City Council Agenda Packet 03-28-2005 . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday March 28, 2005 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Glen Posusta, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2A. Approve minutes of March 14,2005 regular Council meeting. B. Approve minutes of March 14, 2005 Workshop Meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and complaints. 5. Consent agenda. A. . B. C. D. Consideration of new hires and departures. Consideration of approving appointment of EDA Commissioner. Consideration ofrenewing uniform contract with Aramak Service. Consideration of accepting feasibility report and set public hearing date for the Chelsea Road Extension(90th Street to CSAH 39) School Boulevard (Chelsea Road (01,330 feet South), and Northwest lift station and forcemain, City Project No. 2005-11 C. E. Consideration of adopting a resolution requesting MnDOT to install advanced intersection sign on TH 25 for Dundas Road, City Project No. 2005-19C. F. Consideration of accepting feasibility report and ordering public hearing for improvement for School Boulevard Sidewalk and Median Improvements Project No. 2004-31 C. G. Consideration of amendment to Otter Creek Pre-development Agreement H. Consideration of approving plans and specifications for Trunk Sanitary Sewer Project No. 2000-12C and authorize advertisement for bids. 1. Consideration of calling for a special meeting on CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange, Project No.2004-01C. . 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. ::Y . . . Agenda Monticello City Council March 28, 2005 Page 2 7. Public Hearing - 2005 Core Street Improvement Project No. 2005-1 C. 8. Consideration of authorizing Comprehensive Plan update. 9. Consideration of establishing a date for a team building session. 10. Consideration of approving plans and specifications for new water tower and authorize advertisement for bids. II. Consideration of proposal from Bolton & Menk to study two alternatives for biosolid treatment at the WWTP 12. Consideration oflctter to YMCA expressing City interest in collaborating with YMCA, County, State and others to preserve natural character of Long Lake/Lake Bertram area. 13. Consideration of renewal of contract at the Elk River Landfill with Waste Management Corp. 14. Consideration of a request for an amendment to a Conditional Use Permit for development stage planned unit development and consideration of a revised preliminary plat for Carlisle Village. 15. Consideration of approving payment of bills for March. 16. Adjourn. z Council Minutes - 3/14/05 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL . Monday March 14,2005 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf. Members Absent: None. 1. Call to Order and Pledee of AlIeeiance. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes of Februan' 28, 2005 reeular Council meetine. Tom Perrault noted a correction on page 12 relating to payment of bills pointing out that he had made the statement questioning the number of memberships in organizations and the value of them. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 28, 2005 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WITH THE CORRECTION. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . 2B. Approve minutes of Februan' 28. 2005 Workshop meetine. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 28, 2005 WORKSHOP MEETING. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANlMOUSL Y. 3. Consideration of addine items to the aeenda. Glen Posusta added to the agenda I) Sign for Dundas Road; 2) Completion of Cedar Street; 3) Plantings for wastewater treatment plant. Wayne Mayer added an update on the negotiations on Territorial Road and the methamphetamine awareness program that was coming up. John Simola added authorization of certain preliminary work relating to future WWTP expansions. Clint Herbst added a sign issue. 4. Citizen comments, petitions. requests and complaints. None. 5. Consent Aeenda. A. Consideration of new hires and departures. Recommendation: Ratify new hires as identified. . :), A -:) 1 Council Minutes - 3/14/05 . B. Consideration of waiving statutory liability limit for City insurance renewal. Recommendation: Authorize the City to continue carrying excess liability coverage in the amount 01'$1,000,000 through the LMCIT program. C. Consideration of a request for replat for Prairie Ponds Addition, a request for rezoning from 8-3 to B-4 for the plats of Prairie Ponds Addition and Prairie Ponds Second Addition and consideration of a request for final plat approval for Prairie Ponds Second Addition. Recommendation: Decision #1 -Move to approve the rezoning for Prairie Ponds Addition and thc proposed Prairie Ponds Second Addition from B-3 to 8-4 based on findings that the best long term use of the site for regional commercial uses, and that the 8-4 designation would be compatible with the adjoining commercial property also zoned B-4. Decision #2 - Move to approve the replat for Lots 2, 3, and 4, Block I of Prairie Ponds Addition based on a finding that the replat is best suited for the specific development needs of the property, and that all lots in the replat will continue to meet the City's zoning requirements. D. Consideration of authorizing distribution of EA W for a 30 day comment pcriod for the Hidden Forest/Sunset Ridge Development. Recommendation: Authorize the distribution of the EA W for the 30-day public comment period to the required agencies. . E. Consideration of a request for a lot line adjustment for two single family residential lots in an R-I Zoning District. Applicant: Stephanie and Shawn Rossebo. Recommendation: Approve the lot line shift to create two parcels as described by the Certificatc of Survey, subject to Council approval of the vacation of existing drainage and utility easements and the re-establishment of the required drainage and utility easements. F. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for open and outside storage in an [-IA Zoning District. Applicant: Twin City Die Casting. Recommendation: Approve a Conditional use permit to Twin City Die Castings at 520 Chelsea Road for open and outdoor storage subject to the plans provided and attached (Pages 5F-78 to 5F-80 of agenda). G. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit to allow loading dock doors fronting a public street on a corner lot in an 1-2 District. Applicant: Tapper Holdings, LLC. Recommendation: Approve a conditional use permit for Tapper Holdings, LLC to allow loading dock doors fronting a public street on a corner lot in 1-2 District based on the comments from the staff report for the March I, 2005 Planning Commission meeting and contingent upon conditions of Exhibit Z as follows: a. The applicant demonstrate compliance with the City's off-street parking supply requirements through proof of parking or employee counts. To achieve the required parking supply, consideration should be given to "infilling" the existing parking lot to the extent possible. b. The submitted site plan is revised to illustrate required parking stalls to be devoted for use by the disabled. . c. The proposed plantings comply with the requirements of the zoning ordinance. JA_lj 2 Council Minutes - 3/14/05 . d. To the extent possible, the proposed building addition match the existing building in design and color. c. All exterior lighting be directed such that the source of the light is not visible from adjacent properties or rights-of-way. f. The City Engineer provide comment regarding grading and drainage issues. H. Consideration of branch agreement with Great River Regional Library for the Monticello Library. Recommendation: Approve entering into a library branch agreement with the GRRL as negotiated. I. Consideration to authorize preparation of plans and specifications and to publicly bid parking lot construction on the vacant land west of the Monticello Public Library. Recommendation: Authorize staff to engage engineering services for the preparation of detailed plans and specifications for a parking lot to be constructed on the vacant parcel just west of the Monticello Public Library and to authorize staff to publicly bid the project. .I. REMOVED FROM AGENDA. K. REMOVED FROM AGENDA. . 1. Consideration of approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids lor School Boulevard sidewalk and median improvements (Deegan Avenue to Edmonson Avcnue), City Project No. 2004-31 C. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution approving plans and specifications and authorizing the advertisement for bids for the School Boulevard Improvement Project No. 2004-31 C. M. Consideration of request for Fire Department members to attend national fire conference. Recommendation: Authorize up to four Fire Department members to attend a National Fire Department conference in Indianapolis, Indiana with the City covering lodging expenses and exhibit cntrance fees not to exceed $1,000. N. Consideration of approving spring load restriction map for City streets. Recommendation: Approve the new load restriction map and order the appropriate slgnll1g. , J O. Accept Feasibility Report and set the public hearing datc for the extension of School Boulevard from Deegan Avenue to 901h Street NE, City Improvemcnt Project No. 2005-02C. Recommendation: Accept the feasibility report and ordcr the public hcaring for April 11, 2005. . P. Authorize acquisition of fee title, casements and other rights necessary for the construction, reconstruction, improvement and maintenance of Wright County Highway Numbcrs 18 and 39 in accordance with Right-of-Way Plat 55. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing the acquisition of fee title easements and other rights J, A -5 Council Minutes - 3/14/05 . necessary for construction, reconstruction, improvement and maintenance of Wright County Highway Numbers 18 and 39, locatcd in Scction 13, TOV\11Ship 121, Range 25 and Section 18, Township 121, Range 24. Glen Posusta requested that item #5G be removed from the consent agenda and Wayne Mayer asked that items #5B, #51 and #5M be removed. Bret Weiss noted two clarifications on consent agenda items. Item 5L is for median improvemcnts associated with the Wal-Mart project. John Simola wanted to make some modification on the curbing to assist in snowplowing. The landscaping work is going to be pulled out and done by city staff For itcm #5N on the road restrictions, it was pointed out that because of the Wal-Mart project they were modifying the 9 ton load restriction on School Boulevard between Deegan Avenue and Edmonson A venue. Ccdar Street was being modified to 5 ton because the final lift was not in place on that street. Brian Stumpf asked that #5N be removed from the consent agenda. Tom Perrault asked ifit was appropriate for him as an employee ofWal-Mart to vote on the project for the median improvements. The City Attorney indicated it would not be a problem. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE MODIFICATIONS TO #5L AND WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #5B, #5G, #51, #5M AND #5N. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIEDUNANIMOUSL Y. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. . #5B: Wayne Mayer asked about the coverage for certain types oflegal action such as civil rights cases or inverse condemnation liability claims. Rick Wolfsteller explained that normally you would havc $1,000,000 of standard coverage but this kind of coverage would not apply to all cases so that is why they recommend carrying additional coverage. Rick Wolfsteller indicated that the cost for this excess liability coverage is $15,000 per year. The question is whether the liability risk offsets the $15,000 annual cost. Rick Wolfsteller felt that for smaller communities, it was probably more valuable to have the coverage because they would be less likely to havc other funds to cover any claims not covered by the standard liability policy. Glen Posusta did not feel the City needed to spend $15,000 a year for the $1,000,000 excess liability coverage when the risk was not that great. He asked the City Attorney what the cities he worked in did. Tom Scott, City Attorney indicated that some of the cities carried it and some did not. Clint Herbst felt the cost was a reasonable amount for the coverage. Glen Posusta didn't see any reason to be spending the extra money for coverage based on the City's claim history. 4 GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO DIRECT STAFF TO DISCONTINUE THE EXCESS LIABILITY COVERAGE PROVIDED THROUGH THE LMCIT PROGRAM. Brian Stumpf asked the City Attorney what he suggested. Tom Scott agreed with Rick Wolfsteller's comments that smaller cities would have a greater worry about claims and he noted that certain types of claims are not subject to statutory caps such as discrimination cases . ;}ACo Council Minutes - 3/]4/05 . He suggested that if the Council wanted information on number of claims that cities had that came under thcir excess liability coverage they could probably get that information from LMCIT. Clint Herbst asked for a second to the motion on the floor. There was no second and the motion died. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY TO CONTINUE CARRYING EXCESS LIABILITY COVERAGE IN THE AMOlJNT OF $1,000,000 THROUGH THE LMCIT PROGRAM. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Rick W olfsteller will check into reducing the premium on the excess liability coverage by having a larger deductible and will check on what cities carry the excess liability coverage. #5G: Glen Posusta questioned the parking requirements that were noted in the staff report included in the agenda. The ordinance allows for parking to be calculated either on a square footage of building basis (8 spaces plus I space for each 500 sq. ft. oftloor area) or on the number of employees (8 spaces plus one for each 2 employces). Glen Posusta felt that language used in the staff report was convoluted and that parking for the 25,000 sq. ft. proposed expansion would be excessive. . Fred Patch explained the two options for calculating the parking spaces needed noting that the employee calculation was based on the number of employees on the maxim shift. He added that itcm #1 on Exhibit Z specifies the parking requircment. The comments in the staff report on the off-street parking rellects what is in the ordinance. Glen Posusta questioned the proof of parking noted in #1 on Exhibit Z. Fred Patch explained the property owners submits his parking calculations and the calculations are reviewed by staff to determine if sufficicnt parking stalls exist. Glen Posusta notcd in the staff report it said 155 off street parking stalls are required and that the site only has 103 and there is no on street parking allowed. Glen Posusta suggested Fred Patch keep this parking issue in mind. He reiterated he didn't feel any more parking was needed than what was shown on the plan. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE LOCATION OF LOADING BERTHS WITHIN THE FRONT YARD AREA OF THE GENERAUX WOOD PRODUCT SITE BASED ON THE COMMENTS FROM THE STAFF REPORTED FOR THE MARCIl 1,2005 PLANNING COMMISISON AND SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS NOTED IN EXHBIIT Z. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. 5 . In further discussion Wayne Mayer questioned the wording of #5 on Exhibit Z as the language made it seem difficult to provide any lighting that would not be visible from adjacent propcrties or rights-of-way. Fred Patch explained that the lights could be hooded to shield the glare. Waync Mayer felt it was vcry poor way of stating that the lighting was to produce no glare. :JA- -7 Council Minutes - 3/14/05 UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . #5[: Parking Lot Improvements - Wayne Mayer asked where the City was considering building the parking lot and questioned who "deemed the parking lot was questionable in relation to the Downtown Revitalization Plan." Rick Wolfsteller explained the parking lot proposed to be improved is located by the new library site. The original site proposed was adjacent to the old library site between the Wells Fargo parking lot and the Towne Centre facility. Clint Herbst felt the construction of a parking lot next to the library would be a good step. Clint Herbst asked if John Simola could design the parking lot without having the project going out to an engineer. John Simola said normally they would design it and have the engineer sign off on the design. Clint Herbst stated that by having an engineer in-house the City could be doing more projects of this kind. The City Engineer estimated a cost of $5,000 in engineering fees to design a project like this. Glen Posusta asked if the City would go back to the original design prepared by Bogart & Pederson, put it out for bids or do a request for proposals. John Simola suggcsted that Public Works design the plan and have an engineering firm do the final drawings and the signature block. . GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO PREP ARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR APPROVAL BY THE CITY ENGINEER. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Glen Posusta suggested not having all the islands and other protuberances in the parking lot as it would make snow removal more difficult. John Simola stated it would be designed to conform with city ordinances relating to medians and parking stall requirements. #5/11: Wayne Mayer said he brought attendance at the conference up because the background information in the staff report did not list any type of training that would be received. Rick Wolfsteller said it was more of an exhibitor's display rather than a seminar but Fire Chief Scott Douglas notcd there were instruction sessions on operation of fire fighting equipment. Wayne Mayer stated he would like to have more of a description of an item especially if it is going on the consent agenda. Glen Posusta asked who would be attending. Brian Stumpf indicated that it would probably be the Fire Chief Assistant Fire Chief and the two captains. Tom Perrault asked if those attending would be paid and Rick Wolfsteller indicated they would not. WA YNE MAYER MOVED TO AUTHORIZE UP TO FOUR FIRE DEPARTME:.JT MEMBERS TO ATTEND A NATIONAL FIRE DEPARTMENT CONFERENCE IN INDIANPOLIS, INDIANA WITH THE CITY COVERING LODGING EXPENSES AND EXHIBIT ENTRANCE FEES :.JOT TO EXCEED $1.000. . #5N: Brian Stlilllpf stated he brought the load restrictions up because it affects him personally. lIe stated that a number of year ago the Council discussed not allowing trucks over a certain weight on residential streets. He questioned whether the road restrictions would ;),A- 'if 6 Cotmcil Minutes - 3/14/05 . prohibit him from having his tow truck parked on the street. John Simola indicated the restriction would be five tons per axle weight and he felt it was unlikely that Brian Stumpfs truck would exceed that. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE NEW MAP FOR SPRING LOAD RESTRICTIONS WITH THE CHANGES OF HAVING SCHOOL BOULEVARD BETWEEN DEEGAN A VENUE AND EDMONSON A VENUE A 9 TON DESIGNATION AND CEDAR STREET BETWEEN DUNDAS ROAD AND SCHOOL BOUEL VARD A 7 TON DESIGNATION AND ORDER THE APPROPRIATE SIGNING. TOM PER~"ULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Bret Weiss noted that once Cedar Street has its final lift it will be a 9 ton road. 7. Public Hearinl!: Consideration of vacation of easements for Lots 3, 4 and 5, Block 2, Groveland 4th Addition. City Administrator, Rick Wolfstcller noted that a public hearing is required in order for the City to vacate easements. The vacation of the easements is a result of a lot line adjustment that had been approved earlier. The City will be obtaining replacement easements from the property m,~llers. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. No one spoke Jilr or against the proposed easement vacation. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. . GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO V ACA TE THE EXISTING 6' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ALONG THE INTERIOR LOT LINES BETWEEN LOTS 2 AND 3. BLOCK 2, GROVELAND 411J ADDITION CONTINGENT UPON REPLACEMENT EASEMENTS BEING OBTAINED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Public Hearinl!: - Consideration of vacation of easements for Lots 3, 4 and 5, Block 1, Prairie Ponds Addition. City Administrator. Rick Wolfsteller explained that Lots 3,4 and 5, Block I of Prairie Ponds Addition were being replatted. The easements that are proposed to be vacated would be replaced by easements obtained with the plat of Prairie Ponds 2nd Addition. 7 Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. Brad Larson, developer, reiterated that with the replatting ofthe lots replacement easements would be provided. He also noted that the title company discovered that a line was missing on the Prairie Ponds plat dedication that referenced the natural gas line easement and it needs to be acknowledged that the easements in the new plat are subject to the pre-existing easement. Bret Weiss stated it is expected that the gas line would have rights over the easement area. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. . GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO VACATE THE EXSITlNG DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS OVER LOTS 3, 4, AND 5, BLOCK I PRAIRIE PONDS ADDITION CONTINGENT UPON REPLACEMENT EASEMENTS BEING OBTAINED WITH THE d'~- q Council Minutes - 3/14/05 PLATTING OF PRAIRlE PONDS 2ND ADDITION. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. . 9. Public HeariUl! - Consideration of vacation of Garrison Avenue within the plat of Wildwood Ride:e Addition. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller explained that Garrison Avenue was a township road that had provided access for a couple of residences. With the platting of the Wildwood Ridge Addition and Carlisle Village development this road no longer provided access. It is proposed to vacate that portion of Garrison Avenue that lies within the plat of Wildwood Ridge. Since the City does not have fee title to the right of way, only an easement, if the property is vacated it would revert back to the adjacent property owners. Clint Herbst asked what would happcn if one of the adjacent property owners did not want the vacated right-of~way that abutted his property. Tom Perrault indicated his concern was with the drainage problems that still exist in the area. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. John Kautza, 8548 Troy Marquette Drive and Brad Kitzman 8608 Troy Marquette Drive spoke to the Council concerning the drainage problems in the area. Mr, Kautza stated that the cul-de-sac in Carlisle Village was constmcted at higher elevation than that of their property which causes the rnuoff from the cul-de-sac to come onto their property. He stated that directing mnoffto someone else's property was illegal and he felt the Council should take steps to rectify the situation. . Brian Stumpf stated he was at the meeting when this issue came up previously and the Council had directed the matter to the City Engineer, He asked Bret Weiss to address this. Bret Weiss stated he is working with the developer's engineer and the water is not going to mn onto the Kautza property. He stated the cul-de-sac is at the same elevation as the front of the adjacent houscs. The water is designed to run on the Carlisle Village property into a swale that goes to a wetland on Carlisle Villagc. He added that eventually a pipe will be installed when the cul-de-sac is finished. Clint Herbst stated that when the Carlisle Village development is completed the property owners would see a change. Glen Posusta asked if a berm could be placed in the area of the road easement that would be higher than the swale. Bret Weiss noted there is a berm area on the Kautza property so he didn't think the water could go onto his property. Bret Weiss felt a better plan would be to take the water across to the wetland area. Bret Weiss felt the property owners should meet with the developer's engineer to see what has been done to correct the drainage. Mr, Kautza was asked if the City did vacate the street right-of-way did he want that additional area. Mr, Kautza indicated what he didn't want was the drainage problems. Clint Herbst indicated that he was aware it was a bad situation but the City is working on correcting it and added that until the frost is out of the ground not a lot can be done. Mayor Herbst closed the public hearing. . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO V ACA TE GARRISON A VENUE WITHIN THE PLAT OF WILDWOOD RIDGE AND TO RETAIN DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS WITHIN THE AREA PROPOSED FOR VACA nON AND TO CONTACT PROPERTY OWNERS ON THE WEST SIDE OF GARRISON A VNEUE TO ASCERTAIN IF ALL OF J,A- /() 8 Council Minutes - 3/14/05 THE PROPERTY OWNERS ARE INTERESTED IN HAVING THE PROPERTY TURNED OVER TO THEM. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. . Tom Scott asked ifit was thc intent of the Council to vacate thc street and then turn it over to Carlisle Village if the adjacent residents did not want. He noted the City only has an eascment and not fee title, therefore if the City vacates the street it must go back to the abutting property owner. BRIAN STUMPF MODIFIED HIS MOTION TO PROCEED WITH THE V ACA TlON IF 100% OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY o\VNERS WERE AGREEABLE AND IF NOT THE CITY WOULD RETAIN THE AREA FOR A UTILITY DEASEMENT. There was additional discussion on what would happen if one of the property owners did not want the vacatcd portion of the street and did not maintain it. Bret Weiss indicated that since it is street right of way and they are the underlying owners of it they have a responsibility to maintain it. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO V ACA TE GARRISON A VENUE WITHIN THE PLAT OF WILDWOOD RIDGE ADDITION AND TO RETAIN DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS IN THE AREA PROPOSED FOR VACATION. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. . Wayne Mayer asked if this was thc same motion as Brian's first motion. Brian Stumpf said since his modified motion never receivcd a second, the first motion was back for consideration. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN, MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 10. Consideration of reviewine policv for reeulatine off premise directional siens on the public rieht-of-wav. Fred Patch provided background information on the off premise directional sign policy that was adopted by a previous Council in 1980. This came up now because of a request by Olson Electric for placing a directional sign at Chelsea Road and Sandberg Road directing others to the location of Olson Electric. Clint Herbst asked if there was a map submitted showing where it was proposed to locate thc sign. Fred Patch indicated no plan was submitted but his understanding was that the sign was to be located in public right-of-way. In I 980 the Council had restricted off premise directional signs to medical facilities, government facilities, church and schools. There were also restrictions on size, color and sign content. Clint Herbst felt this situation was different because the City had shut off his access as part of an improvement project. It was not the property owner's decision to change the access. . Fred Patch stated he had discussed thi s with the Public Works Director and their concern was that the City would be opening a Pandora's box by allowing this. He felt the Council should definc what unique circumstances would allow placement of off-premises signs in public right of way. He felt the Council should go back to the 1980 policy and re-affirm the provisions d A- II 9 Council Minutes - 3/14/05 . they want of that policy and then define what circumstances would allow a variation from the policy. Public Works Director John Simola indicated he felt it should be handled as a variance. In that way any case with unique circumstances would come before thc Council. Wayne Mayer noted his concern is with setting a precedent. Fred Patch also pointed out that the policy would only be for signs within the City's right of way as county and statc roads were outside the City's jurisdiction. Glen Posusta felt the Planning Commission should look at this before it came back to Council. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO DIRECT THE OFF PREMISE DIRECTIONAL SIGN POLICY BE BROUGHT BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR THEIR REVIEW BEFORE IT COMES BACK TO THE COUNCIL. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 11. Consideration of settlement offer - Kramer House. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller provided information on the insurance company's settlement offer. He noted that there are some options for continuing the claim if the City decides to pursue this further. The City would need to hire an appraiser and have the appraisal submitted to a 3'd party. Rick W olfsteller stated that the appraisal done by the insurance company put the value of the property at zero. The appraisal provided a basis for the company rejecting the $50,000 counteroffer the City had made and also provided documcntation to support removing their original settlement offer of $30,000. . Clint Herbst suggcsted the Council submit a counteroffer of $25,000. Glen Posusta questioned whether the Council had been informed that the $30,000 offer was the final offer from the insurance company. The City Administrator stated that information was provided to the Council when this item was first considered. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO SUBMIT A COL~TEROFFER OF $25,000 AND TO HA VE THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR BRING THEIR RESPONSE BACK TO THE COUNCIL. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Brian Stumpf asked what the Council's wishes were on the garage that is remaining on the site. John Simola noted that there were some other sites that should be considered for dcmolition as well. The consensus of the Council was that staff should draw up something covering the demolition of these sites and present it to the Council. 12. Consideration of process for sale of vacated 7th Street rieht-of-wav. . After the vacation of the right of way for 7'h Street, the adjacent property owners, Randy RutI and Monica Olson wcre both contacted to see if they had an intcrest in purchasing the vacated right of way. Both parties indicated an interest in purchasing the property and were informed the minimum price that would be considered was $30,000. Since the property did not include sewer and water service and required that till be brought in, it was felt this was a reasonable pnce. ~A -I d- 10 Council Minutes - 3114/05 . Clint Hcrbst stated that he was more concerned about what was constructed on the lot than what was paid for it. Rick W olfsteller suggested that the City could place restrictive covenants on the property that would specify structure requirements for the site. Wayne Mayer said in fairness to Monica Olson it was not her fault she was told a minimum bid of $30,000 when the Council was actually looking at $40,000. Monica Olson at 614 Minnesota Street spoke stating that she was interested in purchasing the property. She felt if someone else built on the property it would take away her privacy as the structure would only be 10' or so from her house. She noted that she does foster care and appreciates the openness of the area. She would hate to lose it because of another structure being built. Brian Stumpf said he was opposed to this when it first came up as he felt it should d be offered to the adjoining property owners. He felt the City should honor the offer made by Monica Olson. Clint Herbst agreed saying he didn't have a problem with the otTer. Glen Posusta asked iflanguage could be added stating that the right of way is part of her parcel and cannot bc sold as a separate parcel. Tom Scott said the City could sell the right of way on the condition that it be combined with her lot and not be sold as a separate lot. Brian Stumpf questioned whether it was the Council's intent that something be built on the site eventually. Clint Herbst felt that any1hing constructed on the site should be to R-l standards. Rick Wolfsteller stated that the zoning in the area was R-2. Brian Stumpf suggested that anything that is approved be contingent upon Planning Commission approval. Tom Scott suggested putting property restrictions on the parcel that would be the appropriate way to go. . Fred Patch suggested that he and Tom Scott work out some restrictions for Council consideration. Clint Herbst said his concern is that they don't want to see a house moved on to the property. He felt it should be a new structure and that it needs to meet zoning requirements for the district. Fred Patch asked if manufactured housing would be considered. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO DIRECT STAFF TO PREP ARE A PURCHASE AGREEMENT LA YING OUT TERMS BETWEEN MONICA OLSON AND THE CITY AND PREPARE A DOCUMENT OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS THAT WILL PROVIDE FOR RESIDENTIAL QUALITY AS DIRECTED BY COUNCIL. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13. Consideration of adoptinl!: a purchasinl!: policy. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller provided information on the purchasing policy. He stated that based on direction from Council he informed staff that major purchases would be reviewed by Council and that purchases under $1,000 should be made locally. In order to clari fy the direction of the Council and to summarize past purchasing procedures, a purchasing policy was prepared for Council review. II . Rick Wolfsteller, stated that the City has never had a policy that directed staff not to purchase locally. Local vendors werc not always able to provide the same product or could not provide it for the same price. The City's past practice has been to get price quotes on larger purchases. He added that the purchasing policy did contain a provision that would allow the City to go with local vendors provided their price did not exceed 5% more than that of other d, ,:::j -13 Council Minutes - 3/14/05 . vendors. The proposed purchasing policy was submitted to city staff for their comments. Most stat! members felt a formal written policy should be in place so that everyone was aware of procedures. In addition, Rick Wolfsteller noted that the auditor's are looking for written policies that document procedures that are being used by the City. Clint Herbst stated it didn't seem like the local vendors get an opportunity to get the City's business. He asked if the price comparison information provided in the staff report had becn given to any of the local vendors. Glen Posusta said he talked to Monticello Office Products. He noted that some ofthe items on the list were higher than what was quoted by 'vIonticello Office Products. Glen Posusta felt the City should help local business thrive. Glen Posusta felt the small quantities could bc purchased locally and the higher cost would be offset by the taxes that the local business people pay. Glen Posusta added that hc had gotten a price quote from Mies Equipment in Watkins for the same identical tractor that was purchased by the Parks Department from Scharber's but the quote from Mies was $4,000 less. Glen Posusta asked if the City always got two quotes on the large purchases. Rick W olfsteller stated that if you use the state bids you don't have to get a second quote. Brian Stumpf suggested the Council review the purchasing policy and make modifications that way the staff has some direction. . Rick Wolfsteller stated that the City has set the budget based on the past history of purchases so if the City is going to purchase locally regardless of cost the budget may need to be adjusted to account for the increased cost. Glen Posusta questioned the replacement of the countertops at the MCC when they were only five ycars old. He questioned the responsibility of spending $6,000 for a sign on the back side of the MCC building. Clint Herbst stated that the previous council went by the Governance Policy. Clint Herbst stated that any large purchase should come back to the Council. There was some discussion on what should be defIned as a large purchase. Clint Herbst said he was not excited about making a whole lot of changes to what was going on with purchasing but he wanted to curb the City's expenses. He felt 95% of the purchases were justified but the rest he felt should come before Council. Any abnormal purchase or big ticket item should come back before the Council. Brian Stumpf suggested that defining what is considered local would also be a good idea. 12 Wayne Mayer felt this was going to be a learning process that staff is going to have to go through. Clint Herbst asked if there were any amendments to the purchasing policy. It was suggested that in #3 for Standards for Purchasing it should read that anything over $5,000 requires Council approval. Glen Posusta stated that the City's budget didn't get this far out of whack because the City has been watching the budget closely. He compared the budget of Monticello to Elk River and Buffalo and felt Monticello was out line with those larger communities. Glen Posusta said the City has to go through this process to get the budget back in line. . Tom Perrault stated that he would like to see the purchasing done locally but if there is a significant cost difference he thought the City should purchase from the vendor providing the best cost. :;), I~, I Lj Council Minutes ~ 3/14/05 . Rick Wolfstcller stated that the Council could set thc dollar figure for any purchase that they felt nceded to come back to the Council. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO ADOPT THE PURCHASING POLICY WITH #1 AND #2 UNDER STANDARDS FOR PURCHASING TO REMAIN THE SAME, #3 BEING CHANGED TO $1,000 TO $5,000 AND #4 BEING CHANGED FROM $5,000 TO $50,000 WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Glen Posusta asked if there was any point where the Council was going to review the 2005 budget and trim it back. Clint Herbst felt that could be done at a future workshop. 14. Consideration of authorizin2 the Park Department to 20 ahead with the preparation of concept plans for the Ellison Park restrooms. . Park Superintendent, Adam Hawkinson updated the Council on the additional information he received about the precast restrooms. He noted the turn around time from ordering to installation would be approximately 60-90 days and could be done in time for River Fest. Adam Hawkinson stated that Clint Herbst had suggested that the existing facility could be rcnovated for other uses so the old facility would not go to waste. Adam Hawkinson indicated that he had prepared the specifications to be used for the bidding process which need to be reviewed by the City Attorney to verify that there was nothing in there that would restrict the bidders. Clint Herbst suggested that if they go out for bids, the specifications should include an option for heating so that at least in the spring and fall the facility would be heated. He questioned ifthe City was going with multiple facilities whether there would be somc kind of cost advantage. Adam Hawkinson indicated he had discussed this with CST and they indicated that could be considered. He noted the smallest units available would run betwcen $30,000-$40,000. Clint Herbst felt for most of the parks a one stall unit would be sufficient and for other parks like Ellison larger units would be required. It was suggested that in bidding options like the drinking fountain, heat, etc. should be bid as alternates and the Council can then determine which options they want. Adam Hawkinson stated they have gonc with quotes on their purchases sllch as the tractor and on the restrooms they have gotten price information from CST and Romtex. In addition he got price information on renovating thc existing structure as well as building a new strllcture. Wayne Mayer asked about the bidding process and going with thc lowest bidder. Tom Scott indicated that in the bidding process for items over $50,000 the City has to go with the lowest responsible bidder Wayne Mayer expressed his concern that the lowest bidder may not provide the best work. Tom Scott stated that it is important that the specifications spell out exactly and specifically what is to be supplied and how it will be constructed. John Simola suggested adding some criteria on the bidder, sueh as having installed a certain # oflike facilities, ctc. . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF BIDDING SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE RESTROOMS AT ELLISON PARK. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTTON. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. d.A-I~ 13 . . . Council Minutes - 3/14/05 15. Consideration of renewal of contract at the Elk River Landfill with Waste Mana!!.emcnt Corp. The information was not available for this meeting and the item will be brought back at a future meeting. 16. Consideration of approvin!!. pavment of bills for JVIarch. Glen Posusta questioned a bill from B& D Plumbing for work at the MCC in the amount of $425. Rick Wolfsteller indicated he would check with Brian Weldon or Kitty Baltos to find out the nature of the work. Glen Posusta questioned why the building custodians could not perform this work and if they couldn't do the work why didn't they get a local plumbing firm to do it. Glen Posusta also questioned the bills from Nextel and AT&T. I-Ie asked why two diffcrent firms were providing the cell phone service. He questioned the disparity in the billing amounts which ranged from $26 to $250 a month. Rick Wolfsteller explained that the Ncxtel phones werc use by Public Works and Inspections because they had a two way radio feature. Those that did not utilize the two way radio feature had phones from AT & T. He also explained that the plans were set up to match the usage of the individual with the plan minutes. The amount of the WSB bill was also mentioned and Bret Weiss noted that this covered work done on the CSAH 18/1-94 interchange. Tom Perrault asked about thc City's dues and membcrship in various organizations and cited the Minnesota Safety Council. John Simola explained that the membership helps out with the City's safety program and are a resource for items relating to safety. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS FOR MACH. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Added Items: Dundas Road: Glen Posusta asked about the sign for Dundas Road. Bret Weiss indicated that the sign had been discussed but the Council never authorized it. Since there was a cost it would have to be determined who would pay for it. Bret Weiss thought the cost would bc about $500 or Bret Weiss said he will bring this information back at the next meeting. Cedar Street: Bret Weiss indicated that the final lift on Cedar Street will be completed this year. Wastewater Treatment Plant: Glen Posusta suggested that some kind ofplantings should be done around the WWTP. Clint Herbst suggested doing that around the lift station on Chestnut as well. Johns Simola stated that the 1iJ1 station is proposed to be dug up and re-directed to go toward River Strcct so he suggested waiting with the landscaping until after that is done. Methamphetamine: Wayne Mayer noted the methamphetamine program is schedule for Tuesday March I 5Lh at 7 p.m. Territorial Road Update: Wayne Mayer noted that a letter had been sent out by St. Henry's regarding the vacation of Territorial Road. Tom Scott updated the Council saying he hoped that 14 d A-I tt? Council Minutes - 3/14/05 . by the next Council meeting he would have a proposed agreement from the railroad. The railroad has agreed in exchangc for moving the crossing to accommodate the Ryan Companies development they would close the railroad crossing at Territorial Road. They would allow up to 3 years before the crossing would be closed. What remains is to get the new acccss across St. Henry's. Current access could only serve Busch and Jamesons. He added that he has not seen the actual agreement from the railroad. The agreement does not eliminate the need for thc access it just mcans it doesn't have to be done immediately. Glen Posusta asked why the road access can't be parallcl to the railroad and come out on the Busch side. Bret Weiss said it could be done that way but it makes it more difficult and it is not a good access point for usage of the road. He added that the zoning out there could allow up 120 units on the site which would aggravate the situation. Bret Weiss says the issue has to be resolved prior to the property gctting approval that would allow substantial residential density. Clint Hcrbst stated he met with Ted Holker regarding money the City owes him for crop damage. He felt the payment should be made without tying it to the temporary easement that is needed from Mr. Holker. . Wastewater Treatment Plant: John Simola summarized the workshop session held earlier and noted that it is estimated that by 2015 the City's population would be 22,800. The projected growth will have significant impact on the city's WWTP facility. The City needs to look at the issue ofbiosolids handling and study options to provide for that as well as look at the next expansion for the plant. In discussing biosolids handling, the City wanted to investigate AT AD and heat drying. John Simola also asked the Council to authorize expenditure of$3,500 to investigate a regional facility where the City would haul waste to have it processed as a Class A biosolid. The staff would also like to have authorization to further study the AT AD and heat drying options for the biosolids. Clint Herbst said be would was not excited about doing a regional project. Tom Perrault askcd what the time table was for the regional facility. John Simola stated four communities had gotten together to look at this option rather than each community constructing their own facility for biosolids. Clint Herbst felt the long term nced is to find land for biosolids application or add some process to the plant to take care of it. Thc consensus of the Council was to have Bolton & Menk come up with an estimate of cost for a feasibility report to study the two options and not authorize any funding to investigate a regional facility. 17. Adiourn. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 10:]0 P.M. