City Council Minutes 05-08-2000 InformationalMINUTES INFORMATIONAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, May 8, 2000 - 6:3U p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None Mayor Bclsaas opened the informational mccting. .lohn Simola, Public Works Director, and Virgil 1-lawkins, Assistant Wright County l:nginccr, explained the proposed layout 1'or the left turn lanes for CSA1=1 7S at "I 1-1 25. .lohn Simola noted that the proposal tried to keep existing parkinb and yet stay within the given roadway The project is proposed to be a joint venture between the City of Monticello, Wright County and the State of Minnesota. According to John Simola, MnDOT will install the left turn signals, install lane designations on ilie signal arms and detcrnainc the stacki~lg length for the left turn lanes. "1'he County will do the striping, reinstall the signs and prepare the traffic control plan and prepare final plans. The City would prepare the cost. estimate and the project specifications, obtain cost. proposals, let the contract, provide construction inspection and coordinate the project. The Council had a number ol` questions including whethea• there was adequate turning room for the truck traffic making right turns onto Tl 1 ?5, whether traffic could still make right turns on the red light and the length of the median. ~l'he various options that had been looked at such as, removal of parking on the street, were reviewed. Clint 1 Icrhst suggested rather than incurring costs now for the left turn lanes, the City should look at just recalibrating the signals to allow alternating; movement ol~the east and west bound traffic. if that did not adequately handle tlac problem, then the City could look at construction of the left turn lanes..1ohn Simola and Virgil Hawkins felt there would be some reluctance by the state to consider this suggestion. There was also discussion on how future construction olr the loop ramp and 7`'' Street would impact the traffic on CSAI-I 75 and TH 2.5. There were no comments on the proposal from those in attendance. The informational meeting was closed to conduct the regular City Council meeting. ~ JCa..W~n ~ ..tea ~S~-,.-~ R---. Recording Secretary