City Council Agenda Packet 03-14-2005 Special SPECIAL MEETING - WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT ISSUES. GROWTH PROJECTIONS AND RELATED ISSUES -- 5 P.M. AT THE WWTP CONFERENCE ROOM I. Growth Projections and Related Issues - Presented by Jeff O'Neill - Building Trends 2004 and 2005 Building Development Trends - Single Family and Townhomes 2002 - 203 units 2003 - 206 units 2004 - 250 units - Lot Development Projections - Population Projections II. Wastewater Treatment Plant Issues 1. Introduction - John Simola 2. Existing Operating Conditions at the WWTP Including Biosolids (Power Point) PSGNEOLA (See Annual Report 2004 in three-ring binder distributed to Council in January) III. Alternatives - Presented by Bolton & Menk, Inc. (Power Point) ~ IV. Summary - Presented by John Simola V. Tour of BioSolids Portion of Plant (time permitting) -~ C\Documents and Seltings\dawn.grossinger.CI'.Local Settings1Temp\031505-SPECIAL WWTP MTG COVER SHT - BIOSOLlDS_wpd . ;;a-i o:::r <0 eo eo <n w?l .t:..S: c 0" ::> <n g~ OJ 0 ::> < a.'" :;;:g- i6 ::> -oS- ill S' () () '" c ~~ c: CD ::> g ~3. CYo eo :;; g ::> c: ::r <n 0 eo 3 so eo eo a. '< eo :;; < '" eo ro.g N 3 o eo ::> ::> [Vi _ <n o c: ~ () 3 ::r 6:ffi o.m '" OJ ~(Q. ~CD o CD ~ m " c: ::> ~ C -0 Cl )> -i m Cl ." m OJ .~ --< '" o o '" . -i 3 CY eo ~ -0 o -0 ej" I iF "" o OJ c: ::> ,. o;l CY'" eo OJ CY CY ~. 0 ;::+(i5 o s.9- ~. ~ ~ro -:S' - CD () aUi '< m 0- m [ () o c: il. S' () C a. eo <n eN a a -0 a -0 o <n eo a. OJ -0 OJ ;:j. 3 eo il. c: ::> ~~ - o c: ~ CY eo, a: ::> <0 <n ::> < '" ::> o -< OJ ::> a. a. o eo <n ::> S- c ~ ill ro- -0 ::r OJ <n S' <0 Q -0 a -0 o <n eo a. -0 ::r OJ <n S' (Q g, c: ::> ~ o eo < eo o -0 3 eo ::> Ui c ~ iil r0- o. 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YEAR 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 CITY OF MONTICELLO POPULATION PROJECTIONS POPULATION 10961.55 11770.65 12705.30 13803.50 14989.25 16300.55 17737.40 19299.80 20987.75 22801.25 UNITS PER YEAR 245 290 335 380 425 470 515 560 605 650 TOTAL UNITS 3729 4019 4354 4734 5159 5629 6144 6704 7309 7959 3484 Units as of 2004 2.79 Residents per Unit Calculation: (Units per Year x 2.79) + Population from previous year. 1----. ---------------l I POPULATION PROJECTIONS - CITY OF MONTICELLO 25000.00 20000.00 . 15000.00 10000.00 LO.OO . 5000.00 I_POPULATION I 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 _TOTALUNI~ _._-"--_.._--,._-_.._-~_.~ F:\ADMIN\$pread\-JOHN\POPULA TIONPROJECTIONS03-05..>:ls: 3/1012005 Special Council Agenda - 03/14/2005 . Introduction of Waste Water Treatment Plant Issues - Presented bv John Simola. II-I A. BioSolids BioSolids is the most important issue facing the operation of Monticello Waste Water Treatment plant today. Although the Waste Water Treatment Plant is operating and meeting all permit parameters, all solids removed during treatment of the waste water have to be properly reused or properly disposed of. Each year, the City generates approximately 1.4 million gallons of liquid biosolids. This is down trom 2 million gallons prior to the installation of the gravity belt thickener. The amount of actual dry solids in the biosolids is approximately 4% which equals approximately 180 dry tons per year. Prior to 1996, the City had hand shake agreements with a few farmers in the area and individual Minnesota Pollution Control Agency site permits for the land application of Class B biosolids. . In 1989, the City Council authorized City staff to begin searches for land to purchase for biosolids application as, at any time, on a farmer's whim or township regulations, we would have no place to apply the biosolids and would have to dry and land fill biosolids which is very expensive. In 1995, we narrowed our search to larger sites due to grov.'th and buffer area requirements. We spent a great deal of time trying to purchase a large site on County Road 106. This, however, did not work out. In 1996, the City entered a purchase agreement with the Bohanan's to purchase a 158 acre farm at the corner of Briarwood and West County Road 39 in Monticello Township. The purchase, of course, was