Parks and Recreation Commission Agenda Packet 11-06-2019 SpecialMEETING NOTICE Pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statute 13D.04, and in accordance with the Monticello City Code of Ordinances, Title 1, Chapter 5, Section 1-5-1 (B), a Special Meeting of the Monticello Parks & Recreation Commission is being called for the following date and time: TIME: 7:30 a.m. DATE: Wednesday, November 6, 2019 PLACE: Public Works SUBJECT: Park Dedication for the Deephaven Preliminary Plat City Clerk Posted 10-30-2019 Consideration to review for recommendation park dedication requirements for the proposed Deephaven residential subdivision. (AS/NAC) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Parks, Recreation & Arts Commission is asked to consider a formal recommendation related to park dedication requirements for Deephaven, a 165 -unit multi -family residential plat proposed by Dale Buchholz Construction/Mark Buchholz. Deephaven is a subdivision plat which is proposed to include residential land development. As such, the Parks & Recreation Commission is asked to review the plat and make a recommendation to the City Council on dedication requirements. Under State Statute 462.358, with platting or replatting, the City has the option of either requiring a land dedication for park, or the City can collect park dedication fees for purchase of park land at another location — referred to as "cash in lieu". The Park & Recreation Commission's consideration is related to a recommendation for this allocation. Under Minnesota statutes, the City may set this fee to be equal to the value of raw land no later than at the time of final plat — this is the value of raw land that is immediately developable, but is not yet actually developed. At this time, only residential plat projects are subject to park dedication in Monticello. Dedication is currently set at 11% of the land or cash -in -lieu equivalent. The proposed Deephaven plat is approximately 16 acres developable and requires a comprehensive plan amendment, rezoning, preliminary plat and planned unit development. These applications are intended to support development of 165 residential units in three multi- family buildings, which are proposed along the Edmonson Avenue portion of the site. The developer proposes to re -guide and rezone to PUD only the planned residential multi -family portion of the site, which is approximately 8.49 acres. The balance of the property will retain its current B-4 (Regional Business) zoning and is planned for commercial projects along the Cedar and Chelsea street frontages. The subject site is located south of Chelsea Road, between Cedar Street and Edmonson Avenue. The Planning Commission and City Council reviewed a concept stage submittal for the Deephaven development proposal earlier this summer. In concept analysis of the developer's proposal, the City officials expressed some support for the conversion, particularly as a part of a larger view of the area and how it would develop. The City's support was, generally, conditional within the understanding that other development would occur in the area that supports this residential proposal, and ensures that this project would not stand alone, out of context with its future surroundings. Toward that end, the City has undertaken a study of the 100 acre area from Chelsea Road to School Boulevard and from Cedar Street to Edmonson to create this context. A draft sketch land use plan and development layout for the 100 -acre area has emerged with support for a common water feature amenity, combining the required stormwater ponding and park dedication requirements to benefit the current Deephaven project, future commercial development along Cedar and School Boulevard, a framework for other multi -family in the district along Edmonson, where competitive commercial values are less likely to be realized. The Deephaven site has been laid out around this central pond amenity along the south boundary of the plat. As has been discussed with Planning Commission and City Council, this pond is proposed to serve all stormwater requirements of the residential and commercial sites within the Deephaven plat, including water quality, quantity/retention, and infiltration. The larger planning context