IEDC Minutes 02-02-2021MINUTES INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, February 2nd, 2021— 7:00 a.m. North Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Participants attended remotely. Members Present: Liz Calpas, Mike Carr, Wayne Elam, Luke Dahlheimer, Meghan Hanson, Lloyd Hilgart, Steve Johnson, Sarah Kortmansky, Joni Pawelk, Andrew Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Darek Vetsch Members Absent: Randy Skarphol, Kevin Steffensmeier, Don Roberts, Thomas Conboy Liaisons Present: Marcy Anderson, Jolene Foss, Rachel Leonard, Jim Thares, Marcy Anderson 1. Call to Order Vice Chairperson Liz Calpas called the regular meeting of the IEDC to order at 7 a.m. 2. Approve Minutes: a. January 5, 2021 meeting minutes LUKE DAHLHEIMER MOVED TO APPROVE THE JANUARY 5, 2021 MEETING MINUTES. MOTION SECONDED BY DAREK VETSCH. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 12-0. 3. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda a. Wright County COVID-19 Business Relief Funding Program, Executive Order #2099: Darek Vetsch said that applications for grant funding assistance are now available for download from the County website. He will send a link to the IEDC members and to the Monticello Chamber to share with businesses who may need assistance. 4. Consideration of 2021 IEDC Action Statements -Goals and Table Topics Jim Thares noted that each member should has the information in their packets for the 2021 Action Statements -Goals, which have been modified from last year's action statements. He did a markup from last year's action statements and some of those have been stricken from the 2021 action statements. Thares explained there is a core set of statements that will always be in the action statements, and he also included the ordinance and resolution as a backup in the packet for review. The basic key mission is workforce development, job creation and retention, industrial growth and expansion, and business vitality. The redline copy in the packet is refining the language a little bit. Thares noted that he did receive feedback from a few IEDC members, and those notes are incorporated in the action statement. The final copy, the clean version, lists the rankings of the action statement goals. This is a continuation workflow, and the staff recommendation is to adopt 2021 Action Statements — Goals. Joni Pawelk brought up a question on the transportation piece. She noted that the Mississippi River Coalition is included in Section 6B (specifically CMRRPP) but she would also like to see that added to and acknowledged in Section 2. JONI PAWELK MOVED TO APPROVE THE 2021 ACTION STATEMENT -GOALS WITH THE ADDITION OF THE CMRRPP TO SECTION 2 AS NOTED ABOVE. MOTION SECONDED BY WAYNE ELAM. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 12-0. 5. Consideration of Discussion of Template Letter of Support re Xcel Energy Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) - Public Utilities Commission (PUC) filing Jim Thares said that at a previous meeting Tom Conboy, manager at Xcel's Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP), had suggested that the IEDC members consider writing letters of support for their IRP filing that would be considered by the PUC during their deliberations and consideration process. Thares noted that the PUC requires a specific letter template and the docket number needs to be included. Darek Vetsch said that he sent in a letter in December 2020 and he will share the letter with Thares to use as a template. Thares said it would be appropriate for the individual members to submit letters of support, as well as a letter from the IEDC group as a whole. Rachel Leonard offered to assist Thares in writing the letter if needed. Some members had concerns about a letter going out from the IEDC that has not been reviewed by the group, and, furthermore, would like to hear from Xcel Energy on their thoughts prior to writing the letter. Rachel Leonard said the City Council has been in support of the IRP, which does note the intent to relicense the Monticello plant past its current expiration of 2030 and the City Council was happy to learn about. Thares will work with Leonard to get clarification on whether the City passed a formal resolution to that effect and will bring the IEDCX letter back for discussion and approval at the March 2, 2021 meeting. Thares will also invite Tom Conboy and Scott Johnson from Xcel to attend that meeting. 