Planning Commission Minutes 06-13-1973 . JUNE 11.. 1971 Planning Commission meeting _ Wednesday, June 13, 1973 - 7:30 p. M.. The meetinp; was called to order at 7: 10 p. M. by Chaiman Jim Maus. Members present: Maus, Miller, Muehlbauer, To~l White. Absent: Stumpf, Worth. Ex-officio member, Walt Marklin~, was not in attendance. The minutes for the meetinll of MaY' 16, 1973 were approved as read. . V11la~e en;:lneer, Thore Mever, uresented his view on the d.evelop- ment nrouosed by Tom Holker. Mr. Mever noted there is a zoning problem here as the area is ~resentlv zoned I_l~ l->e exnressed the ouinion that the ulatlng of the area is up to the uroperty owners, but the Planninp Commission should devel(l'O an over-all area plan. After a discussion neriod, a motion WAS made by J. W. Miller, seconded bV Larry Muehlbauer, directing that the Plann- ing Commission secretary direct a request to the villa!:"e council for a meeting between the Planning Commission, nroperty owners involved, and Thore Meyer. The purpose of the meeting is to develop an over-all plan for an area encompassing Co. Rd. 118 and Highway 25 and from the Burlingten Northern railroad tracks to Interstate 94. Voting in favor: Maus, Miller, Muehlbauer, Topel, White. Voting against: None. Absent: Stumpf, Worth. The proposed meetin~ tentatively set for Wednesday, June 20, 1973 at 7:)0 p. M. A short discussion was held concerning sewer and water rates. There was Planning Commission agreement to have Thore Meyer develop a report which will then be reviewed. A short discussion was held concerning the develonment of Block 63 in Monticello. No final decision was reached on this matter. The motion to ad jnurn was made by Fred Topel, seconded by Ron "lhi te. Carried -- all in ravor. Meetin, adjourned at 9:20 p. M. Kevin L. La Franee, Secretarv KLLF/ls" . .....