City Council Agenda Packet 02-14-2005 . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY C.UNCIL Monday February 14, 2005 - 7 p.m. SPECIAL MEETING STARTING AT PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY AT 5 P.M. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Glen Posusta, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. Approve minutcs of January 24, 2005 regular Council mccting. Approve minutes of February 7, 2005 Assessment workshopeeting. V. - Iifld""J @... If fr,.'" "'a- I / 111 /:'onsideration of adding items to the agenda. 0W'1"( p I ....,J ,/ _ C,,;t..t f~H-<- b,(curr"v - 2~4- fD!'+'~,j Ya.C4"'~ r ....,...-t,J.NJ' Citizen comments, petitions, requests and complaints. &.d. 'f.i-<, (!, I~ ,) rV \'1..;. ~ )'.A.-t 1M'tlr- ...,..,/ C.',4>1f..., tJc!/"/~ c/' Consent agenda. vy 00' ':.t:. IJ-ru rr A. Consideration of new hi~ ~~~ de~a~ures. - 4/) ? S-jl tv/ :0! 2A. B. 3. 4. 5. . ~~t., ClV 1t o/lb'''' t C9 ~~ Q9 . I. B. Consideration of approving temporary liquor license for wine tasting event. c. Consideration of adopting a resolution commemorating the 150'h anniversary of Wright County. Consideration of partnering "vith Wright County to obtain aerial photography. Consideration of amending recreational agreement between School District, MYHA and City. F. Consideration to approve entering into the Declaration of Protective Covenants, . Conditions and Protections for Otter Creek Business Campus. /lei" "tu a. d,p D,,~ -/ Pl\.t'Vi(/~ ..J TO COv........."'S Consideration of a request for building and landscape plan review for Monticello Rctail Center as a part of the Development Stage PUD approval. Applicant: Ryan Companies G. Consideration of authorizing submittal of EA W for Poplar Hill (Insignia Development) to Environmental Quality Board. Consideration of calling for a public hearing on bill board ordinance amendments. y . Agenda Monticello City Council February] 4,2005 Page 2 J. Consideration of authorizing installation of sanitary sewer flow meter and authorizing associated study for the trunk utilities for the Heritage/Silver Springs Development. )- ~t...K. Consideration of finding that City sale ofland for School/Community meeting space use is consistent with Downtown Redevelopment Plan. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing on Municipal Consent for CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Proj. No. 2004-01C 8. Public Hearing on CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project No. 2004-01 C and ordering project. 9. Public Hearing on Meadow Oak Avenue Improvement Project No. 2005-05C and ordering project. 10. 11. . 12. 13. ]4. Public Hearing on 7th Street/Highland Way Project No. 2004-02 and ordering project. Public Hearing on vacation of 7'h Street West. Consideration of authorizing advertisement for bids for new tanker fire truck. Consideration of winter maintenance of pathway in Oak Ridge. Consideration of setting a workshop date and time for WWTP issues in relationship to grow1h expectations. 15. Consideration of approving payment of bills for February. 16. Adjourn. . . . . MI:\TUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 24, 2005 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf Members Absent: Wayne Mayer I. Call to Order and Plcde:e of Allee:iance. Mayor Hcrbst called the meeting to ordcr at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2. A\lnrove minutes of January 10. 2005 ree:ular Council meetine:. Tom Perrault notcd some corrections and clarifications on thc minutes as follows: I) Pagc 12 on the water tower location, it should read, "site 4, option 3 (large); 2) Page 13 on the appointment to thc Police Commission although Brian Stumpf had been the Council representative, because of Wayne Mayer's passion about serving on the Commission he had recommended that Wayne Mayer serve on the Police Commission; 3) His vote in opposition to the penalties imposed on the liquor violations was because he felt $750 for a first time violation was high and the number of compliance checks that are conducted was never fully discussed. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 10,2005 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WITH THE CLARIFICATIONS AND CORRECTIONS NOTED ABOVE. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 3. Consideration of addine: items to the ae:enda. Brian Stumpf asked that agenda items # II and # 12 be added to the consent agenda as items 51. and 5M. Clint Herbst added to the agenda an update on the Wright County Technology meeting that he and Wayne Mayer attended and also setting a meeting date for thc Joint Planning Board for the annexation area. 4. Citizen comments. oetitions. requests and complaints. Charles Walters, 728 Acorn Circle came before the Council regarding his complaint ahout harassment by a City employee. He felt staff was trying to dismiss his complaint. Clint Herbst statcd he would look into this and get back to Mr. Walters and set up a time to meet with him on his complaint. c)~- 3 . . . Council Minutes - 1/24/05 5. Consent all'enda. A. Consideration of ratifying new hires and departures. Recommendation: Ratify the hires and departures as identiiled. B. Consideration of a request for wine/beer license for DeAngelo's Pizza and Pasta, 9351 Cedar Street. Recommendation: Approve the request for a wine/strong beer combination license for DeAngelo's Pizza and Pasta from February 20, 2005 to June 30.2005 contingent upon submittal of the necessary liquor liability insurance and payment of license fees. C. Consideration of approving final payment and accepting the improvements for Timber Ridge Storm Sewer Improvements, Project :'<0. 2002-03C. Recommendation: Authorize ilnal payment in the amount of $4,941.44 to GL Contracting Ine. for Timber Ridge Trunk Storm Sewer Improvements, Project No. 2002-03C and accept the work contingent upon submittal of documents showing compliance with Minnesota Statutcs 290.92, affidavit that all claims against the contractor have satisfied, Consent of Surety to Final Payment and a two year maintenance bond. D. Consideration to approve a resolution calling for a public hearing on February 28, 2005 on the proposed modiilcation to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. ] and the proposed establishment of Tax Increment Finance District No. 1-33. (1324 Edmonson Avenue NE). Rccommcndation: Approve resolution calling for public hearing on the proposed adoption of the modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I and the proposed establishment ofTlF District No. 1-33 therein and adoption of the TIF Plan therefor. E. Consideration of pawn shop license for Walt's Pawn Shop. Recommendation: Approve the issuance of the pawn shop license for Walt's Pawn Shop at 1219 State Highway 25 contingent upon submittal of the license bond in the amount of$5,000 and payment of the license fee of$25.00 F. Consideration of approving Change Order No.1 for the Klein Farms Storm Sewer Outlet Project NO.2004-18C. Recommendation: Approve Change Order NO.1 in the amount of $8,931.25 for Northwest Asphalt, Inc. for the Klein Farms Storm Sewer Outlet, Project No. 2004-] 8C. G. Consideration of approving final payment and accepting the improvement for Klein Farms Storm Sewer Outlet, Project No. 2004-18C. Recommendation: Authorize linal payment in the amount 01'$18,905.50 to Northwest Asphalt Inc. for the Klein Farms Storm Sewer Outlet Project No. 2004-18 subject to receipt of final paperwork. d;:)-q . . . Council Minutes - 1/24/05 H. Consideration of approving the feasibility report for the Meadow Oak Avenue Extension Project No.2005-05C and ordering public hearing for February] 4,2005. Recommendation: Movc to adopt a resolution accepting the feasibility report for Meadow Oak Avenue Extension Project No. 2005-05C and ordering the public hearing for February 14, 2005. I. Consideration of approving the feasibility report for the 7''' Street/Highland Way Project No. 2004-02C and ordering public hearing for February 14,2005. Recommendation: Move to adopt a resolution accepting the feasibility report for 7'h Street/Highland Way and ordering the public hearing for February 14,2005. J. Consideration of authorizing the preparation of the EA W for the Trunk Sanitary Sewer Improvements. Recommendation: Authorize the preparation of an EA W for the Southeast Sewer Interceptor Project No. 2000-12C. K. Consideration of approving date of Wednesday, April 13,2005 for Board of Review. Recommendation: Approve setting Wednesday, April 13,2005 at 7 p.m. as the date for the 2003 Board of Review. L. Set meeting date for review of assessment methodology for CSAH 18 (was agenda item #11). Recommendation: Set February 7, 2005 at 5 p.m. as the meeting date for the review of the assessment methodology for CSAH 18. M. Consideration of preliminary plat approval and rezoning for Club West. Applicant: Back Nine (was agenda item #12). Recommendation: Approve the preliminary plat and the rezoning request from PS to R-I for the plat of Club West. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS #11 AND #12 AS ITEMS #5L AND #5M. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lTNANIMOUSL Y. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent a!!:enda for discussion. None. 7. Public Hearing: on Enviroumental Assessment of the oroposed interchan!!:e on 1-94 at CSAH 18. Brandi Popenhagcn from WSB and Associates made a presentation on the Environmental Assessment process for the 1-94/CSAH 18 interchange. The purpose of the hearing was to let the public know the findings of the environmental assessment and obtain comment from the public. Because the proposed project would alter the interstate highway system, the environmental assessment was required. The environmental assessment determines if there is a need for an EIS or if there is finding of No Significant Impacts. d?LS . . . Council Minutes - 1/24/05 Brandi Popenhagen reviewed: I) the project location: 2) project background - she noted that the project has been discussed for a number of years and that the interchange configuration has changed since the initial layout; 3) purpose of the project which is to provide full access to 1-94 and add capacity to CSAH 18; 4) project description - it is proposed to construct a full interchange, eliminate the partial interchange and lip grade CSAH 18 to a four lane roadway. The layout has been approved by MnDOT and a public hearing on the project is scheduled for February 14,2005; 5) Proposed construction time line - construction is schedlllcd to start in August 2005 and be completed in 2006. Brandi Popenhagen discussed the environmental concerns such as the presence of llnderground storage tanks. erosion and soil sedimentation, water quality and traffic noise. She also explained how the proposed project will impact Freeway Fields (City's balllield complex lying in the project area). Brian Stumpf indicated that a representative from O'Ryans had asked abollt the status of CSAH 75 after this project was done. If this portion of CSAH 75 was tllmed over to the City could the existing median be removed. Bret Weiss stated that it is anticipated that CSAH 75 would be turned over to the City and that when that happens the median could be looked at although at this time hc felt the median could be removed. Brian Stumpfnotcd that where the frontage road would come onto CSAH 18 no left turn out was shown. Brct Weiss stated that wOllld be provided. Mayor Herbst then opened the Pllblic hearing on the environmental assessment for the CSAH 1811-94 interchange projcct. Mayor Herbst stated that written comments by residents could be submitted to the City and these comments would be forwarded to MnDOT. Glen Posusta asked about the number of storm water ponds shown and asked how many of them are required. Bret Weiss indicated that MnDOT has a requirement that no development runoff water can be pllt into the loop. He added that the storm water from the Ryan property would be piped over to these storm water ponds. Glen Posusta asked about the north/south road and whether this issue had been resolved with St. Henry's Church. Bret Weiss replied that there had been discussions with the church but the issue has not been resolved at this time. Mayor Herbst then elosed the public hearing and stated that no action was required by the COllncil on this item other than to conduct the public hearing. 8. Public Hearinl!: certifvinl!: delinquent utili tv accounts for 3'" Quarter 2004 to the County Auditor. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller explained the purpose of the public hearing was to certify delinqllent utility amollnts to the County. Mayor Herbst opened the Pllblic hearing. No one was present who spoke lur or against the proposed assessment of delinquent lltility ;)f:i-c.o . . . Council Minutes - 1/24/05 amounts. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQCENT UTILITY ACCOUNTS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Consideration of adoptin!! a~reements betwecn City of Monticcllo, Swan River Montcssori Charter School and SCRS Buildin!! Companv relatin!! to transfer ofland and buildin!! to SCRS Buildin!! Companv. Jeff O'Neill provided the background information on this item noting at a previous Council meeting staff was directed to proceed with negotiating an agreement with the Swan River Montessori Charter School regarding the former Methodist Church building. City Attorney, Tom Scott reviewed the terms of the revised agreements. There are two non-profit entities involved which are the SCRS Building Company and the Swan River Montessori Charter School. Tom Scott pointed out that Section 3, Page 4 spells out the conveyance of the land and building in "as is" condition. Paragraph 11 relates to subordination of the City's interest to the bank that will hold the mortgage. The City will pay $375,000 at the time of closing which is scheduled for February 15, 2005. He also noted that paragraph 13 specifies that the remaining $25,000 from the original Sunny Fresh grant shall be utilized for the school as approved by Sunny Fresh and SCRS Building Company. Paragraph 14 spells out the City's use of the facility and paragraph 15 deals with the school's membership fees at the MCC and rental ofMCC facilities. Tom Scott also reviewed the language contained in the agreement dealing with default. If there is a default by the school to the bank, the City would have the right to step in and take back the land but the City would have to assume the obligation to the bank. Tom Scott noted this was premised on the school being at this location and making its payment to the bank. If the school moves to another location it would be considered a default of the agreement. The City does have the right to tell the school it cannot relocate to another site but the City could also negotiate relocation with the school. Tom Perrault asked about the parking for special events referenced in paragraph 19 of the agreement. It was explained that the school has adequate parking on its site for its normal use but there may be occasions when special events are held that would create a greater parking need and that is the parking need that is referred to in paragraph 9. Glen Posusta asked about the school bus pickup and drop ofT 0 I' students. JefT 0 'Neill indicated that bus staging area would be along 5 Y, Street. Glen Posusta asked if there was any restriction on what the City could charge for rental of the space. Tom Scott indicated there was no restriction and added that rental arrangements do not require approval by the school. ;) I~- 1 . . . Council Minutes - 1/24/05 Clint Herbst stated that at the MCC Advisory Board meeting parking needs at the MCC were discussed and he suggested that the City look at the parking lot on the library site and also the parking lot site adjacent to the Towne Centre site. Brian Stumpf asked where the funds to cover the $375.000 due at closing was coming from. Rick Wolfsteller indicated that this amount was not budgeted. Clint Herbst stated that the EDA has funds that they had borrowed at one time from the City and this is a source of funding that could be util ized. Brian Stumpf stated that he has not changed his position and still opposes the City's participation in this project. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, SWAN RIVER MONTESSORI CHARTER SCHOOL AND SCRS BUILDING COMPANY CONTINGENT UPON FINALIZATION OF EXHII:lITS TO THE AGREEMENT AND CONTINGENT ON FINAL REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY TIlE CITY ATTORNEY. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 10. Consideration of enterinl! into oartnership al!reement with MnDOT on CSAH 18/1-94 Interchanl!e Project. City Engineer, Bret Weiss briefly reviewed the agreement noting MnDOT has agreed to increase their share of cost participation for the project and to share in the expense for design work. Clint llerbst asked if MnDOT's cost participation was on a sliding rule where if construction cost increases, MnDOT's share increases. Bret Weiss stated that on the right-of- way and construction items, MnDOT has agreed to pay for those items whatever the costs are. Tom Perrault asked if there was assurance that MnDOT had the appropriate funding in place for this project. Bret Weiss stated that MnDOT has identified the funds needed for the project and the funds have been set aside. While it could not be guaranteed, it is unlikely that MnDOT would not earry through on their share ofthe funding. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE RESOLUTION ENTERING THE CITY OF MONTICELLO INTO A MASTER CONTRACT WITH MNDOT. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Set meetinl! date for review of assessment methodolol!V for CSAH 18. Added to the consent agenda. 