City Council Agenda Packet 08-08-2005 . Mayor: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday August 8, 2005 - 7 p.m. Clint Herbst Glen Posusta, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf C) 1;3- -:::- Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. Council Members: 1. 2A. 2B. , j. 4. 5. . {f P;~ ,~ Approve minutes of July 25, 2005 regular Council meeting.h' y Approve minutes ofJuly 25, 2005 special Counciyneetinf~^,..~/I . ~P.J-\ let Ikpf 11/\ --r(.~ {d-<-.tJtl-f<:J ( Consideration of adding items to the agenda. ,frr.u?Il..c-r rJ/'fJ (W~"-0 f1 ; .s) 6:sl ;;: C.-I-v-. (",,,, rv 7~ ....,-. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and complaitltst ) J /:::- y.;Y'^ r 1 .L L j!...( 'u)5r,v~ ~I (L.M'-"-" T .. Consent agenda. ~ tj T3: rJ P /'J (/1-d{,,~ 7V\u.J- 'f/l"d~ ./ (3 ~...~ /{' fU. r A. Consideration of new hires and departur~or MCC. L.' t..,>>1 6 Lv J. .. i-- ^rj .------ !U 13. Consideration of liquor license application for 100 7'h Street West (formerly Country Grill) - Guadalajara Mexican Restaurant, Inc. C. Consideration to approve final plat Otter Creek Crossing First Addition (Replat of Lot I. Block 2, Otter Creek Crossing). D. E. F. r-A~~ , \. \\15 H. c J~ *.f)\\'O\{ m , \)' V . Consideration of appointment to Library Board to fill vacancy. Consideration of final payment and acceptance of work for Trinity Lutheran Church, City Project No. 2004-34C. Consideration of approving Change Order #1 to Marvin Road Forcemain, City Project No.2003-1C. G. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for use car automobile sales in a B-3 District. Applicant: Gould Brothers Consideration of approval of assessment agreement and easement agreement for Cedrus Creek Craftsman, Inc. for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project No. 2004-1 C. Consideration of approving final plat and development agreement for Carlisle Village 4'h Addition. J. Consideration to authorize the City Administrator to extend otTer of employment to fill the new Building and Code Enforcement lnspector position. J- z.-- . Agenda Monticello City Council August 8, 2005 Page 2 6. Consideration of items removed fi~om consent agenda for discussion 7. Consideration of rejecting bids for restroom construction - Ellison Park. 8. Review of bids and consideration of award of contract for School Boulevard Improvement, Project No. 2005-2C. 9. Consideration of setting dates for budget workshop meetings. 10. Consideration of increase in Firemen's Relief Pension. II. Consideration of proposal for cost participation for playground development with Swan River Charter School. 12. Approve payment of bills for July . 13. Adjourn . . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday July 25, 2005 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledl!e of Allel!iance. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2. Approve minutes of Julv II. 2005 rel!ular Council meetinl!. Wayne Mayer clarified language on page 12 of the minutes adding the following: "Some oflike to talk a lot. others of us up here listen and absorb before we make a decision, and my comment is this: Ifwe have ordinances on the books that are unenforceable do one of two things; get them off the books or let's amend them and make them right." Tom Perrault stated that he was not the one who asked if the pavers were going to be done as a change order to the contract and he indicated there were some typographical errors to be corrected. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JULY 11.2005 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WITH THE CORRECTIONS NOTED. WAYNE MA YER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UJ\ANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addinl! items to the al!enda. Setting up times to interview candidates for the City Engineer and Building Inspector position was added to the agenda. John Simola added placement of benches donated by the Rotary Club. 4. Citizen comments. petitions. reuuests and complaints. Carrie McDougall, 101 Hillcrest Circle came before the Council regarding comments that were made at the July 11.2005 meeting. She stated that she was at the July 11,2005 Council meeting and during discussion of recreational vehicles and semis on residential property, Councilmember Posusta made what she felt were disparaging remarks about peoplc who live in trailer courts. Ms. McDougall felt Couneilmember Posusta should apologize for those remarks. Glen Posusta responded that there is a connotation associated with those who live in trailer parks. Ms. McDougall said she wanted to know why he said what he did. Did he feel trailer park residents were second class citizens. Glen Posusta replied that is typically how they are perceived. The perception is out there among the people and whether the perception is accurate or not, that is the perception that is out there. 'J. A- 3 . Council Minutes - 7/25/05 Carrie McDougall felt he owed the residents an apology especially the residents ofthe mobile home parks. Clint Hcrbst stated that since it did not appear that Councilmember Posusta was going to apologize, the Council was not going to spend any more time on this item. 5. Consent a!!enda. A. Consideration of new hires and departure. Recommendation: Approve hires and dcpartures as identified. B. Consideration of approving agreement with BNSF for signal system interconncct wires along CSAH 18. Recommendation: Approve entering into a licensc agrecment with BNSF railroad company for the placement of electrical conduit under railroad as part of the CSAll 18 improvement. c. Consideration to approve a resolution calling for a public hearing by the City Council on the proposed adoption of a modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 and the proposed establishment ofTIF District No. 1-35 therein and the adoption of a TIF Plan therefore. Applicant: Masters Fifth Avenue Inc. Recommendation: Approve a resolution calling for a public hearing by the City Council on the proposed adoption ofthc modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I and the proposed establishment ofTIF District No. 1-35 therein and the adoption of the TIF Plan therefor. . D. Consideration to approve a resolution calling for a public hearing by the City Council on the proposed adoption of a moditlcation to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I and the proposed establishment of TIF District No. 1-36 therein and the adoption of a TIF Plan therefore. Applicant: Rocky Mountain Group, LLC. Recommendation: Approve a resolution calling for a public hearing by the City Council on the proposed adoption of the modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 and the proposed establishment of TIF District No. 1-36 therein and the adoption of the TIF Plan therefor. E. Consideration of adopting a resolution annexing into the City that property that comprises the proposed Monti Club development. Recommendation: Approve the resolution annexing the property making up the Monte Club development (213-100-241100,213- 100-241102, 213-100-241103 and213-1 00-134400) which is contiguous to the city limits. F. Consideration of approval of final plat of Featherstone Second Addition. Recommendation: Approve the Featherstone Second Addition tinal plat, subject to compliance with the City Engineer's recommendations for site development and to approve the Featherstone Second Addition development agreement. . G. Authorize preparation offeasibility study to extend utilities to Hidden Forest and Sunset Ridge Development. Recommendation: Authorize the preparation of a feasibility study 2 d. A- L( . . . Council Minutes - 7/25/05 for extending utilities to the Hidden Forest and Sunset Ridge developments subject to the developer providing a $14,000 deposit to pay for the field survey and completion of the study. Wayne Mayer asked that item #5B be pulled from the agenda and Brian Stumpfrequested that item #5E be discussed with agenda item #12. Wayne Mayer then stated that ifhe could get clarification on #5B it may not need to be pulled. Wayne Mayer asked if this was a good time to be laying conduit for a future fiber optic system along CSAH 18. Bret Weiss responded that it could be done but the City would need to get an additional permit from BNSF for the work. Since the work being done under this agreement is not being open cut and since the conduit for fiber optic would require a separate permit from BNSF it was felt there was no advantage in doing the conduit work for the fiber optic system at this time, BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE TIlE CONSENT AGENDA WITH ITEM #5E BEING CONSIDERED WITH ITEM #12 A C01'DlTlONAL USE PER:v!IT FOR CONCEPT STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR MONTE CLUB VILLAS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTI01'. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL y, 6. Consideration of items removed from consent al!enda for discussion. None. 7. Continued public hearinl! to consider to adopt a resolution for modification to the Redevelopment Plan incIudinl! the boundarv lines for Central Monticello RedevcIonment Proiect No. I and the proposed establishment of a TIF District No. 1-34 therein and adoptinl! a TIF Plan therefore. Applicant: Citv of Monticello. Mark Ruff of Ehlers and Associates provided background information on establishment of the TlF district. It is a renewal and renovation district that includes the existing Dahlheimer Distributing site and A VR site. New construction will take place on part of the property comprising the TIF district but not on the A VR site. The TIF district is being established to help the City pick up costs for the interchange improvement and will not be used to make any payments to developers. LlfB prepared a report on the site detailing if the parcels meet certain requirements for establishment of a TlF District. One of the requirements is that 20% of the buildings must be substandard. LHB found that two out of the three buildings met the substandard test. A coverage test was also done which determines if at least 15% of the land area contains, building streets, utilities or parking lots. The district meets the 15% criteria. Mayor Herbst reiterated that the TIF funds were going to be used by the City to pick up costs related to thc interchange improvement. Mayor Herbst asked iftherc was any comments from the public at this continued public hearing. No one prescnt spoke for or against the establishment of the TIF District. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing, , ~ J.A-S . . . Council Minutes - 7/25/05 Brian Stumpf asked if the land acquisition cost exceeds $3,000,000 where would the additional funds come from. Mark Ruff explained that there is flexibility in the plan that would allow line items in the budget to be adjusted so ifland acquisition costs were higher, other line items could be reduced. Brian Stumpf askcd if this is an overlapping district as he believed St. Benedict's site received TIF funds. Mark Ruff said St. Benedicts was in the overall district planning area but it was not an overlapping district. He added that there is limited activity that can take place on raw land that qualifies for TIF. Clint Herbst asked about the "but for" test. Mark RufI noted that the land cost and the risk that goes along with eminent domain proceedings were factors. TIF funds would help mitigate these risks for the City. If the Council believed the land costs were too high and thcre were other financial risks to the City would the City have done the interchange improvement project without establishing a TIF District. Wayne Mayer asked if there was a reason why the TIF district did not include the lots on the other side of Highland Way. Mark Ruff indicated there were no improvements in that area so only the southeasterly portion is covered in the TIF District. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A MODIFICATION TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1 AND ESTABLISHING TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-34 THEREIN AND ADOPTING A TIF PLAN THEREFOR. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lTNANIMOUSL Y. 8. Public Hearin!! and consideration of certifvin!! delinquent utilitv accounts for 1st Quarter 2005 to County Auditor. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller provided background information on the delinquent utility accounts proposed to be certified. Brian Stumpf questioned the amount for one ofthc accounts listed. Rick Wolfsteller indicated that it was an abandoned house that apparently had a water main leak whieh was why the water usage was so high. Brian Stumpf stated that even without that account the number of delinquent accounts and delinquent amounts were higher than in the past. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. No one was present to speak for or against the proposcd certification of delinquent utility accounts. Mayor Hcrbst thcn closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUENT UTILITY CHARGES AS PRESENTED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION MOTIO!\" CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4 d A-~ . . . Council Minutes - 7/25/05 9. Review of audit renort for vear endinl! December 31. 2004. Since the auditor was not present at this time, the Council delayed the review of the audit report. 10. Consideration of awardinl! bids on 2005 bond sale. Mark Rutl and Todd Hagen from Ehlers and Associates provided information on the bond sale. The City is issuing $25,150,000 in general obligation bonds. A good portion of this bond issue is going to fund the interchange improvements as well as other infrastructure improvements. Mark Ruff stated the City's A2 rating was reaffirmed by Moody's Investors as they were able to understand how the interchange would provide bendit to the City. The City was able to get insurance on the bond issue which broadens the market for the bond sale and provides an equivalent triple A rating. Three bids were received on the insurance. The insurance cost for the bonds would be $100,000. In turn having the bonds insured reduces the interest cost by approximately 2.5% which is ten times the amount of the insurance cost. Todd Hagen reviewed the bids on the bond sale and recommended that the City said award to the lowest bidder and adopt the resolution. Seven bids were received with Prager, Sealy & Company LLC from New York being the low bidder. Interest on the bonds ranged from 3.8283% to 4.0378% with Prager, Sealy & Company LLC having a true interest cost of3.8220%. The closing date for the bond sale is August 17,2005 at which time the City will receive the proceeds from the bond sale. Mark RutTadded that although the $25,150,000 was a large bond issue for the City only about 10% of the revenue needed to pay off the bonds would be coming from tax levies. Trunk funds, assessments and participation by the County and State would be other funding sources. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO A WARD THE SALE OF $25,150,000 GENERAL OBUGA nON BONDS TO PRAGER. SEALY & COMP ANY LLC AS RECOMMENDED BY EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 9. Review of audit renort for vear endinl! December 31. 2004. Rick Borden and Stcphanie Gertken from Larson Allen were present to review the audit report with the City Council. Rick Borden stated that the auditors had requested and received an extension from the state for submission of the 2004 audit report for the City. He added that next year the audit work would start about two weeks early and then it should not be necessary to request an extension. Rick Borden noted that for some of the new Councilmembers this is the first time they have seen the audit report format that incorporates the changes required by GASB 34. He noted that the report breaks out the business type activities of the City, such as thc sewer fund, water fund and liquor store, from the governmcntal activities. Rick Borden indicated that governmental 5 ;),A-I . Council Minutes - 7/25/05 activities are not self sufficient. The net assets for the City's business type activities increased from $70,654,694 in 2003 to $81,997,715 in 2004. One thing that is considered in looking at the financial health of the City his how many months of expenditures are in the general fund balance. In 2003 the City had 10.41 months available in 2004 it was 8.3 months. It was felt that six months reserve was what was reasonable to have on hand. If it was less than that, it would be something the City would want to look at. With the City getting their primary revenue sources in July and December, the reserve is necessary to prevent cash flow problems. Rick Borden stated that are deficit fund balances in the Capital Project Fund ($94,945) and the Orderly Annexation Special Revenue fund ($59,773). These deficits will be cleared up through future tax levies. lie added that the general fund and community center fund the expenditures were in excess of the budgeted amounts. Rick Borden reviewed the proprietary funds which include liquor, sewer, water and ccmetery. . Glen Posusta asked about the amounts listed for professional services stating that in 2003 the City was way off between what was budgcted for professional services and what was expended. Rick W olfstcller stated that money to cover professional services of the engineer and planner is collccted and held in escrow. There is a gap between when the money is collected and when it is expended. He also added that it is difficult to estimate the cost for professional services since it is not known what projects the City will undertake each year and how much private development will takc place. Rick Wolfsteller stated that these deposits do not show up in the general fund but shows up as an asset account. Rick Borden stated that part of the audit is the legal compliance audit. Six categories are to be tested for compliance: I) contracting and bidding; 2) deposits and investments; 3) conflicts of interest; 4) public indebtedness; 5) claims and disbursements and 6) miscellaneous provisions. The one item noted by Mr, Borden was that the City did not turn over unclaimed checks to the Department of Commerce. He added that was not a major item and was one that was found fairly often in their audits of cities. Mr, Borden briefly discussed segregation of duties both at city hall and at the liquor store. Segregation of dutics dictates that those employees who have access to cash, should not be able to access accounting records, record transactions or make journal entries. It is not always feasible for a city the size of Monticello to staff additional employees to meet this segregation of duties. However, the City needs to be aware of the risks of having too many financial responsibilities and duties in the hands of one employee. He noted that the City is working with the liquor store to make sure as much as possible that there is segregation of the duties. He also noted that when the liquor store increased the amount of the balance in the change fund that increase should have been approved by the Council. . Wayne Mayer asked how Monticello compared with other cities that their firm audits. Rick Borden stated the City is in good financial shape. Being a growing community presents 6 ;:). fJ. - ~ . . . Council Minutes - 7/25/05 challenges to the City to provide needed services and remain fiscally sound. