Planning Commission Minutes 06-20-1973 (Special Meeting)
June 20.. 1971
Special Planning Commission meeting - June 20, 1973 - Villa~e Hall.
Purpose of meeting: To develop an over-all plan encompassing an
area from Co. Rd. 118 & Highway 25 and from
the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks to
Interstate 94.
Planning Commission members nresent: Maus, Miller, Stumpf, White,
Worth.. Absent: Muehlbauer, Topel.
Notices for the meeting had been sent to all Planning Commission
members, all Village Council members and property owners in the
development area.
The meetin~ was called to order by Co_Chairman Charles Stumpf.
(Chairman Jim Maus arrived a few minutes late and instructed Mr.
Stumpf to preside as Chairman for the duration of the meeting)..
The minutes for the Planmin~ Co~ission meeting of June 13, 1Q71
were apnroved with the following correction: The last naragraph
should refer to Block 61 onlv.
A 'Oresent~t1(')n was made bv Bob Rohlin, of Meyer_Rohlin, Inc., who
presented a 'Oreliminarv olat nlan. Various pronerty owners in
attendance exPressed their ideas on the development plan. After
discussion, a decision was made to hold a 50eoia1 Planninp.; COlTl-
mission meeting on Wednesday, June 27, 1913. All property owners
in the area were encourap.:ed to attend this rneetimn it is hODed
that the development plan for the area ean be finalized at this
The motion to ad;journ was made by J. W. Miller, seconded by Mel
Worth. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p. M.
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Kevin L. La France, Secretary