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 15 . J.,(.4 - II Council Workshop Minutes - 3/14/05 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL . Monday March 14,2005 - 5 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf. Members Absent: None The Council met at the wastewater treatment plant to discuss community gro"-th and its impact on the wastewater treatment facility and other issues relating to the operation of the City's wastewatcr treatment facility. Deputy City Administrator, Jeff O'Neill presented information on the number of building permits being issued annually and the new developments that are taking place. It is projected that by the year 2005 Monticello could have a population of 22,800. The population gro"-th will place dcmands on the City's infrastructure including the wastewater treatment plan. The City needs to analyze the impact the growth will have and to plan for expansion of facilities to handle it . There are a nmnber of issues relating to the wastewater treatment plan that need to be studied if the City's wastewater treatment plant is to continue to operate within the provisions of their permit One of the primary concerns is biosolids. At the prcsent time the biosolids are applied to land ovvned by the City. When the wastewater treatment plant was expanded a Class A biosolids process was included as part of the expansion. The process, however, did not produce Class A biosolids. The City needs to either acquire additional land for biosolid application or a process to produce Class A biosolids would have to be incorporated into the treatment process. Veolia Water, the firm that operates the wastewater treatment plant for the City made a presentation outlining aspects of the operation of the plant including the impact the Sunny Fresh wastewater permit has on plant operations. Peg Becker and Chuck Keyes reviewed the design capacity of the plant as far as gallons of flow per day, biological oxygen demand and total suspended solids. They noted that the plant is operating at between 50%-60% of design capacity in these areas. Tn addition they provided a projection of the system capacity used by year 20ra which they estimated at 75%-80%. The annual cost for land application of the biosolids is between $20,000-$26,000 a year, The method the operators used for handling the biosolids was reviewed and problems relating to ammonia and nitrogen levels were discussed. Veolia Water also provided some options for biosolid applications which includcd utilizing thc land the City currently owns and landfill any exccss biosolids; permit additional sites for biosolids application; purchase additional land or consider a regional facility to handle biosolids. . Bolton & Menk provided a more in depth look at the options available for the biosolids handling. The different criteria for producing Class B -vs- Class A biosolids were reviewed. Class B biosolids are primarily disposed of by land application. Land application of Class B biosolids is prohibited during the winter, In addition Class B biosolids must meet standards for fecal coliform. Class A biosolids must also meet fecal coliform standards but there is greater flexibility in how Class A biosolids can be disposed off. The improheat system installed at the wastewater treatment plant failed to produce Class A biosolids and the City is now considering other options for producing Class A biosolids. These d ~-I'3 1 . . . Council Workshop Minutes - 3/14/05 options include ATAD (autothermal thermophilic aerobic digestion); heat and lime treatment (RDP), temperature phase anaerobic digestions (TPAD) and heat drying. The focus is primarily on the TPAD and the heat drying options. In determining which options to study a number of factors were considered: 1) track record of the process; 2) if there was more than one manufacture of the equipment; 3) did the process utilize the existing biosolids facilities; 4) the process took up minimum space and 5) lower operation and maintenance costs and low energy costs. Bolton & Menk reviewed the pros and cons of the two options they were looking at. The workshop closed at 6: 50 p.m. Recording Secretary ~ ~ db-t<1 . . . SA. Council Agenda - 3/28/05 Consideration of aoorovinl! new hires and deoartures for MCC and Liauor. (R W ) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC and Liquor Store. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Ratify the hiring of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. .sf\-ao NEW EMPLOYEES . Name Title Department Hire Date Class Hancock, Katherine Liquor Store Clerk Liquor 3/10/2005 Part Time Wurm-Theisen, Lyndsie Slide Attendent MCC 3/16/2005 Part Time TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Martinson, Cati Reason voluntary Department Liquor Last Day Class 3/7/2005 Part Time . . employee councillist.xls: 3/22/2005 5A-;l\ . . . City Council Agenda - 03/28/05 5 B. Consideration to auurove the auuointment of an EDA commissioner. (O.K.) A. Reference and Back!!:round: In January 2005, the newly elected Council suggested that Council members and a commission member interview candidates interested in various respective city commission positions. The City ran an advertisement in the local newspaper and three individuals applied for the opening on the EDA. On March 1,2005, the Interview Committee consisting of Council Members Wayne Mayer and Tom Perrault and EDA Chair Bill Demeules interviewed the following three candidates: Dale C. Dahl, Jon W. Morphew, and Susie Wojchouski. As a result of the interview process, the Interview Committee recommends the appointment of Susie Wojchouski as a commissioner of the Economic Development Authority (EDA). Susie will fill the position previously held by Clint Herbst. The term of this vacated position expires December 2008. Except for the two seats held by Council members, the length of term for an EDA commissioner is six years. These are staggering terms. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve the appointment of Susie Wojchouski as commissioner of the EDA with an expiration term of December 2008. 2. A motion to approve the appointment of as commissioner of the EDA with an expiration term of December 2008. 3. A motion to table any action and request a second advertising solicitation. C. Recommendation: The City Administrator and Executive Director of the EDA support the recommendation of the Interview Committee to appoint Susie Wojchouski, Alternative No. 1. D. Suuuortin!!: Data: None. I SB.a.\ . . . Council Agenda - 03/28/2005 sc. Consideration of renewin!!. uniform contract with Aramark Services. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City of Monticello has contracted with Aramark Services for several years to provide uniforms for the Public Works Department which includes the Street, Sewer & Water, Parks and Construction Inspection Departments. The current annual value of the existing two-year contract which expires on April 28, 2005, is approximately $8,250, excluding applicable taxes. Over the past month we have been renegotiating the contract with Aramark and analyzing in detail the services they provide. Based upon that analysis, we have been able to lower the yearly cost of our contract by approximately $1 ,500 to $6,750, again excluding tax. These prices include all uniforms and shop towels. Uniforms are provided to 19 full time Public Works employees at an average cost of $370 per employee per year. With the new proposal, the average cost of uniforms per year per employee is $300, an annual savings of$I,330 to the City for employee uniforms. B. ALTE&."lATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to approve a new contract with Aramark Uniform Services for a two year period of time beginning April 29, 2005, based upon the proposed rates and shown on the proposal included with your agenda packet at an estimated annual cost of$6, 750 excluding applicable taxes. 2. The second alternative would be not to approve a new contract with Aramark Uniform Services. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the City Council approve the new two year agreement with Aramark Uniform Services as it reduces our costs and the service provided has been excellent. This approval would be in agreement with alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Aramark Uniform Services Cost Proposal. 5c....~') . Aramark Uniform Services Proposal for; City of Monticello Public Works Item Current Rate Proposed Rate Jeans .60 .48 Cotton Shirts /.S .60 ,.48", '5 fi."It;SJitHs S 5 je o 0 Irts .30 .25 Jackets 1.00 .80 !3IM i L55 '" fJ~~ .45 1t3. SS ",xS ' ';;0 . Ot't Tuwels 1.70 1.65 Shop Tuwels .07 .05 Service Charge 5% 5% Name emblem 1.00 .50 Prep charge 1.00 .50 City logo 3.00 1.50 . All rates arefirmfor the 2 year contract term * David Nelson Aramark Uniform Services 1-800-556-0117 Cell # 763-370-3881 . 3-9-05 5<:,- ;l3 . . Council Agenda - 3/28/05 50. Accept Feasibility Report and Set the Public Hearine: Date for the Chelsea Road Extension (90th Street to CSAH 39), School Boulevard (Chelsea Road to 1,330 Feet South), and Northwest Lift Station and Force Main Proiect (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2005-11C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Included in your packet is a copy of the feasibility report addressing street and utility improvements for the extension of Chelsea Road from 90th Street NE to CSAH 39, and School Boulevard from Chelsea Road south approximately 1,330 feet. The City has purchased 35 acres from John Chadwick and Jim Bowers and entered into an agreement to purchase additional property for a proposed city business/industrial park. The Chelsea Road extension is part of the purchase agreement. Chelsea Road would extend through the proposed business park property and allow for commercial development between Chelsea Road and 1-94. This would also open the property to business and industrial development south of Chelsea Road. Other items included in this feasibility report include the installation of a trunk sanitary sewer lift station near CSAH 39 to accommodate this property as well as potential future properties to the west of this site. Force main will be constructed within the project limits and ultimately along Chelsea Road connecting to the future sanitary sewer trunk line at Fallon Avenue. Right-of-way for the extension of Chelsea Road and School Boulevard has been platted within the Otter Creek Crossing plat. The proposed improvements include construction of streets, storm sewer, trunk water main, sanitary sewer lift station, and sanitary sewer main improvements. The estimated project cost totals $4,716,349. The project is proposed to be funded through special assessments to the benefiting property owners, as well as City trunk funds. Please note that the construction cost to be assessed to the developer is currently estimated higher than the estimate prepared last October by approximately $400,000. This increase is due to several factors, the largest of which includes the addition of landscaping along Chelsea Road ($120,000), excavation along Chelsea Road required by the soils report ($90,000), the addition of improvements to CSAH 39 required by Wright County ($80,000), and additional retaining wall height and the placement of guardrail along Chelsea Road where it is adjacent to Otter Creek ($55,000). Each of these cost increases is described in the feasibility report under Section 5.3 Additional Estimated Costs. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Acccpt the feasibility report and order the public hearing for April 11, 2005. 2. Do not accept the feasibility report. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: . The City Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer recommend that the Council authorize Alternative No.1. f': I!X)('I~I W i<lJ.fll',ni}!-_!,CNJ)('_IJ.,\'_I'"!'_""I",..I(i.\' Il.l 1_( IU'.\"" 11.I1'-"a.,";.'i.'iIL'/lI"_03.'-"O_' ,10< 50- ~ ~ . . . D. Council Agenda - 3/28/05 SUDDortine Data: Feasibility Report so-~ ("'\/J(U-C:\/!'.-/I'_UII'V;fI.--i.(-/'.!_()(-.II.S--!\)"mp'"I(;S/!:IJ-("I<'!s<,,,Jl.dl-~'''sihtl,,\ RJ."_'!3]SO'.do . . . 5E. Council Agenda - 3/28/05 Consideration of Adootinl! a Resolution Reauestinl! Mn/DOT to Install Advanced Intersection Sil!n on TH 25 for Dundas Road (Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 2005-19C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to adopt a resolution requesting Mn/DOT to install advanced intersection signing on TH 25 for Dundas Road. The project will include installation of two advanced intersection signs located approximately 1,000 feet north and south of Dundas Road on TH 25. The signs will be located in the right-hand boulevard of the roadway. Mn/DOT has been contacted and has agreed to the installation of the signing at the intersection. This signing is considered user-requested signing, with all costs being the responsibility of the City. The estimated material and installation cost is approximately $300-$400 per sign. Mn/DOT will design the signs and install them with their maintenance crews. This will be completed following receipt of the resolution from the City. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: ] . Motion to adopt a resolution requesting Mn/DOT to install advanced intersection signing on TH 25 for Dundas Road. 2. Motion to deny adoption of resolution requesting Mn/DOT to install advanced intersection signing on TH 25 for Dundas Road, C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator, Deputy Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer recommend Alternative No.1. The installation of the advanced intersection signing will provide vehicles on TH 25 approaching Dundas Road from the north or south enough advanced warning that they will be able to safely shift lanes in advance of the intersection. D. SUPPORTING DATA Staff Memo with Figure Resolution r':":,-",,,,'g""","i,:M'C;~(NI5 ('"",.61 .lg""ji.\\h>i-,h_}I)05'.I_;v_1!5/J,'II.'.h.,_IU SO,:!I,,',g,hor St: - d-~ . . . ~ WSB & Associates Inc. Memorandum To: Honorable illayor and City Council City of Monticello From: Bret A. Weiss, P.E., City Engineer Chuck Rickart, P.E., P.T.O.E., Transportation Engineer Date: ill arch 28, 2005 Re: Dundas Road Sign on TH 25 City of Monticello Project No. 2005-19C WSB Project No. 1160-61 Dundas Road is an unsignalized three-quarter intersection located approximately half-way between Chelsea Road and School Boulevard. Left turns from Dundas Road to southbound TH 25 are not allowed. Currently, no advance street name signing is provided approaching Dundas Road from the north or south. Advanced street signing would provide vehicles on TH 25 time to safely shift lanes in advance of the intersection. Advanced signing of an intersection on TH 25 would need to be approved by Mn/DOT. I discussed the installation of these signs with Tom Dumont, Mn/DOT Traffic Engineer. He indicated that, since this is an urban location, the signing would need to be reviewed/approved by the Mn/DOT Signing Committec. This was requested by City staff, and the Signing Committee approved the installation of the signs. The signs would be designed, as shom1 on the attached figure, and be located approximately 1,000 feet north and south of the intersection in the boulevard on the right-hand side of the roadway. The cost of the signs and installation is approximately $300-$400 each installed. This type of intersection signing is considered a user-pay signing installation. Thercfore, the City of Monticello would be rcsponsible for all costs associated with installation of the signs. Mn/DOT has agreed that they will design and instal! the signs following receipt of a resolution from the City requesting the signing and agreeing to paying for instal!ation. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please call me at 763-287-7183. Attachment sm/srb 1'.I{li)(.,JfJ:.-iII.l.JII.Y(;/{_i.Cl'I,()(.,lrs_.!',ic....,J".I1r:.1f()-lIw"--IJJ2.\'ld,,i,,, SE'- ~., . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2005-29 RELATING TO THE INSTALLATION OF ADY ANCE INTERSECTION SIGNING ON TH 25 FOR DUNDAS ROAD CITY PROJECT NO. 2005-19C WHEREAS, THIS RESOLUTION, was made this 28th day of March 2005 by the City of Monticello in Wright County, Minnesota. The Municipal corporation shall hereinafter be called the "City,'~ WHEREAS, the "City" is requesting installation of advance intersection signing on TH 25 for Dundas Road; WHEREAS, the "City" has contacted the State of Minnesota (Mn/DOT), who has agreed to this installation; WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota (Mn/DOT) will design and install the advance intersection slgnmg; WHEREAS, the "City" will be responsible for all costs, including design, materials, and installation; WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota (Mn/DOT) will be responsible for performing major maintenance; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED: That the "City" is requesting the State of Minnesota (Mn/DOT) to design and install the advance intersection signing on TH 25 for Dundas Road. Adopted by the City of Monticello City Council the 28th day of March 2005. Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller. City Administrator (";\I!(!("Ulr__-./',Jilll-W;R : r"/Ii.lX:IIY-II'k'''I'',jiSl.l.\-n""<i,,sR,i\';g.',-;/r.._'!.i.'.'0,;..1" S E - 'd-t , I o M ~54 I, 31 . Be-l White on Green; 30" Radius, 1.0 "...ler, . R ~ E Mod' Arrow 3 _ 10.0. 00; "Dundas oau . 5 E. ..;) <\ ill 10 72 31 I . . . SF. Council Agenda - 3/28/05 Accept Feasibility Report and Set Public Hearinl!: Date for the School Boulevard Sidewalk and Median Improvements (Deel!:an Avenue to Edmonson Avenue) (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2004-31C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: B. Included in your packet is a copy of the feasibility report addressing the improvements to School Boulevard between Deegan A venue and Edmonson Avenue. These improvements are associated with the Wal-Mart development currently under construction and proposed future development of the Weinand property north of School Boulevard between Ccdar Street and Edmonson Avenue. The proposed improvements to be constructed this year include widening the existing roadway to accommodate right- turn lancs into the Wal-Mart development access driveways and the driveways into the future development on the north side of School Boulevard. In addition, the project involves construction ofa median between Deegan Avenue west ofTH 25 to just east of the second Wal-Mart access. The entire roadway length will be milled and overlaid with this projcct. In addition, concrete sidewalk \vill be constructed adjacent to the proposed Wal-Mart development on Cedar Street and on the south side of School Boulevard between Deegan Avenue and the Autumn Ridge development. The 8-foot bituminous pathway along the north side of School Boulevard will be replaced. The project costs are estimated at $1,259,073, which also includes future construction of a signal at Cedar Street and School Boulevard and street lighting along School Boulevard. The project is proposed to be largely funded through special assessment agreements with the Wal-Mart property and Weinand property on the north side of School Boulevard. The project schedule was agreed upon as part of the Developer's Agrecment between Wal-Mart and the City. It indicates that the construction ofthc roadway improvements be completed by June 15,2005, and the sidewalk improvements by July 1, 2005. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Accept the feasibility report and order the public hearing for April 8, 2005. 2. Do not accept the feasibility report. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer recommend selecting Alternative No. I. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Feasibility Report 1'_./ )(XT,'MI-:-lI[)AIP,,'GR-J.('f'fJ)( 'ArS-~/II~IIIIJ'..IC;N n;',l-I'~",\ihiiilr 1<1'1 ami PI/hlic f fewiIlX.fi31;':rJ,),d"c S~-30 ~ . WSB & Associates Inc. Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello From: Bret A. Weiss, P.E., City Engineer Chuck Rickart, P.E., P.T.O.E., Transportation Engineer Date: March 24, 2005 Re: Feasibility Report School Boulevard Sidewalk and Median Improvements (Deegan Avenue to Edmonson Avenue) City of Monticello Project No. 2004-3IC WSB Project No. 1494-13 . lntroduction/Backl!.round This feasibility report was authorized by the City Council for improvements to School Boulevard to accommodate the proposed Wal-Mart development and future development on the north side of School Boulevard between Cedar Street and Edmonson Avenue. This project has been designated as City Project No. 2004-31 C. This report addresses the improvements to School Boulevard from Deegan A venue to Edmonson Avenue, adjacent to the Wal-Mart development and future development of the Weinand property on the north side of School Boulevard including new sidewalks, medians, future street lighting, and a future traffic signal system on School Boulevard at Cedar Street. Existinl!. Conditions School Boulevard exists as a typical 44-foot-wide bituminous roadway with concrete curb and gutter, extending from Deegan Avenue to Edmonson Avenue. Right-of-way for School Boulevard currently varies from a width of 100 feet to a width of 115 feet. The existing drainage consists of an existing storm sewer system along School Boulevard, which is directed to the TH 25 storm sewer system. The system is ultimately discharged to ponds along TH 25. . ("'ill)("'-\fF-_,/',!J.III"':iill_ .'.(1\/J!(',II.S.-.".i~"",',.\II'.\NJ-;"",."-iJJ.'.W5.':,,, [, :;1,\ .::)r- - ..j Honorable Mayor and City Council March 24, 2005 Page 2 . Proposed Improvements Based on the traffic analysis conducted for the Wal-Mart development and including the future development of the Weinand property the north side of School Boulevard, a preliminary design was completed which included the following improvements: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Construction of a traffic signal system at TH 25 and School Boulevard (completed as a previous project). Eastbound right-turn lane to southbound Cedar Street. Eastbound left-turn lane to northbound Cedar Street. Westbound right-turn lane to northbound Cedar Street. Eastbound right-turn lanes into the two Wal-Mart driveways. Westbound right-turn lanes into the three driveways to the north side development. Center median with channelized left-turn lanes, including a mill and overlay of the entire roadway. Eight-foot concrete sidewalk between Deegan Avenue and the Autumn Ridge property on the south side of School Boulevard. Five-foot concrete sidewalk on the east side of Cedar Street south of School Boulevard. Replacement of the 8-foot bituminous pathway on the north side of School Boulevard between Cedar Street and Edmonson Avenue. Hydrant relocation. School Boulevard at Cedar Street traffic signal system (future project). Roadway lighting along School Boulevard (future project). The proposed roadway improvements will accommodate a future forecasted daily traffic on School Boulevard of 12,000 vehicles per day, which includes the traffic to Wal-)'1art and the proposed development of the north side of School Boulevard. The proposed improvements are shown on the attached Figure 1. The proposed traffic signal system at School Boulevard and Cedar Street will be installed in the future following development in the area and a study determining if the signal system is warranted and justified. Any construction of a traffic signal system at this intersection will need to be coordinated with the signal at TH 25 and School Boulevard and Mn/DOT Traffic Engineering personnel. A future street lighting system will be installed adjacent to School Boulevard in conjunction with or soon after the roadway improvement project. This will be completed as a separate design plan and will consist of lighting units similar to those currently installed along Cedar Street and School Boulevard. . (',',fIr.'('i:\/I' ;\:]I:rn;I~-.!.('!',U)('..rrS-.I'.i'"".'I"',-'I_'..Ii;-;"il('-'_OJ_'3'i.'.,;...., s~- ""))- . . Honorable Mayor and City Council March 24, 2005 Page 3 The roadway section in the widening areas (right-turn lanes) will consist of 5 inches of bituminous pavement and 8 inches of class 5 aggregate base. Based on the geotechnical investigation, it is anticipated that an additional 1 foot of granular borrow will be placed under the roadway bed to provide a suitable subgrade to the extent that suitable material is not available from excavation. It is anticipated that the Wal-Mart contractor will grade the portions of their site adjacent to School Boulevard to accommodate matching into the proposed access locations. Ril!.ht-of-wav/Easements A small amount of right-of-way will be required from the Krutzig property on the south side of School Boulevard between TH 25 and Cedar Street. This is a result of the proposed widening to accommodate the eastbound left- and right-turn lanes to Cedar Street. This will include acquisition of approximately 1,200 square feet of additional right-of-way and narrows the existing 12-foot easement adjacent to the right-of-way to a 10-foot easement. Private utilities may need to be adjusted to accommodate lane widening. Financinl!. A detailed opinion of cost for the proposed improvements has been prepared. The opinion of cost incorporates anticipated 2005 construction costs and includes a 10% contingency and 28% indirect cost. Indirect cost includes legal, engineering, administrative, and financing items. A summary of the project cost is shown below. Proposed Improvement Median / Sidewalk Improvements School Boulevard at Cedar Street Signal (future project) Roadway Lighting (future project) Culver's Sidewalk Estimated Project Cost $843,931 TH 25 Signal Completion $256,000 $117,142 $30,000 $12.000 51,259,073 Total . The project cost does not include right-of-way acquisition costs for the Krutzig property. e..II)(l("",\I',',_/',/)III-';(;!I__! Ui/J)(',II.S_I':i"I"'ri.\rr:.IP!.i""",_rl.'':jlJ,i)", ""' 'J C " .---':, ") :::> 1- . . