BCOL Advisory Council Minutes 09-07-2018MINUTES BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK ADVISORY COUNCIL Friday, September 7,2018,8:00 a.m. Bertram Lake Chalet Members Present: Lynn Anderson, Mark Daleiden, Martyn Dibben, Bill Fair, Tom Jahnke, Jim Lindberg, Scott Peterson, Brian Stumpf Members Absent: Jim Hayes, Eric Olson, Wes Olson, Darek Vetsch Staff Present: Beth Green, Brad Harrington, Marc Mattice, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order. Martyn Dibben called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. and declared a quorum. 2. Consideration of approving minutes from July 13, 2018. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE MINUTES FROM THE JULY 13, 2018 REGULAR MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY SCOTT PETERSON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 8-0. 3. Consideration of adding to and approving the agenda. A. Traffic Study. B. YMCA Camp Manitou Management Change. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDED ITEMS. MOTION SECONDED BY SCOTT PETERSON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 8-0. 4. Campground Construction Grant Submittal and Review of Potential Budget Adiustments. Marc Mattice said that he submitted a grant request for the campground full -buildout at $4.2 million total project cost, with a $3.4 million grant request and $850,000 county match. The match does not need to be that high but extra points are given for matches of 25% or higher. He noted that there are about $8.5 million total grant funds available to be divided statewide, and there are over $20 million in project requests. Therefore, it is assumed that the full grant request may not be awarded. Mattice said the grant review committee will have the first funding meeting at the end of September. They may ask about ways the project costs can be reduced and what amount is actually needed for the project to still be feasible. Discussed with the advisory council on ways to modify the request, and estimated cost savings, including removing the concrete parking pads for all of the campsites ($625,000), reduce camper cabins from six to four ($80,000), remove the picnic shelter ($50,000), BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: September 7, 2018 remove the playground ($85,000), remove the comfort station ($450,000), or remove the entire northern leg of the campground including the comfort station and the infrastructure ($1 million). Brian Stumpf voiced concerns about removing the camper cabins because he said they will be a good revenue maker and he sees them being the first to be filled up and to stay full. Lynn Anderson said that at the YMCA camp she previously worked at they had a very successful funding program where sponsors could purchase the naming rights of the camper cabins to pay for them; noting that could be a good option in the future if a couple of the cabins need to be eliminated for the grant approval at this time. Tom Jahnke noted that the project reductions should be listed and prioritized. The council discussed options and made recommendations as follows: • Eliminate all the concrete parking pads and replace with aggregate ($625,000); then, • Option A: Eliminate comfort station ($450,00) but keep rustic campsites with latrines; or • Option B: Eliminate north leg including infrastructure ($1 Million); then possibly • Eliminate two camper cabins, • Eliminate the playground, and/or • Eliminate the picnic shelter. Based upon the recommendations from the council, Mattice will put together all the numbers for his meeting on September 26th with the grant review committee. 5. 2018 Mountain Bike Trail Redesign and Construction Update. Brad Harrington said the second contractor is in to complete the trail redesign. The contractor has completed almost a mile of the two miles on the north side and should be done within the next week to week and a half. While it is slightly short of what was hoped to be accomplished, it is still great work to have almost five -miles of trail work completed this year. Harrington said he has gotten really good feedback on the new sections that were completed in the spring. When the trail work is completed, there will be a total of 14 miles of trails. Martyn Dibben asked about the abandoned sections of trails and if bikers are mistakenly using those, and Harrington explained that the old sections are being covered with brush so riders can't mistakenly ride on them. Once this phase of the trail work is completed, the trails will be GPS'd and the new maps will be put on the county website. 