City Council Agenda Packet 06-13-2005 . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - 'VlONTlCELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday June 13,2005 - 7 p.m. l\'OTE: 6 P.M. PRESENTATION BY DUKE REALTY Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Glen Posusta, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. ~pprove minutes of'v1ay 23, 2005 regular Council meeting. ,/ Approve minutes of May 23,2005 Special )\1eeting- Fiber Optics Workshop / "'f cJd.k d.v ~ 1"""'" ?/61. SJ Consideration of adding items to the ageia. ~d. it lid /h -Q,.S 'I , I ., / <::".~ _ Pw.t.P.,o.IA.J" _'P""a6~ Citizen comments, petitions, requests and c<'Jfu""plilint1. If 71- ~ 5 f,.; cr/l..- eel ~dd-L c Ih., r..~ ~ fW1(... -7'iMe<%~ Co Consent agenda. V f"tAJt, /'fI'1. - rrs f,lJ fA 4j). +u; J --...... A. Consideratfon of new hires and departures. I. 2A. B. o J. 4. 5. -. B. /-0.1./ C. D. F. ~k~ ~t L . Consideration of final plat of Union Crossings and associated development agreement with Ryan Companies. Consideration of 3/2 on~sale beer license - WalMart Super Center #3624 Consideration of purchase of decanter activator for WWTP. E Consideration of renewal of charitable gambling liccnse for VFW. Consideration of renewal of charitable gambling license for American Legion Post #260 Consideration of establishing permit rates for fireworks sales Considcration of approving on-sale liquor license for Ron Cho Grane II, 613 Locust Street. Consideration of approving change order #1 to School Boulevard Sidewalk and Median Project No. 2004-31 C. .T. REMOVED FROM AGENDA K. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for open and outdoor storage for the storage and rental of vehicles in a B-3 District. Applicant: Enterprise Rent-A-Car. y Agenda June 13,2005 Monticello City Council Page 2 . o'<V M. . 6. 7. L. Consideration of a request for a simple subdivision to create two conforming unplatted lots in a PZM Zoning District. Applicant: Antoinette Breiwick. Consideration of approval of a conditional use permit for a special home occupation allowing for an in-home hair care salon in an R-2 Zoning District. Applicant: Tom and Kristy Brion. :--I. Consideration of approving a preliminary plat for Hidden Forest residential subdivision '<'tRGi 0 rprJ~~ rp7QJ;lC from A-O to R-I and R-IA. Applicant: Bradley Paumen. O. Consideration of change orders #1 and #2 for ncw fire truck tanker purchase. P. Consideration of Crossing Surface Installation Agreement with B:--ISF Railroad, Mcadow Oak Avenue Extension, Project No. 2005-5C. Q. Consideration of Crossing Installation Agreement with BNSF Railroad,7th Street and Highland Way, Project No. 2004-2C' Consideration of items removed from consent agenda for discussion. Public Hearing - Vacation of street, drainage and utility easements 90'10 Street Addition and 90th Street Second Addition 8. Consideration of award of bid for CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project No. 2004-IC and Extension of Meadow Oak Avenue, Project No. 2005-5C 9. Consideration of award of bids for the Core City Street Reconstruction Project No. 2005-1 C. 10. Consideration of award of bids for Hillside Farms Storm Sewer Outlet. City Project No. 2004-07C 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. . 16. Consideration of authorizing purchase of ballfield fencing - Hillcrest Park Consideration of moving forward on Phase III of the Public Works Building Plans. Consideration ofreplacement of John Dcere skid steer Consideration of proposal for Comprehensive Planning Process. Approve payment of bills for June Adjourn 2 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday May 23, 2005 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledl!e of Allel!iance. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes of Mav 9. 2005 rel!ular Council meetinl!. Tom Perrault clarified on page 7, last paragraph on agenda item #7, relating to placement of antennas on the water tower that he had made the statement that the power lines in the area might deter firms from placing antennas on the tower Glen Posusta clarified action taken on the signage for Premier Bank stating although staff had recommended two monument signs and no pylon signs, the Council had approved one monument sign and no pylon sign. He also noted on the motion to the revisions on the annexation agreement it should be Sunset Ridge development not Sunset Ponds. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 9, 2005 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WITH THE CORRECTIONS NOTED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. Approve minutes of Mav 9.2005 Special Meetinl! - Mission Statement GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 9, 2005 SPECIAL MEETING RELATING TO GOAL SETTING AND MISSION STATEMENTS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2C. Approve minutes of Mav 9. 2005 Special Meetinl! - Annexation Al!reement Revisions TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 9, 2005 SPECIAL MEETING RELATING TO REVISIONS TO THE ANNEXATION AGREEMENT. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addinl! items to the al!enda. Brian Stumpf added to the agenda an update on visits to facilities utilizing the A TAD system. Brian Stumpf also requested that agenda item #15. preliminary plat and rezoning for Weinand RPUD parcel, be moved to the consent agenda with the Planning Commission recommendation to approve the preliminary plat and rezoning request. 2A- 3 . . . Council Minutes - 5/23/05 Glen Posusta added discussion of long grass, liquor store sign, parking lot on Mississippi Drive by Swan Park and moving ofDMV operations to City Hall. Wayne Mayer added a discussion on the Monte Hill Villas to the agenda and Clint Herbst added as a follow up to the workshop on fiber optics held prior to the regular meeting setting up a task force. Clint Herbst indicated if there was time at the end of the meeting, the Council may discuss allowing use ofHDPE pipe for utility construction. 4. Citizen comments. netitions. reQuests and comnlaints. Joel Meyer and Peter Knight, manager and co-manager of the Wal-Mart store in Monticello introduced themselves to the Council. The opening date for the Wal-Mart store is set for July 20, 2005. 5. Consent a!!enda. A. Consideration of new hires and departures. Recommendation: RatifY new hires and departures as identified. B. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for first floor residential development and preliminary plat for a four unit townhome development in the CCD District - Applicant Dennis James Custom Builders. (Planning Commission recommendation was to deny request). Recommendation: Moved to deny the preliminary plat and conditional used permit for Dennis James Custom Builders based on the finding that the plat and development plan do not comply with the terms of the zoning ordinance with regard to density nor with the City's PUD requirements for driveway depth, private street width, garage separation, or usable rear yard space. C. Consideration of adoption of resolution outlining future merger of Heartland Express and River Riders. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2005-57 reaffirming the City's intent to merge with River Rider effective January I, 2006. D. Consideration of resolution accepting petition for annexation of balance of Poplar Hill Development and authorizing annexation under the terms of the City/Township joint agreement governing annexation. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2005-56 annexing the remaining parcel of the Poplar Hill Development (213-100-152204) into the City. E. Consideration of final plat for Carlisle Village 2"d Addition. Recommendation: Motion to adopt the revised final plat for Carlisle Village 2nd Addition. F. Consideration of executing BNSF Railway Agreement for grade crossing at CSAH 18 for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project No. 2004-1C. Recommendation: Authorize execution of the BNSF Railway Agreement and direct the City Engineer to forward the executed agreement to Wright County for processing. 2 2~ - L\ Council Minutes - 5/23/05 . G. Consideration of approving road maintenance agreement with Wright County for 2005. Recommendation: Move to approve the 2005 Maintenance Agreement with Wright County at a reimbursement amount 01'$12,212.42. H. Consideration of County/City Cooperative Agreement on Interchange Project. Recommendation: Move to approve the agreement as proposed subject to final review by the City Engineer and City Attorney. 1. Consideration of issuing a negative declaration of need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Hidden Forest and Sunset Ridge Residential Development. Recommendation: Issue the Negative Declaration of Need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Hidden Forest/Sunset Ridge residential development site. J. Consideration of approving the agreement with S1. Henry's Church regarding acquisition of permanent and temporary easements associated with the 7'h Street project and the deep sanitary sewer projects. Recommendation: Move to approve the agreement as outlined in staff report on the May 23,2005 agenda item. K. Consideration of authorizing setting a public hearing date to consider establishment of a tax increment district for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project. Recommendation: Authorize staff to work \'lith consultants to determine if a TIF District is feasible and to establish a public hearing date in late June or early July. . L. Consideration of approving resolution authoring annexation of A VR site. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution annexing the A VR site (213- 111-00016 I) into the City. M. Consideration of a request for a preliminary plat, final plat and rezoning to 8-4 for a parcel located in the southeast quadrant ofI-94 and County road 18. - Applicant: Shawn Weinand. (This is #15 on the agenda which was moved to the consent agenda.) Recommendation: 1) Move to approve the rezoning from R-PUD to 8-4 based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the zoning and development of other neighboring property surrounding the interchange; 2) Move to approve the preliminary and final plat of Monticello Commerce Center 7'h Addition based on a finding that the plat is necessary to finalize planning for the interchange and based on a condition that the applicant provides complete site planning details at the time of development, including grading, drainage, and utilities and contingent upon execution of a development agreement. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEM #15 AS ITEM 5M. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . , ~ 2A-5 Council Minutes - 5/23/05 . 6. Consideration of items removed from consent a!!:enda for discussion. None. 7. Public Hearin!!: - Vacation of roadwav and utility easement for Monticello Commerce Center. Jeff O'Neill provided background information on this item noting the vacation of the easement was a housekeeping item that needed to be taken care of as part of the Meadow Oak A venue extension project. Currently the easement cuts directly through the middle of the property. When the road and utilities have been relocated replacement easements will be obtained. Easement location on the proposed plat will be set after lot lines have been established. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing on the vacation of the roadway and utility easement. No one spoke for or against the proposed easement vacation. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION V ACA TlNG THE EXISTING ROADWAY AND UTILITY EASEMENT AS DESCRIBED CONTINGENT UPON THE EXISTING WATER LINE BEING RELOCATED AND ACQUISITION OF REPLACEMENT EASEMENTS AS PART OF THE PLAT OF THE MONTICELLO COMMERCE CENTER 7TH ADDITION. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Consideration to chan!!:e a condition to the conditional use oermit for a olanned unit develooment for Premier Banks relatin!!: to restroom locations. At the May 9, 2005 Council meeting, approval was given for the conditional use permit for Premier Bank with the addition of two conditions: 1) Architectural changes to improve the aesthetic appearance of the building and 2) men and women's restrooms be located on the first floor of the bank building. Premier Banks is requesting that the Council consider removing the condition relating to placement of the restrooms noting that their layout complies with Minnesota Building Code. Since there is an ADA compliant elevator that is accessible to the public the basement location for the restrooms is what the bank prefers. Wayne Mayer stated his concern was whether one unisex bathroom on the upper level which is space that will be leased to tenants is adequate. The representative from Premier Bank stated that a large portion of thc upper floor is atrium space so the restroom as proposed will be adequate. . Glen Posusta stated he was more concerned with the architectural changes that were requested. The representative for Premier Banks responded that they have made changes to the elevations and these changes will be submitted to the Council. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AMEND THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR THE 4 :2 ~- Co Council Minutes - 5/23/05 . CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR PREMIER BANKS TO WITHDRAW THE CONDITION RELATING TO RESTROOM LOCAT10NS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The consensus of the Council is that the condition relating to the architectural changes to the building design could be handled at stafflevel. 9. Consideration of award of bids for the Hillside Farms Storm Sewer Outlet. City Proiect No.2004-07C. Phil Elkin of WSB and Associates recapped action on this project to construct a trunk storm sewer outlet pipe to connect the Hillside Farms development to the City's storm sewer system. After bids were taken, it was discovered that additional easements would be necessary to build the project according to the plans that were bid. The engineer has been working with the property owners in the development to obtain the additional easements needed. He noted that generally the property O\'mers were interested in having the City proceed with the project but one property owner is having water problems and will not consent to an easement until that problem is resolved. . The low bid on the project was $162,456.70. Ifthe City can't get the property owners to agree to easements for the construction, the proposal would be to directional drill an 18" line through these properties which would increase the construction cost to $195,984.00. The engineer is also looking at an option of jacking two 12" lines. It was noted that the $195,984 does not include any easement cost. Glen Posusta questioned why they were looking at two 12" lines. Bret Weiss stated that cost of jacking two 12" lines was cheaper than the 18" line. Glen Posusta questioned why if this was just an emergency overflow did it have to be so big. Bret Weiss stated that Ted Holker wanted the option of connecting into the pipe at some point. Clint Herbst asked about making a pond in the low area on the Holker property. Bret Weiss stated it was not intended to drain this area through Rolling Woods but rather to go to the west. In discussions with Mr. Holker he had initially agreed to provide an easement but later decided not to because the easement could impact his property. Ted Holker is hesitant to do anything on his property until it is ready for development. Bret Weiss felt although it would be cheaper to go with the pond, he didn't feel Ted Holker would agree to it. Clint Herbst suggested that because the project cost is up to $200,000 the pond option on the Holker property should be looked at again. Bret Weiss said they have not been able to convince Ted Holker that this is the way to go. Ted Holker has said he is not interested in doing anything at this time. Brian Stumpf suggested that if Clint Herbst had rapport with Ted Holker that perhaps he should be in the meeting with Ted Holker. . Clint Herbst asked about the eost for constructing a pond on the Ted Holker property. Phil Elkin said the question is the cost for the easement. When they looked at open cutting and it was going 8' on the Holker property the cost was $40,000 more which was higher than going with directional boring. Ted Holker said it doesn't make any sense for him to put any infrastructure such as a regional pond on his property since it could restrict how his property develops in the future. Bret Weiss said they would put together a cost estimate on the pond and talk to Ted Bolker one more time. 5 2A-i Council Minutes - 5/23/05 . There was some additional discussion on why the engineer was proposing two 12" lines rather than 18" line. Bret Weiss stated that the cost for two 12" lines would be cheaper and the capacity would be of equivalent value. The consensus of the Council was that the engineer should meet with Ted Holker one more time and continue easement negotiations with the other property ovmers. If possible, Mayor Herbst will attend the meeting between the engineer and Ted Holker. 10. Consideration of chanl!es to the street lil!htinl! Dolicv. Public Works Director, John Simola explained the proposed changes to the street lighting policy. These changes include changing the spacing from700 feet to 350 feet and being consistent on which side of the street the lights are placed. The recommendation is that if the street has a sidewalk on one side the lights should be located on the sidewalk side. If there are no sidewalks or sidewalks on both sides, the street lights should alternate. Another recommended change was to go with step up lighting for new lighting being installed and to look at establishing a program to replace the old lights in established area. It was felt that by going with the 350' spacing and using a better quality fixture it would provide better lighting in the area. . John Simola reviewed the various types of fixtures utilized by Xcel Energy and Wright-Hennepin Electric. He also discussed establishing a program with the utility company wherein the City would go back into established developments and replace the existing lights \vith the upgraded lighting fixtures. Clint Herbst asked ifthe replacement program would go with 350' spacing. Wayne Mayer asked if the new style ligh would have better reflective capability. John Simola stated his understanding is that would be the case. John Olson from Wright-Hennepin Electric explained with the fixture being proposed there would be just a small amount of uplight. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO MODIFY THE EXISTING STREET LIGHTING POLICY TO INCLUDE A MAXIMUM OF 350' SPACING BETWEEN LIGHTS IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS RATHER THAN THE EXISTING 700' AND TO GO TO THE STEP-UP LIGHTING FOR ALL NEW LIGHTING INSTALLED AFTER MAY 23, 2005 AND TO DEVELOP A PLAN WITH XCEL ENERGY AND WRIGHT-HENNEPIN FOR REGULAR RELAMPING, CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE OF FIXTURES AND POLES AND TO LOOK AT A REPLACEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE STEP-UP LIGHTING. THE POLICY CHANGE WOULD ALSO INCLUDE CONSISTENT LOCATING OF LIGHTS W1TH LIGHTS TO BE PLACED ON THE SIDEWALK SIDE WHERE THE SIDEWALK IS ONLY ONE SIDE OF THE STREET OR ALTERNATING SIDES WHERE THE SIDEWALK IS ON BOTH SIDES OF THE STREET OR THERE IS NO SIDEWALKS AT ALL. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRlED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Consideration of DroDosals for street lil!htinl! on School Boulevard and Deel!an Avenue. . Public Works Director, .I ohn Simola presented a sketch showing proposed street lighting for School Boulevard and Deegan A venue. The lighting proposal called for streets lights on School Boulevard east ofTH 25 to Edmonson Avenue; on School Boulevard west ofTH 25 including 6 2A- ~ . . ]2. . Council Minutes - 5/23/05 Deegan A venue and Deegan Court and on School Boulevard west of Deegan A venue to the Poplar Hills plat. Cost estimates were received from Excel Energy in the amount of $598,548 and Wright-Hennepin in the amount of$344,931.76. Based on 38 fixtures the cost per fixture would be $15,751.26 from Excel Energy and $9,077.15 from Wright-Hennepin. The type of light proposed is the same style as was used on Cedar Street but the cost for the lights have gone up from when they were installed on Cedar Street (approximately $7,600). The estimated assessment cost would be approximately $30.82/ft. based on 7500 assessable feet. City Administrator, Rick W olfsteller noted that any property the City has a purchase agreement on or has sold was given a rate of $28.5 as a result the rate for the rest of the footage would be $33-$34. Johu Simola noted that Excel Energy has a 25 year maintenance program at a cost of $12-$ I 3/pole. Wright-Hennepin has a ten year maintenance program at cost of$13.85/pole. Excel Energy requires 100% of the cost paid up front while Wright-Hennepin requires 50% down and the remainder upon completion. If the lights are ordered now, they could be installed by late July. Glen Posusta asked about the 25 year maintenance program and the cost difference between the program. John Simola discussed some of the finer points of the proposals. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO HAVE STAFF REVIEW THE PROPOSALS FROM EXCEL ENERGY AND WRIGHT-HENNEPIN ELECTRIC AND AUTHORIZE CITY STAFF TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE POWER COMPANY PROVIDING THE LEAST COSTLY COMPLETE PROPOSAL. THE PROPOSALS INCLUDE 25 YEARS OF MAINTENANCE ON THE SYSTEMS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. REMOVED FROM THE AGENDA. 13. Consideration of amendment to PUD standards relatiD!!: to Sunset Ponds. Steve Grittman presented the background information on the request to amend the planned unit development for Sunset Ponds. The amendment request affects the R-2 A portion of the Sunset Ponds development which consists of 49 lots. The applicant is requesting elimination of the share driveways on the R-2A lots. The Planning Commission agreed that the shared driveways would not be a good idea. 23 ofthe 49 lots have side loaded garages. Staff reviewed the amendment and set forth some other recommendations for the R-2A portion. The applicant has submitted three additional house designs which adhere to the requirements of the R-2A standards which include: I) Garage door area no more than 50% of the front face of the building; 2) 20% brick facade; 3) garage space of 450 sq ft. in area; 4) floor area of 1200 sq. ft.; 5) roof pitch of 5/12 and 6) landscaping requirements for front yard. Planning Commission recommend approval of the amendment with those requirements for R-2A being adhered to. Brian Stumpf asked how many homes had been built under the old standards. Steve Grittman indicated three and those lots had side loaded garages. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENT TO THE PUD BASED ON A 7 '2, ~- q Council Minutes - 5/23/05 . FINDING THAT THE ENHANCED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS AND COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER R-2A REGULATIONS JUSTIFY THE PUD AMENDMENT. Clint Herbst stated he had serious concerns about the proposed amendment and Glen Posusta concurred. Glen Posusta felt the developer was shoe homing too many lots into a small area. Glen Posusta said he didn't agree with some of the things that were going on in the development and the reason given for the amendment (improper location of utilities) is not the City's problem. He noted that the intent ofthe side loading is to de-emphasize the garage. Steve Grittman noted the City met \vith the applicant afterward and the applicant indicated they would move the utilities but the real issue was the shared driveways. Steve Grittman noted the shared driveways were part of the original concept that was approved. Glen Posusta felt the request for the amendment came because the developer was trying to squeeze too many lots into a small area. He felt instead of the City trying to accommodate the developer, the developer should eliminate some of the lots. Glen Posusta said he could not see changing the standards that were agreed to in the beginning. MOTION FAILED FOR LACK OF SECOND . Clint Herbst said he doesn't like the shared driveways and agreed that everyone knew what was agreed to originally. Glen Posusta felt the developer should come back with some enhanced facades to the houses as he would like to see what the developer is proposing. Brian Stumpf questioned if the motion fails, does the developer goes back to the old design. Wayne Mayer said the idea of shared driveways blows his mind and he questioned if this item had been reviewed by staff. Steve Grittman said the purpose of the shared driveway is to minimize the amount of blacktop or concrete in the front yards. . Mark Gergen, MW Johnson, provided some history on the Sunset Pond neighborhood. He noted there was no density increase given on this development. The developer meets the density requirements of the ordinance. The shared driveways were recommended by the Planning Commission and the developer indicated he had not done developments with shared driveways before.. Mark Gergen said the shared driveways was not in the developer'S plan but had come through City staff.. Wayne Mayer asked if the plan was turning out the way staff thought it would. Jeff O'Neill said at that time the developer thought it was a good idea and the question of marketability came up later. Mark Gergen stated the minimum lot width is 52' with 12' between homes. Most lots would be 72' so the loss of width could be offset by recessing the garage. Glen Posusta asked if part of the R-2A standards is to have 6' side yard setbacks. Clint Herbst felt there should more of a change than what the Planning Commission had recommended. Wayne Mayer also addressed the comment on the utility located in the wrong place and asked for an explanation. Mark Gergen said the cable was placed on the lot lines. With shared driveways, the driveway is located on the lot lines. He noted in the first phase there were only three cable boxes placed inappropriately so it was not a major number. Mark Gergen said the shared driveway was a problem and that is why they brought it before the City. Mark Gergen said that he worked many hours with statI on this development. He noted that the three homes that are up are good looking homes. He said the roof pitch on the homes is 6/12 or greater. Clint Herbst said he is willing to look at something that would improve it. 8 ZA-IO . . 14. . Council Minutes - 5/23/05 Glen Posusta said one comment at the Planning Commission was that intensive landscaping would be done along the freeway. Glen Posusta said he hasn't seen any landscaping yet. He felt the landscaping should be done immediately and that good landscaping would help the image of the development. Wayne Mayer asked if the berm was at the maximum height. Mark Gergen indicated it was. Glen Posusta would like to recommend denying it at this juncture and have the developer come back with some architectural changes to the garage/garage doors. Glen Posusta didn't feel the City should amend the PUD. Wayne Mayer asked Steve Grittman about the utility problems and if staff is working with utility companies to make sure that this type of problem doesn't come up again. John Simola said staff works closely with utility companies but noted that the developer doesn't always have development plans in detail showing where the utilities are to be placed at the time the utility companies need them. Bret Weiss said the utility companies work off the plat drawing which does not show the private driveways. Glen Posusta said what exacerbated the situation is a 50' lot with a 40' house so location of everything has to be precise. Clint Herbst suggested two council members sit down with the developer and come up with some suggestions. Brian Stumpf and Glen Posusta will work with the developer. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO HAVE THE DEVELOPER COME BACK WITH ALTERNATIVES AND TO MEET WITH BRlAN STUMPF, GLEN POSUST A AND STAFF WITH THIS GROUP TO REVIEW THE ALTERNATIVES AND GIVE APPROVAL. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Consideration of sketch plan review - Greater Minnesota Housinl!: Fund Hal Clapp from the Greater Minnesota Housing Fund presented a sketch for a proposed project located at 6th and Elm Streets. Mr. Clapp presented background information on the Greater Minnesota Housing Fund and what it does. The focus of the Greater Minnesota Housing Fund is on affordable housing for the work force. He provided examples of the various types of housing they have constructed in other cities. His sketch shows 27 homes with rear lot garages with an alley concept on a six acre site. Clint Herbst asked if these would be private streets. Mr. Clapp indicated that has not been determined yet but the alley would be private. Brian Stumpf asked about entrance onto 7th Street which is a major thoroughfare. Bret Weiss stated there would be no driveways coming on to 7'h Street just one street access from the development. Hal Clapp noted there are some constraints to the site because of ponding. Brian Stumpf asked what are their funding sources and if they were going to seek funding through the HRA. Mr. Clapp indicated that they would not request funding from the HRA. Mr. Clapp indicated that the proposed housing would have 1300 sq. ft on two levels (680 per floor). Jeff O'Neill said they would have to meet the minimum standard of 1200 sq ft for R-2A district. Clint Herbst felt the proposal had potential but the size of the homes proposed would have to be looked at. Glen Posusta said there is a lot of affordable housing in the area but not much in the way of step up housing. Wayne Mayer asked about the visitor parking bays. Mr. Clapp indicated 9 Z A - \ \ . . . - Council Minutes - 5/23/05 that was because there is only parking on one side of the street and this would serve as overflow parking. Wayne Mayer asked about the clearance space between the houses because on the sketch it looked some of the houses were almost touching. Brian Stumpf expressed his concerned about the 18' alley that dead ends and the problems that could create for emergency vehicles or access by garbage trucks. 15. Consideration of reliminarv lat and rezonin of Weinand RPUD arcel- Monticello Commerce Center 7th Addition. Approved with consent agenda. Added items: Report on visit to wastewater treatmentfacilities - Brian Stumpf reported that he, John Simola, Rick Wolfsteller and Chuck Keyes visited several in state wastewater facilities that utilized the ADA T method for treating their biosolids. It was noted that while this process will produce Class A sludge the process does not reduce the amount ofIiquid so it would still require land for spreading the sludge. John Simola stated that the plants visited were all in operation and were meeting standards. The group felt it would be more beneficial to visit a facility with a heat drying system. It was noted that the facilities in the United States operating a heat drying system for biosolids were large facilities. The heat drying process requires enormous energy costs. The only facilities similar in size to Monticello are in Europe and the group felt it would be worthwhile to study the belt driven drying system that they utilize. There was discussion on if Class A sludge was produced how much land would be needed for spreading. John Simola said with Class A sludge they could not apply more quantity on the same land area but they could apply to non-city owned land. Brian Stumpf said with the heat drying system you have 95% solids. John Simola said the PCA still considers it a biosolid and comes under the biosolids regulations. The City would still have to track where the sludge is taken and how it is applied. John Simola stated that Mystic Lake has ordered a belt drying system and it should be in operation in 2006 However, the City can't wait that long to check out the performance of that system unless they buy mote land as an interim solution. Tfthe City would go with ADAT they would need more storage area. Glen Posusta suggested the City look at more land. Clint Herbst stated they need to consider land costs as well as where the land is located as that impacts hauling cost. John Simola stated he was not opposed to buying land but the City still has to produce Class A sludge. Brian Stumpf said the recommendation of the committee was to look at the systems in Europe using the belt driven heat drying method. Glen Posusta questioned if it was a good system why it wasn't in use in the united States. John Simola responded that Europe is ahead of the United States in that respect. Clint Herbst said it is not that the system isn't utilized in the United States but that no similar size plants to Monticello are utilizing this sytem. Wayne Mayer agreed with looking at purchasing additional land and to put off any decision on the process until there is some feedback from the Mystic Lake operation. Wayne Mayer said hc did not want to invest in ADA T if the drying process proposed by Mystic Lake proves a good process. Brian Stumpf felt it was necessary to explore both options. Brian Stumpf asked that if a decision is made to have the committee go to Europe that the Council will allow sufficient time for passports and making arrangements with work. 10 2A-t). Council Minutes - 5/23/05 . John Simola stated the report from Bolton-Menk "muld not be available until late August. The City is very close to being out of capaeity so the City eannot delay too long. He felt the City should show the same diligence in studying the biosolids as they did when they studied SBR (Sequence Batch Reactor).. Grass: Glen Posusta cited many places in the City where the grass exceeds 6" and asked whether blight notices were being sent out and the ordinance enforced. Jeff O'Neill said he would check to see if any sweeps were scheduled. Glen Posusta questioned the weeds growing in the open field across from Wal-Mart and whether any1hing could be done to control that. Liquor Store Sign: Glen Posusta asked about this since it was an issue when Vaughn Veit put up the Towne Centre. Jeff O'Neill said the MCC is proposing a reader board that could be combined with the liquor store. Glen Posusta felt the City should clean up its own act on signage. He felt the existing sign detracted from the liquor store. Clint Herbst felt this should be looked into and suggested staff get some cost estimates. Rick Wolfsteller noted the cost of the original sign was $10,000 and that the Towne Centre sign is on the liquor store property. Glen Posusta felt that Towne Centre would be agreeable to a monument sign.. . Cltelsea Road Parking - Glen Posusta asked about parking on Chelsea Road by the high school ballfields. Vehicles are parking on the north side and everyone is crossing the street which is a safety concern because Chelsea Road is busy street. Wayne Mayer observed that they are parking on that side to avoid the foul balls. John Simola stated that once Chelsea Road is upgraded there should not be any parking on Chelsea Road. Parking Lot - Mississippi Drive: Glen Posusta asked if the proposal for parking at this area could be revisited. John Simola stated that they had prepared a number of sketches but the property owners did not want to be looking out the window at a parking lot. Clint Herbst suggested diagonal parking. Glen Posusta felt that diagonal parking on both sides of the road would not be as offensive as internal parking lot. Glen Posusta would like the Parks Department or Parks Commission to some up with some plan for utilizing the lots available for a passive park. DMV - Glen Posusta said he had talked to Kitty Baltos about creating space in the MCC for the DMV office. Kitty Baltos thought it might be possible to put then in the area where the child care area is but there would have to be some rearranging done. He noted there are a lot of issues with the DMV such as people having to wait outside in line when they are busy, standing in lines and mold issues. Glen Posusta wanted to know who would make the determination in rearranging the space. Clint Herbst felt it was worth looking at. Jeff O'Neill said it was thought that the DMV would be a use that would not mix with the activity level of the MCC. . Monte Club Development - Wayne Mayer noted that the development plan for the Monte Club Villas I incorporated some City owned park land. Wayne Mayer said this is suppose to come before the Parks Commission this week and he questioned why the developer would be bringing it back. Steve Grittman said the developer's original proposal would wipe out all the trees and place as many townhomes on the site as possible. Using City park land was a way to design a residential development that would the leave the trecs and more of the hill intact. StatThad a couple of ideas that they felt were worthy of consideration. Steve Grittman felt the originaldesign submitted to the Parks Commission poisoned the II Z A-/3 . . . Council Minutes - 5/23/05 well. Steve Grittman said he understood that the landowner felt he was beat up by the Parks Commission. Steve Grittman said the Parks Commission did not have benefit of the ideas that staff had. Steve Grittman said it would be unfortunate to miss the opportunity to enhance the park land and make a better development. Wayne Mayer said his impression was that the City was forcing this on the developer. Steve Grittman said the developers plan would have destroyed the hillside. The intent was to save more trees and make better connection with utilities. Wayne Mayer asked how much land was affected by this. leffO'Neill said the amount of the park land should be the same but the shape of it would be different. Wayne Mayer asked if the park land was developed intQ the plat would the public be prohibited from using it. Steve Grittman said they would do a land swap. Bret Weiss noted the original plan would have required a lot in the way ofretaining walls and would be an expensive project to build. Fiber Optics - As a result of the fiber optics workshop a recommendation was made to set up a task force to setting some goals for broadband development. A recommendation from the task force should come before the Council in early August. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO SET UP A TASK FORCE ON BROADBAND DEVELOPMENT. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ollie Koropchak will find other task force members. Pipe Use - Clint Herbst and glen Posusta met with Brad Paumann regarding use ofHDPE pipe in developments in thc City. The City engineer will look at other pipe types and research this for the next meeting. 16. Approve pavment of bills for Mav. Tom Perrault questioned the statement from Dave Kinnard Shelving who provided the shelving for the library expansion. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 17. Adionrn Mayor Herbst adjourned the meeting at 9:55 p.m. Recording Secretary 12 :;). A - I \.\ Special Council Meeting Minutes - 5/23/05 . