DOLLAR LIhIIT WARRANTY COVERS CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES DERIVED FROM LEAKS CAUSED BY DEFECTS WARRANTED AGAINST ABOVE. THERE ARE NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES TO THESE TERMS. OWNER ACKNOWLEDGES THESE LIMITATIONS AND WAIVERS, DECLARES THAT THEY HAVE BEEN READ AND UNDERST00%AND AGREES TO BE SO HOUND. ANY PAY- MENT FOR THE DURO-LAST SYSTEM OR REGISTRATION OF THE WARRANTY WITH DURO-LAST SIGNIFIES THAT THE OWNER HAS VOLUNTARILY AND KNOWINGLY CONSENTED TO ALL TERMS, The Commetor is not en agent of DoLastend does cot have authori ty to bind Duro-Lass. If any Contractor ar sales representative made any statements about Duro LImt, its products, services, obligations, or warranties, those statements cannot be relied upon by Owner or any other any and cannot be attributed to Dura -Last. Furthermore, no person may change or modify any terms or conditions of this No -Dollar Limit Warranty, unless in writing and signed by the authorized representative of the Owner and by a Duro-Last officer or by the Duro-Last Quality Assumuce Manager. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO SUCH A LIMITA- TION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS THAT VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. If any provision or individual term herein is invalid or unenforceable under any applicable law, the provision or term will be ineffective to that extent and for the duration of the illegality, but the remaining provisions end terms will be unaffected. DURO-LAST', INC. 525 Morley Drive Saginaw, MI 48601 MONTICELLO COMMNITY CENTER Name of Building 505 Walnut St Address of Building Monticello, MN 55362-8821 City, Stale & Zip of Building ALL EXCEPT POOL Bullding Designation October 16, 2020 Effective Date 1719217 Serial No. hlit<h Guettler-DI clot of Quality Assurance SignEi ature of uro- w I QA Tech Rep or QA Manager Signature of Owner Oxver (prin d) Sign Btu (Contractor All I nls, Inc. Con tractor (printed) 71,246 Square Footage 380960 Warranty No, Duro-Last, Duro-Fleece Plus Supreme 15 -Year NDL 4/2/15 City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 2N. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-87 accepting improvements and authorizing final payment of $59,916.20 to OMG Midwest dba Minnesota Paving for the 2020 Street Improvements project, City Project No 200001. (ML/RM) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This project included improvements to the following areas: Marvin Elwood Road, Hedman Lane, Balboul Circle, Crocus Lane, Crocus Circle, Starling Drive, Martin Drive, Mallard Lane, Heron Court, Tanager Circle, Canvasback Court, Eider Lane, Falcon Avenue, Pelican Lane, Oakridge Drive, Oakview Court, Meadow Oaks Court NE, Oakview Lane, Meadow Oaks Drive. The project consisted of an edge mill and asphalt overlay as well as other full depth spot repairs. Sections of curb and gutter replacement and utility improvements were made as needed throughout the project areas. In addition, improvements to the parking lot at the wastewater treatment plant were made and these costs were not included in the assessments for the project. The contractor recently submitted the final paperwork listed below. Therefore, the Council is being asked to accept the project as complete and approve final payment to OMG Midwest, Inc in the amount of $59,916.20 in accordance with the contract. The final payment request represents the final quantities completed on the contract and the release of the retainage on the contract. The final construction contract cost totaled $1,198,324.48. The original contract amount was $1,676,575.55. The following paperwork was recently submitted by the contractor for final payment to be released: Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax (IC 134 forms). 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured (lien waivers). 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. 4. Two-year maintenance bond. Al. Budget Impact: The total project cost including construction and engineering is approximately $1,385,000. This project was funded by the capital improvement fund. The WWTP improvements and engineering were not assessed, but the streets total assessments were $640,108.98. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Impacts to staff workload will be minimal. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2020-87 accepting improvements and authorizing final payment of $59,916.20 to OMG Midwest dba Minnesota Paving for the 2020 Street Improvements project, City Project No 200001. City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution 2020-87 at this time A. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving Alternative #1. B. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2020-87 B. Construction Pay Voucher No. 4 (Final) CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-87 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS AND APPROVING FINAL PAYMENT Of $59,916.20 TO OMG MIDWEST DBA MINNESOTA PAVING FOR THE 2020 STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, CITY PROJECT 200001 WHEREAS, pursuant to a contract with the City of Monticello, OMG Midwest dba Minnesota Paving was awarded, on March 9, 2020 for the 2020 Street Improvements Project, City Project 200001; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA that the work completed under said contract is hereby accepted and approved and that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby directed to issue a proper order for the final payment on such contract subject to receipt of the following: A L 1) Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax (IC 134); 2) Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secur d; 3) Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification fro the contractor's surety 4) Two year maintenance bond to extend two yers from the date of acceptance of the project by the City Council. ADOPTED BYthe Monticello City Council this 14th day of December, 2020. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City 0 U 0 z W m to 0 0 z g ui 0 IL a W z z 0 M W T W M z W a a z W X 0 wsO November 10, 2020 Mr. Casey Wisness OMG Midwest, Inc. dba Minnesota Paving & Materials 14475 Quiram Drive Rogers, MN 55374 Re: 2020 Street Improvements Project City of Monticello Project No. 200001 WSB Project No. 014709-000 Dear Mr. Wisness: Please find enclosed Construction Pay Voucher No. 4 and Final (in triplicate) for the above - referenced project in the amount of $59,916.20 for your review and signature. Please sign all voucher originals and return them to our office for processing with the City. Please note that the original signed vouchers must be accompanied by the following documents when submitting for final payment and to close out the project. Final acceptance will be considered upon receipt of these documents. 1. Satisfactory showing that the Contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax (IC134 forms). 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the Contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured (lien waivers, if any). 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the Contractor's surety. 4. Two-year Maintenance Bond. If you have any questions, please contact me at 763.287.8532. Sincerely, WSB L James L. Stremel, PE Project Manager Attachments cc: Matt Leonard, City of Monticello ar K:1014709-000LAdmin%Construction AdminTay Vouchers1014709-000 LTR Voucher 4 & Rnal contractor-111020.dom 2020 Street Improvements Project Final Pay Voucher 4 wsb Client: City of Monticello Contractor: OMG Midwest, Inc. dba MN Paving & Materials 505 Walnut St 14475 Quiram Drive Monticello, MN 55362-1147 Rogers, MN 55374 WSB Project No.: 014709-000 Client Project No.: 200001 _ State Project No.: Federal Project No.: Contract Amount Funds Encumbered Original Contract $1,676,575.55 Original $1,676,575.55 Contract Changes $0.00 Additional N/A Revised Contract $1,676,575.55 Total $1,676,575.55 Work Certified To Date Base Bid Items $1,198,324.48 Contract Changes $0.00 Material On Hand $0.00 Total $1,198,324.48 Work Certified This Voucher Work Certified To Date Less Amount Less Previous Retained Payments Amount Paid This Voucher Total Amount Paid To Date 1 $0.00 $1.198324.48 $0.00 $1,138.408.28 $59,916.20 $1,198,324.48 Percent Retained: 0% Percent Complete: 71.47% FINAL PAY VOUCHER I hereby certify that a Final Examination has been made of the noted Contract, that the Contract has been completed, that the entire amount of Work Shown in this Final Voucher has been performed and the Total Value of the Work Performed in accordance with, and pursuant to, the terms of the Contract is as shown in this Final Voucher. Approved By WSB (---�-Z- �� Jjprttremel, PE, Project Manager Date Approved By City of Monticello Date Appro d By OMG Mid est, Inc. dba MN Paving & Mate I Date 21 ZlLMD Page 1 of 10 2020 Street Improvements Project Final Pay Voucher 4 V V J b Payment Summary Less Amount Less Previous Amount Paid Total Amount Paid No. Up Through Date Work Certified Per Voucher Amount Retained Per Voucher Amount Paid Per Voucher 1 06/30/2020 $202,599.02 $10,129.95 $192,469.07 2 08/17/2020 $929,315.06 $46,465.75 $882,849.31 3 09/23/2020 $66,410.42 $332052 $63,089.90 4 11/10/2020 $-0.02 $-59.916.22 $59.916.R1 Funding Category Name Work Certified Less Amount Less Previous Amount Paid Total Amount Paid To Date Retained Payments This Voucher 1 To Date 1 Local $1,198,324.48 $0.00 1 $1,138,408.26 $59,916.22 $1,198,324.4 Accounting Line No. Amount Paid Revised Contract Funds Paid Contractor Number Funding Source This Voucher Amount Encumbered To Date 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS $26,740.86 To Date 0 1 -Local Local $59.916.22 101.524 $1,198,324.48 Contract Item Status Line No. em Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity Quantity This Voucher Amount This Voucher Quantity To Date Amount To Date 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS $26,740.86 1 0 $0. 1 $26,740.8 101.524 LEARING TREE $769.12 1 $0. 1 $769.1 3 2101.524 GRUBBING TREE $461.4 1 0 $0. 1 $461.4 104.502 REMOVE HYDRANT EACH $769.12 $0. 1 $769.1 5 104.502 REMOVE GATE VALVE EACH $615.29 2 0 $0. 1 $615.2 104.502 SALVAGE CASTING EACH $820.39 3 0 $O.Do 0 $0.0 104.502 SALVAGE SIGN EACH $25.64 1 0 $0.00 a $0.0 8 2104.503 AWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT FULL DEPTH) F $4.97 25 $0. $24.8 104.503 SAWING BIT PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) F $1.7 650 $0.00 1529 $2,736.91 10 2104.5031REMOVE CURB & GUTTER L F $5.13 871 0 $0.00 838 $4,298.9.4 11 2104.503 REMOVE BITUMINOUS TRAIL S Y $102.5 1 $O.DO 0 $0.0 12 2104.504 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT Y $7.6 171 $0. $0.0 13 2104.501REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT Y $7.18 171 0 $0.D0 2 $179.5 14 2104.504 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SY $2.65 2138 0 $O.DO 5536.6 $14,672.1 15 2104.504 REMOVE CONCRETE WALK SY $10.25 3 1 $O.DO 2.7 $28. 16 2104.521 SALVAGE MAILBOX EACH $51.27 10 1 $O.DO 10 $5,485.8 Page 2 of 10 2020 Street Improvements Project Final Pay Voucher 4 ws b Contract Item Status Line No em Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity This Amount This Quantity Amount To Date Quantity Voucher Voucher To Date 17 2106.507 EXCAVATION - COMMON C Y $22.56 21 $0. $970.0 18 2106.507 EXCAVATION - SUBGRADE C Y $19.48 36 $0.00 0 $0.0 19 2106.507 SELECT GRANULAR EMBANKMENT Y $25.64 36 $0. $0.0 20 2123.610 STREET SWEEPER (WITH PICKUP HOUR $162.0 2 0 $0.0c $4,050.7 BROOM) 1 2123.610 UTILITY CREW HOUR $846.0 $0.(X 0 $0.0 22 11.507 AGGREGATE BASE (CV) CLASS 5 C Y $59.34 25 $0.0c 0 $0.0 3 2232.504 11-1- BITUMINOUS SURFACE S Y $1.0f 730 $O.DC 6636.67 $7,167.6 4 2232.501 ILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE EDGE) Y $1.65 8313 G $O.DO 77 $12,861.7 5 2301.602 RILL & GROUT DOWEL BAR EPDXY COATED) EACH SiZ82 16 $0.00 2 $3,281.9 26 357.506OAUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACKGA L $3. 121 $0. 1800 $6,372.0 7 2360.509 PE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE ON $67.76 3 $0.00 2387.86 $161,801.3 IX (2;B) 8 360.509 PE SP 12.5 NON WEAR COURSE ON $72.51 33 $0.00 653.73 $47,401.96 IX (2;B) 29 2360.504 PE SP 9.5 WEAR CRS MIX (2,B) Y $40.50 171 a $0.00 3 $1,498.50 0" THICK 30 2433.603 SAW & SEAL JOINT L F $25.64 2 0 $0.D0 0 $0.0 31 2504.602 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIR EACH $461.4 1 $0. $1,384.41 32 2504.602 HYDRANT EACH $6,665.68 1 C $0. 1 $6,665.6 33504.602 " GATE VALVE EACH $2,256.06 1 C $0. 1 $2,256.0 34 25D4.602 ADJUST GATE VALVE EACH $410.20 22 C $O.DO 1 $6,973.4 35 2506.502 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH $871.67 3 C $0.0 $0.0 36 2506.503 RECONSTRUCT DRAINAGE F $410.2C 1 $0. 0 $0.0 TRUCTURE 37 2506.602 DJUST FRAME AND RING EACH $435.8 2 $0.0 el $2,614.9 ASTING (STORM) EACH $435.8 2 $0. 2'; 38 2506.602 DJUST FRAME AND RING $10,024.7 ASTING (SANITARY) 39 2506.602 CHIMNEY SEALS (EXTERNAL) EACH $358.92 2 $0.00 0 $0.0 0 r 506.602 CHIMNEY SEALS (INTERNAL) EACH $512.7 $0. $0.0 Page 3 of 10 2020 Street Improvements Project Final Pay Voucher 4 ws b Contract Item Status Line Contract QuantityAmount This Quantity No. em Description Units Unit Price Quantity This Voucher To Date Amount To Date Voucher 1 2521.518 " CONCRETE WALK S F $10.25 42 $0.D0 2 $256.2 2 2531.603 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DES SURMOUNTABLE F $22.05 871 0 $0.00 838 $18,477.9 3 2531.504 " CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT Y $55.3 171 $0. $0.0 44 531.604 " CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER SY $83. 1 $0.00 14.33 $1,190.2 5 2531.618 RUNCATED DOMES SF $51.27 8 $0. 1 $512.7 46 540.602 IL BOX EACH $30.718 10 $0.00 107 $3,291.32 7 2540.602 INSTALL MAIL BOX SUPPORT EACH $128.19 10 $0.00 10 $13,716.3 8 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LS $1,179.31 1 a $0. 1 $1,179.31 8 2564.6021 INSTALL SIGN EACH $128.1 1 a $0.00 $0.0 50 2573.502 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH $108.4 2 $D.00 2 $2,711.2 51 2573.503 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE WOOD FIBER F $3. 2 $0. $0.0 52 2575.504rODDINGTYPE LAWN 5 Y $20.51 391 $0.00 275 $5,640.2 $0.0 53 2575.505 RAPID STABILIZATION METHOD 2 ACRE $5,127.45 0.1 C $0.00 54 2574.507 BOULEVARD TOPSOIL BORROW CY $30.7 4 $0.00 4 $1,322.6 55 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS $26,740.860 $0. 1 $26,740.8 56 2104.502 REMOVE GATE VALVE EACH $615.2 1 0 $0.00 $1,845.8 57 2104.503 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER LF $5.13 1157 $0.00 1828 $9,377.64 58 2104.503 REMOVE BITUMINOUS TRAIL SY $10.2 2 $0.00 63.8 $653.9 59 104,504 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT Y $7.69 20 $0.00 104 $799.7 60 104.504 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT Y $7.18 20 $0.00 33. $240.8 1 2104.504 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SY $3.49 104 a $0.00 741 $2,586.0 fit 2104.5031 AWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) F $4.97 25 0 $0.00 1871$929.3 63 2104.503 PAWING BIT PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) F $1.79 86 $0.00 7 $136.0 64 105.504 EOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE 5 SY $2.56 99 $0.00 0 $0.0 Page 4 of 10 2020 Street Improvements Project Final Pay Voucher 4 V Y J b Contract Item Status Line No. em Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity ty Amount This Quantity amount To Date Quantity Voucher Voucher To Date 5 106.507 EXCAVATION - COMMON C Y $22.56 28 $0.00 58 $1,308.4 66 106.507 EXCAVATION - SUBGRADE C Y $19.48 466 10 $0.D10 $0.0 67 2106.507 SELECT GRANULAR EMBANKMENT Y $25.64 46 $0.00 $0.0 68 112.519 UBGRADE PREPARATION RDST $512.74 C $0. 1 $9,742.06 9 2123.61$TREET SWEEPER (WITH PICKUP HOUR $162.0 2 C $0.00 31.5 $5,103.95 ROOM) 70 2123.610 UTILITY CREW HOUR $871.67 5 $0.00 2 $1,743.34 71 2211.507 AGGREGATE BASE (CV) CLASS 5 Y $50.70 66 $0.00 $2,940.6 72 Z232.504 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE S Y $1.11 12198 0 $O.DO 11703.67 $12,991.0 73 2232.501 ILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (EDGE) Y $0.91 10676 C $0.00 82 $7,512.96 74 2301.602 DRILL & GROUT DOWEL BAR EACH $12.82 21 $0.00 0 $0.0 EPDXY COATED) 75 2357.506 IITTUUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK L $3.52 1566 io $0.00 22 $7,884.8 76 2360.509 PE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE ON $68.a2 444 0 $0.00 3290-M.11 $226,483.1 IX (2;B) 77 2360.509PE SP 12.5 NON WEAR COURSE ON $75. 14 0 $0.00 310.55 $23,309.8 FIX (2;8) 78 2360.5D4 PE SP 9.5 WEAR CRS MIX (2,B) Y $34.3 2 0 $0.00 33.55 $1,153.7 3.0"THICK 79 2433.603 1 SAW & SEAL JOINT F $25.64 38 $O.DO 41 $10,614.96 80 2502.503 " PERF PVC PIPE DRAIN F $30.76 2 $0.00 2 $7,536.94 81 2502.602 CONNECT INTO DRAINAGE EACH $461.4 $0. $1,845.88 STRUCTURE 82 504.602 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIR EACH $461.4 1 $0. 1 $461.47 83 25D4.602 " GATE VALVE & BOX EACH $2,768.8 3 $0.0 $8,306.4 84 25134.602 ADJUST GATE VALVE EACH $410.2 2 $0.00 2 $9,844.8 85 2506.502 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH $871.67 4 $0. 1 $871.6 86 2506.503 RECONSTRUCT DRAINAGE F $410.20 1 $0. 1 $410.2 STRUCTURE 87ADJUST 506.602 FRAME AND RING EACH $435.8 3 $O.DO 1 $4,358.3 CASTING (STORM) Page 5 of 10 2020 Street Improvements Project Final Pay Voucher 4 ws b Contract Item Status Line No. em Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity QuantityAmount This Voucher This Voucher Quantity To Date Amount To Date 88 2506.602 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (SANITARY) EACH $435.8 3 $0.00 1 $6,537.4 89 2506.602 CHIMNEY SEALS (EXTERNAL) EACH $358.92 3 $0.00 5 $1,794.6 90 2506.602 CHIMNEY SEALS (INTERNAL) EACH $512.74 0 $0.001 0 $0.0 1 521.518 " CONCRETE WALK S F $10.25 25 $0.00 295 $3,023.7 2 2531.603 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DES SURMOUNTABLE F $22.05 1157 0 $0.00 1821 $40,153.0 3 2531.504 6"CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT Y $55.3 2 $0.00 87.82 $4,863.4 94 531.618 RUNCATED DOMES SF $51.27 9 $0.0 $0.0 95 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL Ls $1,153.6E 1 C $O.DO $1,153.68 96 2573.502 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH $108.4 3 $0.00 37 $4,012.8 97 2573.503 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE COD FIBER F $3.Oe 20 $0.00 0 $0.0 8 2575.504 SODDING TYPE LAWN SY $15.38 5 0 $0.00 670 $10,304.6 99 2575.505 RAPID STABILIZATION METHOD 2 ACRE $5,127.45 0.1 f $0.D0 0 $0.0 100 2574.507 BOULEVARD TOPSOIL BORROW CY $30.76 5 $0.G0 58 $1,784.0 101 2021.501 OBILIZATION S $26,381.94 1 C $0. 1 $26,381.94 102 2104.502 REMOVE GATE VALVE EACH $315.2 1 0 $0. 1 $315.2 103 2104.502 SALVAGE SIGN EACH $25.64 1 0 $0.00 a $0.0 104 2104.503 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER LF $6.15 52 $0.00 432 $2,656.8 105 104.503 AWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT FULL DEPTH) F $4.4 15 $0. $0.00 106 2104.503 WING BIT PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) F $1.79 15 $0.00 2021 $3,617.5 107 2104.503 REMOVE BITUMINOUS TRAIL SY $10.25 5 $0. $41.0 108 2104.5041 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT Y $7.69 10 $0. $30.7 109 2104.504 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT Y $7.118 10 0 $0.00 127. $918.61 110 2104.504 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SY $2.93 29 0 $0.00 1284 $3,762.1 111 104.601 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL NDSCAPE STRUCTURES tS $5383. , 1 $0.0 D $0.0 Page 6 of 10 2020 Street Improvements Project Final Pay Voucher 4 ws b Contract Item Status Line No. em Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity Quantity This Voucher Amount This Voucher Quantity To Date Amount To Date 112 2106.507 EXCAVATION - COMMON C Y $24.61 11 $0.00 1 $295.3 113 2106.507 EXCAVATION - SUBGRADE C Y $21. 191 C $O.DO 0 $0.0 114 2106.507 SELECT GRANULAR EMBANKMENT Y $27.69 191 0 $0.00 198.5 $5,496.4 115 2123.610 STREET SWEEPER (WITH PICKUP 18 ROOM) HOUR $162.0 2 $0.00 2 $4,050.7 116 2123.610JUTILITY CREW HOUR $871.67 5 a $0.00 0 $0.0 117 2211.507 AGGREGATE BASE (CV) CLASS 5 C Y $53.84 27 $0.0 2 $1,076.8 118 2232.504 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE S Y $1.30 1477 0 $0.00 1254 $1,630.2 119 2232.501 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE EDGE) Y $0.9 746 0 $0.00 4433 $4,388.6 120 2301.602 DRILL & GROUT DOWEL BAR EPDXY COATED) EACH $12.82 131 0 $0.00 go $1,230.7 121 2357.506 BITUOAMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK L $3. 641 $0.0 10 $3,612.0 122 2360.509 PE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (2;B) ON $69.07 1746 0 $0.00 1321.24 $91,258.0 123 2360.509 PE SP 12.5 NON WEAR COURSE MIX (2;B) ON $84.35 41 $O.DQ 372.39 $31,411.1 124 2360.504PE SP 9.5 WEAR CRS MIX (2,B) F.0" THICK Y $35.59 10 $0.00 127.94 $4,553.36 125 2433.603 AW & SEAL JOINT L F $25.64 26 $0.00 184 $4,717.7 126 2502.573 " PE PIPE DRAIN CLEANOUT EACH $384.56 C $0.00 1 $384.5 127 2502.503 " PVC PIPE DRAIN L F $53. 5C $0.00 49 $2,559.6 128 2502.503 6"PVC PIPE DRAIN L F $60.5C C $0.00 331 $20,025.5 129 2502.602 IS rONNECT INTO DRAINAGE TRUCTURE EACH $461.4 $0.0 $922.9 130 2504.6021IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIR EACH $461.4 1 $0.00 3 $1,384.41 131 2504.602 " GATE VALVE EACH $2,256.M 1 C $0. 1 $2,256.08 132 2504.602 ADJUST GATE VALVE EACH $410.20 G C $0.G0 1 $5,332.6 133 2506.502 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH $871.67 2 $0. 1 $871.6 134 2506.503 RECONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE F $410.2C 1 $0.00 a $0.0 135 r506.602 DJUST FRAME AND RING ASTING (STORM) EACH $435.8 2 $0.0 $1,307.4 Page 7 of 10 2020 Street Improvements Project Final Pay Voucher 4 ws b Contract Item Status Line No em Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity QuantityAmount This Voucher This Voucher Quantity To Date Amount To Date 136 2506.602 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (SANITARY) EACH $435.8 1 $0.0 1 $6,973.2 137 2506.602 CHIMNEY SEALS (EXTERNAL) EACH $358.9 2 $O.DO $1,076.7 138 2506.602rHIMNEY SEALS (INTERNAL) EACH $512.74 0 $0.00 $0.0 139 25211.5118 - CONCRETE WALK F $10.2E 504 0 $0.00 76. $784.1 140 2531.50X CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT Y $55.38 10 $0.00 0 $0.0 141 2531.603 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DES SURMOUNTABLE F $22.05 52 C $O.DO 4 $9,525. 60 142 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES SF $51.27 19 $0.00 1 $820.3 143 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LS $1,179.31 1 C $0. 1 $1,179.31 144 2564.602 INSTALL SIGN EACH $128.1 EC $0.00 0 $O.DO 145 2573.503 EDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE OOD FIBER F $3.M 40 $O.DO C $0.0 146 2573.502 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH $108.4 2 $0.00 20 $2,169.0 147 2575.504 SODDING TYPE LAWN SY $25.64 234 C $0.00 167. $4,294.1 148 2575.505 RAPID STABILIZATION METHOD 2 ACRE $5,127.45 0.1 C $0.00 0 $0.00 149 2574.507 BOULEVARD TOPSOIL BORROW CY $33.82 2 $0. 1 $405.84 150 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS $24,407.87 1 0 $0. 1 $24,407.8 151 2104.503 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER LF $7.18 35 $0.00 1 $926.2 152 104.503 SAWING BIT PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) F $1.79 22 $0.00 0 $0.0 153 2104.504 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SY $4.18 26 $0.00 0 $0.0 154 2105.5041GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE 5 SY $5.1 45 0 $0.0 $256.5 155 2106.5071EXCAVATION - COMMON CY $25. 4 $0.00 45.44 $1,165.0 156 2106.507 EXCAVATION - SUBGRADE CY $22.56 7 $0.00 70 $1,579.20 157 2106.507 ELECT GRANULAR EMBANKMENT (CV) Y $28.71 7 C $0 $0. DO 158 123.610 STREET SWEEPER (WITH PICKUP ROOM) HOUR $162.0 2 $0.00 10.5 $1,701.3 159 2123.610 UTILITY CREW HOUR $871.6 $0.0 $0.0 Page 8 of 10 2020 Street Improvements Project Final Pay Voucher 4 V V S b Contract Item Status Quantity Line Contract Amount This Quantity hem Description Units Unit Price This Voucher To Date Amount To Date No. Quantity Voucher 160 2211.607 AGGREGATE BASE (CV) CLASS 5 C Y $74.85 1 0 $0.00 1 $973.0 161 2215.501 FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION S Y $3.17 2816 0 $0.00 2816 $8,926.7 162 2231.509 BITUMINOUS PATCHING MIXTURE TON $110.22 20 $0.00 0 $0.0 163 2357.506 MATERIAL FOR TACK L $3. 13 $0. 1 $608.4 OAUMINOUS 164 2360.509 PE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE ON $75.72 23 a $0.00 293.08 $22,192.0 IX (2;B) 165 2360.509 PE SP 12.5 NON WEAR COURSE MIX (2;B) ON $75.44 38 $0.00 322.41 $24,322.61 166 502.503 " PERF PVC PIPE DRAIN L F $65.6 9 $0.00 9 $5,906.7 167 25D2.602 ONNECT INTO DRAINAGE EACH $461.4 $0. $1,845.8 IS TRUCTURE 168 2504.602 ADJUST GATE VALVE EACH $410.20 1 $0.00 a $0.0 169 2506.502 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH $871.68 1 t $O.DO 2 $1,743.3 170 2506.602 ADJUST FRAME AND RING EACH $435.83 4 C $0.DQ 0 $0.0 ASTING (STORM) 1IA171 506.602 DJUST FRAME AND RING EACH $435.8 $0.0 $0.0 ASTING (SANITARY) 172 2531.503 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN 8618 L F $19.48 3 $0.0 9 $175.3 173 2531.603 ONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DES L F $22.0 8 $0.00 130 $2,866.5 URMOUNTABLE 174 2573.503 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE F $3. 2 $0. 100 $308.0 WOOD FIBER 175 2573.502 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH $108.4 1 $0.00 1 $1,301.40 176 2575.5D4 rODDING TYPE LAWN SY $25.64 21 $0.00 50 $1,282.0 177 2575.505 RAPID STABILIZATION METHOD 2 ACRE $5,127.45 0.1 $O.DO 0 $0.00 178 2574.507 BOULEVARD TOPSOIL BORROW CY $34.8 2 $O.DO 1 $348.7 Bid Totals: $0.00 $1,198,324.48 Project Category Totals Category Amount This Voucher Amount To Date A. Meadows/ Balboul/ Anders Wiihem Estates Area $0.00 $380,406.15 B. Cardinal Hills Area $0.00 $461,362.60 C. Oakridge Area $0.00 $253,718.88 D. WWTP Parkin Lot $0.00 $102,836.85 Page 9 of 10 2020 Street Improvements Project Final Pay Voucher 4 ws b Contract Change Rem Status C Line Contract QuantityAmount This Quantity CC o NO. em Description Units Unit Price Quantity This Voucher To Date Amount To Date Voucher Contract Change Totals: Contract Change Totals No. Contract Chane Description Amount This Voucher Amount To Date Date Added Used Remaining Material On Hand Additions Line nem No. Description Date [Added Comments Date Added Used Remaining Material On Hand Balance Line No. Item Description Date Added Used Remaining Page 10 of 10 City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 20. Consideration of authorizing the purchase of a 2021 John Deere 624L front loader from RDO Equipment Co., fitted with plow equipment from Little Falls Machine, funded through the Central Equipment (Internal Service) Fund for a total of $244,371.04. (MH, ML) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council is asked to consider authorizing the purchase of a new 2021 John Deere 624L front loader from RDO Equipment Co, as listed on the State Contract Purchasing Agreement for $203,086.04. This loader will then be fitted with plow equipment from Little Falls Machine, as listed on the State Contract Purchasing Agreement for $41,285. The total cost of the complete unit is $244,371.04. The state contract pricing will increase by 10% in 2021. The city currently has two -wheel loaders, a 2003 Case 721D and a 2007 Case 621 loader. These loaders are both equipped with plows and are assigned to plow routes in the winter. Since both of the loaders are equipped with plows, when a truck needs to be filled with salt or sand one of the loaders has to go back to the public works facility and change buckets to load the truck which causes inefficiencies. The potential new loader is proposed to be an addition to the fleet, allowing the 18 -year-old loader to be utilized primarily for clearing snow at the public works facility and loading trucks. The 18 -year- old loader would not be put on the replacement schedule but would be cycled out when another loader is replaced in the future. Purchasing from the state contract satisfies the bidding process requirements, saving the City money with the power of quantity purchasing through the state. With the authorization of this purchase, the build timeline for the loader from RDO Equipment is approximately 90 days. Al. Budget Impact: This item is included in the 2021 budget as a purchase through the Central Equipment Fund. The Central Equipment Fund is an internal service fund that provides financing for governmental fund (General Fund) capital equipment purchases of $10,000 or more. The Central Equipment Fund recovers equipment costs through annual lease payments from the benefitting department. The annual recovery for this purchase is $31,700 for 10 years. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff workload impacts of this new unit will be very positive. The new loader and plow equipment will improve staff efficiencies with less down time and more productivity. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve purchase of a new 2021 John Deere loader through the state contract from RDO Equipment and fitted with plow equipment through the state contract from Little Falls Machine for a total of $244,371.04, funded through the Central Equipment (Internal Service) Fund. 2. Motion to deny. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends authorization to the purchase of a new 2021 John Deere Loader City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 fitted with plow equipment as outlined in Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • State contract pricing for the equipment. Investment Proposal (Quote) JOHN DEERE RDO Equipment Co. 11030 Holly Lane N Dayton MN, 55311 Phone: (763) 294-7800 - Fax: Proposal for: Investment Proposal Date: 11/23/2020 CITY OF MONTICELLO Pricing Valid Until: 12/2312020 909 GOLF COURSE RD Deal Number. 1379898 MONTICELLO, MN, 553628576 Customer Account#. 3170033 WRIGHT Sales Processional. Chris Mullen Phone: (952) 890-8980 Fax: (952) 890-7046 Email: CJ Mu lien Qrdoequ ipment.com Equipment Information Quantity Serial Number Hours Status / Year / Make / Model Cash Price Stock Number (approx.)) Additional Items 1 TBD 0 New 2021 JOHN DEERE 624L $184,509.03 TSD Outside Parts and Labor Install 5th/6th function $4,485.0C Outside Parts and Labor Graco Auto Lube $9,788.53 1 TBD 0 Attachment - New 2020 JOHN DEERE 5th/6th Function Kit $4,303.48 TBD Equipment Subtotal: $203,086.04 Purchase Order Totals Balance: $203,086.04 Tax Rate 3: (MNEG 0%) $0.00 Sales Tax Total: $0.00 Sub Total: $203,086.04 Cash with Order. $0.00 Balance Due: $203,086.04 D1379898 Page 1 of 2 Equipment torts Qty Serial! Number Year / Make / Model Description 1 TBD 2021 JOHN DEERE 624L 7590DW 624L WHEEL LOADER 2605 English Decals and Manuals 1010 Standard Wheel Loader 0924 John Deere PowerTech Engine 1520 Automatic Reversing Hydraulic Fan 1430 Engine Air Intake System with Centrifugal Precleaner 1330 Chrome Curved Stack 1610 Standard Fuel Filter with Water Separator and Standard Fuel Fill 9015 Engine Block Heater 9043 Environmental Drains and Sampling Ports 9240 Engine Compartment Light 1217 140 amp Alternator 2730 30 Amp Converter 7140 Premium LED Work and Drive Lights 1120 5 -Speed Powershift Transmission with Lock-up Torque Converter 3049 High Traction - Front & Rear Hydraulically Locking Differential Axles 3110 Automatic Differential Lock 9050 Wheel Spin Control System 2010 Standard Z -BAR 2360 Joystick Controls 2404 Four Function Hydraulics 1975 Hydrau XR Hydraulic Fluid 2510 Ride Control 1910 Premium Cab 8450 Cab with Air A/C Charge 2240 Premium Seat, Heated and Ventilated with Heavy Duty Air Suspension 1945 7 inch Monitor with Dedicated Rear Camera Display 8350 Remote Powered and Heated Exterior Mirrors 8370 Premium AM/FM/Weather Band (WB) with Bluetooth, Remote Aux and Remote USB Port 8235 Rear Camera and Rear Object Radar Detection 8275 LED Strobe Beacon with Left Beacon Bracket 5610 Left Side Steps Only 9115 Powered Cab Fresh Air Pre -Cleaner 9140 Fire Extinguisher 2120 Steering Wheel Only 2870 No Payload Scale with Cycle Counter 170C JDLink Ultimate 5 Year Subscription 5560 Full Coverage Front and Rear Fenders with Mudflaps 4415 Michelin XSnoPlus, 20.5R25 L2 Radial Tires with 3pc Rims 8560 Hydraulic Coupler - JRB 416 Pattern 8925 3.75 Cu. Yd. Bucket (Coupler only) 8860 Bolt -on Cutting Edge 5840 No Fork Frame 5940 No Tines 8220 Rear Hitch and Counterweight 9210 Electrical Corrosion Prevention Package 9410 Transmission and Bottom Guards 9525 Slow Moving Vehicle (SMV) Emblem BYT11236 5th/6th Function Hydraulics BYT11300 CB Radio Antenna Kit TSD 2020 JOHN DEERE 5th/6th Function BYT11236 5th/6th Function Hydraulics Kit D1379898 Page 2 of 2 Investment Proposal (Quote) JOHN DEERE RDO Equi ment Co. 11030't ly t Dayton MN, 55311 Phone: (763) 294-7800 - Fax: Proposal for Investment Proposal Date: 10/28/2020 CITY OF MONTICELLO Pricing Valid Until: 11/27/2020 909 GOLF COURSE RD Deal Number. 1377113 MONTICELLO, MN, 553628576 CustomerAccounf 3170033 Sates Professional: Chris Mullen Phone: (952)890-8880 Fax (952)890-7046 Email: CJMullen@rdoequipment.com Equipment Information Quantity Serial Number Haus Status / Year / Make / Model Cash Price Stock Number (approx.) Additional Items 1 TBD 0 New 2020 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE Loader Snow Plow $16,570.00 TBD 1 TBD 0 New 2020 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE Loader Snow Wing $24,715.00 TBD Equipment Subtotal: $41,285.00 Purchase Order Totals Balance: $41,285.00 Tax Rate 3: ( 0%) $0.00 Sales Tax Total: $0.00 Sub Total: $41,285.00 Cash with Order. $0.00 Balance Dus: $41,285.00 Equipment Options 2tY Serial Number Year / Make / Model Description 1 TBD 2020 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE Loader ?? FALLS MODEL PTE -12 -MS REV POLY TRIP EDGE SNOW Snow Plow PLOW STD CUTTING EDGE TRIP EDGE MS -MUSHROOM SHOES PAINTED BLACK LJRB FALLS SUPPLIED JRB 416 HOOKS LADAPT ADAPT/INSTALL FALLS SUPPLIED JRB 416 BLANKS TO FIT FALLS PLOW L3PFQ FALLS MODEL 4 PORT STUCCHI QUICK DISCONNECT 1 TBD 2020 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE Loader LLDL-10A FALLS MODEL LDL-10ATE LOADER MOUNTED SNOW Snow Wing WING (STATE BID OR SOURCWELL #LLDL-10A) STD CUTTING EDGE PAINT JD FRONT MOUNT/REAR LIFT TE -TRIP EDGE TE -TRIP EDGE LLDLHPP LOADER WING HYD BUFFER BRACE L5PFQ FALLS MODEL 6 PORT STUCCHI QUICK DISCONNECT /31377113 Page 1 of 1 City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 2P. Consideration of approving the purchase of a 2021 Mack dump/plow truck from NUSS Truck & Equipment equipped with a dump body and plow equipment from Bert's Truck Equipment for a total of $277,768 and declaring Truck #111 as surplus. (MH, ML) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to authorize the purchase of a 2021 Mack AF Granite tandem axle truck from Nuss Truck & Equipment hook style dump/plow truck equipped with a dump body and plow equipment from Bert's Truck Equipment. Both companies are on the state contract cooperative purchasing contract. The proposed truck will replace truck #111 (1995 Ford LS8000 dump/plow truck). Public Works currently plows 160 lane miles of streets. In 2005, Public Works created a policy to guide how the department could efficiently evaluate the replacement of equipment. The goal was to maintain all equipment in good/safe/efficient operating condition and replace equipment before it became a detriment or a safety issue. When that policy was drafted, large plow trucks were intended to be evaluated at 10 years of age for replacement at 12 to 14 years. However, in 2008 Public Works was asked to cut back on purchases due to the recession. As a result, since 2009 Public Works has replaced one plow truck in 2012 and added one additional truck to the fleet in 2020. The truck purchased in 2020 is being outfitted with a dump body and plow equipment; it is expected to be delivered in early 2021. The remainder of the current fleet consists of five large plow trucks which are 25, 20, 17, 15, and 12 years old. The fleet is getting older and, with the high demand for services, the plow trucks are accumulating significant hours of use every year. The age and manufacturer of the majority of our fleet makes it harder to find certain parts and it is more costly to maintain the fleet. Once the new truck is delivered, it will be put into service and replace the oldest plow truck in the fleet. If authorized for purchase, the build timeline for truck chassis from MUSS Truck & Equipment is approximately 120 days. The tentative drop off date to Bert's Truck Equipment is April 2021, which will put the truck and plow online and ready to go by May or June of 2021. The state contract price for the Mack AF Granite chassis from MUSS Truck & Equipment is $125,517 and the dump body/plow equipment from Bert's Equipment is $152,251 for a total of $277,768 before tax and license. These prices are valid for the 2020 state contracting equipment contract year. After January 1, 2021, the prices are proposed to go up 6% or $17,090. Al. Budget Impact: This Public Works item is included in the 2021 budget as a purchase through the Central Equipment Fund. The Central Equipment Fund is an internal service fund that provides financing for governmental fund (General Fund) capital equipment purchases of $10,000 or more. The Central Equipment Fund recovers equipment costs through annual lease payments from the benefitting department. The annual lease payment for this piece of equipment is $36,000. City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff workload impact of this new unit will be very positive due to improved efficiencies with a truck well-suited for Public Works. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the purchase of a 2021 Mack dump/plow truck from Nuss Truck and Equipment equipped with a dump body and plow equipment from Bert's Truck Equipment for a total of $277,768 and declaring Truck #111 as surplus. 2. Motion to deny the purchase. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends purchasing the new plow truck and equipment as outlined in Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Copy of state contract pricing for the new Mack truck/chassis and dump body/plow equipment. Nuss Truck & Equipment — Corporate Office M14 Tnucx & EQUIPMENT Date 11-17-20 City of Monticello 909 Golf Course Road Monticello MN 56532 Mike Haaland 783--271-3277 Matt Barthel 763-370-3438 Mack Trucks MN State Contract Pricing 6500 Highway 63 South Rochester, MN 55903 507-288-9488 / 800-562-1505 Fax 507-288-1393 www.nussgrp.com Year QTY Description Total 2021 1 Mack AF Granite 64FR (T) TA $125,517 per truck* $125,517 *price quoted does not include tax or license fees Accepted By Quoted by: Brian Selvy Director of Municipal Sales 612-202-7259 bselvy@nussgrp.com Date BURNSVILLE • DULUTH • EAU CLAIRE 9 MANKATO a ROCHESTER• ROSEVILLE • ST. CLOUD iT r -w-. 2116P.10W IMF,- -s I EVENT G0210-2000006496 VENDOR INSTRUCTIONS 1 of 20 Print Date & Time 11/17/2020 15:25 Tandem Axle Cab & Chassis VENDOR NAME NUSS TRUCK & EQUIPMENT vFAR MAKF AND MODEL 2091 MACK AF GRANITE 64FR (T) TA 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.35 2.36 section for use when ordering 212" 138' Grand Total 74" rear wing _ 4.11 Orange Alum wheels CITY OF Monticello Description )tyll PriceSubtotal _ ubtotal _ 1 1 $ 86.876 -6b -t-$ 86,875.00 Front frame extension Tt WB 886.00 CA Custom hole punching in frame AF 100.00 Rear Ratio _ Cab Color vvneei $ - Color 1 Note Frame, R.B.M., S.M., PSI, CT Spec # I F ..................... 1.0 Price for Base Unit 2 o FRAME OPTIONS 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.35 2.36 section for use when ordering 212" 138' Grand Total 74" rear wing _ 4.11 Orange Alum wheels CITY OF Monticello Description )tyll PriceSubtotal _ ubtotal _ 1 1 $ 86.876 -6b -t-$ 86,875.00 Front frame extension 1 $ 886.00 $ 886.00 Custom hole punching in frame $ 100.00 $ - Deduct for no front bumper $ - Frame fastener option (bolt or huck spun) 1 STD Frame, R.B.M., S.M., PSI, CT 2,120,000 17.7 120,000 87 - 112 CA $ (64.00) $ - 2,120,000 17.7 120,000 113 - 133 CA STD 2,120,000 17.7 120,000 134 - 152 CA $ 107.00 $ - 2,120,000 17.7 120,000 153 - 199 CA $ 406.00 $ - 2,120,000 17.7 120,000 200 - 236 CA $ 482.00 $ - 2,470,000 20.6 120,000 87 - 112 CA $ 176.00 $ - 2,470,000 20.6 120,000 113 - 133 CA $ 240.00 $ - 2,470,000 20.6 120,000 134 - 152 CA $ 347.00 $ - 2,470,000 20.6 120,000 153 - 199 CA $ 646.00 $ - 2,470,000 20.6 120,000 200 - 236 CA $ 722.00 $ - 2.820,000 23.5 120,000 87 - 112 CA $ 521.00 $ - 2.820,000 23.5 120,000 113 - 133 CA $ 585.00 $ - 2.820,000 23.5 120,000 134 - 152 CA 1 $ 692.00 $ 692.00 2.820,000 23.5 120,000 153 - 199 CA $ 991.00 $ - 2.820,000 23.5 120,000 200 - 236 CA $ 1,067.00 $ - 3,160,000 26.3 120,000 87 - 112 CA $ 744.00 $ - 3,160,000 26.3 120,000 113 - 133 CA $ 808.00 $ - 3,160,000 26.3 120,000 134 - 152 CA $ 915.00 $ - 3,160,000 26.3 120,000 153 - 199 CA $ 1,214.00 $ - 3,160,000 26.3 120,000 200 - 236 CA $ 1,290.00 $ - DOUBLE FRAME - PARTIAL IC REINFORCEMENT 3,230,000 26.9 120,000 87-112 CA $ 801.00 $ - 3,230,000 26.9 120,000 113-133 CA $ 865.00 $ - 3,230,000 26.9 120,000 134-152 CA $ 972.00 $ - 3,230,000 26.9 120,000 153-199 CA $ 1,214.00 $ - 3,230,000 26.9 120,000 200-236 CA $ 1,290.00 $ - 3,580,000 29.8 120,000 87-112 CA $ 1,041.00 $ - 3,580,000 29.8 120,000 113 - 133 CA $ 1,105.00 $ - 3,580,000 29.8 120,000 134 - 152 CA $ 1,212.00 $ - 3,580,000 29.8 120,000 153-199 CA $ 1,511.00 $ - 3,580,000 29.8 120,000 200 - 1,587.00 $ - EVENT G0210-2000006496 VENDOR INSTRUCTIONS Spec # Description Qty: Price Subtotal 2.37 3,920,000 32.7 120,000 87-112 CA $ 1,376.00 $ - 2.38 3,920,000 32.7 120,000 113-133 CA $ 1,450.00 $ - 2.39 3,920,000 32.7 120,000 134-152 CA $ 1,657.00 $ - 2.40 3,920,000 32.7 120,000 153-199 CA $ 1,856.00 $ - 2.41 3,920,000 32.7 120,000 200-236 CA $ 1,932.00 $ - 2.42 4,260,000 35.5 120,000 87-112 CA $ 1,832.00 $ - 2.43 4,260,000 35.5 120,000 113-133 CA $ 1,673.00 $ - 2.44 4,260,000 35.5 120,000 134-152 CA $ 2,003.00 $ - 2.45 4,260,000 35.5 120,000 154-199 CA $ 2,301.00 $ - 2.46 4,260,000 35.5 120,000 200-236 CA $ 2,384.00 $ - 2.47 DOUBLE FRAME - FULL IC REINFORCEMENT 2.48 3,230,000 26.9 120,000 87-112 CA $ 1,001.00 $ - 2.49 3,230,000 26.9 120,000 113-133 CA $ 1,065.00 $ - 2.50 3,230,000 26.9 120,000 134-152 CA $ 1,172.00 $ - 2.51 3,230,000 26.9 120,000 153-199 CA $ 1,414.00 $ - 2.52 3,230,000 26.9 120,000 200-236 CA $ 11490.00 $ - 2.53 3,580,000 29.8 120,000 87-112 CA $ 1,241.00-.-$-- ,241.00 $2.54 2.54 3,580,000 29.8 120,000 113-133 CA $ 1,305.00 $ - 2.55 3,580,000 29.8 120,000 134-152 CA $ 1,412.00 $ - 2.56 3,580,000 29.8 120,000 153-199 CA $ 1,711.00 $ - 2.57 3,580,000 29.8 120,000 200-236 CA $ 1,787.00 $ - 2.58 3,580,000 29.8 120,000 87-112 CA $ 1,576.00 $ - 2.59 3,580,000 29.8 120,000 113-133 CA $ 1,650.00 $ - 2.60 3,580,000 29.8 120,000 134-152 CA $ 1,857.00 $ - 2.61 3,580,000 29.8 120,000 153-199 CA $ 2,056.00 $ - 2.62 3,580,000 29.8 120,000 200-236 CA $ 1,787.00 $ - 2.63 3,920,000 32.7 120,000 87-112 CA j $ 1,576.00 $ - 2.64 3,920,000 32.7 120,000 113 - 133 CA $ 1,650.00 $ - 2.65 3,920,000 32.7 120,000 134 - 152 CA $ 1,857.00 $ - 2.66 3,920,000 32.7 120,000 153-199 CA $ 2,056.00 $ - 2.67 3,920,000 32.7 120,000 200-236 CA $ 2,132.00 $ - 2.68 4,260,000 35.5 120,000 87 - 112 CA $ 2,032.00 $ - 2.69 4,260,000 35.5 120,000 113 - 133 CA $ 1,873.00 $ - 2.70 4,260,000 35.5 120,000 134 - 152 CA 1 $ 2,203.00 $ - 2.71 4,260,000 35.5 120,000 153 - 199 CA $ 2,501.00 $ - 2.72 4,260,000 35.5 120,000 200 - 236 CA $ 2,584.00 $ - 2.73 TRIPLE FRAME - FULL IC REINFORCEMENT 2.74 5,688,000 47.4 120,000 87 - 112 CA $ 4,960.00 $ - 2.75 5,688,000 47.4 120,000 113 - 133 CA $ 5,024.00 $ - 2.76 5,688,000 47.4 120,000 134 - 152 CA $ 5,131.00 $ - 2.77 5,688,000 47.4 120,000 153 - 199 CA $ 5,430.00 $ - 2.78 5,688,000 47.4 120,000 200 - 236 CA $ 5,506.00 $ - 2.79 Flush bright finish channel steel $ 113.00 $ - 2.80 Extended stylized -silver -bright finish steel w/stone guard $ 1,495.00 $ - 2.81 Extended - swept back steel, bright finish with stone guard - includescentertow pin $ 1,139.00 $ - 2.82 Mill finish, flush mounted, unpainted aluminum $ 68.00 $ - 2.83 Extended swept back channel steel (includes center tow pin) w/stone guard $ 805.00 $ - Extended swept back channel steel with bright finish w/painted 2.84 center tow pin $ 620.00 $ - 2.85 Extended swept back steel channel w/bright finish $ 258.00 $ - 2.86 Extended swept back painted steel No bumper 1 STD 2.87 Flush painted steel anI0 Un c A [15.00] $ - 2 of 20 Spec # 2.88 2.89 2.90 2.91 2.92 2.93 2.94 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.29 3.30 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 EVENT G0210-2000006496 VENDOR INSTRUCTIONS 3 of 20 _.... _..._.._ ....... _............... F Description Flush stainless clad aluminum �............ Qtyl 1 $ _.. Price 143.00 Subtotal i $ - Plate type radiator guard $ 105.00 $ - Bright finish plate type radiator guard $ 258.00 $ - Tectyl 185 GW pigmented compound between frame rails $ 110.00 $ - BOC crossmember, steel HD back to back channel intermediate $ 66.00 $ - BOC & intermediate crossmember, HD I -Beam $ 332.00 $ - Frame rail clearance $ 62.00 $ - FRONT AXLE/SUSPENSION/BRAKE/OPTION Set forward front axle option 5TD 1 $ 2,240.00 $ 2,240.00 12,000 front axle & matching suspension - Mack FXL12 STD $ 1,558.00 $ - 14,600 front axle & matching suspension - Mack FXL14.6 $ 771.00 $ - 16,000 front axle and matching suspension MT-40-14X4D with Mack AL461 46,000 lbs. air suspension $ - 18,000 front axle and matching suspension - Mack FXL18 $ 1,361.00 $ - 20,000 front axle and matching suspension - Mack FXL20 1 $ 2,147.00 $ 2,147.00 23,000 front axle and matching suspension - Mack FXL23 EwLS 'T3 484.00 $ 2,448.00 $ - Heavy duty front axle shocks 1 STD Front stabilizer bar $ - Right hand air bag suspension per Spec 3.6, Driver controlled $ - Left air bag suspension per Spec 3.6, Driver controlled $ - Front axle lubrication cap with slotted venthole Front brake dust shields 1 $ 18.00 $ 18.00 Dual front auxiliary steering gear $ 569.00 $ - RH spring build up for wing plow application $ 30.00 $ - LH spring build up for wing plow application $ 30.00 $ All wheel drive front axle $ 43,000.00 $ - Twin Steer Front Axle j $ 12,612.00 $ - Aluminum front hubs I $ 53.00 $ - Centerfuse outboard mounted brake drums 1 $ 217.00 $ 217.00 Multileaf front spring ILO taperleaf (2 leaf spring) $ 35.00 $ - HD mulitileaf front spring ILO taperleaf (2 leaf spring) $ 65.00 $ - HD taperleaf (3 leaf spring) ILO of taperleaf (2 leaf spring) $ 65.00 $ - Meritor EX+ Air Disc Brakes requires Meritor rear brakes $ 653.00 $ - Meritor front slack adjustors - Need same slack on rear axle $ 1.00 $ - Medtor front slack with stainless steel pins 1 $ 58.00 $ 58.00 Halcfex front slack adjustors - Need same slack adjustor on rear axle STD Haldex front slack with stainless steel pins $ 57.00 $ - Meritor front brakes ILO of Bendix - requires Meritor rear brakes 1 1 $ 131.00 $ 131.00 Power steering reservoir with visible sight glass $ 30.00 1 $ - A n TewnWU RFAP AY1 F/SUSPENSIONIBRAKE/OPTIONS 46,000# rear axle & matching suspension Make & Model - Mack SS462 Mack Camelback Suspension 1 $ 2,240.00 $ 2,240.00 40,000# walking beam rear suspension and axle Make & Model - Meritor MT-40-14X4D with Hendrickson HMX400 $ 1,558.00 $ - 46,000# walking beam rear suspension and axle Make & Model Meritor RT -46-160 with Hendrickson HMX460 $ 3,362.00 $ - 40,000# air suspension and axle Make & Model Meritor MT-40-14X4D with Mack AL461 46,000 lbs. air suspension $ 1,578.00 $ - 46,000# air suspension and axle Make & Model Meritor RT -46-160 with Mack AL461 46,000 lbs. air suspension $ 2,976.00 $ - Dash mounted air dump system - With air ride suspension STD Driver activated differential lock on one rear axle (front axle rear axle , check one)AMENDMENT #1 FOR 2019 MO EwLS 'T3 484.00 $ - EVENT G0210-2000006496 VENDOR INSTRUCTIONS .........._... #. - _----�-� ..............._ .. .. . Spec # E Description 4.8 Driver activated differential lock on both front and rear axles 4.9 Driver activated differential lock on both front and rear axles, and lubrication pump and filter system 4.10 Meritor MT-40-14X4DP, both axles driver differential lock and pump, HMX400 40,000 # walking beam suspension 4.11 Meritor RT -46-160P, both axles driver differential lock and pump, HMX460 46,000 # walking beam suspension 4.12 '/ round universal joints 4.13 Spicer 1810 HD drive line with half round universal joints 4.14 Rear Dust Shields 4.15 Driver activated differential lock on both front and rear axles with individual switches 4.16 Meritor 18 MXL extended lube 4.17 Meritor 176 MXL extended lube 4.18 Dana-spicer SPL170XL extended lube series 4.19 Dana-spicer SPL250XL extended lube series 4.20 Dana-spicer SPL250HDXL extended lube series 4.21 Dana-spicer SPL35OHDXL extended lube series 4.22 Mack S38R fabricated steel housing 4.23 Mack SB38 fabricated steel housing -40,000 # recertification 4.24 Mack S40 40,000 # rear axle 4.25 Mack S402 40,000 # cast iron housing 4.26 Mack S440 44,000# fabricated steel housing 4.27 Mack S440-46 fabricated steel housing - recertification 4.28 Mack S462 46,000# cast ductile iron housing 4.29 Mack S462R 46,000# cast ductile iron housing 4.30 Meritor 40,000# MT-40-14X4C Amboid (High Entry) 4.31 Meritor 40,000# MT-40-14X4C Hypoid (Low Entry) 4.32 Meritor 46,000# RT -46-160 4.33 Meritor 46,000# Rt-46-164EH 4.34 Spicer 46,000# DS405 4.35 Spicer 46,000# D46 -170H 4.36 Mack SS38 Mack multileaf camelback spring without anti -sway springs 4.37 Mack SS38 multileaf camelback spring with anti -sway springs 4.38 Mack SSB 38 multileaf camelback spring (boost -a -load) 4.39 Mack SSB 38 multileaf camelback spring 40,000# recertification 4.40 Mack SS40 44,000# multileaf camelback suspension without anti 4.41 IMack SS40 44,000# multileaf camelback suspension with anti 4.42 Mack SS40 44,000# multileaf camelback suspension 46,000# - recertification 4.43 I Mack SS462 44,000# multileaf camelback suspension without anti 4 of 20 Price Subtotal _.__.._.._ ®.._................. $ 968.00 1 $ $ 1,210.00 $ $ 2,768.00 $ $ 4,572.00 $ 1 STD $ - 1 $ 126.00 $ 126.00 1 $ 34.00 $ 34.00 $ 1,102.00 $ - $ 31.00 $ - $ 32.00 $ - $ 453.00 $ - $ 493.00 $ - $ 502.00 $ - $ 776.00 $ - STD $ 450.00 $ - $ 450.00 $ - $ 450.00 $ - $ 1,350.00 $ - $ 1,350.00 $ - $ 1,800.00 $ - $ 1,800.00 $ - $ 765.00 $ - $ 765.00 $ - $ 2,163.00 $ - $ 2,163.00 $ - $ 2,628.00 $ - $ 4,305.00 $ - $ (80.00) $ - 1 STD $ (40.00) $ - $ 273.00 $ - $ 226.00 $ - $ 330.00 $ - $ 228.00 $ - $ 336.00 $ - 4.44 Mack SS462 44,000# multileaf camelback suspension with anti $ - sway $ 4.45 Mack AL -461 46,000# air ride $ 4.46 Mack M -Ride 40 parabolic 2 -leaf, 40,000# normal stiffness $ 4.47 Mack M -Ride 40 parabolic 3 -leaf, 40,000# stiffer than normal $ AMENDMENT #1 FOR 2019 MODELS TA 440.00 $ - 813.00 $ - 959.00 $ - 959.00 $ - EVENT G0210-2000006496 VENDOR INSTRUCTIONS 5 of 20 pec # 4.48 `s Description Mack M -Ride 46 parabolic 3 -leaf 46,000# Qty; $ Price 1,289.00 $ Subtotal - 4.49 HMX 400 Hendrickson Haulmax rubber suspension 40,000# $ 803.00 $ - 4.5o HMX 460 Hendrickson Haulmax rubber suspension 46,000# $ 1,199.00 $ - 4.51 Chambers 46,000# L high stability W#29 can $ 3,798.00 $ - 4.52 PAX 460 High Stability Hendrickson Primaxx Air Suspension j $ 1,319.00 $ - 4.53 PAX 462 High Stability Hendrickson Primaxx Air Suspension $ 1,319.00 $ - 4.54 Neway AD -246 air ride suspension $ 1,825.00 $ - 4.55 Neway AD -252 air ride suspension $ 2,287.00 $ - 4.56 Delete power divider lockout $ (153.00) $ - 4.57 Urethane bushing on Mack camelback suspension $ (58.00) $ - 4.58 55" axle spacing $ 122.00 $ - 4.59 60" axle spacing $ 317.00 $ - 4.60 Dual leveling valve air suspension height control j $ 149.00 $ - 4.61 Mack CRDP1501/1511 with interwheel power divider - both axles 1 . $ 2,735.00 $ 2,735.00 4.62 Outboard centrifuse rear brake drums 1 $ 206.00 $ 206.00 4.63 Haldex automatic rear slack adjustor STD 4.64 Haldex automatic rear slack adjustor with stainless steel pins $ 96.00 $ - 4.65 Meritor automatic rear slack adjustor $ 1.00 $ - 4.66 Meritor automatic rear slack adjustor with stainless steel pins 1 $ 231.00 $ 231.00 4.67 Haldex S -ABA slack adjustors $ 50.00 $ - 4.68 30/36 rear brake chamber $ 156.00 $ - 4.69 Comet aluminum hubs w/preset bearings & seals $ 385.00 $ - 4.70 Aluminum preset rear hubs with integrated spindle nut $ 37.00 $ - 4.71 Chicago Rawhide (Scotseal Longlife) oil seal $ 59.00 $ - 4.72 National/Federal Mogul $ 23.00 $ - 4.73 Stemco-Grit Guard oil seals $ 63.00 $ - 4.74 Stemco - Guardian oil seal $ 31.00 $ - 4.75 Stemco (Voyager) oil seals $ (5.00) $ - 4.76 Scotseal longlife rear oil seals $ 59.00 $ - 4.77 Ir Disc Brake 7 H - Type - Require Air Disc Front Brakes & M- Ride 3 leaf suspension $ 2,430.00 $ - 4.78 en Ix ES165 , 16.5'x 8 5Cast Spider - Require - i e suspension. N/A with dust shields $ 272.00 $ - 4.79 Meritor rear brakes - 16.57" Q+ 1 $ 115.00 $ 115.00 4.80 Meritor rear brakes - 16.5' x 8 5/8+ Q+ - N/A with dust shields $ 291.00 $ - 4.81 Meritor rear brakes - 16.5' x 8"+ Q+ - N/A with dust shields $ 213.00 $ - 4.82 -13,500 lbs. Hendrickson steerable composite HLUC-2 pusher axle - includes tires and rims $ 9,791.00 $ - 4.83 10,000 lbs. Hendrickson steerable composite HLUC-2 pusher axe - includes tires and rims $ 9,791.00 $ - 4.84 0,000 lbs.-Watson-Chalin steerable SL -2089 Thu Track series pusher axle - includes tire and rims $ 12,381.00 $ - 4.85 0 lbs.Watson- a In steerable SL -1 187 Thu Track Sefts pusher axle - includes tire and rims $ 10,173.00 $ - 4.86 20,000 lbs.Watson- ha in non-steera e AL -2200 Atlas Series pusher axle - includes tire and rims $ 9,198.00 $ 4.87 20,000 lbs. Hendrickson non - steerable composite HLM pusher axle - includes tires and rims $ 9,091.00 $ - 4.88 13,200 lbs. Hendrickson steerable HLUS2Z pusher axe - includes tires and rims9,791.00 AtACAIRtACAIT -FFT Cr1D 'J (110 AAiI 1 C! $ - EVENT G0210-2000006496 � Spec #� 1 ____._...__,...._.._......__..__-.....-. 4.89 20,000 4.90 4.91 4.92 4.93 4.94 4.95 4.96 4.97 4.98 4.99 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 VENDOR INSTRUCTIONS 6 of 20 Description Qtyl Price ............................ Subtotal s. Hendrickson ara i t HLP20 steerable pus er axe - $ 30.00 $ - includes tires and rims 1 $ 11,192.00 $ - 13,500 tbs. Hendrickson steerable composite -2 tag axle $ 562.00 $ - includes tires and rims $ 9,791.00 $ - 10,000 s. Hendrickson steerable composite h!I_U -2 tag axle - $ 109.00 $ - includes tires and rims $ 9,791.00 $ - 20,000 s. W-atson-Chalin steerab€e SL -2089 Thu Track Series tag $ 297.00 $ - axle - includes tire and rims $ 12,381.00 $ - 13,200 lbs.Watson- a m steerable -1 187 Thu Track Series tag $ 1,385.00 $ - Holland manual slide 5th wheel axle - includes tire and rims $ - $ 10,173.00 $ - 20,000 tbs. atson alin non -steerable AL -2200 t as7e-nes tag Betts B60 stainless steel angled mud flap brackets $ 161.00 axle - includes tire and rims $ 9,198.00 $ - 20,000 tbs. Hendrickson non - steerable composite HLM tag axle - Coiled trailer air hose $ 28.00 includes tires and rims $ 9,091.00 $ - 13,200 lbs. Hendrickson steerable HLUS2Z tag axle - includes tires Air Weight AW5800 onboard scales $ 963.00 and rims $ 9,791.00 $ - 20,000 s. Hendrickson Paralift HLP25 steerable tag axle - Trailer hook up light $ 37.00 includes tires and rims $ 11,192.00 $ - 6S/6M systems sensing both rear axle wheel end sensors $ 440.00 $ - Furnish Meritor wide track axle option - Need for Super Singles $ 1,032.00 $ - Fifth Wheel ontions Frame end tapered and open 1 $ 44.00 $ _ Frame end tapered and closed $ 30.00 $ - Fixed fifth wheel - Holland FW -35 $ 684.00 $ Mechanical slide fifth wheel- Holland FW35 Travel - 24" slide $ 562.00 $ - Air operated slide i ee - Holland Travel 24" slide $ 986.00 $ - Stainless 1/4 fenders, mounted front of tandems $ 109.00 $ - Plastic 1/4 fenders, mounted front of tandems $ 110.00 $ - Tractor package hookup $ 297.00 $ - Behind cab deck plate $ 681.00 $ - Holland fixed with non -tilt 5th wheel $ 1,385.00 $ - Holland manual slide 5th wheel $ 537.00 $ - Mack mud flaps with brackets $ 98.00 $ - Betts B60 stainless steel angled mud flap brackets $ 161.00 $ - Hose tender & towel bar assembly $ 48.00 $ - Coiled trailer air hose $ 28.00 $ - Coiled trailer electrical hose 1 $ 44.00 $ - Air Weight AW5800 onboard scales $ 963.00 $ - Medium height 5th wheel ramp guide $ 192.00 $ - Trailer hook up light $ 37.00 $ - TIRES/RIMS OPTIONS: Nylon wafers or wheel guards on all wheels ea. 1 $ 44.00 $ 44.00 Heavier 7500 Ib. 22.5 x 8.25 Steel rims in lieu of standard 7300# rims 10 ea.) STD Heavier 7500 lb. 22.5 x 8.25 Steel rims in lieu of standard rims (8 ea.) in rear only $ 16.00 $ - 11 R 22.5 H front tires $ 39.00 - 12R 22.5 H front tires $ 198.00 $ - 9000 lb22.5 9' front steel rims,front ires187.00 $ - EVENT G0210-2000006496 VENDOR INSTRUCTIONS pec # i Description !Qty` 10,000 1b. .5 gn front steel rims, 777SR 22.5front tires prefer 6.7 open shoulder aggressive Michellin Front tires 1 S Price 407.00 f $ 7 of 20 Subtotal 407.00 6.8 10,500 Ib. 22.5 x 12.25 front steel rims, 385/65R 22.5 J front tires $ 609.00 $ - 6.9 10,500 Ib. 22.5 x 12.25 front steel rims, 425/65R 22.5 J front tires $ 669.00 $ - 6.10 11 R 22.5 H rear tires $ 656.00 $ - 6.11 X steel front rims $ 5.00 $ - 6.12 x rear steel rims $ 44.00 $ - 6.13 8,000 lb. 24. x 8.25" steel front rims $ 10.00 $ - 6.14 x steel rear rims $ 164.00 $ - 6.15 11 R 24.5 G front tires $ 63.00 $ - 6.16 11 R 24.5 H front tires $ 105.00 $ - 6.17 11 R 24.5 G rear tires $ 164.00 $ - 6.18 11 R 24.5 H rear tires $ 480.00 $ - 6.19 Steel spare rim, size 22.5 x 8.25 $ 125.00 $ - 6.20 Steel spare rim, size 24.5 x 8.25 $ 148.00 $ - 6.21 Steel spare rim, size 22.5 x 9.0 $ 380.00 $ - 6.22 Steel spare rim, size 22.5 x 12.25 $ 430.00 $ - 6.23 12R22.5 H front tires $ 439.00 $ - 6.24 12R 22.5 H rear tires $ 1,752.00 $ - 6.25 Wheel lug wrench - includes handle $ 48.00 $ - 6.26 Aluminum front wheel - 22.5 x 8.25 $ 141.00 $ - 6.27 Aluminum front wheel - 24.5 x 8.25 $ 156.00 $ - 6.28 Aluminum front wheel - 22.5 x 9.0 1 $ 329.00 $ 329.00 6.29 Aluminum front wheel - 22.5 x 12.25 $ 387.00 $ - 6.30 Polished aluminum front wheel $ 48.00 $ - 6.31 Dura -bright bright finish front wheels $ 204.00 $ - 6.32 Wheel finishing with extra polished front wheels $ 76.00 $ - 6.33 Aluminum rear wheels - 22.5 x 8.25 1 $ 492.00 $ 492.00 6.34 Aluminum rear wheels - 24.5 x 8.25 $ 600.00 $ - 6.35 Polished aluminum rear wheel four outboard of dual wheels $ 132.00 $ - 6.36 Polished aluminum rear wheel all eight (8) wheels $ 265.00 $ - 6.37 Dura -bright bright finish on all eight (8) rear wheels $ 1,334.00 $ - 6.38 Dura -bright bright finish on all four (4) outboard rear wheels $ 667.00 $ - 6.39 11 R22.5 G Bridgestone M843 front tires $ 223.00 $ - 6.40 11 R22.5 G Michelin XZE2 front tires $ 296.00 $ - 6.41 315/80R22.5 L Michelin XZA1 front tires $ 532.00 $ - 6.42 385/65R22.5 J Michelin XZY3 front tires $ 712.00 $ - 6.43 425/65R22.5 L Michelin XZY3 front tires $ 959.00 $ - 6.44 11 R22.5 G Bridgestone M843 rear tires j $ 892.00 $ - 6.45 11R22.5 G Michelin XDN2 rear tires 1 1 $ 1,892.00 $ 1,892.00 6.46 11 R22.5 H Michelin XDN2 rear tires I $ 1,964.00 $ - 6.47 11 R22.5 G Goodyear G622RSD rear tires $ 2,504.00 $ - 6.48 11 R22.5 H Goodyear G622RSD rear tires $ 2,672.00 $ - 7.0 7.1 BRAKE SYSTEM OPTIONS: Wabco System Saver 1200 E heated air dryer 1 STD 7.2 Manual cable drain valves on air tanks with lanyard on all tanks S 24.00 $ - 7.3 Heated air tank .� Spec # 7.4 EVENT G0210-2000006496 VENDOR INSTRUCTIONS __w_ .................... ...... ....... ................ Qty Description ; Q f Auto drain valves on air tanks $ __m__._ Price 31.00 8 of 20 ....._,.,,.__...._...... _........ ........ Subtotal $ - 7.5 MGM pe TR -T rear brake chambers $ 50.00 7- 7.6 7 6 S.S. pins on slack adjuster yoke (2 ea. per yoke) For all air brake chambers �l4E■e $ - 7.7 Inverted rear brake chamber mounting in lieu of regular mounting $ - 7.8 Relocate air dryer $ 49.00 $ - 7.9 Bendix AD9 heated air dryer 1 $ 118.00 $ 118.00 7.10 Bendix AD -IP heated air dryer $ 164.00 $ - 7.11 Meritor/Wabco system twin heated air dryer $ 539.00 $ - 7.12 Auto heated drain valve- heated supply tank, manual petcock $ 42.00 $ - 7.13 Auto heated drain valve- heated supply tank, with lanyard on all other tanks $ 72.00 $ - 7.14 Aluminum air reservoirs $ 192.00 $ - 7.15 Polished aluminum air reservoirs $ 252.00 $ - 7.16 Increase air capacity for installation of extra axles $ 289.00 $ - 7.17 MACK Road Stability Adv. Bendix ABS/ATC/RSA wNAW control with mud/snow switch $ 1,873.00 $ - 7.18 Meritor/Wabco ABS system w/o automatic traction control $ 142.00 $ - 7.19 Bendix ABS system with traction control 1 $ 270.00 $ 270.00 7.20 MeritorNVabco ABS system w/auto traction control $ 357.00 $ - 7.21 Furnish automatic traction control (ATC full disable switch) $ 105.00 $ - 7.22 Lanyard control on supply wet tank $ 16.00 $ - 7.23 Haldex "Gold Seal' brake chamber $ 1.00 $ - 7.24 Haldex "Life Seal' brake chamber 1 STD 7.25 MGM TR 30/30 LP3 (3" Stroke) brake chamber $ 105.00 $ - 7.26 MGM LTR (3" Stroke) brake chamber $ 285.00 $ - 7.27 MGM TR3030LP3THD $ 133.00 $ - 7.28 MGM TR -T (Tamper Resistant brake chamber) reclock inlet ports for optimum ground clearance $ 68.00 $ - 7.29 Haldex "Gold Seal' 3.0" stroke brake chamber $ 399.00 $ - 7.30 Electric horn sound when driver door open with park brake released $ 67.00 $ - 7.31 Alarm to sound when driver door open & parking brake not on $ 43.00 $ - 7.32 Schreader valve located in supply tank $ 47.00 $ - 7.33 Schreader valve, secondary $ 47.00 $ - 7.34 Two (2) valve dual brake system -trailer supply and tractor -trailer park $ 42.00 $ - 7.35 Relocate all air reservoir in frame $ 48.00 $ - 7.36 Air reservoir in frame, one reservoir on the RH rail behind Cleartech $ 48.00 $ - 7.37 Never -seize to brake shoes pins & cam rollers $ 33.00 $ - 8.o ENGINE/EXHAUST AND FUEL TANKS OPTIONS: (List Make & Model, H.P., torque of engine and exhaust and fuel tank ootionsi 8.1 8.2 8.3 ■. ■� � - '-. X11 ! "■ - 11 --■ 1 Torque MORPM Gov 1 LB -FT Torque11 ■. ■ -. 500 -1900 '-► - 11 -`■ i Gov 61 LIB -FT Torque : 11 G��Gla►! ���►� I�►1 EiiiZr7:rllyLCli►�t�l �f �l4E■e EVENT G0210-2000006496 VENDOR INSTRUCTIONS ;pec # uescnption _ __.. Mack MP7425M 4 15 - ea 00 RPM Gc 8.4 1560 LB -FT Torque Mack MP7-345C 345HP@1450-1700RPM(Peak) 1950 RP o) 8.5 1360 LB -FT Torque Mack MP7-365C 365 0-170 ea 1950 RPM Go� 8.6 1460 LB -FT Torque Mack 7- 95H 1 0- 70 (Peak) 1950 RPM.Gov 8.7 1560 LB -FT Torque ack MP7-395C 3 1 5- 0 ea 195- 3-i 8.8 1560 LB -FT Torque Mack MP8-415C 415HP@1400-1700ea 50 RPM Go� 8.9 1660 LB -FT Torque Mack 8-4 5 P 3 - 00 R (Peak) 1950 RPM Go) 8.10 1860 LB -FT Torque Mack -5 5 5 1500- P ea 950 RPM Go 8.11 1860 LB -FT Torque Mack -4 5 425HP@1500-1 ea 7000 RPM 8.12 Gov 1560 LB -FT Torque ack 8 55 55 5 - ea 21000 RPM 8.13 Gov 1760 LB -FT Torque Mack MP8-505M 5055HP@1500-1900 RP ea 0 8.14 Gov 1860 LB -FT Torque 8.15 Clear Back of Cab - DPF & SCR Frame Mounted, RH Side under Cab 8.16 PK7-17C2 93 gallon sleeved fuel tank, 20" clearance for outrigger/wing plow 8.17 Cleartech, DPF RH side under cab w/SCR vertical RH side of cab 818 Cleartech with DPF vertical RH side BOC, w/SCR vertical LH side BOC No Muffler, SingleVertical Exhaust Cat, Mounted, lower 8.19 Ventura Diffuser, Turned End No Muffler, Single (Vertical Exhaust Cab Mounted, Lower 8.20 Ventura Diffuser, Plain End 8.21 Single (R/S) Vertical Straight Exhaust Stack Plain End 8.22 Single (R/S) Vertical Straight Exhaust Stack Turned Out 8.23 Single (R/S) Vertical Straight Exhaust Stack Plain End Perf Stack Diffuser 8.24 Single (R/S) Vertical Straight Exhaust Stack Plain End Side Outlet Diffuser 8.25 Single (R/S) Vertical Straight Exhaust Stack Plain Top Outlet Diffuser $.2s Dual Vertical Straight Exhaust Stack Plain End - N/A with Allison Transmission Dual Vertical traigRt Exnaust Stack Turned Out End - with 8.27 Allison Transmission Dual Vertical Straight Exhaust Stack Plain Side utleti user - N, 8.28 with Allison Transmission Dual Vertical Straight Exhaust Stack Plain 7op Outlet Diffuser - N 8.29 with Allison Transmission 8.30 Single, Bright finish heat shield & stack 8.31 Dual, Bright finish heat shield & stack 8.32 Single, Bright finish heat shield, stack & elbow 8.33 Dual, Bright finish heat shield, stack & elbow 8.34 Single, Bright finish stack only 8.35 Dual, Bright finish stack only AAAFNnKAFNT -41 F.C]R 7619 M 9 of 20 2ty` Price Subtotal _v $ 1,508.00 $ - 300.00 $ - $ 651.00 $ - I $ 1,112.00 $ - $ 1,112.00 $ - $ 2,064.00 $ - $ 2,589.00 $ - $ 3,311.00 $ - 1 $ 2,247.00 $ 2,247.00 $ 2,635.00 $ - $ 3,759.00 $ - 1 $ 114.00 $ 114.00 $ 317.00 $ - $ 601.00 $ - $ 3,308.00 $ - 1 $ 318.00 $ 318.00 $ 318.00 $ - $ (16.00) $ - 1 STD $ 32.00 $ - $ 126.00 $ - $ 126.00 $ - $ 1,065.00 $ - $ 1,091.00 $ - $ 1,507.00 $ - $ 1,507.00 $ - 1 $ 65.00 $ 65.00 $ 130.00 $ - $ 162.00 $ - $ 344.00 $ - $ 50.00 $ - 99.00 $ - EVENT G0210-2000006496 VENDOR INSTRUCTIONS 10 of 20 Spec # Description _- Qty Price i Subtotal - 8.36 Single, Bright finish lower elbow & stack T$ 148.00 8.37 Dual, Bright finish lower elbow & stack $ 294.00 $ - 8.38 Single, Bright finish heat shield only $ 16.00 $ - 8.39 Dual, Bright finish heat shield only $ 31.00 $ - 8.40 Bright finish stainless steel heat shield for frame mounted Mack Cap DPF $ 171.00 $ - 8.41 50 Gallon LH steel 22" Dia fuel tank $ (118.00) $ - 8.42 66 Gallon LH steel 22" Dia fuel tank $ (96.00) $ - 8.43 72 Gallon LH steel 26" Dia fuel tank $ (62.00) $ - 8.44 88 Gallon LH steel 22" Dia fuel tank $ 164.00 $ - 8.45 93 Gallon LH steel 26" Dia fuel tank $ 267.00 $ - 8.46 116 Gallon LH steel 22" Dia fuel tank $ 222.00 $ - 8.47 50 Gallon LH aluminum 22" Dia fuel tank $ (64.00) $ - 8.48 66 Gallon LH aluminum 22" Dia fuel tank $ (45.00) $ - 8.49 72 Gallon LH aluminum 26" Dia fuel tank $ 24.00 $ - 8.5o 88 Gallon LH aluminum 22" Dia fuel tank $ 231.00 $ - 8.51 93 Gallon LH aluminum 26" Dia fuel tank $ 272.00 $ - 8.52 116 Gallon LH aluminum 22" Dia fuel tank $ 292.00 $ - 8.53 50 Gallon LH Steel D -Shape $ (118.00) $ - 8.54 66 Gallon LH Steel D -Shape $ (68.00) $ - 8.55 88 Gallon LH Steel D -Shape $ 101.00 $ - 8.56 116 Gallon LH Steel D -Shape $ 300.00 $ - 8.57 50 Gallon LH Aluminum D -Shape 1 $ (118.00) $ - 8.58 66 Gallon LH Aluminum D -Shape $ (27.00) $ - 8.59 88 Gallon LH Aluminum D-Shape� $ 173.00 $ _ 8.60 93 Gallon LH Aluminum D -Shape $ 195.00 $ - 8.61 116 Gallon LH Aluminum D -Shape $ 367.00 $ - 8.62 66 Gallon LH Steel D -Shape with Integral DEF Tank $ (47.00) $ - 8.63 88 Gallon LH Steel D -Shape with Integral DEF Tank $ 213.00 $ - 8.64 111 Gallon LH Steel D -Shape with Integral DEF Tank $ 325.00 $ - 8.65 66 Gallon LH Aluminum D -Shape with Integral DEF Tank STD 8.66 72 Gallon LH Aluminum D -Shape 26" Dia. with Integral DEF Tank $ 171.00 $ - 8.67 88 Gallon LH Aluminum D -Shape with Integral DEF Tank 1 $ 240.00 $ 240.00 8.68 93 Gallon LH Aluminum D -Shape 26" Dia. with Integral DEF Tank $ 304.00 $ - 8.69 111 Gallon LH Aluminum D -Shape with Integral DEF Tank $ 378.00 $ - 6 Gallon Aluminum D - Shape tanks, 6 a on isolated or s.7o Hyd oil i $ 839.00 $ - 8.71 50 Gallon RH steel 22" Dia fuel tank $ 503.00 $ - 8.72 66 Gallon RH steel 22" Dia fuel tank $ 529.00 $ - 8.73 88 Gallon RH steel 22" Dia fuel tank j $ 814.00 $ - 8.74 116 Gallon RH steel 22" Dia fuel tank $ 871.00 $ - 8.75 50 Gallon RH aluminum 22" Dia fuel tank $ 570.00 $ - 8.76 66 Gallon RH aluminum 22" Dia fuel tank $ 593.00 $ - 8.77 88 Gallon RH aluminum 22" Dia fuel tank $ 879.00 $ - 8.78 116 Gallon RH aluminum 22" Dia fuel tank $ 849.00 $ - 8.79 50 Gallon RH Steel D -Shape $ 503.00 $ - s.so 66 Gallon RH Steel D -Shape $ 566.00 $ - 8.81 88 Gallon RH Steel D -Shape $ 751.00 $ - 8.82 116 Gallon RH Steel D -Shape $ 950.00 $ - 8.83 50 Gallon RH Aluminum D -Shape $ 569.00 $ - AMENDMENT #1 FOR 2019 MODELS TA Spec # 8.84 8.85 8.86 8.87 8.88 8.89 8.90 8.91 8.92 8.93 8.94 8.95 8.96 8.97 8.98 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 9.16 9.17 9.18 9.19 9.20 9.21 9.22 9.23 9.24 9.25 9.26 9.27 9.28 9.29 9.30 9.31 9.32 EVENT G0210-2000006496 VENDOR INSTRUCTIONS 11 of 20 Description Qty' .-.. PriceSubtotal _ _... _..-...,,,�...., 66 Gallon RH Aluminum D -Shape $ 617.00 $ - 88 Gallon RH Aluminum D -Shape j $ 822.00 $ - 116 Gallon RH Aluminum D -Shape $ 1,016.00 $ - Single polished aluminum fuel tank $ 197.00 $ - Dual polished aluminum fuel tank $ 393.00 $ - Isolate RH fuel tank from fuel system for hyd oil j $ 30.00 $ - Dual draw & return fuel system $ 82.00 $ - Filter neck screen for fuel tank $ 71.00 $ - Lockable fuel tank cap $ 31.00 $ - Bright finish DPF tank cover - Requires with bright finish tanks $ 171.00 $ - Bright finish DEF tank cover $ 29.00 $ - Bright Finish Aluminum steps & stainless steel bright finish straps $ 189.00 $ - Bright Finish Fuel Tank Straps - Single Tank 1 $ 32.00 $ 32.00 Flocs oil change system w/disconnecting fittings $ 114.00 $ - Engine oil drain kit, Flocs, SAE 100R2 hose $ 136.00 $ - ENGINE RELATED OPTIONS: Oil fill and dipstick EZ access $ ' Delco 35 SI Brushless Alternator, 135 AMP $ 102.00 $ - Delco 24 SI Alternator, 130 AMP STD Delco 24 SI Alternator, 145 AMP 1 $ 18.00 $ 18.00 Leece-Neville Alternator, 145 AMP $ 70.00 $ - Dual element air cleaner Donaldson Single Stage Air cleaner per spec 12.1 1 . $ 278.00 $ 278.00 Thumb screws for Donaldson. Single stage Air Cleaner $ - Fuel1water separator eate Thermostatically controlled, (Brand) $ ' Davco 382 fuel/water separator, non heated $ - Non -heated fuellwater separator, Mack wlmanual drain valve (integral w/primary fuel filter 1 STD Coolant spin on filter/conditioner 1 $ 47.00 $ 47.00 Front engine powered take off adapter and radiator cut out $ 103.00 $ - Air applied fan drive, Kysor two speed K32 Duro speed fan $ 135.00 $ - Air applied fan drive, (Brand) $ - Viscous fan drive - Behr Electronically modulated 1 STD Radiator hose package (Silicone) per Spec 12.2 $ 240.00 $ - Curved exhaust pipe end 1 STD Fuel tank per specification 12.7 $ - Engine block heater $ 65.00 $ In line fuel heater $ 407.00 $ In tank fuel heater $ 351.00 $ - Fuel cooler $ - Radiator bug screen 1 STD Engine brake system $ 604.00 $ - Relocate air dryer $ 66.00 $ - Extended life anti -freeze 1 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 Starter motor options $ - Starter motor options - Delco 39MT-MXT 1 STD Mitsubishi electric 105P planetary gear reduction $ 46.00 $ - Relocate fuel filter $ 38.00 $ - Non -heated fuel/water separator, 349.00 $ - EVENT G0210-2000006496 VENDOR INSTRUCTIONS .._...,-._.-....- ....._ ......... .......... ...... .............. ......... ... Spec # t Description Qtyf Price I Subtotal 12 of 20 9.33 Silicone radiator & heater hose with gate valve on each heater hose $ 201.00 $ - 934 Silicone radiator, spring clamps on radiator & heater, 1/4 tum ball valve heater hose $ 212.00 $ - 9.35 Mack brand EPDM radiator & heater hoses with 1/4 turn ball valve $ 79.00 $ - 9.36 Mack brand EPDM radiator & heater hoses with constant torque clamps on all coolant lines $ 22.00 $ - 9.37 Leece-Neville Alternator, 200 AMP $ 464.00 $ - 9.38 Leece-Neville Alternator, 270 AMP $ 659.00 $ - 9.39 Leece-Neville Alternator, 160 AMP Brushless $ 106.00 $ - 9.4o Delco 24 SI Alternator, 160 AMP $ 54.00 $ - 9.41 Delco 36SI Alternator, 165A Amp Brushless $ 178.00 $ 9.42 Delco 36SI Alternator, 165A Amp Brushless, w/remote voltage sensing $ 166.00 $ - 9.43 Leece-Neville Alternator, 140 Amp $ 49.00 $ - 9.44 Leece-Neville Alternator, 160 AMP Brush $ 103.00 $ - 9.45 Meritor/Wabco 636 (37.4 CFM) air compressor $ 783.00 $ - 9.46 Without bug screen $ (22.00) $ - 9.47 Winterfront over radiator mtg bug screen $ 97.00 $ - 9.48 Winter front cover only $ 52.00 $ - 9.49 Corrosion resistant oil pan - Recommended for snow plow trucks 1 $ 126.00 $ 126.00 9.50 Stainless steel oil pan $ 1,950.00 $ - 9.51 Davco 382 heated fuel -water separator $ 387.00 $ 9.52 Racor fuel filter 1000 FH, 12V electrical heater with Mack integral fuel -water separator $ 374.00 $ - 9.53 120V, 150OW block heater with 150W oil pan heater wired to same receptacle $ 137.00 $ - 9.54 Electric preheater 1 $ 53.00 $ 53.00 9.55 Tether device -furnish cap retainer for oil fill, radiator overflow tank, battery box & tool box when furnish 1� 23.00 $ - 9.56 Electric primer pump (Mack engine) with momentary switch located LH rail BOC $ 96.00 $ - 9.57 Rear engine PTO (Repto) $ 1,817.00 $ - 9.58 Furnish transmission thru shaft for local installation of RMPTO for Fuller transmission (lower left) $ 28.00 $ 9.59 Provision for local installation of rear mounted PTO (lower center) includes dash mounted indicator light $ 159.00 $ - 9.60 Air operated PTO control - includes in cab control (RMPTO only) $ 118.00 $ - 9.61 PTO switch and light with wiring and piping $ 156.00 $ - 9.62 PTO switch and light with wiring and piping - M -Drive transmission $ 156.00 $ - TRANSMISSION OPTIONS: 10.0 (After the first Six listed options, list manual and automatic transmission options. List make and model, # of speeds, type of shifting and whether or not transmission includes PTO gear(s) or not). Example: Allison 3000 HS, 5 speed, push button, no PTO. 10.1 2 plate 14" ceramic clutch option for manual transmission $ _ 10.2 2 plate 15'/" ceramic clutch option for manual transmission $ - $ _ 10.3 External grease fitting for throw out bearing $ 7.00 $ - 10.4 Adjustment free option for 2 plate clutches $ 47.00 $ - 10.5 Synthetic (TranSynd) lubrication f91l`4#WMWilTf9W0iffi1 Q MC] i1S h -i 301.00 $ 301.00 EVENT G0210-2000006496 VENDOR INSTRUCTIONS 13 of 20 Spec # __ Description = Qty! Price Subtotal 10.6 Synthetic lubrication for manual transmission STD 10.7 Factory option lube - transmission $ (56.00) $ - 10.8 Allison 3000 -RDS 5/6 speed push button, PTO $ 6,147.00 $ - 1o.9 Allison 3000 -RDS 5/6 speed push button, PTO, w/output retarder $ 8,178.00 $ - 1o.10 Allison 3000-EVS 6 speed push button, PTO $ 8,108.00 $ - 10.11 Allison 4000 -RDS 5 speed push button, PTO $ 14,280.00 $ - 10.12 Allison 4000 -RDS 5/6 speed push button, PTO $ 13,776.00 $ - 10.13 Allison 4000 -RDS 6 speed push button, PTO, w/output retarder $ 13,536.00 $ - 10.14 Allison 4000-EVS 6 speed push button, PTO $ 14,972.00 $ - 10.15 Allison 4500 -RDS 6 speed push button, PTO 1 $ 13,776.00 $ 13,776.00 1o.16 Allison 4500 -RDS -R 6 speed, with retarder, push button, PTO $ 16,776.00 $ - 10.17 Allison 4500-EVS 6 speed push button, PTO $ 14,972.00 $ - 10.18 Mack TMD12AFD-HD automated 12 speed transmission (direct drive) $ 3,718.00 $ - 10.19 Mack TMD12AFD-HD automated 12 speed transmission (over drive $ 3,718.00 $ - 10.20 Mack - automated 1 spee . ransmission, creeper/multi-speed reverse (direct drive) $ 7,438.00 $ - 10.21 Mack - automated 13 speed. Transmission, creeper/multi-speed reverse (over drive) $ 7,438.00 $ - 10.22 Mack I mul 3AFD-HDautomated 14 speed. Transmiss-ion, ultra-low creeper/multi-speed reverse (over drive) $ 7,839.00 $ - 10.23 Mack T309, 9 speed transmission, PTO STD 10.24 Mack T309LR, 9 speed transmission, PTO $ 142.00 $ - 10.25 Mack T310, 10 speed manual transmission, PTO $ (516.00) $ - 10.26 Mack T310M, 10 speed manual transmission, PTO $ 1,029.00 $ - 10.27 Mack T310ME, 10 speed manual transmission, PTO $ 1,193.00 $ - 10.28 Mack T310MLR, 10 speed manual transmission, PTO $ 1,250.00 $ - 10.29 Fuller FRO -14210C, 10 speed manual transmission, PTO $ 377.00 $ - 10.3o Fuller RTO-14908LL, 10 speed manual transmission, PTO $ 855.00 $ - 10.31 Fuller FRO -15210C, 10 speed manual transmission, PTO $ 1,639.00 $ - 10.32 Fuller FRO -16210C, 10 speed manual transmission, PTO $ 1,298.00 $ - 10.33 Fuller RTO-16908LL, 10 speed manual transmission, PTO $ 1,585.00 $ - 10.34 Fuller FRO -18210C, 10 speed manual transmission, PTO $ 1,614.00 $ - 10.35 Fuller RTO-14909ALL, 11 speed manual transmission, PTO $ 1,390.00 $ - 10.36 Fuller RTO-16908ALL, 11 speed manual transmission, PTO $ 2,102.00 $ - 10.37 Mack T313LR, 13 speed manual transmission, PTO $ 1,128.00 $ - 10.38 Mack T313,13 speed manual transmission, PTO $ 1,089.00 $ - 10.39 Fuller RTLO-16913A, 13 speed manual transmission, PTO $ 2,111.00 $ - 10.40 Fuller RTLO-18913A, 13 speed manual transmission, PTO $ 2,848.00 $ - 10.41 Fuller RTO -16915,15 speed manual transmission, PTO $ 2,220.00 $ - 10.42 Mack T318LR21, 18 speed manual transmission, PTO $ 1,561.00 $ - 10.43 Mack T318LR, 18 speed manual transmission, PTO $ 1,277.00 $ - 10.44 Mack T318, 18 speed manual transmission, PTO $ 1,306.00 $ - 10.45 Fuller RTLO-16918B, 18 speed manual transmission, PTO $ 2,725.00 $ - 10.46 Fuller RTLO-18918B, 18 speed manual transmission, PTO $ 3,407.00 $ - 10.47 Air assist clutch $ 359.00 $ - 10.48 Mechanical clutch cable $ 160.00 $ - 10.49 Open grated clutch pedal $ 14.00 $ - 10.50 Transmission oil cooler 1 STD 10.51 Driveshaft guard for center bearing _ ___ __ _ $ 27.00 $ - EVENT G0210-2000006496 VENDOR INSTRUCTIONS 14 of 20 _ __� __ Spec # ____ ..........`.._...__........_ �. �. _..._......._..._ ............. _.................... _ �.._ . Description �....._ Qty _. _.-�_____. Price Subtotal 10.52 Transmission dust proofing $ 15.00 $____- 10.53 T -Handle shift lever for Allison - Floor mounted $ 203.00 $ - 10.54 Allison shift to neutral when park brake engaged 1 STD 10.55 3rd or 4th gear hold for Allison transmission $ 300.00 $ - 10.56 Stainless steel transmission coolant pipes 1 $ 175.00 $ 175.00 10.57 Allison fill tune and dip stick under hood $ 138.00 $ - Remote lube fittings: clutch release, rg of cross -shaft; 10.58 mounted under LH door $ 50.00 $ - - Parker gear pump - requires M - Drive transmission an 10.59 RMPO $ 425.00 $ - 1 Parker gear pump - requires M - Drive transmission an 10.60 RMPO $ 434.00 $ - GP1 -60 Parker gear pump - requires M - Drive transmission an 1o.s1 RMPO $ 548.00 $ - GP1 -80 Parker gear pump - requires M - Drive transmission and 1o.s2 RMPO $ 588.00 $ - Parker gear pump - requires M - Drive transmission an 10.63 RMPO $ 637.00 $ - Parker gear pump - requires M - Drive transmission an 10.x4 RMPO $ 710.00 $ - arker gear pump - requires P - Drive transmission an 10.65 RMPO $ 857.00 $ - 11.0 ELECTRICAL OPTIONS: 11.1 Resettable circuit breaker electrical protection $ _ 11.2 Automatic reset circuit breakers $ _ 11.3 Solid state circuit protection $ _ 11.4 Circuit box under hood or end of frame, each $ _ 11.5 Battery disconnect off negative side in cab control $ 97.00 $ - 11.6 Remote jump start terminals $ 111.00 $ - 11.7 Back up alarm (Preco Factory Model) $ _ 11.8 OEM daytime running lights 1 STD 11.9 3000 CCA batteries in lieu of 195OCCA $ 66.00 $ - 11.10 3 each 650/1950 CCA batteries in lieu of 2 each batteries 1 STD 11.11 Battery box aft of cab $ _ 11.12 Grote 44710 flasher $ _ 11.13 Signal Stat 935 tum signal per Spec 12.6 $ _ 11.14 Auxiliary customer access circuits $ _ Switch for snowplow lights mounted on instrumental panel. Includes 11.15 wiring terminated near headlights, for customer mounted auxiliary snowplow lights. 1 $ 80.00 $ 80.00 Power source terminal -2 stud type -mounted on firewall or inside 11.16 cab with ground to frame rail and to starter, with 6 gauge wire. $ - 10 -position switch panel mounted on instrument panel. Includes 10 11.17 lighted switches, ignition control; switches will control relays which will feed stud type junction block mounted inside cab. $ - Vehicle speed sensor with speed signal at fuse panel for sander 11.18 roundspeed controls stem. 1 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 11.19 Battery box left hand rail back of fuel tank , $ 48.00 $ - 11.2o Battery terminal cable with tall battery terminal nuts $ 8.00 $ - 11.21 Dash mounted indicator body/hoist up body builder lamp $ 71.00 $ - 11.22 RH/LH led work light on both side of truck j $ 113.00 $ - 11.23 Polished aluminum battery box co1K1@AENDMENT #1 FOR 2019 MO LAS A 52.00 $ 52.00 EVENT G0210-2000006496 VENDOR INSTRUCTIONS ..-....,.-............ ........ ....... .. _.....- � _ ipec#_ [ Description IQty€ _ .. Price $ 15 of 20 � ....-... Subtotal 11.24 Molded plastic with splash guard $ 29.00 $ - 11.25 Painted steel battery box $ 23.00 $ - 11.26 Lockable steel battery box $ 69.00 $ - 11.27 Battery shock pad $ 4.00 $ - 11.28 Body Link w/cab floor pass thru hole/rubber boot $ 1.00 $ - 11.29 Body Link w/o cab floor pass thru hole/rubber boot 1 1 STD $ - 11.30 2 Extra dash mounted illuminated toggle switches j $ 16.00 $ - 11.31 One extra dash mounted rocker switch thru battery for local installed items 31.00 10.00 $ - 11.32 One extra dash mounted rocker switch thru ignition for local installed items $ 10.00 $ - 11.33 ix extra switches 2-1 5A ignition, 1-20A ignition, 1 -1 OA ignition, 1- 5A battery, & 1-20A battery $ 111.00 $ - 11.34 Eight switches - front stro e, rear strobes, wing light, wing strobe, sander light, tail gate lock, and vibrator 1 $ 237.00 $ 237.00 11.35 Back up alarm with intermittent feature (Ambient noise sensitive) $ 98.00 $ - 11.36 Ecco back-up alarm 575 constant sound level 1 $ 74.00 $ 74.00 11.37 Ecco back-up alarm SA917 ambient noise sensitive $ 98.00 $ - 11.38 Pollak 41-722 constant audible (mounted on rear crossmember) $ 80.00 $ - 11.39 Fog lights $ 93.00 $ - 11.40 Fog lights provisions - includes dash control & wiring for local installation of fog lights $ 13.00 $ - 11.41 Omit rear tail lights $ (38.00) $ - 11.42 Incandescent tail light module $ 91.00 $ - 11.43 Brake lighting on with engine brake $ 84.00 $ - 11.44 LED type tail lights 1 $ 199.00 $ 199.00 11.45 Two Mack M/F 925/1850 CCA batteries $ 56.00 $ - 11.46 Three Mack 730/2190 CCA batteries $ 5.00 $ - 11.47 Three Mack 800 CCA AGM Long Life Batteries $ 263.00 $ - 11.48 Four Mack 1000/4000 CCA $ 182.00 $ - 11.49 Switch in dash with wiring to cab roof, albove LH & RH doors for local installation of strobe lights $ 32.00 $ 11.50 sLED trobe beacon lights mounted on top of cab with switch on - panel $ 196.00 $ - 11.51 LH roof mounted spot light $ 71.00 $ - 11.52 lTrucklite LED side marker light $ 102.00 $ - 12.0 CAB EXTERIOR OPTIONS: 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 12.10 12.11 12.12 12.13 Dual electric horns $ 6.00 $ - Air horns, dual, round, with snow shields $ 95.00 $ - Dual rectangular air horns 1 $ 72.00 $ 72.00 Fender mirrors per Spec 12.4 1 $ 133.00 $ 133.00 Heated mirrors per Spec 12.5 -West Coast 1 $ 104.00 $ 104.00 Remote control for R.H. mirror & heated -Bulldog stylized mirrors $ 378.00 $ - Remote control for dual mirrors & heated - Bulldog stylized mirrors with integral convex mirror $ 474.00 $ - Upcharge for cab extension or larger cab $ - Severe duty aluminum cab option $ - Dupont Highway orange paint or equal $ 31.00 $ - Premium paint color option $ 233.00 $ - Imron paint option STD Imron and clear coat paint option 1 STD EVENT G0210-2000006496 VENDOR INSTRUCTIONS 16 of 20 Spec # Description Qtyl Price t Subtotal 12.14 Top of hood painted flat black 1 $ 607.00 $ - 12.15 Cab Air Ride Suspension 1 STD 12.16 Tilting hood per Spec 12.8 1 STD 12.17 Butterfly option on hood $ 413.00 $ - 12.18 Transverse hood opening w/setback axle $ _ 12.19 Front fender mounted tum signals $ _ 12.20 Cab visor, external, painted to match cab color $ 184.00 $ - 12.21 Front fender extensions 1 $ 105.00 $ 105.00 12.22 Front fender mud flaps 1 STD 12.23 Arctic winter wiper blades 1 $ 19.00 $ 19.00 12.24 Optional windshield washer tank $ 26.00 $ - 12.25 Per truck charge for all trucks, key identical $ 20.00 $ - 12.26 RH observation prism window in door $ 28.00 $ - 12.27 Spotlight LH, RH, or roof mounted each $ 71.00 $ - 12.28 Front tow hooks 1 STD 12.29 Rear tow hooks $ 22.00 $ - 12.30 Per truck charge for all trucks, key identical - 4 keys 1 $ 39.00 $ - 12.31 Heated mirrors per Spec 12.5 -West Coast heated & illuminated 1 $ 123.00 $ 123.00 12.32 Heated mirrors per Spec 12.5 -Bulldog Stylized mirrors w/integral convex mirrors $ 272.00 $ - 12.33 Heated mirrors per Spec 12.5 -Body color aero mirror with integrated convex mirror $ (49.00) $ - 12.34 Remote control for R.H. mirror & heated -Aerodynamic j $ 344.00 $ - 12.35 Hadley/Kam 4 -way mirrors with chrome steel - RH motorized & heated $ 214.00 $ - 12.36 Remote control for dual mirrors & heated - Bulldog stylized mirrors illuminated with integral convex mirror $ 502.00 $ - 12.37 Remote control for dual mirrors & heated - Aerodynamic $ 444.00 $ - 12.38 Remote control for dual mirrors & heated - Aerodynamic body color 5 134.00 $ - 12.39 Hadley/Kam 4 -way mirrors with chrome steel - RH/LH both motorized & heated $ 252.00 $ - 12.40 RH observation prism window in door $ 28.00 $ - 12.41 Heated electric wiper blades $ 118.00 $ - 12.42 Heated windshield 1 1 $ 425.00 $ 425.00 12.43 One piece windshield 1 $ 83.00 1 $ 83.00 12.44 Tinted windshield and sides w/50% transmittance gray, tinted rear window $ 50.00 $ - 12.45 Bright finish hood intake 1 $ 16.00 $ 16.00 12.46 Bright finish bars with surround grille 1 $ 240.00 $ 240.00 12.47 Bright finish grille $ 32.00 $ - 12.48 Bullet type chrome marker & clearance lights $ 75.00 $ - 12.49 Led type marker & clearance lights 1 $ 75.00 $ 75.00 12.50 RH tool box mounted on frame rail $ 221.00 $ - 12.51 Heated convex mirrors 1 $ 34.00 $ 34.00 12.52 Electronic keyless entry 1 $ 130.00 $ - 12.53 Bright finish RH fender mirror $ 67.00 $ - 12.54 Bus style 1/4 round black finish fender mirrors $ 191.00 $ - 12.55 Stainless steel exterior sun visor $ 247.00 $ - 12.56 Bright Finish hood latches $ 89.00 $ - 12.57 10" round bright finish heated fender mirrors 1 I $ 234.00 $ 234.00 12.58 Rect convex mirror above RH drivgM&QD%iF_0 1 FOR 2019 MOD E LS T* 23.00 $ - EVENT G0210-2000006496 VENDOR INSTRUCTIONS 17 of 20 _w _.__....._._............... Spec # Description t Qy=. Price Subtotal ; 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 13.10 13.11 13.12 13.13 13.14 13.15 13.16 13.17 13.18 13.19 13.20 13.21 13.22 13.23 13.24 13.25 13.26 13.27 13.28 13.29 13.30 13.31 13.32 13.33 13.34 13.35 13.36 nwe &11rCn1A0 f101r1AA1Q. v Medium grade interior trim package $ - Sandstone Color with woodgrain instrument panel $ 292.00 $ - Sandstone Color with brushed metallic instrument panel $ 292.00 $ - Slate Gray Color with woodgrain instrument panel $ 292.00 $ - Slate Gray Color with brushed metallic instrument panel $ 292.00 $ - Premium grade interior trim package includes power window and locks in package support Sandstone Color with woodgrain instrument panel $ 1,087.00 $ - Sandstone Color with brushed metallic instrument panel $ 1,087.00 $ - Slate Gray Color with woodgrain instrument panel $ 1,087.00 $ - Slate Gray Color with brushed metallic instrument panel 1 $ 1,087.00 $ 1,087.00 Round universal gauge package 1 STD Air -Sears Atlas 80 hi -back driver seat 4 chamber air lumbar Power window, passenger side $ 158.00 $ - Power window/both passenger and driver window $ 325.00 $ - O.E.M factory installed, AM/FM Premium stereo, CD -Player, Weatherboard, Handfree interface, Bluetooth 1 STD O.E.M factory installed, AM/FM Premium stereo, CD -Player, Weatherband, Handfree interface, Bluetooth, Sirius/XM Satellite $ 157.00 $ - Radio accommodation package includes antenna, power supply and two speakers No radio) 5 (175.00) $ - O.E.M factory installed, AM/FM stereo, MP3, Weatherband, Handfree interface, Bluetooth $ (45.00) $ - O.E.M factory installed, air conditioning 1 STD Cab mounted non-resettable hour meter $ - $ ' Dash mounted air cleaner air restriction gauge - (Display in Co -Pilot only) 1 STD Transmission temp gauges 1 STD Windshield defroster fan w/switch dash mounted $ 87.00 $ - Between seats mounted console $ 308.00 $ - Transmission oil sensor (check & fill) 1 STD CB hot jacks dash mounted $ 13.00 $ - Tilt & telescope steering wheel 1 STD Tilt steering wheel $ ' Self canceling turn signals 1 STD List seating options for driver and passenger seats. use as many options as you need to offer seat variations customers have been �... A— Ostrom Talladega 5 Hi -Back air river seat $ 26.00 $ - ostrom Talladega 915 Ode Ode Hi -Back air driver wit4 chamber air lumbar $ 181.00 $ - ostrom 1 alla ega 915 Hi -Back air driver seat and air lumbar support $ 137.00 $ - Air -Sears Atlas 70 hi -back driver seat $ 246.00 $ - Air -Sears Atlas 70 hi-backriver seat"Premium comfort with eig t adj. Air lumbar $ 301.00 $ - Air -Sears Atlas 80 hi -back driver seat 4 chamber air lumbar 1 I $ 374.00 $ 374.00 National 2000 hi -back air driver seat - single chamber air lumbar, 2 position front cushion adjustable $ 104.00 $ - ationa i -back air driver seat - Free chamber air lumbar, position front cushion adjustable front cushion with adjustable rear cushion 199.00 $ - EVENT G0210-2000006496 VENDOR INSTRUCTIONS a ,spec # Description a Qtyj .-.�..._.._ Price 18 of 20 .................. I Subtotal 13.37 Mack fixed rider seat mid -back with integral storage compartment $ 82.00 $ - 13.38 Mack fixed rider seat hi -back with integral storage compartment $ 106.00 $ - 13.39 Extended non suspension rider seat with seat belts (2) $ 101.00 $ - 13.40 Mack fixed hi -back rider seat $ 44.00 $ - 13.41 Bostrom Talladega 90OR mid -back non suspension rider seat $ 74.00 $ - 13.42 Bostrom Talladega 90OR hi -back non suspension rider seat $ 95.00 $ - 13.43 Bostrom Talladega 915 mid back air rider seat $ 200.00 $ - 13.44 Bostrom Talladega 915 hi -back air rider seat $ 297.00 $ - 13.45 Bostrom Talladega 915 hi -back air rider seat with air lumbar $ 297.00 $ - 13.46 National 2000 mid -back air rider seat $ 214.00 $ - 13.47 National 2000 hi -back air rider seat $ 250.00 $ - 13.48 Omit rider seat $ (40.00) $ - 13.49 Inboard mounted driver arm rest 1 $ - $ - 13.50 Inboard mounted rider arm rest - Air Ride Seat Only $ _ $ _ 13.51 Cloth with vinyl driver & rider seat 1 $ _ $ _ 13.52 Driver seat dust cover 1 $ _ $ _ 13.53 Passenger seat dust cover - Not Available with fix passenger seat $ _ $ _ 13.54 All ultra leather drive and ride set $ 95.00 $ - 13.55 Orange driver & rider seat belt $ 76.00 $ - 13.56 Light & buzzer for seat belt $ 35.00 $ - 13.57 Push button type starter $ 13.00 $ - 13.58 Diagonal grab handle on inside of driver door 1 $ 35.00 $ 35.00 Co-pilot driver display (enhanced 4.5" diagonal graphic LCD display 13.59 w/4 -button stalk control - includes guard dog routine maintenance monitoring 1 STD oa watc ambient air temp gauge or outside an roadtemps - 13.6o requires aero -dynamic mirrors $ 648.00 $ - 13.61 Roadwatch ambient air temp gauge for outside an roa temps without display - includes cable to D panel with 6" extra wire $ 967.00 $ - oa watc ambient air temp gauge or outsi a an roa temps with 13.62 display on dash panel $ 1,081.00 $ - 13.63 51b fire extinguisher between LH seat base and door with valve aimed rearward 1 $ 66.00 $ 66.00 13.64 Reflector kit parallel to inside of rider base seat 1 $ 27.00 $ 27.00 13.65 Air conditioning blend air HVAC with ATC temp regulation $ 81.00 $ - 13.66 Air conditioning blend air HVAC with ATC temp regulation & APADS $ 226.00 $ - 13.67 Air conditioning with air conditioning protection & diagnostic system (APADS $ 132.00 $ - 13.68 Cab cleanout - includes in cab pneumatic line $ 46.00 $ - 13.69 40 Channel CB Radio, 10 channel weather $ 205.00 $ - 13.70 48" Radio antenna right side mirror mounted $ 4.00 $ - 13.71 48"CB Antenna left side mirror mounted $ 38.00 $ - 13.72 CB hot jacks mounted on the dash and in header console $ 17.00 $ - 13.73 CB mounting in console & external speakers $ 107.00 $ - 13.74 Auto shutoff for radio when truck is in reverse $ 47.00 $ - 13.75 Exhaust pyrometer & transmission oil temperature gauges STD Exhaust pyrometer, transmission of temperature, mane o 13.76 pressure and air application gauges 1 S 75.00 $ 75.00 gust pyrometer, transmission of rn temperature, manifold 13.77 xpressure and air application gauges, Air Suspension $ 100.00 $ - 13.78 Rear Axle temperature gauge $ 91.00 $ - 13.79 Red floor lighting w/switch plus (4) door.lamps w/ywitches- ..