would anticipate that the pond would be lined to hold water, be constructed and planted as an attractive water amenity, and would be able to be expanded to and through properties to the south, acting as a common amenity for the entire district. In this regarding, the following are recommended by staff for the Deephaven project. • The city's concept plan for the Chelsea to School area proposes to connect the residential site to the external portion of the project— anticipated to be a common open space or plaza at the corner of Cedar Street and Chelsea Road. This will serve as a visible gateway to the area and project. Although it is proposed that the developer receive credit for the land area, it is proposed that the land be platted as an outlot retained by the developer. This outlot would be developed at a later time in coordination with the developer as an entrance amenity for the development. An easement for public use will be required. • It is proposed that the developer complete a pathway extension from the residential site to the plaza with construction of the second (middle) multi -family building. Land area credit for a 30' pathway easement is proposed. o While the land area is eligible for dedication for the northerly connection, construction costs are not recommended as eligible, as a connection to the sidewalk on Cedar and future sidewalk on Edmonson are recommended as part of the internal site circulation for the PUD. o Planning staff is recommending that the west building be shifted farther to the west and possibly south, into what would normally be required setback area. The purpose of this shift would be to open up the view from the pond area to the northwest corner of the commercial site, and invite greater visibility to the pond and open space amenity from this direction. In this way, the corner site can function as a gateway to the area, and improve both access and interest in the district. • The developer's plan illustrates a trail connection between the east and west parking areas, along the north side of the pond. The extension of the trail connections from this connection and alongside the east and west sides of the pond are also proposed for land area dedication credit at 20' in width. These pathways are required to be constructed 2 with the first building. It would be proposed that the developer receive both land and credit and construction cost credit for a 10' paved pathway for these two components. o The northerly portion of the trail around the pond is not eligible for credit, as this pathway is an internal connection. • The City's park dedication ordinance (part of the Subdivision Ordinance), indicates that the City shall not accept park dedication credit for land within a drainage and utility easement for stormwater management. As such, the stormwater pond area is not eligible for credit. While the park dedication recommended for this plat is based in part around the conceptual framework for the 100 -acre Chelsea to School area, the dedication recommendations can stand alone to support this plat without future development per the larger concept. In addition to the park dedication components described above, the applicant is required to provide green space in compliance with R-4 zoning standards for multi -family buildings. The developer proposes to meet the open space requirement in the landscaped areas adjacent to the buildings, along with proposed picnic areas noted. It should be noted that the nearest City park is '/z mile away from the residential site at Groveland. Access to this park requires crossing State Highway 25. As such, the developer should also consider the installation of playground equipment on their site in one of the open space areas. The proposed residential portion of the plat of Deephaven is 8.49 acres. An 11 % land dedication requirement would require a total land dedication area of .93 acres. The cash dedication would be based upon the value of the raw land at the time of final plat and based on the 2019 taxable county market value. The cash in lieu equivalent is approximately $87,098.22. The dedication tabulation as outlined is as follows and is approximate. LAND DEDICATION REQUIRED CASH DEDICATION REQUIRED 8.49 Acres Residential $2.15 value/sf, CMV 0.11 Dedication required 0.93 Acres land dedication required 40,510.80 Square feet (sf) required $87,098.22 Cash dedication required LAND DEDICATION CONCEPT (in square feet) CASH DEDICATION EQUIVALENT -2500 50 x 50 sf plaza - not dedicated as park; public easement recommended -$5,375 cash/sf -9200 2 pathways at approx. 