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE AUDIT REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2004 AS PRESENTED. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Rick Borden thanked the staff of the finance department for their assistance with the audit. 11. Consideration of aOllroval of conceot stal!e PUD for clinic cXllansion. City Planner. Steve Grittman provided background information on the applicant's request for approval of a concept stage planned unit development that would allow the construction of a new medical clinic to the wcst of the hospital. Steve Grittman reviewed changes that were made in thc plan from when the City first reviewed the project. The changes include the clinic building being moved to the west and eliminating some of the island areas in front of the clinic entrance which will change the parking. Steve Grittman fclt the proposed amendmcnt is consistent with the original planned unit development. Brian Stumpf askcd the status of the hospital's negotiations with the clinic. Bruce Hamond from the hospital reported that the current plan with the clinic is to get c1ari fication of the language on the casement agrcement that was signed in 2003. Until the language c1arilication is determined or by July 1, 2006 the hospital is not considering any further action with the clinic. He stated the hospital is taking legal action to get a declaratory judgment. Mr. l-Iamond stated that the hospital's latest offer of $600,000 was made to the clinic three weeks ago. Dr. Calpas from the clinic responded that he was served with the declaratory judgement last week. It is a dispute over language in the easement document. Cntil that document is interpreted no negotiation is going forward in any meaningful way. The last offer from the hospital was not three weeks ago as they indicated. He has directed his attorney to respond to the hospital but apparently the hospital has not yet received the attorney's response. Clint Herbst updated the other Councilmembers on the efforts of Brian Stumpf and himself have made to work with the hospital and the clinic to resolve some of the differences. As of August 12,2005 the City will back away from any negotiation of any options the City has had on the table. Bruce l1amond stated the hospital is asking for approval of the concept stage PUD and added that they still have to go for development stage approval. The hospital would like to continue to proceed with this. He notcd there is a 20' setback from the clinic. If the clinic is acquircd this would be used for parking area and would not be part of the building. Wayne Mayer asked if the new clinic would be 20' from the property line. Wayne :Ylayer questioned if the City approved the concept stage plan is the City locking themselves into vacation of the two streets. Steve Grittman said whcn concept plan was discussed it anticipated the vacation of the streets. At the 7 'd- A.q . . 12. . Council Minutes - 7/25/05 development stage. the Council could make the determination whether or not to vacate the streets. Clint Herbst noted that vacation of the street would require a public hearing by the Council. Bruce Hamond stated that the hospital is not seeking vacation of the streets at this time. Dan Secor, 1005 River Street East spoke to the Council ab!?ut the amount of traffic from this site coming onto River Street and traffic at the intersection of Washington Street and River Street. He statcd that at the Planning Commission meeting one of the conditions of approval was that the hospital present their plans to the residents in the area. This has not been done yet. Clint I lerbst stated that concept plan approval is only stating that hospital use is suitable for this area. There will be another public hearing when the hospital comes before the Planning Commission for development stage approval. He added that the traffic is something that has to be looked at as there is a lot of issues with traffic on River Street. Mr. Seaforth was concerned that if the concept plan was approved as drawn it would eliminate consideration of other options. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONCEPT STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR THE CLINIC EXPANSION. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Consideration of a reQucst for a conditional use nermit for a concent sta!!e planned unit development for Monte Club villas. a 14.18 acrc resident devclopment eonsistifll! of 26 dctached townhome units. Applicant: L&G. LLC. Steve Grittman provided information on the proposed 26 unit detached townhouse project in the location of the Monte Club restaurant. The existing Monte Club restaurant driveway would provide access for 19 of the 26 units with the remaining 7 units receiving access from a road coming of Fenning Avenue and ending in a cul-de-sac. The Parks Commission felt other options should be considered that would preserve the existing trees and the view from the hill. This would involve a combination of park dedication and purchase of land. This would allow 3/4 quarters of the project to proceed as planned. The City would acquire the remaining 1/4 located in the northeast corner of the site. The applicant indicated they would look into the option proposed by the Parks Commission but asked the Planning Commission to act on the plan as submitted. The Planning Commission recommended approval with the condition that required park dedication standards of the ordinance be applied. Staff is recommending that the option suggested by the Parks Commission be pursued. Glen Posusta asked about the location of the bike trail. Steve Grittman noted the trail would connect to Water Tower Park. Glen Posusta felt with the retaining walls, the trail in that location would not be a good set up. For that reason he felt the trail should be relocated. He also asked if the roads were private and what the road widths are proposed to be. It is proposed that the streets will be private streets but the street widths have not been established at this time. Council also 8 :),A-IO . . 13. . Council Minutes - 7/25/05 asked about future widening of Fenning Avenue. Bret Weiss stated Fenning Avenue will be widened to 36' and noted the County had identified this road as a significant route on the County's system. Since consideration of the annexation request was being included with this discussion. the Council needs to take action on both items. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE RESOLUTION ANNEXING PROPERTY COMPRISING MONTI CLUB VILLAS (213-100-241100.213-100-241102.213-100-241103 AND 313-100- 134400) WHICH IS CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY LIMITS. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONCEPT STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR 26 UNITS WITH A CASH P ARK DEDICATION. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. In additional discussion. Glen Posusta stated he would like to see the cash park dedication used to develop the water tower park. Tom Perrault stated he preferred the initial development plan for the Monte Club Villas which utilized some of the existing City owned park land. Under that plan fewer trees were lost and lots were spaced out more. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION Consideration of appeal of denial of reQuest for a variance and amendment to conditional use permit to allow additional pvlon and wall sienaee at an automobile sales facilitv in a B-3 (Hiehwav Business) District. Applicant: Monticello Motors-Dennv Hecker. Steve Grittman supplied background information on this item. The Planning Commission denied a request for a variance to the sign ordinance to allow a third pylon sign on the Hecker property for the purpose of advertising the Kia dealership. The ordinance allows one pylon sign per frontage and automobile dealerships have been granted additional pylon signage where they have multiple frontage on major roads. The applicant currently has three pylon signs one of which the applicant stated is located on the D&D property. Steve Grittman reviewed the criteria for granting a variance. The City needs to determine if compliance to the provisions of the ordinance would create a hardship that would restrict reasonable LIse of the property. The Planning Commission and staff did not feel that was the case in this situation. The applicant appealed the decision of the Planning Commission. The City i\ttomcy's opinion is that if the Council believes they are going to overturn the decision of the Planning Commission. the City Council should have separate findings of fact prepared. Clint Herbst asked how the parcel could get more signs than the ordinance allows. Steve Grittman indicated that was the result of a variance being granted. Brian Stumpf believed there 9 .d.A-tl . Council Minutes - 7/25/05 is a basis for granting a variance because there is business owner trying to market their product. Being this business is along the freeway the wall sign alone would not provide much visibility. The pylon sign for Kia is needed for visibility purposes. Cathy Shuman stated that the wall signs for Kia are elearly visible from the freeway. Wayne Mayer stated he did not have a problem with erecting another pylon sign. His concern is that the City has an ordinance that has no teeth in it. Wayne Mayer felt rather than grant a variance to the ordinance, felt the ordinance should be amended. Glen Posusta felt the issue is multiple tenant use on one parcel. lIe suggested that staff come up with some way to address the issue. Steve Grittman concurred that if the Council felt more pylon signs should be allowed then an ordinance amendment would be the best way to accomplish that. It was noted that too many signs create the same problem as not enough signage. Wayne Mayer said if the Kia sign is anything like the other Denny Hecker signs, it would be a nice looking sign. Wayne Mayer didn't feel the City should grant the variance if they didn't look at amending the ordinance as well. Brian Stumpf stated that the City has looked at and amended the ordinance numerous times. He felt the Council might be better off reviewing the signs on a case by case basis. . Bill Rambow stated that under the ordinance they are allowed a sign on Chelsea Road and one along the freeway. If their lot was split into a smaller parcels rather than one large parcel, they would be able to have more signs than they currently have. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO GRANT THE VARIANCE AND CONDITIONAL USE PER.Yf!T AMENDMENT TO ALLOW AN ADDITIONAL PYLON SIGN FOR THE KIA DEALERSHIP Brian Stumpf stated he didn't feel amending the sign ordinance would be a benefit. leffO'Neill stated that over the years the nwnber of sign variances have decreased. Brian Stumpf indicated if the Planning Commission was willing to look at the ordinance again, he would amend his motion to add that. Wayne Mayer also thought the motion should address amending the ordinance. He felt the City's action would set a precedent for the industrial park and the City's ability to restrict number of pylon signs on a parcel. 10 dA -Id Bill Rambow from Denny Hecker Monticello Dodge stated that the Kia dealership needs the sign. Bill Rambow stated that dealers all want their own sign and if the Kia dealership doesn't get the separate sign they is needed the dealership may not go in. . BRIAN STUMPF AMENDED HIS MOTION TO GRANT THE VARIANCE AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT TO ALLOW AN ADDIT!ON PYLON SIGN FOR TI IE KIA DEALERSHIP TO ADD THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND STAFF ARE DIRECTED TO REVIEW THE SIGN ORDINANCE AND RECOMMEND POSSIBLE AMENDMENTS. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. . 14. . . Council Minutes - 7/25/05 Consideration of a reQuest for a conditional use nermit for a concent stal!e nlanned unit develonment for the Jefferson at Monticello develonment. an annroximatelv 875 acre develonment consistinl! of annroximatelv 2300 residcntial units over 515 acres. 328 acres of community nroncrtv/onen snace and 32 acres of commercial develonment. Annlicant: Herital!e Develonment. Steve Grittman noted that the Planning Commission had approved the concept stage planned unit development for Heritage Development for a mixed use development on 890 acres. Clint Hcrbst stated that members of the Council, Planning Commission and staff had toured some othcr developments utilizing smaller lots similar to what was being proposed here. Steve Grittman noted that the developer had made a number of change to his plan including reducing the number of units from 2,700 to about 2,300 with most of the reduction in tmits coming from elimination of 400 units of attached townhouse and expansion of the business park area utilizing both sides of Chelsea Road for commercial use. Tom Perrault asked about Cameron Avenue as it is laid out in the plat. He noted that one of the property owners in Devron Greens has their driveway coming out on Cameron. Steve Grittman said the street layout would be addressed at the development stage PUD. Brian Stumpf felt Tom Pen-ault had a valid concern that needed to be addressed. Brian Stumpf added he was concerned about the street names and that they conform to the County's grid system. Glen Posusta asked if there was ditTerent concept for the area around Devron Greens. Steve Grittman said they have moved further away from the Devon Greens. Glen Posusta asked if the people in Devon Greens would more receptive to the latest plan. Mike 'vloriaity said the developer would be acceptable to either of the layouts for this area. Glen Posusta said one resident was rather adamant about the parkway along the rear of his property. Jim "vloore said he has seen the plan and has some concerns about the 140 feet that was left. He wondered if the driveways could be switched. He felt looking at the back yards would be preferable to seeing the front yards. Glen Posusta said generally residents kept their front yards neater and with the front yards facing his back yard he could avoid having to look at all the stuff that is normally stored in the back yards. Jim Moore said he had also spoke to the Planning Commission about the interchange and possible national security concerns with the interchange being so close to the nuclear plant. Bret Weiss stated that federal highway department sets certain spacing requirements for the distance between interchanges. The City is looking at a number of options as to where the interchange can be placed. Glen Posusta added that the decision on the location of the interchange would also have to be approved the Department of Transportation and Excel Energy. The location of the interchange is not solely a City decision. Jim 'vloore asked about being notified on the status of the project. He was informed that if public hearings are held he would be notified. II ~A- 13 . 15. . I. Council Minutes - 7/25/05 Tom Perrault asked about the single family butfer and whether these would be R-IA lots. The lots are 120' x 144' or approximately 15,000 sq. ft. so they are not R-IA lots However it may be that R-IA homes could be placed on R-llots, GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE CONCEPT STAGE PUD FOR THE REVISED JEFFERSON PROJECT WITH THE NEW SINGLE FAMILY AREA BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE CHANGES TO THE LAND USE PLAN ARE CONSISTENT WITH THE OVERALL GOALS OF THE CITY A0lD THAT THE PLANS FOR UNIT MIX, UNIT STYLE AND PHASING ARE MORE CLOSELY IN KEEPING WITII THE CITY'S DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES FOR THIS AREA. TIllS MOTION IS INTENDED TO BE LIMITED TO THE GENERAL COMPONENTS OF THE CONCEPT PLAN AND THAT DETAILED DESIGN ISSUES, INCLUDING SITE PLANNING, STREET LA YOUI', ARCHITECTURE AND OTHER DETAILS WILL REQUIRE MORE EXTENSIVE REVIEW AT THE TIME OF PRELIMINARY PLAT AND DEVELOPME0lT STAGE PUD CONSIDERATION. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED TI IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Consideration of options for pavers on School Boulevard at the entrance to Jefferson Commons. The City Council received price information for materials for the entrance to the Jefferson Commons development. Prices were obtained for: I) Holland Grand Pavers; 2) Colored stamped concrete; 3) Colored concrete - broom finish; 4) Stamped concrete - no color; and 5) Exposed aggregate - no color. Clint Herbst asked if the bids covered the original plans or the revised plans, It was determined that the quotes covered the original plans, Glen Posusta felt the City still didn't have enough information at this juncture to approve the work. He felt because of cost savings he would like to see exposed aggregate with color. There was discussion on the various options available, John Simola stated that the colored concrete with broom finish would be the least expensive. The next lowest in cost would he Holland pavers. Clint Herbst felt the pavers gave a more finished look. Based on the reduced area ofthe plan it was estimated the cost would be less than $50,000. Clint Herbst felt the City should look at doing the south side when the north side is being switched to concrete, John Simola said there is no plan to take out the bituminous on the north side. Clint Herbst felt the change going from block to bituminous would look odd. Jeff O'Neill said that once they crossed Deegan Avenue to the west it would be concrete, Brian Stumpf suggested either making it all concrete or live with what is there. Waync Mayer asked if the bidders were told the project could change significantly. John Simola indicated he had talked to Buffalo bituminous and they knew but he had only one conversation with Trinity Landscaping. If the City goes with the colored concrete, Buffalo Bituminous would be the low bidder. John Simola said the problem with exposed aggregate is it does not have as long a life expectancy, Glen Posusta felt the Council should decide on whether to remove the asphalt on the north side of the road and re-bid the project. Wayne Mayer asked if there were any other companies who 12 dA-.[Lt . . . Council Minutes - 7/25/05 would bid the project. John Simola indicated that this late in the season it would be more difficult to get bids. It was noted that any price in excess of $50,000 would require formal bids. Brian Stumpf felt the asphalt should be left in place until such time as it needs to be replaced. Brian Stumpf stated that he understood that the entrance into Jefferson Commons was important but felt the cost had to be considered. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO PROCEED WITH THE PLACEMENT OF BROOM FINISH COLORED CONCRETE. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRlED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION CARRlED WITH CLINT HERBST AND TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. John Simola asked for clarification if the City was going to go with the reduced amount and the Council indicated that was the case. John Simola also asked for clarification on whether both sides of School Boulevard would be concrete. It was determined it would be bituminous on the north side all the way from TH 25 to 90th Street. Added Items: Setting up a time to interview candidates for the City Engineer position and Building Inspector position was discussed. A date of Wednesday, August 3,2005 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. was set. Additional interview time may be required. John Simola informed the Council that Pat Sawatzke contacted him about placing three benches along Walnut Street. The locations proposed are in front of Greg Smith's building, at the bank driveway on the old library site and in front of the MCC/City Hall. Glen Posusta commented on what had taken place earlier in the meeting under the citizens comment portion of the agenda. He apologized to those who lived in mobile homes. He stated that having lived in a mobile home and managed a mobile home park for five years, he realized how difficult it was for people to take care of their property. 16. Annrove navrnent of bills for Julv BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRlED UNANIMOUSLY. 17. Adiourn Mayor Herbst adjourned the meeting at 10:05 p.m. Recording Secretary 13 d, A--IS . . . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING. MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday July 25, 2005 . 5 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf. Members Absent: None 1. Call to order. Mayor Herbst called the workshop to order at 5 p.m. 2. Review and discussion of trunk fee studv. Brctt Weiss and Justin Messner from WSB & Associates were present to review the trunk fee study with thc Council. The City first collected sanitary sewcr trunk charges in 1990, added water main trunk charges in 1994 with storm sewer trunk charges added in 1997. The purposc of the trunk fund is to allow the City to accumulate funds in order to build trunk lines and other trunk facilities needed for devclopment to occur. The City adjusts thc trunk fce annually by about 4%. The City has about 245 housing units per year. In looking at how much land would be developed over the next few years it is cstimated that 5100 housing units would be available. The rcport also included a listing of trunk capital improvcments that the City would need over the next ycars. Depending on the rate of growth some of the improvements could be delayed. Brian Stumpf questioned the 16" line from 90th Street and Chelsea Road and asked if that was the segment that was being done now. Bret Weiss noted that Hidden Forcst was shown as a credit since the developer is putting in the nceded trunk facility and would get credit for that. Bret Weiss reviewed the cash flow analysis done for the trunk funds that includcd sanitary sewer, the wastewater treatment plant and water main. Storm sewer was not included in the analysis. Bret Weiss noted that according to the bond counsel, the City was not going to use cash reserves to build down the bond indebtedness. $2,350,000 is the current balance in the sanitary sewer fund. A 3% inflation factor was added to the expenditures. $2,238 rate for trunk sanitary sewer and $3,656 is the SAC charge. 30% of this charge goes back into the sanitary sewer trunk fund. Bret Weiss noted that splitting the SAC charge into funds may change in the future. One item for discussion was whether the City would want to go to a unit charge rather than base the trunk charges on acreage. Glen Posusta questioned why that was not done when the City originally started collecting the trunk charges. Bret Weiss stated that most cities go on an acreage basis. Wayne Mayer asked if the multiplier is reviewed and Bret Weiss responded they have done so periodically. Bret Weiss said there are special fees charged to developments, such as Meadow Oaks development. for improvcments to enhance the infrastructure such as lift J,f2>. I~ . Special Council Meeting Minutes - 7/25/05 stations. Since Hidden Forest, Sunset Ridge, Jefferson at Monticello are further away from existing City utilities it will cost more to extend the utilities. The cash t10w analysis for the wastewater treatment plan was then reviewed. Bret Weiss believes the wastewater treatment plant funds should be separate from the sanitary sewer trunk funds. Bret Weiss noted there is a point where this is negative balances in the trunk funds. The question is how much of a negative balance would the Council feel comfortable with. The present SAC charge fee would be okay if it was all classified in the WWTP fund instead of 30% to the sanitary sewer trunk fund. There was some discussion on improvements to the WWTP and the estimated cost for these improvements. 2010 is the date proposed for the next WWTP improvement to increase capacity which would include constructing another SBR tank. The water main improvements were reviewed and it was noted that in 2016 it was proposed to construct a water treatment plant to take care of the iron and manganese in the water. The treatment plant would be located at the water reservoir site. It is important to start planning for the water treatment facility now. For residential density it was assumed three units per acre. Glen Posusta felt it was not fair for commercial developers who have something like a warehouse building to be charged on acreage the same way a townhouse development is charged on acreage. Fred Patch noted that trunk fees are based on the developed acreage until 75% of the parcel is developed. . Bret Weiss then reviewed the adjusted rates. This calculation was based on 5100 units. Bret Weiss also did the calculation based on delaying the Heritage development (Jefferson at Monticello). This delay does not seriously impact the water trunk funds. Sanitary sewer is significantly impacted by the Heritage development. Bret Weiss said any area that requires significant trunk expenditures like the Heritage development, Koch property or Hidden Forest will have considerable impact on the trunk fee. WSB provided worksheet analysis that were based on 5,100 units, 4,000 units and 3,000 units. Bret Weiss stated the questions that need to be identified arc what is the growth rate and how many units coming in,.. How much you increase and how quickly you increase the fees has to be considered.. Heritage development indicated the build out for their development would be over 15 years. Bret Weiss stated it is difficult to estimate the number of units that would be developed. Bret Weiss felt the City could get up to 400 units a year. Glen Posusta asked about the impact of commercial (big box stores) development. Mike Moriarity of Heritage development replied that it has an impact on their development but it is not a barometer to measure by. Heritage development anticipates that they would up front some of the costs. He added there is a point where the amount of fees charged up front is detrimental to development, Bret Weiss said ifthe City is only getting 300 units per year they have to be careful where they these units are located and should try to infill in the area of existing trunk lines. Bret Weiss said for Monticello 4000 units over 10 year is a modest estimate. . John Simola said the City also need to look at staff to see whether existing staff can handle the number of units coming in. Bret Weiss said one suggestion would be that credits would be 2 )~-ll . Special Council Meeting Minutes - 7/25/05 givcn at later point. If the credit is given up front the units coming in at first are not contributing to the trunk fund balance because of credits given. There was discussion on the credits and when they should be given as well as discussion on allowing fringe development to take place unless the development up fronts the cost of trunk improvements. It was stated that development needs to take place from where the pipe ends. It was recommended that 4000 units over ten yeas was the number to plan for. If the Heritage development comes in the City has to increase their trunk fee or Heritage has to directly fund some of the trunk costs. Bret Weiss noted the need to balance the fees with the number of units. Acreage or unit charge - The Council is interested in WSB looking at the pros and cons of each and bringing something back to the Council on this. The WWTP improvements schedule and fees were acceptable but John Simola stated that the WWTP costs do not take into consideration any changes in regulations from the PCA relating to water quality. FWld balance - $3,000,00 per fund is the lowest negative fW1d balances the Council would go with. 4,000 housing units over ten years. are in line. Bret Weiss said the SAC fees should be able to pay for treatment costs of the scwage. . John Simola felt the most volatile item is the WWTP. There is nothing to cover replacement costs. Operating reccipts takes care of maintenance but not replacement costs. Replacement costs is the purpose of trunk fees. As trunk facilities increase are there funds in the operating revenue to cover the cost of the maintenance for these added facilities. There are 2,044 preliminary platted lots at the present time. Does the City want to provide trunk credits on the tront end or back end of development or should it be decided on case by case basis. Assessment -vs- pay up front was discussed. In the past the City has allowed assessment of trunk fees. Should this be stopped and the trunk fees collected at the time of final plat? Bret Weiss noted there are not a lot of communities that assess these costs. If the cost for trunk fees is paid at the time of final plat, it may restrict how big final plats will be as developers will not plat more than they can sell in a short timc. Bret Weiss is assuming when a house is closed the assessment is paid off. Rick Wolfsteller suggested that you could pre-pay a percentage of the trunk costs and assess the rest. Clint Herbst felt the City had to provide some options for the developer. Storm water ponding - Because the land cost is so high they were proposing a tnmk program for the storm sewer piping and a separate trunk fund is for the storm water ponds. A ponding fee would be less expense to the developer than having a pond on site. Also developers could get a credit if they overdesign the pond to accommodate additional runoff. . Miscellaneous Fees - Park dedication fee has to be looked at as well as other fees. Fred Patch will update the trunk fee survey. Fred Patch noted the difficulty with the survey is that there are many variances of what each city includes in their trunk fee. Jeff O'Neill asked about extra costs for freeway and working around the power line corridors. John Simola talked about rebuilding some ponds in the Meadow Oak area and the cost to do that. He said the City will , J d. Ih- I'b' . . . . Special Council Meeting Minutes - 7/25/05 have to look at rebuilding other ponds throughout the City which is very costly project. Glen Posusta asked why the City is responsible for upgrading or rebuilding the ponds. John Simola stated the City is adding more storm water ponds which will need to be maintained and eventually rebuilt. An updated report and recommendations will be brought back to the Council at a future meeting. The workshop adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Recording Secretary 4 ()~-IC\ . Council Agenda - 8/11/05 SA. Consideration of apvrovinl!: new hires and devartures for MCC. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratifY the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratifY the hiring of all new employees including part -time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. RatifY the hiring/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. . . 5' A- dO . NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Hinton, Lauren Slide Attend. MCC 7/12/2005 Part Time Theiler, Raymond Slide Attend. MCC 7/8/2005 Part Time Gullickson, Kellen Slide Attend. MCC 7/8/2005 Part Time Lemmens, Tyler Slide Attend. MCC 7/7/2005 Part Time TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class . Klym, Andrew Voluntary MCC 7/12/2005 Part Time Schroden, Warren Voluntary MCC 7/12/2005 Part Time Thelen, Allyson Voluntary MCC 7/12/2005 Part Time Curtis, Jennifer Voluntary MCC 7/12/2005 Part Time Olson, Corinne Voluntary MCC 7/12/2005 Part Time . employee councillist.xls: 7/26/2005 SA - d. \ . . . 5B. Council Agenda - 8/8/05 Consideration of an on-sale liQuor license for Guadalaiara Mexican Restaurant - 100 7th Street West. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has received an application for an on-sale liquor and Sunday liquor license for Guadalajara Mexican Restaurant at 100 7th Street West, the former site of Country Grill. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve thc on-sale and Sunday liquor license for for Guadalajara Mexican Restaurant at 100 7'h Street West contingent upon payment of license fees and submittal of certificate of insurance. 2. Do not approve license application. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the license application be approved contingent upon payment oflicense fee and submittal of certificate of insurance. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy oflicense application. SB-dd, . . Minnesot,l Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division (AGEl)) 444 Cedar SlreeL Suite 133, SL Paul, MN 5510]-5133 Telephone 651-296-6979 Fax 651-297-5259 TTY 65 l-n2-6555 Cer1ilication of an On Sale Liouor License. 3.2lXILiuuor license, ur Sundav Liquor License Cities and Counties: vY"{lll arc required by lavv' to complete and sign this fOllT) to certify the issuance of the follov.,:ing liquor license types: //i) ~ity issLled on sale intoxicating and Sunday liquor licenses ~ City and County issued 3.2%) on and off sale malt liquor licenses Name of City or C=t*,]ssuing Liquor License !ltm /J t cJlc License Period From: To: (I?, c t 0 /0 Circle One: ~ Licens-;~ License Transfer f Suspension Revocation Cancel ~~_"../ (former licensee name) (Ciive dales) License type: (clIele all that apply) ~ Sa~~~':"lcatJJ1g/ (i~;~-:~ Liqu~" 3,2'% On sale Sundav license fee $~oC 3.2(0) On Sale fee: $ 3,2'X, Off Sale 3,2% Off Sale fee: $ DOB Social Security #- City Zip Code Home Address City 1/-/76535:J-.. Home Phone Licensee's MN Tax 1D # (To Apply call 651.296-() I S I) Licensee's Federal Tax 1D # (To apply call 651-290-::;9(5) If abo)'e nam,edlicens,se is a 5,?IJ,oration, partnership, or LLC, c?ll1plete the following for each partneriOffi.'lccr.:...r. Ji/ {( (;e 6, ,/7It/'1 rc z- !I J-I 7- "Co ~ I fOe 'l ;;J elk;i i j, Partner/Officer Name (First Middle Last) DOB Social Sccunt)' # _.~c Address ~ -12/'1t11 '2t//if!rL ",G'::; .3 L'-lY-6S'6'! /JC'r Jtrsl J (P81tncr/Officer \.lame (First Jy'liddlc Last) Social Security t: I-lome Address Partner/Officer \lame (First Middle Lasl) DOB SOCla] Security # Home Address lntoxicating liquor licensees mllst attach a certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance 10 this form. The insurance certificate must contain all of the [o]]o\ving: 1) Shmv the exact licensee name (corporation, partnership, LLC, ete) and business address as shmvn on the license. 2) Cover completely the license period set by the local city or county Jicensing authority as shown on the license. Circle One: ('{cs No) During the past :year has a summons been issued to tbe licensee under the Civil Liquor Liability Law? vVorkers Compensation Insurance is also required by' all licensees: Please complete the following: <' - '7 ' I /1 ~ / "5 - /- 'J \Varkel's Compensation Insurancc Company Name: -=-) e C' (,If 4 ~ n.!. Policy # Vv c-- t--="1 ,/ (J' :> t:' ~ 1 Certify that this liccnse(s) has been approved in an official meeting by the governing body afthe ci1)' or county. City Clerk or County Audi10r Signature Date (title) . On Sale Intoxicating liquor licensees must also purchase a $20 Retailer Buyers Card. To obtain the application for the Buyers Card, please call 651-215-6209, or visit OLlr website at www.dps.state.mn.lIs. (Form 9011-2()()4) SB- ~3 . . . 