Planning Commission Minutes 09-16-1975
September 1&, 1975 -- 7:30 P. M.
Members present: Howard Gillham, Jay Miller, Gordon
Steinert, Fred Topel.
Members absent: Ron White, Willard Anderson, Larry
1. Approval of minutes.
Motion by Fred Topel, seconded by Gordon Steinert
and unanimously carried to approve minutes as
2. Presentation of proposed Maurice ~oglund road.
Mr. Maurice Hoglund reviewed his proposed road
running east to west on the section of land Mr.
Hoglund owns in eastern part of Monticello.
Michael Gair, of Howard Dahlgren and Associates,
indicated the road was basically in agreement with
the Comprehensive Plan except for minor deviations.
At this time a discussion also developed on re-
quirements for issuance of a building permit on
same plat of land. Commission consensus was that
proper detailed plans and specifications should
be workedout on the road and building. Mr.
Crandall, contractor of the building, would present
building inspector with proper plans on the building
and Mr. Hoglund to have his engineers prepare plan
for the road to be reviewed by city planner, city
engineer and planning commission for approval.
3. Public hearing on request for rezoning.
Request by Mr. Pat Donahue to rezone Lot 1, Block
21 and Lot 1 and west 33 feet of Lot 2 and Lot 13,
Block 22 from R-1 to R-B. Purpose is to rezone for
future medical clinic.
Dr. John Kasper, neighboring property owner, in-
dicated he would rather not have medical clinic so
close to residential area, but realized it was good
location for clinic as it was close to the hospital.
Dr. Kasper stated he would like to see greenery area
barrier between the parking lot and residential area.
Motion by Jay Miller, seconded by Fred Topel and
unanimously carried to recommend rezoning above
property from R-1 to R-B to allow for conditional
use of medical clinic only. City Council to con-
sider at next meeting.
4. Presentation of subdivision plat.
Reverend John Farina is requesting that a parcel
of land be approved for subdivision into 3
parcels. The plat is enclosed for your reference.
Reverend Farina would like to have 3 lots
(2 -- 801 x 1961 and 1 -- 100' X 1961).
Since the 1 lot (1001 x 1961) already was
subdivided this subdivision fell under Section
1, Subdivision G waiving inappropriate re-
quirements of subdivision ordinance and the sub-
division was approved; council action not
5. Discussion on proposed VFW site.
VFW to present building inspector with plans
and specifications for building and site plan
as to setbacks, parking area, etc.
Meeting adjourned.
Gary . . eber
City Administrator
GW / 19