City Council Agenda Packet 07-11-2005 . . . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday July 11,2005 - 7 .m. CLOSED SPECIAL MEETING- 6 P.M. TO DISCUSS PENDING LITIGATION Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Glcn Posusta, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. ~ ~. Approve minutes of June 27, 2905 regular Council meeting. 7c.-WJ<-f hv If I ~ 7, ;ja1.+'~ I TC<;~ i'V',G- Consideration of addi~ items to the agenda. CO"""! -t7 ^" e WI ,va , J. , vv(PCfCc... 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and complaints. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of new hires and departures. B. uS5 ~\)CC9 Consideration of approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for School Boulcvard between Deegan Avenue and 90'h Street Projcct No. 2005-2C. Consideration of authorizing the hiring of Frank Madden and Associates to review personnel and labor relations matters for the City on an as-needed basis. .$, Ie; Consideration of approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for 7'h Street and Highland Way, Project No. 2004-2C. Consideration of authorizing proceeding with bond sale to finance public improvement projects. F. Consideration to approve entering into a quit claim deed transferring title of the city- owned Otter Creek Crossing property to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. G. Consideration of zoning ordinance amendment relating to filing procedures for formal applications for preliminary plat, conditional use permits, planned unit developments and variances and to amend the ordinance to define simple subdivisions and the application process related to simple subdivisions. H. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for a 840 square foot detached accessory structure in an R-l (Single-Family) District. Applicant: Barry Spiers. I. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit to allow a drive through pharmacy facility in the Central Community District. Applicant: Snyder Drug Stores, Inc. y . Agenda Monticello City Council July II, 2005 Page 2 U~ ~()6 J ( Consideration of ratifying two year renewal of union labor contract - Local 49. ~\ ) '\I \,,0 . Considcration of approving contributions made to the City of Monticello. 6. 7. ~. 8 G"s C 9 ,-\'V~ ."( Cd SlY' 10. . II. Consideration of items removed from consent agenda for discussion. Public Hearing - Vacation of drainage and utility easements Outlots D, E, F, G and H of Carl isle Village. Consideration of approving proposal for an Eagle Scout Project to install a tloating dock at Ellison Park. Consideration of scheduling a workshop to review trunk utilities funding programs for the purpose of adjusting fee schedule. 7 - 2-r..tlS- S~ Consideration of a request for additional funding for Senior Citizen Center. Consideration of Fiber Optic Task Force updated by Councilmember Mayer and discussion of possible authorization. 12. Consideration of options to replace liquor store sign. 13. Consideration to provide direction to City staff regarding ordinance enforcement at Hillcrest Circle. 14. Approve payment of bills for July 15. Adjourn . L . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday June 27, 2005 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf Members Absent: None I. Call to Order and Pled!!e of Alle!!iance. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes of June 13. 2005 re!!ular Council meeting. Tom Perrault had several changes to the minutes: I) On the approval of the June 13,2005 regular meeting minutes, he had seconded the motion not Brian Stumpf; 2) On thc discussion of the fertilizer use at the park, the date was May 28'h not May 25'h; 3) On his motion on the Comprehcnsive Plan he felt the language should be changed to reflect his belief that because this was a Comprehensivc Plan encompassing all areas of the City no fee should be charged; and 4) Brian Stumpfhad moved to approve the payment of bills. Tom Perrault also asked if$44,000 for the City's proposed contribution to the Senior Center was the correct figure. Clint Herbst verified that was the figure he had proposed. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JUNE 13, 2005 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WITH THE CORRECTIONS. WAYNE MA YER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. Approve minutes of June 13.2005 Special Meetin!! WA YNE MA YER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JUNE 13.2005 SPECIAL MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 3. Consideration of add in!! items to the a!!enda. The following items were added to the agenda: 1) On street parking: 2) Status ofliquor store sign; 3) Moving of DMV to the Community Center; 4) Long grass at various sites in the City; 5) Update on WWTP biosolids study and possible information gathering trip; 6) Update on surveys sent to developers; 7) riber Optics Task Foree; 8) Central Minnesota Initiative; 9) Letter of intent to purchase on the Kramer property (811 Minnesota Street); 10) Law enforcement; and 11) Update on service line replacement by Center Point Energy. 3 . . . Council Minutes - 6/27/05 Glen Posusta said that based on statements made at the last Council meeting, he wanted to issue a public apology to Martie's Farm Service for misinformation supplied by staff at that meeting. He noted that had the City purchased the type of fertilizer offered by Martie's Farm Service the City would have saved $500. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, reQuests and complaints. Paulette Conroy, 104 Hillcrest Circle came before the Council to discuss blight conditions in their neighborhood. She noted that they are trying to sell their house and the condition of the neighborhood is hurting their sales effort. She cited a semi-trailer that is parked up next to a resident's house at night and another house that has two race cars and a flat bed trailer parked on the lot. She has talked to the property owners but has not been able to get the situation corrected. Paulette Conroy stated that at one time the neighborhood was in better condition but has declined and she asked if the City still did the community sweep prior to Junk Amnesty Day. She asked that the cleanup of blight conditions in the City be discussed at a future meeting. She felt the City needs to have standards to keep the community clean that are enforced. Without that, home buyers will look to locate in other cities. Clint Herbst responded that the City was looking to be more aggressive on blight enforcement and that was a consideration when the city changed legal counsel as they wanted someone who would actively pursue ordinance violations. Jeff O'Neill stated that because of the heavy work load, the Building Department, which handles blights, was not able to do sweeps this year. Hc addcd that with the addition of the building inspector position that is eurrcntly bcing advcrtised the City hopcs that they can again focus on blight enforecment. .TeffO'Ncill felt the City should do an inventory of the blight/ordinanec violations and then prioritize them. Brian Stumpf statcd that he was of the understanding that the Council didn't want to do sweeps but rathcr would do enforcement based on written complaints. Clint Herbst agreed that was their position but felt that this might be something the Council needs to revisit. Glen Posusta notcd there is a property on Broadway that has not yet been mowed cven though staff was informed about 6-8 weeks ago. Kurt Fasen, 110 lIillcrest Road, concurred with the comments made by Paulette Conroy and her concern about what has happened to the neighborhood. He too was requesting better enforcement of the ordinances by the City. Clint Herbst said the City needs to decide what provisions of the ordinance they are going to enforce. Kurt Fasen suggested coming up with guidelines. Glen Posusta stated thc City has guidelines in place but they are just not cnforcing thcm. .Tefl' O'Neill suggested scheduling a tour so they could identify the blight problems. Glen Posusta stated that most of the photos he saw that had been takcn by staff were of violations at the industrial park. Brian Stumpf felt instead of scheduling a tour. each Counci Imember could take a 2 1..\ . Council Minutes - 6/27/05 portion of the City, drive through the area noting any problems and report their findings back to the full Council. Clint Herbst felt Brian Stumpfs suggestion was a good one. Jeff O'Neill stated that staff should prepare a list of violations since staff knows what the ordinances are and the Council may not. Clint Herbst added that the Council may have to look at their ordinances as far as enforceability and, if necessary, the ordinances may have to be amended. Kevin Peters, 7382 County Road 39 asked about the status of the rezoning for the Hidden Forest development. He was not able to attend the public hearing conducted on this matter by the Planning Commission. Clint Herbst informed him that the rezoning had not come before the Council for approval yet. JelIO'Neill stated that the item should come before the Council at their next meeting. Isabelle Olson from the Swan River Charter School came before the Council to discuss a playground for the children in the down town area. She stated there is no play area for the children in this location other than the MCC and membership is required for use of most of their facilities. The school is planning to install a playground at some point and Isabelle Olson suggested the City look at this as a shared project with the school. The school would be willing to have their land open for this type of use. . Clint Herbst stated his first reaction was to question whether this collaboration was appropriate or not. Jeff 0' Neill stated that the area between County Road 39 and TH 25 has been identified as ,m area of need. Initially the only park site identified for this area was Outlot A of Country Manor. At one time a portion of the :vICC site had been discussed as possible site but that spaee is now being used by the National Guard for storage of their equipment. Tom Perrault, will pass this proposal on to the Parks Commission at their next meeting. Glen Posusta asked what the school was looking for from the City. Isabelle Olson stated they would look at this as 50-50 venture. Glen Posusta asked il"the facility would be open to the public when school was in use. Isabelle Olson indicated that the playground would not be open during that time. Jeff O'Neill stated that the City has funds available in the park dedication fund. Isabelle Olson said their plan for the playground had an estimated cost of $121,000. Jeff O'Neill stated the City would have to define the playground area and then see how it impacts parking for the Community Center site. Isabelle Olson said the playground would be located next to the church. The play area would be fenced in because of liability issues with the parking lot nearby. The play area would be approximately 5,000 sq. ft. Isabelle Olson said the City would have to provide the liability insurance for the playground. 5. Consent al!enda. . A. Consideration of new hires and departures. Recommendation: Ratify the hires and .s 3 . . . Council Minutes - 6/27/05 departures as identified. B. Consideration of resolution declaring intent to reimburse project costs through bond sale proceeds. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution declaring intent to reimburse expenditures to the proceeds of bond covering the projects outlined. Res. No. 2005-69. C. Consideration of approval of a temporary 3/2 beer license for St. Henry's Fall Festival September 17-18, 2005. Recommendation: Approve temporary 3/2 beer license for St. Henry's Fall Festival, September 17-18, 2005. D. Consideration of approving a temporary charitable gambling license for St. Henry's Fall Festival September 17-18,2005. Recommendation: Approve temporary charitable gambling license for St. Henry's Fall Festival September 17-18,2005. Res. No. 2005-70. E. Consideration of renewing the easement agreement with Wright County for the compost facility. Recommendation: Authorize staff to request an extension of the agreement with Wright County for the compost facility for another ten years. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from consent ae:enda for discussion. None. 7. Public Hearine: - Consideration of ordinance chane:ine: street name in the olat of Parkside at Meadow Oaks 2'''' Addition. .TeffO'Neill stated that this item was a housekeeping matter. There are two cui-dc-sacs that have the same name and unfortunately that was not caught before the plat was recorded. Since no one has built on this cui-de-sac the street namc could be changed without impacting anyone. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. No one present spoke for or against the proposed street name change. \llayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. Clint Herbst commented on how often Oak is used in the street names. Brian Stumf stated that on new developments the City uses the County's grid system for street names but noted the concern the Fire Department has with similar street names likc Oak Circle, Oak Court, etc. Jeff O'Neill said part of this plat is on the grid system and part of it isn't. Brian Stumpf suggested if this cul-de-sac adjoins the portion on the County's grid system this cul-de-sac should bc incorporated into the grid system. 4 fo . Couocil Minutes - 6/27/05 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE STREET NAME IN THE PLAT OF PARKS IDE MEADOW OAKS 2ND TO CORRESPOND TO THE COUNTY'S GRID SYSTEM OR TO ANOTHER STREET NAME AS DESIGNATED BY STAFF. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 8. Public Hearine: and consideration of approvine: a resolution adoptine: a modification to the redevelopment plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Proiect No.1 and establishine: a Tax Increment Financine: District No. 1-34 therein and adoptine: a tax increment Financine: Plan therefor. Ollie Koropchak, Economic Development Director, asked that the Council open the public hearing on this item and continue the hearing until July 25, 2005. Mayor Hcrbst opened the public hcaring. No one was present to speak on the matter. Mayor Herbst continued the public hearing until the July 25, 2005 meeting. . GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING FROM JUNE 27, 2005 TO JULY 25. 2005 FOR CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A MODIFICATION TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND GEOGRAPHIC BOUNDARIES FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PLAN NO.1 AND ESTABLISHING TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-34 AND ADOPTING THE TlF PLAN THEREFOR. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Consideration of approvint:' iob descriptions for City Ene:ineer position and Buildine: Inspector Dosition. Jeff O'Neill stated this items comes before the Council at the request of the Personnel Committee. Based on direction from the Personnel Committee staff had proceeded with advertising these positions but they are bringing the job descriptions before the Council for their approval. . Jeff O'Neill summarized what he felt were the benefits from having an in-house engineer and eited the City of SI. Michael who recently hired a city engineer as an example of a community who benefitted by hiring an in-house engineer. The benefits according to Jeff 0' Neill would be that an in-house engineer would get the City to the next level that staff needs to be at; provide a contact for residents with questions on developments and improvement projects and could result in east savings for the City by decreasing the need for consultants' time. Clint Herbst felt this position would have enough billable hours so that it would pay for itself. Jeff O'Neill said that building fees that are collected would pay for the cost of the city engineer and building inspector positions, support staff and space needs. 5 ( . Council Minutes - 6/27/05 Glen Posusta asked who the City Engineer would be reporting to. Jeff O'Neill stated the City Engineer would report to him. Glen Posusta asked if that was a wise decision given the scope of tasks involved. Glen Posusta felt it would be more appropriate if this position was like other department heads and is responsible to the City Administrator. JelIO'Neill responded that as the person who directs overall community development the City Engineer should report to him. He felt the City engineer reporting to the City Administrator would be outside the loop. Glen Posusta asked if the Personnel Committee would be involved with the interviewing of the applicants and selection of the final candidates. Jeff O'Neill stated that had not yet been determined. Brian Stumpf felt the entire Council should be involved in the interview process. Jeff O'Neill stated that based on the salary being proposed there may not be many candidates for the city engineer position. The interview and selection for the building inspector position would be done in the same manner and the Council discussed doing it in the same session as the eity engineer position. . Brian Stumpf stated he is in opposition to the in house engineer as felt that the City had been well taken care of with the consulting services provided by WSB & Associates. Tom Perrault stated he was not comfortable with the fact that the positions were being advertised even though the Council had not yet approved them. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE CITY ENGINEER POSITION AND AUTHORIZE COMPLETION OF THE HIRING PROCESS. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION. WA YNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE TIlE BUILDING INSPECTOR POSITION AND AUTHORIZE COMPLETION OF THE HIRING PROCESS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Consideration of Durehase of !!enerator for the Chelsea Road Lift Station Project. Public Works Director, John Simola, stated that stafJwas recommending purchasing the generator from Cummins North Central Diesel of St. Paul based on their cost estimate. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO A WARD A PURCHASE CONTRACT TO CUMMINS NORTH CENTRAL DIESEL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA FOR THE NEW STANDBY GP'-IERA TOR FOR THE CHELSEA ROAD LIFT SA nON BASED UPON THEIR LOW BID OF $35.038.50 AND ACCEPTING THE FACT THAT THE GENERATOR IS 2.8" HIGHER THAN THE ZIEGLER GENERATOR. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOUSL Y; . 6 '2S . Council Minutes - 6/27/05 Added Items: Gas Service Line Replacement: John Simola provided background information supplied by Center Point Energy on their project to replace non-standard couplings in service lines. There is approximately 1,000 household in the City and the Township together where Center Point Energy is proposing to replace the service lines. After researching the problem Center Point Energy determined it was more economical to replace the service lines. The service line rcplacement project will begin the first week in August and go through mid-October. Center Point Energy has requcsted to use the storage facility across from the Public Works facility to house their equipment while working in this area. They have also asked to put a link on the City's website so affected residents can access information on this matter. There will be a separate crew doing the restoration work and they want a city staff member to work with the restoration crew acting as a link between the residents and Center Point Energy. Glen Posusta asked if property owners would get compensated for loss of trees. Clint Herbst suggested that staff check into that. John Simola said he would bring that information back to the Council at their next meeting. There was some discussion on relaying thc information to the residents. It was felt with the link on the website, copies of the packet handed out by Center Point being available to residents, and with Center Point contacting the residents prior to the work being done, the residents should be adequately informed. Glen Posusta suggested adding something in the City's newsletter. . Parking Lot -ll1ississippi Drive: John Simola submitted a sketch showing proposed head-in parking for the swan viewing area along Mississippi drive. He noted that this design does not gain much in the way of parking stalls. 