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - CITY COUNCIL Monday May 23, 2005 - 5 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf. Members Absent: None Others Present: Dennis Nelson, City Administrator of Windom, Milda Hedblom from Oain International Services and Brenda Krueger from Springsted Incorporated. Mayor Herbst called the special meeting on fiber optics to order at 5 p.m. and explained the purpose of the workshop meeting was for the City to learn more about fiber optics and benefits it could provide. Councilmember Wayne Mayer gave some background information explaining the various types of broadband technologies including copper, coaxial cable and fiber optics. . Milda Hedblom elaborated on some of the technology Wayne Mayer had discussed. She then went on to discuss benefits to Monticello by having a fiber optic system in place. These benefits include: I) Economic gro"'1h as the fiber optic system would serve as a magnet for development; 2) A fiber optic system would be community asset and could be a source of revenue; 3) It would promote competition; 4) A city with a fiber optic system has an image of being progressive; and 5) Improve telecommunications and information services for businesses and she noted other benefits as well. Milda Hedblom also reviewed some of the risks involved for the City in establishing a fiber optics system. The City would have the financial obligation for capital costs and the tlnancial obligations of establishing and operating a business. She noted competitors from the private sector may offer resistance to the city entry into the field and with constant change in technology the City must be able to anticipate change and adapt to it. Milda Hedblom stated that one time the United States was one the leaders in this type of technology but now has dropped back to 13th She stated that regulations relating to fiber optics have undergone some change and added that this technology has come down in price from what it was. She then talked about options the City could look at in providing fiber optic services. The City could build the fiber optic network and provide all services or the City could build and own the network and maintain the infrastructure with an open plat form for services. The City could also o"m the fiber optic system and lease it to private vendors or try to get the private market to invest in the fiber optic system. She cited a number of examples what different communities had done. If the City would establish a fiber optic system there are legal requirements that have to be met for voice and video services. These regulations include for voice services conducting a referendum, which must be approved by a 65% majority as well as other requirements such as certification, and franchise agreements. . Before the City makes a decision, they need to look at what services the local providers have and whether those services are sufficient. The City, if they decide to proceed with a fiber optic system, also needs to decide what services to provide. Milda Hedblom suggested that the City look at setting up a task force to.come up with goals keeping in mind what makes sense for the community. -.... 2 6~LS_ Special Council Meeting Minutes - 5/23/05 Once the goals has been established then you can go into detail on what you need to do to . accomplish your objectives. Clint Herbst stated that a portion of the City had overhead lines but after a certain date the City required that all lines be placed underground. He wondered how this would impact bringing fiber optics to the home. Dennis Nelson commented on the hookup for homes and then went on to explain the procedure the City of Windom used in establishing their fiber optic system. The City of Windom was the electrical provider for the community for 100 years. In 2000 they put the question of fiber optics on the ballot; the Council decided to proceed in August 2003 and in 2005 they connected their first customer. Dennis Nelson noted that shortly after the City of Windom decided to proceed Quest announced they would offer the service. He indicated that the City sent out a hOmeO'hl1er consent form that covered installing a drop for eachproperty. Once the fiber optic system was in the City had to market that feature to the public. Dennis Nelson indicated the project cost was $8.6 million for voice, video and data service. The cost of a drop was about $4,600. He felt the fiber optic system would be a moneymaker for the City. The workshop session closed at 7 p.m. 2g-l~ Recording Secretary . . . . . SA. Council Agenda - 6/13/05 Consideration of approvin!! new hires and departures for MCC. Parks & Streets. (R W ) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC, Parks Department and Street Department. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part- time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Ratify the hiring of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. 5A- II . NEW EMPLOYEES Name Tille Department Hire Date Class Connoy, Amie Summer Parks 5/26/2005 Temporary Arneson, Nathaniel Lifeguard MCC 5/13/2005 Part Time Schaffer, Julia Wheel Park Attend. MCC 5/15/2005 Part Time Hanson, Erick Slide Attend. MCC 5/23/2005 Part Time Geyen, Craig Summer Parks 5/17/2005 Temporary Geyen, Mark Summer Parks 5/16/2005 Temporary Peterson, Kristine Summer Parks 5/23/2005 Temporary Payne, Christina Slide Attend. MCC 5/17/2005 Part Time Ouellette, Marc Summer Streets 5/16/2005 Temporary TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class . Yackley, Cameron Seasonal Parks 5/26/2005 Temporary Lumley, Clint Voluntary MCC 4/29/2005 Part Time Gantner, Ruth Voluntary MCC 5/22/2005 Part Time White, Justin Voluntary MCC 5/6/2005 Part Time Vagle, Sarah Voluntary MCC 5/1/2005 Part Time . employee councillist.xls: 6/1/2005 5 Pt- \ ~ 5B. Consideration of approvinl! final plat of Union Crossinl!s. Applicant: Rvan Companies, U.S. (JO/AS) . A. REFEFENCE AND BACKGROUND Council is asked to consider approving the final plat of Union Crossings, a 47.7 acre retail development to be located in the northwest quadrant of the proposed I-94/CSAH 18 interchange. A preliminary plat and development stage Planned Unit Development and associated rezoning to B-4 (Regional Business) was previously approved by the City Council. The subject site consists of the Dahlheimer Distributing facility and undeveloped land. It is bounded on the west by the St. Henry's/St. Benedict's property (zoned P-S, Public-Semi-Public), on the south by Interstate 94, on the east by County Highway 18, and on the north by the Burlington Northern Railroad and County Highway 75. As a part of the project, 7th Street would be extended from its current terminus at the St. Henry's Church-St. Benedicts Residential facility to connect with County Highway 18 at the location of the west bound ramp intersection. In addition, a new public street, Highland Way, would connect 7th Street with County Highway 75 via a new railroad crossing. . The project itself consists of 174,550 square feet of retail space east of Highland Way, approximately 102,500 square feet of retail development in the northwest comer of the site, and 54,000 square feet of additional "in-line" retail also west of Highland Way. There are also three areas of additional retail/restaurant "pad" sites. In all, the retail development consists of approximately 389,000 square feet of space. The two larger stores on either side of Highland Way, the 54,000 square feet of "in-line" retail, and 11,500 square feet of space on Block 2, Lot 3 are proposed to be first-phase projects. The remainder of the "pad" sites will be developed in a future phase and will be reviewed by the Planning Commission and Council through the development stage PUD process. Attached you will find both the most recent draft of the project's development agreement and the financial analysis that summarizes the finance plan supporting the development. The developer has worked extensively with City staff and officials to develop a finance plan for the project, as well as to meet the conditions outlined by the Planned Unit Development. The agreement and finance plan represent the outcome ofthose discussions. You will note that the developer will be financing the extension of 7'h Street and Highland Way, both of which will be handled as public improvement projects as part of the 1-94/CSAH 18 project. Payment for these projects will be required at the execution of the development agreement, tentatively scheduled for June 15th. Additionally, the developer will be providing up-front payment for the full cost of trunk charges, including $467,472 for storm sewer, $106,164 for sanitary sewer, and $83,483 for water. The finance plan illustrates those charges. The break-out shown by lot is for reference only, the developer will be paying the full amount at execution. . In terms of the I-94/CSAH 18 interchange, the development will be assessed a total of $2, 150,000 for that project over a period of 10 years. The assessment will be broken out by lot and was calculated based on each lot's percentage ofthe total developable area ofthe plat. Fees placed on deposit by the developer to cover city expenses relating to City Administrative 5 B - \0.. . . . overhead, legal fees, planning fees and engineering and inspection amount to $70,484.67. This number includes $13,057.17 of expenses related to the review ofthe preliminary plat, PUD and drafting of the first versions of the development agreement. These expenses are required to be paid prior to final plat. Any expense incurred in relationship to the final plat, final development agreement or administration or inspection of the plat will be charged against the additional deposits illustrated in the finance plan. It should be noted that these fees are consistent with what was charged with the Wal-Mart development, a similar large commercial project. The developer will be required to supply two letters of credit for work within the plat. A letter of credit in the amount of$120,000 will be required for grading and restoration of the site. A letter of credit equal to the estimated amount oflandscaping will be required for completion of site landscaping, per the terms of the approved preliminary plat and Planned Unit Development. The LOCs can be reduced with the approval of the City Engineer. The draft development agreement details all of the financing information as noted above, as well as other information considered critical in terms of the development of the plat. It is important to note that the finance plan and development agreement are consistent with the previous funding plans provided to the Council in their consideration of ordering the interchange project. This agreement and associated fees and securities must be in place prior placement of signatures on the plat. B. ALTERNATIVES 1. Motion to approve the final plat for Union Crossings, subject to the revisions as noted, and to approve the Union Crossings development agreement. 2. Motion to deny approval of Union Crossings final plat and development agreement for reasons to be determined by the Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends alternative 1 above. The finance plan and development agreement include important investments in area infrastructure improvements, and are consistent with Council's previous approvals. The development plat itself also represents what will be a significant commercial project for the City in terms of tax base and influence on future growth. D. SUPPORTING DATA Union Crossings Final Plat Union Crossings Site Plan (Reference Only) Union Crossings Finance Plan Union Crossings Draft Development Agreement s 9..:,- d,O ,~ ~1! :0 < ~.~ ,~ !~ ,0 ,- 1~ :~ '< 1~ " , ," ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c i h ,0 0~ g~ ~ . . iji; ~~ o ~- o .s;:Jl t .~ ~~ ~ .. 15 ~ 1;- 51) ~~ ~V) ::o:>J '0 ~1O ~:x 3~ , - < g; - . ...~ , . ,~ . . , 0 , ~{j < Il-V-- ,- ,. ~ '" , 0 0< ,. o. ~ ~ . ,,, (0 0" h < .0 o g~ ,,, e. ~" . S~ S;~ ~g g t~~ 2~:g ~'" . u~:E ~ <.J ~ Q)~:E 000 o '" , o ~ ~ . , . ~ . o " 1r ~ o < ~ o ~ . . 1; ,g it<) ~~ -"':::! ~ ~~ t3 ~Ol ~ ~~ :;:\1..,5;:::; l....O &tl Q~~15 ~~0.2~ ~8 Q).~ v)o:..J~:::i! o ] < .. ~ ~ "" , 8 ~ < ~ .. ~ . , o 1; o 1; * < .. ~ . ~ ." "" o ~ , o " (; . " ~ * .; ~ . ,I,; .~ ~ .~ Q , ~ i o ~ ~~ ~ '" -~ ~ ~ .. < . ~ . 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DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT ("Contract") dated , 2005, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"), and RYAN COMPAJ'liIES US, INC., a Minnesota Corporation (the "Developer"). 1. REQUEST FOR PLAT APPROVAL. On 2005, the City Council approved a preliminary plat and Planned Unit Development ("PUD") for UNION CROSSINGS, a retail center at the northwest quadrant of Interstate 94 and CSAH 18 (referred to in this Contract as the "plat" and the "Development"). The parcel is approximately 47.65 acres and is situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, and is legally described on the attached Exhibit "A" (hereinafter referred to as "Development Property'"). On June 13, 2005, the City Council approved the final plat. . S- B - ~S . . . 2. CONDITIO"lS OF PLAT APPROVAL. The City approved the plat on condition that the Developer enter into this Contract, furnish the security required by it, and record the plat with the County Recorder or Registrar of Titles within 90 days of final plat approval. 3. RIGHT TO PROCEED. Within thc plat or land to be platted, the Developer may not grade or otherwise disturb the earth, remove trees, construct sewer lines, water lines, streets, utilities, public or private improvements, or any buildings until all the following conditions have bcen satisfied: 1) this Contract has been fully executed by both parties and filed with the City Clerk, 2) the necessary security as provided in this Contract has been received by the City, 3) the plat and this Contract has been submitted to the Wright County Recorder's Office, and 4) the City has issued a letter that all conditions as contained in this Contract have been satisfied and that the Developer may proceed. 4. CHANGES IN OFFICIAL CONTROLS. For four (4) years from June 13, 2005, the date of final plat approval, no amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan or official controls shall apply to or affect the use, development density, lot size, lot layout or dedications of the approved plat unless required by state or federal law or agreed to in writing by the City and the Developer (and the Developer's successors and assigns). Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Contract to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by state law, the City may requirc compliance with any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, 0 ffieial controls, platting or dedication requirements enacted after the date of this Contract. 5. DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The platted property shall be developed in accordance with the conditions of the PUD and the following plans ("plans") which are incorporated herein by reference. With the exception of Plans A, B, C, .I, K, L, and ".1, the plans may be finalized, subject to approval by the City Engineer, after the date of the Contract, but before commencement of any work in the plat. The 5Q:>-d-\o plans shall not be attached to this Contract. If the plans vary from the written terms of this Contract, the . written terms shall control. The plans are: PlanA Plan B Plan C PlanD Plan E Plan F PlanG Plan 1-1 Plan [ . Plan] PlanK Plan L PlanM PLANS PREPARER DATE Westwood Professional Services 11/15/04 Westwood Professional Services 6/15/05 Schoell & Madson 4/14/05 Schoell & Madson 4/14/05 Schoell & Madson 4/14/05 Schoell & Madson 4/14/05 Schoell & Madson 4/14/05 Schoell & Madson 4/14/05 Schoell & Madson 4/14/05 Schoell & Madson 4/14/05 Schoell & Madson 4/14/05 Preliminary Plat Final Plat Preliminary Site Plan Overall Grading Plan Grading Plan - West Grading Plan - East Overall Utility Plan Utility Plan - West Utility Plan - East Lighting Plan Landscape Plan (including street lights at Developer's cost) Building Fayade Elevations Target/Greenberg Farrow 1/12/05 Signage Plan Ryan Companies US, Inc. 5/31/05 6. DESIGN STANDARDS. The applicable PUD Zoning District Regulations are thc same as those set forth in the 8-4 Zoning District Regulations, except as modified herein: a. the future development of Outlots A, Band C will be designed to avoid vehicle stacking conflicts with incoming traffic and are subject to overall final and development stagc PUD approval. b. final building and signage plans for Lot 2, Block 2 and Lot 3, Block 3 will be submitted for Planning Commission and City Council review and approval. . 5b - :J-( . . . 7. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. The City shall design and install the following public improvements in accordance with the approved plans and specifications prepared by the City's consulting engineer WSB. Improvements Completion Dates City of Monticello City Project 2000-12C Trunk Sanitary Sewer Extension final Construction Documents (Availahle Upon Request) 04/20/05 Relocated trunk sanitary sewer servicing Monticello south of Interstate 94 conveying wastewater to the Monticello treatment plant to the north along the site's west property line. 07115/05 City of Monticello and Wright County County Project 86-18-061, 86-39-061 City Project 200S-0SC, 2004-01C CSAH 18 AND CSAH 39 AND Meadow Oak Ave. final Construction Documents (Availahle Upon Request) 04/25/05 frontage road connection southeast of the retail development connecting County Road 75 and CSAH 18 (Fenning Ave.) 09/01/05 City of Monticello Ea;t 7'h Street, Highland Way and RR Crossing Project final Construction Documents (Availahle Upon Completion/Request) 06130/05 City project includes the construction of 7'11 Street and Highland Way. Not to exclude public storm, watermain and sanitary sewer within the development project. - Railroad Crossing Agreement Executed - Start Construction - Substantially complete, including Highland Way Street and all site utilities, except final storm connection to Pond, 2nd lift of asphalt, landscaping - OfT site grading of ponding on A VR Site - Storm Connection Complete 06115/05 08/15/05 11/01/05 11/01105 11/30/05 sv.:,-d-% . . . - 100% Complete, 7'h Street and Highland Way City of Monticello, Wright County and MN Dot State Project 8680-138 City Project No. 2004-01C CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange 95% Plan Submittal {Availahle Upon Requestj City project including the reconstruction of the Interstate 94 overpass, reconstruction of CSAH 18 from Hart Blvd. to School Blvd., traffic signals and a folded diamond interchange exit trom Interstate 94. - Let Contract (Receive for Bids) - Commence Construction - Complete Bridge Substructures - Set Bridge Beams - Pour Bridge Deck - Bridge Overlay Complete - Substantially complete - Landscaping north of Interstate 8. 07/16/06 OS/20/05 07/12/05 09/01105 05/01106 05115/06 07/01/06 08/0 1106 08/31/06 09/30/06 PERMITS. The Developer shall obtain or require its contractors and subcontractors to obtain all necessary permits, including but not limited to: . Wright County for Work in County Rights-of-Way . NPDES Permit for Stonnwater Connections from MPCA . DNR for Dewatering . City of Monticello for Building Permits City shall obtain all necessary permits relating to the public improvements. 9. DEWATERING. Due to the variable nature of groundwater levels and stormwatcr flows, it will be the Developer's and the Developer's contractors and subcontractors responsibility to satisfy themselves with regard to the elevation of groundwater in the area and the level of effort needed to perform dewatering and storm flow roUling operations. All dewatering shall be in accordance with all applicable county, state, and federal rules and regulations. 5 b - ;z~ . . . 10. LICENSE. The Developcr hereby grants the City, its agcnts, cmployees, officers and contractors a license to enter upon these areas of the Development Property reasonably necessary to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City in conjunction with plat development and thc installation of Public Improvements by the City. The City shall hold the Dcveloper (and its successors and assigns) harmless from any cause of action or claims as a result of the negligence or willful misconduct of the City, its agents, employees, of1icers and contractors on entering the platted property and its performance of all of its work and inspections. 11. EROSION CONTROL, STORMWATER CONTROL AND STREET CLEANUP. Prior to initiating site grading, the Erosion Control Plan, shall be implemented by the Developer and inspected and approvcd by the City. The City may imposc additional erosion control and stormwater requircments if reasonably required to effectuate the Plan. Seeding shall be in accordancc with the City's current seeding specification, except as otherwise provided in the Erosion Control Plan. Developer as rcquired by cxisting conditions shall clean dirt and debris from streets that has resulted from construction work by the Devcloper. Prior to any construction in the plat, the Developer shall identify in writing a responsible party and schedule for erosion control, street cleaning, and street sweeping. The Developer shall provide the City with security in the form of either a letter of credit or eash escrow in the amount of $120,000.00 for erosion control and street cleaning purposes. The parties recognize that time is of the essence in controlling erosion. If the Developer does not comply with the erosion control plan and schedule or supplementary instructions received from the City, or fails to clean and sweep streets, the City after reasonable notice and opportunity to eure (whieh in the case of street cleaning will be 24 hours), except in cases of emergency, may take such action as it deems appropriate, including the performance of the necessary work by City stall or contracting to have it performed. The City will notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, except in the case of an emergency. If the Developer docs not reimburse 513-30 . the City for any cost the City incurrcd for such work within ten (10) days, the City may draw on the security to thc extent nccessary to pay any costs. No site development and no building permits will be issued unless the plat is in full compliance with the approved erosion control plan and storm watcr control measures are in place. At the request of Developer, tbe security may be reduced as development proceeds in amounts deemed reasonably appropriate by thc city engineer. The security will be released in its entirety upon development of the platted property in accordance with the Development Plans. 12. GRADING PLAN AND CERTIFICATION. The plat shall be graded in accordance with Final Grading, Dcvelopment and Erosion Control Plan as set forth in Plan "8". The plan shall conform to City of Monticello specifications. 13. OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS. Upon completion of the work and construction required by this Contract, the public improvements lying within public easements shall become City property without further notice or action. . 14. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD, PLANNING AND LEGAL EXPENSES, CITY ENGINEERING ADYlINISTRATION AND CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION. An administrative fee is required to cover fees for City Staff and consultants rclating to processing of the PUD,. preliminary plat, and associated administration ofthc improvement project. As of April 30, 2005, those costs are as follows: $ 1,122.06 $ 9,941.94 $ 1.983.17 $19,437.50 Planning Engineering Lcgal City Administration {Based on ,05 per square foot building (~i; 3Hg,550 square reet. SF based on Site Plan dated 4-14-05) 532,48467 TOTAL EXPENSES . Sb- 31 . Expenses incurred after April 30, 2005 will be billed against deposits to be made by the Developer as follows. A deposit of $8,000.00 is required to cover the cost of lcgal services and $5,000.00 to cover the cost of planning services provided by the City's consultants. Upon completion of the project, the legal and planning fees shall be reconciled against actual City costs. A deposit of $25,000.00 is required to cover the cost of enginecring services provided by the City's consultants ("Engineering Fees"). This amount covers the following: Plan review and project administration, monitoring of construction observation, consultation with Developer and his engineer on status or problems regarding thc project, coordination for final inspection and acccptance, project monitoring during the warranty period, processing of requcsts for reduction in security, and the cost of construction observation. Upon completion of the project, engineering fees shall be reconciled against actual City costs. 15. SUMMARY OF CASH REQUIREMENTS. The following is a summary of the cash . requirements under this Contract which must be furnished to the City prior to the time of final plat approval: Legal * Planni ng * Engineering and Inspcction* Administrative Fees for City Overhead $ 8,000.00 $ 5.000.00 $25,000.00 $32,484.67 Total Cash Requirements $70,484.67 *Fees reconciled to actual reasonable expenses at close of project. 16. STORM SEWER AREA CHARGE. The Development is subject to a storm sewer area charge of$467,472.00. The area charge is based on the gross area of the final plat less any area credit for pond area, and is calculated as follows: 41.49 acrcs x $6.804/acre = $282,298.00 (plus $185,174.00 for 1.8 acrcs of on~site 5~- 3> ~ ponding). The total storm sewer arc a charge for the Development of $467,472.00 shall be paid by the Developer in cash at the time of final plat approval and execution of this Agreement. . . 17. SAI\ITARY SEWER AREA CHARGE. Thc Development is subject to a sanitary sewer area charge of $106,164.00. The area charge is based on the gross area of the final plat and is calculated as follows: 47.65 acres x $2,228/acre = $I 06,164.00 The total sanitary sewer area charge for the Development of $106,164.00 shall be paid by Developer in cash at the time of final plat approval and execution of this Contract. 18. WATER MAIN AREA CHARGE. The Development is subject to a water main area charge of $83,483.00. The area charge is based on the gross area of the final plat and is calculated as follows: 47.65 acres x $1752/acre ~ $83,483.00 The total watermain area charge for the Development of $83,483.00 shall be paid by the Developer at the time of final plat approval and execution of this Contract. . 19. 711I STREET AND HIGHLAND WAY PAYMENT. Developer shall pay $2,109,025.00 to the City at the time of final plat approval and execution of this Contract for its share of the 7'h Street and Highland Way construction costs. 7'h Street and Highland Way will be constructed in accordance with the approved plans prepared by WSB that integrate with the Schoell Madson preliminary overall site design. The $2,1 09,025.00 ineludes $28,790.00 and $25,890.00 for the St. Benedict's driveway relocation and the sanitary sewer extension to Outlot C, respectively. 20. I-94/CSAH 18 II\TERCHANGE ASSESSMENT. Thc Developer agrees to pay $2,150,000.00 toward the cost of the 1-94/CSAH 18 lntcrchange Project ("lntcrchange Project"). This amount shall be assessed against the development property as follows: A. Developer acknowledges that the Development property receives a special benefit from the Project. . 5b-3~ . B. The Development property will be assessed $2,150,000.00 for the Project pursuant to Minn. Stat. 9429.011, et seq. C. The assessment of $2,150,000.00 will be payable over ten (10) years, including interest at the rate of five and one-half percent (5.5%) per annum simple interest computed on the unpaid balance. D. The assessment is deemed adopted on the date this contract is signed by the parties. The assessment amount will start to accrue interest on September I, 2006, or upon substantial completion of the Interchange Project, whichever occurs last, with the first installment payable as part of the collectible 2007 taxes. E. Developer hereby waives unconditionally all procedural and substantive objections to the assessment in the amount of $2, 150,000.00 including, but not limited to, any rights of Developer to . hearing requirements and any claim that the assessment constitures a special benefit or that the amount of the assessment exceeds the special benefit to the Development property. The Developer further waives any appeal rights otherwise available pursuant to Minnesota Statutes g 429.081 or othcr laws. F. The $2,150,000.00 assessment shall be allocated to the lots in the Development as follows: Block I, Lot I Block 2, Lot I Block 2, Lot 2 Block 2, Lot 3 Outlot A Outlot B OutlotC OutlotD $741, I 05.00 $541,800.00 $331,315.00 $ 70,305.00 $ 59,985.00 $202,745.00 $202,745.00 $ -0- G. As to Out/ots A, Band C, the City will equitably apportion the assessment upon request of Developer pursuant to Minn. Stat. g429.071, Subd. 3. . 5~-3Y . . . 21. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provIsIons shall apply to the development of the platted property and the Public Improvements: A. The City cannot guarantee a completion date for the Interchange Project or any other Public Improvements. Developer acknowledges that the City is not obligated to thc Developer or any third party in any way to complete thc Interchange Project by a certain date. City will not be liable to Developer or any third party for any additional development costs or other claimed damages resulting from any delay of in the completion of the Interchange Project or any of thc Public Improvements. B. It is anticipated at this time that the City will be awarding a contract for the Interchange Project by September 1, 2005 with a substantial completion date of August 31, 2006. The contract will provide that the contractor will incur substantial liquidated damages for failure to meet thc August 31, 2006 substantial completion date. The City agrees that the City will require any contracts awarded for the Interchange Project or other Public Improvements to include the monument/completion dates set forth in Paragraph 7 of this Contract. All of said contracts shall provide for substantial liquidated damages for failure to comply with the monument/completion dates, including the August 31, 2006 substantial completion date for the Interchange Project. All said contracts shall also include a provision which will allow the City to take over work as provided in the contract at its election in the event thc contractor defaults under the terms and conditions of the contract or fails to comply with the monument/completion dates as set forth in Paragraph 7. In thc event ofa default by any contractor relating to such monument/completion dates, the City will take all reasonable steps which in its judgment will facilitate the completion of the contract work in an expedient manner. Prior to letting any contract for the Interchange Project, the City agrees to provide a copy of said contract (or any other contract l'or other Public Improvements including monument/completion dates) to Developer l'or review to ensure that 5 ~- 3> 5 . the monument/completion dates, liq uidated damage provisions and takeover provisions arc incorporated therein. . C. Developer will convey allneecssary temporary and permanent easemeuts for the Interchange Project. Developer will also convey to the City a 21 foot wide trail casement abutting CSAH 18 encompassing thc cxisting trail. City will be responsible for maintaining the trail and casement arca. D. Dcveloper is required to submit the final plat in electronic format. The electronic format shall be either AutoCAD.DWG file or a .DXF file. All construction record drawings (e.g., grading, utilities, and streets) shall be in electronic format in accordance with standard City specifications. The Developer shall also submit one complete set of reproducible construction plans on Mylar. E. City will have Braun Intertec on site, under the City's contract, to certify backfill of sanitary sewer deep trcnch during construction. Braun is to provide the developer with the compaction testing results. Trunk sanitary sewer construction schedule will be coordinated between Developer and City's consulting enginecr. F. The connection to existing pavement at the wcst end of the 7'h Street project will be staged to maintain access to the St. Benedict property. The construction documents for the access drive to St. Bencdicts will be completed by the City's consulting engineer and the construction will be included in the 7'h Street project. The Dcveloper will pay all reasonable costs relating to the acquisition of the 7th Street right of way from St. Henry's Church, including reasonable land costs, appraisal fees, survey and engineering costs and attorneys fces in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00. G. Developer shall not use existing 7'h Street as a construction access point. Developer will complete thc rough grading for 7'h Street and Highland Way. H. Developer will grade the St. Henry's Church pond. !. Normal conslmction hours are 7 AM to 10 PM Monday through Saturday. . 58-3lo . J. Outlot D will be developed in accordance with the Plans. Developer hereby grants the City a license to allow general public use of Outlot D in perpetuity for passive recreational purposes. Developer will retain ownership of the Outlot and will be responsible for all on-going reasonable maintenance and upkeep of the Outlot and improvements. K. The Developer is required to submit a letter of credit m an amount equal to the esimtated amount of landscaping improvements to the site. 22. MISCELLANEOUS. . A. The Developer shall indemnify and hold the City and its officers, employees, and agents harmless from elaims made by it and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from plat approval and development, except for any costs or damages resulting from the gross negligence of the City, its officers, employees and agents. The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers, employees, and agents for all costs, damages, or expenses which the City may payor incur in consequence of such elaims, including attorneys' fees, except for any costs or damages rcsulting from the gross negligence of the City, its officers, employees and agents. B. The Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incurred by the City m the enforcement of this Contract against the Developer, including engineering and attorneys' fees. C. The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations incurred under this Contract within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills arc not paid on time, the City may halt plat development and construction on the platted property until the bills are paid in full, provided, however, that the City will not exercise such right and remedy against either Target or Home Depot. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of twelve (12%) per year. . se,- 31 . D. [n addition to the charges and special assessments referred to herein, other charges and special assessments may be imposed such as but not limited to sewer availability charges ("SAC"), City water connection charges, City sewer connection charges, and building permit fees. E. The Developer represents to the City that the plat complies with all city, county, metropolitan, state, and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to: subdivision ordinances, zoning ordinances, and environmental regulations. f. Breach of the terms of this Contract by the Developer after notice and reasonable opportunity to cure shall be grounds for denial of building permits and certificates of occupancy. The City, however, will not withhold a building permit or certificate of occupancy for Block [, Lot I or Block 2, Lot I because of defaults by the Developer not relating to the use of these two lots. G. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this . Contract is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Contract. H. !\io sewer and water connection permits may be issued and no one may occupy a building for which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis until the streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface and the utilities are accepted by the City Engineer. I. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Contract. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Contract shall not be a waiver or release. J. This Contract shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the property provided, however, that all monetary obligations of the Developer hereunder shall be and remain s ~ - 3~ . . the responsibility of the Developer wl]ess expressly assumed in writing by any successor or assignee of the Developer. The Developer covenants with the City, its successors and assigns, that the Developer upon recording of the plat is well seized in fee title of the property being final platted and/or has obtained consents to this Contract, in the form attached hereto, from all parties who have an interest in the property; that there are no unrecorded interests in the property being final platted; and that the Developer will indemnify and hold the City harmless for any breach of the foregoing covenants. K. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, except as specifically limited in this Contract, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. . L. Developer may not assign this Contract, except as to certain conditional assignments and rights pursnant to a Site Development Agreement (by and between Developer and Target) and a Development Agreement (by and between Developer and Home Depot) without the written permission of the City Council. Developer's obligation hereunder shall continue in full force and effect even if the Developer sells portions of the development. 23. NOTICES. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by certified mail at the following address: 50 South Tenth Street Suite 300, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403-2012. Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Administrator, or mailed to the City by certified mail in care of the City Administrator at the following address: Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street Monticello. Minnesota 55362. . 5e,-3~ . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO BY: Clint Herbst, Mayor (SEAL) AND Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator DEVELOPER: RYAN COMPA",IES US, INC. BY: Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2005, by Clint Herbst and by Rick Wolfsteller, the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behal f of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. NOTARY PUBLIC ST A TE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF WR1GfIT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 2005, by the Ryan Companies US, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, on its behalf. day of of NOTARY PCBLIC DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Sb~L.\.O . . . 317 Eaganda1e Offiee Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, MN 55121 Telephone: 651-452-5000 TMS 5 ~- L\ \ EXHIBIT "A" . [Legal Description) . . S~-I.-\~ . . . APR 19 '05 12:07PM P.l/l Minne,ola Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gamblbtg Enforeement Division (AGED) 444 Cedar Streot, Suile 133. SI. Pau~ MN 55101-5133 Telephone 651-296-6979 Fax 65\.297.5259 TrY 65\.282.6555 Certification of an On Sale I~iQuor License. 