Planning Commission Minutes 07-08-1986
Ju~y 8, 1986 - 7:30 p.m.
Members Present: Richard Car~son, Richard Martie, Warren Smith,
Joyce Dow~ing, Barbara Koropchak.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Gary Anderson
1 .
The meeting was ca~~ed to order by Chairperson Richard Car~son at
7:31 p.m.
Motion by Warren Smith, seconded by Joyce Dow~ing, to approve the
June 10, 1986, p~anning Commission meeting minutes. Motion carried
unan1mous~y with Barbara Koropchak absent.
Public Hearing - A variance request to a~~ow a front entry to be
constructed within the front yard setback requirement. App~icant,
Lowell Hendrickson.
John Londert, brother-in-~aw to the app~icant, and Russe~~ Hendrickson,
son of the app~1cant, were present to propose Mr. Hendrickson's request
to construct a 6'x 8' entry to the front of his existing house.
The reason for the front entry request is to make the house a litt~e
more energy efficient by coming into an entry and then into the existing
front door of the house. The property is going to receive new soffit
and fascia and be resided with permanent type siding. If the variance
request is a~~owed, they wou~d a~so put siding and soffit and fascia
on the proposed entry the same as the existing house. with no
other input from the pub~ic, motion was made by Warren Smith, seconded
by Joyce Dow~ing, to approve the variance request to a~~ow a front
entry to be constructed within the front yard setback requirement.
Motion carried unanimous~y with Barbara Koropchak absent.
Mr. Richard Car~son then asked that pub~ic hearings #4 and #5 be
switched around so Mr. Brinkman's request cou~d be heard first as to
a recommendation from City staff.
5. Pub~ic Hearing - A variance request to al~ow p~acement of a bui~din9
within the front and rear yard setback requirements. App~icant,
Wayne Brinkman.
Mr. Wayne Brinkman was present to propose construction of a new National
Bushing Auto Parts store on Lots 1 & 2 near the Wright County Drive-up
Bank just west of the new Wa~nut Seven bui~ding. If a~~owed to construct
a new auto parts store, he wou~d ~ike a variance to push the bui~ding
back to within 10 feet of the rear property ~ine. The rationa~e
for the variance request is that with the configuration of the ~and,
the best use of the ~and wou~d be to shove the bui~ding back as far
P~anning Commission Minutes - 7/8/86
as possib~e to a~low parking within the front of the bui~ding and
a~so to the northwest rear corner, with driveways being constructed
a~ong the west edge of the property. P~anning Commission member,
Warren Smith, questioned as to where the proposed storm water drainage
wou~d go. Mr. Brinkman indicated that everything on the roof wou~d be
drained to the interior part of the bui~ding and then drained out to
existing storm sewer. Commission member, Warren Smith, then questioned
as to whether this property wou~d have to pay for part of the storm
sewer work which the Walnut Seven property owners had to instal~
as part of their project a~ong the rear of their property. Zoning
Administrator Anderson countered that the storm sewer was put in
under private contract and it wou~d be up to the owners of Lots 1 & 2,
Wright County State Bank, to work out some type of agreement with
Mr. Brinkman and the Wa~nut Seven peop~e, as they are the ones that
pay the major portion of the storm sewer insta~~ation costs. The
on~y involvement the City would have is that the City has the easements,
and they do have the right to go in there to maintain the storm sewer.
Barbara Koropchak arrived at the meeting at 7:50 p.m. With no further
input from the pub~ic or from any other Planning Commission members,
motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Joyce DOWling, to
approve the variance request to al~ow placement of a building within
the rear yard setback requirement. Also as part of the motion was
that the owner, Mr. Brinkman, work out with the previous owner, wright
County State Bank, and the Walnut Seven property owners on possible
use of the existing storm sewer which they put in rather than digging
up the street again to hook up to the main storm sewer line. Motion
carried unanimously.
