City Council Agenda Packet 05-09-2005 Special Annexation
Council Members:
Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf
Monday April 9, 2005
Clint Herbst
I. Call to Order
2. Discussion on proposed revisions to annexation agreement.
3. Adjourn
Special Meeting Council Agenda - 5/9/05
WorkshOD to discuss DroDosed chanl!:es to joint resolution on annexation. (RW)
Rather than repeating most of the information again, I have enclosed my memo of April 2 I"
that outlined some of the issues I had regarding proposed changes to the recently adopted joint
resolution between the City and the Township. These are concerns I still have with making
changes to the agreement at this time, and I believe these are also reflected in the memo
prepared by Chris Hood, the City's legal counsel during these negotiations, dated April 19,
As an additional reference, I have also enclosed the original joint resolution document and a
copy of the proposed changes to the agreement. As a final reference, I have enclosed a copy
of a map outlining the current city boundaries, the current orderly annexation boundary and
identified the subdivisions being proposed to be eliminated from the resolution in regards to
what areas are considered contiguous to the City.
After discussing the proposed changes in more detail, the Council can decide whether some or
all of the changes are warranted at this time. The Council could also discuss if other issues
that may be beneficial to the City, such as allowing annexation of City owned parcels in the
orderly annexation, should also be considered if any changes are made at all.
I. Approve the requested changes as proposed by the Joint Planning Board.
2. Do not approve any changes at this time.
3. Authorize specific modifications that mayor may not have been listed in the proposed
As noted earlier, it is the recommendation of the City Administrator and legal counsel, Chris
Hood, that there does not seem to be any need for amending the agreement at this time. With
the agreement only six months old, the City is not aware of any problems that have been a
concern with this negotiated agreement and can find no reason why we should entertain
Memo of April 21, 2005
Memo from Chris Hood
Joint Resolution
Proposed changes
I( 'J
) ,
Mayor and Council N /
Rick Wolfsteller, City Administratdr_j/
April 21, 2005
Proposed Annexation Agreement Amendments - Workshop Session
Miscellaneous Updates
Recommendations from Legal Counsel on Proposed Annexation Agreement Amendments:
At the previous Council meeting, a decision was made to table any action on proposed amendments
to the joint resolution regarding annexation pending review and comments from the City Attorney,
Chris Hood, who was involved in the negotiation process. I obtained a copy of the proposed changes
to the agreement from County Zoning Administrator, Tom Salkowski and forwarded the proposed
changes to Chris Hood for his review and comment. Attached to this memo you will find comments
he has made regarding the proposed changes which generally indicate that it seems unusual that
changes would be proposed at this time frame since we are only ten months into a fifteen year
agreement. From a staff sampling, we are not aware of any problems this recently agreed upon
agreement has had regarding annexation issues and are at a loss as to why the City would want to
entertain any changes at this time.
From my review, and I also believe from Mr. Hood's review, the proposed changes seem to be issues
that the Township representatives want to see changed for the To"mship's benefit and none of them
really are helping the City or add any new issues the City would have liked to have had in the original
agreement. While some of the proposed changes may not appear to be major changes, there are a
couple issues relating to elimination of existing subdivisions from being considered as contiguous
property for City's future annexations and changing methods of arbitration that may be detrimental to
the City's plans in the future.
One thing the Council should remember is that there were a lot of issues discussed and negotiated
during the six month process with the Township and it may be beneficial for all of the
Councilmembers to sit down in a workshop to review the items that the City had given up on during
the negotiations to get the agreement we now have. One that comes to mind relates to the City
agreeing to let all the existing platted subdivisions remain in the Township for the next ten years as
long as they were not held against us for considering future annexations. Eliminating those
subdivisions from being considered contiguous to the City limits will likely cause problems in the
future with the City expanding as originally planned. One item that should be noted was that we
gave up on allowing annexations of City owned property even if they weren't adjacent to the City
limits in return for some of these points in the new agreement. Since it appears that all of the
__-E~oposed c.bang"~..\yiU.))~~ef1..t~eJ:.Q\\!~".biP_E!:lt!1q.thanJ..h..e_~i!r,Jhe Cit~ld look at prDJ:>osin~__.__
Monticello City HalL 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711 . Fax: (763) 295-4404
Office of Public \'-/orks, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, M:r\ 55362 . (763) 295-3170. Fax: (63) 271-3272
Regardless as to how the full Council wants to vote on any amendments, I think it would still be
beneficial for the Councilmembers to hold a workshop to discuss the proposed changes in more detail
and to get an understanding of how we arrived at the agreement we have. While I recognize that
everybody wants to mend the relationship with the Township, I also assume the Township would like
to mend their relationship with the City and should also be willing to consider changes that we want
to institute, if that is the route we are going to take. It may be hard to take the time to address some
of these issues as part of the Council agenda and I would suggest that a workshop session be
scheduled by the Council to discuss the agreement.
. additional amendments to the agreement that might have some benefit to the City in the future, such
as allowing annexations of City owned property regardless of whether they are contiguous to the
present boundaries.
On a final note, if the proposed changes recommended by the Township and the Joint Planning Board
are not a big deal, then it also shouldn't be a big deal if we leave the agreement just the way it was
originally negotiated. If the changes don't mean anything, there isn't any real need to make the
changes. If down the road a few years there are certain issues that are not working well within the
agreement, that may be the more appropriate time to make some changes, but as [ noted earlier, the
ink is hardly dry on the original agreement that took six months to negotiate and [ believe it is
premature to even consider changes at this time without any additional background to support the
Attachments: Original Agreement
Proposed Revised Agreement
Memo from Chris Hood, Legal Counsel
List of Concession made by the City
~ "'-13-2005 'ED 03'46 'M "IGNT GTV PL'''ING/ZONE
FAX NO, 7636827872
p, 01
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A-6979 Monticello/Monticello Township
. Wl:lEREAS, the City of Monticello fiLed an annexation petition, dated October 13, 2003,
with the Minnesota Department of Administration MWlicipal Boundary Adjustments Office (File
No. A-6979 Monticello/Montieello Township) seeking annexation of certain areas located within
Monticello Townshrp pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 414.031; and
WHEREAS, Montieello Township and the City ofMontieello have been working toward
settlement of their boWldary dispute and have reached a settlement agreement believed to be in
the mutual best interests of both parties; and
WHEREAS, the City of Monticello (hereinafter the "City") and Monticello Township
(hereinafter the "Township") desire to enter into an agreement allowing for the orderly
annexation of certain property, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes., Section 414.0325; and
WHEREAS, the City and Township are in agreement to the procedures and process for
orderly annexation of certain lands described herein for the purpose of orderly. planned growth;
WHEREAS. the City and Township have agreed to work cooperatively to accomplish the
orderly annexation of the areas legally described herein; and
WHEREAS, the City and Township agree that orderLy annexation and elCtension of
municipaL services to those areas designated herein that are urban or suburban or about to
become so is in the best interests of the City, Township and property owners and wouLd benefit
the public health, safety and welfare of the entire community; and
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FAX NO. 7636827872
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WHEREAS, for the areas designated herein, the City and the Township desire to
accomplish the orderly annexation ofsaid areas in a mutually acceptable and beneficial manner
as urban development occurs and without the need for a hearing; and
WHEREAS. the parties hereto desire to set forth the terms and conditions of such orderly
annexation by means of this Joint Resolution in settlement of the above-referenced contested
case matter.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello
and the Township Board of Supervisors of the Township of Monticello as follows:
1. DescriDtion of Area Desisnated for Orderlv Annexation. The area of the Township
located within the area marked on the map attached hereto as Exhibit A is deemed by the
parties to be properly subject to orderly annexation under and pursuant to Minnesota
Statutes, Section 414.0325. The parties hereby designate this area for orderly annexation
as provided by conditions for annexation set forth in this Joint Resolution. The area
designated herein for orderly annexation, as shown on Exhibit A. shall be referred to for
ease of reference as the "Orderly Annexation Area" ("OAA"). The City may annex, at
any time after the execution of this Joint Resolution. land located within the OAA, in
accordance with the terms and conditions stated herein for annexation and in accordance
with Paragraph 13 of this Joint Resolution. The designated area shown on the attached
map as Exhibit A is legally described in Exhibit B. both of which exhibits are attached .
hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
2. Conditions and Tnl!l!ennl! Events for Annexations. Notwithstanding Paragraph 3 of this
Joint Resolution, any land within the OAA (see Exhibit A and Exhibit B) may be
annexed by the City, in accordance with Paragraph 13 of this Joint Resolution, under any
of the following circumstances:
a. The City receives a petition for annexation from 100% of the property owners
of an individual parcel of land contiguous to or abutting the City;
b. The area is completely surrounded by the City, except that this provision may
not be used to annex the subdivisions named in this subparagraph 2.b. (Devron
Green, the Dunes, Glendale, Monticello Acres, Ponderosa', Prairie Acres, O.K.
