City Council Agenda Packet 04-25-2005 . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday April 25, 2005 - 7 p.m. NOTE: A 5:30 P.M. WORKSHOP HAS BEEN SCHEDULED RELATING TO THE HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL Mayor: Clint Herbst Councilmembers: Glen Posusta, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf ,/), 2 )11:; I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance .!> v} () /)fV~ 2A. B. C. 1 ~. 4. 5. -f)) 1t)1' ,}8 ~ . (I o~\ Q) Approve minutes of April 11, 2005 regular Council meeting I Approve minutes of April II, 2005 special meeting. I . Approve minutes of April 13, 2005 Board of Review .11-<',) . ,., /i{}ALc.C*t~ l~vJ (1t7~ Consideration of adding items to the agenda. flihl:l'" G'\) flAIS( VIV I~ (tv1 c/.....d1.,;.-. "I C" .. d 5f4.1i/Jd -//v.o1 '}.r....A~J. . /',f}7... 111zen comments, pel1tlOns, requests an compJaiTlts. / 1/~rtJfc ,,,--uv "7 ~ IA.. Consent Agenda l,o,^{1o AV1Vltt<o-t';,.., I ~ ~~ !v~ Ill" ," . r l~/~Vv\Ir/ifJ (TV VLOlLfJ.' WlfII, Consideration of new hires and departures. 'riA. VvifJ A. B. Consideration of renewing three year contract for fireworks for Riverfest. C. Consideration of approval of final plat of Jefferson Commons First Addition. D. Consideration of approving final plat and development agreement Hunters Crossing Second Addition E. Consideration of approving agreement with Resurrection Lutheran Church relating to the Meadow Oak Extension Project No. 2005-05C. F. Consideration of raising annual fee for off-sale beer license. G. Consideration of award of bid for sale of Kramer 3 stall garage (811 Minnesota Street) and Rask house (3628 90th Street NE). Consideration of a conditional use pemlit for development stage planned unit development and preliminary plat for Poplar Hill, a residential subdivision consisting of228 single family units, 180 townhome units and 300 apartment units and a request for rezoning from A-o to R-l A, R-1, R-2A, R-3, B-3 and PZR. Consideration of amendment to Spirit Hills PUD/R -IA standards or preliminary plat extension. ::Y . Agenda Monticello City Council April 25, 2005 Page Two 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing and consideration of certifying delinquent utility accounts for 4th quarter, 2004. 8. Review of fees for building permit and development fees for Swan River Charter School. 9. '. Consideration of authorizing purchase of furnishings for library expansion; 10. Consideration of approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for South Frontage Road (Meadow Oak Extension) City Project No. 2005-5C. 11. " Consideration of adopting agreement with Weinand development for CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project No. 2004-1 C. 12. . 13. 14. 15. Consideration of quotes for replacement of computers and software for operating system for WWTP, Consideration of purchase of two new half ton 4x4 pickup for Water/Sewer Collection Department and Street Department. Consideration of approving payment of bills for April. Adjourn. . L . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday April 11, 2005 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pled!!:e of Alle!!:iance. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes of March 28. 2005 re!!:ular Council meetin!!:. Tom Perrault stated that in the minutes relating to the public hearing on the 2005 Core Street Project it was his understanding that all the streets were going to be widened to 32 feet and not just River Street. John Simola stated that it was proposed River Street would be widened to 32 feet and the other streets to 28 feet. However, he added the City is doing a traffic count to determine if they should change a portion of Sandy Lane to 32 feet and leave a portion of River Street at 28 feet. They are also looking at keeping the sidewalk on River Street rather than switch to Sandy Lane. Tom Pen'ault also added that under item #14, it should be pointed out that Lucinda Farr was representing the development firm for Carlisle Village. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 28, 2005 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WITH THE CORRECTIONS NOTED. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. Aporove minutes of Aoril 4, 2005 Special Meetin!!:. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 4, 2005 SPECIAL MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 3. Consideration of addin!!: items to the a!!:enda. Clint Herbst added the following items to the agenda: I) Compost facility; 2) Criteria for City Engineer position; 3) Ballfield maintenance and 4) Speed concerns on School Boulevard. Glen Posusta added: I) Trash on developed and undeveloped properties in the city; and 2) Tree planting. He also asked that the Council add the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project (Project No. 2004-0 I C) to the agenda. Ollie Koropchak requested that discussion of a potential redevelopment project at Palm Street and East Fourth Street be added to the agenda. Clint Herbst indicated the interchange project would come after item #9 on the agenda. Brian Stumpf moved I ~A-1 Council Minutes - 4/11/05 . to add agenda item #10 to the consent agenda but Wayne Mayer asked that it remain on the regular agenda. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO ADOPT THE AMENDED AGENDA. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. Citizen comments. oetitions. requests and comolaints. Brad Kitzman, 8608 Troy Marquette Drive and Randy Kramer, 8580 Troy Marquette Drive, came before the Council regarding a proposed drainage easement the City was requesting over the portion of Garrison Avenue that had been vacated in previous Council action. Randy Kramer expressed his concern about water backing up to his property. He also stated he would be reluctant to plant trees or shrubs in the area because of the water problems. In addition he wanted to know what restrictions there are with an easement. . Clint Herbst stated that the weather has kept the City from doing anything up to this point but once it dries up a little, corrective work can be done. Bret Weiss added in response to the question on the easement, that typically when the City vacates street right of way the City maintains an easement for drainage purposes. The City does not have any plans to put in any ponds or piping at this time. Bret Weiss suggested that if the property owners wanted to wait with signing the easement documents until the corrective work is done the City would be okay with that. Randy Kramer asked if the area would be re-seeded after the corrective work was done and Bret Weiss indicated it would. Randy Kramer asked if the property owners were going to bc contacted when the work was going to be done. Shibani Bisson from WSB & Associates will be setting up a meeting with the property owners and the developer's engineer. Brad Kitzman asked if a drainage easement and drainage and utility easement were the same thing. Bret Weiss explained that with a utility and drainage easement utilities such as gas, telephone, electric, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water could be placed in the easement area while a drainage easement could be used for swales or improvements that specifically related to drainage. . John Kautza, 8548 Troy Marquette Drive, asked if the Council looked at any of the recommendations that they made. He questioned why the Council attempted to give the vacated street right of way back to the developer and was critical of the Council's action on resolving the drainage problems in the area. Clint Herbst responded that the Council has been proactive in dealing with this problem but certain things cannot be done until the weather allows. John Kautza stated that the vacated property is of no value to him if there is water standing on it. John Kautza argued that it was inappropriate for the Council to even consider the transfer of the vacated right of way to the developer. Clint Herbst stated that the Council had proposed that if the property owners did not want the vacated right of way then the City could offer it to the developer but when the Council was made aware that the City did not own the right of way but 2 dA-Lf Council Minutes - 4/11105 . only had an easement over it the transfer of the right of way to anyone other than the abutting property owners was no longer an option. Bret Weiss assured Mr. Kautza that once the weather allows construction work to resume, the drainage in this area will be made to work. Scott Shane, 9343 Red Rock Lane spoke to the Council on his concerns about traffic on School Boulevard and pedestrian safety. City Engineer, Bret Weiss stated they are studying School Boulevard as far as crosswalk locations and pedestrian traffic and should have this information back to the Council shortly. Scott Shane also asked why the proposed traffic signal wasn't being installed now. Bret Weiss responded that at the present time it would not meet warrants and he indicated that the location for the proposed signal has not been determined. 5. Consent ae:enda. A. Consideration of ncw hires and departures. Recommendation: Ratify hires and departures as identified. B. Consideration of approving credit application Monticello Office Products. Recommendation: Approve credit account with Monticello Office Products. c. Consideration of approving request for a temporary charitable gambling license for the Monticello Girls Fast pitch Association. Recommendation: Adopt resolution recommending approval of one-day charitable gambling license for Monticello Girls Fast pitch Association. . D. Consideration of transfer of off sale non-intoxicating liquor license for Maus Foods. Recommendation: Approve transfer of off sale non-intoxicating liquor license to 0& C & Associates dba Maus Foods. F Consideration of approving plans and specifications for Trunk Sanitary Sewer Project No. 2000-12C and authorize advertisement for bids. Recommendation: Approvc plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids for Trunk Sanitary Sewer Project No. 2000-12C (Bondhus/SE Segment). F. Consideration of renewal ofliquor licenses for 2005-2006. Recommendation: Approve the follovving licenses for a one year period from July 1,2005 to June 30, 2006: Intoxicatin2 Liauor. On-Sale (fee $3.750) 1. Monticello Liquor, Inc. 2. Silver Fox (Chin Yuen) 3. Duane Lindenfelser dba River City Lanes 4. J.P.s Annex (includes 2 a.m. license) 5. Hawks Sports Bar 6. Monticello Country Club d. A- S . Intoxicatin2 Liauor. On-Sale. Sundav (fee $200 - set bv statute) I. Monticello Liquor. Inc. 3 Council Agenda - 4/11105 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Silver Fox River City- Lanes YFW Club American Legion Club J.P.'s Annex Hawks Sports Bar Monticello Country Club Non-Intoxicatine Malt. On-Sale (fee S275) 1. Monticello Men's Softball Assn. Council approved 2/28/5. 2. Lions - Riverfest Celebration 3. Cbina Buffet 4. Pizza Factory Non-Intoxicatine Malt, Off-Sale (fee $75) 1. Monticello Liquor, Inc. 2. River Terrace 3. Tom Tbumb 4. Holiday Station 5. Super America 6. Cruiser's Gas N Goods 7. Cub Foods 8. Maus Foods (D&C and Associates) Set-Uo License (fee S275) None . Club License (fee - set bv statute based on membershio I. YFW - $500 2. American Legion - $500 Wine/Strone Beer Combination License ($1,200) 1. Crostini's Grille 2. DeAngelo's Pizza & Pasta G. Consideration of a resolution accepting Poplar Hill petition for annexation and authorizing annexation under the terms of the City/Township joint agreement governing annexation. Recommendation: Approve resolution annexing approximately 175 acres of property lying in Sections 10 and 15, Township 121, Range 25 being contiguous to the City. H. Consideration of amendment to the Zoning Ordinance regulation relating to relocation of lawful non-conforming billboard signs. Applicant: City of Monticello. Recommendation: Approve zoning ordinance amendment relating to billboard relocation based on a finding that the ordinance provides for a reasonable alternative to the economic impacts of immediate removal in cases of public acquisition. 1. Consideration of request from Methodist Church to rename drive serving water tower site. Recommendation: Approve the request by Community United Methodist Church to change the name of Tower Drive to Holy Spirit Trail contingent on Community United . 4 d A- Lo . . . Council Agenda - 4/11/0S Methodist Church funding the cost of changing the street sign name of the access drive from Tower Drive to Holy Spirit Trail. J. REMOVED FROM AGENDA. K. REMOVED FROM AGENDA 1. Consideration of authorizing feasibility study for development of service road extending from Washington Avenue to Jameson property. Recommendation: Approve authorizing feasibility study for development of a service road extending from Washington Avenue to the Jameson property. M. Consideration of Negative Declaration of Need for an EIS for Poplar Hill residential development. Recommendation: Approve issuing a Negative Declaration of Need for an EIS for the Poplar Hill development. N. Consideration of catering kitchen improvements for the Community Center. Recommendation: Approve improvements for the catering kitchen in the Community Center. O. Consideration of making a contribution of $S,OOO toward installation of ballfield lighting at the high school ballfield. Recommendation: Approved a contribution of$S,OOO towards ballfields lights at the High School ballfield located at Chelsea Road and CSAH 18 as recommended by the Parks Commission. P. Consideration of revisions to language in orderly annexation agreement. Brian Stumpf asked that item #SP be removed from the consent agenda. Tom Perrault asked that items #SO and #SN be removed and noted on item #SF that the liquor license renewals are effective July I, 200S. Glen Posusta asked that #SE be removed. Wayne Mayer asked that items #SG, #SH and #SM be removed. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller noted that on the liquor license renewal the Council was also approving the 2 a.m. license for JP's. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA CONSISTING OF ITEMS #SA, #S8. #SC, #SD, #SF, #SI AND #S1. WAYNE MA YER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent al!.enda for discussion. #5E: Sanitary Sewer Extension (SE lnterceptor/Bondltus) Glen Posusta stated he had met with John Bondhus and Mr. Bondhus was requesting that the improvements be significantly changed from what was on the plans and specifications. Glen Posusta said he would like to approve the plans and specifications with the changes requested by Mr. Bondhus. Bret Weiss stated they were looking at the changes suggested which include angling the sewer pipe across the property S d R-'1 Council Agenda - 4/11/05 . and encasing the pipe. This would allow the property owner to build over the pipe. Bret Weiss stated they would bid the project both ways, with the changes and without. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZE ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR THE TRUNK SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION, SOUTHEAST INTERCEPTORlBONDHUS SEGMENT AND APPURTENANT WORK, CITY PROJECT NO. 2000-I2C. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #5G: Poplar Hill Annexation Request - Wayne Mayer stated he felt it was premature to consider an annexation request until preliminary plat approval has been granted. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO TABLE THE RESOLUTION FOR ANNEXATION OF THE POPLAR HILL PROPERTY. Glen Posusta asked if the developer could proceed with plat approval without annexation approval. City Attorney, Tom Scott indicated the township has allowed plat approvals to go through before annexation takes place. Jeff O'Neill stated the reason for having preliminary plat approval before annexation is to discourage indiscriminate annexation of land. Clint Herbst suggested approving the annexation resolution contingent upon preliminary plat approval. . Wayne Mayer and Clint Herbst stated their concern about approving the preliminary plat with the apartments being part of it. Glen Posusta pointed out that the Planning Commission had given their approval based on the design submitted. Glen Posusta didn't feel it was fair to the developer to put the annexation off because the preliminary plat was not approved yet. It was noted any land annexed into the City comes in as ag land. Brian Stumpf stated that the property meets all the requirements for annexation as set forth in the annexation agreement. Wayne Mayer withdrew his motion. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE RESOLUTION ANNEXING APPROXIMATELY 175 ACRES OF PROPERTY LYING IN SECTIONS 10 AND 15, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 BEING PART OF THE PROPOSED POPLAR HILLS DEVELOPMENT CONTINGENT UPON PRELIMINARY PLAT APPRO V AL BY THE COUNCIL. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 5H: Zoning Ordinance Amendment Billboard Location - Wayne Mayer stated that the language of the ordinance amendment seemed vague and cited the section relating to relocation of the sign on the site. Jeff O'Neill clarified that the sign could be relocated anywhere on the site. . WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ON BILLBOARD RELOCATION BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE ORDINANCE PROVIDES FOR A REASONABLE AL TERNA TIVE TO THE ECONOMIC IMP ACTS OF IMMEDIATE REMOVAL IN CASES OF PUBLIC 6 ;;} {l- ~ Council Agenda - 4/11105 . ACQUISITION. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 5M: Negative Declaration of Need for EISfor Poplar Hill Development - Wayne Mayer noted that with the annexation resolution on this development proceeding, there was no reason not to act on this item. Tom Perrault noted a correction in the staff report that the date should be listed as 4/25/05. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE ISSUING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF NEED FOR AN EIS FOR THE POPLAR HILL DEVELOPMENT. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5N: MCC Catering kitchen improvements - Tom Perrault questioned whether the price quotes included the lahor as he felt the quotes were rather low. Kitty Baltos, Community Center Director indicated that the cabinet quote did include labor and MCC staff would be moving the ice machine. Wayne Mayer asked if these were the only quotes obtained. Kitty Baltos indicated that other quotes were obtained but she submitted only the lowest quotes with the agenda report. . WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE CATERING KITCHEN AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER TO INCLUDE INSTALLATION OF COUNTER SPACE AND CABINETS AND RELOCATION OF THE ICE MACHINE AT AN ESTIMATED COST OF $6,200. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING AGAINST. 50: Contribution for ballfield lights - Tom Perrault stated that the in the Parks Commission's discussion of the contribution for lights at the high school ballfield, it was felt that the contribution should come from general fund reserves. Clint Herbst felt the $5,000 should come from park funds and City Administrator, Rick WolfstclIer indicated there were park funds availablc. Tom Perrault asked how the interchange project would affect the high school ballfield. Bret Weiss indicated that the ballfield shouldn't be affected. John Simola said it was important that the installcd lighting be cutoff lighting so that there is no glare on 1-94 or Chelsea Road and he suggested any motion be made contingent with having the cutoff lighting. Wayne Mayer stated that one of the reasons the high school coaches came before the Parks Commission is that by having a lighted field it helps the City gain almost two fields. Wayne Mayer felt it would be to the City benefit to increase the donation. Tom Perrault disagreed with going beyond the $5,000 requested. Wayne Mayer noted that with the ballfields being removed from the Poplar Hill plat and the number of youth participating in ball, the need for ballfields is there. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE A $5,000 CONTRIBUTION AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PARKS COMMISSION FOR THE LIGHTING AT THE HIGH SCHOOL BALLFIELD WITH THE FUNDS TO COME FROM THE PARK FUNDS AND THAT CUTOFF LIGHTING BE INSTALLED.. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . 7 d-.A-Cl . . . Council Agenda - 4/11/05 5P: Revisions to Annexation Agreement - Brian Stumpf asked that this item be tabled and requested that a copy of the proposed revisions be sent to the legal counsel who worked on the annexation for the City. Since the Council had only received the revised document at the meeting, Brian Stumpf didn't feel there was adequate time for review by the Council. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE REV]S]ONS TO THE ANNEXATION AGREEMENT AND TO HAVE THE CITY'S LEGAL COUNSEL ON THE ANNEXATION REVIEW THE SAME. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Public Hearinl! on School Boulevard Sidewalk and Median Imvrovements (Deel!an Avenue to Edmonson Avenue) Citv Proiect No. 2004-31C and orderinl! imvrovement. City Engineer, Bret Weiss provided background information on the project stating that the proposed improvements were called for in the development agreement with Wal-Mart. Bret Weiss covered the scope of the project which includes construction of a median, right turn lanes and sidewalk. Although the funding for the project is covered in the development agreements, a public hearing was held at the recommendation of bond counsel to meet requirements for bonding. Bret Weiss noted that a traffic signa] is being proposed but at this time it has not been determined whether the signal would be located on Cedar Street or at the Wa]-Mart entrance. Thc project also includes roadway lighting. G]en Posusta asked if the City was going to put in the conduit and whatever else necessary now so that when the signal actually goes in nothing has to be torn up to accommodate it. Bret Weiss replied since the location had not yet becn determined for the signa], it was not planned to do that as part of this project. Bret Weiss reviewed the improvements proposed for Deegan Avenue going to the theater site. He indicated that as part of the improvement project easements would be needed from Michae] Krutzig and Ocello. There was some discussion on whether there was any benefit to the Krutzig property from the proposed improvements. Wayne Mayer asked if some type of temporary system would be put in place until such time as the warrants were met for the traffic signal. Bret Weiss replied that there would be a stop sign placed on Cedar Street but not on Schoo] Bou]evard. Glen Posusta asked if Wal-Mart had agreed to pay for the signal. Bret Weiss indicated that Wa]-Mart and Ocello had agreed to each pay 50% of the cost. G]en Posusta questioned why the signal couldn't be installed now since it was already paid for. Clint Herbst thought it was more of a question of where the light should be located. Bret Weiss stated that at the time the warrants are met they would do a signa] justification report before the signal would be authorized. Bret Weiss stated the side streets need to have a certain traffic volume on them to warrant a full stop on Schoo] Bou]evard. Bret Weiss reviewed the project costs totaling $],259,073. These costs would be broken out between Wa]-Mart ($802,480); Ocello ($414,856); Cu]vers ($30,000) and the City ($12,000). According to the agreement with Wal-Mart the work needs to be completed by Ju]y ],2005. Bret Weiss stated that the project will necessitate closing down portions of Schoo] Bou]evard at various points in the construction process. 8 eJA-1O . . . Council Agenda - 4/11/05 Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing, Scott Shane, 9343 Red Rock Lane asked about the final dccision on where the signal goes and if the they had a schedule of when School Boulevard would be shut down, Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing, BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ORDER THE IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE SCHOOL BOULEV ARD SIDEWALK AND MEDIAN IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO, 2004-31 CAS OUTLINED IN THE FEASIBILITY REPORT AND RECOMMENDED BY THE CITY ENGINEER, TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Public Hearinl!: on Chelsea Road Extension (90'h Street to CSAH 39). School Boulevard (Chelsea Road to 1330 feet south) and Northwest Lift Station and Forcemain. Citv Proiect No.200S-11C, orderinl!: improvement. approvinl!: plans and specifications and orderinl!: advertisement for bids. City Engineer, Bret Weiss provided backgronnd information and noted that this project had assessment agreements in place but at the recommendation of bond counsel a public hearing is being held to comply with bonding requirements, Bret Weiss noted that one of the stipulations in the City's agreement with John Chadwick is that the City move forward with this project. Thc construction of this project will allow commercial development along 1-94 and development of the City's industrial park, The extension of Chelsea Road also provides a through road to County Road 39, In addition, the project includes a lift station that will serve much of the northwest area, Chelsea Road and School Boulevard are proposed to be 44 feet in width and an 8 foot bituminous trail is also being proposed, Bret Weiss discussed the wetland area and the storm water ponding area, Hc noted sedimentation ponds for the storm water will be constructed, The storm water ponds will discharge to the wetland which discharges to Otter Creek, Bret Weiss reviewed the layout of the sanitary sewer and water main and indicated some trunk sanitary sewer was being included on School Boulevard to serve the area to the south, Bret Weiss pointed out the location of the lift station and indicated a 16" forcemain and a 6" forcemain would be constructed, The 6" forcemain would be utilized immediately and the 16" forcemain is for future capacity, Glen Posusta asked why the force main is being aligned in the easement area, Bret Weiss aid the alignment shows what was identified as a potential future roadway alignment. Glen Posusta stated he didn't agree with the alignment of the force main, Bret Weiss said it could be moved so it could be closer to the right of way but the concern would be to preserve something out there for future road re-alignment. Bret Weiss stated the property owners asked if the road could be re-aligned along the south side of Otter Creek, Bret Weiss indicated that alignment was possible but it would mean the lift station would have to be relocated, Bret Weiss said if the Council wants them to look at this option they could do so, Bret Weiss noted there have been some changes in this area since the report was done such as the potential development of the YMCA property, Clint Hcrbst said with as rapidly as things change it is di fficult to see too far into the future, Clint Herbst suggested they look at moving 9 J.A-I\ Council Agenda - 4/11105 . the lift station closer up to the Chelsea Road but have it stay on the south side of Chelsea Road and in the future if the road is re-aligned the lift station could be on the north side but other than that he felt the plan should proceed as proposed. The total project cost is estimated at $5,708,720. The work is proposed to start May 23,2005 and be completed July I, 2006. The cost breakdown is estimated as follows: Moon Motors $294,851; Chadwick/Bower $2,537,530; Monticello Business Campus $1,386,236 and City trunk funds $1,490,103. There were three items that were of concern to John Chadwick which were: I) Landscaping plan: Mr. Chadwick felt this was not part oftheir deal and he would like it removed; 2) The trail proposed on the south side of the road with sidewalk on the north side - Mr. Chadwick felt the trail should be on one side only and he felt it should be on the north side of the road; and 3) The road right of way. If these issues can be addressed Mr. Chadwick would be willing to go ahead. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. Dan Lemm,11380 Cameron Avenue asked if they are running storm water into Otter Creek. He felt the flows in Otter Creek were at the maximum and suggested any storm water be diverted away from Otter Creek. While he was for the project he didn't want additional water going into Otter Creek. Bret Weiss stated the water going into Otter Creek would be metered so the water wouldn't be entering Otter Creek any faster than it is now. . Steve Schwillaert, 3085 County Road 39 questioned the location of the lift station He would prefer that it be closer to the road. He felt it would be more feasible to go through the YMCA property. He stated he was concerned about being displaced by the future road alignment. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. John Chadwick, 11340 Zion Circle, Bloomington commented on the three issues of landscaping, trail and future road alignment. Jeff O'Neill stated the reason the trail was located along the south side of was to take advantage of Otter Creek and the nice route along the wetland area. Jeff O'Neill had suggested the sidewalk on the north side. Clint Herbst agreed he didn't feel that a pathway/sidewalk was needed on both sides. The consensus of the Council was that the trail be on the south side only. Glen Posusta asked if any pond was going to be located on the north side of the road. Bret Weiss said it was in the agreement that the developer would be paying for a pond on the south side. Bret Weiss added that property on the north side of the road was more valuable for development but the developer is paying the cost of ponding needed for his development. . Glen Posusta asked if all property is required to do landscaping based on the requirements of city ordinance. The question is whether to put the landscaping in place now or to do it when development takes place. Glen Posusta stated the issue he sees is if the City plants the trees without someone out there to maintain them the plantings will die. Bret Weiss said the landscape planter would be required to maintain them for a certain length of time. After that time the planting should not need maintenance. Clint Herbst felt since the City requires the developer to put in plantings, he didn't feel it was necessary that it goes in now. John Simola pointed out that 10 :JA-Jd . . . Council Agenda - 4/11105 there is no boulevard planting requirement in the ordinance. Ordinance only requires plantings on private property. Clint Herbst felt it was premature to do landscaping as driveway locations are not kno\^'l1. Bret Weiss asked for verification that the Council wanted him to move the lift station closer to Chelsea Road. The Council indicated that was their wish. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE PROJECT, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE CHELSEA ROAD EXTENSION (90TH STREET TO CSASH 39) AND SCHOOL BOULEVARD (CHELSEA ROAD TO ] ,330 FEET SOUTH AND NORTHWEST LIFT STATION AND FORCEMAIN, CITY PROJECT NO. 2005-IIC WITH THE RECOMMENDATION TO MOVE THE LIFT STATION CLOSER TO CHELSEA ROAD, REMOVE THE LANDSCAPING ELEMENT. REMOVE THE GHOST ROAD AND KEEP THE P A THW A Y ON ONE SIDE OF CHELSEA ROAD. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Public Hearinl! on School Boulevard Extension (Deel!an Avenue to 90" Street NE). Citv Proiect No. 2005-02C and orderinl! imnrovement. Shibani Bisson from WSB & Associates, stated the purpose of the project is to provide access in the Jefferson Commons development, provide access to the water tower site and serve the Insignia and Weinand developments. Shibani Bisson reviewed the proposed improvements which include street extension. a 8 ' bituminous trail on the north side of School Boulevard and a 5' sidewalk on the south side. Shibani Bisson reviewed the project costs. The estimated cost for the project is $2,872,500 and is broken out as follows: Insignia Development $1,297,840; Weinand properties 833,035; Jefferson Commons, $915,053; Prairie Ponds $132,160. The Council has three options with the extension of School Boulevard. The project can extend School Boulevard from Deegan A venue through the Jefferson Commons plat. The second option is to extend School Boulevard from Deegan Avenue to the Weinand property and include the Redford Lane connection and the third option would be to extend School Boulevard from Deegan Avenue to 90th Street and include the Redford Lane connection. The engineer was recommending option #3 if the developers agree to the assessment. If this project proceeds construction is proposed to start in August. 2005. Brian Stumpf asked about Insignia Development's commitment since there was no development agreement in place. Jeff O'Neill stated they are aware of the project and the costs related to it. Glen Posusta asked why the Kjellberg property was not included in the assessment. Bret Weiss responded that at this time it would hard for the City to show that property was deriving benefit. He stated if they consider the Kjellberg property as receiving benefit they would also need to consider the Groveland development. Bret Weiss felt if there was some benefit to these properties it was not significant. II dA- i '3 . . 