011 street parking: Scott Douglas, Fire Chief asked that the Council consider allowing on street parking on one side only where streets are less than 30 feet in width and that the street are signed accordingly. Brian Stumpf asked that the Council revisit the parking ordinance and make sure that the ordinance reflects this. Bret Weiss noted on cul-de-sacs the City has allowed 30 feet with parking on both sides. Brian Stumpf asked that the Council consider this requirement for private streets as well as public streets. Brct Weiss said on private streets the City has allowed as streets as narrow as 24 feet but have required off-street parking. Bret Weiss said the City need to look at townhome developments as far as private streets because the private streets are not signed [or"no parking". He added that on one way streets there is typically parking only on one side. . WWTP biosolids: Brian Stumpf questioned whether the Council was going to follow up on scheduling a trip to gather information about the biosolids treatment options the City is considering. John Simola said Bob Brown irom Bolton Menk would be providing the data on the bclt dryer system. The feasibility report on the biosolids options should come before the Council in August. John Simola stated he is looking at land sites for sludge spreading in an enort to identify site that might be suitable. He added that purchasing additional land would just be a stopgap measure. Wayne Mayer askcd ifhe had any more information on the system Mystic Lake had ordered. John Simola said at this point Mystic Lake's system has not been installed and he emphasized the need for urgency in acting on the biosolids 7 q . . . Council Minutes - 6/27/05 treatment options. Parking Lot: Glen Posusta asked if the parking lot at Pioneer Park would be ready in time for Riverfest. John Simola indicated it should be ready. Glen Posusta asked before going forward with the parking lot design for Mississippi Drive that the staff get prices and update the Council. Bret Weiss indicted they would take this to the plans and specitications stages and then get bids. Glen Posusta asked about the type of curbing that would be used.. Bret Weiss said there is B 16 curb there and they would just be adding pavement behind. . Liquor Store Sign: Rick Wolfsteller informed the Council that the liquor store manager had talked to three vendors but has not received cost inlDrmation back. The City's Building official is helping design something that would complement the Tov,ne Centre sign. Hopefully this would be ready for the next meeting. Glen Poasust asked about collaborating with Vaughn Veit on a monument sign that tenants could utilize as well. There was some discussion about location of the existing sign. Glen Posusta felt one sign with the liquor store, MCC and Tov,n Centre tenants would be sufficient. Rick Wolfsteller stated he didn't know if that proposal would violate any sign ordinances. Staff will chcck into that and report back. Glen Posusta stated that some of the tenants have complained about no signagc on TH 25. DMV/New Positions Office Space: Glen Posusta asked about bringing on the City Engineer and Building Inspector and the nced to create more space. Glen Posusta asked if the City had looked at moving the DMV into the child care area of the MCe. Rick Wolfsteller asked if the Council wanted staff to get an architect to come up with some ideas and suggested that this item come before the MCC Advisory Board for their input. Glen Posusta said for all the times he has been the at the MCC he has never seen more than three children in the child's area. Some discussion was held on coming up with space for the additional staff.. Glen Posusta didn't feel the day care area had to be taken out but did feel they could get by with less pace. Rick Wolfsteller asked the Council to give direction as to what they wanted staff to do. He stated that having the DMV office in a recreational facility might not be practical. Rick Wolfsteller noted the parking issue and indicated that might be a disservice to those who are used to the easy parking at the present DMV site. Rick Wolfsteller asked that the Council establish some parameters for staff to work in. Does the Council just want to reduce the child care area or are there other changes the Council wants statfto consider. He added that city staff does not have architectural expertise. Clint Herbst suggested looking at what space is available and going to the MCC to ask them where they would consider consolidating or shifting space. Long Grass: This was discussed earlier under citizens input. Developers Survey: Wayne Mayer asked that a copy of the survey sent out to the developers be supplied to the Council as well as a list of the developer that the survey was sent to. Fiber Optics: Wayne Mayer indicated that the task tDrce has met with Milda Hedlboom. Wayne Mayer listed the members of the task force and noted that the group has a good knowledge of the subject. He reviewed some of the discussion trom their first meeting and the goals they had set. The task force will 8 \0 . Council Minutes - 6/27/05 report back to the Council in mid-August. Wayne Mayer was requesting expenditure of additional funds to continue their work with Milda Hedbloom. Ms. Hedbloom had originally proposed a fee of $6.000 for 35 hours of work. This was later reduced to $3,500 for 20 hours and that proposal was reaftirmed at the last meeting. The task force felt her hiring would be valuable. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO AUTHORIZE GOING WITH MILDA HEDBLOOM'S PROPOSAL FOR 20 HOURS OF SERVICE AT $3,500. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y . Law Enforcement: Tom Perrault stated he has received a number of questions about law enforcement in the City and he wondered if it would be possible to set up a joint meeting of the Police Commission. Council and Sheriffs Department representatives to address questions on law enforcement. This joint meeting could be done sometime in September or October. Clint Herbst suggested bringing this idea before the Police Commission. Wayne Mayer suggested that Scott Douglas also be in attendance at this meeting.. Rick Wolfsteller will let Tom Perrault know of the next Police Commission meeting so that he can be present to discuss his suggestion with the Commission.. Rick Wolfsteller noted that in the past the County Attorney's oftice and Sheriffs Department set up something similar to this at the County level. Glen Posusta state he did receive an unsigned letter about the speeding on the streets of Monticello. Glen Posusta asked if the Sheriffs Department has been requested to work on the speeding issue. Rick Wolfsteller he would bring it up to the Sheriffs Departmentagain. Minnesota Initiative Fund: Clint Herbst brought up information he had received from the Minnesota Initiative Fund asking for a donation from the city. Kramer Property: The City has received a letter of intent to purchase city owned property (155-500- 113207) known as the Kramer property for redevelopment. Clint Herbst said at this point the City would wait and see what is being proposed. He noted that 7''' Street is proposed to be extended through that area at some point. Bret Weiss noted the City purchased the property with state aid funds so if the property is sold there are certain procedures the City would have to follow. . Pathway: Clint Herbst noted there is a section of pathway that is not in place at River Mill. Bret Weiss said part of the reason has been it has not been done was concern about of drainage issues. Also the state had been proposing to lower the freeway which might impact the pathway. Bret Weiss said they would try to get the work done this year. Glen Posusta asked about overlaying of pathways and who determines that. Bret Weiss said John Simola determines that. Clint Herbst asked about the trails and whether asphalt or concrete provided the best surface. Bret Weiss said the City used 12" of sand as a base before the blacktop is laid. John Simola noted that on many of the pathways there was not a lot of soil correction done but even so they have held up lar 15-20 years. He noted that the School Boulevard pathway shows a little more wear and tear because of the amount of equipment used on it. Glen Posusta also asked about the retaining wall constructed at the commuter parking in Meadow Oaks and why it wasn't completed. John Simola stated they are working on the retaining wall by the lift station and it is their intent to get the project done this year but he indicated they are behind schedule. 9 ( I \~ . Council Minutes - 6/27/05 11. Avvrove pavment of bills for June Tom Perrault noted his concern about the bills continuing to come in for Walk N Roll. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIl\10USL Y. 12. Adiourn l\1A YOR HERBST CLOSED THE MEETING AT 8:55 P.M. Recording Secretary . . 10 . . . SA. A. Council Agenda - 7/11/05 Consideration of approvinl! new hires and departures for MCC and Public Works (RW) REFEREl'iCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC, and Public Works Department. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council otticially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. 514,'3 . A. . Council Agenda: 7/11/05 SB. Consideration of Approvinl!. the Plans and Specifications and Authorizinl!. the Advertisement for Bids for the Extension of School Boulevard from Deel!.an Avenue to 90th Street NE (Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 200S-02Cl (WSB) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The feasibility report for the extension of School Boulevard from Deegan Avenue to 90th Street NE was accepted at the March 14,2005 City Council meeting, with the Public Hearing held on April II, 2005. School Boulevard is proposed to extend trom Deegan Avenue through the Jefferson Commons plat, the Ocello (Shawn Weinand) property, and the proposed Insignia development (Poplar Hill) to 90th Street. The location of the proposed water tower, development of the Jefferson Commons property, the location of the future park complex within the Poplar Hill development, and the connection of another east/west street between 90th Street and TH 25 are all reasons the Council has stated for considering the construction of School Boulevard to 90th Street NE. Right-of~way for the extension of School Boulevard has been platted within the Jefferson Commons plat and will be platted with the Insignia development, but will need to be dedicated by Ocello. City staff is in the process of finalizing an assessment agreement with Ocello as well as obtaining the road right-of-way. The proposed improvements also include the extension of Redford Lane to connect to the proposed School Boulevard. Redford Lane currently terminates with a temporary cul-de-sac within the Groveland 4th Addition development. The proposed improvements include construction of streets, storm sewer, trunk water main, which will allow a connection to the proposed water tower, and sanitary sewer improvements. The estimated project cost totals $2,872,500 (revised from feasibility report). The project cost includes the construction cost plus all indirect costs. The project is proposed to be funded through special assessments to the benetiting property owners, as well as City funds. It is anticipated that the construction of the improvements through the Insignia development will be subject to City approval of the final plat and the Developer's Agreement. and will be dependant on the schedule for grading the site. The Council has approved the preliminary plat for the devclopment and City staff has presented the developer with a draft agreement. The developer plans to start grading the site this fall. At a minimum, construction of street and utilities through JetTerson Commons plat would be completed this year, The project includes some rough grading of the Jefferson Commons site, north of proposed School Boulevard. There is a need to move some of the material trom the north side to the south side to balance the earthwork before the street and utilities are constructed. Construction of street and utilitics through the Ocello and Insignia properties would be completed in 2006. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: . 1. Approve the plans and specifications and authorize the advertisement for bids for the extension of School Boulevard from Deegan A venue to 90th Street NE including the extension of Redford Lane. 2. Do not approve the plans and specifications. "IiJ(!("'\/t."-.',li:I'"W,'R-_II'/'IiI('.rrS_,/'ie"H' !(;,III,II-."'II"",III1','.,':.'""""-/'I,,,,. m,)_II-IH,n,'O'",._, ~b ~ \5 . . . Council Agenda: 7/11/05 c. STAFF RECOMME'\IDATION: The City Administrator, Public Works Ditector, and City Engineer recommend that the Council authorize Alternative No. I. D. Supportin!! Data: None (-. ,Ill)' 'IJlr -.i)i.JI"\(iJl. : ("',I.(I( ',II.S--/'{<"".I",I(;\' IlII_.,,.!,,,,,' Hi.",' li'l'm",' 1'1.-,.,.",-,-",,-,' I/-!!_r,n .'1} S~-l~ . Council Agenda - 7/11/05 sc. Consideration of authorizin!!: the hirin!!: of Frank Madden and Associates to review personnel and labor relations matters for the Citv on an as-needed basis. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you will recall. the City engaged the services of attorney, Frank Madden of Frank Madden and Associates who acted as the moderator for a workshop session a couple of months ago that the Council with stafT department heads on reviewing organizational issues. Mr. Madden's law firm specializes in labor relations and other personnel related issues for a number of govcrnment agencies and the purpose of this agenda item would be to formally allow the City to utilize Mr. Madden's services for other personnel and labor relations issues as needed in the future. The appointment oflegal, planning or engineering consultant services has usually been authorized by City Council before staff engages those services, and this would formalize the process in the future if needed. 16v+L~ f fl.<: B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 5G-II I. Council could authorize staff to utilize the services of Frank Madden and Associates as needed to review personnel or labor relations issues. . 2. Do not authorize the use of this firm. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Although Campbell Knutson has oflicially been appointed as City Attorney, Frank Madden and Associates specializes in personnel related issues and it is recommended that the Council formally authorize staff to use their services on an as-needed basis. [ ~ ~'f ~ 1Cd~c D. SUPPORTING DATA: d fE' J t L~ tf 1----L- r-. () o. \hv\~ .4~ r 11,'1:'{'i,~. d ('J , , - \ . B$ "^\0 ~~-r ~ l~ . tJ f)o\L) / CO ~'G <. I rJ I'- C (~ V)tJ\{) . 5D. Council Agenda: 7/1 1/05 Consideration of Approving the Plans and Specifications for the Extension of 7th Street from St. "enIT's Church to CSA" 18 and Construction of Highland Way from 7th Street to CSAH 75 (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2004-02C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: . . The feasibility report for street and utility improvements for the extension of 7th Street from its termination at St. Henry's Church to CSAH 18, and Highland Way trom 7'h Street to CSAH 75, was approved at the January 24, 2005 City Council meeting and two public hearings were held on February 14,2005 and February 28,2005, These improvements are associated with the proposed CSAH 18/1-94 interchange project. 7'h Street is identified as a collector route relieving traffic on CSAH 75 in the Monticello Transportation Plan. These proposed roadways are to be located within the Bondhus and Dahlheimer properties (proposed Monticello Retail Center) from St. Henry's Church to CSAH 18. The roads will provide access for the proposed Ryan development (Monticello Retail Development) on these two properties. The construction of Highland Way includes a crossing at the BNSF railway to CSAH 75. ^ traffic signal is proposed at the intersection ofCSAH 75 and Highland Way and is included with the project improvements. The Signal Justification Report (SJR) is proposed to be approved by the Council and then will be processed through Wright County and MnIDOT. (A copy will be available at the meeting if you would like to review it.) The estimated project cost totals $2,624,080 (from the feasibility report). The Developer's Agreement with Ryan Companies has recently been finalized and their final plat approved. They plan to commence grading the site shortly and anticipate being substantially complete with grading by August 15,2005. Street and utility construction is planned to commence shortly thereafter. It is anticipated that the BNSF railroad crossing improvements at Highland Way will be completed by the railroad later this summer. City staff is in the process of finalizing the agreement with St. Henry's Church to obtain the right of way to re-al ign 7'h Street. The existing pond on their property is proposed to be relocated north of the new 7'h Street alignment in order to develop the property where the existing pond is located. The project is proposed to be largely funded through special assessment agreements with Ryan Companies, the developer for the Monticello Retail Development. Trunk storm sewer costs are proposed to be funded by the City's trunk storm sewer fund. Project costs associated with the construction of the tratlic signal at CSAH 75 and Highland Way are proposed to be funded through special assessments to the adjacent benefiting property owners, including the River Wood apartment building, which includes using 25% of the total cost and spread using estimated trip generation for all bendited properties. A request has been made to Wright County for a 50% contribution for the trallie signal in accordance with their funding policy; however, to date, they have refused to contribute. (':.nU(-'-.lfF-(,fJ.IWo;c,II-i.Cf'.!.<lCli's-rl"li,!,',J(i.\ fi.lf-",i..lf'r,'mcl'l""sWid,JUf-(,-'{1J5,', 5' 0-18' . . . Council Agenda: 7/] 1/05 The anticipated project schedule is as follows: . Plans approved for bidding ....................................July 11,2005 . Project a\vard.......................................................August 8, 2005 . Start construction...............................................A.ugust 15,2005 . Highland Way substantially complete........... November 1,2005 . Storm connection complete......................... November 30, 2005 . th Street substantially complete............................June 15,2006 . 7th Street and Highland Way 100% complete ........July 16,2006 B. AL TER:\TA TIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve the plans, specifications, and traffic signal SJR and authorize the advertisement of bids for the extension of 7'h Street and Highland Way. 2. Do not approve the plans and specifications. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer recommend selecting Alternative No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None ('.'.!!I!..-r:\f,.:.-i',j)_IWW.K-.'('!'I'Oc.lrs._I',}~.,"I",.I( . lrl/--'",11'/""'-"l'I,lII "",/ IVIi_"-/!f!