3~2..I. Lionor license. or Sunday UQuor License Cities and Counties: You are required by law 10 eomple1e and sign this fonn to certify the issuance oithe following liquor ljccnse typos: I) City issued on sale intoxicating and Sunday liquor lieOWlos 2) City and County issued 3.2% on 81'ld olfsale malt liquor licenSOll Name of City or County Issuing Liquor License Mont;c,p 110 License PerIod From: 7/1 To: 6/30 Circle One~w Lie, m~) License Transfer Suspension Revocation Cancel ~,- (I"""",t;"""....""",) (OiYO"",,,,) Sunday Liquor 3 .2% On sale 62% Off SalV 3.2% On Salefcc: S 3.2%OIfSalefee:S 100.00 Social Security # License type: (circle all that apply) On Sale lnlOxicating Fee(s): On Sale License fce:S Sunday LiellllSC fee: S Licensee Name: \Val-Mart .C;torp~, Tnr DOB (corporation. partncntnip. LLC, or Individual) Bu,in,sa Trade Name Wal-Mart SllpprCt.~~t~ 8U1lin... Address 9320 CPrlRr St. Cil}Monti cp 11 0 , Zip Code 55362 CountjWri ~ht Business Phone 7fi'J/?g'i-gROO HomePhone 6.7Q/)06.-?n7n Homo Addrcss 702 SW Rth St CityRpntomTi 11 P, AI<. Lictll$Cc's MN Tax ID #'Jfi 'J:n1 'J (To AppI~ ,"16".196-0181) MN 55362 Lice""ec', Federal Tax lD # 71- 0415188 (To :lJlply ca.1I651-190-390~) If above named licensee is a corporation, partnership. or LtC. eomple1e the followin: for ea<:h partner/officer: Please see attached listing of officers Purmcr/Officer Name (First Midd!t Lall) DO'S Social Sec:wi()''''' HCD'nG Addreliilll' (PartncriOffict:T" Nartle (firs{ MiddJe Lasl) OOB Sooi.15ttUrtly ~ Home Address rEmn.;r/Ofti~.;r N,'l.mc (Fm. MiUdle Lou) DOB SOcial &Jc:wity 11 J-i~ AddfClUl Imoxieatins liquor Iieen..., must auaeh a ccrrificsle of Liquor Liability Insurance to this form. Tho Wulllllce certificate must contain an oflbe following: ' I) Show the exact licensce name (corporation, partnership, LLC. ete) and bwC&!I address as shown on the license. 2) Cover completely the license pcriod sel by the local city or county IiccD,ring authority as shown on the license. Circle One: (Ye, No) During the pas, ycsr has a summons been issued to the licensee under the Civil Liquor Liability lAow? Workers Compensation losurancc is also required by alll;cen,..s: Please complete the foUowing: Workers Compensation Insurance Company Name: Policy # I Certify lbalws IicoDSe(s) has been approved in an official meeting by the ioveminll body of the city ot county. City Clerk or County Auwtot Signature Pato (rid.) On Sale IntoncatinK liquor licensees must also purchase a $20 Retailer Buyers Card. To obtain the application for the Buyers Card, please call 6Sr~:ZlS.6209, or visit OUr website at www.dps.state.mll.us. (Form 9011.2(04) 5C"l.\Ll . . . Council Agenda - 6/13/05 SD. Consideration of Purchase of Decanter Actuator aUhe Wastewater Treatment Plant. (1,S,) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The decanter actuators or activators for the Wastewater Treatment Plant actually move the decanters up and down in the SBR tanks to draw water off after processing, The decanter set at precise movements by computer controlled sequencing draws water off near the top of the SBR tank and goes directly to the chlorination and de-chlorination chamber and then to the Mississippi River. Any type of failure ofthe actuator to operate properly immobilizes the entire SBR tank. If the actuator is going to be down for an extended period of time the tank must be drained and switched to another SBR tank that is if an additional tank is available, With a complete spare actuator on hand the tank could be on line in a matter of hours most likely without draining the SBR tank, B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I, The first alternative would be to authorize purchase of a complete spare actuator at a cost of $11,450 plus taxes and freight from ITT Industries. 2. The second alternative would be not to authorize a spare but to remove the faulty unit, drain the tank and rebuild the old unit. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends a spare unit as per alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of quote from ITT Industries and pictures of the SBR tank and the actuator. 5 D- L\ S . . . JUN-06-2005 11:27 FAX To: Attention: Fax No: From: Copy: Date: Total Pages:: Su bject: SANITAIRE P.01/01 ~TT 'Industries San/ta/re Veolia Water Chuck Keyes 763-295-4779 Tel Dir, Tel Fax 414-365-2200 414-365-2233 414-365-2210 June 6, 2005 1 Monticello Actuator Mlf' ~ ,-~- Chuck, Pursuant to your voice message, the price for a complete actuator, including motor and limit switches for connecting to the existing actuator support structure and connecting rod is $11,450. Freight and taxes would be extra. Best Regards, Saniraire ~ .~' " , ""'~" ~ Dave Lauer"P.E. Regional Manager 5fJ-Ltlo C;;lniT:iil'P l:.. niviqir'\'" nf fTT 1M, I~~i_ ll"lr TOTAL P.01 . . . Council Agenda - 6/13/05 SE. Consideration of resolution approvim! renewal of l!amblinl! license for VFW Post #8731 to conduct charitable l!amblinl!. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: VFW Post #8731 is requesting renewal of their permit to conduct charitable gambling operations at 713 Cedar Street. Prior to the State Gambling Control Board issuing a license, the City Council must pass a resolution approving or denying the application. The staff is not aware of any reason why the Council would not allow the state to issue this license. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to renew the charitable gambling license to VFW Post #873 I for charitable gambling activities at 713 Cedar Street. 2. Do not approve the resolution. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends the resolution being adopted authorizing the issuance of the license. The City is not aware of any reason why the license should be denied. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Copy ofresolution 5f.-Y~ . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION 2005-64 RESOLlJTlON AVTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, VFW Post #8731 has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for the issuance of a charitable gambling license to conduct charitable gambling activities at 7J 3 Cedar Street WHEREAS, upon review of the organization's activities, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the application of VFW Post #8731 for a charitable gambling license is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 13th day of June, 2005. . ATTEST: Clint Herbst, Mayor Rick Wo1fsteller, City Administrator . 5E -L..\q . . . Council Agenda - 6/13/05 SF. Consideration of resolution aDDrOvinl! renewal of l!amblinl! license for American Lel!ion Post No. 260 to conduct charitable l!amblinl!. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: American Legion Post No.260 is requesting renewal of their permit to conduct charitable gambling operations at 304 Elm Street. Prior to the State Gambling Control Board issuing a license, the City Council must pass a resolution approving or denying the application. The staff is not aware of any reason why the Council would not allow the state to issue this license. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to renew the charitable gambling license to American Legion Post 260 for charitable gambling activities at 304 Elm Street. 2. Do not approve the resolution. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends the resolution being adopted authorizing the issuance of the license. The City is not aware of any reason why the license should be denied. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution Sf-t)o . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION 2005-63 RESOLUTION AIJTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, American Legion Post No. 260 has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for the issuance of a charitable gambling license to conduct charitable gambling activities at 304 Elm Street WHEREAS, upon review of the organization's activities, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the application of American Legion Post No. 260 for a charitable gambling license is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 13th day of June, 2005. Clint Herbst Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator 5~-S\ . . . 5G. A. Council Agenda - 6/13/05 Consideration of chan!!e in nermit fees for fireworks sales. (RW) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the present time requests to sell fireworks in the City are handled under the provisions of thc City's transient merchant ordinance. The provisions of the ordinance include no sales from public right of way, sale from private property only with consent of owner, sales allowed in zoning districts where outdoor sales is a permitted use, compliance to provisions relating to signage and parking and payment of license fees as set by Council. The City has not made any distinction between transient merchants who sell fireworks and other transient merchants. Currently the fees for a transient merchant are $50 day plus a $3.50 application fee which the City has been collecting from all transient merchants who operate in the City. State statute regulating fireworks was changed to include a provision that limits the fee imposed by the City on the those individuals who sell fireworks to $350 a year. In the past the City has had three to four vendors conducting outdoor sales of fireworks generally operating at sites such as Cub Foods, O'Ryans and Holiday that would be affected by the change in the statute. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Move to adopt a fee schedule that would set a license fee of $350/annually for those transient merchants engaged in the sale of fireworks. 2. Move to set a license fee at a figure less than $350/annually for those transient merchants engaged in the sale of fireworks. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the City adopt a license fee that complies with the provisions of Minnesota Statute 624.20 Subd. 1, (d) D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of statute. sc;-Sd- Minnesota Statutes 2004. 624.20 r Minnesota Statutes 2004, Table of Chapters . Table of contents for Chapter 624 624.20 Fireworks. Subdivisio~l 1. Regulation. (a) As used in sections 624.20 to 624.25, the term Tlfireo....JOrks" :neans any substance or combination of substances or article prepared for the purpose of prodJcing a visible or an audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration, or detonation, and inclJdes blank cartridges, toy cannons, and toy ca~es i~ which explosives are used, ~he type of balloons which re~ci~e fi~e underneatt to propel them, firecrackers, torpedoes, skyrockets, ROIT,an candles, daygo bombs, sparklers other than those specified in paragraph (e), or other fireworks of like construction, and any fireworks containi~g any explosive or infiarrmable compocnd, or any tablets or othe~ device containing any explosive substance and com.only used as fireworks. (b) The term "fireworks" s~all not include toy pis~ols, toy guns, in which paper caps contai~~ng 25/100 grains or less of explos~ve compound are usen and toy pistol caps w~ich contain less tha~ 20/100 grains of explosive mixture. . ~c) T~e term a~so does not include wire or wood sparklers of not more thon lOO grams of mixture per item, other sparkling items which are nonexplosive and nonaerial and contain 75 grams or less of chemical mixture per tJbe or a total of 200 grams or less for ~ultiple tJbes, snakes and glow worms, smoke devices, or trick noisemakers which include paper streamers, party poppers, string poppers, snappers, and crop pops, each consisting of not more ~han twenty-five hu~dredtjs grains of explosive mixture. The use of items listed in this paragraph is ~o~ permitted on pJblic property. ~his paragraph coes not authorize the purchase of items listed in it by persons younger than 18 years of age. The age of a purchaser of items listed in tjis paragraph must be verif~ed by photographic identification. (0) A local unit of government may impose an annual license :ee fo~ ~he retail sale of itens authorizeci c~der paragraph (c). The annual license fee of each retail seller tha~ is in the business of selling only the items authorized under paragraph (c) may ~ot exceed $350, and the annual license of each ot~er retail seller may not exceed $100. A local unit of government may not: (1) impose a~y fee or charge, other than the fee autjorized by this paragraph, on the retail sale of i~e~s authorized under para.graph (c); . (2) prohibit or restrict the display of items for permanent or temporary retail sale authorized under paragraph (c) that comply with Natio~al Fire Protection Association Standard 1124 (2003 edition); or (3) impose en a retail seller any fir:a!lcial guarantee http://vv,vw.rcvisor.leg.state .mn. us/stats/624/20 .htm! Page! of2 5G-5~ 5/26/2005 . . . Minnesota Statutes 2004, 624.20 , requ~r2men~s, i~c_uGing bonojng or insura~ce provisio~s, co~t2iLing restr~ction3 or conditions not ~mposed on the same bas~s OL 211 o~he~ bcs~ness l~censees. Subd. 2. Explosive fireworks. As used in se:::t-=-ons 624.2:] ::0 624. /:5, t~e term '!explosive fireworks" mEaLS any fireworks that conta-=-n pyrotechnic or flash powcer, gunpowder, black powder, or any o::her explosive compound constructed to prod~ce deton2tion or de=lagratior. . ErST: 1941 c 125 s '-; 1988 c 584 s 2; 2002 c 350 s 1; 2003 c 128 art 15 s 6 Copyright 2004 by the Office of Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. http://www.rcvisor.lcg.state.mn.us/stats/624/20.html Page 2 of2 5C; - ~L\ 5/26/2005 . . . Council Agenda - 6/13/05 5H. Consideration of an on-sale liauor license for Ron Cho Grande II. 613 Locust Street. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has received an application for an on-sale liquor and Sunday liquor license for Ron Cho Grande 11 at 613 Locust Street (the former site of China Buffet). B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve the on-sale and Sunday liquor license for Ron Cho grande II at 6] 3 Locust Street contingent upon payment of license fees and submittal of certificate of insurance. 2. Do not approve license application. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the license application be approved contingent upon payment of license fee and submittal of certificate of insurance. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of license application. SH-55 . Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division (AGED) 444 Cedar Street, Suite 133, S1. Paul, MN 55101-5!33 Telephone 65]-296-6979 Fax 651-297-5259 TTY 651-282-6555 Certification of an On Sale LiQuor License. 3.20j{) Liquor license. or Sundav Liquor License Cities and Counties: YOLl arc required bj' ]a\\1 10 complete and sign this forl1lto certify the issuance Oflhc f()]]owing liquor license types: J']'(\1Y issued on sale intoxicating and Sunday liquor licenses 2) City and COLlnty issued 3.2(;,';1 on and off sale malt liquor licenses Name ofeity or COLI t}::.J.~.:~,~1il1g Liquor License Circle On New Liccns~ License Transfer / License Period From: To: Suspension Revocation Cancel (fonner licensee name) (Givcdatcs) . License type: (circle all that apply) @ Sale Intoxicating fee(s): On Sale License fec:$ Sunday Liccnse fee: $ Licensee Name:!l'{-/6,f II? v !1)o ~4 d<-y (corporation, pnrlncrship. LLC, or Individual) Bnsiness Trade Name 12 /1 CAd (;,;'il./d0 ftBusiness Address 1/3 /;,(/15 Slv30 City l1o;IJll' Ce!lo Zip Code County (l! iT,:J BuSi]~CSS Phone Home Phon~:7 1(7, )tr c9.-d-9-;;'l' Home Address C)/ If J. If/rD.1 'n 'e [!Ju/City 8) F/-o 2" JjA) 5~/L,iecnsee's MN Tax ID # lid.??;) 3 ., ' "V1 --fli:/'.{'fLJLI/< J (T" Appln'c" 65U9(.-61X1) Llccnsec s Federal Tax TD #- 4'1 J ~ rxifl- ,_. "Jl2- (Tn Jpply cull 651.2')(H'>11)1 ~ Sunday Liquor 3.2{j'() On sale J2',;, Off Sale DaB Social Security #- 3.2% OJl Salc fcc: $ hO 7- <;10.. <;';) v9 " n Sale fcc: $ If a~ovc named licensee \S J corporation.,},artnership. or !;/;-r::!6!2 &d)/7b1 cL",- Z Partner/OtTicer Name (First Ivliddlc LDSt) DOH LLC, complete tl~c following fOJ~ eacl~partnc~)Officcer: ~ " i / 667- fI5 <;/;:l-'X Y d/o;.) Pyc/Y/ e {liL~ Social Security Ii Ilome Address i- AI t;:Y-:h! N/J 5s ./ Social Secllnty # 1-lo111C Address (Pmtncr/Ofiiecr Name (First Middle Last) DDB P<:I11ncr/Officcr I'<umc (First I'vtiddle Lust) DDS Social Security -# IlolllC I\ddrcss Intoxicating liquor licensees must attach a certificate of Liquor Liability lnsurance to this form. The insurance certificate must contain all of the follmving: 1) Shmv the exact licensee name (corporation. partnership. LLC, etc) and business address as shown on the license. 2) Cover completely the license period set by the local city or county licensing authority as shmvn on the license. Circle One: (,\res No) During the past ycar has a summons been issued to the licensee under the Civil Liquor Liability' Law? \Vorkel's Compensation Insurance is also required b): all licensees: Please complete the following: \Vorkers Compensation Insurance Company Name:Se~ez!) '"!/C Policy #jJJC '7 9;:;1. 5/65 I Certify that this licensc(s) has been approved in an official mceting by the governing body orthe city or county. City CJerk or County Auditor Signature Dale (title) . On Sale Intoxicating liquor licensees must also purchase a $20 Retailer Buyers Card. To obtain the application for the Buyers Card, please call 651-215-6209, or visit our website at www.dps.state.mn.ns. O:onn t)OII-2004) 5 ~-5lo . . . Council Agenda - 6/13/05 51. Approve Chanl!e Order No.1 for School Boulevard Street. Sidewalk. and Median Improvements Proiect (Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 2004-31C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The School Boulevard project involves roadway improvements and widening to accommodate center medians from Deegan A venue to approximately 1,200 feet east of Cedar Street with pavement overlay from Deegan Avenue to Edmonson Avenue. Modifications to the original contract are summarized as follows: 1. In place of originally proposed striped medians, concrete medians were added to the project from approximately 1,200 feet east of Cedar Street to Edmonson Avenue, necessitating roadway widening, additional storm sewer construction, as well as a reduction in sigu panels and pavement markings. 2. Bituminous path on the south side of School Boulevard was changed to concrete walk to reflect prior approved developer's agreements. 3. Extension, relocation, and optimization of sanitary sewer and water services along School Boulevard between Cedar Street and Edmonson Avenue to accommodate new roadway configuration and to mitigate roadway/curb/path reconstruction necessary at the future time said services are connected. 4. Additional traffic control for School Boulevard detour and road closures. 5. Dust control to account for redirected traffic to the gravel segment of Dundas Road due to closure of School Boulevard. Funding for this project was previously received from the developer. This additional cost has been agreed to by the developer and is within the original estimate of cost. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve Change Order No.1 in the amount of$64,827.75 for Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer that Change Order No.1 in the amount of $64,827.75 be approved for payment. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter of Recommendation Change Order No.1 5'1. - 51 C.',/XXUME_llDAWNGR_I.C1lLOCALS-J'.Jemp',AGN ITM-Approl'fiCOI-1J6/305.doc ... WSB . & Associates, Inc. Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 lei: 763.541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 June 7, 2005 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 ATTN: Dawn Grossinger, Deputy City Clerk Re: Change Order No.1 School Boulevard Street, Sidewalk and Median Improvements Monticello City Project No. 2004-31 C WSB Project No. 1494-13 . Dear Mr. Wolfsteller: Please find enclosed Change Order No.1 for the above-referenced project for your review and approval. The increase to the original contract amount is $64,827.75, resulting in a new contract totalof$544,828.28. This change order amount will be included with the next construction pay voucher processed. We hereby recommend that the City of Monticello approve Change Order No. I for Buffalo Bituminous, Inc, If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me at 763-287- 7183. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. c}t (l;G/~ Charles T. Rickart. P.E., P.T.O.E. Project Manager Enclosures cc: Chuck Hicks - Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. . Minneapolis I St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer 5j:-5o Ih K: 10 J 494-1 J\A alllilllDors It TR-rw(}Jft leJIi:r.(J60705,M( . . . CHANGE ORDER # 1 Contractor: Buffalo Bituminous Cit Pro"eet No, 2004-31C Address: 2852 Collo Road 12 North, Buffalo, MN 55313 Job Location: School Boulevard Street, Sidewalk and Median I rovements Cit of Monticello, MN In accordance with Ihe terms of this Contract, you are hereby authorized and instructed to perform the Work as altered by the following provisions: The Engineer requests the following changes be made to the contract: I" Modifications to curb & gutter construction at southeast quadrant ofTH 25 and School Blvd" center concrete median, and roadway striping as shown on revised plan sheets IIR, 14R, 19R, and 22R, 2. Additional curb & gutter rerooval and constIuction, storm sewer structure removal and construction,. casting adjustment, excavation, aggregate base, and bituminous pavement necessary for roadway widening to accommodate center concrete medians between 8ta. 56+50 and 64+50 as shown on revised plan sheets 12R. J6R, 17R, 20R, 22R, A reduction in Type C sign panels, and pavement markings is also reflected in these modifications. 3, Change 8' bituminous path on south side of School Boulevard, from Sla, 54+25 to 55+75, to 8' concrete walk, 4, Extend sanitary service 10' beyond edge of proposed path/walk/apron at Sta, 54+50 R T, Sta. 58+00 L T, Sta, 62+00 LT, as shown on revised plan sheets 16R and 17R, Similarly, extend water service 10' beyond edge of proposed path/walk/apron at same three locations as described previously. At 8t3. 54+50 RT, furnish and install gate valve and hydrant per city specifications. Sanitary and water services extended shall be stubbed and capped per city specifications. AlllabOT, materials, and equipment necessary to provide extensions described above for each service as acceptable to the Engineer shall be compensated as Farce Account Wark under MnlDOT Spec. 1904, 5, Modifications to the School Boulevard detour and traffic control signage. Three (3) 'No Thm Traffic' signs to be installed on Dundas Road at locations to be approved by the Engineer, One (1) additional 'Detour/School BlvdlRt Arrow' sign to be installed at location to be approved by the Engineer. Three (3) Type III Barricades with flasher heads and Road Closed sign to be installed at Orchard Lane location as directed by the Engineer, Two (2) Type III Barricades with flasher heads and Road Closed signs to he installed on Dundas Road locations as directed by the Engineer, Compensation for all additional signage and traffic control items shall be made by adjusted lump sum Traffic Control price to include all price quotes supplied by the Contractor. 6, Addition of application ofa 38% Calcium Chloride solution per MnlDOT 3911 to be applied per MnlDOT 2131 by distributor meeting the requirements of MnlDOT 232 1.3C I. The 38% Calcium Chloride solution shall be applied at an application rate of 0.2 gallons/square yard for initial use and an application rate ofO. I gallons/square yard for subsequent additional uses, Application shall be as directed by the Engineer to only the gravel segment of DllOdas Road. Payment shall be per Each application, and shall be compensation in full for furnishing and applying the material as specified, 7. Addition of 8" wet tap offa 12" ductile watermain to provide water service to "Outlot A" at approximately 8ta. 57+ 10 as located in field by Engineer. Payment shall be lump sum, and shall be compensation in full for furnishing and installing the wet tap, valve, and valve box up to finish grade. Labor, materials, and equipment necessary to provide roadway patch as acceptable to the Engineer shall be compensated as Force Account Work under MnlDOT Spec, 1904, 8. Modifications to TH 25 traffic control signage for School Boulevard closure. Two (2) 'Open to Cedar Street Businesses' signs to be installed below existing . School Blvd Closed Follow Detour' signs on TH 25 north and south ofthe intersection ofTH 25 and School Boulevard, Compensation for all additional signage and traffic control shall be made by adjusted lump sum Traffic Control price to include all additional signage price quotes (price per day) supplied by the Contractor as discussed above in Contract Change Number 5. Page I of2 S"T _ S~ ~ . . . CHANGE ORDER # 1 Contractor: Buffalo Bituminous Ci Pro'ect No. 2004.31C Address: 2852 Count Road 12 North, Buffalo, MN 55313 Job Location: School Boulevard Street, Sidewalk and Median 1m rovemenls Cit of Monticello, MN In accordance with the terms ofthi~ Contract, you are hereby authorized and instructed 10 perform the Work as altered by the following provisions: ESTIMATED INCREASE IN COST Item Estlm~}~ Estimated Number DescrlDllon Unit Quanti Unit Price Amount 2104.501 REMOVE SEWER PIPE (STORM) UN FT 4 $18.00 $72.00 2104.501 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER UN FT 1160 $2.50 $2,900.00 2104.509 REMOVE MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN EACH 6 $375.00 $2,250.00 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION (P) CUYO 440 $7.50 $3,300.00 91332 CAlCIUM CHLORIDE SOLUTION APPLICATION EACH 3 $1,500.00 $4,500.00 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 6 MOD TON 275 $10.00 $2,750.00 2350.501 TYPE MV 3 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) TON 20 $38.00 $760.00 2350.502 TYPE MV 2 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) TON 110 $38.00 $4,180.00 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON 47 $1.00 $47.00 2503.541 IS' RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V UN FT 24 $42.00 $1,008.00 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EACH 4 $350,00 $1,400.00 2506.502 i gONST:~CT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES SPECIAL EACH 6 $1,325.00 $7,950.00 2'X3' CB 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING EACH 1 $485.00 $485.00 2521.501 4' CONCRETE WALK SOFT 1225 $2.35 $2,878.75 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B618 LINFT 1160 $9.95 $11,542.00 2531.503 CONCRETE MEDIAN SOYD 490 $39.50 $19,355.00 2563,601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 $1,469.00 $1,469.00 2504.602 lTX8" WET TAP EACH 1 $2,150.00 $2,150.00 TOTAL INCREASE $68,996.75 ESTIMATED DECREASE IN COST Item Number 2521.511 2564.531 2564.603 2564.603 Estimated Quanti -1225 -30 .2620 -250 Unit Price $1.20 $22.50 $0.20 $6.00 Estimated Amount ($1,470.00) ($675.00) ($524.00) ($1,500.00) Descri lion 2" BITUMINOUS WALK SIGN PANELS TYPE C 4" SOLID LINE YELLOW.EPOXY 24" SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPOXY Unit SOFT SO FT lIN FT lIN FT TOTAL DECREASE NET ADJUSTMENT TO TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $64,827.75 CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME 0:;; -) 1'05' Date S-3(-p5 Date Due to this change, the Contract Time: a. Is increased ( ) by Working Days Is decreased ( ) by Working Days Is increased ( ) by Calendar Days Is dee-reased ( ) by Calendar Days Issued by: Accepted by: b. Is not changed ( X ) ^pproved by: City of Monticello Date c. Maybe revised if the work affected the controlling operati<m ( ). Page 2 of2 5~ _ loO . . . Council Agenda - 06/13/05 5K. Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for Open and Outdoor Storaee in a B-3 Zonine District. Applicant: Enterprise Rent-a-Car. (NAC) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND As part of a continued public hearing, Planning Commission recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit for Enterprise Rent-a-Car based on their revised plans. The applicant supplied two alternative plans, both of which show revised parking locations for their rental car inventory which do not interfere with the building's required customer parking spaces. The applicants stated that they have also made off- site arrangements for storage of any vehicles beyoud the parking spaces as shown. Plauniug Commission allowed that the applicant could choose which of the revised plan alternatives works best in terms of their outdoor storage. Enterprise Rent-a-Car is seeking a Conditional Use Permit to utilize 4 of the 8 off-street parking spaces at 217 Sandberg Road for storage of rental vehicles. Enterprise would occupy a portion of the building for its office space. Open and Outdoor Storage in the B-3 District may be allowed under the following regulations: 1. The area is fenced and screened from view of neighboring residential uses or if abutting an "R" district in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [0], of this ordinance. 2. Storage is screened from view from the public right-of-way in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [0], of this ordinance. 3. Storage area is grassed or surfaced to control dust. 4. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the right-of-way or from neighboring residences and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [H], of this ordinance. 5. Does not take up parking space as required for conformity to this ordinance. 6. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. A complete site plan was not submitted for this application, however, the building appears to be well over 3,000 square feet in floor area. The previous application included a plan that would consume up to half ofthe existing parking for the storage of rental cars, in violation of the terms of the Conditional Use Permit requirements. The new alternative submitted by the applicants relocates the rental car storage to a fenced area adjacent to the building, off of the parking lot and out ofthe view of the public. This alternative appears to be consistent with the code requirements for outdoor storage in this district. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS. Planning Commission recommended alternative 1 below. Decision 1: Conditional Use Permit for Open and Outdoor Storage 1 5 k- lo \ Council Agenda - 06/13/05 . 1. Motion to recommend approval of the CUP, based on findings that the relocated storage area within the existing fence will not interfere with the use of the site, nor with the traffic on the adjacent street. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the CUP, based on findings that the application fails to conform with the specific requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and will interfere with traffic on the adj acent street. STAFF RECOMMENDATION. Staffrecommends approval of the CUP based on the revised site plan. SUPPORTING DATA A. Site Location Map B. Site Map C. Revised Site Plan - Option A D. Revised Site Plan - Option B E. Area Photos . . 2 'S \2. _ 10 d-- ..,~ <. 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'- ~'+ ;'. i~' SK- \o?; . . . 5L. City Council Agenda - 06/13/05 Consideration of a reQnest for a Simple Snbdivision to create two conformin!! unplatted lots in a PZM (Performance Zoned-Mixed) Zonin!! District. Applicant: Antoinette Breiwick. (NAC) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Planning Commission reviewed this item at their June meeting and recommended approval ofthe Simple Subdivision. The Commission noted that at the time further development on either resulting parcels is proposed, it will be subject to planning and/or building review. The property owner indicated that at this time, he is looking to sell the larger of the two parcels, as it could be combined with parcels adjacent to the south. The resulting area would represent an approximately 6 acre project area for a future development proposal. It should also be noted that as part of an approval, the applicant will need to provide the City with an easement document for the standard lot drainage and utility easements. In a review of the submitted application materials by staff, it was noted that per Monticello's ordinance related to subdivision, the subdivision of unplatted parcels ofless than 5 acres requires that the applicant plat the property to be subdivided. However, planning staff have reviewed this property's unique situation and have determined that simple subdivision ofthis property could be recommended under the following circumstances: . The Certificate of Survey is revised to show existing lot lines. . The Certificate of Survey is revised to show a 6' drainage and utility easement surrounding the property lines of both resulting parcels. A separate drainage and utility easement document may be provided. . As applicant, you confirm in writing that the legal description for the two resulting unplatted parcels is acceptable to the Wright County Recorder's office, for the purpose of the subdivision ofland. The applicant has provided the requested revised lot survey. Both of the resulting lots conform to the standards for the PZM zoning district. The lot areas, at 13,731 and 44,007 square feet exceed the 10,000 square foot lot area required by a single-family district. The minimum width for lots in single-family districts, such as the R-l, is 80 feet. Both of the proposed lots exceed that dimension. Front, rear and side yard setbacks are also met for all existing structures. Should the applicant propose further development on either parcel, the development will be subject to the appropriate planning or building review at that time. The applicant has also indicated that they had met with the Wright County Auditor's Office, who has confirmed that the legal description of the two resulting parcels is acceptable for 1 51...- ~q City Council Agenda - 06/13105 . recording. As a condition of approval, staff would recommend that the applicant provide written proof of the subdivision and parcel assignment by Wright County. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Planning Commission recommended alternative 1 below. Decision 1: Consideration to approve a Simple Subdivision to create two conforming unplatted lots in a PZM (Performance Zoned-Mixed) Zoning District I. Motion to recommend approval of the Simple Subdivision, based on a finding that the proposed subdivision creates two fully conforming lots in the PZM district, subject to written verification of legal parcel status by Wright County and submission of a drainage and utility easement document. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Simple Subdivision, for reasons to be determined by the Planning Commission. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends alternative number I above. SL-IO . SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A - Site Location Exhibit B - Certificate of Survey/Simple Subdivision Plan . 2 "V . I 1/2 MILE PROJECT SITE 39 .,/; / , .~ -, '\ ",,- \. i " ~--- c./ \ , i , CHELSEA ROAD , . u ~ ~ D c~ ( < ''''~$''' : ~rC .0", z 3 /)[1 o . KJELLBERG'S MOBILE : HOME PAR)( (EAST) -~ 7' -1 ) -I -I -I ~ ~ ~ -I ~ ~ ~ fJ > '-I ...J ~ ~ .. , ~ .. . . ~ ~ l ~ " ... ~ , , ~ , "~ +~ ~ , , ~ ~ ~~ ~- ~. ~I ~ ~~ !i:: 't~ ~ ;~ n~ ~ ~~ - -. , .' ~~ " Ii ;~ -" "~ ~. .~ "~ g .~ t:: ~"! ~ -, III ," ~ ~~ !/ ~~ , ~~ a ~~ ~ ~ u . 0 , " l~ il " i~ ~ .! f , r--...... <.... I '--.,''1''"" ~ / . '-''', '" I '?" -' I , ~ /I:j ... ." ~ { /' ~ -;. ~ j I~ ~ ~ ~J1! / / '-h \. " '" .. ." '*- ~ ~ ~ u, I ~ ,- ~ 1" I ~ T~ ~ . \ ~ ''I " ~ ~ t;~ -~ ~~ -- ~~ R tl ~~ h n i~ .' ~" "~ ~~, ~-< , , ~ , , ~ / / / . ~ ~ ~ Council Agenda 06/137/05 SM. Public Heariu2 - Cousideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Special Home Occupation for an In-Home Salon in an R-Z (Sin2le and Two-Familv Residential) district. Applicant: Tom and Kristv Brion REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Planning Commission reviewed this item and recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit. Planning Commission added conditions to the approval as noted in the motion below. Kristy Brion requests a Conditional Use Permit for a special home occupation permit that would allow hair care salon services at her home. The home is located in an R-2 district, at 339 East 4'" Street. The proposed use and associated operation is similar to other uses allowed by special permit such as photography studio, saw sharpening, skate sharpening, small appliance and small engine repair and the like. In describing the salon activities, Brion notes that the salon will be a one-client operation, with a single station. The salon will have no other employees. Please see Brion's special home application for further detail. It appears that the use proposed is no different than other home occupation uses that are allowed. Additionally, in reviewing the permit request form and supplied site plan, the applicant has indicated that the use will meet all of the code requirements. Therefore, it is the view of staff that the proposed use is eligible for a home occupation permit. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Planning Commission recommended alternative 1 below. Decision 1: Conditional Use Permit for a Special Home Occupation for an In-Home Hair Care Salon in an R- 2 district. I) Motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for a Special Home Occupation for an in-home hair care salon based on the finding that the proposed use is consistent with the standards identified in the Special Home Occupation section of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, subject to the following conditions: a. The salon maintain only one chair. b. The salon operate Monday through Friday only. c. The salon operating hours will be 9 AM - 9 PM. 2) Motion to deny the proposed Conditional Use Permit for a Special Home Occupation based on a finding to be determined by the Planning Commission. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends alternative I above. SUPPORTING DATA A. B. C. Site Location Map Special Home Occupation Permit Application Site Plan Special Home Occupation Ordinance 5 0\ -l~ -JI / rr-------- -rr---- =>11- J----------,------ II ~........ ----..~., . ............ . . 2. . CITY OF MONTICELLO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 (612) 295-2711 Planning Case # ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT - HOME OCCUPATION APPLICA TION/PERMIT Applicant Name: I i/' _ ~ i ""\ V f L- -r-\. t \ ! \ J'r 'J t r'/l~ ~"-', k"jV ,': ;f 1 '.__1 " .~.,." , ?<::, (. Address: _.) ~\ , -t ''\ Q1j"T) '- i '~_ir. ~ f;..'. ',.-,,' fu'-"7 -, ,_ __'~._f "--,,,. )l.1.,.I" '"\ -..,' Phone: Home: 7f6:'y . f J"'C lh '~'v:,,:>,-t i\ t t~)""') I Busmess:'_L..';o,.J:i I ,', \. rl,...,':':'.,,':L . -,~;.~- ., ......' U'lC::-) ,', j.' '7(/:-=::, L". ~ j Business Name: Zoned: R, - \ 1. Please describe t~e proposed home occupation activity in general tenns and location within home, " r,,,", ;~-' '.. ,'.' . '(' ,0' '-', ,-' ". .', Hl\\r\~,\,~. ',' "~ - \ 1:.JiJ tL ' .'\',t', ,".: WILL THE HOME OCCUPATION INCLUDE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING? (Circle your response) 3. / Retail activity? Yes No Manufacturing or repair attivity? Yes G" ~'. Inventory to be kept on the premises? Yes '.N"Q. " Any person other than those residing on the premises employed in the home occupation? Yes No /--... Use of mechanical equipment not customarily found in the home? Yes (tIo ') More than one room devoted to the home occupation? Yes (NO",; '-,. "'- Outside storage of~ials? Yes (No) Signage? Yes ~ Internal or extemal alterations involving construction? Yes .No Will the home occupation be conducted in a garage or accessory building? Yes Will the home occupation result in more than one customer's car being parked on the premises at any given point in time? Yes' No No 4. 