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Planning Commission Minutes 02-11-1986
February 11, 1986 - 7:30 p.m.
Members Present: Richard Carlson, Barbara Koropchak, Warren Smith.
Members Absent: Richard Martie, Joyce Dowling.
Staff Present: Gary Anderson, Richard Wolfsteller.
The meeting was called to order by new Chairperson Richard Carlson
at 7:43 p.m.
Motion by Warren Smith, seconded by Barbara Koropchak, to approve
the January 7, 1986, Planning Commission Meeting minutes. Motion
carried unanimously.
Public Hearing - A Conditional Use Request to Allow Construction
of a 24-unit Apartment Building. A Variance Request to Allow Less
than the Minimum Lot Square Footage for Construction of a 24-unit
Apartment Building. Applicant, Lionel Kull.
Mr. Lionel Kull, along with one of his partners, Mr. Steve Upgren,
was present to propose their request to build a 24-unit apartment
building. To meet the minimum requirements of the ordinance to
construct the 24-unit apartment building consisting of 12 one-bedroom
and 12 two-bedroom apartments, the applicant was short 1,350 sq.ft.
in meeting the minimum square footage requirements. Mr. Kull indicated
they are proposing to use one driveway entrance, which would be
the existing entrance for Riverroad Plaza, to be shared with the
proposed 24-unit apartment building.
Richard Carlson opened the meeting for input from the public. Zoning
Administrator Anderson handed a letter to Mr. Carlson to read which
he had received from Mrs. Kleinsteuber with some concerns as to
the possible rents for the apartment building and if it couldn't
be constructed as a townhouse complex instead of an apartment building.
The developers indicated that the market rents were to run about
$400.00 to $430.00 and that it is not cost effective for them to
construct a townhouse project. Townhouse resident Ellen Maxwell
indicated that members of the Townhouse Association had met, and
she was there to voice their approval for the proposed 24-unit apartment
building, supporting their request for the variance on minimum lot
square footage. Anna Hoglund, former owner of the proposed apartment
building land site, questioned Planning Commission members as to
Why the debate is so negative when there is only one negative response
from an abutting property owner. Planning Commission Chairperson,
Richard Carlson, then closed the public hearing and asked for input
from Planning Commission members.
Planning Commission Minutes - 2/11/86
Commission member Barb Koropchak questioned as to the City staff's
recommendation and where the hardship was in the variance. The
developers countered that they are creating just a shared driveway
instead of putting in their own driveway and that they are meeting
the requirements of the new proposed zoning ordinance as far as
landscaping; they are also installing a booster pump to increase
the water pressure for the proposed 24-unit apartment building.
Motion was made by Warren Smith, seconded by Barbara Koropchak,
to approve the variance request to allow construction of a 24-unit
apartment building consisting of 12 one-bedroom units and 12 two-bedroom
units and also approved the conditional use to allow such construction.
Motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearing - A Replatting Request to Replat an Existing Residential
Lot into Three Residential Lots. A Variance Request for Less Lot
Width and Lot Square Footage than the Minimum Required. A Request
to Allow a Lot with No Street Frontage. Applicant, John Sandberg.
Mr. Sandberg was present to propose his replatting request of a
residential lot into three residential lots. Chairperson Richard
Carlson questioned zoning Administrator Anderson as to why the request
would be before them when it is not complete according to staff's
recommendation. zoning Administrator Anderson answered that Mr.
sandberg has the right to appear before the Planning Commission
with his request for a replat on the enclosed site plan as presented
even though it does lack numerous items to be finished on the site
plan. Mr. sandberg indicated that to go to a full blown subdivision
would require a considerable amount of money for just three single
family lots. He would be willing to do so; but for the enormous
expense that would be required for this, it would not be very cost
effective for him to market the property with going through the
whole subdivision request. Mr. Sandberg was therefor proposing
just to replat the existing lot into three lots, with a minimum
of five variances needed. The variances would be for less than
the minimum lot width, less than the minimum lot square footage,
and a variance for a lot with no street frontage.