- 103.00 $ - EVENT G0210-2000006496 VENDOR INSTRUCTIONS _E Description Qtyl >pec # . _ Interior storage console mounted on tloor between seats w/1 2 vol► 13.80 power outlet $ 13.81 Bodybuilder interior console mounted to floor between seats $ 14.0 14.10 14.20 14.30 14.40 14.50 14.60 14.70 14.80 14.90 14.10 14.11 14.12 14.13 14.14 14.15 14.16 14.17 14.18 14.19 14.20 14.21 14.22 14.23 14.24 14.25 14.26 MN/DOT OPTIONS: Price i Subtotal 308.00 $ - 209.00 $ - 19 of 20 Additional warranty coverage per spec 12.9 $ 317.00 $ - $ - Engine Plan 1 60 months 250,000 miles $ 1,200.00 $ - Engine Plan 1 72 months 250,000 miles $ 2,200.00 $ - Engine Plan 1 84 months 250,000 miles $ 2,520.00 $ - Engine Plan 1 60 months 250,000 miles - HP over 460 horses $ 2,000.00 $ - Engine Plan 1 72 months 250,000 miles - HP over 460 horses $ 3,300.00 $ - Engine Plan 1 84 months 250,000 miles - HP over 460 horses $ 3,800.00 $ - Engine Plan 2 60 months 250,000 miles $ 1,900.00 $ - Engine Plan 2 72 months 250,000 miles $ 3,800.00 $ - Engine Plan 2 84 months 250,000 miles $ 4,300.00 $ - Engine Plan 2 60 months 250,000 miles - HP over 460 horses $ 2,950.00 $ - Engine Plan 2 72 months 250,000 miles - HP over 460 horses $ 5,675.00 $ - Engine Plan 2 84 months 250,000 miles - HP over 460 horses $ 6,450.00 $ - Engine after -treatment systems (EATS) 60 months 250,000 miles $ 675.00 $ - Engine after -treatment systems (EATS) 72 months 250,000 miles $ 825.00 $ - Engine after -treatment systems (EATS) 84 months 250,000 miles j $ 950.00 $ - M -Drive Transmission 48 months 500,000 miles $ 971.00 $ - M -Drive Transmission 60 months 500,000 miles $ 2,067.00 $ - M -Drive HD Transmission 48 months 250,000 miles $ 775.00 $ - M -Drive HD Transmission 60 months 250,000 miles $ 1,150.00 $ - M -Drive Clutch 48 months 250,000 j $ 395.00 $ - M -Drive Clutch 60 months 250,000 $ 695.00 $ - HVAC (Air Conditioning) 60 months $ 600.00 $ - Starter 60 months 300,000 miles $ 203.00 $ - Alternator 60 months 300,000 miles $ 231.00 $ - Starter & Alternator 60 months 300,000 miles $ 315.00 $ - For Prebuild and Pilot meets See RFP special Terms ana conditions 14.27 Prebuild specification meeting (per person) to be held in St. - Paul/Minneapolis area. $ 1.00 $ 14.28 Pilot inspection meeting (per person). $ 900.00 $ - 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 TOAu co TAW nDT1f1AIC- Trailer tow package extended to rear of frame $ 317.00 $ - Trailer package extend to rear of frame per Spec 12.12 $ 417.00 $ - Single 7 pin SAE type, end of frame $ 117.00 $ - Dual 7 pins standard SAE type, end of frame (1) for trailer with electric brakes, A 1 for trailer with air brakes $ 158.00 $ - Hand control valve for trailer brakes $ 47.00 $ - 16.0 MANUALS / TRADE-IN INTEREST FEE: AMENDMENT #1 FOR 2019 MODELS TA EVENT G0210-2000006496 VENDOR INSTRUCTIONS - m pec # 11 Description Percent interest per month (non-compoundin7 on unpaid 'cab -A 16.1 chassis balance. Applies only to CPV Members. (Payable after trade-in is delivered to vendor). Percentage/per month. SEE Special Terms and Conditions re interest to State agencies. 16.2 Manuals in print form, parts repair and service, per set 16.3 Manuals in CD form, parts repair and service, per set 16.4 Premium Tech Tool 17.0 Delivery Charges: Price per loaded mile Starting Point 17.1 Roseville, MN 55113 1s.o Maintence/ Body Shop Labor Rates Per Hour 18.1 Rate for Initial Inspection/Diagnostoce 18.2 Rate for Mechanical Work 18.3 Rate for Body Work Price I Subtotal $ $ 900.00 $ - $ 500.00 $ - $ 3,200.00 $ - 1$ 2.001$ - 20 of 20 $ 148.00 $ - $ 148.00 $ - $ 148.00 $ - 19.0 Quantity Discounts: Enter the number of units that must be purchased and the corresponding discount offered to the purchaser. More than one quantity discount may be entered. 19.1 Material surcharge ::l::] $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 19.2 2.25% 2020 model year increase 11 $ 1,955.00 $ 1,955.00 Total Cost: $ 125,517.00 AMENDMENT #1 FOR 2019 MODELS TA A6AkfiL TRUCK E QUIPMEN' November 2, 2020 City of Monticello Attn: Mike Haaland Mike- Haaland ci.monticello.mn.us Propoasl for Dump Body, Hoist and Snow & Ice Equipment Item Description Crysteel 15' HD Select Stainless Steel Elliptical Dump Body set up for Crysteel RC750 Hoist 96" wide OD 26" 10 ga. Stainless Steels 32" 10 ga Stainless Steel Front 32" 6 panel 10 ga Stainless Tailgate with air trip 7ga. A1011 X10 Floor with western crossmemberless understructure Standard Western understurcture Rear post with S/T/T light cutouts 1.02 Five year limited Warranty $ 12,289.00 1.45 1/4"" AR 400 Floor ILO 7 ga All 011 $ 750.00 1.64 7 ga Sides & Ends ILO standard Elliptcal Body $ 689.00 1.68 46" sides, 50 " ends, Elliptical Body $ 576.00 Fullrib Tailgate w/ 3/16 AR450 Inner Panel with 10GA 201 SS Outer 1.66 Panel $ 102.00 1.51 SS grip strut walk way (removable) inc Vibco DC 35Vibco DC 3500 ,Phillips Vibre V-3000, or Gouger 3200 1.20 installed $ 995.00 1.32 Stainless Steel Stationary 24" X10 Cabshield, $ 1,958.00 1.33 SS Fold down ladder, installed $ 445.00 1.4 Mud Flaps Rear of Rear Axles $ 80.00 9.60 Skid 8584, body attachment $ 2,240.00 9.70 Roller kit 24678 $ 635.00 Labor to install Skid $ 880.00 1.3 Undercoat Body OPTIONAL- $660.00 $ 660.00 Pre-Wet 1.172 1087616 VAR-RBI 90 Two 95 gallon dual lid radius tanks $ 916.00 1.174 1087619, VAR-RB200-DT-MK-PC 100 Gal. Radius Body Stainless $ 2,631.00 Steel Tank Mounting Kit (custom kit with 10" reciever tubes) 1087407, VAR 9516x002 RB-DT Quick fill suction kit radius tank 1.176 (dual) (gravity) $ 373.00 Two 1087401, VAR 9510X002 EGF pre wet kit -1 nozzle 12VDC, 1.177 Plunger Valve Gravity Dual Spinner $ 228.00 1.182 Installtion of Gravity feed Radius Tank Pwe-wet systems $ 1,370.00 NCI Varitech 1040 Liquid diverter valve $ 192.00 1 Additional labor to plumb Dual Spinner prewet $ 440.00 9.10 Stellar Slider 65 for 130" -144" CT 65,OOOIb hook $ 34,590.00 12'-16' bodies, 138" - 144" CT, 54" - 62" hook height (40,0001-13 hook less $9340.00) (9.340.00) 9.11 Labor to install hook lift $ 4,435.00 9.3 Bumper - reinforced to accept pintle hook $ 1,720.00 9.30a Labor to install bumper $ 660.00 1 Poly Fender assembly - installed $ 1,270.00 8.0-1 (3) Falls 1ASD-9-SS" Stainless SteelSpreader, with poly spinner $ 4,595.00 Force America MPJC-6100-4 Ulta Add -a -fold Hydraulics per specifications, Plow 2X, Wing 2X, Hoist andSSC-5100 EX 9.0(1) Salter(3 mini joy stick controls standard $ 19,065.00 9.20 Adder to Upgrade valve for 4250 PSI Hooklift. Price includes the Jib secton $ 1,283.00 9.24 Adder For 4 -Stick Control $ 812.00 9.22-23 Seat Mount kit $ 130.00 9.20 2 Extra sections, Push bar and hyd. $ 1,624.00 9.62 Adder for Pre Wet section $ 565.00 9.32 Adde for Closed loop feedback cable $ 306.00 9.45 Return Line Manifold $ 80.00 9.62 45 gal SS updright mounted Steel Reseveir $ 2,233.00 9.55 Auto Scraper lift $ 353.00 NCI Adder for LCD Scrpaer pressure display $ 500.00 9.36 Adder for Precise Wireless ARC Sensor $ 736.00 9.77 Precise sensor mount $ 35.00 9.63 Stainless Steel Valve Enclosure $ 1,060.00 NO Body up light $ 165.00 Low oil/high temp indicator Inc Standard Berts Hi -grade Hydraulic oil Inc 9.34 Adder for Gravity Prewet Harness $ 89.00 9.41 Force America camera system (2) Wing, backup $ 848.00 9.00 Install Force America camera $ 330.00 9.001 Two MSF5000 Stainless steel Camera Box with U pivot bracket (Eac $ 340.00 BTE/ultra Plow truck harness in abrasive resistant Nylon mesh protective coating (won't hold water) and elecrical distrubution panel Inc Installation of Hydraulics (includes Berts High grade Hydraulic fluid, Abrasion King hoses and fittings (now includes stainless steel 9.10 hydraulic pipe) $ 4,650.00 5.00 Falls 40B Bumper Style Front Hitch $ 1,720.00 5.1-2 Installation and painting of hitch and plow $ 1,850.00 5.7 X4 Pin and loop coupler $1,182.00 6.0-3 Falls PTE -92 Reversible Poly plow with trip edge mldboard $ 9,798.00 6.32 Rubber belt deflector $ 340.00 6.34 Parking stand screw adjustable $ 311.00 6.00 Plow unit to fit x4 hitches $883.00 Falls 11310A Fixed Underbody Scraper with all Standard 3.0-2 Equipment $ 5,872.00 1" moldboard ILO Standard Inc 3.30 12" bolt on extension $ 1,044.00 3.10 Installation of Underbody Plow $ 1,830.00 5.7 X4 Pin and loop coupler $1,182.00 Falls SDLP -10 Scraper mounted Postless Hydraulic Wing with 4.0-3 all Standard Equipment. $ 8,125.00 Rear lift $ 433.00 4.29 Hydraulic power nitro buffered push bar $ 2,106.00 4.1-2 instaitation of Wing, (includes painting of Wing) $ 4,205.00 8.0-1 (3) Falls 1ASD-9-SS" Stainless SteelSpreader, with poly spinner $ 4,595.00 8.20 Dual Poly spinner Assembly $ 887.00 8.29 Dual Manifold Plate!Box for sander Connections Both sides $ 410.00 8.24 Elliptical Spill Shields $ 375.00 8.1-1 Installation of Sander $ 1,135.00 1.121 Whelen DOT3410D System LED Strobe $ 3,225.00 1.131 2 - TIR3 Side strobes $ 300.00 1.132 Whelen WPLOW1A Wing Strobe, installed $ 160.00 1.128 Adjustable Cab shield mounts $ 425.00 1.138 Installation of Whelen DOT sytems $ 795.00 Truck Light LED heated Plow Lights on hood or Mirror mount 1.102-103 brackets $ 1,565.00 1.105 LED Wing and Sander Lights, installed (3) total $ 510.00 Total package 'p '5152,151M Pricing Mn State Contract Warranty 5 year limited warranty on dump body and hoist, (full parts and Labor first 3 years, Prorated years 4-5. 2 years on all other components X Brian Pederson. Sales Sign here to Accept: YOUR TRUCK EQUIPMENT HEADQUARTERS 1-800-232-3787 (218) 233-8681 3804 Hwy 75 North Fax 218-233-9548 Moorhead, MN 56560 email:brianp@bertsonline.com City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 3A. Consideration to adopt Ordinance 752 amending the City Fee Schedule for 2021 and adopting Summary Ordinance 752A for publication (JS/SR) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City service charges are established by ordinance and incorporated into the annual City Fee Schedule. Every year, staff reviews these fees to make sure the fees charged are in line with the cost of providing the service. The proposed 2021 fee schedule is attached for council review and adoption. Recommended changes to the fees schedule are highlighted, with some including additional notes. Following are a few items with further explanation provided: • Animal Control — Daily rate for boarding fees were increased to better reflect the cost of providing the service. Applying the fee increase from $16 to $20 will allow the city to cover the entire cost of animal control with additional funds being available for maintenance, various expenses, salaries, etc. • Monticello Community Center — Rates remain the same as 2020 with the addition of a reservation fee and amended public skate fee to be charged during the current peacetime state of emergency only. Swimming lesson rates were also increased for group classes. • Community Development — Planning/Zoning and Public Works — Certain labor charges were adjusted to reflect changes in service delivery costs. • Parks — Facility rental fees (formally titled Field fees) were redefined from a resident vs. nonresident structure to a for-profit vs. non-profit structure. Rates were also added for seasonal rental and expanded to include additional fields. • Sanitary Sewer and Water — o Applicable Access, Trunk, and Lift Station charges were increased to reflect the increase in the Construction Cost Index. The Meadow Oaks Lift Station Trunk Area Charge applies to the development served by the Meadow Oaks Lift Station, which was installed in the early 2000s. The Little Mountain Booster Station Trunk Area Charge applies to development served by the booster pump station, which was installed in the 1990s. o Base charges were increased 10% and usage charges were increased 5%. • Storm Sewer — Storm sewer trunk charges were increased to reflect the increase in the Construction Cost Index. The storm water fee per drainage unit charge is proposed to be $3.00, an increase $1.00 per month. Refuse and Recycling — The refuse charge is proposed to increase from $9.00 to $9.41 on June 1 to reflect the increase in our contract with the refuse hauler. Refuse fees will be 100% passed through to users at that time. Recycling is proposed to increase to $2.26 on June 1. This reflects one half of the cost per our contract with the hauler. The total monthly increase is $1.17 and brings the per household total $11.67. City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 Al. Budget Impact: The proposed fees would increase budgeted revenues in their respective funds for 2021. There would be a minimal cost to publish a summary of the fee schedule. The full fee schedule will be available on the city's website or can be requested from city hall staff. A2. Staff Workload Impact: This item would have minimal staff workload impact. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Ordinance 752 approving the 2021 Fee Schedule as submitted, effective January 1, 2021 or as indicated in the Fee Schedule and Summary Ordinance 752A for publication. 2. Motion to adopt Ordinance 752 approving the 2021 Fee Schedule with additional changes as directed by Council: and Summary Ordinance 752A for publication. 3. Motion to not adopt the 2021 fee schedule at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff supports Alternative #1. If Council wishes to consider additional changes to the Fee Schedule, those changes would be incorporated into the ordinance accordingly per council direction. Because the alternative actions include a summary publication clause a 4/5 vote is required. Otherwise, the two actions (approval and summary publication) need to be separated. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Ordinance 752 - proposed 2021 Fee Schedule B. Summary Ordinance 752A ORDINANCE NO. 752 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO THE FEE SCHEDULE FOR 2021 TITLE III, CHAPTER 36 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Title III, Chapter 36 — Fee Schedule shall be amended as shown in the 2021 Fee Schedule in Attachment "A." Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 3, Chapter 36 — Fee Schedule, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Monticello City Code as has been adopted. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 14th day of December, 2020. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Rachel Leonard, City Administrator VOTING IN FAVOR: VOTING IN OPPOSITION: ABSENT: ORDINANCE NO. 752 ATTACHMENT "A" 2021 CITY OF MONTICELLO FEE SCHEDULE TITLE III - CHAPTER 36 DRAFT 2021 FEE SCHEDULE - CITY OF MONTICELLO Fee Schedule Rates supersede amounts shown in city ordinances or policies which are dated prior to the fee schedule. ANIMAL CONTROL Boarding Fee: $20 46/per day + tax Boarding Access Fee $250 per entity Dog License: $20 - 2 years $10 - 1 year Late Fee $5 Replacement Tag $2+ tax Disposal Fee $190 (euthanized animal) $40 (adopted animal) ■ Licensed Unlicensed Fine: Running at Large $50 $75 If impounded Add boarding fee (plus tax) Permit for Keeping Fowl on Premises $50 Annual renewal for current permit $25 Permit for Keeping Honeybees on Premises $50 Annual Renewal of Permit $25 CEMETERY Cremation Disinterment - weekday Cremation Disinterment - weekend ■ Companion urn grave excavation - weekday Companion urn grave excavation - weekend ml ■ Bronze memorial Marker setting with 4" concrete border border Frost Charge: (excavations December through March) Grave Excavation Fee: Weekday Weekend Infant Grave Excavation - Weekday Infant Grave Excavation - Weekend Cremation Grave Excavation - Weekday Cremation Grave Excavation - Weekend Grave Purchasing Fee: Full Grave (4'x12') Flush Marker Area Full Grave (4'x12') Raised Marker Area Infant Grave (2'x6') Cremation Grave (4'x4') Cohllribarilnri (includes 2 interment niche covers w/name, YOB, YOD, *if pre -planning additional fee for death date) Bottom niche row (row E) - 2 remains max Middle niche rows (rows C & D) - 2 remains max Top niche row (row A) - 2 remains max *Death Date (individual) *Death Date (double) Ossuary Co -mingle urn placement (includes inscription and um bag) Veteran -co -mingle urn placement (includes inscription and urn bag) Service emblem Urn Box Satin Bag Grave Staking Fee for burials: Staking for Monument/Marker Placement Grave Transfer Fee: Memorial Plaque (Bronze) Stone: $200 $250 $300 $400 $450 $100 $400 $450 $100 $125 $150 $200 Resident $1,075 $1,175 $350 $590 i Resident $2,500 $2,700 $2,900 $150 $175 $1,000 $950 $200 $65 $80 $150 $60 $15 Cost + $10 + sales tax Non -Resident $1,275 $1,375 $375 $690 Non -Resident $2,600 $2,800 $3,000 $150 $175 Overtime Fee (burials outside of business hours) $125 Plant Stand $45 (includes tax) Opening and closing/Re-opening of Niche: $150 Weekday $200 Weekend Perpetual Care Fee: New Grave Sales Included in grave price (Maintenance not taxable - Plant Care taxable) Grave Sold Pre -1960 $100 COMMUNITY CENTER Membership Fees: (for new members) Resident Rate Reeular Rate Daily Pass Junior/Senior $7 $8 Adult $8 $9 Reservation Fee (Peacetime State of Emergency) $8 $8 3 Month Membership Junior/Senior $91.50 $111.50 Adult $128 $156.50 Dual Senior $150 $184 Family $226 $255.50 Dual Adult $205 $232 Annual Membership (Paid in full Options) Junior/Senior $249 $331 Adult $340 $440 Dual Senior $411 $527 Family $578 $689 Dual Adult $526 $636 Continuous Membership (Monthly Payment Option") Junior/Senior $24.25 $30.50 Adult $36.75 $43 Dual Senior $41 $52.50 Family $59 $64.50 Dual Adult $53.50 $58 Collection Fee - applies if sent to a collection service for delinquent payments (automatic withdrawal) $50 -Automatic Withdrawal Administrative fee for start-up of new monthly memberships (one time fee) if membership is not cancelled $30 $30 Cancellation fee - applies if within 12 months of joining $50 $50 $20A-nonth for each S40/month Childeafe option with Membefship Childcare Hourly Fees $4 per child/per hour $37.50 for 10 hour pass child of forTamily ■ Qin fee 20 tout pass Corporate Memberships (Quarterly Rate) JR/SR ADULT FAMILY Level $63 $84 $137 Level $58 $77 $126 Level $55 $73 $119 Special Passes: Resident Rate Reeular Rate Daily Pass (10 visits) $66 $77 Special Rates: Indoor Play Area $4.25 $5.25 Public Skate - Individual -- $5 Public Skate - Individual (Peacetime State of Emergency) $6 Publie Skate Family $20 Twilight Swim Rates - Junior/Adult -- $5 Group Rates - Junior -- $6.50 Group Rates - Adult -- $7.50 Shower Only -- $4 Group X Class Drop -In $17 Silver Sneakers Drop -In -- $9 Swimming Lessons/Birthday Parties Private Swimming Lessons Swimming Lessons (Group) Birthday Party Room Rental Packages Gymnasium Rental Rates: Gym - Regular Gym - Non -Profit Full Kitchen Energy Fee Early set up fee Damage Deposit $30/Lesson for $40/Lesson for Members Nonmembers $65 &58 for $55 $48 for Members Nonmembers Resident Rate/Child Regular Rate/Child $12-$15 depending on $13-$16 depending package on package Pool Rental 106% of 1997 State Recommended Schedule or $100 minimum + state Hourly Room Rental Rates (2 hour minimum required): Resident Boom Island Room $19 Bridge Room (full) $29 N. or S. Bridge Room $18 Warehouse Room Weekday $33 Prairie Center $39 Warehouse Room - Weekend $39 Mississippi Room: Private Resident Half Room Rental $61 Full Room Rental $85 Rental event with alcohol (not weddings): Resident (2 hour minimum - reserve within 3 months of event) $168/hour Add Chapel Rental t Hostess Fee: rr $458 for 6 hours $30/hour $68/hour $48/hour $105/hour $96/hour $67/hour 1/2 of rental fees $111 /hour Regular $21 $34 $20 $39 $48 $48 Private Regular $74 $102 Regular $183/hour $486 for 6 hours Locker fees: $10 per month per locker COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING County Assessor Fees: Building Valuation $499,999 or less $50 Building Valuation $500,000 or more $150 Basement Finish 1060% of 1997 State recommended schedule Building Inspection (non -permit related): $60/hour $15 minimum charge for 15 minutes or less Building Permit Fees: 106% of 1997 State recommended schedule Ir Building Permit Surcharge: use state -mandated fee Contractor License Check Fee: $5 Additional rates available for more than one student or 4 lesson packages Non -Profit $17 $25 $15 $25 $33 $33 Business Resident Business Regular $48 $67 $72 $94 Organization $155/hour Then $50 each additional hour Building Permit/Records - Duplicate $60/hour $15 minimum charge for 15 minutes or less Blight Processing Fee $60 (per parcel) Demolition Permit: 106% of 1997 State recommended schedule ($500 Maximum Fee) Permit is issued under a building permit (follow same procedures as issuing a building permit). Prior to demolition permit issuance verify with Public Works. Contractor must arrange disconnection: 1) Sanitary sewer; 2) City water & retrieve water meter; and 3) approve routing for trucks and heavy equipment, (if applicable). Excavation permit may also be required. Fire Alarm/Fire Sprinkler System 106% of 1997 State Recommended Schedule or $100 minimum + state surcharge Master Plan Review: 25% of building permit fee Mechanical Permits: Residential $50 base + $9/fixture + state surcharge Commercial 1.5% of valuation or $100 minimum + state surcharge Mobile Home Permit $20084-90 Moving Buildings: $150 + expense + demolition permit Plan Review: 65% of building permit fee Plumbing Permits: Residential $50 base + $9/fixture ("Fixture" includes such things as traps, toilets, floor drains, sinks, showers) Commercial 1.5% of valuation or $100 minimum + state surcharge Rental Housing License Fee: $45/per building + $15 for each dwelling unit within the building Rental Housing License Application/Late Fee: Double the standard license fee Rental Housing License Transfer Fee: $35 Residential Building Escrow: $2,000 (Held for completion of as -built survey, boulevard trees, turf establishment. Secures street sweeping, lot erosion control & any damage to public improvements if all items not complete/satisfied at certificate of occupancy) Re -roof (residential) $150 + state surcharge Re -side (residential) $150 + state surcharge Window and/or door replacement (residential) $100 + state surcharge Sign Permits: Permanent $50 for first $1,000 of value (minimum fee $50) $10 each additional $1,000 of value i Sign Permits: Temporary $50 State Surcharge on Building Permits: Valuation of Structure Addition or Alteration Surcharge Computation $1,000,000 or less .0005 x valuation $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 $500 +.0004 x (Value - $1,000,000) $2,000,000 to $3,000,000 $900 +.0003 x (Value - $2,000,000) $3,000,000 to $4,000,000 $1200 +.0002 x (Value - $3,000,000) $4,000,000 to $5,000,000 $1400 +.0001 x (Value - $4,000,000) Greater than $5,000,000 $1500 +.00005 x (Value - $5,000,000) Surveys: $15 Utility Locate Fee: Residential $50 Commercial/Industrial $65 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Business Subsidy Application $200 GMEF Loan Application $550 minimum or 1.5% of loan amount, whichever is greater SCDP Loan Application $550 minimum or 1.5% of loan amount, whichever is greater TIF Application $10,000 Escrow Deposit COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - PLANNING/ZONING Administrative Home Occupation Permit $50 Community Garden Plot $30 Comprehensive Plan Amendment $200 + escrow (per chart) Conditional Use Permit $200 + Escrow (per chart) Escrow Chart - Land Use Application Plan Review 11ornmercial Residential Escrow Chart - Development & Subdivision Project Interim Use Permit: 0-3 acres J$2,000 11 unit 4-10 acres J$6,000 2+ units 11+ acres J$8,000 *reconciled to actual costs for staff/consulting time after decision 2% of estimated public improvement cost or $2,000 Planning Review & Administration minimum, whichever is 2% of estimated public improvement cost or $2,000 Legal Review & Administration minimum, whichever is 2% of estimated public improvement cost or $2,000 City Review & Administration minimum, whichever is 3% of estimated public improvement cost or $2,000 Engineering; grading - Review & Inspection minimum, whichever is 4% of estimated public improvement cost or $2,000 Engineering streets & utilities review and insl minimum, whichever is Iron Monuments $300/lot $200 + Escrow (per chart) 000 base + 00 per unit (up to Labor (for Community Development/Projects): Planner $170/hour Engineer $197 S+66/hour (maximum) Construction Inspector $121 $444/hour (maximum) Landscaping Security Letter of credit or cash based on statement of value of landscaping x 125% (held for 1 full year or 2 growing seasons) Park Dedication (residential) An amount of land equal to eleven percent (11%) of the total gross land area of the plat shall be presumptively defined as "reasonably commensurate." In the event that the subdivider objects to the eleven percent (11%) standard, the City shall, at the developer's request and expense, conduct a specific dedication study of the park system and the demand placed on the system by the proposed plat. Parking Fund (CCD District) Plat Subdivisions: Preliminary Plat Final Plat Sketch Plat Planned Unit Developments (PUDs): Public ROW or Easement Vacation Rezoning Request (Text Amendment) Rezoning (Map Amendment) Cash -in -Lieu: 11 % of fair market value of the raw land to be platted at the time of final plat. The city may require an appraisal to determine market value of subject land being platted. $4,500 per stall i $300 + escrow (per chart) $2,000 minimum $50 + escrow (per chart) $50 + $1000 escrow Concept: $50 $200 + $3,000 $2;000 escrow Development: $200 + escrow (per chart) $2,000 minimum Final: $50 + escrow (per chart) Adjustment $50+$1,OOOescrow $200 + Escrow (per chart) $200 $200 + Escrow (per chart) Simple Subdivision/Administrative Lot Combination/ Lot Line Adjustment $200 + Escrow (per chart) Wetland Delineation Review $50 application fee/$500 escrow i Special Home Occupation Permits: $200 + Escrow (per chart) Special Planning Commission Meeting i$350 Temporary Use Permit (waived for parades only) $50 Text Amendment Variance: Residential, 1 unit Residential, 2 units: Commercial/Industrial/Institutional: $200, no escrow 200 + $800 $700 escrow $200 + Escrow (per chart) $200 + Escrow (per chart) NOTE: When multiple land use applications are run concurrently, only one application fee and escrow deposit shall be required per meeting cycle, until escrow is depleted. New escrow required per escrow chart once depleted. ENGINEERING Driveway Permit E ■ GPS Locate Fee (New subdivisions) Grading Permit: Existing Single -Family Residential New Single -Family Residential Development, Multi -Dwelling, Commercial & Industrial Properties Erosion and Sediment Control Inspection Escrow Land Reclamation/Mining Permit (requires subdivision development agreement or CUP) Public Improvement Security $40S35 $70/unit ■ $75 per permit + $1,500/acre restoration surety bond. No drainage calculation review required: $150 per permit plus restoration surety bond of $3000/per acre; $3,000 minimum escrow Drainage calculation review required: $350 per permit plus restoration surety bond of $3000/first acre; $1500 each additional acre. $300 x weeks of construction - sites disturbing 1 acre or more w/NPDES construction stormwater permit Fee determined by City Council resolution + 100% of land restoration costs as determined by City Engineer Letter of credit or cash based on statement of construction cost of improvements x 125% Right-of-Way Permits Rate per Hour (billed in hour increments) Drops - no drawing required unless origination occurs more than 10 feet from property to be served: Fee without drawings $30/25 addresses (maximum) Fee with drawings $30/5 addresses with drawings (maximum) Permit Extension Fee: $20.00 Pavement Hole Fee: $55 Trunk Line Fee: Extra Personnel Base Fee (first 100 feet) $45 Trenching (over 100 feet) $.10/lineal foot Boring (over 100 feet) $.05/lineal foot Obstruction Fee: $45 Small Cell Wireless Fee $45 Collocation Fees Special response unit Escrow - document Review $1,500 Wireless Support Structure Rent $150/year Wireless Support Structure Maintenance $25/year FIRE DEPARTMENT Third Time or More $350 * Per calendar year Apparatus Rate per Hour (billed in hour increments) Engine (up to 4 personnel) $275 Ladder/aerial (up to 4 personnel) $275 Water tender (up to 2 personnel) $200 Command vehicle/utility truck/grass truck (up to 2 $85 ATV/UTV with water tank (up to 2 personnel) $50 Extra Personnel $15/hour Controlled/Prescribed Burns: $200 (Statutory limit) Building $2,500 Prairie or Wildland, less than 20 acres $750/hour Prairie or Wildland, 20 acres or more $1,000/hour County -wide response teams Special response unit $500 Fire investigation team $300 False Alarm Policy* - First Time No charge Second Time $250 Third Time or More $350 * Per calendar year Fire Lock Box Fee: Cost + 10% + sales tax Home Fire Safety Inspections (i.e. daycare/foster care) $50 LICENSES/PERMITS Burning Permit: $250 deposit (to cover expenses, if PW/Fire Dept. are called to burn site) L M Cigarette License: Tobacco licenses are issued by Wright County Gambling License: Licensed through State of Minnesota; Requires Council approval M Liquor Administrative Fines: First violation $500 Second violation, within 2 years $1,000 Third violation, within 2 years $2,000 (no mandatory revocation of license) Liquor Licenses 1 -Day Consumption & Display $25 3.2 Beer, On -Sale $275/year 3.2 Beer, Off -Sale $100/year Brew Pub Off -Sale $200/year Brewer Taproom $500/year Taproom, Sunday Sales $0 Liquor, On -Sale $3,750/year On -Sale Liquor, Sunday Sales $200 (Statutory limit) Liquor, Setups $250/year Liquor, Club (Veteran's Org). Membership 200 or less 201-500 501-1000 1001-2000 2001-4000 Over 4000 Micro distillery Temporary On -Sale (Beer) Wine, On -Sale Wine/Strong Beer Comb. On -Sale Wine/3.2 Beer Com. On -Sale Mobile Food Unit Temporary Permit Annual Permit Pawn Shop: Annual license, initial Annual renewal of current license Peddler/Solicitor Permit: Peddler Merchant/Business Application Peddler Merchant Permit - per person Background Check Sidewalk Caf6 Fee Special Event Permit $300 (Statutory limit) $500 (Statutory limit) $650 (Statutory limit) $800 (Statutory limit) $1,000 (Statutory limit) $2,000 (Statutory limit) $500/year $10/day $275/year $1,200/year $500/year $10 $50 $50 $25/year $25 $25 $25 $100 Effective $50 $25 (For non-profit/charitable organization) (fee may be waived by Administration for non-profit organizations not utilizing City services) Therapeutic Massage License Massage Enterprise License Massage Therapist License Massage Enterprise/Therapist - owner operates as Background Investigation Fee $100/year $50/year $100/year $25 Transient Merchant: Annual permit, private premise $75/year Daily Fees, operating under annual permit $10/day (with annual permit) Daily fees, independent merchant $50/day Daily fees, farm/garden fruits & vegetables No fee from 6/15 to 9/15 (state mandated) Fireworks Sale $350/year Traveling Shows $100/first day; $50/day for each day thereafter MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Accounts Receivable Interest Charge on Miscellaneous Account Receivable 1.5% monthly Assessment/Property Search - full $30 City Labels $.50/sheet + sales tax Commercial, non -city initiated proclamations $50 Comprehensive Guide Plan - Entire Downtown Revitalization Plan Transportation Plan Copies: copy machine Engineering copier Emailed Electronic media Delinquent Certification Processing Fee: Minimum Account Balance of $75 Delinquent List Deposits on City Repair Projects Library Room Rental Maps: C'ty map (24" X 36") City map (I V X 17") $32 plus tax $15 plus tax $50 plus tax $.25 per copy + sales tax $.50/square foot + sales tax ($2 minimum) $35.00/hour + sales tax (minimum 1/4 hour) $10.00 + cost of media + sales tax $75 per parcel $10 + tax (each) M $100-$300 (depending on est. value of work) $30 per rental $3 + sales tax $1 + sales tax Zoning map (24" X 36") $3 + sales tax State maps $.55 + sales tax Wright County maps $3 + sales tax Notary: $3 each Signs: Current listed price + 10% handling charge + tax Utility Bill Utility Bill Penalty - Monthly 5% of past due amount, except September penalty 0% Utility - Ebill Discount $0.50 Utility - ACH Payment Discount $1.25 PARKS Memorials: Bench Tree Facility Rental Fees: Single Field Reservation Field Lighting Season Rental - 20 game hours Season Rental Lighting - 20 game hours Tournament Field Rental including lights/day Soccer/Football/Lacrosse - Non -Irrigated $1,500 (includes tax, delivery, installation) $300 (includes tax, delivery, installation) Non -Profit $35 per hour per field $20 per hour per field $700 per field $300 per field $125 per field For -Profit $45 per hour per field $25 per hour per field $900 per field $400 per field $150 per field $40 per hour per field $50 per hour per field Soccer/Football/Lacrosse - Irrigated $80 per hour per field $90 per hour per field Baseball' e all Field Reffitttall* (no lights) Resi,1, pAs $25 pee hats« pep fie! 1 Non «..idem $35 pee hats« pep field Field Residents $1 5 pee hats« pep field Taufftamefft Field Rema4 (ineludes lights as needed) up to 3 days $90 pef fie! Park Rental Rates: Resident Non -Resident Ellison Gazebo $110 $135 Ellison Log Shelter $110 for 6 hours $135 for 6 hours West Bridge Park Shelter/Warming House $110 for 6 hours $135 for 6 hours West Bridge Picnic Shelter $110 for 6 hours $135 for 6 hours Pioneer Park $110 for 6 hours $135 for 6 hours Groveland Park Picnic Shelter $110 for 6 hours $135 for 6 hours Otter Creek $55 for 6 hours $80 for 6 hours East Bridge Wedding Gazebo $135 for 6 hours Lions Den/Gazebo $300 PUBLIC WORKS Disease Replacement Tree Chipping: Cone Replacement: Construction Inspection (City or Engineer) Labor (no equipment): Sidewalk Snow & Ice Control $50 per property $65 + tax per 1/2 hour for the first 2 hours billed in half hour increments $95 + tax per 1/2 hour or for the next hour billed in half hour increments No more than 3 hours per year per property Cost + $10 + sales tax $121 "/hour $65.00/hour - regular business hours $100/hour outside of regular hours $50.00 per lot - 1st Offence $75.00 per lot - 2nd Offence $100.00 per lot - maximum after 2nd Offence $100.00 Mobilization Charge per Offence at Staff Discretion Sweeping: $150/hour - includes operator Utility Excavation Permit Fee (water, wastewater, stormwater) $105 (Bonding and Insurance required) Vac/Sewer Jet: $365/hour for two operators & machine 7 $50 annually Other Equipment (including operator): $100 annually Large Front End Loaders $160/hour Mid Size Loaders $105/hour Backhoe Loader $160/hour Motor Grader $170/hour Skid Steere $105/bour Dump Truck $105/hour Pickup or 1 -ton Truck $95/hour SANITARY SEWER $10,247 $9,994 per acre Sewer Rates: 1st 1,000 gallons Over 1,000 gallons T Sewer Rates: Special Cases Industrial Sewer Rates: All Usage BOD5: TSS: Testing Sewer and Water Combination Permit: Sewer Access Charge: Residential - Single Family All others per unit equivalent Trunk Sanitary Sewer: Residential Unit Non -Residential Meadow Oaks Lift Station Trunk Area Charge $10.10 $4.49 minimum $6.19 $5.89/1,000 gallons $10 per month X number of people in household $3.84 $3.560/1,000 gallons + sales tax - effective 7/1/2020 $0.415 $0.384 lb. + sales tax - effective 7/1/2020 $0.570 $0.527 lb. + sales tax - effective 7/1/2020 Actual costs + 10% $130 (residential) $130 plus tax (commercial) $4,423 $4,343/unit $4,423 $4-,-344/unit $1,594 $4-,5-5-5/unit $3,995 $3,898, acre $2,823 , -54/acre Waste Water Discharge Permit: 10,000 to 15,000 GPD $50 annually 15,001 to 25,000 GPD $100 annually 25,001 to 50,000 GPD $150 annually 50,001 to 100,000 GPD $250 annually over 100,000 GPD $300 annually STORM SEWER Trunk Storm Sewer Fees: $4,268 $4,164 (net acre) Alternate Ponding Area - Residential $4,374 $4,267 per acre Alternate Ponding Area - Commercial $8,767 $8,553 per acre Alternate Ponding Area - Industrial $10,247 $9,994 per acre Stormwater Utility Residential (1 drainage unit per residential unit) $3 $1:50/drainage unit/month effective , , /2020 and $2.00 effective ni,20 Non-Residenatial (7 drainage units per impervious $3 $1:50/drainage unit/month effective , , /2020 and $2.00 effective ni,20 acre - minimum 7) (minimum 7) WASTE ITEMS Garbage Service Fees All residential garbage with cart service 1st Container 2nd Container Cart Transfer Fee Garbage Cart Replacement (if lost or stolen): 38 gallon 60 gallon 90 gallon Recycle Cart Replacement (if lost or stolen): 35 gallon 64 gallon 90 gallon Recycle Service Fee Recycle Additional cart pickup $9.41/month $9:00-+ solid waste management tax (currently 9.75% tai per rnenth) tax per month) effective 6/1/2021 $13 + solid waste management tax (currently 9.75% tax per month) Cost -30 Cost + Tax + $10.00 Cost + Tax + $10.00 Cost + Tax + $10.00 Cost + Tax + $10.00 Cost + Tax + $10.00 Cost + Tax + $10.00 W $2.26 $450 effective 6/1/2021 $0.00 Storage Bins (red, yellow, blue) $10 includes sales tax (until sold out) WATER Hydrant Rates for Contractors: (#1, #2 and #3 ARE ALL TAXABLE IF COMMERCIAL) All contractors must obtain a permit from the Water Superintendent. The permit fee is $500. This permit will define the hydrant to be used and provides a tally sheet for water usage. 2. The following rates shall apply: Up to 3,000 gallons $40 minimum Over 3,000 gallons $4.09/1,000 gallons 3. The following deposits shall be taken for use of City equipment (no exceptions): Hydrant Wrench $100 2-1/2" fill hose $150 1-1/2" fill hose with 2-1/2" adapter $150 2-1/2" hydrant meter $1,500 3/4" and small meter $250 Nozzle $75 *If equipment is returned within 10 days of permit expiration in good condition, the full amount of meter deposit less 10% per month shall be refunded less water consumption at rates shown above. 0 — Cross -Connection Surcharges per billing period: Inspection not completed - residential up to four-plex $150.00 per unit Inspection not completed - residential with more than 4 units & non-residential $600.00 Correction not made - residential up to four-plex $150.00 per unit Correction not made - residential with more than 4 units & non-residential $600.00 Industrial Water Rate, Meter 1 All usage $2.22 $2.119/1,000 gallons + sales tax Irrigation Water Rate - Residential, Townhomes & Commercial: first 1,000 gallons $7.81$x:10 minimum + sales tax 1,001-10,000 gallons $1.83 $ 1.74/1,000 gallons + sales tax 10,001-33,000 gallons $2.12 $282/1,000 gallons + sales tax over 33,000 gallons $2.32 $2.21/1,000 gallons + sales tax (if metered separately, no minimum base rate is applied to irrigation meters with zero usage) Final Bill Processing Fee $25$20 Obsolete or refusal of equipment charge (per month $30 charge until replacement is scheduled) ■ Delinquent sprinkling meter turn-off Delinquent sprinkling meter turn -on Res/Comm Water first 1,000 gallons 1,001-10,000 gallons 10,001-33,000 gallons over 33,000 gallons Minimum Bill for Malfunctioning Meter Trunk Water Charge: $25 $25 $7.81$7:10 minimum + sales tax $1.83 $1.74/1,000 gallons + sales tax $2.12 $282/1,000 gallons + sales tax $2.32 $2.21/1,000 gallons + sales tax $150 after 3rd contact attempt. 7 $1,182 $1,1-53/residential unit $2,954 $2,882 acre non-residential Little Mountain Booster Station Trunk Area Charge Water Access Charge: 1" line 1-1/4" line 1-1/2" line 2" line 3" line 4" line 6" line 8" line Water Availability Charge: (For those who have city water available but choose not to hook up) Water main tapping - new services (1 inch only) Water Meters: 5/8" meter 3/4" meter 1" meter 1 1/2" meter 2" meter + up 1 "x3/4" meter valves 1"xl" meter valves Water meter replacement due to preventable damage Water Shut Off, then Turned On: Water Violations (sprinkling): 1 st Violation 2nd Violation Each Subsequent Violation Minnesota Department of Health Water Service Connection Fee $2,387 $2,329 acre $833 + materials $1,266 + materials $1,518 + materials $1,997 + materials $2,498 + materials $3,291 +materials $4,143 + materials $5,440 + materials $42S4,7 (billed in July) $250 each + materials $392 $343 + sales tax $431$44-0 + sales tax $541$51-5 + sales tax $872 $830 + sales tax Cost + $50 + sales tax $61$-58 + sales tax $66 $63 + sales tax Cost + Labor (1 hour minimum) $50.00 ($25 on/$25off) + delinquency (taxable if non -res.) No Fee $50 $100/per violation Currently $9.72 per year ($.81 per month) SUMMARY ORDINANCE NO. 752A CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA A SUMMARY ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE 2021 FEE SCHEDULE TITLE III, CHAPTER 36 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on December 14, 2020, Ordinance No. 752 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Due to the lengthy nature of Ordinance No. 752, the following Summary Ordinance No. 752A has been prepared for publication as authorized by state law. The ordinance adopted by the Council establishes the 2021 Fee Schedule for the City of Monticello, also known as Title III, Chapter 36 of the Monticello City Code. The general purpose of the ordinance is to adopt fees for services provided by the City of Monticello with changes in the following sections: Animal Control Community Center Community Development - Building Community Development — Planning/Zoning Engineering Parks Public Works Sanitary Sewer Storm Sewer Waste Items Water A printed copy of the whole ordinance is available for inspection by any person during the City's regular office hours. The complete ordinance will be posted on the City's website following publication. APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, this 14th day of December, 2020. ATTEST: Rachel Leonard, City Administrator VOTING IN FAVOR: VOTING IN OPPOSITION: ABSENT: CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 3B. Public Hearing - Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-88 establishing the final tax levy for 2021 (SR) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council and staff have met several times to discuss the city's proposed 2021 budget and tax levy. As a result, the Council approved a 2021 preliminary city levy of $11,063,700 and an HRA levy of $366,300. Both levies were certified to Wright County for inclusion on the November truth -in -taxation notices. The notices were mailed mid-November. The proposed final city tax levy of $11,063,700 is $618,700 (5.9%) higher than 2020, and the proposed final HRA tax levy of $366,300 is $11,300 (3.2%) higher than 2020. The graph below reflects the levies over the last ten years. City & HRA Property Tax Levy History $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $_ Ulu 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 ■ City Levy ■ HRA Levy The following schedule displays the allocation of the levy over various funds: The General Fund portion of the proposed levy increase is $381,000 (5.6%), and the Community Center operating levy is proposed to increase by $68,000 (16.3%), while the portion of the levy allocated for capital and debt increases by $169,700 (5.2%). The community center levy increased due to our intent to better fund building maintenance 2019 Property 2020 Property 2021 Property % $$ Fund Taxes Taxes Taxes Change Change General Fund $6,670,000 $6,788,000 $7,169,000 5.6% $381,000 MCC - Operating 402,000 417,000 485,000 16.3% 68,000 Capital 662,354 300,013 578,2211 92.7% 278,208 2020A GO Bonds - - 117,586 - 117,586 2019A GO Bonds - 728,620 714,945 -1.9% (13,675) 2018A GO Bonds 500,000 472,434 448,077 -5.2% (24,357) 2017A GO Bonds 429,782 427,367 430,097 0.6% 2,730 2016A GO Bonds 409,134 405,039 406,089 0.3% 1,050 2015B GO Bonds 200,905 198,385 201,115 1.4% 2,730 2014A GO Judgment Bonds 537,244 535,501 513,570 -4.1% (21,931) 2005A/201 1A GO IBF 150,581 172,641 - - (172,641) Total City Levy $9,962,000 $10,445,000 $11,063,700 5.9% 618,700 HRA Levy 348,000 355,000 366,300 3.2% 11,300 Total $10,310,000 $10,800,000 $11,430,000 5.8% $ 630,000 The General Fund portion of the proposed levy increase is $381,000 (5.6%), and the Community Center operating levy is proposed to increase by $68,000 (16.3%), while the portion of the levy allocated for capital and debt increases by $169,700 (5.2%). The community center levy increased due to our intent to better fund building maintenance City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 going forward as well as in response to the financial challenges during the pandemic. Future year increases are not anticipated to be as drastic. The tax capacity rates for each taxing authority within the city and the total tax capacity rate are shown in the below graph. As the Tax Rate is equal to Tax Levy divided by Tax Capacity, an increase in the tax levy will increase the tax rate, and an increase in tax capacity will decrease the tax rate. Tax Capacity is calculated by multiplying the property's taxable market value by the class rate for a particular property type. The city's tax rate is projected to increase 2.0% from 34.967 to 35.680 due to a tax levy increase of 5.9% and a tax capacity increase of 3.8%. While the city has had the lowest tax rate in Wright County in recent years, it will be the second lowest in 2021. While tax rate is an important metric to monitor, a focus on what outputs are being achieved is also important. Tax Rates - 2021 soot Zwa Cle Ma An M All R Wright St. Mo 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 I% City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 Al. Budget Impact: The levy provides significant resources for operations and debt service. The impacts are the levy amounts of $11,063,700 and $366,300. A2. Staff Workload Impact: The budget should serve staff as a guide to expenditure limits for 2021 but has no workload impact. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2020-88 establishing the city property tax levy for 2021 at $11,063,700 and the HRA levy for 2021 at $366,300. 2. Motion to adopt a Resolution to establish the city property tax levy for 2021 at $ (cannot exceed $11,063,700), and an HRA levy for 2021 at $ (cannot exceed $366,300). 3. Motion to not adopt the 2021 tax levy at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1, which sets the city property tax levy at $11,063,700 and the HRA levy at $366,300. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Resolution 2020-88 3 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-88 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 2021 FINAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY AND AUTHORIZING CANCELLATION OF CERTAIN DEFERRED TAX LEVIES WHEREAS, the Finance Director has prepared and submitted to the City Council a budget setting forth therein his estimated needs of the City of Monticello for operations, capital improvements and debt service for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 2021; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the same and has made such changes therein as appear to be in the best interest of the City of Monticello; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED bein Council of the City of Monticello as follows: SECTION I. There is hereby leviedtaxable propertyl the City of Monticello a direct ad valorem tax collectiblefor the following purposes and in the following amounts: REVENUE NET CERTIFIED LEVY General '04$ $7,169,000 Community Center 485,000 Capital Projects - Future Debt $ 578,221 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS G.O. Bonds, Series 2014A $ ` 513,570 G.O. Bonds, Series 2015B L $ 201,115 G.O. Bonds, Series 2016A G.O. Bonds, Series 2017A $ $ 406,089 250,097 G.O. Bonds, Series 2017A - Abatement $ 180,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 2018A $ 138,077 G.O. Bonds, Series 2018A - Abatement $ 310,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 2019A Nr $ 639,945 G.O. Bonds, Series 2019A - Abatement $ 75,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 2020A $ 117,586 TOTAL TAX LEVY $11,063,700 SECTION II. TheM is hereby levied $366,300 upon all taxable real property within the City of Monticello a special benefit tax, collectible in 2021, under Section 469.033, subd. 6, of the HRA Act (HRA levy): SECTION III. It is hereby determined that sufficient monies are now on hand, or will be when needed, for the payment of principal and interest to come due during the year 2021 for certain bond issues outstanding of the City of Monticello. SECTION III. The Auditor -Treasurer of Wright County is hereby authorized and directed, pursuant to the provisions of Section 475.61, Minnesota Statutes Annotated, to cancel or otherwise amend the levies for said indebtedness heretofore made to be levied in the year 2020 for collection in the year 2021 as follows: Debt Service Levies Bond Resolution 2021 Le Levy Added Canceled G.O. Bonds, Series 2011A 175,948 - 175,948 G.O. Bonds, Series 2014A 607,626 513,570 94,056 G.O. Bonds, Series 2015B 201,115 JV201,115 - G.O. Bonds, Series 2016A 406,089 406,089 G.O. Bonds, Series 2017A 250,097 250,097 G.O. Bonds, Series 2017A - Abatement 180,000 180,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 2018A 158,077 138,077 20,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 2018A - Abatement 310,000 310,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 2019A 659,945 639,945 20,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 2019A - Abatement 75,000 AIL 75,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 2020A 117,586 117,586 - Total $ 3,141,483 $ 2,831,479 $ 310,004 SECTION IV. City personne instructed to submit the following certifications to various government agencies by Decemb 28, 2020: • Certified copy of this resolution to the Wright County Auditor -Treasurer • City and HRA final levy certification forms to the Wright County Auditor -Treasurer • City and HRA levy Certification of Truth in Taxation Compliance forms to the Minnesota Department of Revenue • Ci and HRA Property'Tax Levy Report forms to the Minnesota Department of Revenue. W ADO BY the Monticello City Council thih day of December, 2020. 1% CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk The above resolution was introduced by Councilmember and was duly seconded by Councilmember The following voting in favor: The following voted in opposition: CERT STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT I hereby certify that the foregoing is a tiq'and correct copy of a resolution duly passed, adopted and approved by the Monticello City Council at their scheduled meeting on December 14, 2020, and recorded in minutes oVrIddlahk.. eeting. -40 Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk Notar Date: (STA: City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 4A. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-89 approving 2021 Budget (SR) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council and staff met numerous times to discuss the proposed 2021 budget and tax levy. As a result, the Council approved a 2021 preliminary city levy of $11,063,700 and an HRA levy of $366,300, which were certified to Wright County for the tax notices mailed in November. The proposed 2021 final city levy is $618,700 (5.9%) more than the prior year levy. The proposed 2021 final HRA levy is $11,300 (3.2%) higher than 2020. For all budgeted funds, 2021 proposed expenditures and other uses total $36,439,000 and 2021 proposed revenues and other sources total $35,481,000. The difference between expenditures and other uses and revenues and other sources is either an addition to or subtraction from fund reserves. The council is not being asked to formally approve a capital improvement program (CIP), which is provided as a reference for future dialogue. This CIP will be the starting point in developing a formal long-term financial plan. Al. Budget Impact: Noted above. The city property tax levy is set at $11,063,700 and the HRA tax levy is set at $366,300 in this budget. A2. Staff Workload Impact: The budget should serve staff as a guide to expenditure limits for 2021 but has no workload impact. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2020-89 approving the 2021 expenditure budget at $36,439,000. 2. Motion to adopt a Resolution to approve the 2021 expenditure budget with modification to funds: Fund for 3. Motion not to approve the 2021 expenditure budget and to call for a special meeting to approve the budget prior to December 31St C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1, to adopt the resolution approving the 2021 expenditure budget for all funds at $36,439,000. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2020-89 B. Summary budget for each fund C. General Fund Summary D. Capital Improvement Plan CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-89 ADOPTING THE 2021 BUDGET AND AUTHORIZING SPECIFIC FINANCE -RELATED ACTIVITIES WHEREAS, the budget is the fiscal blue print for the entire year where the City Council has considered and incorporated all foreseeable spending plans for 2021; and WHEREAS, the City, through sound fiscal policy, eyabbes that current revenues will be used to finance current expenditures and regularly occurring capital expenditures; and WHEREAS, the City Council shall by this resolution set rth the total expenditures and uses, excluding depreciation, and the total revenues and other so for each budgeted fund. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by1he City Council of t3q following is hereby approved: SECTION 1. AUTHORIZATION OF ESTNBANCE REVIENUES I SOURCES, APPROPRIATIONS,�1D FUADDED \7 of Monticello the Revenues Expenditures Fund Balance Fund 2021 Budget 2021 Budget Added (Expended) General Fund $ 9,875,000 $ 9,875,000 $ - Special Revenue Funds Economic Development 1,186,000 818,00 368,000 Cemetery 33,000 33,00 - Small Community Development Grant 5,000 5,000 Monticello Community Center 1,236,000 1,236,000 Total Special Revenue Fundiiiiiiiii, 2,460,000 2,087,000 373,000 Debt Service Funds 2011A G.O. Refunding Bond 201,000 200,000 1,000 2014A G.O. Judgment Bond 515,000 513,000 2,000 015B G.O. Bonds 225,000 214,000 11,000 2016A G.O. Bonds 489,000 527,000 (38,000) 2017A G.O. Bonds 474,000 473,000 1,000 2018A G.O. Bonds 449,000 447,000 2,000 2019A G.O. Bonds 730,000 715,000 15,000 2020A G.O. Bonds lk 187,000 236,000 49,000 Total Debt Service Funds 3,270,000 3,325,000 55,000 Capital Project Funds Capital Project 2,793,000 1,790,000 1,003,000 Closed Bond Fund 156,000 - 156,000 Park & Pathway Dedication 1,141,000 750,000 391,000 Street Lighting Improvement 100,000 100,000 - Street Reconstruction - 1,654,000 1,654,000 Total Capital Project Funds 4,190,000 4,294,000 104,000 Enterprise Funds Water 1,600,000 1,935,000 (335,000) Sewage 3,120,000 3,879,000 (759,000) Water Quality 448,000 858,000 (410,000) Liquor 6,684,000 6,259,000 425,000 Deputy Registrar 702,000 645,000 57,000 Fiber Optics 1,865,000 2,029,000 164,000 Total Enterprise Funds 14,419,000 15,605,000 1,186,000 Internal Service Funds Building Maintenance 292,000 292,000 IT Services 248,000 248,000 - Central Equipment 1,000,000 989,000 11,000 Benefit Accrual 19,000 16,000 3,000 Total Internal Service Funds 1,267,000 1,253,000 14,000 Total All Funds $ 35,481,000 $ 36,439,000 $ (958,000) SECTION 2. TRANSFERS: By resolution, the Council can amend or rescind this section as the year progresses. The following list may include transfers for projects that have not received formal council authorization. Transfers for these projects can be rescinded any time during the budget year. a. To 2011A GO Improvement Bond Fund from EDA/TIF - $200,000. b. To Community Center Fund from Liquor Fund - $325,000.* c. To Park & Pathway Fund from Street Reconstruction Fund - $1,094,000. d. To Sewer Access Fund from Capital Projects Fund - $200,000. e. To Central Equipment Fund from Street Reconstructionl�nd - $560,000. * Transfer will only be made up to the amount necessary. A final number will be presented in a separate agenda item at the end of 2021 for Council oval. SECTION 3. OTHER BUDGET AUTHORIZI TIO a. b. C. d. e. Removes prior commitments and assig , except those red by GASB, from fund balance classifications. Sets the General Fund reserve policy at % of exp nditures. Approves Senior Center annual subsidy o 000. Approves a 2.5% wage adjustment to full -tiro (including union), part-time (excluding MCC staff and volunteer fire personnel) and seasonal employees commencing on first pay period beginning in January 2021. ' Establishes the monthly standard health insurance ben or union employees at $1,193.58 with an effective date of March 1, 2021. TNhely standard health benefits for participating non-unioiremployees are $827.20 for e s gle plan and $1,549.18 for the family plan. Premium contributions are required family/dependent plan participants for the difference between the standard benefit and coverage costs. No contribution is recNired from single -plan and non -plan participants. Council -this 14th day of December, 2020. CITY OF MONTICELLO ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk Brian Stumpf, Mayor Draft - BUDGET SUMMARY (12/14/2020) GENERAL FUND _ REVENUES 2017 ACTUAL 2018 ACTUAL 2019 ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET CHANGE Property Taxes $ 6,348,766 $ 6,613,634 $ 6,667,831 $ 6,788,000 $ 6,788,000 $7,169,000 5.6% Franchise & Other Taxes 285,678 266,135 232,816 270,000 270,000 256,500 -5.0% Licenses & Permits 600,733 504,464 603,925 407,200 407,200 420,300 3.2% Intergovernmental Revenues 429,697 424,591 431,004 397,200 397,200 404,000 1.7% Charges for Services 419,397 518,497 759,740 815,900 815,900 965,300 18.3% Fines & Forfeits 36,702 45,350 40,054 40,400 40,400 41,600 3.0% Special Assessments 2,289 206 802 200 200 150 -25.0% Miscellaneous 371,808 331,916 526,164 184,100 544,100 618,150 235.8% Operating Transfers - - 25,000 - - - --- TOTAL REVENUES $ 8,495,070 $ 8,704,793 $ 9,287,336 $ 8,903,000 $ 9,263,000 $ 9,875,000 10.9% EXPENDITURES Personnel Services $ 2,988,500 $ 3,161,509 $ 3,324,061 $ 3,522,314 $ 3,522,314 $ 3,651,591 3.7% Supplies 555,135 700,957 671,712 751,000 751,000 817,700 8.9% Other Services & Charges 3,688,362 3,812,142 3,974,851 4,298,886 4,658,886 4,969,109 15.6% Capital Outlay 210,700 249,800 298,900 330,800 330,800 436,600 32.0% Operating Transfers 300,000 1 700,000 1,450,040 - - - --- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 7,742,697 $ 8,624,408 $ 9,719,564 $ 8,903,000 $ 9,263,000 $ 9,875,000 10.9% FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ 6,276,720 $ 7,029,093 $ 7,109,478 $ 6,677,250 $ 6,677,250 $ 6,677,250 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 1 752,373 80,385 1 (432,228) - I - I - FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 7,029,093 7,109,478 6,677,250 6,677,250 6,677,250 6,677,250 EDA FUND REVENUES 2017 ACTUAL 2018 ACTUAL 2019 AC; IUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJEGIEU 2021 BUDGET % CHANGE Property Taxes 280,593 323,186 348,515 355,000 355,000 366,300 3.2% Tax Increments 648,031 638,278 679,925 617,344 617,344 617,344 0.0% Miscellaneous 211,951 59,034 157,644 93,656 93,656 202,356 116.1% Operating Transfers - 116,473 - - - - --- TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,140,575 $ 1,136,971 $ 1,186,084 $ 1,066,000 $ 1,066,000 $ 1,186,000 11.3% EXPENDITURES Personnel Services $ 104,374 $ 111,962 $ 127,129 $ 129,866 $ 129,866 $ 137,597 6.0% Supplies 79 - 146 100 100 200 100.0% Other Services & Charges 420,129 270,442 601,606 253,034 253,034 289,879 14.6% Capital Outlay 90,218 782,207 154,404 321,000 321,000 190,324 -40.7% Operating Transfers 200,000 1 200,000 230,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 0.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 814,800 $ 1,364,611 $ 1,113,285 $ 904,000 $ 904,000 $ 818,000 -9.5% FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ 7,142,330 $ 7,468,105 $ 7,240,465 $ 7,313,264 $ 7,313,264 $ 7,475,264 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 325,775 (227,640) 72,799 162,000 162,000 368,000 FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ 7,468,105 $ 7,240,465 $ 7,313,264 $ 7,475,264 $ 7,475,264 $ 7,843,264 Draft - BUDGET SUMMARY (12/14/2020) 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET CEMETERY _ 2017 2018 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL 2019 ACTUAL CHANGE Charges for Services $ 36,907 $ 19,086 $ 52,405 $ 33,000 $ 33,000 $ 32,900 -0.3% Miscellaneous 653 528 1,670 - - 100 --- TOTAL REVENUES $ 37,560 $ 19,614 $ 54,075 $ 33,000 $ 33,000 $ 33,000 0.0% EXPENDITURES Personnel Services $ 1,394 $ 584 $ 2,597 $ 2,652 $ 2,652 $ 2,652 0.0% Supplies 669 418 2,338 1,135 1,135 1,100 -3.1% Other Services & Charges 16,277 17,499 1 20,219 29,213 29,213 29,248 0.1% Capital Outlay - - 54,906 - - - --- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 18,340 $ 18,501 $ 80,060 $ 33,000 $ 33,000 $ 33,000 0.0% FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ 31,726 $ 50,946 $ 52,059 $ 26,074 $ 26,074 $ 26,074 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 19,220 1,113 (25,985) - - - FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ 50,946 52,059 $ 26,074 $ 26,074 $ 26,074 $ 26,074 SCDP FUND REVENUES 2017 ACTUAL 2018 ACTUAL 2019 ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET % CHANGE Miscellaneous $ 15,795 $ 10,207 $ 25,886 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 5,000 -66.77. TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES $ 15,795 $ 10,207 $ 25,886 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 5,000 -66.7% Other Services & Charges - 58,237 - - - - --- Operating Transfers - 232,946 - - - - --- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $ 291,183 $ - $ - $ - $ - --- FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ 1,138,164 $ 1,153,959 $ 872,983 $ 898,869 $ 898,869 $ 913,869 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 15,795 (280,976) 25,886 15,000 15,000 5,000 FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ 1,153,959 $ 872,983 $ 898,869 $ 913,869 $ 913,869 $ 918,869 COMMUNITY CENTER REVENUES 2017 ACTUAL 2018 ACTUAL 2019 ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET % CHANGE Property Taxes $ 372,000 $ 387,000 $ 402,000 $ 417,000 $ 417,000 $ 485,000 16.3% Charges for Services 1,364,709 1,441,743 1,376,900 1,571,800 507,800 421,200 -73.2% Miscellaneous 49,770 92,129 47,636 19,200 10,200 4,800 -75.0% Operating Transfers - - - - 465,000 325,000 --- TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,786,479 $ 1,920,872 $ 1,826,536 $ 2,008,000 $ 1,400,000 $ 1,236,000 -38.4% EXPENDITURES Personnel Services $ 1,112,240 $ 1,199,605 $ 1,132,228 $ 1,279,346 $ 877,241 $ 740,712 -42.1% Supplies 163,502 154,387 192,222 220,050 92,897 77,120 -65.0% Other Services & Charges 520,666 449,430 550,104 408,604 304,344 418,168 2.3% Capital Outlay 171,394 91,161 319,295 100,000 365,000 - -100.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 1,967,802 $ 1,894,583 $ 2,193,849 $ 2,008,000 $ 1,639,482 $ 1,236,000 -38.4% FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ 761,829 $ 580,506 $ 606,795 $ 239,482 $ 239,482 $ - Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures (181,323) 26,289 1 (367,313) - 1 (239,482)1- FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ 580,506 $ 606,795 $ 239,482 $ 239,482 $ - $ - Draft - BUDGET SUMMARY (12/14/2020) DEBT SERVICE DEBT SERVICE FUND 2007A IMPROVEMENT BOND 2017 2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 % REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE Property Taxes $ 610,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - --- Special Assessments 105,256 - - - - - --- TOTAL REVENUES $ 715,256 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - --- EXPENDITURES Debt Service 535,500 - - - - - --- Operating Transfers 3,910 - - - - - --- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 539,410 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - --- FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ (175,846) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 175,846 - - - - - FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ - - $ - $ - $ - 2008B G.O. SEWER REFUNDING REVENUES 2017 ACTUAL 2018 ACTUAL 20192020 ACTUAL BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET % CHANGE Property Taxes $ 500,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - --- TOTAL REVENUES $ 500,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - --- EXPENDITURES Debt Service 1,521,434 - - - - - --- Operating Transfers 46,356 - - - - - --- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 1,567,790 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - --- FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ 1,067,790 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures (1,067,790) - - - - - FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 2010A GO IMPROVEMENT BOND REVENUES 2017 ACTUAL 2018 ACTUAL 2019 ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET % CHANGE Property Taxes $ 40,000 $ 40,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - --- Special Assessments 59,846 41,106 36,136 - - - --- Miscellaneous 10,749 8,541 (8,455) - - - --- Operating Transfers 130,986 44,899 135,000 - - - --- TOTAL REVENUES $ 241,581 $ 134,546 $ 162,681 $ - $ - $ - --- EXPENDITURES Debt Service 305,343 300,503 881,424 - - - --- Operating Transfers - - 75,000 - - - --- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 305,343 $ 300,503 $ 956,424 $ - $ - $ - --- FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ 1,023,462 $ 959,700 $ 793,743 $ - $ - $ - Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures (63,762) (165,957) (793,743) - - - FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ 959,700 $ 793,743 $ - $ - $ - $ - Draft - BUDGET SUMMARY (12/14/2020) ' 2019 ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET 2011A G.O. BOND FUND (2005A) 2017 2018 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL CHANGE Property Taxes $ 139,783 $ 148,061 $ 150,581 $ 172,641 $ 172,641 $ - -100.0% Special Assessments 164,937 58,261 52,715 50,761 50,761 - -100.0% Miscellaneous 10,665 9,106 18,037 2,000 2,000 1,000 -50.0% Operating Transfers 468,376 200,000 205,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 0.0% TOTAL REVENUES $ 783,761 $ 415,428 $ 426,333 $ 425,402 $ 425,402 $ 201,000 -52.8% EXPENDITURES Debt Service 784,375 780,054 429,521 1,271,450 1,271,450 200,000 -84.3% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 784,375 $ 780,054 $ 429,521 $ 1,271,450 $ 1,271,450 $ 200,000 -84.3% FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ 1,261,576 $ 1,260,962 $ 896,336 $ 893,148 $ 893,148 $ 47,100 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures (614) (364,626) (3,188) (846,048) (846,048) 1,000 FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ 1,260,962 $ 896,336 $ 893,148 $ 47,100 $ 47,100 $ 2014A G.O. JUDGMENT BONDS REVENUES 2017 ACTUAL ACTUAL 2019 ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET % CHANGE Property Taxes $ 536,929 $ 537,586 $ 537,244 $ 535,501 $ 535,501 $ 513,570 -4.1% Miscellaneous 1,452 3,151 5,915 1,000 1,000 1,430 43.0% TOTAL REVENUES $ 538,381 $ 540,737 $ 543,159 $ 536,501 $ 536,501 $ 515,000 -4.0% EXPENDITURES Debt Service 512,086 512,665 512,357 510,801 510,801 513,000 0.4% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 512,086 $ 512,665 $ 512,357 $ 510,801 $ 510,801 $ 513,000 0.4% FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ 36,519 $ 62,814 $ 90,886 $ 121,688 $ 121,688 $ 147,388 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 26,295 28,072 30,802 25,700 25,700 2,000 FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ 62,814 $ 90,886 $ 121,688 $ 147,388 $ 147,388 $ 149,388 2015B G.O.Bonds REVENUES 2017 ACTUAL 2018 ACTUAL 2019 ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET % CHANGE Property Taxes $ 195,288 $ 203,425 $ 200,905 $ 198,385 $ 198,385 $ 201,115 1.4% Special Assessments 25,320 24,416 23,514 21,709 21,709 22,720 4.7% Miscellaneous 1,403 2,033 4,448 500 500 1,165 133.0% TOTAL REVENUES $ 222,011 $ 229,874 $ 228,867 $ 220,594 $ 220,594 $ 225,000 2.0% EXPENDITURES Debt Service 208,225 215,979 213,546 211,250 211,250 214,000 1.3% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 208,225 $ 215,979 $ 213,546 $ 211,250 $ 211,250 $ 214,000 1.3% FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ 66,414 $ 80,200 $ 94,095 $ 109,416 $ 109,416 $ 118,760 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 13,786 13,895 15,321 9,344 9,344 11,000 FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ M80,200 $ 94,095 $ 109,416 $ 118,760 $ 118,760 $ 1 Draft - BUDGET SUMMARY (12/14/2020) 2019 ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTEbT 2021 BUDGET 2016A G.O. Bonds 2017 2018 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL % CHANGE Property Taxes $ 415,000 $ 407,769 $ 409,134 $ 405,039 $ 405,039 $ 406,089 0.3% Special Assessments 174,352 127,157 123,176 97,759 97,759 81,422 -16.7% Miscellaneous 6,316 6,585 14,970 1,000 1,000 1,489 48.9% TOTAL REVENUES $ 595,668 $ 541,511 $ 547,280 $ 503,798 $ 503,798 $ 489,000 -2.9% EXPENDITURES Debt Service 524,546 527,829 529,096 525,350 525,350 527,000 0.3% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 524,546 $ 527,829 $ 529,096 $ 525,350 $ 525,350 $ 527,000 0.3% FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ 263,638 $ 334,760 $ 348,442 $ 366,626 $ 366,626 $ 345,074 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 71,122 13,682 18,184 (21,552) (21,552) (38,000) FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ 334,760 $ 348,442 $ 366,626 $ 345,074 $ 345,074 $ 307,074 7777 2017A G.O. Bonds REVENUES 2017 ACTUAL 2018 ACTUAL 2019 ACTUAL 2020 _ BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET ° CHANGE Property Taxes $ - $ 450,159 $ 429,782 $ 427,367 $ 427,367 $ 430,097 0.6% Special Assessments 102,235 76,171 137,796 57,875 57,875 42,577 -26.4% Miscellaneous 310 4,330 10,322 500 500 1,326 165.2% TOTAL REVENUES $ 102,545 $ 530,660 $ 577,900 $ 485,742 $ 485,742 $ 474,000 -2.4% EXPENDITURES Debt Service - 470,190 472,286 470,140 470,140 473,000 0.6% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $ 470,190 $ 472,286 $ 470,140 $ 470,140 $ 473,000 0.6% FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ - $ 102,545 $ 163,015 $ 268,629 $ 268,629 $ 284,231 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 102,545 60,470 105,614 15,602 15,602 1,000 FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ 102,545 $ 163,015 $ 268,629 $ 284,231 $ 284,231 $ 285,231 7777 2018A G.O.Bonds REVENUES 2017 ACTUAL 2018 ACTUAL 2019 ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET % CHANGE Property Taxes $0 $0 $500,000 $472,434 $472,434 $448,077 -5.2% Miscellaneous - 27 3,027 200 200 923 361.5% Operating Transfers - 5,000 - - - - --- TOTAL REVENUES $ - $ 5,027 $ 503,027 $ 472,634 $ 472,634 $ 449,000 -5.0% EXPENDITURES Debt Service - - 451,011 450,737 450,737 447,000 -0.8% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $ - $ 451,011 $ 450,737 $ 450,737 $ 447,000 -0.8% FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ - $ - $ 5,027 $ 57,043 $ 57,043 $ 78,940 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures - 5,027 52,016 21,897 21,897 2,000 FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ $ 5,027 $ 57,043 $ 78,940 $ 78,940 $ Draft - BUDGET SUMMARY (12/14/2020) 2019 ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET 2019A GO BONDS 2017 2018 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL CHANGE Property Taxes $ - $ - $ - $ 728,620 $ 728,620 $ 714,945 -1.9% Special Assessments - - - - - 14,322 --- Miscellaneous - - 11 - - 733 --- Operating Transfers - - 5,000 - - - --- TOTAL REVENUES $ - $ - $ 5,011 $ 728,620 $ 728,620 $ 730,000 0.2% EXPENDITURES Debt Service - - - 709,046 709,046 715,000 0.8% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $ - $ - $ 709,046 $ 709,046 $ 715,000 0.8% FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ - $ - $ - $ 5,011 $ 5,011 $ 24,585 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures - - 5,011 19,574 19,574 15,000 FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ - $ - $ 5,011 $ 24,585 $ 24,585 $ 39,585 2020A GO BONDS REVENUES 2017 ACTUAL 2018 ACTUAL 2019 ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET % CHANGE Property Taxes $ - $ - $ - $ - - $ - $ 117,586 --- Special Assessments - - - - 68,554 --- Miscellaneous - - - - - 860 --- TOTAL REVENUES $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 187,000 --- EXPENDITURES Debt Service - - - - - 236,000 --- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 236,000 --- FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures - - - - - (49,000) FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ - $ - $ - $ (49,000) Draft - BUDGET SUMMARY (12/14/2020) CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS CAPITAL PROJECT FUND REVENUES 2017 ACTUAL 2018 ACTUAL 2019 ACTUAL 1 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 12021 BUDGET % CHANGE Property Taxes $ 119,409 $ 835,595 $ 707,660 $ 300,013 $ 300,013 $ 578,221 92.7% Franchise & Other Taxes 77,057 19,363 56,011 20,000 20,000 20,000 0.0% Intergovernmental Revenues 910,397 483,034 465,634 - - 2,100,000 --- Special Assessments 67,743 224,387 225,492 - - 54,755 --- Miscellaneous 67,569 85,315 302,240 40,000 40,000 40,024 0.1% Operating Transfers 300,000 1,316,473 783,040 900,000 900,000 - -100.0% Debt Proceeds 5,078,814 5,040,882 8,131,662 2,200,000 2,200,000 - -100.0% TOTAL REVENUES $ 6,620,989 $ 8,005,049 $ 10,671,739 $ 3,460,013 $ 3,460,013 $ 2,793,000 -19.3% EXPENDITURES Other Services & Charges 186,550 147,512 220,702 - - - --- Capital Outlay 5,049,389 8,956,147 5,563,185 2,875,000 2,875,000 1,590,000 -44.7% Operating Transfers - 5,000 5,000 - - 200,000 --- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 5,235,939 $ 9,108,659 $ 5,788,887 $ 2,875,000 $ 2,875,000 $ 1,790,000 -37.7% FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ 6,632,410 $ 8,017,460 $ 6,913,850 $ 11,796,702 $ 11,796,702 $ 12,381,715 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 1,385,050 (1,103,610) 4,882,852 585,013 585,013 1 1,003,000 FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ 8,017,460 $ 6,913,850 $ 11,796,702 $ 12,381,715 $ 12,381,715 $ 13,384,715 777 CLOSED BOND FUND REVENUES 2017 ACTUAL 2018 ACTUAL 2019 ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET % CHANGE Special Assessments $ 244,690 $ 148,487 $ 77,974 $ 70,000 $ 70,000 $ 150,820 115.5% Miscellaneous (10,727) 9,114 25,075 5,000 5,000 5,180 3.6% Operating Transfers 50,266 - 75,000 - - - --- TOTAL REVENUES $ 284,229 $ 157,601 $ 178,049 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 156,000 108.0% EXPENDITURES Operating Transfers 80,000 - - - - - --- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 80,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - --- FUND BALANCE -JANUARY 1 $ 251,819 $ 456,048 $ 613,649 $ 791,698 $ 791,698 $ 866,698 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 204,229 157,601 178,049 75,000 75,000 156,000 FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ 456,048 $ 613,649 $ 791,698 $ 866,698 $ 866,698 $ 1,022,698 Draft - BUDGET SUMMARY (12/14/2020) ' 2019 ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET PARK & PATHWAY DEDICATION 2017 2018 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL % 911111 CHANGE Charges for Services $ - $ 18,997 $ - $ - $ - $ - --- Miscellaneous 17,922 10,688 88,819 47,000 47,000 47,000 0.0% Operating Transfers 80,000 400,000 2,100,000 420,000 420,000 1,094,000 160.5% TOTAL REVENUES $ 97,922 $ 429,685 $ 2,188,819 $ 467,000 $ 467,000 $ 1,141,000 144.3% EXPENDITURES Other Services & Charges 1,192 12,185 28,016 - - - --- Capital Outlay 209,489 229,137 1,917,927 515,000 515,000 750,000 45.6% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 210,681 $ 241,322 $ 1,945,943 $ 515,000 $ 515,000 $ 750,000 45.6% FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ 620,861 $ 508,102 $ 696,465 $ 939,341 $ 939,341 $ 891,341 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 1 (112,759)1 188,363 1 242,876 (48,000) (48,000)1 391,000 FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ 508,102 $ 696,465 $ 939,341 $ 891,341 $ 1,282,341 STORMWATER ACCESS FUND REVENUES 2017 ACTUAL 2018 ACTUAL 2019 ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET % CHANGE Charges for Services $ 107,166 $ 101,363 $ 159,779 $ - $ - $ - --- Miscellaneous 17,542 15,899 44,631 - - - --- TOTAL REVENUES $ 124,708 $ 117,262 $ 204,410 $ - $ - $ - --- EXPENDITURES Other Services & Charges 11,840 214 171,604 - - - --- Operating Transfers 268,376 - - - - - --- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 280,216 $ 214 $ 171,604 $ - $ - $ - --- FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ 1,397,396 $ 1,241,888 $ 1,358,936 $ 1,391,742 $ 1,391,742 $ 1,391,742 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 1 (155,508)1 117,048 1 32,806 1 -- - FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ 1,241,888 $ 1,358,936 $ 1,391,742 $ 1,391,742 $ 1,391,742 $ 1,391,742 STREET LIGHT IMPROVEMENTS REVENUES 2017 ACTUAL 2018 ACTUAL 2019 ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET % CHANGE Franchise & Other Taxes $ 109,191 $ 122,259 $ 165,923 $ 80,000 10,000 $ 80,000 10,000 $ 90,000 10,000 12.5% Miscellaneous 14,462 16,228 23,783 0.0% TOTAL REVENUES $ 123,653 $ 138,487 $ 189,706 $ 90,000 $ 90,000 $ 100,000 11.1% EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay - 378,874 3,787 160,000 160,000 100,000 -37.5% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $378,874 $3,787 $160,000 $160,000 $100,000 -37.5% FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ 719,319 $ 842,972 $ 602,585 $ 788,504 $ 788,504 $ 718,504 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 123,653 (240,387) 185,919 (70,000) (70,000) - FUND BALANCE -DECEMBER 31 $ 842,972 $ 602,585 $ 788,504 $ 718,504 $ 718,504 $ 718,504 Draft - BUDGET SUMMARY (12/14/2020) 4 2020 BUDGET 2021 BUDGET F STREET RECONSTRUCTION 2017 2018 2019 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL 2020 PROJECTED CHANGE Miscellaneous $ 23,867 $ 19,574 $ 57,409 $ 20,000 $ 20,230 $ -100.0% TOTAL REVENUES $ 23,867 $ 19,574 $ 57,409 $ 20,000 $ 20,230 $ - -100.0% EXPENDITURES Operating Transfers 45,693 44,899 135,000 - - 1,654,000 --- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 45,693 $ 44,899 $ 135,000 $ - $ - $ 1,654,000 --- FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ 1,758,512 $ 1,736,686 $ 1,711,361 $ 1,633,770 $ 1,633,770 $ 1,654,000 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures (21,826) (25,325) (77,591) 20,000 20,230 (1,654,000) FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ 1,736,686 $ 1,711,361 $ 1,633,770 $ 1,653,770 $ 1,654,000 $ - WATER FUND REVENUES 2017 ACTUAL ACTUAL 2019 ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET % CHANGE Licenses & Permits $ 2,490 $ 3,210 $ 3,255 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 0.07. Charges for Services 1,376,492 1,349,647 1,232,207 1,348,539 1,348,539 1,424,400 5.6% Special Assessments 14,028 26,011 19,256 38,000 38,000 38,000 0.0% Miscellaneous 97,938 87,644 223,191 55,600 55,600 55,600 0.0% Contributed Capital 102,070 299,628 399,466 80,000 80,000 80,000 0.0% Debt Proceeds - (16,549) - - - - --- TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,593,018 $ 1,749,591 $ 1,877,375 $ 1,524,139 $ 1,524,139 $ 1,600,000 5.0% EXPENDITURES Personnel Services $ 253,566 $ 255,694 $ 269,252 $ 341,491 $ 341,491 $ 372,229 9.0% Supplies 142,492 168,350 153,007 221,650 221,650 221,650 0.0% Other Services & Charges 240,276 295,341 267,713 422,181 422,181 491,121 16.3% Capital Outlay 11,930 299,768 98,214 650,000 650,000 850,000 30.8% Operating Transfers - 600,000 1,533,000 900,000 900,000 - -100.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 648,264 $ 1,619,153 $ 2,321,186 $ 2,535,322 $ 2,535,322 $ 1,935,000 -23.7% FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ 4,396,684 $ 5,341,438 $ 5,471,876 $ 5,028,065 $ 5,028,065 $ 4,016,882 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 944,754 130,438 (443,811) (1,011,183) (1,011,183) (335,000) FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ 5,341,438 $ 5,471,876 $ 5,028,065 $ 4,016,882 $ 4,016,882 $ 3,681,882 Draft - BUDGET SUMMARY (12/14/2020) 2019 ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET SEWAGE FUND _ 2017 2018 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL CHANGE Charges for Services $ 2,446,046 $ 3,430,411 $ 2,442,974 $ 2,551,721 $ 2,551,721 $ 2,695,212 5.6% Miscellaneous 70,126 52,459 117,101 25,000 25,000 25,000 0.0% Contributed Capital 1,228,300 615,038 1,058,016 199,788 199,788 199,788 0.0% Operating Transfers - - - - - 200,000 --- Debt Proceeds 179,552 - - - - - --- TOTAL REVENUES $ 3,924,024 $ 4,097,908 $ 3,618,091 $ 2,776,509 $ 2,776,509 $ 3,120,000 12.4% EXPENDITURES Personnel Services $ 338,722 $ 328,965 $ 358,413 $ 360,071 $ 360,071 $ 384,021 6.7% Supplies 24,639 131,864 127,552 160,000 160,000 173,500 8.4% Other Services & Charges 1,170,072 2,395,154 1,187,303 1,240,533 1,240,533 1,274,853 2.8% Capital Outlay 729,696 264,452 - 1,225,000 1,225,000 1,680,000 37.1% Debt Service 352,823 368,274 364,106 365,532 365,532 366,626 0.3% Operating Transfers 85,293 - 600,000 - - - --- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 2,701,245 $ 3,488,709 $ 2,637,374 $ 3,351,136 $ 3,351,136 $ 3,879,000 15.8% FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ 3,085,916 $ 4,308,695 $ 4,917,894 $ 5,898,611 $ 5,898,611 $ 5,323,984 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 1,222,779 609,199 1 980,717 1 (574,627) (574,627) (759,000) FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ 4,308,695 $ 4,917,894 $ 5,898,611 $ 5,323,984 $ 5,323,984 $ 4,564,984 WATER QUALITY FUND REVENUES 2017 ACTUAL 2018 ACTUAL 2019 ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET % CHANGE Charges for Services $ - $ - $ 61,757 372 $ 206,000 6,000 $ 206,000 $ 381,000 85.0% Miscellaneous - 6,000 7,000 16.7% Contributed Capital - - - 60,000 60,000 60,000 0.0% Operating Transfers - - 1,426,818 - - - --- TOTAL REVENUES $ - $ - $ 1,488,947 $ 272,000 $ 272,000 $ 448,000 64.7% EXPENDITURES Personnel Services $ - $ - $ - $ 93,374 $ 93,374 $ 107,055 14.7% Supplies - - - 18,250 18,250 21,000 15.1% Other Services & Charges - - - 6,389 6,389 29,945 368.7% Capital Outlay - - - 50,000 50,000 700,000 1300.