_;d", 5 D-\~ . . . SE. A. Council Agenda - 7/11105 Consideration of authorizinl! proceedinl! with bond sale to finance DubHc imDrovement Droiects. (RW) REFERENCE AND BACKGRO(;ND: The City Council is being asked to authorizc the issuance of $25,940,000 in general obligation bonds to cover various improvements, including a portion of the interchange project that is currently under contract or will soon be bid. Mark Ruff of Ehlers & Associates, Inc., the City's linancial advisor for this bond sale will be in attendance at Monday's meeting to review the bond structure and purpose for this borrowing. The actual bond sale date is scheduled for July 25'" with an estimated closing date when the City would receive proceeds of around August 15'''- A pre-sale report prepared by Ehlers & Associates is included with thc agenda package that outlines the projects being financed and for what purpose. Something that is a little new to the City at this time is that part of the bond sale is being conducted under provisions of State Chapter 429 (special assessment bonds) while the balance is being proposed to be revenue general obligation bonds to be paid for by various sewer, water, and/or storm sewer trunk fces to be collected from future developments. We have not had to borrow money in the past for our tnmk improvements, but we are currently at the point where the cost of trunk line improvements to set ourselves up for future development is more than we have funds available and will be relying on future trunk fees to repay these borrowings. The amount of this issue is substantial in comparison to normal bond sales we have had in the past but the amount of debt payment that will be supported by a general tax levy is relatively small in comparison to the total amount being borrowed. For example, the proposed revenue source includes not only trunk fees, but also tax increment financing revenue, assessment revenue, and payments from Wright County leaving annual tax levies of approximately $250,000 per year of the $2,500,000-$3,000,000 annual debt payment To give you an idea of this bond sale amount, the total city debt currently is around $29,000,000. After a presentation by Mr. Ruff, the Council will be asked to adopt a resolution authorizing the bond sale process. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: c. 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing bond sale. 2. Do not adopt resolution as proposed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: With almost $9,000,000 in contracts cither already approved and awarded or to be awarded, the City will soon be in need of funding sources for these projects. With the recent closing by Ryan Companies on the Dahlheimer property, plans are underway for beginning construction of the new Target and Home Depot facilities. As a result, it is recommended by the City 5[. - d-O . . . Council Agenda - 7/11/05 Administrator that the finance plan be approved and authorization be given to begin bond sale process. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of pre-sale memorandum and resolution SE- d \ . . . I Resolution No. 2005-72 Council Member moved its adoption: introduced the following resolution and . Resolution Providing for the Sale of $25,940,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005 A. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), has heretofore determined that it is necessary and expedient to issue the City's $25,940,000 General Obligation Bonds. Series 2005 (the "Bonds"), to finance the construction of various improvements in the City; and B. WHEREAS, the City has retained Ehlers & Associates. Inc., in Roseville, Minnesota ("Ehlers"). as its independent financial advisor for the Bonds and is therefore authorized to solicit proposals in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.60. Subdivision 2(9); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota. as follows: 1. Authorization; Findings. The City Council hereby authorizes Ehlers to solicit proposals for the sale of the Bonds. 2. Meeting: Proposal Opening. The City Council shall meet at 7:00 p.m. on July 25,2005, for the purpose of considering proposals for and awarding the sale of the Bonds. 3. Official Statement. In connection with said sale, the officers or employees of the City are hereby authorized to cooperate with Ehlers and participate in the preparation of an otlicial statement for the Bonds and to execute and deliver it on behalf of the City upon its completion. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Council Member Prepared by Ehlers & Associates, Inc. 5[-d?- . . . I and, after full discussion thereof and upon a vote being aken thereon, the following Council Members votcd in favor thereof: and the following voted against the samc: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adoptcd. Dated this 111h day of July, 2005. . City Administrator Prepared by Ehters & Associates, Inc. SG-d3 . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA PRE-SALE REPORT: GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS JULY 11,2005 Proposed Issue: S25,940,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005A Purpose: To finance the following improvement costs associated with the projects listed below (the "Project"). Project #2004-09C in the amount of $1 ,670,000; for the Meadow Oak force main to be paid with primarily with sewer tnmk fees. Project #2005-0 1 C in the amount of$1 ,062,780; for the 2005 Street Reconstruction project of which only $205,310 in storm water costs will be financed. The City will be paying for its share of the project in streets, sanitary sewer portion and water portion from cash reserves, and will be funding the assessments from internal funds. Project #2004-0IC in rhe amount of $9,226,249; which includes $1,215,788 in storm water costs to be paid over time, $2,000,000 which will be paid over time by Wright County for its share ofthe project, S 1 ,832,426 in Weinand special assessments estimated to be paid from 2008 to 2017 (although the agreement does not require payment until 2010), $2,610,461 in City portion of interchange construction costs to be paid from City tax levy and TIF over time, $1,600,000 in initial land acquisition costs (net of an initial payment of $700,000 from MnDOT for acquisition costs), to be paid from City tax levy and TIF. The remaining special assessments from Ryan, the School, and North ofCSAH75 of approximately $2,530,000 will be financed in 2006 ifnot pre-paid. Any additional land acquisition costs would also need to be financed in 2006. The TIF portion of the 2005 bonds will need to initially be shown as a levy in the bond resolution but can be written down over time. The net levy portion of the project is timed to anticipate the new property tax revenues from the Ilomc Depot and other property not in the TIF district. . Prepared by Ehlers & Associates, Inc. S'E:-~~ . . . Project #2005-05C in the amount of $622,000; known as Mcadow Oak A venue. The City will be paying S 124,560 in watet utility costs from cash, $43,810 in city cash toward the Church street assessments, and $453,630 in special assessments will be financed, with Weinand again estimated to start paying assessments in 2008, two years before the required date. Project #2005-IIC in the amount of$4,741,030; Chelsea Road West will finance sanitary sewer costs of S716,819, storm sewer costs of $219,264 and special assessments for Chadwick/Bowers, Moon Motors, and the Monticello Industrial Park. Approximately $32,040 in water utility costs will be paid in cash. The assessments for the industrial park have been deferTed for two years to enable the HRA to either sell land or create a T1F district to pay for its portion of the project. Project #2004-02C in the amount of$2,64 7 ,392; 7" Street/Highland Way consists of pre-paid special assessments from Ryan totalling 52, I 09,025, $191,700 to be paid overtime from tnmkrevenues and $346,667 in City costs anticipated to be paid with TIF over time. A small portion of assessments of S31 ,368 will be lunded from City cash. Project #2000-12C in the amount of 53, 150,924; for a Trunk Sanitary Sewer project from CSAH 75 to Chelsea Road and will be paid from sanitary trunk fees. Project #2004-70C in the amount of$220,000; Hillside Farms Storm Sewer Outlet to be paid from storm water trunk fees over time. Project #2004-30C in the amount of $2,423,000; for the Jefferson Commons Water tower and land to be paid from water tnmk fees over time. Project #2005-02C in the amount of $2,872,500 for the School Boulevard Extension for which the City will be paying cash of 5200,000 for its share ofS915,035 in assessments, cash for S56,730 in water utility costs and cash for S56,700 in storm utility costs. The remainder of the costs are assessments to be spread on remaining properties. Rating: The Bonds are expected to be rated by Moody's Investors Service at an "A2" level. The City will be attempting to purchase bond insurance to bring the rating on the bonds to a "AAA" level. The City's concentration in its tax base has made bond insurance more difficult to obtain. If the insurance is purchased, the total amount of the bond issue may increase to pay forthe up- front insurance costs but the interest costs over time will decrease due to the higher rating. Term/Call Feature: Principal on the Bonds will be due on February I in the years 2007 through 2023. Bonds maturing February 1,2014, and thereafter will be subject to prepayment at the discretion of the City on February I, 2013. . Prepared by Ehlers & Associates, Inc. 5 ~- d-? . Funding Sources: . . . The Bonds are general obligations of the City and as such are secured by a pledge ofthe City's full faith, credit, and taxing powers. Under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, it is the intent of the City to levy special assessments for the portion of the Project not being paid by net revenues of the municipal sewer and water system against benefitting property owners. The remaining balance of that portion ofthe Project will be paid from a tax levy. If significant prepayments of assessments are received in the next few years, the tax levy may need to be increased. Under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 444, the principal and interest on the portion of the Project not being paid by special assessments and a tax levy are payable from net revenues of the municipal sewer and water system. In addition, the City pledges in the resolution awarding the sale of the Bonds to maintain rates and charges sufficient to cover debt service payments, after taking into account any special assessments levied against benefitted property. If there is a shortfall in net revenues, the City may use other available funds, including property taxes, to cover debt service payments. As demonstrated on the chart below, the Bonds are heavily dependent upon future development to meet debt service obligations. The revenue sources rely upon sewer, water and storm trunk fees and tax increments from the new Target store and potential development in the adjacent outlot. The City's engineer has been developing a cash flow for the utility fees to meet these and future obligations. We recommend that the City retain its cash in the ntility funds to meet debt service obligations should development slow in the area. Prepared by Ehlers & Associates, Inc. S 'E- d\o . Bond Issue Sources and Uses Par Amount of Bonds 25,940,000.00 City Cash Contribution 991,720.00 Prepaid Special Assessments 2,109,025.00 Water Trunk Fees 301,690.00 Storm Trunk Fees 56.700.00 Sanitary Trunk Fees 21,200,00 Total Sources 29,420.335.00 Total Underwriter's Discount (0.750%) 194.550.00 Costs of Issuance 85,000.00 Deposit to Capitalized Interest (elF) Fund 501,21177 429 Projects 18,243,48000 444 Projects 10,392,395.00 Rounding Amount 3.698.23 Total Uses 29,420,335.00 Tax Year Capitalized P& I Payable Principal Rate Interest Interest P & I +5.00% 2005 0 467,129 -282.055 185,074 194,328 2006 1,120,000 3.10% 1,008,450 -205,718 1,92?733 2,018,869 2007 1,450,000 3.25% 973,730 -16,398 2,407,333 2,527,699 2008 2,340,000 3.40% 926,605 0 3,266,605 3,429,935 2009 2,380,000 3,60% 847,045 0 3,227,045 3.388,397 2010 2,400,000 3.75% 761,365 0 3,161,365 3,319,433 2011 2,430,000 3.85% 671,365 0 3,101,365 3,256,433 2012 2,480,000 3.95% 577,810 0 3,057,810 3,210,701 2013 2,525,000 4.05% 479,850 0 3,004,850 3,155,093 2014 2.475,000 4.15% 377,588 0 2,852,588 2,995,217 2015 2,535,000 4.20% 274.875 0 2,809.875 2,950,369 . 2016 910,000 4.30% 168,405 0 1.078,405 1,132,325 2017 730,000 4.35% 129,275 0 859,275 902,239 2018 395,000 4.40% 97,520 0 492,520 517,146 2019 415,000 4.45% 80,140 0 495,140 519,897 2020 430,000 4.50% 61,673 0 491,673 516,256 2021 455,000 4,55% 42.323 0 497.323 522.189 2022 470,000 4.60% 21,620 2 491,620 516,201 25,940,000 7,966,767 -504,170 33.402,597 35,072,727 Tax Year Water San, Sewer Storm TlF Assessment County City Total Payable Trunk Fees Trunk Fees Trunk Fees Revenue Revenue Payments Tax Levy Reven ue 2005 44.890 102,563 38,037 8,837 194,328 2006 317,410 721.490 269,791 410,039 285,000 15,139 2,018,869 2007 315,824 725,758 265,203 803,232 276,500 141,182 2,527.699 2008 313,737 719,363 269,564 318,915 1,288,652 268,000 251,705 3,429,935 2009 316,383 726,352 269,264 318,201 1,242,030 259,500 256,668 3,388,397 2010 318,189 722,108 267,102 317,445 1,195.408 251,000 248,181 3,319,433 2011 313,989 720,462 265,664 316,657 1,148,786 242,500 248,374 3,256,433 2012 314,585 722.733 269,015 315,849 1,102,165 234,000 252,353 3.210.701 2013 314,509 723,425 266,436 320,269 1,055,543 225,500 249,410 3,155,093 2014 318,990 718,468 267,385 319,206 906.773 217,000 247,394 2,995.217 2015 317,289 721,268 268,892 318,117 864,493 208,500 251,809 2,950,369 2016 317.014 561,870 253,441 1,132,325 2017 321,136 359,559 221,544 902,239 2018 319.765 197,381 517,146 2019 318,379 201,518 519,897 2020 316,978 199,279 516.256 2021 320,810 201,379 522,189 2022 319.138 197,063 516,201 3,205.797 7,323,990 2,716,354 4,777,878 10,938,551 2,467,500 3,642,656 35,072,727 . . Prepared by Ehlers & Associates, Inc. S~- d-.l . Discussion Issues: If bond insurance is not obtained, we would recommend that the City consider negotiating the bond issue with several underwriters to ensure that the market can absorb a large bond issue from a single City at this time. I 5 E- d2' The first interest payment on the Bonds will be February I, 2006, and semiannually thereafter on February I and August I. The projected debt service and flow of funds are attached to this Report. We have reviewed all outstanding indebtedness for the City and find that there are no refunding opportunities for the City at this time. We will continue to monitor the market and the call dates for the City and alert you to any future opportunities. Bank Qualified: The Bonds will not be "qualified tax-exempt obligations", because the City is issuing more that $10,000,000 in direct debt this calendar year. . Schedule: Pre-Sale Review: Distribute Official Statement: Conference with Rating Agency: Bond Sale: Estimated Closing Date: July I 1,2005 Week of July 18,2005 Week ofJuly 18,2005 July 25, 2005 August 15,2005 Attachments: Sources and Uses of Funds Proposed Debt Service Schedule Resolution authorizing Ehlers to proceed with Bond Sale IChlers Contacts: Financial Advisors: Todd Hagen (65 I) 697-8508 Mark Ruff(651) 697-8505 Diana Lockard (651) 697-8534 Debbie Holmes (651) 697-8536 Connie Kuck (651) 697-8527 Bond Analysts: Bond Sale Coordinator: The OffiCial Statement for this financing will he mailed to the Council Mcmhers at their home . . Prepared by Ehlers & Assoeiates, Inc. . . . address for review prior to the sale date. Resolution No. Council Member introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolution Providing for the Sale of $25,940,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005 A. WI IEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), has heretofore determined that it is necessary and expedient to issue the City's $25,940,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005 (the "Bonds"), to finance the construction of various improvements in the City; and B. WHEREAS, the City has retained Ehlers & Associates, Inc., in Roseville, Minnesota ("Ehlers"), as its independent financial advisor for the Bonds and is therefore authorized to solicit proposals in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.60, Subdivision 2(9); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota, as follows: I. Authorization: Findings. The City Council hereby authorizes Ehlers to solicit proposals for the sale of the Bonds. 2. Meetmg, Proposal Opemng The City Council shall meet at 7:00 p.m. on July 25,2005, for the purpose of considering proposals for and awarding the sale of the Bonds. 3. Official Statement In connection with said sale, the officers or employees of the City are hereby authorized to cooperate with Ehlers and participate in the preparation of an official statement for the Bonds and to execute and deliver it on behalf of the City upon its completion. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Council Member and, after full discussion thereof and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following Council Members voted in favor thereof: and the following votcd against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Dated this II 'h day of July, 2005. City Administrator Sf.-d-.C\. . . ~~o ~o~ "I N ~ ~ . , C . > . '" c . E . . . . . " E " " c ~ 05 S " ~ (;j g ~ ~ ~ (L> ~ t:: E B ti ro19 Q5m .::cCt:::0)1-0 . , c . , . '" ;f'.~l() oo~ ONe o Ii o " c w c . E . . . . . " '2 9 u E ji ~ " "c ~ E ~ c ~ m Q ~; !J!- E 'l.l <:) t:: E 3 ;;; ~ 19 u; ~ 4:0::(/)1-0 o o o o m w ~ o o N . .~ . 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N-C'.itO <1)-"":"'..j "",- "",-", N "'" Q) <Xl ,",- r- to en "'" '" N.-- " ~ *;f'-;f'-;f'-;f'-;f'-;flif!. 2f!.;f'- o en 0 0 en en.n en L..') 0 ~N""<DI'-<omO""'N MM,.-).:>:iMMM..j"",," " ~ ." .s ~ 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 o..nOOOtDcO.en-oo ~,....(-..;",."..".en<Dcom NNNNNNNNNN en<Dl'-<XlmO~NM.".eno OOOOO,....,....,................,....~ 0000000.00000 <::t<::t<::t<::tt:!t:!<::t<::t<::t<::tt:!t:! I.!)....,....~,..........~....,....,............ ....--------------------.... __NNNNNNNNNNN ~ en<OI'-COmO....NM""'Cl) 00000,................,....,.... 00000000000 NNNNNNNNNNN i:'lij 3:g8b~gj~;:~;?:: j~ gggg~gggggg ~ R' ~ a N ~ o ;! ~ ~ a ri o ~ ri o ~ o a o ~ ~ oj S ~-3~ ~ o o N " " u o ~ ~ o o N E ",- . " o ~ ~ '" o " ~ w , ~ TI . " ~ e Q . . . City Council Agenda - 07/11/05 SF. Consideration to approve enteriUl!: into a Ouick Claim Deed transferrin!!: title of the citv-owned Otter Creek Crossin!!: propertv to the Housin!!: and Redevelopment Authoritv. (O.K.) A. Reference and back!!:round: HRA Attorney Steve Bubul recommends the City transfer title of Lot I, Block 2, Otter Creek Crossing, to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) via a Quick Claim Deed as conveyance and development of the industrial business parks lies within the overall economic and redevelopment plans of the H~"'. Secondly. consolidation of the transaction process to re-plat, negotiate, and convey land between the H~'" and the end-LLscr (business) improves efficiency and simplifies the process. This 35-acre parcel was purchased by the city at the Dccember 2004 elosing. The remaining approximate 85 acres is under Contract for Deed and therefore not part of this request. As you recall. the Monticello Business Center (120-acre city industrial business park) is being marketcd for $1.00 per square foot with no assessments and no trunk or park fees to qualified businesses. To qualify. a project must meet ajob creation and wage-level criteria, building/land ratio density, and building market value. The market value of the land with improvements is approximately $2.15 per square foot. The lIRA will create a TlF District to reimburse the city for costs (gap) associated with land acquisition and development of the business park. For your information. the HR./\. must hold a public hearing for disposition ofland and a Preliminary Development Agreement and deposit of$1 0.000 is required prior to commencing a survey to re-plat. The City Council still holds a public hearing on the proposed TlF District and approvc the TIF Plan. B. Alternative Action: I. A motion to approve entering into a Quick Claim Decd transferring title of the city- owned Lot I, Block 2, Otter Creek Crossing, to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello. 2. A motion to deny cntering into a Quick Claim Deed transferring title of the city-owned Lot I. Block 2. Otter Creek Crossing, to the Housing and Rcdevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello. ~F-_.L\-O . City Council Agenda - 07/11/05 c. Recommendation: The City Administrator and Economic Development Director recommend Alternative No.1 for thc following reasons: 1. Consistent with HRA Plans and Attorney's recommendation. 2. Encourages liser- fricndly service. D. SUDDortinl! Data: 'St:-L\ \ None. . . 