12. Consideration of preliminary olat approval for Club West. Applicant: Back Nine. Added to the consent agenda. ;I A- g Council Minutes - 1/24/05 . Added Items: . . Wright County Technology Meeting - Clint Herbst informed the Council about the technology meeting he and Wayne Mayer attcnded at Wright County. He also asked about a fee the City was charging to Wright County for use of City equipment/facilities. He questioned charging the County this fee since the County was providing a great deal of information to the City at no cost. Glen Posusta added that it was a value to the City to have a satellite office for the SherifYs use and they should not be charged for that. Rick Wolfsteller will cheek into the amount being billed the County. Clint Herbst also stated the County is going to ask the citics in Wright County to help pay for aerials of the entire county. Joint Planning Boardfor Annexation area: Clint Herbst stated he would like to see the fIrst Wednesday of the month established as a meeting date for the Joint Planning Board for the annexation area. He asked that staff send a letter to the township to confirm if that was a satisfactory date. Clint lIerbst said this is an opportunity to patch things up with the township. Brian Stumpf questioned whether "patching up" was an appropriate term. He stated that representatives of the City and Township had put in many hours to come up with an agreement that was in the best interest of both entities. It was a mutual agreement. He stated that with his background on the annexation process and with the time he had committed to this issue, he was disappointed that he was not reappointed to the board to be able to continue this work. 13. Consideration of approvin!!: payment of bills for Januarv. Tom Perrault questioned a bill for topiary trees for $576. It was explained that those were purchased by the MCC at a local business. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 14. Adiourn. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8:10 PM. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANEvlOUSL Y. Recording Secretary Q f~- q Meeting Minutes .~ ~ To: All Participants From: Bret A. Weiss, P.E. Date: February 10, 2005 Re: Meeting Minutes - February 7,2005 Monticello Council Work Session Preparation for Public Hearingsfor CSAH 18, 1" Street, Highland Way, and 111eadow Oak Avenue Members present: Glen Posusta Brian Stumpf Clint Herbst Tom Perrault Wayne Mayer Other Attendees: Rick Wolfsteller leffO'Neill Ollie Koropehak Tom Scott Bret Weiss ~ ~ A meeting was held to discuss the pending public hearings for the above-referenced projects. An agenda was provided which had information in the following areas: . Describe projects and estimated cost . Describe current proposed funding by assessments and agreement . Describe potential interchange assessment approach using benefit method . Discuss land acquisition status Information was provided at the meeting for all of the items that were discussed. The Council provided the following direction for the assessment approach: . School District: Provide an estimate of the CSAH 18 assessments and the Chelsea Road assessments. Consider waiving the CSAH ] 8 assessments subject to entering into an agreement that would provide all necessary easements from the School District and require the school to move their easternmost driveway onto School Boulevard at some time in the future and payment of Chelsea Road assessments. . Resurrection Church: The Council was in agreement with the deal that had been discussed to datc as noted in the information. The Council would also like to identify thc . {':',rx i(} ,\IF _NJ..IWW;JI_ i.( 'I'I.or ',n.\' _r!:..'....,I',w~-,\'i'_.\1,.'\!",_f}_'ln,'5.:.I". .;:;b-\C . . . potential cost of the assessment along CSAH 18 that would be waived subject to the agreement. · Rvan Companies and Weinand: No changes to the current proposed assessment agreements. · Interchange Dfoperties located north of CSAH 75: Develop plan to assess the undeveloped properties, as noted in the materials, for the interchange at an approximate rate of 50~ per square foot. Do not propose assessments to the developed parcels. Council would be amenable to allowing the property owners to have a similar deal as is proposed with the Weinand property for deferring the assessments until 2010. This would need to be worked out with City staff · The signal system for Highland Way and CSAH 75 appears to be okay in the manner that it is proposed to be assessed. Mr. Posusta stated that he would like to have some additional information from the DOT or FHW A on the need for Highland Way. . Tom Scott discussed the status of the land acquisition, in particular the A VR parcel. He is proposing moving forward with the condemnation proceedings on A VR and will set a hearing in early April to discuss the public purpose with the assigned judge. lh/srb ,',,!Xii-I:l!." iIIJIII',I';II-.l.('I'.!.iJCJI's-},''''ll,!''IIASI'_.I/",III'''_!ll(",'0_'.1".- ,),g-u f~ . Council Agenda - 2/14/05 SA. Consideration of approvin!! new hires and departures for MCC and Parks. (R W ) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC and Parks Department. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. . . NEW EMPLOYEES e Name Title Department Hire Date Class Binette, Yvonne Rink Attendant Parks 12/10/2004 p-t temporary Herbst, Clint Mayor 1/2/2005 full-time Larson, Anthony Rink Attendant Parks 12/16/2004 p-t temporary Mayer, Wayne CC Member 1/2/2005 full-time Perrault, Tom CC Member 1/2/2005 full-time Vogt, Kyle Guest Serv II, C-Wall MCC 1/10/2005 part-time TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Last Day Class 1/17/2005 part-time 1/1712005 part-time 1/1712005 part-time 111512005 part-time Name Reason Department Phillips, Vicky voluntary MCC Hay, Suzanne voluntary MCC Hindermann, Ed voluntary MCC e Zimmerman, Theron voluntary Liquor . employee councillist.xls: 1/2612005 SA -I) NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Vagle, Sarah After school MCC 21212005 temporary program coordinator Paul Mastey Finance Asst Finance 2/2/1/05 full-time TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Farm-Franks, Andy voluntary MCC 1/18/2005 part-time Firkins, Carol deceased Finance 215/2005 full-time Goldie, Andrea voluntary MCC 1/11/2005 part-time Gustafson, Lisa voluntary MCC 1/1/2005 part-time Norton, Teresa volunta~ MCC 8/1/2004 part-time employee council iist: 2/9/2005 ~--'~A - 1"-\ . . . SB. Council Agenda - 2/14/05 Consideration of approvin!! temporary liQuor license for wine tastin!! event at the Monticello Community Center. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Hi-Way Liquors is proposing to hold a wine tasting event at the Monticello Community Center on March 11, 2005 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. State statutes require a non-profit organization conducting a wine tasting event to obtain a temporary on sale license for the event. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve temporary on sale license for Hi-Way Liquors for a wine tasting even! on March I 1,2005 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. 2. Do not approve the temporary on-sale license. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. It is recommended that the City Council approve the temporary on-sale liquor license for the March I 1, 2005 wine tasting event. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of application. IS . ~, \\ ~ \{~-~ Minnesota Department of Public Safety ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 444 Cedar Street Suite 133. St. Paul MN 55101-5133 (651) 296-6979 Fax (651) 297-5259 TTY (651) 282-6555 WWW.DPS.STATE.MN.US .~~" 'ifu1ri';\~~ ~.~!~ ~N:~t~' ~~,~-p~ AI'PLlCATION A!'\J) PEln-lIT FOil .. 1 TO 4IJA Y n:MPOHARY O:'<-SALE UQlJOIl LICl':NSE {~k!t;t;Ji/tftio:j o. )OCi'tllO:l ltm1100w 3 p(;rrni~5: j II ill 2 mOlllh pl:j"j{lJ) TYPE OR PRINE ]'{FOR\1AIION -NAME OF OR(;..\:\Il/1 1'10\1 -' Hi-Way Liquors-2ba Monti Munic STREET Al}[)RESs ')4') Pine_SJJ::eet, PO Box 84;)._. ~/\MF OF PFRSO:-." i\V\KING APPUCA nON Joe Hartman nt\J'FS UQCOH. \VILL BF SOLD {I ~(..j': gOlV5.J March 11, 2005 . ~\:\r:Z,ATrON OFFiCER'S NAM( U,,\TE ORG/\N:ZFfJ TAX EXIMl'I r;( :~IJlER 41-6005385 ZIP O:ll)E 55362 PHO:\H' :: RFUfifOl'S ~ qJflER N()NPROFrl Wi1l1h..~ llppb~<mt ;::;i'.!ny \iqllor iiiilbjjjly j:.tS1rrf!U~~/-~ If ,.,. the \:!ltrier' .,; mlJ)K liJlG itm<lUClI {~r rooj/(T:igO. (N OT!::~ lmll!aJ:it-l:: is n<tl APPROVAL APPLICATION 'lUST BE APPROVED III Cfr\' 011 COI:NT)' BElrollE Sl'BMrlTING TO 1.IQIJOR CONTROL ClTY."cm.'.\;'l Y Monticello DATE AI'I'ROVED.._...._.... Monticello . Busr:r-.;lSS PI,iONl': 1.763 295-5222 -+.-r'"PI: or: OR(i..\N:Z:1. no:'..: l . t't I'B ('HARTl '.Bll' r AOI)RLS:'\ . WiB tho;: llP''P!lo.i.'mt <::(lnU'';!;.;t krr mloxical-iJr- h(!ll(l: .~lyioti! IL~\, Five 1hl' nam,!.! lmU.lIJ:lh't's'i ur:hc ljqn~,r lli.:'tm;;:c pro\"jdiu!~ Ih~' ~("'l'\'lc...;. . ORGAN~,ZJ\rHY''; ()FF~CER'S NAMF ~ /'~rJDRFS'-'; i ORG",NtZ/~ 'j ION Ol-TIC] ~W S X~\ME r,\151'),[;o. F SS I I :,iX~au(jo]1 wh;,;n: li~e~l;:;c will bee H$~d. ]f an (lllllllSJ; a;J;:a, d-;:~crib;:; ~ticello Community Center - Wine Tasting Event 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. CfTY FEE AMOt"T UCPl\SF DATE nT PAiD SiG~,'tTURI CITY ('JERK OR COt]\TY OFi1fJAI. APl1I{OVhJ) LJCH-:OH CON'tHO! l)IRF{"lOI<. NOTL 1)(, """CT",,.I< to"" twn I""', "'",) I",.h J"'" '" 'he .du",~' .h,,,'c and 'h"nriginal ,i~"ed h) th;. dh ;,;." \,m be- rceurned 1lI~ tilil;" U{'t'ml.". SUhtRit tll cht: Cit~ or COlln'~ st h::a.st 30 d~.":'O bt'fuTC tht: !'\l.'nl. PS.tI91179("'l9~) SB-llo . . . sc. Council Agcnda - 2/14/05 Consideration of adovtinl! a resolution commemoratinl! the lS0'h anniversary of \Vril!ht Countv. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Thc Wright County Sesquicentennial Committec is scheduling events and activities to commcmorate the 150lh anniversary of the cstablishment of Wright County. They have requested the City to pass a resolution acknowledging the creation of Wright County. A reception for all elected officials is scheduled for after the Wright County Board meeting at 11 :00 a.m. on February 220" so you may wish to note that date on your calendar. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: I. Adopt a resolution acknowledging the establishment of Wright County. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator to adopt this resolution commemorating the 1501h anniversary of Wright County. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter from Cokato Historical Society Resolution II . BIS-?'O<f . .1:> '~ Cokato Museum and Akerlund Photo Studio ::\0 ~ eO . WWW.COKATO.MN.US/CMHS/ JAN 2 7 2005 January 26, 2005 Dear Wright County City mayor: February 20, 2005, marks the IS0th a~niversary of the establishment of Wright County. The Wright County Sesquicentennial Committee is working on.a series of events, spread across this year, to commemorate that occasion. We are asking all cities and townships in the county to consider passing at your next available meeting, a resolution acknowledging the creation of the county by the Minnesota Territorial Legislature. A sample resolution is included with this letter. If you choose to act on this. . resolution, we ask that an official copy be transmitted to the county board for their permanent records. . e At the February 22nd Wright.County Board meeting, a kick-ofHor this year's celebrations is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. A reception for all county-wide elected officials and their office staff will immediately follow. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed resolution, please feel free to contact me at the Cokato Museum, phone: 320-286-2427 or e-mail: cokatomuseum@cmgate.com. An electronic version of the resolution is available upon request. Sincerely,,_. ~ /ff'~#" ' Mike Worcester Cokato Museum e sc..-1C\ 175 W. 4th 51. . P.O. Box 686 . Cokalo, MN 55321-0686 . (320) 286-2427 . Email: cokatomuseum@cmgate.com '. . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2005-12 RESOLUTION ACKNOWLEDGING THE 150TII ANNIVERSARY OF THE FOUNDING OF WRIGHT COUNTY WHEREAS, Wright County was established by an act of the Minnesota Territorial Legislature on February 20, 1855, and; WHEREAS, Wright County is named after Silas Wright, a former Governor, U.S. Representative, and U.S. Senator from New York State, and; WHEREAS, at the time of its creation, Wright County, then covered by the Big Woods, was inhabited by 504 settlers of European ancestry, as well as Native Americans from the Dakota and Winnebago Nations, and; WHEREAS, since that time, Wright County's rich agricultural history spurred the development of numerous small, diverse communities across the county, and; WHEREAS, today, Wright County is a thriving county of over 100,000people, comprised of seventeen cities and eighteen townships, and; WHEREAS, Wright County's future holds great promise due to its outstanding citizens, rich natural resources, beautiful landscape, and proud tradition. THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED, That the City of Monticello does hereby acknowledge and commemorate the 150'h Anniversary of the incorporation of Wright County, which took place on February 20,1855. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 14th day of February, 2005. ATTEST: Clint Herbst, Mayor Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator se. -f g . . . 5D. Council Agenda - 2/14/05 Consideration of oartncrine: with Wrie:ht County to obtain aerial ohotoe:raohv. (RWl A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: B. The Wright County Surveyor and County IT Department is investigating the feasibility of Wright County acquiring digital aerial photography for the entire cOLmty that can be used as part of their county wide government to government web portal services. Currently Monticello has access to property information through Wright County's wcbsite and the County would likc to add aerial photography to the system that would allow cities to have acccss to not only parcel information but also a photograph of the particular area also. Total cost to obtain the aerial photography for the entire county is estimated at $45,000 and the County is looking to see if cities would be willing to share in $25,000 of this cost through a cost share formula that would basically have each city paying anyv,here trom $657.00 to $2,600.00 to defray some of the cost. Without city participation, it is possible that Wright County would not be able to fly the entire county at this time but would have to do it over the next few years as their budget allows. If enough cities are willing to help share in the cost of this program, we would all have access to this information a lot sooner which could be very beneficial to all cities. A proposed cost sharing amount that would be applicable to the City of Monticello is estimated at $2,631.58, a relatively minor amount when compared to the benefits we might receive. Although this amount was not included in our 2005 budget, I would recommend that the City take this opportunity to participate in this partnership with the County as it has been the goal of the Wright County City Administrators Association to encourage partnership arrangements between cities and the County whenever it is appropriate. I think this definitely falls into one of those categories and would support participation in the aerial photography program. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: I. Authorize the City to enter into a partnership agreement with Wright County for aerial photography in the amount estimated at $2,631.58. 2. Do not authorize participation at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. It is the City Administrator's recommendation that the City participate in this partnership agreement to obtain the aerial photography. The cost is relatively minor and funding can be allocated from our planning and zoning department or from general fund reserves if necessary. SUPPORTING DATA: County Surveyor's letter and cost sharing proposal. ;;lO . .tl~f!'fV q'.l' ~ r.rftP\ If! . z 1.11I......"'. '!. III .". 8 ~ ~~' 1'.~ January 25, 2005 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut St., Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 Wright County Surveyor Jerome C. Wittstock, PLS Public Works Building 1901 Hwy. 25 North Buffalo, MN 55313 Phone: (763) 682-7691 Fax: (763) 682-7313 Email: Jay.Wittstock@co.wright.mn.us RE: Partnership in starting an Aerial Photography Program in 2005 Mr. Wolfsteller, Thank you to those of you who attended the Technology meeting on January 19 at the Government Center. As you saw, the Government-to-Government Web Portal, available to the cities, is developing and contains information that both County and city staff find useful. Please keep in mind that this is for government agencies only. A Government-to-Business Web Portal is in the development. If you need access information, the Wright County IT Department is the point of contact (763) 682-7315. . As we discussed at the meeting, I developed a proposed formula for the cities to share $25,000 of $45,000 needed to add the aerial photography to the Parcel Viewer application that would also be available for other projects in the County/cities. I considered the land area allocation, but it seemed to discriminate against the cities with fixed city boundaries versus those that are annexing a piece at a time. I then considered the number of parcels benefiting from the aerial photography. Based on these two percentages, I assigned a weight to each city and proportioned the cost according. The results are contained in Attachment A. I have also attached a proposed Scope of Services for the aerial photography and sample photography resolutions for your information (l-foot is proposed). Bill Swing is developing the Partnership Agreement for those that wish to take advantage of the Government-to-Government Web Portal and the free exchange of technology and data between the County, cities, school districts, and other governmental agencies. Bill and I are planning on attending the February 3 meeting at Wild Marsh to further discuss the Agreement and photography. Thank you. ~~~~ . 