BCOL Advisory Council Minutes 04-07-2017DRAFT MINUTES BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK ADVISORY COUNCIL Friday, April 7,204718:00 a.m. Bertram Lakes Chalet, Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park Members Present: Martyn Dibben, Bill Fair, Jim Hayes, Tom Jahnke, Jim Lindberg, Larry Nolan, Wes Olson, Jessica Pederson, Scott Peterson, Brian Stumpf, Darek Vetsch Members Absent: Sandra Theros, Mark Daleiden Staff Present: Beth Green, Brad Harrington, Stacy Marquardt, Marc Mattice, Ann Mosack, Tom Pawelk, Angela Schumann Others Present: Tim Hennagir, Graham Sones 1. Call to Order. Martyn Dibben called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Consideration of approving minutes from February 3, 2017. LARRY NOLAN MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE REGULAR MEETING ON FEBRUARY 3, 2017. MOTION SECONDED BY JIM HAYES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 11-0. 3. Consideration of adding to and approving the agenda. A. Chalet Landscape Plan Review DAREK VETSCH MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDED ITEM. MOTION SECONDED BY LARRY NOLAN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 11-0. 4. 2017 Project Budget Wright County Parks and Recreation. Marc Mattice reviewed the 2017 budget for improvements at the Bertram Chain of Lakes. Improvements include: • Shelter construction and landscape • Septic construction • Landscaping around chalet • Beach house design • Beach house construction • Direct hardwood seeding • Upgrading wells BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: April 7, 2017 5. Review Picnic Shelter Plans and Bid. Marc Mattice reviewed the picnic shelter plans for the beach area and noted that the size is 32' x 42' with 10" x 10" rough cut cedar polls with 4' cultured stones wrap on the bases. Shakes on the gable ends with transition boards, overhangs. Inside there will be electrical outlets and stainless steel countertops. A total of three bids were received. Tom Pawelk requested that an additional 1' of apron be added to the structure, Mattice will request updated prices from the bidders. DAREK VETSCH MOVED TO ACCEPT THE SHELTER PLANS AND ENTERG INTO A CONTRACT WITH THE SECOND BIDDER AS THEY PROVIDED THE DRAWINGS AND WERE ONLY SLIGHTLY HIGHER. MOTION SECONDED BY SCOTT PETERSON. MOTION FAILED: IN FAVOR 4; OPPOSED 6; ABSTAINED 1. Discussion on what the purpose is to go with the second bidder and not the low bidder. The fact that the second bidder created the drawings was a plus. The low bidder has worked for the county and they have been pleased with their work. Wes Olson suggested that there was no need to go with the second bidder. Marc Mattice said that all three bidders are reputable local contractors. TOM JAHNKE MOVED TO ACCEPT THE SHELTER PLANS AND ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH THE LOW BIDDER. MOTION SECONDED BY JESSICA PEDERSON. MOTION PASSED: IN FAVOR 10; ABSTAINED 1. 6. Update Design Build Team Selection and Processes. Marc Mattice said the Review Committee has met to review the design build proposals for the beach house construction. Three proposals were received and the subcommittee accepted the proposal/awarded the contract to SEH Design Build Team & Shingobee Builders. The first design meeting is today. Will move forward and should have the design concept developed in May and once approved that will move into construction specs, a guaranteed maximum price and finally into a construction contract. Mattice explained that with this process, there is an architect in the team and the construction firm all as one, so by the time all the meetings are complete and before a shovel is put in the ground there will be a guaranteed maximum price settled on with very little change orders since the architect and contractor are working together. It's a different process but will end up with a quality project that's easier to manage. 7. Interpretive signage project update. Marc Mattice said that he and Martyn Dibben met with the grad student from the U of M working on his Masters Project for the interpretive signage plan at Bertram. They reviewed the esker trail and other points of interest and talked about different display options. Rather than theming the trail as one they will theme areas, such as the glacial area, etc. so there will be a number of different interpretive signs along the trails. Will get some design templates in the next couple months. Funding for the project has been requested from Cargill by the Friends of Bertram. N BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: April 7, 2017 8. Discussion of defining roles, responsibilities, authority, and reporting of Advisory Council, Parks Commissions, Friends of Bertram, staff and elected boards. Marc Mattice said he feels it is necessary to define the roles, responsibilities and authority for boards associated with the Bertram Chain of Lakes now that all of the land has been acquired and the park is in the development process. The chain of command should be that ideas from individuals, groups, Friends of Bertram, etc. come to the Advisory Council for review, discussion and recommendation for the passive use area to the County Parks Board and then to the County Board final approval; and for the active use area to the Monticello Parks Commission and then to the City Council for final approval. 9. Review and take action on a draft letter from the Friends of Bertram to the YMCA. Graham Sones shared a letter that the Friends of Bertram has drafted to the YMCA to show joint support for the park and future programming, projects and events. Discussion from the group was against the Friends sending the letter but rather having the Advisory Council as the contact board for the Friends so as to not cause confusion between the working relationship already established between the YMCA, Wright County and the City of Monticello. 10. Wright County Parks and Recreation Summer Program Guide. Brad Harrington shared the summer programming guide with the group which highlights all park programming in Wright County. Some the highlights at Bertram will include, evening canoe and kayak classes, a moonlight voyager canoe ride, the "Fungus Among Us" to learn about mushrooms at Bertram, and more. 11. Friends of Bertram update. Graham Sones said the Friends will be meeting in April. Their main focus is to build up the membership and the group is researching ideas on the best way to do that. The joint cleanup event will be held on earth day, April 22"d, at the park. This will be a joint effort with the YMCA. The friends will be coordinating the LaVallee run and will be working closely with Dave Wik who is a Friends board member and the running club coordinator. The Friends will keep 100% of the proceeds for park use. 12. Discussion of added items. A. Chalet Landscaping Plan: Marc Mattice reviewed the Chalet Landscaping Plan, noting that two bids were received, the low bid at $34,590 from JK Landscaping of Monticello and Spears Landscaping of Otsego in the amount of $39,895. Mattice noted that the budgeted amount is $33,500 (including donations from Cargill and the Friends of Bertram). BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: April 7, 2017 TOM JAHNKE MOVED TO ACCEPT THE CHALET LANDSCAPING DESIGN. MOTION SECONDED BY JIM HAYES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10-0. TOM JAHNKE MOVED TO ACCEPT THE USE OF THE BRICK PATIO PAVERS IN THE DESIGN AS OPPOSED TO ANOTHER MATIERAL. MOTION SECONDED BY WES OLSON. MOTION CARRIED, 9-1; OPPOSED: BILL FAIR. TOM JAHNKE MOVED TO ACCEPT THE STEEL EDGING IN THE PLAN. MOTION SECONDED BY JIM HAYES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10-0. WES OLSON MOVED TO ACCEPT THE LOW BID FROM JK LANDSCAPING IN THE AMOUNT OF $34,590. MOTION SECONDED BY JIM HAYES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10-0. 10. Schedule Next Meeting. The next regular meeting is scheduled for May 5th at 8 a.m. at the Bertram Lake Chalet. The meeting may be canceled if there is no business to attend to at that time. 11. Adiourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 a.m. Recorder: teeth &1 PBY! Administrative Assistant Approval Date: 7-14-17 Attest: M n, BC AC Chairman