10. . Council Agenda - 4/11/05 Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. No one spoke for or against the proposed project. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. Tom Perrault asked about the 16" watermain and if it would provide sufficient capacity to serve the area as it developed. Shibani Bisson responded that the 16" line was what was identified in the City's water comprehensive plan and it should be able to handle the area. Bret Weiss indicated that with the modeling that was done as part of the water study, they are confident the 16" line will be adequate. Clint Herbst asked if Insignia should be tied into this at all. Jeff O'Neill said that the costs would be handled at the time of the development agreement. Brian Stumpf asked how far along Insignia is on their preliminary plat approval. Clint Herbst said he is comfortable going to 90th Street as long as the developer is agreeable to paying their portion. Clint Herbst noted his concern with some of the types of housing proposed to be put into the development. Glen Posusta noted that this development was approved b the Planning Commission and should be coming before the Council on 4/25/05. Wayne Mayer said he didn't know about going all the way to 90th Street and wondered if the City would lose any bargaining power on the apartments. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ORDER THE PROJECT AND AUTHORIZE THE PREP ARA TION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICA nONS FOR THE EXTENSION OF SCHOOL BOULEV ARD FROM DEEGAN A VENUE TO 90TH STREET NE INCLUDING THE EXTENSION OF REDFORD LANE SUBJECT TO AN APPROVED DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT WITH THE INSIGNIA DEVELOPMENT AND THE DEVELOPER DEPOSITING FUNDS FOR THE PREP ARA nON OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SCHOOL BOULEVARD THROUGH THEIR SITE OR SIGNING THE DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Consideration of accentinl! bids for fire tanker. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller provide some background information noting that based on the revised specifications for the 3000 gallon tanker two bids were received with prices ranging from $137,000 to $154,000. The recommendation is to go with the higher bid because apparently it would was the only bid that met the speci fications to provide a casing around the tank. Also fire department personnel looked at the lower bid price which did not have $7,000- $8,000 of features specified so there ended up being a difference of only $5,600. Fire Chief Scott Douglas said both fIrms were reputable. However Dank does just wet side tankers. Wayne Mayer noted his concern was with the comment that the fire department personnel has requested to go back to red fire trucks in the future. He asked if they were going to have multi- colored equipment at least until the equipment has been switched over. He stated in his conversation with fire department personnel it appeared that they too were split on whether to remain with the lime green color or go back to the red color. Brian Stumpf stated that at a meeting of fire department members they opted to go with the red color. Wayne Mayer asked how it came about that the fire department had switched to the lime green color. Scott Douglas 12 dA-14 Council Agenda - 4/11/05 . explained that one time the insurance company offered a cost break to those department who went to the lime green coloring as this color was suppose to be more visible to motorists. Those conditions no longer exist. Wayne Mayer asked what other communities had. Scott Douglas indicated it was mixed. The fire department will not be repainting other equipment but will convert to red as equipment is replaced. Tom Perrault noted that $145,000 had been budgeted but the bid price was $154,000 and questioned where the difference would be coming from. Rick Wolfsteller indicated it would come from general fund reserves. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE BID OF HEIMAN BROTHERS, INC (ROSENBAUER) FORA 3000 GALLON TANKER TRUCK IN THE AMOUNT OF $154,886 WITH THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BUDGETED AMOUNT AND BID AMOUNT COMING FROM THE GENERAL FUND RESERVES AND LETTING THE FIRE DEPARTMENT OPT FOR WHETHER THEY WANTED TO GO WITH THE RED OR REMAIN WITH THE LIME GREEN VEHICLE COLOR. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project No. 2004-1C: Jeff O'Neill updated the Council on the project and noted the developments that have been approved for the area. He also pointed out that the City has invested $1.5 million in plan development on this project. He stated that the interchange would improve transportation for the City and would remove 5,000 vehicles per day from TH 25. The proposed interchange project contains storm sewer ponds, which would need to be constructed as development takes place even if the interchange project did not go through. The City's land use is impacted by the interchange in the following ways: I) Pressure for commercial development 2) No interchange would result in a mixed use of industrial and townhomes. 3) Land will develop even if the interchange isn't constructed; and 4) Constructing the interchange would allow the City to keep up with development in other communities. This interchange project is unique in that different entities committed to project including the state, the county, the city and the developers. Delaying the interchange project could result in developers pulling out or higher construction cost and there is no assurance that the state would contribute in the future if the project was delayed. leffO'Neill stated that throughout the process the A VR negotiations has been a concern for the Council. The uncertainty about the acquisition of the site and the ultimate cost for acquiring it made coming up with project costs difficult. He noted the appraisals are in and as expected differ in the value placed on the property. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller prepared a memo showing the impact the interchange project would have on the owner of a $200,000 house. There are also tax advantages that would occur because of the development. It was noted that commercial tax revenue out paces industrial development or other development such as townhomes. Even if this project does not go forward there are still improvements that need to be made such as the storm sewer ponds. Clint Herbst stated that development of . commercial uses such as a Target or Home Depot is important for the City and there are safety and 13 ~A-IS Council Agenda - 4/1 1/05 . transportation concerns as well that will be addressed by the construction of the interchange. Clint Herbst stated that previously the Council moved not to proceed with the interchange project. This item can be considered again ifit is brought up by a Councilmember on the prevailing side of the vote. Earlier in the meeting, a member of the prevailing side had requested that the item be added to the agenda. Wayne Mayer asked on the Meadow Oak Extension project whether the City could get a left turn lane onto CSAH 18. Bret Weiss stated there is nothing they could do as it is the stipulation of MnDOt and the Federal Highway Department that it not be allowed. The County did not favor it either. Glen Posusta asked if Bret Weiss could bring back the roundabout. Bret Weiss stated the roundabout is large and there is not much area in this location for utilizing the roundabout. Bret Weiss said they did look at this but he was not sure the County would approve it. Bret Weiss said he could bring something back at the next meeting showing the roundabout. . Clint Herbst said the traffic concerns are valid but if MnDOT, the Federal Highway and County won't allow it, does it pay to drop the project over it. Wayne Mayer asked about the tovmhome designation on the Weinand property and whether it was the developers intention to rezone it to commercial. Staff replied that would be the case. Clint Herbst suggested some special signage would be needed in this area to keep traffic disruption minimal. Brian Stumpf noted this project has been discussed at some length and he felt the project should proceed. He added this season the bid prices have been coming in lower so the overall project cost for the interchange could be lower if that trend continues. Glen Posusta said he originally had apprehensions about the acquisition numbers for the A VR site. He feels the acquisition numbers are closer to what the City had in mind. Tom Perrault noted that for traffic How this interchange is needed. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ORDER THE CSAH 18/1-94 INTERCHANGE PROJECT NO. 2004-1C AND APPURTENANT WORK. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Clint Herbst stated Council action is need to direct Tom Scott to proceed with the quick take action on the A VR site. Glen Posusta and Ollie Koropchak have been working with A VR on negotiation for the site. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO DIRECT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO CONTINUE WITH THE QUICK TAKE ACTION. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 11. Consideration of approvinl!: plans and specifications and orderinl!: advertisinl!: for bids for Hillside Farms Storm Sewer Outlet. City Proiect No. 2004-7C. . City Engineer, Bret Weiss provided information to the Council indicating they had met with Ted Holker. Mr. Holker agreed that the City should go forward with the plan they proposed. Bret Weiss added that if the Council moves to go forward an informational meeting would be scheduled with the residents in the area. Glen Posusta asked about the funds being used from 14 ;:)A-((o . . . Council Agenda - 4/11/05 the City's trunk funds. He asked if the Maplewood development would be part of the stormwater district. Bret Weiss responded that storm sewer trunk funds are paid at the time development takes place. If the Monte Club sites develop they too would be charged for storm sewer trunk funds. Glen Posusta asked if there is a reason for the water standing in the pond. Bret Weiss indicated that there is no outlet to the pond. It is preferable to have water standing in the pond because it is less unsightly and it aids in sedimentation removal. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE HILLSIDE FARMS STORM SEWER OUTLET. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. Consideration of reviewinl! bids and awardinl! contract for School Boulevard Sidewalk Improvements. Proiect No. 2004-31C. 13. 14. Bret Wciss reviewed the bid results. The low bidder was Buffalo Bituminous with a bid of $480,000 which was lower than the engineer's estimate. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION A WARDING THE BID FOR THE SCHOOL BOULEY ARD SIDEWALK AND MEDIAN IMPROVEMENT. PROJECT NO. 2004-31 C TO BUFFALO BITUMINOUS IN THE AMOUNT OF $488,000. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Consideration of a request for approval to research resources and Quotes to studv the benefits of a fiber optic backbone throul!hout the City of Monticello. and the public-private methods bv which this can be achieved. Wayne Mayer reported on a fiber optic conference he attended on March 30th in St. Paul. He noted that a nwnber of cities had installed their own fiber optic system. With the City's creation of an industrial park, the City needs to do something to attract industry and he felt the fiber optic system would do that since it would be something to differentiate Monticello from other communities. The study would allow the City to look at this option. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE RESEARCHING RESOURCES AND QUOTES TO STUDY THE BENEFITS OF A FIBER OPTIC BACKBONE THROUGHOUT THE CITY OF MONTICELLO AND THE PUBLIC PRIVATE METHODS BY WHICH THIS CAN BE ACHIEVED. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Consideration of a tal! svstem for excess l!arbal!e pickup at curbside. John Simola provided information to the Council on this item. The City provides garbage service to its residents but they must rent a garbage cart. He noted that residents often put out garbage that is in excess of what their cart can hold. The tag system being proposed is in regard 15 ;;)14-11 . 15. . 16. . Council Agenda - 4/11/05 to the overages. The hauler has lost over $10,000 because of individuals not paying for their overages. The tag system would require a tag be placed on any bag outside the cart before thc hauler will pick it up. Brian Stumpf questioned whether people would put a tag on their excess garbage. Clint Herbst felt that if the garbage was not in the cart the hauler shouldn't pick it up. Clint Herbst suggested if garbage overages are not being paid for the hauler should not pick up the garbage. Brian Stumpf stated that the City is offering a service to its residents and he didn't think the City should be in the business of being a bill collector. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE ONYX TURNING THE OUTSTANDING BALANCES OVER TO A COLLECTION AGENCY UNDER THE PREMISE THAT THEY WOULD CONTINUE TO TURN IN ALL OUTSTANDING BALANCES TO COLLECTION AGENCIES AND STOP PICKlNG UP OVERAGES UNLESS THE ACCOUNT WAS PAID. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Consideration of approvin!! olans and specifications and advertisin!! bids for oarkin!! lot improvements for Pioneer Park. Groveland Park. Block 35 Parkin!! Lot. and oarkin!! lot adiacent to the present Monticello Library site. Plans were prepared covering parking lot improvements for the Block 35 parking lot, Pioneer and Groveland Parks parking lots and a parking lot adjacent to the present library site. The parking lot adjacent to the library site would contain approximately 53 spaces. John Simola and Fred Patch will be meeting with library representatives to put the finishing touches on the plan and then they will go out for bids. Glen Posusta had some questions on the design of the library parking site. Clint Herbst questioned whether the Groveland parking lot needed to be done at this point. Glen Posusta felt there was enough on-street parking at the Groveland Park and questioned whether the park was used enough to justify the installation of a parking lot. Clint Herbst felt there were other improvements need by the Groveland Park more than a parking lot. The Council also questioned the need to do the Block 35 parking lot at this time. Brian Stumpf felt the Block 35 lot was in bad condition and the City needed to stay on top of that. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO REMOVE FROM THE PARKING LOT PLANS THE BLOCK 35 AND GROVELAND PARK PARKING LOTS AND TO AUTHORIZE THE REMAINING PARKING LOT WORK BE ADVERTISED FOR BIDS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Consideration of sendin!! two city representatives on a five dav trip to Europe (Denmark and Switzerland) to review biosolids treatments. Clint Herbst didn't feel the City need to send anyone out of the country to check on this method ofbiosolids treatment. If they are not doing in the United States there may be something questionable about the process. John Simola said the two leading manufacturers of this process don't have sites in the united States. Clint Herbst felt leery of something that is not commonly used. Glen Posusta felt it would be better for the City to talk to someone who actually used the process rather than to the manufacturers of the product. Clint Herbst asked about finding more 16 d A- 1'3 Council Agenda - 4/11/05 . land. John Simola said they are working on it. Clint Herbst felt the City should pursue land acquisition and noted he was reluctant to try an untested process. John Simola said what hurts the City land application is the high nitrogen content of the sludge. John Simola said he didn't know if acquiring more land was the answer. The YMCA site was discussed as far as if there was any land suitable for biosolids in that area. Clint Herbst suggested looking at those processes that were utilized in the United States. John Simola asked for authorization to have representatives visit three sites utilizing the A TAD system, two in Minnesota (New Ulm and WillmarfNew London-Spicer) and one in Three Rivers Michigan. He indicated that PSG may participate in the cost of these visits. The system in Michigan is sized to serve a community the size of the City of Monticello. Estimated cost of the Three Rivers trip is $1400. It was felt that one Council representative, a representative from PSG, the Public Works Director and the City Administrator should visit those sites in Minnesota and Michigan. Brian Stumpf was designated as the Council representative. Tom Perrault would go if either Rick Wolfsteller or Brian Stumpf were unable to go. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE SENDING BRIAN STUMPF TO GO WITH CITY STAFF TO VISIT ATAD FACILITIES IN MINNESOTA AND A FACILITY IN THREE RIVERS MICHIGAN. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . Compost Facility: Clint Herbst questioned the procedures for operating the compost site which include having to pick up a key at the Public Works Building and leaving your drivers license. He felt the facility should be opened more hours and that the City should make an effort to encourage its residents to use the facility. Tom Perrault agreed that residents want it opened more hours. John Simola pointed out that it is a lot of work to police the operation and the capacity of the facility is maxed out. John Simola asked that the Council appoint representative to work with him to come up with operating hours and procedures. Wayne Mayer stated he understood John Simola's concern. He suggested instead of getting a key just at Public Works the City have more than one key location. For example, at the Community Center or other city facilities. John Simola felt it would be difficult to control and requested that someone from the Council work with him on operation of the facility. Clint Herbst suggested leaving it open and see how it works. He also suggested installing signage stating that if the use of the facility was abused it would no longer be open to the public. Criteria for City Engineer - Clint Herbst said this needs to get done and he would like to get ready for the next meeting. Ballfield 111aintenallce - Wayne Mayer stated he had concerns about the maintenance of the ball fields at Hillcrest and 41h Street.. He felt they should be groomed. John Simola said there is a limited amount that they can do to fields without an irrigation system. School Boulevard - Speed limit on School Boulevard concerns were discussed and the Council felt the Police commission should look at this. The speed limit on School Boulevard is 45 mph and it was felt . maybe that should be reduced. Brian Stumpf suggested that it be brought up at the next Police 17 JA-IC{ . . . Council Agenda - 4/] 1/05 Commission meeting and request extra patrol enforcement on School Boulevard, Clint Herbst asked about a stop sign at Fallon Avenue and School Boulevard. Trash - Glen Pos Posusta stated that there is a lot of trash and construction debris laying about in the new developments. He was informed that was covered under the nuisance/blight procedures which is handled by the building department Tree Planting - Glen Posusta said he would like to see some trees on the 3'" Street lot by Flickers. He noted certain boulevard areas are bare and could use some trees. He would also like to see some trees planted at the WWTP. Redevelopment - Ollie K. asked if the City had an interest in redevelopment of the area of 4th and Palm Street. Under a redevelopment proposal Palm Street would need to be vacated. The developer would use four parcels of land and the vacated Palm Street for a 21 unit townhome development Without TIF financing the project would not cash flow and the City would need to add additional fund to make it cash flow. Would the Council have an interest in doing this. Brian Stumpf didn't feel there should be TIF assistance for housing projects and especially town home projects since the Council goal is to cut back on town home construction. Clint Herbst was concerned about gutting single family homes to put in townhomes. 17. Consideration of aonrovinl!: navroent of bills for Anril. Clint Herbst had a question on the membership refunds. He suggested rather than issuing a refund check membership time could be extended by an equivalent dollar amount. He felt there should be a policy for handling refund requests. Glen Posusta asked about the mileage reimbursement submitted by the Park Superintendent. He felt the City vehicle should be used when going to seminars and conferences and not the individual's vehicle. Rick Wolfsteller said he would check into it but he believed the employee was attending a seminar where it was a shorter distance to drive his vehicle from his residence than to come to the City and pick up a city vehicle to travel to the seminar. Glen Posusta asked about the Holker flood damage and was informed the Council had approved this payment at the previous meeting. The registration for the crack sealing conference was questioned. The issue of City subscriptions was raised with the Mayor questioning the Star Tribune subscription., Rick Wolfsteller responded there were two subscriptions, one for City Hall and one for the Senior Center. Clint Herbst didn't feel the City should pay for a subscription and that if someone wanted the paper they should get it at home. Clint Herbst directed staff to cancel the subscriptions. Rick Wolfsteller pointed out that the local papers were useful to verify if notices had been published and to keep up on local activities. The Council was asked if it was intended to cancel the subscriptions to the local papers as well. It was noted that information contained in the papers could be gotten on line. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO PAY THE BILLS. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARl ED UNANIMOUSLY. 18 d A- dO . . . Council Agenda - 4/1 1/05 18. Adiourn. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 11:10 BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 19 J{J-d! . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday April!!, 2005 - 6 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf Members Absent: None A closed session of the Council was held at 6 p.m. relating to the acquisition of property for the CSAH !8/1-94 Interchange Project. The closed meeting ended at 6:35 p.m. Because there was so little time between the end of the closed session and the start of the regular Council meeting, there was no further discussion of the project at this time. The CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project was added to the agenda of the regular Council meeting held on April!!, 2005. Recording Secretary . . ~B-~d. . . . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - CITY COUNCIL BOARD OF REVIEW April 13, 2005 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Members Absent: Clint Herbst and Glen Posusta 1. Call to Order. Acting Mayor, Brian Stumpf called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Also present at the meeting were Greg Kramber, Wright County Assessor; Tony Rasmussen, Senior Appraiser and Lori Thingvold, the assessor assigned to Monticello. Lori Thingvold summarized information relating to !be 2005 assessment for the City of Monticello. There were 224 sales and the median sales ratio was 89.3%. The Department of Revenue requires sales ratios to be between 90% and 105%. Residential land and buildings in Monticello were increased by approximately 7%. Commercial/industrial property was increased by approximately 12.73% and apartments by 11.31 %. The median sale price on residential property as of September, 2004 was $] 82,200. 2. Board of Review. Wright County Assessor, Greg Kramber, read a letter from Robert Sa'>'Jer, 4963 Park Drive (155-130-001120) He stated the presence of a group home adjacent to his property and having a county road abutting his property made it impossible to get the price his property was valued at if he should decide to sell his property. The property valuation in 2004 for 2005 taxes was $199,500 and the proposed valuation in 2005 for 2006 taxes is $205,000. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO MAKE NO CHANGE TO THE VALUATION ESTABLISHED FOR PARCEL 155-130-001120 FOR 2006 TAXES. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A letter from Cathy Brown, 2702 Oakview Lane (155-080-003120) questioned her valuation. She noted the following factors: I) Property advertised for sale on Oakview Lane; 2) Property sold on Oakview Lane; 3) Lack of a deck or finished basement on her structure; and 4) Value of neighboring properties. Lori Thingvold stated the comparisons were not valid since Ms. Brown was comparing a rambler with a modified two story house. The valuation in 2004 for 2005 taxes was $166,600 and the 2005 valuation for 2006 taxes was $194,000. Greg Kranlber stated the property was viewed this past summer and he submitted pictures of the property to the Council. He stated that based on comparable property (other modified two story houses) there was no basis to change her valuation. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO MAKE NO CHANGE IN THE 2005 VALUATION FOR ;;Je - d-; . 2006 TAXES ESTABLISHED FOR PARCEL 155-080-003120. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Dinesh Amin owner of the Americ-inn at 118 7'h Street East (J 55-0 I 0-003040) was present to address the valuation on his property. Wright County Assessor, Greg Kramber indicated that in researching and reviewing the values they had placed on a number of hotels in Monticello they had determined that the valuations were slightly high. The valuation on this parcel in 2004 for 2005 taxes was $614,100 and the valuation in 2005 for 2006 taxes was $753,800. The assessor was recommending that the valuation be adjusted to $642,700. The assessor noted that revenue stream was one of three methods they looked at for valuing commercial property. He indicated his office would be looking at this parcel again next year as far as valuation. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO REDUCE THE 2005 VALUATION FOR 2006 TAXES FOR PARCEL 155-010-003040 TO $642,700. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The other scheduled appointment was for Doug Schneider of Karen's Custom Drapes. The assessor's office had talked to the property owner regarding his valuation. The property owner did not appear at the Board of Review. Greg Kramber then discussed individually the hotels that they had reviewed and were proposing changes in the valuation. . Comfort Inn, 89 Chelsea Road (155-079-001030). The valuation in 2004 for 2005 taxes was $1,609,800. The 2005 valuation for 2006 taxes is $1,758,000. The assessor was recommending the valuation be set at $1,609,800. WAYNE MA YER MOVED TO SET THE VALUATION FOR 2006 TAXES FOR PARCEL 155-079-001030 AT $1,609,800. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Best Western, 1114 Cedar Street (155-079-001020). The valuation in 2004 for 2005 taxes was $1,609,700 and the valuation in 2005 for 2006 taxes is $2,060,000. The assessor was recommending the valuation be set at $1,609,700. Wayne Mayer noted that the hotel had changed names and was now the Best Western. He asked if the name change factored into it. Greg Kramber stated that different franchises have different levels of quality and so that is considered when establishing values. Brian Stumpf noted that the 2004 valuation for this parcel and that of the Comfort Inn was within $100 of each other but this parcel had a greater increase in 2005 and he wondered why that was so. Greg Kramber indicated that this hotel had a restaurant which was factored in. . TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO SET THE 2005 V ALUA TION FOR 2006 TAXES FOR PARCEL 155-079-0010 AT $1,609,700. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Jc-.,:)Lj . . . Days Inn, 201 Oakwood Drive East (155-083-001010). The 2004 valuation for 2005 taxes was $719,900. The assessor was recommending that the 2005 valuation for 2006 taxes be set at $745,800. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO SET THE 2005 VALUATION FOR 2006 TAXES FOR PARCEL 155-083-001010 AT $745,800. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The Taylor Land Surveying building was viewed and it was determined that part of the building was storage area and not office space. As a result, the assessor was recommending a reduction in the 2005 valuation for 2006 taxes from $111,000 to $104,500 for parcel 155-0 I 0-051 080. The 2004 valuation for 2005 taxes was $92,100. The assessor noted there was a cap on commercial property at 25%. WA YNE MAYER MOVED TO SET THE 2005 VALUATION FOR 2006 TAXES FOR PARCEL 155-083-001010 AT $104,500. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The assessor then brought up two parcels owned by Robert and Sherrie Danner (155-500- 143212 and 155-500-142312). These parcels were created when TH 25 improvements were done. It had been thought these parcels were used as part of the trucking operation but the parcels are actually Cedar Street right of way. The assessor is proposing that a valuation of $100 be placed on each parcel. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO SET THE 2005 V ALUA 'lION FOR 2006'1 AXES FOR PARCELS 155-500-143212 AND 155-500-14313 AT $100 FOR EACH PARCEL. WAYNE MA YER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The parcel belonging to John Klinkner, 4889 Stoneridge Lane (155-093-001040) was being recommended for an adjustment because of a correction in the garage calculation. A $2, I 00 reduction was being recommended reducing the valuation from $169,900 to $167,800. TOM PERRi\ULT MOVED TO REDUCE THE 2005 V AUJA 'lION FOR 2006 TAXES FOR PARCEL 155-093-001040 TO $167,800. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Adiourn. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOURN THE BOARD OF REVIEW AT 7:55 P.M. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary dC.-J1) . . . SA. Council Agenda - 4/25/05 Consideration of aDDrovinl!: deoartures for Parks. (R W ) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratifY the departures of employees that have occurred recently at the Parks Department. These are seasonal employees in the Park Department. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring and departure of all employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Ratify the hiring and departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. SA -~<o NEW EMPLOYEES . Name Title Department Hire Date Class TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Binette, Yvonne Temp - Seasonal Parks 3/19/2005 Temporary Conney, Arnie Temp - Seasonal Parks 3/19/2005 Temporary Geyen, Craig Temp - Seasonal Parks 3/19/2005 Temporary . Geyen, Mark Temp - Seasonal Parks 3/19/2005 T em porary Hertwig, Summer Temp - Seasonal Parks 3/5/2005 Temporary Larson, Anthony Temp - Seasonal Parks 3/5/2005 T em porary Saari, Sarah Temp - Seasonal Parks 3/5/2005 Temporary Thielen, Amanda Temp - Seasonal Parks 3/5/2005 Temporary s ~ - dl . employee councii list.xls: 4/19/2005 e 5B. eB. Council Agenda - 4/11/05 Consideration of renewinl!: three year contract for fireworks for Riverfest. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As part of the annual Riverfest celebration, the City of Monticello (Liquor Fund) has been funding the annual $8,000 expenditure for the fireworks display. The Liquor Fund annually budgets for this expenditure from its operating revenue, which is the case for year 2005. The City and Riverfest Committee has been using Melrose Pyrotechnics Inc. and three years ago entered into a three year agreement that allowed the Committee to lock in the price of $8,000 annually and also provide some assurance to Melrose Pyrotechnics that they would have our fireworks display for the three year time frame. Council is asked to again consider renewing the three year contract with Melrose Pyrotechnics, Inc. The Riverfest Committee would receive a 5% bonus for the each of the first two years of the contract, which would be applied to the third year fireworks display. The amount would continue to be $8,000 per year with the assumption that it will be budgeted from our Liquor Store Funds. It is has been the recommendation of the Riverfest Committee that the City continue using the services of Melrose PYTOtechnics, Inc. AL TER.i'l/A TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve entering into a three year agreement with Melrose Pyrotechnics, Inc. for the Riverfest fireworks display in the amount of $8,000 per year. 2. Do not enter into the agreement at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Riverfest Committee that the City continue using the services of Melrose Pyrotechnics and recommends entering into the three year agreement to receive the 5% bonus for each of the next two years. D. SUPPORTING DATA: e Copy of proposed agreement and letter. S r6- ~g . . . CHICAGO I~[LHC'~;[ PYROTECHNICS, INC. 9405 RIVER ROAD CLEAR LA.KE. MN 5S319 T 320.743_6496 800.771.7976 F .320_743.6499 W'M''''WOC,C1'\'''O.CCM March 28, 2005 Mr. Mick Maher 6929 97th St NE Monticello, MN 55362 Re: 3 year Fireworks Contract for Riverfest Dear Mick, Thank you for taking the time to speak with us regarding your fireworks entertainment. We look forward to returning to your area and working with you and your organization. As with the last 3-year contract your organization had signed, you will receive a 5% bonus for each of the first 2 years of the contract. Each year will be $8000.00, so you will receive $400.00 as a bonus for 2006 and 2007. The total bonus amount of $800.00 will be added to your third year for a total of $8800.00 that you will pay $8000.00 for! Enclosed are two 3-year contracts, one to sign and return, the other for your records. If you have any questions concerning your fireworks program, we would be happy to answer them or address any concerns you may have. Our office number is 800-771-7976. Our web site is wV'/w.melrosepyro.com. Sincerely, Melrose Pyroteclmics, Inc. 717fl.;JL C rJJt1 (/;)(Y} , / Mark C. Hanson '--..