City Council Agenda Packet 04-11-2005 . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MeNTICELLe CITY CeUNCIL Monday April 11, 2005 - 7 p.m. Notice: Closed meeting at 6 p.m. on acquisition of property for CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange followed by open meeting discussion of the project (Approximately 6:15) Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Glen Posusta, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2A. Approve minutes of March 28, 2005 regular Council meeting. Ii I/~ 1t. 7 B. Approve minutes of April 4, 2005 Special ~ng. ~ ~ I tj /..... r 3. ,.consideration of adding items to the agenda. ~f,r r%, . ( Mh// v VC-,1L, ~(I..::J"!J Dh~f.,"/ 8M..f (,~ ""+,,vr; ,?cAt( ~t-l'o f r--= C:;:r~ Mi~~0~t~;;;:7~ts; comPlain~ r::~~ . J. ' \(Consel'n agenda. v'd.-ntd 1'~/f'( ht.(.~ . A. Consideration of new hires and departures. foJ-.. )" r 1l~ r & ~~E. KF. ~G o . 1. B. Consideration of approving credit application Monticello Office Products c. Consideration of approving request for a temporary charitable gambling license for the Monticello Girls Fast pitch Association. D. Consideration of transfer of off sale non-intoxicating liquor license for Maus Foods. Consideration of approving plans and specifications for Trunk Sanitary Sewer Project No. 2000-12C and authorize advertisement for bids. 0' t1 S ~ Consideration of renewal of liquor licenses for 2005-2006. Consideration of a resolution accepting Poplar Hill petition for annexation and authorizing annexation under the terms of the City/Township joint agreement governing annexation. \}I(rA "If) -\'~ l.4.M'\~ ~r.JlI'" ~("'-t ~~f ~~~ Consideration of amendment to the Zoning (Jrdinance regulation relating to relocation of lawful non-conforming billboard signs. Applicant: City of Monticello vi"'" --t v~ Consideration of request from Methodist Church to rename drive serving water tower site. y . Agenda Monticello City Council April II , 2005 Page Two J. REMOVED FROM AGENDA. K. REMOVED FROM AGENDA L. Consideration of authorizing feasibility study for development of service road extending from Washington Avenue to Jameson property. ~~ M. Consideration of Negative Declaration of Need for an EIS for Poplar Hill residential development. IJJ VA ~ ~ Consideration of catering kitchen improvements for the Community Center. ~ H~)' ~>-. ~~ O. b-.[t" 6) 'fb ~ 1" c.Lt.i J....J 'Q..DiI' P. Consideration ofrevisions to language in orderly annexation agreement. 6. Consideration of items removed from the ~elt:r ~nda for discussion. N. Consideration of making a contribution of$5,000 toward installation of ballfield lighting at the high school ballfield. ~ . 7. Public Hearing on School Boulevard Sidewalk and Median Improvements (Deegan Avenue to Edmonson Avenue) City Project No. 2004-31 C and ordering improvement. ~ Public Hearing on Chelsea Road Extension (90'" Street to CSAH 39), School Boulevard (Chelsea Road to 1330 feet south) and Northwest Lift Station and Forcemain, city Project No. 2005-11 C, ordering improvement, approving plans and specifications and ordering advertisement for bids. 8. 9. Public Hearing on School Boulevard Extension (Deegan Avenue to 90th Street NE), City Project No. 2005-02C and ordering improvement. q A :z:.'JTa...4~ p,<-<4;f-, J,J 10. Consideration of accepting bids for fire tanker. 11. Consideration of approving plans and specifications and ordering advertising for bids for Hillside Farms Storm Sewer Outlet, City Project No. 2004-7C. 12. Consideration of reviewing bids and awarding contract for School Boulevard Sidewalk Improvements, Project No. 2004-31 C. ] 3. Consideration of a request for approval to research resources and quotes to study the benefits of a fiber optic backbone throughout the City of Monticello, and the public-private methods by which this can be achieved. . 14. Consideration of a tag system for excess garbage pickup at curbside. 2 . Agenda Monticello City Council April II, 2005 Page Three 15. Consideration of approving plans and specifications and advertising bids for parking lot improvements for Pioneer Park, Groveland Park, Block 35 Parking Lot, and parking lot adjacent to the present Monticello Library site. 16. Consideration of sending two city representatives on a five day trip to Europe (Denmark and Switzerland) to review biosolids treatments. 17. Consideration of approving payment of bills for April. 18. Adjourn. . . 3 Council Minutes ~ 3/28/05 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL . Monday March 28, 2005 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf. Members Absent: None I. Call to Order and Pledl!:e of Allel!:iance. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes of March 14,2005 rel!:ular Council meetinl!:. Tom Perrault noted two corrections: 1) Agenda Item #5M - Glen Posusta seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously; 2) Agenda Item #1 I-Kramer House - Tom Perrault voted in opposition on the motion. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 14,2005 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WITH THE CORRECTIONS NOTED. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . 2B. Approve minutes of March 14.2005 Workshop meetinl!:. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 14.2005 WORKSHOP MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOnON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideratio'n of addinl!: items to the al!:enda. dA-l{ Glen Posusta added a discussion of the Motor Vehicle Building to the agenda. Brian Stumpf asked that agenda items #10 and #11 be moved to the consent agenda. Tom Perrault requested that item #11 remain on the regular agenda. 4. Citizen comments. petitions, requests and complaints. Mayor Herbst noted that a number of residents were present concerning the feasibility report for the Chelsea Road Extension and he stated they would have an opportunity to speak on that item when it came up for discussion. 5. Consent Al!:enda. . A. Consideration of new hires and departures. Recommendation: Ratify the hires and departures for the MCC and Liquor Store as identified. Council Minutes - 3/28/05 B. Consideration of approving appointment of EDA Commissioner. Recommendation: Approve the appointment of Susie W ojchouski as commissioner of EDA with her term to expire in December 2008. . C. Consideration of renewing uniform contract with Aramark Uniform Service. Recommendation: Approve a new contract ",,'ith Aramark Uniform Service for two years beginning April 29, 2005 based upon rates contained in the proposal at an estimated annual cost of$6,750 excluding tax. D. Consideration of accepting feasibility report and setting a public hearing date for the Chelsea Road Extension (90th Street to CSAH 39), School Boulevard (Chelsea Road to 1,330 feet south) and Northwest Lift Station and Forcemain, City Project No. 2005- II C. Recommendation: Accept the feasibility report for City Project No. 2005-11 C and set the public hearing for April 11,2005. E. Consideration of adopting a resolution requesting MnDOT to install advanced intersection signing on TH 25 for Dundas Road, City Project No. 2005-19C. Recommendation: Adopt the resolution requesting MnDOT to install advanced intersection signing on TH 25 for Dundas Road. . F. Consideration of accepting feasibility report and ordering public hearing for School Boulevard Sidewalk and Median Improvements (Deegan A venue to Edmonson Avenue), City Project No. 2004-31 C. Recommendation: Accept the feasibility report and order the public hearing for April] 1,2005. G. Consideration of adopting first amendment to the Otter Creek Pre-development Agreement. Recommendation: Move to adopt the Otter Creek Pre-development agreement relating to design and funding of storm sewer facilities. H. Consideration of approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for the Trunk Sanitary Sewer Extension, Southeast Interceptor/Bondhus Segment and Appurtenant Improvements, City Project No. 2000-12C. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for the Trunk Sanitary Sewer Extension, Southeast InterceptorIBondhus Segment and Appurtenant Improvements, City Project No. 2000-12C. 1. Consideration of calling for a special meeting on CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange, City Project No. 2004-0 I C. Recommendation: Move to call for a special meeting on the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange, City Project No. 2004-01C to be held on April 4, 2005 at 5:00 p.m. Wayne Mayer asked that items #5C, #5D and #5E be pulled from the consent agenda. Glen Posusta requested that items #5F and#5H be pulled from the consent agenda. . GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #5C, #5D, #53, #5F AND #5H AND THE ADDITION OF ITEM #10. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ,i,A-s . . . Council Minutes - 3/28/05 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent a!!enda for discussion. #5C Uniform Contract: Wayne Mayer asked if there are other vendors who provide this service. Public Works Director, John Simola indicated that over the years the City had a number of vendors provide the service. After researching costs staff is recommending a contract with Aramark Services. Wayne Mayer asked if any consideration had been given to providing a clothing allowance rather than contracting with a vendor. John Simola noted there is a contract allowance in the union contract that allows up to $400. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE A CONTRACT WITH ARAMARK TJNIFORM SERVICES FOR A TWO YEAR PERIOD BEGINNING APRIL 29, 2005 BASED UPON THE RATE IN THE PROPOSAL DATED MARCH 9, 2005 AT AN ESTIMATED COST OF $6,750 EXCLUDING TAXES. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #5D Feasibility Report Chelsea Road Extension: Jeff 0' Neill provided some information on the scope of the proposed project which would extend Chelsea Road from 90'h Street to CSAH 39 and to extend School Boulevard south from Chelsea Road for 1330 feet. He noted this project was integral to the development of the Chadwick property and the City owned industrial park. Jeff O'Neill also reviewed the increase in the estimated cost which was the result of the proposed landscaping along Chelsea Road ($120,000); excavation of poor soils ($90,000); improvements to CSAH 39 required by the County ($80,000) and retaining wall and guardrail in the area of Chelsea Road adjacent to Otter Creek ($55,000). Jeff O'Neill also indicated that John Chadwick had additional information on the tree planting. Clint Herbst stated that a number of residents were present because of their concerns about where Chelsea Road comes onto CSAH 39 and the layout of future right of way as shown on Figure 4 of the report. Jeff O'Neill replied the Chelsea Road alignment attempted to reduce the number of 90 degree turns. Glen Posusta stated that the residents were concerned about the volume of traffic going through the area and he asked why the proposed future right of way was not being put in now. Clint Herbst pointed out that there is housing in the area of the proposed future right of way and there is also the cost issue of going over Otter Creek. At this time the traffic volume is not that great so the need is not there to do it immediately. JetT O'Neill stated that Heritage Development wants to make CSAH 39 more of a collector street. Costs and the qucstion of need was why thc future right of way was not included in the project at this time. Wayne Mayer asked if any consideration was given to having Chelsea Road intersect with CSAH 39 at llO'h. He stated this would be the leading edge of the Heritage Development. Jeff O'Neill stated it was not considered because of the number of homes affected, the distance involved and also concern about channeling tramc from Heritage Development through the Bondhus residential development. Mayor Herbst then opened the discussion up to allow for comments from the residents. Jerry Crocker, 3109 County Road 39 NE, owns part of the land where the proposed future right of way would extcnd. He suggested the City look at how this going to affect the present land owners. He felt the City should be working with the land owners on this. Clint Herbst JA-Io ;)A-7 Council Minutes - 3/28/05 . stated that a public hearing is being proposed on this project for April 11, 2005 so residents would have another opportunity to speak at that time. Brian Stumpf stated his concern about the future right of way is because of the impact it would have on the current property owners. Jerry Crocker said he would feel more comfortable if there was no reference to any future right of way in the feasibility report. Jeff O'Neill responded that this future alignment of Chelsea Road is something that could benefit the community but it is not cast in concrete that this future alignment will happen. Brian Stumpf added that the future alignment is not being considered as part of this project. Audrey Hoglund Ross, 3058 County Road 39 NE also owns property that is affected by the proposed future alignment for Chelsea Road. She suggested that Chelsea Road intersect with CSAH 39 at II O'h She pointed out that there are power lines in that area making the property less desirable for development but suitable for roadway purposes. Clint Herbst stated that it was not a bad idea since at this time the City has more control over the site. He added that it would be very expensive for the City to go across Otter Creek. Audrey Hoglund Ross felt it was safer to have the intersection at 11 O'h rather than Dalton Avenue. Brian Stumpf noted that with the Heritage Development there may be an interchange at Orchard Road and if that is the case there \vill not be as much traffic going on CSAH 39 and Chelsea Road. Clint Herbst stated that these are ideas that the City would want the engineer to look at. . John Chadwick, 11430 Zion Circle, Bloomington, developer of property in the area stated that this project was being fast tracked as far as time. He noted that there are areas of bad soils that would need correction. He added that under his agreement with the City he is obligated to pay 79% of the street costs. He stated that the report incorrectly identified the zoning for the area as CII when the zoning is actually B-4. He also said he had concerns about section 4.9 on pagc 8 and how the proposed landscaping work would affect his costs. Steve Schillewaert, 3085 CSAH 39 is a property owner that will also be affected by the proposed road. He questioned why the road had to be curved and why it could not have the 90 degree turns. He felt the future right of way should be taken out of the project as he felt specifying this as a future right of way would effectively eliminate the City from looking at any other options. Clint Herbst noted at this time the YMCA is just beginning to think about the development of their property so it would be premature to be planning for streets in that area. Glen Posusta stated at this point the City doesn't know what will happen with the YMCA site but the City does need to get Chelsea Road extended for the industrial park and the Chadwick development. . Steve Schillewaert reiterated his concern that by showing this future right of way in the report now, it impacts how he can use his property. It doesn't make any difference when alignment happens, it impacts his property. Brian Stumpf stated he would like to see the reference to a future right of way eliminated from the feasibility report. Clint Herbst agreed and added that if the City looks at alternative alignments at some point in the future the property owners will be contacted. He also noted that he does not expect the road will carry that much traffic that the road alignment could not worked out to accommodate those homes. Council Minutes - 3/28/05 . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR THE EXTENSION OF CHELSEA ROAD FROM 90TIJ STREET TO CSAH 39 AND SCHOOL BOULEVARD FROM CHELSEA ROAD TO 1330 FEET SOUTH AND THE NORTHWEST LIFT STATION AND FORCEMANIN. CITY PROJECT NO. 2005-11 C WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE REFERENCE TO FUTURE RIGHT OF WAY FOR CHELSEA ROAD AT CSAH 39 WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE REPORT AND TO SET A PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF APRIL 11,2005. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Glen Posusta said the City will have the engineer look at the options the residents suggested when studying any future alignment. #5E Dundas Road Signing: Kevin Kawlewski provided background intormation on the cost of the signs and proposed installation. Wayne Mayer asked if the signs would be on both sides of the intersection. Kevin Kawlewski indicated they would be. The signs are estimated to cost between $300-$400 each. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION REQUESTING MNDOT TO INSTALL ADVANCED INTERSECTION SIGNING ON TH 25 FOR DUNDAS ROAD. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . #5F School Boulevard Median Improvements: Glen Posusta questioned paragraph #2 in the report. He felt that the project should be including the traffic signal at School Boulevard and Cedar Street and questioned whether the $1.2 million estimate included the cost of a traffic signal. Glen Posusta stated he was under the impression that Wal-Mart was paying for this signal. John Simola stated he had talked with Chuck Rickart of WSB and he indicated that there would be a future light but at this time the intersection does not meet warrants for a traffic signal. John Simola was of the understanding that Wal-Mart had paid for a portion of the signal. Glen Posusta questioned why the City was doing the project if they were not putting the signal in. ;)A .:;...~ Charlie Pfeffer representing Ocello stated that Ocello and Wal-Mart have pre-paid for the improvements to School Boulevard and they have agreed to each pay half for the signal at Cedar Street once the light meets warrants. Brian Stumpf questioned who determines when the signal goes in. Kevin Kawlewski said the engineer determines when warrants have been met. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR THE SCHOOL BOULEVARD SIDEWALK AND MEDIAN IMPROVEMENTS AND TO SET A PUBLIC HEARING FOR APRIL 11.2005. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Glen Posusta asked why the City had to make improvement on Deegan Avenue and requested that the engineer bring this information forward at the public hearing. . #5H Sanitary Sewer Interceptor (SE/Bondhus): Glen Posusta asked that this be tabled because of a number of issues such as A VR. In previous conversations '.vith John Bondhus he had talked about running the pipe through his property instead of zigzagging around it. Clint . . . Council Minutes - 3/28/05 Herbst stated that John Bondhus had mentioned that to him as well. Kevin Kawlewski said they had talked to Mr. Bondhus and he indicated that the problem with going through the property is that Mr. Bondhus is proposing to expand his building and because of that he would prefer that the sewer line go around his property rather than have the line running under his building. Glen Posusta was also concerned about the number of trees that would be destroyed in the process of constructing the project. He felt the alignment should be done going through areas without as many trees. Glen Posusta said he would like to table this item at least until the next meeting to get some of these questions answered. Wayne Mayer stated he had walked the area and he noted the tree line is in the high area. He agreed with Glen Posusta that this item should be pulled. Kevin Kawlewski said they did look at staying on the south side but there was storm sewer and paving in that area that would have to be replaced if thc line was constructed there. Kevin Kawlewski indicated that in going across the Bondhus property the line would be 20'-25' deep. Wayne Mayer felt that the alignment of this pipe should dictated by the property owner not the City. Glen Posusta said that 60' -70' away from the track there are no trees. Glen Posusta felt this item should be tabled until John Bondhus could be talked to and the City Engineer could address these other issues. Kevin Kawlewski stated that tabling the item for two weeks would still allow them to make their construction schedule. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO TABLE APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE TRUNK SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION UNTIL THE APRIL 11,2005 CotTNCIL MEETING. WAYNE MA YER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Public Hearinll: 200S Street Reconstruction Project. City Proiect No. 200S-0le. accept feasibility report. conduct public hearinll: and order preparation of plans and specifications. Kevin Kawlewski from WSB & Associates made a presentation outlining the scope of the project, estimated cost of the improvement and how the project would be funded. Clint Herbst asked ifthc engineer had reviewed the letter submitted by Tom Bose regarding the project. Kevin Kawlewski stated he had an opportunity to talk with Tom Bose on this. Kevin Kawlewski stated that the proposed project is part of a program to reconstruct streets within the City. The scope of the project for 2005 has been cut back from what was originally proposed. Under the current proposal the City would be widening River Street to 32 feet and the other streets to 28 feet. The street surface would be reconstructed and curb and gutter would be installed in those areas that currently do not have it. The project would include storm water improvements and repairs to sanitary sewer and water mains as needed. It is also proposed that a sidewalk or bituminous pathway be constructed along River Street. The merits of installing a concrete sidewalk versus an 8' bituminous trail was discussed. While the initial construction cost for concrete sidewalk would be higher ($43,000 for the sidewalk, $19,000 for the bituminous trail), the concrete sidewalk would have an expected life of 40 years and the trail would be about halfthat. In addition the sidewalk is generally maintained by the property owner as far as snow removal and the trail would have to be maintained by the City. ::;,A ~ q Council Minutes - 3/28/05 . Kevin Kawlewski reviewed the project cost of $1 ,207,750 which includes $667,000 in street improvements, $36,850 sanitary sewer improvements, $100,150 water main improvements and $403,750 for storm sewer improvements. Funding for the project would come from the sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer utility funds. There would be a $500,000 contribution from the Street Reconstruction fund and approximately $241,550 to be assessed against the property affected by this project (approximately 58 lots). The $241,550 represents the 20% of the project costs that is necessary to be assessed if the City is going to bond for this project. Kevin Kawlewski reviewed the assessment procedures. Single family residential will be assessed the same rate based on their access. If a property has two accesses they would receive two assessments. New improvements such as service replacements would be charged to the property owner at full cost. Kevin Kawlewski stated that the assessment rate if20% of the project cost was assessed would be $4,165/10t; if30% of the project cost was assessed the cost would be $6,247/10t and if 40% of the cost was assessed it would be $8,239/10t. He noted that when the street reconstruction program commenced a residential rate was set at $2,500 per lot and that flat rate was adjusted annually for construction price index. If the City was using that same formula the cost per lot would be $5,370/lot. Kevin Kawlewski also reviewed a typical assessment as it would appear if spread over 10 years at 5.25% interest. John Simola asked on the stoml sewer whether the sale of a city owned lot no longer needed for storm sewer use was included in the project costs figures. Kevin KawJewski said no. Brian Stumpf asked if the street improvement cost included the construction of the sidewalk. Kevin Kawlewski indicated it did. . Glen Posusta asked about the Council's wish to keep the Jot cost dO\\m. Kevin Kawlewski stated that they showed a 20% assessment because that is the amount needed if the City is going to bond for the project. Glen Posusta felt the City should be picking up more of the cost. Brian Stumpf added that the City had previously talked about increasing the amount of the annual levy for the street reconstruction fund. Brian Stumpf felt the cost savings by going with bituminous trail instead of sidewalk should be considered and he noted that there are grants available for trail construction that the City could apply for. Jeff O'Neill stated that the application date has passed to receive any funding for this project. John Simola stated that the pathway is more conducive to biking and for that reason is wider. 8 feet while the sidewalk would be 6'. He added that with sidewalk the property owner is required to keep it clear of snow and free of obstructions. John Simola felt the concrete sidewalk would be more cost effective. Tom Perrault questioned whether the pathway was needed. He stated he didn't see any more intensive use than what is there now. He questioned why the City should put the assessments for a sidewalk or pathway on the homeowners and have the City incur the cost of maintaining it. Tom Perrault said he didn't feci the need for a sidewalk or pathway in this area. Clint Herbst agreed with Tom Perrault but felt the homeowners should make the determination if they wanted a sidewalk in the area. Clint Herbst felt by increasing River Street to 32 feet you a providing an area for walkers. . Mayor Herbst then opened the public hearing. 62A-IO Council Minutes - 3/28/05 . Ed Solberg, 1204 Sandy Lane asked when construction was planned to start. Kevin Kaw]ewski indicated it would be mid-June or July. He also asked about his sprinkler system and how that would be handled when the street is widened since a portion of his system could be in the right of way. Kevin Kawlewski indicated he was not sure how it would be handled but would check that out. Cathy Grott, 925 West River Street, asked about scheduling as she has a wedding planned and would prefer not to have to deal with a torn up street at the same time as the wedding. Kevin Kaw]ewski said they would have a better idea after the construction meeting with the contractor as to when things would be happening. Cathy Grott also asked about disconnecting services and Kevin Kawlewski indicated it would only be done if it was in need of repair. She also asked if the City was going to allow homeowners the option of having their driveway done when the street work was done. Kevin Kaw]ewski stated in the past the City's construction observer had handled that but the City didn't have formal procedures in place for having private work done as part of a construction project. Clint Herbst suggested that City look at doing this on future projects. Kevin Kawlewski noted that the property owner could have the driveway cost included in his assessment amount or they could pay for it directly. Kim Mitchell, 1104 West River Street felt if the City v,idened the street, they didn't need the sidewalk. She also wanted to know if she would be notified when construction starts as she has some trees and ]ilacs she wants to move before the work starts. She noted that they have water standing on their property and asked how that would be addressed. . Mary DeMars, 825 West River, stated they live on the east side of Chestnut Street and wanted to know if they would be assessed. Kevin Kawlewski said they would not be assessed but they were notified so that they would be aware of the construction activity in their area. .Jim Melville, 1137 West River Street asked about the widening of the street. Kevin Kawlewski indicated that River Street would be widened from 28' to 32'. Arlene McIntire, I ]20 West River Street, asked how her lot, which is ]25' would be assessed. Kevin Kawlewski stated that unless she had more that one driveway access she would receive one residential assessment. He added that an assessment would be hc]d when the project was completed and at that point costs would be finalized. Arlene McIntire wanted to know if the City allowed the option of partially pre-paying the assessment. The City Administrator will let her know the City's policy on that. Dave Brouillard, 1128 West River Street. stated he has a corner lot and wanted to know how that would be assessed. Kevin Kaw]ewski said unless they had driveway access on both streets there would only be one assessment. He also asked about the type of curb that would be installed and whether it would be the surmountable type. Kevin Kaw]ewski said they would look at that and he pointed out that the B]6 and surmountable curb are similar in price. Mr. Brouillard also indicated he had plantings he wanted to move before things were torn up and asked if they would be getting individual notice as to when the work would start. Kevin Kawlewski indicated that there would information on the project sent out to the property owners. . b)j~- I \ Council Minutes - 3/28/05 . Dan Grue, 1136 West River Street also stated his concern about the sidewalk. He felt there was not a lot of traffic in the area and questioned the need for the sidewalk. Kevin Kawlewski stated that it was the Council's decision on whether the sidewalk is constructed. Kevin Kawlewski said that the trail that is being proposed is part of the comprehensive plan. Jeff O'Neill said under City's design standards the sidewalk would be required. Clint Herbst stated that while he agrees the sidewalks are an amenity to the neighborhood he felt with the street being widened, the sidewalk wasn't justified. Clint Herbst suggested that the City could delete the sidewalk from the project and if the property owners wanted it they could petition for it. Brian Stumpf said that the Council has to determine if safety issues are involved that would require a sidewalk be installed. John Simola stated that the City will be working with Xeel to improve the lighting in that area and this work is not included in the project cost. Clint Herbst then closed the public hearing. Clint Herbst said he would like more input from the residents on whether they want the sidewalk or not. Clint Herbst stated he thought the City was going to aim for an assessment amount of $2500 per lot and thought that is something they should pursue. If the City couldn't bond for the project they should use their street reconstruction funds or other funds to make up the difference. Glen Posusta concurred that the assessment should be between $2,500 and $3,000. . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE AMENDED FEASIBILITY REPORT AND ORDER PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE 2005 CORE STREET PROJECT NO. 2005-] C WITH THE CITY GETTING ADDITIONAL INPUT FROM THE RESIDENTS ON WHETHER THEY WANT SIDEWALK AND TO ASSESS 20% OF THE PROJECT COST FOR BONDING PURPOSES. John Simola stated the Council needed to make a decision on the storm sewer ponding. If the City decides to go with storm septors, the City lot could be put up for sale. Kevin Kawlewski stated that septors are significant space savers. "'R-Id. BRIAN STUMPF AMENDED HIS MOTION TO ADD TEAT STAFF IS DIRECTED TO WORK WITH XCEL ENERGY ON STREET LIGHTING IN THE PROJECT AREA AND TO LOOK AT ELIMINATING THE STORM WATER PONDS. Clint Herbst asked for clarification on the $2,500 per lot. Brian Stumpf said he didn't think that was a possibility but by reducing the sidewalk and storm water ponds, they could reduce the cost significantly. Clint Herbst said he was not in favor of bonding for this project and he suggested that Brian Stumpf reword his motion to state "and to assess up to 20% of the cost" Glen Posusta agreed that there was no reason to bond for this project. BRIAN STUMPF AMENDED HIS MOTION TO READ "TO ASSESS UP TO 20%OF THE PROJECT COST FOR BOND PURPOSES. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. Brian Stumpf stated that as part of the last two street reconstruction projects, the City had looked at new street signs for the area and he would like to add that to his motion. . . . . Council Minutes - 3/28/05 BRIAN STUMPF AMENDED HIS MOTION ADDING THAT THE CITY LOOK AT NEW STREET SIGNS FOR THE PROJECT AREA. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE AMENDED MOTION. Tom Perrault asked for clarification on the sidewalk being removed. Clint Herbst said the decision would be made based on input from the residents. Kevin Kawlewski said the project would be bid with sidewalk and without sidewalk. Kevin Kawlewksi further explained that the storm sewer septors are fairly new having come along in the past ten years. They take up less space and offer similar treatment. The cost for the septors is about $15,000 each. In this particular project going with septors would lessen the storm sewer costs. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN ON THE AMENDED MOTION, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Consideration of authorizin!! staff to initiate the Comprehensive Plan update process bv preparin!! a draft work plan and associated cost estimate. This item was tabled until after consideration of other agenda items. 9. Consideration of establish in!! a date for a Council/Staff !!oal settin!! and team buildin!! session. Clint Herbst stated he would like to see one session for the goal setting and team building rather than two. Jeff O'Neill stated that the consultants had a number of Saturdays in April open for such a session. It was noted that public notice would have to be given of the session. The Council's preference for scheduling would be April 9th and if that was not possible then April 16th or nrd. 10. Consideration of approvin!! plans and specifications for new one million !!allon water tower and authorize advertisement for bids. This item was approved with the consent agenda with the Council approving the plans and specifIcations and authorizing advertisement for bids for two types of water towers based on the ability to award either type based on the low bid for the type of tank chosen. 11. Consideration of proposal from Bolton & Menk. Inc. to studv two alternatives for biosolids treatment at the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant. Bob Brown of Bolton & Menk was present to provide information on the options for biosolids treatment that they were proposing to study. The two methods that they will be studying are the AT AD process and the heat belt dryer system. They will also be looking at whether the existing facility can be retrofItted to include whatever biosolids treatment process is utilized. Brian Stumpf asked which method was the most commonly used in the area. Bob Brown indicated it was the ADAT method. Brian Stumpf questioned the need to study both processes ifone is more commonly used. John Simola said the dryer system could reduce the City's ,;:)A-13 Council Minutes - 3/28/05 . need tor farm land for sludge application. Brian Stwnpf said if there is a reason to study both options then he felt comfortable doing that but if one was a clear preference he felt the City should just move on it. Glen Posusta said he didn't have a problem with the City buying more land because the land will always increase in value. He felt the land spreading might be just as effective. Wayne Mayer said his concern is as the City grows how much more land would the City need for sludge application. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL FROM BOLTON & MENK AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT TO COMPLETE THE WORK AS SET FORTH IN THE PROPOSAL. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. Consideration of letter to YMCA expressin!! City interest in collaboratin!! with the YMCA/County, State and others to preserve the natural character of land in the Lon!! Lake/Lake Bertram area. . leffO'Neill stated that YMCA officials met with some Council and staff to outline the YMCA's interest in selling some of their property to fund their programs. There is 1200 acres ofland that could be sold. The YMCA wants to talk about how this land could ultimately be developed. This could include preserving certain areas for park land and selling less desirable areas for development. leff O'Neill felt the YMCA would benetit by annexation into the City and being served by utilities. At this point the YMCA is requesting a letter from the City showing their interest in becoming a part of this project. leffO'Neill stated that other entities such as the County could also be involved in this preservation project. Clint Herbst felt that the YMCA would be quickly gobbled for development and it was important for the City to look at preserving certain area for park and recreational use. It was noted that the County has expressed some interest in working together on this. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO DIRECT STAFF TO PREPARE A LETTER TO THE YMCA IDENTIFYING THE CITY'S INTEREST IN PARTICIPATING IN A PROCESS THAT WILL RESULT IN SETTING ASIDE MAlOR PORTIONS OF THE YMCA PROPERTY FOR PUBLIC ENJOYMENT. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION WITH DISCUSSION. In discussion, Brian Stumpf said with Heritage being developed it would be prudent for the City to work cooperatively with other entities on preserving this area. Wayne Mayer asked for clarification on how much of the 1200 acres that they would be preserving. He felt this was a pristine piece of property and it would be a travesty to have any area around this for development. Clint Herbst said there are certain areas that are less desirable for park land but he agreed the property around the lakes should be preserved] 00%. Tom Perrault disagreed with that stating that he believes that there are people who would like to have a nice house on a lake and there is not place in town at the present time for that. He felt there should be a mixed use for this area. . UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN, THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. a i1 - ( '--\ . . . Council Minutes - 3/28/05 13. Consideration of renewal of contract at the Elk River Landfill with Waste Manae:ement of Minnesota, Inc. Public Works Dircctor, John Simola provided the background information notice the contract has generally run for three year and the current contract value is $37.53/ton not including taxes. The total contract runs to $] 56,000/ycar. The cost per ton is proposed to be incrcased $I/per ton per year for each year of the contract. John Simo]a noted E]k River is one of the few landfillsin the area so the City is limited as far as who they can contract ",-jth. Wayne Mayer asked the City about the contract being in excess of $50,000 statute amount. Tom Scott said this was not the type of contract that would be subject to the competitive bidding law. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE THREE YEAR LANDFILL DISPOSAL AGREEMENT ADDENDUM WITH WASTE MANAGEMENT/ELK RIVER LANDF]LL AS OUTLINED EFFECTIVE UNT]L APRIL 1,2008. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 14. Consideration of a request for an amendment to a CUP for Development Stae:e PUD and consideration of a revised preliminarv plat for Carlisle, a 239 residential subdivision. Applicant: Shadow Creek Corporation. Scott Richards from Northwest Associated Consultants provided background information on this item. He notcd when Carlisle Village was originally approved the plat area contained some land that was not owned by the developer. The developer is coming back with a revised development minus the half acre ofland that was owned by someone else. ]n addition to the change in land area, the applicant is also seeking approval for changes in the R-] A building size requirements and changes to the townhouse design for the R-2 portion of the development. Scott Richards reviewed the changes and noted that the preliminary plat is consistent with the original plan except for the lots along the southern boundary which are shallower. The proposed plat contains the same number oflots even though the land area has been reduced. The developer meets the minimum standards of the district. However, since this is a planned unit development the developer is expected to exceed standards, Staffs feeling is that the applicant is not meeting the objectives of the planned unit development. The Planning staff believes that in order to meet the density of what was originally approved and to have greater trec preservation, the developer would need to eliminate 5 lots which are identified in the staffrcport to the Council as Lots ]2, B]ock 5; Lots 2 and 7, Block 6; and Lots 3 and 8, Block 4. In addition staff recommended shifting the cul-de-sac on 82nd Street more to the north, The Planning Commission, however, went vvith a recommendation to eliminate only two lots, one along the southern boundary and the triangular lot (Lot] 2, Block 5), Regarding the R-]A standards, the applicant is requesting approval similar to what the City approved for the Hillside Farms plat. That approval allowed for 2 story homes to be constructed with a foundation size of I, 100 square feet and 2,200 square feet of finished space. Planning staff noted that the conditions of the Hillside Farm plat are not present in this development and did not recommend variations from the R-]A regulations. The Planning Commission, however, agreed to the applicant's requested changes which include ]660' main floor finish/2000' total finish for a rambler; ]400' finished at grade or 2000' total finished for a ~A-t5 Council Minutes - 3/28/05 . split level; 1200' finished main floor/2300' total finished for a two story structure; a mmlmum ofa 700' garage; a roof pitch of7/12 or greater and 20% of the front fayade being brick or stone. The Planning Commission added a notation that no split levels are allowed outside the already platted First Addition. Another amendment request to the PUD is for a new townhouse design for the R-2 area. A different builder with a different townhouse design is involved the development and the developer is requesting approval of the change in the townhouse design. Because the buildings with the rcvised design encroached on each other at the corners, Planning staff had recommended removal of buildings #25 and #29 on the interior and #17 and #10 on the outside loop The Planning Commission did not designate removal of a set number of units but only requested assurance that the spacing in the original plan is maintained in the revised plan. Wayne Mayer stated when a PUD is granted there is a major benefit being providedwith the development and he questioned what benefit if any would the City see out of this plan. He noted that the staff report indicated that the developer is only meeting minimum standards and he wanted to know which standards are the developers exceeding the requirements for. Therc was some discussion on the number of units to be eliminated. Planning stafffclt one unit from each of the four buildings was to be eliminated. . Lucinda Farr spoke stating that the only difference betwcen this and thc previously approved version is that they lost Y, acre of land on the southerly boundary line. She didn't know where the City came up with eliminating five lots when the plat only lost y, acre. She said under this plan 60% instead of 52% of the trees are preserved. She indicated that they would eliminate one unit from the townhouse area. The footprint of the units has been improved under the revised plan. She stated that she promised the Planning Commission that thc Lmits would not be any closer together than they were on the original plan. Clint Herbst asked how they the original plan could have been approved and now with the revised plan staff is asking lor a reduction in units. Clint Herbst also stated his concern about the number oftownhomes in the community. Wayne Mayer asked about buildings #10, #17, #25 and #29. Lucinda Farr responded that one unit had been taken out of building #29. The developer had not agreed to eliminate a set number of units but rather to eliminate units necessary in order to keep the same spacing as the original approved development plan. She stated she is meeting the intent of the original plan and she was not sure why the City was asking her to do more Glen Posusta said that the original development plan had received all the necessary approvals and he didn't think it was appropriate to