Coral Ranchette. Riverside Acres. Tyler East, Walesch Addition, and Walesch
2nd Addition, as said subdivisions are recorded in the Wright County Recorders
Office 00 the effective date of this Joint Resolution) for a period often years
following the effective date of this Joint Resolution;
c. The City or property owner(s) is ordered by the State Pollution Control Agency
or Department of Health to provide sewer or water service to a portion of the
Township for the protection of the public health and safety and/or because of
immediate environmental concerns;
d. The City decides to add an arterial or collector road to its Municipal State Aid .
street system, but only to the extent of the right-of-way needed for the road.
FAX NO. 7636827872
P. 03
and provided, however, that any costs associated with installation of these
roads will not be assessed to Township residents by the City, nor deferred until
future annexation of the property, unless different arrangements are otherwise
agreed to by the City and a property owner;
e. The City, with Township approval, determines by resolution that land, rigbt-of-
way, or easements are needed for a public works improvement project
designed to provide sanitary sewer pumping and conveyance facilities, water
supply, water storage or water conveyance facilities, stonnwater retention,
stormwater detention or stonnwater conveyance facilities, but only to the
extent needed for Said facilities. The City's statutory condemnation authority
shall not otherwise be limited by this provision. With respect to Wright
County Ditch 33, notwithstanding the foregoing, Township approval shall not
be required for a stormwater project under this provision should Wright County
otherwise approve the project or convey Ditch 33;
f. In the case of platted residential subdivisions, the City receives a petition from
a majority of property owners, either in a given contiguous area, or a block in a
platted residential subdivision, or from the entire subdivision, for annexation
and/or provision of sewer or wlIl:er services.
g. A licensed inspector retained by Wright County determines that at least 30% of
the individual sewage treatment systems or individual wells within a platted
residential subdivision or neighborhood or block in such a subdivision are
failing or are not meeting st8l:e drinking water standards; or
h. The City and Township otherwise jointly agree in writing.
For purposes of this Joint Resolutiollland shall be considered to be contiguous to, abut, abuts, or
abutting the City where the boundaries of said land or area to be annexed at least touch the City
boundary Ill: a single point, including areas whose boundaries would touch the City boundary at a
single point but for an intervening roadway, railroad, waterway, parcel of publicly owned land.
, <>1' an e",i.stin; flamed SUOOiVfSioH-i-n tf1<l 0'\:\ r"Hmmcedin J'ara;;raph 2J),-above-~
G'f~,elle. tAe j:;JI-I-l'MlS, Glefld-a-J.e,-M~~Acres, P~,Rileres-a:;44air~e.^cres~(*K~~anchelle,
RWeFS:<ie. Aeres, l~yler Eas-t;-WC~~f)lk .andWa-Iessh 2""-AEklition. ai.'-s-:\id "M6eivi~)il>n"
.",...-r.;Cocurded i n \he-'W<"'~-'~\-l~flt'Y RecOlders..(H'fK:-<HIH.-t.he-ef[eci i ve-<:l/.*'-<'l!i4R.i-s-kJ-i nt
a. The JPB shall be made up oftwo members appointed by the Township Board,
two members appointed by the City Council, and one member of the Wrignt
County Board appointed by the Wright County Board of Commissionen,
3. ZoninS!: and Planning. For any areas of the Township in the OAA that are not annexed
pursuant to this Joint Resolution, planning and zoning authority as specified herein within
the OAA shall be governed by a 5-member Joint Planning Board (JPB) described as
FAX NO. 7636827872
p, 04
.Ioifttly 1:>)' IRe-Cily-Getifl6iJ-,Hid TEl\o\~oiird.,....~ft!i" CilyanG.~~.ip
i7<"til-Ref-agree 0;\ tFle (eunty. cOfltmts-s-i_.nlemi:ler ro ~;eFve OA-t~e J1)I~...lhe
G*y-and1-e,,'il5"i~ .;Ra,H tllterllately !;trike'~'Fli:leF_1 ~:erviflg ell IAe COlinly
BOafd-..f\t~y()ne G,-~C~'lry...:g.,aFd m<:ffiBer roffil\ins:".+fle-.t'effiilining (~:~,,*.y
BearaRlamher -nat striakeR SHall be tl1e l11emberappei Ilted t(.;.serV8 611 the JPS,
b. The JPB shall serve as the "governing body" and "board of appeals and
adjustments" for purposes of Minnesota Statutes. sections 462.357 and 462.358
within the OAA and shall have an of the powers contained in sections 462.351
to 462.364. except as otherwise provided by this Joint Resolution.
c. The Wright County Planning and Zoning Office shall serve as staff and
advisors to the JPB, unless otherwise determined by the JPB. The JPB may, at
any time, also consult with City staff as it deems necessary to effectively carry
out its duties and responsibilities. The costs of admini~n of the JPB shall
be paid equally by the City and Township. An("~~ulie..@J)aid
to members serving on the JPB or retaining consultants to provide serviceSIo---...
the JPB shall be approved and equally paid by the A~el'flbeFS.: .respel..~ .. -t "-'5
govefl\'j~ city and township. ,.s
Corre.c....f /
d. The JPB will set the schedules for necessary zoning and planning fees in the .
OAA. The fees shall be consistent with the fee strocture used by Wright .
County, unless otherwise determined by the JPB.
e. Except as otherwise provided, any action of the IPB to exercise its authority as
specified herein must be preceded by a majority vote (at least 3 out of the 5
members) of the members of the JPB voting on the prevailing side.
f As soon as practicable after execution of this Joint Resolution, the JPB shall
review the area included in the OAA. existing comprehensive plans in the City,
Township and County, and determine whether the JPB should develop a joint
land use plan for the OAA. If a joint plan is developed, the City and Township
shall thereafter review and comment on the plan. The City and Township shall
consider incorporating the developed plan or plan elements into the City's and
Township's respective comprehensive plans.
g. The JPB shall require that the existing Township zoning or Wright County
zoning, whichever is applicable and more restrictive, in effect within the OAA
on the effective date of this Joint Resolution, remain in full force and effect and
unchanged during the term of this Joint Resolution, unless said area or portion
thereof is either first annexed or said zoning change is otherwise approved by a
supermajority vote (4 out of 5 members) of the JPB. Any decision by the JPB
to zone or rezone portions ofthe OAA shall be subject to review and comment
by the City and Township prior to such zoning or rezoning becoming effective. .
The JPB shall give the City and Township at least 30 days to review and
comment before making a zoning or rC<l:oning decision. The City or Township
FAX NO. 7636827872
P. 05
shall waive its right to review and comment if it fails to review and comment
within the specified period provided herein.
The JPB shall not approve a subdivision within the OAA unless first approved
by a supermajority vote (4 out of 5 members) of the JPB. The Township shall
not zone, rezone, plat, re-p1at, subdivide, or re-subdivide within the OAA
between the time of development of this Joint Resolution and the effective date
of this Joint Resolution, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the City. For
the purposes of this parllb'Taph, "subdivision" shall not include building
entitlement transfers for agricultural lot splits and property transfers between
family members under the current Wright County Zoning Ordinance, as
adopted by the Township.
h. Failure of the JPB to exercise any of its authority as described herein shall not
render this Joint Resolution or any other provisions contained herein invalid or
unenforceable, and the terms and conditions contained in this Ioint Resolution
shall otherwise remain in full force and effect and binding upon the parties
Each member serving on the JPH shall serve a period of one year ending
December 31 Members .sft,d I sar\' ~ aHhe.dmrelien of their I'es~~
~g.blldles-alla l1'1elR!lef".may be reFAevedal atl)' tilm~ llfil1r-lO.the
e><j:}~~,*;()!: or lheiHeH-'f'f;-'>Fal!emati veJ.:.~ A term on the JPH may be extended,
by action ofa member's respective governing body_ Not..\1IA;;tanding-tfte
1~'e'"z.oiRg. tlle'coLlHly-e_lffiissien~r-m~mber scrving-t'tHh~ JP-B-fffltat+15
:'f~"(;)t,l,() .Parag-~a. ofth':'f.Joint .RCS6111t.i~
The JPB shall meet monthly or as needed as determined by the JPB members
k "r~itmt.i,m-_ Natwirhst.~""lar-agl'a~--*linl Reso-ltlfje~, IRe City-OF
'M-l-Wll-Ship aggl'ieved by a. aecisio!l-OC,.lle--:l+lB l1'la:l Fe$ure Iha'-il Cte{('.m,iR-atiol1
oflRe lPFi, <-tF--any.aclien 51" ina.eti(;Hr&y.~.he..J.pll iAe6A3i:jt~nt with or-olhor\vis(;
;,,-".~-a'.~'-m or Ihi,,_f'af""5"~~..,t<bil\itled-,,-~~+,g-<.r-biH'aliol\--
::rhe-ag;,rieved pa~lail cOfli.aelll1e l\lIrea\i-"fMediali<:>~"aiislo-F
li~al+Aed arhilraL{)r-s-atJEi-t~y-and Towl1Shii" s~lhiB'lel1-(+0-l
"Jays a1' re"~;~H-lrsaidIiSI;.-ajt-eI'fl(tj;(,~ffike.fromlhe-j-tst lIAtil only--a-single
itl..e+fl'fllor.rema;'1\5,--+l1e Cily ai*i-_T<)wnshij3-ffi.~areiyci()i"lly-agrcc1O ""
arbilfarer. The City aRd-:f-(-)wnshijrsllall ee the parlies 10-m~arllitFari(ln related
K~-;;i,_-Grthe JP-O,--i:f>.e. JI'I! it.;df!;hall nGHI€t-~a~-l<lthe
j'lfo;;eeJi-ng, Theseleet-e€l-[treitrall'>F-4a-lHlOlcl-a Rear,"c. 0" tAe--f11atter wifl'lifl-6l-l
d'~"i"cti<,)n and is-Sl!th,.-bi~6>-tk.-ci,;iofl-.rega[<htl.b'''''''''+~Hil-e
I'\'ltIt1-iFefHents of P.,tf~f'l11 ~ Il~ell'lHe~ willlin 30 dtl'y':HlHhe hearil'Igc
Failttfe ofeith~a~l-pa,rticipalc in the arbit-nffi-)F-selecLielt~css sRall
resttl-t~yM-t~iflati!lg: party-s"fe€:iA-=. tRe-<;H'~'lit,-ltLor. Fai'!iJfO oftl1<.~-V'Hi'
+(-)\"nship to-.~1tr at. iif6ilratit>ft.;;hall fcstJll iR clefa\ilt. judg+l1ent IOHhe f.1arty
FAX NO. 7838827872
p, 08
lll'peafillt; TAe ()(ISI of:Ae arlli~HltOl'Sft~b()rne-ettttally by-the Ci-l:~
4. Menter. Notwith~tanding the foregoing, the City and Township shall combine in their
entirety under the following circumstances: I) at such time as the Township and the City
adopt ajoint resolution SO providing; or 2) at such time as seventy-five percent (75%) of
the Township, as the Township exists on the effective date of this Joint Resolution, is
annexed to the City, whichever comes first. Annexation by the City of the remainder of
the Township shall be accomplished in accordance with Paragraph 13. The City shall
hire any remaining Township personnel following the effective date of annexation of the
remainder of the Township. As soon as practicable following the effective date of
an.llexation resulting in the merger of the City and Township, the City will hold municipal
elections for all of the City Council and Mayor positions.
