BCOL Advisory Council Minutes 11-02-2018MINUTES BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK ADVISORY COUNCIL Friday, November 2,2018,8:00 a.m. Bertram Lake Chalet Members Present: Lynn Anderson, Mark Daleiden, Martyn Dibben, Tom Jahnke, Jim Lindberg, Wes Olson, Scott Peterson, Darek Vetsch Members Absent: Bill Fair, Jim Hayes, Eric Olson, Brian Stumpf Staff Present: Sara Buermann, Beth Green, Brad Harrington, Matt Leonard, Stacy Marquardt, Marc Mattice, Angela Schumann Others Present: Chuck Rickart, WSB & Associates, Jeremiah Mack, Monticello Community Ed 1. Call to Order. Chair Martyn Dibben called the meeting to order at 8:04 a.m. and declared a quorum. 2. Consideration of approving minutes from October 5, 2018. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE MINUTES FROM THE OCTOBER 5, 2018 REGULAR MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY SCOTT PETERSON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 9-0. 3. Consideration of adding to and approving the agenda. WES OLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS WRITTEN. MOTION SECONDED BY MARK DALEIDEN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 9-0. 4. Update on potential campground funding and schedule. Marc Mattice reviewed the campground funding and schedule, noting that the Greater Minnesota Parks & Trails Commission will be finalizing their funding at the end of November. The current recommendation is for Wright County to be awarded $2.3 Million in grant funding, which is reduced from the initial request of $3.4 Million. With the reduced funding, the north leg of the design will not be put in at this time, and the concrete pads for the campsites will not be put in. the entire site will be graded and the services stubbed in. This plan will include 43 campsites, 6 camper cabins, and may also include a few primitive tent sites. By installing the campground in phases, there will be data to back up requesting a grant for future funding of the north dog legs at a later date. The grant notice will be at the end of July, and the goal is to start doing engineering work and to bid at the end of 2019 or early 2020 to get the best price. This will put the campground on track for opening in 2022. BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: November 2, 2018 5. Consideration/recommendation authorizing application to Federal Recreation Trail Program for completion of hiking/ski trail construction and pedestrian bridge. Marc Mattice explained that the Federal Recreation Trail Grant Program has a maximum grant award of $250,000 with a 50% cash, in-kind or combination match for the project proposal. The program finances projects using federal funds through the Land and Water Conservation Fund. Completed applications are due March 29, 2019. The DNR will review and rank applications during the spring of 2019. Preliminary grant awards will be announced in the summer of 2019. Mattice is proposing to submit a grant request for hiking and ski trail construction and the construction of a new pedestrian bridge for a total request of $171,000. This will wrap up the trail system all the way around the lakes. If the project is awarded, all work must be completed no later than June 30, 2021. The consensus from the advisory council is to authorize Mattice to move forward with preparing and submitting the grant request. 6. Traffic study presentation (Chuck Rickart, WSB and Sara Buermann, Wright County). Chuck Rickert from WSB & Associates reviewed the draft traffic study with the advisory council. The primary purpose of the study was to document existing conditions on Briarwood Avenue, 90th Street & Cahill Avenue, and to determine the potential traffic impacts from future park development and use. The study looked at the existing use at the park, along with the future use of the athletic complex, but did not look at the future campground facility. The traffic counts taken for the study were completed in April and again in July. Counters were out for 48 hours and included weekday and weekend counts during peak hours in the am/pm, afternoon peak on Saturday, and average daily traffic. Rickart explained that in order to analyze the lane configuration and traffic control needs in the study area, projected traffic volumes were determined. Traffic forecasts were prepared for the year 2020, which is the year after the proposed first phase of the BCOL Athletic Complex is anticipated to be completed and; for the 2040 conditions which represents the full build condition of the site. The existing pavement conditions for Briarwood Avenue is 5 years out for rehabilitation, as is 90th Street; whereas, Cahill is 10 years out for rehabilitation. The study concludes that no additional roadway improvements are needed at this time with the current development of the park. However, with the forecasted 2020 build and 2040 full build out, it is proposed to add a southbound left turn lane on Briarwood Avenue to the athletic park entrance, a northbound right turn lane on Briarwood Avenue to the athletic park entrance, and a southbound left turn lane on Briarwood Avenue to the existing regional park entrance. To improve the impacted driveway intersections during the 2040 conditions, it is proposed to construct a southbound left turn lane and a northbound right turn lane at both the athletic park entrance and the main regional park entrance on Briarwood Avenue. All proposed improvements will fit in with the existing right of way without paved shoulders. Rickert noted improvement costs and splits in the report are for construction costs only. The report recommends a split for pavement rehabilitation on Briarwood Avenue, 90th Street and Cahill Avenue between the three stakeholders: City of Monticello, Wright County and Monticello Township. The cost splits were determined based on the percentage of traffic associated with each of the stakeholders. The splits were determined for both an average weekday condition and an OJI BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: November 2, 2018 average weekend condition during the summer. The report assumes 100% cost to the City for turn lane improvements at the athletic park entrance and 100% cost to the County for turn lane improvements at the regional park entrance. There was some discussion about whether or not it would be appropriate to ask the YMCA to assist with paying for some of the roadway and entrance improvements. Based on the conclusions in the report the following is recommended with the development of the Regional Athletic Park: Short Term (2020 — 2025): o Construct site drive to a 2 -lane approach (left turn lane and right turn lane) at Briarwood Avenue and the new Athletic Park entrance as planned with the next phase of the BCOL Athletic Park development. o Pavement improvements on 90th Street from Briarwood Avenue to Cahill Avenue. Medium Term (2025-2030): o Construct southbound left turn lane and northbound right turn lane on Briarwood Avenue at the Athletic Park intersection with development of future athletic park phases or when Briarwood Avenue pavement is replaced. o Construct a southbound left turn lane and a northbound right turn lane on Briarwood Avenue at the regional park intersection with development of future athletic park phases or when Briarwood Avenue pavement is replaced. o Pavement rehabilitation of Briarwood Avenue from CSAH 39 to 90th Street. • Long Term (2030-2040): o Pavement rehabilitation of Cahill Avenue from 90th Street to CR 106 (85th Street). Marc Mattice said that once the draft report is approved and finalized, they will set a meeting with County Board and then will hold a joint transportation committee meeting and invite the City Council, and Township Supervisors. This will potentially occur around the first of the year. 7. Friends Update. No new updates. 8. Discussion of Added Items. a. Jeremiah Mack said that the Monticello Community Ed has put in for a levy for lease for the nature preschool and he said they will report back in January. b. Marc Mattice said that the YMCA is in the process of hiring a new manager for the camp. 3 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: November 2, 2018 14. Schedule Next Meeting. LYNN ANDERSON MOVED TO CANCEL THE DECEMBER MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY DAREK VETSCH. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 9-0. The next regular meeting is scheduled for January 4, 2019, at 8 a.m. at the Bertram Lake Chalet. 15. Adiourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 a.m. Recorder: 6�36th &mbw Administrative Assistant Approval Date: 01-04-2019 Attest: M n, BC AC Chairman L!