require additional changes. . Planning Commission member, Sandy Suchy stated since the land area of the development had changed, the building requirements for the R-IA were proposed to be changed and the design of the townhouse units were to be different and these were significant changes she felt the Planning Commission could look at this as a new approval. Since the developer was not being bound by the conditions of the previous approval neither should the Planning Commission in their review of the development. She pointed out that the developer is only meeting minimum standards and is not exceeding any standards. dA-I~ Council Minutes - 3/28/05 . Glen Posusta said that the land that was lost from the plat was in the Rl-A area and the townhomes arc in the R-2A area. Jeff O'Neill stated that even with the loss of acreage the unit count didn't change and the tree count remained the same. Glen Posusta sated that by reducing the R-IA area by two lots the City is losing $900,000 in tax base so he questioned why the City would also want to cut units from the R-2A. Wayne Mayer said with a PUD the developer should be doing more than the minimum. Brian Stumpf said this development has gone through the Planning and Zoning and Council a number of times and the City needs to make a decision. Lucinda Farr stated they eliminated one lot in the townhomes and nothing in the R-lA but they arc still preserving more trees. Clint Herbst asked why the cul-de-sac couldn't be moved further to the north. Lucinda Farr said doing that would cause more loss of trees. Jeff O'Neill stated that 1 200 trees was the count used in both tree preservation plans. . ON DECISION #1 TO APPROVE A REPLA T FOR CARLISLE VILLAGE WAYNE MAYER MOVED THAT THE CITY RECOMMEND DENIAL OF THE REPLAT BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROJECT CHANGES ARE INCONSISTENT WITH THE CITY'S REQUIREMENTS FOR R-IA, R-2A, R-2 AND PUD DEVELOPMENT. ON DECISION #2 TO AMEND THE CARLISLE VILLAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO ALLOW ALTERNATIVE TOWNHOUSE DESIGNS IN THE R-2 PORTION OF THE PROJECT THAT THE CITY MOVED TO DENY TIlE PUD AMENDMENT BASED ONA FINDING THAT THE CHANGES ARE NOT CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY'S EXPECTATION FOR PUD IN THIS AREA AND THAT BOTH THE ARCHITECTURE AND PROXIMITY OF BUILDINGS TO EACH OTHER RESULT IN A PROJECT THAT ODES NOT MEET THE PUD ORDINANCE OBJECTIVES. ON DECISIOJ\' #3 AMEJ\'DMENT TO THE CARLISLE VILLAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO ALLOW CHANGES IN THE BUILDING SIZE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE R-IA AREA, THAT THE CITY DENY THE AMENDMENT BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PURPOSE OF THE R-IA REGULATIONS ARE TO ENSURE HIGHER END HOUSING IN THE AREAS OF THE COMMUNITY GUIDED FOR R-lA DEVELOPMENT AND THAT A COMPROMISE TO THE BUILDING STANDARDS WOULD BE INCONSISTENT WITH THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GOALS AND POLICIES. MOTION FAILED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. Clint Herbst slated that the primary concern is that the proposal that is submitted to Council is what is actually going to be constructed. He agreed with Sandy Suchy that there are minimum requirements of the R-lA district that need to be preserved. Clint Herbst said he would also like to see removal of one lot from the southerly boundary area. . ON DECISION #1 TO APPROVE THE REPLAT FOR CARLISLE VILLAGE, GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE REPLAT BASED ON THE CONDITIONS LISTED IN EXHIBIT Z BASED ON A FINDING THAT WITH THE LISTED CONDITIONS, THE PROJECT WILL MEET THE INTENT OF THE CITY ORDINANCE WITH REGARD TO R-lA, R-2A, R-2 AND PUD DEVELOPMENT. dA-'l . . . 7. 8. Council Minutes - 3/28/05 At this point there was discussion whether the conditions for approval listed in the Planning StaW s recommendations be used or the conditions for approval listed in the Planning Commissions recommendation be used. Scott Richards felt the Planning Staff recommendations contained more detail and should be used just changing those particular items noted by Planning Commission action. Using the Planning Staff recommendations #1 would be to redesign the plat to eliminate one lot from the southerly border (Block 6) and to eliminate number #7 which stated that one unit each of buildings #10, #17, #25 and #29 from the townhouse layout would be eliminated. Lucinda Farr stated this was the tirst time she had an opportunity to review the recommended conditions of approval for the Carlisle Village replat and amendment to the PUD and questioned the roof pitch requirement listed under #2. Clint Herbst suggested that if she felt changes were necessary to #2, the Council may reconsider items #1 and #7. GLEN POSUST A AMENDED HIS MOTION ON DECISION #1 MOVING TO APPROVE THE REPLAT BASED ON THE CONDITIONS LISTED BELOW BASED ON A FINDING THA T WITH THE LISTED CONDITIONS, THE PROJECT WILL MEET THE INTENT OF THE CITY ORDINANCE WITH REGARD TO R-IA, R-2A, R-2 AND PUD DEVELOPMENT. I. 2. Redesign of the plat to eliminate one lot from the southerly boundary (Block 6) Provide sample building drawings for R-IA portion of the project. Building plans are to meet or exceed those standards approved by the Commission as foIlO\,ys: Roof construction Incorporating: . Multi-level roofs, varying elevation with cascading roof planes. . Roofpitch of7:12 and greater. . Roof coverings providing dramatic roof shingle texture at least equal to "Horizon Shang Ie", "Timberline" or handsplit cedar shakes. . Soffits and gables that extend at least 12' from the exterior wall plane. 3. Exterior Wall Finishes: . At least 20~'o brick, stone, or approved equal on any fa~ade facing a public street. . Fenestration/windm\-' and door placement and detailing on any fa~ade facing a public street that: . Interrupts any \vall plane exceeding 12 feet in length. . Provides shapes and character to wall planes (such as transom lites, round top shapes, smalllitesibars and muntons, and the like) . Garage doors without door \vith flat surfaces (such as paneled garage doors \vithout door lites) . No more than two (2) feet of exposed plain concrete block, plain concrete or treated wood foundation above grade. Building plans for theR-2A portion mllst meet or exceed the standards as outlined in the staff report. Verify the participation of the Davidson property owners in the plat. Abide by the tree preservation program established at the time of the original plat and PUD approval, as well as the other conditions of that project approval. A formal review of the revised grading and tree preservation plan by the city's forester for this project will be required. Adherence to the recommendation of the forester to preserve the 60% tree preservation ratio will be required. Redesign the townhouse buildings to meet the higher standard of architectural quality as discllssed- varied rooflines, varied building walls, improved materials (more stone and/or brick), emphasized front entry areas, recess and de-emphasized garage doors. Compliance with the building requirements forR-1A building (as amended). Provide revised landscape plans reflecting the changes to the plat as approved. 4. 5. 6. d H- \ <6 Council Minutes - 3/28/05 9. Provide revised plan sets for al\ plans reflecting the final approved preliminary plat \vith conditions met prior to submission affinal plat application. The developer is to also submit a booklet containing all relevant approved standards for building design and district landscaping requirements. Compliance \vith the recommendations of the City Engineer in their report dated February 16,2005. The developer enter into an amended Development Agreement reflecting the conditions of approval. . 10. 11. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH WAYNE MA YER AND BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION. ONE DECISION #2, AMENDMENT TO THE CARLISLE VILLAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO ALLOW ALTERN A TIVE To\VNHOUSE DESIGNS IN THE R-2 PORTION OF THE PLAT, CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE PUD AMENDMENT AS OUTLINED IN THE CONDITIONS NOTED ABOVE, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE CHANGES ARE CONSISTENT WITH ORIGINAL APPROVAL AND RESULT IN A HIGHER LEVEL OF BUILDING AND SUBDIVISION DESIGN PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY'S PUD ORDINANCE. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH WAYNE MAYER AND BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION. . ON DECISION #3, AMENDMENT TO THE CARLISLE VILLAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO ALLOW CHANGES IN BUILDING SIZE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE R-IA AREA, GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENT FOR THE R-IA PORTION OF THE PROJECT AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION AS FOLLOWS AND BASED ON THE FINDING THAT THE R-IA ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT WELL-SUITED TO DEVELOPMENT IN THIS AREA: Building plans for the R-1A homes must meet or exceed the amended R-IA building standards specific to this development as follows: a. No split entry homes in the R-l A area outside of the 1st Addition. b. Two-story and modified two-story residential dwellings must meet: i. A minimum finished first floor size of 1200 square feet: 11. A minimum of2300 square feet finished area. 111. Full basements. c. Rambler residential dwellings must meet: i. A minimum main floor size of 1600 square feet. ii. A minimum of2000 square foot total finished area. d. All other lot and building requirements as identified within the R-I A District Zoning Ordinance. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH WAYNE MA YER VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 8. Consideration of authorizine Comvrehensive Plan uvdate. JefJO'Neill provided background information on the need to update the City.s comprehensive plans. With the annexation agreement in place the City is experiencing development pressure. Having updated documents will make the planning process easier. . d J':i - 1 q . . . Council Minutes - 3/28/05 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTHORIZE CITY STAFF TO WORK WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION IN PREPARING A PROPOSAL OUTLIIING THE SCOPE OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND PROVIDE COST ESTIMATES. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Added Items: Glen Posusta brought up the deteriorating condition of the motor vehicle building. Rick Wolfsteller, Brian Weldon and Fred Patch have been studying what options could be used to put the building in better condition. It is estimated to take between $20,000 and $30,000 in repairs to the building. Fred Patch also noted that the building is not ADA compliant as far as the entrances. Staff will prepare of list of work needed to be done on the building, get costs for the work and submit it to the Council at a future meeting. Glen Posusta asked about semi-trailer parked on School Boulevard. The trailer belongs to SW Wold and has been parked there for a long time. Fred Patch stated that builders routinely do that but if the Council wished to pursue enforcement, they would do so. 15. Consideration of approving payment of bills for March. The Council questioned bills for Diversified Products and Granite Ledge Electric. Wayne Mayer asked if the monthly list of bills could be submitted in account order rather than by vendor. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 16. Adiourn. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 10:50 P.M. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary ~A-dO . . . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, April 4, 2005 - 5 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf. Members Absent: None I. Call to Order. The special meeting was called to order at 5 p.m. It was explained that the purpose of the public meeting was to consider action on ordering the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project No. 2004-1 C. The Council went into closed session to discuss legal issues relating to acquisition of property necessary for the interchange project, The special meeting reconvened at 5:50 p.m. 2. Consideration of orderine: imDrovement of the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchane:e Proiect No.' 2004-1 C. The purpose of the closed meeting was for legal counsel and City Council to discuss legal action related to the acquisition of land for the proposed CSAH 18/1-94 interchange project. The City Attorney stated the Council has a number of actions they could take regarding this project: I) Order the improvement; 2) Do not order the improvement; 3) Table action on the issue; or 4) Consider other options. The Council discussed their concerns regarding this project which included the lack of written commitment to the project by the various parties involved and the cost ofland acquisition for the project, BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ORDER THE CSAH 18/1-94 INTERCHANGE PROJECT NO.2004-1C. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN COUNCILMEMBERS STUMPF AND HERBST VOTED IN FAVOR THEREOF AND MAYER, POSUSTA AND PERRAULT VOTED AGAINST THE MOTION. MOTION FAILED. Clint Herbst stated the concern of the Council is with acquiring the property needed for the improvement project and the cost of the land acquisition. City Attorney, Tom Scott indicated there is a court hearing scheduled on April 8, 2005 and he asked for Council direction on whether the hearing should be cancelled, tabled or remain as scheduled. Clint Herbst felt the court hearing should be delayed. Because there is such a great discrepancy between the A VR' s appraisal numbers and the City's appraisal numbers, he questioned whether the City should proceed with the project, Clint Herbst asked if it was appropriate at this time for the Council to consider other action such as seeking additional cost sharing for land acquisition from the other parties involved. Tom Scott said if the action related to a decision on the interchange project it would be appropriate. . Q - 9-1 a!, 0 . . . Rick W olfsteller stated that it may be difficult for the developers to agree to any additional cost participation since the acquisition cost for the A VR site is not knovm at this point. Staff will check with the developers on the possibility of revising their cost participation to include picking up acquisition cost for the A VR site. Brian Stumpffelt the City Attorney should be at the court hearing. Tom Scott stated that if the Council wanted to re-schedule the court hearing, that could be done within 2-3 weeks. Clint Herbst suggested staff outline options and present them at the April II, 2005 Council meeting. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO HAVE CITY ATTORNEY, TOM SCOTT ATTEND THE COURT HEARING IN ORDER TO KEEP THAT OPTION AND THE TIME LINE VIABLE. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. In additional discussion, Tom Scott clarified that he would not be asking for a quick take at the court hearing and added that Ryan Companies was the only developer that needed to have a set date for this project. It is proposed at the court hearing that the City will ask the court to establish the basis of the condemnation for a public purpose and to request the court to appoint condemnation commissioners. Tom Scott will report back to the Council at their regular meeting. Tom Perrault asked what the benefit was to the City by having the City Attorney attend the court hearing. Tom Scott said it keeps options open to the City Council if they decide to change their decision and order the interchange project at some future point. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN, THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Clint Herbst reminded staff to put together any ideas and options and present them to Council. 3. Adiourn. The special meeting closed at 6:05 p.m. Recording Secretary (jg-d-O . . . Council Agenda - 4/11/05 SA. Consideration of avvrovinl!" new hires and devartures for MCC. Public Works and LiQuor. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC, Public Works and Liquor Store. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Ratify the hiring of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. 5A-d3 NEW EMPLOYEES . Hire Date Class Name Craig, Rick Title Liquor Store Clerk Department Liquor 3/28/2005 Part Time TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Duchene, Laura voluntary MCC 4/1/2005 Part Time Dullinger, Amanda voluntary MCC 4/1/2005 Part Time Hohlen, Mitch voluntary MCC 4/1/2005 Part Time . Snyder, John voluntary MCC 3/19/2005 Part Time Moore, Richard voluntary PW /Inspections 3/31/2005 Full Time . employee council iist.xls: 4/5/2005 5 A - d L\ 5 g-;;)5 Council Agenda - 4/11105 . 5B. Consideration of avvrovine: credit avvlication Monticello Office Products. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: According to state statute and at the recommendation of the auditors for the City, we are initiating a procedure that would have the Council approve any vendor where the City has a charge account. At this time, we are asking for approval for a charge account with Monticello Office Products, a local vendor that the City can use for purchasing office products and supplies. At a future date, the Finance Department will be submitting a list of firms that the City has charge accounts with and ask for blanket approval of these existing charge accounts. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve the City having a charge account with Monticello Office Products. 2. Do not approve a charge account with Monticello Office Products. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: . In order to comply with the provisions of state statute and the recommendation ofthe City's auditors, the City Administrator recommends approval of Alternative #1. Approval of this charge account wi 11 allow the City to utilize a local vendor for purchase of office products and supplies. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. . . . . Council Agenda - 4/11105 sc. Consideration of aoorovinl! a reauest for a temoorarv charitable l!amblinl! license for the Monticello Girls Fast oitch Association. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Girls Fast pitch Association has applied for a pennit for a temporary charitable gambling license to conduct at raffle at the high school softball fields on July 12, 2005. In order for the State Gambling Control Board to issue this gambling license, a resolution by the City either approving or denying the application needs to be submitted with their application. In the past the City has not opposed these exempt gambling license applications for charitable events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue the charitable gambling license to the Monticello Girls Fast pitch Association for a raffle on July 12, 2005. 2. Deny the gambling license request. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is not aware of any reason why the Council would not allow the State to issue this gambling license. D. SUPPORTING DATA: · Resolution approving gambling license. 5' c.. - dlc . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2005-35 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A ONE DAY GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, Monticello Girls Fast pitch Association has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for a one day charitable gambling license to conduct a raffle at the softball fields at the Monticello High School WHEREAS, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the application by the Monticello Girls Fast pitch Association for a one day charitable gambling license to conduct a raffle at the softball fields at the Monticello High School, Monticello, Minnesota is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the City Council this 11 th day of April, 2005. Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator 5Cr dl . . . D. Council Agenda - 4/11/05 5D. Consideration of transfer of off sale non-intoxicatinl! liquor license for Maus Foods. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Maus Foods has been purchased by D &C & Associates and they are requesting that the 3/2 beer license be transferred in their name. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the transfer of the off sale non-intoxicating liquor license for 508 State Highway 25 to D&C & Associates dba Maus Foods 2. Not to approve the transfer of the license. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the license be transferred to D&C & Associates dba Maus Foods SUPPORTING DATA: Application 50- d <6 5E. . Council Agenda - 4/11105 Consideration of Aoorovinl!: Plans and Specifications and Authorizinl!: the Advertisement for Bids for the Trunk Sanitary Sewer Extension. Southeast Interceptor/Bondhus Sel!:ment and Appurtenant Improvements (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2000-12C) (WSB/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: . B. . The City Council is being requcsted to approve plans and specifications and authorize the advertisement for bids supporting the construction of the trunk sanitary sewer from CSAH 75 (Broadway Street) to Chelsea Road. The project includes several trenchless installations for crossing the Burlington Northern Sante Fe railroad tracks, Interstate 94, Chelsea Road, and other areas within the project limits to minimize impacts to adjacent properties. The project will be bid with two alternates for the construction of the pipe. The first alternate is a centrifugally cast fiberglass reinforced polymer mortar pipe, while the second is epoxy lined reinforced concrete pipe. These materials have been selected due to the depths of the installation and resistance to corrosion from gases in the pipe. The construction of this project will alleviate capacity issues that currently exist at the Reservoir Lift Station on Chelsea Road. The cost of the improvements is being funded from the City trunk sanitary sewer funds. The project is proposed to be bid on May 6, 2005 and awarded on May 9, 2005. WSB & Associates has discussed the possibility of rerouting the sanitary sewer across the Bondhus property between CSAH 75 and the BNSF railroad tracks using a steel casing that would allow the construction of a building expansion over the top of this pipe. The plans are being revised for review and discussion with John Bondhus. It is necessary to move forward with this project at this time. Please note that important development goals of the City depend on completion of this segment of the City sanitary sewer system. For instance, Development of the Otter Creek Business Park and development of "step-up" housing in the vicinity ofthe YMCA and Heritage Golf Course requires completion ofthis critical portion of the City sewer system. In the event the Interchange/Target/Home Depot projects do not move forward at this time, the city will not have the needed right of way (free) to complete the project. The right of way would need to be acquired via separate negotiation/condemnation at a significant cost which is not currently in the project budget. