IDC Agenda 03-06-2007 AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, March 6, 2007 - 7:00 a.m. Bridge Room, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN MEMBERS: Vice Chair Mike Benedetto, Mary Barger, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Don Roberts, Dan Olson, Barb Schwientek, Tom Feaski, Kelli Huxford, Lynne DaW-Fleming, Don Tomann, Jim Johnson, Zona Gutzwiller, and Patty Haiby. STAFF: Ollie Koropchak. COUNCIL LIAISON: Mayor Clint Herbst and Council Member Wayne Mayer. To increase the industrial tax base, to create jobs at liveable wage-levels, and to maintain a favorable and desirable indnstrial environment in the City of Monticello. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: 7:00 a.m. 7:05 7:08 7:12 7:20 7:45 7:55 1. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) 2. Vote to approve the February 6, 2007 IDC minutes. 3. Follow-up Business or Reports: A. Marketing Committee - DaW-Fleming. B. BRE/Town Hall ConcernslIssues - Van Allen. C. Out-door Storage and Comp Plan Update (next meeting March 15)- Barger. D. Transportation - Tapper. 4. City Council Update: A. Meeting between Chadwick, Staff, and Mayor 3/01107 B. Ordered Chelsea Road Reconstruction Project Council Agenda 2/12/07. C. Environmental Assessment Worksheet for proposed Fleet Farm Council Agenda 2/26/07. D. Fiber Optics - Mayer. E. Question/answer period. 5. Old Business. A. Follow-up discussion to the Council action of February 12: Authorized the preparation of Plans and Specs for Reconstruction of Chelsea Road. B. A request by IDC to meet with Council members in an informal hearing with all players involved in the proposed Chelsea Road Reconstruction Project and potential re-zoning from Light Industrial (ll-A) to Commercial Retail (B-4). 6. New Business: A. Consideration to discuss Area A of Otter Creek Crossing for possible acquisition for the purpose to construct an interchange. Vote on an IDC position or action if desired. 7. Reports: A. Economic Development Report - Koropchak. 1 Continued - IDC Agenda 03/06/07 7:56 7:58 8:15 8:20 II. 8. Review the draft copy of the March 6, 2007 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial related items. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessary. No industrial items appear on draft copy ofthe agenda. 9. Annual Meeting: A. Tabled - Vote to elect 2007 IDC Chair. B. Tabled - Review and vote to amend or re-affirm the IDC 2006 Action Statement, Organizational and Membership Guidelines, and 2006 Goals and Tasks for 2007. C. Replacement of membership position vacated by Kleinwachter. 10. Other Business. A. Chamber Updates - Grabinski B. Next IDC meeting - April 3, 2007. (Koropchak will email you a reminder of the April IDC meeting on April 2 or before. (The agenda may be distributed the moming of the meeting.) Adjournment. 2 . . . MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, February 6, 2007 - 7:00 a.m. Bridge Room, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chair Mike Benedetto, Mary Barger, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Don Roberts, Dan Olson, Lynne Dahl-Fleming, Zona Gutzwiller, and Patty Haiby. MEMBERS ABSENT: Chair Paul Kleinwachter, Barb Schwientek, Tom Feaski, Kelli Huxford, and Jim Johnson. STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak. COUNCIL LIAISON PRESENT: Mayor Clint Herbst. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To increase the industrial tax base, to create jobs at liveable wage-levels, and to maintain a favorable and desirable industrial environment in the City of Monticello. 1. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) Vice Chair Benedetto called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. declaring a quorum. Benedetto welcomed new member Patty Haiby of Twin City Die Castings who is representing the Chamber this year. 2. Vote to approve the December 5. 2006 and Januarv 2.2007 IDC minutes. Bill Tapper made a motion to approve the December 5, 2006 and January 2, 2007IDC Minutes. Dan Olson seconded the motion and with no corrections or additions, the IDC minutes were approved as written. 3. Follow-up Business or Reoorts: A. Marketing Committee Dahl-Fleming reported the ad and community page for the 2007 Wright County Economic Development Directory was updated and submittted. The 1- 94 billboard will have a new location and somewhat of a new look beginning August 2007. Koropchak reported the Kleinwachter and herself will be meeting with nine SCSU students and their professor on Monday, February 12. This a first meeting to answer questions of the students as they begin the feasibility study identifYing current assets and shortcomings of Monticello as a potential location for a high tech/life science industrial park. B. BRErrown Hall ConcernslIssues - Van Allen said the group was analyzing the objective and uses of a data base prior to expanding the city manufacturer's data base. C. Industrial Land/Outdoor Storage (Comp Plan) - Gutzwiller reported the subcommittee I . . . IDC Minutes - 02/06/07 D. of Barger, Feaski, Frie and herself met with Mayor Herbst and came up with the Schluender mining area to the south of 90th as a possible immediate industrial site. Barger reported on the Comp Plan meeting of February 1 which focused on industrial. Industrial was defined as: industrial and business campus. Suggested areas were expansion of Monticello Business Center as business campus, the southeast comer of Highway 25/85th Avenue as industrial, and the area to the northwest near the proposed 1-94/Orchard Road interchange. The next Task Force meeting is February 22 and will focus on housing. Mayor Herbst distributed a map and noted that Chadwick appears interested in selling his property within Otter Creek Crossing. Additionally, he has control of the approximate 50-acre parcel to the immediate south of the Monticello Business