Planning Commission Minutes 10-17-1973
October 17. 1971
Re~lar Plannin~ Co~mission meetin~ - October 17, 1973 -
Vil1a~e Hall _ 7:10 p. M.
The ~eetin~ was called to ordAr at A:OO p. M. by Co_Chairman
Chuck Sturrrpf. Members uresent: Miller, Muehlbauer, Stu~uf,
White. Absent: Maus, Worth, Topel.
The P'artning Commi~si()n was 'Oresented with a memorandum from
M'rs. Leo (Lenore) Nelson who was requestinp: a Conditinna.l
Use Permit to blJi].d a 4-'Olex on Lots 4 and C;, Block 34, Lower
Monticello. After a. brief d1sc1lssion, a motion was 'f'!lade by
Ron White, seconded by J. W. Miller, to reco."mend to the Villa~e
Council that a Conditional Use Permit be issued to Mrs. Leo
(Lenore D.) Nelson in this R-2 district for the construction
of a 4-plex apartment. Voting in favor: Muehlbauer, Miller,
Stumpf, White. Opposed: None. Absent: Maus, Worth, Topel.
Motion carried.
A general discussion was led by Chuck Stumpf concerning various
village activities, however, no decisions or recommendations
were made.
A motion to adjourn was made by Ron White, seconded by Larry
Muehlbauer. Voting in favor: Miller, Muehlbauer, Stumpf,
Whi te . Absent: Maus, Worth, Topel. Opposed: None. Motion
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p. M..
Mrs. Nancy Cassano of the League of Women Voters was in attend-
ance at this meeting.
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Kevin L. La. France, Secretary
KLLF /leg