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion to adopt a resolution approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for the Trunk Sanitary Sewer Extension, Southeast Intcrceptor/Bondhus Segment and Appurtenant Improvements, City Project No. 2000- 12C. 2. Motion to deny adoption of resolution approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for the Trunk Sanitary Sewer Extension, Southeast Interceptor/Bondhus Segment and Appurtenant Improvements, City Project No. 2000- 12C. 5t:: - d-C\ (':"mi('{ "./f_"-NJ.IWV ;R--i.O'.!.()('.lfS-' ,',"",,!,e)iiS IH/-.I!,!,,,',," /'i,,,,, ",,-,/ .Ii"'n "",i .IFlj-(i~1 105_/11 S/J ',,, . D. . . Council Agenda - 4/11/05 c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator, Deputy City Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer recommend Alternative No. I. Construction of the improvements as proposed will alleviate capacity issues at the Reservoir Lift Station, as well as construct the initial leg of the trunk sanitary sewer for the recent annexation area. SUPPORTING DATA: Plans and specifications are available for review if desired. 5 E- 30 r-"/li!{'('.',fF--I\/J,IIIY(;/{--I.('j'U)(',H._\ f'h'.'if'C-Ir.;\ !I:'.!-..II',I'"'''' l'I,-m".aild'i',-c"-",,d,II-l!- 1I-I!j(;5.RlS!l.d"c . . . 5F. Council Agenda - 4/11105 Consideration of aooroval of annualliauor licenses. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In the past the City Council has approved the liquor license renewals in one motion contingent upon the completion of the application, approval of the state and submission of proper insurance coverage. The following licenses are submitted for your approval: Intoxicatinl! Liauor. On-Sale (fee $3.750) I. Monticello Liquor, Inc. 2. Silver Fox (Chin Yuen) 3. Duane Lindenfelser dba River City Lanes 4. I.P.s Annex 5. Hawks Sports Bar 6. Monticello Country Club Intoxicatinl! Liauor. On-Sale. Sunday (fee $200 - set bv statute) 1. 2. Monticello Liquor, Inc. Silver Fox River City Lanes VFW Club American Legion Club I.P.'s Annex Hawks Sports Bar Monticello Country Club o ~. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Non-Intoxicatinl! Malt. On-Sale (fee $275) 1. Monticello Men's Softball Assn. Council approved 2/28/5. 2. Lions - Riverfest Celebration 3. China Buffet 4. Pizza Factory Non-Intoxicatinl! Malt. Off-Sale (fee $75) 1. Monticello Liquor, Inc. 2. River Terrace 3. Tom Thumb 4. Holiday Station 5\=- 3 I . . . 5. 6. 7. 8. Super America Cruiser's Gas N Goods Cub Foods Maus Foods (D&C and Associates) Set-Un License (fee $275) None Club License (fee - set bv statute based on membershin 1. VFW - $500 2. American Legion - $500 Wine/Stron!! Beer Combination License ($1,200) 1. Crostini's Grille 2. DeAngelo's Pizza & Pasta B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Council Agenda - 4/11105 1. Move to approve these licenses effective 7/1/04 contingent upon applicants providing appropriate certificates of insurance. C. SUPPORTING DATA: None. St:--3'> . . . SG. Consideration of resolution acceotin!! Poolar Hill oetition for annexation and authorizin!! annexation under the terms of the CitvfTownshio ioint a!!reement !!overnin!! annexation. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has received a petition from Gary and Robert Schluender requesting annexation into the City of Monticello approximately 200 acres of property that will become the Poplar Hills Development. The receipt of a petition requesting annexation from 100% of the property o"mers of a parcel of land that is contiguous or abutting the City is a triggering event for annexation. This annexation request is being processed in accordance with the provisions of the approved annexation agreement between the City of Monticello and Monticello Township. The property in question does lie within the annexation area agreed to by the City and the Township. A resolution has been prepared that needs to be approved by the City Council and a letter has also been sent to the Township noting that the City is process this annexation request per the terms of the annexation agreement. The contiguous land area requested for annexation represents a significant portion of the Poplar Hill Project. Approximately 53 acres of the project area is not contiguous to the City, but will be contiguous "vith the annexation of the current requested area. A separate follow up request for annexation of the 53 acre area will occur after the initial annexation has been completed. It is suggested that the motion to approve the annexation be contingent on approval of the preliminary plat which is on the agenda for the April 25'h meeting ofthe City Council. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve the resolution annexing approximately 175 acres of property lying in Sections 10 and 15, Township 121, Range 25 which is contiguous to the City. This request meets the criteria set forth in the annexation agreement between the City and the Township. Should the Council approve the annexation request, the resolution will be forwarded tot he state who may review and comment on the annexation but is required to order the annexation within 30 days of the receipt of the resolution. 2. Do not approve the annexation request. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the annexation petition be approved and the resolution forwarded to the state. SUPPORTING DATA: None 5G-33 . . . City of Monticello, Minnesota Wright County Ordinance No. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3-9 [D] OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE, BY PROVIDING FOR THE RELOCATION OF CERTAIN NON-CONFORMING SIGNS. The C~ty Council of the City of Monticello hereby ordains: Section 1. Section 3-9 [D] is hereby amended to add the following: [D] 4. Notwithstanding any other requirement in Section 3-9 of this Ordinance to the contrary, off-premise or advertising signs may be relocated as follows: (a) This section shall apply exclusively to off-premise advertising signs of200 square feet or greater that have a specific, written, fee or leasehold interest in the property on which they are currently located, and which are required to be removed pursuant to City acquisition as a part of a City utility or road project. (b) Such signs may be relocated to another part of the same parcel on which they were located at the time of the acquisition, by City Council resolution. (c) Such signs may be relocated to another vacant parcel subject to the application for, and approval of, an Interim Use Permit per the requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. (d) In addition to any other requirements or restrictions deemed appropriate by the City Council, the owner of such relocated sign under (b) or (c) above shall not enter into any lease that extends the duration of such sign beyond the soonest termination date to which the sign is subject at the time of the relocation. Upon such date, the relocated sign shall be removed and shall not re-established within the City limits of the City of Monticello. (e) The owner of any sign relocated pursuant to this section shall enter into an agreement with the City of Monticello providing for the date ofremoval, and the terms of any lease or other contract governing the relocation. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. s~ -.3\.0 . . . ATTEST: Clint Herbst, Mayor Clerk/Administrator AYES: NAYS: S\~--3l Council Agenda - 4/11105 . 51. Consideration of a request by the Community United Methodist Church to chanl!:e the name of Tower Driye to Holy Soirit Trail. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you may know the driveway access at CSAH 18 (Jason Avenue) leading to the water tower standpipe is labeled with a street sign (Tower Drive). Tower Drive itself is not a public street and merely designates the name of a shared private access drive leading to the standpipe (future park) and Methodist Church parking area. Since Tower Drive does not identify a public right of way there is no need for a public hearing relating to the this request. Council is simply asked if it wishes to allow installation of a new "street" sign designating the name of the joint drive as Holy Spirit Trail. It is presumed that the Methodist Church would fund the cost to change the sign. Also, the Methodist Church property has a Jason Avenue Address. The Church address would need to remain the same as the Church should not be addressed off a private drive name. . Please note that at some point in the future, it is possible that the Yager and Mack properties to the east of Tower Drive may seek access to their property via the drive for development purposes. At that point in time it may be necessary to convert the drive to a public right of way which could include some reconstruction and formal designation via platted road or easement. At that time the formal designation of the street name would be established. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the request by the Community United Methodist Church to change the name of Tower Drive to Holy Spirit Trail. Motion contingent on Methodist Church funding the cost of changing the street sign name of the access drive from Tower Drive to Holy Spirit Trail. 2. Motion to deny said request. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION There is no overriding reason why the name should remain as Tower Drive. It is up to Council to determine if it would like to see the sign change to Holy Spirit Trail. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter from Richard Van AlIen- CUMC Member. IS J., - 33 March 17, 1005 Mr. Jeff O'Neil-Deputy Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55361 Dear Mr. O'Neil, This is a petition on behalf of the Administrative Council of Community United Methodist Church 9115 Jason Ave. NE. PO Box 5 Monticello, MN 553661 ~ To: change the name of a road beginning on Jason Ave, adjacent to the church and terminating at the Monticello water tower, from the cu"ent name of: Tower Road To Holy Spirit Trail. I understand there are some short term issues concerning status of the road to be determined before this can be acted upon. Please advise me of any further information or action needed on my part For the Administrative Council of ~.o~m . Un~dMet~tChurch ~~ - ~ hard Van Allen - a CUMC member 6448 River Mill Drive Monticello, MN 55361 P{h 195-5553 ~ 51- sc\, . . . Council Agenda - 4111/05 5L. Consideration of authorizinl! feasibilitv studv for develoDment of a service road extendinl! from Washinl!ton Avenue to Jameson DrODertv. CJO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you know Territorial Road crossing providing access to the Jameson property will need to be closed in conjunction with establishment of a new crossing at Highland Way. Over the past few months there has been considerable discussion regarding a potential alignment for providing a replacement access drive to the Jameson site. One of the primary options under study has included crossing the Saint Henry Church property. This option, has not been embraced by any of the property owners. In the past few weeks, a new alternative has been identified that would result in development of a connecting drive extending from Fallon Avenue along the Railroad ROW to Territorial Road. This connecting road is intended to become the permanent solution to the access problem facing the Jameson property. This option is support by Merrill and Duffy Busch under conditions identified in the attached documentation. Please note that the Jamesons will be contacted regarding this option once the cost estimates arc in place. Council is asked to consider moving forward on this option by authorizing a feasibility study ($3,000) for the purpose of establishing a cost estimate for this connection. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion to authorize feasibility study for development of a service road extending from Washington A venue to Jameson property 2. Motion to deny authorization to conduct feasibility study as proposed. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative I. The idea presented by Merrill and Duffy Busch to allow a connecting road along the north side of the Rand Mansion property presents an opportunity to resolve a difficult access problem. The initial terms presented by Busch appear reasonable given the impact on their property. This option also could result in elimination of the need to acquire Saint Henry Church property under condemnation. It is our view that preliminary engineering needs to be completed so that cost estimates can be obtained and a finance plan established accordingly. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposal from Merrill and Dufly Busch Aerial Photo and other photos. S L - L\ G APR-07-2005 THU 12:05 PH FAX NO. P. 03 . OLD TERRITORIAL ROAD/NEW PERMANENT STREET Construction of new peIlIWlent street connecting Fallon Avenue to the foot of Old Territorial Road, south of and parallel to the BNSF railroad tracks. Tenus and Conditions: 1. City to pay owner full market value for land acquired to provide street right of way. 2. Curb cut and street to be peIlIWlent, not temporary. 3. City right of way on north side of street improvements (16 feet?) to overlap southern half of railroad right of way. ("17Vf&J<.. IS I!!X~) 4. Configuration of street right of way to be designed to minimize removal of trees and vegetation, and guarantee preservation of mature Norway spruce. Curve to follow contour of the land in connecting with Old Territorial Road. ~ 5. When Jameson property is developed, new Territorial Street to be extended into that property, following the easements already in place and the existing route of Old Territorial Road, continuing to provide permanent curb cut access to the main gate of the Historic Rand House. Major portion of new street north-south right of way to be placed on Jameson property. Original stone fence to be preserved, except for street cut, and a green boulevard provided on street right of way separating stone fence from curb on west side of street. . 6. City to build attractive retaining wall where street requires excavation of hillside and construct fence appropriate to historic nature of the property (wrought iron) as a safety measure due to the height of the embankment. 7.City to landscape and restore all areas attractively, replace lilac line removed, with appropriate trees and shrubs appropriate to the historic setting of the property 8. All street construction. improvements and replacements to be completed at no cost or assessment to the Rand House property. (flVC(...IJ171 A.I6 ~ fi~ LlA./I!!!!.> 9. If Jameson property is not developed and new permanent street constructed or committed to by developer during the three-year moratorium, and Old Territorial Road is closed at the termination of the moratorium, or at any time before, City must construct the new permanent street at its own cost, to be reimbursed by future development of the Jameson property. 10. City to provide formal documentation oithe moratorium agreement with the railroad, including names ofperson(s) involved in the negotiations. 11. Terms of the agreement to be binding on future city administrations and city councils. ~ 5L- '-\ \ - .- APR-07-2005 THU 12:04 PM FAX NO. p, 02 ~~ J\ !~ !~~~;t . k~ ~ if ~~9 I ~ ~~\J I 0_ --r- - - ~ -.... .,~\~Q.\) o~ (.oS~O i 3 lI..- 0 t ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~2 - t. ~ ~ "2 -J ~~ t.2v'\ p.:::.,~ .~J'.~ "-"!i)- ~,^r .:.4.J'.;.../ <L ~ CZ_ ~< \ ". Po '-' -. . X" -- .- . I -+-= 0 . . ~$' ::r:: ;~\ l~ -.L- . I - - I -~ ~ -1- - -r- ' : I -f-~ i .~ l =+= - --=r -- ~ _ _ -; - -:::: J..l"'~ ;.;p --- ... I" - . -,,0 -~ - :;.. L Q; "- I Ll. _ _ ::- ",Go\ a?t'il.... r oJ'."I~ __ __ "iI:~a I i4 -- - ~. \ ~\~ \ ~ d'~;~l~ ~ \i~' '2~~ t~ (>\ ~g.&-t~~ ~ iJ)U- ::2. V '\ ~~ ",j'-' .2 ~ ~~~~ Ul~~~ 2.s:! ~t '-\) f l ~~ '22 ~t!s ~- l\.I...)~ ~~~ .()~ ~. ,...t<\Y'"' 5L-L\ do , .J l-i1 SM. Issue a Nel!:ative Declaration of Need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for . the Poplar Hill Development (City of Monticello Proiect No. 200S-07C) (WSB/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The public comment period for the Poplar Hill development Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W) ended March 30, 2005. This project is located on 210 acres of land formally known as the Schluender property, southwest of the Groveland development and east of 90th Street. Comments were received from various agencies as outlined in the attached documentation. The purpose of the EA W is to identify potential environmental impacts and determine whether or not an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required. An EIS is a more extensive environmental review process. Determining whether or not an EIS is needed does not relate to providing approval or denial for the project. Based on the information in the EA Wand review agency comments regarding the EA W, the project does not have the potential for significant environmental impacts that cannot be addressed as part of the permitting process. . The Preliminary Plat relating to this project is on the City Council agenda for 4/25/05. At the regular Planning Commission meeting on 4/5/05 the developer requested a reduction in the number of mull-family units from 300 to 200. Planning Commission recommended approval. A full presentation will be provided on 2/25/05. Issuance of a negative declaration of need for and EIS does not limit the City Council's ability to modify or deny the preliminary plat when it is considered on 2/25/05. B. AL TER..~ATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Issue a Negative Declaration of Need for an EIS for the Poplar Hill development. ') ~. Authorize preparation of an EIS for the Poplar Hill development. S\l\- L\ S 3. Defer action until the April 25,2005 City Council meeting. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator, Deputy City Administrator, and City Engineer recommend selecting Alternative No. 1. D. SUPPORTI;-./G DATA: Summary memo to the City Council Draft memo responding to agency comments Findings of Fact and Conclusion Sample Resolution . (-:'liO(T.lfF i,f).JIIS( ;R-i.( PUI( :-If.,\---lli'empL!US Inl-}'''I'I"rllil!i:.!II_I.'~! l!l5.d", ... WSB . & A.S'sociales Inc. Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor ami City Council City of Monticello From: Bret A. Weiss, P.E., City Engineer Andi Moffatt, Environmental Scientist Ryan Hughes, Environmental Biologist Date: April 11, 2005 Reo' Poplar Hill (Insignia) Development EA W City of Monticello Project No. 2005-07C WSB Project No. 1494-06 . The public comment period for the Poplar Hill (Insignia) development Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W) ended March 30,2005. The purpose of this EA W is to identify potential environmental impacts and determine whether or not an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required. An EIS is a more extensive environmental review process. Determining whether or not as EIS is needed does not relate to providing approval or denial for the proj ecl. Enclosed, please find the following items for your review relating to this EA W: · Draft memo dated April 7,2005 to the review agencies responding to comments received on the EA W (hereby referred to as the Response to Comments Memo). This memo addresses the agencies' comments and includes copies of the agencies letters. 5\))-4\0 · The Findings of Fact and Conclusions on the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (ElS). · Draft Resolution issuing a Negative Declaration of Need for an EIS. The decision before the City Council regarding the EA W is to decide whether or not the project has the potential for significant environmental impacts that cannot be addressed during the City review and agency permitting processes. It is our determination that this project's potential environmental impacts can be addressed during these processes, and therefore an EIS is not required. If you have any questions after reviewing this information, please feel free to call Andi Moffatt at . 763-541-4800 or discuss the items at the April I 1,2005 Council meeting. ("'{J()r'/."! W-/II.l.Jii\iJll_....( 'flU 1(: IlS--1'1""'r'.I {"'\~.I-I",,,.(._(U 1/0_' ,,',.c ~ WSB . & Associates Inc. Memorandum To: Tim Bremieker, Department of Natural Resources Claudia Dumont, Department of Transportation From: Ryan Hughes, WSB & Associates Date: April 7, 2005 Re: Response to Comments Poplar Hill Development EA W City of Monticello Project No. 2005-07C WSB Project No. 1494-06 The public comment period for the Poplar Hill development Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W) ended March 30, 2005. Comments were received from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Outlined below. please find responses to comments. The comment letters are attached for . reference. Responses to Comments from the Department of Natural Resources Response to Comment: No response necessary. Responses to Comments from the Minnesota Department of Transportation S fY\ - L\ "\ Response to Comment: See/ion 21: As requested, WSB & Associates has extended the traffic impacts evaluation of the Poplar Hill development to intersections along TH 25. The results of this evaluation showed that the additional traffic created by the Poplar Hill development will not have significant impact on the intersection operations at TH 25 / Chelsea Road and TH 25 / School Boulevard. TH 25 is a minor arterial providing the development access to 1-94. Currently, the roadway carries about] 2,700 vehicles per day (vpd). In year 2025, this volume is expected to increase to 26,700 vpd. Chelsea Road and School Boulevard are noted as future major collectors in the Draft Monticello Transportation Plan (February 2005). The extension of Chelsea Road is expected to carry 9,500 vpd in 2025, while School Boulevard will carry 6,200 vpd. . (':.I)(!