Center. With the utilities in-place, this seems like a natural progression. Tapper expressed his interest in the city acquiring Area A and B on the map and particular Area A as the city owns the property directly across 1-94. This area for a future interchange. Area A was requested to be on the March IDC agenda for further discussion. Transoortation - The subcommittee has not met. 4. City Dodate: A. Stabilization Agreement - Mayor Herbst reported Xcel Energy has a rate decrease request into the Legislation. These changes can have an effect on the City. The Stabilization Agreement, in-a-sense, is a lock-in agreement which will be addressed at the Council meeting on February 12. B. Prooosed Chelsea Road Improvements. Council Public Hearinl!. Februarv 12 Herbst reported the Agreement notes the commencement of the Chelsea Road reconstruction in 2007 which would give Pfeffer the ability to market the area. Most people have heard about the potential of a Fleet Farm. The Council will hold a public hearing and consider ordering the reconstruction project on Monday night, February 12. C. YMCA orooertv - The appraisers representing the City/County and YMCA are scheduled to talk. D. Fiber Optics - Dahl-Fleming reported that Council Member Mayer and herself testified before the Telecommunication Subcommittee. The State is considering whether they should be involved in fiber optics. The Task Force has Council approval for moving forward with pre-engineering and design. These are requirements for revenue bonding. Next Council workshoplaction scheduled for mid to late March. E. Ouestionlanswerperiod. None. 5. New Business. A. Consideration to discuss Chelsea Road Improvements and vote on an IDC oosition or action if necessary. Koropchak gave a brief background to the Chelsea Road Reconstruction Project stating the property owners along Chelsea Road were invited by WSB, individually, to hear about the project and the estimated assessments. These meetings were held prior to the January 22 Council meeting to accept the Feasibility Study and call for a public hearing date. Some business people were also informed about the potential of a re- 2 IDe Minutes - 02/06/07 . zone from industrial to retail. A number of the industrial owners addressed the Council at the January meeting. At the next Council meeting of February 12, the Council will hold a public hearing and consider ordering the reconstruction project. The IDC may wish to take a position or not. Mayor Herbst noted the assessments for the interchange were high. Within the agreement which was in-place before, the city agreed to reconstruct Chelsea Road then Monticello Industrial Park, Inc. could market. Roberts felt the reconstruction project and re-zone was driven by the developer and the past agreement. Haiby felt the rezone to retail would bring down the value of their property and impact future development plans. Tapper stated a 2007 commencement date for reconstruction is not in the agreement and questioned the need for the road and storm water improvements. He also noted that for a long time he has advocated the City of Monticello would become a main commercial/retail hub. Roberts questioned the timing as he received an email a few days ago with information about the project. It appears the project came out of no where and is moving along fast. Benedetto agreed with so many issues, the project is moving along quickly. Herbst thought the city may receive better bids. Olson asked, is Chelsea a major school road? Tapper said he had not noticed a change in traffic volumes along Chelsea Road between pre interchange and post interchange. Benedetto reiterated the need for more time for such a complex issue. Tapper stated it appears the cart is before the horse so to speak. Why replace a good road before a request for re-zone? Is WSB driving the project? In comparison, Fallon Avenue is the road in a deteriorated state not Chelsea Road. Tapper also questioned the 28% contingency fee? Roberts and Benedetto both agreed this appeared high. Timing and the lack of benefits of the reconstruction project at this time appeared to be the consensus of the IDC. If Fleet Farm says ''yes'' than do, but in anticipation of a Fleet Farm, then request the city to defer was Tapper's thought. Herbst said for the Council, a deferral is driving away a tax base. Koropchak said the city hires her to recruit industrial businesses and to retain industrial businesses who have invested dollars and time into Monticello. She is very disappointed that the businesses were not given the opportunity to give input prior to approval of the agreement. Barger spoke on behalf of Tomann stating his concern with the potential re-zone to commercial. A commercial use which supports industrial businesses such as a day care, restaurants, hotel with conference center seems reasonable but a retail use such as a big box increases traffic, increases security issues, and lowers property values. UMC invested over 4 million dollars into the City of Monticello. Haiby stated TCDC has concerns that once the industrial businesses become the minority, neighborhood complaints would surface. Benedetto noted this is a tough and complex decision and needs more time. Bill Tapper made a motion that the IDC recommends the City Council defer reconstruction of Chelsea Road until such time a re-zone or a major buyer deems the need to reconstruct Chelsea Road and recommends the City Council seek competitive bids for engineer and management project costs. Dick VanAllen seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion carried. Benedetto requested Koropchak draft the recommendation letter for the Council from the IDC. Submission subject to his review and signature. . . 