Planning Commission Minutes 01-27-1973
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
Phone (612) 295-2711
Minutes for the first meetinl! of the Planning Commission for the year 1973.
Meeting was held in the conference room at the bank at 1:00 p. M. on
January 27, 1973.
Present: Fred Topel, Jay Miller, Jim Maus, Larry Muehlbauer, Larry Flake.
Dale Lungwitz arrived before adjournment.
Meeting was called to order by acting chairman, Larry Flake. Letter of
January 25 from the Village Council of Monticello was read, outlining
the acceptancy by the Council of Larry Muehlbauer as a new member of
the Planning Commission.
Letter of January 25, arlrlressed to Larry Flake, from Mayor Sandberg of
the the Village of Monticello also reRd. Several discussions were held
in regard to the letter.
As the former chairman of the Planning Commission, Bob Davis was invited
to attend this meeting to bring us up to date on any information he had.
Mr. Davis informed the Planning Commission that he had talked to Mr.
Kevin La France a couple of weeks after Mr. La France took office and
told him that there was a Zoning Ordinance and a Planning Commission. Mr.
Davis also pointed out that there WRS a sub-division booklet along with a
Zoning Ordinance booklet that should be followed. Mr. Davis further
stated that as chairman of the Commission in June of 1972, at the time
the 'Oresent ordinance was accented by the Village Council, he had stated
to the Village Cmmcil that unless the gentlemen who were members of the
Gouncil had anything more for the Planning Commission to do at this time,
we would consider ourselves ad,iourned until the Council called upon us.
Mr. Jim Maus and Mr. Larry Flake were nresent, along with other !l1embers
of the Planning Commission, when tnat st"ltement was made. Mr. Davis
also st.ated that he nad tllrned over to Mr. Granl und materials of the Planning
Commission, which included a plastic bag and a black brief case.
Jay Miller made the motion that Larry Flake be chairman of the Planning
Commission, seconded by Fred Topel and members present unanimously elected
Larry Flake as chairman. Jim Maus made motion that Dale Lungwits be vice-
chairman, seconded by Jay Miller, all members nresent unanimously approved.
Fred Topel moved we request Mrs. Gillham to be our recording secretary and
seconded by Larry Muehlbauer, unanimously approved. This motion was made
in view of the fact that Mr. Kevin La France said he would prefer if some-
one shared with these duties in the event of a confHJct due to other meetings,
village audits, work load, etc.
Jay Miller moved that t.he third Wednesday of each month we meet at 7:00 p. M.
in the Village Hall for th~ coming year, seconded by Jim Maus, all approved.
Planning Commission meeting
Page 2
January 27, 1973
Jim Maus asked that we reauest Mrs. Gillham to send letters to all Planning
Commission members on the Friday preceding the monthly meeting, along with
a telephone call on the Wednesday the !l1eetin~ is held as a reminder. It
was further decided that we hold a meeting in the Village Hall on Saturday,
February :3 at q:OO A. M., along with the Village engineer, Thore Meyer,
the village planner, Charles Tooker and the Planning Commission. A
reQuest be made to the village to be sure the plans be aVl'lilable to us
that outlined under Chanter 7, Conditional Uses, Paragraoh B under 7-2
Apnlication. ThiS'meeting to be held strictly with Planninp: Commission
members and the above mentioned neople to review the plans so that we
might set un a meeting with the Village COllncil at the earliest nossible
date to discuss these nlan!!J.
Motion made by Jim Maus and seconded by Larry Mbehlbauer for ad.10urnment,
all approved.
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