2 . . . Council Agenda ~ 07/1 ]/05 5G. Consideration of a request for amendments to the Monticello Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances regulating the processing of Variances. Conditional Use Permits. Amendments. and Subdivisions. Applicant: City of Monticello. (NAC/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The proposed zoning ordinance amendment was reviewed by the Planning Commission and recommendedfor approval by unanimous vote under Alternative #1. The attached amendments are proposed to allow for bettcr scheduling of various zoning and subdivision applications, and to provide for consistency between the ordinance language and the City's practice. With the advcnt of the "60 Day Rule", application scheduling and processing has acquired a series of specilic deadlines to ensure timely action and comprehensive rcview. These amendments increase the allowable processing time to coordinate with state law, and also provide for adcquatc review opportlmity to hclp avoid the need to table action on simpler projects. In summary, the amendments accomplish the following: 1. Adjust timing for Variance, Conditional Use Pcrmit, and Amendment applications to provide for a 30 day advance application deadline prior to Planning Commission. This timing givcs the staff the opportunity to conduct an adequate review and work with the applicant to addrcss problems prior to the Planning Commission's public hearing. It is expected that this amendment will reducc the need for extcnsivc lists of conditions on many applications. 2. Allows for Zoning Administrator initiation of zoning and subdivision amendment requests to come before the Planning Commission and City Council. This amendment is intended to allow the staff to suggest amendments that can facilitate proper processing of applications, rather than cause individuals the need to wait until an upcoming meeting for the Planning Commission to call for a hearing. Occasionally, the staff discovers an ordinance discrepancy that would most efficiently be handled concurrent with other applications, but under the current language, cannot be resolved until a later meeting. 3. Adjust timing for Preliminary Plats. The new languagc provides for increased review timc for proposed Preliminary Plat applications, and is cxpected to minimize the necd to seek review time extensions from smaller plat requests. 4. Establishes an Administrative Subdivision process for simple lot splits that do not warrant full Preliminary Plat documentation. The City's ordinance is relatively int1exiblc for thcse types of requcsts. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision I: Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Amendments. I. Motion to recommcnd approval of the proposed amendments as presented, based on a finding that the amendments will provide for increased efficiency in review, and expedited processing for private applicants. 2. Motion to recommend approval of only a portion of the proposed amendments. 5G-4~ . . . Council Agenda - 07/11/05 3. Motion to recommend denial of the proposed amendments. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the amendments. As noted. the intent of these amendments is to provide for a more efficient flow of applications through the review and approval process. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Proposed Amendments SG - ~ ~ 22-1 - Conditional Use Permits and Amendments . [B] Applications for Conditional Use Permits and Amendments shall be due no later than four (4) weeks plus one (I) day prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the item is to be considered. Applications that are deemed incomplete as ofthat date shall be returned to the applicant in accordance with the requirements of Minn. Stat. ~15.99. The Plmmiflg Commission shall 6sflsider the request at its flel[t regular meeting ~1flless the filifl; date falls 'Nithin fifteen (15) daj's of said meeting, ifl ':,hich case the reqclGst would be placed on the a:;endn and considered at the regular meeting followiflg the neKt regHlar meeting. The Zoning Administrator shall refer said application, along with all related information, to the City Planning Commission for consideration and a rep011 and recommendation to the City Council. [I] The City Council shall not grant a conditional use permit nor take any action on any zoning amendment until they have received a report and recommendation from the Planning Commission and the City staff or ufltil at least sillt)' (60) days has passed after thc first regular PI arming Commission meetil1g at ...:hich the request was consitlcmd. If the Planning Commission has not provided a recommendation within sixty (60) days of the application deadline date. the City Council may consider the application without a Planning Commission recommendation. . 22-2: AMENDMENTS - INlTIA nON: The City Councilor Planning Commission may, upon their own motion, initiate a request to amend the text or the district boundaries of this ordinance. Any person owning real estate within the city may initiate a request to amend the district boundaries or text of this ordinance so as to affect the said real estate. The Zoninl! Administrator may initiate a request to amend the district boundaries or text of this ordinance. plaeinl! the request on the next Planning Commission meetinl! for public hearing at which proper public notice can be provided according to the requirements of State law. 23-1 Variances and Appeals . [C] Applications for a Variance from the terms of this ordinance shall be due no later than four (4) weeks plus one (I) day prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the item is to be considered. Applications that are deemed incomplete as of that date shall be returned to the applicant in accordance with the requirements of Minn. Stat. ~15.99. The Plaflfliflg Commission shall eOBsitler the variaflce or appeal at its Be;(t regular meeriflg Hflless the filiflg date falls withiFl fifteeFl (15) days of said meetin:;; in s,lOh a ease, the request 'sould be placed OB the ageBda at the regular meetiflg follo\','iflg the flCJ:t regular meeting. The Zoning Administrator shall refer said request along with all related information to the Planning Commission at least tefl (10) five (5) days prior to the regular meeting. This meeting shall be a public hearing, notice of which shall be mailed at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting to all owners of property, according to the Wright County assessment records, within three hundred fifty feet (350') of the property to which the variance relates. When a variance request pertains only to yard 5 G -L\~ . . . setback requirements, only abutting property owners need be notified. Notices sent shall also indicate the appeal process in Section 23-6, Subdivisions [G] through [I]. [E] The request shall be referred to the City staff for a report and recommendation to be presented to the Planning Commission. A preliminary draft of the City staffs report and recommendation shall be given to the City's Planning Commission at least ten (10) five (5) days prior to the meeting at which said report and recommendations are to be presented. The final report andrecommendations of the City staff are to be entered and made part of the permanent written record of the Planning Commission meeting. Subdivisions 1 ]-3-2: PRELlMI]\ARY PLAT: (A) FILING: Fifteen (IS) copies of the preliminary plat shall be filed with the City Clerk. The required filing fee as established in Chapter] 0 shall be paid, and any necessary applications for variances from the provisions of this ordinance shall be filed with the required fee before the proposed plat shall be considered officially filed. All plats shall be accompanied by an abstractor's certificate, properly certified, identifying the owner of the property in question and the owners of all properties situated within three hundred fifty (350) feet of the boundary of the property in question. The proposed plat shall be placed OR the ag0Rda of the first PlanniRg Coml'llissioR meeting after tOR (10) days from date of filing. Applications for a Preliminarv Plat shall be dne no later than eight (8) weeks plus one (1) dav prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the item is to be considered. Applications that are deemed incomplete as of that date shall be returned to the applicant in accordance with the requirements of Minn. Stat. Q 15.99. Applications for Preliminarv Plats that consist of nineteen (] 9) or fewer residential units or non-residential plats of five (5) or fewer acres may. at the discretion of the Zoning Administrator. be placed on an earlier Planning Commission agenda. but in no case shall said meeting be sooner than four (4) weeks and one (]) dav from the date of a complete application. ] ]-3-3: FINAL PLAT: After the preliminary plat has been approved, the final plat may be submitted for approval as follows: (A) APPROVAL OF THE PLAN'NING COMMISSION: Following approval of the Preliminary Plat by the City Council. a Final Plat may be submitted for approval. The Zoning Administrator shall place the proposed Final Plat on the agenda of the next Citv Council which is no less than three (3) weeks later than the date of submission. No Final Plat application shall be considered complete unless that applicant shall have also submitted a revised Preliminary Plat which has been revised to reflect all required conditions of approvaL a signed COpy of the Development Agreement for the area subiect to the Final Plat. shall have paid all bills due for processing of the Preliminary Plat and has provided evidence of adequate financial security for completion of the construction work in the proposed plat. If the City Council determines it necessary, the final plat shall be filed with the City Clerk and sc;_\4S . submitted to the Planning Commission at least twenty (20) days prior to a Commission meeting at which consideration is requested. During the said twenty (20) days, the City staff shall examine the final plat and prepare a recommendation to the Planning Commission. Approval, disapproval, or any delay in decision of the final plat will be conveyed to the subdivider within ten (10) days after the meeting of the City Planning Commission at which such plat was considered. In case the plat is disapproved, the subdivider shall be notified in writing of the reason for such action and what requirements shall be necessary to meet the approval of the Commission. If the plat is disapproved, a waiting period of one hundred eighty (180) days shall lapse before another application can be filed on that tract of land. In case the preliminary plat is approved, the final plat must be filed within one (I) year of preliminary plat approval or the approval is not valid. 11-8-2: CONVEYANCE BY METES AND BOUNDS: No conveyance in which the land conveyed is described by metes and bounds shall be made or recorded if the parcels described in the conveyance are five (5) acres or less in area and three hundred (300) feet in width unless such parcel was a separate parcel of record at the effective date of this ordinance. Building permits will be withheld for buildings or tracts which have been subdivided and conveyed by this method, and the City may refuse to take over tracts as streets or roads or to improve, repair, or maintain any such tracts. Notwithstandim! the previous prohibition. a person mav request an administrative subdivision of pro pert v described bv metes and bounds under the following conditions: SC;~.~fw . a. The purpose of the subdivision is to combine two (7) or more parcels of record to create a parcel conforming to the requirements of the applicable zoning district; or b. The purpose of the subdivision is to divide one (l) previouslv platted parcel into no more than two (2) buildable parcels. both of which will be in full conformance with all applicable zoning regulations, and for which no public right of way. easements, or other drainage concerns are evident to the Zoning Administrator. Said administrative subdivision shall be subiect to approval of the Zoning Administrator, who may at his or her discretion, refer the subdivision to other Citv staff for review and recommendation. If the Zoning Administrator approves the proposed subdivision, he or she shall place the proposed subdivision on the agenda of the next Citv Council meeting which is no less than three (3) weeks from the date of a complete submission. In the event that the County Recorder shall refuse to record an administrative subdivision due to the legal description of the proposed parcels or for anv other reason, the applicant shall be required to complv with all of the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance for Preliminarv Plats. . Council Agenda - 7/1 1/05 5H. Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a 840 square foot Detached Accessory Structure in an R-l (Sinlde-Familv) District Applicant: Barry Spiers (FP/AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission reviewed this item and by unanimous vote recommended approval under Alternative #1 below. Barry Spiers is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a second garage on his property at 3623 Brentwood Drive in the Groveland neighborhood. The new garage would be detached, and a total of 840 squarc feet in area. The existing attached garage is approximately 508 square feet. The Zoning Ordinance permits a total of up to 1,200 square feet of garage space as permitted accessory space for an R-I Single Family home. In addition, no accessory building can exceed more than 10% of the rear yard area. However, up to 1,500 square feet of total area can be constructed with a ConditionallJse Permit, under the following conditions: (a) Accessory building space is to be utilized solely for the storage of residential personal property of the occupant of the principal dwelling. and no accessory building space is to be utilized for commercial purposes. ~ (b) The parcel on which the accessory building is to be located is of sufficient size such that the building will not crowd the open space on the lot. (c) The acccssory building will not bc so large as to have an adverse cffect on the architectural character or reasonable rcsidential use of the surrounding property. (d) The accessory buildings shall be constructed to be similar to the principal building in architectural style and building materials. The applicant's rear yard is approximately 8,036 squarc feet in area, and as such, to mect the 10% threshold, staff would recommend that thc applicant reduce the size of the garage by 40 square feet in order to meet the ordinance requirement. In such case, the total square footage of the garage space on thc property, as recommended, would be 1,308 squarc feet. With the exception of the 10% threshold, the applicant's plans and application letter indicate an intent to meet the requirements of the ConditionallJse Permit provisions with regard to materials, use, and location. ~ Because the building is located at the rear of the lot, it may be appropriate to require some shrub ,md ornamental tree planting on the side and rear of the building to soften its impact on neighboring properties. The plantings should help to mitigate neighborhood concerns over the proximity of the building to adjoining property. 5~ -~l . . . Council Agenda - 7/11/05 The site plan illustrates no driveway or paving surface to the proposed garage. Staff would ask that the applicant clarify for the Commission any intent in this regard. Driveway development is not considered appropriate in this neighborhood. Planning Commission has granted similar CUPs in the recent past, including those at 4537 Cobblestone Court and 3657 Brentwood Drive. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision I: 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Pennit for a detached accessory garage. with the conditions as follows. a) The applicant meet each of the requirements of the zoning ordinance, including the 10% of rear yard and 1,500 square foot thresholds, and all applicable setbacks. This condition requires a reduction of 40 square feet frol11 the proposed garage. b) Landscape plantings are added to the sides and rear to soften the impact of the building all adjoining parcels. c) No driveway should be extended to new accessory building. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Conditional Use Permit, based on a finding that the building would be out of character with the neighborhood. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION StatTrccommends approval of the CUP, based on lindings that the building will meet both the intent and the specific standards of the zoning ordinance. The rear yard for this parcel is of adequate size, and the 10% rule was designed to ensure that large accessory buildings do not overwhelm the open feel of the lot or the neighborhood. The applicant meets the threshold with this project. With the comments that the building will be tinished to match the house. landscaping is added on the side and rear of the building facing adjoining property, and the 1,500 square foot maximum is met, planning staff believes that the building meets the requirements for CUP approval. D. SUPPORTI"IG DATA A. Site Location Map B. Letter from Applicant C. Site Survey D. Project Specifications E. Public Comment Letter ') ~ 5+\-4'6 - . '....". II I . L I ~ I ~ I I ! 13:3~lS 'll..e'J"-;j II . .~. g: c z ' " , < , ~ o ~ n " Z o t, :'..'0 - ~~; XIltld 3WOH: 31I8OW s.ml39113~ -... 3o<<)ol U.S3,11ll )Il:fl;tdIJTT3r)l 3'l1llOW S.!ll:I3 '0 , . :u l:JafC S'<'ONno o ~ ~ Y::!$13H:J Ld '~"OHl I /7 ~-/ / .1 "r - \ I \ \ '-............, '') ~; " '- '~ . To whom it may concern, My name is Barry Spiers and I am applying for this conditional use pennit to build a detached garage behind my home. The size of the building proposed is 28 ft. deep by 30 feet wide. I am sending along a simple drawing of the proposed building. It will have a shingled roof with vinyl siding and trim to match my home. I also plan to landscape around the building with landscaping block, rock and shrubs. I wish to build this size of building because my existing garage is a standard three car garage, 20ft. deep by 30ft. wide. The third stall is only 18ft. deep. I have barely enough room for my vehicles, let alone storage. I wish to build the building large enough to accommodate a boat and two place four wheeler trailer, and still have room to walk around them. Thank you for your consideration in advance. R./ esec1 ectfully, ~ ~0l.~ Barry Spiers SH-SO . . ELEV A TION: . !OPPOSITE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 4. BLOCK 3, GROVELAND ADDITION 960.83 FEET I,./j" ,\ D f ~ .".1 bvl,l IJ/") ,t~ v~ s/tf' . I Certified Survey crI I The Foundation Required PROPOSED ELEVATIONS/SETBACKS) APPROVEB . 4d=f,..64~",*Jj: /j "I I DATE !( /;'2((/,)/ ! . . j SANITARY SEWER SERVICE INVERT: I.jr=;' ,onUA:r,,: !:'OOTt> ..;,~--'- \.:J \;hA n~~ i ' lr'l.~::::: LOWEST SIL4 ,OPE/lilNG: ~,!5"~_ lED FOR ZOl\!II\IG 21!OATE .r;/~~))/ ! ..>......... ..__._....~-.1 LOT 4, BLOCK 5, GROVELAND 2ND ADDITION '. _omenta ""own are from plata of record of information prcMded by dlenl '''y certify that this surwy was prepared by me or under I >et super1lisian, and that I am a duly Rsglstered Land , .. ~r under the laws of the Stote of Minnesota. 1~~dJllU!.!ilJ!:!!!___ 15TH dayaf AUGUST ,,1, ,....,."..", "",_. '. ""1 ,20 01 Signed 5~-S\ '. !:~'-, ,..-. ."~ -'~' - " "-'- ",,' ',.- ;",uLe:- ,+J j C.j~ Jr\1"'l Design # 47901 (~ >/1'11 zuu> .. T ~k~ /~i~~s~~et _to !~~~~i~di~.~!~~te:~~I~ 4c~un_t~ ~t!o_~~~c~ase your materials. *** , .'u SeleGTefA a garage wnn Tnese UYTlUflS; 301 Wide X 281 Deep X 91 High Gable roof wi 6/12 pitch trusses 2' O.C. 2.x6 Wall Framing Material 12" gable/12" eaVe overhangs 1/2" OSB Wall Sheathing 1/2" OSB Roof Sheathing S. Stone Vinyl 411 Double lap Siding 20 yr. Standardglass, Earthtone Cedar Shingles White Vinyl Soffit Be Fascia White Aluminum Regular Roof Edge Cedar overhead door jamb . ! F I I/-'-r IliiMM /N //-:/'" :<.~ /;/ ',"..c" ",>, '-,"" ';> I m I 1 ~L --~ ----- ------------- .//,;" '<':'-;. II 00=1_. ~- j I..