Planning Commission Minutes 06-10-1986
June 10, 1986 - 7:30 p.m.
Members Present: Richard Carlson, Barbara Koropchak, Warren Smith.
Members Absent: Richard Martie, Joyce Dowling.
Staff Present: Gary Anderson.
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Richard Carlson at
7:56 p.m.
Motion by Barbara Koropchak, seconded by Warren Smith, to approve
the May 8, 1986, Planning Commission minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearing - A variance request to allow placement of entrance
lights and sign within a street right-of-way - Applicant, Monticello
Americ Inn.
Mr. Murphy was present to propose his request to allow placement
of lights and sign within the street right-of-way. Mr. Murphy indicated
he had goofed in the placement of these light and sign posts, and
he apOlogized for that. He is merely before you with a variance
to allow the signs to be left where he placed them.
City Attorney, Gary Pringle, indicated that if the sign and lights
are not allowable uses within our street right-of-way, they shall
not be allowed at all. The liability for allowing placement of lights
and signs within the street right-of-way leaves the City a part in
a liability suit should someone become injured when striking the
sign and/or light post. Planning Commission members felt no problem
with the actual sign and the lights which Mr. Murphy was proposing
but were very uncomfortable with the placement of them within the
street right-of-way with the liability falling on the City.
With no further discussion, motion by Barbara Koropchak, seconded
by Warren Smith, to deny the variance request to allow placement
of entrance lights and sign within a street right-of-way. The motion
carried unanimously. The reason for denial was the liability involved with the
City allowing signs and lights within the City street right-of-way.
4. Public Hearing - A conditional use request to allow construction
of two 24-unit apartment buildings. Applicant, Construction 5, Inc.
Mr. Joseph LaFromboise was present to propose construction of two
24-unit apartment buildings on Lots 1-5. Mr. LaFromboise also would
like to amend his request to allow construction of a 24-unit and
a 30-unit apartment building. When a development agreement was reached
before final recording of the Construction 5 Addition to the City
of Monticello, Mr. LaFromboise was allowed to use the area square
footage requirements under the old text of our ordinance, which was
Planning Commission Minutes - 6/10/86
8,000 square feet for the first building unit, 2,000 square feet
for each additional one bedroom unit, and 2,500 square feet for each
additional two bedroom unit. Commission members felt uncomfortable
approving a request for a change from two 24-unit apartment buildings
to one 24-unit and one 30-unit apartment building. Not being able
to see it on the enclosed site plan, they felt very uncomfortable.
Another question raised was the relinquishing of easement rights
between Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, with the City having no use for easements
between these lots. Commission members also questioned the location
of the proposed play area and what would be the structures within
the play area. A considerable amount of discussion was centered
around a screening/landscaping plan which was not submitted along
with the conditional use request. zoning Administrator Anderson
indicated that the applicant, Construction 5, Inc., had met the minimum
requirements of the conditional use section of the ordinance and
met every condition with that. The landscaping/screening plan is
to be submitted prior to building permit application. Before a building
permit is issued for construction on one or both of these projects,
an approved landscaping/screening plan must be submitted and approved
by the City staff. Commission members also questioned the location
of 24 off-street parking spaces within a 30-foot utility easement
right-of-way. Zoning Administrator Anderson questioned that as part
of your conditional use, you could put in where the applicant and
any future owners are responsible should the City come in to do any
work within the area for restoring the property to its original use.
With no further discussion, motion by Warren Smith, seconded by Barbara
Koropchak, to approve the conditional use request to allow construction
of a 24-unit and a 30-unit apartment building. The following conditions
were attached:
1. The placement of the 24-unit and 3D-unit apartment buildings
on these lots should require no variances.
2. An approved landscaping plan/screening plan, along with
a designated play area, be submitted to City staff prior
to building permit application and be approved by City staff
prior to issuance of a building permit.
3. The City relinquish any easement rights between Lots 1,
2, 3, 4, and 5.
4. Allow construction of a parking lot within the 3D-foot utility
easement right-of-way, with the developer, Construction 5, Inc.,
or all future owners, agreeing that if the City should have
to do any utility work within this easement right-of-way
that the developer and any or all owners would be responsible
for restoration of the parking lot to its original use.
Motion carried unanimOUSly.
Planning Commission Minutes - 6/10/86
5. Public Hearing - A variance request to allow placement of an attached
garage to within the front yard setback requirement. Applicant,
Gary and Doris Miller.
with neither of the Millers present. Zoning Administrator Anderson
explained their request to Planning Commission members. There was
no input from the public for or against the Miller's variance request.
Commission members felt uncomfortable entering into a decision on
the Miller's request with the Millers not present and no one representing
them at the meeting.
Motion by Warren Smith, seconded by Barbara Koropchak, to table the
variance request to allow placement of an attached garage within
the 3D-foot front yard setback requirement. Motion carried unanimoUSly.
Additional Information Items
1. Motion by Barbara Koropchak, seconded by Warren Smith. to set the
next date for the Monticello Planning Commission meeting for July 8,
1986, 7:30 p.m.
2. Motion by Warren smith, seconded by Barbara Koropchak to adjourn
the .meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
. Respectfully submitted.
Gary Anderson
Zoning Administrator