BCOL Advisory Council Agenda Packet 04-07-2017BCOL ADVISORY COUNCIL AGENDA: April 7, 2017 BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA r H A I N O F C FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 2017 H A N O F LAKES 8:00 A.M. REGIONAL PARK BERTRAM LAKES CHALET 9842 Briarwood Ave. NE 1. Call to Order 2. Consideration of Approving Minutes From February 3, 2017 3. Consideration of adding to and approving the agenda 4. 2017 Project Budget Wright County Parks and Recreation 5. Review Picnic Shelter Plans and Bid Proposals 6. Update Design Build Team Selection and Processes 7. Interpretive signage project update 8. Discussion of Defining Roles, Responsibilities, Authority, and Reporting of Advisory Council, Parks Commissions, Friends of Bertram, Staff, and Elected Boards. 9. Review and take action on a Draft Letter From Friends of Bertram to YMCA 10. Wright County Parks and Recreation Summer Program Guide 11. Friends of Bertram Update 12. Discussion of Added Items 13. Schedule Next Meeting 14. Adjourn