250 sf in length and 20' in width -$19,780 cash/sf -10,500 1 pathway at approx. 450 in length and 30' in width -$22,575 cash/sf LAND DEDICATION REQUIREMENT REMAINING CASH DEDICATION REQUIREMENT REMAINING 18,310.80 SF dedication remaining $39,368.22 Cash dedication remaining 2.15 value/sf, CMV $39,368.22 Sf converted to cash 3 In summary, the development proposed would include a combination of land dedication for the plaza and pathway corridors, as well as application of credit for construction costs for the noted pathway segments on the west and east side of the ponds. Any differential between the amount of land and construction costs in total and the 11 % requirement will be applied either as a credit to the developer (if the amount is in excess of the requirement), or as required to be paid as cash - in -lieu. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend a combination of land area and cash in lieu park dedication for the Deephaven plat, to include the plaza space, northerly pathway connection, east and west pond pathway extensions, and Edmonson connection, as described in the staff report. 2. Motion of other recommendation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends alternative 1 above. Accepting a mix of land and cash will provide the flexibility needed to provide pathway access to the larger loop pathway system along Cedar, Chelsea and Edmonson, as well as the development of an internal pathway system along the pond that will serve as a site amenity and potentially a larger regional amenity system. It will also support the creation of an entrance plaza at a highly visible corner that will further support a quality commercial and residential development. SUPPORTING DATA A. Aerial Site Image B. Chelsea to School Area Concept C. Deephaven Site Plan D. Park & Pathway Plan Concept, Staff Recommendation E. Park & Pathway Plan Service Areas F. Park & Pathway Plan System Map G. Monticello Subdivision Ordinance, Park Dedication 4 Dale Buchholz Construction I Request for Comp Plan Amdt, Rezone, Dvlpmt Stage PUD, Preliminary Plat Lengthy Legal - See City Hall I PID: 155-500-142104 Created by: City of Monticello Buchholz/Premier Property 16.5 acres gross +- 8 acres Commercial (80,000 sf capacity) 8.5 acres Multi -Family (gross acreage) 7.2 acres net 165 dwelling units - 19.5 du/acre gross 22.9 du/acre net 1.3 acres pond/pathway City/Lundsten (north of Dundas) 18.6 acres gross +- 7.4 acres Commercial (70,000 sf capacity) 5 acres Multi -Family 120 dwelling units - 24 du/acre net 6.2 acres pond/pathway Lundsten/Weinand (south of Dundas) 58.5 acres gross +- 120 dwellings general/senior 80 du senior/assisted 100 du assisted/memory 8-10du buildings luxury condominium 380 total Multi -Family units 15.2 acres Multi -Family total 25 du/acre 36 du townhouse 5.3 acres 5.2 du/acre 13.5 acres Commercial (130,000 sf capacity) Aldi Expansion area - 2 acres 20 acres pond/pathway including powerline easement (approximately 6 acres) II B C V 0 R 0 a PROPERTY INFORMATION MONTICELLO APARTMENTS - MONTICELLO, MN OWNER - BUCHHOLZ CONSTRUCTION = R-4 = 16.36 ACRES = 8.49 ACRES = 165 = R-2 = 19 UNITS / ACRE 0 ZONING CRITERIA e m° ry GROSS DENSITY 10-25 DUTACRE P ko BUILDING#1 18 FRONT SETBACK 100' 6 51 CORNER SIDE SETBACK 40' 33 6 INTERIOR SIDE SETBACK 30' BUILDING #3 18 27 REAR SETBACK 40' 51 TOTAL 60 CLEAR OPEN SPACE SETBACK FROM R.O.W. 60' 18 1 165 CLEAR OPEN SPACE FROM PROPERTY LINE 40' COMMON OPEN SPACE PER UNIT 500 SF/DU I PARKING REQUIREMENTS 2.25 SPACES/DU 40' REAR YARD LOT 81 / � MAX UNCOVERED PARKING 1.1 SPACES/DU 6' WIDE SIDEWALK (TYP) 50' ACCESS EASEMENT ; ii UNITS PROVIDED I? m° e m° ry m° ^ P ko BUILDING#1 18 27 6 51 BUILDING#2 24 33 6 63 BUILDING #3 18 27 6 51 TOTAL 60 87 18 1 165 ------ LGT C _ w (61,946 S.F.) q` V 7 �G a � 4 SITE DATA TOTAL SITE AREA 369.998 SF TOTAL BUILDING AREA 69,192 SF TOTAL SIDEWALK AREA 3,598 SF TOTAL DRIVELANE AREA 62,085 SF TOTAL POND AREA 44,278 SF TOTAL