5C. City Council Agenda - 08/22/05 Consideration to adopt a resolution to approvc final plat Ottcr Creek Crossin!! 15' Addition (Re-plat of Lot I. Block 2. Otter Creek Crossin!!). O.K. A. Reference and back!!round: The City Council is asked to approve the final plat Otter Creek Crossing I SI Addition. The preliminary and final plat for Otter Creek Crossing was approved by the Council on November 22,2004. Lot I, Block 2, Otter Creek Crossing is being re-platted into Lot I, Block 1; Outlot A; and Outlot B, Otter Creek Crossing l>l Addition. The re-plat is under consideration in anticipation of the 8.64-acre land sale to Rocky Mountain Group, LLC. Rocky Mountain Group, LLC, dba Dahlheimer Distributing Company, plans to construct a 54,000 sq ft office/distribution center on Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossing 151 Addition. Rocky Mountain Group, LLC and the Monticello HRA entered into a Preliminary Development Agreement on July 18,2005, and a $10,000 non-refundable deposit was submitted. The plat is prepared on behalf of the City by WSB, Inc. The HRA plans to rccover the cost of the land write-down and assessments through tax increment generated from the completed project. Thc establishment of TlF District No. 1-36 and the preparation of a Contract for Privatc Development and Purchase Agreement are under-way for an anticipated closing after the plat has been recorded and the Contract and Agreement executed. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to adopt a resolution approving the final plat Otter Creek Crossing 1" Addition (re-plat of Lot I, Block 2, Otter Creek Crossing) 2. A motion to deny adoption of a resolution approving the final plat of Otter Creek Crossing 151 Addition (re-plat of Lot 1, Block 2, Otter Creek Crossing). 3. A motion to table. C. Recommendation: The City Administrator and Economic Development Director recommend Alternative No. I. D. Supportin!! Data: Copy of the proposed plat. 5G - d-'--\ . . I . o > "0 iii",,~ j:E:..c: " ~ t~~ :~ E ~:1l <ii zg~ Qti~ . .. OOO1;j 2 g.!!l I-:i@ ~~~ ~s~ ~~.2~ O"]N 5~g - :.:::5:E ltJi'o ~8", ~~~ w ~:5'O ~ 6 8~ ~ 8 i~ f'j u Q.c..{) ~ 2!ez.!!l t u Flili3:;; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . o , o 112 ~~ -. .- .. z~ o. E~8 ~~_"l ." w. -g Go ZO il~ 0, 58'0 ~~~I ~ 0 ~ .~ ~-~~ 08:2 'EU~ ~r~ .0' ~a:~ o 1 ] u ~ ;; o ;; 2 o U G Z . 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'0 ~10 "'8/... lif ; . c: :~;i ,- ","':;:;:151 2:it",., g~/ <i::; gg' .. :;..~, ! f'?;.. ..,. ; . .(1,. IV 6"~p . ". !J~~I :;fV>'f!i ff$ <0 <t frs "'c . SC-d\o ~~'.1lO\.I..mS\lNl910"1l ewv"0II10F'\l..~fIoJ~ . . . 5D. A. Council Agenda - 8/8/05 Consideration of annrovine: the annointment to the Librarv Board. (RW) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Library Board is submitting to the City Council the name of Chris Anderley to be appointed to fill the vacancy left by Dawn Fitzgerald who has resigned. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve the appointment of Chris Anderley to complete the term of Dawn Fitzgerald that expires on December 31,2007. 2. Do not approve the appointment. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and the Library Board that the Council appoint Chris Anderley to fill the vacancy on the Library Board. SUPPORTING DATA: None. t;D-dl Council Agenda- 8/8/05 . SE. Consideration of Approvine: Final Payment to Schluender Construction, Inc. for the Trinitv Lutheran Church Storm Sewer Improvement Proiect (Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 2004-34C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Trinity Lutheran Church requested the City of Monticello construct storm sewer for their new parking lot. The project was completed in 2004. The original project did not include removal of concrete curb and gutter, which was added at the request of the Church. The Church signed an assessment agreement to pay for the entire improvement. The original construction contract amount was $16,684.00 and the as constructed total was $19,500.75. The project is now complete and final payment is due in the amount of$975.04. We would recommend final payment to Schlucnder Construction, Inc. subject to receipt ofthc final paperwork including: . Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with thc provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. . Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fLllly paid or satisfactorily secured. . . Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. . Two-year maintenancc bond. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize final payment in the amount 01'$975.04 to Schluender Construction, Inc. for the Trinity Lutheran Church Storm Sewer Improvement Projeet (City of Monticello Project No. 2004-34C) subject to receipt of the final paperwork noted in Item A above. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer and City Administrator that the final payment be authorized and that the improvement be accepted by the City. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 1. Copy of Construction Pay Voucher No.2 (Final) 2. Letter from WSB & Associates, Ine. . S 1:..- d- '8 (..-,lil)(.f.'.\I.... f',fUWY!;!,: 1.('ff.(){',-I!.,\.I,'i~lIIli'A(;.\'rrli-/-;Ii/'fll!-IISII.\il5"(), . . . .. WSB & A.I'sl)('iau!\', Inc Infrastructure I Engmewing . Pl<1nnmg I Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South SUite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel J63-541.4BOD Fax 763.541.1700 August 3. 2005 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Construction Pay Voucher No.2 (Final) Trinity Lutheran Church StOlm Sewer Improvements and Appurtenant Work City of Monticello Project No. 2004-34C WSB Project No. 1160-86 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Please find enclosed the final Construction Pay Voucher NO.2 for the above-rcferenced project 10 the amount of S975.04. We recommend final payment subject to receipt of the following items: I. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. 2. Evtdcnce in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. 4. Two-year maintenance bond. Please contact me at 763-287-7190 if you have any questions regarding this letter. Thank you. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ~J4 vJ~ Bret A. Weiss. P.E. City Engineer Enclosures cc: Rick Wolfstellcr. City of Monticello Robert Schluender, Schl ucnder Construction. Inc. srb r\'iil''iflii'.',fiNi_dfi'J.!R V{)lfi'.'i_.~",,_(Io'I("'O.l_J,){ Minl1eapolis I 51. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer 5E-- dq . . . ... Owner: eit of Monticello WSB For Period: 12i09i2004to07i15i2005 &.Arn>daJ~J.lnc. Contraclor: Schluender Construction, Inc. PAY VOUCHER TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS AND APPURTENANT WORK CITY OF MONTICELLO PROJECT NO. 2004-34C WSB PROJECT NO. 1160-86 SUMMARY Origina~ Con1ract Amount 2 Chango Order - Add."n 3 Change Order - Deduction 4 Revised Contract Amount 5 Value Completed to Date 6 Material on Hand 7 Amount Eamed $ $ 2,816.75 0.00 8 Less Retainage 0% 9 Subtotal 10 Less Amount Paid Previously 11 AMOUNT DUE THIS PAY VOUCHER NO. 2 AND FINAL Recommended for Approval by: WSB & Associates, Inc. ~4~ Project Manager/Engineer Date: Re uest No' Jul 15,2005 2 AND FINAL Approved by Owner: CITY OF MONTICELLO Approved by Contractor: SCH~R ZTRUCTION, INC. ~P1. 'iLL Specrlied Contract Completion Date Date: Pog.'"fl $ 16,684.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ S 19,500.75 19,500.75 0.00 19,500.75 000 t 9,500.75 18,525.71 97504 Construction Observer F,'\WFWIM'I9L>BblcK.-IIll80-8/fP>ly "eLm., _ 2,~1~ St.- 30 Pay Voucher No.1 Trinity Lutheran Church Storm Sewer Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 2004-34C W SB Project No. 111!1O-86 December af 2004 . "eml I I Contract Unit ! Current ! QusntJty Amount No. Material No. r Item Description Unit Quantity Price ~ Quantity I to Dale to Date QUOTE ~- ~~ -----',--- STORM SEWER 2 + 48-INCH SUMP MANHOLE 1 176 FEET OF 12-INCH ACP LUMP SUM 1 $16,684,00 0 1 $16,684,00 CONNECT TO STORM MANHOLE IN STREET Total QUOTE $16,664.00 2 3 CHA~E ORDER NO.1 ----, " CURBING REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL -"~"'-'''''''-'''---,-- ADDED B618 CURB AND GUTTER Total CHANGE ORDER NO.1 LUMP SUM UN FT 145 $1,200_00 $11.151 0) o 1 145 $1,200,00 ----...._- $1,616.75 $2,81tU5 GRANO TOTAL $19,500.75[ . s ~- 3 \ . P"g.2of3 F,\WPWlMfMtl--.MlE..."o<I1lTW.& PlY V~h.. /oIQ.2.lIr.s . . . PROJECT PAYMENT STATUS OWNER: CITY OF MONTICELLO CITY OF MONTICELLO PROJECT NO. 2004-34C WSB PROJECT NO 1160-86 CONTRACTOR: SCHLUENDER CONSTRUCTION, INC. CHANGE ORDERS No. Date Descriptio n 1 12/8/2004 Additional contract nuantities $2,81675 Tolal Change Orders $2,816.75 Amo unt PAYMENT SUMMARY No. From To Payment Relalnage I 10/11/2004 12/8/2004 $18,525.71 $97504 819.500.75 2 AND FINAL 12/09/2004 07/15/2005 $975.04 $000 $19,500.75 Completed Material on Hand Total Payment to Dale $19,50075 Oriqinal Contract $16,68400 Retainaae Pay No. 2 AND FINAL $0.00 Chanae Orders $2,81675 Total Amount Earned $19,50075 Revised Contract $19,50075 Pel/83M3 F:IWPWlMl '''0-86\E"C&/lj 7fi()~" p;ty 'touchM No, 2."/" SE- 3 d, . . . SF. Council Agenda - 8/8/05 Approve Chane:e Order No.1 for Marvin Road Force Main and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work (City of Monticello Proieet No. 2003-01C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Marvin Road Force Main project included the extension of sanitary sewer and watermain across 1-94 to connect to the sanitary sewer in Minnesota Street. The existing tee at the manhole was an 8-inch tee and had to be replaced with a 12-inch fitting to make the connection. The watermain connection to the existing system in Minnesota Street required the installation ofa gate valve for the connection in order to prevent an interruption of water services to businesses along 7th Street. The addition of this gate valve provided a less costly connection than the original design. However. special order materials for the pipe and fitting were not required due to this change and restocking fees were agreed to instead of the City purchasing the higher cost materials. Additional items that were added to the project were the adjustment of the sanitary manhole due to lessening the grades on Marvin Road, provisions for sweeping streets adjacent to the project, and the installation of permanent barricades on Minnesota Street at the City's request. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: C. 1. Approve Change Order No.1 in the amount of$4,787.61 for R. 1. Larson Excavating, Inc. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation ofthe City Engineer that Change Order No. I in the amount of $4,787.61 be approved for payment. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Change Order No.1 Letter from WSB & Associates, Tnc. 5 F- 33 ("\fJI)('ffAfl -/',/UW,Wif(.!,(}'U)( >lrS-l''''ml)'A(;A'II;\1-Af'prrH'~ ('(! 1_1II1IJ805d,,<' . . . :20(1;;; \hRiCh \\'nICSlc!itT uf \'lor:riccHcl -S05 \\-iabu: SlrCCL ;\-'1c1nllcel;(), \J\ :;5:~ '\un: Di.~\\T C1Tussi O:J:: ,-\LlminiSlntlOr Ciiy Ckrk \-Lli \.,in Ruud H\:-C r"'lum:1 HJ c.' ,---I \\-')15 Dc~)r \lc ";ol1',Uc;i i-'!C,L;C re\J':\\ iSOO-OO ;:-;2(1 ee';' r~iL:( 'l]1p1'O\ lncrC,lSt'; w the: c:; nS,lUC. (:i r)~l\-- \r,~i(T [\ie,_ ('."> .;-, r :Ci:t h~-l ~H1Y '-iUC,i '-;'1':" Sinc,;rc]\ lVSB & l;?r ')em,!' i<.C\]:I B, Ki\vk\\-<h; ,- \;l~inL(~;_C:'l io~ur: :;rb \J,'c , j\(L 2011:1<)1 ()rdcr \;0, j (i i for the LltK)\,(>ft:.::fe:,"(:nccd C(,nLrdCl Ltmounl IS 7S:.(i], order uI110unl \\:iIJ be i n~_ lu(icd ilh the: nc:<t \lon' I~:CUU ;lpprO\<_: '\,t;6 ''["his SSe I'c<..::ornmend ilial the Ci1\' L. Larson Excav:itin~~ bc. ng the do not hesjt~lle- to curJi.:IC! nw ~n 76,' ~10 / (", Larson E\CU\H\ he. Of your rcsLlilliit s ~ - 3 L\ . CHANGE 70112}2(m;' MA!N AND AND APPURTENANT v,;'OfiK CiTY OF MONTICELLO PRO,JEeT NO. 2003..01C \vsa CITY OF MONTiCELLO %5 WALNUT STAEET, SUiTE 1 MONT!CELLO, rJ!!>) 55362 ii, L LARSON EXCAVATiNG, iNC. 2255 12TH STREET SE ST. CLOUD, MN 56304 ;:\J~f~ TO ,,"t- ;:::"',2.3\0=:S iN [HE C()\THD.(' r DDCWAEi'-JT UESCHI?TIC~; '-~C)f)TRAC" ':);_'A:'I1 r:t:s "ice::; "'::i ~;-KYJ\'i\ Oi\ THC p"TTi,{:::HL:J IS \NOP:' INGUjDE-S i;L..L ,t,X)[) ':"10>.1/'<_ S AJiD THE FX'-FhSIC ,S .tJiE 'I:!),,"; .;c,~;;,p:: ;::')P\;' ')[SCH!2:r:o ADOVE CHANGE '::f1!C)i;\AL 333"7,B382.5 O;::IC;:t\';\L ::::CX,F;~.r\C'i 'j ;':F\E\'iC;~)S c)RD;;H~: Ni,c,< <"'j ':i0 N:?:T GHi'.NGC iT;;',}\! PF:LViC>i, _ C:HA\,::;E GPUFHS .C\'R~__:\','C' "" FHS "'l}t'.H $33"'>33D "'-~' (;CNT,=:,\Ci'" ME F'FiIC< ff~, ;\NGE; (';Fni~'; Sc;', <:-':':1 ~,ET 'NCREr'__SE "ViT'"! C1-!A!'1,;;F 'J d <>::Y;TRt<:: vrTH ::::lfTjER~;; 32:92A:2!:i ~<; _''- ~< 'PACT Tli\4C \,ViTi< ;):-'F'" ':VFD UY'.J\lGE )P,U~: H~3 -11'3"'?' "~'J ':':::>P:;;-0VED . ,'iF'W!<'V\/- X!-iX-_Fi>:(;{J:'_~t:;",,:;o Ort':&r j.~!f;(;O.' ESt- 3S . . . CHANGE ORDER NO.1 DETAIL MARViN ROAD FORCE MAJN AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS AND APPURTENANT WORK CiTY OF MONTH-;ELLO PROJECT NO, 2003~01C WSB PROJECT NO. 1500-00 ADDED ITEMS No, :3';;:EE-{ SVVFFPE(, \'o/iTH P:CKtJP 3ROOtvn REMO /E 8,\1\1'1/-\::/ iJHCP TEE ;:; ?Ej=;JA \NE[\1" 2;;_=r~:CA:)ES iT/PE HI) ;'~[UUSTING FF-t4\fC 3 f<i'JG CASTlt~G ;SM'fTP.j::;Y '~~j fi'oJG RESTCX>T.)ij FEE: :=:=:STCCKii\C FE::- AF- _Cj\JSTRUC~" ;t'.h <)LES <,A:'E VL.: ,~~ TOTAL ADDED ITEMS CHANGE ORDER NO. DELETED ITEMS [ten, TOTAL GELETEO ITEMS i~HA~\JGE ORDER NO.l TOT AL ADJUSTMENT TO ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT U.HAP sur;!! LUMF SUM ,;; E)\CH EACH i~UtylP SUr-ii LUMP SUb1 EACH EACH Price ';.2r :.: ~;n2_;j-(J ':1;' :;. ;..2;-) 9C' S352_::i~: S36< :")c 7i>L(\." Pr'ce 1J12!20D& Extended Amount S227,()() S'.''72.S(j $C5CCG J'..) 5381.00 S27:S Sfj (;'~:;)-:},- S-3b't_~,G 7G4rn F;dcnded Amount so.oo 64,787.61 ~;i" . F:'WPW'lii'!5)J..,J(:r, x";,,c(;/';jilge Vr JIH '.X;Sco, ,)QfJii SF-3to . . . Council Agenda: 8/8/05 5G. Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit allowin!! ODen and outdoor automobile sales within a B-3 (Hi!!hwav Business) Zonin!! District. ADDlicant: Gould Brothers Chevrolet/Jav Morrell (FP/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission reviewed this item at their recent August meeting. There was some discussion over whether Automaxx's previously approved conditional use permit, approved as part of the original Planned Unit Development for the whole site, had expired due to lapse of use. If the auto sales use had not lapsed for a period of six months, the permit for the Automaxx facility may have been valid and extended to the auto sales use proposed by Gould Brothers. However, staff has noted that there has been change in use between car sales and auto body repair in various locations on the site. Changes in use or significant alteration of the uses and their arrangement within a PUD would require an amendment to the PUD. As such, staff believes that by simply approving this request for conditional use permit for Gould Brothers, Council simplifies what could become a more complicated review than necessary. Gould Brothers Chevrolet is requesting use of portions of the property at 1205 and 1219 South Highway 25 for the display and sale of used automobiles. It is proposed that 25 ofless vehicles would be displayed for sale in the parking lot at 1219 South Highway 25. The vehicles would be primarily parked along the parking lot curb facing Highway 25, and in marked parking on the south side of the 1219 State Highway 25 building. This sales use would be one of three uses on the property. Gould Brothers Body Shop and a beauty salon are also conducting business at the same location. This use is consistent with a conditional use permit that was allowed to the Automaxx dealership in 1999; however, the automobile display and sales use proposed by Gould Brothers is significantly less intensive than that of the former Automaxx dealership. Gould Brothers has been selling vehicles from this location as a non-conforming use for more than one year based on the misunderstanding that they could continue the vehicle display and sales use under the previous conditional use permit and as an accessory to the auto body repair business. Unfortunately, the CUP for Automaxx had expired. Gould Brothers is now seeking to renew the conditional use permit for automobile display and sales at 1219 State Highway 25 as an accessory to their auto body shop and as an armex to the main dealership on Chelsea Road. New and used automobile/light truck sales and display are allowed in the B-3 district based on certain conditions. The proposed sales and display use is consistent with prior approvals allowed for Automaxx and appears to meet all requirements of the Zoning. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS Planning Commission recommended alternative number 1 below. 5 G -31 Council Agenda: 8/8/05 . 1. Motion to recommend to the City Council that the Conditional Use Permit for auto sales/display for Gould Brothers be approved based on a finding that the use is appropriate for the B-3 District and the proposed site, subject to the conditions of Exhibit "Z", attached. 2. Motion to recommend to the City Council that the Conditional Use Permit for auto sales/display for Gould Brothers be denied based on fmdings[to be determined by the Commission. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council move Alternative # 1. above. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Site Location Map B. Site Sketch C. Exhibit "Z" - Conditions of Approval . 5G - 38" . . ~ '----' . .R. .39 /~ / I '- ~~'" \ \ \ I 'r , ~ C/'- i / . CIt( w > " o DUNDAS L> ROAD z o 0/1 o ~ELLBERG'S MOBILE : HOME PARK. ~E.~~J . """f;' " " .0 " 0' U '< o ~ ~ ~ " ;5 " KF.:. eSt;, STREET II If . \ \ \ , &$ AS STMrlJ \ " , " , \ ,,", I \ \ - \ .l>. \ '" \"$ '-l IXl \< \'Z \ 1 . .\ I .... I \.0) \ .... . ..... I 0 \ - CD \ ~ 0 \ I \ ~ I 'g \ >;:3 \ I \ \ I .... .\ - -" 9 , .... I ..,. \ 3' . , I \ , \ I ( , \ \ ... "- , 234. 6B ~ ''I :! ~ n. r.7ICCN Age.. "$ J ~- , '........... "'--. S4,.y.ll. ' ... .., ........... -~ ~-i>G '-..,. ~~ -i ~, 9~ ....... .;o;~ " 10, , ~~ / ~ / i / ~'/ I ~ / ~ / I ,~ I ~/. j /' ~ l ' I Jt;,.iu-=.. ~u=.S ~ !