5, 6, 7. 8. 9. 10, II. 12. ] 3. Describe the entrance to the space devoted to the home occupation: f\ rCXXY\ ~, -'-..'1- ,~:>.. ; '"",.c' '~ , ~ HOM EOCC'.APP: 08/22/03 Page 1 S()\ - IS Please provide detail for all YES answers above: . I have reviewed the regulations associated with operation of a home occupation, and I have reviewed City staff comments. I do hereby agree to abide by all City of Monticello home occupation regulations. .' ! (j[\ QdPd) 'JU', 05 Oa e I r-- '!I~ . ~ Ill"! [') i ;LlJ:HH: II \ Applicant . nature '--' FEE: $10/$125 ~ Receipt # 10 ******************************************************************************************* (For City Use Only) It has heen detennined by staff that this home occupation permit is: ).,(A pproved nOenied [ ] Special Permit Needed . STAFF COMMENTS: Assistant Administrator Date Approved Public Hearing Date: N/A . HOM EOCC.APP, OX/22/03 Page 2 5 m -Ito . t---- , 'f--~ ! T-- T-~ I ----~ CJ " !',,- ~: -'" . ~ '$: z ~ ~ '" I )> '" Z 0 CO 0 ~ " . L C.d c=:' , -- i N " 5(y\_,l . b. Magazines. Publications classified or qualifying as adult uses shall be covered with a wrapper or other means to prevent display of any material other than the publication title. view and shall be located within a separate room, the access of which is in clear view and under the control of the persons responsible for the operation. c. Other Use. Adult use/accessory activities not specifically cited shall comply with the intent of this section subject to the approval of the Zoning Administrator. 4. Adult use/accessory activities shall be prohibited from both internal and external advertising and signing of adult materials and products. 5. Adult use/accessory activities shall be prohibited in establishments where liquor is served. 6.. Adult use/accessory activities shall be prohibited at any public show, movie, caravan, circus, carnival, theatrical, or other performance or exhibition presented to the general public where minors are admitted. (01/13/92, #217) 3-11: HOME OCCUPATIONS: . [A] Pumose. The purpose ofthis section is to prevent competition with business districts and to provide a means through the establishment of specific standards and procedures by which home occupations can be conducted in residential neighborhoods without jeopardizing the health, safety, and general welfare of the surrounding neighborhood. In addition, this section is intended to provide a mechanism enabling the distinction between permitted home occupations and special or customarily "more sensitive" home occupations so that permitted home occupations may be allowed through an administrative process rather than a legislative hearing process. [B] Application. Subject to the non-conforming use provision of this section, all occupations conducted in the home shall comply with the provisions ofthis section. This section shall not be construed, however, to apply to home occupations accessory to farming. [C] Procedures and Permits. 1. Permitted Home Occupation. Any permitted home occupation as defined in this section shall require a "permitted home occupation permit." Such permits shall be issued subject to the conditions of this section, other applicable city code provisions, and state law. This permit may be issued by the Zoning Administrator or his agent based upon proof of compliance with the provisions of this section. . MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 3/66 5fn-ltr' . . . Application for the pennitted home occupation permit shall be accompanied by a fee as adopted by the Council. If the Administrator denies a permitted home occupation permit to an applicant, the applicant may appeal the decision to the City Council acting as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals, which shall make the final decision. The permit shall remain in force and effect until such time as there has been a change in conditions or until such time as the provisions of this section have been reached. At such time as the City has reason to believe that either event has taken place, a public hearing shall be held before the Planning Commission. The Council shall make a final decision on whether or not the permit holder is entitled to the permit. 2. Special Home Occupation. Any home occupation which does not meet the specific requirements for a permitted home occupation as defmed in this section shall require a "special home occupation permit" which shall be applied for, reviewed, and disposed of in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 22 of the zoning ordinance. 3. Declaration of Conditions. The Planning Commission and the Council may impose such conditions of the granting of a "special home occupation permit" as may be necessary to carry out the purpose and provisions of this section. 4. Effect of Permit. A "special home occupation permit" may be issued for a period of one (I) year after which the permit may be reissued for periods of up to three (3) years each. Each application for permit renewal will be reviewed by City staff. City staff will determine whether or not it is necessary to process permit renewal in accordance with the procedural requirements of the initial special home occupation permit. Staff determination will be made based upon the manner of operation observed by staff and based upon the level of complaints made about the home occupation. 5. Transferability. Permits shall not run with the land and shall not be transferable. 6. Lapse of Special Home Occupation Permit by Non-Use. Whenever within one (1) year after granting a permit the use as permitted by the permit shall not have been initiated, then such permit shall become null and void unless a petition for extension of time in which to complete the work has been granted by the Council. Such extension shall be requested in writing and filed with the loning Administrator at least thirty (30) days before the expiration of the original permit. There shall be no charge for the filing of such petition. The request for extension shall state facts showing a good faith attempt to initiate the use. Such petition shall be presented to the Planning Commission for a recommendation and to the Council for a decision. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 3/67 1Q 5f1\- 1 7. Reconsideration. Whenever an application for a permit has been considered and denied by the Council, a similar application for a permit affecting substantially the same property shall not be considered again by the Planning Commission or Council for at least six (6) months from the date of its denial unless a decision to reconsider such matter is made by not less than four-fifths (4/5) vote of the full CounciL . 8. Renewal of Permits. An applicant shall not have a vested right to a permit renewal by reason of having obtained a previous permit. In applying for and accepting a permit, the permit holder agrees that his monetary investment in the home occupation will be fully amortized over the life of the permit and that a permit renewal will not be needed to amortize the investment. Each application for the renewal of a permit will be reviewed without taking into consideration that a previous permit has been granted. The previous granting or renewal of a permit shall not constitute a precedent or basis for the renewal of a permit. [D) Requirements: General Provisions. All home occupations shall comply with the following general provisions and, according to definition, the applicable requirement provisions. 1. General Provisions. a. No home occupation shall produce light glare, noise, odor, or vibration that will in any way have an objectionable effect upon adj acent or nearby property. . b. No equipment shall be used in the home occupation which will create electrical interference to surrounding properties. c. Any home occupation shall be clearly incidental and secondary to the residential use of the premises, should not change the residential character thereof and shall result in no incompatibility or disturbance to the surrounding residential uses. d. No home occupation shall require internal or external alterations or involve construction features not customarily found in dwellings except where required to comply with local and state fire and police recommendations. e. There shall be no exterior storage of equipment or materials used in the home occupation, except personal automobiles used in the home occupation may be parked on the site. f. The home occupation shall meet all applicable fire and building codes. . u O' There shall be no exterior display or exterior signs or interior display or interior signs which are visible from outside the MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 3/68 5 fY\-~O . . . dwelling with the exception of an identification sign which is limited to identifying the name of the resident only. h. All home occupations shall comply with the provisions of the city code. 1. No home occupation shall be conducted between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. unless said occupation is contained entirely within the principal building and will not require anyon-street parking facilities. J. No home occupation shall be permitted which results in or generates more traffic than one (I) car for off-street parking at any given point in time. [E] Requirements: Permitted Home Occupations. I. No person other than those who customarily reside on the premises shall be employed. 2. All permitted home occupations shall be conducted entirely within the principal building and may not be conducted in an accessory building. 3. Permitted home occupations shall not create a parking demand in excess of that which can be accommodated as defined in Section 3-5 [F] 6, where no vehicle is parked closer than fifteen (15) feet from the curb line. 4. Permitted home occupations include and are not limited to: art studio, dressmaking, secretarial services, foster care, professional offices and teaching with musical, dancing, and other instructions which consist of no more than one pupil at a time and similar uses. 5. The home occupation shall not involve any of the following: repair service or manufacturing which requires equipment other than found in a dwelling; teaching which customarily consists of more than one pupil at a time; over-the-counter sale of merchandise produced off the premises, except for those brand name products that are not marketed and sold in a wholesale or retail outlet. [F] Requirements: Special Home Occupations. I. No person other than a resident shall conduct the home occupation, except where the applicant can satisfactorily prove unusual or unique conditions or need for non-resident assistance and that this exception would not compromise the intent of this chapter. 2. Examples of special home occupations include: barber and beauty services, photography studio, group lessons, saw sharpening, skate MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 3/69 Sf\'\~8\ . . . sharpening, small appliances and small engine repair and the like. 3. The special home occupation may involve any of the following: stock-in- trade incidental to the performance of the service, repair service or manufacturing which requires equipment other than customarily found in a home, the teaching with musical, dancing, and other instruction of more than one pupil at a time. 4. Non-Conforming Use. Existing home occupations lawfully existing on the effective date of this section may continue as non-conforming uses. They shall, however, be required to obtain permits for their continued operation. Any existing home occupation that is discontinued for a period of more than 180 days, or is in violation of the provisions of this chapter under which it was initially established, shall be brought into conformity with the provisions of this section. 5. Inspection. The City hereby reserves the right upon issuing any home occupation permit to inspect the premises in which the occupation is being conducted to ensure compliance with the provisions of this section or any conditions additionally imposed. (8/10/92, #232) 3-11A: OUTDOOR SALES AND DlSPLA Y: [A] LICENSE. A license must be obtained by any person or business engaging in the operation of seasonal outdoor sales and displays as herein defined. No license shall be required for temporary outdoor sales and displays as herein defined that are conducted by the operators of a legitimate business if it is determined by the Zoning Administrator that such outdoor display or sale is consistent with the intent of the Zoning Code and the Comprehensive Plan. (Transient merchants engaged in outdoor sales and display shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 10 of the City Code.) [B] Those outdoor sales and displays that are determined by the Zoning Administrator not to be consistent with the intent of the Zoning Code or Comprehensive Plan may be appealed to the City Council. [C] APPLICATION, FEE, A-ND LICENSE PERIOD. Application for an outdoor sales and display license shall be made to the Zoning Administrator of the City on a form to be provided by the Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator is hereby authorized to review and approve licenses for outdoor sales and displays as follows: MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 3/70 5 ~Y\- <6 d- . . . 5N. Council Agenda: 6/13/05 Consideration of a request for preliminarv plat approval for Hidden Forest. a 103.44 acre residential subdivision of 166 sinl!le familv units. and rezoninl! from A-O to R-l and R-IA. Applicant: Bradlev Paumen. (NAC) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission reviewed this item at their recent June meeting. The Commission heard many positive comments from the surrounding neighbors during the public hearing. Residents expressed that they were pleased with the completely single- family plan, the parks system proposed and the mitigation of the Ditch 33 drainage issue. The Commission members made similar favorable comments, noting in particular the developer's stated focus on high-end single-family development, supported by the trees and wetland area as amenities. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the project, citing that staff had outlined very few conditions for approval. It was noted that the Hidden Forest plat is being developed in conjunction with an adjacent property, Sunset Ridge, also known as the Jensen parcel. Sunset Ridge will be coming forward for preliminary plat consideration in the next few months. Sunset Ridge and Hidden Forest's developers are working together to finance and complete the needed infrastructure in the area. Most notably, the developers have been working with the City and County to resolve the Ditch 33 storm water situation. The utility services needed for the developments will run along County Road 39. It was noted that existing residents in that area will not be assessed for those improvements. Bradley Paumen is requesting preliminary plat approval of a single family development to be known as Hidden Forest. The subject site is 96 acres in area and is located south of County Highway 39, east of Riverside Acres, a rural residential project on the east boundary of the City. The project includes a request for rezoning from its current A-O, Agricultural-Open Space designation, to a mix ofR-1 and R-1A zoning. Rezoninll. Rezonings are regulated by the zoning ordinance process requiring consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compatibility with surrounding existing and future land uses, and the ability to serve the proposed development with adequate public services. In this case, adjoining land uses include rural family homes to the west, County Highway 39 to the north, and rural agricultural uses to the east and south. Utilities are available to the site from County Highway 39. The proposed zoning would appear to meet each of the requirements for rezonmg. Preliminarv Plat. The proposed preliminary plat as shown includes 171 single family parcels. The following table illustrates the performance requirements ofthe R-l District; Lot Area Lot Width Front Setback Side Setback - Honse R-l Re ulrements 12,000 sf 80 feet 30 feet 15 feet R-IA Re ulrements 16,000 90 feet 35 feet 15 feet 1 5 N -'t53 . Council Agenda: 6/13/05 Side Side Setback - Garage Side Rear Setback Roof Pitch Gara!!e Size House Size Finished Size Foundation Size Gara2e Location 6 reet 6 feet 30 feet / usable 5/12 450 sf 2,000 sf 1,050 sf None Standard setbacks 30 feet / usable 5/12 700 sf 2,000 sf 2,000 sf finished See note No more than 5' forward The south portion of the site, divided from the north portion, is planned for the R-lA, given the extensive wetland and woodland cover in this area. An extension of the primary street access is provided to the southwest boundary to connect to another, related project that is expected to be proposed later this year known as Sunset Ridge. The project plans show 9 R- IA lots to the west of this street extension, and 5 R-lA lots to the east of this street. An additional 49 R-lA lots may be proposed in the next phase. It is noted that an additional access street to the east may be desirable in this area, and should be subject to further review by the City Engineer. . The R-l proposal consists of 105 single family lots. Each of the lots appears to meet the City's standard minimum dimensional requirements for R-l residential, without the need to average the lot sizes or setbacks. The layout reflects the discussions between staff and the applicant, including connection to the public township road to the west, and minimal use of cul-de-sac design where practical. The City Engineer has made several comments as to engineering design, including the need to add sidewalks on one side of all streets, and the design ofthe cul-de-sacs to meet the City's island requirements. The cul-de-sacs require the creation of an association of those parcels that front of the cul-de-sac for maintenance of the island. The preliminary plat area represents the portion of the original parcel that does not combine the significant stands of trees. The treed area was left out of the plat due to the absence of a tree survey. Therefore, until a tree survey is completed, there is a resulting inability to design that portion of the plat with tree preservation in mind. In order to facilitate a future design in this area that accommodates greater tree preservation, at this time staff would recommend the removal of the five lots and the two road access points to the east of "Street A". This will help accommodate the future road alignments in that area. The applicant indicated at the Planning Commission that he is agreeable to this condition and indicated he is supportive of approval of the plat at 166 units at this time. ~ Park dedication is planned for the south portion of the site, incorporating pathway (including boardwalks) and parkland around the wetland area, and connecting to the southwest. Provision for future park dedication should be made in the development contract to avoid later confusion over the amount of dedication required. The Parks Commission has reviewed the park and trail dedication proposed and recommended approval. 2 5f\1-8L\ . Council Agenda: 6/13/05 ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Planning Commission recommended approval of both the rezoning request and the request for Preliminary Plat, noting that development of the future phase, Outlot D, will require a revised preliminary plat. Decision 1. Rezoning from A-O to R-l and R-IA, Single Family Residential I. Motion to recommend approval of the rezoning to R -I and R -I A, based on a finding that the proposed zoning is consistent with the surrounding neighborhood, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and meets the requirements of the Zoning regulations for rezoning consideration. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the rezoning, based on a finding that a different zoning district would better meet the requirements ofthe Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. Decision 2. Preliminary Plat for Hidden Forest 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat of Hidden Forest, based on a finding that the land use pattern is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, and that the proposed plat meets the R-I and R-IA zoning regulations, subject to the following conditions; . 1. The applicant will need to receive access approval onto CSAH 39 from Wright County. 2. A park dedication requirement as set by City resolution is recorded with the development contract to be approved with the final plat, based on the phasing of park dedication. 3. The applicant redesign the plat to remove the 5 lots to the east of "Street A" at this time. Arrangement ofthose lots to be included in a future phase of development for Outlot D, which will require a revised preliminary plat. 4. The applicant accommodates the requirements ofthe City Engineer's report, dated 6/1/05. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Preliminary Plat of Hidden Forest, based on a finding that proposed plat is not consistent with the intent of the Zoning Ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION . Staff recommends approval of the Hidden Forest Preliminary Plat and rezoning with the conditions listed in this report. 3 5N-85 . SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A - Site Location Map Exhibit 8 - Preliminary Plat Exhibit C - Grading Plan Exhibit D - Utility Plan Exhibit E - Site Aerial with Plat Overlay . 4t Council Agenda: 6/13/05 4 SN-'S'(,o . 'ee of Iy comer th side ,City of Monticello Wright County, MN ~. ~~ -------- - ~._~ ---- --- -...~ - --- --.. ~------:::-- --- .\.. I II- I ,: . I &:,.f. \. . I 8 c,v, 29) II- I r,"- v I -~ . II- of" 17 300 ~ FEET Sec. B .Ie 17. 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"~ ~, ~~ ~~ ~ ~. , ~ "" ~ ~ >< ~ [;l1il ~ ~ ~ ..... ~ eJ ~ ~ ~ t5 ~ ~ i::: <I; e: ;t ,." V1V1'::;1..t1l.:l ~~~~~G~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ >:! i3 ~~ ~ >oJ !!l ;Q 1!! ~ ~ &j elll ~ ~ i~H~ ~ ~ ,if 1 , I I & e 1 iii E Ii. f r , I ! / --"'-- - \ I t \........." /fr...... : // .~.. ~.:::..j,> · :~,.i'~~-=--~~~ -).., - - -<Q.., ~l -- -~_..~: r i- I il I \ :1 I I I · I . I il I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I" I \1:::: I ...: ,.,~ \ l!l,,, I I 1"., I I~" I 1;<": I I l~ _ - - ~ ----I- I --u.~~d_,_-- --'r.::- '-tO~tOilW~"- ~ - - I -- .--1-' I I:" '0.' / I I I ", I I : ::: I I I:" I 1__ ~-: ~; I : I · I ~I I ~I . I ~I I !I I ~I I '~ I Y j- 1 , 'r;g"90I'~f"O/~~9S /-" . / ( , I I , I I , / I . I I . I I . I I . I \ . . . . . . . ->- '> , ~ . \ . . " \ , \ , . " . \ \ \ . . \ \ . \ \ . \ . Cl l; ~ --"'i"-.-~- , \ \~ " \ I '- , ~ . I . I I , I I . I \ , I I ;~: ;~~ . . e . . . 50. Consideration of chan!!e order #1 and #2 for new fire truck tanker purchase. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: A total of seven changes are being proposed for the chassis and body ofthe new fire truck tanker being constructed by Heiman Brothers Inc. Four of the changes to the specifications will be done at no charge but the Fire Department is requesting approval of three changes totaling $695.000 bringing the total vehicle cost to $155,581.00. The change orders requested included: 1) Heavy duty wheel chocks: 2) Opticon unit mounted in center light bar: 3) Fender mounted angle spot mirrors Total $ 345.00 $ 100.00 $ 250.00 $695.00 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize change orders #1 and #2 for a total of$695.00 bringing the total fire truck purchase price to $155,581.00. 2. Do not authorize change orders. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation ofthe Fire Chief and City Administrator that these minor additions be added to the new fire tanker currently being manufactured. The fender mirrors and wheel chocks were inadvertently omitted from the plans and specifications. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of change order summaries. SD-Q.3 Change Order HEIMAN BROTHERS INC. . Fire Department: City of MODdcello City Administrator's Office City Hall 50S WalDut St., Suite #1 MODticello, MN 55362 . I CbaDee Order Requested From XX Fire Dept. Dealer Central Change Order No. ( 1) I . We Hereh Al!rre Iu Mab lhe C.hl.lllec,) "fitldbdew: #1 ADD the following to Section VD..oo;(J010 . Heavy duty wheel chocks wilt be provided with the completed unit, mounted below the running boards on the drivers side of the body, ahead of the rear wheels, in horizontal brackets. ADD $345.00 #2 Change the upper lighting package from NE..Q4.4000 to NE-044200. The Opticom unit will now be mounted in the center section of the lightbar. ADD $100.00 #3 Clarify Section PA-03-0100 . The rear "chevron" striping will be in an "An pattern, and will cover the entire rear face of the apparatus body. Stripes will be alternating WHITE and RED. NO CHARGE #4 Clarify Section EE-01-4040 - The fuel tank for the pump can be, if room allows, mounted inside the pump compartment utilizing a removable marine style tank. NO CHARGE #5 Change Section PA-01-4500 - The lower portion of the body will be painted FIRE ENGINE RED to match the chassis, NOT yellow. NO CHARGE #6 Change Section PA.o1-5500 . The lower portion of the chassis will be painted FIRE ENGINE RED, PPG # 73841. No portion of the cab or body will be yellow. NO CHARGE WE AGREE nereby to make chang~5) specified above at this price $ 445.00 Apparatus Only PREVIOUS CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 86,060.00 Apparatus Only REVISED CONTRACT TOTAl $ 86,505.00 Due to lead times of components and in fabrication ltris chan;e order may delay delivery. ACCemO -The above price and spGcifications of the Change Order ere s81isloctory ;md .... hereby accepted. All wo'" to be performed under same _ and conditions as specified in original conllact unle5s otherwise stipuleted, Aulhorized Signature (contractor) Dote 01 ooceplenoe I I AuthOrized Signature (Fire Department) Oaloo/_ I I 'I. . 'y:: Date 06107105 50-a.L\ . i i Change Order HEIMAN BROTHERS INC. . Fire Departmellt: City ofMonticeUo City Administrator's Office City aaIl SOS Walnut St., Swite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 . I Change Order Requested From XX Fire Dept. Dealer Central Change Order No. ( 2 )1 We IItNb... Aprecto Make &he daM below; #1 ADD the following to the chassis: Supply and install forward (fender) mounted wide angle spot mirrors and brackets on both front chassis fenders. This installation will be done by the Kenworth dealer. ADD $250.00 . WE AGREE hereby to make change(s) specified above at this price $ 250.00 Chassis Only PREVIOUS CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 68,826.00 Chassis Only REVISED CONTRACT TOTAL $ 69,076.00 Due to lead lime" of components and in fabrication this change order may delay delivery. ACCEPTED ~ The abovl!: price and specifications of l.."iQ Ch'ange Order are ,satisfactory and afe hereby accepted, All vvork to I..." ....~""".~.._.....I "..-,,,~ ___ ._ ~.,...: ., ". ,-c.' ", ' . .. .. . ., Date 06108/05 : OJ" ...."""v' "'<::<.-.' "-,,,,-,~, ~,"''''H l."rn,:,. arl~' r-,::mdl~l(lrw as sp,:'smed 1"" oflglna, COn!:9~:.~::~:'~'o~.~~~~~~:~,~::~.:1.m"'8_d_~_",,-,.,.___.!"-- A>Jihoj',z~ti g;gndtu.e {';';Ontroct:Of) iJetfi 001 accepumGe f I .,.0"_".,-"- i . Aulno'lzea s.gnature (Fife Department) Oo,te of acceptiuoC9 . SO-C{ S . . . 5P. Council Agenda - 6/13/05 Consideration of ADDrovin!! a Crossin!! Surface Installation A!!reement with BNSF for Installation of a Pedestrian Crossin!! at the Intersection of Meadow Oak Road and BNSF Railroad Ri!!ht of Way. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In conjunction with construction of the Meadow Oak Avenue extension, a sidewalk will be installed along the north side of the right of way from CSAH75 to CSAH 18. Along this route, the sidewalk will need to cross the BNSF railroad line. Council is asked to consider approving an agreement with BNSF governing terms associated with construction of the crossing surface at this intersection. Under this standard agreement. BNSF will install the crossing at an estimated cost of $13.935. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt crossing surface installation agreement with BNSF for installation of a pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Meadow Oak Road and BNSF railroad right of way. .., L.. Motion to deny adoption crossing surface installation agreement with BNSF for installation of a pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Meadow Oak Road and BNSF railroad right of way. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of agreement. s~-qlc . . . LAW DEPARTMENT APPROVED CROSSING SURFACE INSTALLATION AGREEMENT BNSF RIGHT-OF-WAY MEADOW OAK A VENUE DOT #086566L LS 202, MP 33.23 Tllis Crossing Surface Installation Agreement (hereinafter called, this "Agreement") is entered into effective as of , 200_, by and between the City of Monticello, Minnesota (hereinafter called, "Agency") and The BNSF Railway Company (hereinafter called, the "Company"). WHEREAS, Company operates a freight transportation system by rail with operations throughout the United States and Canada; and WHEREAS, Agency desires to install a concrete crossing surface for a sidewalk at OOT# 086566L, Meadow Oak Avenue; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of tbe mutual covenants and agreements of the parties contained herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: ]. Company Work. The Company will install a new concrete crossing surface for a width of 8 feet centered 011 the sidewalk alignment. The Company will perform all necessary track upgrades to accommodate the new crossing surface. 2. Payment: Invoicin!!. Upon execution of this Agreement by both parties hereto, Company will send Agency an invoice detailing the total amount owed by Agency for the new crossing surface. Agency agrees to pay Company the actual cost for the crossing surface, estimated at $13,935. 3. Maintenance of the Crossin!! Surface. After installation of the new crossing surface is completed, the Company will maintain, at its own cost and expense, the crossing surface in a satisfactory manner. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, the Company shall be entitled to receive any contribution toward the cost of such maintenance made available by reason of any existing or future laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, grants, or other means or sources. 4. Vehicular Traffic durin!! Installation. The Agency shall provide, at its own cost and expense, all necessary barricades, lights or traffic control devices for detouring vehicular traffic at the crossing during installation of the new crossing surface. 5. Draioa!!e. The Agency agrees to allow the Company to drain water from the crossing area into existing Agency storm sewers, if such stonn sewers are available. Drain pipes and filter fabric necessary for such drainage will be furnished and installed by the Company. 6. Roadwav Surfacin!! Work. The Agency agrees to pave the sidewalk np to the crossing surface at its sole cost and expense. 7. Term. This Agreement begins on the effective date set forth above and remains in effect until completion of all work contemplated in this Agreement and Agency's payment of the amounts set forth in Section 2 above. Form 0108 Rev. 10104 5'\1-0./ . . . . LAW DEPARTMENT APPROVED IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed and attested by its duly qualified and authorized officials as of the day and year first written above. COMPAl'lY': The BNSF Railway Company: By: Printed Name: Title: AGENCY: City of Monticello, Minnesota By: Printed Name: Title: Clint Herbst Mayor Form 0108 Rev. 10104 s ~- q <6 ------------------------------~------------------------~---------------------------------------~---------------~------- . ~~INTA=N FRO?RIETARY CONf=DEKiIALJT; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE B, N, C F. RAILWAY :OM?......~Y FHPM ESi:MATE FOR CTY OF H:)N'l'ICE:LLO LOCATIJN: - :lETAILS OF .o:S':"IM1\1'E ----------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-- ?LAN ITEM: PTR086566L 'v'E RS I O:~: I':ONTICELLO --~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------- FUPP:'S.E:, JUSTIFIU:"'TION l'---,"JD DES:?1?TION MONTICELLO, I-:N - PIJ\.::::::: FUEL:C EDSS'TRIAN CROSSIN::; SUP.FACE l\! MEADOI': OAK AVE., DOTf! 036566L, MF 33.23 LI~E SEGMENT 202 MONTICEL~O 2UBDIV:S10N - 31LL;3LE _00% TO T~E ::::I~Y or ~10NTrCEL:"'O I:ESCRIFTION O? PROJE:T 1'-.S PRO\i:DEC BY P~OJECT a:GINEER DTD BNSF FJBL:C PROJECTS IS ENTE?-INCJ Imo AN AGREEI-1Et-;T IHTH THE CI::'Y OF i-1Qt.,nCELLO TO Ih"S-:-F.LL NE'rJ B' CONCRETE CROSSING FG? .....l\LKWp.Y, 100% E1LLf\.BLE SAVED TO =-: rElPROJSC;S/20::UXIX::;S/l-IEADOVIOF.KAVE 3.XLS MF"INTAIN PROPRISTA~Y CONF:C~NTIALITY THE PHYSICAL LIMITS Of ':"'H:S PR::US2T A_RL DESCR:BE:) BY LI;~~. S~G;"IENT, ~lI:..E ?OST RfJ'~GES, ANt 11\ SOI-E CASSS T8P.CK NU,,,,P.SR. TH:S IS THE P~IMf\.RY AREA FO? TEE PROJECT. THERE vJ!..:...L BE Cp,SES ;'IHERE I'JORK M.AY oecup 3EYONC' TaE DEfINED LIMITS. PROJE::S THAT :NCLUDE SJG;~~L, ELECTKICAL, OR TELSCO~~DK:CATION EQUIPMENT VP.Y REQUIRE J.l.CTIV~TY BEYON[ THESE :JEF::JED ::'P.J>.:K :':~ETS. p.L=- OR PCi<.TIONS OF 301':E PROJECTS y.x~' OCCUR =:.J J.l.REAS ;'JHERE NO 11LEPOST SIGNS EXIST seCH .~s YJI.P.CS. '='HIS ESTIt1F.':'E IS GC'OD FOP 90 DAYS, THEREAFTER THE :C:S':"IMi".:E :::,3 SUBJECT TC CH."".NGE 11\ C:JST FOR LABOR, MATERIAL, ANJ OV8RHEA:J. ;)ESCEIP,IOt.l L""_BOR . FLIICE FIEL,> WELDS - CAr FlJ'.CE PUBUC CROSSI:.!G - CleP SJRFACE ::'Kl,CK - REPLACEMENT - CAP 'J~lLOF.D EF.LLf\5T - REP1..l;.C::::l'lE~'lT - CAF UNLOAD CRU,:S:NG 11?;:ERIAL - PUBL: C CAE' ?AYRCLL AS::'OC:.i;'.:'E::) COSTS EQIJIPl"iEln EXPENSES DA 1.."'-80R OVCRHEACS F~~DIEM EXPENSES 1NSUR"'-UCE EXPENSES ~O::'AL L~80R COST 1-1ATERIAL ~..~**..~~*~ BALLAST, FRm~ ST. CLOUD, i'lIL I: Mt-: , P -:'PJl.CK FANE:", 115 L8 39 fT ?;-lRL P' 'r.c, 10FT TIES WELDK:T, 3ENERIC fOR ALL PAIL W::;::GHiS CONC 1:5 08-SEC WITH :lSLSP. FOR ~OOD CONCRETE X~~G PJU"iP AND ~~JE~ RES:::RAINT, CO~?~ P_"'-T~R:AL HANCLING ON:"INE TPJ-l'lSPOPTI,TICN USE T.;;X O~FLINE ~RANSPORTATIOK TOTAL MA~~R:AL COS~ eTHEp. TOT};l OTHER ITEMS COST PRO.JECT S:J3TOTAL CCN':'~I.rGZNCIES 3ILL ?R~P.i:U<.p.TIO>l FEE ~ GROSS ?ROJECT CO~T LESS COST PAID BY 3l\;SF QU}\NTI'::'Y U/M COST ~'OT.q;~ ;.; 3" CD MH =-6, CD HH 24 .CJ ~IH 6. 0:) ;-1H 4 .OJ :1H 65~' ~ q~ 41::<:4 112 1. 30.j 853 1. 455 =-50 ~S2 5,533 5,633 :C:K'.OC NT 1. DC E1\ 4.0C KT 2.0C FT 1.00 ST 540 3,260 2=-2 1,056 192 266 924 364 58 6,972 60"" , ~ I.. o c 12,605 1,260 iO 1],935 r, sp- qQ, ~ ~ 3::.U\-.EL" COST ':''JTJI.~ 13, ~~5 . . . SQ - lOa . ,.:........;:.....:e)-_ . ~ , i ~ , . / / / / /; / / /' / / / / / / / / . I :~ '! ,/ t '" ~ <: "' 0 ~ ,.. 0 0 ~ o. , 0 '< ~~ X ~~ " 0 '" < , z. "' 3" '" ." < , "0 ! / / / / ,./ / /1 ~# /.1 / ~ I.t' / / A.~ <<~I ~ .. b # / ~ f-j" / 1'// / .., / C' ,;- / ' / , / \ / ",f / j: / ~ / V ~ J / ~:y" / g~ ~ / .'. 0 / /E~ / '" ~~ \ '\. ,,: 'I, \ \- ,.. 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'/, '0 Y" / " " , " BIT. PATH '- " ' " ~ ~.,.~~ " " , , " , "~ ~'" , ~ , ' '~ ' j!:" :\ C' ~ 'C',) , .J:.... " ,.,~ " L. / 1, ",;")/-------' "7; ~ - / ,-/1 -- ~ ~ . r -c""""":/ -~ I 'r. "', / / '~'" .. -,---./,//1 -~"" 'i ;6 c, \, <.~t-""~ '- -'iL I ,r" ( 0 \ '''-./'--'' / I ; / '~;/ "'~_ I o '25 ~AwnutSouttl,Sldte300 MDlnpolb:,MN 550416 _.Mbmt.com .~.lnc. ,._fU.5it-4I1OJ.F.16H4H ItRAiJWCJW ' ENGINW./NG ,I'\.AHNlNC, CONSTWOlON WS! Proiea No, 0]627<)J 0..., )"'lI'/ 24,2005 Meadow Oak Ave. I C.S.A.H. 75 Improvements Figure Number Monticello, Minnesota ~-lOI I ~ ~ , , . . B. Council Agenda -6/13/05 SQ. Consideration of adootin!! at !!rade crossin!! a!!reement with BNSF at Hi!!hland Wav. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In conjunction with development ofthe Union Crossings plat and associated transportation system, it is required that an agreement be established with BNSF relating to terms and conditions relating to development of a railroad crossing at Highland Way. After considerable discussion and negotiation, an proposed agreement is now in place for Council consideration. As you will note, the terms include a requirement that the City close the crossing at Territorial Road no later than 2008. This flexibility provides the City with the opportunity to work out details of creating the new access for the Jamison property. It should be noted that the feasibility study on development of an alternate access to the Jamison property through the Busch property is near completion and will be the subject of Council review at an upcoming meeting. The cost to complete the crossing improvements are estimated at $49,000 which is already included in the overall project costs. The agreement also includes a cost of $36,000 for the acquisition of the crossing easement. Please see the agreement for detail regarding terms and conditions ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion to adopt at grade crossing agreement with BNSF at Highland Way 2. Motion to deny adoption of at grade crossing agreement with BNSF at Highland Way. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends Alternative #1. Establishment of the crossing is critical to completion of the interchangelRyan projects. It is not likely that any changes will be easily accepted by BNSF on a timely basis so it is best to adopt the agreement at this time. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Copy of agreement Copy of Exhibit C, Agreement between BNSF Railway Company and Contractor available upon request (very long). 5~- \ 0 ~ . AT-GRADE CROSSING AGREEMENT Proiect data: New at-grade crossing (Highland Way) at BNSF mile post 33.92 Highland Way crossing U.S. DOT number: 924624U Existing at-grade crossing (Territorial Road) at BNSF mile post 34.58 Territorial Road crossing U.S. DOT number: 095674G BNSF line segment 202 (Monticello subdivision) Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota This is an Agreement dated , 2005, by and between BNSF Railway Company ("BNSF") and the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation (the "City"). The premises of this Agreement are as follow: A. BNSF owns and operates a line of railroad in and through the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota. so. - l03 B. The City desires to construct, at the City's expense, a new at-grade public crossing where a proposed roadway to be known as Highiand Way will cross BNSF's right-of-way on BNSF's line segment 202 (Monticello subdivision) in Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota, at BNSF mile post 33.92, which crossing has been assigned United States Department of Transportation ("U.S. DOT") identification number 924624U. . C. In consideration of BNSF's willingness to agree to the creation of the Highland Way crossing, the City has agreed to permanently close the existing at-grade crossing at Territorial Road on BNSF's line segment 202 (Monticello subdivision) in Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota, at BNSF mile post 34.58, which crossing is identified by U.S. DOT number 095674G, D. The determination as to the nature of the warning devices to be installed at the proposed Highland Way crossing shall be made by the Minnesota Commissioner of Transportation (the "Commissioner"), E. The parties desire to express in writing their agreements concerning the construction and subsequent maintenance of the Highland Way crossing and the vacation, closure, and removal of the Territorial Road crossing. Now, therefore, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the mutual understandings of the parties set forth below, the parties agree as follows: 1. As used herein, the "Project" means any and all work related to the construction of the Highland Way grade crossing and the vacation, closure, and removal of the existing Territorial Road crossing, including, but not limited to, any and all changes to telephone, telegraph, signai, and electrical lines and appurtenances; temporary and permanent track work at both crossings; fencing; grading; pi acing of concrete crossing paneis at the Highland Way crossing; construction of drainage facilities at the Highland Way crossing; installation of warning devices at the Highland Way crossing; removal of the road approaches, warning devices, and crossing surface at the Territorial Road crossing; restoration of ditches at the Territorial Road crossing; barricading of the Territorial Road crossing; installation of "road closed" (or equivalent) signs at the Territorial Road Crossing; preliminary and construction engineering; and contract preparation. . 