GREEN SPACE AREA 171,145 SF GREEN SPACE PER UNIT (165 UNITS) 1,037 SF/UNIT TOTAL % PERVIOUS AREA 46% CHELSEA ROAD ---------------------------------- LOT E (57,759 S.F.) 5 PARKING O� 117 0 O O, SUMMARY °co h�v V� �Pv V� OU`v O Q CD 0 Q' ti BUILDING 1 (51 UNIT) 3 1 53 1 54 2 1 112 BUILDING 2 (63 UNIT) 3 60 64 2 129 BUILDING 3 (51 UNIT) 3 46 1 54 2 105 FUTURE CLUBHOUSE 2 19 0 0 21 TOTAL 11 178 172 6 367 0 C� 50' ACCESS (� a t t Gkfh. EASEMENT V'dv\jk _ PROPERTY LINE FENCE OR BLOCK \� P' V4�OR/� SOTESADK YARD ENCLOSURE a A L FUTURE AS — _ _— _ - — �—� -- -- — — -- — -- --- — ------ --0 -- =-FI — -- — FENCE 311'-0" MONUMENTAL / 1 LOT F (51,504 S.F.) 1 I RHET ARCHITECTURE RHET ARCHITECTURE, LLC ATTN: RHET FISKNESS, AIA MAIL: 901 5th AVE. S. FARGO, ND 58103 A OFFICE: 2711th ST. S. FARGO, ND 58102 PHONE: 701.388.2867 EMAIL: RHET@RHET-ARCH.COM WEB: WWW.RHET-ARCH.COM I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature: t Ihfte-142019 REG NO 50755 , . '1. Ol �0wjkl i.` 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 CAV jv %* X11 MONTICELLO '1 APARTMENTS MONTICELLO, MN t i i 1 I 1 I GENERAL CONTRACTOR: BUCHHOLZ CONSTRUCTION z ATTN: MARK BUCHHOLZ PHONE: 701.371.1646 EMAIL: mdbuchholz@gmail.com j I I ,]1 I I I i I 1 I I I i 1 1 I i I I I I i I I j 1 I CD CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 10/15/2019 I MARK DESCRIPTION DATE I � I At mla spe em'Iwis. wnw;er N. tela M s1� s m,"w by PNET ARCHITECTURE as nslvxrs of mice shat ''n N moped of RIFT ARCHITECTURE RHET ARCHITECTURE shall oUn all carurm hw. s�slclwy aM oner reserves rp,ts r".N the mpy,ghl NeMn. PROJECT NO: 19-100603 Ir DRAWN BY: RF r CHECKED BY: RF DRAWING TITLE: DEVELOPMENT PLAN I 144 A001 B C D SIGN / OR BLOCK ENCLOSURE ( = N ` —• N 1 I I 1 (i I i 40' REAR YARD LOT 81 / � 7 6' WIDE SIDEWALK (TYP) I I i I I i (60.349 S.F.) SETBACK t� i ii / O p7 I BUILDING FOUR-STORY I I COMMERCIAL / / �rO 63 UNIT I ii 4i DEVELOPMENT ! (FUTURE) BUILDING #} FOUR 51 U 6' WIDE SIDEWALK FUMT ARE MULTI FAMILY DEVELOPMENT DING, � 112' 1 Y! OR ORN LOCK I R (8.49 ACRES) \ x',I UNITTORY E LOSUR SAS ( ONE-STORY \ 00' FRONT SETBACK Y ED' SETBAC p ti0 100'-0" i ii 441 09 d LOT A ( + y / " , 9 , II :EASEMENT' I FUTURE MONUMENt I (i (56.517 S.F.) O l WATER FEATURE _ ._ I SIGN I 9gr `O� ' / / ^h I SNOW PILE — — -- -- - --- --- I / ' I % PICNIC ' 30' SIDE YARD o ro SETBACK PRIVATE DRIVE04 W y=====________________________ N 1 SITE PLAN /.t►'V4,40 A001 SCALE: 1"=50'-O" I 11 �A Of _ ■ M_W L 1 -ft 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 CAV jv %* X11 MONTICELLO '1 APARTMENTS MONTICELLO, MN t i i 1 I 1 I GENERAL CONTRACTOR: BUCHHOLZ CONSTRUCTION z ATTN: MARK BUCHHOLZ PHONE: 701.371.1646 EMAIL: mdbuchholz@gmail.com j I I ,]1 I I I i I 1 I I I i 1 1 I i I I I I i I I j 1 I CD CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 10/15/2019 I MARK DESCRIPTION DATE I � I At mla spe em'Iwis. wnw;er N. tela M s1� s m,"w by PNET ARCHITECTURE as nslvxrs of mice shat ''n N moped of RIFT ARCHITECTURE RHET ARCHITECTURE shall oUn all carurm hw. s�slclwy aM oner reserves rp,ts r".N the mpy,ghl NeMn. PROJECT NO: 19-100603 Ir DRAWN BY: RF r CHECKED BY: RF DRAWING TITLE: DEVELOPMENT PLAN I 144 A001 B C D 1 � City/4 1 � 1 1 O*.Silver Springs Golf Course County Road 39 NE � s Nord Lake t ch P nd &r Lake Hiltv*Park 1 'moi. ! $ `\` I Ibouli'ar WWt Park`\ •� y Otte Cit I / 1 1 1 sj s� •SHERBURNE COUNTY ., I�ticello CountryClub,�� • ��� .,'��� 1 < PWekjodff �c�chool IhflRy/ tea♦ I From P� ., I , �� -•� V4 st �Tk � Bridge Park un>!ryplub P� communitfl�enterr �'* 1 / V401 / lis Nh- `\\ ��►� 1 J/�� _ 4tI�Park \�.® ��.. Aeon ' chool�-4411 � 1 oo Fala Park7T �' IGlis''sMg39 �Dri ouN � 1 C Gro Park le Gfee ark a i1 �►� Rlver� Park ` * �►h Irl 31 o Lytle Mot` �r old �Ap. •���'�'� ' I r MeadoParl�i� 1 I J rk' Pa�tl� \ rte, 1i■■s. Is Park j I f �P 4.i \ % ��i 4# Pioneer P ions Park) Cardinal Hills Tot LoArk ♦ r ���,�����\�� .0 I Nater Tower t. ' �4 1♦ FeatlAtoneJ I j I 1 ♦ /n ,l ` .■*■..,.� 1 1 l �'i. goJli g Vwiods'P H 'Imp C�pssing n.�■1!z■■�.v�r� ■n• � � _ �%�I�.