BCOL Advisory Council Minutes 11-04-2016MINUTES BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK ADVISORY COUNCIL Friday, November 4,2016,8:00 a.m. Bridge Room, Monticello Community Center BCOLAC Members: Mark Daleiden, Martyn Dibben, Jim Hayes, Jim Lindberg, Larry Nolan, Scott Peterson, Glen Posusta, Pat Sawatzke, Brian Stumpf, Sandra Theros Parks Commission: Jack Gregor, Brian Stoll Members Absent: Tom Jahnke, Wes Olson, Jessica Pederson Staff Present: Beth Green, Marc Mattice, Ann Mosack, Tom Pawelk, Angela Schumann Others Present: Jason, WSB & Associates, Devin, YMCA 1. Call to Order. Chair Martyn Dibben called the meeting to order at 8:11 a.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Consideration of approving minutes from October 7, 2016 meeting. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE OCTOBER 7, 2016 REGULAR MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY JIM LINDBERG. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10-0. 3. Consideration of adding to and approving the agenda. A. Consideration of approving the Master Plan for the Athletic Complex. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS AMENDED WITH THE ADDED ITEM. MOTION SECONDED BY SANDRA THEROS. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10-0. 4. 2016 Camp Manitou Year End Presentation, New for 2017. YMCA Camp Manitou Director Devin Hanson shared a power point presentation with the group, noting that they were very pleased that the camp numbers were up nearly 60 campers from the prior year. They were worried that their numbers were going to drop due to the elimination of the horse camp where typically there were 400 campers per season. Hanson said that the ropes course is available for rental year-round and those reservations can be made through her office. Hanson said that in 2017, staff training will begin the week after Memorial Day on May 31St, with campers coming starting June 12th. Another note is that the Elk River YMCA is going to take over the official management and staffing of the pool. The tentative public pool hours will be weekends from 12-6pm. Swimming lessons will run evenings from 5-7:30pm. Pool passes are also being considered for 2017. There will also be a public open house next summer prior to the start of camp. BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: November 4, 2016 5. Request from Crisis Nursery to hold 5K Event and Fundraiser. Removed and will be added to the next BCOLAC Agenda. 6. Proiect Updates. Marc Mattice provided updates on the following projects: A. Four Season Rental Chalet: Mattice said they are on schedule and it should be buttoned up within the next two weeks. The landscaping will be completed in the spring, including top soil, grading, seed work, installing a concrete walkway to the building and a handicap accessible ramp. Mattice said there may be a possibility to begin holding meetings there in January. B. Remaining Purchases - Status: Mattice said purchase agreements are signed and the closing dates set for December 1St. Chair wants to make sure that members Posusta, Sawatzke and Stumpf are there to represent as the elected officials who have been on board and supportive of the Bertram project from the start. A ceremonial picture will be taken after the acquisition is closed so any members who wish to attend are welcome. Mattice said the closing will be at Central Land Title in Buffalo at 8:30am on that day. C. North Access and Parking Area: Mattice said the rain has set them back so they haven't been able to work on it this week as it's been too sloppy. Once the work is complete (in about two weeks, weather permitting) and the dormant seeding goes in, they will put up security gates. 7. Bertram Chain of Lakes Activity Update. A. Phoenix Learning Center Community Service Project: Mattice said the group worked on cleaning garbage out of a wood lot by the entrance, and three tandem loads of trash were taken out. The Learning Center is considering adopting the park to teach the kids to give back to the community. 8. Advisory Board Appointments for 2017-2020. Mattice said that he wanted the group to be aware of the commission appointments so that the respective commissions can take care of their appointments for 2017. A. Wes Olson — Term Expires 12/31/16 B. Annual Appointment from: • Wright County Parks Commission (1) • Monticello Parks Commission (1) • Wright County Board of Commissioners (2) • Monticello City Council (2) • Monticello Township (1) • Monticello School District (1) • Monticello Community Center (1) 2 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: November 4, 2016 9. Friends of Bertram Update. Martyn Dibben noted that new officers were elected for the Friends group, with Graham Sones as the new Chair and Wendy Suddard-Bangsund as the new Secretary. One of the concerns discussed in the group is how to generate more interest and gain new Friends volunteers to assist with events at the park now that all the land is acquired and the park is being established. The first event to note for 2017, is the 2nd Annual Triathlon which is planned for July 22, 2017, and online registration will open in December at http://www.bertramblast.com/. Jim Lindberg said that the Friends will try to coordinate with the YMCA to do a cleanup day in the park on Earth Day, April 22, 2017. Dibben said that with the final acquisition of the parkland being complete, he is interested in doing a bio -blitz at the park whereby a group of specialists will visit the park to document official recordings of what's in the park for wildlife, plants, insects, etc. Field trips could be organized and it would be a great way to gets kids involved and another audience in the park. 10. Discussion of Added Items. A. Consideration of approving the Master Plan for the Athletic Complex. Angela Schumann introduced Jason from WSB to go over the master planning process for the park. Schumann said that they are at the point in the process of looking for a formal recommendation for the master plan, which is really just a formality as the plan has already been seen and reviewed by all groups. The next step will be to bring it to the Wright County Board on November 14th and the City Council on November 28tH Jason explained that the recommended sequencing for the athletic complex is the interim improvements to meet the grant requirements which were completed this fall, including a gravel driveway and parking area for 45 vehicles, bituminous trail into the regional park and interim grading and seeding of 20 acres of open green space. Step 2 — Development Area #1: As funding allows on the northern areas. Depending on funding, the fields, gravel parking, lighting, irrigation would be installed and then add things like buildings, pavement, etc. Step 3 — Development Area #2: As funding allows on the southern portion to focus on building fields and infrastructure first and then adding things like buildings, courts, play areas, long term as funding allows. BRIAN STOLL OF THE MONTICELLO PARKS COMMISSION MOVED TO RECOMMEND ADOPTION OF THE BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES ATHELTIC PARK MASTER PLAN WITH PHASING THE IMPROVEMENTS AS PRESENTED AND AS FUNDING ALLOWS. MOTION SECONDED BY JACK GREGOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 3-0. BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: November 4, 2016 MARK DALEIDEN OF THE BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES ADVISORY COUNCIL MOVED TO RECOMMEND ADOPTION OF THE BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES ATHLETIC PARK MASTER PLAN WITH PHASING THE IMPROVEMENTS AS PRESENTED AND AS FUNDING ALLOWS, AND TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY AND COUNTY BOARDS FOR APPROVAL. MOTION SECONDED BY SANDRA THEROS. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10-0. 10. Schedule Next Meeting — December 2, 2016. The next regular BCOLAC Meeting will be held on December 2, 2016, at Sam in the Bridge Room at the Monticello Community Center. 11. Adiourn. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED OT ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 9:19AM. MOTION SECONDED BY LARRY NOLAN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10-0. Recorder: 6�36th &rmv Administrative Assistant Approval Date: 12-2-16 Attest: M n, BC AC Chairman 2