("i.:ifl'-IIXIII"'J;I\-.'.('fUi(',II.S_IJ","[.IIIJIO_lk,!''''''' '-'''':,ecl.("",,,,,,,.(),1f1.7115.d,,, . . . April 7, 2005 Page 2 As noted in the Poplar Hill development Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W), the planned development includes 705 units, including single family, townhome, and apartment dwellings. The site will generate an estimated 5,233 vpd and 509 vehicles in the PM peak hour. Forty-six percent of this traffic is distributed along School Boulevard. With this distribution, an additional 70 vehicles are expected on TH 25 during the PM peak hour. a growth of about 3 percent. The site generated traffic volumes were applied to the TH 25 / Chelsea Road and TH 25 / School Boulevard intersections. As shown in the following table, the level of service is not significantly impacted at these locations. In year 20 I 0, both intersections will remain at LOS C during the PM peak hour. More congested conditions are expected in year 2025, with little difference between the build and no build conditions. It should be noted that the evaluation included estimated traffic volumes from Wal-Mart and the lane modifications to the TH 25 / School Boulevard intersection planned this year. PM Peak Hour Intersection Level of Service 2015 2025 2005 No Build Build No Build Build Intersection LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay see see see see see TH 25 and Chelsea Rd C 31 C 33 C 34 D 39 D 41 TH 25 and Schon I Blvd C 21 C 23 C 26 D 36 D 38 Please call Chuck Rickart at 763-287-7183 or Lynn Kiesow at 763-287-8536 with any additional questions. This concludes our responses to comments on behalf of the City. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 763-541-4800. Attachments cc: Jeff O'Neill, City of Monticello Bret Weiss, WSB & Associates Andrea Moffatt. WSB & Associates Dave Sebold, ./MS Group sm-l\~ (' nor" ',\f/-:- r'IJ..fIIY(;R-i.n'1J!(: 1I..\'.-I,l""''i''\II,'\A)-Re,y'''''s~ '0 ..I,"Ol ()"",'I.H';-I0""5.<I,,<- . Minnesota Department of Natural Resources 1200 Warner Road 5t. Paul, Minnesota 55106 651772.7900 March 30, 2005 Mr. Jeff O'Neill City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticello, Minnesota 55362 RE: Poplar Hill Residential Development Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W) Dear Mr. O'Neill: The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has reviewed the EA W prepared for the Poplar Hill residential development project in the City of Monticello. We offer the following comments for your consideration. Localized impacts of residential development projects may include alteration or elimination of natural vegetation, impacts to rare (e.g., threatened or endangered) or important species, and waterbody and wetland impacts. Greater impacts to the natural and human environment come from the cumulative effects of these projects when combined with the effects of similar projects within the county or multi-county area. We urge the City to assess cumulative impacts to the best of its ability. This project will not significantly affect natural vegetation, or threatened or . endangered species. Wetland impacts can be most effectively addressed through the Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) process, and we will provide comments during that process. Thank you for the opportunity to review this project and the EA W. We look forward to receiving your record of decision and responses to comments at the conclusion of environmental review. Minnesota Rules part 44 I 0.] 700, subparts 4 and 5, require you to send us your Record of Decision within five days of deciding on this action. Thank you for the opportunity to review the Environmental Assessment Worksheet. If you have any questions about this project, please contact staff ecologist Michael North at 2 I 8-833-8726. . An Equal Opp011unit:: Ernplo:'er \\/j}O Values Diversity 5 fu - L\ C\, Sincerely, Tim Bremicker Acting Regional Director Cc: Diane Anderson, Wayne Barstad, Fred Bengston, Steve Colvin, Paul Diedrich, Patricia Fowler, Dale Homuth, Michael North (DNR) Jon Larsen (EQB) Nick Rowse (FWS) ERDB 20050299 PoplarHill.doc DNR Information 651-296-6157 1-888.-646.-6367 lTY 65'1--296--5484 1-800-657-3929 I-Ir"',,,"-J.L-'::::IQ~O l~;~d. WSB & ASSOCIATES ~ l1J>,R.30M8~~:;I1_~('J5 10: 39AMJe9 l1NDOT ST CLOUD ~ ~ MlnnesotB Depaltment ofT",nspottatlon 1(1:\ T,.nspl!tlation District ~ ~ I 372512'" Street North . ~o.!!I 51, Cloud. MN 56303-2130 7535411700 P.02/02 ~~~82 P.U~l/p:2/2 Offrce Tel: 3201654-5134 Fax: 3201203-6089 March 30, 2005 Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Community Dellelopment Director Cl1.y of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Montfcello, MN 55362-8831 Re: Poplar Hill Development EAW CS seos (TH 25) Dear Mr. O'Neill: . The Minnesota Department of Transportation has reviewed the EAW tor the proposed Poplar Hill development for impacts to the trunk highway system, and offers the following comments: Section 21: Traffic does not adequately address the development impacts to TH 25, the intersection otTH 25 and School Boulevard, or the Intersection ofTH 25 and Chelsea Road. The document states that the TH 25/Chelsea Road intersection already experiences delay. The developer should perform level~f- service analysis for both intersections and document the needed improvements. Please forward a copy of the analY$fs to me for Mn/DOT review. Thank you for the oppOrtunity to comment on this proposed development. TOTAL P.02 ~ Sincerely, ~VP~ ~ Claudia Dumont Sr. TransportatIon Planner Cc: CS 8605 To co..,.".. . Pl'Ionllt PO-' -",/ An equal opponuntly employer ';fY\-SD . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO In the matter of the Decision on the Need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Poplar Hill Development in Monticello, MN FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS The Poplar Hill (Insignia) development is the former Schluender property located southwest of the Groveland development and east of 90th Street. This project is located on 210 acres and includes a proposed mixed residential development of 227 unattached housing units and 478 attached housing units. This development required an EA W pursuant to Minnesota Rules 4410.4300 subpart 19 pertaining to the construction of 705 residential units. The City of Monticello has prepared an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W) for this proposed project. As to the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on this project and based on the record in this matter, including the EA W and comments received, the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions: FINDINGS OF FACT I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. Project The proposed project involves grading the 21 O-acre site to construct streets, utilities, and residential units. The project is anticipated to convert approximately 4 acres of wooded area, 142 acres of cropland, 2 acres of Ia-\'vn/landscaping, 4 acres of impervious surfaces, and 43 acres of gravel pit to create approximately 9 acres of storm pond, 88 acres of lawn/landscaping, 54 acres of impervious surfaces, and 44 acres of park. The proposed project includes maintaining 15 acres of wetland within the site. B. Project Site The proposed project is located south of 90th Street Northeast, near the intersection with Darrow Avenue Northeast and southwest of Interstate 94. The site currently contains approximately 15 acres of wetland, 4 acres of wooded area, 142 acres of cropland, 2 acres oflawn/landscaping, 4 acres of impervious surfaces, and 43 acres of gravel pit. II. PROJECT HISTORY A. The project was subject to the mandatory preparation of an EA Wunder Minnesota R. 4410.4300 subp. 19. SfV\-S\ C:IDOCUM"_'~lIDA IF/v'CR-l.C/I,LOCALS-J 'ITemp1040105FOF.doc . B. An EA W was prepared for the proposed project and distributed to the Environmental Quality Board (EQB) mailing list and other interested parties on February 21,2005. C. A public notice containing information about the availability of the EA W for public review was published in the Monticello Times on Thursday, March 3, 2005. D. The EA W was noticed in the February 28, 2005 EQB Monitor. The public comment period ended March 30, 2005. Written comments were received from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the Minnesota Department of Transportation by the comment period deadline. A copy of thesc letters is hereby incorporated by reference. III. CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING THE POTENTIAL FOR SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS. Minnesota R. 4410.1700, subp. 1 states "an EIS shall be ordered for projects that have the potential for significant environmental affects." In deciding whether a projcct has the potential for significant environmental affects, the City of Monticello must consider the four factors set out in Minnesota R. 4410.1700. subp. 7. With respect to each of these factors, the City finds as follows: . A. TYPE, EXTENT, AND REVERSIBILITY OF ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS The tirst factor that the City must consider is "type, extent and reversibility of environmental effects", Minnesota R. 4410.1700, subp. 7.A. The City's tindings with respect to each of these issues are set forth below. 5M-LJd- I. The type of environmental impacts and mitigation efforts anticipated as part of this project include: a. Land Use: The land use will be converted from primarily agriculture and gravel pit to residential. To address this change from open space to developed space, the development plans contain parks, open space, and storm ponding areas to mitigate the land use change. . b. Wastewater and Water Consumption: This development is anticipated to use and generate a daily demand of approximately 176,250 GPD of water and wastewater. According to the City's Water Supply Plan (2004) this area was anticipated to be a residential development and the capacity has been planned into the City's system. The increase in water will be mitigated by the expansion of the City's water c. woe U/llE - / 'IDA ~VNGR-1. CIiLOCALS'-/I.Tem;Ji(J40 J 05 FOFdoc . supply, storage, and distribution systems. The surrounding sanitary system was constructed with the anticipation of future development and the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Facility is anticipated to have adequate capacity to handle the sewage volumes from this site. c. Storm Water: The project is anticipated to generate additional storm water runoff. This runoff will be treated within on-site storm water treatment pond basins. The design of the on-site storm water management system is required to be sized to accommodate the I O-day snowmelt event, accommodate a critical duration event with a 20% chance of occurrence in any given year, and satisfy National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) recommendations. The proposed concept plan for the site includes nine storm water treatment ponds totaling 9 acres. To satisfy NURP recommendations for the site (2.5 inch, 24 hour rainfall event) a total of 10.8 acre- feet of dead pool storage volume is required. The City's policies for storm water infiltration, rate control, and treatment will minimize the impact of storm water on the water quality of receiving waters within the development and downstream, both now and in the future. . d. Traffic: Traffic volume on Chelsea Road (90th Street) will increase. With the extension of School Boulevard, traffic from this area, as well as other developments south of Chelsea Road will have an option to use either School Boulevard or 90th Street to Chelsea Road. Based on the data and analysis, the proposed site traffic, now and in the future, will have minimal impacts on the existing and proposed roadway system. With the anticipated extension of School Boulevard and the recommended roadway improvements, any impact should be negligible. Coordination is necessary between the developer and the City of Monticello to ensure that the accesses are constructed as permitted. S~YI-S3 2. The extent and reversibility of environmental impacts are consistent with those of residential development. . C IDOCU,t1E-J iDA ~V.VCR-/ CJILOCALS-J IIempl0401 05FOFdoc . B. CUMULATIVE POTENTIAL EFFECTS OF RELATED OR ANTICIPATED FUTURE PROJECTS The second factor that the City must consider is the "cumulative potential effects of related or anticipated future projects", Minnesota R. 4410,1700 subp,7,B, The City's findings with respect to this factor are set forth below, I, The proposed Poplar Hill Development is located west of the Groveland Development. The land surrounding the proposed project site is guided as low density residential, medium density residential, open space, and commercial. The regional land use conversion from open space, gravel pit, and agricultural to developed residential space is anticipated to have a cumulative impact on the area, Attempts to mitigate this impact will include providing open space in the developments, providing adequate storm water management facilities, and addressing traffic impacts, The City's current ordinances, standards, and policies are anticipated to be adequate to address these ISSUes, . SIY\-S"-l . C: 'DOCl/Al E~ jlDA I-V,VC H-I, CJ1,LOCA LS~ II Temp ',04() J OJ FOF Joc . C. THE EXTENT TO WHICH ENVIRONMENTAL AFFECTS ARE SUBJECT TO MITIGATION BY ONGOING PUBLIC REGULATORY AUTHORITY 1 Th t: II '11 b , dt: h . e 0 owmg permIts or approva s WI e req Ulre or t e project: Unit of Government Tvne of Annlication Status Federal Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 Wetland Permit To be obtained, if needed State MPCA NPDES storm water permit To be obtained MPCA Sanitary Sewer Extension Permit To be obtained MPCA Section 401 Certification To be obtained, if needed Minnesota DNR Water Appropriation To be obtained, if needed Minnesota Department of Water Main Extension Permit To be obtained Health Citv/Local City of Monticello Platting To be completed, if needed City of Monticello Rezoning To be obtained, if needed City of Monticello Building Permits To be obtained, if needed City of Montice]]o Site Plan Review To be completed, if needed City of Monticello WCA Permit To be obtained, if needed City of Monticello Grading Permit To be obtained, if needed '5M - Ss I, The City finds that the potential environmental impacts ofthc project are subject to mitigation by ongoing regulatory authorities such that an EIS need not be prepared, . c: 'IDOCUME-! ',DA ~YNGR-l_CI'iI_OCALS-I', TemplfJ40105/-'OFdoc . D. THE EXTENT TO WHICH ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS CAN BE ANTICIPATED AND CONTROLLED AS A RESULT OF OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES UNDERTAKEN BY PUBLIC AGENCIES OR THE PROJECT PROPOSER, OR OF EISs PREVIOUSL Y PREPARED ON SIMILAR PROJECTS. The fourth factor that the City must consider is "the extent to which environmental effects can be anticipated and controlled as a result of other environmental studies undertaken by public agencies or the project proposer, or of EISs previously prepared on similar projects," Minnesota R. 4700.1700, subp.7.o. The City's findings with respect to this factor are set forth below: The proposed project is subject to the following plans: I. City of Monticello Comprehensive Parks and Pathways System Plan (May 1998) 2. City of Monticello Wellhead Protection Plan (January 2004) 3. City of Monticello Comprehensive Plan (March 1996) 4. City of Monticello Long Range Guide Plan 5. City of Monticello draft Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan 6. City of Monticello Water System Plan (2004) . The City finds that the environmental effects of the project can be anticipated and controlled as a result of the environmental review, planning, and permitting processes. c.- 'IDOC UlvfE ~ J IDA IY.VGR-1. Cl'IOCA LS~ I 'I Temp 1040! 05 F'OF doc S V"Y\- S l? . CONCLUSIONS ~. The preparation of the Poplar Hill Development EA Wand comments received on the EA W have generated information adequate to determine whether the proposed facility has the potential for significant environmental effects. The EA W has identified areas where the potential for significant environmental effects exist, but appropriate measures have or will be incorporated into the project plan and/or permits to mitigate these effects. The project is anticipated to comply with all City of Monticello standards and review agency standards. Based on the criteria established in Minnesota R. 4410.] 700, the project does not have the potential for significant environmental effects. Based on the Findings of Fact and Conclusions, the project does not have the potential for significant environmental impacts. An Environmental Impact Statement is not required. ~. ~ CID()C()ME-I"/)AWNGR-I.C!lWCALS-I!TempI04()I05f;~ _ ~ l RESOLUTION 2005-36 RESOLUTION ISSUING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF NEED . o {'rI -"S<6 WHEREAS, the preparation of the Poplar Hill Development EA W (City of Monticello Project No. 2005-07C) and comments received on the EA W have generated information adequate to determine whether the proposed project has the potential for significant environmental impacts; and WHEREAS, the EA W has identified areas where the potential for significant environmental effects exist, but appropriate measures have or will be incorporated into the project plan and/or permits to reasonably mitigate these impacts; and WHEREAS, the Poplar Hill Development project is expected to comply with all the City of Monticello and review agency standards; and WHEREAS, based on the criteria established in Minnesota R. 4410.1700, the project does not have the potential for significant environmental effects: and WHEREAS, based on the Findings of Fact and Conclusions, the project does not have the potential for significant environmental impacts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City of Monticello has determined that an Environmental Impact Statement is not required. . Adopted by the Monticello City Council this II th day of April, 2005. Mayor ATTEST: City Administrator . c woe UA:fE-jIDA IF.VGR-]. CnUJCALS- J I Temp W40 / 05 Resofution.rtj SN. Consideration of imDrovements to the caterine kitchen at the communitv center. (KE) . A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In 2004 the Mississippi Room at the Community Center hosted 20 wedding receptions. We are on track to host 35 this year and are already taking reservations for 2006 and 2007. In addition, we've seen a significant increase in requests from businesses to use the Mississippi Room for professional meetings and events. The kitchen adjacent to the Mississippi Room, the catering kitchen, is an integral component of all of the rentals we schedule. The current configuration of this kitchen provides extremely limited work space and no storage space. We have a terrific roster of caterers and liquor providers, as well as our daily senior dining program, who need to use this space to provide smooth and efficient food and beverage service for our events. To ensure that this happens, we've needed to make additional space available in other rental rooms to provide work space. Thus making this space unavailable for other rentals. Due to the lack of storage space, we've needed to store items that are used during events like dishes, decanters, etc. away from the kitchen area which again causes difficulties with other room rentals so that access to these items can be maintained. Finally, not having an ice machine in the catering kitchen is difficult. Currently our ice machine is in our larger commercial kitchen which is adjacent to the gymnasium. This means that our Event Host needs to leave the event often during the evening to cart ice from the larger kitchen to the catering kitchen. e We are proposing improvements that would significantly improve the use of space and efficiency of operation in the catering kitchen. First we plan to move the ice machine from the larger kitchen to the catering kitchen. Most of our ice needs happen in the catering kitchen so this just makes sense. We'd also like to add permanent counter space with under counter cabinets and overhead cabinets for additional work space and secure clean storage space. These improvements have been discussed at length and approved by the Community Center Advisory Board. They believe that as the rentals of this area continue to grow, it's important that the space become for efficient and appealing to all users. This improvement was budgeted in the Community Centers 2005 budget in the amount of$II,OOO. We are requesting approximately $6,200 instead. We had originally intended to purchase another ice machine thus maintaining two machines, however, this is overkill since most of our ice needs are in the catering kitchen. We are hoping begin this project very soon. Our wedding season is fast approaching and we'd like to be ready for these events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. To approve the improvements as describe above in the projected amount. 2. To not approve the improvements as described above. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The Community Center Advisory Board and the City Administrator recommend Alternative I. eD SUPPORTING DATA: . Price quotes for proposed work 5f\J - Sq Purcell Plumbing & Heating, Inc. 220 Sandberg Road Monticello, MN 55362 . Customer & Address COMMUNITY CENTER 505 WALNlIT ST. MONTICELLO, MINN. 55362 ATTN: BRIAN WELDON Description PROPOSAL: DISCONNECT WATER AND FILTER RACK TO ICE MACHINE AT PRESENT LOCATION. INSTALL WATER LINE AND FILTER RACK AT NEW LOCATION TO ICE MACHINE. INSTALL DRAIN LINE FROM ICE MACHINE TO FLOOR DRAIN LINDER INK. TERIAL AND LABOR: ESTIMATES ARE GOOD FOR 30 DAYS SignatLlre Date ~.t0/~s "1" / rj. , Phone # E-mail 763-295-5445 763-271-4234 plumbery@tds.net Date 4/1/2005 BID Estimate # 1963 Due Date Project Estimator 4/1/2005 ICE MACHINE Ron Qty Sales Tax (6.5%) Total Total 203.00 $0.00 $203.00 SN-f.aO SIV- (gl . Olson & Sons Electric, Inc. 19 S;:mdberg Road P.O. Box 686 ~Monticello, MN. 55362 Date of Quotation: 04/04/2005 city Of Monticello ATI'N: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MM. 55362 Dear BRIAN, The undersigned Contractor agrees to supply and install the necessary Electrical Equipment, for the description of the project as stated below. This quote is good for 30 days from above date, and is sUbject to the provisions listed below. If you have any questions, please feel free to call anytime. Thank you. DAN GRUE Olson & Sons Electric, Inc. Contract Amount $225.00 1.) The material and workmanship furnished shall comply with the rules and regulations set forth in the CUrrent version of the National Electrical Code, and all State and local rules governing such work. The price quoted includes customary Insurance, Permits, and Inspection Fees. . 2. ) Any changes or additions to this proposal, or the work installed as specified, shall be made in writing, setting forth the details of such changes and costs thereof, and signed by both parties. 3.) All equipment and devices installed as part of this proposal shall be guaranteed for a period of one year from installation. Contractors liability shall be limited to cost of replacement of defective parts. Location: Description of work performed; INSTALL DBDlCATED RECEPTACLE POR ICE MAltBR.. --PURCHASERS ACCEPTANCE-- The proposal as outlined above is accepted. My signature is full acceptance of agreement,and order to commence. ::;pe::elY Zt:: ~ectri~ Contractor Quote #:0005859 Date by Date v- \- Os.- . .00 lEi XVd 9t:tO soo./go/tO MAR-04-05 12:44 PM BESTWAY FABRICATING INC. 32121 363 4910 P.01 Best- Way Fabricating, Inc. P.O, Box 187 . (0) 19th Avcnuc N.E. S!. Jo,cph. M:--I 56374 .\20) 363.4601l . I'ax; 1)20) 363-4910 '1SI' I."llng #O~810 QUOTATION 18200 TO Monticdlo Corrmllnity Center PLEASE INDICATE THE ABOVE NAME AND N\iMBEA WHEN OADEAING Purchase Order MU$t Accompany Request Per Shop Drawing. OLOTATION DArE ~PF.RSDN 2-11-05 _--L_______Al/J"nnifer At tn: Clinton lllmlcy QUANTITY FOB: ST, JOSEPH. MN .OESCRIPTION PRICE TERMS: NET 30 DAYS II AMOI,lNr.' I Ilems NOT INCLUDED In bid Atilt As Follows; Orop Ins. SnMze Guards (UrMan Speclfled an Quote). Drains. F8ucet., Hartt l.arnp~. I.lghts, Knife ~t;ks, Cul'ing 8o.Ilrd8, Ciln Openers. Powe~ ~k Sir'lk&. Tacle Limit Swili:;he&, DisposerCcnes 4Gol1ars. vacuum Breakers. COflV6)'Orl, Millwork, Cl)rian. PI'GtiC Laminate, Electlk:al WofjI, (Unlf:l5 epecl~1tQ 01"1 Ouote). Ir'lSlllllaHon, FIola WcICl5, Dellvety, Crating, Shl~plng, and ~pUcElbJe Taxe;. Etc. 1 eel; 9"" 1.0 l\ Cab' / _, ng aSe ~net w 4 Drawers & Hinged Doors 3,277.00 1 en. 93" Long Wall Cabinet w/Hinged Doors & 1 Adj. She f 1,464.00 Price does Not Include Tax, Delivery Or lnstallat on .1 ea. Delivery & Installation 625.00 * 53(u!p r" L___,_...___ '__~__""._'_.___'_'__ ....___,,__.__,~,.,~'''''_'.___'____.~ '._n ----....-,."'~-.- WE ARE PLEASED m SUBMn THE ABOVE QUOTATION FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION, SHOULD YOU PLACE AN ORDER, BE ASSURED IT WILL RECEIVE OUR PROMPT ATHN-'ION. THIS QUOTATION IS VAUD FOR 3D DAYS. THEREAFTER IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. .ON'" n,., 14'f."~ /j;nd ".rIIll; tMllllllO 1"'4.11..1101' ;I1..lIllIIiUlJ1UC,I.'" '.lIrWI ~hjUlglI\; LII oltlelllgremnlmt!i .mJi!llu!r. .pt)l'Ov. i!la In wr~~n9 by tn. Heme Dlfic;~ t)llhe ~1I1j;. AU fllltlUIlIDn~ qr~d.lI~r4Ill'roInt ... . \ ....pol' 'il\"~,Il\;, 111:'.\041\<\, 1I~~. ~V~II;1Q\\~~ t;;d 'T~\1:l1"il1'l,; and lib etner C:;lIU,"IIS ~ond OUf GOIl'rlll. 1 rlt;;!l "'"d ':I.ll)nu~lrllOr"L ['f1Ll18 I!lultll'ocl !O COml'G1IOl1. PurCflaBIl!' Il'iiJr.n 10 IiK1Cept .I~""f (IY..r~. Qr shedll9f1 "ot ~ 8lCC8BH of Ulf1 perc;.'lt IQ ~ charged for pl'(',dO:S. ~UI(;h~ Mo'Sumu'S \'*"'~ 101 p.61an! anll ~rl~t ''If'1I1\11111'(lMI when l;IR;;;ln: m.dlllc PLJr(:h.~C1I''.!r. tptlcIIICa110r'lt" Wi'lel" Quotation apocllies malllrlallll' gill fl,lrn,;n.d by It",!! putCl1aMlf, IfTlpk> "llp;IW~n<:n mll!!l.l D& malle 101 IEllIo~omwle Wl(l~.II.I'1t1 f!\altfill n\u$! he "UI!llrn~ quail}' to IAClr'1I:IIA 91'1cj~111 Dtodur.tIOl1. Concm+Or" nQt \I."'(~ICUI''f ;tll~:j I1I111lMl '''.III M 9!Jy",,"ed by ftlItllbJdl\ed tll!Ide CUSlom!. ltll~" 'rK:On9l6telltwltlIhD~It"atgd '-41in",t'rj(;!"l "IIIIY BppeBr 0/1 PlJrc;:".~e('~ formal OJ'tll>( will 'l01 tleI tltrlt1lnll (1f1 th, $IlIOt. BY ___...___________________________________ ACCEPTED _.., DATE 5N-lvd. . . . Council Agenda - 4/11/05 50. Consideration of contributine $5.000 toward develoDment of Ball field liehts at the Hieh School Ball Field located at Chelsea and Countv 18. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The baseball coaching staff at the High School along with the Legion and VFW request that the City Council consider contributing $5,000 toward the development of ball field lighting at the new High School baseball facility. The Parks Commission has reviewed the request and recommended a contribution of $5,000 which is an important yet relatively small portion of the total cost of the improvement. As you can see by the attached request, the total cost of the project is $130,000 with a major portion ($70,000) provided via in kind contribution of labor from local electricians and Xcel. Advertising dollars and admissions to tournaments will help fund a portion as well. There is precedence for city contributions to school park related facilities including assistance with funding of the Magic Kingdom playground and use of park dedication funds toward purchase of school playground equipment. This is not a budgeted item. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve a contribution of $5,000 as recommended by the Parks Commission. vJl'-^. --f.Cf 2. Motion to deny approval of the requested contribution. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Although the City will not have direct influence over the use of the park facility, the lighting of the ball field will provide additional recreational opportunities for use by City residents through their participation on local teams. Lighting the field benefits the City by relieving some pressure to build additional City fields. A contribution of $5,000 is relatively small compared to the total cost and small when looking at the benefit to City residents, therefore staff recommends that Council approve the request and draw funds from reserves for funding. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter from High School baseball coaching staff. :;o-l..o'":, e To: Monticello City Council rJ FJ~ AjE-v~ From: Baseball Coaching Staff-High School, Legion, and VFW Date: March 27, 2005 Re: Lights Cost: $80,000 ($130,000 if Musco Lighting does all the work) Community Support: All labor is being donated by local electricians and Excel Energy Employees. I Funding: Advertising dollars from the signs on the field will pay for the remaining amount. We will also use admission charged at the 16 team VFW Tourney and possibly run a Legion Tourney to generate some extra funding for this project. Loan: Weare looking to shorten the loan by making a large down payment. The School Board would like to see the term on the loan as short as possible. Current Proposal: Finance $70,000 over 7 years Payments of $12,000 a year Goal: Finance $50,000 over 4 or 5 years - 50 - lot.{ Council Agenda - 4/11105 . SP. Consideration of revisions to the orderlv annexation a!!reement. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mayor Herbst indicated that at the last meeting of the Joint Planning Board a number of changes had been made to clarify language in the annexation agreement between the City of Monticello and Monticello Township. The Mayor requested that this item be placed on the consent agenda. At this time we do not have a copy of the revisions for inclusion with the agenda packet. Hopefully the revisions will be available for your review at the Council meeting. . . 5P~1.o5 1 (o(p Council Agenda - 4/11/05 7. Public Hearinl!: on the School Boulevard Sidewalk and Median Imurovements (Deel!:an Avenue to Edmonson Avenue) (Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 2004-31C) (WSB) . A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council has accepted the feasibility report for the above-referenced project and will be conducting the public hearing for the project. The public hearing is necessary to allow for assessment of the project to benefited property owners, as outlined in the Wal- Mart and Weinand properties' Developer's Agreement and to satisfy bonding requirements. The proposed improvements to be constructed this year include widening the existing roadway to accommodate right-turn lanes into the Wal-Mart development access driveways and the driveways into the future development on the north side of School Boulevard. In addition, the project involves construction of a median between Cedar Street to just east of the second Wal-Mart access. The entire roadway length will be milled and overlaid with this project. In addition, concrete sidewalk will be constructed adjacent to the proposed Wal-Mart development on Cedar Street and on the south side of School Boulevard between Deegan Avenue and the Autumn Ridge development. The 8-foot bituminous pathway along the north side of School Boulevard will be replaced to accommodate the turn lane construction. . The project costs are estimated at $1,259,073, which also includes future construction ofa signal at Cedar Street and School Boulevard and street lighting along School Boulevard. The project is proposed to be largely funded tlrrough special assessment agreements with the Wal-Mart property and Weinand property on the north side of School Boulevard. The City Council will hold the public hearing and at the conclusion ofthe public hearing the Council will make a determination whether or not to proceed with the project. If the Council proceeds to approve the project, the Council will be asked in a later Agenda Item to award the project. The Council, at their March 14,2005 meeting approved the plans and authorized the Ad for Bid. This was done to help expedite the project to meet the schedule agreed to by the City in the Developer's Agreements. The schedule indicated that the project will be completed in July 2005. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Order the improvements for the School Boulevard sidewalk and median improvements as outlined in the feasibility report and recommended by the City Engineer. 2. Do not authorize the work at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: . The City Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer recommend that the Council order the School Boulevard sidewalk and median improvements as outlined in the feasibility report. F:"'IlIl'n/!\w(H'dproc:'.~(}(i5(:~UI1Ci/.I!("R<fa'oAp'ii-JII(J5'.J-II-1!5hhlicHe"nngJmI.J-3kdoc f-&l Council Agenda -, 4/11105 D. SUPPORTING DATA: . None (feasibility report previously provided) . . )_ ':',,j,,w,/!!"wnniproc',201iJ C"wnc'( ..I!!"nd",_ Jpril-2()05 ,~_II_{J-'l'uIJ!i~ Henrin;:2{)(J..I.3 IC.d,,,, 8. . A. . . Conduct the Public Hearing, Consideration of Approving Plans and Specifications and Authorizing the Advertisement for Bids for the Chelsea Road Extension (90th Street to CSAH 39), School Boulevard (Chelsea Road to 1.330 Feet South), and Northwest Lift Station and Force Main Proiect (Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 2005-11C) (WSB) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The feasibility report for street and utility improvements for the extension of Chelsea Road from 90th Street NE to CSAH 39, and School Boulevard from Chelsea Road south approximately 1,330 feet was approved at the March 28, 2005 City Council meeting. The City has purchased 35 acres from John Chadwick and Jim Bowers and entered into an agreement to purchase additional property for a proposed city business/industrial park. The Chelsea Road extension is part of the purchase agreement. Chelsea Road would extend through the proposed business park property and allow for commercial development between Chelsea Road and 1-94. This would also open the property to business and industrial development south of Chelsea Road. Other items included in this feasibility report include the installation of a trunk sanitary sewer lift station near CSAH 39 to accommodate this property as well as potential future properties to the west of this site. Force main will be constructed within the project limits and ultimately along Chelsea Road connecting to the future sanitary sewer trunk line at Fallon Avenue. Right- of-way for the extension of Chelsea Road and School Boulevard has been platted within the Otter Creek Crossing plat. The proposed improvements include construction of streets, storm sewer, trunk water main, sanitary sewer lift station, and sanitary sewer main improvements. The estimated project cost totals $4,716,349. The project cost includes the construction cost plus all indirect costs. Other costs above the project cost include the Rask property acquisition, Sandberg Road lot acquisition, previous assessment and City costs that bring the total assessment cost to $5,708,720.99. Funding for the project will be derived from City trunk funds and special assessments. The benefiting property owners abutting Chelsea Road on the north will be assessed for 79% of the cost to construct Chelsea Road, widen CSAH 39, the 90th Street realignment, and appurtenant work. The City will pay the remaining 21 % of the cost to construct Chelsea Road, widen CSAH 39, the 90th Street realignment, and appurtenant work. The cost to construct School Boulevard and appurtenant work will be financed with City funds or Business Park funds. The City will also fund the pond grading, lift station, and force main portions of the project with trunk funds. The proposed funding for this project is listed below. Additional detail for project funding is provided in Table 2 of the feasibility report (copy attached). The table includes additional funding items determined by the above mentioned agreement. . Moon Motors.. ......... ....... ......... ......... .......... ....... .................. ..... ..... .$294,851 . ('h, d .. k'B . $) 5'7 -'0 . . a \\-lC I owers ........................................................................ -, .) ,)j . rvlonticcllo Business Campus.. ....... ,., ......... ......., ......... ......... ...... ..$1 ,386,236 . Trunk Funds.. .......... ....... ......... ......... .......... ....... .......... ....... ........ ..$1.490.1 03 ( .llJflrT.\n-:__/\I!.JII',Y(,/I._i.("['I.O( '..II..\'~.' 'i'-'''I'U(;S 11:\ 1_( .....,is,,, Ro,,,! (-"miIlO iI.'M,'''", .Jrp'o'.-,- ['/.-'''" ,,,,.1._IF/J_IN! i'15.d", ?! - log . . . B. In accordance with Minnesota Statute 429, in order to bond for this project the City Council must hold a public hearing prior to the contract award and also conduct an assessment hearing at the completion of the project. TIle Council should direct staff to provide a presentation of the project, take questions from the Council, open the public hearing to listen to public comment, close the public hearing, and then take action. In addition, the City Council is being requested to approve plans and specifications and authorize the advertisement for bids supporting the construction of the extension of Chelsea Road from 90th Street NE to CSAH 39, and School Boulevard from Chelsea Road south approximately 1,330 feet. The anticipated project schedule is as follows: . Plans approved for bidding .................................................... Aprilll, 2005 . Bid Opening ............................................................................,. May 6, 2005 . Project a\vard ............................................................................ May 9,2005 . Start construction ...............,..................................................., Jvlay 23, 2005 . Substantial completion................"...................................November 1,2005 . Final lift of asphalt.....................................................................July 1,2006 . 1 000/0 COlnplete.................".........................."...........................July 1,2006 Attached to this item is a revised Proposed Assessment Summary and revised feasibility report figures, which reflect the removal of the previously shown Chelsea Road extension at CSAH 39. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion to adopt a resolution ordering the project, approving plans and specifications, and authorizing advertisement for bids for the Chelsea Road Extension (90th Street to CSAH 39) and School Boulevard (Chelsea Road to 1,330 Feet South) improvements, City Project No. 2005-11 C. 2. Motion to deny adoption of a resolution ordering the project, approving plans and specifications, and authorizing advertisement for bids for the Chelsea Road Extcnsion (90th Street to CSAH 39) and School Boulevard (Chelsea Road to 1,330 Feet South) improvements, City Project No. 2005-11 C. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer recommend Alternative No. I. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Revised feasibility report figures. Plans and specifications are available for review if desired. (':})()(} ,\!F,_;',IJ..IIr."(,'iI-_; (","II)( ',!I.,\'_! ',l,""p'd(. \ !nl-( ";''''S''.-, 1/0-,,,1 ('"",1",-, /I ,"i;'g .-11'1"'''''.'(' /",m" ,md .1F!j-(41IW.d,.~ ~ -. (0 g x W o I-z 1-<( u:::;: Wo:: zw zl- 0<( u3:: 8 N '" . 2 D . ~ ;; . " -~--_ ) 'J . ,~..', , .___. ~-~-I--~>:-L ~ -- ~~ ~-:.~ '. - - ~-l:]-381S - ~ ~ r.b J, M 0 ~ Rl o . z 0 g Z .~ g ff. .~ m ~ '" i> 3: U I- '-2--. <( 0:: ~ I I- Z <( 0:: W 0 >- l- I <( P <0 I- l/) 'I,,' ~ , "' !:: I ',' " .- : " 0; . E ( l- . Z ~ < <( lJ 0:: ~ 0 '( >- I "'0 ( ~ ..I ( CI .... c: <l.l ~ ~ "' 0 <l.l , -.J >-z CI) ( <( O::::J ~ lJ > <(0 0::0:: , W 0<( ..... ( l- .- , 0.. <( o..z a ~ ,0 :::;:0:: ( 0 ~~ CI) ..I ~ I- C:o <0 I' C. Z <( / 0:: 0 >- I I,J t-t" ~ (0 0:: ::::l U x 0:: W~ II-- U::::l I--Cl <( :::;:~ 0.. U 0:: , , Lll , ~ I . I- I I Cl (J)' Z ~ I' <( Cl : I --' I- \ ~ <( I . iE : I , ('oj , "Ilo , L5 I ' (J) , I Cl '0.. --', Z /', ~I o /,U o../P' , / ~ , W U <( u... 0 I I-- ~ I-- W "- <( U 0:: 0.. ~ '0 , <Xl I I-- ':q- Y -0.. .(0 >- ~ , 001-- 'd "'- I.>-, b \-" ~'d - "'- 0:. I.>- '0 '.. a:J ... ~ !! ~ . 2 ~ . ~ ;, . Q , ( J I . ~ ~ ~:;; ; ~!! ' ~ ci LJ ~ ~ i "[ m ~ ~ 5' I, """""" "'C !il > l-< Q) Q) ;:; ~ C Q) l=O tI:I ~ tI:I "0 ~ , , "0 o ..c u tJJ ~ "0 o:l ...... 0 ~ ~ tJJ Q) JJj ,...., Q) ..c U --~""4 ',I I lOOH:JS I -4- z <( ~ z w u <( 0::: ~ 0 w u.. U D... 0::: 0 0 u.. <0 D... 0 <0 ~ Lo '<t II 0::: t: 2 z~ O:=> -<( ~> O tIi~ .~ I- -l u..<( -l> 8 N ,; . 2 ~ . ~ jj . " . a .!. E ;;: M" ! ~ ~ ~ ~ c .... N i.j o C z z 1i 1i .~~ 0- 0- m ~ ;0 " "t , : , I "; ;:: 1 ..:s p 0.. ~ 2 ~ iZl ~ ;:: " o . .... C\ ....... o::l '1 ....... , tn, .;:: ~ .... .....:l, I I 'i ~ C . . . 9. Conduct the Public Hearinl!:. Order the Proiect. and Authorize the Preparation of Plans and Specifications for the Extension of School Boulevard from Deel!:an Avenue to 90th Street NE (City of Monticello Proiect No. 200S-02C) (WSB/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The feasibility report for the extension of School Boulevard from Deegan Avenue to 90th Street NE was accepted at the March 14, 2005 City Council meeting. School Boulevard is proposed to extend from Deegan Avenue through the Jefferson Commons plat, the Shawn Weinand property, and the proposed Insignia development (Poplar Hill) to 90th Street. The location of the proposed water tower, development of the Jefferson Commons property, the location of the future park complex within the Poplar Hill development, and the connection of another east/west street between 90th Street and TH 25 are all reasons the Council has stated for considering the construction of School Boulevard to 90th Street NE. Right-of-way for the extension of School Boulevard has been platted within the Jefferson Commons plat and will be platted with the Insignia development, but will need to be dedicated by Mr. Weinand. The proposed improvements also include the extension of Redford Lane to connect to the proposed School Boulevard. Redford Lane currently terminates with a temporary cul-de-sac within the Groveland 4th Addition development. The proposed improvements include construction of streets, storm sewer, trunk water main, which will allow a connection to the proposed water tower, and sanitary sewer improvements. The estimated project cost totals $2,872,500 (revised from feasibility report). The project cost includes the construction cost plus all indirect costs. The project is proposed to be funded through special assessments to the benefiting property owners, as well as City funds. The proposed funding will include the following: . Insignia..... ....... ........., ........, .......$1 ,297,840 (assessment to be included ,vith the Developer's Agreement) . Shmvn Weinand ...........................$337,035 . Jefferson Commons .....................$915,035 . Prairie Ponds ................................$132,160 . City Funds and Trunk Funds........$190,430 (includes trunk water main oversizing and extension of water main to the tower site, storm sewer outlet pipe for Jefferson Commons pond, and extension of Redford Lane) It is anticipated that the construction of the improvements through the Insignia development will be subject to City approval of the development plan, approval of the Developer's Agreement, and will be dependant on the schedule for grading the site. At a minimum, the Council should consider constructing the roadway through Jefferson Commons, which would include grading the adjacent properties before the roadviay is constructed, and constructing the water main to the water tower site. (': ,j)O{ 'U!f:- .1'.f).IIISI;.~ /'(:".{/!('..US-.J',l"liIp,_!