5. Adopt and Enforce Regulations. The City and Township agree to enact, adopt, and
strictly enforce all such resolutions, ordinances, or regulations, as may be or shall be
necessary to give full effect to the stipulations contained in this Joint Resolution.
6. Tax Reimbursement. Upon the annexation of land located within the OAA pursuant to
Paragraph 13 of this Joint Resolution, the City shall reimburse the Township for the loss
of taxes from the property so annexed in accordance with the following:
a. In the year when the City could first levy on the annexed area, the City shall
make a cash payment to the Township in an amount equal to four (4) times the
property taxes distributed to the Township in regard to the annexed area in the
last year that property taxes from the annexed area were payable to the
b. Thereafter, the City will no longer reimburse the Township. The City shall
make payment as contemplated herein no later than December 31 of the first
year following the year when the City could first levy on the annexed area and
for any subsequent years.
7. Provision of Services. After annexation of land located within the OAA, the City shall be
responsible for providing municipal governmental services to the annexed area. Sanitary
sewer or water services, in the City's discretion, shall be provided to an area annexed
with existing or proposed residential development within three (3) years after the
effective date of the annexation. Sewer or water services, in the City's discretion, shall
be provided to an area annexed with existing or proposed commercial, industrial,
governmental or institutional development within five (5) years after the effective date of
annexation. In the event that the City extends trunk sewer and/or water lines across a
portion of the OAAremaining in the Township in order to serve an area annexed by the
City, the individual properties remaining in the Township that abut the City trunk sewer
and/or water line extended shall not be charged any trunk sewer or water line charges, .
fees or assessments by the City for the trunk sewer and/or water line abutting said
properties lUltil said properties are annexed by the City and are platted and developed.
FAX NO, 7636827872
p, 07
A failure on the part oftbe City, not due to circumstances beyond the City's control, to
provide either of such sewer or water services within the time period specified following
the effective date of annexation may subject the area so annexed to be deemed null and
void by resolution of the Township adopted at a regular meeting of the Township, and the
Township may thereafter petition the Department of Administration Municipal Boundary
Adjustments Office, or its successor agency, for detachment of the area in accordance
with Minnesota Statutes, Section 414.06. The City shall not oppose the Township's
petition for detaChment provided it meets the conditions contained in this Joint
As an alternative to initiating a detachment proceeding, the Township may. elect, by
resolution adopted at a Township Board meeting, to have the City reimburse the
Township for taxes lost on the applicable property annexed by the City at the Township's
tax rate applicable in the year of annexation until the services required under this
Paragraph are provided to the annexed property by the City.
In order to act under this Paragraph, the Township shall make an election by resolution at
a meeting of the Township Board to either; 1) initiate a detachment proceeding, or 2)
seek tax reimbursement as provided in this Paragraph, and provide notice to the City of
the election. within ninety (90) days of the City's failure to provide said service as
required under this Paragraph, or the Township may only seek tax reimbursement as
provided in this Paragraph and waives the election to initiate a detachment proceeding
under Section 414.06.
For purposes of this Paragraph, the City will be deemed to have met the obligation to
provide sanitary sewer or water service to an annexed area if within the timeframes
specified herein following an annexation of an area, the City awards a contract to a
contractor to constrUCt a sewer or water service project making municipal sanitary sewer
or water service available to an area annexed under the terms of this Joint Resolution.
Every Annexation Resolution adopted under Paragraph 13 of this Joint Resolution
resulting in the annexation ofland located within the OAA shall be treated separately for
purposes of compliance with this Paragraph 7.
In the event that the City annexes land in accordance with a triggering event contained in
this Joint Resolution and said land is identified in the City's comprehensive plan fOf open
space or park preservation. the requirements contained in this Paragraph do not apply to
said annexation since the intent is that said areas would remain as open space or park land
and would not need City sewer or water service.
8. Townshin Maintenance of Services. The Township agrees that it will be responsible for
normal and regular maintenance of all Township roads, streets, bridges. drainage
facilities and other public rights-of-way that it is currently maintaining within the
designated OAA prior to annexation thereof Maintenance of Township infrastructure
FAX NO, 7636827872
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within the designated OM by the Township shall be consistent with other standard
maintenance practices employed by the Township elsewhere in the Township.
9. Line Roads. For any Township roads that become the boundary line tor the City and
Township as a result of an annexation, the City shall assume responsibility for road
maintenance and improvement for the entire section of the Township road that becomes
the boundary line adjacent to the City.
10. No Annexation Outside the OAA. The parties agree that the City will not initiate any
annexations outside the OAA while this agreement is in effect. Notwithstanding the
forgoing, the City may initiate an annexation under Chapter 414 if the City is ordered by
the State Pollution Control Agency or the Department of Health to provide sewer or
water service to a portion of the Township for the protection of the public health and
safety and/or because of environmental concerns. Further, the City will not file any
petitions for a contested case annexation within the OM or the remainder of the
Township outside the OAA during the term of this loint Resolution, provided that the
Township does not seek to incorporate during the term of this loint Resolution.
11. Expansion ofOAA. For purposes of expansion of the OAA under this Paragraph, the
OAA designated herein shall be divided into five sections shown on Exhibit C. The
individual seCtions of the OAA as designated in and shown on Exhibit C shali may be .
expanded at such time as: 1) 75% of the land (excluding wetlands, the named
subdivisions reference in Paragraph 2.b. of this Joint Resolution and lakes) within an
individual section of the OAA is annexed; or 2) the City and Township jointly agree to
expand a seCtion, whichever comes first. Tn the event that one or more of the above
conditions exists, the City and Township agree that the boundary line of the section of the
OAA meeting the condition contained herein shall be expanded outward one-half seCtion
along the entirety of that section of the OAA boundary line as it exists at that time.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City and Township may agree in writing to a different
expansion area greater than or less than the one--half section expansion area provided for
The City shall notify the Township in the event that any ofthe conditions stated in this
Paragraph exist. Thereafter, the City shall file the appropriate adjustments to the OAA or
any section thereof. within ninety (90) days ofJanuary 1 of each year that ends in a
multiple of three (3) (ie: %006,2009,2012...), with the Depanment of Administration,
or its successor agency, including a new Amended Exhibit A, Amended Exhibit B, and
Amended Exhibit C, which shall replace the Exhibit A Exhibit B. and Exhibit C filed
with this Joint Resolution. along with a letter so providing describing the adjustments to
each section of the OAA and referencing this section of this Joint Resolution.