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - - 168,013 168,013 858,000 410.7% FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,488,947 $ 1,488,947 $ 1,592,934 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures - - 1,488,947 1 103,987 1 103,987 1 (410,000) FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 71-$- - $ 1,488,947 $ 1,592,934 $ 1,592,934 $ 1,182,934 Draft - BUDGET SUMMARY (12/14/2020) ' 2019 ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET LIQUOR FUND 2017 2018 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL % CHANGE Sale of Goods $ 5,751,197 $ 6,086,293 $ 6,374,153 $ 6,264,651 $ 6,264,651 $ 6,679,000 6.6% Miscellaneous 23,769 25,028 55,089 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.0% TOTAL REVENUES $ 5,774,966 $ 6,111,321 $ 6,429,242 $ 6,269,651 $ 6,269,651 $ 6,684,000 6.6% EXPENDITURES Personnel Services $ 594,639 $ 626,298 $ 625,051 $ 680,614 $ 680,614 $ 701,811 3.1% Supplies 4,256,732 4,547,304 4,719,040 4,691,052 4,691,052 4,923,749 5.0% Other Services & Charges 225,592 222,669 257,521 242,875 242,875 258,440 6.4% Capital Outlay - - - 75,000 75,000 50,000 -33.3% Operating Transfers 180,000 530,000 2,100,000 470,000 935,000 325,000 -30.9% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 5,256,963 $ 5,926,271 $ 7,701,612 $ 6,159,541 $ 6,624,541 $ 6,259,000 1.6% FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ 1,353,627 $ 1,871,630 $ 2,056,680 $ 784,310 $ 784,310 $ 429,420 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 518,003 1 185,050 1 (1,272,370) 110,110 (354,890)1 $ 425,000 FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ 1,871,630 $ 2,056,680 $ 784,310 $ 894,420 $ 429,420 $ 854,420 DEPUTY REGISTRAR REVENUES 2017 ACTUAL 2018 ACTUAL 2019 ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET % CHANGE Charges for Services $ 594,701 $ 692,217 $ 788,032 $ 625,500 $ 625,500 $ 700,500 127-7 Miscellaneous 13,096 17,063 215,257 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.0% TOTAL REVENUES $ 607,797 $ 709,280 $ 1,003,289 $ 627,000 $ 627,000 $ 702,000 12.0% EXPENDITURES Personnel Services $ 347,851 $ 381,916 $ 410,286 $ 415,804 $ 415,804 $ 456,535 9.8% Supplies 5,132 9,364 9,936 9,300 9,300 9,900 6.5% Other Services & Charges 40,661 37,244 46,277 36,710 36,710 53,565 45.9% Capital Outlay - - - - - 125,000 --- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 393,644 $ 428,524 $ 466,499 $ 461,814 $ 461,814 $ 645,000 39.7% FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ 776,349 $ 990,502 $ 1,271,258 $ 1,808,048 $ 1,808,048 $ 1,973,234 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 214,153 280,756 536,790 165,186 165,186 57,000 FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ 990,502 $ 1,271,258 $ 1,808,048 $ 1,973,234 $ 1,973,234 $ 2,030,234 Draft - BUDGET SUMMARY (12/14/2020) 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET FIBER OPTICS 2017 2018 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL ' 2019 ACTUAL % CHANGE Charges for Services $ 1,739,895 $ 1,726,165 $ 1,785,446 $ 1,798,000 $ 1,798,000 $ 1,863,000 3.6% Miscellaneous 21,729 13,294 26,248 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.0% Operating Transfers 180,000 130,000 - 50,000 50,000 - -100.0% TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,941,624 $ 1,869,459 $ 1,811,694 $ 1,850,000 $ 1,850,000 $ 1,865,000 0.8% EXPENDITURES Personnel Services $ 18,366 $ 205 $ 244 $ 6,300 $ 6,300 $ 6,300 0.0% Supplies 134,607 111,403 80,921 135,000 135,000 100,000 -25.9% Other Services & Charges 1,686,395 1,766,159 1,909,360 1,912,700 1,912,700 1,589,700 -16.9% Capital Outlay - - - - - 333,000 --- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 1,839,368 $ 1,877,767 $ 1,990,525 $ 2,054,000 $ 2,054,000 $ 2,029,000 -1.2% FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ 305,914 $ 408,170 $ 399,862 $ 221,031 $ 221,031 $ 17,031 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 102,256 (8,308) (178,831) (204,000) (204,000) (164,000) FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 408,170 399,862 221,031 17,031 17,031 (146,969) BUILDING MAINTENANCE REVENUES 2017 ACTUAL 2018 ACTUAL 2019 ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET % CHANGE Charges for Services $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 292,000 --- TOTAL REVENUES $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 292,000 --- EXPENDITURES Personnel Services $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 203,772 --- Supplies - - - - - 38,000 --- Other Services & Charges - - - - - 50,228 --- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 292,000 --- FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures - - - - - - FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ - $ $ $ - $ - $ - IT SERVICES REVENUES 201 ACTUAL ACTUAL 2019 ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET % CHANGE Charges for Services $ 271,612 $ 272,902 $ 249,200 $ 225,000 $ 225,000 $ 244,500 8.7% Miscellaneous 3,667 3,911 7,084 1,097 1,097 3,500 219.1% TOTAL REVENUES $ 275,279 $ 276,813 $ 256,284 $ 226,097 $ 226,097 $ 248,000 9.7% EXPENDITURES Personnel Services $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 42,000 --- Supplies 29,330 31,282 16,147 35,200 35,200 13,700 -61.1% Other Services & Charges 152,952 135,705 126,928 167,300 167,300 174,800 4.5% Capital Outlay 25,803 11,982 7,468 22,500 22,500 17,500 -22.2% Operating Transfers - 200,000 - - - - --- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 208,085 $ 378,969 $ 150,543 $ 225,000 $ 225,000 $ 248,000 10.2% FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ 209,622 $ 276,816 $ 174,660 $ 280,401 $ 280,401 $ 281,498 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 67,194 (102,156) 105,741 1,097 1,097 FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ 276,816 $ 174,660 $ 280,401 $ 281,498 $ 281,498 $ 281,498 Draft - BUDGET SUMMARY (12/14/2020) 2019 'I ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTEbT 2021 BUDGET CENTRAL EQUIPMENT FUND 2017 2018 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL % CHANGE Charges for Services $ 210,700 $ 249,800 $ 298,900 $ 330,800 $ 330,800 $ 436,600 32.0% Miscellaneous 61,076 6,030 22,537 3,000 3,000 3,400 13.3% Operating Transfers - 300,000 200,000 - - 560,000 --- TOTAL REVENUES $ 271,776 $ 555,830 $ 521,437 $ 333,800 $ 333,800 $ 1,000,000 199.6% EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay 432,483 164,254 186,026 502,000 502,000 922,000 83.7% Debt Service 135,710 133,485 131,477 134,400 134,400 67,000 -50.1% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 568,193 $ 297,739 $ 317,503 $ 636,400 $ 636,400 $ 989,000 55.4% FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ 690,120 $ 393,703 $ 651,794 $ 855,728 $ 855,728 $ 553,128 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures (296,417)1 258,091 1 203,934 (302,600) (302,600)1 11,000 FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ 393,703 $ 651,794 $ 855,728 $ 553,128 $ 553,128 $ 564,128 BENEFIT ACCRUAL FUND REVENUES 2017 ACTUAL 2018 ACTUAL 2019 ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET % CHANGE Charges for Services $ (6,580) $ 28,820 $ 23,110 $ 19,500 $ 33,500 $ 16,000 -177-7 Miscellaneous - - 9,587 - 3,000 3,000 --- TOTAL REVENUES $ (6,580) $ 28,820 $ 32,697 $ 19,500 $ 36,500 $ 19,000 -2.6% EXPENDITURES Personnel Services $ - $ 25,899 $ 29,841 $ - $ - $ 16,000 --- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $ 25,899 $ 29,841 $ - $ - $ 16,000 --- FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ 264,219 $ 257,639 $ 260,560 $ 263,416 $ 263,416 $ 299,916 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures (6,580) 2,921 2,856 19,500 36,500 3,000 FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ 257,639 $ 260,560 $ 263,416 $ 282,916 $ 299,916 $ 302,916 Draft - BUDGET SUMMARY (12/14/2020) 2019 ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2017 2018 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL % CHANGE Property Taxes $ 9,557,768 $ 9,946,415 $ 10,353,652 $ 10,800,000 $ 10,800,000 $ 11,430,000 5.8% Tax Increments 648,031 638,278 679,925 617,344 617,344 617,344 0.0% Franchise & Other Taxes 471,926 407,757 454,750 370,000 370,000 366,500 -0.9% Sale of Goods 5,751,197 6,086,293 6,374,153 6,264,651 6,264,651 6,679,000 6.6% Licenses & Permits 603,223 507,674 607,180 409,200 409,200 422,300 3.2% Intergovernmental Revenues 1,340,094 907,625 896,638 397,200 397,200 2,504,000 530.4% Charges for Services 8,561,045 9,849,648 9,230,450 9,525,760 8,475,760 9,180,612 -3.6% Fines & Forfeits 36,702 45,350 40,054 40,400 40,400 41,600 3.0% Special Assessments 960,696 726,202 696,861 336,304 336,304 473,320 40.7% Miscellaneous 1,102,908 889,834 2,025,326 532,353 886,583 1,047,536 96.8% Contributed Capital 1,330,370 914,666 1,457,482 279,788 279,788 339,788 21.4% Operating Transfers 1,209,628 2,512,845 3,528,040 1,570,000 2,035,000 2,379,000 51.5% Debt Proceeds 5,258,366 5,024,333 8,131,662 2,200,000 2,200,000 - -100.0% TOTAL REVENUES $ 36,831,954 $ 38,456,920 $ 44,476,173 $ 33,343,000 $ 33,112,230 $ 35,481,000 6.4% EXPENDITURES Personnel Services $ 5,759,652 $ 6,092,637 $ 6,279,102 $ 6,831,832 $ 6,429,727 $ 6,618,503 -3.1% Supplies 5,312,317 5,855,329 5,973,021 6,242,737 6,115,584 6,359,619 1.9% Other Services & Charges 8,360,964 9,619,933 9,362,204 9,018,425 9,274,165 9,578,828 6.2% Capital Outlay 6,931,102 11,427,782 8,604,112 6,826,300 7,091,300 7,744,424 13.4% Debt Service 4,880,042 3,308,979 3,984,824 4,648,706 4,648,706 3,758,626 -19.1% Operating Transfers 1,209,628 2,512,845 6,128,040 1,570,000 2,035,000 2,379,000 51.5% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 32,453,705 $ 38,817,505 $ 40,331,303 $ 35,138,000 $ 35,594,482 $ 36,439,000 3.7% FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ 41,357,090 $ 45,735,339 $ 45,374,754 $ 50,946,814 $ 50,946,814 $ 48,530,562 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 1 4,378,249 (360,585)1 4,144,870 1 (1,795,000) (2,482,252) (958,000) FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ 45,735,339 $ 45,374,754 $ 49,519,624 $ 49,151,814 $ 48,464,562 $ 47,572,562 GENERAL FUND REVENUES 2017 ACTUAL 2018 1 ACTUAL 2019 ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET % CHANGE Property Taxes $ 6,348,766 $ 6,613,634 $ 6,667,831 $ 6,788,000 $ 6,788,000 $ 7,169,000 5.6% Franchise & Other Taxes 285,678 266,135 232,816 270,000 270,000 256,500 -5.0% Licenses & Permits 600,733 504,464 603,925 407,200 407,200 420,300 3.2% Intergovernmental Revenues 429,697 424,591 431,004 397,200 397,200 404,000 1.7% Charges for Services 419,397 518,497 759,740 815,900 815,900 965,300 18.3% Fines & Forriets 36,702 45,350 40,054 40,400 40,400 41,600 3.0% Special Assessments 2,289 206 802 200 200 150 -25.0% Miscellaneous 371,808 331,916 526,164 184,100 544,100 618,150 235.8% Operating Transfers - - 25,000 - - --- TOTAL REVENUES $ 8,495,070 $ 8,704,793 $ 9,287,336 $ 8,903,000 $ 9,263,000 $ 9,875,000 6.6% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT 2017 ACTUAL 2018 ACTUAL 2019 ACTUAL 2020 BUDGET 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET % CHANGE GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mayor and Council $ 54,123 $ 53,928 $ 57,409 $ 57,798 $ 57,798 $ 59,178 2.4% City Administration 482,039 449,100 443,963 491,649 851,649 956,408 94.5% City Clerk 102,422 130,948 121,197 150,400 150,400 128,960 -14.3% Finance 425,247 430,924 456,902 491,791 491,791 458,156 -6.8% Audit 44,745 40,531 45,940 44,000 44,000 44,000 0.0% City Assessing 51,972 66,190 64,554 73,000 73,000 75,000 2.7% Legal 35,714 27,967 41,837 37,000 37,000 35,000 -5.4% Human Resources 123,206 126,581 142,812 129,407 129,407 139,054 7.5% Planning & Zoning 216,007 239,045 315,091 331,630 331,630 268,867 -18.9% City Hall 62,953 59,683 60,258 58,743 58,743 75,360 28.3% Prairie Center Building 17,202 25,232 21,225 18,549 18,549 23,183 25.0% TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ 1,615,630 $ 1,650,129 $ 1,771,188 $ 1,883,967 $ 2,243,967 $ 2,263,166 20.1% PUBLIC SAFETY Law Enforcement $ 1,257,194 $ 1,362,411 $ 1,455,727 $ 1,532,621 $ 1,532,621 $ 1,595,638 4.1% Fire & Rescue 350,891 435,068 477,941 457,772 457,772 502,257 9.7% Fire Relief 125,764 132,874 123,640 130,000 130,000 135,000 3.8% Building Inspections 381,260 351,511 324,072 443,860 443,860 466,357 5.1% Emergency Management 1,933 12,332 8,253 5,000 5,000 6,000 20.0% Animal Control 48,166 46,608 46,709 52,755 52,755 56,842 7.7% National Guard 13,520 13,649 13,423 14,000 14,000 14,000 0.0% TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY $ 2,178,728 $ 2,354,453 $ 2,449,765 $ 2,636,008 $ 2,636,008 $ 2,776,094 5.3% Continued... General Fund Summary 1 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT 2017 ACTUAL 2018 ACTUAL 2019 BUDGET 2020 ACTUAL 2020 PROJECTED 2021 BUDGET % CHANGE PUBLIC WORKS Public Works Administration $ 120,785 $ 196,851 $ 228,625 $ 224,484 $ 224,484 $ 243,340 8.4% Engineering 130,325 126,179 111,710 116,662 116,662 112,405 -3.6% Public Works Inspections 62,882 83,560 90,047 111,035 111,035 169,632 52.8% Streets & Alleys 846,575 891,117 920,384 1,061,105 1,061,105 1,294,694 22.0% Ice & Snow 267,095 344,974 454,607 328,990 328,990 375,600 14.2% Shop & Garage 200,690 168,049 178,063 214,727 214,727 256,932 19.7% Stormwater 30,743 23,883 27,650 - - - --- Street Lighting 245,296 244,478 210,948 250,500 250,500 237,000 -5.4% Refuse Collection 614,328 615,586 610,944 686,776 686,776 722,936 5.3% TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS TRANSIT $ 2,518,719 $ 2,694,677 $ 2,832,978 $ 2,994,279 $ 2,994,279 $ 3,412,539 14.0% Bus 3,191 18,333 - - - - --- TOTAL TRANSIT 3,191 18,333 2018 ACTUAL 2019 ' ACTUAL 2020 IN BUDGET - 2020 PROJECTED --- GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT 2017 ACTUAL 2021 BUDGET °/ CHANGE RECREATION AND CULTURE Senior Center 103,161 103,226 102,169 107,452 107,452 106,363 -1.0% Park Operations 871,121 916,335 925,482 1,078,841 1,078,841 1,061,609 -1.6% Park Ballfields 21,936 21,063 19,836 27,400 27,400 27,400 0.0% Public Arts - 29,876 46,954 35,664 35,664 57,500 61.2% Shade Tree 80,922 80,916 61,396 85,892 85,892 105,065 22.3% Library 42,203 48,972 53,592 47,145 47,145 53,714 13.9% TOTAL RECREATION AND CULTURI $ 1,119,343 $ 1,200,388 $ 1,209,429 $ 1,382,394 $ 1,382,394 $ 1,411,651 2.1% UNALLOCATED Insurance 7,086 6,428 6,164 6,352 6,352 11,550 81.8% TOTAL UNALLOCATED $ 7,086 $ 6,428 $ 6,164 $ 6,352 $ 6,352 $ 11,550 81.8% OTHER USES Operating Tranfers $ 300,000 $ 700,000 $ 1,450,040 $ - $ - $ - --- TOTAL OTHER USES $ 300,000 $ 700,000 $ 1,450,040 $ - $ - $ - --- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 7,742,697 $ 8,624,408 $ 9,719,564 $ 8,903,000 $ 9,263,000 $ 9,875,000 10.9% FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 1 $ 6,276,720 $ 7,029,093 $ 7,109,478 $ 6,677,250 $ 6,677,250 $ 6,677,250 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 752,373 80,385 (432,228) - - - FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ 7,029,093 $ 7,109,478 $ 6,677,250 $ 6,677,250 $ 6,677,250 $ 6,677,250 General Fund Summary 2 City of Monticello, Minnesota Capital Improvement Plan 2021-2030 Ref. 2021 2023 2 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Public Works PWK-13-001 600,000 18,000,000 2,400,000 21,000,000 Public Works Facility Wheel Loader VEQ-14-001 245,000 245,000 Hook Truck w/plow © VEQ-13-022 278,000 278,000 1 Ton Truck 0 VEQ-13-013 65,000 65,000 Box Sander 0 VEQ-13-014 23,000 23,000 One Ton Truck w/dump © VEQ-13-016 80,000 80,000 Fleet Replacement - See Fleet Replacement Plan © VEQ-13-023 1,372,414 1,549,196 400,908 53,023 520,103 280,215 77,096 139,211 38,725 4,430,892 Subtotal -Public Works 1,291,000 19,372,414 3,949,196 400,908 53,023 520,103 280,215 77,096 139,211 38,725 26,121,892 Streets MNC-13-001 25,000 25,000 City Street Signs © Annual Chip Seal © MNC-14-001 250,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 1,450,000 Annual Crack Seal © MNC-20-001 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 700,000 Street Light Improvements (see small area) 0 STR-13-010 100,000 100,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 800,000 Elm Street Sidewalk and 3rd St ped blinker O STR-15-003 550,000 550,000 Broadway Sidewalk Improvements 0 350,000 350,000 Sidewalk Gap/ADA Improvement Project (TBD) 0 STR-15-004 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,000,000 Fenning Avenue Reconstruction - Curb/Landscaping 300,000 300,000 95th Street Extension w/o noise wall STR-16-001 1,950,000 1,950,000 Flashing Yellow Arrow -Signal Improvements © STR-16-002 300,000 300,000 Fallon Ave & Trail Improvements - Chelsea to School Q STR-17-002 100,000 550,000 150,000 800,000 TH 25/4th Street Signal © STR-18-001 400,000 400,000 Pavement Preservation Program © STR-19-001 100,000 3,150,000 3,250,000 1,500,000 3,250,000 1,500,000 12,750,000 Broadway Corridor Parklets Q STR-19-004 25,000 25,000 50,000 Chelsea Road/Cedar Street Roundabout STR-19-005 50,000 300,000 350,000 School Blvd SRTS Improvements © STR-20-001 200,000 200,000 School Blvd/Cedar Roundabout STR-20-002 50,000 450,000 500,000 School Blvd/Fallon Roundabout STR-20-003 50,000 450,000 500,000 Chelsea Blvd/Cedar Roundabout 500,000 500,000 Chelsea Blvd/Edmonson Roundabout 500,000 500,000 Walnut River Street Connection STR-20-005 700,000 700,000 Edmondson Avenue Reconstruction 0 STR-20-006 2,500,000 2,500,000 90th Street Reconstruction - Chelsea to City Limits 0 STR-20-007 2,500,000 2,500,000 Dundas Avenue Reconstruction 2,000,000 2,000,000 School Blvd Extension - Redford Lane to 90th Street Q STR-20-008 4,000,000 4,000,000 Walnut Street Corridor Improvement 0 STR-18-002 1,000,000 1,000,000 Subtotal - Streets 970,000 3,945,000 895,000 3,745,000 2,845,000 1,895,000 545,000 3,495,000 1,045,000 17,295,000 36,675,000 Stormwater/Drainage SWD-13-001 75,000 40,000 240,000 40,000 240,000 40,000 240,000 40,000 240,000 40,000 1,235,000 Stormwater Pond Restoration Q Stormwater Liftstation (TH 25 Pond) © SWD-13-002 1,060,000 1,060,000 Boulevard Drainage Tile SWD-13-004 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 500,000 Chelsea/Fallon Avenue Pond Expansion SWD-17-001 450,000 609,000 1,059,000 Otter Creek Industrial Park - Pond A Construction SWD-20-001 480,000 480,000 Otter Creek Industrial Park- Pond D Construction SWD-20-002 560,000 560,000 Otter Creek Industrial Park- Karlsburger Pond Outlet 0 SWD-20-003 120,000 120,000 A Glorious Church Pond Expansion SWD-20-004 475,000 475,000 Chelsea Road Outlet Control - HB07 0 SWD-20-005 40,000 40,000 Prairie Road Pond Outlet 0 SWD-20-006 300,000 300,000 600,000 Fenning Avenue Stormwater 100,000 100,000 Subtotal - Stormwater/Draina a 700,000 2,160,000 450,000 90,000 290,000 699,000 290,000 90,000 1,070,000 390,000 6,229,000 City of Monticello, Minnesota Capital Improvement Plan 2021-2030 Ref. 2021 2022 2025 2026 2028 2030 Recreation & Culture PAR -13-003 16,000 16,000 32,000 Sunset Ponds Open Air Shelter Pioneer Park - Band Shell PAR -13-004 90,000 90,000 BCOL Athletic Field Needs Study 20,000 20,000 BCOL Ball Fields (p&p) Future Phases PAR -13-012 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 4,200,000 Park Master Plan PAR -20-001 35,000 35,000 East BCOL Trail Connection PAR -20-002 50,000 50,000 Briarwood Trail Connection PAR -20-003 200,000 200,000 BCOL ROAD MAINTENANCE 0 PAR -20-004 25,000 25,000 4th Street Park Improvements 0 PAR -20-006 425,000 425,000 Ellison Playground Equipment PAR -20-007 100,000 100,000 Ellison Park Restroom Building PAR -20-008 275,000 275,000 CSAH 75 Pathway Lighting (W & E Bridge) PAR -13-014 60,000 60,000 Fanning Trail - School Blvd to 86th Street PAR -15-004 300,000 300,000 West Bridge Splash Pad/East Bridge Band Shell O PAR -15-005 800,000 800,000 West Bridge Play Structure PAR -17-002 100,000 100,000 Pioneer Park Play Structure PAR -17-004 100,000 100,000 River Mill Park Sidewalk/Parking 100,000 100,000 Front Street Pier PAR -17-007 25,000 25,000 Kifco Water Wheel x 2 VEQ-19-008 35,000 35,000 Top Dresser VEQ-19-009 20,000 20,000 Tractor VEQ-13-038 49,000 49,000 Skid Loader VEQ-13-039 75,000 75,000 Fleet Replacement - See Fleet Replacement Plan 0 303,234 197,161 64,943 161,441 109,984 - 5,015 229,379 1,071,157 Pathway Improvements (ops) (Reclassify) MNC-14-007 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 500,000 Boarding Dock for Ellison Q STE-18-002 25,000 25,000 Riverwalk Fishing Piers 25,000 25,000 Wayfinding Signage 10,000 10,000 Welcome Sign for Monticello 40,000 40,000 Columbarium-Riverside Cemetery 70,000 70,000 Blvd Trees 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 Great River Regional Trail 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 CSAH 39 Pathway - River Mill Drive to Hart Blvd 400,000 400,000 Subtotal - Recreation 1,229,000 813,234 357,161 310,943 1,191,441 1,094,984 776,000 1,380,015 2,404,379 750,000 10,307,157 Utility - Water UTW-13-001 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 1,500,000 Annual Water System Improvements © Water Treatment Facility © UTW-13-002 4,500,000 4,500,000 Well #6 © UTW-13-003 1,200,000 1,200,000 SCADA System - Water 0 VEQ-13-003 700,000 700,000 Subtotal -Water 850,000 1,350,000 150,000 4,650,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 7,900,000 Utility -Sews e MNC-17-001 110,000 110,000 WWTP Demo Obsolete WWTP Equipment Annual Sewage Line Improvements © UTS-13-001 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 2,500,000 Liftstation - Marvin Road UTS-13-002 750,000 750,000 WWTP Solids Handling Improvements © UTS-13-004 1,365,000 1,365,000 WWTP Phase 2 Improvements © UTS-13-005 1,800,000 1,800,000 WWTP Repair and Maintenance 0 UTS-16-001 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 1,250,000 WWTP Headworks Improvements 0 UTS-17-001 2,100,000 2,100,000 Fallon Avenue Trunk Line Improvements UTS-17-002 10,000,000 10,000,000 SCADA System - Sewage 0 VEQ-13-004 930,000 375,000 1,305,000 Chelsea Road Dual Foremain Extension Q UTS-19-002 1,000,000 1,000,000 Vactor Dump Station © UTS-20-001 100,000 100,000 rieet Kepiacement-see riee[ Kepiacemen[ Tian st,Uoo 4t,IUU sio, iao - IoZ,UZU - *u'UU* - osa,Uto Subtotal - Sewage 1 1,305,000 1,647,056 3,587,790 2,891,196 375,000 557,029 375,000 1,425,005 10,375,000 375,000 22,913,076 2 City of Monticello, Minnesota Capital Improvement Plan 2021-2030 Ref. 2021 024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Fire & Rescue STE-13-006 190,000 190,000 SCBA Packs © Engine 1 © VEQ-18-005 725,000 725,000 Utility 1 © VEQ-18-006 120,000 120,000 Turnout Gear © STE-16-005 7,500 30,000 4,000 16,500 25,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 138,000 Squad 5 O VEQ-19-004 75000 75,000 Engine 12 © 850,000 850,000 Tenderll © 350,000 350,000 Utility 12 © 165,000 165,000 Subtotal - Fire & Rescue 272,500 755,000 124,000 16,500 25,000 365,000 10,000 175,000 860,000 10,000 2,613,000 Liquor Store LIQ -13-002 75,000 75,000 Parking Lot Improvements © Roof © LIQ -18-001 50,000 50,000 Point of Sale Software © VEQ-17-001 20,000 20,000 Liquor Store LIQ -13-003 2,000,000 2,000,000 Liquor Store Coolers © VEQ-13-046 25,000 25,000 Breakroom Expansion 0 25,000 25,000 Subtotal - Liquor Store 25,000 95,000 75,000 2,000,000 2,195,000 Deputy Registrar VEQ-13-047 30,000 30,000 DMV Vehicle B Relocation/Building Renovation © 125,000 125,000 Subtotal - Deputy Registrar 125,000 30,000 155,000 IT Services STE-13-001 5,600 15,600 15,600 15,600 15,600 15,600 15,600 15,600 15,600 15,600 146,000 Personal Computers 0 Laptops 0 STE-13-005 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 30,000 GIS Hardware and Software 0 STE-13-007 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 80,000 Website O VEQ-19-006 15,000 15,000 Pavement Management Software 0 STE-13-008 4,000 4,200 4,400 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 44,800 Copier 12,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 12,000 8,000 8,000 80,000 Subtotal - IT Services 35,600 42,800 39,000 39,200 39,200 39,200 39,200 43,200 39,200 39,200 395,800 Monticello Community Center MCC -13-001 40,000 40,000 Movable Walls Mississippi Room Dias Top MCC -13-003 20,000 20,000 Concessions Front Counter Replacement MCC -13-004 100,000 100,000 East/West Door Handicap Doors © MCC -17-003 6,000 6,000 New Patio to Replace Old Skate Park 0 MCC -18-001 250,000 250,000 Card Access Readers MCC -18-003 16,000 16,000 Carpet and Terrazo Repair 0 MNC-13-006 20,000 40,000 60,000 Vanity and Partition Replacement MNC-13-010 20,000 20,000 Facility Door Replacement MNC-13-011 5,000 2,500 2,500 10,000 Recreation Software VEQ-18-001 35,000 35,000 Floor Scrubber 0 STE-18-005 8,000 8,000 Recreation Equipment 0 STE-13-013 85,000 60,000 60,000 205,000 Tables STE-13-015 5,000 5,000 5,000 15,000 Surveillance Camera Update STE-15-001 65,000 65,000 Dishwasher STE-17-002 20,000 20,000 Climbing Wall Resurface 0 MNC-19-001 30,000 30,000 Childcare Countertop MNC-19-002 5,000 5,000 Water Heater for Guard Kitchen 20,000 20,000 Subtotal - MCC 142,000 135,000 190,500 67,500 75,000 250,000 65,000 925,000 Grand Total 6,803,100 30,322,504 9,762,148 12,334,247 5,036,164 7,425,316 2,715,415 6,900,317 16,082,790 19,047,925 116,429,924 City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 4B. Consideration of approving the purchase of an E -One Rescue Engine Fire Truck from Fire Safety USA for an amount not to exceed $721,000 through the HGACBuy purchasing cooperative. (MM) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to approve the purchase of an E -One Rescue Engine Fire Truck for the Monticello Fire Department. The department has been planning to replace the existing 1995 rescue engine for some time now. The replacement was identified in the CIP for 2021; however, last year it was delayed one year with an expected delivery date of 2022. Since then, the fire department truck committee has been working very hard to put together specifications and pricing options for this new truck. On September 28, 2020, City Council authorized the department to proceed with the formal bid and spec process. We received 3 competitive quotes for the same set of specifications, and we recommend purchasing this E -One brand truck from Fire Safety USA. This is the same manufacturer and sales representative that we used to purchase the new ladder truck last year. The construction cost of these trucks typically increases about 5% annually. If the city orders the truck prior to December 31St of 2020, it can avoid a 4.5% cost increase. The dealer has extended that deadline from the typical September 1St deadline for us. The truck is now expected to cost $721,000, which is less than the current revised CIP estimate of $725,000 (The prior CIP estimate was $700,000). HGACBuy is a nationwide, government procurement service striving to make the governmental procurement process more efficient. Units of local government, including non -profits providing governmental services, are eligible to become participating members of the HGACBuy Cooperative. All contracts available to participating members of HGACBuy have been awarded by virtue of a public competitive procurement process compliant with state statutes. There is no cost to belong to this cooperative. According to the city attorney, HGACBuy qualifies as a public purchasing alliance, allowing the city to purchase the truck without competitive bids. For a contract estimated to exceed $25,000, a municipality must consider the availability, price and quality of supplies, materials, or equipment available through the state's cooperative purchasing venture before purchasing through another source. Staff has verified no such item exists on the state cooperative purchasing venture. Al. Budget Impact: The purchase of the rescue engine is included in the CIP as part of the 2020 budget with a planned purchase in 2022. The proposed 2021 CIP also includes this purchase in 2022 with funding through debt proceeds. While interest rates at the time of bond sale in 2022 are unknown, the estimated tax levy for bond payments is around $85,000/year for 10 years. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal; ordering truck and finance department to assist with purchase. City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve the purchase of an E -One Fire Engine from Fire Safety USA for an amount not to exceed $725,000 through the HGACBuy purchasing cooperative. 2. Motion to deny the purchase of an E -One Fire Engine from Fire Safety USA for an amount not to exceed $725,000 through the HGACBuy purchasing cooperative. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City Staff recommends Alternative #1 D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Specifications B. 3 quotes 0 MONTICELLO FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTICELLO, MN Q/03544 PUMPER E -ONE CYCLONE 4X2 CHASSIS 10' - 1500 GPM WATEROUS CSU PUMP 750 GALLON WATER TANK 30 GALLON INTEGRAL CLASS "A" FOAM HOSE LOAD: 300' OF 1.75" DJ 250' OF 2.50" DJ 250' OF 2.50" DJ 600' OF 5.00" LDH COMPT. OPENING INTERIOR DIMENSION L1 /R1 40W 59H 42W 42W 3H 12D UPPER 56H 26D LOWER L2 54W 25H 56W 25H 12D R2 31W 25H 33W 25H 12D L3 54W 59H 56W 56W 25H 12D UPPER 30H 26D LOWER R3 54W 59H 56W 23W 33W 25H 12D UPPER 30H 26D FRONT LOWER 30H 12D REAR LOWER B1 I 36W 21HI 38W 30H 26D THIS DRAWING IS FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO MINOR VARIATIONS DUE TO MANUFACTURING PROCESSES. This print is the property of E—ONE, Inc. and is loaned to you subject to return on demand, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by E—ONE, Inc. Its canter's are on fiden tial and must not be copied or submitted to third parties for use nation. NEPA MINIMUM 7„ F-7 � ---------- 1 1 ■ ifCC�_ Iii o^�o � ------------ IMP L1 L2 L3 L4 0 PUMP PANEL m L 212" WHEEL BASE - 35' -2" OVERALL LEN 44.5" NEPA MINIMUM 13'° 12'-97 ±2„ 10'-3"f2" Illllulll pllllllllllliplllq ulup��lllll�,. IIE I ui�i�ill 111111 1111111 ,�I111111Iilllllill��llll MONTICELLO FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTICELLO, MN Q/03544 PUMPER E -ONE CYCLONE 4X2 CHASSIS THIS DRAWING IS FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO MINOR VARIATIONS DUE TO MANUFACTURING PROCESSES. This print is the property of E—ONE, Inc. and is loaned to you subject to return on demand, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by E—ONE, Inc. Its contents a onfdent al and must not be copied o submitted to third parties for u x enation. 9 o 0o m 0 0 0 o . o 0 o O0 0 ---- ILEE -mom iitiii'iiil�l monsoon 11 m 0 HOSEBED HEIGHT: (FOR REFERENCE ONLY) TO TAILBOARD: 42" TO GROUND: 66±2" O �I 9 IIID"���i���4��i��ii�l �lilleliillh�lull� ,am 11 11 ---- ILEE -mom iitiii'iiil�l monsoon 11 m 0 HOSEBED HEIGHT: (FOR REFERENCE ONLY) TO TAILBOARD: 42" TO GROUND: 66±2" FIRE SAFETY USA, INC. 3253 19TH Street NW Rochester, MN 55901 TOLL-FREE: (877) 699-3473 PHONE: (507) 529-8444 FAX: (507) 529-8111 www.FireSafetVUSA.co Proposal Pricing Summary City of Monticello Fire Department: Date: 09/15/2020 Proposal Price for (1) New E -One Rescue Engine Fire Apparatus; $ 721,000.00 "Seven Hundred Twenty -One Thousand Dollars" Pricing includes: Apparatus as detailed in Component List and Drawing Proposal documents Full Second Year Bumper to Bumper Warranty $57,125.00 Equipment Allowance HGAC Fees are Included Delivery and Training Pricing is Valid Until 12/31/2020. Authorized Signature: Ryan Clarey, Co -Owner, Fire Sa ty USA City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Date: TBD 40 rosen6auer We hereby propose and agree to furnish, after your acceptance of this proposal and the proper execution by the City of Monticello, hereinafter called the Buyer and an officer of Rosenbauer Minnesota, LLC, hereinafter called the Company, the following apparatus and equipment. One (1) Rosenbauer Pumper, complete with Rosenbauer Commander chassis per attached specifications. Gross due upon completion and delivery total $696,543.00 each 'Note: ff chassis amount of $293,609.00 is paid upon arrival at our plant in Minnesota, deduct $11,273.00 each All of which are to be built in accordance with the specifications, clarifications and exceptions attached, and which are made a part of this agreement and contract. DELIVERY: The estimated delivery time for the completed apparatus, is to be made 365 days after receipt of and approval of this contract duly executed, (chassis and (or) major components must arrive within 200 days or delivery may be extended), subject to all causes beyond the Company's control. The quoted delivery time is based upon our receipt of the specified materials required to produce the apparatus in a timely manner. "Delivery" means the date company is prepared to make physical possession of vehicle available to customer. CONTRACT CHANGES: After execution and acceptance of this Contract, the Buyer may request that the Company incorporate a change to the Products or the Specifications for the Products by delivering a Change Order to the Company; provided, however, that any such Change Order must be in writing and include a description of the proposed change sufficient to permit the Company to evaluate the feasibility of such Change Order. Within seven (7) working days of receipt of a Change Order, the Company will inform the Buyer in writing of the feasibility of the Change Order, the earliest possible implementation date for the Change Order, of any increase or decrease in the Purchase Price resulting from such Change Order, and of any effect on production scheduling or delivery resulting from such Change Order. The Company shall not be liable to the Buyer for any delay in performance or delivery arising from any such Change Order. Purchase Price may be modified only by mutual written agreement of the Parties because of changes to the Apparatus required or requested by the Buyer during the construction process pursuant to Appendix C, Change Order Policy. Any changes in the Purchase Price resulting from changes to the Apparatus required or requested by the Buyer during the construction process shall be stated in the Change Order signed by both parties. Additional Changes: If various state or federal regulatory agencies (e.g. NFPA, DOT, EPA) require changes to the specification and/or the product that result in a cost increase to comply therewith this cost will be added to the Purchase Price to be paid by the customer. FORCE MAJEURE: The Company shall not be responsible nor deemed to be in default on account of delays in performance due to causes which are beyond the Company's control which make the Company's performance impracticable, including but not limited to civil wars, insurrections, strikes, riots, fires, stones, floods, other acts of nature, explosions, earthquakes, accidents, any act of government, delays in transportation, inability to obtain necessary labor supplies or manufacturing facilities, allocation regulations or orders affecting materials, equipment, facilities or completed products, failure to obtain any required license or certificates, acts of God or the public enemy or terrorism, failure of transportation, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, failure of vendors (due to causes similar to those within the scope of this clause) to perform their contracts or labor troubles causing cessation, slowdown, or interruption of work. www.rosenbaueramerica.com lnfo,O.° rosenbaueramerica.com ROSENBAUER SOUTH DAKOTA. LLC. ROSENBAUER MINNESOTA. LLC. ROSENBAUER MOTORS, LLC. 1 W THIRD STREET 5181 260TH STREET 5190260TH STREET P.O. BOX 57 P 0 BOX 549 P.O. BOX 549 LYONS. SOUTH DAKOTA 57041 WYOMING. MINNESOTA 55092 WYOMING. MINNESOTA 55092 P: 605.543 5591 P'651.462 1000 P: 651.4621000 ROSENBAUER AERIALS. LLC. 870 SOUTH BROAD STREET FREMONT. NEBRASKA 68025 P: 402'x21.7622 From: Dan Corcoran <Dan.Corcoran@macqueengroup.com> Sent: Friday, September 18, 2020 2:57:30 PM To: Kurtis Liefert <kurtass76@hotmail.com> Cc: Dan Corcoran <Dan.Corcoran@macqueengroup.com> Subject: Bid 946 - Monticello Top Mount Enclosed Pumper Hi Kurt, Attached is the updated option list and full specification with changes from our last meeting. As I mentioned in our phone conversation, there isn't a light tower in this specification. The light tower will cause the 12V electrical system to be close to 175 amps over drawn. Pierce would suggest at 120V light tower with a PTO generator if the light tower is a critical option. The HGAC price break down for a 2021 Pierce Enforcer Top Mount Enclosed is $702,528 if truck is paid for N15 from contract signing. Proposal breakdown: Please call me with any questions. Thanks for the opportunity to earn Monticello Fire's business. Let me know what else can be done to secure your business. Details Safes price 753,382 Prior to any discounts, includes HGAC fee of $2,000. Due upon apparatus delivery if no pre- payment selected Strategic Customer Discount HGAC Discount $ HGAC Sales Price e'.1.723,207)Due upon delivery if no pre -payment applied Chassis pre -payment discount $ (10,646) $354,876 Due 90 days from completion Total $ 712,561 Remainder due upon delivery Full Pre -pay (interest) discount S (10,033) Total $ 702,528 Due N15 from contract signing Performance Bond (optional) $1,953 Added to contract price if desired Total with Performance Bond 1 $ 704,4$1 IDue N20 from contract signing Please call me with any questions. Thanks for the opportunity to earn Monticello Fire's business. Let me know what else can be done to secure your business. City Council Agenda 12/14/2020 4C. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2020-90 for Annexation as petitioned by LSW Investments, LLC and consideration of a request to approve Final Plat, Final Stage PUD, rezoning to Planned Unit Development and related Development Agreement for Edmonson Ridge. Applicant: LSW Investments, LLC. (NAC/AS) Property: Legal: The South 933 feet of the East 933 feet of the Northwest Quarter both measured at right angles thereof Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. Address: 8617 Edmonson Ave NE I PID: 213-100- 232400 Planning Case Number: 2020-029 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the guided use of the subject property from "Urban Reserve" to "Places to Live": The Comprehensive Plan amendment hearing was held by the Planning Commission on November 2"d However, upon the adoption of the Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan on November 231, 2020, the designation for this parcel was amended to Mixed Neighborhood, which allows densities and uses consistent with the proposed plat. Therefore, the Comprehensive Plan amendment portion of the application is no longer relevant. Rezoning from Agriculture (Wright County/Township Zoning) to PUD, Planned Unit Development: The Rezoning request public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on November 2"a The Planning Commission recommended approval of the rezoning action. The City Council now considers Rezoning with the Final Stage PUD and Final Plat requests. Final Stage Planned Unit Development: The Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 2"a 2020 and recommended approval of the Development Stage PUD. The City Council approved the Development Stage PUD on November 23rd 2020. This report addresses the Final Stage PUD plan changes that have been submitted in response to the Deadline for Decision: Land Use Designation: Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: Current Site Use: Surrounding Land Uses: North: East: South: West: ANALYSIS Annexation City Council Agenda 12/14/2020 Development Stage conditions of approval and other Final Stage PUD requirements. Final Plat: The Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 2"d for a 54 -unit single family residential subdivision entitled "Edmonson Ridge." The Planning Commission recommended approval of the preliminary plat and the City Council approved the preliminary plat on November 231 2020. The City Council will now consider the Final Plat. December 6th, 2020, extended 60 days to February 4th, 2021 Mixed Neighborhood, Monticello 2040 Plan NA Vacant/Undeveloped Single Family Residential Vacant/Agricultural Vacant/Agricultural/Wetlands Single Family Residential/Agricultural The property in question is currently located in Monticello Township, part of the Monticello Orderly Annexation Area. The MOAA agreement specifies that property within the MOAA that is contiguous may be annexed upon petition of the property owners, pursuant to a specific process. One of the primary conditions is that the property is served with utilities and available for development, with the expectation that property not ready for development would not be prematurely brought into the City. To ensure that the City does not annex land that cannot sustain development, the property owner proceeds through Preliminary Plat consideration prior to annexation, giving the City the opportunity to identify the conditions under which a particular parcel would be acceptable for annexation and development. Thus, the City conducts the Preliminary Plat and Rezoning hearings to be able to specify land use and ensure that proposed development will be able to meet the requirements of the land use plan 2 City Council Agenda 12/14/2020 and zoning ordinance. The Planning Commission held those hearings on November 2nd of this year. The parcel proposed for final plat appears to meet the conditions of the MOAA agreement and is now subject to City review for final platting and zoning. The area to be annexed is based on the legal description of the area to be platted. The petition for annexation was submitted by property owner LSW Investments, LLC. The City had previously notified the Township that a petition has been received and acknowledged for purposes of processing the subject applications. The City also sent a letter on December 7, 2020 formally noticing the Township of the intent to consider adoption of the annexation resolution on December 14th, 2020. The City can now take action to accept the petition and adopt a resolution for annexation with the current application for final plat and rezoning as presented. As a condition of annexation, the developer or petitioner will need to provide to the City the equivalent of four years taxes payable to Monticello Township, consistent with the MOAA agreement, as well as pay all fees for processing of the annexation with the State. Comprehensive Plan Amendment The original application included a request for Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the guided use of the subject property from "Urban Reserve" to "Places to Live". The Comprehensive Plan amendment request hearing was held by the Planning Commission on November 2nd and recommended for approval. Typically, the City Council would consider any applicable Comprehensive Plan amendment with the Rezoning, Final Stage PUD and Final Plat. However, upon the adoption of the Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan, the designation for this parcel was amended to Mixed Neighborhood. The Mixed Neighborhood designation allows densities and uses consistent with the proposed Edmonson Ridge plat. Therefore, the Comprehensive Plan amendment portion of the application is no longer relevant. Rezoning to PUD and Final Stage PUD The applicant is seeking to have the site zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development, upon its annexation into the City. Concurrent with approval of the Final Plat, the City Council may adopt the rezoning ordinance establishing the PUD Zoning District over the new platted area. Low density residential use of the subject property is compatible with uses which are envisioned and in place in the area. The plat and development standards meet the majority of those for the City's single-family Traditional Neighborhood (T -N) District, a low-density residential zoning designation. The applicant is seeking flexibility from the typical single-family zoning requirements from what would otherwise be established by the T -N District. Flexibility being requested includes lot areas (two lots at 6,880 square feet compared to the minimum of 7,500 square feet required in the T -N district), and some flexibility from the 2,000 square foot finishable requirement of the district. The applicant has 3 City Council Agenda 12/14/2020 also requested flexibility in the maximum driveway width of the T -N District, which limits widths to 18', as well as some reduction in overall landscaping requirements. The flexibility being requested results in a lot density that is still in the low range at 2.7 units per acre. This density meets the T -N District requirement of 4.4 units per acre, and the R-1 District at 3.1 units per acre minimum. For PUD projects, the City is required to find that the flexibility granted to a development project results in design and other improvements or amenities that result in better achieving the City's land use objectives. In this case, it is noted above that the Comprehensive Plan encourages a variety of housing styles and types, which this project clearly provides. In this case, the applicant is suggesting that the enhanced exterior elevation finishes offset the limited flexibility proposed from base standards relating to driveway width, lot area and T -N District individual unit landscaping. The following is a review of the revised Final Stage PUD Plans in relationship to the approved conditions from the Development Stage PUD and Preliminary Plat approvals. The approval of the Preliminary Plat and Development Stage PUD is subject to approval of the requested Annexation, rezoning and applicable Comprehensive Plan amendment, and the annexation is processed by the Office of Administrative Hearings per the MOAA. Annexation of the parcel will remain contingent on the approval of the final plat, rezoning and PUD. The final plat, PUD and rezoning are contingent on annexation. a. A sidewalk is built along 86th Street NE connecting to the proposed sidewalk connection from Edmonson Way. Revised plans illustrate the addition of the 861h Street NE sidewalk. 2. The private trail in the middle of Block 3 will be removed. Revised plans illustrate the removal of the trail. 3. Applicant will provide drawings identifying driveway widths and designs that correspond to house styles and elevations. Revised plans have been provided. The applicants have provided a "Parking Analysis"plan sheet with the revised driveway locations and mailbox clusters that indicate significant amounts of available on -street parking, more than enough for visitors and guests. Most areas of the plat will have at least one such on -street space available per residence, in addition to the garage and driveway parking. One note relates to the driveways on the plat, which have been adjusted to better coordinate with the garage locations on the site plan. Although this adjustment has been made, several lots show what would appear to be three car garages, but with driveway widths that would serve two -car garage spaces. Presuming that the revised driveways are narrowed to reflect the submitted plan, on -street parking would not be C! City Council Agenda 12/14/2020 impacted. A condition limiting driveway width to 22' has been added to Exhibit Z to address the on -street parking condition. 4. Applicant shall provide unit floor plans to verify final sizes of attached garages and living space as part of the Final Stage PUD review. The applicant has supplied floor plans and building elevation options for typical models proposed in the project. The plans show (along with included notes) that each of the models proposed will have main floor square footage of approximately 1,250 square feet, with an equal amount of space on separate levels — particularly for split level/lookout designs or full basement walkout designs. The plans note that homes constructed with crawl space only would total the 1,250 square feet size. Garages range from two car models at 480 square feet to three car models at more than 700 square feet. 5. The connecting trails to the external collector roads will be platted to 30' in width. The applicant may choose to plat just one such outlot in the southeast corner of the plat to provide convenient pedestrian access to the regional pathway system. The revised plans illustrate the required trail outlot at 30' in width, relocated to access both the 85th and Edmonson pathways, and the removal of one outlot. OutlotA shall be dedicated to the City as itprovides the required internal trail access to the external trails along 851h Street and Edmonson Avenue. 6. The infiltration basins will be deeded to the City as a drainage and utility easement with conservation easement signs installed. The final plat illustrates these areas in drainage and utility easements and the applicant has provided conservation easement documents. 7. The infiltration basins shall have access for maintenance consistent with the recommendations of the City Engineer. On-going condition. 8. The development is subject to the requirements of the City Engineer, per the letter dated October 21, 2020 and December 9, 2020. On-going condition. The developer has provided a comment response letter to the October 21, 2020 City Engineer's letter. 9. Landscape treatments are added to delineate the private and public boundaries along the infiltration basin areas. The applicant is required to provide updated landscaping plan meeting this condition and condition 10 below. 10. Landscape treatments are added at the perimeter of the platted area adjacent to the rear yards and collector roadways to create a buffer and increase rear yard privacy for residents. 5 City Council Agenda 12/14/2020 A revised landscaping plan has been provided. Additional shrub buffer landscaping is recommended. 11. The applicant enters into a development agreement as a condition of Final Plat and Final PUD approval. A draft development agreement is included for Council consideration. 12. The minimum size of attached garages shall be 440 square feet. As noted above, garage sizes range from 480 square feet to more than 700 square feet in area. The plans further note that no garage will be less than the 440 square feet as required. 13. The applicant and city continue to evaluate the feasibility and timing of burying powerlines adjacent to the development. On-going condition. 14. Compliance with the comments of other staff and Planning Commission. Final Plat The developer previously submitted and received approval for a Preliminary Plat. The City Subdivision Ordinance allows the developer one year from the time of the preliminary plat approval to file a final plat with the City. The preliminary plat was approved by the City on November 23, 2020. The developer is within the one year requirement for the final plat request. The developer has submitted revised Preliminary Plat and Final Plat plans which address the majority of the conditions of approval. Streets and Access. The developer has revised their plat to illustrate the required right of way necessary to accommodate a future roundabout design at Edmonson and 85th Streets. The right of way dedication for Edmonson is consistent with the review letter provided by Wright County. Block Layout. Block layout as shown on the final plat remains consistent with the approved preliminary plat. Lot Sizes and Setbacks. Lot sizes and setbacks shown on the final plat remain consistent with the approved preliminary plat. The applicant has revised their plans to address concerns with the angle the driveway comes to the street for Lots 2 and 3 on Block 1, Lot 14 on Block 3, and Lot 21 on Block 2. In addition, the applicant has addressed the rear lot line configurations for Lots 4, 5, and 6 on Block 3 as recommended. Grading, Drainage and Utilities. The developer is required to address the comments in the City Engineer's letters dated October 21, 2020 and December 9, 2020. R City Council Agenda 12/14/2020 Sidewalks. The revised plans detail sidewalk along one side of all streets within the development. Trails. The applicant has revised the plans to detail the required 30' outlot for the internal 10' trail connection to the 10' trails along Edmonson and 85th. It is noted that along 85th Street, some plan modifications have been made to the trail design at it approaches Ebersole; this is related to grade considerations. Park Dedication. The Subdivision Ordinance specifies a requirement of 11 % of the land area, or an equal contribution based on the land value no later than at the time of final plat. Where the applicants provide a proportion of the land area, the remaining portion would be required as cash, or as credit against the cash contribution, usually in the form of trail construction that is not otherwise required as a part of the street improvements. As noted in the preliminary plat review, the plat does not show any dedication of land, but does provide for the construction of two 10' bituminous pathways along Edmonson and 85th Streets. The City has in the past provided construction cost credit for pathways along collector routes in residential areas where internal sidewalks are required and connections between the two systems are provided. The City's PARC has recommended approval of construction cost credit for these two collector route pathways. The credit will be based on the actual construction cost and any difference will be paid from the city's park fund. In addition, the Developer is required to deed Outlot A to the City. Outlot A is the internal trail connection to the collector route trails. As part of the combined transaction for the City's sale of this parcel and the EDA's acquisition of a parcel along Chelsea Road, the amount of park dedication for the parcel to be platted was adjusted. As such, the developer's dedication amount is $11,000, with the city/EDA to contribute the balance of the dedication. The full 11% requirement based on the actual sale price is $33,000. Construction costs for the trail will therefore be credited to the developer at the difference between the actual cost and $11,000. The City and EDA will need to develop a mechanism for the reimbursement of the park dedication funds relating to this differential to meet the full I I% requirement. Development Agreement and Finance Plan A development agreement and finance plan for the Edmonson Ridge project has been prepared, outlining the terms and conditions of approval and project development, as well as the necessary fees and securities for the development. The development agreement notes that as a PUD, it is the plans approved with the Final Stage PUD (subject to conditions) which take precedence in application of design standards. Therefore, the applicant's final stage plans, including those floor 7 City Council Agenda 12/14/2020 plans, elevations, and landscaping plans define the applicable development standards for the Edmonson Ridge development. The following are other terms in the agreement specific to this development. Trunk Area Charge Assessment The developer has requested a departure from the city's past practice relating to payment and/or assessment of trunk area charges. In the past, the city has required that trunk area and park dedication charges be paid at the time of final plat, or in the alternative these charges may be assessed to the lots at either a 5 or 10 year term consistent with the city's adopted assessment policy. Most often for residential developments, the term is 10 years at the prime rate plus 2% interest. For Edmonson Ridge, the developer is proposing that the city allow the trunk area charges to be deferred for a period of two years, without interest accrual during the two-year period. Should any lots sell within the two year deferral, trunk charges would be payable with the building permit. After two years, any unpaid trunk area charges would be assessed for taxes payable 2023 (at 2020 rates) to the remaining undeveloped lots over a period of 5 years at the prime rate plus 1.5% interest. The assessment interest is calculated from the time of assessment. The advantage of this proposed practice is to place less up -front costs on the developer. And, as any lot to be immediately developed will pay the trunk fee at building permit, the city would be recovering costs for those lots using the trunk system at the time of use. The developer proposed to lock in the 2020 trunk area charge rate for any lots sold in the deferral period and paid at the time the building permit is issued. This change in policy would result in the loss of approximately $20,000 in interest over the two-year deferral, based on the amount of trunk charges specific to Edmonson Ridge. However, as staff proposes a 5 -year term rather than the customary 10 -year term for the assessment, the trunk charges will be recovered in a shorter time frame. If the City Council is open to this change in financial policy for residential trunk charges, staff would recommend that the developer provide documentation to be conveyed to potential builders requiring trunk charges to be paid at building permit. The development agreement is written such that the developer can still opt to have the amounts paid in cash at the time of plat, or assessed for 2022 at 10 years at the prime rate plus 2% interest per current policy. Ad iacent Street Improvements As noted with prior projects along collector routes, reconstruction of collector routes has been required with development north of School Boulevard. For those developments south of School Boulevard, improvements to collector routes may be required as a result of traffic impact or EAW studies. Due to recent case law, City Council Agenda 12/14/2020 reconstruction charges for future improvements are also no longer charged. For this project, the reconstruction of Edmonson and 85th Streets and a reconstruction fee is not required at this time. Securities The developer is required to post a number of letters of credit associated with the project, including: • Public improvements security for roads, utilities, lighting, pathways and stormwater systems • Landscaping security for general site landscaping, including stormwater area buffers. • Site grading • Conservation easement posts The developer is also required to post a series of cash securities. City plan review and inspection of the public utility expenses are charged to these escrows. The developer has requested that the trail construction costs be excluded from the total construction costs used to calculate the city review and inspection escrows, as they are related to the park dedication fulfillment. Council will also note that the final numbers for the securities and escrows may vary based on the final engineer's estimates provided by the developer. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1. Annexation of Edmonson Ridge Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2020-90 annexing the land within the Edmonson Ridge area, contingent on the approval of the Rezoning, Final Stage PUD and Final Plat requests, based on a finding that the terms of the Monticello Orderly Annexation Agreement have been met and other findings as stated in the Resolution. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. 2020-90 based on findings to be identified by the City Council. 3. Motion to table action on the annexation resolution. Decision 2. Rezoning to PUD The Planning Commission recommends Alternative 1 below. 1. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2020-91, and Ordinance No. 751 rezoning the proposed plat of Edmonson Ridge to "Planned Unit Development" contingent on adoption of a resolution for annexation and approval of the Final Stage PUD and Final Plat. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No.2020-91 and Ordinance No. 751 based on findings to be identified by the City Council. 3. Motion to table action on the Rezoning. E City Council Agenda 12/14/2020 Decision 3: Final Stage PUD 1. Motion to adopt Resolution No.2020-92, and Ordinance No. 751 approving the Final Stage Planned Unit Development for Edmonson Ridge to "Planned Unit Development" contingent on adoption of a resolution for annexation and approval of the Rezoning and Final Plat. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No.2020-92 and Ordinance No. 751 based on findings to be identified by the City Council. 3. Motion to table action on the Rezoning. Decision 4. Final Plat and Development Agreement Motion to adopt Resolution No.2020-93, approving the Final Plat of Edmonson Ridge, based on the findings in said Resolution, and to approve the Development Agreement, including changes in financial policy as proposed by the developer for two year deferral of assessment of trunk area charges, authorizing the Mayor and City Administrator to execute said Agreement, and contingent on adoption of the resolution for annexation and approval of the Rezoning and Final Stage PUD, subject to the conditions in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to adopt Resolution No.2020-93, approving the Final Plat of Edmonson Ridge, based on the findings in said Resolution, and to approve the Development Agreement, NOT including changes in financial policy as proposed by the developer for assessment of trunk area charges, authorizing the Mayor and City Administrator to execute said Agreement, and contingent on adoption of the resolution for annexation and approval of the Rezoning and Final Stage PUD and subject to the conditions in Exhibit Z. 3. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. 2020-93, based on findings to be identified by the City Council. 4. Motion to table action on the proposed Final Plat. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff supports annexation of the proposed land area to be platted and recommends approval of the rezoning of the site, final stage PUD, final plat and development agreement for Edmonson Ridge, subject to conditions listed in Exhibit Z and based on the findings in the accompanying resolutions. A decision relating to the proposed two-year deferral of trunk area charges is a policy decision for the Council. While it is a tool to encourage residential development, it does come with a loss of potential interest revenue (which is dependent on the timing of sale of lots in any case). If the Council elects to approve this change in policy for payment of trunk charges, this practice would then be open for use by other residential developers in Monticello. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2020-90, Annexation B. Resolution 2020-91, Rezoning to Planned Unit Development C. Resolution 2020-92, Final Stage PUD 10 City Council Agenda 12/14/2020 D. Resolution 2020-93, Final Plat and Development Agreement E. Ordinance No. 751 — Rezoning to Planned Unit Development F. Planning Commission Resolution PC -2020-030 for Rezoning G. Petition for Annexation H. Letters of Notification to Monticello Township I. Aerial Site Image J. Applicant Narrative K. Final Plat of Edmonson Ridge L. Boundary Survey M. Revised Preliminary Plat, including: a. Cover Sheet b. Existing conditions c. Preliminary Plat d. Grading Plan e. SWPPP Plan f. Sanitary Sewer & Watermain Plan g. Storm Sewer Plan h. Details i. Landscaping Plan N. Proposed Elevations & Floor Plans O. Parking Illustration P. Development Agreement Q. Finance Plan R. City Engineer's Comment Letters, dated October 21, 2020 and December 9"' 2020 Z. Conditions of Approval 11 City Council Agenda 12/14/2020 Exhibit Z, Conditions of Approval Edmonson Ridge Annexation, Rezoning, Final Stage PUD, Final Plat and Development Agreement 1. Annexation is contingent on approval of the final plat, final stage PUD and rezoning actions and the annexation is processed by the State Office of Administrative Hearings. 2. Approval of the final plat, final stage PUD and rezoning is contingent on the City's approval of the requested Annexation and the annexation is processed by the State Office of Administrative Hearings. 3. The infiltration basins will be deeded to the City as a drainage and utility easement with conservation easement signs installed. 4. The infiltration basins shall have access for maintenance consistent with the recommendations of the City Engineer. 5. Outlot A will be deeded to the City for trail access to Edmonson Avenue and 85th Street trails. 6. The development is subject to the requirements of the City Engineer, per the letter dated October 21, 2020 and December 9th, 2020. 7. The landscaping plan be updated to include landscape treatments to delineate the private and public boundaries along the infiltration basin areas. 8. Driveways shall be a maximum width of 22' at the property line to allow adequate on - street parking. 9. The applicant enters into a development agreement as a condition of Final Plat and Final PUD approval. 10. The applicant and city continue to evaluate the feasibility and timing of burying powerlines adjacent to the development. 11. Subject to Council's approval of a two-year deferral of trunk area assessments, the developer shall provide correspondence to builders regarding the trunk area charge payment requirements. 12. Compliance with the comments of other staff and City Council. 12 ANNEXATION RESOLUTION NO. 2020-90 CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION FOR ORDERLY ANNEXATION OF LAND TO THE CITY OF MONTICELLO WHEREAS, Monticello Township (the "Township") and the City of Monticello (the "City") have entered into an orderly annexation agreement dated June 21, 2004, as amended June of 2005, and filed and identified by Minnesota Department of Administration File No. OA -1061 ("Agreement"); and WHEREAS, that Agreement provides that if the terms and conditions have been met as contained in the Agreement, the Township shall not object to an annexation initiated by the City filing an Annexation Resolution with the Department of Administration; and WHEREAS, the Agreement states, in part, that no consideration by the Department of Administration, or its successor agency, is necessary, and that all terms and conditions for annexation are provided in the Agreement; WHEREAS, the Agreement designates, in part, pursuant to Paragraph 13, No Hearing Required, that the City shall provide to Township a written notice of annexation and this Annexation Resolution, and the Department of Administration may review and comment within thirty days of receipt of this Annexation Resolution and the Agreement, and order the annexation of the area designated in this Annexation Resolution in accordance with the Agreement. WHEREAS, the Agreement designates, in part, the following area as in need of orderly annexation: The South 933 feet of the East 933 feet of the Northwest Quarter both measured at right angles thereof of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. [PID 213-100-232400 consisting of approximately 20 acres] ("Land"); and WHEREAS, upon annexation of the Land, the City shall reimburse the Township for the loss of taxes from the property so annexed, as outlined in Paragraph 6, Tax Reimbursement, of the Agreement; Page 1 of 2 212973v1 WHEREAS, other than the payment of taxes, the necessary criteria for annexation of the Land pursuant to the Agreement have been met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello that the Land is hereby annexed into the City. Annexation is conditioned on the Land connecting to City municipal services. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Resolution No. 2020-90 of the City of Monticello is hereby repealed. ADOPTED this 14t' day of December 14, 2020, by the City Council of the City of Monticello. CITY OF MONTICELLO By Mayor, Brian Stumpf ATTEST: City Clerk, Jennifer Schreiber Page 2 of 2 212973v1 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-91 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL ADOPTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE "EDMONSON RIDGE PUD DISTRICT", AND REZONING A PARCEL FROM AGRICULTURE TO EDMONSON RIDGE PUD DISTRICT WHEREAS, the applicant seeks to develop a previously unplatted parcel to create a single-family residential development; and WHEREAS, the subject property is currently guided "Mixed Neighborhood" in the Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed land use designation of "Mixed Neighborhood" will facilitate an attractive and viable residential project, along with public amenities; and WHEREAS, the PUD rezoning accompanies requests to plat and develop the parcel; and WHEREAS, subject to approvals for the land use and plat actions, and the conditions of approval for those actions, the proposed Rezoning of proposed Lots 1-12, Block 1, Lots 1- 28, Block 2, Lots 1-19, Block 3, and Outlot A to Edmonson Ridge PUD District, is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for residential uses; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 2" d, 2020, on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The amendment provides an effective means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by providing for the development of residential uses in appropriate locations. 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the development plans are consistent with the needs of the land uses in this location. 3. The improvements will facilitate the logical application of existing municipal public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 4. The development plan proposed with the amendment is consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the City's zoning regulations. 5. The amendment provides an opportunity to support district -wide improvements that will facilitate a variety of land uses and public spaces in the immediate area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Monticello City Council approves the Rezoning Ordinance for "Bdmsonson Ridge PUD District", Ordinance No. 751, subject to annexation of the subject parcel to the City of Monticello, and comprehensive plan amendment and final plat approval. ADOPTED this 10 day of December, 2020, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: Rachel Leonard, City Administrator MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL IRA 2 Brian Stumpf, Mayor CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-92 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL APPROVING A FINAL STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) FOR EDMONSON RIDGE WHEREAS, the applicant seeks to subdivide an unplatted parcel to create a residential development; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted requests to annex the land, establish a planned unit development, and zone the land consistent with the proposed plat; and WHEREAS, the PUD rezoning incorporates a request for PUD Final Stage review and approval; and WHEREAS, subject to approvals for the land use and plat actions, the proposed Final Stage PUD is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for residential uses; and WHEREAS, the proposed Final Stage PUD is consistent with the requirements of the proposed zoning, subject to conditions recommended by the Planning Commission and required by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 2" d, 2020 on the Development Stage PUD application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered the Development Stage PUD request at its regular meeting of November 23rd, 2020; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the applicant has prepared a Final Stage PUD in response to the conditions and comments of the Development Stage PUD; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The PUD provides an effective means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by provided for the development of multifamily and commercial uses in appropriate locations. 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the PUD are consistent with the needs of the development in this location. 3. The improvements will facilitate the logical application of existing municipal public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 4. The PUD is consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the City's zoning regulations. 5. The PUD provides an opportunity to support district -wide improvements and common stormwater ponding that will facilitate a variety of land uses and public spaces in the immediate area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Monticello City Council approves the Final Stage PUD for Edmonson Ridge, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report as follows: 1. Annexation is contingent on approval of the final plat, final stage PUD and rezoning actions and the annexation is processed by the State Office of Administrative Hearings. 2. Approval of the final plat, final stage PUD and rezoning is contingent on the City's approval of the requested Annexation and the annexation is processed by the State Office of Administrative Hearings. 3. The infiltration basins will be deeded to the City as a drainage and utility easement with conservation easement signs installed. 4. The infiltration basins shall have access for maintenance consistent with the recommendations of the City Engineer. 5. Outlot A will be deeded to the City for trail access to Edmonson Avenue and 85`x' Street trails. 6. The development is subject to the requirements of the City Engineer, per the letter dated October 21, 2020 and December 9t', 2020. 7. The landscaping plan be updated to include landscape treatments to delineate the private and public boundaries along the infiltration basin areas. 8. Driveways shall be a maximum width of 22' at the property line to allow adequate on -street parking. 9. The applicant enters into a development agreement as a condition of Final Plat and Final PUD approval. 2 10. The applicant and city continue to evaluate the feasibility and timing of burying powerlines adjacent to the development. 11. Subject to Council's approval of a two-year deferral of trunk area assessments, the developer shall provide correspondence to builders regarding the trunk area charge payment requirements. 12. Compliance with the comments of other staff and City Council. ADOPTED this 14th day of December, 2020 by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: Rachel Leonard, City Administrator MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL USA 3 Brian Stumpf, Mayor CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-93 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL APPROVING A FINAL PLAT FOR EDMONSON RIDGE AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the applicant seeks to subdivide an unplatted parcel to create a residential development; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted requests to annex the land, establish a planned unit development, and zone the land consistent with the proposed plat; and WHEREAS, subject to approvals for the land use and zoning actions, the proposed Plat is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for residential uses; and WHEREAS, the proposed Plat is consistent with the requirements of the proposed zoning districts, subject to conditions recommended by the Planning Commission and required by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 2"d, 2020 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Preliminary Plat, with conditions, at its regular meeting of November 23rd, 2020; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The Plat provides an effective means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by providing for the development of residential uses in appropriate locations. 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the Preliminary and Final Plat are consistent with the needs of the development in this location and other parcels in the area. 3. The improvements will facilitate the logical application of existing municipal public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 4. The Plat is consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the City's zoning regulations. 5. The Plat provides an opportunity to support district -wide improvements and will facilitate a variety of land uses and public spaces in the immediate area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the City Council approves the Final Plat for Edmonson Ridge, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report as follows: 1. Annexation is contingent on approval of the final plat, final stage PUD and rezoning actions and the annexation is processed by the State Office of Administrative Hearings. 2. Approval of the final plat, final stage PUD and rezoning is contingent on the City's approval of the requested Annexation and the annexation is processed by the State Office of Administrative Hearings. 3. The infiltration basins will be deeded to the City as a drainage and utility easement with conservation easement signs installed. 4. The infiltration basins shall have access for maintenance consistent with the recommendations of the City Engineer. 5. Outlot A will be deeded to the City for trail access to Edmonson Avenue and 85`x' Street trails. 6. The development is subject to the requirements of the City Engineer, per the letter dated October 21, 2020 and December 9t', 2020. 7. The landscaping plan be updated to include landscape treatments to delineate the private and public boundaries along the infiltration basin areas. 8. Driveways shall be a maximum width of 22' at the property line to allow adequate on - street parking. 9. The applicant enters into a development agreement as a condition of Final Plat and Final PUD approval. 10. The applicant and city continue to evaluate the feasibility and timing of burying powerlines adjacent to the development. 11. Subject to Council's approval of a two-year deferral of trunk area assessments, the developer shall provide correspondence to builders regarding the trunk area charge payment requirements. 12. Compliance with the comments of other staff and City Council. 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, that the document titled "Development Contract and Planned Unit Development and for Edmonson Ridge," with assignment of the specific terms and conditions for public improvements and the specific terms and conditions for plat development, is hereby approved. ADOPTED this 14th day of December, 2020, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: Rachel Leonard, City Administrator MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL 3 Brian Stumpf, Mayor ORDINANCE NO. 751 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE, BY ESTABLISHING THE EDMONSON RIDGE PUD DISTRICT AS A ZONING DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO AND REZONING CERTAIN REAL ESTATE TO THE EDMONSON RIDGE PUD, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 2.4(P) — Planned Unit Developments, Title 10 — Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended by adding the following: (XX) Edmonson Ridge PUD District (a) Purpose. The purpose of the Edmonson Ridge PUD District is to provide for the development of certain real estate subject to the District for residential land uses. (b) Permitted Uses. Permitted principal uses in the Edmonson Ridge PUD District shall be single family residential uses as found in the TN, Traditional Neighborhood District of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, subject to the approved Final Stage Development Plans dated , and development agreement dated December 14th, 2020, as may be amended. (c) Accessory Uses. Accessory uses shall be those listed in the TN, Traditional Neighborhood District, and as specifically identified by the approved final stage PUD plans, and as specifically regulated by restrictive covenant as recorded against the lots zoned Edmonson Ridge PUD District. (d) District Performance Standards. Performance standards for the development of any lot in the Edmonson Ridge PUD District shall adhere to the approved final stage PUD plans and development agreement. In such case where any proposed improvement is not addressed by the final stage PUD, then the regulations of the TN, Traditional Neighborhood District shall apply. (e) Amendments. Where changes to the PUD are proposed in the manner of use, density, site plan, development layout, building size, mass, or coverage, or any other change, the proposer shall apply for an ORDINANCE NO. 751 amendment to the PUD under the terms of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 2.4 (P)(10). The City may require that substantial changes in overall use of the PUD property be processed as a new project, including a zoning district amendment. Section 2. The zoning map of the City of Monticello is hereby amended to rezone the following described parcels to Edmonson Ridge PUD, Planned Unit Development District: Lots 1-12, Block 1, Lots 1-28, Block 2, Lots 1-19, Block 3, and Outlot A, all in Edmonson Ridge. Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to mark the official zoning map to reflect this ordinance. The map shall not be republished at this time. Section 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety and map shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance and map are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 14th day of December, 2020. ATTEST: Rachel Leonard, Administrator AYES: NAYS: Brian Stumpf, Mayor W CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2020-030 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE "EDMONSON RIDGE PUD DISTRICT", AND REZONING A PARCEL FROM AGRICULTURE TO EDMONSON RIDGE PUD DISTRICT WHEREAS, the applicant seeks to develop a previously unplatted parcel to create a single- family residential development; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to revise the land use designation for a portion of the property from Urban Reserve to Places to Live, and zone the land consistent with the proposed plat; and WHEREAS, the PUD rezoning accompanies requests to plat and develop the parcel; and WHEREAS, subject to approvals for the land use and plat actions, the proposed PUD zoning is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for residential uses; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of the PUD zoning regulations, subject to conditions recommended by the Planning Commission and required by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 2nd, 2020 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The amendment provides an effective means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by providing for the development of single family uses in appropriate locations. 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the development plans are consistent with the needs of the land uses in this location. 3. The improvements will facilitate the logical application of existing municipal public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2020-030 4. The development plan proposed with the amendment is consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the City's zoning regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the PUD zoning ordinance and rezones the subject property to the Edmonson Ridge PUD District. ADOPTED this 2nd day of November, 2020, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION By: Sam Murdoff, ChafF ATTEST: Angela Sc;i4m4dhTon1 unity Development Director s' CITY OF Monticello CITY OF MONTICELLO PETITION FOR ANNEXATION Property Owner Name(s): r Property PID(s): CONTACT INFORMATION Name: / Mailing Address: City/St/Zip: �Zr/ 101 ...e Phone: 6z� -'?A� 7-e7 eD r� 0 V E SEP 21 220 • _Nt-,M11rwan, To the Council of the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota: I, the undersigned, the owner of the property described below, hereby request the City Council of the Monticello, Minnesota, to annex this area to the city and to extend the city boundaries to include the same, and for that purpose respectfully state: 1. The area to be annexed consists of cV acres. All of this land lies entirely within the County of Wright, Minnesota, and the official legal description of such land is as follows (or attach): A A/C �o 2. The area described above abuts upon the city limits at the boundary thereof, and none of it is presently included within the corporate limits of any incorporated city. 3. All of this area is contained within the Monticello Orderly Annexation Area and/or is about to become urban or suburban in character. PROPERTY OWNER(S): l ` D e Signature Title Date Signature Title x ,^ , • -SCI r i 2 90 cn . a Ile •"� K E R! I $7l H ST NE I s- 85TN,ST-NE------- ... s - *-Olrp f i -low CITY Montf6eRo September 23, 2020 Ms. Cathy Shuman Monticello Township Clerk 8550 Edmonson Avenue NE Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Annexation Petition — LSW Investments, LLC PID 213-100232400 Dear Ms. Shuman, PHONE: 763-295-2711 Fax:763-295-4404 505 Walnut Street I Suite 1 I Monticello, MN 55362 The City has received an annexation petition from the owner of the above parcel. The petition meets a triggering event for annexation per section 2A of the Joint Resolution for Orderly Annexation. However, the city will need to evaluate the provisions of services per item 7 of the resolution and therefore, will acknowledge receipt of the petition, but not consider a resolution for annexation at this time. The annexation petition will be considered for acknowledgement at the City Council meeting on September 28, 2020. This is to allow the City to begin processing related land use applications and verify service per Item 7 of the resolution. Notice of the consideration of a final resolution for annexation will be sent to the Township. If you have any questions regarding tlsis matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, J ifer Sc e' er ity Clerk c: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Angela Schumann, Community Development Director Shawn Weinand, LSW Investments, LLC www.ci.monticello.mn.us CITY Monticello December 7, 2020 Monticello Township Clerk 8550 Edmonson Avenue NE Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Annexation — LSW Investments, LLC PID 213-100-232400 Dear Cathy: PHONE: 763-295-2711 FAx:763-295-4404 505 Walnut Street j Suite 1 I Monticello, MN 55362 The City has received an annexation petition from the owners of the above parcels. The property is contiguous to the city limits and meets the requirements for a triggering event for annexation per Section 2A of the Joint Resolution for Orderly Annexation. Only that portion of the legally described parcels petitioned for annexation which are proposed to be platted will be included in the resolution for annexation. The annexation resolution approving the request has been placed on the December 14, 2020 City Council meeting agenda. A copy of the draft resolution and related boundary information is attached for reference. If you have any questions regarding this annexation request, please let me know. Sincerely, dennifep +Scib City Clerk cc: Rachel Leonard, City Administrator Angela Schumann, Community Development Director www.ci.monticel lo.m mus ANNEXATION RESOLUTION NO. CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION FOR ORDERLY ANNEXATION OF LAND TO THE CITY OF MONTICELLO WHEREAS, Monticello Township (the "Township") and the City of Monticello (the "City") have entered into an orderly annexation agreement dated June 21, 2004, as amended June of 2005, and filed and identified by Minnesota Department of Administration File No. OA -1061 ("Agreement"); and WHEREAS, that Agreement provides that if the terms and conditions have been met as contained in the Agreement, the Township shall not object to an annexation initiated by the City filing an Annexation Resolution with the Department of Administration; and WHEREAS, the Agreement states, in part, that no consideration by the Department of Administration, or its successor agency, is necessary, and that all terms and conditions for annexation are provided in the Agreement; WHEREAS, the Agreement designates, in part, pursuant to Paragraph 13, No Hearing Required, that the City shall provide to Township a written notice of annexation and this Annexation Resolution, and the Department of Administration may review and comment within thirty days of receipt of this Annexation Resolution and the Agreement, and order the annexation of the area designated in this Annexation Resolution in accordance with the Agreement. WHEREAS, the Agreement designates, in part, the following area as in need of orderly annexation: The South 933 feet of the East 933 feet of the Northwest Quarter both measured at right angles thereof of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. [PID 213-100-232400 consisting of approximately 20 acres] ("Land"); and WHEREAS, upon annexation of the Land, the City shall reimburse the Township for the loss of taxes from the property so annexed, as outlined in Paragraph 6, Tax Reimbursement, of the Agreement; Page 1 of 2 212973v1 WHEREAS, other than the payment of taxes, the necessary criteria for annexation of the Land pursuant to the Agreement have been met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello that the Land is hereby annexed into the City. Annexation is conditioned on the Land connecting to City municipal services. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Resolution No. of the City of Monticello is hereby repealed. ADOPTED this day of , 20 , by the City Council of the City of Monticello. CITY OF MONTICELLO 3 ATTEST: City Clerk Jennifer Schreiber Mayor Brian Stumpf Page 2 of 2 212973v1 M krts 00OW" Op M krts Shawn Weinand/LSW Investments, LLC I Request for Comp Plan Arndt, Rezoning, Dev Stage PUD, Plat 8617 Edmonson Avenue NE I PID: 213-100-232400 Created by: City of Monticello EDMONSON RIDGE The property currently located at 8617 Edmonson Avenue NE, Monticello, formerly owned by the City of Monticello and used by the publics works department for storage. This was purchased in February of 2020 by LSW Investments with the intent of developing it into a residential development similar to Autumn Ridge Villas. The property is located in the township currently guided urban reserve and requires annexation. It does fall within the orderly annexation which has been applied for. It would be our intent to build a project with a similar look and feel as the Autumn Ridge Villas, which has turned out to be one of the nicer looking projects in Monticello. This project was designed to cater to an older buyer with an association and a smaller tighter area, with one style of home. In Edmonson Ridge we would like to cater to a mixed group of buyers, using the single family home concept. Still not just a conventional neighborhood but a little more density in a controlled style. We are proposing 3.05 units per net acre, 20 gross acres 17.72 net acres. Standard streets with 39' driveways and a mix of lots that will allow full basement walkouts, 4 level lookouts, 2 stories, and ramblers with full basements or crawlspaces. Two thirds of these homes will have three car garages a few possible four car and the balance with two car. The plans are flexible to try to cater to the step-up buyer who wants something nicer with more footage or not so much, trying to create a sense of neighborhood. If you notice the exterior designs are very similar, no matter the style you pick yet unique. These houses will range from 1250 sq. ft. finished to 3500 plus feet finished depending on the market and the buyers needs. This will not be a fast sell based on Monticello sales and this being an upscale product its probably a 5 -year build. Hopefully not but we have designed this to have flexibility as the market changes and as our buyers needs change as well as costs and interest rates. For the City this is probably in the range of a 20 -million -dollar project. The homes will have similar materials and colors, maybe a selection of 4 different base, accent and trim colors all from the newest color pallets. We will have 1 roof color but mixing the materials as we have done in Autumn Ridge to create unity. We will have possibly 4 different stone selections. We are going to wait on picking colors until next spring/summer as colors are changing and we want to pick from what is the newest or best selections. Each home will have a landscape package to include rock and edging around the foundations, front yard plantings similar to Autumn Ridge and a sprinkler system. Fences will only be allowed after a home is built on both sides but must be black chain link or invisible dog fence and only free-standing basketball hoops permanently mounted in the upper 1/3 of the driveway will be allowed. There will be a boulder wall monument area in the corner of Edmonson and 85th Avenue for the project identification with plantings. The mailboxes will be multi -unit boxes placed throughout the project. The spacing between buildings will be a minimum of 14' that's a 7' side yard setback instead of a 5', nice size front yards with a good selection of large backyards. The trail system will tie to the existing trail on Edmonson and go down to the first intersection, down 85th to the next intersection. There will be two access points into Edmonson Ridge project with sidewalk and trail access through Edmonson Ridge project tying to Featherstone in two locations. The traffic from Edmonson Ridge project should have very little effect on the Featherstone neighborhoods, 85th Avenue or Edmonson. It would be my understanding that Edmonson Ridge project because its guided urban reserve does need a comprehensive plan amendment. We feel we need some flexibility with how we are doing the project and trying to create a little more of a step up house and separate neighborhood identity. We need a rezoning to a PUD at the same time. We are also asking for a development stage PUD and preliminary plat. We hope to start selling out of this project by fall of 2021. Thank you for your consideration. EDMONSON RIDGE KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That LSW Investments, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, owner of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: The South 933 feet of the East 933 feet of the Northwest Quarter both measured at right angles thereof of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. PLANNING COMMISSION, City of Monticello, Minnesota Be it known that at a meeting held on this day of 20 , the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, did hereby approve this plat of EDMONSON RIDGE. Has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as EDMONSON RIDGE and does hereby dedicate to the public for public use the public ways and drainage and utility easements as created by this plat. Chairperson Secretary In witness whereof said LSW Investments, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this day of 20 CITY COUNCIL, City of Monticello, Minnesota Signed: LSW Investments, LLC This plat of EDMONSON RIDGE was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Monticello Minnesota at a regular meeting thereof held this and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2. Chief Manager STATE OF Mayor Administrator COUNTY OF This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 , by Shawn Weinand Chief Manager of LSW Investments, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR company, on behalf of the company. hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this day of Wright County Surveyor Signature WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY ENGINEER Printed Name This plat was reviewed and recommended for approval this day of 20 Notary Public, County, My Commission Expires: Wright County Engineer SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR/TREASURER I Peter Goers do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wetlands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this day of 20 Peter Goers, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 44110 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF The foregoing surveyor's certificate was acknowledged before me this day of 20 by Peter Goers Land Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 18425. Signature Printed Name Notary Public, County, My Commission Expires: day of 120 911 Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.21, Subd. 9, taxes payable for the year 20 on the land hereinbefore described have been paid. Also, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes and transfer entered this day of 120 By: Wright County Auditor/Treasurer Deputy WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder for record on this day of 120 at o'clock Cabinet No. , Sleeve , as Document No. Wright County Recorder .M. and was duly recorded in i'l ALLIANT ENGINEERING SHEET / OF 2 SHEETS S.W. COR. OF NW 1/4 OF SEC. 23, T. 121, R. 25 • \'-N.E. COR. OF NW 1 /4 OF SEC. 23, o T. 121, R. 25 0o Co f r7 0� CD o z I L1_ / I i 1 Ll A r 1 LJI r \ r \ / \ A - 5- \ r r_ \< I 7L / / < _-__` / r .L PLS 20595 PLS 42299- G N89°06'39"E 933.89 L 1 J 60 --- \ \ _ - t 55.05 77.05 62.00 76.98 60.06 - - - - � v/ / 35.59 / y - 107.49 � � 90.29 _ - 55--- 36.84 - - 169.18 -_--- ---- -- -- N01°36'50"E / / _ _ 36.84 --- co . 90-07 1 ' '14.18'h�� \ \ I -NORTH LINE ` N01°36'50"E 10 I N + i y \ I OF THE SOUTH l o l o -34.22 _ 1 cfl EDMONSON RIDGE �' \ V A I 1"933 FEET 1 1 , r '`L/ \ \ N �, 60 / _ L=25.21 -- 66 --- 1T I IT ��=5°49'- - N89°06'39"E 198.92 -- - _ _ - - T �Rs�s ����)/ \\ \��� \ ANN g I I� 10 IW 11 1 1`" 12 II I� --------_ �` p \� \ m I �� I IM IM 'C' v�--- 1 O co P �� V ��, A y N on orn o I� Ir co C/ \�` 8 �` I �o loo I to „ J 6, g I N w Cn I u r w N L=37.60 I I I u w `° ` Q),\ \ �� \ \=8°30'18"T J J N89°06'39"E 184.56 - - - - - - - - Q J 0.4 62.00 85.08 ------- / 4243 a---------- <� N89°06'3 'E 167.57 tw v- \ rQ \ �, - \ S8\ -�2 (0 EDMONSON WAYS -- ' co/ A D R=307.70 ��� A=0°40'47" N O X39 A I g• � p°� O _ L=24.26 - - N89°06'39"E 152.05 - � S89°06'39"W 190.05 A=4°31'00" _ - - \ _ 25.74/ 54.00 54.00 56.31 N31°55'23' %; - - - S6 - 55.70 .7 0 1 - - 10.46 - \ - - r °� 1 �I � N31°55'23"W �� < I - L �°b 06 10.46 v N In W - - �' 0 o p tl m cfl - / /�6 U 7 co -- CO' cb / cbJ1 I D �/ n n �� < p W c0 rn i�0/c'- g 00 �•�'3 �O \ \ 6 r r T 9 w t0 'o w �' L _ S88.23-1 WE 127.94 _ J J _ L S, �� \ \ \ \ �// /fL� /njOO / '0/ \ \ \ LLJ LLJ O 1 w \ w W y ? / - -_ g8736E / \\ J� Q ,,� 5 \ \?� MI IM O I IM 1 Wn'w W L=31.48 -----� \ LO to o I - �� ��✓ �, ��• \ \ o 0 0 ----=10°43'25.. 60 0 L �\7.1 ` -S�6 473g„E 231. �� � /� / \ �;\ \\ I� I I� co co .1 T 6 I z LU O Q �O cb S S \ \ 1 �- - - J - - - - - - JI M Cl)- S88°23'10"E 125.00 - J _ J N /ry \ Oji \ cfl o / i-� / rn Jv �/�( \ �3, �L \ \ \ t N89°06'39"E 195.15 o JC 4 Sr i?�\ \ �� I -- ------ --- I o M \� �\ - - - - - -- _- -� Ll - 0 \ \ 7 , \ \ / I 1 3 r o 9 \ CD CD I ca o 0 f j 4 �1C 11 \�8 \\\ \ L1 10 I� �I 5 z 1 L=2.23 �1 N L - - - - - 193.28 \ \ \\\ \24.331 / 1- - - - -S88°23'10"E 193.88 _ - - I S88°23'10"E 125.00 O _ 0) _ _ S89°29'46"E 222.01 _ A=0°30'14" -- • 60 - - - - - - _ t� _ 7 _ -- L=16.45----- ___ =17.29 - - - - - - - - - - 1 w Z CV) CIS 77.01 70.02 - 74.98 - ;p=4°52'37" N85°0723"W 217.61 - -\ \ p\p �� 54.01 - I o o - - - - - - rn co co `, LO o Q o (0 4 c N 0 / p I I I i N N 00LO j ^\%'44.01 S88°230"E 192.73_ --- J M Cl) N 0 o L J - -- --- w w S88°23'10"E 125_00 3 co 1� --- 0 L _T_00 I Ir o 0 0 -------- �---- c7 co I o N90°00'00"W 217.22 - - - - MI / I - - - - - M o o cYj O 1 o 0 0 oo c- 0 m r --------off M d Z I9) 2 o ool 2 "lo'l 12 w o w °' �N Ir z ��I �I�, ° ILO N o w /S8823'10E 191.58 _� Z o 1 3 h IM 3 I \-------- IN - -------- 2.65 ----------/= / I ----------- --- < I_ _S88'_ 0"E 125_00 J M tiN CAP ILLEGIBLE- - - L=62 08 I cow N90°00'00"W 216.85 �' I UJ 1 =18°41'38) c 4 lCl) 0) 13 I o`ro--------- o O� _ a\ > I p00 �"' -/ eco r_ Z uN _ 144 '�i o M o o Ills t LO � 0 Z "5.65 6 57 E R\ 90.2 7108„\ I / ^� n o �� N89°59'59"W 131.81 _ I I 1 0 2 1 J W i I I I o d_ l09 1 8 J I / /� /� o 0 0 0 -� _ ��t / - N89°3624"W 281.67 -- m I I 0 3 9 "' /� 0 77.80 54.Q1 54.01 54.0 54.01 119.64 L 1 J Q � o N89°06'57"E 2°S2, " 7 /i 11 r- m r-- 46„ �\ r7 p 2 S8 W O H - 1 18.27 R=730 SS8° \ v rn - - - - - r - - - I_ __ 8°23'10"E 125.00 _I Lz� 8=32Nt 5.76 �o o17��s36� ��o� 60 ��;/o ����� 1 1 I I 1 1 I °°-------� 2 48 8g9ii. O p� � �� %� � �- 60 � N II I I0 I II I"' I Is I i CID r 1 I L1J 0 0 of o moo ��� 19 L I Ir / IT M > Iw_ T IT T 14 i uIN v Q w w ��v �- ----L=30.11 Lo 18 N N N I IN ,D ,A=9°27'38" 1 ss8° ssao v v 1� 1 10 17 1 10 16 Io 15 to / °rye N74°so- LTJ / oo, oy \ 1 I� I I o 1 lo 1 16 o 4; / 7) �' \ v� cn cn O 13 F y _ v`bd'/cb p 3.33 6) �2S 00 09 L-26.96/°2 °) 2 / / v ASO g40 ��' A=8°56'31" I I %00 0�0 h O C L-16.13 1 L=4.32 i D g cL "� N74° A - /� / / / \ Sg=5°21'00" Ip=2°01'14"� i �; �'� cocL cyc° So'12„w Cl) \ / \ N Cv / / / \ 4;1g °35 s - � - - � - - - � � ` - 236 �i v/.r0 42.7j / I N '4k, / 3 / / 6200 A,1j2.76 33" 1 37.89 54.00 49.69 ' _ �o�`z �Rb dpi 13 / / \ 4\4,9915 - - N89°06'39"E 141.58 IN // R-232.7 86TH ST NE J / /� / ��/ 4 / / \ 4,133 6 T _ \ /�"� / Al / / L=30.26 1 32°S3 A=7°26'56" 4-- 04 - 1 N89°06'39"E 141.58- �- - / X5 71 1 13° 61.99 62.00 _68__- I c� / / 5 42'54, L=47.62 L=46. \ 12 \ \ I \li < / .o`A/ / / X11°4314" -904 8.55=14 39 \ \ \ \ -155--j- L_ / / o/ I I A\ V A v // SSB, �// / ��/ �/ �I I of of of z\ \ N N N\ - L1J -t6 - - - 'vI I Cl) 8 MI I 9I 10 �w\ \ \V A\ s32°52zi�10 M� T/ z o I I � \ \ \ zl 2 zl z11 11�45a'vN - I 1-� \�- \� s 94.6 i--- 23.71 - !11 - - - \ 20.05 S$9 0 39"W 774.24 _ J L - _ - J L - - - J - - - 94 98 - -95.92 83.26 62.00 62.00 88.99 109.17 11 I I I 1 1 N89°06'39"E _ 11 17?R an 80.38 73.83 I ------i --- -- - ------------------- Ln - 933-- ------------------- - -- -- -- - - - -- -- -------------I- 85T H STREET -----L------------------------- NORTHEAST I N8900639"E 933.89 ° I \ `-SOUTH LINE OF THE NW 114 --SOUTH r I -r -I- r r- r- -r K I /� r% -r I I r- w i` -I- �� -� I �� �, I �t �- �- I 1\I I I Fe I �__i�- OF SEC. 23, T. 121, R. 25 i_ DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: NOT TO SCALE Being 6 feet in width and adjoining lot lines and 12 feet in width and adjoining street lines and rear lot lines as shown on this plat, unless otherwise shown. THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NW 1/4 OF SEC. 23, T. 121, R. 25 WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA IS ASSUMED TO HAVE A BEARING OF N89°06'39"E. 0 Denotes monument found 1/2 inch iron pipe marked as shown O Denotes 1/2 inch x 18 inch iron monument set marked by license no. 44110 unless otherwise shown A Denotes set mag nail Denotes Wright County Monument N Scale in feet 0 60 120 180 1 INCH = 60 FEET ALLIANT ENGINEERING SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS JELL4C3-2t.