\ / ! I I 5c'- '-to eXHIBIT z. . SITe PLAN ,"'" Council Agenda - 882/05 . EXHIBIT "Z" To Conditional Use Permit for Gould Brothers Used Automobile Sales and Outdoor Display I. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right-of-way or from neighboring residences, and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [H], ofthe Zoning Code. 2. The total number of vehicles that may be displayed outdoors at this location shall not exceed 25. 3. The outside sales and display area must not utilize parking spaces which are required by the City Zoning Code for the other commercial uses on the property. 4. All signing shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 9, of this ordinance. . . SG,- 4 f ~. . ~ . . Council Agenda - 8/8/05 SH. Consideration of approval of assessment a!!reement and easement a!!reement for Cedrus Creek Craftsman. Inc. for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchan!!e Proiect No. 2004-1C. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The above agreement is one of several that the City needs in order to acquire the necessary permanent and temporary easements for the CSAH 18/1-94 interchange. The agreement is similar in structure to one previously approved for the Weinand property. This agreement provides that City not assess the property for the traffic signals at CSAH 75 and Highland Way. The agreement also provides for the deferral of the assessment of$77,IOI for the interchange project but the property ovvner is not waiving any rights to any required hearings. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the agreement and easement document from Cedrus Creek Craftsman, Inc. and authorize the Mayor and City to sign the agreement on behalf of the City. 2. Do not approve the documents. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City needs to obtain the necessary easements for the construction of the interchange project. As noted this agreement, which has been reviewed by the City Attorney. is similar to the Weinand agreement which was approved by the City Council. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the Council approves Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Assessment Agreement Easement Document 5~-1..\~ . benefit or that the amount of the assessment exceeds the special benefit to the Subject Property. The assessment in the amount of $77,101.00 is hereby adopted on the date this Agreement is signed by the parties. 5. Deferral of Assessments. a. The assessment for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project will be deferred without interest until January 1,2011 at which time the assessment will then be payable over ten (10) years, including interest commencing January 1, 2011 at the rate off our percent (4%) per annum simple interest computed on the unpaid balance with the first installment collectable as part of the payable 2012 taxes.. b. If the property is subdivided prior to January 1, 2011, the assessment will be equitably apportioned to individual lots on a square footage basis in accordance with Minn. Stat. g429.071. c. As each subdivided lot is either sold or developed, whichever occurs first, the apportioned assessment for the lot will then be payable over ten (10) years, including interest commencing July 1 of the year the property is sold or develops, with the first installment collectable as part of the following years payable taxes (or the next year if the transaction occurs to late in year to certify assessments to county). A lot is "developed" when a building permit is issued. . d. The assessments on all lots not sold or developed by January 1, 2011 shall then be payable over ten (10) years, including interest at the rate of four percent (4%) simple interest computed on the unpaid balance commencing January 1,2011, with the first installment collectable as part of payable 2011 taxes. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Clint Herbst, Mayor By: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator CEDRUS CREEK CRAFTSMAN, INC. . B'c7L~ 118190 2 S \-\- l\ ~\ . STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of ,2005, by Clint Herbst and by Rick Wolfsteller, respectively the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf ofthe corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public . STATE OF MINNESOTA ) () ) ss. COUNTY OF \NF-I0) 1fT- ) . The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this I c~ay of ~ 2005, by~ ~heJe. the Ph"S;JivJ of Cedrus Creek Cr sm c., a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of said corpore ~tor. :A N-@itY~1cAit xm~ THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL~TSON Proftssional Association 317 Eagandale Office Center 13 80 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, MN 55121 Telephone: 651-452-5000 TMS/cjh e SALLY B. NELSON NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA .' My Commission Expires Jan. 31, 2010 . 118190 3 s \-\., '\ S . GRANT OF PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY EASEMENTS CEDRUS CREEK CRAFTSMAN, INC., a Minnesota corporation, "Grantor", in consideration of One Dollar and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant unto the COUNTY OF WRIGHT, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, the Grantee, hereinafter referred to . as "County", its successors and assigns, a permanent easement for highway purposes, together with the unrestricted right to improve the same, free and clear of all encumbrances, the following described real estate in the County of Wright in the State of Minnesota: That part of Outlot A, Liberty Park, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, shown as Parcel No.6 on the plat designated as WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO. 55, on file and of record in the office of the Wright County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. Together with a Temporary Easement lying West of Parcel No. 5A as shown on said plat. The Temporary Easement shall expire on December 31,2007. The above named Grantor, for itself, its successors and assigns, does covenant with the County, its successors and assigns, that it is well seized in fee title of the above described easement premises; that it has the sole right to grant and convey the easement to the County; that there are no unrecorded interests in the easement premises; and that it will indemnify and hold . the County harmless for any breach of the foregoing covenants. 117192 I 5\\-C\lo . . . .---- IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantor hereto has signed this document this )2 day of ,2005. GRANTOR: CEDRUS CREEK CRAFTSMAN, INC. BJ' +L~ Its: ~I"""''''--:- STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ~ ) The foregoing instrument was c1mow edged before me this ~ay of L ~ 2005, by ~ komi ve k the es' '/'L f- of Cedrus Creek Crafts~Inc., a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of said corporation, Grantor. ~~E;j&9?V-- THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNuTSON Professional Association 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan,MN 55121 Telephone: 651-452-5000 TMS/cjh 117]92 e. SALLY B. NELSON NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA My Commission Expires Jail, 31, 2010 2 5\-\.-'-1.( . 51. Council Agenda: 8/8/05 Consideration to approve the final plat and development a\?:reement for Carlisle Villa\?:e 4th Addition. (lOIAS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council is asked to consider approving the final plat of Carlisle Village 4th Addition. Carlisle Village 4th Addition is an R-1 A single-family residential development consisting of 49 units. The development area is a Planned Unit Development governed by standards identified in the zoning ordinance and in previous project approvals. Thc developer has previously received approval for development of the 1" Addition and the replatted 2nd Addition of this project. The developer is in the process of completing items required by the terms of the development agreement for both of those projects. It should be noted that the developer will not receivc building permits, per ordinance and development agreement standards, until utility and street construction is complete for this phase. This phase of the development also includes the majority of the forested area affected by the tree preservation process put in place with the 1st Addition. The development agreement for the 4th Addition includes securities and a preservation process to ensure that the developer meets the 60% preservation required by the project approval. . Attached you will find an analysis that summarizes the finance plan supporting the development. You will note that utility fees associated with City costs to serve the area amount $415,982.40. This amount includes a special assessment for the Little Mountain Booster Station and Meadow Oaks Bypass projects Fees placed on deposit by the developer to cover city expenses relating to City Administrative overhead, Erosion Control, legal fees, planning fees and engineering and inspection amount to $158,811.71. This number includes expenses relating to the review and inspection of preliminary plat, revised preliminary plat and construction documents for the Carlisle Village project to-date. Please note that this number will change slightly once the 3% required deposit for grading review and inspection is included. The 3% deposit will be based on the developer's estimated grading cost, whieh was not available at the time of this report, but will be required prior to execution of the agreement. . Total construction costs to prepare the 49 unit development amount to $862,157.00, not including site grading. This cost is funded privately by the developer. A letter of credit in the amount of $1,093,946.00 will be provided as surety, which the City can draw on to complete the project in the event of default. As the project proceeds through construction, at the request of the developer, the city allows reductions in the letter of credit. The City will retain at least $109,395 until the project is deemed accepted by the City, at which time the city \vill release the funds and accept a warranty bond. 91--'l<b . . . . D. Council Agenda: 8/8/05 An additional letter of credit is required to guarantee required planting of boulevard trees and to assure compliance with the tree preservation process. The developer has also previously provided a $72,000 letter of credit for site grading plan and maintenance of erosion control measures. These LOC's can be reduced with the approval of the City Engineer. A full copy of the draft development agreement is available upon request. This agreement and associated securities must be in place prior placement of signatures on the plat. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the Carlisle Village 4 th Addition final plat, subject to the revision of the plat document as noted, and to approve the Carlisle Village 4th Addition development agreement. 2. Motion to deny approval of Carlisle Village 4th Addition final plat and development agreement for reasons to be determined by the City Council. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator Recommends alternative 1. SUPPORTING DATA: Carlisle Village 4th Addition Finance Plan Carlisle Village 4th Addition Final Plat S1- ''-\~ ..........U..Ii:lLI:: VILLAGE 4th ADDITION SUMMARY OF EXPENSES/FINANCE PLAN 4 of 5 Phases v4 Aug. 1, 2005 Total Acres in Development .' Acres in Phase I Units in Development Total Units in Phase Park Dedication Provided Park Dedication Required Park Dedication Deficiency Park. Dedication Deficiency as a percent of total Prevailing Park Dedication Net Park Park Dedication Required per Unit Total Park Dedication Required Pathway Special Assessments Little Mountain Booster Statio Meadow Oaks Bypas Per Lot Assessment based on (49 ) units City Fee (General overhead and Admin) ate plat and construction review/inspection ion Control S Locate Fee Legal Planning Engineering and Inspection (Streets/Utilities) Engineering and Inspection (Grading) Annexation Fee (if applicable) Soils Testin tRoad Com action Sanitary Sewer Watermain Storm Sewer Roads, Driveways and Sidewalks Conservation Easement Posts $200 Lot Corners/Iron Monuments $300 Total Construction Cost for the purpose of calculating LQC Maximum allowable redUction prior to acceptance and bond Grading Cost (used to calculate grading fee above) ng Landscaping Sodding Tree Preservation 78 gross net 24.19 gross 22.07 net 231 Single Family Townhome 49 Single Family o Townhome $1,500 Land dedication based on density (formula below) 1 acre per 75 persons 2.5 multi family, 3.5 single family x unit Count Divide by 75 for acreage required. 49 $73,50000 $248 49 $12,152,00 $2,395 $1,947 $2,228 $1,752 $57,935.05 Increased 4% for inflation from $2303 $47,097.93 Increased 4% for inflation from $1872 $53,895,32 $42,380,88 22 2.00% $17.243.14 Flat rate; no reconciliation at project completion $37,263,65 $20,000,00 Escrow deposit per unit $2,400.00 Flat rate; no reconciliation at project completion $4,310.79 Reconciled at project completion $4,31079 $60.350.99 Reconciled at project completion NEEDED FROM SHADOW CREEK N/A 4 times annual taxes due to County 12,932.36 Reconciled at project completion $500 $60 0.50% 0.50% 7.00% 3.00% 40 40 $165,495,0 $160,418,00 $145,90600 $390,338,00 5 40 90.00% 5(}.. - 50 . . . City Council ~ August 8, 2005 Supplement to agenda item 5.1.: Consideration to authorize the City Administrator to extend an offer of employment to fill the new Building and Code Enforcement Inspector position. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The city received forty nine applications for the position of Building and Code Enforcement Inspector. Eleven of those applications were selected for interview on August 2nd by council members Herbst and Posusta and city staff. The four best qualified candidates were chosen and scheduled for a second interview on August 3 ,d by council members Mayer and Stumpf and city staff. Based on both subjective criteria and objective criteria, it was determined that a job offer should be extended to Me. Daniel Hennessey. Me. Hennessey was previously an intern with the City and has since been building official for the City of Little Falls. He holds certification as a Minnesota Certified Building Official, Building Inspections Technology training from North Hennipen Community College and has served in the United States Air Force, thereby earning military veterans preference. Based the present market scale of wages and benefits, the beginning wage for this position will fall at the middle step of the present grade. That step should conservatively be the first step in the Grade. Pay equity plan modifications will likely follow. Me. Hennessy is familiar with the Citv, its approach to teamwork and will make an excellent addition to citv staff. ~ . ~ 4. -S1~"7D - 'S:/,D77 B. &~(O ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. To approve hiring Me. Daniel Hennessey to fill the full time position of Building and Code Enforcement Inspector. 2. To not approve hiring Me. Daniel Hennessey to fill the full time position of Building and Code Enforcement Inspector. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The City Administrator, with a strong recommendation from supporting staff, recommend alternative I. D. SUPPORTING DATA: f Building and Zoning Inspector City of Monticello . Title of Class: Effective Date: Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer June 15,2005 DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: This is a position in the Building Inspections Division. Performs skilled inspection work in administering regulations pertaining to building construction and land use, including enforcement of building, fire and zoning codes and public nuisance regulations and ordinances; and pcrforms related duties as assigned. Suoervision Received: Works under the general and technical direction of the Building Official/Zoning Administrator. Position is responsible to the Building Official. Suoervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Duties may vary somewhat from position to position within a class. Assists the Building Official and Zoning Administrator in application and enforcement of the City's Building, Fire, Plumbing, and Mechanical Code enforcement programs, including plan review, permit issuance, inspections and related responsibilities. . Observes and inspects the building, landscaping. mechanical (including plumbing, heating, cooling, ventilation, refrigeration and process piping) fire suppression, fire alarm, and other work of contractors and sub-contractors. Inspects structures for compliance with land use ordinances and fire safcty regulations: and inspects structures for compliance with building codes. Explains in ""Titing and verbally building codes, zoning ordinances, and specifications of city contracts to contractors, property owners, and general public upon request. Reviews building and other development plans for conformance with city approved plans, Minnesota laws and rules and city ordinances. Issues orders, notices and citations when necessary to enforce compliance with building codes and zoning ordinances. Reviews and approves routine sign permit applications. Conducts observations and inspections; prepares enforcement notices as necessary or as directed to enforce city Public Nuisance Ordinances. Upon request of Building Official attends Planning Commission and City Council meetings; prepares agenda items pertaining to variance requests and prepares other information Performs on-site inspections for all building construction work and land use permits to ensure code compliance. Verifies work permits, certifications and licenses of person engaged in building work. . Prepares records and reports of observations and violations of City ordinances and state Laws building codes, zoning ordinances. Attends professional development seminars and continuing education for certification maintenance, tcchnical advances and code amcndments. 