3 . . . IDe Minutes - 02/06/07 6. Reoorts: A. Economic Develooment Reoort - In addition to the written report, Koropchak informed members that the Preliminary Development Agreement and deposit of $10,000 was received from Walker In-Store. Establishment of the TIF District and preparation of the Purchase and Development Agreement has been authorized. The business will purchase Lot 2, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossing 3rd Addition. At the Ehlers Conference, Koropchak attended the following sessions: State of Single Family Residential Market, Creative Financing Ideas, Bonds as Development Tools, Negotiating 101, Bank Financing and Developer Proformas, Property Rights and Legal Limits for Land Use Control. 7. Review the draft coov of the Februarv 6.2007 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial related items. Discuss and vote on an IDC oosition or action if necessary. A. Public Hearing - Consideration of a reauest for a simole subdivision in an 1-2 (Heavv Industria!) District. Steve Birkeland. Jr. The IDC reviewed the survey for the simple subdivision request by Birkeland, Jr. for the property located at Dundas Road and Fallon Avenue in an 1-2 Zone. The IDC agreed with the recommendation of staff provided the Exhibit Z conditions were met. 8. Annual Meeting: A. Acceotance ofIDC membershio. three-vear term - Barger. Van Allen. Olson. and Schwientek. Given the four individuals were willing to serve another term, Dahl- Fleming made a motion to accept the IDC three-year membership termfor Barger, VanAllen, Olson. and Schwientek. Roberts seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion carried. B. Reauest for Standing Committee Members: President or Chair of Chamber and Mavor/Council of Monticello. Barger made a motion to amend the Monticello IDC Organizational and Membership Guidelines. Section IV. Standing Committee Members to read: the Board of Directors of the Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry shall appoint a member to the IDe. Seconded by Gutzwiller and with no further discussion, the motion carried. Tapper made a motion to amend the Monticello IDC Organizational and Membership Guidelines, Section IV. Standing Committee Members to read: the City Council shall appoint the Mayor and a Council Member to the IDC as non- voting members. VanAllen seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion carried. C. Vote to elect 2007 IDC Officers: Chair. Vice Chair. and Secretary. Benedetto informed members of his conversation with Kleinwachter and given his career change and schedule conflicts he is unable to continue active involvement in the IDC; however, Paul would like to stay active in the community and continue being involved with SCSU students/feasibility study process. Benedetto requested the IDC send an acknowledgment of appreciation to Paul. Benedetto continued stating due to medical and retirement reasons, he prefers staying involved with the IDC and offered to 4 . . . IDC Minutes - 02/06/07 D. remain Vice Chair. Tapper made a motion to elect Mike Benedetto as 2007 Vice Chair of the IDe. Van Allen seconded the motion and with no further discussion. the motion carried. Tapper made a motion to table election of the 2007 IDC Chair. Dahl-Fleming seconded the motion and with no fUrther discussion, the motion carried. Benedetto and Koropchak to meet to discuss recommendations for Chair. Barger made a motion to elect Koropchak as the 2007 IDC Secretary. VanAllen seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion carried. Review and vote to amend or re-affirm the IDC 2006 Action Statement. Orl!:anizational and Membershio Guidelines (discuss meetinl!: date and time). and 2006 Goals and Tasks for 2007. Dahl-Fleming made a motion to table Item D. Seconded by Tapper and with no fUrther discussion, the motion carried. 9. Other Business. A. Chamber Uodates - Haiby reported the Monticello Chamber was named among the top 25 Chambers in Minnesota by membership size. They are looking into a Grow Minnesota Program for business retention, they elected to discontinue the Government Affairs Committee due to lack of activity, and the February meeting will feature a presentation about credit rating. B. Next IDC meeting: - Koropchak informed members that she will not be present at the March meeting and asked if they wanted to meet or cancel the March meeting. The membership agreed they need to meet on March 6, 2007, and Dahl-Fleming volunteered to take minutes. Koropchak noted she would prepare and mail the March agenda. 10. Adjournment. Dahl-Fleming made a motion to adjourn the February IDC meeting. VanAllen seconded the motion and with no further business, the IDC meeting adjourned at 8:50 a.m. 011~~'~~~~ 5 "Oal"'U'l .,"O('..lIQ (O"'~"l""l'~ UI](., 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 planners@nacplanning.com c; B. January 19, 2007 Mr. Ronald Obeidzinski, Vice President Mills Fleet Farm 512 Laurel Street Brainerd, MN 56401 RE: FILE NO: Monticello - Zoning Applications for Mills Fleet Farm 191.07 - 07.02 Dear Mr. Obeidzinski: It was a pleasure meeting with you last week in relation to your interest in the development of a Mills Fleet Farm facility along Chelsea Road in Monticello. The City asked me, as its consulting City Planner, to forward an outline of the application process that you will need to follow as you work toward the required City zoning approvals for such a facility. It is my understanding that your engineering consultant, Bruce Buxton of Widseth Smith Nolting has a copy of the City's Development Guide which describes the calendar and submission requirements for the various applications. The specific approvals that you will need are as follows: 1. Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Industrial to Commercial Retail. 2. Rezoning from 1-1A, Light Industrial to 8-4, Regional Business District. 3. Preliminary Plat to subdivide the gas/convenience parcel from the larger retail parcel. 4, Conditional Use Permit for Outside Storage and Display for the main store. 