City Council Minutes 05-10-2021 SpecialMINUTES
Monday, May 10, 2021— 4:30 p.m.
Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center
Present: City Council: Lloyd Hilgart, Jim Davidson, Charlotte Gabler, Brian Hudgins, Sam
Planning Commission: Paul Konsor, John Alstad, Andrew Tapper, Alison Zimpfer,
and Eric Hagen
Absent: None
Others: Rachel Leonard, Angela Schumann, Jim Thares, Tom Pawelk, Matt Leonard, Steve
Grittman, and Jennifer Schreiber
Developers: Jeff Von Feldt, Richard Palmiter,
1. Call to Order
Mayor Hilgart called joint meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
2. 4:30 p.m. Duffy Development Multi -Family Concept PUD Proposal
Steve Grittman, NAC, provided an overview of the proposed project which will be
located at the southern corner of 7t" Street West and Elm Street. The project proposal
will provide 59 units of workforce housing with rents that will serve households with
incomes at or below 50% of the area median income. The project consists of a multi-
family structure, plus the addition of six 4 -bedroom units in three duplexes.
The site is currently owned by Riverwood Bank. The developers requested that the
parcel to be rezoned to Planned Unit Development, PUD, utilizing the R-4, Medium -High
Residence District as the baseline zoning for comparative purposes.
The applicant is looking for specific feedback in various areas of the project.
The applicant must submit a funding application to Minnesota Housing in July, 2021. The
main funding source is the Housing Tax Credit program. This is a competitive program
and awards will be announced in December 2021. If approved, the project would not be
complete until summer 2023.
There was some discussion among City Council, Planning Commission, and the
developer. Tom Pawelk, Parks Superintendent, noted that the pedestrian traffic would
need to be addressed as there are missing pathways and sidewalk segments north and
east. There was some discussion on whether this area would qualify for Safe Routes to
School funding.
Councilmember Gabler questioned the location of the townhomes being closest to the
interstate. Jeff Von Feldt noted that they prefer townhomes in that area because the
location slope more easily allows underground parking.
Eric Hagen questioned the location of the entrance and that it maybe would be better to
have on the west side.
City Council Special Meeting Minutes — May 10, 2021
Mayor Hilgart was not completely convinced that this was the best location and noted
that senior affordable housing may be a bigger need. However, he is supportive of the
project and Duffy Development's ability to do a good project. Mr. Von Feldt responded
that the State is recognizing the need for affordable senior housing, however, funding is
dedicated primarily to affordable workforce housing.
Overall, the City Council and Planning Commission expressed support for the project.
The next step for Duffy Development is to meet with the EDA to discuss funding and
apply to the State of Minnesota by July 15, 2021.
3. Adjournment
By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 5:51 p.m.
Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Y at
Approved: I �J
City Council Special Meeting Minutes — May 10, 2021