Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes 09-26-2019PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES I SEPT 26, 2019 MINUTES PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 26, 2019 - 9:15 A.M. "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining City parks with a high standard of quality. " Members Present: Lynn Anderson, Bill Fair, Jack Gregor, Julie Jelen, Nancy McCaffrey, Brian Stoll, Karen Vetsch Members Absent: Anna Bohanon Staff Present: Sara Cahill, Beth Green, Ann Mosack, Tom Pawelk, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order. Chair Brian Stoll called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. and declared a quorum. 2. Approve Minutes of Regular Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting from July 25, 2019. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO APPROVE THE JULY 25, 2019 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES. MOTION SECONDED BY JACK GREGOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. 3. Consideration of adding to or removing items from the agenda. None. 4. Citizens requests and comments. None. 5. MontiArts Update. Tom Pawelk shared an update from Sue Seeger for MontiArts. Seeger is out of town attending a rural arts and culture summit on a full scholarship from CMAB. 6. MCC Update. Ann Mosack shared the MCC Update for September, and Sara Cahill shared the programming update (see attached). Mosack also noted that the pool will be closed from 10/7-10/31 for the installation of a new slide and resurfacing of the spas. Karen Vetsch requested Mosack to bring a quarterly update of the suggestions and the resolutions from the suggestion box at the MCC to the commission meetings. Page 1 of 4 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES I SEPT 26, 2019 7. Review petition for neighborhood ice rink in Hunters Crossing Development. Tom Pawelk said he received a petition from a resident on Fairhill Lane signed by residents of the Hunters Crossing Development requesting an ice rink in their neighborhood (on the outlot under the power line easement). While the commission sees the value to the neighborhood for such an amenity, the consensus of the commission is to deny the request at this time as it could open up requests for other areas and set a precedent. At this time, the Parks Department does not have the resources for this and, furthermore, if another skating rink is added to the community the consensus is that it should be placed in a public park. Pawelk said that the skating rink at West Bridge Park will not be flooded this year and that staff will be doing more at 4th Street Park this year for skating. 8. Consideration of Amendments to City Ordinance Title II, Chapter 6, Name of Commission and Compensation of Members. Tom Pawelk said that he received a request from Vice -Chair Gregor to discuss changing the name of the Parks & Recreation Commission, to Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission, and also a request for commissioners to receive a stipend for attending meetings. Discussion followed. Consensus of the group is for the membership to remain being an unpaid volunteer position. All members noted that they enjoy serving on the commission and giving back to the community in that way. JACK GREGOR MOVED RECOMMEND CHANGING THE NAME OF THE COMMISSION TO THE PARKS, RECREATION AND ARTS COMMISSION. MOTION SECONDED BY NANCY MCCAFFREY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 6-0. 9. Consideration of Amendment to Riverside Cemetery Rules and Regulations to allow companion cremation burials in urns. Tom Pawelk said that the trend in burials is moving towards cremation interments. The proposal is to amend Section 6.8 of the Rules & Regulations to allow burials of more than one body in one grave, to add 6.8.5 Two cremated remains in one urn, in one grave. JULIE JELEN MOVED TO RECOMMEND THE AMENDMENT OF THE RIVERSIDE CEMETERY RULES & REGULATIONS TO ADD ITEM 6.8.5 TO SECTION 6.8; TO ALLOW TWO CREMATED REMAINS IN ONE URN, IN ONE GRAVE. MOTION SECONDED BY JACK GREGOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 6-0. 10. Ellison Park Log Shelter Renovation Update. Tom Pawelk said he met with three contractors to get quotes for renovating the log shelter at Ellison Park. Two of the contractors were not interested in the renovation but the third contractor was extremely knowledgeable and willing to work with the city on the Page 2 of 4 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES I SEPT 26, 2019 renovation. The contractor, Majestic Log Homes and Products from Becker, will complete the log shelter renovation in 2020 before Riverfest. Pawelk said he reached out to the Ellison family to see if they would be interested in funding the renovation and he said they may be interested in covering half the cost. Pawelk shared a detailed report from the contractor with the commission showing the estimated cost at $55,050. The renovation will extend the life of the log shelter for another 50 years. The shelter will be closed as soon as last rental is done in October and it will remain closed until the renovation process is complete. City staff will be assisting the contractor with portions of the renovation, including the replacement of the roof trusses. 11. Bertram Athletic Park Construction Update. Tom Pawelk said the project is 75% complete and he gave a tour earlier this week to the IEDC and some members of the Parks & Recreation Commission. Pawelk will give another tour on Friday, October 4, after the Bertram Chain of Lakes Advisory Council Meeting, probably around 9 o'clock or shortly thereafter. Items remaining to be completed are the native seeding, additional grading in the stormwater pond, trail work, and blacktopping the entrance. New Look Contracting will be wrapping everything up in November. City staff will plan an open house/ribbon cutting event prior to the start of the soccer season in 2020. Discussion ensued about the potential build -out the athletic complex sooner rather than waiting and building it in phases. Discussed some potential funding options. The commission came to a unanimous decision to hold a joint workshop with the City Council to discuss phasing the park vs. a full build -out and funding options for the construction. It was suggested that the group could potentially use their December meeting for this workshop. 12. General Park Updates. a. Riverside Cemetery Columbarium: Tom Pawelk will give a tour of the new columbarium at the cemetery after the meeting. 13. Discussion of added items. None. 14. Next regular meeting scheduled for December 5, 2019. The next regular Parks Commission Meeting is scheduled for December 5, 2019, at 8:00 a.m. in the Public Works Conference Room. Page 3 of 4 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES I SEPT 26, 2019 15. Adiourn. Meeting adjourned 9:35 a.m. RECORDED BY: 6�cth C)grcen DATE APPROVED: 12-5-20 ATTEST: ;%.,� k Page 4 of 4