dependant upon the City acquiring a permit from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to operate a land spreading biosolids facility on that site. A significant amount of research was performed, engineering studies were performed, test borings and ground water monitoring wells were put in, and many special public informational meetings were held and the site was finally approved for biosolids applications in the fall of 1996. The City uses the services ofPro-Ag Crop Consultants to assist with monitoring the application of biosolids, the crop irrigation, the plant up take of nitrogen and yields of the crops as well as carry over nitrogen for the next year. The farm is leased to Spring Brook Farms of Big Lake for an estimated $20,000 per year some of which is applied toward a state of the art irrigation system on the site. Those leases go into the year 2006 cropping season. The City also rents the existing farmhouse for $10,000 per year. Two pole barns on the farm house city equipment, including biosolids application and hauling equipment. We recently received permanent permit status for our facility from the MPCA. As part ofthe plan for biosolids applications, the City included a Class A biosolids process with the construction of the WWTP in 1996 that system, however. failed to operate properly and the City settled out of court for a sum of approximately $700,000 to put towards a working Class A process or additional farm land. . Today we find ourselves in the need for additional biosolids land or a process to produce Class A biosolids. Especially exceptional quality Class A biosolids which has a minimal amount of .- . Special Council Agenda - 03114/2005 pathogens, meets vector attraction requirements, and is low in metals. A change in operations at the Monticello WWTP has temporarily used up the remaining capacity of the faml, as the biosolids produced from the process changes are extremely high in nitrogen and nitrogen is one of the limiting factors for applying biosolids to crop land as you cannot put on more nitrogen than the crop can take up. While the process is being reversed at the WWTP and we expect to get back to having at least 20% reserve capacity in the farm, we still need to move ahead with solving our biosolids problems for the future. It has been com Carting to have the farm as we have not had to worry about a place to go with the biosolids for the last nine years. We have generated $30,000/year in income from rents and the land has probably more than quadrupled in value. We have controlled this part of our operations rather than it controlling us. Today at this meeting you will hear from PSG with a summary of operating conditions at the WWTP today, as well as projected needs for expansion of the WWTP itself, which is our second big issue at the WWTP. In addition, you will have a Class A alternatives presentation from Bolton & Menk, an engineering firm that helped us through our court cases over the Class A process. At the end of the meeting we will sum up our options and also discuss the possible regional facilities that may be built in the future. . . r--------------------------------. . . . . I I - . I L________________________________~ Ii i I I i ~-" ~ ~11;;,dl F l~---/ t': '-.....-<\0 . , ,'~ .~I ! /71"Y/S, r ;1 / (\?~r':"'J" ) 'i // ':::,~e/ : ,! !?/ "'?;; '. ' ' /'" , I' . ~:~ ,n:" ~~\~;_::~+.'~' " /0' , ,~A':, .",., " '(~- ' 'Y D 110 / i 1- "'" I . ,\ ..~ [? r .1 ._ -=--9~.-"o" I ! Ir-\::' J) \1 _ 1 966;, ~, o):;;/y ~9 'I "0 II /'11, C\'~.' I) / G I:: ' ( -L_--l;'~::/~I ~))' 0 1/ I ;W Q?'YfY' e ""'D / / . 17'30"<~95o r'-.' - c'n' (-V:r~ M~: ',,0 " ';-~ 'W I~./ P,t ' f '~ ~ 1 ' I :: 1:tf~~~' 1(~71't~~ / ' . iJMo9Y~;;~'~'t . 6.' :If ~' ~=' ''C''A~~~:*,,\'J'i;~2:\\\\. . "'{'O'o ';'1,/-". ./tf6, U. ~\ \) (J~ ~:r\ ~~:!\'~ " '2F' 7/. / ' (... I "'15 ~,;/ - ~-," ~ "'ll':i\,'.\I,>.~ .' I/l~; f(iJit~1 _~0: ~"'"/ ~V'-::.J1...- . 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A roximate location and to soil thickness BRAUN- INTERTEC Soil Bori ngs Bioso1ids Landspreading Facility County Road 39 Monticello, MN S ST-3 T I I I 1 I INT JOB No_ BDXX-95-281 B owe. No. FIGURE NO. SCALE None . ~/ ....:' .;-'- . .