Planning Commission Minutes 09-19-1973 ~ . Septembl~r 19. 1971 Regular Plannin~ Commission meetinl:!' - Sent.ember 1Q, lQ11 - Village Hall _ 1:30 p. M. The meetin~ was called to order at 7:40 p. M. bv Chairman Jim Maus. Members present: Maus, Miller, Muehlbauer, Stumpf, '~orth. Members absent: Topel, White. Council member Dan Bloni~en was in attendance for the duration of the meeting. . The minutes for the meeting of August 15, 1973 were approved as read. A presentation was made by Mr. John Plaisted regardin~ the establishment by Mr. Plaisted of a ready-mix cement plant directly east of Monticello village. Mr. Plaisted was asked to appear before the Monticello Village Planning Commission by the wri~ht County Planning Commission due to the proximity to Monticello of the ready-mix plant and because no formal hearing notice had been mailed to the Villap-e. The plans of Mr. Plaisted had been aporoved by the Wright County Planning Commission and by Monti- cello Township. In this regard, a motion was made by J. W. Miller, seconded by Chuck Stumpf, to go alont:'; with the Writ:';ht County Planning Commission and Monticello Township in the endorsement of this plan and to recommend apnroval by the Villa/Ze Council. Voting in favor: Maus, Miller, Muehlbauer, Stumpf, Worth. Opposed: None. Absent: Topel, White. Motion carried. A: review was made of the pronosed Monte Esbtes plat plan sllbmitted to the Village Planning Commission ~ the wrl~ht County Planning Commission. The approximate location of the Monte Estates is the former Al Nieland farm in Monticello Township. The Village Plannin!!; Commission, while makin!!; no formal ob1ection to the plan, made the followin!!; comments: 1. No turn-around or cul-de-sac is presentlv allowed for at the end of each street to facHitate snownlowinp.:, etc. 2. A central sewaq:e system cou1d cut down on the need for lar~e lot size. 20,000.00 souare foot lots recommended. 3. A small central water system could be almost as inexoensive to install as an individual well system. A discussion was held concerning paragraph 6-4 (SIGNS) in the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. The following suggestions were made by Planning Com- mission members: . 1. Make all signs flush on Main Street or Broadway. Signs pre- sently in use on Broadway could be placed in the back of the store. 2. Have the ordinance reviewed and possibly amended to meet the needs of 4owntown development - possibly the ordinance could be reviewed with the Downtown Development Committee. , ~ . Regular meeting of Planning Commission September 19, 19?3 Page 2 3. Consensus of the Planning Commission, no vote, violators of the ordinance should be notified of the violation and their si~s be removed. 4. Consensus of the Planning Commission, no vote, that within one Year of notice allover-hanging signs should be removed. The aforementioned recommendations are to be presented to the Village Council bv council member Dan Blonigen or the Mministr.qtor. A general discllssion was held concerninl1, en"orcement of the village fire ordinance and the State Fire Code. No decisions reached at this time. . A nresentation was made bv Dan B'oni!!;en re~ardin~ the construction of a 1 O-uni t apartment buDo'ing bv Mr. Blonie;en on three (3) of his lots. The area of prooosed constMlction is nresentlv zoned R_2. In this re- /lard, a motion was made by J. W. Miller, seconded by Chuck Stumnf, to reoommend to the Villalle Council that a Conditional lJse Permit be issued to Mr. Blonigen under the orovisions of nara~aoh 3-2 of the Montlcello Zoning Ordinance. Voting in favor: Maus, Miller, Muehlbauer, Stumpf, Worth. Opposed: None. Absent: Topel, White. Motion carried. A motion to adjourn was made by Chuck Stumpf, seconded by Mal Worth. Voting in favor: Maus, Miller, Muehlbauer, Stumof, Worttl. Opposed: None. Absent: Topel, White. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p. M. J!~,w ;t ;t/tr_Md/ Kevin L. La Franoe, Secretary KLLF{lsg .