6. Table Topic — Wright County Workforce Pathways — Jolene Foss, Executive Director, Wright County Economic Development Partnership (WCEDP) Jolene Foss shared a brief presentation explaining the history of the WCEDP program and the new reboot and redesign of the program, and what they've been working on to help with marketing of the grant program and keeping businesses strong in Wright County. She shared the new redesign of the Workforce Pathways Wheel and explained how it works currently and how the new wheel will be much more user friendly and easier to navigate. The WCEDP recognizes the need to be proactive in supporting workforce training and making clear paths to success for those individuals who find themselves in transition, young people making career decisions, incumbent and dislocated workers, and those who are looking to improve their quality of life. The key factors in the program are as follows: • Create: Create a database of major employers and manufacturers in Wright County available on the pathways wheel tool. • Enlighten: Enlighten parents and young students to the quality businesses and jobs that already exist in Wright County using a variety of marketing techniques. • Utilize: Better utilize the existing assets including MN Workforce Center, Wright Tech/Training Center, Regional High Schools, Higher Education Facilities and identifying expanding business and their needs. • Identify: Identify skill sets in demand from Wright County employers and collaborate with educational partners to offer trainings that match the demand. The group has come up with a list of marketing opportunities to promote the new program reboot, and when the redesigned wheel is complete in February, they will make more decisions on how to move forward. Currently, Foss said they are working on applying for an initiative foundation grant and will potentially use those funds from the initiative foundation to do marketing such as a print campaign, a social media campaign, radio advertisements, and billboards on the major transportation highways. The main message to convey is to work in Wright County; don't waste time commuting when there are great opportunities here, the quality of life is great here, and the cost of living is lower, etc. Foss said that if anyone involved with the IEDC is aware of any businesses looking to fill specific positions to let her know. And, if there is specific training required to fill the job, then they can try and find the training opportunities to match up for that and can be the catalyst to make those connections, by either bringing a trainer to Wright Tech in Buffalo or a trainer on site for the employer so those jobs can be filled. 7. Reports (Verbal Reports): a. Economic Development • Projects: Jim Thares reviewed. • Prospects List: Jim Thares reviewed. b. Planning Commission Agenda (attached): Jim Thares reviewed. c. City Council: Rachel Leonard reviewed two key highlights: • City Council Seat: City council conducted interviews with six applicants to fill the vacant seat. Brian Hudgens, who ran for council in 2020 and was the next highest vote getter, was selected to fill the remainder of Mayor Hilgart's city council term through 12/31 /2022. He will be sworn in prior to the regular meeting on 2/8. • Chelsea Commons: Leonard explained that this is a project that focuses on the 100 acres between Chelsea Road and School Boulevard bordered by Cedar & Edmonson. The potential plan is a mix of commercial and residential along with public spaces and a central stormwater pond to double as a lake feature. Working with the city's various consultants to put together a small area plan and this will be significant in 2021 to determine how to develop the area and to see what the city can do to aggressively push development in this area. The study should be completed by June. The goal to come out of that will be implementation and the next steps to help bring about the vision for the area. d. Chamber of Commerce: Marcy Anderson said their priority has shifted to helping Wright County get the word out about the business relief grant opportunity. While it has been a daunting task, they hit the ground running and are committed. Positively, many of the businesses they have contacted are not currently chamber members, so it's been a good opportunity to build new relationships and to hopefully grow the Chamber in the future. For the monthly meeting lunches, they are still unable to hold them in person based upon governor orders; however, they are still planning the lunch & learn on 2/ 16 which will be a Zoom meeting. The Events Committee is moving forward very cautiously due to restrictions and regulations because of COVID-19. However, it is still important to plan. Today the Chamber will send out Art in the Park applications. Again, they are moving cautiously but still planning, hoping they can have the Party in the Park and the golf tournament as well. Anderson informed the group to watch for updates on both the City and Chamber websites. 8. Adjournment LUKE DAHLHEIMER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:57 A.M. MOTION SECONDED BY STEVE JOHNSON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 12-0. Recorder: Beth Green Approved: March 2nd, 2021 Attest: Jim Th res, Economic Development Director