~ . J~.::;, ~'t~ ...\l;l ~''':,.. ......h }':'. ~ " t..:., ., Explanation e ....onlto,;ng"".ll ~ (qulp"I."I;"l ~jn. (",,~... Indica.. 110" dl.ec.lio") CSAH 39 ~---------------~----~---------------~ , , , , , , , , , , ., ' , ' '....--------~ : 93895 M'J-7 m M ~ . , .. , , , , , i , , , , , , m8.04 <> :M'J-ll ;; Q f , .c => , ~ M 0- ,,,. l""SOO' -------------- -----------~---_.- 935.49 e M'J-8 .--------- --------- ---------- , >.D CO 0- I CO M 0- ^ -iNr ... "---. \Oi L. ,--j -----:;: ---------934 06e: Mw-9 \ --------- ------------- ~O,.,UI""'''P...''.."..-..,.,.\ . BRAUN" INTERTEC Groudwater Contour Map March 5,1996 Proposed Biosolids Landspread Site Monticello Township ~ [;; 93c98~ M'J-10: , , , -------------' INT DATE SHEET DRAwN BY: T JT 315196 APP'O BY: SAT OF JOB No smoc..96-005E OWG.No. FIGUREI SCALE N:lOfOxm818 ~I A ,\~I,~ l-~m MONTICELLO ;;;f~G~~~&' " ~;""I' ~~" ~~~SH'"8tJ"N" ;(~~.1{:: ~~ {8J~ ~- ~~rT""i:j ......c~.:s~~ ~...'.1U~"\~ :. ~ ~,Iti FL ~.1;1 ,80 ~52~~ ~ j~ ;11, X:i;.;';o~'Z;;~~:::"'X~--' ,~.;' . JJ' ~~ r. ' . . eJ; ",.OR ~ '"" r' N;;::::;:nCOsror.. ~ ~~ ~'I"--'.:': &i~l:~~' IZI.:<3 94 J7.$.ISi. ~ + ~:1'j~. ~ ,1,'= ",.~ ...."'.=-- 75. !t.~' , /"''''/ ,.,.., ......,$".. 'krQ/, _ ~ t. T. '-'aJ~'ph F _ Jlo;l~, '.' q ,\(c- ~w - ON r.~/PP. oS' 12; '.../dh"...Sro.p :::'~~~~o'1<Yl? ... Rlice ~.... 10.7 ~~ f-I_,,!r'l"D" "'..... N ,~.,..::::: 41.tJ8 M. .~.",,'4 R ',,<::-"0 ~ . ~ZJo.";dJ{.t; ">>~4 ~o~,kj ":..2..5 ~~ ~ci.oo.... ~ .~.."5fttnCC. 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"" 0' rn 0' , 5'z !!t~ 0. e; 3 III " CD III C (il ~ :J" III !:. !1?, III C 0. lC CD fij" 5" III o iil lC CD 5" 5' CD <n -c :J" :J cp <n o '< 0" CD III :J rn "''''-n 8~~ +~I\.) 0"<00 ~(O~ -<0" a;' ~ 8" C:-<"lJ II a;' Cd -100:$ (0 II 3- 0... cr~5 (t) 0_" zo=ti ;::;.:~UJ az;:::o: (Q ;::;;; '< CD a s. :J lC s:: ~ 5" :J CD III o Iii <Ii -n CD E1; ;:r CD , (il " o 3 3 CD :J 0. !!l- 0" :J III 0' , rr r ~~~ _. _ a. :J:J)> lClC-c o -n-c alll@ ~8"- O~ o' oz:J 3;:;.:-10 a <0 co <0 CD <0 :J e; "lJ (il III CD :J - )> co a :J o 3 ,;- ;u '" m ?i o , 2. ...... ... <0.....<0 ......<0 +~(O 0"<0- ~o;;;r O"C -<coo ~ ~-g. II m: ~ ... 0. ., 00 II ,.... 0-108 ETO'.l-lo ~oc O':J ~ VJ <' ~im CDa-< :J co 0 CD - :J s:: 5" :J CD III o Iii IIl- -n CD E1; ~. , (il 8 3 3 CD :J 0. !!l- 0' :J III 0' , )> co a :J o 3 0' ;u III m ?i o 2. . . . Special Council Meeting: 03114/2005 IV. SUMMARY From the above information and presentations by PSG and Bolton & Menk, Inc., we hope it has been demonstrated that the City of Monticello needs additional options for biosolids almost immediately. The options are, of course, to buy and permit additional land so the City can control its own destiny, the land would escalate in value, rents would help offset operational costs at the farm, and the investment in land would return several fold in the future back to the City with the increase in value of/and. It is important to have a disposal site where the biosolids can be reused and farming is a good alternative. However, farming may not be the long term single solution for the City. Wc can't continue to buy land forever. As the City doubles, triples or quadruples in size, our needs for land would also do the same. The alternatives to go to an exceptional quality Class A biosolids our self are attractive in that we, again, would be able to control our own operations and would not have to depend on some outsiders. A system such as the A TAD or belt drying system do have benefits in that regard. Both of them have somewhat high capital investment costs, probably the A TAD more than the belt drying system. While the AT AD system allows us to continue with our liquid system, the belt drying system allows us to go to a system with much less need for storage and, ultimately, the biosolids could be further dried or incinerated, so that we can dispose of the inert grit in many places. The costs of operation of some of those systems, however, are dependent on fossil fuels and if they don't work as planned we could have high operational costs. The