12. Withdraw Contested Case Petition. The City agrees to withdraw its pending annexation
petition, File No.A-6979, as soon as practicable after execution and filing of this Joint
Resolution with the State
FAX NO. 7636827872
P. 09
13. No HeMin!! Reauirel!. All annexations contemplated by this Joint Resolution in the OAA
shall not require a hearing or any consideration by the State Department of
Administration, or its successor agency. The City and Township agree that, upon the
occurrence of an event triggering annexation as provided herein for any land located
within the OAA., the City shall provide written notice of such occurrence to the
Township, and upon receipt ofa resolution of the City (referred to as the "Annexation
Resolution") describing such area along with a copy of this Joint Resolution, the
Department of Administration or its successor agency, may review and comment, but
shall within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Annexation Resolution and a copy of this
Joint Resolution, order the annexation of the area designated in the Annexation
Resolution in accordance with the tenns and conditions of this Joint Resolution. The
City and Township agree that no alteration of the stated boundaries as described in the
Annexation R.esolution is appropriate, that no consideration by the Department of
Administration, or its successor agency, is necessary, and that all terms and conditions for
annexation are provided for in this loint Resolution. Provided that the requisite terms
and conditions have been met as contained in this Joint Resolution, the Township shall
not object to an annexation initiated by the City filing an Annexation Resolution with the
Department of Administration, or its successor agency. As of the effective date of this
Joint R.esolution, there is no election requirement in the law to effect or accomplish an
annexation. No such election shall be required or apply to any annexation provided
herein either now or during any period during which this Joint Resolution is in effect.
14. Disputes and Remedies. Subject to Paragraph 3, the City and Township agree as follows:
a. Nee:otiation. When a disagreement over interpretation of any provision of this
Joint Resolution shall arise, the City and the Township will direct staff'
members, as they deem appropriate, to meet at least one (1) time at a mutually
convenient time and place to attempt to resolve the dispute through
b. Mediation/Arbitration. When the parties to this Joint Resolution are unable to
resolve disputes, claims or counterclaims, or are UIUlble to negotiate an
interpretation ofany provision ofthis Joint Resolution, the parties may
mutually agree in writing to seek reJiefby submitting their respective
grievances to mediation and/or binding arbitration.
c. Adjudication. When the parties to this Joint Resolution are unable to resolve
disputes, claims or counterclaims, are unable to negotiate an interpretation of
any provision of this Joint Resolution or are unable to agree to submit their
respective grievances to mediation or binding arbitration, or such action has
not otherwise resolved the matter in dispute, either party may seek relief
through initiation of an action in a court of competent jurisdiction. In addition
to the remedies provided for in this Joint Resolution and any other available
remedies at law or equity, in the case of a violation, default, or breach of any
provision of this Joint Resolution, the non-violating, non-defaulting, or non-
breaching party may bring an action for specific performance to compel the
performance of this Joint Resolution in accordance with its terms.
FAX NO. 7636827872
P. 10
15. Termination. This Joint Resolution shall remain in full force and effect until one of the
following conditions take place, whichever comes first:
a. Termination by mutual written joint resolution of the City and Township; or
b. The remainder of the Township is annexed resulting in the merger of the City
and Township; or
c. January 1, 202[' 2025.
16. Governing Law. This Joint Resolution is made pursuant to, and shall be construed in
accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota.
City Administrator
Monticello City Hall
505 Walnut Street, Suite I
Monticello, MN 55362-8831
Township Clerk
Monticello Township
8550 Edmonson Ave., NE
Monticello, MN 55362
17. Modification! Amendment. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Joint Resolution
shall not be modified, amended, or altered except upon the written joint resolution of the
City and the Township duly executed and adopted by the City Council and the Township
Board of Supervisors and filed with the Department of Administration, or its successor
18. Severabilitv. In the event thaI any provision of this Joint Resolution is determined and .
adjudged to be unconstitutional, invalid, illegal or unenforceable by a court of competent
jurisdiction, the remaining provisions of this Joint Resolution shall remain in full force
and effect, and the parties hereto shall negotiate in good faith and agree to such
amendments or modifications of or to this Joint Resolution or other appropriate actions as
shall, to the maximum extent practicable in light of such determination, implement and
give effect to the intentions of the parties hereto.
19. Headings and CaDtions. Headings and captions are for convenience only and are not
intended to alter any of the provisions of this Joint Resolution.
20. Entire Agreement. The tenns, covenants, conditions and provisions of this Joint
Resolution, including the present and all future attachments, shall constitute the entire
agreement between the parties hereto, superseding all prior agreements and negotiations.
This Joint Resolution shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective
successors and assigns of the City and Township.
21. Notice. Any notices required under the provisions of this Joint Resolution shall be in
writing and sufficiently given if delivered in person or sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid,
as follows:
lfto.the City:
If to the Township:
FAX NO. 7636627672
P. 11
Passed, adopted, and approved by the Township Board of Supervisors of the Township of
Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota. this day of March, 2005.
Franklin Denn, Chair
Nancy Kopff, Township Clerk
Passed, adopted, and approved by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Wright County,
Minnesota, this _ day of March, 2005.
Clint Herbst, Mayor
Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator
APR-13-2005 WED 03:50 PM WRIGHT OTY PLANNING/ZONE FAX NO. 7636827872
Passed, adopted. and approved by the Wright County Board of Commissioners, Wright
County, Minnesota, this _ da.y of March, 2005.
Richard Mattson, Chair
Richard W. Norman, County Coordinator
P. 12
FAX NO. 7636827872
P. 13
The municipal boundary map referenced in Paragraph I of the attached Joint Resolution showing
the current City of Monticello and the OAA legally described in Exhibit B, is attached hereto,
FAX NO. 7636827872
The OAA shown in Exhibit A and referenced in the attached Joint Resolution is legally
described as fol1ows:
p, 14
APR~13-:2005_WED _ 03 ~51 PM WRIGHT CTY PLANNINGIZONE FAX NO, 7636827872
p, 15
The QAA section map referenced in Paragraph 11 of the attached Joint Resolution, showing the
sections of the QAA in the Township for purposes of expansion is attached hereto,
Professional Association
Mayor Clint Herbst and City Council
Christopher M. Hood
April 19, 2005
Proposed Changes to Joint Resolution Between the City of Monticello and
Monticello Township, Dated June 21, 2004
OA 1061 Monticello/Monticello Township
As directed by the City Council, the following is a brief memorandum addressing proposed
language changes to the Joint Resolution for Orderly Annexation by and between Monticello
Township (hereafter the "Township") and the City of Monticello (hereafter the "City"), dated
. June 21, 2004 (hereafter the "June 21 Joint Resolution" or "Agreement").
Before addressing the substance of the specific proposed language changes to the June 21 Joint
Resolution, some background may be helpful for the City Council in setting the context in which
the proposed language changes should now be considered.
It should be noted at the outset that the June 21 Joint Resolution was the result oflengthy, good
faith negotiations (approximately nine months of negotiations) between the City and Township,
which on June 21, 2004 resulted in the adoption of the present Agreement. To reach this
agreement required both parties to consider the best interests of their citizens, taxes, cost-
effective and efficient service provision, protection of the environment, growth and urbanization,
and other issues. To reach agreement compromise was essential. In the end, both parties made a
significant compromise and agreed to settle the dispute in the best interests oflong-term
planning, orderly growth, and service provision.
The City, however, had to give up much of what it wanted to reach settlement. This included the
City agreeing to Township requirements such as no immediate annexations, annexations that had
to be primarily by property-owner petition, annexations that had to be contiguous to the City, and
that the City had to provide sewer or water service to an annexed area within a specific period of
time following an annexation or the property could be detached back to the Township. These
Township negotiated terms were significant concessions by the City as part of the negotiating
process and were agreed to in order to reach agreement on some other issues important to the
City, some of which are now being proposed for change.
525 Park Street. Suite 470 . St. Paul, MN 55103 . (651) 225-8840 . Fax (651) 225-9088
Mayor Clint Herbst and City Council
April 19, 2005
Page 2
Proposed Language Changes to June 21 Joint Resolution
Given the above background and compromise aspect ofthe June 21 Joint Resolution and the fact
that this Agreement was a settlement of a contested annexation dispute between the parties,
barring some minor or technical changes to the Agreement, my general reaction upon hearing
that language changes were being proposed was that it was too early (the Agreement has only
been in place for about 10 months) into the process to consider such changes as the process has
not been given a chance to work. It would seem that any needed changes with the process have
yet to be determined and are not warranted at this time, unless one or both parties to the
Agreement can demonstrate some significant need for or demonstrated problem with the
Agreement or process that would justify now making a change to the Agreement. Based on my
review, to date, I am not aware of any such demonstrated problem with the Agreement or the
process for annexation contained therein.
Based on the above background and my initial comment, I have the following specific comments
and recommendations with respect to each of the language changes now being proposed for the
June 21 Joint Resolution:
Contil!:uitv - Paral!:raoh 2. It would appear that the first language change being
proposed is found in the last paragraph of Paragraph 2 of the June 21 Joint
Resolution. Paragraph 2 specifically contains the triggering events for annexation
and requires that under most circumstances the City receive a property-owner petition
for annexation of a parcel that is contiguous to existing City limits prior to annexation
thereo f.
This contiguity requirement was a hard fought item by the Township in the 2004
negotiations that lead up to the Agreement. The City originally wanted to be able to
annex non-contiguous areas. The idea was that once an area was designated for
orderly annexation, any area within the designated zone could petition for annexation,
as it was presumed that the orderly annexation area will eventually become annexed
and provided services. The City had already agreed to provide services in a specific
period of time following an annexation. Therefore, the service requirement gave the
Township a significant protection limiting the City's ability to annex.
