Planning Commission Minutes 06-27-1973 (Special Meeting)
June 2~. 1971
Special Planning Commission meeting - June 27, 1973 - Village Hall.
The meeting was called to order at ?:45 p. M. by Chairman
Jim Maus. '"'
Me,nbers present: Maus, Stumpf, Topel. Absent: Miller, Worth,
White, Muehlbauer. Also in attendanee were: Walt Markling,
ex-officio member, R. Rohlin of Meyer..Rohlin, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Malone, Dick Holker, Roy Lauring and Nancy Cassano.
No action was taken on the minutes of the nrevious me~ting
as there was not a Quorum present.
Mr. Rohlin presented a revised plan for the area 1neludin~
Highway 25 to Cty. Rd. 118 and the Railroad tracks to I.94.
The drawin~ lllet with both pros and cons from the interested
property owners in attendanee. Mr. Rohlin will do some re-
vision of the 'Dlans and brin.,; it back for renewal at the
next meeting.
The Planning Commission reQuested that the Council cheek
and see who owns the .treets .- the village or the property
owners, and if the railroad croesin~ at Holker's property
is legal can it be improved!
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p. M.
r \
nea Gillham, Actinp; Secretary