Planning Commission Minutes 06-06-1974 (Special Meeting)
June 6, 1974
Special meeting of the City Planning Commission -
June 6, 1974 - 7:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. in the
City Hall by Chairman Chuck Stumpf.
A motion to approve the minutes of May 8, 1974, as they
were presented, was made by L. Muehlbauer, seconded by
R. White. Voting in favor: Maus, Miller, Muehlbauer,
Stumpf, White, Worth. Absent: Topel. Motion carried.
A discussion was held in regard to paragraph 6-5 (OFF-
STREET PARKING), in the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. -
There was consensus of members present that it would
not be appropriate to amend the ordinance at this time;
possibly, this could be done in the future with a planner
in attendance.
A motion was made by L. Muehlbauer, seconded by J. Miller,
to recommend to the City Council that a variance permit
be issued to Roger Host to build a garage to within 5
feet of his side yard property line - to be issued with
the written approval of his adjacent neighbor. Voting
in favor: Maus, Miller, Muehlbauer, Stumpf, White, Worth.
Absent: Topel. Motion carried. (This variance was
issued after the Building Inspector had reviewed the
property and stated it should not result in any zoning
pro blem) .
A motion was made by J. Miller, seconded by M. Worth, to
recommend to the City Council that a variance permit be
issued to Coast-to-Coast so that the parking requirements
of paragraph 6-5 (OFF STREET PARKING), are reduced. Voting
in favor: Maus, Miller, Muehlbauer, Stumpf, White, Worth.
Absent: Topel. Motion carried.
Planning Commission member Mel Worth stated he was sub-
mitting his resignation due to his business requirements
and a lack of available time. He stated he enjoyed serving
on the Commission and hoped he might be able to be of
service at a later date. Chairman Chuck Stumpf expressed
his appreciation for the service performed by Mr. Worth.
There was consensus of members present to hold the regularly
scheduled meeting of June 19, 1974, with the specific pur-
pose of hearing nominations of individuals to be considered
to serve on the Commission. Chairman C. Stumpf asked mem-
bers present to come with a list of names.
2ed by White., Carried.
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Kevin LaFrance, Adm.
Motion to adjourn made by Miller,
Meeting adjourned at 9:40 P. M.