(iS Il 11_.ld"",,' fji,_,i 1',,,I,I.'c' Ibm",',_rJ-i 11i!5.,!", q-13 . . . B. Council Agenda - 4/11/05 The COlmcil should discuss constructing School Boulevard in phases as described below: I. School Boulevard - Deegan Avenue through the Jefferson Commons Property 2. School Boulevard - Deegan Avenue through the Weinand property including the extension of Redford Lane 3. School Boulevard - Deegan Avenue to 90th Street NE, including the cxtension of Redford Lane In accordance with Minnesota Statute 429, in order to bond for this project the City Council must hold a public hearing prior to the contract award and also conduct an assessment hearing at the completion of the project. The Council should direct staff to provide a presentation of the project, take questions from the Council, open the public hearing to listen to public comment, close the public hearing, and then take action. The anticipated project schedule is as follows for the complete project (Alternative No.3): . Plans approved for bidding ................................... June 27,2005 . Project award .........................................................July 25,2005 . Start construction .....................................,.............. August 2005 . Complete construction .................................................July 2006 ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ordcr the project and authorize the preparation of plans and specifications for the extension of School Boulevard from Deegan Avenue through JetTerson Commons. 2. Order the project and authorize the preparation of plans and specifications for the extcnsion of School Boulevard from Deegan Avenue through the Weinand property, including the extension of Redford Lane. 3. Order the project and authorize the preparation of plans and specifications for the extension of School Boulevard from Deegan A venue to 90th Street NE including the extension of Redford Lane, subject to an approved Developer's Agreement with the Insignia development and the developer depositing funds for the preparation of plans and specifications for School Boulevard through their site or signing the Developer's Agreement. 4. Do not authorize any work at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer recommend that the Council authorize Alternative No. I at a minimum. If the adjoining developers agree, authorization of Alternative No.3 would be most beneficial to the City and surrounding area. r:I!,''''''''I!'''''''ri1i'''on2{J1)j('o, c;i:I'c,"w,I'_lprii_2005'1_.'l-li.;,,,,h,,,,{/Ji,',ii'.'.ol.'l'!leari"fc!HFI.'.'("J,,, ~-I~ . . . D. Council Agenda - 4/11105 SUDDortin2 Data: None F:'dc'H"'g'''''.'CI!,,<)(:120(jj( "'ncil.I?"n.lu,_Jp<iL}I}05\-i_IiA<Sch,n"IIJI"II',,';;,,-Jk,,ring2O'J5-rm",do, ({-IS >C - QO 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ :: QO """ 0 =: 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ " 0 or. ,..: - 0 0 ,..: 0 ... 0 " .. ~ t- ~ a- - 0 0 t- O QO N 0 - -. - 0 '" N. 0 """. t- '; ~ ,..:- - = = '" - vi' N "" ~ ~ '" '" - >C N N N '" 0 0 N >C - QO V> V> V> V> V> t- "" V> V> V> V> vi' V> >C '-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 00 c:; c:; c:; c:; 0 0 c:; 0 0 c:; 0 '" 0 0 0 '" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..; "" t- V> 'T t- V> V> V> V> V> V> V> 0 = 0 t- 'T 00. - = 0' 0 ~. = "" M ~, on M V> ~ ~ N V> "'t = V> - = V> V> .. ... 0 0 t- '" ~ 0 0 t- o 'T '" '" 0 0 ~, ~ ": C", '" 0 0 c:; '" QO = 0 0 M t- on '" 0 on 00 0 "" Q. V> V> N M N on N 0 M '" on N '" .s e ~, 00 '" t- '" ~, 'T N. 0, N ~ 0:; " ...6. on M 0 N 'T' .,,;' on ~ .:: u 0\ M C", t- V> V> V> QO llS V> 'T '" V> V> V> "l ~ '" V> V> V> E = '" - <: 0 '" V> 0 E ~ .S '(jj ::l '" <: III = 2l - ~ <: >< Cll NW E Cll" 0 0 'T 0 ~ t- '" 00 M N ,r, '" III 0 0 t- ~ 0 '" ~, '" M 0 c:; N :!illS III 0 0 00 t- o 'T on N ~ 'T 0 0 ~llS 0 Cll ::.: V> V> M V> '" '" M on ~ 'T '" I-ll:: III '" '" 0 0 r'"'~, 'T '" 0, '" ~ IT. llS III .~ .. ~ ~ M N' 0' on t-' ~' ,..:- '" Cll<( ~ on t- o t- 'T C", '" 'C V> "', on V> V> V> V> V> IT~ Ill" " 0 V> V> -Cll -= ~ N Cll III V> V> ..c:o U UQ. 0 ... C- o 0 t- M 0 0 N 'T N 0 00 M ~ 0 0 '" N 0 M t- '" -0 00 0\ N QO '" 0 0 t- t- o 'T N 'T N c;r; on '" 0 .. V> V> N t- V> M N M M 'T on '" 0 "', 'T. '" ~ ~. t- o M QO ~ 'T' 0' .,,; N .,,; .,;- 0 '" N ~ V> ~ '" V> V> V> V> V> ~ '" V> V> N . ~ V> V> . 0; ~ 0 . ~ . . ~""':: ""- ~ ~ ."L.; t3~ .v if] <:> ""'l _-. '" ...,l - -~.~ '"";' 'C 2 ;; -< ~~~~ ~ u OJ) ;>, "" ':::~""::::' ;; ~ ~ ~ ~ I::l t.l '"'1 0 " " " 0 ~~~~ " "0 ~ .D ~ :< ,2 " ~ "0 0 " "" ~~1E t~ lS "0 " 0 " "- r/) ~ ~ .;: " E ~';j '::l.~'" " ~ r/) ~ '_..:::: ::: ~ oe r/) :> ;>, 0 0... ~ " 2 5~.~ ei::~ ~ "0 ~ "- '" f- c:: OJ 1:: " 'i::!:;~-S~--: " " 4- :.a " 0 " " ~ ~ ~ ~ ;::; ~ Ql.tjsCi':l";J~ -l .- 0:: 0 ~ "- .~ " 0 0 "- " &.,... ='"~.'-'< " OJ ~ :D " 0 '" " -l 0; " " ~ c::E M " <( ~ ct:~~:.::i~t CJ OJ ~ ~ " "0 E 4- > '" Cl ~ l3 - " 0 ~ 0... 0 " " 0 ~ '" r/) """1:1::: ~ - ~.~ e "0 " - '" 0 'J'.,' "" " " "0 0 ~ " " ~,:::~tl~~ " <( :> ';?, ;::; ~ .D ~~~~~.:.. " " ~ " -" '" " "- ~ " ;:; " ~ " '" 0 " 0 VJ -" " " ~ " OJ) on 0 " " " ~ ~ .g ~ c.~ ~ -< 0 -< ~ ~ - 0... VJ "- U U VJ ~ 0:: 0... L.L.I N 0:: 0:: L.L.I VJ t.tD~<O:f Y-'l\o Council Agenda - 4111/05 .~ 10. Consideration of acceptinl! bids on Fire Department Tanker Truck. (R W) - A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the February 14th meeting, the City Council authorized re-advertising for bids for a new tanker truck for the fire department. Original bids that had been received in November of2004 were rejected and the specifications were modified to clarify a number of issues regarding truck design, primarily related to the tank construction. Two bids were received and opened on Tuesday, March 29,2005 as follows: BIDDER BASE BID Danko Emergency Equip Co. $137,945.00 Heiman Brothers, Inc. $154,886.00 ~ The four bids that were received for the 3000 gallon truck back in November ranged in price from $127,000 to over $182,000. Heiman Brothers, Inc. is the same company as Roscnbauer who submitted a bid of$159,478 previously and it appears they have reduced their bid by approximately $4,600 for the samc truck. - Upon review of the proposals submitted by the two bidders, it appears that Hciman Brothers, Inc. (Rosenbaucr) is the only that actually meets the specifications regarding the water tank construction as the low bid reccived from Danko is proposing to supply a poly tank without an outside mctal skin as specified. Based upon this review, it is the recommendation of the firc departmcnt members that thc City consider accepting thc bid from Heiman Brothers Inc. in thc amount of $] 54,886. Including the 2005 budget year, the City would have a fire truck reserve account of approximately $145,000 set aside for future truck purchases. With the termination of the Joint Fire Board contract with Monticello Township, the City would be responsible for 100% ofthe purchase price of the vehicle whereas before we had anticipated approximately 30% of the truck purchase to be covered by the township. .~ If the bid is accepted from Heiman Brothers, Inc., a question has been raised by fire department personnel as to whether the City Council would support going back to red fire trucks on future purchases. If we were to convert back to the traditional red color for fire trucks, the process would takc a number of years to accomplish as we would not be proposing to repaint any of the existing vehicles, only purchase new equipment in the color selected. A number of years ago, the City received a reduction in its insurance cost for having the lime yellow fire truck color but recently more and more fire departments are going back to the traditional red color and insurance costs are no longer an issue. Since fire department members have discussed this recently, and we are now considering the purchase of a new truck, it seemed like a good time to address the issue. .. 10-// . . . Council Agenda - 4/11105 B. ALTERNATlVE ACTlONS: 1. Accept the bid of Heiman Brothers, Inc., (Rosenbauer) for a 3000 gallon tanker truck in the amount of $154,886. Although this is not the low bid, it is the only bid received that meets the specifications provided. 2. Reject all bids at this time. C. STAFFRECOMMENDATlON: lt is the recommendation of the Fire Chief and Fire Department Truck Committee that the bid from Heiman Brothers, Inc. in the amount of$154,886 be accepted. The bid price is $4,592 lower than received from the same company a few months ago. D. SUPPORTlNG DATA: Copy of bids received. 10- J %' . . . DANKO EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CO. 302 East 4'" Street. PO Box 218. Snyder, NE 68664-0218 Phone (402) 568-2200 . Fax (402) 568-2278 . info@danko.net Toll Free (866) 568.2200 www.DANKO.net PROPOSAL FOR FIRE APPARATUS March 29, 2005 TO: City of Monticello Monticello, Minnesota Dear Sirs: We hereby propose and agree to furnish, after your acceptance of this proposal and the proper execution and approval of the accompanying contact, the following apparatus: 1-Danko Enterprise Sidemount 3000-gallon Tanker, as per Danko specifications 1-Freightliner M2 chassis, as per chassis specifications $74,191.00 $63,754.00 $137,945.00 TOTAL ADD: If amount equal to chassis ($63.754.00 ) is not paid upon chassis arrival at Danko Emergency Equipment Co., Snyder, Nebraska $2,550.00 All of which are to be built in accordance with the specifications attached, and which are made a part of this agreement and contract to deliver same by 120-190 calendar days after receipt of signed and accepted contract at Danko Emergency Equipment, Co. proposal subject to all causes beyond our control, for the sum of: ($ ) FOB Snyder, Nebraska Terms: To be paid in full at time of pick uP. The amount named in this proposal shall remain firm for a period of 60 days from the date of same. Respectfully Submitted DANKO EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CO. md A ~ ~ . . 1-1 l'''' 'A-'7'Lo<'L-L-... Mark A. Kreikemeier Title: VP Apparatus Sales Date: March 29, 2005 We Agree to accept the above proposal (Customer signature) Title: Date: Revised July l. 2004 IForm 1'<umbcr 2007) ) 0 -l'1 ~ ~I J6rothers, ..J.,e. I................. 'll ~" ,'" ',-I,' , , , ,- _ - '^ Fire Dept. Address City Date 03/29/05 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 Zip Code 55362 CITY OF MONTICELLO City Administrator's Office Monticello State CitvHall MN Dear Sirs: We hereby propose and agree to furnish, after your acceptance of this proposal and the proper execution by Citv of Monticello and an authorized employee of Heiman Brothers, Inc., the following apparatus and equipment: Central States Tanker Apparatus and related equipment mounted on a 2006 Kenworth T -300 chassis, all per the provided Central States and Kenworth specifications All of which are to be built in accordance with the specifications, clarifications and exceptions attached, and which are made apart of this agreement and contraCt, to deliver same in 270 calendar* days after receipt of signed order, subject to all causesheyond ourcontrbl,for the sum of: $. 86,060.00 $ 68,826.00 TOTAL $154.886.00 One Hundred Fiftv FonrTbousandEil!bttHnndred Eilrhtv Six: and nollOO- -Dollars Central States Tanker and Equip. 2006 Kenworth T-300 Chassis** Payment Terms: Final payment for the apparatus shall be made at time of delivery or pick up of the completed vehicle. Due to insurance liability, the apparatus will not be left at the purchaser's location wIthout full acceptance and payment or prior agreement between purchaser and bidder. . Note: Chassis must be received within 120 days or delivery date may be affected. .. Note: If chassis is NOT paid for upon arrival at the truck plant in Lyons, SD, ADD $ 3,400.00. Note: Chassis is NOT offered for sale without purchase of the tanker apparatus offered herein. The amount in this proposal shall remain firm for a period of sixty (60) days. Respectfully submitted, Dealer Heiman Brothers We agree to accept the above Proposal and enter into contract with signature below. Title Salesman _Steve Seipp Title Title Date Date 213 Third Street, P.O. Box 42. Lyons, South Dakota 57041 Phone: (605) 543-5098. Fax: (605) 543-5099 . E-mail: heimanbros@aol.com 10- '8'0 . . . 11. Council Agenda -- 4/11/05 Consideration of Approvin!!: Plans and Specifications and Authorizin!!: the Advertisement for Bids for the Hillside Farms Storm Sewer Outlet (Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 2004-07C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to approve plans and specifications and authorize the Advertisement for Bids supporting the construction of a storm sewer outlet pipe, which will service the Hillside Farms development and future developments in the southeast portion of the City, specifically, the area south of County Road 18 and east of Fenning Avenue. The proposed outlet pipe would connect the storm sewer runoff from the Hillside Farms regional pond with the City of Monticello's trunk storm sewer system via the Rolling Woods storm water pond. With the completed construction of the Hillside Farms phases I and 2, the proposed future phases of this development, and the proposed Spirit Hills South area, it is necessary to begin constructing the outlet pipe at this time. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: c. I. Motion to adopt a resolution approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Advertisement for Bids for the Hillside Farms storm sewer outlet. <;; fJ '\' F 2. Motion to deny adoption of resolution approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Advertisement for Bids for the Hillside Farms storm sewer outlet. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer recommend that the Council select Alternative Action No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Plans and specifications are available for review if desired. /1- '?If (':\{JOf'I',\!.'.--I'.fJ.I!l:W;R !('fJ.(J(:.II.S-.Ji!e'.mll(;\'l)c.I_/Ii!I"H'e....'m''-,_.I"'l,,"'i:<-/Ji,I.-(J.1,I{'J5.iI,,, . . . B. Council Agenda - 4111/05 12. Consideration of Proiect A ward for School Boulevard Sidewalk and Median Improvements (Deee:an Avenue to Edmonson Avenue) (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2004-31C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the March 14,2005, City Council meeting, the City Council approved the plans and specifications and authorized the advertisement for bids for the School Boulevard Sidewalk and Median Improvements, Deegan Avenue to Edmonson Avenue. The proposed improvements to be constructed include: . widening the existing roadway to accommodate right turn lanes into the Wal-Mart development access driveways and driveways into the future development on the north side of School Boulevard; construction of a median between Cedar Street to just east of the second Wal-Mart access; milling and overlaying the roadway; concrete sidewalk adjacent to the proposed Wal-Mart development on Cedar Street and on the south side of School Boulevard between Deegan A venue and the Autumn Ridge development; replacing the 8-foot bituminous pathway along the north side of School Boulevard to accommodate turn lane construction. . . . . Bids will be received on Friday, April 8,2005, at the Monticello Community Center, and the results will be presented at the Council meeting. The Engineer's Estimate was $885,931. ALTERNA TIVE ACTIONS: I. Consider award of the project to the lowest responsible bidder, 2. Do not award the project at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To be provided at the meeting. D. SUPPORTING DATA: The Letter of Recommendation and Bid Tabulation will be available at the City Council meeting. 1d.-3d- (':,1X)( 'I.,;''vflc -1,1H W\'( at - 1,( 'fIU)( ',-lI.S--11 l"ullp'AI I,V flM-( 'o/lsidem/ioll ''If'mjnl A "",d-li.!! t05,""c' ... WSB . & Associates, Inc. Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Aprilll,2005 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 Re: School Boulevard Sidewalk/Median Improvements and Appurtenant Work City of Monticello, MN City Project No, 2004-31C WSB Project No. 1494-13 Dear Mayor and Council Members: . Bids were received for the above-referenced project on April 8,2005, and were opened and read aloud. A total of two bids were received. The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy and tabulated. Please find enclosed the bid tabulation indicating the low bidder as Buffalo Bituminous, Inc., P.O. Box 337, Buffalo, MN 55313, in the amount of$480,000.53. We recommend that the City Council consider these bids and award a contract to Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. based on the results of the bids received. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Cbv~' Charles T. Rickart, P,E, Project Manager Enclosures cc: Buffalo Bituminous, Inc, . sm Minneapolis I St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer K:\01494-13\Admin\Docs\recmmdtn Itr.doc . . . ... WSB & Associates. Inc. IIIIj_____li. Project: School Blvd. Sidewalk/Median Improvements and Appurtenant Work Location: City of Monticello City Project No. 2004-31 C WSB Project No. 1494-13 Date: April 8, 2005 -10:00 a.m. Contractor Bid Security Addendums 1-5 Total Bid 1 Buffalo Bituminous. Inc. 2 Magnum Company LLC x X N/A N/A 480.000.53** 536.275.69** Engineer's Estimate $612,083.00 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulation of the bids as received on April 8. 2005. ~~ Chuck Rickart, P.E., p.T.a.E. ** Denotes corrected figure F:\EXCEL\1494-13~OO Bid Summary.xls\Bid Summary ~ "0 .~ '" >r.. . 0:: o .~ ~ ;:l ..0 " f- "0 a5 . 0-- ~ - o '" o o N - CO - ... ~ ....~ C o :;::; '" m- Ul ::J ~.g f- "C iii '11Il nO ~'" '.. ;;!;c ~.5 0:2 ci Z 0 _ Z ~ - "- "- ~ Ul 1: '- r::: o e 3l: U 0..0 C .!!! "C .. :2 .. iii :2 3l: <I: .. 00 =0 :2 Q).. Ul ,,0 "C +i~ _> Co O~ m :2", - .....0 g 1Il100 .s::. ~ !::! uE~2e Ul_U... .. E '" Z ....i::n C C ...- =r::: U" Co o "C iii - " .. 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Consideration of a reQuest for approval to research resources and Quotes to studv the benefits of a fiber optic backbone throul!hout the City of Monticello. and the public- private methods bv which this can be achieved. (O.K.) A. Reference and backl!round: The Council is asked to approve (give support) to further research resources and quotes to study the benefits of a Fiber Optic Backbone throughout the Monticello. It has been the goal of the Industrial Developmcnt Committee (IDC) and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) to purchase land for industrial development and to develop a business park which creates higher paying jobs that support the community. With the support ofthe Council, the goal is becoming a reality. Thirty-five acres of land has becn purchased and eighty-five acres is under Contract for Deed. The Council approved an lIA Zoning and approved the Declaration of Covenants enacting higher development standards for the Monticello Business Center. To further support the goal to create higher paying jobs, is thc opportunity for the city to market and offer the most modern and high-speed telecommunication services available. Such technology is both attractive to high tech businesses and quality housing developers. Technology is a common practice of the younger generation and business today, just as the micro-wave or TV was years ago. What is fiber optic cable~ Fiber optic cable provides digital video, internet and voice communications. Additionally, it enhances community internet services, wireless conncctions, security systems and home and business automation. A large bandwidth of fiber optic cable allows for large amounts of data to be downloads and uploaded faster than any other technology. The availability of fiber optic cable to homes and businesses is being proven to enhance economic development activities and provide local educational and occupational opportunities. About a month ago, the Economic Development Director became aware of an upcoming conference called FiberFirst Minnesota. Because of Council Member Mayer professional background and knowledge of the industry, I asked of his interest to attend the conference held March 30, 2005, in St. Paul. He was able to attend the conference at no cost to the City. Council Member Mayer gave a report to the IDC about the conference and the IDC unanimously approved the following motion. The IDC supports the concept to further explore the benefits and options to providefiber optic service to Monticello businesses and homes and requested the City Council to approve further research. Therefore, this item appears on the council agenda. Council Member Mayer will address questions or add comments. Again, the Council is asked to support the concept and to approve further research of the benefits, provider options, and costs of I 13- 33 City Council Agenda - 04/11/05 . providing fiber optic connections to the City of Monticello. This may be achieved through an educational or training workshop by an outside consultant. B. Alternative Actions. o Approval to research resources and quotes to study the benefits of a fiber optic backbone throughout the City of Monticello, and the public-private methods by which this can be achieved. 2. Deny approval to research resources and quotes to study the benefits of a fiber optic backbone throughout the City of Monticello, and the public-private methods by which this can be achieved. 3. Table any action. C. Recommendation. The City Administrator and Economic Development Director support Alternative No. I. This action only ask for support and to research for consultants and costs to provide a study of the benefits of a l1ber optic backbone throughout the city and to provide methods to achieve. . D. SUDDortin2 Data: FiberFirst Minnesota Conference Flier. . 