5 0 -d) . . . Attachment A Tabulated Results of the Cost Share Proposal: Share of Municioalilv % of Parcels % of Land Area Weioht $25K CITY OF ALBERTVILLE 7% 4.3% 3 $ 1,973.68 CITY OF ANNANDALE 4% 2.5% 2 $ 1,315.79 CITY OF BUFFALO 16% 9.2% 4 $ 2,631.58 CITY OF CLEARWATER 2% 1.4% 1 $ 657.89 CITY OF COKATO 4% 1.4% 2 $ 1,315.79 CITY OF DAYTON 0% 0.1% 0 $ - CITY OF DELANO 6% 2.6% 3 $ 1,973.68 CITY OF HANOVER 2% 2.7% 2 $ 1,315.79 CITY OF HOWARD LAKE 3% 2.4% 2 $ 1,315.79 CITY OF MAPLE LAKE 3% 1.7% 2 $ 1,315.79 CITY OF MONTROSE 3% 1.5% 2 $ 1,315.79 CITY OF ROCKFORD 3% 1.4% 2 $ 1,315.79 CITY OF ST MICHAEL 18% 33.0% 4 $ 2,631.58 CITY OF SOUTH HAVEN 0% 0.6% 0 $ - CITY OF WAVERLY 2% 1.5% 1 $ 657.89 CITY OF OTSEGO 15% 27.6% 4 $ 2,631.58 CITY OF MONTICELLO 12% 6.3% 4 $ 2,631 .58 Total 100% 100.0% 38 $ 25,000.00 sD~.)), . . . Scope of Services 2005 Digital Orthophotography Pu rDose Wright County, Minnesota is soliciting proposals to acquire spring 2005 digital orthophotography of the County, comprising roughly 829 square miles with a buffer. Backaround Historically, Wright County has obtained photography at varying time intervals produced on a section basis and delivered on mylar media. With the advent of GIS and web mapping, digital information is needed. Proiect DescriDtion Project Area: Wright County, Minnesota with an approximate one-mile buffer Photography: Mapping scale of 1"=200' with a one-foot pixel resolution . True color . Spring of 2005 . Leaf-off . Snow-free . Cloud-free Control: Airborne GPS (Global Positioning Systems) and IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) systems or equivalent technology/methodology to meet specifications. Projection: Wright County Coordinates, NAD83/1996 adjustment, Feet DEM: The USGS 30-meter DEM is the best-known DEM available Resolution: Pixel = 1 foot or finer File format: MrSID and GeoTIFF Horizontal Meet or exceed National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy of 7.68 feet Accuracy: horizontal accuracy at 95% confidence (National Map Accuracy Standard @ 1:2400 scale, 90% of well-defined points fall within 6.67 feet) Deliverables 1 set of Digital Orthophotography on CD-ROM or DVD Metadata Information: 1) Tested Horizontal Accuracy Statement 2) Lineage, including, but not limited to: flight height, photo acquisition dates (and reflights if any), overlap, side lap, number of flight lines, number of exposures, direction of flight lines, control, resolution, tiling scheme, file sizes, description of the process used to create digital orthophotos, source of DEM, etc. 3) Spatial reference information: projection, ellipsoid, horizontal and vertical datum, horizontal and vertical units. S D -d-3 . . . . OwnershiD and Pricina Considerations Wright County intends to use the orthophotography imagery procured under this contract for its own internal business purposes, including internal duplication as needed for internal business purposes. Internal business purposes may include publication of digital orthophotography images in connection with Wright County's and its partners' business functions and publications. The County also intends to share (free of charge) with its government partners and consultants working for the partners the orthophotography imagery procured under this contract. Wright County government partners are: all cities and townships, school districts, watershed districts, counties, regional, state, and federal government agencies with geospatial activities within the County and any Minnesota academic institution of higher learning. Wright County will consider proposals where the selected contractor will own the photography and digital orthophotography developed under this RFP and that the contractor will use, copy, publish or otherwise distribute the photography and digital orthophotography as the selected contractor chooses. Wright County will reserve all the rights necessary to allow all intended uses stated in the paragraph above. Proposing contractors need to clearly state County Ownership and/or Contractor Ownership. Time-Line Aerial Photography in the spring of 2005 Deliverables by July 1, 2005 5D -d.-q . >- .c c.. ro L.. CJ) o -I-J o . .c a.. Q) - c.. E ro (/) . .s:::. u c: ...... \0 '- 2 (U ~ "8 u.. ....-I ....-I sD --:)1:; . . . SE. Consideration of amendinl!: recreational al!:reement between School District. MYHA and City. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you may have noticed, the ice arena being built at the middle school is getting closer to reality and could possibly open for spring skating as early as April 2005. The MYHA is getting closer to finalizing their financing program for this tacility which will include tax exempt bonding authority from the City to lower their interest cost on their financing and also to finalize their financing with Bremer Bank on the construction loan. In preparation for closing on th final financing, Tom Frederick from the MYHA has requested City approval of a few changes to the recreational agreement dated July I, 2004 to coincide >\ith the actual construction loan documents. Initially, the agreement called for the City to make its annual $75,000 payments one year after the agreement was executed, or in this case July I" of each year. The payments would be made for a period often years. The MYHA is asking that an addendum to the agreement be approved by the City Council allowing the payments to be made on February 28th of each year, a few months earlier than the anniversary date of July 1st. This would allow the MYHA to coincide these payments with the construction loan closing and also enable them to borrow a little less money at this time. This will save them construction loan interest. The MYHA is also requesting some modifications to the agreement from the School District, which would have no affect on the City's part of the agreement. The final payment for the remaining eight years of the City's agreement would coincide with the final loan documents starting in 2006 and might vary a little bit from the February 28th date requested at this time. Although this a minor variation from the contract agreement. I had suggested that an addendum be added to the agreement so that future staff and Council is aware of the amended payment dates. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve the addendum to the recreational agreement dated July I, 2004 bet>\een the School District 882, City of Monticello and MYHA as outlined. 2. Do not approve the amendment. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the addendum be approved as it simply modifies the annual payment dates from July I" of each year to February 28'h for the year 2005 and anmmlly thereafter to coincide with the final construction doeuments. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed addendum. db . . . Addendum to the Recreational Agreement dated July 1,2004 Between Independent School District No. 882 And City of Monticello and Monticello Youth Program This Addendum to the Recreational Agreement is being completed in accordance with Article XV, Amendments. All parties have agreed to the following changes. Article III, Term The term ofthis Agreement shall be extended to June, 2030. Article VI, Terms and Conditions, 1.c. This paragraph will be replaced with the following. Set aside $10,000 annually, with a cumulative balance of no more than $100,000, to be used solely for debt reduction or to offset net operating losses as determined in paragraph l.d. below until June 2025. After June 2025 this fund may also be used, upon advice of the Arena Advisory Committee, for major structural repair of the building. These monies will be held by MHY A in a separate account designated for these purposes unless and until needed for these purposes. MYHA shall provide the District evidence of these funds as requested by the District. Article VI, Terms and Conditions, 2.b. Replace "an amount of money" with "semi-annual payments sent directly to Bremer Bank N.A.". Replace "Construction Loan" with "Construction/Term Loan". Article VI, Terms and Conditions, 3.b. This paragraph will be replaced with the following. The payments of the City, as described in paragraph 3(a) above, shall be on the following schedule: I) $75,000 paid directly to MYHA within 10 days after the Construction Loan closing for the Arena. 2) $75,000 paid directly to MYHA by February 28,2005. 3) Eight annual payments of$75,000 paid on behalf ofMYHA and sent directly to Bremer Bank N.A., starting in 2006. The exact annual due date ofthe payments will be determine at a later date to correspond with the annual loan payment schedule from a loan obtain by MYHA. S E -;)1 . . . SF. City Council Agenda - 02/14/0S Consideration to aDD rove enterin!! into the Declarations of Protective Covenants. Conditions. and Protections for Otter Creek Crossin!!. (O.K.) A. Reference and back!!round: At the December 13, 2004 City Council meeting, the Council approved a motion directing the City Attorney to prepare restrictive covenants for recording for the City's portion of Otter Creek Crossing relating to: A) Prohibition and dellnition of outdoor storage, with allowances for vehicle parking, trash handling and trucking activities per IDC recommendation; B) Requirement for irrigation oflandscaping areas between the building line and the street per IDC recommendation; C) Prohibition of metal exterior building materials with exceptions for architectural treatments on roofs, doors, windows, or similar elements. The attached Declarations were prepared by City Attorney Tom Scott and were drafted using a model from the City of Becker. The Declarations include a list of dellnitions, the covenants as recommended by the IDC, and general terms. The Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority will administer the covenants. Upon execution of the Declarations, the document will be recorded against, Lot I, Block 2, Otter Creek Crossing, the 35 acres purchased by the City from Chadwick at the December 22,2004 closing. The HRA and IDC had hoped the Declarations could be applied and recorded against the entire 120 acres to be acquired by the City. The committees felt a one- time recording was economical, efficient, and less cumbersome, while at the same time protecting the value of the commercial property owned by Chadwick. Since the remaining 85 acres is under a Contract for Deed between the City and Chadwick and Chadwick did not agree to be a party to the Declarations, the Declarations pertain only to the 35 acres. As the City continues to purchase additional acreage, so will the Declarations continue. Consultant Steve Grittman and Chief Building Omcial Fred Patch have reviewed the Declarations for consistency of intent. B. Alternative Actions: I. A motion to approve entering into the Declarations of Protective Covcnants, Conditions, and Protections for Otter Creek Crossing. 2. A motion to deny approval to enter into the Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions, and Protections for Otter Crcek Crossing.. a'6 City Council Agenda - 02/14/05 . , ~. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: The City Administrator and Economic Devclopment Director recommend Alternative No.1 as this is consistent with the recommendations of the IDC and HRA. D. Supportin!! Data: Copy of the Declarations. . . 2 ~q . . . (Reservedfor Recording b?!ormation) DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COYENANTS, CONDITIONS, AND PROTECTIONS FOR OTTER CREEK CROSSING THIS DECLARATION is made by the ClTY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("DeclaranC). WHEREAS, Declarant is the fee owner of real property in the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota, legally described as Lot I, Block 2, Otter Creek Crossing ("the Property"); and WHEREAS, Declarant has granted the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (hereinafter referred to "HRA") the authority to administer these protective covenants: and WHEREAS, Declarant desires to establish covenants, conditions, and protections which will benefit the Property for the purpose of facilitating development of the Property and for the purpose of protecting and preserving the value and desirability of the Property; and WHEREAS, all Property Owners are advised that they \vill be expected to abide by the protective covenants hereby established by Declarant. These standards are intended to assure the integrity of Otter Creek Crossing and protect property values and adjoining property uses. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL YED THAT, the Declarant declares that the Property, shall be used, occupied, and conveyed subject to the covenants, conditions, and protections set forth in this Declaration, all of which shall be binding on all persons 1]6553 1 SF-30 . . . owning or acquiring any right, title or interest in the Property and their heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns. SECTION 1 1. DEFINITIONS: 1.1 "Declarant" shall mean the City of Monticello. 1.2 "Improvements" shall mean all structures and other construction on a lot or parcel for use permitted by the zoning ordinances of the City of Monticello, including, but not limited to, buildings, outbuildings, parking areas, loading areas, outside platforms and docks, driveways, walkways, fences, lawns, landscaping, signs, retain walls, decks, railroad tracks, poles, berms and swales, and exterior lighting. 1.3 "Lot" shall mean a portion of the Property identified as a lot on a subdivision plat prepared in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 505, and tiled for record in the Wright County Recorder's Office. 1.4 "Occupant" shall mean any person, other than an owner, in possession of a lot or parcel. 1.5 "Owner" for purposes of this Declaration shall be the Declarant and its successors as recorded fee simple owner of any part of the Property. For purposes hereof, if any part of the Property is sold under a contract for deed or leased under a ground lease, the contact for deed purchaser ("Vendee") and/or ground lessee shall be deemed the Owner in lieu of the record fee simple owner, provided however, that for purposes of amending or modifying this Declaration, the fee simple title owner and the Vendee and/or ground lessee, as the case may be, shall jointly all be dcemed the Owner. 1.6 "Person" shall mean a natural individual, corporations, limited liability company, partnership, trustee, or othcr legal entity capable of holding title to real property. 1. 7 "Property" shall mean all of the real property submitted to the provisions of this Dcclaration, including all improvements located on the real property now or in the future. The Property as of the date of this Declaration is legally described as Lot I, Block 2, Otter Crcek Crossing, Wright County, Minnesota. 116553 2 s ~ - :5 I . . . 116553 SECTION 2 2. STANDARDS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE 2.1 Minimum Standards The minimum standards for the construction, alteration, and maintenance of improvements on the Property shall be those set forth by the City of Monticello and any other governmental agency which may have jurisdiction over the Property. All improvements on the Property shall conform to the then existing building codes in effect for the City of Monticello and shall be in compliance with all laws, rules and regulations of any governmental body that may be applicable, including, without limitation, environmental laws and regulations. Where the following restrictive covenants arc more stringent than the zoning ordinances, other laws and regulations of the City of Monticello or any other applicable government agency, the restrictive covenants contained in this Declaration shall govern and become minimum standards by which the improvements and maintenance of them shall be controlled. 2.2 Use No outdoor storage is allowed. On all lots, no owner or occupant shall store materials, equipment, or items outside of any building. The following exceptions arc not to be considered storage, and may be located outside in compliance with other applicable regulations: a. Passenger vehicles and light trucks parked in compliance with the City of Monticello zoning regulations. b. Parking of company vehicles, including trucks, vans, and other similar vehicles, except that semi-tractors and trailers may only be parked in the side and rear yards. c. Semi-trailers located in designated loading docks. d. Trash handling equipment. 2.3 Building Quality and Materials No building shall utilize metal or steel sidewall building materials with the exception of architectural panels that do not exceed ten percent (10%) of the sidewall surface area. 3 S j: - ~~;) . . . ] 16553 2.4 Landscaping Irrigation System On all lots on which a building is proposed to be constructed, the owner shall, prior to occupancy of the building, install in-ground landscaping irrigation between the front building line and the public street. This requirement shall also apply to the side lot areas of corner lots which face a different street. In the case of rear lot areas that front on a public street, the owner shall install landscaping irrigation for all landscaped areas within fifty (50) feet of the public street. The irrigation system shall provide adequate water to all landscaped areas, including lawns, shrubs, trees, flower beds, or other similar features. This requirement also applies to the "boulevard" portion of the public right of way between the owner's property line and the curb line of the public street. 2.5 General Exterior Maintenance Each owner and occupant of a lot shall fully and properly maintain and repair the exterior of any structure located on such lot in such a manner as to enhance the overall appearance of the Property. The exteriors of all buildings and the parking, driving, and loading areas shall be kept and maintained in a good state ofrepair at all times and be adequately maintained. All lots shall be kept free of debris of any kind and all landscaping must be kept in good repair. All landscaped areas shall be graded to provide proper site drainage. Landscaped areas shall be maintained in neat condition, lawns mowed. and adequately watered in summer, hedges trimmed, and leaves rakes. 