Chairman Richard Carlson opened the meeting for any input from the
public. Mrs. Lyle Olson questioned as to what the size of the lots
would be. Mr. Sandberg gave those figures to her. Mr. Carlson
then closed the public hearing and opened it to comments from the
Planning Commission.
Motion by Warren Smith, seconded by Barbara Koropchak, to approve
the replat of the existing residential lot into three residential
lots and approved two variances for minimum lot width and two variances
for minimum lot square footage and one variance for a lot with no
street frontage. Motion carried unanimously.
Planning Commission Minutes - 2/11/86
5. Public Hearing - A Final Plat Request for a Proposed New Subdivision.
Applicant, John Sandberg.
Mr. Sandberg was present to propose a final plat request for the
proposed new subdivision, Kealy Heights Addition. Mr. Sandberg
indicated to Planning Commission members that with the new zoning
in place, the current Meadows Addition has now been rezoned to R-3,
medium density residential. Chairman Richard Carlson questioned
Mr. Sandberg why he didn't have everything ready for them. Mr.
Sandberg indicated that it is exactly the same thing which he had
presented to the City Council and received approval. Discussion
then centered around what the City Council is requiring of Mr. Sandberg
to put on his final plat before recording. Zoning Administrator
Anderson informed Planning Commission members that the City Council
would like to see Lots 9 & 10 be screened prior to recording of
the plat, and also that Marvin Elwood Road be extended to West River
Street, and that the proposed street be dedicated to the City as
a street; and whether or not Mr. Sandberg puts it in at this time
that Mr. Sandberg is responsible for the improvements to that street
from Marvin Elwood Road to West County Road 75. Mr. Sandberg countered
that he is not willing to landscape or screen from the abutting
residential neighbors at this time. But should a building permit
application be taken out for an apartment building on either Lots
9 or 10 that he would be willing to start landscaping and screening
at that time. He also addressed the problem with the request for
the extension of Marvin Elwood Road to West River Street and countered
that he would not extend Marvin Elwood Road to West River Street
until the plat was recorded. And also that he probably wouldn't
extend it until at such time he is ready to apply for a building
permit for an apartment building. He also indicated that he was
not in favor of developing the street from Marvin Elwood Road to
West County Road 75 from Kealy Circle. He is willing to dedicate
Lot 8 for street purposes but is not Willing to put in the improvements
at this time or at any time in the future.
With no further input from the public, Chairman Richard Carlson
then closed the public hearing and asked for input from the Planning
Commission members.
Motion by Barbara Koropchak, seconded by Warren Smith, to deny the
final plat request for proposed new subdivision. Reason for denial
is that Mr. Sandberg's final plat was not in its final plat form;
it was lacking the extension of Marvin Elwood Road to River Street,
the dedication of Lot 8 to the City for street improvements, and
also the street improvements weren't proposed to be put in from
Marvin Elwood Road at Kealy Circle to West County Road 75; and Mr.
Sandberg had not proposed any screening for Lots 9 & 10. Motion
carried unanimously.
Planning Commission Minutes - 2/11/86
6. Continuance of a Variance Request to Al~ow Placement of a Sign in
the Railroad Right-of-way. Applicant, John Sandberg.
Mr. Sandberg indicated to Planning Commission members that he has
sent the appropriate information to Burlington Northern for their
approval or denial for the placement of the sign in its present
location. As soon as he receives comment from Burlington Northern
he will bring the approval or denial letter to the City Planning
Commission for their information.
Additional Information Items
1. zoning Administrator Anderson indicated to Planning Commission members
that at Monday night's City Council meeting, February 10, 1986,
they did approve the zoning ordinance map as presented in the paper
with the area along East and West River Street to remain R-1. They
also made a motion for the new zoning ordinance text to the map
to become effective upon a motion by the members at the City Council
meeting that night. It was approved unanimously.
2. Motion by Warren Smith, seconded by Barbara Koropchak, to set the
next tentative date for the Monticello Planning Commission meeting
for March 11, 1986, 7:30 p.m.
3. Motion by Warren Smith, seconded by Barbara Koropchak, to adjourn
the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Anderson
zoning Administrator