2. The Project will be accomplished in two phases. The first phase shall comprise all work reiated to the construction of the Highland Way crossing. The second phase shall comprise all work related to the vacation, closure, and removal of the Territorial Road crossing. The City plans to undertake and complete the first phase of the Project as soon as practicable after the Commissioner approves the creation of the Highland Way crossing and determines . the nature of any warning devices to be installed at that crossing. With respect to the second phase, the City hereby agrees to permanently vacate, close, and remove the Territorial Road crossing no later than June 30, 2008. 3. Temporary traffic controls during construction of the Highland Way crossing and removal of the Territorial Road crossing shall be in compliance with Section 8A-5, "Traffic Controls During Construction and Maintenance" of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (the "MUTCD") published by U.S. DOT and all applicable laws and regulations. . 4. In consideration of the sum of Thirty Six Thousand Dollars ($36,000.00) and the faithful performance of the City's agreements contained herein, BNSF shall grant to the City an easement (the "Easement") to enter upon and use a portion of BNSF's right-of-way (the "Easement Area") to construct, and thereafter operate and maintain, the Highland Way roadway and grade crossing. The Easement Area is depicted in approximation on the attached Exhibit A. The Easement shall be granted prior to the commencement of construction work on the first phase of the Project and shall be in the form of the Easement Grant attached hereto as Exhibit D. The City understands and agrees that BNSF reserves the right to use, relocate, and maintain the railroad track or tracks and other railroad facilities now located upon the Easement Area and to construct and thereafter maintain, use, and relocate any additional track or tracks or any other railroad facilities whatsoever as BNSF may desire upon or across the Easement Area. If the City ceases to use the Easement Area, or any part thereof, for the purposes set forth in this Agreement, the City will immediately (1) deliver possession of the entire Easement Area to BNSF, (ii) release and vacate the Easement Area, (iii) permanently close the Highland Way crossing and restore the Easement Area to its condition prior to the construction of the Highland Way roadway and crossing; and (iv) execute and deliver to BNSF an instrument, in form acceptable to BNSF and proper for recordation with the County Recorder for Wright County, Minnesota, whereby the City releases the Easement. sex - \ Q'--\ 5. BNSF, at the sole cost and expense of the City, shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, and equipment for railroad work required for the completion of the Project, such railroad work and the estimated cost thereof being as shown on the attached Exhibit B. In the event construction on the Project has not commenced within twelve (12) months following the date of this Agreement, BNSF may, in its sole and absolute discretion, revise the cost estimate set forth on Exhibit B. In such event, the revised cost estimate will become a part of this Agreement as though originally set forth herein. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, the cost estimate set forth on Exhibit B is provided for informational purposes only, and the City shall be responsible for reimbursing BNSF for the actual cost of the railroad work. Any item of work incidental to the items listed on Exhibit B not specifically mentioned therein may be included as a part of this Agreement upon written approval of the City, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. The principal elements of the railroad work to be performed by BNSF are as follow: (a) preliminary engineering, design, and contract preparation; (b) furnishing of such flagging and protective services and devices as may be deemed necessary by BNSF for the safety of BNSF's property and operations during construction of the Highland Way crossing and removal of the Territorial Road crossing; . (c) installation of 72 feet of concrete crossing surface material at the Highland Way crossing, including upgrades to the track to accommodate the concrete crossing surface material; and (d) removal of the existing crossing surface and warning devices at the Territorial Road crossing. . 6. If BNSF deems such work reasonably necessary for the immediate restoration of railroad operations or the protection of persons or property, the City shall reimburse BNSF for the actual cost of work of an emergency nature necessitated by actions or omissions of the City or the City's contractor in connection with the Project. Such work may be performed by BNSF without prior approval of the City. 7. BNSF may charge the City for its self-insurance expenses when such expenses cover the cost of employers' liability (including, without limitation, liability under the Federal Employers' Liability Act) in connection with the accomplishment of the Project. Such charges will be considered part of the actual cost of the Project. 8. The City shall reimburse BNSF in full for the actual costs of all work performed by BNSF under this Agreement. During the performance of the Project, BNSF will send the City progressive invoices detailing the costs of the work performed by BNSF under this Agreement. The City shall reimburse BNSF for completed work within 30 days of the date of the invoice for such work. Upon compietion of the Project, BNSF will send the City a detailed invoice of final costs, segregated as to labor and materials for each item shown on Exhibit B. The City shall pay the final invoice within 90 days of its date. BNSF will assess a finance charge of .033% per day (12% per annum) on any unpaid sums or other charges due under this Agreement which are not timely paid. The finance charge shall continue to accrue daily until the date payment is actually received by BNSF. Finance charges will be assessed on delinquent sums and other charges as of the end of the month and will be reduced by amounts in dispute and any un posted payments received by the month's end. Finance charges (if any) will be noted on the invoices sent to the City. SCQ-lOS . 9. BNSF shall, at its own expense, maintain the crossing surface of the Highland Way crossing out to the ends of the ties; however, BNSF shall be entitled to receive any contribution toward the cost of such maintenance as may now be availabie, or may hereafter be made available, by reason of any law, ordinance, regulation, order, grant, or funding source. 10. The City shall prepare all detailed plans and specifications, including special provisions, for the Project and shall submit such plans and specifications to BNSF for its written approval prior to commencement of work by the City or its contractor(s). The plans and specifications must be approved in writing by BNSF and by the City before any contracts are awarded by the City and before any railroad work (other than preliminary engineering, design, and contract preparation) is performed by BNSF. After mutual written approval of the plans and specifications by the City and BNSF, said plans and specifications will become part of this Agreement and are hereby incorporated herein by reference. All construction and work done by the parties under this Agreement shall be in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. Any changes to the approved plans and specifications must likewise be approved in writing by both the City and BNSF, and any approved changes will also become part of this Agreement and are hereby incorporated herein by reference. 11. The City shall obtain all required permits and approvals for the accomplishment of the Project. Additionally, the City shall acquire all rights of way necessary for the accomplishment of the Project. Any permits obtained for BNSF will be at the City's sole cost and expense. . 12. The City shall make any and all arrangements for the relocation of wire lines, pipe lines, fiber optic cables, and other facilities owned by third parties which may be necessary for the completion of the Project. If the relocation of any wire lines, pipe lines, fiber optic cables, or the other facilities owned by BNSF is necessary for the completion of the Project, BNSF shall perform such relocation work, and the City shall reimburse BNSF for the actual cost of such work. . 13. The City shall complete the Project in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by BNSF and the City. The City shall do all work provided for in the plans and specifications for the Project except the railroad work to be performed by BNSF. The City shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, and equipment for the performance of the City's work. The principal elements of the City's work are as follow: (a) all necessary grading and paving for the construction of Highland Way; (b) construction of suitable drainage facilities, both temporary and permanent, such as catch basins, culverts, culvert ex1ensions, etc., for Highland Way; (c) installation of pavement marking stop bars at the Highland Way crossing, in accordance with the MUTCD and all applicable laws and regulations; (d) installation of advance warning signs at the Highland Way crossing, in accordance with the MUTCD and all applicable laws and regulations; (e) removal of roadway approaches and restoration of ditches at the Territorial Road crossing; and (f) installation and maintenance of barricades and "road closed" (or equivalent) signs outside the limits of BNSF's right of way on both sides of the Territorial Road crossing. 14. The City shall, at the City's sole expense, and subject to the prior written approval of BNSF's Engineering Department, locate, construct, and maintain Highland Way in such a manner and of such material that it will not at any time be a source of undue danger to or interference with present or future tracks, roadbed, and property of BNSF, or the safe operation of BNSF's railroad. Additionally, the City shall construct and maintain the public roadway approaches to the Highland Way crossing so that the elevation of the roadway surface a distance of 35 feet from the track is no more than six inches higher or lower than the top of rail. . 15. In the event of a breach of any of the City's obligations under this Agreement, BNSF may send the City written notice of the breach. The City shall cure the breach within 30 days of the date of the notice. If the City fails to cure the breach within the 30-day time period, BNSF may cure the breach, or cause a contractor to cure the breach, at the City's sole cost and expense. The City shall promptly reimburse BNSF for the actual costs of curing the breach. 16. After completion of the Project, the City shall maintain pavement markings, advance warning signs, and other traffic control signs at the Highland Way crossing in accordance with applicable portions of the MUTCD and requirements of all applicable laws and regulations. The City hereby indemnifies and holds harmless BNSF for, from, and against any and all claims, damages, losses, suits, judgments, or other expenses, including attorneys' fees and court costs, caused in whole or in part by, or resulting in whole or in part from, the City's failure to maintain the pavement markings, advance warning signs, and other traffic control signs in accordance with the MUTCD and all applicable laws and regulations. 17. The City shall provide appropriate traffic control during the performance of the City's work and the railroad work. 18. The City shall be solely responsible for the cost of constructing and maintaining the Highland Way roadway and crossing within the Easement Area, except for the portion of the crossing to be maintained by BNSF pursuant to paragraph 9, above. . 19. (a) The City must include the following requirement in its contract(s) with its contractor(s) who will perform work on the Project: The contractor shall not commence any work under the contract, nor shall it enter upon the Easement Area (or BNSF's right-of-way at Territorial Road) until it shall have entered into an agreement with BNSF in the form of the attached Exhibit C, shall have provided to BNSF the original of the railroad protective liability insurance policy and the proof of insurance required by said agreement, and shall have secured BNSF's approval of all insurance required by said agreement; this requirement is for the benefit of (and may be enforced by) BNSF. In addition, the City's contract(s) with its s~ - ta\o . contractor(s) must include provIsions equivalent to paragraphs 25 and 26, below, which provisions shall specifically state that they are for the benefit of (and may be enforced by) BNSF. (b) The City may perform the City's work under this Agreement with the City's own forces. If, in the opinion of the City, the City's contractor has failed to prosecute with diligence the work specified in its contract with the City, the City may terminate the contract and take control of the work and proceed to complete the same with its own forces or by employing another contractor. If any of the City's work under this Agreement is performed by the City's own forces, the City will, at its expense, procure and maintain on behalf of BNSF the insurance required by Exhibit C. 20. The City shall advise the BNSF Manager of Public Projects, in writing, of the completion date of each phase of the Project within thirty (30) days after the completion of such phase. Additionally, the City shall notify the BNSF Manager of Public Projects, in writing, of the date on which the City and/or its contractor(s) will meet with BNSF for the purpose of making final inspection of each phase of the Project. 5<& - \0) 21. If the City's contractor(s) fail to pay BNSF for the costs of flagging and protective services and devices, the City shall pay such costs. . 22. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the City shall, and hereby does, release, indemnify, defend, and hold harmiess BNSF (and its affiliated companies, partners, successors, assigns, legal representatives, officers, directors, shareholders, employees, and agents) for, from, and against any and all claims, liabilities, fines, penalties, costs, damages, losses, liens, causes of action, suits, demands, judgments, and expenses (including, without limitation, court costs and attorneys' fees) of any nature, kind, or description directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from, or relating to (whether in whole or in part) (i) the use of the Easement Area (or adjacent BNSF property) by the City (or any of its contractors, subcontractors, employees, or agents) in connection with the construction or subsequent inspection, maintenance, or repair of the Highland Way roadway or crossing, (ii) the use of BNSF's property at or in the vicinity of the Territorial Road crossing by the City (or any of its contractors, subcontractors, employees, or agents) in connection with the performance of the work of closing, vacating, and removing that crossing, (iii) any act or omission of the City (or any of its contractors, subcontractors, employees, or agents) in connection with the Project, or (iv) the City's performance of (or failure to perform) any obligation of the City under this Agreement. This paraoraph 22 is expresslv intended to applv to claims. liabilities. fines. penalties, costs. damaoes, losses. liens. causes of action, suits, demands. iudoments. and expenses lincludino, without limitation, court costs and attornevs' fees) occasioned bv or contributed to bv the neolioence of BNSF, its aoents, servants, or employees. except to the extent that such claims. liabilities. fines, penalties. costs, damalles, losses. liens. causes of action, suits. demands. iudoments. and expenses lincludino. without limitation. court costs and attorneys' fees) were proximately caused by the intentional misconduct or oross neolioence of BNSF. 23. The City shall, at its sole cost and expense, make changes to the Highland Way roadway or crossing when such changes are necessary to accommodate BNSF's use of its right-of-way. Any future traffic control systems or crossing illumination at the Highland Way crossing shall be installed and maintained at the City's sole cost and expense. . 24. All work contemplated by this Agreement shall be performed in a good and workmaniike manner, and each portion shall be promptly commenced by the party obligated hereunder to perform the same and thereafter diligently prosecuted to conciusion in its logical order and sequence. As soon as reasonably practicable, the City and BNSF shall agree to a proposed schedule for each phase of the Project. . 25. The City shall require its contractor(s) to reasonably adhere to the proposed schedule. The parties hereto agree that BNSF's failure to compiete the railroad work in accordance with the proposed scheduie shall not constitute a breach of this Agreement by BNSF and will not subject BNSF to any liability. 26. BNSF shall have the right to stop work on the Project if any of the following events take place: (i) the City (or any of its contractors) shall perform the work in a manner contrary to the plans and specifications approved by BNSF; (ii) the City (or any of its contractors) shall, in BNSF's opinion, prosecute the work in a manner which is hazardous to BNSF's employees, property, or facilities, or the safe and expeditious movement of railroad traffic; or (iii) any of the insurance described in the attached Exhibit C is canceled during the course of the Project. The work stoppage shall continue until all necessary actions are taken by the City or its contractor to rectify the situation to the satisfaction of BNSF's Division Engineer, including (in the case of the cancellation of required insurance) the delivery to and acceptance by BNSF of additional insurance. No work stoppage under this paragraph 26 shall give rise to any liability on the part of BNSF. BNSF's right to stop the work is in addition to any other rights BNSF may have, including, but not limited to, actions or suits for damages or iost profits. In the event that BNSF exercises its right to stop work on the Project, BNSF will notify the City as soon as practicable; however, the failure of BNSF to give such notice shall not give rise to any liability on the part of BNSF, nor shall it be a basis for the City (or its contractors) to ignore BNSF's instructions to stop the work. sc:x - \0'8> 27. The City shall supervise and inspect the operations of all of the City's contractors to assure compliance with (a) the plans and specifications approved by BNSF, (b) the terms of this Agreement, and (c) all safety requirements of BNSF. . 28. BNSF's preliminary engineering, design, and contract preparation costs are part of the costs of the Project, even though such work may have preceded the date of this Agreement. 29. Prior to entering the Easement Area to perform future maintenance or reconstruction work on the Highland Way roadway or crossing, the City must notify and obtain prior authorization from BNSF's Manager of Public Projects. if any such maintenance or reconstruction work will be performed by a contractor of the City, the City must require the contractor to enter into an agreement with BNSF in the form of Exhibit C (or, at BNSF's option, such simiiar form of agreement as BNSF is then utilizing for such work). If any such maintenance or reconstruction work is to be performed by the City's own forces, the City shall provide the insurance required by Section 3 of Exhibit C (and such other insurance as is then required by BNSF for work of that type) and shall comply with the "Contractor Requirements" attached to Exhibit C (or, at BNSF's option, such similar requirements as are then required by BNSF for work of that type). For the purposes of the preceding sentence, all references to "Contractor" in Exhibit C (and the attachments thereto) shall be deemed to refer to the City. This paragraph 29 shall not apply to routine maintenance work such as snow removal; street sweeping; application of salt, sand, or other traction-enhancing substances to the roadway surface; appiication of striping and other pavement markings; routine patching of potholes, cracks, and similar defects in the roadway surface; routine vegetation control; and routine installation, maintenance, and repair of traffic control signs. If there is any question whether the work to be performed is routine maintenance, the City shall advise BNSF's Manager of Public Projects of the nature of the proposed work prior to commencing same, and BNSF shall thereupon determine, in the exercise of its judgment and discretion, whether such work is of such a nature as to trigger the application of this paragraph 29. . 30. In the event construction of the Highland Way crossing does not commence within eighteen (18) months of the date of this Agreement, either party may terminate this Agreement by giving notice of termination to the other party prior to the commencement of such construction. . 31. Neither termination nor expiration of this Agreement shall release either party from any liability or obligation under this Agreement, whether of indemnity or otherwise, resulting from any acts, omissions, or events happening prior to the date of termination or expiration. 32. To the maximum extent possible, each provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted in such a manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law, but if any provision of this Agreement shaii be prohibited by, or held to be invalid under, applicable law, such provision shaii be ineffective solely to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity, and this shaii not invalidate the remainder of such provision or any other provision of this Agreement. 33. This Agreement (including the Exhibits attached hereto and any documents incorporated herein by reference) is the fuii and complete agreement between BNSF and the City with respect to Its subject matter and supersedes any and aii other prior agreements and negotiations between the parties with respect to that subject matter. 34. Any books, papers, records, and accounts of the parties hereto relating to the work hereunder or the costs or expenses for labor and material connected with the Project will at aii reasonable times be open to inspection and audit by the agents and authorized representatives of the parties hereto, as well as the State of Minnesota and the Federal Highway Administration, for a period of one (1) year from the date of the final BNSF invoice under this Agreement. 35. The terms of this Agreement are binding upon and shaii inure to the benefit of the successors and permitted assigns of the parties hereto. The City may not assign any of its rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of BNSF. . 36. Any notice provided for herein or concerning this Agreement shaii be in writing and be deemed sufficiently given upon deposit in a facility of the United States Postal Service as certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed as foiiows (or to such other address as either party may specify by advance written notice to the other): If to BNSF: Lynn Leibfried Manager of Public Projects BNSF Railway Company 80 - 44th Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, MN 55421 If to City: Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator Monticeiio City Haii 505 Walnut St., Suite #1 Monticeiio, MN 55362 . 37. The City represents and warrants that it wiii take, in a timely manner, aii actions necessary to lawfuiiy vacate and close the Territorial Road crossing, such that the crossing may be lawfully vacated and closed no later than the date specified in paragraph 2, above. Prior to the date said crossing is vacated and closed, the City shaii deliver to BNSF a true and complete copy, duly certified by the City's Clerk, of each and every resolution of the City's Council required to lawfuiiy vacate and close said crossing. The City further represents and warrants that it will take, in a timely manner, aii actions necessary to lawfully vacate that portion of the Territorial Road right of way located within the limits of BNSF's right of way, with such vacation to be effective at the same time as the Territorial Road crossing is vacated and closed. Prior to the date such portion of the Territorial Road right of way is vacated, the City shaii deliver to BNSF a copy, duly certified by the City Clerk, of each and every resolution of the City Council required to lawfuiiy vacate such portion. On the effective date of the vacation of such portion 5Cs:l - \oCi, . of the Territorial Road right of way, the City shall deliver to BNSF a quitclaim deed or other instrument acceptable to BNSF, and in proper form for recordation with the County Recorder for Wright County, Minnesota, releasing the City's interest in such portion of the Territorial Road right of way. 38. The City represents and warrants that it has taken all actions necessary to lawfully establish Highland Way and the Highland Way crossing and that prior to the execution of this Agreement it has delivered to BNSF a true and complete copy, duly certified by the City's Clerk, of each and every resolution of the City's Council required to lawfully establish Highland Way and the Highland Way crossing. 39. BNSF hereby consents to the issuance of an order by the Commissioner authorizing the creation of the Highland Way crossing, subject to such conditions as may be established by the Commissioner relating to the timing of construction of the crossing and the nature of the warning devices to be installed at the crossing. 40. In the event the Commissioner at any time orders the installation of active warning devices (e.g., flashing lights, gates) at the Highland Way crossing, the City shall pay the full cost of procuring and installing such devices, and responsibility for funding and performing the maintenance of such devices shall be as provided by such order or, if the order is silent on such matters, as required by applicable law. . 41. Effective as oflhe date of this Agreement and continuing until the Territorial Road crossing is permanently closed to traffic, the Territorial Road crossing shall be used solely for the purpose of access to the Jameson Property (as described below) for such Property's current use as a single family residence and as a secondary driveway access to the Busch Property (as described below) for such Property's current use as a bed and breakfast establishment. The street address of the Jameson Property is 511 Territorial Road, Monticello, Minnesota. The street address of the Busch Property is 506 Territorial Road, Monticello, Minnesota. The Jameson Property and the Busch Property are sometimes collectively referred to in this Agreement as the "Territorial Road Properties." Contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement, the City shall, at its cost, install, and shall thereafter maintain, conspicuous signs at the Territorial Road crossing to alert the public to such limitation on the use of the crossing. From and after the execution of this Agreement, the City shall take all reasonable measures to enforce such limitation. The City represents and warrants that it has taken all actions necessary to lawfully establish such limitation, to install and maintain such signs, and to take such enforcement measures; and it further represents and warrants that prior to the execution of this Agreement it has delivered to BNSF a true and complete copy, duly certified by the City's Clerk, of each and every resolution of the City's Council required to lawfully establish such limitation, install and maintain such signs, and take such enforcement measures. The City shall be responsible for securing the consent of all owners of the Territorial Road Properties to the limitation on the use of the Territorial Road crossing set forth in this paragraph 41 . 5& - \ \0 . 42. The City shall secure the consent of all owners of the Territorial Road Properties to the vacation and closure of the Territorial Road crossing. Such consent shall not be in any manner conditioned or contingent upon BNSF granting to such owners (or their successors or assigns) (i) a private at-grade crossing of BNSF's right of way and track to provide roadway access to either or both of the Territorial Road Properties or (ii) a roadway easement upon BNSF's right of way to provide roadway access to either or both of such Properties. At or before the time the Territorial Road crossing is vacated and closed, the City will provide a new public roadway access to the Territorial Road Properties, such that no private at-grade crossing of BNSF's right of way and track or roadway easement upon BNSF's right of way will be needed to provide such access to either of such Properties. The City shall also secure the consent of all owners of the Territorial Road Properties to the new public roadway access contemplated by this paragraph 42. scg - \\\ . 43. The City represents and warrants that the Jameson Property is the only property that would be rendered inaccessible by road by reason of the vacation and closure of the Territorial Road crossing. 44. The City shall indemnify and defend BNSF from and against any and all claims and suits arising out of or in any way relating to the vacation and closure of the Territorial Road crossing or the vacation of the portion of the Territorial Road right of way located within the limits of BNSF's right of way. The City shall also indemnify and defend BNSF from and against any and all claims and suits alleging that the vacation and closure of the Territorial Road crossing or the vacation of the portion of the Territorial Road right of way located within the limits of BNSF's right of way gives any person (i) a right to a private at-grade crossing of BNSF's right of way and track to provide roadway access to the Territorial Road Properties (or any portion thereof) or (ii) a right to a roadway easement upon BNSF's right of way to provide roadway access to such Properties (or any portion thereof). The City shall also indemnify and defend BNSF from and against any and all claims and suits alleging that the new public roadway access to the Territorial Road Properties diminishes the value of either or both of said Properties (or any portion thereof) or is otherwise inadequate or improper. The City's obligation to indemnify and defend BNSF pursuant to this paragraph 43 includes BNSF's attorneys' fees and other costs of defending, responding to, and settiing such claims and suits. As used in this paragraph 43, "person" includes, but is not limited to, natural persons, associations, cooperatives, joint ventures, partnerships (any type), limited liability companies, corporations, business firms (any type), trusts, legal entities (any type), and governmental bodies (including their agencies, departments, and subdivisions). . IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement, in duplicate, on the day and year first above written. BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY By: Its: CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Its: . . Exhibit A see attached print s (S).~ nd. . . EXHIBIT A >- ~ :r .- Q) - UoQ) .- (f) c"'" ._ c-, ~ 0 0 r-~> eJNll JlldO ~J81j '<;Z<;Zr-.J8 '<;6'Z8LL SJ ,~/ CS~0 0~ , -'ldO'8LJ~ ./ NI-X JNll J1tilJJlJ HO ULLI-.J8 LL '<;8LL SJ /s , /m ;! u Q ---" g I I J I I (-.C '.::.) - c , c /l"",{~M'PUDIY6!H u I;'; Q ., L.-....- 15'; \~ I ~I ~/I JNIX 3NIl Al\fJ \'6<;rZ-t6Xd LL'L6LL S3 INSt:.R\ r-; 'i- u Ul , I u , I _ ,0 "[\? ,!\MG C;\N\ '-N ~, J I fJii Y ::td' /~\ ,;0 1~~tD \ ~ ~ D ~)~ ~ 1\ ~ ,A s:...--': ;/~~S"9 ~t\, 0-1....-\-- \. sCSt - \~301 I .,-.., e \/ /~ . Exhibit B see attached estimate . . S~- \ \'\ . . . L "i\...\ ~; ~ ~ 1 ***** MAINTAIN PROPRIETARY CONFIDENTIALITY THE B. N. S. F. RAILWAY COMPANY FHPM ESTIMATE FOR CITY OF MONTICELLO LOCATION, - MONTICELLO DETAILS OF ESTIMATE PLAN ITEM, PTR924624U PURPOSE, JUSTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION MONTICELLO, MN PLACE NEW PUBLIC CROSSING SURFACE AT HIGHLAND HWY., DOT~ 924624U, MP 33.92 LINE SEGMENT 202 MONTICELLO SUBDIVISION - BILLABLE 100% TO THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AS PROVIDED BY PROJECT ENGINEER DTD BNSF PUBLIC PROJECTS IS ENTERING INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF MONTICELLO TO INSTALL NEW 72' CONCRETE CROSSING. 100% BILLABLE SAVED TO I:FE/PROJECTS/202/XINGS/HIGHLANDWY~72.XLS MAINTAIN PROPRIETARY CONFIDENTIALITY THE PHYSICAL LIMITS OF THIS PROJECT ARE DESCRIBED BY LINE SEGMENT, MILE POST RANGES, AND IN SOME CASES TRACK NUMBER. THIS IS THE PRIMARY AREA FOR THE PROJECT. THERE WIL~ BE CASES WHERE WORK MAY OCCUR BEYOND THE DEFINED LIMITS. PROJECTS THAT INCLUDE SIGNAL, ELECTRICAL, OR TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT MAY REQUIRE ACTIVITY BEYOND THESE DEFINED TRACK LIMITS. ALL OR PORTIONS OF SOME PROJECTS MAY OCCUR IN AREAS WHERE NO MILEPOST SIGNS EXIST SUCH AS YARDS. THIS ESTIMATE IS GOOD FOR 90 DAYS. THEREAFTER THE ESTIMATE ~S SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN COST FOR LABOR, MATERIAL, AND OVERHEAD. DESCRIPTION LABOR PLACE FIELD WELDS CAP PLACE PUBLIC CROSSING CAP SURFACE TRACK - REPLACEMENT CAP UNLOAD BALLAST - REPLACEMENT CAP UNLOAD CROSSING MATERIAL - PUBLIC CAP PAYROLL ASSOCIATED COSTS EQUIPMENT EXPENSES DA LABOR OVERHEADS PERDIEM EXPENSES INSURANCE EXPENSES TOTAL LABOR COST ********** MATERIAL BALLAST, FROM ST. CLOUD, MN. (MN, P JOINT, COMPROMISE, LB, 3L & 4L JOINT, COMPROMISE, RH, 1R & 2R TRACK PANEL, 115 LB 39 FT PNRL PLTS 10FT TIES WELDKIT, GENERIC FOR ALL RAIL WEIGHTS CONC 115 08-SEC WITH FILLER FOR WOOD CONCRETE XING RAMP AND PANEL RESTRAINT, COMPL MATERIAL HANDLING ONLINE TRANSPORTATION USE TAX OFFLINE TRANSPORTATION TOTAL MATERIAL COST OTHER ********** TOTAL OTHER ITEMS COST PROJECT SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES BILL PREPARATION FEE GROSS PROJECT COST QUANTITY UIM COST 64.00 MH 144.00 MH 24.00 MH ::2.00 MH 36.00 MH 1,299 2,680 484 224 670 4,318 2,830 4,821 150 842 18,318 200.00 NT 2.00 PR 2.00 PR 3.00 EA 8.00 KT 72.00 FT :.00 ST 1,280 375 377 9,778 424 9,504 192 1,093 1,849 1,493 257 26,622 o VERSION: 1 TOTAL S 18,318 26,622 o 44,940 4,494 248 49,682 'SQ ~ \\5 . . . B. Council Agenda - 6113/05 7. Public Hearinl! - Vacation of street. drainal!e and utilitv easements 90'h Street Addition and 90th Street Second Addition. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As part of the re-alignment of Chelsea Road as it enters the Otter Creek Crossing property and the City o"l1ed industrial park, portions of the existing Chelsea Road and the previously platted Chelsea CoUrt road need to be vacated to accommodate the new road alignment. To simplify the new road alignments, WSB has prepared a new 90th Street Third Addition plat that encompasses the new road alignment for Chelsea Road and also incorporates the balance of the property adjacent to the new road alignment that included a portion of property that was ovvned by Denny Hecker and remnants owned by the City from the Rask house purchase. Since the new 90'h Street Third Addition plat "ill described all of the necessary right of way and drainage and utility easements surrounding each of the parcels, the City Council needs to hold a public hearing to vacate the existing drainage and utility easements that were platted around old lots lines to allow for the recording of the new plat. The vacation of these easements do not affect any current utility placements we have and are being vacated to accommodate a new plat. After closing the public hearing, the Council can simply approve vacation of the utility, street and drainage easements as identified contingent upon the recording of the new 90'h Street Third Addition. AL TERNA TlVE ACTIONS: I. Approve vacation of the utility, street and drainage easements as identified in the descriptions and exhibits. 2. Do not vacate easements. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator. Public Works Director and City Engineer that the easements described be vacated allowing for the new 90th Street Third Addition plat to be recorded. The replat will retain all of the required easements that are needed by the City in the future. SUPPORTING DATA: Vacation descriptions and exhibits identifying areas to be vacated. Preliminary plat 90'h Street Third Addition 1- \llc . Client: City of Monticello Subject: Lot 2, Block], 90111 Street 2ND Addition - Utility and drainage easement vacation for Chelsea Road Re-alignment replat. (Jacob Holdings Parcel) WSB No.: 1338-130 Date: May 10, 2005 Proposed legal description for the vacation of the utility and drainage easements over Lot 2, Block I, 90TI1 STREET 2ND ADDITION: All of the utility and drainage easements over Lot 2, Block I, as dedicated in 90TH STREET 2ND ADDITION, according to said plat on file and of record in the otIice of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. . . v .' j '";Jg.1 I-\ll . Client: City of Monticello Subject: Lot 2, Block I, 90rH Street 2ND Addition - Utility and drainage easement vacation for Chelsea Road Re-alignment replat. (Jacob Holdings Parcel) WSB No.: 1338-130 Date: May 10,2005 Proposed legal description for the vacation of the utility and drainage easements over Lot 2, Block I, 90rH STREET 2ND ADDITION: All of the utility and drainage easements over Lot 2, Block 1, as dedicated in 90rH STREET 2ND ADDITION, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. . 1- lIB . K:i)j338~] . . . - Client: Subject: WSB No.: Date: City of Monticello Chelsea Court vacation for Chelsea Road re-alignment and repIat. 1338-130 May] 0, 2005 Proposed legal description for the vacation of Chelsea Court: All of Chelsea Court as dedicated in 90 TII STREET ADDITION, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. '\ - \\ ~ . .~ 589004'24"E 367.63 . , , , ,'<v ,,,CO o()CO COO; ~ ~. " ,~ ,<0 " , \_-- NORTH LINE OF -LC 90TH STREET 2ND , , ~ - ~ , \ \ ' , - , "'/ /1'-, , ' S610 - ~>, I 59 S~" .~ .60 (' " / ~ I '. " \~ ~~~: ~'~ '~.:., 1 / ;,~ \~:~\..'.. _ f-:'. '. . t,' I ~;- ,'" i '" / "; /L. _ / ,,' " , . -!r/~"'''' - "'\ ",/,.... .\ :-~BO'A .<~ . - ./ <1 43'4'r;;ic S'L Y LINE 90TH STREET ADDI TION , .' _-1"-- '- / L__ ..- /, I PROPOSED CHELSEA COURT VACATION . ~ WSB _I') 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 www.wsbeng,coffi 01338-13 May 5, 2005 &- pssociGtes. I.