Planning Commission Minutes 03-21-1973 'IL ~. . . Planning Commission meeting MARCH 21, 1973 Wednesday, March 21, 1973 -- 7:00 p. M. The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p. M. by Mr. Larry Flake, who pre- sided as Chairman throughout the meeting under the assumption he was ap- pointed as an officer of the Planning Commission in January, 1973 and by this appointment is to serve throughout the year 1973. The following individuals were in attendance: Jim Maus Larry Muehlbauer Fred Topel Larry Flake Charles Stumpf J. W. Miller Ron White The status of the Planning Commission and number of members is presently a matter of dispute between the Village CouncH and Planning C01"1mission. The Village Council, at their meeting of February 27, 1973, directed that the terms of Larry Flake, Dale Lungwitz and Grant Schlief had expired. The Mayor at this same meeting of February 27, with Council a'O-oroval, appointed Charles Stumpf, Ronald White and Melvern Worth as Planning Commission members. After discussion of Planning Commission member status, a motion was made b" Larry Muehlb~uer, seconded bv Fred Topel, to retain Larry Flake and Dale ulngwitz as Chairman and Co-chairman of the Plan ning Commission until the legalitv of their position is determined. Voting in favor: Maus, Miller, Muehlbauer, Topel and FJ.ake. Not voting: StuITlnf and \^"hite. It W!'l.S mutually agreed that new members would not vote at this time. This issue to be resolved at the council meeting of March 27, 1973. A discussion took place regarding the legality of the right to replace an officer after he has been elected. Verbal opinion to seek the opinion of the Village Attorney assigned for this matter and to ask him to get an op- inion from the State Attorney General for future reference. After discussion, a motion was made by Jim Maus, seconded by Larr,y Muehl- bauer, to recommend to the Village Council that the size of the Planning Commission be increased from 7 to 9 members by amendment to the Village ordinance. Voting in favor: Maus, Miller, Muehlbauer, Topel and Flake. Not voting: Stumpf and White. A short discussion was held concerning the Downtown Development Group Feasibility Study. A motion was made by J. W. Miller, seconded by Larry Muehlbauer, requesting that the Village Council provide funds for the Feasibility Study. Voting in favor: Maus, Miller, Muehlbauer, Topel and Flake. Not voting: Stumpf and White. A letter was presented to the Planning Commission by Nancy Cassano of the League of Women Voters. The letter signed by Mrs. Victor Cohen requested that the League be kept informed of all stages of developments in plannin~ and that they be welcomed at Planning Commission meetings. P:. request was made by Nancy Cassano that the League of Women Voters, through Bev Heinze, be kept informed of reg11lar and snecial meetings.