6. Update on Phase 1 of Athletic Park — Level of Involvement from Council. Angela Schumann updated the Advisory Council on the progress of Phase 1 of the Athletic Park, informing them that the Monticello City Council has committed $2.5 million for the project. The plans and specs are at 60% completion for Phase 1. This phase consists of mostly infrastructure, along with two premier soccer fields on the NW corner. Schumann said she is hoping to bring something back to this group in October, before they get to the 90% plan mark. Discussion centered again around parking which seems to be an issue at the Oil BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: September 7, 2018 interim fields, along with drop off/unloading zones. Mattice noted that people have been stopping along the park driveway to unload, which has been backing up traffic onto Briarwood Avenue. Schumann said that the first phase will include a good amount of additional parking stalls. It was noted that the soccer club uses the north parking lot at the athletic complex to park but the lacrosse players are using the beach parking lot as those fields are on the south end of the complex. This is what is causing the traffic issues backing up onto Briarwood and other overflow issues when there are other events going on at the park. Schumann will note those issues for future planning at the athletic park. 7. Fall Event/Program Update. Brad Harrington discussed upcoming events happening at Bertram this fall, including: • 9/8: Monticello High School Cross Country Meet. • 9/15: Phillip LaVallee Memorial Run (Friends event 9 a.m. — 1 p.m.). • 9/15: Appreciation bike scramble and picnic from 4-7 p.m. This is being put on by the triathlon coordinator, Bret Oden, and any and all people who have volunteered at the park are invited to attend, this includes the advisory council. • 9/18-19-20: Monticello 6th graders will be doing school in the park from 8:45 a.m. — 1 p.m. There will be 125 kids each day. They will have a mobile climbing wall, complete wilderness studies and will use the ballfields for team building activities. This is being hosted by Prairiewoods Environmental Learning Center. • 9/22: Yoga class in the chalet (joint program with MCC). • 9/29: Color Me Fall (Friends, YMCA, Wright County and MCC program) 11 a.m.-2 p.m. • 10/6: Timberdash 5K & 10 K (Crisis Nursery fundraiser). Harrington said that he is working with the MCC to expand some winter programming through them. They are looking at a winter snowshoe event around Valentine's day for 10 couples. The cost would be $40/couple to go out on a guided walk or hike, and then back to a catered meal at the chalet following the walk. 8. Consider Request from Holy Spirit Academy — Fundraiser 5K. Marc Mattice said that they were contacted by Holy Spirit Academy (Monticello Catholic Church) with a request for a 5K fundraiser on Saturday, June 1St, to be completed by 12:30 p.m. They are expecting approximately 60 to 100 people to attend. Mattice said these events take a lot of time for county parks staff to ensure everything is ready. Jim Lindberg noted that at a previous meeting it was decided to limit the number of large public runs at the park on weekends as it can have an adverse effect on other individuals who want to visit the park and enjoy nature. Furthermore, there could be issues with that date with rentals at the park for graduations, weddings and/or soccer or lacrosse games. Mattice said another option would be for them to use Montissippi Park as there are two miles of paved trails there so that may be a better location. Brian Stumpf agreed that it has already been decided to not allow additional 5K's at Bertram so it would be better for them to look at another park for their event. 3 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: September 7, 2018 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADVISE HOLY SPIRIT ACADEMY TO LOOK AT ANOTHER PARK WITHIN THE COUNTY PARK SYSTEM TO HOST THEIR 5K FUNDRAISER NEXT JUNE. MOTION SECONDED BY SCOTT PETERSON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 8-0. 9. Friends of Bertram Update. Graham Sones said the Friends will host the Phillip LaVallee Memorial Run on September 15th at the park and are looking for registration volunteers. The Color Me Fall Event is scheduled for September 29th and the Crisis Nursery 5K will be held on October. The next Friends meeting will be on Friday, September 14th Martyn Dibben talked about the Long Lake overlook project and when that will be completed this fall. Jim Lindberg noted that with the donation from the Ellison's, Wright County should order the national park viewing scope for the overlook. The invoice should be submitted to the Friends for reimbursement. 10. Discussion of added items. A. Traffic Study: All data collection has been completed, including off season and peak season numbers. WSB & Associates completed the study and should have the draft report for staff review by the end of September. The study will be brought to the advisory council for review at the next meeting in October. B. YMCA Day Camp Manitou Management Change: Devin Hanson is no longer the camp director for YMCA Day Camp Manitou. Devin worked very well with the county and city on joint projects and partnerships at the park. The county has been in contact with the current supervisor and she is helping out with fall events in the interim until a new director is hired. The YMCA will be posting the new camp director position for next summer. It is the hope that the county and city can maintain a good working relationship with the new director. 11. Schedule Next Meeting. The next BCOLAC Meeting is scheduled for October 5, 2018, at 8 a.m. at the Bertram Chalet. 12. Adiourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m. Recorder: C 6th &lees! Administrative Assistant Approval Date: 10-5-18 Attest: M n, BC AC Chairman