IEDC Minutes 05-04-2021MINUTES INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, May 4, 2021— 7:00 a.m. North Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Participants attended remotely. Members Present: Chair Randy Skarphol, Vice -Chair Liz Calpas, Joni Pawelk, Darek Vetsch, Kevin Steffensmeier, Brian Hudgens, Steve Johnson, Mike Carr, Thomas Conboy, Luke Dahlheimer, Wayne Elam, Don Roberts, Andrew Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Meghan Hanson, Sarah Kortmansky Liaisons Present: Marcy Anderson, Jolene Foss, Rachel Leonard, Jim Thares, Dave Tombers 1. Call to Order Randy Skarphol called the regular meeting of the IEDC to order at 7 a.m. 2. Approve Minutes: a. April 6, 2021 meeting minutes LIZ CALPAS MOVED TO APPROVE THE APRIL 6, 2021 MEETING MINUTES.MOTION SECONDED BY WAYNE ELAM. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 16-0. 3. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda a. In June or July, Darek Vetsch said he would like to bring forward discussion about the American Rescue Plan (ARP) and how the County should use the $26.3 million and whether some of it can or should be used for infrastructure. b. Suggestions for an update from a state rep to talk to the group about the political aspects of what is happening at the Capitol in St. Paul. Darek Vetsch said that he will touch base with Representative O'Neil to see if she is willing to speak to the group at the June meeting. 4. Meeting format for June 2021 and August thru December 2021 Report Jim Thares said he wanted to provide and update and structure of the meetings going forward. The plan right now is to have the June meeting be the last solely virtual meeting. Typically, the IEDC skips its meeting in July, so starting in August, the meeting would be in person provided everyone is comfortable gathering again. Unless something unforeseen happens intensifying the COVID-19 crisis in the early summer, that is the plan. Several members asked if it would be possible as a convenience factor and comfort level, members could still attend remotely; can there be a combination virtual and in -person meeting format? It was noted that this flexibility may help to increase attendance at the meetings. 5. Wright County Economic Development Partnership Report — Jolene Foss Jolene Foss provided an update on the Wright County Economic Development Partnership and what they have been working on. Highlights include: • Continuing work on marketing and promoting all businesses in Wright County. • Received a $10,000 grant from the Initiative Foundation to continue the work on the Workforce Pathways Initiative reboot. A lot of businesses are hiring, and the partnership will be attending business expos and other events as they open to help promote the program and direct the public to the website. Some key items for the group: o Chamber summits: these will be recorded and posted on their website. o New website launch next week, the link will be emailed to members. o Capacity building seminars (aka, learning luncheons). June 9th is the next seminar, and it will be about business financing options in Wright County. o Wright County EDA: marketing properties owned by the county. o $5,000 grant received for training licensed in -home daycare providers in first aid and CPR. This is a "no cost certification" for daycare providers, and the grant allows for 50 providers to be trained and certified. Promotional video for shovel ready locations in Wright County. Currently 3 sites are shovel ready in Monticello. Jim Thares said that Kraus Anderson (K-A) did the drone flyover last week for the 3 shovel ready areas in Otter Creek Business Park (OCBP) and that short video clip is being put together. The partnership will promote that through the website and various social media platforms. Broadband speed test: Commissioner Vetsch touched on this a bit more and he explained that Wright County is looking to lay fiber in the ground to get internet service providers to offer new or upgraded service to the areas in the county (primarily in the western portion) that have the slowest broadband speeds. As part of this effort, the county is asking residents to take an internet speed test through the Minnesota Rural Broadband Coalition. The speed test takes just a couple of minutes and will help county planners identify areas that have the greatest need. The link to the speed test can be found on the Wright County website or visit https://mnruralbroadbandcoalition.com/speedtest. Jolene said they are working to get the word out and encourage more people to take the speed test. With the results, the county can prioritize where to put the infrastructure. Increased development: Throughout the county there is an increased number of single- family home building permits. A lot of commercial development in communities along the freeway. This is all positive. 6. Table Topic— 2020 US Census Results for Minnesota —Megan Dayton, MN state Demographic Center Megan Dayton was unable to attend due to a family emergency, so her presentation will be rescheduled to the August meeting. Thares discussed the press release that was included in the agenda packet. 7. Reports (Verbal Reports): a. Economic Development • Project Update: Jim Thares reviewed. • Prospects List: Jim Thares reviewed. • Building Permits Update: Jim Thares reviewed. b. Planning Commission Agenda (attached): Jim Thares reviewed. c. City Council: Rachel Leonard provided updates as follows: • Waiving liquor license fees for 15 businesses in the community to help compensate a little bit for the effects from the closures the last year. • Chelsea Commons: Council approved additional study and analysis of the project. Originally was a small area plan but given the interest in the different areas of the project, requested funding for a more in-depth traffic analysis, financial analysis, as well as a stormwater and grading plan, and those have all been approved. There is a joint workshop tonight with Planning Commission & City Council to look at the preferred concept for the larger project area. • Haven Ridge 2nd: 47 single family homes. This has been approved. • Storage Link: Council approved PUD, final plat, and development agreement with storage link to develop at the corner of Chelsea Rd & 90t" Street. d. Chamber of Commerce: Marcy Anderson provided updates as follows: • The Chamber Annual Fundraiser Golf Tournament, June 12, 2021, is nearly full with participants. The Tournament will be held at the Monticello Country Club. It filled sooner than expected. It might be an indication that people are feeling comfortable getting back to together. All information can be found on the Chamber website. • Good Morning Monticello: This has just started back after a full pause year. The first one was well attended which is promising for the business community. • Housing Needs: Marcy said she has been getting a lot of comments and questions about housing in Monticello, so she has been sending information out on the Haven Ridge development and sharing that contact information. • Business Community Staffing Issues: The business community is really hurting and having a difficult time finding sufficient workers to allow them to be open for regular hours. Some businesses are compromised and need to close certain days due to staffing. They are desperate for help and it is going to be a hard summer if they cannot get help. Marcy said she will be working with Jolene Foss to try and get the word out to connect people with the jobs; it will be a group effort. 8. Adjournment: ANDREW TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:01 A.M. MOTION SECONDEDBY SARAH KORTMANSKY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 16-0. Recorder: Beth Green / Approved: ane 1, 2021 Attest: \ LAAW� im Thare�, Economic Development Director