- r� f 87TH STREET NORTHEAST t{9db_-; ; I I , II I BITUMINOUS 967.411 ;1 .. - ss { 1 I ( I l 1 I wY iii. *1 R LU OWNER: STEVEN I ( ( I OWNER: DANIEL IpwHER: MATTHEW I I OWNER: JENITA JO I OWNER ANTHONY AND W ygg 11 OWNER: SHELLEY 1 AND KAS WILLIANS a r i OWNER: BRADY NORDIN AND IAND JESS'CA NORTONI OWNER: TROY AND I TEACHouT TRD57 I HEATHER JOHNSON ' > DENNY AND EM( perp / I OWNER: PROMS I SABATINI) I JENNIFER PALMER I- j JACKIE MATTSON { I 'QQQQ]]]]iii5 PLETCHER I Ber.s �' G } OWNER: RICHARD I MATAGARO r} r A -I- II 1 r- r 0.- 1- 1 11 7 r- 0. r- /\ / A 1 r 144.40 A r N r N I fl- r/ 1 A r pR ll�lf .-----------_{ / BRIGGS AND CALLIE 1-j !-- /_{ l �-I H- H/ �- It 1 III/h-{� I ,. F- l II II\I/ I:� /_1 ! II I1 11 11 )1\1 ■a r KOBILKA_ I / L, _ I h ! 1 I L_ l I �/ II �/ 7 Y L_ I i/ L_/IS/ ! Y L/ , / 4 L/ / 1 �(��/ I Y I / N�—-` r { I I ° -� >I9o7A7 FI X960J6 Xoecr r 1 X11wa4 9x79 xawu I 961 Q x960.77 xro7.Be >} 967Jto { R44LI fty44��op pI I hANTEA 6£115- � I f47.Wx W W I aYraiSr- 1: 1151 as 9x751 I T. 15x.48, X96177 INV r 06460 X new f I r I x n.ANTuecb•- r 3.958,0} �- av9.e.nOG^` 4.36 15 x9noo i xM-M `�1e96 CN FTV rENCE 95a3D 95696Xr su9.ib x9sara... I I 658, 4 . "9.or -, »7e7 os FT k a --t y3 L _ (VIN 68,11 I V 0 ., 13 0.0 D1EIr {8,e m 96x71 .n �srsi11 Xn s x I X996.37 7.7 - uNt xMTX 96Lx 91128,4 - 0rw 907. IV89°0639 1933.8 11 » B Xo&s4 I s4a» lei sic 0yin �( 4 s74s x96t4 X911271 ; X".97 X"521 xYo"s 144NMb1 zI ' - - - ^ - .^ - - - - - L - - - - - - - -Oy (.'7 aYo, 93TA7 Xf47Jro 557.96 .4 1188,/3 ]cE I XML'Po + r I X950.75 W Hae! X93679 X9x.ra `,.- t.4 96L11 t -NORTH LME t I I 1 X09.99 vsam rJ.a ,. ' --I/2 9r C, YEN WIrN Ill INCH pair firth-' x968,4 OF IH£ SD1/THI CAP Pam1 8,796, 8,15 L 39449.7" w"DA6LE rJ1a wx9AacccAs 933.00 FEET OWNER: NOVAK-FLECK INC i/2 the' Xy7.le' toe X".57 X961_40 r X9sul XMAS VINIA.9r X94.91 X96159 ' I w} 2M , X938,311 x95100 _ x968,4 X96. X96Lm ; ; Xw2a X96696 X. Pat51 I --- -7C1+78,2 1 X0.8,11.96 X9110.511 -GRASS 96L96 i ^•1. GRASS , I .- 1 X96Le7 x96Lx X „ XW.rs i� I _ r XKL71 1� X8,111411 1 H I --_ -- --�- 1 _--_^a t M4.ae X"&04 I --- --- OWNER: BRYCE AND X958," X11578, ----- 9°-`%_- -- 933_00_I ! - KASANDRA PARKER h/7 RG, X95170Ib ________-_ i ____ I______X9�y 1 .» X9117.5 I b1P Hti" i X93960 XGWM X"Mm x 9616] j _____ ____r.---------------------- X,4702 -____--X 73 - - X947(17 951.74 X"L73 9ea.St x I X9eLeo Xfa7.H X X244 ;-_______ _ ,y` I i 9iiL7 1 X91SM 70.960.8,9 X966.73 I xvism '7 - X90193 x X91600 i X"11." X"254 X9eLro x9111.73 X i X967,96 96sn X951m X999." X"a" oal.]I x 2° 0 ]O pry X"LM ,p• 4a' ' B9E ; IY 't8,+ a• 90..64 i y 1 x"31 1 j ' Xo".e4 I {/�(]'��f S X94zm suA1 1 _ X968,73 1 a' v6tr 968,8, '964.87 XVK» (/9pI X t!J' X r� I 1/7 aC1 I x"o.W 911Ap5 ry xiq aa"n leear9 L r i i OWNER: WILLIAM AND �„ raw µ72e I X95149 X05745 1 h6 - I ------ KELLY STEPHENS ��- °%953.31 1 XWL24 X56448, >; X `w'1e'P.NE ro, 70. I 1 x+5179 31365 re11 4. s64ar�------- - / J -; N ; X95117 X"0.M , X990.20 xwn v J Ms '`r i 'yyXO X9672 X96179 X,25 x X 1 X839.71 x110aM X961 s8, ' w / �I X96L4 96.j3 METAL BARN + 96774 L _ j x910.95 93]SSI� X9'1.43 '. x9s11.]e x937N X95671 X95639 x"L� �I /�� e,• � x \ ' ` 9611.41 IIII&M (�J GRASS Ir sveu� 151'. 1/awu �W 1 X9118,115 x;Ktas311 xnitgr( N7.4 I J � 11113 i J OWNER: JUSTIN W 9/2799 _+• X931130 X95921 X911773 x x tae 565]7 / 3 ; j(9enr7 X.. 9X91 i AANENSON AND ws.7r X r-$ I x95aeo a7.as.ac - I �7 \\\ ADDtE JOHNSON i %` 0.5477 47.711 iAyC937.16 %oa7." X930.30 X99tAy ".2! 14 NST'yh I - SL4 f4 117 -� a 1 X967.4 X96.44 Yso . 96.64 9568, "Les, IdRAVEL ` f I X960.45 X 'X. X06537 x;. I 1 8,4 X"7,7 1 I 4 964"x. 'DIRT PILE YyK75 1 I 1f )I9F796 X990.03 9x657 1 GRASS 90448 X H ' / I X03690 XM44 X964.43 x965" I ,',9"06 (w Ir X211,01 ' �t[+r n Xnaa{ yy, .O OWNER: BARRY 11465+X X"abi I X951rr X95197 , X911S4e 965701E 9' Ss f 7�9ee33\ 9O7•a - 1 a' vies t Int AND JILL WOLF Xs3l.a X31 93 I X850.16 %S %"7" 931.65 .9 1 0.M _ q1 i %u6n GRASS 96.4 R%,. r9a6»t' i \\ X 9n Ba , W sfalr t 1 3 �r/2 sa4 1 96534 - .. 70.90490 \ , A\771 X967.71 X"107 X3115110 .X965. #42700 t Xsa r4 ... X959 a6 : x. / yy_ r X5611.01 gar 90 Tv96.f6 / ., / \ %% , ` DIRT PS.E 1 10, SPaU al$ 8 3 !3196 Xow.97 rou'0° X3:as7 X951ar x96073 'X94.4: X996.16 �ad L • M7x�4 ` 7.8,9 1 e ro• sv9u 81 I& go }c9w.m ' X%2eI X900.116 x"Sm L 5.� _ X967.Iv 1X9311.51 X96546 u' I e Y ,x"640 X911.24 X9670O 964RI 96 INYfuas / L11 x� \. 0.X959.72 t.7 1 X9670] X961111 I _ �7G- I / 1 110 , 1 -* bad fi Z Y 7X"277 X9Ku 9"59. "I -- 96575 pGYFI 14.1 a ani T = Lu x9eO211 i X91056 x957.34 XMM x999." P / 5 { h%ao -2W ASH S 1 .. 1 911XOS0. 4X6540.j X911.]0 X961.kf5 L, ' X968.70 X96765 96 - I OWNER: )i: XrO00000 X961" Y. X909.S0 X966.33n i IS Sae NOYAK-FLECK INC t -9511.47 00 1 X9evo as ;co6674 1 Xaea 8,9 Xa4.v1 i asn47.-.. OS.67' l 996.61Y ROCK PILE lbw„ t!v 1$31111' S I z x y(d 519".79 o .x9r0.a11 131 _ s7.o0>: )c9w70 X�4 4e,L 7.q X951.87 141 X95300 X99679. X95660 3YK" / L X9"06 X ..);911465 1 GRASS I- ITI4w�/df-EE5`S X95678 X95.mX95oJu I x911.19 / 1 98,6�6.- 714 966.a X R INV 4755717 , 5111"ef / l X1111"0] xoaaAr a ,.--1/2 1NC1 RM 91.1 X983197 X X X8,11118.6 X98.8 X98428 964.0.7 r I y A Lx05447 1"L. ..957. wt7FaAaEE eM I _ L - X"7.8, 9ND7 %S . XWI.]I 'T".m 964AI r S I to � x95.70 '196 7 : y1 X966111 "obxn t.__ 1E BLOM X96333 Xmas i 94.00 � I:� T E1` S 1 Xm.75 X033 in Xn7,22 _ (X94,6 1 X"11." X94.93 X50.411 PALL - 1 94-43X L d 4 _ SI 7 d x91197 1 X9'A2) 1(,W7Qi - v X965.87 X96597 X96560 1 X064.30 X114.49 I'Z 86TH STREET b NORTHEAS 115118, 2E65. o J x966.34 X"sm i I I. -� K� X 1950.br GRASS ( - X96176 X9w>5 1 \ yµ,67 :1 . 1 _ X964.n I \\4 I; R0. v7so _ 1 �, 95w4Xy4g,62 1 X951 50 X9xot X/51„ X ��Yy • X90.1.12 x"69] X"S1! Xo150 1 x I NV X3 9 L 1 X"7.70 _ 1 1 1-- X9311." X96.34 X994." 1 X9N.87 x04.so IIA' 11461 J J X05707 u )(149.7] I X".36 XMW X"8,]2 1 1 2 �Xo3o.9z X48,4 X 1959.16 Y %963x4 GRASS 8 + > t i / X+4 3X911442 1 957.7' It X931." X951"1 !X8,534] X68,.]7 I 9KSeX �a N / \ X WATE4 3PiODT I I I X"5.05 X".n X968,10 v X41 I 5 X9_ 122 X"1100 X944.92 X"4.92 X"5,19 I X"4." X90.73 OWNER: SHILENDRA ,To,,, X A6ItATOt-9!40T I 5 L 1,k ),96399 x94." 1 963.54 }( , RAIIWBIN I WAIos593� 95'0.4 X9 11 50.33 x i r• t i X96142 X98,627 X"aa Q ' {75+M-FOj�j� oea I 4 I x" ! �j W ` - - - - - - -1 87.0374-�_'iQ• 9SZ" 1 ti xvX94 w 30 X. X95Z.27 X950.98, .117 i { I 8 LLl I- xosca x946o X"SM X965.36 I X004.22 X011" 1 I \' ]5{( Iwew�c wleTNi X95°'54 X9a.s X"8,36 X".17 �. r ` - i7lin 95101 X96aw 1 L x971.97 9AM 1 %96128, x96565 1 $ /1 X04.4 X"697 V L i X"! 1 z OWNER: I 1 X950.4 X2%80 X95t" x1rum LKW196 x"20a I r X1113.35 %91.47 X96496 x9654 X968,65 X000.00 ,� � I W NOVAK-FLECK INCL 1 J X95427 1 - X142.to ;. D5.113 1 X965.96 7(".36 x"153 I 1 _ T" y.T,00' X930.4 X961M I ye2A7 I-x��yfl9 w J- 05665 x96110 X 1 X93L31 - x"4•i0 '- 9627251 I 51 �"" - - - - - -. -r •- - ` _*.._ �-,/2 INCH IRON MIN I X"L7r X95266 Xp.7.39 I �I X951911 X".111 {(94.95 X94 47 ° + I 4 i 651671RRE0AwE Ce 1 X94.45 X".73 X96.76 xsec" X"s I o GRASS I GRASS - X"4.00 X9654 x96.36 x39 1 W < _ _ 9q�3 1 X951]] x96aS3 1 "546 8 x O �I X 954.» X95.47 X GRASS Xie3.o7 I 'I x"L4o XKLm f cc OWNER: I i X25M X25270 X94.31 X1i51 %f00." X96233 XaK]a X"6a X� 1 � i m NOVAK-FLECK INC 1 J - {' X"5.06 1 ------------------ 933.00 X964." X9"8, Go , "1.77 s37.W 1 9SA03 '�-__-.-__----.33.00 ----- X964." ' _ sK L y \ X9s1I6 X952.39 x"141 --------------- %4965» X948, l 133 xm" --y- I X251.95 X9551r, XM53 X9515.67 x9".79 L x X961.75 x"8,e x961iS 1 3 93796X x957.57 933.p0INa Roll In. 1 X9Y.97' . X9".So X16611] 1 - 9011 I � /w76E0A6LE WX9N.3i X 1 X953." i x9L� X932.96 X"t7. X962" "544 " off � 95242X 02MSAP d1 1 0 311 117.60 SLA T951.4 934.111 1N73 936.47 05763 - "78, X991-11�- "4� y"� .0.K x _. ra9wr-�' r- --r " XW. X"477 )i X964.57?C963.4�- X"r.m { X99105 X957.79 XK 74 X0.13.25 X04 -W x954.41 %i831Jfr XM71" ..x»8,]7 X - _ X967A1 - - ` _ _ x58,3.6 G �o11.m' --� - --- -- - ---- - -- 966 T NO BATH -°r" pB9 ek - - - - STREET 96 Se 61TL9ANOU5 x960.4 a-�Ao 4�`oER x"7,7 NORTHEAST X 911 --- I N89^0839" 933.8 \ / x98,492 x"594 YW4:I X98,8,27 X9e4.n lw4x"3ii A57 xvs.ea °Pitt:\ g� / 1(»x957 q x012.65 X953.03 l0. X137.4 X65.15 X93150 X9539! x954." x496.91 I x966.". N x I Xw9:6a Y6 X55149 X951"1 X936 n' X95175"658,"..1 ,.a�("e5a x9K7o 908,111 X"8,36 xii3� x sm X96.n , i X64647 ' . 0 X931.96 „v324 X053.10 X95799 X65700 XOSL31 X963.71 `-SOtHN LINE OF THE NW I/4 0 1 -FIELD OF SEC. 2.S T. 121, R. 25 ENTRANCE 96u0X I, X"175 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The Sotto 933 feet of the East 933 WM of the Northwest Quarter both measured at right angles thereof of Section 23. Township 121, Range 25. Wright County, Mamesotd CERTIFICATION To Registered Abstracters. Inc; City of Montbeflo; and First Amedcen Title Insurance Company as agent for American Land Title Association: K1147.77 This Is to Certify that this map or plot and the survey on which R Is based wore medo In w oordance with the 2016 A6r16Tvrrn Standard Deld Requi errents ler ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survoys, lolntly es4wrabed end adopted by ALTA and NSPS, and Includes Item 1, 2.3. 4. 13 and 16 of Table A thereal. The kid work was completed on October 25, 2019. 967.46 Pats of Plat a Map DenrYs S. Obnstelld Professional Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 16425 ['. 967.10 Ercall: dotnatoadea•amdnc.com-Cwe.0 -,.118,0.47 NOTES r'X"7Aa 1. This survBy and the Property description shown here on are basad upon Imormstloo found In the commitment for Nis Bsurance prepared by First American Title fn .. Comparry a9,gent for Amerken two The Association, fere no, T19-1 0010, dated September 30, 2019. 2, The locatbrra of underground utlNes ate depicted based on Gopher State One Call. avwL*w city mope, records and RM locetlora and may on, be exact. Vodfy c1dcal ufi4tlea pdor to corstructon or design, :9AA9 3. The bash of besrtrgs le Wrigi rt County Coordfiats System(NAD83 96 adeustmont) and the East line of the Nonhwtut GuanOr of Section 23. Township 121, Range 25, which Is assumed to have a bearing of South 01.36'60' WOSL 4. AN distances are In teat. 0996." 5. The a= of the above described property N 871,320 square feet or 20.00 was. 3(967." a. There are 0 regular striped peddn9 ste8s and 0 handicapped parking side. -xivad ".4 7. The Property Res within Zone X (unshaded - areas determined to be outside the 02% annual chance 40odptain) of Foceral Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Rood insurance Community Panel No. 27053500158, effective August 4. 12813. 8. Thee vias no obscrvotf evklenco of earth moving work Of building corstruotlon at the Erre of our Oeld work. S. Names of adjoining owners are depicted teased on Wright County GIS tax trdorrration. 19697 10. Originating benchrr•ark is MnDot 8605 H. Elevation - 966.12 (NAVO 88) 11. There are no survey related exceptions set forth In Schedda B. Section TWO Of the TWO Con n9tment. 50 0 30 60 120 SCALE IN FEET VICINITY MAP NO SCALE 0 0o 71 Or I 01 O N O O z 6 E CID3 D LEGEND O SET CAP IRON MONUMENT 18428 ->- SANITARY SEWER • FOUND IRON MONUMENT -»- STORM SEWER HYDRANT 1 - WATERMAIN $ WATER VALVE -FO- UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC ® TELEPHONE BOX -OU- OVERHEAD UTILITIES m SANITARY MANHOLE - X - FENCE �q a SIGN -G- UNDERGROUND CAS _ 34 • ❑ CATCH BASIN CONCRETE ER�4. ELECTRIC METER -* LIGHT I$ ti ® STORM MANHOLE Ns h O POWER POLE J U H ANCHOR DECIDUOUS TREE CONIFEROUS TREE ® WATER MANHOLE 50 0 30 60 120 SCALE IN FEET VICINITY MAP NO SCALE 0 0o 71 Or I 01 O N O O z 6 E CID3 D EDMONSON RIDGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA R-1 ZONING CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO'S DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS. 0 50 100 200 SCALE IN FEET VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE SHEET INDEX NO. COVER SHEET EXISTING CONDITIONS SURVEY PRELIMINARY PLAT SITE PLAN GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN OVERALL SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLAN OVERALL STORM SEWER PLAN DETAILS OVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6-8 9 10 11-12 13 PROPERTY OWNER LSW INVESTMENTS 4065 CHELSEA RD W MONTICELLO, MN 55362 PH: 763-271-8600 CONTACT: SHAWN WEINAND EM: shawnweinand@gmail.com DEVELOPER SW LAND OR ASSIGNEE 4065 CHELSEA RD W MONTICELLO, MN 55362 PH: 763-271-8600 CONTACT: SHAWN WEINAND EM: shawnweinand@gmail.com CONSULTANT ALLIANT ENGINEERING, INC. N 733 MARQUETTE AVE SUITE 700 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 PH: 612-758-3080 FX: 612-758-3099 ENGINEER DAVE NASH LICENSE NO. 21836 EM: dnash@alliant-inc.com SURVEYOR PETER GOERS LICENSE NO. 44110 EM: pgoers@alliant-inc.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MARK KRONBECK LICENSE NO. 26222 EM: mkronbeck@alliant-inc.com Ev�Ew ow( NO pNoy FOR 11 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com W C� Q m 0 oc W z County Rd 39 NE 14 O fr Monticello Z J O w F - o z LU 12 PROJECT TEAM DESIGNED: DRAWN: PROJECT NO: DATA DN ST 219-0117 '"w r `J w -tit,* Ir�iJ ia: C5 - PROJECT LOCATION Y� m 1G+E MhStINE m m 04 � � 80th S[ HE r �r � VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE SHEET INDEX NO. COVER SHEET EXISTING CONDITIONS SURVEY PRELIMINARY PLAT SITE PLAN GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN OVERALL SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLAN OVERALL STORM SEWER PLAN DETAILS OVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6-8 9 10 11-12 13 PROPERTY OWNER LSW INVESTMENTS 4065 CHELSEA RD W MONTICELLO, MN 55362 PH: 763-271-8600 CONTACT: SHAWN WEINAND EM: shawnweinand@gmail.com DEVELOPER SW LAND OR ASSIGNEE 4065 CHELSEA RD W MONTICELLO, MN 55362 PH: 763-271-8600 CONTACT: SHAWN WEINAND EM: shawnweinand@gmail.com CONSULTANT ALLIANT ENGINEERING, INC. N 733 MARQUETTE AVE SUITE 700 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 PH: 612-758-3080 FX: 612-758-3099 ENGINEER DAVE NASH LICENSE NO. 21836 EM: dnash@alliant-inc.com SURVEYOR PETER GOERS LICENSE NO. 44110 EM: pgoers@alliant-inc.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MARK KRONBECK LICENSE NO. 26222 EM: mkronbeck@alliant-inc.com Ev�Ew ow( NO pNoy FOR 11 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com W C� Q o 0 oc W z Z Z O U) o Z J O w F - o z LU 12 J Q F- F - UD H m ♦♦D V/ F— J a Q Z J W cc a 0 Z Q W 0 a H cn H Z W a O J W W 0 0 a F- LU W W W O 0 I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DESIGNED: DRAWN: PROJECT NO: DATA DN ST 219-0117 1 SHEET 1 OF 13 - RIM 963.14 RIM 963.74 87TH STREET NORTHEAST --------; r-------- / al BITUMINOUS \ a a G< 961.46 9625 �0 - / / � 961.94 S � ` 964.55 _ M . 963.68 I `RIM 963.42 _RIM 962.81___/ D �t co •• NV 947.83(E) r N BRIM 962.74 / NV 947.80(S) Lo n INV 1 / I 4414 87TH ST. NE 1 4432 87TH ST. (W) o w�� . 963.904462 87TH ST. NE 4482 87TH ST. NE __55 -� / I 4348 87TH ST. NE 4366 87TH ST. NE 14382 87TH ST. NE 1 4396 87TH ST. NE 4300 87TH ST. NE / 4318 87TH ST. NE 14332 87TH ST. NE lo 1 OWNER: DANIEL (OWNER: MATTHEW 1 16 Z m OWNER: SHELLEY OWNER: STEVEN N �, OWNER: BRADY OWNER: TROY AND OWNER: JENITA JO OWNER: ANTHONY W DENNY AND EMDONDI AND KAILA WILLIAMS 1) o o OWNER: DERRICK AND / OWNER: RICHARD OWNER: PROTUS SABATINO NORDIN AND (AND JESSICA NORTON( JACKIE MATTSON 1 TEACHOUT TRUST AND HEATHER �_ PLETCHER 967.62 � 970.48 m o BRIGGS AND CALLIE I MATAGARO JENNIFER PALMER I JOHNSON 60 Q 1 X ° X 967.77 PAULA ZYCHOWSKI / KOBILKA I - - n -/- /1 - r i I-/- i A /� i - i i A r Z 964.40 n f f L A O I/ SCC_ ZI / // // //�/ ��� 1 I �I V L _ / L - / / V L / LU M / L / L / V o 1 CHAIN LINK A Y oO X967.47 X969.88 X969.4rnFENCE---- RIM 956.66 X960.66 964.59 N Q �966 27 Q 1 95 79 RIM 964.30 _ooNV 953.02 X959.54 62.59X-----3 W a X967.08RIM 954.00 956.58 956.76 PLANTER BEDS-- X960.22 NV 948.74 S) 2949.55 1 958.40 959.46 NV 948.72( ) \ 966.75 HIDD 967.46 95 _ X PLANTER BED-- 961.541 ` 9 8. 3 g ol953.36 6 X 90 X956.33 \y956.96 CHAIN-LINK FENCE 959.30 859.08X1 �® 95 X958'7a HED S 964. 0 X /2 INCH8 956.04 76. 957.5 0.2 FT N. OF-- 1 oo oi ii X Q ( 6952.94 959.93 1 1/2 INCH X962.61 p 96 964.13 OPEN BEN 66.52 0 / 9 .66x 954.18 X X956.32 0 957 2 PROP. LINE FIRE PIT N 961.35 962.02 89 0639E 933.0 964.25 '/S X965. 0 3W 966.31 66.81 1 15" RCP---�1444 INCH 954 957.45 957.67 959.21 g 948.29 961.43 X962.71 5 / 957.98 958.16 ,SHED S 4.1 X 962 X96.4 963.97 X965.21 0 J - - - - - X X 1 2 INCH 95 .62 X957. 957.96 958.84 960.43 X I X961.76 .99 X965.75 = 6 1 - - - - - - L - - - - - 949.36 9 5.2 CAP #42299 X958.48 \ NORTH -/ /2 INCH .96 0 1�1X958.29 OF PROPERTY 2 INCH 961.71 \_NORTH LINE CAP #20595 m CO o. m. 9 9. 956.56 --1/2 INCH IRON WITH /2 INCH IRO - LINE CAP #20595 0.3W, OAS ol ° � I D 8666 EBERSOLE AVE. 94 . 0 UNREADABLE CAP UNREAD CAP X960.84 OF THEE SOUTH o � 33 X967.10 2 1 C X961.61 X962.48 963.94 - OWNER: NOVAK-FLECK INC P 4 29 X957.98 1 X961.57 X961.50 X961.40 X964.95 X965.68 X966.08 I X958.58 X959.00 X960.64 X961.06 I X965.9 47 52 956.51 X966. 2 X960.56 o X968.44 GRASS -X968.47 _ 59.96 GRASS 961.08 I � I 1 _ X961.87 X961.35 X n X961.45 - 966.04 / _-_--_---_ m X96248 964.06 io 8648 EBERSOLE AVE. i ------------ ----- Xg61.s6 X9-- X965.23 . X9s7.os I/2 IN X956.44 1X957.5 X958.36 --------------------X-------------- 933 I CAP 42 99------� - X965.86 X966.16 O - - OWNER: BRYCE AND ----�_________________ ----3 # X960.80 961.38 I ----------- ______________ o I c9 X95 60 X960.32 960 63 1 _ X967.57 I KASANDRA PARKER > i X 47.42 954.74 s� 960.32 X X961. 0 X962.61 X X'964.36 g66 X961.73 I 96 .82 X965.44 9 0° I co rn o i �O X960.93 966.01 X966.23 X 6S J 0 1 / X95 54 X961.10 �� 966.58 X967.66 968.11 \`9� rn 956.69 rn 967.09 i CID O N X955.60 1 X961.23 O X9 .73 " \ i t LO X958.70 9.90 X960.88 �0 10" ASH BXE 12 ASHOf I � p) � X 1 962.17 X965.05 16" ELM \ o o i 961.34 " PRU >:D X961.34 X9 .84 967.50 a o 1 954.44 1 18, SPRU 965.22 1964.67 X966.65 X o c 1 / X 47 6 1/2 INCH I X960.23 X960.56 961. 5 1 N 20. 966.15 X966.79 967.0 8634 EBERSOLE AVE. CAP #42299 >�956.48 X957.45 64.31 do X955. 1 X961.24 X961.48 - - " 18 PINE 65.6 0 OWNER: WILLIAM AND/ / X958.29 X959.17 63.8 ////// 964.89 ----- 13" BXE---- 311.7- ---- -- 1- SP_- - - - 966.88 KELLY STEPHENS U X960.75 X966.20 X966.81 N i J Q X967.23 X967.29 968 of I m �� o, 967.98 i X959.7 960.24 962.18 X967.25 967.24 o rn o 00 / 53 95 53.3 X X961.58 X X o ro cD \ X948. METAL BARN z ° ' 968.01 X954.43 X1956.30 94 963. 3 IS ASH J X9 7.94 X961.08 I � o 966.04 O X958.25 X958.39 966.14 966.09 GRASS 12' SPRU Do I ~ i c W X960.65 X 966.36 X966.62 m I� 8620 EBERSOLE AVE. 1/2 1N Lu Lu Ln � 967.a4 968 I 0 ? 4 co 966.32 ^ 7.3x8.3 966.94 CAP # 22 9 N 963.11 0 C X68.12 i OWNER: JUSTIN n J X958.50 X959.29 / I SHED �� X966.72 X I rn O X962.23 X 948.21 X� X19 5.50 962.83 965. 3 962.5 965.71 ----- N 1 966.65 o 5 .27 X95 28 61.99 966.00 ---------------------------------- � AANENSON AND ADDIE n 96463 I �X JOHNSON X957.59 65.74 958.30 o � � � I X 57.94 964.00 965.11 965.38 965.89 � 311.4 X963.44 - - X965.57 X GRAVEL/ ) EM X967.12 i X960.46 / � 1 964.46 ' 966.74 � I / 965.75 X967.66 GRASS 964.6 X966.93 966.57 X958.50 X958.84 X964.45 7 965.69 1 i 7-. 8 X966.96 966.85 oG I PINE o 8608 EBERSOLE AVE. 952.05 94.11 X956.9 958.97 X96 .48 X964.71 965.29 g,4 g9�0 966.53I� 967.10 ` 8" PINE I 966.67 i 948.51X X X959.48 X 6'6 96 . I \ OWNER: BARRY X 51.01 950.83 9 X960 97 965.48 ybb 71. 967.28 EM 12" SPRU z GRASS 965.35 966.25 ` \ .00 o J AND JILL WOLF 1/2 INCH 965.34 �96B.60 \ 6 9 7.27 X967.26 X967.02 o> cn i CAP #42299 X� 59.88 6.01 \ �R� ` --DIRT PILE I Ir, 0 / 964.90 65.88 / g c O 10 SPRU o, I� _ 965.13 6>\ o f ^ o rn 953.66 X950.9 X95 09 X 55.57 X964.42 L 967.07 iS \ X 67.66 0 12" SPRU 0 Xrn 9 �L� \952.91 X 9.70 X958.61 X960.73 X966.19 X966.86 ` ^ X967.19 POST J�Ln X966. X965.48 12" SP / / J X 2.03 X962.81 X965 X967.00 X69 0 -X---'L66.81 965.98 NV 964.03 / W X -X 56.7 \X966.40 X966.24 3 / M X962.18- � X966.90 96659 - - - _ - 965.40 - ol X951..22 / W X 65.81 \ 69 6.59 - - - - 965.75 GRAVEL 9 6. 0 o, T 0 X950.26 X954.5 X9 7.34 X966.69 / I - - i m W 7 960.25 966.01 \ 8592 EBERSOLE 954.4 950.04 X965.30 X966.25 L X966.30 20" ASH / o' M AVE. X -TOE OF SLOPE 963.98 i 966.45 X966.58 Xg66.33� 5" RCP - i T Q �y _ 967.05 966.84 i \ o X962.29 i \ X965.72 956.42 o - X967.10 \ 966.81 967.05 /ROCK PILE 966.74 o X965.32 NV 963 69J//� m N OWNER: 50.42 951.62 x` G of n X 966.75 cn I � Z X966.79 a o 966.83 2 `o NOVAK-FLECK INC Z 949 as r� a 967.00 �� \ GRASS 1 RIM 957.15 54. 2 953.80 X956.29 X958. 8 X966.86 10 966.83 Oj LU o N NV 947.69(E) , X956.78 X 5 950.82 1 965.98 <' \ X9 3.59 / I X966.03 966.81 967.14 966.63 �qq INV 947.58(W) \ - 1/2 INCH IRON W tH X960.9 -_q / X966.41 66.08 X965.33 Xo X964.28 X o n ~ X 964.23 I w In o O Q 958.48 g 7.98\ 957.54 UNREADABLE CAP 6 X967.22 966.02 X X966.31 966.31 864.81 > D o X\ 966.25 a o (p O W N 956.97• 951.24 X9511 / X966.61 966. \-- 964.00 958 957.71 \ 957.23 6.56 00 Q WALL 964.43X BLOCK X965.33 X964.85 o1. 964.43X I o U rLl+CO 8" DIP 956. X95 .22 O \ �\ RIM 957.30 X952.7 C� X966.93 Q G) --------� BITUMINOUS \ X955. X964.9 965.95 X965.48 S Q �4- 4 Q SS < 1 X9 .27 962.66 X965.60 X964.49 o C� Q X965.93 X964.30 8 PVC 9 5 957.80 957.29 950.62 1 0 -- X965.63 I Lu O 86TH STREETO NORTHEAST 9 .31� 5510 9s �� / X966.34 X965.86 I o 958.18 957.72 957.32 95 .38 - PLUG X 95 .51 GRASS 9s X965.28 X964.55 X964.11 \64.83 I rn c-/ Sz X � 95 .41 X9 50 X95 .29 \ X963.1 X965.50 RIM 9s7.60 _ 956 9 94 .82 X953. 965.97 X965.73 o NV 946.28(E) do ><9 28\ 959.90 X965.34 X964.94 X964.47 o1. o O 2 NV 946.24(S) X957.7 X965.38 X965.09 X964.90 z INV 946.14(N) J X957. 2 95 4 949.73 950.18 11 I GRASS X965.32 0 � X X964.65 X949.54 X 63.94 X964.36 X964.42 ol 965.38 c i > y 50.92 964.58 X r7 �p 8562 EBERSOLE - EDGE SOD 1T / / m 957.7 0) 0) 1 --2.00 F T EAST X950.66 \ X9 .43 °o o w AVE. X WATER SP OT OF PRO ERTY X 1.69 / X96 37 X965.05 °o o r 9 5.39 958.06 X965.17 X965.10 X964.92 X964.44 �� O cO 9 2.41 LINE LO n X X964.89 X965.12 X964.23 0 o ° lo 1965.13 OWNER: SH LENDRA RETAINING 0)j 1 \ i i 963.99 X964.92 963 4 � X o 964.37 I--- RAMGOBIN 955.63 WALL 9N.46 X950.33 X \ \� X962.42 X965.27 X965.04 964 LO 950.11 \ X963. 4 SHED 6) X964.87 Q 957.53 12' 952.8 j X950.38 X950.94 X95227 959.92 D W - - - - - - -/- - 954.12 X964.69 X965.19 X965.56 X9 .22 X963.44 o o I -1/2 INCH IRON WITH 1 X956.5 X963.15 X965.36 X965.12 UNREADABLE CAP I X965.04 963.19 - 9 8.11 953.04 X963.90 951.97 X 1 X961. 8 X965.97 X965.68 O 8544 EBERSOLE L 9s1.1a X964.84 AVE. X950.66 X 1.69 X958.69 X962.68 X963.01 0 o 950.80 X 95 .35 964.06 X965.63 963.98 'n � 1 X9 5.47X965.04 X966.00 1 X962.60 W OWNER: 1 J 958.2 953.85 1 X965.06 X965.38 m D NOVAK-FLECK INC X965.55 962.52 I X 964.01 Z T - j X953.10 9 .06 X960.48 X965.92 W L 95 .85 I I X951.3 X964.40 962.22X I o > - - - - - T - _X -1/2 INCH IRON WITH X951.24 X950.99 X952.86 X9 7.39 X965.81 964.05 X962.47 Q 954.6 UNREADABLE CAP X954.46 X 1.73 X963.26 X964.96 X965.90 GRASS �I o I- N W GRASS X964.80 X965.64 X965.36 962 46 to I� �° J __ 9 8.30 952.31 X95 33 X965.53 0 6 m o O C X953.42 X GRASS X 63.92 96206X o 0 X 963.91 954.5 X95 .70 � X951.40 X963.45 W X951.28 X952.70 X956.30 X960.66 9610 X966.0 X965.09 I GRAVEL 8522 EBERSOLE X9s5.3o X965.86 W � � i 954.09 X962.53 --- AVE. I X964.68 I =SHOULDER m 954.37 952.76 958.03 966.01 X964.89 X965.08 0 ". o 962.48 W OWNER: 9 8.2 X 54.16 X X 1 X 963.73 NOVAK-FLECK INC L X951.88 X952.39 X963.41 X 962.37 133 965.25 X9 .42 i PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The South 933 feet of the East 933 feet of the Northwest Quarter both measured at right angles thereof of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota CERTIFICATION To LSW Investments, LLC; Registered Abstracters, Inc; and First American Title Insurance Company: This is to Certify that this map or plat and the survey on which it is based were made in accordance with the 2016 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys, jointly established and adopted by ALTA and NSPS, and includes Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13 and 16 of Table A thereof. The field work was completed on October 25, 2019. Date of Plat or Map: December 6, 2019 \ �rV Dennis B. Olmstead, Professional Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 18425 Email: dolmstead@alliant-inc.com 1. This survey and the property description shown here on are based upon information found in the commitment for title insurance prepared by Registered Abstracters, Inc., as agent for First American Title Insurance Company, file no. T19-10010, dated September 30, 2019. 2. The locations of underground utilities are depicted based on Gopher State One Call, available city maps, records and field locations and may not be exact. Verify critical utilities prior to construction or design. 3. The basis of bearings is Wright County Coordinate System(NAD83 96 adjustment) and the East line of the Northwest Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, which is assumed to have a bearing of South 01°36'50" West. 4. All distances are in feet. 5. The area of the above described property is 871,320 square feet or 20.00 acres. 6. There are 0 regular striped parking stalls and 0 handicapped parking stalls. 7. The property lies within Zone X (unshaded - areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain) of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Community Panel No. 2705340015B, effective August 4, 1988. 8. There was no observed evidence of recent earth moving work, building construction, or building additions at the time of our field work. 9. Names of adjoining owners are depicted based on Wright County GIS tax information. 10. Originating benchmark is MnDot 8605 H. Elevation = 966.12 (NAVD 88) 11. There are no survey related exceptions set forth in Schedule B, Section Two of the Title Commitment. O SET CAP IRON MONUMENT 18425 • FOUND IRON MONUMENT HYDRANT g WATER VALVE ❑T TELEPHONE BOX SO SANITARY MANHOLE G SIGN OO ❑ CATCH BASIN EM ELECTRIC METER LIGHT O STORM MANHOLE �I POWER POLE I GUY WIRE DECIDUOUS TREE CONIFEROUS TREE WELL © COMMUNICATION VAULT D SANITARY SEWER STORM SEWER WATERMAIN FO UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC OU OVERHEAD UTILITIES X FENCE G UNDERGROUND GAS CONCRETE LIST OF POSSIBLE ENCROACHMENTS VICINITY MAP NO SCALE 1. Fire hydrant located east of the west property line 2. Water spigot located east of the west property line 3. Power poles, guy wires, and overhead utility lines north and west of 85th St. NE and Edmonson Ave. NE rights of way. 4. Edge of sod located east of the west property line. X966. 6 -_ X 5.67 X965.63 - 51.95 X953.3 X954.53 X965.18 N - I X959 11 953.98 X X 61.75 X965.87 X964.70 � 962.43 _ 0 0 0 o o 957.98X X9 .52 /2 INCH IRON WITH 853.20 1 X956.87 X964.30 963.X5(0 1 m X964.39 I- X953.59 CAP 965.11 X953.59 -_�I X952.95 961. X962.99 964.95 964.80 © / J S 962.55 00 X952.22 X OU 64.14 96406 96�U28 X96 OUO X9 OU44 OU X OU OU OU T c0 96 \ 953.83 2.68 RIPRAP ON 954 04 954.78 955.23 956.42 957.83 961.78 X -PROP. LINE / 952.36 u952.50 953.17 O#c 0 - 9s2.42X oU � ou. outou you-ou ou-���okC RIP P---- i / 961.0 9 964.27 965.36 X964. - - - - - X964.10 - 964.260 965.89 S& 964.72 X95221 952.35 X952.76 954.00 X954.41 X954. 55.69 .33 9.64 X X962.41 X - _ - 965.70 965.11 ___ --- --- - - 966.3 BITU (NOUS _ _ _ 955.9 - - - - 967.16 GRAVEL 1 967.04 965.79 X965.60 ---- --- - -- NORTHEAST 955.14 955.8 956.29 GRAVEL 958.09 960 960.42 ST EET ��� X964.88 ��� BITUMINOUS X967.48 'SHOULDER X967.47 0 X - .15 BITUMINOUS 955. 956 85TH , SHOULDER BITUMINOUS 960.721 8 - - 5 X955.44 - 960.41 5.28 _ - - - 966_93 - - - - _ - - - - - - - -- - - - 86 � 965.48 964.83 955.53 956.28 9S$ 958.06 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5; 50 X 629�26'�X961.48 N 95504 ---- - ------ ----- �� X964.17 X964.27 X9 ------ --� --- 956. Z 963.09 N rn 954.86 952.10 X952.65 X953.05 X952.84 9 3.93 X954.69 55.91 , 956. 63. 2\ X95 ° 87 i X958.7 960.53 g 1 44 1 \ u964.56 X X965.56 X965.01 953.10 X952.98 981,74 i T1�964.06' X965.29 964.78 X965.56 Xg 65.78 T 0 19 1.8 950.54 951.98 u952.84 X X953.00 X953.31 X95 .71 X954.48 X9 5.66 X956.82 963.48 962.31 X cv X948.87 `-SOUTH LINE OF THE NW 1/4 AFIELD _ `� p 30 60 120 OF SEC. 23, T. 12/, R. 25 ENTRANCE 9 4.95 961.60 1 X I 961.25 SCALE IN FEET i 965.10 _„_ „ c E Q N Ln O N O N O O z > co O E O O v X N N O O N X N O E C= 11 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com LU � Q p o oc W z z Z O U) o z J O w F - z W 12 J Q H H m D U) F- a. a oC Q z J W cc a 0 z Q LU 0 a F- cn F - z LU 2 a O J W W O O a F - Q J a o� Q z J W a I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DESIGNED: DRAWN: PROJECT NO: DATA DN ST 219-0117 3 SHEET 3 OF 13 11 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com LU 0 a o oC w Z z Z O U) o Z J O W o Z LU 12 J Q F— F— Cl) H m H a J a oc Q z J W cc a 0 z Q LU 0 Q H H z LU a O J W W 0 0 a Z Q J a LU H Cn I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DESIGNED: DRAWN: PROJECT NO: DATA DN ST 219-0117 2 SHEET 4 OF 13 11 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com LU C� Q o 0 oc w Z z Z O cn C Z J O w o Z LU 12 J Q H H m Cn Z � a J J a a � J O Q 1= Z ~ Z 2 O J V LU Z CC O a - o C/) z 0 Q 1= LU LU o z � a C/) w Z a LU z 2 a a O p J LU > w Z- 0 p o a a c� I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DESIGNED: DRAWN: PROJECT NO: DATA DN ST 219-0117 5 SHEET 5 OF 13 EROSION CONTROL GENERAL NOTES: 1. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP'S) REFER TO EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES DEFINED IN THE MPCA's "PROTECTING WATER QUALITY IN URBAN AREAS" AND THE MINNESOTA CONSTRUCTION SITE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING HANDBOOK. 2. ALL BMP'S SELECTED SHALL BE APPROPRIATE FOR THE TIME OF YEAR, SITE CONDITIONS, AND ESTIMATED DURATION OF USE. 3. ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ACCORDING TO THE APPROVED PLANS. ANY DEVIATION FROM THE APPROVED PLANS SHALL REQUIRE WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE ENGINEER OF RECORD. 4. A COPY OF THESE PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE WHENEVER CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS. 5. THE BOUNDARIES OF THE LAND DISTURBANCE LIMITS SHOWN ON THE PLANS SHALL BE CLEARLY FLAGGED IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. NO DISTURBANCES BEYOND THIS BOUNDARY. 6. WHEREVER POSSIBLE, PRESERVE THE EXISTING TREES, GRASS AND OTHER VEGETATIVE COVER TO HELP FILTER RUNOFF. 7. ESTABLISH A PERMANENT VEGETATIVE COVER ON ALL EXPOSED SOILS. PLANT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO ESTABLISH DENSE GRASS FILTER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND TO MINIMIZE WEED GROWTH. 8. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL FACILITIES (BMP's) SHALL BE INSTALLED AND IN OPERATION PRIOR TO LAND DISTURBANCE ACTIVITIES AND THEY SHALL BE SATISFACTORILY MAINTAINED UNTIL CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED AND THE POTENTIAL FOR EROSION HAS PASSED. 9. SILT FENCE IS REQUIRED AT DOWN GRADIENT PERIMETER OF DISTURBED AREAS AND STOCKPILES. PROTECT ADJACENT WATERBODIES, PONDS, WETLANDS, AND ADJACENT PROPERTIES FROM SEDIMENTATION AND STORMWATER RUNOFF. 10. THE BMP'S SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ANTICIPATED SITE CONDITIONS. AS CONSTRUCTION PROGRESSES AND UNEXPECTED OR SEASONAL CONDITIONS DICTATE, THE PERMITTEE/CONTRACTOR SHALL ANTICIPATE THAT MORE BMP'S WILL BE NECESSARY TO ENSURE ADEQUATE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ON THE SITE. DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION, IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMITTEE/CONTRACTOR TO ADDRESS ANY NEW CONDITIONS THAT MAY BE CREATED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND/OR CLIMATIC EVENTS AND TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL BMP'S OVER AND ABOVE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS, AS MAY BE NEEDED TO PROVIDE EFFECTIVE PROTECTION OF WATER AND SOIL RESOURCES. 11. THE BMP'S SHALL BE INSPECTED DAILY BY THE PERMITTEE/CONTRACTOR AND MAINTAINED AS NECESSARY TO ENSURE THEIR CONTINUED FUNCTIONING. SILT FENCES SHALL BE CLEANED OR REPLACED AT SEDIMENT BUILDUP OF 1/3 OF THE FENCE HEIGHT. 12. LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES SHALL OCCUR IN INCREMENTS OF WORKABLE SIZE SUCH THAT ADEQUATE BMP CONTROL CAN BE PROVIDED THROUGHOUT ALL PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION. THE SMALLEST PRACTICAL AREA SHALL BE EXPOSED OR OTHERWISE DISTURBED AT ANY ONE TIME. 13. OPERATE TRACK EQUIPMENT (DOZER) UP AND DOWN EXPOSED SOIL SLOPES ON FINAL PASS, LEAVING TRACK GROOVES PERPENDICULAR TO THE SLOPE. DO NOT BACK -BLADE. LEAVE A SURFACE ROUGH TO MINIMIZE EROSION. 14. ALL AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE STABILIZED FROM EROSION WITHIN 7 DAYS OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION OF GRADING IN THAT AREA. TEMPORARY SEED AND MULCH SHALL COVER ALL EXPOSED SOILS IF GRADING COMPLETION IS DELAYED LONGER THAN 7 DAYS. PERMANENT SEED AND MULCH OR SOD IS REQUIRED WITHIN 3 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF FINAL GRADING. 15. GENERAL TEMPORARY SEED SHALL BE MN STATE SEED MIX 22-112 ® 40 LBS. PER ACRE OR APPROVED EQUAL. PERMANENT SEED SHALL BE MN STATE SEED MIX 25-151 ® 120 LBS. PER ACRE OR APPROVED EQUAL (CHECK PLANTING DATES PER MNDOT SEEDING MANUAL). MULCH SHALL BE MNDOT TYPE 1 (CLEAN OAT STRAW) ® 2 TONS PER ACRE AND DISK ANCHORED IN PLACE OR APPROVED EQUAL. FERTILIZER SHALL BE 10-10-10 NPK PER ACRE (UNLESS P RESTRICTIONS APPLY) AND INCORPORATED INTO THE SEED BED. 16. ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PROPERLY DISPOSED OF WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER FINAL SITE STABILIZATION IS ACHIEVED OR AFTER THE TEMPORARY MEASURES ARE NO LONGER NEEDED. 17. ALL CONSTRUCTION SITE WASTE SUCH AS DISCARDED BUILDING MATERIALS, CONCRETE TRUCK WASHOUT, CHEMICALS, LITTER, AND SANITARY WASTE MUST BE PROPERLY MANAGED AND COMPLY WITH THE MPCA AND CITY OF MONTICELLO RULES AND REQUIREMENTS. DEWATERING: 1. IF UTILITY INSTALLATION WORK ENCOUNTERS GROUNDWATER, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A PLAN TO THE CITY AND PROJECT ENGINEER FOR REVIEW. THE PLAN AT MINIMUM SHALL BE A DEWATERING PLAN INCLUDING WATER ROUTING, STORAGE, AND DISCHARGE LOCATION. 2. IF ANY TEMPORARY DEWATERING IS REQUIRED ONSITE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DISPOSE OF STORMWATER OR GROUND WATER BY USE OF PUMPS AND HOSES TO ACCEPTABLE DISCHARGE POINTS APPROVED BY THE CITY AND PROJECT ENGINEER. 3. ANY ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT ALONG EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER THAT HAS COLLECTED AS A RESULT OF DISCHARGING DEWATERING HOSES SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REMOVED AND PROPERLY DISPOSED OF AFTER EACH DISCHARGING EVENT. EROSION CONTROL SCHEDULE: SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES 1. THE CONTRACTOR MUST EMPLOY SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES AS NECESSARY TO MINIMIZE SEDIMENT FROM ENTERING SURFACE WATERS, INCLUDING CURB AND GUTTER SYSTEMS AND STORM SEWER INLETS. a. TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DRAINAGE DITCHES AND SEDIMENT BASINS THAT ARE DESIGNED AS PART OF A SEDIMENT CONTAINMENT SYSTEM (E.G., DITCHES WITH ROCK -CHECK DAMS) REQUIRE SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES ONLY AS APPROPRIATE FOR SITE CONDITIONS. b. IF THE DOWN GRADIENT SEDIMENT CONTROLS ARE OVERLOADED (BASED ON FREQUENT FAILURE OR EXCESSIVE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENT), THE CONTRACTOR MUST INSTALL ADDITIONAL UPGRADIENT SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES OR REDUNDANT BMPS TO ELIMINATE THE OVERLOADING, AND THE SWPPP MUST BE AMENDED TO IDENTIFY THESE ADDITIONAL PRACTICES AS REQUIRED IN ITEM 6.3 IN THE GENERAL PERMIT. 2. SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES MUST BE ESTABLISHED ON ALL DOWN GRADIENT PERIMETERS AND BE LOCATED UPGRADIENT OF ANY WATERBODIES OR WETLANDS. THE PERIMETER SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICE MUST BE IN PLACE BEFORE ANY UPGRADIENT LAND -DISTURBING ACTIVITIES BEGIN. THESE PRACTICES SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL FINAL STABILIZATION HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REINSTALL ALL SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES THAT HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED OR REMOVED TO ACCOMMODATE SHORT-TERM ACTIVITIES IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE SHORT-TERM ACTIVITY HAS BEEN COMPLETED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE ANY SHORT-TERM ACTIVITY THAT REQUIRES REMOVAL OF SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. THE CONTRACTOR MUST REINSTALL SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES BEFORE THE NEXT PRECIPITATION EVENT EVEN IF THE SHORT-TERM ACTIVITY IS NOT COMPLETE. 4. ALL STORM DRAIN INLETS MUST BE PROTECTED BY APPROPRIATE BMPS DURING CONSTRUCTION UNTIL ALL SOURCES WITH POTENTIAL FOR DISCHARGING TO THE INLET HAVE BEEN STABILIZED. INLET PROTECTION MAY BE REMOVED FOR A PARTICULAR INLET IF A SPECIFIC SAFETY CONCERN (STREET FLOODING/FREEZING) HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR OR THE JURISDICTIONAL AUTHORITY (E.G., CITY/COUNTY/TOWNSHIP/MNDOT ENGINEER). THE CONTRACTOR MUST DOCUMENT THE NEED FOR REMOVAL IN THE SWPPP. 5. TEMPORARY SOIL STOCKPILES MUST HAVE SILT FENCE OR OTHER EFFECTIVE SEDIMENT CONTROLS, AND CANNOT BE PLACED IN ANY NATURAL BUFFERS, SURFACE WATERS, OR DITCHES UNLESS THERE IS A BYPASS IN PLACE FOR THE STORMWATER. 6. WHERE VEHICLE TRAFFIC LEAVES ANY PART OF THE SITE (OR ONTO PAVED ROADS WITHIN THE SITE): a. THE CONTRACTOR MUST INSTALL A VEHICLE TRACKING BMP TO MINIMIZE THE TRACK OUT OF SEDIMENT FROM THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. EXAMPLES OF VEHICLE TRACKING BMPS INCLUDE (BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO) ROCK PADS, MUD MATS, SLASH MULCH, CONCRETE OR STEEL WASH RACKS, OR EQUIVALENT SYSTEMS. b. THE CONTRACTOR MUST USE STREET SWEEPING IF SUCH VEHICLE TRACKING BMPS ARE NOT ADEQUATE TO PREVENT SEDIMENT FROM BEING TRACKED ONTO THE STREET (SEE ITEM 9.2 IN THE GENERAL PERMIT). 7. THE CONTRACTOR MUST INSTALL TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION BASINS AS REQUIRED IN SECTION 14 OF THIS PERMIT. 8. THE CONTRACTOR MUST MINIMIZE SOIL COMPACTION IN THE INFILTRATION AREAS AND, UNLESS INFEASIBLE, PRESERVE TOPSOIL. MINIMIZING SOIL COMPACTION IS NOT REQUIRED WHERE THE FUNCTION OF A SPECIFIC AREA OF THE SITE DICTATES THAT IT BE COMPACTED. 9. IF THE CONTRACTOR INTENDS TO USE POLYMERS, FLOCCULANTS, OR OTHER SEDIMENTATION TREATMENT CHEMICALS ON THE PROJECT SITE, THE CONTRACTOR MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: a. THE CONTRACTOR MUST USE CONVENTIONAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS PRIOR TO CHEMICAL ADDITION TO ENSURE EFFECTIVE TREATMENT. CHEMICALS MAY ONLY BE APPLIED WHERE TREATED STORMWATER IS DIRECTED TO A SEDIMENT CONTROL SYSTEM WHICH ALLOWS FOR FILTRATION OR SETTLEMENT OF THE FLOC PRIOR TO DISCHARGE. b. CHEMICALS MUST BE SELECTED THAT ARE APPROPRIATELY SUITED TO THE TYPES OF SOILS LIKELY TO BE EXPOSED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND TO THE EXPECTED TURBIDITY, PH, AND FLOW RATE OF STORMWATER FLOWING INTO THE CHEMICAL TREATMENT SYSTEM OR AREA. c. CHEMICALS MUST BE USED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACCEPTED ENGINEERING PRACTICES, AND WITH DOSING SPECIFICATIONS AND SEDIMENT REMOVAL DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED BY THE MANUFACTURER OR PROVIDER SUPPLIER OF THE APPLICABLE CHEMICALS. / 1. PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION OR DEMOLITION, SILT FENCE/PERIMETER CONTROL SHALL BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN TO INTERCEPT RUNOFF. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AS INDICATED ON THIS EROSION CONTROL PLAN AND ANY ADDITIONAL AREAS AS REQUIRED BASED ON MEANS, METHODS AND SEQUENCES OF CONSTRUCTION. 3. ALL EROSION CONTROL INSTALLATIONS SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE AND BE MAINTAINED IN GOOD CONDITION BY THE CONTRACTOR UNTIL THE SITE HAS BEEN RE -VEGETATED. CONTRACTOR MAY REMOVE NECESSARY SILT FENCING/FILTERS TO CONSTRUCT ROADWAYS, WHILE MAINTAINING ADEQUATE EROSION CONTROL IN ADJACENT AREA. 4. SUFFICIENT TOPSOIL SHALL BE STOCKPILED TO ALLOW FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF 6" OF TOPSOIL FOR DISTURBED AREAS TO BE RE -VEGETATED. 5. SOIL SURFACES IN PROPOSED PERVIOUS AREAS COMPACTED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE DECOMPACTED THROUGH SOIL AMENDMENT OR DEEP RIPPING TO AN 18" DEPTH. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SCHEDULE SITE GRADING, UTILITY INSTALLATION AND PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION SO CANAFTER DISTURBANCE. AREASHAT THATHWILLENERAL NOT BEITE SUB ECTBTOMULCHED CONSTRUCTIONANDRTRAFFICESSHALLLOBE SEEDED (MN WINTER STABLIZATION: STATE SEED MIX 22-112 ® 40 LBS/AC) AND MULCHED OR SODDED WITHIN SEVEN (7) DAYS OF GRADING CONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS IN THE CASE WHERE THE ONSET OF WINTER DOES BEING DISTURBED. NOT ALLOW FOR COMPLETION OF MASS GRADING AND FINAL SOIL STABLIZATION IN THE FALL: 1. MASS GRADING ACTIVITIES SHALL BE PLANNED AND PHASED IN A MANNER TO AVOID ANY UNNECESSARY SOIL DISTURBANCE PRIOR TO WINTER SHUT DOWN. 2. ALL FINAL GRADED AREAS SHALL BE STABILIZED PERMANENTLY BY GRADING CONTRACTOR WITH SEEDING, MULCHING, BLANKET, ETC. IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLANS PRIOR TO CONTRACTOR LEAVING THE SITE AT WINTER SHUT DOWN. EROSION CONTROL RESPONSIBLE PARTIES 3. THE GRADING CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO ENSURE THAT ALL TEMPORARY OR INCOMPLETE GRADING AREAS INCLUDING ALL STOCKPILES ARE STABILIZED WITH OWNER/DEVELOPER: SWPPP INSPECTOR: BEFOREALEAVING THE MNY SEEDING(SITE AT WINTER HSTATE SEEDIUT22-1DOWN? ®40/AC, MULCH (MNDOT TYPE 1) SHAWN WEINAND TBD 4. ALL SIGNIFICANT DRAINAGE SWALES (TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT) SHALL BE STABILIZED LSW INVESTMENTS LLC WITH MNDOT CATEGORY 3 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET BY GRADING CONTRACTOR PRIOR 4065 CHELSEA RD W TO LEAVING THE SITE AT WINTER SHUT DOWN. MONTICELLO, MN 55362 763-271-8600 ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: SPENCER TOLLIVER TBD ALLIANT ENGINEERING, INC. 733 S MARQUETTE AVE, SUITE 700 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 stolliver@alliant-inc.com 612-383-2228 SILT FENCE 4,775 LF INLET PROTECTION 20 EA ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 1 EA EROSION CONTROL BLANKET 2,025 SF DITCH CHECKS (SEDIMENT LOG) 120 LF DISTURBED AREA / IMPERVIOUS SUMMARY: DISTURBED AREA 18.77 AC EXISTING IMPERVIOUS 0.73 AC PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS 8.15 AC NET CHANGE IMPERVIOUS +7.42 AC INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE POLLUTION PREVENTION 1. THE CONTRACTOR MUST ENSURE THAT A TRAINED PERSON (AS IDENTIFIED IN ITEM 21.2.b OF THE GENERAL PERMIT) WILL ROUTINELY INSPECT THE ENTIRE CONSTRUCTION SITE AT LEAST ONCE EVERY SEVEN (7) DAYS DURING ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION AND WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER A RAINFALL EVENT GREATER THAN 0.5 INCHES IN 24 HOURS. FOLLOWING AN INSPECTION THAT OCCURS WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER A RAINFALL EVENT, THE NEXT INSPECTION MUST BE CONDUCTED WITHIN SEVEN (7) DAYS AFTER THE RAINFALL EVENT. 2. ALL INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE CONDUCTED DURING CONSTRUCTION MUST BE RECORDED WITHIN 24 HOURS IN WRITING AND THESE RECORDS MUST BE RETAINED WITH THE SWPPP. RECORDS OF EACH INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY SHALL INCLUDE: a. DATE AND TIME OF INSPECTIONS b. NAME OF PERSON(S) CONDUCTING INSPECTIONS c. FINDINGS OF INSPECTIONS, INCLUDING THE SPECIFIC LOCATION WHERE CORRECTIVE ACTIONS ARE NEEDED d.CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TAKEN (INCLUDING DATES, TIMES, AND PARTY COMPLETING MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES) e.DATE AND AMOUNT OF ALL RAINFALL EVENTS GREATER THAN 1/2 INCH (0.5 INCHES) IN 24 HOURS. RAINFALL AMOUNTS MUST BE OBTAINED BY A PROPERLY MAINTAINED RAIN GAUGE INSTALLED ONSITE, A WEATHER STATION THAT IS WITHIN 1 MILE OF YOUR LOCATION OR A WEATHER REPORTING SYSTEM THAT PROVIDES SITE SPECIFIC RAINFALL DATA FROM RADAR SUMMARIES. f. IF ANY DISCHARGE IS OBSERVED TO BE OCCURRING DURING THE INSPECTION, A RECORD OF ALL POINTS OF THE PROPERTY FROM WHICH THERE IS A DISCHARGE MUST BE MADE, AND THE DISCHARGE SHOULD BE DESCRIBED (I.E., COLOR, ODOR, FLOATING, SETTLED, OR SUSPENDED SOLIDS, FOAM, OIL SHEEN, AND OTHER OBVIOUS INDICATORS OF POLLUTANTS) AND PHOTOGRAPHED. g.ANY AMENDMENTS TO THE SWPPP PROPOSED AS A RESULT OF THE INSPECTION MUST BE DOCUMENTED AS REQUIRED IN SECTION 6 WITHIN SEVEN (7) CALENDAR DAYS. 3.INSPECTION FREQUENCY ADJUSTMENT a.WHERE PARTS OF THE PROJECT SITE HAVE PERMANENT COVER, BUT WORK REMAINS ON OTHER PARTS OF THE SITE, THE CONTRACTOR MAY REDUCE INSPECTIONS OF THE AREAS WITH PERMANENT COVER TO ONCE PER MONTH. b. WHERE CONSTRUCTION SITES HAVE PERMANENT COVER ON ALL EXPOSED SOIL AREAS AND NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IS OCCURRING ANYWHERE ON THE SITE THE SITE MUST BE INSPECTED DURING NON -FROZEN GROUND CONDITIONS AT LEAST ONCE PER MONTH FOR A PERIOD OF TWELVE (12) MONTHS. FOLLOWING THE TWELFTH MONTH OF PERMANENT COVER AND NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY, INSPECTIONS MAY BE TERMINATED UNTIL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IS ONCE AGAIN INITIATED UNLESS THE CONTRACTOR IS NOTIFIED IN WRITING BY THE MPCA THAT EROSION ISSUES HAVE BEEN DETECTED AT THE SITE AND INSPECTIONS NEED TO RESUME. c.WHERE WORK HAS BEEN SUSPENDED DUE TO FROZEN GROUND CONDITIONS, THE INSPECTIONS MAY BE SUSPENDED. THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE MUST BEGIN WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER RUNOFF OCCURS AT THE SITE OR 24 HOURS PRIOR TO RESUMING CONSTRUCTION, WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. 4. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT BMPS, AS WELL AS ALL EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS, UNTIL ANOTHER PERMITTEE HAS OBTAINED COVERAGE UNDER THIS PERMIT OR THE PROJECT HAS UNDERGONE FINAL STABILIZATION, AND A NOTICE OF TERMINATION (NOT) HAS BEEN SUBMITTED TO THE MPCA. 5. THE CONTRACTOR MUST INSPECT ALL EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS AND POLLUTION PREVENTION MANAGEMENT MEASURES TO ENSURE INTEGRITY AND EFFECTIVENESS DURING ALL ROUTINE AND POST -RAINFALL EVENT INSPECTIONS. ALL NONFUNCTIONAL BMPS MUST BE REPAIRED, REPLACED, OR SUPPLEMENTED WITH FUNCTIONAL BMPS BY THE END OF THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY AFTER DISCOVERY, OR AS SOON AS FIELD CONDITIONS ALLOW ACCESS UNLESS ANOTHER TIME FRAME IS SPECIFIED BELOW. THE CONTRACTOR MUST INVESTIGATE AND COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS: a. ALL PERIMETER CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE REPAIRED, REPLACED, OR SUPPLEMENTED WHEN THEY BECOME NONFUNCTIONAL OR THE SEDIMENT REACHES ONE-THIRD (1/3) OF THE HEIGHT OF THE DEVICE. THESE REPAIRS MUST BE MADE BY THE END OF THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY AFTER DISCOVERY, OR THEREAFTER AS SOON AS FIELD CONDITIONS ALLOW ACCESS. b. TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEDIMENTATION BASINS MUST BE DRAINED AND THE SEDIMENT REMOVED WHEN THE DEPTH OF SEDIMENT COLLECTED IN THE BASIN REACHES ONE-HALF (1/2) THE STORAGE VOLUME. DRAINAGE AND REMOVAL MUST BE COMPLETED WITHIN 72 HOURS OF DISCOVERY, OR AS SOON AS FIELD CONDITIONS ALLOW ACCESS. c. SURFACE WATERS, INCLUDING DRAINAGE DITCHES, WETLANDS AND CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS, MUST BE INSPECTED FOR EVIDENCE OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT DEPOSITION DURING EACH INSPECTION. THE CONTRACTOR MUST REMOVE ALL DELTAS AND SEDIMENT DEPOSITED IN SURFACE WATERS, INCLUDING DRAINAGE WAYS, CATCH BASINS, AND OTHER DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, AND RESTABILIZE THE AREAS WHERE SEDIMENT REMOVAL RESULTS IN EXPOSED SOIL. THE REMOVAL AND STABILIZATION MUST TAKE PLACE WITHIN SEVEN (7) DAYS OF DISCOVERY UNLESS PRECLUDED BY LEGAL, REGULATORY, OR PHYSICAL ACCESS CONSTRAINTS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE ALL REASONABLE EFFORTS TO OBTAIN ACCESS. IF PRECLUDED, REMOVAL AND STABILIZATION MUST TAKE PLACE WITHIN SEVEN (7) CALENDAR DAYS OF OBTAINING ACCESS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING ALL LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AUTHORITIES AND RECEIVING ANY APPLICABLE PERMITS, PRIOR TO CONDUCTING ANY WORK IN SURFACE WATERS. d. CONSTRUCTION SITE VEHICLE EXIT LOCATIONS MUST BE INSPECTED FOR EVIDENCE OF OFF-SITE SEDIMENT TRACKING ONTO PAVED SURFACES. TRACKED SEDIMENT MUST BE REMOVED FROM ALL PAVED SURFACES BOTH ON AND OFF SITE WITHIN 24 HOURS OF DISCOVERY. e.STREETS AND OTHER AREAS ADJACENT TO THE PROJECT MUST BE INSPECTED FOR EVIDENCE OF OFF-SITE ACCUMULATIONS OF SEDIMENT. IF SEDIMENT IS PRESENT, IT MUST BE REMOVED IN A MANNER AND AT A FREQUENCY SUFFICIENT TO MINIMIZE OFF-SITE IMPACTS (E.G., FUGITIVE SEDIMENT IN STREETS COULD BE WASHED INTO STORM SEWERS BY THE NEXT RAIN AND/OR POSE A SAFETY HAZARD TO USERS OF PUBLIC STREETS). PERMANENT BMP DESCRIPTION: TWO SEPARATE INFILTRATION BASINS ARE USED TO TREAT THE RUNOFF FROM THE ADDED IMPERVIOUS SURFACES. THE ROADS COLLECT STORMWATER VIA CURB AND GUTTER INTAKES AND THE DITCH WITHIN THE EDMONSON AVENUE R/W AND 85TH ST NE R/W DRAINS TO BASIN 2. IMPAIRED WATERS MAP MANAGEMENT MEASURES THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMPLEMENT THE FOLLOWING POLLUTION PREVENTION MANAGEMENT MEASURES ON THE SITE: 1. STORAGE, HANDLING, AND DISPOSAL OF CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS, MATERIALS, AND WASTES: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING TO MINIMIZE THE EXPOSURE TO STORMWATER OF ANY OF THE PRODUCTS, MATERIALS, OR WASTES. PRODUCTS OR WASTES WHICH ARE EITHER NOT A SOURCE OF CONTAMINATION TO STORMWATER OR ARE DESIGNED TO BE EXPOSED TO STORMWATER ARE NOT HELD TO THIS REQUIREMENT: a.BUILDING PRODUCTS THAT HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO LEACH POLLUTANTS MUST BE UNDER COVER (E.G., PLASTIC SHEETING OR TEMPORARY ROOFS) TO PREVENT THE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTANTS OR PROTECTED BY SIMILARLY EFFECTIVE MEANS DESIGNED TO MINIMIZE CONTACT WITH STORMWATER. b. PESTICIDES, HERBICIDES, INSECTICIDES, FERTILIZERS, TREATMENT CHEMICALS, AND LANDSCAPE MATERIALS MUST BE UNDER COVER (E.G., PLASTIC SHEETING OR TEMPORARY ROOFS) TO PREVENT THE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTANTS OR PROTECTED BY SIMILARLY EFFECTIVE MEANS DESIGNED TO MINIMIZE CONTACT WITH STORMWATER. c. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, TOXIC WASTE, (INCLUDING OIL, DIESEL FUEL, GASOLINE, HYDRAULIC FLUIDS, PAINT SOLVENTS, PETROLEUM-BASED PRODUCTS, WOOD PRESERVATIVES, ADDITIVES, CURING COMPOUNDS, AND ACIDS) MUST BE PROPERLY STORED IN SEALED CONTAINERS TO PREVENT SPILLS, LEAKS OR OTHER DISCHARGE. RESTRICTED ACCESS STORAGE AREAS MUST BE PROVIDED TO PREVENT VANDALISM. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL OF HAZARDOUS WASTE OR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MUST BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH MINN. R. CH. 7045 INCLUDING SECONDARY CONTAINMENT AS APPLICABLE. d. SOLID WASTE MUST BE STORED, COLLECTED AND DISPOSED OF PROPERLY IN COMPLIANCE WITH MINN. R. CH. 7035. e.PORTABLE TOILETS MUST BE POSITIONED SO THAT THEY ARE SECURE AND WILL NOT BE TIPPED OR KNOCKED OVER. SANITARY WASTE MUST BE DISPOSED OF PROPERLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH MINN. R. CH. 7041. 2.FUELING AND MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT OR VEHICLES; SPILL PREVENTION AND RESPONSE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE REASONABLE STEPS TO PREVENT THE DISCHARGE OF SPILLED OR LEAKED CHEMICALS, INCLUDING FUEL, FROM ANY AREA WHERE CHEMICALS OR FUEL WILL BE LOADED OR UNLOADED INCLUDING THE USE OF DRIP PANS OR ABSORBENTS UNLESS INFEASIBLE. THE CONTRACTOR MUST CONDUCT FUELING IN A CONTAINED AREA UNLESS INFEASIBLE. THE CONTRACTOR MUST ENSURE ADEQUATE SUPPLIES ARE AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES TO CLEAN UP DISCHARGED MATERIALS AND THAT AN APPROPRIATE DISPOSAL METHOD IS AVAILABLE FOR RECOVERED SPILLED MATERIALS. THE CONTRACTOR MUST REPORT AND CLEAN UP SPILLS IMMEDIATELY AS REQUIRED BY MINN. STAT. § 115.061, USING DRY CLEAN UP MEASURES WHERE POSSIBLE. 3. VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT WASHING: IF THE CONTRACTOR WASHES THE EXTERIOR OF VEHICLES OR EQUIPMENT ON THE PROJECT SITE, WASHING MUST BE LIMITED TO A DEFINED AREA OF THE SITE. RUNOFF FROM THE WASHING AREA MUST BE CONTAINED IN A SEDIMENT BASIN OR OTHER SIMILARLY EFFECTIVE CONTROLS AND WASTE FROM THE WASHING ACTIVITY MUST BE PROPERLY DISPOSED OF. THE CONTRACTOR MUST PROPERLY USE AND STORE SOAPS, DETERGENTS, OR SOLVENTS. NO ENGINE DEGREASING IS ALLOWED ON SITE. 4.CONCRETE AND OTHER WASHOUTS WASTE: THE CONTRACTOR MUST PROVIDE EFFECTIVE CONTAINMENT FOR ALL LIQUID AND SOLID WASTES GENERATED BY WASHOUT OPERATIONS (CONCRETE, STUCCO, PAINT, FORM RELEASE OILS, CURING COMPOUNDS AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS) RELATED TO THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. THE LIQUID AND SOLID WASHOUT WASTES MUST NOT CONTACT THE GROUND, AND THE CONTAINMENT MUST BE DESIGNED SO THAT IT DOES NOT RESULT IN RUNOFF FROM THE WASHOUT OPERATIONS OR AREAS. LIQUID AND SOLID WASTES MUST BE DISPOSED OF PROPERLY AND IN COMPLIANCE WITH MPCA RULES. A SIGN MUST BE INSTALLED ADJACENT TO EACH WASHOUT FACILITY THAT REQUIRES SITE PERSONNEL TO UTILIZE THE PROPER FACILITIES FOR DISPOSAL OF CONCRETE AND OTHER WASHOUT WASTES. FINAL STABILIZATION THE CONTRACTOR MUST ENSURE FINAL STABILIZATION OF THE SITE. FINAL STABILIZATION IS NOT COMPLETE UNTIL ALL REQUIREMENTS OF ITEMS 13.2-13.5 BELOW: 13.2 PERMITTEES MUST COMPLETE ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY AND MUST INSTALL PERMANENT COVER OVER ALL AREAS PRIOR TO SUBMITTING THE NOT. VEGETATIVE COVER MUST CONSIST OF A UNIFORM PERENNIAL VEGETATION WITH A DENSITY OF 70 PERCENT OF ITS EXPECTED FINAL GROWTH. VEGETATION IS NOT REQUIRED WHERE THE FUNCTION OF A SPECIFIC AREA DICTATES NO VEGETATION, SUCH AS IMPERVIOUS SURFACES OR THE BASE OF A SAND FILTER. 13.3 PERMITTEES MUST CLEAN THE PERMANENT STORMWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM OF ANY ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT AND MUST ENSURE THE SYSTEM MEETS ALL APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS IN SECTION 15 THROUGH 19 AND IS OPERATING AS DESIGNED. 13.4 PERMITTEES MUST REMOVE ALL SEDIMENT FROM CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS (CATCH BASINS, DITCHES, CULVERTS) PRIOR TO SUBMITTING THE NOTICE OF TERMINATION (NOT). 13.5 PERMITTEES MUST REMOVE ALL TEMPORARY SYNTHETIC EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS PRIOR TO SUBMITTING THE NOT. PERMITTEES MAY LEAVE BMPS DESIGNED TO DECOMPOSE ON-SITE IN PLACE. SEDIMENT BARRIERS BIOROLL 2. SILT FENCE (MnDOT 3886) INLET PROTECTION DEVICES I. WIMCO (CG -3290 PER CITY DETAIL) 2. INFRASAFE STORM DRAIN/CULVERT ANTI -TRACKING CONTROL I. 2" CRUSHED CLEAR ROCK GRADING ACTIVITY CONCRETE WASHOUT IS DONE BY TRUCK WITH A MOBILE WASHOUT SYSTEM PROVIDED AND COMPLETED BY THE CONCRETE CONTRACTOR. TEMPORARY SEED MIX I. MN STATE SEED MIX 21-112 (WINTER WHEAT COVER CROP) 2. MN STATE SEED MIX 22 -III (OATS COVER CROP) PERMANENT SEED MIX/STABILIZATION MN STATE SEED MIX 25-151 (HIGH MAINTENANCE TURF) 2. SOD USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP NOT TO SCALE ACTIVE SWPPP LEGEND Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI 375 Forada sandy loam, 0 to 2 1.8 percent slopes 7.6% 406 Dorset sandy loam, 0 to 2 12.0 percent slopes 50.9% 13778 Dorset -Two Inlets complex, 2 to 6 percent slopes 7.2 30.7% 1975 Oylen sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes 2.5 10.8% Totals for Area of Interest 23.5 100.0% USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP NOT TO SCALE ACTIVE SWPPP LEGEND 94, APR MAY JUN JUL AUG d 6 8C OCT NOV DEC � i y h , v'd ➢ r et< 25 SILT FENCE ° W q' F_ Q Z W :2 Z O iybn lb " TEMPORARY MULCH COVER 9 Caunt y tub PROJECT TEAM DESIGNED: DRAWN: PROJECT NO: = M county Road 39 NE Cre OI1t1C 0 C�unfy Road 19 NW 4 W. Z.0� t� _ TEMPORARY HYDROMULCH R4+rr�' NBtVer f82W Ave n ¢�. 71h s F EROSION CONTROL BLANKET ryuy. M Rrsern�w - fR ❑r Aly Sys ROCK DRIVEWAY / ROCK PADS °Rn m School Blvd - ¢�; = d ¢ 5 90th Si NE �.� �__-__ w .'d79.11 .. PROJECT SITE DITCH CHECKS (SEDIMENT LOG) m S - �}h 3t NE - y SOD z �0 m z L �Ry ¢ v 6 0 Ca L - _52 J 1033 N 25 o - - -72 r& S1 NE til county Road 37 NE 375 ff fi 60th St Nl='---------- xINK - USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP NOT TO SCALE ACTIVE SWPPP LEGEND CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR SILT FENCE 0 W G F_ Q Z W :2 TEMPORARY MULCH COVER PROJECT TEAM DESIGNED: DRAWN: PROJECT NO: DATA DN ST 219-0117 TEMPORARY HYDROMULCH EROSION CONTROL BLANKET ROCK DRIVEWAY / ROCK PADS INLET PROTECTION DEVICES DITCH CHECKS (SEDIMENT LOG) SOD STOCKPILES NOTE: CONTRACTOR, GENERAL CONTRACTOR OR SWPPP INSPECTOR TO COMPLETE TABLE AS CONSTRUCTION PROGRESSES 11 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com J Q F_ F_ M� W ♦♦D V/ H W Q F_ J 0 a z Z Q J z a Z J 0 W CC a z W o > z W Q I= 0. W z 0 a 0 F^_ I- C F J z J W 0 2 a a I= 0 W J Q W > W cc 0 M o 0 a cn I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed 2,R0l3662,F0NAtYRMW(G04ffER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY �W V a � ISSUE O 10/7/20 N W Z z Z 0 V) O Z J 0 W G F_ Q Z W :2 J Q F_ F_ M� W ♦♦D V/ H W Q F_ J 0 a z Z Q J z a Z J 0 W CC a z W o > z W Q I= 0. W z 0 a 0 F^_ I- C F J z J W 0 2 a a I= 0 W J Q W > W cc 0 M o 0 a cn I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed 2,R0l3662,F0NAtYRMW(G04ffER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DESIGNED: DRAWN: PROJECT NO: DATA DN ST 219-0117 1�6 SHEET 6 OF 13 11 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com W 0 a o oC w z z Z O U) o z J O W � z W 12 J Q F— F— Cl) H m H a J a > z Q J z a z J O W CC a z LU 0 > z w Q oc a LU z 0 Q O F J z J wO 15a a w O F- LU Q W 0 � 0 O F— a. a cn I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed 2,RI9l3E62k 1IAaRMN(G0 HER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DESIGNED: DRAWN: PROJECT NO: DATA DN ST 219-0117 7 SHEET 7 OF 13 DISTURBED AREA, CONSTRUCTION SITE, STABILIZED STORAGE AREA OR STAGING AREA 102 Mss O O O EXISTING PAVED 12' MIN CONSTRUCTION MATS, WOVEN OR TRM ROADWAY 50' MIN END OVERLAP 18' MIN SIDE OVERLAP TRM END OVERLAP WITH SPIKES OR STAKES 0 0 STRAP CONNECTORS CONSTRUCTION MAT END OVERLAP INTERLOCK WITH STRAP CONNECTORS PAD AREA (ANY SIZE) EXISTING CURB OF IT 0*5 PLAN WIMCO ROAD DRAIN CG-23'HIGH FLOW INLET PROTECTION CURB AND GUTTER MODEL OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. ' FOR THE NEW R-3290—VB STANDARD CASTING, INSTALL WIMCO ROAD DRAIN CG -3290 OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. DEFLECTOR PLATE — OVERFLOW IS Y2 OF THE CURB BOX HEIGHT OVERFLOW AT TOP OF FILTER ASSEMBLY FILTER ASSEMBLY DIAMETER, 6" ON—GRADE 10" AT LOW POINT HIGH—FLOW FABRIC OVERFLOW OVERFLOW SLOT IN SHROUD NU NU I TACHMENT HOOK T FABRIC SLEEVE R MRDOT SPECIAL OVISION 3886 MOIj SILT FABRIC SLEEVE PER MnDOT SPECIAL PROVISION 3886 oar . x LL� a "c '='1Qo oB,�, w!. a� iLLn Ea Emergency spillway crest / /et Pi e Anti seepage collar (typ.) TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION BASIN WITH OUTLET PIPE Emergency spillway crest / et Perforated Standpipe Pi e Anti seepage collar (typ.) TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION BASIN WITH STAND PIPE OUTLET Emergency spillway Perforate standpipe 3/4" rock cone T_ T 1/3 Z 1 i D 1" holes spaced 8" to 10" on center NOTE: D = diameter of standpipe equal to diameter of pipe. Pipe material must be rigid STAND PIPE DETAIL Mud Mat Entrance Inlet Protection Inlet Protection Residential Building AStandard Plate Library Standard Plate Library Standard Plate Library Grate Inlet Cover Standard Plate Library Erosion Control Standard Plate Library City y Catch Basin Insert City of Monticello Date: Plate No. City of Monticello Cit of Monticello Date: 06-14 Plate "°. Cit of Monticello Date: 03-07 Plate Na. CityOf Monticello Date: 03-07 Plate Na. 03-05 Revised: 06-14 6003 Revised: — 6004 Revised* — 6005 Revise d: — 6006 J) Q11 03-15 03 15 03 15 I. ROCK WEEPER MNDOT TYPE 9 MULCH 6-12" (tY" WASHED ROCK) >1.5 DIRECTION OF SURFACE FLOW TYPE IV GEOTEXTILE FABRIC ANCHORED IN 6" X 6" TRENCH WITH 6", 11 GAUGE METAL STAPLE DOWNSTREAM STAPLES AT 4' INTERVALS SIDE OF FABRIC AT 2' INTERVALS II. BIO WEEPER MNDOT TYPE 9 MULCH 6-12" (1 Y2" WASHED ROCK) >1.5 DIRECTION OF SURFACE FLOW .III; -111 TYPE IV GEOTEXTILE FABRIC ANCHORED IN 6" X 6" TRENCH Z STAPLE DOWNSTREAM WITH 6", 11 GAUGE METAL SIDE OF FABRIC AT 2' STAPLES AT 4' INTERVALS INTERVALS 6" DIAM. WATTLE WITH MINIMUM 24" SURVEY LATH STAKED 2' O.C. ALONG WATTLE LENGTH Title: Ditch Check Rock IZStandard Plate Library Weeper Bio Log City of Monticello Date: 03-07 Plate No. � Revised: 6008 6008 6' TO ]' DIA. ROLL ENCLOSEDIN J PLASTIC OR POLYESTER NETTING TYPE 2-BIOROLL DITCH CHECK USE ON ROUGH GRADED AREAS 1" X 2" X 18" LONG WOODEN STAKES AT 1, 0" SPACING MAXIMUM. STAKES SHALL BE DRIVEN THROUGH THE BACK HALF OF THE BIOROLL AT AN ANGLE OF 45 DEGREES WITH THE TOP OF THE STAKE POINTING UPSTREAM. gIOROLL PROVIDE 8" TO 10" OF EMBEDMENT DEPTH. 45' FLOW ~ 8' - 10' EMBEDMENT DEPTH BIOROLL STAKING DETAIL NOTE WHEN MORE THAN I BIOROLL/COMPOST LOG IS NEEDED, OVERLAP ENDS A MINIMUM OF 6' AND STAKE Title: Bio Log Staking Standard Plate Library Straw or Wood Bio Roll City of Monticello Date: 03-08 1 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 6009 ,.IN—E—SEFONE -UNG SDwNET;N D1NG NEOESSMrnP Li ONOF ONE. FE—DE—DSEED N.,, �,DEEFxN.,,�,w,DE N NDx , �P _D_ 'INDEDD" 'TNEDo��EPDNrDN�rxErNE . DRrxE sr=1,",.rE�`11 o:o"u���s�O.D� ,r�O' sraaEs�s..xEs soa�a�aox M;Dv;zi�1 P°Ms°�`.,G S——NE.—LO. oTM oFrxE—rEO so�RwNN. a. NourNEsvwxE,s lalDwwi 0x ls.l xonaoxrusrncxossrxF ssDRE. svwxErs mu uxxouwNN awFmrNwrE of vnwusEsauw�rs uusr DE srnxEO w rxiwvaowruresr rsls �`izwnNove—D'�D� DEac x:rE�E;,r`xE�"aNDs:s:D�D".FErxo�r�"ru�EDDv;x�x r r�EDD NDISNiNG�EsrnE,wxxnxaPawtiwniE a�P �,ov nva��sr�ilxaaucx ovEm,wrED uan.uwawmamr,rl�raPnNrncnoss EN,we va0aex�rDI'u:rxs euwKITS _ FsrnnEON srucE �ENGms DnEnrEnrruNs l,s"", w,v De xecFsssnvro Title: Erosion Control Blanket Standard Plate Library Stapling Patterns & Installal City of Monticello Date: I Plate No. Revised:03-08 03-15 6011 Temporary Sediment Basin 03-07 1 6007 03-15 11 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com J Q F_ H m Cn J a J W a o Z Q J z a Z J O W CC a Z W 0 > Z W Q a W Z Q0 0 V F J Z J W O 2 a a x p W J Q W > W O F_ a cn I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed e,RI9l3E62k 1IAaRMN(G04HER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY Ev F enc DATE 0 ii uV V mm II `4 C ii 2 Q, a PROJECT TEAM DESIGNED: DRAWN: PROJECT NO: DATA DN ST 219-0117 I I I 3 ii a A CALL TO GOPHER STATE ONE (454-0002) IS REQUIRED A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO PERFORMING ANY EXCAVATION. Emergency spillway crest / /et Pi e Anti seepage collar (typ.) TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION BASIN WITH OUTLET PIPE Emergency spillway crest / et Perforated Standpipe Pi e Anti seepage collar (typ.) TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION BASIN WITH STAND PIPE OUTLET Emergency spillway Perforate standpipe 3/4" rock cone T_ T 1/3 Z 1 i D 1" holes spaced 8" to 10" on center NOTE: D = diameter of standpipe equal to diameter of pipe. Pipe material must be rigid STAND PIPE DETAIL Mud Mat Entrance Inlet Protection Inlet Protection Residential Building AStandard Plate Library Standard Plate Library Standard Plate Library Grate Inlet Cover Standard Plate Library Erosion Control Standard Plate Library City y Catch Basin Insert City of Monticello Date: Plate No. City of Monticello Cit of Monticello Date: 06-14 Plate "°. Cit of Monticello Date: 03-07 Plate Na. CityOf Monticello Date: 03-07 Plate Na. 03-05 Revised: 06-14 6003 Revised: — 6004 Revised* — 6005 Revise d: — 6006 J) Q11 03-15 03 15 03 15 I. ROCK WEEPER MNDOT TYPE 9 MULCH 6-12" (tY" WASHED ROCK) >1.5 DIRECTION OF SURFACE FLOW TYPE IV GEOTEXTILE FABRIC ANCHORED IN 6" X 6" TRENCH WITH 6", 11 GAUGE METAL STAPLE DOWNSTREAM STAPLES AT 4' INTERVALS SIDE OF FABRIC AT 2' INTERVALS II. BIO WEEPER MNDOT TYPE 9 MULCH 6-12" (1 Y2" WASHED ROCK) >1.5 DIRECTION OF SURFACE FLOW .III; -111 TYPE IV GEOTEXTILE FABRIC ANCHORED IN 6" X 6" TRENCH Z STAPLE DOWNSTREAM WITH 6", 11 GAUGE METAL SIDE OF FABRIC AT 2' STAPLES AT 4' INTERVALS INTERVALS 6" DIAM. WATTLE WITH MINIMUM 24" SURVEY LATH STAKED 2' O.C. ALONG WATTLE LENGTH Title: Ditch Check Rock IZStandard Plate Library Weeper Bio Log City of Monticello Date: 03-07 Plate No. � Revised: 6008 6008 6' TO ]' DIA. ROLL ENCLOSEDIN J PLASTIC OR POLYESTER NETTING TYPE 2-BIOROLL DITCH CHECK USE ON ROUGH GRADED AREAS 1" X 2" X 18" LONG WOODEN STAKES AT 1, 0" SPACING MAXIMUM. STAKES SHALL BE DRIVEN THROUGH THE BACK HALF OF THE BIOROLL AT AN ANGLE OF 45 DEGREES WITH THE TOP OF THE STAKE POINTING UPSTREAM. gIOROLL PROVIDE 8" TO 10" OF EMBEDMENT DEPTH. 45' FLOW ~ 8' - 10' EMBEDMENT DEPTH BIOROLL STAKING DETAIL NOTE WHEN MORE THAN I BIOROLL/COMPOST LOG IS NEEDED, OVERLAP ENDS A MINIMUM OF 6' AND STAKE Title: Bio Log Staking Standard Plate Library Straw or Wood Bio Roll City of Monticello Date: 03-08 1 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 6009 ,.IN—E—SEFONE -UNG SDwNET;N D1NG NEOESSMrnP Li ONOF ONE. FE—DE—DSEED N.,, �,DEEFxN.,,�,w,DE N NDx , �P _D_ 'INDEDD" 'TNEDo��EPDNrDN�rxErNE . DRrxE sr=1,",.rE�`11 o:o"u���s�O.D� ,r�O' sraaEs�s..xEs soa�a�aox M;Dv;zi�1 P°Ms°�`.,G S——NE.—LO. oTM oFrxE—rEO so�RwNN. a. NourNEsvwxE,s lalDwwi 0x ls.l xonaoxrusrncxossrxF ssDRE. svwxErs mu uxxouwNN awFmrNwrE of vnwusEsauw�rs uusr DE srnxEO w rxiwvaowruresr rsls �`izwnNove—D'�D� DEac x:rE�E;,r`xE�"aNDs:s:D�D".FErxo�r�"ru�EDDv;x�x r r�EDD NDISNiNG�EsrnE,wxxnxaPawtiwniE a�P �,ov nva��sr�ilxaaucx ovEm,wrED uan.uwawmamr,rl�raPnNrncnoss EN,we va0aex�rDI'u:rxs euwKITS _ FsrnnEON srucE �ENGms DnEnrEnrruNs l,s"", w,v De xecFsssnvro Title: Erosion Control Blanket Standard Plate Library Stapling Patterns & Installal City of Monticello Date: I Plate No. Revised:03-08 03-15 6011 Temporary Sediment Basin 03-07 1 6007 03-15 11 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com J Q F_ H m Cn J a J W a o Z Q J z a Z J O W CC a Z W 0 > Z W Q a W Z Q0 0 V F J Z J W O 2 a a x p W J Q W > W O F_ a cn I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed e,RI9l3E62k 1IAaRMN(G04HER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DESIGNED: DRAWN: PROJECT NO: DATA DN ST 219-0117 SHEET 8 OF 13 A�N ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com W C'3 a p o � w z z Z O U) o Z J O W � z LU 12 J Q H H m D U) ~ Z J Q a a � z oc z Q J LV F- LU � Q a 0 0 Z Z Q Q LU oc LU a � H W cn cn H >- z 1= W Q a z O Q J cn W J > J W Q O � O W a O I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DESIGNED: DRAWN: PROJECT NO: DATA DN ST 219-0117 SHEET 9 OF 13 Al ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com LU C� Q o 0 oc w z z Z o c o z J 0 w � z LU 12 J Q H H m Cn H a J a oc Q z J W a 0 z z Q 1� LU a LU LU Z C/) LU a 0 O C/) W J > J W Q D � W a O I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DESIGNED: DRAWN: PROJECT NO: DATA DN ST 219-0117 rt SHEET 10 OF 13 1'- 0° OR 5' IN BACK OF CURB IF CONCRETE WALK OR BITUMINOUS PATH PRE HYDRAFINDER PRESENT FLAG WATEROUS MODEL 6] HYDRANT YELLOW OUT OF ORDER TAG w TO BE INSTALLED ON PUMPER CONN. j AFTER BACK -FILL EXISTING OR FUTURE STREET � BREAKOFF FLANGE CURB OR GUTTER UNE 1° TO 2° MAXIMUM u ABOVE BURY LINE (FINISHED GRADE) FINISHED GRADE Q VALVE BOX AS WATERMMN SPECIFIED 1" TO 2" 2 LAYERS OF � 2'- 6" AS REQUIRED 10' POLY (4 mil) u W I L 3' DIAMETER BY 3' DEEP PR � �z UNDER HYDRANT FILLED WITH 1/4 "STEEL VALVE BOX ADAPTOR A MINIMUM OF 1 C.Y. OF 1 n P 1-1/2" CLEAR STONE i WITH PROTECTIVE COATING AS MANUFACTURED BY ADAPTOR INC. MEGALUG OR APPROVED EQUAL MEGALUG GATE VALVE TEE1 THRUST MEGALUG1 BLOCKING BLOCKING BEHIND BELOW GATE THRUST HYDRANT PRECAST CONCRETE BASE VALVE BLOCKING AS SPECIFIED (15"x 15°x 4'� BEHIND TEE rne: Standard Plate Library Typical Hydrant Installation City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Revi�ed:03-05 ,Zoo 1 03-17 T EXISTING (OR FINISHED) GRADE PLUGGED END 4' NOTES: 1. RE -USE EXISTING AIR BLEED ONES AND PLUGS 1' CORPORATION STOP ON PROPOSED SLABS. INSTALLATION TO BE MADE AT NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION. FURNISH NEW GASKETS WHERE REQUIRED. 2. NEW LINES WILL BE PAID FOR AT UNR PRICE BID FOR 1' COPPER AND 1" CORPORATION STOP. AIL OTHER WATERMAIN WORK TO BE INCIDENTAL TO THE PROJECT. 1" COPPER PLUGGED END AIR BLEED DETAIL STEEL T - STYLE FENCE POST PAINTED BLUE WH AN OIL BASED PAINT AND MINIMUM 2' REFLECTORIZED TAPE (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE POST TO MARK VALVE BOX. TO BE INSTALLED AT THE TIME OF VALVE BOX INSTALUTION (INCIDENTAL) 4' NOTE: GROUND LINE � IF GATE VALVE BOXES ARE EXTENDED, THERE SHALL BE A GATE VALVE NUT EXTENSION TO WITHIN ].5' OF FINISHED GRADE AND ATTACHED TO THE GATE VALVE NUT 2 I VALVE BOX 1/2" RUBBER GASKET INSTALLED BETWEEN THE GATE VALVE AND MIN J.5 ' COVER (UNLESS GATE VALVE ADAPTOR OTHERWISE NOTED) 1/4" STEEL VALVE BOX ADAPTOR WITH PROTECTIVE COATING AS 1/2 CU. YD. GRAVEL MANUFACTURED BY ADAPTOR INC. OR APPROVED EQUAL WATERMAIN GATE VALVE WATERMAIN VALVE BOX INSTALLATION Title: Air Bleed Detail And Standard Plate Library Valve Box Installation City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Revised: 2003 2003 Cn5cc MEGALUG MEGALUG WRAP PLUG WITH 4 MIL POLY P UG TEE AND BEND BEND PLUG NOTES: 1. THRUST BLOCKING TO BE USED FOR BEND 22 1/7 qRD OVER. PIPE SIZE BEARING AREA 2. THRUST BLOCKING SHALL ONLY BE USED WHERE B 4.0 SO FT WORKING PRESSURES ARE LESS THAN 150 PSI. B" 6.0 SO FT 10'- 12' 12.0 SQ FT 3. THRUST BLOCKS BEARING ARCA TO BE POURED 16 20.0 SQ FT AGAINST UNDISTURBED SOIL. 4. POURED CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKING SHALL BE USED FOR 12. OR LARGER DIAMETER WATERMAIN 4. ALL PIPE JOINTS WITHIN 10 FT. OF A BEND SHALL BE RESTAINED USING TIE RODS Title: Standard Plate Library Blocking for Watermain City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 -� Revised: 2002 - — 03-17 O i A.:,, L m y I a a M xp o �� oa 5 O o �2 N Y o w r=1=—I �L a a w rrc Z po <J O a Of W z F Y O � LL ma O J o �3 Title: Standard Plate Library Riprap Detail City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Revised: 4009 4009 03-15 O TOP OF PROPOSED SUBGRADE THE TOP 3' SHALL BE COMPACTED AT A MIN OF 1008 OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY (MN/DOT 21°5) A MAX OF 2' LIFTS TO BE WETTED AND CONSOLIDATED BY VIBRATORY MEANS AND COMPACTED TO A MIN OF 95R OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY (MN/DOT 2105) 4' COVER COMPACTED TO 95Y. OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY WITHOUT THE USE OF HEAVY ROLLER EQUIPMENT _F 0- •:: GRANULAR BEDDING AS PER MN/DOT 3149.2E GRANUUR FOUNDATION WHERE ORDERED BY THE ENGINEER SHOVEL, PLACE, AND HAND COMPACT AROUND PIPE TO 12" ABOVE PIPE. VIBRATORY COMPACTION REQUIRED EACH SIDE OF PIPE. AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. Title: :Standard Plate LibraryTypical Trench Compactionand Class B Beddinity of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Revised: 03-15 1007 IT STEEL T -STYLE FENCE POST PAINTED BLUE WITH AN OIL BASED PAINT AND MINIMUM 2" REFLECTORIZED TAPE (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE POST TO MARK CURB STOP. TO BE INSTALLED AT THE TIME OF CURB STOP INSTALLATION (INCIDENTAL) 4 STREET o 4 12' a 12' AS REQUIRED AS REQUIRED GROUND UNE 11'- 0' 11'- 0' GROUND LINE 2' L CURB BOX WITH 1'- 1 1/4 "STANDPIPE AND STATIONARY ROD 7'- 6" MIN COVER 1' CORP. COCK BRICK 1' COPPER 1" COPPER BRICK 4' X 8" X 2" WATERMAIN 4" X 8' X 2" CAP CURB STOP WITH BLANK SWG (TYPICAL) NOTE: ATTACH SHUT OF ROD TO CURB STOP SEE SPEC. rile: Typical Water Standard Plate Library Service City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate "°• Revised: 2006 2006 � � CHIMNEY SEALS (INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL) "CRETEX OR APPROVED EQUAL" STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER GROUTING BETWEEN PIPE AND MANHOLE BARREL SHALL BE WITH NON -SHRINKING CEMENT ALL MANHOLES WITH ADJUSTING RINGS INSIDE DROP SECTION MIN 4' -MAX 12" SHALL BE 5' DIA (I.D.) 27 DIA 8 MANHOLE SECTION TO BE ASTM C-478 CUSS II e CIRCULAR REINF I LATEST REVISION � 5 48' DIA USE R-2 JOINT FOR ALL MANHOLE JOINTS � STEPS AT 16" OC� 8' "CRE -SEAL'; RESEAL', OR APPROVED EQUAL o B" PRECAST GASKET CONNECTION SHALL BE USED FOR CONNECTION PIPE TO MANHOLE MAX. 24" Q 1'- 0° OR 5' IN BACK OF CURB IF CONCRETE WALK OR BITUMINOUS PATH PRE HYDRAFINDER PRESENT FLAG WATEROUS MODEL 6] HYDRANT YELLOW OUT OF ORDER TAG w TO BE INSTALLED ON PUMPER CONN. j AFTER BACK -FILL EXISTING OR FUTURE STREET � BREAKOFF FLANGE CURB OR GUTTER UNE 1° TO 2° MAXIMUM u ABOVE BURY LINE (FINISHED GRADE) FINISHED GRADE Q VALVE BOX AS WATERMMN SPECIFIED 1" TO 2" 2 LAYERS OF � 2'- 6" AS REQUIRED 10' POLY (4 mil) u W I L 3' DIAMETER BY 3' DEEP PR � �z UNDER HYDRANT FILLED WITH 1/4 "STEEL VALVE BOX ADAPTOR A MINIMUM OF 1 C.Y. OF 1 n P 1-1/2" CLEAR STONE i WITH PROTECTIVE COATING AS MANUFACTURED BY ADAPTOR INC. MEGALUG OR APPROVED EQUAL MEGALUG GATE VALVE TEE1 THRUST MEGALUG1 BLOCKING BLOCKING BEHIND BELOW GATE THRUST HYDRANT PRECAST CONCRETE BASE VALVE BLOCKING AS SPECIFIED (15"x 15°x 4'� BEHIND TEE rne: Standard Plate Library Typical Hydrant Installation City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Revi�ed:03-05 ,Zoo 1 03-17 T EXISTING (OR FINISHED) GRADE PLUGGED END 4' NOTES: 1. RE -USE EXISTING AIR BLEED ONES AND PLUGS 1' CORPORATION STOP ON PROPOSED SLABS. INSTALLATION TO BE MADE AT NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION. FURNISH NEW GASKETS WHERE REQUIRED. 2. NEW LINES WILL BE PAID FOR AT UNR PRICE BID FOR 1' COPPER AND 1" CORPORATION STOP. AIL OTHER WATERMAIN WORK TO BE INCIDENTAL TO THE PROJECT. 1" COPPER PLUGGED END AIR BLEED DETAIL STEEL T - STYLE FENCE POST PAINTED BLUE WH AN OIL BASED PAINT AND MINIMUM 2' REFLECTORIZED TAPE (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE POST TO MARK VALVE BOX. TO BE INSTALLED AT THE TIME OF VALVE BOX INSTALUTION (INCIDENTAL) 4' NOTE: GROUND LINE � IF GATE VALVE BOXES ARE EXTENDED, THERE SHALL BE A GATE VALVE NUT EXTENSION TO WITHIN ].5' OF FINISHED GRADE AND ATTACHED TO THE GATE VALVE NUT 2 I VALVE BOX 1/2" RUBBER GASKET INSTALLED BETWEEN THE GATE VALVE AND MIN J.5 ' COVER (UNLESS GATE VALVE ADAPTOR OTHERWISE NOTED) 1/4" STEEL VALVE BOX ADAPTOR WITH PROTECTIVE COATING AS 1/2 CU. YD. GRAVEL MANUFACTURED BY ADAPTOR INC. OR APPROVED EQUAL WATERMAIN GATE VALVE WATERMAIN VALVE BOX INSTALLATION Title: Air Bleed Detail And Standard Plate Library Valve Box Installation City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Revised: 2003 2003 Cn5cc MEGALUG MEGALUG WRAP PLUG WITH 4 MIL POLY P UG TEE AND BEND BEND PLUG NOTES: 1. THRUST BLOCKING TO BE USED FOR BEND 22 1/7 qRD OVER. PIPE SIZE BEARING AREA 2. THRUST BLOCKING SHALL ONLY BE USED WHERE B 4.0 SO FT WORKING PRESSURES ARE LESS THAN 150 PSI. B" 6.0 SO FT 10'- 12' 12.0 SQ FT 3. THRUST BLOCKS BEARING ARCA TO BE POURED 16 20.0 SQ FT AGAINST UNDISTURBED SOIL. 4. POURED CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKING SHALL BE USED FOR 12. OR LARGER DIAMETER WATERMAIN 4. ALL PIPE JOINTS WITHIN 10 FT. OF A BEND SHALL BE RESTAINED USING TIE RODS Title: Standard Plate Library Blocking for Watermain City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 -� Revised: 2002 - — 03-17 O i A.:,, L m y I a a M xp o �� oa 5 O o �2 N Y o w r=1=—I �L a a w rrc Z po <J O a Of W z F Y O � LL ma O J o �3 Title: Standard Plate Library Riprap Detail City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Revised: 4009 4009 03-15 O TOP OF PROPOSED SUBGRADE THE TOP 3' SHALL BE COMPACTED AT A MIN OF 1008 OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY (MN/DOT 21°5) A MAX OF 2' LIFTS TO BE WETTED AND CONSOLIDATED BY VIBRATORY MEANS AND COMPACTED TO A MIN OF 95R OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY (MN/DOT 2105) 4' COVER COMPACTED TO 95Y. OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY WITHOUT THE USE OF HEAVY ROLLER EQUIPMENT _F 0- •:: GRANULAR BEDDING AS PER MN/DOT 3149.2E GRANUUR FOUNDATION WHERE ORDERED BY THE ENGINEER SHOVEL, PLACE, AND HAND COMPACT AROUND PIPE TO 12" ABOVE PIPE. VIBRATORY COMPACTION REQUIRED EACH SIDE OF PIPE. AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. Title: :Standard Plate LibraryTypical Trench Compactionand Class B Beddinity of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Revised: 03-15 1007 IT STEEL T -STYLE FENCE POST PAINTED BLUE WITH AN OIL BASED PAINT AND MINIMUM 2" REFLECTORIZED TAPE (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE POST TO MARK CURB STOP. TO BE INSTALLED AT THE TIME OF CURB STOP INSTALLATION (INCIDENTAL) 4 STREET o 4 12' a 12' AS REQUIRED AS REQUIRED GROUND UNE 11'- 0' 11'- 0' GROUND LINE 2' L CURB BOX WITH 1'- 1 1/4 "STANDPIPE AND STATIONARY ROD 7'- 6" MIN COVER 1' CORP. COCK BRICK 1' COPPER 1" COPPER BRICK 4' X 8" X 2" WATERMAIN 4" X 8' X 2" CAP CURB STOP WITH BLANK SWG (TYPICAL) NOTE: ATTACH SHUT OF ROD TO CURB STOP SEE SPEC. rile: Typical Water Standard Plate Library Service City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate "°• Revised: 2006 2006 � � CHIMNEY SEALS (INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL) "CRETEX OR APPROVED EQUAL" STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER GROUTING BETWEEN PIPE AND MANHOLE BARREL SHALL BE WITH NON -SHRINKING CEMENT ALL MANHOLES WITH ADJUSTING RINGS INSIDE DROP SECTION MIN 4' -MAX 12" SHALL BE 5' DIA (I.D.) 27 DIA 8 MANHOLE SECTION TO BE ASTM C-478 CUSS II e CIRCULAR REINF I LATEST REVISION � 5 48' DIA USE R-2 JOINT FOR ALL MANHOLE JOINTS � STEPS AT 16" OC� 8' "CRE -SEAL'; RESEAL', OR APPROVED EQUAL o B" PRECAST GASKET CONNECTION SHALL BE USED FOR CONNECTION PIPE TO MANHOLE CVARIABLE MAX. 24" Q 6' MIN PRECAST BOTTOM SECTION WITH INVERT �5 AT 12° OC EACH WAY STANDARD MANHOLE FOR SANITARY SEWER NO SCALE T EXISTING (OR FINISHED) GRADE PLUGGED END 4' NOTES: 1. RE -USE EXISTING AIR BLEED ONES AND PLUGS 1' CORPORATION STOP ON PROPOSED SLABS. INSTALLATION TO BE MADE AT NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION. FURNISH NEW GASKETS WHERE REQUIRED. 2. NEW LINES WILL BE PAID FOR AT UNR PRICE BID FOR 1' COPPER AND 1" CORPORATION STOP. AIL OTHER WATERMAIN WORK TO BE INCIDENTAL TO THE PROJECT. 1" COPPER PLUGGED END AIR BLEED DETAIL STEEL T - STYLE FENCE POST PAINTED BLUE WH AN OIL BASED PAINT AND MINIMUM 2' REFLECTORIZED TAPE (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE POST TO MARK VALVE BOX. TO BE INSTALLED AT THE TIME OF VALVE BOX INSTALUTION (INCIDENTAL) 4' NOTE: GROUND LINE � IF GATE VALVE BOXES ARE EXTENDED, THERE SHALL BE A GATE VALVE NUT EXTENSION TO WITHIN ].5' OF FINISHED GRADE AND ATTACHED TO THE GATE VALVE NUT 2 I VALVE BOX 1/2" RUBBER GASKET INSTALLED BETWEEN THE GATE VALVE AND MIN J.5 ' COVER (UNLESS GATE VALVE ADAPTOR OTHERWISE NOTED) 1/4" STEEL VALVE BOX ADAPTOR WITH PROTECTIVE COATING AS 1/2 CU. YD. GRAVEL MANUFACTURED BY ADAPTOR INC. OR APPROVED EQUAL WATERMAIN GATE VALVE WATERMAIN VALVE BOX INSTALLATION Title: Air Bleed Detail And Standard Plate Library Valve Box Installation City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Revised: 2003 2003 Cn5cc MEGALUG MEGALUG WRAP PLUG WITH 4 MIL POLY P UG TEE AND BEND BEND PLUG NOTES: 1. THRUST BLOCKING TO BE USED FOR BEND 22 1/7 qRD OVER. PIPE SIZE BEARING AREA 2. THRUST BLOCKING SHALL ONLY BE USED WHERE B 4.0 SO FT WORKING PRESSURES ARE LESS THAN 150 PSI. B" 6.0 SO FT 10'- 12' 12.0 SQ FT 3. THRUST BLOCKS BEARING ARCA TO BE POURED 16 20.0 SQ FT AGAINST UNDISTURBED SOIL. 4. POURED CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKING SHALL BE USED FOR 12. OR LARGER DIAMETER WATERMAIN 4. ALL PIPE JOINTS WITHIN 10 FT. OF A BEND SHALL BE RESTAINED USING TIE RODS Title: Standard Plate Library Blocking for Watermain City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 -� Revised: 2002 - — 03-17 O i A.:,, L m y I a a M xp o �� oa 5 O o �2 N Y o w r=1=—I �L a a w rrc Z po <J O a Of W z F Y O � LL ma O J o �3 Title: Standard Plate Library Riprap Detail City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Revised: 4009 4009 03-15 O TOP OF PROPOSED SUBGRADE THE TOP 3' SHALL BE COMPACTED AT A MIN OF 1008 OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY (MN/DOT 21°5) A MAX OF 2' LIFTS TO BE WETTED AND CONSOLIDATED BY VIBRATORY MEANS AND COMPACTED TO A MIN OF 95R OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY (MN/DOT 2105) 4' COVER COMPACTED TO 95Y. OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY WITHOUT THE USE OF HEAVY ROLLER EQUIPMENT _F 0- •:: GRANULAR BEDDING AS PER MN/DOT 3149.2E GRANUUR FOUNDATION WHERE ORDERED BY THE ENGINEER SHOVEL, PLACE, AND HAND COMPACT AROUND PIPE TO 12" ABOVE PIPE. VIBRATORY COMPACTION REQUIRED EACH SIDE OF PIPE. AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. Title: :Standard Plate LibraryTypical Trench Compactionand Class B Beddinity of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Revised: 03-15 1007 IT STEEL T -STYLE FENCE POST PAINTED BLUE WITH AN OIL BASED PAINT AND MINIMUM 2" REFLECTORIZED TAPE (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE POST TO MARK CURB STOP. TO BE INSTALLED AT THE TIME OF CURB STOP INSTALLATION (INCIDENTAL) 4 STREET o 4 12' a 12' AS REQUIRED AS REQUIRED GROUND UNE 11'- 0' 11'- 0' GROUND LINE 2' L CURB BOX WITH 1'- 1 1/4 "STANDPIPE AND STATIONARY ROD 7'- 6" MIN COVER 1' CORP. COCK BRICK 1' COPPER 1" COPPER BRICK 4' X 8" X 2" WATERMAIN 4" X 8' X 2" CAP CURB STOP WITH BLANK SWG (TYPICAL) NOTE: ATTACH SHUT OF ROD TO CURB STOP SEE SPEC. rile: Typical Water Standard Plate Library Service City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate "°• Revised: 2006 2006 � � CHIMNEY SEALS (INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL) "CRETEX OR APPROVED EQUAL" STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER GROUTING BETWEEN PIPE AND MANHOLE BARREL SHALL BE WITH NON -SHRINKING CEMENT ALL MANHOLES WITH ADJUSTING RINGS INSIDE DROP SECTION MIN 4' -MAX 12" SHALL BE 5' DIA (I.D.) 27 DIA 8 MANHOLE SECTION TO BE ASTM C-478 CUSS II e CIRCULAR REINF I LATEST REVISION � 5 48' DIA USE R-2 JOINT FOR ALL MANHOLE JOINTS � STEPS AT 16" OC� 8' "CRE -SEAL'; RESEAL', OR APPROVED EQUAL o B" PRECAST GASKET CONNECTION SHALL BE USED FOR CONNECTION PIPE TO MANHOLE CVARIABLE MAX. 24" Q 6' MIN PRECAST BOTTOM SECTION WITH INVERT �5 AT 12° OC EACH WAY STANDARD MANHOLE FOR SANITARY SEWER NO SCALE NOTES: 01 MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE CAST IRON OR MA MODEL PS -I -PF (BY MA INDUSTRIAL INC.) CONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS AND SPACED 16" OC. Q2 IF DROP IS GREATER THAN 24° INCHES, USE OUTSIDE DROP. rile: Standard Sanitary Standard Plate Library � Manhole MEGALUG MEGALUG WRAP PLUG WITH 4 MIL POLY P UG TEE AND BEND BEND PLUG NOTES: 1. THRUST BLOCKING TO BE USED FOR BEND 22 1/7 qRD OVER. PIPE SIZE BEARING AREA 2. THRUST BLOCKING SHALL ONLY BE USED WHERE B 4.0 SO FT WORKING PRESSURES ARE LESS THAN 150 PSI. B" 6.0 SO FT 10'- 12' 12.0 SQ FT 3. THRUST BLOCKS BEARING ARCA TO BE POURED 16 20.0 SQ FT AGAINST UNDISTURBED SOIL. 4. POURED CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKING SHALL BE USED FOR 12. OR LARGER DIAMETER WATERMAIN 4. ALL PIPE JOINTS WITHIN 10 FT. OF A BEND SHALL BE RESTAINED USING TIE RODS Title: Standard Plate Library Blocking for Watermain City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 -� Revised: 2002 - — 03-17 O i A.:,, L m y I a a M xp o �� oa 5 O o �2 N Y o w r=1=—I �L a a w rrc Z po <J O a Of W z F Y O � LL ma O J o �3 Title: Standard Plate Library Riprap Detail City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Revised: 4009 4009 03-15 O TOP OF PROPOSED SUBGRADE THE TOP 3' SHALL BE COMPACTED AT A MIN OF 1008 OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY (MN/DOT 21°5) A MAX OF 2' LIFTS TO BE WETTED AND CONSOLIDATED BY VIBRATORY MEANS AND COMPACTED TO A MIN OF 95R OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY (MN/DOT 2105) 4' COVER COMPACTED TO 95Y. OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY WITHOUT THE USE OF HEAVY ROLLER EQUIPMENT _F 0- •:: GRANULAR BEDDING AS PER MN/DOT 3149.2E GRANUUR FOUNDATION WHERE ORDERED BY THE ENGINEER SHOVEL, PLACE, AND HAND COMPACT AROUND PIPE TO 12" ABOVE PIPE. VIBRATORY COMPACTION REQUIRED EACH SIDE OF PIPE. AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. Title: :Standard Plate LibraryTypical Trench Compactionand Class B Beddinity of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Revised: 03-15 1007 IT STEEL T -STYLE FENCE POST PAINTED BLUE WITH AN OIL BASED PAINT AND MINIMUM 2" REFLECTORIZED TAPE (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE POST TO MARK CURB STOP. TO BE INSTALLED AT THE TIME OF CURB STOP INSTALLATION (INCIDENTAL) 4 STREET o 4 12' a 12' AS REQUIRED AS REQUIRED GROUND UNE 11'- 0' 11'- 0' GROUND LINE 2' L CURB BOX WITH 1'- 1 1/4 "STANDPIPE AND STATIONARY ROD 7'- 6" MIN COVER 1' CORP. COCK BRICK 1' COPPER 1" COPPER BRICK 4' X 8" X 2" WATERMAIN 4" X 8' X 2" CAP CURB STOP WITH BLANK SWG (TYPICAL) NOTE: ATTACH SHUT OF ROD TO CURB STOP SEE SPEC. rile: Typical Water Standard Plate Library Service City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate "°• Revised: 2006 2006 � � CHIMNEY SEALS (INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL) "CRETEX OR APPROVED EQUAL" STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER GROUTING BETWEEN PIPE AND MANHOLE BARREL SHALL BE WITH NON -SHRINKING CEMENT ALL MANHOLES WITH ADJUSTING RINGS INSIDE DROP SECTION MIN 4' -MAX 12" SHALL BE 5' DIA (I.D.) 27 DIA 8 MANHOLE SECTION TO BE ASTM C-478 CUSS II e CIRCULAR REINF I LATEST REVISION � 5 48' DIA USE R-2 JOINT FOR ALL MANHOLE JOINTS � STEPS AT 16" OC� 8' "CRE -SEAL'; RESEAL', OR APPROVED EQUAL o B" PRECAST GASKET CONNECTION SHALL BE USED FOR CONNECTION PIPE TO MANHOLE CVARIABLE MAX. 24" Q 6' MIN PRECAST BOTTOM SECTION � � CHIMNEY SEALS (INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL) "CRETEX OR APPROVED EQUAL" STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER GROUTING BETWEEN PIPE AND MANHOLE BARREL SHALL BE WITH NON -SHRINKING CEMENT ALL MANHOLES WITH ADJUSTING RINGS INSIDE DROP SECTION MIN 4' -MAX 12" SHALL BE 5' DIA (I.D.) 27 DIA 8 MANHOLE SECTION TO BE ASTM C-478 CUSS II e CIRCULAR REINF I LATEST REVISION � 5 48' DIA USE R-2 JOINT FOR ALL MANHOLE JOINTS � STEPS AT 16" OC� 8' "CRE -SEAL'; RESEAL', OR APPROVED EQUAL o B" PRECAST GASKET CONNECTION SHALL BE USED FOR CONNECTION PIPE TO MANHOLE CVARIABLE MAX. 24" Q 6' MIN PRECAST BOTTOM SECTION WITH INVERT �5 AT 12° OC EACH WAY STANDARD MANHOLE FOR SANITARY SEWER NO SCALE NOTES: 01 MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE CAST IRON OR MA MODEL PS -I -PF (BY MA INDUSTRIAL INC.) CONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS AND SPACED 16" OC. Q2 IF DROP IS GREATER THAN 24° INCHES, USE OUTSIDE DROP. rile: Standard Sanitary Standard Plate Library � Manhole City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 3001 Revised: 03-15 N O N O Z A D A 35-1/4" 43" O � PLAN CASTING TO BE SET 0.10' � BELOW GUTTER ELEVATION O INSTALL INFRA SHIELD CURB IN FRAME AND CURB BOX (OR APPROVED EQUAL) STANDARD CASTING -NEENAH R -3067-V rn EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL v / ADJUSTING RINGS 4° MIN - 12" MAX ENCASE WITH CONCRETE � MANHOLE COVER TO BE 48° OW COLOR CRETEX TYPE 11 WITH 24'x 36" 6" OPENING +15" 24' 9" a� O � CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REQUIRED ON OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE Ci DU CD I +48" P AND PIPE CONNECTION +DIMENSION VARIES •� BASED ON STRUCTURE DIAMETER I� RCP PIPE \ CONCRETE CATCH BASIN MANHOLE NOTES: AND BASE TO BE CRETEX O TYPE 433B OR APPROVED EQUAL 1. BASE TO BE GROUTED TO FORM A SMOOTH INVERT TO OUTLET. SECTION 2. PIPE CUT-OUTS TO BE LOCATED WHERE 0 -) REQUIRED. V/ CATCH BASIN MANHOLES REQUIRED IN GREEN SPACES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF 0 PRECAST CONCRETE ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH Mn/DOT STANDARD PLATE 40061. O THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R-4342. N CATCH BASIN MANHOLES LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH AN ECCENTRIC TOP SLAB WITH A 27" ROUND OPENING. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEE AH R -3508-A2. X Title: Standard Plate Library Catch Basin Manhole E City of Monticello Date: Plate No. � 03-05 � Revised: 4003 4003 STEEL T- TYLE FENCE POST PAINTED GREEN WITH AN OIL BASED PAINT AND A MINIMUM 2" REFLECTORIZED TAPE (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE POST TO MARK THE SERVICE STUB TO BE INSTALLED AT THE TIME OF SERVICE DEPTH OF COVER OVER INSTALLATION (INCIDENTAL) 4" OR 6" PVC TOP OF PIPE TO SUIT 4" FIELD CONDITIONS MIN PIPE SHALL BE COMPLETELY ENTRENCHED AND SHALL HAVE CLASS "B" BEDDING WHERE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER is 6" SEE JOINT DETAIL BELOW MIN R 4. PLACE NEARLY HORIZONTAL FOR LOW 12 BASEMENTS AND SHALLOW SEWER AS DRAINAGE AND DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER UTILITY EASEMENT GROUND , LINE TYPICAL SERVICE WHERE COVER OVER TOP OF SEWER IS 12' OR LESS 2' NOTES: 5 PVC = POLY-WNri CHLORIDE SDR 26 DEPTH OF COVER OVER TOP OF PIPE TO SUIT ALL SERVICE CONNECTIONS INCLUDING NECESSARY FIELD CONDITIONS BENDS AND SPECIAL FITTINGS SHALL BE PAID FOR AT THE CONTRACT UNIT PRICE RID PER LINEAR FOOT OF 4" OR 6". NO ADDITIONAL COMPEN54TION SHALL BE ALLOWED FOR CONCRETE ENCASEMENT OR PIPE BEDDING. 