Planning Commission Minutes 04-08-1986 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION April 8, 1986 - 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Richard Carlson, Richard Martie, Joyce Dowling, Warren Smith, Barbara Koropchak. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Gary Anderson. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Richard Carlson at 7:38 p.m. Motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Barbara Koropchak. to approve the minutes of the March 11, 1986, Planning Commission meeting. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Public Hearing - A Rezoning Request to Rezone Platted Property from 1-2 (Heavy Industrial) to 1-1 (Light Industrial). Applicant, Oakwood Industrial Park Partnership. Mr. George Phillips was present to represent Oakwood Industrial Park Partnership. Mr. Phillips indicated the intent of the request was to zone the remaining vacant lots which they own to light industrial, which would be more compatible with the uses in the area. Planning Commission member Barbara Koropchak questioned Mr. Phillips as to the intent of his request when we have already gone through many public hearings in the previous months on the new zoning map. Mr. Phillips apologized for coming in at the later date; even though the zoning map has been amended, it now appears to the other partners that it would be better if the land was rezoned to light industrial instead of heavy industrial zoning. Mr. Phillips further emphasized that the lots are rather small, with a 5-6 acre parcel the largest, with the exception of one tract north of Chelsea Road. The type of land which heavy industrial businesses look for are larger acre tracts with railroad trackage. Planning Commission member Warren Smith questioned if it would be appropriate for businesses to purchase adjoining lots to create a bigger tract of land. Mr. Phillips countered that he would have no problem with selling more than one lot. Barbara Koropchak questioned the intent of their request if 1-2 zoning would be eliminated from this area all together. Mr. Phillips indicated that there could be other areas suitable within the City limits for heavy industrial zoning. Barbara Koropchak also asked Zoning Administrator Anderson what would happen if this request was approved and what would we do for lots with water and sewer in an 1-2 zone. Zoning Administrator Anderson countered that if these lots were rezoned to light industrial, it would mean we would have unplatted land with heavy industrial zoning. And the City, not being a developer or owner of any 1-2 zoning, would have to look to another developer/owner to install water and sewer and rep1at his land for heavy industrial zoning businesses. -1- Planning Commission Minutes - 4/8/86 . Chairperson Richard Carlson opened the meeting for public input. Mr. Kenny Neu questioned why his property is now zoned 1-2 when all the letters he has received from the City have shown where his property was not included in heavy industrial zoning. zoning Administrator Anderson countered to Mr. Neu that his property has been in 1-2 zoning since the conception of the Oakwood Industrial Park addition in the City of MonticellO, which happened approximately 18 years ago. Mr. Neu questioned what would happen if he would like to build a new house or sell his existing house with the property around it for residential use when he would be zoned in a heavy industrial zone. Mr. Anderson informed Mr. Neu that he would more than likely be allowed to construct a new home or be allowed to sell his existing residence to someone to continue the existing use of the property, single family residential. But in doing so, he would have to go through the public hearing process to achieve approval to be allowed to construct a new house in a non-conforming, heavy industrial zone. . Chairperson Richard Carlson realized it was a very touchy question and asked Zoning Administrator Anderson to indicate to Planning Commission members on the overhead map where the new proposed school site land is and how it would affect the current 1-2 zoning which is there. zoning Administrator Anderson instructed Planning Commission members that with the new school site that was chosen, we could look at amending our newly approved zoning map to down zone around the proposed new Middle School site. Chairperson Richard Carlson closed the public hearing portion of the meeting and asked for a motion on the applicant's request. Motion by Barbara Koropchak, seconded by Warren Smith, to table the rezoning request until further input is received from Consulting Planner and any further economic development (to see what happens with the orderly Annexation Area Study which is to begin its process of the surrounding OAA area around this parcel). Motion carried unanimously. Additional Information Items 1. Mr. Floyd Kruse appeared before planning Commission members to show them his proposed plans for an addition onto the existing Dino's Deli building. The proposed addition would extend to the rear property line with a commercial type business in between Dino's Deli and a two-story office building with apartments over the top of the office and commercial business. zoning Administrator Anderson indicated to Planning Commission members we would like to see some type of parking to the rear of this, even though Mr. Kruse is allowed in B-4 (Regional Business Zone) to build right up to the property lines. Zoning Administrator Anderson would like to see parking created behind the building to allow for snow removal in the alley behind his proposed new addition. Mr. Kruse also indicated they are working with the owners of the adjoining property to come up with a shared enclosure for their grease dumpster and the Sears building garbage dumpster, . -2- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/8/86 and to continue with the landscaping on the side of the Dino1s Deli building around the rear of the building up to the rear most portion of the Sears building. It was the consensus of all the Planning Commission members that they look favorably at Mr. Kruse1s request and that it would definitely be an improvement to the downtown area. 2. Motion by Warren Smith, seconded by Dick Martie, to set the next tentative date for the Monticello Planning Commission meeting for May 13, 1986, 7:30 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Motion by Barbara Koropchak, seconded by Joyce DOWling, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m. Respectfully submitted, dJ!' ~ Gary Anderson zoning Administrator -3-