2.6 Construction Construction or alteration of any improvement on a lot shall be diligently pursued and shall not remain in a partly finished condition any longer than is reasonably necessary for completion of the construction or alteration. The owner and occupant of any lot upon which improvements are constructed shall, at all times, keep the lot and streets being utilized by such owner in connection with such construction, free from dirt, mud, garbage, trash, or other debris which might be occasioned by such construction or alteration. 2.7 Noxious Activities No trades, services, activities, operations, or usage shall be permitted or maintained, nor shall anything else be done which may be or may become a nuisance to owners or occupants, or offensive or detrimental to the Property by reasons of: a. Unsightliness, or 4 5 ';:.- ~?:, . b. The emission of fumes, odors, glare, vibration. gases, radiation. dust. liquid wastes. smoke or noise or a nature and quantity prohibited by applicable laws 2.8 Temporary Structure Trailers. temporary construction buildings. and the like. shall be permitted only for construction purposes during the period of construction or alteration of a permanent building. Such structures shall be placed as inconspicuously as practical and shall be removed not later than thirty (30) days after the date of the substantial completion of the building. ~ , \ No loading dock shall face School Boulevard or Chelsea Road. \/..... l- -'1, \\<i~ ~ ~ 0 I/\.; \Cl Loading Docks \)1:2. JL SECTl9N 3 Clt;\.~~ GENERAL TERMS \-\ ~k S \=, 3. 3.1 Nature and Term The protective covenants hereinafter set forth shall be considered as covenants running with the land, to be binding on all persons claiming under them and run for a period of thirty (30) years from the date of filing with the Wright County Recorder's Office at which time the protective covenants shall be automatically renewed for successive periods of ten (10) years unless. prior to the renewal date, the owners of eighty percent (80%) or more of the lots agree in writing that the covenants shall terminate at the end of that period. . 3.2 Amendments This Declaration may be amended, modified. or terminated by an instrument in writing, executed by the Owners of eighty percent (80UA,) of the lots. Each lot shall be considered to have one vote. An instrument executed in accordance with this section shall be effective when filed for recording with the Wright COLlnty Recorder's Office. 3.3 Severability I I' any term, covenant or provision of this instrument. or an exhibit attached to it is held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, sLlch detcrmination shall not be deemed to alter, affect, or impair, in any manner whatsoever. any other portion of this document or exhibits. . I I (}.)):' 5 . . . SECTION 4 4. COVENANT ADMINISTRATION 4.1 Enforcement The Declarant, HRA and the owner of any lot shall each, either acting separately or in common, have the authority to bring action for specific performance or injunctive reherto enforce any protective covenant contained herein, 4.2 Adoption These Protective Covenants become effective upon their execution and recording by the Declarant CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Clint Herbst, Mayor By: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2005, by Clint Herbst and Rick Wolfsteller, the Mayor and City Administrator. respectively, of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED By: CAMPBELL KNUTSON, P.A. Professional Association 317 Eaganda]e Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, Minnesota 55]2] TMS/cjh 116553 6 S \=- ~ 31:) Council Agenda: 2/14/05 . 5G. Consideration of a request for buildinl! and landscape plan review for Monticello Retail Center as a part of the Development Stal!e PUD approval. Applicant: Rvan Companies. (NAC/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND As a condition of the Development Stage PUD approval, Council required that Ryan Companies prepare an updated building and landscape plan for Planning Commission and Council approval. The updated plan has been reviewed by staff and the Planning Commission. During Commission's review of the plans, Ryan's representative indicated that thcy fully intend to mcet the conditions as outlined in Exhibit Z. Both staff and Planning Commission recommend that the plans be approved under Alternative #1 below. Ryan Companies have submitted plans illustrating building architecture and site plan details for Target and Home Depot. Planning staff offers the following comments: Building Comments. . 1. The rear (north fayade) of the Target building has been enhanced with the addition of a series of projected wall panels, and includes a variety of colors and striping to add interest to this highly exposed portion of the building. Because of this exposure, the City has encouraged the developer to address the aesthetics of this wall. The changes are considered positive. The only unaddressed item that staff has discussed is the addition of a wall sign on the north exposure to add identification of the bui Iding as a retail, rather than industrial, facility. 2. The side walls of the Target building have also been enhanced in the same way, together with a red stripe integrated into the block pattern. 3. The front wall of the Target building includes a relatively contemporary design, with a sleek appearance. The building includes two semi-circular covered entrances, and an arbor area that extends forward with tree plantings and several variations in the line of the front wall. As with the back and sides, the front of the building includes a variety of colors of rock-face block that add variety to the look of the building. Different wall planes utilize different colors, emphasizing the variation. The aesthetics of the front fayade appear to meet the City's request for a varied and attractive building design. 4. The Home Depot Building is constructed of a combination of ElFS (a pre-finished panel with the texture of stucco) at the top of the building line, and prefabricated concrete panels below, with a rock-face block imprint to simulate the look of block. As is common with Home Depot, a double orange stripe surrounds the building. . 5. The front wall of the Home Depot steps up the roof line to the highest level over the main entrance. A series of higher wall panels capped by a metal cornice in a darker 1 3to Council Agenda: 2/14/05 . color flank both of the entrances. This plan provides a reasonable upgrade from the more basic building design. 6. The rear wall of the Home Depot includes a series of similar dark-colored wall panels that are flush with the building, but reflect the front wall design in color and mass. The applicant also has included the colored striping and a wall sign along the rear wall to identify the building as a retail facility. 7. The fencing that is used to enclose the Garden Center is black vinyl coated mesh and chain link, an acceptable upgrade from galvanized steel. 8. The dock doors facing the St. Benedicts' residential facility have been painted a dark brown to match the building color, rather than orange. In summary, the building design would appear to meet the City's request for an upgraded exterior fayade. Site Plan and Landscaping Comments. 1. The front of the Target building includes a variety of paving colors in the entrance areas, as well as tree planting and the arbor noted above, to create a softer entrance Vle\v. 2. The front of the Home Depot building includes a scored concrete walk area that distinguishes the display area from the pedestrian walkway. . 3. The front of the Home Depot building does not show the landscaping plantcr areas that staff has discussed ",ith the applicants. However, these planters are mentioned in the application letter submitted with the materials. Planning staff believes that this is an important element to both soften and shade the south-facing building. 4. The landscaping plan appears to be reasonably well designed, and exceeds the City's minimum planting requirements by a substantial amount. The plan including an intensified landscape screen area in the front where Home Depot will park a rental vehicle when not in use. S. The landscaping includes a berm and thickly planted border along thc north property line that should filter the view of the rear building walls and service areas of the complex from Highway 7S to the north. . 6. Thc most important screening area is along the common boundary with the St. Benedicts property in the northwest corner of the site. The plan shows an 8 foot high solid fence and a single row of evergreen trees on the St. Benedicts' side of the fence, with the intention that this screen will buffer the residential use from the loading area. Planning staff would recommend that the trees in this area be planted at an initial height of at least 8 feet (rather than the 6 foot minimum specified in the zoning ordinance) to accelerate the screening effect of the vegetation. In addition, the trees are shown to be planted at about I S feet on center, This dimension should be reduced to 12 feet on center, requiring the addition of about 3-4 trees in this area. Finally, an additional 2 31 Council Agenda: 2/14/05 . planting of trees on the St. Benedicts side of the property line would fmiher intensify this screen if acceptable to the St. Benedicts' representatives. 7. The plans show a small plaza area within the "Outlot 0" portion ofthe project - the far southeast corner of the site, south of 7th Street. The plan shows a semi-circular planting area and sidewalk design that would include two benches and connect to the end of the City's pathway and pedestrian bridge to the south. The area is further enhanced with a berm behind the plaza. It would appear to be appropriate to consider a small planting of shrubs and trees on top of this berm to protect the plaza area from wind and frame the site. It is also noted that the City Engineer has some concerns about grade in this area, and the City will need to continue working with the developer on the final design for this plaza. Ryan Companies representatives have indicated that Outlot D will bc owned by Ryan Companies. 8. It is not clear from this set of plans if the parking lot lighting is being coordinated with parking lot cart storage, per previous staffrecommendation. This item should be clarified as a part of the final review. 9. The Home Depot plans include the following elements: . a. Seasonal Garden Center in the parking lot. b. Utility trailer and rental truck display in the parking lot. c. Tool rental and display near the east side of the store. d. Contained storage of material in the rear of the building for customer pick-up. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Development Stage Planned Unit Development for Monticello Retail Center - building and site landscaping for Target and Horne Depot. 1. Motion to approve of the Development Stage PUD, based on a finding that the plans, with the conditions and recommendations listed in Exhibit Z, constitute an increased level of design and amenities sufficient to qualify the site for PUD approval. ^) Motion to deny the Development Stage PUD, based on a finding that the plans do not rise to the level of zoning ordinance requirements for PUD design. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION StafT recommends approval with the comments in Exhibit Z. The applicants have satisfied many of the comments offered by staff, and with the few remaining changes, the plans appear to meet the City's requirements for PUD approval. It is noted that this approval applies to the Target and Horne Depot buildings, and the common landscaping areas around the property. The future phases of the project will still require a Development Stage PUD review prior to final approval and construction. . 1 ~ 30 D. SUPPORTING DATA . A. Site Location Map B. Site Plan C. Home Depot Building Elevations D. Target Store Elevations E. Outlot D Site Plan z. Conditions of Approval . . Council Agenda: 2/14/05 4 3q . ~M\l)~ "'", .., +-M-I- ~ CD N '" '" '" '\2<3 ,oJ) <(C\j ....J W I.:J c 0< W z S!<i ",....J >- ,0< oJ)>- l\Jz '" o u W -! <( () (f) Vl 0 Z ci. (l.. p z <( hi 0 2 > u ....J ....J '" <( >- l.. r- - '\;Il Z '1 >I:)\;IElS "^ () as' > 0 :r: z u r- '" ;:: '" () <t W J 0 cr: (l.. 0 0 '" '" w ...J '" '" W 0- ~ OJ ~ VJ OJ U /"-- ~ ~ 0... 0 Z 0... 0 C) C) C) . ~ (\j '3^\;1 NOll\lj 0- hi '" <J:' '~IJ '" <r SltONna 0< w <( '" '~J:) Cl. 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". \I \I 1\ \I ',I \I \I 1\ , I I I I I " \I \I H II 'I 1\ \I H " \I \I 1\ , , I I I I , I I I', \ I I 1,'1 I (f1 w ';;: U o (f1 (f1 <( o z <( ([) (f1 ;;= >- ([) o w z ::2' n:: w t;:; o (f1 w o <( n:: Cl --' <( z G:: z o 0- :::J t:: " \I II 1\ 1\ \I II , I I I I', \ 1\ \I \I H H \1 \I \I \I \I \I 1\ \I " ,\ 1\ . . . Council Agenda: 2/14/05 Exhibit Z - Conditions of Approval for Development Stage PUD - Monticello Retail Center (Ryan Companies Target and Home Depot) 1. Consideration of the addition of a Target logo sign on the north side of the Target building visible to Highway 75. 2. The front walkway area of the Home Depot is to be improved with the addition of planter areas for tree planting. These planter areas may consist of movable planters if desired. 3. The landscape plan in the area adjacent to St. Benedict's should be intensified by requiring a minimum of 8 foot high evergreen trees at the time of planting, at no more than] 2 feet on center. 4. The pedestrian plaza area on "Outlot D" should be enhanced with shrub and tree plantings on the included berm, and will require further review by staff due to concerns over grading in this area. Limits to grading affecting the plan will be further defined or limited by FHA standards. 5 5G-L\~ 1 j J "I . , "- , 1 "1:'ii; . . . Council Agenda - 2/14/05 SH. Authorize the Distribution of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W) for Poplar Hill Development (Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 200S-07C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Poplar I-lill (Insignia) development is the former Schluender property located southwest of the Groveland dcvelopment and east of 90th Street. This project is located on 210 acres and includes a proposed mixed residential development of 227 unattached housing units and 478 attached housing units. This development required an EA W pursuant to Minnesota Rules 4410.4300 subpart 19 pertaining to the construction of 705 residential units. The EA W proccss includes distribution with public notice for a 30 calendar day review. Authorizing the EA W does not constitute approval of the project, but rather that the EA W is complete and can be submitted for agency review. The City of Monticello is the Responsible Government Unit (RGU) for the preparation of this EA W. The Poplar Hill development EA W is attached. Upon receipt of all public comment. this item will be brought back to the City Council for a final decision regarding the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize distribution of the EA W for the Poplar Hill development to the required agencIes. 2. Do not authorize distribution of the Poplar Hill development EA W at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator, Deputy City Administrator, and City Engineer recommend selecting Alternative No. I. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Poplar Hill development EA W ,......~. . !JI !.':ld<l\lllg,.lwn!jYm:l!I.II)j ('OIlJIdl Ag,',,,I,,'J'~'h-2idi5',l 1-I_1I5/'opl,"HiIWA IV-Olin)).,!,,, . . . B. Council Agenda - 2/14/05 51. Consideration of calline: for a Dublic hearine: on an amendment to the zonine: ordinance ree:ulatine: relocation of lawful non-conformine: billboard sie:ns. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to call for a public hearing to be conducted by the Planning Commission on ordinance amendments necessary to allow relocation of lawful but non-conforming signs impacted by the interchange project. According to our ordinance, once a lawful non- conforming sign is rcmoved it cannot be reestablished. In the case of the interchange project, there are at least two signs tbat will be impacted by the installation of the deep trunk sewer line and three impacted by the loop ramps installed on thc A VR property. A change in the code would provide the city with the option of allowing the lawful non- conforming signs to continue. Without a change in the code, the city would be required to compensate the sign companies and or property owners for the financial loss associated with the sign removal. I do not have precise figures on the "cost" associated with removing each sign but the figure would be vcry high. With the action requested, the potential changes to the code would be presented to the Planning Commission at their regular meeting on March 1,2005. The public hearing would be conducted at that time as well. The recommendation by the Planning Commission and a report on the public hearing would then be reviewed and acted on by the City Council at the March ]lh or ",-larch 14th meeting. AI. TERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion to call for a public hearing on an amendment to the zoning ordinance regulating relocation of lawful non-conforming billboard signs. Hearing to be conducted by the Planning Commission on March 1,2005. 2. Motion to deny request to call for a public hearing on an amendment to the zoning ordinancc regulating relocation of lawful non-conforming billboard signs. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDA nON: The City Administrator recommends Alternative #1 as a potential ordinance amendment would provide the City with the more economical option of allowing relocation of lawful non- conforming billboards to accommodate the interchange and associated utility projects. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. S~ . . . Council Agenda - 2114/05 5J. Authorization to Comolete Sanitary Sewer Flow Monitorin!! for the Herita!!e/Silver Sorin!!s Develooment (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2005-06C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: A sanitary sewer and watermain utility study was authorized by the City Council to analyze the City's existing utility system to determinc the means for providing service to the 882-acre Heritage development/Silver Springs Golf Course site, located in the northwest area of the City. In order to analyze existing flow rates and remaining capacity in the City's interceptor sanitary sewer system that would serve thc dcvclopment, it is beneficial to obtain flow rates and volumes using flow meters provided by companies that specialize in flow monitoring services. It is anticipated that three flow meters, located in the Elm Street and River Street Interceptors, will be adequate to provide flow rates to analyze the system. We have obtained quotes from SampleTech in the amount of $3,275 and from Tech Sales Company in the amount of$2,750 to provide these services. It is anticipated that flow monitoring would begin the weck of Fcbruary 21, 2005. SampleTech will provide confined space entry equipment and equipment take down, whereas Tech Sales will not. Therefore, we recommend obtaining now monitoring services from SampleTech. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize obtaining sanitary sewer flow metering services trom SampleTech in the amount of $3.275. 2. Do not authorize this work at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Public Works Director and City Engineer recommend selecting Alternative No. I. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Contractor Quotes 53 (':'j)( i( "I'MF--I'J ).~ IVN(;/I-I.( "",/()( 'AI.S-{' '<'lIIpIA! ;.v n:H-Sflil Sill _~klaill!, Ii]! -1115.,1", . . . 5amPIeTech Environmental & Industrial Water Sampling Services Mr. Ju.'lin Moon.. WSB Associatos Inc. 415001"", Momon.l Hwy Ste, 300 Golden Vall.y, MN 55422-4828 Fehn""y 9,2005 R E' Proposal for Flow Moniloring - One Week Three Locations - ell)' of Monticello, MN Dear Mr. Me""cr: SompIeTeeh is pleased to provide this proposal for flow monitoring services reluled to th. above referenced project Sampler ech will pruvide lhc equip,,":nllllld trained p<:nlOITIIcI noc.....y to oondLJCllhe flow monitoring at three 10Cldi0ns. This pI'(JJlO..... i. bs.'Ied (Ill infl)rmation provided by telephone OOOversaliOllS with Justin Mesner. SampleTech will provide !he following: . Confined "P'" enby equipmenl for """,hol. ins1allotionltak:edown. · blan !SCO 4150 Flow Iollll0T with NY sensor 00 lDOOIlting riI1l! . Dala download & 1r8Dsfer (e-mail) aft.. projeet is ecmplele The oost estimate fur lhi, prqjoct is: EquipmmJ /n.wll Equipmrmt Charges Report & Data 1'nm.if.,. EquipmcI11TaJa:dnw. $/,2.10.00 $945,00 $/,iQ.oo $950,00 Toral Projed Cost $3.275.00 Sorvi..... will be invoiced monll1ly rOI II1e c1l1n1lion of !be Jll'CIiecl in lIOOOIdurlce with the Cosl E;timute. Paymenl of invoi""" i. due n.1 thirty (30) &ys wilh inlero.<! added to unpaid balances, If addition.l services "'" re<JUired, w. will provide a cost estimate fOI dlOSO services, Upon reoeipt of your WritteD outllorization and review of ow ~t of genetal oonditions, we win JlI'OC"CC! with the services and invoice in acoordance with the COSIllstima1e. We appreciAue the oppotlUDil)' to presenl this proposaL Two ropies of this proposal are being provided so lbat one copy may be signed and relumed 10 .. as wriuen authuriZllli<m. If you have any quesriOl1$ ~ng this proposal. pI.... feci free to contaet lIS at (9'i2) 831.3341, 8t your carliest """,,onionce. Sincerely, SlIIDpl.Tech J ~ ).,L( IJ~ Sieve C, Hodel: Opel'll1iollS Manager 5'1 5L\ 4801 W..181- Street, Salt<>118. Bloonrincton. Minneooto 55437. (951) 1131.3341. F.. (951) 1131-4551 Stmtplrtn;h r!l U division o/Pnr EnpuriJIg, llle E/2'd 00LiivSESL:ol E0/c0'd 00LiivSE9L 2SSviE82S6 9NI~33NI9N3 ~d:wo"~ 2v:80 S002-60-83j S31~IJOSS~ ~ 8SM cv:80 S00c-60-83j . . . >:,>:'d avm"d mOd 11:1101 SilmpleTech Environmental & Industrial Water Sampling Servkes Mr. Justin MC::'Dcr Page 2 February 9.2005 The W1dersigoc:<l aulhori_ SampleTcch, . Divi,,;on of Pccr Engineering. Inc. 10 prOC<Cd in oce<>rd:mcc with the '00"'. staled terms and agr.es to be respollSiblo for payment. Doue Clic:tlI'.NlUlll; Titl. Authorized Signature 5 J - SS 4801 W...181" Streel, Suire 118. Blooming/on, MI.nMota S5437. C9S2) 831-3341. Fax (952) 831-4552 SompJ~/~1t is 0 dMJf()rt I}fP""" &tgm"",.iIw, Inc. 002. nI>S>:9.L: o.l OOL. nl>S>:91. 2SSl>l>:seS6 9NI~33NI9N3 ~3d:w04j 2t>:B0 S002-60-83j S31tJ DOSSl:l '& 8:SM cl> :80 S00c-60-8:3j e Justin Messner From: Sent: To: Subject: Abraham Salamzadeh {salamzadeh@techsalesco.comj Wednesday, February 09, 2005 5:09 PM Justin Messner FW: Monticello Flow study Cl WsbAs-MLquote_2 050084.hlml (1... Justin, Here is the revised quote. Please note we will have the some of the items shipped UPS Red on Tuesday next week for a set up in field on Wednesday. Your freight charges will most likely exceed the estimated $50-$80 that I had given you earlier. Please estimate $150- $200 for over night delivery. Let me know if you have any questions. Best Regards, Abraham Salamzadeh Tech Sales Co. {6l2)823-8238 (612)810-0034 Cell (612)823-4272 Fax E-mail: salamzadeh@techsalesco.com Web Site: www.techsalesco.com -----Original Message---__ From: Abraham Salarnzadeh [rnailto:salarnzadeh@techsalesco.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 11:53 AM eTO: ljmessner@wsbeng.com' SUbject: FW; Monticello Flow study Justin, Here is extra. know if the You you revised quote that you requested. Please note that shipping charges will be may estimate about $50-$80 for shipping. Taxes are also not included. Let me have any questions. Thank you. Best Regards, Abraham Salamzadeh Tech Sales Co. 1612)823-8238 (612)810-0034 Cell (612)823-4272 Fax E-mail: salamzadeh@techsalesco.com Web Site: www.techsalesco.com . SJ-Sl, 1 Quotation# 2050084 Page 1 of2 . QUOTATION Quotation From: TECH SALES CO. 311 W.44TH STREET MINNEAPOLIS MN 55409 Ph: (612) 823-8238 Fx: (612) 823-4272 Ouotation For: WSB & Associates Inc. 4150 Olson Memorial Hwy. Suite 300 Minneapolis MN 55422 Ph: (763) 287-7160 Fx: (763) 541-1700 Attention: Justin Messner Reference: Isco Flow logger Lease/Service Quotation#: 2050084 Revision#: 2 Date: 02/09/05 Please Address Order To: TECH SALES COMPANY C/O TECH SALES CO. 311 W. 44TH STREET MINNEAPOLIS MN 55409 FOB: Minneapolis Delivery: 1-2 Weeks ARO Salesman: Abraham Salamzadeh Validity: 30 Days Terms: Net 30 Days . Item Qty Part#illescription I 1 1 WEEK FLOW STUDY SERVICE 1 Week Flow Study Service First Site Visit: Installation and set up of the Flow Monitoring Equipment (includes travel time to the site, Equipment installation and set up) Last Site Visit: Downloading of Meters, Equipment Retrieval (Includes travel time to the site, time on site, data report ) Includes Rental of (2) Isco 4150 Flow Loggers, and (I) Isco 2150 Flow Logger (each with A V sensor) 15",18",24" Rings, Software and communication cable. NOTES: Price Ea Item Total 2,550.00 2,550.00 -- -- . City to supply traffic control during setup and removal of the equipment. City will be respobsible for confined space entry 53. Sl file://C:\Documents and Settings\JMESSNER\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OL... 2/10/2005 . . . Quotation# 2050084 during installation and removal of the flow loggers. Quote Total Prices shown do not include freight or sales tax. Thank you for considering Tech Sales Co. for your instrumentation needs. Please review this quotation, if you have any questions please call us at (612) 823-8238. By: Abraham Salarnzadeh for TECH SALES COMPANY Page 2 of2 2,550.00 S1 - S~ file://C:\Documents and Settings\JMESSNERILocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OL... 2/10/2005 . . . 5K. Council Agenda 2114/05 Consideration of Findinl! that City Sale of Land for School/Community Meetinl! Space Use is Consistent With the Downtown Redevelopment Plan. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission reviewed this item at their regular meeting on February 1 st, 2005, and voted unanimously to recommend Alternative #1 below. The City Attorney has indicated that the sale of approximately Y, acre of land at the western cdge of the Community Center Site to Swan River Montessori School first rcquires that thc City determine whether or not the sale for the proposed use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City. The Montessori School includes the cxisting church building as an assembly hall plus 6 classrooms housing a maximum 115 students. The assembly hall will be accessible to all citizens for a variety of uses. including weddings, church use and meeting space. This space will be available for rent during week nights and weekends. During summer months, the facil ity will be available at all times for public use. Scheduling for use of the space will be coordinated through Community Center staff. Attached YOLl will find excerpts from the Comprehensive Plan. which note that the area on which the school is located is guided for "Civic/Institutional" uses. In the plan. Civic/Institutional uses are listed as: municipal and county facilities (except maintenance operations). public meeting spaces. community activity spaces, educational facilities, churches. outdoor gathering spaces. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS l. Motion finding that the proposed School/meeting space use at this location is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City. 2. Motion finding that the proposed School/meeting space use at this location is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based on the ideas and expectations put forth in the Comprehensive Plan. it is clear that the proposed use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Therefore, staffrecommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Excerpts from Comprehensive Plan B. School/meeting space site plan Se>.. organized to create a sense of pieces fitting exactly together. The picture that results in a built downtown is one that is beautiful and one that functions well for the community. . Districts Downtown Monticello will always be a mix of uses, ages and patterns, and the plan recognizes a series of districts formed around basic uses and character. Therefore, a building near the river will have a character different from a building near the interstate. A uniform building character across the entire downtown will never be achieved and would likeiy be undesirable for tenants and the community. Within districts, however, buildings would have a strong relationship to one another and a consistent relationship to the streets of the district. . ---- L.1o>l/-co /) Key [)btrie1; --- ~ .RO...Il......~' IXlWlllTOWN ~aROA,D""'''Y:!Jl.Sr'''''1l ~WESr ~""AlNlIT ,@~tt1e ~IfVI"'''HtT'FIiE''t m"......"'..t1OtlolJ" DI<e:IOH'O~...cOO ~!tIOU&T~IM.. _) ((-lee ,_,~~'~'C'._"".~ "..,~ . . . The plan envisions eleven districts in downtown, each with varvmO" leU t:......~~ - '" - use and character: Riverfront Specialty retail, eating establishments, lodging, entertainment, multi- family residential, office; upper level residential or office; two or three story buildings; river orientation; emphasis on public areas surround- ing buildings (rather than parking lots) Broadway: Downtown Small and mid-sized retail, specialty retail, personal and business ser- vices, eating establishments, lodging, entertainment and office; upper level residential or office; two story buildings; orientation to Broadway Broadway: East and West Single family residential; strong emphasis on restoration of existing older homes Walnut . Small and mid-sized retail, personal and business services, eating establishments and office; upper level residential or office; two story buildings encouraged; orientation to Walnut Street Pine Mid-sized retail and office; two story buildings encouraged; orienta- tion to Pine Street Seventh Street Larger scale retail and service, auto-oriented retail and service, drive- through restaurants, lodging; orientation to Seventh Street Transitional Mix of small office, personal and business services, multi-family resi- dential and single family homes Neighborhood Predominantly single family homes following existing neighborhood patterns Industrial Sunny Fresh operations only; transition to CiviclInstitutional, Walnut or Transitional if Sunny Fresh ceases operation Park and Open Space . Parks, cemeteries, outdoor public spaces and gathering spaces Civic/institutional . Municipal and county facilities (except maintenance operations), pub- lic meeting spaces, community activity spaces, educational facilities, churches, outdoor gathering spaces I_,gc-t ,):)vL~ ~ , f / p,61r ,e. I ~ A New Bridge :L; Revitalizing ManUrel/o's Downtown and Rtvertront ~ Pag~ 3:13 5~\o\ . . ,1 I tlf I ~ p . G 1 :7 II f ! ~ . 170/38 39'<7d ~ ~ m tv r-- t[ III ~ 1 -.-.-1- L) BOW r I I 'f , .1 't :j j: ( .. , , I I If ~. " .1 ..- ...J.' , 1~ ""1- + Ii i :- .. I I" 'S~ -~;) TES l:LLSZ IS gf':l'! T <, . _ , 17003l331t0 C) '-ol Cj (,j - ~ ~ ~ '- -=.- - (...) ~ ~ ~0 ~~ ~ tylf ~ ~~~ I~~ ~&~ ~~ " 't flY q,'" 4Y~ " ~ , ~ o ~ '? "1 "1 '" ~ V1 0: Cl Ii" C\. G ~ 1X ~ ~ 8<:i_ ~:j~ , tj )..' C)_I-. -I-.~ .~~~ ~ I-. ~ ?5 C) _ ...... ~ '{! 2 ~ h ~ ~ 0: l...J V) '<t: Q-k! -.l~L.J {h. l....i_~ a~ h 1--:"( ~~h~~2~ ~(5ti~13L;j~ ~S'-lc) ClCl ~~~~~~~n ~~ Gf--S?~ "'''il:''''C'0:i! 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"l.. \;,,,, ~!,; "' '" m ~ :; k '-' " ~ h 2 k " ~, 'tJ ~; 0: ~~ g klc) "Vi :,; ~~ :::k ~i:s ~i5; "-:::: hk v,~ ~'c 3ij "'~ il'" c ~ , Q ~ Q v , ~ h Q ~ ~ Q C < , h ~ , ~ ~ <. , e: ~ ~ "' ., '" m r--..: 4t --..9.(" - C"/ ~o<C" S 0 ;;, "' m 0 "' "' '" m ~ ~ 3 ~ " II ", ~ cf. --...._- "' / '" ~ m "' p '" '" m '" 0 " ! 0 .~ -, ;~ ,.1:' __---. (., -~"- '" ! Q /~ / /~';:J 6;' /'(# ~~a ~/ ~ / if> ;>' ~ ';';-'1 01 ,: "; / ~! / // / ./ 'II /{I ~//I / };;: ~;'!j rn '" , m / ...... '''// ',S' i 'I "- 'l?~. ,/l' l~ "" ....,..... o i, l' ........ '" .0.... , II :;: '0 .<oO>~ /,,// l\ t '" ....."Y.~I ; ;: .$' .Urn 1. /. o o '" '" m 0') Q o '" '" rn " '. ~ "' 0" ~.-~ "- -~~ 's.... / "'l '...., '.... '. . . . 7. 94 at Coun 'State Aid Hi Approval (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City of Monticello, Mn/DOT, and Wright County have been developing a layout which details the geometric standards (i.e., number of trat1ic lanes, shoulders, intersections, signals, bridges, intcrchange configuration, etc.) for the proposed Interchange on 1-94 at CSAII18. On October] 5, 2004, Mn/DOT granted staff approval for the final layout. Since the proposed project alters access on 1-94 it falls under the Municipal Consent Statutes; which require the City to hold a public hearing within 60 days of receiving the final layout. After the public hearing, the City has 90 days to grant approval or disapproval or the layout is deemed approved, Proiect Elements: The major elements detailed in the layout include the following: . Widcning CSAH 18 to a four-lane section from School Boulevard to CSAH 75 . CSAH 18 bridge replacement to a four-lane scction . Ramps/loops to create a full interchange . Widening approximately 850 feet of the east end of Chelsea Road to include a median and turn lanes . Ponds on the north/south sides ofl-94 to accommodate both local and regional drainage Estimated Proiect Cost: $16,000,000 - $17,000,000 B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: Conduct a public hearing on the geometric layout on the Interchange on 1-94 at CSAH 18 at 7:00 p.m, I. Adopt the resolution for layout approval on the Interchange on Interstate 94 at County State Aid Highway 18. 2. Do not accept resolution at this time, C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator, Deputy City Administrator, Public Works Director and City Engineer recommend selecting Alternative No. L D. SUPPORTING DATA: Requcst for Approval Final Layout will be posted in the council chambers for viewing prior to the meeting. Resolution ("-'i.)()(-iJIF-idi.:II-"(;P',.' ('!.JJ!(',.IIS-i'.!;'II'{"" .'Oi::~f.,.'....",,:.li'I "..."U,:,',,,I,,,",,, lo3 ~ District 3 - Project Development 3725 12'h 51. N 51. Cloud, MN 56303 Office Tel: (320) 654-5446 Fax (320) 203-6089 Minnesota Department of Transportation . December 8, 2004 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Avenue Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Mr. Wolfsteller, Attached is a copy of the Interstate 94/CSAH 18 Interchange Layout Number I as approved by MnlDOT staff The purpose of this submittal is to satisfy Mn/DOT's legal requirements relating to final layout approval as outlined in State Statue 161,164. Municipal Consent must be obtained if MnlDOT in order for us to participate in the cost of the interchange. . The purpose of the proposed project is to satisfy several needs within the corridor. 1. Add missing movements to the partial interchange at CSAH 75 by replacing it with a full movement interchange on 1-94 at CSAH 18, 2, Provide relief to TH 25 by constructing westbound on and off ramps at CSAH 18 3, Provide relief to TH 25 by widening CSAH 18 to 4-lanes. After receiving the final layout from MnlDOT the City will have 15 days to schedule a public hearing on the tinallayout, 60 days from receipt to conduct the public hearing and up to 90 days after the public hearing to approve or disapprove the layout in writing, or take no action which results in MnlDOT proceeding as planned, If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to call at any time, Thank you, Sincerely, Chad Hausmann Project Manager . 