Planning Commission Minutes 09-18-1974 PLANNING COMMISSION . Regular meeting of the City Planning Commission - September 18, 1974 - City Hall The regular meeting of the City Planning Commission was 7:)0 P.M. by Chairman Chuck Stumpf. Members present: v.lhite. Absent: Anderson, Maus, Topel. called to order at 11lller, Muehlbauer, A motion to approve the minutes of August 21, 1974, as they was made by R. 'i1bite, seconded by L. IvIeuhlbauer. Voting in Meuhlbauer, Stumpf, v,~ite. Absent: Anderson, Maus, Topel. tvlotion carried. were presented, favor: Hiller, Opposed: None. Quorum of 5 members was not present for this meeting, but as in the nast, business was conducted by the 4 members present. A discussion was held concerning the issuance of a building permit to [Vir. Gordon Pear~JOn. Flr. Pearson desires to build a home in an area now classified C-l (Fifth Street & Eamsey Street). It was the consensus of Planning Commission members in attendance, with the concurrence of ('1r. Pearson, to void the building permit until Flat Plan 4 ~lans are finalized. Mr. Rasmussen will void the building permit and return i'Ir. Fearson!;s check. . A discussion was held concerning the request for a Variance Permit by I'T. Denton Erickson to build a 26' wide x 24' deep wood frame double garage at his h0me location at 102 Cedar Street. :Cr. Erickson requested pernlission to build a garage to within 2' of his south side property line and to build to wi thin 15' of his front year property b.ne. After discussion, a motion Has made by L. I'Iuehlbauer, secor.ded by R. White, to issue Hr. Erickson a Variance i~8rEi t to build to wi thin 15 feet of his front-yard property line and to build within 5-feet of his south side property line. Voting in f2vor: Ni ller , Muehlbauer, Stumpf, l'.!hi te . Absent: Anderson ,i'lauf.;, Topel. I>'otion carri,~d. A d.1bCU:iSL,~,n .'18S ~leld in regard to the building ~)f;r!nit held by ~lel-Har Bu'tl ders. In this re,o:ard, a motion was made by J. l'Iiller, seconded by L. I'1uehlbauer, to write Bel-Mar Builders a letter stipulating that they must remove the blisht hazards on thei.r property wi t',in a specified period of time. ',rating in favor: lul1er, ~j-uehlbauer, Stlmlpf, ':"hite. Absent: Anderson, >laus, Topel. Opposed: None. l'lotion carried. A discussion ],Ta.S held ree;arding membership in the Minnesota Planning Asso- ciation. It t^las the consensus of Planning Commission members in fJttendance, no vote, to obtain individual mernbershio for each ~lanning Commis~iion member. A motion to :Jdjourn was made by J. Ivliller, seconded by R. i.hi te. j'~otion carried. tt The ,mt~eting ad.journed at approxirnately 8:)0 }"-';.!/. l~1: f L:;rt~ Kevtn L. Larrance, Adm. KLL?:rnjq 3:nclosure 1: Eequest for ~!ariance ?'?rmit, :r. :). ::~rickson.