4" OR 6" PVC 45'BEND WYE ELEV TO BE SET BY THE ENGINEER -CONTRACTOR 4" / L" i0 VERIFY PRIOR TO BURY MIN PIPE SHALL BE COMPLETELY ENTRENCHED AND SHALL HAVE CUSS °B" BEDDING WHERE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER CONCRETE ENCASEMENT _ (TYPICAL) SEE DETAIL BELOW FOR B" CAULKING BETWEEN MIN - DISSIMILAR PIPES TYPICAL SERVICE WHERE COVER OVER ADAPTER TO BE RESILIENT TOP OF SEWER IS 12' OR MORE ASTM C425-64 TYPE III OR APPROVED EQUAL FOR DISSIMILAR PIPES '�•� CONCRETE ENCASEMENT (TYPICAL) PVC WE �---- VCP TO PVC FERNCO ENCASED IN CONCRETE SHALL BE REQUIRED WHEN CONNECTING TO EXISTING VCP SEWER MAIN (INCIDENTAL). CONCRETE ENCASEMENT� • DETAIL • \ (TYPICAL) `THRUST BLOCKING FOR CLEANING EQUIPMENT Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Service Connection City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 3004 03-15 Al TYPICAL HOLE LOCATIONS 4" DIA 4' DIA 120' 9P 160' CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE WITH PROTECTIVE WRAP PVCPP WITH PROTECTIVE WRAP 6" B/C� BITUMINOUS SURFACE AGGREGATE BASE Q1.51 GRANULAR SUBGRADE 1' 4� ® 4" PERFORATED P.E. PIPE WITH FABRIC TYPICAL ENCASED WITH COARSE AGGREGATE(MNDOT 3149.2H). INSTALL WHERE CLAY SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE ROADWAY SUBGRADE, LOW POINTS IN ROADWAY OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. Title: Standard Plate Library Perforated P.E. Pipe With Fabric City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 4006 4006 STREET BUILDING INSTALLED BY PRIVATE CONTRACT INSTALLED AS PER Cltt CONTRACT TRACER WIRE LOCATE BOX GROUND UNE I TRACER WIRE SPLICE I CURB BOX STANDPIPE I I COPPER -CUD STEEL AWG 12 GAUGE I 2' SPOOL COPPER -CIAO STEEL AWG 12 TRACER WIRE 30 NIL HIGH DENSITY ' GAUGE TRACER WIRE 30 MIL HIGH DENSITY I PO ME GREEN COLORED JACKET POLYETHYLENE GREEN COLORED JACKET I TO BE PROVIDED UNDER PRIVATE I TO BE PROVIDE UNDER CITY CONTRACT CONTRACT ; \ 1 COPPER WATERMAIN COPPER -CUD STEEL AWG 12 GAUGE TRACER WIRE 30 MIL HIGH DENSITY PoLYETHLNE GREEN COLORED JACKET TO BE PROVIDED UNDER CITY CONTRACT SANDARY SERWCE MAINLINE SANITARY SEWER Title: Tracer Wire Standard Plate Library (New Developments) City of Monticello Date: o3—os Plate "°• R8V1SOd:03-15 3005 NOTE: THIS DRAWING IS TYPICAL FOR ALL FLARED END SECTIONS 24' OR LARGER SHEET PILING AS SHOWN SHALIS L BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO FLARED END. NUTS AND BOLTS ON TRASH GUARD MUST REMAIN EXPOSED. 12" 4000 PSI CONCRETE (TYP) TIE LAST 3 JOINTS ON i� -I IN AND OUREI �) (3) 1 1/4 'HOLES USE (3) 1" BOLTS AND TIE TO CONCRETE ABUTMENT 5/8' TIE FOR PIPES 12' TO 2J' PLAN 3/4' PE FOR PIPES 30' TO 66' 1" TIE FOR PIPES OVER 30' 4000 PSI CONCRETE (3) 1 1/4 "HOLES USE (3) 1' BOL AND TIE TO CONCRETE ABUTMENT /4 REBPR EACH FACE - (lYP) I1 I SHEET PILING NTERLOCK _�4 REBAR EACH FACE w 10 GAUGE MINIMUM - L OUTSIDE WIDTH OF END I f SEC110N PLUS 4'- 0 PROVIDE OPENING WHEN POURING CONCRETE TO ATTACH TRASH GUARD ELEVATION Title: Standard Plate Library Piling for Flared End Section City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Revised: 4008 4008 :2 � CASTING [ADJUSTING RINGS 4' MIN - 12" MAX STANDARD FRAME &COVER INSTALL INFRA SHIELD (OR APPROVED EQUAL) ROADWAY SURFACE EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL SEE MnDOT STANDARD PLATE 4020 FOR COVER REQUIREMENTS WALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE CLASS II PRECAST PIPE, EXCEPT 48" DIA MAY BE ASTM C 478 CONCRETE PIPE. SEE MnDOT STANDARD o z 8" CAST -IN-PLACE PLATE 3000 (NO TONGUE OR GROOVE AT TOP � ® CONCRETE OR BOTTOM OF THIS SECTION). CAST -IN-PLACE � CONCRETE OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION 4' TO 10• (BRICK OR BLOCK) ALLOWED ONLY IF APPROVED a y BY ENGINEER o CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REQUIRED ON � OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE AND PIPE CONNECTION O S PL STRUCTURE 8" POURED CONCRETE BASE, FOR ALTERNATE PRECAST CONCRETE BASE. SEE MnDOT STANDARD PLATE 4011 (MODIFY DIAMETER AND 2" RAISED AREA TO FIT REQUIRED DIAMETER. O REFER TO STANDARD PLANS FOR HEIGHT AND DIAMETER REQUIRED. O2 MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE CAST IRON OR MA MODEL PS—I—PF (BY MA INDUSTRIAL INC.) CONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS AND SPACED 16" OC. Q MINIMUM STEEL REINFORCEMENT e" ® EQUIVALENT STEEL AREA IN WIRE MESH MANHOLE MANHOLE; MAY BE USED OR ': PLASTERED OR CATCH EXTERIOR CATCH © GENERAL DIMENSIONS FOR CONCRETE APPLY BASIN BASIN TO BRICK AND CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT DIA IA CONSTRUCTION ALSO, EXCEPT AS NOTED. SEWER BRICK (MnDOT SPEC 3616) BLOCK ® 12" MINIMUM FOR PRECAST, 3 BRICKS OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION 1 BLOCK MINIMUM FOR MASONRY CONSTUCTION © REINFORCEMENT AS PER MnDOT SPEC 3301, GRADE 60. Title: Standard Plate Library Standard Manhole for Storm Sewer City of Monticello Dote: Plate No. Revised: 03-17 4001 03-17 J 35 1/4 43' CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX NEENAH LA0. R -306]-V PLAN 4" CONCRETE COLLAR ALL STORM SEWER CASTING ELEVATIONS INSTALMORRIS Mill 111112111111 L INFRA SHIELD SHOWN ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN (OR APPROVED EQUAL) DEPRESSED 0.10' BELOW GUTTER EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ELEVATION (SEE DETAIL 5003) ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12° MAX ENCASE IN CONCRETE 5• COLLAR USE CONCRETE CURB MIX FOR COLLAR 24" FINISH 11 GRADE 2 2" 5' ' 34 4' MIN 1r¢. 4 MIN 5 4' CONCRETE COLUft Notes: SECTION A -A POUR A 3" TO 4" CONCRETE COLOR AROUND RINGS EXTENDING FROM THE CASTING TO THE PRECAST SECTION CATCH BASINS LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE TYPE MnDOT DESIGN H. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Title: Standard Plate Library Standard Catch Basin City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Revised: 4002 03-17 R W 60. R 12' OR 14' 30', 32' OR 36' FACE TO FACE ® VARIES MODIFIED DESIGN D CURB GUTTER 6° � SVOPi i 4.00R 2.007 2.00% A'� F -W A� 4" TOPSOIL, SEED, ANO MULCH OR SOD 10 (TYPICAL) 2' 1 1/2 "TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE TACK COAT MNDOT 235] 2° TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS NON-WEMING COURSE 6" CU55 V GRAVEL (MODIFIED) 12" TO 24" SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (2'- 6' BEHIND CURB) 6" MINIMUM SCARIFY AND COMPACT SUBGRADE TYPICAL SECTION URBAN RESIDENTIAL 01 2 ROLLS OF SOD TO BE PLACED BEHIND CURB AND SIDEWALK/TRAIL. THE USE AND THICKNESS OF SELECT GRANULAR BORROW IS BASED ON EXISTING SOIL COND IONS AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. © STREET WIDTH TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. ® 6" PERFORATED P.E. PIPE WITH FABRIC. INSTALL WHERE CUY SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE ROADWAY SUBGRADE OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. SEE PLATE 400fi FOR DETAILS Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Street Residential (Minor) City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Reviaed:03-17 5002 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com W O LL.I Z Z Z J O w 0 Z W J Q 5� Q J a oc Q Z J W a In Z Q W F— SLw I / Z 5W a O W W a I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DATA DESIGNED: DN DRAWN: ST PROJECT LA0: 219-0117 11 SHEET 1 1 OF 13 STEEL T- TYLE FENCE POST PAINTED GREEN WITH AN OIL BASED PAINT AND A MINIMUM 2" REFLECTORIZED TAPE (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE POST TO MARK THE SERVICE STUB TO BE INSTALLED AT THE TIME OF SERVICE DEPTH OF COVER OVER INSTALLATION (INCIDENTAL) 4" OR 6" PVC TOP OF PIPE TO SUIT 4" FIELD CONDITIONS MIN PIPE SHALL BE COMPLETELY ENTRENCHED AND SHALL HAVE CLASS "B" BEDDING WHERE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER is 6" SEE JOINT DETAIL BELOW MIN R 4. PLACE NEARLY HORIZONTAL FOR LOW 12 BASEMENTS AND SHALLOW SEWER AS DRAINAGE AND DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER UTILITY EASEMENT GROUND , LINE TYPICAL SERVICE WHERE COVER OVER TOP OF SEWER IS 12' OR LESS 2' NOTES: 5 PVC = POLY-WNri CHLORIDE SDR 26 DEPTH OF COVER OVER TOP OF PIPE TO SUIT ALL SERVICE CONNECTIONS INCLUDING NECESSARY FIELD CONDITIONS BENDS AND SPECIAL FITTINGS SHALL BE PAID FOR AT THE CONTRACT UNIT PRICE RID PER LINEAR FOOT OF 4" OR 6". NO ADDITIONAL COMPEN54TION SHALL BE ALLOWED FOR CONCRETE ENCASEMENT OR PIPE BEDDING. 4" OR 6" PVC 45'BEND WYE ELEV TO BE SET BY THE ENGINEER -CONTRACTOR 4" / L" i0 VERIFY PRIOR TO BURY MIN PIPE SHALL BE COMPLETELY ENTRENCHED AND SHALL HAVE CUSS °B" BEDDING WHERE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER CONCRETE ENCASEMENT _ (TYPICAL) SEE DETAIL BELOW FOR B" CAULKING BETWEEN MIN - DISSIMILAR PIPES TYPICAL SERVICE WHERE COVER OVER ADAPTER TO BE RESILIENT TOP OF SEWER IS 12' OR MORE ASTM C425-64 TYPE III OR APPROVED EQUAL FOR DISSIMILAR PIPES '�•� CONCRETE ENCASEMENT (TYPICAL) PVC WE �---- VCP TO PVC FERNCO ENCASED IN CONCRETE SHALL BE REQUIRED WHEN CONNECTING TO EXISTING VCP SEWER MAIN (INCIDENTAL). CONCRETE ENCASEMENT� • DETAIL • \ (TYPICAL) `THRUST BLOCKING FOR CLEANING EQUIPMENT Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Service Connection City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 3004 03-15 Al TYPICAL HOLE LOCATIONS 4" DIA 4' DIA 120' 9P 160' CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE WITH PROTECTIVE WRAP PVCPP WITH PROTECTIVE WRAP 6" B/C� BITUMINOUS SURFACE AGGREGATE BASE Q1.51 GRANULAR SUBGRADE 1' 4� ® 4" PERFORATED P.E. PIPE WITH FABRIC TYPICAL ENCASED WITH COARSE AGGREGATE(MNDOT 3149.2H). INSTALL WHERE CLAY SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE ROADWAY SUBGRADE, LOW POINTS IN ROADWAY OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. Title: Standard Plate Library Perforated P.E. Pipe With Fabric City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 4006 4006 STREET BUILDING INSTALLED BY PRIVATE CONTRACT INSTALLED AS PER Cltt CONTRACT TRACER WIRE LOCATE BOX GROUND UNE I TRACER WIRE SPLICE I CURB BOX STANDPIPE I I COPPER -CUD STEEL AWG 12 GAUGE I 2' SPOOL COPPER -CIAO STEEL AWG 12 TRACER WIRE 30 NIL HIGH DENSITY ' GAUGE TRACER WIRE 30 MIL HIGH DENSITY I PO ME GREEN COLORED JACKET POLYETHYLENE GREEN COLORED JACKET I TO BE PROVIDED UNDER PRIVATE I TO BE PROVIDE UNDER CITY CONTRACT CONTRACT ; \ 1 COPPER WATERMAIN COPPER -CUD STEEL AWG 12 GAUGE TRACER WIRE 30 MIL HIGH DENSITY PoLYETHLNE GREEN COLORED JACKET TO BE PROVIDED UNDER CITY CONTRACT SANDARY SERWCE MAINLINE SANITARY SEWER Title: Tracer Wire Standard Plate Library (New Developments) City of Monticello Date: o3—os Plate "°• R8V1SOd:03-15 3005 NOTE: THIS DRAWING IS TYPICAL FOR ALL FLARED END SECTIONS 24' OR LARGER SHEET PILING AS SHOWN SHALIS L BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO FLARED END. NUTS AND BOLTS ON TRASH GUARD MUST REMAIN EXPOSED. 12" 4000 PSI CONCRETE (TYP) TIE LAST 3 JOINTS ON i� -I IN AND OUREI �) (3) 1 1/4 'HOLES USE (3) 1" BOLTS AND TIE TO CONCRETE ABUTMENT 5/8' TIE FOR PIPES 12' TO 2J' PLAN 3/4' PE FOR PIPES 30' TO 66' 1" TIE FOR PIPES OVER 30' 4000 PSI CONCRETE (3) 1 1/4 "HOLES USE (3) 1' BOL AND TIE TO CONCRETE ABUTMENT /4 REBPR EACH FACE - (lYP) I1 I SHEET PILING NTERLOCK _�4 REBAR EACH FACE w 10 GAUGE MINIMUM - L OUTSIDE WIDTH OF END I f SEC110N PLUS 4'- 0 PROVIDE OPENING WHEN POURING CONCRETE TO ATTACH TRASH GUARD ELEVATION Title: Standard Plate Library Piling for Flared End Section City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Revised: 4008 4008 :2 � CASTING [ADJUSTING RINGS 4' MIN - 12" MAX STANDARD FRAME &COVER INSTALL INFRA SHIELD (OR APPROVED EQUAL) ROADWAY SURFACE EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL SEE MnDOT STANDARD PLATE 4020 FOR COVER REQUIREMENTS WALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE CLASS II PRECAST PIPE, EXCEPT 48" DIA MAY BE ASTM C 478 CONCRETE PIPE. SEE MnDOT STANDARD o z 8" CAST -IN-PLACE PLATE 3000 (NO TONGUE OR GROOVE AT TOP � ® CONCRETE OR BOTTOM OF THIS SECTION). CAST -IN-PLACE � CONCRETE OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION 4' TO 10• (BRICK OR BLOCK) ALLOWED ONLY IF APPROVED a y BY ENGINEER o CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REQUIRED ON � OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE AND PIPE CONNECTION O S PL STRUCTURE 8" POURED CONCRETE BASE, FOR ALTERNATE PRECAST CONCRETE BASE. SEE MnDOT STANDARD PLATE 4011 (MODIFY DIAMETER AND 2" RAISED AREA TO FIT REQUIRED DIAMETER. O REFER TO STANDARD PLANS FOR HEIGHT AND DIAMETER REQUIRED. O2 MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE CAST IRON OR MA MODEL PS—I—PF (BY MA INDUSTRIAL INC.) CONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS AND SPACED 16" OC. Q MINIMUM STEEL REINFORCEMENT e" ® EQUIVALENT STEEL AREA IN WIRE MESH MANHOLE MANHOLE; MAY BE USED OR ': PLASTERED OR CATCH EXTERIOR CATCH © GENERAL DIMENSIONS FOR CONCRETE APPLY BASIN BASIN TO BRICK AND CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT DIA IA CONSTRUCTION ALSO, EXCEPT AS NOTED. SEWER BRICK (MnDOT SPEC 3616) BLOCK ® 12" MINIMUM FOR PRECAST, 3 BRICKS OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION 1 BLOCK MINIMUM FOR MASONRY CONSTUCTION © REINFORCEMENT AS PER MnDOT SPEC 3301, GRADE 60. Title: Standard Plate Library Standard Manhole for Storm Sewer City of Monticello Dote: Plate No. Revised: 03-17 4001 03-17 J 35 1/4 43' CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX NEENAH LA0. R -306]-V PLAN 4" CONCRETE COLLAR ALL STORM SEWER CASTING ELEVATIONS INSTALMORRIS Mill 111112111111 L INFRA SHIELD SHOWN ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN (OR APPROVED EQUAL) DEPRESSED 0.10' BELOW GUTTER EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ELEVATION (SEE DETAIL 5003) ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12° MAX ENCASE IN CONCRETE 5• COLLAR USE CONCRETE CURB MIX FOR COLLAR 24" FINISH 11 GRADE 2 2" 5' ' 34 4' MIN 1r¢. 4 MIN 5 4' CONCRETE COLUft Notes: SECTION A -A POUR A 3" TO 4" CONCRETE COLOR AROUND RINGS EXTENDING FROM THE CASTING TO THE PRECAST SECTION CATCH BASINS LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE TYPE MnDOT DESIGN H. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Title: Standard Plate Library Standard Catch Basin City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Revised: 4002 03-17 R W 60. R 12' OR 14' 30', 32' OR 36' FACE TO FACE ® VARIES MODIFIED DESIGN D CURB GUTTER 6° � SVOPi i 4.00R 2.007 2.00% A'� F -W A� 4" TOPSOIL, SEED, ANO MULCH OR SOD 10 (TYPICAL) 2' 1 1/2 "TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE TACK COAT MNDOT 235] 2° TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS NON-WEMING COURSE 6" CU55 V GRAVEL (MODIFIED) 12" TO 24" SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (2'- 6' BEHIND CURB) 6" MINIMUM SCARIFY AND COMPACT SUBGRADE TYPICAL SECTION URBAN RESIDENTIAL 01 2 ROLLS OF SOD TO BE PLACED BEHIND CURB AND SIDEWALK/TRAIL. THE USE AND THICKNESS OF SELECT GRANULAR BORROW IS BASED ON EXISTING SOIL COND IONS AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. © STREET WIDTH TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. ® 6" PERFORATED P.E. PIPE WITH FABRIC. INSTALL WHERE CUY SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE ROADWAY SUBGRADE OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. SEE PLATE 400fi FOR DETAILS Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Street Residential (Minor) City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Reviaed:03-17 5002 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com W O LL.I Z Z Z J O w 0 Z W J Q 5� Q J a oc Q Z J W a In Z Q W F— SLw I / Z 5W a O W W a I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DATA DESIGNED: DN DRAWN: ST PROJECT LA0: 219-0117 11 SHEET 1 1 OF 13 TYPICAL HOLE LOCATIONS 4" DIA 4' DIA 120' 9P 160' CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE WITH PROTECTIVE WRAP PVCPP WITH PROTECTIVE WRAP 6" B/C� BITUMINOUS SURFACE AGGREGATE BASE Q1.51 GRANULAR SUBGRADE 1' 4� ® 4" PERFORATED P.E. PIPE WITH FABRIC TYPICAL ENCASED WITH COARSE AGGREGATE(MNDOT 3149.2H). INSTALL WHERE CLAY SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE ROADWAY SUBGRADE, LOW POINTS IN ROADWAY OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. Title: Standard Plate Library Perforated P.E. Pipe With Fabric City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 4006 4006 STREET BUILDING INSTALLED BY PRIVATE CONTRACT INSTALLED AS PER Cltt CONTRACT TRACER WIRE LOCATE BOX GROUND UNE I TRACER WIRE SPLICE I CURB BOX STANDPIPE I I COPPER -CUD STEEL AWG 12 GAUGE I 2' SPOOL COPPER -CIAO STEEL AWG 12 TRACER WIRE 30 NIL HIGH DENSITY ' GAUGE TRACER WIRE 30 MIL HIGH DENSITY I PO ME GREEN COLORED JACKET POLYETHYLENE GREEN COLORED JACKET I TO BE PROVIDED UNDER PRIVATE I TO BE PROVIDE UNDER CITY CONTRACT CONTRACT ; \ 1 COPPER WATERMAIN COPPER -CUD STEEL AWG 12 GAUGE TRACER WIRE 30 MIL HIGH DENSITY PoLYETHLNE GREEN COLORED JACKET TO BE PROVIDED UNDER CITY CONTRACT SANDARY SERWCE MAINLINE SANITARY SEWER Title: Tracer Wire Standard Plate Library (New Developments) City of Monticello Date: o3—os Plate "°• R8V1SOd:03-15 3005 NOTE: THIS DRAWING IS TYPICAL FOR ALL FLARED END SECTIONS 24' OR LARGER SHEET PILING AS SHOWN SHALIS L BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO FLARED END. NUTS AND BOLTS ON TRASH GUARD MUST REMAIN EXPOSED. 12" 4000 PSI CONCRETE (TYP) TIE LAST 3 JOINTS ON i� -I IN AND OUREI �) (3) 1 1/4 'HOLES USE (3) 1" BOLTS AND TIE TO CONCRETE ABUTMENT 5/8' TIE FOR PIPES 12' TO 2J' PLAN 3/4' PE FOR PIPES 30' TO 66' 1" TIE FOR PIPES OVER 30' 4000 PSI CONCRETE (3) 1 1/4 "HOLES USE (3) 1' BOL AND TIE TO CONCRETE ABUTMENT /4 REBPR EACH FACE - (lYP) I1 I SHEET PILING NTERLOCK _�4 REBAR EACH FACE w 10 GAUGE MINIMUM - L OUTSIDE WIDTH OF END I f SEC110N PLUS 4'- 0 PROVIDE OPENING WHEN POURING CONCRETE TO ATTACH TRASH GUARD ELEVATION Title: Standard Plate Library Piling for Flared End Section City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Revised: 4008 4008 :2 � CASTING [ADJUSTING RINGS 4' MIN - 12" MAX STANDARD FRAME &COVER INSTALL INFRA SHIELD (OR APPROVED EQUAL) ROADWAY SURFACE EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL SEE MnDOT STANDARD PLATE 4020 FOR COVER REQUIREMENTS WALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE CLASS II PRECAST PIPE, EXCEPT 48" DIA MAY BE ASTM C 478 CONCRETE PIPE. SEE MnDOT STANDARD o z 8" CAST -IN-PLACE PLATE 3000 (NO TONGUE OR GROOVE AT TOP � ® CONCRETE OR BOTTOM OF THIS SECTION). CAST -IN-PLACE � CONCRETE OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION 4' TO 10• (BRICK OR BLOCK) ALLOWED ONLY IF APPROVED a y BY ENGINEER o CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REQUIRED ON � OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE AND PIPE CONNECTION O S PL STRUCTURE 8" POURED CONCRETE BASE, FOR ALTERNATE PRECAST CONCRETE BASE. SEE MnDOT STANDARD PLATE 4011 (MODIFY DIAMETER AND 2" RAISED AREA TO FIT REQUIRED DIAMETER. O REFER TO STANDARD PLANS FOR HEIGHT AND DIAMETER REQUIRED. O2 MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE CAST IRON OR MA MODEL PS—I—PF (BY MA INDUSTRIAL INC.) CONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS AND SPACED 16" OC. Q MINIMUM STEEL REINFORCEMENT e" ® EQUIVALENT STEEL AREA IN WIRE MESH MANHOLE MANHOLE; MAY BE USED OR ': PLASTERED OR CATCH EXTERIOR CATCH © GENERAL DIMENSIONS FOR CONCRETE APPLY BASIN BASIN TO BRICK AND CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT DIA IA CONSTRUCTION ALSO, EXCEPT AS NOTED. SEWER BRICK (MnDOT SPEC 3616) BLOCK ® 12" MINIMUM FOR PRECAST, 3 BRICKS OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION 1 BLOCK MINIMUM FOR MASONRY CONSTUCTION © REINFORCEMENT AS PER MnDOT SPEC 3301, GRADE 60. Title: Standard Plate Library Standard Manhole for Storm Sewer City of Monticello Dote: Plate No. Revised: 03-17 4001 03-17 J 35 1/4 43' CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX NEENAH LA0. R -306]-V PLAN 4" CONCRETE COLLAR ALL STORM SEWER CASTING ELEVATIONS INSTALMORRIS Mill 111112111111 L INFRA SHIELD SHOWN ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN (OR APPROVED EQUAL) DEPRESSED 0.10' BELOW GUTTER EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ELEVATION (SEE DETAIL 5003) ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12° MAX ENCASE IN CONCRETE 5• COLLAR USE CONCRETE CURB MIX FOR COLLAR 24" FINISH 11 GRADE 2 2" 5' ' 34 4' MIN 1r¢. 4 MIN 5 4' CONCRETE COLUft Notes: SECTION A -A POUR A 3" TO 4" CONCRETE COLOR AROUND RINGS EXTENDING FROM THE CASTING TO THE PRECAST SECTION CATCH BASINS LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE TYPE MnDOT DESIGN H. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Title: Standard Plate Library Standard Catch Basin City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Revised: 4002 03-17 R W 60. R 12' OR 14' 30', 32' OR 36' FACE TO FACE ® VARIES MODIFIED DESIGN D CURB GUTTER 6° � SVOPi i 4.00R 2.007 2.00% A'� F -W A� 4" TOPSOIL, SEED, ANO MULCH OR SOD 10 (TYPICAL) 2' 1 1/2 "TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE TACK COAT MNDOT 235] 2° TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS NON-WEMING COURSE 6" CU55 V GRAVEL (MODIFIED) 12" TO 24" SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (2'- 6' BEHIND CURB) 6" MINIMUM SCARIFY AND COMPACT SUBGRADE TYPICAL SECTION URBAN RESIDENTIAL 01 2 ROLLS OF SOD TO BE PLACED BEHIND CURB AND SIDEWALK/TRAIL. THE USE AND THICKNESS OF SELECT GRANULAR BORROW IS BASED ON EXISTING SOIL COND IONS AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. © STREET WIDTH TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. ® 6" PERFORATED P.E. PIPE WITH FABRIC. INSTALL WHERE CUY SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE ROADWAY SUBGRADE OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. SEE PLATE 400fi FOR DETAILS Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Street Residential (Minor) City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Reviaed:03-17 5002 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com W O LL.I Z Z Z J O w 0 Z W J Q 5� Q J a oc Q Z J W a In Z Q W F— SLw I / Z 5W a O W W a I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DATA DESIGNED: DN DRAWN: ST PROJECT LA0: 219-0117 11 SHEET 1 1 OF 13 STREET BUILDING INSTALLED BY PRIVATE CONTRACT INSTALLED AS PER Cltt CONTRACT TRACER WIRE LOCATE BOX GROUND UNE I TRACER WIRE SPLICE I CURB BOX STANDPIPE I I COPPER -CUD STEEL AWG 12 GAUGE I 2' SPOOL COPPER -CIAO STEEL AWG 12 TRACER WIRE 30 NIL HIGH DENSITY ' GAUGE TRACER WIRE 30 MIL HIGH DENSITY I PO ME GREEN COLORED JACKET POLYETHYLENE GREEN COLORED JACKET I TO BE PROVIDED UNDER PRIVATE I TO BE PROVIDE UNDER CITY CONTRACT CONTRACT ; \ 1 COPPER WATERMAIN COPPER -CUD STEEL AWG 12 GAUGE TRACER WIRE 30 MIL HIGH DENSITY PoLYETHLNE GREEN COLORED JACKET TO BE PROVIDED UNDER CITY CONTRACT SANDARY SERWCE MAINLINE SANITARY SEWER Title: Tracer Wire Standard Plate Library (New Developments) City of Monticello Date: o3—os Plate "°• R8V1SOd:03-15 3005 NOTE: THIS DRAWING IS TYPICAL FOR ALL FLARED END SECTIONS 24' OR LARGER SHEET PILING AS SHOWN SHALIS L BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO FLARED END. NUTS AND BOLTS ON TRASH GUARD MUST REMAIN EXPOSED. 12" 4000 PSI CONCRETE (TYP) TIE LAST 3 JOINTS ON i� -I IN AND OUREI �) (3) 1 1/4 'HOLES USE (3) 1" BOLTS AND TIE TO CONCRETE ABUTMENT 5/8' TIE FOR PIPES 12' TO 2J' PLAN 3/4' PE FOR PIPES 30' TO 66' 1" TIE FOR PIPES OVER 30' 4000 PSI CONCRETE (3) 1 1/4 "HOLES USE (3) 1' BOL AND TIE TO CONCRETE ABUTMENT /4 REBPR EACH FACE - (lYP) I1 I SHEET PILING NTERLOCK _�4 REBAR EACH FACE w 10 GAUGE MINIMUM - L OUTSIDE WIDTH OF END I f SEC110N PLUS 4'- 0 PROVIDE OPENING WHEN POURING CONCRETE TO ATTACH TRASH GUARD ELEVATION Title: Standard Plate Library Piling for Flared End Section City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Revised: 4008 4008 :2 � CASTING [ADJUSTING RINGS 4' MIN - 12" MAX STANDARD FRAME &COVER INSTALL INFRA SHIELD (OR APPROVED EQUAL) ROADWAY SURFACE EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL SEE MnDOT STANDARD PLATE 4020 FOR COVER REQUIREMENTS WALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE CLASS II PRECAST PIPE, EXCEPT 48" DIA MAY BE ASTM C 478 CONCRETE PIPE. SEE MnDOT STANDARD o z 8" CAST -IN-PLACE PLATE 3000 (NO TONGUE OR GROOVE AT TOP � ® CONCRETE OR BOTTOM OF THIS SECTION). CAST -IN-PLACE � CONCRETE OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION 4' TO 10• (BRICK OR BLOCK) ALLOWED ONLY IF APPROVED a y BY ENGINEER o CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REQUIRED ON � OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE AND PIPE CONNECTION O S PL STRUCTURE 8" POURED CONCRETE BASE, FOR ALTERNATE PRECAST CONCRETE BASE. SEE MnDOT STANDARD PLATE 4011 (MODIFY DIAMETER AND 2" RAISED AREA TO FIT REQUIRED DIAMETER. O REFER TO STANDARD PLANS FOR HEIGHT AND DIAMETER REQUIRED. O2 MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE CAST IRON OR MA MODEL PS—I—PF (BY MA INDUSTRIAL INC.) CONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS AND SPACED 16" OC. Q MINIMUM STEEL REINFORCEMENT e" ® EQUIVALENT STEEL AREA IN WIRE MESH MANHOLE MANHOLE; MAY BE USED OR ': PLASTERED OR CATCH EXTERIOR CATCH © GENERAL DIMENSIONS FOR CONCRETE APPLY BASIN BASIN TO BRICK AND CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT DIA IA CONSTRUCTION ALSO, EXCEPT AS NOTED. SEWER BRICK (MnDOT SPEC 3616) BLOCK ® 12" MINIMUM FOR PRECAST, 3 BRICKS OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION 1 BLOCK MINIMUM FOR MASONRY CONSTUCTION © REINFORCEMENT AS PER MnDOT SPEC 3301, GRADE 60. Title: Standard Plate Library Standard Manhole for Storm Sewer City of Monticello Dote: Plate No. Revised: 03-17 4001 03-17 J 35 1/4 43' CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX NEENAH LA0. R -306]-V PLAN 4" CONCRETE COLLAR ALL STORM SEWER CASTING ELEVATIONS INSTALMORRIS Mill 111112111111 L INFRA SHIELD SHOWN ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN (OR APPROVED EQUAL) DEPRESSED 0.10' BELOW GUTTER EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ELEVATION (SEE DETAIL 5003) ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12° MAX ENCASE IN CONCRETE 5• COLLAR USE CONCRETE CURB MIX FOR COLLAR 24" FINISH 11 GRADE 2 2" 5' ' 34 4' MIN 1r¢. 4 MIN 5 4' CONCRETE COLUft Notes: SECTION A -A POUR A 3" TO 4" CONCRETE COLOR AROUND RINGS EXTENDING FROM THE CASTING TO THE PRECAST SECTION CATCH BASINS LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE TYPE MnDOT DESIGN H. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Title: Standard Plate Library Standard Catch Basin City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Revised: 4002 03-17 R W 60. R 12' OR 14' 30', 32' OR 36' FACE TO FACE ® VARIES MODIFIED DESIGN D CURB GUTTER 6° � SVOPi i 4.00R 2.007 2.00% A'� F -W A� 4" TOPSOIL, SEED, ANO MULCH OR SOD 10 (TYPICAL) 2' 1 1/2 "TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE TACK COAT MNDOT 235] 2° TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS NON-WEMING COURSE 6" CU55 V GRAVEL (MODIFIED) 12" TO 24" SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (2'- 6' BEHIND CURB) 6" MINIMUM SCARIFY AND COMPACT SUBGRADE TYPICAL SECTION URBAN RESIDENTIAL 01 2 ROLLS OF SOD TO BE PLACED BEHIND CURB AND SIDEWALK/TRAIL. THE USE AND THICKNESS OF SELECT GRANULAR BORROW IS BASED ON EXISTING SOIL COND IONS AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. © STREET WIDTH TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. ® 6" PERFORATED P.E. PIPE WITH FABRIC. INSTALL WHERE CUY SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE ROADWAY SUBGRADE OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. SEE PLATE 400fi FOR DETAILS Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Street Residential (Minor) City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Reviaed:03-17 5002 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com W O LL.I Z Z Z J O w 0 Z W J Q 5� Q J a oc Q Z J W a In Z Q W F— SLw I / Z 5W a O W W a I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DATA DESIGNED: DN DRAWN: ST PROJECT LA0: 219-0117 11 SHEET 1 1 OF 13 NOTE: THIS DRAWING IS TYPICAL FOR ALL FLARED END SECTIONS 24' OR LARGER SHEET PILING AS SHOWN SHALIS L BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO FLARED END. NUTS AND BOLTS ON TRASH GUARD MUST REMAIN EXPOSED. 12" 4000 PSI CONCRETE (TYP) TIE LAST 3 JOINTS ON i� -I IN AND OUREI �) (3) 1 1/4 'HOLES USE (3) 1" BOLTS AND TIE TO CONCRETE ABUTMENT 5/8' TIE FOR PIPES 12' TO 2J' PLAN 3/4' PE FOR PIPES 30' TO 66' 1" TIE FOR PIPES OVER 30' 4000 PSI CONCRETE (3) 1 1/4 "HOLES USE (3) 1' BOL AND TIE TO CONCRETE ABUTMENT /4 REBPR EACH FACE - (lYP) I1 I SHEET PILING NTERLOCK _�4 REBAR EACH FACE w 10 GAUGE MINIMUM - L OUTSIDE WIDTH OF END I f SEC110N PLUS 4'- 0 PROVIDE OPENING WHEN POURING CONCRETE TO ATTACH TRASH GUARD ELEVATION Title: Standard Plate Library Piling for Flared End Section City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Revised: 4008 4008 :2 � CASTING [ADJUSTING RINGS 4' MIN - 12" MAX STANDARD FRAME &COVER INSTALL INFRA SHIELD (OR APPROVED EQUAL) ROADWAY SURFACE EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL SEE MnDOT STANDARD PLATE 4020 FOR COVER REQUIREMENTS WALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE CLASS II PRECAST PIPE, EXCEPT 48" DIA MAY BE ASTM C 478 CONCRETE PIPE. SEE MnDOT STANDARD o z 8" CAST -IN-PLACE PLATE 3000 (NO TONGUE OR GROOVE AT TOP � ® CONCRETE OR BOTTOM OF THIS SECTION). CAST -IN-PLACE � CONCRETE OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION 4' TO 10• (BRICK OR BLOCK) ALLOWED ONLY IF APPROVED a y BY ENGINEER o CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REQUIRED ON � OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE AND PIPE CONNECTION O S PL STRUCTURE 8" POURED CONCRETE BASE, FOR ALTERNATE PRECAST CONCRETE BASE. SEE MnDOT STANDARD PLATE 4011 (MODIFY DIAMETER AND 2" RAISED AREA TO FIT REQUIRED DIAMETER. O REFER TO STANDARD PLANS FOR HEIGHT AND DIAMETER REQUIRED. O2 MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE CAST IRON OR MA MODEL PS—I—PF (BY MA INDUSTRIAL INC.) CONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS AND SPACED 16" OC. Q MINIMUM STEEL REINFORCEMENT e" ® EQUIVALENT STEEL AREA IN WIRE MESH MANHOLE MANHOLE; MAY BE USED OR ': PLASTERED OR CATCH EXTERIOR CATCH © GENERAL DIMENSIONS FOR CONCRETE APPLY BASIN BASIN TO BRICK AND CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT DIA IA CONSTRUCTION ALSO, EXCEPT AS NOTED. SEWER BRICK (MnDOT SPEC 3616) BLOCK ® 12" MINIMUM FOR PRECAST, 3 BRICKS OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION 1 BLOCK MINIMUM FOR MASONRY CONSTUCTION © REINFORCEMENT AS PER MnDOT SPEC 3301, GRADE 60. Title: Standard Plate Library Standard Manhole for Storm Sewer City of Monticello Dote: Plate No. Revised: 03-17 4001 03-17 J 35 1/4 43' CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX NEENAH LA0. R -306]-V PLAN 4" CONCRETE COLLAR ALL STORM SEWER CASTING ELEVATIONS INSTALMORRIS Mill 111112111111 L INFRA SHIELD SHOWN ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN (OR APPROVED EQUAL) DEPRESSED 0.10' BELOW GUTTER EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ELEVATION (SEE DETAIL 5003) ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12° MAX ENCASE IN CONCRETE 5• COLLAR USE CONCRETE CURB MIX FOR COLLAR 24" FINISH 11 GRADE 2 2" 5' ' 34 4' MIN 1r¢. 4 MIN 5 4' CONCRETE COLUft Notes: SECTION A -A POUR A 3" TO 4" CONCRETE COLOR AROUND RINGS EXTENDING FROM THE CASTING TO THE PRECAST SECTION CATCH BASINS LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE TYPE MnDOT DESIGN H. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Title: Standard Plate Library Standard Catch Basin City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Revised: 4002 03-17 R W 60. R 12' OR 14' 30', 32' OR 36' FACE TO FACE ® VARIES MODIFIED DESIGN D CURB GUTTER 6° � SVOPi i 4.00R 2.007 2.00% A'� F -W A� 4" TOPSOIL, SEED, ANO MULCH OR SOD 10 (TYPICAL) 2' 1 1/2 "TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE TACK COAT MNDOT 235] 2° TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS NON-WEMING COURSE 6" CU55 V GRAVEL (MODIFIED) 12" TO 24" SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (2'- 6' BEHIND CURB) 6" MINIMUM SCARIFY AND COMPACT SUBGRADE TYPICAL SECTION URBAN RESIDENTIAL 01 2 ROLLS OF SOD TO BE PLACED BEHIND CURB AND SIDEWALK/TRAIL. THE USE AND THICKNESS OF SELECT GRANULAR BORROW IS BASED ON EXISTING SOIL COND IONS AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. © STREET WIDTH TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. ® 6" PERFORATED P.E. PIPE WITH FABRIC. INSTALL WHERE CUY SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE ROADWAY SUBGRADE OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. SEE PLATE 400fi FOR DETAILS Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Street Residential (Minor) City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Reviaed:03-17 5002 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com W O LL.I Z Z Z J O w 0 Z W J Q 5� Q J a oc Q Z J W a In Z Q W F— SLw I / Z 5W a O W W a I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DATA DESIGNED: DN DRAWN: ST PROJECT LA0: 219-0117 11 SHEET 1 1 OF 13 � CASTING [ADJUSTING RINGS 4' MIN - 12" MAX STANDARD FRAME &COVER INSTALL INFRA SHIELD (OR APPROVED EQUAL) ROADWAY SURFACE EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL SEE MnDOT STANDARD PLATE 4020 FOR COVER REQUIREMENTS WALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE CLASS II PRECAST PIPE, EXCEPT 48" DIA MAY BE ASTM C 478 CONCRETE PIPE. SEE MnDOT STANDARD o z 8" CAST -IN-PLACE PLATE 3000 (NO TONGUE OR GROOVE AT TOP � ® CONCRETE OR BOTTOM OF THIS SECTION). CAST -IN-PLACE � CONCRETE OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION 4' TO 10• (BRICK OR BLOCK) ALLOWED ONLY IF APPROVED a y BY ENGINEER o CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REQUIRED ON � OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE AND PIPE CONNECTION O S PL STRUCTURE 8" POURED CONCRETE BASE, FOR ALTERNATE PRECAST CONCRETE BASE. SEE MnDOT STANDARD PLATE 4011 (MODIFY DIAMETER AND 2" RAISED AREA TO FIT REQUIRED DIAMETER. O REFER TO STANDARD PLANS FOR HEIGHT AND DIAMETER REQUIRED. O2 MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE CAST IRON OR MA MODEL PS—I—PF (BY MA INDUSTRIAL INC.) CONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS AND SPACED 16" OC. Q MINIMUM STEEL REINFORCEMENT e" ® EQUIVALENT STEEL AREA IN WIRE MESH MANHOLE MANHOLE; MAY BE USED OR ': PLASTERED OR CATCH EXTERIOR CATCH © GENERAL DIMENSIONS FOR CONCRETE APPLY BASIN BASIN TO BRICK AND CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT DIA IA CONSTRUCTION ALSO, EXCEPT AS NOTED. SEWER BRICK (MnDOT SPEC 3616) BLOCK ® 12" MINIMUM FOR PRECAST, 3 BRICKS OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION 1 BLOCK MINIMUM FOR MASONRY CONSTUCTION © REINFORCEMENT AS PER MnDOT SPEC 3301, GRADE 60. Title: Standard Plate Library Standard Manhole for Storm Sewer City of Monticello Dote: Plate No. Revised: 03-17 4001 03-17 J 35 1/4 43' CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX NEENAH LA0. R -306]-V PLAN 4" CONCRETE COLLAR ALL STORM SEWER CASTING ELEVATIONS INSTALMORRIS Mill 111112111111 L INFRA SHIELD SHOWN ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN (OR APPROVED EQUAL) DEPRESSED 0.10' BELOW GUTTER EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ELEVATION (SEE DETAIL 5003) ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12° MAX ENCASE IN CONCRETE 5• COLLAR USE CONCRETE CURB MIX FOR COLLAR 24" FINISH 11 GRADE 2 2" 5' ' 34 4' MIN 1r¢. 4 MIN 5 4' CONCRETE COLUft Notes: SECTION A -A POUR A 3" TO 4" CONCRETE COLOR AROUND RINGS EXTENDING FROM THE CASTING TO THE PRECAST SECTION CATCH BASINS LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE TYPE MnDOT DESIGN H. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Title: Standard Plate Library Standard Catch Basin City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Revised: 4002 03-17 R W 60. R 12' OR 14' 30', 32' OR 36' FACE TO FACE ® VARIES MODIFIED DESIGN D CURB GUTTER 6° � SVOPi i 4.00R 2.007 2.00% A'� F -W A� 4" TOPSOIL, SEED, ANO MULCH OR SOD 10 (TYPICAL) 2' 1 1/2 "TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE TACK COAT MNDOT 235] 2° TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS NON-WEMING COURSE 6" CU55 V GRAVEL (MODIFIED) 12" TO 24" SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (2'- 6' BEHIND CURB) 6" MINIMUM SCARIFY AND COMPACT SUBGRADE TYPICAL SECTION URBAN RESIDENTIAL 01 2 ROLLS OF SOD TO BE PLACED BEHIND CURB AND SIDEWALK/TRAIL. THE USE AND THICKNESS OF SELECT GRANULAR BORROW IS BASED ON EXISTING SOIL COND IONS AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. © STREET WIDTH TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. ® 6" PERFORATED P.E. PIPE WITH FABRIC. INSTALL WHERE CUY SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE ROADWAY SUBGRADE OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. SEE PLATE 400fi FOR DETAILS Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Street Residential (Minor) City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Reviaed:03-17 5002 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com W O LL.I Z Z Z J O w 0 Z W J Q 5� Q J a oc Q Z J W a In Z Q W F— SLw I / Z 5W a O W W a I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DATA DESIGNED: DN DRAWN: ST PROJECT LA0: 219-0117 11 SHEET 1 1 OF 13 J 35 1/4 43' CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX NEENAH LA0. R -306]-V PLAN 4" CONCRETE COLLAR ALL STORM SEWER CASTING ELEVATIONS INSTALMORRIS Mill 111112111111 L INFRA SHIELD SHOWN ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN (OR APPROVED EQUAL) DEPRESSED 0.10' BELOW GUTTER EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ELEVATION (SEE DETAIL 5003) ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12° MAX ENCASE IN CONCRETE 5• COLLAR USE CONCRETE CURB MIX FOR COLLAR 24" FINISH 11 GRADE 2 2" 5' ' 34 4' MIN 1r¢. 4 MIN 5 4' CONCRETE COLUft Notes: SECTION A -A POUR A 3" TO 4" CONCRETE COLOR AROUND RINGS EXTENDING FROM THE CASTING TO THE PRECAST SECTION CATCH BASINS LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE TYPE MnDOT DESIGN H. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Title: Standard Plate Library Standard Catch Basin City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Revised: 4002 03-17 R W 60. R 12' OR 14' 30', 32' OR 36' FACE TO FACE ® VARIES MODIFIED DESIGN D CURB GUTTER 6° � SVOPi i 4.00R 2.007 2.00% A'� F -W A� 4" TOPSOIL, SEED, ANO MULCH OR SOD 10 (TYPICAL) 2' 1 1/2 "TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE TACK COAT MNDOT 235] 2° TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS NON-WEMING COURSE 6" CU55 V GRAVEL (MODIFIED) 12" TO 24" SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (2'- 6' BEHIND CURB) 6" MINIMUM SCARIFY AND COMPACT SUBGRADE TYPICAL SECTION URBAN RESIDENTIAL 01 2 ROLLS OF SOD TO BE PLACED BEHIND CURB AND SIDEWALK/TRAIL. THE USE AND THICKNESS OF SELECT GRANULAR BORROW IS BASED ON EXISTING SOIL COND IONS AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. © STREET WIDTH TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. ® 6" PERFORATED P.E. PIPE WITH FABRIC. INSTALL WHERE CUY SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE ROADWAY SUBGRADE OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. SEE PLATE 400fi FOR DETAILS Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Street Residential (Minor) City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Reviaed:03-17 5002 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com W O LL.I Z Z Z J O w 0 Z W J Q 5� Q J a oc Q Z J W a In Z Q W F— SLw I / Z 5W a O W W a I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DATA DESIGNED: DN DRAWN: ST PROJECT LA0: 219-0117 11 SHEET 1 1 OF 13 R W 60. R 12' OR 14' 30', 32' OR 36' FACE TO FACE ® VARIES MODIFIED DESIGN D CURB GUTTER 6° � SVOPi i 4.00R 2.007 2.00% A'� F -W A� 4" TOPSOIL, SEED, ANO MULCH OR SOD 10 (TYPICAL) 2' 1 1/2 "TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE TACK COAT MNDOT 235] 2° TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS NON-WEMING COURSE 6" CU55 V GRAVEL (MODIFIED) 12" TO 24" SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (2'- 6' BEHIND CURB) 6" MINIMUM SCARIFY AND COMPACT SUBGRADE TYPICAL SECTION URBAN RESIDENTIAL 01 2 ROLLS OF SOD TO BE PLACED BEHIND CURB AND SIDEWALK/TRAIL. THE USE AND THICKNESS OF SELECT GRANULAR BORROW IS BASED ON EXISTING SOIL COND IONS AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. © STREET WIDTH TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. ® 6" PERFORATED P.E. PIPE WITH FABRIC. INSTALL WHERE CUY SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE ROADWAY SUBGRADE OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. SEE PLATE 400fi FOR DETAILS Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Street Residential (Minor) City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Reviaed:03-17 5002 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com W O LL.I Z Z Z J O w 0 Z W J Q 5� Q J a oc Q Z J W a In Z Q W F— SLw I / Z 5W a O W W a I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DATA DESIGNED: DN DRAWN: ST PROJECT LA0: 219-0117 11 SHEET 1 1 OF 13 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com W O LL.I Z Z Z J O w 0 Z W J Q 5� Q J a oc Q Z J W a In Z Q W F— SLw I / Z 5W a O W W a I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DATA DESIGNED: DN DRAWN: ST PROJECT LA0: 219-0117 11 SHEET 1 1 OF 13 J Q 5� Q J a oc Q Z J W a In Z Q W F— SLw I / Z 5W a O W W a I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DATA DESIGNED: DN DRAWN: ST PROJECT LA0: 219-0117 11 SHEET 1 1 OF 13 1 H 12" yI 3/4 " /PE I^yI 1/2 " R /2 R " 3� 3 7" 2'- 0" MODIFIED DESIGN "D" 5'- 0(TYPICAL) STANDARD FRAME & BOX FOR B618 CURB & GUTTER 4: 7 MAk 2.0 % 4: MAk o 3- SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2.8) 6" CL 5 AGGREGATE BASE (MODIFIED) 12• SELECT GRANULAR BORROW MODIFIED DESIGN b" CURB & 8618 u GUTTER (TYPICAL_ SEE ABOVE) 0 PLAN FABRIC IF DIRECTED BY ENGINEER TIP/� 0" MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD DETAIL PIATES. aa0000000e MATCH MODIFIED DESIGN CURB & GUTTER (TYPICAL) 3. MODIFY SURFACING. BASE. AND SUBGRADE DESIGN BASED ON '3'- B. 8618) (TOTAL) '`--- NOTE: STORM SEWER TOP OF CASTING ELEVATION SHOWN ON THE PLANS INCLUDES A 0.10' DEPRESSION FROM THE PROPOSED GUTTER GRADE. THE CONCRETE CURB SHOULD BE TRANSITIONED FROM THE PROPOSED GUTTER GRADE TO THE CASTING ELEVATION 5 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE CENTER OF THE CASTING. Title: Concrete Curb & Gutter Standard Plate Library at Catch Basin City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Revised:5004 - - 03-15 1 O N O N O rn/ ALL UCAYi1770N & BACKRLL TO COMPLY WDH CITY EXCAVA77ON ORDINANCES AND REQUIRE EXCAVABON PERMIT FROM PUBLIC WORKS OFFICE t— UTIUTY EASEMENT P/L 12 11•_13• LOT STAKE za «x 6' 6' i STREET TYPICAL TYPICAL . - nazw "� LOPE uIu°c wx u MN �i ar crcnu +� EASEMENT INSTALLATION O v DRAINAGE & UTIUtt SEWER AND WATER STUBBED 11' INSIDE PROPERTY LINE EASEMENT UNE (%) TELEPHONE, N OR FIBER PHONE. N OR FIBER +� PEDESTAL EDESTAL O E C. CENTERLINE (�J IN THE EVENT OF A HYDRANT S JOINT TRENCH AT A PROPERTY CORNER. MOVE SEE DETAIL ABOVE ELEC. TRANS. AND PEDESTALS BACK F TO MAINTAIN 10' CLEAR SPACE _ F t' I� PROPERTY UNE at 6• CONCRETE POSSIBLE '. SIDEWALK '•.', if(DRANT O TREE PIANTING AREA ---STREET LIGHTING TREET UGHTIN EET LIGHTING - BACK OF CURB O ALL ROAD CROSSINGS TO BE RIGID NMC CONDUITS N X R/W TO R/W WHERE SIDEWALK OR PATHWAY IS INSTALLED. Title: Standard Plate Library Joint Trench Utility for New Residential Developments City of Monticello Date: 03-08 Plate No. —'' Revised:7002 03-15 SAME SLOPE AS ROADWAY HORIZONTAL (FORMS MAY BE TILTED) REVERSE SLOPE GUTTER SECTION DIVIDER PLATE 3•R 3"R 31' SLOPE 0.06 FT/FT 6" 13 1/2 OR SLOPE 3/4}-/R 2- MIN rZ• 7•I y i e HORIZONTA UNE MNDOT (D SLOPE 0.06 FT/FT NORMAL, UNLESS / STANDARD PLATE NO. 7100 H OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. IF A DIFFERENT SPECIFICATION REFERENCE 2531 GUTTER SLOPE IS PERMITTED, THE FORM CONCRETE - 0.0474 CU YDS / UN R (8612) MAY BE TILTED 8612 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER CONCRETE - 21.1 R CU. YDS. B612 DIVIDER PLATE 3•R 1 .. 6 1/2 • 3"R 3� o SLOPE -0.06 R/R 13 1/2 6" - SLOPE 3/4'/FF I�.I1 D 2- MIN r2• 7•� :. P, / / 8 HORIZONTA UNE / 0 / MNDO SLOPE 006 FT/FTNORMAL, UNLESS / STANDARD PLATE N0. 7100 H OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IF A DIFFERENT SPECIFICATION REFERENCE 2531 GUTTER MAY BE TILOTED IS PERMITTED, RIE FORM CONCRETE - 8618 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER CONCRETE - 18 2 CU 17.2 FT / U (8618) .YDS. (8618) 12• 3/4 / PER R 3• 1/2 - R 1/2 ' R 3 7-E . HORIZONTAL—,,110 UNE _____ I" 2—O___� MODIFIED DESIGN "D" CURB & GUTTER Title: Standard Plate Library Concrete Curb & Gutter for Streets City of Monticello Date: 03-0Plate No. 5 - - --- Revised: 5005 03-15 NOTE: ALL WOOD SHALL BE CEDAR OR TREATED MAILBOX HEIGHT & OFFSET TABLE O HEIGM 1 OFFSET 2 • CURB & GUTTER DESIGN (IN) (IN) B6 41 - 42 11 MoD b" 44 - 45 15 MAILBOX NOTFC. 10TOP OF CURB TO FLOOR OF MAILBOX Q BACK OF CURB TO FRONT OF MAILBOX, FOR INSTALLATIONS IN RURAL LOCATIONS OFFSET ADS 4- Q FROM OF MAILBOX 9"-12- FROM BOX) EDGE OF TURNOUT OR USABLE SHOULDER 30 PROVIDE YELLOW 3- ROUND REFLECTOR ON APPROACH SIDE OF POST (FIRST POST ONLY FOR TWO POST INSTALLATIONS) ®PROVIDE 3- SEPARATION BETWEEN MAILBOXES 6- SQUARE CEDAR OR TREATED --\O WOOD POST //—BRUMINQUS ROADWAY `T..) �ulx'�///\// .'. \//\\//\\//\\//\\� MODIFIED b' CURB 8 GUTTER C-) NOTE: MINIMUM 3 MAILBOXES TO MAXIMUM 8 MAILBOXES NOTE: 1 MAILBOX TO MAXIMUM 2 MAILBOXES ON SINGLE POST ON DOUBLE POST INSTALLATION INSTALLATION HSB HSE NSE HSN SE NNSE NSE NSE B8E NSE x x x x x x x x x x ADS ADS ABS ADS ABS ADS ADS ABS BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ Title: Mailbox Detail Standard Plate Library New -Residential City of Monticello Date:03-07 Plate No. Re1TIsed03-15 5014 PAD WIDTH = 40'. 48' 2.0% MIN. PAD WIDTH = 40', 48' 2.0% PAD WIDTH = 40'. 48' 70' PAD 2s' FINISH GRADE o 'n � N GRADING GRADE 0.0% 0 BASEMENT FLOOR LOOKOUT PAD FINISH GRADING G/R, 0.0% T 0 1T.%1IK9 0la41I7 VARIES CONTRACTION JOINT (SAWED OR PREFORMED) ON 16' OR WIDER DRIVE 3/8 " x 1' FORMED CONTRACTION 3/8 " z 1" FORMED CONTRACTION JOINT TO BE SEALED WITH HOT JOINT TO BE SEALED WITH HOT POURED CONCRETE JOINT SEALER POURED CONCRETE JOINT SEALER X261" EXPANSION JOINT CONTRACTION JOINTS EXPANSION JOINT PLAN WHERE SIDEWALKS EXIST OR STEEL TO BE USED WHEN 6• ARE PROPOSED, THE DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY SLAB IS NOT POURED SHALL EXTEND THROUGH THE INTEGRAL WITH GUTTER SIDEWALK. MAINTAIN 2% SIDEWALK CROSS SLOPE THROUGH DRIVEWAY. .. 113.5' 7- PAVEMENT FOR DRIVEWAY SHALL BE FROM BACK OF CURB SECTION Title: Standard Plate Library Residential Driveway Entrance City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-17 5007 Street Sign � i TRAFFIC SIGN SPECIFICATIONS MATERIAL: ALUMINUM SHALL BE: 5052-H38 OR 6061-T6 ALLOY GAUGE SHALL BE: .080 ON THE LONGEST SIDE UP TO 30" .100 ON THE LONGEST SIDE OVER 30" SIGNS SHALL BE NOTCHED FOR USE WITH E-450 BRACKETS 2-3/8" O.D. 9" STREET NAME SIGNS SHALL HAVE 6" UPPER CASE LETTERS WHITE ON GREEN HIGH INTENSITY GRADE SHEETING WITH WHITE SERIES E BORDER o ALL SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO SECTIONS 2564 AND 3352, n SIGNS AND MARKERS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION. BOULEVARD GRADE 11111111-IIIIIII-IIIIIII eq a —1111111;�11AIlll_IIIIIIII II�(IIIIIII IIIIIII ^° `� (Ih 3� TUBULAR POSTS SPECIFICATIONS (IIIIIII —1111 ° 4 (III ILII IIIIII— q IIIIIII—(IIIIIII TUBULAR POSTS USED FOR MOUNTING STREET NAME/TRAFFIC =ILII III° CONTROL SIGNS, SHALL VARY IN LENGTH, SHALL HAVE A DIMPLED TUBE BELOW GRADE OR INSTALL A ANTI- ROTATION IIIIIII — DEVICE TO PREVENT TUBE FROM TURNING, SHALL BE a 2-3/8" O.D., SHALL BE GALVINIZED AND SHALL HAVE lllllll 4 A WEIGHT OF 2LB./FT. CONCRETE GROUTL{III ILLI NOTE: CONCRETE GROUT TO BE MIXED THOROUGHLY WITH WATER BEFORE INSTALLATION NOTE: TYPICAL SIGN INSTALLATION WHEN STREET NAME SIGNS ARE TO BE INSTALLED Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Traffic Sign Installation City of Monticello Date: Plate No. - -_=-� 03-05 Revised: 5017 03-15 3 O IY V — SETBACK O m 15' VARIES VARIES FINISH GRADE GRADE SETBACK m 15' ------VARIES VARIES VARIES 25'WISH GRADE GRADE 3 O G_ U SETBACK m 70' 15' ---VARIES— —VARIES PAD ,fINISH GRADE N TOPSOIL �SUBGRADE RADIN�GIADE -I i :.T__TZTt #'kl I AQ HOLD DOWN DETAILS NOT TO SCALE 15" RCP © 0.0 I I\I\/=Q Tin F L 0 W EXPANSION JOINT (TYPICAL) REMOVE CROWN TYPE B6 CONCRETE IN 50' CURB & GUTTER TI P GUTTER OUT Ir -A A e FLOW B-618 - 3' WIDE B-624 - 4' WIDE 3' MIN. SLOPE 3/4 "/FT. SECTION A—A Title: Typical Concrete Standard Plate Library Valley Gutter City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 -�� Revised`03-15 5009 C 0 4x4 TREATED POST N E 3" WIDE BY 30" LONG BROWN ALUMINUM SIGN WITH 1-1/2- V HIGH WHITE LETTERING 31" A T I O N 4'-0" A R E A 17" GRADE SET POST IN QUICKCRETE FAST -SETTING CONCRETE OR APPROVED EQUAL. MIN 12" DIA HOLE 4'-0" Title: Standard Plate Library Conservation Easement Post Detail City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. -__-> Revised: 03-15 5020 CASTING PER CITY DETAIL OCS OVERFLOW GRATE RIM=951.50 OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE (OCS2) NOT TO SCALE CONTRACTION JOINTS 7' 6' 2% MAXIMUM pROpER� UNE CROSS SLOPE 6 3" 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 4" OR 6" CONCRETE WALK BOULEVARD WIDTH VARIES(AVERAGE 8') SIDEWALK DIMENSIONS WIDTH - 6' DEPTH - 6" FOR NEW DEVELOPMENTS - *4" MINIMUM FOR EXISTING AREAS, 6" AT DRIVEWAYS AND CROSSWALKS GRANULAR BORROW DEPTH - 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 CONTRACTION JOINTS - 6' INTERVALS EXPANSION JOINTS - 60' INTERVALS (APPROX.) *MATCH EXISTING DEPTH, 4" MINIMUM INSTALL PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPS AT ROADWAY INTERSECTIONS Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Sidewalk City of Monticello Date:Plate No. Revised:03-05 5012 —�-- 03-17 STAKES NOT RECOMMENDED UNLESS THE TRUNK PRUNING SHOULD BE LIMITED TO ONY BROKEN, EASILY WAIVERS 3"-5". DEAD, OR DAMAGED LIMBS AND SHOULD NOT CHANGE THE APPEARANCE OF THE TREE. TRUNKS OF THIN BARK SPECIES TO BE WRAPPED FOR WINTER MONTHS OR FALL PLANTINGS. ADJUST TREE SO THAT ROOT FLARE STANDS LEVEL OR SLIGHTLY HIGHER THAN EXISTING SOIL. CUT AND REMOVE ROPES AND WIRES 3"-4" LAYER OF WOOD CHIPS HOLDING THE BURLAP IN PLACE, PULL BURLAP BACK DOWN TO EXPOSE TOP OF BALL. ROTOTILLED AREA -12" DEPTH r r\' 2 TO 5 TIMES ROOT BALL DIAMETER FIRM SUBSOIL TO PREVENT SETTLING Title: Typical Tree Standard Plate Library Installation City of Monticello Date: 03-15 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 6012 11 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com �W a V 0 0 LLJ Z Z Z 0 �wJ � / O Z J O LSI 0Z W 12 I hereby certify t specification, or prepared by me direct supervision am a duly Licen: PROFESSIONAL EN the laws of the MINNESOTA J a H m a J a oc a Z G J W cc CL 0 Z a W 0 a L) ■ Z W 2 CL 0 IJ W I W J � a � W a o hat this plan, report was or under my and that I ;ed GINEER under State of DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DATA DESIGNED: DN DRAWN: ST PROJECT NO: 219-0117 12 SHEET 12 OF 13 BITUMINOUS TRAIL DESIGN OA - PATHWAY WIDTH 10 ft © - SHOULDER WIDTH 1 ft MIN. 3' TO 6' A O 4: 7 MAk 2.0 % 4: MAk 3- SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2.8) 6" CL 5 AGGREGATE BASE (MODIFIED) 12• SELECT GRANULAR BORROW 6- MINIMUM SCARIFY AND RE COMPACT (SUBGRADE PREP) FABRIC IF DIRECTED BY ENGINEER NOTES: 1. TRAIL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD DETAIL PIATES. 2. PEDESTRIAN RAMPS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH TRUNCATED DOMES AND CONFORM TO ADA REQUIREMENTS. 3. MODIFY SURFACING. BASE. AND SUBGRADE DESIGN BASED ON IXPECTED VEHICULAR USE AND SUBGRADE SOILS. Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Trail Section City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. �' -- --_ 5 013 Revised: -- - _ 03-15 O N O N O rn/ ALL UCAYi1770N & BACKRLL TO COMPLY WDH CITY EXCAVA77ON ORDINANCES AND REQUIRE EXCAVABON PERMIT FROM PUBLIC WORKS OFFICE t— UTIUTY EASEMENT P/L 12 11•_13• LOT STAKE za «x 6' 6' i STREET TYPICAL TYPICAL . - nazw "� LOPE uIu°c wx u MN �i ar crcnu +� EASEMENT INSTALLATION O v DRAINAGE & UTIUtt SEWER AND WATER STUBBED 11' INSIDE PROPERTY LINE EASEMENT UNE (%) TELEPHONE, N OR FIBER PHONE. N OR FIBER +� PEDESTAL EDESTAL O E C. CENTERLINE (�J IN THE EVENT OF A HYDRANT S JOINT TRENCH AT A PROPERTY CORNER. MOVE SEE DETAIL ABOVE ELEC. TRANS. AND PEDESTALS BACK F TO MAINTAIN 10' CLEAR SPACE _ F t' I� PROPERTY UNE at 6• CONCRETE POSSIBLE '. SIDEWALK '•.', if(DRANT O TREE PIANTING AREA ---STREET LIGHTING TREET UGHTIN EET LIGHTING - BACK OF CURB O ALL ROAD CROSSINGS TO BE RIGID NMC CONDUITS N X R/W TO R/W WHERE SIDEWALK OR PATHWAY IS INSTALLED. Title: Standard Plate Library Joint Trench Utility for New Residential Developments City of Monticello Date: 03-08 Plate No. —'' Revised:7002 03-15 SAME SLOPE AS ROADWAY HORIZONTAL (FORMS MAY BE TILTED) REVERSE SLOPE GUTTER SECTION DIVIDER PLATE 3•R 3"R 31' SLOPE 0.06 FT/FT 6" 13 1/2 OR SLOPE 3/4}-/R 2- MIN rZ• 7•I y i e HORIZONTA UNE MNDOT (D SLOPE 0.06 FT/FT NORMAL, UNLESS / STANDARD PLATE NO. 7100 H OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. IF A DIFFERENT SPECIFICATION REFERENCE 2531 GUTTER SLOPE IS PERMITTED, THE FORM CONCRETE - 0.0474 CU YDS / UN R (8612) MAY BE TILTED 8612 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER CONCRETE - 21.1 R CU. YDS. B612 DIVIDER PLATE 3•R 1 .. 6 1/2 • 3"R 3� o SLOPE -0.06 R/R 13 1/2 6" - SLOPE 3/4'/FF I�.I1 D 2- MIN r2• 7•� :. P, / / 8 HORIZONTA UNE / 0 / MNDO SLOPE 006 FT/FTNORMAL, UNLESS / STANDARD PLATE N0. 7100 H OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IF A DIFFERENT SPECIFICATION REFERENCE 2531 GUTTER MAY BE TILOTED IS PERMITTED, RIE FORM CONCRETE - 8618 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER CONCRETE - 18 2 CU 17.2 FT / U (8618) .YDS. (8618) 12• 3/4 / PER R 3• 1/2 - R 1/2 ' R 3 7-E . HORIZONTAL—,,110 UNE _____ I" 2—O___� MODIFIED DESIGN "D" CURB & GUTTER Title: Standard Plate Library Concrete Curb & Gutter for Streets City of Monticello Date: 03-0Plate No. 5 - - --- Revised: 5005 03-15 NOTE: ALL WOOD SHALL BE CEDAR OR TREATED MAILBOX HEIGHT & OFFSET TABLE O HEIGM 1 OFFSET 2 • CURB & GUTTER DESIGN (IN) (IN) B6 41 - 42 11 MoD b" 44 - 45 15 MAILBOX NOTFC. 10TOP OF CURB TO FLOOR OF MAILBOX Q BACK OF CURB TO FRONT OF MAILBOX, FOR INSTALLATIONS IN RURAL LOCATIONS OFFSET ADS 4- Q FROM OF MAILBOX 9"-12- FROM BOX) EDGE OF TURNOUT OR USABLE SHOULDER 30 PROVIDE YELLOW 3- ROUND REFLECTOR ON APPROACH SIDE OF POST (FIRST POST ONLY FOR TWO POST INSTALLATIONS) ®PROVIDE 3- SEPARATION BETWEEN MAILBOXES 6- SQUARE CEDAR OR TREATED --\O WOOD POST //—BRUMINQUS ROADWAY `T..) �ulx'�///\// .'. \//\\//\\//\\//\\� MODIFIED b' CURB 8 GUTTER C-) NOTE: MINIMUM 3 MAILBOXES TO MAXIMUM 8 MAILBOXES NOTE: 1 MAILBOX TO MAXIMUM 2 MAILBOXES ON SINGLE POST ON DOUBLE POST INSTALLATION INSTALLATION HSB HSE NSE HSN SE NNSE NSE NSE B8E NSE x x x x x x x x x x ADS ADS ABS ADS ABS ADS ADS ABS BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ Title: Mailbox Detail Standard Plate Library New -Residential City of Monticello Date:03-07 Plate No. Re1TIsed03-15 5014 PAD WIDTH = 40'. 48' 2.0% MIN. PAD WIDTH = 40', 48' 2.0% PAD WIDTH = 40'. 48' 70' PAD 2s' FINISH GRADE o 'n � N GRADING GRADE 0.0% 0 BASEMENT FLOOR LOOKOUT PAD FINISH GRADING G/R, 0.0% T 0 1T.%1IK9 0la41I7 VARIES CONTRACTION JOINT (SAWED OR PREFORMED) ON 16' OR WIDER DRIVE 3/8 " x 1' FORMED CONTRACTION 3/8 " z 1" FORMED CONTRACTION JOINT TO BE SEALED WITH HOT JOINT TO BE SEALED WITH HOT POURED CONCRETE JOINT SEALER POURED CONCRETE JOINT SEALER X261" EXPANSION JOINT CONTRACTION JOINTS EXPANSION JOINT PLAN WHERE SIDEWALKS EXIST OR STEEL TO BE USED WHEN 6• ARE PROPOSED, THE DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY SLAB IS NOT POURED SHALL EXTEND THROUGH THE INTEGRAL WITH GUTTER SIDEWALK. MAINTAIN 2% SIDEWALK CROSS SLOPE THROUGH DRIVEWAY. .. 113.5' 7- PAVEMENT FOR DRIVEWAY SHALL BE FROM BACK OF CURB SECTION Title: Standard Plate Library Residential Driveway Entrance City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-17 5007 Street Sign � i TRAFFIC SIGN SPECIFICATIONS MATERIAL: ALUMINUM SHALL BE: 5052-H38 OR 6061-T6 ALLOY GAUGE SHALL BE: .080 ON THE LONGEST SIDE UP TO 30" .100 ON THE LONGEST SIDE OVER 30" SIGNS SHALL BE NOTCHED FOR USE WITH E-450 BRACKETS 2-3/8" O.D. 9" STREET NAME SIGNS SHALL HAVE 6" UPPER CASE LETTERS WHITE ON GREEN HIGH INTENSITY GRADE SHEETING WITH WHITE SERIES E BORDER o ALL SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO SECTIONS 2564 AND 3352, n SIGNS AND MARKERS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION. BOULEVARD GRADE 11111111-IIIIIII-IIIIIII eq a —1111111;�11AIlll_IIIIIIII II�(IIIIIII IIIIIII ^° `� (Ih 3� TUBULAR POSTS SPECIFICATIONS (IIIIIII —1111 ° 4 (III ILII IIIIII— q IIIIIII—(IIIIIII TUBULAR POSTS USED FOR MOUNTING STREET NAME/TRAFFIC =ILII III° CONTROL SIGNS, SHALL VARY IN LENGTH, SHALL HAVE A DIMPLED TUBE BELOW GRADE OR INSTALL A ANTI- ROTATION IIIIIII — DEVICE TO PREVENT TUBE FROM TURNING, SHALL BE a 2-3/8" O.D., SHALL BE GALVINIZED AND SHALL HAVE lllllll 4 A WEIGHT OF 2LB./FT. CONCRETE GROUTL{III ILLI NOTE: CONCRETE GROUT TO BE MIXED THOROUGHLY WITH WATER BEFORE INSTALLATION NOTE: TYPICAL SIGN INSTALLATION WHEN STREET NAME SIGNS ARE TO BE INSTALLED Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Traffic Sign Installation City of Monticello Date: Plate No. - -_=-� 03-05 Revised: 5017 03-15 3 O IY V — SETBACK O m 15' VARIES VARIES FINISH GRADE GRADE SETBACK m 15' ------VARIES VARIES VARIES 25'WISH GRADE GRADE 3 O G_ U SETBACK m 70' 15' ---VARIES— —VARIES PAD ,fINISH GRADE N TOPSOIL �SUBGRADE RADIN�GIADE -I i :.T__TZTt #'kl I AQ HOLD DOWN DETAILS NOT TO SCALE 15" RCP © 0.0 I I\I\/=Q Tin F L 0 W EXPANSION JOINT (TYPICAL) REMOVE CROWN TYPE B6 CONCRETE IN 50' CURB & GUTTER TI P GUTTER OUT Ir -A A e FLOW B-618 - 3' WIDE B-624 - 4' WIDE 3' MIN. SLOPE 3/4 "/FT. SECTION A—A Title: Typical Concrete Standard Plate Library Valley Gutter City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 -�� Revised`03-15 5009 C 0 4x4 TREATED POST N E 3" WIDE BY 30" LONG BROWN ALUMINUM SIGN WITH 1-1/2- V HIGH WHITE LETTERING 31" A T I O N 4'-0" A R E A 17" GRADE SET POST IN QUICKCRETE FAST -SETTING CONCRETE OR APPROVED EQUAL. MIN 12" DIA HOLE 4'-0" Title: Standard Plate Library Conservation Easement Post Detail City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. -__-> Revised: 03-15 5020 CASTING PER CITY DETAIL OCS OVERFLOW GRATE RIM=951.50 OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE (OCS2) NOT TO SCALE CONTRACTION JOINTS 7' 6' 2% MAXIMUM pROpER� UNE CROSS SLOPE 6 3" 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 4" OR 6" CONCRETE WALK BOULEVARD WIDTH VARIES(AVERAGE 8') SIDEWALK DIMENSIONS WIDTH - 6' DEPTH - 6" FOR NEW DEVELOPMENTS - *4" MINIMUM FOR EXISTING AREAS, 6" AT DRIVEWAYS AND CROSSWALKS GRANULAR BORROW DEPTH - 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 CONTRACTION JOINTS - 6' INTERVALS EXPANSION JOINTS - 60' INTERVALS (APPROX.) *MATCH EXISTING DEPTH, 4" MINIMUM INSTALL PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPS AT ROADWAY INTERSECTIONS Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Sidewalk City of Monticello Date:Plate No. Revised:03-05 5012 —�-- 03-17 STAKES NOT RECOMMENDED UNLESS THE TRUNK PRUNING SHOULD BE LIMITED TO ONY BROKEN, EASILY WAIVERS 3"-5". DEAD, OR DAMAGED LIMBS AND SHOULD NOT CHANGE THE APPEARANCE OF THE TREE. TRUNKS OF THIN BARK SPECIES TO BE WRAPPED FOR WINTER MONTHS OR FALL PLANTINGS. ADJUST TREE SO THAT ROOT FLARE STANDS LEVEL OR SLIGHTLY HIGHER THAN EXISTING SOIL. CUT AND REMOVE ROPES AND WIRES 3"-4" LAYER OF WOOD CHIPS HOLDING THE BURLAP IN PLACE, PULL BURLAP BACK DOWN TO EXPOSE TOP OF BALL. ROTOTILLED AREA -12" DEPTH r r\' 2 TO 5 TIMES ROOT BALL DIAMETER FIRM SUBSOIL TO PREVENT SETTLING Title: Typical Tree Standard Plate Library Installation City of Monticello Date: 03-15 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 6012 11 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com �W a V 0 0 LLJ Z Z Z 0 �wJ � / O Z J O LSI 0Z W 12 I hereby certify t specification, or prepared by me direct supervision am a duly Licen: PROFESSIONAL EN the laws of the MINNESOTA J a H m a J a oc a Z G J W cc CL 0 Z a W 0 a L) ■ Z W 2 CL 0 IJ W I W J � a � W a o hat this plan, report was or under my and that I ;ed GINEER under State of DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DATA DESIGNED: DN DRAWN: ST PROJECT NO: 219-0117 12 SHEET 12 OF 13 SAME SLOPE AS ROADWAY HORIZONTAL (FORMS MAY BE TILTED) REVERSE SLOPE GUTTER SECTION DIVIDER PLATE 3•R 3"R 31' SLOPE 0.06 FT/FT 6" 13 1/2 OR SLOPE 3/4}-/R 2- MIN rZ• 7•I y i e HORIZONTA UNE MNDOT (D SLOPE 0.06 FT/FT NORMAL, UNLESS / STANDARD PLATE NO. 7100 H OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. IF A DIFFERENT SPECIFICATION REFERENCE 2531 GUTTER SLOPE IS PERMITTED, THE FORM CONCRETE - 0.0474 CU YDS / UN R (8612) MAY BE TILTED 8612 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER CONCRETE - 21.1 R CU. YDS. B612 DIVIDER PLATE 3•R 1 .. 6 1/2 • 3"R 3� o SLOPE -0.06 R/R 13 1/2 6" - SLOPE 3/4'/FF I�.I1 D 2- MIN r2• 7•� :. P, / / 8 HORIZONTA UNE / 0 / MNDO SLOPE 006 FT/FTNORMAL, UNLESS / STANDARD PLATE N0. 7100 H OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IF A DIFFERENT SPECIFICATION REFERENCE 2531 GUTTER MAY BE TILOTED IS PERMITTED, RIE FORM CONCRETE - 8618 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER CONCRETE - 18 2 CU 17.2 FT / U (8618) .YDS. (8618) 12• 3/4 / PER R 3• 1/2 - R 1/2 ' R 3 7-E . HORIZONTAL—,,110 UNE _____ I" 2—O___� MODIFIED DESIGN "D" CURB & GUTTER Title: Standard Plate Library Concrete Curb & Gutter for Streets City of Monticello Date: 03-0Plate No. 5 - - --- Revised: 5005 03-15 NOTE: ALL WOOD SHALL BE CEDAR OR TREATED MAILBOX HEIGHT & OFFSET TABLE O HEIGM 1 OFFSET 2 • CURB & GUTTER DESIGN (IN) (IN) B6 41 - 42 11 MoD b" 44 - 45 15 MAILBOX NOTFC. 10TOP OF CURB TO FLOOR OF MAILBOX Q BACK OF CURB TO FRONT OF MAILBOX, FOR INSTALLATIONS IN RURAL LOCATIONS OFFSET ADS 4- Q FROM OF MAILBOX 9"-12- FROM BOX) EDGE OF TURNOUT OR USABLE SHOULDER 30 PROVIDE YELLOW 3- ROUND REFLECTOR ON APPROACH SIDE OF POST (FIRST POST ONLY FOR TWO POST INSTALLATIONS) ®PROVIDE 3- SEPARATION BETWEEN MAILBOXES 6- SQUARE CEDAR OR TREATED --\O WOOD POST //—BRUMINQUS ROADWAY `T..) �ulx'�///\// .'. \//\\//\\//\\//\\� MODIFIED b' CURB 8 GUTTER C-) NOTE: MINIMUM 3 MAILBOXES TO MAXIMUM 8 MAILBOXES NOTE: 1 MAILBOX TO MAXIMUM 2 MAILBOXES ON SINGLE POST ON DOUBLE POST INSTALLATION INSTALLATION HSB HSE NSE HSN SE NNSE NSE NSE B8E NSE x x x x x x x x x x ADS ADS ABS ADS ABS ADS ADS ABS BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ Title: Mailbox Detail Standard Plate Library New -Residential City of Monticello Date:03-07 Plate No. Re1TIsed03-15 5014 PAD WIDTH = 40'. 48' 2.0% MIN. PAD WIDTH = 40', 48' 2.0% PAD WIDTH = 40'. 48' 70' PAD 2s' FINISH GRADE o 'n � N GRADING GRADE 0.0% 0 BASEMENT FLOOR LOOKOUT PAD FINISH GRADING G/R, 0.0% T 0 1T.%1IK9 0la41I7 VARIES CONTRACTION JOINT (SAWED OR PREFORMED) ON 16' OR WIDER DRIVE 3/8 " x 1' FORMED CONTRACTION 3/8 " z 1" FORMED CONTRACTION JOINT TO BE SEALED WITH HOT JOINT TO BE SEALED WITH HOT POURED CONCRETE JOINT SEALER POURED CONCRETE JOINT SEALER X261" EXPANSION JOINT CONTRACTION JOINTS EXPANSION JOINT PLAN WHERE SIDEWALKS EXIST OR STEEL TO BE USED WHEN 6• ARE PROPOSED, THE DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY SLAB IS NOT POURED SHALL EXTEND THROUGH THE INTEGRAL WITH GUTTER SIDEWALK. MAINTAIN 2% SIDEWALK CROSS SLOPE THROUGH DRIVEWAY. .. 113.5' 7- PAVEMENT FOR DRIVEWAY SHALL BE FROM BACK OF CURB SECTION Title: Standard Plate Library Residential Driveway Entrance City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-17 5007 Street Sign � i TRAFFIC SIGN SPECIFICATIONS MATERIAL: ALUMINUM SHALL BE: 5052-H38 OR 6061-T6 ALLOY GAUGE SHALL BE: .080 ON THE LONGEST SIDE UP TO 30" .100 ON THE LONGEST SIDE OVER 30" SIGNS SHALL BE NOTCHED FOR USE WITH E-450 BRACKETS 2-3/8" O.D. 9" STREET NAME SIGNS SHALL HAVE 6" UPPER CASE LETTERS WHITE ON GREEN HIGH INTENSITY GRADE SHEETING WITH WHITE SERIES E BORDER o ALL SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO SECTIONS 2564 AND 3352, n SIGNS AND MARKERS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION. BOULEVARD GRADE 11111111-IIIIIII-IIIIIII eq a —1111111;�11AIlll_IIIIIIII II�(IIIIIII IIIIIII ^° `� (Ih 3� TUBULAR POSTS SPECIFICATIONS (IIIIIII —1111 ° 4 (III ILII IIIIII— q IIIIIII—(IIIIIII TUBULAR POSTS USED FOR MOUNTING STREET NAME/TRAFFIC =ILII III° CONTROL SIGNS, SHALL VARY IN LENGTH, SHALL HAVE A DIMPLED TUBE BELOW GRADE OR INSTALL A ANTI- ROTATION IIIIIII — DEVICE TO PREVENT TUBE FROM TURNING, SHALL BE a 2-3/8" O.D., SHALL BE GALVINIZED AND SHALL HAVE lllllll 4 A WEIGHT OF 2LB./FT. CONCRETE GROUTL{III ILLI NOTE: CONCRETE GROUT TO BE MIXED THOROUGHLY WITH WATER BEFORE INSTALLATION NOTE: TYPICAL SIGN INSTALLATION WHEN STREET NAME SIGNS ARE TO BE INSTALLED Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Traffic Sign Installation City of Monticello Date: Plate No. - -_=-� 03-05 Revised: 5017 03-15 3 O IY V — SETBACK O m 15' VARIES VARIES FINISH GRADE GRADE SETBACK m 15' ------VARIES VARIES VARIES 25'WISH GRADE GRADE 3 O G_ U SETBACK m 70' 15' ---VARIES— —VARIES PAD ,fINISH GRADE N TOPSOIL �SUBGRADE RADIN�GIADE -I i :.T__TZTt #'kl I AQ HOLD DOWN DETAILS NOT TO SCALE 15" RCP © 0.0 I I\I\/=Q Tin F L 0 W EXPANSION JOINT (TYPICAL) REMOVE CROWN TYPE B6 CONCRETE IN 50' CURB & GUTTER TI P GUTTER OUT Ir -A A e FLOW B-618 - 3' WIDE B-624 - 4' WIDE 3' MIN. SLOPE 3/4 "/FT. SECTION A—A Title: Typical Concrete Standard Plate Library Valley Gutter City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 -�� Revised`03-15 5009 C 0 4x4 TREATED POST N E 3" WIDE BY 30" LONG BROWN ALUMINUM SIGN WITH 1-1/2- V HIGH WHITE LETTERING 31" A T I O N 4'-0" A R E A 17" GRADE SET POST IN QUICKCRETE FAST -SETTING CONCRETE OR APPROVED EQUAL. MIN 12" DIA HOLE 4'-0" Title: Standard Plate Library Conservation Easement Post Detail City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. -__-> Revised: 03-15 5020 CASTING PER CITY DETAIL OCS OVERFLOW GRATE RIM=951.50 OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE (OCS2) NOT TO SCALE CONTRACTION JOINTS 7' 6' 2% MAXIMUM pROpER� UNE CROSS SLOPE 6 3" 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 4" OR 6" CONCRETE WALK BOULEVARD WIDTH VARIES(AVERAGE 8') SIDEWALK DIMENSIONS WIDTH - 6' DEPTH - 6" FOR NEW DEVELOPMENTS - *4" MINIMUM FOR EXISTING AREAS, 6" AT DRIVEWAYS AND CROSSWALKS GRANULAR BORROW DEPTH - 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 CONTRACTION JOINTS - 6' INTERVALS EXPANSION JOINTS - 60' INTERVALS (APPROX.) *MATCH EXISTING DEPTH, 4" MINIMUM INSTALL PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPS AT ROADWAY INTERSECTIONS Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Sidewalk City of Monticello Date:Plate No. Revised:03-05 5012 —�-- 03-17 STAKES NOT RECOMMENDED UNLESS THE TRUNK PRUNING SHOULD BE LIMITED TO ONY BROKEN, EASILY WAIVERS 3"-5". DEAD, OR DAMAGED LIMBS AND SHOULD NOT CHANGE THE APPEARANCE OF THE TREE. TRUNKS OF THIN BARK SPECIES TO BE WRAPPED FOR WINTER MONTHS OR FALL PLANTINGS. ADJUST TREE SO THAT ROOT FLARE STANDS LEVEL OR SLIGHTLY HIGHER THAN EXISTING SOIL. CUT AND REMOVE ROPES AND WIRES 3"-4" LAYER OF WOOD CHIPS HOLDING THE BURLAP IN PLACE, PULL BURLAP BACK DOWN TO EXPOSE TOP OF BALL. ROTOTILLED AREA -12" DEPTH r r\' 2 TO 5 TIMES ROOT BALL DIAMETER FIRM SUBSOIL TO PREVENT SETTLING Title: Typical Tree Standard Plate Library Installation City of Monticello Date: 03-15 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 6012 11 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com �W a V 0 0 LLJ Z Z Z 0 �wJ � / O Z J O LSI 0Z W 12 I hereby certify t specification, or prepared by me direct supervision am a duly Licen: PROFESSIONAL EN the laws of the MINNESOTA J a H m a J a oc a Z G J W cc CL 0 Z a W 0 a L) ■ Z W 2 CL 0 IJ W I W J � a � W a o hat this plan, report was or under my and that I ;ed GINEER under State of DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DATA DESIGNED: DN DRAWN: ST PROJECT NO: 219-0117 12 SHEET 12 OF 13 NOTE: ALL WOOD SHALL BE CEDAR OR TREATED MAILBOX HEIGHT & OFFSET TABLE O HEIGM 1 OFFSET 2 • CURB & GUTTER DESIGN (IN) (IN) B6 41 - 42 11 MoD b" 44 - 45 15 MAILBOX NOTFC. 10TOP OF CURB TO FLOOR OF MAILBOX Q BACK OF CURB TO FRONT OF MAILBOX, FOR INSTALLATIONS IN RURAL LOCATIONS OFFSET ADS 4- Q FROM OF MAILBOX 9"-12- FROM BOX) EDGE OF TURNOUT OR USABLE SHOULDER 30 PROVIDE YELLOW 3- ROUND REFLECTOR ON APPROACH SIDE OF POST (FIRST POST ONLY FOR TWO POST INSTALLATIONS) ®PROVIDE 3- SEPARATION BETWEEN MAILBOXES 6- SQUARE CEDAR OR TREATED --\O WOOD POST //—BRUMINQUS ROADWAY `T..) �ulx'�///\// .'. \//\\//\\//\\//\\� MODIFIED b' CURB 8 GUTTER C-) NOTE: MINIMUM 3 MAILBOXES TO MAXIMUM 8 MAILBOXES NOTE: 1 MAILBOX TO MAXIMUM 2 MAILBOXES ON SINGLE POST ON DOUBLE POST INSTALLATION INSTALLATION HSB HSE NSE HSN SE NNSE NSE NSE B8E NSE x x x x x x x x x x ADS ADS ABS ADS ABS ADS ADS ABS BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ Title: Mailbox Detail Standard Plate Library New -Residential City of Monticello Date:03-07 Plate No. Re1TIsed03-15 5014 PAD WIDTH = 40'. 48' 2.0% MIN. PAD WIDTH = 40', 48' 2.0% PAD WIDTH = 40'. 48' 70' PAD 2s' FINISH GRADE o 'n � N GRADING GRADE 0.0% 0 BASEMENT FLOOR LOOKOUT PAD FINISH GRADING G/R, 0.0% T 0 1T.%1IK9 0la41I7 VARIES CONTRACTION JOINT (SAWED OR PREFORMED) ON 16' OR WIDER DRIVE 3/8 " x 1' FORMED CONTRACTION 3/8 " z 1" FORMED CONTRACTION JOINT TO BE SEALED WITH HOT JOINT TO BE SEALED WITH HOT POURED CONCRETE JOINT SEALER POURED CONCRETE JOINT SEALER X261" EXPANSION JOINT CONTRACTION JOINTS EXPANSION JOINT PLAN WHERE SIDEWALKS EXIST OR STEEL TO BE USED WHEN 6• ARE PROPOSED, THE DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY SLAB IS NOT POURED SHALL EXTEND THROUGH THE INTEGRAL WITH GUTTER SIDEWALK. MAINTAIN 2% SIDEWALK CROSS SLOPE THROUGH DRIVEWAY. .. 113.5' 7- PAVEMENT FOR DRIVEWAY SHALL BE FROM BACK OF CURB SECTION Title: Standard Plate Library Residential Driveway Entrance City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-17 5007 Street Sign � i TRAFFIC SIGN SPECIFICATIONS MATERIAL: ALUMINUM SHALL BE: 5052-H38 OR 6061-T6 ALLOY GAUGE SHALL BE: .080 ON THE LONGEST SIDE UP TO 30" .100 ON THE LONGEST SIDE OVER 30" SIGNS SHALL BE NOTCHED FOR USE WITH E-450 BRACKETS 2-3/8" O.D. 9" STREET NAME SIGNS SHALL HAVE 6" UPPER CASE LETTERS WHITE ON GREEN HIGH INTENSITY GRADE SHEETING WITH WHITE SERIES E BORDER o ALL SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO SECTIONS 2564 AND 3352, n SIGNS AND MARKERS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION. BOULEVARD GRADE 11111111-IIIIIII-IIIIIII eq a —1111111;�11AIlll_IIIIIIII II�(IIIIIII IIIIIII ^° `� (Ih 3� TUBULAR POSTS SPECIFICATIONS (IIIIIII —1111 ° 4 (III ILII IIIIII— q IIIIIII—(IIIIIII TUBULAR POSTS USED FOR MOUNTING STREET NAME/TRAFFIC =ILII III° CONTROL SIGNS, SHALL VARY IN LENGTH, SHALL HAVE A DIMPLED TUBE BELOW GRADE OR INSTALL A ANTI- ROTATION IIIIIII — DEVICE TO PREVENT TUBE FROM TURNING, SHALL BE a 2-3/8" O.D., SHALL BE GALVINIZED AND SHALL HAVE lllllll 4 A WEIGHT OF 2LB./FT. CONCRETE GROUTL{III ILLI NOTE: CONCRETE GROUT TO BE MIXED THOROUGHLY WITH WATER BEFORE INSTALLATION NOTE: TYPICAL SIGN INSTALLATION WHEN STREET NAME SIGNS ARE TO BE INSTALLED Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Traffic Sign Installation City of Monticello Date: Plate No. - -_=-� 03-05 Revised: 5017 03-15 3 O IY V — SETBACK O m 15' VARIES VARIES FINISH GRADE GRADE SETBACK m 15' ------VARIES VARIES VARIES 25'WISH GRADE GRADE 3 O G_ U SETBACK m 70' 15' ---VARIES— —VARIES PAD ,fINISH GRADE N TOPSOIL �SUBGRADE RADIN�GIADE -I i :.T__TZTt #'kl I AQ HOLD DOWN DETAILS NOT TO SCALE 15" RCP © 0.0 I I\I\/=Q Tin F L 0 W EXPANSION JOINT (TYPICAL) REMOVE CROWN TYPE B6 CONCRETE IN 50' CURB & GUTTER TI P GUTTER OUT Ir -A A e FLOW B-618 - 3' WIDE B-624 - 4' WIDE 3' MIN. SLOPE 3/4 "/FT. SECTION A—A Title: Typical Concrete Standard Plate Library Valley Gutter City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 -�� Revised`03-15 5009 C 0 4x4 TREATED POST N E 3" WIDE BY 30" LONG BROWN ALUMINUM SIGN WITH 1-1/2- V HIGH WHITE LETTERING 31" A T I O N 4'-0" A R E A 17" GRADE SET POST IN QUICKCRETE FAST -SETTING CONCRETE OR APPROVED EQUAL. MIN 12" DIA HOLE 4'-0" Title: Standard Plate Library Conservation Easement Post Detail City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. -__-> Revised: 03-15 5020 CASTING PER CITY DETAIL OCS OVERFLOW GRATE RIM=951.50 OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE (OCS2) NOT TO SCALE CONTRACTION JOINTS 7' 6' 2% MAXIMUM pROpER� UNE CROSS SLOPE 6 3" 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 4" OR 6" CONCRETE WALK BOULEVARD WIDTH VARIES(AVERAGE 8') SIDEWALK DIMENSIONS WIDTH - 6' DEPTH - 6" FOR NEW DEVELOPMENTS - *4" MINIMUM FOR EXISTING AREAS, 6" AT DRIVEWAYS AND CROSSWALKS GRANULAR BORROW DEPTH - 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 CONTRACTION JOINTS - 6' INTERVALS EXPANSION JOINTS - 60' INTERVALS (APPROX.) *MATCH EXISTING DEPTH, 4" MINIMUM INSTALL PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPS AT ROADWAY INTERSECTIONS Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Sidewalk City of Monticello Date:Plate No. Revised:03-05 5012 —�-- 03-17 STAKES NOT RECOMMENDED UNLESS THE TRUNK PRUNING SHOULD BE LIMITED TO ONY BROKEN, EASILY WAIVERS 3"-5". DEAD, OR DAMAGED LIMBS AND SHOULD NOT CHANGE THE APPEARANCE OF THE TREE. TRUNKS OF THIN BARK SPECIES TO BE WRAPPED FOR WINTER MONTHS OR FALL PLANTINGS. ADJUST TREE SO THAT ROOT FLARE STANDS LEVEL OR SLIGHTLY HIGHER THAN EXISTING SOIL. CUT AND REMOVE ROPES AND WIRES 3"-4" LAYER OF WOOD CHIPS HOLDING THE BURLAP IN PLACE, PULL BURLAP BACK DOWN TO EXPOSE TOP OF BALL. ROTOTILLED AREA -12" DEPTH r r\' 2 TO 5 TIMES ROOT BALL DIAMETER FIRM SUBSOIL TO PREVENT SETTLING Title: Typical Tree Standard Plate Library Installation City of Monticello Date: 03-15 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 6012 11 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com �W a V 0 0 LLJ Z Z Z 0 �wJ � / O Z J O LSI 0Z W 12 I hereby certify t specification, or prepared by me direct supervision am a duly Licen: PROFESSIONAL EN the laws of the MINNESOTA J a H m a J a oc a Z G J W cc CL 0 Z a W 0 a L) ■ Z W 2 CL 0 IJ W I W J � a � W a o hat this plan, report was or under my and that I ;ed GINEER under State of DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DATA DESIGNED: DN DRAWN: ST PROJECT NO: 219-0117 12 SHEET 12 OF 13 PAD WIDTH = 40'. 48' 2.0% MIN. PAD WIDTH = 40', 48' 2.0% PAD WIDTH = 40'. 48' 70' PAD 2s' FINISH GRADE o 'n � N GRADING GRADE 0.0% 0 BASEMENT FLOOR LOOKOUT PAD FINISH GRADING G/R, 0.0% T 0 1T.%1IK9 0la41I7 VARIES CONTRACTION JOINT (SAWED OR PREFORMED) ON 16' OR WIDER DRIVE 3/8 " x 1' FORMED CONTRACTION 3/8 " z 1" FORMED CONTRACTION JOINT TO BE SEALED WITH HOT JOINT TO BE SEALED WITH HOT POURED CONCRETE JOINT SEALER POURED CONCRETE JOINT SEALER X261" EXPANSION JOINT CONTRACTION JOINTS EXPANSION JOINT PLAN WHERE SIDEWALKS EXIST OR STEEL TO BE USED WHEN 6• ARE PROPOSED, THE DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY SLAB IS NOT POURED SHALL EXTEND THROUGH THE INTEGRAL WITH GUTTER SIDEWALK. MAINTAIN 2% SIDEWALK CROSS SLOPE THROUGH DRIVEWAY. .. 113.5' 7- PAVEMENT FOR DRIVEWAY SHALL BE FROM BACK OF CURB SECTION Title: Standard Plate Library Residential Driveway Entrance City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-17 5007 Street Sign � i TRAFFIC SIGN SPECIFICATIONS MATERIAL: ALUMINUM SHALL BE: 5052-H38 OR 6061-T6 ALLOY GAUGE SHALL BE: .080 ON THE LONGEST SIDE UP TO 30" .100 ON THE LONGEST SIDE OVER 30" SIGNS SHALL BE NOTCHED FOR USE WITH E-450 BRACKETS 2-3/8" O.D. 9" STREET NAME SIGNS SHALL HAVE 6" UPPER CASE LETTERS WHITE ON GREEN HIGH INTENSITY GRADE SHEETING WITH WHITE SERIES E BORDER o ALL SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO SECTIONS 2564 AND 3352, n SIGNS AND MARKERS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION. BOULEVARD GRADE 11111111-IIIIIII-IIIIIII eq a —1111111;�11AIlll_IIIIIIII II�(IIIIIII IIIIIII ^° `� (Ih 3� TUBULAR POSTS SPECIFICATIONS (IIIIIII —1111 ° 4 (III ILII IIIIII— q IIIIIII—(IIIIIII TUBULAR POSTS USED FOR MOUNTING STREET NAME/TRAFFIC =ILII III° CONTROL SIGNS, SHALL VARY IN LENGTH, SHALL HAVE A DIMPLED TUBE BELOW GRADE OR INSTALL A ANTI- ROTATION IIIIIII — DEVICE TO PREVENT TUBE FROM TURNING, SHALL BE a 2-3/8" O.D., SHALL BE GALVINIZED AND SHALL HAVE lllllll 4 A WEIGHT OF 2LB./FT. CONCRETE GROUTL{III ILLI NOTE: CONCRETE GROUT TO BE MIXED THOROUGHLY WITH WATER BEFORE INSTALLATION NOTE: TYPICAL SIGN INSTALLATION WHEN STREET NAME SIGNS ARE TO BE INSTALLED Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Traffic Sign Installation City of Monticello Date: Plate No. - -_=-� 03-05 Revised: 5017 03-15 3 O IY V — SETBACK O m 15' VARIES VARIES FINISH GRADE GRADE SETBACK m 15' ------VARIES VARIES VARIES 25'WISH GRADE GRADE 3 O G_ U SETBACK m 70' 15' ---VARIES— —VARIES PAD ,fINISH GRADE N TOPSOIL �SUBGRADE RADIN�GIADE -I i :.T__TZTt #'kl I AQ HOLD DOWN DETAILS NOT TO SCALE 15" RCP © 0.0 I I\I\/=Q Tin F L 0 W EXPANSION JOINT (TYPICAL) REMOVE CROWN TYPE B6 CONCRETE IN 50' CURB & GUTTER TI P GUTTER OUT Ir -A A e FLOW B-618 - 3' WIDE B-624 - 4' WIDE 3' MIN. SLOPE 3/4 "/FT. SECTION A—A Title: Typical Concrete Standard Plate Library Valley Gutter City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 -�� Revised`03-15 5009 C 0 4x4 TREATED POST N E 3" WIDE BY 30" LONG BROWN ALUMINUM SIGN WITH 1-1/2- V HIGH WHITE LETTERING 31" A T I O N 4'-0" A R E A 17" GRADE SET POST IN QUICKCRETE FAST -SETTING CONCRETE OR APPROVED EQUAL. MIN 12" DIA HOLE 4'-0" Title: Standard Plate Library Conservation Easement Post Detail City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. -__-> Revised: 03-15 5020 CASTING PER CITY DETAIL OCS OVERFLOW GRATE RIM=951.50 OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE (OCS2) NOT TO SCALE CONTRACTION JOINTS 7' 6' 2% MAXIMUM pROpER� UNE CROSS SLOPE 6 3" 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 4" OR 6" CONCRETE WALK BOULEVARD WIDTH VARIES(AVERAGE 8') SIDEWALK DIMENSIONS WIDTH - 6' DEPTH - 6" FOR NEW DEVELOPMENTS - *4" MINIMUM FOR EXISTING AREAS, 6" AT DRIVEWAYS AND CROSSWALKS GRANULAR BORROW DEPTH - 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 CONTRACTION JOINTS - 6' INTERVALS EXPANSION JOINTS - 60' INTERVALS (APPROX.) *MATCH EXISTING DEPTH, 4" MINIMUM INSTALL PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPS AT ROADWAY INTERSECTIONS Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Sidewalk City of Monticello Date:Plate No. Revised:03-05 5012 —�-- 03-17 STAKES NOT RECOMMENDED UNLESS THE TRUNK PRUNING SHOULD BE LIMITED TO ONY BROKEN, EASILY WAIVERS 3"-5". DEAD, OR DAMAGED LIMBS AND SHOULD NOT CHANGE THE APPEARANCE OF THE TREE. TRUNKS OF THIN BARK SPECIES TO BE WRAPPED FOR WINTER MONTHS OR FALL PLANTINGS. ADJUST TREE SO THAT ROOT FLARE STANDS LEVEL OR SLIGHTLY HIGHER THAN EXISTING SOIL. CUT AND REMOVE ROPES AND WIRES 3"-4" LAYER OF WOOD CHIPS HOLDING THE BURLAP IN PLACE, PULL BURLAP BACK DOWN TO EXPOSE TOP OF BALL. ROTOTILLED AREA -12" DEPTH r r\' 2 TO 5 TIMES ROOT BALL DIAMETER FIRM SUBSOIL TO PREVENT SETTLING Title: Typical Tree Standard Plate Library Installation City of Monticello Date: 03-15 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 6012 11 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com �W a V 0 0 LLJ Z Z Z 0 �wJ � / O Z J O LSI 0Z W 12 I hereby certify t specification, or prepared by me direct supervision am a duly Licen: PROFESSIONAL EN the laws of the MINNESOTA J a H m a J a oc a Z G J W cc CL 0 Z a W 0 a L) ■ Z W 2 CL 0 IJ W I W J � a � W a o hat this plan, report was or under my and that I ;ed GINEER under State of DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DATA DESIGNED: DN DRAWN: ST PROJECT NO: 219-0117 12 SHEET 12 OF 13 Street Sign � i TRAFFIC SIGN SPECIFICATIONS MATERIAL: ALUMINUM SHALL BE: 5052-H38 OR 6061-T6 ALLOY GAUGE SHALL BE: .080 ON THE LONGEST SIDE UP TO 30" .100 ON THE LONGEST SIDE OVER 30" SIGNS SHALL BE NOTCHED FOR USE WITH E-450 BRACKETS 2-3/8" O.D. 9" STREET NAME SIGNS SHALL HAVE 6" UPPER CASE LETTERS WHITE ON GREEN HIGH INTENSITY GRADE SHEETING WITH WHITE SERIES E BORDER o ALL SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO SECTIONS 2564 AND 3352, n SIGNS AND MARKERS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION. BOULEVARD GRADE 11111111-IIIIIII-IIIIIII eq a —1111111;�11AIlll_IIIIIIII II�(IIIIIII IIIIIII ^° `� (Ih 3� TUBULAR POSTS SPECIFICATIONS (IIIIIII —1111 ° 4 (III ILII IIIIII— q IIIIIII—(IIIIIII TUBULAR POSTS USED FOR MOUNTING STREET NAME/TRAFFIC =ILII III° CONTROL SIGNS, SHALL VARY IN LENGTH, SHALL HAVE A DIMPLED TUBE BELOW GRADE OR INSTALL A ANTI- ROTATION IIIIIII — DEVICE TO PREVENT TUBE FROM TURNING, SHALL BE a 2-3/8" O.D., SHALL BE GALVINIZED AND SHALL HAVE lllllll 4 A WEIGHT OF 2LB./FT. CONCRETE GROUTL{III ILLI NOTE: CONCRETE GROUT TO BE MIXED THOROUGHLY WITH WATER BEFORE INSTALLATION NOTE: TYPICAL SIGN INSTALLATION WHEN STREET NAME SIGNS ARE TO BE INSTALLED Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Traffic Sign Installation City of Monticello Date: Plate No. - -_=-� 03-05 Revised: 5017 03-15 3 O IY V — SETBACK O m 15' VARIES VARIES FINISH GRADE GRADE SETBACK m 15' ------VARIES VARIES VARIES 25'WISH GRADE GRADE 3 O G_ U SETBACK m 70' 15' ---VARIES— —VARIES PAD ,fINISH GRADE N TOPSOIL �SUBGRADE RADIN�GIADE -I i :.T__TZTt #'kl I AQ HOLD DOWN DETAILS NOT TO SCALE 15" RCP © 0.0 I I\I\/=Q Tin F L 0 W EXPANSION JOINT (TYPICAL) REMOVE CROWN TYPE B6 CONCRETE IN 50' CURB & GUTTER TI P GUTTER OUT Ir -A A e FLOW B-618 - 3' WIDE B-624 - 4' WIDE 3' MIN. SLOPE 3/4 "/FT. SECTION A—A Title: Typical Concrete Standard Plate Library Valley Gutter City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 -�� Revised`03-15 5009 C 0 4x4 TREATED POST N E 3" WIDE BY 30" LONG BROWN ALUMINUM SIGN WITH 1-1/2- V HIGH WHITE LETTERING 31" A T I O N 4'-0" A R E A 17" GRADE SET POST IN QUICKCRETE FAST -SETTING CONCRETE OR APPROVED EQUAL. MIN 12" DIA HOLE 4'-0" Title: Standard Plate Library Conservation Easement Post Detail City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. -__-> Revised: 03-15 5020 CASTING PER CITY DETAIL OCS OVERFLOW GRATE RIM=951.50 OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE (OCS2) NOT TO SCALE CONTRACTION JOINTS 7' 6' 2% MAXIMUM pROpER� UNE CROSS SLOPE 6 3" 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 4" OR 6" CONCRETE WALK BOULEVARD WIDTH VARIES(AVERAGE 8') SIDEWALK DIMENSIONS WIDTH - 6' DEPTH - 6" FOR NEW DEVELOPMENTS - *4" MINIMUM FOR EXISTING AREAS, 6" AT DRIVEWAYS AND CROSSWALKS GRANULAR BORROW DEPTH - 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 CONTRACTION JOINTS - 6' INTERVALS EXPANSION JOINTS - 60' INTERVALS (APPROX.) *MATCH EXISTING DEPTH, 4" MINIMUM INSTALL PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPS AT ROADWAY INTERSECTIONS Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Sidewalk City of Monticello Date:Plate No. Revised:03-05 5012 —�-- 03-17 STAKES NOT RECOMMENDED UNLESS THE TRUNK PRUNING SHOULD BE LIMITED TO ONY BROKEN, EASILY WAIVERS 3"-5". DEAD, OR DAMAGED LIMBS AND SHOULD NOT CHANGE THE APPEARANCE OF THE TREE. TRUNKS OF THIN BARK SPECIES TO BE WRAPPED FOR WINTER MONTHS OR FALL PLANTINGS. ADJUST TREE SO THAT ROOT FLARE STANDS LEVEL OR SLIGHTLY HIGHER THAN EXISTING SOIL. CUT AND REMOVE ROPES AND WIRES 3"-4" LAYER OF WOOD CHIPS HOLDING THE BURLAP IN PLACE, PULL BURLAP BACK DOWN TO EXPOSE TOP OF BALL. ROTOTILLED AREA -12" DEPTH r r\' 2 TO 5 TIMES ROOT BALL DIAMETER FIRM SUBSOIL TO PREVENT SETTLING Title: Typical Tree Standard Plate Library Installation City of Monticello Date: 03-15 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 6012 11 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com �W a V 0 0 LLJ Z Z Z 0 �wJ � / O Z J O LSI 0Z W 12 I hereby certify t specification, or prepared by me direct supervision am a duly Licen: PROFESSIONAL EN the laws of the MINNESOTA J a H m a J a oc a Z G J W cc CL 0 Z a W 0 a L) ■ Z W 2 CL 0 IJ W I W J � a � W a o hat this plan, report was or under my and that I ;ed GINEER under State of DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DATA DESIGNED: DN DRAWN: ST PROJECT NO: 219-0117 12 SHEET 12 OF 13 3 O IY V — SETBACK O m 15' VARIES VARIES FINISH GRADE GRADE SETBACK m 15' ------VARIES VARIES VARIES 25'WISH GRADE GRADE 3 O G_ U SETBACK m 70' 15' ---VARIES— —VARIES PAD ,fINISH GRADE N TOPSOIL �SUBGRADE RADIN�GIADE -I i :.T__TZTt #'kl I AQ HOLD DOWN DETAILS NOT TO SCALE 15" RCP © 0.0 I I\I\/=Q Tin F L 0 W EXPANSION JOINT (TYPICAL) REMOVE CROWN TYPE B6 CONCRETE IN 50' CURB & GUTTER TI P GUTTER OUT Ir -A A e FLOW B-618 - 3' WIDE B-624 - 4' WIDE 3' MIN. SLOPE 3/4 "/FT. SECTION A—A Title: Typical Concrete Standard Plate Library Valley Gutter City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 -�� Revised`03-15 5009 C 0 4x4 TREATED POST N E 3" WIDE BY 30" LONG BROWN ALUMINUM SIGN WITH 1-1/2- V HIGH WHITE LETTERING 31" A T I O N 4'-0" A R E A 17" GRADE SET POST IN QUICKCRETE FAST -SETTING CONCRETE OR APPROVED EQUAL. MIN 12" DIA HOLE 4'-0" Title: Standard Plate Library Conservation Easement Post Detail City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. -__-> Revised: 03-15 5020 CASTING PER CITY DETAIL OCS OVERFLOW GRATE RIM=951.50 OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE (OCS2) NOT TO SCALE CONTRACTION JOINTS 7' 6' 2% MAXIMUM pROpER� UNE CROSS SLOPE 6 3" 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 4" OR 6" CONCRETE WALK BOULEVARD WIDTH VARIES(AVERAGE 8') SIDEWALK DIMENSIONS WIDTH - 6' DEPTH - 6" FOR NEW DEVELOPMENTS - *4" MINIMUM FOR EXISTING AREAS, 6" AT DRIVEWAYS AND CROSSWALKS GRANULAR BORROW DEPTH - 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 CONTRACTION JOINTS - 6' INTERVALS EXPANSION JOINTS - 60' INTERVALS (APPROX.) *MATCH EXISTING DEPTH, 4" MINIMUM INSTALL PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPS AT ROADWAY INTERSECTIONS Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Sidewalk City of Monticello Date:Plate No. Revised:03-05 5012 —�-- 03-17 STAKES NOT RECOMMENDED UNLESS THE TRUNK PRUNING SHOULD BE LIMITED TO ONY BROKEN, EASILY WAIVERS 3"-5". DEAD, OR DAMAGED LIMBS AND SHOULD NOT CHANGE THE APPEARANCE OF THE TREE. TRUNKS OF THIN BARK SPECIES TO BE WRAPPED FOR WINTER MONTHS OR FALL PLANTINGS. ADJUST TREE SO THAT ROOT FLARE STANDS LEVEL OR SLIGHTLY HIGHER THAN EXISTING SOIL. CUT AND REMOVE ROPES AND WIRES 3"-4" LAYER OF WOOD CHIPS HOLDING THE BURLAP IN PLACE, PULL BURLAP BACK DOWN TO EXPOSE TOP OF BALL. ROTOTILLED AREA -12" DEPTH r r\' 2 TO 5 TIMES ROOT BALL DIAMETER FIRM SUBSOIL TO PREVENT SETTLING Title: Typical Tree Standard Plate Library Installation City of Monticello Date: 03-15 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 6012 11 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com �W a V 0 0 LLJ Z Z Z 0 �wJ � / O Z J O LSI 0Z W 12 I hereby certify t specification, or prepared by me direct supervision am a duly Licen: PROFESSIONAL EN the laws of the MINNESOTA J a H m a J a oc a Z G J W cc CL 0 Z a W 0 a L) ■ Z W 2 CL 0 IJ W I W J � a � W a o hat this plan, report was or under my and that I ;ed GINEER under State of DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DATA DESIGNED: DN DRAWN: ST PROJECT NO: 219-0117 12 SHEET 12 OF 13 C 0 4x4 TREATED POST N E 3" WIDE BY 30" LONG BROWN ALUMINUM SIGN WITH 1-1/2- V HIGH WHITE LETTERING 31" A T I O N 4'-0" A R E A 17" GRADE SET POST IN QUICKCRETE FAST -SETTING CONCRETE OR APPROVED EQUAL. MIN 12" DIA HOLE 4'-0" Title: Standard Plate Library Conservation Easement Post Detail City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. -__-> Revised: 03-15 5020 CASTING PER CITY DETAIL OCS OVERFLOW GRATE RIM=951.50 OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE (OCS2) NOT TO SCALE CONTRACTION JOINTS 7' 6' 2% MAXIMUM pROpER� UNE CROSS SLOPE 6 3" 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 4" OR 6" CONCRETE WALK BOULEVARD WIDTH VARIES(AVERAGE 8') SIDEWALK DIMENSIONS WIDTH - 6' DEPTH - 6" FOR NEW DEVELOPMENTS - *4" MINIMUM FOR EXISTING AREAS, 6" AT DRIVEWAYS AND CROSSWALKS GRANULAR BORROW DEPTH - 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 CONTRACTION JOINTS - 6' INTERVALS EXPANSION JOINTS - 60' INTERVALS (APPROX.) *MATCH EXISTING DEPTH, 4" MINIMUM INSTALL PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPS AT ROADWAY INTERSECTIONS Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Sidewalk City of Monticello Date:Plate No. Revised:03-05 5012 —�-- 03-17 STAKES NOT RECOMMENDED UNLESS THE TRUNK PRUNING SHOULD BE LIMITED TO ONY BROKEN, EASILY WAIVERS 3"-5". DEAD, OR DAMAGED LIMBS AND SHOULD NOT CHANGE THE APPEARANCE OF THE TREE. TRUNKS OF THIN BARK SPECIES TO BE WRAPPED FOR WINTER MONTHS OR FALL PLANTINGS. ADJUST TREE SO THAT ROOT FLARE STANDS LEVEL OR SLIGHTLY HIGHER THAN EXISTING SOIL. CUT AND REMOVE ROPES AND WIRES 3"-4" LAYER OF WOOD CHIPS HOLDING THE BURLAP IN PLACE, PULL BURLAP BACK DOWN TO EXPOSE TOP OF BALL. ROTOTILLED AREA -12" DEPTH r r\' 2 TO 5 TIMES ROOT BALL DIAMETER FIRM SUBSOIL TO PREVENT SETTLING Title: Typical Tree Standard Plate Library Installation City of Monticello Date: 03-15 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 6012 11 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com �W a V 0 0 LLJ Z Z Z 0 �wJ � / O Z J O LSI 0Z W 12 I hereby certify t specification, or prepared by me direct supervision am a duly Licen: PROFESSIONAL EN the laws of the MINNESOTA J a H m a J a oc a Z G J W cc CL 0 Z a W 0 a L) ■ Z W 2 CL 0 IJ W I W J � a � W a o hat this plan, report was or under my and that I ;ed GINEER under State of DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DATA DESIGNED: DN DRAWN: ST PROJECT NO: 219-0117 12 SHEET 12 OF 13 CASTING PER CITY DETAIL OCS OVERFLOW GRATE RIM=951.50 OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE (OCS2) NOT TO SCALE CONTRACTION JOINTS 7' 6' 2% MAXIMUM pROpER� UNE CROSS SLOPE 6 3" 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 4" OR 6" CONCRETE WALK BOULEVARD WIDTH VARIES(AVERAGE 8') SIDEWALK DIMENSIONS WIDTH - 6' DEPTH - 6" FOR NEW DEVELOPMENTS - *4" MINIMUM FOR EXISTING AREAS, 6" AT DRIVEWAYS AND CROSSWALKS GRANULAR BORROW DEPTH - 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 CONTRACTION JOINTS - 6' INTERVALS EXPANSION JOINTS - 60' INTERVALS (APPROX.) *MATCH EXISTING DEPTH, 4" MINIMUM INSTALL PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPS AT ROADWAY INTERSECTIONS Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Sidewalk City of Monticello Date:Plate No. Revised:03-05 5012 —�-- 03-17 STAKES NOT RECOMMENDED UNLESS THE TRUNK PRUNING SHOULD BE LIMITED TO ONY BROKEN, EASILY WAIVERS 3"-5". DEAD, OR DAMAGED LIMBS AND SHOULD NOT CHANGE THE APPEARANCE OF THE TREE. TRUNKS OF THIN BARK SPECIES TO BE WRAPPED FOR WINTER MONTHS OR FALL PLANTINGS. ADJUST TREE SO THAT ROOT FLARE STANDS LEVEL OR SLIGHTLY HIGHER THAN EXISTING SOIL. CUT AND REMOVE ROPES AND WIRES 3"-4" LAYER OF WOOD CHIPS HOLDING THE BURLAP IN PLACE, PULL BURLAP BACK DOWN TO EXPOSE TOP OF BALL. ROTOTILLED AREA -12" DEPTH r r\' 2 TO 5 TIMES ROOT BALL DIAMETER FIRM SUBSOIL TO PREVENT SETTLING Title: Typical Tree Standard Plate Library Installation City of Monticello Date: 03-15 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 6012 11 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com �W a V 0 0 LLJ Z Z Z 0 �wJ � / O Z J O LSI 0Z W 12 I hereby certify t specification, or prepared by me direct supervision am a duly Licen: PROFESSIONAL EN the laws of the MINNESOTA J a H m a J a oc a Z G J W cc CL 0 Z a W 0 a L) ■ Z W 2 CL 0 IJ W I W J � a � W a o hat this plan, report was or under my and that I ;ed GINEER under State of DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DATA DESIGNED: DN DRAWN: ST PROJECT NO: 219-0117 12 SHEET 12 OF 13 STAKES NOT RECOMMENDED UNLESS THE TRUNK PRUNING SHOULD BE LIMITED TO ONY BROKEN, EASILY WAIVERS 3"-5". DEAD, OR DAMAGED LIMBS AND SHOULD NOT CHANGE THE APPEARANCE OF THE TREE. TRUNKS OF THIN BARK SPECIES TO BE WRAPPED FOR WINTER MONTHS OR FALL PLANTINGS. ADJUST TREE SO THAT ROOT FLARE STANDS LEVEL OR SLIGHTLY HIGHER THAN EXISTING SOIL. CUT AND REMOVE ROPES AND WIRES 3"-4" LAYER OF WOOD CHIPS HOLDING THE BURLAP IN PLACE, PULL BURLAP BACK DOWN TO EXPOSE TOP OF BALL. ROTOTILLED AREA -12" DEPTH r r\' 2 TO 5 TIMES ROOT BALL DIAMETER FIRM SUBSOIL TO PREVENT SETTLING Title: Typical Tree Standard Plate Library Installation City of Monticello Date: 03-15 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 6012 11 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com �W a V 0 0 LLJ Z Z Z 0 �wJ � / O Z J O LSI 0Z W 12 I hereby certify t specification, or prepared by me direct supervision am a duly Licen: PROFESSIONAL EN the laws of the MINNESOTA J a H m a J a oc a Z G J W cc CL 0 Z a W 0 a L) ■ Z W 2 CL 0 IJ W I W J � a � W a o hat this plan, report was or under my and that I ;ed GINEER under State of DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DATA DESIGNED: DN DRAWN: ST PROJECT NO: 219-0117 12 SHEET 12 OF 13 11 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com �W a V 0 0 LLJ Z Z Z 0 �wJ � / O Z J O LSI 0Z W 12 I hereby certify t specification, or prepared by me direct supervision am a duly Licen: PROFESSIONAL EN the laws of the MINNESOTA J a H m a J a oc a Z G J W cc CL 0 Z a W 0 a L) ■ Z W 2 CL 0 IJ W I W J � a � W a o hat this plan, report was or under my and that I ;ed GINEER under State of DAVE NASH, PE 11/10/20 21836 Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE 10/7/20 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 11/10/20 PRELIM. PLAT RESUBMITTAL PROJECT TEAM DATA DESIGNED: DN DRAWN: ST PROJECT NO: 219-0117 12 SHEET 12 OF 13 POND SEED MIX (SEE LEGEND) 2;7/ -WB 7-( 1–RF i v 1–RM 1–KC –RF 4–BH CKTU___`Q I I I I 10 11 IIII I I L_ L- L 3–CH I I 23 I I I IL L I I I A I I 12 L- I 22 L 3–FM r--� I 3–CM 2–KC J A E MONSON WAY -- - 3–RB _ T 0 , 1–RM 1–RF , , � I I J 1—RM 21 -J r - °ins \ / J L_ -J 7 4—SS 7 � > 1 –RM 1 –RM 3–CH I 1 , 1–FM IPP, 1 –SS \ \\ 1–KC '��in� , \ 4–RB \1–SS J I �\ \� 1—CM I �, 4 �� � a r --J LI ' �_ \ \ - 1 –RF I \ w, L------- I , I -------------- k 3–BH C 1 v 3–FM v 1 –WB -- 11 3–CM 17 I r - I i , I I i i W ----1 –RM - ----- 1 –FM JI 1 - 1–RB _J I L- 3 -WB 2 L -- 12 W I I I I > I ,, -- ------ Q 16 r --J V r- L- r LU O 1—WB— Y -� 1 '-2—CM L-- 1 L- W rJ I I- 4 —BH I I I , L71 r - -J � , 01 2–CH / 15 – 0 1 –RB r -------L 3–FM , 1–WB– 1–SS�1 FM\\lu�f 1 SS 1–RM � 1 –WB , •, � 47'SS 19 14 4–WB I 18 E 3–CH 15 --_1_–RF ^ 17 16 ' / I I IL / 3–RB / 0 1–RM ,' / e < 1–RM , 2–BH F2� 4–CM 13 ' 3–CH ' v 1–RF / / A 3–KC 3–FM / / / 4 N o TH ST NE / V i /40 / 1–RM 0 12 1–RF 2–BH 6 , i POND SEED MI8 9 1 10 ^� � 1–RF (SEE LEGEND) 1–RM ; > � 1 –CM 1–CM 2 SS A –RM 1–RF 1–BH –KC 1–RM v 1–RF ' 0 ° li; C) 2–FB ° O 1 –BH Il�i� O = _ 1–SS 1–RM 1–RF 8–SSD , „ ., 85TH ST NE 1–RF 1–RF LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE PER CITY OF MON ITCELLO CODE QUANTITY KEY COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME SIZE / ROOT TYPE NOTES OVERSTORY TREES 14 RB River Birch Betula nigra 2.0" cal. B&B StraightTrunk, NoV-Crotch 14 CH Common Hackberry CeItis occidentalis 2.0" cal. B&B Straight Trunk, No V -Crotch 14 KC Kentucky Coffeetree 'Espresso' Gymnocladus dioica 'Espresso -J FS' 2.0'' cal. B&B Straight Trunk, No V -Crotch 15 WB Whitespire Birch Betula populifolia'Whitespire' 2.0" cal. B&B Straight Trunk, NoV-Crotch 15 FM Fall Fiesta Maple Ace rsaccharum'Bal ISta' 2.0" cal. B&B Stra ight Tru n k, NoV-Crotch 16 RM Crimson King Maple Acer pIata noides'Crimson King' 2.0'' cal. B&B StraightTru nk, No V -Crotch 88 TOTAL EVERGREEN TREES 15 BF Swiss Stone Pine jAbies balsamea 8' ht B&B Ful I Form 15 BS Black Hills Spruce Picea glauca densata 8' ht B&B Fu1I Form 30 TOTAL SHRUBS 2 1 FB Fire Ball Euonymus Euonymus alatus'Select' 45 con t. Min.5 canes at ht. spec. PERENNIALS& ORNAMENTAL GRASSES 8 1 SSD Stella Supreme Daylily HemerocalIis'Ste Ila Supreme' 1 gal cont. ADDITIONAL PUD TREES (RED) QUANTITY KEY COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME SIZE/ROOT TYPE NOTES OVERSTORY TREES 14 RB River Birch 113etula nigra #25 Cont. Clump Straight Trunk, No V -Crotch 14 CH Red Sunset Maple lAcer rubrum'Franksred' #25 Cont. Straight Trunk, No V -Crotch 1 NOTE: TREE STAKING OPTIONAL GUYING PLAN PRUNE DEAD AND BROKEN BRANCHES 16" POLY STRAP 40 MIL. 1-1/2" WIDE 3 -GUY CABLES DOUBLE STRAND 14GA. WIRES AT ONE FLAG PER WIRE 120' SPACING REMOVE ROPE AND BURLAP MULCH - 4" DEEP FROM UPPER 1/3 OF ROOTBALL DOUBLE SHREDDED 18• MACHINE EDGE V -DITCH AROUND MULCH ALL TREES IN SODDED AREAS ROOTBALL MIN. 3 -GUY STAKES AT 120' SPACING PLANTING SOIL 2'X2"X24" WOOD STAKE AT AN ANGLE -III IIIIII- PRUNE DEAD AND BROKEN BRANCHES 4" DEPTH HARDWOOD MULCH OVER LANDSCAPE FABRIC PLANTING SOIL, SEE PLANTING NOTES DRAINAGE MOUND III�IIIII�IIIII�IIIII�IIIII�IIIII�IIIII�IIIII SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL IIIIII III NOT TO SCALE 1111111111 1111111111111111 -RF 111 111 _ 1 111 111 PLANTING LEGEND: 1111-1 1111111 I I I-111-111-111-111 I I I I -111-I 11- 111111 111 OVERSTORY TREES I 1 1 1 PREPARE 111 111 111 T 1 111 2" CAL. B&B, SINGLE TRUNK, NO V–CROTCH AREA 3 ES THE WIDTH OF ROOTBALL CONIFEROUS TREES TREE PLANTING DETAIL 8' HT. B&B, FULL FORM 1 NOT TO SCALE POND AREA SEED MIX: MN STATE SEED MIX 33-361 LANDSCAPE NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 FOR LOCATING ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND AVOID DAMAGE TO UTILITIES DURING THE COURSE OF THE WORK. 2. INSTALL 4" MIN. TOP SOIL TO ALL SOD, SEED AND SHRUB AREAS. FINE GRADE ALL SOD AND SEED AREAS. INSTALL 12" PLANTING SOIL TO ALL PERENNIAL AREAS. 