2 I ~-'3L\ . . . fCiberFirst Minnesota: Promoting Fiber the the Home (FTTH or FTTP) Conference Page I 01'2 Fiber Optics to the Home Community 8: Economic Development Conference March 30, 2005 Learn more... Registration Membership Links! Home Our Mission: FiberFirst Minnesota exists to facilitate the rapid. nation- leading deployment of Fiber to the Home (FTTH) throughout the state of Minnesota. FiberFirst Minnesota is both an independent Minnesota non-profit corporation and the first state-level affiliate of FOCUS. Fiber Optic Communities of the United States. FiberFirst Minnesota (FFMN) is a public interest, educational non-profit organization dedicated to helping bring world-class bandwidth at the speed of light all the way to the homes and businesses of telecommunications consumers throughout the state of Minnesota. FFMN and its members and sponsors offer educational conferences and private consulting seminars to bring local and national expertise to interested communities and all potential providers of FTTH. Our Goals: Our National Affiliation: FiberFirst Minnesota IS affiliated with Fiber Optic Communities of the United States (FOCUS), a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit organization representing communities with the most advanced communications networks In the world. FiberFirst Minnesota's objective is to make every Minnesota community a FOCUS community. . Minnesota will lead the nation in FTTH penetration by 2010. . FTTH will be available in every community in Minnesota by 2012. Our Purpose: FiberFirst Minnesota is dedicated to educating, encouraging and assisting when requested all potential FTTH providers in each respective community, including the incumbent cable television franchisee(s), the incumbent local exchange carrier, competitive local exchange carrieres), the muncipal electric utility, telephone or power cooperatives, greenfield subdivision developers and alternative bundled telecommunications service providers. FFMN Will provide information and education to interested city, county and state elected offiCials and their professional staff on the benefits to their citizens and businesses of a fully-fiber network. The economic development benefits of providing "triple play and beyond" integrated voice, video and data services over fiber optics to the home include telecommuting through robust teleconferencing, state of the art telemedicine and effective distance learning options. Finally, FFMN will encourage FTTH deployment by educating the press, public and public policy makers on the benefits of competitive telecommunications services connecting Minnesota to the world at the speed of light httr:! Iwww.fibcrfirstmn.org/ 13-'3r:> 3/2] /2005 Council Agenda - 04/11/05 /------ 14. Consideration of a tal! system for excess l!arbal!e picknp at curbside. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Several years ago when the City went to an all garbage cart system for residential pickup in the community and Onyx Waste Services began using fully automated trucks, it was a requirement that all residential garbage be placed in the roll around carts as the driver would have to get out of the truck to pick up any loose or bagged garbage on the ground next to the cart. With the exception of holidays and an occasional bag outside the cart, residents were informed through newsletters, flyers and letters from the City and garbage hauler, Onyx, that they would have to keep the garbage inside the cart or there would be extra charges from Onyx. We also informed the residents through several newsletters and flyers that they could get an extra garbage cart if they were routinely having overages, and it may be cheaper to pay for the extra garbage cart with pickup and disposal than to continue paying for overages (95 gallon cart with pickup and disposal currently is $9.44/month). Even after all of the above notices, some residents continued to have overages. Those individuals that had regular overages outside the carts were charged by Onyx and bills were sent. Some ofthe residents did not pay those bills and have continued to have overages. Onyx has sent letters to these individuals telling them if the outstanding bills were not paid, overages would not be picked up. Still many of those bills remain outstanding. ~ Just in the last three years, Onyx has written off $9,259.93 for non payment of extras from 5] 2 residents in the City. Additionally, Onyx has paid the City $8,692.05 for disposal costs as approximately one-third ofthe cost of pickup and disposal of garbage overages is the City's as we pay the landfill directly. Presently Onyx has $5,676.67 outstanding for extra charges for pickup of garbage or large items outside the cart on a regular basis. Rather than turn these bi lis over to collection agencies and continue with the process which makes it difficult to collect, Onyx would like the City to consider using the tag system for overages. Currently three neighboring communities are using this system (Elk River, Maple Lake and Clearwater). The following is a description of the program, a brightly colored tag would be printed by Onyx with a tear-off sequential serial number. A tag would have to be attached to each 32-gallon bag of garbage outside the cart before it would be picked up. The tags can be attached with scotch tape, a bread tie or some other method of attachment. The driver would remove the serial number tear-off as he places the garbage bag in the truck. For bulky items such as sofas, mattresses, box springs, stuffed chairs, and basic household furnishings, the residents would need to attach five tags to each item or they can call Onyx prior to the pickup and pay with a credit card. Each ofthe tags would cost the resident $3 with approximately $] .83 going to Onyx for the pickup and hauling of the garbage, $0.] 7 in state tax and $1 to the City as repayment for the cost of the disposal and tax on the excess garbage. The tags would be available tor purchase at City Hall, the Community Center and the Office of Public Works. This would cover enough hours for residents to be able to pick up tags at almost any hour except the middle ofthe night. ~ If approved, this system could be in place almost immediately and we could notify residents that it will start on May 1, 2005. Onyx will print and give the City 5,000 tags, a value from them of $9,323.33. They're asking that we pay them the $5,676.67 for outstanding balances they currently ILI-'3'(P . . . Council Agenda - 04/11/05 have rather than going to collection for these. It is our intention to send one tag to every resident on the cart system in Monticello along with a flyer explaining the program. Additionally, two tickets would be given along with a flyer to every new move-in in the City, and one ticket would be handed out to each participant at the City's Junk Amnesty Day collection this year which is May 7th Onyx and City Staff feel this would be a good way to pick up the excess garbage and see that it is paid for by the individuals who produce it. Those individuals still have the option of getting an additional garbage cart from the City in which they would have to pay for the cart rental, pickup and disposal. This is currently just under $1 O/month for a 95 gallon cart. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. . The first alternative is to approve the tag system as outlined above at a cost of $3 per tag and the distribution of approximately 5,000 tags free to existing residents on the cart system, new move-ins and participants in the Junk Amnesty Day, implemented for May 1,2005. 2. The second alternative would be to approve Onyx turning the outstanding balances over to a collection agency under the premise that they would continue to turn in all outstanding balances to collection agencies and stop picking up overages unless they were paid. , ~. The third alternative would be to take over collection of the excess garbage bills ourselves. They could be placed on the utility bills and if not paid the appropriate fees added and the amount be assessed to the property owner through Wright County. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, Utility Billing Department and Onyx that the City Council authorize implementation of the tag system as outlined in alternative #1. Alternative #2 would be a second choice and alternative #3 only a last choice! D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of letter from Rob Holzer at Onyx and copy of a draft of the tag itself for the City of Monticello. JLj~~l . . . X'<HO~ April 6, 2005 CITY OF MONTICELLO John Simola Dear John, Just for the last three years we have written off as bad debt $9.259.93 for non payment of extras from 512 Residents in the city, additionally we have paid the city $8.692.05 for disposal costs. Presently we have $5.676.67 outstanding for extra charges. Onyx is hesitant to pursue collection through an agency because we do not want to create any issues for the City of Monticello associated with collection agencies. In view of all these outstanding charges and revenue lost due to non pay I propose the following. The City of Monticello pay us $5.676.67 for outstanding balances from extras picked up in exchange we will give the City one tag for each resident, approximately 5,000 tags, users of the Junk Amnesty will receive one additional tag. New move in residents will receive two tags at no cost. The value of the tags at $3.00 each is $15,000.00, of which $9,323.33 is a donation from Onyx. After this first process is completed we will supply the City with tags as needed to sell to the residents. We will sell the tags to the City for $1.83 each plus tax at 9.75% for a total of $2.00. The tag system is best suited for standard household trash extra bags or small items capable of being loaded into a residential cart so it can be properly and safely disposed of. The resident would need to attach one tag to each bag not to exceed 30 gallons. Bulky items such as sofas, mattress, and box springs stuffed chair and basic household furnishings, resident would need to attach 5 tags to each item or call prior to pick up and pay with credit card. The tag system does two things it protects the occasional user to reasonable uninterrupted service and gives the higher volume user the option of using the tags or increasing there service, this keeps all in the City on a equal basis (volume base). This is a start with Monticello and ONYX working together we can accomplish anything in a proper efficient manner. Thank You. Robert Holzer General Manager Onyx Waste Senices Midwest, IRe. 2355 12m Street SouthEast, 81. Cloud, MN 56304 Bus: 320.251.8919 Fax 320.251.7113 ) w. - '8' '() . . . r ""' City of Monticello 40NYX Gnp ..... lei...... MIoIw8t, Ine. 2355 12th Street S.E. St. Cloud, MN 56304 Phone 1-888-251-8919 or (320) 211-8919 This tog iJ goodfor; 1 . 32 gallon Bag or bcmJ1e (1IOf JfLtVCceiliI 30 Ibs.' ....; AU TIIUS an I"cluded - TIllS TAG VOID WITHOUT LOWQl STU8 AND NUMBER ---------------------------------------------------- . . . CUSTOMER: DO Nor RJJ;MOVE Will be removed by driver TAG # 023 1 '" \L\-SC\ Council Agenda - 04111/05 . 15. Consideration of Aoorovin!! Plans and Soecifications and Advertisin!! for Bids for Parkin!! Lot Imorovements for Pioneer Park. Groveland Park. Block 35 Parkin!! Lot and the Parkin!! Lot Adiacent to the Present Monticello Librarv. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The parking lot improvements for Pioneer Park, Groveland Park and Block 35 parking lot were budgeted for and designed last year. Plans and specifications were finished up a little bit late to allow for good bids and warm weather completion. Consequently, these projects are ready to go to bid, so we are combining these 3 parking lot projects with a 4th parking lot for the library site. Final plan sheets may not be available for that project to be included in your agenda packet. 1fit is not, 1 will include my hand sketch given to WSB previously. The site plan drawing will be available at Monday night's meeting for the parking lot if it does not arrive in time. Pioneer Park . The Pioneer Park parking lot improvements were actually started in 2003 with preliminary grading of the site by the City. We used surplus materials from other projects around the City and have the parking lot to rough grade. Improvements will include a rectangular parking lot lined up with Starling Drive on the other side of Fallon to the south of the existing shelter. There will be 32 parking spaces which includes 2 handicap spaces. Storm drainage will be handled through a small culvert system and a discharge to the Fallon ditch which discharges into the nearby pond. A small walkway will be located in the northwest corner of the parking lot which will lead up to the existing concrete pad to the park shelter. Groveland Park The Groveland Park parking lot improvements are located along 1nnsbrook Drive on the westerly side of the park. Access to the parking lot lines up with Brentwood Drive. This parking lot consists of a slightly curved rectangular parking lot which includes 26 parking spaces, 2 of which are handicap. Storm sewer for this parking lot consists of a 15 inch HDPE storm sewer leading to a nearby catch basin. Except for a small portion of water leaving the driveway approach, all of the water in the parking lot is directed to this storm sewer system on the southeast corner of the parking lot. The parking lot construction also includes a walkway and pedestrian ramp leading from the parking lot to the existing play area. Block 35 Parking Lot . This parking lot is located at the corner of Walnut Street and 3cd Street behind the Loch Jewelers Building and just west of the old Flicker's building. This parking lot has been in place for many years (30+) and is badly in need of reconstruction. It is proposed to remove the existing surface, re-grade and add some additional class 5 to reshape and grade for drainage and then add a new bituminous surface to the parking lot. There are 83 parking spaces in this parking lot, which includes 2 handicap located near the alley for access to the I S-C\O . . . Council Agenda - 04/11/05 nearby buildings. Library Parking Lot Exoansion The Library parking lot expansion consists of a rectangular lot on the western portion of the site near the area of the existing grass area. This area is constructed with access and egress off of Locust Street and a widening of the northerly access off of 6th Street. This parking lot includes the construction of 52 spaces along '.vith an II foot island containing the lighting for the parking lot. The II foot island could be planted with grass and or shrubs. It is within reach of the existing irrigation system or irrigation could be added from an existing water service along 6th Street. The barriers between the 2 parking lots have been removed and replaced with painted separation sections to allow snow plows to push the snow east to west. After significant snowfalls, snow would have to be hauled from this parking lot as it is with our other parking lots. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to approve the plans and specifications for the 4 parking lots, authorizing advertisement for bids. The bid package will be broken down into 3 separate areas as these parking lots would be budgeted from 3 separate budgets. The 2 park parking lots would be included in one, Block 35 parking lot would be another section and the Library parking lot would a third section. 2. The second alternative would be modify one or more of the parking lot plans as requested by the City Counci I prior to advertising for bids. 3. The third alternative would be to remove one or more parking lots from the approval and bidding process. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is thc recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, Parks Superintcndent, Park Board and City Engineer that City Council approve the plans as drafted and authorize advertisement for bids as outlined in alternative number I. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of plan sheets for Pioneer and Groveland Parks parking lots, Block 35 parking lot and a hand skctch drawn by the Public Works director for the Library parking lot improvements as the drawings did not arrive in time to be included in your packet. IS-o,\ dif-i?i?tol Li?-i?lItol '~l~m., '" "'""""0 -Q"~''', t "C"~ -i~]~ if i ' !',co ~ ' ' 'k;"-+f'" "~; L Ii ~~~l; "{'~:;l /11 .,~~~:~~t~ ~g,,1<I~, ;60~,,^1Q;;;J1Yif ;;'11", ~, 8/= ~~:':.""'" ..i.i,L::::\:::;:__~, 7 ~/<'IO OOO,jj -l/l;:3<'10 <{ "" ." . 0::.::/ ~;i m" X ww ~ ww >~ OU ~Z wO ~U m ~ I, U ii 0./'1" F." ",Q 'J' ;{.? i.1 : I) ,I 1 :;1 "I " 1';-1 '\ 'I' , /',1 L jlil I, :;: :1\ '{ or 'JI . 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N . -\(j ~ <" . " .. c\ COlmcil Agenda - 04/11/05 . 16. Consideration of sendinl?: two City representatives on a five-dav trip to Europe. Denmark and Switzerland to review biosolids treatments. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City staff and PSG recently met with Bob Bro\\:TI of Bolton & Menk in a workshop forum to discuss the planning period, design criteria and the evaluation of the two biosolids treatment alternatives being studied. As you may recall, Bolton & Menk will be studying the AT AD system (autothermal thermalphilic aerobic digestion) and the heat belt dryer system with and without incineration. The ATAD system has been around for some time and operating in the U.S. for 15 years or so. There are two facilities in Minnesota, one in New Ulm and another in Willmar which we intend to visit. A third system appropriately sized for the City of Monticello is located in Three Rivers, MI. Because of the distance, it would be best to fly to Three Rivers. The cost for that trip would be approximately $350 per person. We would like the City Council to authorize four individuals to go to Three Rivers, MI, the City Administrator, Public Works Director, Chuck Keyes from PSG, and one Council Member. . The heat belt dryer systems are a little bit more dif1icult to visit. The technology has been around for many years but the installations from the two leading manufacturers, Kruger and Andritz, are located in Denmark and Switzerland. Since the City of Buffalo is already under design for this type of process and the City of Big Lake is interested in also doing this process, we are investigating whether or not they would like to send representatives to Denmark and Switzerland to get first hand information about these processes. It is my understanding that one representative from the City of Buffalo was going to go but due to a family illness it was cancelled. The trip to Europe would be significantly more expensive than the trip to Michigan. The cost is approximately $2,500/person to make the trip to Europe, visiting both Denmark and Switzerland. It is also more important to review this system as it could be the one with the lowest cost for the future. City staff suggests that two representatives from the City go to investigate these operations in Europe, to look at the different manufacturers treatment process, operational costs, maintenance costs, installation costs, complexity of the process, flexibility of expansion, all of this information could be very important in determining the future of Monticello's biosolids treatment. City staff recommends that two City representatives go in this case rather than the four traveling to the plant in Michigan. City staff suggests that Chuck Keyes from PSG be one of the members and then a City Council Member. City staff suggests that these trips be taken during April and May so the information can be used in evaluating the treatment alternatives put together by Bolton & Menk which is to be completed about the end of July. At least one representative from Bolton & Menk will be along on all of the trips. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: . I. The first alternative is to authorize two City representatives to make a trip to Europe to investigate the Kruger and Adritz heat belt dryer installation in Denmark and Sweden at a l~-q\o e . . Council Agenda - 04/11/05 cost of $5,000. Secondly, this alternative includes sending four City representatives to the Three Rivers, MI Plant to look at the A TAD facility there which is sized almost identically to the needs of the City of Monticello at a cost of$1,400 for a total expenditure of $6,400. 2. The second alternative would be to modify the number of individuals going to the plants as listed in alternative #1 by either reducing the number or adding to the number. , j. The third alternative would be to send no City representatives to Europe or to Three Rivers, MI. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, Project Manager from PSG and Bob Brown from Bolton & Menk that the City of Monticello send representatives to Europe and to Three Rivers, MI. We would like to see you select alternative #1, however, if you see fit to lower the number of people or to increase the number of people as in alternative #2, this also falls in line with our recommendation. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of e-mail from Bob Bro'-'TI of Bolton & Menk regarding the travel expenses. llo-C\l - . . Page 1 of 1 John Simola From: Robert Brown [robert.brown@bolton-menk.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 4:46 PM To: John Simola Subject: Cost Estimate for Tour of Belt Drying equipment John, As per our discussions, a cost breakdown for the trip to Europe for touring the belt dryers is as follows: 1) Airline ticket(Copenhagen-Zurich--Mlps) $1,100 2) Hotel(assume 5 nights@ $200/night) $1,000 3) Meals( assume 5 days @ $50/day) $250 Total cost estimate contact person for each equipment) $2,350 say $2,500/person (transportation will be provided by the The cost to go to Three Rivers,MI for touring of the AT AD facility is as follows: 1) Airline ticket(Chicago,IL) $300 2) Meals(assume one day @ SO/day) $50 Total cost estimate $350/person Let me know if you need anything else. I could include any travel expenses as a reimbursable cost in our engineering agreement. Bob Brown 4/6/2005 \ \.0 -0. 8' '" :.> :.> :.> :.> J ~ <: 0:'> 00 '" '" i '0 00 wn 1;: '0'000 n '" OJ '0 '" tlZ "-(I) OOel el '" '" '" '-H '" Oltl '" :.> OON H '" 00 '" tvn H (1)0 "':.> el t"t"'- n '" :.> :.> el w~ '0 n", "-n 00 t" '" '" '" (I) '- '" '" "'n t" nnOl " :;J "' OH H HZ 00 t" t"t"UJ t" ~ ~ "' <nZ t:J :'j~ ii:@ 0 00t" ~ (I) (I) 0 n '" (I)(JJH n H el el 0 '" H'" el (I) CCOl H "' tl 0 t" 0 (JJ "'''' '" 0 >: (JJ n H Z >-' '0 00'" '" ~ '- '" i:J Z ",'0 H '" '" ..:.> N H '" <: el Z to", N Z (I) ~ H ::'&; ~ n 00 n >: '" '" '" 0 >-'t" <: '" " "00 H '" '0 n "' (I) '0 00 0 0: " (I) 0 0 '" tl '0 1-'1-If...lt\J m,p.,p:.o ..,...",l\J!-' roOl\)O"\ 0000 'tlO"C:I() ~~~~ 1-3080 ><:lJ1><;t:t.l '" (I) ;U1J);:tJ<n OHOH 0000 :S:Z:s::Z Ul"<j{l)'":tj c:Oc::O "dO 'd 0 'Ut:P'dt:l t" t" H't:lH'tl t:Ij::dtrl;U UlOtrlO tl tl C C n n el el '" '" t0t0I\Jl'0 l\)t0N!'0 O'\O'\OHj'l """..,...,...,. 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