~c. ". 763-541-4000. Fa, 76).54:-17OC INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING PLANNING' CONST"lUCTlON CHELSEA COURT V ACA TION EXHIBIT EXHIBIT A K:\0133B-13\SurveyIChelsea Exhibi\.dwg "I _ \ ~a . S89.04'24"E 367.63 \'h NORTH LINE 90TH STREET 2ND ADDITION ':'~:'" '(~',:. <, .~, '\\> \ \ ~ , 1 -:~ -',: ~~~:~_:~- ~ .' 1 '~, -'; '......, A' " .' . ~s~ ... ,.:,,," 'Z.~ ... " " ~, \'~ , '. .~'" ,-- '--, . ' r ~ ' -'~ " : "': I,'" ~ . r"', tIl, ' ,~ ,t), '..." ..." / , , 1- -~ r-- ,.- .... ,'- , / , ; L _ , / ~, 1"-1"- '<tN 'Nal ~~ ON o (f) . " tv-. , I .CV ; tv-; , ;,.fvj <c " 01"- /t{ / I\It / / / , , " ~ / r .r-.. . . 'z I PROPOSED UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT VACATION . A WSB _'-l'J' 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 WINW.wsbeng.com 01338-13 &: Associates, Ire UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT VACATION LOT 2, BLOCK 1, 90TH STREET 2ND ADDITON .'.' 783-5414BOO.FaxT63-:41.1700 INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING PlANN!NG' CONSTRUCTION K:\01338-13\SurveylChelsea Exhib~_clwg May 5, 2005 EXHIBIT B I-\~\ , , , " \ \~( ,.{>;(1j, I ""'';.y(", , , ) , " I '4'~. ',:'> I." ?'U~> --\t- '>.j~(- ":!"~~ , '\ t,<", ~ :> .i;;" I'-~ ", .~'4.':....: I I ',0:.,,"',-/ I 'irr-"',,~'! <DJ,~ "- ' ;:;IS!" "I Ol;og J ~ /'-__ '\ "0 '-~ \ -~~;~:, ~,~ _" 1fir "-'. /;":"1 ".- 1M i.'I:..b. I I . ~s~ n~~ 0 i . > , ~-, --<Sili!;<> . > , w" ~:I,-o> " ~5" :E1il~~ 1-12 ~'i ?c~~~ ~ , ~_. m ""~ ~~9: c I " "'J!'" ''''8co c :1 " ~ Z;;' zX 0; ;g ~~fl~ ~ ~ , DO o. O~~~ CC ~~ ~ o. , "' 01:1;;:;0 . ,m ~~ ", ",-f;':;l :; , "" 2" "i'5z~ 1--12 -) iiig "'"'lilli';\! ~~.~: . , 0 >, ! "" '-<~c1:! <Z o,ll:~ " tt:", c" iii~ C ~ . ",...en , . en -....JtNvi ~~CD "., . r",N )>)>'"'1 OU)"'" ~ . ,.. g~~. 6<llC Z;:a'~ 6 . 0 0 ~o ~ ~~ , I Z ~z .,' 0 ,.0 ,. eJ zeJ f1"' 0 O~ " , ~ ,,~ " 0 ,.... , " C ~N /r~ ~ijl~ z ^ ' 0 t)x '. L...,,,,,,, .0::. ~CON ~~ }:"..... " r ~- 'ij ~E5 ~r'" 0 z ~z "'&~ " 0" 0 ~o -='N+ z z c t-.:l~~ c " " o:::r~ ~ ~ z z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ." ." ", >~ 12"> ", '.1 I .- -r- . ~:'(~~ ~~~f!'~ "'4'" /4c' !. r-.S' ,-" o . r- / I { \ ol'~ ol'~ lS, lS.:,- "'6" ~6;~->'" "'"", ...t~;s>-!.~ ()- ~ 4u ^? I" "'", 1,-(' <//- c </ol'? 't-1 'J 0, . - <'\, , - ~ "'....1 I', o c ? o -i ~~I , - {,\' , - (\ ' ',,,,;- ': I:,' .. I I -,~> ! t-,~ I ,', '....:' ---/:- . I / 't';':';'--..___/ +i:.c:r.: I ~~~ '.._~ -,- ~~\ ..' Ul '" 00' "'<0 :i!~1 "'d :"... ~cl m . Ri~i "'';: ~Sill ,,-f t.'~ ~51 --\ >" ~ 8!"1 :~", g~1 n', zgj --\ .~I ~-~~. EASTlINEC,LOT2,BLOCK1, 9qTH S!~EET 2ND ADDITION -.... l 500'12'47 W 1.0 o .., ::e >rJ). ~~ ~~ ~t'!'j ~~ O~ 2= ~ '"1-\~cl . . . 8. Consideration ofProiect Award for the Extension of Meadow Oak Avenue from the Current Termini to CSAH 18 (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2005-05C) and the Reconstruction of a Sel!:ment of CSAH 18 and CSAH 39 for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchanl!:e Proiect (City Proiect No. 2004-IC) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the April 25, 2005 City Council meeting, the City Council approved the plans and specifications and authorized the advertisement for bids for the extension of Meadow Oak Avenue, from the current termini to CSAH 18, and the reconstruction of a segment of CSAH 18 from the proposed Meadow Oak Avenue to School Boulevard and CSAH 39 from CSAH 75 to Hart Boulevard as part of the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange project. The extension of Meadow Oak A venue will provide a detour route for the reconstruction of the CSAH 18 bridge as proposed for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange project. The Meadow Oak A venue extension will also provide access to the Weinand property for development. The following improvements will be constructed with this project: . Meadow Oak Avenue from freeway fields to CSAH 18 CSAH 18 from the new intersection at Meadow Oak A venue, south to School Boulevard CSAH 39 from just north of the existing BNSF railroad grade crossing to Hart Boulevard 1-94 watermain crossing relocation . . . The CSAH 18 and CSAH 39 segments are not included in the funding agreements with MnlDOT; therefore, these segments can be constructed prior to the finalization of the agreements that include MnlDOT. The construction of these segments will require an agreement between the City and Wright County, as well as a signal agreement for the replacement of the existing signal at CSAH 75 and CSAH 18. These agreements have been previously approved by the Council. Construction of CSAH 39 and the CSAH 75 intersection will be constructed under traffic (no closures), and will include temporary lane shifts to accommodate the continuous traffic flow. CSAH 18 will be closed temporarily just south of Chelsea Road to allow construction of the storm sewer. Traffic will be rerouted to Chelsea Road and TH 25 to access the south end of the City. Utility improvements include relocating the existing trunk watermain crossing 1-94 along CSAH 18, due to the reconstruction ofthe CSAH 18 bridge over 1-94. Storm sewer for Meadow Oak Avenue and CSAH 18 will outlet to the pond within the Weinand property at the northeast comer of Meadow Oak Avenue and CSAH 18. The construction of Meadow Oak Avenue needs to be completed by September 2005, before work on the CSAH 18 bridge and the remaining interchange improvements commences. Right-of-way has been acquired from Weinand and the property is currently being graded including grading of Meadow Oak Avenue. The Resurrection Church agreement is being finalized for the construction of Meadow Oak Avenue. Right-of-way will need to be acquired from property owners abutting the proposed interchange project as recorded on the Wright County Highway Right-of-Way Plat No. 55. Property owners affected by the construction ofCSAH 18 and CSAH 39 included with this project are described below: C:',lXJCUMi'.'-IIDAWNGR_IX"NDC.ll.,<;'.I,TempiAGN !TAl-Meaduw (JakAvenue F:r!.CSAH ?J.CSAH 39 Award-()(iJ31151.doc 8- 1;)3 . Wright County . . Monticello Industrial Park . Resurrection Lutheran Church . Independent School District No. 822 . Liberty State Bank . Cedrus Creek Craftsman, Inc. . MMC Land Co., Inc. ~-l~'i The project is proposed to be funded through assessments to the adjacent benefiting properties and City, County, and trunk funds. The Monticello Industrial Park, Weinand property, assessment is part of an overall agreement including the interchange and future Chelsea Road construction. Weinand will also dedicate the right-of-way for Meadow Oak Avenue and complete the mass grading including ponding on their site. The Resurrection Lutheran Church agreement is being finalized with regard to acquisition of property for CSAH 18 and Meadow Oak Avenue and storm sewer assessment. The storm sewer assessment totals approximately $44,630. . Bids were received on June 1,2005 with R. 1. Larson Excavating, Inc. being the low bidder at $1,913,089.40. The Letter of Recommendation and Bid Tabulation are included. The Engineer's Estimate was $1,929,916.50, with an estimated $406,000 for the construction of Meadow Oak Avenue and the remaining $1,524,000 for constructing the north and south segments of the Interchange project. An estimated $520,875 was included in the feasibility report for the construction of Meadow Oak Avenue. Included with this estimate was approximately $80,000 for the extension of sanitary sewer to the Weinand property, which will now be included with the Interchange construction plans. The agreement with Ryan Companies is virtually complete and the final plat ready for signature, however the contract allowing this project to proceed should not be signed until the development agreement is executed (securities in place) and the plat is signed. Construction is anticipated to commence on July 1, 2005 with a final completion date of September 1,2005. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Consider award ofthe project to R. 1. Larson Excavating, Inc. for the amount of $1,913,089.40 contingent on execution of the development agreement with Ryan Companies.. 2. Do not award the project at this time. . C:'DOC'VME-1DAW!VGN-l.C1Ii.OC1U._/\I'emp'AG,V J1M_.\leaJow Oak Avenue }<;x).CS-1f1 75..CX.jlf 39 Award_I}6JJI}5!'doc . . . C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer recommend selecting Alternative No. I. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter of Recommendation Bid Tabulation ~- \ d.5 C:<!JOCUHE-leDA WNGR_I.ClIU)CALS_I'Temp'..1G,V TfU_.\1emfow Oak Ave"~e r.1/.cSAH 75-C!.:4/f 39/lworJ.U6130JI doc ... WSB . &. A,\'sociales, {ne. Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I Construct'on 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis. MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 June 8, 2005 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: CSAH 18 (School Boulevard to Meadow Oak Avenue), CSAH 39 (CSAH 75 to Hart Boulevard), and Meadow Oak A venue (CSAH 18 to CSAH 75) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work CSAH 18: COllnty Project No. 86-18-061 CSAH 39: County Project No. 86-39-061 CSAH 18/CSAH 39: City Project No. 2004-01C Meadow Oak Avenue: City Project No. 2005-05C City of Monticello, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1627-03 . Dear Mayor and Council Members: KNJI627./).~..."'tf"""''*'~ Minneapolis I St Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer Bids Were received for the above-referenced project on Wednesday, June 1,2005, and were opened and read aloud. A total of two bids were received. The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy and tabulated. The Engineer's Estimate was $1,929,916.50. Please find enclosed the bid tabulation indicating the low bidder as R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc., St. Cloud, Minnesota, in the amount of $1,913,089.40. We recommend that the City Council consider these bids and award a contract to R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc., based on the results of the bids received. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. .' !~,(7t~ 6~ Shibani K. Bisson, P.E. Project Manager Enclosure . cc: Doug Moen, R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. '8- \~lo srb . PROJECT: CSAH 18 (School Boulevard to Meadow Oak Avenue), CSAH 39 (CSAH 75 to Hart Boulevard), and Meadow Oak Avenue (CSAH 18 to CSAH 75) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work CSAH 18: County Project No. 86-18-061 CSAH 39: County Project No. 66-39-061 CSAH 181CSAH 39: City Project No. 2004-01 C Meadow Oak Avenue: City Project No. 2005-05C City of Monticello, MN LOCATION: Monticello, MN WSB PROJECT NO.: 1627-03 Bids Opened: Wednesday, June 1, 2005 at 10:00 a.m. Bid Add. No.1 Add. No.2 Add. No.3 Contractor Secu rlty Rec'd. Rec'd. Rec'd. Total Bid . 1 R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. X X X X $1.913.089.40 2 Three Rivers Construction, Inc. X X X X $2,081,721.12 Enginee~s Opinion of Cost $1.929,916.50 I hereby certify that this is a tru and correct tabulation of the bids as received on June 1,2005. ,I 1/ 't:~ Shibani K. Bisson, P.E.. Project Manager Denotes corrected figure . "b'- ,~) K:101621.03lAdmln11627~ Bid Tall Surtml/tfY.xf. on o o N , ..., i en ~ . '" .9 ~ OJ ~ '" ~ OJ E-< . o , ..... N \C ~ o In o o N ~ I: o :;; m..!9 lJl:::! ;:.g I- :2 m .ll ~ 1 "ll .!!! ;0 fi", ,...111 I: I: ~ ci z U ~ ... I: o o .. ci z ..... ~Gl ._1: ~~ ~1~1 ~ 11100 ::I: >i=C <lJl<:fjo ~,.- 0 o ~ 1: 0" '00_ ""~:E1n ....0..-0 :z::'Coo <I'" ~ U) c>> __:!:: O::EOlQ Q)-UQ El:I: Gl._ ", = I: Z 0 ~ u 0 III 'C .~ in Q. B o '0 o a. tl jj i ~ 8 i B ~ '0 . a. e '2 ~ ::J .; ,~ S a. ci S o 0 ~~ ] o B ~ '0 ."I ~ ~~ ,~ . a. 'li ]I .... 0 ~fl: s !l q ~ a. "Q):!:: ~,.2 ~ .~ o . " I-r'! .. .. 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REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Bids for the referenced project are being received and opened on Friday, June 10, 2005. Results of the bid were not available at the time of preparation ofthis agenda item. The project includes the reconstruction and widening of River Street between Chestnut Avenue and Otter Creek Road, Sandy Lane, Willow Street, and Oak Lane. The existing streets in the area range in width from 22 to 24 feet with ditches on the pavement edges for drainage. The project includes widening the streets to 28 or 32 feet with surmountable concrete curb and gutter. Storm sewer will also be constructed to allow for the removal of the ditches and collection of surface water within the street. Treatment of storm water runoff will be provided by underground structures placed in two locations within the project. The use ofthese underground structures will fulfill the requirements for storm water treatment without the construction of conventional storm water ponds. The bid documents include two alternates for the project award. The first is a bid alternate for the type of storm sewer pipe to be used in construction. The alternates include reinforced concrete pipe versus corrugated polyethylene pipe. These alternates are being bid to evaluate any cost savings associated with different pipe materials. The second alternate is the inclusion of a concrete sidewalk along the north and east side of River Street as it winds through the project. This bid alternate has been included as the sidewalk represents the goals of the City in completing a sidewalk/trail network through the west end of the City. The street width on River Street is proposed at between 28 or 32 feet. It is considered a low volume street but the traffic levels that were measured on this street do warrant the sidewalk in accordance with City Standards. It is the intent that sidewalk will continue to the west with subsequent phases of the street program. Assessments to be levied for sidewalk are assessable at a rate of 25% ofthe total project cost for the sidewalk. The survey of residents resulted in a request to leave the sidewalk out, however, from a pedestrian safety standpoint, City staffis recommending sidewalk installation on one side of River Street. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: To be provided at the meeting. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. . To be provided at the meeting. SUPPORTING DATA: The Letter of Recommendation and Bid Tabulation will be available at the City Council meeting. Q - 13'1 C,lJOCUME-/IDAWNGR-1.CJ"IUJCAU,-.IITeIllPl4GN fTM.Slreel 1'''4''''1 Alfflrd-()(j1305,doc ... WSB . & Associates, Inc. Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 June 13,2005 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: 2005 Street Reconstruction Program Street, Storm Sewer, and Appurtenant Work City of Monticello Project No. 2005-01 C . WSB Project No. 1494-04 Dear Mayor and Council Members: . Bids were received for the above-referenced project on Friday, June 10,2005, and were opened and read aloud. A total of four bids were received. The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy and tabulated. The Engineer's Estimate (for Base Bid plus Alternate Nos. 1 and 3) was $883,139.50. Please find enclosed the bid tabulation indicating the low bidder as Buffalo Bituminous, Inc., Buffalo, Minnesota, in the amount of $870,491.00. F.~WI'WIMJ4N.{I4\L1'R liECMMDTN.Buf!uu, 8i/46/ J05.dQ< Minneapolis I 51. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer The bid package included three alternates in addition to the base bid. Alternate No.1 was for the construction of sidewalk and truncated dome pedestrian ramps along the north and east sides of River Street. Alternate No.2 was for reinforced concrete (RCP) storm sewer pipe, and Alternate NO.3 was for corrugated polyethylene (CP) storm sewer pipe. We recommend that the City Council award the project with the Base Bid plus Alternate Nos. 1 and 2. It is our opinion that constructing the sidewalk along River Street provides for safer pedestrian travel within the neighborhood, and furthers the City's trail program. It is also our opinion that while the concrete pipe is slightly more expensi ve, it is the City standard and has proven to be long-lasting throughout the City. The following are suggested Alternative Actions and the Staff Recommendation: ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Award the contract with the Base Bid plus Alternate Nos. I and 2 to Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. . 2. Award the contract with the Base Bid plus Alternate Nos. 1 and 3 to Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. . G~t" . . Honorable Mayor and City Council June 13,2005 Page 2 3. Award the contract with the Base Bid plus Alternate No.2 to Buffalo Bituminous, lnc. 4. Award the contract with the Base Bid plus Alternate No.3 to Buffalo Bituminous, lnc. 5. Reject all bids. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Engineer recommends that the City Council award the project with the Base Bid plus Alternate Nos. 1 and 2. Please contact me at 763-287 -7190 if you have any questions regarding this information. Thank you. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ~rJ7?~ Bret A. Weiss, P.E. City Engineer Enclosures cc: Greg Hicks, Buffalo Bituminous, lnc. srb , " F,\WPWlNV494.M>L1R II.ECMMUUo'.[J"flalQ 81,.06} J05.do, . 10. Council Agenda - 6/13/05 Consideration of Proiect Award for the Hillside Farms Storm Sewer Outlet (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2004-07C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the March 28, 2005 City Council meeting, the City Council approved the plans and specifications and authorized the advertisement for bids for the Hillside Farms Storm Sewer Outlet Project. The proposed project consists of constructing a trunk storm sewer outlet pipe, which will connect the Hillside Farms development with City storm sewer service. Prior to the May 9, 2005 City Council meeting, it was discovered that the plat documents used to design this project were inaccurate and that additional easements were needed to build this project to the plans in the bid. The City Council tabled this item at both the May 9th and May 23'd meetings, expressing concerns over the increased costs of the project. Since this time, the Engineer has reviewed several options to resolve this issue, including negotiating with the affected homeowners and adjusting the project design. . This project was designed to create an outlet for the Hillside Farms storm sewer pond by installing approximately 2,000 linear feet of pipe, which would outlet to the Rolling Woods regional pond. The last 525 feet of storm sewer pipe was upsized from a 12-inch pipe to an 18-inch pipe in order to accommodate future connections to the undeveloped property to the south. Open cut construction ofthis 18-inch pipe is not possible with the existing available easements. The low bid for this project was $162,456.70 submitted by Schluender Construction. Using the prices in this bid, the cost of completing this project directional boring an 18-inch pipe over the last 525 feet would be $195,984. If the upsizing of this pipe were to be delayed until development plans for this property were submitted to the City, the cost of directional drilling a 12-inch pipe over the last 525 feet would be $172,389.50. The project engineer has not been successful in efforts to acquire easements from the affected homeowners. The completion of this project is necessary to continue with approval of additional construction of the Hillside Farms and Spirit Hills developments. It is the recommendation ofthis report that the City should award the contract and proceed with a change order to directional drill an additional 525 feet of 12-inch storm sewer pipe. This project is to be funded by the benefited property owners ofthe Hillside Farms and Old Pioneer (Spirit Hills South) subdivisions. These subdivisions will contribute $315,504 to the City of Monticello's trunk storm sewer fund. With the revised estimated construction cost, the proposed project cost is estimated at $239,136.26. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: . 1. Accept the submitted bid and award the contract to Schluender Construction and authorize a change order, which will directional bore a 12-inch storm sewer pipe within the existing easement along the backyards of the Badger Circle homeowners. Reject the submitted bids and authorize the preparation of new plans and bidding, which will reflect additional directional boring within the existing easement. 2. P'.dawng',wordproc\20115 (:"uncil Agt'lIdaVune_20OS',6_/3_05HiIIiyjdeFarms_d<J< 10-135 . . . Council Agenda - 6/13/05 c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Engineer recommends that the Council select Alternative Action No. I. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter of Recommendation Bid Tabulation Jo-\3lo F:',rJm;'''!l:'.",ordpr()c',~/XI.f('o''''ciIAgendaVJi''e_2(I(JJ',6-13_05IJ,iisideForms,doc .. WSB . & Associates, Inc. Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning' Construction May 9, 2005 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-54H600 Fax: 763-541-1700 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8822 Re: Hillside Fanus Storm Sewer Outlet and Appurtenant Work City of Monticello Project No. 2004-07C WSB Project No. 1488-43 Dear Mayor and Council Members: . Bids were received for the above-referenced project on Friday, May 6,2005, and were opened and read aloud. A total of3 bids were received. The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy and tabulated. The Engineer's Estimate was $119,488.95. Please fmd enclosed the bid tabulation indicating the low bidder as Schluender Construction, Monticello, MN, in the amount of $162,456. 70. Minneapolis I St. Cloud Equal Opponunjty Employer We recommend that the City Council consider these bids and award a contract to Schluender Construction, based 00 the results of the bids received. Sincerely, 1i;tc:< Phillip A. Elkin, P .E. Project Manager Enclosure cc: Schlueoder Constmctioo tsh . 10-137 F:IWPIY/MJ4&_-IJ\REC LTR.doc . . . PROJECT: Hillside Farms Storm Sewer Outlet And Appurtenant Work City Project No. 2004-o7C LOCATION: Monticello, MN WSB PROJECT NO.: 1488-43 Bids Opened: May 6, 2005 at 11:30 a.m. Contractor Addendum Rec'd (nla) Bid Security Total Base Bid 1 2 3 Schluender Construction Burschville Construction, Inc. Northdale Construction, Inc. x X X X X X Engineer's Opinion of Cost $119,488.95 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulation of the bids as received on May 6, 2005. ~!&,< Denotes Corrected Fig ure \o-\3~ F:IWPWlM1","-fYtEXCEL\B1D TAB SUMMARY.ods '" It) o 0 ~ 0 ~ 0\ en It"' >; '" "" '" ~ I: 0 :;:: . ca 10- cn::l M~ ;;:.0 ~ " ~ca in . al :81: ~I: ... .- Or:=: 0 0 z - z u 0" f! - al al I: _I: 0 e:= U 0..0 :=: .. a r E ar- ~ as,:;:::.c:T"'" u.::lo... 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Consideration of authorizinl! purchase of ballfield fencinl! - Hillcrest Park. (AH) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Parks Department is requesting the release of funds to install a new fence, dugout, and backstop at Hillcrest Park. The ballfield is being heavily used at this time. When the field was installed about 20 years ago its intended use was neighborhood play. Now the field is being regularly used by the Monticello Youth Baseball Association (MYBA). The field is located on County Road 75 and is seen by many travelers who pass through the city. The field is an eyesore at this point because of its age and insufficient fence quality. For these reasons and for safety issues associated with old fences, it would be in the best interest of the city to have this fence replaced MYBA has committed $8,000.00 over a three year period toward the cost of replacing this fence. The Parks Department will work out a written agreement with the MYBA for yearly payments to cover their financial commitment. The Parks Department has requested quotes on the fence replacement as follows: Authority Fence Oberg Fence D&H Fence $17,250.00 $12,950.00 No bid received as of 6-8-05 ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Authorize the installation ofthe fence based on the lowest bid received. 2. Do not award a contract for fencing. 3. Direct staffto do further study as specified by Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and Parks Superintendent that this work be authorized. Since the field is heavily used, the condition of the fence is a concern as far as safety. None. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 1\-\\-11 1-;>- IY;;l. . Council Agenda - 06/13/05 12. Consideration ofmovinl! forward on Phase III ofthe Public Works Buildine EXDansion Plans. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In 1999 the Public Works Department realized there was less and less space available in the office and in the vehicle storage building. We began doing some remodeling ofthe offices during that winter trying to gain more room to ease the crowding. The remodeling added some light and brightened up portions of the building and made work stations for supervisors and inspectors. Although very crowded, we at least had work stations, even if some of them were back to back. 2001 had us looking at doing some remodeling to the front and rear portions of the building but these would be difficult to accomplish without finding space to move some ofthe people, file cabinets and equipment out on a temporary basis and that simply was not available. . In 2002, due to the need for office and storage space, we placed $60,000 in the budget for 2003 to build a pole barn on property acquired across the street. The funding source is the Water & Sewer Access Funds. We also budgeted $8,000 for the front office remodel. Again, really just brightening things up and improving existing work stations but not adding space. No space could really be added until we could move out the water meter shop and the storage in the rear of the building and remodel that portion. With the ever increasing workload ofthe staff and Public Works employees and the limited space to do anything, no remodeling was completed in 2003. We did, however, re-budget again for the building for 2004 for across the street. $60,000 was placed in the budget for the building for 2004, and another $5,000 was added in the Public Works Administration area for remodeling ofthe building offices, making a total of$13,OOO available for that remodeling. In 2004, with approval from the City Council, City Staff moved ahead and obtained approval from the Planning Commission to move forward with the building contingent upon adequate screening ofthe area and placing a brick wainscot on the building as well as asphalt shingles. A building permit was obtained in 2004, and the Public Works Department began the grading and preparation for placement ofthe building over the winter. Estimates on getting the shell completely built, originally put together in 2003, ran short and the shell was now estimated at about $70,000 for winter construction. The project came to a screeching halt with the spending freeze and concerns by at least two council members of whether or not such a building should be built on the south side of Golf Course Road. City Staff and Public Works began to regroup and look at other alternatives to modernize and make more room in the office areas and to provide for additional storage. In February we obtained authorization to dispose of some surplus equipment and began actively looking at alternatives. . We went back and looked at the original study done in 1992 which showed a three phase approach to expansion ofthe Public Works Facilities. The three phases were to last until 20 I 0, which is only four and a half years away. Phase ill was never built and if it had it certainly would have eased the office space, working conditions and storage space problems we have today. We looked at the existing site in the original three phase plan and looked at ways to expand the existing structures. We need to expand the salt shed, the vehicle storage building and the office with Phase III. We also looked at the pole building that was going to be built across the street to see if it could be built on the north site with the existing conditions or future expansions. . . . Council Agenda - 06/13/05 The existing Public Works Facility is built on a soil corrected dumping area for demolition materials. A good portion of the site east ofthe existing buildings is still a dump under the surface soils, the location of any type of building would require soil correction on the east end to depths of 15' or more. We laid out the Phase III proposed expansions of the offices, the vehicle storage building and the salt shed, and by adding required parking there was absolutely no spot we could find that would work for the installation of a new pole building on this side. Even if we had found a space, the amount of soil correction necessary to put that building in may have made the pole building economically unfeasible. It was our original plan to build the dressed up pole building across the street, move the water meter shop over there and use the rest of the new building for storage for vehicles and materials, some of which are being stored outside. That would provide enough room in the existing office to remodel the front and create two additional office spaces in the rear, as well as an additional restroom facility for women. A unisex bathroom just did not work in the Public Works Facility. One or the other had to leave the building to use the restrooms across the parking lot in the Public Works building itself. Building the pole building could delay completing Phase III for 5+ years, but may include demolition ofthe existing offices with the new expansion. Looking back at the original study from 1992, and Phase III, it became more apparent that we should proceed with that direction. We already had money in the 2005 budget for studying the situation regarding Phase III. With no real idea of what either the study or Phase III would cost, we placed $30,000 in the 2005 budget for the study and $100,000 representing one fourth of a possible start for the Phase III Improvement Project which may total $400,000. A further look at the Phase III project shows that $400,000 won't go very far and trying to budget for it over a period offour or more years would not solve the immediate need for space for both office and storage. As we looked at the north and the south sites for Public Works there is adequate room to keep the Public Works Facility in this location for several decades to come. Especially if we look at the possibility in the next 15 to 20 years ofthe water department moving out near the water reservoir after our water treatment plant is built there in the next 15 years or so. Space is needed now so we need to move forward! B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The first alternative would be to proceed with completing the pole type storage building and meter shop on the south side of Golf Course Road as originally planned, moving forward with the study, costs and funding possibilities for Phase ill ofthe Public Works expansion which should have been completed years ago. Under this scenario or alternative remodeling ofthe offices would be put on hold until the study was completed and determined the fate of the Public Works office building itself. Some options in the interim would be to use the space ofthe conference and training room next door to use for the Public Works office to alleviate some of the over crowding. 2. The second alternative would be not to build a pole barn on the south side of Golf Course Road but to move immediately ahead with the study and plans for Phase III on the north side. This planning would also come up with an interim plan to alleviate some of the over crowding in the current offices and storage areas until Phase III could be completed. 3. The third alternative would be to look at another site entirely. One as centrally located as the existing site but one that could support growth beyond 30 or 40 years. \:l.- \~3 . . . Council Agenda - 06/13/05 4. The fourth alternative is to do nothing. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: After further study by the Public Works Department and the Site Review Committee it is a unanimous recommendation to move forward with alternative #2 and work towards completion of Phase III that would use all available space on the north side of Golf Course Road before any expansion is done south of Golf Course Road. Full well realizing that the ultimate cost of this alternative could be some place between $1,000,000 - $2,000,000. It was felt, however, that the Public Works building needs have lagged behind the expansion of the City and must play catch up but also get ahead of the expected growth that is on the books. With the real possibility of the community doubling in size in the next seven to ten years. That does not mean that the Public Works Department has to double, but it has to be able to stay with the needs ofthe citizens of Monticello and its businesses. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of all pertinent data regarding the original studies, construction of Phase I and II and the proposed project for the south side of Golf Course Road. \?-\'-\'-{ . . . PROPOSED ONE ACRE BUILDING SITE - ' ~~ . 010- .~ COu~ ~~<~ ~ I / r INDEPENDENT'... , DISTRICT SCHOOL LOT r OF LOT B Jtm I OF 2 NO. ? / 882 LOT B I / - - - ------__1 lOT I I OF I A / .....,..... . . OUTLOT . , A "c;,,' ~~~ ~, -. "",'=> iC','Z-..-,4 ",' '4lt.,!>'1 ~\..\..O C '1\O~ 11>00\ 4 , ~ :~C'T .. 'T'I. 11.'." . '''1._ 0 ) 't.. ~: - . }D''2:ol . , .. '~ " '. . - { '. I~I~ ,~ . " -.- '1_:. ! ,. ... .~ -.. ". .....'...: '~I : ! -' , 3 i)~ ,.. . 2 "wld~ I ; 17 '- 2 '-Ja: -, co- -. c<.> . ,......,..~- IIJ I , . , -, 3 ,- , 3 .. " , .- '''.-'''''- ,-0' \ <<,...OC,"- \ 2 , ; ............. , 14.U: \U.I. '"- 4:'';';';;;". '.1.. . . , ! ~ I I " '" TELE. . I ... ; 2 . . I .. CO_ o, LOT c o . ;-:;00" - ~9: -..., , . " 5 . 1..::>1'4<>';:'" " I ~. '"~ I 3 : . . 4 . .- > ~ . , . . " ... _...,. ,- . 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YEAR 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 POPULATION 10961.55 11770.65 12705.30 13803.50 14989.25 16300.55 17737.40 19299.80 20987.75 22801.25 UNITS PER YEAR 245 290 335 380 425 470 515 560 605 650 CITY OF MONTICELLO POPULATION PROJECTIONS TOTAL UNITS 3729 4019 4354 4734 5159 5629 6144 6704 7309 7959 3484 Units as of 2004 2.79 Residents per Unit Calculation: (Units per Year x 2.79) + Population from previous year. 1----.------ -----~ POPULATION PROJECTIONS - CITY OF MONTICELLO I 25000.00 20000.00 ~ 15000.00 10000.00 5000.00 L_ . 0.00 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 I_ POPULATIONl 2013 2014 I_TOTAL UNITS i I C:lDocumente and Settingsljohnsimola\local Setlings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKE\POPULATIONPROJECTIONS03_05.xls: 61912005 I~'/~ I , I I I I I I . II. . I . . . . . I I -,::: ,_.I .._/ Schematic Plans and Budget Estimates for a Public Works Expansion TKDA Comm. No.1 0045 Submitted to: The City of Monticello Toltz, King, Duvall, Anderson and Assoc. Inc. (TKDA) 2500 American National Bank Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Contact: Peter Brozek, AlA 612/292-4400 I>. ;..,/ I , I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I . I I TKDA . TOLTZ, KING, DUVALL, ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATEP ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS 2500 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 551 01-1803 612/292-4400 FAX 6121202..(1083 February 17, 1992 Mr. Richard Wolfsteller City Administrator City of Monticello P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Re: Schematic Plans and Budget Estimates for a Public Works Expansion TKDA Comm. No. 10045 Gentlemen, The attached report, estimate, building program and drawings are submitted in fulfillment of our contract dated October 7, 1991. . It has been ajoy and pleasure working with the City Council, Mr. Jolm Simola and Mr. Roger Mack. I think that we, as a team, have produced a Building Program and Schematic Design which when implemented will serve well the City of Monticello in the years to come. TKDA thanks you for this opportunity to work with the City and looks forward to the opportunity to serving as your consultant in the implementation of the designs. Sincerely yours, ~ Peter M. Brozek, AlA Project Manager PMB:mrk . I , . I . . I I . ~ I . I I I I - MONTICELLO PlffiLiC WORKS VEHICLE STORAGE BUILDING COMM. NO. 10045 This project setout to examine and reconcile the current and future expansion needs, of the Public Works Department, required to provide services efficiently to the City of Monticello. The first step was a survey of the existing facility, fleet and work conditions: A. THE SITE: The existing site was selected by the Building Conunission for the expansion. Its 2.6 acres are triangular in shape and there is no opportunity foreseen for acquiring additional adjoining land. An unspecified area of the easterly half of the site is known to, at one time, have been a dump which was subsequently backfilled. Soil borings completed in February 1992 show J 2- I 5 feet of debris on the east side of the proposed addition which will require engineered fill and poor soils at the west end which will require wider footings to distribute the building load. INVENTORY EXISTING B. THE FACILITY: The existing facility, is located at 901 and 909 Golf Course Road consist of fOllr structures of varying age and construction. All four have building code, ADA (American Disabilities Act), energy code problems and need work. 1. The N5P Building (1966-2560 5q.Ft.) contains office space, two parking aisles and a meter repair area. It was recently re-roofed with a baUasted system. Some deterioration on the west side was evident in the single wythe block wall. Obvious code issues are handicapped accessable restrooms and doors and the lack of a floor drain in the vehicle storage area. 2. POLE STORAGE Building (1984-21;08 Sq. Ft.), located at the nOlth end of the site contains SOIlle heated and SOllle unheated storage areas. It has no tloor drain. 3. POLE SIlEO and Sign Shop (J 960-2440 Sq Ft.) located north of the maintenance shop are used for steel storage, Sill a II equipment storage and miscellaneous storage (x-mas decorations) as well as the Sign Shop. A mezzanine storage area in the pole shed appear overloaded and material access is limited. The Sign Shop does not have either adequate space or adequate ventilation. 4. THE MAINTENANCE SHOP (J 976-3.')03 Sq Ft.) houses vehicle storage and maintenance, lunchroom, workbench and restroom. The coaltar built-up roof needs to be replaced, snow comes in at tbe top of tile waJl, vehicles ~re st~ck parked, there are no hoists for vehicle mainten~nce, there is inadequate be~ting and there are very poor amenities for employees. The stmcture appears sound. Tbe restroom and lunchrooms are nol handicapped accessible. /?- !,;;;i.", 10045 j ;' I II I II . . . ~ . . . . . . JI . . 5. GENERAL: Currently, adequate space for vehicle storage is lacking. With the loss of the old Fire Department Building, it willlJecome critical. Vehicle maintenance cannot be efficiently accomplished with inadequate space and equipment. While difficult to quantify, the existing conditions and mnenities are not conducive to either employee efficiency or morale. . 