Planning Commission Minutes 10-14-1986
Tuesday. October 14. 1986 - 6:30 p.m.
Members Present: Richard Carlson. Richard Martie. Joyce Dowling. Warren
Members Absent: Barbara Koropchak.
Staff Present: Gary Anderson.
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The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Richard Carlson at 6:36 p.m.
Motion by Warren Smith. seconded by Richard Martie. to approve the september 9.
1986. Planning Commission meeting minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
with Joyce Dowling and Barbara Koropchak absent.
Public Hearing - A conditional use request to allow a cold storage building
to be built in a PZ-M (Performance Zone Mixed) Zone. Applicant. Ruff
Auto Parts.
Mr. Ron Ruff was present to propose expansion of Ruff Auto with a new
building. The proposed new building would be 50' x 105' and would be
used as a tear down building for cars that are brought in. Parts would
be taken off and distibuted to the other buildings on site. with the
remaining parts that aren't any good distributed in the outdoor lot.
Mr. Ruff indicated that they are in the process of trying to get as
many of the parts as they have under cover. They have undergone extensive
work on cleaning up their lot immediately north of their existing building
site. Mr. Ruff also indicated the plans for the future are ongoing
clean up of the existing outdoor site.
With no input from the public. motion by Warren Smith. seconded by Richard
Martie. to approve the conditional use request to allow a cold storage
building to be built in a PZ-M (Performance Zone Mixed) Zone. Motion
carried unanimously. with Joyce Dowling and Barbara Koropchak absent.
Public Hearing - A variance request to allow more than the maximum wall
sign square footage. Applicants. Marn and Marie Flicker.
Marn Flicker was present to propose his variance request for additional
wall sign square footage for two signs to be constructed on his front
and rear entrances to his building to advertise the Radio Shack product
line he has taken on. Commission members questioned as to the amount
of square footage currently used within the building and why the entire
building is used within the square footage requirements. Zoning Administrator
Anderson countered that even though the buildings were constructed at
two separate times. they are part of one entire complex. and the square
footage applies to the entire building as one complex. Commission members
felt very uneasy with allowing additional wall signs to be placed on
this building when there were already two variances granted to the applicant
for his entire building complex.
Planning Commission Minutes - 10/14/86
A suggestion was made by zoning Administrator Anderson that maybe Mr.
Flicker could reduce the size of his wall sign for the rear and place
the same size sign in back as he was proposing to place in front. Also.
a sign exists for one of his tenants. and they are no longer in the
business of doing that type of work which the wall sign indicates.
Mr. Flicker indicated he would be amenable to the request to have the
same size sign on the front and back of his door and also would talk
to his renter to see if an eXisting wall sign can be taken down. as
they are no longer into the type of business which the wall sign advertises.
Mr. Flicker also indicated he would like to be allowed to keep the existing
Radio Shack sign on his building until after he has open house or until
after a new sign like the new sign proposed in front would be ordered
and would arrive to be constructed at the same time.
Motion by Warren smith. seconded by Joyce Dowling. to approve the variance
request to allow additional wall sign square footage. with the stipulation
that the new proposed signs would be 18 inches high by 12 feet long
and would be placed on both the front and the rear entrances to Mr.
Flicker's business building. Also as part of the motion was to acknowledge
Mr. Flicker's request that he be allowed to keep the existing 4'x18'
Radio Shack sign near the rear entrance of his building until the new
18"x12' sign arrives to replace this existing sign. Motion carried
unanimously with Barbara Koropchak absent.
5. Public Hearing - A variance request to allow construction of an attached
. garage within the front yard setback requirement. Applicant. Del Emmel.
Mr. Emmel was present to propose his variance request to construct an
attached garage to an existing remodeled residence with the proposed
new garage extending 10 feet into the 30-foot minimum setback requirement.