-/ Event Producer enc ~}f ~~. '.-,'1\ tilll" ATLANTA CHARLOTTE MINNEAPOLIS LOUISVILLE MILWAUKEE 5b - .~O MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. AGREEMENT . This contract entered into this 25th Day of March AD 2005 by and between MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. of Clear Lake, MN and Riverfest of Monticello Inc. (Customer) of City Monticello State Minnesota. WITNESSETH: MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. for and in consideration of the terms hereinafter mentioned, agrees to furnish to the CUSTOMER 3-three Fireworks Display(s) as per agreement made and accepted and made a part hereof, including the services of our Operator to take charge of and fire display under the supervision and direction of the Customer, said display to be given on the evening of Julv . 2006. 2007. 2008 Customer Initial , weather permitting, it being understood that should inclement weather prevent the giving of this display on the date mentioned herein the parties shall agree to a mutually convenient alternate date, within six (6) months of the original display date. Customer shall remit to the first party an additional 15% of the total contract price for additional expenses in presenting the display on an alternate date. The determination to cancel the show because of inclement or unsafe weather conditions shall rest within the sole discretion of MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. In the event the customer does not choose to reschedule another date or cannot agree to a mutually convenient date, MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. shall be entitled to 40% of the contract price for costs, damages and expenses. If the fireworks exhibition is canceled by CUSTOMER prior to the display, CUSTOMER shall be responsible for and shall pay to MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. on demand, all MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC.'s out of pocket expenses incurred in preparation for the show including but not limited to, material purchases, preparation and design costs, deposits, licenses and employee charges. 5% BONUS FROM EACH OF THE FIRST TWO YEARS ADDED TO THE THIRD YEAR AT NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE. MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. agrees to furnish all necessary fireworks display materials and personnel for a fireworks display in accordance with the program approved by the parties. Quantities and varieties of products in the program are approximate. After final design, exact specifications will be supplied upon request. It is further agreed and understood that the CUSTOMER is to pay MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. the sum of $ 8000.00 ( EIGHT THOUSAND AND NO/lOOl PER DISPLAY DATE. A service fee of I Y, % per month shall be added, if account is not paid within 30 days of the show date. . MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. will obtain Public Liability and Property Damage and Workers Compensation Insurance. Customer will provide the following items: (a) Sufficient area for the display, including a minimum spectator set back of 420 feet at all points from the discharge area. (b) Protection of the display area by roping-off or similar facility. (c) Adequate police protection to prevent spectators from entering display area. (d) Search of the fallout area at first light following a nighttime display. It is further agreed and mutually understood that nothing in this contract shall be constructed or interpreted to mean a partnership, both parties being hereto responsible for their separate and individual debts and obligations and neither party shall be responsible for any agreements not stipulated in this contract. Customer agrees to pay any and all collection costs, including reasonable attorneys fees and court costs incurred by MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. in the collection or attempted collections of any amount due under this agreement and invoice. Phone i \ \ The parties hereto do mutually and severally guarantee terms, conditions, and payments of this contract, these articles to be binding upon the parties, themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. 7J (CetIL e Vl?;)i/:;( CUSTOMER By 'J__-' By Date Signed: March 28. 2005 Hsdul}'8UlhOOzal age.., whorcprcsellllhcJshcl...sfullaul1"';l~'lobindtJ"'CII"o<ner Date Signed . Mark C. Hanson 9405 County Road 8 Clear Lake, MN 553 I 9 (800) 77 I -7976 Name Address (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT) S\6 - d~ . . . sc. Council Agenda - 4/25/05 Consideration of afifiroval of final filat of Jefferson Commons First Addition. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council is asked to consider approval of the final plat of the Jefferson Commons First addition. This plat involves replatting of the Outlot A of the original Jefferson Commons plat into two lots. The lots created are proposed for sale to Applebees (Lot I Block I) and to Mike Krutzig (Lot 2 Block I). The lots created meet all city standards for lot size and dimension. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion approving final plat of Jefferson Commons First Addition. 2. Motion denying approval of final plat of Jefferson Commons First Addition. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. The City Administrator recommends alternative I. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy oUinal plat. sc - 3) . . 1Jl \> w ~ ~ ~ ~ i~. tj'~ <Z < 0 ?]~ , , g'2: ;1.'. ~. . (I ~ J . 800-1 i![-j. "g ~ ~~~ I <'i"02 ~ "'3 I j5.!l~ .0- · [I 5:1:", lRa.~ ~_!l ~ ;f~[ ~~~ !!!.~:i nCl.a- .a ~'" 0'3 g~~ <5-0::r i .fl' 5r0c. =;:~'" !2,;o.'" ~~ , , .g . o " O~ 0< J" ~ o ~ Z('"JOl(')- 3 ~f~ If g ~, .:<! ~ 1-1-1 n o. Ct<<' 11S-!!:5' I' - "O"!:!i . ~I"'"ii ~ . 8" ~I "' 1<0 a.!2. I "I~I ~a.~ o. " 11'[ ~~ ~ 2 ~ ~ ~Q~~ 2t~a :; ~ ~ ~ n ~ " < ~. ~ ~I 00 @E ~~ 0' ,< z z m o ~ > o o c z ~ ~ m o o . o m ~ . < .. ~ ~ i .~ o ~ ~ , , , , , O. 0< o. % ~ ~ ~ i' o j < i'] ~ . < ~~5" I": I ~ ~ ~! ~ i!~ <" j"l ~ .0 ~[l ~~ ;"''"s: o ~.o 000 "'[[ ~: ~~ .gii: ; ~ ~f 01 ~. ~ o a z :; " w~~ ~ ~ ~ ~g[ ~81r . 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II'ql;I~I" t:'1 i' 1"1 Ii _:jJ l 1m ~ _I I' ill I "m ' , . ,1,,0 j, 1 ": --- .--- -, - I' ' - III g i~J~ ~ - !-" ,: , II'" I ' I i"I'!, . ~ ill ~ ""l,-'~T--- I I \ I ~\ 'r.,:::"#~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ " \ \:" \:" ; '~ ? \ ','\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I I 1 1 / / / / 1 1 I I 'I I I L___ I I 1 -----j I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I \ I I \ \ I \ \ I \ \ I \ \ 1 , \ I :(');.,_~.................. \ \ 1 ,~~ ....... ....... \ \ .u I ''Z \ \ ," I 'J I 1-', -....:.. & I [11 I ~ ............ L I ~ ") / ---;--i I I----~' I I 1 I I 1 ' , / / h : ""</ / '" 1 ,I 1 ',l 1 , 1 __ 1 ~_ 1 '~ ~ ;3 " " " " " " " l / 1 I I 1 I I 1--., I I I ' I ' I : 1 ' I I I 1 , 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I " " ;; ~:: , c-- / --~~---~- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . . Council Agenda - 4/25/05 SD. Consideration of avvrovin!! final plat of the Hunter's Crossin!! 2"" Addition.( 10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council is asked to consider approving the final plat of the Hunter's Crossing 2"" Addition. As you may know, the Hunter's Crossing subdivision includes a single family and townhome area. The addition encompasses about 21 acres and consists of 53 single family lots. The development area is a standard R-I single family development governed by standards identified in the zoning ordinance. The grading for both the first and second addition was completed last fall. Utilities are in place in the first addition. Second addition utilities will be installed shortly. Attached you will find a finance plan that summarizes the finance plan supporting the development. You will note that utility and road reconstruction fees associated with City costs to serve the area amount to $373,129. Fees placed on deposit by the developer to cover city expenses relating to City administrative overhead, erosion control, legal fees, planning fees and engineering and inspection amounts to $99,765.00 Total construction costs to prepare the 53 lots amounts to $732,664. This cost is funded privately by the developer. A letter of credit in the amount of $935,705 will be provided as surety that the City can draw on to complete the project in the event of default. As the project proceeds through construction, at the request of the developer, the city allows reductions in the letter of credit. The City will retain at least $93,571 until the project is deemed accepted by the City at which time the city will release the funds and accept a warranty bond. An additional letter of credit is required to guarantee required planting of boulevard trees and to assure maintenance of erosion control measures. This LOC can be reduced with the approval of the City Engineer. A full copy of the development agreement is available upon request. This agrecment and associated securities must be in place prior placcment of signatures on the plat. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve thc Hunter's Crossings 2"" Addition final plat and development agreement. 2. Motion to deny approval of Hunter's Crossings 2"" Addition final plat and development agreement. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recollUnends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Hunter's Crossings finance Plan, Copy of final plat. S D- 34 gc_ G~ m " " en ~ if; 0 " " "" "" "" "" )> ""ll (j) ::c: <3 ~ ~ " w m ~ 5' iil w 0 ~ ~ 0 "0 ::r " " ro 2 " < Z " " " "" "" >- !'I .. .. !'I II> C C 0 " r ro ~ "- "' ~ ~ w ~ 0 0 :=: 0 Sl " 3 6" 5' !'. iil :>- ii!: ii!: " c: l> l> en s: 0 if; '" 0>3 0- < ^ 0 c: C1) Z "-,,,- " 0 w 0 0 " 'C ~ 0 ~. ~ ~ ~ if; 0 < TI 0 W " " " " "' <0 s: .... 0 Gl " . 0 0 " l> ro <3 " ~ :=i w w ~ ~ 0 " . ro 0 - --< 0 w ~ 0 < ~ ~ "- " . ~ ~ :P- o a ~ 0 0 o < w ,,0 ^ ^ 3- m i> 0 c 0 5' ~ 0 0 3- 3- 3- 0 ro " 0> c o 3 w " "- " " 0 AJ ;;0 ~ cr !'. < 0 . " w ro 0 " " " " '" 0 m w ;Uw w ^ " 0 0- ;u " . 0 -< " "- w w 0 0 e- ~ " ^ 0 0 ~ ~ 0 w < " 0 0 - en . 0 0 " 0 c 0 " 0- 0 D . . w < II> <3 < 0 0 0 () " 0 0 " " "- "- c 0 " . 0 '" 0 ~ OJ 0 0 ~ ~ w . 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L_ 81.28 V> 0> -'" ~2 ~,j "'0 ",' I I L 2&cOL J ~ o Ui~ ,," 1\ ~ 0< ~~ -,~ "< ~, <" _'0 ~o-" c" :u~f!i N'~ ,~ "'''' I / 76.00 .... -l I I~ I~ o - O')~-' 324.72 '0 6d g~ M NOO"S7'40"W '\ I I ( , I I -l IJ\) Z C . . . SE. Council Agenda - 4/25 Consideration of aoorovin!! a!!reement with Resurrection Lutheran Church relatin!! to the Meadow Oak Extension Proiect No. 200S-0Sc. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider approving an agreement with Resurrection Lutheran Church relating to the Meadow Oak Extension Project No 2005-05C. The agreement pertains to terms associated with City acquisition of land necessary to extend Meadow Oaks Drive along the northern boundary of the property. This agreement has stemmed from considerable discussion between Church officials and City staff/engineer. The amount of land obtained by the City provides and significant portion of the needed right of way but is set at a dimension to minimize impact on parking capacity of the Resurrection Lutheran Church property. The agreement includes a provision for the church paying a storm sewer assessment fee estimated in the amount of$52,660. This portion of the project will be removed along with the corresponding assessment if it is deemed by the church that installing storm sewer with the future parking lot is more economical than providing storm sewer via the street project. Other obligations relating to the land transfer are as follows: a. The relocation of the church driveway from CSAH 18 to the proposed Meadow Oak Avenue. The driveway design shall restrict westbound Meadow Oak Avenue traffic from making a lcft turn into thc church driveway by placement of a median as shown on the plans and specifications. b. Remove and transplant trees on-site that are impacted with the driveway relocation from CSAH 18. c. Mill the bituminous portion of the church's existing driveway on CSAH 18 and replace with gravel to provide fire access to existing garage. d. Widen the existing driveway to provide a right turn lane off of Jason Avenue. e. Repair irrigation lines impacted from relocating the driveway off of CSAH 18 ffild relocate irrigation lines impacted from widening the driveway acccss from Jason A venue. f. The Church shall remove the existing garage by August 31, 2006. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve Agreement between City of Monticello and Resurrection Lutheran Church of Monticello relating to Conveyance of permanent easement necessary for Meadow Extension Project No. 2005-05C. 5L 3~ Council Agenda - 4/25 . 2. Motion to deny approval of agreement between City of Monticello and Resurrection Lutheran Church of Monticello relating to Conveyance of permanent easement necessary for Meadow Extension Project No. 2005-05c C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator Recommends alternative I. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of agreement. . . 5[- 3 ~ AGREEMENT . Agreement by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City") and RESURRECTION LUTHERAN CHURCH OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation ("Church"), relating to the Meadow Oaks Avenue and I-94/CSAH 18 Interchange Projects ("Projects"). The parties agree as follows: I. Church will convey to the City the permanent easements necessary for the Projects by executing a Grant of Permanent Easement for street, utility and drainage purposes, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 2. Except as set forth in Paragraph 3, the Grant of Permanent Easement to the City shall be in full satisfaction of any and all assessments against the Church property for the projects. 3. The Church hereby agrees to an assessment for the additional project cost of providing . storm sewer service to its property in the amount of Fifty-two Thousand Six Hundred Sixty and N 0/1 00 ($52,660.00) Dollars. The assessment shall be payable over ten (10) years with interest at the rate of Five and One-half (5.5%) percent per annum with interest commencing September 1,2005 and the first installment collected as part of the payable 2006 taxes. The Church hereby waives any and all procedural and substantive objections to the assessment. 4. The City will construct the project in accordance with the approved plans and specifications which include the following: a. The relocation of the Church driveway from CSAH 18 to the proposed Meadow Oak Avenue. The driveway design shall restrict westbound Meadow Oak Avenue traffic from making a left turn into the Church driveway by placement of a median as ShOV\l1 on the plans and specifications. b. Removc and transplant trees on-site that are impacted with the driveway relocation from CSAH 18. . c. Mill the bituminous portion of the Church's existing driveway on CSAH 18 and replace with gravel to provide fire access to existing garage. 1[7231 Sf- -40 . . . 117231 d. Widen the existing driveway to provide a right turn lane off of Jason A venue. e. Repair irrigation lines impacted from relocating the driveway off of CSAH 18 and relocate irrigation lines impacted from widening the driveway access from Jason Avenue. f. The Church shall remove the existing garage by August 31, 2006. 5. This document constitutes the entire agreement between the parties relating to the projects. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Clint Herbst, Mayor By: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator RESURRECTION LUTHERAN CHURCH OF MONTICELLO By: Its: By: Its: 2 s'(-t4I\ Council Agenda - 4/25/05 . SF. Consideration of raisin!!: annual fee for sin!!:le off-sale beer license. (R. W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to authorize an increase in the annual fee for a single off-sale beer license. The annual fee is currently $75, which previously covered the cost of issuing the bill, receiving payment and issuing the license. We are asking Council to raise the fee to $ I 00 to cover additional costs associated with the licensing due to changes made by the State of Minnesota. In 2004, the state licensing bureau issued new application forms that had to be completed by every liquor license holder, including off-sale beer. In prior years, the state sent out renewal forms for on-sale liquor licenses only, which the City processed along with the billings. The fees for on-sale licenses are considerably higher than off- sale beer, which helps to cover the cost of the processing. Starting this year, the state now includes renewal forms for off-sale beer licenses, which involves several more steps in addition to the billing process. I. Forms must be mailed to the county sheriff for his signature and verification of any liquor violations. 2. Forms must be sent to the license holder for signature and verification. 3. Forms must be signed by the city administrator to verify that the license has been approved for the year. 4. Forms must be returned to the State for verification. The state retains the caples. We feel that the off-sale beer license fees should be expected to cover the additional costs for processing and mailing. We believe that an extra $25 per license will cover those costs. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve the increase in the annual fee for single off-sale beer license from$75to $100. 2. Do not approve the increase. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator to approve the fee increase. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. SI=' - 4J Council Meeting -04/25/2005 . 5G. Consideration of award of bid for sale of the Kramer three stall garage at 811 Minnesota Street and the Rask House at 3628 90" Street N.E.. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Rather that demolish the remaining three stall wood frame garage on the Kramer property at 811 Minnesota Street and the Rask House and small pole barn at 3628 90" Street N.E., I prepared plans and specifications for the sale and removal of the three buildings. Proposals for the sale of the house were due on Thursday, April 14, 2005 at 2:00 P.M. The city received only two bids, one from Lyle Swift of Swift Bobcat Service for the Kramer garage at five hundred dollars ($500.00) and one from Swift House Movers for the Rask house at five thousand, seven hundred, twenty-seven dollars ($5,727.00). The proposal for the sale of the Rask house is dependent upon the results of the asbestos survey. Preliminary results are that the house is free of asbestos but the final test results won't be done until next week. We received no bids for the old small pole shed at the Rask property on 90" Street, probably due to the rusted galvanized look of the structure and its low height. Assuming that the City Council would move forward with the sale of these buildings, we would also need to advertise for removal of the basements and foundations and slabs at both properties. . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The first alternative would be to award the sale ofthe Kramer garage to Lyle Swift of Swift Bobcat Service for five hundred dollars ($500.00) and the Rask house to Swift House Movers for five thousand, seven hundred, twenty-seven dollars ($5,727.00) then authorize city staff to prepare bid documents for demolition of the remaining pole shed, foundations, slabs, etc. 2. The second alternative would be not to sell the buildings. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation that the City Council sell the Kramer garage and Rask house as outlined in alternative number one and move forward with getting bids for the demolition and removal of the remaining pole shed and foundations, basements, etc. at both properties. The pole shed at the Rask property is in the way of the new construction of the Chelsea Road extension and a portion of the house and garage actually sit on the right-or-way as well. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the Proposal Tabulation for the sale of the buildings. . 5(;-43 . . . PROPOSAL TABULATION MOVING OLD RASK HOUSE AND POLE BUILDING 3628 90TH STREET NE AND THE OLD KRAMER THREE STALL GARAGE 811 MINNESOTA STREET FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN PROPOSALS OPENED: THURSDA Y, APRIL 14, 2005 TIME: 2:00 P.M. PROPOSER LYLE SWIFT SWIFT HOUSE MOVERS. PROPOSAL AMOUNTS KRAMER RASK RASK GARAGE HOUSE POLE SHED 500.00 $ $ 5,727.00 'PROPOSAL CONTINGENT ON RESUL TS OF ASBESTOS SURVEY BUILDING-MOViNG-BID- TAB-APRIL-2005: 412012005 5G-yLt . . . City Council Agenda - 04/25/05 5H. Consideration of a reauest for rezonina. development staae PUD and preliminarv plat approval for Poplar Hill. Applicant: Insiania Development. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Insignia Development is requesting development stage PUD and preliminary plat approval of a mixed use development to be known as Poplar Hill. The subject site is 230 acres in area and is located south of 90th Street Northeast and west of the Groveland Development. The project, which went through concept review in October of 2004, includes a request for rezoning from its current A-O, Agricultural-Open Space designation, to a mix of R-1, R-1A, R- 2A, R-3, and PZR zoning. Issues including site design, long term use of the existing excavating business, access and circulation were discussed during concept review. The applicant has revised plans to deal with such issues. The following report includes planning staff's analysis, review, and recommendations regarding the revised plans dated March 14, 2005. Land Use: The land uses proposed for the Poplar Hill development are reflective of the City's Comprehensive land use plan. The project proposes that the subject site be rezoned from its current A-O designation to a mixture of land uses including R-1A (single family residential), R-1 (single family residential), R-2A (single family residential), R-3 (medium density residential), and PZR (performance zone residential). A portion of land located in the northern part of the plat is proposed for future development. A separate review will be required for any development within that area. The southern and western portion of the site is planned for R-1A residential development. There are a total of 103 lots proposed within the R-1 A District. This district was created for the purpose of preserving and utilizing areas with amenities such as rolling terrain, considerable vegetation cover, and visual appeal. The proposed development has effectively utilized existing wetland areas and planned ponding areas as amenities in this large lot single family portion of the development. This zoning designation is also consistent with adjoining land uses south of the area. Directly north of the proposed R-1A zoning is an area designated for R-2A, Single Family Development. The R-2A district allows for low to medium density, detached single family housing and directly related complementary uses. A total of 70 lots are proposed within this district. 1 S\-\-~S . City Council Agenda - 04/25/05 The R-2A district is distinguished from the R-2 district in that it has more extensive development standards and is intended to accommodate small lot residential development in traditional neighborhood arrangements with high levels of amenities. The R-2A district is intended to serve as a buffer from higher density residential uses. In this development the R-2A district serves as a transitional area from higher density residential uses to the north. As a condition of approval, the developer will be required to landscape all lots within the R2-A district to meet City standards. Within front yards, no less than 60% of the yard shall be landscaped. Additionally, garages within the R-2A district are to be de- emphasized by recessing them or creating side-loaded entries. A minimum setback of 78 feet from garage face to garage face shall be met to ensure adequate space for vehicles. The site also includes 53 R-1 standard single family lots along the northeastern border of the site. These lots are similar in style and layout to that of the adjacent Groveland development to the east. Finally, the project includes a total of 180 tome homes within the R-3 district. This area is located north of the R-2A district. A total of four 50 unit apartment complexes (200 units in total) will be located north of the R-3 district and will be designated under the PZM (performance zone district) requirements. . The following table illustrates the lot summary for the proposed project: . Lot Summary 102 Lots 53 Lots 70 Lots 180 units 200 units 605 Lots R-1A R-1 R-2A R-3 Town homes PZR Apartments I TOTAL The site contains 230.41 gross acres and 175.06 net acres. Below are the density calculations for the site. Gross Acrea e 2.63 units/acre Net Acrea e 3.46 units/acre The City has considered low density as being under 3 units per gross acre or 4 units per net acre. The subject site is designated in the City's future land use plan for mixed residential uses. It is anticipated that in the future, business development could occur in the northern portion of the plat. This mix of uses appears to be even lower than the City's policies with regard to density and land uses in a mixed-use area. 2 5\-\-4\.0 . . . City Council Agenda - 04/25/05 Lot Standards: The following table illustrates the lot requirements for the proposed zoning districts: R-1A R-1 R-2A R-3 PZR at Area 16,000 sf avg. 12,000 sf avg. 7,500 sf avg. 5,000 sf per 12,000 sf avg. unit in townhouse at Width 90 feet ava. 80 feet avo. 45 feet 80 feet 80 Front Setback 35 feet avg. 30 feet avg. 10 feet 30 feet Special Provisions Side Setback - House 15 feet 15 feet 6 feet 20 feet Special Side Provisions Side Setback - 6 feet 6 feet 6 feet 20 feet Special Garage Side Provisions Rear Setback 30 feet/usable 30 feet/usable 10 feet 30 feet " Roof Pitch 6/12 5/12 5/12 3/12 2/12 Garage Size 700 sf 450 sf 450 sf 450 sf Special Provisions House Size 2,000 sf 2,000 sf 1,200 sf None Finished Size 2,000 sf 1,050 sf 1,200 sf None , rambler (1,400 sf) Foundation Size 1,400 sf None None None , 3arage Location No closer than 5 ft. in Std. setbacks No closer than None " front of front building front building tine linear li\lirlg~PClg~_ of livinQ space Fa<;ade Detail 20% brick/stone or None 20% brick/stone or Standard " 10% if 70% is 10% if 70% is covered with wood or covered with wood stucco or stucco Garage Frontage 40% of bldg. width in None 50% of bldg. width Standard " fron!:facing irlfr()t1t~fClc::it1_g Landscaping Sod & two trees per Sod and two trees Special Standard " lot in new subdivision per lot and four requirements for or four trees for trees for corner front yard corner lots lots landscapina The developer is requesting flexibility with regard to the lot sizes. This flexibility is in exchange for development amenities that include greater design in homes and lot layout and includes items like landscaped medians. The R-1A, R-1 and R-2A districts allow for an averaging of lot sizes. As seen in the following table, each of the proposed districts are consistent with the average lot area requirement: District R-1A district Average lot size 16,566 sf 3 S\-\-ltl City Council Agenda - 04/25/05 . R-1 district R-2A district 20,104 sf 10,042 sf Lots 17 and 18 of Block 5 exist as "flag lots" which provide only 20 feet of public street frontage. Although generally frowned upon in a site design, staff finds it acceptable in this limited situation via flexibility in the PUD, in exchange for public amenities elsewhere in the overall project. Lots with double frontage on both Weston Drive and 90th Street Staff (Lots 1- 5, Block 14) will be required to have access via Weston Drive only. In review of the multifamily component, the four apartment complex has been redesigned to increase green space and setbacks. In addition to these spaces, the project includes a proposed clubhouse and pool. The changes have resulted in a shift of the complex farther from 90th street to create a greater setback and feeling of spaciousness. Within all residential areas, including town homes, all other performance standards will be required to be met. This will include adequate overstory trees for each residential lot and the setbacks outlined herein. Circulation/Access: . The mix of uses, limited access onto School Boulevard, the location of transmission lines and the location of wetlands all influence the overall site circulation. The overall road width and street sections will be subject to the review of the City Engineer. The developer is proposing landscaped medians within Road I. These areas will be required to have irrigation systems. The developer should also provide the City with the overall landscaping method for those areas. Upon review and discussion at concept level, staff is comfortable with the overall layout and design of the site in terms of circulation and access. Park / Trail: The ordinance states that one acre of park land should be dedicated for each 75 persons in a subdivision. To estimate the population, a household size of 3.5 persons per unit for single family homes and 2.5 units for attached housing is used. Using this formula, a total of 29 acres of park land should be dedicated as calculated below: Unit Type Number of Units Persons Per Total Persons Acres Required (1 Household per 75 persons) Single family 408 3.5 per unit 1,428 19 homes Attached Housing 200 2.5 per unit 500 6.7 . 4 S\-l.-Y~ City Council Agenda - 04/25/05 . 25.7 acres . Includes Townhomes The proposed plat shows a 39.7 acre park in the central area of the plat. A large portion of the proposed dedicated park lies within the transmission line easement or delineated wetland. The required park land dedication area must be usable area which generally does not include land encumbered by utility lines easements unless the land is deemed to be a public benefit. Based upon the proposed park layout approximately 17 acres lies within the power company easement leaving 23 acres available for park exclusive of the easement. However, a portion of the easement is being put to use for parking. The overall layout of the park includes two football fields and 3 soccer fields. The acceptability of the park land improvements, which at concept level included four soccer fields and three baseball fields, as well as the proposed trail system are subject to comment and recommendation of the Park Commission. In review of the parking amounts, it appears that a parking lot total of approximately 150 spaces would serve the complex. This amount of dedication should be credited to the . project. Outlots: There are a total of 17 outlots proposed for the entire site. The following table illustrates the acreage of each outlot and its function related to the plat. Outlot Acreaae Function Outlot A 14.63 Wetland North of Street G Outlot B .68 Buffer Area Block 2 Outlot C .28 Trianqular Outlot Includes Wetland Outlot D .39 Landscapinq Island I Plavland east of Block 9 Outlot E .03 Landscapinq Island south of Block 8 Outlot F 4.39 Common Space Townhomes Outlot G 7.64 Common Space Townhomes Outlot H 8.4 Common Space Townhomes Outlot I 39.36 Future Park Outlot J 3.29 Future B-2 Development Outlot K .1 Outlot needed for trail easement Outlot L .81 HOA Pool area and Basketball Court Outlot M 1.47 Wetland . 