~~. I."" . . jJ --------. // '~">' I T oday's cost for materials estimated in this design: $ 5620.02 . Base garage without optiorls: $ 3967.69 .rne b", prl.. Include" 0" Eave/O" G.ble Overheng., Framing Materi.I., 7/16 OSB Roel Sheathing, 20 Vr. FIbergla" Cla"i. - Onyx Bla.k Shingles, Pine Fasci., G.I~ani'ed Regular Roel Edge, 8" Textured Vertl..1 Hardb.ard Siding, No Servl.e Doors, N. Overhead Do.rs, N. Window., or Any Other Opt I.... 5t\-5d. . 'jZT}'/7 v- hI- PP-<'L / {/o / f At!?U'?ait'- ~?"-~ , ;Jt/!~iZfft:; ~1 ~ 5":> S 6.;1- S(-\~~3 G~.y~:Z' fZ' ~~v*J ?( ,pyo~/4~/ ~O~'1. V'Y....;. 3{;') 0' pf _ /7 ' r?' 3 L/'-t?p.::t;~~ LY,..c.<--<,..f' rr'-rl::::tei e t/ 1'1 v 5~.r S {".J- . . Council Agenda - 07/11/05 . 51. Consideration of a reQuest for a Conditional Usc Pcrmit to allow a drive-through pharmacy facilitv in the Central Communitv District. Applicant: Snyder Drug. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission reviewed this item llnd recommended approval under Alternative #1 below. The applicant is seeking approval to construct a drive-through window on the south side of their building at 4th Street and Walnut Street. In the CCD zoning district, drive-through windows require Conditional Use Permits due to the pedestrian orientation of the district, and potential conflicts with automobile traffic generated by these facilities. The terms of the CUP are listed in the zoning ordinance as follows: [0] Drive-in and convenience food establishments as allowed in the "B-3" district, and subject to following additional conditions: 1. The design of the site promotes pedestrian access adjacent to and along the property. 2. No more than two (2) curb cuts of twenty-four (24) feet in width or less shall be permitted. . , J. Site lighting shall utilize fixtures similar in style to that designated by the City for use in public areas of the "CCD" district. 4. The building, site, and signage meets the standards for the "CCD" district, and design review approval is granted by the designated Design Advisory Team. 5. Drive through facilities comply with the requirements of Subdivision 14B-5 [E] of this chaptcr. 6. The proposed use demonstrates compatibi Iity and consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Downtown Revitalization Plan. To accommodate the facility. the applicant is proposing to revise the curb cut locations along 4th Street, resulting in a central access that splits to two egrcss drivcs, onc on either side of the access point. There are currently two curb cuts on this side of the building. The drive-through window facility would be provided by a vacuum tube system to convey transactions between the driver-side window in the west-facing vehicle and the pharmacist. The following issues arc raised by the plan: a. The location of exit curb cut near the intersection and stop sign on 4th Street at Walnut Street. . b. The need for three curb cuts and short stacking space for vehicles waiting for the drive-through. c. Maintaining pedestrian access via sidewalk and landscaping. 51-- - 5L\ Cow1Cil Agenda - 07/11/05 . d. Lighting and signage. With regard to the location of the exit curb cut, the primary concern would be assuring that exiting traffic is right-turn only, to the stop-sign controlled intersection. Left-turning traffic from the exit lane could raise conflicts with traffic leaving the intersection. As noted in the ordinance language, only two curb cuts are permitted for drive-through facilities in this district. It would appear trom the plans that providing an entrance lane to the east and the exit lane as proposed would serve the site, and would have the additional benefit of increasing the of1~ street stacking spaces during times of peak use (although use is expected to be relatively low- volume). This design would have the further bene lit of avoiding multiple cuts in the sidewalk. If three cuts are retained as proposed, planning staff would recommend that the sidewalk areas are constructed with pavers to differentiate them from the bituminous driveway. The landscape plan adjacent to the drive-through window appears to be attractive and should complement the facility. The plan notes that one boulevard tree will need to be replaced as a part of the project. . The lighting plan notes three existing lighting locations using '\vall-paek" lighting fixtures, as well as a down-light fixture under the drive-through canopy. The photometric plan appears to meet the City's requirements. The applicants should ensure that the fixtures are hooded in such a way as to avoid glare visible to the street, including recessing the drive-through light under the canopy. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Conditional Use Permit for a Drive-through facility 1. Motion to recommend approval of the CUP, based on lindings that the facility will be consistent with the requirements and intent of the CCD District, with the conditions as listed in Exhibit l.. Conditions include ensuring right-turn only exiting trom the drive-through lane, reduction trom three to two curb cuts (or replacing grey concrete sidewalk with pavers matching the CCD theme), and ensuring lighting lixtures and signage meet the requirements of the zoning ordinance and approval of the Design Advisory Team. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the CUP, based on a finding that the drive-through use is incompatible with the CCD and would raise safety issues due to proximity to the intersection. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the CUP, with the conditions listed in Exhibit Z. D. SUPPORTING DATA . A. Existing Conditions B. Proposed Site Plan C. Elevations D. Landscape Plan E. Lighting Plan 2 51-- 5S . . . Council Agenda - 07/11/05 Exhibit Z Conditions of Approval for Snyder Drug Drive-Through CUP 1. Work with City Engineer to ensure design of exit drive is right-turn only. 2. a. Reduce curb cut locations to a total of two, or b. Replace grey concrete sidewalk with pavers to match CCO theme. 3. Work with Design Advisory Team to ensure consistency of signagc with CCO requirements. 4. Verify consistency of lighting fixtures with zoning ordinance 4 5/L- - Slo / / / / / / / / / / / . I ! I i . III1 i I i I 1111 . L I I , I OT1::1 "1 1 ll\t()f^1 -I o All , I . i i I i S1-.-S1 OP 91..1I0-9(;6-(:96 'XlI} LE;E;9-gf:6-(:lJ6 'Ijd 9tC99 'uw 'ul1uolauu!w I;I.C ''''Hns l. AUq~!q 9Zgt J 'O"! 'SLJ3LIHJHV ussr / /~ -,-- ~ ~~ xxlxx/xxV 3HO " a~>l:J " NII\I 'Ol13:lI.lNOII\I S3ijO.lS Dnija Sij3aANS tJ3rO~~ / "\ (AdllJ3^1 ,,0-,09 1\ - , '\J I I' I , . , , \ , I'~ P 2J ~ / / / / , -------~-- , , , , , , Ii , , ~~c~s ~ 'I>~ND13NNIW l ...~t\H')JH ~2~H Sii~iUN5 " ,. (f) Z o l- I- Z r. ~ i~~ ~~~ !H ", H_ '" - -s-!;; ~ O~ .~ :. z t; .a~ti.~o 0 .,1- '" " C). ~ :5...'6-"'.. . zO!: i;j3 -0 ~>-~"5! ~ 00 \ <:>!;: :S E=,~!Il j::Q.. ~B .'t,H I I \ I \ \ I I !Jl:3~ ~ , "'p ~~ 815~~o;5 ~;::::>I- ~ ! . ~~ > . 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""U :, ~ : -u , o : Ul , m ' g NORTH ~ (J) (f) () -j )> r m ~ ~ ""0 ~ ~ s;: q " Z ~ , '" ""0 1 :;0 1 1 0 I I ""0 I 1 0 I (f) I I 1 m I 1 0 1 :;0 m I < I (f) 0 z I (f) I r 1 j I I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I ~~ ----- - rm /~)>~ ,~ ~~~ / ~ -" 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 1 ----- - --" ~ \~( ."LL ,---.1_ ~ ;;; '" ~ I I ~ 1 R.20' 1 1 q 1 1 ~ '20' I ~" '" c__ :;;:0--100. )>z_ 1-<m " J4~O" / , / \ / \ / ) / / / / /~/ / / J \ / "': / / ( \ \ N ~ ,,; ~ = ,- '" ~ <: m ;u 'ii ~ ~ ~"" ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 I 1 , I I I I I I / / / / [;: ~ffi ~> "" - ~ :i- C? 9 ~ b . . . 5J A. Council Agenda - 7/11/05 Consideration of ratify in!!: two year renewal of union labor contract - Local 49. (R W) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The International Union of Operating Engineers, Local #49 represents hourly employees in the Street, Parks, and Sewer and Water Departments. The positions covered include operator- mechanics, shop mechanic and operator-mechanic foreman. The current two year contract expired April I, 2005 and a number of negotiating sessions have been held with union representatives and myself, including Personnel Committee members, Mayor Herbst and Councilmember Posusta. Contract discussions included typical requests for changes to the contract by union membership including a request for more authority on what equipment could be operated by part-time employees compared to full-time permanent employees, changes to the work schedules that would shorten the day and the lunch hour, additional overtime pay for callback occurrences, requests for shift differential pay for all hours worked outside of normal workday, an additional holiday along with wage rate increases to the salary schedule comparable to what non-union received for 2005. Aftcr a couple of negotiating sessions, the issues really got pared down to a comparable salary increase similar to what non-union received and the issue of revising the work schedule from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with an hour lunch to 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with a half hour lunch on a permanent year round basis. The Personnel Committee also discussed with union negotiators the idea of looking at alternative work schedules that would even have included four day-! 0 hour work weeks, but it was decided that this would involve more study as to whether it would even be feasible not only the City work load but also with Public Works employees. The contract that is proposed for ratification includes a trial provision to change the normal work schedule from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with a half hour lunch during the winter months of Labor Day to Memorial Day. After trying it for one season, the City would be better able to evaluate whether it would consider this change permanently in the future. Regarding salary schedule adjustments, all union positions are proposed for an increase of 2. 7%, similar to that previously granted to non-union employees. In addition, the union's top step was increased by I % and the eligible date to receive this top rate moved trom 90 to 96 months of employment. These changes would be in line with the salary schedule of non-union employees. With these being the only changes being proposed to the union contract, the union membership has agreed to these modifications and it is the recommendation of the Personnel Committee that the new contract be ratified with these changes. Mr. Korman. the union local representative, inlormed me on Thursday that the union had voted that morning and had approved the contract. Sj-to3 . . . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Council Agenda - 7/11/05 /V~ &\ ON' \~ t- I. Approve the new two year labor agreement with mOE Local 49 as outlined above, retroactive to April 1,2005. 2. Do not approve the contract renewal at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and the Personnel Committee members that the union contract be ratified as proposed. Other than salary increases in line with those previously granted to non-union members, the only change to the contract was a trial basis of reducing the work schedule from 4:30 to 4:00 during the winter months. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Union contract proposal summary (Will be made available Monday night) S3- \o~ . . June 30, 2005 MONTICELLO Mr. Kent Kormen IUOE Local 49 2829 Anthony Lane South Minneapolis, MN 55418 Re: Union Contract Renewal Proposal- 2005 and 2006 Dear Kent: The following is the 2005 and 2006 contract proposal offered to LU.O.E. Local 49 representing the Monticello maintenance employees as tentatively agreed to on 6-23-05. ARTICLE IX Work Schedules Add additional paragraph to section 9.02: On a trial basis the Employer may change the normal 7:30-4:30, Monday through Friday work day to 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. with a half (1/2) hour lunch during the winter months onlv from Labor Dav to Memorial Dav. Employees would then be required to take their morning and afternoon breaks at the job site rather than back at the Public Works Building. At the Employer's discretion, this 7:30 a.lll. - 4:00 p.m. work schedule is subject to change upon being evaluated after one (]) year. APPENDIX #1 SALARY SCHEDULE FOR YEARS 2005 AND 2006 Effective April I, 2005 the Salary Schedules will increases for all classifications by 2.7%. Effective April I, 2005 Top Step will be increased by I % and the eligible date move to 96 months. Operatorl Mechanic 4/1/2005 Top Rate 48 - 96 mo. 36 - 48 mo. 24 - 36 mo. 12 - 24 mo. $20.52 $19.73 $18.72 $17.94 $17.17 Monticello City Halt, 505 Walnut Street, Suite t, Monticelto, MN 55362-883t . (763) 295-2711 . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticelto, MN 55362. (763) 295-3170' Fax: (763) 27t-3272 6-12mo. $16.39 First 6 mo. $15.60 ( Shop Mechanic/ Operator Top Rate $21.75 48 - 96 mo. $20.91 36 - 48 mo. $19.84 24 - 36 mo. $19.02 12-24 mo. $18.20 6 - 12 mo. $17.36 First 6 mo. $16.53 Operator/Mechanic Foreman II Top Rate $22.77 48 - 96 mo. $21.90 36 - 48 mo. $20.88 24 - 36 mo. $20.10 12-24mo. $19.33 6-12mo. $18.55 First 6 mo. $17.76 Effective April 1, 2006 wages for all job classifications will increase by a minimum of 1 % or by whatever the non-union salary schedule is adjusted for the year 2006, whichever is greater. As we discussed, please present this summary to the membership for approval and if acceptable, [ will bring this information to the City Council for ratification at our next meeting in July. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO Odw~ Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator RW/dg cc: Union Contract File . Council Agenda - 7/11/05 5K. Consideration of approvin2 contributions made to the City of Monticello. (C.S., R.W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At a recent League of MN Cities workshop, it was brought to our attention that contributions made to the City should be approved by the City Council before utilizing the funds or passing them on for a specified purpose. MN Statute 465.03 authorizes any city, county, school district or town to accept a grant or real or personal property and maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Authorization cannot include acceptance of such a gift for religious or sectarian purposes. Acceptance of gifts shall be by resolution of the governing body adopted by a two-thirds majority of its members. . According to MN Statute 465.04, cities are authorized and empowered to receive and accept gifts and donations for the use and benefit of such cities and their citizens upon terms and conditions approved by the governing body. Such cities are authorized to comply with and perform such terms and conditions as specified by the donor. Basically, this allows cities to serve as a legitimate entity to pass funds from a charitable gambling source or other charitable organization to a recipient who utilizes the funds that in some way benefits the city and/or its citizens. MN Statute Chapter 471.895 includes a listing of prohibitions associated with accepting gifts. A copy is attached for your reference. City staff proposes to present a resolution to Council upon receipt of a gift or contribution. The resolution would state the donor, description of the gift (i.e. cash or property), amount of the gift, proposed recipient and the intended purpose. Council would then need to approve any such resolutions by a two-thirds majority vote in order for the contribution to be accepted. In the event that a contribution would fail to be approved, the money would be returned to the donor. The resolution included with this agenda item asks for approval of three contributions: . . Monticello Community Partners. a cash contribution in the amount of $1503.97 - this in intended to help defray costs of tree planting done this year by the Parks Department. . American Legion. a cash contribution in the amount of $200 - this is intended to go to the Monticello Community Band to help defray expenses associated with a parade in which they recently participated and represented our town. . Land of Lakes Choirboys, a cash contribution in the amount 01'$2500 - this is intended to go to the Riverfest Committee to help defray Riverfest expenses. SK-loS . Council Agenda - 7/11105 B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the contributions and authorize use of funds or payment to recipients as specified by the donors. , ~. Do not approve the contribution(s) and return the funds to the donor(s). c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and the Finance Department to approve the acceptance of the contributions. All of these requests appear to meet the intention of the statute by providing a benefit to the city and its citizens. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of!vfN Statutes 465.03, 465.04 and 471.895 Resolution approving contributions . . s \(- (O~ City of Monticello . RESOLUTION NO. 2005-71 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions ofMN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY DESCRIPTION VALUE Monticello Community Partners Cash contribution 51503.97 American Leaion Cash contribution $200.00 Land of Lakes Choirboys Cash contribution $2500.00 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the . contributions ofTered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: I. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose. DONOR/ENTITY RECIPIENT PURPOSE ?\\ Monticello Community Par1ners City of Monticello Parks Dent 2005 tree planting expenses American Legion Monticello Community Band ] all convention parade 11 Land of Lakes Choirboys Riverfest Committee Riverfest exocnses Adopted by two-thirds vote of the City Council of Monticello this day of . \4.~005 . ~'!l\ ~ ,,'t~' .\: ,~\ {I'",,, If). l./ i5~ /( '[) ,}:.> Mayor . ~TTEST: \X ' Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator resolution 8pproving contributions 07-1 ]-05: 7/7/2005 Sv.-. _lo l . Minnesota Statutes ;lOQ,!:, Tal)jc_9.fC'\}-'lPteL~ Tahl~.f_cQ)).te]ll$_iQr_Ch;-lpter 465 465.03 Gifts to municipalities. Any city, county, school district or town may accept a gran~ or devise of real or personal property and maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Nothing herein shall authorize such acceptance or use for religious or sectarian purposes. Every such acceptance shall be by resolution of tbe governing body adopted by a two-thirds majority of its members, expressing such terms in full. HIST: (1830) RL s 767; 1913 c 319 s 1; 1949 c 294 S 1; 1973 c 123 art 5 s 7 Copyright 2004 by the Office of Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. . Minm:.sota Sta\utcs2!tQ4~ Tah!