1- ~'-\ - . . . RESOLUTION NO. 2005-13 RESOLUTION FOR LAYOUT APPROVAL At a meeting of the City Council of the City of Monticello, held on the 14th day of February, 2005, the following Resolution was offered by and seconded by to wi\: WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Transportation has prepared a final layout for the improvement of Interstate 94 within the City of Monticello from 2,300 feet west of CSAH 18 to 9,600 feet east of CSAH 18; and seeks the approval thereof: and WHEREAS, said final layouts are on file in the Minnesota Department of Transportation office, 3725 - 12th Street, S\: Cloud, Minnesota, being marked, labeled and identified as Layout No.1, S.P. 8680-138; and WHEREAS, improvements to city streets and appurtenances have been included in the said final layouts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said final layouts for the improvement of said Trunk Highway within the corporate limits be and is hereby approved". Upon the call of the roll the following Council Members voted in favor of the Resolution: The following Council Members voted against its adoption: ATTEST: Mayor Dated February 14, 2005 (',d)f)('IJIi':_r'IJ,III'V;II_.J./"h!.iJ{_,II.."__!'lu.'J.I'I'ij,,!26.\Ii...,' '{'....i(."".,.""'}!.",.",...!;,,,,),,, i-loS City Clerk . STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT CITY OF MONTICELLO I do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota at a duly authorized meeting thereof held on the 14th day of February, 2005, as shown by the minutes of said meeting in my possession. (SEAL) . . (':',f)()('(..\Ji..__l'.I!.III.S(OII_....(.I','iI(..Ii.S_!.,ic.;,I'"')5M_',;.I!""""-;I'''' ('", -"'il II.',-ofmi"" "',,,- \_1010 . . . Council Agcnda - 2/14/05 8. Conduct the Public Hearing for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Proiect (City of Mouticello Proiect No. 2004-01C) and Ordcr the Proiect (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The feasibility report for the above-referenced project was presentcd and accepted by the Monticello City Council at their December 13,2004 meeting. The City of Monticello's Transportation Plan identified this intcrchange as one of the transportation improvement projects to improve mobility and reduce congestion for the motoring public. The proposed project removes the existing partial access interchange at 1-94 and CSAB 75 and then constructs a full access, grade-separated, folded diamond interchange at 1-94 and CSAB 18. The proposed improvements include the replacement of the existing bridge carrying CSAB 18 over 1-94, construction of freeway entrance and exit ramps and loops, widening of CSAB 18, grading, removal of existing ramps at CSAB 75 and 1-94, and installation of new traffic signals. Utility improvements include the installation of storm water collection and treatment system as well as the relocation of existing hydrants on CSAB 18 within the project limits. The estimated project cost totals $16,159,138, which includes approximately $4,580.350 in easement and right-of-way acquisition costs. The project is proposed to be funded through the City, State, County, Trunk Fees and assessments. Staff met with the City Council on February 7'h to discuss the assessment approach for the interchange. Currently, the City has been working with Ryan Companies on the Bondhus and Dahlheimer site on the north side ofl-94, and Shawn Weinand on the Monticello Industrial Park site located on the south side of 1-94. The Ryan site is proposed to be assessed at a rate of $1.25 per square foot for their gross property area. The Weinand property has varied uses and is proposed to be assessed at a rate 01'$1.25 per square foot adjacent to 1-94 and $0.50 per square foot for properties located south of Chelsea Road and east of CSAB 18. Monticello Independent School District No. 882 is located adjacent to CSAB 18 and Chelsea Road. We have identi tied a potential assessment for CSAB 18 for the school; however, this is anticipated to be waived subject to the school district providing necessary easements, right-of- way, completing internal driveway improvements that may be necessary in the future, and agreeing to the Chelsea Road assessment. The portion of Chelsea Road adjacent to the school property is proposed to be assessed according to the anticipated benefit. Resurrection Church is located adjacent to CSAB 18 in the southeast portion of the project area. Driveway relocations associated with the Meadow Oak Avenue improvement project are anticipated to be completed and right-of-way is necessary from Resurrection Church. We have identified a potential assessment for CSAB 18 for Resurrection Church; however, this is intended to be waived as part of the agreement for the construction of Meadow Oak A venue. City staff and Council have been working with the developers of these sites to negotiate agreements for payment of the improvements and dedication of necessary right-of~way and easements. Those agreements are pending at this time and would supercede the assessment numbers identified with this agenda item once thcy are signed. If the agreements are not put in place, the City would still preserve the option to assess the properties for their share of the improvements according to the rates identified herein. Other properties considered for assessment with the interchange include properties located north of 1-94 and east and west of CSAB 39. The City Council has chosen to identify only properties which are currently undeveloped and are proposing a rate of $0.50 per square foot for those undeveloped properties. (':',il'J('/JIi"._I'!J.ill',\\;S__.'.('f'./.{)(-.I!..'._I',l,'",pur;\'jr..:-{'\III i."I'o/."II, f!c'"ri"g-O:!!-I'J.'.J,. '-al . . . Council Agenda - 2/14/05 Other funding sources include trunk fees for storm sewer along with contributions from Mn/DOT and Wright County according to specific agreements. Presentation on this project with an explanation of the overall program will be provided at the meeting. The assessments arc estimated at this time and can be adjusted by the COlillcil now or at the assessment hearing. In accordance with Minnesota Statute 492, in order to bond for this project the City Council must hold a public hearing prior to the contract award and also conduct an assessment hearing at the completion of the project. The Council should direct staff to provide a presentation of the project. take questions from the Council, open the public hearing to I isten to public comment, close the public hearing, and then take action. The anticipated project schedule is as follows: . Mn/DOT Distribution/Bridge Approva1...............Apri129~ 2005 . Plans approved for bidding .............................,.....June 23. 2005 . Bid Opening ...........................................................July 22~ 2005 . Start construction.....................,..................... September 1,2005 . Substantial completion ......................................A.ugust 31,2006 . 100% Complete (north side ofI-94) ........... September 31. 2006 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: c. .~<.{~ Conduct the public hearing and order the project. l'~j ^ 2. Do not conduct the public hearing at this time. t.~ \f/ N\ (J".._ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 11 --rv )Y'7 ;J-c-~:~ /l I 2/;.9 1. The City Administrator, Deputy Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer recommend selecting Alternative No. I. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Preliminary Assessment Roll Chelsea Road/CSAH 18 Reconstruction Cost Breakdown for Monticello Independent School District No. 882 and Resurrection Church Memorandum regarding City of Monticello Proposed Assessment Policy . . \0<(; (':Don .\/F_.I',IJ..IIr\r;/i_ l.(I'I.(!(..'/.,.,-i':!~.;"I"'.I<;.\ 11,II_CSII! I."/',.!,ilc IIn",i,..g-,,:!~'}5.d.., . CHELSEA ROAD/CSAH 18 RECONSTRUCTION COST BREAKDOWN FOR RESURRECTION CHUCH AND MONTICELLO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 882 The Monticello assessment policy identifies assessing non-residential properties a set rate per front foot plus new improvcments such as sidewalk, curb and guttcr, and storm sewer. Further, the front footage is discounted if it is a side lot with acccss to 50% of the total and a side lot with no access is reduced to 25% of the total. J have attached the memorandum for your information. For the purposes of this project, the following assessmcnts would be proposed: 1. Resurrection Church 563 feet (short side 100% charged) x $104/FF* = $58,552 * ($60/FF for street + S24/FF for storm sewer + S20/FF for curb and gutter ~ $1 04/FF) This assessment is proposed to be waived per the agreement with the church on Meadow Oak A venue. . 2. Monticello Independent School District No. 882 . CSAH 18 1,256 feet (long side of school with access - use 50%) 628 FF x $1 04/FF* * = $65,312 *' ($60/FF for street + $24/FF for storm sewer + $20/FF for curb and gutter ~ $1 04iFF) This assessment is proposed to be waived pcr an agreement to provide right-of-way and easements and payment of the Chelsea Road assessment. . Chelsea Road 771 feet (10% assessed) 771 FF x $148/FF*** = $114,108 '2~ {O * * * (S60/FF for street + S68/FF for storm sewer +$ 14/FF for curb and gutter + $6/FF for sidewalk ~ $148iFF) . (': ,!J(ln -',IF--llf!..III_H,'f{-! FI'IO'",II.S-_!'1""p',.J(iY ii.11 :Irri! "1/_. 'n." Ii,-,.",-""".,,"_'!} !_1I,5.'1,; 8-1\ ... WSB . & As"oci!lles hI( Memorandum To: Honorable IIJayor and City Council City of ll;/ontice/lo From: Bret A. Weiss, P.E. City Engineer Date: September 22, 2003 Re: Proposed Assessment Policy . Over the past several years, the City of Monticello has been working on developing assessment policies for street and utility reconstruction within the City of Monticello. The COll11cil has stated an interest in charging fees for assessments that do not vary substantially from year to year to create consistency in what residents are charged. One of the challenges with dcveloping the program relates to the potential difference in construction cost from year to year, and project to project for improvements that may, on the surface, seem to be very similar. For example. if actual construction costs were used to charge residential properties their cost of the construction project, these numbers would typically vary from year to ycar, depending on the bidding climate in that particular year. or the difficulty of the overall construction project. A property could pay 20% more than another property for seemingly the same improvement. Therefore. our approach in addressing all of the proposed assessments is to develop rates for the different types of improvements which can be increased annually by a set percentage. but would create a more uniform numbcr to use. It is important that we address this assessment policy as we move forward with the CSAH 75 and Core Street Reconstruction projccts assessment hearings. The following is a summary of the assessment items that are anticipated to be charged on those projects and the method in which we would propose to complete the assessments. I. Streets. The City Council, in the past, has agreed that the propcrties should be charged either as a residential property or as a non-residential property. All non-residential properties would be considered properties that do not contain a single family residence. The Council had agreed to charge residential properties on a per unit basis, and non- residential properties on a tront footage basis. The residential method would be charged per driveway acccss and would be assigned according to the street that the property accesses. The non-residcntial rate would be charged as follows: . 100% of the front footage cost of the short side of the property. i.e., the tront. . 50% of the long side (side street) as long as the property has direct access trom that strect. . . 25% of the long side (side street) if the property does not have direct access. If a ncw access is added later. the property would pay the additional 25% in thc future. ,': ."'F"'lii'--_! 1.' iIIS(.;!~'.'.< '/ i.")(:US,; ""',':r "'il'i," """""''''':'L"i.( Honorable Mayor and City Council September 22, 2003 Page 2 . Residential property with underlying commercial zoning is proposed to be assessed by the use that is in placc at the time ofthe improvement If the use changes in the future, the assessment would be re-evaluated based on a 20-year pavement life, to the higher use, not including the additional interest cost If a property does not have a paved street or concrete curb and gutter and storm sewer, those costs would be charged at the actual cost to the benefited property owners. 2. Storm Sewer. Storm sewer improvements are anticipated to be included with the street reconstruction costs unless there is new storm sewer that is intended to benefit certain properties. In this situation, the cost of the new storm sewcr would be paid at the actual costs plus overhead. , .J. Sidewalk. Sidewalk is proposed to be assessed in a manner that was previously completed at a rate of 25% of the project cost to the benefited property owner. 4. Sanitary Sewer and "Vatcrmain. There are two parts of sanitary sewer and watermain assessments, and our approaches to those are noted as follows: . . Services: The City has long recommended that services are the responsibility of the property owner from their home or business to the utility main. This approach would continue for the replacement of existing services at the cost of the installation, plus indirect costs. Because watermain is typically completed on one side or the other of the centerline of the street, the policy would be to not charge more than half of the right-of-\vay, but the actual amount if the line is located closer to the property than half of the right-of-way. . Lateral Systems. Both the downtown street reconstruction and the CSAH 75 improvement project involve the reconstruction of portions of our lateral sanitary sewer and watermain systems. Because not every system was replaced, there is some question as to how to move forward with the assessments of those improvements. One option is to develop a nominal cost on a front foot basis or on a unit basis that would address the payment of approximately 20% of the mainline improvements. At this time. we have not determined the best method to address these assessments, and will discuss this with the Council at the next meeting. This is the policy that is being utilized for development of assessments for the dovmtown core street. CSAH 75, and Cedar Street improvement projects. If the Council is interested in making any modifications to these assessment methods, the individual assessments can be adjusted accordingly prior to the assessment hearings. Please do not hesitate to give me a call at 763-287-7190 if you have any questions or comments regarding this memo. . (','/J()(-r:\fF_N.l.lln'(dl_i./'!'!.O('_If.S__.".le_',']',!lY!.\r.13."w,,,,,_, "'(.,-,'", "0-1 ~ Internet: www.losfls.com + Also admitted in Wisconsin a Also admitted in Arizona o Also admitted in Iowa i OualifiedNeutral (Rule 114) . Certified Real Property LawSpccialist (Minnesota State Bar Association) ..Relired Status LEONARD, O'BRIEN SPENCER, GALE & SAYRE Thomas W. Newcome" Brian F. Leonard+ Eldon J. Spencer, Jr. + Michael R.O'Brient Edward W. Gale Grover C. Sayre, III+O Thomas W. Newcome Ill. Michelle McQuarrie Colton Timothy M. Walsh. Joseph J. Deuhs. Jr. Thomas C. Atmore+ Ernest F. Peake Matthew R. Burton Attorneys at Law A Professional Association Peter J. Sajevic[] Todd A. Taylor Justin P. Weinberg Kerry A. Trapp 100 South Fifth Street Suite 2500 Minneapolis. Minnesota 55402-1234 Telephone (612) 332-1030 Fax (612) 332-2740 Of Counsel George B. IngebTand. Jr. February7,2005 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project No. 2004-01C (the "Project") Dear Mr. W olfsteller: Our firm represents Liberty Savings Bank ("Liberty") located at 1560 Hart Boulevard, Monticello, Minnesota. As you know, Liberty's location is at the northwest corner ofthe intersection of CSAH 75 and CSAH 39. Liberty has studied, and will continue to study, the impact of the Project on its location in Monticello. However, based on its initial review, it appears that the Project will have a material negative impact on Liberty's business and property. First, Liberty estimates that the Project will reduce traffic on CSAH 75 substantially from its current levels. Obviously, such a traffic reduction will have a significant negative impact on Liberty's business and customers. Not only will there be much less business generated from the traffic flow, but it will also become more difficult for Liberty's regular customers to find and access Liberty's location when it is set back and out of sight from the new main thoroughfare. Second, by closing the currently existing exit and entrance from 1-94 to and from CSAH 75, and thereby substantially reducing the traffic on CSAH 75, the Project will not only be a detriment to Liberty's business, but will also cause a decline in the value of Liberty's property, regardless of what business is conducted there. In other words, there will not only be no benefit to the property, its highest and best use value will actually be reduced. Consequently, Liberty opposes the Project as proposed. It appears to us that the Project is being undertaken to benefit a prospective business, namely a Target store, at the expense of Liberty and other existing and pTospective businesses along CSAH 75. We ask that the City Council consider other alternatives that will provide access to a prospective Target store and, at the same time, Page 2 February 7,2005 maintain the traffic flow on CSAH 75 so that Liberty's existing facility will not lose business opportunities and customers. Please be advised that ifthe Project goes forward as currently proposed, Liberty believes so strongly that its property will be significantly damaged, that it will look into the possibility of an inverse condemnation action. At a minimum, Liberty will oppose any attempt to specially assess its property, and will seriously consider a challenge to any further valuation that does not reflect the diminution in value which this Project, if pursued, will cause. Please put us on the agenda so that we may be heard at the public hearing on February 14, 2005. Thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours, LEONARD, O'BRIEN