Planning Commission Minutes 08-19-1975 . . . ~ PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING August 19, 1975 - 7:30 P. M. Members present: J. W. Miller, L. Muehlbauer, Gordon Steinert, Fred Topel, Ron White, W. Anderson. Members absent: Howard Gillham and Chuck Stumpf. 1. Minutes approved July 15, 1975. 2. Doerr Estates - preliminary plat review. Park dedication requirement would be in cash and based on Lots 1 through 7 except for Lot 2 where buildings exist. This does not include Lots 8-11 as these were already platted. Mr. Doerr to get in touch with his engineers and correct items mentioned in John Badalich's letter of August 7, 1975 with the exception of the item requiring lots in excess of 300 feet to indicate placement of structure so as to provide for further subdivision in future. This item eliminated as lots can not be further sub- divided due to the soil condition. As soon as John Badalich approved plat a hearing could be called. 3. Request for rezoning by Monticello Clinic. Monticello Clinic purchased land east of hospital (Lot 1, Block 21 and Lots 1, west 33 feet of Lot 2 and Lot 13, Block 22), and plans to build future medical clinic on site and requested R-B zoning. Mr. Pat Donahue, representing Monticello Clinic, to file application for rezoning and public hearing to be held at September 16, 1975 meeting of Planning Commission. -""'. . 4. Conditional Use Permit & Variances - 1st Baptist Church of Monticello. 1st Baptist Church of Monticello requested the following: A. Conditional use permit to allow for church in R-1 zone. B. Variance from setback requirements so as to apply to residence rather than church. Church will eventually become parsonage when congregation becomes larger and new church built on same site. C. Variance requiring bituminous surfacing of parking lot. Parking lot may end up as part of future yard for parsonage and problems would arise in growing lawn. Motion by J. Miller, seconded by W. Anderson, and unanimously carried to hold special planning commission meeting September 2, 1975 to consider requests. 5. Gregory Roden plat. . Motion by J. Miller, seconded by F. Topel and unanimously carried to approve plat on preliminary basis and granting of variance of 2! feet on side yard require- ments. Both the plat and variance are still subject to public hearing. Mr. Roden to have plat drawn up and reviewed by our engineer and public hearing could then be scheduled. 6. Downtown Development. Howard Dahlgren stated he had been working with Down- town Development Committee and would like to present downtown planning concept to Planning Commission at the next meeting. 7. Resignation of Chuck Stumpf. Larry Muehlbauer presented letter from Chuck Stumpf concerning his resignation. Planning Commission to come up with recommendations to City Council for in- dividual to replace Mr. Stumpf. . -2- . 8. Purchase of Margaret Hanson property (former Menzel Gas Station). Motion by J. Miller, seconded by Larry Muehlbauer and unanimously carried to recommend to City Council that parcel should be purchased. Property could possibly be used as a greenery area and tourist information center. 9. Consideration for Rezoning Area from B-4 to Residential. . William Jongewaard, who lives in Block 16 of Upper Monticello next to Teslow Auto Sales, inquired as to why all of Block 16 and Block 33 were zoned B-4. Howard Dahlgren explained that if Mr. Jongewaard could getother citizens in area to request residential zoning they should come to next Planning Commission meeting and possibility of rezoning area could be explored. It was suggested Mr. Jongewaard get petition and have interested citizens sign indicating request for change. ~W~ Gary W. ber City Administrator GW/lg . -3-