Planning Commission Minutes 10-15-1971
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MO;j~iceno, Miilileso'~a 55562
October 15, 1971
Planning Commission Meeting October 15, 1971
Village Hall
10 A.M.
Present: Bob Davis, Larry Flake. Dale Lungwitz, Charles Tooker, Thore
Meyer and Ron Schleif.
Charles Tooker discussed the downtown planning. He showeQ a nroDosal
of rerouting Highway 152 <l.long River Stre~t and reroute 25 onto "Test
Maple to eliminate hig'r:way traffic through downtot-m. Plan also pro-
vided for closing of l"J'almlt and Cedar beb-leen 3rd Street and River
Street anct, providing parking lot areas be:hind shopping center.
Commission to meet this afternoon at Bank to select candidate to
replace Father p. Gearty who was reassigned to St. Paul.
Commission to hold next regular meeting November 3rd at Villae:e Hall
at 1:30 P.M. Invite member of HRA to sit in.
Planning Commission Meeting October, 1071 4 p.X.
~Tight County State Bank 30ard Room
Bob Davis, Dale Lungwitz, Fred Topel, Bud Schleif.
J. W. Miller, Larry Flake
Purpose of meeting to select candidates to be contacted to recommend to
council to replace Father p. Gearty.
James Maus, Con Johnson, Hugo Hillstrom,
Herman Busch, Richard Holker, Bud Fair,
Chuck Larson, Lloyd Lund.
Con Johnson, James V~us and Herman Busch were three prime candidates
in that order. Dale Lun~tz and Bud Schleif were designated to con-
tact candidates to determine if one will serve.
Don Gran
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