This contiguity issue is significant from the standpoint that developers may not be
able to locate land directly contiguous to the City and therefore it would make sense
to allow non-contiguous annexations provided the City was willing to extend services
in the time frame required under the Agreement. During negotiations, and in order to
settle the contested annexation proceeding, however, the City gave in on this
contiguity requirement provided that the Township also agreed that existing
urbanized Township subdivisions, as currently named and listed in the Agreement,
would not serve to block future annexations or the City's growth. The Township
agreed to this significant compromise by the City.
Mayor Clint Herbst and City Council
April 19, 2005
Page 3
The language change now being proposed to Paragraph 2, to delete the references to
the existing Township subdivisions, is a material change to the Agreement and is a
substantial departure from the compromise agreed to by both the City and Township
on the contiguity issue. The current language as agreed to in the June 21 Joint
Resolution is an important protection for the City so that the Township will not allow
additional urban developments on septic systems and wells without connection to
nearby City services. It was a concession that the City and Township made in
exchange for the City giving up non-contiguous annexations and the proposed change
will undo this compromise potentially acting as a block to future City annexations,
orderly development and cost-effective and efficient delivery of services.
Removing this language from the Agreement now will undermine the overall
integrity of the Agreement by striking a material provision and needed protection for
the City to prevent unserviced urban development outside the City.
For the above reasons, I recommend that the City Council reject the proposed
language change to Paragraph 2 ofthe Agreement.
JPB Member Selection - Paral!:raDh 3.a. The next proposed change to the June 21
Joint Resolution is to Paragraph 3.a. The proposal is to remove the method for
choosing a county commissioner to serve on the Joint Planning Board (hereafter the
"JPB") in the event that the City and Township are unable to jointly agree to select a
commissioner. The proposed change would allow the Wright County Board to make
the appointment itself.
Again, the current language in the Agreement was the result of significant
negotiations and compromise. The June 21 Joint Resolution now allows both parties
the opportunity to try to jointly select a county commissioner whom they believe will
be the most impartial. As the county commissioner oftentimes will be the tie
breaking vote in the event of a dispute, it is important that the county commissioner
selected be viewed as impartial by both parties in order to maintain a fair process.
Thus, the existing language in the Agreement, in the event the parties are unable to
jointly select a commissioner, allows each party to strike a county commissioner until
only one commissioner remains. The remaining commissioner is then appointed to
the JPB.
I believe that the existing language is the fairest process for selecting a county
commissioner to serve on the JPB. As a result, I recommend that that the City
Council reject the proposed language change to Paragraph 3.a. of the Agreement.
Sharinl!: of JPB Consultant Fees - Paral!:raDh 3.c. Paragraph 3.c. of the June 21
Joint Resolution currently provides for sharing JPB consultant fees between the
parties. I do not believe the intention was to include the County in this fee sharing
arrangement. Thus, the proposed language change would present a non-material
Mayor Clint Herbst and City Council
April 19, 2005
Page 4
clarification. I recommend making the proposed change to Paragraph 3.c. in a simple
letter of understanding between the City and Township.
Citv and Township JPB Appointment Authoritv - Parae:raph 3.i. The next
proposed change is to Paragraph 3.i. ofthe June 21 Joint Resolution. The proposed
change is to remove the respective City and Township governing body's discretion to
remove a member of the JPB at any time. The members serving on the JPB represent
their respective governing bodies. They serve at the discretion of their governing
bodies. Thus, they are subordinate to and are selected to express the views of their
governing bodies. Both governing bodies should have the authority and discretion to
remove a member and appoint a new member if the circumstances warrant such
action. There could be a variety of reasons for such action over the 15 years this
Agreement will be in place including where an existing member no longer has time to
serve on the JPB, an existing member is going through an illness, or where an
existing member has family obligations that are interfering with his or her
membership at JPB meetings. There are a variety of other reasons.
As I am not aware of any demonstrated need for this change, nor am I aware of any
problem with the current language or process, I recommend that that the City Council
reject the proposed language change to Paragraph 3.i. of the Agreement.
JPB Arbitration Process - Parae:raph 3.k. The next proposed change is to
Paragraph 3.k. of the June 21 Joint Resolution, which relates to the arbitration process
for the JPB. The current Agreement provides for a specific, cost-effective arbitration
process in the event that there is a dispute related to a decision made by the JPB or if
the JPB has acted contrary to its authority under the Agreement.
There is also a dispute resolution clause in Paragraph 14 of the present Agreement,
which would allow arbitration if the parties agreed, however, if the parties do not
agree, the dispute would have to go through some sort of District Court trial process,
which could be lengthy, divisive and expensive. One of the reasons for entering into
the June 2 I Joint Resolution in the first place was to establish a defined process for
annexation. This process was a compromise and was agreed to avoid future
litigation. Thus, it seems contrary to the intent of the agreement to remove a simple
dispute resolution process in favor of a protracted litigation process to resolve a
dispute on the JPB.
Based on this, it is my beliefthat the least divisive and most cost-effective means of
addressing a dispute related to a JPB decision is through arbitration. I believe that the
arbitration process as presented in Paragraph 3.k. is fair, equitable and efficient.
Finally, as there again has not been any demonstrated need or specifically identified
problem with the process now contained in Paragraph 3.k., I recommend that that the
Mayor Clint Herbst and City Council
April 19, 2005
Page 5
City Council reject the proposed language change to Paragraph 3.k. of the
6. OAA Modification Process - ParaeraDh 11. The next language change proposed
is to Paragraph 11 of the June 21 Joint Resolution, which relates to expansion of the
Orderly Annexation Area (the "OAA"), as designated in the Agreement. Paragraph
II currently operates such that in the event that 75% of an orderly annexation zone as
contained in Exhibit C has been annexed, the area shall be expanded. The current
Agreement provides that in such event, the City may file an adjustment to the OAA
every year.
The proposed language change seeks to change the current process by only allowing
the City to make such adjustment to the OAA every three years. Additionally, the
language is being changed to be permissive such that the five defined OAA sections
may but need not be expanded even where the conditions for expansion have been
Based on my review of the proposed language, I do not see any demonstrated need or
problem that has been identified for making this change in the process. Again this
was a negotiated term agreed to by both parties. Certainly, the current language may
become operative at some point in the relatively distant future. In the event that any
language in the current Agreement becomes problematic, the parties have the right to
meet and discuss amendments to the agreement at that time.
Again, as there has not been any demonstrated need or specifically identified problem
with the process now contained in Paragraph 11, I recommend that that the City
Council reject the proposed language change to Paragraph II of the Agreement.
7. Termination - ParaeraDh 15. The final proposed language change to the
Agreement is proposed to Paragraph 15 of the June 21 Joint Resolution, which relates
to termination of the Agreement. The proposed change would lengthen the term of
the Agreement from the current expiration date of January 1, 2020 to the proposed
termination date of January 1,2025.
The current expiration date is approximately 15 years from now. There certainly is
the possibility that circumstances may change over the next 15 years. In the event
that the City and Township believe that this Agreement has worked well over the next
15 years, the City and Township in their discretion can at that time extend the length
of the Agreement, but it makes more sense to see how the Agreement will work over
the next five or more years before considering major changes.
I recommend that that the City Council reject the proposed language change to
Paragraph 15 of the Agreement.
Mayor Clint Herbst and City Council
April 19, 2005
Page 6
Agreement Amendment Process
Two additional issues are worth noting here at this time for the City Council's consideration
prior to concluding this discussion:
First, in the event that the Coty and Township do decide to make changes to the June 21 Joint
Resolution either now or in the future, Paragraph 17 of the Joint Resolution requires that no
modification or amendment may be made unless it is made by the joint resolution of the City
and Township duly executed by the respective City Council and Township Board and filed
with the Department of Administration (now the Office of Administrative Hearings).
Second, it should also be noted that the Joint Planning Board (JPB) designated in the
Agreement has zoning and planning authority only. The charge of the JPB is not to consider,
recommend or seek changes to the June 21 Joint Resolution. Such authority is reserved in
the Township Board and City Council exclusively and it has not otherwise been delegated to
the JPS in the June 21 Joint Resolution. Thus, the JPB should specifically reserve its review
of issues to zoning and planning issues as the JPS has no authority other than on zoning and
planning issues.
. Conclusion
I believe that the June 21 Joint Resolution in its existing form is sound and that the language
changes that have been proposed will materially and negatively affect the integrity of the
Agreement's other terms and conditions and the good faith compromise reached between the
City and Township resulting in the Agreement. I do not believe that a problem exists with the
current Agreement or process for annexation contained therein, with the exception related to
sharing of consultant costs noted above. As a result, I do not recommend making any changes to
the Agreement at this time other than for the parties to adopt a Letter of Understanding that
consultant costs for the JPS will be shared equally by the City and Township and that Wright
County will not be responsible for such costs unless otherwise agreed to by Wright County.
Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at (651) 225-
cc: Rick Wolfsteller
Jeff O'Neill
Concessions made by City of Monticello
in Developing the Current June 21, 2004 Joint Resolution for
Orderly Annexation Between the City of Monticello and
Monticello Township
The City gave up a considerable amount to reach a settlement Agreement
with the Township. The City agreed through lengthy negotiations leading up
to the adoption of the June 21, 2004 Orderly Annexation Agreement between
the City and Township to the following cumulative changes as sought by the
1. Eliminated non-contiguous annexations except as necessary to resolve
pollution problems;
2. Eliminated the municipally owned condition for annexation;
3. Provided for no service charges for trunk lines extended across and
abutting township properties until annexed, platted and developed;
4. Eliminated the prohibition on urban, non-farm development in areas
outside the orderly annexation area;
5. Provided for a zoning freeze as proposed by the Township;
6. Provided for a Joint Planning Board in the form the Township
7. Simplified the processes as stated in the Agreement as sought by the
8. Included the Township's proposed entire list of existing subdivisions as
not being subject to annexation;
9. Defined contiguous or abutting as requested by the Township;
1 O.Simplified the arbitration procedure as proposed by the Township;
II.Provided for new City Council elections in the event of a merger of the
City and Township and included the Township's proposed process for
I 2. Eliminated the merger date as requested by the Township.
13.Increased the tax reimbursement to the Township to four times the
Township's tax rate at the time of annexation;
14.Provided that sewer or water service must be provided to an annexed
area within three years of annexation for residential development
instead of the City's proposed five years;
IS.Provided that the Township may elect to be reimbursed at the
Township's tax rate if the City does not provide services as required to
an annexed area or the Township can alternatively initiate the
detachment of an area annexed but not served by the City;
16.Provided the City will not oppose a detachment proceeding initiated by
the Township if the City does not provide sewer or water service in
accordance with the time requirements contained in the Agreement;
17.Changed the condition for sewer or water provision to be based on
awarding a contract for construction of a project as sought by the
IS.Provided that the City cannot annex outside the agreed upon orderly
annexation area (OAA) as required by the Township;
I 9. Provided the OAA can expand only when 7S% of a defined section of
the OAA has been annexed and allows the City and Township to
otherwise agree to an alternate area expanded as sought by the
20.Properties within the designated OAA boundary are not required to
21.Eliminated the future reserve zone as sought by the Township; and
22.Eliminated the reference to future legislative activity and its impact on
the Agreement as sought by the Township.
A-6979 Monticello/Monticello Township
WHEREAS, the City of Monticello filed an annexation petition, dated October 13,2003,
with the Minnesota Department of Administration Municipal Boundary Adjustments Office (File
No. A-6979 Monticello/Monticello Township) seeking annexation of certain areas located within
Monticello Township pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 414.031; and
WHEREAS, Monticello Township and the City of Monticello have been working toward
settlement of their boundary dispute and have reached a settlement agreement believed to be in
the mutual best interests of both parties; and
WHEREAS, the City of Monticello (hereinafter the "City") and Monticello Township
(hereinafter the "Township") desire to enter into an agreement allowing for the orderly
annexation of certain property, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 414.0325; and
WHEREAS, the City and Township are in agreement to the procedures and process for
orderly annexation of certain lands described herein for the purpose of orderly, planned growth;
WHEREAS, the City and Township have agreed to work cooperatively to accomplish the
orderly annexation of the areas legally described herein; and
WHEREAS, the City and Township agree that orderly annexation and extension of
municipal services to those areas designated herein that are urban or suburban or about to
become so is in the best interests of the City, Township and property owners and would benefit
the public health, safety and welfare of the entire community; and
WHEREAS, for the areas designated herein, the City and the Township desire to
accomplish the orderly annexation of said areas in a mutually acceptable and beneficial manner
as urban development occurs and without the need for a hearing; and
WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to set forth the terms and conditions of such orderly
annexation by means of this Joint Resolution in settlement of the above-referenced contested
case matter.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello
and the Township Board of Supervisors of the Township of Monticello as follows:
I. Description of Area Designated for Orderlv Annexation. The area of the Township
located within the area marked on the map attached hereto as Exhibit A is deemed by the
parties to be properly subject to orderly annexation under and pursuant to Minnesota
Statutes, Section 414.0325. The parties hereby designate this area for orderly annexation
as provided by conditions for annexation set forth in this Joint Resolution. The area
designated herein for orderly annexation, as shown on Exhibit A. shall be referred to for
ease of reference as the "Orderly Annexation Area" ("OAA"). The City may annex, at
any time after the execution of this Joint Resolution, land located within the OAA, in
accordance with the terms and conditions stated herein for annexation and in accordance
with Paragraph 13 of this Joint Resolution. The designated area shown on the attached
map as Exhibit A is legally described in Exhibit B, both of which exhibits are attached
hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
2. Conditions and Triggering Events for Annexations. Notwithstanding Paragraph 3 of this
Joint Resolution, any land within the OAA (see Exhibit A and Exhibit B) may be annexed
by the City, in accordance with Paragraph 13 of this Joint Resolution, under any of the
following circumstances:
a. The City receives a petition for annexation from 100% of the property owners
of an individual parcel of land contiguous to or abutting the City;
b. The area is completely surrounded by the City, except that this provision may
not be used to annex the subdivisions named in this subparagraph 2.b. (Devron
Green, the Dunes, Glendale, Monticello Acres, Ponderosa, Prairie Acres, O.K.
Coral Ranchette, Riverside Acres, Tyler East, Walesch Addition, and Walesch
2nd Addition, as said subdivisions are recorded in the Wright County Recorders
Office on the effective date of this Joint Resolution) for a period often years
following the effective date ofthis Joint Resolution;
c. The City or property owner(s) is ordered by the State Pollution Control Agency
or Department of Health to provide sewer or water service to a portion of the
Township for the protection ofthe public health and safety and/or because of
immediate environmental concerns;
d. The City decides to add an arterial or collector road to its Municipal State Aid
street system, but only to the extent of the right-of-way needed for the road, and
provided, however, that any costs associated with installation of these roads
will not be assessed to Township residents by the City, nor deferred until future
annexation of the property, unless different arrangements are otherwise agreed
to by the City and a property owner;
e. The City, with Township approval, determines by resolution that land, right-of-
way, or easements are needed for a public works improvement project designed
to provide sanitary sewer pumping and conveyance facilities, water supply,
water storage or water conveyance facilities, stormwater retention, stormwater
detention or stormwater conveyance facilities, but only to the extent needed for
said facilities. The City's statutory condemnation authority shall not otherwise
be limited by this provision. With respect to Wright County Ditch 33,
notwithstanding the foregoing, Township approval shall not be required for a
stormwater project under this provision should Wright County otherwise
approve the proj ect or convey Ditch 33;
f. In the case of platted residential subdivisions, the City receives a petition from
a majority of property owners, either in a given contiguous area, or a block in a
platted residential subdivision, or from the entire subdivision, for annexation
and/or provision of sewer or water services;
g. A licensed inspector retained by Wright County determines that at least 30% of
the individual sewage treatment systems or individual wells within a platted
residential subdivision or neighborhood or block in such a subdivision are
failing or are not meeting state drinking water standards; or
h. The City and Township otherwise jointly agree in writing.
For purposes of this Joint Resolution land shall considered to be contiguous to, abut,
abuts, or abutting the City where the boundaries of said land or area to be annexed at least
touch the City boundary at a single point, including areas whose boundaries would touch
the City boundary at a single point but for an intervening roadway, railroad, waterway,
parcel of publicly owned land, or an existing named subdivision in the OAA referenced in
Paragraph 2.b. above ((Devon Greene, the Dunes, Glendale, Monticello Acres,
Ponderosa, Prairie Acres, O.K. Coral Ranchette, Riverside Acres, Tyler East, Walesch
Addition, and Walesch 2nd Addition, as said subdivisions are recorded in the Wright
County Recorders Office on the effective date of this Joint Resolution).
3. Zoning and Planning. For any areas of the Township in the OAA that are not aunexed
pursuant to this Joint Resolution, planning and zoning authority as specified herein within
the OAA shall be governed by a 5-member Joint Planning Board (JPB) described as
a. The JPB shall be made up of two members appointed by the Township Board,
two members appointed by the City Council, and one member of the Wright
County Board appointed jointly by the City Council and Township Board. If
the City and Township cannot agree on the County commissioner member to
serve on the JPB, the City and Township shall alternately strike members
serving on the County Board until only one County Board member remains.