5 S~- ~C\ . . . City Council Agenda - 04/25/05 Outlot N Outlot 0 Outlot P OutlotQ 2.33 .14 .15 1 Wetland Buffer Area Block 10 Outlot needed for trail easement Buffer Area The City must determine which outlots will be maintained through the City and which will be maintained by the Homeowners Association (HOA). Possible HOA outlots include Outlots D, E, F, G, H, and L. The landscaping within certain outlots will need to meet the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and other requirements described within the landscaping section of this report There are a total of 4 off street parking stalls identified adjacent to Outlot L. Staff would recommend that a total of 10 spaces be incorporated within this location as the pool and basketball court will be a centerpiece within this area. Additional parking will also minimize parking within the adjacent residential neighborhood. Buildinq stvle: As a PUD, the City has the ability to impose design-related conditions related to building styles. The developer has submitted elevations for the various housing styles. The exterior materials will include brick, cultured stone, and shakes. The single family homes must meet the performance requirements as defined in the zoning ordinance and outlined in this report. The developer is proposing "new urbanism" design concepts for the town homes and multifamily component The multifamily component includes four buildings with three stories and underground parking. The townhomes will include private entrances, garages, two-story units, and open space. Private drives with medians are proposed within the townhome component These areas will be maintained by the Homeowners Association. It is important to note that builders in the project will be required to meet or exceed the building designs submitted as a part of the development application. Off Street Parkinq. Multiple family dwellings require two off street parking stalls per each dwelling unit, with one enclosed parking stall per each two dwelling units. The proposed apartment complex includes four separate buildings with a total of 200 dwelling units. As such, the apartment complex as a whole requires 400 off street parking stalls, a minimum of 100 will need to be enclosed. The submitted plans show a total of 290 off street parking stalls for the apartment complex. The applicant has not submitted detailed building plans for the apartment complex at this time. Staff is not certain the number of enclosed underground parking stalls that will be made available. 6 5\-\ ..SO City Council Agenda - 04/25/05 . The zoning ordinance requires two off street parking stalls per each townhouse dwelling unit. As mentioned previously, setbacks between garages within the town house component shall be a minimum of 78 feet from garage face to garage face to ensure that sufficient area exists for cars and trucks. No off street parking will be required on the private drives due to the narrow street design. Landscapinq: The applicant has submitted a landscape plan. The overall plan lacks a diversity of plantings within the overall area. Staff would recommend that Norway Maple and Green ash be replaced with other species such as white ash or silver maple as these species are overplanted and are considered invasive. Cockspur Hawthorn are susceptible to fireblight and should be replaced or incorporated with other species. Blue Beech and Amur Cherry are effective when used in clumps. It is unclear as to how these particular species are to be planted. Additionally, Amur Cherry should not be planted on the edges of unprotected land areas (they are currently identified near the future business area) as they are susceptible to being overturned in the wind due to a shallow root system. Finally, the developer has identified a row of evergreen trees along School Boulevard, however, staff would recommend that this section include a mix of deciduous and coniferous plantings. A buffer yard is required between the commercial areas and the low density residential areas . that meet the following standards: . A minimum landscape yard of 30 feet . 120 planting units per 100 feet of property line It should be noted that only half of the required landscaping within this buffer area needs to be planted at this time as the commercial area will remain vacant. The single family residential lots within the development require two overstory trees per lot with the exception of corner lots which require four. 5~ -5\ Trail System: The applicant is proposing a trail system from Street J to Groveland (east of the proposed park). Additional sidewalks and trails are proposed throughout the site as well the northeastern portion of the plat along 90th Street. As a condition of approval, the trail system will be required to be completed during the first phase of the development. . 7 . . . City Council Agenda - 04/25/05 Siqnaqe: Detailed signage has not been submitted at this time. As a condition of development stage PUD approval, all site signage that will be used in the residential development must be submitted prior to final approval and must meet the requirement of the Sign Ordinance. Wetlands: Issues related to the three wetland areas on the site are subject to the review and comment of the City Engineer. Gradinq Drainaqe and Utilities: The applicant has submitted grading, drainage, erosion control and utilities plans which are subject to the review and comment of the City Engineer. This final review is ongoing, however, engineering comments are not expected to impact the general layout of the project. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Rezoning 1. Motion to recommend approval of the rezoning from A-O to a mix of (R-1A, R-1, R-2A, R- 3, and PZR) as proposed in the preliminary plat dated March 14, 2005 based on a finding that the proposed zoning would reflect the intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the rezoning form A-O to a mix of (R-1A, R-1, R-2A, R- 3, and PZR) as proposed in the preliminary plat dated March 14, 2005 based on a finding that the proposed zoning is not consistent with the intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Development Stage PUD 1. Motion to recommend approval of the development stage PUD based on a finding that the proposed PUD is consistent with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan, subject to the applicable conditions of Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the development stage PUD based on a finding that the proposed PUD is not consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. 8 S\-\-Sd . . ,. City Council Agenda - 04/25/05 Preliminary Plat 1. Motion to recommend approval of the preliminary plat based on a finding that the plat meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to the applicable conditions listed in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the preliminary plat based on a finding that the plat is premature until the land use and design issues described within this report are figured out. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The Planning Commission recommended approval of the Poplar Hill project with a series of conditions related to final review of detailed drawings, reiteration of typical ordinance standards, and final engineering and public works comments. A number of those issues have been addressed, or will be addressed as a part of the Final PUD plan set. We have included all of the conditions in this report (even though many have been met) to give the City Council a full understanding of the Planning Commission action. Staff will review the final documents to ensure compliance with all conditions. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A - Site Location Map Exhibit B - Existing Conditions Exhibit C - Preliminary Plat and PUD Exhibit D - Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan Exhibit E - Utility Plan Exhibit F - Landscape plan Exhibit Z - Conditions of Approval (Copy of presentation made at 4/5/05 Planning Commission meeting and Declaration of Covenants will be available for review) 9 S\-\-S3 '.;---', --- -..', -- w w W .J ~ ~ ~ ....I ....1--- ~ ~ ~ ~" z z z =-.~ I' 6: ~5 ~5 ~z 5 5 5 ~ ~ ~ t;{...).1 g cj cj ur ur ur ",z ~ =1 =1 0:5 ~ 0.. 0.. 0.: 0.; 0.. C!1o.. C!1o.. C!1o.. 0.. 0.. 0.. < < fIJ z....l z....l z....l ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 . .,. z ocl ocl oclfIJ fIJ fIJ ~- _/ --~~-~ -0 -0 -0 0 5 5 5~ ~!: ~~ ~~ ::i ....I ~5 Oz ~5 fIJ fIJ fIJ V'f '. ~ ~ E ~ ~ ~ 5:5 ~ w w f ,~s ~\ I " 0 0.. 0.. o..t5 <l'~ <l'~ <l'o :50.. :50.. ....I ..J Iii z 0.. u:: u:: u:: .:05 Z i ~ ~~ )-0 )-0 )-0 ~ ~ ~ ~lfl )-fIJ ~fIJ 1:5~ I 0 0 0 0 . 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SoutM the road which runs in 4 Northeast~r1y-S4l>thw~sterly West Half of Ih" Northwesl Guader; PARCEL 3 The Eost Half of the No'thwest Quarter of Section 15 Ronge 25 West. e<eept therefrom thol pari of lh~ [a Narthw<:stO\JQrt..rdescrib..dosfoIlQ"" Beginning <It to", No,.thwest corner of said Ea~t Half c Quarter; lhen'" South olOl1g the We,t line Iher~of. ~( line of <1 lo"'nship r04d. thenc~ North..osl..rly alcng tI 678_10 feel lo ~ p.oint "" th~ Ncrth I'n.. of s.3id Ead Quarter distance 552_5G fe~t Eost of the Ijorthwesl c West dong the scid North I,(';e 552_50 feet te the po PARCE~ 4 Th<: West Holf oj the Sowthw~.+_ Quart"r or,a the Nor! Quarter of lhe Southwest C:'Lorter cf Section 15, Towr 25 West EXCLUC'INC That p<lrt of the North Helf of the North~ost OL.arter Ouctt~r of Sedion 15, Township 121, Ronge 25, ....'rig~, d<:s~rib<:d os foi,ows Commencing <It the Southec.\ Half of Ih~ Northeost QUQrler of the Sout~YI~", Ovort the Sou~h line of soid North Half of the Northeast Cl Quarter a di.kmce Df 286.07 fe~1 to the point 01 be deSC'lbed' thence Northwest d~flecting 40 d~gre~s :57 right. a distonce of 2,)5_&2 feet; th~n~e West p"rollel the North Holl 01 the Northea.t O'~arler of ~he So.~th of 95.06 fee\; th~n<:~ Southwesterly deile~ting 71 deS seconds lel~. a distance of 162.08 fee~ lo M;d Souto of the I.ortheast Ouarter of the Southwest Ol>orter: I south line, o distonce ot 326,15 leel to the ?ciot of AND EXCE;-'- The soutn 4-34.14 feet cf the $ol>thw@ Southwest Quarter of Section 15, Tow"ship 121. Ra~g' line desc(,~ec os follows Comme,~cing at the so~th\ Sou~h\\e"t O"crt~r of lh., Southwest Oumter; Ihenc~ Ii"" 01 said Southwesl Quarler of the Southwesl Q~or 5.)3.DOfeett.olhebeglnr,ingofsoid:inetobedescr deflecting 90 d..gr~<!s 34 minutes 40 seconds left. a to the north line of sole South 434.14 feel of th~ S, Southwest Quorter ar,d sold line there tarminatin'l, 4< Go~ernm<:nt S'~rvey thereof, Wright County, f.<;nnesolo CERTlFICATIOI'1: To Insig"io D~vejopment. LLC, and Chicogo Tille This is 10 cenifj ihol this map or p,ot ond the based wer~ mod~ ,~ aGGordar:ce wilh "Mir1im~m R<!quiren-,enls for ALTAjACSM Land T!tle Surve'ls ocopted by AL TA., AC5M ~r,d :-iSPS Ir 1899; o~d 5. 6, 8, to, 11 ond 12 of Tobie I>. lher~of; and <l~curacy stcndards (os odopled by ALIA ondl>.' lhe dale of this certillcotton) cfan urbofl sur."" The positlonol uncertainties cesL'lting frOM ~h~ s made o~ the survey do not exceed the olio\\abl, Doled' July Hl. 2003 AroderscnEr.gin, " .;' /' I . \ -r ( ,\' ~':< -r\ I \ \'i~ I .~.. ~~:"\~ ~ - ,,-- >llCIlO.05""" ~~. 'n "",r1l-. / "" " ~/ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / / w '" z~ o~ @1;3' , ~~~~ << lil~z<:i! ::l=,tu~ ~8~LLJ iQwtiF "F0E ~~3:s: ti,,",:Eo 1J.J3~l::: u~"tlll:; 51:j~\i!3 z-=::<trilJl I I ~ . ~ ! ! >1 li'>1 >1 :/:> >1 ~ >1!;;l ~":::1"" ":,, ~,,! .. !~"",H"".. B.,~~do~~"""" !!i! ..!!!!~ ~i_.c~ i /,.,' l"I?OV hlP'~ ",;///( ~ ' ' 0).lY1<;,j;i l'] ,'._0 d";)";---;;;;! . /;It~. ' "///,/' ~-- Q ..J:t' 0 ()~Z w. .~ gi o l "' . ~ ~ 0- W ",. i2 ~ I I i ~I .>- g p II I I: : 1 1 I, i ~ 7"('#< ,- "- ''-,'- "~ ". --- "'"-- -.,.. 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J ~ I I u ~- -, <,- /i l'p' " - 't::: c L !] . . . City Council Agenda - 04/25/05 Exhibit Z - Poplar Hill Preliminary Plat/Development Stage PUD 1. All performance standards, with the exceptions of Lots 17 and 18 of Block 5 "flag lots" shall meet the performance standards per the zoning ordinance. 2. The shared access for the commercial area shall be shifted to the south and shall be utilized as a single loaded access. 3. The development of the commercial area shall require a separate site plan review. Approval of the Poplar Hill PUD shall not be considered granting approval for any business use within the site until additional plans are submitted and approved by the Planning Commission and City Council. 4. Access onto Lot 1-5, Block 14 shall come off of Weston Drive only. 5. The City determines that a portion of the easement area is acceptable to be included in the park land dedication for public parking lot. 6. The applicant shall limit the parking stalls within the park area to one hundred fifty (150) parking stalls within the easement area. The remaining land area shall remain open space. Access drive location(s) shall be subject to final review by City staff. 7. The final street plans shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. 8. The applicant shall submit the required elevation and floor plans for the apartment buildings. 9. The single family homes shall meet all performance requirements of their associated districts as defined in the zoning ordinance and outlined in the planners report. This includes a de-emphasis on garage exposure to the public street. 10. Setbacks between garages within the town home component shall be a minimum of seventy-eight (78) feet from garage face to garage face to ensure that sufficient area exists for both on- and off-street parking. 11. The applicant shall demonstrate that the apartment complex has the required number of off street parking spaces per the ordinance. 12. The applicant shall identify the location of snow storage areas within the multifamily component. 10 S \-\ - t:,8 . . . City Council Agenda - 04/25/05 13. Outlot L shall have a minimum of ten (10) parking off-street parking stalls. 14.AII single family residential lots within the development shall contain the required two overstory trees per lot with the exception of corner lots which require four. 15.Alllots within the R-2A district shall be required to have no less than 60% of the front yard designated as landscaped garden areas. 16. The applicant shall revise the landscaping plan based upon the conditions and recommendations found in the planner's report. 17. All landscaped medians and HOA common landscaped areas shall be required to be irrigated. 18.AII site signage that will be used in the residential development must be submitted prior to final approval and must meet the requirement of the sign Ordinance. 19.1ssues related to the three wetland areas on the site are subject to the review and comment of the City Engineer. 20. The grading, drainage, erosion control and utility plans are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. 21. The applicant shall enter into a development agreement and PUD agreement with the City to be drafted by the City Attorney. 22. A copy of the HOA documents shall be subject to the review and approval of the City. 11 5 w - 69 City Council Agenda - 04/25/05 . 51. Consideration of a request for an amendment to a Conditional Use Permit PUD for Spirit Hills. Applicant: Maplewood Development. (NAC) A. Reference and Backqround. Maplewood Development, the developer of the Spirit Hills project, is seeking an amendment to their PUD that would permit revisions in the R-1A lot requirements for the single family portion of their project. This project is location between the Monte Club restaurant and the Hillside Farms residential subdivision. The City has revised, by PUD, its R-1A standards for both of the previous two R-1A projects _ Hillside Farms and Carlisle Village. The primary issue raised by the developers is that the 1,400 square feet foundation requirement for two-story houses is too large for builders in the current market. As staff has noted in previous discussions on this issue, the R-1A zoning was not designed with the "current market" in mind. Instead, the R-1A was designed with the idea that only extraordinary neighborhoods were developed in those areas designated for the R-1A regulations. Nonetheless, the City officials have expressed an interest in agreeing to the reduced standards requested by the developers. The Spirit Hills requests are as follows: . 1. Reduce the front setbacks to 30 feet, from a 35 foot average. 2. Reduce the total side setback area to 15 feet from the current 21 feet. 3. Reduce 2 story foundation size from 1,400 square feet to 1,200 square feet. 4. Reduce garage size from 700 square feet to 660 square feet. 5. Change landscaping requirement to two deciduous and one conifer, plus sod (from two trees in the boulevard per street frontage). With regard to item 1., the ordinance currently allows some 30 foot setbacks The averaging was inserted to grant flexibility and encourage a variation in setback, rather than a regimented 30 feet as in typical single family subdivisions. With regard to item 2., the purpose of the increased side setbacks is to require some spaciousness between homes, rather than allow a more cramped building separation. The applicants have the option of increasing lot width if they are concerned that their houses will not fit on a 90 foot wide lot. . With regard to item 3., this reduction has been allowed by PUD in the other two R-1A subdivisions previously. The City has the discretion in a PUD to follow these previous decisions, or find that this particular project should be held to a different standard. As a part of this request, the applicant is also seeking permission to construct split-entry style homes in the Spirit Hills project. The City recently took action to prohibit this style of home in the R-1A area. The Planning Commission clarified that split level style homes (such as multi-levels or modified two stories) were allowed, however, split-entry homes which have only a landing inside the primary entry, from which one much go up or down a flight of stairs, are not permitted. S \ -I (J ~ - .~ - ~ - City Council Agenda - 04/25/05 With regard to item 4.,660 square feet would accommodate a minimum 3 car garage dimension. Staff believes that the R-1A was not designed to accommodate minimum dimensions. With regard to item 5., staff believes that the current landscaping standards have been reasonable, and that creating different standards for each project leads to confusion and difficulty with enforcement and monitoring. The applicant is encouraged to apply the proposed standards to their project. B. Alternative Actions. Decision 1: Amendment to Development Stage Planned Unit Development for Spirit Hills R- 1A development. The Planning Commission recommended #2 below. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the changes as requested by the developer, based on a finding that the changes best reflect the City's development requirements for R- 1A development in the Spirit Hills area. 2. Motion to recommend approval of selected changes requested by the developer as follows, based on a finding that the proposed standards are generally appropriate, however, some modification is necessary to ensure that the purpose of the Spirit Hills PUD is realized. A. Reduce the front setbacks to a required 30 feet, from a 35 foot average. B. Building plans for R-1A homes must meet or exceed the amended building standards specific to this development as follows: . No split entry homes . Two-story and modified two-story residential dwellings must meet: o A minimum finished first floor size of 1200 square feet; o A minimum of 2300 square feet finished area u Full basements . Rambler residential dwellings must meet: o A minimum main floor size of 1600 square feet; o A minimum of 2000 square foot total finished area . Other lot and building requirements are as identified within the R-1A District Zoning Ordinance. C. Required landscaping is to include two deciduous and one conifer, plus sod. Note that this alternative would allow split level, but not split entry homes. 3. Motion to recommend denial of the changes, based on a finding that the R-1A regulations were established to preserve high amenity lands for housing styles that provide significant move-up opportunities to the Monticello housing market, with the understanding that there may be a limited market for such housing at the current time. C. Staff Recommendation. The Planning Commission recommended Alternative 2, with approval of the specific requested amendments as follows: Item 1: Reduce the front setbacks to 30 feet, from a 35 foot average. s~ -I \ City Council Agenda - 04/25/05 . Item 3: Adopt building standards for R-1A as adopted for the amended Carlisle Village PUD, allowing split level, no split entry and modified two-story standards. Item 5: Change landscaping requirement to two deciduous and one conifer, plus sod (from two trees in the boulevard per street frontage). Planning Commission did not recommend Item 2 regarding reduced side setbacks; nor Item 4 regarding reduced garage size. The City has not applied the R-1A rules as designed to any project as yet. It has been staff's opinion that if the rules serve to delay development until the market improves for larger housing, this result would be consistent with the intent of the R-1A concept, despite the fact that the delay inconveniences the developer. As such, staff did not recommend any of the changes. D. SupportinQ Data Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Monticello Residential Design Standards Chart Spirit Hills Proposed Amendment Design Standards Chart Developer's Elevation Examples 1. Split Level 2. 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Monticello, Mn 55362 Dear Planners of the City of Monticello, This letter is in responce to the notice of hearing for the Spirit Hills changes to the PUD. The request made by the developer to reduce the size of the originally proposed housing units is an unreasonable request. After speaking with a city planner regarding the requested changes, it is apparent that the housing suggested for the said property will not make enough money for the development company. In the meeting in which their PUD was first granted, you will note that we did not oppose the development of the property. We requested the information needed to assess the quantity of homes as well as the price bracket of the homes. We never did recieve any of the requested information. At that time the developer was only interested in the town homes on the corner of Fenning and Jason. It is no secret that the town homes are the most profitable of the proposed project. Based on the quantity of town homes on that site, we would suggest that they will make a very good profit. . They now are proposing to take the land across from our homes, and reduce the size of the proposed homes to accommodate their profit. We think it is very obvious by the two developments on interstate 94, that the city of Monticello does not need another development of that size, value or design, nor do we need to downsize the proposed homes and deny families the ability to purchase upscale homes in a beautiful part of this city. Remember, as this community continues to prosper, we need to provide housing which meets the needs of our growing city. It would seem to us that what is being proposed is soley for the benefit of the developer. We think it is unconscionable for the developer to be given this consideration when according to our conversations with the city and prior experience with the planning commision, he has already been given incredible leeway. We also believe that developers should be submitting their proposals earlier and certainly more complete so the planning commision and the neighborhood could have time to digest their valued information. This would allow for constructive critique and provide the best for the city and potential development. We beleive the current process short cuts many people. We would also like to suggest that comments from the nieghborhood be allowed after the presentation by the developer. Thank you for this opportunity to respond. We can be reached at 763-286-4957. Respectfully, . Rene McCullough . " , ;7/://;;(:' ~:J;: '-----,,.) Leroy Pysk " - ,/\" \ ;?X,~ hp~f'd~7l Sc(-~O . . . Council Agenda - 4/25/05 7. Public Hearilll!:-Consideration of a resolution adootilll!: orooosed assessment roll for delinquent utility bills and certification of assessment roll to County Auditor. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is again asked to adopt an assessment roll for utility billing accounts which are delinquent more than 60 days and to certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection on next year's real estate taxes. The delinquent utility accounts that are included with the agenda are accounts that are at least 60 days past due and include all new delinquents from the last time we certified them. In addition to the delinquent amount, the Council also previously approved the establishment of an administrative fee of $50 per account that is added to each delinquent assessment. The amounts shown on the enclosed delinquent utilities list include the additional $50 administration fee for the preparation of the assessment roll. It is recommended that the delinquent accounts be put on an assessment roll for certification at an interest rate of 6% as allowed by state statute. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment roll, they can be paid without the additional interest. After 30 days, payments will be charged interest. B. ~ ~ ~S 1~ ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Adopt the assessment roll for the delinquent charges as presented. 2. Based on public hearing input, adjust the assessment roll as required. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is staff recommendation that the Council adopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts are at least 60 days past due and have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the accounts in full. All utility accounts were notified that there would be an additional $50 administrative fee attached to each outstanding balance if the account was not paid by 4:30 p.m. on April 4,2005. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Copy of resolution adopting assessment roll . Complete listing of delinquent accounts to be certified. '1-8'1 . :i ~ "0 j ~ He . ~ . 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'" "',... 0 0 a...., '" ""..... '" 0/> '" 0..., 0/> '" ""..., n, " ,~O . " " "' , O"~ , , ~ ~ o ~ " # ~ " ~ " . ~ o # > #~ 9 , " ~ , " f o ~ ;- " o o . o " " o ~g e. , ~('T , Z o . 3 ~' "" " , 0 . " . ;; 8 ~ , ~ " " ~ o n " ~ . ~ o ~ . ~ ~ " n . ~ ~ ow , 0 ~ . OOO . 0 ~ . Ow , 0 ~ O~ . " ~ 0 . nc ,oo . " " , o , ~ . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2005-45 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUENT UTILITY ACCOUNTS FOURTH QUARTER 2004 WHEREAS pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for delinquent utility account charges, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA.. I. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in one (I) annual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 2006 and shall bear interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 3 L 2006. 3. The owner of the property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment roll to the county auditor to be extended on the proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of April, 2005. ATTEST: Clint Herbst, Mayor Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator /-'8'1 . . . 8. City Council Agenda - April 25, 2005 Review of Swan River Charter School transaction, Agreement and development fees and charges. (10 & FP) Isabelle Olson on behalf of Swan River Charter School has requested that the City Council review and consider making adjustments to three issues relating to Swan River Charter School: A. Modifying the Disbursement Agreement to allow $375,000.00 in City funds to be disbursed up front rather than proportionally to bank financing. In addition, Swan River has requested that the City agree up front to allow any remainder from the S375,000.00 presently dedicated to pay construction costs, to be used for operating expenses; B. Review expenditures to date of the $200,000.00 in funds dedicated by Sunny Fresh Foods to the City to move and renovate the former Simpson Methodist Church Building; and, C. Consider reducing or adjusting city development fees and charges. A. Modifying the Disbursement Agreement: Isabelle Olson's request is as follows: "City staff without knowledge of the Council. negotiated a 20/80 disbursement agreement with the school's bank. This agreement was not part of the original agreement between the Council and the School. Although the School does not take issue with the disbursing agreement as such, the School does want to allocate any remaining funds to city use, i. e. paying the first year of community center usage. Alternatively. those fUnds should remain in the Swan River Community School accountforfuture expenses or as a guarantee for the city and/or bank. " With regards to the Disbursement Agreement, there are apparently two issues. First, the Disbursement Agreement is "piggy backed" with the bank financing to be disbursed proportionally to bank funds. Swan River has requested that the $375,000.00 in City funds be disbursed up front rather than proportionately to bank financing as construction progresses. Second is whether any money not used for construction related costs can be used by the school for operating expenses (apparently including to pay for the first year of Community Center usagc or another purpose as may be determined by Swan River). The agreement prepared by the City Attorney and approved by the Council provided that the City would pay $375,000.00 to be used exclusively for funding the construction project. The construction project is defined as the renovation of the church building and construction of the school building. '6-'do . . . City Council Agenda - April 25, 2005 B. Review expenditures to date of the $200,000.00 in funds dedicated by Sunny Fresh Foods to the City: Isabelle Olson's perspective on this situation follows: "The MOA [Agreement] that the Council adopted specifically listed a Sunny Fresh contribution 0[S25, 0.0.0. Without any notice to either the Council of the School, this money was expended, despite the/act that the council specifically enjoined any further expenditures. Although the School repeatedly requested an accounting of those funds, the accounting was not provided until the morning of closing and it essentially showed a balance of zero (a). Given the current council's very diligent accounting of city expenses (fe. canceling newspaper subscriptions to save city money), the expenditure 0/S25,aaa should have been hroughtto the attention of the council and the School. We hope that the council will consider this expenditure in relation to any permittees charged to the school. " The $200,000.00 dedicated by Sunny Fresh Foods to the City was subject to a contract between Sunnv Fresh Foods and the City restricting the use of funds to pay for costs relating to the moving, repair and renovation of the former Simpson Methodist Church Building. Any change to the use of the SFF funds will require agreement by SFF and the City. Consistent with the Agreement between the Citv and Swan River, Swan River would like any remaining f'tmds from the Sunny Fresh Grant to be dedicated to the Swan River School. The item 13 on page 7 of that Agreement, presently provides that "Any remaining Sunny Fresh funds (estimated at $25,000.00) from its original $200,000.00 grant shall be utilized solely for the Project as approved by Sunny Fresh and the Building Company. At the time that Council agreed to convey the building to Swan River it was also agreed that the City would support conveyance of any remaining funds remaining from the SFF Grant to Swan River. Swan River has been provided at least three accountings of the SFF Grant expenditures. The balance of funds in the grant account at the time of the Agreement was $17,000 to $25,000. This amount was determined our accounting and provided to Swan River at the time of the Agreement. All new work on the church building was stopped; however, since that time, invoices for work already completed have been submitted for payment. After the final cost was tallied, the amount remaining in the grant account is less than $1,000.00. ~-'6~ . . . City Council Agenda - April 25, 2005 C. Adjusting or reducing the development charges and fees for the Swan River Montessori School. Isabelle Olson expressed the following concerns as related to fees and charges: ''lv/so Twardy had inquired of you [.lefT O'Neill] what assessments the school would have to pay. You [Jeff O'Neill] indicated there would be no assessments on the property. Mr. Patch, however, initially indicated fees of $41,000, then changed to $47,000, based on erroneous assumptions regarding school enrollment." In addition, Isabelle Olson noted that: "...removal ofthesefundsfi'om the budget will impact the level of improvements that can be made to the community meeting room space. " In response to this concern it should be noted that Ms Twardy was probably told that there are not assessments or costs associated with recent "lateral improvements" such as streets, sanitary sewer or water systems installed to be funded via special assessment. However, there are other costs associated with payment of trunk fees are commonly financed via an assessment agreement. If Swan River prefers, these costs can be paid directly without an assessment. An estimate of all fees and charges, including trunk and SAC/WAC costs, were provided to Nelson Building Corporation on March 16,2005 for their construction budget. Nelson was informed that they must review the student count to insure that there were only 90 possible students. They were provided all information needed to adjust their budget based on whatever the student count may be. When it was found that the student population count was to amount to ]40 the SAC fee was adjusted accordingly. This increased the SAC fee by 3 units ($] 0,968.00). Precisely the same determination was made when the Monticello High School was built and the Monticello School District was made to pay SAC fees based on the true student count. City staff has not presented any different fees or charges than those presented on March] 6,2005 to Nelson Building Corporation. Council should review available information and determine whether or not an adjustments should be made in light of circumstance surrounding the increases: Decision 1. Consideration to modify the Disbursement Agreement to allow $375,000.00 in City funds to be disbursed up front rather than proportionally to bank financing; and, to allow any remainder from the $375,000.00 presently dedicated to pay construction costs, to be used for operating expenses. 