Planning Commission Minutes 02-22-1973
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
Phone (612) 295.2711
February 22, 1973
Planning Commission meeting
Thursday, February 22, 1973
8:00 p. M.
Meeting called to order qy Chairman Larry Flake. Members present:
Dale Lungwitz, Jim Maus, J. W. Miller, Larry Muehlbauer, Fred Topel
and ex-officio member Walt Markling. Members absent: Grant Schleif.
The minutes for the meeting of Feb. 3, 1973 were read by Kevin
La France anrl approved as read.
A presentation was made by John Komula of Bel-Mar Builders, Inc.,
in regard to a reauest for a building permit for a 12-unit apartment
building on Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 7, Montice~lo, Minnesota.
Planning Commission members pointed out that the building is pro-
Dosed to be builtin an B.rea now zoned as C_l, by the Zoning Ord-
inance. This would need to be changed to R-3 to qualify the applicant
for a bunding permit. Vi1la~e Administrator instructed to write
to the village planner, Mr. Charles Tooker, reouesting his ODinion
as to whether this area is to be rezoned or if not, what action
should be taken.
A discussion TIITaS held concerning the Village Building Cnde and
whether it should be updated nr changed in aspects. In
this regard, a mntion was l'l1ade by Jim Mans, seconded by Dale Lung-
witz, to ask ex-officio member 'N'alt Marklimr to cnntact the Village
Connci1 for the purnose of considering a revi.sion to the Building
Code ordinance. Voting in favor: Lungwitz, Maus, Miller, Muehlbauer,
Topel and Flake. OPllosed: None. Absent: Scl,leif.
The Village Administ....ator was asked to contact tl1e Village Buildin~
Inspector, Mr. Axel Rasmussen, to see if he can be in attendance
at the next Planning Commission meeting.
An extended discussion was held concerning the proposed request
for a CondiUonal Use Permit or a Permitted Use Permit for Bureau
Investment Corp., St. Paul, MN. In this regard, a motion was made
by Fred Topel, seconded by J. W. Miller, to recommend to the Village
Council that a change from Conditional Use to Permitted Use be
denied and that a Conditional Use Permit be denied. Voting in favor:
Lungwitz, Miller, Muehlbauer, Topel and Flake. Opposed: None.
Abstain: Maus. Absent: Schleif.
The Planning Commission outlined the reasons for the denial of the
Permitted Use Permit as follows:
1. The Village Comicil would lose control of any future
2. A Permitted Use Permit would affect other areas in the
B_1 area outside of the Thunderbird Mall.
3. The Permitted Use Permit would not comply with the adopted
Zoning Ordinance, specifically 7-4 Cf?J. -
Pla.nnin~ Commission meetin2;
Februarv 22, 1973
Page 2
The Planning Commission nutlined the reasons for the denial of a
Conditional Use Permit as follows:
L The Conditional Use Permit would not comply with the adooted
Zoning Ordinance, soecifically 7-4 (g).
2. For the five (5) reasons outlined in the memorandum from
the village planner, Mr. Charles Tooker, to the Planning
Commission dated Feb. 12, 1973. (Letter from Mr. Tooker
attached to these minutes as Enclosure 1).
There was verbal Pl~nning ~ommission a~reement that a letter be
drafted from the Planning Commission t~ the Village Council outlining
the reasons for the recommendation to deny a Conditional Use or Per-
mitted Use Permit for the Bureau Investment Corp. This letter to be
drafted by the village office, to be reviewed by Mr. Flake.
A: motion to adjourn was made by Larry Muehlbauer, seconded by Dale
Lungwitz. Carried all in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 11:05 p. M.
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Kevin La France, Secretary