IEDC Minutes 03-01-2021MINUTES INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, March 2, 2021— 7:00 a.m. North Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Participants attended remotely. Members Present: Chair Randy Skarphol, Vice -Chair Liz Calpas, Joni Pawelk, Brian Hudgens, Mike Carr, Thomas Conboy, Luke Dahlheimer, Meghan Hanson, Steve Johnson, Sarah Kortmansky, Kevin Steffensmeier, Andrew Tapper, Dick Van Allen Members Absent: Wayne Elam, Darek Vetsch, Don Roberts Liaisons Present: Marcy Anderson, Jolene Foss, Rachel Leonard, Jim Thares 1. Call to Order Chair Randy Skarphol called the regular meeting of the IEDC to order at 7 a.m. 2. Approve Minutes: a. February 2, 2021 meeting minutes KEVIN STEFFENSMEIER MOVED TO APPROVE THE FEBRUARY 2, 2021 MEETING MINUTES. MOTION SECONDED BY THOMAS CONBOY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 13-0. 3. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda None. 4. Consideration of update regarding IEDC Letter of Support for Xcel Energy's Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Filing with the MN Public Utilities Commission (PUC). (Scott Johnson and Thomas Conboy, Xcel Energy) Rachel Leonard said that the city submitted two separate letters of support to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) for the IRP (Integrated Resource Plan), one specifically from the city and a mirroring letter from the IEDC. The letters were submitted in advance of the IEDC meeting to meet the public comment cutoff timeframe which was through February 11, 2021. The letter was modeled after the correspondence that was crafted by the Coalition of Utilities Cities (CUC) which specifically called out support for the extending the operating license of the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP). The letter also included language showing support for being a partner in a clean energy transition while also advocating for the PUC to support to local communities as they move through that process. Jim Thares noted that he asked Tom Conboy and Scott Johnson, Xcel Energy, to follow up with a brief summary of significance of the letters and to give a quick timeline schedule about what else is left with the PUC process and its final review of the IRP. Both said they would be happy to provide comments. It was noted that Wright County also provided a letter of support, as did the Monticello Chamber of Commerce. Tom Conboy and Scott Johnson jointly presented a power point slide show to the IEDC about the MNGP and Xcel's goals of having a diverse mix of power generation sources and its overall goal to reduce greenhouse gasses and add more renewables to its system. They noted that a lot of effort is being put into supporting battery storage technology to help make renewables more effective. Additional information included: Xcel Energy serves eight states with 3.7M electric customers and 2.1 M natural gas customers. They are the nationally recognized leader in wind energy, energy efficiency, carbon emissions reductions, innovative technology, and storm restoration. Xcel's Priorities Include: • Lead the Clean Energy Transition with goals to include: o 60% renewal energy by 2030 o Reduce carbon 80% by 2030 o 100% carbon -free by 2050 • Enhance the Customer Experience o Know the customers needs and interests and deliver meaningful products, services and experiences • Keep Bills Low o Below national average o Low-cost renewables o Extensive customer efficiency programs Xcel is serving 1.3M electric customers in Minnesota and 467,000 natural gas customers, with nearly 100% reliability. There is a 15-year plan for full Upper Midwest service area. Capacity expansion modeling to assess size, type, timing of least -cost resource sets that can serve future load. This balances the four core planning objectives of Reliability, Cost, Risk and Environment. The carbon -free vision includes: • Closing coal plants (retraining employees to stay employed locally) • Add renewables • Continue carbon -free nuclear • Enable a carbon -free future with natural gas Xcel also has an electric vehicle vision to include 1.5M EVs on the road by 2030 in their service area. They plan to offer low off-peak electricity prices as incentives for driving EVs. This effort will contribute towards a goal of eliminating 5M tons of carbon emissions annually by 2030 through clean energy. The PUC decision is expected by the end of 2021 or early 2022. Representatives from Xcel Energy thanked the IEDC for their support and the opportunity to give the presentation. 5. Table Topic — Monticello High School Youth Internship Program. (Ann Runck, Youth Internship Program Coordinator, MHS) Ann Runck introduced herself and said that she is new to the Monticello School District but has 30+ years' experience running youth apprenticeship programs in high schools and colleges. She said they started at the end of August with the Youth Internship Program (YIP) and connecting with businesses and recruiting youths. Career areas being focused on include information technology, manufacturing, automotive and health care. A $90,000 grant was received from the Department of Labor to implement this program, and Monticello is one of 17 districts that received this grant. Some companies coming on board include Polaris, Napa, Heartland Tire, WSI, and the NVent Hoffinan, and a few other businesses that have been willing to take students in. She shared a power point presentation with the IEDC. The goal is to promote career paths for students in the areas noted above, and to develop strong, positive connections with the business community resulting in enhanced career exploration and opportunities for students. The goal of the program has been to recruit 20 students to enter the program for the year, as well as another 20 students for the 2021-22 school year. Another goal is to have 20 businesses recruited to participate by 2022. She shared and reviewed the grant goals as shown in the presentation. Partnerships and resources were also highlighted in the presentation. The business and education partnership opportunities include: • Career speakers • Informational interviews • Job shadowing • Business tours • Internships paid & non -paid Runck shared a link to volunteer career exploration activities, a google form to fill out and express interest to speak to a class, or willing to have a student shadow you, go on a tour or to offer an internship opportunity. In summary this is a win -win situation. Many industries are looking for quality, trained and key people and by working closely together we can make that happen. Marcy Anderson expressed interest in connecting with Runck to support the program. 6. Reports (Verbal Reports): a. Economic Development • Proiect Update: Jim Thares reviewed. • Prospects List: Jim Thares reviewed. • Building Permits Update: Jim Thares reviewed. b. Planning Commission Agenda (attached): Jim Thares reviewed. c. City Council: Rachel Leonard reviewed: • City Council held a prioritization workshop. • City council approved application for local road improvement grant for 7th Street East between the new roundabouts and Highway 25. • City offered a letter of support to the township for their grant application for the same funding program for Cahill, 90th and Briarwood near the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. • CMRP Group moving on with second round of engagement. d. Chamber of Commerce: Marcy Anderson said that the March 161h luncheon will be in person but is limited to 50 so they will still be offering the Zoom link, so no one is left out. The March luncheon will be held at River City Extreme, and the April luncheon will be held at the Monticello Community Center. The small business community has been hurt badly by not being able to have the in -person networking opportunities, so this is a really good thing. Membership have been maintaining and slightly growing and renewals have been strong with December being the largest renewal month. Many new businesses coming in want to be community partners. Stay tuned on updates for larger community events. She urged those interested to continue to check the website for updates. 7. Adjournment SARAH KORTMANSKY MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:02 A.M. MOTION SECONDED BY KEVIN STEFFENSMEIER. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 13-0. Recorder: Beth Green C)? Approved: April 6, 2021 Attest: , Economic Development Director