SPENCER, GALE & SAYRE, LTD. By < c ft&~.J I< , ~-"'-~ Michael R. O'Brien E-Mail: mobrien((i)losf!s.com MRO:cgh cc: Mayor Clint Herbst Councilmember Glen Posusta Councilmember Tom Perrault Councilmember Brian Sumpf Councilmember Wayne Mayer @PFDesktop\::ODMA/GRPWISE/GWDSTP.G\VPOSTP.STPLIB] :318980.1 . . . . . . Council Agenda - 2/14/05 9. Conduct the Public Aearinl!. Order the Proiect. and Authorize the Preparation of Plans and Specifications for the Extension of Meadow Oak Avenue from the Current Termini to CSAA 18 (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2005-05C) (WSB/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The feasibility report for the extension of Meadow Oak Avenue was approved at the January 24, 2005 City Council meeting. This project is included in the projects elements associated with the proposed CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange. Extending Meadow Oak Avenue from its current termini to CSAH 18 will provide a detour route when the CSAH 18 bridge is reconstructed over 1-94 for the proposed CSAH 18/[-94 Interchange. This extension will also provide alternative access to the Meadow Oaks neighborhood and Resurrection Church. The roadway will extend through the Weinand property, with 10 feet of the right-of-way encroaching along the church property, providing access to the Weinand property as it develops and the church property as it expands. Project improvements include extension of strect, sidewalk, and storm sewer; relocation of existing watermain; and extension of sanitary sewer to the Weinand property from Chelsea Road. The project also includes improvements to the intersection of Meadow Oak Avenue and CSAH 75 to accommodate truck turning movements with the detour route. Construction of these improvements is anticipated to be completed by September 1,2005, before work on the CSAH 18 bridge commences. The reconstruction of CSAH 18 from the proposed Meadow Oak Avenue to School Boulevard and the reconstruction ofCSAH 39 from CSAH 75 to Hart Boulevard are anticipated to be included in the bid documents with the Meadow Oak A venue project to better phase the construction schedule for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange project. The estimated project cost for the extension of Meadow Oak Avenue totals $666,720. The project is proposed to be funded through assessments to the adjacent benefiting properties (Weinand property and Resurrection Church) and City trunk watermain funds. The Weinand property assessment is part of an overall agreement including the interchange and futurc Chelsea Road construction. Weinand will also dedicate the right- of-way for Meadow Oak Avenue and complete the mass grading. Assessment negotiations with Resurrection Church are being finalized and include the church dedicating right-of-way and easement along Meadow Oak Avenue and CSAH 18, and construction of retaining wall and grading along their north property line, in exchange for no direct City street assessment and driveway relocation and widening to be constructed with the Mcadow Oak project. The storm sewer assessment is dependant on whether the church constructs storm sewer within their property or utilizes the system proposed within Mcadow Oak Avenue. 1j3 (-"IJI)( -r JIF -!I!J..!II.Y';K.-!.("{'.f.(!( -,If. \' l'lell'l,'.,J(iY fOf-,\k"""" Ii",' )',.',:ic lIe,..n.'.'" 'el;'(J5.d", Council Agenda - 2/14/05 Other items to be considered are: . I. Extension of sidewalk along existing Meadow Oak A venue from the trail at Meadow Oak Avenue and CSAH 75 as the pedestrian bridge across 1-94 will not be accessible during the CSAH 18 construction from September 1, 2005 to September 1, 2006. 2. Addressing concerns of cut through traffic on Resurrection Church property with the new driveway location from Meadow Oak Avenue. Options could include construction of a median on Meadow Oak A venue or on the church driveway to prohibit left turn access. 3. The additional traffic on Meadow Oak A venue may result in the need to place a parking ban on one or both sides of Meadow Oak Avenue in the area of Freeway Fields park. In an effort to off-set loss of on-street parking, stan. will be working with Sha\~l1 Weinand on development of temporary off -street parking to be located directly west of the westerly ball field. 4. It is suggested that special information packet and or open house be offered to residents on Meadow Oak Avenue for the purpose explaining the need for the detour and the expected duration. The proposed funding will include the following: . . Weinand .... ........ ... .................. ...$425,000 Water Trunk System .................$110,000 Resurrection Church .................$132,000 (Assumes $66,000 storm sewer cost constructed within Meadow Oak Avenue and includes $66,000 for a street assessment. The street assessment is proposed to be waived with the pending agreement.) . . In accordance with Minnesota Statute 492, in order to bond for this project the City Council must hold a public hearing prior to the contract award and also conduct an assessment hearing at the completion of the project. The Council should direct staff to provide a presentation of the project, take questions from the Council, open the public hearing to listen to public comment, close the public hearing, and then take action. The anticipated project schedule is as follows: . Plans approved for bidding ..................................Apri125, 2005 . Project a\\rard ......".................."..................,......... May 23,2005 . Start construction .................................................... June L 2005 . 1 000/0 Complete............................................. September 1,2005 . 1'--\ ('-'.I),)['f',\f!C--i,nill',\!;U.-l('f',(.I)(',I!._"_i':i'_'''I''.IiT.'./IH-.lh.,,),,".'}....kJ...,/,/, ii,";,-iiigIJ_'i_HI.;,i,.( . . . Council Agenda - 2/14/05 B. AL TERl'iA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Conduct the public hearing, order the project, and authorize the preparation of plans and specifications for the extension of Meadow Oak Avenue to CSAH 18 with the addition of adding sidewalk along freeway fields. 2. Do not authorize any work at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator and staff recommend that the Council authorize Alternative I. Provisions to address potential cut through traffic at Resurrection Church can be made during design with a final decision after a problem occurs. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None l~ (',j)l){'/.1IL-{"Ulrr"\(i/l i(1'.U1f'.JIS-,I\'k''''l'cl(i.\'!l.\!-.lhl"i,,.(),,kl'''';'';,11,w;"." "}.'-I',-'.,!,'! . . . Council Agenda - 2/14/05 10. Conduct the Public Hearine:. Order the Proiect; and Authorize the Preparation of Plans and Specifications for the Extension of 7' Street from St. Henry's Church to CSAH 18 and Construction of Hie:hland Way from 7th Street to CSAH 75 (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2004-02C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The feasibility report for street and utility improvements for the extension of 7Lh Street from its termination at St. Henry's Church to CSAH 18 and Highland Way from 7'h Street to CSAH 75 was approved at the January 24. 2005 City Council meeting. These improvements are associated with the proposed CSAII 18/1-94 Interchange project. 7th Street is identified as a collector route relieving traffic on CSAH 75 in the Monticello Transportation Plan. These proposed roadways are to be located within the Bondhus and Dahlheimer properties (proposed Monticello Retail Center) from St. Henry's Church to CSAH 18. The roads will provide access for the proposed Ryan development (Monticello Retail Development) on these two properties. The construction of Highland Way includes a crossing at the BNSF railway to CSAl-l 75. A traffic signal is proposed at thc intersection ofCSA1-l75 and Highland Way and is included with the project improvements. The estimated project cost totals $2,624,080. Substantial completion of the street and utility improvements is anticipated to be completed by November 2005, with Ryan Companies completing grading of the site by July 15, 2005. It is anticipated that the BNSF railroad crossing improvements at Highland Way will be completed by the railroad this summer. The project is proposed to be largely funded through special assessment agreements with Ryan Companies, the developer for the Monticello Retail Development. Trunk storm sewer costs are proposed to be funded by the City's trunk storm sewer fund. Project costs associated with the construction of the traffic signal at CSA1-l75 and Highland Way are proposed to be funded through special assessments to the adjacent benefiting property owners using 25% of the total cost and spread using estimated trip generation for all benefited properties. A request will be made to Wright County for a 50% contribution for the traffic signal in accordance with their funding policy. The proposed funding will include the following: . Ryan Development.........................$2.054.345 (paid with Developer's Agreement) Property Owners North of CSAl-l 75.................. $31,014 (see attached breakdown) Wright County... .......... .......... ........... ......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........ .$151.360 Storm water Trunk Fees... ......... ............ ....... ........ ............ .......... ........... .......$191,700 . . . In accordance with Minnesota Statute 492. in order to bond for this project the City Council must hold a public hearing prior to the contract award and also conduct an assessment hearing at the completion of the project. The Council should direct staff to provide a presentation of the project. take questions from the Council, open the public hearing to listen to public comment. close the public hearing, and then take action. jlo ('i/XX"I/,,!f';--I'DAW\'r;f,- f.("NlX>If.S--I',h''''p',,41 ,N iI:~f- -,I, SI i'I,hIi,-lhurillg-IC/.J1I5.,/m . . . B. c. D. Council Agenda - 2/14/05 The anticipated project schedule is as follows: . Plans approved for bidding ................................... June 13,2005 . Project aw"ard ...."...................................................July 11,2005 . Start constructiol1...................................................July 15,2005 . Substantial completion...................................November 1,2005 . Stonn connection complete..........................November 30,2005 . Final lift of asphalt ................................................. July 16, 2006 . 100% Complete......................................................July 16,2006 AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Conduct the public hearing, order the project, and authorize the preparation of plans and speci fications for street and utility improvements for 7th Street and J . LL.. Highland Way. . fIv'~ - Do not authorize any work at this time. i!JI/.( f 2-/~ .r ~ ~ - -TV A-tf y..J- (c...( \- 2. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer recommend selecting Alternative No. 1. SUPPORTING DATA: coP -z...f VJtV\ Table I - 25% Assessment Scenario CSAH 75 at Highland Way/Hart Boulevard II ('.II)()( '.IiMF--f',/)'.iIV'WiR--j( 'f'/.{j('/Jrs- 11/('mf)'..1I;," n:'.-!--li, SII'lIhlh' i-I"!lJ'ilig-iCI-/!l5,J", . . . -l -l o ~"'" E-<C,;I Zz ""'~ :E::c VlU ~~ Vl"", VlE-< ~Z >0.... ~QO ~- z::c ....~ ::EVl ....U -l "'" ~ Q., ... = '" 5 ~ ~ "" ~ " ~..... ~ '" 't:l0:: "" ~ o Q. o ... ~ - '" ..... o f- N "T on "T ~ 'n N fA on N fA ~ eLl ~ "T c'"' \0. on r- 0. N '" "" ... ~ 't:l = '" ... "" 5 ''; .c :2 '" ~~ ~;., ~ ..... '" ... .- "" = Q. '" 0 Q.... S~ o ':F. ", ::l V.c ='t:l '" = ;"0 o::~ o or, ~o or, r- 0:: r'i N "'T~~d-O ~ \!!;'r-- I OMN ... 0'\ fA NfA fA on 0 0 N '.r: IfJ::::, .......... 0 0 I fA fA fA M r- C'-.\O"To r'i If)......... ~-N. 0- r'i 0'\ -~~V)oo " r. l.r. If) ~ ~ 't:l't:l ;:J e': c: ~ o 0 0:: 0::0:: =":e ~ ii ~ .c.c U UU ..... ........ ~ 00'" .c.c~~ --~...... 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N ~ ii: 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~2~~] '" '" en 0 I~I ~ ~ ~ M 0 M 0 0 '0 0 0 0 :(; .;~:-~% "'- I- 0 :;; II 0 .0 0 0 '" ~ 0 II II 0 0 2 ~ ~ ... 0 '0 ,R 'il R ~ 0 . ~ ~ I~' I:: ,", ~,~E]j<ll " W W " ro M 'M I~ 1M 0 I~ z z !:: c 0 0 0 10 l:il o~c:::J:S ~ ~ -I ~ ~ ~ Ill); ~ 0 ::J c: :~ 'f! ~ '~, 'f! ,~ ..Q-5i,g3=2 13 u OJ LLlIlCU-CiJ 0 >- t::5:U5~<: <( ~ ~ m u 0 w ~ " " - ~ I- U E? ro ~ lii (lJ C!0Cla..a:: \ 0-1'6 Council Agenda - 2114/05 . 11. Public Hearinl!: on vacation of West 7'h Street. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The purpose of this public hearing is to consider a request by Mr. Barry Fluth for the vacation of an undeveloped portion of 7lh Street lying east of Minnesota Street. Mr. Fluth is interested in purchasing the property from the City if it is vacated and using the site in conjunction with the balance of Block Q, which is owned by Randy Ruff, as a residential building site. Mr. Fluth is attempting to find a site in the community to relocate a small rambler house that he would like to move from Block 36 which he is trying to redevelop. This undeveloped portion of 7'h Street is a triangular parcel containing approximately 12,700 square feet. It is estimated that the remaining portion of Block Q is another 491 square feet, making a total potential building site area of over 13,200 square feet. A site plan identifying the area was obtained form Taylor Land Surveyors at the direction of the Council to determine whether the site was even buildable, if vacated. It appears that the property would have sufficient area for meeting residential setback standards if the City sold it as an entire site. . A public hearing notice was sent to adjoining property owners abutting this portion of 7(h Street advising them of the City's intent to consider vacation. Currently it appears that the adjacent property owner to the north of the undeveloped street has been utilizing a majority of the right-of-way as part of their property in the past. If the Council does vacate the right-of-way, the Council can agree to sell the property to anyone at a fair market value. In the past, it has been typical that when unneeded right-of-way was vacated, adjoining property owners were offered the opportunity to purchase the property. In this case, there would technically four individual property owners that abut a portion of 7(h Street who may have some interest in acquiring it, If the property is vacated and there is interest from adjoining property owners in acquiring all or a portion of the property, the Council will likely want to make sure that the entire vacated right-of-way is purchased by one or more of the adjacent O'oNners and if there isn't interest in the entire right-of-way from the adjoining property owners, Council could then sell it as a whole parcel to someone else, i.e. Barry Fluth for example. The estimated value of the right-of-way as a residential building lot should be at least $30,000-$40,000 in todays market. Allowing for the fact that the property would need to have a sewer and water service installed. an estimated value of $3.00/sq. ft. would seem appropriate. In reviewing this right-of-way with the Public Works Director and City Engineer, there does not seem to be any need for the City to keep this portion of 7(h Street for any future right-of-way or utility purposes other than a recommendation to keep a 12 foot easement along the south boundary ofthe street which would be adjacent to our interceptor sanitary sewer line. This shouldn't cause a problem with any building on the property if it was used for that purpose as this only increases the setback by two feet over what is normally required. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: . 1. After the public hearing, Council could determine it is in the best interest of the City to vacate the right-of~way and offer it for sale at a price to be determined. ./ G~\~~ ~v lC\ . . . D. Council Agenda - 2/14/05 Council could establish a value of $3.00/sq. ft. and offer the property to abutting property owners. 2. Council could determine to vacate the right-of-way and offer the entire parcel for sale as a buildable residential site at a value of$3.00/sq. f1. If all of the adjoining property owners were not interested in purchasing the entire right-oC-way. the Council could offer the property to Mr. Fluth, who requested the vacation or could market the property to other individuals. 3. Council could determined that it is not in the best interest of the City to vacate the property at this time. C. 4--( ~ [ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since the right-of-way will not be necessary for public street purposes and there doesn't appear to be any need for City to maintain this right-of-way for utility purposes, staff would support vacation of the right-of-way. Combining the remaining portion of Block Q with this vacated right-of-way would make a buildable residential lot and provide the City with some revenue from the sale and also future tax benefits from the property being used for residential purposes. Staffreeognizes that it has been past practice to offer'/, of the right-of-way to each adjoining property owner when streets have been vacated and the Council may want to offer that first before considering marketing the entire property as one parcel. The property should be offered to adjoining property ovmers only if all of the property is purchased by one or more parties. SUPPORTING DATA: Site plan and maps depicting area to be vacated. 'gO ~'S 'c -.J ,'^ ,,< .0".-.. o ,- '11:=!;::!2 ""'rS:~~'i''i' ""'_, ~- lI>I . .' ~ ,-.j " "'t , ~ " " " ~.~ t~ \~ 1"'e~ \ \ I II. \ (.{" 1\ 11'1' \ ,'," \ \ 1\'. I ",',' \ \ I i ~t\ {~~e,-= I" ! ~. '-__ \ I 'D. ........ u r / i ,.! '<oJ ! ~ ~(,~(\ ,J / ".. I .1 T',...o~ I L~. \-, r I " , I \ I I P ~ " \ I'. i" \ ' " .,. \ I 1 ' i ~f' / \ \ '. ,,"I' , film' /' ". t, ' V / " II J, ./ \, ~ I :,'! 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"'~,...,,"'J .I '''''-;s, _ "; \ ~Ic~ \9 : ~/~D' / ! ! f....