3. STAKE OR MARK ALL PLANT MATERIAL LOCATIONS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. HAVE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE APPROVE ALL STAKING PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 4. ALL SHRUB AREAS UNLESS SPECIFIED AS OTHER, TO BE BED MULCHED WITH 4" DEPTH OF SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH OVER FILTER W FABRIC, UNLESS SPECIFIED AS OTHER. POLY–EDGER TO BE VALLEY VIEW BLACK DIAMOND OR APPROVED EQUAL. z 5. INSTALL 4-6" DEPTH SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH AROUND ROOT SAUCER OF ALL TREES ISOLATED FROM PLANT BEDS. Q 6. PLANTING SOIL SHALL BE 1:1:1 CONSISTING OF 33% SELECT LOAMY TOPSOIL, 33% PEAT MOSS, 33% PIT RUN SAND. z O 7. COMPLETELY GUARANTEE ALL WORK FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR BEGINNING AT THE DATE OF ACCEPTANCE. MAKE ALL REPLACEMENTS (n PROMPTLY (AS PER DIRECTION OF OWNER). z O 8. ALL MATERIAL SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK, AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN. W 9. ALL TREE TRUNKS SHALL BE WRAPPED WITH BROWN CREPE TREE WRAP. APPLY WRAP IN NOVEMBER AND REMOVE IN APRIL. 10. MAINTAIN ALL PLANT MATERIALS, INCLUDING WATERING, UNTIL THE TIME OF ACCEPTANCE. 11. COORDINATE INSTALLATION WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 12. STAKING AND GUYING OF TREES OPTIONAL: MAINTAIN PLUMBNESS OF TREES FOR DURATION OF WARRANTY PERIOD. 13. SWEEP AND WASH ALL PAVED SURFACES AND REMOVE ALL DEBRIS RESULTING FROM LANDSCAPE OPERATIONS. 14. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW THE WRIGHT COUNTY SOIL & EROSION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS FOR DISTURBED AREA STABILIZATION. TREE REQUIREMENTS: 1. PER CHAPTER 4, SECTION 4.1, SUBSECTION C.2.A OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE, DECIDUOUS FO &vEj0 ONLY CANOPY OR SHADE TREES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF TWO (2.0) CALIPER INCHES IN SIZE AT THE TIME OF PLANTING, AS DETERMINED IN THE AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK. 2. PER CHAPTER 4 SECTION 4.1 SUBSECTION C.2.13OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE �" F O�GONSZ P EVERGREEN CANOPY TREES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF SIX FEET IN HEIGHT ABOVE GROUND LEVEL AT THE TIME NOS OF PLANTING. N 3. PER CHAPTER 4, SECTION 4.1, SUBSECTION C.2.I.III OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE, WHEN 40 OR MORE TREES ARE REQUIRED ON A SITE, AT LEAST FOUR DIFFERENT SPECIES SHALL BE UTILIZED, IN ROUGHLY EQUAL PROPORTIONS. SPECIES PROVIDED = 8 4. PER CHAPTER 4, SECTION 4.1, SUBSECTION H OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE, SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED UNITS REQUIRE 4.0 AGGREGATE CALIPER INCHES PER LOT. REQUIRED PLANTINGS ON CORNER LOTS SHALL BE DOUBLE THE LISTED REQUIREMENTS (8.0 ACI OF CANOPY TREES) NON–CORNER LOTS = 54 54 LOTS X 4 CALIPER INCHES = 216 INCHES 0 25 50 100 CORNER LOTS = 5 5 LOTS X 8 CALIPER INCHES = 40 INCHES TOTAL REQUIRED CALIPER INCHES = 256 INCHES SCALE IN FEET CALIPER INCHES PROVIDED = 256 INCHES 11 ALLIANT 733 Marquette Avenue Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com �W Q V H 0 O W Z z Z O V) O z J O w_ C U G � Q Z LU M I hereby certify t specification, or prepared by me direct supervision am a duly Licen: PROFESSIONAL LA the laws of the MINNESOTA J a G a a a 5Z G J W cc a 0 z a 'W V V♦ H z z LU a a a O w a W a V W 0 z a � hat this plan, report was or under my and that I ;ed VDSCAPFur14eHITECT State of MARK KRONBECK, PLA Date License No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DATE DATE ISSUE PROJECT TEAM DATA DESIGNED: DN DRAWN: BD PROJECT NO: 219-0117 13 SHEET 13 OF 13 Ado =EH - b J - EH bi FRI O R 4 b� B 8 —IT]EE s EEEI� �R a tjLw �< y --] i— 5W D GON5TRU6TON 811012020 W OOTTA6E/3 GAR ME i i IN S a� �o ew• ua sw• 3-0' � T5 • Ki' e'O r -r I 1'1' I re I Vu Wv h 1 I x � PMefR II 'I N04 w{ , F anarzozo � I W7A(,E(3 LAR H q b I sa ra e'e r<• f 4 4 m - � 6 II MWl. DSYM Y K K Ip 81 a NOL. g 4 I 4'- Ilse �4y8 B I ry o� I © u � K � K •� J; Q d 6/b)ftlldlb G 54l t K K � I z r -r I 1'1' I re I Vu Wv h 5H WOLD GONSTRUGTION , F anarzozo (a W7A(,E(3 LAR z N � wa � 3b'O b'8 472 5W HOLD GONSTRMION CArAGE/3 GAR 8/18/2020 N K � I Iii �° i i � � � I� I• I 4 s= � �a� I I a ��� � I I I I IP I I I I I I l b 3•e• �e• I I � Ba• 4 y: �a a I I I �' �I I -- -- p'I I\ Rb ii 3 I I I II�_i___ I I L S I � 3.b. � I I I al I I I o I U'Rk iRliib s. F 3 I W I F § tit I � , W'-0' U.C6. 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UNL 911.M - II �£ I .P. 1kP1 'I, of 13 ` Wednesday, November 11, 2020 11:58:49 AM - Window 2 0 0 (7 z LU M U) 0 00 a a M z �i J 0 IL a LU z z 0 0 M W U) U) W D z LU a Q z LU X 0 wsb October 21, 2020 Mr. Matt Leonard City Engineer/Public Works Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Edmonson Ridge Preliminary Plat & Plan — Engineering Review City of Monticello Project No. 2020-029 WSB Project No. R-017007-000 Dear Mr. Leonard: We have reviewed the revised civil plans and preliminary plat dated October 7, 2020 as prepared by Alliant Engineering. The applicant proposes to construct 50 single family lots within 40 acres of land. The documents were reviewed for general conformance with the City of Monticello's general engineering and stormwater treatment standards. We offer the following comments regarding engineering and stormwater management matters. Preliminary Plat (Sheet 3) 1. The applicant dedicated an additional 22' of right-of-way adjacent to Edmonson Avenue and 85th Street. The ROW width of Edmonson Avenue (CR 117) will be reviewed by Wright County with plat submittals. 2. Separate trail easement legal descriptions and exhibits should be provided for separate recording with the County. 3. Outlots A and B for the public trails are required to be 30' wide following the City's Subdivision Ordinance. Overall Site Plan (Sheet 4) 4. Include in the legend the various hatching patterns for the proposed hard -cover areas. 5. With final plat submittal provide a removals/demolition plan. 6. Extend trail along 85th Street to Ebersole Avenue to create a looped trail/sidewalk system. 7. Install stop sign at Eakern/87th as well as Eversole/85tH K:\017007-000\Admin\Docs\2020-10-12 Submittal\_2020-10-21 Ltr-m-leonard Weinan PUD & Prelim Plat - WSB Response.do- Edmonson Ridge Preliminary Plat & Plans — Engineering Review October 21, 2020 Page 2 Local City streets are required to have sidewalks along 1 side. Add sidewalk along 86th/Eakern between Edmonson Way. Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan (Sheet 5) The proposed contours along the side -yard swales shows grading towards the building pads in many locations, refine the contouring to provide dedicated side -yard swales. 10. Backyard drainage swales shall have a minimum 2% grade. Correct those that are flatter, including the ditch along Edmonson Avenue, and note percent grade and add directional arrows. 11. The grading between Lot 1 Block 1 and Lot 19 Block 3 appears to be very flat. Review grading and improve proposed grading in this area. 12. With final plat submittal provide the following: a. Provide profile views of the streets with vertical curve design information and proposed grades. Minimum street profile grade shall be no less than 0.5%. b. Provide alignment stationing on the plan view and horizontal curve information. c. Draintile (rigid PVC) will not be required for street subgrade but will be required in locations where sump pumps are proposed to be connected. Include tracer wire and cleanouts every 200 feet. See City detail plate No. 4011 and Appendix D of the City's general specifications. d. Provide profile drawings of the trail. Grading should indicate a cross slope on all walkways. Cross slope shall be a minimum of 1.5% but no more than 2.0%. e. Show mailbox cluster locations on the plans. f. Note approximate driveway percent grades. SWPPP & Details (Sheet 6-8) 13. A NPDES/SDS Construction Storm Water General Permit (CSWGP) shall be provided with the grading permit or with the building permit application for review, prior to construction commencing. 14. A detailed review of the SWPPP will be conducted with final plat/construction plan review. Sanitary Sewer & Watermain Utility Plan (Sheet 9) General 15. The building department will review the hydrant location/spacing and emergency vehicle access/circulation and provide comments separately from this letter. K:\017007-000Wdmin\Docs\2020-10-12 Submittal\_2020-10-21 Ltr-m-leonard Weinan PUD & Prelim Plat - WSB Response.do- Edmonson Ridge Preliminary Plat & Plans — Engineering Review October 21, 2020 Page 3 16. With final construction plans, provide confirmation of of MDH (watermain) and MPCA (sanitary sewer) plan review and permitting. 17. Reference that plans should comply with the requirements in the City General Specifications on the Cover Sheet. 18. Show/note drainage and utility easements. Sanitary Sewer/watermain 19. Provide dimension note for 10 -foot separation between the watermain and sanitary sewer. Add a dimension note(s) on the plan view. 20. Identify tracer wire for the watermain. 21. If applicable, the sanitary sewer risers shall be placed at the property line and not at the main. 22. Connections to existing watermain shall be made using a new gate valve, show the symbol in the correct location on the plan. 23. Sanitary sewer inverts do not appear to match asbuilt plans, review and correct. 24. With final plat submittal provide the following: a. Provide profile view of watermain and sanitary sewer and label pipe type, strength class, and percent grade. b. Private utility conduit crossings shall be shown for the joint trench. Add Detail 7002 to details sheet. The location of the City's Fibernet conduits also need to be added to the plans. c. Power lines along Edmonson Avenue and 85th Street will be required to be buried with the project. d. Clearly show the construction limits on the pertinent sheets. e. A note should be added to the plans that the City will not be responsible for any additional costs incurred that is associated with variations in the utility as -built elevations. These elevations shall be verified in the field prior to construction. f. A note should be added to the plans that the City will not be responsible for any additional costs incurred that are associated with variations in the utility as -built elevations. These elevations shall be verified in the field prior to construction. g. Provide a street lighting plan. Show streetlights on utility plan. h. Provide sewer stub invert elevations for each lot. i. Where sanitary or storm sewer cross the watermain, note "Maintain 18 -Inch Separation, 4" Rigid Insulation". K:\017007-000Wdmin\Docs\2020-10-12 Submittal\_2020-10-21 Ltr-m-leonard Weinan PUD & Prelim Plat - WSB Response.do- Edmonson Ridge Preliminary Plat & Plans — Engineering Review October 21, 2020 Page 4 Storm Sewer Plan (Sheet 101 25. The city design manual indicates the minimum storm sewer pipe diameter is 15 inches. Please revise segment CB203 to CBMH2O2. 26. The last structure in the street prior to discharging to the infiltration basins should have a 4 -foot deep sump, according to the City Design Manual. 27. Catch basins should have a minimum depth of four feet to prevent freezing. Please review system and revise accordingly. 28. Provide capacity value on the Storm Sewer Schedule for each pipe segment. 29. All FES 24 inches in diameter and greater should include sheet piling as per the City detail. 30. It appears there is a low point proposed at CB 111, but no catch basin is provided on the other side of the street, review and confirm low point location. 31. On the storm sewer schedule, the pipe slope is listed with unit of "W', but it appears this should be "ft/ft" based on the values shown. 32. With final plat submittal provide the following: a. Profile views of the proposed storm sewer with the street profile sheets and label pipe type, strength class, and percent grade. b. Note the quantity and class of rip -rap at each location. Provide a general note that all rip -rap; shall be grouted per City Standard Specifications. Standard Details Plan (Sheet 11) 33. Include typical section/insets for proposed ponding/infiltration basins. 34. Add specific details for the control structures. Stormwater Management 35. Provide HydroCAD modeling for the 10 -day snowmelt condition as identified in the City's Design Manual. 36. Demonstrate that drainage from subwatershed PR -2 will drain to Infiltration Basin 2 and not the ditch along 85th ST. 37. Post development peak runoff rates are met for the 2 -yr, 10 -yr, and 100 -yr storm events through the use of onsite ponding. 38. Volume control is met onsite through 2 infiltration basins. The total impervious amount of 347,093 requires a retention volume of 31,817 cf. The Basin 1 provides 30,008 cf and Basin 2 provides 48,603 cf of storage. The combined volume is in excess of the required amount. K:\017007-000Wdmin\Docs\2020-10-12 Submittal\_2020-10-21 Ltr-m-leonard Weinan PUD & Prelim Plat - WSB Response.do- Edmonson Ridge Preliminary Plat & Plans — Engineering Review October 21, 2020 Page 5 39. The infiltration volume is required to drawdown in 48 hrs. The applicant is assuming an infiltration rate of 0.8 in/hr. Basin 1 has an infiltration depth of 1 foot and Basin 2 has an infiltration depth of 4.5 feet. The maximum infiltration depth that will draw down within 48 hours is 3.2 feet according to the assumed infiltration rate. Please revise the infiltration depth for Basin 2. Additionally, the soil boring information in the location of Basin 2 indicates clay type soils. 40. Geotechnical information can be used for preliminary design purposes; however, infiltration testing of the constructed systems will be required to confirm drawdown. 41. Soils that have infiltration rates greater than 8.3 inches per hour must be amended to slow the infiltration rate below 8.3 inches per hour, per the CSWGP. 42. Conservation easements and posts should be placed over infiltration basins, following the City's Design Manual. Wetland & Environmental 43. The applicant has indicated that there are no wetlands onsite. The City, or agents of the City, are not responsible for errors and omissions on the submitted plans. The owner, developer, and engineer of record are fully responsible for changes or modifications required during construction to meet the City's standards. Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Please give me a call at 763-287-8532 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Sincerely, WSB L James L. Stremel, PE Senior Project Manager K:\017007-000\Admin\Docs\2020-10-12 Submittal\_2020-10-21 Ltr-m-leonard Weinan PUD & Prelim Plat - WSB Response.do- 2 0 0 (7 z LU M U) 0 00 a a M z �i J 0 IL a LU z z_ 0 M W U) U) W D z LU Q a z LU X 0 wsb December 9, 2020 Mr. Matt Leonard City Engineer/Public Works Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Edmonson Ridge Final Plat & Plan — Engineering Review City of Monticello Project No. 2020-029 WSB Project No. R-017007-000 Dear Mr. Leonard: We have reviewed the revised civil plans and final plat dated November 30, 2020 as prepared by Alliant Engineering. The applicant proposes to construct 50 single family lots within 40 acres of land. The documents were reviewed for general conformance with the City of Monticello's general engineering and stormwater treatment standards. We offer the following comments regarding engineering and stormwater management matters. Final Plat 1. The applicant dedicated an additional 22' of right-of-way adjacent to Edmonson Avenue and 85th Street. The ROW width of Edmonson Avenue (CR 117) will be reviewed by Wright County with plat submittals. Noted by applicant. 2. Separate trail easement legal descriptions and exhibits should be provided for separate recording with the County. 3. Outlots A and B for the public trails are required to be 30' wide following the City's Subdivision Ordinance. Complete. 4. Provide the necessary ROW to accommodate the City's future plans for a roundabout at the intersection of 85th Street and Edmonson Avenue. Provide an exhibit showing the roundabout overlaid with the proposed ROW linework. 5. Provide easement for monument sign. Standard Details (Sheets 3 — 7) Include typical section/insets for proposed ponding/infiltration basins. 3:1 slopes are shown in ponding areas, 4:1 slopes are the maximum slope allowed. Complete K:\017007-000\Admin\Docs\2020-11-30 Final Plat Submittal\_2020-12-09 Ur-m-leonard Weinan PUD & Final Plat - WSB Response.do- Edmonson Ridge Preliminary Plat & Plans - Engineering Review December 9, 2020 Page 2 The City will review the geotechnical recommendation for the select granular section at the time of final construction plans. Add specific details for the control structures. Provide outlet control structure for Basin 1 also. City Design guidelines state that outlet control structure should be designed in three phases with primary structure and secondary overflow structure routed to the storm sewer and a defined EOF as the tertiary outlet. The two-stage outlet to the primary pipe allows for a redundant system if blockage or plugging occurs. Existing Conditions & Removal Plan (Sheet 8) Show the removal of utilities affected with the proposed project. 10. Note the saw -cutting of the existing pavement edges, the City requires a clean edge for the connection of the proposed street. Erosion & Sediment Control Plan (Sheets 9 —10) 11. A NPDES/SDS Construction Storm Water General Permit (CSWGP) shall be provided with the grading permit or with the building permit application for review, prior to construction commencing. 12. A detailed review of the SWPPP will be conducted with final construction plan review. Grading & Drainage Plan (Sheet 11) 13. Correct the grade of the drainage riitrh Monn Frimnnsnn AvPni,a and note narr.ent qrade and add directional arrows Complete, applicant stated that Edmonson Avenue has an existing profile grade of 0.40%. City staff is fine with maintaining the existing grade along Edmonson Avenue. 14. The grading in and around the following locations should be reviewed and corrected to maintain a minimum of 2.0% within the proposed vegetated swales. Review all swale grades with final plat/plan submittal. i. In and around rear yards of Lot 1 Block 3, Lot 19 Block 3, and east where swale starts to head north. ii. Side yard of Lots1/2 Block 3 iii. Side yards of Lots 3/4/5 Block 3 iv. Rear yard of Lot 12 Block 2 V. Side yard of Lots 22/23 Block 2 vi. Side yard of Lots 4/5, 7/8 Block 1 15. Provide separate alignment stationing numbers for each street, show on all street and utility plans. 16. Note approximate driveway percent grades. 17. Slopes onsite exceed 4:1, according to the Design Manual, the maximum slope allowed is 4:1. Complete. K:\017007-000\Admin\Docs\2020-11-30 Final Plat Submittal\_2020-12-09 Ltr-m-leonard Weinan PUD & Final Plat - WSB Response.do- Edmonson Ridge Preliminary Plat & Plans — Engineering Review December 9, 2020 Page 3 18. Provide low floor and low opening elevations for Lot 13, Block 3. 19. Lot 1 Block 2 lowest floor does not appear to meet the freeboard requirement for EOF. Street Construction Plan/Profiles, Intersection Details (Sheets 12 —19) 20. On Sheet 24 include in the legend the various hatching patterns for the proposed hard- cover surfaces. 21. Move sidewalk to the east side of Eakern Avenue north of Edmonson Way. 22. Note stop sign installation at Eakern/87th as well as Eversole/85tH 23. Show mailbox cluster locations on the plans, including Sheet 12. 24. With final plat submittal, show and note a 100' taper from the proposed street width of 30' to the existing wider street widths of 32'. 25. On Sheet 15 either note the ped ramp location for the trail at the westerly connection or reduce the viewport size so that it is only shown on Sheet 16. 26. Note the trail taper in all locations and extend the taper length to a minimum of 20:1. 27. On Sheet 18, the gutter slopes at the pedestrian ramps appear to be incorrect on 86th Street at station 8+75. Confirm gutter slope at SW quadrant of intersection of Edmonson and 86th, grade is greater than 2.0%. The maximum cross slope shall be no more than 2.0%. 28. Draintile (rigid PVC) will not be required for street subgrade but will be required in locations where sump pumps are proposed to be connected. Include tracer wire and cleanouts every 200 feet. See City detail plate No. 4011 and Appendix D of the City's general specifications. 29. Vertical curves shall be designed to meet a 30 MPH design speed. Review all curves for compliance, specifically the curve a station 2+00. Note the existing profile grades at the adjoining streets and show existing vertical curve information. 30. Valley gutter across Edmonson Way at the intersection with 86th Street is not needed of profiles slope is more than 1.5%. 31. The low point on Edmonson Way at station 4+16 (in profile view) does not match up with the catch basin locations. 32. Note side -yard drainage and utility easements and dimension the width. Storm Sewer Plans (Sheets 20 — 27) 33. The city design manual indicates the minimum storm sewer pipe diameter is 15 inches. Please revise segment CB203 to CBMH2O2. Complete. K:\017007-000\Admin\Docs\2020-11-30 Final Plat Submittal\_2020-12-09 Ltr-m-leonard Weinan PUD & Final Plat - WSB Response.do- Edmonson Ridge Preliminary Plat & Plans — Engineering Review December 9, 2020 Page 4 34. The last structure in the street prior to discharging to the infiltration basins should have a 4 -foot deep sump, according to the City Design Manual. Complete, but note a 'A' Sump" in the profile for structure CBMH 101 to be consistent with the other location shown on the plan. 35. Catch basins should have a minimum depth of four feet to prevent freezing. Please review system and revise accordingly. Complete, but consider reducing depth of CB 105, 203, and 205 to less than 4.5' to improve constructability (assuming these will be 24"x48" structures but may not be shown correctly on chart) At the depth shown, CB 205 may impact the watermain. The depth of structure 204 should also be reduced to a maximum of 6'. 36. Provide capacity value on the Storm Sewer Schedule for each pipe segment. Complete. 37. All FES 24 inches in diameter and greater should include sheet piling as per the City detail. Complete. 38. Confirm the section of storm sewer between CBMH 111 and CBMH 110 will not impact the sanitary manhole. 39. Label strength class for the RCP in the profiles. 40. Note the quantity and class of rip -rap at each location. Provide a general note that all rip - rap; shall be grouted per City Standard Specifications. Sanitary Sewer & Watermain Utility Plans (Sheets 24 — 27) 41. With final construction plans, provide confirmation of MDH (watermain) and MPCA (sanitary sewer) plan review and permitting. 42. The building department will review the hydrant location/spacing and emergency vehicle access/circulation and provide comments separately from this letter. Minimum hydrant spacing shall be a maximum of 400' feet. Where extraneous conditions require longer spacing, the City may allow up to 450' but must be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. 43. Note side -yard drainage and utility easements and dimension the width. 44. Provide dimension note for 10 -foot separation between the watermain and sanitary sewer. Add a dimension note(s) on the plan view. 45. Sanitary sewer inverts do not appear to match asbuilt dans, review and correct_ Complete, applicant noted inverts are based on the field survey completed by Alliant Engineering. The elevations shall be verified in the field prior to construction. 46. Add note that sanitary sewer risers shall be placed at the property line and not at the main. 47. The sanitary sewer pipe label in the profile should include "PVC". 48. Private utility conduit crossings shall be shown for the joint trench. Add Detail 7002 to details sheet. The location of the City's Fibernet conduits also need to be added to the plans. K:\017007-000\Admin\Docs\2020-11-30 Final Plat Submittal\_2020-12-09 Ltr-m-leonard Weinan PUD & Final Plat - WSB Response.do- Edmonson Ridge Preliminary Plat & Plans — Engineering Review December 9, 2020 Page 5 49. Clearly show the construction limits on the pertinent sheets. 50. A note should be added to the plans that the City will not be responsible for any additional costs incurred that is associated with variations in the utility as -built elevations. These elevations shall be verified in the field prior to construction. 51. Where sanitary or storm sewer cross the watermain, note "Maintain 18 -Inch Separation, 4" Rigid Insulation". 52. A hydrant is not located at the high -point of the watermain on 86th Street near Station 8+75 or at Station 15+35. City Public Works staff will review and provide comments. Stormwater Management 53. Provide HydroCAD modeling for the 10 -day snowmelt condition as identified in the City's Design Manual. The 10 -day snowmelt condition appears to be the critical HWL event as the HWL in basin 1 is 953.88 and Basin 2 is 952.17. This should be the elevation used to determine freeboard for houses adjacent to these basins respectively. Complete. 54. Demonstrate that drainage from subwatershed PR -2 will drain to Infiltration Basin 2 and not the ditch along 85th ST. Complete, drainage from PR -2A is now routed offsite. However, the Hydrocad model routes runoff from drainage area OS -1 (85th St ditch) to Basin 2. This is not accurate and should be corrected. Complete. 55. Post development peak runoff rates are met for the 2 -yr, 10 -yr, and 100 -yr storm events through the use of onsite ponding. Complete. 56. Volume control is met onsite through 2 infiltration basins. The net increase of impervious of 323,469 sf requires a retention volume of 29,651 cf. Basin 1 provides 27,700 cf and Basin 2 provides 34,109 cf of storage. The combined volume is in excess of the required amount. Complete. 57. The infiltration volume is required to drawdown in 48 hrs. The applicant is assuming an infiltration rate of 0.8 in/hr. Basin 1 has an infiltration depth of 1.8 feet and Basin 2 has an infiltration depth of 2 feet. The maximum infiltration depth that will draw down within 48 hours is 3.2 feet according to the assumed infiltration rate. Therefore, these basins will drawdown within the required time. Complete, for the assumed infiltration rate of 0.8 in/hr. However, applicant should be aware that the soil boring information in the location of Basin 2 indicates clay type soils. 58. Geotechnical information can be used for preliminary design purposes; however, infiltration testing of the constructed systems will be required to confirm drawdown. Applicant acknowledged. 59. Soils that have infiltration rates greater than 8.3 inches per hour must be amended to slow the infiltration rate below 8.3 inches per hour, per the CSWGP. Applicant acknowledged. 60. Conservation easements and posts should be placed over infiltration basins, following the City's Design Manual. Complete. K:\017007-000Wdmin\Docs\2020-11-30 Final Plat Submittal\_2020-12-09 Ltr-m-leonard Weinan PUD & Final Plat - WSB Response.do- Edmonson Ridge Preliminary Plat & Plans — Engineering Review December 9, 2020 Page 6 Wetland & Environmental 61. The applicant has indicated that there are no wetlands onsite. The City, or agents of the City, are not responsible for errors and omissions on the submitted plans. The owner, developer, and engineer of record are fully responsible for changes or modifications required during construction to meet the City's standards. Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Please give me a call at 763-287-8532 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Sincerely, WSB James L. Stremel, PE Senior Project Manager K:\017007-000\Admin\Docs\2020-11-30 Final Plat Submittal\_2020-12-09 Ur-m-leonard Weinan PUD & Final Plat - WSB Response.do- DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (Developer Installed Improvements) EDMONSONRIDGE THIS DEVELOPMENT CONTACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("Contract") dated , 20, is by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"), and LSW INVESTMENTS, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (the "Developer" and "Owner"). REQUEST FOR PLAT APPROVAL. The Developer has asked the City to approve a plat and Planned Unit Development approval forEbmoNsoNRIDGE (referred to in this Contract as the "Plat" and the "Development"). The land is situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, and is legally described on the attached Exhibit "A". The Developer is developing the property into 54 single family residential homes and is requesting approval from the City for annexation and rezoning to PUD, pursuant to Resolution No. , for the development. 2. CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL. The City hereby approves the plat on condition that the Developer enter into this Contract, furnish the security required by it, and record the plat with the Page I 1 212915v1 County Recorder/Registrar within 365 days after the City Council approves the final plat or the execution of this Contract, whichever occurs later. 3. RIGHT TO PROCEED. Within the plat or land to be platted, the Developer may not grade or otherwise disturb the earth, remove trees, construct sewer lines, water lines, streets, utilities, public or private improvements, or any buildings until all the following conditions have been satisfied: 1) this Contract has been fully executed by both parties and filed with the City Clerk, 2) the necessary security has been received by the City, 3) the plat has been submitted to the Wright County Recorder's Office, and 4) the City has issued a letter that all conditions have been satisfied and that the Developer may proceed. 4. PHASED DEVELOPMENT. If the plat is a phase of a multi -phased preliminary plat, the City may refuse to approve final plats of subsequent phases if the Developer has breached this Contract and the breach has not been remedied. Development of subsequent phases may not proceed until Development Contracts for such phases are approved by the City. Park dedication charges referred to in this Contract are not being imposed on outlots, if any, in the plat that are designated in an approved preliminary plat for future subdivision into lots and blocks. Such charges will be calculated and imposed when the outlots are final platted into lots and blocks. 5. PRELIMINARY PLAT STATUS. If the plat is a phase of a multi -phased preliminary plat, the preliminary plat approval for all phases not final platted shall lapse and be void unless final platted into lots and blocks, no outlots, within two (2) yeas after preliminary plat approval. 6. CHANGES IN OFFICIAL CONTROLS. For two (2) years from the date of this Contract, no amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan or official controls shall apply to or affect the use, development density, lot size, lot layout or dedications of the approved plat unless required by state or federal law or agreed to in writing by the City and the Developer. Thereafter, notwithstanding anything Page 12 212915v1 in this Contract to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by state law, the City may require compliance with any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, official controls, platting or dedication requirements enacted after the date of this Contract. 7. ZONING. Except as otherwise provided herein, the subject property shall be subject to the zoning regulations for the Planned Unit Development District and the requirements and standards of the T -N District in effect at the time the final plat is approved, as they apply to single family homes. If there is a conflict among these regulations, the conflict shall be resolved in the order listed below with item number one being primary: (1) Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement (2) Resolution of Final Stage PUD Approval (2) Planned Unit Development Zoning Regulations (3) T -N Zoning District Regulations 8. CONDITION FOR SUBSEQUENT APPROVALS. No final plat for changes or amendments to this PUD Agreement shall be approved, nor shall construction commence for such additional land uses, until an amendment of the PUD Agreement is processed and approved, subject to the requirements of the Monticello Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, including the submission of site and building plans, final grading and drainage plans, final utility plans, and final landscaping plans. 9. DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The plat shall be developed in accordance with the following plans. The plans shall not be attached to this Contract. With the exception of Plans A and B, the plans may be prepared, subject to City approval, after entering the Contract, but before commencement of any work in the plat. If the plans vary from the written terms of this Contract, the written terms shall control. The plans are: Plan A - Plat Plan B - Final Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan Plan C - Plans and Specifications for Public Improvements Page 13 212915v1 Plan D - Street Lighting Plan Plan E - Landscape Plan: General site and individual unit landscaping plans Plan F — Building Plans, fagade elevations and typical architectural design plans Plan G — Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 10. IMPROVEMENTS. The Developer shall install and pay for the following: A. Sanitary Sewer System B. Water System C. Storm Sewer System D. Streets E. Concrete Curb and Gutter F. Street Lights G. Site Grading, Ponding, and Erosion Control H. Underground Utilities I. Setting of Iron Monuments J. Surveying and Staking K. Sidewalks and Trails L. Retaining Walls H. Mail boxes: All developers must meet with the City of Monticello Street Superintendent and USPS to determine the type of mail boxes installed and the location of all mail boxes. Initial costs of the mail boxes and their installation are the responsibility of the developer. All residential developments must install locking cluster mail boxes. The improvements shall be installed in accordance with the City subdivision ordinance; City standard specifications for utilities and street construction; and any other ordinances. The Developer shall submit plans and specifications which have been prepared by a competent registered professional engineer to the Page 14 212915v1 City for approval by the City Engineer. The City may, at the City's discretion and at the Developer's expense, have one or more City inspectors and a soil engineer inspect the work on a full or part-time basis. The Developer, its contractors and subcontractors, shall follow all instructions received from the City's inspectors. The Developer or its engineer time at the City Council chambers with all parties concerned, including the City staff, to review the program for the construction work. Within thirty (30) days after the completion of the improvements and before the security is released, the Developer shall supply the City with a complete set of reproducible "as constructed" plans, an electronic file of the "as constructed" plans in an auto CAD.DWG file or a .DXF file, and two complete sets of blue line "as constructed" plans, all prepared in accordance with City standards. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes 505.021, the final placement of iron monuments for all lot corners must be completed before the applicable security is released. The Developer's surveyor shall also submit a written notice to the City certifying that the monuments have been installed. 11. DESIGN STANDARDS. The applicable Planned Unit Development Zoning Regulations are equal to those set forth in the PUD Resolution, and the T -N Zoning District Regulations. 12. PERMITS. The Developer shall obtain or require its contractors and subcontractors to obtain all necessary permits, including but not limited to: • Wright County for County Road Access and Work in County Rights -of -Way • Wright County Soil Conservation District • MnDot for State Highway Access • Minnesota Department of Health for Watermains • NPDES Permit for Stormwater Connections • MPCA for Sanitary Sewer and Hazardous Material Removal and Disposal • DNR for Dewatering • City of Monticello for Building Permits 13. DEWATERING. Due to the variable nature of groundwater levels and stormwater flows, it will be the Developer's and the Developer's contractors and subcontractors responsibility to satisfy themselves with regard to the elevation of groundwater in the area and the level of effort needed to Page 15 212915v1 perform dewatering and storm flow routing operations. All dewatering shall be in accordance with all applicable county, state, and federal rules and regulations. DNR regulations regarding appropriations permits shall also be strictly followed. 14. TIME OF PERFORMANCE. The Developer shall install all required public improvements by August 30, of the year following the year of recording of the final plat with the exception of the final wear course of asphalt on streets. The final wear course on streets shall be installed between August 15th and October 15a' of the year following installation of improvements, at the direction and in the discretion of the City Engineer. The Developer may, however, request an extension of time from the City. If an extension is granted, it shall be conditioned upon updating the security posted by the Developer to reflect cost increases and the extended completion date. 15. LICENSE. The Developer hereby grants the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors a license to enter the platted property to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City in conjunction with plat development. 16. EROSION CONTROL AND STORM WATER CONTROL. Prior to initiating site grading, the erosion control plan, Plan B, shall be implemented by the Developer and inspected and approved by the City or Wright County Soil and Water Conservation District. The City or Wright County Soil and Water Conservation District may impose additional erosion control and storm water requirements if they would be beneficial. All areas disturbed by the excavation and backfilling operations shall be reseeded within 48 hours after the completion of the work or in an area that is inactive for more than seven (7) days unless authorized and approved by the City Engineer. Except as otherwise provided in the erosion control plan, seed shall be in accordance with the City's current seeding specification which may include certified oat seed to provide a temporary ground cover as rapidly as possible. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and disc anchored as necessary for seed retention. The parties recognize Page 16 212915v1 that time is of the essence in controlling erosion. If the Developer does not comply with the erosion control plan and schedule or supplementary instructions received from the City or the Wright County Soil and Water Conservation District, the City may take such action as it deems appropriate to control erosion. The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer's and City's rights or obligations hereunder. If the Developer does not reimburse the City for any cost the City incurred for such work within ten (10) days, the City may draw down the letter of credit to pay any costs. No development, utility or street construction will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the plat is in full compliance with the approved erosion control plan and storm water control measures are in place. 17. GRADING PLAN AND CERTIFICATION. The plat shall be graded in accordance with the approved grading plan, stormwater control measures and erosion control plan as set forth in Plan "B". The plan shall conform to City of Monticello specifications. Within thirty (30) days after completion of the grading and before the City approves individual building permits (except model homes as permitted by this Contract or the Building Official), the Developer shall provide the City with an "as constructed" grading plan certified by a registered land surveyor or engineer that all ponds, swales, and ditches have been constructed on public easements or land owned by the City. Additionally, the "as constructed" grading plan will include a certification that the grading following construction activities has been undisturbed or has been returned to the state required in the grading plan. The "as constructed" plan shall include field verified elevations of the following: a) cross sections of ponds; b) location and elevations along all swales, wetlands, wetland mitigation areas if any, ditches, locations and dimensions of borrow areas/stockpiles, and installed "conservation area" posts; and c) lot corner elevations, and building pads. The City will withhold issuance of building permits until the approved certified grading plan is on file with the City and all erosion control measures are in place as determined by the City Engineer. The Page 17 212915v1 Developer certifies to the City that all lots with building footings placed on fill have been monitored and constructed to meet or exceed FHA/HUD 79G specifications. 18. CLEAN UP. The Developer shall clean dirt and debris from streets that has resulted from construction work by the Developer, home builders, subcontractors, their agents or assigns. Prior to any construction in the plat, the Developer shall identify in writing a responsible party and schedule for erosion control, street cleaning, and street sweeping. The Developer shall pay a penalty of $100.00 a day for each calendar day that the streets are not cleaned in accordance with this paragraph. If the Developer repeatedly fails to clean streets in accordance with this paragraph, the City may, in its discretion, perform the work or contract to have the work completed and bill the costs to the Developer. The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer's and City's rights or obligations hereunder. If the Developer does not reimburse the City for any cost the City incurred for such work within ten (10) days from the date notice of the amount owed to the City is mailed, the City may draw down the Irrevocable Letter of Credit to pay any costs. No development, utility or street construction will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the plat is in full compliance with the requirements of this paragraph. 19. OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS. Upon completion of the work and construction required by this Contract, the improvements lying within public easements shall become City property without further notice or action. 20. CITY ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATION AND CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION. A. The Developer shall pay a fee for the City's engineering administration as related to the Public Improvements. City engineering administration will include monitoring of construction observation related to Public Improvements, consultation with Developer and its engineer on status or problems Page 18 212915v1 regarding the project, coordination for final inspection and acceptance, project monitoring during the warranty period, and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be four percent (4.0%), of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $49,555.00 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development, to pay the fees owed to the City under this Section. The Developer shall pay for construction observation performed by the City's consulting engineer. Construction observation shall include part or full-time inspection of proposed public utilities and will be billed on standard hourly rates per City's adopted fee schedule. The cost of the construction observation is included in the four (4%) estimate. B. The Developer shall pay a fee for the City's engineering administration as related to grading and restoration of the subject property. City engineering administration will include monitoring of construction observation related to grading and restoration of the site, consultation with Developer and their engineer on status or problems regarding the project, coordination for final inspection and acceptance, and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be three percent (3.0%), of the estimated construction cost of the subject property grading and restoration cost, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $6,000.00 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. The Developer shall pay for construction observation performed by the City's consulting engineer. Construction observation shall include part or full-time inspection of proposed public utilities and will be billed on standard hourly rates per City's adopted fee schedule. C. The fees owed by the Developer to the City under this Section shall be paid from the escrow amounts. Any amounts not utilized from the escrow account shall be returned to the Developer when all the Page 19 212915v1 Development has been completed in accordance with this Agreement. If additional escrow amounts are required for such costs incurred beyond the escrow deposit, the Developer shall be billed directly for such costs and there shall be no issuance of occupancy permits until all such obligations have been fully paid. 21. CITY PLANNING, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATION. A. The Developer shall submit an escrow deposit for fees for City staff administration relating to processing of the Plat and associated administration. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be two percent (2.0%) of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $19,498.00 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the proj ect. B. The Developer shall submit an escrow deposit for fees relating to City planning -related expenses associated with the Plat development. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be two percent (2.0%) of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $19,498.00 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the project. C. The Developer shall submit an escrow deposit for fees relating to City legal -related expenses associated with the Plat development. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be two percent (2.0%) of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $19,498.00 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the project. Page 110 212915v1 D. The fees owed by the Developer to the City under this Section shall be paid from the escrows amounts. Any amounts not utilized from the escrow account shall be returned to the Developer when all the Development has been completed in accordance with this Agreement. If additional escrow amounts are required for such costs incurred beyond the escrow deposit, the Developer shall be billed directly for such costs and there shall be no issuance of occupancy permits until all such obligations have been fully paid. 22. CLAIMS. In the event that the City receives claims from labor, materialmen, or others that work required by this Contract has been performed, the sums due them have not been paid, and the laborers, materialmen, or others are seeking payment from the City, the Developer hereby authorizes the City to commence an Interpleader action pursuant to Rule 22, Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts, to draw upon the letters of credit in an amount up to 125 percent of the claim(s) and deposit the funds in compliance with the Rule, and upon such deposit, the Developer shall release, discharge, and dismiss the City from any further proceedings as it pertains to the letters of credit deposited with the District Court, except that the Court shall retain jurisdiction to determine attorneys' fees pursuant to this Contract. 23. STORM SEWER AREA CHARGE. The Development is subject to a storm sewer area charge of $67,914.84. The area charge is based on the gross area of the final plat less any area credit for pond area, and is calculated as follows: 16.31 acres x $4,164.00 $67,914.84 The total storm sewer area charge for the Development of $67,914.84 shall be assessed against the property or deferred for two (2) years, with no interest, if not paid by the Developer in cash at the time of final plat approval at developer's option. If the storm sewer area charge is deferred for two years, any lot sold within that two year period will be required to pay the trunk fees at the prevailing trunk rates at the time a building permit is issued. For taxes payable 2023, any unpaid fees shall be assessed to the Page 111 212915v1 remaining lots within the Plat over 5 years at an interest rate of 1.5% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal, calculated at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year. If the fees are assessed at the time of final plat, the assessments will be levied over 10 years at an interest rate of 2% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. 24. SANITARY SEWER AREA CHARGE. The Development is subject to a sanitary sewer area charge of $83,970.00. The area charge is based on the number of units in the gross area 0final plat and is calculated as follows: 54 units x $1,555.00 $83,970.00 The total sanitary sewer area charge for the Development of $83,970.00 shall be assessed against the property or deferred for two (2) years, with no interest, if not paid by the Developer in cash at the time of final plat approval at developer's option. If the sanitary sewer area charge is deferred for two years, any lot sold within that two year period will be required to pay the trunk fees at the prevailing trunk rates at the time a building permit is issued. For taxes payable 2023, any unpaid fees shall be assessed to the remaining lots within the Plat over 5 years at an interest rate of 1.5% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal, calculated at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year. If the fees are assessed at the time of final plat, the assessments will be levied over 10 years at an interest rate of 2% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. 25. WATER MAIN AREA CHARGE. The Development is subject to a water main area charge of $62,262.00. The area charge is based on the number of units in the gross area ^ final plat and is calculated as follows: 54 units x $1,153.00 $621262.00 Page 112 212915v1 The total water main area charge for the Development of $62,262.00 shall be assessed against the property or deferred for two (2) years, with no interest, if not paid by the Developer in cash at the time of final plat approval at developer's option. If the water main area charge is deferred for two years, any lot sold within that two year period will be required to pay the trunk fees at the prevailing trunk rates at the time a building permit is issued. For taxes payable 2023, any unpaid fees shall be assessed to the remaining lots within the Plat over 5 years at an interest rate of 1.5% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal, calculated at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year. If the fees are assessed at the time of final plat, the assessments will be levied over 10 years at an interest rate of 2% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. 26. PARK DEDICATION/ TRAILS / SIDEWALKS. Developer shall construct trail segments along 85th Street NE (south boundary) which will connect to an existing sidewalk at Ebersole Avenue; along Edmonson Avenue NE (east boundary) which will connect to an existing trail at the north end of the property; and through Outlot A, all as shown on the final Plat. Developer shall construct sidewalks within the Development as shown on the final Plat. Said trails and sidewalks to be dedicated in satisfaction of the City's park dedication requirements. The Developer shall receive construction cost credit for the trails based on the actual construction cost of the trail improvements. The park, trail and sidewalk requirements shall be approved by the Park and Recreation Commission. The Developer shall deed Outlot A to the City. 27. LANDSCAPING. The Developer shall follow all requirements of the City's Zoning Ordinance requirements and the City approved PUD Landscape Plan. 28. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions shall apply to plat development: Page 113 212915v1 A. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the October 21 st, 2020 engineering report. B. Implementation of the recommendations of Resolution No. , and Resolution No. , including the City Staff recommendation listed in Exhibit Z. C. Prior to City Council approval of the final plat, the Developer shall furnish a boundary survey of the proposed property to be platted with all property corner monumentation in place and marked with lath and a flag. Any encroachments on or adjacent to the property shall be noted on the survey. The Developer shall post a $16,200.00 security for the final placement of interior subdivision iron monuments at property corners. The security was calculated as follows: 54 units at $300.00 per unit. The security will be held by the City until the Developer's land surveyor certifies that all irons have been set following site grading and utility and street construction. In addition, the certificate of survey must also include a certification that all irons for a specific lot have either been found or set prior to the issuance of a building permit for that lot. D. The Developer is required to submit the final plat in electronic format. The electronic format shall be either AutoCAD.DWG file or a .DXF file. All construction record drawings (e.g., grading, utilities, and streets) shall be in electronic format in accordance with standard City specifications. The Developer shall also submit one complete set of reproducible construction plans on Mylar. 29. SUMMARY OF SECURITY REQUIREMENTS. A. To guarantee compliance with the terms of this agreement, payment of real estate taxes including interest and penalties, payment of special assessments, payment of the costs of all public improvements, and construction of all public improvements, the Developer shall furnish the City with a letter of credit, in the form attached hereto, from a bank ("security") for $1,238,875.00, plus a cash fee of Page 114 212915v1 $114,049.00 for City engineering, expenses and administration. The amount of the security was calculated as follows: CONSTRUCTION COSTS: Sanitary Sewer $ 165,500.00 Watermain $ 185,500.00 Storm Sewer/Draintile/Infiltration Basin $ 200,000.00 Internal Streets, Driveways, Sidewalks and Trails $ 400,000.00 Lighting, Street Signage, Mail Boxes $ 23,900.00 CONSTRUCTION SUB -TOTAL (ESTIMATED) $ 974,900.00 OTHER COSTS: Lot Corners/Iron Monuments $ 16,200.00 TOTAL COSTS $ 9911100.00 TOTAL SECURITIES: Total Costs X 125% $1,238,875.00 This breakdown is for historical reference; it is not a restriction on the use of the security. The bank shall be subject to the approval of the City Administrator. The security shall be for a term ending when maintenance bond is posted. Individual security instruments may be for shorter terms provided they are automatically renewed on an annual basis until expiration. The City may draw down the security with 30 days written notice to Developer, for any violation of the terms of this Contract or if the security is allowed to lapse prior to the end of the required term. If the required public improvements are not completed at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal of the security, the City may also draw it down. If the security is drawn down, the proceeds shall be used to cure the default. Upon receipt of proof satisfactory to the City that work has been completed and financial obligations to the City have been satisfied, with City approval the security may be reduced from time to time by ninety percent (90%) of the financial obligations that have been satisfied. Ten percent (10%) of the amounts certified by the Developer's engineer shall be retained as security until all improvements have been completed, all Page 115 212915v1 financial obligations to the City satisfied, the required "as constructed" plans have been received by the City, a warranty security is provided, and the public improvements are accepted by the City Council. The City standard specifications for utilities and street construction outline procedures for security reductions. B. To guarantee compliance with the terms of this agreement, the Developer shall furnish the City with another letter of credit, in the form attached hereto, from a bank ("security") for $66,810.00 for landscaping and grading. The amount of the security was calculated as follows: Landscaping Grading $ 10,500.00 $ 56,310.00 TOTAL $ 66,810.00 30. SUMMARY OF CASH REQUIREMENTS. The following is a summary of the cash requirements under this Contract which must be furnished to the City prior to the time of final plat approval: 4 Years of Taxes Payable to Monticello Township $ 2,435.36 Administrative (2%) $ 19,498.00 Legal (2%) $ 19,498.00 Planning (2%) $ 19,498.00 Engineering and Inspection (7%) Grading, Restoration and Erosion & Sediment Control Inspection Fee (3% of grading) $ 6,000.00 Streets and Utilities Review & Inspection (4%) $ 49,555.00 Total Cash Requirements $116,484.36 * Fees reconciled to actual expenses at close of project. 31. WARRANTY. The Developer warrants all improvements required to be constructed by it pursuant to this Contract against poor material and faulty workmanship. The warranty period for underground utilities, streets, trails, and sidewalks is two years and shall commence following completion and date of acceptance by City Council. The Developer or its Contractors shall post maintenance bonds in the amount of twenty-five percent (25%) of final certified construction costs to secure the warranties. Maintenance Bonds of the prime contractor may be accepted subject to City approval. The City shall Page 116 212915v1 retain ten percent (10%) of the security posted by the Developer until the maintenance bonds are furnished the City or until the warranty period expires, whichever first occurs. The retainage may be used to pay for warranty work. 32. RESPONSIBILITY FOR COSTS. A. Except as otherwise specified herein, the Developer shall pay all actual costs incurred by it or the City in conjunction with the development of the plat, including but not limited to Soil and Water Conservation District charges, legal, planning, engineering and inspection expenses incurred in connection with approval and acceptance of the plat, the preparation of this Contract, review of construction plans and documents, and all costs and expenses incurred by the City in monitoring and inspecting development of the plat. The Developer shall deposit with the City the amount set forth in Section 31 to be used for the payment of these fees and enforcement fees. If the amount in the deposit account drops below 15% of the initial amount, the Developer will make additional deposits in amounts set by the City. At the completion of the project and following payment of all expenses related to the project, the City shall return the remaining deposit funds to the Developer. B. The Developer shall hold the City and its officers, employees, and agents harmless from claims made by it and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from plat approval and development. The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers, employees, and agents for all costs, damages, or expenses which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including attorneys' fees. C. The Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Contract, including engineering and attorneys' fees. D. The Developer shall pay, or cause to be paid when due, and in any event before any penalty is attached, all special assessments referred to in this Contract. The Developer hereby waives all Page 117 212915v1 assessment notice and hearing requirements. If the Developer elects to have the charges set forth in this contract assessed to the properties herein, the assessment shall be assessed against the property or deferred for two (2) years, with no interest, at developer's option. If the assessment is deferred for two years, any lot sold within that two year period will be required to pay the trunk fees at the prevailing trunk rates at the time a building permit is issued. For taxes payable 2023, any unpaid fees shall be assessed to the remaining lots within the Plat over 5 years at an interest rate of 1.5% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal, calculated at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year. If the fees are assessed at the time of final plat, the assessments will be levied over 10 years at an interest rate of 2% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. E. The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations incurred under this Contract within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt plat development and construction until the bills are paid in full. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per year. F. In addition to the charges and special assessments referred to herein, other charges and special assessments may be imposed such as but not limited to sewer availability charges ("SAC"), City water connection charges, City sewer connection charges, and building permit fees. G. If the Developer is dedicating property to the City to satisfy Park Dedication requirements, separate legal descriptions shall be developed for these properties and quitclaim deeds shall be executed for each of the transactions. The Developer agrees to pay all real estate taxes due or payable on outlots transferred to the City for the period up to the time the outlots become tax exempt. Page 118 212915v1 H. The Developer is responsible for payment of four years of tax payments to Monticello Township, $2,435.36, which is based on the amount of taxes paid in the last year the property was located in Monticello Township. 33. DEVELOPER'S DEFAULT. In the event of default by the Developer as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the Developer shall promptly reimburse the City for any expense incurred by the City, provided the Developer, except in an emergency as determined by the City, is first given notice of the work in default, not less than forty- eight (48) hours in advance. This Contract is a license for the City to act, and it shall not be necessary for the City to seek a Court order for permission to enter the land. When the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part. 34. MISCELLANEOUS. A. The Developer represents to the City that the plat complies with all city, county, metropolitan, state, and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to: subdivision ordinances, zoning ordinances, and environmental regulations. If the plat ceases to comply with county, metropolitan state, and federal laws and regulations, the City may, at its option, refuse to allow construction or development work in the plat until the Developer does comply. Upon the City's demand, the Developer shall cease work until there is compliance. B. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City under this Contract. C. Breach of the terms of this Contract by the Developer shall be grounds for denial of building permits, including lots sold to third parties. D. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this Contract is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Contract. Page 119 212915v1 E. If building permits are issued prior to the acceptance of public improvements, the Developer assumes all liability and costs resulting in delays in completion of public improvements and damage to public improvements caused by the City, Developer, its contractors, subcontractors, material men, employees, agents, or third parties. No sewer and water connection permits may be issued and no one may occupy a building for which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis until the streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface and the utilities are accepted by the City Engineer. F. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Contract. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Contract shall not be a waiver or release. G. This Contract shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the property. The Developer covenants with the City, its successors and assigns, that the Developer is well seized in fee title of the property being final platted and/or has obtained consents to this Contract, in the form attached hereto, from all parties who have an interest in the property; that there are no unrecorded interests in the property being final platted; and that the Developer will indemnify and hold the City harmless for any breach of the foregoing covenants. H. Developer, or its prime contractor, shall take out and maintain or cause to be taken out and maintained until six (6) months after the City has accepted the public improvements, public liability and property damage insurance covering personal injury, including death, and claims for property damage which may arise out of Developer's work or the work of its subcontractors or by one directly or indirectly employed by any of them. Limits for bodily injury and death shall be not less than $500,000 for one person and $1,000,000 for each occurrence; limits for property damage shall be not less than Page 120 212915v1 $200,000 for each occurrence; or a combination single limit policy of $1,000,000 or more. The City shall be named as an additional insured on the policy, and the Developer shall file with the City a certificate evidencing coverage prior to the City signing the plat or when any construction commences, whichever later occurs. The certificate shall provide that the City must be given ten (10) days advance written notice of the cancellation of the insurance. L Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. J. The Developer may not assign this Contract without the written permission of the City Council. The Developer's obligation hereunder shall continue in full force and effect even if the Developer sells a part or parts of the platted land. K. Retaining walls that require a building permit shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by a structural or geotechnical engineer licensed by the State of Minnesota. Following construction, a certification signed by the design engineer shall be filed with the City Engineer evidencing that the retaining wall was constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. All retaining walls the development plans, or special conditions referred to in this Contract required to be constructed shall be constructed before any other building permit is issued for a lot on which a retaining wall is required to be built. 35. NOTICES. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by certified mail at the Page 121 212915v1 following address: LSW Investments, LLC, 4065 Chelsea Road West, MN 55362. Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Administrator, or mailed to the City by certified mail in care of the City Administrator at the following address: Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362. [The remainder ofpage intentionally left blank. Signature pages follow.] Page 122 212915v1 CITY OF MONTICELLO (SEAL) And STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Brian Stumpf Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 202_, by Brian Stumpf and Jeff O'Neill, respectively the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public Page 123 212915v1 DEVELOPER: LSW INVESTMENTS, LLC Shawn Weinand, Chief Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 202_, by Shawn Weinand, the Chief Manager of LSW Investments, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of said entity. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ Page 124 212915v1 EXHIBIT "A" TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT Legal Description of Property Being Final Platted as EDMONSON RIDGE The South 933 feet of the East 933 feet of the Northwest Quarter both measured at right angles thereof of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. [PIN: 213-100-232400] Page 125 212915v1 IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT No. _ Date: TO: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Sir or Madam: We hereby issue, for the account of (Name of Developer)- and in your favor, our Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount of $ , available to you by your draft drawn on sight on the undersigned bank. The draft must: a) Bear the clause, "Drawn under Letter of Credit No. , dated , 21 of (Name of Bank) "• b) Be signed by the Mayor or City Administrator of the City of Monticello. c) Be presented for payment at (Address of Bank) , on or before 4:00 p.m. on November 30, 20 This Letter of Credit shall automatically renew for successive one-year terms unless, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date (which shall be November 30 of each year), the Bank delivers written notice to the Monticello City Administrator that it intends to modify the terms of, or cancel, this Letter of Credit. Written notice is effective if sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, and deposited in the U.S. Mail, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date addressed as follows: Monticello City Administrator, Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362, and is actually received by the City Administrator at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal date. This Letter of Credit sets forth in full our understanding which shall not in any way be modified, amended, amplified, or limited by reference to any document, instrument, or agreement, whether or not referred to herein. This Letter of Credit is not assignable. This is not a Notation Letter of Credit. More than one draw may be made under this Letter of Credit. This Letter of Credit shall be governed by the most recent revision of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 600. We hereby agree that a draft drawn under and in compliance with this Letter of Credit shall be duly honored upon presentation. Its Page 126 212915v1 PROJECT: CERTIFICATE HOLDER: CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 INSURED: ADDITIONAL INSURED: City of Monticello AGENT: WORKERS' COMPENSATION: Policy No. Effective Date: Expiration Date: Insurance Company: COVERAGE - Workers' Compensation, Statutory. GENERAL LIABILITY: Policy No. Effective Date: Expiration Date: _ Insurance Company: () Claims Made () Occurrence LIMITS: [Minimum] Bodily Injury and Death: $500,000 for one person $1,000,000 for each occurrence Property Damage: $200,000 for each occurrence -OR-Combination Single Limit Policy $1,000,000 or more COVERAGE PROVIDED: Operations of Contractor: YES Operations of Sub -Contractor (Contingent): YES Does Personal Injury Include Claims Related to Employment? YES Page 127 212915v1 Completed Operations/Products: YES Contractual Liability (Broad Form): YES Governmental Immunity is Waived: YES Property Damage Liability Includes: Damage Due to Blasting YES Damage Due to Collapse YES Damage Due to Underground Facilities YES Broad Form Property Damage YES AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY: Policy No. Effective Date: Insurance Company: (X) Any Auto LIMITS: [Minimum] Bodily Injury: $500,000 each person Property Damage: $500,000 each occurrence -OR- Combined Single Limit Policy: Expiration Date: $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence ARE ANY DEDUCTIBLES APPLICABLE TO BODILY INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE ON ANY OF THE ABOVE COVERAGES: If so, list: Amount: $ [Not to exceed $1,000.00] SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL MAIL TEN (10) DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE PARTIES TO WHOM THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED. Dated at 212915v1 M BY: Authorized Insurance Representative Page 128 Edmonson Ridge SUMMARY OF EXPENSES/FINANCE PLAN Phase 1 of 1 v3: December 8, 2020 Total Acres in Development Total Acres in Phase Total Units in Development Total Units in Phase 20 gross 16.31 net 20 gross 16.31 net 54 Single Family Townhome Mutli-Family 54 Single Family Townhome Multi -Family Trunk Area Charges & Park Dedication Acreage Acres or Credits NetNotes 4 years taxes payable to Monticello Twp Charge Units $2,435.36 Assessment City Escrow ( General overhead and Admin) Park &Pathway Dedication $19,498.00 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Legal 2.00% $19,498.00 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Park Dedication Provided Park Dedication Required (11 %) $33,000 $19,498.00 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Credited at actual construction cost, City to pay portion $0.00 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion at $22,000 due to land sale transaction Special Assessments $6,000.00 Erosion & Sediment Control Inspection Lift Station $0.00 NA Paid if applicable Little Mountain Booster Station $49,555.00 NA Paid if applicable Sanitary Sewer (unit) $1,555 54 NA $83,970.00 Paid at prevailing rate at time of platting or assessed Watermain (unit) $1,153 54 $116,484.36 $62,262.00 Paid at prevailing rate at time of platting or assessed Storm Sewer Base (net acres) $4,164 16.31 $67,914.84 Paid at prevailing rate at time of platting or assessed Storm Sewer Alternate $4,267 0 $0.00 Pay at final plat or assessed by lot Total amount to Assess $214,146.84 Per Lot Assessment based on (#) units 54 $3,965.68 City Review & Inspection Escrows Escrows based on public improvement costs 4 years taxes payable to Monticello Twp $2,435.36 Based on 2021 value of $321,100/$608.84 Township payable City Escrow ( General overhead and Admin) 2.00% $19,498.00 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Legal 2.00% $19,498.00 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Planning 2.00% $19,498.00 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Engineering and Inspection $0.00 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Grading, Restoration & 3.00% $6,000.00 Erosion & Sediment Control Inspection $0.00 Streets and Utilities Review & Inspection 4.00% $49,555.00 GPS Locate 1 $60 1#units I NA Fee - not subject to reconciliation Total City Fees $116,484.36 Improvement Construction Costs (Used to Calculate City Fees/Escrows/Securities) Notes Sanitary Sewer $165,500.00 Watermain $185,500.00 Storm Sewer $200,000.00 Roads, Driveways and Sidewalks/Trails $400,000.00 Number for trail construction needed Lighting, Street Signage, Mailboxes $23,900.00 Construction total (for ouroose of calculatina other Lot Corners/Iron Monuments $300 Total Construction Cost for the purpose of calculating LOC Maximum allowable reduction prior to acceptance and bond Estimated site grading cost for purposes of calculating LOC Landscaping Conservation Easement Posts Prairie Restoration Tree Preservation $16,200.00 90.00% 1 NA $200,000.00 x 18.771 1 $56.310.001 Surety for aradina to plan and restoration City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 4D. Consideration of adopting a policy for setting speed limits on residential roadways and implementing 25 -mph speed zones. (ML) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In August 2019 the state legislature authorized Minnesota cities to set speed limits on certain city streets after adopting their own procedures to set new speed limits. This legislation granted cities the authority to enact a speed limit of 25 mph when certain criteria are met. Prior to this law change, speed limit modifications were to be made only by the state commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Transportation. The only exemptions prior to the new legislations not requiring commissioner approval were for roadway segments within urban districts, alleyways, and certain construction zones. Minnesota Statutes Section 169.14 allows cities to establish speed limits on city streets under their jurisdiction, provided the city "develop procedures to set speed limits based on the city's safety, engineering, and traffic analysis. At a minimum, the safety, engineering, and traffic analysis must consider national urban speed limit guidance and studies, local traffic crashes, and methods to effectively communicate the change to the public." In addition, the Legislature changed the definition of a "residential roadway" which has the effect of allowing cities to adopt a speed limit of 25 miles per hour (mph) on certain city streets without any engineering review. According to the new definition in the Minnesota state statues, residential roadways are now defined as "a city street or town road that is either (1) less than one-half mile in total length, or (2) in an area zoned exclusively for housing that is not a collector or arterial street." Cities may simply adopt the 25 -mph speed limit by council action provided the roadway meets the new definition and criteria. With the City Council's approval to further investigate modified speed zones within the city, the engineering department developed a draft policy in accordance with state law. Some of the highlights of this policy are as follows: • Roadway under the jurisdiction of the city • Roadway meets the "residential roadway" definition in accordance with Minnesota state statues • Roadway not identified as a principal arterial, minor arterial, major collector or minor collector for the future roadway functional classification as identified in the city's current transportation plan • Establishing speed zones to provide for corridor consistency to provide predictability to the traveling public • Roadway segments must be clearly signed in accordance the Minnesota Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, (MNMUTCD). The national speed limit guidance that staff utilized for further analysis for setting City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 speed zones was the National Association of City Transportation Officials, (NACTO), publication "City limits, setting safe speed limits on urban streets." This publication recommends setting either a default citywide speed limit of 25 mph unless otherwise posted or setting speed limits based or roadway classifications. Since the current state laws don't allow a citywide 25 mph speed limit, specific roadways were analyzed. Following the analysis, two implementation options have been developed for the City Council to consider. Option 1 includes implementing a 25 -mph speed zone on all roadways that meet the requirements of the policy except for some roadways in the downtown core north of I-94. Other short roadway segments with no outlets were excluded as they likely would not warrant the installation of a speed limit sign. Option 1 would take approximately 54 25 -mph speed limit signs to clearly delineate the speed zones. Option 2 includes implementing a 25 -mph speed zone on all eligible roadways excluding some short segments as identified in option 1. All areas with a reduced speed limit would be clearly signed to inform motorists that they are entering a reduced speed zone. This option would take approximately 81 speed limit signs to delineate the speed zones in order to adequately incorporate the residential areas in the downtown area. Due to the current limitations for cities to lower speed limits on non-residential roadways, the City Engineer's recommendation is for option 1. This provides more corridor consistency and predictability to the traveling public. Option 2 would be in compliance with the draft policy and state law and would also be supported by the City Engineer. The Community Development Director recommends option 2, as it would provide a consistent speed limit of 25 mph in the majority of the community's residential neighborhoods, including the residential neighborhoods adjacent to the downtown. As one of the primary factors in considering reducing speed limits in Monticello was the safety impact for neighborhoods, the addition of these areas is important given the lengths of streets uninterrupted by other traffic calming measures, such as stop signs or curves. Examples include River Street and 3rd Street. In addition, many of the residential areas adjacent to downtown do not currently have sidewalks or pathway systems in place. Pedestrians and cyclists are using the roadways as a shared space with vehicle traffic, making the need for reduced speeds a greater consideration in these areas. Furthermore, as the city continues to invest in the success of its downtown, providing safer walking and cycling access for those residents closest to the core is also consideration for reducing speed limits. Both safety and connectivity through walkability are cited in the adopted Monticello 2040 Vision and Values Statements. If approved, staff will order the necessary signs and plan to install the speed limit signs by June 1, 2021. The speed limits would be in effect when the signs are posted and W City Council Agenda: 12/14/2020 updates to the city website and social media outlets will be made to help inform the public of these changes. Al. Budget Impact: Budget impact for policy development and signage is estimated at $25,000 and would be funded from existing engineering and street department funds. A2. Staff Workload Impact: This project is expected to take approximately 150 hours of staff time to complete. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2020-98 adopting a policy for setting speed limits on residential roadways identified in option #1 and implementing a 25 -mph speed zone in accordance with state law. 2. Motion to adopt Resolution 2020-98 adopting a policy for setting speed limits on residential roadways identified in option #2 and implementing a 25 -mph speed zone in accordance with state law. 3. Other C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: If the council prefers to prioritize corridor consistency and driver predictability, option 1 best meets the criteria. If, instead, the council prefers to maintain consistency among residential neighborhoods and allow considerations for pedestrians and cyclers, option 2 best meets the criteria. However, both options meet the requirements of state law. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. City of Monticello Speed Limit Policy for Residential Roadways B. Speed Limit Option Maps CITY OF MONTICELLO SPEED LIMIT POLICY FOR RESIDENTIAL ROADWAYS November 23, 2020 BACKGROUND Effective August 1, 2019, the Legislature authorized Minnesota cities to set speed limits on certain city streets after adopting their own procedures to set the new speed limits. Prior to the adoption of these new laws, the ability of a city to change speed limits was limited, and required a city to request the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) to conduct an engineering and traffic study on the city street. After the report was completed, MnDOT would then set the speed limit on the city street. Minnesota Statutes Section 169.14 now allows cities to establish speed limits on city streets under their jurisdiction other than the statutory speed limits listed below, provided the city "develop procedures to set speed limits based on the city's safety, engineering, and traffic analysis. At a minimum, the safety, engineering, and traffic analysis must consider national urban speed limit guidance and studies, local traffic crashes, and methods to effectively communicate the change to the public." Minnesota Statutory Speed Limits: • 10 mph in alleys • 25 mph in residential roadways if adopted by the road authority having jurisdiction over the residential roadway • 30 mph on streets in urban districts • 35 mph in a rural residential district if adopted by the road authority having jurisdiction over the rural residential district • 70 mph on rural interstate highways • 65 mph on urban interstate highways • 65 mph on expressways • 55 mph on other roads Unless the Commissioner of Transportation previously authorized a new speed limit on a specific roadway segment, the existing speed limits on city streets within the City of Monticello are consistent with the statutory speed limited listed above. In addition, the Legislature changed the definition of a "residential roadway" which has the effect of allowing cities to adopt a speed limit of 25 miles per hour (mph) on certain city streets without any engineering review. According to the new definition in the Minnesota state statues, residential roadways are now defined as "a city street or town road that is either (1) less than one-half mile in total length, or (2) in an area zoned exclusively for housing that is not a collector or arterial street." Cities may simply adopt the 25 -mph speed limit by council action provided the roadway meets the new definition. CITY OF MONTICELLO SPEED LIMIT POLICY FOR RESIDENTIAL ROADWAYS Page 2 PROCEDURE TO SET SPEED LIMITS ON RESIDENTIAL ROADWAYS The statutory speed limit in an urban district is 30 mph. Minnesota Statute Section 169.14 grants the local road authority (City Council) with power to establish a 25 -mph limit on a residential street if the street in question meets the statutory definition of a "residential roadway' and the Council adopts the reduced speed limit. The engineering department conducted an analysis of all of the roadways within the city for which roadways to adopt a 25 -mph speed limit on using the following criteria: • Roadway under the jurisdiction of the city • Roadway meets the "residential roadway" definition in accordance with Minnesota state statues • Roadways not identified as a principal arterial, minor arterial, major collector or minor collector for the future roadway functional classification as identified in the city's current transportation plan • Establishing speed zones to provide for corridor consistency to provide predictability to the traveling public. When roadways are brought into the city either through annexation or new development staff will utilize the same criteria as mentioned above to establish the speed limit on these corridors. Appeals to the speed limit determination should submit a formal request to the Engineering Department. The request should identify the street name(s), justification of the proposed 25 mph speed limit, and the contact information regarding the requestor. All requests will be referred to the City Engineer to review and determine if the street in question meets the statutory definition of a "residential roadway". If the street meets the statutory definition of a residential roadway, and circumstances exist along the roadway that are clearly unique from other residential streets within the City, the 25 -mph speed limit request will be presented to the City Council for formal adoption. Per Minnesota Statute Section 169.14, in order for a city to set new speed limits on city streets, they must establish procedures based on a city's safety, engineering, and traffic analysis. This analysis must consider national urban speed limit guidance and studies, local traffic crashes, and methods to effectively communicate the change to the public. Speed limit changes must be made in a consistent and understandable manner and must be posted on the affected street. The National Association of City Transportation Officials, (NACTO), publication" City limits, setting safe speed limits on urban streets" publication was utilized for determining the speed limit on residential roadways which identifies establishing neighborhood streets speed limits based on the roadway characteristics. Signing upgrades to the roadways that have identified as 25 -mph zones will be signed in accordance with the MNMUTCD requirements. I City of Monticello t I Official Zoning Map & Proposed 25mph Speed Limit ♦` I I N W E ♦ I S 1 inch = 2,500 feet ' Legend 0 Potential 25mph Speed Limit Signs Course Rd Proposed 25mph Streets BASE ZONING DISTRICTS — — — — — Residential Districts Business Districts Low Residential Densities � ��� I I -- B-1 A Alt- L—-—-—-—-—-—-— R-A �B_3 = R-1 B-4 . I - -- Medium Residential Densities CCD Industrial Districts . i 7th-St — — — — — — — — — — — — — I T-N IBC Chelsea Rd I I 0 R-2 R-PUD— _ 1-2 Dundas Rd I ►� -- High Residential Densities L--O3J Swan River R-3 L12_I Monticello High School ®I L-0-3J Mills Fleet Farm _ R-4 L-WJ Red Rooster _ L�3TJ Spaeth Industrial Park M-H _ _ School,-Blyd m PUDs L-WJ Camping World _ L�IJ Affordable Storage xixxssm Q OTHER L31$J Autumn Ridge Water L-U_I Rivertown SuitesQ a o C LL N � ` E-U_1 Monticello RV _ LTJ Deephaven o E C m \ \ Monticello Business L—I Center 8th W u: OVERLAY DISTRICTS N, \\ Performance Based Overlay District 85th St _—� Special Use Overlay District ♦ ` ♦, L _ I Mississippi Wild, Scenic & Rec Overlay District Q Shoreland District ♦\ \, L _ J Freeway Bonus Sign District Date: 12/8/2020 l I City of Monticello -. Official Zoning Ma g p & t I Proposed 25mph Speed Limit Option 2 ♦` I I N W E ♦ I S IN 1 inch = 2,500 feet Legend ` Potential 25mph Speed Limit Signs o Potential 25mph Speed Limit Signs - Option 2 Proposed 25mph Streets ` Course Rd o p Proposed 25mph Streets - Option 2 d BASE ZONING DISTRICTS ��� AZ� r,o Residential Districts Business Districts -- Low Residential Densities B-1 G I I o A -O O B-2 ` Alt o O I I o 0 R-1 B-4 I - -- Medium Residential Densities CCD . i — — — — — — — — — — — — — Industrial Districts 7th -St I T -N IBC Chelsea Rd I I 0 R-2 R -PUD _ 1-2 Dundas�R- 0 -- High Residential Densities L--O3J Swan River L12_I Monticello High School R-3 -0-3J soh u. L Mills Fleet Farm _ R-4 L-WJ Red Rooster 'fid L�3TJ Spaeth Industrial Park M -H _ _ Q c PUDs L-WJ Camping World wxxEsm �_ L�IJ Affordable Storage {o OTHER L31$J Autumn Ridge Water L-U_I Rivertown Suites ~" w Q E-U_IMonticello RV _ LTJ Deephaven LL \, Monticello Business L—I Center 8th \ \ OVERLAY DISTRICTS \\ \ Performance Based Overlay District _—� Special Use Overlay District \ \ L _ I Mississippi Wild, Scenic & Rec Overlay District \ \ Q Shoreland District J Freeway Bonus Sign District Date: 12/8/2020 Monticello CITY OF A v CSAH 39 �♦ A ♦ `♦ a ♦ ♦ o •E— o N 1 \ a \ �dy Sf , ♦ ♦ CIP —� — — ♦ `� Golf Course a Rd \♦;♦♦ �\ CSAH14 I F ♦ e1 Y ys n A a ;cam \� c LL Jay— ♦ \ W�lI♦ ♦ ♦ I v 10 I � I / ,♦ I I jrmINNBOrA I I I I ri__I 1 I --- — — — — — — — — I I : • Potential 25mph Speed Limit Signs — — — — —I �— — — I �asohq� — Proposed 25mph Street I City Boundary _ — — Parks Lakes Proposed 25mph Speed Limit City of Monticello, MN N 0 3,000 Feet ` A s b 1 inch = 3,000 feet �/�/ 0 0 3 m 3 / — ♦ USTH_10 Jefferson ;Blvd :W_ Jeffersorr BIvd:E \ � o o c \ \ ♦ \ m o v ` ` N \ ♦ <Tj oda \ dy (n o � t \ sf \ N 3 \ ♦ ` cs� 3 \ o N ° CSAH'39 1_ \ — —� Golf Course Rd ` \\ I O CSAH14 ` I ` �V, O o I I - I - � O ♦ dq ♦ � / Rive r'view I / / m LL ♦ I- I I I I I I I I I r-- � ♦ \ _ w ♦ \ I_ � ♦ \ I `♦\ II I -- I I_ I I I I I y I `r0 ♦`♦ - I I � � _ 9 I I � I I I I • Potential 25mph Speed Limit Signs I o Potential 25mph Speed Limit Signs - Option 2 Proposed 25mph Street I I I - - - - - I I _ _ _ I ✓a _ - Proposed 25mph Street - Option 2 City Boundary Parks - Lakes CITY OF Proposed 25mph Speed Limit 0 00 N 0 3Feet � Monticello Option 2 WS b City of Monticello, MN 1 inch = 3,000 feet CITY OF � Monticello Council Connection December 14, 2020 CITY OF Monticello DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY Commercial Construction Update Just a quick update on the larger commercial projects this year. • Willows Landing (Senior Housing Complex) We have completed the final inspections on this project. This project has gone very smoothly. I believe they have about 40% of the spaces leased, which is very good news. Tenants are schedule to start moving in on December 15. • Deephaven Development (Buchholz 51 -unit apartment building). Framers are busy framing the last floor. • Xcel Energy has picked up the permit for the cooling tower. This project appears to be on schedule, as they need to have the tower completed by April of 2021. • UMC building permit is ready to be picked up. We do believe they will start construction in December. Residential update It has been another busy year as far as new homes this year. I will provide the final numbers with my next report. Capstone Homes have applied for four new homes to be built in the new development of Haven Ridge, starting next week. Rental Update With the COVID pandemic it has been very difficult to know how to keep everyone safe. Staff continues to move forward with caution. We have all the correct PPE, and spend very little time in the units themselves, due to the pandemic. We will be finishing up the inspections for 2020 within the next couple of weeks. We have decided to complete rental inspection on units that are vacant, and only if the Landlords and the tenants want us to complete the inspections. Again, we will spend no more than five to ten minutes in the rental units, and will be keeping our distance, to keep everyone safe. Safety is our priority! In Staff's opinion, a quick inspection is better than no inspection. We will be sending out a letter to all odd, addressed property owners to let them know we will be extending the inspection time period from March 14th to June 15th In a normal year, all required inspections are to be completed by March 14th, so we can issue the rental license. Basically, we will be pushing back most of the inspections a few of months, as we only inspect on an every other year basis. We will be inspecting odd addresses, as it is an odd numbered year (2021) Given the pandemic, we believe this is the best solution and will continue to communicate and evaluate during these uncertain times. ISO (Insurance Services Office) Report I have attached a summary of the report that ISO has provided us from an interview back in 2019. The reason it took so long is at that time we had not adopted the new code. Therefore, Council Connection - mm/dd/yy the score would have been very low, because we did not adopt the new code. Basically, I requested them not to complete the review until we had adopted the new code. Since then, the state of MN has adopted the latest code. As such, they could complete the review process. I have not included the entire report because it is 11 pages long. If anyone is interested in reviewing the entire report, I will provide it to you. Jurisdiction: 4/9/2019 County: Wright State: MN Not all communities have rigorous building codes, nor do all communities enforce their codes with equal commitment. Yet the effectiveness of local building codes can have a profound effect on how the structures in your community will fare in a hurricane, earthquake, or other natural disaster. Studies conducted following recent natural disasters concluded that total losses might have been as much as 50% less if all structures in the area had met current building codes. Building -code enforcement can have a major influence on the economic well-being of a municipality and the safety of its citizens. Insurance Services Office (ISO) helps distinguish amongst communities with effective building -code adoption and enforcement through comprehensive program called the Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS®). ISO is an independent statistical, rating, and advisory organization that serves the property/casualty insurance industry. ISO collects information on a community's building -code adoption and enforcement services, analyzes the data, and then assigns a Building Code Effectiveness Classification from 1 to 10. Class 1 represents exemplary commitment to building -code enforcement. The concept behind BCEGS is simple. Municipalities with well -enforced, up-to-date codes demonstrate better loss experience, and their citizens' insurance rates can reflect that. The prospect of minimizing catastrophe -related damage and ultimately lowering insurance costs gives communities an incentive to enforce their building codes rigorously. The survey conducted has resulted in BCEGS class of 4 for 1 and 2 family dwellings and a class 4 for all other construction. More information regarding how this recent survey compares to previous surveys is provided below. The following management report was created specifically for Monticello based on a BCEGS survey conducted on 4/9/2019. This report can help you evaluate your community's building -code enforcement services utilizing benchmarking data collected throughout the country. The report is designed to give your management team an expanded prospective for dealing with the important issues surrounding effective building code enforcement. This is accomplished through comparisons of your code enforcement to that of others in your area and state. The analysis goes further to allow you to compare your jurisdiction to others across the country with similar permit, plan review and inspection activity. ISO thanks you for your participation and we encourage you to take advantage of the information contained in this report to assist in making decisions regarding the level of code enforcement best suited for Monticello November 10, 2020 Mr. Ron Hackenmueller, Building Official Monticello 505 Walnut St Monticello, MN 55362 1000 Bishops Gate Blvd. Suite 300 Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 tel. 1 800 444-4554 RE: Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS(V) Results Monticello, Wright County, MN Dear Mr. Hackenmueller: In 2019, our representative met with your building official, Ron Hackenmueller, to go through the Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS) survey for Monticello. At the time of your survey, the codes adopted by the State of Minnesota were several editions behind the most current edition of the model codes. The resulting commercial and 1 & 2 family residential Classifications reflected this. It was our understanding the State of Minnesota Construction Codes and Licensing Division was in the process of adopting new codes. Therefore, we held your survey results pending the new code adoption so your classification would reflect the adoption and enforcement of the newer code. It is our understanding that the State of Minnesota has updated the building codes with an effective date of March 31, 2020. With this new adoption, we are moving forward with the processing of your survey results. The resulting BCEGS Classification is a PL Class 4 for 1 & 2 family residential property and a CL Class 4 for commercial and industrial property. These new classifications will be applicable to all properties within Monticello that have been issued a Certificate of Occupancy in the year 2020 and forward. The previous Classifications continue to apply to buildings receiving a Certificate of Occupancy in the period between the effective date of the previous Classifications and the effective date of the new Classifications. ISO is a leading source of information about property/casualty insurance risk. The BCEGS program is not intended to analyze all aspects of a comprehensive building code enforcement program. It is not for purposes of determining compliance with any state or local law nor is it for making loss prevention or loss safety recommendations. If you have any questions about the classifications that were developed, please let us know. Sincerely, Thomas VanderMaas Community Mitigation Analyst c 517.624.9129 cc: Mr. Jeff ONeill, City Administrator Monticello 505 Walnut St, Monticello, MN 55362 Enclosure Building Code Enforcement Evaluation Report Selections from the reviews of the Monticello Building Code Enforcement Agency In the County of Wright In the State of Minnesota 4/9/2019 Evaluation ISOBuilding Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS®) ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 Table of Contents Tab Description Section 1 Executive Summary Section 2 Background Information Section 3 Code Adoption Section 4 Education, Training and Certification Section 5 Staffing Levels Section 6 BCEGS Point Analysis Section 7 Natural Hazards Appendix A Natural Hazard General Information ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 Jurisdiction: Monticello County: Wright State: MN Survey Date: 4/9/2019 Not all communities have rigorous building codes, nor do all communities enforce their codes with equal commitment. Yet the effectiveness of local building codes can have a profound effect on how the structures in your community will fare in a hurricane, earthquake, or other natural disaster. Studies conducted following recent natural disasters concluded that total losses might have been as much as 50% less if all structures in the area had met current building codes. Building -code enforcement can have a major influence on the economic well-being of a municipality and the safety of its citizens. Insurance Services Office (ISO) helps distinguish amongst communities with effective building -code adoption and enforcement through comprehensive program called the Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGSO). ISO is an independent statistical, rating, and advisory organization that serves the property/casualty insurance industry. ISO collects information on a community's building -code adoption and enforcement services, analyzes the data, and then assigns a Building Code Effectiveness Classification from 1 to 10. Class 1 represents exemplary commitment to building -code enforcement. The concept behind BCEGS is simple. Municipalities with well -enforced, up-to-date codes demonstrate better loss experience, and their citizens' insurance rates can reflect that. The prospect of minimizing catastrophe -related damage and ultimately lowering insurance costs gives communities an incentive to enforce their building codes rigorously. The following management report was created specifically for Monticello based on a BCEGS survey conducted on 4/9/2019. This report can help you evaluate your community's building -code enforcement services utilizing benchmarking data collected throughout the country. The report is designed to give your management team an expanded prospective for dealing with the important issues surrounding effective building code enforcement. This is accomplished through comparisons of your code enforcement to that of others in your area and state. The analysis goes further to allow you to compare your jurisdiction to others across the country with similar permit, plan review and inspection activity. ISO thanks you for your participation and we encourage you to take advantage of the information contained in this report to assist in making decisions regarding the level of code enforcement best suited for Monticello. The survey conducted has resulted in BCEGS class of 4 for 1 and 2 family dwellings and a class 4 for all other construction. More information regarding how this recent survey compares to previous surveys is provided below. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 1 1/3 Jurisdiction: Monticello Survey Date: 4/9/2019 County: Wright State: MN Table 1 details the points your department earned during the most recent survey as well as the points earned in the previous survey including a comparison of the two. This information may be used to track local trends or pin -point improvement target areas. IFNI= Building Code Effectiveness Grading Point Comparison ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 1 2/3 Point Totals Current Grading Yr: Maximum Previous Grading Yr: Point Difference 2019 Possible 2015 Com Res Com Res Com Res Section I - Administration of 37.02 36.80 54.00 31.11 31.14 5.91 5.66 Codes Section 105 - Adopted Codes 8.00 7.60 8.00 8.00 7.60 0.00 0.00 Section 108 - Additional Code 2.86 2.86 4.00 2.01 2.19 0.85 0.67 Adoptions Section 110 - Modification to 4.00 3.80 4.00 4.00 3.80 0.00 0.00 Adopted Codes Section 112 Method of 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Adoption Section 115 - Training 6.11 6.11 13.00 4.37 4.37 1.74 1.74 Section 120 - Certification 9.50 9.50 12.00 8.09 8.09 1.41 1.41 Section 125 - Building Official's Qualification / Exp/ 2.50 2.50 4.00 2.10 2.10 0.40 0.40 Education Section 130 - Selection Procedure for Building Official 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.00 0.00 Section 135 - Design Professionals 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Section 140 - Zoning 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Provisions Section 145 - Contractor / 0.30 0.68 1.00 0.23 0.68 0.07 0.00 Builder Licensing & Bonding Section 155 - Public 2.50 2.50 2.50 1.46 1.46 1.04 1.04 Awareness Programs Section 160 - Participation in 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.00 Code Development Activities Section 165 - Administrative 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.40 0.40 Policies & Procedures ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 1 2/3 Jurisdiction: Monticello County: Wright State: MN Survey Date: 4/9/2019 Building Code Effectiveness Grading Point Comparison (continued) ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 1 3/3 Point Totals Current Grading Yr: Maximum Previous Grading Yr: Point Difference 2019 Possible 2015 Com Res Com Res Com Res Section II - Plan Review 18.74 18.74 23.00 18.58 18.58 0.16 0.16 Section 205 - Existing Staffing 7.43 7.43 9.00 7.43 7.43 0.00 0.00 Section 210 - Experience of 0.81 0.81 1.50 1.15 1.15 -0.34 -0.34 Personnel Section 215 - Detail of Plan 9.50 9.50 11.50 9.50 9.50 0.00 0.00 Review Section 220 - Performance Evaluation for Quality 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Assurance Section III - Field Inspection 18.28 17.22 23.00 16.65 17.91 1.63 -0.69 Section 305 - Existing Staffing 6.66 5.60 9.00 5.40 6.66 1.26 -1.06 Section 310 - Experience of 2.62 2.62 3.00 2.85 2.85 -0.23 -0.23 Personnel Section 315 - Managing Inspection and Re -inspection 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 activity Section 320 - Inspection Checklist 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Section 325 - Special Inspections 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.90 0.90 0.10 0.10 Section 330 - Inspections for Natural Hazard Mitigation 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.00 0.00 Section 335 - Final 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 0.00 0.00 Inspections Section 340 - Certificate of 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 Occupancy Section 345 - Performance Evaluations for Quality 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Assurance Subtotal: 1 74.04 1 72.76 1 100.00 1 66.34 67.63 7.70 5.13 The final score is determined by a relationship between Item 105 and the balances of the scoring. Final Score: 74.04 69.50 100.00 66.34 64.63 7.70 4.87 ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 1 3/3 Jurisdiction: Monticello County: Wright State: MN Survey Date: 4/9/2019 Introduction ISO collects information from communities in the United States on their adoption and enforcement of building codes. ISO analyzes the data using its Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS) and then assigns a BCEGS Classification number to the community. The classification number -which ranges from 1 to 10 -measures a jurisdiction's commitment to the adoption and enforcement of building codes affecting the construction of new buildings. Class 1 indicates the most favorable classification of commitment to the adoption and enforcement of building codes. ISO's commitment to polling each building code enforcement agency on a regular basis is important to the program - periodic surveying helps determine if a community has made any significant changes since its last field evaluation. This ongoing effort is designed to re-evaluate each community at approximate 5 -year intervals or sooner if changes indicate a potential revision to the classification number. The purpose of this report is fourfold: 1. To summarize a community's scoring under the criterion contained in the BCEGS program. 2. To identify opportunities for communities desiring to improve their BCEGS classification number. 3. To assist a community in understanding how other jurisdictions with similar needs address building code adoption and enforcement. 4. To provide hazard mapping information important in planning and developing a sustainable community. Data Collection and Analysis ISO has evaluated over 14,000 code enforcement departments across the United States. In each of these communities, three elements of building code adoption and enforcement are reviewed. These three elements are the administration of codes, plan review and field inspection. Administration of Codes: ISO evaluates the administrative support for code enforcement within the jurisdiction -- the adopted building codes and the modifications of those codes through ordinance, code enforcer qualifications, experience and education, zoning provisions, contractor/builder licensing requirements, public awareness programs, the building department's participation in code development activities, and the administrative policies and procedures. This section represents 54% of the analysis in the BCEGS program. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 2 1/2 Jurisdiction: Monticello Survey Date: 4/9/2019 Plan review division: County: Wright State: MN Consideration is given to determine staffing levels, personnel experience, performance evaluation schedules, and the level of review of construction documents for compliance with the adopted building code of the jurisdiction being graded. This section represents 23% of the analysis. Field inspection: Consideration is given to determine staffing levels, personnel experience, performance evaluation schedules, and the level of the agency's review of building construction. This section also represents 23% of the analysis. The information necessary to determine the BCEGS classification number was collected from the community building officials through a combination of on-site interviews and completed questionnaires. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 2 2/2 Jurisdiction: Monticello County: Wright State: MN Survey Date: 4/9/2019 Recognizing that building codes are continually being reviewed and updated to reflect emerging technology and best practices, the BCEGS program encourages communities to make every effort to adopt the latest edition of one of the building codes without amendments. The program is sensitive to the reality that building code adoption is not always a local issue, nor do the wheels of progress turn rapidly all the time. To receive maximum BCEGS credit for this very important section a community must adopt and implement the revised code within two years of the publication of the building code. As detailed in Figure 3-1 below, eight points are the maximum available for the adoption of a building code. The final calculation to determine a jurisdiction's BCEGS classification employs the ratio of the points possible and the points earned in the building code adoption section as a factor for all other points earned in the system. Therefore, a jurisdiction enforcing the latest building code will have a ratio of 1 and no adjustment will be made to the points earned. A department enforcing a building code that was published six years prior to the survey date would have a ratio of 6.88/8 or .86 so the jurisdiction would receive credit for 86% of the points earned throughout the evaluation process. Table 3-1 Criteria for Building Code Adoption Points If the published date of the listed codes is within 5 years of the date of the grading: Building Code(s) addressing commercial and /or residential construction.............................................................................. 8.00 points If the published date of the listed codes is within 6 years of the date of the grading: Building Code(s) addressing commercial and /or residential construction.............................................................................. 6.88 points If the published date of the listed codes is within 10 years of the date of the grading: Building Code(s) addressing commercial and /or residential construction.............................................................................. 2.21 points If an earlier edition of the listed codes is adopted: Building Code(s) addressing commercial and /or residential construction.............................................................................. 0.85 point ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 3 1/8 Jurisdiction: Monticello Survey Date: 4/9/2019 County: Wright State: MN For departments surveyed in 2019 the BCEGS program uses the following as the latest edition of Building codes available. Table 3-2 Latest Edition Available Publisher I Publication Year Commercial Building Code Residential Building Code Table 3-3 Building Codes Enforced in Monticello The following is the first of many "Benchmarking Information" sections located in this report. The purpose of the benchmarking information is to provide data ISO has collected in the course of its evaluations of code enforcement departments throughout the country. The data should not be considered a standard but rather information which allows you to compare operations in your jurisdiction to those conducted by other jurisdictions with similar conditions. Benchmarking information will be distinguished from other information in this report by a green Benchmarking Information bar above the table or figure. Chart 3-4 BCEGS points awarded comparison a 7 6 5 4 s 2 0 Adopted Building Code Commercial Residential E Your Jurisdiction E County Average E State Average E National Average ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 3 2/8 Publisher Publication Year Effective Year Commercial Building Code ICC 2018 2020 Residential Building Code ICC 2018 2020 The following is the first of many "Benchmarking Information" sections located in this report. The purpose of the benchmarking information is to provide data ISO has collected in the course of its evaluations of code enforcement departments throughout the country. The data should not be considered a standard but rather information which allows you to compare operations in your jurisdiction to those conducted by other jurisdictions with similar conditions. Benchmarking information will be distinguished from other information in this report by a green Benchmarking Information bar above the table or figure. Chart 3-4 BCEGS points awarded comparison a 7 6 5 4 s 2 0 Adopted Building Code Commercial Residential E Your Jurisdiction E County Average E State Average E National Average ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 3 2/8 Jurisdiction: Monticello County: Wright State: MN Survey Date: 4/9/2019 Item 108. Additional Code Adoptions: This section reviews the adoption and enforcement of electrical, mechanical, plumbing, energy, and wildland urban interface codes. Adopted codes are evaluated by year of publication including amendments and enforcement efforts. Table 3-5 details the criteria for earning points under this section. Table 3-5 Criteria for sub -code adoption points If the published date of the listed codes is within 5 years of the date of the grading: 0.67 point for each of the five subcodes If the published date of the listed codes is within 6 years of the date of the grading: 0.33 point for each of the five subcodes If the published date of the listed codes is within 10 years of the date of the grading: 0.18 point for each of the five subcodes If an earlier edition of the listed codes is adopted: 0.004 point for each of the five subcodes ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 3 3/8 Jurisdiction: Monticello Survey Date: 4/9/2019 County: Wright State: MN For departments surveyed in 2019 the BCEGS program uses the following as the latest edition of sub -codes available. Table 3-6 Latest edition of Sub -Codes Available Type of Code Publisher Publication Year Commercial: Electrical Code NFPA Plumbing Code ICC / IAPMO Mechanical Code ICC / IAPMO Fuel Gas Code ICC / NFPA Energy Code ICC /ASHRAE Wildland Urban Interface Code ICC Residential: Electrical Code NFPA Plumbing Code ICC / IAPMO Mechanical Code ICC / IAPMO Fuel Gas Code ICC / NFPA Energy Code ICC / ASHRAE Wildland Urban Interface Code ICC ASHRAE - American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers ICC - International Code Council IAPMO - International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials NFPA - National Fire Protection Association ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 3 4/8 Jurisdiction: Monticello Survey Date: 4/9/2019 Table 3-7 Sub Codes Enforced in Monticello County: Wright State: MN Type of code Publisher Publication Year Effective Year Commercial: Electrical Code NFPA 2017 2017 Plumbing Code OTHER 2012 2012 Mechanical Code ICC 2018 2020 Fuel Gas ICC 2018 2020 Energy Code ICC 2018 2020 Wildland Urban Interface Code Residential: Electrical Code NFPA 2017 2017 Plumbing Code OTHER 2012 2012 Mechanical Code ICC 2018 2020 Fuel Gas ICC 2018 2020 Energy Code ICC 2018 2020 Wildland Urban Interface Code ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 3 5/8 Jurisdiction: Monticello County: Wright State: MN Survey Date: 4/9/2019 Chart 3-8 additional code adoption 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Commercial Electrical Plumbing Fuel Gas Mechanical Energy Wildland Urban Interface Your Jurisdiction E County Average E Stake Average E National Average Residential Electrical Plumbing Fuel Gas Mechanical Energy Wildland Urban Interface Your Jurisdiction E County Average E State Average E National Average ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 3 6/8 Jurisdiction: Monticello County: Wright State: MN Survey Date: 4/9/2019 Item 110. Modification to adopted codes: The BCEGS program encourages timely and unmodified adoption of the latest edition available of the building code. It is not uncommon for a jurisdiction to adopt a code and then modify it in some way. The most common modifications are administrative, which the BCEGS program is not overly concerned with. Some jurisdictions, however, modify the structural aspects of the code. Modifications are viewed as favorable when the intention is to strengthen the code. Due to the difficulty and expense of finitely determining the effect on a code of a specific action which weakens the code, no partial credit is available for this section. Note, however, that due to the formula: (Points credited in section 105 x 0.125 x 4.0) the points awarded for this item are reduced if the latest building code is not adopted and enforced. There is a direct correlation between the points earned for the adopted building code and the points available for this section. When modification serves to weaken the intent or effectiveness of the adopted building code relative to structural aspects or natural hazard mitigation features, no points will be awarded for this section. Chart 3-9 Comparison of Points Earned for Section 110 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Commercial Residential E Your Jurisdiction r County Average E State Average F] National Average ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 3 7/8 Jurisdiction: Monticello County: Wright State: MN Survey Date: 4/9/2019 Item 112. Method of Adoption: Updating the adopted codes to the latest code published by a nationally recognized building code development and publication organization within 12 months of the publication of the code is beneficial for the jurisdiction. It provides the latest and most modern technology for natural hazard mitigation. This section allows the opportunity to recognize the timely un -amended adoption of a nationally promulgated building code Chart 3-10 Points Earned for Timely (within one year of the publication date) Un -Amended Code Adoption 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Commercial Residential Your Jurisdiction E County Average E Stake Average E National Average ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 3 8/8 Jurisdiction: Monticello County: Wright State: MN Survey Date: 4/9/2019 The Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule reviews the tools available to a building code department to determine what level of protection the jurisdiction has decided to offer. In this section we review the qualifications of the code enforcement personnel. By maintaining highly qualified, well trained staff the building code enforcement department is better equipped to encourage the construction of code compliant buildings. The BCEGS program does not mandate any level of training certification or experience but it does recognize the technical and evolving nature of construction code enforcement. Therefore, 39% of the available points in the analysis are dependent on education, training and experience. The evaluation is much diversified. For instance, credit can be earned for hours of training taken, dollars spent on training, incentives for outside training, and hiring requirements. After review of this information a building code department may determine that a higher caliber employee or more incentives to current employees could assist them in performing their duties more efficiently and professionally. The number of personnel is an important factor when comparing and correlating education and training. To standardize these numbers this report converts all employees to full time. Therefore a department with two full time code enforcers the number of employees will be two. If a department has five full time code enforcers and seven part time code enforcers each working twenty hours per week the department will show as eight and one half employees. Monticello employs 1.00 code enforcement personnel. This staffing level is equal to one code enforcement personnel for each 12,759 citizen or one code enforcement personnel for each 0.00 permits issued. If the jurisdiction was divided equally, each code enforcer would be responsible for an area of 8.94 square miles. Table 4-1 displays the total and the average number of hours spent in training by code enforcement personnel in Monticello. Training is broken down into four categories; a maximum of 1.25 points may be earned for the first 12 hours of training in administrative aspects of code enforcement, legal aspects of code enforcement, and being mentored in code enforcement. The first 60 hours of training in technical aspects of code enforcement may also earn maximum credit of 4.25 points. To receive the maximum available points in this area each employee must train a minimum of 96 hours per year and the subject must follow the details above. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 4 1/6 Jurisdiction: Monticello Survey Date: 4/9/2019 Table 4-1 Training hours for Monticello 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 County: Wright State: MN Chart 4-2 Comparison of average hours of training Administrative Legal Mentoring Techinical E Your Jurisdiction E County Average E Stake Average E National Average ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 4 2/6 Total hours for department Average hours of training Administrative 18.75 18.75 Legal 22.75 22.75 Mentoring 74.00 74.00 Technical 173.00 173.00 Chart 4-2 Comparison of average hours of training Administrative Legal Mentoring Techinical E Your Jurisdiction E County Average E Stake Average E National Average ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 4 2/6 Jurisdiction: Monticello Survey Date: 4/9/2019 County: Wright State: MN Building code enforcement departments may choose to emphasize their commitment to training and education through incentives, such as funding certification, exam fees, and continuing education or providing incentives for outside training. The following table is broken down for residential and commercial construction and indicates the incentives provided by Monticello. Table 4-3 BCEGS points earned by Monticello for training incentives ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 4 3/6 Commercial Points Earned Residential Points Earned Department pays for certifications and exam fee Yes 0.50 Yes 0.50 Provides incentive for outside training or certification No 0.00 No 0.00 Pays for continuing education Yes 0.50 Yes 0.50 ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 4 3/6 Jurisdiction: Monticello Survey Date: 4/9/2019 County: Wright State: MN Chart 4-4 Comparison of communities providing training incentive 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Commercial Pays for certifications and exam Fees Provides incentive for outside training or certification Pays for continuing education County E Stake F National Residential Pays for certifications and exam Fees Provides incentive for outside training or certification Pays for continuing education IN County E Stake E National ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 4 4/6 Jurisdiction: Monticello Survey Date: 4/9/2019 County: Wright State: MN Hiring only certified code enforcement employees or allowing a short probationary period for new hires to earn their certification are valued practices which elevate the quality and consistency of the code enforcement process. The following two charts compare your jurisdiction's policies regarding certification with those of other departments within your county, state and across the country. The charts represent the percent of plan reviewers and inspectors that held appropriate certification for the duties they performed at the time of the latest BCEGS survey. Chart 4-5 represents commercial work and Chart 4-6 represents residential work. Chart 4-5 Comparison of Certified Personnel Performing Commercial Duties 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Building Electrical Mechanical Plumbing Fuel Gas E Your Jurisdiction r County Average E Stake Average N National Average Chart 4-6 Comparison of Certified Personnel Performing Residential Duties 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Building Electrical Mechanical Plumbing Fuel Gas Your Jurisdiction E County Average E Stake Average E National Average ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 4 5/6 Jurisdiction: Monticello Survey Date: 4/9/2019 County: Wright State: MN Requiring certification as a condition of employment is an important factor. However, the evolving nature of the building technology and the wide variety of situations encountered by plan reviewers and inspectors dictate the need for continuing education. The following two charts are based on the period of time allowed to complete the required amount of continuing education requirements for building inspectors in order for them to renew their license / certification. Information in these charts represents data gathered across the country. Chart 4-7 Building Certification Renewal Period Commercial ;:,.-2 {z - Yetis 2 Years ilk 3 Years lk D3 Years 1h Not Rewired Chart 4-8 Building Certification Renewal Period Residential 1 Year 1h 2 Years ft 3 Years ft >3 Years & Not Required ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 4 6/6 Jurisdiction: Monticello Survey Date: 4/9/2019 County: Wright State: MN One of the most frequently asked questions from community administrators and building officials is: How many inspectors and plan reviewers do we need to supply the desired level of service to our community? This section will provide valuable information to assist in this vital decision. The BCEGS schedule uses the following benchmarks to calculate the staffing levels: • 10 inspections per day per full time inspector • 1 commercial plan review per day per full time plan reviewer • 2 residential plan review per day per full time plan reviewer These are average numbers of the entire department over the course of a year. Some inspectors because of the type of work they are assigned will exceed these benchmarks while others will not be able to reach them, the same is true of plan reviewers. The fact is that these benchmarks have proved to be realistic over the course of surveying 14,000 code enforcement departments. However, we realize that your community may have varying circumstances and may want to base staffing decision on other information. In the following set of charts we have scoured our database to find communities that are of similar size, and population to your community to provide data that may be helpful in your decision process. The next key element of staffing decision is the workload; again we queried our records to find communities with similar number of permits issued, inspections and plan reviews completed. This data can be useful in further defining your staffing levels. Realizing that some jurisdictions cover vast area while others are metropolitan we did some calculations and arrived at a unique category of permits per square mile. You may find that this category affords benchmarking opportunities that take into account workload and travel time for your inspecting staff. Table 5-1 Your community falls into the following ranges Population 10,001-25,000 Square Miles 7.1-21 Permits Issued <=200 Number of inspections conducted 2,201-5,700 Building Plan reviews conducted 50-150 Permits per Square Mile <=10 ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 5 1/8 Jurisdiction: Monticello County: Wright State: MN Survey Date: 4/9/2019 The information in Charts 5-3 through 5-14 depicts the staffing levels of your jurisdiction along with the average staffing levels of all the communities that fall within the range for each category as defined in Table 5 -1. To standardize these numbers this report converts all employees to full time equivalents. Therefore, in a department with two full time employees the number of personnel will be two. If a department has five full time code enforcers and seven part time code enforcers each working twenty hours per week the department is considered to have eight and one half full time employees. The data is further broken down by the responsibilities of each code enforcer. For example a department may allocate time as follows: Table 5-2 Time Allocation Example The calculations used to make up the graphs for the example above would be the number of commercial plan reviews conducted in your jurisdiction divided by 0.44 (the number of commercial plan reviewers employed by your jurisdiction). Similarly assuming 732 residential inspections divided by the number of residential inspectors (0.58) returns a workload of 1,262 inspections per full time inspector per year. The calculation for the control group is the same except that the results are averaged. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 5 2/8 Time allocation Time allocation Time allocation (hrs) (hrs) (hrs) No. of equivalent employee #1 employee #2 employee #3 full time employees 40 hrs per week 30 hrs per week 20 hrs per week Commercial 16 1.5 0 0.44 Plan Review Residential 8 1.5 0 0.24 Plan Review Commercial 14 24 2 1.00 Inspection Residential 2 3 18 0.58 Inspection Total equivalent full time employees 2.25 The calculations used to make up the graphs for the example above would be the number of commercial plan reviews conducted in your jurisdiction divided by 0.44 (the number of commercial plan reviewers employed by your jurisdiction). Similarly assuming 732 residential inspections divided by the number of residential inspectors (0.58) returns a workload of 1,262 inspections per full time inspector per year. The calculation for the control group is the same except that the results are averaged. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 5 2/8 Jurisdiction: Monticello County: Wright State: MN Survey Date: 4/9/2019 Chart 5-3 Building Plan Review Staffing Comparisons of Communities Serving Similar Populations 600 500 400 300 264.86 200 97,83 100 0, 8000 6000 Annual Workload Per Annual Workload Per Commercial Plan Reviewer Residential Plan Reviewer ❑ Similar Community I ❑ Your Jurisdiction Chart 5-4 Inspection Staffing Comparisons of Communities Serving Similar Populations 4000 2752,48 1978,02 2000 0 Annual Workload Per Commercial Inspector OOAA �', Annual Workload Per Residential Inspector ❑ Similar Community ❑ Your Jurisdiction ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 5 3/8 Jurisdiction: Monticello County: Wright State: MN Survey Date: 4/9/2019 Chart 5-5 Building Plan Review Staffing Comparison of Communities Serving Similar Square Miles 700 600 500 400 300 234.27 200 97,83 100 0 Annual Workload Per Commercial Plan Reviewer Annual Workload Per Residential Plan Reviewer ❑ Similar Community ❑ Your Jurisdiction Chart 5-6 Inspection Staffing Comparison of Communities Serving Similar Square Miles 8000 6000 4000 2752,48 1967,24 2000 0 Annual Workload Per Commercial Inspector Annual Workload Per Residential Inspector ❑ Similar Community I ❑ Your Jurisdiction ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 5 4/8 Jurisdiction: Monticello County: Wright State: MN Survey Date: 4/9/2019 Chart 5-7 Building Plan Review Staffing Comparison of Communities Similar Number of Permits 500 400 300 200 171,72 97,83 100 0 8000 6000 Annual Workload Per Annual Workload Per Commercial Plan Reviewer Residential Plan Reviewer ❑ Similar Community I ❑ Your Jurisdiction Chart 5-8 Inspection Staffing Comparison of Communities Issuing Similar Number of Permits 4000 2752,48 2051,05 2000 0 Annual Workload Per Commercial Inspector Annual Workload Per Residential Inspector ❑ Similar Community ❑ Your Jurisdiction ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 5 5/8 Jurisdiction: Monticello County: Wright State: MN Survey Date: 4/9/2019 Chart 5-9 Building Plan Review Staffing Comparison of Communities Conducting Similar Number of Inspections 700 600 500 400 000 254.06 200 97,83 100 0 Annual Workload Per Annual Workload Per Commercial Plan Reviewer Residential Plan Reviewer ❑ Similar Community ❑ Your Jurisdiction Chart 5-10 Inspection Staffing Comparison of Communities Conductiong Similar Number of Inspections 8000 6000 4000 2752.48 2103,67 2000 0 Annual Workload Per Commercial Inspector Annual Workload Per Residential Inspector ❑ Similar Community ❑ Your Jurisdiction ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 5 6/8 Jurisdiction: Monticello County: Wright State: MN Survey Date: 4/9/2019 Chart 5-11 Building Plan Review Staffing Comparison of Communities Conducting Similar Number of Plan Reviews 600 500 400 300 250,07 200 97,83 100 0 Annual Workload Per Commercial Plan Reviewer Annual Workload Per Residential Plan Reviewer ❑ Similar Community ❑ Your Jurisdiction Chart 5-12 Inspector Staffing Comparison of Communities Conducting Similar Number of Plan Reviews 8000 6000 4000 2752.48 1899.06 2000 0 Annual Workload Per Commercial Inspector Annual Workload Per Residential Inspector ❑ Similar Community ❑ Your Jurisdiction ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 5 7/8 Jurisdiction: Monticello County: Wright State: MN Survey Date: 4/9/2019 Chart 5-13 Building Plan Review Staffing Comparison of Communities Issuing Similar Number of Permits Per Square Mile 600 500 400 300 zoo 100 0 8000 6000 Annual Workload Per Annual Workload Per Commercial Plan Reviewer Residential Plan Reviewer ❑ Similar Community ❑ Your Jurisdiction Chart 5-14 Inspector Staffing Comparison of Communities Issuing Similar Number of Permits Per Square Mile 4000 2752,48 2000 1655,02 0 Annual Workload Per Commercial Inspector Annual Workload Per Residential Inspector ❑ Similar Community ❑ Your Jurisdiction ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 5 8/8 Jurisdiction: Monticello Survey Date: 4/9/2019 County: Wright State: MN ISO has been surveying and evaluating building code adoption and enforcement in communities around the country since 1995. To maintain relevant information the BCEGS program is designed to conduct surveys on a 5 year cycle. The information in this section will give you some insight to trends in your jurisdiction, your state and across the country. Charts 6-1 through 6-2 compare the points earned by your department in each Section to the points earned by other departments in your state, county, and across the country. The charts are broken down by commercial and residential. You may use Table 1 as a guide for how points are earned in each section. 100 80 60 40 20 0 Chart 6-1 Comparison of Commercial Points Scored Sections Section2 Section3 E Your Jurisdiction E County Average E Stake Average W National Average ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 6 1/2 Jurisdiction: Monticello Survey Date: 4/9/2019 100 80 60 40 20 0 County: Wright State: MN Chart 6-2 Comparison of Residential Points Scored Sections Section2 Section3 E Your Jurisdiction E County Average E Stake Average E National Average ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 6 2/2 Jurisdiction: Monticello Survey Date: 4/9/2019 County: Wright State: MN Different parts of the country are subject to a variety of potential natural hazards. The map below is an overview of those potentials: �-:arthquakes Law Medium High Risk Risk Risk Tornadoes Some Extreme Risk Risk Hurricanes C � Some Extreme ftk tai sk Other F-1-1 F----] i Vdoarro TsLmami Rlsk Rlsk In cooperation with AIR (an ISO company) we have prepared the following hazard report using the municipal building address you supplied during the survey meeting. A full explanation of how to read and interpret the following profiles can be found in Appendix A. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 7 1/1 7/30/2020 ORDER NAME: Monticello, MN ORDER DATE: 07/30/2020 ORDER TIME: 02:35:31 PM https://passportweb.iso.com/passport/appNiewReport.do CATASTROPHE HAZARD REPORT VERISK - MARKETING LOCATION PASSPORT Location Name Entered Address: 505 WALNUT ST, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Catastrophe Hazard Information Matched Address: 505 Walnut St , Monticello, MN 55362 Match Type: Parcel Level Latitude: 45.302833 Longitude: -93.798801 - Hurricane Profile Risk (Percentage Loss) Doi s is 15 2D .25 30 BE an 45 ioD% 100 -year loss level: 250 -year loss level: Average Annual Loss: <0.1 % Relative Risk (Percentile) Dos io 20 3D Aa 50 w 70 BD 90 3009E https://passportweb.iso.com/passport/app/ViewReport.do 0UT RESPONSE DATE: 07/30/2020 RESPONSE TIME: 02:35:31 PM 7/30/2020 within county: 00ow— within state: AROMMEWL Hurricane Information Storm Surge Potential: Distance to effective coast: Distance to actual coast: Coastal County: Elevation: Terrain/ Land Use: Florida Wind Loss Mitigation Profile Exposure Area: Exposure Area Enhanced: High Velocity Wind Region: Windspeed Region: Windborne Debris Region: Historical Hurricanes No Historical Hurricane Information Available 0 Thunderstorm Profile Risk (Percentage Loss) D% 5 10 100 -year loss level: 250 -year loss level: Average Annual Loss: 0.1 % Relative Risk https://passportweb.iso.com/passport/app/ViewReport.do https://passportweb.iso.com/passport/appNiewReport.do No Greater than 50 miles Greater than 25 miles No 750 - 1000 feet above mean sea level Developed High Intensity Terrain C 15 2d .25 30 35 40 45 1QD% 2/6 7/30/2020 (Percentile) within county: within state: Hazard Information Tornado: Hail Storm: Straight-line Wind: Nearest Historical Tornadoes Date June 19, 1951 May 6, 1965 May 6, 1965 May 6, 1965 May 21, 1957 Nearest Historical Hail Storms Date https://passportweb.iso.com/passport/appNiewReport.do D% 10 20 30 40 50 W 70 80 90 1479E Very High/ High/ Moderate Low/ Very Low Very High/ High/ Moderate Low/ Very Low Very High/ High/ Moderate Low/ Very Low July 1, 2011 July 17, 2010 June 20, 2007 August 27, 1990 May 1, 2001 Nearest Historical Straight - Line Wind Storms Date Distance (mi) 14.51 23.24 27.67 30.14 48.92 Intensity (Fujita Scale) 4 4 4 4 4 Distance Intensity by (mi) Average Hail Size (in) 33.22 >=4.0 35.44 >=4.0 39.75 >=4.0 14.73 >=4.0 38.85 >=4.0 Distance (mi) Intensity by Average Wind Speed (mph) https://passportweb.iso.com/passport/app/ViewReport.do 3/6 7/30/2020 June 11, 2001 July 19, 1983 July 1, 1997 July 1, 1997 July 1, 1993 0 Winterstorm Profile Risk (Percentage Loss) 100 -year loss level: 250 -year loss level: Average Annual Loss Relative Risk (Percentile) within county: within state: Hazard Information Wind Frequency: Snow Frequency: https://passportweb.iso.com/passport/appNiewReport.do 20.95 100-110 9.81 90-100 1.05 90-100 2.34 90-100 48.03 90-100 15 2d .25 30 35 40 45 14096 D% 10 20 3d 40 50 f>0 70 80 40 1479E �mmmmm[,— Very High/ High/ Moderate/ Low/ Ver Low Very High/ High/ Moderate Low/ Very Low - Earthquake Profile Risk (Percentage Loss) D% 5 10 100 -year loss level: �. https://passportweb.iso.com/passport/app/ViewReport.do 15 2a .25 30 35 40 45 10D% m�� 4/6 7/30/2020 250 -year loss level: Average Annual Loss Relative Risk (Percentile) within county: within state: https://passportweb.iso.com/passport/appNiewReport.do IRRIENEWL <0.1 D% i4 2O 3D 44 s0 6D 74 BO so Haw. Earthquake Information CA DOI Zone: Liquefaction Potential: Landslide Zone: Alquist - Priolo Fault Zone: Soil Type: Intensity by Probability of Exceedance (PE): Modified Mercalli Intensity: 30 Year PE Intensity by Return Period: Return Period Modified Mercalli Intensity: Not Applicable Not Applicable Stiff clay and Sandy soil(firm soil) VI VII VIII IX X XI XII 0.00 % 0.00% 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00% 0.00 100 Year 200 Year 250 Year 475 Year 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Fault Information No significant active fault has been mapped within a 200 mile radius of the address. Historical Earthquakes No significant historical earthquake has been recorded within a 200 mile radius of the address. - Flood Profile Flood Information https://passportweb.iso.com/passport/app/ViewReport.do 5/6 7/30/2020 Source: Flood Zone: FEMA Flood Zone: Elevation: Shortest Distance to: Water Body: 100 Year Flood Plain 500 Year Flood Plain https://passportweb.iso.com/passport/appNiewReport.do DFIRM Outside Flood Zone X Flood Zone 750 - 1000 feet above mean sea level More than 5 miles 0.38 miles 0.56 miles https://passportweb.iso.com/passport/app/ViewReport.do 6/6 Jurisdiction: Monticello Survey Date: 4/9/2019 County: Wright State: MN AI RProfiler is designed to provide users with vital, peril -specific characteristics of the property location, such as storm surge potential and distance to nearest active fault, as well as risk scores, which are quick measures of the risk and relative risk associated with the property. This release of AI RProfiler includes hurricane profiles for all states in the continental U.S. at risk from hurricanes, as well as earthquake, severe thunderstorm and flood profiles for the forty-eight contiguous states. • The Address Profile displays important information regarding the accuracy of the look -up for the entered address, the geocode of that address and a street map. The Hurricane Profile provides hurricane risk information for the location as well as other related hazards including storm surge potential and distance to nearest historical hurricane track. • The Earthquake Profile, in addition to showing risk level and ranking, shows susceptibility of the location to different hazards. Those hazards include liquefaction, landslide potential, and fault zone information. a The Flood Profile provides the proximity of a location to one of five flood zone categories as well as the location's distance to various flood plain boundaries based on FEMA Digital Q3 flood data. a The Severe Thunderstorm Profile provides information about risk from tornado, hail, and straight-line windstorms for a given location, including distance to nearest historical storms and annual frequency. Based on the address information provided, AIRProfiler@ displays the corrected and standardized address following USPSO rules and guidelines, as well as the geocode (latitude and longitude), county, and ZIP Code of the location. AIRProfiler@ performs a look -up in the LOCATION TM database. The hazard is then assessed based on an exact address or ZIP Code match. AIR's geocoding algorithm, based on the TIGER@ geographical database, is used to convert the location address entered by the user into the corresponding latitude and longitude. Depending on the address match, either the exact geocode, or the geocode of the appropriate ZIP Code centroid, is used for assessing the risk. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 APPENDIX A 1/11 Jurisdiction: Monticello Survey Date: 4/9/2019 County: Wright State: MN g The Address Profile also provides a street map of the location. Given a location, the loss potential from specific perils is represented by various risk scores. Risk scores are determined by performing a loss analysis on a typical residential building at that location. The analysis is performed using AIR's state-of-the-art modeling technologies. Note that content and time element (loss of use) calculations are excluded from the analysis. Based on this analysis of the location, AI RProfiler® provides two sets of scores: Risk Scores. The user can obtain indications of risk based on three measures of potential loss: the 100 - year loss level, the 250 -year loss level, and the average annual loss. These levels represent, respectively, the loss likely to occur in one year out of every 100 years, one in every 250 years, and every year on average over a period of many years. The resulting risk scores are expressed in percentage terms, as below: Low Risk Moderate Risk High Risk Very High Risk <5% 5-10% 10-15% 15-20% 20-25% 25-30% 30-35% 35-40% 40-45% >45% Relative Risk Scores. In addition to the risk score of a given location, AI RProfiler® also displays the location's relative risk by county and state. Relative risk ranks the loss potential of a location with respect to the loss potential of other locations in the county or state. The format of the ranking is based on percentile values from 10% to 100% percent. The AIRProfiler® Hurricane Profile provides users with information about the hurricane risk potential for a specific location. Risk scores for 100 -year, 250 -year and annual average losses, as well as relative risk ranking within county and state, are displayed. The profile also displays the following hurricane risk information: Storm surge potential Distance to coast a Elevation a Terrain/Land use a Intensity and nearest distance to historical storm track for nearest historical hurricanes In addition to strong winds and tides, storm surge can pose significant danger to life and property during hurricanes. Storm surge is caused by winds pushing water toward the shore. When combined with high tide, storm surge can cause an increase in the mean water level and so result in severe flooding and substantial property loss. The densely populated Atlantic and Gulf coastlines that lie less than ten feet above mean sea level are particularly vulnerable to storm surge. The AIRProfiler® Hurricane Report indicates whether or not the property is at risk from storm surge. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 APPENDIX A 2/11 Jurisdiction: Monticello County: Wright State: MN Survey Date: 4/9/2019 The AIRProfiler0 Earthquake Profile provides users with information about the earthquake risk potential for specific location. Risk scores for 100 -year, 250 -year and average annual losses, as well as relative risk ranking within county and state, are displayed. The profile also displays the following risk information: The California Department of Insurance (DOI) zone Liquefaction potential Landslide zone Earthquake fault (Alquist-Priolo) zone Soil type Seismicity ! Fault information 0 Historical earthquakes When seismic waves pass through water -saturated, loosely packed sandy soils, contact pressure between the individual grains is lost. The grains become more densely configured, causing pore pressure to increase. If drainage is inadequate, what was once solid ground now behaves as a dense fluid, incapable of supporting buildings. Structures that may have survived the effects of shaking can deform, tilt or sink. They may remain structurally intact, but have become unusable and unsalvageable. Liquefaction risk at a given site is represented by that site's potential to experience damage resulting from liquefaction. Liquefaction potential is a measure of a soil's susceptibility to liquefaction combined with a location's level of earthquake risk. AIR applies standard methodologies used by the Division of Mines and Geology (DMG), United States Geological Survey (USGS), to calculate liquefaction potential. The AI RProfiler® Earthquake Profile describes a location's liquefaction potential by one of five levels: very high, high, moderate, low, or very low. The underlying soil type may have a determining effect on potential earthquake damage to structures. Certain types of soils, such as soft soils, are capable of amplifying seismic waves, hence causing more severe damage. Also, some types of soil, such as bay mud, sandy soil, and stiff to soft soil, are also more susceptible to liquefaction. Soil is classified according to its mechanical properties. The AI RProfiler® Earthquake Profile for a particular location uses ten soil type classifications: * Hard rock • Rock • Very dense soil • Stiff soil • Soft soil • Rock to very dense soil • Very dense to stiff soil • Stiff to soft soil • Bay mud Water ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 APPENDIX A 3/11 Jurisdiction: Monticello Survey Date: 4/9/2019 County: Wright State: MN One measure of earthquake intensity is the level of ground shaking at any particular location. Over the years, several intensity scales have been proposed, but the Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) scale is the most commonly used, especially in the United States. The MMI scale describes the intensity of an earthquake based on human reaction and observed damage to natural and man-made structures. This is useful because it allows for an attribution of intensity to events that occurred prior to the advent of modern measuring devices, as well as in instances in modern times where those devices were not available. The drawback to this standard of measure is that the MMI scale is highly subjective. The following table lists the MMI scales and definitions. MMI Definition I. People do not feel any movement. II. N few people might notice movement if they are at rest and/or on the upper floors of tall buildings. III. Many people indoors feel movement. Hanging objects swing back and forth. People outdoors might not realize that an earthquake is occurring. IV. Most people indoors feel movement. Hanging objects swing. Dishes, windows and doors rattle. The earthquake feels like a heavy truck hitting the walls. A few people outdoors may feel movement. Parked cars rock. V. Almost everyone feels movement. Sleeping people are awakened. Doors swing open or close. Dishes are broken. Pictures on the wall move. Small objects move or are turned over. Trees might shake. Liquids might spill out of open containers. VI. Everyone feels movement. People have trouble walking. Objects fall from shelves. Pictures fall off walls. Furniture moves. Plaster in walls might crack. Trees and bushes shake. Damage is slight in poorly built buildings. No structural damage. VII. People have difficulty standing. Drivers feel their cars shaking. Some furniture breaks. Loose bricks fall from buildings. Damage is slight to moderate in well-built buildings; considerable in poorly built buildings. VIII. Drivers have trouble steering. Houses that are not bolted down might shift on their foundations. Tall structures such as towers and chimneys might twist and fall. Well-built buildings suffer slight damage. Poorly built structures suffer severe damage. Tree branches break. Hillsides might crack if the ground is wet. Water levels in wells might change. IX. Well-built buildings suffer considerable damage. Houses that are not bolted down move off their foundations. Some underground pipes are broken. The ground cracks. Reservoirs suffer serious damage. X. Most buildings and their foundations are destroyed. Some bridges are destroyed. Dams are seriously damaged. Large landslides occur. Water is thrown on the banks of canals, rivers, lakes. The ground cracks in large areas. Railroad tracks are bent slightly. XI. Most buildings collapse. Some bridges are destroyed. Large cracks appear in the ground. Underground pipelines are destroyed. Railroad tracks are badly bent. XII. Almost everything is destroyed. Objects are thrown into the air. The ground moves in waves or ripples. Large amounts of rock may move. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 APPENDIX A 4/11 Jurisdiction: Monticello Survey Date: 4/9/2019 County: Wright State: MN The data presented in AI RProfiler® is developed by calculating MMI values for each location. It incorporates all potential seismic sources, the distance of those sources from the location of interest, and local site conditions. Because MMI is considered as a measure of what the ground is doing during an earthquake, rather than an index of damage to structures, damageability of building at the site is not included in the calculation. Those who are more interested in damage estimation should refer to 100- and 250 -year loss levels. The MMI values are represented in two ways in the Earthquake Profile: • Intensity by PE (probability exceedance) • Intensity by Return Period The first representation, defined by probability of exceedance, is the probability that at least one event of that MMI will occur within 30 years. The second representation, based on return period, depicts the maximum intensity of an event that is likely to occur within the designated return period; that is, the intensity corresponds to the maximum event that is likely to occur within the return period displayed. Proximity to an active fault is an important indication of seismicity for a specific location. The AIRProfiler® Earthquake Profile displays the property's distance to the nearest known active faults. Important characteristics of these faults are displayed, including fault length, and the magnitude and frequency of the "characteristic" event associated with that fault. (Scientists believe that many faults tend to produce earthquakes of a particular size, or magnitude, that is "characteristic" of that particular fault, and that occur with a particular frequency, or recurrence rate). ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 APPENDIX A 5/11 Jurisdiction: Monticello Survey Date: 4/9/2019 County: Wright State: MN The AI RProfiler® Flood Profile provides users with information about the flood risk potential for a specific location. Each location is characterized by its proximity to one of five flood zone categories as follows: • Water body: Includes large lakes and rivers • 100 -year flood plain: Areas where there is 1% chance of being flooded • 500 -year flood plain: Areas where there is 0.2% chance of being flooded • Outside flood plain: Areas outside of water body, 100- and 500 -year flood plains • No data: Areas where there is no data available The proximity of the location to FEMA defined flood zones is also provided: FEMA Description Zone V n area inundated by 100 -year flooding with velocity hazard (wave action); no BFE*s have been determined. VE An area inundated by 100 -year flooding with velocity hazard (wave action); BFEs have been determined. A An area inundated by 100 -year flooding, for which no BFEs have been determined. AE An area inundated by 100 -year flooding, for which BFEs have been determined. AO An area inundated by 100 -year flooding (usually sheet flow on sloping terrain), for which average depths have been determined; flood depths range from 1 to 3 feet. AOVEL An alluvial fan inundated by 100 -year flooding (usually sheet flow on sloping terrain), for which average flood depths and velocities have been determined; flood depths range from 1 to 3 feet. AH n area inundated by 100 -year flooding (usually an area of ponding), for which BFEs have been determined; flood depths range from 1 to 3 feet. A99 n area inundated by 100 -year flooding, for which no BFEs have been determined. This is an area to be protected from the 100 -year flood by a Federal flood protection system under construction. D n area of undetermined but possible flood hazards. AR n area inundated by flooding, for which BFEs or average depths have been determined. This i an area that was previously, and will again, be protected from the 100 -year flood by a Federal flood protection system whose restoration is federally funded and underway. X500 n area inundated by 500 -year flooding; an area inundated by 100 -year flooding with average depths of less than 1 foot or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; or an area protected b levees from 100 -year flooding. X n area that is determined to be outside the 100- and 500 -year floodplains. 1001C n area where the 100 -year flooding is contained within the channel banks and the channel is to narrow to show to scale. An arbitrary channel width of 3 meters is shown. BFEs are not shown in I,is area, although they may be reflected on the corresponding profile. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 APPENDIX A 6/11 Jurisdiction: Monticello Survey Date: 4/9/2019 County: Wright State: MN 5001C n area where the 500 -year flooding is contained within the channel banks and the channel is too narrow to show to scale. An arbitrary channel width of 3 meters is shown. FWIC n area where the floodway is contained within the channel banks and the channel is too narrow o show to scale. An arbitrary channel width of 3 meters is shown. BFEs are not shown in this area, although they may be reflected on the corresponding profile. FPQ An area designated as a "Flood Prone Area" on a map prepared by USGS and the Federal Insurance Administration. This area has been delineated based on available information on past floods. This is an area inundated by 100 -year flooding for which no BFEs have been determined. IN An area designated as within a "Special Flood Hazard Area" (or SFHA) on a FIRM. This is an area inundated by 100 -year flooding for which BFEs or velocity may have been determined. No distinctions are made between the different flood hazard zones that may be included within the FHA. These may include Zones A, AE, AO, AH, A99, AR, V, or VE. OUT n area designated as outside a "Special Flood Hazard Area"(or SFHA) on a FIRM. This is an area inundated by 500 -year flooding; an area inundated by 100 -year flooding with average depths f less than 1 foot or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; an area protected by levees rom 100 -year flooding; or an area that is determined to be outside the 100- and 500 -year loodplains. No distinctions are made between these different conditions. These may include both shaded and unshaded areas of Zone X. ANI An area that is located within a community or county that is not mapped on any published FIRM. UNDES body of open water, such as a pond, lake, ocean, etc., located within a community's urisdictional limits, that has no defined flood hazard. *BFE = Base Flood Elevation The Flood Profile provides the shortest distance of the location to the various flood plain boundaries. Three types of distance measurement is provided: : Shortest distance to the boundary of water body : Shortest distance to the boundary of 100 -year flood plain : Shortest distance to the boundary of 500 -year flood plain ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 APPENDIX A 7/11 Jurisdiction: Monticello County: Wright State: MN Survey Date: 4/9/2019 The following map illustrates the way distance from flood plain boundaries are calculated: 100 Year F Fond Plain Seundary Water Mdy 500 Year Frond Plain Scundary x I i� r r { The AI RProfiler@ Severe Thunderstorm Profile provides users with information about the severe thunderstorm risk potential for a specific location. The Severe Thunderstorm Profile includes risks due to tornado, hail, and straight-line wind. Risk scores for 100 -year, 250 -year and annual average losses, as well as relative risk ranking within county and state, are displayed. The profile also displays the following risk information: Annual Frequency This field represents the annual frequency of occurrence for tornado, hail, and straight-line windstorms. A qualitative description of the frequency (very high, high, moderate, low, or very low) is displayed. Historical Severe Thunderstorms In this section of the Severe Thunderstorm Profile, AIRProfiler@ identifies information on the five most severe tornado, hail, and straight-line wind events within 50 miles of the given location. The following characteristics are displayed: year, date, distance from location, and intensity. The description of intensity varies by peril. For tornadoes, the Fujita scale is used. The intensity of hailstorms is measured by average hailstone size and the intensity of straight-line windstorms is derived from a measurement of maximum wind speed. ©2005 AIR Worldwide Corporation. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part on any medium without the express written permission of AIR Worldwide Corporation. Send questions or comments about this web site to airprofiler@air-worldwide.com Version AIR Worldwide Corporation Privacy Policy I Conditions of Use (6) @Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 APPENDIX A 8/11 Jurisdiction: Monticello Survey Date: 4/9/2019 A description of the listed hazards follows: County: Wright State: MN A. Brush and Forest Fires: Areas with heavy vegetation and a dry season can be subject to forest and brush fires. Local building and zoning regulations address this hazard in some areas of the country. Buffer zones which are free from brush and other fuel sources, as well as the use of fire resistive exterior siding and roofing can be utilized to mitigate this hazard. B. Earthquake: Earthquakes are caused by a tension release from the earth's tectonic plates that causes the ground to shake or vibrate. Most casualties associated with earthquakes are caused by structural failures in buildings and fires caused from electrical shorts and gas leaks. All of the model codes have seismic zones where buildings should be constructed to withstand at least a moderate earthquake. The codes are currently geared towards avoiding a structural collapse. This is a life safety issue and a building can still sustain enough physical damage to render it unusable after the earthquake occurs. Since 1900 earthquakes have occurred in 39 states and caused damage in all 50. C. Floods: Floods are one of the most common disasters in the United States, and cause damage to thousands of structures annually. Floodplain construction is addressed in most building codes and many zoning regulations. Flood mitigation is addressed through the National Flood Insurance Program which provides insurance credit incentives for complying with FEMA regulations. Flood as a hazard falls outside the scope of the BCEGS program. D. Hail: Consists of icy pellets of various sizes that are usually associated with thunderstorms or tornadic activity. Large hail can cause substantial damage to roof surfaces. In a typical year the insurance industry pays out $1.5 billion in hail damage claims. In rare cases hail has caused structural damage and building collapses. Building codes usually do not address potential damage from hail. E. High Winds: High strait line winds can occur anywhere in the United States and are caused by pressure and temperature variances in the Earth's atmosphere. High strait line winds are common in thunder storms, in the open plains were there are no obstructions to slow down the wind, in mountainous areas from upslope and downslope wind effects, on the East Coast from "Northeasters", and on the Pacific Coast from Santa Anna winds. Model Code groups have formulated maps based on 50 year mean recurrence intervals. The model codes currently apply the concept of "fastest wind speed" which is determined by an anemometer 33 ft. above the ground in open terrain. The anemometer measures the time it takes for one mile of air to pass its location. Wind maps are not based on potential maximum wind gust, but on "fastest wind speed," which has created confusion in media coverage of storms. F. Hurricane: This is a tropical low pressure system with a circular wind rotation of 74 mph or greater usually accompanied by rain, lightning, and sometimes tornadoes. These storms have the ability to travel inland for hundreds of miles, maintaining hurricane force winds. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 APPENDIX A 9/11 Jurisdiction: Monticello Survey Date: 4/9/2019 County: Wright State: MN G. The Saffir-Simpson scale is used to rate the strength of a hurricane from 1 to 5 with 5 being the most severe. The Saffir-Simpson scale uses wind speed and storm surge to rate the hurricane's strength and potential for devastation. Model codes have addressed the probability of hurricanes by creating wind zones that range from 110 mph on barrier islands to 70mph inland. Structures must be designed and built to compensate for the potential additional stress placed on structures by the wind in these zones. The structural designs must take into account both Positive and Negative Wind Loads. Roof systems must be anchored to the wall systems to resist the wind loads. The wall systems must also be strapped or bolted to the foundation and footing system to create a continuous resistive system. Building codes also address the potential storm surge for coastal construction, by requiring structures to be elevated on pilings. H. Lands lide/mudflow/debris flow: This hazard is more common in, but not limited to mountainous areas. Earthquakes and heavy rains cause landslides. Mudflows and debris flows can be caused by heavy rains as well as volcanic eruptions in areas with snow and ice present. This is usually a localized occurrence, and is more of a zoning than a building code issue. I. Lightning: All states are subject to lightning in varying degrees. Lightning rods can be installed on structures in high probability areas, but most building codes do not address when lightning rods are required. In a typical year the insurance industry pays out over $1 billion in residential lightning damage claims. J. Snow Loads: This is a concern in snow belt areas in northern states and in mountainous areas. There are snow load maps created by the model code groups that address this situation. Some areas require a minimum roof pitch and higher design factors to compensate for the additional weight imposed on roofs by snow. K. Soil Liquefaction: This is a seismic concern. There are some soil types which, in the presence of a high enough water table, will take on the physical properties of a liquid when shaken by an earthquake. Buildings constructed in areas subject to liquefaction need to be designed to reduce or eliminate the possibility of uneven settling or tilting during an earthquake. L. Soil Subsidence: This is the shrinking or settling of soil due to its composition. Some soils compact or or shrink excessively and this could cause foundation failure if not compensated for by foundation reinforcement. Some areas are subject to sink holes. These are typically caused by lime deposits being dissolved by underground water. M. Swelling Soils: This is common in clay based soils that do not drain well and needs to be compensated for by foundation reinforcement. Footings or foundations placed on or within expansive soils need to be designed to resist differential volume changes to prevent structural damage to the supported structure. As an alternative to special design the soil can be removed and replaced or stabilized. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 APPENDIX A 10/11 Jurisdiction: Monticello Survey Date: 4/9/2019 County: Wright State: MN N. Tornado: Tornadoes are formed from mesocyclones or supercell thunderstorms. Tornadoes can strike in many places in the United States, but the greatest probability of tornadic activity is in a corridor from Texas to Wisconsin known as tornado alley. They occur usually in the spring or fall of the year during the late afternoon when the atmosphere is least stable. Tornadoes are measured by the Fujita Scale (F - SCALE), which measures the wind speed and damage potential. The scale ranges from FO to F5 with F5 being the most severe storm. Damages from a direct hit by the strongest tornadoes cannot be mitigated, but the collateral damages that occur in surrounding areas can be reduced. The wind provisions of the model codes can help to limit damages from the most common, weaker tornadoes. O. Tsunamis: (tidal wave) These are large sea waves usually caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, and are most common in the Pacific Ocean. The potential devastation of a Tsunami is enormous, but little is being done to mitigate this hazard. Several Pacific Coast States have enacted zoning regulations to prevent schools and hospitals from being built in low areas subject to tsunamis. P. Volcanoes: There are numerous dormant and active volcanoes in the Western United States, and the potential danger is catastrophic near these volcanoes. Collateral damage could occur for hundreds of miles. Building codes can do little to address this danger, but some areas require additional roof structure design to compensate for volcanic ash load. Zoning restrictions are a more viable means of mitigation. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 APPENDIX A 11/11 OF M04ieflo COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CMRP Update CMRP held its regular meeting on December 3rd, 2020, with partners and staff in attendance. The partners had a lengthy discussion regarding the organization's direction and progress on the Framework 2030 project. Draft minutes notes from the discussion can be found at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/lhunUWHZSm k6m1 t4tXpGAxwz4XLcPogT_Wa51 eFpL 18/edit?usp=sharing Given the discussion, city staff believes a more detailed update to Council is necessary and will provide that update during a Council meeting in January. The Partnership group did decide that the Framework 2030 Round 2 engagement should be paused at this time given the pandemic and holiday, with a revised engagement plan to be developed and launched in 30-60 days. Planning Commission Vacancy & Interview With the election of Planning Commission Chair Sam Murdoff, there is a vacancy on the Commission beginning in January. The Planning Commission position was posted and closed on December 10th, 2020. Five applications were received; all are city residents. Interviews of the five candidates will occur on Tuesday, December 291h at 4:30 PM. Council members received an Outlook appointment for the special meeting and are always encouraged to attend the interviews. Email packets with candidate information and interview questions will be sent prior to the date. CJTY OF Montfcdo COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT — ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT November 20, 2020 to December 10, 2020 Nov. 20, 2020 — Meeting with development prospect Nov. 23, 2020 - Attended Rotary Club Meeting via Zoom Call EDA Purchase of Steve and Candy Johnson properties in Block 52 Update: The EDA entered into a purchase agreement with Steve and Candy Johnson on September 9, 2020 to acquire three properties in downtown Monticello. The three properties are located at 101, 107 and 121 West Broadway. The properties had been for sale for several years. Redevelopment of Block 52 in downtown has been the EDA's primary goal in past annual workplans as well as the current one (2020). Previously, in 2018 the EDA was able to acquire two other critical properties which raised the total public (EDA or City) land holdings to about 55 percent of the land area in the Block. The availability of the Johnson properties offered further reinforcement of the EDA goal of continued land assembly efforts in Block 52. Through the purchase of the Johnson parcels, the total public owned land area in Block 52 will increase to approximately 73 percent of the Block. The EDA has had positive and affirming interest from various developers in further discussions regarding the ultimate vision and proposal for Block 52. The Small Area Plan, adopted by the City Council and EDA in late 2017, recommends commercial and residential mixed use development patterns that are likely to be supported by the market and the development community. The Beard Group, Inc., Hopkins, MN, had entered into a Preliminary Development Agreement (PDA) with the EDA for a proposed project on Block 52 in downtown Monticello. Over the last year, staff and the Beard group worked to refine the initial concept proposal in alignment with the adopted Small Area Plan vision. While progress was made, the Beard Group, Inc, recently notified the City that it was reluctantly seeking to terminate the PDA due to its loss of enthusiasm for the proposal amid its many other development opportunities in the core metro area. While unfortunate, the door remains open to future discussion with Beard should they reconsider based on their other projects and the positioning of Block 52. In addition, it allows the EDA to continue its work in acquiring additional property on the block from interested owners. At this time, the EDA has asked that staff focus in on current acquisition efforts prior to moving forward in renewing outreach to potential developers. Council Connection -12/14/20 The EDA is using its General Fund dollars to complete the purchase of the Johnson properties. The total cost of the property acquisition is $829,000 plus closing costs of $7,058.45. The closing transaction is scheduled for December 10, 2020. Two of the buildings (101 and 107 Broadway) are vacant and the EDA will not incur any future tenant relocation costs as it assumes ownership on December 11, 2020. The building located at 121 West Broadway has a long-standing tenant, Alive Lutheran Church, which will continue to pay monthly rent to the EDA for the mid-term future. At some point in the next 12 months the EDA will be required to pay relocation benefits to the Church to help i find and get set up in a new home. Those benefit amounts are based on payment formula under the federal Uniform Relocation Assistance Act. Staff will schedule a meeting with the Church leaders in the near future to discuss the EDA's overall development goals in the downtown and in Block 52 and potential timelines for moving forward with those efforts. Staff has been discussing potential short-term use of the 101 and 107 West Broadway buildings by the Monti -Arts program. The high visibility of the two corner buildings makes sense for Monti -Arts to showcase the work of local artists through window art and murals which also offers a way for the community to connect with the arts program. CITY OF Montfcdo 11 LVA U/ DMV Summary through November 2020 November 2020 year-to-date revenue is $721,760, a decrease of $1,383 (0.2%) over the same period last year. The State implemented a new system, MNDrive, and the DMV had to close for 3 1/2 working days in November in order to transition. This will skew the number of transactions processed so that information is not reported. The DMV continues to have high demand with lines forming out the door at times. Staff is doing everything they can to quickly provide their same level of excellent customer service while also adhering to the necessary precautions of the pandemic. A numbering system was implemented to allow patrons to wait in their cars, but that solution has not been ideal, and staff is continuing to brainstorm options going into the cold winter months. Please see the following graphs for more detail. $80,000 $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 DMV Revenue Comparison Nov 2011 Nov 2012 Nov 2013 Nov 2014 Nov 2015 Nov 2016 Nov 2017 Nov 2018 Nov 2019 Nov 2020 DMV YTD Revenue Comparison Nov 2011 Nov 2012 Nov 2013 Nov 2014 Nov 2015 Nov 2016 Nov 2017 Nov 2018 Nov 2019 Nov 2020 CITY OF Montfcdo HI -WAY LIQUORS Summary through November 2020 In November 2020, the liquor store had sales of $589,589, which is 4.8% higher than November of 2019. Hi -Way Liquors year -to date revenue is $6,642,805, an increase of $790,428 or 16.1% over the same period last year. The November 2020 year-to-date sales are $265,510 higher than the entire previous year. It is projected the liquor store will end 2020 almost $1 million in increased sales over 2019. Please see the following graphs for more detail. Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 11/30/2020 Total Sales Month 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 CYM-LYM Y -T -D Jan $ 249,670.43 $ 316,280.10 $ 300,631.85 $ 296,838.64 $ 302,114.52 $ 328,004.13 $ 355,029.76 $ 380,425.45 $ 364,675.32 $ 356,295.18 $ 403,520.92 $ 413,534.20 $ 453,978.47 10.0% 9.8% Feb 255,440.36 284,988.38 285,584.50 315,239.00 307,385.41 337,923.99 333,487.18 347,777.77 362,746.98 364,836.39 390,050.52 408,769.22 445,332.30 9.4% 8.9% Mar 295,257.14 318,050.39 324,062.21 335,032.60 388,195.21 408,071.17 377,391.62 388,003.16 401,256.91 417,005.50 473,811.33 477,467.15 663,855.30 39.3% 39.0% Apr 281,365.81 346,738.34 369,112.88 389,543.24 347,321.09 388,395.50 389,250.82 421,280.89 428,729.44 448,141.63 467,192.12 489,072.87 631,721.78 30.5% 29.2% May 377,177.10 384,337.08 399,489.67 409,309.12 433,829.01 436,195.21 498,095.67 523,401.05 482,917.95 503,867.81 549,206.70 560,332.38 785,494.64 41.0% 40.2% Jun 350,727.93 381,782.23 377,458.15 409,726.07 461,423.68 440,255.04 426,392.73 474,203.81 470,585.33 521,559.76 561,287.34 588,209.75 656,099.21 12.1% 11.5% Jul 409,870.50 430,838.23 466,122.69 466,738.15 447,452.18 485,459.76 479,174.06 542,973.27 527,519.46 563,935.31 571,270.49 620,426.16 660,202.41 7.0% 6.4% Aug 409,575.96 383,523.07 386,245.30 408,734.83 445,158.94 503,181.84 484,955.71 470,505.22 462,669.36 497,201.21 544,029.21 602,951.70 597,700.58 -1.0% -0.9% Sep 317,846.07 346,900.80 346,557.62 373,719.64 390,399.33 379,381.19 397,495.82 439,444.29 448,218.93 501,126.67 481,663.70 496,193.64 553,001.20 11.8% 11.4% Oct 351,268.98 360,742.04 375,367.40 365,702.14 372,676.23 396,328.87 409,967.74 460,096.82 454,442.30 461,549.38 467,600.32 501,342.95 605,830.73 22.3% 20.8% Nov 332,605.88 341,875.49 360,661.96 376,855.40 421,960.12 424,038.37 465,299.53 474,241.74 444,533.08 495,519.24 527,900.06 562,628.37 589,588.61 5.1% 4.8% Dec 436,379.03 454,982.63 485,617.01 505,482.70 527,865.36 518,379.58 549,200.76 569,707.38 605,509.16 629,143.57 652,695.25 656,366.61 - -100.6% -100.0% Total $ 4,067,185.19 $ 4,351,038.78 $ 4,476,911.24 $ 4,652,921.53 $ 4,845,781.08 $ 5,045,614.65 $ 5,165,741.40 $ 5,492,060.85 $ 5,453,804.22 $ 5,760,181.65 $ 6,090,227.96 $ 6,377,295.00 $ 6,642,805.23 Change $ 283,853.59 $ 125,872.46 $ 176,010.29 $ 192,859.55 $ 199,833.57 $ 120,126.75 $ 326,319.45 $ (38,256.63) $ 306,377.43 $ 330,046.31 $ 287,067.04 $ 265,510.23 Change % 7.0% 2.9% 3.9% 4.1% 4.1% 2.4% 6.3% -0.7% 5.6% 5.7% 4.7% 4.2% $900,000 $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 Monthly Hi -Way Sales Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov ■ 2008 ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 ■ 2012 ■ 2013 ■ 2014 ■ 2015 ■ 2016 ■ 2017 ■ 2018 ■ 2019 ■ 2020 Dec Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 11/30/2020 Beer Month 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 CYM-LYM Y -T -D Jan $ 122,218.36 $ 157,849.78 $ 146,246.32 $ 143,906.08 $ 149,406.45 $ 160,903.32 $ 173,814.13 $ 191,370.26 $ 176,483.68 $ 174,846.99 $ 198,202.11 $ 197,270.15 $ 221,209.18 12.1% 12.1% Feb 121,734.33 137,055.23 140,624.54 150,075.08 150,589.28 162,865.75 161,168.63 164,508.11 175,055.27 179,346.12 187,042.58 196,211.84 222,640.46 14.1% 13.5% Mar 138,889.05 155,196.13 164,157.70 163,595.55 203,957.25 192,607.52 185,325.68 192,955.79 199,141.66 208,926.70 233,971.24 232,963.84 332,798.19 42.7% 42.9% Apr 146,613.65 178,834.20 189,978.23 194,504.16 179,486.77 186,134.31 198,195.77 219,756.39 228,133.10 234,069.51 224,348.27 244,892.28 323,605.96 35.1% 32.1% May 201,232.14 210,097.48 223,678.47 208,963.65 227,664.73 234,738.30 256,188.77 259,306.91 250,403.11 262,275.25 306,245.55 304,724.08 436,582.76 43.1% 43.3% Jun 193,801.97 207,793.83 206,043.42 224,769.03 259,671.21 243,389.79 238,322.11 263,421.95 263,264.15 296,531.85 309,163.93 335,878.00 378,351.43 13.7% 12.6% Jul 226,317.96 229,199.79 260,971.50 258,734.60 253,648.64 273,319.54 265,555.32 301,867.65 296,513.68 315,848.83 314,343.95 352,522.92 380,390.43 8.9% 7.9% Aug 226,653.65 203,222.86 211,996.32 216,546.53 242,179.20 281,577.25 267,802.95 253,141.21 250,255.41 268,173.42 292,626.23 335,258.06 331,928.29 -1.1% -1.0% Sep 166,679.60 183,586.32 183,865.70 199,170.24 208,974.88 202,213.80 211,854.94 233,215.56 238,333.55 270,898.13 257,557.44 262,477.64 298,017.83 13.8% 13.5% Oct 176,382.34 179,873.10 190,893.27 180,043.06 187,386.57 191,764.20 210,454.13 234,882.09 224,253.93 228,484.62 230,112.85 246,829.33 304,015.53 24.9% 23.2% Nov 158,322.50 154,584.13 168,265.14 171,866.27 195,276.37 192,162.71 202,081.91 207,055.40 213,333.23 222,993.99 238,870.03 259,282.44 273,386.17 5.9% 5.4% Dec 187,691.06 190,655.19 203,080.13 216,560.71 224,952.83 217,491.21 234,178.12 241,996.27 253,223.11 271,457.72 281,924.05 283,831.51 - -100.7% -100.0% Total $ 2,066,536.61 $ 2,187,948.04 $ 2,289,800.74 $ 2,328,734.96 $ 2,483,194.18 $ 2,539,167.70 $ 2,604,942.46 $ 2,763,477.59 $ 2,768,393.88 $ 2,933,853.13 $ 3,074,408.23 $ 3,252,142.09 $ 3,502,926.23 Change $ 121,411.43 $ 101,852.70 $ 38,934.22 $ 154,459.22 $ 55,973.52 $ 65,774.76 $ 158,535.13 $ 4,916.29 $ 165,459.25 $ 140,555.10 $ 177,733.86 $ 250,784.14 Change % 5.9% 4.7% 1.7% 6.6% 2.3% 2.6% 6.1% 0.2% 6.0% 4.8% 5.8% 7.7% Monthly Beer Sales .2008 $500,000 ■ 2009 $450,000 ■ 2010 $400,000 ■ 2011 $350,000 ■ 2012 ■ 2013 $300,000 $250,000 ■ 2014 $200,000 ■ 2015 ■ 2016 $150,000 ■ 2017 $100,000 ■ 2018 $50,000 ■ 2019 $ ■ 2020 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 11/30/2020 Liquor Month 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 CYM-LYM Y -T -D Jan $ 73,930.87 $ 92,370.42 $ 91,472.50 $ 91,279.01 $ 93,085.69 $ 103,977.89 $ 113,943.25 $ 118,577.85 $ 118,211.20 $ 114,509.99 $ 133,589.33 $ 142,171.51 $ 156,618.77 10.2% 10.2% Feb 74,261.89 83,513.27 85,484.92 96,541.21 92,489.93 106,387.16 107,609.55 112,198.85 113,060.59 117,361.15 128,952.50 142,327.58 148,178.03 4.1% 4.1% Mar 78,870.42 88,569.65 93,133.42 101,047.04 112,244.43 124,487.55 116,316.49 118,269.49 118,839.79 131,238.09 151,716.52 159,432.14 222,258.49 39.4% 39.4% Apr 76,735.80 90,627.19 95,025.54 110,898.81 98,080.67 113,594.37 115,579.47 123,841.34 126,073.89 130,114.53 136,883.13 147,197.73 193,843.09 31.7% 31.7% May 103,409.29 102,041.75 106,395.62 111,586.59 114,299.35 127,622.31 135,370.38 140,116.66 129,009.36 142,237.28 160,936.65 170,109.40 238,076.67 40.0% 40.0% Jun 91,805.81 103,580.02 102,086.20 115,136.72 128,604.32 124,019.90 120,291.71 136,716.81 135,763.26 147,813.59 168,769.36 166,679.78 190,517.50 14.3% 14.3% Jul 105,782.85 118,883.98 122,861.98 130,624.19 123,672.73 139,270.04 139,967.77 155,436.54 150,173.35 160,220.37 170,108.99 178,157.56 192,891.98 8.3% 8.3% Aug 106,489.25 103,977.01 101,487.43 113,869.37 126,065.14 141,197.73 138,660.76 136,440.40 135,841.14 144,263.78 164,013.08 180,017.57 178,691.20 -0.7% -0.7% Sep 88,448.34 94,335.50 94,528.17 103,373.64 109,153.56 107,605.71 115,119.19 129,195.42 130,101.01 143,252.37 147,649.35 153,415.28 168,453.24 9.8% 9.8% Oct 97,046.60 102,236.90 102,983.14 103,533.14 106,326.73 116,677.74 124,271.15 140,198.97 128,290.50 145,864.34 150,852.02 161,850.02 196,727.06 21.5% 21.5% Nov 97,348.39 90,996.73 102,298.02 105,501.75 120,127.29 126,412.24 134,241.85 132,261.11 134,208.12 149,468.96 167,360.12 181,489.37 190,007.13 4.7% 4.7% Dec 135,221.23 143,684.12 153,690.60 159,717.50 172,370.96 175,523.36 184,746.26 190,944.24 205,335.83 213,217.73 229,121.92 236,248.55 -100.0% -100.0% Total $ 1,129,350.74 $ 1,214,816.54 $ 1,251,447.54 $ 1,343,108.97 $ 1,396,520.80 $ 1,506,776.00 $ 1,546,117.83 $ 1,634,197.68 $ 1,624,908.04 $ 1,739,562.18 $ 1,909,952.97 $ 2,019,096.49 $ 2,076,263.16 Change $ 85,465.80 $ 36,631.00 $ 91,661.43 $ 53,411.82 $ 110,255.21 $ 39,341.83 $ 88,079.85 $ (9,289.64) $ 114,654.14 $ 170,390.79 $ 109,143.52 $ 57,166.67 Change % 7.6% 3.0% 7.3% 4.0% 7.9% 2.6% 5.7% -0.6% 7.1% 9.8% 5.7% 2.8% $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 Monthly Liquor Sales m I j -1 - Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug SepOct Nov ■ 2008 ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 ■ 2012 ■ 2013 ■ 2014 ■ 2015 ■ 2016 ■ 2017 ■ 2018 ■ 2019 ■ 2020 Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 11/30/2020 Wine Month 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 CYM-LYM Y -T -D Jan $ 30,700.42 $ 41,810.19 $ 43,324.18 $ 48,437.59 $ 50,238.83 $ 54,949.83 $ 59,391.16 $ 61,128.65 $ 60,454.56 $ 57,275.16 $ 60,047.20 $ 61,183.52 $ 62,895.50 2.8% 2.8% Feb 33,407.17 39,410.85 42,230.84 52,847.05 54,642.27 60,573.12 57,228.51 62,600.47 64,797.38 58,664.45 62,027.36 58,391.94 61,207.21 4.8% 4.8% Mar 47,603.93 45,525.38 46,165.18 54,639.16 57,735.22 77,810.58 66,425.24 67,121.51 71,840.82 64,286.75 74,221.20 70,209.75 91,704.66 30.6% 30.6% Apr 31,755.42 48,303.48 61,146.04 62,289.18 57,973.74 79,736.19 63,101.05 63,285.56 61,268.24 69,415.79 93,299.96 83,324.61 96,264.97 15.5% 15.5% May 38,522.75 40,963.86 45,733.08 68,701.95 78,740.40 62,491.07 92,083.62 109,512.94 87,333.35 82,724.29 61,684.97 67,148.30 84,611.53 26.0% 26.0% Jun 31,796.95 37,522.00 44,211.14 49,089.65 56,607.74 59,523.15 54,270.56 59,036.14 54,889.39 58,623.08 61,777.09 62,727.56 62,892.81 0.3% 0.3% Jul 36,909.44 41,813.65 48,334.93 49,664.45 54,467.20 57,115.44 57,743.98 66,029.11 60,750.62 64,034.24 64,494.29 64,596.65 62,399.50 -3.4% -3.4% Aug 35,932.62 41,333.00 46,871.28 53,172.68 61,825.30 64,057.61 62,446.04 63,546.01 60,015.78 66,304.12 67,701.51 64,188.91 64,865.71 1.1% 1.1% Sep 33,830.69 39,798.20 47,859.52 53,916.37 60,317.17 59,121.12 59,409.30 62,210.27 65,294.31 68,220.79 59,923.84 62,984.34 67,867.49 7.8% 7.8% Oct 45,750.04 48,422.79 58,081.87 60,949.40 66,423.82 75,606.28 63,659.41 70,038.32 89,005.29 70,516.61 70,894.54 77,535.39 86,852.18 12.0% 12.0% Nov 50,106.64 66,331.86 71,928.30 85,933.28 97,249.52 96,824.40 117,402.23 122,947.90 83,896.45 109,969.88 107,567.02 105,744.41 110,227.26 4.2% 4.2% Dec 75,866.80 84,285.84 101,676.19 109,267.01 116,610.70 113,008.24 115,617.50 120,274.96 129,536.28 124,115.79 120,746.12 115,969.12 -100.0% -100.0% Total $ 492,182.87 $ 575,521.10 $ 657,562.55 $ 748,907.77 $ 812,831.91 $ 860,817.03 $ 868,778.60 $ 927,731.84 $ 889,082.47 $ 894,150.95 $ 904,385.10 $ 894,004.50 $ 851,788.82 Change $ 83,338.23 $ 82,041.45 $ 91,345.22 $ 63,924.14 $ 47,985.12 $ 7,961.57 $ 58,953.24 $ (38,649.37) $ 5,068.48 $ 10,234.15 $ (10,380.60) $ (42,215.68) Change % 16.9% 14.3% 13.9% 8.5% 5.9% 0.9% 6.8% -4.2% 0.6% 1.1% -1.1% -4.7% Monthly Wine Sales 02008 $140,000 ■ 2009 ■ 2010 $120,000 ■ 2011 $100,000 ■ 2012 ■ 2013 $80,000 ■ 2014 $60,000 - _ - ■ 2015 ■ 2016 $40,000 ■ 2017 $20,000 - ■ 2018 ■ 2019 $- JJ ■ 2020 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec CITY OF Montfcdo MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER Staffing changes due to the pandemic have been implemented. City staff are continuing to review expenses, revenues, and membership information. We will provide a more detailed update to the council prior to the end of the year as an interim Council Connection update. Programs Update • On Saturday, December S the MCC co -hosted a socially -distanced Santa event with Wright County at Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. • The Program & Operations Manager is currently working on virtual fitness classes; these should be available in the coming weeks. • All other programs have been postponed until the COVID-19 restrictions are reduced. Maintenance Update • The roof has been inspected and the project is complete. • Air handlers are constantly moving air 24 hours a day with a double filtration system. This results in higher energy costs but keeps the indoor air fresh. • Pool is in energy saving mode, air temperature of 74 degrees versus 86. Spas have been emptied. • Electrostatic sprayer has been purchased and used to sanitize areas of the building. ,yGNT COGy�. f9r R 5 G4/�r Monticello Monthly Report 2020 Wright County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Sean Deringer 3800 Braddock Ave. NE, Buffalo, MN 55313 1-800-362-3667 Fax:763-682-7610 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident 911 Abandoned Total: 4 11/12/20 16:00 911 911 Abandoned 2020090553 11/18/20 00:08 Hang-up 911 Abandoned 2020092186 11/20/20 17:07 2020088101 911 Abandoned 2020092944 11/22/20 07:55 11/04/2010:55 911 Abandoned 2020093473 911 Abandoned; Suspicious - Circumstances Total: 1 11/11/20 00:15 911 Abandoned: 2020090119 911 Hang-up Total: 30 11/01/2014:32 911 Hang-up 2020087573 11/03/2012:09 911 Hang-up 2020088060 11/03/2014:47 911 Hang-up 2020088101 11/03/20 21:23 911 Hang-up 2020088225 11/04/2010:55 911 Hang-up 2020088329 11/05/20 07:06 911 Hang-up 2020088581 11/06/2011:46 911 Hang-up 2020088931 11/07/2016:44 911 Hang-up 2020089295 11/12/20 03:22 911 Hang-up 2020090406 11/12/20 05:53 911 Hang-up 2020090412 11/12/20 09:12 911 Hang-up 2020090450 11/14/20 08:12 911 Hang-up 2020091072 11/16/2013:29 911 Hang-up 2020091730 11/16/2019:41 911 Hang-up 2020091842 11/17/2010:00 911 Hang-up 2020091969 11/19/20 02:15 911 Hang-up 2020092475 11/19/2013:00 911 Hang-up 2020092564 11/19/2015:44 911 Hang-up 2020092616 11/20/20 00:14 911 Hang-up 2020092763 11/21/2010:46 911 Hang-up 2020093182 11/22/2014:52 911 Hang-up 2020093534 11/22/2015:05 911 Hang-up 2020093538 11/23/20 07:41 911 Hang-up 2020093739 11/23/20 20:00 911 Hang-up 2020093906 11/24/2012:26 911 Hang-up 2020094069 11/26/2011:56 911 Hang-up 2020094616 11/26/2011:57 911 Hang-up 2020094617 11/26/2014:56 911 Hang-up 2020094634 11/28/20 21:27 911 Hang-up 2020095306 11/29/20 02:12 911 Hang-up 2020095366 911 Hang-up 911 Hang-up QPpFE55I0NA�rS Printed on December 1,,"2 Case Number How Reported 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 WP20032130 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 WP20032757 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 Page 1 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 911 Open Line Total: 55 11/01/20 01:45 911 Open Line 2020087483 911 Open Line WP20030826 911 11/01/20 08:03 911 Open Line 2020087508 911 11/02/20 01:17 911 Open Line 2020087708 911 11/02/20 09:15 911 Open Line 2020087746 911 11/03/20 09:28 911 Open Line 2020088021 911 11/04/20 10:12 911 Open Line 2020088316 911 11/05/20 08:57 911 Open Line 2020088605 911 11/05/20 17:08 911 Open Line 2020088746 911 11/05/20 17:20 911 Open Line 2020088753 911 11/06/20 12:13 911 Open Line 2020088939 911 11/06/20 14:56 911 Open Line 2020088983 911 11/07/20 16:12 911 Open Line 2020089276 911 11/07/20 16:56 911 Open Line 2020089298 911 11/08/20 02:05 911 Open Line 2020089408 911 11/08/20 12:23 911 Open Line 2020089501 911 11/09/20 09:27 911 Open Line 2020089708 911 11/09/20 16:35 911 Open Line 2020089800 911 11/10/20 12:54 911 Open Line 2020089986 911 11/11/20 05:22 911 Open Line 2020090153 911 11/11/20 12:45 911 Open Line 2020090228 911 11/12/20 06:43 911 Open Line 2020090416 911 11/12/20 08:37 911 Open Line 2020090438 911 11/12/20 17:19 911 Open Line 2020090576 911 11/13/20 11:11 911 Open Line 2020090806 911 11/13/20 23:23 911 Open Line 2020090996 911 11/14/20 08:54 911 Open Line 2020091077 911 11/15/20 03:55 911 Open Line 2020091321 911 11/15/20 14:50 911 Open Line 2020091455 911 11/15/20 17:10 911 Open Line 2020091500 911 11/15/20 17:42 911 Open Line 2020091512 911 11/15/20 17:53 911 Open Line 2020091514 911 11/15/20 18:27 911 Open Line 2020091521 911 11/16/20 20:08 911 Open Line 2020091850 911 11/16/20 20:53 911 Open Line 2020091859 911 11/17/20 09:11 911 Open Line 2020091955 911 Open Line WP20032395 911 11/17/20 21:17 911 Open Line 2020092146 911 11/19/20 11:11 911 Open Line 2020092544 911 11/22/20 12:01 911 Open Line 2020093504 911 11/23/20 06:59 911 Open Line 2020093732 911 11/23/20 11:48 911 Open Line 2020093787 911 11/24/20 09:02 911 Open Line 2020094010 911 11/24/20 13:36 911 Open Line 2020094084 911 11/24/20 22:24 911 Open Line 2020094218 911 11/25/20 19:17 911 Open Line 2020094464 911 11/26/20 03:31 911 Open Line 2020094583 911 11/27/20 09:35 911 Open Line 2020094802 911 Page 2 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 11/27/20 09:59 911 Open Line 2020094807 11/18/2012:41 Animal 2020092289 911 11/28/20 11:53 911 Open Line 2020095129 Animal 2020092896 11/27/20 07:18 911 11/29/20 13:46 911 Open Line 2020095457 2020094886 911 11/29/20 14:32 911 Open Line 2020095470 911 11/29/20 15:49 911 Open Line 2020095485 911 11/29/20 18:49 911 Open Line 2020095525 911 11/30/20 09:24 911 Open Line 2020095669 911 11/30/20 15:49 911 Open Line 2020095762 911 11/30/20 22:21 911 Open Line 2020095867 911 Abuse Total: 1 11/25/20 17:45 Abuse 2020094440 Check Welfare WP20033143 Phone Agency Assist Total: 10 11/01/20 09:33 Agency Assist 2020087522 Agency Assist WPRK20030842 11/07/20 17:18 Agency Assist 2020089305 Agency Assist WP20031535 Phone 11/12/20 14:35 Agency Assist 2020090523 Agency Assist WP20031962 Phone 11/16/20 20:13 Agency Assist 2020091851 Agency Assist WP20032368 Phone 11/17/20 08:39 Agency Assist 2020091948 Agency Assist WP20032389 Phone 11/18/20 02:00 Agency Assist 2020092202 Agency Assist WP20032473 Phone 11/18/20 17:15 Agency Assist 2020092377 Agency Assist WP20032523 Phone 11/19/20 11:56 Agency Assist 2020092549 Agency Assist WP20032576 Phone 11/25/20 23:49 Agency Assist 2020094539 Agency Assist WP20033170 Phone 11/29/20 11:08 Agency Assist 2020095420 Agency Assist WP20033448 Phone Agency Assist; Fraud - Forgery Total: 1 11/02/20 04:57 Agency Assist; Fraud - 2020087714 Agency Assist Alarm Total: 3 11/11/2017:12 Alarm 2020090280 11/26/20 04:13 Alarm 2020094587 11/29/20 04:34 Alarm 2020095374 Animal Total: 8 11/12/2019:24 Animal 2020090615 11/16/20 21:29 Animal 2020091873 11/17/2017:38 Animal 2020092091 11/18/2012:41 Animal 2020092289 11/19/2010:13 Animal 2020092533 11/20/2014:23 Animal 2020092896 11/27/20 07:18 Animal 2020094784 11/27/2015:13 Animal 2020094886 Animal - Bites - Attacks Total: 1 11/15/20 16:19 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2020091480 Assault Total: 4 11/03/2016:37 Assault 11/03/20 22:12 Assault Alarm Alarm WP20030913 Phone Phone WP20033182 Officer WP20033428 Officer Animal - Bites - Attacks WP20032255 Phone 2020088139 Assault 2020088234 Assault WP20031081 Phone WP20031118 Phone Page 3 of 28 Phone Animal WP20032477 Phone Animal WP20032441 Phone Phone Animal WP20032567 Phone Animal W P20032682 Animal WP20033244 Phone Animal WP20033280 Phone Animal - Bites - Attacks WP20032255 Phone 2020088139 Assault 2020088234 Assault WP20031081 Phone WP20031118 Phone Page 3 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call 11/11/2017:10 Assault 11/16/2016:21 Assault ATL Total: 1 11/27/2010:17 ATL Burglary Total: 4 11/04/20 21:41 Burglary 11/07/20 03:14 Burglary 11/17/20 22:23 Burglary 11/30/2019:57 Burglary Check Welfare Total: 22 11/01/20 15:34 Check Welfare 11/03/20 17:18 Check Welfare 11/04/20 16:18 Check Welfare 11/05/20 10:00 Check Welfare 11/06/20 16:22 Check Welfare 11/08/20 21:38 Check Welfare 11/08/20 22:26 Check Welfare 11/10/20 12:27 Check Welfare 11/10/20 18:09 Check Welfare 11/11/20 09:47 Check Welfare 11/11/20 16:27 Check Welfare 11/13/20 10:05 Check Welfare 11/15/20 17:47 Check Welfare 11/16/20 13:38 Check Welfare 11/18/20 19:40 Check Welfare 11/19/20 09:35 Check Welfare 11/19/20 20:00 Check Welfare 11/20/20 20:20 Check Welfare 11/23/20 14:25 Check Welfare 11/23/20 17:00 Check Welfare 11/24/20 10:10 Check Welfare 11/30/20 17:48 Check Welfare CFS # 2020090279 2020091775 2020094812 2020088521 2020089140 2020092162 2020095827 2020087592 2020088162 2020088426 2020088627 2020089003 2020089638 2020089649 2020089977 2020090045 2020090188 2020090269 2020090774 2020091513 2020091733 2020092405 2020092525 2020092696 2020093026 2020093829 2020093867 2020094031 2020095796 Check Welfare; Noise Total: 1 11/07/20 22:06 Check Welfare; Noise 2020089380 Citizen Aid Total: 12 11/02/20 17:01 Citizen Aid 2020087862 11/06/20 15:03 Citizen Aid 2020088985 11/11/20 10:22 Citizen Aid 2020090197 11/12/20 13:04 Citizen Aid 2020090503 11/15/20 06:41 Citizen Aid 2020091330 11/16/20 06:22 Citizen Aid 2020091624 11/17/20 02:06 Citizen Aid 2020091907 11/20/20 20:57 Citizen Aid 2020093040 11/22/20 17:21 Citizen Aid 2020093573 Final Incident Assault Assault ATL Domestic Disturbance Unwanted Person Suspicious - Circumstances Unwanted Person Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Medical - Psychiatric - Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Citizen Aid Citizen Aid Citizen Aid Citizen Aid Citizen Aid Citizen Aid Citizen Aid Citizen Aid Citizen Aid Case Number How Reported WP20031899 911 WP20032342 Phone U1U'3��IIIIG$3��.�C� J ITS= WP20031225 911 WP20031479 Phone WP20032463 911 WP20033568 911 WP20030868 911 WP20031093 911 WP20031187 911 WP20031264 Phone WP20031421 Phone WP20031649 911 WP20031655 Phone WP20031780 Phone WP20031806 Phone WP20031862 Phone WP20031892 Phone WP20032050 Phone WP20032261 Phone WP20032324 Phone WP20032531 Phone WP20032565 Phone WP20032625 911 WP20032711 911 WP20032940 911 WP20032956 Phone WP20033003 Phone WP20033556 Phone WP20031558 Phone WP20030973 Phone WP20031416 Phone WP20031867 Phone WP20031954 Phone WP20032209 911 WP20032285 Phone WP20032377 911 WP20032713 Phone WP20032865 Phone Page 4 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 11/25/20 17:24 Citizen Aid 2020094435 Citizen Aid WP20033141 Phone 11/28/20 02:08 Citizen Aid 2020095073 Citizen Aid WP20033332 911 11/29/20 00:45 Citizen Aid 2020095352 Citizen Aid WP20033418 911 Citizen Aid; Disorderly Total: 1 Phone 11/05/20 22:32 Civil Complaint 11/28/20 22:07 Citizen Aid; Disorderly 2020095317 Citizen Aid WP20033408 911 Citizen Aid; Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet Total: 1 Civil Complaint 2020089164 11/11/20 14:19 Citizen Aid; Medical - 2020090244 Citizen Aid WP20031878 Phone Civil Complaint Total: 22 11/01/20 12:40 Civil Complaint 2020087555 Civil Complaint WP20030852 Phone 11/05/20 12:45 Civil Complaint 2020088664 Civil Complaint WP20031291 Phone 11/05/20 17:46 Civil Complaint 2020088763 Civil Complaint WP20031332 Phone 11/05/20 22:32 Civil Complaint 2020088835 Civil Complaint WP20031358 Phone 11/07/20 08:58 Civil Complaint 2020089164 Civil Complaint WP20031487 Phone 11/07/20 14:40 Civil Complaint 2020089246 Civil Child Custody WP20031513 Phone 11/11/20 00:13 Civil Complaint 2020090118 Civil Complaint WP20031831 Phone 11/14/20 18:05 Civil Complaint 2020091189 Civil Child Custody WP20032160 911 11/15/20 08:54 Civil Complaint 2020091344 Civil Complaint WP20032217 Phone 11/15/20 12:07 Civil Complaint 2020091392 Civil Complaint WP20032233 911 11/18/20 13:02 Civil Complaint 2020092300 Civil Complaint WP20032497 Phone 11/19/20 04:03 Civil Complaint 2020092480 Civil Complaint WP20032552 911 11/22/20 16:29 Civil Complaint 2020093558 Civil Child Custody WP20032858 Phone 11/23/20 23:10 Civil Complaint 2020093936 Civil Complaint WP20032982 Phone 11/24/20 11:04 Civil Complaint 2020094047 Civil Complaint WP20033011 911 11/25/20 10:09 Civil Complaint 2020094316 Civil Complaint WP20033101 Phone 11/27/20 09:02 Civil Complaint 2020094797 Phone 11/27/20 18:05 Civil Complaint 2020094938 Civil Complaint WP20033297 Phone 11/29/20 17:11 Civil Complaint 2020095500 Civil Complaint WP20033476 911 11/29/20 18:02 Civil Complaint 2020095511 Civil Child Custody WP20033480 Phone 11/30/20 16:59 Civil Complaint 2020095783 Civil Complaint WP20033551 Phone 11/30/20 18:56 Civil Complaint 2020095814 Civil Complaint WP20033562 911 Civil Complaint; Animal - Bites - Attacks Total: 1 11/14/20 16:03 Civil Complaint; Animal 2020091167 Animal - Bites - Attacks WP20032154 Phone Civil Complaint; Juvenile - Complaint Total: 1 11/17/20 18:25 Civil Complaint; 2020092109 Juvenile - Complaint WP20032444 Phone Civil Process Total: 22 11/02/20 11:54 Civil Process 2020087780 Officer 11/02/20 12:41 Civil Process 2020087792 11/03/20 10:36 Civil Process 2020088039 Officer 11/04/20 10:36 Civil Process 2020088322 Officer 11/04/20 11:03 Civil Process 2020088333 Officer 11/05/20 12:52 Civil Process 2020088666 Officer 11/05/20 17:27 Civil Process 2020088755 11/10/20 17:48 Civil Process 2020090039 Officer Page 5 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 11/10/20 21:09 Civil Process 2020090095 11/13/20 07:47 Civil Process 2020090737 11/16/20 08:00 Civil Process 2020091641 11/18/20 16:36 Civil Process 2020092369 11/19/20 09:42 Civil Process 2020092526 11/20/20 11:56 Civil Process 2020092860 11/23/20 09:22 Civil Process 2020093756 11/23/20 15:21 Civil Process 2020093845 11/24/20 12:31 Civil Process 2020094072 11/24/20 15:11 Civil Process 2020094110 11/25/20 09:35 Civil Process 2020094309 11/25/20 09:43 Civil Process 2020094312 11/25/20 09:55 Civil Process 2020094313 11/25/20 18:30 Civil Process 2020094454 Commercial General Alarm Total: 23 11/01/20 00:40 Commercial General 2020087461 11/02/20 18:26 Commercial General 2020087886 11/04/20 05:22 Commercial General 2020088278 11/05/20 15:52 Commercial General 2020088727 11/06/20 07:10 Commercial General 2020088874 11/08/20 05:27 Commercial General 2020089421 11/08/20 10:45 Commercial General 2020089470 11/10/20 22:43 Commercial General 2020090108 11/12/20 20:13 Commercial General 2020090628 11/15/20 10:41 Commercial General 2020091366 11/15/20 19:17 Commercial General 2020091529 11/17/20 21:08 Commercial General 2020092143 11/19/20 23:18 Commercial General 2020092757 11/23/20 22:11 Commercial General 2020093933 11/24/20 09:53 Commercial General 2020094027 11/25/20 17:59 Commercial General 2020094446 11/26/20 20:10 Commercial General 2020094693 11/27/20 19:34 Commercial General 2020094973 11/28/20 08:42 Commercial General 2020095097 11/28/20 17:18 Commercial General 2020095220 11/28/20 19:15 Commercial General 2020095263 11/29/20 20:25 Commercial General 2020095553 11/30/20 19:32 Commercial General 2020095823 Court Order Violation Total: 4 Final Incident Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm 11/05/20 15:18 Court Order Violation 2020088710 Stalking 11/12/20 18:13 Court Order Violation 2020090590 Court Order Violation 11/14/20 17:35 Court Order Violation 2020091182 Civil Child Custody 11/15/20 20:42 Court Order Violation 2020091550 Court Order Violation Case Number How Reported Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer WP20030817 Phone WP20030984 Phone WP20031134 Phone WP20031311 Phone WP20031367 Phone WP20031568 Phone WP20031583 Phone WP20031828 Phone WP20031999 Phone WP20032226 Phone WP20032268 Phone WP20032457 Phone WP20032642 Phone WP20032978 Phone WP20033002 Phone WP20033147 Phone WP20033212 Phone WP20033304 Phone WP20033344 Phone WP20033382 Phone WP20033393 Phone WP20033491 Phone WP20033565 Phone WP20031304 Phone WP20031985 Phone WP20032158 Phone WP20032271 Phone Criminal Damage to Property Total: 6 11/01/20 15:31 Criminal Damage to 2020087590 Criminal Damage to Property WP20030864 Phone Page 6 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call 11/02/20 14:57 Criminal Damage to 11/04/20 15:22 Criminal Damage to 11/07/20 10:20 Criminal Damage to 11/25/20 04:21 Criminal Damage to 11/26/20 13:55 Criminal Damage to CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 2020087823 Criminal Damage to Property WP20030958 Phone 2020088406 Criminal Damage to Property WP20031178 Phone 2020089187 Criminal Damage to Property WP20031495 911 2020094268 Civil Complaint WP20033083 Phone 2020094626 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20033198 Phone CSC Sex Offense Total: 1 11/16/20 16:29 CSC Sex Offense 2020091781 CSC Sex Offense Disabled Vehicle Total: 5 11/03/20 07:16 Disabled Vehicle 2020087990 Disabled Vehicle 11/03/20 10:38 Disabled Vehicle 2020088040 11/12/20 12:31 Disabled Vehicle 2020090497 11/20/20 12:45 Disabled Vehicle 2020092874 11/21/20 16:51 Disabled Vehicle 2020093274 Disorderly Total: 4 11/02/2012:44 Disorderly 2020087793 Disorderly 11/19/2014:32 Disorderly 2020092588 Disorderly 11/19/2018:08 Disorderly 2020092659 Disorderly 11/24/20 22:33 Disorderly 2020094221 Disorderly Domestic Disturbance Total: 20 11/01/20 22:01 Domestic Disturbance 2020087678 11/02/20 20:18 Domestic Disturbance 2020087923 11/07/20 10:34 Domestic Disturbance 2020089191 11/12/20 00:45 Domestic Disturbance 2020090388 11/13/20 09:45 Domestic Disturbance 2020090768 11/15/20 07:17 Domestic Disturbance 2020091336 11/16/20 17:29 Domestic Disturbance 2020091795 11/17/20 17:49 Domestic Disturbance 2020092093 11/18/20 18:05 Domestic Disturbance 2020092388 11/19/20 13:01 Domestic Disturbance 2020092565 11/20/20 10:33 Domestic Disturbance 2020092842 11/23/20 21:47 Domestic Disturbance 2020093929 11/23/20 22:06 Domestic Disturbance 2020093932 11/23/20 22:51 Domestic Disturbance 2020093935 11/24/20 20:27 Domestic Disturbance 2020094191 11/26/20 13:39 Domestic Disturbance 2020094624 11/27/20 09:32 Domestic Disturbance 2020094801 11/27/20 13:43 Domestic Disturbance 2020094864 11/28/20 12:36 Domestic Disturbance 2020095139 11/29/20 10:13 Domestic Disturbance 2020095407 Drugs Total: 8 11/02/2018:38 Drugs 11/03/20 08:40 Drugs 11/06/20 20:39 Drugs 11/09/2011:26 Drugs Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Juvenile - Complaint Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Juvenile - Complaint Noise Suspicious - Circumstances Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Fight Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance WP20032346 Phone WP20031018 Phone Phone Phone 911 Phone WP20030940 911 WP20032585 Phone WP20032616 Phone WP20033070 Phone WP20030896 911 WP20030995 Phone WP20031496 Phone WP20031918 911 WP20032046 Phone WP20032213 Phone WP20032352 911 WP20032438 911 WP20032524 911 WP20032580 Phone WP20032666 Phone WP20032976 911 WP20032977 911 WP20032979 911 WP20033059 911 WP20033197 911 WP20033250 911 WP20033270 Phone WP20033352 911 WP20033441 Phone 2020087892 Drugs WP20030987 911 2020088010 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20031030 Phone 2020089077 Drugs WP20031455 Phone 2020089737 Drugs WP20031698 Phone Page 7 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 11/09/20 20:49 Drugs 2020089856 11/10/20 09:08 Drugs 2020089936 11/19/2014:28 Drugs 2020092587 11/19/20 23:46 Drugs 2020092761 Dumping Total: 2 WP20032516 11/24/2015:14 Dumping 2020094112 11/24/2015:17 Dumping 2020094116 Extra Patrol Total: 3 11/06/20 16:17 Extra Patrol 2020089000 11/25/20 21:44 Extra Patrol 2020094503 11/27/20 06:04 Extra Patrol 2020094780 Fight Total: 3 11/01/20 01:21 Fight 2020087473 11/03/20 22:38 Fight 2020088240 11/12/2018:32 Fight 2020090598 Fire - Electrical Total: 1 11/10/20 19:18 Fire - Electrical 2020090057 Fire - Gas Leak Total: 1 11/30/20 19:55 Fire - Gas Leak 2020095826 Fire - Other Total: 3 11/01/20 01:38 Fire - Other 2020087488 11/04/20 17:19 Fire - Other 2020088450 11/08/20 13:59 Fire - Other 2020089533 Found Person Total: 1 11/06/20 20:01 Found Person 2020089069 Fraud - Checks - Cards Total: 5 11/09/20 09:42 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2020089714 11/15/20 15:02 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2020091459 11/27/20 11:01 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2020094825 11/27/20 14:42 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2020094876 11/30/20 16:11 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2020095768 Fraud - Internet Total: 7 11/04/20 16:16 Fraud - Internet 2020088424 11/06/20 13:46 Fraud - Internet 2020088967 11/13/20 09:41 Fraud - Internet 2020090765 11/16/20 10:12 Fraud - Internet 2020091679 11/17/20 12:08 Fraud - Internet 2020092001 11/18/20 15:25 Fraud - Internet 2020092347 11/21/20 07:42 Fraud - Internet 2020093150 Funeral Escort Total: 2 Final Incident Case Number How Reported Drugs WP20031731 911 Drugs WP20031763 911 Drugs WP20032586 Phone Drugs WP20032644 Phone Dumping WP20033030 Phone Dumping WP20033032 Phone Extra Patrol WP20031425 Phone Extra Patrol WP20033162 Phone Extra Patrol WP20033241 Phone Fight WP20030819 911 Disorderly WP20031120 911 Disorderly WP20031988 911 Fire - Electrical WP20031811 911 Fire - Gas Leak WP20033567 Phone Officer Fire - Other WP20031197 Phone Fire - Other WP20031611 Phone Found Person WP20031447 Phone Fraud - Checks - Cards WP20031691 Phone Fraud - Checks - Cards WP20032247 Phone Fraud - Checks - Cards WP20033259 Phone Fraud - Checks - Cards WP20033274 Phone Fraud - Checks - Cards WP20033545 Phone Fraud - Internet WP20031190 Phone Fraud - Checks - Cards WP20031409 Phone Fraud - Checks - Cards WP20032045 Phone Fraud - Internet WP20032303 Phone Fraud - Internet WP20032411 Phone Suspicious - Circumstances WP20032516 Phone Suspicious - Circumstances WP20032746 Phone Page 8 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 11/14/20 09:59 Funeral Escort 2020091085 2020090795 Intoxicated Person Phone 11/27/20 09:51 Funeral Escort 2020094806 2020092110 Intoxicated Person Phone Gopher State One Total: 1 Intoxicated Person 2020095342 Intoxicated Person WP20033416 11/23/20 12:24 Gopher State One 2020093796 2020093789 Juvenile - Runaway Phone Harassment Total: 5 Juvenile - Complaint 2020094957 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20033301 11/03/2018:21 Harassment 2020088191 Harassment WP20031104 Phone 11/08/20 08:22 Harassment 2020089439 Harassment WP20031575 Phone 11/16/2010:06 Harassment 2020091677 Harassment WP20032301 Phone 11/17/2015:29 Harassment 2020092047 Harassment WP20032423 Phone 11/23/2016:28 Harassment 2020093862 Harassment WP20032954 Phone Harassment; Civil Complaint Total: 1 11/25/20 07:41 Harassment; Civil 2020094288 Civil Complaint WP20033087 Phone Info Total: 6 11/04/20 09:06 Info 2020088305 Phone 11/10/20 08:14 Info 2020089929 Phone 11/10/20 10:26 Info 2020089952 Phone 11/22/20 22:49 Info 2020093644 11/25/20 20:48 Info 2020094489 Phone 11/30/20 04:41 Info 2020095632 Intoxicated Person Total: 4 11/07/20 00:12 Intoxicated Person 2020089120 Intoxicated Person WP20031471 Phone 11/13/20 10:55 Intoxicated Person 2020090795 Intoxicated Person WP20032058 911 11/17/20 18:40 Intoxicated Person 2020092110 Intoxicated Person WP20032445 Phone 11/28/20 23:54 Intoxicated Person 2020095342 Intoxicated Person WP20033416 911 Juvenile - Complaint Total: 7 11/03/20 19:49 Juvenile - Complaint 2020088209 Juvenile - Complaint WP20031111 Phone 11/07/20 18:04 Juvenile - Complaint 2020089316 Juvenile - Complaint WP20031538 911 11/15/20 02:51 Juvenile - Complaint 2020091316 Juvenile - Complaint WP20032201 911 11/17/20 09:48 Juvenile - Complaint 2020091962 Juvenile - Complaint WP20032396 Phone 11/23/20 11:57 Juvenile - Complaint 2020093789 Juvenile - Runaway WP20032919 911 11/27/20 18:59 Juvenile - Complaint 2020094957 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20033301 Phone 11/30/20 10:45 Juvenile - Complaint 2020095681 Unwanted Person WP20033519 911 Juvenile - Complaint; Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral Total: 1 11/23/20 13:14 Juvenile - Complaint; 2020093810 Medical - Psychiatric - WP20032925 911 Lost - Found Property Total: 10 11/01/20 16:51 Property Lost - Found Property 2020087614 11/07/20 18:29 Lost - Found Lost - Found Property 2020089324 11/10/20 09:27 WP20031879 Lost - Found Property 2020089939 11/11/20 13:54 Property Lost - Found Property 2020090238 11/15/20 10:00 Lost - Found Property 2020091357 11/19/20 17:30 Lost - Found Property 2020092647 11/20/20 08:07 Lost - Found Property 2020092813 Lost - Found Property WP20030876 Lost - Found Property WP20031539 Lost - Found Property WP20031767 Lost - Found Property WP20031879 Lost - Found Property WP20032219 Lost - Found Property WP20032612 Lost - Found Property WP20032654 Page 9 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 11/22/20 15:45 Lost - Found Property 2020093548 11/23/20 18:17 Lost - Found Property 2020093882 11/29/20 15:12 Lost - Found Property 2020095479 Medical - Abdominal Pain Total: 3 11/03/20 00:00 Medical - Abdominal 2020087954 11/24/2019:06 Medical - Abdominal 2020094178 11/29/20 00:46 Medical - Abdominal 2020095353 Medical - Back Pain Total: 2 11/11/20 06:58 Medical - Back Pain 2020090164 11/17/20 23:49 Medical - Back Pain 2020092185 Medical - Bleeding - Lacerations Total: 5 11/03/20 15:51 Medical - Bleeding - 2020088119 11/08/20 18:39 Medical - Bleeding - 2020089594 11/09/20 14:03 Medical - Bleeding - 2020089769 11/26/20 19:22 Medical - Bleeding - 2020094683 11/28/20 12:56 Medical - Bleeding - 2020095142 Medical - Breathing Problems Total: 27 11/04/20 11:27 Medical - Breathing 2020088337 11/06/20 14:39 Medical - Breathing 2020088977 11/07/20 12:17 Medical - Breathing 2020089211 11/07/20 16:28 Medical - Breathing 2020089283 11/07/20 21:13 Medical - Breathing 2020089369 11/08/20 13:38 Medical - Breathing 2020089524 11/10/20 15:16 Medical - Breathing 2020090009 11/11/20 21:45 Medical - Breathing 2020090353 11/12/20 08:37 Medical - Breathing 2020090439 11/12/20 16:09 Medical - Breathing 2020090557 11/12/20 18:26 Medical - Breathing 2020090595 11/13/20 02:50 Medical - Breathing 2020090709 11/13/20 13:44 Medical - Breathing 2020090842 11/14/20 11:48 Medical - Breathing 2020091107 11/14/20 12:31 Medical - Breathing 2020091118 11/16/20 22:22 Medical - Breathing 2020091879 11/17/20 12:04 Medical - Breathing 2020091998 11/19/20 13:45 Medical - Breathing 2020092578 11/20/20 10:19 Medical - Breathing 2020092839 11/20/20 12:30 Medical - Breathing 2020092869 11/20/20 14:57 Medical - Breathing 2020092908 11/24/20 11:05 Medical - Breathing 2020094049 11/26/20 20:21 Medical - Breathing 2020094696 11/26/20 22:59 Medical - Breathing 2020094730 11/27/20 19:33 Medical - Breathing 2020094971 11/28/20 09:25 Medical - Breathing 2020095104 11/28/20 14:27 Medical - Breathing 2020095171 Final Incident Case Number How Reported Lost - Found Property WP20032855 Phone Lost - Found Property WP20032960 Lost - Found Property WP20033468 1 Phone 911 911 Animal - Bites - Attacks WP20031637 911 Phone Phone 911 911 911 911 Medical - Breathing Problems WP20031529 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 Page 10 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported Medical - Breathing Problems; Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral Total: 1 11/03/20 17:17 Medical - Breathing 2020088161 Medical - Breathing Problems WP20031097 911 Medical - Carbon Monoxide Inhalation Total: 3 Medical - Fall Under 6 11/01/20 22:50 Medical - Carbon 2020087685 911 11/18/20 13:15 Medical - Carbon 2020092304 911 11/30/20 09:51 Medical - Carbon 2020095674 911 Medical - Chest Pain Total: 3 11/06/20 05:04 Medical - Fall Under 6 11/09/20 22:16 Medical - Chest Pain 2020089870 Medical - Chest Pain WP20031741 Phone 11/13/20 10:11 Medical - Chest Pain 2020090776 Phone 11/29/20 19:17 Medical - Chest Pain 2020095537 911 Medical - Diabetic Total: 1 11/12/20 08:23 Medical - Fall Under 6 11/20/20 23:04 Medical - Diabetic 2020093077 911 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet Total: 16 11/01/20 06:27 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020087499 911 11/04/20 08:31 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020088299 911 11/06/20 01:58 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020088858 911 11/06/20 05:04 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020088866 911 11/10/20 15:05 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020090006 911 11/12/20 06:07 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020090414 Phone 11/12/20 08:23 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020090429 911 11/12/20 08:42 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020090441 911 11/14/20 14:33 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020091152 911 11/15/20 12:39 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020091402 911 11/15/20 20:44 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020091552 911 11/17/20 12:42 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020092009 Phone 11/19/20 16:42 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020092635 911 11/20/20 06:42 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020092806 911 11/20/20 08:14 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020092817 911 11/24/20 09:46 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020094024 911 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet; Dispatch - CAD - Addressing Problems Total: 1 11/28/20 10:36 Medical - Fall Under 6 2020095118 911 Medical - Headache Total: 1 11/16/20 13:15 Medical - Headache 2020091724 Medical - Heart Problems Total: 1 11/26/20 22:59 Medical - Heart 2020094731 Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral Total: 7 11/02/20 15:54 Medical - Psychiatric - 2020087844 11/04/20 10:13 Medical - Psychiatric - 2020088317 11/06/20 15:55 Medical - Psychiatric - 2020088996 11/06/20 18:59 Medical - Psychiatric - 2020089054 11/08/20 17:31 Medical - Psychiatric - 2020089584 HE Medical - Heart Problems WP20033226 911 Medical - Psychiatric - Medical - Psychiatric - Medical - Psychiatric - Medical - Psychiatric - Medical - Psychiatric - WP20030966 Phone WP20031147 Phone WP20031419 Phone WP20031443 Phone WP20031634 Phone Page 11 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 11/21/20 04:00 Medical - Psychiatric - 2020093140 Medical - Psychiatric - WP20032743 911 11/25/20 13:29 Medical - Psychiatric - 2020094377 Medical - Psychiatric - WP20033122 Phone Medical - Seizure Total: 1 2020087991 911 11/11/20 07:28 Medical - Seizure 2020090169 Medical - Sick 911 Medical - Seizure; Info Total: 1 11/04/20 08:31 Medical - Sick 11/29/20 22:24 Medical - Seizure; Info 2020095584 911 911 Medical - Sick Total: 35 11/01/20 09:00 Medical - Sick 2020087518 911 11/03/20 01:51 Medical - Sick 2020087966 911 11/03/20 07:23 Medical - Sick 2020087991 911 11/03/20 09:01 Medical - Sick 2020088015 911 11/04/20 08:31 Medical - Sick 2020088300 911 11/04/20 12:12 Medical - Sick 2020088354 911 11/06/20 08:02 Medical - Sick 2020088882 911 11/08/20 08:00 Medical - Sick 2020089435 911 11/10/20 10:02 Medical - Sick 2020089946 911 11/11/20 01:10 Medical - Sick 2020090128 911 11/11/20 07:57 Medical - Sick 2020090173 911 11/14/20 13:09 Medical - Sick 2020091129 911 11/15/20 09:05 Medical - Sick 2020091347 911 11/15/20 16:52 Medical - Sick 2020091495 911 11/15/20 20:33 Medical - Sick 2020091547 911 11/16/20 17:22 Medical - Sick 2020091794 911 11/16/20 22:02 Medical - Sick 2020091877 911 11/17/20 10:43 Medical - Sick 2020091982 911 11/17/20 23:34 Medical - Sick 2020092180 911 11/18/20 11:23 Medical - Sick 2020092273 911 11/19/20 15:31 Medical - Sick 2020092611 911 11/19/20 18:32 Medical - Sick 2020092668 911 11/20/20 08:13 Medical - Sick 2020092816 911 11/22/20 10:37 Medical - Sick 2020093491 911 11/23/20 14:23 Medical - Sick 2020093828 911 11/24/20 06:52 Medical - Sick 2020093988 911 11/24/20 10:14 Medical - Sick 2020094034 911 11/26/20 01:37 Medical - Sick 2020094556 911 11/26/20 03:23 Medical - Sick 2020094582 911 11/27/20 02:58 Medical - Sick 2020094768 911 11/27/20 04:22 Medical - Sick 2020094775 911 11/27/20 21:58 Medical - Sick 2020095022 911 11/29/20 10:54 Medical - Sick 2020095418 911 11/29/20 11:22 Medical - Sick 2020095422 911 11/29/20 12:14 Medical - Sick 2020095438 911 Medical - Stroke Total: 7 11/02/20 19:38 Medical - Stroke 2020087916 911 Page 12 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 11/06/20 09:42 Medical - Stroke 2020088906 911 11/12/20 00:28 Medical - Stroke 2020090383 Medical - Stroke WP20031919 911 11/12/20 11:22 Medical - Stroke 2020090483 911 11/22/20 20:36 Medical - Stroke 2020093619 911 11/24/20 16:15 Medical - Stroke 2020094136 911 11/29/20 13:53 Medical - Stroke 2020095461 911 Medical - Trauma Total: 1 11/08/20 14:39 Medical - Trauma 2020089541 Medical - Trauma WP20031616 911 Medical - Unconscious - Fainting Total: 4 11/05/20 09:29 Medical - Unconscious - 2020088617 Phone 11/09/20 01:28 Medical - Unconscious - 2020089673 911 11/09/20 08:05 Medical - Unconscious - 2020089700 911 11/27/20 10:02 Medical - Unconscious - 2020094809 911 Medical - Unknown Total: 5 11/10/20 15:23 Medical - Unknown 2020090011 911 11/12/20 02:19 Medical - Unknown 2020090398 Medical - Unknown WP20031921 911 11/13/20 07:11 Medical - Unknown 2020090733 Phone 11/17/20 21:50 Medical - Unknown 2020092151 911 11/24/20 11:18 Medical - Unknown 2020094052 911 Missing Person Total: 2 11/07/20 16:31 Missing Person 2020089285 Missing Person WP20031523 Phone 11/12/20 19:42 Missing Person 2020090619 Missing Person WP20031994 911 Motorist Aid Total: 5 11/04/20 14:23 Motorist Aid 2020088389 Officer 11/11/20 09:39 Motorist Aid 2020090187 Motorist Aid WP20031860 Officer 11/15/20 22:23 Motorist Aid 2020091571 Phone 11/22/20 22:10 Motorist Aid 2020093638 Phone 11/24/20 15:02 Motorist Aid 2020094107 Phone MVA - Car Deer Total: 2 11/09/20 18:24 MVA - Car Deer 2020089826 MVA - Car Deer WP20031722 Phone 11/29/20 23:09 MVA - Car Deer 2020095589 MVA - Car Deer WP20033501 911 MVA - Hit & Run Total: 3 11/02/20 16:21 MVA - Hit & Run 2020087852 MVA - Hit & Run WP20030970 11/06/20 11:19 MVA - Hit & Run 2020088926 MVA - Hit & Run WP20031392 11/11/20 10:33 MVA - Hit & Run 2020090201 MVA - Hit & Run WP20031869 911 MVA - Injuries Total: 2 11/01/2014:18 MVA -Injuries 2020087568 MVA -Injuries WP20030858 911 11/12/20 09:09 MVA - Injuries 2020090449 Agency Assist WP20031942 911 MVA - No Injuries Total: 23 11/01/20 01:06 MVA - No Injuries 2020087485 MVA - No Injuries WP20030823 911 11/05/20 13:59 MVA - No Injuries 2020088689 MVA - No Injuries WP20031294 Page 13 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 11/06/20 09:55 MVA - No Injuries 2020088910 MVA - No Injuries WP20031382 Noise 11/06/20 18:50 MVA - No Injuries 2020089050 MVA - No Injuries WP20031441 2020092132 11/08/20 13:15 MVA - No Injuries 2020089515 MVA - No Injuries WP20031601 Noise 11/08/20 14:02 MVA - No Injuries 2020089534 Civil Complaint WP20031610 WP20033207 11/09/20 06:48 MVA - No Injuries 2020089692 MVA - No Injuries WP20031677 11/27/20 22:46 11/09/20 12:45 MVA - No Injuries 2020089752 MVA - No Injuries WP20031702 11/10/20 16:30 MVA - No Injuries 2020090023 MVA - No Injuries WP20031797 11/10/20 19:15 MVA - No Injuries 2020090056 MVA - No Injuries WP20031810 11/10/20 20:41 MVA - No Injuries 2020090083 MVA - No Injuries WP20031819 11/12/20 08:32 MVA - No Injuries 2020090435 MVA - No Injuries WP20031929 11/12/20 09:26 MVA - No Injuries 2020090454 MVA - No Injuries WP20031944 11/12/20 09:52 MVA - No Injuries 2020090461 MVA - No Injuries WP20031940 911 11/12/20 16:06 MVA - No Injuries 2020090554 MVA - No Injuries WP20031975 11/14/20 11:46 MVA - No Injuries 2020091104 MVA - No Injuries WP20032137 11/16/20 10:24 MVA - No Injuries 2020091687 MVA - No Injuries WP20032305 11/17/20 13:32 MVA - No Injuries 2020092018 MVA - No Injuries WP20032415 911 11/17/20 16:00 MVA - No Injuries 2020092061 MVA - No Injuries WP20032428 911 11/20/20 16:01 MVA - No Injuries 2020092924 MVA - No Injuries WP20032693 911 11/23/20 10:32 MVA - No Injuries 2020093771 MVA - No Injuries WP20032911 911 11/29/20 16:32 MVA - No Injuries 2020095491 MVA - Hit & Run WP20033473 11/30/20 18:00 MVA - No Injuries 2020095798 MVA - No Injuries WP20033557 Neighborhood Dispute Total: 1 11/07/20 12:10 Neighborhood Dispute 2020089204 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20031501 Noise Total: 8 11/01/20 00:24 Noise 2020087453 Noise WP20030814 11/01/20 01:35 Noise 2020087480 Noise WP20030821 11/09/2012:28 Noise 2020089749 Noise WP20031701 11/17/20 20:13 Noise 2020092132 Domestic Disturbance WP20032451 911 11/22/20 00:51 Noise 2020093384 Noise WP20032816 11/26/2018:05 Noise 2020094668 Noise WP20033207 11/27/20 01:10 Noise 2020094751 Noise WP20033232 911 11/27/20 22:46 Noise 2020095038 Noise WP20033321 Noise; Criminal Damage to Property Total: 1 11/25/20 22:05 Noise; Criminal 2020094510 Noise WP20033165 Off -Road Vehicle Complaint Total: 1 11/07/20 14:03 Off -Road Vehicle 2020089238 Off -Road Vehicle Complaint WP20031511 Phone Ordinance Violation Total: 1 11/29/20 16:46 Ordinance Violation 2020095496 Ordinance Violation WPRK20033474 Parking Total: 20 11/09/20 00:29 Parking 2020089665 Parking WP20031663 11/11/20 07:07 Parking 2020090165 Parking WP20031848 11/12/2015:29 Parking 2020090546 Parking WP20031973 11/13/20 07:55 Parking 2020090739 Parking WP20032032 Page 14 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 11/13/20 08:00 Parking 2020090740 11/13/20 08:08 Parking 2020090741 11/13/20 08:15 Parking 2020090745 11/13/20 08:24 Parking 2020090747 11/13/20 08:58 Parking 2020090756 11/16/20 06:33 Parking 2020091626 11/16/2011:42 Parking 2020091708 11/16/20 23:15 Parking 2020091890 11/17/2010:43 Parking 2020091981 11/18/2010:21 Parking 2020092260 11/19/20 08:00 Parking 2020092505 11/19/2018:03 Parking 2020092657 11/20/20 09:57 Parking 2020092837 11/22/20 02:42 Parking 2020093416 11/22/20 07:39 Parking 2020093472 11/24/2018:07 Parking 2020094170 Probation Check Total: 4 11/05/20 18:32 Probation Check 2020088781 11/20/20 19:13 Probation Check 2020092996 11/20/20 19:30 Probation Check 2020093006 11/27/20 18:35 Probation Check 2020094948 Public Works - Utilities Total: 1 11/07/20 09:48 Public Works - Utilities 2020089180 Residential General Alarm Total: 4 Final Incident Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking SIA Winter Parking Warning Parking Parking Public Works - Utilities 11/04/20 01:43 Residential General 2020088263 Residential General Alarm 11/16/20 18:50 Residential General 2020091828 Residential General Alarm 11/26/20 03:33 Residential General 2020094584 Residential General Alarm 11/26/20 04:14 Residential General 2020094588 Robbery Total: 1 11/15/20 22:09 Robbery 2020091570 Search Warrant Total: 1 11/03/20 12:26 Search Warrant 2020088065 SIA Area Watch Total: 1 11/24/2016:54 SIA Area Watch 2020094146 SIA Business Walk Through Total: 7 11/01/20 20:49 SIA Business Walk 2020087660 11/07/20 20:55 SIA Business Walk 2020089364 11/22/20 20:07 SIA Business Walk 2020093614 11/24/20 20:04 SIA Business Walk 2020094186 11/24/20 21:48 SIA Business Walk 2020094213 11/24/20 23:44 SIA Business Walk 2020094228 11/28/20 06:44 SIA Business Walk 2020095087 Robbery Search Warrant Case Number How Reported WP20032033 WP20032034 WP20032037 WP20032038 WP20032041 WP20032286 WP20032315 WP20032374 WP20032403 WP20032491 911 WP20032560 Officer WP20032615 911 WP20032664 WP20032820 WP20032828 Officer WP20033053 Phone Officer Officer Officer Officer WP20031492 Phone WP20031127 Phone WP20032361 Phone WP20033180 Phone Phone WP20032276 911 WSIU20031052Officer SIA Business Walk Through WP20031553 Officer Page 15 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported SIA City Council - City Hall Total: 2 11/09/20 17:29 SIA City Council - City 2020089815 11/23/20 17:29 SIA City Council - City 2020093872 SIA Foot Patrol Total: 1 11/26/20 02:09 SIA Foot Patrol 2020094568 SIA Other Total: 5 11/03/20 01:53 SIA Other 2020087967 11/07/20 10:14 SIA Other 2020089183 11/20/2011:51 SIA Other 2020092857 11/26/20 02:05 SIA Other 2020094565 11/28/20 00:14 SIA Other 2020095054 SIA Parks Total: 22 11/01/20 09:32 SIA Parks 2020087521 11/02/20 13:14 SIA Parks 2020087803 11/03/20 22:02 SIA Parks 2020088233 11/04/2013:52 SIA Parks 2020088379 11/06/20 19:27 SIA Parks 2020089059 11/07/20 07:24 SIA Parks 2020089152 11/07/20 15:30 SIA Parks 2020089266 11/07/20 20:59 SIA Parks 2020089366 11/08/2015:33 SIA Parks 2020089554 11/13/20 15:40 SIA Parks 2020090865 11/13/20 18:48 SIA Parks 2020090918 11/14/20 15:56 SIA Parks 2020091165 11/14/20 19:12 SIA Parks 2020091207 11/15/20 09:07 SIA Parks 2020091348 11/16/20 14:27 SIA Parks 2020091741 11/21/2016:34 SIA Parks 2020093266 11/21/2019:33 SIA Parks 2020093304 11/25/20 18:19 SIA Parks 2020094449 11/25/20 23:47 SIA Parks 2020094536 11/27/20 16:45 SIA Parks 2020094907 11/29/20 16:35 SIA Parks 2020095492 11/30/20 21:17 SIA Parks 2020095856 SIA School Check Total: 1 11/02/20 08:12 SIA School Check 2020087737 SIA Water Access Landing Check Total: 1 11/20/2010:56 SIA Water Access 2020092848 SIA Winter Parking Warning Total: 43 11/18/20 02:25 SIA Winter Parking 2020092205 11/18/20 02:28 SIA Winter Parking 2020092206 11/18/20 02:31 SIA Winter Parking 2020092207 Officer Officer SIA Parks WPRK20032155 Page 16 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 11/18/20 02:35 SIA Winter Parking 2020092208 11/20/20 02:44 SIA Winter Parking 2020092786 11/20/20 02:50 SIA Winter Parking 2020092789 11/20/20 02:51 SIA Winter Parking 2020092791 11/20/20 02:52 SIA Winter Parking 2020092792 11/20/20 02:53 SIA Winter Parking 2020092793 11/22/20 02:49 SIA Winter Parking 2020093418 11/22/20 02:54 SIA Winter Parking 2020093421 11/22/20 04:50 SIA Winter Parking 2020093432 11/22/20 05:00 SIA Winter Parking 2020093436 11/22/20 05:21 SIA Winter Parking 2020093447 11/22/20 05:26 SIA Winter Parking 2020093449 11/22/20 05:35 SIA Winter Parking 2020093451 11/22/20 05:40 SIA Winter Parking 2020093454 11/22/20 06:27 SIA Winter Parking 2020093461 11/22/20 06:31 SIA Winter Parking 2020093462 11/22/20 06:38 SIA Winter Parking 2020093464 11/22/20 06:46 SIA Winter Parking 2020093468 11/22/20 06:54 SIA Winter Parking 2020093469 11/22/20 07:12 SIA Winter Parking 2020093470 11/22/20 07:18 SIA Winter Parking 2020093471 11/23/20 06:35 SIA Winter Parking 2020093727 11/23/20 06:43 SIA Winter Parking 2020093729 11/23/20 06:53 SIA Winter Parking 2020093731 11/26/20 01:54 SIA Winter Parking 2020094559 11/26/20 01:54 SIA Winter Parking 2020094560 11/26/20 01:58 SIA Winter Parking 2020094561 11/26/20 02:00 SIA Winter Parking 2020094562 11/26/20 02:04 SIA Winter Parking 2020094564 11/26/20 02:08 SIA Winter Parking 2020094567 11/26/20 02:20 SIA Winter Parking 2020094572 11/26/20 02:24 SIA Winter Parking 2020094574 11/26/20 02:29 SIA Winter Parking 2020094575 11/26/20 02:35 SIA Winter Parking 2020094577 11/26/20 02:41 SIA Winter Parking 2020094579 11/26/20 02:46 SIA Winter Parking 2020094581 11/27/20 01:53 SIA Winter Parking 2020094756 11/27/20 01:56 SIA Winter Parking 2020094758 11/27/20 02:09 SIA Winter Parking 2020094759 11/27/20 02:15 SIA Winter Parking 2020094760 Sign - Signal Repair Total: 3 11/07/20 08:32 Sign - Signal Repair 2020089159 11/27/20 10:39 Sign - Signal Repair 2020094822 11/27/20 16:03 Sign - Signal Repair 2020094895 Stolen - Vehicle Total: 2 Final Incident Case Number How Reported Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Phone 911 Page 17 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 11/27/20 16:54 Stolen - Vehicle 2020094908 11/30/20 15:15 Stolen - Vehicle 2020095750 Surveillance Total: 1 11/03/20 21:35 Surveillance 2020088228 Suspicious - Circumstances Total: 19 11/03/20 09:30 Suspicious - Person - Suspicious - 2020088022 11/04/20 13:19 2020087675 Suspicious - 2020088370 11/05/20 08:11 11/02/20 22:38 Suspicious - 2020088594 11/05/20 09:03 Suspicious - Person - Suspicious - 2020088608 11/05/20 14:05 2020088575 Suspicious - 2020088691 11/07/20 16:51 11/06/20 18:02 Suspicious - 2020089296 11/13/20 23:19 Suspicious - Person - Suspicious - 2020090994 11/14/20 19:39 2020089872 Suspicious - 2020091216 11/14/20 19:49 11/16/20 08:09 Suspicious - 2020091218 11/14/20 22:09 Suspicious - Person - Suspicious - 2020091254 11/16/20 14:51 2020093633 Suspicious - 2020091748 11/16/20 21:58 11/27/20 18:48 Suspicious - 2020091876 11/18/20 22:42 Suspicious - 2020092451 11/19/20 11:07 2020087777 Suspicious - 2020092543 11/22/20 15:41 Suspicious - 2020093547 11/23/20 23:30 Suspicious - 2020093938 11/27/20 09:31 Suspicious - 2020094800 11/27/20 20:28 Suspicious - 2020094992 11/30/20 13:24 Suspicious - 2020095710 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle Total: 16 11/01/20 14:33 Suspicious - Person - 2020087575 11/01/20 21:48 Suspicious - Person - 2020087675 11/02/20 00:06 Suspicious - Person - 2020087704 11/02/20 22:38 Suspicious - Person - 2020087941 11/05/20 03:54 Suspicious - Person - 2020088570 11/05/20 06:14 Suspicious - Person - 2020088575 11/06/20 05:33 Suspicious - Person - 2020088868 11/06/20 18:02 Suspicious - Person - 2020089035 11/07/20 00:09 Suspicious - Person - 2020089118 11/09/20 22:53 Suspicious - Person - 2020089872 11/11/20 10:21 Suspicious - Person - 2020090196 11/16/20 08:09 Suspicious - Person - 2020091643 11/21/20 03:46 Suspicious - Person - 2020093138 11/22/20 21:54 Suspicious - Person - 2020093633 11/23/20 08:39 Suspicious - Person - 2020093748 11/27/20 18:48 Suspicious - Person - 2020094953 Theft Total: 8 11/02/2011:30 Theft 2020087777 11/10/2011:42 Theft 2020089968 Intoxicated Person Stolen - Vehicle Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Theft - From Vehicle Unwanted Person Suspicious - Circumstances WP20033290 911 WP20033539 Phone WP20031034 Phone WP20031163 Phone WP20031253 Phone WP20031259 Phone WP20031295 Phone WP20031527 Phone WP20032118 Phone WP20032168 911 WP20032170 Phone WP20032182 Phone WP20032329 Phone WP20032370 Phone WP20032546 Phone WP20032573 Phone WP20032856 Phone WP20032981 Phone WP20033251 Phone WP20033309 Phone WP20033531 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20030861 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20030894 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20030902 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20031001 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20031244 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20031245 Phone Drugs WP20031366 911 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20031433 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20031470 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20031739 911 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20031868 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20032289 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20032741 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20032878 911 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20032901 911 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP20033300 Phone Theft Theft WP20030935 Phone WP20031777 Phone Page 18 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 11/16/2015:07 Theft 2020091752 Theft WP20032331 Phone 11/17/2015:07 Theft 2020092041 Theft WP20032420 Phone 11/18/20 09:54 Theft 2020092252 Theft WP20032487 Phone 11/21/2015:31 Theft 2020093253 Theft WP20032778 911 11/23/20 09:59 Theft 2020093766 Theft WP20032906 Phone 11/27/2015:54 Theft 2020094892 Theft WP20033281 Phone Theft - From Vehicle Total: 2 11/18/20 14:21 Theft - Shoplifting 2020092329 Theft - Shoplifting 11/21/20 21:35 Theft - From Vehicle 2020093330 Theft - From Vehicle WP20032798 Phone 11/27/20 13:06 Theft - From Vehicle 2020094856 Theft - From Vehicle WP20033268 Phone Theft - Gas Drive Off Total: 1 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20033478 Phone 11/30/20 14:30 11/23/20 03:27 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2020093698 Theft - Gas Drive Off WP20032891 Phone Theft -Shoplifting Total: 10 11/05/20 08:25 Theft - Shoplifting 2020088596 Theft - Shoplifting WP20031254 Phone 11/05/20 11:09 Theft - Shoplifting 2020088639 Theft - Shoplifting WP20031274 Phone 11/05/20 12:23 Theft - Shoplifting 2020088656 Theft - Shoplifting WP20031282 Phone 11/05/20 17:41 Theft - Shoplifting 2020088758 Drugs WP20031323 911 11/10/20 14:50 Theft - Shoplifting 2020090005 Theft - Shoplifting WP20031788 Phone 11/17/20 17:22 Theft - Shoplifting 2020092083 Theft - Shoplifting WP20032434 911 11/18/20 14:21 Theft - Shoplifting 2020092329 Theft - Shoplifting WP20032509 911 11/21/20 18:02 Theft - Shoplifting 2020093287 Theft - Shoplifting WP20032783 Phone 11/29/20 17:34 Theft - Shoplifting 2020095506 Suspicious - Circumstances WP20033478 Phone 11/30/20 14:30 Theft - Shoplifting 2020095739 Theft - Shoplifting WP20033534 Phone Threats; Stalking Total: 1 Traffic - Complaint 2020091845 Traffic - Complaint WP20032366 11/13/20 17:30 Threats; Stalking 2020090894 Harassment WP20032093 911 Traffic - Complaint Total: 13 11/03/20 10:51 Traffic - Complaint 2020088043 Traffic - Complaint WP20031044 Phone 11/04/20 15:11 Traffic - Complaint 2020088404 Traffic - Complaint WP20031176 Phone 11/04/20 16:02 Traffic - Complaint 2020088419 Traffic - Complaint WP20031184 911 11/05/20 10:54 Traffic - Complaint 2020088637 Traffic - Complaint WP20031272 Phone 11/06/20 22:38 Traffic - Complaint 2020089103 DUI WP20031465 Phone 11/08/20 19:44 Traffic - Complaint 2020089608 Traffic - Complaint WP20031641 Phone 11/08/20 21:42 Traffic - Complaint 2020089640 Traffic - Complaint WP20031650 911 11/13/20 12:20 Traffic - Complaint 2020090821 Traffic - Complaint WP20032067 Phone 11/13/20 23:13 Traffic - Complaint 2020090992 Traffic - Complaint WP20032116 911 11/16/20 14:23 Traffic - Complaint 2020091740 Traffic - Complaint WP20032327 Phone 11/16/20 19:56 Traffic - Complaint 2020091845 Traffic - Complaint WP20032366 911 11/28/20 17:10 Traffic - Complaint 2020095218 Traffic - Complaint WP20033381 911 11/29/20 02:47 Traffic - Complaint 2020095370 911 Traffic Stop Total: 367 11/01/20 08:11 Traffic Stop 2020087510 Officer 11/01/20 08:23 Traffic Stop 2020087514 Officer 11/01/20 08:43 Traffic Stop 2020087515 Traffic Stop WP20030841 Officer 11/01/20 19:33 Traffic Stop 2020087645 Officer Page 19 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 11/01/20 21:10 Traffic Stop 2020087664 Officer 11/01/20 21:27 Traffic Stop 2020087669 Officer 11/01/20 21:36 Traffic Stop 2020087671 Officer 11/01/20 21:48 Traffic Stop 2020087674 Officer 11/02/20 01:55 Traffic Stop 2020087709 Officer 11/02/20 06:14 Traffic Stop 2020087719 Traffic Stop WP20030915 Officer 11/02/20 06:58 Traffic Stop 2020087726 Officer 11/02/20 07:57 Traffic Stop 2020087735 Officer 11/02/20 09:19 Traffic Stop 2020087748 Officer 11/02/20 13:43 Traffic Stop 2020087807 Traffic Stop WP20030951 Officer 11/02/20 15:14 Traffic Stop 2020087830 Officer 11/02/20 20:34 Traffic Stop 2020087926 Officer 11/02/20 21:54 Traffic Stop 2020087934 Officer 11/02/20 22:59 Traffic Stop 2020087946 Traffic Stop WP20031003 Officer 11/02/20 23:13 Traffic Stop 2020087948 Officer 11/02/20 23:18 Traffic Stop 2020087949 Officer 11/03/20 00:11 Traffic Stop 2020087957 Officer 11/03/20 03:00 Traffic Stop 2020087969 Officer 11/03/20 05:44 Traffic Stop 2020087977 Officer 11/03/2010:32 Traffic Stop 2020088038 Officer 11/03/20 23:20 Traffic Stop 2020088247 Warrant - Arrest WP20031122 Officer 11/03/20 23:37 Traffic Stop 2020088250 Officer 11/04/20 02:00 Traffic Stop 2020088264 Warrant - Arrest WP20031128 Officer 11/04/2013:02 Traffic Stop 2020088366 Officer 11/04/20 14:50 Traffic Stop 2020088399 Traffic Stop WP20031174 Officer 11/04/20 16:21 Traffic Stop 2020088427 Traffic Stop WP20031186 Officer 11/04/2019:58 Traffic Stop 2020088487 Officer 11/04/20 21:17 Traffic Stop 2020088507 Warrant - Arrest WP20031219 Officer 11/04/20 21:18 Traffic Stop 2020088508 Officer 11/04/20 21:26 Traffic Stop 2020088512 Officer 11/04/20 21:31 Traffic Stop 2020088516 Officer 11/04/20 21:34 Traffic Stop 2020088517 Traffic Stop WP20031227 Officer 11/04/20 21:38 Traffic Stop 2020088520 Officer 11/05/20 00:50 Traffic Stop 2020088554 Officer 11/05/20 01:50 Traffic Stop 2020088561 Traffic Stop WP20031240 Officer 11/05/20 11:56 Traffic Stop 2020088649 Traffic Stop WP20031279 Officer 11/05/20 13:33 Traffic Stop 2020088677 Officer 11/05/20 14:04 Traffic Stop 2020088690 Officer 11/05/20 16:09 Traffic Stop 2020088733 Drugs WP20031318 Officer 11/05/20 17:15 Traffic Stop 2020088751 Officer 11/05/20 20:50 Traffic Stop 2020088815 Officer 11/05/20 22:18 Traffic Stop 2020088831 Officer 11/05/20 23:43 Traffic Stop 2020088846 Officer 11/05/20 23:55 Traffic Stop 2020088849 Officer 11/06/20 01:16 Traffic Stop 2020088856 Traffic Stop WP20031363 Officer 11/06/20 11:55 Traffic Stop 2020088933 Officer 11/06/20 12:16 Traffic Stop 2020088940 Officer Page 20 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 11/06/2012:30 Traffic Stop 2020088945 Officer 11/06/2012:51 Traffic Stop 2020088952 Officer 11/06/20 13:09 Traffic Stop 2020088956 Officer 11/06/20 13:11 Traffic Stop 2020088957 Officer 11/06/20 20:46 Traffic Stop 2020089079 Traffic Stop WP20031457 Officer 11/07/20 04:49 Traffic Stop 2020089142 Traffic Stop WP20031480 Officer 11/07/20 05:26 Traffic Stop 2020089144 Officer 11/07/20 08:44 Traffic Stop 2020089161 Officer 11/07/20 12:17 Traffic Stop 2020089210 Officer 11/07/20 13:29 Traffic Stop 2020089234 Officer 11/08/20 00:53 Traffic Stop 2020089399 Officer 11/08/20 06:39 Traffic Stop 2020089428 Traffic Stop WP20031570 Officer 11/08/20 10:32 Traffic Stop 2020089465 Officer 11/08/20 10:41 Traffic Stop 2020089468 Officer 11/08/20 14:14 Traffic Stop 2020089535 Officer 11/08/20 18:32 Traffic Stop 2020089593 Officer 11/08/20 19:44 Traffic Stop 2020089609 Officer 11/08/20 21:52 Traffic Stop 2020089642 Traffic Stop WP20031653 Officer 11/09/20 02:24 Traffic Stop 2020089677 Officer 11/09/20 05:34 Traffic Stop 2020089687 Traffic Stop WP20031674 Officer 11/09/20 07:26 Traffic Stop 2020089696 Officer 11/09/20 10:19 Traffic Stop 2020089728 Officer 11/09/20 15:51 Traffic Stop 2020089793 Traffic Stop WP20031715 Officer 11/09/20 17:38 Traffic Stop 2020089817 Officer 11/09/20 20:09 Traffic Stop 2020089846 Officer 11/09/20 20:47 Traffic Stop 2020089855 Traffic Stop WP20031732 Officer 11/10/20 05:02 Traffic Stop 2020089904 Officer 11/10/20 05:40 Traffic Stop 2020089907 Officer 11/10/20 06:23 Traffic Stop 2020089912 Officer 11/10/20 07:08 Traffic Stop 2020089917 Traffic Stop WP20031757 Officer 11/10/20 09:22 Traffic Stop 2020089937 Officer 11/10/20 10:41 Traffic Stop 2020089955 Officer 11/10/20 23:03 Traffic Stop 2020090112 Officer 11/10/20 23:26 Traffic Stop 2020090115 Traffic Stop WP20031829 Officer 11/11/20 12:10 Traffic Stop 2020090219 Officer 11/11/20 13:32 Traffic Stop 2020090235 Traffic Stop WP20031875 Officer 11/11/20 17:54 Traffic Stop 2020090294 Officer 11/11/20 20:46 Traffic Stop 2020090338 Officer 11/11/20 22:17 Traffic Stop 2020090360 Officer 11/12/20 00:03 Traffic Stop 2020090375 Officer 11/12/20 07:47 Traffic Stop 2020090422 Traffic Stop WP20031925 Officer 11/12/20 10:44 Traffic Stop 2020090471 Traffic Stop WP20031947 Officer 11/12/20 14:22 Traffic Stop 2020090518 Traffic Stop WP20031960 Officer 11/12/20 14:35 Traffic Stop 2020090522 Traffic Stop WP20031963 Officer 11/12/20 14:54 Traffic Stop 2020090526 Officer 11/12/20 14:58 Traffic Stop 2020090528 Officer 11/12/20 15:03 Traffic Stop 2020090530 Traffic Stop WP20031966 Officer Page 21 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 11/12/20 16:48 Traffic Stop 2020090569 Drugs WSIU20031982Officer 11/12/20 17:26 Traffic Stop 2020090578 Officer 11/12/20 20:40 Traffic Stop 2020090636 Warrant - Arrest WP20032002 Officer 11/12/20 21:15 Traffic Stop 2020090646 Officer 11/12/20 21:21 Traffic Stop 2020090649 Warrant - Arrest WP20032007 Officer 11/12/20 23:45 Traffic Stop 2020090686 Officer 11/13/20 09:11 Traffic Stop 2020090760 Traffic Stop WP20032042 Officer 11/13/20 10:41 Traffic Stop 2020090791 Officer 11/13/20 11:22 Traffic Stop 2020090810 Traffic Stop WP20032062 Officer 11/13/20 11:35 Traffic Stop 2020090814 Traffic Stop WP20032065 Officer 11/13/20 13:35 Traffic Stop 2020090839 Officer 11/13/20 14:09 Traffic Stop 2020090845 Officer 11/13/20 15:51 Traffic Stop 2020090868 Officer 11/13/20 16:17 Traffic Stop 2020090876 Officer 11/13/20 20:06 Traffic Stop 2020090937 Officer 11/13/20 21:12 Traffic Stop 2020090954 Officer 11/13/20 21:25 Traffic Stop 2020090957 Officer 11/13/20 21:42 Traffic Stop 2020090965 Traffic Stop WP20032108 Officer 11/13/20 23:03 Traffic Stop 2020090986 Officer 11/14/20 09:33 Traffic Stop 2020091082 Officer 11/14/20 09:37 Traffic Stop 2020091083 Officer 11/14/20 11:05 Traffic Stop 2020091097 Officer 11/14/20 11:17 Traffic Stop 2020091099 Warrant - Arrest WP20032136 Officer 11/14/20 12:29 Traffic Stop 2020091115 Officer 11/14/20 14:26 Traffic Stop 2020091147 Officer 11/14/20 15:05 Traffic Stop 2020091156 Traffic Stop WP20032149 Officer 11/14/20 15:06 Traffic Stop 2020091157 Traffic Stop WP20032150 Officer 11/14/20 17:30 Traffic Stop 2020091181 Officer 11/14/20 17:59 Traffic Stop 2020091186 Traffic Stop WP20032159 Officer 11/14/20 19:26 Traffic Stop 2020091210 Officer 11/14/20 20:17 Traffic Stop 2020091224 Officer 11/14/20 21:36 Traffic Stop 2020091241 Drugs WP20032179 Officer 11/14/20 21:36 Traffic Stop 2020091242 Officer 11/14/20 23:12 Traffic Stop 2020091269 Officer 11/14/20 23:23 Traffic Stop 2020091272 Officer 11/14/20 23:29 Traffic Stop 2020091277 Officer 11/15/20 00:28 Traffic Stop 2020091290 Officer 11/15/20 01:24 Traffic Stop 2020091298 Officer 11/15/20 10:42 Traffic Stop 2020091367 Traffic Stop WP20032229 Officer 11/15/20 12:06 Traffic Stop 2020091391 Officer 11/15/20 12:47 Traffic Stop 2020091406 Officer 11/15/20 13:01 Traffic Stop 2020091409 Traffic Stop WP20032238 Officer 11/15/20 13:08 Traffic Stop 2020091413 Officer 11/15/20 13:19 Traffic Stop 2020091419 Officer 11/15/20 14:43 Traffic Stop 2020091451 Officer 11/15/20 14:50 Traffic Stop 2020091454 Officer 11/15/20 16:44 Traffic Stop 2020091489 Officer Page 22 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 11/15/20 16:49 Traffic Stop 2020091492 Officer 11/15/20 17:01 Traffic Stop 2020091499 Officer 11/15/20 17:23 Traffic Stop 2020091504 Officer 11/15/20 17:27 Traffic Stop 2020091505 Traffic Stop WP20032259 Officer 11/15/20 17:42 Traffic Stop 2020091511 Officer 11/15/20 18:21 Traffic Stop 2020091520 Officer 11/15/20 19:04 Traffic Stop 2020091525 Drugs WP20032267 Officer 11/15/20 20:40 Traffic Stop 2020091549 Drugs WP20032272 Officer 11/15/20 21:40 Traffic Stop 2020091564 Traffic Stop WP20032275 Officer 11/15/20 21:49 Traffic Stop 2020091566 Officer 11/16/20 05:50 Traffic Stop 2020091620 Traffic Stop WP20032282 Officer 11/16/20 06:22 Traffic Stop 2020091623 Officer 11/16/20 14:38 Traffic Stop 2020091745 Officer 11/16/20 20:26 Traffic Stop 2020091855 Officer 11/17/20 01:28 Traffic Stop 2020091904 Officer 11/17/20 04:58 Traffic Stop 2020091913 Officer 11/17/20 06:17 Traffic Stop 2020091923 Traffic Stop WP20032382 Officer 11/17/20 06:41 Traffic Stop 2020091924 Officer 11/17/20 06:50 Traffic Stop 2020091927 Officer 11/17/20 13:11 Traffic Stop 2020092014 Officer 11/17/20 21:16 Traffic Stop 2020092145 Officer 11/18/20 00:38 Traffic Stop 2020092192 Warrant - Arrest WP20032472 Officer 11/18/20 06:09 Traffic Stop 2020092220 Officer 11/18/20 07:56 Traffic Stop 2020092232 Traffic Stop WP20032480 Officer 11/18/20 11:52 Traffic Stop 2020092283 Officer 11/18/20 13:34 Traffic Stop 2020092313 Officer 11/18/20 13:55 Traffic Stop 2020092318 Traffic Stop WP20032505 Officer 11/18/20 15:13 Traffic Stop 2020092341 Officer 11/18/20 15:40 Traffic Stop 2020092353 Officer 11/18/20 20:26 Traffic Stop 2020092417 Officer 11/18/20 23:32 Traffic Stop 2020092456 Drugs WP20032547 Officer 11/18/20 23:32 Traffic Stop 2020092457 Officer 11/19/20 00:01 Traffic Stop 2020092459 Officer 11/19/20 00:13 Traffic Stop 2020092461 Officer 11/19/20 00:26 Traffic Stop 2020092465 Officer 11/19/20 00:33 Traffic Stop 2020092467 Officer 11/19/20 01:22 Traffic Stop 2020092470 Officer 11/19/20 01:33 Traffic Stop 2020092471 Officer 11/19/20 06:14 Traffic Stop 2020092485 Officer 11/19/20 12:25 Traffic Stop 2020092554 Officer 11/19/20 12:44 Traffic Stop 2020092557 Officer 11/19/20 13:15 Traffic Stop 2020092572 Officer 11/19/20 14:54 Traffic Stop 2020092598 Officer 11/19/20 15:31 Traffic Stop 2020092612 Traffic Stop WP20032593 Officer 11/19/20 16:33 Traffic Stop 2020092631 Officer 11/19/20 16:46 Traffic Stop 2020092637 DUI WP20032610 Officer 11/19/20 18:45 Traffic Stop 2020092673 Officer Page 23 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 11/19/20 19:23 Traffic Stop 2020092684 Officer 11/19/20 19:24 Traffic Stop 2020092685 Officer 11/19/20 20:28 Traffic Stop 2020092705 Officer 11/19/20 20:33 Traffic Stop 2020092709 Officer 11/19/20 20:39 Traffic Stop 2020092714 Traffic Stop WP20032633 Officer 11/19/20 20:55 Traffic Stop 2020092717 Officer 11/19/20 21:53 Traffic Stop 2020092731 Officer 11/19/20 22:17 Traffic Stop 2020092735 Officer 11/19/20 22:39 Traffic Stop 2020092742 Traffic Stop WP20032638 Officer 11/20/20 01:28 Traffic Stop 2020092775 Officer 11/20/20 08:48 Traffic Stop 2020092821 Officer 11/20/20 09:50 Traffic Stop 2020092835 Officer 11/20/20 11:17 Traffic Stop 2020092850 Officer 11/20/2011:30 Traffic Stop 2020092854 Traffic Stop WP20032670 Officer 11/20/2012:36 Traffic Stop 2020092870 Officer 11/20/20 12:41 Traffic Stop 2020092871 Officer 11/20/20 13:09 Traffic Stop 2020092879 Officer 11/20/20 14:51 Traffic Stop 2020092905 Officer 11/20/20 14:55 Traffic Stop 2020092906 Officer 11/20/20 15:23 Traffic Stop 2020092915 Officer 11/20/20 16:44 Traffic Stop 2020092940 Officer 11/20/2017:04 Traffic Stop 2020092943 Officer 11/20/20 17:13 Traffic Stop 2020092946 Officer 11/20/20 17:16 Traffic Stop 2020092948 Officer 11/20/20 17:21 Traffic Stop 2020092955 Officer 11/20/20 17:39 Traffic Stop 2020092965 Officer 11/20/20 17:43 Traffic Stop 2020092968 Officer 11/20/20 18:40 Traffic Stop 2020092989 Officer 11/20/20 18:47 Traffic Stop 2020092992 Officer 11/20/2019:01 Traffic Stop 2020092993 Officer 11/20/20 19:08 Traffic Stop 2020092995 Officer 11/20/20 19:14 Traffic Stop 2020092997 Officer 11/20/20 19:18 Traffic Stop 2020093000 Officer 11/20/2019:34 Traffic Stop 2020093008 Officer 11/20/20 19:58 Traffic Stop 2020093015 Officer 11/20/20 20:35 Traffic Stop 2020093033 Officer 11/20/20 20:44 Traffic Stop 2020093037 Officer 11/20/20 21:56 Traffic Stop 2020093056 Officer 11/20/20 22:07 Traffic Stop 2020093059 Officer 11/20/20 23:47 Traffic Stop 2020093092 Officer 11/21/20 00:26 Traffic Stop 2020093104 Officer 11/21/20 01:11 Traffic Stop 2020093113 Officer 11/21/20 01:17 Traffic Stop 2020093114 Officer 11/21/20 02:20 Traffic Stop 2020093123 Officer 11/21/20 03:08 Traffic Stop 2020093136 Warrant - Arrest WP20032740 Officer 11/21/20 11:29 Traffic Stop 2020093193 Officer 11/21/20 13:11 Traffic Stop 2020093220 Officer Page 24 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 11/21/20 13:58 Traffic Stop 2020093228 Officer 11/21/20 14:16 Traffic Stop 2020093233 Traffic Stop WP20032773 Officer 11/21/20 14:41 Traffic Stop 2020093238 Officer 11/21/2015:01 Traffic Stop 2020093242 Officer 11/21/20 17:38 Traffic Stop 2020093280 Officer 11/21/2018:53 Traffic Stop 2020093301 Drugs WP20032789 Officer 11/21/20 19:19 Traffic Stop 2020093303 Officer 11/21/20 19:37 Traffic Stop 2020093305 Officer 11/21/20 20:18 Traffic Stop 2020093314 Officer 11/22/20 00:05 Traffic Stop 2020093370 Officer 11/22/20 01:18 Traffic Stop 2020093390 Officer 11/22/20 02:13 Traffic Stop 2020093404 Officer 11/22/20 12:06 Traffic Stop 2020093505 Officer 11/22/2012:26 Traffic Stop 2020093509 Officer 11/22/20 13:29 Traffic Stop 2020093513 Officer 11/22/20 13:46 Traffic Stop 2020093517 Traffic Stop WP20032843 Officer 11/22/2013:56 Traffic Stop 2020093520 Traffic Stop WP20032844 Officer 11/22/2014:08 Traffic Stop 2020093521 Officer 11/22/20 14:45 Traffic Stop 2020093531 Officer 11/22/2015:22 Traffic Stop 2020093541 Officer 11/22/2017:00 Traffic Stop 2020093568 Traffic Stop WP20032862 Officer 11/22/20 23:36 Traffic Stop 2020093653 Officer 11/23/20 00:00 Traffic Stop 2020093656 Officer 11/23/20 00:17 Traffic Stop 2020093658 Officer 11/23/20 01:20 Traffic Stop 2020093665 Traffic Stop WP20032884 Officer 11/23/20 12:39 Traffic Stop 2020093801 Officer 11/23/20 12:42 Traffic Stop 2020093804 Officer 11/23/20 14:43 Traffic Stop 2020093834 Officer 11/23/2014:51 Traffic Stop 2020093837 Officer 11/23/20 15:55 Traffic Stop 2020093854 Traffic Stop WP20032950 Officer 11/23/20 17:46 Traffic Stop 2020093879 Officer 11/23/20 17:57 Traffic Stop 2020093880 Officer 11/23/2018:31 Traffic Stop 2020093887 Officer 11/24/20 06:40 Traffic Stop 2020093987 Officer 11/24/20 06:56 Traffic Stop 2020093990 Officer 11/24/20 11:49 Traffic Stop 2020094059 Officer 11/24/2014:36 Traffic Stop 2020094102 Officer 11/24/2015:04 Traffic Stop 2020094109 Traffic Stop WP20033029 Officer 11/25/20 06:36 Traffic Stop 2020094279 Officer 11/25/20 07:37 Traffic Stop 2020094286 Officer 11/25/20 07:54 Traffic Stop 2020094290 Traffic Stop WP20033090 Officer 11/25/20 08:09 Traffic Stop 2020094292 Traffic Stop WP20033091 Officer 11/25/20 08:21 Traffic Stop 2020094294 Traffic Stop WP20033093 Officer 11/25/20 10:03 Traffic Stop 2020094314 Officer 11/25/20 18:28 Traffic Stop 2020094453 Traffic Stop WP20033151 Officer 11/25/20 20:45 Traffic Stop 2020094487 Officer 11/25/20 21:14 Traffic Stop 2020094497 Officer Page 25 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 11/26/20 15:11 Traffic Stop 2020094637 Officer 11/26/20 21:08 Traffic Stop 2020094705 Officer 11/26/20 21:33 Traffic Stop 2020094707 Officer 11/26/20 21:47 Traffic Stop 2020094709 Officer 11/26/20 22:14 Traffic Stop 2020094716 Officer 11/27/20 00:18 Traffic Stop 2020094739 Officer 11/27/20 00:26 Traffic Stop 2020094740 Officer 11/27/20 00:31 Traffic Stop 2020094741 Officer 11/27/20 00:44 Traffic Stop 2020094744 Officer 11/27/20 00:58 Traffic Stop 2020094748 Officer 11/27/20 01:55 Traffic Stop 2020094757 Traffic Stop WP20033234 Officer 11/27/20 02:59 Traffic Stop 2020094771 Officer 11/27/20 12:39 Traffic Stop 2020094847 Officer 11/27/20 17:36 Traffic Stop 2020094922 Officer 11/27/20 17:55 Traffic Stop 2020094932 Officer 11/27/20 18:04 Traffic Stop 2020094937 Officer 11/27/20 19:27 Traffic Stop 2020094968 Officer 11/27/20 20:21 Traffic Stop 2020094990 Officer 11/27/20 20:34 Traffic Stop 2020094994 Officer 11/27/20 21:07 Traffic Stop 2020095006 Traffic Stop WP20033314 Officer 11/27/20 22:31 Traffic Stop 2020095031 DUI WP20033322 Officer 11/27/20 22:53 Traffic Stop 2020095040 Officer 11/27/20 23:41 Traffic Stop 2020095048 Traffic Stop WP20033325 Officer 11/28/20 00:30 Traffic Stop 2020095060 Officer 11/28/20 01:03 Traffic Stop 2020095065 Officer 11/28/20 01:55 Traffic Stop 2020095072 Officer 11/28/20 10:37 Traffic Stop 2020095120 Officer 11/28/20 15:37 Traffic Stop 2020095190 Officer 11/28/20 15:55 Traffic Stop 2020095200 Officer 11/28/20 16:32 Traffic Stop 2020095210 Officer 11/28/20 16:37 Traffic Stop 2020095211 Officer 11/28/20 17:26 Traffic Stop 2020095224 Officer 11/28/20 18:01 Traffic Stop 2020095236 Officer 11/28/20 18:46 Traffic Stop 2020095255 Officer 11/28/20 18:48 Traffic Stop 2020095256 Traffic Stop WP20033392 Officer 11/28/20 19:21 Traffic Stop 2020095265 Officer 11/28/20 19:43 Traffic Stop 2020095272 Warrant - Arrest WP20033398 Officer 11/28/20 20:05 Traffic Stop 2020095280 Officer 11/28/20 20:38 Traffic Stop 2020095288 Officer 11/28/20 20:57 Traffic Stop 2020095296 Officer 11/28/20 21:15 Traffic Stop 2020095302 Officer 11/28/20 22:05 Traffic Stop 2020095315 Officer 11/28/20 22:27 Traffic Stop 2020095320 Officer 11/28/20 23:43 Traffic Stop 2020095339 Officer 11/29/20 01:12 Traffic Stop 2020095358 Drugs WP20033423 Officer 11/29/20 12:10 Traffic Stop 2020095437 Traffic Stop WP20033454 Officer 11/29/20 12:23 Traffic Stop 2020095441 Officer Page 26 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 11/29/20 13:28 Traffic Stop 2020095453 Traffic Stop WP20033460 Officer 11/29/20 14:38 Traffic Stop 2020095472 Traffic Stop WP20033465 Officer 11/29/20 14:53 Traffic Stop 2020095476 Traffic Stop WP20033467 Officer 11/29/20 16:45 Traffic Stop 2020095495 Officer 11/29/20 17:28 Traffic Stop 2020095503 WP20031531 Phone Officer 11/29/20 18:27 Traffic Stop 2020095520 Traffic Stop WP20033482 Officer 11/29/20 18:52 Traffic Stop 2020095526 Officer 11/29/20 18:56 Traffic Stop 2020095528 Officer 11/29/20 19:16 Traffic Stop 2020095535 Traffic Stop WP20033485 Officer 11/29/20 21:05 Traffic Stop 2020095563 Officer 11/29/20 21:43 Traffic Stop 2020095576 Warrant - Arrest WP20033497 Officer 11/29/20 23:20 Traffic Stop 2020095591 Officer 11/29/20 23:58 Traffic Stop 2020095596 Officer 11/30/20 00:08 Traffic Stop 2020095598 Officer 11/30/20 00:11 Traffic Stop 2020095599 Officer 11/30/20 01:07 Traffic Stop 2020095608 Officer 11/30/20 10:45 Traffic Stop 2020095683 Officer 11/30/2013:53 Traffic Stop 2020095721 Officer 11/30/20 14:13 Traffic Stop 2020095733 Officer 11/30/20 16:44 Traffic Stop 2020095780 Officer 11/30/20 17:15 Traffic Stop 2020095786 Traffic Stop WP20033553 Officer 11/30/20 18:38 Traffic Stop 2020095807 Officer 11/30/20 18:46 Traffic Stop 2020095811 Officer 11/30/2018:56 Traffic Stop 2020095813 Traffic Stop WP20033563 Officer 11/30/20 19:09 Traffic Stop 2020095816 Officer 11/30/20 19:19 Traffic Stop 2020095820 Officer 11/30/20 20:28 Traffic Stop 2020095837 Officer 11/30/20 20:34 Traffic Stop 2020095841 Officer 11/30/20 20:41 Traffic Stop 2020095843 Officer 11/30/20 21:03 Traffic Stop 2020095852 Officer 11/30/20 22:47 Traffic Stop 2020095872 Officer 11/30/20 23:08 Traffic Stop 2020095874 Officer 11/30/20 23:36 Traffic Stop 2020095879 Officer 11/30/20 23:40 Traffic Stop 2020095880 Officer Training Total: 4 11/13/2010:21 Training 2020090781 11/17/20 09:53 Training 2020091967 11/27/2012:35 Training 2020094845 11/30/2010:45 Training 2020095682 Trespass Total: 1 11/10/2014:07 Trespass 2020089999 Trespass WP20031787 Phone Unwanted Person Total: 6 11/07/20 17:11 Unwanted Person 2020089302 Unwanted Person WP20031531 Phone 11/14/20 17:21 Unwanted Person 2020091178 Unwanted Person WP20032157 911 11/19/20 20:05 Unwanted Person 2020092697 Unwanted Person WP20032626 Phone Page 27 of 28 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident 11/23/20 02:18 Unwanted Person 2020093680 Unwanted Person 11/24/20 20:32 Unwanted Person 2020094193 Unwanted Person 11/30/20 20:48 Unwanted Person 2020095847 Unwanted Person Unwanted Person; Harassment Total: 1 11/03/20 18:37 Unwanted Person; 2020088193 Unwanted Person Warrant - Attempt Total: 3 11/13/20 18:39 Warrant - Attempt 2020090916 11/19/20 07:25 Warrant - Attempt 2020092496 11/21/20 15:07 Warrant - Attempt 2020093245 Warrant - Attempt Total Records: 1086 Case Number How Reported WP20032886 911 WP20033060 911 WP20033574 911 WP20031105 911 WP20032779 Officer Page 28 of 28 Monticello Patrol Hour Summary Hours Purchased Per 2020 Contract: 1 19,032.00 Starting Hours (beginning of month): 3,107.50 M -T -D (detailed below): 1,544.50 Balance going forward (to next month): 1,563.00 Y -T -D: 1 17,469.00 Shift Start Shift Stop Date Shift Start Time Shift Stop Date Time Schedule Position Time Type Regular Hours 1 -Nov -20 6:00 1 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 1 -Nov -20 10:00 1 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 1 -Nov -20 10:00 1 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 1 -Nov -20 20:00 2 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 1 -Nov -20 20:00 2 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 2 -Nov -20 6:00 2 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 2 -Nov -20 10:00 2 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 2 -Nov -20 10:00 2 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 2 -Nov -20 20:00 3 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 2 -Nov -20 20:00 3 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 3 -Nov -20 6:00 3 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 3 -Nov -20 10:00 3 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 3 -Nov -20 10:00 3 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 3 -Nov -20 20:00 4 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 3 -Nov -20 20:00 4 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 4 -Nov -20 6:00 4 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 4 -Nov -20 10:00 4 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 4 -Nov -20 10:00 4 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 4 -Nov -20 20:00 5 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 4 -Nov -20 20:00 5 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 5 -Nov -20 6:00 5 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 5 -Nov -20 10:00 5 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 5 -Nov -20 10:00 5 -Nov -20 19:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 9.00 5 -Nov -20 16:00 6 -Nov -20 2:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 5 -Nov -20 19:00 5 -Nov -20 21:00 Monticello (52) 3221 OT - Regular 2.00 5 -Nov -20 20:00 6 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 5 -Nov -20 20:00 6 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 6 -Nov -20 6:00 6 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 6 -Nov -20 6:00 6 -Nov -20 9:30 Monticello (52) 3240 OT - Regular 3.50 6 -Nov -20 10:00 6 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 6 -Nov -20 10:00 6 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 6 -Nov -20 20:00 7 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 6 -Nov -20 20:00 7 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 7 -Nov -20 6:00 7 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 7 -Nov -20 10:00 7 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 7 -Nov -20 10:00 7 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 7 -Nov -20 20:00 8 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 7 -Nov -20 20:00 8 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 8 -Nov -20 6:00 8 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 8 -Nov -20 10:00 8 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 8 -Nov -20 10:00 8 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 8 -Nov -20 20:00 9 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 8 -Nov -20 20:00 9 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 9 -Nov -20 6:00 9 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 9 -Nov -20 10:00 9 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 9 -Nov -20 10:00 9 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 9 -Nov -20 20:00 10 -Nov -20 2:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 6.00 9 -Nov -20 20:00 10 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 10 -Nov -20 4:00 10 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 COVID-OT 2.00 10 -Nov -20 6:00 10 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 10 -Nov -20 10:00 10 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 10 -Nov -20 10:00 10 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 10 -Nov -20 20:00 11 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 10 -Nov -20 20:00 11 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 11 -Nov -20 6:00 11 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 11 -Nov -20 10:00 11 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 11 -Nov -20 10:00 11 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 11 -Nov -20 20:00 12 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 11 -Nov -20 20:00 12 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 12 -Nov -20 6:00 12 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 12 -Nov -20 10:00 12 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 12 -Nov -20 10:00 12 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 12 -Nov -20 20:00 13 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 12 -Nov -20 20:00 13 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 13 -Nov -20 6:00 13 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 13 -Nov -20 10:00 13 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 13 -Nov -20 10:00 13 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 13 -Nov -20 16:00 14 -Nov -20 2:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 13 -Nov -20 20:00 14 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 13 -Nov -20 20:00 14 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 14 -Nov -20 6:00 14 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 14 -Nov -20 10:00 14 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 14 -Nov -20 10:00 14 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 14 -Nov -20 20:00 14 -Nov -20 22:00 Monticello (52) 3241 OT 2.00 14 -Nov -20 20:00 14 -Nov -20 22:00 Monticello (52) 3240 COVID-OT 2.00 14 -Nov -20 22:00 15 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 COVID-OT 8.00 14 -Nov -20 22:00 15 -Nov -20 2:00 Monticello (52) 3241 OT 4.00 15 -Nov -20 2:00 15 -Nov -20 4:00 Monticello (52) 3241 OT 2.00 15 -Nov -20 4:00 15 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 OT 2.00 15 -Nov -20 6:00 15 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 15 -Nov -20 10:00 15 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 15 -Nov -20 10:00 15 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 15 -Nov -20 20:00 15 -Nov -20 22:00 Monticello (52) 3241 OT 2.00 15 -Nov -20 20:00 16 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 15 -Nov -20 22:00 16 -Nov -20 2:00 Monticello (52) 3241 OT 4.00 16 -Nov -20 2:00 16 -Nov -20 4:00 Monticello (52) 3241 OT 2.00 16 -Nov -20 4:00 16 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 OT 2.00 16 -Nov -20 6:00 16 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 16 -Nov -20 10:00 16 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 16 -Nov -20 10:00 16 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 16 -Nov -20 20:00 17 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 COVID-OT 10.00 16 -Nov -20 20:00 17 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 17 -Nov -20 6:00 17 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 17 -Nov -20 10:00 17 -Nov -20 14:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 4.00 17 -Nov -20 10:00 17 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 17 -Nov -20 14:00 17 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 6.00 17 -Nov -20 20:00 18 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 COVID-OT 10.00 17 -Nov -20 20:00 18 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 18 -Nov -20 6:00 18 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 18 -Nov -20 10:00 18 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 18 -Nov -20 10:00 18 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 18 -Nov -20 20:00 18 -Nov -20 20:30 Monticello (52) 3221 OT - Regular 0.50 18 -Nov -20 20:00 19 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 18 -Nov -20 20:00 19 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 19 -Nov -20 6:00 19 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 19 -Nov -20 10:00 19 -Nov -20 21:30 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 11.50 19 -Nov -20 10:00 19 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 19 -Nov -20 16:00 20 -Nov -20 2:00 Monticello (52) 3231 Regular 10.00 19 -Nov -20 20:00 20 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 20 -Nov -20 6:00 20 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 20 -Nov -20 10:00 20 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 20 -Nov -20 10:00 20 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 20 -Nov -20 16:00 21 -Nov -20 2:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 20 -Nov -20 20:00 21 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 21 -Nov -20 6:00 21 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 21 -Nov -20 10:00 21 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 21 -Nov -20 10:00 21 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 21 -Nov -20 16:00 22 -Nov -20 2:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 21 -Nov -20 20:00 22 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 21 -Nov -20 20:00 22 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 22 -Nov -20 6:00 22 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 22 -Nov -20 10:00 22 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 22 -Nov -20 10:00 22 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 22 -Nov -20 20:00 23 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 22 -Nov -20 20:00 23 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 23 -Nov -20 6:00 23 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 23 -Nov -20 10:00 23 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 23 -Nov -20 10:00 23 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 23 -Nov -20 20:00 24 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 23 -Nov -20 20:00 24 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 24 -Nov -20 6:00 24 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 24 -Nov -20 10:00 24 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 24 -Nov -20 10:00 24 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 24 -Nov -20 20:00 25 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 24 -Nov -20 20:00 25 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 25 -Nov -20 6:00 25 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 25 -Nov -20 10:00 25 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 25 -Nov -20 10:00 25 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 25 -Nov -20 20:00 26 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 25 -Nov -20 20:00 26 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 26 -Nov -20 6:00 26 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 26 -Nov -20 10:00 26 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 26 -Nov -20 10:00 26 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 26 -Nov -20 20:00 27 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 26 -Nov -20 20:00 27 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 27 -Nov -20 6:00 27 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 27 -Nov -20 10:00 27 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 27 -Nov -20 10:00 27 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 27 -Nov -20 16:00 28 -Nov -20 2:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 27 -Nov -20 20:00 28 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 27 -Nov -20 20:00 28 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 28 -Nov -20 6:00 28 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 28 -Nov -20 10:00 28 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 28 -Nov -20 16:00 29 -Nov -20 2:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 28 -Nov -20 20:00 29 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 28 -Nov -20 20:00 29 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 29 -Nov -20 6:00 29 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 29 -Nov -20 10:00 29 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 29 -Nov -20 10:00 29 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 29 -Nov -20 20:00 30 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 29 -Nov -20 20:00 30 -Nov -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 30 -Nov -20 6:00 30 -Nov -20 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 30 -Nov -20 10:00 30 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 30 -Nov -20 10:00 30 -Nov -20 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 30 -Nov -20 20:00 1 -Dec -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 30 -Nov -20 20:00 1 -Dec -20 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 TOTAL: 1544.50