5. Conditional Use Permit for a Motor Fuel Station/Convenience store. 6. Conditional Use Permit for a Car Wash. 7. Conditional Use Permit for Comprehensive Sign Plan. As we discussed, the project will also require an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) which would be prepared by the City's engineering staff and consultants. We have asked the engineering firm (WSB) to prepare an estimate of the cost of that study and forward it to you. It appears that based upon the preliminary materials you had provided to the City that the pylon sign for the main store falls within the City's requirements if the fuel station sign is modified to a monument-style design with a maximum height reducecl from the proposed 30 feet to 18 feet. We would need to evaluate the entire sign package to be sure, but it appears that with this modification, the sign proposals would meet the City's requirements. Without this modification, you would need to seek a variance to the sign regulations. Mr. Ronald Obeidzinski Page Two At the meeting, we discussed the screening wall that surrounds the storage area. It appears to staff that with the materials and landscaping shown in the concept package, this structure would meet the City's ordinance allowances. At this time, there do not appear to be any other variances or other approvals that would be necessary to process this request. If you wish, you may apply for all of these applications concurrently. Because the City of Monticello has an active development environment, there are several projects underway that have allowed the City to receive comments from the public, and your proposed project is no exception. As a part of these interactions, the City has heard anecdotally from some of the industrial property owners along Chelsea Road about concems over the location of the Fleet Farm facility on the proposed property. We do not have a measure of the depth of these concems, but we wanted you to be aware of them as you proceed through the formal process of changing the land use designations on the subject site. We raise these comments at this time as we would offer the option of pursuing the Comprehensive Plan amendment and Rezoning on an approval track prior to the remainder of the more specific applications. The materials that you have already prepared would serve adequately to support. If these land use applications were ultimately approved, you would then be free to proceed with the remainder of the application package without concern that the basics of the land use would be challenged. Nonetheless, as we mention above, you are welcome to pursue the entire package of applications at once if you prefer. Staff will provide whatever support is necessary to ensure that the process runs as smoothly as possible. I hope that you find this information helpful. If you have any questions at any time, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator at your convenience. Thank you for your interest in the City of Monticello. Cordially, NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS,INC. ~~ Stephen W. Grittman, AICP Principal cc: Jeff O'Neill Bruce Buxton Charlie Pfeffer Comprehensive Plan Task Force Meeting #3 . Recap of Recom~endations · Review and summary of consensus reached at this meeting · HKGi will prepare written summary for your review · Opportunity to discuss at next meeting ~.' Preview of Next ~~:ting · Thursday, March 15 · 7 :00 p.m. at Monticello Community Center · Last Task Force meeting · Commercial Development · Capacity for future growth 7E" · Conversion of other land uses · Downtown · Other issues Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. Febr~oo~ s& 22 . . . loA, Cf) u z ~ Cf) Cf) ~ u ~ w..J w..J ~ U ~ w..J l- t) IDC Agenda - 03/06/07 7 A. Economic Development Report. LEADS: * Walker In-Store has committed to Monticello and the TIP process is in progress with the Council to hold a public hearing on adoption of the TIP Plan April 23, 2007. Staff and city consultants met with Brian Walker and his wife and architect on February 20 for their free Pre- Design Consultation. The 10,240 sq ft facility with employee II full-time people at an average wage-level of at least $18.81 without benefits and is located along Dalton Court. It is anticipated we will close on the land around the 1 st of May. The company is relocating from Albertville where they currently lease space. The 30-day notice for the County to make comment with take place while I'm out of the office. * HRA offers were made to two companies on February 16 after receiving completed applications. One for construction ofa 12,500 sq ft facility and the second for a 15,000 sq ft facility. * Talked with another company on February 15. Looking to construct a 10,000+ sq ft facility. Application forms were given. * Local contractor - 15,000 sq ft bldg for manufacturer. Application forms mailed. * Leads reported in February still on active list. BRE- We closed on the Karlsburger equipment loan on February 28. GMEF Loan No. 025 is for $200,000. They are planning to move in around March 1. They are so excited about their new facility and have invited the IDC, HRA, and EDA out after I return. The HRA disbursed the remaining balance of the Transformation Home Loan in February for the property located on Elm Street. February 21 I attended the Senate Hearing at the Capitol on Murphy Bill 724 along with O'Neill, Wojchuski, and Grabinski. Bill 724 is a bill introduced to give host cities of generating plants an even playing field (request for 3% class rate) based on the request from Xcel Energy for personal property valuation reduction. February 23 attended Town Talk with Senator Amy Koch and Representative Bruce Anderson held at the VFW Monticello. Marketing - February 26 Paul and I met for a second time with the SCSU students. Students are focusing on research of life