6. In the appendix are vehicle list and owner program. C. THE PROCESS Based upon the building inventory, vehicle list and discussions with Public Works staff and the Building Commission a Building Space Program was developed mtd evolved through several revisions. The resulting Building Program was used for master planning the development of the site to meet the Public Works Department's need through the year 2010. Multiple Schematic Master Plans were issued for discussion and for staff ami Building Commission improvement. A final Master Plan (Sheet S-I, attached) was developed with a consensus. As the discussion was proceeding, a parallel discussion of building systems mtd costs was engaged. As part of the above, site visits were made to several other facilites: I. Wright County Silver Creek Facility-Pre-Engineered Const11lction-6,OOO sq. ft. @ $20/sq. ft. . 2. Roseville Public Works Addition-Masonry and Steel Joist Const11lction-12,750 sq. ft. @$43.20/sq. ft. 3. Oakdale Public Works-Pre-Engineered Constmction-15,OOO sq. ft. @ $54/sq. ft. 4. White Bear Township Public Works-Masol1lY and Sleel Joist Coustmction-16,500 sq. ft. @ $47/sq. ft. D. THE RESULTS Utilizing only square foot costs, the Final Master Plmt Schematic (30,615 sq. ft.) can be estimated at $1.3 M. In the best of worlds it would be economically advantageous to constmct the complete Master Plan at this time. Recognizing that there are fiscal limits, the temn reviewed the Master Plan and set up priorities. The result is 3 phases of constmction. In order to open up lhe usage of the existing MAINTENANCE SHOP aud take up the space losl in the old Fire Dept Building, Phase I is lhe constmction of a free stmuling vehicle storage building (15,000 sq. ft.). The estimated constJUction cost for Phase J is $540,000. This stmcture will handle the storage of all existing vehicles and a few to be added to the fleet. It is designed to have a retaining wall hacking III' to the salt/sand storage, a sign shop and a restroom. . 2 10045 I , I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I , I I Phnse 2 of the PhUI (6,850 sq. ft.) is a combination of infill, new construction and renovation. Phase 2 construction is estimated at $380,000 excluding equipment. The inf1l! consists of a wash bay and parts storage area. TIle new construction will provide for additional small vehicle (pickup) storage, an employee meeting/training room and the public entrance. The renovation work will be to convert tile existing MAINTENANCE SHOP into a vehicle maintenance shop, machine shop, oil storage area and renovate the existing restroom. Phase 3 (6,080 sq. ft.), with an estimated construction cost of $380,000, completes the Master Plan by adding reception and offices, mens and womens locker rooms, an inspections and record storage area, miscellaneous equipment storage and a water meter repair shop. Th.;s Phase also replaces the existing NSP Building. Completion of Phase 3 will provide Monticello with a compact, efficient Public Works Facility. E. PHASE 1 CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATES In order to provide Monticello with an accurate constmction hudget cost, TKDA requested the assistance of George W. Olsen Construction, Stillwater, MN. G.W.O. is a medium sized contractor familiar with this type of facility, having recently completed the Roseville Public Works Addition. We also requested their input on potential areas of cost savings. Mr. Jeff Peterson, G.W.O. Chief Estimator, has been most helpful in the prepnration of the following estimates. TKDA Engineers and staff prepared the mechanical and electrical portions of the base estimate :tild util ized published square foot costs and supplier budget costs. TIlese estimates are probable constmction costs and are only for use by the City of Monticello. I. Building Base Construction - 15,000 sq. ft. masonry bem-ing walls, exterior insnlation finish system, steel bar joists, huiltup roof, insulated translucent skylight, and wall glazing, standing seam fascia, 6" reinforced concrete slab, overhead doors, precast mezzanine nbove sign shop, hollow metal doors. Base Building Base Mechanica] Electrical 499,300 62,000 25.000 $ 586,3()() 2. Alternate # I - Precast concrete insulated wall panels, steel columns and beams in lien of masonry bearing walls, EIFS, facia. Base Building ([!leI. M & E) Dedue! Alt. #1 586,3()O -=-i.34,l.)O()) $ 55 j AOO 3 1;1 - I S '3 10045 ! , ! I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I 3. Altemate #2 - Pre-engineered steel structure, insulated steel walls and roof iu lieu of masomy bearing walls, steel bar joists, BUR roof and standing seam metal fascia. . Base Building Add Alt. #2 586,300 67.800 $654,100 4. Alternate #3 - Based upon Alternate #1 and by roughing out the restroom plumbing, but no walls or ceiling and eliminating the sign shop completely. Alternate # I Base Deduct 551,400 (20.000) 531,400 COMMENTS 1. The cost for soils conections found by the soil borings is nol included in the above estimates. 2. The estimates above reflect the cunent construction environment and may be subject to change. . 3. Demolition and removal of the existing pole shed and sign shop are not included in the above estimates. 4. Removal and replacement of the fuel tanks and fueling system are not included in the above estimates. 5. For budgeting purposes add to the above- Contingency - 3% and Consultant Fees - 10% . 4 10045 f , . . . I I I . ~ I I I I I I , I I PUBLIC WORKS SITE CONSIDERATIONS 1. Traffic patterns - flow - one way 2. Concrete ramp or apron into building 3. Guard posts where necessary 4. Salt storage under cover 3-sided, 100 tons 5. Sand/salt storage, under cover, 800 cu yds (plan tor future) 6. Fence entire site - 6' 7. Screening to west and north for outside material storage and recycling area, wood chips compost Pickup, etc. outside of tence 20+ yds ea. (x2) BUILDING CONSIDERATION 18. Wood working area, lights & power. 19. Brick, block, or stand-up panel construction, sandwich insulation 20. Single building or multiple. 21. Relocate or demolish or sell pole building. 22. New fuel system above ground or state-at-the art underground with adaption to two-card system, phase or whole thing, 1 tank salvage. 23. No north doors if possible. 24. Future expansion designated. 25. Exhaust hose reels in shop. 26. Main OH door radio controlled. 27. Vehicle storage drive-through with parking both sides. Few, it any, columns. 28. Electrical outlets in vehicle storage. Conduit surface mount. 5 -d /:,2 - ./ <oJ i 10045 PUBLIC WORKS EQUIPMENT INVENTORY 1971 Equipment Existing Equipment Proiected Needs by 2010 . (pop. approx. 1,500) 1 dump truck with plow 4 dump trucks with plows 3-4 add'l single axle dump trucks w/plow 1 street sweeper 1 street sweeper 1 industrial tractor w/loader 1 industrial tractor 1 add'l industrial w/loader tractor w/backhoe 1 dump truck with flat bed 2 garden tractors 4 garden tractor/ 3 add'l mowers mowers or Toro ! 1 pavement roller 1 pavement roller li Bucket machines Bucket machines- outside sheltered I Sewer rodder Sewer rodder 1 pickup 3 pickups 6 add'l pickups or I light trucks 2 1-ton trucks 1 bucket truck 1 mowertrailer- 2 mower trailers I summer inside 1 van 1 jet machine . I 1 loader 1 chipper 2 snowblowers Sidewalk snowblower I 1 grader 1 wood splitter 1 water truck I 1 tree spade 1 lawn vac 1 air compressor I 1 vac-all Shop & Material Storage I Salt Sand Salt Fuel I 1. Assuming continued growth in non-grid fashion 2. Assuming population 8,500-9,000 by 2010 I 3. Assuming 8 to 10 hour plowing schedule . . I I 6 10045 . ~ I I I I . . I ~ I I I . . . - . . Comm. No. 10045 MONTICEllO, MINNESOTA PUBLIC WORKS Program Room Size Sa.Ft. 1. Wash Bav 20 x 40 800 Pressure washer-kerosene-11 OV exist'g Low main!. walls-sandblasting Use as paint shop-HV AC & Infra-red Trench drain Air outlet, filter and regulator infra-red 110 & 220V Lighting for paint shop Flammable storage cabinet 2. Machine Shop 20x40 800 Work tables (by Owner) Welding hood 110& 220 (welding outlets) Monorail hoist - #2000 capacity out to driveway Soundproofed walls Infrared heat Air outlets, filter and regulator Industrial operating doors 3. Steel Storage 20 x 14 280 Adjacent to #2 (machine) Monorail 2000# hoist to unload and transport to #2 or # (shop) 4. Oil Storage 10 x 20 500 gallon waste oil tank w/space for 1500 gal. Pumps for Series 3 W30, W40, ATF, Hydraulic fluid, grease Air compressor-use existing, exterior access, exterior empty pipe for used oil Monorail trolley hoist for 55 gal. drums 5. Shop Area 80 x 40 3,200 4 work bays @ 20' x 40' + work space 2 hoists - 1 - 54,000 & 8,000 # Hose reel system - 30W, 10-40, hydraulic & grease and air Work benches and wall cabinets by Owner Air outlets w/fiiters & regulators 110 & 220 elec. outlets Reel exhaust system - 2 bays + extensions Underfloor exhaust system - 2 bays Trench drains & floor pitched to drains Provide vehicle connection to vehicle storage H & C water & slop sink 1.-;.15S 7 10045 I I Clock . Telephone I Infrared heat - wood heating system add alternate Opening windows & skylight ~ Handwash & air dryer OH doors - radio controlled - 6 controllers Flammable storage cabinet - gallons PRV exhaust system - 2 x 5000 CFM ! Parts washer - by Owner Wood burner auxiliary heater I 6. Parts Storage 16 x 24 389 Telephone Clock I Desk & chair by Owner Steel shelving 110 V. Elec. , Window to shop area ij Forced air . ! 7. Restrooms - 2 Maintenance free walls and floor 1 stool, 2 urinals, 2 lavs & 1 shower - Men 12x15 180 tr 1 stool & 1 lav - Womens 7 x 10 70 . '.I Toilet Accessories Forced air heat I Air 8. Woodworking Room - Parks 16 x 20 320 ! Work bench by Owner Fluorescent lighting 110 x 220V elec. I Slop sink Dust exhaust system Forced air heat ~ OH delivery door or 8'-4" x 8'-0" insul. metal door to outside , 9. Sign Shop 16 x 20 320 Fluorescent lighting 110 & 220V. elec. 1 Racking by Owner Forced air heat Provide second floor storage J Street barricades, etc. . , i 8 10045 10. Tempered Vehicle Storage 6 - 5 yard trucks @ 14W x 35L 2,940 1 - sweeper@ 14W x 20L 280 2 - tractor w/loader/backhoe @ 10 x 20L 200 6 - garden tractor/mower/blowers@ 6' x 10' or 1 trailer 12' W x 30'L 360 1 - pavement roller 8'W x 10'L 80 1 - sewer rodder @ 12'W x 20'L 240 6 - pickup trucks @ 10' x 20' 200 2 - 1 ton trucks @ 10' x 20' 200 1 - van truck@ 10' x 20' 200 1 - bucket truck @ 12 x 30 360 1 - jet machine 1 -loader - 10'W x 20' L 200 1 - grader w/plow - 12'W x 35'L 420 1 - Vac All @ 12'W x 30'L 360 1 - compressor BW x 12L 96 - water truck 12 x 20 240 - Miscellaneous-mowers/blowers, etc. 20 x 40 800 6,376* . Does not include drive area 11 0 & 220 elec. Infrared heat + code ventilation Cold water, trench drains Sander holder on wall PRV exhaust system 2 x 5000 CFM 18 x 14 OH doors - radio controlled Skylighting, translucent wall panels Provide for future pre-fab storage mezzanine over pick-up parking, incl. structure for 1/ton trolley hoist Paint lines for parking areas 11. Salt/Sand Storage - 800 cu.yds. 40 x 60 2,400 Lighting Future hopper/conveyor system Roof height bottom @ 15' minimum Corrosion resistant construction 12. Salt Storage - 1 00 yards 15' x 20' 300 Lighting Corrosion resistant construction Roof and door (?) Roof height bottom @ 15' min. 9 f?f~ 10045 13. General All OH & man. doors to be protected w/6" bollards Unified exterior image . 14. Fueling Area Locate for ease of access Re-use 1000 gal. fuel oil tank Remove 2000 gal. gasoline tank - install new 1000 gal.gasoline tank. Re-use pumps Provide above grade supports and dikes for two tanks - heater for diesel Canopy above pump area Provide card reader system/card/vehicle 15. A. Office Area Remodel to increase efficiency HDCP toilet B. Water Dept. Open north wall if possible 16. Site A. Site Screening Provide landscape plan for implementation by Owner Fencing of site by Owner B. Recycling Area - Scrap Iron - 20 x 20 fenced Compost - 20 cu.yds. - Wood containment walls - public access after hours Wood Chip Area - 20 cu.yds. - Wood containment walls - public access after hours . . 10 10045 ., " ), ., 'I i~ H " ~ ~ 0 ,I ~ " Ii: j 0 0 " ~ '- ::2 :: " rn ~ 0 ~ ~ :5 ~ :~ Ii: ~ . C m . , . ;; . . . " 0 . . ;IJ . OR 0 . D V . . 0 ~ < lJ) . " ~ . en r . . CJ m . . !2 GO ~ " . w --< " , en i (Jj j' " I . r >> ~ z ;,:, iilli I mttl ,I , 1:111 f lilllll I:II!I, lillll 1:1111,1, ~1 !li Wl '~l : 4i! HH 11" !~r! I~ ..! '1-3 ~pq ;~ , , , ..~'.. ."". "0.-... ..., ------~- il ~ i , / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ,:j /".... /.,.... "'# ,~-i'" /" /^- /~d> / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ./ " D _ I:l o o o o o o o o o I/-" /5'1 I <" J .. · l ! . ,1.1. mrr ;1111 111I1 II F;~ I~: HH ,~ iH! I jiwi :1 ~~;! ~ :,! '1-3 ~~ B:l H> . !~ ~~ i; " -;'I:' ~ .., <9:. ~ '" 9 ~l~ ~; ~' ~ ;po 0iiJ ~':. ;!o./ ;; "" ;r; ~. .'~ f;. <i . , >: I 1'0 e!!!I . . .--... ~c::'=""";;::r::;;;""'. r "...,-, I '."....., . ..",_. ,. "" . ....-.. ."'-r D I ~ n'] < > ~ ~' . 'D 'I '> '-;:UI ~m '0 0 ~\J 'D oI I ,,, " .en en ,m rc 'D ~.... I "1J cv " U1 I m " en rc 0 'D "1J I I " " en u; m m w "1J 0 I " u; m u; cv "1J ~ 0 en I en c " > u; ~ u; ,n ~ I ~ m m m m cv , , , m m m < < < ~ > > ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 Z Z Z ~ , i "1J I " U1 m " "1J I " U1 m w ~-:-I o o "1J I ~ 0 m o I;J- .. / s-t PUBLIC WORKS FRONT OFFICE RECEPTION AREA (DARK PANELING - POOR VENTILATION - CROWDED CONDITIONS) (3 SECRETARIES SHARE AREA) . . . EXISTING LIGHTING (VERY POOR) p - 1">7 . . 7 ~/" FILE AREA TOO CROWDED (IT INTERRUPTS P.W. DIRECTOR WHEN FILING) / ~ - /vO . . STREET SUPERINTENDENT WORKSTATION (NO PRIVACY OR ROOM FOR EMPLOYEE CON~ERENCES) . (;2,/&/ WATER & SEWER SUPERINTENDENT WORK STATION (CROWDED CONDITIONS - NO PRIVACY FOR EMPLOYEE CONFERENCES) . THERE IS A SEPARATE HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING UNIT FOR THIS AREA. IT DOES NOT WORK WELL DUE TO THE CROWDED CONDITIONS AND ITEMS STACKED IN FRONT OF THE UNIT. . /:;J-./~2 PARK SUPERINTENDENT WORK STATION (CROWDED CONDITIONS - NO PRIVACY FOR EMPLOYEE CONFERENCES) . . . ~~ -e :::!<( 00 <0:: LL.~ fl)0:: ~6 I:t:o Ou.. ~6 O~ -0 ...Jw lXle ::::)Cij ll.:r (!)6;: zo -z I-z fl)o -~ X W . > I- ::i o <(0 LL.<( (/)0 ~o::: O:::w O(/) ;:0::: O::l -0 ...JO lOLL. ::l...J Q.O '~ ~w Zo ~- o:::(/) <(J: Q.I- 00::: wO OZ ;: o 0::: o 1/;--/&3 . . . rf?-.IU~ Council Agenda - 6/13/05 13. Consideration of Replacement of John Deere Skid Steer Loader.(lS.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Public Works Department has been proposing to replace the existing 1997 model 8875 John Deere Skid Loader since 2004when an amount of$42,000 was placed in the 2005 budget for the purchase of the new skid steer loader. Typically, the skid loader would be ordered after approval of the 2005 budget in December 2004, however, with the new council coming on and the freeze on spending the skid steer was not and has not been ordered. In addition, we also placed a similar amount of money in the 2005 Wastewater Treatment Plant budget to purchase a skid steer loader for down there as they have no equipment for unloading freight as it comes in or moving materials and equipment from building to building throughout the facility. The only lifting device they have is the cable boom on the back of the pick up. The thought last year was if the John Deere was still in fairly decent condition, we would use it at the treatment plant and put off buying a new unit for down there. We probably kept this John Deere a little longer than we should have. In early December, 2004, the main drive hydraulics failed on the skid steer. Due to the complicated nature of the New Holland/John Deere construction the repairs were beyond the scope of our mechanic and the unit was sent to Scharber and Son's for repair. The repair bill in December was $5,203. The total hydraulic system failed in late March of 2005 and again the unit was sent to Scharber and Son's for repairs. This time it was a simple repair as far as the part. The main coupler had failed between the motor and the hydraulic system, however, due to the complicated nature to get at some ofthis equipment to repair it, the bill again was $1,765. We have spent $7,000 in repairs on this machine which has a value of approximately $11,000. The machine has 2,000 hours on it and although wom, it should survive a while if not used on a daily basis. Hopefully no more major repairs are needed and the unit will last several years at the treatment plant. Included with the supporting data is a copy of the State bid from St. Joseph Equipment for a new Case skid steer, also there are copies ofthe evaluation forms of varies equipment operators trying out both a Bobcat and a Case skid steer. I've also included an explanation ofthe additional options on the equipment above the bare unit. We also obtained a bid from Truman and Welters of Buffalo to verify the state bid was lower than an area dealer. Based on all of the above information, the following are the alternatives. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to authorize the purchase of a new 2005 Case 450 Skid Steer loader based upon the state bid from St. Joseph equipment, without a trade, for $3 5,721.17 which includes state sales tax. This would also include the purchase of a jack hammer and a asphalt cutter attachment for the unit, also from St. Joseph equipment for $7,916.15. Furthermore, the used John DeerelNew Holland skid steer would be sent to the Wastewater Treatment plant to be used there with a transfer of$11,300 from the Sewer fund to the General fund to cover the value of the used piece of equipment transferring into an enterprise fund. Finally, this would include the purclJf.se ofa snow bucket and a set of pallet forks for the used skid steer from St. Joseph equipment t6 be used at the Wastewater Treatment plant for the amount of $2,628.42. 13 -1105 A . . . ~ VEHICLE REPLACEMENT POLICY PROPOSAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT January 21, 2005 The purpose of the guidelines is to create a means by which the department can efficiently evaluate the replacement ofthe departments equipment. The goal is to maintain all equipment in good/safe/efficient operating condition and replace equipment before it becomes a detriment or safety problem for the city. PROPOSAL: . All equipment will be evaluated at least two years before a possible replacement year. This will allow us to plan ahead for future budgets and will give the city the flexibility of delaying replacement of equipment if necessary. . Pickups (Y2 ton, 3/4 ton and 1 tons) and light duty trucks are evaluated after 8 years of service for expected replacement at age 10 to 12 years. This includes a vehicle inspection by the city's mechanic or a reliable dealership, a trade in value of the vehicle is determined, and an estimate of how much longer the vehicle will perform efficient service for the city. This will help decide when it will be most cost efficient to replace the vehicle. The vehicle will be inspected and evaluated every two years after the initial eight year inspection. . Other smaller motorized equipment such as tractors, skid steers, lawn mowers, etc. will be assessed after 5 years and every two years after the initial inspection, with expected replacement at age 7 to 9 years. . Attachments will be assessed annually as to usage, wear, safety, and performance. . If any piece of equipment is found to have possible safety issues or excessive miles/hour associated with operation, that piece of equipment will have first priority for replacement. . Each year at the departmental budget meetings the replacement schedule will be re-evaluated and shared with other departments. The equipment replacement priority list will be determined at that time. . Additional new equipment purchases will be done when it has been shown that departmental inefficiencies are occurring due to lack of equipment or that the cities public service needs are being negatively affected. . Compact 4 x 4 pickups commonly used for off road construction inspection will be evaluated after 6 years with possible replacement at 8 years. . The city will attempt to sell all vehicles and equipment outright through a bid process once trade-in values are known. F:\ADt.IIINlWoIcPnx:IPOLlaES\VetideRaplacemenlPoicyPrwosal2005.wpd: 2f10i05 -Pagelof2- l 3.- llo .., - · Projected growth may require keeping better trade-ins for backup use or transportation service. .. Large dump trucks: evaluated at 10 years of age for replacement at 12 or 14 years. · Small loaders (non skid steer): evaluated at 8 years of age with replacement at 10 to 12 years. · Large loaders: evaluated at 10 years of age with replacement at 12 to 16 years. · Motor grader: continue to buy late model used; evaluate at 18 years of age with replacement at 20 to 22 years. · All trailers: inspect yearly with replacement as needed. · Specialized equipment: Inspect yearly with replacement as needed. .. · Vac-Con sewer cleaner: Evaluate yearly with estimated replacement at 12 - 16 years. Also other wastewater treatment plant heavy duty rolling stock such as trucks, trailers and applicators. . F:IAO'-lIN\WordProo\POUCIES\VehidBR&pIaoownenIPollCl'/Pr1:>;1068I2OO!i.\.~xt 2110105 -Page2of2- . 13-lb% 440 . ~ f . \~_\Io~ . . . JUN-08-2005 15:08 \ - ST JOSEPH EQUIPMENT 763 262 4251 P.02/03 "(')IS~,,,,- ~ '1E ~~ Quotation EQUIPM.E,NT, ELK RIVER 16200 HWY 10 NW ELK RIVER, MN 55330 Phone:783-2e2-4474 Fax:783-262-4251 DATE 2/18/05 Quotation 1# cuetomer to City of MonticellO Tom Moores 505 Walnut Sf. Suite 1 Monticello, Mo. 55303 Quote wild for 30 da)f$ Prepared by: SOt Greeley SaIN RepresenlltJve Mobile: 812-868-3062 Reference: Quantity De8crtPtlon . Total 1 We are pleased to quote (1) 2005 Case 450 Skkl Steer per MN.-DOT Slate Bid, Contract # pending. 524,710.00 2.0'1- Handles, for 2-speed, aux., ride control. $202.00 2.09 - SU$pension seal. $187.00 2.13. service M8Ilual. $470.00 2.15 - Cab, Heat, Air conditioning. 52,841.00 2.18 - Master Disconnect & Remote Jump Tetn'linals. $132.00 2.19 . Heavy Out)' Rear Door. $137.00 2.20 . Case Drain Plumbing. $91.00 2.22 . electric Auxllary Control. $196.00 2.23 - Auxilary FfllIll E1ecITIc Controls. $83.00 2.25 - HI.F1ow Hydraulics. $1,752.00 2.28 . Rotating Beacon. $92,00 2.29 - Ride Control. $358.00 2.3,1- Two Speed DrIve Motors. $701,00 (rzJ'l 3.01 tncll Dirt Bucket. $672.00 4.02 -12.00x16.5 Galaxy King Kong Tires. $435.00 4.06 . Spare TII'e & Rim. $320.00 If you have any questions conceming this quotation, plEllISe contact me at the number noted aboVe. Approved By: Date: THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUStNt!S$1 \'5_\10 JUN-08-2005 15:08 . . ,\C$lS.t,fA ~'fE~ IE Q II i P'M E N Ti City of Monticello Tom Moores 505 Walnut St Suite 1 Monticello, Mn. 55303 Phone Reference: ST JOSEPH EQUIPMENT I!!LK RIVER 182Ol1 HWY 1D NW ELK RIVER, MN 55330 Phone,783-282-4474 Fax:783-282-4251 763 262 4251 P.03/03 Quotation DATE 618105 Quotation i# Customer ID Quote valid for 30 days Pnipared by: Bill Greeley Sales Represenatlve MobHe: 612-86f.;3DS2 Quantity D881:r1pt1on Total 20.02- Base Wananty, plus 3-yeer/3000 hr. powertraln wammty. (3- total years Of warranty.) $362.00 Quoted pIlces exclude llpplleabll! tax's. TnIde, 1997 New Holland LX8875 Skid Steer ($11.300.00) SIN MOS875X030Q44. \..>.4 <~ \.... '\"(\1'\0 ~ TOTAL $22,U1.00 - - " flo"1- I ~."''7 . ~ .47 If you have Ilny quesllons concerning this quotation, please contact me III tile numtler noted a , 2. ?::',t.~ - Approved By: . Dille: THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINesSI ..,. ~~Cci' ~~S'41 : - '\'P>, 'f 2. I ~() ..- (\.o~\. 3c;);t~1 ~ TOTAL P.03 \ ~_ III ~ /450 '" CASE . PROFESSIDNAl PARTHE.R SKID STEER TIER II CERTIFIED ENGINE Model Case Family III 445T/M2 diesel, Tier 11 certified Type 4-stroke, turbocharged Cylinders 4 Bore/Stroke 4.1 x 5.2 in (104 x 132 mm) Displacement 274 in~ (4.5 L) Fuel injection Fuel Fuel fitter Air intake Cooling Engine speeds (rpm) High idle - no load Rated - full load Low idle Direct #2 Diesel In-line strainer Cross-flow Liquid 2480+50 2300 1 050+50 . Horsepower per SA::: J1349 Gross 88 (65.7 kW) @ 2300 rpm Net 82 (61.2 kW) @ 2300 rpm Peak torque @1400 rpm 263 lb.ft (356 [\!-m) ENGINE COOLING Radiator COre type Core size area Rows of tubes Cap pressure Fan Diameter Ratio Water pump Style Flow Square wave serpentine 449 in2 (.29 m2) 5 13 psi (89.6 kPa) 18.9 In (480 mm) 1.1:1 Integral 48 9pm (162 Umin) Engine lubrication Pump Deep sump with plate cooler and pressurized under-piston nozzles Pump operating angle ratings Side- to-side Fore and aft Oil filtration Rated 35" Rated 35" Replaceable, full-flow cartridge . POWERTRAIN Drive pump Tandem, axial piston hydrostatic transmission with integral charge pump driven directly off engine flywheel Pump to engine ratio 1.2:1 Displacement 0 to 2.81 in3 (46 cc) Pump flow @ rated rpm 33.6 gpm (127 Umln) Bi-directional 360 psi (24 bar) 5000 psi (345 ba~ Flow Charge pressure System relief Controls SeIVo Drive motors Fixed displacement radial piston Maximum displacement 45.8 in3 (750 cc) Speed @ rated engine rpm @ max displacement Torque @ max displacement and relief pressure 180 rpm Travel 2,733 Ib.ft (3,705 N.m) High/low trigger.button ::::omroi Low Sp-9SC o - 6.7 mph (10.7 kmh) 0- 12.3 mph (19.8 kmh) Hgh speed (optiona~ Final drive Single-reduction chain drive Drive chain Size Tensile strength ASA#120HS 41,0001b (182,384 N) Axles One-piece, forged induction-hardened high carbon steel Max torque @ rated rpm Diameter Length 6,681Ib.ft (9,058 N'm) 2.5 in (63.5 mm) 14.76 in (375 mm) Parking brakes Spring-applied, hydraulic release Capacity 3,969 Ib,ft (5,378 N'm) (at the axle shaft) Engagement Depress on/off brake button, raise seat bar, get off seat. or stop engine Page 1 of 4 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Standard equipment pump Gear pump Displacement 1.94 ln3/rev (32 cc) Pump flow @ rated engine rpm Total 22.1 gpm (83.9 Umin) Optional high flow @ rated engine rpm Total 37.2 gpm (140.6 Umin) Loader control valve 3-spool open-center series wtth power beyond port Relief pressure 3000 psi (207 bar) Port relief pressures #1 A Lower #1 BRaise #2A Rollback #28 Dump Hydraulic lines Tubing Loop hoses 3800 psi (262 bar) 3800 psi (262 bar) 3800 pSi (262 bar) 3100 psi (214 bar) 37" JIC Flare SAE 100 R12 Hydraulic oil cooler Core type Two row in-line Hydraulic filter 6-micron spin-on replaceable element on the return line with warning indicator l3 - yj d, CYLINDERS Lift cylinder SERVICE CAPACITIES Bore diameter 2.25 in (57 mm) Fuel tank 20.7 gal (78.3 L) Rod diameter 1.75 in (44.4 mm) Engine oil w/filter 3.2 gal (12 L) Stroke 38.2 in (970 mm) Engnecoonng ;ystem 18 qt(17L) Closed length 52.0 in (1.32 m) FlywheeVsplitter geart:ox 2.1 qt (2 L) Bucket cylinder Hydraulic system Bore diameter 2.5 in (63.5 mm) Reservoir 6.5 gal (24.5 L) Rod diameter 1.5 in (38.1 mm) Total 17.0 gal (64.3 L) Stroke 20.9 in (530 mm) Closed length 47.4 in (1.2 m) Chain tankS (per side) 8 qt (7.6 L) INSTRUMENTATION OPERATOR ENVIRONMENT . Battery Voltage LCD hourmeter Fuel level LED bar graph Warning lights Fuel level Engine preheat Engine coolant temperature Engine oil pressure Air cleaner restriction Hydraulic charge pressure Hydraulic filter restriction Hydraulic oil temperature Parking brake Seat belt reminder Warning alarms Engine coolant temperature Engine oil pressure Hydraulic oil temperature Hydraulic charge pressure Seat belt reminder No-tool tilt ROPs/FOPS canopy w/side screens Water-shedding vinyl seat Seat presence switch 2 in (51 mm) retractable seat belt Restraint bar wlintegral armrests I wo adjustable, hands~only control levers Hand and foot throttles Loader control lockout. system Rear window w/escape provision Front and rear halogen floodlights Floor cleanout panel ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Alternator Starter 95 amp 2.7 kW . Battery 12-volt low-maintenance 850 cold-cranking amps@00F(-18C) OPERATING WEIGHTS Unit equipped with 12 x 16.5 tires, 73 in (1.85 m) dirt bucket, mechanical attachment coupler, full fuel 8.830 Ib (4005 kg) Add-on weights Side cab glass Lexan@ door Glass door w/wiper Heater Suspension seat High flow auxiliary hydraulics Hydraulic attachment coupler Counterweight '- +70 Ib (32 kg) +70 Ib (32 kg) +77 Ib (935 kg) +60 Ib (27 kg) +10 Ib (4.5 kg) 269 Ib (122 kg) +38 Ib (17 kg) +875 Ib (387 kg) TIRE SiEt..!ECTlON Wiath Ply Tread Tire Over Tire Size Ratinq Depth Widtll Tires Weiqht" Solideal Hauler SKS 12.00 x 16.5 10 0.75 in 13.1 in 72 in 741b (19mm) (333 mm) (1.83m) (33.6 kg) Galaxy Beefy Baby II 12.00 x 16.5 10 0.75 in 12.3 in 72 in 61 Ib (19mm) (312 mm) (1.83 m) (36.7 kg) Galaxy Hulk 12.00 x 16.5 12 0.81 in 12.3 in 72 in 100lb (21 mm) (312 mm) (1.83 m) (45.3 kg) Galaxy King Kong 12.00 x 16.5 10 1.25 in 10.2 in 72 in 961b (32mm) (259 mm) (1.83 m) (43.5 kg) Galaxy Bulky Hulk 33/15.50 x 16.5 14 0.81 in 16.7 in 80io 1241b (21 mm) (424 mm) (2.03m) (56.2 kg) Case Steel Tracks 12.00 x 16.5 NA 1.4 int 14.7 iOe! 78 in 959 Ib (36mm) (373 mm) (1.98 m) (435.0 kg) NOTE: '7i;e weight oDes not include wheel weight. tEquals grouser depth. 0Equals track width. . 450 Page 2 of 4 \ 3- ll3 " ~L e \ A R (., .............. B !~ c H F V DIMENSIONS PERFORMANCE SPECS A. Overall operating height Operating load 2,450 Ib (1111 kg) Dirt bucket 150.3 in (3.82 m) w/counterweight 2.910 Ib (1320 kg) Light material bucket 158.9 in (4.04 m) Tipping load 4,900 Ib.l2223 kg) Height to~ w/counterweight 5,820 Ib (2640 kg) B. Bucket hinge pin 124.5 in (3.16 m) C. Top of rollover protective structure 80 in (2.03 m) Breakout force D, Bottom of level bucket. loader arm fully raised 116.5 in (2.96 m) Lift 5,290 Ibf Overall length (23 531 N) E. w/o attachment w/coupler 108.7 in (2.77 m) Bucket 6,200 Ibf F. wJdjrt bucket on ground 140.8 in (3.59 m) (27 578 N) eF. w/light material bucket on ground 148.5 in (3.79 m) Dig depth G, Dump angle at maximum height w/bucket fiat 0.24 in (6 mm) Dirt bucket 400 Cycle time Light material bucket 35" H, Dump height - loader arm fully raised Raise 3.14 seconds Dirt bucket 94,5 in (2.40 m) Lower 2.44 seconds Light material bucket 93.0 in (2.36 m) Dump 1 .14 seconds J, Reach - loader arm fully raised Rollback .99 seconds Dirt bucket 26.7 in (678 mm) NOTE: SAE rated lift capacities. Cycle time Light material bucket 35.3 in (896 mm) measured with rated load In bucket. Maximum attachment rollback OPTIONAL BUCKETS K. Bucket on ground 300 Heaped L. Bucket at fulf height 550 Type Width Weight Capacity inch (m) Ib (kg) ft. (m') M. Wheelbase 46.06 in (1.17 m) Dirt 73 553 16.8 Ground clearance (1.9) (251) (.48) O. Bottom of chain case 9.1 in (231 mm) 84 593 19 P. Bottom of belly pan 11 in (279 mm) (2.1) (269) (.54) P. Bottom of ootional counterweight 9.1 in (231 mm) HD Dirt 73 621 16.8 (1.9) (282) (.48) a. Angle of departure 280 84 676 19 Clearance circle front (2.1) (307) (.54) R. less bucket 54.5 in (1.36 m) Utility 73 628 22.4 S. w/73 in (1.85 m) dirt bucket on ground 84.3 in (2.14 m) (1.9) (285) (.63) S. w/84 in (2.08 m) dirt bucket on ground 86.3 in (2.1 g m) 84 674 25.3 S. w/84 in (2.08 m) light material bucket on ground 93.3 in (2.37 m) (2.1) (306) (.72) T. Clearance circle rear 62.2 in (1.58 m) HD utility 73 696 22.4 (1.9) (316) (.63) V, Tread width, centerline to centerline 64.5 in (1.64 m) 84 758 25.3 NOTE: 'Equipped with 12 x -:6.5 tires. (2.1) (344) (.72) . Ught Material 82 584 32.5 (2.1) (265) (.92) 450 Page 3 of 4 1 3 - \l \.\ .. STANDARD EQUIPIIIIENT OPERATOR'S COMPARTMENT . ROPSIFOPS canopy w/side screens No-tools tm ROPSlFOPS Instrument panels Water-shedding vinyl seat 2 in (51 mm) retractable seat belt Hand & foot throttles Ergonomic hand controls Seat bar w/integral arm rests Loader control lockout system Electric brake control Rear window w/emergency escape feature Floor cleanout panel LOADER Radial lift linkage Mechanical two-way self-leveling linkage Power Cycle bucket linkage Mechanical attachment coupler . OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT OPERATOR'S COMPARTMENT Vinyl suspension seat w/2 in (51 mm) retractable seat belt Vinyl suspension seat wi 3 in \.76 mm) retractable seat belt Electric auxiliary hydraulic control Glass front door w/wiper & washer 8IJding side windows Air conditioning Heater (deluxe) Accessory power outlet Floor mat w/footrests Headliner ENGINE Case Family Jt! 445T/M2 diesel Tier II Certified Integral engine oil cooling Fuel filter w/water trap Dual element air cleaner 95 amp alternator 850 CCA 12-volt battery Heavy-duty radiator POWERTRAlN Hydrostatic four wheel drive Servo controls ASA #120HS drive chain SAHR disc parking brakes LOADER Auxiliary front electric control Ride Control Hydraulic attachment coupler HYDRAULICS Auxiliary high-flow 3000 psi (207 bar) - 37.2 gpm (140.6 L/minJ Attachment case drain plumbing Electronically controlled auxiliary hydraulics Second auxiliary hydraulics ENGINE Coolant block heater Grid heater NOTE All specifications are stated in accordance with SAE Standards or Recommended Practices, where applicable. NOTE: All engines meet current EPA emissions requirements. IMPORTANT: CNH America LLC reserves the right to change these specifications without notice and without incurring any obligation relating to such change. CNH America LLC does not warrant the safety or reliability of attachments from other manufacturers. Case is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC. Any tiademarks referred to herein, in association with goods . and/or services of companies other than CNH America LLC, are the property of those respective companies. HYDRAU LI CS Auxiliary hydraulics 3000 psi (207 bar) - 22.1 gpm (83.9 Umin). Auxiliary interlock system Loader arm mounted ISO flat face hydraulic Quick connectors Loader function lockout system Loader Ifft lockout override 3-spoolloader control valve Heavy-duty oil cooler Loader arm float position OTHER Integral bumper counterweight Lockable service access hood Single-point daily servicing Halogen lights, 2-front, 1-rear Rear taillights Options harness OTHER 2-speed ground drive Backup alarm and horn package Rotating beacon 875 Ib (397 kg) counterweight Lift hooks D:-awbar Heavy-cluty rear door Special paint Language decals Factory-installed tires - see page 2 Buckets - see page 3 Bolt-on spill guards Bolt-on cutting edges 42 in (1.07 m)/48 in (1.22 m) pallet forks Jump start terminals/battery disconnect switch Steel tracks CASE PROFESSIONAL PARTNER WWw.cas&ce.com ~;H CASE rs h EflAND 00: CNH. . ... {:, GI..OeAl. w::A05R IN CO~STR:U:::TlON 5QU'I~M5;r..T, A.GRICUL.TURAL eQUiPMENT A.ND !="INANC1AL. SE~Vlces. Form No. CCE1200517 Replaces form no. CCE521 0403 Printed i.., U.S.A. @ 2005 CNH America LLC All Rights Reserved I ~ - tiS ~~j'~~'=<~ :. :Lr~'lAr:~,; /Ir.'"- ..' , . N. ~ ~ . .. '::,~," .....~, ;' Sj;tecificatii2ns: . CIMA Tested Flow Rate GPM ILPMJ CIMA Tested Supply Une Pressure PSI (Be) Weight lbs. (kg)' length In. (mm)' Adjustable BPM Acceptable GPM Range (lPM) Acceptable PSI Range (Be) 85 dBIA) @: Data Pending . Data Pending 145 (66) 37 (940) 700 - 1,500 2.5 - 5.3 (9 - 20) 1,425 - 1,700 (108 - 120) 8.96 (33.92) 1,976.86 1136.30) 190 (132) 49.5 (1,255) 1,200 6.5 - 10.5 (25 - 40) 1,450/2,030 (100/140) n/a n/a Working Steel Diameter in. :'C1m} 2 :521 1.5 (36) ;Jsable Vv'orking Steel In. (mm') 6.75 ':171.51 7.51:190.5;. Rec:Jmmended Carrier in tons 75 - '.58 2.75 - 3.75 "ill -~-,- -,.- . _clu; SirEei ' <em ,~H JJ.2dO ;;30-073<"58:26' ':CJX' 330.,)7?-/6i(; !-::ll,c,r"?9. ;-dOC-527-2282 (Eost '::;)05r) " ..'300-'J2J- J C' i:) i,"Nest C,)ost) Kent F S.erie5: KHB-1G, KF-3(Qt) (55) and KF-4(Qt) (55) Leading the innovative F-Series are hammers designed tor use on mini-excavators, skid steer loaders and rubber-tired backhoes. A 20% to 30% increase in impact energy over previous models is acnieved by utilizing a larger piston. Our Ot version features a unique one-piece bracket design which reduces noise levels making ihem the perfect choice for use in City environments. These hammers are ideally suited for concrete demolition. road repair and site preparation. Models KF-30t and 40t feature no back head charging for ease of maintenance and through bolt design with large "CD" threads for added strength. 1,976.86U 1 ,976.86" 1136.30) (136JO) 550 (249.5) 360 (164) 390 (177) 640 (290) 775 (352) 58.5 (1,4$5) 56.5 (1,435) 52.5 (1,335) 61 (1,550) 60.13 (1 ,527) 1,200 1,200 1,000 1.000 1,000 6.5 - 10,5 6.5 - 10.5 8.5 - 13 8.5 - 13 8.5 - 13 (25 - 40) (25 - 40) (32 - 48) (32 - 48) (32 - 48) 1,450/2,030 1,450/2,030 1,450/2,030 1,450/2,030 1,450/2,030 (100/140) (100/140) (100/140) (100/140) (100/140) nla 8 - meters n/a nla 9 - meters 2 (52;, 2152) 2.38 (601 2.38 (60) 2.38 (60) 7.511905) 7.5 {190,5} 8.512161 8.5 (216) 8.5 (216) 2.75 - 3.75 2.75 - 17S 3.75 - 5.00 3.75 - 5.00 3.75 ~ ~.OO ","",;''",1 '",., "IT.";: If''I,,:r= ,<_;: "'c...I'HH": ,...II"!'.',' d".' "-ic:! ',Of,,1 II" i'~C~L'-' r'-_, .,.,,11 :".8" ::,'I.L>. 1'!I,~ClS;,,"';'''--; ,-':;.,,( - ,I :oj"~'-"~ ;CJr : ~/d;-c"u 'c Jr'~':'1i':'cC':, '.ICe'.'E'!(:'1J2rj b".' 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Ot'.I}J" . ,2, t 1- t/~ eli, Co L20Y - I/~v/ e r s-tee-I +n/vst'4/ C/se.. ~- ~!v""1br;t - ~S7 -"c.<:e.sS c.h~C/up Ol/S /Jr /i~'YIJt9Y'/ G.,frd / - J:/e>C/j;., c... co~td/ Ii.#f ct>"1ft'oJs hy/rkJ,C .,/tw 0'1 /) ~ It, (A/ ;/Iow s'/e 0;/ If-e sy5hn-; lJ.j ftvyr&,y ('ldnt tj,j;/( (',.1,,&- 1'7 /'~ -Ia,. -/ldVlt J/)'drAVj, t {!} ve yo Elec/r,,- Co~ tab . , ""b - tll " ! /J;r~~~hc; - /J,ycl,~j~ s)'fJ...., Ileekd ,:/d" rVV1 F.5/VtJW lAw e~ /:1&" n t: Y' / /T 7.e j/' -"9' j}~c~ vi'] t'J-? )5 -r bJ"()(}rv"1 _.)5l//- fhw , !; " " 1- " I' J.l-'l .. Ii. U"! 6ey,'l - YJee/..f.r,;". 5/1.''''''''''d(/~ }.y,! 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'$ "-It" iie ~,' ",)11 '?' 1E ~ Quotation ELK RIVER 16200 HWY 10 NW ELK RIVER, MN 55330 Phone: 763-262-44 7 4 Fax:763-262-4251 DATE 6/8/05 Quotation # Customer ID E-()t'~PMF.f~T' City of Monticello Tom Moores 505 Walnut St. Suite 1 Monticello, Mn, 55303 Quote valid for 30 days Prepared by: Bill Greeley Sales Represenative Mobile: 612-865-3052 Reference: N\'C~\C~ N'>~~~ 'P-OfV' N~ ,~~ 1)=:0,,", QO(l\.:......tA>......\'"C ff(ill\!P- Quantity Description Total 1 We are pleased to quote (1) new Kent KF4QT $6,682.00 hydraulic hammer with moil point bit. 1 Asphalt cutter, cross or in line. $751.00 sub total $7,433.00 sales tax $483.15 TOTAL $7,916.15 If you have any questions concerning this quotation, please contact me at the number noted above. Approved By: Date: THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESSI \ ~_\.~O . Salesperson: Dave Borg Quote/Order: Quote Date: 06-07-05 Confirmed: 00/00/00 P.O: City of Monticello Name: Tom Moores Phone: 763-295-3170 Fax: 763-271-3272 Delivery time: 6-8 weeks Terms: P.O. Net 30 """'JRUEMAN VlrELTE~S 1600 Hwy 55 E Buffalo MN 55313 Phone # 763-682-2200 Fax # 763-682-6141 Emait - dborg@Welters.net Trueman-Welters Basic Unit(Above) & Requested Options Sale Price including Delivery: Sales Tax: Total City of Monticello Investment (with No Trade~ '" ~~ \\, eJ< ~~~ Q.f ~~~ Model Case 450 Skid Loader Engine: Number of Cylinders: Couplers: Wheels & Tires: Requested Options: Controls/Handles: ..-. Operator Seats: Manuals: Cab: . Wheels & Tires(set of 4): Extra Wheel & Tire: Master Disconnect: Rear Door: Attach. Drain Plumbing: Elect. Aux. Controls: Aux. Front Electric Contr. Hi-Flow Hydraulics: Rotating Beacon: Ride Control: Drive Motors: Dirt Bucket: Warranty: Extended Warranty: ~ " DescriDtion B Unit: Case 400 Series Skid Steer Loader $ Diesel, 445/M2 SAE 82 Net HP 4 B Manual - Standard BG 12.00 x 16.5 10PR Hauler SKS Total List Price: $ Trueman-Welters Government Discount: Sub Total, Basic Unit: $ List Pricina 33,750.