Planning Commission Minutes 07-18-1973 . ~ ~ July lA. 1973 ReglJ1ar Plannin!.!: Commi!sion meptin~ Julv lA, 1913 -- Villa~e Hall. The meeti~ was called to order at 7:40 p. M. bv Co-Chairman Charles Stumpf. Members nresent: Mi.ller, Muehlbauer, Stm'1of, 1Nhite, Worth. Absent: Maus, Topel. Also in attendance were 1N"alt Marklin~, Thore Meyer, Roy LaurinlZ, Wilbur Eck and Beverly Heinze. . The minutes for the meeting of June 20, 1913 were annroved as read. The minutes were aoproved as read for the unofficial meeting of June 27, 1913. (It was an unofficial meeting as only three Planning Commission members were in attendance.) Thore Meyer presented preliminary plat plan *4. This plan is referred to as the development plan encompassing an area from Co. Rd. 118 & Highway 25 and from the Burlington Northern railroad tracks to Interstate 94. After diSCUSSion, a motion was made by J. W. Miller, seconded by Mel Worth, to have preliminary plat plan *4 presented to the Village Council at their next regularly scheduled meeting (July 24, 1913). Voting in favor: Miller, Muehlbauer, Stumpf, White, Worth. Absent: foA'..aus, Topel. Opposed: None. Motion carried. The Administrator was asked to call Earl Malone and review plat plan *4 with him and if necessary have Thore Meyer review this plan with him. A presentation was made by Mr. John Sager of 426 E. Broadway. Mr. Sager wishes to build a garage that will extend to within three feet of his side yard orooerty line. After discussion, a motion was made by J. '''. Miller, seconded bv L. Muehlbauer, to allow Mr. Sager to build a garage to within three feet of his side yard orooertv 1ihe. This allowance to build is to be presented to the Village Council. at their mepting of July 24, 1913; approval is recommended under Chapter 4, paragraph l_C, of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. Voting in favor: Miller, Muehlbauer, Stumof, White, Worth. Ooposed: None. Absent: Ma.us, Tonel. Motion carried. Walt Marklinp; oresented a reQuest of John Sandbere; for an allowance to build a home on Lots 1,2,3, Bloek 63 (Front Street) in the villalre of Monticello. After discussion, a moUon was made by L. Muehlbauer, seconded by J. W. Miller, that a recommendation be made to the Vi1lap'e Council for an'""lroval to build on the aforementioned lots under Chanter 4, para~aph l_C, of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. Voting in favor: Miller, Muehlbauer, Stumpf, Worth, White. Opposed: None. Absent: Maus, Topel. Motion carried. A presentation was made ~ Gloria LaBau of the Monticello Housing & Re_ development Authority. M~s. LaBau stated the Housing Authority needs two appointments as soon as possible and hopes to have regularly scheduled meetings, some of these in conjunction with the Planning Commission. The Housing Authority will report back to the Planning CommiSSion, probably at the Planning Commission meeting in August, 1913. A motion to adjourn was made by J. W. Miller, seeonded by Ron White. Voting in favor: Miller, Muehlbauer, Stumpf, White, Wort~. Opposed: None. Absent: Maus, Topel. Motion carried. ~ a~~~~~~. M.