City Council Agenda Packet 02-28-2005 Special . . . AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday February 28, 200S Sp.rn. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf LIBRARY - UPDATE ON EXPANSION AT LIBRARY AT 5 P.M. Continue workshop in Council Chambers: I. Discussion of amended feasibility report for 2005 Street Reconstruction Program. 2. Adjourn . . . Discussion of Amended Feasibility Reoort for 200S Street Reconstruction Prol!ram (City of Monticello Proiect No. 200S-0tC) (WSB) - Council Workshop A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the January 10, 2005 City Council meeting. an amendment to the feasibility report for this project was presented to Council for consideration, At that meeting, discussion or consideration of this item was tabled by the Council to the February 14.2005 City Council Workshop. The submitted amendment to the feasibility report presents a third option for the project that would include reconstruction of the streets in the project area to the same width as the current streets in the area, In addition. WSB & Associates. Inc. has evaluated additional funding options that would eliminate the street widening assessment as well as lower the overall assessment rate for the two options presented in the original feasibility report, Modifications to the proposed assessment programs included the following: . The street widening assessment has been modified to reflect a curb and gutter assessment rate only. There is no cost included in this assessment other than the cost of the new curb and gutter for Option I. Option 1 no longer includes any assessment for street widening. . The proposed sidewalk assessment for Option I has been split out and listed separately for Option 1. There is no assessment proposed as neither Option 2 nor Option 3 allow for the construction of a trail or sidewalk, . The storm sewer assessment has been reduced to a rate of 20% of the system not considered to be a trunk improvement. This ratio is based on the program in place at the time the original streets in the Core area were constructed. This is true for both Options 1 and 2, respectively. . The projects have been evaluated over a three-year period. The attached amendment analyzes the project costs and assessments over the longer duration assuming annual construction cost increases. It should be noted that extending thc project longer than the three-year period will contribute to the continuing deterioration of streets identified in future phases. City staff and WSB & Associates. Inc. are seeking direction from the Council on proceeding with this project. The Council is being requested to consider accepting the amended feasibility report and scheduling formal action on this item for an upcoming City Council mccting. A neighborhood meeting is still anticipated to be held prior to the public hearing once that has been set. (':',jX)("I.\fL--f'IJ.llfV;R-i.("hU)(-.-II'.\--/')<''''i'U(;.\Jnl-:{jIJ5.',.'re,'IIi,.,:..'n-f}2.I~rJ5_d,,{ . . . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The City Council reaches a decision on how this project should proceed and sets the date of a future Council meeting to take formal action. 2. The City Council does not reach a decision and provides direction for further analysis. 3. The Council does not reach a decision and no formal action is anticipated to occur for proceeding with the project in 2005. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation ofthe City Administrator, Public Works Director, Street Superintendent. and the City Engineer that the City Council reviews the amendment to the feasibility report and reaches a decision regarding the direction of the project. The Council should reach a decision that can be acted on formally at the February 28, 2005 Council meeting. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the amendment to the Feasibility Report for the 2005 Street Reconstruction Program - Area 3 as prepared by WSB & Associates, Inc. (". \/JI)( "'-IN:- ,/ ,1) III".\(;U-!.(}'f(!( ',1.'-.\'--/1:"''''1,1..11,\ IJ:\f_!W5 .I'.w,'III"cn"-071~O-'.d,,c . . . ... WSB & A.,>sociales, lne- Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I Constructior 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-54HBOO Fax: 763-541-1700 Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Monticello Kevin B. Kawlewski, P.E., Senior Project Manager t6~ Jason L. Abell, P.EIfI-- December 9, 2004 From: Date: Re: 2005 Street Reconstruction Program City of Monticello Project No. 2005-01C WSB Project No. 1494-04 This memorandum will serve as a supplement to the feasibility report for the above-referenced project as presented to the Council at its November 22,2004 Council Workshop Meeting. It is intended to provide the Council with additional information regarding the 2005 Street Reconstruction Program Feasibility Report. In the original report, two options were developed, and designated as Option 1 - Urban Section, and Option 2 - Rural Section. This memorandum will briefly outline a third option, as well as discuss the effect of making either Option 1 or Option 2 a three-year project. Option 3 - Replace Existing Pavement The