BCOL Advisory Council Minutes 07-13-2018MINUTES BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK ADVISORY COUNCIL Friday, July 13, 2018, 8:00 a.m. Bertram Lake Chalet Members Present: Lynn Anderson, Mark Daleiden, Martyr Dibben, Bill Fair, Jim Hayes, Tom Jahnke, Jim Lindberg, Wes Olson, Scott Peterson, Brian Stumpf Darek Vetsch Members Absent: Eric Olson Staff Present: Beth Green, Brad Harrington, Marc Mattice, Ann Mosack, Tom Pawelk, Angela Schumann Others Present: Jeremiah Mack, Monticello Community Ed 1. Call to Order. Martyn Dibben called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. and declared a quorum. 2. Consideration of approving minutes from May 4, 2018. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE MINUTES FROM THE MAY 4, 2018 REGULAR MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY DAREK VETSCH. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 11-0. 3. Consideration of adding to and approving the agenda. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS WRITTEN. MOTION SECONDED BY TOM JAHNKE. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 11-0. 4. Campground Construction Estimates and Grant Application. Marc Mattice presented the construction estimate for the campground. The estimate came in at $4,247,000. A grant application will be submitted for $3.4 Million with a local match of $850,000. Mattice noted that the grant has zero match requirements but preference points are given for matching 20-25%. This park meets all the requirements and points for the grant. Mattice said he is waiting on the schematic design of the campground layout as that needs to be submitted with the grant. There are two weeks to submit the grant and the grant applications will be reviewed in November. The grant awards will go out in June of 2019. If the grant is awarded, the grant agreements go out in September of 2019, with bid docurnents ready to go in January 2020, and construction in the Spring of 2020. The grants are good for three years but Mattice said he prefers to get everything complete in two years. a. Letters of Support: Mattice requested letters of support for the grant application from the City of Monticello, the Friends of Bertram, the Monticello School District, and MORC. BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: July 13, 2018 5. Nature Preschool. Jeremiah Mack from Monticello Connnunity Ed said that the school district is interested in developing a nature -based preschool at the Bertram Chain of Lakes beginning with the 2019/2020 school year, with Wright County and the YMCA as a partner. Mack discussed the costs for a lease to use the Bertram Lake Chalet facility and Devin Hanson is getting costs estimate for use of the YMCA facility. The costs for the chalet will be approximate ly $50/day and it is expected that the cost to use the Y facilities will be the same. The school will levy for the lease which will keep costs down for the participants. The plan is to operate the school four days/week, Mon Thurs with a morning session and potentially an afternoon session. This will operate during the regular school year, September through May. There will be a limit of 20 kids per session with 3 school staff members. Registration would open in March 2019. The curriculum will be nature -based with most of the time spent outside, and the classroom (home room) will be the Bertram Lake Chalet. The Y buildings would be used for other curriculum such as arts and crafts. Discussed winter maintenance at the park. Mattice said that Wright County staff is already plowing the roads in the winter but they would prioritize the routes so that the roads and parking at Bertram are plowed first before the start of the school day. Mack said that they will see how school goes in the first few months and then will decide if they will continue for the next school year in December so they can have information ready to advertise for the next school year. Mattice asked for a motion to accept the proposed lease estimate of $50/day and to move forward with planning the nature -based preschool. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE LEASE FEE STRUCTURE WITH THE MONTICELLO SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR THE BERTRAM LAKE CHALET AND TO MOVE FORWARD WITH PLANNING THE NATURE -BASED PRESCHOOL AT THE BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK TO OPEN IN THE 2019/2020 SCHOOL YEAR. MOTION SECONDED BY DAREK VETSCH. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 11-0. 6. Minnesota Bluegrass Festival. Mattice said he was approached by the Minnesota Bluegrass & Old -Time Music Association of MN about hosting their spring bluegrass festival at Bertram in a few years. They currently host a spring and fall festival at the El Rancho Manana in Richmond, MN. The spring festival is a 3 -day weekend of camping and music and they would like to bring it closer to the metro area to increase attendance. They plan to keep their fall festival at the present location as that is their largest festival Mattice explained that the proposal is to bring the festival to Bertram after the campground is developed. They would lease the entire campground, chalet and amphitheater for that weekend. They would also bring in portable stages. Daleiden said his concern is that in June the soccer and lacrosse fields are heavily used and there could be a conflict with that due to crowds, parking, noise, etc. Jahnke said that he is opposed to 2 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: July 13, 2018 giving a special interest group exclusive use of the park and he said he doesn't feel that is the way to run a public facility. Other issues brought up included the use of alcohol, litter, noise, parking, etc. Harrington said it falls in line with how the county already operates their other campgrounds, whereas, anyone has the option of renting out an entire campground when the reservations open for the season. Vetsch also noted that it could be a very beneficial economic opportunity for the community. Being that the event is currently held at a private campground, it may be necessary to attend the event and see what the magnitude of such an event would pose to the park. Stumpf said it should be tabled so that more information can be gathered and brought back to a later meeting. Daleiden noted that it is not an immediate need to move the festival at this time so he would like to readdress it in a couple years. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO TABLE THE BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL PROPOSAL FOR FUTHER INFORMATION GATHERING AND TO BRING IT BACK AT A LATER TIME FOR DISCUSSION. MOTION SECONDED BY MARK DALEIDEN. MOTION CARRIED 10-1; OPPOSED — TOM JAHNKE. 7. Bertram Blast— Registration/Event Update. Brad Harrington said there are 150 registrations so far which is down from last year when they had 200 preregistered. Everything is on track for the race and they do expect more to register on race day. Volunteers are being requested to help with the event on Saturday, July 21 St. Packet pickup opens at 6:30 a.m. on race day and awards will be given at 12:30-1:00 p.m. 8. Family Camp Out Event — Evaluation/Recap. Brad Harrington said that staff from Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center guided a family campout at Bertram on June 22nd. They provided the tents and taught participants how to set up tents, build fires, and other nature guided exploration. The event was well attended. The intent was to get families that had never camped before, and there were five tents available with three being filled. All participants had never been to Bertram before so that was good exposure for the park. 9. Eagle Scout Proiects. There are two Eagle Scout Projects underway at Bertram, including the removal of the old Long Lake Overlook, which has been completed. The second project will be starting in late July/early August, with the building of a porta toilet screen on the south side. This will be next to the bike changing station in the trailhead parking lot and will be built with the same materials. 10. 2018 Mountain Bike Trail Redesign and Construction Update. Brad Harrington noted that the first phase (the first loop on the east side of First Lake) of the trail redesign has been completed. The second phase will begin in August with the second contractor which will add an additional 2 -mile loop on the west side of First Lake. Some trails will be redesigned and new trails will be cut in. There is currently a total of 10 miles of single track trails. Harrington noted that the MORC trails at Bertram are listed as the Top 10 trail in the state for mountain biking. 3 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: July 13, 2018 11. Update on Phase 1 of the Athletic Park. The athletic park perspective drawings were shared with the Advisory Council 12. Friends of Bertram Update. Nothing new to report at this time. 13. Discussion of added items. None. 14. Schedule Next Meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for September 7, 2018, at 8 a.m. at the Bertram Lake Chalet. 15. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:19 a.m. Recorder: 6�3 eth &raw Administrative Assistant Approval Date: 9/7/2018 Attest: M n, 13C('I-,AC Chairman 11