1. Modify the disbursement agreement to provide for the requests made by Swan River School. 2. Motion to deny changes to the disbursement agreement. <6-qo . . . City Council Agenda - April 25, 2005 Decision 2: Consideration to contribute funds to Swan River School to fulfill their expectations of receiving $25,000 as a remainder from the Sunny Fresh grant to the City. 1. Motion to approve contribution to Swan River Montessori School of [up to $25,000] to off-set unexpected complete expenditure of Sunny Fresh funding. 2. Motion to deny approval of contribution. Decision 3. Consideration to reduction or eliminate standard fees [or assessments] relating to development including and not limited to Sewer Access [SAC] Fees, trunk sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer. I. Motion to approve a reduction in fees as may be determined by Council. 2. Motion to deny approval of reduction in fees. ~ -0. \ . ~~~~~8~>WO>w~~~~>~~~~~~ ~r:nooo:J;o-<, OJrri~OJ-:Uo;u'Ti~OJrn~~;oOI ozOo<o~omooO~r5mO~-m~_z~ <w~;omow;o~c~~<QO~;o~~~ m$ m~~ ~ce~m~O ~IO~ ~0~;o~~ T1,-l Z;s:C)~' -m <:-1 r ;:tIrm () mrm Q~~mmOC pmem ~>~c~o Zro~ roo ()~7< -<00 ^~CQmz Om> 0-1 s-om PII ~-lmQIm~ ~()c~ -1m >~r;o ~c-l ~ I-l~~ 00::0 -l~C~ ;o;o~ O-loor ~;:o m m~;:Oo Oom 'men I m8 Q~ ~ ~~oC/) zrO ~Ch~Ow p-< 0 :t>mI-i -l 00 <:r: c::O rri Tl OJ r-"-u (fJ 1m c::::O Z (fJ~ ~ (fJ~ ~~;o()~ () Q) Z ~ I-l ..;;: --;> I--; ~m ;;:;0 --;j; 0' O'!' Zw --;- ]'5 oz "'w "'0 z >~~i!2~8~~8~ OJs:;oOOZ-U$Z:::U OOCO""'(l-lOO-lC Nr() "'s.j:>. CfJ<.f:>.() :::j-l --!o=imo-l f=~~otiTl<~~ .p.;t>OONom~> Or-lzz::OJJo, O;o(l}-lom~<;o :;Emoof-uxomm 01 :::;-co 0)> "'Dc ():-:::; -lm-.......w-<m, m :r::2:0WS:~=i~:2: mmrn:::o' ~(/)ZO~ ~I-< , '" " o "0 o o o o o ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiW "''''''' wJl>../:>.->. 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W . 0 r- ("") ("") z ~~~ W~~NNNNN~gg~ Z ~~~~~~o-~~~~~~~~~~~ < ~NNWW~~zooOOO~~~N~~~O 0100NN~--,"~OOOC>O' --'"o>wwww(5 ~~~ N--,"roooc>o~N~~ m N'" ~--'"--'"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~--'"--'"~--'"~ rno>mmmo>rn~0101~01~~~~~ ~~~oooo~~--'"--'"~~~~~--'" ~oo~~~~O>~~~~~01~~ill ooo~m~~ommmo>o>01O>~~ '" '" "'I:Om 000 NNN'Tl ~~~m Nr>vN~ CJl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O ooooooo~--'"~~--'"--'"--'"~~~~~--'"c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~N~~~~ ~~~~~~~--,"~--,"~--,"--,"~--'"~NOOOO ~~~~g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ),..., ,~ ,\.., ,.l.... ),., ,.l.... ,.l.... A.. ~, ~, ~, .!., .!., A.. ,.!.,. A-. A-. ,.!.., ,.!.., ,.!.., c- CJl :E l> Z ;0 <: m ;0 "ll ;0 o L. m (") --i ::I: 1ii --i o ~ ;0 m "ll o ~ "ll 9 < o c: ("") X THIS AGREEMENT made this day of , 2005, by and between . AGREEMENT the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"), Swan River Montessori Charter School, a Minnesota non-profit corporation ("School"), and SRCS Building Company, a . Minnesota non-profit corporation ("Building Company"). RECITALS WHEREAS, City is the owner of certain real property approximately 24,000 square feet in size located at 500 Maple Street (the "Property") upon which is located a building that was formerly a Methodist Church ("church building"), which is legally described as Lots 8, 9, and 10, Block II, except the South 45 feet, Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, in 2004, the church building was moved to the Property from other property owned by Sunny Fresh Foods, Inc. which was expanding its facility. WHEREAS, Sunny Fresh conveyed its interest in the church building to the City and also donated $200,000.00 to the City for various costs to be incurred by the City in relocating the church to its current location. . 116303 1 '6-q~\ . 116303 2 WHEREAS, the 2004 relocation of the church building to the Property and donation of . the $200,000.00 was accomplished at a time when the City, the SchooL and SLmny Fresh were contemplating that the end use ofthe church building would be for the Swan River Montessori School. WHEREAS, the School is a Minnesota non-profit corporation that was formed for the purpose of operating a charter school intended to be located at 500 Maple Street in Monticello, Minnesota. . WHEREAS, the Building Company is a Minnesota non-profit corporation which was formed to own the Property upon which is located the church building and upon which will be constructed the school addition to the church building. WHEREAS, the renovated church building and school addition will house the Montessori School pursuant to a lease between the Building Company and the School. WHEREAS, the School \villlease facilities and purchase memberships in the City's adjoining Community Center for use as part of its school curriculum. WHEREAS, the City will have the right to use the church building, bathrooms and other shared facilities that will be constructed as part of the school addition during non-school times. The City will make the church building and shared facilities available for rental to the general public for a wide variety of public and private events, either separately or in conjLmetion with related uses of the Community Center. WHEREAS, the Building Company will renovate the church building, and construct the school addition and make other site improvements at an estimated cost of $1.6 million Cthe Project"). The City will pay $375,000.00 toward the cost ofrenovating the church building, constructing bathrooms and other facilities necessary for its future shared long term joint use by 'b'-qt; . d. stimulate economic activity in the City's downtown area. the School and City. The Property together with the church building, school addition and all . other site improvements is referred to as the "Premises." The School will occupy the "Premises" for the term of thi s Agreement. WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the expenditure of public funds relating to the City and School's joint use of the renovated church building and shared facilities, combined with the School's long-term lease ofthe City's Community Center facilities, is appropriate and \vill accomplish the following public purposes: a. eliminate the City's responsibility for renovation and ongoing maintenance and upkeep costs associated with continued ownership of the church building; b. enables thc City to retain the long-term use of the church building and shared facilities for public uses and rental to groups and individuals during non-school hours and days; c. increase revenue generated by the Community Center through the facility lease and membership agreement with the School; and WHEREAS, the City is expending funds and incurring risk by subordinating its interest in the real estate. In recognition thereof, this Agreement provides for the reconveyance of the Premises, including all improvements, to the City if the School ceases operation on the Prcmises. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: I. The recitals are incorporated herein as part of the tcrms of this Agreement. 2. Contract for Deed. City will convey to the Building Company all right, title and interest in and to the Property and to the church building pursuant to a contract for deed in thc amount of Two Hundred Thousand and Noll 00 ($200,000.00) Dollars, payable in equal monthly payments amortized over 20 years at six percent (6%) interest per annum. A copy of the contract for deed is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". . J ]6303 3 ~-qlo 3. "As Is" Convevance of Pro pert v and Church Building. The church building is . conveyed on an "as is" basis. The City disclaims any and all warranties, express or implied, regarding the church building, including, but not limited to, its physical condition, and makes no warranty or merchantability or fitness of the church building for any particular purposc, express or implied as existing as of the etIective date of this Agreement and at closing. The Building Company and School release City from any and all claims at law or equity regarding the church building and its physical condition, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. Building Company accepts the Property in an "as is" condition, with all the faults, defects and deficiencies, including the Property's environmental and geotechnical condition. 4. Conditions of Closing. The City's obligation to close on this Agreement is subject to the following conditions: 4.1 City's approval of the construction plans for the Project to insure compliance with the terms of this Agreement; . 4.2 Building Company obtaining a commitment for construction and permanent financing of the Project in a form satisfactory to the City; 4.3. City's approval of the lease agreement between the Building Company and School. The lease provisions shall not conflict with or interfere with the exercise of any rights of the City created by this Agreement. 4.4 City obtaining any necessary consent or conveyance from the Minnesota State Armory Commission. 4.5 City's compliance with Minn. Stat. 9462.356, Subd. 2. 5. Closing. Closing will take place on February 15,2005, or such other date agreed to by the parties. 6. Possession. City will deliver possession of the Property and church building on the date of closing. . 116303 4 ~ -Qj 7. Recording Costs. City will pay the cost of recording all documents necessary to . place record title in the condition warranted by City in this Agreement. 8. Citv's Title Evidence and Title Insurance. City will, as soon as possible after the Contract Date, furnish to Building Company a Commitment for Title Insurance including proper searches covering bankruptcies and state and federal judgments, federal court judgment liens in favor of the U.S., liens, and levied and pending special assessments. Building Company will pay the premium for the title policy. 9. Building Companv's Title Objections. Building Company shall have ten (10) business days after receipt of the Title Commitment to provide City with a copy of the Commitment and 'Mitten objections. Building Company shall be deemed to have waived any title objections not made within the lO-day period above, except that this shall not operate as a waiver of City's covenant to deliver the Contract for Deed. . 10. Title Corrections and Title Remedies. City shall have sixty (60) days from receipt of Building Company's written title objections to use commercially reasonable efforts to make title marketable. Upon receipt of Building Company's title objections, City shall, within ten (l0) c:;?-ct<(; business days, notify Building Company of City's intention to attempt to make title marketable within the 60-day period. Liens or encumbrances for liquidated amounts that can be released by payment or escrow from proceeds of closing shall not delay the closing. City's attempted cure of the defects by City shall be reasonable, diligent and prompt. Pending correction of title, all payments required herein and the Closing shall be postponed. 10.1 If notice is given and City makes title marketable, then upon presentation to Building Company and proposed lender of documentation establishing that title has been made marketable, and if not objected to in the same time and manner as the original title objections, the closing shall take place within ten (l0) business days or on the scheduled Closing Date, whichever is later. . 116303 5 . . . 10.2 If notice is given and City proceeds in good faith to make title marketable but the 60-day period expires without title being made marketable, Building Company may declare this Agreement void by notice to City, neither party shall be liable for damages hereunder to the other, and any earnest money shall be refunded to Building Company. 10.3 If City does not give notice of intention to make title marketable, or if notice is given but the 60-day period expires without title being made marketable, Building Company's exclusive remedy is rescission of this Agreement by notice as provided herein, in which case any earnest money paid shall be refunded to Building Company. 10.4 If title is marketable, or is made marketable as provided herein, and Building Company defaults in any of the agreements herein, City's exclusive remedy is to cancel this contract as provided by statute and retain all payments made hereunder as liquidated damages. 10.5 If title is marketable, or is made marketable as provided herein, and City defaults in any of the agreements herein, Builder Company's exclusive remedy is rescission of this Agreement by notice as provided herein, in which case any earnest money paid shall be refunded to Building Company. 11. Subordination of Vendor's Interest in Contract for Deed. City will subordinate its interest in the Premises under the Contract for Deed and this Agreement to the lien of any lender to the Building Company in an amount not to exceed $1.6 million that is necessary to complete the Project and obtain the initial permanent financing for the Project. The permanent financing shall not contain any prepayment penalty. The City's rights under this Agreement and the Contract for Deed shall not be subordinated to any lease to the School or other entity and any such lessee shall hold its interest subject to the rights of the City under this Agreement and the Contract for Deed. Building Company shall abide by all terms and conditions of the construction and permanent financing. 12. Citv Pavment at Closing. At closing of this Agreement, the City shall pay $375,000.00 to be used exclusively for funding of the Project. The funds shall be deposited with a title insurance company in accordance with a Disbursing Agreement in a form mutually agreed to by the City and Building Company. 116303 6 '15' - q C\ 13. Sunnv Fresh Grant. Any remaining Sunny Fresh funds (estimated at $25,000.00) . from its original $200,000.00 grant shall be utilized solely for the Project as approved by Sunny Fresh and the Building Company. 14. Citv Use of Renovated Church Building and Other Shared Facilities. The Building Company and City agree to the following relating to the use of the renovated church building and other shared facilities: 14.1 Building Company will complete the Project in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the City, which will include for the benefit of use by the City the following "shared facilities": a. b. c. d. . e. f. " C. Renovated church building; Bathrooms (multi-stall); Multi-purpose room, also known as "bride's room"; Limited kitchen facilities, including at minimum a sink area, institutional dishwasher, and countertops; Furniture, consisting of tables and chairs allowing for multi-function use; Storage facilities for furniture and coats; and Handicap accessible ramp(s) to gain access to the church building. 14.2 Building Company hereby grants to the City a lease interest in and to the renovated church building and other shared facilities for a period of ninety-nine (99) years commencing September 1,2005, during the days and times set forth in Section 13.3 herein. The City shall have the right to use the church building and shared facilities for its own use or as a rental facility for private groups, individuals or other public entities. 14.3 The church building and other shared facilities will be available for full use by the City during the follO\ving times and with the following provisions: a. Weekdays (during school year) 6:00 P.M. through 1:00 A.M.; b. Weekdays - Summer (when School is not in session) - full use; c. . 116303 Weekends - year round - full use; 7 '6-[00 . d. School is granted use of church building at no charge up to 10 times per year for school related events; e. City staff schedules use of rental space. School will schedule its use through City staff; f. City provides custodian to clean up after its use of facility. Alternatively, at City's option, Building Company agrees to provide cleanup for a flat fee per meeting; g. City to be responsible for all damage beyond normal wear and tear to the building and/or property during events under control of the City; and h. Revenue from City's rental of the church building and other shared facilities shall be the exclusive income of the City. 14.4 Building Company shall during the term of this Agreement at its expense, maintain and keep the Premises in good repair (including any necessary capital improvements). Building Company shall be responsible for all snow removal on the premises. . 14.5 Building Company is responsible for providing and paying for all utility services, including, but not limited to, heating, air conditioning, water and sewer services, gas and electric. 15. School's Communitv Center Memberships and Facilities Lease. As additional consideration for the City's payment of City funds, subordination of the City's interest in the Premises to the first mortgage and other obligations incurred herein, the School and City hereby enter into the following agreement relating to the use of the City Community Center: <6-/01 15.1 For each school year (July I-June 30 fiscal year) commencing on July 1,2005 and continuing through the term of this Agreement, the Scbool shall purchase individual Community Center memberships for its students, teachers or staff (allocated at the School's sole discretion) for not less than $25,000 in annual membership fees. The School, at its discretion, may pay for said membership fees either in a lump sum payment of $25,000 at the beginning of the school year or in equal monthly payments of $2,083.33 commencing July 1,2005. In no event shall the School pay less than $25,000 per year. The rate per membership shall be the same as required for memberships sold by the Community Center to the public according to any differentiations by age or degree of use that the Community Center reasonably establishes. The minimum annual membership fees of $25,000 shall be increased by the percentage increase, if any, in General . J]6303 8 . . . 116303 15.3 Education Aid to the School (see Minn. Stat. 9126C.13, and 9125C.20) (or any equivalent state or federal aid) or the percentage increase, if any, in cost of memberships established by the City, whichever is less. For the fiscal year July I, 2004 - June 20, 2005, General Revenue Aid is $4,601.00 per student. The base amount for calculations under this paragraph shall be the comparable amount paid for school fiscal year 2005-2006. Attached hereto as Exhibit "B" is the schedule of Community Center membership cost at the date of this Agreement which shall be the base amount for calculation under this paragraph. 15.2 In addition to and separate from the memberships described in Paragraph 14.1, for each school year (July I - June 30) commencing on July 1,2005 and continuing through the term of this Agreement, the City hereby rents Community Center space to the School for the following uses: (a) Gymnasium Usage: 174 school days, 2 hours a day between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Hours can be moved or added to other days, but cannot be combined to more than 3 hours/day; (b) Climbing Wall: I day/week (2 hours), 15 students/day for 33 weeks between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.; and (c) Pool Use: 5 days/week, 30 students/day for 33 weeks between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. The School shall pay rent in the amount of $25,000.00 per year commencing July 1,2005. The School may at its discretion pay the rental in a lump sum at the beginning of the School year or in equal monthly payments of$2,083.33 commencing July 1,2005. The payment shall be a minimum payment regardless of the amount of actual use by the School unless and except for circumstances when, in any year, space is not available to the School because the Community Center has committed it to a third party. In that event, the parties shall meet and confer and made adjustments in the next year's payment to reflect the excess cost paid in the previous year. Nothing in this provision shall prcvent the School and City from contracting for additional School use in the Community Center. The rent shall increase annually by any percentage increase in Building Lease Aid as that term is defined in Minn.Stat. S124D.ll Subd.4 or any equivalent state or federal aid that may in the future substitute in whole or part for Building Lease Aid. Nothing herein sha1llimit the City in determining its method of management of the Community Center. Should the City at any point during the term of this Agreement sell or assign the Community Center facilities to another entity, whether public or private, for profit or non-profit, this Section 14 may be terminated or assigned to the new entity at the City's sole discretion. 9 ~ lOd. 16. Default and Revesting of Title in Citv, In addition to any and all other rights the . City has at law or equity, if the Building Company defaults under the terms of its first mortgage or the School ceases operation on the Premises belore the mortgage is satisfied and the default is not remedied within thirty (30) days of written notice by City to the Building Company, the City shall have the right to re-enter and take possession of the Premises and to terminate (and revest in the City) the estate conveyed by the Contract for Deed to the Building Company, it being the intent of this provision, together with other provision of the Agreement, that the conveyance of the Premises to the Building Company shall be made upon, and that the Contract for Deed shall contain a condition subsequent to the effect that in the event of a default on the part of the Building Company and failure on the part of the Building Company to remedy such default, the City at its option may declare a termination in favor of the City ofthc title, and of all the rights and interests in and to the Premises conveyed to the Building Company, and that such title and . all rights and interests of the Building Company, and any assigns or successors in interest to and in the Premises, shall revert to the City, ] 7, Citv's Rights After Mortgage is Satisfied, As part of the overall consideration for the City's undertakings in this Agreement, the Building Company agrees that after the first mortgage has been satisfied, if the School ceases operations on the Premises, the Building Company shall convey marketable title to the City by warranty deed within sixty (60) days of written demand by the City, The City's right to demand reconveyance shall terminate one (I) year after the School ceases operation on the Premises, 18, Repurchase of Premises bv Citv, The City may at any time during the term of this Agreement, at its sole discretion and upon giving one hundred eighty (180) days written notice to the Building Company, purchase the Premises from the Building Company at fair market value . 116301 ]0 1S - (03 agreed to by both parties provided that the Building Company is able to locate a suitable building . within the Monticello School District or another property allowing for the construction of a suitable building to house the School. If the parties cannot agree to the fair market value of the Premises, the Building Company and City shall each appoint an appraiser who shall in turn appoint a third appraiser to consider the parties' appraisals and determine the fair market value. 19. Parking. The City will work in good faith with the Building Company and School to accommodate parking for special School events on the Community Center property. 20. No Assignment. Neither the School nor Building Company shall assign or sublease any interest created hereunder or the lease between the School and Building Company to any third party without the prior written consent of the City. However, in the event that Minnesota law permits the School to itself own the Premises, the City may not object and shall cooperate in all reasonable ways to permit such a change in o\'<llership provided that the City's ~-iOL\ . interest under this Agreement is not adversely affected. 21 . Insurance. Indemnification. 21.1 Liability. Each Party shall be free from liability and claims for damages by reason of injuries occurring on or after the date of this Contract to any person or persons or property while on or about the Property arising from the actions by the other. Each shall defend and indemnify the other from all liability, loss, cost and obligations, including reasonable attorneys' fees, on account of or arising out of any such injuries. 21.2 Liability Insurance. To the extent permitted by Milmesota law, Parties at their own expense shall secure liability insurance for their own activities on the property or activities conducted by third parties using the Property with either's parties' consent Each shall name the other as an additional insured on any such policies. . 21.3 Insurance Generally. The insurance which Parties' are required to procure and maintain shall be issued by a qualified Minnesota local government insurance pooling entity or by an insurance company or companies licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota. The insurance shall be maintained by each Party at all times while any amount remains unpaid under this Contract. The insurance II ] ]6303 . . . policies shall provide for not less than ten (10) days' written notice to the other Party before cancellation, non-renewal, termination or change in coverage. Each Party shall deliver to the other a duplicate original or certificate of such insurance policy or policies. 22. Notices. Notices required by this Agreement shall be addressed as follows: To School: Swan River Montessori Charter School 500 Maple Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 To Building Company: SRCS Building Company 500 Maple Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 To City: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 ?' ~_1. Recording. This Agreement shall be recorded against the Property and run with the land for the term of this Agreement. The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall survive the closing and shall not merge with the Contract for Deed or subsequent Warranty Deed. 24. Term of Agreement. The term of this Agreement is for twenty (20) years until June 30, 2025, or the final payment under the terms of the Contract for Deed, whichever occurs last except as to the following provisions which shall continue thereafter: (a) the City's lease interest created by Section 14; (b) the City's rights pursuant to Section 16 to a revesting of title; (c) thc City's right s pursuant to Section 17 herein to demand reconveyance; (d) the City's repurchase rights pursuant to Paragraph 18 herein; and 25. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire understanding and agreement of the parties hereto and shall not be modified in any manner except by an instrument ] ]6303 12 i{ -/05 Its: in writing executed by both parties. In the event that any term, covenant or condition herein . contained is held to be invalid or void by any court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such term, covenant or condition shall in no way affect any other term, covenant or condition herein contained. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Clint Herbst, Mayor By: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator SWAN RIVER MONTESSORI CHARTER SCHOOL By: Its: . SRCS BUILDING COMPANY By: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of , 2005, by Clint Herbst and by Rick Wolfsteller, respectively the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public . 116303 13 '6'-1010 . . . STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2005, by the of Swan River Montessori Charter School, a Minnesota non-profit corporation, on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) 5S. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of , 2005, by the of SRCS Building Company, a Minnesota non-profit corporation, on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public THIS INSTRmtENT DRAFTED By: CAMPBELL KNUTSON, P.A. Professional Association 317 Eagandalc Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, Minnesota 55121 TMS/cjh ) 16303 14 <j{_roJ . . . EXHIBIT "A" CONTRACT FOR DEED Business Entity Vendor Form No. 55-M Minnesota Uniform Conveyancing Blanks (2000) No delinquent taxes and transfer entered; Certificate of Real Estate Value ( ) filed ( ) not required. Certificate of Real Estate Value No. , (Date) County Auditor by: Deputy Date: . 2005 (reserved for recording data) THIS CONTRACT FOR DEED (the "Contract") is made on the above date by The City of Monticello, a Minnesota Municipal Corporation ("Vendor") and SRCS Building Company, a Minnesota Non-Profit Corporation ("Vendee") Vendor and Vendee agree to the following terms: I. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION. Vendor hereby sells, and Vendee hereby buys, real property in Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Lots 8, 9, and 10, Block II, except the South 45 feet, Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota, together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto (the "Property"). Unless otherwise specified, Vendor hereby delivers possession of the Property to Vendee on the date hereof. Vendor check applicable box: [1g The Vendor certifies that the Vendor does not know of any wells on the described real property. o A well disclosure certificate accompanies this document. o I am familiar with the property described in this instrument and I certify that the status and number of wells on the described real property have not changed since the last previously filed well disclosure certificate. 2. TITLE. Vendor warrants that title to the Property is, on the date of this Contract, subject only to the following exceptions: 116303 15 1> - l O~ (a) Covenants, conditions, restrictions (without effective forfeiture provisions) and . declarations of record, if any; (b) Reservation of minerals or mineral rights by the State of Minnesota, if any; (c) Utility and drainagc easements which do not interfere witb present improvements; (d) Applicable laws, ordinances and regulations; (e) The lien of real estate taxes and installments of special assessments which are payable by Vendee pursuant to paragraph 6 of this Contract; and (f) The following liens or encumbrances: [Revise per final title work]. CC - I O~ 3. DELIVERY OF DEED AND EVIDENCE OF TITLE. Upon Vendee's full performance of this Contract, Vendor shall: (a) Exccute, acknowledge and deliver to Vendee a Limited Warranty Deed, in recordable form, conveying marketable title to the Property to Vendee, subject only to the following exceptions: (i) Those exceptions referred to in paragraph 2(a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) of this Contract; (ii) Liens, encumbranccs, adverse claims or other matters which Vendee has created, suffered or permitted to accrue after the date of this Contract; and (iii) The following liens or encumbrances: [Revise per tinal title work]. 4. PURCHASE PRICE. Vendee shall pay to Vendor, at 505 Walnut St., Monticello, MN, 55362-8822 or at such other address designated in writing by Vendor to Vendee the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars in monthly payments of One Thousand Four Htmdred Thirty Three Dollars ($1433.00) based on an interest rate of 6% interest and 20 years amortization commencing on the first day of the first month following execution of this agreement. . 5. PREPAYMENT. Unless otherwise provided in this Contract, Vendee shall have the right to fully or partially prepay this Contract at any time without penalty. Any partial prepayment shall be applied first to payment of amounts then due under this Contract, including unpaid accrued interest, and the balance shall be applied to the principal installments to be paid in the inverse order of their maturity. Partial prepayment shall not postpone the due date of the installments to be paid pursuant to this Contract or change the amount of such installments. 6. ASSESSMENTS. Vendee shall pay all real estate taxes and installments of special assessments which are due and payable in 2005 and installments of special assessments assessed against the Property which are due and payable in all subsequent years. 