Planning Commission Minutes 04-17-1974
April 17, 1974
Regular meeting of the Planning Commission - April 17, 1974 _
Ci ty Hall.
Members present: Maus, Miller, Muehlbauer, Stumpf, Topel.
Absent: White, Worth.
The minutes for the meeting of April 3, 1974 were approved
as presented.
Council member Dan Blonigen, and Roads & Streets Commission
Chairman, Dale Lungwitz, were in attendance.
Mr. Tom Loucks, Brauer & Associates, was in attendance as
authorized by the City Council.
A presentation was made by Ken Tvedt and Clifford Olson. Mr.
Tvedt requested permission to build a home on Lots 9 & 10,
Block 3, Lower Monticello. Mr. Tvedt stated his lot would be
only 150 1 deep rather than the normal 1651. Approval of a
building permit would be under the IIgrandfather clausell as
the lot does not meet the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.
After a discussion of lot and yard requirements, a motion was
made by Jim Maus, seconded by Larry Muehlbauer, to recommend
to the City council that Mr. Tvedt be granted a building
permit under the provision of Chapter 4, paragraph l(C), of
the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. Voting in favor: Maus, Miller,
Muehlbauer, Stumpf, Topel. Absent: White, Worth. Opposed:
None. Motion carried.
A presentation was made by Mr. Tom Loucks of Brauer & Associates.
Mr. Dale Lungwitz outlined various probl~ms to resolve in
determining a state-aid road. The Administrator was requested
to have the City Attorney check into the possibility of using
banked funds for the maintenance of certain streets - under
this possibility, the designation of a state-aid road would
be hypothetical until various planning factors are resolved.
A presentation was made by Mr. Thore Meyer regarding the up-
dating of all city maps. In this regard, a motion was made
by Larry Muehlbauer, seconded by J. W. Miller, to recommend
to the City Council that they have Meyer-Rohlin, Inc., proceed
with a re-mapping program of all city maps, including water
and sewer maps. The approximate cost of these maps to be from
$800.00 to $1,200.00. Voting in favor: Maus, Miller, Muehlbauer,
Stumpf, Topel. Opposed: None. Absent: White, Worth. Motion
Regular meeting of the Planning Commission
April 17, 1974
Page 2
After review of a site plan, a motion was made by J. W.
Miller, seconded by Jim Maus, to recommend to the City Council
that a building permit be issued to E. Hartwig to build a
house on the northerly 80' of Lots 9 & 10, Block 55, under
the provisions of Chapter 4, paragraph l(C), of the Monticello
Zoning Ordinance. Voting in favor: Maus, Miller, Muehlbauer,
Stumpf, Topel. Opposed: None. Absent: White, Worth. Motion
A motion was made by J. W. Miller, seconded by L. Muehlbauer,
to recommend to the City Council that a building permit be
issued to E. Hartwig to build a 4 or 5 unit dwelling on Locust
St. between Sixth & Seventh Street. This permit to be issued
after the city engineer, Thore Meyer, clarifies for Mr. Hartwig
the utility problems. It will be Mr. Hartiwg's responsibility
to resolve these problems. Voting in favor: Maus, Miller,
Muehlbauer, Stumpf, Topel. Opposed: None. Absent: White, Worth.
Motion carried.
A discussion was held concerning the position of building
inspector. Chairman Chuck Stumpf noted that Mr. Bud Schleif
had submitted his resignation. Mr. Schleif had stated there
has been a change in his business ventures and he had ,no choice
but to resign. Discussion centered on a proposal submitted
by Mr. Gerald E. Fredin (Certified Building Inspector) who
has an office in the Meyer-Rohlin building in Buffalo. It
was the consensus of Planning Commission members in attendance
to recommend to the City Council that Mr. Fredin be appointed
to the Building Inspector position. J. Miller stated he would
meet with Mr. Fredin and the Administrator to resolve problem
areas that might be present due to Mr. Fredin1s operation out
of a Buffalo office. A report will be made to the City Council
on April 22, 1974.
J. W. Miller mentioned he was considering a Planned Unit Develop-
ment in Block 27 (Minnesota & 4th Street). Planning Commission
consensus that this would be in accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. This matter to be studied
further at a later date.
Motion to adjourn was made by Topel, seconded by Miller. Carried-
all in favor. Adjournment at 11:05 P. M.
J0~ / ;E;L~~Y
Kevin L. LaFrance, Adm.