The remaining County Board member not stricken shall be the member
appointed to serve on the JPB.
b. The JPB shall serve as the "governing body" and "board of appeals and
adjustments" for purposes of Minnesota Statutes, sections 462.357 and 462.358
within the OAA and shall have all of the powers contained in sections 462.351
to 462.364, except as otherwise provided by this Joint Resolution.
c. The Wright County Planning and Zoning Office shall serve as staff and
advisors to the JPB, unless otherwise determined by the JPB. The JPB may, at
any time, also consult with City staff as it deems necessary to effectively carry
out its duties and responsibilities. The costs of administration of the JPB shall
be paid equally by the City and Township. Any remuneration (per diem) paid
to members serving on the JPB or retaining consultants to provide services to
the JPB shall be approved and equally paid by the members' respective
governing bodies.
d. The JPB will set the schedules for necessary zoning and planning fees in the
OAA. The fees shall be consistent with the fee structure used by Wright
County, unless otherwise determined by the JPB.
e. Except as otherwise provided, any action ofthe JPB to exercise its authority as
specified herein must be preceded by a majority vote (at least 3 out of the 5
members) of the members of the JPB voting on the prevailing side.
f. As soon as practicable after execution of this Joint Resolution, the JPB shall
review the area included in the OAA, existing comprehensive plans in the City,
Township and County, and determine whether the JPB should develop ajoint
land use plan for the OAA. Ifajoint plan is developed, the City and Township
shall thereafter review and comment on the plan. The City and Township shall
consider incorporating the developed plan or plan elements into the City's and
Township's respective comprehensive plans.
g. The JPB shall require that the existing Township zoning or Wright County
zoning, whichever is applicable and more restrictive, in effect within the OAA
on the effective date of this Joint Resolution, remain in full force and effect and
unchanged during the term of this Joint Resolution, unless said area or portion
thereof is either first annexed or said zoning change is otherwise approved by a
The JPB shall not approve a subdivision within the OAA unless first approved
by a supermajority vote (4 out of5 members) ofthe JPB. The Township shall
not zone, rezone, plat, re-plat, subdivide, or re-subdivide within the OAA
between the time of development of this Joint Resolution and the effective date
ofthis Joint Resolution, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the City. For
the purposes of this paragraph, "subdivision" shall not include building
entitlement transfers for agricultural lot splits and property transfers between
family members under the current Wright County Zoning Ordinance, as
adopted by the Township.
supermajority vote (4 out of5 members) of the JPB. Any decision by the JPB
to zone or rezone portions of the OAA shall be subject to review and comment
by the City and Township prior to such zoning or rezoning becoming effective.
The JPB shall give the City and Township at least 30 days to review and
comment before making a zoning or rezoning decision. The City or Township
shall waive its right to review and comment if it fails to review and comment
within the specified period provided herein.
h. Failure of the JPB to exercise any of its authority as described herein shall not
render this Joint Resolution or any other provisions contained herein invalid or
unenforceable, and the terms and conditions contained in this Joint Resolution
shall otherwise remain in full force and effect and binding upon the parties
1. Each member serving on the JPB shall serve a period of one year ending
December 31. Members shall serve at the discretion of their respective
governing bodies and members may be removed at any time prior to the
expiration of their term, or alternatively a term on the JPB may be extended, by
action of a member's respective governing body. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, the county commissioner member serving on the JPB remains
subject to Paragraph 3.a. of this Joint Resolution.
J. The JPB shall meet monthly or as needed as determined by the JPB members.
k. Arbitration. Notwithstanding Paragraph 14 of this Joint Resolution, the City or
Township aggrieved by a decision of the JPB may require that a determination
of the JPB, or any action or inaction by the JPB inconsistent with or otherwise
in violation of this Paragraph 3 be submitted to binding arbitration.
The aggrieved party shall contact the Bureau of Mediation Services for a list of
five (5) qualified arbitrators and the City and Township shall, within ten (10)
days of receipt of said list, alternately strike from the list until only a single
arbitrator remains. The City and Township may alternately jointly agree to an
arbitrator. The City and Township shall be the parties to any arbitration related
to a decision of the JPB. The JPB itself shall not act as a party to the
proceeding. The selected arbitrator shall hold a hearing on the matter within 60
days of selection and issue a binding decision regarding whether the
requirements of Paragraph 3 have been met within 30 days of the hearing.
Failure of either party to participate in the arbitrator selection process shall
result in the participating party selecting the arbitrator. Failure of the City or
Township to appear at arbitration shall result in default judgment for the party
appearing. The cost of the arbitrator shall be borne equally by the City and
4. Merger. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City and Township shall combine in their
entirety under the following circumstances: 1) at such time as the Township and the City
adopt a joint resolution so providing; or 2) at such time as seventy-five percent (75%) of
the Township, as the Township exists on the effective date of this Joint Resolution, is
annexed to the City, whichever comes first. Annexation by the City of the remainder of
the Township shall be accomplished in accordance with Paragraph 13. The City shall
hire any remaining Township personnel following the effective date of annexation of the
remainder of the Township. As soon as practicable following the effective date of
annexation resulting in the merger of the City and Township, the City will hold municipal
elections for all of the City Council and Mayor positions.
5. Adopt and Enforce Regulations. The City and Township agree to enact, adopt, and
strictly enforce all such resolutions, ordinances, or regulations, as may be or shall be
necessary to give full effect to the stipulations contained in this Joint Resolution.
6. Tax Reimbursement. Upon the annexation of land located within the OAA pursuant to
Paragraph 13 of this Joint Resolution, the City shall reimburse the Township for the loss
of taxes from the property so annexed in accordance with the following:
a. In the year when the City could first levy on the annexed area, the City shall
make a cash payment to the Township in an amount equal to four (4) times the
property taxes distributed to the Township in regard to the annexed area in the
last year that property taxes from the annexed area were payable to the
b. Thereafter, the City will no longer reimburse the Township. The City shall
make payment as contemplated herein no later than December 31 of the first
year following the year when the City could first levy on the annexed area and
for any subsequent years.
7. Provision of Services. After annexation ofland located within the OM, the City shall be
responsible for providing municipal governmental services to the annexed area. Sanitary
sewer or water services, in the City's discretion, shall be provided to an area annexed
with existing or proposed residential development within three (3) yeans after the
As an alternative to initiating a detachment proceeding, the Township may elect, by
resolution adopted at a Township Board meeting, to have the City reimburse the
Township for taxes lost on the applicable property annexed by the City at the Township's
tax rate applicable in the year of annexation until the services required under this
Paragraph are provided to the annexed property by the City.
effective date of the annexation. Sewer or water services, in the City's discretion, shall
be provided to an area annexed with existing or proposed commercial, industrial,
governmental or institutional development within five (5) years after the effective date of
annexation. In the event that the City extends trunk sewer and/or water lines across a
portion of the OAA remaining in the Township in order to serve an area annexed by the
City, the individual properties remaining in the Township that abut the City trunk sewer
and/or water line extended shall not be charged any trunk sewer or water line charges,
fees or assessments by the City for the trunk sewer and/or water line abutting said
properties until said properties are annexed by the City and are platted and developed.
A failure on the part of the City, not due to circumstances beyond the City's control, to
provide either of such sewer or water services within the time period specified following
the effective date of annexation may subject the area so annexed to be deemed null and
void by resolution ofthe Township adopted at a regular meeting of the Township, and the
Township may thereafter petition the Department of Administration Municipal Boundary
Adjustments Office, or its successor agency, for detachment of the area in accordance
with Minnesota Statutes, Section 414.06. The City shall not oppose the Township's
petition for detachment provided it meets the conditions contained in this Joint
In order to act under this Paragraph, the Township shall make an election by resolution at
a meeting of the Township Board to either; I) initiate a detachment proceeding, or 2) seek
tax reimbursement as provided in this Paragraph, and provide notice to the City ofthe
election, within ninety (90) days of the City's failure to provide said service as required
under this Paragraph, or the Township may only seek tax reimbursement as provided in
this Paragraph and waives the election to initiate a detachment proceeding under Section
For purposes of this Paragraph, the City will be deemed to have met the obligation to
provide sanitary sewer or water service to an annexed area if within the timeframes
specified herein following an annexation of an area, the City awards a contract to a
contractor to construct a sewer or water service proj ect making municipal sanitary sewer
or water service available to an area annexed under the terms of this Joint Resolution.
Every Annexation Resolution adopted under Paragraph 13 of this Joint Resolution
resulting in the annexation ofland located within the OAA shall be treated separately for
purposes of compliance with this Paragraph 7.
In the event that the City annexes land in accordance with a triggering event contained in
this Joint Resolution and said land is identified in the City's comprehensive plan for open
space or park preservation, the requirements contained in this Paragraph do not apply to
said annexation since the intent is that said areas would remain as open space or park land
and would not need City sewer or water service.
8. Township Maintenance of Services. The Township agrees that it will be responsible for
normal and regular maintenance of all Township roads, streets, bridges, drainage facilities
and other public rights-of-way that it is currently maintaining within the designated OAA
prior to annexation thereof. Maintenance of Township infrastructure within the
designated OAA by the Township shall be consistent with other standard maintenance
practices employed by the Township elsewhere in the Township.
9. Line Roads. For any Township roads that become the boundary line for the City and
Township as a result of an annexation, the City shall assume responsibility for road
maintenance and improvement for the entire section of the Township road that becomes
the boundary line adjacent to the City.
10. No Annexation Outside the OM. The parties agree that the City will not initiate any
annexations outside the OAA while this agreement is in effect. Notwithstanding the
forgoing, the City may initiate an annexation under Chapter 414 if the City is ordered by
the State Pollution Control Agency or the Department of Health to provide sewer or water
service to a portion of the Township for the protection ofthe public health and safety
and/or because of environmental concerns. Further, the City will not file any petitions for
a contested case annexation within the OAA or the remainder of the Township outside the
OM during the term of this Joint Resolution, provided that the Township does not seek
to incorporate during the term ofthis Joint Resolution.