Public Hearing - A simp~e subdivision request to
lot to be subdivided into two residential lots.
to allow a new residential lot to have less than
frontage as required. Applicant, Mel Wolters.
allow a residential
A variance request
the minimum ~ot
Mel Wolters was present to propose a simple residential lot subdivision.
Mr. Wolters indicated that due to the excess square footage of the
lot, it is rather hard for a single family househo~d to maintain
that large a lot and that was some of the rationale that he used
for splitting up the lot in question. Mr. Wolters also showed where
the new water and sewer service would be run in to service the existing
house, and the existing service would be terminated at the proposed
location of the house on the newly subdivided lot. He also indicated
the possible re~ocation of the existing driveway on the proposed
site plan. Chairperson Richard Carlson opened the meeting for input
from the public. Mr. Scott Hill was present to voice his concerns
on the existing location of the driveway. He was out measuring it
yesterday and found that the existing driveway would be on the proposed
newly subdivided lot. Mr. Wolters countered that the driveway would
be relocated so it would be within the 33 foot leg of the lot going
out to West River Street. Mr. Hi~~ also voiced his concerns on the
high amount of traffic on this road right now and with an additional
buildable lot with the subdivision, you might also expect there would
be at ~east two more vehicles used on this public road. Mr. Richard
Carlson then entered into the public record a letter delivered by
Planning Commission Minutes - 7/8/86
Mr. Scott Hill from Mr. & Mrs. Scott Whitson and signed by Teresa
Whitson, notarized by Diane Jacobson, our Notary Public, to City
Council and is also being heard by the Planning Commission. "We
desire the lot at Lot 2, Block A, to remain a single family dwelling zone.
We desire the lot at Lot 2, Block A, not be subdivided to contain
two single family dwellings." Signed by Teresa Whitson, Lot 1, Block A,
1328 West River Street, June 4, 1986.
Chairperson Richard Carlson then closed the public hearing and asked
for input from Planning Commission members. Mr. Warren Smith questioned
Scott Hill's reasons for his objections. Mr. Hill countered that
he his definite reasons for objection were creating another lot in
this area when the reason he purchased his house was because of the
large amount of green area that went with the lot. He also has concerns
with the increase in traffic when there is a high amount of traffic
in the area already. Warren Smith also raised the question of the
front yard setback on the newly created subdivided parcel. Zoning
Administrator Anderson countered that if the setbacks for Whitson's
house and Mr. Hill's house were at 30 feet, the least amount of front
yard setback this new house could have would be a 30 foot front yard
Chairperson Richard Carlson called for a motion on this simple subdivision
request. Motion by Warren Smith, seconded by Richard Martie, to
approve the simple subdivision request to allow a residential lot
to be subdivided into two residential lots, and to approve the variance
request to allow a residential lot to have less than the minimum
lot frontage as required, and also to add as a condition that the
developer bear all costs of a new water and sewer line stub to service
the existing property. Motion carried unanimOUSly.
Additional Information Items
Motion by Barbara Koropchak, seconded by Richard Martie to set the
next tentative date for the Monticello Planning Commission meeting
for August 12, 1986, 7:30 p.m. Mr. Warren Smith then questioned
as to what happens to some of the actions that they take at the City
Council level. He thought it would be important for Planning Commission
members to know the results of the applications which go before them
at City Council and the other ones that do require City Council action.
Zoning Administrator Anderson said he would carry it a step further
in that he would send copies of the motion made by City Council members
in dealing with any information to Planning Commission members and
also of the requests which go before City Council members. Also,
a spot on the agenda would be set aside for giving the action which
was taken on any requests which go before the City Council. This
information would be sent out in their agenda packets prior to their
next scheduled meeting date. It was the consensus of the Planning
Commission members that it Was a very good idea and would be very
worthwhile information to them.
Planning Commission Minutes - 7/8/86
Motion by Warren Smith, seconded by Richard Martie, to adjourn the
meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:34 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
zoning Administrator