Planning Commission Minutes 02-08-1971 . - VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 . Planning Commission regular mepting February Rth, lQ71, 8:30 A.M. Those in attendance: Robert Davis Fr. p. Gearty Fred Topel Dale LUnf;witz Larrv F1 ake Bill Sandberg Charles Tooker, Jay Miller Grant Schleif 'Win. Elliott, Eng. P1anner Bob Davis read letter from Charles Tooker regarding his relation- ship with Beckman, Swenson & Assoc. Beckma1", Swenson will con- tinue as contracting agent for 701 planning. Tooker will work with B. S. & Assoc. as a consultant and do planning. Charles Tooker presented population and economics report. Pointed out that combined growtJh of Monticello Village and Township is some more than 5a% in 10 years time. Explained trend of change in area because of accessibility to Twin Cities. Discussion of possibility of zoning in area adjacent to village in 2 mile limit. . Motion by Fr. P. Gearty that township be contacted to have joint representation for zoning and planning of area contiguous to village limits. Invitation to be made by letter with copy of to the municipal commission and county commissioners. Seconded by Larry Flake. Carried. Study of proposed zoning manual raised Question regarding lot sizes as laid out. Note present Monticello lots are 1S6x165; 108qO SQ ft. County regulation for bunding site is 20,000 sq ft. for non-lake shore property. Non-residential zoning requires a minimum of one acre. An acre is 44,000 so. ft. Zoning ordinance prnvides for multi pIe d1;.rel1ing anVl^mere in R 2 district, size limi.t controlled by lot size. Sugp:est tnat square footap;e for multiple rlwelling be larger. Article 3 - Regarding non-conform1..ng use of existi..ng husiness such as inadequate T')arking. Provided for if business is sold to operate as like business. Charley to amend pronosed ordinance to nrovide for downtown area bW'liness to be covered by existing municinal oarking lots. Article 3 _ Section 3021. Conditional uses. CharleY" to define. Discussion regarding Gary Pringle's and Melchert's roles in mun- icipal commission hearings. Hearing 1..s March 24 - 25. Special meeting of Planning Commission Tuesday, March 16, Q:30 A.M. . Regular meeting scheduled for April 6th, 9:00 A.M., Tuesday. Motion for adjournment by Larry Flake, seconded by Fr. P. Gearty. ~.