Mr. Emmel indicated to Planning Commission members that his proposed
variance request would not conflict with any site lines. and it would
also enhance the property which he has been developing.
with no further input from the public. the public hearing was closed.
Chairperson Richard Carlson then entered any comments from Planning
Commission members. Warren Smith indicated to Planning Commission members
that he was at the site and questioned as to the number of trees that
would be removed from the site to allow for this construction; and with
no obvious site lines being obstructed by the proposed request. he
then asked for a motion to approve the variance request to allow a garage
to be built within the front yard setback requirement. The motion was
then seconded by Richard Martie. The motion carried unanimously. with
Barbara Koropchak absent.
Public Hearing - A variance request to allow placement of a pylon sign
within the pylon sign setback requirements. Applicant. Raindance Partnership.
Mr. Tom Godlewski was present to propose. on behalf of the tenants in
the Sixth Street Station. a pylon sign to be located within the pylon
sign setback requirements. Mr. Godlewski indicated the pylon sign would
be set approximately two feet onto their property and would be in conformance
with the square footage requirements. zoning Administrator Anderson
Planning Commission Minutes - 10/14/86
then explained the intent of the variance request to Planning Commission
member, Warren Smith.
With no further input from the public or from Planning Commission members,
motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to approve
the variance request to allow placement of a pylon sign within the pylon
sign setback requirements. Motion carried unanimouslY, with Barbara
Koropchak absent.
7. Public Hearing - A variance request to allow placement of a driveway
curb cut within 40 feet of a public right-of-way. Applicant, Suburban
zoning Administrator Anderson indicated to Planning Commission members
the Suburban Gas variance request. They would like to allow first placement
of the existing curb cuts to be placed in line with existing driveways
which were and have been used at their facility. The first request
is to allow placement of one driveway curb cut within 40 feet of a public
right-of-way. The second request is to allow a second driveway to be
placed within 40 feet of the first driveway.
with no further input from Planning Commission members, motion was made
by Richard Martie, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to approve the variance
request to allow placement of a driveway curb cut within 40 feet of
a public right-of-way and also to allow placement of a driveway curb
cut within 40 feet of another driveway curb cut. Motion carried unanimouslY,
with Barbara Koropchak absent.
Public Hearing - A variance request to allow placement
curb cut within 40 feet of another driveway curb cut.
Building corporation.
of a driveway
Applicant, Winkelman
Zoning Administrator Anderson indicated to Planning Commission members
the applicant's request is to allow placement as shown on the enclosed
site plan two driveway curb cuts within 40 feet of each other. With the
developers, in this case, being the only property owner in the area
at this time, Planning Commission members see no problem with their
variance request. Motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Warren Smith,
to approve the variance request to allow placement of a driveway curb
cut within 40 feet of another driveway curb cut. Motion carried unanimously
with Barbara Koropchak absent.
Additional Information Items
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Sketch plan review, Planned unit Development, Lionel Kull and Steve
upgren, Applicants.
Lionel Kull and Steve Upgren, developers, were present to propose a
sketch plan review for Planning Commission members of their proposed
Planned Unit Development on the property immediately south of the Silver
Fox Motel. zoning Administrator Anderson indicated to Planning Commission
members that this is a sketch plan for their review only. If they have
Planning Commission Minutes - 10/14/86
any questions for or against the project, this was the time to bring
them up. The developers, at this time, indicated to Planning Commission
members their proposed development of this little over 6 acre tract
of unplatted land. The general consensus of the Planning Commission
members present was to recommend to City Council their approval of the
sketch plan for the proposed Planned unit Development as presented by
the developers, Lionel Kull and Steven Upgren.
Motion by Warren Smith, seconded by Ridhard Martie, to set the next
tentative date for the Monticello Planning Commission meeting for Wednesday,
November 12, 1986, at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously with Barbara
Koropchak absent.
Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by Warren Smith, to adjourn the meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
RespectfullY submitted,
Gary Anderson
zoning Administrator