main aspect of Option 3 is to replace the existing pavement (at the same width) with the proposed pavement section, and to re-align Hilltop Drive to the center of the existing right-of- way. The existing roadside ditches and culverts would remain undisturbed as much as practical. In addition, the water and sewer repairs and replacements as outlined in Options 1 and 2 would be completed. The project would consist of reclamation of the existing pavement, excavation of subgrade, placement of granular borrow, and new courses of pavement. On streets with existing curb and gutter, the project still proposes reclamation of the bituminous pavement with spot curb repairs as necessary. The following table summarizes the cost and funding needs anticipated to build this project. It should be noted that the costs represent constructing this project in one construction season. Minneapolis I St Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer r,\WPW1MJ494.04V2D904 2005jtas mon.a.doc . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Monticello December 9, 2004 Page 2 OPTION 3 COST/FUNDING SUMMARY Estimated Construction Cost Contingency (10%) Indirect Costs (22%) Total Project Cost $1,306,489.50 $130,648.95 $316,170.46 $1,753,308.91 City Street Fund Contribution Residential Assessment @ $2,721.78/lot Commercial Residential Assessment @ $59.88/FF Sanitary Sewer Fund Water Fund Storm Sewer Fund Total Available Funding $500,000.00 $587,904.48 $53,292.35 $40,125.80 $210,049.84 $68,454.75 $1,459,827.22 Remaining Balance to be Funded $293,481.69 Option 3 is not the preferred option. While it would fix existing sewer and water issues, and repair the existing pavement, it is well below existing City of Monticello engineering standards. The existing streets are 24 feet wide, which is very narrow considering there are no pedestrian facilities. In addition, it does not widen the street enough to provide anyon-street parking. Options 1 and 2 - Three One- Year Phases WSB also analyzed splitting Options I and 2 into three one-year phases. The advantage of separating the project into multi-year phases is that three years of annual street fund contributions could be utilized. As a side note, the City should look at increasing the street fund contribution in corning years to offset increases in construction cost. In order to evaluate the value of lengthening the construction time for the project, we separated the project into phases and developed cost estimates for each phase. The bid prices used in the cost estimates were increased by three percent each year to reflect the normal increases in construction costs. Assessments against properties in each phase were then evaluated in order to develop a basic funding summary for each phase. One of the goals of the Council was to reduce the size of the assessment against each property. Option 1 is a large project, including a full storm sewer collection system. The storm sewer system assessment has been reduced and consists of only 20% of the non-Trunk related items within the storm system. The remaining 80% will be paid for by City funds. The ratio of the assessment has been set based on the policies in place at the time of the original street improvement project. F,\WPWJM1494.Mll09{)4 2005 f~ ntorw.doc . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Monticello December 9, 2004 Page 3 The assessments proposed against a typical individual residential property would be nearly $5,300 in year one of Option 1, and would differ annually as shown in the following table due to variations in each phased project. The street widening assessment as proposed previously was changed to be a curb and gutter assessment. This assessment is the cost of curb and gutter only, averaged between affected lots within each phase. Therefore, the amount of the assessment varies between phases. The storm sewer assessment also varies between phases, because the assessment for each phase would only include the storm sewer constructed during each phase. A brief summary of the typical residential assessment for Option 1 by year is included below. OPTION 1 - MULTI-YEAR ASSESSMENT SUMMARY Year 1 Year 2 Amount Amount Year 3 Amount $2,887.54 $1,487.76 $546.71 $756.15 $5,678.15 Typical Residential Lot Assessment Residential Assessment, per lot Curb and Gutter Assessment, per lot Sidewalk Assessment, per lot Storm Sewer Assessment, per lot Residential Lot Assessment Amount $2,721.78 $1,584.31 $480.26 $476.66 $5,263.01 $2,803.43 $1,388.99 $375.58 $599.61 $5,167.62 The same analysis was completed for Option 2. The assessments are significantly lower for Option 2, because the scope of the project, particularly the storm sewer system, is less. The typical residential assessments for Option 2 by year are shown below. OPTION 2 - MULTI-YEAR ASSESSMENT SUMMARY Year 1 Year 2 Amount Amount Year 3 Amount $2,887.54 $0.00 $318.82 $3,206.35 Typical Residential Lot Assessment Residential Assessment, per lot Curb and G utter Assessment, per lot Storm Sewer Assessment, per iot $2,721.78 $0.00 $252.03 $2,973.81 $2,803.43 $0.00 $238.98 $3,042.41 Summaries of the cost and funding for each option, broken down by year, are attached with this memo. The Council needs to call for a public hearing if there is intent to move ahead with the project. Direction needs to be provided by the Council as to which option they wish to pursue at informational meetings as well as the public hearing. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this request, please feel free to contact us at 763- 541-4800. Attachment kk/ja F..\WPW1Ml494-o.N20904 ~OOj leas rPUl1l(I.drx . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Monticello December 9, 2004 Page 4 The following three cost/funding summaries are for each phase of Option I, respectively. OPTION 1 - YEAR 1/PHASE 1 COST/FUNDING SUMMARY Estimated Construction Cost Contingency (10%) Indirect Costs (22%) Total Project Cost $948,425.50 $94,842.55 $229,518.97 $1,272,787.02 City Street Fund Contribution Residential Assessment @ $2,721.78/lot (61 lots) Curb and Gutter Assessment (Residential Property) @ $1,584.31/lot Commercial Reconstruction Assessment @ $59.89/FF Sidewalk Assessment @ $480.26/lot (29 lots) Storm Sewer Assessment @ $476.66/lot (61 lots) Sanitary Sewer Trunk Fund Water Trunk Fund Storm Sewer Trunk Fund Total Available Funding $500,000.00 $166,028.58 $98,227.38 $0.00 $55,710.00 $29,076.04 $0.00 $98,475.96 $281,580.86 $1,229,098.81 Remaining balance to be funded through General Fund $43,688.21 OPTION 1 - YEAR 21PHASE 2 COST/FUNDING SUMMARY Estimated Construction Cost Contingency (10%) Indirect Costs (22%) Total Project Cost $1,119,040.23 $111,904.02 $270,807.73 $1,501 ,751.98 City Street Fund Contribution Residential Assessment @ $2,803.43/lot (76 lots) Curb and Gutter Assessment (Residential Property) @ $1,388.99/10t Commercial Reconstruction Assessment @ $61.69/FF Sidewalk Assessment @ $375.58/lot (42 lots) Storm Sewer Assessment @ $599.61/lot (64 lots) Sanitary Sewer Trunk Fund Water Trunk Fund Storm Sewer Trunk Fund Total Available Funding $500,000.00 $213,060.94 $105,563.44 $54,901.16 $63,097.80 $38,375.07 $19,339.96 $74,196.50 $329,061.81 $1,397,596,69 Remaining balance to be funded through General Fund $104,155.29 F:\WPWINV494-o.N2()904 2005/tas "'tIM.doc . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Monticello December 9, 2004 Page 5 OPTION 1 - YEAR 3/PHASE 3 COST/FUNDING SUMMARY Estimated Construction Cost Contingency (10%) Indirect Costs (22%) Total Project Cost $1,109,676.57 $110,967.66 $268,541.73 $1,489,185.95 City Street Fund Contribution Residential Assessment @ $2,887.54/lot (76 lots) Curb and Gutter Assessment (Residential Property) @ $1,487.76/lot Commercial Reconstruction Assessment @ $63.54/FF Sidewalk Assessment @ $546.71/lot (31 lots) Storm Sewer Assessment @ $756.15/lot (68 lots) Sanitary Sewer Trunk Fund Water Trunk Fund Storm Sewer Trunk Fund Total Available Funding $500,000.00 $219,452.77 $113,069,47 $0.00 $67,791.51 $51,418.26 $55,955.85 $70,602.27 $299,776.48 $1,378,066.62 Remaining balance to be funded through General Fund $111,119.33 The following three cost/funding summaries are for each phase of Option 2, respectively. OPTION 2 - YEAR 1/PHASE 1 COST/FUNDING SUMMARY Estimated Construction Cost Contingency (10%) Indirect Costs (22%) Total Project Cost $674,525.00 $67,452.50 $163,235.05 $905,212.55 City Street Fund Contribution Residential Assessment @ $2,721.78/lot (61 lots) Curb and Gutter Assessment (Residential Property) @ $O,OOnot Commercial Reconstruction Assessment @ $59.89/FF Storm Sewer Assessment @ $252.03not (61 lots) Sanitary Sewer Trunk Fund Water Trunk Fund Storm Sewer Trunk Fund Total Available Funding $500,000.00 $166,028.58 $0.00 $0.00 $15,373.95 $0.00 $98,475.96 $137,345.65 $917,224.14 Remaining balance to be funded through General Fund -$12,011.59 F:\WPWlMl494.M12D9lU 2005ftar """mo.r/iK . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Monticello December 9, 2004 Page 6 OPTION 2 - YEAR 21PHASE 2 COST/FUNDING SUMMARY Estimated Construction Cost Contingency (10%) Indirect Costs (22%) Total Project Cost $721,582.15 $72,158.22 $174,622.88 $968,363.25 City Street Fund Contribution Residential Assessment @ $2,803.43/1ot (76 iots) Curb and Gutter Assessment (Residential Property) @ $O.OO/lot Commercial Reconstruction Assessment @ $61.69/FF Storm Sewer Assessment @ $238.98/10t (64 lots) San itary Sewer Trunk Fund Water Trunk Fund Storm Sewer Trunk Fund Total Available Funding $500,000.00 $213,060.94 $0,00 $54,901.16 $15,294.71 $19,339.96 $74,196.50 $81,912.73 $958,706.00 Remaining balance to be funded through General Fund $9,657.25 OPTION 2 . YEAR 3/PHASE 3 COST/FUNDING SUMMARY Estimated Construction Cost Contingency (10%) Indirect Costs (22%) Total Project Cost $739,090.18 $73,909.02 $178,859.82 $991,859.03 City Street Fund Contribution Residential Assessment @ $2,887.54/1ot (76 lots) Curb and Gutter Assessment (Residential Property) @ $O.OO/lot Commercial Reconstruction Assessment @ $63.54/FF Storm Sewer Assessment @ $318.821lot (68 lots) Sanitary Sewer Trunk Fund Water Trunk Fund Storm Sewer Trunk Fund Total Available Funding $500,000.00 $219,452.77 $0.00 $0,00 $21,679.65 $55,955.85 $70,602.27 $86,718.58 $954,409.12 Remaining balance to be funded through General Fund $37,449.91 f':\WPWlNV494-MlI0904 2005 ftas ,",","",do,