sciences: Three companies and world-wide industrial parks to determine commonalities and why and secondly, Monticello current assets (tour to be scheduled) and future needs. Attached is the Council update of February 26. The contract has been signed for a new billboard location along 1-94 beginning in August. We plan to update or give a new life to the current design. March 1 I'm scheduled to meet with the Mayor, Jeff, and Chadwick relative to his interest to sell Otter Creek Crossing parcels. Attached are some upcoming events sponsored by the County Partnership. FYI The next Comp Plan update meeting is March 15 at 7:00 p.m., The meeting will focus on 1 IDC Agenda - 03/06/07 Commercial. Note session deals with conversion of other land uses. Also attached are copies of the IDC recommendation letter to the Council February 12 and IDC consensus to the Planning Commission February 6. I WILL BE OUT OF THE OFFICE FROM MARCH 5 AND RETURNING APRIL 2. I PLAN TO TAKE MY LAPTOP AND CAN BE REACHED AT oUie.koroDchaktalci.monticello.mn.us I DON'T PLAN TO CHECK IN EVERY DAY. SEE YOU ON THE 3RD OF APRIL AT 7:00AM.. 2 COUNCIL UPDATE February 26, 2007 by Ollie Koropchak The following is an update and background to the direction taken by the Marketing Subcommittee members of Paul Kleinwachter, Don Tomann, Lynn Dahl-Fleming, Mary Barger, Darrin Lahr, Brad Barger, Dan Frie, and Koropchak. In late 2006, the Marketing Subcommittee analyzed their marketing strategy to determine if the goal to create jobs at sustainable wage-levels was indeed being met. In other words, are we marketing to the desired audience (targeted businesses)? First, the group felt with the Comp Plan update, the development activities within the City of Monticello, and the proposed fiber optics; the City of Monticello has much to offer as a means of promoting the city for business and residential development. Secondly, noting that the Comp Plan Update, HRA, and IDC goals were consistent: Promoting wage levels that provide incomes needed to purchase decent housing, support local businesses, and support local government services, and to encourage the retention and expansion of existing businesses in Monticello; the subcommittee did some brainstorming and information gathering on how to achieve those goals. One of the ideas of the preliminary brainstorming was: In order to create high-end wage levels, the City of Monticello needs to explore the potential to partner with local and regional educational/training institutions to create a facility for training and coordinating programs which meet the needs of the targeted and existing industries. An ideal site discussed for such a training facility and spin-off business campus was the 33-acre site west ofUMC and next to the Monticello High School. Would such a training campus not set Monticello apart from other communities and meet the over-all goals of the City? Each member gathered some information by contacting individuals in the areas of education (St. Cloud State University [SCSU]), transportation (St. Cloud Regional Airport), Medtronics Campus (City of Moundsview), high-end hotels, and the life-science industries. The group was energized after gathering information and thereafter contacted SCSU and the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) to conduct a Feasibility Study identifying current assets and shortcomings of Monticello as a potential location of a high tech/life science industrial park. The subcommittee looks at the Feasiblity Study as the first step of many steps, to establishing a potential partnership with the local, regional, and state educational/training institutions. Education/training produces skilled workers, increases income levels, and is a strong marketing tool. On February 12, Paul Kleinwachter and Koropchak met with the nine SCSU students and staff assigned to working on the Monticello Feasibility Study. It was determined to narrow the study to focus on the life sciences. To include high tech would not allow the students time to complete a comprehensive study. The Study completion and presentation is scheduled for the end of April or first part of May. Attached is the City of Monticello Statement of Purpose. 'd-.-':;l(-e'l City of Monticello Statement of Purpose The City of Monticello is seeking information on the Life Sciences industry to supplement their comprehensive plan, specifically those aspects that pertain to future industrial development in the city. The student consultants in charge of the City of Monticello project have come up with the following objectives based on the needs of the City and the available resources of the team. I. To present to the City a detailed summary of the Life Sciences industry including any current and expected future trends. 2. To establish a list of criteria that prospective life science organizations look for when seeking out new cities to establish their company in, as well as what amenities they expect the city to provide to them. 3. To analyze the assets of the City of Monticello to determine which of these criteria and amenities they already possess, and which they should focus on developing in the future to attract these types of companies. The student consultant team looks forward to working with the City of Monticello on this project. The team is confident that the objectives listed above can be accomplished with a high degree of quality and that we will be able to present the city with a professional project and presentation upOn completion. We are requesting a representative from the city sign this document acknowledging that the above listed outcomes are consistent with the city's expectations of what the team will provide to the city. Authorized Representative City of Monticello a~ \s'^~~ client signature . . . INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA February 9, 2007 IDC Mission Statement "To