possibility exists of joining with other cities in a regional facility such as with Delano, Princeton, Otsego, Zimmerman, etc. It appears at this time that the city of Buffalo and the city of Big Lake believe it's in their best interest to build a system themselves to handle their own biosolids so they're not dependent on someone else. There is an indication, though, that they are over sizing their systems and may have room for the City of Monticello in the future if things work out. How long a period of time that would be until they need the additional capacity for themselves is not known. I have given you a lot to think about in regards to biosolids. We also need to start planning for thc next expansion of the WWTP, adding the fourth tank at the bare minimum so that we take a proactive approach towards that rather than a reactive approach to emergency situations at the plant. There are no decisions to be made today but we can't put this on the back burner, so at an upcoming meeting we will talk about the summary and the alternatives again and look more into the pros and cons of each one. Also at that time we will have a little more information on the regional facility being built possibly within 20 miles of the City of Monticello. . Wastewater Biosolids Treatment Information * K)N1'lCf.J...U} March 14,2005 Presented by . Items to be Presented . Background on Existing Biosolids Treatment Facilities . Class B vs. Class A Biosolids . Class A Biosolids Treatment Process Alternatives . Criteria for Selection of Class A Biosolids Treatment System . ATAD System . Belt Drying System . Questions e- . . 1 . Background . Thickening, anaerobic digestion, storage and land application site . Class B biosolids . City owns 158 acres of agricultural land for biosolids disposal . Approx. 1.4 million gallons ofbiosolids applied to agricultural land per year . Supplemental fertilizer . . . Gravity Belt Thickener (GBT) . . . 2 . . . Anaerobic Digesters and Storage . . . 3 . Anaerobic Digesters and Storage . . . Biosolids Land Application Site .. . . 4 . Biosolids Land Application Site . .. . 5 Class B Biosolids . Pathogen reduction less than 2 million fecal coliform . Vector attraction 35% reduction in volatile solids or incorporation into soils . Land application is primary disposal method . Land application sites have to be approved by MPCA . Land application ofbiosolids in winter months is prohibited .- . . . . . -... Class A Biosolids · Pathogen reduction less than 1000 fecal coliform · Vector attraction is met with Class A biosolids treatment process (does not require incorporation into soils) · Greater flexibility in final disposal options/year around land application on agricultural lands and can use non- agricultural lands · Permitting process is less regulated - "exceptional quality" · Better public acceptance · Regulation trends are to provide Class A biosolids . .. Class A Biosolids Treatment Process Alternatives · EP A Regulations 40CFR Part 503 (pathogen, vector and pollutant limits) · Autothermal Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion (ATAD) · Heat and lime treatment (RDP) · Temperature Phased Anaerobic Digestion (TPAD) . Heat drying . .. 6 . Criteria for Selection of Class A Biosolids Treatment System . Proven track record . More than one manufacturer of equipment . Maximizing the utilization of existing biosolids facilities . Minimum space required . Low operation and maintenance costs . Low energy costs . Control system automation for maximizing the utilization of existing staff . Cost effective life cycle costs . Public acceptance . . . Definition of ATAD Autothermal Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion (ATAD): A self heating aerobic digestion process with microorganisms that grow in a temperature range from 500 C to 650 C and a hydraulic retention time of 7-10 days. . .. . 7 . AT AD History . Studied in the 60's . Developed in the early 70's . Operational in the mid to late 70's . . . 40 CFR Part 503 Class A Sludge Criteria . Pathogen reduction requirement . Time/Temperature equation . Vector attraction reduction . Pollutant limits . . . 