5J_S3 Makes recommendations jointly with other City personnel to amend ordinances. . KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Friendly, courteous, well mannered with desire and ability to solve complex public enforcement problems. Considerable knowledge oflocal, state, and federal building codes pertaining to building materials and workmanship. Considerable knmvledgc of zoning laws, ordinancc requirements and procedures pertaining to the application approval process. Considerable knowledge of building materials and workmanship. Considerable ability to inspect, advise, and monitor construction for purposes of code and regulation compliance. Considerable ability to intcrpret blueprints and plans involving architectural, structural. mechanical, plumbing, and engineering designs. Working ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Working ability to work in unfinished structurcs and in unsafe or uncomfortable surroundings. Working ability to prepare the building inspection budget and written reports. Working ability to kcep current on code amendments and technical advances in construction. . MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Must posscss a valid Minnesota Class C driver's or equivalent out-of-state license. Personal traits - friendly, courteous, desire and ability to solve complex public enforcemcnt problcms. Building Inspection Certification by the State ofMN, ICC or cqual within 6 months of employment. Substantial construction experience. JOB DESCRIPTION AND APPLICATION w\vw.ci.monticello.mn. us City Hall, City of Monticello, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362. Telephone: (763) 295-2711 To be considered, applications must be receivcd by 4:30 p.m., Friday July 8, 2005. Starting salary $40's to $50's. . 51- S'-\ . . . 7. Council Agenda - 8/8/05 Review of bids for modular restroom facility for Ellison Park. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Earlier this year the City Council authorized preparation of plans and specifications for a pre-built modular restroom facility to replace the old restroom facilities at Ellison Park. Originally there was a slight possibility that the plans and specifications could have been completed and the building be placed prior to the second week of July of this year. The complexity of the specifications and work loads prevented completion and review of the documents until the first week of July. Plans and specifications were sent to eight manufacturers of modular restroom facilities. Bids were due July 26. and only one bid was received. That bid was from CXT Precast, Inc. from Spokane, WAin the amount 01'$97,964.28. This is $15,000 higher than our estimates which were based on an original quote earlier this year. A copy of the basic building plan is enclosed for your review. The placement of the modular restroom facility was based upon preparation of the site by the City of Monticello Park Department. The original plan was to remove the old facility and prepare that site for the placement of the new modular structure. There has also been some discussion about gutting the old restroom facility, doing some remodeling, possibly log siding to dress it up and leave it as a shelter with a possible rental option. The cost of demolition and removal of the building might be similar to what it would take to remove the bathroom facilities and modernize the exterior. This same group suggcsted the possibility ofJocating the new restroom facility to the west of the existing facility. The City would still be responsible in that area for extending sanitary sewer, water and electricity to that site. The cost of the modular building only included the building and not the site work. The only money directly sct aside for the remodeling or construction of the new bathrooms at Ellison Park is the $65,000 in the 2004 Park Fund Budget. As you can see, this is somewhat short of the option to place a modular building at the park and would require redirecting other funds already in the budget or appropriating more funds for the 2006 Budget. B. AL TERNA TlVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to award the project to CXT in the amount of$97,964.28 and work with the contractor to reduce the overall costs to near the original estimate of $83,000. This option would include placing the restrooms west of the existing facilities with the idea of converting the existing bathrooms to a shelter and modernizing the exterior in 2006. 2. The second alternative would be to reject the bid for the modular restrooms for Ellison Park and go back to the drawing board so to speak to look at other options such as a different style of modular building or adding on to the existing restroom facility and modernizing it or a completely new building built on site with the project to take place in the spring 01'2006. , ~. The third alternative would be to do nothing and leave the bathrooms in the state they are now. 'l- SS . . . Council Agenda - 8/8/05 D. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Alternative #1 has some merit; however, it may be difficult to lower the cost by $15,000 without sacrificing some of the low maintenance features of the building. In addition, if we were able to accomplish that, we would still have to appropriate other funds to make up the difference in the deficit in the budget amounts. It may be more advantageous to look at alternative #2 and look at a re-design or a different approach to remodeling or a new building. I believe much of the community would like to see new restroom facilities in this park and a goal of no later than the spring of next year is possible. The facility should be architecturally pleasing and blend in with the park and be completed at a reasonable cost, Alternative #2 probably fits that parameter better than the other two alternatives. E. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the Budget; Copy of the Bid from CXT; Copy ofthe restroom facility layout plan. \~ 5~ I Ie I I I I I I Ie I I , , I I . Ie I I ., SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2004 Budget Park Fund Parksllm rovements CITY BALLFIELDS/NSP IMPR SOCCER FIELDS IMPR PARK ADA/STRUCTURE IMPR WEST/EAST BRIDGE PARK IMPR PRAIRIE/OTTER CREEK PARK IMP CARDINAL HILLS TOT LOT IMPR PIONEER PARK IMPR RIVER MILL PARK IMPR 4th STREET RINK IMPROVEMENT WILDWOOD RIDGE PARK/ROLLLlNG WOODS 1. Pia round Equi ment 2. Landsca in & Gradin 3. Picnic Tables,Benches & Garba e cans 4. Open Air Shelter 5. Trees GROVE LAND PARK IMPROVEMENT TOWER PARKlVALLEY VIEW IMPROVEMENT ELLISON RESTROOMS WILDWOOD PARK IMPR COUNTRY CLUB PARK IMPR 225. 225_ 225_ 225_ 225_ 225_ 225_ 225_ 225_ 225_ $15,000 $0 $10,000 $25,000 $0 $0 $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $60,000 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,000 $15,000 $0 $0 $30,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $65,000 $10,000 $65,000 $5,000 $20.000 225. 225. 225. 225_ 225. NSP Ballfields Cleanin Sup jes Motor Fuels Lubricants GeneralOperatin Supplies Misc. Repalr/Maint. Supplies Misc. Professional Services Electrici Repair/Maint - Buildin s Improvements Other Equipment .~~;:A~--~~~~ft~T~~ilw~; 225.45203.2110 225.45203.2120 225.45203.2130 225.45203.2199 225.45203.2299 225.45203.3199 225.45203.3810 225.45203.4010 225.45203.5301 225.45203.5801 $150 $500 $100 $500 $2,000 $2,000 $7,000 $200 $25.000 $8,500 i_Sl 2004 BUDGET.XlSSoec Revenue FUnd~Park5:1I12/2004 89 . . . BID FORM FOR DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION OF A MODULAR RESTROOM FACILITY AT ELLISON PARK IN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Public Works Director City of Monticello Office of Public Works 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Public Works Director: 1. The following bid is made for the delivery and installation of a modular restroom facility at Ellison Park in the City of Monticello, Minnesota The undersigned certifies that the bid documents and instructions have been carefully examined. The undersigned declares that the amount and nature of the work to be done is understood and that at no time will misunderstanding ofthe bid documents be pleaded. On the basis of the bid documents, the undersigned proposes to furnish all necessary apparatus and other means of construction, to do all the work and furnish all the materials in the manner proposed; to finish the entire project within the time hereinafter specified, and to accept as full compensation therefor the sum stated below. 3. Item I: Bid Amount: 4. Delivery and installation of modular res1jroom Minnesota or a lump sum total rice ~c-<'; . c/o :2-.f'~ dollars($ 97. 70 T -~ ). The City reserves the right to accept any bide deemed to be in the best in:erest of the C. of Monticello and Ellison Park. 5. The undersigned further agrees to begin work as specified and to complete the work on or before the date specified. 6. In submitting this bid, it is understood that the right is reserved by the City to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities. 7. This bid may not be withdrawn after the opening of the bids and shall be subject to acceptance by the owner for a period of thirty (30) calendar days from the opening thereof. 10. ex T f'Jr~e a..; J &c . - . I I I I State official name of company: II. If a corporation, what is the state of incorporation: -PAGE50F115- r:JO 1-~ F:\ADMINIWorapruc\PARKS DEPTlSpec:sIEWSON-PA.RK_ TOILET -BLDG-SPECS.wpa.07/06J05 I I . I I I I I I I . . 12. If a partnership, state full names of all co-partners: /L-//T / OFFICIAL ADDRESS: COMPANY NAME: 3?oy /V cll.v...... LlI.I #7 VO ko<.~ W'.19 9'9' 7//' cxr/:-ec<<'J I- ~c. Date: 7- ;20- ::?-UDJ I _ S'1 F:\AOMIMWordProcIPARKS OEPT\Specs\ElUSON-PARK-TOILET-BlDG-SPECS,~-o7106105 -PAGE60F 115- . . . Council Agenda - 8/8/05 8. Consideration of Proiect Award for the Extension of School Boulevard from Deel!:an Avenue to 90th Street NE (City of Monticello Proiect No. 200S-02C) (WSB/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the July 11,2005 City Council meeting, the City Council approved plans and specifications and authorized the advertisement of bids for the extension of School Boulevard from Deegan A venue to 90th Street NE including the extension of Redford Lane. School Boulevard is proposed to extend from Deegan Avenue through the Jefferson Commons plat, the Ocello (Shawn Weinand) property, and the proposed Insignia development (Poplar Hill) to 90th Street. The location of the proposed water tower, development of the Jefferson Commons property, the location of the future park complex within the Poplar Hill development, and the connection of another east/west street between 90th Street and TH 25 are all reasons the Council has stated for considering the construction of School Boulevard to 90th Street NE. Right-of~way for the extension of School Boulevard has been platted within the Jefferson Commons plat and will be platted with the Insignia development. but will need to be dedicated by Ocello. The proposed improvements also include the extension of Redford Lane to connect to the proposed School Boulevard. Redford Lane currently terminates with a temporary cul-de-sac within thc Groveland 4th Addition devclopment. The proposed improvements include construction of streets, storm sewer, trunk water main, which will allow a connection to the proposed water tower, and sanitary sewer improvements. Bids will bc received on Friday, August 5, 2005 at the Monticello Community Centcr, and the results will be presented at the Council meeting. The estimated construction cost totals $2,051,3 70. The estimated project cost, which includes the construction cost plus indirect costs, totals $2,625,750. The estimated project cost from the fcasibility report was $2,872,500. The project is proposed to be funded through special assessments to the benefiting property owners, as well as City funds. The project was bid with three alternatives as described below to allow some time to determine adjacent development schedules: I. BASE BID - Includes construction of School Boulevard from Deegan A venue through the Jefferson Commons plat. 2. AL TERNA TE 1 - Includes construction of School Boulevard from Deegan Avenue through Ocello including the connection to Redford Lane. 3. ALTERNATE 2 - Includes construction of School Boulevard from Deegan Avenue though the Insignia development (Poplar Hill) to 90th Street NE. In order to construct School Boulevard through the Poplar Hill development, the site needs to be graded by the developer. David Adkins, the developer for the Poplar Hill development, has verbally agreed to start grading the site this fall for the road to be constructed starting in May 2006. We have specified in the contract for the School Boulevard project that the Contractor can start this work in May 2006 after the site is graded. City staff is finalizing the Developer's Agreement and anticipates it to be complete in September 2005. City staff is in the process oftinalizing an assessment agreement with Ocello, as well as obtaining the road right-of-way. Mr. Weinand has agreed to allow the roadway to be (':,ll()(-'JfJ:-i I',I" \1;11 ,'[}"I(}('il..\-i',)","!,'.iI,\in/-S(I/,,,,ii:i,.,"',I","-'I_INJ.li'.'.)", l) - 19\ . . . Council Agenda - 8/8/05 constructed through his property with this project and an assessment amount of $300,000. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Award the project to the lowest responsible bidder of School Boulevard from Deegan Avenue through the Jefferson Commons plat (BASE BID). 2. Award the project to the lowest responsible bidder of School Boulevard from Deegan A venue through the Ocello property, including the extension of Redford Lane contingent on approval of the Ocello special assessment agreement (BASE BID + ALTERNATE I). 3. Award the project to the lowest responsible bidder of School Boulevard from Deegan Avenue to 90'h Street NE contingent on approval of the Poplar Hill Developer's Agreement and special assessment agreement, as well as the Ocello special assessment agreement (BASE BID + ALTERN A TE I + ALTERNATE 2). 4. Do not award the project at this time c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: At a minimum, staff recommends that the above Alternate I (Base Bid) should be awarded for construction of street and utilities through Jefferson Commons plat, which would be completed this year. However, since both the Oecllo and Poplar Hill developers have agreed to constructing the roadway through their property, and assessment agreements arc being finalized, staff recommends that Alternate 3 be awarded, which includes constructing School Boulevard through the Poplar Hill development, contingent on approval of the Poplar Hill Developer's Agreement and special assessment agreement, as well as the Ocello special assessment agreement. The City Administrator, Deputy City Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer recommend that the Council authorize Alternative No.3. with the above recommendation. D. SUPPORTING DATA: The Letter of Recommendation and Bid Tabulation will be available at the City Council meeting. ("',/)(J(} :\fI. /'.lilll Y(d{ ..i,C'['U/(',HS_ ,I'J"'''I''_Ji,y III/-,VI.-",,: Iii,,, ,',',...-d-'IViNi5 d'" ~ ~ l" '). ... WSB . & Associates, Inc. Infrastructure I Engineering' Planning I Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 August 8, 2005 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: School Boulevard Extension (Deegan A venue to 90th Street NE) Street, Utilities, and Appurtenant Improvements City of Monticello Project No, 2005-02C WSB Project No, 1627-01 Dear Mayor and Council Members: . Bids were received for the above-referenced project on Friday, August 5, 2005, and were opened and read aloud. A total of ten bids were received, The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy and tabulated. The bid package included two alternates in addition to the base bid. The base bid includes construction of School Boulevard from Deegan A venue through the Jefferson Commons plat. Alternate No.1 includes construction of School Boulevard through the Ocello property and Alternate No.2 includes construction of School Boulevard through the Insignia development (Poplar Hill) to 90th Street NE. The Engineer's Estimate was $2,051,370.00 for the Base Bid plus Alternate No, 1 and Alternate No.2, Please find enclosed the bid tabulation indicating the low bidder as Randy Kramer Excavating, Inc., Watkins, Minnesota, in the amount of $1,919,045,89, TOTAL ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION COST $55,706.52 The quantity for Seeding (Mix 240) was incorrectly typed in the proposal form as 0.45 acres instead of 29.5 acres. This resulted in a high bid price for seeding at $3,552.50 per acre. We contacted Randy Kramer Excavating, Inc, and they provided us with a revised bid price of $1,664.60 per acre, The additional cost is noted below. In addition, bid items for Random Rip Rap and Geotextile Fabric for Storm Sewer Outlet Pipes were excluded from the bid and are summarized below: UNIT ITEM OTY PRICE Seeding (Mix 240) (0.45) AC $3,552.50 . Seeding (Mix 240) 29.5 AC $1,664.60 Rip Rap CL ill (Grouted) 75.9 CY $103,94 Geotextile Fabric Type IV 106.3 SY $2.92 TOTAL PRICE ($1,598.63) $49,105.70 $7,889,05 $310.40 K:'I)J627-lJlVldm;o\Conslrllclion Ir.dmin'LTR IIECMMDTN.hll1cc-m!(J80j.Joc Minneapolis I St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer . Honorable Mayor and City Council August 8, 2005 Page 2 The revised bid from Randy Kramer Excavating, Inc. with the above additions totals $1,974,752.41. We recommend that the City Council consider these bids and award a contract to Randy Kramer Excavating, Inc. based on the results of the bids (Base Bid plus Alternate No.1 and Alternate No. 2) received. Please contact me at 763-287-7162 if you have any questions regarding this information. Thank you. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. " tv~ . Shibani . Bisson, P.E. Project Manager Enclosures cc: Randy Kramer, Randy Kramer Excavating, Inc. srb . KNJ!617-0M"",i~\Co.""",,,,,,, iltI"".1.LTR RECMMDm.^",cc.