~.QLCha.pwn; Table of contents for Ch;wtcr 465 465.04 Acceptance of gifts. cities of the ~econd. chird. or fourth clasa, having at any time a market value of not more than $411000,0001 exclusive of money and credits, as officially equalized by the commissioner of revenue, either under home rule charter or under the laws of this state, in addition to all other powers possessed by them~ hereby are authorized and empowered co receive and accept gifts and donations for the use and benefit of such cities and the inhabitants thereat upon terms and conditions to be approved by the governing bodies of such cities; and such cities are authorized to comply with and perform such terms and conditions, which may include payment to the donor or donors of interest an the value oftlle 9ift at not exceeding five percent per annum payable annually or semiannually, during the remainder of the natural life or lives of such donor or donors. llIST: (1663) 1923 c 395 s 1; 1973 c 582 s 3; 1988 c 719 art 5 s 84; 1989 c 329 art 13 s 20; 1990 c 480 art 9 s 19 . Copyrjght 2004 by the orfjce of Revisor or Statutes, State of Minnesota. S \(-1o'6 471.895 Cer~ain ~if~s by intereste4 persons proA1bite4. . Sub4ivision 1. Definitions. (a) The definitions in this sub4ivision apply to this section. (b) "Gift" has the meaning given it in section lOA.. 071, s"bdivision 1. (c) "Interested person" means a person or a representative of a person or association that has a direct financial interest in a decision that a local official is authorized to make. (d) "Local official" means an elected or appointed official of a county or city or of an agency, authority, or instrumentality of a county or city. Subd. 2. Prohibi~ion. An interested person may not give a gift or request another to give a gift to a local official. A local official may not accept a gift from an interested person. Subd. 3. ~ceptions. (a) The prohibitions in this section do not apply if the gift is, (1) a contribution as defined in section 211A.01, subdivision 5; . (2) services to assist an official in the performance of official duties, including but not limited to providing advice, consultation, information, and communication in connection with legislation, and services to constituents; (3) services of insignificant monetary value; (4) a plaque or similar memento recognizing individual services in a field of specialty or to a charitable cause; (5) a trinket or memento of insignificanc valuej (6) informational material of unexceptional value; or (7) food or a beverage given at a reception, meal, or meeting away from the recipient'S place of work by an organization before whom the recipient appears to make a speech or answer questions as part of a program. (b) The prohibitions in this section do not apply if the gift is given, (1) because of the recipient's membership in a group, a majority ot whose members are not local officials, and an equivalent gift is given or offered to the other members of the group i . (2) by an interested person who is a member of the family of tile recipient. unless the gift is given on behalf of someone who is not a member of that family; or (3) by a national or multistate organization of governmental organizations or pUblic officials, if a majority of the dues to the organization are paid from public funds, to attendees at a conference sponsored by that organization, if the gift is food or a beverage given at a reception or meal and an equivalent gift is given or offered to all other attendees. s\( JO\ . . . 7. A. Council Agenda - 7/11/05 Public Hearinl!: - Consideration of vacation of drainal!:e and utility easements for Outlots D. E. F. G and H of Carlisle VilIal!:e. (10) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City received a written request on behalf of Farr Development Corporation to vacate the drainage and utility easements for Outlots D,E,F, G and H of the plat of Carlisle Village. When Carlisle Village was plattcd drainage and utility easements were dedicated over the entire area of each outlot. On May 23, 2005 the City Council approved the final plat for Carlisle Village 2"" Addition which included Outlot 0, Outlot E, Outlot F, Outlot G and part of Outlot H. Although final plat approval was given the plat has not yet been recorded presumably because of the easements running through the outlots. The developer has also submitted a preliminary plat (Carlisle Village 4'" Addition) which would develop the remainder of Outlot H in the Carlisle Village plat.. While the public hearing notice covered Outlots E, E, F, G and H there is some concern by staff that the easements are not vacated until there is assurance that appropriate replacement casements are obtained. After conducting the public hearing, the Council may act on vacating the drainage and utility easements. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Adopt a resolution vacating the drainage and utility easements for Outlots 0, E and F.G and H in the plat of Carlisle Village subject to: I) The dedicated easements proposed in the plat Carlisle Village Second Addition being reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to signing of the hardshells; 2) The proposed plat of Carlisle Village Fourth Addition contain replacement easements as recommended by the City Engineer and Public Works Director. 2. Do not adopt a resolution vacating the drainage and utility easements. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Developer is in the process of platting the area currently platted as Outlots D,E. F, G, and H in the Carlisle Village Addition. While staff realizes the vacation of these drainage and utility easements are necessary in order for the developer to continue with the phasing of his development, there is concern that easements not be released unless there is reasonable assurance that replacements easements will be obtained. Stafffeels that conditioning the vacation of these easements on the approval of Carlisle Village Fourth Addition and the recording of Carlisle Village Second Addition should address these concerns. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Map of outlots. 1- 70 t 2005 Westwooc ;oroless;ono~ Ser";ces . . )f ~ Drainage & Utility Easement to be Vacated Out:r.;1 iJ 9'.)1/01 L, OCilld " C;ul.'c1 G or;d OuUot h', C,4Ri iSet '//[I../,(;E, cccordinc; to the recc;rc!ed pi':)t rl-;",rcc;f Wr-Igi" CO'Jn!y; M;nr.,,;sc!~' _ -----.1 \-- . Sheet: 1 OF 1 D," 6/13/05 '" Westwood :rctess:onill Ser','ices, In~ Carlisle Village 2nd Addition ~''<C..''c '''._0 ,",.,. ,.,,, ". ,..." ".,," .hon", '''_'',.5''" ,." "~l_"~'_'." Monticellol Minnesota Easement Vacation Sketch \-'l\ ~- -"" '- . ;;< . . . Council Agenda - 7ill/OS 8. Consideration of approvinl! proposal for an Eal!le Scout Proiect to install a tloatinl! dock at Ellison Park. (Parks Commission) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Phil Simondct is proposing as his Eagle Scout project to install a floating dock in Ellison Park. He has met with the Parks Commission on his proposal for a dock and the proposal was approved by the Parks Commission. It should be noted that he is not requesting financial participation by the City only approval of his project. However, maintenance and annual installation and removal to accommodate winter will be the City's responsibility. According to Adam Hawkinson, Parks Superintendent, this type of dock is relatively easy and does not require a significant amount of staff time to maintain. Attached is information submitted by Phil Simondet on his project. Phil Simondet or his representative will be at the meeting if there are any questions on the proposal. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the proposal to have a dock installed at Ellison Park by Phil Simondet as his Eagle Scout project. 2. Do not approve the proposal. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Parks Commission has reviewed the proposal and recommends its approval. The project adds an amenity to Ellison Park at no cost to the City. D. SUPI'ORTING DATA: Copy of proposal s- l,) . Phillip Simondet Monticello Boy Scout Troop 270 Potential Eagle Project Project: . To assemble and install a floating dock (40-44') at the boat ramp at Ellison Park . One full side and % of the other side of entire dock are to have railing installed on them. Opened section is to be used by boaters. These handrails will be a part of my project. Notes: . DNR informed me approval of this was not their decision since dock would be off of city property . Project has already been approved by the Parks Committee . Dock will be financed entirely by various donors I will personally seek out throughout the area. Project will cost between $5,000-6,200 . Dock and all pieces required to fully assemble it will be purchased from lVIinnCor Industries, the same program which provides docks for the DNR . Concerns: . If required by law, tradition, or sense dock may need to be removed for every winter and put back before spring every year. I will not be available to do this every year if it needs be done. . Any other specifications required or desired by city need to be noted before dock can be ordered . g-l3 . . . 9. A. Council Agenda - 7 ill/OS Consideration of Schedulinl! a WorkshoD to Review Trunk Utilities Fundinl! Prol!ram for the Purpose of Adiustinl! Fee Schedule. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider calling for a special meeting for thc purpose of reviewing the funding supporting development of trunk sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer systems. As you may recall, thc City Engineer was requested to assist the City in updating our trunk utility funding program through identitlcation of trunk improvements and through inventory of costs and revenues. It is important at this time for staff to update Council on the status of this research and to seek direction with regards to adjustment to fees. At the workshop, staff will be identifying major trunk improvements, timing of improvements and associated costs. The goal of the workshop is to give Council background information needed to ultimately develop a realistic funding program that is in balance with utility system development/costs. Ultimately, given the cost of extending trunk lines, Council may want to limit grov-.1h to certain areas thus limiting trunk utility cost while forcing available residential market share to certain districts. Please note that based on the numbers, it is likely that an increase to the trunk water fee is necessary in order to keep up with expenses. Due to the fact that there are a number of projects that will soon be seeking final plat approval, Council may wish to initiate an increase to fees as soon as possible. As another option, Council could take the position that plats that have received preliminary plat approval may operate under the current schedule. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to set a date to review trunk utilities funding program for the purpose of adjusting the fee schedule. 2. Motion to deny setting a date to review trunk utilities funding program for the purpose of adjusting the fee schedule. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Council plan to meet for 1.5 - 2.0 hours on this important topic. Staff requests a meeting start-time around 4:00 with the date to be determined. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None q _ lL\ . . . 10. A. Council Agenda - 7/11/05 Consideration of a reuuest for additional fundin!! for Senior Citizen Center. (RW) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Members of the Senior Citizen Center Board of Directors will be in attendance at the Council meeting Monday night to request Council consideration of additional funding from the City to meet expenditure increases the Board is experiencing for this year. The Center would like to have the City increase it monthly contribution 01'$2,833 ($34,000 annually) to $3,833 efIective August 1,2005. This would bring the total contribution for 2005 to $39,000 if approved as requested. The Senior Board has prepared background information for their request which is included with the agenda package. As you will note, the basic reason for the request at this time is that the Board would like to increase the salary of the Director's position from $33,000 annually to $42,000, in order to prevent Pam from considering other job offers. As you will recall, it was noted at a previous meeting that it will be proposed to increase the allocation to the center for the year 2006 budget by an additional $10,000, but that consideration was not authorized for the current year at this time. If the additional $1,000 monthly contribution is authorized at this ti would prepare the preliminary budget for 2006 to assume an annual contribution of $46,000 r ther than the $44,000 that was previously discussed. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council could authorize increasing the monthly contribution from $2,833 to $3,833 effective August 1" as requested. c.1b-.- V~ 'I-~ 2. Council could authorize an increase to the monthly allocation to be determined. 3. Council could deny increase at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Ifit is the Council's decision to increase the funding at this time, sufficient fi.mds would be available from general fund reserves to accomplish the request yet this year. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Senior Center background information. \~- l5 . Monticello Senior Center Request for Consideration July 11 th, 2005 The Monticello Senior Center, Inc. is a non-profit 501 C3 organization that oversees the Senior Center and the service it provides to the seniors in the Monticello Community. The Senior Center Board of Directors consists of9 members, and one director supplied and contracted by Senior Community Services. Our annual expenses, which exceed 71,000.00, are offset by various income-building projects throughout the year, donations from many local organizations and other sources, and a monthly stipend from the City of Monticello. In 1991 we entered into a 5-year agreement with the city to set this annual stipend to cover the costs of the Centers Director expenses, with the understanding that in 1996 it would be reviewed and updated if necessary. We still work under the original 1991 agreement, and the costs of maintaining the Director's expenses is ever increasing. Our purpose of coming to you now is to ask for consideration of a new agreement to help us with this struggle. Wes Olson approached you several months ago with information regarding our finances, and the differences between the cities stipend and actual payment to the Senior Community Services. During our planning process it became clear that our current Director was not being compensated on an even level with other Directors in the area doing essentially the same work. This combined with a job opening in Buffalo for a new director for their Seniors program, which pays currently 12,000 more than here, gave us concern that we may lose our director to this offer. Certainly anyone can be replaced, but there is no guarantee we can fmd a new director for anything less than the current "Going Rate" in the area. Our Director, Pam Loidolt is very well liked, and respected in Monticello. This year she has been recognized as the Top Senior Director for the State of Minnesota. Unanimously the Board of Directors agrees that it is in our best interests to keep Pam as our ~irector. Of course, the need for money is more immediate and the amount needed has changed. It is with this information that we begin our request for consideration to the City of Monticello. At a special Board of Directors meeting, after carefully considering the coming year budget, we made an offer to Pam to increase her Base salary to 42,000.00 to help bring her in line with current levels. She has verbally accepted this offer on contingency of the city being receptive to immediate help with our stipend. The board felt we could manage until January of 2006 with the increase, but not without great sacrifices to other items on our agenda. Pam of course recognizes this and has opted to make her final decision based on the City Councils decision to help beginning August 1 st. We have attached to this letter information regarding the Senior Centers Finances, as well as our 2005 budget, and the current schedule for payment to Senior Community Services, and other pertinent information. For many months we have been absorbing the 763.00 deficits per month difference between our stipend from the City and the payment to Senior Community Services. With an agreement to keep Pam in place this deficit would increase to 1,624.00 per month. That is an amount that we cannot afford for very long. Our request to the City is that we would like to see an increase of our stipend beginning August 1 SI, from 2,833.00 to 3,833.00, and review the condition of our budget for January 2006 consideration. With this increase we can keep Pam and maintain our current services. It is difficult to maintain fiscal health within our local services to our seniors with this monthly deficit, and it is important to plan for future issues such as this so we do not combine both 9 years of neglect to this issue with current necessary spending. A Representatives will be at the July meeting to ask for your support, and answer any questions you may ~ve. For questions prior to the meeting contact Wes Olson at 763-295-6010 (cell 763-286-2137) or Laurie Chevalier at 763-218-2088. \ () - -ll.o . . . '2005 Monticello Senior Center Financial Information as supplied by Senior Community Services Revised 07/01/2005 Expenses 2005 2005 Budget Budget Proposed Budget Notes Personnel Base Pay (Salarv - Pam) 33.291.00 42.000.00 Base Salary before benefits Taxes:/Frinaes FICA 2,547.00 3.213.00 7.65% of Salarv Unemolavment Compo Insurance 266.00 121.00 Health Insurance 2.292.00 2.463.00 Life & Disability Insurance 471.00 501.00 Pension 3,835.00 4.62000 11 % of salarv Workers Comp Insurance 333.00 646.00 Subtotal Personnel 43,035,00 53,570,00 Travel/ConferencesIT raininQ 280.00 28000 Payroll processina 120.00 120.00 10.00 per month Subtotal 43,435,00 53.970.00 SliDDort (Bookkeeoina/Suoerv.lAdminl 2,700.00 2.100.00 no increase oroiected TOTAL EXPENSES 46,135,00 56,670,00 Income Monticello Senior Citizen's, Inc. Catholic Charities 53.499 00 3.171.00 43,156.00 3,17100 Total Income 46,327.00 56,670,00 Surplus (Deficit) $192.00 Monthly expense to Senior Center 3,596,33 4,458,25 Income from City since 1991 2,833,33 Difference of... monthly 763.00 Difference of... yearly 9,156.00 Cost of Center per Unduplicated users 25.09 31.10 (Based on 2004 participants) Cost of Center per user 2.27 2.82 (Based on 2004 participants) \CJ-11 . Senior Center Directors 2005 Salaries: Apple Valley - $50,000 Brooklyn Park - $53,000 Buffalo - $45,000 Coon Rapids - $55,000 Crystal- $47,000-58,000 range Elk River - $43,000 Maple Grove - $36,000 % time, $45,000 full time 81. Cloud - $55,000 Monticello - $33,000 . Monticello Senior Center.Unduplicated Participants Year Number - 2004 1,720 2003 1,691 2002 1,648 2001 1,580 2000 1,484 1999 1,378 1998 1,278 . \0--1<6 e e e ..., o ..., ;.:- r' rn '" o ~ ..., o ..., ;.:- r' rn '" o o V> '" o o .j>. .j>. S" .0 '" ~ '" .... '" o o V> '" o o .j>. V> .... Po .0 '" ~ '" .... '" o o V> '" o o .j>. ~ Po .0 '" ~ .... '" o o V> '" o o .j>. ~ :., '" o 00 \0 - 00 '" .j>. - ~ \0 - ~ .j>. :., '" .j>. .j>. "00 Ul o .j>. "00 o o .j>. '\0 o o V> ".l>, '" '" V> :., 00 \0 .j>. "00 Ul o ~ \0 '0 o o - 00 '\0 Ul o 000 ~ Ul \0 f'O - \0 o !'" ~ o \0 - "00 V> o '" '0 .j>. Ul ~ ~ 000 --l 00 ~ ~ \0 00 .j>. '\0 '" o ~ ~ .j>. 00 ~ Ul '0 '" \0 't.> e .j>. ~ V> '" \0 .j>. \0 '" Ul .j>. Ul '" Ul V> Ul V> Ul V> Ul '" '" v, .j>. ~ --l ':;,. - o ~ ~ .j>. e ~ ".l>, V> ~ ~ '", e 00 ~ .j>. v, o o - ".l>, Ul '" Ul - - ~ 00 o - '" - '" o o V> .0 '" ~ '" .... --l \0 00 V> W V> .j>. ."c::: '" " ~o. _.t:: 0'" -So=: '" 0 " '" urS" 0. .,,0 '" t:: ,,'" a~ "'~'" n~G .",,0. -~"'t:J -.'" N ~ " -. 0.0 , t:: " 6'0-6 c:id ua :- . "'." '" " '" g.~' 3-. < 0.!2. ::;." "0 CD" Ro g ~ t;;' 0:< -'0 ,,- -.t:: " " ""~ -." " " o ~ ,,::C 0.0 " t:: .eO! - w w '" ." ;<>::r " 0 o " " " <" () " '" 0. - .. Ul W :>- ~o t:: ~ " -. c.. :.S. c =-. ." " _00 ~r 0 CD~ o.~ ~" 0. - ~o o _. -" t:: " 0." " ~ 00 00 =l'''' o " ~ ~ " " 000. ~ 00 o Ul lo-,C\ ~~ =0 .a:..z (")..., 0..... ~(") ~ ;;t"" ~S ""00 ....~ <z trl..... 000 ~~ >-3(1 ....~ ooz 0-3..., .....~ Q~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS Gordon Hughes President John Gray 1 sl Vice President Bob Bean 2nd Vice President John Lawson Treasurer Marvin Johnson SecretaI)' John C. Boeder Past President Marty Guritz Member-at-Large Gloria Johnson Member-at-Large David F. Fisher Cheryl Fischer 4Inc1s Hagen o Higuchi rle lafontaine Rep. Ann Lenczewskl Phil Kern Dr. Chinyere (Ike) Njake Dotty O'Brien Senator Gen Oison Curtis A. Pearson Tom Tlcen Benjamin F. With hart Executive Director & C.E.D. PROGRAMS . Supporting Positive Aging - Transportation - Community Senior Centers . Caregiver Support Services - Senior Outreach SENIOR COMMUNITY SERVICES 10709 Wayzala Blvd., Suite 111, Mlnnetonka, MN 55305-1529 Phone: (952) 541-1019 FAX: (952) 541-0841 E-mail: scs@seniorcommunlty.org Website: www.seniorcommunity.org December 9, 2004 Year 2005 CONTRACT Monticello Senior Citizens, Inc. and Senior Community Services Senior Community Services, a non-profit charitable organization, looks forward to continuing our cooperative effort with Monticello Senior Citizen Center, Inc. Board for the staffing of the Monticello Center. This agreement is for the same level and type of service that has been in place. ' In 2005, Senior Community Services agrees to provide a full-time Director to the Monticello Center. We will assume (as we do for all of our employees) all responsibility for the benefits, taxes and all required employee/employer filings and reports. The Director will office at the Monticello Senior Center. The Director will be covered by Senior Community Services' Personnel Policies and Procedures (copy on file at the Center). Supervision, training and support will continue to be provided by Senior Community Services with the Director responsible for the day-to-day contact with, support of, and liaison to, the Monticello Senior Citizen Center Board. The cost to the Monticello Senior Citizen Center, Inc., Board for Year 2005: (1) $ 43,627 (3,171) $ 40,456 $ 2.700 $ 43,156 1. Full-time Direction of the Center Program: Minus portion funded by Catholic Charities Amount remaining paid by MSCC 2. Supervision/administrativelbookkeeping charge: (2) Total charge (1) Includes only direct expenses related to the staffing of the Center; no indirect or overhead costs. . Frail Elder Support Services . H.O.ME (2) - Senior Outreach A Foum:fll1g Member of Eldercare Partners .0.. ~ . A United Way Aaenev In our other Senior Centers this cost is covered by the Minneapolis Area United Way. Monticello has its own United Way which funds the Board direcUy rather than Senior Community Services. \O-'t;O e e e "T"""""'-'" cello Senior Citizens, Inc. & Senior Community Services 2005 Contract Page 2. 