increase the industrial tax base, to create jobs at liveable wage-levels, and to maintain a favorable and desirable industrial environment in the City of Monticello." Dear Mayor Clint Herbst and Council Members Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault, Wayne Mayer, and Susie Wojchouski: The members of the Industrial Development Committee (IDC) want to acknowledge their appreciation to IDC Council Liaison Mayor Herbst and Council Member Mayer for attending the IDC meetings and the IDC hopes the shared dialogue enhances the over-all economic development efforts of the City of Monticello. At the IDC meeting of February 6, 2007, the members discussed the proposed Chelsea Road reconstruction project and reviewed the process leading up to the January 22,2007, City Council action to accept the Feasibility Report for the Reconstruction of Chelsea Road (CSAH 18 to Fallon Avenue) and the upcoming February 12, 2007, Public Hearing and consideration to order the reconstruction project. The IDC members noted these factors: 1. The estimated reconstruction project cost includes a 28% indirect cost for engineering, legal, and administration fees which appears excessive. 2. The proposed reconstruction project appears to be moving too quickly given the adjacent property owners were first notified of the proposed project in January and the complexity of all issues. 3. The stated 2007 commencement date for reconstruction of Chelsea Road is not stated in the May 2005 Assessment Agreement between the City and Monticello Industrial Park, Inc. 4. In a comparative assessment of the current condition of Chelsea Road and Fallon Avenue, Fallon Avenue appears to have the greatest need for reconstruction. 5. With the unknown timing of a potential application to re-zone the parcel ofland located south of Chelsea Road from Light IndustriallBusiness Campus to Retail, it appears the urgency and need to reconstruct Chelsea Road at this time is not warranted. Based on the above factors, the IDC approved the following motion of recommendation: "The IDC recommends the City Council defer reconstruction of Chelsea Road until such time a re-zone or a major buyer deems the need to reconstruct Chelsea Road and recommends the City Council seek competitive bids for the engineer and management project costs." . . . February 9, 2007 Page 2 The IDC requests the City Council consider their recommendation for approval. Should you have questions, please contact me at 763-263-7625 or another member of the IDC. Respectfully, ON BEHALF OF THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Mike Benedetto Vice Chair c: IDC Members and File . . . RECOMMENDATION FOR PLANNING COMMISSION ITEM NO.5 FEBRUARY 6, 2007. At the IDC meeting of February 6,2007, the members discussed the following industrial related item: Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for a simple subdivision in an 1-2 (Heavy Industrial) District. Applicant: Steve Birkeland, Jr. IDC position: The IDC agreed with the recommendation of staff provided the Exhibit Z conditions are met. Central Minnesota Area Job Fair 2007 Feeling a little overwhelmed... Need a little help with your daily workload? You are invited to exhibit at the Central Minnesota Area Job Fair 2007! Tuesday, March 20, 2007 1 :00 PM - 6:00 PM Monticello High School . Extensively Advertised. Free Parking. 1500 Job Seekers Last Year · To register and be included in the employer directory, you must return the enclosed registration form and payment by: March 10,2007 Questions... call Tim at 763-271-3722 or Bob at 763-271-3766 Supported and Sponsored by: Monticello WorkForce Center, Wright County Economic Development Partnership, Drummer/Wright County Journal-Press, Elk River Star News, West Sherburne Tribune/Citizen, KRWC 1360 AM, and the Chambers of Commerce from: Becker, Big Lake, Buffalo, Elk River, 1-94 West and Monticello 11:38 FEB 23, 2007 TO: OLLIE KOROPCHAK Minnesota Trade Office ~.- FR: GLORIA HENCK *477326 PAGE: 2/3 DOING BUSINESS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION CE-Marking: ""hat Manufacturers Need to Know CE: for anyone wishing [0 sell a wide variety of manufactured good 50 in the European Union, the LE.Marklng Is an essential 'trade passport" that allows products to be sold freely throughout theEU. The marking certltl.es that the products comply with EUI'Opcean health. safety, envtronmen13.1 and consumer protection requirements, A clear understandlng 01 the ortlclalproduct directives and certifying proceu are cnlclal for anyone eyeIng theE'llropean marketplace. TIlls seminar foCUSes OD madllae11' andntedkal products. we'll dlscu5$ the EU dlroctiws and examine prodUcts that may follow the self-certification process and those that must be clroll.ed by a European Notlll.edBody.. Manufacturers. of other products requIring CE-ltlrking will find the program useful, i\'e'Ucover the details of the new Macblnery Dlrectlve (ZOO6/4Z/EC) that wiD nplace the current d.lrectlve (98/37/Ec) and amendments. A1tbough enforcement goes Into effect December 1009, now's the right time to get acquainted wltl:1 tl:1e speCifics otme dlrectlve. In addition, we'lIltiscuss tM WEEE (Waste 'Electrical and Electronic EquIpment) and RoHS (Restriction Of Certain Hazardous Sllbstances in Electrlcal amlElec Ironic Equipment) Directives for companies that sell a broad range 01 electrical goods In the EU. We'll discuss the directives. how they were developed. the types of p.roducts covered. exemptions. implementation, compliance, and definitlon of the "producer,' Particlpallls wlllrec~ve copies of directives and related bandDuts. (f the European UniOllls in your international marketing plans, you can't atforcllo mlss this seminar. * About the Speaker Wonne Halpaus is senior part- ner at QNET ILC/B,V., a quality assurance and International trade consultln,g:llnn speelallz- Ing; In CE-Marklng and European Directive consultl.ng. QNET liC Is beadqll3rltred in Elk River. Millllt!sola with European Union office s in thl! United ICtngdom and the Netb.erlands. * Date:. ThuBdllY. liard, 15, 2007 '0_: 8:30 to noon. R~isttatlon begins at 8 a.m. Pla1:C1:Deputlllent of Employment and Iconomk: ntvelopm"llI,Mlolle~ota Dade Ollk.., 1st Natlonal !lank Building, 332 Mimlnota Street, Suite UOO, St, PlWI, MN 55101. 