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,213.00 34,963.00 ($10,521.00) 24,442.00 G Left-Two Speed, Auxiliary Hydraulics Right - Aux front Electric, Ride control & Alarm Package(AP) F Seat, suspension(vinyl) wl2" retractable seat belt Service Manuals D CabIFOPS, Delux HeaUAir conditioning, includes sound pads, front door, top and side windows BK 12.00 x 16.5 10PR Galaxy "King Kong" 12.00 x 16.5 10PR Galaxy "King Kong" BS Disconnect Battery Switch & Jump Start Terminal DA Rear Door, Heavy Duty DC Attachment Case Drain Plumbing EH Electric auxiliary hydraulic control(requires handle FE Auxiliary front electric controls (requires Handle) HH Hi-flow Hydraulics, bi-direclional, gear system RB Beacon, rotating RC Ride Control, requires Handle ST Two-speed drive Motors, requires Handle D 73 Inch, 12.9 cu ft struck, 16.6 cu ft heaped wi pre-<lrilled culling edge holes 1 yr standard Warranty, engine 2 years, 2000 hours 3 year, 36 mo.l30oo hours Powertrain Warranty does not cover the Pl. Hydraulics Sub Total of Requested Options: $200.00 $185.00 $470.00 $2.600.00 $425.00 $320.00 $130.00 $135.00 $90.00 $195.00 $83.00 $1,725.00 $90.00 $350.00 $690.00 $660.00 $0.00 $762.00 $0.00 $9,110.00 $33,552.00 $2,180.88 $35,732.88 \~-'\'fS"{ . . . Possible Options: Headliner for FOPS Block Heater: Bolt-on Cutting Edge Extended Warranty: LH Headliner for FOPS (requires seal strips) TZ Block Heater, 120V 73" Boll-on Cutting Edge 3 year, 36 month lor 3000 hour Powertrain and P1. Hydraulics $ $ $ $ With Trade of John Deere 8875 Skid Loader: Trueman-Welters Sale Price of Case 450 Skid Loader (Above): Sale Price Including Trade of John Deere 8875 Skid Loader: Sales Tax: Tolal City of Monticello Investment (with Trade): Approve here to accepl order Date 65.00 33.00 135.00 1,328.00 $33,705.00 $24,205.00 $1 57 .33 $25,778.33 Thanke Again: David \~_\'8~ . ~U~ ---- . . CASE 450 ENGINE: Case Family III 445T/M2 water cooled diesel engine 274 CID (4.5 L) Tier II emission certified Horsepower: -Gross 88 - Nel 82 95 amp alternator Air cleaner - dual element Anti-freeze solution to _340 F Fuel tank -24.7 gal. (U.S.) Integral engine oil cooling Piston Oil Cooling Spark Arresting Muffler DRIVE: Servo controlled hydrostatic four wheel drive Dynamic braking SAHR disc parking brake ASA #120 drive chain HYDRAULICS: 6 micron oil filtration system 3 spool loader control valve with dust boots Auxiliary hydraulics Pedal Actuated: loader arm mounted with ISO specification flat face couplers Heavy Duty hydraulic oil cooler Loader arm float position Auxiliary loader function lockout system Loader lift lockout override OPERATORS PROTECTIVE STRUCTURE: ROPS/FOPS canopy with side screens Controllockoul system "No tools" tilt RaPS/FOPS system Electric brake control oat thr ttle an t rattle Low effort ergonomic hand controls Operators compartment floor c1eanout Rear window with escape Padded seat bar with integral arm rests Seat, vinyl with 2" retractable seat belt LOADER: Mechanical attachment coupler Radial arm geometry Loader lift arm support strut Mechanical bucket Self leveling (two-way) Power cycle bucket linkage SAE Operating Load: 2450 Ibs. Tipping load: 4900 Ibs. OTHER STANDARD FEATURES: Counterweight, bumper Lights - 2 front, 1 rear flood (halogen) Service access hood, lockable Single point daily service Taillights Options Harness INSTRUMENTATION: Indicators: Banery voltage Hourmeter, LCD Fuel level Warning lights: Air cleaner restriction Hydraulic filter restriction Parking brake Warning lights & alarm: Engine coolant temperature Engine oil pressure Hydraulic oil temperature Seat belt reminder Transmission charge pressure Printed in USA SL-51 PL-200 SL R02 10-JAN-05 1~-1%3 . . . JOHN DEERE SKID STEER J s.. / ~ L-) ~" c..3"'75'2 . . . "J" . . . . . . 4702 " ) <> 309 I h 70 0 . ) . . , . . 05/ iDRM 1229 I "'-'e L\J (0)lll\{L ~+ F( tff~ . CITY OF MONTICELLO 250 E. Broadway, P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 PURCHASE ORDER Phone (612) 295-2711 ~ . TO: ,4:T;() , J/I,f;{;:' fSav-pdk '<:ZSj)lf&4c.fLc Y'SoA7-S I I 3 7 Z 5 /fJ/);AJ .;s;-:- Llo~ eF'1S;vlJ0'S'..374-ntJ 4-2-~IC~ N~ 2828 DATE TO Be SHIPPED AS{1(J SHIP TO: lit other thaln above ad,*,-, ~i722rJ~:!J;) . ... ,0;; -JT;~c~/J-o f1;;C-?3bL ReQUISITIONED BY TERMS SHIP VIA F.G.B. o FOR RESALE o NOT FOR RESALE . . . ! AJ c'LJ8~ 7::{ J' J~ tJSU:E'/l> -;;)0 f rJ D (: 'elL t:-' . . uJ~7-(Ftr &^/c'Qu :PrfOF;;~iJSCtv JOE lez.:g 2- I ..... .CI<.SF;:;jJE/1)CJ()c( 73 )l<41~. SN~~ EJ~i1t. .'/..... uJc7~ffTKr 4)/1h6Md<'~~ f uJt~;6)ffS ..... .~LVI'\~rJow@i~"J. 7 ~~~ 1+N~l)~~ I 8f H.. 0'NOtJ-lSYCKc"J .......... .IS\=i'vf .'T0WcMi) u}/r{. G,CO p{t;~<:tY ( Gt1APPl0 IS vcJ)'c'l 0/iU-:s. -I/J. TAX NUMBER INSTRUCTIONS 1. Plasse SeI'1d copy(s) of your invoice 2. Notify us immBdiate/y il you are unable to ship as specified I el'77o I"- I:f') FORM 1229 . t.. ORIGINAL / 'Tk(JC)~\ Cr}(/fc3 FoIL .bJou)c!\...,;q q is- T e purchase order number above must appellr on all packages, bill of lading, invoices, packing slips and corrll$POndence. . '~US @ (610) 295-3170 THANK YOU' IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS WITH THIS TRANSMIS;;~~~ \-<>.s- - . I "5 _ t'if S , aIa\ ~CHARBER W ~ONS Since 1916 ~OHN DEERE ~ 13725 MAIN ST. ROGERS, MN 55374 (763) 428-4107 'LAND PRIDE 'FELLING TRAILER 'WOODSMAN Service Invoice INVOICE DATE ; BRANCH INVOICE NO. ,-, ....,.." ;:.:.~ (~DECm;~ 01 , i:~ l.j .:}. SOLD TO: I CITY OF MOHTICELLO RTTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WRLHUT STREET, SUITE 110~!1':[CEL..LO, MN 55362 I PAGE I I E~ S H I P T o SALE TYPE CHAf<OF L f ~ CUSTOMER NO. 331.JJi:~() L -1 JD 9.'3[~:.3 METER __ 1M"',,, !iI' f1e)8~~,-~X0309:4A DATE ORDERED PURCHASE ORDER NO NAME MODEL EQUIP. NO. I IHCOMIHG ERT ENUIRO~~E~nAL FEE SEG" 01 PR'f J,196~96 l_AB 1,IB3"~~6 i1~3C I.~)" !i}f} l4..S0 fO 'r~L 4,995ff12 G< QP A" \ 0...'; OK TO PAY? Code: ;;d-s# 'Y5"rfi; Initia'!_,- .~_. _..._.._.~"" ~- ~ ~S~'~~F~~:'~a~ The Charge Account For RuraL America TOTAL PARTS :3 '.t :I. '::If:,." 'J(. 15% RETURN CHARGE ON ALL SPECIAL ORDER PARTS. ALL PARTS MUST BE RETURNED WITHIN 25 DAYS. NO RETURNS ON ELECTRICAL ITEMS [~:;0~ J" ?l:~3,! t::..(, TOTAL LABOR MISC. CHARGES SALES TAX t l+" ~7.j~c' ;::.~mg" I~J'J I ~- \ ~ l.. L PLEASE PAY . THIS TOTAL '-:; , :".~ ~"'i ::::.j i::2:j .,.." Sg:~~~~~ . JOHN DEERE SOLD TD; I CITY OF,110KrICU..LO ATTN. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE '5(~j~) ll,.f(')L.l-..fIJT ~:~TF'F[T~, \3!JJTF MON1"[CEl..L..O, ~IN 55362 L I PURCHASE ORDER NO. BER 13725 MAIN ST, ROGERS, MN 55374 (763) 428-4107 'LAND PRIDE 'FELLING TRAILER 'WOODSMAN Service Invoice INVOICE DATE : BRANCH I .:~i r ") ::. r~v: .\' I PAGE I S H I P T o /1 L SALE TYPE '; ;,":;.:- ~ CUSTOMER NO. m(.?71 :! WORK ORDER NO. iJ3A3 NAME .H, ADJ TRACKING AND CREEP, INSTALL DmJR SWITCH fRY TO RDJUST CREEP. REMOVED HAND CONrRI)I_~. REPlRCED 'I.'tl~!-I'rlll--' 111 11"ll!) (-qll"(I"f')' ,- "[l'!'!-I -. ,.!\ii.,. ,-"-rl "("'f-n 1'1'1"1'(.'1('" ,', _.~::' ,.\_:l~::_ . ~ "H-. ...-_..,' ,.,....1...':)0 ,\.'. :.1.k,<-~.!f "..~-:...!.!:l"'"-::,,, _.... '1"'," ,)1::. PI\HJT F"IHIH'; O~I BOTH STN:S" TIUED'.rti!':-ADJllq;r CI'?I:<.T'" HO r;nOl).. hEPI...ACED !>O[J!': 8IM'If:IL .!II.....r,"'-!)." -TH HYl) P11t'IP':;, I':EPU,CED FR()j-IT l'lOTOI< l'IOl.lI~ . . :>rnU:'D DI.IT PAFns.. PE.PL neEI> BOTI'llinyT.> - DRUIH"; [)t,1 FITTINGS" 1...00,jFR CAr... (.mJ,. .11'.. (.HlJUBTFll _ .."~~J:.wuuj,E'[i_DtW.'hL.._-,Hh~:q;;:1: ' Tflr,PED OFF HYD (Jrt.""" ., '. ". . -- ----.--..,,,..--- ~'-;; 2 !1 GB6 ~:; ~:.17~l.)0 ~.; A/,Dl-\0 :I. '~)H2t~,.t.,..i~ AE3} 17'7 t{l [i H (:, E. ~:l7 ~:.:l "/ (:':) j'1(~ ",) '7(.1:1. AB l~; [E.,f.,AI :'\ 3.'7E.o.71 :.7. " ,.. " . YPZ:'l "7~~j7',~ ['.~ i.:: I9Hl''}:,\(. 1~'+('52H :I... ~:'l Gr.11... OT~3 ., .~ UH'or~ ,~ J. p . m ~~~~F~~~a7 The Charge Account For Rural America. 15% RETURN CHARGE ON ALL SPECIAL ORDER PARTS. ALL PARTS MU$TBE RETURNED WITHIN 25 DAYS. NO RETURNS ON ELECTRICAL ITEMS 1 (.:~." E~ ~:J ~:S" ':'19 B\.H3H J NG tiP X P t ./f:~ ,. 7~; BE(.H:IING PUI'lP GEi:,P D..RII'II.'.: SJ"'lr:)P I:;~ I NG 1,:;OL{)'IOF 14Ji'U" ',.-. (J'PIHG (J"'RIHG O....f':IHG OR HIG (f:(}-5'""- 5S(:76 ~ C(.ij:.' ~:) C f' Et>J 3PIUI'1O UJC IIYG(.lIHl C(JOLAHT -..J" I...f. I." :57\,_ 0~) t l{) ~:S" 18:tD~: : ':~ ~,~~:; Ct g ces-' ., f,:!3 II..:n r,:~" I{ 1. INVOICE NO. I ..J 2 .(~" 5:€) 11. '0l3 I " '31~ [~.3.. ~~(~J 1 'I ~5''?f~)" (.;-l~) HI..W'1 (,.. Iv) '7..lll'1 ..\,1(;) ",I'1vJ .. 6v) " 7f.:,~ _" Ai? :I." 3~:S ..::H:: .. ~t t.) t1.. 3':) -,'4" {~,EI ,:I. '.1 )' !~:-3 ,,6 (:.. TOTAL PARTS TOTAL LABOR MISC. CHARGES SALES TAX l ~- t~(7 ~~~SA~~;AALY t 'i~ .j(. C U t..1 T I HUE '() '.11,' .\1:. 01 39~~5 " , '. JUN)38 '135 132:38PJ'~ CHARBER', ~ ua I aONS Since 1916~' 'l _JOHN ,DEE~" ~'f ,~ ~ SOLDl"O:: . ;:w. ~"I' :!~'l': (i'Y''"jJj:"'ilfo'l'i' I ! LCIo ~eu'~"- ,...."-',:-:-'~,...,-"..^ r , 13725 MAIN ST. ROGERS, MN 55374 (763) 428-4107 'UP .1/1~RIDE 'FELLING TRAILER *WOODSMAN Service Invoice " INVOICE CATe ~'5APR!"l5 BFlANCH INVOlCE NO. 50S WALNUT STREET, ,. , ~t . .~;., MONTICELLO, I'tN 553&2 L r '-M-~'~ . IO\Mi' i t 9 H I . T 0 L 1=""0.... AIMU<-- ...J PURCHASE ORDER NO, NAMe WO~T DRIVE, NO HYD'S l '> , REMOVED HI-F'LOW PUMP. RAW I'lACHU'E~ CAB. REMOVED HYD PUMPS. REMOVED B' 'SEAL A~ID I'IDUNTHIG PLATE. ASSEMB" . ',. AND TEST DROVE" ' ',,,...., .-.,..... ~___f__c. . t- "U36~, 12 19M7513 12 12M711l3~ 1 MG979049 1 MG8E.537l 1 19H17(f" 3 MG140e~5 La WASKE 2 E6E.413 O-RIMG 1 E652se V-RING '," "e, QTS HY,GARD ,1..."',lIl'.","'""/"- "'T '" ~m.i..,.. ,,' 'jll!l"j-''\I " OJ"'...""" i ic''ltt ) 1'1131885 MALE COUPLE ",".'~~-",: ' ';'\~,;':"ADAPTERS " '1~\ . ::' "', ,;\ "'\I: '; r,~,"t"v.\I..-ER ,..,. ':- >, ' " ...., L LAIIOR" i;, 'NG FRT ~ONI'IENTAJ FEE r ~.e€' LAB 1,0'34.'5 '" ,.__215.BB". . . 21 .09 43.50 285.00 .22 ~l:;.l1le 2.. 5f.~ .49 3.05 t. 35 1.78 1.el8 43.50 285.00 .2a 1.47' 6.10 1.. 35 3..~j6 1. 89 , '~~.,.. r'c-, I \ 'l-/.t ' "--., , "\ .\."' r - A . . ," .: i' " '.." . , " . : ~ . < \ __.. ~~" ~=:-:'~l-~~_ - _- ~~__ _ - APR 2 9 2005 L..,.;' m' crl1=arm Plan. czrJ A Servkt of FPC riMndtd the. Opqc AbOOUnI ror ~ America 1~% REl1JRN CHARGE ON All SPfECfAL ORDER PARTS, All PAFlTS MUST BE RETURNED WITHIN Z5 DAYs. NO RETURNS ON ELECTRICAL ITEMS '''::'''-:':1, '2 IO<V '; t J ~- 00 .', . TOTAL. PA~TS 602.26 TOTAL I.ASOFl 1;1394.75 MISC, CfW!GOS 28...Sel $A~TAX 40. 3~:i . PlEASE PAY . 1,.76-5.86 I THIS TOTAl I . \'~!';$;'""~ :' ~~r;c'.,' \ . ~~,... .-:1; DEERE 8875 For Sale at MachineryTrader.com Page 1 ot '1. . Home I Register I Contact Machines For Sale You searched for: DEERE listings where the model is exactly 8875 Number of Matches: 4 This Page: 1 of 1 ..~ Email This to a Friend Chanae Your Search View tiiah-Low Averaae '{iew in Printable Format ThumbnMEhotos On Financial Calculator Say you saw it on MachineryTrader.coml YEAR MODEL PRICE (US $) LOCATION MANUFACTURER Description Contact Phone Fax 1997 Pho!o(s) ~end a Messag~ Add To 'Mact)ines Qf In~eresf . 1997 photo~ Send a MessaM Add To :Machines Of lntere~~ 1996 Send a MessaM Add..To 'Machines Of Interest' 1995 Photo{!>} Send a l\!Iessaae AddTQ. 'Mach~nes Of Interest' DEERE 8875 $19,788 VT SIN: 030265, Stk #: UU0496, 2450 hours, 500.(, TIRES, SEAT CRACKED, BUCKET GOOD CONDITION Beaureqard Equipment Updated: Dee 27 2004 8:04AM (802)893-1555 (802)893-1230 DEERE 8875 $11,000 SIN: X030849, ROPSI FOAM FILLED TIRES GPBUCKET & FORKS/JD 3CYC DIESEL PA Hea~uipment Loader Parts Updated: Jan 21 2005 2:38PM (717)469-0039 (717)469-7679 DEERE 8875 $11,700 WI SIN: M08875X025443, Stk #: 37926, 2546 hours, Cab Door W/heat; 12:00 X 16.5 Tires; Aux Hydraulics; 72" GP Bucket FABCO Equipment. Inc. Updated: Feb 15 2005 6:46AM (800)353-1944 (262)886-0528 DEERE 8875 $12,500 SIN: 20176, 3630 hours, Canopy, Bucket, Auxiliary Hydraulics IL A1Well Eauipment Updated: Jan 182005 8:40AM (309)932-8220 (309)932-8209 . http://www.machinerytrader.comllistings/forsale/list.asp?guid=E429CE868C 114AEBA45DCCDCE... 2/18/05 1"3> - V& <\ . Quotation ~,. C;:' ;,j. r ',I i';/i ELK RIVER 16200 HWY 10 NW ELK RIVER, MN 55330 Phone: 763-262-44 74 Fax:763-262-4251 OA TE 6/8/05 Quotation # Customer 10 ~!E City of Monticello Tom Moores 505 Walnut St. Suite 1 Monticello, Mn. 55303 Quote valid for 30 days Prepared by: Bill Greeley Sales Represenative Mobile: 612-865-3052 o,,'V\~<:."'m~~ '\'0 lb-F ~:s tfD Reference: ceQ-l ;6>"^~ ~ cC'\- -05' 0 . lr\.r.- ~~<\ Q. Quantity Description Total We are pleased to quote the following Virnig snow buck.ets. 1 SLHV84" 25.8 struck. cap., 31.0 heaped cap. $1,289.00 , 1 SLHV96" 29.4 struck. cap., 35.3 heaped cap. $1,478.00 1 MSHV101" 37.0 struck. cap., 44.5 heaped cap. $1,614.00 *' 1 Virnig heavy duty 48" 6000 lb. Capacity $990.00 pallet. forks. Quote doe's not include applicable tax's. If you have any questions concerning this quotation, please contact me at the number noted above. . Date: Approved By: :I' ..0 \4"\-e. ~ , .,p Qq.o ~ --- ~4 ~~ 4-'Z. l~o _ '2.~~.8 ~ THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESSI I 3_lqO .-r~'j. ~) . . . ........, '-V Vl.. 'U...IJ VI '"T\) n;1 L..~i..u...i..n 1J1V, r nr. !'tV, VOC::OO f OOCU OPERATOR APPRAISAL Date: Operator: Type of Material: Rating Scale 5 to 1: 5;;;; Excellent 1 = Poor Machine Model: t~se ~t:f/' ~A-t I~~~~~~.~=~~"~~~:"~ i ~f~ r-Q.q51~iOn of Controls.. u'-+B--5: , \S.f:f?rt qf.9ontrols _ _" , ~, .~-l Iv.;,,,, ~...s: I f : Handli!!L. -. _ _ ~ 1____"> Noise Level ~ I ~ iOverall Oper~t.9l.Comfort . ~~""-1 ) I ~- !6raking __ S--- I I~ ~ ,_. I ~,.., to Wh.... "T"",_ ... i ~_. i,Powerto Bucket cr B!!1!de ", ,~! 5/....-- !Overall View cfT!!!iini.n..e Presentation ,~i ,~__ - 7 5.~ '! ~ , Comr:n~n.ts .1 I I I I Is-tQ,~ r, U~ .J',,/.A. L . . . ....1.... '-V \,/1.. 'TI...IJ ....1 ''''T".I n;J ..~....VL.l.:"n !11V, r ;,,, ['iV, ijOc:.OO r OO'::U OPERATOR APPRAISAL Date: Operator: Type of Material: Rating Scale 5 to 1: 5;;;; Excellent 1 = Poor @ ~()/'aA-t Machine Model: [""- r-'" iPCl.iry: Maintenance Checks.\!:@.~ilL II L.( -r...~L 1!;!l~ELOf Enterln>l & Exitjn~ C~.b" .... ,U._.~. ~~q,q~~on of Controls ......---t-f-+_.L... @Jfort of..9ontrols .._..., . ' .L.~ I iVisibili __.,5 i Ii. Handli!!L I) .___1 _ INoise Level,.... S I I I. everall Ope~t.9l. Comfort ...... --r-~--~_L_... _. I I :BrakinQ __ l.t I I _.j_. ~ p:~!?wer to Wheels or T'!:\!'Q~___ '..._ I iPowerto Bucket or B!!lde 1_...... ' !Overall View of Tf.!l.inins Presentation I ___ I I It.- ComJ:T1~ntll .k~,/.JO'\' C(Ce. !36hclff- fl:1- t1i r.' __. .. ~ __l!:Y bJYCo'5 r, U~ n.~\C\~ ~~, ~v v~ '11...),1 VI '"TV n;1 o:..~i..UL..i..n U1V, rM I'iV, vOC:::OO{::JO~lJ r, U~ OPERA TOR APPRAISAL . Date: Operator: Type of Material: Rating Scale 5 to 1: 5 ;; Excellent 1 = Poor Machine Model: ~ l3~baA-t IDaily: Maintenance Che~;J[::a.~.~L-=1 j -C.~~~L I 11;~~'!_ofEnterlnq & ExitinQgil.b, n. ~ 1-3.. Location of Controls ...~3.._.._ fi.i.f9ri qfJ:;ontrors ---... J L/ i , , _I....!:L i ,-;l) -,,~..- I I Visibilitv 1""" : . .-.,... I -." ....~ Handli.D9 _. . , -t, 0 .....,.,- i ,--- - Naise Level ~l I :1.- I ...-. -.... ...) ;Overall Opef':;it.\1t Comfort ~I I "1 I I .....-1 ... -. I [Braking -- y y I ...,.-. ......., ~_. !Power to Wheels or Tr~q~. 1.1 . , I ..... I 1"- ""Y... . i Power to Bucket or Blade .., ~ i .J ",-. !'Overall View of T!~.inL~g Presentation .... I "''''.R ~ I :i - .J -"'....... yt..- 5t Cam.r:n~.I'!.t!! "". ..- ......, ....".. 'H'_ -.'.- .- - ... ..... --. "'.. ..... .. .- '" ..-.. - '- . "'.-- ..-.- -.... -...,...... - -- '''~ ... ,".. " ",". .. . \-:S_ tq3 . . . ....l..ol r....v ....'- 'lL..U ...., '''1\..' n;J ,-2.i.....,I...i..l\ !11V, r nf\ l'tV, 1jOC:OO (OOc:U r, uc OPERATOR APPRAISAL Date: Operator: Type of Material: Rating Scale 5 to 1: 5;;;;; Excellent 1 = Poor ~ ~t?b~A-t ..['~ !~_. i ~.."..." ! .5.5 Comments l2D;{ IJ' e- /~:) ftJ;J.,,, r:.f /J1511o.J4.-:-1-~j-j 'f' CA5e ....-1. S e..I)S) ev:......to VJ.~..('j( 011.., -;; "'- Machine Model: Iqail~Maintenance Che~~'(~e1s...~l JI .5" 11;..e1~El..9..U:nterinQ & Exitinq g;l.b. u.. __ .2... lhQ.q;at.iQIJ..of Controls .... ...~..5 IEffort of Controls I .5 IVi~ibmt' ---'. .....Y- HandU.D9 -. . Noise Level ,Overall Operator Comfort 'I !SrakinQ "'''''''- """-"1-~ 5 I !:Qwer to Wheels or T r~Qk..__ I _..5 IE-ower to Bucket or B!~de ---C" .5' [Overall View af T!~inln..9 Pres~r' r i 1..3 I I :.~ 1.......1 13 :=ju 1.5" j,..... i~ I s I .", .--t---l I '1.1".. i I 'I ..,.. 51 m..p-~e#eY' +- l?-\G.q . . . ""....1 ,-v Vl... ','-,.1 Vi '-r""" n;J ""~i...V....i..:.l-" 111\.', r M^ ['iV, tjOC:OO {:JOcU OPERATOR APPRAISAL Date: 5- ~ I -oS"' Operator: Q 'fe, VI F...r"",'S Type of Material: Rating Scale 5 to 1: 5;; Excellent 1 = Poor ~"'S~ ~:;~V Machine Model: ~ 5:: I~Z:;_~f-:"~~:: ~':i"~ ~~'':- ~ (-f~!f ~\:.Q.q.?l~i9n of Controls .... ...~.1 i .-tl:.. , ~.f1'9rt qq:ontrols .._.. .. .~ 3 _~ Visibilit ~.." q I '3 : Noise Level ._.. 1 ~_ lover.all ope~t.~LCOmfort...__~ ;( I Lf-.,. .. iSrakmc:; .:t I .1.-_~ .-. il:gwerto Wheels or T.c!aq~___ ...~! 3 I ,..... I Power to Bucket or Blade <.j I ~ .,.1 iOverall View of T!?in~g Presentation ,','--1 i I ...J'" ']1..- ]t , I .....'-i , ComD1"nts r, uc I I I \ I \~_ IC{S . . . .....wl 1........ V!.- 'lL..jJ VI '"'TV n:1 ""2.i.,.VL.....n !llV, r no ['tV, ijOC:OO f OOCU i, UC: OPERATOR APPRAISAL Date: G -( ~O) Operator: ~ Type of Material: Rating Scale 5 to 1: 5;;: Excellent 1 = Poor l3t?baA-t Machine Model: l!;lI~<!_of Enterlnj:l & Exitin>l c;.~b. .... . _.. _. r-Q.q51~iOn of Controls .... m---t-:f+. _...... @Jf9i\ qf9ontrols .._.. '. . 5... ..._1 'Visibilit _ .......2..- I z. ! HandliDg -'- Noise Level iOverall Ope~t.\=!L Comfort ! BrakinQ IF.:>ower to Wheels or Tr~Q~.__ i Power to Bucket or Blade !Overall View of Tl~inL~ Presentation "_ ......-1 ') --5 _5 .5 1'- I '-1'- ! 5' _~_. I~?"J~- j -I 13- \q 10 . . . .....w. l....-.J '-Il.... ..l..o;.l VI '"TV n;l ""~i....Yi..i..:ol\ !ltV, r, U~ r ntl. J'tV, VOC:OO r OO~1J OPERATOR APPRAISAL -n,,,,,,,,"'J &ro.$Sf); <.:.kl<<, Date: Operator: Type of Material: Rating Scale 5 to 1: 5 = Excellent 1 = Poor Machine Model: CO-1.5 e. ~~haA-t I'pajl~ Maintenance Che~j;(~a..~~L I lEase of Enterln!:l & Exitinq Cab ~~~q~~i~n of Controls --.' .... J;.ff9i\ qq:;ontrols , Visibilit Handlill9 _. . INoise Level iOverall ope'~t.~!. Comfort !Braking 1 _....... i Egwer to Wheels or TrIiQ~.__ i Power to Bucket or Blade !'Overall View of T!~inL~g Presentation ~ c""-U +...L. ._..1. , S- S- ~-=i.~ i "t ,....._-1 I__S- S" ,,5 ::; I Nbf I N...._ 5::..... i I 1/ I ...r I I I I I I i I"--:t I .s I - 1--5 --1-' Comm~.I'!.t!l ....rE'rsf/n'iJI;;. if +JJg...~()i ,e ......w",..L M t6€.. Bok(+I2..;+~ S-~D Ih.10 c:_ 1:. )'k.€ -fk~ ..-+r..Ji-h'OACfI (O/l-fro /;- r<tf./"er *-~~" ~~e_J c:;rfrcJe. v-er1"\?,?:. MJ ":..-[00'/ ;'J..,,:h"~ ~ €;..y..~r fr-ttL.-.e ~4p.r ~-I- b .9t 5'0 {c<t-l,- C~5e. i~- \ct ( . . . . .....l,..o. '-'" vL.. 'lJ,...I.I ....1 '''TV n;l "-~...IJt...j,.:.n 1l1V, f nl\ I'lV, 1JOc.OO f OOCU r, UC: OPERATOR APPRAISAL (eo ~ Date: Operator: Type of Material: Rating Scale 5 to 1: 5;;;; Excellent 1 = Poor Machine Model: t-1.5 e. ~t?b~A-t Ip?ir~.Maintenance Che~;(!=iil.~.~L 'I .: -f,..'~~=..~.'.1 11;1l~E1.0f EnterlnQ & ExitinQ C~.b. .... ...1. I L.-J ~~~~:~;:~~:r:rn~ ..~.:. !> f ~I -~11 Visibilit '> \ ~:~:~:~~I ...- --I'''' 3 I"__~' I -., .... '--- -1 :s I i_ iOverall Oper~t9J.comfort"___1 J: --:~ ''',. !6raking - '3 I . 1 "'..- ~=,:~;:~~;~e~~omu," _~ I iJ~- I j I -I I COr1l.m~.r).ts __. ". '::4t-'-:t...Jd ~ 0//4-I*t-r..:-:c~ 4;kl-- / [i /f t' " . -7 _:1/1% t.Z4~~ ,_ "_ tJ // 7~~:I~/C.~ ~uE~A@h~0 4~r 1 ?:,- \<1. <6 . . . Council Agenda - 6/13/05 14. Consideration of proposal for updatin!! the Comprehensive Plan (jo) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: B. Attached you will find a proposal from NAC outlining steps and costs associated with updating the comprehensive plan. Steve will be in attendance at the meeting to review the proposal in detail. Establishment of the City/Township annexation agreemcnt and associated planning area combined with the rush of dcvelopment pressure gives rise to the need to complete this plan updatc as soon as possible. Also. as you recall at the recent goal setting session, there were a number of important issues idcntificd by the City Council that can only be addressed tbrough completion of this important planning process. It is a foregone conclusion that a plan is needed. The only points to consider is the scope of the plan, the cost and whether or not to go out for quotes. In tcrms of project scope, NAC has knowledgc of the needs of the city in terms of various issues that need to be addressed through the plan. It is my view that this knowledge is ret1ected in the scope as defined in the NAC proposal. With regards to cost, the cost though large ($55,000) is reasonable given the scope of the project and the importance of establishment of a wcll conceived plan at this juncture in the development history of the community. Also, to otTset the impact of this cost on the taxpayers of the City, it is recommended that an "annexation fce" be established that would be used to help fund studies associated with planning projects in the MOAA area. Currently, the City already charges an annexation fee which is an amount equal to what the City has agreed to pay the township at the time of annexation (four years taxes). It is proposed that this fce be increased to ret1ect a share of the cost of planning studies as well. As to whether or not to go out for quotes, I believe that NAC has background knowledge and experience nccessary to do a superior job. Going out for quotes will add significantly to the time required to get this planning project done and will likely add to staff costs. It would take a number of weeks to obtain quotes and select a consultant. Staff efficiency would be reduced as it would take a considerable amount of time managing the selection process. The length of time needed to complete the planning project via a new consultant would be longer due to the time it would takc for the consultant to get up to speed on Monticcllo. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. :\10tion to authorize completion of an update to the Monticello Comprehensive Plan as proposed by the City Planner. Motion to include authorization to add a "planning cost" component to the annexation fee. The amount to add to this fee to be determined. 2. Motion to deny authorization to complete and update to the Comprehensive Plan. J'4-IQ,\ . . . Council Agenda - 6/13/05 c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternative 1. Initiation of this planning process is overdue. It is recommended that Council authorize staff to proceed with cost recovering occurring over time through establishment of a planning cost factor to be included in the annexation fce. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Proposal along with Cover Memo from Steve Grittman I L\ - ~C') 0 ; . . . IIIQ IU l"W t$l 4' $' $Q, C'4'lUl (;Q III $ UL '4' III! 1 $,. I III! C. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 planners(ii)nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Monticello Mayor and City Council Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator Jeff O'Neill, Deputy Administrator FROM: Stephen Grittman DATE May 17, 2005 RE: Monticello Comprehensive Development Plan NAC FILE: 19106 This memorandum transmits NAC's work program and estimate for preparation of a new Comprehensive Development Plan for the City of Monticello. There are two primary components to the attached material: 1) a Work Program and outline of the project, and 2) a Budget and Timeline to complete the project by the middle of next year. With the recent annexation agreement, the City faces an extraordinary prospect - transitioning from a smaller rural community to a much larger City in a relatively short period of time. The City's planning efforts have been focused on maintaining its high quality of life and addressing the increasing number of development proposals in 80 acre (or smaller) parcels. With periodic infrastructure plans and conceptual land use planning, the City has been able to keep pace with development pressure, although even now, new projects are stretching the City's resources. Before development pressure overwhelms the City's ability to plan for the demands on its finances, now is the time to identify the long-term vision for the City of Monticello, and establish the standards that will allow the City to implement that vision. As noted by the City Council in its recent goal-setting session, it is critical to be able to plan for an efficient infrastructure system - one that avoids duplication of service, and which permits an assignment of costs to new development and avoids passing costs to existing taxpayers. As such, the Comprehensive Plan integrates solid utility, parks and road planning into the land use plan, and prepares the way for the most efficient . infrastructure plan possible. 1 '-1 - ;)00 ! -=- .. , . One of the changes that will be important for the City is the realization that Monticello will be a desired location, and that higher development standards can be implemented to protect its long-standing interest in broadening its housing and commercial base - particularly in upper bracket development. In the past, this sector of the market has been limited, as attractive development opportunities were available closer to the Twin Cities. As those communities have been developed, growth in the Twin Cities region is following the transportation corridors out of the core areas, including Interstate 94, US Highway 10, and the future Northstar rail line to Big Lake. Monticello is the beneficiary of this condition, and several high-amenity areas in the region could absorb upper bracket development. That being said, Monticello will continue to be an attractive location for more modest housing style due to its proximity to an excellent transportation system and the increasing availability of local shopping opportunities. Ensuring that the modestly priced developments also meet the City's expectation for excellence is yet another important reason to undertake a complete plan update at this time. In addition, many developers are accumulating larger and larger parcels for master- planned development. It is not uncommon now to see 1,000 acre projects being assembled that will include a wide variety of uses, development types, and densities. The City will need a comprehensive strategy for dealing with these projects, not just from the design standpoint, but also with regard to the service demands such projects . will place on the City's infrastructure. Can the City be in a position to accommodate development of this magnitude in all directions? How will the City be able to recapture the financial costs that these projects place on its budget? How can the City be certain that the Monticello of 30 years from now is a superior place to live, work, shop, and play? This plan will allow the City to set those goals, establish those standards, and ultimately, realize its vision. We at NAC highly value our 15 year relationship with the City of Monticello. We look forward, in this project, to providing the material that the City will be able to use to create a community It can continue to be proud of well into the future. . 2 I L) - (i.O \ . Monticello Comprehensive Devefopment Plan .. . Monticello Comprehensive Development Plan Process and Work Program Outline 1. Growth Manaaement Vision - What do we want Monticello to look like in 30 years? [Why 30 years? Infrastructure life; growth beyond a single generation; requires true vision, rather than mere extensions of existing conditions]. a. This work phase will begin with a brief analysis of other communities that have grown from small, fringe communities to large urban/suburban places in the past 20 years, both good and bad. Possible examples may include Lakeville, Shakopee, Blaine, Cottage Grove, Maple Grove, Brooklyn Park, and Chanhassen/Chaska. b. Part of the visioning process will be transitioning the community's "mind-set" from small town with growth potential to actively growing larger city. This phase includes two seminar sessions with staff and officials of the case study communities to understand what they believe worked or didn't work, and preparation of a summary report. . c. Focus group discussions with Monticello community officials, staff, and others. We would use case study report information as material for focus group meetings with city officials, community leaders, and other interested community members. d. The focus group discussions will be centered on the generation of a tangible, identifiable set of development goals that must be applied to the city's growth plan, and new development proposals. This summary needs to be able to be implemented in a measurable way to be useful in decision making. The Comprehensive Plan visioning work is included here to emphasize the land use and planning aspects of the visioning process. We do not anticipate a parallel visioning process for the broader community at this time. However, we do expect that the visioning process will be valuable for other City departments, and will work with the City's management consultant to integrate complementary work. . This chapter will be designed to tell a descriptive story, with graphics, photos, and other materials as appropriate, about what Monticello expects to achieve in the coming phase of rapid growth and development. It must set a threshold against which new development proposals can be evaluated, and the City must come to expect that it will be making decisions with the vision report as a real standard, not just a high-sounding statement. - 1 - I '--\ - ~O d... ~ . . . , Monticello Comprehensive Developmenf Plan 2. Inventorv-Issues - What do we have now?; What do we like and not like about Monticello? [What issues do we face in getting from the existing to the identified VISION? What needs to change? What needs to be added? What needs to be built?] a. Collect information in context. How does Monticello compare to Wright and Sherburne County totals? Why are the comparisons interesting for planning purposes? What does the inventory information tell us about dangers, resources, opportunities, needs? b. The focus of this chapter will be issues that need to be addressed, not the raw data. The report will include references to data and data sources, but will not reprint the data itself, except where it is helpful to the point being made. c. Tasks: I. Collect raw data sources - demographic, physical, etc. ii. Review and summarize for issues. III. Prep summary report - a "SWOT" analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats). IV. Discuss the analysis with the Comprehensive Plan Steering Group. This chapter will present data and analysis, but not conclusions. The summary report will be designed to organize the data so the City can evaluate various growth models, and eventually choose one as its development plan with an understanding of the impacts of that choice. The data in this chapter does not present debatable policy. 3. Concept Development Plan -What does our VISION look like on a map? [Maps of area; Aerial and Ground photos; Drawings of specific ideas; Photos of other places we wish to emulate; Text in support of graphics] The Concept Development Plan is actually a series of plans and graphics, beginning with a general conceptual land use plan, then telescoping down into more specific illustrations of development type. Examples of inclusions in this chapter are as follows: a. Illustrate how density is to be balanced or clustered over a site with natural resource preservation or other site factors. b. Illustrate favored, disfavored, required, and prohibited development types. This information can be used to draft zoning regulations that achieve the City's development goals. - 2 - I\.{- ~03 . . . . Monticello Comprehensive Development Plan c. Develop an analysis of public land and infrastructure needs (both park and non-park) over the City and analyze the percentage share per acre - develop this into an annexation fee that can be used to ensure that new development pays for itself and avoids spreading costs to existing tax payers. d. Master Plan in areas of specific needs or sensitivities. Included in this function will be a definition of development capacity for all areas. e. Illustrate goals and objectives for existing community development - where redevelopment is desired, what the nature of redevelopment should be, and where revitalization is desired (maintain land use pattern, but enhance existing conditions). f. Create criteria and solutions for extraordinary development constraints. These may include density trades, Transfer of Development Rights, density credits for development meeting specific goals, etc. g. Examine the existing community development pattern to determine redevelopment targets, as well as enhancements in existing neighborhoods where necessary. h Utilize the five Orderly Annexation Agreement zones to create planning study neighborhoods in an effort to allow more detailed planning objectives in specific areas. I. Illustrate park and trail corridors, collector street cross-sections, special street design options, and other identified development issues that may benefit from detailed illustration. The Concept Development Plan establishes the land use pattern, and the development goals for the overall community, more localized geographical areas, and specific conditions that occur in several areas. The Plan recommendations should be incorporated into zoning and subdivision regulations to give it the force of ordinance, rather than the suggestion of policy. 4. Develop Infrastructure Plans to support the Concept Plan - What needs to be built to accomplish the VISION? [SanitarylWaterlStorm/Roads/Parks/General Government e.g. fire, police, public works, etc.] This section is a summary of the engineering work being done on a parallel track. The summary needs to specify the development constraints that the infrastructure plans describe. For some areas, there will be extraordinary costs - is the city interested in pursuing growth in those areas, and how might those cost issues be overcome? This section will not re-state the infrastructure plans, but will identify issues raised by them. - 3 - I\.{- :2. CJ L\ , . . . Monticello Comprehensive Development Plan Also addressed in this chapter are issues that may be raised in the organizational visioning process - police facilities, public works needs, and other administrative demands placed on the city as a larger community. a. This plan will form the basis of an "exactions" policy. We need to understand the demand for quantities and costs of infrastructure in an effort to assign those costs. b. The City needs to define these exactions prior to annexation. Once a parcel is annexed, the City loses the ability to assign many of its costs, and must spread those costs to the broader community. 5. Balance Costs & Benefits - How can the costs of the Development Plan be paid for? [What is a fair share for existing property tax payers? How can the City be sure that new development finances its fair share? A part of the overall planning effort is the development of a Capital Improvements Program that defines costs for infrastructure, stages of development, and methods of financing. This section of the plan is intended to establish a process for assigning new costs to newly annexed areas. If the CIP identifies the need for new roads in a specific area, this section of the plan will create a policy for capturing those costs from new development. An integral part of this function is an understanding of which portions of the CIP are properly assigned to existing development. Because infrastructure wears out, it is an expected cost of government that maintenance is required, and replacement will be necessary at some point in the future. Which of the costs in the CIP are attributable to maintenance or replacement, and which are attributable to new demand? 6. Analvze the Concept Plan - Does the Concept Plan achieve the VISION and fit the Balance Sheet, or do changes need to be made? [How is the Vision affected by changes to the Concept Plan? Are these compromises worth it?] Looking back, the VISION will result in some extraordinary demands on the public. What options exist to lessen those demands, and if chosen how will they affect the City's chances of achieving the VISION? If the demands are worth it, what steps can be taken to minimize the negative impacts? 7. Finalize the Development Plan - How do we blend everything we have learned through this process? [Draw it; Write it; Map it; Calculate it; Summarize it; and finally: Identifv and List the action steps to Implement it] - 4 - 1 Y - ~ oS , . . . . Monticello Comprehensive Development Plan Monticello Comprehensive Development Plan Schedule and Budget Task 1 - Visioninu June - August, 2005. This task will run parallel, and be integrated with, the City's organizational visioning process. It includes interviews and case studies, focus group participation, and summary report. Hours and Staff Principal - Support - 60 20 Task 2 -Inventorv and Issues August - October, 2005. This task will run parallel with the visioning process. It includes data collection, organization, analysis, and report preparation. One or two meetings with the Steering Group will be required. Hours and Staff Principal - Support - 20 70 Task 3 - Concept Development Plan October, 2005 - February, 2006. This task begins with general land use planning, and will be meeting intensive, with at least one Steering Group meeting per month. Hours and Staff Principal - Support - 90 70 Task 4 -Infrastructure Plans January, 2006 - March, 2006. This task is in support of the engineering planning and will use summaries of those plans as they become available. Planning staff will participate in these studies as needed, and blend the results into the Concept Plan work Hours and Staff Principal - 20 Support - 20 - 5 - ) L.\ _ J-o \0 , . . . . Monticeffo Comprehensive Development Plan Task 5 - Balance Costs and Benefits March, 2006 - May, 2006. This task works with City finance and legal departments to develop a plan and policy for assigning development costs to the appropriate party. A part of this task will be the summary report and preparation of policy drafts for adoption by the City Council. Hours and Staff 30 10 Principal - Support - Task 6 - Analvze the Concept Plan April, 2006 - July, 2005 (and ongoing). This task will actually occur throughout the process, but will include a formal analysis task at this stage to determine the need to consider other options in light of budget or finance issues. The budget for this task assumes that the Concept Plan development will reflect the Final Plan, with nominal adjustments and fine-tuning. It would be expected that at least two Steering Group meetings would be necessary during this stage. Hours and Staff 40 20 Principal - Support - Task 7 - Finalize the Development Plan July, 2006 - August 2006. Finalization will include full text writing to supplement and illustrate elements of the Plan, as well as adjustments made during the Analysis stage. This stage also include the formal hearings required prior to adoption. Hours and Staff Principal - Support - 50 60 Summary Budget - Planning Consultant Principal- $120 per hour - 310 hours - $37,200 Support - $ 60 per hour - 270 hours - $16,740 Subtotal 580 hours $53,940 Printing Expenses and other costs of production $ 1.500 $55,440 Total Project Budget - 6 - IY-dOJ i ;:. ;:. -~ ~ <: 0;:' 0 '" '" "'Cl ~ '" OJ OZ '-'" OJ ""'" '" "'0 '" '" -'" H "'0 ,,;:. 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