(}lJO!J05.dr.r; ~ '" e- . II> "'C I; ::J 1l: <: I; III en '" '" '" '" '" '" 0 , <Xl '" C\J '" en '" '" 0 '" :E ~ ui oi oi <'i <Xi <Xi 0 .Q ~ ~ III en ~ <Xl '" "- 0 <Xl ~ "- OJ 0 0, ~ "- <Xl. ~ ~ '" "', :!! II> Z en ~. to ~ to t,: <Xl' ~ Ol III OJ ~ "- C\J CO CO <Xl en '" ~ III - en en. 0 0 0 0 ~, 0 III ~ ~ N N N ",' '" N ~ m <: '" '" '" '" '" '" '" - ~ :s 0 OJ I- - ~ < '" 0 ui ~ II> 0 " ::J 0 g 1l: ~ C\J . "- "- "- '" '" 0 '" 0 0 :E ci ~ 0 <Xl ,.<o:::t. <Xl '" 0 Lri 8 z ID ID N '-<i N 0 0 <Xi (;) :s III OJ '" '" 0 ;~g:' '" ~ co C\J ::J ~ OJ - en '" 0 <Xl, ~ CO en c:i oi <Xl', ,'. ~' '" c:i r--: s II> III 0' "- ::J III <: '" <Xl Ot''''t:;' "- "- ~ en <l: ~ III ~ c:c c:c ~ ~ ~. c:c OJ ~-;"":"".. 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C ~ 0 u; - 0 <l: 0 >; w u; '-' 0 u; 'c II: x Ol ~ a; en 0 (/) 2 x u .0; c '5. 0 w "'C Q. <> ~ co 0; '" c o1S u; W c 13 0 0 0 "'C '5 0 '" 0 u 0 U "'C - <: ..2 :;:: z ';: ~ E U '" c c ~ U III ~ III <: c 0 Q) ~ Ul OJ 0 '" '" 0 c '" '" '" ::J ul a; 0 I- u.. - ~ ~ Q) '" U II> > Q) 'S '0; w > :;: 0 c ~ a: '" 0 <: <> U "'C 0 to 0 I- .S! OJ OJ :;:: W "'C III >-. ~ 0 Cii :; ...J '0 U ...J Q) 0 ;g ~ '" u; Q) c ::J > OJ - '0 0 J:: <: Z ..., J:: .0 ..J Q) ..J -; '0, z .:.: 0 <l: :;:: 0 0 <: <: c '-' '0 ~ I- ~ t W U III ::J :;: 0 Q) 0 '" a: Q) '" '" J:: 0 c l: j::: II: c. U 0: a: OJ ...J a: I- z l.? (/) w C w (5 co .; - 0.. 0 ..., 0 Dl OJ 0 <C III 0 OJ U II> 0 J:: OJ ll> >-. Ul :E C\J '" ~ '" CO "- <Xl en II: 0 ~ - 0 ~ 0- t3 5: 0.. en ~en ...J III . . . B. Council Agenda - 8/8/05 9. Consideration of seHin!! dates for bud!!et workshop meetin!!s. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As in the past, the City Council must adopt a preliminary budget and resulting tax levy by September 15'" and submit this information to the County Auditor by that date. Staff is in the process of preparing a preliminary budget for each department and it is hoped that a preliminary budget document can be prepared by the third or fourth week of August lor review by the Council at a workshop session. With the state shutdown a few weeks ago, some of the information required for our budget preparation was delayed for a week or two, but we should be able to complete a preliminary budget during the week of August 22"". Depending on the number of workshops the Council may want to have to review the preliminary budget a workshop session should be scheduled for some time during the last week of August, which would allow for a second workshop to take place prior to our regular meeting, September 12''', at which a final preliminary budgct and tax levy could be adopted. As a reminder, the preliminary tax levy needed by September 15'" can always be reduced before final adoption in December of each year, but cannot be increased. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Set a time and date for workshop sessions to review the preliminary 2006 budget and tax levy. ~ Cpt (Civ' tr J C; e V r r'v\ c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is suggested that a budget workshop date be selected the last week of August. C\ - Co3 . . . Council Agenda - 8/8/05 10. Consideration of !!rantin!! an increase to the individual nension for volunteer Firefi!!hter Relief Association members. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Firefighter Relief Association membership is requesting the City Council approval of an increase in their retirement benefit from the present $2,625 per year of service to either $3,050, $3,075 or $3,100 per year of service for more than 20 years of service on the fire department. If the middle option was selected, the increase would total an additional $450 per year (I 7%). The following is a summary of the previous benefit increases that have been approved: YEAR 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2003 2004 BENEFIT AMOUNT $1,300 $1,325 $1,375 $1,575 $1,925 $2,025 $2,085 $2,175 $2.225 $2.625 By August 1" of each year, the Fire Relief Association is to present to the City Council a schedule of the proposed benefits and total liabilities associated with the proposed benefit in comparison to the assets of the Association. The three schedules enclosed with the agenda indicate that substantial increases could be provided to the members without any municipal contribution being required to fund the pension increase. At $3, I 00, there is only a $2.00 cushion provided according to the formulas established in the reporting document. At $3,075 per year of service, there would be a $1,701 cushion and at $3,050, there is almost a $3,400 cushion. Typically, it has been past policy of the City Council that they would only consider increases to occur in the yearly pension amounts if the Association had sufficient income projected to cover the increase. In other words, the state aid and interest earnings on investments needed to be at a level sufficient to cover the normal annual cost of the pension calculations based on the requested amount. In the past, the City Council has not supported any benefit level that would require a contribution tram the City as a tax levy. Because of the large amount of state aid that the relief association receives, the members have been able to obtain substantial increases in their pension benefits without the need for any taxpayer's support. The last increase granted by the City Council was in 2004 at the currcnt $2,625 per year of service. The last increase totaled $400 per year of service and the request this year would be for somewhere around a $450 increase. The benefit level requested assumes that the Association's assets will continue to earn 5% interest income on their investments, which is not a guaranteed \ 0- (oLI ~ Council Agenda - 8/8/05 - rate, but is very likely to be achievable. The other major component of their income relates to state aid which is based on the amount of insurance premiums that are collected in our community. The state aid for the relief association has grown substantially over the years amounting to over $95,000 in revenue. While any benefits increase that is approved by the Council assumes that interest income and state aid continue at its present level, there isn't any guarantee that state aid couldn't be cut by the state like they do with other state aid programs. While it seems very unlikely and I have no indication from anyone that state aid to fire relief associations would be targeted by state legislators, again, there is no guarantee and once the City Council approves a benefit level for the fire relief association, if their income is not sufficient to meet the normal cost obligations on an annual basis, it would be the requirement of the City to contribute any shortfall in these funds for their pension. The only reason I mention this is to caution the Council that some of the Association's income is subject to the control of other agcncies which could leave the City vulnerablc for any shortfall. The City has seen that happen in thc last few weeks with recent notification that the legislature has decided to eliminate the market value homestead credit payments to the City for the year 2005 and 2006, causing the City a shortfall ofrevenue over $285,000. Wc received no warning, we did not expcct this cut and have no way of making up for it at this time other than to add to our levy next year. It wouldn't surprise me to hear that the state is looking at the amount of state aid being distributed to various cities for relief association pensions and decide that the state needs the money more than local fire departments do. -, - B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Grant an increase to $3,075 per year. This increase, according to the Relief Association schedules, would not require a City contribution and should be able to be funded through anticipated state aids and other interest earnings on investments, although there is not a guarantee. This amount is the middle option provided by the association and indicates a cushion of approximately $1,700. 2. Do not grant an increase in benefits at this time and only allow the increase to occur when the Association has more assets than liabilities. At this time, it would still take few more years for the Association to have enough assets equal to 110% of their liability which would allow them to increase their own benefits without Council approval. 3. Grant an increase in benefits somewhere between the current $2,625 and the requested $3,100 per year of service. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: \ 0- IoS - In the past, the Council has granted increases that have provided a general cushion in the area of $2,500, which is in the neighborhood of Alternative #1. As I previously noted, tile calculations are based on the assumption ofa 5% investment earnings and a continual increase in their state aid benefits . . . Council Agenda - 7/]48/03 which now total about $95.000. A downturn in the economy that could affect their interest earnings or a cut in state aid could have a potential tax liability for the City in that once the increases are granted, it is the City's obligation to continue whatever funding is necessary to keep the benefit at that level. To provide some cushion, [would support recommending Alternative #1 or for an additional cushion, the amount of $3,050 per year of service. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Computation of benefits for each member at the $3,050,$3,075 and $3,100 per year level. lc,_lolp MONTICELLO / Page I . Schedule Form for Lump Sum Pension Plans Reporting Year 2005 Determination of Plan Liabilities and Required Municipal Contribution for 2006 Relief Association IMonticello Fire Relief Association I County IWright Annual benefit level in effect for 2005 I 3,050 I (If you change your benefit level before 12/31/05, the SC must be recalculated at the new leveL) Active Member Information Fire Dept. Leaves To end of2005 To end of 2006 Date of Age Bnlly of Years Years Birth on Dare Absence of Accrued of Accrued Name mm-dd-yy 12131105 mm-dd-yy (months) Service Liability Service Liability I Morrell, Jay C. 9/3/42 63 5/1/75 31 94,550 32 97,600 2 Douglas, Scott N. 2/13/51 54 3/1/76 30 91,500 31 94,550 3 Johnson, Mike V. 9/2/56 49 3/1/81 25 76,250 26 79,300 4 Theisen, Matt J. 11/3/56 49 5/1/82 24 73,200 25 76,250 5 Fyle, Brad E. 6/17/57 48 5/1/84 22 67,100 23 70,150 6 Host, Gary J. 1/17/62 43 10/1/85 20 61,000 21 64,050 7 Simpson, Marc A. 2/24/56 49 1/19/87 19 56,242 20 61,000 8 Larson, Lyndon L. 2/2/61 44 1/19/87 19 56,242 20 61,000 9 Kranz, Neil B. 4/6/66 39 5/1/87 19 56,242 20 61,000 10 Samuelson, Steve S. 6/30/63 42 11/22/87 18 51,789 19 56,242 11 Stumpf; Brain K. 6/14/62 43 7/25/88 ]7 47,580 18 51,789 12 Michaelis, JeffE. 8/2/63 42 1/3/90 16 43,554 17 47,580 13 Sonsteby, Gerald J. 12/12/64 41 5/1/93 13 32,635 14 36, ]]2 ]4 Lymer Rick T. 4/29/63 42 5/1/93 13 32,635 14 36,112 15 Kranz, JeffD. 5/30/63 42 5/1/93 13 32,635 ]4 36,112 16 Johnson, Todd M. 2/7/66 39 5/1/93 13 32,635 14 36,]]2 17 Joerg, Steve W. 5/24/63 42 10/17/94 ]] 26,]69 12 29,341 18 Dahlheimer, Luke G. 8/30/72 33 5/1/96 10 23,]80 II 26,169 19 Hanson, Steve A. 6/8/67 38 5/1/96 ]0 23,180 II 26,169 20 Dahlheimer, Nick M. 4/26/74 31 1/15/99 7 15,006 8 17,568 21 Baloun, Steve C. 6/1 0/68 37 1/15/99 7 ]5,006 8 17,568 22 Ackerman, Tim W. 7/30/72 33 4/15/00 6 ]2,505 7 15,006 C Giles, Daryl ]]/2/68 37 4/15/00 6 ]2,505 7 15,006 . Dahl, Daryl R. 7/14/68 37 9/3/01 4 7,930 5 10,187 25 Leach, Shawn G. 2/20/77 28 9/3/01 4 7,930 5 10,187 . Subtotal of Page 1 Liability - Active Members 1,049,200 1,132,160 .'..' Ib-(gl Form SC-05 . Deferred Mem ber Information (fully or partial1y vested) See separate instructions regarding completion of the fields below. Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Member Name: Stumpf, Kevin C. Benefit Level at Separation: Vesting: Minimum Years Required: 10 1/7/60 DOB: Interest (if offered): Full Months X Full Years Full Period Service Dates: 5/1/85 1/15/03 Entry: Separation: Age to Pay: ~ LOAs (in months): Total Service: Years; 17 Months (if paid): 8 Vesting Percent 88 % 2005 Estimated Liability: 2006 Estimated Liability: 38,989 (overwrite, if necessary) 40,938 MONTICELLO / Page 2 2,175 Are Months of Service Paid? Yes Interest Option in Bylaws at Separation * (Choose one option) D A - No Interest B - Straight 5% C - Separate AccounWehide D - Up to 5% -----> Type: Actual * Since interest option D was chosen, enter the rates of return used for each year below. 1981: % ]986: % 199]: % 1996: % 2001: % 1982: % 1987: % 1992: % 1997: % 2002: % 1983: % 1988: % 1993: % 1998: % 2003: 5_00 % 1984: % 1989: % 1994: % 1999: % 2004: 5.00% 1985: % 1990: % 1995: % 2000: % 2005: 5.00 %+ Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Member Name: Bremer, Tony J. Benefit Level at Separation: Vesting: Minimum Years Required: 10 12/26/62 DOB: Interest (if offered): Full Months X Full Years Full Period Service Dates: 12/1/85 12/15/00 Entry: Separation: Age to Pay: ~ LOAs (in months): Total Service: Years: 15 Months (ifpaid): 0 Vesting Percent: 80 % 2005 Estimated Liability: 2006 Estimated Liability: 29,520 (overwrite, ifnecessary) 30,996 * Since interest option D was chosen, enter the rates of return used for each year below. 2,125 Are Months of Service Paid? Yes Interest Option in Bylaws at Separation * (Choose one option) D A - No lnterest B - Straight 5% C - Separate AccounWehide D - Up to 5% -----> Type: Actual 1981: % 1986: % 1991: % 1996: % 2001: % 1982: % 1987: % 1992: % ]997: % 2002: % 1983: % 1988: % 1993: % 1998: % 2003: % ]984: % 1989: % 1994: % 1999: % 2004: % 1985: % 1990: % ]995: % 2000: % 2005: 5.00 %+ 10- \0~ Form SC-05 .Projection of Surplus or (Deficit) as of December 31,2005 Projected Assets (Line 4) 5 2005 Accrued Liability (Page 3, cell A) 6 Surplus or (Deficit) (Line 5 minus Line 6) 7 Complete Section II below. 854,503 1,132,959 (278,456) Calculation of Municipal Contribution A. If Line 7 is positive, complete this section: Normal Cost (Page 3, cell C) Projected Administrative Expense (1557 x 1.035) State Fire Aid (2004 aid may be increased by up to 3.5%) Member Dues 5% of Projected Assets at December 31, 2005 (Line 4 x 0.05) 10% of Surplus (Line 7 x 0.10) Municipal Contribution (Add Lines 8 and 9, subtract Lines 10, 11, 12 and \3) B. If Line 7 is negative, complete this section: Deficit Table . I Year Incurred I Original Amount II Amt Retired 12/31/05 II Left to Retire 1/1/06 I 1996 0 0 0 1997 20,513 16,408 4,105 1998 53,678 37,577 16,101 1999 3,713 2,226 1,487 2000 7,203 3,600 3,603 2001 26,851 10,740 16,111 2002 43,253 12,975 30,278 2003 80,634 16,126 64,508 2004 49,045 4,905 44,140 2005 98,123 98,123 Totals 383,013 104,557 278,456 MONTICELLO I Page 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 If line C is positive, this is the new additional deficit for 2005. Enter the amount in Original Amount and Left to Retire Columns. Ifline C is negative, reduce prior deficits according to the separate Schedule instructions. Amortization of Deficit (Total ofOriginaJ Amount column x 0.10) Normal Cost (Page 3, cell C) Projected Administrative Expense ( 1557 x 1.035 ) State Fire Aid (2004 aid may be increased by up to 3.5%) . Member Dues 5% of Projected Assets at December 31, 2005 (Line 4 x 0.05) Municipal Contribution (Add Lines IS, 16 and 17, subtract Lines 18, 19 and 20) No municipal contribution due in 2005. 15 38,301 16 94,559 17 1,611 18 94,969 19 175 20 42,725 21 (3,398) \0 - \0<\ MONTICELLO I Page 1 . Schedule Form for Lump Sum Pension Plans Reporting Year 2005 Determination of Plan Liabilities and Required Municipal Contribution for 2006 Relief Association !Monticel1o Fire Relief Association I County !Wright Annual benefit level in effect for 2005 I 3,075 I (If you change your benefit level before 12/31/05, the SC must be recalculated at the new leve1.) Active Member Information Fire Dept. Leaves To end of 2005 To end of 2006 Date of Age Entry of Years y"", Birth on Date Absence of Accrued of Accrued Name mllHid-yy 12131105 mm-dd.yy (months) Service Liability Service Liability 1 Morrell, Jay C. 9/3/42 63 5/1/75 31 95,325 32 98,400 2 Douglas, Scott N. 2/13/51 54 3/1/76 30 92,250 31 95,325 3 Johnson, Mike V. 9/2/56 49 3/1/81 25 76,875 26 79,950 4 Theisen, Matt J. 11I3/56 49 5/1/82 24 73,800 25 76,875 5 Fyle, Brad E. 6/17/57 48 5/1/84 22 67,650 23 70,725 6 Host, Gary J. 1/17/62 43 10/1/85 20 61,500 21 64,575 7 Simpson, Marc A. 2/24/56 49 1/19/87 19 56,703 20 61,500 8 Larson, Lyndon L. 2/2/61 44 1/19/87 19 56,703 20 61,500 9 Kranz, Neal B. 4/6/66 39 5/1/87 19 56,703 20 61,500 10 Samuelson, Steve S. 6/30/63 42 11/22/87 18 52,214 19 56,703 11 Stumpf; Brain K. 6/14/62 43 7/25/88 17 47,970 18 52,214 12 Michaelis, Jeff E. 8/2/63 42 1/3/90 16 43,911 17 47,970 13 Sonsteby, Gerald J. 12/12/64 41 5/1/93 13 32,903 14 36,408 14 Lymer Rick T. 4/29/63 42 5/1/93 13 32,903 14 36,408 15 Kranz, JeffD. 5/30/63 42 5/1/93 13 32,903 14 36,408 16 Johnson, Todd M. 217166 39 5/1/93 13 32,903 14 36,408 17 Joerg, Steve W. 5/24/63 42 10/17/94 11 26,384 12 29,582 18 Dahlheimer, Luke G. 8/30/72 33 5/1/96 10 23,370 11 26,384 19 Hanson, Steve A. 6/8/67 38 5/1/96 10 23,370 11 26,384 20 Dahlheimer, Nick M. 4/26/74 31 1/15/99 7 15,129 g 17,712 21 Balorm, Steve C. 6/1 0/68 37 1/1 5/99 7 15,129 8 17,712 22 Ackerman, Tim W. 7/30/72 33 4/1 5/00 6 12,608 7 15,129 23 Giles, Daryl 11/2/68 37 4/15/00 6 12,608 7 15,129 24 Dahl, Daryl R. 7/14/68 37 9/3/01 4 7,995 5 10,271 25 Leach, Shawn G. 2/20/77 28 9/3/01 4 7,995 5 10,271 Subtotal of Page 1 Liability - Active Members 1,057,804 1,141,443 \0- \0 Form SC-05 . Deferred Member Information (fully or partially vested) See separate instructions regarding completion of the fields below. Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Member Name: Stumpf, Kevin C. Benefit Level at Separation: Vesting: Minimum Years Required: 10 117160 DaB: Interest (if offered): Full Months X Full Years Full Period Service Dates: 5/1/85 1115/03 Entry: Separation: Age to Pay: 22- LOAs (in months): Total Service: Years: 17 Months (if paid): 8 Vesting Percent: 88 % 2005 Estimated Liability: 2006 Estimated Liability. 