1 l. Expansion ofOAA. For purposes of expansion of the OM under this Paragraph, the
OAA designated herein shall be divided into five sections shown on Exhibit C. The
individual sections ofthe OM as designated in and shown on Exhibit C shall be
expanded at such time as: I) 75% of the land (excluding wetlands, the named
subdivisions reference in Paragraph 2.b. of this Joint Resolution and lakes) within an
individual section of the OM is annexed; or 2) the City and Township jointly agree to
expand a section, whichever comes first. In the event that one or more of the above
conditions exists, the City and Township agree that the boundary line of the section of the
OAA meeting the condition contained herein shall be expanded outward one-half section
along the entirety ofthat section of the OAA boundary line as it exists at that time.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City and Township may agree in writing to a different
expansion area greater than or less than the one-half section expansion area provided for
The City shall notify the Township in the event that any of the conditions stated in this
Paragraph exist. Thereafter, the City shall file the appropriate adjustments to the OAA or
b. Mediation/Arbitration. When the parties to this Joint Resolution are unable to
resolve disputes, claims or counterclaims, or are unable to negotiate an
interpretation of any provision ofthis Joint Resolution, the parties may
any section thereof, within ninety (90) days of January I of each year, with the
Department of Administration, or its successor agency, including a new Amended Exhibit
A, Amended Exhibit B, and Amended Exhibit C, which shall replace the Exhibit A,
Exhibit B, and Exhibit C filed with this Joint Resolution, along with a letter so providing
describing the adjustments to each section of the OAA and referencing this section of this
Joint Resolution.
12. Withdraw Contested Case Petition. The City agrees to withdraw its pending annexation
petition, File No.A-6979, as soon as practicable after execution and filing of this Joint
Resolution with the State.
13. No Hearing Required. All armexations contemplated by this Joint Resolution in the OAA
shall not require a hearing or any consideration by the State Department of
Administration, or its successor agency. The City and Township agree that, upon the
occurrence of an event triggering armexation as provided herein for any land located
within the OAA, the City shall provide written notice of such occurrence to the
Township, and upon receipt of a resolution of the City (referred to as the "Annexation
Resolution") describing such area along with a copy of this Joint Resolution, the
Department of Administration or its successor agency, may review and comment, but
shall within thirty (30) days ofreceipt of the Annexation Resolution and a copy of this
Joint Resolution, order the armexation of the area designated in the Annexation
Resolution in accordance with the terms and conditions ofthis Joint Resolution. The City
and Township agree that no alteration of the stated boundaries as described in the
Annexation Resolution is appropriate, that no consideration by the Department of
Administration, or its successor agency, is necessary, and that all terms and conditions for
annexation are provided for in this Joint Resolution. Provided that the requisite terms
and conditions have been met as contained in this Joint Resolution, the Township shall
not object to an annexation initiated by the City filing an Annexation Resolution with the
Department of Administration, or its successor agency. As of the effective date of this
Joint Resolution, there is no election requirement in the law to effect or accomplish an
armexation. No such election shall be required or apply to any armexation provided
herein either now or during any period during which this Joint Resolution is in effect.
14. DisDutes and Remedies. Subject to Paragraph 3, the City and Township agree as follows:
a. Negotiation. When a disagreement over interpretation of any provision of this
Joint Resolution shall arise, the City and the Township will direct staff
members, as they deem appropriate, to meet at least one (I) time at a mutually
convenient time and place to attempt to resolve the dispute through negotiation.
mutually agree in writing to seek relief by submitting their respective
grievances to mediation and/or binding arbitration.
c. Adjudication. When the parties to this Joint Resolution are unable to resolve
disputes, claims or counterclaims, are unable to negotiate an interpretation of
any provision of this Joint Resolution or are unable to agree to submit their
respective grievances to mediation or binding arbitration, or such action has not
otherwise resolved the matter in dispute, either party may seek relief through
initiation of an action in a court of competent jurisdiction. In addition to the
remedies provided for in this Joint Resolution and any other available remedies
at law or equity, in the case of a violation, default, or breach of any provision of
this Joint Resolution, the non-violating, non-defaulting, or non-breaching party
may bring an action for specific performance to compel the performance of this
Joint Resolution in accordance with its terms.
15. Termination. This Joint Resolution shall remain in full force and effect until one of the
following conditions take place, whichever comes first:
a. Termination by mutual written joint resolution of the City and Township; or
b. The remainder of the Township is annexed resulting in the merger ofthe City
and Township; or
c. January 1, 2020.
16. Governing Law. This Joint Resolution is made pursuant to, and shall be construed in
accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota.
17. Modification/Amendment. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Joint Resolution
shall not be modified, amended, or altered except upon the written joint resolution of the
City and the Township duly executed and adopted by the City Council and the Township
Board of Supervisors and filed with the Department of Administration, or its successor
18. Severabilitv. In the event that any provision of this Joint Resolution is determined and
adjudged to be unconstitutional, invalid, illegal or unenforceable by a court of competent
jurisdiction, the remaining provisions of this Joint Resolution shall remain in full force
and effect, and the parties hereto shall negotiate in good faith and agree to such
amendments or modifications of or to this Joint Resolution or other appropriate actions as
shall, to the maximum extent practicable in light of such determination, implement and
give effect to the intentions of the parties hereto.
If to the City:
If to the Township:
19. Headings and Captions. Headings and captions are for convenience only and are not
intended to alter any of the provisions of this Joint Resolution.
20. Entire Agreement. The terms, covenants, conditions and provisions ofthis Joint
Resolution, including the present and all future attachments, shall constitute the entire
agreement between the parties hereto, superseding all prior agreements and negotiations.
This Joint Resolution shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective
successors and assigns of the City and Township.
21. Notice. Any notices required under the provisions of this Joint Resolution shall be in
writing and sufficiently given if delivered in person or sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid,
as follows:
City Administrator
Monticello City Hall
505 Walnut Street, Suite I
Monticello, MN 55362-8831
Township Clerk
Monticello Township
8550 Edmonson Ave., NE
Monticello, MN 55362
Passed, adopted, and approved by the Township Board of Supervisors ofthe Township of
Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota, this day oOune,2004.
Franklin Denn, Chair
Darlene Sawatzke, Township Clerk
Passed, adopted, and approved by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Wright County,
Minnesota, this _ day of June, 2004.
Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator
Bruce Thielen, Mayor
The municipal boundary map referenced in Paragraph I of the attached Joint Resolution showing
the current City of Monticello and the OAA legally described in Exhibit B, is attached hereto.
The OAA shown in Exhibit A and referenced in the attached Joint Resolution is legally described
as follows:
Lands in Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota:
All of Sections 5, 9, and 16, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota.
And also that part of the Southwest Quarter ofthe Southwest Quarter of Section 3, Township
121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying southwesterly of Interstate Highway No. 94.
And also that part of Section 4, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying
southwesterly of Interstate Highway No. 94.
And also the Northeast Quarter, the east-half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter
and the north-half ofthe Southeast Quarter, all in Section 8, Township 121, Range 25, Wright
County, Minnesota.
And also all that part of Section 10, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota lying
southwesterly and westerly of the existing City of Monticello corporate limits.
And also the east-half of Section 13, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota,
except that part which lies within the existing City of Monticello corporate limits.
And also that part of Section 15, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying
westerly of the existing City of Monticello corporate limits.
And also the Northeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County,
And also all of the north-half of Section 22, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County,
Minnesota, and that part of the south-half of said Section 22 lying easterly of State Trunk
Highway No. 25.
And also that part of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota lying
southerly of the existing City of Monticello corporate limits.
And also that part of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying
southerly ofthe existing City of Monticello corporate limits.
And also the north-half of Section 25, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota.
And also the north-half of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota.
And also that part ofthe north-half of Section 27, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County,
Minnesota, lying easterly of State Trunk Highway No. 25.
Lands in Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota:
All of Section 7, Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota.
And also that part of the south-half of Section 8, Township 121, Range 24, Wright County,
Minnesota, lying westerly of Government Lot 4 in said Section 8.
And also all of the west-half, the west-half ofthe Northeast Quarter, and the west-half of the
Southeast Quarter, all in Section 17, Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota.
And also Section 18, Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota, except that part
which lies within the existing City of Monticello corporate limits.
And also that part of Section 19, Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota, lying
southerly of the existing City of Monticello corporate limits.
And also the Northwest Quarter, the west-half of the Northeast Quarter, the Northwest Quarter of
the Southeast Quarter and the north-half of the Southwest Quarter, all in Section 20, Township
. 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota.
And also all of the north-half of Section 30, Township 121, Range 24, Wright County,
Minnesota, and all of Government Lots 3 and 4 of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 30.
Lands in Township 122, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota:
The east-half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 30, Township 122, Range 25, Wright County,
And also the Northeast Quarter ofthe Southeast Quarter and the east-half ofthe Northeast
Quarter of Section 31, Township 122, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota.
And also that part of Section 32, Township 122, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying
southwesterly of the existing City of Monticello corporate limits.
And also that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 33, Township
122, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying southwesterly of the existing City of Monticello
corporate limits.
The OAA section map referenced in Paragraph II of the attached Joint Resolution, showing the
sections of the OAA in the Township for purposes of expansion is attached hereto.
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