8 . . . 9 . . AT AD Benefits . Minimum space required . Low 0 & M costs . Self heating system (low energy use) . Automatic control system . Numerous facilities installed with performance data . EP A approved technology . May be able to utilize existing anaerobic digester tanks for AT AD . .. . 10 - . List of ATAD Facilities Installed in Minnesota . New Ulm . Lakefield . Green Lake Sanitary Sewer and Water District, Kandiyohi County . Waseca . . . New VIm, Minnesota Wastewater Treatment Facility . 11 . New VIm, Minnesota ATAD Facility . . . . .. . 12 . Fecal Coliform ATAD Process New Vim, Minnesota 1200 " :!! 1000 '0 E~ 800 o J! - g o~ 800 0 .. E " l! 400 ..", Z ... 200 !. 0 Fecal Limit ~ ~ ~ I I I I i ~ ~ ~ e i i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I ! i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ .~ ~ i ~ ~ i ~ i ~ ~ ~ i . . . Lakefield, Minnesota ATAD Wastewater Treatment Facility . . . 13 . AT AD Biosolids Treatment . . . Fecal Coliform A TAD Process Lakefield, Minnesota 1200 .. :2 1000 '0 ~~ 800 ,g,g := - 0... 600 o 0 - E 5 l! 400 .f 01 Z 0. 200 !. Fecal Limit 0 '" ~ C> C> ~ ~ .. .. '" '" ... ~ ':1 ! t ! t ! t c;> t ! '" ~ 0. 0. 0. .. 0. 0 <( 0 <( 0 <( 0 :Ii 0 <( z .-- . . 14 - . Green Lake Sanitary Sewer & Water District . . Green Lake Sanitary Sewer & Water District . . . .. 15 . Fecal Coliform AT AD Process Green Lake SSWD-Kandiyohi County, Minnesota 1200 " :2 1000 "0 ~~ 800 ,gJ! =.9 0_ 600 (.) 0 - E ~ I! 400 ...'" Z 200 ... !. 0 .. .. 0 0 - - .. .. '" l!! l!! Ii! Ii! Ii! Ii! Ii! Ii! Ii! ~ ~ - - i ~ ~ - i ~ ~ ~ Ii! ~ ~ .. 0 0 . Fecal Limit .. ~ ~ Ii! ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ 0 . . Preliminary AT AD Site Layout ,",;' :'I'~~;'~:,\ & . ;""..I'\..., ,'''"'-:, ~'o<I',"""""",(~~ . ~ ,'--" .r-...,. , 1;( "!i; I ,'7 L_ . . 16 . Review of Heat Drying Process . Why consider heat drying? . Large volume reduction (60-80%) . Process requires small space requirements . Produces a nice dry product people can handle easily and use . Odors can be completely contained in small space . Reliable process to meet Class A requirements . . . Review of Dryer Technologies Technology Continuous Feed Rotary Drum Dryer System Batch Feed Rotary Drum Dryer System (Fenton) Continuous Feed Belt Dryer System (Kruger, Andritz) . . Comment High volume systems technology Modification of rotary drum technology to smaller scale application "Next" generation of small scale dryer technology . 17 18 . Why Sludge Drying? e.g. town 500,000 Inhabitants - ......... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ......... ... ... ............ ... ............ ... ... ......... ... ... - ......... Mech dewatenng -...-... c_~~~-~~ ..... A _ 31 Silo trucks 1 truck . .. . Kruger BioCon Description . Safe, Simple & Efficient . Indirect Convection Belt Dryer . Stainless steel, variable speed mesh belts . Large biosolids drying surface area (thin strings) . Enables low temperature drying . . Two stages . First stage: 15 minutes at < 1800C (3560F) . Second Stage: 45 minutes at < 850C (1 850F) . . . Kruger BioCon Description . . . Heat supplied by indirect heat exchangers . Transferred to the sludge via circulated air ( axial fans) . Closed Loop . Recirculatiou of drying air . Heat recovered from wet drying air after passing through a condenser . Dehumidified air retorned to the system as new drying air . Drying occurs under slight vacuum (no odor release) . Kruger BioCon Dryer System Wet SlUdge SoIds: to-30% . at ~ '-TH:~::'~~c~ I ~ Warm Sedlon T_75-85"C I ' ~ ~~f~Iji:ILt~i (heat 1S(I1JlUl) 10 c:ondenaer D=d heat SOUfCM a1udga. . . . 19 - . Biocon Dryer Unit . . Biosolids on Discharge Auger , .. . . . . 20 . Biosolids End Product . . . Finished Product Dried Pellets . . . 21 . Andritz Belt Drying Systems BDS Development targets concerning the new drying generation .. . Andritz Functional Principle BDS Dryer . Belt drying system, product flow, air circulation, heat generation & exhaust air treatment -- Orylngulr!oap -- ..... end - ElchlluSl:Alr I ..... hlel'~~I~.~ ICUN:tl . . . 22 - . Andritz Dryer Unit . . Andritz Dryer (Inside) . . . . 23