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council March 24, 2005 Page 4 The project will be funded through assessments to the Wal-Mart development, Weinand properties, CuI vers development, and City funds as described below and as outlined in Assessment Agreement executed in August 2004. Funding Wal-Mart Development $802,487 Weinand Properties $414,586 Culvers Development $30,000 City of Monticello $12,000 Total $1,259,073 Schedule In consideration of the effort required to complete the project as presented, the following schedule is anticipated. City Council accepts feasibility study, orders public hearing.......................................March 28, 2005 Public Hearing ................................................................................................................April 11,2005 City Council autborizes preparation of plans and specifications (previously completed) ....................................... ...........August 2004 City Council approves plans and specifications and authorizes Ad for Bid.................March 14,2005 Receive bids ................ ...... ............... .......... .............. .......... .... .... ........ ....... ..................... ... April 8, 2005 Award contract...... ....... ............. ........ ....... ....... .......... ..................... ..... .......... .................. April 11, 2005 Begin construction.. ................... .......... ... ...... .............. ............ ...... ....... ........... ....................... May 2005 Complete construction..... ..... ...... .......... ................ ......... ...... .... ...... ...... ................... .......... .... ..July 2005 1",jJ(J()J/I'",!'/)III'\-(iN l.ii.I.!U..II.S-..ri!,...'i'I.'.fi.-'/I)_i."",._'d_'.lO.'.I". c, ~ _)'1 . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council March 24, 2005 Page 5 Feasibility and Recommendation City Project No. 2004-31 C consists of median and sidewalk improvements for School Boulevard between Deegan Avenue and Edmonson Avenue. The total estimated project cost is $1,259,073. It is the recommendation ofWSB & Associates, Inc. that City Project No. 2004-31 C is feasible, necessary, and cost-effective from an engineering standpoint. We recommend construction of the proposed improvements as detailed in this report. Attachment srb (":',iP)('IJfi-:-:"/!,I'JI'f.'R--, '"j,f.lJ(..II..'_lLh"'I'I.\iJ:li,'_I""""'_U3lJ"5.,r,,, S \--~ S > > > . ~ . ::7":/ /:;;:/:-- ///, "../"",~I \~\'lJ\,,' // /' I \~~\\\ /// j ,~ \&\\ ! "~\/ \\~/ \l'+ :\ 'r' / '.1\1 ;! II ../" /" i / I / , I / , ; , / I / I I , ; I , ; I / I ./ , ; I , , I ! ct i::: ~ '-' I " ! / , ; I I I ,I ,j ! / I ,/ I ~- -c , I I I I I --11 ; , I I I i I I , , \ \ 'I' i\ / \. ..t~---__ ' -;:::::::::::/"~\\'--------- -..~ ,.::~;ii.?,iC?-C~ \ ~ /_~t f,..?=-~ ~ \ ~-;~:;:_:~:~~__~.:;;';(t.~~;'~~:: - -",,"-'C ==- ~~~~'~'r:.o-~ <I" ---- ~~-:--.-~~---=---;f~}t_~E-,- ;-~u:__:, 1,/rJ,/itT:::' - :::----'---'_,,~,___,___,___ - I I I , '" \.:) c:, "- ct ~ ::j '-- ::, "" , " I' I Ii :1 "" '- C:l "" " '-- i5 '- ct ~ " ~ ~~;./' I I I I I I I I I I , I I I 1 I I I I I I , , '1- : i . Council Agenda - 3/28/05 SG Consideration of Adontine: First Amendment to the Otter Creek Pre-Develonment ae:reement. (Chadwick nre-develonment ae:reement) JO A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider adopting a pre-development agreement that primarily relates to terms associated with payment of storm sewer trunk fees. When the Chadwick property located between the freeway and Chelsea Road is developed storm water will need to be channeled to a pond located on the City owned property. The agreement identifies stormwater system costs including facilities and additional land to build a pond necessary to accommodate storm water from the Chad\~ick property. It also identifies the area served by the City pond and terms for payment. Please note that the terms of the agreement are very similar to the storm sewer policy applied to all new development. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: . 1. Motion adopting Otter Creek Pre-development agreement relating to design and funding of Storm Sewer facilities. 2. Motion to deny adoption of the Otter Creek Pre-development agreement relating to design and timding of Storm Sewer facilities. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternative I. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Copy of Pre-development agreement. 5G- 3\ . SG, - ~ ~ FIRST AMENDMENT TO PRE-DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO PRE-DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("First Amendment") is made as of February _, 2005, by and between the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"), and Otter Creek, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, J. Edwin Chadwick, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, and J.X. Bowers, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, or their assigns (individually and collectively, "Developer"). RECITALS A. City and Developer are parties to that certain Pre-Development Agreement dated September 29, 2004, respecting certain land in Wright County, Minnesota as described therein ("Pre-Development Agreement"). B. The Pre-Development Agreement provides for certain agreements, covenants and obligations of the parties in connection with the development of certain land in Wright County owned by Developer and sold and conveyed to City ("City Land") to be developed by City or to be retained and developed by Developer (referred to as the "Developer Land" and the "Remainder Parcel" as defined in the Pre- Development Agreement). . C. City and Developer desire to amend the Pre-Development Agreement to provide for certain additional agreements, covenants and obligations of the parties respecting the subject matter of the Pre-Development Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual Agreements and covenants of Developer and City as set forth herein, Developer and City agree as follows: 1. RECITALS. The Recitals set forth above are incorporated herein. . 2. STORM SEWER. An existing storm water drainage pipe traverses the Remainder Parcel. In connection with the development of the City Land, or the sooner development of the Remainder Parcel, if Developer or City determines it is necessary to relocate the drainage pipe, City will remove the existing drainage pipe and install, at City's sole cost and expense, a new permanent storm water drainage pipe within a twenty (20) teet wide utility easement along the Northeasterly perimeter of the Remainder Parcel to be dedicated by Developer in the Plat. Said storm water drainage pipe (and related system) will be designed and constructed to serve the City Land as determined by City, and sufficiently sized to also serve the Remainder Parcel. Developer will pay the cost of any oversizing of the new drainage pipe and of the installation of a stub necessary to connect storm water drainage pipes on the Remainder 725847\16 Parcel to the pipe to be installed by City, which amounts will be paid by Developer in the usual and customary manner and at such time as is consistent with City policies and practice as applied . by City to other devclopment in City. 3. CHELSEA ROAD. Section 7A of the Pre-Development Agreement provides that City will complete the Chelsea Road Project as provided therein. City has completed the right-of-way acquisition referred to in Subsection 7 A( 4) thereof. City has completed, or will complete, any additional land acquisition required to complete, and wilt complete, the Chelsea Road Project and that portion of Chelsea Road West Phase 2 not situated within the Plat, as shown on attached Exhibit I, in a timely manner consistent with the construction schedule set forth in Section 7A(2) of the Pre-Development Agreement. . 4. STORM WATER DRAINAGE PONDS AND TRUNK FEES. As provided in the Pre-Development Agreement, City will develop storm water drainage ponds on the City Land. Whether the City develops these ponds as City Pond A and City Pond B, or otherwise, these ponds ("City Ponds") will be available for storm water drainage of the Developer Land and the Remainder Parcel at a cost of $85,000.00 to Developer to be paid to City as described below ("Pond Fee"). In connection with the development of the Developer Land and the Remainder Parcel, Developer will pay City a storm water trunk fee ("Storm Water Trunk Fee") of $6,000.00 for each acre of Developer Land and the Remainder Parcel as it is developed to be paid in the usual and customary manner and at such time as is consistent with City policies and practices as applied by City to other development in the City. Developer shall also pay a Pond Fee of $1,640.00 for each acre of Developer Land and the Remainder Parcel at the same time as the Storm Water Trunk Fee is paid to City. The Pond Fee is the only amount to be paid by Developer for construction of the City Ponds or to City for land for storm water drainage ponds serving the Developer Land or Remainder Parcel and no costs or expenses thereof will be assessed to Developer through the Chelsea Road Project or any other assessment, fee or charge. Additionally, to the extent Developer builds or installs public improvements that are considered trunk or interceptor facilities under city assessment policy (including oversizing) and which are or may be assessed (in part or whole) as against other benefited property, or for which the City would otherwise construct or pay for through trunk fees, Developer shall receiver a credit to be applied at the time of payment of the Pond Fee and/or Storm Water Trunk Fee. 5. AMENDMENT. Except as expressly modified by this First Amendment, the terms of the Pre-Development Agreement remain in full force and effect and are hereby ratified and affirmed. . 725847\/6 2 SG- ";'\ . . . CITY: SIGNATURE PAGE OF FIRST AMENDMENT TO PRE-DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT CITY OF MONTICELLO By: By: 725847v6 Clint Herbst, Mayor Rick Wolfstcller, City Administrator DEVELOPER: J. EDWIN CHADWICK, LLC By: John E. Chadwick Chief Manager and President .I. X. BOWERS, LLC By: James K. Bowers President and Chief Manager OTTER CREEK, LLC By: John E. Chadwick Vice President 3 SG-~O STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. . COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrwnent was acknowledged before me this day of February, 2005, by Clint Herbst and by Rick Wolfsteller, the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of February, 2005, by John E. Chadwick the Chief Manager oLT. Edwin Chadwick, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the company. NOTARY PUBLIC . STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrwnent was acknowledged before me this _ day of February, 2005, by James K. Bowers the President and Chief Manager ofJ.x. Bowers, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the company. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrwnent was acknowledged before me this _ day of February, 2005, by Jolm E. Chadwick the Vice President of Otter Creek, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the company. NOTARY PUBLIC . 725847v6 4 -- 5G-~\' EXHIBIT 1 . CHELSEA ROAD WEST PHASE 2 SKETCH DATED FEBRU AR Y. 2003 r :tf'.\~o;;A \,~i1:~?S NOTE' AREAS ARE SHOWN FOR LAND OINNERSHIP REASONS. NO TRANSFER IS IMPLIED AT THIS TiME . NOTE HOlJSE LOCATION PER AERIAL PHOTOS I N01E AOOcANDTO CflEATEA3T04 ACRE PARCEL I (SlZE TO BE DETmMltJEO) CEMETERY LEGEND PROPERTY L1N" PROPOSED RiGHT Or- WAY EXISnNG IGHT OF WAY t'A;W lAND AQiJlRED FROM PROPERTY 01/'fljED BY DENNY HECKER GROUP 37,B:l1 ,. L~-'~~;P::~~~~~~;~;~~~~~~~~~:,_~~~~~,,~_~_u~ ~:,:;: , ! :miXiY T E.XCESSRIGHTOfWA~~~i..iJDEEXISmlGtJTIUTIES 1$.[146 Date: February,2C03 '\ ~, ! ,i CI-IELSEARDWESTRiW{OONATEOIlYDENNYHECKFRGROlJP?} 11,762 ~.J ~"! EXceSSRN'ITOSESOLOaV1'HECITY 17,M2 U tS I,u ! i REl\.lA!NING~ASKPROPfRTY 62,681 " l I, ,^'S6P.roj;t~(>, Gj~3e-~--_~__ :: ; I~~;;::i::;:;~'::~ ChelseaRoadWeslPhase2, " WSB " "~" MN MOO' - --::, Utililles, and Appurtenantlmprovements l Figure 11(1-25:2-4/00 I ~;;::::;::~ ,"",,,,,,';:;;;~ Monticello, MiIll!eso~a .. 1 ~ i~ / " . 725847v6 '---, '-'-,-', , AREA S_F, l 5G-\.ld. . . B. Council Agenda - 3/28/05 SH. Consideration of Aporovinl!: Plans and Specifications and Authorizinl!: the Advertisement for Bids for the Trunk Sanitan' Sewer Extension. Southeast Interceptor/Bondhus Sel!:ment and Appurtenant Improvements (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2000-12C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is being requested to approve plans and specifications and authorize the advertisement for bids supporting the construction of the trunk sanitary sewer from CSAH 75 (Broadway Street). The project includes several trenchless installations for crossing the Burlington Northern Sante Fe railroad tracks, Interstate 94, Chelsea Road, and other areas within the project limits to minimize impacts to adjacent properties. The project will be bid with two alternates for the construction of the pipe. The first alternate is a centrifugally cast fiberglass reinforced polymer mortar pipe, while the second is epoxy lined reinforced concrete pipe. These materials have been selected due to the depths of the installation and resistance to corrosion from gases in the pipe. The construction of this project will alleviate capacity issues that currently exist at the Reservoir Lift Station on Chelsea Road. The cost of the improvements is being funded from the City trunk sanitary sewer funds. The project is proposed to be bid on April 22, 2005. It is proposed that the project be considered for award on the same date for Council consideration of acquisition/funding ofthe A VR purchase (May 9, 2005). It should be noted that this sewer project may hinge on a final decision to move forward on the interchange. If the interchange project and associated Ryan plat do not move forward, then the City will not have the easements necessary to install the pipe. However, this problem could be overcome if the City would elect to exercise eminent domain to acquire necessary easements. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: I, Motion to adopt a resolution approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for the Trunk Sanitary Sewer Extension, Southeast lnterceptor/Bondhus Segment and Appurtenant lmprovements, City Project No. 2000-l2C. 2. Motion to deny adoption of resolution approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for the Trunk Sanitary Sewer Extension, Southeast Interceptor/Bondhus Segmcnt and Appurtenant Improvements, City Project No. 2000-l2C. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. . The City Administrator, Deputy City Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer recommend Alternative No. I. Construction of the improvements as proposed will alleviate capacity issues at the Reservoir Lift Station, as well as construct the initial leg of the trunk sanitary sewer for the rccent annexation area. SUPPORTING DATA: Plans and specifications are available for review if desired. ,,, . 4 ~ . . . Council Agenda -3/28/05 51. Consideration of callinl! for a mecial meetinl! on CSAH 18/1-94 Interchanl!e. Proiect No. 2004-01C. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Information relating to State of Minnesota participating in the funding program was not available in time for the meeting on March 28, 2005 and no additional information was available relating to the A VR relocation therefore it is proposed that the decision on otdering the project be rescheduled to a special meeting to be held on April 4, 2005 at approximately 5:00 PM. As you may know, a special meeting/workshop on the Heritage project is also scheduled for April 4 but at 3:00 PM. It is proposed that consideration of ordering the project be addressed at a special meeting because of timing relative to eminent domain court action scheduled for April 8, 2005. Unfortunately, the next regular meeting of the City Council after the meeting on 3/28 falls on 4/11 thus a special meeting (4/4) is needed if a decision is going to be rendered prior to the April 8 court date. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. 2. Motion to call for a special meeting on CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange, Project No. 2004-01 C to be held at 5:00 PM on April 4, 2005 Motion to deny calling for a special meeting on CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange, Project No. 2004-01 C to be held at 5 :00 PM on April 4, 2005 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative # 1. It is hoped that information necessary for the Council to make a decision will be available by April 4. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None S1. .~"\ . . Council Agenda - 3/28/05 7. Accept the Feasibilitv Report. Conduct the Public Hearin!!: for the 2005 Street Reconstruction Proiect. and Order Preparation of Plans and Specifications (Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 200S-0lC (City/WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Attached please tind a copy of the amendment to the feasibility report addressing improvements associated with the 2005 Street Reconstruction Program. As the City Council is aware, this report is the result of months of engineering analysis for the widening of streets along with the construction of curb and gutter and storm sewer systems for Area 3 as included in the Overall Street Reconstruction Program. The project proposed for this year has been reduced to the streets between Chestnut Drive and Otter Creek Drive. The project includes widening of River Street from 24 feet to 32 feet, and the remainder of the streets to 28 feet. The project also includes the installation of concrete curb and gutter and a storm water collection and treatment system. The method of reconstruction will also include the reclamation of the existing bituminous surface similar to the previous projects. A presentation on this project with an explanation of the overall program along with the potential funding scenarios will be provided at the meeting. The assessments are estimated at this time and can be adjusted by the Council now or at the Assessment Hearing. The Council will also be conducting the Public Hearing prior to taking any action. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: I. Accept feasibility report and amendments and order preparation of plans and specifications for the reduced project as shown in the amended feasibility report. 2. Accept feasibility report and do not order preparation of plans and specifications at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City of Monticello has discussed the implementation of improvements for this area over the past several months. At the Council Workshop in February, the Council decided to evaluate the feasibility of doing a reduced project. The Council was advised that a minimum of twenty (20) percent needs to be assessed in order for the City to sell bonds for the project. The City Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer recommend that the Council proceed with the implementation of the reduced project as proposed. The condition of the streets within the remaining project areas will continue to deteriorate resulting in increased levels of cost in maintenance and reconstruction. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . . Attached Amendment to the Feasibility Report (':'.!ii>('/:\JF_!'iJ.I.PrIGII : (l,/.()(',rrS_il!",.!pU(;\ !l.1f'.'(}()5 SIr.'~1 R~c"" FIIMi, .IIrx-''-',,~(l5_(h 1.'-\5 ~ WSB . & Associates, Inc. Infrastructure I Engineering. Planning I Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Monticello From: Kevin B. Kawlewski, P.E., Senior Project Manager Jason L. Abell, P.E. Date: March 28, 2005 Re: 2005 Street Reconstruction Program City of Monticello Project No. 2005-01C WSB Project No. 1494-04 . This memorandum will serve as a supplement to the feasibility report for the above-referenced project as presented to the Council at its November 22,2004 Council Workshop Meeting. It is intended to provide the Council with additional information regarding the 2005 Street Reconstruction Program feasibility report. This memorandum will provide an opinion of cost for constructing only that part of the project between Otter Creek Road and Chestnut A venue. In addition to the opinion of cost, a preliminary assessment roll will be developed for three scenarios. The scenarios will all be based on a percentage of the overall project cost on a per lot basis. The assessments will be based on 20%, 30% and 40% of the total project costs. Limits of Project - From Chestnut A venue to Otter Creek Road The Council has requested that WSB & Associates examine the potential cost of constructing only a portion of the original project. This portion would include River Street, Willow Street, and Sandy Lane. Willow Street, River Street, and Sandy Lane would all be reconstructed to urban standards as outlined in Option 1 of the original feasibility report. Otter Creek Road would not be disturbed except for minor utility work needed to complete the adjacent construction. This would include a total of approximately 4,100 feet of street work for an estimated cost of $1,207,754. Proposed Assessments . The Council asked that three assessment scenarios be evaluated. The three scenarios were at 20%,30% and 40% of the total project cost on a per lot basis. There are fifty-eight lots located adjacent to the proposed project. Therefore, we calculated the percentage of the total project cost and divided by the number of lots to develop a proposed per lot assessment for each of the scenarios. A summary of this data is as follows: F:\II'PWIN\l494-M>MEM0-2005 S",,,, Rw", EM!!; Rpr Itmdmnr-(lJ2805.diX Minneapolis I SI. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer ,_\.\\0 . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Monticello March 28, 2005 Page 2 Project Opinion of Cost Estimated Construction Cost Contingency (10%) Indirect Costs.{22%) Total Project Cost $899,965.50 $89,996.55 $217,791.65 $1,207,75.3.70 20% Assessment Divided by Adjacent Lots City Street Fund Contribution Per Lot Assessment @ $4, 164.67/lot (58 lots) Total Available Funding Remaining balance to be funded through General Fund $500,000.00 $241,550.74 $741,550.74 $466,202.96 30% Assessment Divided by Adjacent Lots City Street Fund Contribution Per Lot Assessment @ $6,247.00/lot (58 lots) Total Available Funding Remaining balance to be funded through General Fund $500,000.00 $362,326.11 $862,326.11 $345,427.59 40% Assessment Divided by Adjacent Lots City Street Fund Contribution Per Lot Assessment @ $8,329.34/lot (58 lots) Total Available Funding Remaining balance to be funded through General Fund $500,000.00 $483,101.48 $983,101.48 $224,652.22 The Opinion of Cost for this proposed project and the preliminary assessment roll for each of the scenarios are attached with this memo. Also attached with this memo are two figures showing the proposed improvements. Construction Considerations The cost estimate for this project includes the construction of a 6-foot concrete sidewalk. The cost of the sidewalk is currently estimated at $43,700. A significant benefit to constructing concrete sidewalk is that the expected life is typically around 40 years. However, a concrete sidewalk requires that the adjacent property owners maintain the sidewalk and keep it snow free during the winter. If a bituminous pathway were to be constructed instead of a concrete sidewalk, the pathway would be 8 feet in width and the cost would be estimated at $19,400. The pathway would require that the City maintain the surface, as well as plow it during winter. Finally, a bituminous pathway is expected to last 20 years before replacement is required. F:\WFW/MJ494-(MMEMO_2I1Qj S""" li.cUII Fuu HI" IImdm",-OJ2&J5.doc ,...'-\.1 . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Monticello March 28, 2005 Page 3 The Current cost estimate also includes the construction of stormwater ponds. Because of the developed nature of this project, finding suitable locations for storm water ponds is a challenge. Two locations have been determined. The first location is a vacant lot currently owned by the City on River Street. The second location is a strip of right-of-way located at the end of River Street adjacent to Oak Lane. The vacant lot has value in that it could potentially be sold by the City as a single family residence. The strip of right-of-way currently has trees and is being used by the adjacent land owners as driveway access and lawn. Because of these considerations it may be reasonable to replace the ponds with underground storm water filtration. A typical type of underground stormwater filtration is called a Stormceptor. The current estimate includes approximately $50,000 for pond excavation. Each Stormceptor unit costs approximately $10,000 to $15,000. It is estimated that three to four units would be required. Therefore, the cost of replacing the ponds with underground stormwater quality filtration could be $15,000. However, the potential to sell the vacant lot probably exceeds the cost of Stormceptor units. Previous Option 1 Scenario For comparison purposes, a summary of the Option 1 scenario from the December 9, 2004 feasibility report amendment is included below. Option 1 would have provided for construction of the entire project as originally proposed, with an urban street section, to be constructed over three years. The table below provides the preliminary assessments on a per lot basis. OPTION 1. MULTI-YEAR ASSESSMENT SUMMARY Year 1 Year 2 Amount Amount Year 3 Amount $2,887.54 $1,487.76 $546.71 $756.15 $5,678.15 Typical Residential Lot Assessment Residential Assessment, per iot Curb and Gutter Assessment. per iot Sidewalk Assessment, per lot Storm Sewer Assessment, per lot Residential Lot Assessment Amount $2,721.78 $1,584.31 $480.26 $476.66 $5,263.01 $2,803.43 $1,388.99 $375.58 $599.61 $5,167.62 The Council needs to call for a public hearing if there is intent to move ahead with the project. Direction needs to be provided by the Council as to which assessment they wish to pursue at informational meetings as well as the public hearing. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this request, please feel free to contact us at 763- 541-4800. Attachments f'.~WI'WIM.J494-04IMEMO.200S Sir"" R<<,," F<11S Rpl ArnJm"I.fJJ2lVJ5.doc "\- ~! FEASIBILITY LEVEL OPINION OF PROBABLE COST Client: CITY OF MONTICELLO . Project: 2005 Street Reconstruction Program - Chestnut to Otter Creek WSB Project No.: 01494-04 Date: March 23, 2005 SCHEDULE A - STREET IMPROVEMENTS Line Mal.llem Item Units Qly Unit Price Total Price No. Number 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 $9,940.00 $9,940.00 2 2101.502 CLEARING TREE 14 $200.00 $2,800.00 3 2101.507 GRUBBING TREE 28 $125.00 $3,500.00 4 2104.501 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER L1N FT 30 $3.50 $105.00 5 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS ORIVEWAY PAVEMENT SOYD 1,325 $3.50 $4,637.50 6 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) L1N FT 500 $3.00 $1,500.00 7 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION CUYD 16,500 $3.00 $49,500.00 8 2105.507 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION CUYD 300 $5.00 $1,500.00 9 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (LV) CUYD 5,202 $11.00 $57,222.00 10 2105.525 TOPSOIL BORROW (LV) CUYD BOO $15.00 $12,000.00 11 2112.501 SUBGRADE PREPARATION ROAD STA 41 $165.00 $6,76500 12 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE, CL 5 (MODIFIED) TON 3,262 $11.50 $37,513.00 13 2331.604 BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT RECLAMATION SOYD 11,882 $3.00 $35,646.00 14 2350.501 TYPE 41 A PLANT MIXED WEARING COURSE TON 1,368 $32.00 $43,776.00 15 2350.502 TYPE 31 B PLANT MIXED BASE COURSE TON 1,610 $30.00 $48,300.00 16 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON 735 $1.50 $1,102.50 17 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING (MANHOLE) EACH 15 $300.00 $4,500.00 18 2521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK SOFT 14,560 $3.00 $43,680.00 19 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B618 L1N FT 6,735 $10.00 $67,350.00 20 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, DESIGN MODIFIED 0 L1NFT 0 $15.00 $0.00 21 2531.507 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQYD 410 $38.00 $15,5BO.00 22 2531.602 PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP EACH 7 $450.00 $3,150.00 . 23 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 24 2564.531 SIGN PANELS TYPE C SQ FT 400 $23.00 $9,200.00 25 2564.602 FURNISH & INSTALL SIGN PANELS TYPE 0 EACH 20 $250.00 $5,000.00 26 2573.501 BALE CHECK EACH 50 $7.50 $375.00 27 2573.502 SILT FENCE, TYPE HEAVY DUTY L1N FT 1,000 $3.00 $3,000.00 28 2575.501 SEEDING ACRE 3 $1,500.00 $4,500.00 29 2575.502 SILT FENCE L1N FT 1,500 $2.00 $3,000.00 30 2575.505 SODDING, TYPE LAWN SQ YD 6,850 $2.00 $13,700.00 31 2575.523 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS CATEGORY3 SQYD 500 $1.30 $650.00 TOTAL SCHEDULE A- $496,992.00 10% CONTINGENCY: $49,699.20 SUBTOTAL: $546,691.20 22% INDIRECT: $120,272.06 TOTAL SCHEDULE A COST: $666,963.26 SCHEDULE B - SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Line Mal. Item Item Units Oly Unit Price Total Price No. Number 32 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 $550.00 $550.00 33 2501.601 DEWATERING UN FT 360 $15.00 $5,400.00 34 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING MANHOLE (SAN) EACH 2 $2,000.00 $4,000.00 35 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EACH 6 $1,000.00 $6,000.00 36 2503.602 WYE, PVC 8" X 4" EACH 6 $75.00 $450.00 37 2503.602 4" PVC PIPE SEWER-SDR26 UN FT 180 $11.50 $2,070.00 38 2503.603 8" PVC PIPE SEWER-SDR35 UN FT 0 $25.00 $0.00 39 2503.603 SANITARY SEWER INSPECTION UN FT 0 $1.00 $0.00 40 2503.603 SANITARY SEWER SPOT REPAIR L1N FT 1BO $5000 $9000.00 TOTAL SCHEDULE B- $27,470.00 . 10% CONTINGENCY: $2,747.00 SUBTOTAL: $30,217.00 22% INDIRECT: $6,647.74 TOTAL SCHEDULE B COST: $36,864.74 Revised Project Cost Opinion.xls \-"-\~ SCHEDULE C - WA TER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS Line Mat.ltem Item Units Qly Unit Price Total Price No. Number . 41 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 $1,440.00 $1,440.00 42 2104.509 REMOVE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY EACH 0 $250.00 $0.00 43 2104.523 SALVAGE HYDRANT AND VALVE EACH 9 $400.00 $3,600.00 44 2104.603 ABANDON WATER MAIN L1N FT 0 $5.00 $0.00 45 2501.601 DEWATERING L1N FT 180 $15.00 $2,700.00 46 2504.602 8" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 0 $860.00 $0.00 47 2504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING 8" WATERMAIN EACH 0 $700.00 $0.00 48 2504.602 DUCTILE IRON WATERMAIN FITTINGS POUNDS 0 $2.00 $0.00 49 2504.602 HYDRANT EACH 9 $1,800.00 $16,200.00 50 2504.603 8" WATER MAIN DIP L1N FT 0 $22.00 $0.00 51 2504.603 CORPORATION, CURB STOP AND BOX EACH 6 $185.00 $1,110.00 52 2504.603 1" TYPE K COPPER PIPE L1N FT 180 $11.00 $1,980.00 53 2504.604 4" POLYSTYRENE INSULATION SQ YD 1,500 $30.00 $45,000.00 54 2504.604 ADJUST GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 13 $200.00 $2600.00 TOTAL SCHEDULE C- $74,630.00 10% CONTINGENCY: $7,463.00 SUBTOTAL: $82,093.00 22% INDIRECT: $18,060.46 TOTAL SCHEDULE C COST: $100,153.46 SCHEDULE D -- STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Line Mal.llem Item Units Qly Unit Price Total Price No. Number 55 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 $6,020.00 $6,020.00 56 2105.511 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION (PONDS) CU YO 3,100 $3.00 $9,300.00 57 2105.601 DEWATERING LUMP SUM 1 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 58 2501.515 30" RC PIPE APRON WI PILING EACH 2 $3,000.00 $6,000.00 59 2501.515 42" RC PIPE APRON WI PILING EACH 3 $3,000.00 $9,000.00 . 60 2501.602 TRASH GUARD FOR 30" PIPE APRON EACH 2 $450.00 $900.00 61 2501.602 TRASH GUARD FOR 42" PIPE APRON EACH 3 $725.00 $2,175.00 62 2502.501 6" PERF PE PIPE DRAIN L1N FT 1,000 $5.00 $5,000.00 63 2502.503 6" x 4" PE TEES EACH 20 $10.00 $200.00 64 2503.541 12" CP PIPE SEWER DESIGN L1N FT 420 $18.00 $7,560.00 65 2503.541 15" CP PIPE SEWER OESIGN L1N FT 478 $19.00 $9,082.00 66 2503.541 18" CP PIPE SEWER OESIGN L1N FT 650 $22.50 $14,625.00 67 2503.541 21" CP PIPE SEWER OESIGN L1N FT 13 $26.00 $338.00 68 2503.541 24" CP PIPE SEWER OESIGN L1N FT 76 $26.00 $1,976.00 69 2503.541 30" CP PIPE SEWER OESIGN L1N FT 791 $36.50 $28,871.50 70 2503.541 36" CP PIPE SEWER OESIGN L1N FT 694 $41.50 $28,801.00 71 2503.541 42" CP PIPE SEWER OESIGN L1N FT 708 $50.00 $35,400.00 72 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 48-4020 EACH 6 $2,00000 $12,000.00 73 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 60-4020 EACH 5 $4.000.00 $20,000.00 74 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 72-4020 EACH 4 $4,200.00 $16,800.00 75 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 84-4020 EACH 5 $4,500.00 $22,500.00 76 2506.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPECIAL 1 EACH 20 $1.200.00 $24,000.00 77 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY (MANHOLE) EACH 19 $300.00 $5,700.00 78 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY (CATCH BASIN) EACH 20 $400.00 $8,000.00 79 2511.501 RANDOM RIP RAP CLASS IV CUYD 25 $65.00 $1,625.00 TOTAL SCHEDULE D : $300.873.50 10% CONTINGENCY: $30,087.35 SUBTOTAL: $330,960.85 22% INDIRECT: $72,811.39 TOTAL SCHEDULE D COST: $403,772.24 TOTAL ALL SCHEDULES- $899,965.50 10% CONTINGENCY: $89,996.55 SUBTOTAL: $989,962.05 . 22% INDIRECT: $217,791.65 TOTAL PROJECT COST: $1,207,753.70 Revised Project Cost Opinion.xls ~..SO 2 ~ o o o .~ . .~ c . 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To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, As a resident on the proposed West River St. Reconstruction Project who will not be available for the public hearing on March 281h, I would like to voice my opinion IN FAVOR OF the project. West River Street has been in need of resurfacing for the majority of the 13 years that I have owned my home. It is good to see these streets finally getting slated for rehab. I have not seen what the city plans to do for storm sewer and curb but feel both are needed. I do have a few points I would like to bring up regarding the type of curb proposed which could result in savings on the cost of the project. The "D" style (drive over) which we typically use in new developments tends to run about $ 2.00 a linear foot cheaper than the "B" style used on commercial, other streets done with the 77-3 project and Core City 1. With the "B" style curb each driveway requires a 5' apron which would cost from $ 300 (for a 16 ft driveway) to $ 460 (for a 24' driveway) based on the $ 35.00 a square yard price for the Core City 2 (last year's) project. At an average of$ 380 per driveway on the approximately 48 driveways on the project the cost of the project could be reduced around $ 18,000 just in driveway aprons plus the cost of the curb at $ 2.00 per foot. With the rising price of concrete, the cost could be even higher. Other advantages of a "D" style curb is that it is "easier" on plow equipment and operators in that it doesn't have the vertical 6" back for the plow to bounce off of It is also easier for the crews to "wing back" the windrow to keep the entire roadway open in the winter. With the number of mature trees in the area a drive over curb would make tree maintenance (for both city and private crews)easier in that yards are accessible at any place along the lot rather than just through driveway cut. I see from the map included in the public hearing notice that the homeowners on Broadway should have been notified. There is a considerable amount of runoff from snow melt and summer rains that comes from their backlots to River St., are they to be included in the assessments for the River St storm sewer? My final question is; since these streets should have been reconstructed ten to fifteen years ago when ponding and other control structures were not required should we even be trying to project into future possible PCA requirements? Thank you for your time, Tom Bose 1010 W. River Street Monticello '-S4 . . . Council Agenda - 3/28/05 8. Consideration of Authorizinl!: Staff to Initiate the Comprehensive Plan update process bv Preparinl!: a Draft Work Plan and Associated Cost estimate. (.TO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to authorize city staff and the consultant planner to begin the process of updating the comprehensive plan with the initial step being defining the scope and cost of the plan and setting a schedule. As you know, the city is facing development pressure at all points along city boundaries. In addition, the MOAA area (growth area) has been defined and it is now incumbent upon the city to plan accordingly. The last full scale update to the plan was completed in 1996 with a number of small updates occurring since then. We really need to get going on updating the plan which could include but not be limited to the following: . Inventory of existing land uses and identification of trends in key areas including housing, industrial development, commercial development, social demographics, community facilities, natural resources. . Establishment of Goals and Policies relating to development. . Establishment of Growth Management goals including prioritization of land and associated city facilities development. . Preparation of development framework and specific land use guide plans for growth areas. If Council so authorizes, staff/NAC will prepare a proposal for updating the Comprehensive Plan along with a time line for project completion. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize City staff to work with the Planning Commission in preparing a proposal outlining scope of the Comprehensive Plan amendment and provide a cost estimate accordingly. 2. Motion denying authorization to City staff to prepare a proposal outlining scope of the Comprehensive Plan amendment. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: StaiI recommends alternative I. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. ~-S5 . . . Council Agenda - 3/28/05 9. Consideration of establishinl! a date for a Council/Staff l!oal settinl! and team buildinl! session. (Council team buildinl!) JO A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mayor Herbst is interested in taking an extended period of time to discuss goals, objectives and priorities for the City with the help of an outside facilitator. Although the facilitator has not been chosen, it is likely that Frank Madden of Frank Madden and Associates will be asked to conduct the session. Madden is currently working for the City on development of a customer survey and he will soon be making a proposal for conducting an organizational study. Council is asked if it likes the idea of utilizing an outside consultant to assist Council/Staff in setting objectives and priorities and if so, what dates work the best. It is expected that the session could be broken into two days but is likely to require 6-8 hours oftime. Based on hourly rates, cost estimates for this service range from $1,200 to $1,600. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion to authorize scheduling of goal setting and team building session for a date as established by the City Council. 2. Motion to deny authorization to proceed with goal setting and team building session. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City faces growing demand for service in all areas at a time when Council would like to not increase spending. Under this conflicted circumstance it is crucial that city priorities be clearly identified so that available resources can be focused accordingly. Please take a look at your calendars for blocks of time when you would be available for the team building session (s). C\- S'to . . . Council Agenda - 3/28/05 10. Review of Plans and Soecifications for New 1 Million Gallon Water Tower and Authorization to Have it Advertised for Bids. (1,S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The plans for the 2 types of water towers to be bid for this project are complete and the specifications are being completed as the agenda item is drafted. Mark Rolfs, from Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates wiII be present at Monday evenings meeting to go over the project with you. The plan sheets and site plan are being provided ""ith your agenda packet. Options for the lettering and logo on the tower will be presented at Monday's meeting. Current cost estimates for a completely steel, fluted column tank is $1,780,000. The cost estimated for the composite concrete base steel tank is currently at $1,690,000. We will only know the final outcome of the actual prices when the bids are returned on April 21, 2005. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to select a logo and approve the plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids for the 2 types of water towers based on the ability to award either tank based on the low bid for that specific type of tank chosen. 2. The second alternative \vould be not to approve the plans and specifications or logo, but to make modifications. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director, the Sewer and Water Superintendent, and Mark Rolfs, our consulting engineer, that the City Council approve the plans and specifications and logo and authorize advertisement for bids as outlined in alternative number I. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of engineers estimate and plans for the 2 types of 1 million gallon elevated water tanks. 10 -Sl . . . ~ Bonestroo -=- Rosene ~ Anderlil< & 1 \J 1 Associates Engineers & Architects 2335 West Highway 36 . St Paul, MN 55113 Office: 651-636-4600 . Fax: 651-636-1311 www.bonestroo.com City of Monticello 1.0 MG Elevated Tank City Improvement Project No. 2004-30C Preliminary Engineer's Estimate Item Estimated Base Bid 1.0 MG Fluted Column Tank $1,780,000 1.0 MG Composite Tank $1,690,000 . St. Paul, St. Cloud, Rochester, Willmar. MN . Milwaukee, WI . 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"- \ , I ~ "- ~ .O-,l '" ~ z \ ' 0 0 ~I li~ ~ ..' ,'!-L ~ ~ ~ ~b . . . Council Agenda - 3/28/05 11. Consideration of proposal from Bolton & Menk. Inc. to studv two alternatives for biosolids treatment at the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the council's direction. I have asked Bob Brown and Brad DeWolf of Bolton & Menk, Inc. to prepare a proposal to study two options for on site Class A treatment of our biosolids at the WWTP. The first option involves the AT AD process which is the Autothermal Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion, and the second option is the heat belt dryer system with and without incineration of the final product. They have based their proposal upon a mutually agreed upon list of tasks and concerns with biosolids treatment. Their proposal is included for your review and outlines the scope of work and a schedule with the work to be completed in 90 to 120 days. The cost to perform the work will be based upon a not to exceed amount of $20,000 but will be billed at the hourly rates for the different individuals performing the work. The hourly rate schedule is enclosed with the proposal. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to accept the proposal from Bolton & Menk and authorize the City to enter into an agreement to complete the work as noted in the proposal. 2. The second alternative would be not to enter into an agreement with Bolton & Menk to study the two alternatives for biosolids. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and Chuck Keyes of PSG, our contract operator for the WWTP, to accept the proposal from Bolton & Menk and get started on evaluating the two alternatives. The city, of course, is continuing to movc forward with its evaluation of additional land as an alternative as well. At the council's direction we have dismissed the idea of moving forward with any further discussion on a regional biosolids treatment facility with other cities. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the proposal from Bolton & Menk, Inc. 11- 105 .~ . . SOLTON &. ~ENKI INC. Consutting Engineers & Surveyors 1960 Premier Drive . Mankato, MN 56001-5900 Phone (507) 625-4171 . FAX (507) 625-4]77 March 23, 2005 John Simola, Public Works Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Ave, Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Proposal for Wastewater Biosolids Treatment Design Report Dear Mr. Simola, As a follow-up to our March 14,2005 presentation on wastewater biosolids alternatives and our subsequent discussions, I have prepared this letter proposal for preparing a wastewater biosolids treatment . design report. This proposal contains a listing of scope of work tasks along with a cost estimate for preparing the report and a project schedule. Scope of Work Tasks 1. Workshop Meeting A project wOIkshop meeting will be held at the Wastewa1er Treatment Facility with City and Wastewater Treatment operations staff. The purpose of the worksbop meeting is to identify, discuss and gather data and information necessary for the preparation of the biosolids design report. 2. Planning Period and Design Criteria The City's population growth wiD be reviewed and updated for a 20-year planning period (year 2025). The existing wastewater flow and loading data will be reviewed and projections for the 20-year planning period perfonned. Based on the population and wastewater data projections, the biosolids design criteria will be developed which will be used for the biosolids treatmeot alternative evaluation. The estimated quantities and properties of the biosolids generated will be developed. 3. Site Visits Site visits to similar wastewater biosolids treatment facilities heing considered will be arranged for City and wastewater treatment operations staff. 4. Evaluation of Biosolids Treatment Alternatives Two biosolids treatment process alternatives will be evaluated in detail. These alternatives are: I) Autothennal Thermopbilic Aerobic Digestion (AT AD); and 2) heat belt dryers with and without incinerator. The evaluation process will include the following items and criteria: . Description of treatment process . Preliminary site layout plans Maximize use of existing facilities . Life cycle costs . Operation aud maintenance to include labor, energy, etc. . Proven track record/reliability . Complexity of process . Flexibility for expansion . Final biosolids disposaLoptions . Minimize existing treatment process disruption during construction . Permitting schedule . Time schedule for implementation . Public acceptance A sumffiwy comparison table will be prepared for the alternatives and recommendations. O:\Monticello'Sinwla-l'roposol LTI.oo, MANKATO. MN . FAIRMONT. MN . SLEEPV EYE. MN . BURNSVlllE. MN . W1LlMAR. MN . CHASKA, MN . AMES. IA www.boltorHnenk.com An Equal Oppartunily Employer Il-(oft, BOL.,.-c:::)N & IVI EN K., INc. . John Simola, Public Works Director City of Monticello March 23, 2005 Page 2 of 2 5. Pilot Plantfl'esting Depending on the fmal biosolids treatment process selected, we will coordinate with the equipment manufacturers any pilot plantltesting required to verify the process effectiveness and efficiencies. 6. Final Disposal Options The final disposal options of the biosolids will be evaluated. The following options will be evaluated: agricultural land application; parks and public land application; fuel altemative for incineration facilities; regionali2ation with other communities; composting and landfilling. 7. Project Schedule A project schedule for implementing the selected biosolids treatment alternative will be prepared. Included in the project schedule will be permitting, design, construction, and operational items. 8. Design Report A written design report will be prepared which will include all of the items discussed above. Schedule We will complete all of the tasks presented in the scope of work items within 90-120 days depending on the eXtent of any pilot plantltesting that may be required. . Fees The cost to perfonn all of the scope of work tasks presented in our proposal is fur a not-to-exceed amount of$20,000.00. We would bill for ouIy the time required to complete the scope of work tasks based on actaal hours and our standard hourly rate schedule (see attachment). I will be the principal engineer for preparation of the design report with assistance from Kelly Yahnke and Brad DeWolf Thank you again for the opportunity to cootinue to work with you and your staff on this important project I look forward to continuing our working relationship. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 507-625-417 L Sincerely, BOLTON & MENK, INC. ~K Vice President RMB:bja cc: Kelly Yahnke, Bolton & Menk, Inc. (Bumsville) Brad DeWolf, Bolton & Menk, Inc. (Willmar) Enclosure . G:\Momicello~imola-PropDSaI LTl.doc Ii." to l 1I-~<6 . Bolton & Menk, Inc. 2005 Schedule of Fees The following Schedule of Fees is based upon competent, responsible engineering and surveying services and is the minimum, below which adequate professional standards cannot be maintained. It is, therefore, to the advantage of both the Professional Engineer or Surveyor and the Client, that fees be commensurate with the service rendered. . Principal Engineer/Surveyor ....................................... $120-1 551H0ur Associate Engineer/Surveyor ........................................ $95-]301H0ur ProjectlDesign Engineer................................................ $55-] ]51H0ur Licensed Surveyor..... ........... .......... ...... ...... ....... ............ $70-] ] OlHour Project Surveyor .............................................................. $50-851H0ur Senior Tecbnician.......................................................... $55-] 151H0ur Technician ....................................................................... $40-851H0ur Clerical............................................................................ $30-751H0ur GPSfRobotic Survey Equipment..................................... $45-701H0ur AutoCAD!Computer Time ..................................................No Charge Office Supplies... ................... ............................... ........ .......N 0 Charge Photo CopyintifReprocluclion ...................... ........................ No Charge Field Supplies/Survey Stakes & Equipment........................No Charge Mileage................................................................................No Charge Charges are based on hours spent at hourly rates in effect fur the individuals performing the work. The hourly rates for Principals, Senior Associates, Associates and members of the staff vary according to skill and experience. The Schedule of Fees shall apply for the period through December 31. 2005. These rates may be adjusted annually thereafter to account fur changed labor costs, inflation or changed overhead conditions. These rates include labor, general business and other normal and customary expenses associated with operating a professional business. Unless otherwise agreed, the above rates include vehicle and personal expenses, mileage, telephone. survey stakes and routine expendable supplies; and no separate charges will be made fur these activities and materials. Expenses beyond the agreed scope of services and non-routine expenses, such as large quantities of prints. extra report copies, oot-sourced graphics and photographic reproductions, document recording fees., outside professional and technical assistance and other items of this general nature, will be invoiced out separately. Rates and charges do not include sales tax, if applicable. When it is possible to accurately define the scope of the project and the engineering services to be performed, a lump sum may be agreed upon fortota1 compensation. . . Council Agenda - 3/28/05 12. Consideration of letter to YMCA expressin!! City interest in collaboratin!! with the YMCA. County, State and others to preserve the natural character of laud in the Lon!! Lake/Lake Bertram area. JO A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: . B. . The YMCA is asking that the City of Monticello compose a letter identifying the city's interest in participating in the process that could include city or governmental acquisition of portions of the 1,200 acre property. Following is background information leading up to this request. A few weeks ago, YMCA representatives met with Mayor Herbst to discuss the future of the YMCA property in Monticello. The YMCA otlicials reported that the current programs offered at Camp Manitou are important and could be continued, however the programs arc relatively small in terms of attendance and only a small portion of the 1,200 acre site is needed for the programming. Therefore, the organization might be better served if the high value of the land be converted to cash which then can be used to satisfy other growing needs. Mayor Herbst noted the City is interested in working with the YMCA in preserving major portions ofthe site for preservation while setting aside areas appropriate for high end housing. At the meeting it was agreed that the YMCA could benefit from city cooperation via access to city utility systems and annexation, the City, County and State could benefit through preservation/public enjoyment of the lakes and natural areas. The next step in the process includes identification of public areas for park and natural areas, identitication of developable areas and associated cost to extend services. It also includes bringing in other agencies and individuals that have an interest in the long term use of the property including State, County and Township representatives. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion directing Staff to prepare a letter to the YMCA identifying the City' s interest in participation in a process that will result in setting aside major portions of the YMCA property for public enjoyment. City participation could include but not limited to the following. . Provide support for the organization of a task force comprised of agencies and individuals interested in the long term use of the property. This group could include and not limited to the YMCA, City, (Parks Commission) State, County. Township, Three Rivers Park District and others. . Extension ofroads and utilities and necessary to serve potential residential portions of the site. . Assistance with development of a funding program for acquisition of portions of the site. Such a funding program could include a combination of sources including City funds, Federal and State grant funds, park dedication funds, "in kind" extension of sewer and water service. ). _ Vi \d.~7() Council Agenda - 3/28/05 . 2. Motion to deny this initiative. Under this alternative the YMCA would be likely to attempt to develop the property as a private development. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City provide input to the YMCA regarding City interest in playing a role resulting in setting aside a portion of the property for public enjoyment while allowing some areas to be developed for residential uses. It is also recommended that two Council members be authorized to help lead a task force for the purpose of identifying set- aside areas and for developing a funding and management plan. D. SUPPORTING DATA:. Arial Photo, Pictures and site map. . . . 'It ~ - to ~ " [ ~ a I:"" ~ .~ l 8' " S ~ i:l "0 0 ~ g s '" '" go (l 0' 0 :>I"" ~. i:l "" '" 0 a ::r "0 ~:g; '" ::l. .. "" ~ ~ " . - " o :>I"" .... 1:""::> g ~ "" ~. I:"".g ~~ . 0 eS o I:"" i3:~ .g " ~ ~ \.J to " ::l. ~ ~ " to . " '" >< " ~ ?" --1 g >- :>I"" () ~ s ~ "" " f. e; - g Attachment XX: Property Photos YMCA Camp Manitou #5: Creek flowing into Long Lake North shore of Long Lake Page 2 of4 ) d. - /d . . . Attachment XX: Property Photos YMCA Camp Manitou Pipeline easement #9: Creek flowing into First Lake pagd of 4 ) d- -13 Attachment XX: Property Photos YMCA Camp Manitou . Photo Map Key . \ ~r o POTt:~"1\l. LM.cOAQlJISIllCt' t'IWl.Olf<1l>1>iII' .- (ITYorMOlfflClllO III\lIPU"'OK..uo ""'.11..,...""',"'1:...."'" ....""""".JIl,"T1""' o ~ . Page 4 of 4 J;)- ,Y . . . Council Agenda - 3/28/05 13. Consideration of renewal of contract at the Elk River Landfill with Waste Mana!!ement of Minnesota. Inc. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City of Monticello has had a contract with the Elk River Landfill for disposal of our garbage ever since the Wright County Compost Facility closed several years ago. We contract separately for waste hauling with Onyx. Our current three year contract with the Elk River Landfill expires on April 1,2005. The current landfill price per ton is $36.53. This is including taxes and surcharges put on by the City of Elk River, the county, the Minnesota Landfill Cleanup Fee, and applicable state landfill cleanup fee on disposal of mixed municipal solid waste currently $10.99/ton, but not including the state sales tax (currently 9.75%). Our last contract had an annual escalator from 94-cents to 98-cents per ton for each of the years. Waste Management/Elk River Landfill has proposed a three year amendment to the contract with an annual increase of $1 per ton for the first second and third years. The cost per ton without state sales taxes would be $37.53/ton for 2005, $38.53 /ton for 2006, and $39.53/ton for 2007 through April 1,2008. The approximate annual value of the contract including all surcharges and taxes except state sales tax is approximately $156,000 per year. The actual cost is based upon the number of tons that enter the facility corning from Monticello. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The first alternative is to approve the three year landfill disposal agreement addendum with Waste Management/Elk River Landfill as outlined above which would be effective until April 1,2008. 2. The second alternative would be not to approve the landfill agreement but to look for alternative sources of disposal. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the City Council approve the three year addendum to the existing contract with Waste Management/Elk River Landfill for waste disposal as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of current contract with the Elk River Landfill; Copy of proposed landfill disposal agreement addendum. \~--15 -, i . LANDFILL DISPOSAL AGREEMENT ADDENDUM This addendum per article 12(b) Amendment will act as a modification to the agreement between The City of Monticello and Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc. Elk River Landfill dated March 27, 2002 and signed March 28, 2002. The term listed in article 2 will be amended to an initial period of April I, 2005 through March 31, 2008. The disposal price listed in article 3 will be amended to increase by $1. 00 per ton on April I, 2005, $1.00 per ton on April I, 2006 and $1.00 per ton on April I, 2007. CITY OF MONTICELLO WASTE MANAGEMENT OF MN, INC By: By: . Its: Its: Date: Date: . 1~_lCo . . . ~ .._^.~. .".i. ELK RIVER LANDFILL.. INC. A WASTE MANAGEMENT COMPANY 22460 Hwy. 169 NW Elk Rive" MN 55330 October 9, 2002 RE: HOST FEE AGREEMENT TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS: Plcase be advised that,dfectl'ic December 1, 2002 there wiH be an Increase in taxes for MS\\! an,j Industrial Waste accepted in Elk River Landfill, Inc.'s MSW Liner area. This additional tax is related to a "Host Fee" set forth by Sherburne Cnunty for emts and relating the use of the County as a host tor the landfill. This is also part oYEi\ kl\'er La "j0lJ's Li'.e't'e' . Agreement with the County. The following will be your new host fee increase, lY?~te_ Host fc<;J:.i'& 1~'2it MSW Industrial Waste 040 .40 Ton Ton All other landfill taxes still applies total new Lav" struct,!re is as j()llows. Lined MSW Area: Full tax $1O,99/tol1 plus j 7%, b;empt $)(. 9'l/tOIl (IvmW Jlld Industrial Thank you for your continued patronage. If you have questions or dvsire additionai regarding your account or our services, please call me at (763) 441~2464, Sincerely, Elk River Landfill, Inc, C', ~ I /' (! L f:J.Y- 6-.t 4 t1..Ai2 f1 '1. Debra Deun District iVIanagcr \~-\l LANDFILL DISPOSAL AGREEMENT ~~ . THIS LANDFILL DISPOSAL AGREEl\1ENT ("Agreement") is made this 27th day of March, 2002, by and among Elk River Landfill, Inc., a Minnesota Corporation ("Elk River"), and The City of Monticello ("Generator"). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Elk River operates a sanitary landfill knows as Elk River Landfill, Inc., located in Sherburne County, Minnesota (which, with any improvements, modifications, expansions, relocations, or other changes, is known for purposes of this Agreement as the "Landfill"); WHEREAS, Generator, on its own behalf, desires to secure the disposal rights as set forth herein by agreeing to dispose of Solid Waste (as defined) at the Landfill; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits to be derived from the Agreement and of the representations, warranties, covenants, conditions and provisions hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: . I.) Disposal Rights. Generator shall dispose of Solid Waste (as defined) at the Landfill. The term "Solid Waste" means any and all garbage or refuse collected by the Generator at its recycling center located in Pine River, Minnesota ("Facility"), but shall not include (i) infectious waste, (ii) hazardous waste, (iii) garbage, refuse or rubbish which is required by any governmental authority or by its general nature to be handled or disposed of other than in accordance with the Landfill's normal disposal and operating procedures, or (iv) waste material which does not strictly conform to the description of waste materials which the Landfill is permitted to dispose of under its then-existing permits. Elk River, in its sole discretion, shall have the right to reject any material it believes does not conform to the definition "Solid Waste". The term "Hazardous Waste" means waste listed or characterized as "hazardous" by the United States Environmental Protection Agency or the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency pursuant to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, as amended, including future amendments thereto, and applicable laws of the State of Minnesota, as amended from time to time, excluding minimal quantities of such material typically found in municipal and household refuse which are permissible for disposal in the Landfill under applicable laws and all presently existing govemmentallicenses, permits and approvals required for the operation of the Landfill as currently operated. 2.) Term. The term of this Agreement shall be for an initial period of three (3) years from April I, 2002 through March 31, 2005, unless sooner terminated pursuant to Section II or 12 hereof (the "Term"). . 3.) Disposal Price. As per Elk River's proposal to the Generator received March I, 2002, and approved by the City Council on March 11, 2002, the price for disposal of Solid Waste effective April 1,2002 shall be $34.21 per ton including all taxes, surcharges and fees, except sales tax and special waste assessment (disposal price). The disposal price, excluding taxes, surcharges and fees (base cost) shall increase a maximum of$0.94 per ton on Aprill, 2003, and an additional maximum of$0.98 per ton on April 1,2004. For disposal of materials from the Generator's annual city clean up day, the rates shown in Appendix A shall be charged. (Disposal price will change as above). C:\,BETHIWORDPROCWOHNIAGREEMTS\LANDF ILL ,AG R: 03127102 . PAGE 1 OF 8. \ 3-1f5 . (a) Taxes and Surcharges. Currently Elk River pays the following taxes and surcharges on Generator's wastes: Elk River City surcharge of$3.33 perton, Sherburne County surcharge of$0.60 per ton, and Minnesota Landfill Cleanup fee of$6.66 per ton. After thirty (30) days prior notice to Generator, the disposal price shall be adjusted by any change in or addition to these taxes and surcharges required to be paid by Elk River. -- . , (b) Extraordinarv Levies Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary contained herein, in the event that during the Term of this Agreement, there is levied upon Elk River or upon the operations ofthe Landfill, any extraordinary tax, assessment or charge by any governmental authority or substantial change in regulatory requirements related to the operation of Landfill or the waste disposal business and having general applicability to a category of sanitary landfills or the waste disposal business which includes the Landfill (but not related to any action, omission or condition of the Landfill), which tax, assessment or charge increases in a material manner the Landfill's annual cost to operate the Landfill over the cost of operations of the Landfill for the immediately preceding calendar year, such amounts, in proportion to Generator's usage of Landfill, shall be added to the disposal price as negotiated by Generator and Landfill. 4.) Pavment. Elk River shall send Generator a statement of charges monthly. Generator agrees to pay such charges due and owing hereunder to Elk River on or before the 15th day following the date of receipt of a statement of charges. Without limitation, amounts outstanding from Generator to Elk River for more than thirty (30) days shall accrue an immediately payable service charge at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per annum, commencing with the date of receipt of the original invoice. . 5.) Title and Indemnitv. (a) Title to the Solid Waste shall pass to Elk River at the time the material is unloaded at the Landfill, and all risk and responsibility for such Solid Waste shall thereafter rest with Elk River. Title to material which does not conform to the definition of Solid Waste shall remain with Generator and shall not be deemed to pass to Elk River. (b) Generator shall indemnifY and hold harmless Elk River and all its Affiliates, and their respective officers, directors and employees, from and against all liabilities, expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses of investigation and litigation), claims and damages any such person or entity may at any time suffer or sustain or become liable for by reason of any accidents, damages or injuries, including, without limitation, injuries resulting in death, either to persons or property, real or personal, or both, of Generator, Elk River, Affiliates of Elk River, or the employees of any such party, or to any other persons, in any manner caused by or resulting from the negligence, gross negligence, or willful act or omission of Generator, or any employees or agents of any such entities, or resulting from the breach of, misrepresentation in, untruth in or inaccuracy in any representation, warranty or covenant of Generator set forth in this Agreement. (c) Generator understands and agrees that the obligations set forth in this Section 5 shall survive the performance and termination of this Agreement. (d) Elk River shall indemnifY and hold harmless Generator and its respective officers, directors and employees, from and against all liabilities, expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses of investigation and litigation), claims and damages which any such person or entity may at any time suffer or sustain or become liable for by reason of any accidents, damages or injuries, including, without limitation, injuries resulting in death, either to persons or ... G \0- \-, . . property, real or personal, or both, of Generator, Affiliates of Generator, Elk River, Affiliates of Elk River, or the employees or agents of any such party, or to any other persons, in any manner caused by or resulting from the negligence, gross negligence, or willful act or omission of Elk River, Affiliates of Elk River, or any employees or agents of any such entities, or resulting from the breach of, misrepresentation in, untruth in or inaccuracy in any representation, warranty or covenant of Elk River set forth in this Agreement. (e) Elk River understands and agrees that the obligations set forth in this Section 5 shall survive the performance and termination of this Agreement. 6.) Insurance. (a) At all times during the term of this Agreement, Generator shall keep in force and effect workers' compensation and general liability insurance either with a reputable insurance company or through a state approved self-insurance program in the amount required by law for workers' compensation and in an amount of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000) when the claim is for death by wrongful act or omission; Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($600,000) for any number of claims arising out of a single occurrence; and One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) with respect to damage to property. Generator shall provide Elk River upon request, certificates or other evidence of such insurance and shall cause any such insurer to notit)r Elk River at least thirty (30) days prior to the cancellation of any such insurance. . (b) At all times during the term of this Agreement, Elk River and Affiliates of Elk River, and any subcontractors of Elk River performing any services or obligations of Elk River hereunder, shall keep in force and effect workers' compensation and general liability insurance either with a reputable insurance company or through a state approved self-insurance program in the amount required by law for workers' compensation and in an amount of One Million Dollars $1,000,000) with respect to injury or death to more than one person in anyone accident or other occurrence; and One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) with respect to damage to property. Elk River shall provide Generator upon request, certificates or other evidence of such insurance and shall notit)r Generator at least thirty (30) days prior to the cancellation of any such insurance. 7.) Unacceptable Waste. [fGenerator releases from its Facility any material which does not conform to the definition of Solid Waste under this Agreement or to the requirements of any applicable governmental law, regulation, rule or order, and if Elk River notifies Generator of the receipt of such nonconforming materials, Generator shall then promptly make available to the Landfill a vehicle suitable for transporting such nonconforming material, and Generator shall promptly remove such nonconforming material from the Landfill in each case at Generator's sole expense. 8.) Representations and Warranties of Elk River. As a material inducement to Generator to enter into this Agreement, Elk River represents and warrants as follows and agrees that the following representations and warranties shall survive the execution, delivery, performance and termination of this Agreement. . (a) Elk River is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the state of Minnesota, it has all right, power and authority to own and operate the Landfill and to carry on its business as now conducted and as contemplated by this Agreement, and it has all requisite power and authority to execute and perform this Agreement. \?J-80 n^/"'c ":l r\l:: P ..., ~......... A ......... 0 . (b) The execution, delivery and performance ofthis Agreement has been approved and authorized by all necessary corporate actions of Elk River. This Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of Elk River, enforceable in accordance with its terms. (c) The Execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement will not constitute a violation or breach of the articles of incorporation or bylaws of Elk River, or of any provision of . any contract, permit, license or other instrument to which Elk River is a party or by which Elk River or any of its assets (including the Landfill) are bound, or any order, writ, injunction, decree, statute, rule or regulation to which Elk River or any of its assets (including the Landfill) are subject. (d) Elk River shall immediately inform Generator in the even that any representation in this Section 8 ceases to be true and correct for whatever reason. 