7. PROPERTY INSURANCE. (a) INSURED RISKS AND AMOUNTS. Vendee shall keep all the Property and improvements and fixtures now or later located on or a part of the Property insured against loss by fire, lightning and such other perils as are included in a standard "all-risk" endorsement, and against loss or damage by all other risks and hazards covered by a standard extended coverage insurance policy, including, 16 . 116303 . (c) without limitation, vandalism, malicious mischief, burglary, theft and, if applicable, steam boiler explosion. Such insurance shall be in an amount no less than the full replacement cost of the buildings, improvements and fixtures, without deduction for physical depreciation. If any of the Property is or improvements or fixtures are located in a federally designated tlood prone area, and if flood insurance is available for that area, Vendee shall procure and maintain flood insurance in amounts reasonably satisfactory to Vendor. (b) OTHER TERMS. The insurance policy shall contain a loss payable clause in favor of Vendor which provides that Vendor's right to recover under the insurance shall not be impaired by any acts or omissions of Vendee or Vendor, and that Vendor shall otherwise be afforded all rights and privileges customarily provided a mortgagee under the so-called standard mortgage clause. NOTICE OF DAMAGE. In the event of damage to the Property by fire or other casualty, Vendee shall promptly give notice of such damage to Vendor and the lllsurancc company. 8. DAMAGE TO THE PROPERTY. (a) . APPLICATION OF INSURANCE PROCEEDS. If the Property is damaged by fire or other casualty, the insurance proceeds paid on account of such damage shall be applied to payment of the amounts payable by Vendee under this Contract, even if such amounts are not then due to be paid, unless Vendee makes a permitted election described in the next paragraph. Such amounts shall be first applied to unpaid accrued interest and next to the installments of principal to be paid as provided in this Contract in the inverse order of their maturity. Such payment shall not postpone the due date of the installments to be paid pursuant to this Contract or change the amount of such installments. In the event the entire principal balance of the contract is fully paid under this paragraph, the balance of insurance proceeds, if any, shall be the property of Vendee. (b) VENDEE'S ELECTION TO REBUILD. If Vendee is not in default under this Contract, or after curing any such default, and if the mortgagees in any prior mortgages and Vendors in any prior contracts for deed do not require otherwise, Vendee may elect to have that portion of such insurance proceeds necessary to repair. replace or restore the damaged Property (the "Repairs") deposited in escrow with a bank or title insurance company qualified to do business in the State of Minnesota, or such other party as may be mutually agreeable to Vendor and Vendee. The election may only be made by written notice to Vendor within sixty (60) days after the damage occurs. Also, the election will only be permitted if the plans and specifications and contracts for the Repairs are approved by Vendor, which approval Vendor shall not unreasonably withhold or delay. Ifsuch a permitted election is made by Vendee, Vendor and Vendee shall jointly deposit, when paid, such insurance proceeds into such escrow. If such insurance proceeds are insufficient for the Repairs, Vendee shall, before the commencement of the . 116303 17 </{-IIO . Repairs, deposit into such escrow sufficient additional money to insure the full payment for the Repairs. Even if the insurance proceeds are unavailable or are insufficient to pay the cost of the Repairs, Vendee shall at all times be responsible to pay the full cost of the Repairs. All escrowed funds shall be disbursed by the escrowee in accordance v'Iith generally accepted sound construction disbursement procedures. The costs incurred or to be incurred on account of such escrow shall be deposited by Vendee into such escrow before the commencement of the Repairs. Vendee shall complete the Repairs as soon as reasonably possible and in a good and workmanlike manner, and in any event the Repairs shall be completed by Vendee within one (I) year after the damage occurs. If, following the completion of and payment for the Repairs, there remains any undisbursed escrow funds, such funds shall be applied to payment of the amOlmts payable by Vendee under this Contract in accordance with paragraph 8(a) above. 9. INJURY OR DAMAGE OCCURRING ON THE PROPERTY. (a) LIABILITY. Each Party shall be free from liability and claims for damages by rcason of inj uries occurring on or after the date of this Contract to any person or persons or property while on or about the Property arising from the actions by the other.. Each shall defend and indemnify the other from all liability, loss, cost and obligations, including reasonable attorneys' fees, on account of or arising out of any such injuries. (b) LIABILITY INSURANCE. To the extent permitted by Minnesota law, Parties at their mvn expense shall secure liability insurance for their own activates on the property or activities conducted by third parties using the Property with either's parties' consent Each shall name the other as an additional insured on any such policies. . 10. INSURANCE GENE~"'LLY. The insurance which Parties' are required to procure and maintain shall be issued by a qualified Minnesota local government insurance pooling entity or by an insurance company or companies licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota. The insurance shall be maintained by each Party at all times while any amount remains unpaid under this Contract. The insurance policies shall provide for not less than ten (10) days' wTitten notice to the other Party before cancellation, non-renewal, termination or change in coverage. Each Party shall deliver to the other a duplicate original or certificate of such insurance policy or policies. II. CONDEMNA TION. If all or any part of the Property IS taken in condemnation proceedings instituted under power of eminent domain or is conveyed in lieu thereof under threat of condemnation, the money paid pursuant to such condemnation or conveyance in lieu thereof shall be applied to payment of the amounts payable by Vendee under this Contract, even if such amounts are not then due to be paid. Such amounts shall be applied in the same manner as a prepayment as provided in paragraph 5 of this Contract. Such payments shall not postpone the due date of the installments to be paid . 116303 18 ~- II] . pursuant to this Contract or change the amount of such installments. The balance, if any, shall be the property of Vendee. 12. WASTE, REPAIR AND LIENS. Vendee shall not remove or demolish any buildings, improvements or fixtures now or later located on or a part of the Property, nor shall Vendee commit or allow waste of the Property. Vendee shall maintain the Property in good condition and repair. Vendee shall not create or permit to accrue liens or adverse claims against the Property which constitute a lien or claim against V cndor's interest in the Property. Vendee shall pay to Vendor all amounts, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by Vendor to remove any such liens or adverse claims. 13. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. Except for matters which Vendor has created, suffered or permitted to exist prior to the date of this Contract, Vendee shall comply or cause compliance with all laws and regulations of any governmental authority which affect the Property or the manner of using or operating the same, and with all restrictive covenants, if any, affecting title to the Property or the use thereof. 14. . RECORDING OF CONTRACT; MORTGAGE REGISTRY TAX AND DEED TAX. Vendee shall, at Vendee's expense, record this Contract in the office of the county recorder or registrar of titles in the county in which the Property is located within four (4) months after the date hereof. Vendee shall pay any penalty imposed under Minnesota Statutes Section 507.235 for failure to timely record the Contract. Vendor shall, upon Vendce's full performance of this Contract, pay the deed tax due upon the recording of the deed to be delivered by Vendor to Vendee. The mortgage registry tax if any due upon the recording or filing of this Contract for Deed shall be paid by Vendee; however, this provision shall not impair the right of Vendor to collect from Vendee the amount of such tax actually paid by Vendor as provided in the applicable law governing default and service of notice of termination of this Contract for Deed. 15. ASSIGNMENT. Vendee may not assign its interest in the Contract for Deed without the prior written consent of Vendor, except as provided for in Paragraph 20 of the Agreement between Vendor, Vendee and Swan River Montessori Charter School. 16. PROTECTION OF INTERESTS. If Vendee fails to pay any sum of money required under the terms of this Contract or fails to perform any of the Vendee's obligations as set forth in this Contract, Vendor may, at Vendor's option, pay the same or cause the same to bc performed, or both, and the amounts so paid by Vendor and the cost of such performance shall be payable at once, with interest at the rate stated in paragraph 4(d) of this Contract, as an additional amount due Vendor under this Contract. If there now exists, or if Vendor hereafter creates, suffers or permits to accrue, any mortgage, contract for deed, lien or encumbrance against the Property which is not herein expressly assumed by Vendee, and provided Vendee is not in default under this Contract, Vendor shall timely pay all amounts due thereon, and if Vendor fails to do so, Vendee may, at Vendee's option, pay any such delinquent amounts or take any actions reasonably necessary to cure defaults therewlder and deduct the anlounts so paid together with . 116303 19 <6- ll~ . . . interest at the rate provided in this Contract from the payments next coming due under this Contract. 17. MONETARY DEFAULTS AND REMEDIES. The time of performance of payments of money by Vendee of the terms of this Contract is an essential part of this Contract. If Vendee fails to timely perform any term of this Contract, Vendor may, at Vendor's option, elect to declare this Contract cancelled and terminated by notice to Vendee in accordance with applicable law or elect any other remedy available at law or in equity. If Vendor elects to terminate this Contract, all right, title, and interest acquired under this Contract by Vendee shall then cease and terminate, and all improvements made upon the Property and all payments made by Vendee pursuant to this Contract (including escrow payments, if any) shall belong to Vendor as liquidated damages for breach of this Contract. Neither the extension of the time for payment of any sum of money to be paid hereunder nor any waiver by Vendor of Vendor's rights to declare this Contract forfeited by reason of any breach shall in any manner affect Vendor's right to cancel this Contract because of defaults subsequently occurring, and no extension of time shall be valid unless agreed to in writing. After service of notice of default and failure to cure such default within the period allowed by law, Vendee shall, upon demand, surrender possession of the Property to Vendor, but Vendee shall be entitled to possession of the Property until the expiration of such period. Failure by Vendor to exercise one or more remedies available under this paragraph 17 shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise such remedy or remedies thereafter. 18. BINDING EFFECT. The terms of this Contract shall run with the land and bind the parties hereto and the successors in interest. 19. HEADINGS. Headings of the paragraphs of this Contract are for convenience only and do not define, limit, or construe the contents of such paragraphs. 20. ADDITIONAL TERMS: Check here 1&1 if an Addendum to Contract for Deed containing additional terms and conditions is attached hereto. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS CONTRACT FOR DEED SHALL INCLUDE ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE ADDENDUM WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO. VENDOR: CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Clint Herbst, Mayor By: Rick Wolfsteller. City Administrator 116303 20 '6-f}3 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. . COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of , 2005, by Clint Herbst and by Rick Wolfsteller, respectively the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public VENDEE: SRCS BUILDING COMPANY By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) . The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of , 2005, by the of SRCS Bui Iding Company, a Minnesota non-profit corporation, on behal f of said corporation. Notary Public THIS INSTRUME:\T DRAFTED By: CAMPBELL KNUTSON, PA Professional Association 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, Minnesota 55121 TMS/cjh . 11630.1 21 <i_Ill) . . . ADDENDUM TO THE CONTRACT FOR DEED OF APRIL 7,2005 BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, A MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION ("VENDOR") AND SRCS BUILDING COMPANY, A MINNESOTA NON-PROFIT CORPORATION ("VENDEE") 1. Incorporation of Terms of Agreement. Parties acknowledge and agree that certain aspects of their relationship are described and binding upon them in accord with the terms of the Agreement of even date herewith and fully incorporated into this Contract by reference among the Vendor, Vendee and Swan River Montessori Charter School, a Minnesota non-profit corporation, also known as Minnesota Public School District Number 4137 (the "Agreement). In the event that the Contract For Deed is closed as contemplated by the terms of this Addendum, the School shall become the tenant of the Property. 2. Subordination to Prime Securitv Bank, N.A. (PSB) Mortgage. While this Agreement is in full force and effect, it shall be subordinate only to the first mortgage lien in favor of PSB to secure its loan of $1,500,000 to the Vendee necessary to complete renovations and new construction on the Property. 3. Default Bv Vendee. Default by Vendee shall occur if: (a) The School fails to open on or before September I, 2005 or the School ceases operation on the Property. (b) Vendee or the School fails to pay timely any monetary payment required of it by this Contract or the Agreement. (c) Vendee or the School, fails after 30 day notice by the Vendor to cure any non- monetary default as determined by this Contract or the Agreement. (d) The School's authority to be a Minnesota Charter School is terminated and it ceases operations permanently. (e) Vendee or the School default under the Agreement. 4. Default Bv Vendor. The Vendor shall be in default ifit fails to perform any undertaking required of it lmder (i) the terms of this Contract or (ii) under the terms of the Agreement. 5. Remedies Upon Default. In the event of a default by either Party, the other may seek any remedy available under Minnesota law. 6. Minnesota Law Governs. Any controversy arising from this Agreement shall be governed by Minnesota law. 7. Notices. Notices required by this Agreement shall be addressed as follows absent any wTittcn directions by either party otherwise: ~ - lIS> To the Vendor: City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticello, Minnesota 55362 . To the Vendee: SRCS Building Company 500 Maple Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 . . 'i)-Ill;; EXHIBIT "8" . (Schedule of Community Center Membership Cost) . . <6-/ll . . . B. Council Agenda - 4/25/05 9. Consideration of authorizinl! purchase of furnishinl! for library expansion. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: With the library construction project proceeding on schedule, Librarian Margo Askin is requesting Council approval to proceed with acquiring the necessary furniture and equipment to occupy the expansion area. A specific budget was not previously identified for furniture and equipment as part of the overall building expansion, but it always has been estimated that these items could cost $15,000 to $25,000. The expansion project at this time including the construction contract. architect fees along with the removal of the drive through canopy bring the project costs to around $725,000. If there are change orders in the future, this amount could mcrease. According to the librarian, they are hopeful that they will be able to use the expansion area by as early as late May, which will require additional shelving, furniture for the reading area and other miscellaneous items such as signage. Margo has been working with suppliers of these items and preliminary estimates place the amount of furniture and equipment at less than $15,000. Although a final quotation for these items will not be available by the meeting Monday night, Margo would like to receive approval to order equipment outlined on her summary sheet provided in a total amount not to exceed to $15,000. The main reason for seeking authorization at this time to order some of the equipment is that it will take 4-6 weeks or longer to receive the items once ordered. To expedite these purchases, Council could authorize the librarian to place purchase orders on equipment as outlined with the understanding that they could not exceed $15,000 total unless additional Conncil authorization was received. I. '1J -k"lI'<---" (~~. l' ~ Conncil could authorize the librarian to purchase shelving and furniture as outlined after obtaining at least two quotes from suppliers with the purchases not exceeding $15,000. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 2. Do not authorize purchases at this time until additional quotations can be received. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. With the understanding that the library personnel would obtain at least two quotes for the items noted and to expedite thc purchase process to coincide with the building completion, the City Administrator recommends Alternative #1. In discussions with the librarian, they are attempting to keep the number of items that need to be added to the shelving and furniture to a minimum at this time and feel that $15,000 budget should be more than sufficient. SUPPORTING DATA: List of shelving, furniture and miscellaneous signage requested. s- II '6 . . . Monticello Public Library 200 w. 6th Street Monticello, MN 55362 763-295-2322 MONTICELLO PUBLIC LIBRARY EXPANSION PROJECT Shelving and Furniture A. Shelving: Based on additional floor space and collection growth 1) 18' doublesided metal shelving, 72" tall with hanging dividers top and display ends for new books 2) 15' doublesided metal shelving, 72" tall with hanging dividers top and display ends for audiobooks 3) 12' singleside 72" tall shelf with hanging dividers for patron holds 4) DVD display unit (150 capacity) 5) 8-12' modular 48" tall serpentine shelving for YA area B. Furniture: (for expanded reading areas) 1) 4 lounge chairs for adult reading area 2) low table for adult reading area 3) 3 tall cafe tables for young adult area with 3 chairs each for young adult area 4) lounge seating for adulU youth for children's area 5) 4 60" round tables and rolling cart for program space C. Miscellaneous 1) Signs designating: fiction, non-fiction, videos, DVDs & CDs, magazines, quiet study area, copy machine, holds, 4 catalog stations 2) material receptacles for inside book drop ~-{\C\ 10. ~, Council Agenda - 4/25/05 Consideration of Approvinl!: Plans and Specifications and Authorizine. Advertisement for Bids for the Extension of Meadow Oak Avenue from the Current Termini to CSAH 18 (Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 200S-0SC) and the Reconstruction of a See.ment of CSAH 18 and CSAH 39 for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchane.e Proiect (Citv Proiect No. 2004-1C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: ~ ~ The extension of Meadow Oak Avenue, from the current termini to CSAH 18, will provide a detour route for the reconstruction of the CSAH 18 bridge as proposed for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange project. The Meadow Oak Avenue extension will also provide access to the Weinand property for development. In order to phase the construction of the interchange project in an effective manner, it is proposed to construct the following: . extension of Meadow Oak Avenue to CSAH 18 CSAH 18 from the new intersection at Meadow Oak Avenue, south to School Boulevard CSAH 39 fromjust north of the existing BNSF railroad grade crossing to Hart Boulevard 1-94 watermain crossing relocation . . . The CSAH 18 and CSAH 39 segments are not included in the funding agreements with MnlDOT; therefore, these segments can be constructed prior to the finalization of the agreements that include MnlDOT. The construction of these segments will require an agreement between the City and Wright County as well as a signal agreement for the replacement of the existing signal at CSAH 75 and CSAH 18. Construction ofCSAH 39 and the CSAH 75 intersection will be constructed under traffic (no closures), and will include temporary lane shifts to accommodate the continuous traffic f1ow. CSAH 18 will be closed temporarily just south of Chelsea Road to allow construction of the storm sewer. Traffic will be rerouted to Chelsea Road and TH 25 to access the south end of the City. Utility improvements include relocating the existing trunk watermain crossing 1-94 along CSAH 18, due to the reconstruction of the CSAH 18 bridge over 1-94. Storm sewer for Meadow Oak Avenue and CSAH 18 will outlet to the pond within the Weinand property at the northeast corner of Meadow Oak Avenue and CSAH 18. The construction of Meadow Oak Avenue needs to be completed by September 2005, before work on the CSAH 18 bridge and the remaining interchange improvements commences. Right-ot~way will need to be acquired from Weinand and the Resurrection Church property for the construction of Meadow Oak A venue. This right-of-way is addressed in the agreements with both parties, which are in the Council packet for consideration tonight. Right-of-way will need to be acquired from property owners abutting the proposed interchange project as recorded on the Wright County Highway Right-of- Way Plat No. 55. Property owners affected by the construction of CSAH 18 and CSAH 39 included in this project's scope are: . Wright County . Monticello Industrial Park . Resurrection Lutheran Church . Independent School District No. 822 I.', ,f)()(LIII..-.-:'IJ..I WWi/i-'(( '{,l.(J(',_II..\__!',h'",pU(;Y {n/-.lle',,,,',,,,, Oc',-. h-e''''" h-'-( '_'-III !_C.\:.uIJ~ _J,!!I",,.;:<, f'.',,~.'-..I,I :"r Bid 'N25'J-'_dc" \0 _\.)0 . ~, """:%'::., =~ ~ I ~ ,,~ . @~I8J~~~~~ n~~a;g i; ~ ~ ~ ~ 8z ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ;~ ~ ~ z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ . ~~ ~~ . ;; ~ ~ ;; ~ . z ~S !=~~ .~ ' 0 ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ " ;; ~: ~U~ ie I ~ ~ ~ · i z 8 · :: .~ i._. ili !i! ji 1II !!: "'::: -< i:ill\ ;;;;:....1; ~ ;: ~ ~ ~ ,., j ... ;1'~!!; . ig --1 ~ ~ 5 ~ : ':: : ;! ~ ~t j~2: . ; i f;; ~ ~ J. !l:: 'e 5,Q ~~;:; 2::lI: c...,5...... A,.,... ... '" '" '"'........... ~ ... ..'" ~%"'::Z"';n_ . ... '" '" .. '" .... i - .....!: Z I Z i z z ... ~ ... 'if i ~ ~ '" ~ '" ;; ~ l~ ;:~, J .J' _ _ -.::: """-::,.,_ /'l I .................,.,.........:----_ I/~""..,"".~- I I I . . " i . :.~,..,.\ ~ : .........,t- '-~ . .."!/-. {.... -., r!;J,,^/ ~-{ ,~~ (r ~-J \:J 0 \'.:!..!Y"' -"'-__1,........_ 1/ 'i'~ \-LJ ~--&- "ij.-::"...v~I\-../_ L: ;:::; /'-/:\ II '""')A ~/ I '::: '-l ',~ I("~ -, .j h,~ \ I ":]/ ....... \. '--"---1- . \ : 0 ill : " ~ h' , , il ,; ~i t: ~ I .....:L-,II " I; , " , i ;, " ! ~ ~ = o ;:: "- ~~~! ?,>~~~~~. j((:J~) A ~~~: ; "-;~~" F-~\? (~~'.i (. / ";:. /tS--/.~,....... .......~.., / ;0 /\ ...~,_ 'i': ::I 1:). '. Y2> - "'~;'''?:2~<cl1-1!. ,....." -,I I~ 'I" ""'" ' i!ig~.;:. ., tW -'~,/j"----~.)i/.".-ti-7)_/!'_1_ _, _:{...._ .~ c."'S.:.",' V . ",,/1" I'I..!,,, ;~<'!~"':"';f:': ' ,. :~ "'. ~ I ~ " 'i @~ ~:c:n '"l::l::! t'1~O C"." "'t-< :;0 " r- I] is; loO 2: \0-(;)). Council Agenda - 4/1 1/05 . 11. Consideration of adootinl!: al!:reement with Weinand develooment for CSAH 18/1-94 Interchanl!:e Proiect No. 2004-1 C. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: With the recent Council decision to proceed with ordering the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project, the City Attorney and staff are in the process of preparing development agreements and assessment agreements relating to the primary benefactors of the interchange project, Ryan Development (Target and Home Depot site) and Weinand Development (property on the south side of 1-94). Final details regarding assessment agreements with Weinand have been negotiated over the past number of weeks and should be ready for Council approval. . The assessment agreement for the Weinand property has been broken into two parts, one separate agreement for the southeast quadrant which is the vacant land located east of County Road 18 and north of the Resurrection Church property. A separate assessment agreement has been prepared for the southwest quadrant, and covers the property along 1-94 west of County Road 18 and north of Chelsea Road. Since the properties currently have different zoning in place and each property will be developed in a different time frame, separate agreements seemed appropriate. Although the interchange project has not yet been completely designed and bids have not yet been received, the agreement with Shawn Weinand needs to be approved by the City before the Meadow Oak Avenue Project can be started. The reason is the agreement calls for Shawn Weinand to do the grading of the pond on his property for the interchange and also to grade the Meadow Oak Road with material on site. Mr. Weinand does not want to proceed with this work unless he has this agreement in place and that is why this is the tirst agreement being presented to the Council for consideration. The basic terms of this agreement have been re-negotiated by Mayor Herbst and Councilmember Posusta in early January 2005. Based on those discussions and negotiations, the City Attorney has worked with staff and Shawn Weinand to develop these agreements. A general summary of the agreements is as follows: I. As I noted above, there are two separate agreements, one covering the area east of County Road 18 and another covering the area that is currently zoned industrial property along 1-94. 2. The agreements provide for deferral of assessments without interest for the Meadow Oak Avenue Improvement related to the southeast property and for Chelsea Road Improvements for the southwest property along with interchange assessments for both parcels until the property is developed or until the year 2011, whichever comes tirst. The amount that is proposed to be assessed for the southeast area is $408,000 with the amount being assessed for the southwest area totaling $2,391,000. 3. Agreement calls for the developer to request rezoning of the southeast area from its current R-PUD to B-4 and notes that if the rezoning is denied by the City during the term of this agreement, the City agrees to abate the proposed assessment for that property. In addition, if the City denies rezoning, the City would also have to pay the developer $50,000 cash to compensate them for a portion of the right-of-way that is . l\ - \;)..;:. . . . D. Council Agenda - 4/11/05 being given to the City for the interchange project. 4. The agreement for the southwest area allows the developer to request rezoning for the I-I industrial property between Chelsea Road and the freeway to a B-4 zoning at any time during the agreement. Again, if the City denies the rezoning request, the assessments would be abated, and the City would be required to provide an additional $100,000 payment to compensate the developer for the land he is donating for the interchange project. 5. In return for the above, the City would receive all the necessary right-of-way for the interchange including any easements for pathway purposes and also would be dedicating the right-of-way for the Meadow Oak Avenue Extension. The developer will also provide the City all trunk sanitary sewer easements necessary for extending the deep trunk sewer from the Bondhus property to Oakwood Industrial Park and the developer will provide the grading for the Meadow Oak Avenue roadway along with the pond construction at no cost to the City in the southeast quadrant. Finally, the developer will be responsible for all normal trunk fees on any property as it develops based on the current 2005 rate plus a 2% int1ation factor on current amounts until the property is developed. Since the timetable for construction of the interchange improvements will require the completion of the Meadow Oak A venue Extension first so that traffic can be re-routed while the bridge is being constructed, finalizing this development agreement with Weinand will provide assurance to both the City and the developer so that the project can continue on schedule. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve entering into the assessment agreement with Shav,TI Weinand as outlined relating to assessments for the interchange project along with assessments for the Meadow Oak Avenue Extension and the Chelsea Road Improvements which are scheduled for completion in 2008. 2. Do not approve agreement as presented. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator and City Attorney have worked on developing this agreement with Shawn Weinand and his real estate representative, Charlie Pfeffer for a number of weeks based on the general terms and conditions re-negotiated by Councilmembcrs. Approval of this agreement will provide assurance to the developer and also to the City that assessment revenue can be collected when the property develops and will provide the City with the necessary right-ot:way. Approval is recommended to allow the developer to line up a grading contractor so that the Meadow Oak A venue Extension can be started early this summer. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed assessment agreements. ll-I,),-\ . . . , ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT (SW Quadrant ofI-94/CSAH 18) THIS ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is executed this _ day of ,2005, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City") and MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL PARK, INC., a Minnesota corporation ("Owner"). RECITALS A. Owner is the owner of certain parcels of real property situated in Wright County, Minnesota, legally described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto (referred to as the "Subject Property"). B. City is considering whether to order City Project No. 2004-1 C, (C.S.A.H. 18/1-94 Interchange and Related Improvements) (hereinafter "Project"). C. City and Owner desire to establish the amount that the Subject Property will be assessed for the Project. D. City will be relying on this Agreement in making its final decisions to order and proceed with the construction ofthe Project. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals, and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants and obligations herein set forth, as follows: I. Special Benefit. Owner acknowledges that the Subject Property receives a special benefit from the Project. 2. Assessment Amount. The Subject Property will be assessed a total of $2,391,006.00 for the Project pursuant to Minn. Stat. 429.011, et. seq. The assessment will be deferred pursuant to Section 5 herein. The assessment is also subject to increase pursuant to 115394 1 11- lJ-S . . . Section 6 herein. 3. Allocation. The total assessment will be allocated to the following portions of the Subject Property as more fully described on Exhibit "A" and shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit "B": a. $738,966.00 - north of Chelsea Road (adjacent to CSAH 18); -12.1174 ACS.l527,833 Sq. Ft. @ $1.40/Sq. Ft. b. $1,132,559.00 - north of Chelsea Road; -26.0000 ACS.l1,132,559 Sq. Ft. @ $1.00/Sq. Ft. c. $383,427.00 - south of Chelsea Road; -32.601 ACS.l1,420,JOO Sq. Ft. @ $0.27/Sq. Ft. d. $85,269.00 - Lot 2, Block 1, Monticello Commerce Center 6th Addition; and -7.50 ACS.l315,811 Sq. Ft. @ $0.27/Sq. Ft. e. $50,785.00 - Lot 1, Block 1, Monticello Commerce Center 5th Addition. -3.151 ACS.l137,257 Sq. Ft. @ $0.37/Sq. Ft. The square footage calculations for each portion are estimated and included for illustrative purposes. The total assessment for each portion shall be the stated total dollar amount regardless of actual square footage. 4. Assessment Adopted. The assessment is deemed adopted on the date this Agreement is signed by the parties. 