���■v�■r I� � � GNT ` w I .T ♦po W40�� 00 ♦ I 0%0, w nnam WRIGHT COUNTY 1 1 1 Holkd,�loug 1 1 * 1 Pelican Lake 1 Park and Pathway Plan Future Park System Service Area Existing & Future Community Parks (1 mile) Neighborhood Parks (1/2 Mile) Community Park Search Areas iParks Golf Courses - School Property - City -Owned Property Bike Pathway Sidewalk Lakes ■■M �aj CityBoundary Parcels Annexation Area 0 2,350 4,700 9,400 Feet Sources: City of Monticello, Wright County, WSB, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. Map Date: July, 2011. NORTHWEST ASSOCIATE.R CQNSIbLTANTS, INC. 4300 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley. MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 7B3.231.2501 plannernQnacplanning.com �• yi► city/ �Ifields a-- O Silver Springs GoMourse O T CountyRrjad 39 NE Nom Lak t ch P nd ppi Ctou �i clij• be- �rtdst Park •� �t Par Otter Rark I ♦•� Mdfiticello Country ClNE �s■fts. �., Pinewood o �ss C Fv nPest �� Q �.. N ■r•♦ ,� �ntryrub Mk �•N.���, lis cN•� C it ftlnlWark •■�■y ♦■■-M'ontic = Falld Park r ,' Grov lafil Par\—_ � �■ SHERBURNE COUNTY ng L r,�`r ■ �o Little Mo�lnt onticello,'�nd m � m an'l tl HMIs p�TC ■S 1 HOO<e�Piolr eer P rk ( ions Park)Cardinal H' Sq - L� I .. a■. �..Il..�■■�1 Feat4otone I j `— 1 41 .� W 1-112 ssing ti ` S.■�n�ul�ulrul� Y �41 I Lake l0 9 Edmonson m 0�teaj HT CO NTYy �P Q radi e c ri I Park Meadow RarIF 1 Di h 33 Com �S I. Lai, i 6 I Area Holke Pelican`s a ch Xea _e' 4 Pelican Lake ROAD 39 earch Area Unna I, P MONTICELLO Park and Pathways Plan System Plan Potential Trail Routes Primary Pathway Routes Secondary Pathway Routes Community Park Search Areas Parks Golf Courses _ School Property _ City -Owned Property �i Bike Pathway Sidewalk Lakes elm! CityBoundary Parcels Parksearcharea_buffer Annexation 0 2,850 5,700 11,400 Fe Sources: City of Monticello, Wright County, WSB, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. Map Date: July, 2011. NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, I140, 48 00 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley. MN 55422 Telephone: 703.231.2555 Facelmll. 783.231.2581 plannereQP a.planning.c CHAPTER 6 PARKS, OPEN SPACE AND PUBLIC USE SECTION: 11-6-1: Dedication Requirement 11-6-2: Cash Contribution 11-6-3: Delayed Dedication Payment 11-6-4: Purchase or Condemnation of Lands 11-6-5: Location and Configuration of Dedication 11-6-1: DEDICATION REQUIREMENT: (A) Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 462.358, Subdivision 2b, the City Council of Monticello shall require all developers requesting platting or replatting of land in the City of Monticello to contribute an amount of land for public park and trail purposes. The location of said land shall be at the discretion of the City Council. The amount of said land shall be reasonably commensurate with demand that the platting or replatting places on the City park system, as described in the Comprehensive Plan. For purposes of this section, an amount of land equal to eleven percent (11%) of the total gross land area of the plat shall be presumptively defined as "reasonably commensurate." In the event that the subdivider objects to the eleven percent (11%) standard, the City shall, at the developer's request and expense, conduct a specific dedication study of the park system and the demand placed on the system by the proposed plat. Prior to conducting the study, the City shall obtain a waiver of statutory time lines for plat approval during the conduct of the study. No approval of final plats, nor construction of any improvements, shall occur until the park dedication study is completed. In lieu of land dedication, the City Council may require a cash contribution in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, or a combination of both. The City Council's decision on land and/or cash shall be made following recommendations from the City's Park Commission and staff, in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. (#412 8/23/04; #5016/22/09) (B) In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, where the City Council determines that the park dedication requirements shall be paid in a cash contribution, the amount of said contribution shall be based on the market value of the raw land not later than at the time of final plat. The City may require that the subdivider provide an appraisal to determine the market value. In the alternative, the city may, by Ordinance, establish a fee per residential unit that will meet the cash dedication requirement. The determination of the appropriate fee calculation shall be made by the City Council. (#412 8/23/04; #5016/22/09) MONTICELLO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Title XI/Chapter 6/Page I (C) The City Council shall not accept for credit against a subdivider's park dedication requirement any of the following: 1. Delineated wetlands. 