9.) Representations and Warranties of Generator. As a material inducement to Elk River to enter into this Agreement, Generator represents and warrants as follows and agrees that the following representations and warranties shall survive the execution, delivery, performance and termination of the Agreement: (a) Generator is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, it has all right, power and authority to carry on its business as now conducted and as contemplated by this Agreement, and it has all requisite power and authority to execute and perform this Agreement. . (b) The execution, deliv.ery and performance ofthis Agreement has been approved and authorized by all necessary actions of Generator. This Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of Generator, enforceable in accordance with its terms. (c) The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement will not constitute a violation or breach of the articles of incorporation or bylaws of Generator, or of any provision of any contract, permit, license or other instrument to which Generator is a party or by which Generator or any of its assets are bound, or any order, writ, injunction, decree, statute, rule or regulation to which Generator or any of its assets are subject. (d) Generator shall immediately inform Elk River in the event that any representations in this Section 9 ceases to be true and correct for whatever reason. 10.) Covenants. The parties hereby covenant as follows: (a) At all times during the Term of this Agreement, Elk River shall cause the Landfill to be operated in material compliance with all required federal, state, and local licenses, permits and approvals and all federal, state and local laws, ordinances, requirements, orders, directives, rules and regulations and all material agreements relating to any of the foregoing to which it is a party of by which the Landfill is affected. . (b) Elk River shall at all times during the Term of this Agreement cause the Landfill to be open for operation and acceptance of Solid Waste from Generator from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and from 800 a.m. to 300 p.m on Saturday, provided, however, that during the Term of this Agreement, the Landftll shall not be open for such operation and acceptance of waste on any New Year's Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day or the Fourth of July, further provided that if the approved operating hours at the Landfill shall be expanded or \?:>-s/ . 11.) . . restricted (except, in the case of a restriction, due to the violation by Elk River of a term or condition of any presently existing federal, state or local license, permit, approval or any federal, state or local law, ordinance, requirement, order, directive, rule or regulation), then Elk River shall cause the Landfill to be open for operation and acceptance of Solid Waste from Generator during such expanded or reduced hours. c'^ (c) If Elk River shall be required to close the Landfill for any reason, it will use good faith efforts to give Generator notice of such closing at least ninety (90) days prior to the date thereof; provided, however, that compliance with this provision shall not operate to relieve Elk River ofliability for its failure to perform its duties or for the breach of its other covenants under this Agreement, unless such failure of performance is the result of any act of God, flood, fire, explosion, storm, strike, lockout, war, insurrection, riot, unauthorized work stoppage of Elk River's employees, or interruption of Elk River's normal operations at the Landfill (other than due in whole or in part to adverse economic circumstances by Elk River) over which Elk River has no control. (d) Generator has been collecting and agrees to continue to collect and pay to proper authorities any and all generator assessments, sales tax or similar fees imposed on collection of Solid Waste. Generator shall provide Elk River with tax exemption certificates or other evidence of payment of these fees in a form acceptable to Elk River. Termination. (a) Termination bv Generator. Generator shall have the right to terminate this Agreement in the event of any of the following: (I) The material breach by Elk River of any of the terms, conditions or provisions of this Agreement, which breach is not cured within thirty (30) days after notice from Generator of same is given to Elk River; provided, however, that if the nature of the breach is such that more than thirty (30) days are required for its cure, then Generator shall not be entitled to terminate this Agreement with respect to such breach if Elk River commences said cure within such thirty (30) day period and thereafter diligently prosecutes same to completion; (2) The commencement of any voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings against Generator, or if reorganization proceedings are sought against Generator under any state or federal debtor relief statute; provided that any such proceedings are not dismissed within one hundred twenty (120) days after being instituted; or (3) If any federal, state or local authority should take any action (other than due to the violation by Generator or any presently existing federal, state or local license, permit or approval or any presently existing federal, state or local law, ordinance, requirement, order directive, rule or regulation) which results in the illegality or impossibility of the performance by Generator of their rights or obligations as provided herein. (4) In the event there is imposed on the disposal of waste at the landfill, a tax or surcharge not imposed on other Minnesota landfills in excess of$l 0.00 per ton. l~~gd . . (b) Termination bv Elk River. Elk River shall have the right to terminate this Agreement in the event of any of the following: (I) The material breach by Generator of any of the terms conditions or provisions ofthis Agreement, which breach is not cured within thirty (30) days after notiCe from Elk River of same is given to Generator; provided, however, that if the nature of said breach is such that more than thirty (30) days are required for its cure, then Elk River shall not be entitled to terminate this Agreement with respect to such breach if Generator commences said cure within such thirty (30) day period and thereafter diligently prosecutes same to completion, further provided that, in any event, Elk River shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon the material breach by Generator of any of its payment obligations under this Agreement, which breach is not cured within fifteen (15) days after notice from Elk River of same; (2) If any federal, state or local authority should take any action (other than due to the violation by Elk River of any presently existing federal, state or local license, permit or approval or any presently existing federal, state or local law, ordinance, requirement, order, directive, rule or regulation) which results in the illegality of the implementation by Elk River of their rights or obligations as provided herein. (3) Elk River shall have the right, in addition to any other remedies it may have a right to pursue during any notice period in this Section II(b) to accept Solid Waste only upon payment of the disposal fee in cash in advance if previous moneys due from the Generator are more than thiny (30) days past due. (c) Effect of Termination. Termination of this Agreement shall not result in the termination of any obligation of any party hereunder that has accrued at the time oftermination, and in no event shall the termination of this Agreement operate to excuse any obligation of any part for breach of a representation or warranty under this Agreement for failure to perform under the indemnity provisions of this Agreement, all of which provisions shall survive any termination of the Agreement by any party hereto. 12.) Miscellaneous. . (a) Waiver. Any party may waive any portion or portions of his, her, or its rights hereunder without affecting the balance of this Agreement, but no waiver or modification of the terms hereof shall be valid unless in writing signed by the pany to be charged and only to the extent therein set fonh. (b) Amendment. This agreement shall not be modified or amended except by a writing executed by the party against whom the modified or amended term or provision is sought to be enforced. Any failure on the part of any pany to this Agreement at any time to require the performance by any other party of any term or provision hereof even if known, shall in no way affect the right thereafter to enforce the same (except that no party may enforce any rights arising from a breach of this Agreement, which breach has been cured), nor shall it be taken or held to be a waiver or any succeeding breach. ?:" ~ 3> I ?:,_8l\ . (c ) Notices. All notices, requests, demands and other communications by either party to the other shall be in writing and may either (i) delivered personally to the individual set forth below, (ii) deposited in the U.S. Mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, to the address set forth below, or (iii) delivered by facsimile transmission to the number below: ,^ To Contractor: Elk River Landfill, Inc. Attn: Debra Dehn 22460 Highway 169 Northwest Elk River, Minnesota 55330 Fax: (763) 441-2025 With a copy to: Waste Management, Inc. General Counsel 1001 Fannin, Suite 4000 Houston, Texas 77002 Fax: (713) 209-9711 . To Generator: City of Monticello Attn: John Simola Public Works Director 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Fax: (763) 271-3272 With a copy to: City of Monticello Attn: Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Fax: (763) 295-4404 or to such other address, and to the attention of such other person or officer, as either party may designate in writing by notice duly given pursuant to this Section 12(c). Notices shall be deemed delivered and effective when (i) delivered in person, (ii) three business days after being placed in the U. S. Mail, properly addressed, with sufficient postage, or (iii) received by facsimile transmission . during the normal business hours of the recipient, all pursuant to this Section 12( c). c:\aETl-llWORDf>ROCUOHI'MGREEMTS,LANDFllL,AGR: 03/27102 . PAGE 7 OF 8. . (d) Assignment. This Agreement shall be binding on and shall endure to the benefit of the authorized successors and assigns of the parties. Generator shall have the right to assign its rights and obligations hereunder without he consent of Elk River to any affiliate of Generator. Elk River shall be entitled to assign its rights and obligations hereunder, without the consent of Generator, to any Affiliate of Elk River. Written consent from the Other Party shall be required for Either Party to assign its rights to a third party. -" ELK RIVER LANDFILL, INC. CITY OF MONTICELLO By Qhu Q0n Its: Ct2v>f.AJc-! "'1CtnCi/~ B~AJ- Roger Belsaas The Honorable Mayor Date S A",P~ I b .......... Date .5 -J f- CJ'd.- . . 3 -8 C) . 14. City Council Agenda - 3/21/05 Consideration of a request for an amendment to a CUP for Development Stal!:e PUD and consideration of a revised Preliminarv Plat for Carlisle Villal!:e, a 239 unit residential subdivision. Applicant: Shadow Creek Corporation. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND . . The applicant has previously received an approval for this project, prior to a discovery that a portion of the south property was owned by an adjoining land ovmer. As a result, the original preliminary plat was voided, but not until after a portion of the project had been final platted. This preliminary plat encompasses area after the loss of the south portion of the property and outside of the 151 Addition final plat. It should be considered as a new preliminary plat. The objectives of the original project were heavily weighted toward tree preservation. This area was guided for low density residential development - single family homes. In fact, the Comprehensive Plan's long range guide plan called for the entire area to be zoned R-IA. The City permitted the applicant to increase density on the north portion of the project in exchange for a design that placed tree preservation as a priority in the southern portion of the project. As a result, the applicant has resubmitted a preliminary plat reflecting the proper boundaries. In addition, the applicant is seeking two modifications to the original PUD approval. These are: 1. Changes to the R-IA building size requirements, similar to those approved in the Hillside Farms project. 2. Changes to the townhouse design in the R-2 (townhouse) portion of the project, based on a different builder's construction style. Preliminary Plat The Preliminary Plat design is generally laid out to be consistent with the originally approved plan. However. the lots along the far southern boundary are now much shallower than the original PUD approval. The drawings from the spring of2003 showed lot depths in this are of 150 feet or more. The current drawing shows lot depths as little as 122 feet. The lot areas have been maintained above 12,000 square feet (the minimum size) by adjusting side lot lines to make these lots wider, and other lots smaller as a result. The overall lot count remains the same - despite the loss of land on the southern boundary. As a result, corner lots have been reduced significantly in size, and as noted, lot depths are much less, reducing the flexibility of home siting necessary to preserve trees in the project. The end result ofthc loss on the loss ofland as reflected in the new preliminary plat seems to be the developer's desire for lot preservation rather than tree preservation. With this said, the technical averaging requirements have been met - the only question is whether this project meets the City's expectations for R-IA and PUD development. \ '-\ ~ '6 S 1 L\ -' 'f5 (0 City Council Agenda - 3/21/05 . In that regard, it should be noted that by code a Planned Unit Development requires the developer to exceed the zoning standards. For the R-lA district, the required lot size is 16,000 square feet. The 12,000 square foot minimum is only allowable via the averaging clause of the standards. It is planning staffs opinion that the developer has submitted a plat that does not meet the objectives of the Planned Unit Development ordinance, instead meeting only the base minimwn standards of the foundation zoning district. The applicant has stated that with tree preservation as a primary goal, lot lines were situated to allow for maximum tree preservation. However, a grading plan is shown on a significant portion of the project that will eliminate large areas of trees to create building pads, rather than the custom lot grading originally discussed. There has been significant discussion between staff and the developer on this issue. The City Planner and Engineer have expressed concern that the detail of the grading plan does not correspond to the tree preservation plans. The developer has indicated that fencing will be in place for preservation purposes prior to grading. However, the elevations resulting from the grading plan would seem to indicate that more trees would be lost than shown. It would seem that the two plans may be in conflict. This conflict should be resolved at site development stage, with the input of the forester hired to review this project. Planning staff had recommended the elimination of five lots in the R-lA area on the basis of achieving a density closer to what had been originally approved, as well as achieving greater tree preservation. That recommendation was as follows: . · Lot 12, Block 5. This lot has been squeezed into a corner, leaving it at the minimwn 12,000 square feet, but due to its triangular shape, with virtually no usable back yard and no flexibility in house placement. . Lots 2 and 7, Block 6. These lots are two of a row of 8 along the south boundary that as at the minimum 12,000 square foot size, and have minimal depths. By eliminating these lots, and spreading the areas and widths to the adjoining lots on this block, greater tree preservation flexibility will result. . Lots 3 and 8, Block 4. These lots are two of a block of 12 lots where the applicant is strip grading to create a shelf oflookout and walkout building pads. By eliminating two of these lots and spreading the area and width to other lots in the block, a custom grading plan could be established and greater tree preservation could be achieved. . Move the cul-de-sac on 82"d Street NE to the north. Lot 15 (a 41,600 square foot lot) is too shallow in this area to create adequate setbacks and meet rear yard requirements, despite its size. By shifting the cul-de-sac onto this lot, the lots along the south boundary of the plat can be increased in size, and the grading necessary to accommodate the cui-dc-sac can be minimized. This recommendation has been adopted in the most recent plan submission. . The Planning Commission modified staff's recommendation to eliminate two lots in this area - one along the southern boundary and the triangular lot mentioned above. In the most recent preliminary plat submission included in this item, the applicant has \L-\-'3l City Council Agenda - 3/21/05 . not made any of the recommended changes to the plat from that which was submitted to Planning Commission. It should also be noted that there was a significant amount of citizen concern about water drainage in the area. Planning Commission recommended approval of the replat only under the condition that those issues be resolved. Other comments related to the replat include the following: o The applicant should provide sample building drawings for the R-IA and R-2A portions of the project. As a PUD, staff is concerned that housing styles mect the intent and requircments of the various zoning districts and the purpose of PUD development. o Staff have met with the developer and the builder for the R-2A portion of the project in order to come to an understanding on the intent of the R-2A district. The meeting was called because the homes submitted for building permit (splits) were not consistent with the R-2A plans submitted by the developer with the original PUD approval. The outcome of the meeting set standards as follows: . . A majority of homes as 1 Y2 story and 2 story designs, as shown in application materials . Twenty five percent or less split entry homes . Garages that do not project into the front of the house. More specifically, a garage forward design is not encouraged. The 15 foot front yard setback is actually geared to create house forward designs, with the garage recessed or in the rear of the homes. Again, as a PUD staff would encourage setbacks to exceed R-2A standards for garage forward home. . Roof construction incorporating multi-level roofs, cascading roof lines, 7: 12 roof pitch, dormers, textured roof coverings, soffits and gables that extend 12" from the wall planes. . Exterior wall finishes are to be at least 20% stone, brick or approved equal on the side facing public streets. Architectural details including dentils, porches and posts are to be provided. . Superior window placement and detailing on sides facing the public street and to interrupt long wall planes. Detailing such as transom lights, muntons, etc. will be expected. . Garage doors should include window lights or paneling. . No more than 2 feet of exposed plain concrete block above grade. . o The owner(s) ofthc Dick Davidson property (Lots 4-8 of Block 1) need to provide written verification that they will participate in the Final Plat to come. This is an issue that will need to be resolved before any consideration of further final platting. \\...\-~'{) City Council Agenda - 3/21/05 . o A sample landscape plan and building design recommendation has been prepared by staff for use in the R-2A area. Under the terms of the Planned Unit Development application, the developer is to meet or exceed this plan, which reflects the minimum standards of the base zoning district. R-JA Building Requirements The applicant has also requested a relaxation of the R-lA building requirements, similar to what was approved for the Hillside Farm plat. The Hillside Farms amendment provided for an allowance that 2-story homes could be constructed with foundation sizes of 1, I 00 square feet, 2,200 square feet finished. The Hillside Farms project, however, was a hybrid ofR-l lot sizes and R-lA building requirements. The R-Ilots were "inherited" by the developers, and the City accommodated the difficulties of meeting the R-I A regulations in this way. These conditions do not exist in the Carlisle Village project. As a prime residential area with significant stands of mature oak woods, planning staff would recommend that the R-lA regulations (as amended to prohibit split entry design) continue to apply to this project. . The Planning Commission accepted the applicant's proposed changes, with the notation that no splits are to be allowed in areas beyond the 1 st Addition. It should be noted that Planning Commission "vill be addressing specific ordinance language for the R- IA, R-2A and R-2 Zoning Districts at its May meeting. The proposed amendments will reflect recent discussion on loopholes and gray areas within the ordinance standards. R-2 Repktt and Architectural Style The original townhouse portion of the project included a townhouse design that provided for significant roofline variation and undulation in the building walls. In addition, the garages were tucked into the building, avoiding the "garage forward" design that results in a streetscape of garage doors. The overall effect was of a series of attached individual units, rather than a large single building subdivided into adjoining units. A new builder is now interested in this project, and the applicant is seeking an amendment to the PUD to accommodate a revised building. The proposed building is more of the latter description. A small variation in roofline has been added to the ridge line of the roof however, the front roof will be a continuous plane, broken up by three false gables. The buildings are exclusively vinyl lap siding on rear and sides, vinyl lap siding on the upper story of the front, and brick along the lower level between garage and entry doors. . Garages arc tuck under design, although the entry doors are recessed significantly into the unit (staff does not have floor plans to verify). As such, the front view of the buildings are dominated by the garage doors on the main level. The prefcrred building design in a PUD that is adjacent to the R-IA area would be for units to emphasize front entries, recess and de-emphasize garage doors, and create the impression of individual buildings with building wall and roofline, rather than the apartment block design proposed with this application. With regard to the plat, the applicant is requesting changes to the plat to accommodate the deeper unit design that these units require (as compared to the original unit plat). Due to the \-?5~ City Council Agenda - 3/21/05 . need to deepen the unit lots, buildings encroach on each other at the corners of the interior loop street. Planning staff had originally recommended to the Planning Commission the removal of buildings 25 and 29 to add spaciousness to the interior and increase the distance between building corners. It is feasible to plamling staff that a just one unit could be lost on both buildings to achieve a more appreciable amount of open space. As part of the original recommendation to the Planning Commission, staff suggested that on the outside of the loop, buildings 17 and 10 should be removed to eliminate conflicts between driveways at the street, and decrease the percentage of curb line that is affected by driveway curb cuts. Removal of four buildings would keep the project consistent with the proportionate number of single family and attached units discussed at the beginning of the project. Currently, the developer's single-family to townhome ratio is slightly over 1.4: I, instead of the required 3: I. Planning staff still believes that the removal of at least some of the units on 10 and 17 is necessary. At the very least, planning staff recommends reducing the number of townhouses from 98 units to 94 units, with the removal of one unit each from building 17 and 10 in addition to units 25 and 29. The Planning Commission recommended that the applicant revise the drawing only to ensure that the spacing provided by the original design is provided in the new plan. The applicant has provided a plan that reduces the townhouse count by one unit, that being on the south side of the inside loop (Building 29). . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Replat for Carlisle Village I. Motion to recommend approval of the replat, based on the conditions listed in Exhibit Z, based on a finding that with the listed conditions, the project will meet the intent of the City ordinance with regard to R-IA, R-2A, R-2, and PUD development. 