-,.. , @ 11- 81 . I t ..... , 0 20 .0 . . / --{\ 2</9 cv tv "'" '1--/ '-.. 279 +/- _ REMAINING AREA OF BLOCK 0 = 491 +/- sq. ft. V//1 REMAINING AREA OF WEST 7TH = 12705+/- sq. ft. ... WSB Date: 1212~104 701 XaniaAvenue Suite 300 MlnneaDoisMN 55416 EXHIBIT FOR WEST 7TH STREET AND BLOCK Q City of Monticello, Minnesota EXHIBIT <',usoci",...Juc 7113-5.4\-4800 FA)(7e3.541_17a~ _",r::l~__"""'""'Offt s:*Pete-Cod-Fi Je5.west7t~.don 1/ - Ci '"). . 'K()Mdr ~~~C- {I'll Mlf\/I.S"( ~ (9 0' , ~ ~ if "'" "" \ , ~, b / < (? '- I' tl-'~ ' " \ ~ i' , I " , i.{S I 001 ,'. ., ~'? . :.;. . : 53~OH NMOi ,,~ I '" ~~''---9N1SS0~J ~!C' ,-'.l..33tiJ..S ifill) ", / ~ O,lj/f..{ " ~oe".'../. ,. , " / ~?' , , ';> (1; ~T; C) () _J , /i~ , / ! .~.! /~ i i / !; I er .> l;y €' S,>, ~~r €' . R'" JNr . BLOCK 5 t:; ! " ,,'t I ~ '00 J'00 /' ji // P j /1 1/ II I' ii' ;: il :~l ,/' ,'/' " I, 1,1 ,Ii _>I!ly j7,( _ .~J, , ,II / jf I I I,' " I I . i I I , I I I , I I \ I~ SJ/" ,/ CovLb Ei\AMrLIO V F ~ouJ hofUT'1 , I 1/ be, 't.e.vo...\..op,d. ~ , " " : ~ , I' " 1 2 BLOCK P " ('.>~ I l ~II~I' ;. I ' .1 . '. \, )-1 ~ :",,' ", ';'\" /1 L '", _/ J~ 1 "~v ;78-/- .3 ., 279+/- '-.__ ';~I;~ 'M,.j! ..cw:.~~_,.,_c' :"_'''i ,'Si.Cl:QNe,NIJ k'\q~+- ,'F vJAi )/- '6~ Council Agenda - 2/14/05 . 12. Consideration of authorizinl! advertisement for bids for new tanker truck. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In November 2004, the Joint Fire Board received four bids for a new 3000 gallon tanker truck that ranged in price from S127,000 up to $182,000. Because of the wide disparity in bids, the truck committcell.om the rire Department along with the Joint Fire Board recommended that the bids be rejected and the specifications reviscd to clarify how the tanker truck was to bc constructed and then re-advertize. The City Council on December 13th concurred with the Joint Board's recommendation and rejected all bids at that time. Since December, the Joint Fire Board and the Fire Department Truck Committee had reviewed the specifications and made some alterations to clarify the type of construction they expected on the tank along with other cabinets and compartments that would be located on this truck and prepared new speci fications ready for bidding. The rire Committee had discussed whether they should re-bid for a 3000 gallon tandem axle truck or whether they should look at downsizing the tanker to a 2000 gallon single axle vehicle. It is estimated that the single axle truck would be $30,000 to $50,000 cheaper when compared to a 3000 gallon truck at $160,000. It is still the Fire Department's preference to re-bid a tandem axle 3000 gallon truck. . With the recent Council decision to terminate the Joint Fire Board, the City would now be responsible for the entire cost of a new vehicle that is purchased, estimated at $]60,000. Under the Joint Board arrangement, the City had expected approximately 30% of this new truck to be paid for by the Township, but now it would be the City's responsibility. Under the first bid proposal, it was assumed the TO\'.11Ship would be reimbursing the City for $40,000-$50,000 of the cost of the new truck which now will be paid for entirely by the City. 2005 is the fifth year of the City budgeting $35,000 annually into a fire truck reserve account to cover future fire truck needs. Including 2005's budget, the City would have approximately $145,000 in the fire truck reserve account, which is pretty close to the estimated cost of a new truck. With the termination of the Joint Fire Board and the agreement to provide six years of service to the Township at no further cost, the City will have to come up with approximatcly $48,000 from reserves or other sources to cover the shortfall in 2005. The budget was prepared with the assumption that the Township would continue to be paying approximately l/3 of the Fire Department cost and in addition to the $48,000 shortfall, any cost for a new fire truck above the $145,000 already set aside would have to come from reserves or other budget cuts. Before re-advertising for this new tanker, the Fire Department would like to receive the go ahead from the City Council for this new truck purchase assuming that the cost would be around $160,000. If this is a purchase that would not be approved by the COlmei] at this time, the Fire Department does not want to re-advertize for the tanker and then have to reject bids if they are within budget. . Regarding future fire truck needs, it is likely that the Fire Department will be requesting approval in the near future of replacing one of the older pumpers which will likely be in the S200,000 plus price range. This new truck would replace the 1973 township pumper. Fire Department '65 . . . Council Agenda - 2/14/05 members have discussed whether it may be more appropriate to look at buying a new pumper truck at this time rather than a new tank truck but I believe it is still their recommendation that a tanker will be needed. I am not aware if the existing tanker truck has been experiencing mechanical problems or whether it is just on an age cycle where it is time to consider replacement. Regardless, if a new tanker is purchased at this time, the fire truck reserve would be depleted and any new pumper that may be necessary in the next few years would have to be entirely funded through future tax levies. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: J. 1JJf' 1. Authorize advertisement bids for 3000 gallon tanker truck. .; (, Q 2. Do not authorize advertisement at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Fire Department members have not changed their recommendation at this time and are seeking authorization for re-bidding a 3000 gallon tandem axle tanker. Fire Chief Scott Douglas will be in attendance at the meeting to provide further details on why the Fire Department membership feels this truck is a necessity. Most of the funding for this type of a truck would be available from our fire truck reserve, although a small balance may be necessary from other sources. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: December 13th Council Agenda 8"10 . . . 5H. Council Agenda - 12/13/04 Considcration of J'cvicw of bids on Firc DCllartmcnt Truck. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: A few weeks ago. tbe Joint Fire Board received [clUr bids for a new 3000 gallon tanker truck. Tbe bids received are as follows: BIDDER AMOljNT $J27.897.04 $161.306.00 $159.478.00 $182,626.00 Deep South Truck & Equipment Sales Midwest Fire Rosenbauer Ferrara Over the past few weeks. the Fire Chief and Truck Committee from the Fire Department have been reviewing the bid proposals in an effort to see if the bids meet specifications and to try and determine why the low bid from Deep South Truck and Equipment Sales of Seminary, Mississippi was substantially lower than the other proposals. The only information supplied by Deep South was to indicate that tbey had met specifications. As part of the review process. Fire Department personnel have had discussions with all of the vendors to determine iftbeir bids provided vehicles that were different than what was specified. and it appears that there were some difTerences in tank construction from Midwest Fire and Rosenbauer that likely account for most of the difference in price. The tank construction provided by the low bidder was a single walled. unpainted tank without any storage racks attached whereas other suppliers had a dual walled constructed tank that would be painted and also include storage racks for hauling additional fire hose and other items. Although the specifleations did not require bidders to provide a dual walled tank. it now appears tbat the Fire Department personnel would like to see this as an added feature on a new tanker and have recommended to the Joint Fire Board that the City and Townsbip reject the bids and rebid for a new tanker with some modifications to tbe specs. The Joint Fire Board met on Tuesday. December 7, 2004 to revicw the bids received and also concurred with the recommendation to reject the bids, modify the specifications and re-advertise as soon as possiblc. The Joint Firc Board had originally estimated the cost of this ncw tanker at around $130.000, so ifit is rebid with modifIcations to the specs. the bids will likely be in the ~J 50.000 to $160.000 range. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council could concur with the Joint Fire Board recommendation 10 rcject the tanker bids and authorizc re-advertisement for the new truck. , d- A - '61 . . . Council Agenda - 12/13/04 2. Council could accept the low bid as presented. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Fire Department Truck Committee along with the Joint Fire Board the City and Township reject these bids and re-advertise with some slight modifications to the tanker speeiJieations. The specifications would indicate that tank construction should be a dual walled painted tank with the appropriate storage shelving attached which would make it more in line with what the department had originally expected. In addition, thc specifications will indicate that the complete set of CAD drawings be supplied so that we know exactly the type of construction that will be provided. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. /JA-?>8' Council Agenda - 2/14/2005 . 13. Consideration of winter maintenance of oathwav in Oak Ride:e. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: With the dcvelopment of Oak Ridge, a pathway was placed along the north side of County Road 18 connccting Oak view Court to Oak Ridge Circle. This pathway connects thc somewhat remote Oakview Court area to Oak Ridge Circle which then allows pedestrians to access the rest of the development and pathway without being out on the busy county road. Thc Parks Department has received a request that the City perform winter maintenance (snow and ice removal) on this pathway to kecp it open for safe usc of the pedestrians for the winter season. With the ever increasing amOlmt of traffic on County Road 18, I feel this is a reasonable request by the citizens of that area. A copy of the petition is enclosed for your review. As a side note, wc are also going to be installing a light at the intersection of County Road 18 and Oak view Court, near the entrance to the pathway. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to approve adding this pathway to our winter maintenance schedule. 2. Thc second alternative would be to not add this section of pathway to our winter maintenance schedule. . c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 11 is thc recommendation of the Public Works Director and Parks Superintendent that the City Council approve the winter maintenance of this pathway section as outlined in alternative I. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy ofthe petition from the neighbors using the pathway and a copy of a location map showing the pathway. . g'C\ January 27,2005 . Dear Monticello Parks Department and Monticello City Council Members: We, the citizens on Oak Ridge Circle, Monticello, are putting forth this petition to request the snow removal for the pathway that extends from Oak Ridge Circle to Oakview Court. The main reason for this is the safety ofthe children and adults that reside on Oak Ridge Circle. At present Oak Ridge Circle is a stand alone street that is separated from the other portion of the Oak Ridge Development by a large marsh area.. As many of us would like to safely continue with our walks and running during the winter season we feel the pathway is the only safe way for us to access the roads and pathways in the rest of our city. Currently we must walklrun on Jason Avenue to access Oak Ridge Drive. This section of road is not well lit and even though it is in the city limits half of this stretch has a speed limit of 55 mph. We do not feel this is a safe situation and would appreciate it if you would agree to this request. M. C~_NV'-- ~AL~~ ~---y~ .~l<-~ -K~J~c0: ~D~(~ ~ 1)2 vitA. ~m~ ~ J- d~ tJ~cr- dM 7Jz ~~~ Z~h- J if tJ3 Cf1JI- Ri~ ~ C( )StD ~0-~ ~C Sincerely, ft --,' t em. ~ . ISiS ~~ / t.{7S' 00.1<- r<:Jy Cl'r dP- . 1470 {)cJ. I2Jl~ (jd~ /410 ()cJt~r<.'~L v.)-d~ \~5~ D~ Q~_Q0\- /5:2 () tJ a.1 R,~~ ~ IS5 tyL l2i~ Drcle.., /5'w D CrLt 10 df-- UlcYP /3-qo - e e e PATHWAY IN OAK RIDGE <s--, \_.c~."t-;"'-:;' :,;. \;:~9 ~ '- !;.r~~:i , ,/" ~~ ~:, . ~:~~ /~;\ ..-; . @ :y /4 ....~."" /_ 0', ~'/-.,. 9/"'$ ;>;---./ ,:, ~. ik,~~.'.'~.''';' /"/~' ",r .'1'7/ '""" ,."f ei-/y" '1;.\,r:-. .,1 ~ ~ / ''5\\ &t~/ "~'-:j'~.'i?:~t/N" &':~lf:~'~~ .-'.~-' ~ ~~'V -., .~ ,'~'1 (I/",,,-,--.:':'.J9:',M ~~:., I ~ .~.......- .,~?'~\ \. .~ '~~,;;;?1~3""~~if?/ \~9 "'-'::::~ 67; \1ts " " \...'1- 2"-", pi': . . oJ S;fi i)" ~? 6YT-'):~~'<"'" @r~@ .. ~ @ ~'~~ ~~ ."'_" g/ ~~-r.. ~ . _ ,A, ""'x, "1"'41< ""-... t~O-!g ! ,~.. .-..,.\~,: 'j /."",- <(J> ~ ~ ___ ./ I . 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Consideration of settin!! of a workshop date and time for wastewater treatment plant issues in relation to !!rowth expectations, (J,S,) 14. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: We have a few issues with the operation of the wastewater treatment plant and the continued land application of biosolids which we would like to present to the City Council in a workshop forum, Approximately two years ago, in February of2003, the City of Monticello settled a lawsuit between Adolfson & Peterson, the contractor for the expansion of our wastewater treatment plant, and HDR Engineering, the designer of the wastewater treatment plant expansion, Also in the lawsuit was Inproheat, a Canadian company who built part of the Class A biosolids process installed at the wastewater treatment plant. The lnproheat process failed to produce a pasteurized biosolid in eonformancc with MPCA and EP A requirements, After the dust settled from the lawsuits, the City wound up with a balance of$738,000 in our construction fund due to thc inability of the wastewater treatment plant process to produce an exceptional quality Class A product. Consequently, we continue to produce a Class B product which is used as a crop nutrient at our 158 acre farm at the corner ofWcst County Road 39 and Briarwood Avenue, . Until recently we believed that our farm left us with approximately a 25% growth factor in biosolids before it would bc maxed out and we needed to either build a workable exceptional quality Class A biosolids proccss or acquire additional farmland. The remaining life of the site was escalated quite quickly when wc found some process changes at the wastewater treatment plant had increased the nitrogen in our biosolids and made it a much more viable fertilizer product but also took up the remaining capacity at our 158 acre farnl for fertilizer application. While we are currently turning those process modifications around to get back to approximately a 25% reserve capacity, we need to look to the future of biosolids use to ensure the City has a reserve capacity in the future. While we expected we had some time to work on this issue, the change in process at the wastewater treatment plant coupled with the expected grmvth have brought this to almost an emergency situation as it takes two or tl1ree years to build an exceptional quality Class A process and it takes one to two ycars to obtain and permit a farm site for biosolids application. Additionally, the expected explosive growth ofthe community will accelerate the need for the next expansion at the wastewater treatment plant which will be an additional SBR (sequencing batch reactor) tank. So we need to discuss the proposed cxpansion with the Council as well. In addition to the $738,000 balance left in the construction fund from our court settlement, we have at least another $1.3 million in dedicated wastewater treatment plant funds to add to that to put toward the purchase of additional farmland or a Class A process. We will be making some calculations of our fund balances to see if we have any additional reserve funding left for expansion of the wastewater treatment plant itself. . We figure it will take about a month to put all ofthis information together for you and give you some options. Consequently, wc would like to schedule a workshop for the 14th of March at 5 p,m. at city hall to discuss both of these issues with the wastewater treatment plant. There also has been some discussion about selling our existing biosolids site and finding another one further away so that homes could be built on the current site. This also needs to be looked at whether or not this is 9,) Council Agenda - 02/14/2005 . possible or appropriate at this time. . . B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to schedule a council workshop for the evening of March ]4. 2005, at 5 p.m. in the council chambers for discussing the issues previously described with the wastewater treatment plant and biosolids application site. 2. The second alternative would be to set a workshop at a different date and time due to conflicts. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director and Chuck Keyes, the Project Manager for PSG at the WWTP, that the City Council move forward and set this workshop the evening of March 14 as outlined in alternative # I. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Please refer to the annual report handed out at the last council meeting from PSG regarding the wastewater treatment plant operations. C\3 '" '" o:to ~ " tJ ro "'() "<~ , :to '" '0 '-en 0 0 ;J ~ 0 0 "<,,.~ '" " -J:to ,Q~ 0 , " '-() '" ..., " Q "'() to" '" '" '" "' 00 W'1 0 , 0 ro ~~ ~~ 0 ~ c: .... ~n '" tJ '0 ro "" , n en '1~- " " >-' 0 ... ~- w'O ~ " 0 ":to '" 0 " w"' ()" :to tJ '" :'6; 0 '- :to 0 0'0 '0 >-3 -J >-'1:"' ....~- :to 0 en," " () en " 0: () '" 0 '" n ~ 0 ?< n '1 en '" 0 "' 3 ~ ~ n '" " '0 '- '" ro " " Z 0. ~- '- >-3 ~ ~ 0 .... <T '" ro " '1 0 '" 0: :to zo '- '" .... '0 ~- 0- .... n .... en 0: '" 'tl '" enw n '0 n ?< w ro "' '< w '" ". I:"' '- .... 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