Planning Commission Minutes 04-25-1973
April 25, 1973
Planning Commission meeting -- Wednesday, April 25, 1973 -- 7130 P. M.
The meeting was called to order at 7130 P. M. by Kevin La France at the request
of Planning Commission members in attendance.
The following individuals were in attendance:
Jim Maus
J. W. Miller
Larry Muehlbauer
Charles Stumpf
All members of the Village Council were in attendance.
Fred Topel
Ron White
Melvern Worth
The minutes for the Planning Commission meeting of March 21, 1973 were approved
with the following correction:
Page 1, paragraph 4, was corrected to read: "After discussion of Planning Corrnnission
member status, a motion was made by Larry Muehlbauer, seconded by Fred Topel,
to retain Larry Flake and Dale Lungwitz as Chairman and Co-Chairman of the
Planning Commission until the legality of their position is detennined."
Voting in favor: Maus, Miller, Muehlbauer, Topel, and Flake. Not voting: Stumpf,
After a brief discussion, Fred Topel stated that if nominations were made for
Chairman and Co-Chairman of the E1anning Commission, they should be made with the
understanding that members elected to serve as Chairman and Co-Chairman will
hold office throughout the year 1973 unless a legal decision regarding the
present controversey dictates otherwise.
Nominations were taken for the position of Chairman and Co-Chairman. Nominated
individuals were Jim Maus and Charles Stumpf. Planning Commission members
decided that, by secret ballot, one of the aforementioned individuals should
be selected to serve as Chairman and the other to serve as Co-Chairman.
Jim Maus was selected to serve as Chairman. Charles Stumpf was selected to
serve as Co-Chairman. (Kevin La France counted the ballots and they were
verified by Walt Markling.)
Jim Maus served as Chairman of this meeting after the election of officers
was completed.
A discussion was held concerning the request of Bel-Mar Builders for a building
permit. The Village Council decided at their meeting of April 24, 1973 that
all of Blocks 6& 7 should be rezoned R-3 rather than the rear 1/2 of Lots
8,9, & 10, Block-r-as originally proposed. After a brief discussion, a motion
was made by Charles Stumpf, seconded by Mel Worth, recommending that all of
Blocks 6 & 7 be rezoned R-3.
Voting in favor: Maus, Miller, Muehlbauer, Stumpf, Topel, Worth, & White.
Opposed: None. Motion Carried.
A discussion was held concerning a plot plan submitted to Jim Maus Qy Tom
Holker. A motion was made by Fred Topel, seconded by J. W. Miller, recommending
tha~ this plot plan of Tom Holk~r be presente<:I to the Village Council for pOSSible
reVlew by Thore Meyer and for hls recommendatlon regarding the proposed
5 1/2 street.
Voting in favor: Maus, Miller, M'uehlbauer, Stumpf, Topel,
Worth and White. ODDosed: None. Hotion carried.
A discussion was led by J. W. Miller re~arding the lot and
yard requirements of Chapter 4 in the Village Zoning Ordinance.
Planning Commission members were of the opinion the "minimum rear
yard requirements" should be changed from 30' requirement to a 10'
requirement for accessorY' non_attached structures. In tnis regard,
a motion was made by Charles Stumpf, seconded by Ron White, to refer
to the village council a proposed zoning ordinance amendment requiring
accessory buildings to be only 10' from the rear property line;
also recommended is a chan~e to the Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 4-1 (B)
so that this paragraph will refer on1y to principal structures. Voting
in favor: Maus, Miller, Muehlbauer, Stumpf, Topel, Worth and White.
Opposed: None. Motion carried.
/{}. motion to ad,journ was made by Chuck Stumpf, seconded by Fred Topel.
Carried all in favor. Meeting adjourned at Q:20 p. M.
Kevin L. La France, Secretary
Monticello Planning Commission
KLLF/lsg .
Page 2 to Planning Commission meeting of April 25, 1973