2. Land within a designated flood plain. 3. Land encumbered by a utility easement such as a petroleum or electric power transmission line (except where such easement is a standard platting requirement of the City of Monticello pursuant to Section 11-5-4 of this Chapter, and where the City determines that the land within the easement will be usable for park, trail or open space purposes). 4. Land within a drainage easement or other land required for stormwater treatment. The City may, at its discretion, accept lands in the above categories for park dedication purposes if it deems the dedication to be of public benefit. No credit shall be given against the subdivider's park dedication requirement, however, unless the City determines that the land will be used for a specific public park, trail or open space purpose. (#412, 8/23/04) (D) Land dedicated for park purposes shall be transferred to the City of Monticello by warranty deed. The transfer of said land shall occur at the time of recording of the final plat. For multiple -phased developments, all of the park dedication land shown on the approved Preliminary Plat shall be transferred to the City upon recording of the first final plat, in the form of Outlot(s) and shall not be shown as "Park" on the plat. The Development Agreement may permit the phasing of said land transfer. In addition, the Development Agreement shall grant the subdivider a license to enter the park dedication land for the purposes of required grading, seeding or other work approved by the City Council. (#412, 8/23/04) (E) In addition to the park dedication requirements listed above, each newly subdivided lot shall pay a surcharge for park and trail development purposes. The surcharge will be at a prevailing rate as determined by the City Council. (#412, 8/23/04) 11-6-2: CASH CONTRIBUTION: All monies collected from cash contributions shall be placed in a special fund from which only those public uses as listed in (1) above may be constructed or improved or land for those same uses may be acquired. 11-6-3: DELAYED DEDICATION PAYMENT: Upon petition by the developer, the Council may approve a delay in the actual dedication of the cash required in lieu MONTICELLO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Title XI/Chapter 6/Page 2 of land until such time as development occurs on the property being platted provided that a proper legal agreement is executed guaranteeing such dedication. Delayed dedication payment shall include eight percent (8%) interest per year. 11-6-4: PURCHASE OR CONDEMNATION OF LANDS: Where a proposed park, playground or other recreational area, proposed school site, or other public ground that has been indicated in the official map and/or master plan is located in whole or in part within a proposed subdivision, such proposed public site shall be designated as such and should be dedicated to the City, School District, or other proper governmental unit. If the subdivider chooses not to dedicate an area in excess of the land required under this section hereof for such proposed public site, the Council shall be required to act to approve or disapprove the plat of the subdivision for a period of ninety (90) days after the subdivider meets all the provisions of the subdivision title in order to permit the Council, School Board, or other appropriate governmental unit to consider the proposed plat and to take the necessary steps to acquire, through purchase or condemnation, all or part of the public site proposed under the official map or master plan. 11-6-5: LOCATION AND CONFIGURATION OF DEDICATION: In such cases where the developer is required to dedicate land area, the City Council of the City of Monticello shall have the right to determine the geographic location and configuration of said dedication. MONTICELLO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Title XI/Chapter 6/1age 3