Planning Commission Minutes 06-25-1971
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Monticello, Minnesota 55362
June 25, 1971
Meeting of the Planning Commission, June 25, 1971, 9:30 A. M. at
the Village Hall.
Present: Father Patrick Gearty, Fred Topel, J. W. Miller, Jr.,
Larry Flake, Robert Davis. Absent: Grant Schleif, Dale Lungwitz.
Meeting called to order by Bob Davis, chairm~at 9:30 A. M.
Purpose of this meetin,; to review the renort of planning to date.
Report to be nresented to Village Council on Tuesday evening,
June 29 by Charles Tooker.
Time taken for each member to review minutes of May 11 th meeting
of Planning Commission. Motion by Larry flake, seconded b" J.
Miller to accent minutes. Carried.
Question raised is there plan to relocate Highway 25 bridge over
Mississippi river. No knowledge at this time. .
Charles Tooker gave a comoosite renort of the planning done so
far under the 701 program.
Charles Tooker severed direct association with Beckman & Swenson
some time ago and now works as a consultant to them specifically
on the Monticello planning program. Present 701 contract is
with Beckman & Swenson. Any neW' contract should be ct:efined and
should be determined who it is made with, Beckman & Swenson or
Charles Tooker & Assoc. It can be expected that next phase of
planning will be about $7,000.00 and take about 11 months.
Charles Tooker was excused from meeting so Commission could dis-
cuss program. General discussion by Commission members indicated
satisfaction with ~arles Tooker's work to date. Further re-
cognized that to have a change in planners would entail a costly
delay during orientation.
Motion by Larry Flake, seconded by Father P. Gearty, that Planning
Commission recommend to the Village Council the continuation of
the proposed 701 planning program with the priorities as adopted
in the Planning Commission meeting of May 11, 1971; paragraph
seven of minutes:
1. Zoning
2. Sub-division Planning
3. Downtown Planning
4., Detailed Street Planning
5. Rousing Study
and that the new contract for plannin~ be made with Charles Tooker
and Assoc. Carried -- all in favor.
Secretary instructed to advise all Village Council and Planning
Commission members of June 29 l'Ileeting.
Adjourned at 10:40 A. M.