5. Deferral of Assessments. a. Subject to the terms of this Section and all other terms ofthis Agreement, the assessment will be deferred without interest until January 1, 2011 at which time the assessment will then be payable over ten (10) years, including interest commencing January 1, 2011 at the rate of four percent (4%) per annum simple interest computed on the unpaid balance with the first installment collectable as part of the payable 2012 taxes. b. If the property is subdivided prior to January 1, 2011, the assessment will be equitably apportioned to individual lots on a square footage basis in accordance with Minn. Stat. 9429.071, giving due consideration to any portions of the property which may be undevelopable or subject to ponding or other infrastructure requirements. In recognition of the fact that certain parts of the "Subject Property" may benefit more from the Project than others, the City will allocate a greater proportion of the assessment to certain lots as they develop upon request of Owner. 115394 2 \\_ l;)lo 115394 3 ll-l;}1 c. As each subdivided lot is either sold or developed, whichever occurs first, the apportioned assessment for the lot will then be payable over ten (10) years, including interest commencing July I of the year the property is sold or develops, with the first installment collectable as part of the following years payable taxes (or the next year if the transaction occurs to late in year to certify assessments to county). A lot is "developed" when a building permit is issued. . d. The assessments on all lots not sold or developed by January 1, 2011 shall then be payable over ten (10) years, including interest at the rate offour percent (4%) simple interest computed on the unpaid balance commencing January 1,2011, with the first instalhnent collectable as part of payable 2011 taxes (or 2012 year if it is to late in the year to certify the assessment to county for 2011). e. If the Project and the future Chelsea Road project are not fully completed and finally accepted by the City by December 31, 2008, the January 1, 2011 date for the end of the deferrals will be extended by one year for each year beyond 2008 that the Projects are not completed. 6. Additional Assessment. Any part ofthe Subject Property located south of Chelsea Road described in Paragraphs 3.c., 3.d., and 3.e. herein, which is rezoned for retail use at the time it develops shall pay an additional assessment for the Project of Fifty Cents ($.50) per square foot of the net acreage ofthe property rezoned for retail use. . 7. Waiver. Owner hereby waives unconditionally all procedural and substantive objections to the Assessment in the amounts set forth herein, including, but not limited to, any rights of Owner to hearing requirements and any claim that the assessment constitutes a special benefit or that the amount ofthe assessment exceeds the special benefit to the Subject Property. The Owner further waives any appeal rights otherwise available pursuant to Minnesota Statutes S 429.081 or other laws. 8. Conveyance of Easements. Owner will convey to the City at no cost contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement, the temporary and permanent easements relating to the future Chelsea Road Project, trail, and trunk sanitary sewer, all of which are described on Exhibit "c" hereto. The easements shall include the necessary consents from any mortgagee or other party having an interest in the easement area. 9. No Additional Assessments for Chelsea Road or Fallon Avenue. The Subject Property will not be further assessed for the projected 2006 Chelsea Road reconstruction project, the proposed future improvements to Fallon Avenue, the Fallon Avenue Overpass or the proposed traffic signal light at the intersection of C.S.A.H. 18 and School Boulevard. 10. Relocation of Pond. The temporary storm water pond located on the north side of Chelsea Road will be relocated to the City drainage easements located west ofthis site. The City will release the easement for the temporary storm water pond. . 11. "School Pond" Credits. The storm water ponding credits for what is known as the 115394 4 \ ~ - \d. '8' "School Pond" will be released by Owner, and Owner waives the requirement that the School . District complete the grading of the School Pond to the agreed-upon capacity. 12. Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning. Owner may initiate a comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning of all or a portion ofthe Subject Property located north of Chelsea Road to a B-4 zoning district (which includes any other future zoning district established by the City allowing equivalent uses) at any time during the term ofthis Agreement. The proportioned assessment will be abated for any portion of the Subject Property for which Owner has made such a formal application for rezoning that has not been rezoned to B-4 by the City prior to the end of the term ofthis Agreement. In addition to such abatement, the City will make a payment to Owner in the amount of$IOO,OOO.OO (or a prorata portion of the $100,000.00 based upon the portion of the Subject Property not rezoned) within thirty (30) days after the City's failure to rezone the property within the time frame set forth herein and after formal application by Owner. The assessment will also be abated on any portion of the Subject Property that during the term of this Agreement, the City rezones (after rezoning to B-4) other than at Owner's request, to a zoning designation other than B-4. 13. Chelsea Road Design. City will cooperate with Owner on the design of Chelsea Road in order to make sure service stubs and curb cuts are reasonably located to accommodate future development. The City's final design of the proposed improvements will be provided to Owner for its review on or before 20 days prior to the proposed bid date. . 14. Trunk Fees. The City's per acre charges for trunk sanitary sewer, trunk water charges and trunk storm sewer will not increase during the term of this Agreement by more than two percent (2%) per year from the year 2005 rates for any portion of the Subj ect Property that is rezoned to B-4 or a future district allowing equivalent uses. The rates will not increase from the 2005 rates during the term of this Agreement for any portion ofthe Subject Property zoned Industrial. The 2005 acreage rates are $2,228.00 for trunk sanitary sewer, $1,752.00 for trunk water, $6,436.00 for trunk storm sewer (industrial) and $6,804.00 for trunk storm sewer (commercial). 15. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall terminate on January 1, 2011. The term of the Agreement will be extended to correspond to any extension of the January 1, 2011 date pursuant to Section 5.e. herein. As to any portion of the Subject Property that has not been rezoned to B-4 (or future district allowing equivalent uses) as requested by formal application by Owner, the termination date will be the earlier often (10) years from the Project and Chelsea Road completion date or the rezoning to B-4 of the Property as requested by Owner. 16. Recording. This Agreement will be recorded against the Subject Property and will run with the land and bind Owner's successors and assigns. 17. Proiect Contingencv. This Agreement is contingent upon the City ordering and constructing the Project. Nothing herein obligates the City to do the Project. JfProject is not ordered and constructed, Owner's obligations under this Agreement are terminated. . . . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Clint Herbst, Mayor By: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL PARK, INC. By: Its: By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of ,2005, by Clint Herbst and by Rick Wolfsteller, respectively the Mayor and City Administrator ofthe City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public 115394 5 It-ldCi . . . STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of , 2005, by and respectively the and Industrial Park, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, Minnesota 55121 651-452-5000 TMS/cjh 115394 6 of Monticello \\-I?>O 115394 7 \\-l3\ . EXHIBIT A TO ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT . . . EXHIBIT B TO ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT . 115394 8 \ \- \ 3 d . 114964 1 \~-l3j . ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT (SE Quadrant ofI-94/CSAH 18) THIS ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is executed this _ day of ,2005, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City") and MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL PARK, INC., a Minnesota corporation ("Owner"). RECITALS . A. Owner is the owner of that certain parcel of real property situated in Wright County, Minnesota, legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto (referred to as the "Subject Property") . B. City is considering whether to order the following Improvement Projects: CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project No. 2004-1 C and Meadow Oak Avenue Improvement Project No. 2005-05C (hereinafter "Projects"). C. City and Owner desire to establish the amount that the Subject Property will be assessed for the Projects and address other issues relating to the development of the public improvements benefiting the Subject Property. D. City will be relying on this Agreement in making its final decisions to order and proceed with the construction of the Projects. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration ofthe foregoing recitals, and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants and obligations herein set forth, as follows: 1. Special Benefit. Owner acknowledges that the Subject Property receives a special benefit from the Projects. . . 2. Assessment Amount. The Subject Property will be assessed a total of $408,994.00 for the Projects pursuant to Minn. Stat. 429.011, et. seq. 3. Assessment Adopted. The assessment is deemed adopted on the date this Agreement is signed by the parties. 4. Deferral of Assessments. a. Subject to the terms of this Section and all other terms of this Agreement, the assessment will be deferred without interest until January I, 2011 at which time the assessment will then be payable over ten (10) years, including interest commencing January 1, 2011 at the rate offour percent (4%) per annum simple interest computed on the unpaid balance with the first installment collectable as part of the payable 2012 taxes.. b. If the property is subdivided prior to January 1, 2011, the assessment will be equitably apportioned to individual lots on a square footage basis in accordance with Minn. Stat. ~429.071, giving due consideration to any portions of the property which may be undevelopable or subject to ponding or other infrastructure requirements. In recognition of the fact that certain parts of the "Subject Property" may benefit more from the Project than others, the City will allocate a greater proportion of the assessment to certain lots as they develop upon request of Owner. . c. As each subdivided lot is either sold or developed, whichever occurs first, the apportioned assessment for the lot will then be payable over ten (10) years, including interest commencing July I of the year the property is sold or develops, with the first installment collectable as part ofthe following years payable taxes (or the next year if the transaction occurs to late in year to certify assessments to county). A lot is "developed" when a building permit is issued. d. The assessments on all lots not sold or developed by January 1, 2011 shall then be payable over ten (10) years, including interest at the rate of four percent (4%) simple interest computed on the unpaid balance commencing January 1, 2011, with the first installment collectable as part of payable 2011 taxes (or 2012 year if it is to late in the year to certify the assessment to county for 2011). e. If the Project and the future Chelsea Road project are not fully completed and finally accepted by the City by December 31, 2008, the January 1, 2011 date for the end ofthe deferrals will be extended by one year for each year beyond 2008 that the Projects are not completed. . 5. Waiver. Owner hereby waives unconditionally any and all procedural and substantive objections to the Assessment in the amount of$408,994.00 including, but not limited to, any rights of Owner to hearing requirements and any claim that the assessment constitutes a special benefit or that the amount ofthe assessment exceeds the special benefit to the Subject 114964 2 \ \- I 3 Y . . . Property. The Owner further waives any appeal rights otherwise available pursuant to Minnesota Statutes S 429.081 or other laws. 6. Owner's Convevance. Owner will convey to the City at no cost contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement, fee title by Warranty Deed to the property needed for City Project No. 2004-1 C and the necessary temporary and permanent easements for City Project No. 2005-05C, all of which are described on Exhibit 8 attached hereto. The fee title conveyance for City Project No. 2004-1 C shall be free and clear of all encumbrances except zoning and other regulations of governmental entities. Owner will provide the City with an updated abstract or title commitment evidencing such title at City's cost. The easements shall include necessary consents of any mortgagee or other party having an interest in the easement area 7. Grading Work. Utilitv Relocation. and Installation. Owner will perform the grading work in accordance with the project plans and specifications relating to storm water pond construction and the right-of-way for the south frontage road at no cost to City and in a timely manner in accordance with the City's project schedule. City will at its cost vacate the existing street and utility easement and relocate the water main to the south frontage road right- of-way and will construct a gravity flow sanitary sewer lateral of adequate size and capacity to serve the Subject Property. 8. Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning. Owner may initiate a comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning of all or a portion of the Subject Property, except for the portion of the Subject Property located south of the proposed Meadow Oak Avenue to a 8-4 zoning district (which includes any other future zoning district established by the City allowing equivalent uses) at any time during the term of this Agreement. The proportioned assessment will be abated for any portion ofthe Subject Property for which Owner has made such a formal application for rezoning that has not been rezoned to 8-4 by the City prior to the end of the term of this Agreement. In addition to such abatement, the City will make a payment to Owner in the amount of$50,000.00 (or a prorata portion of the $50,000.00 based upon the portion of the Subject Property not rezoned) within thirty (30) days after the City's failure to rezone the property within the time frame set forth herein and after formal application by Owner. The assessment will also be abated on any portion of the Subject Property that during the term of this Agreement, the City rezones (after rezoning to 8-4) other than at Owner's request, to a zoning designation other than 8-4. 9. Street Lighting. All costs for any decorative street lighting requested by Owner for installation as part of City Project No. 2005-05C will be assessed against Owner's property. 10. Meadow Oak Avenue. City will cooperate with Owner on the design of Meadow Oak A venue in order to make sure service stubs and curb cuts are reasonably located to accommodate future development. The City's final design of the proposed improvements will be provided to Owner for its review on or before 20 days prior to the proposed bid date. 11. Trunk Fees. The City's per acre charges for trunk sanitary sewer, trunk water charges and trunk storm sewer will not increase during the term of this Agreement by more than 114964 \ \- l ~ S 3 . . . two percent (2%) per year from the year 2005 rates for any portion ofthe Subject Property that is rezoned to B-4 or a future district allowing equivalent uses. The rates will not increase from the 2005 rates during the term of this Agreement for any portion of the Subject Property zoned Industrial. The 2005 acreage rates are $2,228.00 for trunk sanitary sewer, $1,752.00 for trunk water, $6,436.00 for trunk storm sewer (industrial) and $6,804.00 for trunk storm sewer (commercial). 12. C.S.A.H. 18/School Boulevard Traffic SilIDal. The Subject Property will not be further assessed for the proposed traffic signal light at the intersection of C.SA.H. 18 and School Boulevard. 13. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall terminate on January 1, 2011. The term of the Agreement will be extended to correspond to any extension ofthe January 1, 2011 date pursuant to Section 4.e. herein. As to any portion ofthe Subject Property that has not been rezoned to B-4 (or future district allowing equivalent uses) as requested by formal application by Owner, the termination date will be the earlier often (10) years from the Project's completion date or the rezoning to B-4 ofthe Property as requested by Owner. 14. Recording. This Agreement will be recorded against the Subject Property and will run with the land and bind Owner's successors and assigns. 15. Proiect Contingency. This Agreement is contingent upon the City ordering and constructing the Project. Nothing herein obligates the City to do the Project. If Project is not ordered and constructed, Owner's obligations under this Agreement are terminated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as ofthe day and year first above written. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Clint Herbst, Mayor By: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL PARK, INC. By: Its: By: Its: 114964 4 \l-/31.o . . . STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of ,2005, by Clint Herbst and by Rick Wolfsteller, respectively the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of , 2005, by and respectively the and Industrial Park, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of said corporation. of Monticello Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association 317 Eaganda1e Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, Minnesota 55121 651-452-5000 TMS/cjh 114964 5 \\-l3"l . . . EXHIBIT A TO ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT That part of Lot 16 lying southwest ofI-94, Auditor's Subdivision No.1, Wright County, Minnesota. (PIN # 155-011-000160) AND The North Half of Lot 22, Auditor's Subdivision No. I, Wright County, Minnesota. (PIN # 155-011-000211) 114964 6 \\-l3'i5 . . . EXHffiIT B TO ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT 114964 7 \\-\3~ . . ,"1 ~ Council Meeting -04/25/2005 12. Consideration of Quotes for Replacement of Computers and Software Operating System for the Waste Water Treatment Plant. (I.S.) A REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the recent workshop held at the Waste Water Treatment Plant, we discussed briefly the need for an upgrade to the three PC computers at the Waste Water Treatment Plant and the software which controls and monitors the operations at the facility. The original computers bid in 1996 and installed in 1997 are outdated. The operating software itself is also outdated and becoming a maintenance headache. We would like to replace the three computers and the software and bring these systems up to today's standards. In preparation for the replacement of these computers we obtained quotes in 2004 and based upon those quotes set aside $39,850 in the 2005 budget for replacement of the computers and software. Chuck Keyes, Project Manager for the Waste Water Treatment Plant obtained two revised quotes for the replacement of the computer systems and software and installation. The quotes were obtained from Automatic Systems Co. and Quality Flow Systems. The quotes ranged from $41,019 to $41,400. Both quotes did not include sales tax. The lowest quote was received from Automatic Systems Co., the original installer and supplier of the operating system back in 1997. Both quotes are based upon the DELL computer system and the applicable software compatible with the Waste Water Treatment Plant. The Automatic Systems quote is a firm proposal while the Quality Flow Systems quote includes allowances for the computer hardware and scanner which could be higher or lower upon the ordering of the equipment. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to award the installation of the new computers and software system to Automatic System Co. based upon their low quote of$41,019 excluding tax. 2. The second alternative would be to award the computer upgrade and software system to Quality Flow Systems Inc. on the hope that their quote, which included $7,500 for the three computers and $ I 50 for the scarmer, may end up being high and the actual price would be reduced by more than $400. 3. The third alternative would be not to replace the computers at this time. D. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and Chuck Keyes, the Project Manager for PSG, to replace the computers using Automatic Systems Co. as outlined in alternative number 1. This company did the original installation and is familiar with the operating system and we believe would provide the best installation with the least disruption of operations at the Waste Water Treatment Plant and at the lowest price as per their proposal. Both proposals put us over the set aside amount of $39,850 in the budget, however, there are adequate reserve funds in the operating reserves for the Waste Water Treatment Plant to cover the shortfall. E. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the proposals from both firms. \ J.-l'-\O FROM : A5C 5T PAUL. MN PHONE NO. 6516310027 Apr. 14 2005 06:33PM Pi . AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO. 2400 WEST COUNTY RD D ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA, MN. 55112 Date: April 14, 2005 Time: 6:29 PM To: CITY OF MONTICELLO Chuck Keyes Phone: Fax: 763-295-2225 763-295-4779 From: Lane Stewart Phone: Fax: 651-631-9005 651-631-0027 Subject: System Upgrade . cc: Number of pages including cover sheet: 7 Attached please find the revised proposal you requested today. The price for the software increased at the first of year while the computers decreased in price. The net of the two resulted in a small decrease overall. Please feel free to call me directly at 651-631-9005 if you have any questions. . 'd-1L{ '\ - FROM Ase 5T PAUL, MN PHONE NO. 6516310027 Apr. 14 2005 06:34PM P2_______ . AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO. TO: Veolia Water (U.S. Filter) City of Monticello WWTP 1401 Hart Blvd. Monticello, MN 55362 Attn. Mr. Chuck Keyes QUOTATION! PROPOSAL NO: ASC040811LS Rev. A. DATE: April l4, 2005 SUBJECT: System Upgrades F.O.B.: Factory Frt. allowed to jobsite. APPROVAL DRAWINGS: NA BID DATE: NA SHIPMENT: 10-12 Weeks from receipt of an acceptable order. -------------------------------~~------------------------------------------- QUOTATION EXPIRES: 45 Days PAGE: 1 QUOTATION/PROPOSAL . --------~--------------~~------------------~-------------------------~------ This quotatio~ ~an~t~t~t85 an offer to furnith t~= ~tcms listed subject to) t~rm~ ~n4 ~QnditiQO& stated hereonj receipt. of yQ1J.r purchase orC!er by Jw.tom;;:ttic Systems CO_I MneB, Iowlll; I1DQ "'~itten acceptance of your order i:ly ~tomutic Systems Co. and/Q~ tb~ manufacturerjs) involved a~ ~o~lows; WE ARE PLEASED TO OFFER THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES PER YOUR REQUEST: SCADA SYSTEM HARDWARE &: SOPTWARE UPGRADES A Three (3) Operator's Camp~ter workstations (2 in office , 1 in headworks building) including Dell Intel Pentium 4 processor w! HT technology, minimum 1GB memory, keyboard, 32 meg_ Video ram, minimum 160 GB HD, floppy, lO!lOO PCI network card, modem, optical mouse, CD-RW Drive, sound card & speakers_ Notes: 1. Existing report and event printers will be re-used. 2. This proposal was originally prepared back in August of 2004. Since then the computers have increased in performance while at the same time decrease in cost. Those saving have been passed along to you and are reflected in the price reduction below. . MANUFACTURERS REPRESENTATIVES ~J MAIN OFFICE: P.O. BOX 120359 [I BRANCH OFFICE: P.O. BOX 787 . CONTROLS MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55112 AMES, IOWA 50010 PHONE 651-631-9005 PHONE 51>232-4770 (FAX) 651-63Hl027 (FAX) 51>232-11795 \d--\'-\~ FROM A5C 5T PAUL, MN PHONE NO. 5515310027 Apr. 14 2005 05:34PM P3 AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO. M~HUFACTURERS REPRESENTATIVE QUOTATION/ PROPOSAL NO.: ASC040811LS Rev. A. . DATE: April 14, 2005 PAGE: 2 ~--------------------------~-----------------------------~---------------- QUOTATION/PROPOSAL -----~-----------------------------~--------------------------------~----- B Three (3) 19" flat panel monitors, one for each workstation above. c one (1) D One (1) . One (1) E F One (1) G One (1) . Flatbed Scanner with USB interface to one of the office computer workstations. Lot of new Datahighway interface cards for installation in computer workstations. Note: to the bus. The interface cards you own have become obsolete due computer industry's switch from 18A style bus to PCI Parallel/Serial PCl Bus interface oards as required for interface with the existing printers. Lot of Software as follows: . wonderware updates for existing HMI packages purchased in 1997 to the latest version including full CD media kit. . Microsoft Office update to the latest version for installation on the computer workstations. . Antivirus software. . Miorosoft Windows XP Professional Operating system. Note: All software files and media will be licensed in the City's name and turned over to the City on completion. Lot of ~ystem setup and software configuration to include the following: 1. 2. 3. Backup all critical data from the existing computerS. Unpack and setup the neW computer. Install Windows operating system, Wonderware Graphic User Interface Software, MS-Office suite, all associated drivers, and reinstall site specific user information and files. \d--l~3 - FROM A5C 5T PAUL, MN PHONE NO. 6516310027 Apr. 14 2005 06:34PM P4 AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO. MANUFACTURBRS RBPRESBWTATIVE QUOTATION/ PROPOSAL NO.: ASC040811LS Rev. A. . DATE: April 14, 2005 PAGE: 3 ----------~~-----------------------------------~---------~---------------- QUOTATION/PROPOSAL ---------~-----------------------------------------------------------~-~-- H One (1) I.ot of projeot documentation updates including four (4) copies for insertion in the City's existing Operation and Maintenance Manuals. Your price for items A through H, FOB factory with freight allowed to jobsite including one (1) year warranty ........... .$41,019.00. . . I d.-ILlY . . . FROM R5C 5T PRUL, MN PHONE NO. Rpr. 14 2005 06:35PM P5 6516310027 AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO. KAHllPACTURERS REPRESEII"TATIV" QUOTATION/ PROPOSAL NO. : ASC040811LS Rev. A. DATE: April 14, 2005 PAGE: 4 -----------------------~-----------------------------~---------------~---- QUOTATION/PROPOSAL -------------------------~---------------~-------------------------------- WI! WISH TO POINT 0T.lT: OUR TERMS OF PAYMENT ARE NET 30 DJ>YS FROM DATE OF lNVOICE OR DATE OF SHIPMElIIT, WHICH EVER COMES FIRST UNI.l!SS STARTUP SERVICE IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION OF TIlE 30 DAYS, IN WHICH CASS PAYMENT IS DUE IN FULL PRIOR TO STARTUP, WITIl NO RETAlNAGE ALLOWED! AN'! BALANCE REMAINltlG DOl! 31 DAYS BEYOND THE INVOICE DJ>TE WILL BS S=c:'T TO A 1.5 PERCENT MONTHLY SERVICE FEE UNTIL PAID. l!.UTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO. SHALL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR, OR SHALL ACCEPT ANY BlICKCBARGES FOR LIQUIDA'l'ED DAMAGES RESULTING !"ROM FAILURE OF TlIIl CONTRACTOR TO COMPLETE TIlE PROJECT CONTRACT ON TDIE. OR ANY EXTRA ENGlNEllRING COSTS NECESSITATED BY THE CONTINUJ\NCE OF WORK BEYOND THE SPECIFIED COMPLETION DATE. AUTOMATIC S"YS'rEMS CO. ANTICIPATES DELIVERY OF APPROVAL DRAWINGS l\ND MATERIAL/EQUIPMElIIT IN ACCORDJ>NCE WITH THE PERIODS STATED ON PAGE I OF THIS PROPOSAL. MATllRIAL SUPPLIERS/MANUFACTURERS !lAVE BEEN llXTllNDING DELIVERY SCllEDULES WITIlOUT PRIOR NOTICE. AlJTOM)\TIC S"YSTEMS CO. CANNOT MSUME AN'! RESPONSIBILITY FOR DELA"YS DUE TO THE lJNAVAlLABILITY OF MATllRIAL OlO. EQUIPMENT WHICH IS BEYONO OUR CONTROL. UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE, TlIE WJ\l<RANTY PERIOD FOR MECHANICAL AND/OR ELEC'rRICAL EQUIPMENT COVllRED BY TIllS QOOTATION SHALL BE ~ YEAR FROM DATE OF STARTUP, NOT TO EXCllIlD 1S lolONTHS FROM DATE OF SHIPMENT _ EXTEl'IDIlC WARRANTIES ARE AVAILABLE AND WILL BIl! QUOTIlD ON REQUEST _ THE WARRIW'I'Y PERIOD INCLUDED IN TIlE ABOVE SIlLL PRICIlS FOR MIlCHANICAL AND/OR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT EXPRESSLY EXCLUDES THOSE ITEMS NORMALL"Y OONSUMiD IN SERVICE. EXAMPLES, SEALS, PACKING. OIL. GREASE, LIGHT BULBS, FOBBS. IiTC. Respeotfully submitted, AUTOMATIC ~ ~tewart To expedite handling and confirmation, you may sign below and forward as your order for the equipment quoted above. Items Ordered Total Net Prioe CUetom.er Firm Name Authorized By Purchase Order No. Prices quoted do not include state and/or use taxes of any kind. I d-l4S FROM Ase ST PAUL, MN PHOi'E NO. 65163112112127 Apr. 14 21211215 1216:35PM P6 .t . 9. 1~ It 1~ 13. 14. 15. 16. . TERMll ANO CONDITlON$ .. '5 r Page_~ ~ w. request1l1at..,oorl1!llll1Y'S quolBlion be_ by,"" _, your~ """'referencing o.rquola1ion by number and _ ,.;lbe_nlSo l1n!lasl <lolls naI_an unIaIr ad'Ianlllge b eilher pun:hoser (sometimes _ to as boJye<you) or AUlCmilic Sysloma Company (oometines _ to as our company we, 0lIr. us). Thoon!erwll besubj'cU,,_"'"'flIWioe by our oorl1!llll1Y" COoIractl Ob.tAmes.lowa. l'11ces... based on_facIoryllhiprronls, or.. noIed. 3. I quonllGes 'N'f fmm Ihose _ we....... tile I\lht In I9VIoe ou, prioos. 4. ~ohl>Plng _. un. o1I1e<wise_,...from tIledail 01 recoIpl at tile olIicoollllePrincipal.cfreqlired """l'IeIered1n1ca1 dote IIIdIor 0""""",, dtawlll9'- An, CIIafIges requosled by IIle _w11 be made ori)' stille puldl_s _. . 5. Where squ>l1ti4'oImalerisl~q_1(l:QI\IIng lOour_.stICh qoan\i4' ,,_Inbe_b\Jlcannolbeguo_. 6. ff lII1 ilBm q_1s not IlppIlJVI!d by the Consulting Engi_ we SS$\Ime no responsibily to fllInilhltlo iIem manufadured by-" 7. AI 0111... sre.!dljocl\OapproyoIo/l!le~s ~ by"'" PmcipoIs_. 8. OurWarranly on equipment end _ CllVOIOd ~ is IimiIed In thatwhidl. extend.Oby tile _.. _. W.shall nOl be ...ponsjb.. foratrf~o ~ dl!oclIy or indiodIy _ _tioII or.... 0I1his equipment. Unleos _ 0_ tho .......r.otu..........1s for 0 peOod of one (1) _fmm tile <late of slaJlup not 10 _ 18 mo. fmm _ of sIIipmon~ IIlelih. oquipmont _ (..Oud'~ ~ <0"'''0"",,10 stICh os..... _";1 "'w.'......Is. paddllll.1lg/l1 Iluibs. eIc.) wi be flw flIlm ae_ 0_ and_nship. Tho Man_~ sole obIVoIion 0 ""'...-on! 0/ btuch 01_ wanonty "'oI be tho """* or fS1l_of1ll. aolodivo iIom atrio dlaigelO Ptii:haior, exceptforlailorcos1s for "'l>01r or lWIlO'/Gl 0I1lIe -.. iliemand inolo_ oIlIIY repia<:emeotHomond II>nsporla1ion dlaJgeo for dIINoIy of "'" repbcemenI and roblm of1ll. _ irem. Tho Manul1du..oholI ""'" 00 obigoIIon \0 pcovido mo_ orlllllke repai> or replocomonls 1lVoUgh nonnal..... and tear or __ in whole '" in part by catastrophe. faul or n~"""" of "'" _. improper or unouthoiimd ... of It1e .equipment by Itlo user, 0' by...... _In 111. equipment _ as. but nolllmi1od 10, _ failure or .ir o:>ndiionlng _ RepIaood pw1s shaI become "'" PfOPOIIYof""'....nulodunir. . OlSCt.Alt.ER OF WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF REMEDIES: Pun:hoser u_ and O!I_" foIIow$: Tho """.... wonantieo set forIh in II1is O!I_ are in lieu of all oIt1or wa-. _ or impled. muding wilhout -. any ........ 01 merchan1abiT1ly orlilnoss for a parljculal PlIJIOSll. ana.. _ ?I11o< woninties .... hereby aisdlimod and _Ily Automotio Systems Co, . ~ Sys10ms Co. shol oot be l~bIo for any Io!.o ordomege ca_ by delay in fwnlshIng eqo.;pmenl. produds, seMcoo or any 0111", PO""""'" under or pursuontto lI1is_mon( TIle.... and _ remelIiesfor_ of sny end aJlwananlles for A_ SysIems COtnponf.lIobiilyol atrf Idnd (IncIucIItlg Iiabily ""n"9~) wiIll'*'1JOCltoltloequlOrnent p.odudoend _ OOVOIedby Ih~ag_and allolhofporiOlmanoo by A_SysIemsCo. underorpllSUOlltln Ill. ag_shaII be rnilBdtoltlo remedy provided abovo. In no ...-..nt shaI A_ Syslems Company'. IIablilJ of any kind indtJde any .podaI. _ or """""....., damages, .... fA_lie SysIoms CompanyshaJIlIsYe __ 011110 possiIlIliIy ofsudl paleniol""" ordamage. Any[llOln1nslyarawingoand ___ show genel81 anangomont and OPPJO<__lonsonly. CeIUIied dIlIwirgs,.;lIbestJbmIlIod_-", ofonl"'IOQUired. (.) (b) (e) Ill) 17. No _for aodit will be a_ _tspeQficponnlosion by the Ptincipal irwoNod _""" tetlim .hlpmentis..- Any _ and/or equipment hoIl at "'" """"""'" request from II1e _ of tile _ will be ...... at 1110 PuIoIIoso(s """'""" unless oIt1oIwise agreed upoll. IIWOIea wi! be _... otll1e dote equipment is IOlOdyforshipmonl Un. spedIiclIly_ horei1, aiI_ _equlp_Ishal be Instaled and pieced iIT..