38,989 (overwrite, ifnecessaJ)') 40,938 MONTICELLO / Page 2 2,175 Are Months of Service Paid? Yes Interest Option in Bylaws at Separation' (Choose one option) D A - No Interest B - Straight 5% C - Separate AccountIV ehicle D - Up to 5% -----> Type: Actual * Since interest option D was chosen, enter the rates ofretum used for each year below. 1981: % 1986: % 1991: % 1996: % 2001: % 1982: % 1987: % 1992: % 1997: % 2002: % 1983: % 1988: % 1993: % 1998: % 2003: 5.00 % 1984: % 1989: % 1994: % 1999: % 2004: 5.00% 1985: % 1990: % 1995: % 2000: % 2005: 5.00 % + rojected on Page 3 of the Schedule. Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Member Naroe: Bremer, Tony J. Benefit Level at Separation: Vesting: Minimum Years Required: I 0 12/26/62 DaB: Interest (if offered): Full Months X Full Years Full Period Service Dates: 12/1/85 12/15/00 Entry: Separation: Age to Pay: 22- LOAs (in months): Total Service: Years: 15 Months (if paid): 0 Vesting Percent: 80 % 2005 Estimated Liability: 2006 Estimated Liability: 29,520 (overwrite, ifnecesSaJ)') 30,996 2,125 Are Months of Service Paid? Yes Interest Option in Bylaws at Separation · (Choose one option) D A - No Interest B - Straight 5% C - Separate AccountIV ehicle D - Up to 5% -----> Type: Actual * Since interest option D was chosen, enter the rates ofretum used for each year below. 1981: % 1986: % 1991: % 1996: % 2001: % 1982: % 1987: % 1992: % 1997: % 2002: % 1983: % 1988: % 1993: % 1998: % 2003: % 1984: % 1989: % 1994: % 1999: % 2004: % 1985: % 1990: % 1995: % 2000: % 2005: 5.00 %+ \0-'\\ Form SC-05 . Projection of Surplus or (Deficit) as of December 31, 2005 Projected Assets (Line 4) 5 2005 Accrued Liability (Page 3, cell A) 6 Surplus or (Deficit) (Line 5 minus Line 6) 7 Complete Section II below, 853,978 1,141,689 (287,711) Calculation of Municipal Contribution A. If Line 7 is positive, complete this section: Normal Cost (Page 3, cell C) Projected Administrative Expense ( 1557 x 1.035 ) State Fire Aid (2004 aid may be increased by up to 3.5%) Member Dues 5% of Projected Assets at December 31,2005 (Line 4 x 0.05) 10% of Surplus (Line 7 x 0.10) Municipal Contribution (Add Lines 8 and 9, subtract Lines 10, II, 12 and 13) B. If Line 7 is negative, complete this section: Deficit Table . Year Incurred I Original Amount II Amt Retired 12/31/05 II Left to Retire 1/1/06 I 1996 0 0 0 1997 20,513 16,408 4,105 1998 53,678 37,577 16,101 1999 3,713 2,226 1,487 2000 7,203 3,600 3,603 2001 26,851 10,740 16,111 2002 43,253 12,975 30,278 2003 80,634 ]6,126 64,508 2004 49,045 4,905 44,140 2005 107,378 107,378 Totals 392,268 104,557 287,711 MONTICELLO I Page 4 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 Ifline C is positive, this is the new additional deficit for 2005. Enter the amount in Original Amount and Left to Retire Columns. Ifline C is negative, reduce prior deficits according to the separate Schedule instructions. . Amortization of Deficit (Total of Original Amowrt column x 0.10) Normal Cost (Page 3, cell C) Projected Administrative Expense (1557 x 1.035 ) State Fire Aid (2004 aid may be increased by up to 3.5%) Member Dues 5% of Projected Assets at December 31, 2005 (Line 4 x 0.05) Municipal Contribution (Add Lines 15, 16 and 17, subtract Lines 18, 19 and 20) No municipal contribution due in 2005. 15 39,227 16 95,304 17 ],611 18 94,969 19 175 20 42,699 21 (1,701) \O-'ld-- MONTICELLO / Page 1 . Schedule Form for Lump Sum Pension Plans Reporting Year 2005 Determination of Plan Liabilities and Required Municipal Contribution for 2006 Relief Association IMonticello Fire Relief Association I County /Wright Annual benefit level m effect for 2005 I 3,100 I (If you change your benefit level before 12/31/05, tbe SC must be recalculated at the new level.) Active Member Information Fin: DqJt Leaves To end of2005 To end of2006 Date of Age Entry of Years Years / Birth on DaIc Absence of Accrued of Aa:rued Name ~ 12131105 DIIIHId-yy (months) Service Liability Service Liability 1 Morrell, Jav C. '9/3/42 63 511m 3] 96,]00 32 99,200 2 Douglas, Scott N. 2/13/51 54 3/It16 30 93,000 3] 96,100 3 Jobnson, Mike V. 9/2/56 49 311/81 25 77,500 26 80,600 4 Theisen, Matt J. 1113/56 49 511/82 24 74,400 25 77,500 5 Fy]e, Brad E. 6/11/51 48 5/1/84 22 68,200 23 11,300 .6 Host, Garv J. 1/11/62 43 10/1/85 20 62,000 21 65,100 Simpson, Marc A. 19 62,000 7 2/24/56 49 1/19/81 57,164 20 8 Larson, Lyndoo L. 2/2/61 44 1/19/81 19 57,164 20 62,000 9 Kranz, Neal B. 4/6/66 39 5f1!87 ]9 57,164 20 62,000 10 Samuelson, Steve S. 6/30/63 42 ] ]/22/81 18 52,638 19 57,]64 11 Stumot; Brain K. 6/14/62 43 7/25/88 ]7 48,360 ]8 52,638 12 Michaelis, JeIfE. 8/2/63 42 113/90 16 44,268 11 48,360 13 Sonsteby, Gerald J. ]2/12/64 4] 511/93 13 33,110 14 36,704 14 Lymer Rick T. 4/29/63 42 5/1/93 13 33,170 14 36,704 15 Kranz, JeIfD. 5/30/63 42 5/1/93 13 33,170 ]4 36,704 16 Johnson, Todd M. 2/1/66 39 5/]/93 13 33,170 ]4 36,704 17 Joerg, Steve W. 5/24/63 42 10111/94 11 26,598 12 29,822 18 Dahlheimer, Luke G. 8/30/72 33 5/]/96 ]0 23,560 11 26,598 19 Hanson, Steve A. 6/8/61 38 5/]/96 10 23,560 II 26,598 20 Dahlheimer, Nick M. 4/26/14 31 1/15/99 1 15,252 8 17,856 21 Baloun, Steve C. 6/10/68 31 1/15/99 1 15,252 8 17,856 22 Ackerman, Tim W. 7/30/12 33 4/15/00 6 12,710 1 15,252 23 Giles, Dary\ 11/2/68 37 4/15/00 6 12,110 7 15,252 24 Dahl, Daryl R. 1/14/68 37 9/3/01 4 8,060 5 10,354 25 Leach, Shawn G. 2/20/77 28 9/3/0 1 4 8,060 5 10,354 Subtotal of Pne 1 Liability - Active Members 1,066,400 1,150,120 \0-'13 Form SC-05 . Deferred Member Information (fully or partially vested) See separate instructions regarding completion of the fields below. Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Member Name: Stumpf, Kevin C. Benefit Level at Separation: Vesting: Minimum Years Required: 10 DOB: 1/7/60 Interest (if offered): Full Months X Full Years Full Period Service Dates: 5/1/85 Entry: Separation: 1/15/03 Age to Pay: ~ LOAs (in months): Total Service: Years: 17 Months (ifpaid): 8 Vesting Percent: 88 % 2005 Estimated Liability: 2006 Estimated Liability: 38,989 (overwrite. if necessary) 40,938 MONTICELLO / Page 2 2,175 Are Months of Service Paid? Yes Interest Option in Bylaws at Separation . (Choose one option) D A - No Interest B - Straight 5% C - Separate AccountIV ehicle D - Up to 5% -----> Type: Actual · Since interest option D was chosen, enter the rates of return used for each year below. 1981: % 1986: % 1991: % 1996: % 2001: % 1982: % 1987: % 1992: % 1997: % 2002: % 1983: % 1988: % 1993: % 1998: % 2003: 5.00 % 1984: % 1989: % 1994: % 1999: % 2004: 5.00 % 1985: % 1990: % 1995: % 2000: % 2005: 5.00 %+ Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Member Name: Bremer, Tony J. Benefit Level at Separation: Vesting: Minimum Years Required: 1 0 DOB: 12/26/62 Interest (if offered): Full Months X Full Years Full Period Service Dates: 12/1/85 Entry: Separation: 12/15/00 Age to Pay: ~ LOAs (in months): Total Service: Years: 15 Months (ifpaid): 0 Vesting Percent: 80 % 2005 Estimated Liability: 2006 Estimated Liability: 29,520 (overwrite. ifnecessary) 30,996 2,125 Are Months of Service Paid? Yes Interest Option in Bylaws at Separation. (Choose one option) D A - No Interest B - Straight 5% C - Separate AccountIV ehicle D - Up to 5% -----> Type: Actual * Since interest option D was chosen, enter the rates of return used for each year below, 1981: % 1986: % 1991: % 1996: % 2001: % 1982: % 1987: % 1992: % 1997: % 2002: % 1983: % 1988: % 1993: % 1998: % 2003: % 1984: % 1989: % 1994: % 1999: % 2004: % 1985: % 1990: % 1995: % 2000: % 2005: 5.00 %+ + This rate of return is calculated usin the earnings ro' ecled on Page 3 of the Schedule. \ () - \'-\ Form SC-05 MONTICELLO I Page 4 .projection of Surplus or (Deficit) as of December 31, 2005 Projected Assets (Line 4) 5 853,453 2005 Accrued Liability (Page 3, cell A) 6 1,150,409 Surplus or (Deficit) (Line 5 minus Line 6) 7 (296,956) Complete Section II below. Calculation of Municipal Contribution A. If Line 7 is positive, complete this section: Normal Cost (Page 3, cell C) 8 Projected Administrative Expense ( 1557 x 1.035 ) 9 State Fire Aid (2004 aid may be increased by up to 3.5%) 10 Member Dues 11 5% of Projected Assets at December 31, 2005 (Line 4 x 0.05) 12 10% of Surplus (Line7xO.l0) 13 Municipal Contribution (Add Lines 8 and 9, subtract Lines 10, 11, 12 and 13) ]4 B. If Line 7 is negative, complete this section: Deficit Table . I Year Incurred I I Original Amount II Amt Retired 12/31/05 I I Left to Retire 1/1/06 I 1996 0 0 0 1997 20,513 16,408 4,105 1998 53,678 37,577 16,101 1999 3,713 2,226 1,487 2000 7,203 3,600 3,603 2001 26,851 10,740 16,111 2002 43,253 12,975 30,278 2003 80,634 16,126 64,508 2004 49,045 4,905 44,140 2005 116,623 116,623 Totals 401,513 104,557 296,956 [fline C is positive, this is the new additional deficit for 2005. Enter the amount in Original Amount and Left to Retire Columns. If line C is negative, reduce prior deficits according to the separate Schedule instructions. Amortization of Deficit (Total of Original Amount column x 0.10) 15 40,151 Normal Cost (Page 3, cell C) 16 96,053 Projected Administrative Expense ( 1557 x 1.035) 17 1,611 State Fire Aid ( 2004 aid may be increased by up to 3.5% ) 18 94,969 . Member Dues 19 175 5% of Projected Assets at December 31, 2005 (Line 4 x 0.05) 20 42,673 Municipal Contribution (Add Lines 15, 16 and 17, subtract Lines 18, 19 and 20) 21 (2) No municipal contribution due in 2005. \0 -I:) ,~ .~ B. c. ~ Council Agenda - 8/8/05 11. Consideration of proposal for cost pal,ticination for plavground devclonmcnt with Swan River Chartel' School. (.10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The details regarding the proposal will be reviewed by the Parks Commission at 4:30 pJll, on Thursday, August 4th, This information along with the Parks Commission recommendation will be provided at the meeting or as an attachment prepared by Dawn late Thursday, The basics of the proposed arrangement are as follows: Swan River School constructs a play-structure area at an estimated cost of$120,000, This cost would be divided equally between the City and Swan River School. The play structure would be located on northeast corner of the Swan River property between the railroad tracks and the Assembly Hall entrance. The general public would not have access to the play structure during school hours. Insurance relating to public use would be provided by Swan River School. The Parks Commission will be asked to determine if the presence of a playground under the terms noted above is consistent with the park planning for the area. The Comprehensive Park Plan does indicate a need for a park generally in the area bounded by CSAH 75 (North). CSAH 39 (West), ]-94 (North), and Highway 25 (East.). Within this area. the City park plan indicated a possible location for a park at Outlot A of Country Club manor. However. the specific location could shift depending on land availability in the general area. Is this a good location for satisfying park requirements for the area? It should be noted that the proposal is for a playground, not truly a park, with somewhat limited access by City residents. With limited funds available for park development, even with the cost sharing arrangement, is this a good use ofeity dollars? Finally, there is precedent of using park dedication fees to assist with developing playgrounds on school district property. It is my recollection that park dedication fees from CardinalI-lills development were used to help develop the play structures on the nearby elementary school campus. AL TERN A TIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion to approve request for cost sharing arrangement funding the proposed play structure at Swan River ScbooL 7 Motion to deny request for cost sharing arrangement funding the proposed play ~ structure at Swan Rl\Cr SChOOl\? '9 -"I ~ )'t ~.u I ~I\, ~S STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ~ ~,-. ~ \A The recommendation from the Parks Commiss~e provided at the meeting or may be included as an attachment if time allows. Stair is concerned about using limited park dollars to help fund a semi-public playground. l\-/~ . . . D. Council Agenda - 8/8/05 Many of the users of the playground from the vicinity are likely to want access during the school day. Also, the nearby Village Apartments paid a large sum into the park dedication fund for future development of a park in the area. Staff is concerned that contributing to the cost of a play structure would be construed as satisfying the requirements for a park in the area. Future funds would not be available for a true public park having been spent on a semi- public playground. SUPPORTING DATA: Play-structure and site information. i\-77 e . . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday AUl?,ust 4, 2005 - 4:30 p.m. THE FOLLOWING IS A DRAFT OF PARK COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING TO PROVIDE COUNCIL BACKGROUND FOR AGENDA ITEM #11 Members Present: Fran Fair, Ben Hitter, Larry Nolan, Rick Traver and Council Liaison, Tom Perrault. Members Absent: Nancy McCaffrey Others Present: Adam Hawkinson, Park Superintendent; Kitty Baltos MCC Director. 1. Call to Order. Chair Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. He stated the purpose of the special meeting was to review and discuss a proposal to have the City share in the cost of constructing a playground on the Swan River Charter School site. 2. Swan River Charter School Plave:round ProDosal. Isabelle Olson, Scott Wattets and other representatives of the Swan River Charter School were present to explain their proposal and review playground designs. Larry Nolan stated the Parks Commission has received a letter from City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, which indicated that the City's insurance company could not provide liability insurance that was not on City property. Isabelle Olson stated the charter school would take care of the liability insurance. Isabelle Olson also brought up accessibility to the playground and state the charter school would have a policy similar to what other school districts had in that the playground would not be available to the public during school hours. The school day is over at 3:30 and she didn't feel that parents would utilize the park much until the children were home from school. She also noted a safety concern about other adults, not associated with the school being present on the playground when school was in session. Larry Nolan stated that the City does not pay for play equipment at other school districts. Isabelle Olson responded that when the City sold the land to the school there was some questioning of that action by residents. She felt this was a way of giving the land back to the community. Isabelle Olson stated that there is no other play area in the vicinity and did not feel that other parks such as Ellison or West Bridge was feasible for the children in this area since they would have to cross a heavily traveled road to access the park and there is also the added risk of these parks being along the river. \\_II. e e It Ben Hitter asked if there grants available to the school. Isabelle Olson stated they have applied for a federal grant for $40,000. She noted they are in the second stage of the grant application process and although they have not received the grant she felt they had a reasonable chance of receiving. She added the school could not start building the playground until the grant was received. Adam Hawkinson asked if it was a matching fund grant. Isabelle Olson indicated it was not. The Parks Commission stated the question is whether this is a proper location for a park and whether, with the limited funds available for park development, this was a priority. There was some discussion on whether park dedication funds could be used for this. Rick Traver felt how and for what park dedication funds could be used should be checked out further. The other option would be to budget funds for this as they do for other capital improvements not covered by park dedication or pathway funds. Rick Traver said before they would budget for this, they would like to see more precise cost figures. Adam Hawkinson asked about the fencing and noted that the City parks are not fenced in. Isabelle Olson stated the fcncing was required because of the proximity to the railroad tracks and the parking lot so there were safety concerns that factored into the decision to fence the play area. Fran Fair stated she did not want the charter school to have any false hopes that the Parks Commission would budget for this project. She truly questioned whether this type of project belonged in the City's park system. Rick Traver stated he had reservations about using park dollars for this project. He stated he realized the Council makes the final decision but felt there were other park needs that were of greater priority. FRAl\ FAIR MOVED TO DENY THE REQUEST OF THE SWAN RIVER CHARTER SCHOOL TO HAVE THE PARKS COMMISSION INVOLVED IN THE PROPOSAL FOR PLA YGROUND INST ALL A TION ON THE SCHOOL SITE. RICK TR.A. VER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Adiournment. BEN HITTER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 5:20 P.M. FR.i\N FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Recording Secretary * [\ - l~ >! >! 0" C '" 0 (J} -.JO '"'~ , " >! '0 '-en 0 0 >-l @ 0 '" t<t1H -J " " "'" .o~ N , " '-0 " -J '-< 0 "'n Ill" tv '" >! en 00 ." 0 , 0 ro ~~ oc 0 H c: H 00 '" 0 " ro "3 ro" , n en ,,~, H " H 0 '" ~. "''' 0 -J 0 .." " 0 ~ H>< On " 0 -J H" 0 '- ;:; tv '.Ill 0'0 " -J Ht< H~' " 0 H'" ro 0 <n " '" 0 '" 0 ", 0 ~ 0 '" 0 " en '" 0 en 3 Z ~ 0 -J >-l ". " '- '" ro " tv Z 0. ". -J >-l C 0 '- H " 0 ro ro '" " 0 '" '" " ZO '- III H " ~. 0. H 0 H en '" " " '" en. 0 '" 0 '" . ro en '< . -J 0- t< '- H "'''' N ro H -J '- 0 t< <n 0"' "'0 "'(I} 00 " r<t< <no 0 ..'" H'" 00 OH >!enn , H <"3 n 0", '" '" .0 OJ "'", '" 0 :;: no oz <"3 ,"H >!o "'''' :r>r< or< ,"0 0 '" OJ < 0;J> t< ",1; "'!:; '" ,,() "'00 OZ '-00 ;J>O ;J>CIl ;J>G) "'0 tv enz 00'" 00'" eno "';J> "'''- "'Z "'"' ()'" '-() "'0 3:"- 3:"- '" tv() "'''' "'''' '''OJ HZ 00 . ;'11; ZH ;'1!;; ;'j~ ~~ >-3() '" 0 H'" >-3 ;J>3: ;J>;J> ",.. 0 00 G) Gl'" Gl'" Z H [:l1; "'0 "''' "''0 '" '" .." 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