2. Motion to recommend denial ofthe replat, based on a finding that the project changes are inconsistent with the City's requirements for R-IA R-2A, R-2, and PUD developmcnt. 3. Motion of other. Decision 2: Amendment to the Carlisle Village Planned Unit Development to allow alternative townhouse designs in the R-2 portion ofthc project. . I. Motion to recommend approval of the PUD Amendment as outlined in Exhibit Z, based on a finding that the changes are consistent with the original approval and result in a higher level of building and subdivision design per the requirements of the City's PUD ordinance. This approval recommcndation should be conditioned on removal of buildings 10. 17.25. and 29 from the proposed plans to increase building spacing around the loop street. or as recommended bv the Planning Commission - resulting in a total of 97 units - a net reduction of one townhouse unit. The decision should also include reference to the design standards of the units as noted in Exhibit Z. City Council Agenda - 3/21/05 ~, 2, Motion to recommend denial of the PUD Amendment, based on a finding that the changes are not consistent with the City's expectation for PUD in this area, and that both the architecture and the proximity of buildings to each other result in a project that does not meet the PUD ordinance objectives. 3. Motion of other. Decision 3: Amendment to the Carlisle Village Planned Unit Development to allow changes in building size requirements for the R-lA area. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the amendment for the R-IA portion of the project as recommended by the Planning Commission, based on a finding that the R-lA ordinance requirements are not well-suited to development in this area. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the amendment, based on a finding that the purpose of the R-IA regulations is to ensure higher-end housing in the areas of the community guided for R-IA development, and that a compromise to the building standards would be inconsistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan goals and policies. 3. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION To re-state, Planning Commission recommended approval ofthe replat and amendment to PUD, subject to the conditions outlined in Supporting Data Item .J. Planning staff believes it important to go on record recommending approval of the replat only with the conditions as listed in the staff version of Exhibit Z. It is staff s view that the project design has become much less spacious with the loss of the property along the south boundary, and with the proposed changes to the townhouse design. Despite the loss of land, the application has not reduced the lot count. Moreover, the proposed design creates a much greater impact on the wooded area than originally planned. The City and devcloper agreed at the outset of the project that tree preservation in this area was the prime goal, and the reason that the project was guided for R-IA development. Losing sight of this goal by allowing minimum lot sizes and strip grading is counter to the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. It would reduce the natural amenity of the site (which the R-IA designation is designed to protect) by ignoring the natural lay of the land and by eliminating the flexibility in house placement that the larger lots provide. Planning staff recommends against the proposed changes to the R-2 townhouse design. \ ~. _, C\ 0 As noted, if the plat proceeds with footprints of this type, at least four of the units should be removed to increase spaciousness between the buildings and eliminate the conflicts at the comers of buildings and driveways. This would have the further advantage ofbelter reflecting the City's policy for the ratio between detached and attached housing, at 3 singlc family to I townhome. The number of townhomes as compared to single-family homes in the City has been a subject of much discussion at both Planning Commission and Council level, as has both the dense unit proximity and spartan look of existing and developing . . - s:.. ~ -- ~ ... .11I1 D I A F .1Il' arre.1'1-. arr .' EVE LOP 11 E NT. COR P 0 RAT ION liB JAN 1 1 2005 January 10,2005 Mr. Jeff O'Neill Community Development Director CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 Walnut Avenue Monticello, Minnesota 55362 RE: Carlisle Village Dear Jeff: Enclosed, please find documentation relevant to three requests for the referenced subdivision. . The first request is for approval of a revised preliminary plat for the RIA area due to a change in the location of the south property line. The information enclosed includes a new analysis of tree preservation as requested by the City. The second request is for an amendment to the PUD to allow for a new style townhome. This approval is being requested in both the final platted and preliminary platted areas. The information enclosed includes building plans and elevations for the townhome product being proposed. The third request is for a reduction in the foundation square footage requirement for a full basement two story home in the RIA area. r have enclosed a draft of the proposed covenants for Carlisle Village should this request be approved. The building requirements would be as follows: · (Rambler) 1600' main floor fiuished/2000' total finished · (Split) 1400' finished at or above grade/2000' total finished · (2 story) 1200' finished main floor/2300' total finished · Garages - minimum 700' · Roofpitch -7/12 or greater · Front fa~ade - 20% brick or stone . '11 -Q.),. . . . January 10,2005 - Page 2 We are making this request in response to volumes of builder contacts we have made over the past several months trying to sell lots. The builders and their agents feel that the market for Carlisle is 2 story buyers but a 1400' mainl2800' total product puts the product out of their price range. I will be submitting an additional memo in this regard for review by the Planning Commission within the next few days. Please call me at your earliest convenience after reviewing the enclosed submittal so that we can meet to answer questions, discuss concerns and/or provide additional information. Sincerely, SHADOW CREEK. CORPORATION Mill/'tcla a . (JOAdNl/(! I;l;L~l? Lucinda A. Gardner President c: File \ h-\ - C\. l\ e e . - Westwood Professional Services, Inc. PLANNING. ENGINEERING. SURVEYING January 10,2005 Jeff O'Neill Community Development Director City ofMonlicel]o 505 Walnut Ave. Sic. I Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Fan/Monticello/Carlis]e Village-Phase II Ref: 20041091.01 Dear Jeff: '" liB .. JIILI' I '-_ '- 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Praire, MN 55344 Phone: 952-937-5150 Fax: 952-937-5822 Toll free: 1..sB8-937-51S0 E-mail: WPsOwestwoodps.com TWIN ClnES/METRo ST. ClOUD BRAINERD Please find attached the preliminary phH package for Carlisle Village-Phase II. The proposal includes the preliminary platting of the remaining 101S within the development nol final platted as Carlisle Village. The revisions to the preliminary plat include a revised layout within the R l-A Zoning District, and revisions to the to\vnhome layout to accommodate a larger footprint townhome. An analysis ofrhe impacts on the trees within the RI-A district has been completed, and a summary of the results is as follows: Previous Layout Total Trees Trees to Save Trees to Save w/ ReL Wall Trees 10 Possibly Save Trees to Remove Percentage of Trees Saved Current Layout Total Trees Trees to Save Trees to Save w/ Ret. Wall Trees to Possibly Save Trees to Remove Percentage of Trees Saved Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Zr~~LSERVICES' INC. Brian J. 10'50n Project Engineer Cc: Lucinda Gardner, Fan Development Corp ]200 627 32 ]6 525 52.2% (627!l200) ]200 721 15 2 462 60% (7211]200) \1-.\ _<=\5 Designing the Future Today...since 1972 fI) = <<S . I ~ ... CI:J QJ or-4 ... or-4 ....-4 or-4 ~ <" " ~ Q)~ I<~ ~ L~ ~ to f,i e e, gg; ~,~i Co:G .....'.....: ~ ~;~I ~ ~i~1 gi~1 , ' ~ ~I-i 1-4 1-4 OJ :,) CJj I:: <tl .- Il.. >. I-< ~ .... S .... .- CIJ I-< Il... '" 5 u g b ;z ~ I o z i . , ! ~ ::> ~ ~ , 8 '" 0 Ii: )( b z '" ~ ~i t ,," 5; ~8 g x . 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W 0.. <( o tJ) c z <( ..J ..J <( o - 0.. ~ -- (,) 'C -- Ul o ro :;::; o c - 0) O):!:! (,) Ul +:i Q) go::: ::;E.~ '+- E o ro ~u. () 0) Cl .~ (/) <( N I 0::: IL\. 1 \0 ... WSB ll~ . & Associates, Inc. Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning. Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 February 16, 2005 Mr. Jeff O'Neill Deputy City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Preliminary Plat Review Carlisle Village - Phase 11 City of Monticello Planning Project No. 2003-12 WSB Project No. 1160-23 Dear Mr. O'Neill: . We have completed an initial review of the re-submitted preliminary plat documents prepared by Westwood Professional Services, Inc., dated January 10,2005, and would offer the following comments: Existin!! Conditions 1. The wetland adjacent to Rolling Woods is not eligible for credit even if the request had been made. 2. Update the plans to reflect no wetland impact to Wetland 8 with the revised roadway alignment. 3. The phase lines should be identified more clearly to reflect work completed. 4. The north arrow is pointing in the wrong direction on all sheets. Preliminarv Plat 1. Drainage and utility easements need to be shown and dimensioned for storm sewer in rear yards. . 3. The road width and right-of-way should be dimensioned. 2. All rear yard swales must be contained within a drainage and utility easement and should not extend over more than four continuous lots. Minneapolis I St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer F:I WPWI!M 160-::3102 J 605C(lriisie-iodor l4 -\ ~I Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator February 16,2005 Page 2 . 4. Is Cobblestone Court the correct street name? 5. Try to square up the intersection at 83rd Street NE and 82nd Street NE. Preliminary Gradinl!: Plan 1. Street grades should be labeled, as well as high and low points. 2. All drainage and utility easement widths should be dimensioned where storm sewer extends along lot lines. 3. All rear yard swales must be contained within a drainage and utility easement and should not extend over more than four continuous lots. 4. All storm sewer rims and inverts should be labeled to verify easement widths and structure depths. (tiS A majority of the lots do not include a 30-foot usable backyard area with a slope no greater than an 8:1 slope, not including drainage swales. Please provide options on how this can be accomplished for Lots 6-10 and 15-17, Block 6 and Lots 4-5 and 9-10; Block 4. 6. Pond slopes and side and rear yard slopes for all lots, including the above-mentioned lots, should not exceed a 4: I slope. 7. More detail will need to be provided including curb elevations, slopes, and drainage arrows for grading the 82nd Street NE cul-de-sac. Utility Plan I. Extend sanitary sewer and water main to the east end of 83rd Street NE. We will need to verify that the sanitary sewer depth is adequate to serve adjacent future development. 2. Re-align the sanitary sewer and add an additional manhole at the 82nd Street cul-de-sac to minimize service lengths. 3. Gate valves and hydrants should be shown so they are legible. 4. Catch basins should be a minimum of 4-feet deep. 5. Catch basin manholes over 5-feet deep should be routed to a storm sewer manhole (i.e. CBMH-59, CBMH-63, CBMH-94, and CBMH-70). e (1--1 _It\, F:I WPWIl.",1160.!3\02/605Carlisie"io.doc . . . Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator February 16, 2005 Page 3 6. Design FES 74 as a catch basin. 7. A separate plan identifying the location of the joint trench for private utilities will need to be provided during final design. Please have the applicant provide a written response to the review comments in this letter with the revised plan submittal. Please give me a call at (763) 287-7162 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ~ /h4- Shibani Bisson, P.E. Project Manager cc: John Simola, City of Monticello Bret Weiss, WSB & Associates, Inc. Phil Elkin, WSB & Associates, Inc. Steve Grittman, NAC Brian Johnson, Westwood Professional Services Lucinda Gardner, Farr Development sb/tsh jl-J-(13 F.', WP Wi/" 11160_! .11021605 C(lrli.so'e~Jo,dor e e e Westwood Professional Services, Inc. '" IIJ February 22, 2005 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Shibani Bisson WSB & Associates 701 Xenia Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55416 FEB 2 3 2005 Phone: 952-937-5150 Fax: 952-937-5822 Toll Free: 1-888-937-5150 Email: wps@westwoodpscom ~---------- RE: Response to comments Carlisie Village Phase 11- WPS # 20041091.01 Dear Shibani: The following are responses to comments included in the preliminary plat documents prepared by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Dated February 22, 2005- Additionai comments are added based on the completer set of plans. Responses are in red: Existina Conditions 1. The wetland adjacent to Rolling Woods is not eligible for credit even if the request had been made. o Comment noted 2. Update the plans to reflect no wetland impact to Wetland 8 with the revised roadway alignment. o The roadway has been revised, and no wetland impacts are proposed within Wetland 8. 3. The phase lines should be identified more clearly to reflect work completed. o Phase I is delineated 4. The north arrow is pointing in the wrong direction on all sheets. o North arrows are revised. Preliminarv Plat 1. Drainage and utiiity easements need to be shown and dimensioned for storm sewer in rear yards. o Shown on Preliminary Plat, final easements as required by the City will be shown on Final Plat 2. All rear yard swales must be contained within the drainage and utility easement and should not extend over more than four continuous lots. o I believe this design criteria is met, please notify me of specific areas of concern. There is around the house drainage on a variety of the lots within Block 5. 3. The road width and right-ot-way should be dimensioned. o Shown on Preliminary Plat 4. Is Cobblestone Court the correct street name? o Street name is Gateway Circle. 5. Try to square up the intersection at 83rd Street NE and 82nd Street NE. o Plat is revised. [)(:)i~fllr,~J rrll' future Today sinu~ 1972 1 ~ - \ \1-j . Preliminarv Gradina Plan . 1. Street grades should be labeled, as well as high and low points. . See Grading Plan 2. All drainage and utility easement widths should be dimensioned where storm sewer extends aiong iot lines. o Shown on Preliminary Plat and Grading Plan 3. All rear yard swales must be contained within a drainage and utility easement and should not extend over more than four continuous lots. o I believe this design criteria is met, please notify me of specific areas of concern. There is around the house drainage on a variety of the lots within Block 5. 4. All storm sewer rims and inverts shouid be labeled to verify easement widths and structure depths. o Shown on Grading and Utility Plan 5. A majority of the lots do not include a 30-foot usable backyard area with a slope no greater than an 8: 1 slope, not including drainage swales. Please provide option on how this can be accomplished for Lots 6-10 and 15-17, Block 6 and Lots 4-5 and 9-10, Block 4. . Refer to comments by Developer. 6. Pond slopes and side and rear yard slopes for all lots, including the above- mentioned lots, should not exceed a 4:1 slope. v . Refer to comments by Developer 7. More detail will need to be provided including curb elevations, slopes, and drainage arrows for grading the 82"d Street NE cul-de-sac. . See Grading Plan Utilitv Plan . 1. Extend sanitary sewer and water main to the east of 83'd Street NE. We will need to verify that the sanitary sewer depth is adequate to serve adjacent future development. o See Utility Plan 2. Re-align the sanitary sewer and an additional manhole at the 82"d Street cul-de- sac to minimize service lengths. o That alignment would impact trees in the CDS. 3. Gate valves and hydrants should be shown so they are legible. . See Utility Plan 4. Catch basins should be a minimum of 4-feet deep. o See Utility Plan 5. Catch basin manholes over 5-feet deep shouid be routed to a storm sewer manhole (i.e. CBMH-59, CBMH-63, CBMH-94, AND CBMH-70). . See Utility Plan, CBMH 64/94 is not practical to revise. 6. Design FES 74 as a catch basin. o See Utility and Grading Plans 7. A separate plan identifying the location of the joint trench for private utilities will be provided during final design. o Comment noted. /(--\-ll$ . Please contact me if you have any questions or comments. Once you have had a chance to look at the pians, I would iike to sit down with you and review your comments. Sincerely, Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Brian Johnson, P .E. Project Manager Cc: Lucinda Gardner, Farr Development Dan Licht, NAC Jeff O'Neill, City of Monticello v . . lL\-llb City Council Agenda - 3/21/05 . Exhibit Z, Conditions of Approval for Carlisle Village (Planning Staff Recommendation) 1. Redesign of the plat to eliminate Lot 12, Block 5; Lots 2 and 7, Block 6; Lots 3 and 8, Block 4. 2. Provide sample building drawings for R-1A portion of the project. Building plans arc to meet or exceed those standards approved by the Commission as follows: Roof Construction Incorporating: . Multi-level roofs, varying in elevation with cascading roof planes, . Roof pitch of7:12 and greater. . Roof coverings providing dramatic roof shingle texture at least equal to "Horizon Shangle", "Timberline" or handsplit cedar shakes, . Soffits and gables that extend at least 12" from the exterior wall plane Exterior Wall Finishes: . . At least 20% brick, stone, or approved equal on any facade facing a public street; . Fenestration/window and door placement and detailing on any facade facing a public street that . interrupts any wall plane exceeding 12 feet in length; . provides shapes and character to wall planes (such as transom lites, round top shapes, small lites/bars and muntons, and the like) . garage doors without door width flat surfaces (such as paneled garage doors without without door lites); no more than two (2) feet of exposed plain concrete block, plain concrete or treated wood foundation above grade. 3. Building plans for the R-2A portion must meet or exceed the standards as outlined in the statr report. 4. Verify the participation of the Davidson property owners in the plat. 5. Abide by the tree preservation program established at the time ofthe original plat and PUD approval, as well as the other conditions of that project approval. A formal review of the revised grading and tree preservation plan by the City's forester for this project will be required. Adherence to the recommendations of the forester to preserve the 60% tree preservation ratio will be required. . ll\-~ll City Council Agenda - 3/21/05 . 6. Redesign the townhouse buildings to meet the higher standard of architectural quality as discussed - varied rooflines, varied building walls, improved materials (more stone and/or brick), emphasized front entry areas, recessed and de-emphasized garage doors. 7. Eliminate one unit each of buildings 10, 17, 25 and 29 from the townhouse layout to increase spaciousness and comply with the attached - detached unit ratio. 8. Compliance with the building requirements for R-1A buildings (as amended). 9. Provide revised landscape plans reflecting the changes to the plat as approved. 10. Provide revised plan sets for all plans ref1ecting the finally approved preliminary plat with conditions met prior to submission of final plat application. The developer is to also submit a booklet containing all relevant approved standards for building design and district landscaping requirements. 11. Compliance with the recommendations ofthe City Engineer in their report dated February 16, 2005. 12. The developer enter into an amended Development Agreement reflecting the conditions of approval. . . l~-l\"1 ~ o ' ~ N "'8 ~. +:>. ::J () ""-0 'P 3 or-a 3" CD - ::y '< CD ::y::J o !'::2. 3 < CD CD en lJ aID ::J o )> 15 3 o-CD :< ~ ::J 3 ::YCD ~ ~ CD ~ OJ "'- -fe' ::yen CD ro ~"'- (Q' (JJ e ::J CD'" en m ~ , o or ~ 3 () -. ~..z =: - ~o CD :< $;5- =0 J!l 3 CD CD en- ~ ~ !!l- ~ 0" o' --+. Ol i3 CD 3 a-N Ol en ~ S' "'-""- o 'P ::J or :f3 CD =.: ~'< o ::y 0;0 (;3 _. CD roen .s: 0- S' Q.~ 6.0 S' :< ",5- :fo CD 3 CD ~o OJ ~ - .P ~ ~ !!l- o ;0 CD -a i'I en ii Ol " ~ CD OJ '" CD " '" OJ '" OJ (fJ "Q. 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Ql o en ::J ~ i3 3 ;0 CD -0" CD 0 < 3 o 3 e CD en :::J -o5} Co OCD (J) ~. ~'" ~ :::J "'-m Ol.o ae en ~ 0- OJ e c: S '" o CD en ",' :::J (fJ 0; ::J "'- Ol a en m x " CD -a CD CD "'- ~ en ~~ o ~. (fJ3 _ c ~ 3 5}Q a~ en ::J Ol ::J " CD r S- :?: a: :f (fJ CD 8' OJ " '" _en )> ~ CD OJ :;;: CD CD (jj o a :::J Ol :::J " CD :;;: :::J 3 c 3 :;;: CD CD (jj o a ::J Ol ::J " CD :;;: :::J 3 c 3 N o :::J :::J '" o ~ ~ (fJ 0; :::J "'- Ol a en -I CD CD -0 ~ CD en CD :< !!l- o' :::J :::J "'- o' Ol ro en OJ o ~ o ::J .0 C CD ~ o' :::J OJ o ~ o OJ o ~ o -I o :< ::J ::y o 3 CD C ::J ;+ () o c ~ '" ex> z CD '" S- ro' a- m '" ... '< r S- () o c ~ z o s: CD "'- c !:1- o' :::J co ... (fJ " 0- E N s: ~ CD "'- c !:1- o' :::J co N (fJ " 0- E '" s: ~ CD "'- e !:1- o' ::J 03 CD (fJ " 0- E ;0 CD , -a i'I C :::J "" ;0 CD "0 i'I (fJ ~ o CD :::J en ~ () o c ~ '" N '" :". '" '" o + Q , -I I c :::J ;+ ~ ex> '" n Ql ::!. 11l CD < Ql CO CD ",:::0 t: CD 3'0 3 a Ql Ql ~5. 0)> ;3 ::i.CD ::J c.. 3 CD ::J - :::0 CD .0 t: CD 11l - City Council Agenda - 3/21/05 . Planning Commission Recommended Conditions of Approval Carlisle Village Re-Plat and Amendment to PUD 1. Building plans for R-2A and R-2 homes must be equal to or improved versions of the originally approvcd plans. For the R-2 district, this includes varied rooflines and improved material variation. For the R-2A district, this includes emphasized front entry areas, recessed, side-loaded or de-emphasized garage doors. 2. Building plans for R-I A homes must meet or exceed thc amended R-IA building standards specific to this development as follows: a. No split entry homes in the R-IA area outside of the I st Addition. b. Two-story and modified two-story residential dwellings must meet: i. A minimum finished first floor size of 1200 square feet; ii. A minimum of2300 square feet finished area: iii. Full basements c. Rambler residential dwellings must meet: i. A minimum main floor size of 1600 square feet: ii. A minimum of2000 square foot total finished area d. All other lot and building requirements are as identified within the R-IA District Zoning Ordinance. . 3. Vcrify the participation of the Davison property owners in the plat. 4. Abide by the tree prescrvation program established at the timc of the original plat and PUD approval, as well as thc other conditions of that project approval. 5. Eliminate 1-2 units from the townhouse layout to increase spaciousness and comply with the attached - detached unit ratio. 6. Provide detailed landscape plans for caeh zoning district area that abidc by the zoning requirements for each district. 7. Provide revised plan sets for all plans rcflecting the finally approved prcliminary plat with conditions met prior to submission of final plat application. 8. Compliance with the recommendations of the City Engineer in their report dated February 16,2005. 9. The applicant enter into an amended Development Agreemcnt reflecting thc conditions of approval. . 10. Redesign of the plat to eliminate Lot 12, Block 5. and one lot each in Blocks 4 and 6. II. Resolution of drainage issues in relationship to existing neighborhoods. I 4- [~d '" " " ~ I ~ " -~ 5: " i:; <: 0" '" .., (j) '" '" '" wn '" ...... (j) n H'" '" '" "':;: "Z '(j) '" '''' 0 .., " ::'i!:J "'''' '" H E:", "'OJ .... '" .... n H -'" H I:"' (j)0 "'" 0 "''' H n '" "".., <:UJ '" H 1:"'0 n", 'n 0< .H " '" 0 (j) '0 '" ~ c:: '" ....n ....'" .., Gl Gl w "'Z H <:H HZ 00 n '''' '" '" @ H ....'" ",. 0 '" E:~ ~5: ~~ 0 ....1:"' 0 " n "'0 I:"'n '" 0 '" "'''' n H ....0 ~.~ ;;J'" H'" '" '(j) '" H '" "'OJ I:"' n :'1 g (j) 0 O(j) il; '" 0 H ....UJ H 0 .... ~ In '" ~ Z '" '" Z 3: .... ...'" '" n '" ~ '" .", .." 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