2nd Roor (skyway level) I'M,: US if pre-rejll&tereLi; $55 !lUhe door, Pre-ngi.ttl'llrJall is lIig/Ily ncoll1lllellded. For mo... IntormatlDD, COllU.ct Jeffrey 1'I11lllps. 651-291-8S41, I)t e'MaIl j..fl'rey.philllpt....lte.nll~.w.. To register by mall. e-mail, tt1ephont or fax., see bICk paMl optilms. WRIGttT ((COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP Upcoming Events March 2007 Transportation Improvement Plans for WriJ!ht Countv Date: March 14,2007 Time: 11 :30 a.m. - 1 :30 pm Cost: $25 members / $40 non-members Location: Silver Springs Golf Course, Monticello Presentations by: Graig Robinson, MNDOT, Claudia Dumont, MNDOT & Wayne Finga1son, County Engineer $500 Gateway Sponsor - WSB & Associates April 2007 Retail Analvsis of WriJ!ht Countv Date: April 25, 200~ Time: 11 :30 a.m. - 1 :30 pIT Cost: $25 members / $40 non-memben Location: Cinemagic Theater (3rd floor: Presented by: Jim McComb, McComb Groul Picture provided by KKE Architects $500 Gateway Sponsor - KKE Architects .0 ' E ...;::: 0.0 eo::l d;~. -H' VJ.<.Il Q,) "Z ~ b~S~Ba ~i~~'~ ~~~<'t15 0.. ~ ~ 5 - 0 :.1 ""',' I 3 0.. -5 u 8 ~. o..~ - 1!'O:r G] 8 ~5 '::E ;!.il ~~~~j ~~~~,'~ ~.sg~~ -5 ~ o~ U;j '3.0 - "''"'...... ;,::;;-" ii _ -0. Q,) .,: "...... >'/""-". ~ 5 ~ 8 0 "' i:E E..c. .:!3,~:::; "'C',~ "8.r-... 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E5 ~ ~ ctl E:? ::l b:c.:E Q,l Qj ~.o c C1C!:::<;-'.... C1:jQ O~C,fl"'O<O c=~O..c:0.I168cc.- QJ "'0 = ;: ..c: - g tllJ.... "Cl v .5 ~..... ~ s lII:l.I........e::lt;,)O"i1IvV':oQJQ,lC,fl i;e;" ..s~o~~~ E'v;E;o >C ... c:I :z - , I;;;I~I~I~ ~;:t ~ i:l :-;'i;I'" l;'.j. <":l ...-'- .-l;'.j I!~ I 6 - g ~ E '~ ~,i.~ ~ .s ,~ C;l '~~OiG ~-~~:~~~~ ~..g ~ '$ c: Q)"iij Jg >.n e:! .S; Ijl~ ~Ij ~~lm; j ~I = \2 '":' = = ~ ~ e E = ~ ... ~ E = o :fi' @ !l ~ E o ~ AGENDA MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION March 6th, 2007 6:00 PM DRG(~~ ~bt Commissioners: Rod Dragsten, Lloyd Hilgart, William Spartz, Barry Voight, Charlotte Gabler Council Liaison: Brian Stompf Staff: Jeff O'Neill, Aogela Schumaon, Gary Aoderson, OHie Koropchak, Kimberly Holien and Steve Grittman - NAC 1. Can to order. 2. Approval of the minutes of the Planning Commission meetings of February 6th, 2007. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments. 5. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for Development Stage Planned Unit Development approval for an in1ine retail center at Union Crossings. Applicant: Ryan Companies US, Inc. 6. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for Development Stage Planned Unit Development approval for a multi-tenant shopping center, Final Plat Approval and Conditional Use Permit approval for a drive through lane at Union Crossings. Applicant: Ryan Companies US, Inc. 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for an amendment to the MonticeHo Zoning Ordinance Section 2-2 (pJ) defining public signs and an amendment to Section 3-9 regulating signs to address off-site, quasi-public signs. Applicant: City ofMonticeHo 8. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request to establish an overlay district applied to Properties along River Street, and an amendment to the MonticeHo Zoning Ordinance Section 3-3 (F) regulating front yard setback averaging. Applicant: City of MonticeHo (NAC) 9. Consideration of the creation of an Interim Amendment to Section 9-1 the City Code regulating traffic, aHowing City to grant permission to the Chamber of Commerce to place a sign within the City right-of-way for a temporary period of time. 10. Adjourn INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO 2006 ACTION STATEMENT ~ ~vD. Mission Statement To increase the industrial tax base, to create jobs at liveable wage-levels, and to maintain a favorable and desirable industrial environment in the City of Monticello. Puroose To operate as an independent lobbying organization structured to influence and assist industrial development in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota. In the broadest context focus on overall industrial development and developers. Goals and Direction 1. To provide a continuous stream of available industrial land with infrastructure potential. 2. To review and assess the implementation of the industrial marketing plan developed in conjunction with the HRA for the City of Monticello. 3. To rate the effectiveness ofthe use of the industrial marketing plan. 4. To assign time and effort when and where it is deemed necessary to accomplish industrial development. Cf) C\s, MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ORGANIZATIONAL AND MEMBERSHIP GUIDELINES I. Meeting Time and Place: Regular meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 a.m. in the Monticello City Hall, Bridge Room. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson and Executive Director. II. Obiective: As written and adopted by the Annual Industrial Development Committee Action Statement. III. Committee Size: While there is no set or definite size established, it is generally understood that the committee will not exceed 16-18 members. IV. Make-uD the Committee: Committee members must either work or reside in the community of greater Monticello. Individuals who are involved in an occupation or profession that provides services to the community of Monticello but is not headquartered within the community may also serve as members of the committee. Standing Committee Members: The City Council shall appoint the Mayor and a Council Member to the IDC as non- voting members. The Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce & Industry shall appoint a voting member to the IDC. City Staff Members: Non-voting. Administrator of the City of Monticello. Economic Development Director ofthe City of Monticello. Chief Building Official of the City of Monticello. V. Officers: The Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, and the Secretary shall be elected annually at the January meeting. Length of office term shall not exceed three consecutive years. Minutes of each meeting are the responsibility of the Secretary. Committee correspondence are the responsibility of the Economic Development Director. VI. Lenl!th of MembershiD Term: Members shall serve for three year terms on a three year rotating basis so that approximately one-third of the membership expires each year. Individuals wishing to continue serving on the committee may so indicate prior to the expiration of their term. Any member wishing to relinquish his/her position on the Industrial Development Committee may do so by submitting a letter of resignation. IDC ORGANIZA TIONAUMEMBERSHIP GUIDELINES. PAGE 2 VII. Fillinl! a Vacant Position: A list of potential committee members shall be kept by the Executive Director. The Industrial Development Committee must confirm all new members by a majority vote. VIII. Membershio Attendance: In order to make a positive contribution to the committee, each member is expected to attend at least 75% of the meetings in any given year. A year is defined as beginning on the 1st ofJanuary and ending the 31th of December. C\0. IDC MISSION STATEMENT To increase the industrial tax base, to create jobs at liveable wage-levels, and to maintain a favorable and desirable industrial environment in the City of Monticello. 2006 ];)C GOALS AliD TASKS GOALS: ~~ ~ 1. Provide support for recruitment efforts of addItional industrial businesses to lucate in Monticello (recruitment of industry). TASK: 1. Request Marketing Committee provide an annual report to evaluate the effectiveness ofthe marketing efforts for the Monticello Business Center. 2. Monitor need for additional purchase ofland currently under Contract for Deed in the Monticello Business Center and the need to authorize feasibility study for construction of Phase II infrastructure. 3. Continue participation in the industrial business prospect tours. 4. Recognize new industrial businesses via an open house when appropriate. 2. Continue business retention and expansion (BRE) programs for the industrial business sector (retention). TASK: 1. Encourage and provide process for mayor and council members to acknowledge industrial businesses. 2. Develop "yes/no or check box" survey to communicate between local industries and city/council regarding specific operational issues such as transportation/traffic, fiber optics, skilled work force, utility (electrical/telephone) reliability, etc. 3. BRE visit by IDC member(s) and Economic Development Director to individual manufacturers. 3. Coordinate with the Chamber of Commerce the annual Industrial Luncheon, recognize an industrial business, and develop criteria for recognition. 4. Encourage local newspaper to feature an industrial section or individual business articles. 5. Schedule tours oflocal manufacturers (outside normal IDC meetings.) 1 (jJ) ~ 3. Provide a continuous stream of available industrial land with infrastructure potential (land). TASK: I. Research sites for future industrial development (through comprehensive plan/orderly annexation.) 1. Develop funding source(s) for future land purchase and encourage the HRA and Council to establish annual matching fund account. 2. Discuss trends of future industrial parks. 4. Research transportation and traffic issues (transportation). FOCUS: 1. 1-94 to six lanes. I. I-94/0rchard Road Interchange. 2. Intra-city traffic circulation including round-abouts. 3. Trunk Highway 25 upgrade to four-lanes between Monticello and Buffalo. 4. Light rail and/or expansion of commuter bus system from Rogers to Monticello. TASK: 1. Invite WSB Traffic Engineer or someone other for purpose to gather information on current and proposed transportation projects. \. Form partnerships with Wright County, Mayor/council to lobby for joint transportation goals. 2. Develop lobbying network amongst IDC members, local industries, and legislators. 3. Research lobbying effort with local chamber(s). 2 ~ ~c. Monticello Industrial Development Committee Attn: Mike Benedetto, Vice President City of Monticello Monticello, MN 55362 February 15,2007 RE: Gratitude and Resignation Dear Mike and Committee; It is with deep gratitude that I express my thanks to the City of Monticello and to you my fellow committee members for the opportunity to serve the community of Monticello as a member of the Industrial Development Committee. I have been deeply touched by the reverence and passion with which you as fellow committee members have met the challenges of the mission of this committee. As you know, I have made a life choice to follow an educational pursuit at St John's School of Theology that will require my full time attention for the foreseeable future. Therefore, I must offer my resignation from the committee and from the presidency of this committee. I leave you in the full trust that the committee is in good hands and that you will continue to work to find the future common good for our community! S: At yout wi I, I offer my continuing services as a liaison for the cooperative market research pfoj t between St Cloud University and the Marketing Sub-Committee for the IndustriallD elopment Committee. Please advise me if/when my services are no longer needed in1t), s position. 1700 I I 68th Street SE Big Lake, MN 55309 pkleinwac@yahoo.com ~ ... = <:Il ~ ~t- =0 ~o ~M ~ U ~ ... 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