- by and a1l1leelQl<l1SO and undorll1o_ IllSponsilIiItyollhe Pu_. _ shall be rosponsItlIo for CSle, _ andl>lO_' of malerial and/o( equipment oller -..y. PuR:IIasar ag.... to pmvide and _n adequate Inslnnce forequipnlonl_ _. _ heroin against loss or damage by lire. 0IQlI0si0n or_ causas during 1110 time _ shipment and IinaI jlajmelrto an _Iill~ I>lOIO<&lg Vendor. Aloy_"'<:onlr1gontupon-, _or_"""""beyondourc:onln>L _note lI1atourplOpooaI<loIlsnotlnclodoany_oroltlorroquilldlaxooorpennjls. Thooppliooblo""wiII bechsJgOd In you ,tthe_otiowCicilil. fyoo... ~ 01\ II1is job, you wilnood to proWIo lIS wiII1 YOU' "",",pilon 08llIIIcaIa. You 'lIlIO Il /Oimbu"", 011' company for atrf """" WI nut"'" on yout_. Vou.... ~ forolllaillng pomUls 0 oonneclion wiIh 1110 saIo or _ 01 0IlI'0quipmanI. 0ur1>lOPC88i indudes IIollQlipmo!r4,.. oller to fIlmlol1,.. at Itlo prices sta.... and II1eso prIoss wIR remain fiml_ yoo"""'''' """"'"'" (or SOlId IIS_ _ """" ~ ou, proposal) wIII1In 30"", from II1e _ of our pmpoooI oncI.......... tho 1NI apPfO'Od d<&Wingo _ JO days _we mol It1e shop dt8Y.1rv _. Tho price lDIId dIange f,.. _ raq... a ~e in "'" deoiiln 01 tho produc:l or requie ""'"- ;,1t1e """~_ we"'" quoted. We lOBi issuolho flllCOOSOlY dlallgeatlelstoeilhor_orlncmMo"",prIco and said c:haIIgeCldotswlllbedoomed""""lllod and_to you Wwilllin a_ lime II1e terms of Ihe c:haIIge onIor hove not been objodod Il 0 WTiIing by you to .... k being agreed ~ II1at a """""""'" time for objoetiorl is 20 days from tho dale _. W.oICOUISOwnoli>....rve1lleIVhttoCOllllCllypingand_I......"..rpfic8orplOpllSOl Un. we agree oIIIetwiso fIis _ wi! behondled on, aodit _ and ~for btJsine$>or"""""",,," pu_. On II1io __ must be sgIOOIIlents on <:Mlin IIlnns and condliJosso Ibnlllil be 110 misunds-.g at.laletdato. _foro you and O\ll'companyag...to"'" foIowinIJ such T."n"nd ~ \"d-- lL\.lo FROM A5C 5T PAUL, MN PHONE NO. 651631101027 Apr. 14 210105 106:36PM P7 In ordor Ioroor_ to illSUrll deivoIy. ~ is 091OOC1/tt j\lII and by oo'oo~ lhatyou provide "" wilt> M""'" roac:lto afld fiom1liojob sire. wIii<lI toad is """,bIo of SIIp!IOOiJJ;j _loadecIto 75.000 pounds lIIld willa 14 fool height dearonoo. S_1Iio job site oI.ucIl toad not be._ b ""'" use and 011' purposes. you wII mIn_ us for any dolay$ ol1lio hourty .bot mte and demumlge """ aJmlf"t at lIlallimo. You wil aJoo be __ b unloadlng1heequlpmen~ un"""',..,,," """""""'" forll1o"- 0/1Iio0QU~_~ The responsiblily lor ~ 011110 oquIpmonl wi! be youl1a11o<lis _ to Ille job !lite. Ilomage to It1e equ~lallor deJvoIy. whK:ll is cauood Oy vondaIBm, It10 _ OI"oIt1nIl;e wi! be j\lII' res~ and nolthal of our company. FOI" your added pmIO<tIoo. we a.. llIO\'idilll )OU with , lOIJIaIrty on our eq~1 wl1k:I1 . made part of 00' _L and _ is made a part of this ag........tby........... ~1l$~conIlIiIedillt1e~.lllis eool'aCtofllr_ltan<:e/ttyouionoUubjee!tocanoellltion by Suyeo--'!loiortoshq>menl.nd.... only by'" _tto "" 01\ lIIlIlUIII equal to It1e COOl of Iobor and mahoiols used plus 10% 0/ quoIId _ prico ..liqlidaling damages, whichlha Buyer herIby_lJ pay. OnIeIsfor......,,~(_ndord OI"~ equipment), OI"designed~... notcanc:alatllo byyoo We both ag...1llat1llis _ _1he """pioIIllIIId liIlolllll_ _ "" lIllII may not be lIlIIlIiIIed. sllppiomonlod. explained. "'waived Oy gornIe evIdonoe, your purdl'" order, ",,"ISO of ~. 01" any _ way. e>copt _ made ~ wMling and signed by you afld our """"""". llUIlJorizod oIlioer. 18. Sb>:e we wiI_ this agreement uport acceplal1ce 01 it by w, ConUlIt\'s 0fII00r iI Ames. Iowa, it is undel>tood by you lIIld OUt _ny that th.1aws 0/ It1e Stole of Iooawllgovem1heContrad. DoIauIlondoor__"",_il/Id_~, . . . TERMS AND CONDITIONS - Con1inued Pag.-fof~ w. will _ IiIIe to and a "",,"rod _ in It1e equipment delrnbed in It1e pro_I lIlIil we ... paid in rul. You and ClII' """""'" ag... il/Id ,is our lIIlI1llOl inbmtiQn t>alllleequilllllOlllproposed and elescri"-l in our quote is lKIW.nd ohal relain peI>llflOl~afldohal not_.limo ot part 01 a IIx1ure unIi... have been paid in ful In ellec:t. you il/Id our compony 0I\l 09raeing lJ waive any -.. poosIbIe definition olltle equllll\'lBlll so p-" and - for It1e p_ of this Q!d,1Iansadlon Illal woold invalldalo your and our s1a1ocl_n. 0I\cI solhal 00 unfa'< advantage wi! be gainod by Ilrf IlIiId JlOI>On OI"entitysl1ould w''''mpanynat be paid forOllf....... (b) Paymen~...bjee!lo c;oolilulng approval maN!, is due i1fu1 and ~30da)$ from lt1e_of_orclelomsl1ipmen~ whid> _comesll>t...- .1aJtup_ is ""lUlled pliaflo1lioexpiratioo 0I1tle 3Oda)$ in which """ payl1llll1tisduein rul prior 10 swtup, with 00 rotain6ge.lro...dr OurClllllpOny wiI_ you,ll$lt1a equipment"", orderod. raadylo be shlppecl. which may be within ~e'- shipmentpeliorl quof8cl lI>yoo Ofallot_ period. You _10 pay in fulel_ wilhin!he time speoIfiecIalxwe in Illis sub-potagrapll.. y"" payment II> U$ -.iIInol be depenrlenlor c;oofngerit upon roeeipl .r _, Oy you .... 0fJy other party. Any bola",," _ing du.31 days beyond !he _ _1>iI1 be subjeollO a 1.S pen:ent monIh~ _lee un~ paid. SIlouId we havo to engage .. a1lomey to r:oIlact It1e balance due .... including ~e service lee. you 09""' 10 ..lmbu.... "" lor .. -. DlStI in<:Iuding~at\lJnIel"fees. (a) (e) OI\C\l __ ol1he equipment has begun, you IIiI be nolilied of It1e teII_ .nlpment clallt. Once It1e OQUipmenl i$ raady to be .h~ we or Ill. manufat:hnr may. atOOl" oplilo. ag...lJ slnre It1a eqllipment omuld you not be reedy forclell.ery, butlllis IIiII not po$tllCOe "",rdlrty to pay lt1eiwoi:e(.).. 8ley beooma due atcordirQ to It1e IBm1s of Illis oonbact Should W, "'mpony find n .."''''''y to store sucIl equipment lor oaid......, you I1eIeby oIl"''' pay a storage Ioe at 1110 role ol1.5% ol1lio _ prine gel nmth in addition to "'" duty to pay """""'l.). Please Ide that your reIum 01 the IinaJ agprowed drawil"\lS wi COIIIIli\lJ(e your notice to US to Il<<lCH<I wiIh Il10 rea_ring of the equipment (eI) Our company.... not be liable for My clamages....- by you resu~ng from oor oompany's '" any suppiiel'$!aiIure 10 perfoom OI"cIeIay in perbmiIv any obIig...., f..... lailure(o) ct_y(s) isIam_ <IroclIy or indiIocIly by ~or '"'enlO beyond ....oonlrol. Some """",pIos include ma.;,., insoJl\llCtion, ~ lire, 1IoocIIng._.ek:. A""""tomrI\OI\""""'pIeofsuch _ or ll\IO/1\S would beth.failJ..oI._or.lJPIllierlo....t cIeIivey """,,ules. You 09'" to waive any ~ 10 _tal Of"'""lU<lllial damages.. _ in w, company'. wamllIly, and.. ru_ agroed ....in, You I\IrIhef agroelhet out _.... not be responsible lor .ny _arg..' 01 oosb ""loss and "" you II>t obtain our company" _ appnwaI bolo.. you sustain sud1 'bacIo:llaogeo' or oooIs. (e) You ag....1llal1 our equipllJOlll is _ 01" ..gal,"" by oillor.!, you wilnotseek to hold us ~ fOl" Ilrf da...... and injury, _ may IOSUn from svdI_ Of !Opalr. dil!clIy Of 1ndirecIly, In """iIion. our oompMy IIiI not be ~ for c1a__ to your property or any ""'or property. roaI or -'. caused by malfunction of oor equipmenl whe\heror not n is /nslaled by _ '" by our_. (Q (g) (11) (i) (j) Yooshall be In _nunderlllec;ool'aCtullOfllt1ehePll8t1lng ol any one or 100m oIlt1a foIIowU1g: (.) OOlaunln It1e paymenlotpetlormanceofenyobligatir>n you havo uncIisfthl$conlracl: or (b) Any_oIa_fad, made in ""*'9 by you to our_. whK:ll proYIlSlo be unl'uO;or (e) Any ornIstIon, .... any statement mode in writing Oy you lJ our comgany, 01 any _Iacl wh"" is """'"'"'Y in otcler 10 maJra __ not _1g;OI" (d) Any event, ...da1ge ol_. which 1m_ your abiIII/ to pay 01" perlonn you'obIigelIoo underthis c:onbacI: 01" (e) Any """" OI"oandItIon which fOllSOllaIliy jIIOIiIies.....company in deeming 1t5eIf_ Upoo_byyou,lIIld .MY 1Ime_. our"""""",_ _ atilsolllon, 1hellghtto....... anyoneotmoreofllle~ ren'ledies: (a) Ib) (oj (ell (e) (~ Ill) PIIor to deIlvery of It1e equigment desailed in this Conlrac:t, lJ I\lfuse to delver such equiplrent to you '" your agent or _any romedyavaloblolow,,,,,,,,,,,,,, underlt1e Unll'onn Commen:iaI Code or unclorany oIher_of1lioi____ romody.soughtlo beOltlltised;OI" EoIIr 1he real aolalo upon which sud1 equipment ~ _ or ir1sIaIed lIllIIlake __ or suofl equipment and """""" 1f1e...... _ demand 0I\cI olherlegaiprocess:OI" Demand Illal you sI1aII ......bIa such equipment and make ~ avaIabla lJ ou, company at a place .....nabIe OOlI'/OlIient to you and w, """"'" and It1eroupon you sl1all comply "'"" such demend at your _: ot _ aa...... _ by ourc:ompany.. -'from you macIe prIottoany..~"- to in ""'paragraph (e) llboYe; or VoidaJI_andl\lfuseservic:elllldsll!rt-u~or . Sell such eouioment at ""bin or prWabt sale. with our _ _.lIa fair prine. \.:l.- I\{ l ,{~:(~~~;iW:j\ "~f{tl'. \(\~>'~~~'i~ ."";Y'/.,i';r::;J ....,.,:..t.:!..~,... QUALITY FLOW SYSTEMS, INC. Office: (952) 75~9445 Fax: (952) 758-9661 800 6th Street North West New Prague. MN 56071 April 14, 2005 Mr. Chuck Keyes Veolia Water Revised Fax: (763)290-4779 Re: Monticello, MN ~ Wonderware Upgrade Dear Mr. Keyes; Quality Flow Systems, Inc. in conjunctian with USFilter Cantrol Systems is pleased to provide a quotation for the following items in accordance with Chuck Keyes discussions with Pat Carroll of our office on July 29, 2004. WONDERWAREUPGRADE This quote includes PC hardware allowance, software and programming services to upgrade the existing Compaq computers to the latest version of Wonderware InTouch 9.0. The computers interface to the PLC network via Ethernet. . One new development version and two new runtime versions of Wonderware will be provided. . The computers wili be configured with the existing application and existing screens. All three cbmputers have the same Wonderware application. No new screens are provided. ihe Reports will use the existing format. (Excel) If the new software does not support the existing rtlport format, it will require a change order to research the existing report configuration and complete the report upgrade. This will be handled on a time and material basis. Wastewater Plant Software Uoarade USFCS will provide SCADA Software and Programming services to upgrade the existing Wonderware InTouch version 5.6b to version 9.0. Includes: . Wonderware InTouch Upgrade package to Version 9.0, 60K Tag Developmerlt, one (1) licensed package. . Wonderware IrlToucn Upgrade package to Version 9.0, 60K Tag Runtime, two (2) licensed packages. . Factory Configuration Services, Includes loading of all new software onto new computers. installing existing application program and graphic screens, alarm notification, and setup of new computers. The customer will be required to download and send the most current application software corlfiguration to USFCS for use in configuring the new computer. Computers will be configured with existing application and existing screens. . Existing Reports will be installed in the new computers. . Wastewater Plant Computer Hardware Allowance USFCS will provide three (3) Dell Optiplex GX210 PC's, Existing cables will be used to interface with the existing peripherals at the Plant. Existing UPS and printer will be retained. If existing "THIS TRANSMISSION CONTAINS CONFIOENTIAL INFORMATION INT"NOED FOR usE O~L SV THE A60VE NAMED RECIPIENT(S). READING, DIScUSSINe;, DISTRIBUTING OR cOPVINe; THIS MESSAGE IS STRICTLV PROHIBITIEO BV ANVONS OTHER THAN THE NAMED REcIPleNT(S) OR AUTHORiZeD eMPlOYSEslAGeNTS. y IP YOU HAVE REcEIVEO THIS FAX IN e~RoR. PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIA10LY BY TELEPHONE \ d 0 (COLLECT) AND RSTURN 11-IE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO us AT THE A60VE AODRESS VIA U.s. POSTAL SERVICE." \ ). - \. C . 1"f" Z/T d E66'ON T9968SL ZS6 SW31SAS MO,j A1I,~no Wd0S:E S00Z'vT'dd~ . . . printers are not compatible with the new soflware we will recommend printer replacements that the customer can purchase. The following allowance is provided for computer hardware and Microsoft office Software: . Dell Computer/Office SoftWare Allowance $2,500,00 (Qty. 3) . Scanner Allowance $150.00 Field Services to Install new computers. Price for Equipment and Services listed above is $41.400.00 (+ tax) OPTION Add $100.00 to above price if PC Anywhere Software, Single User License. is required. (This is used to remotely access the computer via a standard dial-up telephone line.) NOTE: . Quote does not include updates to existing wiring diagrams or parts lists. Clarifications and Exclusions: Unless soecificallv referenced above, USFilter Control Systems: , . Excludes all taxes, fees, permits and licenses. . Excludes startup and training trips and services except as listed above. . Shall not receive, store, set in place, install or temninate any equipment. . Shall nol supply any mechanical appurtenances for panels or Instruments. This includes. but is not limited 10 piping, tubing, valves, concrele work, anchors, support stands, ground cables or rods, stilling wells, etC. . Sl'1all not supply interconnecting materials external to enclosures, Le. wiring, cable, conduit, pressure taps, tubing, telemetry or phone lines, or special cables, . Shall not supply or install separate mounting pushbutton stations, power fuses, pilot control switches, disconnects, manual starters or disconnect. . Shall not perform any demolition, removal, transfer or disposal. . Shall not provide field instruments. Proposed Delhlerv Schedule: Delivery 8 to 10 weeks after receipt of purchase order. Deliverv and Storaae: Freight allowed to job site, net f.o.b, Shipping Point. Terms: quotation is valid for 30 days. Thahk you for this opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call. Sincerely, l?~"" ~ ,THIS T~NSM'SSloN CONTAINS CONFIO~NTlAL INFORMATION INTENDED FOR USE ONl BY THE ABOVE NAMED RECIPIENT(S). READING. DISCUSSING, DISTRIBUTING OR COPYING THIS MESSAGE IS STRIC'Tl-Y PROHI51TIED BV ANYONE OTHER THAN TH~ NAMED FlECIPIENT(S) \ " 0. OR AVT>IORIZED .MPLOYE~SIAGENTS. , IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS FAA IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY us IMMeCIATEl Y BY TeL.5P"ONE \;) - '\. \ (COLleCT) AND ReTURN THe ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA U.s. POSTAl SERVICE. v . 't...4l''J Z/Z d E66'ON .9968SL ZS6 SW31SAS MOlj A1Il~ne Wd0S:E S00Z'v.'~d~ . . . Council Meeting -04/25/2005 13. Consideration of Purchase of Two Half Ton, 4 Wheel Drive Pick Ups for the Water/Sewer Collection Department and Street Department. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Water/Sewer ColIection Department is proposing to add a half ton, 4 wheel drive pick up truck. The Water Department/Sewer ColIection Department currently has 3 service vehicles. I - 3/4 ton, 4 wheel drive pick up truck and 2 - 1 ton, 4 wheel drive, utility body trucks. This 4 man department is in need of a 4th vehicle, especialIy in the summer months when the department becomes a 5 member department with a summer worker added. Any time during the summer months all 4 full time employees operate independently and are out on service calls and/or individual inspections. Each one of the vehicles is set up with meters, fittings, valves, water keys, tools and parts to be a service vehicle. The I tons are actually set up to service the lift stations as welI. In preparation for the purchase of an additional truck, $10,000 was placed in the 2005 budget in the Water Department and $10,000 was placed in the Sewer Collection Department. The state bid on the proposed vehicle, which is a heavy duty Y, ton, 4 wheel drive pick up is $17,788.69 including sales tax. When outfitted with the utility tool boxes and safety equipment and radio, the truck will be vary near the budgeted amount. The Street Department is proposing to replace the 19943/4 ton, 4 wheel drive pick up truck due primarily to it's age, high mileage (over 100,000 miles) and signs of rust appearing on the body. This is in compliance with our proposed vehicle replacement policy presented to the Council during our workshop and tour of the Public Works facility back in January. This vehicle currently has a low retail value of $4, 725. The trade-in value would be less. An amount of $20,000 was placed into the Street fund budget for 2005 with the idea of using the trade in value from the 1994 model in purchasing a new 3/4 ton, 4 wheel drive pick up truck. During the tour of the Public Works facility in January, it was suggested by the Council that the City keep the 1994 Ford as a back up vehicle for summer use as we always appear to be short vehicles in the summertime. Consequently we are proposing to purchase a Y, ton, 4 wheel drive vehicle this wilI keep us in budget and allow us to keep the 1994 vehicle as well. The cost for the vehicle for the Street Department, including sales tax, would be $17,591.92. It is almost identical to the vehicle being purchased by the Water/Sewer ColIection Department. The Street Department currently, without the addition of the new truck, has2-3/4 ton, 4 wheel drive pick ups and 2- 1 tons with dump bodies. Since the vehicles chosen from the state bid were Ford pickups, we asked the local dealership, MonticelIo Ford, to match the state bid prices rather than have us purchase these vehicles out of town. We are happy to say that the management of the MonticelIo Ford dealership, after some discussion, has chosen to meet the state bid and these 2 trucks would be purchased in town. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to purchase a new Y, ton, 4 wheel drive pick up truck for the Water/Sewer Collection Department at a cost of $17,788.68, including sales tax. And to purchase an additional pick up for the Street Department, again, a Y, ton, 4 wheel drive pick up truck for $17,591.92 including sales tax. Both purchased from the MonticelIo Ford dealership. This proposal would have us keeping the 1994 Ford for a back up during summer use. 13-lSCl . . . Council Meeting -04/25/2005 2. The second alternative would be to purchase both vehicles but to sell the 1994 Ford by open bid within the expected value of $4, 725. The sale would be based upon the high mileage on the vehicle and the rust on both front fenders, cab comers and both box sides. 3. The third alternative would be not to purchase any additional vehicles. D. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the reconunendation of the Public Works Director, Water/Sewer Collections Superintendent and the Streets Superintendent that the City Council authorize the purchase of2 new vehicles and keeping the 1994 Ford for back up and sununer use as outlined in alternative number 1 with both purchases to come through the Monticello Ford dealership, which is matching the state bid on these vehicles. E. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the budget for both departments and a copy of the state bid. Copy ofthe proposal from Monticello Ford, copy of Vehicle Replacement Policy proposal. 3 -IS \ . . . ENTERPRISE FUNDS 2005 Budget Sewer Fund Electric: Re air & maintenance - machine & equipment: Uniform rental: Depreciation - ac uired: Depreciation - contribution: Rental house ex enses: Misc Other Expenses $5,000 $1,500 $2,000 $0 $513,215 $500 $0 602.49490.3810 602.49490.4044 602.49490.4170 602.49490.4210 602.49490.4211 602.49490.4381 602.49490.4399 Capital Outla s Motor Vehicles Furniture & Fixtures Other Equi ment 602.494o!l0.5501 602.49490.5601 602.49490.5801 Salaries: 40% Matt and Dan,45% Sean W., 60% Jerod R; Vehicles: (1/2) new pickup Furniture & Fixtures: Pallet Racks - New Shop Building Improvements - INVVTP: Parking Lot & Driveway $35,000 Eauipment - INVVTP: Skid Steer with bucket and forks $42,000 Computer Eauipment-WWTP: Replacement Computer Op-system $39,850 I~-\S)., 2005 BUDGET.XLS:Enterprise Fund (Sewer> AdminA/4/2005 Page 137 ENTERPRISE FUNDS 2005 BUDGET Water Fund . Small Tools and E uipment Small tools/Misc. T&EJMachine T&E/Fumiture T&E/Office Equipment T&E/Computer Equipment T&E/Other 601.49440.2410 601.49440.2440 601.49440.2460 601.49440.2471 601.49440.2472 601.49440.2499 $300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 . Services & Cha es Professional Services - Software/Pro ramming Professional Services - Maintenance Agreements Mise professional services: T ele hone: Posta e: Travel Ex ense: Conference & schools: Le al Notice Publication General ublic information: Generalliabili insurance: Pro e insurance: Vehicle insurance: Mise eneral insurance: Electric: Gas: Repair & main!. - Buildin s Repair & main!.-machine & equi men!: Uniform rental: De reciation - ac uired: De reciation - contributed: Dues, membership & subscriptions: Licenses & ermits: Water service connection fee: Mise Other Expense 601.49440.3091 601.49440.3190 601.49440.3199 601.49440.3210 601.49440.3220 601.49440.3310 601.49440.3320 601.49440.3510 601.49440.3520 601.49440.3610 601.49440.3620 601 .49440.3630 601.49440.3699 601.49440.3810 601.49440.3830 601 .49440.401 0 601.49440.4044 601.49440.4170 601.49440.4210 601.49440.4211 601.49440.4330 601.49440.4370 601.49440.4375 601.49440.4399 $1,000 $1,200 $30,000 $2,500 $2,500 $50 $500 $500 $1,500 $7,710 $3,405 $510 $4,370 $65,000 $0 $0 $10,000 $1,500 $0 $417,205 $500 $4,000 $20,000 $20,000 601.49440.5301 601.49440.5501 601.49440.5801 $0 $10,000 $22,000 -- . COMMENTS: Salaries: 60% Matt and Dan, 55% Sean W., 40% Jerod R; 2005 BUDGET.XLS:Enterpnse fund-Water Fund:3/23/2005 1~_IS3 Page 132 . . . ENTERPRISE FUNDS 2005 BUDGET Water Fund Vehicles: (1/2) new pickup Buildinq: Interior Finishing - New Building $20,000 Other Eauipment: Drive by Radio Reader .. \ ~_\SL\ 2005 BUDGET.XLS:Enterprise fund-Water Fund:312312D05 Page 133 2005 BUDGET.XLS:Gen Fund-PW Streets & Alley:312312005 Page 57 . GENERAL FUND 2005 Budget PW/Streets & Alleys Services & Char es Maintenance A reements Misc Professional Services Telephone DeliveMail Service (UPS Travel Ex ense Conferences & Schools General Public Information Repair & Maintenance - Machine Re air & Maintenance - Vehicles Re air & Maintenance - other Equi ment Rental Machine Rental Uniform Rental Licenses & Permits Misc Other Expense 101.43120.3190 101.43120.3199 101.43120.3210 101.43120.3240 101.43120.3310 101.43120.3320 101.43120.3520 101.43120.4044 101.43120.4050 101.43120.4099- 101.43120.4150 101.43120.4160 101.43120.4170 101.43120.4370 101.43120.4399 $0 $8,000 $1,500 $0 $0 $1,000 $0 $1,500 $3,000 $0 $500 $0 $3,500 $500 $2,500 . 101.43120.5301 101.43120.5501 101.43120.5701 101.43120.5801 $35,000 $116,000 $0 $8,200 COMMENTS: Salaries: 90% Roger,T.Moores, J. Eisele & T Barnes,Mike R, & Ryan F. T&E - Machinery: Small trailer Paint Stripper Soil Pick Improvements: Seal coating program Motor Vehicles: Replacement 4x4 pickup (1/2) Skid Steer Replacement Partial Plow truck/hook truck Other Equipment: Jackhammer for skid steer $3,300 $5,000 $1,100 $20,000 $16,000 $80,000 $8,200 . \ ?J_1SS . . . VEHICLE REPLACEMENT POLICY PROPOSAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT January 21, 2005 The purpose of the guidelines is to create a means by which the department can efficiently evaluate the replacement of the departments equipment. The goal is to maintain all equipment in good/safe/efficient operating condition and replace equipment before it becomes a detriment or safety problem for the city. PROPOSAL: ~ All equipment will be evaluated at least two years before a possible replacement year. This will allow us to plan ahead for future budgets and will give the citythe"flexibility of delaying replacement of equipment if necessary. ~ Pickups (Yz ton, 3/4 ton and I tons) and light duty trucks are evaluated after 8 years of service for expected replacement at age 10 to 12 years. This includes a vehicle inspection by the city's mechanic or a reliable dealership, a trade in value of the vehicle is determined, and an estimate of how much longer the vehicle will perform efficient service for the city. This will help decide when it will be most cost efficient to replace the vehicle. The vehicle will be inspected and evaluated every two years after the initial eight year inspection. ~ Other smaller motorized equipment such as tractors, skid steers, lawn mowers, etc. will be assessed after 5 years and every two years after the initial inspection, with expected replacement at age 7 to 9 years. ~ Attachments will be assessed annually as to usage, wear, safety, and performance. ~ If any piece of equipment is found to have possible safety issues or excessive miles/hour associated with operation, that piece of equipment will have first priority for replacement. ~ Each year at the departmental budget meetings the replacement schedule will be re-evaluated and shared with other departIDents. The equipment replacement priority list will be determined at that time. ~ Additional new equipment purchases will be done when it has been shown that departmental inefficiencies are occurring due to lack of equipment or that the cities public service needs are being negatively affected. ~ Compact 4 x 4 pickups commonly used for off road construction inspection will be evaluated after 6 years with possible replacement at 8 years. ~ The city will attempt to sell all vehicles and equipment outright through a bid process once trade-in values are known. l ?:>-IS\.t, F:\ADt.I\N'lWcn:Proc\POLlCIE5\VetVclaRapla(:M'lantPolicy~2005.wpd:2110/05 -Pagelof2- ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ . . Projected growth may require keeping better trade-ins for backup use or transportation service. Large dump trucks: evaluated at 10 years of age for replacement at 12 or 14 years. Small loaders (non skid steer): evaluated at 8 years of age with replacement at 10 to 12 years. Large loaders: evaluated at 10 years of age with replacement at 12 to 16 years. Motor grader: continue to buy late model used; evaluate at 18 years of age with replacement at 20 to 22 years. ~ All trailers: inspect yearly with replacement as needed. ~ Specialized equipment: Inspect yearly with replacement as needed. ... ~ Vac-Con sewer cleaner: Evaluate yearly with estimated replacement at 12 - 16 years. Also other wastewater treatment plant heavy duty rolling stock such as trucks, trailers and applicators. \?:.-\51 F;IAOMlN\Won:lProc\POUCIES\Veliol8ReplacementPolicyPI'llpClSlll2005.~:Zl10105 -Page2 of2- . . . , . '. i , I , .1..--. Date: To: t1 1 ~"3 -'d-7 {~ ~:;;. 7;) , i From: Kevin Grav Colnmercial Sales Manager I Comments: To I Pages (including this cover): One Low Price, Plain & Simple... ALWAYS! i I Please Respo'1d: o As soon as possibl o At your ebrliest con enience o Only if c langes are needed o Not nece sary @ APR 1 3 200S ,.-- --.--' _~~~_."J ~'" .. . . .' 17:>_lS~ 9/1"d 22.2E12.2E9<.1 : 01 2LS22S2Les lOAOl a~o~ ~3153H~:wO"~ 2E:se S0e2-El-~~ . . . 9/2'd ~l<C g\JJ ~ - ! , I Conlract lruck ($15,3 0.25): I (. fL ~ri~ 005 F-1S0 Regular Cab 4x4 (F14) /S 330, 2S . .2'-/? ~ 8' B.x , · 4,6L EFI V8 ne · Electronic Au omatic Overdrive Transmission . 3.55 Regular car Axle · '23SnSRx17 lack Side Wall All-Terrain Tires · 17"Grey Steel Wheels , , · o/'echllnical S 'ft.on.the.f1y 4x4 · Two Front To Hooks · tloth 40/20/4' Bench Seal , · AM/J<'M Ster · throme Front and Rear Step Rumper , · Ijllack Surlo Grille I 0 Bluek bar style" insert · 'lack ,man~1 ide mirrors . ~carvlew n1l r · ~;as Shock A orbers · 'rfanual Air c.: nditloning · 'hick. Vinyl F ooring · Tachometer · !j>isplay Ccnte (warning messages) . 1j>omc Lamp lmap lights · .alack SteeriJ) Wh~l · privcr and Pa ief Mirrors in Visor · Manual Wind ws · . S J:./.'~, . ~;I"'r -;7;/ ;~7 P...c.t.o.'j' Standar4 Colors: · 1-ri7.ona Reig (AQ) · I?ark Shadow ray Clear Coat Metallic (ZX) · ~right Red Cl ar Coat (E4) · ~ark Torcado Red Clear Cual Metullic (IL) · True Blue Cle Coat Metallic (1.2) . Medium Wed ewood Blue Clear Coal Metallic (1.0) I · 4spen Green lear Coat Metallic (P5) · ~Iack Clear C at (UA) pow<- /.J,..,j,..,' + -? ,[;2. · ~ilver Clear C at Metallic (YN) j.~~~..s tii!7 61. J · <jlxford White learCoat (Yl.) PI ~lll S . · Dark Slone CI ar Coat Metallic ('1'7) (available in XLT only) . lees;. ~ 00 :2.87 .- J{. 05 J G) 1 " 0 If 3', 33 ~ / 7, 09 t/. ~ 1'S-lSq, 2.!.2~ T2.2~9.!.t : 01 2.!.S22S2.!.0S lOAOl a~o~ ~3lS3HJO~:wO"~ 2E:80 S002-~l-~~ Apr 19 05,11:00a Hike Del Dellwo 763-271-6682 ~ ~ca~:r~!1r:fJ-U~C?~' Mike Dellwo Fleet Sales Local: 763-295-2056 Cell 320-492~517 Fax; 763-271~ t(,fz.- 1005 Highway 25 South. Monticello, MN 55362 P//!.,scf -7t5 -;J. 71-(.-;'5(. 16fl'cf!ee - 7a -c;f?) - ,;(0)6 p.l '-\ . . F~ Cy /k,vJ,,' 1'0: ?-hJt- /~-4/ , A4'n&; </11 'I ;;J,('rb " , " E.4P:w., -r( ~.,...,) ,'?t-7-r.- . ,',' _ 7l....._..... ~.,.,..------~----- -"---- --- ~- ,d?-r Y"l~' jc~ ~ r~ fl~'~' 7~ Dd ~ ~ (g Il~ D "\.( [";'-,)1 lVii' '" ~I ',' I (, II'u'! :' APR 1 9 2005 , l I c.::J ! J \3_1(00 . . . . Apr 19 05 11:00a Mike Del Dellwo 763-271-6682 p.2 Prepared For: _ ~ ~~ A-vhc~~ 7h-t /h~rlt- 7J;~ ~ -/&3-;27/-J2-72- Prepared By: Administrator Monticello Ford-Mercury Inc. 1005 Hwy 25 South P.O. Box 68 Monticello. MN. 55362 Phone: 763-271-6394 '..~,-,,:"7~: ;;:;':\ ""'"":':'";"':";'"" ..-,......,-. '."-,~. .,...":":<;.... .'-, -',' - ~ --:~. ~.' 2005 Ford F-150 4x4 Regular Cab Styleside 8' boJc 145" we XL (F14) Code Description Class MSRP F14 Sase Vehicle Price STO $25,120.00 0.......1.0..._,..... 502A Order Code 502A OPT N/C (99", Engine: 4.6L EFI Vll. (44.4) Transmission: E_ic 4-S_ AulDmatia wlOD, (64C) \oWloels: 17' Gray StyIod Stool, mS) Tif8s: P235175Rx17 SSW AfT (5) Hankook Spate ~re is same as 108d ~re, (589) Radio: AMlFM StorealClock, (e) Cloth 40l2OI40 Front Seat, (X19) 3.55 Aida Ratio, (S7DGV) GVWR: 6.950 /b Payload Pockage 99W Engine: 4.6L EFI VB STO Included TOIl/ue: 293 ft.lbs. @35O()rpm. 44A Transmission: Electronic 4-Speed Automatic wfOD STO InCluded X19 3.S5 Axle Ratio $TO Included STOGV GVWR: 6,9S0 Ib Payload Package STO InCluded ". ....... T7S Tinos: P23SnSRx17 SSW AfT (5) Hankook STO Included SptmJ fire is same as road (;(8. 54C Wheels: iT' Gray Styled Steel $TO Included ....-..... ....- C Cloth 40/20/40 Front Seat STO Included t"\Hoo......,.......;........"". Pric8s, pril:a \ev.tls end ccn'-1t availlt>llity nshown, are sub~ to change and..now:s be trMted lIS es1:imalesonly. Ac:cual baN W11'ide, package. n oplian Pricing Imr vlIlYfrom 1tU1lltimlrtebec:ause arapedallOell/ Pl'icinQavailability orptk:lng adjuatmil"lls~ ~in IhedNIllt'S ootnpuler5)'Stem. See saf'"J*'$Onfcrtne mo&t current lnfonnallon. R9I'8renCI CT06:205526 08-01.04 Printed on April 19. 200Sat 10:47 Price Level: 515 OuoteIO: <None> Paae1 i?>_llPl Apr 19 05 11:01a Mike Del Dellwo 763-271-6682 p.3 -'''''''-''-' n____~.....I e...... Prepared By: Administrator I"\__I..._L..;_. Monticello Ford-Mercury lne. . Code Description Class MSRP n.......... n...+l........... ,,...........;..........., 145WB PAINT 589 535 145" Wheelbase Monotone Painl Application Radio: AMlFM Stereo/Clock STD NIC STD NIC Trailer Tow Package Heavy Duty 72 Amp Battery, Upgrad6<1 Radiator. Upgraded Au,Hi_1)' Transmission OU Cooler. Required for towing over 5,000 Ibs. Include3 class IV trailer hitch receiver and 7-ptn wiring harness. STD GPT Included 35~ 433 Manual Sliding Rear Window wfPrivacy Tint GT ~, 225.00 ..J C'1.......n.....;........... 85A Power Equipmen1 Group Powar Door Locks Includes autcHock and keyless enffy key fob. Power Wi'ndows Includes front. Black Power Mirrors -. COPT 795.QV . 1..........1...... 1"'...1.......... e....... D..f....__. ...lVl '......,A...... c.......\ CE Medium Flint OPT NIC 0..;........... ,......1.....-. c....... D.............. ..~fVl 1....,-1'1...... 0.......\ Y2 Oxford White Cleareoal OPT NIC "_'.'_'_ "'u'. ..._.._. "".....,................... Prices, priC:lllIuv8ls.and content evdtbility as shl)l,Wl, &re stbjed l~ change and shoulcl be lr8atecIa5 esllmath only. Actual D..e vtlhfcle. paeI<age and DIllion ptidng may vary Iitrn 1hIS estimBtebscause at special rocat pricing availllbiDty a' pricing adjustments not rel'ieded in tI1& <feeIer's comput.... $)litem. s.. 1Iale5penlOn forll'1e most cunoenl j~OI"1. Reference CT05205526 08-01~ . Printed on Aprl119, 2005 a110:47 Price LeveJ: 515 QuotefD: <None> PaGe 2 \3-llo'd- Apr 19 05 11:01a Prepared For: ~, .< - -... ,,,-~~ - q.- Description Mike Del Dellwo {,~J1 1,.' I.!.q 1.V' \/ i} Vehicle Subtotal Vehicle Price (excludIng Package Discounts) Other (Discount) Total 0lh8r It8ms .~~ Net Selling Price Destination Total Quota T_"'_. 763-271-6682 p.4 Prepared By: Administrator Monticello Forll-Mercury Inc. t 005 Hwy 25 South P.O. Box 68 Monticello. MN, 55362 Phone:7~271-6394 . '.''7':';'. o('~.~:~r:;~:;'~'~''':0. .-', " -<, -{:~-.'-:;- -' : -'-~~-;~:': ---~,~:'.;..", 2005 Ford F-150 4x4 Regular Cab Styleside 8' box 145" we XL (F14) . MSRP $26,490.00 $26,490.00 (9.071 .25) ($9,071.25) $17.418.75 795.00 . . WI.yh ~ S(i't>\\C"-'s ')~1< S~9;: IJ.1! I!'''~ ..............~ ,....._.6___.. ~I____.._ Il..___.....___ r'I_.... "1f;- wJ I ( I f'r\ f)</, ~ I, 1~'O ,k,~ ) , ::INc....\ -JD l~ ~ :s A \~ ~""f. ~ pric81~. end cantmt .mllbltily" shown. ant s..q.d 10 d1IW'9' and snoukI be tnleWd at NlimatMonty. Ac:tuaI b.awtJicle, pKMgII and. opdcn pricing may -..yfl'om Ih;.esmr.. ~oItPlCillIoc:llJlndng _dlbIlIlyCll'"p;dl'lOlIdlUIlm" nos I'etIKi\eCInlheo.l... compubtrsysllm. S-~fortnerrM:* tumInl irlUmdon. ~ CTCl52Cl$526(l5.(]1-D4 Prin18d on April 19. 2005 at 10:47 Price l8v8I: 515 QuotalD: <Nane> _3 \~-(lo?J Apr 19 05 11:01a Mike nel nellwo 763-271-6682 . . . p.5 o ..~ ~i: "tI Cl ....... :l>::>>ll>-o........ool ~~.D)I\)I cn~' ~gj~i'i! 0~:E0I-C.C:D _~_.::o)>S>>_ Q)og~tIIt:. 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