1e of the following listed conditions will terminate in its entirety and all tions therein this agreement/contract between the Senior Community Services, Wayzata Boulevard #111, Minnetonka, MN 55305 and the Monticello Senior IS Center, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 3, Monticello, MN 55362, hereinafter Id to as SCS and MSCC, respectively. For any reason, provided there is a written mutual agreement to terminate this agreement/contract between SCS and majority vote of the Board of Directors of the MSCC, wherein the date of termination shall be stated and signed by the Executive Director of SCS and the President/Chairperson of the MSCC ' Board of Directors. The end of the month for which the City of Monticello no longer provides monetary support to MSCC for the Center. The end of the month that SCS is disqualified and/or loses its Non-Profit Charitable Organization status. The end of the month in which Senior Community Services fails to provide a full time Center Director. Reasonable consideration will be given for time to advertise, interview and hire a Center Director should such action become necessary. The center director shall be chosen by mutual agreement between SCS and the MSCC Board of Directors. ~. C'J " ;"7.~~ ~ithhart Itive Director ~ f>1. Jk4/ AI Slack, Board Chair / . ~ (!jJUJ~U Don Lee, ~r ~/7~.,J ~-A~ tderrie Ah~ens, Se retary \O-~\ . MONTICELLO SENIOR CENTER 2005 BUDGET . Account Banking Building Supplies & Main. City of Monticello Ceramics Dances Dinners Donations Fund Raisers Office Supplies & Equip. Other Periodicals Pool Postage Senior Community Services Service Counter Senior Dining Special Events Telephone Trips TOTAL Exoense 52.00 4,260.00 0.00 1,200.00 2,790.00 1,080.00 123.00 1,745.00 1,200.00 6,050.00 190.00 325.00 464.00 43,157.00 2,040.00 1,220.00 3,510.00 780.00 9,300.00 $79,486.00 Income 152.00 240.00 34,000,00 960.00 3,080.00 l' M. U,) 680.00 f \3,ODO NT". 16,600.00 .(:,,~ t.>':',U () 5,950.00 \ ,\ 0.00 0" 1 V€<('''L' 4,500.00 $" 600. L~ , 0.00 740.00 0.00 0.00 1,200.00 0.00 1,350.00 0.00 - 71 4.5.;l. - , "-- w;~~ U ,:.~J \)Jt'{ '(too,) - J . w~lI b~ 7' W- Oor 1I\Co~\.... I 1-1...\-1 ~vv-. 0~ v],l/ ~<It.- +0 ~J ~ So...... ( '\.(\~as' S...<- U ,,'Jt<J 0) A-rpk~ t~ . +or Lt,..l. ;-h"'"'-. LJ Q\ (jo;,r r f1 ,,~.;~ +~"'; '1v...r . \O-CS'd - WRIGHT COUNTY AREA UNITED WAY P.O. Box 243 Monticello. MN 55362 APPLICANT PROGRAM OUTLINE Due: April 6, 2005 BUDGET YEAR: 2005 . "rr"-" - -/.., U",~l oJ]>l Agency: adress: "i1ing Address: (if different from above) Telephone: Contact person: Program Title: Monticello Senior Center 505 Walnut St., Suite 3, Monticello, MN 55362 763-295-2000 Pam Loidolt. Director Montj~ello Senior Center Allocation Re uest Amount: $13.000 Purpose: To nrovide senior center services Do your services fall under one of the following areas: Strengthening families_Respecting diversity Promotin health Nurturin children and programs. Supporting the elderly Inereasin self sufficienc -1L- S ecific Fundin Pu se: The senior center served over 6,500 meals last year. A meal prep.fee needs to be paid to the city of Buffalo for each meal. We also need to purchase coffee, condiments, etc. and try to provide frozen meals to those in financial need. The total amount needed for those purposes outlined above is $4,000. The senior center installed an exhaust fan in the ceramics room for health reasons. This was a non-budgeted item and the cost was $80 We need to have the carpet and furniture cleaned-$900. We need stools recovered and a ga- zine rack-$55.0. We are projecting a deficit in 7 budget areas and are requesting fundi g to cover the difference this vear. Please see back of oa 'e.for details. The Monticello Senior Center strives to help older adults not only maintain their independence, but also to improve their quality of life through social interaction and by providing health and nutritional programs to enhance their physical we1l-being. The senior center makes great efforts to try to meet the many needs of older adults and their families and to provide a wide variety of programs. Pro ram Financial Summa Year Total Program Funded Expenses 2004 $79,823.53 Wright County Area United Way Allocation Received Allocation Request The senior center money last year. o did not We need % of Program Funded bv United Wav request 0 it th)C' YQ~l"'l 2005 $79,486 (proposed) $13,000 16% Client Information Categorized by area of residency, please indicate the number of clients served: Wright County: 1 "7 'i , Sherburne County: I q 0 Other: 'i'i Total: 1,770 Does tbe Agency charge a fee for this program? Does your Agency have tax-exempt status under IRC Sect.501(c){3) If no, has your Agency ever applied for Sect. 501(c)(3) status? Are 00 conductin inde endeDt fund raisin in our area? .3 fundraisers annually - breakfast in April, Pie thorized Party Signature No membership dues Yes Yes Social in Aug. & Craft Sale in Nov. Title \.0 - '63 e e e Bude:et Deficit Details Building Supplies & Maintenance Ceramics Dinners (other than Senior Dining) Office Supplies & Equipment Periodicals Service Counter (cookies, paper products, coffee for senior center other than for dining, etc.) Special Events (parties, Volunteer Appre., entertainment, intergenerational events, etc.) $1,720 240 400 1,200 190 840 2,160 VrJ, l WAl 0 ff LJ,v:- ?'d'- ~ \0- ~L\ Profit & Loss Statement . 6/1/05 5/1/05 Through 5/31/05 Page 1 ~ ./' 5/1105- \v I> 0 .r-\:\..' Category Description 5/31105 - f''''''~ .f (-" ~..:+ ~ INCOME .. v" ~ ~. BANK,ind 0.82 Ceramics, Inc. 3.10 CITY CONTRIBUTION 2,833.33 DANCE,income 298.00 Donations 300.00 Other Inc 420.00 POOL,income 8.50 Service Counter,inc 84.71 Special Events,inc 291.58 TRIPS,lncome 2,405.00 TOTAL INCOME 6,645.04 EXPENSES e Uncategorized 0.00 Bank,exp 2.00 Building,exp 779.71 DANCE,exp 341.43 Dinners,exp 6.38 Fundraisers,exp 951.75 Office Supplies&Equip,exp 36.76 Other,exp 350.00 Senior Comm. Services 3,596.33 Senior Dining,Exp 245.46 Service Counter,exp 158.60 Special Events,exp 1,493.20 Telephone 67.37 Trips,expense 2,264.96 TOTAL EXPENSES 10,293.95 OVERALL TOTAL -3,648.91 ~iYJn'1 Chukboot EaAMc.e. - $'it /bl/. 32 En.&~1 Uut::.boor.. tbJMGe.- - 431575: '-II e c, b, $/0/ DOO \D-C(;S e Senior Center Services... *Parkinson Support Group July 5 at 1 :30 p.m. *Grief Support Group July 12 at 1:30 p.m. *Insurance Assistance July 13 by appt. only * Alzheimer Support Group July 19 at 1:30 p.m. *Legal Aid July 25 byappt. only ~. ~ e 2005 Defensive Driving Classes People age 55+ completing a defensive driving course are eligible for a 10% auto insurance discount. The course needs to be repeated every three years in order to continue receiving the discount. Those taking a class for the first time need an eight-hour course. The cost for each class is $12, payable to the senior center in advance. Be sure to bring your driver's license to class. Eif!ht-hour course "October 4 & 5, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Four-hour courses "July 12, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. "August 9, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. "September 13, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. "November 2, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. e Pool Tournaments... *Double Elimination-July 15, 9 a.m. *Team-July 25,1 p.m. in Buffalo Detailed brochures at the senior center... New En2Jand, Sept. 27-0ct. 8, 2005 Highlights include touring Chesterwood, Norman Rockwell Museum, PIimoth Plantation, Mayflower II, John F. Kennedy Library and Museum, Salem, Boston, Lexington, Concord, White Mountain National Forest, Cannon Mt., Rock of Ages, Lake Champlain, Ausable Chasm, Adirondack Mountains, Alexandria Bay, 1,000 Islands, falls of the Niagara River, Henry Ford Museum and more. The cost per person is $1,149 double occupancy. The final payment is due August 27. L Northern California Wine Country, Oct. 10-17, 2005 Highlights include traveling on scenic California Highway 1, Hearst Castle, Kings Canyon National Park, Yosemite National Park, Yosemite Valley, UC Davis Arboretum, Heidrick Ag. History Center, Sacramento city tour, guided tour of Napa Valley, San Francisco city tour, Alcatraz Island and more. The cost is $1,329 per person double occupancy. The final payment is due August 3 I. I? f1' I? I? f1' I? f1' I? f1' I? I? I? ~~~~~~~liQm~~~~ ~ ~ ~ Pies Needed for August ~ I? . f1' ~ Fundralser ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ff The annual Pie & Ice Cream Social is If ~ coming up and your help is needed. ~ I~ PI' b" I, ~ ease sign up to nng Ice cream or li2iim If homemade pies for this fundraiser that I? ~ will be held on Wednesday, August 17 ~ ~ from 2-8 p.m. Thanks! ~ If ff (1' f1' If If f1' I?c' If If If If ~liQm~~~~~liQm~~~~ Page 3 \ D- 'tl~ e . .Tri ps Tri ps Tri ps .. All 1 day trips depart from the west entrance of the Monticello Community Center. Trip goers should park in the west lot. Trip Emergency Policy - If you have an accident or become ill on a trip to the extent you cannot participate in the trip activities, the tour guide has been instructed to call 9 I 1. If the advice of the 911 personnel is that you should accompany them to a medical facility and you refuse, you will not be allowed to continue on with the trip and it will be up to you to arrange a ride home. e Grand Casino Hinckley A trip to Grand Casino Hinckley will be held on Tuesday, July 5. The bus will depart from the community center at 10 a.m. and return at approximately 6 p.m. There is a $15 charge to ride the bus and you must sign up and pay in advance. Please be sure to record your Grand Rewards card number when signing up. You will receive a $25 cash coupon when you arrive at the casino. .,.....-..-., ,~,,,...'- :$'>'-~"'4~~ 'A, '~',~",.\ti,\, (;'fl,' .....~~ll'.,.-...c-;.l Landscape Arboretum/Abdallah's This July 14 trip to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum and Abdallah's Chocolates and Gifts may be full, however you can add your name to the waiting list if you wish. . Mystic Lake Casino You can ride the coach bus free of charge to Mystic Lake Casino on Monday, August 1. The bus will depart from the community center at 10 a.m. and return at approximately 5:15 p.m. Everyone going on the trip will receive a free deck of cards and have the chance to win buffet or cash coupons. You do need to sign up and record your Club Mystic card number in advance. River Cruise Enjoy a luncheon cruise on the St. Croix River leaving from Stillwater on Thursday, August 18. You will have a short time to shop Stillwater before boarding the boat. After the cruise, it's off to St. Croix Vineyards for self-guided tour and complementary wine tasting. The cost is $32 per person. The coach bus will depart from the community center at 8:30 a.m. and return at approximately 4:30 p.m. State Fair A bus trip to the State Fair is scheduled for Thursday, September 1. The bus will depart from the community center at 8:30 a.m. and leave from the fair at 4 p.m. There is an $8 charge to ride the bus and a $4 fair admission charge for people age 65 and older. Fall Trips... *Fall Festival at Waconia Lakeside Ballroom-October 26 *Autumn Lights Tour in Zumbro Falls-November 2 u================='=Ll o Do You Like Bingo? 0 ] If so, be sure to come to the senior center and 0 o play on Thursday, July 2 I at 11 a.m. There is 0 o no charge and anyone age 55+ is welcome. C o You may even win one of the prizes! [ f::-J= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =CJ Mississippi Shores Open House Tuesday, July 12, 1-4 p.m. Tours, refreshments and prizes. The senior center receives support ~ from the City of Monticello, Senior Community Services, Wright County Area United Way and various service organizations. Page 5 l 0- C\~ . . . City Council Agenda - 07/11/05 11. Consideration of a Task Force update bv Council member Maver and discussion for possible authorization. (O.K.) A. Reference and backl!:round: The Task Force assigned to research broadband technology and options has becn meeting weekly for 2-3 hours with Consultant Milda Hedbloom. The group is about mid-point in gathering information prior to formulating an educated recommendation to the Council on August 8. 2005. Several topics arose which appear to need discussion prior to August 8 and. perhaps. direction given by the Council. Council member Mayer will bring up three topics for discussion: 1. Placement of conduit under roadway at various crossing points during construction of Chelsea Road West and School Blvd improvements in the new Monticello Business Center. 2. Placement of conduit under railroad track and 1-94 during construction of Sanitary Sewer Trunk Linc project. ,tJ\\,\ Cr-,0 (~ \ \ j.,I \./ Placement of conduit in future developments during construction of improvements. Task Force members: Wayne Mayor, Council member Steve Andrews, HRA and IT background Lynne Dahl-Fleming, IDC and small business owner Cathy Shuman, City IT personnel Susan Heidt, Director of Technology, Monticello High School Wanda Terraza, IS Department, Monticello-Big Lake Comm Hospital John Bozich, Business Development Manager, UMC Support Staff: Brenda Krueger, Springsted Ollie Koropehak, Economic Development Director Doug Lyseng, City Tcchnology Service Provider 1 \\-C\"d Council Agenda - 7/11/05 . 12. Review of alternatives re2ardin2 renlacement of liQuor store ovlon si2n. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As previously requested, staff has been investigating options that the Council could consider regarding replacement or modifications to the current existing Hi- Way Liquors pylon sign to have the sign fit in better with the architectural designs of the buildings in the neighborhood. Liquor store manager, Joe Ilartmann has been in contact with a number of sign companies but to date, has only received information from one sign company whose primary goal is to install a reader board sign on a new structure. Other sign companies have indicated they were swamped with business and bccause of the July 4th holiday, we have not rcceived additional information from most vendors at this time. In addition to the one idea received from Sightline Displays Company, we have also had Graeme Mahler, the architect for the Towne Centre and liquor store expansion project prepare a drawing of how a new sign could look that would blend in extremely well with the building decor. Examples of what a sign could look like are enclosed in the agenda for your review. . One of the first comments we have received from the vendors that have responded was a question as to why the City wants to replace the sign, as it appeared to be in generally good condition and not necessarily that unattractive. Although modernizing the sign maybe beneficial, retainage of some type of pylon sign near the highway will be important for the City to maintain visibility to the traveling public to insure the viability of our retail operation. Many of our customers may not be aware of our exact location and those customers simply traveling down the highway would not be able to see the signage that is displayed on our store tront. I believe there are a number of options the City Council could discuss and consider. depending on the ultimate goal of the sign project. Some options inelude: . If the height of the sign is the main issue, the City could just lower the height of the sign to a height similar to the new Caribou sign. This would likely be the most economical procedure at $5,000 or less. . Another idea would be to lower the sign and retain the basic sign face, but place the sign structure on new pillars to be constructed of brick and block facing in some typc of design that fits in better with the architecture of the present building. Both the idea submitted by Sightline Displays for thcir reader board and from our architect Graeme Mahler, show examples of this type of brick structure. . A third option could be to lower the sign, create a brick structure, and also create a new sign face for the Hi-Way Liquors sign portion to modernize the sign to something similar to the design on the face of our building. Mr. Mahler's basic design would show a good example of this. . Under this option we could do the same as #3 described above but also add an electronic reader board to the structure between the brick pillars to be used by the liquor store for advertising and promoting merchandise along with the City using it for notifying the \ d-Q 3 . . . D. Council Agenda - 7/11105 public of community events such as Riverfest celebration, Junk Amnesty Day, Leaf pickup dates, Community Center events or any other community related activities. Do any combination of sign alternatives notcd above. . Completely remove the sign and do not replace it with anything. Of the options noted above the least costly would likely be complete removal without any replacemcnt, but I did not think that was the Council's direction at this time. If height is the only concern, lowering it to the height of surrounding signs could be accomplished for the least amount of money. Replacing the pillars on the current sign with a new brick structure similar to what the architect designed would likely be in the neighborhood of $12,000 or more. If a new face is added to the sign, cost would increased by a similar amount. If a reader board is added, that cost is anywhere from $25,000 to $45,000, depending on size and capabilities. Overall, we are probably looking at around $5,000 to simply lower the cxisting sign all the way up to $75,000 or more for a complete new structure with an electronic reader board. As any business along a highway will attcst to, signage is very important, and with thc Council's commitment of $250,000 annually from liquor store revenue to support debt associated with the Community Center, [ think it is impcrative that we do whatcver wc can within our ordinancc to maintain a sign presence on Highway 25. As an added note, our current sign is a legal conforming sign according to our ordinance, but modcrnization or improving the looks is certainly an option that could be considered. If additional sign quotes or designs are available by Monday night, they will be presented at the meeting for further rcview. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council could direct staff to proceed with one of the options outlined above and come back to thc Council with a firm cost for that option. 2. Council could discuss options but not make any decisions at this timc until more cost estimates arc available. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the City Administrator's recommendation that the Council retain some type of pylon sign at the location of the present sign. [think it is imperative that proper signage be available for the motoring public to see. just likc any other business along Highway 25 would expect to have. The idea of modernizing the sign with a new brick/block structure is very appealing and would make the sign more modcrn and up to date with the surrounding architecture. The Council will have to decide whether the addition of a reader board is beneficial at this time. SUPPORTING DATA: Electronic readcr board sign cost estimates Architectural Drawings Id.,ql\ l ., DATE: June 29, 2005 TO: Mr. Joe Hartman Hi-Way Liquors Daryl L. Kirt\)~ Outdoor LED Message Display FROM: RE: Thank you for giving Sightline Displays the opportunity to present a proposal on the purchase of a high quality LED message display for your business by Daktronics. Per our conversations, I am including three (3) options for your display: ~ .-1. Model 48xl44 20mm six line, double sided RGB LED display 2. Model 48xl44 20mm six line, double sided Monochrome LED display 3. Model 48x64 l2mm RGB with a 32x80 20mm Monochrome double sided LED display We here at Sightline Display have over 40 years of expertise with electronic equipment such as yours and are very skilled at repairing this equipment. Sightline Displays provides sales, installation, and local service, in addition to an excellent warranty policy. Thank you again for this opportunity to present this information. If you have any questions or need additional information please call me at (952) 746-5049. I will contact you no later than July 13 to hear your decision. DK Enclosures ~ .. \ d-qS HEADQUARTERS 7600 West 27th Street. Suite 203 St. Louis Park. MN 55426 952.746.5049 - 952.746.5437 Fax SOUTHERN BRANCH OFFICE 6489 Pine Meadows Drive Spring Hill. FL 34606 352.428.3948 - 352.683.3084 Fax Hi-Way Liquors Price Quotation June 29, 2005 DAKTRONICS LED MESSAGE DISPLAY Description: 1 2 3 l. Model 3400 48xl44 20mm Six Line, Double Sided RGB LED Message Display with Venus 1500 Software and Temp Sensor Inc!. Size: 3'8"H x 9' II"W $ 42,208.00 2. Model 3400 48x144 20mm Six Line, Double Sided Red/Amber LED Message Display with . Venus 1500 Software and Temp Sensor Inc!. Size: 3'8"H x 9'II"W $ 24,939.00 3. Model 3300 48x64 12mm RGB with a 32x80 20mm Monochrome Double Sided LED Message Display with Venus 1500 Software and Temp Sensor Inc!. Size: 2'8"H x 8'8"W $ 26,159.00 4. Installation Including Fabrication of custom Backlit cabinet ** $ 7,913.00 $ 7,913.00 $ 7,913.00 5. Final Checkout & Training $ 700.00 $ 700.00 $ 700.00 6. Shipping & Handling $ 491.00 $ 491.00 $ 404.00 TOTAL $ 51.312.00 $ 34.043.00 $ 35.176.00 * NOTE: Must provide IBM compatible computer. ** NOTE: Structure, Electrical Connection and Signal Cable Installation provided by Hi-Way Liquors. Options: 1. Fiber Optic Cable (750 ft) 2. Wireless Remote Control . $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 HEADQUARTERS 7600 West 27th Street. Suite 203 St. Louis Pork. MN 55426 952.746.5049.952.746.5437 Fax \ ;).-q \0 SOUTHERN BRANCH OFFICE 6489 Pine Meadows Drive Spring HiiL FL 34606 352.428.3948 . 352.683.3084 Fax Main Features: . Character Height . Avg. Char. Per Line . Viewing Distance 6-37" 28 240' 6-37" 28 240' 6-37" 25 240' 6-37" 25 240' Other Information: . Five (5) vear warranty on all equipment . 60-75 day lead time to complete after receipt of order . 50% Down payment, balance due prior to shipping . Prices valid for 60 days . . \.)-ql HEADQUARTERS 7600 West 27th Street. Suite 203 St. Louis Park. MN 55426 952.746.5049 - 952.746.5437 Fax SOUTHERN BRANCH OFFICE 6489 Pine Meadows Drive Spring HilL FL 34606 352.428.3948 - 352.683.3084 Fax " n II> II> 0 > P N r- DO ;l m m n n 0 ..., 0 r- "'" q < 0 ..., m "" - I "" , w "" ~ X DO 10 - ~ 0- - n" - '" q :E 8 u " Q> ~ W ol I x 'Q - - :E '6 ;;;" "0 .. ':$. 0 ." 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REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Two possible violations of city ordinances in the neighborhood of Hillcrest Circle have been investigated by City stafl The first relates to the keeping of an unlicensed race car in the area of the driveway. The second relates to a resident who routinely drives a semi tractor with and without trailer attached to his residence. City ordinances that may relate to the unlicensed race car and heavy trucks in residential arcas are unclear. City Ordinance, Chapter I, Section 7-1-1 which prohibits the storage and parking of unlicensed vehicles such as automobiles outside for more than 30 days. Howevcr, Chapter 3, Section 9 allows recreational vehicles such as but not limited to dune buggies and hovercraft. Neither ordinance specifically addresses race cars. City Ordinance Chapter 9-1-5 [C], regulates trucks of over 9,000 pounds gross weight in residential neighborhoods; however, there is no definition of what constitutes such a vehicle and weighing every vehicle is impractical. The Sheriff has determined the ordinance to be unenforceable. The intent and purpose of each ordinance section is clearly to preserve the residential character and property values of Monticello neighborhoods. Staff sent letters requesting compliance to each of the possible violators of ordinance. Both have contacted the staff and expressed their determination to continue to keep the vehicles at their residences. The ambiguous and vague language of the present ordinance is frustrating to any enforcement efforts extended by stafT. Staff is requesting that City Council provide direction to assist in resolving these possible violations of ordinance. B. AL TERNA TlVES 1. Motion to direct staff and the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance amending the public nuisance ordinance and recreational vehicle ordinance to address race cars: and, to prcpare an ordinance amending ordinances relating to heavy trucks in residential neighborhoods. 2. Motion to [take some other action as may dctermined by Council]. I ~ -I bLf I ~_lU"'" . City Council Agenda - 7/11/05 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Council move Alternate 1 above. D. SUPPORTING DATA . Letters to affected residents. . Current Ordinance Sections . . \'?J_I05 MONTICELLO .Iune 25, 2005 Hillcrest Circle Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Subject: Race Car/Unlicensed Vehicles & Tire Storage Dear M1'. and Mrs. McDougall: . On June] 5,2005, a City Inspector observed that you are have been keeping an unlicensed race car in your driveway. That vehicle is subject to City Ordinance, Chapter], Section 7-] -] which prohibits the storage and parking of such vehicles outside for more than 30 days. An exception may be allowed by the City Council. An exception and extension of the 30 days may be al]owed by the City Council if you provide a written request/petition to the Council prior to the end of the 30 day compliance period. In reviewing such application. the Council will consider: (a) the number of such vehicles stored on the petitioner's property: (b) the condition of the vehicles for which the extension is sought and the hazards posed by such vehicles to public health and safety; \ ?,- lO \0 (c) the effect of said vehicles on neighboring property and property owners. If a the City Council does not allow an exception to the 30 days, then you muSlmove the vehicle indoors or store the vehicle away from your residential property on or before .lull' ] 5, 2005. Photographs of the vehicle, trailer with tires and a copy oflhe applicable City Ordinance arc attached for your reference. Please contact me at 763-271-32]4 should you need further information in this regard. Sincerely, Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite t, Monticello, MN 55362-883] . (763) 295-27t t . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362' (763) 295-3t 70' Fax: (763) 27] -3272 . . -- MONTlCELW June 25, 2005 Hillcrest Circle Monticello. Minnesota 55362 Subject: Parking of Vehicle in Excess of 9000 GVW In Residential District Dear Mr. Bechtold: On various occasions, we have observed that you are parking a semi truck and trailer in the area of your residence. City Ordinance Chapter 9-1-5 [C]. regulates trucks of over 9,000 pounds gross weight in residential neighborhoods. Such vehicles are prohibited from parking in residential neighborhoods, except those trucks that are actually engaged in making pickups or deliveries. The purpose of this ordinance is to preserve the character of residential neighborhoods. Heavy truck traffic and parking create unwanted noise, visual blight and bring commercial and industrial character to the neighborhood. This often leads to residential blight and tends to lower residential property values. Please find an alternate location for the parking of the heavy truck and trailer. If special circumstances require an exception. you may apply to the City Administrator for an accommodation suitable to your circumstances. Please contact me at 763-271-3214 should you need futiher information in this regard. Sincerely, I -------------- Fred Patch, Building Official l; -lb \ Monticelto City Halt, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362-8831. (763) 295-2711 . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 GotfCourse Rd., Monticello, MN 55362. (763) 295-3170. Fax: (763) 271-3272 . . . 7-1-1: ACTIVITIES, BUSINESS PROHIBITED: Subsequent to the enactment hereof, the following acts, conditions, activities, business or businesses are hereby prohibited except as hereinafter permitted: (A) No unwholesome substance, garbage, refuse, offal, or similar substance shall be brought, deposited, left, dumped, or allowed to accumulate within the city. For purposes of this section ofthe City ordinances entitled "Public Nuisances," refuse shall include but not be limited to the following or similar items stored or parked outside: 1. Passenger automobiles, station wagons, trucks, and other vehicles not currently licensed (if applicable) by the state which are, because of mechanical deficiency, incapable of movement under their own power; 2. Passenger automobiles, station wagons, trucks, and other vehicles which are currently licensed by the state but, because of mechanical deficiency, are incapable of operation on a public street or highway under their own power, or passenger automobiles, station wagons, trucks, and other vehicles which are capable of operation under their own power but which are not currently licensed by the state, when stored or parked outside for more than 30 days, unless prior to the expiration of the 30 days the owner of said vehicle petitions the City Council for and the City Council grants an extension of the time limit on outside storage. In reviewing such application, the City Council shall consider: (a) the number of such vehicles stored on the petitioner's property; (b) the condition of the vehicles for which the extension is sought and the hazards posed by such vehicles to public health and safety; \~-toi MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VlI/Chpt 1/Page 1 . (B) LOAD LIMITS ON CITY STREETS OR PARKING LOTS: It shall also be unlawful for any person or persons, firm or corporation to drive any vehicle over said streets or parking lots having an axle weight load in excess of five (5) tons during periods of the year when county road restrictions are not in effect. During periods of county road restriction or on streets designed for more than five tons, the current city street design map adopted by the City Council shall take precedence over the five (5) ton limit and can be more or less restrictive. That any person, firm or corporation wishing to drive such vehicles in excess of above mentioned weight over any of the streets of Monticello shall first apply to the City Administrator for his permission. That the City Council may designate certain streets to be used regularly by such persons, firm, or corporation in the operation of their business, outlining certain routes that said vehicles are to follow and that no deviation from such routes will be permissible. (4/8/85, #146) . (e) TRUCKS OPERATING ON RESIDENTIAL STREETS: It will be unlawful for any person or persons, firms or corporations to operate a truck of over 9,000 pounds gross weight on residential streets except those trucks that are actually engaged in making deliveries or pickups at residential dwellings. Further, they will utilize state highways or designated truck routes wherever possible when making these deliveries or pickups. All other truck traffic not making deliveries or pickups will utilize only state highways or designated truck routes. Trucks making deliveries or pickups on residential streets will adhere to the provisions of paragraph 9-1-5 (E). (D) PENALTY: Any person or persons, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) and cost of prosecution, or in default of payment of such fine, shall be imprisoned until the fille is paid not, however, to exceed thirty (30) days. . 9-1-6: STREET NAMES: Street names have been adopted according to the official city map on file at City Hall. (12127/76, #26) . l~-\CC\ MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE IXlChpt lIPage 4 . . . CHAPTER 3 SECTION: 9-3-1 : 9-3-2: 9-3-3: 9-3-4: 9-3-5: 9-3-6: 9- 3 - 7: 9- 3-1: 9-3-2: RECREATIONAL MOTOR VEHICLES Purpose and Intent Definitions Operation of a Recreational Motor Vehicle Designation of Public Areas for Use Hours for Use Vehicle Equipment Requirements Operators Required Equipment PURPOSE AND INTENT: The purpose of this ordinance is to provide reasonable regulations for the use of recreational motor vehicles on public and private property in the city of Monticello. It is intended to protect life, property, and to prevent public nuisances. No section hereafter shall be construed to minimize regulations set forth in Minnesota State Statutes 168 (Motor Vehicles Registration), 169 (Motor Vehicle Operation), (Driver License Regulations), and 84.8 (Snowmobile Regulations). DEFINITIONS: RECREA TIONAL MOTOR VEHICLE: Any motor vehicle designed for, used, or capable of use for sport, amusement, or recreation other than motor homes or pickup campers, snowmobiles, or the like, whether or not eligible to be licensed for use upon streets and highways, including but not limited to motor bikes, motor scooters, trail bikes, mini bikes, motorcycles, go-karts, hovercraft, all-terrain vehicles, or dune buggies, but excluding motor vehicles designed for commercial, industrial, or agricultural use. PUBLIC PROPERTY: Lands owned by the United States, the state of Minnesota, or any political subdivision thereof. PRIVATE PROPERTY: All lands other than public property. PERSON: "Person" means every natural person, firm, co-partnership, association, or corporation. OWNER: "Owner" means a person, other than a lien holder, having \~_'\\O . . . 9-3-3: the property in or title to a recreational vehicle entitled to use or possession thereof. DRIVER-OPERA TOR: "Driver-Operator" means every person who drives or operates and is in actual physical control of a recreational vehicle. COMMISSIONER: Commissioner of Natural Resources, State of Minnesota. COMMISSIONER: Commissioner of Public Safety, State of l'vIinnesota. STREET OR HIGHWAY: "Street or Highway" means the entire width between the boundary lines of any way or place when any part thereof is open to the use of the public as a matter of right for the purposes of vehicular traffic. ROADWAY: "Roadway" means the portion of the highway improved, designed, or ordinarily used for vehicular travel. RIGHT-OF- WAY: "Right-of-way" means the entire strip of land traversed by a highway or street in which the public owns the fee or an easement for roadway purposes. OPERATION OF A RECREATIONAL MOTOR VEHICLE: It shall be unlawful to operate a recreational motor vehicle within the city of Monticello: (A) Within one hundred fifty feet (150') of a residence, or within one hundred fifty feet (150') to three hundred feet (300') of a residence at speed in excess often (10) miles per hour, except when loading, unloading, or testing the recreational vehicle on the owner's propcrty, and further excepting operation on an owner's property where the owner lives immediately adjacent to property on which it is lawful to operate recreational vehicles. (8) On publicly owned land, including school, undesignated park property, playgrounds, recreation areas, and golf courses. (C) In a manner so as to create a loud, unnecessary, or unusual noise which disturbs, annoys, or interferes with the peace and quiet of other persons. (D) On a public sidewalk or walkway provided or used for pedestrian )3-\)\ . . . 9-3-4: 9-3-5: 9-3-6: travel. (E) While under the influence of an intoxicating or alcoholic beverage or narcotics or habit forming drugs. (F) At a rate of speed greater than reasonable or proper undcr all existing circumstances. (G) To operate or halt in a careless, reckless, or negligent manner so as to endanger or be likely to endanger any person or property or to cause injury or damage thereto. (H) On any city street, state or county highway, or right-of-way without a valid vehicle license to operate on said city street, state or county highway, or right-of-way, except to cross said street, highway, or right-of-way at right angles thereto. (1) To intentionally drive, chase, run over, or kill any animal, wild or domestic. DESIGNATION OF PUBLIC AREAS FOR USE: The Council may designate areas for use of recreational vehicles by approval of a majority of the members of the City Council upon public notice being given. The areas designated may be changed from time to time by the City Council. Any area designated shall be published in the official newspaper of the City in a conspicuous place after such approval. I fan area is changed, such change shall be published in like manner in the official newspaper of the City. An up-to-date map of designated park areas open for recreational motor vehicles shall be kept on file in the olTice of the City Clerk; and the City Administrator shall provide, on request, a copy of such map together with the applicable rules, regulations, and this chapter to each person requesting such information II.om the City. [-lOURS FOR USE: Hours for use are seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. to ten o'clock (10:00) p.m., except that on Friday and Saturday nights and evenings preceding all legal holidays the hours shall be between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and one o'clock (1 :00) a.m. VEHICLE EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS: (A) Standard mufflers which are properly attached and in constant operation and which reduce the noise of operation of the motor \ -;-IId. . . . 9-3-7: (B) (C) to the minimum necessary for operation. No person shall use a muffler cutout, bypass, straight pipe, or similar device on any recreational motor vehicle, and the exhaust system shall not emit or produce a sharp or popping or crackling sound. Brakes adequate to control the movement of and to stop and hold under any conditions of operation. At least one clear lamp attached to the front with sufficient intensity to reveal persons and vehicles at a distance of at least one hundred feet (100') ahead during the hours of darkness under normal atmospheric conditions. Such head lamp shall be so aimed that glaring rays are not projected into the eyes of an oncoming vehicle operator. It shall also be equipped with at least one red tail lamp having a minimum candlepower of sufficient intensity to exhibit a red light plainly visible from a distance of five hundred feet (500') to the rear during the hours of darkness under normal atmospheric conditions. This equipment shall be required and shall be in operating condition when the vehicle is operated between the hours of one-half (1/2) hour before sunrise or at times of reduced visibility. OPERA TORS REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: Helmets: Persons operating a recreational vehicle within the city of Monticello, on private or public property, shall wear helmets which meet the specifications applicable to helmets approved by the State Commissioner of Public Safety for use by motorcycle operators and passengers. \~-ll2> '" '" 0" " >: !il ro "n '-<" , '" 'tl ___Ul 0 0 ;; !:2 0 0 '-<trH " " "" "'" 0 , " ___n m " '-< Gl tvn "'" tv "' '" OJ 00 ..~ 0 , 0 ro :;:@ "" 0 H C ~ "0 '" 0 'U ro ..., fl)rT-- ~, n Ul ~ e~ ~ " ~ 0 w e~ ",'U " " 0 .." {J} 0 " w"' n.. 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